#i need cheat sheets for canon characters
axvwriter · 4 months
Embarrassing Tea
Bobo quite enjoyed having weekly tea time with Rook. The hunter would like to have these daily, but Bobo wasn’t willing to risk losing time for studying. Their tea times would be Rook’s way of asking Bobo any questions he had about her. Sure, back home such questions would have been annoying, but now it offered as a way to indulge in her homesickness. Especially since Rook was quite willing to hear all about her world.
“Ah… well… when it comes to confessions of love, there is a period of time that most people indulge in that. There’s a very sweet-tasting mushroom that grows for roughly a month once a year. Those who want to confess their feelings will cultivate some and gift them to the one they wish to confess to. Though it’s not only romantic love that’s celebrated during this time!” Bobo paused, a bit embarrassed to have raised her voice. She took a sip of the tea Rook had brought.
“Oh? What other kinds of love are celebrated?” Rook encouraged, giving her his rapt attention like always.
“Well, familial and platonic love… A year-round yellow mushroom that’s easy to cultivate is the one friends will give to each other. It has a rather mellow taste. As for familial, there’s this green mushroom that grows at the same time as the pink ones, though for a longer stretch of time, that people will give. My caretaker’s boyfriend actually gave me some last year… It’s a little funny now that I think about it. I know Beau so much more than I know him, yet he was bold enough to declare himself as an uncle to me.” Bobo giggled, smiling down at her cup.
Rook narrowed his eyes slightly. Bobo usually tried to avoid giving any names of those from her world.
“Merveilleux!” Rook suddenly exclaimed, only slightly surprising Bobo. She glanced up, quirking an eyebrow at him. He leaned over the table, clasping her hands with his own.
“You truly let yourself relax a little around me, don’t you, Trickster?” Rook asked, causing her to stiffen slightly. He tutted at that, letting her go as he shook his head. “We’re friends, no? Why are you so scared to let your guard down, amie?”
“Ah…” Bobo let out a soundless laugh, “Sorry… I’ve always had to watch how I present myself unless it’s only my caretakers around me. Plus this set-up… I used to have tea with… that annoying girl, who I couldn’t afford an actual fight breaking out between us.” Bobo let out a sigh, giving Rook a weary look. “I really share a little too much with you, I feel. Even if the possibility that you could use such info against me is rather quite low.”
“Yet you’re more carefree around Monsieur Heart and Monsieur Spade. Have I not proved myself as a worthy le compagnon?” Rook moved his chair from across from her to beside her. He took off his hat, holding it to his chest in a bout of showy playfulness.
“I spend a lot of time with those two… they look after me, and while you do too, I think the amount of time together has caused me to be so lax around them.” Bobo ducked her head slightly as she gave him a sheepish smile.
“The chase can be fun too. One day, you’ll manhandle me about.” Rook smiled up at the sky, returning his hat to his head. Bobo laughed, shaking her head at his odd eagerness. She leaned over, grabbing his hat to tilt it over his face.
“You want to be manhandled? Well just do something dumb like those two do and I’ll likely do so.” Bobo and Rook chuckled. He fixed his hat, looking rather fondly at her. Bobo blinked, wondering why that look was making her feel embarrassed. She leaned back, pushing at his shoulder gently to create even more space.
“Back to the subject, there’s still more to the confession season. If the one who was gifted the mushrooms returns the feelings, they’ll commonly make a meal with said gifted shrooms. The meal is shared between them. That’s usually only with romantic-intention gifts though. Friends will give the shrooms to each other just to help celebrate that there’s more than just romantic relations, other kinds of love are important too. I ended up eating the shrooms given to me just as they were. Despite their bitter flavor, they are a nice, filling snack.”
“Ah what a beauté time! You must show me these mushrooms at some point.” Rook had scooted his chair away, giving her the space she desired. Bobo took another sip of her tea, taking the moment to shake off the odd feeling.
“I’ll have to consult Sam and Jade on if this world even has them. From some of my discussions with Jade, it seems like some mushrooms don’t exist in this world. Though I feel the sure-fire way to check is if Sam can’t get his hands on even any of the spores.” Bobo said.
“Quelle déception, is there not any other unique customs of yours to express such feelings?”
“Unique…. Oh! Maybe the way we kiss is unique? I recall some from the above kingdom would try to kiss my glove. Apparently it’s a way of greeting, specifically for men to greet women? Their ways are so weird. It’s not hygienic to kiss my gloves, they’re so careless when it comes to the risk of spores.” Bobo gave an exasperated exhale. “In the My- in my kingdom, there isn’t any kisses used for greetings. Where one kisses does show certain feelings though! Forehead kisses are shows of familial affection. Friends may kiss each others’ cheeks. On the lips is for those that are dating. And… and…”
Bobo took a swig of tea, forcing the growing embarrassment down her throat. “And a kiss near the corner of the lips is to flirt… to show one’s desire to date.” She pointedly avoided looking at Rook, feeling ridiculous for her face getting all heated over this.
“Magnifique! Your shy reactions are adorable, Trickster!” Rook’s reaction caused Bobo to hold her hands up in front of her face, hovering, hiding it. Rook simply clasped her hands, bringing them closer to himself. He leaned in, confusing her, as he brought his mouth near her ear.
“Has anyone given Trickster a flirty kiss before?” He softly teased. Bobo made some sort of choking sound, trying to jump back, but he kept a firm hold of her hands.
“O-of course not! I mean- Augh! If you make fun of me some more, then I’ll manhandle your face into the dirt!”
“Très bien! Show me the beauty of your passion!”
“Rooook!” Bobo pulled her hands free, standing up, completely flustered. Rook sat there, eagerly awaiting further action from her.
“That’s enough questions for today!” Bobo turned on her heel and bolted off. Rook blinked, actually surprised.
Deuce, Ace, and Grim were all startled as Bobo collided into Deuce. Deuce awkwardly hovered his hands around her elbows as she hid her face in his chest, gripping his shirt.
“Woah!” The heartslabyul duo exclaimed before Deuce spoke, “Prefect?! What’s wrong?!” Bobo pulled her head back so her reply would be clear to hear.
“Is shoving someone’s face in the dirt considered romantic in any of the customs in this world?”
“. . .”
“You’ve got to stop having tea with Rook, henchman.” Grim said.
“You were having tea with that oddball?!” Ace exclaimed. Bobo shoved her face into Deuce’s chest again.
“That’s why I was hanging out with you two without Bobo.” Grim responded.
“You really bring this kind of stuff onto yourself, Prefect.” Ace sighed, easing Bobo away from Deuce and to himself. He waited a moment, luring her into a sense of comfort before furiously rubbing his hand on the top of her head.
“Hey!” Bobo complained, pulling away from him to pull him down to her height to get at his hair. Ace laughed, trying to fight her off.
“What kind of conversation was the Prefect having with Rook?” Deuce asked Grim.
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The characters from "Years of Science"!
