#i miss the old laurance
someoneshitinmysoup · 2 months
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biblically (my mind palace) accurate laurance i’m workingggg on it
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matsunoart · 11 months
Fan of aphmau?
YES! Or rather I was. I used to be a huge fan. I watched her ever since the beach ep of MCD (Original). I honestly would love to rewrite the entire story one day (I already have ideas) but I don’t know if I have the motivation 😅
I do have a really old drawing of me with some of the characters a few years ago though!
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dizzybevvie · 2 years
finding Sebastian's old bloopers and realising how formative they were for me
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starhvney · 6 months
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: garroth, laurance, travis, dante, zane, katelyn, & nana
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: what i think they'd be like on a roadtrip!
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, slice of life
𝐂𝐖: none!
𝐀/𝐍: i miss going on roadtrips i haven't been on one in so long
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☆ calls shotgun immediately and insists it’s his spot for the rest of the trip (oldest sibling syndrome)
☆ always buys something at every rest stop, whether it’s an icee, chips, or some stupid trinket
☆ bought a key chain one time that flashed the words “bad boy” on it because he thought it was so funny. he was devastated when it stopped working one day
☆ likes being the gps guy because sometimes he’ll find a cool place to stop and check out on the way (to make the most of the trip, of course)
☆ talks about town lore when you pass through somewhere interesting
☆ he has the best road trip playlist and made sure to plan out how long it was depending on how far you’re traveling
☆ honestly he’s probably the one driving for most of the trip if not all of it, he finds driving relaxing and also doesn’t trust other people to drive safely
☆ likes to play fun talking games like never have i ever or would you rather, or just talking about life
☆ will play the license plate game or i spy to stay alert
☆ if he’s not talking he’s really enjoying the playlist
☆ if the road trip is super long he’ll agree to switch out of driving for a bit to take a nap
☆ is really invested in the license plate game
☆ he’s always cracking jokes and is definitely the type of guy to look in other people’s windows on the road and guess their life story
☆ gets invested when a car sticks with yours for a long time and gets dramatic when they finally split away
☆ plays multiplayer games on his phone with whoever wants to play or sends memes to the group chat (you guys are literally in the same car)
☆ will suddenly start discussing conspiracy theories or will tell ghost stories about the towns you pass through
☆ he’s either talking the whole time or passed tf out no in between
☆ says “i could go for some fast fast food right now” literally anytime you guys pass a fast food restaurant
☆ also cracks jokes and will add on to travis’s guesses on the lives of oblivious travelers
☆ makes really exaggerated and out of place guesses because he thinks it’s funny
☆ it’ll be a grandma driving in her old chrysler and he goes “how much you wanna bet she’s got a pound of weed in her trunk”
☆ like man what the hell are you talking about
☆ irritated if people are talking too much (dante and travis)
☆ puts on noise canceling headphones and only tunes back in if food or a rest stop is involved (he’s busy listening to my little pony infection au lore/j)
☆ has a pillow, blanket, and hoodie on at all times for maximum comfort
☆ another sleeper. surprisingly doesn’t mind if you use him as a pillow or ask to share his blanket, he’s really comfy with all those layers on
☆ will lightly shove you away if you start moving too much, though
☆ pretty chill the whole time as usual
☆ sits in the very back and mostly will watch the scenery
☆ she brings a book or watches a movie, and doesn’t mind sharing her headphones with you to watch it together 
☆ unless you’re traveling in a car with tv screens installed, then she has a small travel case with a ton of burned cds (if you know you know) and everyone can join in
☆ if she gets tired of socializing with everyone she puts in some earbuds and takes a nap
☆ packs a whole bag of snacks and homemade sweets for everyone
☆ checks pretty often if anyone wants to take a break at a rest stop and stretch their legs (she’s pretty jittery and doesn’t want to be the only one constantly asking to stop the car)
☆ also participates in the license plate game, but also likes to play the slug bug and yellow car game
☆ made the mistake of slug bugging katelyn and got punched back in the arm
☆ gets really addicted to cute cat games on her phone and accidentally spends a bunch of money on passes
☆ she brings some sort of craft or sketchbook for the trip. you notice she’s been quiet for a while before looking over and seeing she’s already crocheted half of a scarf and a hat
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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kurithedweeb · 2 months
Dear Sir Garroth,
Allow me to be plain with you, Sir. I'm angry at you. Pissed at you, really. Extraordinarily pissed, if you couldn't tell from the scorched edge of this letter you will likely never see. I'm not even sure why I'm still writing this seeing as I tried to burn it before I finished the first sentence. Perhaps only because it's something to do.
I was stabbed the day before the battle ended, do you remember? By a frost dagger. I would have appreciated the warning that the cold will run through your veins, perhaps from a man who used to wield one himself? You know how the cold afflicts me, you bastard. No matter, my blood is plenty warm with hurt now. Since you first bound it on the field, my stitches have been torn thrice. I collapsed the moment I stepped through the portal and had to be helped into town to see Donna.
Though she may be a wondrously talented medic, Donna is no healer or witch. There's only so much she could do and so she's ordered I remain on bedrest until I've healed to her liking. I'm loathe to bring that woman's wrath down on myself, hence why I am now writing pointless letters to men stranded in different realms. She has four children now, Donna; Yip, twin boys Lello and Rollo, and a girl named Luca. She's only a babe, Luca, still in her swaddling, but the twins must be nearly ten. I tell you this because it's been fifteen years. We've been gone fifteen years. You may still be gone years and years.
Levin is grown now. Lord, even. He resembles you very much, all keen blue eyes and wisps of blond curls falling in his face, but his mannerisms are alike his mothers'. He has a faint trace of your accent in his words, too. He did not recognize me. I'm told he was too young when we left to remember us properly, though Malachi supposedly does. He's a trader these days, out at sea with Logan when we arrived home. Levin didn't speak with me long, as busy all day as our lady is—was. He did tell me he'd been excited to meet us both, that his brother and Uncle Dante had told him stories of us as he'd grown, and he'd known that if we were anything at all like how they'd described then we were good men he'd rather get to know.
