#i need to dust it before i put it in my room tho
theonyxranger · 2 years
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im gonna trace so many rays with this baby
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strniohoeee · 10 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt and Y/N had that cute innocent teenage love, but what happens when Y/N’s life is flipped upside down; and he’s the one that got away?🫂
Warnings⚠️: None….hope you enjoy this one tho…she cute or whateva🤭
Song for the imagine: The One That Got Away-Katy Perry
Never planned that one day
I’d be losing you
In another life
I would be your girl
“Is that the last box?” My mom asked me as I walked into the front door
“Yes finally, never realized how much stuff I had” I said walking up the stairs to my bedroom
“Well you were away for a good 5 years” she said laughing
“True, didn’t feel like I had so much stuff though” I said laughing
“I’ll let you unpack, and I’ll start some dinner” she said walking away
“Okay! I’ll be down in a few” I said walking up to my room
I stepped into my room placing the last box down….god this room needed some major upgrades. Can’t believe this is what my room looked like when I was 16…who did I think I was
I started to unpack some things, mainly my clothes and some trinkets.
“This room is such a disaster” I said looking around and laughing to myself. I can’t believe my mom left my room the same since I was 16….shes so weird.
I headed down to eat and chat with my mom after I cleaned up some more.
“Mom why’d you leave my room the same” I said laughing
“Well with your father getting full custody, and me knowing your father, and him not wanting you to come here, or me to go there I wanted to keep the memory of you from the last time I would see you” she said smiling
“Yeah dads a dick….Im so glad to be back home. I just missed Boston so much, Arizona is utter crap” I said laughing and drinking some water
“The east coast is better” she said laughing with me
“We have so much stuff to catch up on, and so many things to do” I said getting emotional
“I know. I can’t believe my babies 21 I can not drink with you” she said taking a sip of her wine
“Can’t wait for our drunk nights laughing and crying about random shit” I said
“Those are the best times” she said nodding her head
I had finished eating, and helped my mom clean up the kitchen
“Alright I’m going to head upstairs, and clean up some more, and unpack” I said kissing her on the cheek
“Okay baby, and if you need help let me know” she said drying her hands
“Will do” I said smiling at her before heading back upstairs
I got upstairs and started throwing all my stuff I didn’t want in trash bags for donation, putting more of my clothes away, and putting my new stuff out where my old things were.
I was pretty much done, and I decided to put my shoe container under my bed, I lifted up the skirt of the bed
“Oh god so much dust” I said making a grossed out face
I decided to get the broom and sweep underneath, I was sweeping when all of a sudden two Polaroids flew out from under my bed
“The fuck?” I said leaning down and picking them up, wiping the dust off of them
It was two Polaroids of Matt and I from when we were 16…. Holy shit…
My brows furrowed. When I moved to Arizona I swore I packed these, but I couldn’t find them after days of tearing my room apart
My dad never liked me talking about or speaking to boys, so I assumed he found them and threw them away. I held so much anger towards him for that….and the whole time they’ve been here.
I flipped them over and on the back of the left one it said
“Don’t forget about me I love you-Matt”, and on the right Polaroid it said “be us against the world, in another life I would make you stay”
All my memories started flooding back of Matt and I
I was neighbors with the Sturniolos my whole life, but never spoke to the boys. I was always so scared, but one day when I was 13 my mom threw a party and invited them, the triplets and I immediately became friends.
We went to the same high school, and had most of the same classes together. They were the best things to have happened to me. By the time we were 16 I started to realize that I may have liked Matt, but was always so scared to tell him
One night I was just so fed up of never saying anything to him, so I got up and walked over to their house, texting Matt to meet me outside
“Hey Y/N are you alright?” He asked shutting the door behind him
“Yeah I’m good, I’ve just been thinking about some things” I said smiling at him
“Oh? Tell me” he said walking down the steps
“Walk with me?” I asked
“Yeah let’s go” he said following me
“So uh I’m not sure how to put this, and I’m not sure that you’ll feel the same way, but Matt I really like you” I said looking over at him
“Like, like me like me, or like me as a friend?” He said confused
“No Matt, like I like you. I have a huge crush on you” I said getting shy
“You do?” He said looking at me
“Matt YES” I said looking at him
“Y/N….I have the biggest crush on you too” he said smiling
“You do?” I asked confused
“Yes! Hasn't it been obvious?” He said
“No not really” I said laughing
“Well I do” he said pulling me in for a hug
From that moment Matt and I started dating, spending every second together. There was nothing but laughs, long conversations and overall innocent love you see in the movies.
“Hey Y/N, could I kiss you?” Matt asked me one night while we were watching a movie in my living room
“Yeah….ive never kissed anyone before though” I said getting nervous
“Me neither” he said also getting nervous
“Okay, so this could be a learning curve for us” I said laughing to break the awkwardness
“Uh yeah” he said getting shy
Matt had turned towards me, and leaned in kissing me first. It took me a few seconds to register what happened, and then finally I kissed back.
My stomach exploding with butterflies and fireworks…I never wanted to leave this moment. Matt had pulled away, and from that day on he couldn’t keep his lips off of me, but then again neither could I.
Everything was going good for 6 months, before my mom came home one day stressed and crying
“Mom? What’s going on” I said looking at her
“Baby….im so sorry” she said looking over at me and crying
“Mom what’s going on you’re scaring me” I said getting worried
“Y/N your dad won custody of you” she said looking down
“What? I’m 16. How does he magically get custody of me now?” I said getting upset
“I know baby trust me I tried to fight it, but he’s got a better rep than me” she said shaking her head
“What that’s not true! You’ve been here for me and where has he been? Gone nowhere to be seen…..I can’t believe this” I said shaking my head and letting out a sigh
“Trust me I know. I tried, but they don’t care they just look at his perfect record” she said wiping her eyes
“So what now?” I said scared of what she has to say next
“You have to go move with him” she said avoiding eye contact
“IN ARIZONA?? NO” I said raising my voice
“You don’t understand. We have no choice” she said
“This is so unfair. I don’t want to go. I don’t want to leave you, and my friends and I don’t want to leave Matt” I said starting to cry
“I know you don’t, and I’m so sorry that you have to do this, but there’s no other choice” she said shaking her head
“When do I leave?” I asked
“Two weeks” she said looking down
“TWO WEEKS! I don’t even get to finish the school year, or properly say bye to my friends and boyfriend” I said shrieking
“Y/N…..this hurts me too okay” she said
“I can’t believe dad…” I said rolling my eyes
I waited till the very last day to tell Matt and his brothers. I couldn’t spend two weeks with them knowing that we’re all hurting while we’re hanging out. So I much rather just tell them the night before I’m leaving. I can’t be here to see their pain
The night before I was leaving I texted Matt asking if I could come over, and he said yes. I walked over, and he let me in
“What’s going on?” He said noticing my demeanor
“I have to tell you and your brothers something” I said sniffling
“Okay yeah we’re in Chris room” he said
We went up to Chris room, and they all looked concerned
“What’s going on? You’re freaking us out” Chris said
“I’m moving…..to Arizona….with my dad” I said avoiding eye contact
“WHAT?” They all screamed
“Yeah I know, he won custody, and now I have no choice” I said crying
“This is bullshit” Matt said
“Trust me Matt I know” I said shaking my head
“When do you leave?” Nick asked
“Tomorrow morning…my flights at 5AM” i said
“What? And you didn’t bother to tell us sooner” Matt said
“I know okay. I just couldn’t sit here and see us all hurting, so I rather rip the bandaid off now, and not have to see the hurt in your eyes” I said wiping my tears
“I can’t believe this” Matt said
“Will you visit?” Nick asked
“I have no clue, my dads like a drill sergeant….he hates my mom, and he will probably hate me too. I’d be lucky if he lets me visit for the holidays” I said
“This is fucked” Chris said
“Very….” I said
“Well instead of being sad let’s try to make these next few hours memorable for you” Nick said smiling
That night we watched movies, and shows and laughed and ate snacks and took pictures and videos to always have one another
“Y/N let’s take Polaroids, so you’ll never forget me in Arizona” Matt said
“I could never forget you” I said looking at him
He pulled me in and snapped two Polaroids of us, writing on the back, and handing it to me
“I love you so much” he said pulling me in for a hug and kiss
“I love you too Matt” I said smiling at him
Later on that night I went back home and packed up the last of my things that I would be carrying with me. I thought I put the Polaroids in my bookbag, but what actually happened was I didn’t close the pocket, and they fell out when I put my bag on causing them to fall under my bed…..
It was 3:00am and my mom was in the car waiting for me. I looked at my room one last time
“I guess I’ll be back one day” I said shutting the light off and closing my door
I walked outside to see Matt and his family talking to my mom
“We’re going to miss you so much” Mary Lou said pulling me in for a hug
“I’m going to miss you guys too” I said sniffling
I hugged all of them, and waited to hug Matt last
“Matt I love you so much, and never forget about me” I said letting a tear slip
“I could never” he said letting a tear slip as well
I pulled him in for a hug, and kissed him
“I guess I’ll see you when I see you” I said to them
“Bye Y/N” they said
As I got in the front seat I waved
“Love yall” I said before getting in
My mom started to drive off as I stared into the side view mirror…..my whole life just gone down the drain….and now I have to start a new life in Arizona with my dad
We had gotten to the airport, and this was my first time flying alone, so I was nervous
“You’re going to be okay baby, I love you and let me know when you landed okay? Call me every single day please” She said letting tears fall
“Don’t cry mom” I said pulling her in for a hug
“How can I not? You’re leaving me” she said
“I’ll be okay, I’ll call you everyday and I love you too” I said before getting out the car
“Love you baby” she said and I shut the door walking to my new life
My dad was an absolute asshole. All we did was fight and yell and bicker. He never let me see my mom. I never went back to Boston, and at 17 when I graduated he put me in a private college. I could’ve left, but by that point I had so much fear in my heart because of him.
I had gotten two jobs so I could save and move out, and go back to Boston. I only did three years of college before dropping out. My dad was fuming, but I was 21, and I was ready to see my mother again
I hadn’t really kept up with the triplets because I didn’t want to endure that pain, but about a year ago I saw they were really famous on youtube. My tik tok page has become full of videos of these people I used to be so close with, and my ex Matt.
It was so crazy to see, but yet again we never spoke to each other for these 5 years.
Flashback Over
“God this is crazy” I said examining these Polaroids of us
I went downstairs to my mom
“Hey mom look what i found” I said shaking her the Polaroids
“Holy shit, you and Matt” she said looking at the pictures
“So crazy how fast 5 years can change everything” I said
“Man yall had such cute innocent love” she said smiling at the pictures
“Yeah I never talked to them again after i left” I said
“Yeah I know they’re mom always asked about you, you know they're super famous on social media now. They were just on tour last I spoke to their mom” my mom said
“Yeah I’ve seen it on my social media pages….its so crazy” I said
“You know Matt’s super cute now” she said winking at me
“Mommmm stop” I said laughing
“I’m just saying, you know You should see if they’re home I know that they live half in LA and half here because of their job” she said
“Mom I doubt they’d remember me or care because it’s been so long” I said rolling my eyes
“You act like you’ve been gone for 20 years, they will remember you” she said laughing
“I don’t know. I feel like we grew apart at this point, so would they really care to see me?” I said
“I’m sure Mary Lou always said they asked about you! Go on” she said shooing me
“Okay” I said giving up
I decided to walk over to the Sturniolos house, knocking and getting super nervous about who would open the door.
