#i need something like 9 years of shadow please my children are dying
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 2 years ago
I'm just a girl, standing in front of a metaphorical representation of a website, asking it to give her metroidvania recommendations.
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alyssadeliv · 4 years ago
The Forgotten One
First      Previous
Chapter 9
For the first time after so long, Marianne finally felt home. Even as she bled on top of a dark building, she did not care. As long as she kept on holding him everything would be alright. She could feel his tear on her neck, and she could imagine he felt hers on his. It was strange, she dreamed of this moment more times she could count, but not one of her imaginary scenes did she feel this immense happiness in her soul. It was as if she was finally whole. He held her with such force she was sure she would suffocate, but she kept quiet, just enjoying the warmth of his body on hers. It was only after she started feeling dizzy that she detached him from her. 
He was different, more mature. The years only served to enhance his beauty. It didn't matter that he was wearing a mask, she would recognize him everywhere, but she still longed to be able to see his green eyes again. No one said a word, using their body language to determine what to do next. It was Damian that decided to take the lead.
He stood up and helped his sister on her feet. He kept supporting her, knowing that the wound he inflicted on her must be taking some toll on her body after their intense fight. She was barely standing on her own, having lost too much blood. His Robin costume was coated in red, and that left a bad taste on his mouth. With her secure at his side, he turned to his Father. There was so much he needed to tell him, years of feelings he trapped inside of him could finally be let loose. But first, he had to make sure he still trusted him. 
“I promise to explain once we get to the cave… but she needs help.” He pleaded. He wasn’t sure if it was the tone of his voice or the fact that his family just caught him in his most vulnerable moment, but they agreed. 
Damian carried her to the Batmobile, Todd, and Grayson trailing after him. Batman led the team in silence. Meticulously thinking about the connection of his youngest son with the passed-out assassin. She wore League attire, but it was a strange symbol on her clothes that made him wary. He remembered seeing that symbol in the clothes of a dead Gabriel Agreste early this week, and there was no doubt that they had some kind of connection.
He wanted to interrogate her as soon as possible, but he would wait until Damian gave his explanation as to why he acted in such a way that night. They obviously knew each other, so they must have met when his son was still in the care of his mother. That information did little to calm his worried mind.
It was a unanimous decision that petrol was canceled that night. So they all entered the Batmobile and made their way to the Cave. They didn’t have to worry about their identities, as the girl was falling in and out of consciousness during their short ride. 
Dick kept a close eye on the girl in Damian’s arms. Her face was nested carefully in his brother's neck, keeping him from being able to identify her face. Her blood coated the interior of the car, and only the fact that the Batarang still impaled at her side was helping to stop the bleeding from totally draining the girl kept him somewhat calm.
Jason was the only one that wasn’t in the car, having opted to use his bike, he went ahead and notified Alfred that they would need his assistance, with the injured girl.
By now Damian knew that all his family was notified of this incident, and would most likely be waiting for them to return. He could only hope that his father would hear him first. He wasn’t worried about his sister, he knew she would be alright. After years of training with her, he knew she bled easily, but was stronger and healed faster than most. 
When they arrived at the Cave, Damian immediately laid her in one of the gurneys. But before he allowed Alfred to assess her wound he removed the weapon. He heard the shouts of indignation coming from Grayson but ignored him.
He knew what they must be thinking, that his weapon was the only thing keeping her from bleeding out, but what they didn’t know was that Marianne’s body reacted faster when she was in danger of dying. So it came to no surprise to him when her wound started to heal itself. What started him was the glow that came with it. That was new.
“She will be fine. Just need a couple of hours to recharge her energy” Damian clarified.
"She's Meta…” Dick whispered, eying Bruce carefully. It was no secret that the man did not normally trust meta-humans very easily. His expression was hard, and everyone could tell his patience had come to an end.
“Explain.” He demanded.
“I do not know how to start…” From his body language, they could see he was nervous. He ran his fingers through his hair, something he never did.
“From the start would be great!” Jason tried to lighten the mood. He hadn’t moved from his sitting position on the round table. Barbara and Tim were sitting with him, both anxious to understand the situation. He wanted to go see this mysterious girl, but for the sake of his family, he stayed put, for now.
“Father… You might want to sit for this…” 
Bruce nodded. And they all sat. Damian sat in front of his father, with Grayson and Todd at his sides, while Gordon and Drake sat by Todd’s side. No one dared to sit close to Bruce, fearing his reaction.
“Do you remember how I was conceived?” Damian started, not meeting his father’s eyes, and ignoring the snickering coming from his brothers. He knew this was a sore subject, but he needed to approach the subject somehow.
“It was of extreme importance that Mother produced a male heir for Grandfather. But what you do not know is that I was not the firstborn” This causes everyone to widen their eyes in horror. 
Bruce pales but otherwise keeps quiet.
“I explained before how I was raised in an artificial womb through my development stages. And there is a reason for that... Before me, Mother was pregnant, the traditional way, but a female was born. She was born” He points to the direction of the girl resting behind the curtains of the medical bay. 
“How… When…” Bruce is at a loss of words. When Talia appeared two years ago with his secret child in tow he felt only despair first. He had lost so much of his son’s childhood. It took him so long to accept that he had what it took to care for his blood child the same way he cared for his wards.
“She was born six years before me…” Damian explains. “Mother never told me anything about that, only that she did it to appease her father.”
“Wait, wait, wait! So you're telling me that the scary kid we just rescued is B’s long-lost daughter? Why are we only hearing of this now?” Jason as always wasn't able to keep quiet anymore. 
Damian lowers his head and covers his eyes with his now gloveless hands. Sensing his distress Jason allows him to recompose himself. 
“She was dead… Or I thought she had died. In the same attack that made Mother bring me to live here.” They could see that it was hard for him to talk about that day “Except she did not die!” He exclaimed in anger, rising from his seat. 
“There’s where you're wrong.” The melodious voice attracts their attention. She stands just a couple of steps apart from where they are sitting. But no one heard her coming. She wears green, but the cape that once covered her hair is lowered, and they could clearly see her long black hair left loose. She had blue eyes and was rapidly analyzing every single one of them until her eyes landed on Bruce. Her father. Damian could see the insecurity in her, so he calmed himself, and went to her. “I did die that day. It was only thanks to Tikki that I am alive now” And with that, she knew her brother would understand. After years of living with her, she taught him a little about the Order.
“Father…” Damian tries.
Bruce stands up. And goes in their direction. He stops just a couple of steps from his children. His children. 
“This is Marianne, your daughter.”
So there we are! Another chapter. Do you love it? Hate it? Please tell me I love to read your opinions!
I feel like I must warn you all that I only planned to have one more chapter on this story, but after some consideration, it came to me the idea of making a Part Two of this story. Would that be something you all be interested in? Let me know!
Taglist:  @macncheesemonster @jumpingjoy82 @silversaphire12 @jinx-jade @swiftie-miraculer13  @greatcatblaze @megaafangirl @ramos123 @theamityislife @maskedpainter @toodaloo-kangaroo @nyx-in-line @ketchupqueenboiiii @blackroserelina @lozzybowe @user00000003 @kashlyn @msshadows97 @ira-sairain @stackofrandomstuff @myazael @frieddonutsweets @asrainterstellar @our-preciousss @laurcad123 @nyaabinch @rverfades @thefangirlwholiterallydies @astoriaandromeda @unnamed2357 @little-lady-bird @imdaqueenie @meismu @dorkus-minimus @a4-machete @arty-shadow-morningstar @catthhay @sizzling-fairy-oil @poodapup @charme-de-malchan @jayjayspixiepop @fusser90 @adrestar @iloontjeboontje @buginetye @macncheesemonster @messymessyml @redbullgivescaswings @queer-illusion @moonlightstar64 @kking13 @lupagrimm @dorkus-minimus @roguishredaxion @meow-6296 @galla02006 @samiamack @readingalldaysleepingallnight @twsssmlmaa @ihatecomingupwithusernameswtf @alexizlazy4eva @lady-bee-fechin @mizzy-pop
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cheeriecherry · 5 years ago
Space Between [Aizawa Shouta x F!Reader x Yamada Hizashi] [1/9]
EraserMic x Reader
Part 1/8
Warnings: None, like 2 swears
You stare out the window of the plane, past your own reflection. In the darkness below, you can see the runway lights approaching fast, bright beacons in the shadow of night. You can hardly believe you’re about to land back in Japan.
It’s been years since you’ve set foot in the country, two and a half, to be specific, and to say you’re nervous is an understatement. You wonder if they’ll be there, your old friends, waiting for you. You’d called them earlier in the week, only ever reaching their voicemails, but you’d left them messages saying when you’d arrive…and that you’d explain everything.
When you left so long ago, it had been without a word. One day you were living your life, the next you were being shipped off to the United States, to work undercover. You hadn’t been allowed to tell anyone where you were going, or for how long. You’d just…left.
You hoped that they’d both be there. God, did you hope.
Not that they owed you anything, but the logical side of your mind told you they’d be likely to give you the benefit of the doubt, and hear what you had to say. At least, Hizashi probably would.
You’d known the blond since you were small children, having lived in the same neighborhood and gone to the same elementary school. You hadn’t met Shouta until years later, when you started high school.
The two of you hadn’t hit it off immediately. In fact. you’d found him to be aloof beyond measure, uninterested, and stubborn…but Hizashi really seemed to like him. So you’d made a point to try and get along, and it had eventually proved fruitful.
He had been difficult to get to know, but once you learned a little more about each other you’d found you had a lot in common. He was funny, in his own way, kind, and cared deeply about others, even if he didn’t show it on the surface.
And Hizashi seemed pretty pleased that you two had finally made nice with one another.
Your thoughts drift further along as you think more about the friends you left behind, the shaky beginnings of friendship, the stressful mayhem of your budding hero careers. You smile to yourself, recalling the shitty one bedroom apartment the three of you had crammed into in your early twenties, none of you being able to afford much more.
It had been nonstop work, back then. Double shifts for weeks in a row, extra patrols, second (and third) jobs on the side, all to earn enough cash to make your own way in the world. You’d been so grateful to have them back then. They made the hassle of it all worthwhile.
You’d come to the conclusion pretty early on that your feelings for them weren’t totally platonic, but you’d never had the desire to act on it. You were comfortable with where your life had been, and maybe fear had held you back, but you hadn’t wanted to risk messing anything up.
Besides, the two of them always seemed to pay more attention to each other than to you.
“Pardon me, Miss.”
You snap out of your thoughts when a gentle hand rests on your shoulder. You look up at the smiling flight attendant with wide eyes, electricity buzzing through your body where she touched you.
She lets you know the plane has landed and that the rest of the passengers have exited the deck (a quick glance around proves this), and that if you need help carrying anything to let her know. You thank her quietly, apologize for holding everyone up, and make your way into the airport.
You squint as you walk into the building, which -even at such a late hour- is busy with people. The fluorescent lights almost burn your eyes, and the din around you is loud enough that you almost miss the sound of your name being called.
Thankfully, you manage to hear the quick footsteps behind you, before you’re scooped up like a doll and squished in a hug.
“Y/N! We missed you!”
You squirm a little in Hizashi’s arms, trying to regain your balance, but he only spins you in a circle and hugs you harder. You find yourself smiling, despite your earlier unease. He was here. He’d heard you. He’d come for you.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Shouta meandering towards you, hands shoved in his pockets and donning his usual expression. You smile at him, too, and offer him a hug after you’re finally set down.
He’s softer and significantly more calm about it, but his grip on you is tight and warm. You sigh and lean into him, resisting the urge to stay like that for longer than necessary.
“I have a lot of explaining to do, huh?” you say, keeping your tone light. A fresh wave of guilt washes over you when you remember everything that’s happened, and everything you did. They were here now, but you could only guess what they were thinking and feeling; disappointment, shock, anger…
The three of you wander over to the baggage claim area, and stand in a small huddle while you wait for your things.
“Your voicemail said you were undercover,” Hizashi says, and you nod.
“Yeah, for two and a half years.” Shouta grumbles, low enough that you almost miss it. You fiddle with the sleeves of your shirt, avoiding their gazes.
“I’m sorry,” your voice is small, “Truly. If I could have told you about anything, I would have. The commission estimated the mission would only last a couple weeks, but…”
“Two and a half years.”
You droop. “It was supposed to be a small takedown, for some small-time ringleader in the states. Get in, get out, don’t get caught.”
Shouta watches a luggage bag pass by, carefully disinterested. “So what went wrong?”
You shrug. “Local lowlife ended up being part of an international smuggling ring. We could have taken the guy out, but then we would’ve lost the only source we had to something bigger. So we stayed, and we spied, and we put a lot of people in prison.”
Hizashi pulls a bag off the conveyor. “And you got yourself on someone’s shit list.”
“Oh, without a doubt,” you laugh, but neither of them do.
You reach for the handle of your bag, but Hizashi swings it away before you even get close. You roll your eyes and complain, but let him carry it anyways, the three of you lulling into silence on the way out.
Only when you’re outside do either of them speak again.
“You kept saying ‘we’, back there,” Shouta says, and Hizashi tacks on, “Did you have a partner?”
You’re quiet for a moment, pensive. Sad. Guilty.
“Yeah,” you try to keep your voice even, “I did.”
My fault.
You shake the thought away and pretend to miss the glance that the two of them share with each other, walking a few steps ahead of them. It’s obvious that it’s not something you’re willing to talk about right now, even if you weren’t exhausted from the flight and lack of sleep.
You reach the car before them, recognizing the old vehicle as the one Hizashi owned before you’d left.
“We’re glad you’re back, in any case,” he says, unlocking the side door for you to slip in. “It hasn’t been the same without you around.”
You smile at that, but you’re certain it doesn’t reach your eyes. Your mind is elsewhere, now, lost in old thoughts. 
Shouta slides into the front passenger seat, peering back at you in the mirror. “We’ll be home soon. Try not to fall asleep back there, you know you get motion sick.”
You snort, but you can feel your eyelids falling. “I won’t fall asleep, I’m stronger than-” You break off into a yawn. “…Maybe not. Just drop me off at a hotel, okay? I don’t mind staying there for a while-”
“You’re kidding, right?” Hizashi plops into the driver’s seat, and starts the car. “You seriously think we’d just toss you out like that? No ma’am, you can crash on our couch!”
“It’s gonna be a couple weeks until I can find a place,” you explain, tiredness beginning to seep into your voice, “and I really don’t wanna take up space-”
Shouta reaches back without looking and pinches your leg. “Your money is better spent on new living arrangements,” he says, and you swat at him, “Don’t blow it on some shit hotel when you have people who want to house you.”
You grumble a little, but relent, knowing he’s right.
“So, you two are still living together, huh?” you ask, trying to change the conversation to something more comfortable. “I would’ve sworn you guys would have enough saved up to get your own places by now.”
“We’re engaged, so it makes sense.”
Your eyebrows shoot up at this, surprise evident in your expression. Engaged? Your stomach does little flips, and for a moment you’re not sure if they’re good or bad. On one hand, you’re glad they’re happy and together. On the other hand…seeing them after so long has definitely begun to resurface some old feelings.
You smile, masking the sadness. “I really missed a lot, huh? I didn’t even know you guys liked each other.”
Hizashi grins in the rear view mirror. “Some things came to light after you…left. We admitted some feelings, tried a few things out, and the rest is history.”
Your stomach sinks, all the butterflies you’d had instantly dying. “I’m glad you guys had each other. I’m…I’m sorry.”
Shouta reaches back again, but you manage to dodge his pinching attack this time. You slap at each other for a couple seconds, before you’re scolded for roughhousing in the car.
“You don’t need to keep apologizing,” he says, “we get why you had to leave, now. Besides, you’re back. We can pick up where we all left off.”
Where you left off, huh? Where you’d left off, you’d been overworked and pining hard for two of the dumbest smart people you’d ever known. Were you doomed to that fate again?
Still, you tell them, “That sounds perfect.”
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otonymous · 4 years ago
A Bolt From The Blue (MLQC Shaw - NSFW) - Part III: Near & Far
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Description: Promising beginnings and a premature end throw you into a tailspin Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language & mature themes — reader discretion is advised.  Potential trigger warnings: depictions of mild PTSD symptoms, mentions of death of a close family member, disappearances, “breakups,” angst, profanity Word Count: 1882 words (~9 mins of falling in love and wallowing in angst 😱😂) Author’s Notes: If you’re still following this story, please accept a giant (virtual) hug from me to you!  Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and this piece of work! 💖 Without further ado, I present to you part 3 of my slow-burn Shaw fic, written for the lovely @op-peccatori​ as part of my follower milestone celebration.
As always, dear reader, please note the potential trigger warnings listed above, and happy reading! 😊
Jump to Chapter(s): One | Two | Four
“You can relax, you know.  I won’t try anything funny while you sleep, not my style.  Besides, isn’t this much better than camping out on the floor?”
Nodding your head before you realize that Shaw probably couldn’t see you in the dark, your “Yes” comes out in a mewl so pathetic you wished you could immediately take it back.
His snicker shakes the bed, reverberating across squeaky springs to where you lay beside him, right at the edge of the twin mattress as you tried not to let your hands touch.
No matter how much you wished for them to.
Beyond the window, a neon signboard paints electric shadows on your walls in splashes of pink, flashing in time to a rhythm Shaw tapped out with one foot beneath the covers.
“Is it cool if…if we didn’t draw the blinds tonight?  I can’t sleep in complete darkness.” He had asked you earlier that evening, towelling off his hair as he emerged from your bathroom wearing a shirt your ex had left behind along with your broken heart a year and a half ago.
Snoopy looked much better riding his skateboard across Shaw’s broad chest anyways.
And there, in the midst of an awkward arrangement where sleep would surely prove fleeting, the sounds of the night: the low hum of the refrigerator, the pawn shop’s sign buzzing just on the other side of the windowpane…the tick-tock of the clock on the wall, steady like Shaw’s breath beside you as it counts down precious time—
“I’ll be out of your hair first thing tomorrow morning.”  
“No, there’s…there’s no rush.  Honestly.”
“Can you really afford to miss more work because of me?”
Silence.  You couldn’t refute the truth.
“Tell you what, in exchange for putting up with me, you can ask me anything you want.  I’ve seen the way you look at me sometimes; surely you must be curious about some things.  Might as well find out before I go.”
Your stomach knotted, clenching tight.  He was right.  For all you know, it was now or never.  “Why did you join?  The triad, that is.”
He is silent for a moment, as if trying to find the right words to piece together.
“I’m looking for my brother.”
Out of all possible answers, this wasn’t one you were expecting.  Turning onto your side, you study the handsome profile of his face — watching as pink mixed with lavender in the most ethereal way until you were overcome with the sense that in this vast ocean of life, you and him stood on very different shores.  Eyes still fixed on your ceiling, Shaw continues.
“He was an undercover cop, working to infiltrate the ranks of the group I’m currently a part of.  I only found out by accident, and he made me swear up and down not to breathe a word of it to mom.  Then one day…he was gone.  Just...disappeared off the face of the earth.  Mom and I went down to the station every day for months, knew the names and faces of everyone who worked in that building, but it was like Gavin never even existed.
“It was too much for her.  I came home late from school one day — found her on the floor, barely breathing.  It was dark in the apartment…so dark.  She had probably just drawn the curtains.  By the time the paramedics arrived, she was already gone.  Heart attack, they said.  
“I lie awake at night sometimes, wonder how I’m going to tell him that mom’s no longer here — go through the motions in my head, rehearsing every line.  ‘Cus I know that sooner or later, that day will come.  There’s no way he’s dead.  I know my brother.”
A glimmer at the corner of his eye catches yours.  Beneath the covers, your fingers inch towards his, finding courage in the darkness to brush against his pinky as if the sliver of warmth could express what words simply couldn’t convey.
“With mom gone, there was nothing to lose.  I joined the group, worked hard…did what they needed me to do to gain their trust, all while collecting scraps of info here and there — whatever I could get my hands on in the hopes that it’ll lead me to Gav.”
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter.
Tiny drops of rain speckle your windowpane.  And when Shaw’s finger hooks around yours as if in a solemn pinky swear, the tears burning your eyes finally fall.  You don’t ask him how many years it’s been, the dirty deeds he’s had to sully his hands with.  You don’t question him about the father he doesn’t mention.  All you can do is watch as a solitary drop rolls down the side of his face before soaking into lavender strands fanned out on the pillow, the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows back bitterness only he knew.
In spite of it all, he is the one who chuckles when he turns towards you, eyes red rimmed even as his brows rise in feigned exasperation when he says, “Why are you crying?!  I’m the one with the tragic past here!”
And when you start to cry even harder, his soft hushes of “Shh, shh…I’m sorry, that last part was a joke.  It’s all right, everything will be okay, I promise,” burrows deep into your heart and you believe him.
Because when he reaches towards you — the thumb wiping the tears from your eyes calloused yet gentle — you are struck by a sense of overwhelming tenderness:
In the carefulness of his touch.
In the way he regards you with the sincerity of some unspoken emotion.
In the entirety of this man whom the rest of the world has already written off.
And that is when you know…
“I didn’t mean to make you cry by telling you all this, I’m sorry.”
…that you are in love with him.
“I’ll make it up to you.  Ask me another question.  Maybe something less depressing this time.”  
A smile spreads across his face.  You wished there was a way for you to keep the warmth of his hand on your cheek forever.  Sniffling, you try again.
“Wh-why did you keep coming in to my store everyday?  There’s a lot of other convenience stores in the area—”
A flash of panic in those amber eyes, and Shaw is turning over with lightning speed until all you can see is the smooth expanse of his back.
“Changed my mind.  A guy’s gotta keep some secrets!  Goodnight!”
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“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
Wrap your arms around the pillow.
“Good girls shouldn’t concern themselves with bad boys.”
Bury your face into its cushiony fill.
“Or have you forgotten that I’m wanted by the police?”
And inhale deeply.
Shaw’s scent on your sheets is faint now, so much so that you can’t be entirely sure you’re not imagining it, having gone through this ritual countless times since the day Shaw left your apartment…
…and stepped out of your life.
                   *                                         *                                          *
“Is there…any way I could stay in touch with you?  I-I just…just want to make sure you’re okay…”
Voice trailing off, you watch as Shaw gingerly shrugs one arm then another through the sleeves of his leather jacket, still wearing the Snoopy t-shirt he had slept in the night before after you told him he could keep it.  His own was torn beyond repair, stubbornly dyed in blood regardless of how much you scrubbed at it.  And when he hesitated still, you said he would just be doing you the favour of taking out the trash.  
Smoothing down the front of his jacket, Shaw glances at the phone in your hands — eyes tracing along your eager fingers, poised to type.  The expression on his face is unreadable, as if the man you had spent the night sharing secrets with was nothing more than a figment of your imagination.
“It’s better if we don’t.  I’ll be fine, just laying low for the next while — boss’s orders.  And I don’t want the cops coming around to your place again.  Detective Whatshisname looks like he could be really good at hounding pretty girls like you.”
That smirk again, so familiar to you by now.  And in the compliment that would’ve made you blush bright red before, nothing but a smokescreen.
“Shaw, I don’t mind—”
“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?" The force in his voice cuts, and you barely breathe to feel his finger curl beneath your chin, tilting up your face until you have no choice but to meet his gaze.  Those eyes are dull, like molten gold frozen beneath a layer of impenetrable ice.  “Good girls shouldn’t concern themselves with bad boys.  Or have you forgotten that I’m wanted by the police?”
