#i need me some of Zeus' blessing then huh?
riordanshitposts · 2 years
This isn't technically pjo but
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manygeese · 2 months
wrote something valgrace again. you can’t stop me I’m a supervillain
It was a cool summer morning at Camp Half-Blood. The birds were singing, Apollo was riding his chariot across the blue sky, and- wait, was that screaming?
If it was, Jason didn’t hear it. He had just woken up in the Zeus cabin, groggy and grumpy. Usually, he would have been up hours ago, but he had stayed up late with Leo last night. The other boy had been planning something, but Jason didn’t quite catch what it was, as he may or may not have been staring at Leo’s lips.
Oh, who was he kidding. Jason had definitely been staring at Leo’s lips and he had a big, devastating crush on him. Honestly, he should’ve known sooner; with all that time spent laughing at stupid jokes, listening to passionate rants about screwdrivers, and helping assemble mechanic animals, you’d think he would’ve clued in weeks ago.
There was the screaming again. The Stolls must have hidden a speaker somewhere in the cabin. Jason dismissed it, pulled the covers back up, and turned on his side to face the wall.
What he couldn’t dismiss was the voice whispering in his ear. “Jason.”
Jason sat up like he was waking up from a nightmare, only relaxing once he saw who was talking. “Oh my Gods, Leo, why are you here?”
Leo shushed him. “We talked about this last night! I need to hide. Did you clear out enough room under your bed like we planned?” His eyes darted around frantically, but he still had a bright grin on.
Shit. This was what he got for having a stupid crush. “Sorry, I forgot.”
“Damn,” Leo mumbled. “Well. Get out of the bed.”
“I need to hide somewhere, and since I can’t be under your bed, I’ll have to be on it.”
Jason obeyed, getting up and standing around awkwardly after Leo shimmied under the covers.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” Leo peeked up over the blanket and gestured to the spot next to him.
Jason blushed. This was, once again, what he got for having a stupid crush. He accepted his fate with a sigh and got back in the bed. Trying to look casual, he picked up a book from under his bed and started to read.
He felt Leo cuddle closer to his side. “Hide me better, Superman.”
This was what he got for having a stupid freaking crush.
Jason was snapped out of his reverie by Piper bursting into the room. “Jason Norman Grace.”
“Piper Ethel McLean.”
“Where’d you find that name- the 1940 census?”
“I feel like we’re ignoring the fact that you just called me Norman.”
“Do I look like an eighty year old, Norman?”
“Not particularly.”
“Then do not call me Ethel.” She had murder in her eyes, so he was compelled to listen.
“Alright,” he relented, closing his book with one hand. “What’s the matter, Pipes?”
She groaned and tapped her foot impatiently. “Do you have any idea where Leo is?”
Jason made a deliberate attempt not to look to his left, where the boy in question was lying still. Luckily, from where Piper was standing, she couldn’t see the lump next to him in bed. “No. Why?”
“Did you not hear the screaming coming from the Aphrodite cabin?” She gestured outside exasperatedly. “The little shit activated a glitter bomb in there and it got Drew. It’s gonna take a blessing from Aphrodite to get all the sparkles out of her hair.” She crossed her arms and breathed out a laugh. “I mean, I’m proud of him, but I’m also contractually obligated to find him and bring him in for execution.”
Jason hummed thoughtfully. “Try Bunker Nine.”
She shot some finger guns at him. “Thanks, Norman!” She darted out of the door, presumably to find Leo and kick his ass.
“No problem,” he called after her. After he was sure she was out of hearing distance, he elbowed Leo in where he estimated his ribs would be. “They’re gonna kill you, you know that, right?” He hissed.
Leo giggled and popped his head out from under the comforter. “I’m prepared to sacrifice myself to defend the honor of my cabin,” he said as he saluted.
“What’d they ever do to you?”
Leo rolled his eyes and sat up. “Do you ever listen to Piper and I when we gossip? Seriously. This has been going on for weeks.”
“Sorry,” he said truthfully. “I’ll listen next time.”
“It’s okay, man.” Leo patted him on the shoulder. “Basically, at the start of Summer, the Aphrodite cabin stole Jake’s screwdriver. I know it doesn’t sound like a big deal, but Jake really loves that fucking screwdriver, so we weren’t gonna let it slide.”
He went on and on- about how he and his siblings had retaliated by stealing Mitchell’s hairbrush, how the Aphrodite cabin teamed up with the Hermes cabin to paint the forge pink, and how the Hephaestus cabin melted down their rival’s jewelry to make an evil barbie that dyed people’s hair barf green and spat acid. After they released it into the other cabin, Lacy had walked around looking like a deep sea creature all week.
But the biggest prank so far was the one the Aphrodite cabin pulled last week. They had snuck into the forge when everybody was sleeping and rearranged every single tool they had. When the children of Hephaestus got there early in the morning, they couldn’t find any of the right tools and spent five hours putting them back in the way they were used to.
“There’s gonna be multiple stages- this is why we had to stay up so late last night- and the glitter bombs were only the first. Notice how I said glitter bombs, plural.” Leo grinned mischievously. Jason couldn’t help but return it.
“But where are you gonna hide out all day?” Jason asked. “I think they’re getting out the guillotine right now.”
Leo laughed. “Nyssa and the others have been battening down the hatches ever since Aphrodite’s last stunt. There’s a code on the door now, Celestial Bronze covers on the windows, and bear traps in front of every possible entrance. It’s practically a bomb shelter now! Once the final stage of the plan is in motion, I’ll be able to take cover in there with little to no resistance.”
Jason furrowed his brow. “But where will you be until then?”
Leo snuggled back into the sheets. “I think you already know the answer to that, Jace.”
The second stage of the plan involved more screaming.
“There it is,” Leo noted, waking up from his nap. “The paint sprinklers.”
Jason looked at him incredulously. “The paint sprinklers?”
“We replaced the water in the pipes with thinned paint early this morning. The plan was for Harley to sneak in while the enemy’s at the lake, light an itty bitty fire to activate the fire prevention systems, and the endgame is a cabin covered in acrylic.”
Leo’s hair was smushed adorably into his face, pillow lines on his cheek. The late morning light filtered through the sunroof and lit up the frizzy edges of his curls. It made him look like a bronze statue or an angel.
Whoops. That was lovesick Jason talking, not… actually, he was fairly certain every part of Jason was lovesick Jason now.
“Uh. Um. When will the third stage be… commencing?” Jason stammered eloquently.
“You’ll know,” Leo answered ominously, nodding with certainty. “Trust me. You’ll know.”
It was 7:30 in the evening and Leo had been in the Zeus cabin all day.
Piper had been in and out every so often, asking after Leo, getting increasingly frustrated yet amused.
“Norman. I am begging you. Please tell me where Leo is,” She implored while they ate dinner. Leo had skipped to avoid being caught by the camp-wide manhunt.
“I’m telling you Ethel, I have no idea,” he lied straight through his teeth.
When he got back, Leo greeted him with a big smile. “Hey, Superman! How was dinner? Any warrants out for my arrest?”
“It was good. Most of the Aphrodite cabin wasn’t there. They were standing watch instead,” he said, tossing a protein bar and a bag of potato chips at the other boy. “Got these for you.”
Leo caught the bag, but the bar hit him lightly in the forehead. “Aw, thanks, man. You didn’t have to do that.”
Jason was about to respond when another round of screaming erupted from outside. When he peeked out of the window, it was utter chaos.
For once, it wasn’t the Aphrodite cabin doing the screaming. It was everybody else. Lacy was serenading a Demeter kid, who was awkwardly enjoying it. Mitchell was gazing lovingly at some other boy from the bushes. Drew tackled Clarisse to the ground and declared her undying love to her. The rest of them chased random campers around like they were piranhas. Oddly enough, their eyes were all pink.
“Aerosolized love potion. Temporary, but potent,” Leo explained when he saw Jason’s confused and horrified look. He shuffled out of bed and pulled two gas masks out of his belt, handing one to Jason. “Take this if you want to live.”
Jason handled it awkwardly. “Why do I need this? I’m staying here.”
Leo laughed as he put on his mask. “You’re coming with me, man. Unless you wanna be executed as a traitor?”
Jason shook his head.
“Then you need it. It serves two purposes- one, keeps you from breathing too much of the love potion in, and two, keeps your face hidden so they don’t fall for you.” He took the mask Jason was holding out of his hands, then putting it on for him.
Leo laced his hand in Jason’s, leading him to the doorway with his free hand on the handle. “We’re gonna need to book it as soon as we’re out there, got it? On three.” Jason nodded.
“One.” Drew yelled in the background.
“Two.” Something crashed. Maybe a window?
“Three!” The door flew open, and the two boys ran straight towards the Hephaestus cabin through the chaos. Leo hopped over a lamenting son of Aphrodite, while Jason nearly tripped on the poor guy. He muttered an apology as he was pulled along to the cabin porch.
Leo punched in a code next to the bank safe door, which both unlocked it and disabled the giant bear trap in front of it. All the same, Jason stepped over it apprehensively.
The door clanged shut behind them as they entered the cabin, shutting them in with Nyssa and Jake, who were there to greet them. He watched as Leo took off his mask, shaking out his hair like a wet dog. It still looked amazing.
Leo turned his eyes to Jason, a small smirk gracing his face. He wordlessly helped him take off his mask. Honestly, Jason had forgotten he had it on.
A scoff made him painfully aware that Leo’s siblings were in the room. “Leo,” Nyssa sighed, “why’d you bring boy wonder?”
“He’s an accomplice. Once Piper finds out he hid me all day, there’s gonna be a manhunt for him, too.”
“Fine, but he’s staying in your room,” Jake said with a wink. Leo blushed a pretty shade of sunset orange, but nodded.
Nyssa got up and pulled on a string, which made all the lights turn off. “Alright, everybody,” she announced, “it’s tinker time. Retire to your bedrooms. Come up with some prank ideas in case Aphrodite doesn’t accept defeat. Have fun.”
Leo pushed some buttons on the wall, which brought up a human-sized capsule. He gestured towards it as it popped open, revealing a bed, a fridge, and even a TV. “After you, my lady.”
Jason blushed, although it was probably more rosey pink than the warm red Leo had on. Gods, why was he still thinking about that?
He clambered into the bed, which began to lower into a bigger room underground. There was a cork board taking up a whole wall, with sticky notes and Polaroids tacked onto it. A desk was in the corner, with scattered blueprints all over it, plus several notebooks labeled “LEO VALDEZ’S AWESOME IDEAS”.
As soon as he got out of the bed, it rose back up and returned with Leo. He scooted off the mattress nonchalantly. “Um, so, this is my room. Make yourself at home.”
It was the middle of the night and Jason was trying, unsuccessfully, to sleep.
Leo had been tinkering and scribbling in his notebook all night, with a small lamp on in the corner of the desk. Meanwhile, Jason took up nearly the whole bed, even when he laid on his side.
“Hey, Leo,” Jason whispered, getting up to lean on his elbows, facing the other boy. “Go to bed.”
Leo eyed him warily. “No, no! Um, you can have the bed, man,” he laughed nervously. Jason could see the bags under his eyes.
Jason sighed and got up, approaching Leo silently. He scooped Leo up and carried him to the bed.
“Jason? What are you doing?” Leo whined, wrapping his arms around Jason’s neck anyways.
“We’re going to bed,” Jason stated, lying back down on his side and hugging Leo close, even as he squirmed. Jason just shut his eyes, trying to fall asleep, but he got the feeling of being watched.
Sure enough, when he opened one of his eyes back up to check on the other boy, he was met with big, brown eyes with a foreign feeling behind them. “Hey, Leo.”
“Hey, Jason.” A tired smile grew on Leo’s face. “Can I tell you something?”
Jason nodded.
“I think I love you.”
Jason’s eyes widened.
“I know it’s weird, and kinda coming out of left field, but you’re. You’re just… so nice and kind and thoughtful and amazing. Y’know?”
Jason’s breath quickened.
“I couldn’t’ve had this much fun today without you. Or planned it, either. Whenever I’m with you, you make me want to be better. To do better and to make better stuff and all that.”
Jason could feel his heart racing. Could Leo feel it? He hoped he could.
“Sorry. Um, I’m really sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. Probably breathed in some of that love potion, huh?”
Jason was hit by the undeniable urge to wax poetic about Leo’s eyes, his hair, his crooked grin, the way he lit up when he got an idea, or how his voice sounded when he rambled. So he did.
“Does… does this mean-”
“That I love you too? Yeah, Leo, it does.”
Jason had a feeling that he wouldn’t wake up groggy or grumpy the next morning, as long as he had Leo in his arms.
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seekfelt · 1 year
4* Gemini Yachiyo Tsuruhime - Bond Stories
To die together, like Castor and Pollux... Isn't that what we should've been?
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The True Esssence of Fear
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Location: Siegfeld Rehearsal Room
Yachiyo: (Gemini is a constellation split in two. To express that, this costume has a black-and-white asymmetrical look... The lace and decor work to tie everything together.
That's what I was going for, at least! It'd honestly look better if the top was all-white.)
But two brothers, huh... I'm still not sure whether to play Castor or Pollux at all—)
Karen: WOAH, is that one of the Star Celebrate costumes???
Yachiyo: W—... Jeez, Karen-san!?!?
Karen: Heheheh! Surprised to see little ol' me? Shiori-chan told me you were near, so I thought I'd visit.
I knocked, but nobody answered, so I took a peek!
Yachiyo: That's not~... Why'd you come to Siegfeld?
Karen: What the what? I sent you a text, right??
I was all like, "Thanks for supervising my Taurus! I'd love to talk more about the constellations, so I'll be there!!"
Yachiyo: I didn't get... a text...?
Karen: Huh. HUH.
I'm sorry!! I sent it to Hikari-chan by mistake!!!!!
I got a reply like, "I'll wait. No need to inform beforehand." and I came right here.. but...
Yachiyo: So your first instinct's to always text Hikari-san?
*giggle* That's so cute...! You two must be really good friends♪
Karen: I'm sooo sorry... Now I made Hikari-chan wait too... Maybe I should write up an apology...!?
Yachiyo: Do as you like~ I'm still checking over the costumes, so it'll be a short while before we get to discuss the constellations anyway.
[Some time later]
Karen: *sigh*... There's the metric ton of "Karen, you numbskull"...
Yachiyo: Done with my work♪ So, did Hikari-san forgive you?
Karen: Yup. She said she'll forgive me if I could withstand polishing my tiptoe—... my pointe technique!
Ugh... Hikari-chan's a harsh teacher, though, so! I'll have to prepare myself!!
Yachiyo: ...Sure is nice to feel that way.
Karen: Feel that way...? In what way?
Yachiyo: It's nice to feel supported by your loved ones, I mean!♪
Karen: Ohhh! That! I know right!? Makes me feel like I'm over the moon~!
Karen (Io): "That's why I, Taurus, would like to get a return on that favor.
Tell me the story of you twins, closer than anyone else."
Yachiyo: Aha... ha... Isn't it a bit sudden...
Karen: WDYM?
Yachiyo: Thing is... I'm still a bit unsure on how to play Gemini, so...
Karen: Oh, I see... Being asked to do an etude without a script's always a surprise!
Yachiyo: Exactly. "The constellations shining in the sky will lead you, shooting star, to tomorrow..."
Karen: Mhm! A story about us giving our most precious things, then leading the shooting star onto the next constellation!!
Yachiyo: This "most precious thing" business is a bit vague to me.
Based on the star sign, sure, but then it's up to the performer to choose... You feel?
Karen: Yeah...
Oh, I got it!! If you're having so much trouble, how about we try consulting Gemini directly?
Yachiyo: ...
Karen: Sooo from what I remember, the story of Gemini is—
Yachiyo: ....Originally based on two sons of Zeus, Castor and Pollux.
They were very close, but the elder Castor was only a mere mortal. Pollux, the younger, was blessed with the power of the gods, giving him immortality.
In battle, Castor loses his life...
Karen: WHAT?!?
Yachiyo: Lotsa twists and turns in this tale~ Then, in mourning, Pollux begged to his father Zeus:
Yachiyo (Pollux): "I implore you, deal me the same death as my dear brother. We were born together, so I plead to you, for us to die together as well—"
Yachiyo: Touched, Zeus took half of Pollux's divinity and ascended the brothers to the heavens... Theeeee end♪
Karen: O-Oh...
Yachiyo: Ahahaha! A beautiful tale, is it not♪ The love between two brothers is super—
Karen: Y... Yachiyo-chan?
Yachiyo-chan... why are you crying?
Yachiyo: Huh...?
Even if Thousands of Years Were to Pass[1]
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Yachiyo: I'm... crying...?
O-Oh!! I am!! Why the hell am I crying on my own... Ahaha, sorry, this is embarrassing~
Karen: Yachiyo-chan...
Yachiyo: Um. You see... I'm not really the type to discuss things like these with others... so I end up just monologuing.
There's another precious half of "me".
She'd stand on stage beside me when nobody would... Ever since I was a kid, she guided and protected my heart.
Karen: Just like me and Hikari-chan!!!
Yachiyo: Wow~ Do we really compare to such a lovely relationship?
But, yes, close enough... She was just that important to me, like she was the stage itself.
A lot's happened, though. Now she's watching me from the audience—
Karen: The audience... So she isn't with you on stage anymore?
Yachiyo: Yeah! I've made some great friends, and I've found the place where I belong, so she conceded "that" spot in my life to them.
But that's exactly why—I'm scared.
Karen: Scared?
Yachiyo: After staying with me all these years, I wonder how she looks at me now.
From the audience, she can see me. But when I'm on stage? It's so bright, I can't even see her... That's why I'm so scared.
Karen: ...
Yachiyo: Is it really okay for me to be the one enjoying these brilliant days?
For me to be surrounded by my friends? Clashing with them?
For me to be the only one moving on with my life?
To die together, like Castor and Pollux... Isn't that what we should've been?
I just can't help but worry... How does she view me now? Is she angry, perhaps—
Karen: YOU'RE FINE!!!!!!!
Yachiyo: Huh...?
Karen: You said she's like the stage itself for you, right? That must definitely 100% mean.... You're fine!!!!!
'Cuz I know Yachiyo-chan loves the stage VERY, VERY MUCH!!!!!
Yachiyo: Y-You're being pushy...
I'm just saying she might hate me now. If my "most precious" feels that way, I...
Karen (Io): "Let's hear it, then, Gemini... From the other you."
Yachiyo: !!
Karen (Io): "Your story, your way of life... Tell me this, and the 'most precious thing' born from it."
Yachiyo: ...I—
???? (Castor): "You wanna know how I feel about my li'l bro? I'm MAD! He's being an idiot!"
Karen (Io): "Of course, that anger..."
???? (Castor): "I knew he wanted to die with me! I know!! But I wanted him to LIVE FOR ME!!"
Karen (Io): "*chuckle*... Just as I thought!"
???? (Castor): "He better get that in his thick little head, yeah? I know he can, worrying over me so damn much."
"But y'know... It cheers me up, seeing him look at me that way."
Karen (Io): "It does?"
???? (Castor): "Whenever that kid thinks of me, our hearts begin to form a harmony.
We are a pair of stars. Do you know the name of the radiance that unites two into one?"
Karen (Io): "This radiance... Could you tell me?"
???? (Castor): "*giggle* Yes! Of course, I'll tell you. Our most precious thing to give to the Shooting Star—"
???? & Yachiyo (Castor & Pollux): "Its name... is love."
This is related to Yachiyo and Chitose's names. Yachiyo means "eternity" while Chitose means "a thousand years". The "chi" in both names is the 千 (thousand) in the title of the bond story.
