#i miss japan it was so easy to eat better in japan
queenerdloser · 1 year
what i need is like. a how to guide on improving your food health when you’re a tiny baby who only likes carb heavy savory food and doesn’t like to cook and also hates change. basically i need someone to come in & force me to eat better for me bc experience has shown that i crumple at the slightest bit of hardship when it comes to re-aligning my eating habits. 
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
I apologize for making it so detailed
If Its Ok Could you Make Some Pro heroes React to The reader Not waking Up for a Few DaysDue to Tiredness cuz of their Angel quirk?
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Warnings: Other than slight mention of blood, then none!
Authors note: Your totally fine, you didn't know! Sorry Hawks headcanon is a bit shorter than All Might’s; I didn’t know what else to add for the dumb bird man.
I also wanted to add that this is based on my opinion, so when reader uses their angel quirk too much, they get ‘sick’; thank you for the request <3
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Hawks / Kiego Tamaki:
He would be extremely worried for you! When he sees you drowsy, rarely leaving the bed and eating makes him realize that he, your most amazing husband, can take care of you whilst being ‘sick’
Keigo will try to allow you to sleep as much as you can, but three days are the max. Sadly, he will wake you up every other hour to help you eat, drink, and walk you to the bathroom if needed; even offering to bathe you.
If you don’t feel like getting into the bath, he’ll get you undressed and wings-friendly wipes to clean off the sweat and dirt off your pretty skin.
As much as Keigo loves to see you rest and be cuddled up with his pillows… he may or may not join in and miss a day of work or two; simply sliding in, covering you with his wings while kissing your hairline, squeezing your waist.
Hawks will gladly make you chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, or anything that’s easy on your stomach; he’ll offer to massage your wings, get deeply into your joints and muscles to make sure you sleep well.
He brings you an excessive amount of pillows and blankets, making sure you’re well comfortable before leaving work. This includes him stopping at his breaks and flying to your shared apartment, slightly shaking you awake to make sure you haven’t died yet.
Keigo is rarely away from you when you’re in this state, practically behind you, ready to come at your call for anything you need. Want a certain food? Sure! He’s getting buckets full of it and your favorite sweets as well.
When you’re hungry, he insists on hand-feeding you like a baby; scooting closer towards your warm body until you give in, wiping your face whenever the soup gets on your face.
As much as Keigo hates seeing you in this state, he does get very prideful when you’re very drowsy, not only does he get to take care of you and show you that he’s the only one for you, he may or may not pray for this to happen more.
Once your sickness is over, he’s damn well happy. Not only does he get more cuddly, but he takes you out for a nice dinner on the balcony of a tall building: decorated with the best foods in Japan and candles laid out and about.
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All Might / Toshinori Yagi:
You’ll give Toshi a scare, that’s for sure. He already worries about you but now you have a negative trait to your quirk usage where you’ll sleep for days? Oh goodness.
Toshi treats you like you have an extreme stomach flu; much like Hawks.
He’s always at your beck and call, ready to drop everything in his hand to help you. Want some rain sounds in the background to help you sleep better? Absolutely! He has it all and the curtains closed. Want a really soft blanket that won’t itch your wings? How dare he! He runs to the nearest store and buys three blankets double the size of his. Want to cuddle and watch a movie together? Of course, he buys your favorite drink and rubs your back and wings for you, kissing your forehead.
He makes sure the room is clean and nothing is in your way, fearing you’ll fall and ‘hurt’ yourself more than you should; hell, he’ll even deep clean the whole house even if he’s coughing up blood.
Toshi is cooking you the freshest and lightest meals for you, making sure that you’re well hydrated and often offers to make you tea to help with your symptoms.
When you’re resting, he tries to let you sleep as much as you can and help you catch on your ‘beauty sleep’ so your body can heal. Rarely, does he disrupt your sleep, but other than to wake you up for bathroom and water breaks, he lets you sleep for however long.
Whenever you’re ready to take a bath, Toshi is there helping you, rubbing your wings with special ointment to help you relax; the room is filled with your favorite candles, scents, and refreshing salts to help with body aches. He’ll offer to wash your hair, gently praising you for getting out of bed.
No matter how much you practically tell him that this is normal for you after overusing your quirk usage, he can’t help but worry; what if you get so hurt your wings fall off? What if he isn’t there to help you and you slip in the bathtub? What if you drowsy sleepwalk into the balcony and fall? Oh god.
When he does come into your room, he tries to be very quiet but ends up admiring you, even if it whines that you look ‘horrible’ or ‘disgusting’. He may or may not take pictures of you laying in the bed, keeping them in his phone to admire later.
Toshi takes care of you like a mother hen: He makes sure to catch your fever every now and again, making sure you’re drinking water or orange juice, and tries to get you into the bath. If you can’t, not a big deal! He’ll wipe wing-friendly wipes to help the sweat and dirt off.
Once you recover from this state, Toshi will sigh in relief and rethink things to make sure this won’t happen again; practically begging you to not use your quirk over your limit.
After a few days of your recovery, he’ll take you out on a nice dinner with your favorite dessert.
Thank you for reading! My masterlist
Reblogging, commenting, and likes are very appreciated and welcomed! Stay well
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banannabethchase · 11 months
Now Our Bodies Interlock - also on AO3
The House of Black's shenanigans have reached Eddie and Ricky, the pair reuniting after Eddie's time in Japan. The problem is, things are...different. And Eddie's worried.
Bingo square B4 - Sex Pollen complete! Technically. I played around with the concept.
The problem becomes impossible to ignore when he gets back to Japan and they miss when they go to kiss.
They miss.
“Weird,” Ricky says, scoffing. “Welcome back.”
Eddie nods, trying not to let his discomfort show. “Yeah,” he says, hesitant. “Glad to see you. Ready for Collision?”
“Ready as always.” Ricky’s grin would look confident and composed to anyone else. But Eddie can sense the tension behind it. He hates it.
The show is awkward. Really awkward. Eddie slides back into AEW smoothly with everyone but Ricky. What they do can’t be called talking – they’re snippy and short, bickering constantly. Eddie can’t make it stop.
After the show, they ride back to the hotel in silence. Eddie doesn’t even know how to start the conversation. Hell, he doesn’t even know what conversation to start. He and Mox talked about this feeling, this inevitable dread, a while back, right before he and Seth broke up when he left for AEW. He doesn’t want the same story for himself and Ricky, but he’s old enough to see the foreshadowing.
He grips the wheel harder, and looks over to see Ricky frowning at his phone. They’ll talk about it. They will.
He can’t make himself open his mouth.
They get dinner at the hotel bar, the conversation weak and surface level, and he feels wrong. He’s been gone for weeks. They should be all over each other. Instead, they’re acting like strangers.
Eddie clears his throat, and Ricky turns to him. “Yeah?”
“This is weird,” Eddie grumbles, and he can’t even meet Ricky’s eyes. “I – it’s weird.”
Ricky bites his lip, something aching in the back of his eyes. “It is,” he murmurs. “I’m sorry.”
“Why?” Eddie asks.
Ricky’s resolve shatters, the mask wiping away. “Because I don’t know how to fix it.”
Eddie opens his mouth, ready to say god knows what, when Taz comes over, clapping Ricky on the back. Eddie can see the mask slap back over Ricky’s eyes, a half sneer mixed with a smug grin.
“Ricky!” Taz says. “How you been? Life good?”
“Better than it was with your team of misfits,” Ricky fires back, and Eddie knows he’s lost the moment. He finishes the fish and chips in front of him, barely tasting it, already mourning his future.
He’s scrolling his phone, debating throwing out a pretend yawn to get some sort of conversation going, when somebody knocks on the door.
“You order somethin’?” Eddie asks, glancing over at Ricky. He’s folded up in the hotel chair, looking like a dream Eddie can already feel disappearing the daybreak.
Ricky looks up, glasses low on his nose. “No,” he says. He sets the book down and spins out of the chair, padding barefoot to the door.
“The hell is this?” Ricky asks.
Eddie lifts his head up. “What?”
Ricky brings in a bottle of champagne and bowl of chocolate covered strawberries from the door. “You trying to romance me or something?”
Normally, Eddie would reply, “I don’t have to romance you, baby, but I can if you want.” Normally, things would feel easy and fun. But this has been a heartbreak of a day, and he doesn’t even know where to go from here. “Uh,” Eddie says, still at a loss for words. “I didn’t order it either.”
Ricky shoves the bottle and bucket into Eddie’s hands, then walks back toward the door. “Hello?” he calls down the hallways. He comes back, frowning. “Nobody was there.” He sits on the bed next to Eddie, and this distance aches.
He slides the tray toward Eddie. “I mean, if it’s here.”
Ricky nods, picking up a strawberry. But he doesn’t eat it. He doesn’t know if he can, right now.
Eddie shrugs and takes a bite of a strawberry, pretty lips wrapping around it. If it wasn’t so weird, Eddie would ask if Ricky’s teasing, if that’s a preview for tonight. Instead, Eddie pours each of them a flute of champagne, and wishes they would do something, anything, that would risk knocking them over.
Ricky picks up the champagne, locking eyes with Eddie as he takes a delicate sip. The silence is still heavy, endless.
Eddie’s done nothing more than smell the champagne when Ricky starts to frown. “You okay?” he asks. He already knows the answer.
“I’m jealous,” Ricky blurts out, still chewing the strawberry. He freezes. “Um. I don’t know where that came from.”
Eddie frowns. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course I am,” Ricky says, and Eddie can see the moment he puts the mask back on, pulls up the wall between them again. “I feel like I’m contributing nothing to our relationship and holding you back.”
Eddie stares at him. “Babe?”
“I don’t know what’s happening,” Ricky says, setting the glass of champagne down. He looks at Eddie, panicked. “You’re my whole world and I’m scared you’re moving on to bigger and better things. Fuck!” He stands up, pacing, the strawberry dropping to the hotel carpet. “Why can’t I shut up?”
Eddie peeks over. “Where’d that note say the champagne was from?”
“Hotel said it was compliments of hospitality,” Ricky says. “The more vulnerable I am around you, the more I’m sure you’ll leave.” His eyes bug out. “Eddie, I can’t stop talking.”
Eddie grabs the bottle. “Was it open? Ricky, this is important. Was this open when you got it?” He knows the answer. He opened the damned thing himself.
Ricky shakes his head. “Totally sealed.”
Eddie searches his memory. He knows something about this, something in the back of his mind reminding him of... “Mox…” he mutters. “Ricky, remember a while back when Mox got all weird?”
“Weirder than normal?” Ricky asks, and he takes another sip of his champagne.
“Yeah, when – baby, why are you still drinking it?!” Eddie pulls the champagne out of Ricky’s hands, sniffs it. No hint of anything. He takes a quick sip. Nothing salty, or bitter, or the wrong kind of acidic. “There really is nothing in here.”
“What were you saying about Mox? Who I worry you love more than me?” Ricky’s expression goes horrified. “Oh, my god.”
“Mox, a little while back, had this moment – Seth came to visit…” He trails off, feeling something push at him from the inside, an insistence. “When Seth betrayed Mox, I began to wonder if he and I were the same.”
Ricky blinks at him. “Come again?”
“I didn’t mean to say that,” Eddie says. “Why’d I say that?”
Ricky frowns. “I think it’s the champagne. Is there such thing as truth serum or is that just in the movies?”
Eddie shakes his head. “I think – I think this is something from Malakai.”
“Malakai?” Ricky asks. “He’s not even here.”
“He and his little House of Black buddies,” Eddie explains, “their whole spooky shit isn’t a gimmick – they have powers.” He rubs his hand on the back of his neck. “That’s the thing I was saying about Mox – they cursed him to go a little nuts. They’ve got fucked up powers. Magic healing dick, turns you into a weird horny animal man, powers.”
“I certainly wouldn’t say no to that,” Ricky scoffs.
“Champagne again?”
Ricky shakes his eyes, taking another swig of the champagne. “No. That’s just how I’ve always felt about you.” He blinks at Eddie. “You know that, right?”
“Know what?”
“That you’re my whole world?” Ricky frowns. “Wait, that’s not what I meant. I meant I want you to think of me the way I think of you, and I don’t think that’s possible because I can’t compare.” He rolls his eyes. “Jesus. This is impossible.” He throws back the rest of the champagne. “If I’m gonna confess my whole damned heart, might as well be drunk for it.”
Eddie considers it. He’s already pouring his heart out. And it would be rude to leave Ricky as the only one at the mercy of the House of Black’s bullshit. “Hand me the bottle,” he decides.
Ricky does so, watching him closely. Eddie keeps eye contact with him as he throws back the bottle, chugging the rest of it.
“Hey!” Ricky giggles. “None for me?”
“It was free,” Eddie says, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “You want more? I’ll get you more that’s not drugged. I would do anything for you. I have the ring in my bag, but I’m sure you’ll say no.” Eddie’s eyes widen, the shock at his own words mirrored in Ricky’s face.
“You what?!” Ricky shrieks. “I’ve been thinking you’ve been trying to break up with me for months, and you bought a ring?!” He stands up. “My insecurities have been preventing me from communicating and you had a goddamned ring?!”
“I planned to propose before I went to Japan,” Eddie says, and he can’t stop any of the words. “I had a whole thing planned, but you were being bitchy and insisted we leave the restaurant early.” He winces. “I – didn’t mean to call you bitchy, but it’s true.” He winces harder. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ. I can’t shut up. This must be what it’s like to be Excalibur or something.”
Ricky snorts, then adjusts himself on the bed. “I thought you went to Japan because you were moving past me,” he murmurs. He hovers, a few inches too far away to be comfortable. “You couldn’t have left me more by myself.”
Eddie can’t help it. He reaches out and caresses Ricky’s face. “I went to Japan because I thought you wanted space.” He closes his eyes, breathing deeply. “Right before I left…”
“I was pushing you away,” Ricky says, and Eddie opens his eyes to see a tear on Ricky’s cheek. “I – I knew I was doing it, but I couldn’t stop myself.” He closes his eyes and tilts his head to the side, two perfect tears making their way across his face, and Eddie thinks it’s unfair he’s beautiful even when breaking. “I’m scared you’ll see better than me somewhere else.”
“Oh, honey,” Eddie murmurs. He pulls Ricky close, pressing their foreheads together. “I couldn’t find that anywhere.”
They kiss for real, like it means something, for the first time in weeks, and Eddie feels tears build in the corners of his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Ricky breathes against Eddie’s lips. He curls in closer, wrapping his legs around Eddie’s hips. “I should have told you sooner.”
“I should’a said something,” Eddie clarifies. He pulls back and Ricky reaches up a thumb to brush away a tear. “I – I don’t know what I was doing. I just.” He stops himself pressing his forehead against Ricky’s. “I was scared.”
“Me too.”
Eddie feels like all of this is being ripped out of him without warning, without him having a say. “I love you,” he half sobs, pulling Ricky in, fighting the ache of fear that Ricky might leave. “I love you, and I want you forever, and I’m sorry you didn’t know that.”
Ricky pushes into his chest so they fall backward on the bed. “Eddie,” he weeps, “I love you.”
They cry and talk, and cry some more, emotions wrung out of him that Eddie doesn’t even have names for. They curl around each other, clinging, sobbing, confessing, and it feels a little like the time Eddie got trashed on Four Lokos back in 2010. He was trying to keep up with some of the younger wrestlers, prove he could still go, and woke up the next morning puking like the whole world was being drawn out of him. It feels better, though. Ricky’s tears on Eddie’s cheek feel like a balm to his heart, and they fall asleep wrapped around each other.
For the first time in ages, Ricky’s arms feel like home.
“I think I have a hangover,” Ricky says as he wakes up, poking Eddie in the side.
“What – the fuck do you mean?” But he’s startled with the most insistent boner of like, so he thinks he might have a clue.
“Wait,” Ricky says, and Eddie turns to see him wiggling. “I don’t – I don’t think it’s a hangover.” He does a full body roll, the way his body undulates under the sheets obscene. “Oh, Eddie.” He opens his eyes, full bedroom, and smiles. “Eddie,” Ricky says, eyes unbearably pretty. “Eddie, fuck, I…” His words trail off. As he turns over, Ricky reaches behind himself, eyes fluttering closed. “You need to fuck me, Eddie.”
“Fucking House of Black psychos,” he mutters, but he can’t ignore his dick. “Look, I’ll go sit in the shower while you – if you need to, like…” He trails off, the image too much for him to handle.
“If you leave this bed,” Ricky says, dangerously serious as he throws the blankets to the foot of the bed, “I will kill you and tell your mother you’re the one who spilled her salsa verde last Thanksgiving.”
Eddie freezes. “That is evil.”
“Don’t care,” Ricky says, eyes locked on Eddie’s crotch. “Wanna fuck you.” He crawls over, grinding his dick against Eddie’s, and they moan in tandem.
“We – fuck ­– shouldn’t,” Eddie says, stilling Ricky with hands on his hips. “You’re under the influence or something. Magic hangover. Horny pills.”
“You think I don’t always want to fuck you?” Ricky asks. “Jesus, even after last night, you can’t believe I want you.” He grabs Eddie’s face in his hands. “I want you. I want that ring, someday. I want to live in a little townhouse with an apartment for your mom and a guest room for mine. But mostly.” He shifts, rolling his ass down against Eddie’s cock. “I want your cock inside me.”
Eddie exhales. “You’re better be sure, baby,” he says, fumbling in the bedside table for the lube he’d put there as a good omen the day before, “because if you are, you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
Ricky grins, grinding down again. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
The scraps that masquerade as their pajamas fly across the room as their hands crawl all over each other. Ricky moans all pretty in Eddie’s mouth, the way that makes him wild, and his hands wind around Eddie’s neck, holding him close. Eddie grabs handfuls of Ricky’s ass, pulling his cheeks apart so he can slide a finger to tap at Ricky’s hole. Ricky’s hips jolt, hitting him in the crotch, and Eddie groans.
“Getting the lube,” Eddie says, when Ricky whines as he pulls away. “Hey, Ricky. Look at me.” He comes back, the lube bottle in his hand. “I don’t wanna leave you again. And, maybe, in a few days.” He leans in and kisses Ricky’s forehead. “I’ll pull out that ring and you’ll sit your ass down in a restaurant like a good boy and you’ll let me promise that to you.”
Ricky searches his face, eyes unreadable, and then he dives in and kisses Eddie with a fervor that almost takes him down. He blindly drips the lube on his fingers as he reaches behind Ricky, messily sliding between Ricky’s cheeks and tracing around the edges of Ricky’s hole.
Ricky’s making this intoxicating, desperate little whimper, pushing back against Eddie’s finger, and who is Eddie to deny Ricky what he wants. He slides into soft heat, swallowing Ricky’s moan.
“Jesus,” Eddie says, “forgot how good you sound.” He moves his finger a little more, relishing Ricky’s whine. “Yeah? You like that?”
“I – yes,” Ricky pants, pressing his forehead against Eddie’s. “Always. Eddie.” He flutters his eyelashes.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and Ricky sighs as he presses another finger into him. Ricky sinks down onto his fingers like it’s easy, like Eddie’s meant to be there. He doesn’t know if it’s part of the magic, or if it’s caused by their time and distance apart, but Ricky blooms for him like a rose, and Eddie’s ready to fall into those petals.
Eddie flips them over. “Are you good?” he asks, and it’s all he can do to move his hands from Ricky’s body. It’s a futile effort, though; Ricky wraps his legs around Eddie’s waist and yanks him back in.
“Fuck me,” Ricky demands, eyes serious and beautiful. “Now.”
Eddie exhales slowly as he gets more lube and slicks up his cock. Ricky’s eyes never leave his.
“I mean it,” Ricky says. “I’m not – this time it’s not the magic shit – I mean it.”
“Mean what?” Eddie says, shifting his hips to line his cock up. “Are – are you ready?”
“Yes – Eddie, I mean it.”
“Mean what?” Eddie slides home, his vision going blurry. “Fuck, I love you.”
“That I want the ring,” Ricky sighs, the tension leaving his whole body as Eddie settles inside of him. “I want you. I want all of it, forever.” He reaches up and caresses Eddie’s face, so gently it feels like silk. “I mean it.”
Eddie surges down and kisses Ricky, his strokes slow and intentional. “I’ll do it,” he murmurs, lips still pressed to Ricky’s. “Get you dressed up all pretty for me.” He angles Ricky’s thigh, earning a moan from Ricky’s lips. “Take you to the nicest place in Manhattan, buy you the kind of dinner you like,” he interrupts himself with a shaky laugh, “put the ring in some good champagne and drop to one knee in front of everybody.” He leans in and kisses Ricky again, increasing his speed. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, baby, I forgot how good you feel.”
“I know,” Ricky says, grinning. “I’ll get a new suit for the night.” He flutters his eyelashes. “Oh. Maybe wear a plug for you.”