The shiver that runs electric down your spine makes the hairs on your skin stand on end.  It was like looking at a stranger.  Heart racing, your palms grow clammy with sweat, unsure of exactly when your phone had dropped from your hands, slipping away like…
“I don’t care about the cops!  I’ll deal with them—”
“DEAL WITH WHAT?!  You think that just because you managed to turn them away at the door that it makes you a hardened criminal?!  WE are not the same, okay?  My life is worthless.  I’ve already signed it away a long time ago, I’m ready to give it up without a second thought.  But you…you’re different. Y-you’re kind, innocent.  You’ve got your whole life ahead of you.  One day, you’ll make someone the luckiest person in the world, be a beautiful mother to beautiful children.  Don’t sell yourself short…not for someone like me.”
The silence that descends is thick, suffocating.  You don’t speak, afraid to open your mouth because it takes all your concentration just to keep the tears from spilling from your eyes.
Finally letting go of your chin, Shaw reaches behind his neck to undo the clasp on the thin gold chain he wore, the jade disc pendant that hung from it still warm from the heat of his skin when he places it in the palm of your hand.
“It’s not much, but it was a gift from my mom and the most valuable thing I own.  You saved my life, so it’s yours now.  Maybe…maybe one day, you can give it to your own child.”
Lump in your throat, you can barely breathe, let alone tell him there was no way you could accept something that precious, something that priceless.  That you didn’t drag him home that night, broken and bleeding, in the hopes of gain; not for money, not for love.
He curls your fingers around the heirloom, gentle thumb pressing on index, middle, ring then pinky in turn before your fist finds itself held tightly within the press of his much larger hand for one…two…three seconds…
…before those purple Chuck Taylors take him to your door…
…and just like that, the man with the lavender hair is gone.
Forgive me for trolling, but there really was only one bed LOL!  Hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter, and please stay tuned for what may be the final instalment in this Shaw saga! - XOXO
Jump to Chapter(s): One | Two | Four
Thanks so much for reading! 💕 Check out more of my work here! 📚(Please do not repost/copy/alter my work.  Reblogs, on the other hand, are a-ok and much appreciated! 👍🏼💖)
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woodchoc-magnum · 4 years ago
9-1-1 4x04 Reaction
Spoilers under the cut
Buddie for comfort:
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Saving the parents for last because jesus fucking christ that’s a rant, and also, I’m functioning on very little sleep so this may be completely disjointed and rambly:
I am in love with Buck and Eddie trying to solve the crime together and I wish they would re-film that scene without face masks
Because they so would be into true crime, like Eddie pretends to be cool but he’s a secret nerd, and he loves to nerd out with Buck, so it makes total sense that they watch crime documentaries together like COME ON
I’m incorporating this into a fic somehow
May Grant the 911 operator 🔥🔥🔥
Gratuitous shirtlessness in the form of Albert and Chimney, thank you very much 911
Albert fucking RUNNING AWAY FROM CHIMNEY 10/10 comedy
And then Chimney RUNNING AWAY FROM THE REST OF THE TEAM 10/10 comedy as well
Albert throwing a whole wheel of brie into the oven? Like just throwing it in there? Literally just throwing it in there
I don’t know why they added that in but I’m not mad at it
Chimney making friends with the mad bomber after the preview was like “IS CHIMNEY GONNA DIE????” no he’s gonna make a new friend and then brain him with an oxygen tank duh
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Well, I guess it’s about that time to talk about the worst parents in the show, so here we go:
Some of this is gonna be speculation because obviously we don’t know how this all played out, but we can make some guesses. My theory is that Daniel the dead brother died... perhaps saving Buck when he was only very little, hence Buck not remembering it, and his parents... asking Maddie not to tell him?
What even the FUCK though
And how the hell do you cover something like that up? Did they simply move away from friends and family so no one would ever talk about it? Did they box up all the pictures and memories and everything and just... fucking... MOVE ON? Or not move on, because they have obviously never forgiven Buck for whatever the hell happened.
Okay, this is my speculation:
The parents are somehow responsible - for example, an accidental drowning (I don’t think this is what happened, this is just an example). So hypothetically, they’re at the beach, and Buck is a toddler, and the parents aren’t paying attention and he wanders into the sea and gets swept out; Daniel comes to his rescue and dies in the act of saving him (this thing happens in Australia all the time, hence why I’m using it as an example - swim between the flags, gang!).
So then you have the parents who are ultimately responsible for not paying attention, you have the unavoidable tragedy of one of the children dying, and the way they coped with this terrible tragedy was to place the blame on Buck (even though it wasn’t his fault, at all) and pretend that Daniel had simply never existed.
This means that Buck spends his life living in the shadow of the older brother who was glorified, who died saving him, and Buck has no idea why he can never please his parents and why they don’t love him. This is why they’re checked out as parents, because one of their kids died, and instead of seeking therapy, they decided to live a lie and blame their son for something he had no fucking control over.
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So setting all that aside, let’s talk about these two absolute fucking pieces of shit.
They’ve alienated their children so much that both of them are absolutely terrified when they turn up. Buck is petrified. He’s spent his whole life never living up to their expectations, never feeling good enough, or worthy enough, constantly being put down - no wonder he ran away to California to put some distance between them. And he’s finally in a good place, going through therapy, dealing with his issues, and now bam - his parents are back in town to screw up all of his hard work.
And Maddie’s just as freaked out, because she’s trying to protect Buck from them. I feel like she has good intentions but her mistake is wanting Buck to have a relationship with people who don’t necessarily want to have a relationship with him, and for telling them about him being in therapy (which I still don’t understand, but I guess maybe the next episode will reveal the answer). To be clear, I don’t think Maddie is wrong for having kept this secret. She was manipulated into it by her parents when she was only a child, and that is not her fault, at all. She’s been told she’s doing the right thing and she hasn’t questioned it, but now, she is.
And, importantly - if her parents were checked out mentally and emotionally, she had to do a lot of the heavy-lifting and parenting when it came to Buck, when she was just a little girl herself. Maddie is the reason Buck is as wonderful as he is - she raised him.
Now, back to the pieces of shit:
They didn’t like Doug, so they washed their hands of Maddie, even though they lived in the same fucking town. So she was getting beaten up by her absolute monster of a husband, and ending up in hospital, and they were doing fucking nothing to intervene or help her.
She had to flee across the country to Buck in California to finally escape him, because their parents didn’t care enough to help. Motherfuckers.
And then the whole “we don’t do hospitals” - bitch, they are your fucking CHILDREN. If your CHILDREN are in hospital, you are supposed to CARE. Buck got crushed by a ladder truck, he had an embolism and nearly died, he went through a tsunami and NOTHING? Nada? Maddie had to kill her husband after he nearly killed her, and NOTHING? Buck had to call to tell them what had happened!
And then to start crying and asking "I don’t know what you expected us to do?” - like, bitch, FUCKING ANYTHING?
I mean
I cannot with these people
What kind of white WASP-y nonsense is this
Let me tell the story of when I had appendicitis - I was taken to the hospital by my friend at night, my mum lives two hours away - when she found out that it was appendicitis and I’d be going in for surgery, she jumped in the car in the middle of the night and drove two hours to be with me, and I was a grown-ass woman at the time. It is not normal for parents not to care when their children are sick/injured/being beaten almost to death by their abusive husbands/getting crushed by a ladder truck. You mean to tell me that the footage of the crowd lifting the truck off their son didn’t go viral? That they didn’t see that?
You don’t like something so you just bury your head in the sand and pretend it doesn’t exist? Your kids aren’t perfect so you just wash your hands of them? Their problems don’t matter, not when it’s all about you?
Blaming the kids for everything, manipulating Maddie into doing their bidding - and still manipulating her as an adult, by bringing her gifts and driving across the country and being all, “we want to be grandparents!” after everything? After letting her husband nearly kill her and blaming her for having bad taste in men? FUCKKKKKK
And the fucking BABY BOX. Do not even get me started on how ANGRY I WAS.
Like, I have friends with kids (I have cats, personally) so I know that they’re busy, but to not have anything, as if he’s just not worth it.
Like I can’t
It breaks my heart to think about his face, and the realisation setting in... to know that your parents don’t love you? To have lived with that your whole life? It’s so fucking gutting.
Like, obviously I am extra emotional because I’m running on empty today, but god damn this episode just came along and punched me right in the face.
Also, I’m making a BIG CALL, they’re going to use the song ‘Daniel’ by Elton John in the next episode:
Daniel my brother you are older than me Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal? Your eyes have died, but you see more than I Daniel you're a star in the face of the sky
100% they’re using that song, I’m calling it now, and if they don’t, it is a wasted opportunity.
Okay, let’s end on a good note, because this has been a rant:
Eddie’s open concern for Buck; the fact that Buck tells Eddie about his therapy, that he feels comfortable opening up to him - that Eddie was there, watching Buck beat the shit out of the boxing bag and listening to him, and taking his side and reassuring him... that is next level shit and I am here for it.
I am not here for the return of Ana in the next few episodes but that’s a future rant
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Hopes for Buck Begins:
That the firefam - his real family - will rally around him, and that Buck and Maddie will take a united stand against their parents and tell them to get the fuck out of their lives.
Also I kinda want Bobby to meet the Buckley’s? Just... for him to be horrified, I guess? I don’t know, but I want Bobby to meet them and understand how awful they are and offer Buck some comfort as his surrogate father.
I would like Buck to be hugged by someone who loves him, please, because he needs it.
And selfishly, I want some kind of Buck, Eddie and Christopher scene, because they are also his family. Everyone in this show has their little family unit, and Eddie and Christopher are Buck’s.
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Ana be damned
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therealjordan23 · 4 years ago
Either adult Debbigail or adult Huelet, whichever couple you want, babysitting the other couple's kid(s)? ❤💜 💙💗
Sure anon :D I was in the mood to write some Louna however, so please forgive me😂
After her and Louie’s honeymoon to Southern Mouseton, Lena had been feeling off. She would vomit shadows, her powers would go ballistic, and everything her husband did got on her nerves. Scared of what was happening to her unstable powers and body, Lena had begrudgingly gone to her Aunt Magica, who had told her two simple words that would change her life:
You’re pregnant.
Lena, not wanting to believe it, dashed home and took a pregnancy test. She wasn’t entirely sure if normal pregnancy tests worked on shadows like herself, but considering it was Louie’s baby as well, she took a chance. With trembling hands, Lena glanced at the test, where two faint lines were just barely visible.
“How?” Lena asked herself, despite knowing exactly how it had happened. Mouseton had sure bought out Louie’s romantic side.
She was terrified: it was way too early in their marriage to be talking about children, something she and Louie weren’t expecting for another 5 or so years. Panic wracked her body, and dozens of questions rang throughout her head: her baby was going to be half shadow and half person? Would they retain some of Lena’s powers? How long were shadows even pregnant? And most importantly, how on Earth was she supposed to tell Louie?
That night, Louie was in a certain mood, and gently grabbed his wife, nibbling on her neck. Lena giggled, about to give in, until she remembered the baby she was carrying. She roughly shoved Louie away, and ran into the bathroom, locking it, and sliding down the door. She buried her face into her arms, and began sobbing.
“Lena?” Louie asked from the other side. He didn’t sound angry at all.
“J-just go away, Louie.” she sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve.
“Let’s talk. What happened back there?” he asked, keeping his voice steady.
“I said go away!” she snapped, this time louder.
“Lena.” he pleaded.
Lena lost it. She stood up, and angrily blasted purple fire towards the bathroom door. She expected it to burst open in a flurry of flames, but instead, the door somehow managed to absorb the energy. Lena was shocked, and took a step back. The door glowed a gentle shade of blue, unlocked on its own, and there stood Louie, his friendship bracelet glowing. A passive expression donned his face, and he gazed down at her with those dark eyes she had fallen in love with. She felt small, and her breath hitched under Louie’s intense scrutiny.
“Care to tell me what’s gotten you so upset this evening, Mrs. Duck?” he asked, gently slipping his hand into hers.
“I’m pregnant.”
She looked up to find her husband gone…
And on the floor, completely knocked out.
It had been almost a year since Casey DeSpell-Duck was born. Both 26 year old Louie and Lena had been busy raising their son, who certainly hadn’t been expected to be announced two weeks after Louie and Lena’s wedding, but everyone was thrilled. He was constantly surrounded by people he loved, and was showered with affection on a daily basis.
“Are you sure you’ll be able to watch him, guys? I know he can be a handful,” Louie said to his older brother and Webby. Louie and Lena were planning a romantic weekend together, and it would mark the first time they’ve gone out since Casey’s birth.  
Dewey laughed. “Relax, guys. He’s only 9 months old. How much harm can he do?”
Lena shot her brother-in-law a glare. “Magica said 9 months is when he should start gaining some of his magical ability. Maybe Louie and I should just stay…” she pondered, but Dewey wasn’t having any of it.
“Nope. You two are going, and that’s final,” Dewey said. “Webby and I will take care of him.”
“So Magica’s still cooperating with you?” Webby asked.
“Oh yeah, especially now that she’s dating Uncle Gladstone,” Louie shrugged. “Say what you want about Magica, but she has a real soft spot for this kid.” he shrugged, gently pinching his son's cheek.
Lena snorted. “She’s up to something, I can feel it.”
Before Lena could go on an hour long angry rant about Magica, Louie held her.
“Honey, we’re going on vacation, and I really don’t want Magica in my head.” he murmured, gently nuzzing the sensitive spot on her neck.
“Woah, woah, woah! It is way too early to have baby number 2.” Dewey laughed, stepping in between them.
Lena managed a smile, and set Casey down. Webby held her arms out, and Casey crawled over to her. She giggled, and carried him.
“Now, get going, you two! Go! Have some fun,” Dewey said, ushering them out of the door.
“Dewey, wait! There are some rules—”
“Louie,” Dewey smiled. “We can handle it. Now get going!”
With that, Dewey slammed the Manor’s door in his face. Louie pondered there for a bit, until his wife grabbed him.
“Come on, Lou. Dewey’s right about one thing, we need to take our minds off of this,” Lena said, slipping her hands into his.
He sighed. “I know… I’ve just never been apart from him,” Louie frowned, stroking the moustache he’d recently begun growing out.
“Neither have I, Louie. But now, let’s just focus on us, okay?” she pleaded softly.
Louie smiled, and drew her in for a gentle kiss. She let out a yelp when she felt his hand travel down to her butt, and Louie simply smirked at her shocked reaction. She never expected bold moves from him like this, but when he took the risk, she found herself more than pleased.
“None of that here, mister,” she scolded, her hands on his firm chest.
Laughing, he dragged her to their car.
Back inside, Webby carried Casey around, gently spinning him around.
“Who’s excited to spend some time with Auntie Webby?” she cooed, to which Casey smiled angelically…
Before he vomited a blast of purplish-blue magic at her. Webby remained frozen, and stared at her nephew.
“I guess he is,” Dewey supplied helpfully, trying not to laugh when he saw that she had singed off eyebrows and soot all over her face.
“Hold him.” Webby ordered, walking to the bathroom to wash her face.
Dewey smiled as he watched her walk off, and suddenly blushed when he realized that he was checking his girlfriend out while holding his nephew. Dewey and Webby had never talked about having children, the mere thought terrified Dewey to his core. It had taken years for him to get over his commitment issues, and it was part of the reason why he’d waited so long to ask Webby out. He sighed. He knew Webby was ready to get married, and start a family of their own, but… sometimes he didn’t feel ready.
Dewey groaned, glancing at his nephew, his frown immediately morphing into a smile—he was definitely Louie and Lena’s child alright. He had Louie’s head shape, and he even sported Louie’s hairstyle back when he was younger, the only difference being that Casey sported pink tips. Dewey had always assumed Lena’s pink hair had been dyed, but now, his nephew also sported those same pink tips. He had the same mischievous glint in his eyes that both Louie and Lena shared, and Dewey shuddered. Louie and Lena were bad enough on their own, but now, they bore a child. He wondered how much trouble Casey would get in when he was in his teenage years.
“You don’t look like a troublemaker yet,” Dewey said thoughtfully. “But if you find yourself in a situation you don’t want Mommy or Daddy finding out about, then your Uncle Dewey’s here for you, bud.” he said with a smile, and Casey’s eyes shined. In fact, they shined too much.
Dewey yelped, ducking his head before Casey’s eyes blazed a brilliant purple. His eyes shot magic beams into the ceiling, hitting the chandelier. Dewey watched in horror as the chandelier slowly morphed into…
“Captain Peghook?!” Dewey yelped. How had Casey managed to summon the old pirate?
“I’M HERE FOR THE HEAD OF SCROOGE MCDUCK!” the ghostly pirate roared.
“Always,” Dewey grumbled, calmly setting Casey in his crib, stepping forward. “He’s not available. Can I take a message?” he asked. It wasn't a lie. Scrooge, along with the rest of the adults, were on an adventure.
Captain Peghook floated there for a few minutes, and glared at Dewey. “I guess you’ll do. Any blood of the McDuck clan is blood I want to spill!”
Dewey cringed. “Dude, gross.”
Captain Peghook growled, and held out his hand. The Deus Excalibur shimmered into his hand, and Dewey groaned.
“Come on, dude. It’s two on one!” Dewey protested.
Just then, Webby walked out, wiping her face with a towel. “You wouldn’t believe how much soot there was—OH MY GOD!” Webby screamed.
“And now, it’s not.” the pirate sneered gleefully.
Dewey tackled Webby just as the Deus Excalibur flew right towards her head.
“Dewey, how did this happen?! I left you alone for 5 minutes!”
He scowled. “How am I supposed to know?! Casey’s magic summoned him!”
“RAR!” the pirate roared, swinging the Deus Excalibur back and forth.
Dewey rolled them over, the vicious blade narrowly avoiding them. Webby pressed a hidden button on the ring on her finger, and managed to punch Captain Peghook.
“H-how?!” he asked.
“A ring from my grandma that allows me to make contact with ghosts! Grab Casey and get out of here!” she snapped, using a harsh tone.
Dewey nodded, and tried to make his way to his nephew only to come face to face with the Deus Excalibur. Dewey groaned. How on earth was he supposed to fight a floating sword? He eyed the fireplace, and grabbed one of the fire pit poker sticks.
“I wouldn’t come too close!” Dewey warned.
Dewey wasn’t sure if it was possible for a sword to look like it was in disbelief, but the Deus Excalibur gave it its best try. Dewey held up the fire poker, and he and the Deus Excalibur got into a nice sparring match. The Deus Excalibur got some good hits on him, and Dewey cursed. How was he supposed to fight a sword fighter with no fighter? The Deus Excalibur hit Dewey right in between the eyes with the butt of the sword, and he fell next to the fireplace, the fire poker clattering behind him. The Deus Excalibur loomed over him, the flames illuminated its metal blade with a vicious orange light, and Dewey felt a sense of doom wash over him.
“Heads up!” Webby cried, and in came flying a shield from the local knights armour that Scrooge liked to keep on display. The shield successfully hit the Deus Excalibur, and Dewey scrambled up, grabbing anything he could use as a weapon, and all he produced was a dirtied towel that Ms. Beakley used to clean the fireplace.
Call him crazy, but right now, Dewey prayed he was making the right decision. He grabbed either end of the towel, spinning it so it became a hard knot. The Deus Excalibur wriggled itself out from underneath the shield, and flew towards Dewey, blade first. Dewey glared at it, and quickly sidestepped, grabbing the handle of the sword, and wrapping the blade in the towel.
The Deus Excalibur wriggled in his grasp, but Dewey wasn’t about to let it go. He made sure the sword was tied up, and Dewey tossed it into the fireplace. He gazed across the room, where Webby was just about finished with Captain Peghook.
“ENOUGH!” Captain Peghook screamed suddenly, and Dewey and Webby were both encased by his ghostly blue light.
“I can’t move!” Dewey struggled.
“Me neither!” Webby cried.
“I need McDuck blood, and you’re no source of it, girl,” he sneered to Webby.
Webby gritted her teeth.
“You,” Captain Peghook smirked at Dewey. “You have fire in your eyes. I don’t wish to fight you.”
Dewey glared at him.
“But, I know someone here who is of McDuck DNA,” Captain Peghook grinned manically, his eyes landing on Casey.
“NO!” Dewey screamed.
“DEWEY, DO SOMETHING!” Webby screamed, desperately wishing she had some form of McDuck DNA within her.
“I-I can’t move!” Dewey cried, nearly on the verge of tears. “Captain Peghook, I’ll do anything! Just leave the baby alone!”
“Protective, eh?” Captain Peghook chuckled darkly. “Well, it’s too late for any offers.”
With that, Captain Peghook strode towards Casey, and Dewey and Webby’s screams of terror got louder. Captain Peghook unsheathed his sword, and raised it, eyeing Casey evilly.
“NO!” Webby screamed, squeezing her eyes shut as he brought the blade down on her nephew.
Then… silence. Captain Peghook didn’t chuckle or anything, Webby slowly opened her eyes, bracing herself for the gorey mess… only to find Captain Peghook’s sword on the floor, and Casey unharmed. An aura of purple magic shimmered around him, and Webby shuddered. Peghook’s ghostly restraints disappeared, and the couple dashed towards Casey.
He seemed unharmed, and totally fine. Dewey glanced at Webby, immediately wrapping her in a gigantic hug. Webby responded immediately, burying her face in Dewey’s chest.
“I’m so glad that you’re okay,” the couple said in unison.
He pressed his lips against hers, but Webby pulled back. Dewey frowned, but when she wiped some blood off of his lip using her thumb, he smirked, and they resumed their liplock. After they parted, Dewey carried his nephew, and brought him into the TV Room.
“I’m just confused as to what happened back there,” Dewey frowned, after rocking Casey to sleep.
“Me too,” Webby agreed. “I think—”
“Webby please. I just defied death. Let’s just relax.” he murmured.
Dewey gently set Casey into his little crib, and pressed his lips against hers again. Webby slowly mounted him, cupping his face, and running her tongue along his bottom lip. Dewey shivered, and parted his lips slightly, allowing Webby’s tongue to enter his own mouth, and soon enough, they found themselves in a heated makeout session.
Once they finished, they found themselves panting heavily for air. Webby worked on removing Dewey’s shirt, tossing it to the side.
“W-wait,” Webby stammered, when she felt his hands run up her sides, and underneath her bra.
“What?” Dewey murmured huskily, his face buried inside her neck.
“His hands are glowing!” Webby exclaimed nervously.
Casey’s hands began glowing, and a brilliant blast of purple blinded them once again. Dewey slowly opened his eyes to find a smoldering Glomgold in the middle of his TV Room.
“Of all people,” Webby grumbled, climbing off of Dewey. “To interrupt us!”
Glomgold’s eyes widened. “W-wait, I—AHH!”
Dewey just chuckled.
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detectivecarlosreyes · 5 years ago
Evan Week - 7 Days of loving Buck 
(Beginning) (Previous Day) 
Day 7: Free Day 
10 reasons why we love Evan Buckley. (bear with me on this one, it kind of got away from me a bit)
“Hey Cap, have you heard from Buck? Is he working today?”
The last anyone had heard from him was two days ago when they had their last shift before having two days off. Their last call was a rough one; more so for Buck than anyone. He had been trapped with a young teenager who was heavily injured when the house collapsed around her. Buck was the only one to make it to her before the building became unstable and sealed off any entry points before anyone else could join them.
There was some kind of interference messing with their radios, so they weren’t entirely sure what happened in that period of radio silence, all they knew was that it was bad. By the time they had cleared a path to them, it was too late. They found Buck completely distraught with tears streaming down his face while covered in blood, cradling her body as he rocked back and forth.
By the time they were back in the ladder truck, Buck had all but shut down. His pain was palpable as he stared down at his bloodied hands while they drove back to the firehouse and no matter what they said he barely reacted. Their shift had ended by the time they were back at the station and Buck had vanished as soon as he had put his gear away.