I heard walking, and suddenly the door was opening up
“Hi” I heard Mary Lou say as she opened the door
“Hi Mary” I said smiling at her, she looked at me a little confused before suddenly her eyes got wide
“Y/N??” She said shocked
“Yes!” I said smiling at her
“Oh my god! Look at you! You’re all grown up. My god it’s been so long” she said pulling me in for a hug
“I know…. 5 years and 6 days to be exact” I said pulling away from the hug
“Please come in” she said waving me in
We walked to the kitchen where I sat at the island
“Jimmy! Come look who’s here” she yelled
Suddenly Jimmy came in from upstairs
“Holy shit!” He said smiling at me and pulling me in for a hug
“When did you get back?” He asked
“About a few hours ago actually” I said
“Man the boys prayed every day you’d come and visit” he said
“Yeah I know….my dads not the nicest” I said shaking my head
“I figured it was him” Mary Lou said
“Are you back for good?” Jimmy asked
“Yes! I’m back for good” I said smiling
“Oh wait till the boys hear about this” she said
“It’s so insane how fast 5 years go by” Jimmy said
“I know I was saying the same thing earlier….i'm just so glad to be back home” I said
“We are too! Man this is amazing” Jimmy said
“I should call the boys” Mary said, I assumed she meant FaceTime, and that they were back in LA
“They’ll be so happy to see you” she said
I smiled at her, and right before she went to call one of them, the front door opened
I heard three deeps voices laughing and talking
“Oh well never mind they’re home” she said
“We’re in the kitchen” Jimmy yelled out
Chris walked in first with Nick behind him, and then Matt behind Nick
“What the fuck” Chris said looking at me as he stopped in his tracks
“Is this real life?” Nick said looking at me
“Y/N?” Matt said looking at me with a shocked expression
“Yeah” I said smiling at them
The End
Alright guys I hope you liked this one, and lmk your opinions and if I should make a part 2 TEHEHE🤭🤭 love yall so very much, and always thank you for the support and love 🥹🖤🖤
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st4rc4t · 7 months
hasan piker x weed smoking reader hcs
disclaimer! i do not condone underage marijuana usage!! this is just something silly for ppl who do/have smoked weed before. if ur under 21 in the united states don’t do it !!!
cw: marijuana usage, friends to lovers sorta idk the situation is weird, autistic coded reader ? it kinda just happens, semi pining, gn!reader
wc: 1.1k+
a/n: just me and my 3 weed smoking gfs
most of his friends in the youtube/twitch scene also smoke weed so he doesn’t really care
he smokes occasionally but only at night to help wind down a little bit
he doesnt mind the smell but he really hates when his clothes and hair smell like it
so when he’s around you make sure you’re either outside or blowing it out of a window
you never smoke inside his house
he didn’t ask you not to, you just assumed he wouldn’t like it
he doesnt and it makes him blush a little at ur consideration
whenever you get high and he doesn’t, he never says “omg ur so high” while ur trying to talk
cus like . yeah obviously that was the point ! and its not like ur completely different while high, just a little floatier and it takes you a minute to get thru ur sentences
but you talk about pretty much the same stuff and he loves talking to you
and u laugh a lot he likes that too
dont tell anyone tho
you looove getting high with him its such a special treat
ull be gathering ur paraphernalia to take out on the patio and he wanders out of his stream room looking like the sad hamster
he sees you getting ready, getting a bottle of juice and such and asks if he can join u
gasp of course he can !!!!!
asking how fucked up he wants to get so you know the best method of smoke delivery
he wants to sleep Good tonight so indica in the bong it is !
he’s nervous ab the bong so u bring out a bowl too incase he gets cold feet
he watches you get comfy in your seat outside, a comfortable warmth from the california setting sun
arranging everything ready on the table
“you look like a tweaker”
“im gonna make you a tweaker if ur not careful”
he laughs but he keeps watching you carefully pick out a healthy portion from the large bud you have, pushing it into the prongs of your grinder and twisting the two pieces against each other
he watches you pour the contents of a reusable water bottle into the large glass piece, eyeing the level of water
he watches you stop and put it to your lips, taking a pretend hit and making sure the water level is good
he watches you carefully pack the ground up flower into both bowl pieces, using your fingers to pat it level and dusting the excess back into the grinder with each one
you notice him staring but dont say anything until you’re already done
you make him an offering, bong and bowl in each respective hand. eyebrows raised as if to say, “which are we feeling?” but when he continues staring at the contents of your hands, you actually speak.
“dude are you already high, whats going on?” you laugh cautiously, genuinely a little worried but keeping it light hearted. he seems to snap out of it at your voice.
his eyes dart around for a second as he reenters his surroundings, chuckling when your word’s finally register, “no, yeah- sorry… really long day today,” his words fizzle out as he goes along. you cant help but feel bad, you dont know how he deals with streaming sometimes. you also feel weird about giving him a mind altering substance while he already seems spaced out.
setting the pieces down safely on the table, you look at him seriously before speaking, “are you sure you wanna do this? you’re kinda out of it,” you’re hard trying not to sound condescending, but you doubt he can read your tone that well right now anyway.
he smiles the most minuscule amount and looks away, but you see it. “yeah, im sure,” he sighs out gently before continuing, “i need to empty my brain,” he finishes by looking back to you with already tired eyes. you nod in understanding, relishing in knowing exactly how to fix his problem.
picking up the little glass bowl and a lighter, you hand both to him. they instantly look tiny in his hand and you’re not sure how he’s gonna actually do this. after realising you gave him green hit, you remind him to take a small hit. he just rolls his eyes sarcastically and scoffs, like of course he would, but you both know he would’ve blown a lung.
you watch him fumble with the glass, trying to get a good grip that covers the carb and wont burn his hand when he lights it
he eventually gets it and takes a little corner hit
a bit bigger than he was expecting tho so he does that thing where u cough the smoke out
just awful btw
u give him some water hes fine but boy does he love to complain
u just laugh at him and take ur own hit
breathing in deep, holding it for a second, and letting it go watching it escape into the open air
when he sees other people smoke it usually feels more rushed and energetic, like they were trying to ingest as much thc in as little time as possible
but you take your time. gathering everything and getting comfortable, settling into the ritual of the action. you take your time and let yourself feel it, you take your time and make sure he’s fully prepared before offering him anything
oh no he likes you !
he does end up hitting the bong but like the smallest baby hit so it doesn’t even count
he is sooo silly when hes high loves to laugh
he will def devolve into political rants if you let him, but you’re pretty good at making him laugh and redirecting him when hes like this
bc he smoked an indica this time his eyes are even more droopy than they were before and you can tell he’s getting tired
you clean up and follow him back inside amd he goes completely baby mode at the sight of kaya sleeping on the couch
petting her and pressing his face into her fur, going on and on about how soft she is
you laugh and sit on the other end of the big sectional covered in pillows and blankets
when hes done melting into kaya he sits down next to u with his arm around the back of the couch
real smooth .
it works 1000%
watching smth stupid like family guy (genuinely my fave show while high i will not elaborate)
chilling until he decides to go to bed at like 8:30
he convinces u to sleep on the couch bc ur both too high to drive and he would freak out at the thought of u in an uber rn
okay i have to be done i basically wrote a oneshot in the middle bye bye
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dracoflaco · 6 months
Waiting for you // Chris Sturniolo
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Chris Sturniolo x fem!reader
contains: fluff, stressed out reader, use of y/n, flashbacks (in italics), 1.2k words
a/n: its been so long since I write so if it looks cranky, don’t blame me. Idk honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️ (no summary cuz I'm lazy lol)
I reach for the box under my bed, it has been covered in dust meaning it has been down there since forever. Bumping my head in the process of taking the box, I let out a wince, “ouch, this damn bed. I’m throwing you away one day I swear,” I muttered, rolling my eyes. I wipe the dust away to see the hidden words under those dust. ‘Love’ was written on the lid of the box, “I don’t remember having this before” furrowing my eyebrows, trying to remember anything. 
The song from my playlist continues to play, starting a sad tune. I turn to where I place my phone, confused as to why there’s some kind of sad song and to be precise Taylor Swift? I shrug it away and stares at the box in front of me, I’ve been cleaning my room since this afternoon and without noticing the time, the sun has started to set. Plopping on my bed, I take the lid off. My smiles starts disappearing just how he did…
I laugh at him when he starts cracking some jokes out of nowhere. We’ve been walking for 30 minutes after our date night. Both us close to each other, my purse in his hand. “Also Nick face was literally covered in it, we had to make a TikTok,” Chris laughed, swinging my hand with his softly.
“Happy Birthday my pretty girl. I’m sorry I had to! It was the plan, baby,” he winked, handing me the flower lego to me “my love will last just how this flower last” I laughed at his cheesy pickup lines, rolling my eyes playfully “I really thought you forgot about it, Chris. You better don’t do this again” I squint my eyes at him. “We’ll see princess, we’ll see.” He said, shrugging his shoulder making the ‘who knows’ face. I slap his arm playfully, he eventually starts laughing and bringing me closer into his arms, “I love you, y/n. Even the world can’t describe it” 
“This is so good, baby. Cook more often please please please” he begged, chewing the food I made for him. Chris stands up from his seat and walks towards me “Thank you, baby” He hugs me from behind and lift me off from the floor to twirl me. I laugh lightly “Chrisss, put me down” I whine playfully and he set me back on the floor, giving my face all the kiss it needed.
A solemn tear fell down my cheek, snapping me out of it. I blink my eyes a few times to stop it but the tears keep flowing down my face like a river escaping a dam. I try wiping it away as the door of my room creaks open, someone just came into my room. Luckily my back was facing the door, giving me times to prepare myself and turns around once I think I’m presentable enough. Nick stood there at my door frame, concerns could be seen on his face, “Nick? Hey, what are you doing here? Should’ve tell me before barging into my room,” I chuckled, eyes avoiding his
“You’ve been crying.” Nick stated, heading towards where I’m seated. One look of the things in my hands, he knew it straightaway. “Missing him? Everyday I passed his room, I could hear him sobbing his heart out. He still loves you, you know? Let him in again?” He suggests, rubbing my shoulder softly. Bringing me closer to his side, laying my head on his shoulder. I stare at the necklace which happened to be in the box, being on the top of the other.
“How? How, Nick? He was the one who ended it, I got no time to stop him from doing so!” I cry out, burying my face in his shoulder. My whole body is shaking from the amount of tears and sobs coming out of me. “Yet you still cry about it, y/n. It’s been what? Almost a year and you two still mourn for each other. I never believe you when you said you moved on from him. It was and still is in your eyes.” Nick whispered into my ears, his hand never stops rubbing my shoulder. 
“It hurts Nick, I still want him but God knows how my brain despise him when he said those words to me but my heart says the opposite” I sobbed, pouring my heart out. Nick only nods and comfort me softly, whispering sweetness to me till I slowly calm down from all the loud sob, non stopping flows of tears. My fingers taking the necklace from the box and turn it around. An engrave of ‘I love you - c.s’. I let my thumb stays on the engraving.
Minutes of staring it, I unclasp the hook and place it around my neck. Nick only observe my movement, saying absolutely nothing. I sigh lowly, resting the necklace on my collarbone. Sounds of a phone ringing starts to play, Nick take his phone out of the pocket of his trousers. The caller ID shows that it was Chris. I nod towards the phone, telling Nick to answer the phone call.
His thumb lingers on the decline button but finally pressing the green button, “Chris? Why’d you call?” He ask, talking to the phone. I shift away from Nick to give them both some privacy. I search for my phone only to be met with the battery logo. Grabbing the charger on the bedside table and plugging it in. “I’ll give you two some times but don’t ask again after this. You better not missed anything or even mess this up again, or I’m killing you myself.” The call comes to an end.
I walk back to my bed and peers at his phone, “what happened?” I asked, picking up the box from the bed and move it into my closet. “Nothing, Chris just asked about the juice from yesterday.” Oh. I nodded out of disappointment and settle down beside him. “Whatever happen, just let it flow naturally. Do not push it away. You better hear me out this time, y/n.” He said, looking into my eyes with seriousness. 
My brow furrows softly, confusion starts to spread on my face, “okay? Anyway why did you come here all of a sudden?”
“You weren’t answering the text I gave you and all my calls went straight to the voicemail. You expect me not to panic knowing you” He said, crossing his arms. “Anyway I’m gonna go buy some takeout with Matt, you want the usual?” 
“The usual I guess?” I shrugged, “up to you though, I don’t mind” 
Nick wave at me and left me alone in my room with my clouded thoughts. Sighing, I rose to my feet and drag myself to the bathroom to wash my face. My eyes are a bit red and puffy after the crying session and all. The sound of my door bell rings all over my house, I dry my face quickly. Rushing down the stairs to open the door. Time seeming to slow down, feeling as if I can hear my own heartbeat. There he stood, My Chris or what used to be. The tears in my eyes threatening to fall, “Chris…” I whispered-
-to be continued-
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Rottmnt Future leo and female reader platonic, little angst, happy ending one-shot?
The plot (this happened after kraang invasion) is about Reader who's a mutant turtle like her 4 brothers, She's young about 8 - 10 years? And Her uncle leo is spoiling her a lot; Play with her, give her gifts & hardly say no to her requests tho she doesn't asks for much from her uncle, just either playing dolls or carrying her on his back.
The rest were so confused why he do that as he doesn't do this to Donnie, raph or Mikey ( yes he spends time with them but he doesn't spoil them THIS hard), turned out after talking with future leo privately, Reader had passed away earlier in the invasion before it reach the apocalypse level, like after 2 weeks?
And this scares future leo as what if it still happened to her? She was so young when it happened and everyone were upset.
Everyone call him down after getting the idea and reassure him reader is safe and since he's around she's even more safe.
