#i miss the alps in summer
haldanare · 2 years
god i miss summer sooooooo fucking much
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kikistar2004 · 1 month
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Blasting lana while passing the swiss mountains 🏔️
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fawnnpaws · 2 months
need childhood best friend!patrick to originally brush you off, not take what you have seriously and take you for granted. you’ve been friends for basically your entire lives. you spent summers at his mansion by the beach, he spent winters skiing in the alps with your family. somewhere in your young adulthood the lines started to blur. now you’re basically doing everything a girlfriend does but he won’t put a label on it. he’s on tour and you’re starting your career, so you only see him when he shows up unannounced at your door.
it would be easier if he didn’t tell you how much he missed you every time. if he didn’t eat you out like he’s starved for you and you alone. if he didn’t hold you in bed afterwards and wake you up with soft kisses all over your face. if he didn’t treat you like he loved you. a dirty word neither of you dare to ever say out loud.
because after all that, you know he’s seeing other people on tour. you know because the world is small and you’ll get texts from friends in far away places that say “i saw patrick leaving a club with some girl, are you guys not a thing anymore??” and you have no words to explain that you were technically never a thing in the first place.
you think you’re okay with it, that you can live with expecting nothing more than physical satisfaction from one another if it means patrick zweig is still in your orbit, but resentment starts to build. you start to fight more and eventually it all comes crashing down with him shouting “you’re not my fucking girlfriend! stop acting like you’re in love with me or something!” at you and watching in sort of horror as you go cold and just say, “okay.” and leave.
need him to agonize about it for weeks, waiting for you to break and talk to him first like you always do when you two fight. but it never comes. he’s left alone with a gaping hole in his chest that you used to fill. and what’s even worse? he’s left alone with nothing but himself to blame.
he can’t pin this on you. he didn’t realize how good you were to him, how much he’d miss talking with you and making you laugh, how much he relied on calling you and hearing your voice. not to mention, it feels like you’ve ruined pussy for him forever. he tries to fuck other people, but he can only get off if he’s thinking about you.
so, he caves. he has to, he’s fucking losing his mind without you. he practically bangs down your door with flowers in hand, wilted and abused from being shaken around while he ran to your apartment. you crack the door open an inch and he barges in, not letting you get a word in before he’s giving you a speech about how he fucked up and he wants— no needs to be with you. need you to take him back. he’s worked himself up to nearly hyperventilating by the end of it before you stop him and say, “patrick, i forgave you at the flowers, but it was really nice to hear you say all that.”
the thing is, you were seconds away from breaking when he showed up at your door. you’d never iced him out for that long and as much as you wished you had the strength to cut him off, you knew you never could.
you love him. and you tell him so. you let the words you’d been guarding since he kissed you for the first time when you were 18 spill from your lips. it feels different than you expected. every scenario you’d run in your head before this ended in him telling you he doesn’t feel the same way. but when you look at him now, with his rumpled flowers and tearful eyes, you know he does. and to your absolute delight, he tells you so.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Missing 2
Here is a silly part 2 to the silly first fic here 
Fluff, Mob Bucky is an adorable goof, this is worse than the first fic okay. I’m openly acknowledging this is ridiculous and stupid but I’m posting it anyway. 
“Why the fuck is he still here” 
Bucky narrowed his eyes, watching him carefully, hating the way he moved with such suave. Who the fuck does he think he is?! It had been days of him coming around, pretending his intentions were innocent but Bucky knew better. He had been in the game long enough to be able to read someone's character. 
There was nothing innocent about this. 
He was after his pretty baby and that wasn’t okay. 
“If you have such a problem with him, go do something about it” Sam snorted, watching the mob boss huff, shaking his head.
“I can’t just tell him to fuck off” Bucky grumbled, ready to give him the finger. “Even though he should, I don’t want him 10 feet near my princess” 
“I’m sure if you stare at him long enough, he’ll take the hint”
Bucky glared at him once more for good measure before smiling down at the purring ball of fur that pawed at his leg, demanding to be picked up. She had dragged your sweater into the room, dropping it by his feet, giving him a pointed look. 
“Hi baby” He picked up his sassy little fur baby, giving her a few kisses and scratching her head, cocking an eyebrow at her seeing the sweater she brought with her. “You miss her huh, maybe I should ask her out soon?”
“Merp” Alpine nudged her head against his chest while Sam shook his head, running a hand over his face. 
“For fucks sake, at least listen to the cat and ask her out” 
“He’s right” Steve smirked at his friend, snorting at the ridiculous sight of Bucky cooing at his cat, “Stop worrying about him and actually go ask her out”
Bucky thought for a moment, he had to do it right. You were sweet. Kind. Summer and flowers. His mind was all over the place, he couldn't stop thinking about you but would you even want to go out with someone like him? 
You sipped your tea, cozy in an oversized t-shirt and some fuzzy socks, snuggled under a blanket with your favorite tv show pulled up. You smiled sadly at the empty corner Alpine liked to snuggle in; even if she was with you for a few days, you missed her purrs and silky fur nuzzled against you. Then there was her owner. It shouldn’t have been legal for someone that attractive to have a cute white fluffy kitten, the combination of the two overloaded all your senses. Your mind continuously bounced between the both of them, not sure who you wanted to snuggle with more. Both with the same mischievous blue eyes and sassy attitude to match. You blinked hearing the doorbell ring; no one ever visited you at this hour. Then it rang again. 
