#i need to write some fluff after this holy crap
marigoldenblooms · 6 months
Unica Semper Avis - Chapter 2
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Pairing: Cleric!Wanda x Fem!AvianShifter!Reader x MonsterHunter!Natasha
Prompt: Ever since you’ve come of age, you’ve never been able to stop yourself from transforming into a monster. Whenever the sky would dim with a New Moon, you’d ravage the world with a fury unknown by many. Such is the bane existence of your species. This time, however - something was different. Now, you need help. On the feeble doorstep of the so-called ‘Spirit Healer,’ you found yourself both at the mercy of a cleric, and of a monster hunter’s blade. Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
TW/General Tags: No mention of Y/N, slow burn, stranger to lovers (Wanda), enemies to lovers (Natasha), eventual smut (lord have mercy), Swearing, Fantasy violence, occasional descriptions of light body horror during transformation, slight self harm, slight restraint, angst, fluff, will add tags as they appear!
Chapter Warnings: Non-consensual touching (arms/shoulders), slight transformation description, threatening, mentions of pain (burning), intimidation tactics, arguments, manipulation, angst, canon-level violence, mentions of scarring/burnt skin, restraint, we're finally leaving Belmoor y'all
A/N: Holy crap y'all, thanks for the incredible responses on everything once again! We finally get some trio dialogue going in this chapter ^^ Natasha’s interrogation is based within Latin, while R’s occasional text is built primarily within greek. Russian is also here, as expected. I had nothing for Smut Saturday, so I hope lore will suffice ^^' We will see if the writing block ceases, lol
Equally, we’ve got a Unica tag list coming along! Let me know if you’d like to be added to it! 
Word count: 3.9k - Read Length: 14 minutes, 29 seconds. ~~~
You’d never dreamt awake before. 
You could feel your mind faintly, cognition ghostly as you’d blink within your own head. Your transformation’s destruction was never something you were aware of until you rose out of it, covered in viscera from your form’s hunt. Was it really your body, after that? As you’d drift hazily in a river of your own thoughts, you couldn’t separate feathers from skin. You and your monster were one in the same.
You’d try to shut your eyes again, fall back into the painless slumber your molt offered. A part of you knew the horror you’d awake to- perhaps your succession had slaughtered them all, friend and foe alike. You would grieve her as you had the others, the fiery healer with her crimson magic. The knight would become a cliff note to your psyche, a tack onto an endless tally-board. You were used to being hunted. 
It’d be minutes before you realized you weren’t alone. 
Gaze snapping upwards, you’d bare your teeth towards the intruder which marred your thoughts, only to find a translucent figure. You could feel her chill from here, Her feathered speckling like a shawl over her shoulders, the wings behind her blanketing into a beautiful frame. She reached a hand towards you, although her smile was too thin to be kind. She didn’t look much different than she’d appeared days prior within your dreams yet again. The Aegyptius creation deity. Why was she here?
You didn’t shy from her gaze, looking at her with both respect and provocation. She was in your mind, fragmented as it was while your body rampaged elsewhere. If there was anywhere you were dominion of, it was this. “I know who you are now, Matron,” you’d assure, your voice echoing in the dim expanse, rippling along the water of your thoughts. She seemed to catch your words, and her grin grew wider, eyes narrowing. She’d tut, and in a second you could feel her cold, mist-like hands on your shoulders, “I expect something more reverent from my martyr..but you will learn.” 
“Martyr?” Your expression grew sour as she wouldn’t elaborate, toying with your frustration as she’d run her palms down your arms. An uncomfortable shiver would brace through your body, and you could feel your form stretch beneath as if her touch spurred your transformation all over again. She was cruel, a pained sigh leaving you as your teeth would clench. 
Her grasp on you would tighten, feeling the brittleness of pin feathers beneath flesh, “Your mind may not remember, fledgeling…but all my creations know my whims. And yet you wish to rid yourself of me?” Her laugh would be musical, but the bite in her tone was awash with rage, thinly veiled as the Matron stalked circles around you. 
The frustration that had flowed through you prior to your molt was flimsy now, embers against a cold snap. You felt your gut sink, fear bubbling thickly in your throat. You’d stopped looking at her by now, your gaze piercing down into nothingness. All you could manage was a pitiful nod, and you couldn’t tell if her snicker was anger from your lackluster response or joy from how compliant she’d rendered you. They were one in the same with your kind, you supposed. 
“You cannot..although I’m certain you’ve already understood that.” She’d pause in front of your face, ghostly touch icy as she’d claw your chin to meet your gaze with hers. Her phrase would come quickly, as if she was excited to utter it, “And for penance…you must kill that witch.”
“What?” They weren’t dead already? Your molt would’ve torn her to shreds by now. What was happening in the waking world? Even within a dream, the thought of murdering another with your conscious mind churned your stomach, especially one that brought you food. Mercy. “Command my body to do it, then-”  
“No. You must do this as human,” Her smile was dagger-thin now, and you swear sparks flashed from her maw when she spoke. “Not as bird. Your hunger will be your guide.” Her hands would cradle your face now, the chill of her spectral palms almost forgotten as your mind would rush and lurch. You could feel the knaw of famine in your gut, a terrible feeling, all too real. 
“I reject this- she has been kind, I-” The Matron would’ve disappeared immediately, the thawing of your flesh the only reminder.  Your plea would be met with silence, hyperventilation coaxing your heart into overdrive. Thudding in your skull, you could almost feel the weight of bone in your jaws, your throat suddenly parched. You’d rasp, drawing your hands close to cradle yourself as the world grew fuzzy and vague, “I don’t want to be a monster..”
“Oh, my martyr..” She’d murmur, her voice suddenly swirling along the shell of your ear, freezing your hunch in place. 
“That’s what I made you for.”
Your mind would swim, lucidity and unconsciousness blending into tar which filled your brain. You’d blink, heavier than before..and just before you’d wake, you’d feel her touch on your shoulder again. 
“Survivε, mυ μάρτυρας..” 
You’d regain your mind halfway through it all. Your body ached and tore within you, the subtle itch of plumage molting from your skin a feeling you couldn’t soothe. You were in the barn. 
Your arms were held back as you’d kneel on the floor, a searing heat plaguing your wrists as you’d fight against its hold- your chains. They’d manage to cage you. If you hadn’t been in so much pain, you would’ve wheezed relief at that. Your tongue was dry, the taste of blood and bone absent on your lips. You hadn’t eaten anyone during your transformation, and yet your body twinged with agony all the more for it. You had no fuel to offer you shifting body, and so it ate you from the inside to power your return to being humanoid. Panting a low whine, spasms would twitch your form as your bones would grow heavier within your flesh, solid all the way through. Even through your strain, a quiet shuffle would draw your eyes immediately- your heightened instincts were always the last things to go. In the recluses of the barn stood your prior attacker, although her attention was focused elsewhere, ghosting over something in the palm of her gloved hand. Thank fuck.
It was only now you could get a good look at her. Her hair was auburn, braided sharply in cascading strands which met the nape of her neck. It had been chilled near its ends, pale and almost wispy, as though something had leached the color from it. Sorcery? Stress? You couldn’t tell at first glance, but the perpetual scoff that seemed to mold into her face signaled the latter. 
Blueish gray irises stared into what she held, and it was only when you growled a restrained snarl at the sight did her eyes lock to yours. She was holding one of your shorn feathers, the visage making your hackles raise. You wouldn’t shy from her gaze as you had with Wanda, even raising your chin higher so you looked down at her with pinprick pupils- you were an adversary. A challenger. You didn’t fear her. Your head throbbed, the heavy burn of your engraved chains a constant reminder. 
She’d approach you with malice- unsurprising given your circumstances, but the prick of a metal blade against your neck was a little more shocking. This early? Damn. You’d grit your teeth but remain steadfast, even as she’d glower over you. 
“Ossifraga, dic omnia quae scis.” She’d spit, her words foreign yet familiar in your ears. ‘omia’ was a word you gleamed in an instant - ‘everything’, yet the rest was butchered in her mouth. You’d bare your teeth at her, grin sickeningly raw even as she’d press her knife’s edge to your nape. “Dic mihi omnia Fraga, ne te interficiam sicut columbam-“ 
Her anger would shatter at the creaking barn door, flinching just as you did. At least one similarity between the two of you. A familiar soothing tone would echo to you, honeyed and thick, albeit strangled from…anger. Anger? 
“I leave you for one second, you глупый козел-“ Wanda muttered harshly, her stomping footfalls sharply rattling in your skull. She’d pluck the knight’s hand away from you, grip harsh as she’d try to wrestle away their weapon- futile, as their shock to Wanda’s insult only lasted so long. From your attacker’s reaction, it seemed they shared a language. Interesting. “And here you are, nicking my patient-“ 
You’d struggle at Wanda’s words, trying to show her your discomfort. Your wrists continued to burn, and you swear their imprint would be branded on your skin if they weren’t taken off soon. And yet, it may be safer if you remain chained. The Matron’s words still throbbed in your ears, a blinding sight locking your gaze onto Wanda before you bit it back down. You’d breathe, ragged, before gasping a sound which seemed to catch her attention. Her nimble fingers would move to start unshackling you, before being caught by Natasha’s rough grip, pulling her immediately back, “What are you doing-!? It’ll kill you-“
“I won’t harm…her..-“ You’d hiss, finding your bearings as your larynx would thrum with your voice again. You’d glare at the hunter, voice steadfast even through your pain, “You’re- a different story, knight..let me go, and maybe I’ll consider.”
You saw her jaw flex at your tone, malice seeping from every beat of her heart. She’d release Wanda with a tight-lipped grumble, your wrists losing their binds seconds later. You’d rub at the tender flesh for a split second, gasping and hiding away as it’d still bubble with scorching heat. You were too late, and soon your wrists would scar over. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt as bad next time, perhaps.
You’d sit up, movements sluggish as you’d sync again with a heavier frame. Your glance would be wary, looking to Wanda as if the knight wasn’t there. You saw annoyance flash across the hunter’s expression, and satisfaction bloomed in yours. Let her be upset. “What happened..? You shackled me, I am thankful for it.”
“And yet your wrists don’t look happy..” Wanda would respond with muffled concern, although you’d retreat from her scarlet magic’s attempt to heal- scars proved you had lived, this one above all. This one showed you could trust the healer to protect you when you couldn’t protect her. The slow rumble of starvation proved you wouldn’t be able to protect her for a long time. She’d sigh, but wouldn’t press further. “You’ve been in the barn for three days, we put you here on the evening of the first-“ 
Your expression faltering would quiet her words, a shaky inhale slicing into the room’s air. Three days. “I’ve never been..” you’d grip your hair as you spoke, bending to pull more of you closer. You’d stare at your shorn feathers, brilliant white where they lay unheated, almost ghostly in the thin light of Wanda’s shed. 
“I’ve never been transformed for that long.”
“And why should we believe you? You could feather again as we speak- kill us all.” The knight would glare at you, though there was a chance she never stopped, boring a hole into your skull which you gladly challenged. You’d bark a laugh, the sound uncomfortable in your raw chest and yet you reveled in how she flinched away. The air grew thick and still, “If you hunt my kind with that attitude, you obviously know nothing of the Aegyptius.”
“Then enlighten me, Fraga-”” She said that like an insult to you, and yet it didn’t register. 
  “And why the hell should I-?”
 “Because we have a common goal, you dolts-“ 
At Wanda’s interjection, your voice would sliver and slip away, her face red and scrunched with frustration. It was almost adorable how her nostrils flared with her words, yet the rage in her eyes was something that stirred sorrow inside you. Something clicked in the back of your mind, memories from your brood when you were young, and yet nothing registered in the fog of retorting anger. There was curiosity on the hunter’s face, shoulders squared back at Wanda’s tone, and yet your mind still held what the knight had said before.
“What did you call me?” Your words stumbled as you’d shift to stand, legs frail under the weight of yourself. You wouldn’t see the knight’s bewildered expression until much later, too busy keeping your feet underneath you, “Fraga…do you not even know what you are?” “Enlighten me,” you’d taunt, clipped thin between your barred teeth. Wanda would scoff, shaking her head in your peripheral.
“You are Ossifraga. Bone-breaker, the unclean bird..” Your eyes would narrow, but not in the way the hunter wanted, it seems. These names meant nothing to you. “A mistake upon your feathered kind. A blight-'' Her words would build in strength, low as she’d stalk dangerous steps towards you. You looked towards Wanda, her hands slowly raising as scarlet magic grew to weave around her fingers.
“Others of your kind can be minstrels, songbirds or doves- even raptors can experience valor as warriors…but you, Fraga, are the mutated husk of your false god.” She spit her tone with vitriol, acidic. The receding down on the back of your neck rose as your blood ran cold- Your heartbeat thudded in your ears, a lump swelling in your throat, but it wasn’t all fear. There was something else, a chill unfamiliar to your waking form, coaxing your mouth open. You resisted, even your back reached the worn wood of the barn’s walls and the knight’s voice swarmed back into focus. 
 “A dangerous monster, consuming the bones of innocents and leaving plague in your wake,” A gleaming metal shone near her wrist, and your stomach dropped all too late. The knife was probably sacred, intricately carved with markings you could hardly make out in the blur of motion, her gloved hand grasping your shoulder while the other swung to pierce your stomach. 
“You’re the infection I must quell-” 
Your maw opened before you could think.  
“Αμολάω-!” You’d shriek, your voice hissing with the inflection of many. You heard the clatter of metal on the ground as your tone echoed forth. The knight would barrel backwards, clutching her head as Wanda flinched behind her, the shockwave of your words hitting her fainter the further it went from your mouth. 
You kicked away the knight’s dropped blade, another command echoing from you, your tone no longer your own, cold and bitter on your tongue, “Γονατίστε, παράσιτα- Θα σε καταβροχθίσω χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη..”
