#i need to relisten to the stolen
prim-moth · 2 months
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fantasy-costco · 1 year
Lucretia adventurezone is literally the most character ever. I love her. There is so much wrong with her. she's perfect.
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kalmeria · 1 year
the horror of the narrative not allowing a character to die <3
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victory-cookies · 2 months
I need story and song. now
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
i need t get back to watching orphan black idk recently my fahorite thing to do is to start watching somrthing and then lose steam 3/5ths of the way through
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acornsandcarnelian · 1 year
Relistening to stolen century hurts every time. Idk what kind of magic griffin weaved into it, but no matter how many times I relisten it still hits just as hard. Like, huh, it's all about love, isn't it? It's about trying your best, about trying to protect your family, about fucking up and trying to fix it. It's about "I love you" and "I'm sorry" and "it'll be harder if you remember me" and "you die, but it's okay because you know they made it". It's about starting again and again, about questioning your morals, about doing your best, about learning to lean on people, about having that taken away from you. Its about feeling love and trust and pain without knowing their target. That's life, isn't it? I need to lie down.
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urfavoritewizard · 9 months
It’s been 10 years since TAZ: Balance came out and I’m still having such big feelings about Lucretia (I relistened to the entire season and it crushed me as always)
Anyways I need you all to imagine what Lucretia went through after the Stolen Century bc a lot of y’all still demonize her for what she did not realizing how young and scared she was bc y’all keep imagining her as a wisened 50-something
But she’s not actually in her 50s, that’s just how old her body ended up after her time in Wonderland
She and Magnus are around the same age, which means that before she spent that decade trying to find the Grand Relics by herself, she and Magnus were in their early/mid-20s
Imagine Lucretia falling in love with Magnus during the stolen century and not saying anything bc she spent so much of that period being shy and just taking notes on everything that happened around her and not really doing anything or actively spending time with anyone
Imagine Lucretia at 25 panicking about the Hunger and realizing that the only way to keep her friends safe was to make them forget about the Hunger and the relics they made, and make them forget about *her*
Imagine Lucretia at 25 meticulously choosing where to put her friends so that they’d live good lives, blissfully unaware of the oncoming apocalypse
Imagine Lucretia at 30 (now physically 50) learning that Taako’s career as a professional chef was cut short bc Sazed sabotaged him and poisoned and killed 40 people
Imagine Lucretia finding out that Merle was in a loveless marriage and walked out on his family, something he never would’ve done during the Stolen Century
Imagine Lucretia finding out that Magnus fell in love with someone *who wasn’t her* and got married and saved his town and then lost everything
Imagine Madame Director Lucretia looking him in the eyes, acting like she never knew him, crushed by the weight of the knowledge that he can never know who she is or how much she loves him, and that even if he remembered her, he would never love her the way he loved Julia
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lyx456 · 3 months
Just finished listening to the thunder saga (also to the not stolen troy and cyclops obviously) and HOLY FUCK IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD MY GOD I NEED TO RELISTEN LIKE 20 TIMES IN A ROW RN JUST OMG
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plantwriting · 5 months
I am in purgatory or perhaps hell (had a 3 hour nap that I got up from around 10pm and have not been able to fall asleep and it is now 3:40am).
anyways, could u talk abt some headcanons that you've been wanting to? /nf ^-^
Oh shit sorry to hear that, can kinda relate I woke up at like 3.30 am and couldn’t fall back asleep today lol, hope you can get some rest though
Also! Absolutely!!!! Hold on entering my mind palace hhhh
Kian has NPD. I know this. In my heart. Very much like a case of “I /need/ to be better than others because if I’m not then I don’t have any worth at all”. Like he holds himself to impossibly high standards that he would never actually expect from anyone else because he’s supposed to be different
Rand also has npd. I also know this in my heart.