You ran to your door, abandoning your tea and Netflix, squealing when you saw your sweet little fur baby sitting in a basket of red roses, a small note tucked onto the side. She hopped out of the basket and into your arms, nudging her nose onto yours. 
“Now how did you get here baby” you giggled, looking up to see a flustered Bucky on your drive way, waiting hopefully for you to read the note. You pulled the note out, smiling at the beautiful handwriting, biting back a smile as you read. 
Thank you for taking such good care of me, I missed you. I sleep in your sweater every single night. I wanted to see you again. 
PS: Will you go out on a date with my daddy?
You grinned, feeling your face heat up, looking up at the blushing mob boss. He made his way over while you kept Alpine tucked in your arms; the ball of fur making a show of snuggling in your hold. Bucky shook his head at his cat’s antics; if only he was as adorable as she was. 
“Sorry” Bucky blushed sheepishly, his heart racing when you took the basket of flowers and invited him inside. “I-I didn’t get to properly thank you for taking care of Alpine” 
“I was happy just to look after her” You smiled, feeling giddy over the fact that he was in your house again. “But I’d love to go out with you” 
That was all he needed to hear, kissing your cheek before leaving, his mind already thinking about where to take you. 
“I’ll see you soon doll” 
Bucky made sure he gave you the sweetest date possible, taking you out to a quiet diner where he spent the evening looking at you with heart eyes. His heart fluttered over your sweetness and he had to mentally restrain himself from cupping your cheeks and kissing you every time you looked at him. What the hell was wrong with him. 
The first date turned into a second date. Then a third. Most recently, he invited you over so he could make you brunch and eat in the large patio in his garden. Bucky’s heart started tp leap again, looking at his pretty doll set out strawberries on a plate and carrying a jug of lemonade.  He didn’t know what to do with himself when you brought him flowers from your flower shop to brighten his home, he already knew he was going to keep that bouquet preserved forever. 
You both finished eating, curled up on Bucky’s couch for some cuddles, his hand softly stroking your hair, stopping abruptly when he saw movement by the window. You sat up when you felt his body stiffen, looking up to see him staring at someone through the window. 
“Fuck, he’s back again” His chest rumbled against you, moving you over as he stalked to the window, frowning. 
“Who” You couldn’t see anyone from where you were sitting, nearly collapsing on the floor when you joined Bucky’s side. Now you knew exactly where Alpine learned her dramatics. 
“Him” Bucky growled at a stray black cat that slinked around his garden, purring as soon as his green eyes landed on Alpine who was basking near the windowsill. 
“It’s a cat Bucky”
“That’s not a cat, that’s a punk” He narrowed his eyes at the cat while he sauntered over, his tail swishing about, gracefully hopping on the ledge, his nose nudging against the glass, right where Alpine sat. “She’s too good for you”
“Oh my god” You wheezed, shaking your head while Steve walked by, stopping when he saw Bucky by the window. It had become a weekly occurrence, he was used to the scene before him, not that it was ever any less ridiculous. 
“Is he beefing with the cat again” Steve snorted while you burst out laughing, looking at Bucky staring off with the cat, his precious baby tucked in his arms. 
“Does this happen often?”
“Mhm, has he given him the finger yet?” 
“Shut up Steve” 
“He just wants a home, I think it’s sort of sweet” You nudged Bucky while he shook his head. Your heart melted, looking at Alpine trying to wiggle out of Bucky’s hold, inching towards the black cat that sat outside who was peering into the warm house. 
“I don’t trust him” 
“C’mon, he’s a little like you” Bucky frowned at you while you giggled, cupping his  face, pulling him down to kiss his lips, smiling when you felt him melt into your hold, his hands coming down to hold your waist. “He’s just a little misunderstood. Handsome on the outside and sweet on the inside”
Bucky’s ears perked up, a smirk dancing on his lips, pulling you closer. 
“You think I’m handsome and sweet?” 
“Bucky!” You rolled your eyes, “That’s what you got from what I just said?” You squeaked when he lifted you in his arms, carrying you off to his room, deciding he’d deal with the punk outside later. There were more important things that required his attention. 
“We have all night, tell me more my pretty doll” 
A few years later *
“I told you Alp would be with the groomsmen” Sam grinned, holding the white ball of fluff while Steve stood by Bucky. Alpine purred, a large silky bow replacing her collar. 
“That’s only because y/n has Bucky jr. on her side” The black cat purred in your best friends arms, his green eyes blinking at Alpine and then at Bucky, a little bowtie around his neck. 
“She named him Toothless, not Bucky Jr” Bucky groaned, shaking his head at the green eyes that blinked at him, he may have given into you adopting him but he still didn’t fully trust his intentions. 
“You love him” You giggled at your soon to be husband, waiting for his lips to press onto yours, ready to start a new chapter together along with your fur babies. 
“Hm, not as much as I love you” He whispered, pulling you into his arms as soon as he’s told he can kiss the bride, pouring every ounce of his love into the kiss. 
Who would have thought his little fur baby going on an adventure would bring him the greatest love of his life. 
