Pick Up The Pieces
Endeavor x The Consequences of His Actions is my OTP
“My name is Toya Todoroki.”
You’re in a medical tent near the woods outside the Gunga operation when Dabi’s broadcast starts. Your injuries are minor, you’d only come to drop off another hero who wasn’t so lucky and are about to run back into the fight when your phone goes off with a special message. Like everyone else you watch in shock as the villain explains his tragic beginning and the man he blames for it, but of course you have more reason than most to be horrified by this reveal. You want to believe your daughter’s origin is still a closely-guarded secret, but it wouldn’t take much digging to discover it if someone were motivated. All you can do is stand there and pray someone will cut the feed before he can drag your family into the mess, and for a moment you dare to hope when it seems like his story is winding down.
“Oh, and how could I forget the cherry on top? After everything, the old man never learned his lesson.” Dabi holds up a picture and your heart stops. “This is Hikari, his newest kid. Her mom’s another hero named Barricade. Wonder if she would have gone through with it if she knew what happened to his firstborn.” Every face in the tent turns to silently gawk at you, you’re going to be sick.
“I…have to go,” you announce to no one in particular. Someone finally calls your name but you ignore it as you sprint into the forest with a knot of cold dread in your stomach.
You have enough sense to immediately shut down all your social media and then disappear for a bit. You’re a minor enough hero that the scandal would have blown over soon enough if not for everything else involving Endeavor. It takes three days and a lot of effort on your part before you work up the nerve to sneak into the hospital, but it’s worth the trouble. You visit your friends first, who are all happy you’ve come to wish them well but pointedly avoid looking you in the eye or acknowledging the infant on your hip. It’s one uncomfortable meeting after another, but you power through them. Your status as a hero allows you to stay past normal visiting hours, so you hang back until you’re sure a certain family of civilians have gone home. You don’t bother knocking before you open the door, your heart lodged firmly in your throat.
“Hey, Todoroki.”
You think he might be asleep until he slowly turns to look at you. “I didn’t expect you to come.” His voice is rough. Hikari’s slept through most of the day but immediately perks up when she hears her father’s voice. She reaches for him with a little whine but you glance nervously at the IV and face mask he’s wearing. “It’s fine, really,” he insists, and you cross the room to carefully pass her to him. “I’m glad to see you,” he murmurs to her and her toothless smile is so innocent it sends a real, physical pain to your chest.
Neither of you speak for a long moment. “Enji, what the fuck,” you finally blurt out. “I knew there was something bad with your kids, but I never thought…” your voice cracks. “You destroyed your son and then he came back to destroy everything! I don’t even know how to process that, but now he’s dragged her into this.”
“If I’d thought for even a moment he was still alive, I would have found him,” he muses weakly. He’s not defending himself, it’s nothing but wishful thinking from a broken man. It sounds like Endeavor, the strongest hero in the country, is on the verge of tears and it leaves a sick feeling in your stomach. “I would have saved him.”
You shake your head. “I don’t think you could. Maybe someone else, but not you.”
The two of you fall into an extremely uncomfortable silence while you watch Hikari play with the toy she brought along, a little stuffed gorilla he’d given her a few weeks ago. She smiles up at her parents and babbles out nonsense, and in your heart you know you’ll never forgive Dabi for involving her in his revenge.
“If you’d known, would we have had her?”
You shake your head. “I wouldn’t have gotten so close in the first place, she wouldn’t have existed at all.” That thought hurts more than anything else, and you take a shuddering breath.
He lets out a deep sigh. “I appreciate that you brought her here, and I understand if you want to cut ties after tonight. I won’t fight to see her, I have no right-”
You snap. “Are you kidding me?” Your voice is shrill, it takes every ounce of self control you have to keep from screaming at him. “This is your daughter, Todoroki! It’s your job to pick up the pieces and fix this for her. You are going to clean up your mess and drag that lunatic off the streets, kicking and screaming. You are going to be involved with your kid and not screw it up this time. You are going to prove that you’re not the same dumpster fire you were back then!” You grab the collar of his shirt, pure anger written on your face as you consider whether to punch a hospitalized man. “This is your responsibility, I’m not letting you off the hook so easily. You understand that?”
He almost looks relieved at your outburst more than anything else. “I do.”
You calm your shaky breath and release him. “Good. And don’t you dare assume you can get out of this by dying. You’re in it for the long haul.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Maybe it’s just a trick of the dim light, but you’d swear there’s the slightest ghost of a smile on his face. “I’ll make sure to call you once there’s a plan in place for our next move,” he promises, and you look forward to it. You stay until Hikari tires herself out and falls asleep on his chest, and you move carefully to take her back.
He offers you the stuffed gorilla when you prepare to leave, but you shake your head. “It’s her favorite. I think she’d want it to stay with you.” You give him a sharp glare, you’re not going to coddle him because of his injuries. “Get out of here soon so she can have it back.”
“Thank you,” he calls out softly as you shut the door to his room behind you. You’re not looking forward to what lies ahead, but there’s no avoiding it. The sooner this fight comes, the sooner you can end it and make things better for the future.
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Good Morning
Ingenium remains #1 on the list of characters who deserve more screentime.
You’ve never been a morning person, but this is ridiculous. For weeks now, you’ve woken up every day feeling nauseous beyond belief. Every meal has become a 50/50 chance of your stomach rebelling and sending you running for the nearest bathroom and you’re rapidly getting tired of it. You knew pregnancy wasn’t going to be easy, but you assumed you’d get to enjoy at least a little bit of those wacky cravings instead of gagging at the sight of most normal foods.
You stagger out of bed this morning, just like every other morning this week, into the kitchen and drop heavily into a chair at the table. Tensei’s been awake for awhile; coffee is just the latest item on the list of smells that make you queasy, and he’s been great about drinking it as far away from you as possible. “Hey,” he smiles over at you from his place at the stove and you groan back weakly. “You having another rough morning?”
You give a dismissive shrug. “I still feel like garbage, but it’s better than yesterday.”
He nods and reaches for a pan. “At least that’s something. Think you can handle some breakfast?” You weren’t hungry a minute ago, but your stomach rumbles at the suggestion and he laughs. “I take it you want your usual?”
Your usual at this point is just plain eggs with no seasoning. There aren’t many foods you’re able to reliably keep down when you wake up, but a boring plate of eggs is certainly the most convenient. You’re not unreasonable enough to demand freshly grilled salmon every morning, and you’d just feel bad sending him out for those chocolate-stuffed croissants from the cafe a few blocks away that always has a line out the door in the mornings. You’re more than happy enough with your bland scramble made with love by your adoring husband.
Or at least you would be, if your stomach didn’t choose today to betray you yet again. One moment you’re sitting peacefully at the table watching Tensei stir a spatula around the pan, and the next moment you catch the scent of the frying eggs and have to actively fight your gag reflex. Without a word you lurch out of your chair and rush for the bathroom, illness rising higher in your throat with every second. “This sucks,” you wail to him across the house between heaves; you know he’s busy with the fire hazard on the stove and only vaguely hear him yell back a sympathetic response.
After twenty minutes you pry yourself away from the anchor that is your toilet, gargle half a bottle of mouthwash, and then collapse back into your bed. Tensei reappears soon enough with a tray for you, only toast and ginger ale, and you sulk as you pick at your new breakfast while he rubs your back soothingly. “I wish I could do something to help.”
You relax into his touch and sigh. “I wish there was anything you could do. The doctor said it should pass in a couple more weeks and we’ve just got to wait it out.”
He runs a hand through your disheveled hair. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a great job handling this. I know it can’t be easy.”
You smile faintly and cuddle closer against him. “Oh no, it’s awful. But I’ve got the best hero in the world giving me plenty of support.”
“Best hero, huh?” His grin matches your own, and you can feel his stubble when he leans over to kiss your cheek. “If you’re already that impressed, I guess I didn’t need to call the cafe and order some of those croissants.”
You force yourself to swallow the bite of toast you just put in your mouth. “Hey now, I didn’t say that.”
You’ve always loved his laugh. “Think you can wait about thirty minutes for them?”
“That’s a big ask,” you tease and take a small sip of your ginger ale. You know it’s supposed to help with nausea, but you drink so much of it you’re starting to hate the taste. “I’m guessing your brother wouldn’t be willing to speedrun them over, huh?”
Tensei’s eyes crinkle with happiness at your joke, “You know that sense of humor is just one of the many reasons I married you.”
“Oh really? You know we’ve got thirty minutes, we’ve got time for you to tell me all the other reasons.”
You’ll be the first to admit that this morning didn’t exactly get off to a great start. Now though, as you curl up in your husband’s arms with his pipes positioned safely out of your way, your mood’s improved significantly. There’s a cool breeze coming in from the window with the morning sunshine, and you get the feeling you’ll doze off before the food arrives. You don’t mind that idea, you know your precious croissants will be waiting for you when you wake up.
You let out a yawn and blink up at him. “Love you, Ten.”
“I love you too. Go ahead and get some rest, you two need it.” His voice is soft, and the last thought you have before you fall back asleep is that no one else in the world could ever make you this happy.
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Sweet Dreams
Aizawa takes to parenthood surprisingly well.
It’s okay for spouses to keep a few innocent secrets from each other. Your husband’s never confessed how many hours he’s spent at the local cat cafes over the years, and you’ve never thought to ask. On your end, you’d never admit that you may have had a few early concerns about Shouta becoming a father, and you’re definitely not going to mention them at this point.
Your greatest worry, that he’d be too exhausted from work to raise a newborn, couldn’t have been more wrong. You’re surprised he’s been able to put such a hard limit on both his teaching duties and hero work; the other faculty have stepped in to help with his lessons, and nothing short of a true unavoidable villain emergency can summon him to the streets while he’s on leave. For the first time since you met, his schedule is almost completely clear to rest and prioritize his personal life instead of the entire country. Besides his regular training with Shinso and caring for Eri, which neither of you has ever considered real work, Aizawa is free to spend all the time he wants with your new daughter.
It’s a welcome relief that Yume is a dream baby to care for. It’s clear she takes after her father; you think your little girl would happily sleep the entire day away if you didn’t keep rudely waking her to eat every few hours. You’d been more than a little worried about her sleeping habits in the first few weeks, but her pediatrician’s declared her to be a perfectly healthy newborn who just wants some extra nap time. It doesn’t take long to establish a perfect system; no matter how grumpy she is at being woken up for a meal, the moment you pass her to Shouta it’s like flipping a magic switch. She stares up at him with sleepy eyes and, as if it’s an extremely niche second quirk he’s been hiding his whole life, almost immediately yawns and drifts back off. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t jealous.
You treat yourself to a long shower this afternoon and relax under the steam until the hot water runs out. You stop to pull a bottle out of the fridge and warm it up before wandering back into your bedroom and smile at what you find. Shouta’s asleep in your bed with Yume cuddled into his chest, one strong hand splayed across her tiny back to keep her steady. You fish your phone out of your robe pocket as quietly as you can and take a few quick pictures, but your hero has razor-sharp instincts and notices immediately.
“You know unauthorized photography is a crime,” he yawns, and you sigh dramatically.
“Oh no, Eraserhead’s caught me. I’m a repeat offender, I guess you’re gonna have to haul me off to jail,” you plead in mock-distress until you’re overcome with laughter. “She’s due for a meal, can you feed her?” He nods, with a bit of effort manages to sit up and shift the baby into the crook of his arm without disturbing her. He takes the bottle in his free hand and taps your daughter’s cheek with it while you step over to change your clothes.