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ranticore · 3 months
i ended up not drawing the fursonias beyond sketches but here's the #canon scoop on the characters' archetypes and what furry subculture they'd be into
Bowman: his fursona would be a cool dog (mutt) who wears boardshorts and Sun's Out Guns Out tank tops with the stupid big arm holes. The art style would be Baracore and the character's name would just be Dog. He would be at every room party at every convention doing kegstands and he's not too good at drawing but gives it a shot anyway. Every character he draws has dreamworks face. Inexplicably popular until the multiple cheating scandals make the rounds on twitter. 6700 followers
Islin: one of those guys who only cares about hyper realistic art of dragons with every scale rendered up and the super elaborate ref sheets. Art style is early 2010s Realistic Anthro Dragon, character name is something like Ryvraxys. Never draws characters wearing clothes or doing modern day things. He never made it out of deviantart. Used to rp a lot but kept getting banned for god moding. His art & designs suggest an incredibly active After Dark twitter account but there exists no evidence at all on the internet that one exists
Félix: it's a twinky red fox obviously. The design is painfully generic but the lore is insanely detailed, more than you'd expect from a character who's mostly drawn in suggestive poses. Character name is his name and the art style is Lion King core. Consistently gets into the most insane gay drama at cons but somehow he never seems to be the one at fault despite always being at the devil's sacrament too. Bad at drawing but the writing is good. 436 followers after he got cancelled for saying a slur at an unmasked illegal covid party (he shared the video himself)
Jean: fursonya is a violet starling with back wings who's always dressed in a steampunk getup, with top hat. The name would be something like Faraday. Art style is realistic coloured pencils, rarely digital. He always calls them "anthros" and refuses to associate with "furries". Has a €10k realistic resin-based partial suit with hydraulic wings, is openly catty about people in "cheap" suits. 12988 followers, mostly from ppl who like the suit.
Léa: fursoney is a sexy snow leopard with a ludicrously complex spot pattern, art style is Guy Who Says Fwolf Core. The character would be called like Esmeralda or something. She writes callout posts which are always a little too gleeful in tone. 1256 followers, she's got a high turnover rate because people follow her for good art but then she fills their dashes with vague posts like "some people really need to learn that doing kegstands isn't a substitute for growing a personality 😘💅"
Senca: her fursona is a hare which is always drawn feral and with a highly symbolic art style, lots of staring eyes and illustrated thorns and moon phases. She makes merch (read: dropshipping plastic waste) and sells at artist alley frequently. Not particularly interested in suits or anything. She's blacklisted from one really popular con and nobody knows why. 630 followers.
Olivier: yeencore bark bark bark bite monster wolf type character which is like a wolf but with spikes on the tail and horns.
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kittyilana046 · 2 years
Started: 12/18/2020
Last Updated: 12/29/2022
This master list is a collection of analysis essays, headcanons, and comic book panels posted by my favorite bloggers. I did not write any of the posts linked below, and I do not own any pictures used. All credit goes to the original artists and bloggers who created this content. 
I created this master list intending to archive my favorite posts. I am sharing it because I believe this list is a perfect jumping-off point for new fans who want a comprehensive guide to understanding these characters.
I encourage you to interact with original bloggers and also comic canon. 
Please send me an ask or DM if you want to talk about comic books.
Thank you 
~ Haleigh 
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
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Bruce Wayne outside of Batman
Bruce firing Dick vs. Dick firing Tim
Bruce Wayne’s childhood + a short analysis his relationship with Alfred Pennyworth
Do Bruce and Selina truly love each other?
Does Bruce love Damian?
Did Bruce love Jason?
Is Bruce a good dad?
Is Bruce nice?
Jason was Bruce’s beloved son and DC’s writers are doing shit.
Tips for writing Bruce Wayne
Batgirl (Barbra Gordon)
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Thoughts on Barbra’s independence and how it affects her relationship with Dick
Batgirl/Black Bat/Orphan (Casandra Cain)
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Does Casandra know ASL?
How does Casandra process anger?
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
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Helena’s relationship with Tim Drake
Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
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Dick Grayson’s moral compass + how Bruce’s expectations shaped him
Dick Grayson’s strengths and weaknesses  
Dick Grayson’s guilt complex
Dick Grayson and Temper
Dick Grayson and fashion trends
Dick, you’re so spoiled (Discussing and his relationship with money)
Do Dick and Jason get along in comics?
Do Dick Grayson and Roy Harper have commitment issues?
Does Dick Grayson wear a metaphorical mask like Bruce Wayne does? 
Objectification or Empowerment: how writers express Dick Grayson’s sexuality
Superman and Dick Grayson’s first meeting
What is Dick Grayson’s ethnicity?
Robin (Damian Wayne)
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Do you guys ever think about how much of a crappy life Damian has been having since Rebirth? Because I do.
Is Damian sexist?
Proof Damian has a heart p1
Things I Wish Writers Would Explore More with Damian
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
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Jason’s time as Robin
Jason Todd’s less known skills appreciation
Jay and Dick are musicians? What do they play?
Jason Todd and the Ladies: Post-Resurrection
Recontextualizing the death of Filipe Garzonas
The Jason Todd Book Club (books that Jason has mentioned in canon)
What kind of father was Willis Todd?
Where did Jason get his Respect Women Juice?
Red Robin (Tim Drake)
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Does Tim Drake conically suffer from depression?  
How did Tim Drake’s trauma affect him?
Is Tim Drake insecure?
Is Tim Drake sexist?
I wanna talk about Janet Drake
Tim Drake’s childhood
The beginning of Tim Drake’s career as Robin
Was Tim Drake born a genius?
Was Tim Drake the CEO of Wayne Enterprises? What was his job at W.E.? Did he like it?
Your Tim Drake coffee headcanon is whack
Spoiler (Stephanie Brown)
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How did the batfam react to Stephanie’s death?
What is the canon surrounding Stephanie’s economic status?
The Signal (Duke Thomas)
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Duke is not a boring character – Here are some of his achievements
Duke thomas isn’t the sane one! A guide by pepper
Who is Duke Thomas?
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Batfamily canon things that we should not let fall into obscurity
Characterization cheat sheet: the batfamily boys
The Batkids views on money
What are in your opinion the biggest difference between the comic and the fanon versions of the other Batfamily members?
The history of the “Robin” title
The ages of the Batfamily kids according to Secret Files timelines
What are the Batkids legal names/adoption status?
How would the Batfamily comfort someone who's sad? 
Is Dick Grayson demisexual?
Is Dick Grayson a romantic?
Dick Grayson and Kids
Would Bruce Wayne be a good boyfriend?
What would Bruce be like if his parents never died?
What should happen after the Ric Grayson arc ends?
What hogwarts house would jason todd be in?
Where would you sort the Batfamily?
All Robins are great and they all bring something to the table
Advice on how to write Damian and Tim brother dynamic
Damian & Dick: analyzing their relationship
Another analysis of Dick and Damian’s relationship
Do you think Dick and Damian have a brotherly relationship?
The Batboys calling each other brother
Where does the “little wing” nickname come from?
Batman (Bruce Wayne) 
Batman #42 by Tom King and Mikel Janin (Bruce and Selina get captured)
Batman being a Batdad to his Batprincess
Banana Muffin is Superman and Batman’s safeword
Batman & Robin Eternal #22 (Bruce being kind to Damian)
Detective Comics (2016-) #1017
Gotham Knights #11 (“I am a model of mental health”)
How Bruce deals with trauma
Injustice 2 #51 -”Have you tried turning it on an off again?”