You'll Be in My Heart
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F!Leo + gn!reader
Warnings: family fluff, angst, death, comfort
A/N: Yes, named after the Tarzan song because Phil Collins didn't have to go so hard. This prompt broke my heart. Future Leo is called Leon. This was going to be posted in June, but I didn't want to move around all of my scheduled posts, so I just moved one. :)
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Leon spent a lot of time with you. After you were finally introduced to Leon, he spent every waking moment with you. Sometimes he'd even sleep next to you due to his nightmares. He loves you so much. He didn't notice that his other brothers were jealous and confused by his actions.
The younger turtles found Leon sitting next to you bed one night. They all listened in, wanting to know what Leon was feeling. He always hid his feelings, never telling them what happened to you in the future. Of course they worried.
"As long as I'm breathing, I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe." Leon whispered, rubbing your temple with his thumb. His hand covered the back of your head. "No matter what happens, no matter how bad it gets, you will not be alone. I'm not going to loose you again."
Leon held you as you guys watched your favorite movie. He had your favorite snack sitting in his lap, you were talking about the movie and he was listening intently. He smiled and added his thoughts on what was going on every once in a while. He could hear his young brothers, whispering to each other.
The movie ended and you yawned so Leon decided to put you to bed. He picked you up, holding you gently, your head laying on his shoulder. You started drifting off, Leon started humming. He laid you in bed, tucking you in. He knelt next to you, kissing your forehead. He left your room. Leon jumped as he turned the corner, all 4 younger turtles stood there.
"We need to talk." Raph said, his arms crossed.
"You guys can talk to me about anything." Leon smiles.
"What happened to Bee in the future?" Mikey starts. "Why are you so protective? Why do you always spoil them?"
"Oh..." Leon looked at the ground. He had a feeling they would ask, you hadn't, you didn't know he was from the future. You just believed he was some distant uncle.
He got flashbacks of the day you died.
You all had been out enjoying the amazing summer air, when Kraang dogs attacked. Leon had been in charge of you, but a building fell. He tried to cover you, but he got knocked aside. After the dust cleared, he tried to dig you out, yelling for help. Leon's ears were ringing, tears rolling down his cheeks from dust and the thought of what came of you.
He dug you out, calling your name. He found you, you were weakly holding out your arms to him. Leon scooped you up, yelling for his brothers. They portal back to the lair, Leon holding you close to him.
"Dad!" Mikey called, tears falling down his cheeks as well. They started to assess your wounds. Splinter joins you all in the med bay, hugging Mikey.
"What happened?" Splinter asks.
"I tried to cover them, a building was falling..." Leon sobbed, bandaging up your external wounds while Donnie scanned you. "I couldn't... I'm so sorry, Bee."
You started drifting, you eyes closing slowly. Leon yells, he begs you to stay awake. You couldn't. Leon only blames himself.
Leon told them. They all covered their mouths, tears coming to Mikey and Raph's eyes. Leo shook his head, not able to look at his future self.
"It wasn't your fault." Raph says, pulling Leon into a tight hug. "You can't stop a building from falling."
"That won't happen." Mikey tells him. "They have 4 brothers and a 7 foot uncle."
"We will never let anything happen to them." Leo nods.
The boys let Leon treat you how he wanted although, they did ask him to stop giving into your every want, it made them look bad.
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dreamseersystem · 6 months
A little birthday present for @ask-sibverse the love of our lives and more. Since they only wrote a td1reader birthday with Star Sanses. I decided to write the Bad Gang version. Enjoy!
You look over at the picture on the table beside your bed. It was last year with your first proper birthday with the Star Sanses. But this year, you were spending it with the Nightmare Gang since it was their "custody time" as Killer put it. It was kinda surreal how much changed in a year.
The two groups were kinda getting along despite still fighting with one another. They only seem to agree that you should be protected no matter which side you are fighting on. And both sides will stop a fight if your blood sugar drops too much mid battle as well.
You shake your head to focus on the now. It was your birthday and who even knows if the Bad Gang even celebrates it. They never do theirs, so why do yours? You get a shower and get dress to come down for breakfast. The first thing you see is Horror making your favorite breakfast. You sat down and Killed appears behind you. It was easy to sense him since he was humming something.
Suddenly you felt a pressure on your head. You reach up to touch it and paper? You tried to take it off but Killer grabbed your hands. "No you don't. Birthday people need their crowns," he singsonged. You blushed.
The rest of the gang came in, and everyone said happy birthday except Nightmare. Tho he did look at you when he sat down. "My brother gets you tomorrow for your birthday before you come back here to resume your week," he said. You nod. He was always so factual towards you. You think he just let you stay and share custody for his mens' sake.
"But today we get you!" Killer said with glee. "I have a whole day planned!"
"Do not worry, I approved it before I let him take you out all willy nilly," Nightmare huffed from reading his newspaper and sipping tea.
After breakfast, you were dragged out of the chair and the gang took you to an amusement park au for the day. Killer acting like a child and letting you pick the rides out. Horror and Cross kept checking to make sure your sugars were doing ok.
You didn't see Nightmare, but the gang reassured you he was planning his own thing for you. You did get a bit sick on the chili cheese dogs and a roller coaster you tried to go on right after, at Killer's insisting, so they decided to call it a day and take you back to the castle. The rest of the time till true nightfall was spent watching your favorite anime.
Once dinner came around Nightmare appeared to grab you and the boys and took the group to Outertale. He had set up a birthday picnic that Horror prepared for yesterday and you enjoyed talking with them as you ate your favorite foods. Then Horror revealed the cake and they all sang happy birthday to you, tho Nightmare just hummed it politely. They called you birthday princess the whole day instead of your name and it felt nice.
"The Star Sanses are gonna be hard put to outdo us!" Killer said. The rest of the gang agreed with laughter. Dust pulled put his phone and got a selfie with everyone in it. He promised to print it out for you when he got a chance.
Once the day was said and done. Everyone headed home once the shooting stars were done and they went their separate ways. You gotten a few presents from them. A knife from Killer. A scrapbook of pictures Dust took of the last year of everyone. Cross gave you a fighting outfit that had protection magic imbued in it. And Horror a cookbook that was written from one of your favorite animes. Tho Nightmare didn't give anything.
You headed towards your room when the boss suddenly melted out of the shadows and got close to you. You froze, not expecting him to be there, and his hands wrapped around your neck. "Happy birthday, birthday princess," he softly said before he walked off. You felt a weight around your neck and looked down. He slipped a crescent moon necklace on you with a pretty purple stone on it. You blushed but he was already gone.
Guess the Star Sanses really did have to outdo this birthday tomorrow. You smiled as you head to bed.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 5 months
And another real quick because your new fic inspired me sorry if I’m bothering you!
The first time Angel showers after the twins are born, he insists he can do it all by himself (jokes that husk wouldn’t wanna see the state of him rn, because it’s Angel and of course he’s worried about that). Charlie had already put a chair in the shower block, and everything was put within reach. He thinks husk relented a bit too easily tho.
He knows he was right when he hears a scraping of something across the bathroom floor, and he peaks around the curtain to see Husk carefully moving the bassinet through the doorframe of the bathroom. He looks sheepish, but shrugs. “We were worried”.
Angel rolls his eyes, grinning before disappearing behind the curtain again.
Believe me, these asks you send me are always an absolute joy, I love your ideas! They're exactly my kind of thing and why I made this AU in the first place!
God, I love that idea so much. Because Angel Dust is pretty independent, he snapped at Husk a lot early in his pregnancy because Husk was trying to do everything for him and act like he was made of glass. So when he says he wants to shower by himself after giving birth, Husk's learned to give him space and let him come back to himself in his own time.
But of course Husk is just so in love with him right now and he's doing the pet cat thing where they want to be in the same room as you so they just follow at a distance and sit and stare? But he can't leave the kittens so he's got to bring them along too!!
And later he quietly asks Angel about the comment he made, about him not wanting to see the state of him. And he promises that even if Angel feels self conscious right now, he still thinks he looks beautiful, he doesn't need to look perfect after literally pushing two kids out of him? Looking perfect doesn't mean looking beautiful, it never has to Husk. All he's ever needed him to do is look like himself. And after that, Angel opens up a lot more and lets Husk help him with all the raw and real stuff that comes with having had a baby.
Slightly related to this, I think Charlie got to give the twins their very first baths? She was the only person Angel would trust to have them.
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twinklychan · 8 months
Brother's best friend | 이 민호
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Warning: Swearing (only like 3 times)
It was just a drabble, to which I found a random boost of motivation last night while watching Welcome to samdal-ri. I hope you like it <3
You walked out of the kitchen, a chip hanging loosely at your bottom lip, as your hands were occupied by carrying one bag of chips and a glass filled with sprite. Your steps came to an abrupt halt as your peripheral vision took in 2 people to your left as only your eyes moved, hoping they won't see you if you're just stiff enough, not moving an inch.
“Hey sis.” Your older Brother, Hyunjin, greeted. You nodded, putting on a smile as you turned your head towards his direction, finally seeing the person he was with.
When you noticed who it was, your breath hitched, cheeks flaming as if you caught a sunburn. Oh, What you'd do to disappear into thin air right now.
“Hi.” You squeaked, quickly moving forward, trying to get out of their vision as soon as you had entered it. When you finally made it to your room, you shut the door, leaning your forehead against it as you squeezed your eyes shut and bit your bottom lip, embarrassment filling up every part of your body.
You only wore an oversized shirt [which you had secretly stolen from your Brother] and your sweats, no socks, hair tangled as you woke up later than usual today since it was your day off. Your glasses clung to the bridge of your nose just enough to not fall down if you were careful enough to not look down. You felt your glasses slip and quickly caught them, cursing at yourself and cursing your brother for not telling you that someone was coming over.
You then pushed away from the door and sat on your bed again, continuing your Kdrama, hopefully losing the memory you had just made.
Minho had experienced the exact opposite. As he walked in with Hyunjin beside him they chattered happily, talking about a new choreo they had thought about until hyunjin halted and Minhos gaze followed his.
There you stood. It felt like you were surrounded by a halo effect as Minho looked at you, his body frozen.
He saw you multiple times already, at every occasion.
At birthday parties, all dressed up, curls prettily done and bouncing with your head with every little movement, make up so perfectly fit for your face (even tho you definitely didn't need that in his opinion) that he couldn't even stop looking at you.
All you ever did was greet each other with a simple smile or a short “hi” the moment you passed by, for either of you to go to the kitchen or living room or any place at the party.
He saw you at their dance stages, cheering in the crowd, nearly every male mesmerized by your visuals as well as your smile and the small dimple that would show up if you laughed wholeheartedly.
But never had his heart jumped the way it did today. As simple as it was. Your outfit did black magic to him, he was never frozen around girls, he was rather the flirty, teasing type. He was the one making others flustered.
But now, as he had seen you in those loose joggers and an oversized shirt, his mind went blank. He had to fight the blush on his cheeks. The glasses that accentuated your face so perfectly, your lips slightly parted around the chip, he felt the desire to feel your lips against his. To seal his lips around the other part of the chip and eat on it until his lips meet yours.
The way your eyes widened ever so slightly, blinking twice as you stood there like a deer in headlights, a blush dusting your cheeks and the small squeak that had escaped your mouth. It made him go weak in his knees. His heart melted at the sight in front of him.
He couldn't deny it.
You were adorable.
Minho was starstruck as hyunjin shook him thrice before he finally made it back to reality, shaking his head as he turned his head to his friends face.
“Huh?” He asked as hyunjin squinted his eyes.
“Were you goggling at my sister?” He Had asked as Minho stumbled over his words for the fucking first time in his life.
“I- uh- no.” And there was nothing more obvious than the lie that had left Minho's lips. Hyunjin started laughing hysterically, finding it amusing how his flirty Best friend had suddenly turned into a puppy that stumbled over his steps just because of you.
“You totally were!” Hyunjin teased, pointing his finger right in Minho's face as Minho scoffed, yanking away his hand.
“Yeah, whatever.” He grumbled, walking towards hyunjins room as Hyunjin followed, all giggly about a new found way to tease his best friend.
But Minho's mind was too busy thinking about you and that's when he realized;
He was utterly, fucking completely fucked to think like this about his Best friend's Sister.
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3ggsnbutter · 6 months
Hi I just came across your pinned post and I was wondering if you could write like a short huskerdust sickfic with hurt/comfort?
Just no one really writes sickfics about them and I just like reading about one person being clingy or something while sick and the other person taking care of them ;-;
If you're not comfortable with sickfics I understand :3!
It's been a few weeks since the new hotel was built, angel dust just got home after a long shoot and went straight to the bar where husk resides.
"mm hey husky, can I get a-"
"sex on the beach?, as always" husk grabs his bottle and started making the cocktail.
"you know me so well husky~" Angel dust leaned onto the counter looking flirty as always.