“Nap’s over, kitty.” You can’t help but smile at the nickname he’s given her. It came so naturally that you’re not even sure he’s aware that he calls her that, but it warms your heart every time you hear how gently he says it to her. From the corner of your eye you watch him tap her cheek with the tip of the bottle until she lets out the tiniest whine and opens her mouth for it. Her eyes slip closed again after a minute, and you realize she’s fallen back asleep as she drinks comfortably in her father’s arms.
“You’re just showing off now,” you pout, dropping your robe on the floor and reaching for your fresh clothes.
He shakes his head, smiling faintly at Yume. “I’m not showing off, we just have a lot in common.” He looks over to catch sight of you changing and gives you a low, teasing whistle of appreciation. You roll your eyes, but his attention still sends a flicker of butterflies to your stomach after all this time.
“My eyes are up here, Eraser.” You can’t pretend to actually be annoyed when the three of you are in the middle of such a nice moment and instead climb into bed next to them. You stroke Yume’s dark hair and she gives you a little coo as the empty bottle slips out of her mouth. “She really is amazing,” you murmur, reaching over to take her from Aizawa and leaning her against your shoulder to burp. “I was expecting her to be way more work.”
He flops back down onto his pillow. “It’s almost suspicious,” he agrees. “You think she just wants us to let our guard down before she turns into a screaming monster?”
Satisfied that she’s taken care of, you lay her down between the two of you and stare down at them. “She’d be the worst villain in history, don’t even joke about that!” Shouta looks back at you with a wide grin, and you wonder if there’s ever been a time in his life when he’s been so openly happy. You stroke your baby’s face and she barely stirs. “Hey kiddo, you think you might wanna wake up when Eri’s done with her classes for the day? You know how much your big sis loves playing with you.” There’s the slightest lift of an eyelid in response, and you take that as a yes.
“Hey, Shouta? I think we got really lucky with our family.”
He’s already halfway back asleep himself and lets out a tired yawn before he answers you. “Me too, kitten. Can you get the light?” You drag yourself off the bed long enough to hit the switch before returning to lay down with them. You’ve earned a bit of a nap yourself, and you’ll need all the energy you can get if Yume really is a little monster in disguise.
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A New Hope
In this house we love and cherish the thought of Dad Might
“Toshi? Can we talk for a second?” Your husband looks up from the email he’s writing and gives you a warm smile. He’s still heavily bandaged up from his final fight against All for One and by all means should be getting more rest, but you’re not surprised that he refuses to stop working. You navigate around the moving boxes waiting to be unpacked and curl up next to him. He closes his laptop and leans back to drape an arm across the couch then winces slightly at the movement of his injuries and settles for resting his hands in his lap. “Hey, take it easy,” you scold gently.
“If I take it any easier I’ll be asleep,” he counters with a small laugh. “Something on your mind?”
You nod and look down at the mug of tea you made while you figure out how to start this conversation. “I know it’s been a long time since we’ve talked about it, but I’ve been doing some thinking lately.” He’s staring at you with interest, and you take a deep breath. “Now that you’re retired from hero work, and we know that the future is in great hands with Midoriya and the others…well, I’m wondering how you might feel about kids?”
Toshinori’s eyebrows shoot up into his hairline in surprise. He opens his mouth only to immediately begin a fit of coughing, and it’s a relief to see there’s no blood on his hand from it. “That’s a bit of a minefield to drop out of nowhere, isn’t it?” You reach over to rub his back until the coughing subsides and offer him a sip of your tea, and he drains half the cup before he speaks again. “I think we missed our chance on that,” he lets out a wistful sigh. “I’m sorry. If I’d managed to finish All for One the first time, years ago, things could have been different.” Your stomach drops, this isn’t how you wanted this conversation to go at all.
“Toshi, no. That’s not why I’ve been thinking about it. We still have chances,” you insist and squeeze his hand, minding his injuries.
He squeezes yours back. “That’s true, we can look into adoption. I’d love to raise a family with you, but considering everything…” he trails off with a glance down at his body, raising his arms to highlight all the bandages wrapped around them. “I’m not sure how much good I’d be at it.”
You really need to get this discussion back on track before you start crying. You know his medical issues better than anyone, you’re certainly aware what kind of challenges are in your future. Still, this is a dream you thought you’d given up long ago, and now that it’s within your grasp you can’t deny how much you want it.
“I’d love it if we adopted kids,” you say through the lump of emotions in your throat. “But I think we’ll need to wait a little while on that, since we’ll be so busy for the next couple months.” He stares at you with confusion, and you give him a nervous smile of your own. “I’ve been feeling kind of off lately, so I made an appointment with my doctor and, well, you’re never gonna guess what she said.”
“Honey? Is everything alright?”
It’s time to rip the bandaid off. “Better than alright, I think. Toshi, I’m pregnant.”
You could probably throw a brick at his face and he’d be less stunned. All Might, the world’s greatest hero, sits in complete silence for several long seconds, blinking slowly as he digests this information. “You’re pregnant?” His voice is faint.
“I’m pregnant,” you confirm. “Only about a month, so it must have happened right before everything with the summer camp.” He’s still gawking at you with wide eyes and you clear your throat. “Any thoughts about that?”
He lets out a shaky breath as a familiar grin slowly spreads across his face. “You’re pregnant,” he repeats, and you swear there are tears in his eyes. He leans over and rests a hand on your stomach. Of course there’s nothing new to feel, but you can tell he’s overwhelmed just at the thought of it. “I never expected that we’d get this chance,” he admits, voice thick with emotion. “Are you alright? Can I do anything for you?”
You shake your head, your own smile growing as he pulls you into the strongest hug he can with his injuries. ��Just take care of yourself. I’m gonna need you in top shape, hero.”
“Of course, whatever you want. This is incredible news,” he gushes through teary eyes. “Our baby’s going to grow up with so many amazing people around them. Especially their mother.”
You stretch upwards to give your husband a kiss. “Father, too. Having the Symbol of Peace as a dad has got to be some ultimate bragging right on the playground.” A thought occurs to you, and you smirk at your husband. “Is it too early to make bets on who their favorite hero will be?”
As their teacher, he’s not supposed to play favorites so blatantly. When you try to call dibs on Deku and the yet-unnamed Bakugo, however, the heartfelt laugh he lets out tells you exactly who he expects will be the most impressive.
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Dad Mirio continues to live rent-free in my head 24/7
Sometimes you wonder if your husband is even human. It’s been almost two weeks since you gave birth, and Mirio’s barely let you lift a finger since you went into labor. He’s handled every diaper change, every late night feeding, and every chore around the house before you can even begin to sit up. He’s always had a ridiculous amount of energy, but it’s starting to border on manic at this point. You don’t know when he’s had the chance to sleep, it feels like he’s always ready to jump up in a rush to do anything he can for you.
You know most people would be thrilled to have a partner ready and waiting to serve their every need, but it’s getting a little overwhelming every time he gently shoos you away when you try to help wash dishes or fold the laundry. It’s not how he normally acts, and you decide to get to the bottom of this mystery sooner rather than later.
It’s nearly three in the morning when you hear Tomo crying from his crib at the end of your bed and Mirio’s instantly hopping up to fetch a bottle. “You go back to sleep, I got it,” he announces brightly, and you reach out to grab his arm before he leaves.
“No, let me get this one. I’m the one with the boobs,” you point out and he lets out a cheerful little laugh.
“You sure? I don’t mind-”
You use his stronger body for leverage to pull yourself up and then push him back down to the mattress. “Mirio, get some sleep. I can handle our kid for a whole twenty minutes, I swear.” He looks up at you for a second before his warm smile spreads across his face and he gives you an encouraging thumbs up. Picking your son up is the most exercise you’ve had in weeks, and you appreciate the familiar stretch from using your muscles as you carry the fussy baby out of the bedroom. Once settled on the couch, Tomo’s immediately placated when he latches onto your breast for a well-earned snack.
“Hey little guy, how’s it going?” He blinks up at you lazily, soothed by the sound of your voice and heartbeat beside him. “I don’t know what’s gotten into Daddy right now, I promise he’s not usually this weird.” You laugh to yourself, remembering the first time you’d sparred with him in class and accidentally punched him in the crotch when he’d phased out of his clothes. “Alright, not this kind of weird.” You look down at those eyes you’ve been in love with since high school and sigh happily. Those Togata genes are just too strong, it would have been way more of a surprise if your child didn’t look so much like Mirio. You hum quietly as he drinks his fill, and it’s not long before he falls asleep cradled in your arms. Satisfied with a job well done, you sneak into the bedroom and carefully deposit him back into his crib with no complaints.
Mirio’s breathing evenly, but you can tell he’s still awake. “You did great, babe. He loves you so much.”
You cuddle against his chest and stare at him for a long moment. “Hey, Mirio? Are you, y’know, okay?”
His smile falters for a second before he brushes it off. “Yeah. Better than okay, I’m great!” You don’t respond and he glances away. “Why? What’s up?”
“You’ve just been, I don’t know, super restless since we came home. And it’s not like I don’t appreciate everything you’re doing, you’re amazing, but it feels like you don’t want me to help at all.”
He doesn’t respond at first, and you wonder if he’s going to avoid the question entirely. Finally he runs a hand through his messy hair and gives a frustrated sigh. “It’s not that. I guess I just feel kinda guilty.” You’re confused, and he makes himself continue. “I know I sort of torpedoed your spot in the rankings and I’ve always felt bad about that,” he admits, and that point is hard to argue. Your debut wasn’t as spectacular as his, but cracking into the top 150 in your first hero ranking was still an impressive achievement. Taking a long hiatus so soon into your career kicked you off the board entirely, to the point where a lot of fans don’t even realize Lemillion’s wife is also a hero on temporary leave. You’ve never held it against him, though; it took both of you to get you pregnant. Mirio clears his throat. “Then in the hospital, when they said you had to get a c-section, it was really awful to just stand there and do nothing while you had to go through all that.”
“There was nothing for you to do,” you reason with him and ruffle his hair. He grabs your hand and kisses your fingers.
“I know, but that doesn’t make it any better. I hate feeling so useless.”
It’s surprising to hear him admit that. “You’re not useless.”
“Maybe not, but it still feels that way.” His fingers wrap around yours and squeeze tightly. “You’ve done so much already, so I figured it’s only fair if I do everything for awhile while you just relax.”
You sigh and free yourself to cup his face in your hands. “Mirio, we’re in this together. You couldn’t have the baby, but you were right there the entire time taking care of me. I was only able to handle all of it because I had you with me, and you know that’s not nothing.” You gaze over at Tomo, still fast asleep where you left him, and turn Mirio’s head to look at him. “You were the first person he ever met, and the first thing he got to see was how much you love him. There’s no way that could ever be useless.”
Before you can say anything else, you’re smothered in a sudden bear hug that knocks all the air from your lungs. “You’re right,” he sniffles with an enormous grin. “You know I’ve always been jealous of how much smarter you are.” With this weight lifted from his shoulders, it doesn’t take long for Mirio to drift off into a peaceful sleep. Your only regret is that you’re wrapped too tightly in his arms to escape to the bathroom for the next several hours.
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Tamaki lovers come get your dinner
What were you ever worried about?
It was only an hour ago that you were panicking in your hospital bed, but now that feels like an entirely different version of yourself. You can barely even remember the pain of your contractions or the agonizing waiting game you were playing all night. None of that matters anymore, not when you’re staring down at the face of your new baby in your arms.
You glance at Tamaki, who’s been glued to your side for every second in the delivery room. He’s gazing at his child with a look of pure wide-eyed amazement as if he’s not entirely sure this is all real. “Hey, you okay?”