“Fuckin’ – baby, you can’t just say shit like that.” Eddie’s thrusts get erratic, his focus waning. He may not be as young as he was, may have more stamina than he used to, but it’s been too long and he’s too desperate. He reaches between them, hand still slick, and curls his fingers around Ricky’s pretty cock. “Come for me, querido,” Eddie murmurs.
And Ricky does, gloriously, emphatically, beautifully. He arches up, clenching down on Eddie’s dick to hit the point of no return. Eddie’s surrounded by Ricky. It’s the way he’s built to be.
The world melts around them as they curl around each other, limbs and bodies unending, and they laugh as they come back to themselves.
“We shouldn’t go that long between fucking again,” Ricky says, folding his arms behind his head and grinning over at Eddie. “Maybe we gotta thank the House of Bastards for this.” His face goes open again, the way it only does for Eddie.
Eddie chuckles. “Maybe.”
The opportunity presents itself the next week at Dynamite, when Ricky’s in Eddie’s lap as they watch some old matches.
“You two look cozy,” Julia says, sly smile on her lips. “Glad to be back, Eddie?”
Eddie’s about to tell her to fuck off, but her guard dog is right behind her. “Thanks to you, spooky witch.”
Brody takes a step forward, but Julia holds out a hand. He stops. “He’s not wrong, Brody,” Julia says. “I am a bit spooky.”
“He didn’t mean ‘witch’,” Brody grumbles, but Julia looks assuaged.
“I don’t appreciate being magicked outside of my consent, though,” Ricky says, standing. Eddie grabs him around the waist and yanks him back on his lap. “Warn a guy, damn.”
“Excuse me?”
All four of them shift when Malakai strides into the room. “Say that again,” he says, voice commanding even out of gear.
Ricky exchanges a quick look with Eddie, who notes that Julia and Brody look almost cowed. “Um,” Ricky says, licking his lips, “just – we’re pretty sure they put some sort of curse on us.”
Malakai’s expression goes – not dark, Eddie thinks, but serious. Like his ma got whenever she got a call about his behavior at school. “You two,” he says, thunderous, “with me.” He turns to Ricky and Eddie, expression looking apologetic. Like, Eddie realizes, his ma got when she was apologizing for his behavior to the teachers. “I deeply apologize. You have my word that they will be appropriately dealt with.”
“You’re not gonna kill ‘em, are you?” Eddie asks, frowning.
“Don’t be silly,” Malakai says, and he walks out the door with Julia and Brodie, an arm around each of their waists.
“You did notice he didn’t say yes or no,” Ricky says.
Eddie kisses his neck. “Go back to that video, baby. I wanna see how your ass jiggled.”
“Sit,” Malakai says. Julia’s never been afraid of any of them, really. But, concerned about? Yeah. She could say that.
Julia settles onto the couch, the cushions sagging gently as Brody sits next to her.
“You were – you were using your match for games,” Malakai snarls. “Interfering with people’s lives again. I told you to cease that or I’d take your magic back down to novice levels.”
Brody’s eyes widen. “You weren’t – you didn’t mean that, though.”
“If I don’t hold you to consequences,” Malakai says, grey-silver ball appearing in his outstretched hand, “I am nothing of a leader.” He closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them. “You’ll get it back. When you’re ready to handle that level of responsibility.”
“You sound like a disappointed teacher,” Julia says, frowning.
“You could say that I am.” He raises an eyebrow. “It won’t hurt. You won’t feel anything.”
Julia’s not sure, but then she sees the shades of green and red flooding from her hands. It’s doesn’t hurt, or feel wrong. It almost feels like a relief, like the weight of it softens on her shoulders.
Her magic colors swirl with Brody’s in the air, a ball of light.
Malakai sighs. “I’ll keep it safe.” He opens his mouth to speak the final words.
There’s a crash, and the door flies open. Julia sees the magic flood into the air, disappearing, as she looks for the source of the noise.
Brandon Cutler, camera in hand, is frozen in place.
“Guys,” he says, eyes widening. “Something’s wrong.”
Mini Playlist:
Memories - Panic! at the Disco
Beside You - Marianas Trench
Castle in the Sky - Kim Petras
Moonlight Magic - Ashnikko
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wat-the-cur · 1 year
LEMME TRY AGAIN. Death Note for the fandom meme please!!! 🥺 I want to hear all of your opinions!!!!! 💖
Ooooh, gosh. I’m going to be honest with you, I haven’t rewatched Death Note in AGES, so my memory of so many plot points and details probably leaves a lot to be desired. That, and I’m sure that if I rewatched the series now, a lot of my opinions will have changed. For that reason, I shall not be answering all the questions, but I have picked out the ones I do have half decent answers for. Silly ones, but I hope you enjoy them all the same! I should definitely rewatch the series soon.
3 headcanons for (insert characters here): Bad news, all of my headcanons revolve around the most mundane shit imaginable, but they bring me pleasure!
Rem - So, Shinigami evolved to the point of never having to eat, but we know that they do so for pleasure. They especially seem to gravitate towards sweet food and they all seem to have favourites that they eat to the exclusion of all others. Ryuk has his apples, Sidoh loves chocolate, and Calikarcha is partial to blueberries. It is easy to assume that Rem has no favourite, because we never see her eat, but I think that she does. Rem’s favourite treat is king cake, in particular the king cake served at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. We never see her eat, because she cannot get hold of that cake in Japan and she always wants to be by Misa. Upon confiding in Misa about her guilty pleasure, Misa said, offhandedly, that she would try to bake her one, one day. She never got the chance.
Ryuk - This one is a bit silly, but we get a lot of hints throughout the manga, anime and related series that Ryuk loves cutesy things. Misa is one of them. I think Ryuk gets on very well with Misa. He and Light may understand each other better, but he has a more affectionate relationship with Misa. They share an enjoyment of cheesy TV dramas and trashy reality shows. They both like baking and dancing. They even give each other gifts sometimes. Ryuk frequently examines Misa’s plushie collection, so as a sign of friendship, she let him keep one. A pink bunny, which Ryuk keeps sat in a corner and occasionally picks up and pets.
Mello (and Matt) - Mello fucking loves hagsploitation cinema (movies featuring scary old women). It’s such an unexpected thing, but he has a collection of hagsploitation films, from the best to the forgotten, on VHS. His favourites are “Whatever Happened To Baby Jane” and “Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker”. Matt’s favourite film is “Clerks”, partially because it’s very funny, but also because he likes to fantasise that his life would be similar to that of Dante and Randall, had he never been whisked off to Wammy’s as a child.
2. 3 fandoms views you don’t agree with: I don’t think I’m about to say anything groundbreaking here, but here I go.
“Light was corrupted by the Death Note” I seem to remember you making a post about this one some years back, and getting a whole lot of shit in response. Like, yes Light went down a slippery slope, but it looked to me like he used his own two feet to get there. I just hate it when people remove responsibility from Light, because that sort of defeats the point of his character to me. Besides which, from day one he just came across to me like the type of guy who was one missing order of French fries away from beating the servants with the stiffest switch from the tree, so yeah.
“L was in love with Light” Listen, seriously, ship whatever you want chaps. No hate to you LawLight shippers, it just does not work for me. I absolutely do believe that Light had a fat hate crush on L, but I do not think L felt the same way. Is L a bisexual king in my opinion? Yes. Do I like he fancied Light? Maybe a little. But for me, this is no soulmate situation. Sorry. I was sad that L died, but I felt absolutely no remorse for the end of his relationship with Light.
“L was faking absolutely everything about himself (in other words, he was faking all of his autistic-coded traits)” Ahem...Nooooo he wasn’t!
14. Most intriguing rarepair: Okay, I have a few, so just hear me out. First of all, I have to mention LMello, which you got me into with your galaxy brain takes <3. Just recently I’ve been loving the idea of an alternate universe where Ryuk is Misa’s Shinigami, because I honestly think they would be so cute together. The ultimate same-interests couple. In yet another alternate universe, I love the idea of Rem and an older and wiser Sayu going up against Light. Sorry, but I somehow could never see Misa being interested in Rem, so I wanted to give her a different girlfriend and Sayu is perfect, in my opinion. Also, Rem/Kinddara Guivelostain (the female Shinigami with the fissure down the middle of her head). It appeals to my love for “viciousness personified having space in their heart for kind, tender soul”. That is this pairing.
16. Favourite behind the scenes insight: This is not even actually a behind the scenes insight, but I’ve never forgotten it. Basically, the Shinigami realm was originally conceived as being full of chunks of old metal and piles of rubble, or something to that effect. An information site that I once read must have been fucked around with, because the quote was written there as being “full of chunks of chocolate and piles of cookies”, and that had me so intrigued for ages. When you consider how the Shinigami love sweet food, it actually would have made sense.
19. Character interactions you would have loved to see: I would have loved to have seen L actually interact with the Wammy kids, I think that could have been so funny. I think the thing that always comes to my mind, is your post when you talked about L assaulting Near over Yahtzee stratagems. That killed me. I wish there were more interactions between Shinigami and humans. I wish Rem got to interact with people who didn’t treat her like dirt. As I’ve said, I’d like to have seen Ryuk and Misa have fun together. Matt deserved a few more scenes interacting with Mello, too, for sure.
21. Song that reminds of (insert characters): Again, multiple answers for this one!
Mello - “Infa-Red” by Placebo (basically any song by Placebo is a Mello song, but this is a good one)
Matt - “What A Waste” by Ian Dury and the Blockheads
Rem - “Hard Time Killing Floor Blues” cover by Chris Thomas King
Ryuk - “I Walk On Gilded Splinters” Dr. John The Night Tripper
L - “Life Without Buildings” by Japan
Misa - “Puppet On A String” by Sandie Shaw
Near - “I Dream Of Wires” Gary Numan
Thanks so much for this ask, buddy! It was a lot of fun to answer!
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smita97 · 11 months
My fav fanfics (underrated version)
too good to be true by tatu28 (52k)
you're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off you. the one where louis doesn't eat, harry doesn't function and all they need is each other.
or: one lonely boy trying to heal another is love.
I Don't Wanna Face The Music by hereforh (95k)
Louis likes to think he's a pretty normal, typical lad. He likes spending nights at the pub with his mates, he loves football and is very close to his family. So when he moves to London for uni, he doesn’t think much will be different.
Until he makes these new friends who are nothing like his mates back home and change his life for the better - and this one boy who messes with his head from the get go and makes him question everything he has ever thought about himself.
I Still Wanna Dance With You by hereforh (88k+updating)
What happens when trying to mend a friend’s broken heart ends up making Harry and Louis finally face their painful past?
Or the one where after seven years without any contact, Harry and Louis are forced to see each other again on a lad’s reunion trip.
While almost everything has changed, they find out that a lot is still the same.
If it was easy, anyone would do it ! by Perfectdream(52k)
“I'm not changing my mind because you can finally admit that you miss me.”, Harry added, still whispering hoping that it would still convey his conviction. He couldn't speak louder, couldn't break the bubble they were in. It felt like home.
“I know...”, Louis breathed, pain interlaced with the words. Harry could feel it deep inside him. He was amazed at how much they were still connected. They had been one for so many years it was hard to dissociate himself from the love of his life. Louis will always be it.
“It's too late, Lou.”, Harry declared, his voice more sure than his heart.
“I'm aware.”, Louis murmured, broken but collected. “I guess I let the world make me lose sight of it all. And now I'm seeing clearly.”, he explained, his words painful to say and to hear too. It had to be said. Now. “I love you, I will always be utterly and tremendously in love with you, Haz.”, he hushed again and Harry's heart broke a little bit more.
Almost 8 years of an unconditional love but now it's too late. Harry had to let go not to break apart.
Louis can't stop loving him, but is he ready to fight for it?
Can love be enough when dreams are broken?
Are we hiding from the light? by Perfectdream(138k)
Harry has a problem with addiction. When Gemma is called because he's passed out in a bar, she panics.
Out of ideas to help her brother, she calls Louis. He hasn't talked nor seen Harry for five years but he accepts to take him in for a few days, to help sort him out.
Days turn into weeks.
When the past and the present are tightly woven together, some things happen. Sometimes help comes in a different way.
Blown Away by Fandom_Larry (151k)
“Dude, does Japan even have gay people?”
What! Harry’s neck snaps to Blake. He better be bloody wrong or else he’s just signed himself up to a life sentence of loneliness. “I mean surely they do, right?” Zayn tacks on. He is useless at making Harry feel better. Clearly drunk or high; probably both. Scanning the area he looks for a familiar mop of wild caramel hair. Where’s Louis? Louis will help him.
Or, the one where Harry leaves Louis behind, changing the trajectory of their lives forever.
Be There by mission2feelike(179k)
Niall sits down dramatically, arms flopping to his side before he leans forward and looks right into Harry’s eyes. “So, your ex-boyfriend, who broke your heart four years ago, is coming to stay at your house for six weeks? And his daughter, your daughter, is coming to stay tonight?” Harry nods, worried if he speaks he’ll be yelled at again, but then Niall’s face softens, his ever-present smile is back and Harry hears him breathe out a small chuckle. “Okay, for the record, I think this is the worst idea you’ve ever had, but how can we help?"
The one where their family has been torn apart and their hearts broken, but an accident, a snowstorm, cinnamon rolls, and the adorable Josie force Louis and Harry to finally face the truth, and each other.
some things fade (some never do) by we_are_the_same for waterlille (25k)
Matching tattoos. He’d never thought he’d be the type for tattoos to begin with, let alone matching or magical ones, but once Harry had put the idea in his mind it had never quite managed to disappear. And it had made sense. With their relationship a long distance one, this was simply another way of feeling close to one another. Of knowing where the other was, how they felt. It had made so much sense.
Back then.
Three years after their break up, Harry calls.
write this down by sunflouwerhabit (233k)
"And Louis responds by kissing him. He closes his eyes and presses their lips together and hopes it’s enough to distract from how those words cut and extracted critical pieces of his heart, his soul. Louis kisses Harry to avoid sobbing, yelling, pleading, begging him to never, ever use words like always or never or I promise, because they can’t. They don’t have an always. Nevers will forever remain a mere dream. Time has run out for commitments or oaths or pledges and if Louis is going to be okay- if he’s going to enjoy this time with Harry and then let him go and still feel whole- he can’t let himself start thinking long term. He can’t let this become emotional; something more than silliness and fun and sex.
He can’t hear Harry say he’s proud of him when he doesn’t know if he’ll ever see him again after this week.
'I miss you,' Harry murmurs, his breaths warm and equally shaky. 'All the time.'
Louis kisses him harder."
Harry leaves his hometown to find himself. Every road he takes has a single, fated destination.
the tis the damn season fic.
I thought we were forever by SweetieR (225k)
“I need time alone from you.” Louis’ heart skipped a beat. That he had not seen coming. “From me?” his voice shook. Harry nodded, another tear rolling down his cheek. “I don’t understand, H.” “It’s-” “You want to go on holidays on your own or something?” frowned Louis, so very confused. A long silence settled. “Look, there’s no easy way to say this.” murmured Harry and he looked so in pain. “I like someone else. Like Like like. At least I think I do. I’m not sure. That’s why I need time alone.”
Or – Harry and Louis have been together for over 25 years, married for 20 of them. What happens when one night, Harry comes home telling Louis he thinks he’s in love with someone else. Can they work it out?
Given A Chance by Acciolarrykulos (230k)
“I'm still scared”
“Scared of what?”
“Messing things up”
Niall sighed. He was watching Harry's face intently.
“You won't. You won't mess things up but if things do go out of hand then people would be there to guide you. Just keep faith in yourself, Harry. Remember that you are strong. You are the strongest person I've ever met.”
Or Harry thought to move out of his home and do something big, better with his life. Spending hours wiping tables, serving alcoholic drinks to the locals and memorizing different shades of drunk and moody people, he finally told himself he was done. He needed something else. A change. But little did he know that searching for a change will lead him to a door. A door that held secrets from his past, secrets he didn't know existed.
  But the door was fabricated with happy colors, a promising future, a secure life and a past he left long behind unknowingly. Or rather someone who held the golden key to all the answers to his questions he thought he'd never ask.
My Worst Nightmare by BooBear411 (191k)
Louis bursts with excitement, squealing slightly in his arms, while Harry watches him with an amused and soft expression.
“Why are you so happy?”
“You never stay. Sometimes I feel like you are changing right in front of my eyes and that one day you’ll forget about me.” Louis whispers. “I just want us to always stay friends.”   “I’ll always be your friend, Lou. That will never change.”
~   Or the one where Louis' been in love with the same boy his whole life. Unfortunately, said boy hates Louis' guts and wants nothing to do with him anymore.
Come back to me by SweetieR (110k)
“I’ll be alright.” smiled Harry, stroking his husband’s face tenderly. But Louis was still frowning, his hands loosely wrapped around his husband's waist. “I just don’t like it. Something doesn’t feel right.” “Lou…” “I have a bad feeling about it all. Please, please don’t go.” Or : The one when Harry and Louis are soulmates - Louis is a teacher in middle school and Harry is a war reporter. One awful day after a terrible attack, Harry is announced dead and Louis’ entire world collapses. But what happens when five years later, US government rescues a very much alive Harry Styles and brings him back to his former life in the UK and most of all, back to his Louis?
I thought I was Narcissus but I am the lake by baciamigliocchi (146k)
In una soleggiata Firenze, ai piedi di un Gigante di pietra, due ragazzi si incontrano e si scontrano per la prima volta. Due mondi diversi, due visioni diverse, due storie diverse.
Harry Styles ha ventitré anni e un contratto in esclusiva con Gucci. Ha gli occhi verdi e un sorriso sghembo, oltre che tutto il mondo ai suoi piedi.
Louis Tomlinson di anni ne ha ventinove e di poche cose ha bisogno nella vita. Una di queste è sicuramente la sua macchina fotografica.
E mentre Firenze racconta una storia d'amore che non è solo una semplice storia d'amore, il mondo tace e la ascolta.
Immergetevi con me nelle sue infinite strade, chiudete gli occhi e immaginate la bellezza della città che ci ospiterà in questo viaggio: culla di un amore impossibile.
Pensiamo tutti di essere Narciso, ma invece la vita ci inganna e siamo il Lago.
a thousand miles away (from the day that we started) by perfectdagger (sincerelyste) (88k)
Finally caught up with what Niall’s proposing, Harry is taken aback by the reminder of the time capsule box they had set in his family’s old bungalow back when they had just left Sixth Form.
It’s not that he had never thought about it. He might’ve thought about it more frequently in the weeks and months following their stay, once or twice when Harry himself had been back there. But it was not something that, unlike Niall, Harry had been interested enough in to set up a reminder for ten years later.
Maybe five years ago it still would’ve mattered to him. Given the circumstances now and how much his life has changed, those letters remained buried in the back of his mind, just like they probably still are next to one of the trees at his family property.
Five years after his break up with Louis and ten since they've left school, Harry finds himself hosting a reunion at his family bungalow, having to face his ex again and the feelings he had left behind.
Or, a time capsule au
Blood and Moon by Evinaadlene (107k) (part 1)
“Is that... him?” someone next to Louis asks. “Who else would dress in red today?” Beside Louis, Lady Camellia's eyes stay locked on the one in red, same as many around. The effect must be intended, or why dress in such a way today at first place? “He looks dashing." the first one licks her lips, eyes darkening in a laced lust. "Who would've known? Thought he'd be in chains, stuck in a dark dungeon." The other scoffs. “Have you been under a rock? He's the most privileged Lycan alive. The King's ward, some go so far as to call him his consort. It’s all hushed, but I have my sources.” she reveals like a dirty secret.
In a world where the Vampires have taken over, Humans are just pawns in blood farms, Warlocks are extinct while the King has Lycans under his thumb - eliminating the threat of the lethal bite. The world is falling apart. Louis, nephew to the malistic Vampire King, lives away from it all in blessed ignorance until he gets dragged into the chessboard that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate.
Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis' allies want him DEAD
Blood and Bones by Evinaadlene (191k)(part2) and part 3 on the way
“I thought I told you to not to lie to me.” Zayn says eyeing the gracious form reflected in the mirror with reluctance. All he wanted was to trace his fingers along the markings on his skin. His sinful beauty reeked perfection like a cruel joke meant to lure him. Snare him. He's is nothing but his own curse... poison. “I’ve never lied to you.”Harry slurs, eyes fixed on the floor. He doesn't looking up. Zayn wants to strangle him with bare hands right there… to wrap his fingers around the long, perfect neck of his and throttle him. The nerve he has - even in such a weak state, all Harry seemed to want to do was to provoke him.
In a world where the Vampires have taken over, the remaining Lycan, Human and Warlock factions are hunted and oppressed. Everything is falling apart. Louis, nephew to the dictator Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of power-play that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate with an unfortunate, toxic love. Or where Louis yearns to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when many of his allies want him DISPOSED. Part 2 of the Blood Right Series. Heed the warnings... because I do mean them.