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hockeyisit · 3 years
You're Having A Baby?
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Summary: Mitch and Steph have a baby.
A.N. Hey guys I know its been awhile since I’ve posted. I’ve been going through a lot and haven't had much time to write. Heres something that I have had saved in my drafts for awhile. Its kind short but hope you enjoy and hopefully I’ll be able to get back to writing soon!
“Babe,” I called out as I pushed the door to Auston and my bedroom. He was currently laying down on bed with Noah and Kai laying down next to him. I had been downstairs washing the dishes when I had gotten a text from Steph. He looked up from where he was scrolling on his phone with a raised eyebrow.
“Steph’s in labor,” I told him excitedly as I made my way over to the bed and sat down next to him near the boys. I reached out and set my hand on Noah's little stomach.
“She just texted me that her and Mitch are on their way to the hospital. She was wondering if we’d be able to go feed Zues tonight because they weren’t home when she went into labor and she won't be back for awhile,” I told him as I looked up from Noah so I could see Auston’s face.
“Alright did she say when we should go?” he asked as he locked his phone and slouched down, he wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned forward so he could rest his head on my lap. I reached my hand down to rub it through his hair in a soothing manner.
“Whenever. I was hoping we could go to the hospital since she was there for me,” I told him gently. He hummed as he buried his face into my stomach.
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea for the twins babe,” Auston mumbled as flipped over.
“Why not?” I asked.
“Well we don’t know how long it’s going to take and the twins might get restless. Maybe we should have her text us when we are allowed to visit and then we go over,” Auston suggested, causing me to let out a sigh as I thought about it. Steph had been in the waiting room for me the entire time I was in labor.
“Okay,” I finally agreed, leaning back against the headboard.
“So you have the day off tomorrow, what would you like to do?” I questioned as I continued to run my hand through his hair. He shut his eyes as he relaxed into my touch.
“Sleep,” he answered honestly, with a sleepy grin on his face. I let a smile overtake my own face as I grinned down at him.
“I’m not tired. Do you mind if I turn the tv on?” I asked as I reached for the remote. He shrugged his shoulders as he closed his eyes. I smiled down at him softly as I turned the tv on. Once it was on I turned the volume down and opened up Netflix. I had recently become obsessed with the show Designated Survivor.
It was currently July and Auston and I had decided to stay in Toronto a bit later than we normally did. We both had things holding up back from traveling back to Arizona like we normally did in the summer. One being I had gotten a job offer and I was going through the process of training for it. Even though it was an online job they had wanted me to come in for a few days of in person training. Auston had also wanted to stay and do some different training sessions with Mitch and a few of the other guys that had decided to stay in Toronto.
After watching two episodes the twins started to stir.  I glanced over at my phone to check the time. 6:45pm. I locked my phone and reached my hand out to rub Kai’s forehead in a comforting manner. The twins were just now a little over a year old and looked more like Auston every single day.
“Hey baby,” I cooed as his face scrunched up like he was about to start crying. I could reach out to grab him though because of the way that Auston was still laying on my lap. I shifted my body slightly trying to lean forward more so I could get a better grip on Kai but with no luck I tried to gently remove Auston from my lap.
“Huh?” he asked as he picked his head up from my lap.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you. Kai looks like he's about to blow.”
Auston glanced at Kai who was quietly crying next to Noah. I reached out and picked him up, he immediately quieted down once he was settled in my arms.
“What time is it?” he mumbled out sleepily so that it sounded more muffled then anything.
“Six fifty,” I responded as I glanced over to Noah who was starting to stir lightly. Auston picked him up before he was able to let out a cry.
“We should probably go feed Zues,” I said as I stood up from the bed.
“Honestly I can just go and pick him up,” Auston offered as he stood up himself. I glanced up from what I was doing to look at him. It had been awhile since we had both Felix and Zues together.
“That sounds like a good idea. Let me just check with Steph and Mitch that it's okay,” I told him. I picked up my phone and sent Mitch a quick text asking him if it was okay before making my way downstairs with Auston following behind me.
“What do you want for dinner?” I asked, setting Kai down in his bouncing chair.
“Anything you want,” he set Noah in the chair next to Kai before making his way over to me where I stood leaning against the counter. I smiled up at him as his hands slipped to my waist.
“I kind of want to make taco salad,” I said, reaching my hand up and resting it on his chest. He smiled as he leaned a little more weight on me so that the counter was holding us up.
“Alright do we have everything for it?” he questioned. I thought about it for a moment before sadly shaking my head.
“I don’t think we have avocados but I guess we don't really need them” I thought aloud, feeling slightly sad at the idea of a taco salad without them.
“I can pick some up on the way to pick up Zues,” Auston suggested causing me to perk up.
“Could you please,” I begged. He laughed lightly as he nodded his head.
“Yeah no problem,” he pressed a kiss to my cheek before leaning back.
“You're the best,” I grinned before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips. He smiled against my lips before deeping it. I pulled away when I heard my phone ringer went off.
“Mitch responded and said it would be really great if we could watch Zues,” I told Auston after I finished reading the text. Auston nodded as he pulled away.
“Alright I’ll go now. See you in thirtyish minutes,” Auston said before leaning in for another kiss.
“I love you. Drive safe,” I told him once he pulled away.
“Love you too,” he smiled at me and then turned to press a kiss to each of the twins' foreheads. He made his way over to the garage door and grabbed his keys off the hook before making his way out to the car.
I moved the pot filled with beef to a burner that wasn't warm and started chopping the lettuce. I heard the door open causing me to pause and peak my head around the corner. Zeus immediately ran in and started exploring while Auston walked in behind him. He held up the bag of groceries and made his way into the kitchen.
“Got the stuff you wanted,” he said holding his hand up that had the bag of groceries.
“Perfect thank you,” I said, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck so I could pull him in for a kiss.
“It was no problem,” he slid his hands to rest on my waist and tightened his grip lightly as he pressed another kiss to my lips.
“I’m going to feed the dogs and then we can eat,” he suggested once he pulled away from the kiss. I glanced at all the things I had spread around the counter before giving him a nod.
“Sound’s good, I'm just going to cut this up and then we're ready to go,” I told him as I held up the grocery bag. I finished chopping the food up before putting them into two separate bowls and setting them on the table. I glanced over at the twins to make sure they were fine and they both seemed pretty happy. I sat down at the table and waited for Auston to join me at the table. When he showed up he washed his hands and then made his way over to the twins and pressed a kiss to both of their foreheads before joining me at the table.
“Thank babe,” Auston said as he took a seat and pulled his bowl closer to him. I shrugged my shoulders as I reached my hand out to his.
“Bless this food and bless this family,” I mumbled before dropping his hand and reaching for my fork.
“I love you,” he mumbled as he picked up his own fork. I felt a blush spread across my cheeks as I took a bite of my own food.
“Always and forever,” I responded after I had finished chewing, his smile brightened as he looked at me. My phone vibrated from the table and I picked it up to find a text from Mitch saying that Steph was heading into a C-Section which I knew hadn’t originally been a part of the birthing plan.
“Auston,” I exclaimed before turning my phone towards him and showing him the text from Mitch.
“Do you want to go to the hospital?” he asked after reading the text. I thought about it for a moment before shaking my head no.
“What good will I be sitting around at the hospital. I’ll go first thing in the morning,” I told him before taking another bite of my dinner. Auston nodded as he started eating his food as well. Halfway through eating Kai started whining from his chair. I shared a look with Auston before reaching out to pick him up.
“What's up baby?” I asked, holding him close to me. He relaxed slightly in my arms but continued to cry. I let out a soft sigh as I pulled my shirt to the side so that I could feed him. I was getting to the point of wanting to stop breast feeding the twins but when the boys were hungry and crying I found it harder and harder to stop. I knew that it was something that I would just have to act stronger on.
“I thought you were done breast feeding them,” Auston called out from the table. I turned around and gave him a look to which he quickly held his hands up. When he finished I set him back down in his chair and joined Auston at the table again.
“I want to stop but it's just so much faster. They hate the formula,” I admitted before taking a bite of my food.
“Well they gotta stop at some point,” he said, turning his attention back to his food. Rolling my eyes I glanced at my food
“What?” Auston asked, noticing my expression.
“Nothing,” I mumbled as I took another bite.
“Babe seriously, what's up?” he asked when he finished chewing. I shrugged my shoulders helplessly as I thought.
“Nothing, I just, why are you being so pushy about this?” I asked quietly. Ever since I told Auston I wanted to quit breastfeeding he had been so harsh and pushy whenever I did it.
“I’m not trying to be pushy, I'm trying to be helpful and supportive. You said that in your research it can be hard for women to stop breastfeeding because it feels like they are losing out on the closeness. I was just trying to make sure you did what you want,” he told me as he reached out to place his hand on mine. I looked away from his intense gaze to the boys sitting in their chairs.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m being a bad mom,” I admitted quietly. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Auston put his fork down.
“Amelia you're the best mom,” he reassured me rubbing his finger over my hand causing me to look back at him.
“I’m serious. You do everything right by them. They are so so lucky to have you as their mother and I’m so lucky to be doing this with you,” he removed his hand from mine and moved it up to my face so that he could move a piece of hair and tuck it behind my ear. I gave him a soft smile as I leaned into his touch.  
When we finished eating Auston started doing the dishes while I started getting the boys ready for a bath. As I kneeled down next to the tub I noticed Zues and Felix hovering in the corner. I let out a smile as I reached out to rub my hand through the closer dog, Zeus’, fur.
“Alright time for the bath babies,” I cooed as I reached for Noah so that I could settle him into the bathtub.
“Auston will you come help me wash them?” I called out raising my voice so he could hear me from the kitchen. I heard the water shut off before his footsteps approached.
“Hey Kai, are you ready for bath time?” he asked sweetly as he swept Kai up into his arms and quickly undressed him before making his way over to me so he could settle him into the bathtub.
“When I was washing the dishes your sister called,” Auston mumbled after a moment of cleaning the babies in comfortable silence. I glanced up at him with a raised eyebrow as I continued to rub the baby wash into Noah’s hair.
“Oh what did she want?” I questioned as I poured water gently over his head. Noah let out a small whine before quickly quieting down.
“She got into U of T,” he said.
“Oh my gosh what?” I exclaimed excitedly.
“Yeah she got the letter-,” he started to say before getting cut off by the sound of a phone ringing.
“Is that yours or mine?”
He shrugged his shoulders while I stood up. I wrapped Noah in a towel and then quickly made my way out of the bathroom to where our phones were on the kitchen counter.
“It's Mitch,'' I called out before pressing answer and holding the phone up to my ear.
“Hey Mitch. How's everything going?” I asked the second the call connected.
“Steph is out of surgery and everything went perfect,” he responded through a smile. I could hear nothing but joy coming from his voice.
“I’m so glad to hear, is she up now?” I questioned as I started making my way up the stairs and to the nursery. Auston glanced over at me from where he was standing at the changing table when I entered the room.
“She’s sleeping right now, he was born a few hours ago and she just now finally fell asleep.”
I put the phone on speaker before setting it down on the changing table so that I could start dressing Noah.
“Did you guys get a chance to name him?” I asked as I pulled out Noah and Kai’s pajamas. Steph and Mitch had done a gender reveal party early on in the pregnancy so we had known that they were going to have a boy. We however had been placing bets on what we thought they would name him.
“Charlie Andrew Marner,” Mitch said softly.
“What a beautiful name,” I responded, giving Auston a soft smile. I was so happy for the two of them. Steph and Mitch deserved everything and to hear that everythin went well I was so happy for the two of them.
“Yeah you’ll have to come meet him once Steph is awake,” Mitch said.
“We definitely will. You enjoy your first night as a dad, you wont get much sleep after these first few nights,” Auston warned him. I let out  giggle as I started rocking Noah back and forth.
“Yeah for sure. Also if you guys don’t want to take care of Zues I can have my mom swing by and pick him up,” Mitch responded.
“Nah man don’t worry about it. Felix loves having Zues around,” Auston reassured as he started rocking Kai.
“Alright if you say so. But I do have to go. I have more calls to make so I’ll see you guys.”
“Tomorrow,” I called out before he could hang up, causing both Auston and Mitch to laugh. Auston reached out and ended the call before making his way over to the rocking chair and taking a seat. I quickly crawled on so that I was sitting with him, causing him to settle Kai in my lap as well so that we all fit on the chair.
“Baby Charlie,” I whispered. Auston pressed a soft kiss to the side of my head and wrapped his arm tighter around me allowing me to finally relax and stop worrying about everything I had been during the day.
“Feels like it was just yesterday that the twins were born,” Auston mumbled against my ear. I let out a sigh as I stared down at them.
“I know. I cant believe it's been over a year,” I admitted reaching out to touch Kai’s tiny hand.
“They were perfect, just like their mother,” Auston grinned before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my lips. The four of us stayed curled up like that until the twins fell asleep.
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osakaso5 · 3 years
Everyday Splendor in Olympus Town: Season 2
Episode 4: Odysseus
Episode Index
Zeus: Now, dig!
Odysseus: ...Uh, mind if I ask what exactly is going on here..?
Odysseus: You just sort of woke me up, took me to this shrine, and handed me a spade. I have no idea what's going on here...
Dionysus: Huh? Where'd all the wine go..? Hestia, bring us more drinks pleeease.
Odysseus: I think what you need is to sober up, Dionysus.
Odysseus: We're not even at Hestia's restaurant.
Zeus: You require no explanations, Odysseus.
Odysseus: ...I can probably hazard a guess... Like that there's gold buried here.
Odysseus: Ugh... I'm not even supposed to be working...
Dionysus: Gold!? You mean it's buried here!?
Odysseus: Aagh! Stop yelling!
Zeus: Hah hah hah. Well deduced, Odysseus. It's no wonder you have more arrests under your belt than anyone else in this town.
Odysseus: I'm not sure this has anything to do with my arrests...
Odysseus: But, wait... Isn't this the treasure Hercules wanted to find?
Odysseus: He kept coming up to me and bragging that once he'd have his treasure, he'd leave me "eating his dust" yesterday.
Zeus: It's none of your concern who wanted what. I only called you here because you are off duty today.
Odysseus: If he finds out I'm the one who dug it up, he's gonna be furious.
Zeus: I don't care. Proceed.
Odysseus: ...This sucks... I just wanted to enjoy my time off, and now I'm stuck dealing with the most overbearing father and son duo in the world...
Dionysus: Hey, Master Zauss! Is this where we need to dig?
Zeus: Yes, go wild.
Dionysus: Okie dokie!
Dionysus: Heh, the sooner I find the treasure, the sooner I can surprise Hestia.
Dionysus: Let's get going, Odyssey!
Odysseus: It's Odysseus.
Dionysus: Gold~♪ Gold~♪ I'm gonna get you~♪
Odysseus: Ugh... I guess I have no choice. Might as well get this over with, so you'll let me leave.
Odysseus: ...How did you know the treasure would be here, anyhow?
Zeus: According to my investigations, the myth of the gold has been circulating for years now.
Zeus: One theory even suggested that this shrine itself was built to conceal treasure.
Odysseus: Treasure, eh..?
Dionysus: Wow! Maybe it's a pirate captain's booty!
Zeus: Hah hah hah. Now that would be interesting indeed. Speaking of treasure...
Zeus: Among the gold and jewels, there are said to be books written by the gods themselves, called "Charming Women 101", and "How to Become the Strongest Warrior for Dummies".
Zeus: Because of that, this shrine is said to grant blessings of good marriage and battle prowess both.
Dionysus: Wow, books written by gods. Their names sound really mundane, though.
Odysseus: ...Could it be that we're not actually digging up treasure, but...
Dionysus: Whoa! What's that?
Zeus: Gold!?
Dionysus: Uh, let's see... It looks like a container of some kind...
Dionysus: Ah, it's a treasure chest!
Odysseus & Zeus: !!!!!
Dionysus: Woooow! Look at this, both of you! It's a big, fancy chest!
Zeus: This chest...
Odysseus: ...I knew it...
Dionysus: Odesses, what's wrong?
Odysseus: Take a look at this. Master Zeus and Master Poseidon's names have been carved on it.
Dionysus: You're right! But why is that..?
Odysseus: You know, I thought it was weird that gods would be so obsessed with a little treasure chest.
Zeus: .........
Odysseus: Dionysus, you must've heard about the time capsule Masters Zeus and Poseidon buried years ago too, right?
Dionysus: Hmm, maybe I have, maybe I haven't..?
Odysseus: There was a time when they took a vacation in the world of mortals.
Dionysus: Ah..! I do know about that! They brought back the most delicious human wine I've ever tasted...
Zeus: Hmph, I suppose that did happen. How very nostalgic...
Zeus: Poseidon and I decided to bury something in the ground, to remember the trip by.
Odysseus: Master Poseidon loves to tell that story over a drink or two.
Odysseus: You were behind "Charming Women 101", and Master Poseidon behind "How to Become the Strongest Warrior for Dummies". What exactly did you write in them?
Zeus: I believe they were about our experiences in the mortal realm, but I don't remember. I was drunk.
Dionysus: Master Zauss doesn't remember most things... So, does that mean there is no gold?
Odysseus: I believe Master Poseidon said they buried unusual stones and seeds, but that's it...
Dionysus: I can't repay Hestia with those! I promised to bring him something, and now he'll be disappointed...
Odysseus: Don't look so down.
Odysseus: He said he was happy just to know you'd do something like this for him, didn't he?
Odysseus: It's a shame we didn't find treasure, but you can still find some other way to repay him.
Dionysus: Oh, Odinusus!
Odysseus: Aagh! Please don't hug people without warning..!
Odysseus: What'll we do about this, Master Zeus? Are you still interested in these writings, even if they're your own?
Zeus: Well... now that we've unearthed them, we can't just bury them again.
Zeus: Poseidon and I will destroy them.
Odysseus: D-destroy..!?
Zeus: ...If you have the courage to read my writings, then go ahead. But be warned.
Odysseus: N-no... I'm good.
Zeus: Hah hah hah. A wise decision.
Zeus: In any case... All this work has made me hungry.
Dionysus: And I need a drink, stat.
Zeus: It's time to visit Hestia's restaurant!
Dionysus: Agreed! Let's gooo!
Dionysus: You too, Oddshoes! Don't just stand around, I'm about to treat you to delicious food and wine.
Odysseus: Ugh... My vacation... ...I guess I might as well wind down and eat Hestia's cooking...
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader
-Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 17: I Swim For The First Time...?
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It was Annabeth's idea. She loaded us into the back of a Vegas taxi as if we actually had money, and told the driver, "Los Angeles, please."
The cabbie chewed his cigar and sized us up. "That's three hundred miles. For that, you gotta pay up front." "You accept casino debit cards?" Annabeth asked. He shrugged. "Some of 'em. Same as credit cards. I gotta swipe 'em through first." Annabeth handed him her green Lotus Cash card. He looked at it skeptically. "Swipe it," Annabeth invited. He did.
His meter machine started rattling. The lights flashed. Finally an infinity symbol came up next to the dollar sign. The cigar fell out of the driver's mouth. He looked back at us, his eyes wide. "Where to in Los Angeles... uh, Your Highness?" "The Santa Monica Pier." Annabeth sat up a little straighter. I could tell she liked the "Your Highness" thing. "Get us there fast, and you can keep the change." Maybe she shouldn't have told him that. The cab's speedometer never dipped below ninety-five the whole way through the Mojave Desert. On the road, we had plenty of time to talk. Percy told us about his latest dream. The Lotus Casino seemed to have short-circuited my memory. I couldn't recall what the invisible servant's voice had sounded like, though I was sure it was somebody I knew. The servant had called the monster in the pit something other than "my lord" ... some special name or title.... "The Silent One?" Annabeth suggested. "The Rich One? Both of those are nicknames for Hades." "Maybe..." he said.