Dante's grown old. I last saw him hours ago, and now he is head guard rather than the slight boy fresh from the academy we knew him as. The dark circles under his eyes make me worry he hasn't had a proper rest in years, and he's thin in a way I wish I didn't recognize. Do you remember the night he snuck away to handle the O'khasian archers? You might not. I've found even so soon after to my eyes the days and nights blend together at times. I remember the great tears rolling down his face when you and I removed the arrow and picked the remains from his face. That night left a scar on either cheek, rough ones shaped like starbursts or comets. The shape far-off lights make in the night when you squint just right. He felt so small in the cradle of my arms then. He's of a height with me now, standing eye to eye.
We missed their entire lives in the Matron's realm. Gone in a blink. Our boys, our brother, our friends, they have all moved past us. Irony of irony, they've sent us off into the Matron's embrace already, Sir Garroth Ro'Meave. Buried us and moved on.
Because of your actions, we have missed the whole of their lives, the lives we could have shared with them. Should have. All for what? For a man you hadn't seen in at least a decade, one you no longer knew at all?
Everything has changed because of what you did, you ass. I should tell you I will never forgive this deed of yours. And yet I miss you already.
Sincerely yours,
Your second-in-command, Sir Laurance Zvahl of Phoenix Drop.
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theladyofrosewater · 4 months
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I have finally gotten Laurance's character sheet to a point where I'm actually okay with the result. I'll probably make some edits later. Character notes and lore undercut also content warning for general shadow knight stuff
Feel free to suggest the next character to get a character sheet!
I was aiming for a swimmers or acrobatic type of build for him so I tried to give him wider shoulders. I'm going to be basing all of the guard characters after some kind of sports athlete so feel free to give suggestions for future guards like Katelyn or Dante
In my rewrite Laurance was nearly torn in half (yikes) in the Nether and Sasha had to stitch him back together. He didn't fully die but his heart stopped for almost a minute before Sasha restarted it. Hence he got turned into a Shadow Knight although a lot more human than most
Laurance is missing part of his leg in my rewrite as well as being partially blind in one eye and this is from Ungrth's rescue mission, which sidenote I'm very tempted to mix wyverns and phoenixes together in my rewrite so that Laurance still loses his friend but is comforted by the fact that he'll be back someday.
His leg prosthetic is actually part of his shadow knight form and as a result he can get quite tired if he's on his feet all day. Dante and Garroth commissioned Kenmur to create a decent prosthetic for Laurance but the group disappears before Kenmur can finish it. Laurance uses a wooden crutch when he gets too tired or has a day off. It's quite well made and carved with a wyvern script spell for steady balance. It used to be Jon's but Hayden gifted it to him when he left Meteli for good. (Also sidenote I'm making Jon and Hayden married in my rewrite just because I think it would be good storytelling)
Laurance has always been clumsy but surprisingly enough his balance only suffered a little when adjusting to his new leg, and he's pretty good at adjusting to the vison loss. He will however sometimes be an idiot while exploring and that's why half the time he ends up in caves or old witches hideouts when he's exploring
Laurance's natural hair color was that nice brown we all know and maybe love and in my rewrite he still dyes it to match Cadenza however becoming a shadow knight kinda mess with his hair and now when it reaches a certain point it kinda sorta just turns orange and while Laurance may be a flirt he doesn't actually care that much about his apparence, as long as he's in good shape health wise he doesn't care, so his hair is left long.
Laurance's shadow knight armor is actually quite different from a lot of other shadow knights as he's technically still living. Shadow knights that are fueled by intense anger like Zenix or were turned when they were still living have a lava like substance glowing in the cracks of their armor. Shadow knights like Sasha, Vylad or Gene on the other hand have "dead" armor that is just rock and maybe a few gemstones. Becoming a full shadow knight takes either your memories or a part of your soul and unless Shad gives an individual that piece back or they are too filled with rage their armor is dead.
His normal guard armor is a mix of nether metals and draconic steel, Aphelia got it from Zoey and gifted it to Laurance when he was sworn in as a knight of Phoenix Drop. It has an extremely high melting point so Laurance can hid his leg if he wants too or he needs to for missions but often times in Phoenix Drop he doesn't bother unless it's cold or raining or Phoenix Drop is on high alert. The leg produces some heat enough to singe fabrics but isn't a fire hazard unless Laurance wants it to be
Laurance used to have a lot of keepsakes and jewelry but they were lost in the Nether. but you can see on the casual outfit that Cadenza has been sending him new rings :)
His hair does glow in Shadow Knight form and yes he has been used as a nightlight/ light source before but on the bright side he got the codename firefly so it's not a total loss. also his teeth are stronger but not sharper as only some shadow knights get fangs and it's seemingly random
I imagine him to be almost 23 and around 6'2 but only because he has a habit of only walking on the tips of his toes as Cadenza made him take the same dance tutor their dads hired for her. In reality he's like 6 ft on a good day.
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arienic · 3 months
LAURANCE x FEM!READER — laurance angst based on this work. you know i love him but unfortunately for the both of us i love angst so much more
includes: angst (unrequited love), implied garroth/unnamed person
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"I love her," Laurance says. It comes out in a single breath. It's quiet, soft, small. If they were outside it would've been lost — to the wind, to the birds; to the rustling grass and old, creaking trees.
Garroth's swiping a cloth along the dirty underside of his sword when Laurance confesses. His head whips up. "What?" he blurts.
He says it again: "I love her," he whispers.
It'd be an impossible feat, missing the way Laurance's voice cracks.
"It's pathetic," Laurance continues, looking out across the plains. "The way I love her is pathetic. But I love her. It's — it's horrible, Garroth. I don't know how to — to…" His head hangs low, bangs coming forward to cover his face. "It's just… it feels horrible. And so heavy."
He can't help it. "Why?" asks Garroth.