Husk gave the drink over to angel and just stood there and watch him drink it.
Before angel could drink it he suddenly freezed and sneezed, making him spill his drink.
"woah there legs, that sounds serious are ya comin down with something?" Husk got closer to angel and put his hand and angels forehead obviously catching the spider off guard
"your heating up you should get to bed, give me that" the cat demon grabbed angels drink
"aww what are you gonna take care of me and put on a hot doctors outfit~" Angel played with husks wings
"c'mon no time for kidding" husk put his hand out waiting for angel to hold it
"aw got soft there huh whiskers?" Angel smirked and held husks hand
They arrived at angels room husk making angel get on his bed
"c'mon now legs just get on your bed and rest"
"aww I liked flirting with you tho" angel got on his bed and husk felt his temperature again
"Jesus Christ, your burning up quick how the hell did you get sick?"
"mm maybe it was because the scene we did was like havin sex in the rain you know, wasn't actually rain, Val didn't really let me dry off immediately" slowly after fat nuggets waddled over to angel
"son of a bitch of course he's the reason your sick" husk thought to himself before heading to angels wardrobe to grab something for him to change into
"here get changed its not good for you to sleep in those" husk handed over the clothes to angel
"aw you gonna watch me change husky~?" Angel started to unbutton his shirt as he watched husk leave the room
"in yer dreams legs, you have my number just call me if you need help-"
"wait, don't go yet stay please I don't want to be alone" angel looked sincere so husk stayed but looked the other way from him.
"hah just cuz your sick don't mean I'm gonna wear your frilly dresses"
"didnt catch you for the clingy type" husk just scanned angels room, from the various posters from the movies he made and also posters of him as a drag queen.
"what's so fun bout dressin up as a girl?"
"it's fun, feels freein barely get to feel that y'know, yeah I like bein a boy but beein a woman is nice too sometimes maybe you should try one of my dresses"
"hah, no I'm not wearing your frilly dresses"
Angel laughed and husk did soon after.
Angel woke up from his nap seeing husk beside his bed just scrolling through his phone and angel reached out and held husks hand
"oh- how are you feeling?" Husk stopped what he was doing and faced towards angel and rubbed angels hand
"heh your acting like my boyfriend~" angel leaned his head up
That comment made husker blush "tch- just lay down"
"you didn't deny it~"
"shut up!" Husk blush turned a bit more red
Angel laughed at his reaction while still holding his hand. Slowly after husk smiled at him and just sat there talking with him.
Hey hoped you liked this I tried my best sorry if it's a little weird I never did this type of fic before
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poisonmedani · 2 years
Casual | James Potter
James Potter x reader
summary: a friend of a friend, just an acquaintance, it doesn't mean anything, right? Right?
words 5k
modern!au, fwb, sexual undertones, no explicit smut tho, swearing
a/n: "Y/N/N" is your nickname (just in case), wanted to make a little st v's treat for you. you can interprete this story as a 'will you be my valentine?' (from me to you). got a bit carried away. HAPPY ST VALENTINE'S!
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Her phone lights up in the TV lit room. It's almost 1 AM. The only person who could be texting her at this hour is him. A friend of a friend with whom Y/N has occasional hook ups.
James: u up?
Of course it is him.
Y/N: at mine in 20? James: OMW
Y/N rushes to the bathroom. Not like she needs to, she looks fine; not like he would be thrown off by her domestic look, she changes into the robe; she puts on a nice dust pink set underneath, like it will not be discarded the second he steps in.
Turning off the TV at last she hears a soft knock on the door. She glares at herself in the mirror as she walking to open the door.
James is in his white t-shirt, that he always wears, when they have a late rendez-vous, black leather jacket is in his hands already, he got it off while on the stairs. As he sees her the familiar smirk makes its way to his face and that glint in his eyes that she never notices (somehow). The jacket is thrown on the floor, the door closes with a thump, his hands have already found their way to her body. One is on her neck, bringing her closer, the other is on her waist.
“Haven’t seen you in so-o-o long,” he mutters against her lips.
“Missed me?” She smirks.
“Like crazy,” he starts to undo her robe while leading her to her bedroom. Her hands go under his t-shirt without hesitation. It looked almost like they were trading: her robe for his t-shirt. James sits her down admiring her messy — from all the kissing — state. Y/N slowly traces his belt before unbuckling it, eye contact never breaks, James groans gently grabbing her face in his hands. The lust has consumed him the moment he saw her cute little robe that she — he knew — put on just for him. Of course, not for the reason he wanted her to, but he is notorious for getting his hopes up (especially with her).
It has all started a few months ago, when the only hope James had was to get laid, which wasn't necessarily a problem, however, the problem was that a very attractive friend of a friend — who was THE coolest girl at school, everyone's crush — mentioned that she broke up with her boyfriend (whom James always found so irritating) and just wanted to take a break from relationships, take it easy; and James just couldn’t let it go.
Obviously they were in the same friend group, but they were never really friends. James always admired her from afar, but there were never anything more than just him considering her pretty, that’s it, right? He was in love with someone else in school, and she was cool too. And she was pretty too. And she even agreed to a date at the end of the last year, but it didn’t work out. They simply didn’t like each other enough to continue dating. So, James was on his journey to find out what he truly wanted from life. And if it included hooking up then be it.
But how can anyone in their right mind pass on the opportunity to be with THE GIRL from school? James thought. Although they weren’t in school anymore, Y/N still was the coolest person he’s ever met, and it says a lot, right?
So, one thing led to another and they found themselves panting on the bed in their mutual friend’s guest room:
“Wow,” James breathed out lying next to Y/N.
“Yeah,” she chuckled.
“Well, I hope it doesn’t make it weird,” James was taking her in, how her chest heaved with every breath she took, how her lashes were shaking while her eyes were closed, how venerable she looked trying to compose herself. And the thought that he probably looked just as venerable at this very instant too made him smile. He was venerable, but only for her; however she doesn’t have to know that information.
“It’s not weird unless you make it weird,” she opened her eyes and looked at his face, flustered by the attention she was paying him.
“It’s just, you know- I liked you in school,” he moved his gaze to the ceiling.
“Yeah, sure.”
“It’s true! I did,” he still couldn’t look at her.
“Yet, you asked Evans out, not me,” she said matter of factly.
“Also true. But…” he stopped. “Actually I don’t know what I wanted to say,” he chuckled softly. Why did he feel the need to explain himself? Was she accusing him of something? Of course she wasn’t, and it’s stupid that he started it… but wait she started it… “Would you say yes?”
“Sure,” she simply answered.
“And what about…” James started.
“You had plenty of time to ask me before he did,” Y/N cut him off.
He looked at the ceiling like he would find answers there.
“Okay, we probably shall not tell Sirius that we fucked in his place,” she sat up and looked around for her clothes.
“Agree,” James rose on his elbows, looking at her back.
“Great. I’m glad we’re on the same page,” Y/N left the bed and was picking up her clothing one by one putting it on right away. When she couldn’t find her bra anywhere, she just spun topless looking everywhere. James chuckled.
“I suggest you go braless and I find it and give it to you the next time.”
“The next time?” She arched her eyebrow.
“Yeah. It’s definitely not a one time thing?” He asked but she wasn’t sure if it was a question or not.
“Listen, James,” she started.
“Yeah-yeah, I know, you don’t want a relationship, so I heard, and I’m not implying we start one,” he sat up, suddenly feeling very exposed, trying to find something to cover himself with.
At that she smiled and threw his boxers at him.
“Thanks,” he pulled them on quickly, coming up to her, still topless. “I just think we can try friends with benefits kind of thing.”
“No way,” she stepped aside still looking for her bra.
“What? Why? Didn’t you like it?”
“You made it weird by tell me you liked me, and I added to it by saying that I wanted you to ask me out. SO. No. Way.”
“C’me on, Y/N,” he gently turned her to face him.
“James, I mean it, no way,” she sounded stern.
“Okay, okay,” he raised his hands in defeat. “But if you change your mind Sirius has my number.” He winked.
She rolled her eyes, looked around once more and with a sigh put her top on.
“Don’t you dare to leave my bra here somewhere,” her tone strict. “You can save it tho.”
She went for the door.
“And I’m not changing my mind.”
With that she left.
“You didn’t answer my question,” James smirked.
James holds Y/N as she is coming down from her high, still on his hips; he kisses her shoulders, her neck, her face; his hands never leave her body.
“Oh, Jamie,” she moans as he pulls out of her by lifting her hips up. Her hands are on his chest, he pulls her into him immediately, lying his head down on the pillow, she’s whimpering. So fragile, so venerable, so cute; he feels so content having her weight on him.
“Are you okay, princess?” He pets her head and drawing shapes on her back.
“Mhm,” her eyes closed, she’s ready to drift off right now.
“Princess, we should take a shower,” he chuckles.
“No,” she protests. “We can take it in the morning.”
“Are you sure?”
“Okay, but you still have to go to the bathroom, darling,” James proceeds.
“Five minutes, yeah?” She mumbles.
“No, now,” he hooks her chin with his fingers as a signal for her to look up at him, she does.
“I hate it when you’re right,” she lazily tries to stand up.
“I’ll help you,” he picks her up and makes his way to the bathroom, where he places her down and throws away the used condom. “I’ll leave you to yourself, yeah? Call my name and I’ll be here in a second?” He kisses the crown of her head and leaves the bathroom looking at her till he reaches the door. She just smiles and nods.
James’ phone buzzed. Unknown number.
He’s been picking up all the calls from unknown numbers that week. He knew she’d call.
“Hello,” James tests.
“Hi, uhm-,” soft voice came from the phone.
“Oh, hi, love,” James smirked.
“Hi,” Y/N came again.
“It only took you a week, eh?”
“James, are you busy?” She ignored his teasing.
“At midnight? You bet I’m not,” James could hear the music in the background.
“I know it’s too late and all,” she sounded too sweet not to suspect anything.
“Are you alright? Do you need me to come over? Wherever you are?” Now James got worried.
“Well, I’m fine, but I do need you to come over,” she said shyly.
“Where are you?” He headed to the shoe rack, grabbed his car keys and started lacing his trainers.
“I’m at Douglas’, d’you know where he lives?” She asked.
“Yeah, sure, what are you doing there, love?” James grabbed the jacket and almost sprinted to his car.
“Sirius’s idea,” Y/N said coyly.
“Sounds like him. Are you alright, I’m on my way already?” He started the engine.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just really tired,” she sighed. “I’m sorry that I’m bothering you, I just didn’t know what else to do.”
“It’s alright, I got you. Had a lot to drink, darling?” He asked trying to move her focus to the conversation.
“Not a lot… a bit too much, not a lot though,” she stumbled.
“Okay,” James chuckled. The ride wasn’t too long, so keeping Y/N on the line wasn’t too much trouble. “Okay, lovie, where are you?” James opened the car door.
But he didn’t have any time to get up, because a girl came up to him quickly and put her hands on his shoulders. Left hand still holding a phone.
“Hi, Jay, don’t worry I’m here,” Y/N giggled.
“Hey, Y/N/N,” he put his hands on her back, respectful enough to not cross any boundaries. “Let me get you in the car, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she stepped back.
He finally made it to the ground and led her to the passenger seat with his hand on her upper back. James fastened her seatbelt as she was looking at him with a goofy smile.
“What is it, princess?” He couldn’t contain his own smile.
“Nothin’. Just… think you’re cute,” her cheeks red — from alcohol or him, he couldn’t possibly guessed.
“Oi, thanks, love. Let me get you home.”
James closed the passenger door and settled back in the drivers seat.
“I knew you were good,” she smiled drunkenly.
“You knew, huh?”
“Yeah, I did, that’s why I asked Sirius for your number the very next day,” she closed her eyes.
“Princess, I’m gonna need your address and then you can sleep,” he looked at her with a smile, she mumbled the address without opening her eyes.
James was always really considerate and caring. And Y/N just assumed that he was like that with everybody. She didn't want anything serious, so James, the most frivolous person she knew, seemed like a really good deal, when she came to realization that she did not want to give up sex.
His aftercare always amazed her, but what amazed her even more is that as of recently he was extra soft, which wasn't like him. He was usually fast (like a starved lion who finally got a chance to have a bite of much needed meat), rough (like someone will steal his prey away), he was naughty, really naughty. His naughty language scared Y/N at first, but she'll be lying, if she says this isn't her favourite thing now. But now he was careful, like he could break her, if he moved too fast, too rough; his every touch was feather-like; his every kiss was so tender, mind blowing, breathtaking.
And Y/N wanted to talk to him about it, but something always was in the way: wether she was so surprised by him making her breakfast in bed, so she forgot; or he would hurry away right after they had sex, and she simply couldn't register the fact he was leaving already; or he would distract her with a conversation. And what was there to talk about? Yeah, probably, nothing. Like what could she possibly tell him?