I can be your China doll (if you wanna see me fall) by Poisonlana (134k)
La famosa estrella de pop, Harry Styles, y el estancado escritor, Louis Tomlinson, no recuerdan haberse conocido hasta que por obra del destino comparten un viaje en tren que los transporta al pasado.
"¿Será como si nunca lo hubiera conocido?" inquiere. Puede sentir la inseguridad palpable en su voz. Se siente igual a una daga en medio de su garganta.
Zayn lo mira como si Louis aún no entendiera la magnitud de lo que está a punto de hacer.
"Será como si Harry Styles nunca hubiese nacido"
O un AU inspirado en la película Eterno resplandor de una mente sin recuerdos.
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gear-project · 2 years
Annon-Guy: Forgive if I already asked this before, but what was your first Guilty Gear game and what drew you into the series?
You weren't the first to ask me, but I suppose, since I have a ton of new followers lately that a refresher is in order…
It all started with a Magazine Article I read sometime back in 1999.
At the time, I was still playing games like Mortal Kombat 3 and X-Men versus Street Fighter, and Marvel Super Heroes, but most chances I had to play them was still strictly in the Arcade Scene (I wasn't a rich kid, by any means, so playing these games was few and far between). Even playing Darkstalkers was a rare occasion.
At the time, it wasn't easy to get Japanese games, let alone obscure "unpopular" fighting games that nobody heard of… Guilty Gear: The Missing Link was one of those games.
I was lucky enough to have my step-father buy me a PlayStation game console for my Birthday… but to be honest, even back then, getting decent games that ran on it wasn't easy either.
XMvSF was a disappointment on that console, so at the time I was playing stuff like Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Soul Blade (Soul Edge in Arcades, the precursor to Soul Calibur), and once in a blue moon I got my hands on demos of obscure things like Tekken 2 and the original Beastorizor (Bloody Roar), as well as demos of Battle Arena Toshinden.
Again, like I said, getting the full versions of these games wasn't easy… I was a poor kid in grade school and moving on to high school and my parents didn't like my gaming habits to begin with…
It wasn't until the summer of 2000 (roughly, my memory is a little hazy at this time), that I went with one of my old friends to visit our old local State Fair in the hot summer.
After having a little fun and eating some fair food… we left to head home, but on the way back, we came across a very rustic-looking used-record store.
The name of the place is Record Head… back in the day, they were more famous for selling old speakers, used drums, VCR parts, and guitars, but they also sold used records and… USED GAMES.
On that hot summer afternoon… Lady Luck gently put her "Golden" hand upon my shoulder.
For a measly $15 I bought not one but TWO FAMOUS FIGHTING GAMES.
Guilty Gear: The Missing Link
SAMURAI SHODOWN 3: BLADES OF BLOOD (better known in Japan as The Peerless Blade of Zankuro).
I was so excited… I couldn't wait to go home and play both these games… my friend at the time could probably tell how elated I was.
My early first impression of Samurai Shodown 3 was the infamous "Samurai Slowdown" moniker that the game was known for having ridiculous load times… but even back then, it was still pretty to play and fairly arcade accurate.
However… the first Guilty Gear was EVEN BETTER.
Faster combat, almost NO load times, ridiculous mechanics… not to mention being able to CHARGE UP YOUR ATTACKS AND DESTROY SOMEONE.
Outside of Alpha 3's World Tour Mode and dipswitches, I had never known such freedom in a fighting game before.
Freedom… to cancel your attacks in to anything…
Freedom… to airdash anywhere you want to go, jump where you want to go…
Freedom… to do over the top skills, and pull off ridiculous combos…
The original Guilty Gear for PlayStation (PSX as we called it back then) was also a glitchy mess… some hitboxes would shift from one end of the screen to the other… people could accidentally input instant kills just by button mashing…
I'm actually more surprised it didn't crash like later fighting games might be prone to doing!
But to me… all that chaos was just proof of the freedom I was getting, instead of the restrictive precise inputs that Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat were known for.
I still very much enjoyed games like Samurai Showdown and Soul Calibur of course… among other fighting games I could get my hands on (I still regret not getting in to the Bloody Roar Series, and Toshinden… but I was too poor to afford those games…)
Perhaps one day I will revisit them on my YouTube Channel… but I digress!
Some time later… I met a man who would become a major rival to me for many years, who also introduced me to Guilty Gear X Plus… but that's a story for another day.
If I had to say the character that left the biggest impression on me… it was Justice. Not Sol Badguy, not Ky Kiske… not even Baiken or Testament.
Justice was the character who left that huge impression on me in the very first Guilty Gear that came out in the summer of 1998.
And I've been playing this series ever since.
Nowadays I play less Justice and more Ramlethal… but the excited and fierce feelings I had back then haven't changed very much.
I still face challengers with gusto… and I take my losses with honor…
I think I've also gotten a lot stronger than I was back then.
The "me" from back then was… very immature and impulsive… I got hot under the collar more times than I care to admit.
I'd say my "old self" would throw a tantrum and rage quit if he fought against "the current me" today.
But that's part of growing. And nowadays I play a lot more than just Guilty Gear.
Perhaps one day I'll forgive Capcom for their past betrayals and even play Street Fighter 6 one last time… we'll see…
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willknightauthor · 2 years
A New Kind of Auxlang
I've had this idea for an auxlang, been working on it on and off. The guide is only half-done. But the idea is to lean into the actual problem of facilitating communication between actual speakers of different, actual languages. The current atemps always strike me as missing the point, prioritizing weird things, like recreating Indo-European, or coining words arbitrarily, or ripping them whole form from this or that language without consideration for cognates. And every attempt I've seen at making a universal phonology has been either too limited (Toki Pona), or too difficult (Esperanto).
What matters in a language is not that all the sounds can be pronounced to type, but that all the sound distinctions can be maintained, such that any listener understand what word you're trying to say. And again, what's important is that actual people can make these distinctions, which means multilingualism should be taken into account. Whether a sound distinction is common or rare among languages is irrelevant, what matters is how many people can make it. And the proliferation of European and Semitic languages means in practice many people around the world can make more distinctions than you'd otherwise expect. (Even in Japan, these days.)
And as far as vocabulary, people are going to be learning words they don't know either way. If the vocabulary is truly widely distributed in its cognates, then what good does it do someone to recognize 5% of the words if the other 95% are completely alien? Wouldn't it be better to construct words so they are as cognate as possible for as many speakers as possible? This would mean vocabulary that isn't plucks from any one language, but constructed to be proximate to the major language families, seeking to make the words similar enough to be recognizable to disparate languages, and thus easier to remember. (Think how Anglophones frequently learn "taberu" = "eat" from the similar sound to "table".)
The same applies to grammar: use the information people already have! We keep thinking about ease of learning in terms of an abstracted learner who knows nothing, but that person doesn't exist. Everyone comes to the table with preexisting language knowledge. Simplifying a grammar down to almost nothing undermines the reason we have complex grammar in the first place: compactness, clarity, and redundancy! Those are important for a language to actually be enjoyable to use, once you've learned it. The trouble is getting to fluency, but that is less a question of language complexity as it is of added complexity. If a language had an identical vocabular and grammar to yours, but all the sounds were changed, it would be pretty quick to learn. ("-lin" = "-ing" & "taku" = "jump" => "takulin" = "jumping".) The point here is that existing common grammatical strategies across major languages are an asset we should lean on when constructing the grammar of an auxlang, to minimize the learning curve while maximizing the practical usefulness of the auxlang as an actual everyday language.
So what does this look like in practice?
Sound Inventory: a, e, i, o, u, m, n, p, b, t, d, k, g, s, c, l, y, w The idealized pronunciations are thus, but they could be anything else similar: [a], [e], [i], [o], [u], [m], [n/ŋ], [pʰ], [b], [tʰ], [d], [kʰ], [g], [s], [tʃ], [l], [j], [w]
While [a, i, u] is more universal, since almost all languages have at least a 3-way distinction, the vast majority of humans speak at least one language that makes at least a 5-way distinction, which means in practice it is the maximal set of easy distinctions for the vast majority of humanity (which is what we're going for, not the "most theoretically universal").
The stops make a distinction between 3 places of articulation, and 2 qualities. Don't let the letters fool you, this is not IPA. p/b could just as easily be distinguished with [p/b] as with [pʰ/p]. What matters is that one is sharp and the other isn't, and many languages have ways to distinguish this, including between stops and fricatives ([f/b]). You need to scour the earth for small languages to find cases where this can't be done, and most of those people speak a trade or imperial language anyway. Similarly with the m/n distinction, one is a labial nasal, the other a non-labial nasal, and assimilation is encouraged. The s/c distinction is between a forward fricative, and a sharper, retracted fricative, which means any distinction matching that would work: [s/ʃ], [s/ts], [ʃ/tʃ], etc. The lone l here is all liquids and flaps, since many, many languages have at least one, but it's rarer to make distinctions among them.
With this set of distinctions, the Semitic languages, the Indo-European languages, most every other African language, the Sino-Tibetan languages, most Dravidian languages, and many others besides, can be mapped onto this sound-set. It's only with corner-cases like Japanese that it gets difficult, lacking an si/ci distinction, though with the increase in loan-words I suspect those most interested in learning an auxlang would be able to make it.
Words are constructed to be as similar to as many languages as possible, with the most common languages weighted more. To make the process easier, known proto-languages are included, with the assumption that their roots represent cognates to a wide range of modern languages. For example: "time" = "simpo," from "tempus," "tiempo," "time," "shí," and "sa'at." "Female" = "wani," from PIE "gwē̆nā," Sanskrit "janī," Mandarin "nǚ," English "woman," and Malay "wanita." The words are not simple adoptions of any one word, but constructed false cognates of many words from unrelated languages with similar meanings to the target word. (Note: I've found this hardest with the Sino-Tibetan languages. Finding words in the proto-lang is hard, and the modern languages have few false cognates with other languages, and such short words that it's difficult to fudge it. As a result I've found that I've occasionally had to overweight a word for Mandarin to ensure the dictionary isn't biased against Sino-Tibetan speakers.)
The word order is head-initial SVO, the obvious choice that most auxlangs use. SVO is about as common as SOV, and importantly it's used primarily or secondarily by most major languages, such as most modern Indo-European languages under some circumstances, the Sino-Tibetan languages, and others. Many SOV languages are also marked, which makes speakers more comfortable with alternate word orders than analytic speakers. This brings up a question: to mark, or not to mark? Marking is useful, but cumbersome. The choice of SVO makes an analytic grammar easier, which is also easier to learn.
However, with all the different ways people speak, and with people constructing complex sentences in a second language, parsing errors for listeners will be common. Thus the grammar is optionally marking, with particles/prepositions. Another way to say this is that the language is highly pro-drop, like informal Japanese. This gives speakers a tool set to clarify their meaning, in a way they are likely familiar with, without burdening them with unnecessary syllables for obvious sentences. (And of course there's no grammatical gender!) This pro-drop attitude goes even farther with noun/adjective/verb distinctions, and so speakers usually should only distinguish between them in how they're used in the sentence. Thus, a word can be used as a noun, adjective, or verb, without changing or marking it.
One of the most common language features in real languages that is rarely used or used well in constructed languages, especially auxlangs, is reduplication. Using reduplication to strengthen or multiply the meaning of a word is possibly the single most intuitive things humans do with language, and thus emphatic and plural reduplication are included. Additionally, many languages allow for ditransitivity under at least some circumstances, with the indirect object coming before the direct object. Even in marked languages the indirect object tends to come first (like in many Japanese sentences). English, Malay, and Mandarin all do this, and object pronouns are similarly ordered before verbs in Romance languages. So it makes sense to make use of that pre-existing habit for this language: "She drove home the child" and "He read me the book" would be valid sentences.
At this point those in the know might notice this is sounding a lot like Malay/Indonesian, and that's not a coincidence. Malay developed as a lingua franca because of its effectiveness as a lingua franca, not as an imperial language. It's not even the native language of the dominant ethnic group in Indonesia! So it makes sense that it already possesses many of the features a modern lingua franca (i.e. an auxlang) would need. (It's ease of learning and use is why I love it so much.)
Example: "lisen-mundia dandán kala nagión, dan kayen tomi iki." = "Lisen-Mundia (the world-language) will unite all nations, and make us one."
There are other things to think about of course, like auxiliary verbs, subordinate clauses, number, etc. (I created a hybrid milliard system: it goes "thousand, million, milliard," but then "trillion, quadrillion, etc." afterward, since those numbers are rare anyway--"milliard" would just seem like a funny word for "billion" to the non-milliard counters). But it gets the idea across. I think an auxlang like this is what would be needed if it were to ever compete with the well-established Esperanto, let alone exceed it. I've yet to see an auxlang that is both enjoyable to learn, and enjoyable to use. Usually one is sacrificed for the other, if either is actually achieved at all. (Toki Pona is fun, in the way a toy is fun, but the need to construct huge strings of words for every concept, with many combinations overlapping, is not fun. Why would I want to express myself in a language that takes 10 syllables to say what other languages can say in 3-4? An ideal auxlang should be a language of art and science and politics, not a toy, and Toki Pona was never intended to be more than a fun thought-experiment anyway.)
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philolz-blog · 3 months
Playlist - July 8 2024
So fresh! A handmade burger with plenty of jalapeños to balance out the greasy taste | @Delight [] ▶️
Ahora Se Solto Un Tormenton y Hago Un Caldito Adobado De Res | @De mi Rancho a Tu Cocina [] ▶️
Old School KC Brisket | Chef Tom | All Things Barbecue | @allthingsbbq [] ▶️
BILLIONAIRES Wedding Party. 150 kg Pilaf Prepared for 1000 People to Eat. Part 1 | @COOL DADDY [] ▶️
EPIC Taco Night That’s 100x Better than Taco Bell! | @Brian Lagerstrom [] ▶️
Better than pizza sheet pan casserole | EASY & Quick dinner casserole recipe | @Simply Mamá Cooks [] ▶️
Elephant Foot Biryani | Delicious Elephant foot Biryani | Yam Biryani | Grandpa Kitchen | @Grandpa Kitchen [] ▶️
Pigs in Blanket Jalapeno Poppers | @Cowboy Kent Rollins [] ▶️
Trying 3 D.I.Y. Japanese Candy Kits | @DancingBacons [] ▶️
Lemon Pound Cake ⧸ Candied Lemon Slice | @Boone Bake 분 베이크 [] ▶️
Eating Philippines Rotten Pork Delicacy with Apo Whang Od!! | @Best Ever Food Review Show [] ▶️
Grilled Pig Intestines Unlimited Refills - Korean street food | @FoodyTrip 푸디트립 [] ▶️
5 Must Eats in Saigon, Vietnam 🇻🇳 | @Max McFarlin [] ▶️
OUR HONEYMOON ❤️ 14 Days in Korea | @Miss Mina [] ▶️
Clear Big Mac | @Barry Lewis [] ▶️
How Fish Cake, Crab Stick and Sea Grape Production in Japan - Japan Seafood Farm and Harvesting | @Noal Farm [] ▶️
Yummy ripe mango recipe - Delicious country food cooking - Countryside life TV | @Countryside Life TV [] ▶️
Chicken Saltimbocca | Food Wishes | @Food Wishes [] ▶️
Chiikawa Ramen Sandwich and Mini Cup Ramen Noodles | @japanesestuffchannel [] ▶️
cold air drying Stewed seafood pollack | @푸드킹덤 Food Kingdom [] ▶️
Giant Bread with Curry Chicken, A Timeless Recipe of Curry Chicken Bun | @Cate Food Travel 凱特食旅 [] ▶️
24hours Vlog of home-lover, Home alone party making cheese tteokbokki after work with lunchbox | @Jihyunkkung [] ▶️
Bokhcha - Traditional Azerbaijani Sweets I Dessert Recipe | @Country Life Vlog [] ▶️
Catching & Cooking GIANT LOBSTER & OYSTERS on a Boat in Tasmania Australia | @Strictly Dumpling [] ▶️
Korean Spicy Hot Pot (Octopus, Beef tripe, Shrimp), Bowl of rice served with Korean Beef tripe- ▶️
Homemade Chicken Pot Pie _ Cowboy Kent Rollins- ▶️
ENG SUB] A day in the local bakery in Korea Bakery vlog Cafe vlog- ▶️
오픈 두달 만에 공릉동 맛집 등극! 하루 200개 팔리는 페스츄리 미트파이 _ New Zealand pastry meat pie - Korea street food- ▶️
Vending Machines in Singapore #4- ▶️
$1 Tacos VS $113 Tacos in MEXICO!! Super RARE Mexican Food!!- ▶️
La Mejor Receta De Navidad La Cocina En El Rancho- ▶️
Taiwanese Street Food - Fried Fish Cake, Shrimp Fritter, Egg Rolls- ▶️
Frosty Winter Hot Tent Camping- ▶️
The Japanese Sandwich you should eat before it's gone 🇯🇵🥪- ▶️
추운날에 딱입니다! 얼큰뜨끈 속풀리는 장칼국수 밀키트 대량생산_ Korean Spicy Noodle Factory - Mass Production- ▶️
The ULTIMATE Iranian Street Food Tour ofDubai w_ Mark Wiens and Mr. Taster!!! 16 Hours of EATING!!!- ▶️
Foil Boat Pork Butt- ▶️
American Food - DETROIT STYLE PEPPERONI PIZZA Lions & Tigers & Squares NYC- ▶️
Beautiful and delicious! Japanese grilled eel & 11 toppings of seafood over rice Korean street food- ▶️
Bread BarberShop handmade candy making - korean street food- ▶️
Cooking Quails in Tomato Sauce in the Wood Oven- ▶️
vlog|Monte Cristo sandwich, chicken tender curry, oyster bossam with radish kimchi and many more- ▶️
All You Can Eat DISNEY BUFFET! Food Tour of ANIMAL KINGDOM DISNEY WORLD 50th Anniversary- ▶️
0 notes
heartsoulrocknroll · 10 months
AEW Dynamite Winter Is Coming 12/14/22
Death Triangle (c) vs. The Elite Match 4 in the Best of 7 Series for the AEW World Trios Championship -- Here we go!! Beautiful tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Omega to Pac, followed by a stomp from Matt from the top, as Pac remains in the backbreaker position. Pac has Matt in position for a German suplex. Fénix walks the top rope for a kick to Matt, then Pac lands the German suplex on Matt! Penta springboards off Pac's back into a slingblade!! Nick has hurt his ankle or foot. Nick is taken to the back. Fénix tags Penta. Matt rolls up Fénix! Penta comes into the ring. Matt hits a Northern Lights suplex on Penta, while keeping Fénix's legs trapped, and lands in a pinning predicament on both guys in one fluid motion! Beautiful snap dragon suplexes by Omega! Pac with a beautiful springboard cutter from the apron into the ring on Omega! Penta lands a package piledriver on Matt on the apron!!!!!!!! Oh my god!!! Lucha Bros isolate Omega. Reverse Spanish Fly by Fénix from the top! Made in Japan by Penta!! Backward frog splash by Fénix! Omega kicks out! Pac misses a Black Arrow attempt on Omega. Nick is back! He tags in and gets some offense in! Penta produces the hammer out of nowhere and nails Nick's injured ankle!!! Fénix locks in an inverted knee bar, also wrenching down on Nick's injured ankle!! Nick taps!!!! Hell yeah!!!!! 3-1 baby!!!! This rocked again!!!! I don't know what it is, but something about Death Triangle using illegal weapons to repeatedly beat The Elite really hits the spot for me.
After the match, Kenny suggests that, for the next matches, they make the hammer and all other weapons legal. "We are sick of playing by your rules, so let's just make it to where there aren't any rules at all." No DQ!!! Hype!!!!!
MJF IS BACKSTAGE WITH ALEX MARVEZ!!!!! He proceeds to blow my mind again. What's new???