The hunter sunk to her knees before your sentence had finished. You’d gasp a second later,  your lungs filled with air as though they’d never have before. Blinking, you’d feel a tenseness in your body, arms trailing with thin plumage which quickly sunk beneath your skin. You’d watch it leave with a cold numbing shock, jaw slung open with a heavy breath. Your thoughts translated your foreign words after a few moments, ‘Let go. Kneel, vermin. I will devour you without a second thought.’
Your feathers had never grown beyond your molt, confined to the hellish day a month where you were no longer yourself. Your hands tremored, ghosting over the goosebumps that had been left behind. It’s like the feathers had never been there- and yet you could feel your body creak and crunch, as though impatient.  
The hunter stood a few seconds later, gait slow as she’d physically wrench herself from your command’s thrall. She’d brush at her scuffed armor, plagued with the barn’s dirt which clung to the metal, “I know what you’re saying. Your pronunciation is weaker, and yet it is still-” 
“The language of my kind,” You’d mutter without sympathy, scoffing as the knight seemed to take offense to your interruption. “You’ve stripped it of its history..it's what you spoke before.” You’d never learned your own tongue, and yet half your thoughts spoke in it now. A shiver rolled down your spine, a cascading chill that felt like an awaiting grasp. 
“Ah, so it can listen..” She’d sneer, glance harsh as she’d eye her forlorn blade again. Wanda’s interjection would be seen before it was heard, scarlet magic weaving around the hilt before daintily grasping it, pawing it over to her awaiting palm. “And so must you, Romanova..” The way she curved the words had a sense of familiarity, drawing a frustrated huff from the other woman. You’d narrow your eyes, but it wasn’t your turn to speak anymore, “You both listen, or you leave my barn with nothing but a death wish. Am I clear?”
You’d nod slowly, and by Wanda’s sigh, you assumed the knight did the same. “Alright. Let’s go somewhere cozier, shall we?”
Wanda’s home would’ve been just as comfortable as it had been the prior evening, albeit more cramped. Between three people in the living room, a thin glow of red magic seeping through the slats of wood that boarded the kitchen up, and the deadly eye contact you and the knight shot at each other every second, the air was never thicker.
“And you tore through the kitchen wall,” Wanda’s words were analytical, the gnawing feeling of guilt settling heavy in your gut. You kept your distance from her, a pang of hunger grinding into your thoughts the second you grew closer to the witch. You chewed at the inside of your lip as her palm waved towards the construction her sorcery partook in. Her shrug was too easy, “Not afraid of remodeling, after Romanova mistook my window for a door-” 
She’d almost bite towards the hunter, a simmering scoff laced between her accented tone. “Is that your name? ‘Romanova’?” The knight would leer at your question, slinging her arm against the heavy metal of her armor. From Wanda’s scoff, it seems she’d gotten the same reaction while you were out. “You butcher my family title, Fraga-” 
“Give me your name and I won’t have to.” You’d raise a brow as her eyes locked to yours, your breath thin and still. You felt the cold in your throat again, creeping like a retch up your windpipe- yet you swallowed it with huskier words, “Since we’re all in the sharing mood. Aren’t we?”
Her sigh was almost palpable, hissing in a low breath, “I am Natasha Alianovna Romanova. Templar of Latrodectus, it’s esteemed widow.” That title meant nothing to you, although your unfitting reaction seemed to knock her down a few pegs. Her reply was less angry than curious, “Did you ever earn a name, Fraga?”
“Earn?” Your snort brought an angry heat to Natasha’s face, perplexed laughter ricocheting through your solid skeleton, “You really do know nothing of my kind. We do not remember names. Unimportant.”
You wouldn’t see Wanda’s furrowed look until she exhaled sharply, looking away from you with crossed arms. Your mind sunk and crackled whenever you looked in her direction, suddenly parched. The flutter in your stomach remained, bringing an uncomfortable nausea rather than burst of curiosity. You kept your eyes on Natasha, expression hollowed, “Why do either of you stay? This..is your house, Wanda, I know-” 
“Because we want to help you-” “She does- mhph-” Wanda’s hand would outstretch towards Natasha, blocking her mouth with a wispy scarlet sheen. You looked at Wanda’s shadow, feeling her sigh as your gaze never met hers. Her voice was calmer yet thin, strained between forces, “Do you want to rid yourself of your feathers?”
“Yes,” Your quick response earned an unseen smile from the witch, although your skin grew clammy at the thought. Natasha shuffled, and when you met her eyes you saw hers were raised, almost in shock, her mouth still clasped closed. “Then we have a common interest. This one can find a method beyond violence- and if your transformation is progressing faster, then it is my role to bring you back to normalcy.” 
You’d meet her glance now, her smile radiating a warmth into you that culled away some of the chill, satiated you. Your palms felt your own, awkwardly poised as you offered your hold to the witch, her touch filling you with an unfamiliar satisfaction. You shook her hand against yours, ignoring Natasha’s silent indignation burning into your skull. Perhaps you could control yourself- you could protect each other, “Thank you, Wanda.” 
“Ah, none of that- you are a medicinal marvel..” She’d tease, your thanks rolling right off of her. You met her grin with your own, her words shushing as she’d lean to you, “Think of what it will do for my prices, to heal an Ossifraga-” 
Your laugh was a startling welcome, filling you with mirth as it was returned. “I will pay you then. How many feathers-?” Her hand patted yours before receding, wiping her palm along her clothed side. “...I’ll keep a running tab for you, Птичка.”
The sun had risen into midday, and you basked in its sunlight. Your shoulders felt tense as you hauled supplies towards the wagon Wanda and Natasha had acquired an hour ago from Belmoor proper. You’d hung back, admiring the hazy scarlet tendrils which packed Wanda’s belongings. The two had found you handing random objects to the sorcerous helpers when they returned, although Natasha was pulled away by the witch before she could crow about the non-essentiality of bringing Wanda’s butter churn. 
The mule that was attached to the wagon- Daisy, Doris, something like that- had been chewing on the turf as you’d settled another crate of rations along the wagon’s bed, pushing it into place with a heavy shove. It was a ten days road travel to Arkridge, the capital of this province, as you’d been told. Its libraries held what could be the first of many secrets. The forest never spoke of it, yet its grandeur was palpable even through Natasha’s gruff words. She hadn’t tried to stab you again, although her glare was seething whenever you met it. 
You passed each other by as you’d return towards the house, huffing an unimpressed groan as her haul was much smaller than yours. She’d abandoned her armor for now, and you watched as the musculature of her back shifted as she’d set her barrel down. You could take her if you had to, even without your strength- though the scabbard along her back gave you pause, the longsword’s hilt gleaming in the light. It had been engraved, similar to the leather sheath that bound it, and you’d guess it was the same inscription. Runic and familiar, it brought your thought to your chains, their markings similar yet worn. Perhaps you’d find a way to ask about it, if you could have a conversation without insulting each other.
Your side met Wanda’s as you leaned in her vicinity, your gaze locked onto the knight a dozen meters away. The witch’s voice was smoothed and sweet, honey-like as she’d offer her palm to yours again, inspecting the scarring along your skin as you’d accept. “Your name isn’t Margo, is it?” 
You shook your head, still in her embrace, “No. I just needed something to give to you. Satisfy..”
Your words petered out into silence, her squeeze of your hand gentle, shying away from the raw flesh of your wrists. “You don’t have to do that, Ласточка. I have countless things to call you that you won’t forget.” Her wink made your face flush, shying away from her gaze as her tone wrapped around your thoughts. Her giggle wasn’t lost on you, a fondness in her expression you couldn’t decipher. “Will you tell me what that means?”
She’d shake her head, just before you heard Natasha’s heavy footfalls towards you. The forested grove retreated behind as you three would set forth a few minutes later, silence thick. Bellmoor would be forgotten, in favor of new memories. Perhaps your first night at camp would be more riveting. 
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Tag List: @mousetheorist
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Hii! I hope you're having the best day! I've got a few prompts, if you're taking requests, hardly anyone does Niall prompts and I'm sad:( the prompt I have is something along the lines of "Niall is back in London after a few days away and wants to meet up with his girl but she says she's busy. He's sad but goes to his signing of The Show, his girl surprises him by queuing as the last person in line and getting a CD signed" I went to the signing and met him after 13 years of being a fan and it's made me need more Niall fluff in my life😂 xx
Welcome To The Show
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Niall Horan x reader
*pic of this precious baby does not belong to me*
Summary: Y/N surprises Niall at his London signing for The Show
Okay first of all, thank you so so much for trusting me to write this for you! I love writing for our Irish boy and he doesn’t get as much attention as he deserves. Second of all, HOLY CRAP YOU MET HIM?! UMM YOU’LL HAVE TO TELL ME HOW GREAT IT WAS!!! I’m seeing him next year and I honestly can’t wait😭 Okay anyways… I hope this is everything you wanted! Feel free to request more of him or checkout Flicker!
“You really can’t make it, Y/N? I haven’t seen you in six weeks! You can’t cancel this one time?”
I sigh and run my hand through my hair.
He’s right… We’ve both been so busy that we haven’t been able to see each other, barely talking either since we’ve been on different time zones. But he’s got a surprise in store…
“I know, Ni. I promise, I’ll make it up to you as soon as I get home next week! I’m almost done with my book and I send it off to the publisher. After that I am all yours!”
He sighs and I can’t help but frown.
“I know Petal, I know. I just miss you. I’m proud of you, just wish you could be done already.”
I clutch the CD in my hand, my smile not wavering as I continue to talk to him, walking towards the line outside of the record store.
“I know, me too. But I took time off of writing when you started on the Voice! Andrea’s still mad about pushing my deadline… But I promise, this is the last in the series and I should have some time after before I have to think of something new to start. I’ll be all yours babe.”
I hear him let out a small laugh and I sigh.
“Sure Petal, I’ll be holding you to it! I have to go to my signing but I’ll call you tonight?”
I bite my lip but I reply to him.
“Yeah, I’ll stay up. Have fun!”
He hangs up and I let out a sigh.
I had been planning this all week. My book is already done, so I figured I would surprise him. By showing up out of nowhere. At his signing.
The line moves progressively slow, as I suspected. One thing I’ve always loved about him is he cares, especially about his fans, so he takes the time to talk to them. After about 30 minutes, I finally make it inside.
Paul spots me immediately and I raise a finger to my lips with a smile, to which he nods and returns my smile. Niall’s focus stays on the fans in front of him and finally, it’s my turn. It takes him a moment to look up and he doesn’t notice me at first as he takes my CD from Paul, who had taken it from me moments before.
He signs my CD with his elaborate signature and he begins to talk to me.
“How’s your day going? I appreciate you coming all this way and supporting me!”
I hold back a laugh as I respond.
“It’s going good! I just thought I’d pop in and surprise my boyfriend!”
He smiles as he looks up and his mouth drops when he sees me. He shoots up from the table and runs around it, picking me up and squeezing me tight in his arms.
“I missed you so fuckin’ much!”
I laugh as he twirls me in his arms and I hug him tight. He sets me down but he takes my face in his hands and pulls me into a kiss. I sigh into his hold, pulling him closer as our lips move in sync.
He finally lets me go, and I see tears in his eyes. I smile and wipe his tears with the sleeve of my- no, his cardigan.
“Why the tears, handsome? I thought this was supposed to be a good day?”
He smiles and kisses my hands before he squeezes them.
“I just missed you, Petal. And I’m honestly surprised to see you. What happened Y/N? I thought you were behind and had to finish?”
I smile and shake my head.
“That’s what I told you, but I wanted to surprise you. Did I succeed?”
He chuckles and nods as he wraps his arms around my waist and looks down into my eyes.
“You definitely did. And I’m kind of glad you did. I think I’m all done here, should we go home? Catch up some?”
He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I giggle.
“Yeah, we should. I’ve missed you and honey. I need my dose of puppy cuddles.”
He nods and takes my hand and I move to follow him when I stop, turning around. He raises a brow at me and I grab my CD from off the table before turning back to him.
“What? It’s the #1 album in the UK and it’s signed! I’d be crazy to forget this!”
He laughs and shakes his head. We walk hand in hand to the car, and I can’t help but feel the happiest I’ve ever been. With Niall, I know I always will be.
I hope you enjoyed! I loved writing this!!🥹 Requests are open lovelies!
Tag List
@be-with-me-so-happily @swiftmendeshoran
@babyiamperfectforyou @freedomfireflies
@kaminokatiee @harrysmimi
@violetsandfluff @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs @strwbrrydaydreams
@rafaaoli @kimmi-kat
333 notes · View notes
kestrel-bee · 3 days
I just finished ISAT, and. Wow. I am in shambles after Act 5 holy FRICK
Okay, now that I’m done, time to dump all of my thoughts out at once, because I NEED to talk about this game holy crap
(spoilers abound from this point, don’t read if you are interested in playing for yourself)
(CW for discussing religion-related struggles with sexuality, if that’s something that bugs ya)
Okay, for starters, I just want to talk about how well executed this game is.
The gameplay was interesting and not too hard to understand while still being unique and fun, the illustrations and art style was really cute and charming, the character designs are recognizable yet creative, the writing is entertaining and made me love all of the characters in a very quick fashion, and the story overall was just FANTASTIC.
Literally my only complaint is that i had a tricky time adjusting to how sensitive the controls were when walking. Maybe it works better on desktop, but I was playing on the Steam Deck, and the only other platform I can play on is Mac, which this game does not support.
But honestly this ended up being a nonissue, I figured it out pretty quickly and after an hour or so I had the controls down to pat.
I also love how they handled the concept of a time loop, and the slow descent of Siffrin’s mental downfall. The way he started getting so desperate at the end, clinging to every scrap of hope he could find was heart wrenching.
Act 5 was KILLER, omg, I was so wrecked over it I had to take a break to calm down 😭
It’s not often a piece of media evokes THIS much emotion out of me, holy crud.
To talk about some of the characters,
I LOVE me some found family fluff, and boy oh boy was I fed, they’re so wholesome, they’re all so skrunkly 😭
I loved the little snippets of representation in these characters, with Odile being mixed race and attempting to connect to her roots, and Isabeau’s very trans-coded backstory. And yk, the multitude of gays and lesbians throughout the game XD
Even though that kind of representation doesn’t resonate with me personally, I still like to see it.