Hi, James, I think you act too nice towards me? — that just does not make any sense.
What does make sense, tho, is that she now was getting ready for him, which she swore to herself was nothing more than a desire to look good (for him — but that's besides the point).
"So, are you coming, Y/N/N?" female voice called through the phone dynamic.
"Damn, yeah, I'd love to see the girl that got Sirius head over heals. I'm in. Let's meet up before?" Y/N said excitedly.
"Yeah, I'll bring my stuff and we'll get ready together, okay?" the voice answered.
"Okay, Lils, I'm waiting," Y/N laughed and ended the call.
The screen read:
James: hey James: can't wait to see u 2nite James: i'll wear my best for u x
She chuckled. Oh no, she chuckled. What the hell was he doing making her chuckle. Yeah, well, he better wear his best, because she always does!
I shouldn't answer right away. Yeah! I will not! she reckoned.
Y/N hopped in the shower, starting her routine, which usually took some time. By the time she was out the door bell rang. It was Lily.
"Oooh, were getting ready for me, babes, I could take you right here," the redhead said with a smirk.
"Hello to you too, Lily," Y/N smiled, grabbing her friend's bag and letting her in. Lily hugged her and planted a kiss on her cheek.
"Are you on the market, yet? Wanna pick someone up tonight?"
Y/N laughed leading Lily to her bedroom where they usually got ready.
"Just so you know, I was never out of market!" Y/N said in faux offence. "But for real, tonight is about Sirius and his LOVE."
Now it was Lily's turn to laugh.
"Okay, but show me what you wearing?"
"I'm wearing something simple," Y/N cooed and grabbed the dress that was hanging on the wardrobe's door. It was a knee length black dress with white straps, neckline and hemline. The dress hugged her, the skirt was a bit loose which made the dress look flowy.
"Simple, but hot, Y/N/N," Lily eyed the girl as she put the dress to her front.
"You always say that," Y/N shied away.
"Because it's true, babes."
Turning on the music, they started their preparations.
The guys are already inside their usual hung out spot. Here, the group spends each others birthdays, celebrates each other achievements, just spends time together.
Sirius wasn't here yet, and the rest of the girls are nowhere to be seen. Y/N and Lily make their way inside and are greeted by the host who shows them to the table. James and Remus stand up when the two girls just appear in sight to help them with their coats and simply greet their friends (they haven't seen each other in while, after all), Peter follows their lead tentatively. James quick enough to bit Remus in approaching Y/N, though he makes it seem like a coincidence.
James just smiles the goofiest smile at her. Remus speaks first, taking Lily's coat.
"Hello, ladies," Lily kisses Remus' cheek at that.
"Hello, gentlemen," Lily answers with the same coquettish tone.
"Hi," James whispers into Y/N ear as he hugs her, covertly brushing her neck with his lips.
"Hi," her eyes didn't want to meet his. He was so mischievous infront of their friends, always walking a tightrope, and yet no one, not even Remus (the observant one), noticed the inappropriate behavior of their two friends. James helped her out of her coat, the moment she faced him again he could swear to god, he just froze.
"Oh, Potter already appreciated Y/N's sex appeal, now it's your turn, boys," jokes Lily. The group laughs that seems to get James out of his trans and he quickly takes care of the coat to get Y/N to the seat beside him.
"Hey, girls," Peter mutters coyly, the two girls make their kittenish way to the boy to kiss both of his cheeks at the same time. His face and ears are red now.
"Hello, sweetie," they say playfully.
"Alright, girls, give him a break," James intervenes, leading the girls to their designated (by one and only James Potter) seats right next to him, holding them by their shoulders.
"Someone's jealous," continues Lily in the same playful manner.
"Don't worry, James, we love you just the same," Y/N jokes.
James chuckles helping the girls to their chairs and sits down.
"So, have you met her yet, Rems?" Lily changes the topic.
"No, not yet," Remus sits down across from the redhead.
"How did they meet?" Y/N chimes in.
James privily caresses Y/N's knee under the table, looking not bothered at all, listening intently to the story of how Sirius and his new girlfriend met. Y/N feels something turn upside down when James' hand makes its way up her thigh.
Just as his hand reaches her mid thigh, Marlene and Mary walk in, shortly followed by the couple of the evening.
Sirius' girlfriend seems like a genuinely great person, she's smart, witty, pretty and just so easy to fall for. Sirius' friends have never seen him this happy with anyone before.
As the evening progressed, Y/N excused herself to the lavatory and stood there against the sink, trying to catch her breath, being so wine-drunk that her head spun like she was on a carousel.
She must've forgotten to close the door, because she feels warm hands on her even warmer shoulder. Y/N looks at the intruder through the mirror and sighs in relief.
"You scared me," she closes her eyes.
"Sorry. Not feeling well?" James softly kisses the back of her neck, looking at the reflection of her face.
"I'm fine, it's just really hot in there," she rubs her temples.
"Okay, let me get you a glass of water and let's go get some fresh air, yeah?" he rubs her shoulders up and down. She nods, facing him with a shy smile.
"You always save me when I'm drunk?" she giggles.
"Just want you to feel good, princess," he winks at her.
She goes out first, he follows, but stops to ask a waiter for a glass of water, allowing her to make it back to the table. But the waiter is quick and hands her the glass before she makes it to separate room they're in, which is great, because they can go right outside without too many questions.
James grabs their coats, telling Remus that they're gonna be back and walks out the room to put a coat over Y/N's frame.
When they're finally outside, she breaths in heavily. James holds her, looking intently at her face, taking note of every single change that comes across it.
"Better?" he's concerned.
"Much," she opens her eyes and says playfully.
"You look magnificent, Y/N," his eyes are soft.
"Thank you," she looks down for a second, but regains her confidence and looks him straight in the eyes. "And I see that you're a man of a word, indeed wearing your best, and make it look oh so effortless."
James couldn't help but blush. She brought her hand to his cheek and brushed it with a thumb.
"You're really pretty, James."
"Oi, you two love birds," comes Sirius' voice. He came out for a cigarette, which he did only if he had too much to drink. "Why don't I know that two of my best friends are together?" Sirius hugs them both by their shoulders.
"We're not," James says calmly.
"His eyelash fell, I got it for him," Y/N lies.
"Yeah, and the 'you're so pretty part' always comes with it?" Sirius puts a cigarette between his teeth, looking for a lighter in his pockets.
"Yes, it does, Siri, what are you on about?" Y/N pokes his side.
"Whatever you say, my dearest friend," mocks Sirius, finally lighting his fag.
"Where's Regulus by the way?" Y/N asks. Y/N's family was neighbours with the Blacks, that's how they met and became friends, three of them were inseparable. Then they went to the same school and made even more friends, so the group grew every step of the way, but the three were always best friends through everything.
"Oh, he got a bad cold and couldn't make it," Sirius brushes off.
"I just talked to him the other morning he was fine."
"Oh, darling, I'm surprised you're not down with it either," Sirius takes a drag. "Well, you have nothing to worry about, ‘cause your new boyfriend will take care of you, right, Prongs?"
"Shut it," James chortles.
The three of them made it inside to their respective seats. Sirius' eyes were flickering back to two of his best friends. James and Y/N weren't really close in school; sometimes Y/N sat with the boys at the lunch time, but mostly she hang out with her girls. James always seemed preoccupied with Y/N's red haired friend, or so Sirius thought. Now that he is thinking about it, he recalls James' unusual interest in English lit (Y/N was the leader of a reading club); how James would surreptitiously put a single card to the love box on St. Valentine's day, and it just so happens that one of the cards Y/N got had suspiciously familiar handwriting; how he would brag about him making it into the school's football team more when she was around. That bastard! thought Sirius.
"Can I get you home tonight?" James whispers into Y/N's ear, arm around the back of her chair.
"Yes," she whispers back, looking unsuspicious, but Sirius notices everything now.
Sirius smirks at his girlfriend.
"Look at these two and tell me they're not having an affair," Sirius points his head in the direction of his best friends, his arm is around her waist.
"Aren't they together?" she whispers back.
"They claim they aren't."
"Give them time."
Sirius kisses the crown of her hair.
James' hands are on Y/N’s waist, drawing circles into her sides, his lips are soft against hers. He kneels infront of her to take her shoes off.
"What if I am indeed contagious and you're kissing me? You can catch a cold," she wonders.
"Then we'll be sick together," he answers, caressing her right calf, and moving for the left shoe.
"You're willing to risk your health just to kiss me?" she goes on.
"I'm willing to risk my life just to look at you," he peers up into her eyes, now caressing her left calf.
"James..." she starts, but falls silent.
"Yes, Y/N/N," he kisses her knee.
"You said that you liked me in school," she stops again, watching him expectantly.
"I did say that, yes."
"Why didn't you ask me out?" she asks with something that James thinks is offence. He makes it to his feet, his eyes on hers, he takes her hand into his own, kissing her knuckles.
"Are you mad with me?" he gives her a weak smile, she just waits for him to answer. "I'm a coward, I guess." He finally says.
"And you looked at me dating Marc?" she asks sympathetically.
“Yes,” he pets her hair. “This is the first time you said his name after the break up.”
“Now is it?” She smiles, hands on his sternum.
“It is,” his lips ghost hers.
"James, I'm such an idiot," Y/N says, drawing figures into his neckline.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Marc was a git, but it could be worse."
"No, not because of Marc," she still cannot meet his eye.
"Look at me, Y/N," he hooks her chin with his fingers.
"James," she murmurs.
"What is it?"
"I'm an idiot."
"I heard that. I strongly disagree."
"No, but really."
James chuckles.
"Let's go to bed?" she suggests wearily.
"Don't change the subject!"
"I'm not, I don't want to talk about it, that's it."
He kisses her cheek and picks her up.
"Need to take your make up off."
She laughs.
"Jamie, I can walk to the bathroom."
"And I can carry you there."
He places her next to the sink.
"Are you gonna undress me?" she challenges him. Without hesitation his hand is on the zipper of her dress.
"Gladly," he smirks, lowering the straps.
Sirius: pls be more obvious Y/N: what???
Y/N looks up at her friend with a quizzical expression.
Sirius: james's hand is almost in your crotch Sirius: you two really thought no one's gonna notice Y/N: no one did notice it before Y/N: before u decided that u know everything
Y/N gives Sirius murderous eye.
Sirius: y/n/n babe you two are so obvious that anyone who hadn't figured you two out yet is a twat Y/N: u calling everyone in this room a twat? Sirius: not everyone Sirius: you two don't count Sirius: you two are idiots who can't figure out what they want Y/N: thx luv
She peers at him after the lack of reply, he just snickers at her, mouthing 'you are welcome'.
James' hand indeed almost reached Y/N's crotch. He is reckless.
Then why don't I stop him, she thinks and looks right at his hand.
Everyone is enjoying the conversation, except for Y/N who is deeply in thought. She excuses herself going straight to the guest bedroom. Oh this bedroom, the exact one where James and Y/N first had sex a couple of months ago.
As she enters, she looks around, remembering that last time she was here, her bra was never found, and she just hoped that James did save it (creepy, but better than leaving your bra at your best friend's place), because that would've meant he found it.
"Overwhelmed?" familiar voice spoke.
"What are they doing right now?" Y/N ignored him.
"They are about to play a game," James sounds soft.
"What game?"
"Uhm, some card game, not sure," he shrugged.
"Okay, that will take some time, then?"
Y/N quickly closes the door behind him and pushes him towards the bed. He lets out a short laugh.
"What do you have in mind, princess?" James wonders.
"I want you," she murmurs.
"Such nice words to hear from such a lovely girl," he connects their lips.
"I want it to be a full circle moment," Y/N takes off her top.
"What do you mean?" James is genuinely confused.
"Take me, Jamie."
He flips her over, taking off his own t-shirt. He plants kisses at the base of her neck. He's gentle while taking her skirt off, if it wasn't for a sudden breeze she felt on her inner thigh, this could've easily gone unnoticed.
Unlike their last time here, he is slow, he takes his time, and god oh god does it feel good.
"Jamie, please," she moans. And Jamie without farther ado just gives her what she asks for.
Her back is pressed to his sternum, her left hand is intertwined with his, she kissed his knuckles.
"So what did you mean? 'Full circle moment'?" James whispers playing with her fingers.
"I wanted to do it for so long," Y/N kisses his knuckles again and turns to face him. He seems worried. "I don't want to do this anymore."
"What? Do what?" James stutters.
"This," she motions to their discarded clothes.
"What the hell, Y/N?" James doesn't know which feeling is greater — confusion or anger.