"That throne room sounds like Hades's," Grover said. "That's the way it's usually described." He shook my head. "Something's wrong. The throne room wasn't the main part of the dream. And that voice from the pit... I don't know. It just didn't feel like a god's voice."
The crooked one... Annabeth's eyes widened. And looked at Percy. Who had a look of realization. "What?" I asked. "Oh... nothing. I was just—No, it has to be Hades. Maybe he sent this thief, this invisible person, to get the master bolt, and something went wrong—" "Like what?" "I—I don't know," she said. "But if he stole Zeus's symbol of power from Olympus, and the gods were hunting him, I mean, a lot of things could go wrong. So this thief had to hide the bolt, or he lost it somehow. Anyway, he failed to bring it to Hades. That's what the voice said in your dream, right? The guy failed. That would explain what the Furies were searching for when they came after us on the bus. Maybe they thought we had retrieved the bolt." I wasn't sure what was wrong with her. She looked pale. "But if Percy already retrieved the bolt," I said, "why would we be traveling to the Underworld?" "To threaten Hades," Grover suggested. "To bribe or blackmail him into getting your parents back." I whistled. "You have evil thoughts for a goat." "Why, thank you."
"Only mine is there. I'd rather get Y/N's than mine." Percy said gripping my hand.
"You lost them thanks to me." He smiled weakly. "A-Anyways, the thing in the pit said it was waiting for two items," I reminded. "If the master bolt is one, what's the other?" Grover shook his head, clearly mystified. Annabeth was looking at me as if she knew my next question, and was silently willing me not to ask it.
I have every answers. I could tell you. What do you wish to know? We are to help one another after all...
Could you tell me how I could save my parents?
Save them?  As I told you only we could save them. Being there, you'd know your only option. Only you could do it. Do you wish to know more?
What's this quest?
A trap. Next one?
Who is my parent?
Hahaha, that is a question I shan't answer. Just believe in all gods. Befriend them and you'll know. You could trust them all.
Even Zeus, Hades and Poseidon? They kinda suck...
Unless you're positive they aren't your parent, you don’t have to.
Yeah, can I have like... I don't know... I kinda want Hephaestus. He seems coolest. I an NOT blessed in like singing and all that so I can’t be Apollo's.
I've already given you a parent. My apologies. The one I chose would be... quite a friend. Would you want to know more?
Well not re---
"Y/NN!! Ask more about the quest and Percy's dream!!!" I hear Annabeth scream at my ear.
"Oh my gods! Don't scream at my ear!" I yelled pushing her away. "What do you mean ask about Percy's dream? Who will I ask? The driver?"
"She can't remember whenever that happens." Percy explained. "They already told us."
"What are you guys talking about??"
"Nothing. We were thinking about the pit..." Annabeth sighed.
"You have an idea what might be in that pit, don't you?" I asked her. "I mean, if it isn't Hades?" "Y/N... let's not talk about it. Because if it isn't Hades... No. It has to be Hades." Wasteland rolled by. We passed a sign that said CALIFORNIA STATE LINE, 12 MILES. The problem was: we were hurtling toward the Underworld at ninety-five miles an hour, betting that Hades had the master bolt. If we got there and found out we were wrong, we wouldn't have time to correct ourselves. The solstice deadline would pass and war would begin. "The answer is in the Underworld," Annabeth assured us. "You saw spirits of the dead, Percy. There's only one place that could be. We're doing the right thing." She tried to boost our morale by suggesting clever strategies for getting into the Land of the Dead, but my heart wasn't in it. There were just too many unknown factors. It was like cramming for a test without knowing the subject. And believe me, I'd done that enough times. The cab sped west. Every gust of wind through Death Valley sounded like a spirit of the dead. Every time the brakes hissed on an eighteen-wheeler, it reminded me of Echidna's reptilian voice. At sunset, the taxi dropped us at the beach in Santa Monica. It looked exactly the way L.A. beaches do in the movies, only it smelled worse. There were carnival rides lining the Pier, palm trees lining the sidewalks, homeless guys sleeping in the sand dunes, and surfer dudes waiting for the perfect wave. Grover, Annabeth, Percy, and I walked down to the edge of the surf. "What now?" Annabeth asked. The Pacific was turning gold in the setting sun. I thought about how long it had been since I'd stood on the beach at Montauk, on the opposite side of the country, looking out at a different sea. I felt anxious being near the water. Percy took my hand.
"What?" I said slowly pulling away from him.
"Trust me and come with me." He said looking at me in the eye. "Percy," Annabeth said. "That's stupid! She can barely stay alive up here!"
"If the water pulls her could you save her?" He glared at the two. "As long as she holds me she'll be safe." He gripped my hand.
"I-I'll trust you... But I have to make sure you won't let me drown... I-I need---" Annabeth then sighed and walked over to us taking our wrist.
"If she drowns I am totally not siding on you during the war." She hissed at Percy while tying Aphrodite's scarf on our wrist.
"how do you have that?" Percy asked.
"I forgot I gave it to her." With our wrist attached by a cloth, he held my hand tight then we kept walking, up to my waist, then my chest.
"I'm scared..." I gulped. Percy pulled me closer. That's when my head went under. I held my breath at first. It's difficult to intentionally inhale water. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore. I gasped. Sure enough, I could breathe normally. Percy was smiling at me, with his arms still around me. We walked down into the shoals. I shouldn't have been able to see through the murk, but somehow I could tell where everything was. I could sense the rolling texture of the bottom. I could make out sand-dollar colonies dotting the sandbars. I could even see the currents, warm and cold streams swirling together. I felt something rub against my leg. I looked down and almost shot out of the water like a ballistic missile. Sliding along beside me was a five-foot-long mako shark. I almost screamed until I saw how cute it was. The thing wasn't attacking. It was nuzzling me. Heeling like a dog. Tentatively, I touched its dorsal fin. It bucked a little, as if inviting me to hold tighter. Percy took my hand and wrapped it on the fin, he grabbed the fin with both hands, so I followed his actions. It took off, pulling us along. The shark carried us down into the darkness. It deposited us at the edge of the ocean proper, where the sand bank dropped off into a huge chasm. It was like standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon at midnight, not being able to see much, but knowing the void was right there. The surface shimmered maybe a hundred and fifty feet above. I knew I should've been crushed by the pressure. Then again, I shouldn't have been able to breathe. I wondered if there was a limit to how deep I could go, if I could sink straight to the bottom of the Pacific. Then I saw something glimmering in the darkness below, growing bigger and brighter as it rose toward me. A woman's voice, "Percy Jackson." As she got closer, her shape became clearer. She had flowing black hair, a dress made of green silk. Light flickered around her, and her eyes were so distractingly beautiful I hardly noticed the stallion-sized sea horse she was riding. She dismounted. The sea horse and the mako shark whisked off and started playing something that looked like tag. The underwater lady smiled at me. "You've come far, Percy Jackson. Well done. And you brought... a friend." I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I bowed. "H-Hello..."
"You're the woman who spoke to me in the Mississippi River." Percy said. "Yes, child. I am a Nereid, a spirit of the sea. It was not easy to appear so far upriver, but the naiads, my freshwater cousins, helped sustain my life force. They honor Lord Poseidon, though they do not serve in his court." "An... you serve in Poseidon's court?" She nodded. "It has been many years since a child of the Sea God has been born. We have watched you with great interest." I felt so out of placed being here so I wrapped my arms around Percy tighter. "If my father is so interested in me," Percy said, "why isn't he here? Why doesn't he speak to me?" A cold current rose out of the depths. "Do not judge the Lord of the Sea too harshly," the Nereid told him. "He stands at the brink of an unwanted war. He has much to occupy his time. Besides, he is forbidden to help you directly. The gods may not show such favoritism." "Even to their own children?" "Especially to them. The gods can work by indirect influence only. Why do you think they're trying to find who Y/N's parent is? They helped raising her, that's why her scent is gone."
"M-My Olympian parent raised me? I don't remember anyone... I'm pretty sure neither my mom or dad are Olympians... or Greek."
"Well that is what they're trying to figure out."
"Well, what's my father doing then?"
"That is why I give you a warning, and a gift."
She held out her hand. Three white pearls flashed in her palm. "I know you journey to Hades's realm," she said. "Few mortals have ever done this and survived: Orpheus, who had great music skill; Hercules, who had great strength; Houdini, who could escape even the depths of Tartarus. Do you have these talents?" "Urn... no, ma'am." "Ah, but you have something else, Percy. You have gifts you have only begun to know. The oracles have foretold a great and terrible future for you, should you survive to manhood. Poseidon would not have you die before your time. Therefore take these, and when you are in need, smash a pearl at your feet." "What will happen?" "That," she said, "depends on the need. But remember: what belongs to the sea will always return to the sea."
Percy took the three pearls and pocketed it. "Oh... but there are four of us. We'll need one more."
She looked at me and Percy. Then looked at her empty palm. "Your father..."
"I'm not leaving any of them if I need to use this." Percy said firmly.
She sighed and out came another pearl. Instead of handing it to Percy she handed it to me. "The lord does not like you. He's been firm and obvious of that fact. But... as his son refuse to leave you..."
I took the pearl reluctantly and thanked her. "What about the warning?" Her eyes flickered with green light. "Go with what your heart tells you, or you will lose all. Hades feeds on doubt and hopelessness. He will trick you if he can, make you mistrust your own judgment. Once you are in his realm, he will never willingly let you leave. Keep faith. Good luck, Percy Jackson." She summoned her sea horse and rode toward the void. "Wait!" Percy called. "At the river, you said not to trust the gifts. What gifts?" "Good-bye, young hero," she called back, her voice fading into the depths. "You must listen to your heart." She became a speck of glowing green, and then she was gone. "Your dad... must really hate me to leave me in Underworld when worse comes to worse..." I muttered burying my face on his neck.
"Don't worry... I won't let him hurt you, just because whoever your parent is raised you." He kicked upward toward the shore. When we reached the beach, our clothes dried instantly. Percy told Grover and Annabeth what had happened, and showed them the pearls. Annabeth grimaced. "No gift comes without a price. Not to mention Y/N is hated." "They were free." "No." She shook her head. "'There is no such thing as a free lunch.' That's an ancient Greek saying that translated pretty well into American. There will be a price. You wait." On that happy thought, we turned our backs on the sea. With some spare change from Ares's backpack, we took the bus into West Hollywood. We showed the driver the Underworld address slip we'd taken from Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium, but he'd never heard of DOA Recording Studios.
"You remind me of somebody I saw on TV," he told Percy. "You a child actor or something?" "Uh ... I'm a stunt double ... for a lot of child actors." "Oh! That explains it." We thanked him and got off quickly at the next stop. We wandered for miles on foot, looking for DOA. Nobody seemed to know where it was. It didn't appear in the phone book. Twice, we ducked into alleys to avoid cop cars. Percy froze in front of an appliance-store window because a television was playing an interview with somebody
"—my stepdad, Smelly Gabe." He explained.
He was talking to Barbara Walters—I mean, as if he were some kind of huge celebrity. She was interviewing him in our apartment, in the middle of a poker game, and there was a young blond lady sitting next to him, patting his hand. A fake tear glistened on his cheek. He was saying, "Honest, Ms. Walters, if it wasn't for Sugar here, my grief counselor, I'd be a wreck. My stepson took everything I cared about. My wife... my Camaro... I—I'm sorry. I have trouble talking about it." "There you have it, America." Barbara Walters turned to the camera. "A man torn apart. An adolescent boy with serious issues. Let me show you, again, the last known photo of this troubled young fugitive, taken a week ago in Denver. He has taken a young girl that goes by Y/N L/N with her." The screen cut to a grainy shot of me, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover standing outside the Colorado diner, talking to Ares. "Who are the two other children in this photo?" Barbara Walters asked dramatically. "Who is the man with them? Is Percy Jackson a delinquent, a terrorist, or perhaps the brainwashed victim of a frightening new cult? When we come back, we chat with a leading child psychologist. Stay tuned, America." "C'mon," Grover told me. He hauled us away.
It got dark, and hungry-looking characters started coming out on the streets to play. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a New Yorker. I don't scare easy. But L.A. had a totally different feel from New York. Back home, everything seemed close. It didn't matter how big the city was, you could get anywhere without getting lost. The street pattern and the subway made sense. There was a system to how things worked. A kid could be safe as long as he wasn't stupid. L.A. wasn't like that. It was spread out, chaotic, hard to move around. It reminded me of Ares. It wasn't enough for L.A. to be big; it had to prove it was big by being loud and strange and difficult to navigate, too. I didn't know how we were ever going to find the entrance to the Underworld by tomorrow, the summer solstice. We walked past gangbangers, bums, and street hawkers, who looked at us like they were trying to figure if we were worth the trouble of mugging. As we hurried passed the entrance of an alley, a voice from the darkness said, "Hey, you." Like an idiot, I stopped. Before I knew it, we were surrounded. A gang of kids had circled us. Six of them in all—white kids with expensive clothes and mean faces. Like the kids at Yancy Academy: rich brats playing at being bad boys. Instinctively, I drew my knife. When the knife appeared out of nowhere, the kids backed off, but their leader was either really stupid or really brave, because he kept coming at me with a switchblade.
Percy then pulled me behind him and swung Riptide. The kid yelped. But he must've been one hundred percent mortal, because the blade passed harmlessly right through his chest. He looked down. "What the..." I figured I had about three seconds before his shock turned to anger. "Run!" I screamed taking Percy's hand. We pushed two kids out of the way and raced down the street, not knowing where we were going. We turned a sharp corner. "There!" Annabeth shouted. Only one store on the block looked open, its windows glaring with neon. The sign above the door said something like CRSTUY'S WATRE BDE ALPACE. "Crusty's Water Bed Palace?" Grover translated. It didn't sound like a place I'd ever go except in an emergency, but this definitely qualified. We burst through the doors, ran behind a water bed, and ducked. A split second later, the gang kids ran past outside. "I think we lost them," Grover panted. A voice behind us boomed, "Lost who?" We all jumped. Standing behind us was a guy who looked like a raptor in a leisure suit. He was at least seven feet tall, with absolutely no hair. He had gray, leathery skin, thick-lidded eyes, and a cold, reptilian smile. He moved toward us slowly, but I got the feeling he could move fast if he needed to. His suit might've come from the Lotus Casino. It belonged back in the seventies, big-time. The shirt was silk paisley, unbuttoned halfway down his hairless chest. The lapels on his velvet jacket were as wide as landing strips. The silver chains around his neck—I couldn't even count them. "I'm Crusty," he said, with a tartar-yellow smile. I resisted the urge to say, Yes, you are. "Sorry to barge in," Percy told him. "We were just, um, browsing." "You mean hiding from those no-good kids," he grumbled. "They hang around every night. I get a lot of people in here, thanks to them. Say, you want to look at a water bed?" I was about to say No, thanks, when he put a huge paw on my shoulder and steered me deeper into the showroom. There was every kind of water bed you could imagine: different kinds of wood, different patterns of sheets; queen-size, king-size, emperor-of-the-universe-size. "This is my most popular model." Crusty spread his hands proudly over a bed covered with black satin sheets, with built-in Lava Lamps on the headboard. The mattress vibrated, so it looked like oil-flavored Jell-O. "Million-hand massage," Crusty told us. "Go on, try it out. Shoot, take a nap. I don't care. No business today, any-way. "Um," Percy said, "I don't think..." "Million-hand massage!" Grover cried, and dove in. "Oh, you guys! This is cool." "Hmm," Crusty said, stroking his leathery chin. "Almost, almost." "Almost what?" I asked. He looked at Annabeth. "Do me a favor and try this one over here, honey. Might fit." Annabeth said, "But what—" He patted her reassuringly on the shoulder and led her over to the Safari Deluxe model with teakwood lions carved into the frame and a leopard-patterned comforter. When Annabeth didn't want to lie down, Crusty pushed her. "Hey!" she protested. Crusty snapped his fingers. "Ergo!" Ropes sprang from the sides of the bed, lashing around Annabeth, holding her to the mattress. Grover tried to get up, but ropes sprang from his black-satin bed, too, and lashed him down. "N-not c-c-cool!" he yelled, his voice vibrating from the million-hand massage. "N-not c-cool a-at all!" The giant looked at Annabeth, then turned toward me and Percy to grin. "Almost, darn it." I tried to step away, but his hand shot out and clamped around the back of my neck. "Whoa, kid. Don't worry. We'll find you one in a sec." "Let my friends go." "Oh, sure I will. But I got to make them fit, first." "What do you mean?" "All the beds are exactly six feet, see? Your friends are too short. Got to make them fit." Annabeth and Grover kept struggling. "Can't stand imperfect measurements," Crusty muttered. "Ergo!" A new set of ropes leaped out from the top and bottom of the beds, wrapping around Grover and Annabeth's ankles, then around their armpits. The ropes started tightening, pulling my friends from both ends. "Don't worry," Crusty told us, "These are stretching jobs. Maybe three extra inches on their spines. They might even live. Now why don't we find a bed you like, huh?" "Percy! Y/N!" Grover yelled. My mind was racing. I knew I couldn't take on this giant water-bed salesman alone. He would snap my neck before I ever got my sword out. "Your real name's not Crusty, is it?" Percy asked. "Legally, it's Procrustes," he admitted. "The Stretcher," I said. I remembered the story: the giant who'd tried to kill Theseus with excess hospitality on his way to Athens. "Yeah," the salesman said. "But who can pronounce Procrustes? Bad for business. Now 'Crusty,' anybody can say that." "You're right. It's got a good ring to it." His eyes lit up. "You think so?" "Oh, absolutely," I said. "And the workmanship on these beds? Fabulous!"
Percy looked at me weirdly. When I gave him a nod he must've understood. He got closer to hold my arm. Crusty grinned hugely, his fingers still didn't loosen on my neck. "I tell my customers that. Every time. Nobody bothers to look at the workmanship. How many built-in Lava Lamp headboards have you seen?" "Not too many." "That's right!" "Y/N!" Annabeth yelled. "What are you doing?" "Don't mind her," Percy told Procrustes. "She's impossible." The giant laughed. "All my customers are. Never six feet exactly. So inconsiderate. And then they complain about the fitting." "What do you do if they're longer than six feet?" "Oh, that happens all the time. It's a simple fix." He let go of my neck, but before I could react, he reached behind a nearby sales desk and brought out a huge double-bladed brass axe. He said, "I just center the subject as best I can and lop off whatever hangs over on either end." "Ah," Percy said, swallowing hard. "Sensible." "I'm so glad to come across an intelligent customer!" The ropes were really stretching my friends now. Annabeth was turning pale. Grover made gurgling sounds, like a strangled goose. "So, Crusty..." I said, trying to keep my voice light. I glanced at the sales tag on the valentine-shaped Honeymoon Special. "Does this one really have dynamic stabilizers to stop wave motion?" "Absolutely. Try it out." "Yeah, maybe I will. But would it work even for a big guy like you? No waves at all?" "Guaranteed." "No way." "Way." "Show me." He sat down eagerly on the bed, patted the mattress. "No waves. See?" I snapped my fingers. "Ergo." Ropes lashed around Crusty and flattened him against the mattress. "Hey!" he yelled. "Center him just right," I said. The ropes readjusted themselves at my command. Crusty's whole head stuck out the top. His feet stuck out the bottom. "No!" he said. "Wait! This is just a demo." Percy uncapped Riptide. "A few simple adjustments ..." "You drive a hard bargain," he told us. "I'll give you thirty percent off on selected floor models.'" "I think I'll start with the top." Percy raised my sword. "No money down! No interest for six months!" He swung the sword. Crusty stopped making offers. I cut the ropes on the other beds. Annabeth and Grover got to their feet, groaning and wincing and cursing me a lot. "You look taller," I said. "Very funny," Annabeth said. "Be faster next time."