"Because… because I —" Laurance breathes out shakily, curling his finger around a blade of grass. A few seconds of silence pass between them before he continues. "Because it's… not the sort of love I'm sure she can return. Because — because I have so much of it, so much of it, that it makes me feel heavy. It makes me feel light. It makes me feel like I'm capable of so much and that I can never do enough. I'm filled with it, Garroth, right up to the brim. I have so much love for her, and she doesn't want it." His friend's face is angled away from him, and he's slouching, hands limp in his lap. "I know she doesn't. I have so much and she doesn't want it. And — and I can't have it, because it's not mine; it's not meant for me. And I can't give it to anyone or anything else because it's not theirs — it's not meant for them, either. 
"It's not meant for anyone but her. It's hers," Laurance whispers, voice suddenly so gentle. "It's hers, all hers — it is and it always will be — and there's nowhere else to put it. It's so fucking heavy, and I have nowhere else to put it."
The silence that follows, stretching on and on, broken up only by the sounds of the natural world around them, is far from unexpected. Garroth doesn't speak, because of course he wouldn't. Not when he doesn't have the words. Not when he'll never have the words.
But he understands. Of course he understands.
So they sit in the grass, in the silence, and when the night passes over them they'll come to a quiet understanding: that this is to be kept between them, and that it is never to be spoken of again.
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rexecutioner · 2 months
Mmmm.. gonna draw my Vylad and Zenix and Laurance and Dante all go batshit crazy trying to figure out wtf happened to Garroth and Travis (and pals) during Starlight au
aka Dante and Laurance just figured out about the missing people over the news and Zenix saw it with Sasha and Gene, Vylad just got off of their plane from Europe (a large town in Gal’ruk with no internet access because how tf does the entire country of Europe exist in this universe) expecting their family but instead reads a newspaper about the Lycans
So Dante and Laurance are freaking out (Dante thought Garroth and Zane were on a camping trip with everyone else) and Zenix (who has a soft spot for Garroth bcs he taught him how to ride a bike, thanks Amnesia for that hc) makes a mad dash over to Laurance’s house only to find he isn’t there, then runs to Dante’s house and busts open the door much to Dante and Laurance’s surprise
Meanwhile Vylad is getting a whole bunch of nothing from trying to text people for the first time in months, their sibling gc has been quiet for months and even the Not Alone Buddies gc has been silent recently, not even a random meme or Travis selfie. So Vylad thinks of people close to their family and Laurance pops into their head immediately. Then follows Vylad trying to call him.
Cut to Dante is scolding Zenix for breaking into his house while Laurance’s phone rings, he picks it up and is extremely surprised to see Vylad calling him. The surprise goes away once he remembers the news cast and he answers.
Long story short Vylad arrives at Dante’s house as well, suitcase and all, and both Dante and Laurance get a surprise when Zenix immediately recognizes Vylad and they treat each other like old friends (because they are, Vylad got physically bullied once in pdh and Zenix was mad that someone dared try to bully somebody else before him, so he beat the shit out of the other guy and earned Vylad’s respect, they are now an honorary Shadow Knight in Zenix’s eyes thanks to how easygoing and mildly badass they were)
So they all crowd around Dante’s laptop and research anything they can about Starlight, using The Wayback Machine and looking into random phone numbers and last names, learning about what the Ultima is and giving them an explanation for why Garroth is a Werewolf now, and leading to Vylad using connections from high school (Hyria) to break into Lucinda’s house to find a book on the Valkrums, THEY RESEARCH and now they have a mild understanding about what might be going on, and Zenix finds Terry’s Office phone number by accident, leading to Dante calling it and the guy actually picks up
Terry is confused and quickly gets the phone taken from him by Lucinda who is insanely surprised to hear familiar voices from people she hasn’t heard from in months (in two cases years) and gives a very quick explanation about what is going on and who is okay and about what just happened like 2 seconds beforehand thanks to exorcism and Terry takes over with how bad the situation just got and infodumps about all he knows to both the witch girlys and the former Shadow Knights + Dante, PANIC ENSUES
and thats about as far as i got lmao
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cinnamontoastcroonch · 7 months
@xerith-42 ask and you shall receive
Angst & The Horrors™️
- laurance (and other SKs) who are quite often heavy smokers (whatev those ru’aunians got) because of its ability to take the edge off of their frayed nerves, but also because the smoke in their lungs feels reminiscent of breathing in the nether atmosphere, and that makes their subconscious miss it a little less.
they either appreciate it or hate it for that reason
- garroth who remembers his moments with his father like the back of his hand, and who remembers smelling that same smoke around him. being pissed when (around s1, prob after dante joins) he smells that familiar smell on laurance, urging and urging him to drop the habit. laurance avoids explaining why he does it for a while; until he can’t take it anymore, and the next time garroth says something to him about it, he breaks and spits his reasoning out like venom.
- laurance who quits. he does this after that last confrontation, when he can’t forgive himself for his attitude towards garroth, so he apologizes by trying.
- laurance who picks it up again in secret when the calling gets worse, while garroth is trapped in the irene dimension. garroth who returns and immediately notices; and he’s pissed. until he can’t bring himself to be angry, because he can see now how terribly laurance has been doing mentally.
- laurance who hates how dead he feels. how he can breathe but it’s never with purpose, how he hears a sickening rattle from his lungs the angrier he gets, as if to remind him that breathing is of no use to him anymore.
- laurance who can’t stand the bone-deep cold of his skin. who apologizes when he brushes hands with someone, because ‘oh god they can feel how cold i am, i’m not human anymore and they can feel it’
- laurance who thought he’d never hear that haunting ancient language of the nether again when he escaped; he’d never see it written again and it would be locked away in his memory; only to one day discover it in an old tome in emmalyns collection. he suddenly can’t think, or even pretend to breathe, and all at once his body feels like a husk as his soul slips in with that haunting tongue, and he has to get away from that book. he can hear the words swimming in his mind like a cruel song, and he’s terrified. “where did you find this”, but he is gone in a flurry before he even hears her answer.
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romeave · 3 months
I'd argue it's more complex then just reverse Laurance treatment.
It's either reverse Laurance treatment or the mystreet Zane treatment
As I have seen many people attempt to redeem Zane, despite no basis for doing so. And making him pathetic for a while to then redeem him.
Completely neglecting the harm he caused and all blaming it on Garte.