"I said that I was an idiot. That's what I meant. Jamie, please forgive me, but I cannot go on like this. I'd rather lose it all, than not have you all to myself in every way possible," Y/N looks at him with hope.
"You're telling me," James starts, disconnecting their hands, "that the best way to break up with someone is to trick them into sex? Y/N, that is cruel!" He sits up on the bed, so she sees him.
"Break up? James, did you hear me?"
"Yeah, as clear as day," he quips, getting out of bed.
"James, what did I say?" she calmly asks, moving closer to him.
He stops for a second and looks at her tentatively.
"We cannot break up, James, we're not dating."
"And you... want... to-o-o... what?" he is so hesitant. "Did you change your mind?"
"Yeah. I can't do casual," Y/N admitted. "Not with you anyways."
"Did you fall for me?" James sits next to her, his bright smile lights up the room.
"How could I not?" Y/N gets one of his unruly curls out of his eyes.
"You wanted to do it for long? How long are we talking about?" he teases her.
"James," she sounds unimpressed, her eyes still glistening.
"Okay, okay, so now I'm your boyfriend?"
"Take me out and I'll consider," Y/N sneers.
"I can literally see you naked right now, and you say, you'll consider?" he says amazed.
"Yeah, my standarts are pretty high," she continues. "And I'll send you the list of all the requirements."
"You can tell me right now, and I'll tell you if I worth your time," he makes his way back, allowing her to lie back down on his chest.
"One: be tall."
"Two: have dark hair."
"Check. Are they all about the looks? 'Cause I'm sure that I'm your type."
"Not all of them are about the looks. There's also one that simply says 'be James Potter'."
"Really, it's what it says?" he asks with interest.
"Yeah, and what's your name again?" Y/N jokes.
"I can assure you that this is definitely worth your time."
She smiles at that and kisses him passionately, straddling his lap.
"You fuckers, that's not what I meant!" Sirius' voice echoes through the room. "Oh no, no! What the hell?"
James covers Y/N's body as she hides her face in his neck.
"Yew. You know what? You two can go fuck yourselves!"
"We already did," Y/N reminds.
"OH! You! I hate you both!" Sirius is headed to the living room. "I'll have to burn the bed!" He yells.
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futureplayboibunnie · 2 years
Dr Strange x fem! reader!
this is my fave fic ive ever written. nuff said.
ik all my fics are like essentially the same but this ones lowkey more vulgar even tho the plot is so overdone in fics 😭
Stephen Strange was a man of arrogance and a thin string of patience. You had a knack for testing that patience, willing to cut the barbed wire with bolt cutters at every interaction just for fun. Your irrational and impulsive nature was a joy to deal with.
'What? You can't come?' He was equal parts surprised and furious but this cocktail of a combination was potent and heady and it was taking all of his might not to lash out.
You were darting around your room whilst Stephen was dumbfounded at the door. Fluffing up your pillows and fixing up your duvet just the right amount in hopes of getting lucky tonight. Sexual freedom you were not feeling, sexual frustration was right on the money. You were so damn horny all the time and your own fingers or a vibrating piece of rubber plastic would not relieve any of that angst. Natasha set you up on a date with a SHIELD Agent in enlightened hopes that he would still the ache inside of you. However, Stephen was trying to put a wrench in those plans.
'I have a date this evening Stephen, I can't be there with you and Wong. Why can't you just do this with him?' Your voice came out exasperated as you opened your closet and tossed a few dresses, lingerie sets and a scattering assortment of shoes.
'He's preoccupied too, I can't fix up the relic alone.’ He countered and it just seemed to annoy you that much more.
'Can't? Never heard that word from you before.' You smirked.
'Date? I thought you didn't do dates.' He reminded you and it was like you were as clear as day to see through, you felt uncomfortable under his amplified scruntity.
It peeved Stephen that it wasn't really the fact you couldn't help him fix a timless, ancient relic that vexed him but it was the fact that you were going on...a date. You were free and single, he had no right to feel such a way for you, more specifically the person you were seeing this evening but he couldn't help it. His mood soured instantly. The voices piping up in his head were just pleading at him to stop you but he didn't know why he should even stop you in the first place; he didn't know what his feelings were labelled as.
'Stephen, go with grace. I can't, you're more than capable of repairing it yourself. You don't need a baby sitter.’ It was as if you were talking to a five year old, his arrogance wasn't piquing as much as it ought to and it made you nervous, it was as if he was self conscious or insecure.
Stephen Strange? Insecure? It could make you laugh, he was...attrac-decent looking and a magic weilding sorcerer with the nectar of the god's flowing through his feet. Who would?
'Fine. Have fun.' He muttered sarcastically as he left your room.
You sighed at his childishness and the. pondered what to wear.
You were flipping like a switch, unsure of which lingerie set to choose from, one or the other. It was a mantra carved into the echoey walls of your brain. It was a mantra carved into the echoey walls of your brain. You could barely trust yourself with your own skewed judgement and bias, so you flipped to your second best option: a second opinion from Natasha.
She was busy at a meeting or a recon but you could barely find it in yourself to care; your problems were going to be her problems tonight.
You shimmied on the first black lacy lingerie set and snapped a photo, bare faced and beautiful. You did the same with the other set. Too encompassed in the task of doing your makeup and dusting your apples with blush, you turned a blind eye to concentrating on your phone and absent mindedly sent the photos to..
FUCK. Oh fuck.
Shit. Your heart latched onto your throat when you read over the name.
Stephen Strange.
You panicked, immediately attempting to delete and unsend them before he got a chance to peer at the explicity of your text. He had never ever seen you in this light before and you were scared that he would never look at you the same way again. Of course you wanted to sleep with him, no matter how much you denied it but this wasn't the way to go about it. It was practically cheating.
Stephen was about to wind down as he threw himself on his bed, no matter in fixing the ancient relic now since you weren't here. Only clothed with a bare chest and sweatpants, he felt the left side of his sweatpants pocket buzz. It was a text...from you.
He was hoping you were about to change your mind and come over...come over to him where after some...activities may persue. He sent the thought flying out of his mind as he opened your text. He felt his soul whisper out of his body when he laid eyes on you.
There you were, posing all pretty and sweet in such finely crafted, extremely revealing lingerie. Curves on display and your tits provided such an engaging view. He couldn't tear his eyes away from you and your plump lips and your volitile and constant fuck me eyes. He really shouldn't be thinking, let alone looking at you in such a way, you were coworkers that's all. But Jesus Christ it was like God took a lifetime creating you, details and all to make you look perfect. His attentive blue eyes flickered from feature to feature- it looked like your body would meld perfectly into his. Though, you've made your distaste extremely clear for him. He wondered if you were meant to send these to him.
Too tired and anxious to even comprehend how to delete and unsend the photo, you gave in and caved into the worst case scenario imaginable. You winced as the pads of your fingertips texted back.
--Oh shit Stephen. I'm sorry that was for Nat, I didn't mean for you to see those, I'm trying to figure out how to unsend or delete them but I can't.
He could easily delete it for you but he let his eyes wander. He bit the bullet.
-- No, no it's fine.
You let out a sigh of relief but awkwardness still clouded you. Your brows furrowed in confusion as you bit at your fingernails.
-- First one. Go for the first one. I like the red details. Cute.
Your eyes widened at the same pace as the thump of your heart. You bit your lip, unsure of how to even begin to respond
--Matches the cloak.
You knew what you needed to do now, your impulse was as harrowing as it was a character flaw but you felt drawn. You felt like a magnet and you just needed to hear that click, Stephen made you feel that click and it wasn't even in real life it was by text, if he could make you feel wet by just a text then God knows what he'd be able to do in real life...in bed. He was strong and intimidating and vastly powerful. You'd let him face fuck you till morning's end.
Stephen quirked an eyebrow and adjusted his jaw at your reply, his tongue glazing over his lip to conceal his smug smirk.
-- You'd look prettier in nothing but my cloak.
Your heels were clacking against the marble of the Avengers Compound, silk sitting just above your thigh as you made your way down the staircase into your car. You weren't even rushing, you were like lightning on your toes the way you needed to be near him. Your need for sexual gratification from him was a major switch up from your annoyance towards him earlier. Your date could get fucked.
Stephen's phone was ringing in his hands and it was you, he hesitated before he answered. You revved your engine of your car and sped your way down to the Sanctum, your skill obviously being portrayed in the process as you swerved past the ongoing cars with your phone nestled to your ear. The stars twinkled in the mist, the night illuminated by laser beams.
Before Stephen could speak you cut him off.
'I'm coming. Stay where you are.' You stated all deadpan and serious before ultimately hanging up. His face contorted into confusion but then turning into excitement. Stephen had always wondered what was under your suit, the skin you lived in. It was always just a passing thought but now it was all his mind was on. He was hungry to get you naked and mark you up as his. Again, fuck your date.
Parking outside, you hurried your way to the door of the Sanctum. Unaware and uncaring to if there was anyone else but Stephen dotted around, you opened the door and let yourself in. Stephen was at the top of the staircase at the main entrance and there you were. Dressed up as if he wasn't going to tear the clothes off of you with his teeth. It was adorable and endearing. He stepped down the stairs and you were rushing at him like a raging bull; your lips connected before vour bodies collided at the foot of the stairs. He palmed at your ass and squeezed once he got his hands on you.
Your fingers scraped at his hair and tugged on it to make him open his mouth that much more for you to sink into. Stephen was growing impatient, he forced you to angle your head so he could delve his tongue into your blossoming mouth and lick away at the embarrassment and shame you felt today. God your lips were soft and sweet, so supple; he couldn't help but sink his teeth into your lips. A broken moan fell away at your mouth and into his and that just made his head reel. He needed to let you breathe out the erratic breaths you had pent up so you wouldn't suffocate, with both of your eyes screwed shut you pressed foreheads.
"Can I make you feel better?' He breathed into your skin.
'Please Stephen, I'm desperate. I can't take the waiting.'' You whined against him.
He tugged you by the arm up the staircase and took you breathlessly to his room. It wasn't slow and tender, it was firey hot and passionate and it was over in flashes. You were in his room. Alone. You had the chance to remark upon Stephen's toned physique, you were damn near salivating over this man and it was pathetic but you couldn't care, not when he was right next to you willing to give you the good hard fucking you've been desperate for. It was like you were possessed by the lust he was offering you and you were inclined to take more. For fucks sake you were already arching into him when you both crashed lips again.
'God, Stephen. I want- I.' You breathlessly tried to get a wandering point across but you didn't even know what you were trying to say.
'I fucking love hearing you beg.' He growled as he grasped you by the hair and pushed you down onto his regal looking bed. You felt so glamourous being bedded on an antique, the Gods and spirits would probably judge you both harshly but you thought it was some kind of magical christening. And holy hell the way he was fawning over you like you were his made your cunt throb.
'You're mine to fuck and use, got it?' He stared down at you coldly, no warmth or mercy in his cereulan irises and it made your body litter with goosebumps, by just the tones of his voice.
You nodded your head furiously at his offer.
He fiddled with the fabric at the edge of your dress as if to taunt you, softly cooing as his eyes flit from your face to the bottom of your dress.
'Cute.' He muttered, a small smile playing on his lips.
His oogling didn't last long as he tore off your dress in one swift motion, you could barely contain your moan at such a thing. Stephen made you feel so desired and wanted, he was practically frothing at the mouth to get you naked, like a rabid mad dog and you revelled in every moment of it. Stephen realised you wore the set he liked most. He bit his lip softly.
'You liked this one, didn't you?' You relentless tease was in aim to provoke him, you were an archer ready to hit that bullseye to let all hell break loose and let him take his anger out on you. "Took you long enough to spit it out, I hope I'm not wasting my time.’’
'Stop pretending to be smarter than you really are sweetheart.'’ Stephen reprimanded and it made a low chuckle flow out of you.
He ripped off your lingerie and shimmied it down your smooth legs.
'So conceited.' You pouted at the fact you spent a lot of money on that set.
'So fucking stupid.'
Without warning he flipped you around so you were on all fours and spanked at your ass, your skin flushed a warm shade of red as his unforgiving palm spanked the attitude out of you. He fondled and squeezed at the flesh of your ass. You tried to stay on all fours but Stephen grasped at your hair and made your torso meet the bed, the side of your face digging into the sheets. Your ass was all that he could see, you offered it up to him so freely; how could he say no to all of that? Stephen bent down and bit harshly at your skin there, deep teeth marks being left in his wake. The high pitched pornographic moan you let out at his actions was the only thing that was able to be heard, bouncing across the walls relentlessly like it was his own personal brand of music.
