#i miss billy so much dude
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webvampzz · 6 months ago
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silly billy :3
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wonderjanga · 2 months ago
combining people hitting on ace marvel with Billy having total control over the magical champion body, plus Billy having terrible conflict resolution skills on account of being a child and Solomon not having any answers regarding turning down someones affections. So if someone is hitting on marvel he escapes by acting like hes being attacked or cursed. The magical champion version of "uhh my shoes are untied... OVER THERE!" A person tries to kiss him and he just.
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Marvel: *inching away from a lady who keeps coming near him and trying to kiss him*
Lady: “Oh you’re my hero!” *tries to kiss him again*
Marvel: *dodged and sees a nearby drain*
Billy then proceeded to do the only thing he could think of in that moment. Melt.
Marvel: “Ah… I’m melting! Ahhhhhh…” *terrible actor but is trying his best to sound like he’s in agony*
Lady: “Oh my God! Someone call an ambulance!”
Marvel: “NO no… no. Don’t do that.” *still melting and now trying to melt into the drain* “But yeah- Ah… I’m in so much pain!
Billy didn’t really like having to find a way out of the sewers. Nor did he like smelling like sewage after. But, it did get him out of that situation, so he’ll take it.
Marvel: *flying*
Lady: “Captain! Captain, could I have a word with you?”
Marvel: “Of course, miss! Is there a problem?”
Lady: “Not really.” *puts her hand on his chest and bats her lashes* “I just wanted to have a little chat-”
Marvel: *makes his own chest cave in away from her*
Lady: *stares for a solid sec* “OH MY GOD??”
She was absolutely horrified because she could literally hear his rib bones snap and he somehow didn’t flinch at all.
Marvel: *backed up against a wall in a lady’s apartment after he helped with a small house fire*
Lady: *tries to kiss him*
Marvel: *looks absolutely mortified and turns his head away*
The worst part in Billy’s opinion about that situation was that he couldn’t really escape. Like, he couldn’t let himself fly up because there was a roof and if he did, the rubble might fall on the lady and injure her. He can’t go down because they’re on the second story of a building and the rubble will land on the people down below. And he can’t go through a wall because there are other rooms full of people in the other rooms. So what does he do? He explodes. Literally. Not metaphorically.
Marvel: *literally lets his head explode into confetti*
Lady: *stares*
Marvel: *blindly feels around the room because he can’t see and stumbles over a bunch of stuff as he leaves*
He fell down the stairs multiple times, and ran into what he was pretty sure was a trash can. (He can’t be too sure considering he can’t hear or see) He ended up somehow getting to the street and wandering before a JL member came out of nowhere, was horrified, and made him sit down on a bench. As for how he knew it was a JL member, he literally let his hand palm their face so he could feel who it was. It was Flash. Anyways, he regrew his head.
Flash: *talking with someone on his comm* “Dude, I think Marvel was decapitated-”
JL member: *says something that Billy can’t hear*
Flash: “No, I don’t know how!
JL member: *says something else*
Flash: “No, he’s not dead. Somehow. He was walking around before I found him. I got him to sit down.”
Marvel: “Flash, who are you talking to?”
Flash: “Spooky.” *pauses and slowly looks over to him now registering Billy said something* “Wha- dude! You have head again!”
Marvel: “Yeah?”
Flash: “Jesus, man, you had me worried-” *looks back to his comm and speaks to it* “Cap just grew his head back.”
JL member(Now known as Batman): *says something else*
Flash: “I don’t know! It just grew back!”
Batman: *probably says something about how he expects a report or explanation or something*
Flash: “Yeah, yeah I’ll fill more details later.” *hangs up and looks over to Billy* “Dude. How did you get decapitated?” *sits down with him* “I thought you were supposed to be super durable like Supes.”
Marvel: “Oh uh… I blew my own head up.”
Flash: “What?”
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kyxhiin · 4 months ago
Shazam Family confusing the JL and immortal Billy combo post! (The Shazam fam will only include Freddy, Mary, and Billy. Sorry guys)
The Shazam Family confuses the JL by alot. And by alot it means "Cap' what the hell, what do you mean she's still alive??? HALF OF HER BODY IS GONE!" kind of way. For instance
The JL are on a mission, fighting some alien made robots that can "harm" the shazam fam so they had to be extra careful with this one. Mary Marvel was punching down these robots easily with Captain, until one of them got her from behind and.. BLASTED HER UPPER HALF OFF??? Marvel held her half limp lower half body, but despite all the blood was hollow?
Captain Marvel: Oh.. That can not be good. *In a super calm voice that can only be compared to adding too much water when cooking instant noodles.*
All the JL if not most stopped what they were doing and looked at cap and now the completely if not all with a solemn expression with a tinge of disgust. Flash approaching him first because, he's the fastest.
Flash: Hey man.. Are you alright? *He said, knowing no medical care could save her. CAUSE HER UPPER HALF IS GONE!*
Captain Marvel getting up, throwing Mary Marvel on his shoulder his smile returning but not as big as before: Upsy daisy! Sorry flash didn't meant to worry you all, let me just get her fixed up and she'll be ready to go. I'll be taking the rest of the day off.
And just like that he speeds off into the distance, holding the body parts of what once was Mary Marvel. Everybody's expressing their condolences from the day before for Captain Marvel, all dressed in black (except batman, he's always dressed in black.) with condolences gifts like letters, money (wait does he even need money?), food, flowers, and other sorry gifts.
Wait.. Is that Cap? AND IS THAT MISS MARVEL???? WHAT THE #!$!#!@#!?
They all aprouch Cap and Mary and start talking. Why aren't they mentioning the day before? Why are they both acting like everything's okay! And just like that nobody talks about it ever again.
(Does this count as immortal Billy? Lol, if not I'll re-do it. But now to the Freddy part.)
Captain and Jr have been arguing, arguing alot because SOMEBODY ate somebody else's banana bread muffins. And here's a thing, Cap's nice and happy go lucky to everybody, literally everybody including the villains all the time except for.. his children (That's what the JL assumes, lmao.)
Captain with his hands doing the sock puppet thing while Jr was talking to him: Nananana, that's what you sound like right now. Just admit you ate my muffins!
Green Lantern approaching Captain cause he overheard some of the stuff they were saying to eachother. Nudging Marvel to get his attention: Dude, hey. I don't think you can say that to your son-
Jr immediately cutting in cause he heard what Hal said cause he refuses to be called in any shape or form being younger than Marvel (it's the only thing he has against that tractor of a man when he's in his Marvel form, let him have this): Hey! I'm his OLDER brother thank you very much!
He said, loud enough so everybody can hear it. And the JL just stop their conversations and what they were doing, Just to look at Cap and Jr.
Hi hi, hope you enjoyed this even though this is not my regular posting schedule!!.
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gublershrry · 4 months ago
Wicked Games • B.E.
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Summary: you’re tasked with tutoring Billie, the girl that’s notorious for being a playboy at your school. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into with her.
Warnings: smut, dom!billie, innocentish!reader, gxg, fingering (r receiving), squirting, dumbification, fuckboy!billie (ish) (by request), college billie and reader, i think thats it
When you walked into class on Tuesday, the last thing you were expecting was to be called upon by your professor to stay after. You were the perfect student: your GPA never falling below 4.0, your assignments were always turned in on time, and the only time you missed a class was when your roommate was sick and you were afraid to leave her alone in the dorms.
So truthfully, even after you racked your pretty head, even with all of the knowledge in there, you had no idea what this could be about.
To say you were nervous was an understatement. The entire lecture consisted of you bouncing your leg up and down at a rapid pace, biting your nails until they were red and raw, and twirling your hair until you swear it could’ve all fallen out.
Finally, when the professor dismissed the class, you stood up shakily and made your way to his desk at the front of the lecture hall.
You, and the girl that sat all the way in the back.
“What is she doing here with me?” You think to yourself, wondering what similarities you two may have. The girl in the back of class was taller than you, with black hair covered by a bandana and a backwards cap. Her eyes pierced yours with the same confused look on her face.
“I don’t know why the fuck you’re here either. I’m probably here ‘cause I’m failing, dude.” She says, her voice soothing your ears.
She looks you up and down, taking in your comfortable yet put together outfit. You silently thank God that you decided to actually wear something presentable today, since last night was finally a night where you didn’t stay up studying until early into the morning. You push your glasses up a little farther up your nose, smiling at her comment. Still confused on why you’re here, the professor finally turns around and looks at you.
“Hey, have you met Billie?” He asks, looking at the girl next to you.
“Just did, Professor. Can I ask why I’m here?” You silently note the girl’s name. Billie. You feel like you’ve heard that before.
“Well, listen. I know you don’t need the extra cred-” your professor starts. You cut him off.
“I’ll do it, I can always use it. What do I need to do?”
The professor looks at you, then looks to Billie, who isn’t even looking up at the conversation happening in front of her.
“You need to tutor Billie. She’s failing.”
Billie’s head snaps up, an angry look taking over her face.
“Uh, fuck no. I don’t need anyone telling me shit.” She rudely remarks. Your heart sinks. You want this extra credit.
And you kind of want to get to know Billie.
So when she quickly pivots toward the door, her long strides taking her out of the hall to God-knows-where, you turn to your professor, mouthing “I got it,” and chase after her.
“Bil- Billie! Billie wait!” Your short legs finally catch up to her, but she’s still ignoring you.