But oh man, Mirabelle’s cutscene in Act 3 hit hard. I myself am aroace and religious, and marriage was always something I felt was expected from me.
As I got older and realized that romantic attraction wasn’t really something I feel for people, I tried to convince myself I was attracted to a good friend of mine who had a crush on me, which obviously didn’t work out.
I’ve always had a hard time identifying with womanhood in the way my church has always portrayed it as, so having Mirabelle talk about her faith related struggle with her asexuality and identity was such a comforting representation for me.
Another thing, I can’t tell if it’s intentional or not, but I love how neurodivergent coded they are?
Like, we have Siffrin, kinda touch averse and quiet,
Odile who doesn’t like change and needs her routine alone time to recuperate after every floor,
Mirabelle and Isabeau, the funny noise appreciation squad, the hyper-empathetic duo who would always get over hyped over things together,
And while I can’t think of a specific example for them, Bonnie is always there matching Mirabelle and Isabeau’s energy.
Not to mention the frequent amount of times the latter 3 would repeat each other (echolalia) when saying something fun or happy. (Like the “Pie Smell!” candle).
Do these things on their own make them neurodivergent? No, but the way they’re consistently written like this feels very intentional and I love it.
Anyway, whoof, that was very long, but TLDR: this game was PHENOMENAL, and I will be recommending it to everyone I know
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thatcheeseycandle · 2 months
(Current me here right before posting this, I yeah- I was a bit burnt out from a lot and I found this sitting in my drafts while looking through them. Might as well post it while I can)
wOO OKAY I'll be wishing that the notes aren't gonna jinx me LMAO
"He didn’t want to think about what had happened at the Great Race, though it was the only thing he could think about." Felt that feeling before hOLY GOSH
Diving head on with a fresh recap of the chapters before this with it's angst I suppose BEHHSWHDH but hey I'm not complaining SO YEAH CONTINUING ON
(insert me reading silently with some "oUGHS"s in the mix, I can't remember how I exactly felt about this bit but I remember that I was just sad for Thomas. Like my guy found out all his family was wiped out IN SECONDS right there and it was infront of A LOT of people.)
"What would Gordon say if he saw his friends divided?" Well considering a lot, it's not a thought to dwell on with the joyous of emotions unfortunately BEHSHDHDHSHS
(Okay yeah insert another silence with the only noises from me being "oh"s and "oUGH"s cause I don't know how to word how I felt but I just felt like my heart was melting but like in a way I felt sad for them)
"'Wait a minute-' Samuel started, suddenly coming to a realisation. 'The story of you falling into a mine, that’s true?!'"
'It was written about?!' Thomas screeched, his face going as red as James’s paint from embarrassment and both crews spontaneously started laughing." I LOVE THIS BIT OHMYGHAHAGAHSJXH
(Yet again, I couldn't find the words to describe my reaction for the rest of this considering my lungs kept deflating when I regained a bit of oxygen every sentence LMAO)
This whole bit, I love it so much like YEAHAHDJDHDH LETS GO THEYRE GONNA READ RWS and AND THEYRE GONNA HANG OUT WITH EACHOTHER (aka cope with their situations together LMAOCHDHSJ)
(Yet again, lost my words at this bit and my feelings were basically a combination of curiosity and sadness sneaking from the back of my mind aka I started slipping into that unbreakable trans whenever you read)
Ah crap okay Scot you better not slip your words on this (but hey I cant exactly blame him if he does considering that was HIS BROTHER)
(Okay seriously WHAT IS WITH ME PAUSING WITH MY WORDS IN THIS- Insert another silence with the only emotions in this being relatability and sadness)
Scot you aren't the only one to have a hard time sleeping now BHAAHSHXBJAJXH SO YEAH
(Seems like I was so shocked in this scene that I fORGOT TO WRITE MY REACTION TO IT But basically it was me being super shocked, my heart dropped, then needed minutes to process it before continuing on)
“No, it’s not silly. You’re going through a hard time right now and what you’re experiencing is valid.” SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK AND SIDE HENRY‼‼
(Okay sorry for interrupting this reaction with my current notes but GOD I FORGOT TO WRITE DOWN A LOT OF REACTIONS. But from what I remember of this, I think I was just happy at the fluff that started to slither in. Thank God I'm finishing up this review the same day Chp. 5 comes out so I dont have to wait after this LMAO)
And RIGHT THERE FOLKS we end it off with a cliffhanger, except it's a nice cliffhanger! Very excited for the next chapter now that's built up to that
Yet again credits to Loraine ( @lorainedoesthings ) for releasing such a great chapter! Very excited to see what's to come in these coming weeks
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nyxlaufeyson · 1 year
Loki Oneshot Masterlist - Main Masterlist
POV: Third
Ship: None, just Frigga & Loki (NOT ROMANTICALLY THE &=PLATONIC OKAY)
Type: Fluff
Wordcount: 708
TW: None
Synopsis:  Odin gets mad at Loki for something that wasn't his fault, so he runs off to his treehouse in the woods and Mother Frigga finds him. <3
Day 4 of AU-gust: "Runaway"
ALSO HOLY CRAP AS I'M WRITING THESE NOTES, TREEHOUSE BY KELSEYDOG COMES ON, NO JOKE??? This song wasn't the inspo for this, but actually fits really well... So maybe listen to it after reading.
*Don't take my word for it and don't quit your medicine after reading this**, okay? That's probably not a good idea. :) **Unless it's illegal medicine then that's a nono but I ain't a snitch
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Loki ran through the forest, every few seconds checking behind him to make sure he wasn’t being followed. Odin had just gotten done yelling at him, once again, for something he didn’t have much control over. So, to remedy this, Loki had taken off once he was out of sight. 
This wasn’t the first time he had run off, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. Sometimes, if there was an event he was supposed to go to, guards would be sent out to find him, but oftentimes they just let him be. 
That was, unless Frigga found out. If Loki’s mother noticed his absence, she would immediately go look for him herself. 
Loki found himself at the treehouse he and Thor had made together several years ago. Thor mostly had forgotten about it, but it had become Loki’s sanctuary. He climbed the ladder, skipping the third rung, as it was broken. 
Inside the treehouse, there was a bookcase Loki had filled with some of his comfort books, along with sketchbooks and art supplies scattered on a nearby table.
Loki picked up one of his books and began to read as he listened to the birds’ chirping outside, followed by the rustle of the leaves in the wind.
After some time had passed, Loki heard someone walking around below. He listened for a minute, hearing the footsteps come to a stop around the front of the treehouse. He could tell who the footsteps belonged to, but he opted to not say anything. 
“Loki?” He heard his mother call, still choosing to not say anything. “Loki, I know you're up there.” She continued, and after Loki didn’t respond, he could hear her begin to climb the ladder.
Frigga made it in the treehouse, but Loki continued to pretend to read his book and ignore her, causing her to sigh. “Boy, I’m getting too old to be climbing up that ladder.” 
She moved over and sat beside Loki, glancing over at the book in his hands. “What book are you reading?” She asked, and Loki finally glanced over at her. “Poetic Edda.” He replied, and Frigga nodded. 
The two sat in a comfortable silence for a minute, Loki still staring at the words on the page, before Frigga spoke again. “What’s got you upset?” She asked, and Loki just shrugged. “Darling, I’m your mother, I know you better than that.” 
“Father was mad at something I didn’t have any control over.” Loki admitted, and Frigga took Loki’s hand in hers, looking him in the eyes. 
“Would you like to talk to me about it?” She asked, and Loki shook his head. “That’s fine.” She said, rubbing the palms of his hand to try to comfort him. Loki used to love this when he was younger, and he still found some comfort in it. 
“Your father is very stressed right now.” Frigga stated, and Loki looked up at her. “His council needs to make a big decision on a sensitive matter by the end of the week, but they seem to be split.” 
Frigga frowned, adding, “Although, that doesn’t make it alright for him to pin any blame on you. I’ll talk to him.”
Loki smiled, leaning into his mother’s touch. “Thank you, Mother.” He said, and Frigga smiled back at him. “Your welcome, my dear.”
They sat in each others’ company for a good while, before Loki spoke. “You know, I am getting kind of hungry.” Frigga laughed, patting his head. 
“Well then, I suppose we should be getting back home so I can make us something to eat.” She said, and Loki nodded. “I suppose.” 
Loki crawled down the ladder first, followed by Frigga. “Watch out for the third step!” He called out, just as Frigga was about to step on it. Luckily, she heard him, and was able to redirect her step.
When she got on the ground, she sighed. “As I said, I’m too old for this stuff.” Loki raised his eyebrow, grinning. “You don’t look too old.” 
Frigga chuckled, shaking her head. “You do know how to flatter me, my son. Perhaps I’ll have to make us some pastries along with our meal.” Loki grinned, nodding, and the pair started their walk back to the palace. 
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Tag List (Comment or inbox me to be added/removed; along with what to be tagged for): @michief-dream
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Man! You guys are creative. Can you -the plot is totally up to you- write an angry and heartless teen Kaito ? I don't like the idea of the death of kai. -please my soul is too weak for this I can't even imagine it- but he can be angry for anything else. Just really angry. Maybe he was with his mom in a mall and random villains attack her and a hero -endeavor bastard- ignored the safety of citizens in order to capture them. Anything would work but not kai's death. 😭😭😭
Aaaa no my baby :( still no image for baby Kaito so boom!
"Look mom, I guess Kim would like that." The teenager pointed at a little stuffed bear placed on the shell.
"Hum, Kim or Haru my little soldier?" You teased as the boy only scoffed.
Spitting image of his father...
"But I wouldn't be opposed to the idea... but I literally have no idea what to give her, I'm stuck." Complained in complete seriousness the boy as he glared down at ground while you two carried the bags.
Mostly Kaito because the boy just wouldn't accept you lifting too much weight.
"Mind if I give you an idea then?" The dark brow haired teenager looked at you and nodded.
"Sing her a song. Kaito you have a beautiful voice, you and your father. I bet she would love that." You smiled sweetly at your blushing teenager, yet he still caried the same stoic face as he muttered "I see. I will think about it."
Again. The spitting image.
"Well, let's get back home before we get buried by snow on our way." Kaito nodded as he offered to pick another bag from your hands which you swatted away quickly making the boy chuckle.
"Mom, what do you think is better? Cocoa or-?" You couldn't catch what your son asked when you heard the sudden screams and a huge jet of fire coming straight at your son side.
"KAITO GET OUT!" you shouted while grabbing your son forearm and throwing him away from the sudden exchanges of fire and waves of electricity.
Kaito almost fell into his back; holy shit his mother was strong; if he wasn't for his reflexes, he looked up at the scene in horror as he quickly picked his phone texting his dad about the situation.
Kai was with Kim, so he wouldn't risk putting his younger daughter in danger. You definitely wouldn't appreciate that...
Chisaki immediately answered his son and told that Chrono and Mimic were on the way as Kaito tried to pass through the crowd.
"GET THE HELL OUT OF WAY!" He shouted impatiently as he pushed the people aggressively to make a path for him.
"Woah kid!" An officer blocked him "Sorry, but this is for the heroes not from teenagers, if you want an autograph need to wait until the fight is done."
"Why the fuck would I want a autograph? MY MOTHER IS IN THERE!" He shouted angrily at the officer who widened his eyes before picking some device to talk.
"Lieutenant. There's civilians in there correct? There's one of the child of them in here. Tell Endeavour." He looked at Kaito and placed a hand on his shoulder "Don't worry. Endeavour will take her out of there safely. Just be pacient."
Kaito stared at the officer before slowly swatting his hand away from his shoulder in disbelief.
"Didn't you saw that I almost DIED from Endeavour's flames if it wasn't for my mom?! OUT OF WAY!" Kaito kneeled down and placed his bare hand beneath the snow, making the ground tremble a bit before forming plataforms, which lift it him up to jump over the guards heads.
They shouted at him to stop as he runned, but even before he could reach it, the joilts of electricity were simply gone as the number one hero left the alley with the villain being dragged by the collar of the his shirt.
Many clapped their hands and threw thanks and compliments at the hero... While Kaito angrily made his way to the much older man and stared up at him.
"There were civilians on the middle of your childishly fight. One of them is my mother. Where is her?" He demanded as the hero closed his face, seeming like a black cloud had consumed the place.
It started to snow out of no where before the number one hero bowed his head at Kaito and closed his eyes in sorrow.
"I'm sorry....there were no survivors boy ... your mother won't be coming back..."
Kaito widened his eyes as he felt the cold intensity; even with the proximity of the flamed hero. Endeavour patted his shoulder and went to talk with the cops.
Won't be coming back... won't be coming back because of who exactly?
The teenager felt the tears fall without even controlling them ... but another feeling grew stronger than any other in the boy.
Hatred. Pure hatred.
He clenched his jaw as his hands turned into fists while he trembled... his breath quickened as he shot a one side glare at the amount of people boasting the hero... not even caring about the victims of the attack.
Kaito turned sharply and started running towards the hero number one, only letting out a scream of utter anger as he punched him right in the mouth of the hero's stomach. Endeavor was startled by the jora but managed to block almost every attack from the enraged teenager as the boy screamed that possibly the entire city of Tokyo could hear at this point.
One hour the hero got tired and threw Kaito back to the ground, causing the boy to fall but then get up just to his knees.
He could hear the crowd whispers as the officers didn't even bother that they listened to them.
"He is that Chisaki kid."
"The one from the yakusa? Shie Hassaikai right?"
"No wonder he is like this."
His wrath only increased, his family didn't have nothing to do with this, or better yet, it has! His lost mother that died not long ago from this hero...
"Listen, calm down." Endeavour commented as Kaito finally looked up at him with widen (E/C) eyes filled with nothing but disgust and rage.
He putted both lf his hands at the ground making huge plataforms grow to try to smash Endeavour.
"Calm down? CALM DOWN?!" He shouted, not caring about the look of horror of people at front of them as he made another wall to block them as he intensified the force of the concrete against Endeavour's body.