*Of course when he does propose to you, there’s basically two proposals. One is perfect, romantic, intimate. Just the two of you, his sweet words, soft kisses. It was beautiful and you loved it but he already had your heart when you first feel 4 little paws on the bed earlier that day, a wet nose nudging you awake. There’s a new note attached to her collar, not a whole lot written on it but the few words bring tears to your eyes. 
Will you be my mama? 
To which you immediately say yes and gasp when you see a little ring on Alpine’s collar. Bucky smiles by the door, striding over to pull you into his lap, his heart filling with warmth when you attack him with 100′s of kisses. 
Alpine purrs proudly; she always knew you’d be the perfect mommy for her daddy. 
@glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @batprincess1013 @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant
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So some guy pushed a burning car into a ravine yesterday and since then 70k acres have burned up near where some of my family live. Absolutely terrifying stuff.
You’d be shocked to learn how many wildfires in the west are caused by arsonists - this isn’t an isolated incident. The massive Eagle Creek fire in 2017 was caused by asshole teenagers deliberately sending firecrackers into a drought-stressed canyon. Some dude used the fires up in central Oregon in 2020 as cover to set secondary fires. A couple fires in the Trinity Alps we narrowly missed a few years ago were started by arsonists (they thought the unusual - growing more usual - summer lightning storms would cover their tracks).
So not only can we blame oil execs and car culture and overconsumption for these fires - these forces also providing cover for pyromaniacs.
I know I generally love people on an individual level but I really despair of our species sometimes. Just some real weak shit.
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Skiing - a beginner’s guide
I first went skiing in Switzerland with my friends nearly 10 years ago and I loved it. The feeling of the wind on my face, the speed, the adrenaline- it was exhilarating.
I’ve compiled a basic list of ski events, a semi-scandalous article and some of the best destinations in the world as well as some budget friendly ones.
Socialite ski events:
Since it launched in 2013, winter festival Snowboxx has been growing in popularity - and it involves flying out to the Alps for a week-long ski party.  It takes place in Avoriaz ski resort, Morzine, France each March, and this year saw a superstar lineup of artists performing in the mountains, including ex-Radio 1 DJ Annie Mac, Becky Hill, Jax Jones, Sonny Fodera and Andy C. 
The combination of partying to some of the world's best DJs, with the unusual day-activites of skiing and snowboarding, are making many turn away from the summer festival circuit in favour of the winter one. 
Hahnenkamm, Kitzbühel , Austria:
The Hahenekamm ski race weekend in Kitzbühel is arguably the biggest alpine ski event in the world. The world’s best take on the iconic Streif downhill track, which is historically the toughest ski race track on the World Cup circuit. A lot of the speed skiers consider winning races here as a bigger honour than the Olympics. As a spectator, the atmosphere is electric with fans around the world admiring some breathtaking ski racing.
X Games, Aspen, USA:
The world’s best freestyle skiers and snowboarders compete annually in Aspen. The event is a prestigious honour to win amongst action sports athletes and has propelled careers. Spectating the event is excellent because you can see most of the action from the viewing areas. The halfpipe events in particular are excellent to watch for this reason.
European Snow Pride, Tignes, France:
Tignes is home to Europe’s biggest gay ski week, with the European Snow Pride. Each day has a theme with nights of brit-pop to superhero days. Many international DJs are invited to play each evening party in the resort’s local clubs and bars.
Slightly scandalous tales: Things I Never Knew About Skiing Until I Was a Private Instructor in Aspen
Really interesting read. I was thoroughly entertained.
Popular ski destinations:
1. Whistler Blackcomb, Canada
Whistler makes it onto pretty much every ‘World Top 10’ list when it comes to ski resorts
2. Niseko, Japan
Located on the northern island of Hokkaido, this Japanese skiing destination is a snow-covered paradise. With a huge 15 metres of average snowfall, it’s no wonder that Niseko is the country’s premier ski resort.
3. Zermatt, Switzerland
As the highest resort in the Alps, it’s got the views. The incredible peak of the Matterhorn can be seen from just about anywhere on the slopes! It also boasts the greatest vertical drop in Switzerland, and there’s all year round skiing at the Matterhorn Glacier.
4. Courchevel, France
The resort is a part of the world’s largest alpine ski area, offering more than 600 kilometres of terrain and interconnected ski runs across 10 summits. The snow here is well-groomed, and there’s a legendary black run that’s considered to be one of the trickiest in the world.
5. Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy
Known only to the most dedicated, well-travelled skiers prior to the 1956 Winter Olympics, Cortina is a hidden gem in Italy’s Dolomite Mountains.
6. Baqueira-Beret, Spain
It may be a surprising destination for skiing, but Baqueira-Beret in Spain is one of the best places in Europe where you’ll find value for money for a ski holiday. You’ll be able to find affordable accommodation as well as some of the finest tapas restaurants in the country.
7. Ylläs, Finland
The arctic landscapes of Lapland are perfect for skiing. If you dream of snow-dusted trees, the magic of the Northern Lights, or the glow of the midnight sun, Ylläs is a unique winter resort that you won’t want to miss. As Finland’s largest ski resort, it’s got everything you need.
Budget friendly destinations
1. Vogel, Slovenia
An ideal spot for couples or families, this Slovenian spot is a truly beautiful and peaceful ski area. Overlooking Lake Bohinj, Vogel is part of the Triglav national park.