“Billie it won’t be hard, but I’ll help. We don’t even have to meet a ton.” You beg. The extra credit would look great on your resume for internships.
“Fuck off, dude.” You hear her say. You can almost hear her eyes roll.
“Billie please, I’ll do anything, I need this for my resume and you need it so you don’t fail out! I promise it won’t be much.” You look down at your feet as you talk, making sure you’re staying on her tail.
Finally, she stops walking abruptly and turns around, making you run into her chest. You fix your glasses, looking up at her. She glares down at you, picking at her bottom lip with her thumb and forefinger.
“Give me your phone.” She spits, holding her hand out.
You hand it to her, confused.
She types in her contact, and her address.
“Come to my apartment tomorrow if you wanna do this shit. Text me when you’re there. Not about anything else. Got it?”
You nod and take your phone back, letting her walk away. You watch as she pulls a piece of gum out of the pocket of her definitely-too-big jorts. She adjusts her hat and keeps walking, leaving you dumbstruck in the middle of the courtyard of your university, really confused on what you just got yourself into.
The next day, you show up to her apartment at 5pm sharp. You text her, but get no response. You hear loud rap music through the walls, but you knock anyways. After about 7 minutes of standing outside of her door, probably looking ridiculous, she answers.
“Hey, come in.”
The stench of weed fills your nostrils and the smoke clouds your eyes. Holy shit. Of course she’s failing. All she does is get high.
You see another girl, half naked, run across the hallway into a bathroom.
Gets high and fucks people, you mentally correct yourself. You feel a sting in your heart, but you can’t quite place it, so it gets ignored.
“Get the fuck out dude, I told you I had shit to do and you’re wasting our time!” Billie yells across the apartment, assumingely to the girl you just saw in a bra and shorts, because she quickly runs out and toward the door that Billie is still holding open, with you next to it.
“Text me.” The girl says before glaring you down.
“Yeah I’ll think about it.” Billie laughs before slamming the door in the girls face. She coughs a little bit before going to the kitchen table and sitting down.
“What, you just gonna stare or actually tutor me?” She says to you, waiting for you to follow her to the table. You stutter out an apology, quickly going to the chair across from her.
“Nah, next to me.” She says. You look up at her confused.
“Sit next to me. Don’t make me say it again.”
You bite your lip and go to the chair next to hers, sitting on the cold wood, and quickly pulling your computer out of your backpack. Hers is already on the table with the class website pulled up. She watches your every move while you scatter to pull everything up. Your multiple tabs distract her, most about classes but some are Pinterest boards, online shopping carts, and shows you’ve been watching. Billie’s intrigued. She studies you, and you can feel her eyes watching your every move. You gulp, and your heart rate picks up. She places her hand on your thigh, making your head turn towards her. Looking up at her with your mouth barely open, your breathing labored as you lock eyes.
“How about we play a game, hm?” She says with a wild, wicked smirk on her face. You gulp harder this time, your eyes going foggy as she brings her hands up higher on your thigh. She leans into you, her lips grazing your ear.
“How about, instead of this,” she whispers, her fingers going in between you and her when she says ‘this,’ “I teach you a little something instead.”
Her words drive you crazy, and you have no idea what to do. You came to study, you came to tutor her. You need the extra credit, you need her to pass. You start to decline, trying to spit out that she needs to focus, but you gasp when her hand travels just high enough to brush the fabric covering you under your skirt.
“I think it’ll help both of us focus, yeah?” She smirks down at you, watching your reaction. Your throat is dry, your face is hot, and you can feel yourself starting to pool in your panties.
“O- okay.” You stutter.
“Not what I need to hear. It’s yes or no.” Billie says sternly.
“Yes to what? What do you need from me, baby?” She smiles sickly. “Listen ma, I’ll give you all I got. Just ask nicely.”
“Ple-” Billie enjoys watching you struggle to get your words out. “Please fuck me, Billie.”
And just like that, the switch flipped. She cleared the table of everything; both computers, papers, empty dishes from earlier. She told you to get up on the table and sit facing her, so you did. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and your hands started to sweat. You were so nervous. Nervous to be seen by her, nervous to be fucked by her. She looked down at you with her hooded eyes, stepping in between your legs. Her hand started at your knee, slowly dragging its way up as she spit praises at you.
“Look how beautiful you are, so perfect for me,” ���God’ I’m gonna fucking ruin you, baby,” “Just let me motherfuckin’ love you.”
You gasp as her hand reaches your throat, squeezing just enough to make your head spin. You stay watching her as she tilts your head back. She tells you to open your mouth, and you’ve never listened to someone so quick.
You open and stick your tongue out, not wavering your eye contact. She lets her spit slowly drip onto your tongue, her hold on your neck tightening, silently telling you to swallow. When you do, she moans and pushes you down onto your back on the table, ready to devour you.
She pushes your skirt up onto your hips, looking at the wet stain on your thong.
“All this for me, ma? Already? You’re so pathetic.” She says softly, her breath hitting right where you needed her most. You moan, begging her to touch you. To please you. Telling her you need her.
She pulls your underwear to the side, and dips her middle finger between your folds, slowly dragging upward.
“So fuckin’ pretty, baby.” She whispers before tasting you on her finger. You wiggle under her grip as she sucks you off of her, and she holds your hips down harder.
“Stop moving, be a good girl for me and stay still, okay? Gonna make this last.”
She licks a stripe up your pussy, your back arching off of the table and your hands falling by your side. She calls you needy, and then slowly toys her middle finger around your entrance.
“How bad do you need it, ma? Show me how bad this slutty little pussy needs my fingers.” She tells you, her eyes dark with lust. You sit up onto your elbows so you can watch her now.
You beg, and beg, and beg. You tell her you’re her slut, her whore, her plaything. She laughs at you and tells you how much of a dumb little bitch you are, already so needy after practically nothing. You tell her she’s right.
You are needy. Needy for her to fucking ruin you.
She shoves two fingers into your hole, curling them up before you can even realize whats happening. Your body jolts and you scream with a mix of pain and pleasure. She doesn’t slow down. Instead she watches you. She watches your chest rise up and down at an insane pace, she watches the way your eyes scrunch up when it hurts so good, she watches the way your thighs close when she starts to thumb your clit, the way you start to lose yourself in her.
She stands up now, never letting her pace slow down. She leans over you, forehead to forehead.
“This is a wicked game you’re playing with me.” She whispers onto your lips before violently making out with you. Your tongues mix with each other and she nibbles on your bottom lip. She absorbs your moans into her own mouth, turning her on even more. She feels your back arch, making your tits press against hers. Her free hand moves down your body, feeling your nipples through your shirt.
She can feel when you’re close. She feels your body start to jerk underneath her and she can tell you’re losing yourself. You look up into her eyes, totally lost in them.
“Please, can I cum for you?” You ask in the sweetest voice Billie’s ever heard. She smiles and nods, watching you in admiration.
Billie kisses her way back down to your pussy, attaching her mouth to your clit. She wants to taste you. She wants to feel you cum in her mouth.
When you start to get louder and your breath gets uneven, she doesn’t let up. Her fingers pound into you relentlessly, and her tongue expertly works at your nub. Your body becomes full of white, hot pleasure. You scream her name, you scream for God, you just scream.
“Let ‘em know, ma. Let ‘em know who’s fuckin’ you this good.” She rasps against you, your legs now shaking from the vibration. She can tell she’s overworking you, but she knows what she’s doing.
After all, she’s tutoring you, now.
She feels you clench around her two fingers, but she still doesn’t let up. She holds you down when you try to squirm away. She doesn’t stop. She won’t ever stop. She needs to see it. She needs to taste it.
Her hand goes back to your clit now, quickly rubbing it as she stands up and watches your entire body react to her touch. As soon as she sees your eyes snap shut and your back arch higher than before, she feels it.
She feels you drip onto her fingers, down her wrist. She feels her pants get damp with the smell of you. She slows down her fingers now, letting you catch your breath as she gently kisses up your neck.
“Pathetic baby just squirted all over my hand, how’s that for teaching you something? You made a bit of a mess.” She says mockingly, but all you can hear is your heartbeat in your ears. As you catch your breath, she makes her way down to clean you up with her tongue.
“We-we need to focus now.” You force out, your vision hazy and voice raw from screaming.
“Anything for you, baby. I’ll be able to really focus now that we got that out of the way.” Billie smiles up at you as she licks her fingers clean and sits you up, ready for you to teach her the subject of the class.
A/n - this is SO long sorry i couldnt fall asleep so i just kept writing
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cece693 · 2 months ago
Looks Can be Deceiving Pt. 2 (Stu and Billy x M! Reader)
So I totally didn't put much effort into the first part, but I appreciate all the love it has gotten :) The original request had the male reader being nice, however, I want him to also be kinda of a bimbo so apologies in advance if he doesn't feel like the same character.
Summary: Billy and Stu were fighting over you, it takes time (more than you would like to admit), but you catch on and make them play nice :)
tags: soft/bottom reader, you make Billy and Stu get along, kisses, suggestive language, Billy and Stu are a mess, cursing
link to part one
(not my fanart, just couldn't find a good gif to go alongside this :) Credit to the creator)
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It took you way too long to notice the competition brewing between Billy and Stu—embarrassingly long. You weren’t dumb, not exactly, but you tended to…miss things. Like the way Billy would glower whenever Stu made you laugh a little too hard, or how Stu practically shoved himself between you and Billy whenever you were all on the couch. You thought they were just being, well, Billy and Stu. A little intense, a little weird, but harmless.