People refuse to see a middle ground, and understand he isn't all likeable and isn't all unlikeable either.
I feel the trait of Zane that gets erased the most is his sass though, the "toodles".
I'd argue mcd Zane is pretty charismatic at first-
But I have yet to see anyone portray this at all
ah true. i wrote that at like 2 am. i just saw laur in the post and made shit up. but yeah mys zane applies more to zane redemption stories whereas reverse laur is very much villian zane territory.
i think redeeming zane is possible, but i've rarely seen it done well. making him kind of pathetic isn't inherently a bad move, but canon zane at his most pathetic is also zane at his most resilient. weakness just makes him more desperate to succeed by any means necessary, bluffing his little heart out to keep himself a threat. bro literally got murdered and jumped right back into negotiating with his murderer's reanimated corpse he is not a pity partier.
the garte thing is annoying but unavoidable as zane is fictional white pretty boy with a shit dad. canon also has a tendency to do the opposite, blaming zane for everything garte did and turning him into a poor old sick father who was a manipulated by his evil son by the halfway point in s2 (a theory presented by aph, who has never met garte in her whole life, usually used to explain away events that happened while zane was stuck in a different dimension) so it could also be an overcorrection for that.
ever since mystreet aired there's been this weird attempt to seperate mcd zane and mys zane as if they're two different characters, and revoking mcd zane's sass privileges was part of that. which sucks and is bad. zane's unwavering sass is his most consistent character trait throughout every series he's in removing it is like removing his dumb emo bangs or that stupid mask. not the same
he was!! i think it gets missed bc aph doesn't find him charismatic/mys zane but his charisma is actually pretty crucial to his plans succeeding so getting rid of it is a weird choice (looking at you Rebirth)
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gonedreaminggg · 9 months
It was just so good.
Especially because at first it was teenager Dante and his gay dads and best friend. Now HE'S the wise one n all that shit, and the guys who quite literally MADE HIM INTO THE MAN HE IS are now poking fun at him for being old when HE WOULD DO THE SAME SHIT TO THEM!
I'm going feral over this.
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someoneshitinmysoup · 2 months
the absolute character assassination of laurance during the end of s2 makes me mad EVERYTIME
i know he’s hurt but aphmau decided to just then remember “oh laurance is a shadow knight” because she KNOWS he’s the best option now that aaron is dead. he is jealous. i don’t deny that. he is angry that she won’t choose him. frustrating and definitely gets to him. but what rlly makes me mad is that this isn’t for his character development at all simply bc she didn’t know what to do with his character. so just makes him someone who doesn’t value human life ???????
i believe he saw aphmau and aaron in the forest and let his rage take over. and i believe that the person he becomes isn’t him. it’s the shadow knight form taking over his character i just. miss the. old. laurance. 😭😭😭
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chronic-reveries · 4 months
MCD Headcanons:
-Laurance and garroth are 100% Malechi and Levins father figures
This isn’t even a HC imo but malechi is laurances adopted son and levin is garroths and that’s all there is to it honestly
- Travis is flirty completely by accident.
Due to his isolation from the village for their own safety, Travis had to find other ways to spend his time. Eventually, he started reading various books from his mother’s old collection as well as from various townspeople and the occasional abandoned ship. Most of these novels just so happened to be romance novels and as such he began to start speaking like the dialogue in the books he read. He obviously knew the townspeople didn’t speak like his books had, but they were the closest thing he had to an outside perspective given the cursed seas and the demon warlock kept him there. So it’s no surprise that he used the same flirtatious personality he had developed upon meeting both Aphmau and Laurance. Later along the line he just kept it up because it was funny to him. (Later season 2 goes against this and I’m well aware but I just try to think the best of Travis)
-the jury of the nine willingly surrender themselves to memory suppression magicks
In s2 ep34 Katelyn says “he wasn’t even supposed to keep his memory of Abby, but he did and look where that got him.” I’d like to think that this implies that most jury members allowed Zane to use memory suppression on them that also makes it so members aren’t emotional so that they aren’t vulnerable. Unlike most members Jeffory did not undergo this process as it’s not entirely mandatory but Zane likely strongly suggested it. However because he knew Abby would be utterly alone without him, Jeffory refused to allow his memories to be repressed. Other than Jeffory, all other jury members did undergo this process but it only lasts as long as they are a member of the jury. Hence why Katelyn slowly became more and more emotional post losing her position.
- Janus the Silver Death uses They/He pronouns
When Katelyn talks about Janus in season 2 episode 79 she fluctuates between they and he pronouns. There was a fluctuation between the two and I’m not sure if it was on purpose or not as like a writers choice, but it happened enough times for me to conclude that Janus uses They/He pronouns <3
-Katelyn and Ivy dated
In season 2 episode 91 ivy says “did you miss me love?” And while she says things like darling to anyone using specifically love stuck out?? Idk? But if they dated it was definitely for a short span and with a messy breakup that was likely caused by ivy taking things way too far. She also further added onto this behavior post breakup.
-Lo is the descendant of Kul’Zak or Menphia
I know Lucinda looks a lot like Menphia in a lot of ways, but honestly with Lo accompanying Aph to the Tu’Lah region and it all lining up the way it did it makes sense? Honestly though I don’t feel like he aligns with her title of the fury which is where kul’zak comes in. His title was that of the wanderer and honestly I could fully see Lo meeting that title, but that’s just about all I can say for him. Maybe there was more we never knew? Maybe his defense of his girls was representative of his “fury” but honestly it’s up for debate. I definitely believe he was tied to one of the relics though in some way shape or form.
Finished my MCD rewatch and heres everything I made HC’s for from season 1 to season 3 🎀
(I don’t make these often but I wanted to write these ones down)
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paarthurnax59 · 2 years
“Never to be”
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images is not mine (Also,I know I suck at this, so bare with me)
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader( unrequited), Reader X ???