Percy looked at the bulletin board behind Crusty's sales desk. There was an advertisement for Hermes Delivery Service, and another for the All-New Compendium of L.A. Area Monsters—"The only Monstrous Yellow Pages you'll ever need!" Under that, a bright orange flier for DOA Recording Studios, offering commissions for heroes' souls. "We are always looking for new talent!" DOA's address was right underneath with a map. "Come on," Percy said. "Give us a minute," Grover complained. "We were almost stretched to death.'" "Then you're ready for the Underworld," I said. "It's only a block from here."
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000 @katara720 @ynfics
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lifeofroos · 3 years
Part 71. The epilogue, if you want. 
In short: Nico gets therapy from Dionysus. In this chapter, it has been a few years since their last session when they meet again. 
 AO3 - FanFiction.net - KoFi
This Might Be Crazy Chapter 71: Red wine
‘To think it has been nine years since we last saw each other...’
‘It would explain why you suddenly look like an adult.’
‘Wel, I was already an adult when I left.’
Dionysus shook his head while he pulled back his restaurant chair. ‘When your Twenty-two, you’re not really an adult. People only tell themselves that.’
‘And people who are thirty-one are adults?’
I snickered and sat down myself.
‘I wanted to know how you were doing, after all that time.’
I put my hands on the table. ‘I am doing alright, I think.’
‘You think?’ He peered at my wedding ring. I failed to hide a smile. 
‘I know,’ I corrected myself. ‘I know I am doing alright. Eh, and yes, I am still with Will Solace.’ I drummed on the table with my left hand.
‘You put a ring on it, even.’
‘Yes.’ I blushed a little. ‘So… that’s good.’
‘It sure sounds like it’s good.’
A waiter came over to out table. After he asked what we wanted, Dionysus gave him a smile. ‘Two glasses of wine.’ 
My mouth fell open. ‘Are you allowed to do that?’
‘It’s more the question if you are allowed to drink it.’
‘I am thirty-one. Yes, I am.’
He winked, as the waiter walked away. 
‘What does this mean?’ I asked. 
‘I am not released, if that is what you are implying. Yet, I…’ He narrowed his eyes, ‘...I don’t know if you heard the news…’
‘The news about you raising hell on Olympus after it leaked that Zeus manipulated the evidence that got you punished…’
‘Because you rose up against the lord of the heavens, you had to stay in camp Half-blood, but you did gain certain privileges.’
‘I only have to be there during the summer, and Ariadne gets to visit. Which means she’s basically a second director at this point.’ 
‘What are you doing with all this extra time you suddenly got? Did you consider getting a job at a year-round camp?’
‘Thin ice, Nico.’
‘Wouldn’t be you without it.’ I snickered. ‘Care to tell me what you do during the day?’
‘It changes. Right now, I work at a secundary school as a mental health counselor and an Italian language teacher. Sometimes I do some work for my father, when he needs help with the other death gods. Yet, that might be different if we ever meet again.’
‘The Italian teacher part was Gloriana’s idea. We still go to the di Angelo’s every Easter. And to the Solace’s every Christmas.’
The waiter came over, with our glasses. I trailed my hand over mine. ‘After I left college, you told me I should come call if things got to bad. I am sorry I never did, but it never felt necessary.’
‘On one hand not needing me is a lie you tell yourself, on the other, that’s good, Nico. I take it that you learned enough in those seven years to be mentally healthy for a good chunk of your life.’
I snickered. ‘I think so, too. Then you did the job you had to do, right?’ 
He nodded. ‘Perhaps a little too well. Don’t forget that the other part of my job is madness.’
‘I haven’t.’ I took a sip. ‘Do you know what Mary is up to these days?’
‘She’s a designer with a few of her own shops.’
‘That’s a big step up from Fast food employee.’
‘Literally everything is. Her son’s okay, too. He goes to a high-end school somewhere in high-end America.’
‘As we always said: Perhaps the gods did bless him.’
‘Oh, Perhaps they did, yes.’
I held a hand under my chin. ‘And how are you, Dionysus?’
‘You don’t have to ask me.’
‘I am asking you, though. If I can say it: It amazes me that you haven’t changed. Not physically. I knew you wouldn’t have, yet part of me expected you to look like… fifty. Not still somewhere between twenty and thirty. People probably think I am older than you now.’
Dionysus shrugged. ‘I prefer this form to anything else.’
‘I understand, but it’s still weird.’
‘And now?’
I blinked and looked back. He didn’t look much different to me. ‘You shouldn’t drive me insane during a check-up.’
I narrowed my eyes. ‘I can’t remember that you tried to pry open my brain in the past. And I think I had enough therapy during my teens.’
‘Then it’s as you said: I did my job.’
‘Yes, yes, but you haven’t answered my question yet...’
‘Dad?’ I felt someone tug on my leg. A little girl was looking up at me and - oh crud, it was my little girl. 
‘Anita!’ I stood up and I picked up my daughter. I looked around. ‘Where’s dad? The other one?’
‘There!’ She pointed to Will, who looked a little confused. ‘I thought you said you would be going to the other side of town...’
I did, you just can’t trust the god of madness to stick to your rules. I turned to Dionysus. ‘Anita. Our daughter.’
‘Yes.’ I began to grin. ‘It’s like with Ernest. As if she was blessed, or something.’
‘She may have been.’ He got up from the table. ‘And to answer your question, Nico: It’s difficult to call an immortal life good or bad. Right now, I’d say it’s good enough. Good enough because I’ve got my domain, I’ve got my freedom and I’ve got my wife, which proves to be all I need. I hope that answer gives you the mental rest you wanted.’
‘I does.’
‘I’ll still come when you call.’ 
‘I’ll remember that. And thanks, Dionysus…’ 
He was already gone. ‘Thanks,’ I whispered. A warm feeling spread through my body. It might have been the wine, it might have been a sign that he heard me, but then again, what was the difference?’ 
Will put a hand on my shoulder. ‘Sorry...’
‘No, that was perfectly fine.’
He snickered. ‘How was that?’
I hugged Anita close. ‘Still alright,’ I said, while stroking her hair.
A/N: Almost all the time, I had seventy chapters, until it STILL became 71. A last chapter will follow tomorrow, to tell you my thoughts on writing, say my thanks, that work. 
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
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@aph-usa-is-my-dad​ Thank you, thank you! 🙇🏽‍♀️
Alright lads, looks like it’s time for hot takes part III!
Here’s Part 1//Here‘s Part 2
Apollo won’t get Zeus position. Why is everyone wishing for that? And why should he? All of you really want to romanticize/project yourself onto him, huh?
Casual Reyna >>> praetor Reyna
Grover has the fattest ass in the Riordanverse, I don’t make the rules
People lack of basic reading skills part III
The fact that adults in New Rome let kids rule the fucking place is still mindblowing
Rick apologists are lame. People calling out shit isn’t an attack on you. Stop defending a product‘s/public figure‘s honor. Defending Rick Riordan is the equivalent of you defending the honor of a snickers bar. Dude doesn’t know you and dude doesn’t give a fuck about you. You are a walking dollar bill at best
Romans are still fucking wacky and despite Camp Jupiter being superior allegedly it’s a whole damn chaotic mess. Where are the supposed civilized Romans because I don’t see them?
Camp Half-Blood >>>> Camp Jupiter, especially when Percy trains in his summer vacations and beats praetor Jason’s goddamn ass who’s been training for 12 years
Why did Riordan even try to make Jason appear to come close to Percy’s level? The imbalance of power is so abundantly clear and makes Jason seem even smaller in that regard. Riordan is truly Percy’s biggest hater
The fact that CHB also glamorizes child soldiers in a more fun and relaxed way. Yikes
Nico is a white™ (again, he is European)
Rachel was annoying but didn’t deserve the blatant hate.
Annabeth should’ve had another possible love interest to spark some pissed Percy. Luke doesn’t count. Percy’s jealously revolves around (the possibility of) her not being around him (e.g. the hunters), not him ”losing“ her to someone else romantically speaking
Silena is the OG Aphrodite kid, fuck the rest
Amazons >> hunters by a slight margin. They’re also an awful bunch
The execution of the hunters is so bad omg, just let me revamp them, Ricardo
If a different take on a headcanon/characters really offends you/paint that much of a different picture of op, then I’m not sorry (only exception if the headcanon is based on discriminatory means. Someone saying they don’t like A and someone using slurs and being a douche are two different things)
The entire Aphrodite cabin is pan FYI
Team demigods who receive periods would probably be extra fucked when it comes to monsters and stuff. Let’s address this
Why exactly couldn’t the gods handle their own shit? Hunting monsters in your area makes sense as a demigod job. But stuff like retrieving Hermes‘ staff (especially when the dude is the speedy traveler guy) makes no goddamn sense
Let’s face it: Annabeth is the only good female character that Riordan pulled off. Also wasn’t she based off his wife? If so, that’s why.
The lack of irl examples for his POC and other women is abundantly clear as he can’t lure everyone from his environment into the stories especially because he has no irl connection to minorities. So he fabricated stuff/did his 5 mins of wiki and got it severely wrong. Clock that tea!
Camp Half-Blood t-shirts belong to the trash. Orange is Yellow‘s cousin and both are ugly to the max. Let’s just switch colors of both camps. Let the Romans deal with the hideous shit
Chiron and Paul are Riordan‘s self-inserts
Tbh giving Hazel super mist powers and tying Frank to Poseidon was stupid
Skater!Percy is pretty much canon but I just can’t envision it? The thought of it is cute and so 2000s but my brain goes fjfldlsöwlwbvd (and tbh gymnast!/dancer!/Parcours!Percy >>>>> skater!basketball!Percy)
People are forgetting that Percy is the unpopular kid both in the mortal realm and at camp and partially chose to be so? Let me remind you of the truth real quick
Beckendorf and Silena are the horny bastards of the Camp Half-Blood. Issa fact
The gods not really immortalizing Chiron and simply saying that he’ll live as long as he’s needed turned him into the cryptic fuck we all know. That’s why he barely helps out (On that note a tiny Chiron essay)
A headcanon, regardless of how popular it is, isn’t factual/reality. So fighting over different takes of the exact same issue is rather pointless but you do you. Some popular blog having an opinion with a large following doesn’t automatically negate your sentiment
Piper being ”unconventional“ as in hating make-up and being dressed up is in itself more than fine but the execution was lacking and her coming off as pretentious and annoying was the result
Piper also has no taste in men if she thinks that amnesia brick boy Grace > Percy. Just no. Lesbians claim haaa
If I see another Amandla or Zendaya or another biracial/lightskinned face claim for Hazel I will lose it
Everyone and their mother having a crush on Percy fuels them Gary Stu feelings, just saying
The fact that Riordan casually drops the abuse that Percy has suffered from like some fucking tic tacs just to never be spoken about should be a reason enough to whoop his ass
Not maturing and darkening HOO (there were good thoughts but also many whacky executions) was the biggest mistake Riordan had made. He should’ve went the Rowling route and transitioned from kids books to YA
The whole fire stick thing that Riordan ripped off from Meleager and slapped onto Frank was terribly executed
A lot of you people should open up more to jokes and not take everything all too seriously
The fact that people seriously ship/ped Reyna x Apollo is proof enough that this fandom should burn
Why do Luke discussions at this point still exist? You’re essentially glossing over the same four things
Hyping up fanfics to the max is a terrible idea. Also don’t shy away from giving writers constructive criticism
Stoner headcanons are here to stay and slay!
On one hand seeing discussions from the science side of PJO talking about the biology, physics etc. is super interesting but on the other hand getting heated over the illogical basis of ”magic“ is pretty much a waste of time
Riordan‘s world building is truly awful
Frazel is a crime against humanity
If you don’t get someone‘s post actually look op up and read the tags? No need to spam the exact question to everything
Fat Frank stays. I get it, Greek gods are hot, they are conceited and choose to fuck people that they perceive as attractive, so their offspring also has some higher levels in the beauty realm. But why not explore the opposite? Why does every character need a makeover or a blessing that gives them enhanced looks?
Clarisse‘s thigh can break ya neck
Also Riordan is Annabeth’s biggest hater. Let’s throw all of her most important possessions away to proof that the smart one can survive without any of it. Sure, but the emotional attachment to the stuff still remains especially when everyone else is walking out of Annabeth’s life
Making Leo another horny bastard was an accurate portrayal of your casual 16 year old boy. Annoying, but realistic
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mythologyfolklore · 4 years
Marpessa isn’t into gods (and Ares makes a speech about love)
(My take on the myth where Marpessa rejects Apollon out of worry, that he would abandon her in old age)
Apollon was arguing with a mortal man over the probably most gorgeous girl he had ever seen.
Who did that boy think he was anyway? Daring to compete with him for a girl's hand! Him, the god of light, music, medicine, prophecy and so much more! This puny mortal man couldn't compare with him to save his life and he had the gall to point an arrow at his face!
“Lower your bow”, he ordered. “Cease this nonsense. You're insane to attempt to go against a god.”
“I don't care, if it's crazy!”, Idas spat. “I will stop you from taking away my bride, no matter what!”
“Cute”, Apollon commented, “But there is nothing you can offer her, that I don't have as well.”
“Sure is!”, Idas spat. “How about true love and a faithful and caring husband?”
The god gasped at the insolence: “Are you saying that I'm a liar and a player?!”
“No, I'm saying that you're an arrogant prick, who only wants her for her beauty!”
By now Apollon was too angry to just point out, that Idas was being hypocritical, since Marpessa's beauty had been the reason why he had abducted her in the first place.
With a face like thunder he pulled out the sword that was hidden beneath his chiton (and no, that was not a euphemism, that was an actual sword). “That's it! You must be hubristic or suicidal – or both! Either way, enough of the useless talk. Let's duke it out. Single combat, for the sake of fairness I won't be using any of my divine abilities.”
Idas nodded grimly. “So be it then.”
Then the god and the mortal engaged in mortal combat, while poor Marpessa just stood at the side, not knowing what to do.
This lasted for several hours and it was getting nowhere.
But then, all of the sudden a voice boomed: “EVERYBODY SETTLE DOWN!”
And in a flash of lightning, Zeus and Ares were standing between the contestants, driving them apart.
“Cease this pointless fighting right now!”, Zeus ordered. “This is getting ridiculous and the noise can be heard all the way up to Olympos.”
“Yep”, Ares nodded. “At first I thought it was funny, but then I looked down and saw, that you're fightin' over my granddaughter like she's some kinda prize.”
Ares' granddaughter, huh? Well, that explained why the oaf of a war god was here.
“So”, Zeus said, “why don't we just ask the lady herself? Has that occurred to you?”
Apollon felt just a little awkward, because in his case the answer was no.
Idas cleared his throat, making the three gods glare at him.
“In all respect”, he coughed, “Marpessa agreed to elope with me, because we're in love with each other and-”
“Did she?”, Ares questioned coolly. “Certainly didn't look or sound like that to me earlier-”
“No, no”, Marpessa finally spoke up, “He really didn't abduct me. I was just fearful, because the chariot was so fast. The speed was scary.”
“Huh. Sorry, my bad”, Ares apologised. “But her father (my son) just drowned himself in a river in despair, when you made off with his only child, so do forgive me, if I'm not the most reasonable.”
“My father is dead …?”
Zeus clapped his hands to get everybody's attention. “No time for this. Let's get it over with. Everybody be silent, except for Marpessa. This young lady here will choose who she wants to be with and the loser has to accept her decision. Is that clear?”
The two contestants nodded and Zeus turned to his great-granddaughter: “Well then, child. Make your choice.”
Marpessa looked back and forth between the god and the Argonaut.
For a few minutes, she considered.
Eventually she addressed Apollon (he could hear her heart racing in her chest): “Phoibos Apollon, Life-Giver and Lord of the Oracle …”
“Just Apollon will do”, he told her gently and tried not to look too nervous.
She swallowed and went on: “Please forgive me, but I choose Idas.”
The god of light felt all colour drain from his face, while Idas cheered in triumph and danced around joyfully, like young men in love had the tendency to do.
Great. Now that bold son of Poseidon got to be all smug and happy, while-
Oh, what was that? Ah, that was Apollon's heart being shattered into a thousand pieces! Again.
“Wh-what?! Wh-why?!”, he choked. “What does he have that I don't?!”
“Mortality”, she answered.
“Let me explain”, the young woman pleaded. “You're without a doubt the most handsome man I have ever seen – no offense, o King of the Gods …”
“None taken”, Zeus laughed in good humour.
“… I know what I would gain with you, Apollon”, Marpessa continued. “You're the god of many wonderful and terrible things and abundant in talents and virtues like no other. You could give me everything: adventure, excitement, and so on. But you're ageless and immortal. I'm not. I will age and die. You love me now, because I'm young and beautiful, but how will it be then? Will you still call me the most beautiful woman you have ever seen, when my face is covered in wrinkles and kiss the top of my hair, that by then will have gone grey? Will you be there, when I die? Will you cry, when I'm gone? Will you remember me fondly, because I delighted you in my youth?”
The god of music was speechless.
The question had hit him right in the gut. He hadn't thought about that – never had, because it had never been necessary. His lovers usually either broke up with him after a while, or they died young. Or he didn't get lucky in the first place, like now.
“Your silence says it all”, Marpessa sighed. “You wouldn't – perhaps even couldn't – stay with me for the rest of my life. But Idas would. He truly loves me. We will grow old together and, for all of his adventures, he will never abandon me.”
The Argonaut hugged her from behind and she turned her head to smile at him.
No, there was no chance he could convince her to change her mind, Apollon realised.
Suddenly there were sniffles behind him and to everyone's surprise, Ares was wiping his eyes.
“That was one of the most beautiful speeches I have ever heard!”, he sobbed. “I just can't even! Anyway, well chosen, my granddaughter. You two have my blessing. Off ya go!”
She beamed at the war god and let Idas help her back onto his chariot.
And off they went.
Zeus gently pat Apollon's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “Better luck next time, my son”, he said. Then he vanished in a flash of lightning, leaving Apollon with Ares of all gods.
“Won't you leave too?”, the god of prophecy asked.
Ares shook his head. “Ya don't wanna be alone as much as ya think ya do.”
“Ares, please.”
“M-mh. What she said back there really got to ya, didn't it?”
The blond god groaned in distress. “She really thinks I'm so shallow as to abandon her at the very first wrinkle.”
“Well, is she wrong?”
Apollon stared at the black-and-red-haired god. “Excuse me?!”
“Has anyone ever asked that of ya before?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Would you have stayed with her?”, Ares queried sternly. “I'm her grandfather, so I wanna know. Would you stay with her until she dies? Would you make the effort of weathering the storms of life with her, for better and for worse? Would you be to her what every person, mortal or divine, needs: a constant in her life, who's always there? Would you give her the loyalty every woman wishes for? Could you handle the pain of seeing the woman you fell for grow old and frail, while you stay forever young? Could you still love the face that belonged to the once most beautiful girl in all of Hellas, when it's full of wrinkles? Would you still find her beautiful? Would you wax your pretty poetry and tell her cheesy shit to cheer her up, when she gets nostalgic? Would you take care of her, when she can no longer take care of herself? Would you hold her hand, when she lies on her death bed, tell her how much you love her and give her one last kiss, before she descends to Hades?”