“My favorite superhero is Superman” “…He’s my favorite, too”
Robin (Damian Wayne)
Deathstroke #5 - “Mirrors” (2016) (Damian taunting Deathstroke)
Damian talks a lot in front of his favorite people
Injustice 2 #8 (Proof Damian has a heart p2)
Robin Son of Batman 011 (Damian being done with Bruce and Talia)
The Shadow/Batman #3 (Ra's al Ghul threatening Damian)
Super-Sons My Best Friend
Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Everyone loves Dick Grayson
Dick beating up Bruce compilation
Dick is that type of brother…
Dick you whore
Dick imitating a crowbar
Unpublished pages of Nightwing #30
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Batman: Urban Legends - “Cheer II” (2021)
Detective Comics (2016) #976 (Jason standing up to the Batfamily)
Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 - “More Time” (2020)
Red Hood and The Outlaws (2016) #52
Red Robin (Tim Drake)
Tim and Dick talking: A Compilation
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miaikon · 2 months
From learning a Sci-Fi script to picking up a Con-Lang (or, a very long very nerdy Star Wars rant)
I need to rant at this to the void, and this blog is my go-to for these things. I feel free to do so since no-one comes here anyways.
A bit of background
(or, the part you can skip if you want to get to the nerdy rant now): I've been into Star Wars on and off since my teens. I'm nearly 40, so that's a few decades. I do watch the new series, and became very fond of "The Mandalorian" really fast. In-between seasons, my spouse and I also re-watched most of Clone Wars. In early 2024, we started a Star Wars 5E TTRPG campaign with a friend, where my spouse DM's, Friend plays a Jedi, and I play a Mandalorian (and she's just so much FUN to play). My character is one I came up with around... 2017? Maybe? IDK if you can find her if you scroll down far enough. Currently re-designing her, though. I originally came up with her after working my way through the Travis books and becoming fascinated with Mandalorians for some reason.
Accidential Language Acquisition
My latest obsession (and distracion from the summer heat) started with me looking up some Mandalorian phrases and curses for RPG purposes. Yes, I know, none of this is canon any more. None of us cares. We kind of make our own canon. Then I found out there's a script - and I was lost. I loved codes and obscure scripts as a child, and I did learn to read Hiragana in my 20s, so how hard could this be? I looked for a chart and found this site, which offers practice reading (and a dictionary, amongst other stuff). So, I started learning the characters in, I think, late July. I read quite well by now, my writing does lag behind. Juuust... the practice phrases are written in the Mandalorian language.
I didn't set out to learn a constructed language. I really did not. I just wanted to know WHAT I was typing. So I looked up the sentences on the cheat-sheet after I got them right. And some words started repeating, and I picked them up. Kinda automatically. I swear, I only practice reading/ writing this for like 15 to 30 minutes a day. After a while, I half-understood what some sentences said. Reading Star Wars fanfiction did not help (or help a lot, depending on your POV) there. I looked up missing words, building a bit of a vocabulary. It's erratic still, but I noticed something. In conversations, my brain sometimes supplies the Mandalorian words I know now. (I usually do catch myself, although stuff tends to slip in when I'm alone with my spouse, to his amusement.) My language center does not know this is a con-lang, after all. I also tried to write a ransom note in Mandalorian, which was a fun experience (for a private project). Through fan fiction and looking up stuff, I also learned about the Legends version of Mandalorian culture. That stuff is fascinating, although I feel like a visitor to an abandoned city. Everyone's gone (since Legends is out of print and stuff is falling into obscurity), but it's still cool to look around. It gives me a kind of bittersweet, nostalgic feeling, too. So many passionate minds, and things I'm so happy to experience, but wished I knew about sooner. Aay'han, if you will, only it's memories I never made. Nostalgia for what could have been. Not gonna lie, I'm obsessed. It's a feeling I seldom get now, although it was quite frequent when I was a teen. It feels great and enjoyable and unhealthy and I think I need to stop. I'm an adult, and I'm too old to fangirl. Or, at least, I keep telling myself this.
Analyzing a Con-Lang because my nerd brain can't stop looking for patterns
Mandalorian actually HAS different words for the people, the planet, the ruler, and the language. Let me start with Manda, which is the collective soul (or the concept of) of the Mandalorian people. The people themselves are Mando'ade (Children of the Manda/ of Mandalore. Singular Mando'ad). The language is Mando'a (no clue why, language would be joha. Maybe Mando'joha was too long and it got shortened). The planet is Manda'yaim (yaim meaning home. Simple enough). The ruler is the Mand'alor (alor meaning, well, leader. Also simple).
Before long, my brain started making connections between some things. Simple things first - "Ke" or "K' " at the start of a sentence is always the imperative form of something ("Command form"). The words for "you", "I", and the third person pronoun. Then, between words, trying to fit new words with what I already know. Like [something] ad was most likely about people. I built myself bridges that are just theories - I am not a linguist in any fashion, and I'm just trying to make sense of what's there. Like mirsh meaning brain(cell), kot meaning strenght, and mirshko is courage - so, "brain-strength"?
And no, for all of you out there that are as nerdy as me, this is not a full language. There isn't a word for "call" or "get in contact with" I could find, for example. Some authors just wanted to add flair to their writing, so an incomplete thing is what we have. Even so, I am kind of hooked in the weirdest way. I play around, trying to make my own sentences and combined words. It's fun, and private, and nobody needs to know. Except for the two people I TTRPG with.
IDK any more where I wanted to go with this. There might be a part 2, someday. If anyone read this, I appreciate you. If anyone read this and had this weird kind of obsession happen to them as well, let's talk. It might just be the universe's weirdest midlife crisis.
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rappaccini · 4 months
yknow what in honor of it being the spiderversary i will actually talk about gwiles again. here's a handy cheat sheet of my takes:
fired: "gwen and miles are star-crossed soulmates with a pure connection that's unique to only them who are going to defy canon to end up together yet they simultaneously Must Be Canon Endgame Love Interests Across All Media Forever." fuuuuuuck off.
tired: "gwen and miles are a good couple who must always come as a pair and can never have their own individual love interests, worlds, supporting casts or plotlines where they can exist without being joined at the hip ever again." do you even care about them as individuals or is the vague concept of them as a couple all you're here for.
expired: "gwen thought she was gay, but miles was her bi awakening! they're so bi4bi!" ..... this is the third time she's been shoved back into the closet so she can be romantically available to him. by definition miles is why she can't come out. the best case scenario where they get together is the one where they marry in their early 20s, pump out babies he wants more than she does and are basically superpowered family vloggers. gwiles is the most heterosexual ending for gwen possible and miles will never be truly supportive of gwen's queerness if they're a couple. please retire this take. if you want gwen to be in a m/f romance with a queer black boy, spider-punk is right there.
hired: "gwen and miles are high school sweethearts who date for a bit and then amicably break up and remain friends." acceptable outcome if spiderverse gwiles spreads. it ain't great but we can work with it.