He nods slowly and moves to sit on the edge of your bed. “Yeah. It’s just hard to believe he’s here, after everything.” He reaches over to run a finger along the baby’s cheek, and the little boy squirms faintly at the contact. “You were great. Is it weird to be proud of you for having a baby?”
You can’t help but laugh, even as exhaustion creeps into every bone of your body. “No, I’m pretty proud of both of us for getting through it. I was a little worried you were gonna faint when you looked down there.”
“I almost did! There was just a whole head sticking out of you!” You don’t know if Tamaki’s ever smiled that wide before. “I’m glad I watched him come out, but I never want to see that again.”
You can agree to that. “Don’t worry, I think we’ll have plenty of time before we think about another one.” The two of you fall into a happy silence, both of you enamored with every tiny feature of your son’s existence. He’s completely bald, so his hair color will remain a mystery for the moment, but those pointed ears are adorable and unmistakable. You were already made aware that your newborn would look like a weird little alien, but you didn’t expect he’d still be this cute.
“We’re really parents now,” Tamaki murmurs, and you’re not sure if he’s talking to you or thinking out loud. You look at him curiously, and it warms your heart that he’s still grinning at the idea. “This is gonna be so amazing.” Your baby yawns, and you pass him over to his father to rest your tired arms. “I thought I’d be freaking out about everything, but it doesn’t seem scary. It all kind of just feels…right, I guess. Does that make sense?”
“I think it does, but I’m pretty zoned out between the pain meds and the whole labor thing.” You play with one of your baby’s hands. “What about you? What do you think, Yuto?” Both of you pause. You’d picked out the name weeks ago and it seemed perfect at the time. Looking at your son now, though, something about it just doesn’t seem to fit. “Hey, Tamaki?”
You squint your tired eyes to take a closer look at the baby. “I don’t think that’s his name.”
He runs a hand through his messy hair and gives a small nod. “I wasn’t gonna say anything because you loved it so much before. What should we call him, then?”
You were planning on getting a nice nap in after the birth. Instead, you find yourself in an endless marathon of announcing a name only to discard it immediately. None of them seem to be a match for him no matter how many you try. It’ll be hilarious later that this is your first major stumble as parents, but neither of you are laughing. You’re both on the verge of tears, actually.
You’re rapidly approaching the point where you settle on Fatgum Jr just to move on and call it a day when your husband makes one more suggestion. “Taiyo?” As if answering, your son stretches one tiny hand up and shifts in his arms.
“Taiyo,” you repeat, and something finally clicks into place. The two of you look at each other and break out into matching smiles. “You’re really incredible, Taiyo. Did you know that?”
Tamaki’s forehead bumps affectionately against yours. “He gets it from you.”
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Double the Fun
Fatgum is best dad don’t @ me.
Being pregnant sucks, you’ve come to realize. You’re only eight weeks along and already you’re ready for this to be over. You’re constantly nauseous. Your clothes are uncomfortably tight around your middle. You’re sore and tender in so many places you can’t imagine how you’ll survive nine whole months of this.
You wanted this, you remind yourself as Taishiro helps you get comfortable in the exam room. There’s nothing in the world you wanted more than to start a family with him a few months ago, and he’d been so happy he’d cried when that pregnancy test came back positive. Now you’re waiting to get your first ultrasound and seriously wondering if you should have just gotten a puppy instead.
“Toyomitsu,” the doctor is annoyingly cheerful when he greets you and begins checking your blood pressure. “How have things been going lately?”
“Uggggghhhhhhh,” you whine dramatically, flopping back against the padded headrest.
Fatgum takes over for you. “It’s been awful, doc. She’s eating like she’s tryin’ to dethrone me in a contest but just throws it all up later. Is that normal?”
“Increased appetite and frequent nausea are to be expected, it’s nothing to be concerned about.”
“Okay but it’s feeling a little excessive now,” you argue. “And I’ve gained ten pounds already, isn’t that kind of a lot?” You watch the older man scratch out a few notes on your file, nodding slowly.
“I have some ideas, but I’d like to get a look at the ultrasound first if you don’t mind.”
You’re a little comforted that he doesn’t look worried, and you’ve been eagerly anticipating this visit for weeks. “Yeah, that’s fine.” A few minutes later there’s a cold gel slathered all over your middle and the magic wand running along your stomach. “You’ll tell us if you see anything weird, right?” The doctor nods and taps a few buttons. Beside you, you hear Taishiro’s breathing stop as the image comes into view and you get your first look at your child. There’s not much to see yet, at this point it’s more of a vague blob than anything actually human-shaped, but that’s not the point. “Oh my god,” you say quietly. Suddenly all the discomfort you’ve been feeling vanishes as you stare at the screen. “Tai, look. That’s our baby.”
“Hey kiddo, you’re doing a great job in there,” he gushes, your hand wrapped snugly in his giant fingers.
“Everything looks perfectly fine,” the doctor assures you. “Now if you’d like to see something interesting…” he shifts the wand slightly and you notice something else in your belly. “It looks like my suspicions were correct.”
“What is that?” You squint and lean forward as best you can, trying to get a better idea of what you’re working with. “Is that bad?”
The older man laughs. “Far from it. That’s a roommate.”
“A…roommate?” You’re confused for a moment, but Taishiro puts the pieces together immediately.
“Cupcake, that’s another baby! We’re having twins!”
Your eyes go wide and you stare from your husband to the doctor in surprise. “Twins? Really?”
He smiles. “Yes, that would explain the increased side effects you’ve been feeling. More babies mean more work for your body, unfortunately.”
You watch them wordlessly, your eyes darting between one little blob to the other as your doctor drones about something you can’t waste any attention on. Fatgum’s hand stays firmly around yours, equally focused on his children on the screen. “I can’t believe it, sugar. We’re getting two for the price of one.”
You nod distractedly, too overwhelmed with the surprise to consider anything else. “And they’re both okay in there? I’m doing this right?”
“Yes, they’re both looking perfectly healthy. We always recommend more appointments when there’s multiple births involved, but there’s no reason to assume you’ll have anything but a standard, uncomplicated pregnancy.” It’s hard to tear your attention away from your babies, but you force yourself to focus. “Make sure you’re eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and don’t overdue it on physical activity.”
Thirty minutes later, you’re fully dressed and checked out with the receptionist, your next visit scheduled and a new library of information to read. Your husband’s been stuck to your side the entire time, practically radiating with excitement. “Twins, honeybun. It’s gonna be amazing.”
“I know, right?” You sound breathless, you’re still too awestruck to calm down. You wrap your arms as best you can around your mountain of a husband and find yourself lifted off the ground as he returns your hug. In this position, it’s obvious when your stomach rumbles and both of you laugh. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
He grins, eyes crinkling with happiness. “Takoyaki it is.”
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You and Hawks plan for the future.
You knew what you were getting into when you fell for Hawks. With his schedule, it was clear that you’d be spending a lot of time on your own and would rarely get more than a few hours a week together. Still, it was a small price to pay if it meant getting to be with the man you’ve grown to love. Sure, you not exactly thrilled that your honeymoon was a three-day weekend at home when his wings were damaged, but you’re not going to waste what little time you have with him complaining.
“Hey.” His voice is rough from sleep as you hear him shuffle forward to you. You’ve got your back to him as you wash the dishes, and your heart beats a little faster when warm arms wrap around your waist and pull you into his chest. “You busy?”
You shut the water off before leaning more into his embrace, letting him walk you backwards to the couch. “Not at all. You have a nice nap?” He nods and presses his face into your neck, and you run your fingers through his messy hair. He practically coos into your touch and only squeezes you tighter. “Keigo? You okay?”
He nods and meets your eyes with a tired smile. “I’m good, just kinda been thinking about some things.” Your wedding ring catches his attention and he reaches for your hand. “I get that it’s only been a couple weeks, but I’m pretty sure this is the happiest I’ve ever been.”
Your heart melts and you cuddle closer to him on the couch. “Me too. I wish we got more time together, but every minute like this makes it all worth it.” He hums happily, and you wonder if that’s all he wanted to say. It’s no secret that he’s always starved for affection, and you’ve got more than enough to sustain him. His wings fold in around you, wrapping the two of you in a little world of your own. You snuggle on the couch together for a few more minutes before you decide it’s time to finish the dishes and begin to stand.
You’re not expecting his next move as he reaches for you again. “I wanna have a baby,” he blurts out with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer crashing through a wall.
You’re caught offguard. “You what?”
Keigo grabs for your hand and links his fingers with yours. “Uh…that was kinda sudden,” he laughs awkwardly. “We did talk about having kids someday,” he points out.
“Well, yeah, but when we said someday I didn’t think you meant this month!”
He winces but tries harder to explain himself. “I really didn’t either, at first. I’ve never really had anyone of my own until you, though, and I love what we have together.” You nod but don’t interrupt him. “And adding a kid to the mix, some little chick that’s the best of you and me combined for us to take care of and love, don’t you think that’d be amazing?”
Now that the initial shock has worn off, you have to admit you’re not entirely opposed to the idea. “It would, I think.” You see the emotion in his eyes and it dawns on you. “You never had that growing up, did you?” Hawks shakes his head, and your chest aches with the thought that anyone could have denied him so much. You squeeze his hand back just as hard. “Oh, babe. You’re gonna be a great dad, but are you sure we’re ready to fill up a nest? You’re already stretching yourself so thin with everything,” you point out.
“I’ll get more time off,” he insists. “The top ten don’t get much in the way of parental leave, but I’ll find a way to swing it. I can trust the sidekicks to take on more of the work, they’ve been complaining about not having enough to do for awhile now. And there are so many other heroes who owe me favors, I bet I can cash some of those in for an extra night off every week. I’ll make it work,” he promises, already pulling out his phone. “If Endeavor could manage to raise four kids while he was in my position, I’ll figure out a way to handle one.”
You sigh and give his hand a reassuring squeeze of your own. “I know you will, and I want that with you. Just give me some time to think about how soon I want it, okay?” He swallows hard and nods, flashing you a smile that always makes you fall in love all over again.
He doesn’t bring it up again, there’s no reason to dwell on it when you both know it’s a conversation you won’t forget. Still, you can’t help noticing his eyes seem to wander towards your middle more than usual and how he’s even more eager to wrap his arms and wings around you every chance he gets. You know how important this is, but you surprise even yourself how quickly you reach a decision.
There’s a ball of nerves in your stomach knowing exactly what you’re agreeing to, but it’s tempered by a swell of excitement you weren’t expecting. Hawks has always been known as a man too fast for his own good, and you shouldn’t have expected anything different once you got married. “Okay, I’ve thought about it enough,” you announce one night while he relaxes after work and he looks back up at you with wide eyes. “Keigo, let’s have a baby.” You both smile at each other while the words sink in, and then he’s leaping off the couch and pulling you into a hug that squashes the air from your lungs.
“You’re sure? We really don’t have to jump into it if you want more time,” he insists, but you’ve already made up your mind. “That’s so great,” he gushes and cups your cheek to pull you in for a long kiss. “Y’know, it’s probably gonna take a couple tries. We better go ahead and get started now, mama bird.”
You cackle with laugher as you’re scooped up in a flurry of feathers without another word. You don’t think the smirk on his face has ever been bigger as he brings you down the hallway, nearly knocking the door off its hinges in his haste to give you a full nest.
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Silence is Golden
The Loudest Dad is here.
Well, this could have gone better.