"Ricky Starks, buddy, you did it. You finally did it. You cut your first great oratory exposition. And we were all rooting for you, man. Everyone saw the potential you have. You know what they're calling it, Marvez? Get this, they're calling it a star-making performance. Isn't that cute? (Lmaaaooooo). Isn't that great? You know what's funny? The first time I ever appeared on AEW Dynamite, I was already a star. And then after that, I just proceeded to hit home run after home run. I am batting a thousand, all hits, no misses. Just curious, Ricky. How many at bats did you have before you finally hit that homer? And then you've got the people claiming you made yourself a star when that couldn't be further from the truth, Richard. I did. Because at 26 years of age, I am the most talked-about name in this business. I am a star maker. So you're welcome for the rub, Rick. And then you had to go ahead and talk about your upbringing. (Whiny voice) 'Oh, I had it so hard. I grew up poor, I had to leave and move into the dumpster fire known as Texas, I grew up with a bobble head that was so much bigger than my body, I had to live out of my car, I had to eat out of a dumpster with raccoons.' I don't care. None of that matters. The only thing in this lifetime that matters is are you or aren't you the AEW World Heavyweight Champion. And of course the smooth-brained simpletons watching at home love you, Ricky. It's because they relate to you. Much like you, their lives suck. But instead of fixing it, all they do is whine and moan and complain. 'Why me, why me?' It's because you all suck. And then there's me, Ricky. You said when I grew up, I had it easy. And guess what? He was right. I grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth. I was born rich, I was born attractive, I was born funny, I was born witty, I was born pretty, and I was born better than you and every single putrid person on this planet, and I ain't apologizing for it. And then you wanted to talk about taking pressure off my plate. Well, granted, it took you a while to get to your point, you know. You kind of meandered and mumbled for seven minutes. And every single time he got lost, he'd go (mocking Starks' pose, whiny voice), 'Give me a break! Give me a break!' How about you give me one, Ricky? So let's talk pressure. Because tonight I'm under none. See, I'm already the guy. I'm already the man that has the Dynamite Diamond Ring. I am already the AEW World Champion. I am already the guy. Everybody hates my guts. Everybody wants to see my downfall. No one's rooting for me, therefore I have no one to let down. But you, Ricky Starks, I do not envy you, my man. Not even a little bit. See, everyone around the world wants Ricky Starks to win the big one. His mother, his family, his fans, God, everyone is rooting for Ricky Starks to win the big one in his adopted home state of Texas. Can you do it, Ricky? Or will you let everyone down? Now that? That's pressure. And tonight we are going to find out what happens when pressure is applied to The Pebble. Will he turn into the diamond everyone claims him to be, or will he simply turn into dust?"
GO. OFF. MAX!!!!!! Another Wednesday, another Dynamite, another promo class with MJF. Damn. This was perfectly constructed and perfectly delivered. He addressed all of Ricky's points in an organized, logical fashion. He delivered with incredible conviction, every word and every inflection perfectly placed. When he said "Isn't that cute?" about people calling Ricky's promo a star-making performance, I laughed out loud. God help me, I am in love.
Jericho says the Giant Swing is inhumane and should be banned. Lmao.
BCC with a promo. Wheeler Yuta says he has learned to fight like he is already dead!!!
Chris Jericho vs. Action Andretti -- Andretti goes almost 10 minutes with Jericho and pins Jericho with a running shooting star press!!! Chris Jericho is having a terrible week!!! Good stuff here. The crowd is super into it, which sells it even better. Jericho is later shown throwing a tantrum backstage.
Now we have a promo from Starks to respond to MJF. Starks says that when he broke his neck, he thought his career was over, so now he's winning the AEW World Championship, because he has no other options. Starks says last week's promo was nothing new, he's been doing that in his sleep. Starks says MJF has to find validation in ratings and being a draw. Starks says nobody gives a damn about that, but they do care about seeing Starks stomp MJF's ass tonight.
This was a little corny for me. Saying that MJF is obsessed with ratings and being a draw as if that is a bad thing and saying that no one gives a damn about that as if it isn't an objective measure of how much people care about MJF is... questionable.
Ruby Soho vs. Tay Conti -- This was alright. Tay with some surprisingly decent offense here, a pump kick and a Gotch piledriver. Ruby looks good here and gets the win with No Future.
MJF (c) vs. Ricky Starks for the AEW World Championship and the Dynamite Diamond Ring -- MJF with some taunting out of the gate. He mocks Starks' pose. He does the Flair strut. Nice arm drags by Starks! Thumb to the eye by MJF!!!!!!!!! Gut buster, stomps in the corner, and a back rake by MJF!!! MJF locks in an abdominal stretch, and he bites Starks' ribs! Wtf! MJF grabs the ropes repeatedly for leverage on the abdominal stretch when the ref isn't looking. Starks escapes the hold when the ref kicks MJF's arm to break his grip on the rope. Loool. Jumping lariat, tornado DDT, and sit-out powerbomb by Starks! MJF with a big stomp off the second rope to Starks' arm as Starks clutches the top rope!! Nasty, beautiful powerbomb on the knee by MJF!!! Starks kicks out! MJF stomps Starks' arm on the mat. MJF slaps Starks in the face!! This turns into a slugfest, both guys trading rapid-fire shots, and ends with MJF's thumb in Starks' eye!!!! AHHHHH PERFECT, I AM SUCH A MARK FOR A GOOD THUMB TO THE EYE, BROTHER. MJF rebounds off the second rope for a BEAUTIFUL rolling elbow!!!! Picture perfect shit, love that!!!! Starks responds with a spear! Both guys are down! The ref starts the ten count. Starks barely sits up at nine and covers MJF, but MJF was just lying in wait!! MJF kicks out and immediately grabs Starks' arm and locks in Salt of the Earth!!!!! Beautiful!!!! While applying the hold, MJF bites Starks' hand! Starks reaches for the rope, but MJF traps the other arm!!!!!!! NICE!!!!!!! Starks stretches his leg toward the rope, but MJF grabs the leg too! Starks finally manages to get his one free foot onto the rope to break!! MJF looks like he is going for Salt of the Earth again, but Starks counters with a roll up!! MJF kicks out! They trade side headlock takeovers! Powerbomb attempt by MJF, but Starks escapes! Superkick by Starks! Starks attempts Roshambo, but MJF blocks it! MJF pulls the ref between himself and Starks!!!! MJF steps out from behind the ref and quickly lands a low blow kick to Starks!!!! MJF rolls up Starks!!! 1, 2, 3!!!!!!!! GREAT, WONDERFUL, AMAZING, FANTASTIC!!!! I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!! Love to see MJF dictating the pace and using his signature heel moves. MJF's in-ring style has a nice, old-school flavor that really does it for me. Great stuff.
Danielson comes out after the match!!! He heads toward MJF, and MJF runs at 100 MPH down the ramp, over the barricade, and up the arena stairs through the crowd! I AM SO BEYOND HYPED FOR MJF VS. DANIELSON!!! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!
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nymphoheretic · 1 year
Hi friend!
I hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself! Please make sure you are drinking water and staying hydrated! Also eat! Make sure you are eating as well! <3
How was your weekend? I hope you got time to relax!
It’s currently 6:15 in the morning now >~< I’ve been struggling with my arthritis the past few days so I haven’t checked in, but I hope everything is well!
Having arthritis is really a pain >.> I was diagnosed with it at 17 in both my knees and recently got diagnosed with it in both my hips. At 21 I did not expect to have a literal old persons body but here I am ;-;
To be fair though I did some heavy lifting yesterday when my hips were already sore so it being worse this morning isn’t a complete shock but still- ( the heavy lifting was giving my three year old niece a piggyback which yes! Important and painful cx)
I also saw people talking about 5 more seasons of demon slayer confirmed and 5 more years of the anime confirmed! I’m so excited as a fan since the beginning of the series I’m genuinely so giggling and happy for so much more content!
Also I’m always so jealous of people who go to Japan conventions since it’s said they give more facts there while American conventions are more promotional. At least that what my mutuals on Instagram who live in Japan tell me!
I hope you have a wonderful day and rest of your week! Remember you are important and loved!
Love <3
Hi babes! Sorry I haven't been answering your letters, sometimes I just wanna hoard your little rays of sunshine to myself or I'll start to answer and my ADHD kicks in and I forget it in my drafts 😅
While I know you're taking care of your grandmother, try to take it easy on your knees. I have bad carpal tunnel ( i used to play piano) in both of my wrists and they act up when it get ready to rain too.
But yeah so much content! Ufotable is truly spoiling us and I'm so excited for it all cause the Gaiden and academy means more Kyoujuro!! My husband will be back and I'm so ready to see him again!!
I haven't been to a con in years since the pandemic and I miss them. Some panels do give information, but they are mostly for promotional reasons. But I have a lot of fun at them when I used to go! I have some pictures of me in cosplay too! I've done a fem kaneki Ken, miruko, and fem vil deku! I have plans to do more I wanna do nezuko one year, but my sewing machine pooped out of me a few months ago so I'm saving up for a new one.
And right back at you, babes! The world is so much better with you in it!
0 notes
shop-korea · 1 year
2 - CONTINUE - 2 - STAY - UP - ALSO - WITH -
THEY - CAN’T - MARRY - B 4 - AGE 18 -
JUST - 1 MAN -
OCEAN - HEADED - 2 - SEOUL - 2 - EAT -
THIS - $1,000 - A - MONTH - PRIVATE - SCHOOL -
AS - WE - GO - 2 - TOKYO - JAPAN - FOR - YES -
WE - GO - 2 - THE - RIGHT - THEN - WE - GO UP -
2 - EAT - AT - 7 ELEVENS - 24/7 - HOLIDAYS AS I -
MA’M’ - AS - WE - FIRE - AT - WILL -
ACADEMY - $1,000 - A - MONTH - THEY -
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roscgcld · 4 years
GOJO SATORU || pretty badass
request: umm gojo x sorcerer!reader and they have a son (he is still a kid like around 5). the three of them were having a family time but a curse came out of nowhere and attacked their son but unexpectedly he's using limitless (it's his first time!!). so she and gojo just "wow" pls isnt it cute and gojo would say "thats because my strong gene", "as expected from the great gojo satoru's son" or something like that ajjdjw
pronouns: she/her
Tumblr media
You smile softly at the sight of your son and husband, both of them looking like they were carbon copies of one another, the three of you walking down the busy streets of Tokyo on your off day. For the last three months, you and your husband have clashing schedules when it comes to your lives as full fledged sorcerers; with your husband, Gojo, traveling about Japan on his many missions while you stayed back in Jujutsu Tech teaching his students whenever he’s suddenly called away. 
It was hard going to sleep without him and waking up long after he’s got up for the day; the only indication he was home was a thermal full of coffee for you in the morning along with a bag of souvenirs he got for both you and your son. Your son, now 5, who misses his father a lot and spends many evenings curled up in your arms in tears, crying about how he misses his father.
So today was a day you’ve been looking forward to for awhile now - a day where he has no pressing matters he has to attend to, and you using one of your day offs so you can spend it as a small family unit. So far you three have gone on a short shopping trip together, having lunch together in a nice restaurant that Gojo had his eye on for awhile now, and follow your son around as he dictates what the three of you were doing. “Mama!”
“Yes sweetheart?” You called out as you snapped out from your daydream, looking over to the two boys - two pairs of beautiful sapphire eyes staring back at you with happiness. ‘The first in generations’ was what one of the elders of the Gojo clan had told you when you first brought your son to them. It was rare enough that your husband, Gojo Satoru, was born with the Six Eyes; but when your son was born and possess the same eyes as his father, the elders were overjoyed.
You didn’t care, for you, he’s just an every day child, and you were going to raise him as such. “Ice cream!”
Looking at where he was pointing, where a stall was selling ice cream served in a taiyaki, being served with different ingredients like wafer biscuits and other sweets. “Sure baby.” You said as you reach over to ruffle his soft h/c hair, smiling at how excited he got just because you agreed to allow him to get ice cream. Your husband laughs softly at his expression, his other hand reaching out to take yours in his, which you did with a warm smile on your face. After handing in your order and Gojo paying, the three of you made it towards a park nearby to enjoy your treats; seated on a bench together to enjoy the nice weather. 
The sun was out, yet the spring winds were blowing; making the weather perfect for a nice day out in the park. Licking your matcha and red bean swirled ice cream, you smile smile softly when your husband playfully leaned forward to taste some of your ice cream as well, his chocolate ice cream with marshmallows and a wafer biscuit clutched in his own hand. “You always go for the same flavours, baby. Try switching it up a little.” He admitted with a grin as he popped one of the fluffy marshmallows into his mouth, causing you to smile as you licked at your ice cream carefully. “Unlike you, I don’t have any interest in eating my weight in sugar.” 
Gojo just grins down at you before he playfully leans over to lick at your ice cream once more, causing you to laugh as you used your free hand to push his face away. “Eat your own ice cream, loser.” You teased, jerking your hand away with a laugh when you spotted his pink tongue sticking out at your hand, threatening to lick your hand. Gojo was about to lean closer when he felt your son start to tug on his shirt, forcing him away from you. “Leave mama alone!” He whined up at his father with a pout, glaring at his father for even attempting to annoy his mother.
You couldn’t stop the laughter from bubbling through your laughs at the sight of your husband pouting down at your son as well, whining to the young boy that seemed to give you all his love and affection while leaving his father to ‘fend for himself’. Seems like both boys definitely got the flare of dramatics that the Gojos are known for. Eventually you stepped in to stop the two, giving both of your boys a soft kiss against their cheek softly; getting adorable and loving smiles in return.
“You really took after your father entirely, didn’t you, baby?” You cooed at your son as you wiped his mouth clean from ice cream, since unfortunately he had gotten your husband’s sweet tooth. You had hoped it would skip a generation, but with your husband’s influence, it was inevitable that he will love sweets. In response he just gave you a cheeky smile, to which you just roll your eyes before you return to your seat, eating the rest of your ice cream carefully. “I don’t see a problem with it it.”
Glaring at your husband half-heartedly, you sat back down in your seat as you finished the last bite of your taiyaki fish cone, using a wet tissue to clean your hands. “You are the source of the problem.” You teased your husband before you grabbed a tissue, ignoring his whines as you reached up to wipe the corner of his mouth clean. “How mean, wifey.” He pouts down at you as he leans over to rest his head on yours, to which you just roll your eyes at him as you reached over to pat his chest softly. “And here I thought you missed me.”
Laughing softly at his words, you wrapped your arms around his waist and nuzzles into his neck, just soaking in the familiarity of being in his arms once more. Sure, you always poke fun at him and tease him a lot, but you always do it out of love - and he knows it. Hence why he is never truly upset, pulling you into your side with a loving smile; your son curled up his other side as the three of you sat there in silence.
Just enjoying the moment.
Eventually the rest of the ice cream was finished, and you helped your son wipe his sticky hands clean, smiling at how adorable he looks as he gave you an adoring smile. Leaning over to kiss him on the head, you smile as he giggles and cups your face in his hands, kissing your nose softly like his father always does. This action caused you to laugh softly as you playfully ruffled his soft hair between your fingers, leaning back into your husband once more as his muscular arm wrapped around you loosely. 
“Can you take the trash out for us, little guy?” Gojo asks with a raised eyebrow as he hands the small ball of used tissues to your son, who pouts at him but nods anyway; since he was going to do it just because you were there. “Good boy.” He coos at him teasingly before he playfully wrapped his arms around you once your son got off the bench, giving him a smirk whilst your son huffs back in reply. “Now your mama and I can have some quality time without your little shadow hanging off her arm.” 
“As if you don’t do the same!” Your son whines before he went to the trashcan to toss the trash away while you just roll your eyes and cuddle up into your husband, pressing a soft kiss against his cheek. “You never grow up, huh?” You asked with a teasing smile as you look up at your husband, whose bright eyes looked down at you through his signature circle sunglasses, yet they somehow seem to glow from behind the heavily tinted frames. “Teasing your son and fighting for my attention. As cute as that is, you should know better then to tease him like that.”
Gojo couldn’t help but grin as he rubs your back softly, shrugging at your words. “If he is my child, he will know how to fight back.” Was his simple reply, a reply that had you rolling your eyes at him as you reached up to flick his forehead playfully. “I am trying to teach my son manners.” You replied back sassily, knowing the flick didn’t hit him because your husband always has his Limitless activated at all times. So you weren’t surprised when all he did was chuckle in return, leaning down to press a loving kiss against the top of your head. “You love me regardless.”
You didn’t bother to respond, instead leaning up to press a soft kiss against his lips in response; both of you sporting smiles on your faces. You had just returned to curling up in his arms when you felt his stiffen underneath you, causing you to push yourself off a little with a soft frown on your face; which only deepen when you saw his hardened expression. You were about to ask what was wrong when you suddenly felt the strong curse energy, causing your blood to run cold. “Satoru-”
“I am sure he’s fine.” Your husband tried to reassure you, but how he had swiftly got up with you in his arms, you can tell that even he was nervous. This didn’t help your nerves as you grabbed onto his outstretched hand before you two were racing towards the general direction of where the Curse Energy source is, praying that your little boy was alright. The both of you had just turned ran up a hill when you saw a sight that had you pausing in confusion.
Standing before you was a Curse that shouldn’t be more than a Second Grade, its grotesques body wrapped around the vending machines next to the recycling bins. It was clearly trying to attack your son, yet it can’t seem to get close enough to land a blow on the young boy, who was staring up at it in disgust. The strong wave of Cursed Energy seems to be radiating off your son, who was more focused on turning his nose up in disgust at the Curse before him. “What-”
“Well I’ll be damned.” Your husband said with a laugh, sounding more relieved then he was before as he looks down at you with an easy grin. “Looks like our son is an early bloomer.” He teases before he squeezes your hand one last time and walked towards him, squatting down next to him to pet him on the head; his other hand snapping his fingers. The Curse immediately started implode from the inside out. “I am really proud of you, buddy! Seems like you’ve learnt how to control the Limitless!”
You were still standing there in shock, not even caring about the screaming Curse as you rushed to your son, bending down to check him over in concern. “Are you alright, honey? Did it hurt you?” You asked in concern as you cupped his chubby cheeks in your hands, watching how he shakes his head softly even as you squish his cheeks between your warm hands. “No mama, it couldn’t touch me! See?”
You slowly started to sag in relief when he showed you his unscratched skin, pulling him into your arms and running your fingers through his hair gently to calm you frantically beating heart. “Thank goodness.” You mumble as he hugs you back in delight, nuzzling his face into your neck happily. A soft chuckle causes you to look up, raising an eyebrow at your husband when he just grins. “I am just happy that he managed to pick up how to use Infinity effortlessly. Then again, should I really be surprised? He is the son of the strongest sorcerer alive, it is expected of him, really.”
His answer caused you to just scowl in response as you picked your son up in your arms, bouncing him as he giggles out in delight. “Your daddy has a big ego, huh buddy?” You cooed at him, ignoring your pouting husband as you kiss your son on the forehead. “Mama doesn’t know how to deal with him sometimes.” You continued to coo as he got up, wrapping his arms around the both of you. “Hey! At least we now know he’s going to be as awesome as his parents!”
Somehow his teasing tone caused you to relax as you leaned into Gojo’s arms, letting him wrap both you and your son up in his arms as he presses a loving kiss against the side of your head. “Come on, you have to admit you are proud of him.” Gojo mumbles softly to you with a grin as he ruffles your son’s hair once more, the young boy giggling as he blinks his shining sapphire eyes back at you happily. “Technically, he did stop a big and scary Curse from hitting him. The poor thing didn’t stand a chance against our boy.” 
“All he did was activate the Infinity between him and that thing.” You reminded your husband, who just waved your concerns away with a soft chuckle. However, when you look back down at the young boy in your arms, there was no denying the sense of pride that was slowly starting to wash through you as the shock of the situation slowly seeps away. “But that was pretty impressive. Usually people develop their Cursed Techniques at aged 6.” 
“Come on baby - with the strongest as his dad and the most badass woman as his mum? I am surprised he didn’t develop it sooner.” 
You just laugh softly at your husband’s clearly arrogant words, yet you didn’t have the heart to stop him as you ran your fingers through your son’s hair once more. “I mean, that was pretty badass.” You commented with a soft chuckle, to which your husband just nods his head in agreement, your son completely oblivious to everything around him as he soaks in your warmth. “Why don’t we go and pick up some takeaway for dinner? I am craving some of that gimbap from the Korean place we love to go to.” 
“Anything for the wifey.” Gojo commented with a simple grin and with that, he used his arm around you to lead the three of you down the path that exits the park you three had wandered into, talking animatedly about how he can’t wait to start training with your young son. You wanted to remind him that the young boy is just 5 years old, that there is still time for him to learn a little later. How he should just enjoy his youth now.
But you know you can’t stop him once he goes on a roll, so you just listened to him with a warm smile on your face as you cradled your son in your arms, who had started to fall asleep the longer he soaks in your warmth. For now, you’re just going to soak in the moment you realised that your son was going to be a strong sorcerer, if he chooses to be one. Either way, there was no denying how proud you were of him.
For now though? You’re just going to enjoy this moment while it lasts - with your husband and son by your side as you made your way towards the cute Korean restaurant near your family home to order some takeout before retiring for the day. 
Today has been eventful enough.
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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bts-weverse-trans · 4 years
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210104 Weverse Magazine ‘Be’ Comeback Interview - Suga
SUGA “I'm grateful that there are still unvisited areas in the world of music” BTS BE comeback interview 2021.01.04
SUGA has this way of talking passionately with a deadpan look on his face. Full of passion about his life and music.
How is your shoulder? SUGA: Good. I think it’ll get even better once I take off this brace. Apparently, it takes several months for a full recovery, but I'm trying to get better as fast as possible.
How does it feel like to have resolved a problem that has distressed you for long? SUGA: First of all, I'm glad. The pain is one thing, but when my shoulders got worse, I couldn't even raise my arms. But when I heard that this might recur when getting the surgery at a young age, I waited for the right time and had decided to get it done early next year regardless of the COVID-19 situation. I had planned to get the surgery after the year-end stages, but I got it done this year (2020) because my doctors advised me to start preparing early for next year’s promotions and activities.