"YOU KILLED MY MOTHER HERO! AND YOU DEMAND TO ME THAT I CALM THE FUCK DOWN?!" he cried tears of hatred as he intensified even more, feeling his younger body sore from the way he was using his quirk.
Two different hands on both of his shoulders made him jerk away and threaten to overhaul them as well. But when he saw Mimic and Chrono he immediately stopped.
"Come on kid. You caused too much trouble for us now." Said Mimic as he helped Kaito to his feet.
"We know Kaito... I'm sorry. We couldn't find her body..."Chrono placed his hand on his shoulder as the boy just looked at the ground and let his tears fall.
He entered his home with Mimic and Chrono following right after. Not even bothering to take his soaked boots of as he saw his father presence.
Mimic shooked his head while Chrono bowed his head at his friend... Not much longer Kaito heard the faint 'dismissed' of his father...
Only he and Kai were at the room.
"Where's Kim?"
"In bed."
Kaito mumbled something as he fell to his knees.
"What was that?" Chisaki asked trying to contain his tears.
"She's gONE BECAUSE OF THEM!" Kaito punched the floor of his home making the whole place cracked, the lunches only grew heavier and stronger.
"THOSE DAMN HEROES! THEY WERE THE RESPONSIBLES FOR THAT! MOM IS-!" he gagged as he aproached now his bloody hand at his face "Mom is... mom is gone..."
Chisaki let his own tears fall as he used his own quirk to reconstruct the place. He scrunched up on the floor as he waited for Kaito eyes to find his.
It hurted even more because they were your eyes.
He didn't want it to lie to his son, telling that everthing is going to be okay or all that bullcrap so he simply kneeled on the ground and bringed his son close surprising the boy at the sudden display of touch.
"I know..." he mumbled feeling his shoulder getting wet as he hearded the choked up promises that he would erase every hero on the surface...
"Daddy?" A tiny voice manifested and the two mens looked at the golden eyed girl looking at them with wide eyes.
Both didn't vare anymore on hiding their tears and their sorrow.
"Daddy? Brother? What's going on? Where's mommy?" The girl approached the both of them and grew more nervous at seing her dad starting to tear up as her brother bringed her to a last hug.
"Im sorry Kim... I couldn't protect her from the heroes..." coldly stated Kaito not even caring about comforting his little sister when she started to break down in tears as well.
Now he understands the rage that his father carry toward the heroes. And they better lray for their souls now... Because they woken up one sleeping devil and a tremendous and powerful beast...
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👑Being Seijoh's Manager👑
Lesbian Manager Edition
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Seijoh featuring Karasuno 👀 x Female Manager
Warnings: fluff, I didn't even out Swearing 😱
AN: This is an Anon request! This is an lgbtqia+ friendly fic 🏳️‍🌈
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
This one has been HIGHLY anticipated 😏
And I'm unsure if it's because of our resident lesbian manager
Or because we get to bully Oikawa 🤣
Im gonna go with both 🥰
Anyways, let's get started!
Now you weren't exactly secretive about your sexuality
You just didn't feel the need to flaunt it
Oikawa constantly needing to be surrounded by his adoring fan girls 😒
Anyways, from the start it was pretty clear you had no interest in any of the guys
Sure they found you attractive
And I mean, heck they are attractive as hell
But there just wasn't anything there
All of them understood the memo
Except for one 🙃
One guess as to whom it was?
If you guessed anyone other than Oikawa, you clearly haven't read my headcannons before 🤣
But really, this man thinks he's the king of volleyball
And more importantly, he thinks everyone had a crush on him
Guys, girls, non-binary folk, you name it, this man things they all want a piece of him
Which is why your rejection makes for very entertaining content for Seijoh
Because I think they've all figured out you play for the other team
A except Oikawa
Which this scenario so hilarious
One day, you are taking notes and Oikawa approaches you
"Hey YN, I've got tickets to a concert this weekend? Wanna go with me?"- Oikawa, turning on the charm
"No thanks"- you, extinguishing said charm
Mattsun, Makki and Kunimi are all just watching
Honestly they are so nosey I can't even 💅🏼
"YN I've asked you out a million times and you've always said no! Don't you know what a privilege it is to be asked out by yours truely"- Oikawa
"Shut up loserkawa and leave YN alone"- Iwaizumi, ready and waiting for your signal to pounce
"I appreciate the offer Oikawa but I'm not interested"- you working on your notes
"BY WHY NOT YN-CHANN"- Oikawa now whining
"😐 I'm gay Oikawa"- you, channeling Ushi and stating at Oikawa
Oikawa 👉🏻👁👄👁 whet-
Makki, Mattsun and Kunimi 👉🏻🤣💀
Iwaizumi 👉🏻🙄🤚🏻🏐👦
"In order for you to be heartbroken, you would have actually had to have a chance Oikawa"- You getting up and walking away 🚶‍♀️
You better ask Oikawa if he needs some ointment for that BURN
After that, Oikawa silently competes eith you for the attention of his female fans
Not that you even need to compete 💅🏼 you could have any of them
But they aren't your type
But you know who your type is 👀👀
A certain crow manager that's who 🙌🏻
So when you are filling water bottles up and the gorgeous Kiyoko enters your vision
You all but see stars 🤩
Please Kiyoko is an absolute goddess 🤚🏻
"Hi there! I'm Kiyoko, I manage Karasuno"
"I'm YN, I managed Oikawa, I mean Seijoh"
Please her laugh 😭😭😭
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You know, the season 4 laugh when she's in the bath with Yachi 👇🏻
Say less she's utter perfection
Unfortunately for you, you will have to deal with her two wards bodyguards
"Kiyoko come to my arms sweet mama!!"- Noya all but running towards you and Kiyoko
Suddenly he stops ✋️ Tanaka running into his back
"Holy crap- we've hit the jackpot!"- Tanaka
"There's one for each of us"- Noya 😍
Please Kiyoko smack them
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It has been dealt with ☺️
That is, until your own resident idiot approaches 🙄
"Yn-chan are these delinquents bothering you"- Oikawa followed by Iwa and the gang
"No"- You 😐
Channeling Iwa 😌
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Thank you sir for your dedication 🤗
Before you and Kiyoko part with your respective idiots, you shot your shoot
"Hey could I get your number? I think it'd be cool if we could hand out?"- You to Kiyoko
"Oh absolute! Give me your phone and I'll punch it in"- kiyoko
You exchange phones
"I texted myself 😉 see you later YN"- Kiyoko
You look down at your phone at kiyokos text
"Hey there cutie 💓 "
Please everyone is just watching you right now and taking notes 📝
"Damn that was smooth Yn"- Mattsun
How did you do that YN?"- Oikawa
Tanaka and Noya are just staring 👁👄👁
There's no way I could be THAT EASY
"It's easy Oikawa, I'm just polite"- you, turning to walk back to the gym
"Wow"- Oikawa, stunned 😲
Not YN the resident dating guru 🤣
Please Terushima is probably watching you too 😭
What can you say, it comes natural ☺️
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
Easy company reactions to you telling them you’re pregnant 🫢
Easy Company Reaction: telling them you're pregnant
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Notes: I suck at writing fluff, but I tried my best, yeah :) I hope you and everyone like it. Oh and I made a really pretty moodboard for this post but tumblr won't show my post on the tags if i use it. Fuck you tumblr!
– Dick Winters - (Please, give this man 5 seconds to process what you just said.) “You’re pregnant.” he repeated your words, “We’re having a baby.” He was saying it slowly without breaking his gaze with yours, as a way to wake up from the shock and to realize what you just told him. He then hugged you and kissed your forehead. It didn't take much for him to immediately start preparing the nursery. 
– Lewis Nixon - (Your luck is that he is rich.) You told him right after you declined a cup of whiskey from him. “What? You are what?” he almost spilled his drink, “Holy shit… I mean, that’s amazing news honey!” He looked a little dizzy and almost tripped when he went to kiss you. After that he literally ran to tell Dick and save him the spot as godfather of the child. 
– Carwood Lipton - (Literal silent panic.) After a few seconds of total silence he walked over to you and hugged you like it was the last time he was going to hug you in his life. He held you close and said: “It’s going to be fine, we got this.” You could tell he was a little worried but he just needed time to process all of it. He was so stressed the next few days, he wanted everything to be prepared and perfect.
– Ronald Speirs - He gave you one of his typical intense gazes. For a moment you thought he was angry but then when he walked across the room to reach you, grab your face and look you deeply in the eyes, you could see he was on the verge of tears. “I’m going to dedicate my life to you and to our baby.” he said, as he landed one of his hands on your belly. The next day you found a little list of names in his office. 
– George Luz - He almost choked on his food. “Cut the crap. What? Are you serious?” After he realized you weren’t kidding he ran to pick you up, spin you around and kiss you. He looked like a kid on Christmas from how happy he was. You had the spend the evening trying to convince him to not name the child some really stupid name. “If It’s a boy can we name him after me? And can we take him or her to play baseball?” he asked at least. 
– Joe Liebgott - “Tell me you’re not joking. Princess, you just made me the happiest man alive.” He quickly ran to hold you by your waist and gave you a breathless kiss, “Holy shit, I’m going to be a dad.” He was so excited but as his last words kept repeating in his head a sudden grip on his chest started to grow. He then told you that he was scared of not being a good father. You guys talked it out and the next day he came home with a baby suit saying “Sorry ladies my daddy is definitely taken.”
– Bill Guarnere - You had to sit him down to tell him. “You’re not kidding, right?” He immediately got up, “Holy fuck, we are going to have a mini Bill or Billie!” (good luck bestie) The shocked expression grew in a second into the biggest smile you have ever seen and he almost trip when he reached you for a kiss. He called everyone to announce it like the proud dad that he is. “Guess the fuck what… I’m going to be a dad!!”
– Joe Toye - “W-what? You’re pregnant?” He had never hugged you so tightly in his life but when you met his eyes you felt his anxiety. Joe was scared that he might not be prepared but he had been waiting for that moment for so long and he was not gonna let his insecurities take over his happiness. He is always so stressed that you and baby may get hurt, so he doesn't let you do anything at home during your pregnancy. 
– Donald Malarkey - “Are you shitting me? Honey, I-... I don't know what to say. I mean, you are pregnant. We are going to have a baby!” he playfully picked you up between exciting giggles. He immediately ran to the store to go buy diapers and baby bottles (don’t worry he came back.) Him and Skip spent the next 9 months singing and telling jokes to your belly.
– Warren “Skip'' Muck - “Oh my god, you’re pregnant?” You showed him the test after he asked, “Oh my god, you’re pregnant!” He started jumping around and then washed you with kisses. He ran to tell Malark and Penkala and immediately asked you if both of them could be godfathers. Every day he talks to your belly: “Hey bud, It’s me, your dad. How is it there? Is mommy’s belly comfortable?” (I’m crying, he’s the cutest.) 
– Darrel “Shifty” Powers - (This gentleman, I-) You sat him by your side when you told him. “Really?... You are?” He instantly held your hands and grew the sweetest smile, “I can’t believe you're carrying our baby right now.” After that he kissed you like you’re made of glass. From there on he tried his best to stop smoking because of you and the baby, and when it's time to go to bed he wishes the baby a goodnight and kisses your belly and then your lips. 
– Eugene Roe - He was speechless for some seconds until you called his name, he then got closer to you. “Honey, I could not be more happy but It’s up to you if…” You made clear you’re ready and that you wanted the baby, you then saw his shy smile bloom and gaze at the floor before meeting your eyes again and kiss you tenderly. He found the best doctor and scheduled every appointment at least once a month to make sure everything was okay. After all he is a medic, you could not be in better hands. 
– Edward “Babe” Heffron - At first impression he did panic a little. “W-what? Are you serious? Oh my… what are we gonna do?” You even saw his sweat rolling down his forehead, so you had to sit him down, relax him and make sure everything was going to be okay. He took a deep breath and then a little childlike smile grew, “I’m going to be a dad.” He spent the whole weekend celebrating. He even started referring to the baby as if he was already there: “What about the three of us going to a nice restaurant?” 
– David Webster - His heart even skipped a beat. “Are you certain?” he asked you a little unassertive, “We are having a baby, I can’t believe it.” You notice the excitement grow by his voice. He then grew a big smile and hugged you, lifting you up. He spent the whole time reading books about babies, baby care and giving birth. He was ready for the child theoretically, but Lieb always made some pretty dark humor jokes to make him scared. But in the end it turned out fine. 
– Frank Perconte - You couldn't tell if he was happy or scared. He was so excited but he was sweating, for a second you even thought he was going to faint. “It’s amazing! A baby!” he told you after kissing you a million times, “It’s like having you and me mixed in a bowl, it's awesome!” He then took a deep breath and said: “Yeah, I think I need to sit down a little.” He was having a mix of emotions, but when things cooled down he started preparing everything. The next day he came home with two packs of diapers and so many clothes for the baby.
– Denver “Bull” Randleman - As the mature man that he is he stayed pretty calm. “There isn't anyone in this world that I wish more to have a family with than you.” He gently brushed your hair before pulling you for a peaceful kiss. Bull never felt more responsible over something in his life. He did everything in his power to make sure you were comfortable and safe, after all he loved you and you were carrying your and his child. 
– John Martin - You had to sit Johnny down before telling him. “A-are you sure?” He tried to act calm but you could see how nervous he was and still trying to keep his serious expression. You asked if he was happy and his eyelids instantly loosed and he got down on his knees to hold your hands, “I am, baby. I’m sorry I was just taken by surprise. I-... I love you, if you’re happy I’m happy.” He gave you a passionate kiss and one of his rare vulnerable smiles. May no one stress you, hurt you or look at you in a wrong way or he will riot. 
– Floyd Talbert - (Oh, this is going to be fun…) Right after you told him he paralyzed for a second. “I-i… hum, well,” He started stuttering but then tried to put himself back together by walking over to you and gazing into your eyes, “Well, that’s great news.” You’re not expecting to take it so well but after all he wasn't that surprised that you were pregnant. He was so excited for the baby, he wanted to teach him how to play guitar and play sports. One night he said: “Hey love, after he or she is born can we go make some more?”