Of course you’re a little nervous when your contractions start and you begin what turns out to be a grueling twelve-hour wait, but the pro hero is somehow even more on edge than you are. You watch him run around your home for the first few hours doing any random chores he can think of to keep himself busy. You’re not complaining; you don’t remember the last time the kitchen and bathroom looked so clean. He spends the entire drive to the hospital tapping impatiently at the steering wheel and humming loudly along to the music he keeps changing. Once settled into your room, he switches endlessly between pacing around and sitting beside you, jiggling his leg nonstop. For a pro hero whose career involves tangling with villains and criminals, it’s funny to see Present Mic so antsy about something so normal.
“You okay there, big guy?” He nearly jumps out of his seat when you tap his shoulder and you hide your laugh. “Y’know I’m pretty sure I’m the one with the harder job on this.”
He runs a hand through his long hair before giving you a small smile. “Yeah, I know. Guess I’m just a little impatient to meet this kid.”
You raise an eyebrow toward his still-jiggling leg. “A little, you say?”
Hizashi lets out a sheepish laugh and makes an effort to stop his fidgeting. “Okay, maybe a lot impatient. Can you really blame me?”
You shake your head and lean over to give him a kiss. “No, it’s actually pretty cute.” It’s so easy for the two of you to slip into your natural state of teasing and cracking jokes together, you don’t notice the time passing. It’s almost a surprise when a nurse checks your status and announces that you’re finally ready to deliver, and you can’t stop the inkling of nerves suddenly blooming in your stomach. As if he can sense it, your husband’s stronger hand wraps around yours to give you a reassuring squeeze, and you feel yourself relax a bit. “We can do this,” you remind yourself out loud.
“Damn right we can,” he agrees. “People have been having babies for thousands of years, how hard can it be? Hell, squirrels can figure this whole baby thing out and I’m pretty sure we’re beating them in the brain department. You’re gonna do great.” His reasoning is so stupid it’s brilliant, and you two share one last smile together before the action starts.
“And no baby muzzle?”
He nods in agreement. “No baby muzzle.”
The birth itself is perfectly fine. Your epidural has taken full effect by then, rewarding you with minimal pain for an otherwise unpleasant experience. Your lower body still feels like lead and you’re not sure you’ve ever felt so tired by the end of it, but it’s a small price to pay for what you’re getting in return. Yamada barely blinks the entire time, narrating the scene in front of him for your amusement with all his usual, obnoxious enthusiasm. If he notices that he’s annoying the doctor and nurse tending to his wife and child, he clearly doesn’t care.
Eventually your daughter emerges, with Hizashi’s description of “super gross, she’s beautiful” blurted out in a surprisingly gentle whisper. You watch the nurse step away to clean and examine the baby and you take a moment to relax back against the bed. You smile wearily at your husband and he peppers kisses all over your face, both of you deliriously happy in the moment and ready to meet your girl.
After an agonizing wait of only a few minutes she’s deposited into your arms and you can’t take your eyes off of her. “Hi there, sweetheart. Mama’s so glad to–”
The rest of your words are drowned out by your newborn’s first cry, a single inhuman wail that makes your brain rattle inside your skull and leaves your ears ringing painfully. You’re suddenly reconsidering that baby muzzle. A glance around the room tells you everyone else is feeling similar effects, their voices muffled deep beneath the loud ring.
All except Hizashi, who seems to have some form of natural immunity thanks to his own quirk. You see his lips moving but barely hear a sound from him and you can only shake your head. He quickly taps at his phone and holds up the message to you. “R U OK???”
“No I’m not okay! I can’t hear!” You stare up at him in horror. “It’s not permanent, right?” He shakes his head and gives you a thumbs up that does nothing to quell your fears.
“Probs not maybe just 2-3 days?” He taps another sentence. “Shoulda brought earplugs i guess.”
You roll your eyes and look back down at your baby, who has no idea what just happened. “It’s alright! Mama’s not mad at you!” She squirms uncomfortably in your arms, you have no idea how loud your voice is until he motions for you to lower your volume. “Sorry, kiddo. We’ll figure it out.”
By some miracle, Sozoshi has no more harmful outbursts before you’re released from the hospital, much to the entire floor’s relief. It takes three full days, but your hearing gradually returns just as you’re settling back into your own bed and you find yourself tearing up with happiness the first time you’re able to hear her natural voice. There’s a generous supply of noise-canceling pacifiers within arm’s reach in every room of the house, but at the moment neither of you could imagine a time you’d want to keep her quiet.
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Oh would you look at the time
Dadcademia’s back tomorrow
(i missed you all ❤️)
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Look, you don't ever have to apologize for putting fandom stuff on hold, for any reason, but especially not with what you're dealing with.
I cannot even imagine the pain and stress you're going through right now. Your mental health is more important than fics that you can provide. You don't need permission to prioritize yourself and your family.
Take as long as you need. Spend as much time with your mother as possible. Cherish these last few weeks with her, tell her everything you want to tell her. If this really is her final few weeks, you two deserve to get as much closure as possible
Again, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I wish you and your family the best ♡
thank you, and everyone else who's sent kind messages and thoughts
unfortunately, we lost her monday morning. everyone knew it was the end for her, and the hospital helped set us up with a hospice service that allowed her to come home for what turned out to be her last day. i'm grateful that she got to spend it with a view of her garden and that all of our family could be there when she passed.
all three of us siblings decided to get a matching tattoo for her. i'm not sure how much it'll help with the grieving process in the long run, but i like to think it's a way for some part of her to live on in some way:

i promise i'm not going away forever, but i'll be on indefinite hiatus and fics will probably be few and far between for quite awhile. thank you everyone for reading my stories and being patient, you all mean the world to me
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hope you’re doing well! love you and miss you 😘
Thank you, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately things aren't so good here.
A few days after my last post we got a diagnosis for my mom. She has stage 4 lung cancer, and it's been way more aggressive than her doctors expected. Over the past month I've basically watched her deteriorate from sickly but functional to bedridden and barely able to sit up. Her life expectancy has dropped severely with every hurdle; what started as 12-18 months with the possibility of longer dropped to six months and then now, where she has maybe a few weeks at best and all we can do is keep her as comfortable as possible.
I'm not gonna lie, it fucking hurts. I've always been closer to her than my siblings, I'm losing both my mom and my best friend way, way before I'm ready to say goodbye. I'll definitely be taking a long break from everything to mourn with the rest of our family, and I have no idea when I'll be motivated and ready to write again. (Especially Dadcademia; happy moments with parents are probably gonna be off the table this year for obvious reasons.) I'm hoping I'll be able to jump back in before the manga ends, but zero actual promises there.
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:( i’m sorry to hear about what’s been going on. your personal life is way more important than writing for us so don’t worry too much about that. i’m sending you nothing but the best right now. i hope that i hope things work out and getter better for you guys soon 💗
Thank you! She's a tough old lady and she's gonna fight like hell, but it's still really scary to see someone you love in that condition. I appreciate all the love and good thoughts, it means a lot!
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So, hi. I guess you all deserve explanation about this sudden hiatus.
A few months ago my mom's health turn a turn for the worse, and it's only deteoriated since then. What we originally assumed was just a rough cold was something a lot harder to deal with, and I've spent most of my time caring for her. She was hospitalized earlier this week, and while we don't have an official diagnosis yet, none of the possibilities are good. I probably don't have to explain why my motivation's been at an all time low, and I can't really estimate when I'll be back on track. I still love writing and all of you, and best case scenario we get her back on the road to healthy asap and I can get back to putting out more fics soon. ❤️
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The More the Merrier
I think this is where I’d like to end things with this particular storyline, but I wanted to leave off with something sweet for these three! ❤️
Tamaki has a problem.
He’s uncomfortable around damn near everyone, so it really isn’t a surprise that he’d end up falling for the only girl who can get him to make eye contact. What began as a good-natured attempt on your part to help him out of his shell has become a worst case scenario for him. Having a crush on anyone was terrifying, but his best friend’s girlfriend? He feels like he’s taken advantage of your kindness and betrayed both of you.
Of course you’ve noticed the difference. He’d been steadily relaxing more because of the first time you slept together, but that progress quickly devolved back to square one after the second night. You’re afraid you’ve done something wrong, crossed some unspecified boundary you didn’t know about, and Mirio’s no help in the situation. Your normally sunny boyfriend tries to hide it, but you can tell that he’s bothered by Tamaki’s cold shoulder and a little hurt that they haven’t talked about it. With graduation only a week away, you beg him to try again. You and Mirio are moving in together, but Tamaki will be in another town closer to Fatgum’s agency, and you can’t stand the thought of him drifting away without an explanation.
You make sure you’re busy elsewhere when Mirio badgers his friend into a conversation. Always subtle as a brick, he pounces on Tamaki as soon as the other boy walks into the room. “Hey, are you okay? It seems like something’s been up with you lately, is all. You know I’m all ears if you wanna talk about it.”
Tamaki’s chest hurts at the offer, but he’s never been a good liar. “It’s…it’s really nothing. I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately.”
“Like what?”
He swallows hard and forces himself to continue. “I…um, I kind of really like this girl but-”
Mirio beams. “That’s great, you should ask her out! Who is it, do I know her?”
“No, it’s not great. She’s already got a boyfriend, I can’t tell her.”
“Ohhhhh, that’s a tough one. Have they been together long?” He nods and Mirio rubs his chin thoughtfully. “Man, that sucks. Maybe you’ll luck out and he’s a terrible person?”
“No, he’s pretty much the best guy ever.”
“Well, so are you!” He can tell his friend is trying to help, but it’s not his fault he has no idea. He puts all his brain cells to work and still doesn’t come up with much. “Honestly, I think I’d just tell her how I felt. Even if it doesn’t change things, knowing somebody else who’s super awesome likes her will probably be a huge confidence boost!” He laughs, missing the anxious look on his friend’s face entirely. “So, who is it?”
The name comes out as a mumbled whisper that he doesn’t catch and after a few painful seconds Tamaki says it again, finally daring to meet his eyes. “It’s her. You’re the best guy.”
“...Huh.” Mirio’s taken aback, but an idea is already forming somewhere deep in his brain.
“That’s it, just ‘huh’ and nothing else? Aren’t you mad?”
“No, I’m just surprised is all. Why would I be mad? I know how amazing she is, I totally get why you’d like her.” He gives a decisive nod. “I still think you should tell her.”
Tamaki’s groan is exasperated. “Mirio, no. She’s got a boyfriend. You’re her boyfriend, remember?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know, maybe she’d wanna have two? I’ve never thought about it before. Do you want me to talk to her?”
The room is silent for a minute. “You’d really do that for me?” It’s almost infuriating to see Mirio so happy about a conversation he’d been dreading so much. He shouldn’t be surprised that his friend is so willing to broach the subject with you, or that he’s so open to the thought of sharing your heart the way he’s shared your body.
Tamaki doesn’t hold out much hope, and is therefore blindsided when he gets a text from you two days later.
Hey! Mirio and I talked about some things and I like the idea. It’s your choice if you wanna try making this a bigger thing, but no pressure either way! Do you wanna meet in my room tonight? ❤️❤️
His breath catches in his throat and he’s immediately sweating. Before he can second-guess himself, he makes an impulsive decision to respond. Fingers shaking, he agrees and sends the message.
To his credit, it takes a lot of courage to actually knock on your door and step inside. You’re busy packing up your dorm, half-filled boxes lined up against the wall but give him a bright smile that’s somehow terrifying and soothing at the same time. “Hi, I’m glad to see you! Sorry about the mess, kinda left it all for the last minute.” You reach for him and pull him further into the room, kicking aside a hoodie he recognizes as Mirio’s.