Summary: Dean left you for Lisa and Ben after Sam fell into the pit, told you to never contact him again, among other cruel remarks on his part. Years later you moved on, starting your own life and finally meeting a man who truly loves and cares for you. What happens when your past comes back to invade your present and tries to jeopardize your future.
warnings; Super angst (but with a happy ending), Dean's a major dick, swearing, slight physical violence, reader feeling low self-esteem.
words: 2280
Just so you know, I know Dean would not act like this, it's just a fic. if you don't like it, please do not engage if this kind of content is too sensitive for you. there will be five parts to this story. I don't own any of these canon characters. they belong to their respective owners.
part 1
May, 2010
“Dean, what are you doing?” You questioned Dean as he stopped the Impala by the Laurance Bus Station in the middle of the night. Dean said nothing, not even looking at you as he got out the car and went to his trunk and pulled out a tote bag. He proceeded to come to your door for you.
“Get out.” He said coldly as you looked up at him with confusion on your face.
“What, Why?” You asked as you still sat in his car shocked that Dean was acting as cold as he was right now. You would understand due to the fact he had just lost his brother, forever. A person he had looked after and promised to protect since he was four years old. That would make anyone act the way Dean was right now. The weird part was why was he acting this way towards you. Like you were a pest he needed to be rid of to find peace.
“I want you to leave, (Name). Isn’t it obvious?” Grunted and took your arm and pulled you out of the passenger seat roughly, making your legs stumble out of his car. You heart rate went up drastically when you nearly fell form how Dean was pulling you out of the car.
“Why?! I don’t understand, Dean.” You whispered with shaky, heavy breathing looking up at his burning gaze staring down at you with an what looked like, an amused smirk.
“Do I need to spell it out for you, (Last name)? I don’t want you around anymore. I am going to go live with Lisa and Ben, and I don’t need some little girl that follows me around like a helpless lost puppy.” He spat out his venomous words while your face started to become pale as the blood started to leave your face.
“Dean…we have hunted with each other for years. You have known me since I was five. You can’t just kick me out of your life like we didn’t mean anything.” You heartbrokenly explained to the angry man in front of you. Sure, Dean wasn’t always your biggest fan. You were more of a friend of Sam’s then of Dean’s. Sam was about seven years older than you and Dean being elven years older. Despite your age gap, you and Sam got a long great. Watched movies together, go running, and do night-long research. You two were thick as thieves, and when he died, you felt like a part of you died with him. Hoping Dean would fill that void, he would become what you wanted and you two could live out your life together. Over time, aside his dislike for you, you had fallen in love with Dean, and hoped he had felt the same.
Boy, were you wrong.
“Can’t I? Sam’s no longer here, honey. Which means that I don’t have a reason to have you in my life. So, get on that bus and we can finally part ways and I don’t have to keep you dragging along.” Dean got closer to you and you took a step back, fearing what the hunter would do. He dropped the large tote bag right at your feet while giving you a hard scowl.
“Dean, you are grieving. You just lost Sam, and I can imagine that pain you are going through. I feel it and I miss him, too. He deserved so much better than what he got. But making me leave is not going to make you feel better.” You try to reason with the older Winchester, but all he did was just got angrier and then pulled your hair by its root and forced you to look up at him and screamed from the pain Dean was inflicting on you.
“Kid, Sam was the only reason I ever tolerated you on our hunts in the first place. If he were not part of it, I would have dumped you at any bus station and get you as far away from me as humanly possible.” He confessed through gritted teeth with his hand still griping into your hair. You felt like you were going to be sick with what Dean was saying. He never liked you? Not even as a friend? “I don’t need to be a perpetual babysitter for some scared, little girl on hunts when I can go live with a very beautiful woman and have a happy monster free life.” He grunted again as tears started to stream down your face with Dean’s cruel words started to sink in. He thinks you are a coward?
“Dean, let me go. You’re hurting me.” You cry as Dean refused to give in to your demands.
“No. You need to listen and listen good, sweetheart. I had promised Sam that I would drop hunting all together and live a normal life with Lisa. He didn’t say anything about promising to look after you. You’re a grown ass woman and you can defend yourself. I don’t need to baby you and most certainly don’t need you in my life. Hell, I never needed your sorry ass to begin with. Me and Sammy were doing just fine without you and I can live my life without you always being a clingy, needy and never letting me have my space. I’m tired of it and of you. I’m exhausted of having to take care of you, looking out for you and protecting you, when I should have been protecting Sammy and my friends, people that I care about.” He said with not an ounce of remorse in his voice. The more Dean told you how little you meant to him, the more your heart broke. Was it true? Were you nothing more than a burden to Dean? Did the time you spent together mean nothing to him and Sam? What if Sam felt the same way? What would Sam say if he were here? Would he agree and tell you to leave?
“Once you get on that bus, I am leaving for Lisa, a gorgeous woman who is far more deserving of my time and my companionship than some girl that can barely fight for herself. I’m going to leave this life and everything behind, especially you. You are nothing more than a useless, stupid bitch that had been nothing but a burden from day one. Getting kidnaped by werewolves, almost eaten by vampires, I had to watch the people I love die, like Jo and Ellen because they told me to go and protect you. They are dead because of you!” He accused you as he threw you aside, with you nearly falling to your feet. You try to catch your breath while trying to not let Dena’s horrible cruel remarks get to you. He knows how much Jo and Ellen’s death weighed on you. You were very close with both women, and it hurt so much to see them die like they did. Like Sam, they never deserved a fate like that. You never once believed it was your fault, until Dean that night told you that Jo and Ellen had made Dean promised to protect you. Which is why he focused more on you than the others.  Since then, Dean had held a horrible grudge against you. He blamed you for his friends’ deaths. You often wonder if he would trade your life for them in a heartbeat. Knowing how much Dean hated you, he most defiantly would. As the air grew cold and brittle, Dean held out his hand as he glowered at you. “Give me your cellphone.” He demanded while importantly holding out his hand to you.
“Why?” you asked and then Dean’s blood really boiled more as you kept making him wait.
“Just do it!” He yelled and you did as he asked and grabbed your phone and placed it in his hand. Dean then dropped it and proceeded to smash it with his foot on to your phone, making the sight made you gasp in shock, Dean continued to smash your phone repeatedly until it was broken into hundreds of tiny pieces.