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teabreakpancakes · 2 years
Can you do Joseph and Edgar reacting to their s/o calling him a Karen
Joseph and Edgar's reactions to their S/O calling them a karen
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Genre: Fluff
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Warning: May be a tad bit suggestive
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"A karen? what is this karen you speak of and why am I one?" Joseph questioned, a puzzled expression on the hunter's face. Blue eyes stared down at (Name) who was shrugging their shoulders, eyes half lidded as they rolled their eyes.
"Ask Lucky Guy" they say with a wave of their hand as they turn to leave. Joseph stares at their back, his eyes unblinking 'til they disappear in one of the manor's corridors.
"Joseph, y, you wanna know what a karen is right?" Liam asks, stifling his laughter behind one of his hands. The hunter nods from across the table, a serious expression on his face.
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"Alright, but what were you guys talkin' about before they called you a karen?" Liam, also known as Lucky Guy inquired. Joseph hummed, bringing his hand to his face and resting that arm onto the table.
"I recall talking about how I sued a restaurant for not giving me the table I wanted—" Liam breaks out in unrestrained laughter, snorting a bit as he banged his fist onto the table.
"Holy crap, you really are a fucking karen!" Liam cried out, his laughter echoing in the dining room. Joseph stared blankly at the survivor, still clueless as to what a karen is.
Lucky calms down after a minute or two, inhaling deeply. "Joseph, do you have a paper and pen on you? I'd like to write it down instead, also, you may only read it once you are in your room" Liam requests with a strict tone, after all, he didn't want to see how Joseph would react upon reading it.
The hunter raises an eyebrow at the last thing Liam said, he sighs, nodding before rummaging through a photo he brought out. He pulled a piece of paper and a pencil out of the photograph, sliding it over to Liam's side of the table.
Liam utters out a "Some sort of wizard type of shit", low enough to make sure Joseph doesn't hear. He starts writing down his explanation on the paper.
Karens are people that act way too entitled for their good, often acting like they're way better than everyone else
He stood up from the table, folding the paper 3 times before tossing it to the Frenchie. He swiftly turns on his heel, darting to the door. "And remember, don't read it until you're in your room!" he shouts from outside the room.
Joseph hums, going into a photo and reappearing in his room. "Alright, now what is this karen they both speak of" he says, taking a seat on the couch stationed in his room.
He unfolds the paper, jaw going slack when he finishes reading it's contents. An irked expression replaces his shock, folding the paper neatly and shoving it into his waistcoat's pocket.
"Mon chéri, I may be entitled, but that is because I used to be a count" he whispered to no one, tapping on the couch's arm with his sharp nails.
A soft smile appears on his face, "Should I let them take control for tonight then? then we'll see who's begging for me to take charge by the end of the night" he chuckles, standing up and leaving his room in order to thank Liam.
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"Why would you understand the meaning of art? I simply asked for you to become my model instead of being his" Edgar spat out, arms folded across his chest as he eyed Jack from behind (Name).
"Edgar, Jack was first— and you have no right to be rude to my friend! I don't care if you're my lover you damned karen!" (Name) pulled the hunter by his hand, walking away from Edgar who was scoffing.
"A karen? that damned title Liam talks about so often? me? I am not a damned karen, I just happen to know my worth" Edgar denies, waving it off.
hah, no
Not even minutes later and the painter is already thinking of how to apologise for his actions. He was alright with Jack but with his lover? god forbid them actually ignoring him.
He loved them dearly and if he needed to apologise to the hunter as well, he would gladly do so just to get them to forgive him.
Hours later and he's in his pajamas, seated on their shared bed in their shared bedroom. (Name) walks into the room, still not dressed in their own pajamas.
They attempt to walk back out, only to be pulled into Edgar's embrace. The painter mumbles something they weren't able to discern into their shoulder at first before they felt his hot breath on the shell of their ear.
"I'm sorry for being rude to you and your friend, I'll do anything for you to forgive me so please," he whispers, tilting their head to the side, "Don't leave me." before placing a soft kiss onto their lips.
Their lips part, red tinting the shorter one's face as they force themself to continue meeting his gaze. "Anything?" their voice soft, doe eyes meeting blue hues.
Edgar nods, eyes training on how they batted their eyelashes at him. "Then... I want more of you" they say almost pleadingly, an almost feverish yet absolutely delightful expression painting their face.
Edgar's now half lidded eyes stare down at them, bringing on of their hands to his lips and placing a gentle yet passionate peck on it. "Your wish is my command my love" he whispers, closing the distance between them.
lucky looks like a liam to me in all honesty, also, lately, i've been in the mood to write things that imply something sexual, i have a feeling that i'll be writing something nsfw soon - lawless
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fluffymcu · 3 years
Friday (AG!Peter Parker x reader)
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This is a tickle fic.
I literally don’t even understand how I haven’t written for this beauty before. Especially since he’s my favorite Peter Parker, I don’t understand. But NWH launched me RIGHT back into my obsession with him since 2016😭 so let’s go. Also thank this man right here for giving me motivation to actually write something finally. Takes place anytime before NWH
Warnings: Fluff, tickles, being late to class I guess lol, and I have no idea how college works so this may be very inaccurate (For example: Dorm rooms have a living room and 2 bedrooms)
You knocked on your boyfriend's dorm room twice. You heard the tv stop and footsteps going to the door. Harry pulled the door open with a sleepy smile. He had bags under his eyes and his eyes were red-ish. "Hey y/n/n."
You lifted a pair of Nike shoes up. "Hey Har. Were you up all night playing on PS4 again?"
Harry chuckled and shrugged. "Left his shoes again, huh? I don't get how he manages to leave your dorm with no shoes on time and time again." He laughed, stepping aside to let you in. He may not get it, but you do. He's jumped out your window to fight crime leaving everything else behind plenty times. You've got to give it to Peter though, keeping that big of a secret from his room mate takes skill. Especially with a room mate who constantly stays up until the late hours of the night.
Walking deeper into the living room you see a bunch of wrappers around the floor and the couch, proving Harry had been up. "Welp, just came to drop these off for Peter. I'll be back maybe after class-"
You stopped in your tracks when you noticed Peter's backpack still on one of the chairs. "Where's Peter?" It was a Friday and you had a free day today but Peter still had one class in the morning to attend.
"He's in his room." Harry shrugged nonchalant, putting his headset on and sitting back down to play his game. You sighed and went into Peter's room to find him knocked out.
"Really Peter?" You whispered to yourself. You went over to him and gently shook him. Nothing. "Peter. Peter. Peter!" You yelled. He was taken out. You gently straddled his waist and swept some hair covering his eyes. He looked so peaceful and pretty. But he had to get up. You launched your hands under his arms and wiggled your fingers to tickle him. Instantly, he flinched awake with a started gasp.
'Holy...What?!" He spluttered, hugging himself to shield himself from your hands. "What the heck, Y/n?" He groaned, his voice raspy and heavy with sleep. He relaxed and laid back down when you didn't try to attack him again. "I should get you back for that."
"Peter don't you have a class this morning?" You asked, raising your eyebrows at him.
Peter nodded and draped an arm over his eyes. "Yeah, I do. Just one today." You rolled your eyes and cleared your throat.
"Ok let me rephrase that. Don't you have a class this morning that you're late to?" You asked again. Peter lifted his arm from his face and peeped an eye open to look at you.
"What do mean....what.." He looked around lost and caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall. "Oh man I'm late. Damn!" You hopped off him as he scrambled out of bed and ripped off his shirt, running to his dresser and hopping around trying to put his jeans on. "Crap I'm gonna get in trouble if I'm late again, this is the 4th time this week." He rambled to himself, shooting a web across the room to fetch his laptop and another to fetch the book he needs for today's class. He was turned around to put his shoes on and you tossed him his phone from his bed and he caught it easily, shoving it in his pocket. After putting his shoes on, he jumped up ran up to you, quickly kissing the corner of your lips. "Thanks for waking me up, bubs. I'll come over after class." He said, running towards the door.
You picked up a random shirt that was on his bed and threw it to him. "Shirt, dummy." You chuckled, knowing he didn't even realize he was shirtless. This boy. He gasped an "oh!" and sent you a shy smile. You threw yourself back on the bed with a smile. "Thanks. I'll see you." He left not a second after, pulling his shirt on and grabbing his backpack on the way out. "See ya, Har." With that he slammed the door and left.
"Byeee." Harry hummed, not even realizing that Peter was already gone. You stayed on his bed for a couple more minutes, laying in his spot where it was still warm. You scrolled on your phone for a few minutes before getting back to your dorm.
Your room mate was off campus at her boyfriend's house for the day so it was just you for the next 2 hours until you heard a knock at your door before opening. Peter couldn't afford to come to your window while the sun was out and anyone could see him. So he took the long way in. Like a normal person. He walked into your bedroom and smiled. "I'm back! You miss me?" He said, walking over to you.
You looked at him and widened your eyes. "Peter... Your shihihirt!" You burst into giggles, covering your mouth to hide them. "Has it been like that the whole morning?!" You gasped. He looked down at himself and pulled on his shirt. It was inside out. "Oh sh*t.." He hummed in confusion, smirking shyly at the sound of your laughter. "Are you laughing at me?"
"And no one ever told you anything?!" You shook your head. Peter sighed in annoyance.
"Ugh, those little fakes."
You shook your head as you laughed. "Only you, Peter Parker. Only you." You giggled, wrapping your arms around him and patting his head to tease him. He squinted his eyes at you as he tried to hide his smile.
"You're teasing me. I know it." You laughed harder as he playfully pushed you away and fixed his shirt. "You know, my shirt wouldn't have been inside out if you had just told me before I left." He said, trying to pin it on you.
You dropped your jaw and looked at him. "Do not start. You left the room before I could see you put it on so don't you dare think about blaming me for that." You playfully scolded, poking his belly as you walked past him to sit at your bed. He sighed deeply and laid on your bed next to you. "Yeah ok, it is my fault." He hummed. "What do you wanna do today?"
You hummed, thinking. You turned to look at with with a smirk. "We could go shopping for an alarm clock for you." You suggested, biting your lip to contain your smile when he looked at you with side eyes.
"Are you gonna tease me all day today-" He started. You opened your mouth while raising your hands in defense.
"IIII'm just saying an alarm clock could serve you good so you don't have to manually set up alarms on your phone when you could forget-"
"Noo,, you're just making fun of me because I can't get up on time-"
"I'm not- well...." You gave him a pointed look and he gasped, making you belly laugh.
"I knew it- I could have gone to class shirtless and saved myself the embarrassment but you threw me the shirt. You did it on purpose. AND you purposely woke me up late so I'd be too distracted to notice the shirt was inside out!" You were dying of laughter.
"No I didn't-" "This was your plan all along." "Let me finihihish!" "You're just like everybody else, you're just out to embarrass me and tease me about everythi-" You brought a hand up to cover his mouth. "That is nohohot what happened and you know ihihit! AHH!" You squealed when Peter's arm shot under your arm, making you pull your hand away from his mouth. "I know, tickles, right? I was gonna let it slide that you tickled me this morning but after all this, I don't think I can anymore." He shook his head and pulled you to his chest, locking you in.
"Wahahait! Peter I wasn't teasihihing!!" You wiggled around trying to get out of his hold.
"What- so, you're really gonna sit here and lie?" He asked, raising hi eyebrows at you, making you melt into laughter. He couldn't hide his grin. "That's what I thought." He quickly dug his fingers into the middle of your belly, smiling at the sound of your desperate laughter.
"Nohohohooo!" You cried, kicking your legs out and tucking them to your chest.
"Does it tickle, bubs?" He teased in a babying voice. "Is it too much to handle? It tickles too much?” Peter laughed when he felt you melt into him as you got weaker and weaker.
"STOHOhohop! Thihihis isn't fahahair!"
"It's very fair, it's completely fair." He turned over, partially laying his weight on you and having you face down to the bed. He dug his thumb into the back of your lower ribs; one of your most sensitive spots making you scream and slap at his arms as much as you could with the position you were in. "Dahahamn ihihit." You cried, hearing Peter laugh along with you. You felt him place vibrating kisses down your neck, adding to the torture and causing you scrunch your neck up. "Peter, the neighbohohors!!!!" You whined, embarrassed that they could probably hear you getting tickled to pieces by your boyfriend.
"What about them, bubs? You embarrassed? Huh? You're embarrasses that they hear you laughing?" He teased, squeezing your hipbones. You nearly broke out of his hold with how much you flinched at the action.
"NOOO PETER LET ME GOHOHOHOOO! YOU'RE EVIHIHIL!" Peter had to laugh out loud at your outburst, continuing his assault on your hips for a moment longer before turning you on your back and grabbing your wrists, straddling you like you did this morning. You immediately knew what he was doing and your heart dropped. "DOHOHONT!!!!!" You yelped, fighting against him to keep your arms down.
"Just one last thing, one last thing." He asked; though it wasn't really a question.
"No Peterrr. Dohohohont I'm gonna diiie." You whined, throwing your head back in defeat when he successfully held your wrists above your head. "Nooo." You pouted, hoping your puppy eyes would get to him. But all you got was a teasing chuckle.
He mimicked your pout and baby talked you again. "No? No tickles?" He traced a finger lightly over your underarms, making you burst out into giggles and pull at your wrists. "Not even a little bit? Just a little? No?" He began to lightly scratch under your arms, switching back and forth between the two. You fell into silent laughter from how embarrassed you were and tried to turn your face to hide in one of your arms, shaking your head laughing. Peter almost broke character and burst into laughter but he held it in. "Can I just...." He caught you by surprise and dug into your left underarm making you scream loudly and kick out your legs. It only lasted a few seconds before Peter fell beside you in laughter.