Speaking of Mirio, he’s already sitting comfortably on your bed and browsing through his phone. “It’d go quicker if she let me help, but I’m not allowed.”
“Your idea of helping is just cramming everything within arm’s reach into one box and duct taping it closed,” you point out, your voice sounding exasperated but fond. “Anyways, do you wanna have a seat and talk?”
Tamaki manages to nod and sits on your bed while you plop down on the floor in front of them. “So, you know that I, um, really like you a lot…” He can’t look you in the eye while he speaks, instead focusing on a loose thread fraying off your shorts. “And, and it’s not as just a friend anymore.”
Your gaze is as comforting as ever when he finally brings himself to look at you. “Yeah, I know. It’s actually pretty funny, I’ve always sort of had a crush on you too.” His mouth falls open in surprise and you laugh. “What? Don’t act so shocked. I would have asked you out a long time ago if it wouldn’t have made you uncomfortable.” Your eyes flicker between them with obvious affection. “You know I love Mirio, but if I’d known sooner that both of you were an option…I’m pretty sure we would have been doing this a lot more.”
He glances over at Mirio. “You’re okay with that, too? I don’t want to get in the way, everyone knows you guys are practically married already.”
Mirio claps him on the shoulder with a laugh. “Are you kidding? I think it’s great! You’re both my favorite people, and you know I like seeing you together, so if anything this just saves us a lot of time!” It’s a bit unbelievable how enthusiastic he is about adding an extra person to his relationship, but he’s always been too good to be true. “Come on, you know I’d speak up if I had a problem with any of this.” It’s true, there’s no way he could keep it to himself if it bothered him.
“Tamaki? And how do you feel?” You offer him another kind smile and pat his knee gently. “This is a big step for you, too. If you’re not comfortable with it, you can tell us and we’ll drop it. It’s fine if you’d rather just keep it casual like we’ve been doing, or wanna go fully platonic. We just want you to be happy.” You see your boyfriend nodding swiftly in the corner of your eye, agreeing completely.
He takes several long breaths to collect his thoughts. You rub soothing patterns into his knee from your seat on the floor while, by some miracle, Mirio stays quiet and lets him debate with himself. “I think I’d be happy with that. All of us together, I mean.”
The sense of relief among all three of you is palpable. You look up at your boyfriends with a wide grin spreading across your face. “Think you wanna have some fun, then?” Tamaki gives in faster than he has any other time and you’re quick to yank the shirt over your head. You put a hand on each of their thighs to left yourself off the floor, squeezing them perhaps a bit more than necessary, and they’re happy to help you up. Mirio’s already moving from his seat, directing Tamaki further up on your bed so he can lead you onto his lap and kneel behind you. “Hey,” you laugh at their expressions, one red-faced and nervous while the other is once again beaming with excitement.
“Man, we’ve really got the best girlfriend don’t we?” You can hear the pure happiness in Mirio’s voice and offer him a kiss while he works at your bra. Tamaki makes a small sound of agreement, fumbling for your waist and you guide his hands onto you. His thumbs rub circles into your skin tentatively until Mirio pops open the hooks and throws the bra in a random direction. He stares down at your exposed breasts with wide eyes, watching carefully as large hands appear from behind you to grope at your chest. “Isn’t she the cutest?”
Tamaki swallows, throat already dry. “Y-yeah. She’s incredible.” You don’t have the words to tell them how lucky you feel to have them both now. You reach for him to run a hand through his hair and bring him down for a kiss, sighing into it as Mirio teases at your nipples. “You’re amazing,” he murmurs to you, and it warms your heart.
The three of you fall into a comfortable rhythm together with your tongue in Tamaki’s mouth and Mirio grinding his hardening cock against your ass while he plays with your breasts. He’d be perfectly happy to stay like this all night, but the rest of you are eager for things to progress further. “Hold on a second,” you pant between heated kisses and your hands touch his. “These are in the way.” With only a bit of encouragement you get him to help you shove your shorts down your thighs, wiggling just a little awkwardly to get them off when Mirio’s pressed so tightly against your back. “Much better,” you decide before trailing your lips down his neck to feel his heartbeat pounding for you.
“You’re…you look so pretty,” Tamaki whispers, barely audible over everyone’s heavy breathing. “This is real, right?”
“Feels pretty real to me,” Mirio laughs, releasing one of your breasts to grab Tamaki’s hand and move it towards the waistband of your underwear. “She’s your girlfriend, give her some attention.” You look unmistakably excited at the suggestion, how could he resist? Hesitantly he slips his fingers into your panties and groans when he feels how damp they are. His touch is so gentle as it circles your clit until you’re squirming, then shifts to push barely into your pussy.
“Tamakiiii,” you coo, pressing yourself into his hand. “You always make me feel good.” Rough fingers pinch at your nipple and you glance behind you. “Both of you do,” you praise them with an affectionate sigh. You push his shirt up a few inches to run your nails over his stomach and he gasps at the contact. “Can’t believe I get two of you,” you gush. His confidence begins to grow and soon enough two of his fingers are slipping inside you. “You’re so good to me, baby.”
Oh, he loves hearing you say that way more than he’d expected. “You d-deserve it…s-sweetheart.” He mumbles the last word nervously but the look on your face is pure joy.
“Oh my god,” you moan, glancing back to see Mirio with the same expression. “You’re so adorable, fuck.” Your hand slides lower to feel the tent in his pants. “Gonna make you feel so good too,” you promise.
You’re aware of Mirio’s hands leaving your chest, but you don’t expect it when the seam of your panties is ripped open. “Feels like it’s time to get this party going a little more,” he defends himself, aware of the lecture he’ll get later for destroying another pair of your underwear. The other side gets the same treatment and both of them groan at the sight of you naked. He returns to one of your breasts while the other arm snakes across your hip to get between your thighs. With Tamaki focusing on working his fingers steadily in your cunt, he’s got the perfect opportunity to play with your clit and make you wriggle between them.
It’s overwhelming when they’re both kissing you breathless, rubbing against your body as eagerly as you’re doing with theirs and touching you exactly how you love. Their names fall out of your mouth in a jumbled mess, too distracted to separate them in your mind. When you come, they both feel the way you go rigid for a long moment, clit twitching and pussy clenching tight for them. They stare at you wordlessly, even Mirio speechless as you ride out your orgasm with Tamaki beneath you and him supporting you from behind.
You’re aware of a flurry of movement as you regain your senses and realize they’re taking this brief pause to strip their own clothes off. Tamaki’s dick is pretty, and you never get tired of seeing it hard for you. “I’m, um, gonna put it in now if you’re ready?”
You’re more than ready, that much is obvious. Mirio’s strong hands move to your hips to position you on top of him and slowly help you down onto his cock. You let out a pleased sigh as you take more of him into you, wrapping your arms around his neck for another kiss when he bottoms out. “That’s it. You take such good care of me,” you coo and trail your lips along the pulse of his throat. He’s grateful he’s already done this with you before and has an easier time figuring himself out, hands returning to your waist to help you up and down. With Mirio still groping at your chest and leaving kisses across your shoulders, you’re in heaven.
“Hey,” you hear his voice in your ear, low and ragged as he ruts against your ass. “What do you think about taking both of us?” You let out a shaky breath and consider it. You’ve only let Mirio fuck your ass a few times; he’s got so much excitable energy, sometimes he just can’t be trusted to ease himself into you even with lube. Still, you don’t dislike the idea, and after a bit more waffling you nod.
“Okay, we’ll try it. But you have to remember-”
“I know, I gotta go slow. I’m not gonna forget this time, I promise.” He grins at you and your heart melts at how much you love this big idiot. It takes some impressive maneuvering for him to reach into the half-open drawer by your bed by he manages to pull the bottle out. “Good thing you didn’t pack this yet, huh?” Tamaki looks on in confusion and you trace your fingers over his chest as you work yourself on his dick.
“Don’t worry, we’re just gonna try something new together, alright?” The idea of experiencing anything new always fills him with a little dread, but you’ve never steered him wrong before. It’s not hard to figure out Mirio’s plan as he watches him cover his fingers with the slippery liquid and reach down for you. You move slowly on top of Tamaki while Mirio’s hand works you open, letting out tiny little noises at his touch that both of them love hearing. “That feels…really good, babe. You can go ahead and do it now,” you insist with an unexpectedly innocent kiss to his cheek.
You cling to Tamaki for support as you feel Mirio gently push into your ass. “Can you touch me?” You don’t have to ask twice before his hand moves down from your waist to stroke over your clit and he feels the way you squeeze when you’re being overwhelmed like this. “Y-yeah, just like that,” you pant, trying not to squirm too much between them. Mirio’s still got one hand on your chest as he gradually works his big cock in and out of you, his heavy breaths an obvious sign how hard he’s working to control himself. “Fuck, you two spoil me.”
He does his best to hold himself back but eventually presses fully inside and all three of you stop. You’re already panting hard when he turns your chin back for another kiss and gives your ass a squeeze. “You still feeling alright with this?”
You struggle to swallow with your dry throat. “I’m okay. It just feels…” you shift your hips a bit to test it. “I feel so full,” you moan, planting your hands more firmly on Tamaki’s shoulders. “I think I like it.” After another minute to adjust yourself you feel more confident about your position. “You guys can start moving again.”
Mirio needs no further instruction to start fucking you. He has enough sense to go slower than usual, but you’re sure that wont last all night. You hear the gasp from Tamaki who stares at Mirio with wide eyes before finally speaking again. “Shit, I didn’t know I’d be able to feel you inside her.” Heat prickles down your spine, why does that turn you on so much?
Mirio’s laugh is more ragged that normal but genuinely delighted. “Really? That’s so cool! Come on, you do it too.” The encouragement is welcome; after a moment he resumes thrusting into your cunt and earns a muffled growl from the man with his face buried in your neck. “Wow, you were right. I can feel you moving inside too, this is awesome.” He looks at you with a smirk. “And I bet it’s gotta be even better for you, huh?” It is, you’re being stimulated in a way you’ve never experienced before and it makes you feel like raw electricity is flowing through your veins.
“It’s a lot but it’s great,” you whimper, moving back and forth between them. It’s clear that you’re the one in control here, setting a pace that allows you to give them equal focus without tiring yourself out. They busy themselves with your body instead, kissing and touching every inch of you they can reach while you fuck yourself on their cocks. Their constant attention to your nipples and clit is driving you crazy, and you know it won’t take them long to drag another climax out of you. “You’re perfect,” you huff between ragged gasps. “Both of you are so perfect.” Buried so deep inside you, they can tell you’re coming as your holes clamp down on them. You’re too distracted with yourself to enjoy the sounds they both make, but you’ll definitely have more chances to hear them in the future. Tamaki grinds to a halt to steady you, allowing Mirio to finally speed up to a pace he’s more used to. You return to your senses with his dick moving roughly inside you and Tamaki still teasing your clit with feather-light strokes. “Guuuuys,” you whine. “I need a break for a second.”
They give you the time you need, Mirio fumbling to grab a glass of water you left on your drawer earlier. You take a long drink before passing it to them and you all take a moment to catch your breaths. “You okay? I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer after that,” he warns and Tamaki makes a rough sound in agreement. You wouldn’t mind a longer break, but you’re determined to help them finish before the adrenaline wears off. You begin rocking your hips between them again, signaling you can handle a bit more for your boyfriends. “Love you so much,” he murmurs in your ear and kneads a handful of your ass to spur you along.