2. Livigno, Italy
Duty-free zone Livigno offers excellent slopes for intermediate skiers. But advanced skiers and snowboarders will be kept busy too – especially if they’re keen to explore off piste.
3. Poiana-Brasov, Romania
Poiana Brasov is Romania’s biggest mountain resort and certainly one of the nicest. The fairytale slopes, flanked by pine trees, are the perfect place to take your skis. With more than 24km of ski runs, there’s plenty to explore.
4. South Korea -Muju Deogyusan Resort
Muju Deogyusan Resort in Jeolla province is only 3 hours away from Seoul. So, if you want to spend your holiday skiing and still enjoy the city of Seoul, this is the place to go.
5. Niseko Ski Resort
Located in Hokkaido, Japan, Niseko Ski Resort boasts a total of four different resorts but with linked ski area. A single pass would give you access to all four resorts. One of the resorts, Mt. Resort Grand Hirafu has been officially named as Japan’s number one snow resort due to the wide array of activities offered.
6. India - Gulmarg
Gulmarg is a rare gem in the Himalayans that will undoubtedly take your breath away with its picturesque beauty. However, skiing in Gulmarg, Kashmir is not for the weak-hearted as the terrains are not suitable for beginners - to add to that, the ski lifts carry you to the highest point in the Himalaya at 13, 780 feet!
7. China - Nanshan Ski Resort
80km away from Beijing, Nanshan Ski Resort is perfect for skiing and snowboarding as the snow are neither too hard nor too soft.
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f1crecs · 1 year
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Fic Rec List - Pierre/Yuki
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and I will remove it immediately, no questions asked. I have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop me a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to my inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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hi, anons. of course! i hope you enjoy these. 🫶🏻
it took me a ridiculously long time to find a photo for the header for this one, because of their height difference. lmao.
Sweet-tooth by @12romy | G | 2.6k Pierre keeps on finding sweet treats in his room. This story is very sweet (ha!) The author does such a great job of developing this lovely, warm atmosphere. I'm not sure I stopped smiling once during my read! They are certainly Idiots in Love here, and I love it. ❤️
'Summer break feels like it's missing something. Two things actually, the cakes, and Yuki. Especially Yuki.'
nsfw: I Feel Like I Exist For Love by @tinytauris | E | 3k Pierre comes to terms with the way he feels about Yuki. This is such a beautifully written story - almost like poetry, with a gorgeous flow that really suits the yearning and pining and overwhelming levels of love present in this fic. Just absolutely stunning!
'Other times he’ll make Yuki laugh, see the younger man tip his head back, and thinks I wish I could bottle up that sound, save it for when the world seems bleak'
nsfw: part-time soulmate, full-time problem by @mediumtyres | E | 3k Pierre feels jealous. I absolutely love the dynamic that the author has created here. Yuki has all of the control, and it is delicious. The push-pull here, the undercurrent of need and mutual desire that runs throughout - gorgeous, and such a pleasure to read.
'He looks like he’s been pulled out of a renaissance painting; plush lips bitten red raw, the indents his teeth had made just starting to fade; eyes blown wide, the black of his pupils completely swallowing the brown of his eyes; chest heaving, sweat starting to glisten in the early evening sun.'
nsfw: lay your bones down with me by @librasuncharles | E | 3.1k Yuki adjusts after Pierre's departure to Alpine. This fic is like a gut-punch. So beautifully written, and very real. The dynamic here is also fantastic - the teasing, the fondness, the obvious adoration that exists between them (even if that isn't necessarily obvious to them), contrasted with the circumstances and the reality of the situation. This fic stayed with me for a long time after I read it.
'“It’s been great,” Pierre says, finally. It’s funny; he can say all the words in the world about missing Yuki and whether they’ll still be friends next year to every interviewer in the paddock, but these are all the words they can say to each other.'
the alps by @grandprix-ao3 | T | 4.9k Yuki and Pierre adjust after Pierre's move to Alpine. No one does deep, soulful yearning like GP. There is an ache that runs throughout the entire fic, so visceral and intense that I felt it in my own chest. Beautifully done, as always.
'Yuki nods, though he’s not being paid attention to. He wonders, absently, if he had said something before, at some point, somewhere, if Pierre wouldn’t have signed the contract, if he would have stayed. It’s selfish, but he lets his mind go there, anyway.'
knowing i was beyond what could be recovered from by @milflewis | No Rating | 5.7k Pierre comes to terms with life on a team without Yuki. This story is gorgeous. The author weaves in so many beautiful details - Pierre's relationship with Esteban and Charles and Arthur, the frequent little touches between Yuki and Pierre, the glimpse into the future - and it all adds up to create the richest, most stunning story. The dialogue here is some of my favourite in the whole fandom. Truly - I could talk about this fic all day.
'Sometimes, Pierre used to spend longer than normal shaking hands and saying his goodbyes to the team, dragging it out, just to see if Yuki would wait for him. He always did. He wonders if Nyck is now doing the same.'
wingman by @riccardont | T | 6.8k (wip) Yuki and Pierre are roommates at college. This fic is hilarious. The author captures their voices absolutely perfectly, and the humour always, always hits. One thing that I love about this author's writing is their dialogue - it is so easy to read and flows so well, and it's just so fun. I love this fic, and can't wait to read more!