"Ahhhh, that's so hilarious, you're too adorable." He sighed happily, scratching under your chin making you scrunch up with a yelp to prove his point. You slapped his arm and turned on your belly and hid your face into your pillow, panting heavily. "Awww you're gettin' all shy on me now?" He teased, pulling you into a hug and kissing your cheeks repeatedly. You both laid in a comfortable silence until you spoke up. "I don't even wanna go anywhere now. You took all my energy." You groaned, giving him a playfully pointed look. Peter smiled as he looked into your eyes.
"That's okay, we can just lay here all day if you want. Watch movies, eat, fall asleep." He shrugged. You smiled and buried your head into his chest, nodding. After a while of letting a movie play in the background, you both fell asleep in each others arms until the afternoon.
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4dtk · 3 years
Hi! May I request Jaehyun with the prompts:
33. ‘picking them up’ hugs + 15. soothing kisses + 49. holding onto the other’s shoulders for support 🥺
You’re writings are awesome I always reread them fluffs <333
i am SO sorry guys holy crap. i was super emotionally drained these two days. it's sinking in that my internship is ending and i have to focus on my final year project soon. it's terrifying and i couldnt bring myself to write :/ oh well, enjoy anyway.
hugs, 33: ‘picking them up’ hugs
kisses, 15: soothing kisses
touching, 49: holding onto the other’s shoulders for support
“do you think maybe we could’ve gone indoors?” you whisper, looking ‘round at the skate park you were at. there wasn’t much complaints from you, but you definitely felt a bit of intimidation coming from the other skaters who shot looks of recognition towards your boyfriend.
“but then you wouldn’t be able to see my cool tricks!” jaehyun says with a laugh, cuddling you close with an arm around your waist that instantly made you feel safer. “anyway, they’re all really nice.”
you frown just for a bit longer, seeing that your footsteps have taken you to a more secluded part of the park with smaller ramps and obstacles. it’s far far away from the more professional skaters who looked like they’d fly off the half-pipe ramp if they went any higher. you stifle a giggle at that.
“what’s so funny?” jaehyun asks quietly, turning fully now to face as he plops the skateboard down with his foot. it’s a habit that he’s mastered easily, one foot pressing down onto its end with no change in expression. his smile causes you to break the giggle. “c’mon! what are you laughing about?”
“nothing! it’s nothing,” smiling, you let out a determined breath, holding tight onto jaehyun’s forearms as you eye his skateboard. it’s got a nice touch to it, with a few stickers on the top side of it that’s a bit too worn out from the constant skating he does. you wonder how he even finds time in between school work to come out to the park, but you figured if your hobbies gave you some relief from the stress of university, skating was a getaway for him. “will you catch me if i fall?”
jaehyun lets out a hearty laugh, “‘course. who do you take me for, baby?”
you huff at that, getting onto the board one foot after the other. it seems like you’re not fated from the start, already feeling the familiar wobble in your legs when you’d try it at home. your clutching hands now hold onto his shoulders like a vice, stilling yourself from falling over even if you weren’t moving an inch. even the words of relaxing and trusting in him didn’t do much, shutting your ears instinctively.
“babe. honey, come look at me.” you’re able to freeze for just a moment, taking a deep breath before meeting his eyes. “good, good. you can hold on to me as long as you need to. do you want to practice going on and off or are you okay with moving?”
“let’s- lets try moving.” you grip instantly tightens and your boyfriend has to mask the expression of pain, letting you use him as support. the board moves gradually, your stance already improving from the previous times. bit by bit, you feel more comfortable, a smile growing when you look to jaehyun beside you who’s matching the speed of the skateboard. it goes on for a few more minutes: starting at point A as the other drives you slowly to point B, learning to push off with short strokes of your foot. each time, jaehyun lets go just a little, to give you the independence you came out for in the first place.
“okay, okay- good, good!” your fingertips leave each other just for a second when you reach the marking on the floor, gesturing to him that you’d come back to him without his help. with a deep breath, you push off your back foot to wobbly settle yourself on the board, but regain balance again as it brings you back to where you started. jaehyun’s impressed laugh almost makes you fall, but he catches you anyway, swinging you in his arms that you almost kick his board away.
your helmet’s cockblocking you from placing your head on his, but he doesn’t care when your smile lights up the slowly darkening area, twirling you around like a scripted movie before putting you down gently. jaehyun skillfully tilts his head until his lips meet yours, kiss already deep from how far he’s turned his head, surprising you as a sound of surprise escapes you. grinning into the kiss, jaehyun’s takes the opportunity to nibble on your lip, albeit too suddenly that you jump back in shock.
“shucks. sorry, baby.” it’s like syrup how his voice feels, swept up with ease each time he murmurs a pet name or confession.
“it’s ‘kay. can we do that again?” jaehyun giggles and you’re colliding lips again, doing it over and over when he guides you through his extensive knowledge of skating. doing it so much so whenever your distance furthers each time. doing it even when you’re on the way home, with skateboard tucked under his arm while holding your hand. you’d never ask for anything more, as long as you had your little skater boy.
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educatedsimps · 3 years
Hii!! I love ur writing!! is it possible to ask for an Atsumu with reader who loves crochets and it's always making herself some clothes or accesories and him surprising her with a big pack of yarn n implements for her birthday?
request - crochet be mine?
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highschool!Atsumu x f!Reader (set in AU3 sibling swap!)
includes: FLUFF, high school life (lol), puppy love (please, it's so cute)
a/n: hi dear anon! we’re really glad to hear that you enjoy our writing 🥺💕 this request was super adorable, of course we’ll write it for you! Lyssa doesn't crochet but i do, so we’ll be working together for this one (since it's an Atsumu request lol) enjoy <3
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Atsumu’s POV:
She's using that hook thing again. Is it another sweater? Or a cute little pendant thing? Or another octopus? Whatever it is, it's gonna be super adorable.
Like her.
She was sitting across the aisle two rows in front of me and Samu, giving me a perfect view of her side profile.
Why haven't I mustered the courage to speak to her? It's nearly the end of our junior year!
Dammit, what's wrong with you, Miya Atsumu? You've never been so nervous about talking to a girl before! Heck, you have a whole fan club and you're surrounded by cheerleaders everywhere at volleyball matches!
This should be a piece of cake to you, you idiot!
I let out a huge groan and practically slammed my head into my desk. I whined once more as my eyebrows kept knitting (lol, I'm sorry, this is just so funny to me -Jo) themselves together into a frown.
"Why do you look like crap?" I didn't even need to raise my head to know that it was my younger twin speaking to me.
"Do you have any idea how disrespectful you are? I'm your older brother, ya piece of shit. OLDER BROTHER!" I practically yelled. Yeah, he was pissing me off.
The girl of my dreams was so near, yet so far. And now, I had an irritating younger twin to deal with.
"Look, man. You've been pining after Y/N since spring break. Literally everyone knows that you like her. You got so shy after she came by the gym last month! The Miya Atsumu I know doesn't get shy in front of girls!” My annoying brother nagged.
But, his words did get me to think again.
If I actually got as nervous as what Samu had described-
Holy shit. That means that it's actually true. I really do like her.
Samu plopped down into his chair next to mine just as we heard a voice a distance away, groaning in frustration.
“Dang it, I’m out of yarn. Again! This is the third time this week! And this was supposed to be a gift for the other girls at our extra curricular!” It was Y/N complaining to her desk buddy, Isaji Miyuki.
Out of yarn?
“We can drop by the craft store tomorrow after school, if you’d like?” Miyuki asked. Y/N shook her head.
“I can't tomorrow. My mom’s preparing my favourite dish for my birthday and I've gotta get home fast!" Y/N responded excitedly.
Whipping my head back to Samu, I elbowed him. Hard. He glared at me.
“Samu, I got it! You go ahead later after school. I've gotta run to the store real quick,” I whisper-yelled to my twin.
He looked at me suspiciously, before rolling his eyes and grumbling. “Sure, whatever."
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Y/N’s POV:
A loud chorus of “Happy birthday, Y/N!” greeted me as I stepped into my classroom. Warmth bloomed in my chest as I smiled at my classmates.
I thanked everyone as I made my way over to my seat, noting that the infamous Miya Twins had yet to arrive this morning.
Jo nudged me with her elbow and gave me a pointed look.
“What?” I asked.
“Looks like someone’s disappointed that her favourite twin isn't here yet,” she teased. I flushed.
Was I that obvious?
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” I huffed.
“Oh, speak of the devils,” she murmured under her breath. Curiously, I looked up to see Osamu shuffling past my table, shooting me a small smile and another birthday greeting.
I mouthed a thanks to Osamu, just as his brother stopped right by my desk.
“H-hey, good morning, L/N-san!”
“Morning, Atsumu-kun,” I replied brightly.
A boyish grin was plastered on his face. He seemed to think for a second before he quickly reached back and pulled out a brown paper bag from behind him.
“Happy birthday, Y/N. I hope you like it!” Atsumu said in a rush, holding out the paper bag in front of me. I noticed that it was from the same store I usually bought my yarn from.
Before I could thank him, the bag was pushed into my hands as he scrambled back to his seat. His ears were tinged pink.
Aww, he's adorable.
Miyuki nudged my side again and eagerly gestured for me to open the bag.
Carefully, I pried open the brown bag and peered inside. In it were five balls of yarn, their colours similar to the ones I had been using for my current project. There was also a little note placed in the bag. I took it out and read it silently to myself.
Happy birthday, Y/N! I hope that you like the little gift from me :) I'm not exactly good with words but I really hope we can be friends, and I'm sure whatever you're making this time will be just as adorable as you are. Happy birthday again and I hope you have a great day too. - Miya Atsumu
His sloppy handwriting was unmistakable on that small piece of paper and I giggled to myself as I read each line again. My heart was palpitating at an incredible pace and I felt heat crawl up my neck at his words. I heard a tiny squeal from Miyuki as she kept looking back and forth between me and Atsumu.
"He's looking at you! Go say thanks!" Miyuki and Jo urged. Hesitantly, I looked back at the yarn and the note.
Then, I finally found the courage to thank him.
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Atsumu's POV:
What if I had heard her wrongly? What if I got her the wrong coloured yarn? What if my note was too cheesy? I don't wanna weird her out! Oh no, she's gonna think I'm weird now-
I felt my soul leave my body as I watched her take out the note and giggle softly.
Oh man, she's too cute for my heart to handle...
My heart seemed to stop as I saw her stand up and make her way towards my table.
Oh my God, she's coming closer. Oh shit, I might collapse halfway, dammit-
"Thank you so much for the yarn, Atsumu! And sure, I'd love to be friends with you," she said, dipping her head slightly with an unmistakable blush on her cheeks.
So. Damn. Cute.
I coughed, and spouted out, "Y-yer welcome, I hope you like it!" I could feel my face turning red.
The next few moments were pretty awkward. Both of us endured three seconds of silence before we both started to speak again.
"I was wonderin' if-"
"Actually, do you wanna-"
We spoke at the same time and looked at each other for a good two seconds before I heard my brother snicker from beside me. I shot him a glare and continued.
"Sorry, uh... I was wondering if you would like to come to my next game- OW! I mean, our next game, next Friday evening?" I asked, giving my brother a side-glare for slapping my back before turning back to Y/N.
Y/N's eyes glimmered, she stumbled over her words and finally squeaked out, “Yeah! Of course! Th-that's what friends d-do, right?"
I heaved a sigh of relief. “Great! Awesome! I'll see ya there!"
She bowed again before scurrying back to her seat where Miyuki and Jo were waiting for her with wide eyes.
I collapsed back into my seat as my brother snickered yet again.
"What are ya laughing at, asshat?" I snapped.
"Pfft, nothing. Just the fact that it took you six months to ask her to be friends with ya," Samu cackled in my face.
"Oh, yeah? Well, how about you and Jo? You literally spoke to her only after eight months. Loser." I pouted childishly.
Samu cleared his throat. "Fine. Have it your way." Damn, he's blushing.
Then it hit me.
He slapped his hand over my mouth so hard I nearly flung backwards and out of my chair.
“SHUT UP, YOU PIG-,” he grimaced.
Class begun soon after, but my mind was still reeling at the fact that Y/N would be coming to my next game. She's gonna see how great I am on the court and she'll definitely wanna be my girlfriend after that! I thought, daydreaming about her yet again.
I already couldn't wait for the game. Stupid Samu, of course I'll get her to be my girlfriend, just you wait.
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a/n: aaaaaaaa this was so cute to write, thank you again for requesting!! hope it was up to your expectations and thank you for reading <33
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© educatedsimps 2021. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down (likes and reblogs are appreciated)
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Just Two Sad Roommates
Corpse Husband x Reader(Female)
Warnings: Swearing (maybe)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: The power of medieval tavern music gets put to the test when Corpse’s roommate is having a rough day. SPOILER ALERT: it’s more powerful than anyone could assume.
Requested by Anon. You know who you are 😊😋 Wish I could tag you, I loved this idea so much and had such a fun time writing it. Hope you enjoy it just as much 🥰
The last twenty four hours haven’t been so great. 
Last night I had a huge fight with my boyfriend over his flirty messages with several girls. It was not just witty banter, it was way more and way more hurtful to me. He obviously denied it and defended himself, at least in the beginning of the argument. Then he took on the accusatory stance, pointing fingers at me for living with another guy. That had me absolutely fuming. Not only was his statement fabricated and literally made up on the spot, but he also used some seriously horrible insults for him. I was having non of it. Corpse is a really great roommate, sweet guy and overall amazing person. I haven’t once argued with him since we’ve started living together. We’re actually quite good friends. So hearing my asshole boyfriend call him all those names was more than enough to chase him out of the apartment. Thankfully, Corpse wasn’t home to hear all that. He rarely leaves the apartment but by some miracle this was the time he was absent.
Then this morning my mom called me to have a chat. It started off decently enough but it only remained that way for so long. It didn’t take her long to start criticizing each and every element of my existence. From my job, my boyfriend, my living arrangement, the career I’ve decided to pursue, the fact I moved to a different state, my paycheck that’s lower than her friend’s daughter’s...…..You get the point. 