You’d never call them greedy, but neither of them can keep their hands off you after that. Your brain feels like it’s short-circuiting with every brush of their fingers over you, and you can already feel the familiar tension in your belly when Tamaki’s grip tightens hard on your hips and forces you down to meet him. You feel him come inside you with a sweet breathy whimper of your name and all the energy left in him flows out. His grasp goes limp and he simply stares at the scene in front of him in a daze, a small but content smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Don’t stop yet,” Mirio orders from your other side. “I just need a little more, okay?” You can tell Tamaki feels like jelly but he obeys, sloppily thrusting inside you again to keep the moment going. You give permission for Mirio to go faster, hoping to end this before Tamaki gets overwhelmed. He’s happy to pull you tighter against his chest to fuck you with quick, deep strokes that leave your head spinning. The groan he lets out is so appealingly filthy you almost wish he’d keep going, but you relish the massive hug he wraps you in as he showers you in kisses and both of them finally pull out of you. Tamaki has to scoot all the way to the wall to make room for both of you to flop down on the bed with him, but it’s worth it when you’re laying between them with the biggest smile on your face.
“That was…we’re really idiots for not doing this sooner.” They laugh at your observation, tired but happy. You turn over to face Tamaki and rest your head on his shoulder. “Still interested? I can’t promise there’ll be a threeway every night like this, but you know how much we’d love to be with you.”
You watch the blush spread to the tips of his ears. “Definitely still interested. Uh, I don’t exactly know what I’m doing with being in a relationship, but I’ll try my best for you.”
Mirio, always ridiculous, lifts his arm for a high-five that’s exhaustedly returned. He gives your thigh a squeeze that makes you very aware of the mess all over your lower body and the bed. “Ugh, I’m gonna need to go clean up,” you force yourself up begrudgingly. “Can you change the sheets? I already packed the clean ones, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find the box.” They help you to your feet without complaint and you return a few minutes later wearing a fresh tank top and underwear. The bed’s been remade, but what gets your attention is the sight of Tamaki with his tongue shoved impressively far into Mirio’s throat. “Oh, hello.” Tamaki looks almost embarrassed when they separate, but Mirio is just as sunny as ever.
“Um, we were-”
You shake your head and ruffle his hair with a smile. “He’s your boyfriend too. I’m just disappointed you didn’t wait for me to get back first.” You both give him a kiss on his burning cheeks and you squeeze his hand comfortingly. “I wanna see a lot more of that going forward,” you tease and stifle a yawn.
Mirio’s returned to his original spot on your bed and pats the small space next to him. “It’s getting kinda late, think it’s time we call it a night?” You agree, pulling Tamaki with you. The mattress isn’t nearly big enough for all of you to fit comfortably, but it’s only for a few more days. You’ve already bought a larger one for your new place, and you can always find something even better in the future when Tamaki’s ready to move in full-time. You fall asleep easily, cuddled between the two men you love most and more excited than you’ve ever felt before.
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Rain on the Window
You take a nice nap with Aizawa on a rainy afternoon.
You’re not sure when you dozed off, but you can’t have been asleep for long. You’d only meant to join Aizawa on the bed for a minute, but you’d been lulled into a nap by the rain pattering outside and the deep, even sound of his breathing as he slept beside you. It’s not dark yet; you can see him clearly in the dim shadows of the room and take the opportunity to look him over. He’s still recovering from the last fight he’d had a few days ago, and your eyes roam over the fresh bruises and cuts that have only begun to heal. You have to remind yourself that, no matter how badly he keeps getting injured, his own safety is always his last priority and you’re grateful he comes back to you at all.
His back is facing you, and you shift closer to curl your arm around him. It’s comforting to feel the steady movement of his chest rising and falling, and you allow yourself to indulge in it a little longer than you should. Eventually you force yourself to move away only to feel his hand on your arm, keeping you beside him.
You smile gently and bury your face in the corner of his neck and shoulder. He smells like cheap soap and rubbing alcohol, but you’ve long since become accustomed to that. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” The two of you lay together, just listening to the rain at the window before you speak again. “You really scared me this time, Shouta.”
He makes a sound of acknowledgement but doesn’t reply. You know he won’t apologize for worrying you; there’s no point when both of you know he’ll do it again without a second thought if it means protecting his students. After another minute of silence you start worming out of his grasp but stop when he squeezes you. “I’m going back tomorrow.”
You freeze in place. “Tomorrow? Shouta, you’ve barely stopped bleeding. It’s too soon.”
“I’m fine,” he says simply, and you shake your head. You don’t want to argue, not now when you came so close to losing him yet again, but it’s obvious you don’t believe him. He sighs and rolls over to face you, meeting your eyes with his own. “Trust me, I’m alright.”
He can’t fool you that easily; you’re the one who’s been changing his bandages between visits with Recovery Girl. “You’re so fucking stubborn,” you complain even as he angles your chin down to kiss you. “I just want you to take care of yourself, is that so much to ask?”
“Yes.” You let out an exasperated huff and turn away, making it his turn to look at your back. You feel the mattress shift with his weight as he moves to stretch out behind you, throwing his arm around your waist to mirror your earlier position. “This is what I do. You know that, kitten.” His breath is warm on your throat and your heart flutters as his lips graze across your skin. You’re already beginning to squirm, and it doesn’t take long to notice what’s pressing firmly against your ass.
Your eyes narrow as you glance over your shoulder at him. “Prove it.” He raises an eyebrow at your demand, and you stare at each other. “Show me you’ve recovered enough to go back to work.”
“You are ridiculous.” He may have a point, but he doesn’t stop you when you push yourself tighter against his body. Rough fingers slip beneath the hem of your shirt and slowly trace upward over your stomach. It’s hard for you to stay angry when he palms your breast through your bra, and your breath catches in your throat as he starts worming his way beneath it. You find yourself arching back into him the moment you feel his hand on your breast, almost embarrassingly eager for him. You’re no stranger to celibacy, this isn’t the first time you’ve gone without sex because of his injuries and you’re sure it won’t be the last. The end result is always the same, with you practically desperate for his touch by the time he’s recuperated.
You make sure to wiggle more against his hardening cock behind you and hear him groan under his breath. “Shouta,” you sigh, soaking up his affection like a sponge. You feel his stubble on the back of your neck as he leaves kisses there and gradually works his free arm beneath your body to wrap around you. “I miss having you to myself,” you admit, and you can tell his lips curve up into a small smile.
“I do too, sometimes.” You didn’t expect him to agree, but it soothes your feelings to know you’re not the only one tired of the constant danger. He doesn’t say much more as he touches you, eventually pushing your shirt over your chest and yanking your bra up to give himself better access. Your nipples are already hard, and every brush of this thumbs against them draws another needy whine from your throat. “I know I don’t give you enough attention, kitten.” You struggle to find words between the distractions of his hands on your chest and his lips on your neck. You’re reduced to quiet little whimpers as he works you over, ignoring everything except the way your body reacts to his touches. By the time his upper hand abandons your breasts and begins to move slowly down your stomach, you’re too scatterbrained to realize his intentions.
“You always make me feel so…oh, Shoutaaa,” you moan as his fingers slip into your pants and tease you through your underwear. It’s obviously damp against your pussy, but he’s kind enough not to point that out. “More,” you ask impatiently, and he can’t deny you anything right now. His laughter is muffled into the fabric of your shirt but you still hear it as he slips past the side of your panties to rub your clit with feather-light strokes. You want to ask for more, but he shushes you.
“Be patient for me, kitten.” What else can you do but obey? This was your idea, after all. You allow him to do as he pleases, wiggling eagerly with every motion of his hand and spreading your legs wider when he urges you to. “You’re so good to me,” he whispers in your ear before you feel rough fingers slide into your cunt and you let out a soft sigh of happiness. You want to turn back and meet his eyes, but his body is half-wrapped around your own and keeps you firmly in place. Even with his injuries, he’s still significantly stronger and has no intention of releasing you anytime soon. He nuzzles into the back of your neck and breathes in the smell of your shampoo, some overly nice scent that he’s grown to love over your time together.
You open your mouth to say something only to be cut off by another finger moving into you. You bury your face in the pillow instead, all too aware of his quiet laughter at your reaction to him. “Fast or slow?” You appreciate the offer, but you’re quickly losing the ability to think for yourself. “Kitten, which do you want?” The teasing edge in his voice makes you squeeze instinctively around him.
“I want…” A thumb grazes over your clit and you groan. “Shouta, I just want you.”
He feels so warm pressed into your back. “Good answer,” he murmurs, other arm tightening its grip on your chest to hold you against him. His pace speeds up, knowing from years of experience exactly how to tease and stroke inside your pussy to have you begging for him. “Just relax.” There’s so much warmth in his voice you could fall for him all over again. “I’ll take care of you.” You nod, too emotional for a proper answer and he kisses your temple. It doesn’t take him long; you should have given him a harder task to prove his health. A shudder runs through you as you come for him, squeezing hard around his fingers like a vise. Aizawa watches you, completely enthralled with the sight of you coming undone so easily for him.
“S-sorry,” you mutter finally, almost embarrassed by your sudden reaction. “It’s, uh, it’s kinda been awhile, y’know?”
He’s nice enough not to taunt you for your weakness. “I know,” he agrees, eyes never leaving your flushed face. “Let me make it up to you a bit,” he offers, and you’re more than ready to take him up on it. He’s quickly pulling at your pants and you have to shift a bit awkwardly to wiggle out of them from your position on the bed, but you manage somehow and he shoves your panties down to your ankles as well. You hear him fumbling one-handed with his own clothes until he frees his dick, and once again you strain your neck to glance behind you only to be denied. “I’ve got you, kitten.”
His hand is moving again, guiding your legs apart to give his cock room between them. Any thought you might have had is instantly erased when you feel him slide along the lips of your cunt and the head bump lightly across your clit. “Ohhh, I need you.” Your voice is quiet, barely audible over the sound of the rain on the window, but you still sound so desperate and needy. There aren’t many things that Aizawa feels truly lucky to have, but you certainly qualify. “Shouta, please,” you whine, and don’t get to see his smile.
“I’ve got you,” he repeats, wasting no time in holding you still and lining himself up to enter you. The sound you make is muffled into the side of your pillow, but he knows you’re grateful. “Fuck, kitten. I missed this,” he growls, tongue tracing over the shell of your ear and you twitch around him. He’s already gotten you plenty wet enough and sheaths himself fully inside you in only a few deep thrusts before pausing. You squirm impatiently but he stops you with a squeeze to your hip and pulls your head back towards him. It’s at an uncomfortable angle, but you can’t complain as he brings his lips to yours for a long kiss that leaves your lunges aching and your heart pounding. “I’ve missed having all of you.”
He’s never been much for talking, and that goes double when he’s entirely focused on satisfying you. You’re sure the arm under your torso must be falling asleep by now, but he shows no sign of caring as he gropes at your breasts and brushes over your hard nipples. His strokes are slow between your thighs, deep and even to let you feel every inch of his dick filling you up. You can’t help the little sighs and whimpers you let out; he’s memorized your body like a favorite book and could make you orgasm in no time at all if he wanted to end this quickly. Fortunately for you, he’s much more interested in taking it slower today. After all, he can’t prove he’s recovered enough to return to work if he can’t make this last more than a few minutes.
“You’re so warm,” his voice is low and raspy in your ear and you shiver. He’s always loved that about you, how easily he could get your pulse racing with just a few words at the right moment. You really are perfect for him, far more patient and forgiving of his mistakes than he has any right to expect, and he doesn’t give you enough praise for it. “I love you, kitten.” You have to strain to hear, and you’re not entirely sure it’s what he said, but it still makes you melt.