“I … I …”
Ares cupped Apollon's chin and forced the younger god to look him in the eyes.
“You're not that kinda guy, Apollon”, he stated with uncharacteristic gentleness. “Ya give your affection so easily, but it fades so quickly. And even if not, you leave your lovers with pretty gifts and abilities and then watch them from afar. But that's not what they need. What humans need is commitment. What Marpessa an' I just listed up? That's commitment. That's real love. And it takes a kind of courage most gods don't have or are unwilling to muster, 'cuz lovin' a mortal is painful. You an' I know that all too well, don't we?”
By now Apollon was trying really hard not to cry in front of the savage god of terrible war. But damn, Ares had a forsooth impeccable talent of hitting people, where it hurt the most. It was rivalled only by Aphrodite and their arsehole son Eros (like parents like son, Apollon supposed).
Ares sighed and hugged his younger half-brother.
“I hate you!”, Apollon choked. “And your oldest son too! What have I done to you for you to always hurt me like this?!”
“I know, I know”, Ares muttered. “Promise, I didn't do it on purpose this time, though. I just wanted ya to understand.”
“It's okay to cry, by the way. I may not be the best shoulder to cry on, but I won't judge. Let it out. It'll do ya no good to bottle it all up.”
Screw it.
The god of light collapsed in his older half-brother's arms and began to bawl relentlessly into the other's shoulder.
“Shhh”, the other murmured, while soothingly rubbing Apollon's back and holding him tightly.
They stayed like that for a while, before Ares backed off to look at the other.
“Man, they're really screwin' you over, huh?”, he asked sympathetically. “C'mon, lil' brother. Let's go home. Hestia gave me lots of cookies, but I don't like sweets, so you can have them as comfort food. Take a break from love and while you're at that, think of what I said, hm?”
Apollon just sniffled and let the older god transport them both back to Olympos.
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reynas-spear · 4 years
So, I just finished Tower of Nero and I have a lot of thoughts about it
Estelle has Percy’s sea-green eyes and silver hair?! lol why
okay but, Estelle for President, I love her
Apollo crying in the shower bc Sally and Paul are so kind to him? yeah, I cried too, why does kindness makes me so emotional??
Nico remains true to himself with that black skeletal pegasus camp shirt, good for him
Cried the second time when Nico ran away bc of Jason, give my boy a break!
Will has a sun tattoo on his chest, just for your information, oh and also William Andrew Solace
someone(Apollo) finally acknowledges how resilient Nico is! yes he’s an emo kid but he’s not weak
Rachel is as awesome as usual, Art can be made again. People can’t.
Will is a Star Wars geek! i knew he was a nerd, Nico and him had to have a least one thing in common
wait, Will can actually glow?? i thought this would be too cliche lmao
Friends, meet my glow-in-the-dark boyfriend
Nero: Where was I? Apollo: The villain monologue. Exactly my thought lmao
double amputation in a children’s book? sure, why not(okay, i think we can agree that ToA is more grown up than PJO and HoO)
i really loved Meg’s and Apollo’s character development, Apollo did learn his lessons and Meg is finally free from Nero, also their friendship is precious
RIP Arrow of Dodona(i kinda knew you wouldn’t make it)
yey, Hera redemption arc! kinda?
wow, Zeus really doesn’t care about Jason, worst Dad ever
Rachel she’s going to Paris to study art, I’m so happy for her!
Solangelo a new prophecy, so there’s maybe a Nico stand alone story?! I’d rather read about that Paris date, but it looks like they’re going to rescue Bob from Tartarus, sigh those demigods can never catch a break, huh
Reyna and Thalia having fun on the hunt makes me happy!
Georgina possibly Apollo’s daughter?? I thought he would know that now that he’s a god again and all, plothole???
Lityerses with those elephants? adorable!
Caleo yikes, tbh I always hated the mamacita thing, so I’m glad we can ditch that, i love independent Calypso, I love that they both do their own thing(Leo teaching kids shop skills, Cal being a counsellor at a band camp), time apart is good, they need to figure themselves out, Leo has two great moms now, I’m disappointed that we don’t learn how he deals with Jason’s death, I mean he lost his best friend, but yeah let’s not talk about it or what, I’m sad that Leo’s so miserable, the book makes it seem like it’s all his fault, as if Calypso is perfect, I hope he and Calypso can make it work, but at this point I’m not so sure anymore
Frazel they’re doing great! now, both their curses are broken
Percabeth going to college as expected
Piper has a girlfriend, didn’t expect that at all, but I’m happy for her
Meg is not ok, but she will be, she’s really been through a lot, bless her
Conclusion I have mixed feelings, I’m glad that it’s over(even though there’s maybe a Bob/Tartarus story coming), there were a lot of unresolved issues in Heroes of Olympus, some have been cleared up(Hazel’s and Frank’s curses, Solangelo happened, Reyna and Venus’s prophecy), other things like the Caleo issues and Jasper breakup made me unhappy, I guess it’s realistic but I hated to read about that from Apollo’s point of view
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miraclesnail · 4 years
Stolen Hoodies and Chicken Notes
Summary: Most people wake up to their significant other giving them a sweet, morning kiss. Maybe a cuddle that’ll devolve into a tickling fest. Maybe a healthy breakfast and a cup of coffee. Will wakes up to his hoodie stolen.
Relationship: Travis/Will 
Rating: G
Warnings: Brief mention of trauma/nightmares
Length: 2k
ao3 link *** ffn link
fic under the read more
At the first light, when the dark skies give way to navy blue and one can just barely see the wisp of sunlight, that’s when all Apollo's children wake up. A gift from their father, he guesses considering his role as an Olympian is to pull the sun. 
Start the day early, get the most out of life. 
Some hate it, waking up so early, a full hour before they really need to get ready for the day. Will can hear some of his siblings groan and shift in their bed, most falling back asleep. 
He used to hate it too. Hate waking so early and having to just lay there until it’s really time to get up. 
Now he cherishes this little gift their father blessed them with. 
Most people wake up to their significant other giving them a sweet, morning kiss. Maybe a cuddle that’ll devolve into a tickling fest. Maybe a healthy breakfast and a cup of coffee. 
Will usually wakes up to his hoodie stolen and a chocolate chicken sitting on top of a piece of paper.
Travis is weird that way. 
And today is no different. 
Will wakes up from his internal clock and takes a second to gather himself. Then he rises to his elbows, looks to his night table, and sees the faint outline of the chicken from the nightlight. It’s hard not to smile as he gingerly takes the chicken into his hands and grapples around in the dark for the note that always accompanies it. He finds it and from that cursory touch, it feels like a standard flashcard.
Will flips around and silently wiggles his way to his drawer at the foot of his bunk bed. A quick check inside confirms one out of the two hoodies he owns is missing. 
He never knows when Travis does this. He tried staying up all night to catch him in the act. But a little blink and maybe a five-minute doze, and poof, the items were on the table and his hoodie gone without a trace. Locking the door. Locking the window. Setting a tripwire or a net or flour all proved to be ineffective. 
Will sinks back onto his bed, reaches for the flashlight he hides in the space between the mattress and the frame of the bunk bed. Then he ducks under his blankets. 
He switches the light on, stifling a laugh as he gets a view of the chocolate. The expression on the chicken is definitely getting more detailed. Before it was just a single dot for the eye, no beak, and just the general shape of a baby chick. Now, the chicken is much more complicated. He can see the details of the feather. Can count the number of tails feathers. Can see the claws of the chicken. 
It’s so stupid. Adorably stupid. 
Will shines the light on the notecard. 
There’s three lines of text, the top two in Japanese. He knows for sure the top line says, ‘Good Morning, Beautiful. You know who it is :D’. The middle line he isn’t too sure. And the third line, like always, is the romanization translation, ‘enpitsu’. 
Will reaches under blindly and pulls out all the dictionaries he has under the night table. A little quick check and he has his translation. 
“He’s so extra,” a voice whispers.
Will turns his flashlight off and lifts the blanket. On the bed next to him, Kayla is grinning fondly, laying stomach down and her cheek against her pillow.
“I think it’s cute,” Will whispers back as he stands and looks around for a pencil. He finds it on the window sill his night table is against. With practiced ease, Will opens his drawer, removes his only other hoodie, a blanket, and sneaks out of his cabin. 
Will doesn’t know why it started. He never told Travis about his father’s gift. Or maybe he picked it up during the week or so gap Apollo usually has before claiming his kids. Travis is certainly observant for that despite the general consensus the camp seems to have about Travis and Connor sharing one brain cell. Either way, Travis knows and Travis somehow uses it to make a game. 
The first time it happened, Will didn’t even catch it until Kayla pointed it out for him late in the morning as he searched for his hoodie. 
“Hey, Will, what’s this?”
A blob of chocolate sits at his night table with a flashcard. 
“Guess who! :)” Will translates from the Greek text. On the back, it also says in Greek, “I took your hoodie.”
And from there it evolved. 
The chocolate blob becomes more refined, more chicken-like. 
The notecards change language every day. Greek one day. Latin the next. Spanish. French. Chinese. Korean. Arabic. 
Will acquires his needed dictionaries from Annabeth and a low-power flashlight from Leo. 
It became a fun little game to wake up and translate the text while nibbling on the chicken. 
“Good morning”
“I finally learned how to bake!”
“I named the chicken Pip.”
“I’m also learning how to make coffee latte art.”
“Guess how many languages I know.”
“Do you mind me stealing your hoodies?”
Simple. Harmless. Little things he can do while he waits for the time to really start the day. (Much, much better than just lying in bed and thinking about the war, about Lee and Michael, about the friends he lost, about the friends who left, about the people he couldn’t save, the people he had to kill, the people he—)
It’s nice. 
To focus on something else. 
Then it stops becoming simple and harmless. (“It’s still pretty harmless,” Travis would probably argue.)
“Come to Zeus’s Fist?”
Leave the cabin?  Before curfew is over? That’s breaking the rules. He can't. 
It takes a whole fifteen, agonizing minutes before Will finally stands up and puts on his sneakers. 
He gets to Zeus’s Fist after another 15 minutes. Before he could climb the pile of rocks though two voices, similar in tone and pitch, say, “Oh my god, he actually did it.”
“What? Who? Will?”
Will glances up to find Travis and Connor, hopping down Zeus’s Fist. One smiling. The other frowning. One wearing his hoodie. And the other wearing not his hoodie. 
Will hates to admit it, but he still can’t tell them apart even though he’s dating Travis. 
“You actually did it,” the one wearing his hoodie says with a bright smile. He turns to his brother and holds out a palm. “Where’re my five bucks, Connor?”
Connor grumbles and stuffs a crumpled bill in Travis’s waiting palm. “You couldn’t be a good boy for once in your life like you always are, huh?” Connor says. “Had to sneak out of your cabin like Travis asked.”
“If it makes you feel better, I got caught by a harpy,” Will offers with an apologetic shrug. 
“How did you get her to let you go?” 
“When you have a good reputation, you can get away with anything.”
It takes all about two seconds for Connor to figure it out. “Oh my gods, you lied to her!”
Will flushes as Travis wraps a shoulder over his arm and laughs. “Aww, we’re such bad influences on you. Next thing you know you’re going to be the third person in our pranking schemes. Come on, since you’re here, want to watch the sunrise with us?”
And it evolves more from there. 
More complicated messages. More dictionaries. More detailed chocolate chickens. More sneaking out. More losing his good reputation with the harpies. Then having lessons on sneaking out. Having lots of lessons on sneaking out. Becoming extremely good at sneaking out. 
No more encountering the harpies. No more endangering his good boy status though that may be questionable now with the way he keeps breaking the rules. 
But like Travis always says.
Everything goes as long as one doesn't get caught. 
Translate the note. Get the item. Make it to Zeus’s Fist. 
That’s the game. 
“You know my dad’s animal is the raven? Not the chicken?” Will says as he trudges up to Zeus’s Fist. 
Travis’s head pops over the rocks and even down below, Will can see the smirk and his stolen hoodie on Travis’s lean body. 
“No entry until you brought the secret item,” says Travis in a dramatic, booming voice. 
Will waves the pencil. 
“Alright, you can come up.”
It takes a few minutes for him to climb Zeus’s fist. Travis is standing at the top with a hand to help pull him up. 
Will says it again, “My dad’s animal is the raven, not the chicken.”
“What?!” Travis gawks at him. “They’re not? Really? Really? So all this time, I've been making the wrong animal?”
And it’s so stupidly cute, but Will maintains his composure. “It’s fine though. I mean, it’s cute.” 
Will looks around, noticing the lack of a third person. 
“Where’s Connor?”
“Sleeping peacefully for once. No nightmares tonight I guess.” 
“From the second titan war, you know?”
Will’s throat dries. “Ah. Right.”
He coughs into his fist. “Do you, uh, get them too?”
Travis fidgets with the hoodie, chuckling. Will comes to learn something about Travis. He’s not the open type of a person despite him being such a talker and as good as a liar he is, he has certain tells that give him away. 
“Sometimes,” Travis chuckles, looking down and scraping the heel of his shoes against the rock. Translation: every day. “ But it’s nothing too bad you know.” Grinning after flexing his hand. Translation: it’s pretty bad . “I keep myself busy though. It’s easy to not think about it when you’re busy.”
Hence this. Hence the nightly escapades. Hence the little games. Distractions. They’re all distractions and distractions work great. 
“Well, I brought the blanket.” And Will holds it up. “Wanna watch the sunrise?”
“You know it. Oh! Let’s have a competition. Whoever can name the most constellations.”
Will lays down the blanket and sits, leaning back on his arms. Travis sits down beside him, dropping gracefully and resting his head on Will’s shoulder. 
“But before that, why don’t you try speaking to me in Japanese?” Travis says with a cheeky grin, “You got the basics down already, right? I can supplement what you don’t know.”  
“It’s going to sound pretty awful. My pronunciation will probably be all wack,” Will snorts.  
“And I told you that it is fine, buddy,” Travis says, nudging him with his shoulders. “Let me hear it. I can help you with the pronunciation. Plus~” Will doesn’t have to look over to know Travis is wiggling his eyebrows, “I know some pretty nice, interesting facts about Japan culture too. Like, did you know on Christmas Eve, couples go out for fried chickens and exchange presents?”
“And you want me to buy you fried chicken.”
Travis grins charmingly. “I mean, we would share, but yes! I do want you to buy me some chickens.” 
Will takes a breath, digs deep in his memories, then says in Japanese, “‘ I want to go to Japan one day.’”
Travis is silent for a moment, eyebrows furrowing, mouth moving like he’s saying the phrase himself, before beaming. “Nice! Pretty accurate. Pronunciation is pretty good. But change the particle ‘de’ to ‘ni’.” 
“So what about ‘ I ate cake yesterday’? ”
Travis hums. “Not as accurate this time. Move yesterday to the front of the sentence. But still pretty good pronunciation.”
“Then what about my name? How do you spell that in Japanese?” 
“Let me see your palm?”
Travis takes his hands and writes the katakana on his palm with a pen. “Here you go. One more sentence. Use the word pencil in it.”
And that’s how it goes.
Will sneaks out, breaks a couple of rules, attends a language class 101, and watches the sun rise. 
And for one hour, he forgets it all and lives like nothing is wrong.
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raphpanda21 · 6 years
Where have all the flowers gone
Last time :
Thanatos: ...seriously I am not sure virginal goddess was the correct choice for Princess
Needing to focus on something else Thanatos set about catching up on leftover laundry from the weekend. Filling the washer he emptied his dryer carrying the overfull basket back to the living room to fold. Wanting additional distraction he turned on the tv only to remember it was the middle of the day and all that was on was talk show trash. Not really caring to try and find anything else he just left it on The Pheme show for background noise as he set about folding his laundry.
He was about twenty minutes into The Pheme show and totally engrossed in who the father could be of the nymph on screen. He was betting none of the above because the baby looked hella aquatic and neither her out the suitors were.
Thantos: If her great grand daddy was a cousin to the Kraken I am a flower nymph.
Of course as he said that Persephone had just walked in to room behind him and heard it. Walking around the couch she settled down on the other side of the laundry basket the second tub of ice cream freshly laid open and spoon stabbed in at the ready.
Persephone: Flower nymph huh, I can’t see it.
Thanatos had paused mid fold as Persephone had stepped around the couch. She was flushed and refreshed looking from the bath but that wasn’t an issue. The issue was the fact that she appeared to be in a oversized university sweatshirt and nothing else.
Thanatos: I could say the same thing with regards to your pants.
Persephone blinked looking down but then shrugged.
Persephone: They were all to long and loose on me to bother. Instead I borrowed some of your boxer briefs.
She lifted up the edge of the sweatshirt to show in fact she was wearing a black pair of his boxer briefs much to his mortification. When he had given her free reign of his clothing he had never expected that to include her snooping in his underwear drawer.
Thanatos went back to folding the laundry having no real argument against her logic. His underwear was at least a little more modest than hers would have been. Still out of context if someone was to see the picture they painted he would understand if a few eyebrows were raised.
Persephone: I borrowed your washer really quick. No use getting cleaned up just to get dressed in tear stained clothes. Once they are dry I will get changed and head back.
Thanatos was a tad surprised. He had!expected she might stay for a few more hours but it seemed she was decided.
Thanatos: Oh? Well, probably for the best. I am a horrid cook so avoiding dinner with me is a wise decision. Do you want me to mail out the pregnancy test from here? Figured it might be less risky that way.
Persephone picked at the edge of her sweatshirt nervously before responding. She knew the answer . She got herself into the mess so she needed to handle it like the adult she was.
Persephone: No, I will take care of it all myself. I have already placed enough on you already.
Reaching across the couch her hand rested on his knee giving it a squeeze.
Persephone: Seriously, thank you. I would have been a wreck without you.
Thanatos nods not feeling a your welcome would be appropriate at this point. He had hardly done anything. Time seemed to pass rather quickly though and in no time Persephone’s clothes were dry and she was changed back. He had offered to take her home but she had declined. In the end they had settled on him being allowed to call her a Charioteer.
Escorting her out of his townhouse he was surprised when she turned to face him and threw her arms around his middle in a sudden hug. He was shocked to say the least but on instinct he returned it in kind It was a small price to pay if it was what was needed.
Far enough away, the sound of a zoom lens and flash goes unnoticed as this embrace takes place . This was a money shot for sure! Thank Zeus for his source. A few more pictures like this and he would have a killer story to bring to his employer. Perhaps if he followed her he could get some good headshots for the story.
Pulling away slowly Persephone looked up at Thanatos and smiled.
Persephone: Thank you again CC. I will let you know when I know something.
Thanatos nodded letting his arms fall back to his side as she did the same and turned from him going down the stairs to the waiting vehicle.
Entering the vehicle she smiled politely and confirmed her address with the driver before sitting back to get lost in her own thoughts.
Leaving the curbside the driver glanced back at his passenger. Another looker, like his last fare, but this one he hoped was a little more sane. Maybe since it seemed she had just left her lovers and the parting seemed pleasant this would be a stress free uneventful fare. What were the chances of two crazy sexy broads back to back after all? With it nearing the evening rush hour the driver turned his full focus to the road before him paying no attention to the state of his passenger.