wired: "gwen and miles are makorra. there's an initial spark but it burns out fast, they clown themselves for a while before they admit they suck as a couple, they break up and are better friends after the drama settles down, and he supports her when she comes out.” the smarter, more honest version of gwen and miles as love interests.
admired: "gwen and miles are only friends and do not date." please.
inspired: "gwen and miles are exes who avoid each other in public because their relationship was that much of an embarrassing trainwreck." if we get a gwiles storyline that actually unpacks how bad they are for each other and owns how bad miles specifically has been for gwen and then lets them permanently break up as they conquer the character flaws that led them to each other in the first place i'd lap that shit up. especially if we get gwen growling at him like a chihuahua whenever they're in the same room. it's what she deserves. it's what he deserves.
conspired: "miles and gwen are narrative foils being pressured by the watchers into a romance designed to strip them of their morals and their narratives' meaning to make sure they can never redefine their canon aka break their cycles of suffering or help anyone else do the same by making them complicit in each other's destruction." subtextually their need for each other's approval is their fatal flaw, and if they give in to the arranged spidermarriage miles becomes the villain of gwen's story as she's sucked back into the tragedy she fought so hard to escape. they have to realize their relationship is a cosmic trap, resist temptation, break into heaven and kill god together. and THEN become exes who are petty but in a fun way!
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phoebehalliwell · 2 months
can I send you another silly ask lol I'm curious about how your characterisation of each character came about. across all of your next gen aus and canon lol. I've got my own next gen ocs for another fandom and some of them were a full character immediately while others I still have no idea. I have to assume making like aesthetic edits and stuff helps you with that but what else? did you have to think about it much or did some appear in your mind with a full personality and vibe already?
so a lot of it depends i would definitely say some appeared in my mind more fulfledged than others (charactrers like henry jr, parker, sheridan, & pj i had a pretty solid handle on from the start whereas like melinda, tamora, dj & mikey morris, and patricia halliwell-trudeau were definitely slower processes and a lot of coming up with something then scratching it lol). but, in general, for next gen specifically, i would say my greatest influence is both parents + birth order, just because i think those are the thing that will make a next gen character feel the most like a next gen character to the audience. it is a personal pet peeve of mine where next gen media kind of goes yeah they were kind of shitty parents like. those are the people i grew up with!! you shut your whore mouth!!! (no i am still not over the characterization of aang in lok.) but yeah, so like, a large part of what their character is like will come from what i perceive their childhood to be like. so for example: pj, phoebe and coop's eldest, is def going to be a romantic and totally going to meddle in everyone's business, and then, being the eldest, is also going to have that protective/overprotective streak we see so often modeled by the eldest sibling in charmed, as well as her own mother (think back to when paige was with richard). so next gen does offer a kind of cheat sheet like that.
there is, of course, a little more difficulty when, like, you just straight up don't really know which route to go/where to start. for melinda, i had trouble because she's already coming in on two really strong personalities: wyatt & chris, who also already have an established dynamic without her. for this, i really just kind of worked backwards to establish what i didn't want. for melinda (and this is personal preference) i really didn't want the stereotypical ya 2014 badass heroine who wears eyeliner and black leather jackets. for starters, i feel like those tropes have gotten really overdone, especially in the urban fantasy medium, and then secondly i just didn't want everyone in this family to be the same kick ass leather boots type (which, given that i already had visions for parker, henry jr, kat, chris, pj, etc who all kind of fit comfortably into those ya tropes, i really wanted someone on the softer side). i also think that like, for her, piper and leo are you know they have this tenderness this sweetness and i wanted to embody that. so i didn't want black leather melinda, but narrowing it down further i also really didn't want doormat melinda either. again, we're looking at her parents. they're stubborn, they're fighters, they don't take shit. so i wanted to work to combine a softness and like a take no shit vibe. from there it was just kind of holding up puzzle pieces in my mind until i found ones that fit (e.g. i think she swears at her brothers and calls them out on shit but i think outside of the home she's a lot more passive not everything needs to be a fight because quite frankly she's got plenty of tension in her life already no need to be adding more, she's shy when it comes to love interests, she's a perfectionist, she's a mom friend/mama bear, all just little character quirks that exist in my little character brain bank that i decided i liked how they worked for her)
there is the separate category of the true oc, one who has not previously engaged with canon at all, and those are usually shaped through motivation, and their motivation is usually shaped by what i need to happen in the plot. so, for viola, for example, her main motivation is a wish to be left in peace. why? well, because i wanted kat to try to find the twice blessed and that kind of meant the twice blessed had to be hiding. so for that main motivation, a couple potential pathways arose: she could straight up not give a fuck and be apathetic towards the whole thing. she could be scared of her destiny and not want any part of it out of fear of herself/her own power. she could not want to complete her destiny because doing so would involve making a choice she feels like she can't make. i ended up going for the last one bc to me it definitely seemed the most fun. based off canon, i decided that the twice blessed destiny, while never explicitly stated in canon, was to wipe out all evil. of course, this meant there was the flipside there was the potential to wipe out all good. now i feel like to the average person this has a fairly easy answer like if you could wipe out all mosquitos. like, yes, you know there are prob going to be some like ramifications from removing a species from existence, but, like, fuck those guys. also, hello, malaria? i feel like you'd be saving a lot of people. so like i felt like i needed to give her some tie to evil, some bond, something that would motivate her not to want to destroy evil because if she did she'd be destroying her loved ones. next question is why/how does she love something evil. so i built her a backstory of being raised in a defect clan (witches who have turned into warlocks, something we established could happen in the show), giving her a different perspective of being people raised in say the manor might have. from her backstory more parts of her personality started to bloom, she doesn't let herself be tread on and hates feeling like a pawn in someone else's game, she's very protective over the ones she loves and is willing to remove herself from their lives to save them, she likes helping people, she likes making people smile, her sense of humor can be a little bit twisted and she thinks selfish people should be cut down before they hurt others.
i hope this helped answer you question if you have any more qs just let me know and i will do my best to answer
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lingy910y · 11 months
Gallavich Questionnaire
Thank you @energievie for tagging me to do this! I get too unhinged when talking about these two boys, so warning for very elaborate ramblings 🙏
1. What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
This fic is the prime example of why you should write a fic even if you think nobody’s going to read it, because it’s my favorite gallavich fic even though most people don’t want to read about them getting a divorce. But I do, okay, because a normal break-up doesn’t cut it (especially since we already see those in canon, but post-canon is up to our interpretation) and it’s just more serious. I think they will work out their issues before it gets too far in canon but it just hurts so fucking good. The reason for their divorce is so realistic too, in fact it’s not one but a lot of problems piled on top of each other. They think it’s only going to hurt everyone involved including their children, which is arguably true in context, but they can’t resist each other and it’s this back and forth push. There’s parallels to canon, the writing is so good without being drawn out, and there’s so much nuance, emotion, and subtly hinting at something beneath the surface. The pining is just delicious because it’s not “I don’t know if you feel this way about me” or “I’m not allowed to be with you,” it’s “I want to be with you so badly but I’m trying to resist that because it’s going to hurt everyone.” Then the trying so hard not to care because “we’re over, but you’re in trouble and I’m trying to move on and I’m never going to love someone else like I love you” 😭😭😭 anyway I actually had to stop myself from rereading too often for comfort because it was too much LOL
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the author said they were going to update it January of this year so I’ll be patiently waiting 😔
3. What's a headcanon you can't stop thinking about?
You know that post abt how when you're sleepy you imagine your favs sleepy? I keep imagining Ian wrapping their comforter around Mickey like a cocoon when he has a nightmare and cuddling him, it's cute
4. What's a fanart you love looking at?
The first image of this by @gallavichonly JUST GETS ME SO FERAL. THEIR FUCKING EXPRESSIONS.