It wasn’t until you walked into the kitchen one morning and found Stu dramatically arguing with Billy over who got to “sit next to you at breakfast” that it finally clicked.
“Oh my gosh,” you said, smacking your forehead. “You guys are, like, totally fighting over me, aren’t you?”
Billy and Stu froze mid-argument, their heads snapping toward you.
“What? No,” Billy said immediately, his voice sharp and defensive.
“Yup,” Stu said at the same time, grinning like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
You tilted your head, frowning as you processed their reactions. “You are! Oh my god, that’s so cute!”
Billy groaned, dragging a hand down his face. Stu, on the other hand, lit up like a Christmas tree. “You think we’re cute?” he asked, sidling up to you with a grin.
“Yeah,” you said, giving him a sunny smile. “Like, two puppies fighting over a squeaky toy. It’s adorable!”
Billy’s jaw clenched, his dark eyes narrowing. “We’re not puppies,” he muttered.
“Of course not,” you said, patting his arm like you were trying to console him. “You’re more like, I dunno, angry alley cats or something.”
Stu burst out laughing, slapping you on the back. “Alley cats! Dude, you kill me.”
Billy didn’t laugh, but his lips twitched slightly, betraying a flicker of amusement.
From that day on, you couldn’t help but lean into it.
You weren’t exactly a mastermind, but you knew how to get a reaction—and boy, did they give you plenty to work with. It started small. Wearing slightly tighter shirts around the apartment. Stretching a little too dramatically during your workouts in the living room. Flopping onto the couch between them and resting your head on one of their shoulders, just to see who would get jealous first.
And when you realized just how much they worshipped your chest? Oh, that opened a whole new world of possibilities.
One particularly hot day, you decided shirts were overrated. You lounged around the apartment in nothing but a pair of gym shorts, your big tits on full display as you sprawled out on the couch. You pretended not to notice the way Billy’s eyes kept darting toward you or the way Stu’s grin stretched just a little too wide.
At one point, Stu plopped down beside you, his arm slinging across the back of the couch. “Damn, Big Guy,” he said, his tone teasing but low. “You trying to kill us or something?”
You blinked at him, all wide-eyed innocence. “Huh? What do you mean?”
Stu snorted, his hand twitching like he wanted to touch you but thought better of it. “I mean, walking around like that. It’s distracting, dude.”
Billy, who had been leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, scoffed. “He knows exactly what he’s doing.”
“Do not!” you protested, pouting a little. “I’m just comfortable! You guys are the ones making it weird.”
Billy’s eyes darkened, his voice dropping to a low, almost dangerous tone. “Weird, huh? Keep pushing, and you’ll find out just how ‘weird’ we can get.”
You stared at him for a moment, your pout deepening. “That sounded kinda threatening, but also kinda hot? Like, what are you gonna do? Wrestle me or something?”
Stu burst out laughing again, practically falling off the couch. “Oh, man, you’re gonna get yourself in trouble, Big Guy.”
And you should've heed his warning, easing on your teasing, but it was fun. That was until they fought back. You’d been wandering around the apartment in one of your usual lazy outfits—just a pair of boxers and a loose tank top that did absolutely nothing to hide your chest—when you felt the atmosphere shift.
It started with Stu, as always, bounding up to you with that mischievous grin of his. “Hey, Big Guy,” he said, stepping into your personal space. “You been working out more? ‘Cause those things,” he gestured at your chest, “look like they could take me out in one punch.”
You laughed, swatting at him playfully. “Oh, stop. You’re so silly.”
Before you could escape to your room, though, Billy appeared, blocking your path. His expression was unreadable, but there was something in his eyes—something dark and intense—that made your heart skip a beat.
“Seriously,” Billy said, his voice low and rough. “Enough’s enough.”
You blinked, glancing between them in confusion. “Enough of what?”
Stu leaned in, his grin turning wicked. “The teasing, Big Guy. You’ve been driving us insane, and we’ve had enough.”
Before you could respond, Stu’s hands were on your shoulders, pulling you down into a messy, hungry kiss. His lips moved against yours with wild abandon, his fingers gripping you like he was afraid you might slip away. When he finally pulled back, you were breathless, your mind spinning. “Whoa,” you muttered, blinking at him.
And (to make things better), Billy stepped in, his hand gripping the back of your neck as he kissed you with a slow, deliberate intensity that left you dizzy. His lips were firm, his movements calculated, like he wanted to savor every second of this moment. The heat from him was palpable, his grip possessive but not forceful—just enough to keep you still as he took what he wanted. When he finally pulled away, his dark eyes locked onto yours, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“You like teasing, huh?” he murmured, his voice low and dripping with restrained heat. “Well, now it’s our turn.”
Stu, never one to be outdone, slung an arm around your shoulders, his grin as wide and wild as ever. He looked at you like a predator who’d just caught the juiciest prey. “Cancel any plans you might have, big guy,” he said with a laugh. “’Cause you’re gonna be real busy for a while.”
You blinked, still reeling, your cheeks flushed and your heart pounding so hard you swore they could hear it. “Wait…does this mean I have two boyfriends now?” you asked, your voice coming out breathless and faintly incredulous.
Stu laughed loudly, pulling you closer until your sides were pressed together. “Yes, and I hope you realize that means you’re ours. Only ours.”
Billy’s smirk softened into something more dangerous as he moved behind you, his arms wrapping around your chest from behind. His hands settled on your pecs, his fingers teasingly circling the broad muscle as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “That’s right,” he murmured, his voice a low purr. “You’re not going anywhere. And anyone who tries to take you from us?” His smirk returned, darker this time. “They’ll regret it.”
Stu nodded eagerly, his fingers brushing against the other side of your chest like they were testing the limits of your patience—or maybe just reveling in how easily they’d gotten you to blush. “Yeah, big guy. You’re stuck with us now. Two-for-one deal of the century.”
You groaned, dropping your head back against Billy’s shoulder with an exasperated laugh. “You two are insane. Both of you.”
Billy chuckled softly, his fingers tightening just enough to make your breath hitch. “Maybe. But you like us that way, don’t you?”
Stu grinned, leaning in so close his nose brushed against your cheek. “Admit it, big guy. You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
And, damn it, they weren’t wrong.
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tan1shere · 7 months ago
Bite It Lick It Spit It - where'd you put it (extra)
A/n: thought I'd add a lil smth smth since everyone's loving the previous story, enjoy you horny mfs MUAH 💋
Warnings - suggestiveness not really any smut. Still mdni just in case doe <3
The original - masterlist
After that blissed out night, you've been wearing that underwear. All. The. Time. And she loved it, it drove her mental. Whether you were just wearing a plain t-shirt with them around the house. You'd wear them with skirts in public. You were like an intoxicating drug in her eyes, mind and soul. She truly couldn't get enough.
So much so, you found them missing on occasion. Either they were in the wash, or Ms Eilish had them somewhere in her possession. Theyd tend to go missing when you take them off after a long day. Her fucking favorite. Once you eventually caught on it was her doing the abducting, you came to her. Justtt to ask. Even though you had all the idea on why she did.
"Bils." You say going over to her and patting her down. "Frisky much?" She replies. "Where on earth have you put them." She brings her finger up to her lips. " 's a secret." You roll your eyes. "Billieeee." "Fine fine, they're probably in my pants on the sofa in our room." Your eyebrow raises. "Probably?" She shrugs. "Orrr they could be in a few others- I can't remember which." You sigh at the response. "You're crazy." You say heading for the stairs. "For you? Fuck yeah baby!"
It had become a habit that she'd stick them in her Jean pants. She'd take it to work sometimes forgetting where she was, and the fact she still had them in there until Finneas embarrassed the shit out of her. Or more so herself.
"We could maybe do something like this-" He began to speak about the stuff they were working on, when he noticed something on the floor. He knew Clauds underwear and that was something she definitely didn't own. "What on earth." He bends slightly, picking it up. Billies eyes widen, so incredibly wide her eyes might've popped out. Her cheeks go so red, snatching them out of his hand. Fuck, you dumbass idiot. She swallows. There was an awkward silence wondering how he was going to react. When this dude, let's out the wheeziest laugh known to man.
Billies eyes rest, almost glearing at him. "That is not funny, I can't believe that just fucking happened." He tries to control his laughter. "You truly are a dumbass." She swats his arm but he just continues his giggles. "Back to work come on." She spits, having enough of the laughing. "I was like- hmm Claudia doesn't own anything this-" "FINNEAS." She groans. He just laughs some more, she was never living that down. But Billie being Billie she eventually joins in on the laughing, shaking her head at the silly situation.
Yet again you were on the search for them, looking through most of her pants. You gave up in the end, calling her.
"You have them as we speak don't you."
"Well damn, you caught me."
Even during she needed them. Just the fact such a tight slutty thing was on your body for the whole day drove her wild, she didn't care in the slightest how filthy any action may be. Sniffing them, so on and so on. One of her filthy fantasies was you having them in your mouth, as you rode her. Just dangling there between your teeth. You were a tad bit confused at why she requested that, but the way she'd moan under you. The way she'd say your name. The feeling of her fingertips on the skin of your thighs as you rode her. Mixed in with your tits bouncing in her face. It was foul, but she enjoyed every single bit of it.
She was so thankful you went into that shop that day. Blessing not only you with a pretty pair of new underwear. But her aswel, getting the pleasure of witnessing it first hand.