How does it feel like watching the other members doing promotions? SUGA: I can't say it feels great. I could see the emptiness because we've been together as a group of seven for so long. Not necessarily because I'm not there but because something that should be there is missing?
Is that what made you join the promotion as much as possible? You shot lots of video footage in advance and you even appeared in the Mnet “2020 MAMA” through VR. SUGA: Fake SUGA (Laughs). There’s this 3D studio where we shot it. I shot, scanned, and acted there, but couldn't see the actual result at the studio. I thought a sense of displacement was unavoidable, and that was exactly the case. (Laughs) I acted normal because it would have been aired anyway even if I hadn’t had the surgery, but it seems a lot because it’s aired after the surgery.
You must feel restricted not being able to go on stage. SUGA: The thing is, it's only been a month after I got surgery, but my absence on stage is so apparent. But my doctors keep telling me that I shouldn't be impatient and in fact, many athletes get a resurgery when they return to the field without proper rehabilitation. So I'm working on trying to care less. For the first two weeks after surgery, I felt so frustrated that I tried out new things. I even watched movies I didn't watch.
What movies did you watch? SUGA: I watched ‘Samjin Company English Class’ as it happened to be on IPTV, and now I have ‘Tenet’ on my list. ‘Parasite’ was the last movie I saw at a cinema. As the social distancing measures became stricter, I haven’t been going outside, except going to the hospital. I even eat at home. I'm also watching a lot of TV nowadays. Watching music shows like ‘Sing Again’, ‘Folk Us’, and ‘Show Me The Money 9’ made me think of what I should do in the upcoming days.
Could you elaborate on that? SUGA: A lot of candidates on ‘Sing Again’ are very talented but hadn't had the opportunity, and on ‘Folk Us’, I noticed that many took their own guitars on stage. I started playing the guitar lately and I'm having this urge to broaden my scope of music. And since my interest in the music industry in the U.S. grew, I'm getting prepared, studying English and all.
What fueled your interest? SUGA: In some ways it’s the most commercially developed market. You could lose the industry attention in a flash if it's not feasible. So in this system, you would try everything and that would be an efficient way. I want to do music for a long time, and to this end, I always want to learn more about the global music industry because I want to do music that’s loved not only in Korea, but also in the U.S., Japan and Europe.
Speaking of which, it seems BE was influenced from music of the past rather than today's trends. SUGA: I especially like impromptu music. I love the songs that were made in one take instead of being recorded several times. In this era of crossover genres, the desire to do better in music is growing inside me.
As the genres become more blended, the melody you use must be more important. Does starting to play the guitar affect your composing in any way? SUGA: I always liked using guitar sounds. And I have always liked the Eagles. If you play the guitar, it’s way easier to write songs because you can carry it along wherever you go, pluck on the strings to create melody lines. Keyboards are difficult to carry around. (Laughs) I usually work on my laptop but I had this thought that I definitely needed an instrument. It accelerates my work and improves my understanding of chords.
It makes me think you could intuitively make melodies. SUGA: It’s easier to write a song because you can intuitively make a progression and try many different things. During my work on ‘Eight’, IU had recorded and sent me a song from her phone. At the time I couldn’t play the guitar, so we tried to make sure we’re working on the same page when keeping track of each other's progress. That made me feel the need to learn an instrument.
This is actually before you started playing the guitar, but I found ‘Telepathy’ in BE very interesting. The varying melodic progressions between hooks for each member made me wonder if you wrote the melody intuitively for each part. SUGA: I tried writing a melody for the first time this year (2020), and as I started knowing the fun of music, it opened a lot of new doors for me. So it was kind of easy working on it. I just played a beat and wrote from the beginning until the end. Done. I wrote it in just 30 minutes. The song almost wrote itself. The trends of pop and hip-hop these days cross boundaries between vocals and rap. I like this trend.
When I listen to your singing, it feels like you’re hitting the beats rather than singing along the notes. So I thought perhaps you're singing as if you're rapping. SUGA: When you're rapping, you just think of the rhythm, so it’s like simply putting on a melody to a rhythm. To define which comes first, I think melody adds to it while writing the rap.
In ‘Life Goes On’, the lyrics ‘Thankfully between you and me, nothing’s changed’ are somewhere in between. It's not rap but it’d be mundane to say it's a mere melody. SUGA: There are obviously songs where the rap needs to be highlighted. For example, in ‘Dis-ease’ or ‘Ugh!’, you have to be good at rap. But in songs that should be easy to listen to, impressive raps are not always the way to go. Sometimes, you want smooth transitions without obstacles.
In that sense, the rap flow of ‘Blue & Grey’ was impressive. Rather than a dramatic effect that emphasizes each part, you extended the rap just as much as the slowing beat. SUGA: To be honest, this beat is difficult to rap to. The beginning of the song only has a guitar line, which made it even more difficult. I participated when we wrote lyrics for ‘Blue & Grey’ and I've always wanted to work on a song like this. It was because verse 1 talks about the theme of the song.
It seems you achieved almost everything that you wanted in BE. SUGA: I think it took less than a week to make my part in the album. After having written one or two melodies for ‘Life Goes On’, I wrote a version complete with rap, and liked it that I even worked on a separate arrangement and lyrics. Rather than pondering over the ways that might work, I choose to simply play the music and write.
Many creators are unsure even after they’ve produced good work. How do you get the conviction to release your work? SUGA: Many musicians are unsure whether they should release their music or not. It was the same for me, but the thing is, you’ll never release anything if you nitpick everything. For example, if we release 10 songs, we have a chance to unveil them in concerts or fan events. And sometimes, as we listen to the song, we think, ‘Why does this part that had bothered me no longer bother me?’ Some things might feel awkward at some point, but in time, it no longer feels awkward. Even I forget about it. So it's more efficient to fine tune, looking at the big picture, rather than thinking too much about the details. On top of that, during promotions, I don’t have the time to pick tracks that others have sent for 10 hours. It would be a success for all of us if each of us play and write a melody in their own time and collaborate with others on the details. So the way of songwriting has evolved in many aspects.
What motivated such evolution? SUGA: I think it evolved naturally. I've changed in personality this year (2020), as well as in terms of my interpretation and attitude toward life to the extent that I almost thought I've been rehearsing. How would it feel like if there were no stage to go to or anyone looking out for me? This thought made me realize the value of these things.
In ‘Dis-ease’, you sing ‘I don’t know if it’s the world that's sick’. Was it this lifestyle that changed your thoughts about your work? SUGA: Yes. When I was young, I had embraced the belief that ‘It must be my fault’, but as I got older, I realized that this is not always true. Most of what I had thought was my fault was in fact, not my fault. On the other hand, there are things that I did well and times I had been lucky.
‘I NEED U’ came out during a time when you were still thinking, “It must be me”. After the members put on a stage with ‘I NEED U’ in KBS' ‘Song Festival’, you wrote on Weverse, “It’s the same as five years ago.” How would you compare with back then? (This interview was held on December 19, 2020.) SUGA: We've matured quite a bit. And our stage performances have become more natural. I still like ‘I NEED U’. Just listening to the beat makes me sentimental, and above all, the song came out nicely. So as I was watching this and that when I stumbled across old videos. Watching them made me think that we haven’t changed much.
In what aspect haven't you changed much? SUGA: Before the social distancing measures got stricter, I talked with the photographer for BE, whom I had met four years ago. The photographer was surprised that we hadn’t changed much after all the success, even though he had assumed we’d be very different.
I'm amazed personally. I’ve had the chance to meet the members before your debut, but from your way of talking with members or others, it seems you haven't changed. SUGA: I think it's because we don’t give it a big deal about success. For example, it's incredible to be ranked first on the Billboards, but there’s also this sense of, “Okay, and?”
Even the Grammys? (Laughs) SUGA: When we got nominated for the Grammy Awards, we thought, ‘Is this real?’ (Laughs) Of course we were delighted, but it didn’t make us think, ‘We're singers nominated for the Grammy.’ If you're nominated, you're nominated, and if you get the award, you get the award. You don't get shaken by that. I know it's a great award and would be so grateful if we receive it, but we know that nothing is possible without the tremendous support of our fans. What’s more important is that the fans are more flattered than us when we receive a great award. So everyone's rejoicing, but it’s like, ‘Let's do what we have to do.’ We've been training ourselves to keep finding our places, so no one remains overexcited.
In ‘Fly To My Room’, there are lyrics that say, ‘This room is too small to contain my dream’, and ‘Sometimes this room becomes an emotional trash can, but it embraces me.’ I had this feeling that the room had been such a place and that you were accepting that you have changed. Then the essence must have remained the same. SUGA: It wasn’t easy to accept that we eventually change. But I think it's a good thing that we changed. What we did back then was possible only at that time, and we could change because of the things we had accomplished.
Then, what new things are you dreaming about? SUGA: I'm eager to continue doing music. Since all performances were canceled due to COVID-19, I had a chance to talk to so many musicians in Korea. I talked with legendary singers as well as people who are my contemporaries. Talking with them once again made me realize that I love music so much. Because music is my profession, I can’t imagine myself not doing it. I'm grateful that there are still unvisited areas in the world of music.
What kind of music do you think you’ll be engaged in in the future? SUGA: I was greatly motivated when I saw the concert of Na Hoon-a last Chuseok . I wondered how many musicians would actually be able perform and write music for so long like he has. At that moment, it occurred to be that ‘I want to be like him’. He has passion and desire, and most of all, he is a superstar. A few years ago, I took my parents to a Na Hoon-a concert, and when they watched the performance last Chuseok, they said it was way less impressive to see him perform through the TV. (Laughs)
That must explain your interest in a broader spectrum of music from instruments to composing and musical genres. Because you want to be doing this for a long time. SUGA: My goal is to continue doing music in any shape or form. In that sense, I have this great respect toward Cho Yong-pil. He takes the best sound there is and reinterprets it into his own. I think that’s something I want to emulate and keep changing and evolving so that I can continue doing music for decades to come.
The lyrics ‘Thankfully between you and me nothing’s changed’ must sound more meaningful for the fans because they will be listening to your music for a long time. SUGA: A month and a half in the current times must seem like a lifetime for the fans when we're far apart. I feel the same. But I think that's proof that we worked hard for the past seven years and that the fans have been passionately reaching out to us. I'm striving to get to them as fast as I can, and I'm eager to go on stage. I'm going through this because I want to be better on stage in a better condition, so don't be sad, and please hang in there a little longer.
Trans © Weverse
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heroloverangel · 3 years
This is technically a sequel to last year’s Dad Mirio fic but can be read on its own! Everyone’s favorite Wholesome Dilf continues to live rent-free in my brain.
“I miss you soooo much,” Mirio says for the fifth time in the past twenty minutes. You give him a comforting smile from your side of the screen, you know how he feels. Your husband’s been gone for three days now helping with a disaster in Osaka, and he probably won’t be home for the rest of the week. It’s hard being married to one of Japan’s top heroes, you think to yourself. You wish you could be there with him, putting your training to good use where it’s needed, but your current assignment is too important to ignore. It’s as if he can read your mind from the other side of the country. “How’s my buddy doing?”
You smile and tilt your camera down to show off your heavy stomach. At eight months pregnant, you’re sidelined from hero work no matter what the crisis is. “He’s alright,” you confirm. “I think he’s bored without you around, though.” He lets out a little whine that’s almost heartbreaking; it’s obvious where he’d rather be right now. You take pity on him and drop the phone level with your belly to give him a better view. 
“Hey buddy,” he coos. “I promise, I’ll finish as fast as I can so I can come home to you and Mama soon.” You feel movement inside you as he talks. You don’t know how good your baby’s hearing is, especially through the video chat, but you’re sure that he’s reacting to his father’s familiar voice. “I can’t wait to get back and feel how strong you’re kicking in there. I bet you’re driving Mama crazy!” You relax further into your pillows and let him babble on to your bump about his day saving civilians and clearing out rubble, only a little lonely when you look over at the empty half of your bed. You really do miss him, your house is far too quiet and calm without his usual energy filling it.
You yawn after a few more minutes and glance at the time. “Sorry, it’s getting kinda late. Would you mind if we called it a night for now?”
He smiles, but you can tell that he’s trying to hide his disappointment. “No problem, I know you need your sleep. We’ll talk again tomorrow, okay?” You agree and tell your husband you love him before hanging up the phone and settling in for bed. You’re tired, but you’ve gotten too comfortable with him sleeping beside you and it takes awhile to fall asleep on your own.
You spend the next morning balancing your laptop over your swollen belly while you browse through maternity clothes. There’s a local shop that promises same-day delivery, and you treat yourself to a few things for your last month. You read through your email, a magazine wants a quick interview for an article about hero families and you’re happy to answer their questions. It’s hard to move too much in your condition, but you make sure to do the prenatal exercises your doctor recommended and then have a nice long shower. Your new clothes arrive and you leave them on the dresser for now while you eat lunch and call your family. It still seems too quiet in the house without Mirio, and you’re getting bored when your phone finally rings and your face lights up at his name.
“Hey sweetheart! I’ve got a surprise for you!”
You can hear the smile in his voice and it warms your heart. “Is it dinner? I think somebody in here’s really craving steak tonight.”
He laughs. “You’ll see. Just have a seat on the couch and close your eyes for a second, okay?”
This isn’t the weirdest thing he’s requested over the phone, and you obey. “Alright, they’re closed. What are you planning, Lemillion?”
“You can open your eyes in three...two...one…” his voice disappears from the phone, all you hear is the background noise of birds chirping.
“Mirio?” Your eyes are still closed.
You jump in shock and drop your phone, your eyes flying open. He’s standing in front of you with the biggest grin on his face, completely naked. It takes you a second to realize he must have phased through the front door to surprise you. You struggle to stand but fail, and he has to pull you up himself into his arms for a deep kiss. “You’re home early! How’d you manage that?”
“The others knew how much I wanted to get home, with you being pregnant and all, and everybody worked extra hard to cover for me so I could leave first.” You owe every single one of them a thank you gift. “Boy, that Uravity is amazing with rescue work!” Oh, you owe her twice as much after this.
“I’m glad you’re home,” you sigh happily. Your husband drops to his knees in front of you and pushes your shirt up to kiss your stomach, rubbing his hand where he feels a faint kick.
“Me too. I missed our family so much.” His arms wrap around you and he rests his head against your middle. You run your fingers through his hair, both of you taking a minute to relish your little reunion. It’s only been a few days, but it was more than enough to make you homesick for each other.
He stands back up after a bit and you head for the hallway. “You should go grab your phone off the porch and take a shower. I’ve got a bit of a surprise for you too, when you’re done.” He’s happy to obey and you follow him down the hall, pausing at the front door then into the bedroom. You wait for the bathroom door to shut and then spring into action as fast as you can. You clothes come off; you kick them under the bed instead of wasting precious time trying to pick them off the floor. 
You reach for the new clothes on the dresser and find the outfit you’d picked for his welcome home gift. The bra is made out of soft white lace so flimsy it looks like it’ll tear if you breathe too hard. It ties closed with a ribbon in the front and your clumsy fingers finally form a decent bow on the third try. A skirt attaches beneath the cups and just skims your thighs, the two halves of it parted to show off your obvious pregnancy. You’re lucky that the matching underwear ties on the sides with more ribbon; you’re not sure you’d be able to get them on without five minutes of struggling if you had to step into them. 
You look at yourself in the mirror and adjust the skirt of your lingerie. Despite the sheer fabric leaving little to the imagination, you look sweet. Innocent. Delicate. A grin spreads across your face; it’s perfect.
You get dressed just in time; you hear the shower turn off and the door opens a second later. “There, all clean and-” Mirio freezes at the sight of you and you see his fingers twitch against the towel wrapped around his waist. “Oh, wow. You look...just, wow.” He’s crossed the room faster than you can react, strong arms wrapping you in a tight, warm hug. “You’re so gorgeous like this, babe.”
You lean into his body; you’ve missed this while he was gone. “Well, it’ll be awhile before we can do this again. I figured we should really enjoy ourselves while we still can.” He nods and gives you a surprisingly gentle kiss. You can tell he’s holding back his strength for your benefit and the knowledge makes your heart flutter.
Mirio recovers from his surprise quickly and returns to his usual unstoppable energy. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, I promise!” His bigger hand is warm around yours as he guides you to your bed, losing his towel in the process. You don’t hide your staring; his body is gorgeous after so many years of training and you could look at him for hours. He sits back against the headboard and carefully brings you with him to straddle his lap, and you feel his cock already growing hard against your thigh. “We’ll take it easy,” he promises. “I know we have to be a little more gentle now since you’re so big-” You stare down at Mirio silently, but he continues. “What? You are big, that’s a good thing. You’re growing our baby in there, he needs all that room!” You just shake your head; you can’t really feel annoyed when he’s this sweet.
He looks up at you with pure affection written all over his face and leans into your touch as you run your fingers through his damp hair. “How can you be this buff and this adorable?” It’s not the first time you’ve asked as much, and every time he laughs you off with a faint blush on his cheeks. You lean in for another kiss while his hands move from your hips over your ribs to the front of your slip.
“This is so pretty, you should keep it on.” He gives your chest a squeeze and you whine, too sensitive from the hormones wrecking havoc on your body. You knew your breasts were going to get bigger, but they’ve turned out to be overachievers and you’ve jumped up two cup sizes already. “They’re still really sore, huh?” You nod and he offers you a comforting smile as he plays with the bow before finally tugging it open. Your nipples are already hard, and you don’t miss how he licks his lips when his thumb brushes over one. “I could help you with that, if you want.”
“Mirio…” You love your husband and all his enthusiasm, but you’re well aware that he can be a little too eager and get carried away. He’s being careful now as his fingers trace against your warm skin, his touch barely teasing you. He pulls you closer; you can feel the smile on his lips as he leans into your neck. He follows your pulse, down your collarbone to leave kisses at the swell of your breast and you sigh. “Okay,” you agree. “Just remember to-”
“I know, be gentle. Don’t worry babe, I’m gonna take good care of you.” He pushes your lingerie out of the way to get a better view at your heavy chest and appreciates the sight of it. “Man, our kid’s not gonna be lacking on calcium, is he?”
“I love you, please stop talking.” He laughs but obeys, his tongue flicking over your nipple and making you squirm in his arms. He does it a few times and you let out a little gasp when he takes you into his mouth. “Go easy,” you remind him, but he’s already distracted with his task. You asked your doctor about doing this before and were told it was perfectly fine, but you can’t quite shake the thought that it’s a little weird as Mirio begins to suck at your tender nipple.
You’ve tried this before, but every time he’s been too rough in his excitement and you’ve had to yank his head away from you in pain. Tonight though, he’s trying his best and after a few seconds of discomfort there’s an unfamiliar tingle deep in your breast as your body responds to his stimulation. “It feels weird,” you groan, but your fingers thread into his hair so he won’t pull away. “It’s not bad, just weird.” You’re not entirely sure you like what he’s doing, but you’re willing to continue until you figure it out. His tongue brushes over you with a slightly different motion, and something in you clicks into place. “Can you do that again? I think I liked that.”
His laughter is muffled but still obvious and you can feel the smile against your skin. Mirio’s happy to assist, one strong hand settling on your back to keep you steady. It wasn’t a mistake; he repeats his movements and you realize that it feels good. It feels really good, you have to admit, as his eyes slip closed so he can focus entirely on pleasing you like this. You hold him tight to your body, fingers running through his messy hair while you enjoy the affection so happily given. You’re still sensitive though, and after a few more minutes you start to get overwhelmed and have to pull him away.
“It tastes good.” His grin is huge as he licks his lips. “It’s sweet, just like the rest of you.” You’d roll your eyes if he wasn’t so cute. He gives your breast a gentle squeeze and earns another whimper from you, then turns his attention to the other one. “Don’t want this side feeling left out, right? Lucky I’m here to take care of everything!” Your heart skips a beat, you’re so in love with this silly, wonderful idiot. You don’t get a chance to respond, once his mouth is back on you it’s hard to do anything besides pant and whine for him.
You squirm against him, his dick pressing against your thigh and your panties doing very little to hide how much you’re loving this. “Miriooo,” you moan, and the look in his eyes is nothing but pure happiness that makes you melt. “You always take good care of me,” you coo, reaching down to stroke his cock lightly. “You’re so good to me, honey.” He pulls you closer and releases your chest to look up and meet your eyes.
“Babe, I’m just giving you what you deserve. You’re literally making a brand new, little person in there. If that’s not worth being extra nice, I don’t know what is.” He really has no idea how perfect he is. His thumb brushes over your nipple and your body is so sensitive now it makes you shudder. “Alright now?”
You stop for a second to consider. Your breasts do feel a bit lighter, there’s less pressure weighing down on you after his help. “Yeah, thanks. You’re the best, really.”