'Pierre almost feels bad for disappointing him. Almost. Probably because it feels like disappointing his grandma.'
nsfw: Set fire to the rain by @housepandacrimes | T | 8.9k Yuki and Pierre are detectives - Pierre is recalled to his old unit after his replacement is found dead. This fic is hilarious, hot, beautifully characterised, wonderfully paced, and complete with suitably unhinged vibes. One thing that I really love about this fic is that it is very atmospheric, and perfectly captures the Noir genre.
'He seems a bit guarded. The dark circles under Yuki’s eyes are hardly new but they do look more severe than usual. Has he been losing sleep over the death of his partner or is it something else? Pierre lays a gloved hand gently on his cheek, running his thumb just where Yuki's lack of sleep is showing.'
nsfw: your mouth makes me reconsider where my heart lies by @yukierres | E | 10.3k After a difficult race, Pierre is looking for a distraction - he finds camboy Yuki and things quickly develop. Not only is this fic ridiculously hot, the emotional journey that Pierre goes on is one of my favourites that I've ever read. Pierre's yearning throughout - he is a man obsessed, and he's not afraid to show it. It's just so well written and paced, and a joy to read.
'Pierre's ears burn. It has never been a thing before, all his partners delighted by his tongue and the things he can whisper in their ears. But his normal confidence is lost here, and he is not quite sure if it is the situation at hand or the way Yuki is looking down the camera.'
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lvsifer · 6 months
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern
tagged by @seamayweed thank you so much 💕
Quick disclaimer: the tags added here are to give a general impression, pls heed the ao3 tags if you want to read them as many of these include unhealthy dynamics etc. ♡
1. true faith. (TLT: John/Alecto, John/Mercy/Augustine) character study
For almost ten thousand years Alecto dreams in her tomb.
2. Night Moth (Silmarillion: Mairon/Witchking of Angmar) slow burn, seduction
The mountains rise high and crack black into the storming sky, here in the North where winds whip the landscape into desert, where all is barren stone and blackness save the snowy crests of the mountains, one man has long since claimed his stronghold. 
3. more than blood hooks (Fantastic Beasts: Albus/Gellert, Gellert/Aurelius, Albus/Aurelius) exploration of grief, dead dove
The wind blows cold and wet, scatters snow on every surface until at last the world is white with silence.
4. lean to my wound; burn on (HOTD: Rhaenyra/Daemon, Rhaenyra/Alicent) coming of age, gender exploration
Rhaenyra is four years old and hiding behind her father’s chair, clasping her wooden sword.
5. No Sacrilege (IWTV: Lestat/Louis) pwp, Louis in a dress, love
It’s a sweltering summer night, the heat so thick it stills the world by day and now sweetens the dusk.
6. missing link (BTS: Jhope/Yoongi) pwp, kink, cnc roleplay, web cams
Yoongi opens the website, dick in hand.
7. Friction (Star Wars: Kylo Ren/General Hux) Vader survives AU, action, politics, war, classic kylux
“I killed Luke Skywalker. The last Jedi is dead.”
8. Bangtan High cowritten with Elinad ♡ (BTS: ot7 and all variations of ships) teacher!AU, mutual pining, angst, fluff, slice of life
A sheet of fog dusts the town, wetting the air with the smell of rotting leaves.
9. doubtless while we dream (BTS: Jhope/Yoongi, Taehyung/Yoongi, Jhope/Taehyung, Jhope/Taehyung/Yoongi) pwp, hurt/comfort
The sun sets dirty over the noise of Manhattan's streets, and neon streaks the city in the onset of night.
10. and this dark soil (Fantastic Beasts: Gellert/Credence (Aurelius), Gellert/Albus) unhealthy relationships, manipulation
Grindelwald takes him to the darkling forests of Austria, over the jagged ranges of the alps, through valleys shrouded in the gossamers of fog, until at last they reach Nurmengard.
Alright. I love to start with descriptions most of the time, unless I start with sword or dick in hand, it seems. Crying at myself here.
Tagging @jamlocked @fraeuleinfriedhof @cilil @saintstars @curufiin @liesmyth @crackinthecup @theskeletonprior @seebestattung @sightetsound @killpilled and whoever else might wanna do it, just feel free to tag me! 💕
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nightbunnysong · 2 days
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What I did today
from 8:45 to 12:15, I studied suspect species for the mycology course
read a book on the wildlife of the Alps by A. Perini
drove 100 km again to return home (I already miss my boyfriend)
stopped to buy some radicchio plants for the winter (I got six different varieties) and a bag of soil (which a young man kindly helped me carry to the car since the bag weighed almost as much as I do, lol)
when I got home, I repotted the plants into containers, which I then moved to my balcony where they will stay warm for the winter
while I was at it, I did a bit of gardening too
in the evening, I took a sunset walk with a long-time friend and our dogs—the sky was absolutely spectacular
Today, I felt really good. I deleted all social media apps from my phone, including Pinterest and YouTube, except for the messaging apps I use to stay in touch with university colleagues and my family. Altogether, I was under two hours of screen time, mostly because I was studying a PDF since I didn’t have my computer.