You're welcome
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angeldiarybook · 4 months ago
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𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭? 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭?
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𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐭𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Summary:Billy and stu aren’t friends anymore due to Billy getting with you after you and Stu broke up what happens when Stu catches you crying because of Billy at a party
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“Billy?” I said out loud asking where Billy was
“Hey have you guys seen Billy?” I asked a random girl
“Ughh I’m sure he went to get some keg and some beer” she said
“Oh ok” I said before walking away
I plopped myself down on the couch next to Tatum and Randy
“Hey what’s up with the long face” Randy asked me as he was looking through Jamie Lee Curtis movies
“Nothing…just Billy” I said a bit irritated
“Uh-oh what leather face do this time?” Randy asked snarkly
“Nothing he’s just been distance with me lately and I’m not sure if I did anything wrong to upset him”I said in a low voice
“Most likely nothing.don’t think too much of it.Billy is just…Billy you know” Tatum said trying her best not to say shit about Billy
“Do you guys think Billy will break up with me like how Stu did..?” I asked nervously
“If billy breaks up with you he’s much more stupid than Stu’s dumbass” Tatum said
Right when she said that we hear hysterical laughing
We break our necks to see Stu laughing his ass off with some random chicks
Tatum scoffs as Randy shakes his head
I stared at Stu as his stupid long tongue stuck out as he laughed
“Swear wish he had a mute button” Randy said which caused me to giggle
At times I wish things were different
I miss Stu’s jokes and his goofiness
I wish he didn’t leave me so easily as if was nothing
He would constantly be way too flirty with girls so I guess I didn’t miss that so much
But I also guess Billy isn’t perfect
It’s not like I am either
those boys just have problems
I wonder how Stu felt after me and Billy got together
I’m guessing not happy since they’re not friends anymore
It’s still crazy to me that they’re not friends anymore over me?
I quickly break out of my thoughts
As I see Billy walk through the front door with a pack of beer that he harshly tosses to a random dude
“Damn what’s up his ass?” Tatum asked
I shrug
“I should probably go check up on him..” I said
As Randy made ‘Are you sure face you want to do that’ face
I groaned as I got up from the couch walking towards The stairs as Billy made his way up there
Billy banged on the bathroom door
“We’re busy!” Some squeaky female voice said
“Well hurry the hell up!” Billy said very aggressively which caused the girl on the other side of the door to become silent and not respond as whoever she was with groaned
I non-purposely sneaked up behind Billy grabbing his shoulder which caused him to almost shove me
“There you are I’ve been looking for you all night” I said with a soft smile and soft voice
Billy let out a sigh “it’s just you” he said relief
He banged on the door one more time
“Screw it” he said
As he started walking away
“Woah gloomy you ok?” I asked teasingly but still trying not to piss him off
As we entered a bedroom
“Just tired of people” billy said grumbling
“…including me..?” I asked in a quiet voice
“What?” Billy asked in a harsh tone confused
“…it’s just you’ve been cold and distance to me..did I do something to make you mad?” I asked confused
“Just because I’m mad doesn’t automatically mean it’s because of you stop overthinking” he said in a harsh tone which bothered me
“Well obviously something is bothering you I’m just try to help you come on tell me..what’s wrong..?” I said caressing the palm of his hand trying to comfort him
“It’s nothing” he said scoffing
“Well clearly it is” I said getting annoyed
“Just drop it ___” Billy said rudely
“No!tell me what’s wrong!?” I said getting worried
“___,stop!Just Stop!I did not tell you to follow me or to ask me what’s wrong you came on your own!” He yelled at me
“I-“ I tried to speak but my voice was breaking
“I don’t understand what I did wrong..” I said as my voice trembled as tears flooded my eyes
He made me so sensitive
I quickly made my way out the door
[Billy sighed regretting lashing out on you for no reason “You didn’t do anything wrong” he said mostly to himself since you were already gone]
I quickly tried to make my way down the stairs
“Excuse me.sorry” I said accidentally bumping into some people
As I made my way down the stairs I accidentally bumped into someone who was laughing I couldn’t quiet see due to the tears clouding my eyes
it was Stu
His whole demeanor changed as he saw that I was crying
“___? Are you ok?”
Stu asked concerned as his tall figured hovered over me
It surprised me since he’s never serious or concerned it also surprised me that he cared if I was okay or not considering we weren’t on speaking terms or good terms since we broke up
“Yes-no I don’t know” I stuttered as I wiped my tears
“What’s wrong what happened?” Stu asked me concerned once more with furrowed eyebrows as he grabbed my shoulder gently
Suddenly Billy came out of no where up behind us
Stu put one and one together realizing I was crying because of Billy
“Figures” billy said in a rude sarcastic demeanor towards Stu looking dead at him
Before walking away from me and Stu
I looked at billy with Sorrow eyes as he walked away
Suddenly Stu looked back at me then at Billy
And started making his way angrily towards Billy
“Stu!wait no!” I said quickly going after them
Stu grabbed Billy’s shoulder turning him towards him and punching him straight in the face causing Billy to fall straight into a dude holding a beer bottle making it spill every where
“FIGHT!” Some random screamed
As people started shouting
Billy quickly turned back groaning as he grabbed Stu punching him in his jaw
Stu quickly grabbed Billy throwing him as they somehow managed to make it to the next room
Stu was above Billy throwing punches at them
“GUYS!” I yelled as they ignored me
they got shoved into Tatum causing also her drink in her red solo cup to spill “stop fighting you idiots!” Tatum yelled angrily
Billy managed to tackle Stu as they continued throwing hits
“So umm do you like horror movies?” Randy asked a hot chick poorly trying to flirt with her
“Ehh” she replied shrugging
Out of nowhere Billy and Stu crash into Randy causing him to fall on top the girl hovering her
“Get off of me you geek!” She screeched as Randy body was crushing her
“I’m trying!” Randy exclaimed trying not to crush her body even more
“Break it up!” The party host yelled trying to break up the fight but ended getting pushed aggressively to the side by Billy
The host body almost hit Sidney but she quickly got out the way before his body could hit her
As they fought their body’s hit furniture causing the furniture to fall and break
Billy punched Stu really hard in the jaw as Stu pounced Billy’s head
Suddenly they somehow made it out the front door
As everyone ran outside
Billy and Stu were now fighting on the front lawn
“Guys Just stop!” I yelled since they already caused so much damage
I groaned rolling my eyes as they once more ignored me
Out of nowhere there were police sirens which made them stop
“Aww man cops” some dude said
Which caused them to break apart
They stood a good distance from each other
As they were breathing heavily and stared at each other like they were going to kill each other
I just stared at them with disbelief
As billy looked at me with no emotion before walking away
Dewey got out the cop car
“Alright drop your cups and go home kids” Dewey said
“Great could this night get any better” Tatum said irritated before grabbing my hand making me walk away with her from the so called party
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bozowrites · 1 year ago
starved man
tom blyth x f!reader : tom feels a way he shouldn't and lets those feelings get in the way of work. (angsty)
wc : 1.2k
a/n : couldn't help myself. i love this man. might write a parallel imagine of the scene in this as a billy x reader fic.
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maybe tom was wrong for feeling this way. well, he was—he knew that, but you can’t help the way you feel; that’s what tom keeps telling himself. he taps at his leg with his finger, anticipating the scene he was about to do with yn. he couldn’t wait any longer, he was ready to get going. it felt like this exciting and nerve-wracking whirlwind. like when you’re about to ask out your crush and can’t wait for their answer, but too scared to hear the answer at the same time. tom bites his lower lip, bouncing his leg. “dude,” daniel deadpans beside him. “you’re gonna burn a hole through her if you keep staring.” 
tom laughs awkwardly, shaking himself out of it. “i was out of it, didn’t realize.”
“right,” daniel leans in closer to tom, keeping his tone low, “so you aren’t dying to kiss her in this scene?” tom gulps, raising a brow and eyes daniel. “who said i was?”
“no one, but its pretty obvious.” tom scoffs, rubbing his forehead, already annoyed, not with daniel but with himself. this wasn’t how these last few weeks of filming were supposed to go. yn was in for a few episodes of billy the kid, playing a character that billy would fall for, though, of course, wouldn’t get in the end. and, within just the few weeks he’d been getting to know yn, he wanted so much more from her. and, yeah, he was excited because, yeah, he was going to kiss her. this was an excuse to touch her body and feel her lips against his, no questions asked ‘cause this was for work. 
“it is?” tom asks, looking over to meet daniel’s stare. “to me. i don’t know ‘bout anyone else.” he shrugs. “looks like they’re ready for you. try not to have too much fun!” 
tom’s heart stutters. he shouldn’t be this excited. he can’t be. he takes his place, getting himself into it, into character, ready for the cameras. yn smiles wide at him from her spot across the set. he smiles back, he couldn’t not even if he tried. this scene wasn’t going to be the same for her as it was for him and selfishly, he hoped they’d have to redo the scene over and over again. 
on cue, tom is his character. the scene is smooth sailing, he’s practiced his lines well enough with everyone to know what he is doing, but the closer he gets to the kiss; the faster he is with his words, desperate to get to where he wants to be. his heart feels loud and hammers against his chest. he really felt like a schoolboy waiting to confess his feelings. tom’s close to yn, staring directly down at her, her lips. he can’t seem to look away to save his life. she’s stopped talking, he looks up. what was his line again? he looks down at her lips again, he just needs to kiss her. “goddammit.” tom mutters. he dives for her lips. he groans the moment he feels her lips. his hands cup her face, holding her impossibly close. he needs to be as close as he can and touch her as much as he can this way. he's hungry for her, the touch of her. she’s soft and perfectly fitted against him. her hands hold his arms, steading herself as he pushes himself closer and closer. this is by far the best kiss he’s ever shared with anyone, and all be damned if he didn’t get to do it again. 