He brushes off your compliment in favor of pulling at the strings holding your underwear together. “Just doing my job, miss.” He groans at the sight of you fully naked and traces a finger along the lips of your cunt. You hadn’t noticed just how wet you were getting as he’d worked on your nipples, but now two of his fingers slip inside you with no effort. “I love you so much,” he says with another kiss.
You buck into his hand mindlessly, too eager for his touch after only a few days. You want to hold off and come with his dick buried inside you, but you can’t deny yourself when you’re this needy already. “I want it,” you whine pitifully.
His other hand gives your hip a reassuring squeeze. “I know, baby. You can have whatever you want, just tell me.” His thumb swirls over your clit and he doesn’t miss the jolt that runs down your body. “Right there, huh? My pretty little wife wants me to make her come?” His smirk is playful and there’s a glint of mischief in those friendly eyes.
“Mirio, please.” Hearing him talk like that does something to you and you hide your face in the crook of his neck.
His hand moves faster and your pussy clenches tight around his fingers. “It’s alright, I’ve got you. Just let yourself go for me.” His voice is so warm and soothing, you can’t resist. Your orgasm is marked with desperate whispers in his ear as his hand moves gently between your thighs to urge you on. “That’s it, honey. You’re so good, I want more of you.”
It takes you a minute to calm down before you’re able to pry your sweaty face away from his shoulder. His fingers leave you aching to be filled again, and you swallow hard when you watch him bring them to his mouth to lick them clean. 
“That’s my girl,” he smiles like the sun and you look away, almost embarrassed by the affection between you two. You can’t see anything past your swollen belly, but you can feel his thick cock ready for a turn. “Are you up for more? It’s fine if you need to wait-”
You fumble blindly for his cock until the tip presses just outside your cunt. “I want you inside me. Here, Mirio. Your pretty little wife wants to make you come.” The blush spreading across his face at your words is a special reward of its own. His hips thrust upward to enter you while he slowly pulls you down to meet him, and your mouth falls open in a long moan. “Fuck, Mirio. We’ll have to wait a couple weeks after he’s born and it’s gonna suck so bad.”
He hasn’t put much thought into this fact and you can practically see the gears in his head turning. “Well then, I guess we’d better make it count while we still have the chance,” he says finally. He’s always so much stronger than you, even when you’re not in such a delicate condition, and easily sets a steady pace moving you up and down his dick. You cling to his shoulders to steady yourself as you ride him, pressing your tongue into hs mouth to devour his sounds. This may be the peak of happiness, with your sweet husband pounding away inside your excited pussy, showering you with compliments about how great you are and how perfect your little family is going to be. “And once he gets a little older, we can start working on his siblings!”
Your hips falter in their rhythm at the suggestion. “S-siblings? Already?”
He grins back at you. “Of course! We need five or six, at least!”
“Five or six…” you repeat, suddenly distracted by the thought of doing this another half-dozen times. You don’t know why you’re surprised, it’d be more of a shock if he didn’t have infinite love to share. The idea doesn’t bother you, and you find yourself returning his smile with a smirk of your own. “You really wanna fill me up that much, Lemillion?”
You’re not expecting his thrusts to speed up so much or for him to pull you down so hard you’re gasping for air. “God, babe. So much. I think about it like, all the time now. You have no idea.” He stops to kiss you again, and your cunt squeezes hard around him. “I can take more time off of work,” Mirio insists mindlessly, getting far too ahead of himself. “I bet I can hold so many babies at once.”
You laugh, he’s so ridiculous sometimes. “Let’s just focus on this one for awhile, okay?” He nods, trailing his lips down your throat to feel how fast your pulse is racing for him. You can feel another orgasm building, and that he isn’t far behind. You were only apart for three days but it seems like far too long. “You’re really, really the best.”
He cups your sweaty face in one hand, the look in his eyes so soft and loving it takes your breath away. There aren’t enough words to describe how much you love him right now, and clearly it’s the same for him. Wordlessly he releases you and drags his hand down your body, stopping to tweak your nipples and making you cry out. His fingers drop to rub firmly against your clit, and your back goes rigid. “Miri-ohh. Just like that, I’m gonna...there, fuck.” You clamp down hard on his cock with a loud moan and he holds you tight, supporting your overworked body while you come. “Here,” your voice is ragged. “Your turn, I know you’re dying to come inside me.”
“You’re amazing, honey.” That last compliment is all he gets out before his pace goes sloppy and you feel him flooding your pussy with a low groan. “You’re so amazing.” 
You cling to him while he gradually wears himself out and stay wrapped up in his arms for the next few minutes. Eventually, there’s a firm kick in your belly that informs you that someone noticed all your movement and he’s not happy about it. Both of you laugh as you separate; you flop down on the bed while Mirio cleans you up and finds you a comfy, oversized shirt and fresh panties to wear. It’s still fairly early, and you won’t be tired enough to sleep for a few hours.
“Now that was a welcome home gift. You should just wear that around the house until you have the baby, it looks really great on you.”
You ruffle his messy hair. “I don’t think it would survive the entire month around you,” you tease. You stretch your arms above your head and feel a grumble in your stomach. “So, the surprise wasn’t steak for dinner tonight?”
He’s in too good of a mood to even think of denying you. “It is now!” He’s already fumbling for his phone to look up menus. “Whatever you wanna eat, just say the word!”
Sometimes you wonder how you ever got so lucky.
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“Be Still, Just for Me” Bakugo x Fem!Reader, Ch. 43
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First Chapter
Previous Chapter
(all chapters are available in my masterlist!)
Summary: Bakugo Katsuki, a Pro Hero in Japan, is used to the routine: wake up, kick villain ass, rinse and repeat. He’s living his dream, soaking in all he’s ever wanted and worked for.
During the brief moment he lets his guard down, everything changes.
Tossed into a world without quirks with nothing but the clothes on his back, he’s forced to accept the help of someone who knows exactly who he is: a manga character who should definitely not exist.
Chapter length: 9k
Warnings: T+ (mild suggestive themes and mentions but nothing explicit)
Reminder that the A03, Wattpad, and Quotev links will be in a reblog so this post shows up in search results! They’re also in my profile header! <3
Co-written and plot mapped by @rose-sparks13
thanks to all my beta readers!!! <3
Chapter Title: Winter's Chill
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"Do you know when they'll be back?"
Sitting on the couch in his living room, Midoriya bobbed his knee rapidly like the rabbit thumping while Kirishima leaned against the back with his arms crossed over his broad chest.
“Devin-san sent me a text before he left this morning, but that was a couple of hours ago… so hopefully soon,” Midoriya clarified while trying to tamp down his nerves. Ochaco had been gone a whole week after volunteering herself for this mission of sorts. He and the rest of their tiny friend group who knew about this covert operation had high hopes that she’d come back with optimistic news to help out Bakugo. "How is Kacchan doing, by the way?"
A tired grimace appeared, an expression that looked entirely foreign on Kirishima's normally bright face. "Man, he-"
A shimmer of light in the center of the room made him pause as Kirishima and Midoriya stared at the growing brightness of twinkling fairy lights. Jumping up with wide, eager eyes, Midoriya stood anxiously as two silhouettes slowly materialized right in front of their kotatsu.
Leaping forward with lightning reflexes, Midoriya caught Uraraka and Devin before they fell back on the heated table. “Woah! You’re back! Careful now-” Right as Kirishima came up to help Devin who seemed uneasy on his feet, Uraraka dropped the handle of her suitcase, covered her mouth with her hand, and stumbled around the corner and down the hallway. “Ochaco?! Kirishima-kun, look after Devin-san!” The redhead nodded as Midoriya followed his wife to make sure everything was alright.
“Take it easy,” Kirishima urged as he helped Devin lay down on the couch. “Looks like you guys made it back in one piece. Need anything?”
Devin groaned and adjusted the pillow behind his head. “Water, if you don’t mind. I knew what to expect, and still got knocked off my feet.”
“You got it. Don’t move.” While Kirishima rushed around the kitchen, Midoriya carefully held Uraraka’s long brown hair in his scarred hand while she heaved into the toilet.
“You’re home now.” His voice was light and his words comforting as he wondered what all happened while they were separated. Devin mentioned that they both felt sick after arriving in the other universe, so maybe weakness and nausea were unfortunate side effects of travelling so far.
After a few minutes, a light knock came from the other side of the bathroom door. “You guys OK?”
“We’re fine, Kirishima-kun,” he answered while Uraraka wiped her face with a damp cloth. “Be out in a few minutes.” Assuming Kirishima was satisfied with that answer and had walked away to tend to their guest, Midoriya placed a tentative hand on his wife’s back. “How are you feeling?”
“Better now. I didn’t even eat much, but I should’ve anticipated it since the same thing happened when Devin-san first transported us to (y/n)-san’s apartment.” She tossed the dirty rag in the hamper before turning to face her concerned husband with a tired smile. “I missed you, Izuku.”
That’s all the consent he needed to wrap her up in his arms and bury his freckled face in the crook of her neck. “I missed you too, ‘Chaco. You’ll have to tell me everything that happened, but let’s check on Devin-san first.”
They found him resting on the couch with an almost-empty glass of water while Kirishima typed away on his phone nearby before looking up, red eyes scanning Uraraka for signs of distress. Still, he plastered on a grin out of habit. “Hey, guys. I take it you’re not feeling too great, Uraraka? From what Devin explained, the ride gets a little bumpy.”
Midoriya noticed the way she stiffened ever so slightly at Kirishima’s innocent question before letting out an airy chuckle. “Ah, yes, Devin-san’s right. I think he gets the worst of it, though. With my quirk, I’m more used to nausea, so maybe that has something to do with it.”
Reluctantly letting go of Uraraka’s hand, Midoriya stood in front of Devin and expressed his gratitude with a bow. “Thank you for all you’ve done for us, Devin-san. Rest here as long as you need to.”
“You guys gotta stop bowin’ to me,” he grumbled from the couch. “Just let me rest my eyes for a bit and I’ll be out of your hair. I’m sure y’all got a lot to talk about.”
Before he was able to do just that, Kirishima piped up worriedly. “Wait! Do you still have the note? I gotta sneak that back into Bakugo’s apartment before he really snaps.”
“Yup, right here.” Devin dug into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out the folded note for Kirishima. “We got something to replace it, so I won’t need it for next time.”
“So Bakugo-kun knows it’s missing?” Uraraka stepped forward as Kirishima carefully tucked the note into a pocket hidden in the inner lining of his coat.
“It’s not like he told us or anything since we technically don’t know about the note, but his mood took a 180 turn about two days after you left. Considering I’m not dead yet, he doesn’t suspect I took it,” he explained with a heavy sigh. “He’s on patrol with Mar right now, and I start mine in a few hours, so I’m about to head home and put it back.”
What Kirishima said was true; the scowl that had gradually faded since revealing the truth about everything to them reappeared with a vengeance. Of course, Midoriya asked what was wrong when he noticed his friend's short temper and snippy language - which for Bakugo was saying something - but he just brushed Midoriya off with a "none of your business." Poor Mar had to bear the brunt of it for most of the week, and as far as they knew, the kid was still in the dark about the truth behind their mentor's disappearance. Maybe they could take Mar out for lunch as an apology…
"Do what you need to do, Kirishima-kun. We can talk about where to go from here later." After saying goodbye to everyone, the redhead hurried out to catch the next train into the city.
Midoriya turned back to Devin only to find him fast asleep on the couch. A gentle tug on his sleeve pulled his attention back to Uraraka as she motioned for him to follow her down the hallway. Once they were alone, she grabbed his hands and nervously looked up into his bright green eyes. "Izuku, there's something I need to tell you…"
As the train barreled down the tracks, stability handles swaying in rhythm to the turns and gentle bumps, Kirishima stared down at his phone conversation with Mar.
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The metal felt cool against the back of his head as Kirishima stared up at the bolts in the train ceiling and sighed. He still felt so guilty for taking such a sentimental item, but he hoped Uraraka's trip would make all their planning and secrets worthwhile.
People gradually filled the train, eyes tired as most of them headed off to work or school with briefcases and laptop bags. Of course, Kirishima couldn't get out of riding public transit without at least one person recognizing him; unlike Bakugo, he usually didn’t mind, though.
"Um, are you Red Riot?"
A small voice came from his right. Two girls in school uniforms stood huddled together between an older man in an ill-fitting suit and another guy with his eyes glued to the screen of his phone. They both stared at him, one looking more shy than excited as she partly hid behind her presumed classmate, with the familiar glaze of running into someone famous doing something everyone else did as if he didn’t ride the train just like the rest of them.
Brushing aside his thoughts of Bakugo, Kirishima smiled up at the two girls. “Yep, that’s me!”
“Ohmygosh, I told you!”
“S-shut up! Just, here!” The timid girl shoved a notebook covered in stickers into her friend’s arms before retreating back to her small hiding spot that didn’t really hide her at all.
They bickered in whispered tones for a second before the taller one in the front presented him with the baby blue notebook and a pen with a panda-bear shaped eraser. “Um, would you mind signing in here for my friend?”
Autographs were simple so long as people didn’t swarm him. “No problem,” he said while taking the notebook and pen. He flipped it open in his lap and saw the signatures of various other Heroes they’d probably chased down or waited in line for during a meet-and-greet. “If you tell me your name, it’ll be extra personal.” He directed his question towards the shy girl who stiffened before her friend nudged her with her elbow.
“Ow- umm… y-you can make it out t-to… Misa…” He really didn’t think of himself as “famous” or whatever, let alone intimidating to anyone who wasn’t acting villainous, so it always felt jarring to see anyone nervous around him.
“You got it, Misa.” Scribbling between two other signatures, he wrote a little note before handing it back over to its owner right as the train slowed to a stop.
Realizing it was their stop, the two students hurried out towards the platform, but not before Misa waved at him with a, “thank you, Red Riot-san!” She was pulled along by her friend as they disappeared when new strangers replaced them on the train.
In the ten minutes it took to arrive at the station closest to his apartment building, Kirishima signed four more autographs for people who recognized him.
“Alright, gotta run, busy day ahead!” He waved off the folks on the train while stepping onto the platform and hurried along before he got caught up in more distractions. “Still have some time, but better not push it.”
As he took out his key card to enter the building, Bakugo’s note fell out of his pocket and was nearly swept away on a chilly gust of wind. “Shiiiit, no, no, no!” Several people stepped back when he literally dove down onto the folded piece of paper like a cat catching a mouse. “Uh… nothing to see here! It’s cool!” Digging his knees into the cold sidewalk, Kirishima stood up awkwardly, hands protectively wrapped around the note, and managed to make it into the apartment lobby without further incident.
“Ah, good morning Red Riot.” Kirishima turned around to see Takahata sitting at the front desk like usual. The guy really deserved some time off.
“Morning,” he said while trying and failing to stealthily slip the paper back into his coat pocket. “Got a question for ya, though. Has uh, Bakugo come back from patrol yet?”
Takahata subtly raised an eyebrow at Kirishima’s question. “Dynamight? Don’t tell me you’re planning on breaking down another door-”
“Noo, no! Pfft, no. That was definitely a one time thing,” he insisted while leaning against the front desk as casually as possible. “Just curious since I’m about to go on patrol myself, that’s all.”
He flashed Takahata the shark-toothed grin of his that usually melted most gullible folks, but Takahata wasn’t a pushover having been a Hero once himself. “That so,” he said knowing full well that the large man with fire-bright hair had some ulterior motive outside of simple curiosity. Still, he had to admit that Dynamight’s deep frown had returned after just a few short weeks of curt familiarity. With a sigh, Takahata conceded. Red Riot seemed to have his friend’s best interests at heart, at least.
“No, Red Riot. Dynamight has not come back since leaving for what I assume was an overnight patrol,” he answered while glancing at his computer screen. Every resident had a unique key card that signaled exactly who came in or out and when. The explosive Hero’s card passed through the front doors just once in the past eight hours.
“Thanks a bunch, Takahata. Take it easy!” Kirishima gave him a thumbs-up before scurrying away towards the elevator. They were all going to force Takahata into retirement with the dramatic bullshit they’d been putting him through; maybe he could get the guy a thank you gift…? Or would an apology gift be more appropriate?
When the elevator doors opened to reveal Bakugo’s floor, Kirishima stepped out with his keys. “Really surprised he didn’t take the key away from me yet… if he ever finds out about this, he’ll probably change his locks.” To be fair, it would be completely reasonable considering the huge breach of privacy.
Despite what Takahata said, Kirishima still entered the apartment with extreme caution and alertness. Even with all the lights off, he could tell that something appeared off in the room. Bakugo was always meticulous with organization and everything having a proper place; it was something that drove him crazy when he and Bakugo were roommates.
Minor things appeared out of place as he flicked on the light. His normally neat shelves were untidy. The couch looked crooked as if someone shoved it aside. Only when he reached Bakugo's bedroom did Kirishima understand: he'd been searching high and low for something only a tiny handful of people knew he would not find.
To anyone that didn’t know Bakugo, they’d think the room was fairly average with a normal amount of lived-in clutter. However, to Kirishima, the signs that his friend had probably torn his room apart were obvious. Unmade bed. Open drawers with papers and clothes hanging out. The closet door open, empty and occupied hangers laying on the floor. Even the bag he’d come home with lay open and overturned in the corner. Yeah, he’d definitely been searching for the note like a madman.
Now, where to put it to make it seem like he’d just overlooked it…?
Sliding it back into the dictionary was out of the question since he was sure Bakugo had flipped through every individual page searching for the note. Maybe he could just… drop it under his bed or dresser or something?!
“Man, I can only blame myself,” he mumbled while scanning the room. He couldn’t take forever to find the perfect spot, so in the end, he settled on sliding the note - after smoothing it out as much as possible - under the nightstand with just a tiny corner visible if you really looked. “Hopefully, this is good enough. Now, time to forget this ever happened.”
Easier said than done.
“Hey… hey! Don’t fucking fall asleep yet.” Bakugo’s gruff voice cut through Mar’s hazy fog, snapping them back to attention while they nearly stumbled over a snowball left on the sidewalk.
“Sorry! I’m not used to overnight shifts yet…” A yawn escaped them before Bakugo turned around to glare, prompting the clack of teeth as their jaw snapped shut. “And it’s so cold…”
However much Mar hated the cold, Katsuki hated it more. It hindered his quirk, chilled his skin, and overall aggravated his already grouchy mood. He didn’t need the happy holiday spirit or wintertime joy or whatever the fuck everyone else seemed to latch onto.
All Katsuki wanted was to know he hadn’t fucking lost something he’d sworn to cherish.
He’d been feeling alright about things since telling his dumb friends the truth. Sure, it still hurt and disgrace still followed him around like a loose thread he couldn’t clip, but he could live with it; Katsuki didn’t have a choice.
But it seemed like the universe carried some kind of cruel grudge against him. He kept everything hidden, but close by and within reach in the drawer next to his bed. Well, everything except for the apron and chopsticks which were out of sight in his kitchen.
As he sat on his bed one night, he rubbed at his tired eyes and pulled open the drawer, his calloused fingers brushing over the glossy paper cover of the dictionary where he kept your note and photos tucked away between the pages. Selfishness clouded his mind on those nights when he just wanted to remember and reminisce in solitude and silence.
Sliding a finger where the corner page was bent down, Katsuki opened the dictionary under the singular lamp in his room and frowned. Something was missing. Maybe it ended up between different pages somehow, so he flipped through the entire book and shook it, expecting the folded piece of paper to fall into his lap.
When it didn’t, his scowl deepened.
By the next morning, his room looked as though it had been robbed as he spent hours turning everything upside down in search of the note. It wasn’t in the drawer, or the bag, or under any of his furniture. Not in any of the, now inside-out, pockets of his pants or jackets. He’d even dumped the contents of his trashcan all over the floor and sifted through it with gritted teeth. It was like the damn thing just vanished into thin air, and Katsuki rarely misplaced anything. Something felt off, but he had no proof. No one knew about the note because he’d never shown it to his overly nosy friends.
If he asked them about it, and they were clueless, it would just make him look paranoid and distrustful. He’d shunned them enough as it was and was in no hurry to feel isolated again by throwing around accusations. Fighting came as naturally as breathing to Katsuki, but he just wanted a fucking break for once.
So, rather than track them down for answers that potentially didn’t exist, he just sunk back into his tried and true hermetic mood when around others and continued scouring his apartment from top to bottom for something he swore was there one day and gone the next.
As Katsuki and Mar finished their patrol through the snowy streets of Tokyo, he tucked his chin further into the high-neck hood of his uniform every time they passed some disgusting holiday display. In Japan, the winter holidays were more a time for romance and couples than anything else. While he normally didn’t care and ignored the commercialized affection, seeing happy people holding hands and gift suggestions plastered in shop windows just fueled his irritation.
Would you see your parents for the holidays? Did you have yearly traditions? If you were able to exchange gifts, would you like what he picked out? Or would the sentiment be enough?