“L-love you,” you stammer back through a soft moan as his hand slides down past the front of your hip and to rub at your clit again. The groan you give him is much louder as you push back into him to meet his thrusts with obvious enthusiasm. “Love you so much,” you coo. He can practically see the hearts in your eyes. His hips rock more firmly against your ass; just as eager for contact as you are. You pull your shirt the rest of the way off and he takes the opportunity to ghost kisses along your newly-exposed shoulder.
Despite the circumstances, with you so starved for his affection and him still barely recovered enough to handle it, this is the happiest you’ve felt in weeks. You’re not sure if you actually manage to tell him as much or if it’s just a jumbled mess coming out of your mouth, but he understands. “Me too.” Rough fingers squeeze your thigh as his pace increases; it’s been too long for him too, you know, and he’s probably holding out as long as he can for your benefit.
You press your lips to his and run your hand along his jaw, feeling the stubble scrape against your palm. “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you.” He buries his face in the junction of your neck and shoulder, but you feel him nod and sigh into your skin. His grip tightens on you as he ruts forward, fucking harder into your soaked cunt and the noise you make is mindless and happy. “Shoutaaaa, right there.” As much as you love the slow, intimate sex with him, you’re just as thrilled for the chance to wear him out.
“You spoil me,” he huffs, but the smirk spreading across his face is obvious. He feels you squeeze tight around his dick and he growls. “Not yet, come with me.” His touch on your clit is so practiced and talented, you can’t resist him for long. He keeps you wrapped in his arms while he fucks you breathless, heart hammering against your sweaty back as he gives you the attention you’ve been craving.
He finishes with a deep groan and you feel the warmth of his cum flooding into your pussy. Aizawa gives himself a moment to enjoy the sensation before he continues, stroking faster on your clit as he works to give you another orgasm. You only need another minute to clamp tight on his spent cock, gasping his name almost pitifully while a shiver runs down your spine. It’s his favorite sound in the world.
Thoroughly satisfied, the two of you curl up and let yourselves catch your breaths. He pulls out of you, you press your thighs back together in a half-hearted effort to keep the sheets clean. You turn back to face him and cuddle into his chest, inhaling the comforting smell of old laundry soap on his shirt. “You can go back to work,” you finally concede. “But, you have to be more careful.” The two of you stare at each other, neither willing to back down. “No matter what, you have to come home every time. Promise me.”
He shrugs after a few seconds, but you see the tiniest smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I promise, I’ll do my best for you.” It’s not exactly what you wanted, but at least it’s a compromise you can live with. You indulge in him a bit longer before shifting to get out of bed. It’s still fairly early, and you were in the middle of collecting the laundry when you’d gotten distracted by him earlier. He doesn’t let you go, only pulling the blanket over both of you. “It can wait a bit,” he insists, coaxing you back down for a nap.
You don’t remember the last time you’ve fallen asleep so fast. The rain tapping at the window is a welcome lullaby as you drift off with him, your fingers laced securely in the fabric of his shirt. He’s not going anywhere, at least for the night.
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Scientific Research
Animals with quirks were incredibly rare, but finding a plant with one was completely unheard of. As a quirk researcher, you're dying to know what kind of ability it has!
You look out the window at the ground below zooming by in a blur and try to contain your excitement. Animals with quirks were incredibly rare, but finding a plant with one was completely unheard of. The email from your boss doesn’t say what kind of power it has, or why a low-level research assistant like yourself is being rushed across Japan to study it, but you’re more than a little curious. You’ve never been in a helicopter before and your stomach flips as it makes a left turn towards your destination in the middle of the city, a massive building sporting a landing zone on the top.
You scramble out of your seat the moment you land and wait impatiently before your senior research team can even open the door for you. “Tell me about the plant,” you demand immediately. “What does it do? Is it here? Can I see it?” You follow them down the stairs from the roof, across a long hallway and to the elevator. You look around as you go; you hadn’t noticed the name on the building, but you realize this must be the headquarters of the biggest lab in the country. You’re practically giddy with anticipation. Finally you come to a stop on one of the lower basement floors and your coworkers lead you to a plain, unassuming doorway before bidding you goodbye, glad to be rid of your manic energy. You’re ushered inside to see the familiar elderly face of your boss, flanked by two other men in lab coats as they watch something on a monitor.. “Good afternoon, sir. You requested my assistance, what can I do?”
He introduces the other scientists, but you’re too distracted to remember their names. “It has some very...unusual effects, and I believe your quirk will be useful. Could you show them?” He slides a small blowtorch across the table towards you, and you get your first clue.
“Oh! I guess it has some kind of fire ability, then?” You smile, rolling your sleeve up and grabbing the tool. One of the men reaches to stop you, but you shake your head. “Don’t worry,” you insist as you turn it on and casually shove your arm into the flame. “That’s my quirk, I’m fireproof!” A sigh of relief goes through the room, and the three have a quick, quiet conversation as you shut the torch off and fix your shirt.
“She’ll work perfectly.” The other one shakes your hand and presses a button on a small panel in the table. One of the walls turns transparent, and you realize it’s a two-way mirror looking into an observation room. There’s a man inside, sitting on a scorched exam table and looking furious. His shirt is off, and you can see sweat dripping off of his huge, muscular body as he pants through gritted teeth. You’re confused, what does this have to do with you?
“Let me explain. The plant itself doesn’t have fire abilities. Rather, its quirk causes certain physiological reactions in humans who inhale its pollen.” He points to the man on the other side of the glass. “Of course we needed to observe it before it was safe to transport, so the Hero Commission was kind enough to send some of their best assets to secure the area.” You hear a beep from one of the monitors and watch as a vent in the ceiling opens and shoots out a thick burst of frigid air. It covers the man with a layer of frost that melts instantly on his heated skin. “Unfortunately, number one received quite a strong dose of that pollen.”
You gawk at them. “Number one? Wait, that’s not...is that Endeavor?” As if answering your question, a ball of fire engulfs his hand before he extinguishes it in his fist.
Your boss nods. “Correct, unfortunately. He’s lucky we have heat-resistant equipment at this facility.”
You stare at the hero, it’s obvious that he’s in pain from the plant’s quirk. “You said the pollen has a physiological effect. What does that mean, exactly?”
They look uncomfortable, and part of you regrets asking. “From our early tests, it seems that the plant’s quirk causes intense sexual arousal in its victims.”
Oh, this is awkward. In the next room, you watch as Endeavor hunches over in discomfort and more flames flicker briefly from his shoulders. “That’s easy enough, isn’t it? Couldn’t he just,” you pause and make an obscene gesture with your hand. “Y’know, on his own?”
“We tried that already, but if anything it just made it worse. Apparently this plant isn’t a self-pollinating species.” One of them passes you a tablet with a lab report marked CONFIDENTIAL in large, red letters. “Two minor heroes were also affected, and their vitals returned to normal soon after they agreed to, erm, help each other with their condition.” You try to wrap your head around all of this as you read, warmth rising to your cheeks as you realize exactly what kind of help they needed. Aphrodisiac quirks aren’t supposed to exist, they’re just a flimsy excuse for a plot in porn and romance stories. Then again, plants with quirks aren’t supposed to exist either, so it seems a lot of impossible things are happening today.
“Isn’t he married? We could just bring his wife-”
One of the scientists grimaces and frantically shakes his head and the other fixes him with a sharp glare. “Ah, no. That isn’t an option for a variety of reasons.” An alarm goes off as the hero’s back erupts with a larger blaze, triggering another blast of cold air. “His body is going haywire, and it’s made his quirk unstable. It’s too dangerous to allow anyone near him, unless…”
Suddenly all of it makes perfect sense. “Unless they were fireproof,” you finish slowly, all eyes on you.
They all begin talking over each other, trying to sway you. “We can’t get his temperature down, there’s a serious risk of internal damage.”
“Nothing else has worked, you’re the best chance we have.”
“Of course, it’s your choice. We won’t press the issue if you’re not comfortable.”
You approach the window and place a hand on it; you feel the heat even through the glass. You can tell that he’s suffering, and you can’t just stand idly by and watch. You remember a time from your childhood, a sunny afternoon when a villain attacked the bus you were riding. A hero saved your life that day, pulling you from the twisted wreckage without hesitation. Twenty years later, and now it’s time to return the favor to him.
“I’ll do it,” you say finally, sounding more confident than you feel. “Could we turn this off?” The last thing you want in this situation is an audience. They’re quick to set the wall back to normal and assure you they’ll only be monitoring his vitals, you’ll have complete privacy. You steel your nerves as you’re lead around the corner, where a heavy door waits at the entrance of the observation room. You take a deep breath before you walk inside and hear the locks click sharply behind you.
It feels like you’ve just stepped into a sauna, sweat forming under the clothes that are suddenly unbearably hot. For a moment you’re distracted and forget the other person in the room, and then you look forward and see him staring at you. You can’t take your eyes off him, you feel like a mouse caught in a lion’s den. “Leave,” he snarls before you can get a word out.
Your mouth is dry and you have to swallow several times. “Um, hi. I work for the lab and they sent me-”
“Get. Out.”
“No, it’s okay. I’m here to help you.”
“Don’t waste your time. Nothing is-” he stops mid-sentence as his trademark facial hair activates, blazing larger than you’ve ever seen it. You follow your first instinct and lunge forward, holding his face in your hands to smother the fire. His eyes widen with sudden realization when you pull away unharmed.
“See? I don’t burn.” You offer him the most comforting smile you can manage. “You can’t hurt me.”
Considering his current state, he moves much faster than you’d expect. He’s on his feet in a heartbeat, huge frame shoving you against the wall as he glares down at you. “You have no idea what I could do to you, little girl.” The shiver that runs down your spine isn’t from fear, and your breath catches in your throat.
“Please,” you nearly whimper and trace your fingers over his jaw. “Just let me try?”
You don’t get a real answer as whatever remains of his self control snaps. Warmth dances over your skin as he burns your clothes away before you can protest. He looks you up and down, eyes lingering on your chest and between your thighs and you fight the urge to cover yourself. You force your eyes up to meet his; he’s so much bigger than you, he has to bend nearly in half to reach your mouth. For a moment you’re surprised, and when your lips open to make a sound he takes the opportunity to shove his tongue inside. There’s something sweet in his breath, you wonder if it’s from the pollen running through his system. You tell yourself to relax and open your mouth wider to give him more access. One large hand moves over your body to grope your breast and you gasp as you pull away from him. “You’re sensitive,” he notices with an amused hint in his voice.
“This is kind of a weird day for me,” you counter, biting your lip as he squeezes at your chest and teases your nipples into hard peaks. Should you feel guilty that this feels good? Part of you worries this might be taking advantage of him, but it’s not as if he has much choice. “Sorry, about all of this.”
He stares down at you for a moment, flames flickering across his face before he pulls you roughly towards the empty exam table. “You had nothing to do with it, don’t apologize,” he orders and easy lifts you onto it like you’re weightless. Thick fingers trail down your stomach and your thighs reflexively press together only to be shoved apart by the impatient hero in front of you. “This doesn’t look like you’re sorry.” In this position, he can tell you’re already getting wet from just a bit of his handling and you may die of embarrassment right here. “You’re so small,” he growls above you. “I could break you so easily.” That thought shouldn’t be anywhere near as appealing as it is.
“You, uh, probably shouldn’t. They don’t have any other fireproof researchers,” you point out awkwardly, and he scoffs.