Had he have looked back their journey together may have ended before it had truly begun. Persephone’s eyes were focused on the pharmacy package in her lap the stark whiteness of it making it stand out like a sore thumb against her dark colored clothing. The items inside the bag weighed her down with worry and anxiety that was nearly suffocating. With the torrent of emotions and thoughts running through her mind Persephone failed to notice the havoc her powers were releasing around her. It started off mildly a crown of Red Columbine weaving around her hair but it quickly crept down spreading over the seat around her. Amongst the red and yellow flowers white Lillie begin to grow. The lanky leafy stalks shooting up around her in the backseat made the backseat look more akin to a jungle than a vehicles inside. Sometime later as they turned on her street a feeling of sadness begins to sweep over Persephone. Her thoughts settled on the innocence she had lost and in such an unenjoyable way. In reaction to her emotions the flowers around her begin to wilt and wither the white of the Lillie’s turning brown at the edges. Pulling up to the curb Persephone eyes saw a car waiting in the drive that brought her back to her senses immediately. Hestia was paying a visit just great. Looking about her she is momentarily shocked to see the cacophony of dying vegetation. Taking a moment to analyze the meanings her heart rate accelerated seeing the quickly decaying white Lillie’s. Virginity and purity but in this state they would serve as a scarlet letter should Hestia see them. Quickly getting out of the cab she leaned into the passenger side window glancing at his posted license placard ‘Stéphanos Hieron’ as she worked on getting the money out for the fare.
Persephone: Mr Hieron you have been a lovely driver. I am so sorry for the mess in the back so please take this money to cover my fare and any damages.
Persephone quickly handed over a sizable stack of money to the shocked Hieron before taking off like a flash towards the house not looking back.
Stéphanos was surprised to say the least the amount of money she had handed him would have covered her fare five times over but his brain quickly caught up to her words and he whipped around to see what the damages were. He was left momentarily gobsmacked at the decaying floral mess left in her absence. Putting the car back in gear he mutters to himself
Stéphanos: Nah that’s it I am done for the day. Two cray women in a row. That is a sign right there if I get a third one they will be writing an Iliad about me over here and nothing good ever happens to the little guy in those stories. Gonna take my losses , count my blessings and get my unlucky ass home to my old lady.
Persephone too was starting to suspect she was trapped in a story of sorts but hers seemed to be leaning more towards a suspense horror. After picking every trace of flowers she can find from her person she lets herself in clutching the pharmacy bag tightly closed as she walked into the living room seeing an angry Hestia waiting besides an anxious Artemis.
Persephone: H-Hi Hestia..
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noexit-ff · 6 years
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Maurice done ruined my sleep, he is really taking this teething shit bad. I come downstairs and left Robyn to it, Robyn is in a bad ass mood and I don’t know why. I think and I ain’t about to say it, but she must be on her period but if I say it she will scream at me like I caused it. I can’t even sleep down here either “you look tired, try and go to bed?” Noella said, waving her off “nah, I’ll be fine Noella, sorry that we woke you” we woke up Noella “it’s fine, I literally heard you’re fucking useless” I chuckled “I wouldn’t get out of bed, Robyn is in a bad ass mood so when she ran out of bed I also ran out of bed and came down here. She is scary angry” I am not about to put myself in the firing line “Majesty was the same, she was very needy. Irritated, in pain. It will go by” I wish it would hurry up “it’s taking it’s time, you can see the teeth coming too” it’s annoying “bless his heart, he must be going through it. You know what Chris, it’s probably because she is tired. Mothers get tired too, Junior wants his mom a lot and not you. When he’s calm you have him, I just know it because it happened to me and I got so tired. It’s just one of those moments where the baby is going through it and the first thing they do when they are in pain is that they want their mothers, the time he had colic. Just be there for her, she may bite but it’s tiring and it’s Christmas coming up, she wants everything perfect. Auntie Monica said to her it’s fine, just look after him but she wants to do things” Noella is right, Maurice has been bad for the past few days.
Standing outside the bedroom door “stop it, no” hearing Robyn say, then it followed by his cries. Let me just suck it up and walk in, pushing open the bedroom door “you are chewing and drooling everywhere” closing the bedroom door, Robyn picked up Junior. Crying baby, I can’t really speak over that “I have fed you already” slowly walking over to the bed “can you please get the teething gel, it’s on top of the vanity table” Robyn asked pointing, turning around and jogging over to the table. Picking up the tube of gel and hoping this works, I don’t like my son crying and I don’t like Robyn in a bad mood either. Robyn laid Maurice out in front of her “look at his face, it’s so red” Maurice has gone back to pulling his ears again when he cries, I know he only does that when he is in pain. I feel very useless “ssshhhh, it’s ok baby. Hopefully the pain will go away it’s ok” Robyn hovered over Maurice, I don’t know how she about to do that with a crying baby. Robyn pulled back his hand that was in his mouth and Maurice did not like it “damn” he has got a temper on him, Robyn put her little finger in his mouth and put the gel on his gums “that’s it, mommy is not torturing you. Getting all angry” Maurice is slowly calming down.
Robyn placed his pacifier in his mouth and picked him up “there we go baby, hopefully you can sleep now” she got back into bed, placing the bed covers over herself and Maurice, his head on Robyn’ boob, he is half drifting off to sleep “I have a headache but I’m tired, what’s wrong?” Robyn asked, her eyes hooded “I just wanted to help, I am sorry about earlier. I should have got out of bed” she is really about to cuss me out because she has just rolled her eyes “men, they are what they are I guess” clearing my throat “I am sorry, I don’t know with this thing. I try, only you can soothe him and help” Robyn looked up at me “because he wants love and cuddles, as soon as he cries you just like Robyn? He is crying, he just needs some loving. It doesn’t matter, it’s fine Chris. Don’t worry about it, you are a great dad” I feel a little offended now “well I guess I will just go” no point being here I guess.
Robyn didn’t mean it when she said I am a great dad, she was so sarcastic with it “I guess I am only good with dogs and not baby humans” all four of my dogs including Princess are all sat with me outside “I think I need to become a dog whisperer, y’all are quiet as shit today” I am actually very offended by Robyn, I mean ok I give Maurice back to her because he doesn’t want me, she is the one with boobs not me. Zeus got up from the side of me and walked off “oh you going too? Don’t like the vibe huh” he is not here for me “uncle, uncle, uncle” hearing Majesty shouting, hearing her shoes hitting each step. One at a time “uncle!!” she shouted again “yes, I am here. Near the pool baby girl” kicking my legs in the pool, it’s a nice day today and I have nothing to do “yay!” Majesty screamed in my ear wrapping her arms around my neck “trouble, what are you doing? You scared my dogs away” she giggled “I play, baby asleep” thank god he is “I jump in there” she moved back from me “did your mom say you can? Can you even swim?” I don’t think she can “mommy say yes” before I could even catch her she ran and jumped into the pool “Majesty!” I don’t know if her ass can swim, I panicked and jumped into the pool myself. Holding her up “I can swim!!” she giggled, I don’t trust her “you lying to me woman, stop it. I been hearing Robyn lie to me upstairs” now I got wet clothes thanks to this one.
Monica shook her head seeing my wet clothes on and dragging Majesty with me “oh god no Chris, I didn’t want her to go in the pool” Majesty ran off away from her mom “but…” like I wanted that, I am the one that jumped in and now I got a phone that is broke and full of water “forget it” I said to myself, the floor behind me is wet and if Robyn sees that she will cuss me out. Dragging myself up the steps, I have to see Robyn up there and it will give her another excuse to call me useless as always. Maybe I need to go out, go out with who though. Closing the bedroom door and Robyn is still asleep with Maurice so we good, placing my phone on the side table to let it dry out. I guess I can get changed and call Mijo “fuck” I said to myself, I don’t have no damn phone. Shuffling over to the side table, grabbing Robyn’ phone and unlocking it. I know Mijo’ mobile number off by heart, he ain’t ever change that shit at all. Placing the phone against my ear as it rang out, Mijo might ignore it thinking it’s Robyn “hello?” Mijo said ever so nervous “it’s me, no need to be scared little bitch. What are you doing?” Mijo let out an oh “oh dumbass, Rihanna only calls when it’s something wrong. Why couldn’t you use your phone?” he questioned “my phone was in my pocket when I jumped in the pool so it’s not working. Are you free today?” I hope he is “I ain’t doing shit my nigga, what you thinking player? It’s been so long, kid free too. Come over” thank you god “ok cool, I’ll come to your crib” I have something to do now.
Robyn is still asleep so I’m just going out, I’ll tell Monica or some shit. Fixing my Rolex on my wrist as I walked out of the bedroom, there is really no point in actually waking her because she will just say something mean and I don’t want to hear it. Jogging down the steps, I feel fresh as fuck now. Jumping down the last three steps “I can do that!” Majesty spat “oh no, not you. You get me in trouble” I pointed walking to the living room “I not” she jumped up trying to grab my hand “you did, damn liar. Y’all I’m going out, so when Robyn wakes up let her know for me. She is still asleep” Lionel got up from the couch “where are we going?” I chuckled “we?” I said confused “oh dad let him go out, he don’t need you. His fast car will give you a heart-attack” Lionel really about to do this “come on, you can’t leave me with these ladies, come on” he walked by me “you see his pimp walk?” I pointed, Lionel looks too excited to go out.
I’m really taking out Lionel “listen, I was going to take out my fast car but sir. I will not be doing that, the Rolls Royce it is” opening the door for him “you young kids are no fun, I will be ok you know” I am not responsible for anything “well, we love you too much. I rather be safe, you need to show me the pimp walk though” Lionel laughed sitting inside car, closing the door behind him. I am excited, nobody is going to ruin this for us because we ain’t been able to talk and I know Mijo don’t mind. I was only going to the studio and I am sure Lionel won’t mind. Closing the car door as I got in “roof up or down?” I said giving him a choice “down boy” whatever his heart desires “I even think I got two pairs of shades to wear, I got a pair for you and me” opening the middle panel “see, I knew I did. Here you go, pair for you” Lionel took the shades from me “this will look cool? I don’t really mind the sun” placing my shades on “to look cool, we both look good now” I nudged him “look at us” Lionel looked at me “I feel young already, take me to the club” I busted out laughing “I am banned from that, maybe next time. So what will you like to listen too? Luther Vandross? Babyface? Or..” he waved me off “something cool, we look cool” I will put some rap on then.
Looking to the side of me smiling, Lionel is loving it being out. He is even bopping his head to the music, looking ahead of me smiling to myself “I got fans” Lionel shouted waving, looking to where he is waving and it’s just some girls trying to get attention. Their titties about to leak out if they don’t quit doing what they are doing, I simply waved and drove off “Lionel, I got a feeling you wasn’t looking at their faces” I said shaking my head “god blessed me with eyes son, so was you” look at Lionel catching me out “like you said, we got eyes. I think they wanted you though, they want a sugar daddy” turning off “oh, I only got my heart for Clara. But we got eyes” he added, I chuckled “it’s nice to have male company, to have some laughs” turning the volume down on the stereo “it’s nice to have some company like you, we are going to pick up Mijo. You have met him before and then we are going to the studio. Are you ok with that?” parking up outside Mijo’ apartment “I am happy with that” I hope Mijo comes out, I don’t have a phone at all “Lionel, you ever had the issue of your wife getting angry at you for nothing? Junior is teething and she been rude as hell” it will be nice to hear his opinion “well not really, I was always busy working. I think you have the luxury of being around like that, women find anything we do annoying Chris” he’s got a point “you are very sensitive son, you don’t need like to hear negativity and if it is Robyn saying it then that upsets you more. I know what ever she did say she won’t have meant it, kids can strain a marriage too” and then Robyn wants more.
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“I am sorry Junior but I need a little space” I said as I walked away from the walker, he is not having it. He doesn’t want to do anything but for me to hold him “aww Robyn, just sit back and let us do everything” waving my mom off, I am just tired and in pain from this period. Junior cried out of course “where did he go?” I said to Noella as I walked around the corner “oh they both went out, Chris seemed a little sad. He felt bad from running away from you” rolling my eyes “men are just useless, and then he has the nerve to come to the bedroom and look all sad. I am not feeling good but yet you wanted me to get out of bed? I felt like gravity hit me, my period is so heavy and as soon as I got out of bed my flow was bad. I am just tired, and then he keeps crying. I am annoyed now though, who told him to go out? Where did he go? He didn’t even take his phone, the ass” Noella looked at me all wide eyed “you look very done with shit, it’s supposed to be happy times and you’re stressing. I think maybe you should just relax. Maybe let Chris have him, I mean like have him on his own. Maybe he doesn’t get that, he says Junior doesn’t settle with him” I shrugged not caring “because he doesn’t want to deal with the crying part so he gives me him, I know my poor baby is going through it but it gets to me. I am having a meltdown right now” turning back around, my mom is not going to help him because Junior is still crying.
Wiping Junior’ mouth, I hate seeing my son like this and he is quiet now with me “mommy loves you, I know I have been a little annoyed but I do love you. You mean the world to me” Junior lifted his head up watching Majesty run by “what is Majesty doing?” kissing his cheek, following Majesty to the living room “baby play now auntie?” Majesty asked, looking at Junior he seems to be interested “well we can try, he might play if I sit with him” slowly sitting down on the floor, oh the pain I am feeling right now “oh lord Jesus” I said to myself “my big boy” placing him on the ground, he was quick to make sure I am with him “it’s Majesty son, she wants to play. Look” Majesty shuffled over “aww nooo, no cry baby” Majesty said, Junior’ lower lip is quivering “it’s ok baby, mommy is here” grabbing the soft ball, placing it next to him.
It’s actually been hours, it’s late at night, my grandfather is out. Where the hell is that husband of mine “mom, on Christmas eve. You may need to stay somewhere else” I should be off my period by then, I am so annoyed with Chris that I may whip his ass in the role play “why? It’s a little short notice” Noella just smiled at me “what?” I said to her “nothing, damn. Stop biting, Auntie asked you why, hoe” looking over at my mom “I just need the home to myself, just to set up the home. It’s better if you don’t ask questions” let her use her mind and think on why “no, I am not leaving the home” why is she making life difficult “mom, please” I am not in the mood already “if you want to have sex with Chris then feel free but I am not moving when the next day is Christmas Day Robyn, it’s stupid” taking in a deep breath “then I am locking you all in the bedrooms, done deal” why is everyone ruining shit in this home.
God, I can’t move from this spot. I am so very comfortable and I feel like if I move then I need the toilet and then the pain comes back. I am content and so is Junior, he is busy with his hands “you have been very moody Robz” my mom said “can’t I feel the need to be moody? Do I always have to be in a good mood” so annoying “oh decided to come back dad!?” my mom spat, looking to the side of me and seeing both my husband and grandfather “I am tired now, it’s my bedtime” it’s rather late for my grandfather, looking back at the TV “what did you do to him Chris?” my mom asked “I took him to the studio, he helped me with a song. Lionel about to have his name in the books” rolling my eyes “where did you run off too?” I said without looking at Chris “out, just with Mijo and Lionel. My phone was in my pocket when I went into the water, I am going to eat anyways. This useless dad won’t bother” he is so childish “bother what? You don’t even try, now you are going to walk away. Just holding onto things like a woman!” I half shouted.
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0zrockbitway · 6 years
@producktions here we got its afufubu time mmmmMMMM
their gay love is just blossoming ye
Aphrodi walks throughout the halls of the building, mind recalling the latest event that took place only moments ago. There had been a soccer match, one to determine which country would represent Asia in the stadium this building held. His team, Fire Dragon, had taken the loss. It wasn't something they wanted nor expected, but that had become the reality when the final whistle had blown.
The team wasn't in shambles; sure they had been struck, hurt, that they wouldn't be able to go and challenge the rest of the world, but this loss only gave them incentive to train harder. To win for the following world cup. While it may be a long while away now, he was certain that next time, he'd be moving forward.
Although thoughts of winning, losing, and soccer being on his mind, there was something- someone else who claimed a spot in his thoughts. There were familiar and unfamiliar faces on Inazuma Japan, but one had stood out in particular. One that he recalled from that out of this world event that seemed almost years ago.
It had taken him a moment to realize the change on that snowy forward's face, to notice the slight change in appearance, the way he moved with confidence and wasn't stuck on a bench. There was life in his eyes now, it was as if he had transformed into a completely different person. As if he had overcome a battle and harnessed his own strength in soccer.
He was curious about him, he had been since they had first encountered each other. Although, they couldn't speak so much in the past, things were different now. While he had made the excuse to find their rivaling team to speak with friends before departing, he did have another quest on his mind.
As he makes his way to Inazuma Japan's locker room, the blonde stumbles upon the person he had been looking for. The boy had been sitting outside of it, on a bench with gauze wrapped around his ankle. He'd just been pushing himself to stand with the help of a crutch.
"Fubuki?" Aphrodi breathes out his name, gaining attention from him.
"Aphrodi…?" Fubuki blinks, stares. "What are you doing over here?"
"You could say I wanted to visit. Before the match I admit to being more…antagonistic to your team." Not as he had been before, more in a friendly matter, though they were playing to fight against the world so he had to be serious. "I wanted to come back on friendlier terms. It's been a while, hasn't it? Since we've last seen each other?"
"Mhmm." Fubuki nods in response, recalling the last time he had been in his angelic presence. "It was pretty shocking seeing you on the opposing team for this match. That wasn't something I was expecting." He hopes that doesn't sound weird or rude- it truly had been a pleasant surprise.
"I was hoping I could play against you," Fubuki continues as he looks directly at him. "I've been wanting to for a while, actually. I think, really, I would prefer playing alongside you, but I'm glad to have been given a chance to be on the same field as Zeus' captain."
Aphrodi lets out a slight chuckle, a hand coming up just to cover his mouth as he does so. "I could say the same. Hakuren's captain caught my eye before and seeing him now…well, it was a true blessing." A smile rests on his face as he ends up running a hand through his blonde hair. "I must congratulate you on your win though. You have a strong team with great players. I hope that you'll-"
He stops himself from continuing, maroon eyes falling to the crutch, to his ankle. Maybe he shouldn't be going off about how Fubuki will be able to take on the world when it looked as if he could barely stand.
"You're okay, right?" Aphrodi asks, his face falling into worry.
Fubuki nods, a small smile forming. It almost seemed as if he were used to this question. "I'm fine." At least he thinks so. "It stings a little, but I think I can walk it off." If it weren't this serious, he would have tapped his foot on the ground to show it was okay.
"It's not a permanent thing, is it?"
There's a thoughtful look on his face as he has to consider his answer. "No, no. I think if it were, I'd be in much more pain. Once the team is ready, we're going to stop by the hospital to get it checked."
"Ah…" Is all he can respond with, a sorrowful expression still upon his face. Aphrodi knows how an injury can put you out of commission for a while, how it can weaken your chances at playing. And at a time like this, just when the world was at his fingertips, it had been snatched away from him- possibly. He wanted to be hopeful for Fubuki, but seeing that he did need a crutch, help to stand…perhaps it was more serious than a sprained ankle.
"I'm sorry," the words slip out of his mouth. "We didn't mean to be so rough and cause something like this. But you know, all is fair in love and soccer."
Fubuki is quiet for a moment and then lets out a chuckle. Aphrodi is glad that dumb joke managed to make him laugh, brighten his spirits.
"Maybe I should tell the others to ease up on the tactics…I'd rather not get known for injuring someone every time we use it." It's just a thought, not even he's so sure if he'd follow through on it.
"You don't have to," Fubuki responds, stopping his thoughts from trailing off. "Stuff like this happens every now and then. It's impossible to avoid an injury when you play any type of sport. You're bound to get injured sooner or later. Besides…" He pauses, getting a distant look in his eyes with a sad smile. "If you're doing that for me, it's too much to ask of you."