“billy…” she moans against him. he stutters back, moving himself a step away, letting her go. they’re acting. she isn’t kissing tom, she’s kissing billy. “cut!”
the director makes a move over to them. “missed a few lines, tom, but that was great!” she goes on. tom’s only focused on yn. she’s not looking at him, she’s fidgeting with her skirt, glancing around the room and nodding along with the director. she’s nervous and undoubtedly startled. “alright, you two?” 
“sorry?” tom shakes himself out of it, looking to meet the director’s stare. 
“tom.” the director deadpans. “we’re going to do a quick take of you walking away after that kiss and we’ll move the conversation you two were supposed to have after the kiss to the next scene just before billy leaves.” 
“oh, okay.” 
“i know its a bit of a last minute change but so was that sudden kiss.” tom laughs with her, rubbing the back of his head. “right, sorry about that. i…forgot my lines and just went for it.” he excuses. 
“don’t be sorry. i think that really added to the passion of the scene. more meaning.” tom nods, smiling. “okay, lets do it people!” 
yn doesn’t look at him, avoiding his eyes. what has he done? 
“don’t. i know.” tom sighs. he glances around, gulping. “don’t matter, i’m leaving anyways. best i do.” yn nods. “i’m sorry, billy.” 
tom goes to mount his horse, the end scene of him riding off, but yn pulls him back. she kisses him. tom’s heart stops for a moment. her hands held his face this time, and he’d be dumb to not reach for her hips and kiss her back. she lets go all too soon, sighing, keeping her forehead pressed against his. “don’t forget me, billy.” 
“i couldn’t if i tried.” he sneaks a quick peck, satisfied as all can be, and mounts his horse. the stare he gives her before riding off, he’s sure she can see the desire he has for her. maybe he really had gone crazy, but he could swear something was saying the same thing in hers.
the scenes with yn had finally ended, they were at the end of their filming for the day. tom was watching as yn indulged in conversation with the director. he sighs. though he felt satisfied by the kisses they’d shared, he needed more and that only fueled him further. the idea of never kissing yn again was weighing on his shoulders like a boulder. it's just a pair of lips, tom thinks. that happens to belong to the most perfect person ever. he groans, leaning his head back to stare at the ceiling. “i’m going crazy.” 
“crazy in love, maybe.” tom sits up, shooting his eyes over to daniel. “what? no.” 
“it’s okay to admit you like someone, tom.” 
“not when they’re taken.” tom sighs, rubbing his temple, annoyed. none of this would be so bad, but yn just had to be in a relationship, a happy one at that. tom just had to fall for her and deal with it, pretending to love hearing her talk about him so lovingly and so sweetly. that scene, kissing her, was his little chance into what a world with her was like, and by golly, did he want more. there wasn’t quite anything like the feeling of her lips on his and her moaning into him as her hands squeezed his arms to steady herself.
‘it doesn’t matter, i’ll get over it. plus, she’s done with this show, so i won’t be seeing her.” not like she wanted to see him. she’d been avoiding him after finishing up. she didn’t join them for drinks and she didn’t look at tom once. 
he really had fucked things up.
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steddiealltheway · 2 years ago
Thinking about Robin bursting into Steve’s house - he gave her a spare key long ago - and yelling, “I was just Nancy’s gay awakening!”
Steve is laying on the ground in the living room and sits up. “What?”
Robin launches into the story, “Well, I was just at Nancy’s as you know, and she insisted that she wanted to basically play dress up with me. So, she handed me some clothes and she jokingly changed into mine which were huge on her and so incredibly adorable. I mean-”
“Robin,” Steve says trying to cut off her inevitable Nancy ramble.
“Right. So, there I am in Nancy’s bra and pulling her really itchy shirt over my head, and when I finally get my head out, Nancy is staring at me in her panicked way. And I thought well, maybe I ripped one of her favorite shirts because it was tight and I may have heard a rip-”
Steve lightly taps her arm, and Robin nods. “But then, she just says, ‘Robin, when did you know that you were… you know… gay.’ And I didn’t think much of it, but I told her, and then she said asked if it can happen later in life. And the dots just connected, and I told her yes it can.” Robin finishes her rant in a frenzied state still as out of breath as when she got there.
“And then what happened?” Steve asks.
“I stole Mike’s bike and came here,” Robin says staring off with wide eyes.
Steve stares at her and blinks slowly. “So she’s had this gay awakening, and you ran away and left her to deal with it alone?”
Robin looks at Steve even more panicked. “Holy shit! Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit!” She stands up and runs to the door. “I’ll be back later!”
The front door slams shut and Steve sighs.
“I was wondering when Nancy would realize,” a voice over Steve’s shoulder says.
Steve jumps. “Shit, Eddie. I forgot you were here.”
Eddie puts a hand over his heart. “I’m hurt, Steve. Hurt. I’m always here.”
Steve looks off and questions his past relationship with Nancy. Yes, he got over her in a romantic way long ago especially when Robin told him she had feelings for Nance. And it’s been a weight off his shoulders but he can’t help but wonder…
“Hey, what’s going on?” Eddie asks already on the ground next to Steve.
Steve shakes his head, but he knows Eddie is stubborn so he gives in. “Do you think Nancy was gay when she dated me, and that’s why things never really worked out? I mean, I just feel bad for doing everything with her if she wasn’t happy.”
Eddie takes a moment and then shakes his head. “Steve, a person doesn’t just suddenly become gay, but I think what you’re missing is that I don’t think Nancy is a lesbian. I’m pretty sure she’s bisexual. Which means she likes both.”
Steve thinks for a second and realizes it makes sense. “So, she had more of a bisexual awakening than just a gay awakening.”
Eddie shrugs. “Yeah, you could put it that way. What I had was definitely a gay awakening though. It was in the gym and this one guy stripped off his shirt and it all suddenly hit that yes, I was definitely gay.”
Steve stares off and suddenly blurts out, “Do you think I could have a bisexual awakening?”
Eddie’s jaw drops before he stutters out, “Ye-yeah. I mean… I-I guess you could. But it’s not something you can just force yourself to do.”
“Take off your shirt,” Steve says seriously because he’s curious.
“Dude, I’m not going to force a gay or bisexual awakening on you.”
Steve looks Eddie up and down for a second. He’s always known he’s attractive, just like he knew Billy was attractive and even Tommy in his own way. But it was only fair to notice who would be potential rivals when Steve started dating. But… he knows Eddie is gay, so why would he note his attractiveness?
Eddie sighs and stands up to take off his shirt. “Okay, now you can go back to being your straight self,” Eddie says already pulling his shirt back on.
Steve takes a moment to process, but then he grabs Eddie’s hand and drags him up the stairs. “Steve, there is now way you’re about to do what I think you’re going to do.”
“I sure am!” Steve yells determined.
A few minutes and a lot of complaining later, Eddie has Steve’s jeans on and is pulling his yellow sweater over his head. Eddie even does a little spin.
Steve looks him over and realizes that he feels the same way towards Eddie as he always has. He definitely finds him attractive, and even has the thought in the back of his head that he wouldn’t mind kissing him. Plus, Eddie in his clothes is definitely adorable wait-
Since when has he always wanted to kiss Eddie?
“Oh shit. You cannot tell me that this actually worked,” Eddie says and then laughs. “Okay, very funny, Steve. You can cut it out now.” Steve feels Eddie grab his shoulders, “Steve?”
Steve turns to look at him and says, “Eddie, I really want to kiss you.”
Eddie steps back and says, “Steve, this really isn’t funny. Just knock it off.”
“I’m serious,” Steve says with as much conviction as he has. “And I don’t mean just right now, but I mean that it’s always been there in the back of my head, and I’ve been ignoring it. But, shit, I want to kiss you.”
“Why don’t you buy me dinner first?” Eddie jokes and then stops. “You’re serious?”
“One hundred percent.”
Eddie walks closer to Steve mumbling under his breath, “I cannot believe this worked. Must be a bisexual thing.”
Steve laughs and says, “Maybe it is.”
Eddie finally gets up in front of him and cups his jaw. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
“Not if I beat you to i-”
Eddie cuts him off with a soft kiss before pulling away and looking at Steve with a bit of fear in his eyes.
“Holy shit, I’m bisexual,” Steve says with a laugh before kissing Eddie again. He pulls back and says, “Wait, this isn’t just you helping me to realize, right? Like, I want to go on a date with you. Multiple if you wanted that…”
“Oh thank fuck,” Eddie says and kisses Steve again.
Steve will have to thank Nancy and Robin later.
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rzyraffek · 1 year ago
hey I hope this doesn’t sound like a weird request but could u like slashers (preferably Michael Myers, Jason, maybe Billy loomis or Stu?, and the Sinclair brothers) kidnapping “adopting” reader? Like them kind yknow unaliving (Child) readers family then like having to like care for reader???? Idk if it makes sense but it came to me in a dream about me being a kid and Michael myers becoming my dad 😭
This request is such a cute idea!!! I made so much content about perent!slasher and kid!y/n cuz its way more entertaining for me to write!! Authors note at the end!