Bobby shrugged his shoulders, “He said he was coming in.”
It wasn’t just that he disappeared from work without a word of farewell to anyone, but he also stopped answering his phone. Hen and Bobby had even stopped by his apartment the following day to check up on him, much like what they did for Bobby after the plane crash.
Buck wasn’t home. His bed was made, his work bag left by the door and his truck was still parked at the apartment, he simply dropped off the face of the earth. They were all beyond worried for him, Maddie especially - knowing that this wasn’t the first time something this had happened, she just wasn’t sure what he’d be like when he returned. The only text he answered in that time was one from Bobby saying he’ll see him at work, so at the very least they knew he was still alive.
As if saying his name had caused him to appear, Eddie spots Buck walking slowly between the trucks to the locker room. He quietly gestures to the others who were in the kitchen and they all move to rail to watch him. He looked haggard and withdrawn to say the least; his hair wasn’t smoothed back in its usual fashion, a shadow of a beard was developing and even from this distance they could see the dark circles under his eyes as if he didn’t sleep a wink, which was probably true.
Hen looks to the others worry clear on her face, “Guys, I think I have an idea that might help him.” After telling them her plan, they were all quick to get on board.
Buck was tired. Exhausted, actually. Every time he closed his eyes, he was back with Mia. He did what he could to keep her awake, to keep her alive but it was already a losing battle by the time he made it to her in the first place. Massive blood loss was the cause of death. And all he could do was talk to her until her dying breath.
He’s sure the reason he was so affected by her passing was the fact that she was so young, only sixteen years old and already wise beyond her years. She knew she was dying by the time he found her, and it was something that she had accepted. Instead of panicking, she told him all about her family and how much she loved them. As he held his hands against the gaping wound in her side, Buck promised her that he’d tell them.
She was quiet for a bit and must have read him like a book after something in his troubled face, of how much this was going to weigh on him because with the last of her strength she placed a hand over his and says her last words. “Don’t let my death…be the cause of your suffering…don’t forget…the reason…why you do this job.” She passed away beneath his hands only a few moments after that. He promised her he would, even if she couldn’t hear it.
In the time after while he waited for the others, he lets himself fall apart and mourn her passing. On the trip back to the station he resolutely plans to fulfill both his promises to Mia, something that he knew he had to do alone--
Buck is brought back to the present by a hand on his shoulder. It’s Bobby, he leans against his locker trying to appear nonchalant, but Buck can see the concern in his eyes.
“You doing okay? We haven’t heard from you in a while.”
He shrugs and looks away, “I’m fine.”
“Buck…” He hears the warning in Bobby’s tone and quickly backpedals, “Okay, I’m not fine per se, but I will be, I just-I just need to be working instead of wallowing in my thoughts.”
“Alright. That’s all I needed to know.” Bobby moves closer and lightly ruffles his hair before moving to the door, “Just so you know, we’re all here for you, don’t be afraid to lean on us.”
Buck sniffs, and nods his head still looking at the floor, “Yeah, I know. Thanks, Cap.”
“Okay then. Breakfast is on that table if you want any.” And then he’d gone.
Buck peers up at his locker and frowns, there’s a sticky note that wasn’t there a moment ago.
10 reasons why we love Evan Buckley.
1.       He’s a true firefighter in and out of the uniform.
His brow knits in puzzlement as he looks out past the glass door, knowing that Bobby was the one who put it on his locker. He appreciates the sentiment, understanding what they’re trying to do without smothering him. However, he keeps to himself during their shift, still not entirely willing to be around the other and their concerned looks and questioning eyes just because of a sticky note.
Over the rest of the shift, he continues to find the rest of the series, hidden and not so hidden throughout the firehouse. And he’d be lying if said it didn’t help make getting through the day easier.
The next note he finds was trapped between the pages of the stocktake checklist – one of his set jobs for the day. Buck smiles down at it, somewhat pleased that he wasn’t just annoying them all with those little factoids, regardless of childish complaints that were made.
Reason #2 – We love that he teaches us something everyday with fun facts from whatever he’s been researching.
The third one was attached to his helmet and he had to quickly slide it into a pocket for safekeeping before getting a chance to read it. It was a grueling call but luckily everyone made it out safely.
Buck almost forgot about the little note trapped in his pocket and only remembered when he stuffed his hands in his pockets, doing his best not to let his emotions get the best of him. He’s not ashamed to say a little tear managed to break through his mask.
3. We love that he’s selfless and would do anything to help another person
The next one he finds follows closely after reading the third. Buck was in desperate need of a pick-me-up after that last call and coffee would definitely help him with that. The sticky note was attached to his mug.
Number 4 – Even if he doesn’t realise it, he’s amazing around kids.
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head as he prepares the coffee. Almost every time there’s a job that involves young children, he is almost always the one requested to keep them occupied and calm. Not that he’s complaining cause as he said to Eddie when they first met, he loves kids.
5. He’s still a badass under pressure.
Buck chuckles at this one, knowing exactly who came up with it. It was found stuck to his phone after he’d taken a quick nap on the couch. He goes down to his locker to add it to his collection only to find the sixth one resting on top of his gym bag.
6. He would protect anyone he considers family (or anyone else for that matter)
He actually barks out a short laugh in amusement. Yeah, many a time has he been scolded for recklessly protecting someone else and endangering himself in the process.
The seventh note was on the gym equipment, specifically, the punching bag and Buck can’t help but shake his head at the symbolism of it.
#7 – He’s a fighter and always survives whatever life throws at him.
Buck doesn’t see any more notes for a while after that. Admittedly his mood had significantly improved throughout the day and he was more willing to hang out with the others during the shift, at least until a wave of sadness rolls over him and he has to take some time to recollect himself.
The next note he finds is one of those times as it unexpectedly hits him differently from the other, bringing Mia to the forefront of his thoughts. He can’t help but choke back tears as he reads it.
8. We love his innate ability to make a connection with anyone he meets.
It was a little too on the nose from their last shift than the team could have realised. He did not anticipate feeling as closely connected to that young girl in the short time that he knew her. And yet he knows that she’ll always be one of the ones he’ll always remember.
The others must have sensed the change in his mood because the second to last note almost immediately followed the previous one.
Number 9 – He has the biggest heart out of all of us.
He snorts, yeah ain’t that truth. Although he’s pretty sure Hen could give him a run for his money.
Buck finds the last sticky note back where it all began, stuck to his locker at the end of their shift. He feels the team’s presence around him as he reads it and he turns to face them. Each of them were sporting matching grins, an aura of infectious energy surrounding them and Buck can’t help but let it overtake him and returns a wide smile of his own.
He gestures towards them and they all file into the small room, circling him into a big group hug. He feels a sense of peace flow through him at the comfort that they all bring. Yeah, it’ll take him some time to feel alright again, but at least he knows that his family has his back.
10. And most of all we love Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley just for being him.
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xoexoxhoe · 6 years ago
On The Hill
A/N: This is LITERALLY one of the most interesting things i’ve ever read. My Co wrote this based off of her love for political angst/dramas, and honestly, it’s really good guys, TOTALLY WORTH THE READ. We hope you enjoy this little piece by Momo (@sailor-baek )
Characters: Park Seonghwa (ATEEZ) & Reader (Y/N), featuring another ATEEZ member! 
Theme: Political AU, angst, love affair, political drama 
Nothing comes easy when you work for the President of the United States. Especially when it involves Park Seonghwa. 
💥Warning: Angst💥
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The processional march was colorful noise in your ears as you followed closely behind the big man. It got older every time you heard it, which was, quite regrettably, every first Friday of the month. Really, anything would be better than the obnoxious blaring of-what was it? An oboe? You had no idea but it sure didn’t sound like the Chopin Nocturne op.9 no.2 you had to turn on every night to sleep.
“You’re doing it again.”
You didn’t even remember getting on the floor, a communications intern behind the press caucus chuckled. Carrie Ann. George Washington University undergrad and poli-sci masters at the good ‘ole Harvard. You made a mental note to fire the little shit as soon as this thing was over. Your attention turned to the man, still waiting for a complete introduction at the podium.
“Doing what, sir?”
“That frown thing with your eyebrows. You’re gonna get wrinkles, Y/N. What was that cream thing you use? You better stock up before Big Pharma gets their hands on the patent or I’ll have to call you...what is that new movie with Oprah?”
“A Wrinkle In Time, sir.”
“Yes, that one! A wrinkle-”
“It’s a childrens movie; nothing to do with premature aging, sir.”
A little huff escaped his lips and a slight tug appeared on yours. The press secretary was clapping now signaling for your boss to give his address.
“I’m sure your daughter will be happy to watch it with you tonight. Mr. President, you’re up.”
“Ah yes, it appears so.”
You watched as he made his way up to the center; flurries of camera flashes turning the west wing corridor into a light show. This is the time when you would check out. His speech was solid, you had looked it over yourself the hour prior. Today, however, there was a particular bump in your paved smooth travel down the hill. A rather large bump, by the name of Park Seonghwa. He was standing to the right behind his Prime Minister with the cheekiest smile plastered across his face. Bilateral economic relations didn’t warrant this kind of happiness, it oozed off of him like fucking honey. You had heard your greenies gushing over him earlier that day. The hot speech writer from the embassy. Why was he even here? Stupid question, you knew it was because he was Prime Minister Cho’s nephew. Nepotism at its finest. You had to use that one later. It would definitely sting. When clapping resumed again you made your way to the podium to rally the cameras back into the hall.
“Coverage of the reception will be permitted. I’ll have the details sent over via secure line. Until then please wait in the briefing room for further instruction. Thank you, everyone.”
You turned the corner still trying to shake that stupid smile from your mind when Carrie Ann caught your eye at the coffee corner. Before you could stalk all the way over, someone called your name.
“Ms. Chief of Staff...sir?”
God, you had forgotten your interns had project due today. “One sec, hun.”
You pivoted straight into a paper cup of coffee. “You look like you wanted to, um, talk to me.”
“Carrie Ann, do I amuse you.” The cup was warm in your hand now; sickly sweet aromas filling your nose. A little sip of the searing liquid confirmed your suspicion, too much liquid sugar. The poor girl had gone white.
“More specifically, my face-does it...does it make you want to laugh in a room of every major news outlet in the Pacific?”
“No ma’am, I didn’t mean to-”
“But you did.” You took a longer sip and gave her one last canvas before turning back to the little crowd that had gathered. “This coffee is wonderful by the way. Just a little suggestion, though; go easy on sweetener. You’ll need to remember that when you start at the local Starbucks.” You relished the gasps all the way to your office. It wasn’t until someone cleared their throat that you remembered you weren’t alone.
“Shitty morning, my greenies. Tell me something that won’t make me want to throw you off of the east wing balcony.” A lazy finger point at the intern that had tapped your shoulder earlier opened a flood of updates.
“The KORUS coverage just hit air and it’s already trending on Twitter and Facebook.”
“Washington Governor Townsend has agreed to the state park expansion plans in Olympia; we should have the contractors’ bids on your desk no later than noon.”
“The writer guy is waiting in your blue room, ma’am. Said he has an appointment.”
Messy papers were strewn all over your desk; draft bills for POTUS to look over and countless testimony from the bane of your existence that was the municipal aide fund. You didn’t even look up. “I know plenty of writers, Joshua, you need to be more specific.”
“The hot one, ma’am. Tall, Korean, windswept hair look-”
“You need not go on, dear, this is the White House, not a middle school cafeteria. Send him in.”
The group trudged to the door. “Wait. I want all of you to finish up those Arbor Day submissions from the kindergartners. Pick a winner too.”
“The criteria, ma’am?”
“I don’t know, pick one that colored the trees unrealistic colors. I support impressionism and nothing says ‘Happy Tree Day! Thank you for the oxygen!’ more than a purple ficus.”
“Got it, ma’am, purple ficus.” You shoo-ed them off with the hope that the president would get a chuckle from handing a five-year-old artist a certificate for a periwinkle disaster on national television.
“That girl from earlier. I passed her crying on the way here; such a harsh way to be let go.”
You scoffed, “I might just call secret service to drag her out. Why are you here, Mr. Park? You didn’t have an appointment.”
Seonghwa sauntered to your desk, unbuttoning his suit jacket while easing onto the varnished oak and cocking his head to the side, “Hm…” he grabbed the bow cascading down your blouse, rolling the silk in his fingers, “I never imagined something so frilly on someone so…”
“So what?”
He glared down at you, dropping the bow and retracting his fingers, grabbing the pocket square out of his suit, “So… disdainful.”
You smiled unevenly, “Sometimes I wonder where you learn words like this, but then I remember you went to college here and I can’t one up you with pretentious vocabulary.”
A smile spread across his face, “Do you want it in Korean? 경멸적인.”
“Why should I respect you, Seonghwa? I’m the White House Chief of Staff; not the eager college girl that gets you a cream cheese bagel in the morning.”
The way he got under your skin was criminal. Bad enough that he still hadn’t answered your initial question. What was the question? You were getting too old for this. “Your speech on NATO was cute; Prime Minister Cho did well for the press.”
“Did you like it?”
“Oh, I did. In fact I have a particular word in mind to describe it.”
“What would that be?”
“Ah! She knows Korean now; such a dynamic personality.” His index finger tapped against his palm, “First off, we have a condescending Chief of Staff, who, with no mercy or remorse, loves to fire her perky college interns. Second, she must be achingly smart because she dragged my Korean speech-”
“I’ll stop you right there. Perky? Not exactly the word I’d use to-”
Seonghwa stood, readjusting his suit, “Let me finish, Y/N. Finally, for someone so beautiful, you sure do have a terrible temper.”
“You came here to be an asshole; is that it?”
“Takes one to know one, ma’am.”
“You’re the one that called it a dynamic personality.”
He paused, clasping his hands together, “I simply came to ask if I’d be seeing you at the party tonight.”
“To gawk at your latest arm candy? Don’t count on it.”
The Secretary of Commerce had always rubbed you the wrong way. From the beginning of the appointment, green shadows in his hollow eyes had made his motive clear. Sure, the trade renewal was beneficial to everyone. It was especially so to one certain senior official that had poured half the budget into the Korean subsidiary of a Chinese chemical manufacturer. You weren’t a god, neither was the president. The things that were sacrificed in the name of universal well being wouldn’t keep you up at night. Besides, the geezer talking your ear off had to pay for his estate in Great Barrington somehow. You felt a hand slip around your waist.
“It was a pleasure, Mr. Secretary. Congratulations on the agreement.”
Pulled away without much more than a nod in his direction you turned your attention to your companion. “How did you know I was dying of boredom?”
“Y/N, dear, you wear your heart on your sleeve. It couldn’t have been more obvious if you had screamed ‘insolent plutocrat’ in his face.”  
You gravitated towards the bar and took the cucumber vodka Yunho held out. He was every bit the man your parents had expected; fitting the description a 9 year old you had mapped out and stuck to the fridge. Doctor Jeong Yunho; Chief of surgery at Georgetown, specializing in neurology. How else could you describe Yunho but simply strapping. Heels didn’t challenge his height. His goofy smile never faltered and his bright eyes followed you like a puppy. Walking into any function with him felt like a cold drink laced with ecstasy; only mildly dangerous and the biggest ego booster. He made you feel powerful.   
You leaned in to begin a whisper into his ear.
“My my my, what do we have here?” If Yunho was ecstasy, Seonghwa was the dirtiest mephedrone on the black market. That hand found your waist again. The woody scent on Yunho’s lapel invaded your senses. There came a time every woman had to face the music; you hadn’t wanted it to be tonight.
“Mr. Park, I don’t believe you’ve met my fiancé.”
“Park Seonghwa, right? I’m Yunho, nice to meet you, man.”
The newest patron took his hand, giving it a firm shake. “Likewise, Doctor. I assume congratulations are in order.” You cast a sidewards glance to Yunho who was playing idly with the silver band on his finger. The whole ordeal was suffocating.
“So when’s the big day?” Seonghwa’s eyes were on you now, still full of the morning’s mischief.
“End of June; we’ll make sure to send you an invitation.” You scooted a little closer to Yunho, letting his guarding presence hold you upright. A shrill beep sounded from his breast pocket; one that you had heard many times. He cleared his throat a little and reached for the pager. Duty always called. It didn’t matter even if you had just helped to divert a nuclear crisis. If someone had their head cracked open on an operating table, Dr. Jeong would be there to patch them up. You took a long swig of the sweating cocktail and set it down.
“You should go, honey. It sounds urgent.”
He offered you a sheepish smile. Seonghwa just turned to face the bar, sloshing a drink in his hand.
“Multiple trauma crash on the 95. Baby, I’m sorry.” Yunho lightly grabbed out your hands that re-did the buttons of his suit.
“I of all people know that work is work. Don’t sweat it kid. I’ll see you tomorrow night, okay?”
“You’re not coming home?”He met your lips in a chaste kiss.
“I fly to Mumbai first thing in the morning and I still have lots of stuff to do before then.”
Yunho just nodded with understanding and bent down to peck your cheek one last time. “Text me when you land.”
“Will do. Drive safe.” When he was far you heard a snicker come from the side. Rolling your eyes you motioned the bartender over for a refill. It was Bruno tonight. Thank god. He always kept the good stuff on the side for you.
“Work is work, huh?”
The brooding man eased towards you slightly, still looking forward. “Are you working me?”
“For what reason would I do that? I have nothing to gain.”
He downed his dark liquid. “We both know that isn’t true.” and with that, he was gone into the crowd of tipsy politicians. Dim chandeliers and the gaudy presentation was suddenly becoming too much. With swift steps you made your way to the president’s table, a pleasant smile plastered on your face.
“Sir, I’m going to head out for the night; lots to do for tomorrow.”
“Of course, Y/N! Send my regards to Yunho on his surgeries. I saw that he left earlier.”
It was that obvious, huh? “I will. Thank you, Mr. President. Congratulations again on the agreement.” With a quick side hug to the misses and last goodbyes, you walked to the back entrance. Your night detail was waiting at the door, purse and coat in hand.
“Evening, ma’am.” You took your purse and got into the car.
“Hello, boys. I’m so ready to sleep.”
“Home, ma’am?”
“Not tonight, Sarge.”
“Of course.”
The ride to the Regis was short. Without much thought you were in your suite; draped in silk and nursing a vintage malt the adorable concierge had given you. And you had tried so hard to not come off as an alcoholic. How disappointing. The door clicked open but you didn’t pay it any attention as you were still enthralled by the itinerary in front of you. A hand pulled the pin out of your makeshift bun sending hair cascading over your shoulders.
“You work too hard, Y/N.”
“I am my work. It runs my life” The humming in your ear made a familiar heat rush to your chest. It flared out down your arms in little tingles.
“This here isn’t work. I think this is something you’re doing all for yourself.”
You reached behind you, bringing lips hard against your own. There was a little cut on the bottom one from a consistent bite the owner was likely not aware of. Sucking on the spot elicited the deepest moan you’d ever heard. Music on par with Nocturne op.9.
“Add selfishness to the qualities of my dynamic personality.”
You turned around in your seat and found a firm grip on your ass pulling you flush against a rattling chest. “He seems like a great guy.”
“Don’t talk about him, Seonghwa.” Stepping off the chair you pushed him towards the bed. He fell onto the plush surface without a sound of protest.
“You definitely have a type. The press would have a field day.”
Settling over the cocky speech writer that had been tugging on the edges of your mind all day was satisfying to say the least. You fit there perfectly; taking everything that was Park Seonghwa in until it made you dizzy. Though not as dizzy as he became when you abused his neck with abandon. You always adored his icy veins threatening to pop in restraint. His hands fumbled at your hip, willing you to move against him. He was too busy getting off to shameless moans of his name in his ear to feel your knee press down hard on his clothed dick.
“If anything gets out to the media, prepare to have this handed over to your uncle on a silver fucking platter.” His breath hitched and you swore the bulge in his pants only grew. You replaced the knee with your hand and used the other to rip open his now wrinkled button down. Your favorite surface. Not as broad as Yunho, but Seonghwa would say the filthiest things to get you to paint trails down his chest until he couldn’t breathe. That’s the difference between your choice of drugs. The most dangerous ones were the most addictive. So when he captured your mouth again, a fresh whimper on his lips, you had no intention of backing up the threat. Seonghwa. Seonghwa. Seonghwa. Pure honey to taste.   
“Please, just fucking ruin me, Y/N.”
“I serve at the pleasure.”  
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looney-joonie · 6 years ago
Endless Night
Genre: Angst <ish> / Fluff
Pairing: Taehyung x Intersex!Reader
Warnings: Slight violence, Animal attack
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Your parents inform you just before your 18th birthday that you are not like everyone else and that they fear for your safety because of the recent witch trials where you live. What will happen when you tell the man you love?
[7:34 pm]
Walking through the foliage on the edge of Salem’s public garden, you do your best to move silently in your dress as the evening grows dark. You’d known that this moment would happen when your parents had sat you down just before your 18th birthday and explained that you weren’t ‘normal’ compared to others physically. When you asked what would happen if you were to just tell people about your differences, they glanced at each other with tears in their eyes before your mother said, “You’d hang. They would accuse you of witchcraft.” Of course, that was after your best friend, Kim Taehyung, confessed his love to you and yours to him. You didn't want to hurt him, but he would be better off without you.
You notice the rustling of leaves not far away and decide make your way to a nearby cave you used to play in when you were younger. Breathing raggedly, you bring your hand up to your mouth to silence yourself as you wait for the rustling to go away. A twig snaps to your right followed by a loud growl and the shadow of a large feline leaping towards you. Stretching your arms in front of you to protect your face, a sharp pain shoots through your arms as sharp claws meet with your exposed skin while pushing you onto your back. Your head falls back and the last thing you see is the angry face of a bobcat.
[9:51 pm]
The feeling of something cold and wet being brought across your forehead brings you out of the darkness you had been swimming in. Eyes fluttering open, you see the outline of a man sitting next to you, patting you with a wet cloth in the dim light. You glance around and realize that you’re no longer outside, but in someone’s house instead.
Gasping, you start to sit up when the man pushes you back by your shoulders, “Whoa there, y/n. Please lay back down.” He leans over, strikes a match, and lights a candle on the nightstand next to the bed you’re laying on. “Taehyung? How did I end up here?”
Taking your hands gently, he lets out a shaky breath, “You were attacked by a bobcat. It’s a good thing I got there when I did. Otherwise you might be.. well, you might be dead.” Letting go of his hand, you reach out and brush away a tear that has escaped his eye. You hiss slightly as pain radiates from the forearm of your outstretched arm. Taehyung grabs your hand again and stares at your hands as he continues, “When you were attacked, she clawed your lower arms pretty good, but I was able to hit her before she did any more damage. Oh, y/n. I’m sorry. If I had gotten there earlier or had a clear shot of her before she attacked you, then you’d be fine.”
You squeeze his hand causing his eyes to shoot up, “This isn’t your fault. It’s natural selection. I mean, I was out during peak hunting hours. It’s my fault alone.”
“Oh yeah, why were you out there? Your parents said you went for a walk in the garden, but you were at the cave we used to sneak out to.”
At a loss for words, you turn your head and look everywhere but at Taehyung knowing that if you tell him the real reason, you might end up dying anyways. He reaches out and runs his hand along your jawline before bringing you back to face him, “Y/n, you can tell me. Whatever it is, let me in so I can help you. I will do anything for you.”
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and hastily say, “I’m not just a woman. I’m also a man. I’m both. Physically.” Opening your eyes, you begin to tremble when he doesn’t respond. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry Taehyung! I’ll leave right now, just please don’t tell anyone! Please!” You’re body starts shaking from terror as he continues not to say anything.