Stephen pistoned two thick fingers inside of your cunt with no remorse or pause, God you were so sticky with your own arousal and it made him beam up. He reached depths that no one else had ever had before, feeling into you in a way that made you realize that you've been waiting to be treated like this for so long. You convinced yourself you were content with vanilla sex but God this was exactly what you wanted, needed. It was like a drug, a Stephen Strange tasting drug that you knew you wouldn't be able to quit no matter how hard you tried.
‘'So wet, so pretty and all for me. God you're so fuckable, it's like you've made it your personal goal to taunt me. I've waited long enough for you, wanting you, tasting you, the idea that you could be mine-body, mind, soul. Jesus Christ-'’ He groaned lowly, he couldn't finish as he saw your wetness run down your thighs at his words. He could talk like this for a lifetime if he got you this wet everytime.
You were stunned. Body, soul and mind? He wanted you in all ways? Not just your body? These questions ran a marathon in your mind, your eyebrows knitting in tense pleasure and confusion. You thought that you were reading into it and let it go no matter how much it irked you.
'Stephen, fuck. Fuck me, I'm yours.’ You screamed at him.
With one hand he grasped at your hair again to hang your head up for a moment and with the other he retracted his fingers out of you and shoved them in your mouth.
'Go on. Suck.' He demanded through a whisper and you didn't need to be told twice, you suckled on his scarred fingers and you could taste yourself off of him. Mm, salty and sweet at the same time. He pushed his fingers down further to the base of your throat, you were gagging and choking on him and Stephen could've finished right then and there. Tears started to prick at your eyes, they soon began to meander down your red hot clammy cheeks.
He pushed you back down with no care of being gentle. He'll be gentle with you later, he just needed to fuck you until all you could think, feel and hear was his name. Stephen's palm met your backside again but before you could even moan he rammed his cock into you. He let out a gutteral moan at the feel of being inside of you, he glanced down and viewed that your back was arching into his bed perfectly and that small beads of sweat was gliding off of your back. He pumped himself in and out of you with ease, your already ample wetness making him slide into you effortlessly. Your cries and screams of his name muffled by the pillow made his mind melt, although he has a photographic mind...he wished he could retain this sound in his ears forever and play it back whenever he was desperate for his fix of you. What spurred him on even more was the bite mark he left on your ass, he felt like an animal but you were fucking loving it. He had to make sure you finished first or he wouldnt live it down. He kicked off his boxers and sweats.
Stephen bent down and bit at your shoulder blade, you felt so full to the point you were overflowing with pleasure. He knew exactly what he was doing.
'Stephen!' You breathed and groaned. You repeated his name over and over again, unsure of what you were even saying his name or begging for. It was like a mantra, a holy bible scripture that was etched in stone in your head.
You felt like you were about to burst. Your toes curled and your thighs were shaking, you knew that you were about to cum on him. White hot streaks of unfiltered pleasure shingled down your thighs and your lungs were expanding at an exponetial rate, you felt like your throat was collapsing in on itself your voice was so hoarse. You screamed out his name again as your wetness gushed onto him. His cock twitched inside of you, Stephen's arousal met yours in thick ropes.
He collapsed ontop of you before rolling over, panting like a complete idiot. He felt the presence of you consume his lungs and as he turned to face you, you were already gawking at him. Stephen's hair was dishevelled and strands were glued to his forehead.
'You're date's calling you.' He stated deapan. You didn't even hear the ringing that was coming from the bedside table.
Laying on your back, you grasped at your phone and answered.
'Hey.' You greeted, trying to contain your breathless pants.
'Hey. I was just wondering where you were.' He said.
Stephen didn't like the interaction that was happening, a tense look was etched over his features and he could feel irrational jealousy radiating off of him even though you made it clear that you wanted him. While you were still chatting on, his mind wasn't up to pace with his actions the way he inched closer and closer to you. As he placed his head on your chest with your phone against your ear, Stephen began suckling on your nipples. You let out a short surprise exhale.
'Y/N, you okay?' Your date asked.
'Yeah, yeah I'm just feeling a bit...preoccupied. I've been napping all day, I think I've come down with something. Like something's bitten me’
Once Stephen heard the word bite, he clamped his teeth down con your nipple. You bit your lip to conceal your moan and your eyes widened in worry that your date would know something was up.
'Yeah I've been waiting for an hour, I wish you'd told me.' Your date sounded disappointed and you felt bad that you didn't care.
'I'm sorry I've been sleeping for ages, I can't seem to get out of bed. Rain check?' You apologized as sweetly and profusely as you could, Stephen's ministrations were proving difficult to act normal. His eyes never wavered off of you, his skilled tongue and lips marking your tits up as if to prove you were his and only his. The possessiveness was so alluring, your soft pants were barely audible to your date, thank God, but Stephen wanted to test your endurance.
"Yeah sure. I hope you're doing okay, I'll see you.’’
'Bye.' You stated quickly and hung up and Stephen let go with a pop.
'Masochist.' You comment with a sly smile on your face.
'You love it.' He fired back.
'I'm all sticky.’’ You winced.
All he could do was raise an eyebrow, he lept up put his sweats on and sauntered off to his en suit bathroom to grab a towel to clean you both up. He was in and out quickly but when he got back to you, he dropped his towel where he stood. Stephen drank you in and you looked like a wet dream. His mouth was agape like a dumbfounded idiot. You were stood at the foot of Stephen's bed, naked. His cloak around your neck flowing down the expanse of your back and the air surrounding it, floating about but you were still planted to the floor. Your arms folded behind your back and one of your legs perched up and one straight...you looked magnificent. An angel. And cute since his cloak was absolutely massive on you. You were waiting for him, lik a cute little present for him to unwrap, a sweet smile plastered on your blushing face.
'Fuckkkkk, you're ruthless.' He breathed.
i think im gonna continue a smutty one shot of stephen finding ya naked in his cloak as the main plot cause jesus the idea got me tingling fr 🫣����
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acatalystrising · 1 year
As fellow member of the Church of Boba Fett ♥ May I please have anything for the song 'Sunflower' - Post Malone.
Can be of Boba, can be anyone. No context (even tho I break this rule a lot lmao), any style, any pair, can be a wip, or just write it as you feel it, hear it, vibe to it. Anything. Go! ♥
*casually vibes* ♥
GAAHH my Boba bestie this took far too long to answer, and I am SO sorry you had to wait! Just had a death in the family so I had to take some time away to process. But I’m back with a lovely one shot that I had a blast writing!
The Church of Boba Fett needs as much content of our beloved green tin can man as possible, and I hope this was worth the wait 💚🖤
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Boba Fett knew you wanted him.
It wasn’t a matter of an overly inflated ego on his part or a lack of obvious flirtation on yours. To put it simply, you were pure sunlight, something brilliant and blazing in his often bloodstained world of crime and order. Something untarnished by the very violence he’d been born into.
The violence he’d committed.
It wasn’t even so simple to say he didn’t deserve you. Yes, that would be true, however dramatic a statement in his opinion, but there was something else. Something that itched in the back of his brain even as he watched you from atop his throne, seated near the back of the room, engaged in conversation with several people who, from his perspective, would easily kill you for the right price.
He cared for you, truly, truly cared. And Boba knew that logically, the best way to protect you was either to send you away, or claim you as his own. None would dare lay a finger on you if you were his. He’d ensure it.
But still, he hesitated.
At the end of the day, it was a simple truth. A manacle over the proverbial ankle, truths clamping down to tight they might as well have choked him.
You were fiery, passionate. Full of vigor and sparks, so capable. But you were also innocent. Untouched by the bloodshed he knew like breathing. And he could not, in good conscience, pull you into a world you were never meant to be a part of.
He sighed, his breath hot and weighty on his lips. His armor suddenly felt too heavy on his chest. Even heavier as the hours bled to the evening, visitors finally slipping out of the throne room for the evening. But not you - as stubborn as Fennec in so many ways, who made her point quite painfully made via a raised eyebrow, followed by a smirk, then her final wink as she left the room.
Boba was very grateful for his helmet when you stood, shyly ambling toward his throne under the guise of cleaning, nimble fingers picking up pieces of trash that littered the ground. For some reason it made him angry. You were too pretty to lower yourself so.
Damn it. He was too attached.
“Don’t worry about that, mesh’la.” His voice cut through the room, tone a tad harsher than he’d intended. “Leave it for the droids.”
You blinked, finally looking up at him, then glancing away in an unsuccessful attempt to hide your blush. Stars, you were like a sunflower. Radiant, ethereal, and too perfect for his broken hands to sully.
“Okay,” you dipped your head in acknowledgment, still hovering on no move feet, as if waiting for something. Disguising with with a nervous dusting of the throne’s steps.
Words hovered unspoken, thick as the tension in the air. Worry wove into your brows like a sudden change of weather, tension of an oncoming storm. Did you think he wasn’t interested? How could he let you down easy? Tell you that he was interested, but…
But, what?
Kriffing damn it. Boba Fett was afraid. Afraid of hurting you, of marring your sunshine. Of not being good enough for you.
“Well, it’s getting late. If you need anything, just let me know.” You dipped your head in a goodbye that came across too hasty, clothing rustling as you went to flee.
The sight made everything in Boba revolt.
“Wait.” The word slipped from his mouth before he could stop himself. You spun on your heels, expression undeniably hopeful. Oh gods, this was too much. “We need to talk, little one.”
You blushed at the moniker, but swallowed hard as you approached.
“You don’t have to do this.” You cut him off with surprising bravado, hands clenched at your sides until they were shaking. “You don’t have to let me down easy. I’m not stupid, neither are you. Look, I appreciate everything you’ve done: letting me work here, protecting me, giving me a chance to get back on my feet. Nothing has to change. I’m…used to it.”
Boba blinked behind his helmet, shock rippling through him like a tidal wave. Stars, she was more perceptive than he thought. There was a strength to her he hadn’t previously seen, and also…an old wound. Maker, he’d been a kriffing jerk.
“What,” he kept his tone soft, lacking the harsh edge it normally carried. “Are you used to?”
It was your turn to blink. Clearly, you weren’t expecting the question.
“I…” you nervously crossed your arms, chewing the inside of your cheek. “I’m…used to…being ignored. People don’t look at me and see someone worth pursuing. Just,” you looked up, meeting his unseen gaze, “well, just someone who is useful. And that’s okay, you know. I’m happy here, truly, and I don’t need anything else other than-“
“Easy there,” he gently interrupted your rambling, the words softer than even he thought possible. You blinked again, but pointedly refused to meet his gaze. “Look at me, sweet girl.”
After a moment’s hesitation, you obeyed, and something in him constricted in pain when he saw the tears forming in your eyes. Boba chose his next words carefully.
“I‘ve never ignored you. Always noticed your smile.” He removed his helmet with a sigh, meeting your gaze with his own. “You deserve someone as bright and lovely as you - someone who can usher you into new depths of love and happiness. I’m broken, scarred, a killer…”
“You think that would stop me?” Your voice was surprisingly strong despite the tear that slipped down your cheek. “You think I haven’t already thought of that? Boba…I know who you are. What you are. And that’s why…I find you so endearing. Why I want to be with you.”
You thought him endearing? Boba could barely believe it, if not for the sincerity in your tone. He fell silent, pondering your words, and you stood there, braving his silence, wiping the tear away with a trembling finger.
Finally, at long last, Boba caved. He couldn’t hold back any longer, or deny you what he felt you both knew to be true. And he’d left you waiting long enough.
“Come here, little one,” he held out an arm like a white flag, and you didn’t hesitate to approach. He guided you onto his lap, holding you close against his chest, and felt you relax against him. “This okay?”
You nodded eagerly, curling closer, fingers clutching the fabric at his shoulder.
“I want you, mesh’la.” His voice was a low rumble as he caressed your cheek, making you shiver. “If you’ll have me.”
“I want you too,” your affirmation was like a song in his ears. “I want to be yours. Only yours.”
“Then you will be mine, little sunflower.” He ran a hand though your hair, then your jaw, fingertips lingering on your chin and lifting your lips to his. “Always.”
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I feel so weird and like I'm doing something wrong?? My Boss manager always being so passive aggressive to me or maybe I'm just not used to ppl being so stupid.
She's like "you NEED to be selling the credit cards more. You know we base your scheduling on how many credit card u sell and if you don't have high numbers then when I start hiring new people..."
HIRING WHO?????? HIRING WHOO???? Id like to see all the people you’re hiring hmm? Where? You can barely keep ur own managers from constantly calling out of work. So ur forced to do 60 hr work weeks every month. I know u ain't talking to me And the other two associates always call out or don't show up so I have to come and cover for them…I KNOW YOU AIN'T TALKING TO ME!??!??!?!?
"Your job is to sell the stuff at the counter and credit cards" ok then why am I sweeping the floors and cleaning the bathrooms and wiping the mirrors and pricing merch and tagging and taking out the trash and dusting and packaging online orders etc?
