#rook hunt + oc
axvwriter · 4 months
Embarrassing Tea
Bobo quite enjoyed having weekly tea time with Rook. The hunter would like to have these daily, but Bobo wasn’t willing to risk losing time for studying. Their tea times would be Rook’s way of asking Bobo any questions he had about her. Sure, back home such questions would have been annoying, but now it offered as a way to indulge in her homesickness. Especially since Rook was quite willing to hear all about her world.
“Ah… well… when it comes to confessions of love, there is a period of time that most people indulge in that. There’s a very sweet-tasting mushroom that grows for roughly a month once a year. Those who want to confess their feelings will cultivate some and gift them to the one they wish to confess to. Though it’s not only romantic love that’s celebrated during this time!” Bobo paused, a bit embarrassed to have raised her voice. She took a sip of the tea Rook had brought.
“Oh? What other kinds of love are celebrated?” Rook encouraged, giving her his rapt attention like always.
“Well, familial and platonic love… A year-round yellow mushroom that’s easy to cultivate is the one friends will give to each other. It has a rather mellow taste. As for familial, there’s this green mushroom that grows at the same time as the pink ones, though for a longer stretch of time, that people will give. My caretaker’s boyfriend actually gave me some last year… It’s a little funny now that I think about it. I know Beau so much more than I know him, yet he was bold enough to declare himself as an uncle to me.” Bobo giggled, smiling down at her cup.
Rook narrowed his eyes slightly. Bobo usually tried to avoid giving any names of those from her world.
“Merveilleux!” Rook suddenly exclaimed, only slightly surprising Bobo. She glanced up, quirking an eyebrow at him. He leaned over the table, clasping her hands with his own.
“You truly let yourself relax a little around me, don’t you, Trickster?” Rook asked, causing her to stiffen slightly. He tutted at that, letting her go as he shook his head. “We’re friends, no? Why are you so scared to let your guard down, amie?”
“Ah…” Bobo let out a soundless laugh, “Sorry… I’ve always had to watch how I present myself unless it’s only my caretakers around me. Plus this set-up… I used to have tea with… that annoying girl, who I couldn’t afford an actual fight breaking out between us.” Bobo let out a sigh, giving Rook a weary look. “I really share a little too much with you, I feel. Even if the possibility that you could use such info against me is rather quite low.”
“Yet you’re more carefree around Monsieur Heart and Monsieur Spade. Have I not proved myself as a worthy le compagnon?” Rook moved his chair from across from her to beside her. He took off his hat, holding it to his chest in a bout of showy playfulness.
“I spend a lot of time with those two… they look after me, and while you do too, I think the amount of time together has caused me to be so lax around them.” Bobo ducked her head slightly as she gave him a sheepish smile.
“The chase can be fun too. One day, you’ll manhandle me about.” Rook smiled up at the sky, returning his hat to his head. Bobo laughed, shaking her head at his odd eagerness. She leaned over, grabbing his hat to tilt it over his face.
“You want to be manhandled? Well just do something dumb like those two do and I’ll likely do so.” Bobo and Rook chuckled. He fixed his hat, looking rather fondly at her. Bobo blinked, wondering why that look was making her feel embarrassed. She leaned back, pushing at his shoulder gently to create even more space.
“Back to the subject, there’s still more to the confession season. If the one who was gifted the mushrooms returns the feelings, they’ll commonly make a meal with said gifted shrooms. The meal is shared between them. That’s usually only with romantic-intention gifts though. Friends will give the shrooms to each other just to help celebrate that there’s more than just romantic relations, other kinds of love are important too. I ended up eating the shrooms given to me just as they were. Despite their bitter flavor, they are a nice, filling snack.”
“Ah what a beauté time! You must show me these mushrooms at some point.” Rook had scooted his chair away, giving her the space she desired. Bobo took another sip of her tea, taking the moment to shake off the odd feeling.
“I’ll have to consult Sam and Jade on if this world even has them. From some of my discussions with Jade, it seems like some mushrooms don’t exist in this world. Though I feel the sure-fire way to check is if Sam can’t get his hands on even any of the spores.” Bobo said.