A yelp coming from his right halted his mental spiraling as he went right into Hero mode. So long as Katsuki kept moving, he didn’t have to think of what it meant to be still.
Warmth from the office thawed his face as they walked out of the cold once their patrol was finally done. Katsuki’s nose and ears were tipped red, and had he been in a more lighthearted state of mind, Mar would’ve no doubt commented on that fact.
“"El calor es mi salvación! (Warmth, my salvation!)” Katsuki rolled his eyes at his sidekick’s dramatics, but couldn’t fault the kid for wanting out of the winter wonderland outside. Even though he only knew a bit of Spanish he’d picked up along the way, the gist was obvious.
Walking through the hallways of the agency building, Katsuki felt eyes on him and was thrown back in time to when he first came back home. People tiptoeing around him and avoiding his path like skittering prey, hiding but watchful of a stalking threat.
Dumping his damp and frigid costume off to the side, Katsuki stepped into the steaming hot shower in the locker room to thaw his skin. He breathed in the heat as it cleared his nose and filled his scarred chest with warmth.
His reflection looked back at him from the slick shower wall as he wiped his hand across the misty condensation before it fogged back up again. For a split second, an illusion of you - bare for him and only him - appeared before him in the mist, smiling coyly with mischief in your eyes… and then he blinked and you were gone like a siren attempting to drown him with flittering desire.
There was something he truly despised admitting to himself, something he didn't think he'd miss as much as he did, but there was no denying it as he ran a tense hand down his dripping face.
Katsuki missed physical intimacy, and that embarrassing fact no doubt added to his short temper.
He’d never cared before because the satisfaction that everyone boasted about just wasn’t there for him early on; but now, during these cold nights laying in a bed that never felt so big, his fantasies and dreams ran wild and wanting behind closed eyes. Your trailing fingers, your singsong voice, your confident kisses, the way you crawled under his skin to pry him open and exposed… no amount of reasoning with himself could deny this frustrating need.
Lip twitching as water wove down his scarred back, Katsuki decided that finishing up his work here and getting home to sleep away his troubles under his kotatsu was the best thing to do. “So stupid…”
Body wound up like a coil, Katsuki walked out of the locker room and towards his office to summarize the patrol with boring paperwork, but Mar called out to him from behind. “Um, Bakugo-senpai? Can we-”
“Heeey, man! You look exhausted.” Kirishima seemed to appear out of nowhere as he waltzed down the center of the room carrying warm energy as though he hadn’t just come out of the snow himself. Before he reached Bakugo whose hand rested on the door handle of his office, Kirishima patted Mar on the shoulder in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. “I’ll chat with him,” he whispered out of the corner of his mouth before walking forward and attempting to usher Bakugo into his office.
“The hell have you been? Don’t you have patrol soon?”
Kirishima ignored Bakugo’s scratchy growling without flinching. “Good morning to you too, sunshine. And y’know, sleeping. What else?” A rhetorical question the redhead assumed his friend had no prepared smartmouth answer for. “Anyway, can we chat real quick before you head out? Cool.” Not bothering to wait for an answer, Kirishima managed to corral Bakugo into the office like a trainer cornering a hissing cat before closing the door behind him. “We gotta talk.”
“The fuck is your problem?” Turning back around to face him, Bakugo paused when he saw a frown had replaced Kirishima’s early morning smile. “Talk about what?”
He sighed while tugging the gloves off his hands. “Not what, but who. I know the past few months have been a lot, but you can’t take it out on Mar; you’ll scare the kid away when you know they look up to you.”
That obviously hadn’t been what Bakugo was expecting judging by his creased brow. “You sayin’ I’m a bad mentor? They wouldn’t have come here and I wouldn’t have accepted them if I didn’t think they could stick it out.” He held something back from his testimony, probably something Kirishima knew he didn’t want to openly admit.
“I’m saying to give them some slack. Have you even told them about-”
“No, I haven’t,” he ground out with a curled lip. “Why the hell would I tell Mar something that isn’t their business? I told you and the other nosy idiots because I’ve known you for years. There’s no reason for them to know. Why the fuck are you invested in how Mar sees me, anyway?”
No matter how wound up Bakugo became, Kirishima always remained a steady, immovable rock. “Because they texted me this morning concerned that something’s wrong with how you’ve been acting. If you wanna punch out your frustrations, don’t do it around someone who’s just as impressionable as we were as teenagers.”
The fact that Mar complained in a roundabout way to Kirishima behind Bakugo’s back drove things home by the way his eyes widened, but his face returned to his exhausted scowl just a moment later. Turning away with a huff, Bakugo rounded his desk and sat down with a heavy thud, leaning back to stare at Kirishima once more. A wave of guilt washed over Kirishima again as he scrutinized just how tired his friend looked. At least the note was back where it belonged for Bakugo to find.
"I know I've been a giant pain in the ass lately. I'll talk to Mar." An air of finality surrounded the statement as Bakugo essentially ended any further discussion.
It was probably as good an answer as he was going to get. Placing a hand on the doorknob, Kirishima looked back at his friend and said, "It'll get easier. And you're not alone." Before he could retort, the redhead slid out of the office and left him alone with a shallow click.
The snow outside blanketed everything in white satin. Calm and pleasant were descriptors that no doubt came to mind for most people observing kids having snowball fights and people wrapping fluffy scarves around them to shield out the cold. But staring out the barely-open blinds of his office window, Katsuki hated it. Or maybe he just hated himself and was projecting.
Kirishima was right and he knew it. He obsessed so much over someone that wasn't even here that it was only a matter of time before the resentment trickled down into his current relationships. Misplacing the note just closed him off again, but Mar didn't understand why and that was the problem. What if-
A knock at his office door broke Katsuki's train of thought. "Who is it?"
"Mar. Are you busy?" Since when did they care if he was busy or not? They normally just barged into his office. This didn't bode well.
Opening his laptop to make it look like work was actually getting done, Katsuki yelled for Mar to come in. When he looked up, he immediately noticed the closed off body language as they twirled a strand of dark curly hair, something they explained early on was a nervous habit. "Guessing you wanna chat about something?"
"Um, yeah… so you remember that I'm going back home to Puerto Rico next week, right?"
Katsuki paused before nodding. Yeah, he remembered having a conversation about this with Mar a while back. They missed their family and home, so giving them some proper time off seemed fair. Teenagers now deserved the luxury he wasn't allowed a decade ago.
"Yeah, I remember. And you won't be back until after the New Year, right?"
Mar rocked on the heels of their snow boots. "About that… I… I dunno if I'll be coming back."
That made Katsuki freeze and furrow his brows as he scrutinized the uncharacteristically nervous kid across the room. "What do you mean you might not come back?"
"It's just!" Mar tugged on the sides of the knitted beanie covering their ears and took a step closer to Katsuki's desk. "You've been through a lot this year. With you disappearing and stuff and I didn't know what to do while you were gone and then you came back and were, like, all angry and sad and stuff and I felt like I was annoying or whatever and didn't know how to help, and then you kinda returned to normal for a while… but I feel like a burden because maybe you need time for yourself and you're so busy that maybe I should just stay home because I'm not a good enough sidekick yet or something…"
The whole time Mar rambled, Katsuki watched them pace back and forth across the room while waving their hands around expressively and throwing in the occasional bit of Spanish. By the end, Kirishima's words really sunk in: he'd let the kid down and more than feeling disappointed in himself, knew you'd be disappointed in him, too.
Hopefully, it wasn't too late to try and fix this.
"Mar," he asserted, using their name to get them to keep still and pay attention to what he was about to admit. “As much as I want to say you’re an idiot for all of what you just said, I think I’m the bigger idiot right now. And I’m gritting my teeth saying that, by the way.” His bottom lip poked out and chin wrinkled to prove he wasn’t full of shit.
“Yeah, I was gone for a month and I know that left you in a weird spot. The fact that you stuck it out and continued doing what you needed to do speaks volumes about your dedication and potential as a Hero. It… wasn’t fair to keep you out of what was going on when it was affecting you directly,” Katsuki confessed with a tired sigh as his hand relaxed and tensed on instinct. “My problems don’t reflect badly on you. I took a chance on you, and I haven’t been the best mentor; hell, I’m still figuring out what the hell that even means. If you choose not to come back, I get it. But I don’t want you to think you don’t belong here with the rest of us.”
His own sidekick choosing not to return to Japan would be the epitome of failure to Katsuki. It never should have reached this point, but now he faced damage control to try and convince the teenager that none of this was their fault. Fucking shameful.
This whole time, Mar just stood there frozen in place like a wax figurine positioned mid-conversation. It took the Pro Hero’s chair rolling across the floor as he stood up to snap the kid out of it. “You… really mean all that stuff, Bakugo-senpai? I-I mean, I didn’t really want to leave forever, I just…” Katsuki balked when he heard a sniffle. “I didn’t wanna hold you back.”
“Oh my god,” he mumbled under his breath while tiredly wiping a hand down his face. “Since when do I bullshit around with this kind of stuff? Yeah, I meant it. I’ve been distracted, and that’s not fair to you or why you’re here.” With heavy steps, Katsuki walked around his desk to stand in front of Mar who looked so incredibly young; they still had so much growing to do, but so did he. A sweaty, calloused hand came up and patted Mar on the top of their head. “You’ve done good, kid. Still got some stuff to learn, but you’re getting there.”
Without warning, Mar lifted their arms parallel to the ground before leaning forward to give Katsuki a hug. He immediately stiffened like a board, groaned, and patted their head again albeit more awkwardly this time. “Alright, alright, don’t get sappy on me,” he chided, though he made no attempt to push Mar away.
“Lo siento." Mar pulled away and rocked on the heels of their boots with a stupid grin on their face and dark curls hanging down past their beanie. "Thank you, Bakugo-senpai. Like, really. So long as my mom lets me leave, then I'll definitely be coming back here."
Katsuki brushed himself off as if Mar left behind invisible cooties. "Your mom? Does she nag you like mine does?"
"Nagging? No, less nagging and more crying because she didn't want me to move away. I have two brothers and a sister still at home, but I'm the first in our house to leave Puerto Rico. So more protective I guess?” They shrugged. “Anyway… thanks for listening and understanding and stuff. I’m gonna go catch the train-”
“Wait.” Mar turned back to Katsuki as he huffed through his flared nostrils. The kid left home to come to a foreign country where they didn’t know anyone and had to adapt on the fly… alright, maybe they weren’t polar opposites after all. He also thought back to when Kirishima would rattle off his time with Fatgum and Suneater and how he’d take them out for food as a bonding experience. Or something. Dedication to change without actionable evidence was just manipulation and lip service, and Katsuki couldn’t tolerate that.
“You have plans for dinner tomorrow?”
“Uh, no?”
“Then we’re going to that dumpling place you mentioned that one time. A send-off before you fly out of here. And…” He hesitated, but knew it was the correct choice. “I’ll tell you what happened while I was away.” Mar deserved to know - a summarized version, anyway - considering all the bullshit he put them through.
Their eyes lit up like the annoying holiday lights outside. “Really?! Aaaah, thank you, Bakugo-senpai!! OK, um, this all went way better than I thought it would, so… I’m gonna go before I ruin it.”
“Too late.” Walking forward, Katsuki grabbed the front of their sweater and grabbed the little tag that had been sticking out the entire conversation. “Put your fucking shit on the right way, then we’ll talk about your future career.”
“Oh, I mean… this is mild and definitely not the first time I’ve done it,” they admitted with a nonchalant shrug. “Adiós! Get some rest so you’re less grumpy!”
“YOU LITTLE-” Before Katsuki could strangle his snarky sidekick, Mar bolted out of the room and accidentally slammed the door behind them, yelling an apology through the walls. His curled lip deflated as he threw his arms wide and plopped back down behind his desk. “Is this what babysitting is like? Rotten little brat.”
The insult was cloaked in endearment.
An hour later, Katsuki left the office bundled up in jackets and scarves and headed towards the train station. Cold wind stung his eyes as his boots crunched under dry snowfall; the sooner he got home, the sooner he could eat some hot leftovers and sleep through the day even if it meant screwing up his sleep schedule for a bit. He rarely ever agreed to overnight patrols, but he figured it would be good for Mar to experience vigilance at night.
A crying baby on the train made him sink deeper into his scarf as its parent tried and failed to console it. Yeah, he found kids more tolerable as he matured, but the crying and screaming he could do without.
Maybe I should think more seriously about a motorcycle or something to avoid this shit…
Luckily, his apartment was only a few stops away. Eager to get off the train but not trudge back through the annoying snow, Katsuki shuffled along at a quick pace with his gloved hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jacket while he wove between people meandering around on the sidewalk. “Fucking snow. Fucking cold. Disgusting.”
As soon as he stepped through the sliding front door to the building, Katsuki shook snowflakes out of his hair and shivered.
“Welcome back, Dynamight.” Takahata called from behind his desk like he always did. If one thing in his life remained constant, it was the head of security who had been there before he even moved in. “Overnight patrol go well?”
“If freezing my ass off means going well, then yeah, something like that,” he admitted while pushing the thick scarf under his chin. Once inside his apartment, he could eat and sleep and wind down for the remainder of the day.
But when Katsuki unlocked his door and walked inside, he was greeted with the reminder of something lost. After the wakeup calls from Kirishima and Mar, he winced at the messy state of things. Maybe he just needed to accept that the note had somehow disappeared for good and finally move forward properly with his life to the best of his ability.
His boots dripped melting snow onto the genkan as he shrugged off his heavy coat and scarf. He promised himself to finally straighten things up after he ate and slept, but there was something he needed to do first.
With his kotatsu warming up, he ignored the disheveled state of his room, yanked open the drawer of the bedside table - not the same one where he kept his sentimental items - and pulled out what he wanted before stalking into his master bathroom and barricading himself inside despite living alone.
Doing this anywhere other than the safety and privacy of his own home made his skin crawl, but letting out his pent up sexual frustration before it got the better of him was definitely the right move. Katsuki conjured up that same image of you earlier, swallowing up imaginary sounds and touches and visual delights.
You were a fantasy that used to be reality, and now all he could wrap his calloused fingers around were cold, tile walls and seductive memories. Vexing annoyance didn’t begin to describe getting to this point ever since returning home two months ago. Like so many other things, there wasn’t much he could do about it.
Letting out a shaky sigh when all was said and done, Katsuki relaxed his warm skin against the cool wall of his shower and let his eyes close for a few minutes before cleaning up and wrapping a towel around his waist. When he stepped back into his bedroom, he rubbed at his tired eyes and figured it was as good a time as any to begin reorganizing things. Well, some of it, anyway.
The first thing he did was straighten up the bed and toss the clothes laying around on the floor into their respective hampers or drawers. Next, Katsuki pushed his nightstand to properly sit against the wall, but froze when he looked down at his feet. There, laying on the floor as though it had always been there, was a distinctly familiar piece of folded paper.
Are you fucking serious? Bending down so quickly he accidentally banged his head on the edge of the nightstand, he cursed as he snatched up the paper and unfolded it. Sure enough, your handwriting stared back at him. But how?! He’d torn this place apart the past week looking for it; the moved nightstand proved that he’d already looked here. So…?
Something didn’t add up. The suspicion that someone was toying with him slightly overshadowed the relief that flooded him upon knowing this small, sentimental treasure wasn’t permanently lost. As much as he wanted to hypothesize about what the hell was going on, his stomach growled in that moment, urging him to shove some food into his face. “Yeah, yeah… I’ll think about this later,” he grumbled while tucking the note back into the safety of the dictionary pages.
While warm rice steamed in the rice cooker and leftovers simmered on the stove,Katsuki knelt down in front of his TV, with the box set you'd given him in hand and a scowl on his face. Somehow, the player refused to recognize the disk and displayed an error message. The technology probably wasn't compatible, something he didn't even consider when he reluctantly agreed to take it home.
"Fucking figures. Can't catch a break." Frustrated that he'd never know how the damn anime ended, he put the box set among his others in a drawer next to the TV. Once the food was done, Katsuki filled his bowl, sat down under the warm blanket draped over the kotatsu, and picked at his food with the chopsticks you gave him while scrolling through his phone.
But his mind kept wandering back to the mysteriously reappearing note. If there was one thing anyone might claim about Katsuki - besides that he was a hard-headed asshole - it was that he was ridiculously observant. Well, so long as he gave a damn about what he actually wanted to remember. Misplacing something important just didn't happen on his watch, which only left some outside force as an explanation.
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became when he was supposed to feel relaxed in his warm apartment. What would someone want with something only significant to him? It had to have been one of his stupid friends, of course, since no one outside of that tiny group knew about you or the personal things he brought back with him. However, he knew that he never mentioned the note to any of them. What would they want with it? And why return it after a week to make it look like he was dumb enough to misplace it?
Maybe it was the exhaustion talking, but when he realized his bowl was empty, Katsuki let it clatter against the top of the kotatsu before burying himself up to his chin underneath the blanket. He’d been giving himself headaches from overthinking and stressing the past few months. His eyes began to drift shut and the back of his head hit the couch cushion as he stared at the blank space of wall above his mounted TV that he rarely used.
Was being pissed and suspicious worth the effort? If you were here, you’d probably tell him that the material things were less important than shared memories which no one could take from him. If you were here…
Things would be so incredibly different. But you weren’t, and nothing could change that. Still, he vowed to hide his things in a different spot just for his own peace of mind.
Things would be easier once the holidays were over and the cold weather disappeared. He hoped you were safe, warm, happy, and doing far better than he was to avoid shared misery. Tomorrow will be better, Katsuki thought to himself as he closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep with only the artificial warmth of the kotatsu and the promise of something better to comfort him.
One week before Christmas…
Katsuki tucked his chin into his scarf as he sat in the back corner of the noodle shop, nodding with his eyes at the waitress as a steaming cup of green tea was placed in front of him.
"Where the hell is she? Haven't got all day," he mumbled, crimson eyes staring towards the front of the shop with impatience.
For whatever reason, Uraraka has asked to meet with him if he had a speck of time available in his busy schedule. Just a few days prior, she and Deku had pulled him and most of their mutual friends together - some of whom no longer lived in Tokyo or even Japan - into a mass video call with some big news to share. He was only halfway paying attention to the call with 20+ people talking over each other when everyone went silent to let the hosts talk, their faces squished into a single phone camera screen.
"We uh, won't keep you all long, but we figured it was important to announce it here before word inevitably gets out into the public." That grabbed Katsuki's attention as he glanced down at his phone screen from atop a skyscraper high above the city while he rocked back and forth on the insulated heels of his boots.
Uraraka looked incredibly nervous as she spoke. “Well, we… we wanted to announce that we’re expecting!"
"Expecting what?" A collection of snickers and sighs erupted from the phone speaker at Todoroki's obliviousness.
"Oh my god, really?! A baby!" Ashido squeaked in disbelief while half of the call participants, Katsuki included, stared in dumbfounded silence.
Well, damn. That really was some unexpected news. Most Heroes didn't attempt the commitments of family due to the life-threatening aspects of their jobs. Leaving a widowed spouse or kids behind wasn't exactly a great selling point, but if there was anyone more stubborn and determined to survive no matter the shitty circumstance than Katsuki, it was Deku.
Once the shock wore off, others in the call offered up congratulations for the beaming couple in the upper left corner of the screen. A few people were immediately called away since they were also on patrol and had emergencies to take care of while others remained on the call to poke and prod with questions.
"How far along are you?"
"Is there a due date yet?"
"I don't mind babysitting!"
He'd leave the babysitting duty to other volunteers. Yeah, he was getting better at interacting with kids, but he wasn't exactly jumping at the opportunity to be the first pick at birthday parties and autograph events; there were far more important things higher up on Katsuki's list of shit he wanted to excel in.
"Deku, Uraraka," he finally said as the others slowly quieted down. "Congrats on the kid. Parenting seems like its own different kind of fight, but if you’re the one raising ‘em, then I think the brat will turn out alright.”
“Bakugo! Man, don’t call their unborn child a brat,” Kirishima nagged, but Katsuki just scoffed.
“Takes one to know one.”
"What was that, Pinky?!"
About ten seconds of bickering was all Uraraka could take, apparently. "The only children on this call should be our unborn child," she chided, effectively shutting them up. "Anyway, we just wanted to let our closest friends know. This is all very recent news, so there isn't much in the way of plans yet…"
"I would love to help you plan a baby shower if you plan to have one, Uraraka-san," Yaoyozoru offered in her politest tone. Katsuki took that as his cue to bail, so he gave his curt goodbyes with a wave of his gauntleted hand and hung up.
As he was thinking back on that moment while wondering about the reason Uraraka wanted to meet with him, someone called his name.
"Bakugo-kun. I hope you weren't waiting long." Uraraka brushed snow from her jacket before sitting down across from him. Speak of the devil.
"You're lucky my tea's still hot," he answered before sipping from his cup. "Better have a good reason to bring me all the way out here when it's cold as shit outside."