Got reminded of this while relistening to ep 4, when I first listened I just like. Decided to hc Rolan as transfem. And then promptly forgot and made him into a gay man instead oops
Rand was given Barc as an emotional support animal after Rachel disappeared
Kian’s parents were teens when they had him, which. Definitely played a role in why they didn’t do a great job with him. I imagine at least one of them (specifically his mom idk why) had like very strict parents who like. Disowned them when they got pregnant which is a pretty big part in why they ended up how they did
Rolan was a weird mix of super anxious and super obedient but then also extremely rebellious when they were young. Like extreme switches between being terrified of doing anything wrong and disappointing his parents and then a day later running away for a few days and getting drunk with the others because he just couldnt handle them
Stolen from @cleverpaws Rolan had like. Longish hair as a teen. Basically as long as his parents would let him have it
Kian went through like every possible hair color as a kid and preteen before settling on blonde because Identity Issues
Have. Touched on it a bit in the series but yeah Kian in my mind definitely did sex work at some point while living in Hollywood. He stopped after someone literally like nearly killed him (which i also referenced in that one oneshot! Fun times)
Becky’s band stayed together after her death/disapperance and ended up pretty popular. Like. Not a household name but they would definitely have a bit of a cult following especially within lgbtq+ circles
Rand was the tallest of the guys for so many years and he was so upset when Rolan had a sudden growth spurt and got tall
Also. Stolen from my convos with cleverpaws Kian was Rachel’s favorite babysitter because he 1. Would listen to her infodump 2. Was the only one that would agree to like. Play dressup and such with her and 3. Was actually smart enough to somewhat understand what she was talking about
I have talked about this before but. Rand. In my heart. Would not be skinny he is overweight and i need this to be more popular as a hc
Coming back from the dead healed all of kian’s wounds which unfortunately included his piercings :( he needs to get them redone oof (at least he still has his tattoos)
Speaking. Of tattoos: the guys would all get matching tattoos after everything happened
Not really a headcanon per se. But. I did realize yesterday that ive kinda accidentally started thinking of what happened between kian and becky under that tree as like. An allegory for sexual assault. Which. Yeah. Rough.
Mentioned both in the coming out oneshot and in a previous post at some point but kian has just a small box of things that mean a lot to him that he keeps hidden away and managed to keep safe even while homeless and stuff. It will definitely show up later on in the fic
Rolan has gone to a gay bar once, almost had a panic attack, and decided to never try again
No clue if i will include this in the therapy series or not. Also cant remember if ive made a post about this or not. But. Rand would start working out at some point after they all survived simply to flirt with kian better (pick him up. He just wants to be able to carry kian around)
Speaking of rand after they all survived (im not in denial shut up) he would eventually discover just a very genuine care for gardening. Like. Non weed plants. Hed grow a very nice garden in their backyard :)
Rolan has had 4 girlfriends in the past, one in high school, one in college, and then two afterwards. They all ended relatively calmly
I can absolutely give more if you want but to not make the post way too long here it is lol
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cobalt-knave · 8 months
Gotta know about the Merle and Nastya frech friends fic 💚
ALRIGHT SO. We all know Nastya Rasputina, fucker of spaceships, and Merle "I don't need your help to fuck an onion" Hitower Highchurch. During my last relisten of TAZ Balance, I realized "Hey, here we have two objectum characters who revel in the disgust of their closest friends at that fact. What if they were friends?"
So, in the Stolen Century, the Starblaster crew encountered the Aurora, and while everyone else is fighting, Merle and Nastya are having tea and becoming besties.
Nastya: This is the ship. She is my girlfriend.
Merle: Well, she's not my type, but she sure is hot stuff!
Nastya: You get to live.
Jonny and Taako outside: GROSS STOP THIS RIGHT NOW
I didn't get very far in it, so I don't have a very relevant excerpt to share, but here you go:
“Looks like it’s gonna be a bit of rough flying, team. Hold onto your butts!” Davenport’s voice echoed throughout the Starblaster. The crew hastened to get properly strapped in. “Hold onto your butts” meant things were really gonna be rough sailing; Davenport didn’t trot that one out lightly. It meant either the crew was being pursued by another ship or some kind of dragon or, on one notable occasion, a very large frog. Or that good ol’ Cap’n’port had decided to fly loop-de-loops for fun. The latter was only common during the calmer cycles, especially if Lup and Davenport were left unsupervised. She loved “Lup-de-Lups” and would use her “badass wizard magic” to give the ship a boost.