On my way back home towards the mountains, I noticed it was snowing quite a bit on the higher peaks on the horizon. Even though I live in a valley, it was very cold when I got out of the car, but it's quite pleasant after such a hot summer.
Oh, and one last thing—some family friends arrived from America, and something that made me smile was that the girl from New York, despite the jet lag, admitted that she already felt rested and her nervous system was relaxed because of the valley's silence, which she’s not used to.
(I’m writing this from the computer, in case it wasn’t clear.)
[photos from pinterest]
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phoebe tag game!! What’s your top 5 from stranger in the alps, punisher, covers/non-album songs, and boygenius?? Tag 5 people (preferably Phoebe fans) Thanks to the lovely @pho3b3-tayl0r-luvr (yay the tag worked) for creating the original post and letting me turn it into a tag game!
phoebe top 5s
stranger in the alps
Motion Sickness
Smoke Signals
It’ll All Work Out
I Know The End
Moon Song
Covers/non-album songs/ collaborations (i didn’t know enough so i had to add collabs im sorryyy)
Silk Chiffon
Waiting Room
You Missed My Heart
Nothing New
Summer’s End
Not Strong Enough
Letter to an Old Poet
Me & My Dog
Leanard Cohen
Cool About It
no pressure tags: @literatureisdying @astraeasparrow @xgirlidiotx @waitingforthesunrise @imswimmingback @crowgenius @electric-sheeeep hopefully I got everyone! Anyone feel free to join <3
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mylordshesacactus · 1 year
I adore bragging about my players’ cool moments but, hey, I’m playing the game too, and I gotta give my girl Arlette Starstrike her moment here.
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The party has been holding the city. They’re doing well, handily defeating enemies I anticipated being much greater threats; it’s immediately clear why the five of them, alone, are being considered a swing division in their own right by the decimated city guard. When the walls are breached and the party arrives at the gap, they manage to hold it for a while.
But then, the fae commander enters the battlefield.
She’s a pale woman in dark armor, wearing a deeply hooded cloak of such dark green it’s nearly black. The silver greatsword in her hands is brutal in its elegance. She is not hurrying; but her slow, inexorable approach belies the unnatural speed at which she can move, blurring like a heat mirage when she dodges, whipping that vicious greatsword through the air like a reed whip.
She carries a torch of emerald flame. From much, much farther away than she should be able to manage--shortbow range, nearly--she whips it over her head like a javelin into the breach.
The explosion on impact is devastating. Andromeda, their paladin, is thrown sharply into a stone wall, cracks her head against the rubble, and drops. Every other member of the party that was within range is knocked prone by an explosion of magical fire, struggling charred and bleeding to their feet. And then the small army, safe now inside the range of the city’s very, very few trebuchets, rushes in. 
Two massive animated hangman’s trees--hulking oaks, perpetually regenerating themselves with the power of the earth, dripping with black nooses and rusted chains--charge forward to flank their commander, and she walks calmly up to the nearest defender and starts methodically cutting them all to pieces.
Slowly but surely, the party starts to lose.
She fights dirty, using Command words to pull ranged fighters and casters in close before unleashing powerful AoE effects that desiccate the earth, drying out the grass, leeching moisture from the soil, cracking the party’s lips and skin with the heat of a desert sun in summer--here, in late autumn, in the middle of the fantasy space Alps.
She’s smiling. She’s enjoying this.
I think almost every member of the party goes down in this fight at least once--including both paladins (Olassa, taken to her knees by the desiccation spell; Andromeda, struggling back to consciousness to heal herself as best she can and then charge bravely back into the fray because she’s their heaviest hitter and she’s desperately needed)....the only healers the party has access to. 
Audie, a bookish librarian wizard, once again shows her deranged levels of courage by rushing deeper into melee range and sacrifices one of the party’s precious healing potions to get Olassa back to consciousness; but this is no longer a game of healing back to fighting status. The party is tapped. They’re trading hitpoints in the single digits, trying to keep everyone conscious--and it’s a battle they’re losing.
The fae commander steps calmly up until she’s standing over the faintly stirring Olassa. She runs two fingers down the flat of her blade, emerald runes flaring in their wake. The party knows this spell. She’s used it before, against Farrah. There is a non-zero chance that a single blow with this spell active will be enough to kill Olassa instantly--and if it doesn’t, the smile on the commander’s face says she fully intends to finish her off on the backhand.
As she raises the blade, the emerald runes flare amethyst and explode, shattering like dropped glass; the blow goes wild and misses as the commander is knocked away, more by surprise than force, by the snarling werewolf suddenly crouched over the fallen Olassa.
Arlette Starstrike, level five sorcerer, facing a woman armed with a silver greatsword--burning her only level 4 slot on a single desperate Counterspell.
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ayearoferewhon · 1 year
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Richard Kalvar
FRANCE. Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur. Marseille. Sugiton calanque. Nude bathing. A calanque is a sort of fjord, not easily accessible by land. 1978.