“Quelle déception, is there not any other unique customs of yours to express such feelings?”
“Unique…. Oh! Maybe the way we kiss is unique? I recall some from the above kingdom would try to kiss my glove. Apparently it’s a way of greeting, specifically for men to greet women? Their ways are so weird. It’s not hygienic to kiss my gloves, they’re so careless when it comes to the risk of spores.” Bobo gave an exasperated exhale. “In the My- in my kingdom, there isn’t any kisses used for greetings. Where one kisses does show certain feelings though! Forehead kisses are shows of familial affection. Friends may kiss each others’ cheeks. On the lips is for those that are dating. And… and…”
Bobo took a swig of tea, forcing the growing embarrassment down her throat. “And a kiss near the corner of the lips is to flirt… to show one’s desire to date.” She pointedly avoided looking at Rook, feeling ridiculous for her face getting all heated over this.
“Magnifique! Your shy reactions are adorable, Trickster!” Rook’s reaction caused Bobo to hold her hands up in front of her face, hovering, hiding it. Rook simply clasped her hands, bringing them closer to himself. He leaned in, confusing her, as he brought his mouth near her ear.
“Has anyone given Trickster a flirty kiss before?” He softly teased. Bobo made some sort of choking sound, trying to jump back, but he kept a firm hold of her hands.
“O-of course not! I mean- Augh! If you make fun of me some more, then I’ll manhandle your face into the dirt!”
“Très bien! Show me the beauty of your passion!”
“Rooook!” Bobo pulled her hands free, standing up, completely flustered. Rook sat there, eagerly awaiting further action from her.
“That’s enough questions for today!” Bobo turned on her heel and bolted off. Rook blinked, actually surprised.
Deuce, Ace, and Grim were all startled as Bobo collided into Deuce. Deuce awkwardly hovered his hands around her elbows as she hid her face in his chest, gripping his shirt.
“Woah!” The heartslabyul duo exclaimed before Deuce spoke, “Prefect?! What’s wrong?!” Bobo pulled her head back so her reply would be clear to hear.
“Is shoving someone’s face in the dirt considered romantic in any of the customs in this world?”
“. . .”
“You’ve got to stop having tea with Rook, henchman.” Grim said.
“You were having tea with that oddball?!” Ace exclaimed. Bobo shoved her face into Deuce’s chest again.
“That’s why I was hanging out with you two without Bobo.” Grim responded.
“You really bring this kind of stuff onto yourself, Prefect.” Ace sighed, easing Bobo away from Deuce and to himself. He waited a moment, luring her into a sense of comfort before furiously rubbing his hand on the top of her head.
“Hey!” Bobo complained, pulling away from him to pull him down to her height to get at his hair. Ace laughed, trying to fight her off.
“What kind of conversation was the Prefect having with Rook?” Deuce asked Grim.
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ephemii · 2 months
Port Wear...🛟🌊⚓
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oh woe is me, for having to bare the expectation of these fictional characters not appreciating the compliment of "cute" when it's ALL that would fit their appearance ☹️
This entire even was just me squealing and kicking my feet the whole time they were on screen 😭😭 they're so cute ☹️🩵🩵🩵
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
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I'm glad us French people are finally getting accurate representation in foreign medias!
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lico-arts · 7 months
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Bad influence 🦐
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rakiah · 2 months
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Now they are a trio. Let’s continue that beautiful chaos @mellosdrawings ~
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floatiecrow · 4 months
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I'm still processing what happened yesterday. Here are my results for Lilia's Tropical Banner:
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MAL MAL WHY!? 😭😭😭 This is the second time he showed up (as a guaranteed SSR) when I was trying to pull for a Lilia card (the last time being General Lilia). He's either really protective of Papa Lili or he really likes me.
I also proceed to get spooked by 3 other SSRs in the next 24 pulls that is somehow not rate-up character and thus lose the 50/50 4 times in a row 🫠.