5. What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
I want to draw a character concept art sheet for their outfits/weapons/mechanics for kinda a zombie apocalypse AU. Designing that sounds fun but I need to research more
6. What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else?
The jealousy trope, especially jealous Mickey. I guess in other fandoms, people write jealousy in a really possessive, cringy way. Not saying gallavich aren't possessive as fuck but at least they earned it, you know? There's too many ships where one of them is breathing down the other person's love interest's neck but they don't even know you exist, like calm down 😭 Meanwhile gallavich tease and try to get each other to admit it first, and Mickey is biting his tongue trying not to say anything and then "Fucking cheat on me, Ian?!", "Whatcha doin' here then?" AND THEIR EXPRESSIONS WHEN THEY EACH SAY "WHEN YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW" ARUGHHHHHH I'M SO GONE
7. What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of?
Touched on this earlier but basically the more tragic/gritty ones—a huge argument, break-ups, unrequited love, falling out of love, hanahaki, amnesia, MCD...
10. What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough?
Eh I think we've dissected the shit out of every scene lmao, but probably their s4 reunion? The lap dance?
11. What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship?
Obviously "I'll take care of you. / It's rotten work. / Not to me. Not if it's you."
12. What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale?
I want Ian to go back to being an EMT no matter what :( but their current security gig fits Mickey a lot. Ian also gets really into gardening, he'll be so good to the point where he'll be known in the neighborhood. And Mickey has a little hobby for drawing. They'll adopt a pitbull because Mickey was actually enthusiastic about that idea, which meets Ian halfway by still giving him something to take care of. Now for the elephant in the room: I think it's okay if Mickey never wants a kid, and there's a lot of issues ingrained in them that unless they go to therapy for a couple of years, hinder them from becoming perfect parents tbh. Now I'm not saying they'll be bad, but will their best be enough? Will they be content? Idk, I don't have any experience and I see them with more issues/flaws than the majority of the fandom? Honestly I just don't see that future for them (but I do enjoy kid AUs because who doesn't.) They'll stay on the West Side because I want them to get out but not stray too far from their family. I also can't think about them getting old or I'll sob, but I wrote a fic about how they'll retire and just live comfortably because it's what they deserve, and they'll take tons of vacations when they save up enough money.
oh my god that was way too much but in my defense i rarely get to rant abt them ok!! anyway now that I went through the whole spectrum of emotions, i'm tagging @michellemisfit, @lupeloto, @jademickian & @softmick 🚶‍♀️
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Who's a oc you want to spend more time on/do more with (draw, write, etc)?
Ahhhhh Is this cheating? This feels like cheating but ima say Rurue. Even tho i draw her ALL the timeee, i just dont draw her doing anything besides standing n sitting, looking cute  jkdjkfcsdcavnladjvn
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Shes a standalone character, (everyone else has a story or world attached to them, so if you work on one person…you have to work on EVERYTHING uhhhh)
I guess Rurue is the mascot of my blog if that makes sense? (when i interact with others i use her sometimes).
I posted her reference sheet somewhere on here but basically, she's the newest oc and has nothing but a loose idea which is: slasher.
She just wants to find the perfect friend <3.
I wanted to make a lil video game story thing for her (never did that).
I wanted to animate her doing dances (never did that).
I wanted to make a series of digital illustrations, Rurue hanging out with other slashers (never did that).
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Like jumpscare, she'd absolutely terrorize them and they'd have no idea wtf to do.
"Who is this lil girl and why is she talking to me? how'd she find me?...can i kill her?" *tries* "...hmmmm damn i guess not".
Technically i made her for a school project, but i also made her because everyone else had a slasher oc and i wanted on super bad.
But of course i cant just "make one" i need a "justified reason" bcuz thats how my brain works smhhhhh.
In addition to that i was also REALLY into slasher fanfics and i was to scared to write anything and post it (im a wet noodle)
So i thought "hey if i make a slasher oc and have her interact with these canon slasher guys then maybe that would give me a "reason" to post my characterizations and writing of [Insert canon slasher here]"
Which never worked oop
I also wanted to use her to practice anatomy and poses (never did that). Grrr uagh uegh oof
mini rant over lmaoo
I'm still deciding if she needs a “real” backstory. Of course I have a mini one with basic things but I think it's kinda funny if she's a lil girl who's everywhere and invincible. if i go that route then she would be my first fandom oc? maybe im still not sure.
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sorry for typos :)
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scxttershot · 11 months
— character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: Floyd Lawton.
name meaning: Floyd, meaning "gray or gray-haired". There's many ways we could interpret the word "gray"; Floyd's life has been a series of miseries, so I'd argue it's indeed quite dismal! Lawton, derived from Old English and roughly meaning "old farmstead estate".
alias/es: Deadshot. Keep it simple, Floyd.
ethnicity: Presumably at least part English, at least in that way that a lot of Americans have English ancestry but have no real connection to the country. Headcanon-wise, he is the usual generic White American Admixture + Tongan on his mother's side. Passing for white is conditional, as always, and he gets pretty dark when he tans.
one picture / icon you like best of your character:
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three h/cs you never told anyone:
Floyd can sing! I personally headcanon him to sound a bit like Justin Furstenfield of the band Blue October; smoky, raspy, haunted voice full of all the agonies he'll never say.
Managed to kill a target with only a NERF gun once. I refuse to elaborate, because it's a lot funnier if I don't.
After years of hanging out with the Six, Floyd doesn't actually give a shit about what pronouns you call him. He'll respond consistently to "Floyd" and that's all anyone needs to know about him. Still goes by He/Him but literally just does not care to correct people if or when they assume otherwise.
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
Smoking, obviously.
Have mentioned he's into whittling; he'll whittle just about anything cleavable enough if left alone with it, including bars of soap and candles.
Oddly enough, playing Angry Birds. [just a personal headcanon] Zoe got him into it.
eight people your character likes / loves:
I feel like I'd be cheating if I listed the entire Secret Six but I will mention them regardless [sobs in I have never seen a decent Catman RPer]
His daughters, Zoe and Suchin.
Owen Mercer. @playedbetter it's partly a fondness because Floyd knows his father extremely well.
Mary! @babydxhl Smoke buddies.
@ people: yeah IDK interact with me more?? Shrug. My problem is mostly that he doesn't really know people.
two things your character regrets:
Killing his brother, Edward, on accident. This is just canon.