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prim-moth · 2 months
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just finished reading adventure zone suffering game AAAAAA. its so good. fuck me theres one more taz balance comic to come. the back said "the adventure concludes in taz story and song" so im assuming theyre combining story and song and the stolen century together ? that seems like a lazy choice but i get it .oh well. fuck in excited FUCK i NEED to do a full relisten of taz balance oh my god
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bluejayblueskies · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @three-magpies-in-a-trenchcoat for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
130 (more if you count my side accounts and anonymous fics)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
958,861 (so close to a million,,,)
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Right now, primarily Malevolent, but I've written for TMA a lot in the past as well. I also have some ideas for RQG fic since I've been relistening to that podcast!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Cube Rule of Food Identification (TMA)
Just Married (Voltron)
it will be this, always (TMA)
a six-step process (TMA)
ten thousand flowers in spring (TMA) (i had no idea this had jumped to spot number 5!!!)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I used to, and I still want to, but I always feel like I need to have something to say more than "thank you so much!" and I get stuck in the paralysis of what to say and then forget to respond at all 😅 but if people ask me a direct question, I will usually answer it!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Hmmm. I write a lot of angst, but I trend towards happy endings rather than unhappy endings, so that's tough.
Oh! So this is on my side account for Malevolent, but The Curation and Preservation of Arthur Lester is probably the closest thing I have to a fic with an angsty ending (that is, it ends very badly for Arthur). Maybe on a more emotionally angsty side, as the pendulum swings? I think that fic generally has an ambiguous/hopeful ending, but only in terms of "they are no longer trapped in the time loop;" all the effects of the loop still remain, consciously or not.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Also a hard question, mostly because I tend to write endings that are a bit.... not open-ended, but more "this isn't 100% resolved but it will be in the future and the steps are there but that's a journey the characters have to take on their own." That said, I think By Virtue of Divine Providence is probably my most straightforward happy ending, where "they lived happily ever after for all eternity" is the general vibe.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Not that I know of, though I'm sure it's happened at some point somewhere. Nothing to my face though (yet).
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
I do! I typically either write a) sex scenes that fit into the context of a longer fic as a plot point, which tend to be pretty straightforward "sex happened and it was emotional and significant for both people involved" or b) kinky and/or dead dove one-shots that usually get posted on side accounts or anonymously. (Mostly because my bookbinding imprint is tied to this username, and I like to maintain a sort of separation in case anyone IRL comes looking.)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
I'm not a big crossover person, reading or writing. I think I maybe wrote a superwholock crossover when I was 14-15? But that's about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
I sure hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not that I know of, though people have done podfics or bookbinds of my fics before!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
No, but I'd love to try it some day!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? 
100% jonmartin; I'll probably never be over them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I have an unfinished TMA longfic, Seen, Unseen, Unsung that I have fully outlined but will very likely never finish writing.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm good at internal monologues (ie letting the character ramble for a bit), emotional beats (particularly angsty ones), and writing dialogue that sounds like something the character in question would say.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
I'm so bad at writing romance (and yet I keep trying 😅). Established romance? Fine, okay, I can do that. Budding romance? I have absolutely no idea and rely pretty much entirely on tropes I've seen in other fics or books/TV shows/movies/etc.. Also, I feel that I struggle a bit with transitions between scenes that aren't hard scene break cuts.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
If I do, I usually do something along the lines of, "He said in Spanish, 'Don't go over there!'" for ease of reading and because my translations would probably be horrible.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Probably Supernatural.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hands-down whiskey old fashioned sour. It's such a fun world to play in, and I really enjoyed writing all the little newspaper/extra tidbits for it, and I have many more ideas swirling around in my brain for it. By Virtue of Divine Providence is a close second though.