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kenchann · 6 months
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👑 day 🎉🎉🎉 + some pome smooches cause i want to
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umburgrr · 3 months
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originally i was going to have kier be in pomefiore since he's probably got that merman glow + is decently good at alchemy. buut i think octavinelle fits his personality better (he's a smart guy!)
this was an excuse to draw more of pomefiore's dorm uniform because i want one theyre so pretty
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robo-milky · 3 months
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So um… For those who don’t know… I caved 😔 I got the plush wonderland Rollo-
Bonus J*ngle B*lls doodle for the select few…
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kimikitti · 1 year
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The girls are fighting....
This is so out of context I'm not gonna lie so here's all the context:
This is an AU where Obi grew up in Twisted Wonderland under the care of Crowley. He enters NRC in the same year as Leona and is sorted into Diasomnia.
Once there, Obi quickly usurps the housewarden position from the previous guy. When Obi is a second year, Malleus enrolls at NRC. Crowley urged Obi to pass the position to the Crown Prince of the Valley of Thorns to avoid any diplomatic trouble. But Obi refused and so now there is a duel.
Diasomnia!Obi can't use magic like other mages, but he is able to harness other people's magical energy. This can happen in a couple of ways, but the most common way Obi uses it is by syphoning magic out of his opponent during combat and using them back. This power is what helped him take over Diasomnia pretty quickly, as most of the student's there produce a lot of magical energy compared to other NRC students. So they don't quite notice when a spell is taking more magic then it should.
Of course, there are different applications to Diasomnia!Obi's power, he's kind of like a human Magic Stone tbh. But I won't got into that here. (This is really just an AU where I can play around with an Obi who has more control over his powers compared to how he is in the main story)
If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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stupidneko · 5 months
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I just thought about an au in which Prefect, instead of being transported as an adult at the start of the first years (ace, deuce etc) she'd be transported when the 3rd years are as first year's(vil, trey , rook and the other 3rd years) it would be an funny idea me thinks
Lilia and Malleus remained the same lol
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simpingseafood · 1 year
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jijijig · 6 months
yep she definitely *loves* him
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Ivan(MC/yuu) as a little girl by magical accident(probably caused by Adeuce) and her voluntary henchman Rook. He’ll definitely make his petit chérie stay in pomefiore
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mellosdrawings · 4 months
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Just a dumb idea
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lico-arts · 5 months
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Halloween night was a bit of a blur for him after that :)
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oya-oya-okay · 27 days
God... It's happened!...🛐
2 000 followers!!!🥳💞
THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL OF YOU!💕💕💕 I didn't think I'd get that much one day...😭😭😭 I started this blog 3 years ago, not expecting to be able to achieve this! I really appreciate all of you, thank you very much!!!🥰💞💗💖💕
In honor of this, I'm making a raffle!
There will be three random winners who will be able to get a drawing from me. Here's how it will look like🤲
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Oc x canon, yes! Canon x canon, yes too! Oc x oc, unfortunately not, sorry😭
Please read on!!!👇
Basic rules and clarifications:
- Only twst! Twst oc, yuusona and the like!
- Only two characters!✌️
- It can be romantic or platonic💞
- As for oc/canon, you can use my kuroXtwst Ciel OR Sebastian, if you want! BUT it will only be platonic🐰😈
I mean OC/canon x kuroXtwst 👉👈
- fem twst? OFC, if you want!🥰
- proship NO
It is desirable that you be my follower. Make a reblog and write "I'm participating!" and highlight the text in orange please😌 Like:
"I'm participating!" → "I'm participating!"
+ #oyaRAFFLE (Not obligatory)
If you want to use your OC, then please add a reference to your reblog👉👈
This will last for a WEEK‼️
If you win, then I will write to you in a personal chat (make sure that your chat is open) about it~ If you do not respond to me within 1-2 days, then I will change the winner🥺😭
That's all!🙌 I'm doing this for the first time and I'm worried💦 But I hope everything will be fine...! Thank you so much again!🥰💗💖
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