[headcanon] letting his mother take advantage of him sexually. We love survivor's guilt here at scattershot.com!
one phobia your character has:
Does seeing himself nude count? Floyd basically goes into autopilot when showering, having sex, etc. He will literally never get over this also.
Tagged by: I stole this lmfaooo Tagging: @minodalus , @cxpperhead , @playedbetter specifically for Lori, @telekinctic , IDK will think of more people later it's 1 AM and I am Neil banging out the tunes
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a-hell-of-a-time · 5 months
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Jo
OOC Contact: This blog, DM's, discord (selective), my main blog
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
This blog contains three muses at present:
Andrealphus - A Great Marquis of hell, a member of the Ars Goetia, brother of Stella, ex brother in law of Stolas (or brother in law pre divorce), Ice Queen/Elsa/Frosty Bitch. My Andre is canon divergent at times and takes inspiration from a fair amount of places. He is loud, proud, arrogant, showy, flashy, just like a true peacock. He is also quite cunning, ruthless, and conniving, especially if there is a way to obtain more power/status. He does have a much softer side, but it's buried under multiple layers of ice/is at the bottom of an iceberg so good luck getting to it!
Octavia - Princess of the Ars Goetia, daughter of Stolas and Stella, and a very much emo teen who is going through some shit and has issues. My Octavia will be canon divergent as the series goes on, because I highly suspect the narrative/writing and fandom will do her so damn dirty and she deserves better. She loves both her parents (albeit Stolas more than Stella) and is filled with anger, hurt and sadness. There is a joyful soul underneath, but it hasn't been seen in years....
Caim - Camio, a great president of hell (or soon to be whenever she takes over her father's role) who is part goetian, part youkai (tengu). Currently living in the human world but visits hell whenever the need arises. Is also Andre's close, and in some cases only friend and was his ex fiance at one point. Can be calm and level headed, and serious. However, she does have quite a bit of pride and so help you if you cross her. Very good with a sword and fast as lightning. Also married to a very beautiful, drop dead gorgeous and hot kitsune wife, who is just as deadly as Caim is. Tread cautiously.
Points of interest:
Andre - Has a lot of trust and intimacy issues, and deep down tires of the aristocratic bullshit that has governed his life since birth. Is a softie who will raise hell should anyone he cares about comes to harm.
Octavia - She's going through it and just wishes to be happy again. She takes after her dad more than her mom, especially when expressing joy/happiness.
Caim - Is a half blood/mix of demon and youkai, which makes it hard for her to truly settle in either world. She does her best to make it work, though!
What they’ve been up to recently:
Andre - Has been dealing with the bullshit that is Stella's divorce, her relation to the imp assassin she hired to off Stolas, and generally staving off the inevitable anxiety and panic attack both. Also struggling with intimacy and coming to terms with many personal issues. He's not handling any of these as well as he thinks he is.
Octavia - Found out the truth behind her parent's relationship, learned that her mother hired an assassin to take out her dad, got adopted by Lucifer in one verse, and is generally trying to make sense of the world she knew rapidly dissolving before her eyes.
Caim - Currently bouncing between realms while secretly working toward obeying her father's request: To take his spot in the Goetian hierarchy. She is trying to find a way to do this while keeping her life in the human world. She's also checking in on Andre from time to time, along with other acquaintances in hell. Sometimes her wife, Yui, will join her.
Where to find them:
Andre - His mansion, rich/fancy places, with Stella, roaming around some of the other levels of hell if required, at Goetian gatherings. But mostly you can find him in various areas of the Pride Ring.
Octavia - Stolas's mansion, with her mother, or roaming the Pride Ring.
Caim - At Andre's mansion, in various places in the Pride Ring, or her home on the outskirts of Tokyo.
Current plans:
Flesh out all three of my muses; have Octavia find her family again (found or otherwise) and connect with her old, happy self; have Andre find love and stable relationships, platonic or otherwise while also getting over his hangups with intimacy while also slowly letting go of the politics and bullshit that govern his life; just use Caim more in rp's and flesh her out as her own person instead of an Andre accessory.
Desired interactions:
Andre - enemies to lovers romance, shipping shenanigans, friendships or people tolerating him, threads where his beliefs and mindset are challenged, Andre finally losing his shit on Stella and the two having a full blown argument that ends in either a mess, or a better understanding of each other. Give me messy family drama! Also drama with other Goetia and befriending more sinners and those of the lower class.
Octavia - Found family, finding friends and just getting to be a happy teen?
Caim - I will take anything. Please interact with her.
Offered interactions:
I have a bunch of memes and open posts on my blog, but if you'd like to plot my DM's are open!
Current open post/s:
Open Posts, Memes, or any dash commentary posts tbh.
Anything else?:
Rules l Muses
I stole this from the dash.
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voxiiferous · 5 months
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Bug
OOC Contact: Here in IMs or ask, on @singthesongsofsin, discord on request.
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Vox is the Media Overlord in Hell. My particular version is hc based and canon divergent. In life he was Vincent Price, gameshow host, news desk presenter, devoted fan of swing music. In Hell, he's the icon of modernization (an endless point of contention between he and Alastor), and one of the Vees.
Points of interest:
Surprisingly moral for someone in Hell, and who's an Overlord. Vox is, at his core, an ambitious workaholic with a surprisingly strong sense of "I'm stuck here too, of course I want it to be a decent place to live." Right now he's also deeply depressed, so do with that what you will.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Generally running his company: business meetings, contract negotiations, putting out fires his employees set, press conferences, and a million other daily tasks. He's been working on building a subway system for years, so he continues to pluck away at that slowly.
Where to find them:
His tower (or district as a whole), with the other Vees, at the Overlord meetings. Or, pre-death, in New York City!
Current plans:
Every thread is its own verse, so nothing overarching, but probably something where I get to play around more with his funny moral compass. Contract lawyer Vox would be suitably amusing and not nearly as far off as you might think.
Desired interactions:
Anything with him helping to support the Hotel. Or oh, a swap-verse something! I have some vague ideas for one in which he swaps with Angel, and with Alastor. The world-building potential for a Vox who stays vintage compels me. Something with another Vox would be neat too.
Offered interactions:
Come yell at me in my DMs, I tend to do best with plotting, I'll be honest. Anything tossed in the wishlist tag is a pretty good idea too, or with Vincent. the squishy human is always fun to toss at people. Are you helping him find who he is? Are you someone making a deal with him? Forcing Vox to deal with other very powerful people is a good time-- Lucifers, other sins, some angels.
...Ohhhh someone asking Vox for help could be something interesting. It's not even a deal with the devil so much as with the silver screen-- congratulations you keep your soul, but what makes you so desperate to come to him?
Current open post/s:
The memes never have an end date, and (while a bit slow!) if you just tag me in something or send in a starter I'm pretty game to reply.
Anything else?:
Guidelines | Bio | wishlist
Tagged @obscurushydrae
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marley-manson · 1 year
I’m followng up an ask meme response I got from @pomegranate a while ago because I’ve since been reminded of one of the ways Joker is Wild is considered badly written by some people, which I strongly disagree with.