They/them, sfw, Request open
Slashers trying to be decent dad figures
Jason Voorhees
First of all, why on earth would your perent take you all the way here??? Your a smal baby and this is dangerous! Not only cuz jason is here, but wolfs? Boars? Huge forest AND lake???
So basically he didnt expect a child here
When he was in one of cabins he heard crying from bathroom, after few seconds of planing a murder he realised that is a child crying
His heart skipped a beat and he kinda begun to panic. HUH??? A CHILD? EEE eee oh god the whole backyard is covered in blood... oh no did I scare them?? Oh no
Dude gets more spooked than a child
After they got along he kinda makes them live in his cabin, he spends good portion of time just hanging around
Y/n gets used to their new mute friend and learns their own ways to understand him
Dude is that type of dad who will let y/n paint his nails and he will dress up in cute outfits just to make his kid happy
100% checks under their bed for monsters (and closet too!)
Wants to teach them all about nature! Which plants are good, how to find animals to eat, how to avoid humans
He dodges the topic of slaughtering y/n perents... where are they?? Ermmm idk didnt see them
Micheal Myers
Dude is pretty passive when it comes to kids
He exists, they exists, but as far as kids don't bother him, he won't bother them
But oh lourd..... your his little girl/boi/kid and he is going to do everything to keep it that way
He sees it differently than others, he helped you, took you away from those horrible people (no matter if y/n past perents were bad or good people) why would you want to leave? Or miss them?
But no matter how he feels, he is still Micheal, he won't be very cuddly or clingy. Then y/n needs comforting he will sit next to them, let them talk, tbh he is okay with them giving him some physical attention but he won't hug them back
Steals dolls, figurines, crayons for y/n
He never gets rid of his stalker nature, he is always there, watching, making sure there's noone in their way. Noone bothering or looking at y/n. He sometimes watches them sleep, just looking, he is the only monster in their closet
Huge fan of stickers btw
After good few months he takes off his mask when with y/n! He knows they accept him and love him! I mean his face is as emotionless as its owner but it still matters(at least now you know where he is staring at)
Billy and Stu
Dudes probably were like "eeeerr billy? That *instert y/n perents name* eee you didn't tell me they had a kid?" "the WHAT"
*stu giving y/n chocolates while billy panics in room next to it wondering wtf to do with y/n*
"We can't just keep it! Who is going to take care of it?"
They kept you btw, Billy will say that they did that only so you don't go and call police but they got really attached
Stu is the fun dad while Billy is the serious dad
"Hi baby we bought you happy meal" "child did you do your homework"
Billy rages over monopoli and stu cheats in uno
Sinclair brothers
"Lester who tf is in your truck?" "Eeee I found it?"
Vince lets y/n sleep in his bed when they have nightmares. He also really wants y/n to do arts like him😊
Lester just vibes, you like cars kid? Let's go on car trip! You like wildlife? I know where deers at!
Bo teaches y/n how to shoot while they are way too young to even hold a gun
Y/n will be extremely spoiled btw
None of them know how to cook full meal
Lester will call y/n buddy, pal, kiddo
Bo will call them child, goblin, spawn on satan, little princes(or a prince)
Vincent will see them as little creature and a baby
Vincent let's y/n play and decorate his hair, they also make wax figurines together and play with dog. He is more like older shy brother than a father figure but if you want you can work with this
Bo lets y/n sleep on him and draw on his arms, he also hopes y/n never grows up cuz they are tiny and cute. He also sometimes gives them his hat
Lester loves showing of his skull collection and driving around forest, just talking. He also enjoys lisening to y/n monologues while he is working
All of them get little heart attack when they hear y/n swear. All bets on Bo accidentally saying bad word next to y/n and them just repeating it
Bo and lester love to just put you on their shoulder! And vince just pickes y/n up like sack of potatos (but gently)
Tickle fights with Vince
Arm wrestling with Lester who pretends that y/n is too strong and lets them win
All x reader tags are here only to reach bigger audience! Im sorry if there's any misstypes or anything weird! I kinda wrote it in rush cuz I feel bad for making yall wait for requests so long! I should make this hc list longer but I am very tired. Goodnight
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wonderjanga · 1 month ago
Hiiii, how are you?
I'm nervous here, it's the first time I've made an Ask here on Tumblr-
Aaaanyway, I wanted to give you an idea, I couldn't find it, but I've seen a post where Billy goes deaf after being struck by lightning
The post doesn't show it, and I can't think and come up with ideas to write it myself, but I would love to see what his interactions and relationships with the civilians and heroes would be like as a deaf person.
So, if you see this and want to write a post based on it, please tag me chum, xoxo.
— justv0id, at your pleasure :D
I’m good! I haven’t been posting as much recently because I’ve suddenly grown a little busy but other than that, I’m a-okay! I just need to work out a few kinks in my personal life and I should be back to the two posts a day schedule. ALSO, anyone is free to ask questions there’s no need to be nervous!
Marvel: *minding his business*
Tourist: “Captain Marvel? Could you take a photo with me?”
Marvel: *obviously doesn’t hear him because he’s deaf*
Tourist: “Captain?”
Marvel: *still doesn’t hear him*
Tourist: “If you don’t want to take a photo with me, you can just say so.” *starting to sound a little mad*
Marvel: *again, doesn’t hear him*
Tourist: “Dude, stop ignoring me-”
Random Fawcitizen: *runs up and socks the stuffing out of them*
All Fawcitizens are a little a lot protective of Cap. Some people unfortunately have to experience this first have.
Martian Manhunter(MM), Miss Martian, and Marvel: *all standing in the circle, staring at each other intensely*
Random Civilian: What are they doing…?
Meanwhile… In the Telepathy Link…
Marvel: “That’s what I was saying! That show is garbage!”
Miss Martian: “It is not! It’s literally amazing!”
MM: “M’gann… Please do not lie. At least not to the both of our faces.”
Reporters: *hounding him and asking a bunch of questions*
Marvel: *just smiles, gives a little head nod before flying off*
Ladies: “He’s so dreamy and mysterious!”
Marvel: *actually left because he knew that if he were to say a single word to answer any of their questions, he’d probably shatter all their eardrums because he has little to no volume control*
Batman: *signing to him*
Marvel: *nodding along*
Batman: *pleased that he found a way to communicate with Marvel*
Marvel: *has no idea what he’s saying and just think he’s throwing up gang signs* (“You know what? You go, man.” Billy thinks to himself for the 50 millionth time)
I’d also like to think this vid would perfectly encapsulate a not deaf Junior and a deaf Marvel.
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cer-rata · 6 months ago
Fic WIP: “No One Majored In Chemistry"
“...So yes, I’m going to figure out which one of you it was.” Billy growled into his phone as he dodged and weaved through the crowd of other excited freshmen.
Bruce sighed on the other end. “Are you really saying it’s impossible that you could have gotten into a good school without one of us meddling?”
“Gee, I dunno, acceptance and a full-ride scholarship to an ivy league school I didn’t apply to, with no active requirements to keep it up? Because of my AV experience? Room and board included? UPenn has a 6.5% acceptance rate, and again, I didn’t even apply, Bruce!”
A pause. “...It was Diana. Drop out, and she might actually cry.” Then he hung up, because of course he did. Billy groaned.
Fine. It was fine. Maybe superhero nepotism had gotten him into college, maybe that meant some other, more worthy kid didn’t get a shot. He had to balance that guilt with gratitude: Because someone clearly believed in him, and that meant a lot. Ugh, he couldn’t even yell at Diana about it, you can’t just yell at Diana! Why couldn’t it have been Ollie? Half of his job was giving people someone to yell at!
He was so frustrated that he pushed the door to his dorm open way harder than he intended, and it slammed against the wall, startling the boy who had apparently gotten there first. He spun on his heels away from the window where he’d been setting up some figurines and pointed a pair of accusatory finger-guns at Billy. He looked like a Scandinavian dude, with all of the trappings: Tall, broad shoulders, long shiny blond hair, blue eyes as sharp as Tim’s but somehow much less eerie to look at, probably because he wasn’t being possessed by the ghost of a Victorian street urchin.
“Oh! Oh, hey.” He pushed some hair out of his face and flashed Billy a bright smile.
“I recommend this one, Batson.” 
Billy paused. He didn’t recognize that voice, who was--Oh no. Oh no, Achilles never said anything unless he was asked a direct question, and even then--OH NO.
The guy cleared his throat. “Um…You’re Billy, right?”
Crap, I missed a dialogue cue! “Uh, yeah, yeah, sorry, weird…weird morning.” Billy quickly propped his suitcase against his bed and walked over to offer the guy a handshake, which was smoothly accepted. Billy wasn’t a little guy, 5”7 was perfectly average, but this guy--wait, what was his name?
“Yeah, totally, it’s been a weird morning. It’s nice to meet you, though! I’m Garth.”
Ah, okay. “Garth” had at least five inches on him, and that, combined with the length of the fingers and width of the palm that consumed his hand served to make average old Billy feel kind of small.
“Me…me too. Um. I mean, it’s nice to also meet you, not that I’m Garth. I don’t know you well enough to decide if I want to steal your identity yet.”
Garth let out a surprised giggle and raised an eyebrow. “...Well, I hope to prove that my credit score is worthy of being ravished.”
His smile made Billy’s eyes sting a little bit, but on a level he wondered if that was a product of every one of the degenerates in his mind (and maybe Solomon) trying to get a look at once.
“Aha, I guess we’ll see!”