Now I’m sitting here, contemplating what the two years I’ve been in a relationship with Marcus mean to me. I guess it is just like a phone call from my mother - starts off nice but slowly deteriorates. All things follow this pattern in my life, apparently. And just like the phone calls, I’ve considered ending things between me and him many times but never actually decided on it. Until now. The last part of this decision is executing it, which doesn’t look very promising. My thumbs are frozen, hovering over the keyboard.
I take a second to take a look at my life from a third person point of view, like an out of body experience. I am wrapped in a blanket, huddled on the couch like a burrito with a face. A really sad burrito with a face. I have a job where I work as much as three highly ranked workers and get paid a little over a secretary’s paycheck. I’m in a constant state of exhaustion and disinterest. I often forget I’m human and just assume I can live like a cactus - no food, no water. I have a boyfriend that’s cheating on me and most likely has been for quite some time now. And we’ve been dating for two fucking years. Man, that must be the longest cheat streak in history. Who knows with how many girls as well. And I still have trouble deciding weather to break up with him or not. Actually no, scratch that, I have already decided, but it feel so unnatural and so out of character that my body refuses to complete the task of delivering the final blow to the structure of this relationship which was already weak to begin with.
And it only got weaker when I started catching feelings for another guy. I know, I know, I’m a bad person for that, but I was never planning to act on those feelings. They have always just...lingered, loomed over me. They got stronger and stronger every time Marcus and I would fight, as though they were laughing at my mock of a relationship.
Speaking of laughter, I hear my roommate laughing in his recording room. I gave him the spare room for his recording equipment for a cheap add to his rent fee and it’s probably the second best decision I’ve ever made - first being picking him to be my roommate. He was among the first to reply to my online add and appeared the least sketchy over the phone. More hypnotizing if I’m honest. He could’ve told me he was a hitman and I wouldn’t have batted an eye, handing the keys to his room and the apartment without a second thought. All he had to do was keep talking. Again, SUE ME.
“Fuck, I’m so fucking pathetic!“ I drop my phone when all the strings inside me snap, releasing the sobs and tears I’ve been holding back for so long.
I bring my knees up to my chest, hiding my head in between them, desperately trying to shield myself from the plane crash that is my life at the moment. Crying makes me feel even sadder and more miserable but I have nothing left to do to get all the crap that’s piled up inside me out.
I’m on the verge of falling asleep, the tears have dried and the sobs have died somewhere in my chest, when I hear what sounds like music straight from Robin Hood’s time. 
Holy shit, I’ve lost it
I lift my head from in-between my knees, looking around the living room for the source of the jolly, lighthearted tune which despite all the heaviness of my self-loathing makes me feel like the main character in an medieval adventure. Wait...Holy crap, it’s that medieval adventure, Robin Hood-ass music I hear from Corpse’s room!
I whip around to face the entrance from to the hallway where I see an arm sticking out, holding a phone which is where the music is coming from. 
“Corpse?“ I call out to him in a questioning manner, shifting to a sitting position with my blanket kicked off of me and bunched up next to me.
“I can’t tell if you’re angry or sad...or both. Didn’t want to get attacked upon entering the room.“ I see the right side of his face peek out as well.
I break out into laughter, covering my mouth with one hand, “You’re such a dork.”
He takes this as a sign to come in, pausing the music as he does so. “What’s wrong?”
My laugh stops but a smile remains on my face as I look at him. He just has that effect on me. “A lot. What’s going on with you?”
He shrugs his shoulders, plopping down on the couch, “The usual, streaming Among Us. You should play with me and my friends some time.”
I scoff, “I can pull of a lie no problem. Maybe I really should.” I don’t actually consider it, it’s just funny to think about. 
I have never watched any of Corpse’s content. Not his scary story videos, not his streams, not his animated compilations. Just his songs. And let me tell you...they are hella good. One song and I was hooked.
“Hey, I have a question.“ I tilt my head to look at him, “What’s with you and your love for medieval adventure music?“
“Medieval tavern music, and it’s not really love.“ He shakes his head with this dopey grin that is just. so. adorable. “More like a coping mechanism. Tell me, did you feel less sad I played it for you?“
I stop and think for a second. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Point made.“ He declares, leaving me to nod in amusement. “Now, tell me what that ‘a lot’ is.“
So, I do. I tell him everything, from how my boyfriend is cheating on me to how my mother thinks I’m a complete failure. He listens carefully, paying close attention to everything I’m saying. I catch myself laughing a few times while I retell the recent upsetting events.
Must be that music.
“So, you broke up?“ He asks once I end my monologue with a sigh
I shake my head disappointedly, “Not yet. I still haven’t pulled the plug. I don’t know what to say.”
He holds out his hand to me, “May I be of assistance?”
I look at his hand then at him and contemplate for only a second before deciding ‘what the hell’ and handing over my phone after unlocking it. The screen displays my boyfriend’s chat so Corpse just types away what he has in mind. Before pressing ‘send’, he hands the phone back to me. “Proofread it.”
‘Dear Marcus, this is one of your girlfriends speaking. Yes, one of them. You think I’m not onto what you’re doing, you little shit? Well, to your dismay, I am. And so, I discontinue this relation between us. That word might have been too long for your IQ so let me rephrase: We are over. Finished. Hope your other girlfriends wake up too, unless they are already in the know, of course. Love, but really hate, Y/N‘
I was never aware this level of sass even existed.
I add a smiling emoji and send the message, sighing in relief. “I can check that off my to-do list now.”
We both lean back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. A moment of comfortable silence takes over, leaving us both wandering in our own heads.
“Hey, um, I wanted to do this when I first moved in, but then I met your boyfriend and I took the hint. Now that you’re single, would you want to...“ he sounds a bit uncertain but continues regardless, “It’s ridiculous cause I don’t really like the idea of going out, but maybe we could order take-out...“
“Are you circling around asking me on an at-home date?“ I am surprised by how unbothered I manage to sound while I’m squealing on the inside. It’s fascinating how quickly a person can flip someone’s day around. Turns out it wasn’t the music at all. It was him that had the positive effect on mine.
Out of the corner of my eye I catch his face turn red and have to contain my laughter. The grin can’t be tamed though, especially not when he says, “Yes.”
Internally squealing, I launch myself from the couch, standing up straight in front of him. “Thai. My usual order is on the sticky note on the fridge. But first,” I offer him my hand, “I need to find out if a person can even dance to that ridiculous music.” At his amusement, my grin widens, “May I have this dance?”
He laughs that adorable laugh of his I’ve only heard through the layer of a wooden door. It’s even cuter when there’s nothing between me and its source. The source is cute too, not gonna lie.
With a shake of his head which is most likely disbelief, he takes the hand I’ve offered him, saying: “And you call me a dork.” 
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze
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kat-got-lost · 4 years
hello hello!!!! could i perhaps request some poly!dt hcs w a transmasc s/o? (only if ur comfy writing it tho!) tysm <3
(A/N aaaa as a transmasc person this request made me super happy :D was very fun to write, tried a new format with this just because i didn’t really know what to write) 
poly!dt x transmasc!reader (he/they pronouns used :)
warnings// mentions of dysphoria (talks about them comforting you on a bad dysphoria day), really light mention transphobia 
genre// fluff, angst if you squint r e a l l y hard
format// headcanons, drabble 
these boys love you so much, they do as much as they can to make you feel comfy 
bad dysphoria days
these boys would be so sweet if your dysphoria was particularly bad that day 
dream absolutely pampers you
you want his hoodie? of course, take all of them! you wanna dress up and go out someplace fancy? he’s already making reservations and telling sapnap nd george. you just wanna cuddle with him and watch TV? that’s great too, he’s already on the couch waiting for you to snuggle up with you
(if you don’t/can’t wear a binder just skip the line under this, reminder that even if you don’t wanna/can’t bind ur still so valid ily bby my dms r always open <33 /p)
if it was a really r e a l l y bad day, he would encourage you to wear one of his larger hoodies because he knew if you got your binder on you probably wouldn’t take it off until a couple days later. of course if you really wanted he wouldn’t stop you, but he’d instead remind you to take it off after 7 hours 
dream goes all out, he does anything to distract you from how you’re feeling. he cooks/helps you make your comfort food and you spend the rest of the day cuddled up in blankets watching your favorite shows or playing games with george and sap 
sapnap is very affectionate with you
he doesn’t always know what to do when you’re having a bad day but he offers you all the support and comfort he can 
will drown you in his hoodies, blankets and cuddles 
he’ll probably bake with you or bake for you, he’ll make cupcakes, bread, brownies, anything he thinks you’d enjoy
george is so soft with you
he’ll be gently cuddling you and tracing shapes and circles on your arms and back
just has a nice lazy day with you and your two other boyfriends 
so sweet about everything, lets you cry into his chest if you need to whisphering out quiet “shh it’s okay baby let it out” or he’d let you rant about how ever you were feeling letting out a “it’s alright, get it all out love, im right here” while running his fingers through your hair/slowly running his hand up and down your back
all three of them are so sweet and so caring when you’re having a bad day and are willing to do whatever they can to make you feel better 
confronting a transphobe
dream is the one who tries his best to be calm and rational about it
he’ll calmly tell whoever’s being transphobic to you to “knock it off” with a cold smile
if they continue he’ll stop being as nice and glare with a scarily calm smile with an almost eerie calm voice “he’s my boyfriend and if you’re not gonna respect him i’m gonna need you to fuck off”
sapnap is the one trying to throw hands
literally you, dream, and george needed to restrain him from punching a couple of toxic fans who saw you guys and made some not so great comments 
would grab whoever invalidated you by their shirt collar and go “what’d you say bitch? that lovely person over there happens to by my boyfriend, and if you’re not gonna give him some basic respect im gonna need to get violent. so you’re either going to go give them an apology or fuck off.”
george would be the one who gives sends them death glares
he knows dream and sapnap have it covered so he mainly keeps his attention on you makin sure you’re alright
“you okay love? it’s alright, we’re here. don’t listen to them, you’re so valid sweetheart. you’re our handsome baby and no one can ever change that.”
sends whoever made nasty comments about you death glares while he hugs you and gently presses your face into his chest 
overall these boys are so sweet and adorable and they do everything they can to make you feel valid, safe, and loved
(A/N i am so tired, and so soft holy crap)
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klvbxlove · 3 years
lunch (yosuke x introverted! gn! reader)
a/n: damn, i’m really out here with ANOTHER yosuke fic, aren’t i? not that i hate it, i have some fun writing for him! but i still can’t get over that one anon calling me a “subconscious yosuke kin” (to whoever sent me that, thanks LMAO). now, a bit off topic, i really wanna try to write for the investigation team girls as well, but i’m having a bit difficulty. so please note that it’s not like i hate the girls (if anything, they’re cool! i especially love naoto. i may or may not have a crush on her). it might take awhile for me to put out another fanfic for one of them that i actually like. 
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reader type: gender neutral
reader specification(s): reader is an introvert (**)
genre(s): fluff
trigger warning(s): none
summary: yosuke noticed that you haven’t made the effort to make friends, let alone talk to at least one person, since the day you transferred to his class. he decided he would change that and invite you to lunch.
word count: 1.6k words
(**) i know i could’ve written this in the a/n above, but i felt like i had to point it this right BEFORE the drabble starts. for some people, the reader might not sound like an introvert. i understand. however, being an introvert myself, i did base the reader a little bit off of me and how i act around new people talking to me. 
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(l/n) = last name
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   Yosuke knew that sometimes it would be considered rude (and creepy) to stare at a person for an extended period. 
   But was that enough to stop him from staring at you, though? No.
   Whenever he got a chance during class, Yosuke would gaze his brown eyes upon you. Ninety-nine percent of the time, you would be sitting alone at your desk and not paying attention to anyone around you. And either you would be reading a book or going on your phone. You were always so focused, as well. Yosuke swore the whole class could be extremely high on drugs, and you would pay no mind to it whatsoever. 
   It had only been a few days since you had transferred to his class, but as far as he knew, you still had not made any friends. Although, it did look like you did not care about it. He had never seen you trying to talk to one person in class before, either. 
   Yosuke knew himself as a bit of an extravert who has no problem making friends most of the time. So if anything, he expected himself to have gone up to you and at least introduced himself. But no, instead, all he has been doing was staring at you. Yosuke was conflicted on whether to talk to you or leave you alone. For all he knew, you probably did not like socializing with anyone. 
   At the moment you looked up to make eye contact, Yosuke immediately turned around in his seat. Oh God, he could only hope he did not look awkward or creepy doing that. The last thing he wanted was for a new classmate to have a negative impression on him. 
   Okay, he thought to himself. Maybe I can talk to the new student during lunch later. Maybe I could even invite them to eat with me! Well, unless they don’t want to. I mean, I hope they accept my offer.
   Holy crap, I did it! Yosuke felt like he was going stiff for the billionth time. He was currently sitting next to you on the rooftop after you had (surprisingly) accepted his invitation. Although, there was a bit of awkwardness in the air during this time. Yosuke felt too awkward to start eating as he could not help but steal a few more glances at you. Meanwhile, you were eating your lunch in silence while you looked off in the distance. 
   You gotta say at least one thing to (L/N), you know.
   “So, um, what do you think about Yasogami High so far? Is it alright?” Well, it was a bit of an unusual question, but Yosuke figured that he would start with that. “Or, what about Inaba?” 
   You hummed, thinking of how to answer as you chewed your food. “It’s alright. I mean, I haven’t gotten the chance to explore Inaba yet after moving in, so I can’t say how I feel about it so far.”
   Yosuke nodded in understanding. As much as he enjoyed living in Inaba, it was not comparable to big cities in Japan like Tokyo and Osaka. 
   And now that he thought about it, today was also the first time he got to hear your voice again. The last time Yosuke heard you talk was when you had to introduce yourself in front of your new classmates. Since then, you remained quiet amongst the class. 
   But then again, it already sent strange beatings to his heart for no reason. 
   “Is there a reason why you moved here?”