Basically I don’t think BJ is out of character at all in it, and I think ~the Trapper complex~ exists and makes perfect sense. Like I’m not gonna argue that BJ is canonically jealous of Trapper because he’s gay and in love with Hawkeye and Hawkeye and Trapper were fucking obviously lol, but yeah BJ is insecure about his friendship with Hawkeye and he projects that onto Hawkeye’s previous friendship with Trapper AND that makes perfect sense for BJ’s character and has been established prior to this episode.
When it comes to the characterization that supports it, we know BJ has canonical jealousy issues because he’s spent multiple episodes brooding over the mere shadow of a possibility that his wife is cheating on him, including building guys up in his head to be jealous of in the iconic instance of Carl the Handyman.
We also know BJ is canonically insecure and resentful with regards to his relationships because again, Peg, but also it’s why he brought Trapper up in Period of Adjustment, ie the episode about characters feeling insecure about replacing previous characters in their roles of clerk, CO, and Hawkeye’s BFF, and we see it plain and clear in other episodes like Heroes in which he’s resentful of Hawkeye for getting attention, and Stars and Stripes in which he lords the attention he gets over Hawkeye, both indicating insecurity about his own value. There’s also his paggro attitude in Wheelers and Dealers that spells this trait out too, in which he’s resentful of always being so “nice” to people with little to show for it.
And obviously we know BJ loves to torment people as stress relief and for his own amusement, see a multitude of episodes including Our Finest Hour in which he directly states that the pranks are him taking his feelings out on other people.
So we have precedent for BJ feeling jealous of others he perceives as potentially superior or more likeable, we have precedent for BJ feeling insecure and needing to prove himself, and we have precedent for BJ being upset and channeling those feelings into terrorizing others.
We also have precedent for BJ feeling these things about Trapper specifically in Period of Adjustment, in which he’s not only envious of Trapper being home too, but specifically brings up the fact that he built the still with Hawkeye, the still BJ had just, yk, angrily broken. It’s not a coincidence that he mentions the still lol, it’s the reason he broke it, as a direct parallel to Klinger’s resentment of Radar. And there’s also the minor scene in Depressing News where he seems put out when Hawkeye directly says the army drafted him to replace Trapper.
Honestly I wonder if some people who think the “Trapper complex” isn’t established enough to make sense in Joker is Wild are just not used to episodic television, because frankly it’s a miracle if any specific detail outside what’s on the character sheet (eg BJ is obsessed with wife and child, Hawkeye loves rebellion and Crabapple Cove, Klinger crossdresses and loves Toledo) gets established at all before it becomes relevant in tv pre 90s. Like the fact that there are one to two moments you can point to as justification for BJ’s resentment of Trapper specifically pre-season 11 is much more than you’d usually get for a plot like this in a 70s sitcom. There’s tons of characterization that supports it, as I’ve detailed above, and nothing about it contradicts BJ’s character, and that’s all you really need, you don’t even need a direct pre-established statement that BJ is resentful of Trapper. The fact that we do get one is only icing on the cake.
Like to me saying that it comes out of nowhere is like saying that Hawkeye should’ve mentioned Carlye before she suddenly appeared, or Billy before Bless You Hawkeye, or that Charles’ obsession with death should’ve been established before The Life You Save, etc. That’s just not really how things worked on tv back then. Rather, once we learn about certain things that are important to the characters for the one episode that revolves around them, we’re invited to fill in the blanks and imagine what we didn’t get to see, and potentially assume that these things could’ve come up off screen beforehand, or the characters kept them to themselves for whatever reason, depending on characterization and/or whether it’s implied to be a common thing or a one-time event.
After all, Hawkeye responds a little hesitantly and awkwardly when he admits that Trapper came up with the prank he proclaims was better than BJ’s - maybe you can take that as a sign that this isn’t the first second time BJ has lost some amount of shit about Trapper, intended or not. Or maybe you can assume that BJ keeps himself tightly under wraps until he explodes all at once, which is definitely firmly established characterization, and Joker is Wild was the last Trapper straw.
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jaynovz · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @septemberskye 🥰
It took me so long to get round to this I think the whole pirate and sunder fam have already done it 🙈😔😭 ummm please take this as invitation to do it if you see it and want to 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
48. Notably, 19 of those are podfic. 🎙️💪
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 
380,544 💪💪💪
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Mostly Black Sails, but have also written for Cobra Kai, OFMD, and Sunder City/The Fetch Phillips Archives. Will probably write OPLA fic here sometime soon.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 
1. some ancient call, 7k, OFMD. A creature rom com I wrote right after s1. Weird, funny, and sweet.
2. Strike Hard, 4k, Cobra Kai/Karate Kid. LawRusso do the classic fighting to fucking. Baby's first porn in like 6 years to that point. Also written right after s1.
3. in over our heads, 13k, Black Sails. The first fic I wrote for Silverflint, called Flogging Verse because the events play out after Silver is flogged post 2.1 for firing on the warship.
4. don't let me in with no intention to keep me, 7k, Black Sails, nicknamed Petplay. Silver and Flint discover some things about themselves mid s2. Still one of like, hmmm four total petplay fics in the fandom.
5. the sweetest devotion, hitting me like an explosion, 39k, Black Sails, nicknamed Cupcakes AU. A bakery-street performer romcom, the only time I've give the boys a no strings attached happy ending.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 
Religiously, lol. And it's because I want to talk about my story! I spent a lot of time on it so I take any chance to ramble more with someone who did me the compliment of reading it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely hand in unlovable hand aka The Worst Ending. Second place is Hanahaki.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Cupcakes AU 🧁 Generally speaking, if you're looking for unambiguously happy endings, you've come to the wrong place lol. However, if you want a fluff cheat sheet--besides Cupcakes, you can also check out the Soft Verse, Milkingfic, Bellyfic, and the Halloween Corn Maze fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
 Thankfully no 💜
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Lmao indeed. It's part of my Brand at this point. Love to use sex and kink as tools to dissect characters. Altered states my beloved.
What kind is a mix of if something tickles my brain/what the story needs, though you will most always find some amount of powerplay dynamics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? 
Ummm, back in middle school I wrote some crossovers, but none recently.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Yep. Many of my early offerings to the Black Sails fandom were collabs.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oh You Know... (It's Silverflint)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Black Sails post canon Fix It Fic that started it all. It's just very complex, which is why it was abandoned in the first place. And there are some other factors that just make it untouchable.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Overarching structure/plot beats, poetic language, characterization, conveying emotion, searing hot smut and kink.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Editing full stop. Historical/period accuracy type details. I have to do buckets of research for that kind of stuff. External pressures on the characters. I'm very very good at the zoomed in relationship view, but expanding/getting outside of their heads is not something I've done a lot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? 
It's fine, as long as there's a story reason for it to be there.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
InuYasha when I was about twelve years old. Those stories have since fallen into the void.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Break Up AU of course :)))) My baby, my masterpiece, my heart, soul, blood, sweat, and tears. I was definitely possessed the year it took to write it.
Thanks for tagging me <3
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sylveon-and-velveon · 3 months
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I love my Voltron AU so much even tho I'm still designing all the characters!!!