“Why did you do that!? That was my only phone!” You yelled with hot angry tears streaming down your face. Had Dean lost his mind?
“So you don’t try to contact me or anyone else I may care about. I don’t want nor do I need to hear from you again. You made me sacrifice my friends and my brother’s lives for you and so many others before them. The least you can do is never contact me again and get on that bus to wherever the hell it’s going because I am done throwing my life away for you. If you want to die on a hunt, be my guest! I don’t need you dragging me ever again.” He huffed out with so much anger and hatred, you wanted to die right then and there. Never in your wildest dreams did you think Dean hated you this much. It was killing you just hearing these horrible things being said to you by a man you once called a friend. “Once more, you can’t put Bobby, Jody, or anyone else’s life in danger because of you. You’re not worth it, princess! You never were! So why don’t you just take that fucking bag yours, get on that fucking bus and get the hell out of my life!”
 You paused for one moment, still trying to process at what Dean was telling you. That he never cared, nor did he see you as anything but a damn burden and deadweight. Hell, he would probably dance on your ashes if you were to die the next day. After everything you went through, after everything you had sacrificed to help the boys stop Lucifer from ending the world, you think Dean would have acknowledge some tender emotions for you. Not as a lover, but as a friend or a sister maybe. No, instead all you received was a deep seeded hatred that was birthed only from the very notion that you weren’t good enough for the great Dean Winchester.
With a very heavy heart and cascading tears, you did as Dean said and picked up your bag and threw the strap over your shoulders and walked to the bus station. Dean watched with a stoic expression as you walked away from him. Walking up to the bus as the driver opened the doors for you.
“Where to, miss?” The white old man asked with a kind smile as he looked at you. You then looked behind you and looked at Dean one last time and saw that his hatful scowl on his face had never left and folded his arms in a way that screamed ‘You better get on that bus or else.’. With a single heavy sigh of bitter defeat, you looked back at the old man with a sad smile.
“Anywhere but here, please.” You requested.
“East coast it is, then.” He said as you walked up into the bus, showed him your bus pass, and walked to the back of the bus. You looked around and saw that there was only two people on the bus. A man in his mid-forties was taking a nap and an older woman who looked like she was reading a book. The buss doors closed, and the bus then started to move and out of the station. You look back the bus stop one last time to see Dean climbing into his Impala and pulling his car out of the bus station. You watch as Dean’s black car drive the opposite direction. As far away from you as humanly possible, just like Dean wanted. To go and live his perfect life he always craved. Leaving you with no phone, no contacts, and no friends to lean on. As you watched the night sky fly by through, you thought about where you were going and what you were going to do. You didn’t know nor did you care. You were alone to not only to wallow in your grief for Sam, but also for Dean abandoning you. For to completely be caught of from the people you loved and tried so hard to protect. It made you wonder if you a better hunter, fought harder, and able to save Jo and Ellen. Maybe even Sam, and even if it meant sacrificing your own life. As Dean said, you weren’t worth it.  Never will you obtain the love nor the friendship that he had to offer others. Your cries became silent sobs as the bus continued to drive further away until you passed a sign that said, “You are now leaving Kansas.”  
 This was it, you were leaving Kansas. The only home you ever knew. Nothing was stopping from what was happening right now. Never again were you going to see Dean or Sam every again. You felt it in your bones and it broke you, never sure if you were ever going to be whole again.
Never knowing if Dean would ever be able to love you like you loved him.
Maybe, just maybe, it was never to be.
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Part 2
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xerith-42 · 9 months
I decided to watch Void Paradox
I'm about five minutes into the first episode and I'm still not entirely sure if this is a good idea or not, but Laurance has already spoken like three lines of dialogue and I felt my heart wrench at just one of them, so clearly I'm in too deep now.
This post serves as my live tweeting/mental break down that I am currently having as we speak. It is very incomprehensible because it is literally just my thoughts as they happen, and given how much I have to say, I'll probably make proper posts out of a lot of these points once I finish the series.
This mess is just giving you a taste of the madness I truly posses.
I am only three minutes in before I have to pause and feel the urge to scream about how bad the dialogue in Aphmau series can be. Like this series is fairly okay, especially based on the standard set by her other shows but man... something is just not working here. The whole thing feels very clunky and while I can get the gist of what Jess is going for, the execution of said gist is leaving a lot to be desired.
[Laurance shows up]
nevermind Laurance is on screen and fully voice acted everything is better
Literally nobody talk to me I need to scream about Laurance Zvahl because he is EVERYTHING in this series. The way he very softly says Aph's name when he sees her, the immediate instinct to hug her because he's so relieved to see her, the fact that you can hear the smile in his voice the minute he registers that she's there and alive!! AUGH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!
And I literally screamed when he revealed that he was transported to this AU right at the end of season 1. Oh my Irene, I screamed. I collapsed. I was truly defeated by a single line of dialogue. I don't know where this series is going to go but I am here for it. And the fact that he knows Garroth did it and hid it from her???
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I can't overstate how genuinely healing it is to hear Laurance fully voice acted. I know Sebastian Todd is retired from voice acting, but when he retired, he took down all his posts, including what I considered to be a comfort video. That video of him reading iconic Laurance lines from before he was in mcd/lines he just didn't act? That video was my everything when I was trying to hold onto this version of the character I knew I loved who was different to what Jess made him. When that video got taken down it was a major cowabummer bc there's so little properly voice acted Laurance content that isn't mcd Season 3 or My Street stuff (and I can't stand My Street like 80% of the time)
Hearing his voice, hearing him get to be properly expressive, it's just doing things to me man. I missed this character a lot. I've mostly been enjoying him through fan content or my own work. It's nice to say I enjoy a piece of canon content involving him, at least so far.
Still not sure how I feel about literally anything else. The whole relationship between Aph and Tommy feels very... weird. She describes herself as "basically his mother" after she's left with him, and treats him like it in the opening scene. But then when he's mocking her for being attracted to Laurance (so relatable), it seems really weird for a [checks wiki] 14 year old kid to be calling out his mom for finding someone hot. Feels a lot more like sibling dialogue to me? Which I guess they could be seen as siblings, but the series explicitly stated that she views it like motherhood??? But I don't think Jess is even thinking that deeply about it, I just over analyze her work for fun at this point.