It’s only when you try to get up that he reacts by pushing you back down on the bed by your shoulders, then leaning in and kissing your cheek. You lay there stunned by Taehyung’s reaction, his breath blowing gently on your face. He caresses your cheek with his hand, “You don’t need to apologize for being different because that’s what makes you, well, you. Besides, we've known each other since we were children. I noticed you weren't the same as everyone else, but I don't care. I love you, y/n."
After taking a moment to process his words, your body slowly stops shaking, “Wha-what? Wait. You’re not going to turn me in for possibly being a witch?”
“Why would I do that? Your body is just as natural as anyone else’s.” Taehyung looks at you with irritation causing you to chuckle. His face relaxes as he watches you, “So, what’s your plan?”
Your chuckling subsides as you contemplate your future, “It depends. What are you doing in a year from now?”
“Hmm,” He smirks, “Well, I would like to be getting married in a year. Know any takers?” A blush spreads over your face at his words.
“Would you look at that? My calendar is totally clear a year from now!” you say as you hold back a laugh.
A smile spreads across his face, “Is it really? Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife a year from now, y/n?” In response, you lift your head up to meet his hovering lips and give him a searing kiss. Huffing back onto your pillow, a wide grin fills your face as Taehyung lowers his lips back down to yours and kisses you passionately to indicate that the night has only just begun.
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starkerdayss · 6 years ago
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun]
Guys, these are not in any specific way. 
1. Starker
2. Destiel (Dean and Castiel from Supernatural)
3. Malec (Magnus and Alec from Shadow Hunters)
4. Stucky 
5. Delena (Damon and Elena from Vampire Diaries)
6. Drarry (Harry and Draco from Harry Potter) 
7. Marvey (Mike and Harvey from Suits)
8. Deckerstar (Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker from Lucifer)
9. Coliver (Connor and Oliver from How to get away with murder)
10. Britin (Justin and Brian from Queer as Folk)
Now answer the questions fo your followers can learn a bit more about your ships
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6? - [Drarry] - I think it was actually because I ended up reading a fanfiction about them where they had very filthy sex and after that I just couldn’t unsee it. Either book or movie, they’re just... together in my head lol. 
What’s your favourite fanfiction for 4? - [Stucky] - I can’t remember the name but it was one where Steve was a prince and he had a harem of sexual partners and Bucky was one but he had been sent as a spy for the bad guy and his name was Winter but obviously they end up falling in love and Winter tells everything to Steve and they end up together and the harem I think is disolved because Bucky’s the main bitch now. 
What’s your favourite fan art/picture for 2? - [Destiel] - God, there are just too many. Destiel is an incredibly famous ship and it has been going around for ten years now. I just- everything made for Destiel is my fav. Specially one where they draw them as two women, so they’re a lesbian couple. 
What’s your favourite headcanon for 1? - [Starker] - High School AU’s will always be the reason of my sluttyness. 
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7? - [Marvey] - They complete each other because they’re complete opposites. I also like the fact that they not only protect each other, but leave aside their differences and their fights to go save the other if needed. Always have the other’s back, and Mike’s just a child that Harvey needs. Am I right, @infinity-worried
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious? - [Coliver] - I think it goes on both ways. Connor is very serious and sexy, and then Oliver is very shy and giggly and probably self-consious and ashamed so they go from being blushy and cute to Connor pushing Oliver against the wall and telling him the games are over. 
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry? - I think probably Britin or Deckerstar. They’re both cannon as fuck, so their chemistry is very shown on TV. I don’t know, Britin has to be the very first ship I started shipping, and Deckerstar is one of the few straight ships that I’ve managed to follow. they’re cute help. 
Which ship has the strongest bond? - I’m pretty sure the answer to that is Malec. But beyond the sex, they’re just really bonded through magic and the entirety of their world. 
Which ship to you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about? - Starker and Britin. 
Which one was your first ship? - Britin, definitely. Probably started it out when I was 13. The show was only on YouTube, I remember everything perfectly. 
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen? - [Drarry] - It would be in the most childish way. Probably Draco would say something horrible and Harry would be done with his shit once and for all and he’d break up with him and then Draco would be following him everywhere because that boy’s pride left his natural body the moment Harry took his hand for the first time. His boyfriend is just way too valuable to be a dick about it. 
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse? - [Malec, Deckerstar] - I would put my hands in the fire for Deckerstar. I mean, Malec has magic, and Alec is a nephilim and Magnus a warlock, but... Lucifer is the devil. 
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why? - [Marvey] - At first, yes. It starts off as a sexual thing and you know that you can’t be sleeping around with your boss, so it’s necessarily a secret, but then, they start falling in love with each other and Mike starts to believe that Harvey will never love him and he becomes distant and feels disposable and Harvey knows he has to put an end to it so he just... announces it to literally everybody. 
What is 9′s favourite date to go on? - [Coliver] - Probably really nerdy stuff. Connor has gone through some shit and one of the things that makes him the happiest in this world is seeing Oliver happy, and sci-fi makes Oli happy and probably just science fairs, really geeky movies and all. 
What’s your favourite canon moment between 10? - [Britin] - I mean. Fuck. Probably the first I love you, or when after the prom situation, Brian takes Justin to the scene of the crime to make him try to remember something of his abuser and he whispers (because he’s telling the story): “and that’s when I understood why they called you sunshine”)
What do 5 argue most about? - [Delena] - Damon has a real trouble being a good person (vampire?) and Elena is just- she has a good heart (that’s how the tv show makes it look anyway) and she struggles to mantain Damon as a caring individual. 
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose? - Britin. Fuck, I hate myself for that because Starker is now my main on everything, but Britin is really special to me, and it opened the doors to the gay world in my eyes. That’s the first representation I was ever familiar with. 
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? - [Starker] - Femenization. God, Peter in a skirt, lashes, lipstick, high-thighs and heels? Fuck me the fuck up. 
Do 8 want children? - [Deckerstar] - I don’t know. Chloe already has a kid and she could potentially want another one but then again, Lucifer is the devil and I don’t think he’s allowed to have children with humans, especially considering the fact that they haven’t discussed Chloe dying (she’s mortal)
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather became canon? - [Britin and Stucky] - Britin is cannon, so please just give Stucky a go. 
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? - [Destiel] - Not really, mostly because they don’t have time. Sometimes Castiel kisses Dean’s cheek or something and every once in a while Dean says some corny shit that he didn’t want to say but usually, they keep to themselves (or under the table), and no, it doesn’t bother Sam. Sam’s the biggest Destiel shipper among us. 
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other? - Deckerstar. Lucifer probably would do some hell things that nobody considers romantic mostly because they’re satanic, but the gesture is what counts. Plus, imagine Lucifer just bringing a vase of human eyes bc that’s romantic in hell and he’s with his grin... I would take it honestly. 
How would the proposal between 5 go? - [Delena] - I don’t think marriage is an option. They’re both inmortal (towards the end of the show) and they have all their lives. They don’t need a piece of paper that tells them how much their relationship is worth, specially if they’re going to trascend that. 
Who cooks more often in 3? - [Malec] - Magnus. Without a shadow of a doubt. He makes potions all the time, and Alec is always working on the institute. I think Magnus would be more than happy to cook (or summon) a meal for his boyfriend. 
Now tag!!
@im-a-goner-foryou @insatiable-spider @starker1975 @starker-garbage @peterscherry @peterparkerisaslut-x
Consider yourself tagged if you want to do this! Also, sorry for the lenght of this. I got a bit carried away. 
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joytoasheshq · 6 years ago
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below is christine’s sample application for ned stark. applications won’t be posted in full with acceptances. this is to provide another example of what i’m looking for in applications. a big thank you to christine for providing this sample, and making me cry over papa wolf! hope this is helpful and enjoy!!
name: Christine
age: 26
pronouns: they/them
timezone: EST
triggers: {omitted}
in the game of thrones you win or you die, would you be open to your character dying?: as much as the idea crushes me, it would feel DISHONEST to say no (and I’d be more than happy to play another character after Ned ofc)
anything else: n/a
full name: Eddard “Ned” Stark
gender + pronouns: nonbinary, he/him    it’s only recent that Ned’s felt comfortable exploring his gender identity and sexuality; raised in a family of cops, there were certain standards of masculinity that were expected of him and he never felt fully comfortable opening that particular box of worms. but within a supporting and loving relationship with a woman he trusts entirely, he’s felt better about exploring that side of himself and admitting that he never fully fit into the boxes he tried to fit into when he was younger.
age & dob: 35, July 21, 1983
faceclaim: Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
personality: + he’s reliable, above all: he can be counted on to do what he says he will do, no matter what it is. it makes him easy to trust, easier to understand. straightforward and loyal to those he’s promised his loyalty to. + a compassionate person, he has an understanding and empathetic soul. always willing to listen, to provide a word of advice. x being honorable is a double-edged sword, a coin with two sides: it endears him to some, makes him valued by those who have reason to value him. but it also makes him easy to manipulate – he is not playing the game that everyone else seems to be playing, which means that more often than not he ends up a pawn. x as a father, a husband, a brother, and a friend, he is protective; he’s lost too many people not to be. he’ll defend those he cares about as far as he needs to in order to keep them safe. - with all that, though, comes a naive optimism that can be dangerous in a world like this. it’s not that he expects anyone to be as honorable as he is, not that he doesn’t understand that people lie, and cheat, and steal, and kill. he knows this better than anyone. but he sees no point in going on if he can’t have some kind of hope, can’t let himself see the best in people. - his morality is inflexible, with no shades of gray: there is what’s right and what is wrong. and he knows the world is not so simple– knows people do wrong things for right reasons and right things for wrong reasons, knows there is always a way to blur the line. but that blurring is a slippery slope, and it’s easier to keep focus on that simple binary of right and wrong and let everything else fall into place around it.
( trigger warnings: pregnancy complications, death )
1. His father is a cop. His father is a cop, and his father’s father is a cop, and his father’s father’s father was a cop before that. He grows up in the shadow of it, never a question in his mind of what he would grow up to become: the men in his family, they protect the city, they always have, and so will he, when he’s old enough. Just like his father. Just like his older brother does, a few years before he can.
High school, college, the police academy. He is a star student. He prides himself on being a just and honorable man, just like his father. Just like Brandon. He models himself after them in every fathomable way. He admires them. His father, chief of police. His brother, charismatic and well-loved and engaged to a woman he so clearly adores. They are his heroes: he lives happily in their shadow, feeling a little like a child among giants, like he’ll always be reaching up to try to be as tall as them, like he’ll always be tripping over the shoes they leave to fill.
When they die– both of them, at once, as if one wasn’t enough to shatter him into pieces, as if one wasn’t enough loss to have him grieving for a lifetime– when they die, trying to subdue the riots, to stop the chaos, he tries to fill their shoes. He becomes a part of things, not just a rookie cop but a voice for the people, or, for Robert maybe, or– god, but he gets lost in it. The violence, the chaos, the city in turmoil. It is impossible to see a clear way out, through the fog and the confusion and the grief.
He’s not proud of it. But at the end of the day, all he’s got is the people he has left – Benjen, Robert, Jon – and a determination to never let it happen again.
2. She’s dying, when he finds her. His sister, little Lyanna. She’s always been little Lyanna but he feels it now more than ever, holding her hand in bed, thin and shaking. Complications with a pregnancy he had no idea existed. Complications that an adequate doctor could have fixed, if they’d gotten there in time, if she’d given birth in a hospital where the doctors would have had files about her history of blood clotting, if someone had been there to catch the signs of a pulmonary embolism, if only, if only, if only. If only she hadn’t felt the need to run away, when a pregnancy test confirmed her fears. If only she had felt like she could tell anyone. But she’s dying, already, and he’s not a doctor; he’s barely even a cop, 23 years old and only six months on the force.
There’s nothing you can do, she says, her voice weak. It’s okay, it’s not your fault. Just– promise me something, please.
And he’d promise her anything, in that moment, his little sister, promise her the entire world and do anything he could to deliver. When the doula hands him her son– premature, too small, tiny hands gripping at nothing, tiny mouth searching blindly in the air for a mother to latch onto– he promises.
He leaves Dorne with the baby in his arms, and when the baby starts to cry, he finds that he is crying, too. Can’t stop himself. He has buried too many people, for his age, and all in a year. A father, a brother, a sister. He knows it isn’t true– knows there’s Benjen, still, knows there’s Robert, knows there’s Jon– but for a moment it feels like his world has shrunk down, and the only things left in it are himself and this baby boy and the snow falling around them.
He is a good man. He will be a good father. He will keep every promise to his sister he ever made. He will keep her child safe, call him his own. Tell whatever story he needs to, so that no one knows what Lyanna didn’t want them to know.
3. Cat is… a revelation. An unexpected surprise. He knew her, of course, before it all. Brandon’s girl. He’d looked forward to calling her a sister-in-law, once. She is bright and she is clever and she is kind and she is too much, for him, too good to be true. He’s… trying, as far as fatherhood goes, but he never meant to be a father at 23, at 24. He’s quit the force, living off the meager inheritance his father left behind until Jon is old enough to go to school, because he can’t bear the though of leaving his son alone, of hiring someone else to watch him, of doing anything that might separate them. Because what if something were to happen? What if he were to lose Jon, too?
He agrees to dinner with Cat because he’s always liked her. He’s never thought of her as anything other than Brandon’s girlfriend, Brandon’s fiancee. Never wanted to: they were so in love. Brandon was so happy. Brandon would have done anything for her. He agrees to dinner with Cat because he needs someone who is sharing in his grief, and because she says she knows a great babysitter who can help out for the night.
He doesn’t mean to fall in love.
But she’s not Brandon’s anything, anymore. But Brandon’s gone. And they get along in so much other than their grief. More than he expects. And dinner one time turns into dinner once a week, turns into nights spent together, turns into moving in… and Catelyn makes him a better man. Makes him a better person. Makes him feel like maybe he can actually do it all.
She’s the one who encourages him to start something new. To build something from the wreckage. And so he starts Stark Security – he’s got the skills he needs, after all, even if he isn’t willing to risk his life anymore. Even if he isn’t willing to risk his family.
And they start a family.
4. Fatherhood suits him, it turns out. First Robb and then Sansa, and then the twins so soon after. And Jon, of course, a few years older than them all, and growing up so well. Just entering his moody pre-teen years. Stark Security means he can sit behind a desk, keep a regular 9-5, pick the kids up from school and be home in time for dinner every night. He takes up cooking, old family recipes. He reads bedtime stories and helps kids out of baths and into fleece footie pajamas. His face is sore from smiling, his voice hoarse from laughing. His chest feels warm, and large, and full, when he hears his childrens’ voices.
The loss still hits him, sometimes, like a wrecking ball. He wants to tell his father about something funny Sansa said. He wants to show Brandon a picture of the twins. He wants big family cookouts on warm June evenings. He wants someone to tell him they’re proud of him.
But there are better things to fill the gaps, better balms to salve the wounds. His kids, they give him purpose, give him a reason to get up in the morning and try to be a better person every single day. And his family gives him something to fight for, something to protect. They make him want to make Westeros a better place again.
vi. do you feel fulfilled in life?
    “I do. I really do. When I quit being a cop, I thought I might never feel that way again. You know how it is: you grow up around all that, you start to think there’s one right path towards fulfillment or whatever. But my kids– It’s worth everything else I’ve ever lost, just to have them.  They make me feel fulfilled every day, even if they’re a handful sometimes.”
vii. have you ever lost someone you loved?
    “Yeah,” he says, and it comes out more as an exhale than as a real word, hardly any voice behind it. Just the word is enough that he almost gets lost in it, the memories. Dad and Brandon’s funeral – one funeral, two caskets, and the way the sky opened up as soon as they’d been lowered into the ground like the world knew how impossible it would be to go on without them. Lyanna, and all the secrets she carried with her when she went, all on her own. Sometimes, he remembers it and he thinks for a minute it might break him. It might, except that he’s got people now who will help him keep going.
    “Yeah, a couple a’ people. It’s– it sucks, doesn’t it?”
Tumblr media
ix. who was your last text to, and what did it say?
    “Let’s see,” he says, sliding his phone from his pocket and unlocking it with his thumbprint. Opens texts, scrolling back through one or two unanswered ones to the last one he sent…  CATELYN 😍 displayed across the top of the screen, and a few messages in a row below it, hey babe omw home / picking up dinner want me to pick up anything else? / 😉 /  maybe–
As he reads the messages that follow, he can feel his cheeks grow warm, blushing slightly. Maybe not the most appropriate series of messages to read out loud… He clears his throat, scrolls back one message father.
    “It was to Robert,” he says, before reading it out loud: “The good donut shop or the cheap one?”
x. pinterest x. inspo tag & edits x. playlist
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fallenqueen2 · 6 years ago
Like Legends Chapter 9-Final [Shadowhunters/Supernatural]
Alec has a past that not even his siblings know about and he had put it out of his mind for years. When a vision comes to him one night he is dragged back into a different world of Shadows.
Like Legends Ao3 Link
Magnus was basking in Alec’s presence and how easily the other melted into his embrace when the Warlock gently ran his fingers through Alec’s new wings and straightened out some crooked ones. Alec was all but curled up between Magnus’ legs with his head resting on Magnus’ chest, head tucked under the older man’s chin.
“Well isn’t this just the cutest thing,” Gabriel cooed as the group re-entered the loft, pleased smiles on all their faces at the sight before them.
“Shut up Gabe,” Alec blushed and his wings curled around him and Magnus like a protective cocoon.
“So were you ever planning on telling us about all of this?” Izzy asked, narrowing her eyes at her older brother who was peering out at them through the gold-tipped feathers.
“No?” Alec offered up lightly and Izzy made an offended noise in the back of her throat.
“Their world and our world aren’t meant to collide if it wasn’t for an issue with a portal I never would have met Gabriel and been introduced to their world. I was supposed to go to Idris for the summer, but instead, I ended up at some college in the middle of America at Gabriel’s feet. He knew I was a Shadowhunter before I even spoke and he took me in when I realized I couldn’t make contact with anyone.” Alec said softly as Magnus’ fingers found his. Gabriel smiled at the reminder of how the two first met; it was an interesting time, to say the least.
“Well, you can tell us now, right? I mean how did you even get involved with Angels of all things!” Jace exclaimed.
“Speaking of, these two have the feeling that is different than normal Shadowhunters.” Gabriel squinted at Jace and Clary.
“My insane father injected both of us with angel blood he stole before we were born,” Clary said, annoyance coloring her voice.
“He’s dead so no need to go on a rampage Gabe,” Alec spoke up cutting off the anger that was appearing on Gabriel’s face.
“Ruin all my fun,” Gabriel pouted.
“So how did you guys meet my big brother?” Izzy wanted answers so she was going to get them as she spun to face Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Jack.
“We met Alec at a hotel when Lucifer came to kill the Pagan Gods,” Sam said giving Gabriel a look because that was the night they thought Lucifer killed Gabriel.
“Pagan Gods,” Clary said faintly, obviously not ready to hear that.
“Instead we ended up with this skinny little tattooed kid kicking and screaming about how we couldn’t leave Gabe behind.” Dean chuckled as he winked at Alec who flushed at the reminder of how they met. Sam had literally tossed him over his shoulder and ran out with him, Alec was very glad he had a growth spurt soon after.
“I’m still mad at you for that, letting me believe you were dead.” Alec shot a glare at Gabriel who held his hands up in surrender.
“I made a deal with the brothers over there, they were to keep my kid safe and bring him back home to New York before Lucifer could find him,” Gabriel explained and Alec absently rubbed at his chest when Lucifer’s name was said.
“Alexander? What did Lucifer do to you?” Magnus asked softly, taking Alec’s hand in his own and resting them against Alec’s chest.
“We had just gotten into the city limits of New York when he found us. He sent Sam, Dean and Castiel flying across the motel room and… He shoved his hand into my chest, intending to take my very soul because I was a Shadowhunter; he thought it would give him a different kind of power. Instead, he was shocked by the Grace Gabriel had left inside of me, sort of like a trap.” Alec explained, wincing at the memory of being pinned against the wall of that motel room with Lucifer’s hand in his chest, feeling like he was dying.
“Which was genius of me if I do say so myself. I had no idea that it would stay behind once it attacked Lucifer though. It should have left your body, not slowly burn you from the inside.” Gabriel said remorsefully.
“No one expected it Gabe, Angelic Grace and Shadowhunter DNA isn’t something that was supposed to mix.” Alec shrugged like it was something that wasn’t avoidable.
“So what was Alec like when he was a teen?” Clary asked, eager to know more and to get off the topic of Alec almost dying.
“The biggest bookworm you’d ever meet. He was so eager to know everything and then some! These two wouldn’t stop talking even if they were falling asleep on their feet.” Dean jerked his thumb at Sam with a smirk on his lips.
“Dean,” Alec whined while Sam rolled his eyes fondly.
“That I can only imagine,” Magnus said kissing the top of Alec’s head lovingly as his Angel shifted closer. Alec and Magnus looked at the others confused when they suddenly froze, even the nearby clock stopped ticking.
Alec stiffened and leaped up out of his place between Magnus’ legs and his wings flared out to their full length, hiding Magnus from sight like he was protecting the Warlock from something.
“This is fascinating,” A middle-aged man with grey curly hair stood mere paces from Alec, looking at the Shadowhunter with interest in his eyes. Magnus paled as he realized he couldn’t even sense this man inside of his apartment; he could sense the damn Archangel mere feet away but not this man.
“…God,” Alec breathed out in realization, his wings standing on end and golden eyes and runes pulsing. Magnus felt the glamour covering his cat eyes twinge and he realized that Alec was right; this man was God, he had to be.
“Alexander Lightwood, you are fascinating in so many ways,” God said as he scanned every inch of Alec’s tense form.
“I had no idea that by nudging you in Gabriel’s direction that this would be the outcome,” God said as he came closer and Magnus plastered himself to Alec’s back, not sure what else to do. He knew he couldn’t take on God but he was willing to try for his Alexander.
“You’re the one who messed with that portal so I would end up with Gabriel,” Alec said as his shoulders lifted up, wings twitching at the action.
“I wanted to see what would happen if one of my children met one with angel blood from Raziel’s Shadowhunters. I will admit this I did not see coming, but it makes sense.” God carried on and Alec bared his teeth as he realized he had been used by God of all things to see what would happen if two parts of the Shadow world collided.
“Well, I hope it’s been entertaining.” Alec snarked and God just let out a laugh as he looked at Alec with shining eyes.
“Oh, it has been, however, if I knew that Gabriel giving you some of his Grace to protect you from Lucifer would have stayed with you for this long and burn you from the inside I would have stepped in sooner,” God admitted as his eyes slid over the tense wings that were still protecting Magnus.
“Heaven is shutting down, shouldn’t you be there fixing that?” Alec shot back, arms crossing over his chest as his Head of the Institute voice took over.
“I don’t need to, I just need something from you and Heaven will be powered for decades and decades to come,” God stated as he moved closer and Magnus felt his magic light up in his veins with the urge to protect his Alexander.
“What’s the price?” Alec asked as he watched as God stepped closer to him and Magnus.
“You go back to being a normal Shadowhunter, that’s it. No strings attached.” God promised as his eyes flickered over to look at Magnus who was behind Alec’s wings.
“Just keep doing what you are doing and improve the relationship with your Clave and Downworlder’s. It’s what you were born to do Alexander Lightwood and you are doing a marvelous job so far, your soul mate will be at your side as you will be at his.” God assured Alec and Magnus felt his heart miss a beat at the final sentence.
“Soul mate?” Alec whispered as his hand reached back to grab at Magnus’ hand.
“That’s the closest human term that makes sense for what your souls are to each other.” God waved his hand dismissively like it wasn’t a big deal.