Oh boy you're gonna get such a lore dump it's gonna be INSANE!!
So, here's everything I got so far!!
The OC cast listing:
Everyone that's got ref sheets so far
Moxie McClain
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Universe KLO-BWQ
Moxie has a lot of baggage when it comes to the entire group, and that's very much saying something when you hear the other's issues. They ran off to space to help their intergalactic friend's captive race from being held as slaves, or worse killed, but they also ran away from planet Earth to escape from Maxwell. A man they wish they never met. And to escape from the feeling of being a burden to their own parents, like they were living in their shadows due to what they were able to accomplish.
Murime Garrett
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Universe KLO-BWQ
Murime has the least amount of baggage out of the entire ship's group. She's also Moxie's best friend, having grown up with them their whole lives. She joined Moxie's escape to help her friend prove that just because they're half Galra, doesn't mean that they're evil. She wanted to help her new intergalactic friend, to save the race that was being held captive. She wanted to prove she was just like her dad, a hero! But over time with the group she would gain stress and anxiety for her own friend's mental health and safety.
Isho Shaksosh
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Universe KLO-BWQ
Isho doesn't really know zis parents. Only zis last name and even then it took a while to get that information. Ze was isolated away on an abandoned planet when ze didn't agree and follow the misogynistic and sexist rules the Queen had put over the entire planet. Ze had lived on that abandoned planet longer than the Serpentine planet ze no longer called "home". Due to living all by zimself with no one else to connect with, zis social skills are bad as well as understanding other's emotions. But with the help of the rest of the crew, Isho's abilities have slowly gotten better.
Miyako Kogane
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Universe ALMU-GRJS
Miyako dates the Queen's daughter. But due to the Queen's distaste in Galras, she has never met her in person. It does not fret much to Miyako anyway, she loves the Princess so much. But she agrees that it will be best not to meet the Queen. Miyako loves wearing, what she calls, "kawaii punk" clothes, but when is forced to wear more formal will be more steampunk.
The rest of the OC group without ref sheets. So they won't have any info on them yet-
Lamora's Princess - Universe KLO-BWQ
Maxwell - Universe KLO-BWQ
Cursed Minotaur Prince - Universe KLO-BWQ
Electrical Demon - Universe KLO-BWQ
The Ship's Sentience - Universe KLO-BWQ
Bimbo Leader - Universe KLO-BWQ
The Serpentine Queen - Universe KLO-BWQ
Lamora's Queen - Universe KLO-BWQ
The Galra Prince - Universe LLJX-TVD
The Prince's Fiancé - Universe LLJX-TVD
The Altean Princess - Universe ALMU-GRJS
The Canon Casting?
Well none of them have ref sheets yet, but I have drawn 2 of them from Universe LLJX-TVD, and 1 of one them from Universe ALMU-GRJS
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Lance Sincline and Lotor Sincline!!
Lance's info: The Queen of the Galra Empire; Lance hides his face from people he doesn't trust, only showing his face to those that are worthy of his trust. This is due to many factors, the main two being that: He was abandoned by the people he considered his "team" and "family", and he was cheated on by the man who he once loved with all his heart. Despite Moxie's mother being someone he can no longer trust in his universe, he trusts Moxie with all his heart and sees them like another son.
Lotor's info: The King/Emperor of the Galra Empire; Lotor loves his family with his life. Protecting those that he and Lance trusts, especially those that Lance trusts. If his husband and son can trust them he can trust them as well. Which is how he was able to trust Moxie and their friends, because his son trusted them enough and Lance sees Moxie like another son. If they need to run from disastrous events, Lotor has allowed them to escape to his universe whenever need be.
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The other one is Keith Kogane!!
Keith's info: The father of Miyako Kogane in Universe ALMU-GRJS, Keith lost his wife after she gave birth to his daughter. Resulting in him having to raise her ever since she was born. He is unaware that Lance is dead in his universe, and even more unaware how he died. He only knows that he used to date Allura.
Okay now the casting is out of the way!!
Now, fun fact, I haven't actually written the info down anywhere. I just keep it stored in my brain until I need to write it all down lol. So basically, what I'm saying is, I'll be freshly writing this down. Unlike the character info, this isn't copy/pasted.
The AU dives into dark/heavy topics:
Sexual Harassment
Racism {Specifically for different alien races}
Of course I'll be handling these topics properly and with care! None of these are meant to be romantised in my AU, and I won't be happy if you try to portray it as so.
Maxwell is also meant to be portrayed as an irredeemable character, and if I hear people saying they could "fix him" and so on? Disgusting, he's a racist rapist. Yes he will be portrayed as an attractive man, but that doesn't mean the comments are allowed. He knows he's attractive, he uses it to his advantage!
Okay now that that's over with, here's a rundown on the start of the lore!
No spoilers of course >w<
This AU takes place after the canon story of Voltron {2016 remake}, with a few differences in the story for the AU to make sense. Allow me to list the one's that aren't spoiler worthy:
Allura, despite saving all universes, never died! Moxie sees Allura as an auntie
In Universe KLO-BWQ, Klance is a thing. Their traumas were never resolved, they never tried to get actual help. Instead believing being with one another could result in getting "help" easily. Resulting in Moxie growing up in a depressed and mentally unstable household.
In Universe KLO-BWQ, Hunay is a thing. No other deep meaning, I just really think Hunk x Shay is adorable!
Lance became Altean when he was revived by Allura and her powers {and I will forever stand by this headcannon of mine}.
Lance, Shiro, and Pidge all work in the Garrison in different positions. Keith's position anywhere is unknown to Moxie and the others. Hunk's a chef for Planet Earth and other intergalactic planets! Allura and Coran help look after the planet dedicated to the Alteans they found and rescued. "New Altea".
Bimbo {placeholder name lol} studies at the Garrison thanks to her adoptive father. Moxie and Muri don't go to the Garrison, but they love to sneak her out whenever they could. On Bimbo's 23rd birthday a party was held for her. To have a better fun birthday, she snuck out of her house from her bedroom with Moxie and Muri.
While the three of them were having fun they come across the Electrical Demon, clearly in distress. When he noticed the three looking at him he flew over. Begging for help. His home planet had been captured by another race, and he was trying to find others to save his people.
With the three's goals in mind, they decided to help the Demon out. Running back over to back over to Bimbo's house, she hijacks her father's car and speeds back off to the Garrison. Sneaking around late at night and when the four could, they rushed to the ships and stole the first one they could. Escaping into space to help their new found buddy.
Turns out the ship they stole was a gift to the Garrison from another race out in space. Appears the ship was more sentient than they realised too, and is willing to help out!
But like I said, that's just a rundown of the start, I don't wanna spoil the fun now!! :D
Hope this helped answer your interest in my main AU!!! :3
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hyadesfm · 9 months
i apologize if this has already been asked but do we have to be familiar with pjo to join?
you're okay! do not stress! although i would recommend it, it isn't needed. we're oc only, so you don't need to worry about canon characters, and only the first series ( percy jackson and the olympians ) is canon in our plot! i've also included a little cheat sheet for things, and riordan wiki is a great resource, too! i can also help with anything, if needed.
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