Garth shook his head a little and smirked. Then his eyes flicked over to Billy’s bed. “Wait, is that your only bag?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. I…don’t like having a ton of clothes.” It was kind of true.
Garth nodded. “Hmm. Fair enough. I’m a little bit of a…well…” He gestured to the pile of clothes on his bed. “...I like shirts.”
"Nothing wrong with that, you seem to be good at…wearing shirts.” What?
“I dunno man, I haven’t had any coffee, the prompt was: 'Friendly compliment that is also not weird.'”
Garth laughed again and patted him on the shoulder, and it was at that moment that Billy realized that they’d just been standing in handshake range the entire time. He backed up in the direction of his bed a bit, and Garth took that as a cue to go back to unpacking while he talked. 
“I’m from Gotham, my standard for weird is a little warped.”
Billy sat on the edge of his bed and quietly lamented that his feet didn’t reach all the way to the floor. “Gotham is a wild place, yeah. Probably cursed.” Literally cursed, actually.
“Yeah, yeah there’s…yeah. But imma be real, I think Fawcett is much scarier.”
How does he know I’m from Fawcett?
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, that place is a Buzzfeed unsolved video waiting to happen, I mean there’s a reason the Big Red Goober hangs out there so often, right? Magic is spooky, man.”
Billy bit his cheek. “Ah, well, you may have a point, there have been a couple weird things over the years.”
Garth let the silence ride for a beat as he put some sweaters in his closet. “Hey so, big fan of your podcast, by the way.”
Billy chuckled nervously. “How…how do you know about that?”
“How many Billy Batsons can there be?”
“Honestly? A WEIRD number.”
Garth snorted and stretched slightly to get to the top shelf. Achilles noted that his shoulder-to-chest ratio was good for archery (and other things), and Billy tried his best to ignore him. “Either way, I figured you’d be a little more braggy about getting to interview superheroes, that’s kind of good for like, street cred and shit. But I guess being a bit of a shy little guy makes sense, all things considered.”
Billy was about to defend himself against the “little guy” accusations, but Garth turned around and made eye contact again, which derailed him long enough that he lost the window, and Garth continued on. 
“So, what’re you majoring in?”
“Mixed media, with a minor in journalism.” For some reason, Billy felt a little self-conscious whenever he told someone, like it was somehow unrealistic, when in reality it had been made abundantly clear to him that the concept of ‘unrealistic’ did not apply to a life like his.
Garth seemed to think it was cool, even. “Oh that’s great! Makes sense, you seem like the type to be good at all of that stuff.”
Billy fought to keep a blush down. “Ah, gee. Um, wh-what about you?”
“Pre-med and Screenwriting. Dual major.” 
Billy blinked a couple times. “Wow that--”
“Yeah, yeah I know. I kinda…I kinda applied to both departments and didn’t expect to get into either, so when I got into both I kind of panicked and accepted. So. You know. It’s…I’ll be fine, I’m used to juggling plates.” He brushed some hair out of his face and tucked it behind an ear, and for the first time in the fifteen minutes that Billy had known him, Garth looked a little nervous. Only for a moment though, then it was all smiles again. “Hey, that reminds me actually…”
Billy’s eyes widened as he watched the blond cross their room to sit right next to him on his bed. “Uh, wh--”
“How are we going to do this?”
“Oh, I do like it when they’re forward.” Zeus, please!
Garth leaned back on his hands.“I have two stressful majors, my mom has been in AA since before I was born, so no drinking, and I like people. Do you see where I’m going with this?”
“Well, theater, medicine, Gotham, parental stress: You’re one rejection letter from turning into a Phantom of the Opera themed, organ-harvesting villain of the week?” Why did I say that!?
He could hear the smug satisfaction in Hermes' voice. “Just a little inspiration, for free. You’re welcome.” AHHHHHHH--
Garth laughed really hard at that one, and any cool vibe he was trying to foster was shattered by the way his cheeks went pink and he snorted. Billy could suddenly see the dork behind the symmetrical features and shiny hair.
“Fuck you! This just means you’re gonna be my first victim, Batson. That kidney?” Billy giggled and leaned away as Garth jabbed a finger right over where his kidney actually was. “Is mine.”
“This is good,” Achilles said, “Generally this is where I’d suggest pulling your shirt up, and enticing him with your wares, but that may be unwise as you’ve neglected your mortal body’s physical integrity, you disappointing, noodly-armed twink--”
Garth raised an eyebrow and Billy realized with horror that he’d let that one escape.
“Sorry, just…remembered…a thing--where were you going with that before you claimed my kidney?”
“Oh! Yeah right. So I’m gonna like…be busy, you know? ‘Everybody stares at me, boys, girls, I can't help it, baby--’”
“You did NOT just quote Rent--”
“It’s a good musical! What I’m asking is if you want to like, set up a schedule, or is there a codeword, or do I put a sock on the door, or…you know.” He wiggled his eyebrows and Billy wanted to die. For some reason. 
“Oh, uh. I mean yeah I guess you can just text me? But it’s not gonna be--”
“Yeah don’t worry, I’m a considerate guy, I won’t screw you.”
“Wow, Batson, look at that, you’ve already taken yourself off of the table.”
“That’s not what he meant! Wait, shoot--”
“Who are you arguing with?” Garth asked casually.
Billy slowly turned to look back at him. “...Eheh, whaaaat? Sorry, just, my internal monologue sometimes--”
“It was Zeus, right? I know about the Ganymede thing, I figure I’m within his taste range.”
“He’s not wrong.”
A chill shot through Billy and he frowned. “...How do you--”
“Dami' wanted me to be prepared in the event of, and I quote, ‘Billy fucking up badly enough that you end up with a demon trying to crawl up your ass.’ End quote.”
Billy stared at him. 
“...When you say ‘Dami'--’”
“The stabbiest Christmas elf, yeah.”
Billy groaned. 
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thevoidstaredback · 2 months ago
“Is that how you came outta the wall when we met?” Billy asked as they walked down the hallway.
“Yeah,” Danny answered, “why?”
“Dude, that’s wack.” Billy grinned.
Danny grinned back. “You ever been inside the House of Mysteries?”
“Nope!” A gasp, “Is that where we are?”
“Yep,” he smirked. The two stopped outside of a door. “This is my room. You’ll want to transform before we go any further. I don’t know who all is here, and the House likes to mess with me specifically.”
Billy opened the door, walking into the room. He whistled as he looked around. “What’d you do to piss off a house?”
“‘House’.” Danny corrected, closing the door behind himself.
“You’re missing the capital H in ‘House’. It’s picky.”
The walls creaked and the closet door opened before slamming shut. Billy jumped and Danny chuckled.
“Told ya.”
“Right… Apologies, House. How..are you?”
The drawers in the bedside tables opened and closed softly, the light flickering.
“I assume that’s good?”
“Yeah,” was the answer, “Congrats, kid, the House likes you.”
“Is that a good thing?”
Danny shrugged, “Usually.”
The rug shifted under his feet, making him wobble.
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry! It’s a good thing that the House likes you.” He glared at the ceiling. “Are ya happy?!”
The light flickered again.
Danny huffed. “Stupid House.”
The rug was ripped out from under him, knocking him to the floor. Billy laughed at him.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.” Danny huffed, the smile on his face betraying him. “Now, transform, I wanna show ya around but we can’t do that in civvies.”
“Right.” Billy whipped the tears from his eyes. “Shazam!” In a flash of sound and lightning, Captain Marvel was now standing in the room. “It’s all so small now.”
Danny pouted, letting his own, much less showy, transformation wash over him. “Not all of us grow two feet every time they activate their powers.”
Now that both were letting their powers cover them, they could both hear the footsteps pounding through the House. The closer they got to the room, the bigger their matching grins grew. Without a word, Phantom turned himself and Captain Marvel invisible for an impromptu game of Hide ‘N Seel with the Justice League Dark.
Bruce ws watining in the Batcave when Tim got back. He’d sent the other three back to wherever they wanted to go and had gone straight to the Batcave from the nearest ZETA from the park he’d met Phantom and the kid in. The kid that he outed Phantom to. The kid that Phantom outed him and his friends to. The kid that now knows five hero identities.
Bruce was so gonna kill him. Or worse, bench him!
“Is there something you want to tell me, Tim?” was the damning question.
The rest of the Cave was empty, leaving Tim and Bruce alone. Bruce was at the Battable, meaning that he was blocking Tim from the main four entrances to the Manor. There were several others, but he had the feeling that Bruce was cornering him alone out of courtesy. He took a seat directly opposite Bruce at the foot of the table.
Tim was trained by the best of the best. He is the best of the best. He did not let his emotions show as he sat and prepared a response. “There’s a lot of things you could be asking about, B. The case from three weeks ago, the case from yesterday, why Jason’s kitchen was painted neon pink, why my spleen’s missing, why Damian has a bull in the stables, how Dick became a dog-father, et cetera. Take your pick.” Good. Give him options. Throw him off.
Bruce didn’t even blink. “While all of that is going to be addressed sooner rather than later, it can all wait. I want to know what you were doing in Fawcett today.”
“Fawcett?” Tim asked, “I wasn’t in Fawcett.”
Bruce’s expression was unamused.
“Okay, so I was in Fawcett for a little while. What does it matter? Conner, Cassie, Bart, and I were just hanging out in a park.”
“How are you going to explain this to literally anyone?”
“What do you mean?”
“You were seen in public today here in Gotham. An hour later, you were seen in Fawcett, Pennsylvania.”