“Spread your legs for me,” he demands, and you obey automatically. Big, strong hands knead at your thighs, coaxing them to relax and open wider until there’s enough space for his fingers to trace along the lips of your cunt. You gasp and force yourself to keep from slamming your legs shut at the contact; you get the feeing he wouldn’t appreciate that. His thumb grazes over your clit and you jolt, earning a barely-contained snarl from the man in front of you. His gaze is like a wild animal about to attack, and you have to remind yourself of his circumstances. He’s been suffering from this pollen for hours, it must take him an incredible amount of willpower to control himself at all around you. The least you can do is make this as quick and easy for him as possible.
You take a deep breath of hot air before reaching down, your smaller fingers much more gentle as you rub yourself. “Keep touching me, please.” His thumb resumes stroking you, giving you the help you need as your fingers sink inside your pussy, a necessary first step if you’re going to survive your encounter with him. He lets you work, aware of the increasingly wet sound as you prepare your body for him. It doesn’t take long before he’s shoving your arm away and taking over for you. You shudder as he stretches you, whimper catching at the back of your throat when his big hand starts to move.
Another burst of fire flares up from his back and activates the cold air above you; you shiver as the frost settles on your sweaty skin but Endeavor doesn’t even notice. He’s too busy twisting his fingers inside you to draw out more moans from you with every move. “Look at you, practically dripping all over this table. At least I have an excuse.” You’d be more embarrassed if he wasn’t completely right. His costume hangs limply from his waist and you’re shameless as you let your eyes wander down the gorgeous muscles of his chest and arms to the sizeable bulge in his pants. You’re unaware of yourself as you lick your lips, but he doesn’t miss it. “Is that what you want? You think you’re ready for Daddy’s cock?”
Your breath stutters. It’s not what you typically like, but there’s no hiding the way your cunt clenches tight at his words. Despite the situation, the briefest hint of a smirk tugs at his lips. You look away, throat dry and face hot. His free hand returns to your chest, groping your breast in one huge hand and teasing your nipple. “Answer me, girl.”
“Yeah, I do.” You can’t meet his gaze, but you can almost feel his hunger as he glares down at you. His fingers fill you perfectly on their own, teasing out what you like and quickly reducing you to a gasping mess for his attention. You feel him brush against your g-spot and he knows he’s got you exactly where he wants you; his expression downright wicked as he targets it with pinpoint accuracy. You come all over his hand with a shrill cry, briefly wondering if the other researchers can hear you but unable to care if they do. All the while, your hero watches you intently with barely-controlled fire coursing through his veins.
You don’t get much chance to recover, only a moment to catch your breath when his messy fingers withdraw from you. He’s impatient now that he’s had a taste of what you’re offering, and you watch with your lungs heaving and heart pounding as he pulls at the rest of his suit until it drops to his thighs and you’re made very aware of what you’re dealing with.
“Big,” you point out stupidly, but it’s not as if your brain matters much here. Endeavor yanks you to the edge of the table and you lay back against the warm metal, his words about how easily he could break you echoing in your head. Whether by chance or design, the table is at the perfect height for his dick to rub along your slick folds, smearing precum across your sensitive skin.
“Look at me,” he orders, and you meet his eyes. “Tell me you want it.”
You swallow but nod. “I want Daddy’s cock,” you agree. He doesn’t give you the chance to say anything more, gripping your hips hard enough to bruise and burying himself halfway inside your welcoming pussy in one harsh thrust. The noise you make is more out of surprise than anything, but it’s still slightly uncomfortable to be stuffed so full so quickly. You scramble for something to grab onto and your nails dig into his forearms. He doesn’t seem to notice at all, entirely focused on fitting more of his thick cock inside your eager little body. “Oh, fuck,” you groan, squirming under his rough hands while you feel every inch of him sink into you. “You’re really big,” you pant.
Tendrils of flame erupt along his arms, comfortably warm as they flicker over your fingers before dissipating. “You can take it.” It’s less like encouragement and more of an order. “This is what you’re here for, girl.” You wonder idly if he’s always like this during sex or if it’s just the plant’s effects searing through his veins, but ultimately it doesn’t matter. You only have him for this one day, you’d better enjoy it while you can. He works himself in and out of you, pushing his dick a little deeper each time until he manages to bottom out after several long minutes. His gaze is hard and intense as you squeeze all of him, savoring how good your tight, wet pussy feels around him. The effect is immediate, whatever last dregs of restraint he has burn to ash. You’re almost alarmed when his face ignites as he nearly pulls himself out before thrusting back into you hard, earning a loud squeal from you. He’s not gentle with you, he couldn’t be at this point even if he wanted to, using you like a living toy to get himself off.
“Good girl,” he growls, hyper aware of every frantic gasp he forces out of you. You’re struggling to keep up with him, that much is obvious, but you’re not in any pain as you clumsily move your hips in some pitiful attempt to match his. You’re holding him as hard as you can, but it’s laughably easy for him to shrug you off when he wants. His hands roam over your heated skin, down to grab the backs of your thighs and shove them upwards. You gasp; you’re not normally so flexible, but you’re in no position to deny him anything. He guides your thighs up until they’re pressed against your chest and admires the view of your soaked cunt so open for him. “You’re being so good for me.” His voice is so deep and rough it makes you whimper.
Your body is doing wonders for him, so soft and small beneath his huge frame, he wouldn’t have lasted long even if his senses weren’t overwhelmed with the aphrodisiac. You’re already on your way to a second climax when you feel him jerk erratically above you and you’re suddenly flooded with pleasantly hot cum. “Oh.” You’re only a little disappointed that it happened so fast, but you remind yourself that this isn’t some kind of date. “I’m, um, glad I could help.” You’re still bent nearly in half under him, but he doesn’t budge. “Endeavor? That did help, right?”
He narrows his eyes, still hard as a rock inside you. “No. Not yet.” You’re not sure what to say when you open your mouth, only managing another sharp gasp as he resumes moving again inside you. “It’s not enough.” Another sharp blast of cold air fires out of the vent as his flames briefly swirl over his chest and legs. “I hope you didn’t have plans today.” He stretches over you, settling his heavy weight on top of your spread thighs to fuck quickly in and out of your pussy. His tongue shoves past your lips, swallowing every sweet noise he’s forcing out of you and you can’t stop your fingers from lacing into his hair. You think his scalp might be flaring up in response to your touch, but you don’t have the capacity to care.
“Endeavor…” you whimper quietly between kisses. “Daddy…please, I want it…” You’re not entirely aware of what you’re asking for, but he understands. He sucks harshly on your pulse, enough to leave a mark as he gropes at your breast again, teasing and pinching your sensitive nipple between his fingers. It’s enough to push you over the edge and you clamp down tight on his cock, coming hard as you milk him for more. “Fuck,” you whine when his thrusts remain as hard and intense as ever. “Fuck fuck fuck, s-slow down.”
He doesn’t. You’re pleading for him to give you a second to rest, but he can’t while your spasming cunt feels so good around him. You’re a trembling mess after a few more minutes of constant stimulation, until he finally reaches his limit again and it’s a relief to feel another wet spurt of cum fill you. You dare to hope it’s over as he slows to a stop above you, taking a deep breath of his own when he mercifully withdraws to let an embarrassing amount of your combined fluids leak out of you. Before you can even ask, he’s grabbing your hips again and carelessly flips you over onto your stomach, your toes barely touching the floor under the table.
Despite how worn out you are, you find yourself instinctively grinding back against him as he lines his cock up with your soaked pussy. “You take me so easily now,” he sounds just as ragged as you feel, but his body is still so much stronger than yours as he pounds into you with every thrust. You’re vaguely concerned with the fact that his quirk is activating more often as things progress, his entire torso bursting into flame against your back, but you’re already trying the best you can to solve the problem. He weaves a hand into your hair and yanks your head back painfully, angling you into the perfect position to force his tongue back into your mouth and you moan for his kiss. “It’s almost a shame we didn’t meet under better circumstances,” he murmurs quietly, more to himself than you. Somehow out of everything else today, this is what flusters you the most.
His lips trail along your bare shoulder, tasting the sweat on your skin and you sigh at the surprisingly soft touch. “Keep doing this and I’ll take whatever circumstances I can get,” you admit and hear him snort at your reply. You’re so warm, caged between his thick arms and broad chest and it’s a feeling that seems dangerously addictive.
“Move your hips more,” he demands, and even in your sex-drunk brain you scramble to obey. As fun as this has turned out to be, you still have a very important job to do and redouble your efforts to help him. “Yes, just like that.” He grabs a handful of your ass to spur you on and you’re plenty ready to comply, rutting back against him absentmindedly as you feel a familiar tension growing in your stomach already. His cock strokes along a sensitive spot inside you and you tighten around him with a soft moan. “Such a greedy woman.” You can hear the smirk in his words without looking at him. “You’re perfect for this.”
The next several minutes are a blur as you’re manhandled and groped to his heart’s content. You don’t know how it really feels to burn, but it must be something like the unbearably raw sensation igniting in your nerves everywhere he touches you. His warm hand snakes around your hip to tease at your clit and you’re reduced to whimpering quietly as your inner muscles squeeze around him, rapidly reaching both your physical and mental limits. “No more,” you complain, struggling to keep your balance on shaky legs. “I can’t…” you groan pitifully, and he shushes you.
“I know. You’ve done well for me. You’re almost finished,” he promises, almost gentle when he presses you harder against the table to thrust deeper into your overworked body. His voice is low and strained, hinting that he’s even more exhausted than you after all he’s been through today. Flames appear and dissipate randomly as he fucks inside you, but his voice in your ear whispering how you’re such a good girl is infinitely more effective at making you sweat.
Endeavor’s kindness can only last so long and soon enough he’s grabbing harshly at your hips, dragging you back and forth to meet his hard thrusts. “J-just a little bit slower,” you ask, so close to another orgasm you could cry. He grants your request and the pleased noise you make is practically obscene as the tension in your body snaps and your cunt reflexively clamps tight around him, as if you’re begging for more of his cum. You collapse forward onto the table, head so empty you wouldn’t notice if he burned the entire building down around you. There’s nothing you can do except endure it while he works the remaining pollen out of his system with your eager, dripping hole.
Your senses return to you slowly. You’re only semi-aware of your surroundings as you finally feel him release you and step away, pulling out of your aching pussy and leaving what you can only assume is quite a mess between your thighs. He returns to his original seat on the exam table, helping you up to sit beside him without saying a word. You lean heavily into his larger body as the two of you recover in silence for a few minutes, grateful that the hero still has the strength to hold both of you up after such a difficult encounter. It takes you far too long to notice that he feels less feverish and his quirk is no longer activating without his control. You slowly manage to put the pieces together in your mind and sigh in relief just as a speaker in the corner turns on.
“We have some good news, number one. Your vitals are dropping back into your normal range, and you shouldn’t experience any lasting side effects.” There’s a pause, and your boss’s voice sounds slightly nervous. “Is our lab assistant...how is she?”
“I’ll live,” you joke weakly, throat uncomfortably raw and dry. “I could use some water and a change of clothes, if you’ve got it.”
You hear a flurry of movement. “Of course, we’ll get those for you right away. We’ll need to give both of you a thorough physical exam, and we’d prefer if you stayed the night for observation.” Your mouth opens to disagree, but you’re cut off. “Yes, you too. You’ve got valuable data on any possible side effects occur from secondhand exposure to the plant’s pollen.” You pout, but you can’t argue when that data is leaking out of you onto the table.
“Understood, sir. Oh, and while you’re here, I think this is a good time to discuss my salary and the possibility of a raise.” The speaker conveniently shuts off without an answer. Oh well, it was worth a shot. You’ve got a good feeling about your next paycheck.
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