Okay what the actual fuck is going on with the inside of this house???
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Why is the color scheme purple and yellow? And not in any kind of flattering way which is possible with opposite colors, it just has both of them. The wallpaper changes when you get into the living room except not entirely on the windows, and in an earlier scene it looked like it wasn't even put onto all of the walls. And the wood that she used as supports just does not compliment either of these colors as they are. Just make it all purple, you know you want to Jess.
Also is the texture on the table and the glass the same??? I don't know a damn thing about modding or making texture/data packs for minecraft but that just seems. odd.
Laurance: mentions the nether Me: [screams just a little]
Tommy: shows up and gives a random ass lore dump Aph: Kay thanks go back to your room
"I don't know what I can do to help."
"Just be there for me. I just need someone to ground me right now."
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I literally want to shake Laurance around like a rag doll and give him a stupid kiss on his stupid fucking face UGH why can't I be normal about this block man and his stupid feelings?!?! The way his voice breaks as despair sets in?? The fact that he's no doubt pieced together that Garroth probably stole the amulet and plans to use it to hurt Aph and he can't do anything about it?? I'm literally losing it.
How did I not watch this series before.
Literally about to cry over him just calling Aph "M'lady" out of pure instinct. He didn't consciously do that. He just misses her that much.
oh no spooky evil alternate Laurance or whatever--
MAN I'm so happy I decided to watch this series. This was probably a mistake though :)
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kurithedweeb · 2 months
I know we always talk about Garroth ending up looking exactly like his father, but what about Dante growing up to look eerily like Gene.
When he joins up with Phoenix Drop, he's still young. He's a little on the short side, still a bit too thin from life in the wild and imprisonment, and he's a little anxious and shaky around so many people after having grown unused to living in a village. The smiling faces of the citizens remind you of your old home, of clamoring crowds and standing frozen in the plaza as your brother . . .
Anyway, it's good here. It's easy to fit in. The guards joke around with you and make sure you're healthy. They don't know a thing about dual wielding, but you get plenty of sparring partners out of helping the local baker practice her magick, and you maybe make a friend too. You're not too sure how you feel about the Lord, but she's a kind soul and does her best to make sure you're comfortable here in town, and her kids are great. Babysitting the boys is easily your favorite duty. Yeah, it's good here. For the first time in a long while, you feel like you're doing good.
Then the war comes. The children and non-combatants are sent away. The jovial atmosphere of the guard tower has soured into solemn silence as you make your final preparations. In the morning, you step into the battlefield and you go to war for the first time in your life. You have a horrible feeling in your gut that it won’t be the last.
You, Sir Laurance and Sir Garroth make a good team. It makes you sick. The three of you cross the battlefield at a slow and inevitable pace, cutting down any soldier that dares stray too close, and together you cleave the enemy forces in half, scattering them. The killing comes easy to you. You had hoped that in this peaceful new village, with time, you would become unfamiliar to how easily you were once able to take a life, but right then you’re glad your body never forgot the motions of death. Glad for the blood that stains your hands—how can you be glad?
You can’t remember how long you fought for. Days, weeks? Surely not months, or so you think. Yours is a small force, and though Miss Lucinda is a good healer, she grows tired while the other army’s numbers are replenished time and again. You remember the bags under her eyes as she tipped a potion sip by sip into your mouth the time you were shot through the face.
You remember sneaking into the enemy camp in the dead of night, skirting around the edges of it to the back line where the archers rested. You quietly slit five of their throats before you were noticed, and managed to slash another across the belly before the arrow caught you in the side of the face, in one cheek and out the other. The wood of the shaft cracked when you bit down. It was everything you could do not to scream as you fled. Dale thought you were a fiend when you first stepped out of the shadows, face obscured in blood and cradling your jaw as you cupped a hand beneath your mouth in an effort to catch more blood before it left a trail. Laurance held you while Garroth split the arrowhead from the rest of it with a knife and pulled the shaft out the other side of your face, your jaw gripped tight in one hand to keep you from struggling. It took hours to pull the splinters from your cheeks and tongue before they sent you to wake the healer. The whole ordeal had been excruciating. You might have cried. You remember that a lot more clearly than most other times at war. After a while, it’s hard to tell which side spills more blood when so much is shed that red squishes out of the earth wherever you step.
Every day, you fought dawn to dusk. And then one day you won. By Nicole literally knocking some sense into her father, of all things! You find a quiet corner to throw up in and for a beautiful moment, you think life in this little town you’ve started thinking of as home will go back to being good. Until your Lord tells you to guard the village as she races past the gates, and she doesn’t come back. None who followed her do either.
For days, you stand waiting at the gates. You don’t eat, you don’t sleep. O’khasis is gone, Scaleswind has made a refuge of the plaza, and still there is no sign of your Lord or your brothers-in-arms. You won’t even leave to have your wounds seen to. Nicole has to drag a doctor to the gates to treat you, and the entire time you watch the forest hoping that any moment they will reappear. You only step away when someone brings you news that the ship that took the children away has returned. You should be the one to tell them.
Zoey knows something is wrong the moment she sees you. Levin and Malachi smile and ask where their mother is—they call you ‘uncle’ while they do. You get down on your knees before them, and you gather them close in your arms, and you cry as you tell them their mother has been missing since the day the war ended. You’re still holding them when the exhaustion catches up with you.
Zoey is with you when you wake. She tells you you’ve been out nearly two days. She fusses over you, and you know you’ve worried her because that’s what she does when she’s worried. You’re a mess anyway, so you let her fuss. You drink the broth she makes you, you change into the clothes she provides, you sit still while she cuts the unruly mats of your hair and shaves your face. You used to cut yourself shaving all the time, no one ever taught you how and you were only six or so when Gene was learning to; you don’t remember now how he showed you each step or the laugh in his voice at the face of disgust you made when you slapped a little hand into the lather on his face and left behind a tiny palmprint. Zoey doesn’t cut you once. When she’s done with you, she takes you by the arm and guides you back into civilization, where everyone who remained has decided already on search parties to go out looking for your missing friends.