This photo is like a really good memory for me. I’ve lived in France and one of my best friends is originally from Marseille. He’s gay and I’m a big friend of the gays - he took me to his favorite nude beach, well, actually several of them! He loves to bring his American and British friends, girls and guys, gays and straights, to the nude beach with him. He’s naked all the time, basically! Even when he comes to visit, or when you visit him at home, even when you visit his mom’s home in Marseille! He’s so much fun really, and I miss him. One summer long ago, we stayed with him mom in Marseille and he took me to Sugiton. Not this long ago! But a while ago now. He and my girl and I took a bus from the city of Marseille. I think we had to climb up and up over a big mountain pass and down the other side into the calanque of Sugiton. We wound up, after scrambling and scrambling, on the beautiful beach you see in this photo. Why do us nudists have to suffer so to reach our beautiful spots? But this beach is worth the trek. It was mostly men, but not only men, so my love and I felt welcome. We had a beautiful day in the blazing sun and sea. We gorged on seafood later that night in the port of Marseille, drinking bottle after bottle of chilled Provence wine.
I sent this photo to my friend after finding it online a few weeks ago. It made him sad, as he says almost no one goes to the nude beach at Sugiton anymore.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
Imaginary Book Recs Cover Thoughts: Round One
Two Passengers on the Last Train by A.G. Benedict: Obscure English literary fiction from the 1920s. I read it as a Gutenberg ebook, but the original cover was one of those clothbound classics with silhouette images. Any modern-day reprints are by very small publishing houses that provide minimal, low-budget covers using old illustrations (something like this version of Manalive.)
Song of the Seafolk by Marjorie A. Penrose: American children's fantasy from 1954, with illustrated cover typical of the era. Has had rerelease covers in subsequent decades (including one very nice painted cover from the '90s).
Bright Folly by Glorya M. Hayers: 1930s comedy mystery. Most representative cover is the mass-market paperback that looks like the more cartoony covers of Wimsey novels (like the editions that contain this version of Gaudy Night), though with a bit more of a sunny Wodehouse twist.
On Eternity's Doorstep by Willa Aldecott: Classic autobiographical novel about WWI nursing. Several rereleases over the years, all involving variations of historical photographs or historical-nursing-items on a colored background. (The Hiding Place keeps coming to mind as a cover comp, except with more sepia-toned photos and gentle browns and neutrals as background colors.)
The Queens of Wintermoon by Jessica Wagner: 1980s (or '90s, I can't remember) adult fantasy with an illustrated cover. A 2010s attempt to repackage it as a YA series split the book into four covers that each featured the heraldic symbol of the House of each of the four sisters (Raven, Eagle, Falcon, and Firebird) on a different jewel-toned background (probably blue, green, orange or red, and violet or black).
Caroline by Maria Layton: 1820s classic novel. Anything that's been done for an Austen book is applicable here.
The Lands of Dorothon series by Barbara Lamley: Off-brand versions of Narnia.
The Autumn Queen’s Promise by Rose Rennow: 1990s children's historical fantasy. Illustrated cover that combines the fantastical autumn colors of An Enchantment of Ravens with the more straightforward historical imagery of a book like The Sign of the Beaver or The Witch of Blackbird Pond.)
Island in the Stars by Carolyn Taylor Harris: 1970s children's science fantasy, with the period-accurate slightly wonky cartoony style.
The Camille series by Annette Nowell: Anne of Green Gables covers but with more exotic settings as the background. Both Camille in the Alps and Camille in the Andes involve her climbing mountains in intrepid Edwardian girl-reporter wear.
The Lakeshore Plan by Louise Zajac: Something between Swallows and Amazons and The Penderwicks. Could go full-on painted summer scenery, but simple drawings and/or silhouettes are also valid options.
Ever Miss Eliza by Charlotte Koning: 1940s slice-of-life light fiction. Honestly, I just picture the cover of D.E. Stevenson's Charlotte Fairlie, except the illustration is a woman in front of a rural schoolbuilding.
The Ocean’s Revenge by Edward G. Whitmore: 1940s pulp fiction in all its glory. Cover features a striking painting of a futuristic submarine in the grasp of a huge squid-creature.
The Book of All Days by Harriet Street: Painting of a little girl peering at an old-fashioned book.
The Guardian of the Nest by Aurelia T. Noah: 1960s children's fantasy. Probably a cloth-bound cover with the images (fairy tale carved right into the cover the way they are in some old books.
The Thief’s Debut by M.J. Ponders: Very recent indie-published fairy tale retelling that is unfortunately saddled with the genre-typical "girl in a sparkly prom dress" cover that probably involves her wearing a mask and standing in front of a vaguely Venetian-looking building. In a better world, it would get a digital-painted cover more along the lines of The Electrical Menagerie, (though the subject matter would be something between The Princess Bride and The Lies of Locke Lamora).
The Interdimensional Book Carrier by Martin Kaspar: Modern-day bestseller. Cover comps coming to mind are The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry and Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore
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rainerbayer · 3 months
rb's Free Rider's Motorcycle Memories (2 / oo)
On the Route des Grandes Alpes (Maritime Alps, France) – and some thoughts on the age of 60
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First picture: Me and my Triumph Tiger Sport 1050 on a pass on the Route des Grandes Alpes towards Nice via Valley of Isere (Val d'Isere): Col d'Allos.
With my type of motorcycle clothing 8-) , it was also possible to hike up to the managed lake d'Allos (Lac d'Allos) without any problems. It's about 30 minutes (one way) from the parking lot further up, which is subject to a fee in the high season. The path runs partly on a rocky track next to the meandering stream bed. The path is marked with information boards explaining the formation of the stream and the peculiarities of the lake and its surroundings.