“I can live with that,” Alec said softly as he looked over his shoulder at Magnus who just smiled back, glamour down and cat eyes on full display.
“Excellent, now step forward Alexander Lightwood. I apologize in advance; this will not be pleasant and may bring up some memories of that encounter with Lucifer.” God warned briefly before he shoved a glowing hand into Alec’s chest. Magnus let out a noise of shock and alarm as Alec cried out, sinking to his knees as his wings flared and shook.
God’s face was set firmly as the point where his hand disappeared into Alec’s chest glowed brightly. Slowly Alec’s wings faded away like they were an illusion, the golden glow of his eyes and runes dimmed and flickered before they returned to their natural colors. Alec let out a shaky gasp when God removed his hand and slumped back into Magnus’ waiting arms. Alec panted for air as he looked up to see a glowing ball of golden light hovering mere inches above God’s palm.
“This will provide power to Heaven for a good while, thank you Alexander Lightwood. Heaven will not forget this, but I am afraid you all will.” God looked remorseful and Alec tried to sit up but he was exhausted and all he could do was fall back into Magnus’ embrace. Suddenly the rest of the world came back to life and only Castiel and Gabriel’s arms flying out stopped the Shadowhunters from attacking. Sam shoved Jack behind his back protectively, eyeing God warily and Jack merely stayed silent and peered over Sam’s shoulder the best he could.
“What do you mean?” Alec asked as he clutched at Magnus’ hand.
“This connection between Gabriel and Alexander was an experiment, a means to an end really. It was not meant to go this far, by having your worlds so entwined now it leaves Earth open for more powerful evils than any of you have faced. Your fates were not meant to be entwined in such a way and it is something I have to fix.” God said, voice sad as he looked at Gabriel and Alec.
“You want to take our memories,” Alec realized as he clung to Magnus’ hand like a lifeline.
“Altered but essentially yes,” God said he lifted his free hand, that sad look still on his face.
“Father, don’t please!” Gabriel begged as he stepped forward, not ready to lose Alec again.
“You can’t do this!” Alec stood up, a fierce look on his face as he strode towards God.
“I’m afraid I can,” God said as he allowed Alec to get into his personal space.
“If you take away our memories, you will be destroying parts of all of us that make us who we are now. The people apparently we are meant to become. You take away my time with Gabriel, with the Winchesters, hell even with Lucifer then you will destroy the parts of me that wants to make a difference.” Alec snarled, standing and talking like an avenging Angel even with his wings and golden eyes gone.
“…You truly are something different Alexander Lightwood,” God mused as he looked around the room.
“If it wasn’t for Gabriel, for Magnus, for all of them I wouldn’t be,” Alec said firmly.
“…I will leave all of your memories intact on one condition Alexander Lightwood.” God said slowly and the room grew tense.
“Name it,”
“Your problems do not mix together, there is no calling in each other for backup, nothing. Your world and theirs stay separate.” God stated and Alec felt a shudder of relief go through his body.
“Deal, it would be a hassle to explain all of this to the Clave, they wouldn’t take it well anyways.” Alec held his hand out to seal the deal.
“You are something else Alexander Lightwood,” God laughed as he took the offered hand, shaking it once before he disappeared.
“Oh Angel,” Alec whispered as he collapsed back against Magnus, all the tension gone from his body.
“You are one crazy son of a bitch,” Dean said in awe as Alec smiled shakily up at them.
“Don’t ever change Alec,” Jace laughed as he leaned against Clary in relief that was spread across the room. Gabriel wiped his forehead of sweat, he had no idea how that was going to go but he was relieved his father had seen Alec’s reasoning.
“So you will keep in contact?” Jack asked Alec from where he was wrapped around the taller man.
“Of course, God said we couldn’t help each other not that we couldn’t keep in contact.” Alec hugged the floppy-haired man back.
“I’ll keep working on my eggs and next time we will eat them while we watch more of the Marvel movies!” Jack said cheerfully when their hug broke and Alec messed up his hair playfully.
“Sounds like a plan,” Alec said softly as Castiel moved forward and the two shook hands.
“Thank you, Alec,” Castiel said in that stoic tone of his.
“Let’s just not do it again anytime soon,” Alec joked lightly.
“We will try not to,” Castiel said gravely and Alec chuckled fondly at the gruff angel.
“Get over here, I’m gonna miss you kid.” Dean pulled Alec into a hug that was returned just as tightly.
“Take it, easy Dean,” Alec said as he patted the man’s back a few times before their hug broke.
“Keep in contact Alec,” Sam said as he engulfed Alec into a bear hug, cupping the back of Alec’s head as he did.
“You too,” Alec’s words were muffled by Sam’s shoulder before they broke apart and Sam clapped Alec on the shoulder with a smile.
“Thank you for taking care of my brother,” Izzy was hugging a shocked Gabriel who quickly returned the hug.
“He didn’t make it easy,” Gabriel winked when Alec made an offended noise in the back of his throat making Izzy laugh loudly.
“No popping into the Institute yeah? I do not want to have to explain that.” Alec sighed before allowing Gabriel to pull him in for a tight hug.
“No promises Alec,” Gabriel did not get emotional, he didn’t the loft was just dusty was all.  
“I’m going to miss you, Gabe,” Alec said quietly as Gabriel let a warm pulse of his Grace wash over the Shadowhunter and it felt like home to Alec.
“You too kiddo, but we’ll get out of your hair as I’m sure you and your boyfriend want to properly reunite.” Gabriel winked.
“What does that mean?” Jack asked innocently as he turned to look at Sam and Dean.
“Oh boy,” Dean rubbed his forehead while Sam glared at Gabriel who just wiggled his fingers with a wink of his eyes and a flutter of feathers was heard and the group was gone.
“That was exhausting,” Clary exclaimed as she plopped down onto the couch, Izzy and Jace joining her looking just as exhausted.
“Tell me about it,” Alec fought back a yawn as Magnus curled his arm around his waist, holding his boyfriend to his side.
“We’ll talk some more in the morning, let’s all get some rest,” Magnus ordered as he began to pull Alec towards the bedroom.
“Sleep only Angel, you’re too exhausted for anything else,” Magnus promised as he snapped his fingers, taking Alec’s clothes sans his boxers from his body and helped his boyfriend into their bed.
“I love you, Magnus, I don’t know what I would do without you and I don’t want to find out,” Alec said as his eyes slid shut and nuzzled the golden pillow that was resting on.
“I feel the same way Alexander,” Magnus said softly as he settled on the bed, fingers brushing Alec’s dark hair off his forehead tenderly. Alec fell asleep with a content smile on his face, knowing that he had the man he loved back in his life and his oldest friend was finally safe and back with people who cared about him made his descent into sleep easier.
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borgatabent · 6 years ago
Festival Of Many Colors - A Summary
day 1: poison! :D day 2: everyone fit your dates in here day 3: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Or, in more detail:
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 9:56 PM
It's the last day of the Festival of Many Colors, and as expected, your plans for the crew's involvement therein have fallen apart quite spectacularly.  People split off, like you told them not to.  People got poisoned and hurt, as you expected.  By the time your own kids split off from you, well, you aren't surprised.
At least you trust them to stick with the people they split off with.  They'd better.
You, though? You feel safe as can be as you wander the booths, eyeing the wares the local artists of the city have brought forth to peddle to the masses.  In particular, you've been standing before a rather ornate painting of a cat that just...well, it tickles you.  The roundness of its face.  The wide icy lakes of its eyes.  Arresting.  Brim of your hat pulled low, you notice nothing else as you look it over.
"Now ain't that something..."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:05 PM
The festival has been treating you great so far. You got to reunite with an old friend and spend some quality time with your sharks! None of the Felt got (unintentionally) drugged as far as you are aware, and it's such a great opportunity to more or less openly steal food.  Great festival so far 10/10.
They even had some ameozwing pieces of art on display. So amazing you didn't even notice you lost your shark companions. So amazing you don't even notice the  man standing right next to you as you you stare at the painting until he speaks up.
The only thing that leaves your mouth is a half hissed "You!" in true anime fashion.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:09 PM
The troll woman's word brings your head up and away from the painting, but you don't need to look to see who it is.  It has been two years since last you saw her in person, but oh. Oh. You could never forget that voice.  When you turn your eyes down to Nepeta, your face is purposefully and carefully blank.
Until, once facing her completely, you allow a smile to unfurl across your face, slow and malicious. 
"Evening, kitten.  It's been a long time, hasn't it?"
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:21 PM
He's better at suppressing his emotions, your face immediately gives away your murderous intent. It's something you should work on but you can't help it when you see him in person, especially after so long.  Of course you knew you'd meet again but you are still surprised by how hard it is not to jump at his throat right here on the street. 
Easy now. You know you can't do that.  You remind yourself that you are going to, one day, and your fists unclench. Huh, you hadn't even noticed doing that. 
"Not long enough." That's all he get's out of you before you sweetly ask for the cat pictures price. It's childish for sure, but if the only thing you can do right now is a buy a beautiful cat painting before he can you will take it.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:25 PM
You chuckle, reveling in the hatred she glares at you.  It's rolling off of her, like heat, and you hadn't realized until that moment how much you truly had looked forward to this.  To see that rage directed at you was, in a word, sublime.  And then she's trying to buy that lovely cat painting. 
You think that's childish, Nepeta? Watch this. 
Cutting the artist off mid-speech, you say to them--never once taking your eyes off of the girl--"I'll pay twice the asking price for it right now."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:39 PM
Oh that motherfucker. How dare he, he's not even interested in this fine piece of art, he just wants to piss you off. And he's successful at that too. 
You don't have as much money but you have a lot of hate in your little heart.
"Can you really afford that? Funerals are so expensive these days. Shouldn't you save up to get get poor sweet Aradia the best funeral money can buy?"  Your face doesn't show your hate quite so obviously now but it unmistakably seeps into your words. It's a low blow, but you don't give a damn.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:44 PM
That smile on your face snuffs out in an instant, and your mouth becomes a hard, angry line.  You can feel your face flush with a hot surge of anger, you can feel it pulse in your strained neck.  Your hand, which had idly been stroking over a small statuette of a cat similar to that of the one in the painting, goes still over its porcelain head. 
"You'd best button your lips," you say slow, "especially about things that don't concern you, Miss Leijon.  It'd be a shame if someone were to knock those pretty new teeth of yours out again for your smartassery."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:52 PM
Yeah, that one got him good and you couldn't stop the smile from spreading on your face if you wanted to, showing off all these pretty, pretty teeth. 
"It'd be a shame if you'd have to bury your children too, yet here we are. How long do you think hot wings will make it? Chicken is a popular snack around here." 
Truth is, you don't hold any grudges against Droogs kids, they don't have to die anytime soon, they should bury him if things go your way. But it's the easiest way to get to him, and if he doesn't want you to ignore him? Fine, you can play dirty too.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:57 PM
Your jaw tightens, just as your grip on the little porcelain kitty does as well.  You can feel it grinding against your palm, past the skin, statuette against carapace.  Stone to stone.  You can hear it creak pathetically under the stress, and not for the first time, you imagine it isn't the porcelain kitty's head beneath your grip. 
You say, "Awful funny of you to mention.  Had some shark soup the other day.  Real tasty--you ever have it?" 
Coolly, you cast your eyes about.  Neither of the cat's pet sharks seem to be about.  You turn your glance back at her.  "Bet olive grub tastes just as nice this time of year."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 11:02 PM
"Oh, no I can't say I had the pleasure yet, I prefer getting my shark fresh and raw." You are not going to fall for his cheap distractions. 
 "You think so? I hear alternian trolls prefer maroon bloods for such things. You know, since they usually don't grow very old anyways."
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 11:06 PM
"Yeah?"  You chuckle low in your throat.  It's not mirthful; it's a sound of warning.  "I'll tell ya, you kooky trolls are all full of surprises."
You turn to her then, your hand dipping below your collar for a moment.  When you raise it, hooked around your thumb on a thin gold chain, dangles a sharp tooth.  The very top of it, though run through with a hole to hold the clasp, is still dyed a light olive green.  "All kinds of uses for every part of you.  I'd love to see what I could do with those little candy corn beauties on that thick skull of yours."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 11:22 PM
Oh that's dirty. You were trying so hard to hold back, can't cause a scene here, right in public, after all. But no, he had to go and take out his little trophy. Sick bastard, did he always carry that around with him or just for special occasions?
Hot white rage fills your head as soon as you see your tooth, you barely even hear his mocking words through it all, too fixated on it. You remember all too well how he took it, all the pain, all the misery, all the fury, bottled up and culminated over two long years like a fine wine. 
It feels like this single moment of rage stretches on forever until everything happens  fast and all at once. You hadn't even noticed that you had clenched your fists, hard enough to draw blood with your claws when you are already swinging a punch right at his insufferable smug face, connecting with an audible crunching noise. 
And god, it feels so good. Finally some sweet release.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 11:28 PM
The thing you've learned about trolls, after having a hand in raising a small squadron of them over the years, is that these fuckers are deceptively strong.  You wouldn't know it by looking at them, but you've seen them lay grown body builders flat at the tender age of 10.  So when that fist connects with your face, you feel the carapace beneath crack before you are sent reeling backwards into the crowd. 
Shouts of alarm go up around you as you bowl people over, only to quickly leap to your feet, easy as you please.  The shadow magic skin you're wearing on your face is crooked, torn at the seam of your jaw, and you take just a moment to pull it back into place before you lunge forward at her in turn. 
The porcelain kitty still in your hand, you grab at her collar to pull her up as you bring it down and shatter upon the crown of Nepeta's head.
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 11:39 PM
You are still too engulfed in that sweet rush of violence to see him coming in time to dodge the kitty, what a regrettable waste of art that was. The other thing about you trolls is how headstrong you are. Sure it hurts like a bitch, sure you can feel sticky olive blood pooling in your hair, but it's not going to anything to stop you.
Instead you take the opportunity to show him just how sturdy your pretty little head is. You grab him and headbutt him right in the mouth, hoping to break some teeth in the process.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 11:52 PM
You're sturdy, but holy shit, not that sturdy.  You can feel the hot spray of blood gush from your nose, from your mouth, from the now fractured carapace beneath your lips.  There is the click-click and drip-drip as you stagger back, broken teeth and candy red blood falling like rain to the ground below, despite the way you cup your mouth to prevent the fall.  It's all wet heat on your palm. 
The look in your eyes, one reverted back to its natural white after such a hard hit, is one of pure. 
"You fucking stupid bitch," you slur as you shrug off your heavy coat.  It's weighing you down, even if you had chosen it to hide the dip in your mostly healed arm, hideous as it is beneath the thin fabric of your shirt.  You spring forward, arm pulled back to launch a punch toward Nepeta's stupid fucking bitch face, fist surrounded by thick purple flame.  "Look what you've done to me!"
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Today at 12:25 AM
Oh but you are looking, and you are so pleased with your work.  How's it feel to be the one who's too furious to think straight Droog? Pretty good it doesn't seem. 
It feels so intoxicating to finally have the upper hand, to finally not only stand on even ground with Droog, but above him. He's becoming undone right before your eyes and even though part of you knows it's not just because of you but thanks to a whole series of events he and the Crew recently suffered, you decide that no. This is all about you. 
Your rage, your revenge, your victory, ready for the taking. 
Exposing a glaring weak point like his arm was his first mistake, using it to attack you the second. You catch his arm mid punch without any problems. Sure the magic fire burns your flesh but you smile at his face despite the disgusting smell of your own sizzling flesh. 
"I think you are the stupid fucking bitch, kitten." 
You don't waste any time and use your opening to kick him right in the stomach, hard. But you don't let go of his arm, even when he hits the ground. Instead you pull, putting your strength to good use. You don't stop pulling not when you hear a a loud popping, and not when you hear a sickening a crunch. One last effort from your side and you finally stumble back, his arm in your hand. Your very own little trophy, one you will treasure dearly. 
You stand above him finally tasting sweet victory, blood rushing in your ears. This is better than any high you ever had. The temptation to kill him on the spot but you settle for another kick right into his oh so handsome face instead before you spit on him,  just because you can. "Always a pleasure playing with you kitty cat." 
With that you turn around to flee the crime scene and report to Snowman.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 12:35 AM
It's fast, it's all too fast--you're on the ground before you can even properly think, and then you're hearing this sound, and it's so hard to parse through the screams of the crowd down pushed as far back away from the two of you as they can get.  They're shouting for help, for the police, for something,but you can't hardly hear it over the pop and break of your own sinews, and that other sound.  God, what is that? 
It's your own screaming.  That's new. 
When Nepeta pulls your arm away from you, you're left to stare blankly up at her.  The world is grey and hazy, but this olive troll and your arm are in sharp, painful focus.  You register the kick to the face and the heat of your blood pooling on the ground below you, and it just doesn't seem real.  Like a strange dream turned nightmare, in the blink of an eye. 
As she walks away, you go to lift your arm only to realize, whoops, that's not there anymore.  You lift your other and fumble around for your phone.  As you tap on the screen, now streaked with the gore of you, you realize you're shaking uncontrollably.  Or you suppose it is.  It seems so far away, as though you're watching some other armless sap shaking like a leaf in a tornado.
You put the phone up to your ear, still skewed from the hit you took earlier.  You think you're speaking loudly, but your voice is barely a whisper. 
"Hey Slick, uh... ...my arm's..." Before you can say another clarifying word, the phone slips out of your hand and comes to rest in the sticky red lake forming beneath you.  You pass out.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 12:43 AM
Oh well. Oh shit. This was bad. You refound Nepeta a few moments ago, but the fight was already a little heated to step inbetween. Especially since Nepeta looked like she got it handled pretty well. (Better than you ever could.) Before you could quit the hemming and hawing and decide what to do, it was already over. And...
You definitely didn't expect THAT outcome. Now, Nepeta surely got hurt a little. But... she was fine enough to run away. You already had your camera handy for the festival. Some cute kissy selfies with your lovers and totally not stolen plushies on there. You're gonna check on your beloved meowrail in a minute, for sure. But until then...
Nepeta would want it that way. And then you are gone too. All you can hope is that Droog managed to catch your gleeful grin before he passed out.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 12:42 AM
You're at the festival, already fighting the heat of rage from building up inside of you. You're looking for clues as to the whereabouts of the mysterious vendor from the other day. The one that drugged your son. He tore himself up pretty good and you're not going to rest until you have your vengeance.
That's when you think you might be hearing screams. It draws your attention enough for you to squint at the forming crowd. A few thoughts buzz through your head as you casually start making your way over--
Your phone rings. You answer. Your heart squeezes tight and a chill runs through you, cold enough to snatch your breath away. "Droog?!" You can hear the crowd still shouting on the other end of the line, as well as in that close distance. You start running, shouting for him on the phone to no answer.
You're shoving people aside, desperate and wild, until you see him. Unconscious, bleeding out, phone in his bloody fingers. You don't think. You drop to your knees and stop the bleeding with shadow magic. You're shaking him, trying to wake him up. Screaming at the people surrounding you.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 12:48 AM
You had a gameplan. Day three made sense for you to arrive, bundled up and faking illness that you have been boasting. Scarf on, coat buttoned, one of those little paper masks to indicate a cough.  Perfect enough to get at least some sembelence of festival and buy a few pumpkins and lose a few games in the quest for the kiwi.  Maybe even heckle some of the crew since you heard they had a kissing booth all up and about.
So of course, just as you are about to waste said money on a dream you hear some sort of commotion nearby.  Immediately you abandon the baseballs as you break into a run, pushing and shoving until you reach the break in the crowd. 
And blanch at the sight.  Oh frog...  Still, time to get the authority voice on as you pull out a badge. 
"I need everyone to clear some space. NOW "  That was more for the crowd than Slick since you expect his shadowy magic is probably better suited for stopping the bloodflow than any bandage pressure you could provide.  You pull out your phone and dial up.  "We have an emergency situation here.   Massive injury. Ambulance needed."  You already have an idea of who did this based on your own sources but telling that to Slick sounds like the top 10 worst bad ideas right now.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 12:54 AM
You're Problem Sleuth and you're running through the crowds that are panicking over the event that seems to be a girl tearing out Diamonds' arm and you've never dodged running citizens like this until you were in the court yard of Prospit when the war was announced.
Goddamn there were apparently a bunch of spectators to the de-arming and when you get there, you see Slick and you hear the wrath in his voice. Seeing you kismesis in si much rage almost makes you feel anger too. And you look around in time to see the tail of a green coat and you're running before you even know it. 
The Crew and whichever faction this was, you suspect Felt, are at each other's necks, you're trying to not even think of the new faction rising to power -- "Get out the way!" You're hot on the suspect's trail and you hope it better stay that way.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar/HD)Today at 12:56 AM
Your name is Clover, and you'd probably been catching up to the sharks. Everything was going smooth, absolutely everything- and then you turned and you saw Diamonds Droog hitting the ground, and it all happened so fast you could barely register it before you see Nepeta tear his arm straight off, and when she runs- 
Well, you do too. If anybody's gonna need some fucking luck, it's your kitty, after all. You're not thinking about anything else.
[insert missing post of Fin, fleeing along Nepeta and Trace and getting into the car]
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 1:00 AM
Your name is the White Queen, and you had been nearby with your Dame when the commotion had started.  It had taken you until now to push through the crowd to get close enough to see what is happening, but when you do, you reel back.  Though you had promised yourself that you would not do so again for a long time, you clasp your hands together and focus your empathetic powers on your ring to send a pulse of calm through the crowd.  It won't do anything for the humans and the trolls among them, but it will be enough to calm the carapacians from outright rioting. 
In the meantime, your name is Snowman, and you are fading to and from black. In your room one moment, a few paces ahead of Nepeta the next.  She collides with you but you anticipate it, and you wrap your arms tight around her.  You toss a wink over her head at the men pursuing her, and in a shimmer, you fade to black once more.  You would both find yourself collapsed upon your own bed to soften the impact of your collision, bouncing once before settling.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar/HD)Today at 1:00 AM
The Dame herself, though- when the screaming starts, she replaces her glamour with something that the citizens don't know but her Agents would recognize as a favored disguise, and she gets on clearing everybody the hell out of the way. Her imagination presses up against the minds of particularly stubborn crowd folk, pushes suggestion in to make the process easier. Leave, leave, leave. Get to safety, get to calm, it will all be alright.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:03 AM
Too bad, Fin. Because all of a sudden, Trace is gone. He has been tailing people long enough to notice that they, and more importantly Nepeta, had been followed, and ducked away to the side during the next best occasion. Hopefully quick enough.  It was. The crowd surely helped. You see someone that is very definitely not a Felt running right past the corner and past you, whereas everyone else tried their best to get away from anything green. 
 Maybe some of Clover's luck rubbed off on you too. Unfortunately for Mr. Sleuth. Before he has a chance to turn around, you reach for his collar and suddenly you're on his back. 
 "Not so fast, copper. This ain't your business" you just growl into his ear. A well aimed punch should take care of the rest. Time to get outta here.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:08 AM
Jay's ears perk as Clover texts her for a pick up, she leaps from the roof and teleports in front of Clover. Skidding to the side from the force of the teleport she looks at Clover, all of her soft and kind looks gone. She is determined and calculating. All in one go, as soon as she stops skidding she lunges at Clover, scooping him up over her shoulder and looking at the ones chasing. With a flick of a tail and a flash of green her and Clover are gone, standing in the main lobby of the Felt manor, Jay nods at him as she sets him down and teleports right back to the roof from before. Ready to extract anyone else.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 1:09 AM
You're running and you're catching up, reaching out to harness your imagination to start forming your sword when the process is cut short by someone pulling you back by your collar and you choke. 