You head each expedition. Dale brings himself out of retirement to watch over the town while you’re gone, and asks only that you also look for his son. Does he know you used to be a tracker, used to spend days in the woods trailing coyotes and runaways for enough coin to carry you through the cold months? You try for him, but the ground is soft still and every step anyone takes leaves a print, all overlapping and muddled. You keep an eye out as you circle the same stretches of woods for days, but you find nothing. Your group goes further and faster than any other, the first to find and dismantle bandit camps and dens of fiends, but no matter how far you go you find not a sign of anyone who has disappeared that day. It’s as though they vanished into thin air. Every time you return home, Dale looks at you with hopeful eyes, and every time you must take him aside and break his heart a little more. Eventually, he stops asking.
For a year, you search. The area has never been safer. You have never felt so alone as when people start to suggest that a funeral may be in order.
You feel like a monster for the rage in your voice when you denounce these people. You know they aren’t dead—you would have felt such a thing, you know, you would have felt pieces of yourself snapping like wire pulled too taut, you would have felt the sharp edges tangling inside you—it would have felt like it did when the brother you killed rose from the grave to slit your throat and cut your very existence from the memory of Boboros. You hear white noise rumbling in your ears when the first brave soul says Sir Dante, there’s been no sign for a year now, and your blood is boiling when you slap their comforting hand off your shoulder. You spit that you’re not giving up just because everyone else has taken no evidence of life to mean the surety of death, and with their pitying looks burning into your back to return to the woods. You scream into the trees until you can’t anymore. When it doesn’t help, you use your considerable tracking skills to hunt something, anything, until you feel human again.
You crawl back home the day before the funeral with your cape stained with blood; they held it back so you could attend. You polish your armor and swords until they shine, and the warped reflection of your own face makes you feel sick the way waging war did. You stand at attention the entire ceremony without moving a muscle. When Dale reads the names of the deceased at the end, offering their souls into the embrace of the Matron, you salute, and the clatter of your armor silences the crowd.
Everyone who fought in the war salutes with you. So do your Lord’s sons. You’re too tired to cry. You hold your salute long after everyone else has left.
The remaining forces of Scaleswind return home. One by one, family by family, the streets of your home empty. Without your Lord, without your guard, the citizens trickle out the front gates and never turn back. Some apologize to you as they say their goodbyes, and some of them you actually believe. You close the gate behind each of them until all that remains is you, Zoey, and your Lord’s sons. Then Zoey tells you she’s taking the boys to the Yggdrasil Forest. She holds you tight for too long and kisses your brow when you show them to the gate for the last time.
You can’t believe you ever thought you knew what loneliness was before this.
For five years, you are completely and utterly alone. You search and you patrol and you do your best to maintain the village. You don’t believe in Irene, but every day before dawn you stand before her statue and look down down down over the cliff’s edge and pray that this won’t be the rest of your life. That you haven’t deluded yourself into believing a fantasy, that you haven’t made such an incredible fool of yourself that people can’t bear to be around you, that you haven’t been forgotten. For five years, you pray that someone, somewhere, remembers that you exist. You look down down down over the cliff’s edge and have the terrible thought that you don’t know what you’d do if you were forgotten again.
The gate is falling apart. You don’t know how to repair the damage the weather’s done to it, you tried to patch the cracks but it never holds. With each year, you’ve been pushed further and further outtowards the coast. The only places you have the energy to maintain anymore are the guard tower and your Lord’s home. You blockaded the gates when the mechanism broke, you check it on occasion to be sure no bandits get in, and one day you hear voices from the other side. Familiar voices. You scramble up the wall and look over the other side at a boy you don’t recognize looking back up at you. He says, Is that Uncle Dante? and you climb down as fast as you can to embrace Malachi.
He’s nearly the age you were when you first met his mother. He’s grown tall, and strong enough to carry his brother on his back. Levin is fevered when you first see him, flush and hurting even as he dozes, and Malachi tells you he can’t walk from how bad he hurts. You remember how Zoey fretted over him when he was young, how sometimes he’d scream for seemingly no reason, and once you show them to their mother’s home Malachi refuses to leave his bedside.
You sit with them and ask where Zoey is. Malachi tells you of her obsession, and the relief that you are not alone in the belief that those who disappeared are alive feels like a hint of betrayal. You’re relieved that she’s driving herself into a downward spiral because of what? Because it makes you feel like you were reasonable to fight not to let their souls be put to rest?
You wait for her at the gates deep into the night and take her to her boys when she bursts from the woods, frantic that she’d lost them, and safe if your Lord’s home she holds you so tight your ribs hurt from the force of her grip. After so long, you’re not alone anymore.
You wake before dawn and strap your swords to your back. For the first time in a long time, you feel safe enough to go without your armor. You hike up the steep cliff to the Irene statue. You kneel before her to offer your thanks. You look into the pool at her feet and fear grips you by the throat.
Your brother’s face looks back at you.
You wear your swords the way he did. Your hair falls like his, dark in the shadow of Irene. Your face is gaunt and pale from old habits, eating only enough to sustain yourself so rations will stretch long enough for you to find more—do you remember how they starved Gene before they killed him? How they weakened him so he wouldn’t have the energy to fight? How pale and gaunt he was, dirt streaking over the side of his face, blood and grime drying in his hair, shaking and sweaty with how hard he fought back? Do you remember the scar that twisted around his throat when he returned from the dead to get his vengeance? Your collar is open over the scar he left twisting across your own, and it matches his own so very well. In the shadows of your eyes, you see his own staring back.
You think of the war. You think of how easy the killing was. You think of how easily Gene cut through the guards, the Lord, the memories of Boboros. The rage in his voice when he denounced you as his brother, the twist of his smile when he told you he would leave you to rot, Dante. No one will ever remember you. You can see that twist in the corners of your own smile, pushed into shape by the deep scars on your cheeks. You and your brother are the same.
You’re shaking too much to stand. You never go without your armor again.
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