"Huh?" Aphrodi tilts his head, terribly confused.
Fubuki remains quiet for a moment, letting memories resurface. There were bits and pieces of him watching Aphrodi play for him during his struggle for control in the past. He had been- still is- beautiful with his plays, trying to reach out to him, to pull him back. He had felt something from the blonde, he wasn't sure what, but he had been a light that helped lead him out of his darkened time.
"You already did a lot for me, Aphrodi. You really don't need to do something like that to pay me back. Remember when you had come on the team to help against aliea? I know I wasn't fully…there. I had to ask the others about you and they told me how you wanted to help me. But I also…" He gives a nervous laugh. "Maybe it's weird to say that I could also, sort of, feel you help me? Like you were looking over me and just really trying to help."
Aphrodi doesn't notice his cheeks begin to flush. He hadn't spoken too much about his interest in the other, had he? Maybe he did at the time, he had been curious and wanted to bring him back.
"I didn't mean to force some pressure on you in taking my spot," Fubuki continues, trying to keep a pleasant look on his face, though it seems more apologetic than anything. "And you even got hurt because of me in the end."
"Don't worry too much about it, Fubuki," Aphrodi replies in a softer tone. "It was the least I could do for someone who needed the help." He offers him a warm, radiating smile. "Besides, I wanted to help you. You…looked like you need it. A part of you looked lost and I just wanted to see you for you…" He shakes his head. "Perhaps it's not my place to force assumptions. I never asked for your story from them. I wanted to hear it from you."
Fubuki could only stare in awe in response, as if he hadn't been expecting these words to come from him. It made something tingle in his chest, gave him a light feeling.
"Pardon if I can't find the right words, but…I know there is something special about you. I'd be willing to help you if anything like that happened again, even now I-"
Without a sound, Fubuki had pushed himself forward, almost flinging himself into Aphrodi. His arms immediately wrap around his waist, clinging onto him for support as he presses his body against his.
Aphrodi had let out a gasp, stunned and surprised by the other's sudden movement. He hadn't reacted, only when he hears the sound of the crutch clattering against the floor is he reminded of his injury and how he might be hurting himself.
"Fubuki! Your leg- ankle! Are you-?"
"It's fine. I'm fine." Sort of. It had hurt when he had moved too fast. But, he's making sure not to apply any pressure onto it, shifting his weight over to his other leg. Leaning against Aphrodi helps, makes it easier on him.
Although still worried over his ankle, the blonde lets out a sigh. He figures Fubuki isn't going to let go of him, so he returns the embrace. One arm circles around his waist, his other hand is placed on the back of his head. It's a nice and warm embrace. Neither know how long they stay like this for, it feels like such an everlasting moment. Sadly, it's cut short when a familiar voice rings-
"Fubuki! We're going to be leaving soon!"
Endou's voice startles them both, snapping them out of this tender moment. He was waving to him at the end of the hall, wanting to shout out a hello to Aphrodi to (and was possibly about to run over to them) before being stopped by Kidou.
Aphrodi pulls back slowly, careful not to accidentally hurt the other as he lets go so he can pick up his crush. Fubuki has to balance himself, waiting for the crutch to be given back to him.
"Sorry about that," Fubuki mutters, rubbing the back of his head as he glances down, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. "That…came out nowhere."
"It's okay." Aphrodi smiles at him when his head tilts up. "I enjoyed it."
Fubuki ends up returning that smile. "Anyway, I should be going. I don't want to make the team wait around for me." He hates having to leave so suddenly, but what else could he do? Maybe if he wasn't hurt, he could stick around longer, he thinks.
"You'll be okay to walk on your own?"
"Yeah, I can manage with this."
Fubuki pats the crutch before he begins his awkward and struggling walk to the others on his team. It's a new injury that he's not adjusted to just yet and pain stings every now and then, but he's managing to walk. Aphrodi is ready to go and help him, but seeing Endou and a few others begin to approach him, he figures that he isn't needed.
The snowy forward doesn't get too far when he stops. Aphrodi isn't sure if he's waiting for his friends or if he needs help. His foot is ready to push off the ground, to dash towards him, but is stopped when Fubuki looks back at him.
"I know the FFI is still going on, but…when you have some free time and maybe when all this is over and you're in Japan…why not come to Hokkaido? I'd be more than happy to show you around sometime."
Aphrodi stares at that offer, but his features quickly change into a smile. "I'll take you up on that offer. I'll hold it against you if I have to."
Fubuki seems happy- happier upon hearing that response. Before he could say more, his team is already at his side, fussing over him and his injury. Aphrodi can see one of the managers telling him that he should be careful and that they really have to take him to the hospital.
He doesn't linger to see this and takes it as his sign to go. Aphrodi leaves before he can be tackled by their energetic captain. Part of him hoped he would be, so that he could be dragged along and continue to speak with Fubuki, but he also knows that Fire Dragon still had some business to attend to. He couldn't just leave the team like that.
A smile is kept on his face, his mind thinks back to him- Fubuki. He thinks about that future trip to Hokkaido, thinks about how he'll be able to spend more time with him, get to know him a little more. Maybe he could even visit him in the hospital- if he's going to be staying there. If not, he could cheer him on with the team. It's so tempting to stay in Japan now, to be with him. Maybe he'll wait for Fubuki to return from challenging the world so that he could share his world with him.
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thelittlestkitsune · 7 years
Mid-Semester; chapter three.
A/N; I just want to apologise in advance. I am so sorry. So very sorry. Enjoy! xoxo Lau
Pairing: ScottMccallxProfessor!Reader
Author: thelittlestkitsune
Warnings: none. for now.
Word count: 4,926.
Listen to me.              Mid Semester Masterlist               Let me know?
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                                Just listen to me okay? Don’t question it. 
You sat back, relaxing into your chair as you shut your laptop, picking at the pomegranate seeds in a ceramic bowl on your desk as students flooded through the doors, cheeks reddened after the trek up the stairs. You smiled, popping seed after seed into your mouth, the scuffling of feet on linoleum calming as they settled into their seats. “How is everyone?” You asked as you heard a chorus of groans, yawns and mumbles. “Oh that good huh? I guess you guys need to get a load off?” You heard chuckles from some of the more immature students in your class. You licked over your lips, folding your legs underneath yourself as you pulled at your shirt, closing away the sliver of skin you had on show; away from prying eyes. “Not like that you pervs. But kind of like that-” You paused, clearing your throat as you leant against your desk, your hands folded beneath your chin. “-I mean you guys are probably so stressed huh? What with midterms and job prospects?” You finished as almost every head drooped. “So how about we take it easy this week? I can’t be fucking bothered grading a paper, so instead we’re just going to do a discussion that okay?” You could practically feel the room vibrate with excitement, cheers whispered underneath breaths as the room sighed collectively.  
“So what are we talking about this week Salt?” You heard Cat refer to your nickname, gifted to you by the class. “Well Yankee-” You smiled as you continued. “-I was being kind of figurative when I said get a load off. I was also hinting at who we’re going to savage this week.” You sighed as you lifted the bowl of pomegranate seeds, half empty due to your absent minded picking. “Um, Persephone?” Audrey piped up, her blonde hair falling in curls around her face, cheeks flushed pink as she leant forwards. “Close enough Aud One.” You joked, scanning the crowd for the other Audrey. “Where’s Aud two?” You asked as you furrowed your brow, not coming across her familiar smile. “She’s not well, she’s snowed under with a cold right now.” You frowned, leaning back. “Someone should sent her hot soup and a hot boy. No one should be ill at this time.” You shrugged, looking for someone else to pick on for an answer. “Todd. Who do you think we’ll be talking about?” You asked as he looked up, his eyes red rimmed, his face sleepy. “Um, knowing you probably Zeus.” He answered nonchalantly as you shook your head, a sheepish smile on your face.  
“No fucking way.” Em muttered, her hands wrapped around her jaw as she doodled on her notebook. “Don’t fucking swear! I can talk about other things! Kinda-” You laughed as you placed the bowl back down, unaware you were still gripping at the rim. “- think of someone who is just as salty as I am and probably had the dead sea named after them.” Students seemed to pause deep in thought before Cat’s head shot up, her unusually smart shirt sticking out in comparison to the normal baseball merch she wore. “Hera. His wife and sister right?” She questioned, vaguely unsure of herself as her brows knitted low over her green eyes. “DING DING DING. Yes!! We’re talking about the Cersei and Jamie of Ancient Greece and how her spite and fury made something we are still heralding about to this day.” You licked over your lips as you pinched some seeds between your recently manicured fingers. “Okay you guys, it’s time to make like the great R&B songs of the nineties and talk about sex. Mainly about Succubi and Sirens.” You raised your brows as your lip quirked, excited chatter filling the room.  
“Weren’t sirens just mermaids with a higher sex drive and a penchant for driving men mental?” Em spoke up, her british slang confusing some of the other students as you sat there, chewing over her question. “Well, yes and no, they liked to take the lives of hapless sailors that had not blessed their voyage by praying to poseidon. They also did it for the bants. But they weren’t always seen as mermaids per se, some were half chicken?” You spouted off a useless fact as some of your students broke out into laughter. You followed suit, your lungs aching as you heard comments of chicken fucker going through the air. “But what has a half chicken woman got anything to do with the succubus.” Kenzie asked, pulling her caramel blonde hair behind her ear as her nose scrunched quizzically. “THANK YOU KENZIE.” you sighed dramatically as you flung your arms in the air, not catching them before you let your hands slap back against your legs. The slap echoed through the uncharacteristically quiet room as you swore under your breath.  
“Ow, fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck-” You caught yourself, looking up at flustered smiling faces as you collected yourself. “What I was going to say was thank you for asking that. So you know myths are connected? Every myth nicked bits and bats from other countries and legends, but never cited their sources much like the most of you-” You looked at certain students, their eyes guiltily averting away from your gaze. “-and most of what is believed to be a succubus could easily be tracked back to the siren. They were often seen on land, gorgeous insta models of women.” You soothed over your stinging skin as you cleared your throat. “Basically they were the epitome of female beauty, super gorgeous women that would lure men to sleep with them. However upon actually doing the nasty she’d suck the life force from him, leaving him a husk of a man.” You sighed, your skin calming as you leaned back. “That’s kinky.” Todd laughed, looking at his friends as he covered a grin. “Not really, if you’re doing something right any man is left a husk at the end.” Maddie giggled as she high fived Kenzie, her head turning back towards you.  
“Neither of you are wrong. Either way, we should get this lesson actually underway cause I have somewhere to be after class.” you laughed as Cat looked at you, a questioning look in her narrowing eyes. “Where you going?” She asked as you smiled, thinking of the evenings activities. “Well if you must ask, I’m heading to my best friends engagement party.” You looked down at your own hands, wondering when you’d get a ring like hers. “Congrats to them.” Cat spoke, her accent barely noticeable as you nodded, your lips pressed together firmly. “Yeah, congrats to them. Anyway, let’s talk about boats and hoes.”  
“Look I’m not saying dress like a hoe, I’m just saying you have a cracking set of tits and you should get them out!” Mal laughed as she nudged at you, her ring sparkling in the low lighting of the restaurant. You sipped at your wine, lowkey wishing it was something stronger. “She’s right you know!” Thomas spoke, his whiskey brown eyes skating over you quickly as Camile looked at him, her mouth hung open in shock. “What? I’m just saying! Remember, I only look at you that way.” He smirked as she smiled, pressing her lips to his cheek as you wished even more that you were drinking anything other than wine. Bleach? Too far. You placed your glass in front of you, looking around the table as all your friends had coupled off, arms slung over their partners, doe eyed looks on happy faces as you frowned slightly. “Cheer up buttercup. I saw the dude you’re going out with tomorrow. You won’t have that frown on your face forever.” Mal spoke cheerily as you smiled, your eyes not quite meeting hers. “Thanks!” You gripped the stem of your glass as Camile turned to you again, her lips finally leaving Thomas’. “So, what are you going to go with?” She referred back to your conversation as you shrugged. “I’m going straight from the office so I have no idea. Maybe some trousers and a shirt?”
Her head shook vigorously as she sipped at her drink, mulling over her response as she gazed off into the distance. “What about that green dress? You know the backless one? With a blazer over top for when you’re in the office?” You gulped, mouthing no as you pushed around the food on your plate. “Oh! What about the red one? The tight and short one?” Mal put forward, spooning some ramen into her mouth as the korean bbq sizzled in front of you. “It makes me look like slaggy barbie. Maybe not the best if I have a student meeting tomorrow.” you bit at your lip as you thought of Scott, quickly squashing any feelings that bubbled up. “Purple is always a nice colour?” Stuart spoke, unusual for the quiet reserved guy. “I don’t know if I have a purple dress. But I like that idea!” You smiled, giving him a small wink as he blushed behind thick rimmed glasses. “I have one you can borrow. However, if you’re going to get laid in please for the love of all that is holy; get it dry cleaned.” Camile laughed as you play slapped her arm. “Are you insinuating that I’m going to sleep with him on the first date?” Your lips quivered as you laughed.  “A man like that? You drop your panties or forego them all together. If you strike out that’s on you boo boo.” She cheersed you as you smiled, uneasy butterflies swarming in your stomach as you looked forward to tomorrow. Just got to get through tonight first.  
The dress you wore slid up your thigh as you walked across campus, your head ducked as you tried to cover yourself up. I should’ve worn something else. You bit at your lips, dry skin pulled off as you walked, nerves bubbling up as you headed to your office. At least I have my blazer on, and flats. You mentally thanked your morning self for deciding to put on the blazer rather than the leather jacket you had planned on wearing. Coffee first. You walked through throngs of students, heading to the coffee shop for your daily fix of caffeine. Your earbuds hung around your neck, your head whirring with thoughts too loud to be drowned out even by the likes of real friends. You clutched at your bag as you ascended the steps to the coffee shop, your footing uneven as the tight dress didn’t move much with your legs. Finally when inside you glanced at your phone, noting the time and how little of it you had until Derek was picking you up.  
As you ordered your phone vibrated in your hands, your poker straight hair pushed behind your ear as you smiled at your phone like an idiot.  
Sourwolf: I can’t wait to see you again, pick you up at 8?  
Smartass: Sounds great, I’ll text you when I’m finishing up my lesson okay? Can’t wait!  
Your thoughts were briefly distracted as your fingers clicked over the keyboard on your phone, only thoughts of your impending date occupying your mind. “Y/N?” A young guy spoke as he held out a takeout coffee cup, his fingers curled around the blue cardboard. You looked up, the concentration on your face evaporating as you smiled at him, handing over the cash that you owed him. You glanced out the window, cursing quietly as clouds hung low in the sky, your mood diminishing as you scurried from the warmth of the small shop, back out into the square. Students teamed the large area as you navigated through the masses of people, almost cheering as you hit a stretch of land that was barely populated. You walked fast, wanting to get to your office as quickly as possible, almost speeding through the walkways of the crowded college. You bit at the plastic lid on your coffee as you walked, deep in thought as your heels drummed against concrete, your building coming up on the left as you banked towards it. “Hey Y/N, you look nice!” Kenzie and Maddie passed you, textbooks clamped in their arms as they headed towards their psych class.  
“Thank you!” You smiled as they paused, looking as though they wanted to ask a question. “What’s up girls?” You asked, gripping your coffee a little tighter as you turned to talk to them, the sun lowering in the sky as you shivered. “We were just wondering what the mid terms are going to be like?” Kenzie looked at you with wide eyes as Maddie stiffened. “You don’t have to worry, it’s an overall paper and by both of your guys work so far; you’ll ace it.” You smiled as they both exhaled, clearly relieved. “Well hope you enjoy whatever you’re all dressed up for!” They smiled as you nodded, scurrying away through the door to your building as coffee lapped over the lip of your cup. Unlocking your office you threw your bag down, grateful you hadn’t bothered to bring your laptop. 5pm. Scott should be here soon. You had emailed him the night before, pulling the normal time forward so you wouldn’t be knackered when Derek picked you up. You slipped your shoes off, opting to pad about your office just in your stockings as you tidied away the mess.  
A knock on the door came as you bent over to put away files, your dress stretched over you almost looking like a second skin as you shouted for Scott to come in. “Hey Y/N!” Scott sang cheerily, his footsteps halting as he coughed awkwardly. “Sorry did I interrupt something?” He sounded flushed as you stood up straight, your face red as you looked at him. “No? Why? Does it look like I was doing something inappropriate?” You blew your hair from your face as you realised how short your dress was, the hemline barely skirting the curve of your ass. “Oh my god Scott, I’m so sorry! I had no idea; I pretty much just completely flashed you I'm so sorry-” You gushed, turning quickly as you pulled the bodycon material further down, his eyes twinkling as a smile played on his lips. “It’s okay Y/N. You look nice.” He blushed, his smile spreading as he gave you a crooked grin. “Why thank you Scott, that’s really nice of you to say!” Your skin grew hot as his eyes trailed over your plunging neckline, shivers spreading wherever he looked. “What’s got you all dressed up? And in colour for that matter?!” He joked, a personal jab of the lack of colour in your wardrobe. “I have a date I’ll have you know!” you smiled, suddenly shy and guilty as his face dropped.  
“Oh, that’s great!” He spoke despondently, crossing the room in a few bounds, his long legs carrying him swiftly across the small room. He took his normal place in the leather chair, his legs stretched out in front of him as you took him in properly, allowing yourself one indulgent moment. Baggy jeans coasted over his long legs, a leather belt strapped around his hips. Peeking over top was a band of white, stark against his caramel coloured skin, the hints of ink sprawled across hard muscle. You tore your eyes away as you travelled up his body, his chest hard as he sat up, the light grey henley he wore tight across his chest as it gaped open; his neck stiffening as you sucked your lips between your teeth. His arms flexed as he reached into his bag, your eyes almost glued to his forearms as he pushed the sleeves of his shirt up, bunching the material at his elbow. His skin almost shone as he looked at you, your eyes tearing away from him as you became flustered, your cheeks burning as you smiled.  
“So who’s the lucky guy then?” Scott asked his brows knitting together as something shone behind his eyes. “Just an old friend. I’m probably reading far too much into this, he probably just wants to catch up, it’s been like a decade since we saw each other last.” You sighed, settling into your chair as you undid your blazer; the material sticking to your hot skin. “Wow.” Scott sighed, regret blazing in his eyes as he looked over you. The plunging neckline of your dress skated down your chest, the delicate eyelash lace covering your freckle dusted shoulders. “He’s a really lucky guy anyone would be lucky to go on a date with you.” He breathed as you hid your smile, clearing your throat awkwardly. “Thanks, it’s really sweet of you to say.” You let your smile break free, the simple act of happiness breaking over your face as his eyes softened. “I mean it, but that’s enough of that, how about we get on with this?” He averted his gaze from you as you nodded, breaking yourself out of the bubble you had wrapped yourself in. “So what bullshit are we breaking ground on?” He asked as you rolled your eyes. “Succubi and Sirens.” You spoke, your voice slightly hushed as he looked at you with a pointed brow.  
“Succubi? We’re actually covering this?” He asked incredulously a laugh on the tip of his tongue as he ran his fingers across his chin. “Yeah, why is that hard to believe?!” you responded, confusion tinging your words. “Nah, it’s just rather random you know? You were telling me last week how you knew werewolves are real and now we’re talking about succubi and I know they’re real; it makes me wonder if vampires are lurking about somewhere in the shadows.” You laughed before his words processed, your mind reeling back to what he said. “Wait, you said succubi are real!??” You leaned forwards, your shoulders pressing your tits together as he tried to avoid looking at them. “Yeah, I knew one back in Beacon Hills. She dated my friends.” You smiled as you leaned back, an oh leaving your lips. “Friends? As in plural?” you asked as he nodded. “My best friends in fact. Derek and Stiles. She was with Derek originally and then Stiles got involved and it was all confusing cause she had no idea what she was and oh god it was a mess.”  