I'll go ahead and tag @shadow0haven, @organchordsandlightning, @captaincravatthecapricious, @splitting-infinities, and anybody else who's interested!
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spelviin · 2 months
it took forever for my copy of the suffering game to actually get here but i don't even care bc LUP!!!!!! my darling girl!!!! she's finally here!!!! and she's beautiful!!!!
fr the HOW are they gonna fit stolen century AND story and song into one volume? like they truncated suffering game itself quite a bit, which i get bc it was p repetitive, and i guess SC was too, but idk. it feels like a big undertaking.
anyways i'm just. beside myself and i absolutely need to do a full taz relisten immediately
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thecoddaughter · 1 year
TLT: The Musical (QSMP Edition)
So I was driving two weeks ago and listening to the album, thinking of the eggs. Then this week I found an animatic that I link later that finally made me make this post.
Prologue - All the eggs about Mama Dragon 
The Day I Got Expelled - Dapper
“It mostly gets you killed in very nasty ways,” this kid has a lot of close calls and 2 nightmares. 
Strong - BadBoyHalo & Dapper
I don’t want to just call Dapper Percy but then I relistened to this song. It is Skeppy-core. “Blue food isn't normal, blue food is strange and that's why it's my favorite. I never want to change. To make it boring orange or green. Why be blah? When there's aquamarine?”
The Minotaur/The Weirdest Dream - Chayanne’s Nightmare vibes…
Another Terrible Day - Teacher Quackity
“So don't expect me to be happy to see you. Of course, being alive is temporary”  Selina: Forever Katie: Tallulah 
Their Sign -
Percy: Tallulah - “The guy didn't need to be "Dad of the Year" but it's clear he could've shown us a sign” Chiron: BadBoyHalo - Vague yet philosophical is his whole shtick  Luke: Chayanne - oldest sibling core, “When parents are distant or seem non-existent; Hang on, 'cause you're gonna be fine.” Put You In Your Place -  Clarisse: Chayanne, server’s known protector (dad Philza) Annabeth: Pomme, servers most underestimated warrior (dads Etoiles & BadBoyHalo)
Campfire Song - 
Luke: Chayanne, eldest egg - “I'd wait by the phone, but the phone never rings” Percy: Pomme, youngest egg - “I hope he shows even a trace 'cause I got some choice words to throw in his face!” Annabeth: Leo - “She's sworn off gluten and she's sworn off guys… my dad works all day so I left Virginia and I ran away” Katie: Dapper - “She gets excited when it starts to rain but planting and planting and planting's a pain.” (I know he likes the farm, shhhhh) Grover: Tallulah - “He went for a hike to explore new frontiers and no one has seen him for thousands of years” Chiron: JuanaFlippa (ghost) - “My father is Kronos… Remember my lecture… He ate his children” Selina: Richarylson - “The goddess of love, my mom's Aphrodite. She tries to be cool but mainly she's flighty.”
The Oracle - Angel and Foolish
“You shall find what was stolen and see it restored… You shall be betrayed by one who calls you friend… And you shall fail to save what matters most in the end”
Good Kid - Richarylson
This poor kid is cursed with disappearing parents who feels its somehow his fault.  “Gabe was a world-class jerk. Dad was never there. The only family that really mattered? Well, she vanished into the air and now I finally find a haven. Someplace safe, where I can stay 'till it's "Pack your bags, Percy! Now go, go away!"
Killer Quest -
Percy: Richarylson - “I'm leaving now, I better pack; Hades took my mom, I'm taking her back” Grover: Dapper - “You're my best friend, dude, so don't get mad but I suspect you'll need protecting when things get bad” Annabeth: Pomme - “Five long years stuck at camp underneath Athena's locked down clamp, been waiting for my chance to prove I'm champ!”