You look fast enough to see who it was and then the punch comes and you're knocked out. Falling to your knees and onto the cold ground of the alley.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:09 AM
Soon after, Trace slips into the back of the car and tosses Fin the key.  "Get us home!" Squint around.  "Where did Nepeta go? Weren't you with her?"
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:10 AM
"I thought you were with her! " Car car key right. Time to scram.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar/HD)Today at 1:11 AM
Before the pup can vanish, Clover grabs her be the sleeve and as quick as a radio host, he tells her- "Check for the sharks, check the festival, get Doze before Slick finds him and decides to take everything out on him. They were nearby, I don't know where they went."
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:13 AM
Your name is Jade and you hears screams and slick's furious anger. Something bad has happened and you think it must be one of the bosses. You run to see what's happened and gasp at the sight. 
Droog's on the ground bleeding and Slick is there holding him, fixing with shadow magic but snarling for answers. Officer Ingleton is there too otherwise you'd step in to see what happened. Instead you question the people near you in fake hysteria, asking what's going on. 
You're very displeased to learn the stupid cat bitch was the one to cause this. Fuck, if this wasn't an escalation. The bitch was probably long gone too. What about the others though? 
This wasn't good. You're quick to go see what Felt was still left on the grounds.
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:14 AM
You name is Jude Harley and you are running to the car with your police badge in hand, but sadly no guns, just...the flare one? Right it's on your common equipment so you take aim to the car and shoot, permission can come later.
 Somebody roll a dice to see if he break a window or not.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:14 AM
There is a ping of feeling. An attempt to calm your rage. It is swallowed whole. Nothing can quell your anger and your outright pain in this moment. A ring sitting heavy in your pocket, your matesprit of uncountable years broken in your arms. And a name ringing in your ears. 
Nepeta. "The cat girl in the Felt."
You've seen them scrambling away. And you won't chase them. No. You will plan. You will make sure that the next move you make completely and utterly shatters them.
"Lyosha... Lyosha wake up. Please."
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:15 AM
He's dead, Jim.
Meanwhile Kingpin is somewhere in the crowd, watching the show and having a damn good time
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:18 AM
And this is why you don't let Fin drive, with all the trails blocking the way and now a god damn flare breaking the back window the shark is now panicking and screaming. 
The trash you left earlier on the backseat is on fire.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:19 AM
Oh no. Oh no no no. Not the window. 
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:20 AM
>dramatic car break 
>those wheels are really good but they will look like shit after this 
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:21 AM
Hey Fin, do you know this look? You know this look. It's the look Trace gave you after Itchy sucked your dick. 
"Move over." Growl.
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:21 AM
>You move over and try to put down the fire on the back 
"I’m taking no reponsability for this!"
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:23 AM
"Yes you are. I'm putting this on your phone tab." 
At least the car is still turning on. Time to get you home in a very relaxed and non-accent-risky manner.
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:23 AM
JH==> Attempt to chase the car once you heard the breaks but to no avail. No more flare charges anyway.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:17 AM
Jay nods to Clover quick and from the roof back to the scene. She dips quickly into the crowd and circles around, scenting for Doze, her ears pinned flat and tail poofed up with worry. Jay sees the tint Doze explained and pushes through the crowd, looking from the scene to the tent.
She reaches it and dips in, and spins to look for Doze, her chest heaving with quick breaths. Her cold expression not showing the panic she felt inside. "Doze? Come on we have to get the fuck outta this joint."
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 1:19 AM
Your name is Doze and you're just chillin in a booth a bit away but still close enough to hear the pandemonium. You got your bubble pipe and are looking at some badass woodworking stuff. Kind of cool. Gotta appreciate the arts really. 
You turn to Jay. "Oh hey checkout this baddass lil thingie. Got like tiny lil sharks etched on it. Think it'd make a good gift for Trace?" 
 Meanwhile you, Pembrooke Ingleton are on the radio.  There are some orders to pursue suspected targets as well as to get an ambulence out pronto.  Other than that, you're trying to keep the crowds calm and back and give Slick space.  Never entirely sure if that one will suddenly lash out at the nearest crowd or person.    Also not sure how he's going to react to medical personal wanting to take Droog to the hospital but that's a problem for future Pembrooke.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:21 AM
You go back to the booth with the henna just in time to see the Felt, Doze you think, with Jay. And you freeze for a moment, shocked that she knows him. You stare and you realize that she doesn't just know him; she's with him. She's with the Felt.
You don't know why that hurts your very being.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:25 AM
Jay presses her nose between her thumb and forefinger and huff out a laugh while shaking her head. "God you are so fucking funky. Can't help but love that about ya." She taps the baddass lil thingie and lifts her hand with a flick, teleporting it close to where she teleported Clover to. "Okay it's home, and it's loud out there. Let's dip, and laugh about someone loosing and entire fucking arm." She holds out her hand for Doze to take. 
The fur on the back of her neck raise up and she looks over her shoulder and, her ears slowly droop as she stares directly into Jade's eyes. Jay's cold determination falters and for a second Jade can see the sadness, panic, and worry in her eyes. She shakes her head slowly and reaches more earnestly towards Doze.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:27 AM
You step back in shock. She's Felt she was this whole time. And then you feel anger; anger at her, at that bitch cat and all of the fucking green bastards. You step towards them, towards her, but you have a feeling you won't be able to reach her this time
Lissa (Paint/Feferi/Kanaya)Today at 1:29 AM
You name is Kayana Maryam Spektor, and you are NOT calm. You are looking for the center of the chaos in search of your father who you've learn has lost one of his arms. You push and shove your way through people not caring if you knock them down.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 1:31 AM
You, Doze, smile at Jay and hold out your hand but then turn to see what the sudden agitation in the air was. Turning around, you see oh...its the one gal you did henna for.   "Oh! Heya there.  Check out this badass woodwork thing this one booth was doin."  You give a wide smile completely missing the point.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 1:32 AM
Uh oh here comes a special boy!! Here he comes!  If ever there was a juggernaut made alive, it would be the steamroller that is trying his best not to bowl over the crowd while he linebackers his way through to the coordinates Jude gave.  The commotion is easy to follow, growing thicker as you get closer--and also harder to get through.
It's then that you end up almost running into the car, or the car running into you.  It's hard to tell which it is because you're JAYWALKING/running across the street to get to the location without looking for traffic, and so the car that's just started up and is burning rubber trying to accelerate.  The front bumper thuds into your hip and thigh and you skid just a tiny bit--but you also might have dented the bumper yourself, or at least the hood of the car when you slam a hand onto it to brace yourself from falling over.  Point being you hiss and yell more in surprise than pain--though your hip IS in a lot of pain--and you're scratching the front of the car while glaring absolute fury at the driver-- 
Oh. Oh.  Perfect timing.  You lock eyes with one of the Felt sharks--the orange one driving, and bare your teeth at him.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:36 AM
Jay freezes and whispers, "Doze, not now!" She grabs his hand, pushing him behind her and full blown growls. Tail lashing and ears pinned as she faces Jade, little bits of green bolts spiking across her body as she bristles up. She crouches and readies her hands for combat, "Walk away, Jade. Now." Her tail slowly but surely curls around Doze's waist, Jay didn't want confrontation but if Jade rushed her she was ready to get her and Doze out of there.
Lissa (Paint/Feferi/Kanaya)Today at 1:39 AM
Kanaya finally spies her Uncle Slick and... Oh no... Her father with blood leaching from his empty shoulder. "UNCLE SLICK!" you call out to him shoving people out of your way with greater ferocity.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:42 AM
You glares at her; as if she has the audacity to tell you what to do?! "I want answers Jay!" You snarl back, not bothered by her light show, not slowing her step. "You're Felt; was this planned?! Was this all a fucking lie?! A ploy!?" You're not sure if you're more angry over Droog or angry at this feeling of betrayal. "Why'd she do it Jay?? Why cause an escalation now?"
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:42 AM
You hear Kanaya. Your gaze snaps to her and you hold Droog closer, halfway shielding his cauterized wound from her sight. "Go home," you order, leaving no room for question, "and tell the Crew. The Felt attacked us and we're going to--"
There are cops here, Spades. One is standing right beside you. The inspector. The one who had been poking around in your territory. You narrow your gaze, glaring at him. You'll deal with him later. 
"We're going to regroup," you say, "Get out of here."
Lissa (Paint/Feferi/Kanaya)Today at 1:46 AM
Kanaya's face is conflicted for a moment, but finally she nods and turns to go tears in her eyes but not falling. There's few people you would trust to make sure your father would be okay. You boss and father's matesprit is one of them. You follow the order and vanish into the crowds as you head home. You hoped you'd be able to convince your uncle to let you in on making this felt bitch pay.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 1:47 AM
Pembrooke looks up, and puts two and two together. Right, Droog's daughter.  He lets her pass into the area unheeded as the ambulence siren begins to get louder. 
You frown, knowing well that tone of whisper,  and you see the glare....meeting it back with a narrow squint of your own before you finally get the nerve to speak aloud.  "There is an ambulence on its way to take Mister Spektor to the hospital. You are welcome to join him of course."  You were going to extend the offer to his daughter but apparently she walks faster than your mun types. >:U
Meanwhile Doze tilts his head, a moment of confusion then well...more confusion. Ok this isn't about woodworking. Hooboy. 
"Iffn this is about all the hootinenenery happening right now gotta say that there was no grandscheming on this one tho prolly not gonna believe that.  Just as surprised as everyone else I just wanted to get my gift shoppin done like fuck now its a pain in the ass."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:50 AM
That's okay because you weren't going to let her. You hold Droog tight, keeping your gaze locked on the Inspector. The sound of sirens gives you fucking anxiety. But this is one of the very very few situations you'll allow one of your own to enter a hospital. You'll just have to be sure to pay off every fucking doctor and nurse and janitor you see to make sure you don't leave Droog's side and that he's receiving the best possible care.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:52 AM
Jay knows she should probably just.. teleport away but. She stands up ears shoved forward and her expression cold and empty, "You think it was planned for me to be here? To have been left by my family and for me to got all happy daisy to the Felt? Sweet heart, nothing is planned. It just happens." She turns slightly, not looking away from Jade, "Doze can you please grab on to me? Anywhere is fine right now." 
Jay's ears flick and she huffs at Jade, "I never lied, you just never asked. As for what cat babe did? Not part of the plan but man..." She leans forward, snarling, "was it good."
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 1:54 AM
Because the mun has no reading comprehension skills and  is now revising actions, Equius continues from the incident with the car, having left a dent and a hook man car door claw marks down the side of it, and the car giving him a nasty bruise, but otherwise everyone is unscathed.
He favors his right hip a bit as he trots up to Pembrooke, breathing a little heavily and holding up the roll of police tape you have handy.
"Sir--brought this--Jude said it would come in handy."  You huff and shake out your leg a little bit, starting to get on the task of keeping people back and setting up a perimeter.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 2:01 AM
You know it's just angry speaking; you know you should step back, take a breath. You're better than this and you know that in a way, Jay's right. What time they spent together, that couldn't have been a ploy it was far too genuine. You don't really understand what she means by a family leaving her, but you do understand what she says about the aftermath and you see Red 
 Before you've realized, you're already swinging a punch at her
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 2:05 AM
Pembrooke nods at Equius.  "Set up a perimeter. Start taking witness reports."  You notice the shattered bits of porceline.  "Find out which booth that came from and get their report in particular. I want to know exactly every word and detail that led up to this down to how many times they blinked." 
A few tents away Doze sets the woodwork down cause he aint a thief dangit, and rests his hands on Jay's shoulder.  "Sorry yo. Gotta go."
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 2:08 AM
Jay grins at Jade, all of her malice and mockery going into that one good last look and just as Jade's fist is about to connect with her face... a flash of green goes through the tent and she is gone from Jade's sight and into the main entrance of the Felt manor. Jay sighs and pats Doze on the head, "I could of taken that other wood piece with us too if you wanted." She points to the shark one she teleported in before the commotion, "Least I got that one. Now pardon me, I need to go find some damn ibuprofen."
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 2:11 AM
She's gone before you can wipe that smug fucking look from her face and you're shocked and angry. But then, you feel... upset. Not that you missed, but that you tried to punch her. God what is wrong with you?! She's the enemy now; she has to get past this! You're not going to let this make you a liability. 
But, this shows that she's not just a furry for show. Maybe Scratch worked on her like he did Sock, except she was clearly more successful. 
....time to get out here too.
EJ (GHB)Today at 2:15 AM
You're the Grand Motherfucking Highblood---And you've been alerted to a commotion by Azzie. You smell blood on the air and normally it'd fill you with Glee. 
But that blood is your Moirail's blood. The motherfucker you'd slaughter leigions for. 
Your calm and gentle demeanor evaporates in a second as a wave of Terror washes over the crowd, forcing them apart as you Roar and Snarl, charging on all fours in the direction of your Moirail's scent. 
...You're going to Kill whoever did this.
Without question. You will find them.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 2:17 AM
He nods, immediately finishing with the perimeter first and wedging himself between the scene and various citizens, politely but forcefully scooching them back.
Before he gets to the witness accounts, he sidles back up to Pembrooke, voice lowered a bit quieter.  "Also uh, I was told to give this to you."  He passes the kiwi very sneakily like contraband, and nods solemnly, getting back to work.
He sets up some markers around the porcelain shards, voice raising up to tell people to form orderly lines and wait for questioning--before you feel a rush of nauseated horror and acrid fear that could mean only one thing.  You might be less susceptible to mental influences than lower blood castes, but you still freeze on the spot, getting OUT OF THE WAY when you see highblood frenzy coming towards the scene, grabbing Pembrooke's arm on instinct and pulling him behind you.  Just in case.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 2:22 AM
Your business stern faced demeanor is temporarily shattered as you hold in your hand the blessed kiwi at long last.  It is softer and more perfect than you imagined.  But then you clear your throat and return to professional mode.  Just in time for you to be pulled behind Officer Zahhak as you hear the crowds start to stir. 
Craning your neck, you see the flash of black and purple as you inwardly brace for probably another one of the Crew's confidants to bust their way onto the crime scene like an emotional trainwreck.
EJ (GHB)Today at 2:32 AM
Not emotional. Angry. Very, Very Angry. Roars and snarls fill the air as the crowds part as he darts past the Blueblood and the Capricians. They don't matter. Finding his mate matters. 
He sees the blood...so much blood. Splashes of Olive.....
Slick is scented, acknowledged, but he's snuffling intently at his moirail, Snarling at anyone who dares approach. 
His common tongue doesn't even sound right, tinged heavily with Alternian, rearing up on his legs to his full height, eyes locking on the blooblood. "Who." This is not a request. It is a command. The leader of the Mirthful is asking a motherfucking question and he Best Motherfucking Answer.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 2:35 AM
Oh shit. Lookit that. Kingpin was still watching the scene with delight. And just as the White Queen's awful attempts at mind- pardon, emotional control crawls past you, you feel another emotion wash over you that is sending a shiver down your back. 
One of the few times you truly felt that, if not the first. And boy, that was. Fucking. Thrilling. The source of that wave was hard to miss. A giant troll. One of them purple bloods. Kingpin had heard stories, but he had yet to see them in action himself. A thing he may get to change soon, perhaps.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 2:41 AM
He still has one hand gripped on Pembrooke's upper arm as he keeps him behind--he did not want one of his new bosses in the crossfire of the most reveared and infamous of their people, something that rivaled the title of the Condesce, though no one would state as much out loud.
His posture goes to military attention, expression sobered up.  His one consolation is that at least the force of that anger, that rage, isn't directed towards him individually.  Still, he's afraid.  Afraid for Nepeta, and afraid with the waves of empathetic terror that roll out from Baron like a swelling tide.
"Felt," he says with a low rasp, meeting Baron's eyes and ducking his chin a little.  "It was Felt.  I just arrived on the scene, but--"  He shifts a little, letting go of Pembrooke because he is the commanding officer who can speak on the situation, giving a pleading look to Baron to be dismissed from answering questions that he had no right to answer.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 2:45 AM
You feel a sense of relief, although very slight, at the sight of Droog's moirail. You meet Sam with a soft headbump, hands full with Droog. You're lifting him up, preparing to carry him to the ambulance. "It was that cat bitch," you growl, "Nepeta. She's holed up with her posse by now." 
You lean close to Sam, muttering quiet enough for only him to hear you, "I want to dismantle them, Sam. We need to plan carefully. But if there are any of those green fucks or their associates running around, I want them taken care of. We're going to send a message. Understand?"
EJ (GHB)Today at 2:53 AM
...You needed that. You needed something to ground you, though tenuously. Your hand shakingly passes over Droog's lack of arm, wiping the blood over your face like the warpaint that's always present on it. 
The Blueblood is released with a wave. "ZAhhAk. DIssMiSSEd." 
There's clicks and whirrs that meet Slick's order, your voice thickly affirming. Your voice is neigh a whisper. "I'll bring their heads." Fuck I don't know how do italics but pretend with me people. Power Of Imagination. You're following to the Ambulance without a second glance to anyone in the crowd. You could care less. 
Greens will. Die.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 2:58 AM
You stand silent, observing all of this. There is a lot that you're starting to discover and none of it is good.  Firstly that the Baron is far closer to Crew than you imagined and the sudden worry for your morail is bubbling up because you are pretty certain he is good friends with the Baron?? 
But there is also the detail of interractions and for somene to be able to call rank and authority to one of your officers is...also not the most ideal of things.  But something to be filed for later.
You watch the hushed whispers, no idea what is being said but you can likely guess.  This was not something the Crew was going to just take idly.  Just a matter of if their counter will be immediate or longterm.  You then watch Droog get loaded into the ambulence, waiting to see who goes and who stays behind.  Thankfully at this point he crowd has begun to scatter and disperse.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 3:04 AM
He feels a chill like ice dumped down his back for a whole other kind of dread now.  Baron might have let him go but his gut twists, because he... he doesn't work for Baron.  He doesn't.  He can barely relax even as he steps to the side from around Pembrooke, but he can't... he can't really meet his eyes right now for fear of actual distrust in them. One ear twitches, your considerable hearing picking up the low murmuring between Slick and Baron.  You don't hear what's said.  But he does hear the tone of voices and it's nothing but the promise of violence.
"...Permission to continue questioning, sir," he says to Pembrooke, eyes flicking up and then away again, hands clenching kind of uselessly at his sides.  Then, because he can't leave any stone unturned or irresponsible.  "....I'm sorry.  It... it won't happen again.  I was caught off guard."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 3:06 AM
You hop into the ambulance. And just as cover, you call to Sam, "Get straight home and keep an eye on everyone. I don't want anyone else getting hurt, got it?"
You don't actually wink because that would be obvious as fuck but the sentiment is there. Also, with one eye, winking is extremely difficult. 
You try to relax enough to not lash out as the first responders get to work on your matesprit.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 3:11 AM
"Permission granted." You simply state with a nod as you watch the ambulance doors close and start to pull out.  At this point, Slick and Droog were now the least of your worries other than the possibility of Slick just making everyone's lives miserable at the hospital.   You pull out your pen and begin to assist taking witness reports and gathering evidence. 
There will be times for talk later, but now that the action was fading you had a job of trying to get as many witnesses still about as you can before they filter away.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 3:21 AM
You give a short nod, going back off to round people up, focusing mainly on organizing them into categories of relevance.  After examination of the porcelain pieces again, you scout out the nearby booths--and sure enough, you find the most likely one, artisan crafts and all that.  It doesn't take much convincing to get the stand owner to come with you to the priority list of witnesses, her eyes cagey and wary after the whole trainwreck.
"This one saw them come into first contact," you murmur to Pembrooke, directing the woman to stay with the inspector.  "Would you like me to take her to the station."  To make sure she doesn't get cold feet and decide to stay out of mob crossfire.
EJ (GHB)Today at 3:23 AM
You understand the Wink with the intent for murder burning in your heart. Your grin in response is sharp and dangerous as you sniff the air, scenting for the Green Bitch before starting to move off to another direction. The police can think what they want, there's no concrete proof. 
 Clowns can be deceptively quiet as they're slinking out of the eye of attention.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 3:28 AM
"I doubt it will be necessary.  It's just a simple eye-witness of the events.  Much like everyone else is giving."  You say that aloud, as you hope such statements will set her on ease in case she is worried that she may end up in the middle.   "I'd say take some forensic samples, get some photo of the scene Officer Zahhak."  you gesture to the olive and red blood as well as the various fragments of porcelien.
You set to task of questioning...hopeful that the other officers off scene are faring better.
15 notes · View notes
tae-spacito · 7 years ago
sope: a fairytale (pt. 1)
Word Count: 3393
J-Hope (Hoseok) x Suga (Yoongi)
Genre: Fluff; some crack ;)
Warnings: none! just crackhead bs, and kinda sorta fluff? idk 
Summary: So you think you know the story of Cinderella? As children, we all must have read the fairytale, or even seen the Disney movie, I’m sure! But have you heard of the fairytale of how Sope came to be? No? Well kiddos, here we have Hoseok, whose father is always out travelling for business, so he’s living with his step-mother and step-brothers, Namjoon and Seokjin. Meanwhile, on the other hand, we have our very own Prince Charming: Min Yoongi! Now buckle up kids, we’re gonna go on a magical ride! Here is the story of how Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi lived happily ever after. ❤️
AN: YO WHADDUP TUMBLR!! It’s been a while since I updated with a story here... sorry!! :( I’ve been too busy with university and all, yea I know, excusessssss... besides, I’m now on break! So hopefully I can balance work with writing and y’all can get more frequent updates. Please enjoy this little weird thing I wrote up. It turned out to be way too long so I gotta split it up into 2 parts! Also to those who just finished exams, congratulations! And to those who just graduated, congrats to you all as well! Anywaysss, enough blabbing on my part. Happy reading!! *sends love* 
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Hoseok quickly dashed into his room as soon as his step-brothers left the house. He threw open his closet doors and skimmed through his clothes, searching for the perfect outfit for the party.
“Shit, I can’t find anything to wear! I’m going to miss the biggest party of the year!” Hoseok whined.
Finding something close to suitable to wear in public, Hoseok ran into the bathroom and got ready. Upon coming out of his room, he searched for his favourite pair of shoes, which were nowhere to be seen.
“Argh, Namjoon did not just hide my Balenciaga’s…” Hoseok grunted. He ended up slipping on his worn-out loafers, fixed his orange-dyed hair and left the premises.
He had to make sure no one knew he got out of the house. Not even his step-brothers, Namjoon and Seokjin, or his step-mother. If they did, he’d be done for.
“And so, all eligible sons and daughters may attend the party hosted by Prince Yoongi, son and heir of the Kingdom. Please RSVP as soon as possible, since we need a few days to arrange for the guests.”
Hoseok’s stepmother closed the invitation and carefully placed it back into its thick and cream coloured envelope.
“Well my boys, looks like you two will be going to the party and having tons of fun, right?” Step-mother crooned.
“Hell, yeah mom! I’m gonna pick up some hot chicks and probably, hopefully, really get into something serious with one of ‘em.” Seokjin smirked. Namjoon elbowed him in the stomach.
“OW you idiot! What was that for?!”
Namjoon smiled sweetly and stepped forward, “Mom, I’ll make sure Seokjin doesn’t do anything stupid out there. We don’t want anyone spreading weird stuff about our family, right?”
Namjoon, Seokjin and the step-mother were busy planning about the party, meanwhile Hoseok was in the kitchen washing the huge load of dishes. He sighed and wistfully thought about Prince Yoongi’s party at Club Monaco, which was one of the most prestigious nightclubs in the city. Gathering courage, Hoseok entered the living room and asked Step-mother if he could go to the party as well.
“Huh? Hoseok, you want to go to the party?” Step-mother scoffed, “why, you don’t even have anything to wear!”