However, I don't want to give a description of the Maritime Alps (discover them for yourself!), but rather make a few comments on how traveling by motorcycle has changed for me with age.
So, let's go back to the first picture: A good 10 years ago in a somewhat freer and simpler world (also for motorcyclists): less complicated, less regulated, more light-hearted than today.
When I was younger, I wished the journey would take forever, and I could well imagine living in this fantastic mountain world: right on the spot, so to speak, without the tedious approach route of hundreds of kilometers.
The latter is still the case today, although in view of developments in Europe, the question arises as to whether I am far enough away there from growing madness …
In the early years, I also savored the trip to the hilt and always returned well after midnight or in the early morning, usually in pouring rain.
Nowadays, at the beginning of my 6th decade of life, it's the growing feeling: "I'm here and it's still nice, the routes are still fantastic to ride; I've seen a lot again and also new things, but now it's also good to go home again". Today I usually stay overnight again on the route back - due to my age. One positive aspect of getting older is that the feeling of being back home becomes stronger. By "home" I mean the people and the landscape: the environment in which I grew up. People and landscape are interwoven in a special, almost mysterious way; a realization that takes time.
The last two pictures: So I usually come back in the early evening nowadays. If the weather is not too bad, I take off my luggage and immediately cycle up a few more 10 kilometers to our "small" mountain and forest landscape here; in good weather bathed in the almost golden light of the evening sun in late summer and early autumn. And I am enjoying our narrow mountain roads through our mixed forests, our green meadows and our gentle to rugged (steep) slopes of the vineyards.
Here it is the south of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, not the "far" south of europe. It is not the fantastic mountain and rock world of the Alps with its (drivable!) passes up to over 2700 m altitude, its deeply carved gorges, its mountain lakes and streams, its alpine farming areas, its often grotesque and "dangerously" narrow roads, with their different people, their slightly different way of life. (You see, I'm already starting to miss that again.)
But it's my home and it feels good to be back.
And to get ready again for the next trip.
(Tanslated from German with DeepL - free version.)
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mikimeiko · 1 year
Day 3 - Across Austria
Never ever again I'll book a train at 7:15 am. Unless I'm staying at less than 10 minute walking distance from the station. Maybe not even in that case XD
Also, it's raining. And it's supposed to be raining in Salzburg when I get there, but I'm crossing my fingers really hard that it will not be the case.
I'm a little sad that this is my last stretch in the Alps (until the very last day of travel) and I can't really see them because of clouds and fog.
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The train route from Innsbruck to Wien via Salzburg has a long stretch through Germany? I wonder if it's a situation like that of the Cuneo-Ventimiglia (an Italian railway going through France for a bit... except those were Italian territories when it was built) or there's a different reason.
More cows! And with calves! <3
There's an actual - though small - restaurant car! I haven't seen one of those in... I don't even know!
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I get to Salzburg and it's not just raining it's POURING.
After a long coffee break, when the rain gets a little better, I take a bus to the old town. There's a market in one of the squares and I get a delicious slice of poppyseed cake (another thing I would have liked to try in Innsbruck but couldn't find, it was a stroke of luck!).
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I walk around for a bit, but the rain gets worse again and it's getting harder without much joy. So I take another bus just to rest for a bit and see where it goes, than change bus to get back via a different route but I TAKE IT IN THE WRONG DIRECTION and end up almost at the airport XD I go back to the city but I didn't realize how widely around the center this bus went and I end up at the train station definitely too early for my train but also too late to risk going to the old town again and coming back on time. I guess I will just... wait here. (Salzburg looked nice, especially the castle on the hill, but I cannot even tell if I would like it enough in a better weather or if it's just not really my style of city.)
Actually there's a shopping mall near the station, so I decide to do some window shopping - and actually remember to buy something that I had forgotten to buy yesterday XD
More cows! And chickens! And DEER!
Just got off the train and I can already tell Vienna is going to be on another level. It's been a while since I visited a big European capital, and I kinda forgot how awe inspiring and intimidating it can be when you just arrived and still have to get your bearings.
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I'm staying in a capsule hotel and it is both very cute and very weird XD
There's a film festival in front of the Rathaus, only it's really a food and music festival from what I've seen? No... films? I'm sure I'm missing something here XD
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It's kind of lightly raining but I decide to go anyway. I try the wiener schnitzel and it is literally THE SAME as the cotoletta alla milanese, I don't know what I was expecting but it was really identical XD I also had a watermelon radler and 1)radler in general is the drink of the summer is so much better than the Italian version (panascé) 2) watermelon radler is the best and if I could import it to Milan I would.
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koheletgirl · 8 months
8 bc i miss her and 24 + 25
8. three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation
ugh ugh ugh cruel summer of course. and then i don't dance from hsm 2 and one week by the barenaked ladies
24. three favourite old songs
define old? but if we're talking 60s-70s then a case of you by joni mitchell, piece of my heart by big brother & the holding company, and anything simon and garfunkel ever did
25. three favourite songs of 2017
wow that's specific. uh the entirety of stranger in the alps but i'll say smoke signals, soothing by laura marling, and die 4 you by perfume genius
ask game
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