It was almost as if your blood ran cold at the mention of Dereks name. “You alright Y/N? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Scott waved in front of your face as you zoned out, your heart beating faster as you pieced things together. Of course they know each other. Fuck. I’m going to be sick. I should cancel. I am definitely going to be sick. This was a mistake, their both werewolves for fucks sake. IT’S OBVIOUS THAT THEY KNOW EACH OTHER. Beacon Hills isn’t that big? Maybe I’m over reacting, maybe it’s a different Derek. “Hello? Earth to y/n?” Scott called as you blinked, shaking your head as you paid attention to the wolf in front of you. “Are you okay? You went really pale?” His eyes softened as he reached for your hands, his fingers pressing tentatively against your forehead.  
“You’ve gone cold are you okay?” Scott spoke, his voice soft as his fingers trailed down the side of your face, his lips slightly parted as you looked at him. “Yeah, just got really nervous all of a sudden, sorry!” You smiled slowly, unsure of yourself as you pulled away from his touch. His hand paused where it was, retracting back slowly as he coughed. “You’ve no need to be nervous, you’re gonna kill it.” A half smile played on his lips as you mouthed a thank you, something itching inside your throat. “I’ll tell you what, how about a drink?” the words spilled from your lips as you tapped on the desk. “Coffee?” Scott asked, his hands gripping at the arms on the chair as you shook your head slowly. “Whiskey. I know it doesn’t affect you but it tastes good?” You licked over your lips as he nodded, twiddling a pen in his fingers. “Sounds good, seems like you need it anyway.” Your eyes widened as you stood, smoothing over the wrinkles in your dress. You tugged at the material, slowly pulling it down your legs as you crossed the room, your stockings snagging on the corner of your desk.  
“Oh for fucks sake.” You studied the ladder going straight down your left leg, the thin material ripping just by standing there. “The curse strikes again!” Scott laughed, covering his smile as you threw your head back. “I’m gonna make myself a double.” You sighed, bending at the hip as you unlatched your stockings from the clips that held them up. “You want one?” You asked Scott, your question unanswered as you slowly rolled your stockings down your legs. “-Yeah, a double sounds good.” You snapped up quickly, gathering the ripped material in your hands as you balled them up. “Guess I won’t be needing these anymore.” You lined up your eyes with the bin near the door, aiming your arm as you threw them across the room. They somehow bounced off the rim of the bin as you let your arms drop to your side. “I guess I’ll never make the basketball team.”  You sighed, a chuckle on your lips as you stepped forwards to pick them up, your dress riding up as you felt Scott’s eyes on you.  
“You’re too short for that anyway!” he joked as you turned to him, putting your hands on your hips. “I am not! I’ll have you know that I am above the national average height!” You smiled before turning around, heading to your bar cart in the corner by your kettle. “And how tall is that?” He asked, his voice sounding closer than before as you shrugged. “I dunno, I just know I’m not that short.” You admitted, grabbing your decanter as you poured two double whiskies. “You’re short compared to me.” His breath coasted over your neck as you stiffened, his cologne filling your nose as you shook your head. “That’s because you are the size of a rather large tree.” You laughed, your skin sizzling as he reached one arm around you, gripping at the glass on your right. You shivered as his skin brushed over yours, your lips caught between your teeth. Reaching for the other glass you turned, your body almost completely pressed against his. Okay, just breathe. “To calming down.” his voice was deepened as his chocolate brown eyes bored into yours. “To calming down.”  You smiled, clinking your glass against his before lifting it to your lips.  
“I’m just saying she’s definitely a succubus, there is no way in hell that you can look like that and not be?” Scott laughed, trying to prove his point. “You said that your friend back in Beacon Hills was a succubus out of being lonely. AT WHAT POINT IN TIME DO YOU THINK THAT GAL GADOT WAS EVER ALONE. THE WOMAN WAS FUCKING WONDER WOMAN.” You joked, your spirits lifted as you sipped on the last of your drink. “I’m just saying, the woman could get away with anything.” Scott shrugged, a cheeky smile on his face as you nodded, your eyes glancing at the clock. “You’re probably not wrong-” Your phone vibrated for the ninth time that hour as you paused, finally picking it up. “Sorry Scott, my group chat is insane right now.” You flickered through your chat with Malissa and Camile, laughing at the gifs they had sent you. Your phone vibrated again as you checked the chat, confused when a new notification didn’t pop up. Clicking back to your home screen your lips parted as you read over the texts from Derek.
Sourwolf; Hey! Sorry to drop this on you last minute but I’m actually going to be early, I got out of my meeting early and I couldn’t wait. I’ll be there around about half seven?  
Sourwolf; Sorry again y/n but I just didn’t know if you got my messages! I know you’re in a meeting right now, just gonna wait in the Camaro, if you’re late then i’ll just drop by your office!
You looked back at the clock, scrambling as you read the time. Seven fourty five. “Hey Scott, we’re going to have to leave it there, my date just texted me and he says he’s picking me up from the office!” You rushed your words, panic rising in your chest as he leaned forwards grabbing his bag. “Yeah, no worries!” He smiled reaching out to grab your hand as he calmed you down. “Don’t sweat it. Enjoy your night Y/N.” His words were tinged with sadness, guilt washing over you as you remembered he knew Derek. Please don’t cross paths. You wished as Scott stood, slinging his backpack over his shoulder, the golden hour sun hitting his skin. “I’ll try!” You smiled, grabbing your heels from your bag as you slipped them on. You stood shakily, your head rushing as you smoothed over yourself, taking your hair from the ponytail you haphazardly had it in. “I’ll see you in a few weeks then!” He spoke, his hand on the handle of the door as you finger combed through your hair. “A few weeks?” You stuttered, your lips pouted as you ran a gloss over them. “Spring break? I’m heading home for a while, thought I should try and see my friends.” He smiled, his eyes drawing over you once more.  
You felt shy under his examining eye, your body singing at the mere thought of him looking at you like that. “Well enjoy yourself. I’ll be heading home to Paradise for a while, maybe we’ll see each other.” You smiled as he laughed, dipping his chin to his chest. “Yeah, I’d really like that-” Your heart fluttered as you grabbed your phone and your leather jacket, a knock at the door making your heart plummet into your stomach. “Do you want me to get it?” Scott asked, pointing to the door that he stood beside as everything in you wanted to tell him to wait here whilst you left. “Sure-” You breathed, readying yourself as you grabbed your bag. “Hey man, sorry I’ll get out your way, I was just finishing a lesson with Y-” Scott gushed, finally looking up at the dark haired guy in front of him. “Derek?” He asked confused as he stepped to the side, letting Derek in the room as you stood there frozen. “Hey man, what you doing here?” Scott asked as Derek smiled, his stubble thicker than the last time you had seen him. Werewolf or not that stubble grows thick.  
“I’m picking up Y/N for our date.” He smiled, his pearly white teeth flashing as he looked at you. “Beautiful as ever of course.” He looked at you appreciatively, crossing the room as he placed his hand on the curve of your back, pressing a small kiss to your cheek as you glanced at a rather broken looking Scott. You swallowed thickly, trying to suppress the feeling of your heart breaking into a trillion pieces as he pressed his lips together slowly. “So this is your date huh?” Scott plastered a fake smile on, his eyes showing how he truly felt as Derek’s hand still pressed against you. “Yeah, me and Derek go way back!” You could almost hear how thick you were laying on the happiness, a little too much to be believable. “Well I hope you guys have a great time.” He waved, chucking Derek something. Derek lunged to catch it, his fingers gripping at the silver key. “Don’t be back too late okay?” They nodded at each other as Scott gripped at the strap of his bag, biting his lip as he left the room. You felt sick as you stood there, your fingers gripping onto the leather of your jacket as you felt your stomach lurch. “You ready to go?” Derek asked as you thought of the look on Scott’s face. Maybe it isn’t one sided. “Sure, let’s go.” you smiled, the corners of your lips not quite reaching your eyes as his hand laced with yours.  
You walked outside, the late California sun setting over the skyline, your eyes darting about as you looked at Derek, your stomach still unsettled as you walked to his Camaro. It wasn’t a long walk by much, but by the time you reached the black car your feet were on fire. “You hungry?” Not at all. Derek paused by the passenger door, opening it as you ducked your head, ready to climb in as you saw him. The look on Scott’s face in that moment both made your heart soar and fall into a pit. Mutual or not. I can’t be with him. I made my bed, now I have to lie in it. Your eyes fell from his as you climbed inside the car, your head slamming against the head rest as Derek rounded the car, sliding in next to you. “You okay?” He asked, smoothing over your hand as your head swam with thoughts. “Yeah, just really hungry.” You lied, the truth skirted as he revved the engine, peeling away from the college as you saw Scott in the rear view mirror, finally turning away, his head downturned. No matter how much it sucks.  
@thisrandombitch  @honeymoonmuke @sincerelystiles @sammyrenae68 @fillthevoid-stilinski @5sospoplikerock @lovefilledtragedy @ellie-bee242 @cobrienkai1972@dumbass-stilinski @maddie110201 @rememberstilinski @sweetmisseddreams2002@random-fandom-fangirl2112 @obrosey-af @sammwhiches @parislight @mf-despair-queen @7e6205 @stilinski-stydia-obrien @disagreetoagree @slow-bee-at-play@minhosmeanhoe @redstringlovers @werewolfmutant @itsall-inmy-head @susybird@hirafth @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @wydobrien @sokkasbae255 @we-are-like-a-timebomb @girlwiththerubyslippers @fan-child @fuckwhateverfuck @itsbilescallmebiles@relentlessgame @ninja-stiles @sumcp @obrienswxlf @lovelymalira@mixedupsammy  @sarasmismyonlydefence @cuillere @vixsyncynco @sumcp@fuckwhateverfuck @bluskai @lovelymalira @pentatontits  @teenwolves-ahead@skepticalstilinski @sarcasticallystilinski @apollogirl13 @savage-stilinski@montanagirlatheart @alexhmak @cathobs @blairscott @l4life
86 notes · View notes
A Definitely Incomplete List Of My Favorite Moments From The Lightning Thief (book), because I'm having Feelings
Percy very causally mentioning times he accidentally hit a school bus with a canon or dropped fifth graders into shark-infested water
Grover Underwood
Just everything he’s ever done
Percy running an illegal candy ring out of his dorm room 
“I was worried they found out I got my essay on Tom Sawyer from the internet and were going to take away my grade. Or worse, they were going to make me read the book.”
When Percy thought Grover was going to give him some deep, meaningful commentary on life to make him feel better but Grover just wanted Percy’s lunch
Percy tried so hard to do well on his Latin final and Chiron somehow thinks it’s a good idea to tell him he’s ‘not normal’ in front of the class my poor boy
That one part where Percy essentially went “Oh hey mom’s home!!! Better reschedule this panic attack I was having!!” 
When Percy did that weird hand sign (that was never explained) and the door slammed on Gabe so hard he flew up the steps
The fact that when Grover finally tracked Percy down he wasn’t wearing any pants. Like, there was literally no reason for him to not have the fake feet and the jeans on. No actual reason for him to be free balling it. Percy just needed a shock apparently. Showing up in the middle of a hurricane with no pants, dramatic ass satyr I love him. 
The SATISFYING DEATH of Gabe’s Camaro + Sally apparently learned bullfighting just in case because she truly is the best mom
Percy killing the minotaur with its own horn
Percy dragging Grover over the camp line while crying for his mom literally end me
“You drool when you sleep.” could we get more iconic here
Percy teasing Annabeth about her crush on Luke
When Luke stole some toiletries for Percy and he got a little choked up because it was apparently the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him
The fact that Chiron basically told Annabeth that Percy was her destiny
The fact that a recovering alcoholic god of wine who hates children was deemed fit to run a camp for children
Not so fun: Percy, upon meeting Mr. D, immediately recognizing the signs of an alcoholic and going out of his way to sit far away from him ‘just in case’
The fact that everyone just expected him to hear ‘the greek gods are real’ and move on?? why would no one let this boy be in shock omg
Zeus apparently had a thing for the fluffy 80′s hairstyles
“the real world is where the monsters are” 
The fact that Poseidon could have claimed Percy at literally any moment but he apparently decided he really needed that dramatic reveal during capture the flag.
When Zeus was feeling Extra Dramatic(tm) after Percy’s claiming so he started making it rain inside the camp boarders and everyone was lowkey freaking out
When Annabeth pulls off her invisible cap and declares she’s going on the quest with him and Percy was like, beyond unsurprised that she was there and didn’t even attempt to fight her 
Chiron forgot to give Percy a sword from his father for like, an entire month. 
Grover with those freaking flying shoes oh my God
Annabeth blushing literally any time Luke talks to her 
lmao when Percy and Annabeth start bickering about something and Argus just winks at Percy because he knows
When they were playing hackey sack with an apple but it got too close to Grover’s mouth and he just ate the whole thing
The entire bus scene oh my God
“I was about to become the ADHD Poster Child of the Year” as he’s CRASHING A BUS
Annabeth on a fury’s back 
the explosion. just. all gr8. 
When Grover tries to play a path finder song and Percy just immediately slams into a tree. Also the fact that the path finder song was actually just a Hillary Duff number. 
“You two are giving me a migraine, and satyr's don’t even get migraines!” 
Percy actually, truly trying to sell the story that the three of them are circus orphans who got separated from their ringleader 
Grover: hey guys this place is REALLY SHADY and we need to leave
Annabeth and Percy: but f o o d
Can you imagine walking into a store and finding your dead uncle’s body on display? Like????
When Medusa revealed herself and Annabeth’s running around invisible, Percy’s swinging a sword blindly and Grover’s flying around screaming and trying to whack her with a stick: everyone here is a MESS
When Annabeth was overly annoyed with Percy after that ordeal??? Sweetheart you fell for the trick too
Name something more iconic than 12 year old Percy Jackson mailing the decapitated head of Medusa to the gods on Mt. Olympus in an act of sheer pettiness. I dare you. 
When Percy was insisting on taking first watch while the others slept and Grover was basically like “hey kiddo listen to this” and played a song that immediately knocked him out so he could sleep all night 
“Percy. Say hello to the poodle.”
Percy seeing all the Greek creatures from the train window 
When Annabeth was dragging the boys to the St. Louis Arch and Percy’s claustrophobic ass Did Not Want To Get In That Tiny Elevator but he went anyway because he wanted Annabeth to be happy. That boy has had it bad since the start. 
“I am Echidna!”
“Isn’t...isn’t that a type of anteater?”
How many times has Percy actually been poisoned throughout all the series I literally want a count 
‘Lemme just, uh....jump off the fucking St. Louis Arch and hope I don’t die when I hit the water.’
There is just something very aesthetic about Percy lighting a fire in the bottom of a river 
Percy’s got so much pent-up rage that he’s just immediately ready to wreck Ares upon meeting him omfg
Annabeth getting so worked up and flustered over going down there with Percy because it’s a love ride and Percy’s just like “you literally do not have to make this a Thing” lmao
Annabeth wouldn’t let Percy touch Aphrodite’s scarf because she didn’t want him getting infected by love magic but then...touched it herself lol
The entire sequence with the mechanical spiders and the cameras and the ride itself 
Percy’s plan to get off the ride!!!! He’s so smart okay can people stop calling him stupid!!! 
Grover trying to catch them both in mid-air but they‘re too heavy so the three of them just kind of slowly crash into one of those face-cut-out posters lol
Percy, turning to the camera’s broadcasting this shit on Olympus: “Show’s over! Thank You! Goodnight!” 
Everything about that scene omg. The animals they had to help. Trying to convince Grover of how great he is. The baby percabeth. my h e a r t
“What if it does line up like the Trojan War? Athena versus Poseidon?”
“I don’t know what my mom will do. I just know I’ll be fighting next to you.”
“Because you’re my friend, Seaweed Brain, any more stupid questions?”
Do you hear that sound? That’s me, ages 13-21(+) sobbing uncontrollably oh my God I love them so much
‘let’s just set a fucking lion loose in Las Vegas’ 
“I put a Blessing of the Wild on them, so they’ll safely find food and shelter wherever they go.”
“Why can’t you put on of those on us?”
“It only works on wild animals.”
“So it would only effect Percy...”
When they get to the Lotus hotel and Grover starts playing that game where the deer shoot the hunters azxjhnhdjx
Percy physically having to drag his friends out of there once he realized it was the lair of the lotus eaters
When Annabeth gave the taxi driver her lotus credit card and he started calling her “Your Highness” lmao
Every time in this book Percy comes close to uncovering a Dark Truth the people around him are just like “let’s not worry about that :) “ and my polite boy actually shuts up it’s so wild because I would just keep going lol
Listen that entire scene has lowkey always been one of my Favs and I’m not even sure why but Percy chopping his head off was g r e a t
The entrance to the Underworld is DOA Recording Studios and I love it
“We, uh...all drowned in a bathtub.”
Poor Charon just wants his Italian suits he doesn’t need all this bullshit 
Grover almost getting dragged into Tartarus: not good. very bad. bad shit. 
Annabeth getting emotionally attached to Cerberus in the span of 3 minutes: RELATABLE 
‘huh my backpack that I thought I got rid of five days ago is getting weirdly heavy, that’s not suspicious though, right?’ 
When Hades just starts monologue-ing about all the shit he has to put up with
“what kind of awful things do you have to do to get sewn into Hades underwear?” p e r c y
when Percy realizes the Master Bolt is in his backpack and he’s just like. tell me why. why. I’m a good person. what did I DO. 
When Percy has to sacrifice his mom to get Annabeth and Grover out of there I Cri Evey Tiem 
My cute lil’ baby yelling around on a beach to get Ares to show up 
ahdbsjznx when Grover gives Percy a crushed, half eaten tin can for good like and Percy is just like “Grover...I don’t know what to say.” I LOVE HIM
My sweet son kicking the god of war’s ass. bless. blessed on this day. 
The news crews who suddenly started backtracking and writing Percy as a hero 
Percy, choking back tears, giving Gabe’s store’s phone number out on national television and promising everyone free appliances IM STILL CACKLING I LOVE THIS BOY SO MUCH HE’S ICONIC 
Hades actually releasing Sally because he’s Not As Big Of A Dick As He Could Have Been 
Percy: hey I think there’s a really good chance that Kronos was behind this whole mess-
Poseidon rolling his eyes at literally everything Zeus says and does
Poseidon and Percy’s whole talk omg my sweet boy just wants his dad to love him and Poseidon’s trying to figure out how to show affection when he basically signed this kid’s death sentence I’m crying 
A man will never satisfy me as much or in the same way as Sally Jackson murdering Gabe Ugliano did 
Percy was spending months of summer stressing over who the friend that’s supposed to betray him was but like...Sweetie you had exactly three (3) friends and you knew two of them weren’t gonna hurt you
ahbdjsnx when Percy and Luke were having their conversation in the woods and like Luke’s acting shady af the whole time but it’s literally not until he litters that Percy is like “something...is Wrong.” this boy I s2g
Percy getting bit by a scorpion is Not A Favorite Moment but the nymphs helping him out was 
Percy making his Official Decision to go home for the school year only after Annabeth reveals that he actually did talk her into trying again with her family 
I didn’t mean to write out a summary of the whole damn book it’s six am listen I’m just feeling nostalgia for the original series in this chili’s tonight 
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