“Yeah mom, I know that, I was thinking of using my allowance money to go to the nearest store and buying some—”
“Oh, are you gonna match your outfit with your ugly neon green Balenciaga’s?” Namjoon snickered.
Hoseok gasped, “They’re not ugly! You guys just don’t know how to appreciate true fashion!”
Seokjin cackled, “Yeah f’ing right. You? Fashionable? What kind of delulu shit are you getting yourself into?”
“Boys, that’ll be enough!” Step-mother raised her voice. “Hoseok, if you want to go with your brothers, you’ll have to make sure the entire house is clean, and all your chores are completed!”
“Not to forget, find some other shoes to wear.” Seokjin muttered. Namjoon snickered upon hearing him.
Hoseok felt that he had a chance to prove to his step-mother that he can and will succeed in whatever he puts his mind onto. He had to go to the party, and no one would stop him otherwise.
Turns out, he wasn’t able to finish his chores, as Step-mother kept assigning him more things to do. On top of that, he had so much homework to catch up on but whilst in the middle of all this, he didn’t even touch his school bag. His step-mother had gone out to a friend’s place for a get-together, while Namjoon and Seokjin were on their way to Club Monaco in a luxurious limousine, where they would have the time of their lives.
Hoseok carefully placed pillows on his bed and covered them to make it look like he was sleeping before he left. If his step-mother came home and noticed the bed was empty, he’d be screwed. He left his house and locked the door and searched for a taxi to take him to the party.
It was 9 pm, the party is probably just getting started, Hoseok mused. He searched everywhere on the streets for a taxi, but none were in sight. Having wasted over 30 minutes on his street, Hoseok gave up and decided to walk towards the venue.
Passing by alleyways, Hoseok noticed people hiding around in them doing who knows what. Probably super sketchy stuff. Nonetheless, that meant he needed to get out of the area as soon as possible before he landed himself into trouble. A pungent smell wafted in the air, smelling like a mixture of a skunk’s spray and rotten eggs. The scent became more prominent as if he were coming close to it, or the smell was coming close to him.
Goosebumps rose along Hoseok’s arms and across the back of his neck. Feeling as though he was being watched or followed. He heard footsteps clapping loudly against the stone-cold pavement and heavy breathing behind him. He tries to look behind him without being too obvious and noticed two shadows on the ground. Not knowing what to do, he sped up and ran further away from the men that were following him.
Hoseok kept running, without paying attention to where he was going. His foot stumbled upon a rock and he tripped and fell onto the sidewalk.
“Hey, kid! Watch where you’re going! What’re you doing here anyway?” One of the men grunted.
The two mysterious people stepped closer as they towered over Hoseok, shifting backwards as he was whimpering in fear. Before anyone could take action, Hoseok felt a harsh grip on his arm as it pulled him up and dragged him through one of the shops that were closed for the night.
It can definitely be said that Hoseok was screaming his ass off. Not to mention, clawing his sudden attacker on his neck.
“OW! Hoseok, shut up!” A deep voice exclaimed.
“WhoareyouandwhydidyoudragmeinhereIwilltellyourightnowthatmydadisacopand—“ Hoseok rambled loudly in fear until the lights flickered on and he noticed that he was in fact, safe and sound, and within safe perimeters.
He slowly glanced in front of him and saw his best friend Taehyung sitting in front of him wearing-
“What the fuck Tae! Also, what the hell are you wearing?!”
“OH GEE! I saved you from those weirdos out there, and you attack me, scream in my ear, attack my Gucci apparel, and I don’t even get a freaking thank you?!” Taehyung wailed.
Hoseok sighed deeply as he got up, rubbing his arms and walked towards Taehyung.
“Ok, thank you for saving my life and not letting me wither away out there in the cold and in the presence of those big guys. Also, what’s with the outfit? Trying out to be Gucci’s next top brand ambassador?”
Taehyung took off his oversized sunglasses and cocked an eyebrow. He was wearing an oversized white collared shirt, tucked into khaki coloured pants that flared out. He wore leather slippers, obviously Gucci, and a thick red, green and black striped belt, also Gucci. To top it all off, he had on a purple velvet cloak and a loosened red Gucci tie around his neck.
“Bro please, I was trying to make a fashion statement since I thought I was gonna be alone tonight at the shop. Guess I had some rescuing to do.” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Besides, didn’t you say you were going to that party hosted by Prince Whoongi?”
“It’s Yoongi, you prick.” Hoseok rolled his eyes.
“Whatevs. Hey, what the heck are you wearing? You call that party wear?” Taehyung asked.
Hoseok flushed, “Y-yeah I was trying to find a good outfit for tonight but… but Mother wouldn’t let me…” He looked down, fumbling around with the hem of his shirt.
“Well Hobi, fear not!!” Taehyung exclaimed, “Wanna know why? ‘Cuz your fairy godmother, Vantae Kim is here to save the day! I mean, night!” He immediately rushed to the back of the room and began to frantically search through hangers.
With mock disgust, Hoseok took a step back, “Bro isn’t that some photographer guy? Did you actually just try to merge your name with his?” He snickered.
“Shut up, you need me the most at this time. Don’t you want to catch Yoongi’s attention there?” Taehyung winked, throwing finger guns at Hoseok.
“Oh, come on man, a prince? Noticing me? Have you been watching too many dramas these days?” Hoseok laughed.
“I may have watched too many dramas, but at least I know what needs to be done in terms of attracting someone into your pants.” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows, smiling suggestively. He walked over to Hoseok carrying a ton of clothes and dumped them into his hands.
“Try this stuff on, I’ll help you arrange your look afterwards. Go, go, go!” He shoved Hoseok towards the dressing room.
Hoseok tried to speak but Taehyung shut the dressing room’s door on his face before he could even say a word.
Taehyung called out behind the door, “I’ll be here picking out some accessories for you ok? Shout if you need me!”
“OK!” Hoseok called out in response, “Now where do we start…” he murmured, looking at the pile of clothes Taehyung picked out for him.
20 minutes later
Hoseok shifted uneasily as he put his hand on the doorknob. Deeply inhaling, he opened the door and walked outside of the dressing room.
“Ahh, there you are! I was wondering what took you so—” Taehyung turned around and stopped as he took in the view of Hoseok standing right in front of him.
“Oh, daaaamn! Hobi, my man, you look dashing as hell!”
Hoseok wore a crème coloured collar silk shirt with a bow adorning the neckline, slightly uneven, paired with a floral blazer on top, and black jeans. The sleeves of the silk shirt were protruding from the sleeves of the blazer, giving his outfit a classy touch. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he tried to avert his eyes from Taehyung, embarrassed by his reaction.
“D-do I look ok?” Hoseok stammered.
“Bro, I think you’re gonna snatch everyone’s hearts once you step into the party. Seriously.” Taehyung smiled his boxy grin, “hol’ up, lemme fix your shirt for you.”
Taehyung tucked in Hoseok’s silk shirt into his jeans and fixed the bow to make it even.
“There, much better!” Taehyung patted Hoseok’s shoulder, “now let’s fix your hair, and then find you some good shoes.” Unbeknownst to Hoseok, his best friend secretly smirked when he turned Hoseok around towards the stairs.
Hoseok was dragged upstairs to Taehyung’s “lair” where he spent 90% of his time designing new clothes and outfits. Not to mention experimenting on his workroom walls with paint. This lair was actually his apartment, which he personally got constructed so he could be close to his business. Hoseok sat down on the king-sized mattress, glancing at Taehyung in confusion as he dug through his personal closet. A few minutes later, Taehyung brings out a small rectangular shaped cardboard box, which seemed to carry a pair of shoes. He sets the box aside as he motions to Hoseok to get up and sit down in front of the vanity.
“This box is for later, let’s not worry about it. First, I gotta focus on making you look presentable.” Taehyung smirked.
Taking out a comb, blow dryer and some unrecognizable hair products, Taehyung began to work away. Not knowing where to look, Hoseok just sat there with his eyes closed. Seeing that, Taehyung chuckled quietly to himself, knowing that once he opens his eyes, he’ll be shocked. A few minutes later, Taehyung steps back to admire the hairstyle he created.
“Yo Hobi, wanna do me a favour and open your eyes so I can get some amazing feedback on the work I did?” Taehyung teased.
Hoseok slowly opened an eye as he looked at the person sitting across from him. His reflection. Having his hair blow-dried as it was styled to perfection. His hair was parted from the right, exposing some of that glorious forehead that Hoseok always covered up with his orange-dyed locks. Taehyung applied some hairspray to ensure that his hair doesn’t become unruly.
“Tae… is… is that me?” Hoseok pointed to his reflection with widened eyes.
“YES!! It is you! Do you like it?!” Taehyung squealed as he drummed his fingers along the desk he was leaning upon.
“I’ll be honest, I’ve seen you work wonders on others when you style them for their shoots but this? This is incredible. I-I don’t know how to thank you??” Hoseok grinned.
Taehyung hit Hoseok’s shoulder as he feigned annoyance, “Listen, did I not tell you I’d be your fairy godmother for tonight? I don’t need anything in return! I just need you to do me one favour though”
“Which is?”
“Go and have the time of your life!!” Taehyung yelled enthusiastically, “Oh, let me take a few pictures of you! You’ll charm everyone’s pants off!!” He grabbed his camera and snapped a few pics, earning a chuckle from Hoseok as he weirdly posed for the camera.
“Oh right! Before we forget…” Taehyung remembered the box he took out of his closet. He walked across his room and fetched the shoe box, and placed it in Hoseok’s hands, “Open it!!!” Taehyung gleefully smiled.
Hoseok looked at him in confusion, shook his head and slowly opened the box. He peered into the box, then suddenly his eyes widen in surprise.
“TAE, ARE THESE THE NEWEST BALENCIAGAS?!” Hoseok yelled. He stroked the smooth leather of the loafers.
“Surpriiiseidiot! I had these shipped in for you so I could give it to you for your birthday next year before these even entered the market. Consider this entire thing my birthday treat for you. You owe me big time, dude.” Taehyung grinned.
“Yo, I’ll make it up to you, big time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”Hoseok jumped around.
“No need, my man! I was just joking! There’s no need to owe me back anything at all! Put them on, I’ll go call a taxi to take you there.” Taehyung smiled warmly, patting Hoseok’s shoulder.
Taehyung called a taxi to take Hoseok to Club Monaco, and Hoseok sat down to wear his shoes. The two went downstairs to the entrance of the stores, excitedly conversing about the party. Once the taxi arrived, he hugged Hoseok tightly.
“Also, another thing I must mention to you, as your fairy godmother,” Taehyung put on a serious tone, “this isn’t real life Cinderella, where you need to get back home before midnight, where your carriage turns into a pumpkin, and horses into mice. Go have fun and get some action for once!” He ended off with a cheeky grin.
Hoseok laughed, getting into the taxi, “Okay, bro! I’ll update you on everything! Not, every, every single thing, but anyways, I really wish you could come with me!”
Taehyung shook his head, “Nah dude, I got tons of designing to do for my upcoming clothesline. But definitely next time, we’ll go together!”
Hoseok pouted, “Argh, alright. Good luck! Let me know how things go!”
Taehyung winked, “I think I should be saying that to you, shouldn’t I? Lemme know if you got into someone’s pants by the end of the night!”
“Shut up, Tae! I’m not giving you any details!” Hoseok cringed.
“Uhh, if you guys are done, can we go now?” The driver hesitantly asked, face beet red.
Hoseok and Taehyung turned to look at the driver, and Hoseok choked out a ‘yes’ while his face, in turn, was becoming red. The driver probably thought they were both nuts. In fact, everyone in town thought the two were nuts. Ever since Taehyung made Hoseok run through the town butt-naked, and in turn forced Taehyung to climb the local seamstress’s roof and yodel at the ass crack of dawn. Ahh, just best friend things!
Hoseok shut the door and waved goodbye to his best friend, as the taxi driver drove off into the night.
Approximately 15 minutes later, they drove through a luxurious neighbourhood with lots of expensive cars, flashy outdoor home apparel and huge fountains decorating most of the entrances of the mansions they pass by. Hoseok gaped at the view with his mouth in a slight o-shape. He didn’t realize when the car stopped until the driver told him they arrived.
“It’ll be $15.75 please.” The driver hummed.
Hoseok took out his wallet and saw that he was short of 75 cents, but since the taxi driver seemed to be in a good mood, he accepted the $15 from him and drove off. He turns around and observes his surroundings. There right in front of him was the most prestigious club of all time, Club Monaco.
The club was surrounded by palm trees and soft hues of blue and green rays shone up from the lights embedded on the sidewalk. Hoseok could hear a soft bass thumping noise coming from the entrance, not too loud to deafen his ears though. As he approached the red carpet, he enters a line-up of people that were trying to get in. Still not familiar with the atmosphere, Hoseok kept glancing around and absorbing each and every little thing he could notice. From faint splashing noises, indicating an outdoor pool of some sort, to the people’s outfits, Hoseok took note of everything. He just tried not to show himself as a newbie amongst all the elite people he was surrounded by.
“Heard the bouncer is being quite selective about who enters and who doesn’t…” He overhears a girl talking to her friends. Suddenly getting nervous, Hoseok turns around and asks,
“What do you mean being selective about who goes in? Doesn’t everyone get access to the club?”
The girl shook her head, her long brown locks moving around with every movement, “Not tonight I’m afraid, it’s the Prince’s party, they must have some sort of agenda they’d be following.”
Hoseok sighed, “Well, maybe I should get going. This isn’t a place for some commoner like me.”
“Commoner? Boy, are you out of your mind? You look freakin’ gorgeous! I’m betting they’ll totally let you in!” The brunette replied with a grin, “Am I right ladies?”
One girl gave him a once over and winked, while the other friend smirked and nodded. “You’ll be fine! Say, this your first time at Club Monaco?” The brunette asked, “My name’s Natalie, by the way!”
“Nice to meet you, Natalie!” Hoseok smiled cheekily, “I’m Hoseok, and yes, it’s my first time here. Kinda nervous, but really excited to see what this place has in store tonight!”
Natalie scooted closer, “Hoseok, huh? Let me tell you one thing, don’t miss the chance to check out the outdoor pool they got here! You’ll love it!” She grinned.
The line-up near the entrance quickly started to move, and Hoseok, Natalie and her two friends were at the door. The bouncer looked at Hoseok, giving him a once over and gave a nod, sending the approval for entering. He looks at the three girls and scrunched his nose. Before the bouncer said anything, Hoseok interrupted him.
“The girls are with me.” He smiled suavely, showing off his pearly whites. The man raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Ok, go on in. Have fun ladies!”
Natalie and her friends cheered as she gave Hoseok a hug, “Thanks, love! I believe you saved our girl’s night out!”
Hoseok raised his hand for a high five and Natalie reciprocated, “I believe you three have to go and enjoy your night now, I won’t be holding you back any longer!”
Natalie gushed, “But first, let’s exchange numbers! Let’s not let this be the first and last meeting we have!”
Hoseok, Natalie and her two friends, named Laura and Jasmine, all exchanged numbers and went their own respective ways. Not knowing where to go first, Hoseok opened the first door he saw in his line of sight and entered the room. Muted music suddenly blared into his ears as he cracked the door open. Hoseok’s mind, body and soul were all ready to be engulfed by the music as he got ready to spend one of his best nights at Club Monaco, not realizing how truly amazing of an experience it would be for him.
A/N: end of part one! i apologize if there are any spelling or grammatical errors in here hahaha i will be coming in with part 2 soon! as always, if you have any questions, feedback, or even requests, feel free to send me an ask! take care fellow readers, happy summer! :)
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ehall34 · 4 years ago
Computer Log: Mr Handy
By: Erika Hall
This is a short story I wrote. It is based off of the fallout games
October 31, 2276
My name is Mr. Handy. I am a robotic
butler for the Johnson family. They have
been a wonderful family to serve.
Unfortunately I do not know where they
are. Ever since the nuclear war my
family has not come back. That happened
on October 31st, 2076. According to my
memory core, they went to a bomb shelter
to survive the blast. The fallout came
and went and the family has not showed
up yet. I search for them every day, but
in my travels all I encounter are wild
animals. I also see fellow Mr. Handies
who are looking for their masters as
well. Once night falls, I begin the journey back to the house. Throughout
the night I continue my duties and clean
the house. There is so much filth! Dust,
rust, spider webs, and plants. Dust
covers the furniture, floors, and
counters. Once I clean it, it comes back
the next day. Rust has begun to inch its
way onto every piece of metal in the
house. I am not sure why? The family I
think has been gone for a week so there
should not be rust in the house! I
cannot be 100% certain since the blast
from the nuclear fallout damaged a part
of my circuity that gives me sense of
time. Spider webs are not as much of a
problem, I can burn those away with my
flamethrower. The major infestations are
the plants that are invading the house.
I try to burn those as well, but they
always come back.
November 31, 2296
Sunrises are still beautiful here in
Concord, Massachusetts. Every time it
has a hint of red and orange that helps
brighten the sky. It is a pleasant sight
to see when I leave the house every
morning to search for the Johnson family
in Boston. Today I am moving on to a
different district of Boston, the
financial district. The roads are full
to the brim with cars and trucks. I hope
their owners come and move those
vehicles. Although it looks like the
vehicles will be hard to start. Nature
seems to have taken over Boston rather
quickly. Plants are sprouting from the
cracks in the pavement of roads and
sidewalks. Right now all I see are
shadows of what used to be a human.
There are occasional skeletons of humans
on the street, sidewalks, and in
buildings. It is quite sad what has
happened to some of these humans. I just
hope my family did not meet the same
December 25, 2316
Winter has arrived in Massachusetts.
Snow current blankets the ground
everywhere. The children would enjoy
playing in it. I recall they would form
the snow into balls and throw them at
me. I did not enjoy that. I am not fond
of the snow because it could fry my
circuits. The cold is also not good for
my propulsion system. If it freezes up
then I can't move and so far I have
found no humans that could oil it. So
right now I am staying inside the house.
It has been quite boring, cleaning for
this long. I long for the cool
temperatures of spring. When the leaves
on the trees sprout again and animals
come out from hibernation. Curiously I
have found few animals either. Mostly
small rodents, who were able to create
burrows in the ground where they were
protected from radiation. I will have to
wait to continue my search for my
family. Oh I hope they are safe...
January 18, 2336
Massachusetts is quite beautiful, but
when the snow begins to fall is when I
loath this state. When winter comes
around, this snow is all around. I can't
seem to understand why humans enjoyed
this time of year so much. All snow does
is cause problems for society. Sorry for
my ranting, I have been trapped in the
house it seems like forever. I sure wish
I could repair myself, because I have no
sense of time. Maybe I should begin
counting how many winter's come by, then
I might now what year it is. Oh no that
won't work, since I have no idea how
many winters have gone by thus far. Once
the snow begins melting I will begin my
search once again. Shortly after my
entry before winter came, I went
searching south of Boston and went to
New York City. I saw no signs of human
February 14, 2356
Cold is my bitter enemy. My propulsion
will sometimes freeze up because of it.
Not being able to move is quite
annoying. I can’t do anything when the
cold seeps into my gears and freezes
March 20, 2376
Spring is coming to Concord. The sun is
beginning to shine more here.
Unfortunately rain has become a common
occurrence. I have noticed something odd
about the rain storms. There is a slight
green glow to them. My sensors do
indicate an increase in radiation levels
whenever it rains here. I wonder if the
radiation is impeding the growth of the
flora here in Concord as well as the
rest of the state. Flowers don't bloom
like they used too, now plants are a
dull green. It is as if the plants are
sick and dying. I'm not sure how long
ago the war was but nature has not
recovered yet. Maybe in the next month
or two, I'm sure of it!
April 5, 2398
I think my internal clock may be broken.
The probability is quite low, since
part failure in my model has been proven
will not and can not happen. This is
just a thought since I'm not sure what
month it is, I know that it is spring. I
also know that it is currently the year
May 31, 2418
Good news! My internal clock is not
broken, well it was for a short while.
While roaming around the state I found a
fellow Mr. Handy on the ground. I
decided to scavenge it for parts and
found essential parts for myself. I was
able to fix my clock with those parts.
Without that clock 400 years could go by
and I would not notice. My clock says it
is May 31, 2077.
June 25, 2438
Boiling hot would be an excellent
description of the temperature here in
Concord. My sensors detect it is
currently 150 degrees. Normally I would
suspect that my sensors are wrong, but
there has been a lot more wildfires this
summer. Spring would bring life and
color back to the world and then summer
comes and strips it away from Mother
Earth. I know one thing and that is
this, the weather has changed
drastically since the bombs fell in
October. I hope the Johnsons are safe
where ever they are.
July 4, 2458
Independence Day! What a wonderful day
for a backyard barbecue with the family.
It is also a beautiful day, the sun is
shining and there are no clouds in
sight. Happy Birthday America! On this
day in 1776 the great founders of this
country declared their independence from
Great Britain. Since then we have had
the war of 1812, the Civil War, WWI,
WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War,
and the Iraq War. Each time our country
pulled through and the union stayed
together. This great country will
perceiver through this struggle. Oh
while I was telling the history of the
U.S.A I almost forgot I need to decorate
the house. Mrs. Johnson would expect
the house to be adorned with red, white
and blue. Hopefully this year they will
have fireworks. God Bless America!
August 19, 2478
For some reason my battery is halfway
gone. I better send a report to Robotics
Inc. Then they can get my battery
replaced, since my charger does not work
for some odd reason. I have tried to
find a replacement battery in Mr.
Handies that are scattered along the
state of Massachusetts. Unfortunately
none of them have fully charged
batteries. Clearly their owners did not
take care of them since their dead on
the street. It has only been almost one
year since the bombs fell. A good
quality battery should last much longer
than one year. When the Johnsons return
I will request that they file a
complaint with Robotics Inc. The
batteries in Mr. Handies according to
Robotics Inc. "will last up to 500 years
on one charge!"
September 9, 2498
My battery is almost gone. There are
dozens of charging stations for robots
such as myself, but they seem to be
inoperable. So I have not been able to
charge my battery for a while, not sure
how long it has been though. I’m not
sure how long I have, maybe days, hours or even minutes. Then all of a sudden my
propeller begins to slow. “Oh no no
please no.” I say as my joints begin to
stop moving. My propeller shuts off
completely “Its not
possible..my..baatteeryy cann’t diee
0 notes
eleanor-devil · 8 years ago
Naruto Fanfic - Boruto: Sacrifices - Chap.18, The Ruined Birthday
IMPORTANT: It would be very very appreciated if you reblogged it and left a comment. We get lots of likes/favs but almost no comments, so please everyone, leave a comment, it encourages us to continue.
Written by my friend @mirage-05
Illustration by @eleanor-devil
prologue, chap.1, chap.2, chap.3, chap.4, chap.5, chap.6, chap.7, chap.8, chap.9, chap.10, chap.11, chap.12, chap.13, chap.14, chap.15, chap.16, chap.17, chap.18, chap.19
For more Sacrifices stuff, click on this link
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Chapter 18 - The Ruined Birthday
The day was supposed to be a happy one... but... of course due to recent circumstances it was everything but a happy day... and even less when the person for whom this day was supposed to be special... simply refused to celebrate. "I don't want a birthday party, I don't want to celebrate anything, I DON'T care it's my friggin' birthday! Just leave me alone!" yelled Boruto as he stomped away from his family. That's right, it was the Hokage's eldest child's thirteenth birthday, but Boruto didn't want to celebrate anything at all... not when his best friend was in the fragile condition he was. The blond shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket and kicked a small rock that went stumbling away, crashing a few times against the floor before coming to a stop. "How can they even ask me to celebrate anything..." he mumbled as he continued walking. But then his eyes softened a little... deep down he knew that his family wasn't trying to be mean or anything like that... they had just thought that perhaps a party would have cheered him up... But he also knew that no party, no celebration would make this better... What would it mean if one of the most important persons in his life was not going to be there...?