   “Oh, one of my guardians just got a new job in Inaba, so we had to relocate so they could be closer,” you explained. “Well, actually, they also got another job offer in Kyoto, but they wanted to settle with the one here in Inaba. So I was just like, ‘Alright,’”
   For some reason, this intrigued Yosuke. “Interesting,” he commented as he took a bite of his food. “So I assume your family is the quiet type, right?” 
   “Not exactly,” you shrugged. “I mean, I got some extraverted family members. But for a few months, my family began thinking maybe moving somewhere quieter would be a nice change. Not that they hated the city or anything, you know?” 
   “No worries, I get it,” Yosuke smiled at you. “Inaba might not be a big and interesting place, but you learn to like it over time,” 
   But at this moment, Yosuke felt a weird feeling in him when you chuckled, “Yeah, hopefully, I will,” you noted.
   Yosuke had no idea why he suddenly felt a bold of confidence. Just a moment ago, he was hesitant to invite you up to the rooftop for lunch! But he figured he would go through with it. 
   “If you want, I could show you around Inaba during the weekend! I can even bring along my friends, who are all not at school at the moment.”
   You pondered for a bit before you smiled. “That would be nice. I’ll consider it.” Then you tilted your head “And your friends are absent? Like, all of them?” 
   Yosuke chuckled sheepishly. “Yeah, literally all of them. All I know is that Yukiko is on vacation with her family, Chie got sick yesterday, and Yu lives in Tokyo. Not sure about Rise, Kanji, and Naoto. So I’m pretty much alone for the day.”
   Wait, he just caught himself. “Oh. Well, I guess ‘alone’ would be the wrong word now that I’m hanging out with you. Haha, oops!” he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. 
   The awkwardness was rubbing off on Yosuke, and he hated it. Why can he not ever be awesome? He was almost glad when you spoke up. Although, he was scared of your answer.
    “You’re all good,” you smiled as you closed your bento box and put it aside. “I mean, yeah. It honestly sucks when almost all your friends are absent from school. For me, I just sit in class and at lunch alone like, ‘This sucks. Why did you guys have to leave me?!’  
   “It’s kinda weird. Being an introvert, you would think I love lonely and having little to no friends. But no, I still need my small group of friends with me to make it through the school day, or else it will get boring as hell.” 
   Yosuke smiled. “Same here! My friends are great, even though sometimes they can be a pain in the ass. I can feel lonely when I’m not with them for long periods. It was why I wanted to invite you to eat lunch with me. And I also wanted to get a chance to get to know you after you arrived here a few days ago. 
   “Although, I gotta be honest. I was a bit worried that you would decline me. I dunno. I assumed you were the type of person who hated it when someone tries to talk to you. I-Is that a bit weird?” 
   Why are you asking if it's weird? OF COURSE, IT IS!
   Stop making this more awkward for yourself! For all you know, you’re probably making (L/N) uncomfortable!!
   “Hanamura, it’s fine. Not weird at all!” you let out a light laugh. “Listen, it’s not necessarily a thing where I loathe people talking to me. But only if if they come up to me first. Other than that, I would much rather be quiet. If I’m with my close friends, then I can be a bit more talkative. 
   “But I mean, it’s so funny,” you continued, smiling. “My guardians say I’m such an extravert around my close friends and cousins. I talk so much around them, yet with strangers or people I barely know, I’m dead silent. I guess if I become more comfortable around a person, I won’t be as shy.” 
   God damn it, Yosuke knew this might be weird to ask. But he just had to know. “So…I assume you’re slowly becoming comfortable around me? I mean, you are talking a lot!”
   “I guess I am!” you said.
   Well, that was one hell of a quick answer. Eh, not that he minded! 
   Moments passed, but before Yosuke knew it, the both of you continued to talk more. It was not as if he had been around you for the longest time, but he felt like he knew more about you. He felt proud of himself for getting you to open up to him.
   And at this point, Yosuke looked up. He noticed how many of the students who were also on the rooftop were beginning to head inside.
   “Well, class is starting soon. We should probably get going before we’re late,” Yosuke suggested. You nodded in agreement, and both of you stood up. 
   “Hey, Hanamura,” you spoke up. In turn, Yosuke turned to face you and saw a soft smile on your lips (and a blush on his cheeks! Wait, no—).
    “Thanks for inviting me to lunch today, I enjoyed it a lot,” you thanked him, “And I appreciated you talking to me. You were the first person at school to have done that so far. Even though I like being alone, I still liked hanging out with someone after days of barely knowing anyone here.”
   Yosuke knew this for sure. He was proud of himself for offering you the invitation. If he had not, high chances were that you would have continued being quiet, and he would have no clue about who you were. So smiling back at you, Yosuke said, “It’s no problem at all, (L/N)! I enjoyed it, too. Wait, give me just a sec.”
   You tilted your head in confusion when Yosuke pulled out his phone and gave it to you. In a matter of seconds, you realized what the brown-haired boy wanted, judging by the screen showing. But still, you wanted to hear him say it. 
   “Put your phone number in here. And I can text you after school!” 
   With a soft chuckle, you did as Yosuke did. You especially loved seeing his eyes glisten with excitement after handing his phone back.
   And the both of you eventually went back to your classroom, feeling bliss in the air. 
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sunnysidevans · 4 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 : 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝
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Summary: Everyone goes through stages in life, meeting new people, falling in love, getting married , having children. Some people think it won’t happen to them but maybe fate hadn’t lead you in the right direction.
Warnings: COMPLETE FLUFF , mentions of anxiety , mostly fluff an some swear words
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
AUTHORS NOTE: Holy crap!! we have made it to the end of another series!! what?! I have enjoyed writing this series so much, it was an idea that sat in the brain for a while and I can’t thank you enough for reading and enjoying it. I can’t believe I have finished this and I just hope you have enjoyed. Thank you all again. xo. 
As the alarm clock beside you blared in your ear you reached over, hitting it off and rolled over to face your husband. Groaning you opened your eyes as you felt the bed shift with his weight. Watching his back as he made his way to the closet you sighed “do you really have to go?” you asked as you tried to sit up slowly with your swollen belly. He sighed, “Yes baby, I’m sorry it’s just a quick meeting before the few weeks we take off” he said as he laid his pants out on the end of the bed with his suit, you smiled as he smiled at you from the end of the bed “i’m gonna shower alright?” he asked as you nodded slowly “yeah, I’ll go down and iron your pants” you said as you slowly made your way out of bed. Smiling Chris made his way to you as he placed his hands on your stomach with a grin, “hi little one” he smiled kissing your stomach gently as you giggled, looking up at you through his lashes he raised his eyebrows “no matter how much you do that, your beard always tickled me” you smiled as he laughed and made his way to the bathroom.
Making your way slowly downstairs,  groaning, being pregnant you were guilty of becoming clingy to Chris. Before you were completely okay with the weird schedule that came with his life but as you have progressed and as the hormones have become more powerful you couldn’t be away from him. Chris was heading out for a few days to help with his projects and you weren’t able to travel as your due date was quickly approaching. Getting everything out you began to iron his suit pants as he showered upstairs. As you hung the pants up on the hanger with his top and his tie, Chris made his way out of the bathroom, towel around his waist, dangerously low. You turned as you made eye contact with him as you knew you wouldn’t let him go if you kept the eye contact. “I know you don’t want me to go” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around you from behind “I promise it won't be that long, plus mom is gonna stay a few nights with you incase you go into labor” he rubbing soothing circles with his thumbs on your stomach. You nodded as you rested your hands on his “I know I just don’t know what's happening” you admitted as he grinned “it’s just the little one making you feel your feelings more intensely”  he kissed your temple and made his way to get dressed. 
Sitting on the couch you waited for Chris. You began to pet  dodgers head as it laid in your lap as you sat back and waited. Sitting up, Dodger made his way to Chris at the end of the steps with a happy bark which soon changed, noticing the bag at his side. Slowly you made your way to your feet as you walked to him at the door. “I love you okay?” he smiled as you nodded, you felt the tears pricking your eyes as you took a deep breath. “I love you too babe” you smiled back at him as he leaned down to your belly, “Do not even think of coming while I’m gone” he grinned as you giggled at the kick, “I think I felt an okay dad in there” you smiled as he stood and kissed the top of your head. You followed him to the door as you stood on the porch and saw him off, hand on your stomach, turning to you you smiled and waved to him as he went to get in the car he blew a kiss to you, in which you caught and held to your chest. Making your way inside you shut the door with a deep breath, wiping your cheeks, You felt like a child crying as he was gone, “god damn hormones” you whispered as you sat down on the couch with dodger and began the waiting game, for three days. 
Falling asleep on the couch you groaned as you adjusted and noticed a blanket and a cup of water on the table, furrowing your eyebrows you sat up, looking around the house you noticed the light on in the kitchen. Getting up slowly you grabbed the candle sitting on the living room coffee table, making your way to the kitchen you were met with your mother in law, making soup at the stove. “Holy shit” you whispered “hey!” Lisa replied quickly “don’t scare a pregnant woman! You startled me!” you laughed, hand on your chest as she smiled. Making your way to the stove you gave a small side hug “hi ma, how are you?” you asked as she smiled “I wanted you to eat, Chris called form the airport and said you weren’t taking him leaving well” you sighed as you finally made your way to sit down at the table and nodded “I didn’t”. She turned to you with the bowl of soup and crackers, “what's going on?” she asked as she set the bowl in front of you and a bowl down for herself. “I think I’m nervous I will go into labor while he’s gone?” you questioned as you turned to face her “I of course missed him when he had to leave before but I feel, worse this time” you looked at her as she nodded “well honey, your hormones too are much higher but it’s completely normal to feel that way, he’s gonna be gone out of the area its okay!” she took your hand gently “I’m here for you the next few days and I won't let that baby out if it kills me” you laughed as you smiled and squeezed her hand gently. 
The three days Chris was gone was hard for you. Your anxiety was higher than ever as you worried the baby would come before he made it home, You couldn’t think of having the baby without him. You heard the door open from the end of the steps as you smiled, waddling your way down the steps you smiled as he looked at you. “There’s my precious cargo” he smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck “hey what about me?” you asked, as he shrugged “eh you work too” you laughed as you kissed his lips gently. “You have a good trip?” you asked as he nodded as you took his bag and made your way upstairs slowly, “Yeah! It was boring but it was great! I enjoyed it alot” you smiled at his reply and nodded. Sorting his bag out you tossed what belonged in the laundry in the bin and took care of what was clean. “Did Ma staying help you?” he asked as he climbed into the bed, sweatpants and hoodie in tow, his slippers on. You nodded eagerly as you joined him in bed “yes I appreciate her staying with me” you smiled as you climbed into his side, laying your head on his chest. “Good” he whispered as he traced shapes on your back slowly, the tv playing lowly “I’m glad the baby listened” he smiled as you nodded “Me too” you giggled nuzzling closer into his chest wrapping your arms around his waist. 
With your due date a week in sight Chris was not letting you do anything. You attempted to do laundry, couldn’t. You would attempt to do dishes, make dinner, Chris would not let you leave the sights of the bedroom or the living room, It didn’t help Dodger was in on this as well and wouldn’t let you leave his sights either. You covered yourself with the comforter as Chris made his way around the corner, carrying a tray, “what's this?” you smiled as dodger had joined you shortly after. “Well, I brought us cocoa, and some snacks and I thought we could watch a movie!” he grinned as you smiled widely, you nodded as you took the mug “that’s a wonderful idea baby” you smiled “you’re picking the movie” you sat back as you sipped the cocoa. Making himself comfortable Chris chose the movie, as you made yourself comfortable in his side you smiled. As you were comfortable you stopped and looked at him, as he took in your face he furrowed his eyebrows “what’s wrong baby?” he asked as you set your mug down “uh not to alarm you but I think my water just broke”.
As soon as your water broke Chris was in full super husband/dad mode. You didn’t have a chance to even help grab the hospital bag you two had packed. “Okay buddy you hold down the fort, when we come back you will have your new little friend!” Chris yelled as he closed the door behind him and helped you down the steps and into the car, as you continued your breathing exercises given to you in class. Holding your hand as he sped off to the hospital Chris continued his breathing “I’m the one having the baby” you laughed as you gripped his hand “I know but shit i’m nervous” he groaned as the light turned red. “Are you okay?!” he asked as he turned to you as you nodded “yes yes I’m okay I-” you cut yourself off as the contraction hit. Making it to the hospital Chris carried you to the doors where nurses got you a wheelchair and before you knew it you were in a room and in a gown, your husband beside you. 
After a thirty six hour labor and Chris almost passing out in the delivery room with you. You sat in the bed, sore and slightly sedated as you were handed the little baby in the pink blanket. You couldn’t help but coo as the nurse set her in your arms, smiling as you adjusted the blanket for her little hand to soon grab hold of your fingers. “Hi little one” you whispered as she soon opened her eyes and blue little orbs met yours. Soon you felt a presence beside you and felt Chris’s hand on your hair, stroking it slowly “can you believe we made that?” he asked as you smiled looking at him to see the tears falling down his cheeks gently, reaching out you gently wiped his cheeks and whispered “We did make her” you smiled “I can’t believe it”. “Here let me take her” he whispered, “you need to rest” you smiled as you handed her to Chris. “Hi there little one, Hi Violet” he whispered to her as he sat down in the chair and continued to make faces at his little girl. 
You laid in the bed as you listened to him talk to your little girl, if someone asked you almost five years ago if this was where you’d be, married happily with a baby, you would’ve laughed at them. You didn’t think you would ever find a man worth your time, worth the energy to put in, yet in the bar that night, he met you unexpectedly, you had no idea a plate of cheese fries and a slice of pizza would find you the love of your life, nor did you think it would bring you this. You couldn’t help but thank that plate of cheese fries for what it’s brought you. A plate of cheese fries bringing you through the stages of life, stages you never anticipated to happen for you.
TAGLIST: @onetwo3000​ | @memoriesat30 | @denise1605 | @angrybirdcr @hopefulbonkvoidland | @tessa-bl | @patzammit | @uniquebeautyqueen | @cocomel0613
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