Lost! - (go watch the amazing animatic to this song by MeapleTea that I talked about yesterday)
Percy: Tallulah Annabeth: Chayanne Grover: Ramon? (idk, i was trying to think about who they hang out with the most and i’ve seen a few clips of Phil and Fit recently, the wiki about eggs is outdated and i’m not up to date yet)
My Grand Plan - Pomme
“​​I've always been a tough girl. Always been the one not to run from a fight. Always been a tough girl 'cause most girls never win if they're polite” “Someone will notice me”
Drive - Bobby’s Dungeon :(
Jaiden: “Yo, guys, are you aware we keep surviving every creepy crazy thing” Weather changes: “As you can see, Bob, we've got thunder and flooding and hurricane-level winds. We urge all citizens to stay off the road…” Is Ares Cucurucho??
Weirdest Dream (reprise) - Dapper’s Nightmare vibes…
Tree On The Hill - BadBoyHalo (Alternatively Slime about Tilin)
If Pomme ever asked him about JuannaFlippa. He wanted to take her away from harm so badly.  “There's a tree on the hill, up on Half-Blood Hill, that watches over us… Silent and still” “And there on the hill, up on Half-Blood Hill. A cold wind blew, dark and chill. For nothing would slake its wrathful will, we had to make a stand. And maybe if I'd been a little bit braver! Maybe if I'd stayed behind to fight! But "maybe" doesn't let me go back and save her! "Maybe" doesn't make it alright!” “And it's there reminding me of all I failed to be the tree on the hill”
D.O.A - Federation 
Reviving eggs: “From heroes to half-bloods, with their pitiful tears thinkin' that they'll save a loved one from below” About working for Fed: “Down here you're D.O.A. and you're here to stay. Yeah, you're stuck forever. Never get away. No hope of survival.” To the Order: “You ain't ever gonna save what matters. You ain't gonna protect your friends. You ain't ever gonna be remembered.”
Son of Poseidon - Leo
IDK Foolish is part shark… Also gives triplet vibes, “We'll take him down, we work well in three.” 
Last Day of Summer - 
Maxo: “What do you do when the quest has ended? What do you do when the battle's won? So many questions left unanswered. So many things still left undone.” BadBoyHalo: “Do I stay because it's safer? Back to the home I left behind? I could stay and train for a piece of the action but what about peace of mind?” Baghera: “Ugh! What's my deal? Why do I feel there's something left I still need to find?” Pac & Mike: “I thought when I finished my quest, everything would make sense. But it doesn't. It's the last day of summer, but I don't feel like anything's over.” Cellbit: “I get it. My quest was supposed to be the biggest thing in my life. I came back changed. But the rest of camp was exactly the same.” Foolish: “They won't bother to show their face. It's time to make the world our own. Time someone put them in their place.” Forever: “Ares thought we were starting a war between the gods, but it was bigger than that. It's about wiping them out - and taking our turn.” Jaiden: “I've been here since I was a kid. I did everything they ever asked, yeah I did and for what? So I'll do anything.I don't care if I hurt anyone. It doesn't pay to be a good kid.” Etoiles: “The gods were never on our side, so I think it's time we watch them fall and soon you'll see what I did. Soon they'll be no gods at all!”
Bring on the Monsters - Etoiles, Baghera, & Pomme (and the other eggs)
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lorebird · 1 year
I listened to BTAA and am relistening to ROGUES..... help girl I've fallen for the DC trap yet again
Some ppl and I were joking about Scarecrow iterations aligning with the magnus archives' 15 fears and I ended up turning my take on The Dark into a full guy <3 I've got some explorative doodles and a quick lil portrait I made
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He doesn't have an actual costume bc he's always cloaked in shadow and has no need for it. His ultimate plan is to trap Gotham in eternal night and flood it with fear toxin -- his mix in particular blocks all sensory input, then causes panic and auditory/olfactory/tactile hallucinations. Victims are prone to tearing themselves apart, since they can't register any pain. Also if you cross him you will have your eyes stolen <3
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