He hunched a little, walking aimlessly, just following his steps wherever they take him. They had no training, so he spent most of his free time - and he had many right now - either worrying out of his mind about his friend or trying to find a way to get him to... Well he didn't tell this latter to anyone, because he didn't want anyone to jump on him and say it would be no use, that it was all up to Mitsuki right now... He felt a pang in his heart. How was he doing right now...? He heard someone call his name, and just out of instinct, looked up. "Hi..." It was the InoShikaCho trio approaching, and it had been Inojin who spoke. "Uh, hap..." He was cut in by a look from the blond. "Please, just don't..." Boruto mumbled. Inojin looked surprised for a moment but a look at his childhood friend's eyes and he understood why he didn't want to be congratulated on his special day. He heard Shikadai sigh and looked to see his teammate shaking his head, it looked like a disapproving shake but Boruto hadn't seem to have noticed it... or if he had, he was being quite good at hiding it. "Hey, you guys." another voice joined them. The group turned around to see Metal approaching them. This time, before he could even get a word out, Boruto cut in. "Guys, I... appreciate, but I'm not gonna celebrate this day. I can't. So please... Don't wish me..." He couldn't even get that word out. How could this day be happy? "I just... gotta go now... See you around when today is over." And with that he just left, again all alone... And also left behind really worried friends. Inojin sighed. "This can't go on like this... this whole situation isn't just affecting Boruto but Sarada too." "Well what do you want to do? Force them to smile?" asked Chocho as she ate another chip. "No but I also don't want to leave them depressed..." "Inojin is right, there has to be something we can do," said Metal. Inojin thought about it for a moment, then sighed again. "Chocho, why don't you go check on Sarada, see if she needs anything else, besides a little morale... And we should go find Boruto, too." "What? Why me...?" Chocho asked, suddenly very awkward. "I don't even know what to tell her..." "You're her best friend, you'll figure out something." And with that the boys left, leaving behind a sweating Akimichi. ... "Oh man..." she mumbled before turning on her heels and going to look for her friend. "Where would she be anyway..." She thought of any possibilities of where  her black haired friend would be. Lucky for her, she didn't have to look much for she found Sarada sitting down on the training camp, under the shadow of a tree. The position she was immediately gave away how down the girl was, which made Chocho sweat even more... knees pulled up against her chest and arms wrapped around them, head in between the arms and face hidden from everyone. Sighing, the Akimichi climbed down the stairs and approached her friend... she didn't say anything... She just... sat down, right next to her while chewing on a chip. Trying to figure out what to say or do. "Hey Sarada..." she finally said. "Um...chips?" She extended the package towards the black haired girl. Today... was the day. The day they were supposed to throw what seemed back then like a very childish party to the girl. Her eyes brimmed with tears, remembering how her friend had said they were children, supposed to enjoy while they're at it... 'Make it count...' Mitsuki's voice echoed in her head, reciting the last sentence of the letter he had written. She wasn't exactly sure how she was supposed to do that... Just when she was thinking about all these, suddenly a bag of chips were thrust under her nose, and she turned her head only a little to see her best friend, Chocho there. She just looked at her for a second before turning her gaze back to her hands. "No... Thanks..." Sighing, Chocho retracted the bag and chewed a few more while thinking of what she should say... She didn't particularly knew much about Mitsuki, despite the continuous teasing she did while saying that he wanted to confess to her. She just knew that he had moved to Konoha about a year ago, that he and Boruto were best friends and always hung out together... well, pretty much what everyone knew. "Look um... I'm... sure that he would want you to smile... I mean that's how he was right? Always smiling somehow..." Her friend's words made the Uchiha did a double take, and she started shaking a little, although she tried to control it the best she can. "Please... Chocho..." She mumbled in a broken voice. "Please don't talk about him like he's already gone..." She knew Chocho didn't mean it that way, that she was trying to talk to her but... Her words just made her remember the times he saw Mitsuki smile... He was indeed carefree most of the time, enjoying what he had more than any of them ever did... Why... why did it have to be him...? Whatever did he do to deserve this...? Her arms tightened a little more around her legs, the vision of his friend's last smile on the hospital bed suddenly flashing in front of her eyes... Chocho indeed noticed her friend starting to shake. Shoot, she had said it wrong... she really didn't know what else to say considering that the subject was so... touchy. "Uh..." she started while looking down. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that..." she sighed one more time before looking at her shaking friend. She bit the inside of her cheek before scooting closer to the Uchiha and wrapping an arm around her. "Look I'm... not good at this stuff but... I'm here okay...? If you... want to talk..." She didn't even realize how much she needed someone at this time... Even if just to cry on her shoulder... Before she knew it, she had completely turned to the girl, throwing her arms around her and burying her head on her shoulder as tears begin to escape her eyes. "All I can see... All I can remember now is him... dying right in front of me..." She managed to say in between the sobs, words tumbling on each other in her desperation to let it all out. "I wasn't able to do anything... It didn't work... I just... I..." she couldn't complete her sentence as she completely broke down. "There there... you know it's not your fault, Sarada. You did everything you could." Chocho managed to say those words after her friend broke down on her shoulder. "He'll be okay... he is a strong kid, right...? He'll be okay..." Even though she wasn't sure of those words... ... Boruto had just wandered into a kid's playground and he had no idea of how he came there, but it wasn't like it really mattered. It wasn't like he cared at all. He walked over to the swings, sitting on one of them and just staying there, not even moving a little to swing. How simple... how untouched would things have been if they were just small kids? "Boruto..." he heard someone calling for him but he didn't look up, lacking the energy to even give a reply. "Boruto..." the second voice came. "We know you're down because of what happened but... we're your friends too, and we want to help." There was a moment of hesitation. "Please don't push us away..." He recognized that voice as Metal's. But he still didn't look up. "Tch... you are just being a drag..." Boruto's hands tightened a little more on the swing's ropes, but he still didn't say anything, still didn't look up. That person wasn't about to give up though. "You act like you're crying over a girlfriend who dumped you. Get a hold on, already." "Shikadai!" Inojin exclaimed unbelievably, turning to look at his friend. Boruto finally looked up, directly in Shikadai's eyes, fire burning in his own. "Shut the hell up. What do you know?" Shikadai's teal eyes were hard and cold, just like his mothers were when she was very serious. "I know that you are being a cry baby, Boruto," he said. "Life has to move on! What if he doesn't wake up? What if he  stays forever in that hospital bed? Are you going to be depressed over him for the rest of your life?" Images of the nightmare he had nights ago returned to Boruto's mind. "Do you think he would want you to be like this? All depressed, making others around you feel depressed as well?" Boruto closed his eyes for a moment, as he felt himself shaking a little. "What do I know what he wants...? He is not here to tell me..." He didn't care about what Shikadai just said, how was he supposed to know how the life would move on? Before he knew it, his bitter side was taking over, and although he knew deep down that his friends were only worried for him, it was unfortunately directed to them. "You don't have to hang around if you feel depressed... doesn't look like it will pass away." This time it was not Shikadai talking, Metal did while frowning. "Do you think we're going to leave when you need us most? What kind of friends would we be if we did that?" Boruto didn't say anything to it but he felt Inojin walking up and kneeling down in front of him. "We don't have to celebrate anything if you don't want to but... if it makes you feel better, we can all go visit him. We're here for you, Boruto... like Metal said, we are your friends too and if you need someone, we're here..." "You don't know how it was like..." the blond mumbled, staring at the ground. "To have him dying in my arms... Life leaving his eyes as he bleed out... His..." He squeezed his eyes shut, trembling hard. "When his heart stopped... I can't keep these images out of my head... I don't know what to do if he doesn't..." He couldn't finish his sentence. And he didn't need to finish... because Inojin pulled him in a hug that slowly gathered the other two boys too. "It will be okay, he will be okay. He is strong and we all know it..." Boruto just broke down right there and then. Sobbing his heart out as the images of his friend dying flashed in his head. He tried, he really did, tried to replace those images with the happiest ones he could ever remember. He wasn't even sure how long they stood there, but realized just the presence of his friends easing up his pain little by little. It was still there, he knew it wouldn't go away completely no matter what, not until Mitsuki wakes up, but it was becoming manageable, and eventually the sobs calmed down, leaving the boy only trembling a little. Then they heard soft footsteps, and someone cleared her throat. "Boruto...?" he heard Sarada's voice, and he looked up. The one thing he immediately noticed was that her eyes brimmed red... like she was crying too. Then he noticed ChoCho by her side. "There is... something I want to show you." Inojin slowly got up. "Well... we had to go anyway." "No." Sarada said, her voice a little clearer. "You can come too." Boruto got up from the swing. "Yes... Guys, I'm sorry. You can come with us. We would like that." They didn't say anything, they just showed a small, grateful smile. Boruto wiped the tears away from his eyes. "Alright then... let's go. Lead the way, Sarada." The Uchiha girl nodded and the group left the playground. They all followed in silence the black haired girl and soon they found themselves in the deeps of Konoha's forest. Boruto knew where this would lead to but he wondered what exactly his childhood friend wanted to show him there. As they slowly made their way to the edge of the cliff overlooking the huge waterfall... The scene that met their eyes made Boruto come to a staggering halt, his eyes widening slightly. "Wh... Wha..." he tried to say, but words were failing him. The scene in front of him reminded him of a film he watched and talked to his friends about some time ago, he didn't remember when... A make-shift boat stood to the edge of the cliff, with what he was sure "Team Konohamaru" written on its prow, some of the words missing... A black cloth was attached to the ledge which stood in the middle of the boat, with a white skull figure on it - although the skull looked anything but intimidating, there was actually a smile on it, if anything, it looked a little creepy. Various other decorations and accessories laid scattered around, as if they were booty that they had gathered... Sarada went and picked up something. "This was our surprise... Or his, actually he planned the whole thing, I just helped." She turned to him, holding a multi-colored wooden parrot in her hands, tears filling in her eyes. "Happy birthday," she whispered, giving him a small smile. Boruto continued gaping, speechless, as he carefully took the wooden parrot in his hands, he took it with such care as if it would break right there and then. He couldn't believe Mitsuki had done this...how had he even managed to keep it in secret all this time? That boy sure was a box of surprises... The blond felt his throat starting to burn, he opened his mouth but no words came out, just a simple gasp... "That..." he finally managed to say. "...that guy..." he was clearly emotional with the situation. "He went out of his way to keep it from you," Sarada continued, almost in a haste, as if to cover the bitterness of this moment with happy memories. "He dragged me out of my home at six in the morning you know... a-and r-remember how your mama and Himawari showed up at the end of our training, h-he... made them promise too, and..." Her breath was hitching a little. The Uchiha pressed her hands over her eyes, shaking her head a little. "Goodness, he told me to make it count... I'm messing this up..." "Guys... it's alright, let it go if you need it..." Inojin said carefully. They had been just looking around unbelievably, not knowing what to say. "So almost everyone... knew..." Boruto whispered between his heavy breath, he tried to keep the tears from falling but it didn't work... they just came back and started falling from his eyes... All the others remained in silence while watching the two friends cry... "And above all...he chose this place..." "He never told me why he chose here..." Sarada mumbled, looking around. "J-just said you two made a promise..." She watched as Boruto shut his eyes tight, his hands shaking. "I... I'm sorry..." She didn't mean to cause the blond even more pain... He didn't want to talk about it. About their promise... they had both sworn... and be remembered Mitsuki's words from only a few days ago... 'I can't give you a promise I can't keep...' [Flashback] "Jump!" Boruto lost his balance when he reached the edge of the cliff, flailed his arms wildly for a bit, then both him and Mitsuki tumbled down. It was exhilarating! He couldn't help but scream in excitement as they fell down some meters below into the river. The chilling water cut his breath on impact and for a while, stars danced in front of his eyes. Then he kicked up and burst through the surface, laughing joyously. "Haha, that was priceless, don't you agree?" There were no replies. Confused more than concerned, Boruto looked around. Where was Mitsuki? They had both jumped in... didn't they? Fear hit him at the possibility, and he immediately looked up... He could see no one at the top of the cliff... Not even the thug was there, which made the blond frown - what was going on?! "Mitsu-!" just then, a hand was clamped on his mouth, and he struggled to get free of it. "Not now." came his friend's voice from behind him and Boruto felt himself immediately relaxing. "He could be around here, we should stay low." And so they retreated back to hide behind a rock, eyes keen and watching everywhere as they listened on to the sounds... It took a while... and the voice was dimmed due to the roar of the waterfall, but finally they heard something. "Boruto? Mitsuki! Come out wherever you are now!" "That's sensei..." the blond said, looking at his friend in relief. They both came out of their hiding spot, looking upwards. Hands on her knees and bending a little forward to see clearly, Sarada pointed. "There they are, sensei!" Konohamaru breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that his students were safe. "Come up here quickly!" he called towards the duo again, then looked at the man he had just caught and bound. "We have a package to deliver and we can't lose time!" "Yeah yeah, we will be up there in a minute!" Hearing the lazy and carefree tone in Boruto's voice, the jounin felt his temper rising slightly. "There is no time to dawdle! Get moving - now!" Mitsuki looked at his friend. "I believe it would be wise to do as we are told." "Yeah, they can wait a little." Boruto said, still carefree. "First I want to make sure of something." Mitsuki raised an eyebrow at this - leave it to Boruto to get on the nerves of their sensei. "What is it? I'm positive that Konohamaru sensei took care of that thug." "Nah, it's not about that." But the blond made no further explanation as they waddled their way ashore, which made the blue-haired preteen even more curious. "Boruto..." Then his friend finally turned to him. "Oka- whoa...!" before losing his balance and tumbling on the ground. Mitsuki laughed for a little, which earned him a scowl from Boruto, but in a moment it was replaced by a smirk and the blond reached up to pull his friend down as well. In the next minute, they were both laughing their heads off. "Okay. This calls for a promise." the Uzumaki said all of a sudden, catching Mitsuki by surprise. "What promise are you talking about?" "Simple. Promise me that, just like today, we will always be by each other's side, no matter what, always there to help each other." Boruto raised his fist. "And I promise the same to you." Mitsuki looked at him for a second before raising his fist and bumping it against Boruto's. "I promise." [End of Flashback] (1) As Boruto reopened his eyes, determination shone in them. "I made up my mind," he whispered softly. "Huh?" asked Sarada, confused. "I want to celebrate my birthday after all." the blond said a little more clearly, finally letting his gaze drift away from the blanket of white on the ground. This sudden change in his resolve was certainly unexpected, but it managed to bring a smile to his friends' faces. "Well, that's great," Metal said, they were all relieved that Boruto was able to snap out of it. "So if you still want we can-" "Guys, um... I'm sorry..." the blond said sheepishly, bringing his hand to his neck. "Can we... do that later...? I... kinda have to make up for someone else first." "Oh... uh, sure..." Inojin said with a bright smile, one which made Boruto feel a little ashamed because of the way he treated them earlier. "We'll arrange that later." Then, one by one, all of his friends came forward to hug him. "Happy birthday, Boruto." "Thanks, you guys," he said, finally managing a small smile. He and Sarada watched until their friends were out of sight. Then the blond took the Uchiha's hand. "Come on." "Where are we going?" "You'll see." Not saying anything else to her, he took out his cellphone. "Hello, mom? Mom, I'm really sorry about the way I behaved... I-I want to celebrate my birthday..." Boruto smiled as he, undoubtedly, heard Hinata's happy tone. "Can all of you meet us in the hospital...?" ... The snow was spiraling down in a white haze out of the building, piling up on the already thick blanket on the ground. The building itself was alight, the windows glowing in the darkness. One of the rooms had a very lively party going on inside, as lively as the hospital rules allowed of course. The room contained the youngest patient in the hospital currently, a twelve year old hero. The hustle and bustle that was going on was a courtesy of his best friend, Uzumaki Boruto, who had insisted that if he was going to have any kind of celebration for his birthday... it was gonna have to include his best friend. Boruto smiled brightly as those who gathered in the room finished the birthday song, and then he leaned forward to blow the candles out. He was wearing a pirate hat that his friends had bought, and (because they couldn't make it sit on his shoulder) the wooden parrot was standing on the table beside him. Claps echoed around the room; the entirety of the Uzumaki and Uchiha families were inside the room, plus Konohamaru. They were all practically cramped in the room, and although they had received some stink eyes, seeing the circumstances, they were allowed in; with the pretense that the visit should be short. Which Sakura felt the need to remind them of after they finished their share of the cake. "I'm sorry, but this is as far as I can let you be in here." she said, with an understanding smile directed to the birthday boy, Sarada and Himawari. Himawari pouted and let out a long 'aww' before Sarada walked over to her and put her hands on her shoulder to lead her out. The adults followed not too long after, after wishing Boruto the best for his new year. When everyone left, the blond eyed Sakura a little nervously. "Aunt Sakura... can I please stay a little more?" The look in the pink haired woman's eyes only softened more. "Of course, dear, but no more than five minutes." He just nodded and watched until Sakura was out before turning his head back at his friend once again... [Flashback] "Oww!" Boruto flinched a little as Mitsuki gave a short yelp of pain following a thud. He... wasn't exactly adjusted to darkness as he would like to think, plus not knowing Mitsuki's house good enough... didn't help with things much. Which was something his blue-haired friend pointed out soon enough. "I still don't understand why I have to be led into my own house blindfolded, Boruto..." "You'll see in a minute," the blond said, barely being able to hold back a chuckle. He didn't want to give anything away. He wanted everything to be great... he wanted his best friend to feel he was welcomed... And in his mind? This was the best opportunity. "At least don't make me bump into another thing, okay?" "Yeah, yeah," the blond said cheerily. "Hey, wait over here for a moment, will you? I'll be right back..." "Boruto..." there was a warning tone in the younger boy's voice. "Don't open your eyes until I say so!" Boruto called before carefully finding his way to the couch and hiding behind it... coming face to face with his little sister. "Can't believe you almost blew our cover!" Himawari whispered indignantly." "Look who's talking! Keep your voice down, will you!" "Boruto!" Mitsuki's voice came, impatient. "Can we get over with this already?" "Well?" Sarada asked from the other corner. "Any reason to keep waiting?" "Is there anyone else here?" this time, Mitsuki sounded confused. Well... he couldn't see any point in hiding anymore. The blond gave a small nod, and Himawari darted towards the kitchen to notify their mothers, who had been taking care of the cake. They then heard Mitsuki sigh. "This is getting ridiculous..." Boruto felt more than saw what his friend was about to do - and it was too early for it! So when he saw the trio coming out of the kitchen already - he rushed forward to stop them... just when Sarada noticed something and plopped out of her hiding spot to alert them... And that was how Mitsuki found them when he turned on the lights. Himawari, Hinata and Sakura coming out of the kitchen, Hinata holding a huge cake with lit candles on it, Boruto practically on his tiptoes as he was trying to approach them discreetly and Sarada, frozen in the middle of waving her arms towards their direction, half-seen behind the armchair... all of them comically stopped in their tracks. To break through the awkwardness of the situation, Himawari bent down to snatch a handful of confetti they had previously thrown around for decoration and just threw them over. "Happy birthday, Mitsu-nii!" The blue-haired boy was so baffled that for a moment, he could do nothing but look around at the decorations with widened golden eyes. "W... what is..." Following his sister's lead, Boruto snapped out of his stance and came over to his friend's side, putting an arm on his shoulder as he grinned widely. "Don't tell me you forgot it! Happy birthday, Mitsuki!" The boy was still at a loss for words. "I..." "Sorry it's not that much," the blond continued almost sheepishly, but he couldn't keep the glee out of his voice anyway. "I wanted to do something more detailed since it's your first birthday here, it should be special, and man, twelve is an important age..." Hinata gave a soft chuckle at her overly-enthusiastic son. "Boruto, just give him a breath of fresh air..." "...and we would've arranged something more if you told us about this previously, I mean, who says it's his birthday just the day before it?! It's a crime, I'm telling you..." "Boruto." Mitsuki finally managed to cut in, and his voice sounded strangely tight. "It's... it's okay, I really like it..." "Aw, well," the blond said, oblivious to his friend getting emotional. "Tell me about that again when you see what I have in stock for next year..." "That is a long stretch of time..." Sarada pointed out, sweat-dropping. "Come on... at least let him blow out the candles before they go out, okay...?" [End of Flashback] Boruto sighed. "You do realize you raised the stakes too high, right? How am I even gonna compete with this on your next birthday? There should be a middle ground before you reach the peak, y'know?" Obviously, there were no answers. But the blond didn't seem to be disheartened by it... his smile didn't falter. "It's alright... Even if you can't reply to me, I know you can still hear. So listen closely," he said crisply, straightening himself a little. "When you come back, I want a full-fledged birthday party." The look in his eyes softened. "And I know you will come back... because the Mitsuki I know never gives up, and always keeps his promises." He bumped his fist against his friend's, just like how they did back then. Better not strain aunt Sakura's tolerance. Just when he was about to walk out... an idea came to his mind. He brought a hand to his necklace and looked back at his friend, then determination filled his eyes. He took the necklace out and walked over to the bedside table on which he had left the wooden parrot. "Uncle Neji..." he whispered as he put the necklace on it, his hand staying over it for a minute. "If you can hear me, please help my friend find his way back to us..." He then turned and walked towards the door, and turned back to look at Mitsuki again. "It can't be his time just yet..." ... The change in the blond was immediately noticed when he returned to his family's side. "Onii-chan, where is your necklace?" Himawari asked curiously. In turn, Boruto gave her a big smile. "It's alright, Hima... I just lent it to someone who needs it more."
Author’s Notes:
(1) You might remember this mission from chp15, Boruto's nightmare - this is the true ending of it, and the famous promise So before I leave it for the day... I'm gonna have to notify you about some changes within the plotline ^^ - We used to have our own birthdates for the children because this story started way before any canon material... but as it was getting confusing when trying to set the timeline right, we both decided to turn back to the canon dates. So according to this; Himawari- July 15th (until further notice) Boruto- May 12th (until further notice) Sarada- March 31st   Mitsuki- July 25th Shikadai- September 23rd Chouchou- August 8th Metal Lee- February 21st (until further notice) Inojin- December 5th We also made it that... Boruto just turns 13 here while Sarada and Mitsuki are 12. And Hima is now 4 years younger than the main next gen, instead of the original 6. - So obviously... our timeline changed too xD Sacrifices was previously set in March, now it's set in January. It's been 4 days since Mitsu fell in coma by the way - After long and grueling discussions about how we can do just that... we finally decided to add Log into the story! - As for that fact, you might also know that there are OCs that will be introduced in this and the following stories. Like the Naruto generation, we have 12 rookies from Konoha; Team Konohamaru, InoShikaCho, Metal's Team (with his teammates, Asahi and Fuuto being OCs) and a team led by Kiba! Who is also consisting of OCs  Some majorly important characters for Sacrifices are; Natsumi: I think most of you already know her  She's Kankuro's daughter, Gaara's niece and two years younger than the main next gen, just like Karura and Inochi (all OCs of Eleanor-Devil )
Beika: A member of Team Kiba and the grandson of the owner of Ichiraku Ramen, Teuchi, Beika specializes in shielding techniques. He's the same age as the next gen. (OC by mirage-05 )
Sarutobi Ichiro: He's Kichiro's, the head of Sarutobi clan, grandson and he is very close to his grandfather... hence he will annoy you a lot  Two years older than the main next gen. (OC by mirage-05 )
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