She knew to just ignore his snark at this point, so she didn't bother answering and began rummaging around in her purse for something. "Call it an early Christmas gift, though it's not from me."
Katsuki frowned as she slid something across the table towards him. A jar filled with what looked like slop, with a red ribbon tied around the top, sloshed around until the unknown substance levelled out. He just glared at the jar before flicking his eyes up to Uraraka's pleased smile.
"The fuck is this? Looks disgusting."
Her grin didn't waver. "Maybe to most people, but you will probably like it. I ran into a big fan of yours who wanted me to give this homemade hot sauce to you."
That just made his sneer deepen. "A fan? And why the hell would I risk eating some unknown crap made by a stranger?"
Her face dropped the tiniest bit at his hard headedness. "If you think it's poison or something, I guarantee it's not because I tried it; I blame it on my pregnancy brain since I don't normally like spicy food too much…"
Alright, that managed to snag his attention. Katsuki grabbed the unlabeled jar and turned it over in his hand. He was exaggerating for the sake of being a dick by comparing it to slop since it didn’t look much different than the store-bought sauces he frequently picked up; at least in this one, he could see flecks of chopped food and spices compared to the uniform color of the manufactured bottles.
“Why would someone give this to you instead of sending it to my agency? God knows the weirdest shit winds up on my desk. In comparison, this is pretty tame.”
She pressed the pads of her fingers together as her arms rested on the table and said, “Well, let's just say that due to weird circumstances, it was just easier to give it to me directly. I promised that I’d get it to you, so here we are.”
“That right?” he mused while twisting off the lid and taking a strong whiff. Just the scent alone burned his nostrils, which sent a jolt of intrigue to his salivating tongue. Hot sauce would be the perfect thing with this shitty weather…
And just like that, he stuck a finger into the jar, coated it up to the first knuckle in sauce, and stuck it in his mouth. If he got sick, Uraraka was his witness.
Something… he wasn't sure what, but a spark of familiarity seemed to sprint from his taste buds all the way down to his toes. Brows furrowing, he let the flavor roll around in his mouth, the tang of the peppers mixing with the spices and consistency of the sauce melted into not the best, yet definitely not the worst thing he’s tried; the heat level was pretty damn intense, too.
Why did this remind him of…?
“Did this fan give you a name?”
“Um, I think she’d prefer to stay anonymous…how does it taste?” Why did Uraraka look so fidgety over this? Maybe it was a pregnancy thing, or maybe she was hiding something.
Narrowing his eyes, Katsuki replaced the lid and leaned back in his seat. “You said you tried it, didn’t you? So you know how it tastes.”
“All I could taste was spicy! I don’t know how you eat this kind of thing so calmly all the time," she admitted with a scrunched-up nose. "But I just came here to give this to you, so-"
"Did Deku tell you?"
She stopped mid-sentence and stared as if she didn't know exactly what he was talking about. "Tell me what?"
"Don't play dumb. I know he blabbed to you about me as soon as he got the chance. Yet you haven't said a damn thing about it," he accused before taking a sip of his cooling tea.
Uraraka seemed to squirm in her seat before deflating with a soft sigh and eyes that held pity he didn't really want. "Yeah, you're right. Izuku did tell me most of what went on, but considering you didn't tell me yourself, I didn't want to pry when I figured I knew all I needed to. I didn't approve of them breaking your door, though."
He hummed to himself while staring at the neatly-tied bow around the lip of the jar. “That mean you aren’t going to interrogate me? No questions about what happened?"
"Do you want me to ask questions?"
"Fuck no."
"Then I won't."
Some stupid part of him actually wanted to talk about you to someone else, someone who could give him some new insight into the shit that made his head spin, but not right now, and especially not in in such a public location; maybe after the holidays were over he'd reconsider.
"Oh, one more thing before I go," she said while slinging the strap of her bag over her shoulder. "We're having a small holiday party on New Year's Eve if you'd like to come. We won't make you, though."
Katsuki scoffed. "As if you could make me do anything." Everyone knew he wasn't exactly fond of parties or large groups of people, but he'd isolated himself for nearly two months and the cold weather had him searching out warmth wherever he could find it. “... And I’ll think about it if I find the time.”
Knowing that was as satisfactory an answer as she was going to get, Uraraka stood up and looked over her shoulder towards the glass door leading outside into a winter wonderland. “Well, if you ever do want to talk about it, you know how to reach me. Enjoy the hot sauce and stay warm!” With a wave of her hand, she pulled the collar of her jacket up to her chin and left Katsuki sitting alone once again in the noodle shop.
Jutting out his lower lip, Katsuki watched her leave before looking back down at the anonymous gift next to his empty tea cup. The people closest to him seemed to know something he didn't, which bothered him to no end like a hair tickling the back of his neck. They still tiptoed around him when addressing his sour attitude or… well, you. Unless he backed them into a corner and forced them to spit it out, he figured there wasn’t much he could do; it wasn’t as if they’d do anything to hurt him or bring him even lower than he’d felt weeks prior.
Fiddling with the red ribbon tied around the jar, Katsuki recalled being given far worse gifts over the years. This one wasn’t so bad.
As always thanks so much for sticking with this long as hell fic for so long! Not a super lengthy chapter, but very excited for the next few that'll give a bit of a timeskip :D we're getting close to [REDACTED] u know???
if you enjoy the story, reblogs mean so much and yelling at my inbox makes me cry 🥰😭
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61 notes · View notes
im-whatchamccallit · 3 years
Fixed On//ATEEZ (OT8)
Pairing: ATeez (OT8) x Fem!Reader (Non-romantic)
Genre: Slight angst, psychological if you’re paranoid enough, majority fluff
Warnings: Mentions of stalking
Word count: 3.4k
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You told yourself it was the lack of sleep from the three days you spent studying for your finals catching up to you, that the shadows you saw in your peripheral and the faint footsteps you heard behind you as you drowsily ran errands were simply hallucinations. You told yourself it was all in your head, but how could you believe that now that you were aware of him?
You had simply gone out to grab groceries, just a seven minute walk from your apartment that wouldn’t take any more energy from your already exhausted body, just craving a home cooked meal before crashing for the next two days. But you could practically hear his breathing as he circled around you in the produce section, feel his eyes staring at the back of your head while you selected a pack of beef and, now, you could see him clear as day as you trailed down the empty streets. You were tempted to stay in the grocery store to stall him, praying he got bored and left, but you made the mistake of going at 9:30 at night, the cashiers urging you to go as they closed at 10. Not a problem, you could just head home, right? But you couldn’t, the looming fear he’d find out where you lived making you whimper in distress. To add insult to injury, you left your cell phone at home because you didn’t think your trip would take so long and most stores were closed now, the street lights and your two bodies the only signs of life in the silent night.
You’d been walking for almost twenty minutes now, passing by your apartment reluctantly with aching feet and a spinning head, your eyes brimmed with tears as you tried to push on in case he caught up to you and hoping your $15 beef hadn’t gone bad by now. You need a miracle, something to ease your anxiety and get you home and away from the unidentified man. And, in the midst of your unfortunate predicament, you saw it: a 7-Eleven.
Your body picked up speed as you rushed inside, the place bright and lively despite only you and the cashier being present and the radio playing softly in the background, the tightness in your chest disappearing with each passing second. You gasped softly at the sound of the door’s chime, your head darting to see the hooded figure from before stepping inside and making an abrupt turn to the candy aisle. What now?
You tried to stay natural, moving to the fridge to pick out a soda that you didn’t want, glancing over to see the man adjacent to you mindlessly picking up bags of chips only to put them down once again, looking in your direction every so often to make sure you haven’t moved. And you did, floating about the store with no destination and him still on your tail, the teenager behind the register not caring as the both of you played a game of hide and seek that left your safety up to fate.
It seemed like you were hopeless but, for some reason, you were starting to get luckier as the night progressed, the door chiming and the boisterous chatter of men filling the fairly spacious convenience store.
“Get anything you want, we’re charging it to Hwa’s card.”
“Like hell you are! Pay for yourselves!”
Laughter followed the bickering of two of the guys echoed off the walls before they spread out, some going in pairs to different sections and some on their own, but the one standing alone in front of a rack of limited edition snacks just so happened to catch your gaze first. He was tall, wearing a coat that looked cute on him but made his upper body appear to be broad and muscular underneath, his face blank and firm as if he’s never smiled a day in his life. He was scary, and perfect.
Yunho’s lips were threatening to form a pout as he struggled to choose. Would he rather have a snack form Japan or Indonesia tonight? Both looked so good but he couldn’t bring himself to choose.
“I’ll get both.” He said under his breath before grabbing both bags, gasping loudly as a pair of arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
“Oppa, I thought you had work tonight!” You squealed in a faux happy voice, smiling brightly up at the wide and horrified gaze the man gave you.
“Some guy’s been following me for a while now. Please, just pretend you know me.” You said in a hushed tone, smile faltering as you glanced over to the fridge you once occupied, the eyes you had feared all night staring directly at you, a soft whine leaving you as you peered back at the strange man you latched yourself to, praying he saved you in any way he could.
You gasped as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you until your head was flush against his chest, his once stoic face now adorned with a content smile.
“I texted you that I was free but you didn’t respond! I really wanted to see you tonight.” He said in a cute yet teasing tone, your head thrown back to see him smiling down at you, giving a subtle but clear wink to let you know he was on your side, your eyes stinging as you tried not to cry in the unknown male’s arms.
“How about we go grabs some snacks and head back to my apartment? I’ll pay.” He said with a gentle smile, your head nodding reluctantly.
You both made your way to the back of the store where his friends continued to joke and bicker, Yunho’s arm not leaving you for a second although his smile was gone now, eyes still puppy like yet hard.
Considering he was a fairly large guy, it was easy for the others to catch on to his presence but, upon turning to face their groupmate, they found themselves more focused on your meek appearance hiding safely under his arm. You could feel your face burning in both embarrassment and unease at the way they eyed you and the man.
“Who is this?” One asked, his hair a beautiful royal blue and eyes just as sweet as your large bodied savior’s, the way our eyes immediately diverted from his causing a few to laugh but the way you gasped in horror as your eyes locked with your almost hour long stalker, body trembling as you opted to look at the ground. You just wanted to go home.
“This is…. Princess! My girlfriend!” Yunho said, suddenly realizing neither of you knew each other’s names.
“If he’s holding you hostage, blink twice.” Another spoke, his eyes cat-like and face sculpted to reveal his dimples as he smiled playfully at you.
“Why’s it so hard to believe I can get a girlfriend? Bunny, go pick out something to eat. We’ll wait for you so we can pay.” Yunho said affectionately, giving a reassuring squeeze to your shoulder at the way your eyes widened in fear at him, his head nodding you onward as he silently told you he had a plan, eyes never leaving you as you cautiously moved to the glass casing filled with pastries.
“Seriously, Yunho, who is she?” Seonghwa asked, voice low as the other watched you closely. You were holding two plastic grocery bags filled with vegetables and meat, you were probably a university student based on your lazy but comfortable choice of clothing. Nothing about you seemed alarming, but your sudden introduction as Yunho’s girlfriend was enough to make them suspicious.
“Look at the guy in the hoodie. She said he followed her here.” He said in a hushed voice, the unknown man creepily moving close by you before closing in on a sealed pack of donuts but giving you a once-over now that he was close enough to get a better look at you.
You felt your jaw clench as to not cry out for help and set him off. He was only a few feet away from you now, able to grab and harm you just by extending his arm if you dared to alert anyone. That wasn’t a risk you wanted to take.
“Did he follow her car or something? Why would she stop here?” Wooyoung asked.
“Obviously she didn’t drive. She would’ve left her bags in her car if she did.” Yeosang responded, a few of their eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
“Wait, but the only grocery store nearby is almost ten minutes away.” Jongho chimed in.
“By car. If she walked, that would be almost 25 minutes.” Mingi concluded, their bodies running cold at the realization, taking in the severity of your situation.
You tried to seem casual, to make sure he was unaware of the sudden initiation of eight strangers planning to get you away from him as quickly as possible but, in the midst of your overthinking, you managed to wander off to the back of the store, eyes locked on the stands full of ramen in both impatient anxiousness and genuine wonder. There’s no doubt the beef you bought was no good at this point, and that constant walking you’d done really built up your appetite. You couldn’t let the boys pay for you, especially after offering their protection to keep you safe. But, you had your wallet on you, and you had to get in line with them anyways so they can pay for their snacks, so why not grab dinner for yourself while you were at it?
You mindlessly searched for the one you usually ate, even wondering if you should grab two in case you were hungry later while shifting to hold both bags of food in one hand, almost missing the set of eyes on you. Almost.
It felt like before when you were in the grocery store, body freezing as you listened closely but this time aware of the threating presence, only unaware of how close he was now. You slowly let your body rise, not wanting to let your guard down as you finally heard footsteps, the faint chatter of the boys snapping you from your daze as you tried to hurry back to them, yelping as you crashed into a warm body before you.
You held your breath, peering up cautiously before seeing a familiar and bright smile, his jaw slim but chiseled. He was the stranger’s friends, and he was cute. If you weren’t so worried about getting the hell back home safely, maybe you could’ve gotten a better look at each one to see if they were all this stunning.
“Uhm, P-Princess,” Seonghwa cringed at the pseudonym, not sure why Yunho couldn’t just ask for your actual name to begin with.
“We’re getting ready to pay. You got everything you need?”
You glanced at the bowl of instant ramen before nodding, Seonghwa eagerly taking it from your hands to leave it unoccupied, but that didn’t last long as he grasped it to guide you beside him, your sides practically touching. It was a bit confusing, it made you worried that your act would be found out by the mysterious guy following you. But Seonghwa was no idiot, his observation skills heightened since he was brought into your escape plan, trying hard to not send a glare to the creep standing in the place you were moments ago. If he hadn’t noticed him moving closer, who knows what would’ve happened to you.
“Hey, ready?” Yunho asked you softly, your head nodding once more as they began to hand their items to the still disinterested boy behind the register, your eyes examining their mannerisms.
You were a little wary about blindly asking for their help but, from the way they immediately took on the task to protect you by staying at your side, and even now as the short but equally as model-like blue-haired guy complained that he thought they were using ‘Seonghwa’s’ card, only to be met with teasing ‘Thank you, mom’ chants from the remainder which left him looking a bit disgruntled, you knew they were nothing to fear.
You moved forward as they trailed on to the side, setting down your ramen as Yunho kept his place next to you, moving to pull out his wallet but you immediately snatched your hand from Seonghwa’s wanting to give a quick apology but needing to pay before he had the chance to.
“Don’t worry, I can-“
‘It’s only a dollar, Princess, it’s fine.” Yunho said while handing cash to the man, a faint warmth creeping to your cheeks at how casually he used that newly established nickname.
You thanked the man as you grabbed onto yet another bag for the night, all of you eagerly leaving the store and into the parking lot, the suffocating atmosphere now dissipating into relief as you took in a breath of fresh air. That man didn’t follow you out, the ambience felt so light and fun with the group of men joking ahead of you as they walked to a van with a very bold ‘ATEEZ’ on the side, your jaw nearly hitting the ground.
You’ve heard of their group, their music everywhere yet never had the time or desire to actually look them up, which would explain why you didn’t recognize them immediately. Although, the cat-eyed one went viral not too long ago for his charismatic dancing and now, watching him and a tanned guy with a mole beneath his eye he pointed and referred to as ‘Woo’ laugh at something said by the blue haired man while the tall one, one that resembled a prince and fairy all in one, and one that looked scary until he showed a smile so sweet it managed to make him look more youthful, you realized they were all hot. And suddenly the intimidation you thought you were free from came rushing back to you.
“Hey,” The sudden voice pulled you from your thoughts, a yelp leaving you as you faced the first one you met, his smile falling a bit but recovering just as fast.
“Didn’t mean to scare you. Just need to know your address so we can take you home.” He held up his cellphone and a navigation system, your eyes wide as you looked between him and the bright phone screen. They could’ve honestly left you there once that man stopped pursuing you, yet they were still looking after you.
“Or I could call you a cab. We know you probably don’t want to be around a ton of strangers right now.”
“N-no! Thank you, so much, I’m just really thankful I found you guys.”
“Hey, it only cost us a dollar to help you, and I don’t think any of us would feel right just leaving you to protect yourself from that guy.” Yunho said gently.
His tone and eyes were telling you he was being sincere, not that you needed any more convincing to trust him or his friends. Not to mention he was right about you needing a ride home, reality kicking in that you still didn’t have your phone on you and, if your groceries weren’t completely wasted by now, you still had some time to save them.
With a small smile you took his phone from his hands, typing in your address and passing it back to him, your body turning to match his as you head towards the van, the faint sounds of the boys arguing over who would drive and all agreeing that none of them wanted to, leading to an intense game of rock-paper-scissors that Yunho gladly stayed out of, a small giggle threatening to erupt from your lips.
“By the way, you guys don’t feel like strangers. Especially with your group’s name plastered on the side of your car.” You joked, a simple ‘Ah’ leaving him as you stared at you with a smirk, almost a silent way to say he’s discovered your dirty secret.
“You know, at first I thought you were a fan or something and that’s why you came up to me. I didn’t think I’d be right.”
“Uh, actually, I don’t know anything about you guys. I didn’t know you were ‘ATEEZ’ until I saw, well, that.” You gestured back to the vehicle where the boys began to disperse and enter the car, but the loud and bitter comments of them not wanting ‘Mingi’ to drive filling the air followed by an authoritative ‘Do you wanna do it?!’ from the blue-head. Were they aware of how unintentionally funny they were?
“Well, in that case, I’m Yunho.” He smiled, a genuine one that made you breathe out in contentment.
“I’m (Y/n).”
Your introduction was brief, followed by a silence that was neither comfortable nor uncomfortable, lingering in the air as you both made it to the van, easing your way inside and finding a seat next to the blue-head and prince-faced boy, giving a small nod and smile that he shyly returned, the three boys behind you too preoccupied in their phones to acknowledge you and, suddenly, the silence gone as Yunho spoke up from his awkward position of setting up his phone to the dashboard, the faint voice of the navigation arising in the background.
“You should introduce yourselves to (Y/n)!”
“Her name’s (Y/n)?” The one in the driver’s seat asked as he started the engine, peering to you from the rear view mirror with bright eyes before putting the car into drive.
“My name is Mingi.”
“I’m Seonghwa.” The guy from the passenger seat said to you as he turned to wave.
“I’m Choi San.” Cat eyes said from behind you, giving a dimpled smile that you easily returned.
“I am Jongho, and this is Wooyoung.”
“Hey! I can introduce myself!” You jumped slightly at the boom of ‘Wooyoung’s’ voice, giving a bewildered look at how fast he went back to his calm and charismatic self.
“I’m Wooyoung.” He reached his hand out to you, which you slowly took as you tried to calm down the giggles bubbling inside of you.
“Yeosang.” The one beside you said meekly, not giving you eye contact as he scrolled through his social media.
“And my name’s Hongjoong!” The blue-haired guy said, giving an enthusiastic wave that was slowly swallowed by the oversized sweater he wore, your breath caught in your throat from how cute he was.
“It’s nice to meet you all and, thank you, so much, for helping me tonight.”
“It’s no problem, we just wanted to make sure you stayed safe.” Mingi stated. You would’ve thought his deep voice would be drowned out by the van’s engine but you heard him perfectly.
“But what made you think we weren’t the creeps? You’re probably in a car full of murders and you don’t even know it-“
“Shut the hell up, Wooyoung, you’re scaring her!” Seonghwa yelled from the front, a hand landing on top of your head to give a small ruffle, your eyes following it to Hongjoong who peered past Yeosang’s head to see you.
“Don’t worry, we’re all good guys.”
“He’s lying! He yells at us all the time!” Jongho whined with a pout, slowly letting it grow into a smirk as Hongjoong glared at him playfully.
“Because none of you listen!” Hongjoong snapped back, an amused laugh from San echoing through the vehicle.
“Oh no, dad’s mad.”
“I’m stuck with ungrateful kids, of course I’m mad!” You couldn’t help but laugh, their bickering growing by the second as the car ride progressed.
It was funny how quickly they forgot there was a stranger riding with them, having conversations that you couldn’t understand about an idol life that you had no part in, Yunho attempting to remind them of your presence to make you feel included, eventually leading you to discuss university life that they couldn’t quite understand and, as mundane as it seemed, was still a bit entertaining.
You could see the familiar street light with a poster for part-time employment at the nearby seafood shop taped to it, signaling you were approaching your apartment a lot sooner than you expected and, as relieved as you were to finally be home and to relax from the horrifying encounter you had, you didn’t want to leave.
These boys, as loud and strange as they were, were peaceful to be around and a comfort you didn’t know you needed. You weren’t really aware of ATEEZ, who they were or the music the produced, but you knew they were good people, and maybe this night was enough to keep your mind fixed on them.
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