She like "even tho ur just an associate u NEED to be reading the emails everyday" girl how is knowing what the stores over n Texas and Florida make gon help me 💀 She acts like she got hella people on stand by bitch u dont she tryna lecture telling me I need to do more... All you do is talk on the phone and ask ppl to join ur church.
She be in the corner somewhere on the phone and the customers are like "um...excuse me?" And she ignored them so I gotta help them. Even tho she tasked me with scanning all the fucking items in the store!!
And she literally told me "u need to pay attention more to the customers YOU'RE NOT HERE TO COMPLETE TASKS!!!" AHHHHHHUAHHHHHHHHHHHHH what do you mean???????? Wtf am i here for then??
I'm bout to snap on her fr maybe I'm too combative… she got me pushing around this chart.
She was like complaining "uh make sure you fix that bcuz y'all like to leave it a mess 😒" And I was bout to say "bitch who tf is y'all??????" I KNOW how you are and I know you complain about every lil thing, so whenever i'm pushing that chart around it be looking neat and tidy and I put it back like that too. 
I'm da best employee she has!!! My other managers Jays and Red were literally like “ugh we were so lucky to have found you” and the other day a customer had came back into the store to tell my manager Red what a good job i did helping her find what she needs and being accommodating…The other associates dont do shit.
The college girl who barely works saw a box all messed up, she tried to quickly close the top (didn't work) and then she just walked away. I was like "um aren't u gon fix that?" And she was like "oh yeah right" Like??? And all she does is stand behind da counter. The store be a mess and she be standing.
The phone guy just be on his phone and he be chilling in da back. I know u are not on my case. when u let a whole ass employee stay in the break room his entire shift 💀.
I feel like she get someone sort of power trip off it and she just needs someone to terrorize and she choose me because I'm always there 🥲 (this is the reward i get for being a real ass employee??) 
Boss manager was like "I'm going to start quizzing you guys on what was in the manual  bcuz y'all act like talk forgot, you NEED to be following them!!" Girl still on shit from da "training" videos. Shit she don't even follow…
Yesterday she was like, “go reprice the entire clearance section, make sure you don't leave the chart out!!! Every Time someone walks in the store, put the chart back and greet them!!! (she's standing next to the entrance doing nothing) Well this NEEDS to be done before your shift ends so get it together hurry up!!! And you can actually leave the chart out when u need to ring someone up on the register (she is one the phone and didn't notice someone standing there) OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT GUY NEEDS HELP!!! HELP HIM!!! GOOOO!!! AND TAKE THE CHART WITH YOU!!!!! OMG OMG STOP STOP LEAVE THE CHART HELP THAT GUY NOWW UGHHHHHHH!!!!!" and she is...standing there doing nothing...he walked up to her first bcuz she was closer…
Its so awkward asking someone to apply for the credit card, bcuz the boss manager expects you to harass every customer (she literally follows them around the store and asking them repeatedly to sign up i counted once…she asked one person 7 times) AND it's not even only the credit card, it's everything in the damn store. AND she only wanted 1 person on the register even when its rlly busy, trying to sell everything in the store…. (you guys only 2 people are allowed in the ENTIRE STORE one associate and one manager bcuz the company wants to be cheap)
It's like the customer places whatever they’re buying down and I have to say “hey this thing is buy one get on half if you're interested, and we have this item on sale, also if you wanted any of these items they’re behind you. Do you want any of this? I can show you the different ones we sell. And we have this too. I can help you pick out the one you need. We also have a credit card, if you want, you'll earn coupons and get a discount off today's purchase :D"
And she wants us, to say that, TO EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER!! Everyone…
So it gets so awkward asking, especially if they are just buying like one little item. And to make things worse she's so nitpicky about everything like I was asking if they wanted to join our rewards and she was like "ugh if you ask it like that of course they're gonna say no!!!" And then she...didn't give me a way I should ask them…
I just nod and say "okay" whenever she starts ranting. She just get on my nerves a lot but that's also bcuz ima hater. Idk i feel like i do everything correctly and efficiently so idk why my managers are always attacking or complaining about me. 
Can I pleaseeeee have a job where I only need to complete tasks??? Where are those jobs?? Someone point me in the right direction
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thefixations-ofmine · 3 months
"#Ian looking for his next victim#dw babe#they can all take that 9in monster#CAN YOU IMAGINE THO" <- i can actually hear me out, married ian and mickey putting their (more or less legally obtained) savings together for a fresh start in LA. literally the first week mickey ends up being the reason for one of the 118's more embarrassing calls, idk what the hell he's been up to but this is the guy who got shot in the ass one time so. they need all hands on deck to hold mickey down and get him on the stretcher ("Get your fucking hands off me! Don't touch me! I don't need a hospital! Fuck off!") and when they finally did it with ian's help, buck gives him a slap on the shoulder and goes "Nice job on the first aid by the way." this leads to ian picking up the idea again that he could become a firefighter, i mean, who wouldn't want to work alongside handsome sweaty men? and he needs a job and this would be a solid one, also well paid. so right as they're loading mickey into the ambulance he goes "Wait, you guys hiring?" mickey clocks it immediately, taking off his oxygen mask: "Yeah, I don't fucking think so."
My first ask!?!?! *coliseum level cheers* ✨️
Not proofread. Written on my phone quickly at work.
"The fuck you mean?" Ian replies rapidly, not exactly mad, but he doesn't know why Mickey would be against this. There's a tence look going around the 118 team.
"Well... Because," he fumbles on his words as Hen helps Chim get the stretcher in the ambulance, silent. "I don't know, man. Look at them. Look at me." Now Ian gets it and he laughs at his husband's jealousy.
"Don't worry honey, this 9-inch cock is all yours." Now, Gallaghers have always been known for their unreligious ways in the dumpster hole they called home, but here in LA, this had everyone's necks itching with secondhand embarrassment, and the 118 had seen A LOT.
Ian looks around and realizes what he just said, and how that must not look entirely good on a work resume.
"Listen kid, you've got drive," Bobby chimes in, hand on his shoulder. "Maybe give yourself a minute to settle in, let your friend here heal, and drop by the station to have a proper word with us."
"I'm his husband, jackass!" They can hear Mickey through the closing ambulance doors. Eddie snickers and grabs the medical kits on the floor while Ravi picks up the gloves that were shoved out of the box in their attempt to tame the beast.
"I'm really sorry guys. I know he can be much. But when you grow up with nothing, you kinda need someone by your side who gets it." He sticks his hand out to shake Buck's, then Bobby's. "I'll make sure he's more civilized before I give this a shot. Wouldn't want to be on duty when we get a call because he put his nose where it shouldn't be."
"We've all had our moments, trust me," adds Buck. There's a faint pinch in his stomach when he looks him in the eyes - one, because this cute ginger was actually taken, and two, he's afraid Ian will back down on the offer and they won't get to have his quick wit on the team. "You kind of remind me of myself a couple years back. Give yourself a chance, and you'll get there." Bobby winces at that reminder, but nods in approval.
A few weeks later, when the dust had settled and Ian managed to convince Mickey of the amazing financial and gratifying opportunity, he walks himself into the station, confidence radiating in his walk. Before asking anyone where the chief was, Ian lets himself gloat at the scene before him;
Buck and Chim are going heavy on the workouts, sweaty and panting while the other beauty - he hadn't caught his name - is getting dressed in the locker room, and though he found the idea stupid at first, he soon realizes that glass walls were not so bad after all.
When his so-called 9 inch cock starts to threaten his composure (and therefore prooving Mickey's point), he pushes himself out of his hiding spot and walks towards the staircase, before being greeted by Hen.
"Well, if it isn't Mr. Loverboy now!" She sing-songs and he softly blushes when everyone around turn their attention.
He makes a mental note to give them another nickname to use if this was going to work.
I could ellaborate on that, and in a world where Gallavich doesn't exist, have Buck and Ian be all over eachother, but this was a fun little snippet!!
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skuzzzii · 1 year
(My first fic rwrb, I hope you like it)
Alex and Henry were making lunch, giggling passing kisses here and there. Alex playfully smacking Henry's butt saying it was accidental, but they both knew that was not true as he did that almost every 5 seconds.
"Alex, come here and taste this?" Henry called over to his boyfriend, who was busy mixing up the salad.
" Yea babe, one second," Alex said, putting the knife down and walking towards Henry.
Henry dipped his spatula into the curry he was making and scooped a good amount. He gently blew on it so alex wouldn't burn himself .
Alex's heart softened at his antics as he smiled softly .
" Here," Henry brought the spatula in front of Alex, and tasted the curry.
" Good?" Henry asked as he looked at Alex's face for a reaction.
" It's amazing babe it could need a tiny bit of pepper tho" Alex suggested to which Henry tasted it himself and nodded.
" Could you get the jar over there?" Henry,asked pointing towards the top shelf.
Alex snorted." Too tall for you love " he teased before earning a playful smack on his chest.
" Shut up," Henry mumbled, smiling to himself.
Alex, still giggling, grabbed the jar and walked towards his boyfriend.
Just as he was about to keep the jar on the counter, it slipped from his hands and fell straight to the ground.
The glass was strong enough not to break, but the kitchen was covered with black powder.
Alex and Henry quickly covered their mouths to stop the pepper from entering their mouths, but it was too late.
Henry started coughing loudly as the pepper affected his throat.
Alex couldn't help but rush towards Henry's side to guide him outside to the living room coughing as well . He held the back of Henry's back, rubbing it up and down.
"You okay,baby?Alex asked with concern in his voice.
Henry cleared his throat and nodded." Im fine , are you alright?" he asked, holding Alex's arm.
Alex felt his nose tickling from the pepper. He rubbed his wrist against it and immediately regretted his actions as he realized that it was dusted with bits of the pepper.
" Oh shit..hih..."Alex's breath hitched audibly which made Henry look at him with confusion.
"What's wrong hon-"Henry was cut off by Alex bending by his waist sneezing into his loose fist.
" Hiksh...Iiksh...IISH..HIISHU..HEKTCH" He sniffed loudly as he recovered from his fit.
" Bless you, sweetheart," Henry said as he bought some tissues for his boyfriend.
" mmmn thank you " Alex accepted the tissues and blew his nose.
Henry coughed a little, his throat felt a bit scratchy.
" Here " Alex offered him water after he was done tending his nose.
" Thank you, love." Henry smiled at him gratefully and took a big gulp and sighed with relief.
" God Alex the Curry " Henry said as he looked over to his pot.
" It's fine, babe. I turned the gas off," Alex confirmed, still sniffling.
" Oh, Alex, I don't know what I would've done without you," Henry said, hugging his boyfriend.
" i guess we'll never find out." Alex smiled, hugging him back, and he placed a kiss on his forehead.
"..heh ...Heheshu"
" Did you just sneeze? " Alex asked as they were still hugging .
"Snff Sorry?" Henry said sheepishly making Alex laugh .
" Bless you, baby."
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wishing-stones · 1 year
steps into your askbox... may i have a matchup w one of the r&r boys? romantic or platonic is fine lol
im ace and nonbinary. im a total homebody and get overstimulated easily in social situations, so a lot of times just sitting with someone doing my own thing is a good friendship/relationship for me. my hobbies are reading, knitting, and playing video games. i'm a cat person even tho i work with dogs.
i like being outside but im not very active due to chronic pain. i try to be optimistic and see the best in people and im very empathetic which can be an issue bc i get too involved in other people's problems... i have anxiety and ptsd and a lot of times what helps me is just having someone to lean on (figuratively AND literally haha)
thank u!!!
Hi anon! From the sounds of things, I'd put you with Dust.
Despite violent tendencies, Dust is a super chill guy. He's the resident gamer, and intimately understands overstimulation. He's also phenomenal at parallel play-- you can do something on your own in the same room as him and he'll be perfectly happy.
He's also empathetic to pain, anxiety, and ptsd. He's good at strong, silent support, and also isn't afraid to ensure that you remove yourself from a situation if he thinks you might be getting in over your head, especially getting involved in other people's problems, with a gentle reminder that you don't need to fix everything, and to make sure you're taking care of yourself before trying to take care of someone else's issue.
He could be either platonic or romantic-- he doesn't come on as strongly as some of the others, so a relationship with him might skirt the line of both.
A good secondary option would be either one of the Dreamtale twins-- Nightmare will enforce your boundaries firmly if you don't do it yourself, enjoys reading, and is good with both mental and physical pain. Dream is patient, gentle, and understanding, and similarly likes to insert himself into other people's problems, oftentimes to the point of burnout. He's good at seeing it in other people, though, so it might be a mutually beneficial "stop trying to fix it, you're overextending yourself" reminder.
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