“Tim-” He breathed deeply. “I’ve covered for you already, but the ZETA Tubes are not for recreational use. They are to be used in costume and only while in costume unless there’s an emergency. Now, unless you can giveme a good explanation, you’re benched for a week.”
“You can’t-!”
“Then you’d better start talking.”
This was so not fair! Tim decidedly did not sink into his chair or huff or cross his arms. He sat like he was in a business meeting at WE because he’s above pouting, thank you very much. “I wanted to talk to Phantom.”
Bruce didn’t speak. He didn’t even twitch more than to blink.
“I wanted to apologise for the last time I saw him.”
“And?” he raised an eyebrow.
Tim sunk further down. “...and ask what was in his coffee from the meeting.”
“It’s not my fault! That shit’s addicting and I only had a tiny sip, so I can’t recreated it based on taste alone!”
“That’s not what I’m upset about, Tim.”
He paused. “Then, what are you upset about?”
Bruce leaned back in his chair, a show of relaxation, but Tim knew he was ever so slightly uncomfortable. Being a father is way out of Bruce’s depth, but he’s doing his best. “Phantom hasn’t ever been seen outside of accompanying the JLD on their missions. And even those sightings are few and far between.” Tim looked away. “You tracked him down in civvies, right? That’s why you were in the park.”
Tim didn’t answer. It was answer enough.
Bruce sighed, closing his eyes and pinching the ridge of his nose. “I don’t share my civilian identity because that would endanger not only myself, but you and your siblings and everyone we know and care about. Everyone in the Justice League has similar reasons. Phantom is not an exception to this.”
“I know-”
“You confronted him in a public area with witnesses, Tim!” Bruce didn’t yell, nor did he actually move. “Now we have a civilian who knows five hero identities! Not to mention, you’ve given Phantom more than enough reason to use your name against you.”
“No.” He breathed deeply and stood. “I will talk to Phantom when I can. In the meantime, you’re benched for two months. Dick and I will be taking your cases. Aside from school and work, you’re effectively grounded. Do you understand?”
“Do you-! Understand?”
A beat, then, “Yes.”
“Go to your room.”
Part 11 Part 13
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hmhas-00 · 2 months ago
Ch. 11
Hit Me Hard & Soft
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A/N: i've been so busy but here's ch11!! I hope you like :)
Billie’s POV
I waited a while, checking my phone for a reply constantly but got nothing. I forced myself out of bed to get ready for rehearsal. I start the bath and undress, putting a Netflix show on my phone. I lower myself into the hot, bubbling tub and prop my phone up on the side.
I spend a while here, leaning my head back on the rolled up towel I set up for myself. I zoned off, thinking about switching out a few songs for tonight’s show.
As I drifted off into a daydream, my phone began buzzing. I opened my eyes to see it was Remy calling. Before I could dry my hands off, it slid towards the edge of the tub. My attempt to catch it failed, and my phone fell inside the water.
I fished it out of the bath water, trying to answer the call anyways, but the screen was completely glitched out. Immediately, I got up and tried to dry it with a towel, shaking the water out of the charging port, only to realize my phone was completely messed up.
“You have to be fucking kidding me!” I grunted, sitting back down in my bath and throwing my useless phone at the floor. This is the least relaxing bath I’ve ever taken in my life.
I quickly drained the bath and took a shower, trying my best to not get into an irreversible horrible mood. When I finished getting ready, I threw an oversized hoodie over my outfit, put my hair in a pony tail, and left for the venue to start rehearsal.
“In the bathtub? No wonder you weren’t answering me.” Finneas tuned his guitar, prepping for sound check.
It was already 4:30pm, and we were getting ready before the concert at 7pm. Finneas joining me on stage for the next three days was the main thing keeping me going.
“Yeah, I was gonna ask, do you have an extra phone I can borrow for now?” I laughed, waiting for our sound guy’s sign to start testing the mics.
“We can get the team to get you a phone by tonight.” He laughed along with me.
“Actually, I was gonna tell you… Before I drowned my phone, I texted Remy.”
“You did?” He looked at me, wanting to know all the details.
“Yeah, I don’t know if you saw her instagram post, but when I saw it, I just wanted to talk to her… Tell her how much I miss her.” I looked down at the mic, fidgeting.
“What did you text her?”
“It’s literally so dumb. I feel so stupid, dude…”
“Tell me!” He begged, excitedly.
I cleared my throat and paraphrased, “I said… I saw your wall, it’s incredible.”
He laughed, leaning back and smacking my arm. “Literally no one… Trump fans.”
“Shut the fuck up!” I cringed at myself, laughing with him. “And then I just double texted her, and told her I missed her, and I wished I was with her in her newly painted room.”
“That’s rough, man.” He caught his breath, finishing up his guitar sound check. “Please tell me she answered before you destroyed your phone.”
“She called AS my phone jumped in the bath with me, dude.” I groaned, pouting while stifling a laugh.
“Fuuuuck!” He chuckled. “You wanna use my phone and give her a call back?”
“I was gonna call her from the hotel phone after the show. I don’t want her to think I purposely ignored her call.”
“So this is your first time speaking in over three weeks, huh? That’s almost a month. Have you thought about what you’re going to say?” He walked with me to the greenroom as we talked.
“Sort of. I’m going to apologize for sure. Hopefully, it goes well, and she forgives me. Hopefully it won’t lead to an argument. She’ll probably want to talk about it, though. I just don’t want to mess up and say the wrong things, you know?”
“Just speak from your heart. Don’t hide anything, leave it all out in the open. That’s just my advice.” He patted my back and grabbed a snack from the table.
“Yeah. I hope I can do that. I hope she even answers.” I shrugged, thinking about the possibility that she may not even want to talk anymore.
What if she changed her mind. What if me not answering hurt her feelings. What if she was just calling to tell me to go fuck myself instead?
“Let’s see right now.” Finneas immediately dialed her on his phone, putting it on speaker.
“No!” I covered my mouth and held my breath. I guess there would never be a better time to rip the bandaid off.
It rang for a while, the dial tone continuing on, until her voicemail greeting played. He hung up.
“Maybe she’s busy?” He looked at me, trying not to let me down.
“Maybe.” My heart drops. She usually answers Finneas, so the fact that she didn’t, made me feel like she didn’t want to hear from, or about me. Like she figured I was still on my bullshit and Finneas was calling to fix it for me. I fucked up. She’s probably hurt. I double text her, then I decline her call. She must think I’m the worst.
Finneas pats my back and gives me a sympathetic smile. “Don’t worry.” He says.
The day goes on, my body traveled through space and time in autopilot. It passed by in a blink, and suddenly it was time to perform. I tried my best to get excited for the show while Finneas and the rest of the crew hyped me up. Before I knew it, I was on stage catching that adrenaline rush that was so familiar to me.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
After the show, I ran under the stage and back to the green room to grab some water and have a breather. Finneas trailed behind me, plopping on the same couch from earlier. It was a pretty known ritual of mine to immediately have some alone time to catch my breath after a show, mostly to keep the crew or management from rushing me all at once. I gave Finneas a heads up that I’d be getting un-ready in my dressing room, and made my way over.
I stretched my arms over my head and let out a giant yawn as I approached my room. Turning the knob, I swung the door open, exhausted from quite the performance I had put on, both physically and mentally.
Inside the room sat a pretty brunette facing the vanity mirror, holding an enormous bouquet of white, long stem roses. She straightened her posture and watched me through the reflection. Her back faced me until I stepped in and closed the door behind me.
“Remy?” I took a step closer. She turned around, remaining seated in the velvet stool. I almost didn’t believe it was real. I wanted to pinch myself but I was found half paralyzed, barely able to form full sentences.
“Hey, you.” She shyly spoke, her voice filling my heart with warmth and relief. She held the flowers out to me, standing up and looking at the brown-paper wrapped two-dozen in her hands. She struggled making eye contact and her arm was a bit shaky.
I stepped forward, moving the flowers out of the way and pulling her into my arms. We said nothing for a while, steadying our heartbeats. I indulged in our embrace, swaying back and forth out of habit. I focused on the reflection on the mirror in front of me, taking a mental picture of this moment. Her chin rested on my shoulder, her head only half an inch lower than mine. Her arms wrapped around my torso, and my hands on her upper and lower back. For three weeks, alI I needed was this hug.
Finally we broke the silence, “I’m sorry.” We both blurted out.
I pulled away, looking at her delicate face. She looked back down at the flowers, avoiding my gaze. Her makeup was done so lightly tonight, with a thin winged eyeliner standing out. I looked at her perfectly high cheekbones, noticing just a bit of shine added to them. Her hair was done in loose, wavy curls, with her curtain bangs remaining straight. Her lips were brushed over with a sheer gloss, her lips naturally plump and mauve. At the sight of them, I tucked my bottom lip under my top one, thinking before I let myself speak and ruin everything.
“Remy, I’m the one who should be sorry.” I finally mustered up the courage to talk, although careful not to reveal too much. “I fucked up. I didn’t know what the hell I was saying. I’m an idiot, I thought I was helping, but I was just being selfish. And this whole time I thought I was angry at you, but really-“ I stopped myself, noticing her long eyelashes batting at me.
I paused, taking a deep breath and giving myself a moment to think before continuing. “I was angry at you for nothing. I was wrong. I shouldn’t expect you to listen to everything I say, or make decisions about your career based on-“ I sighed, feeling like I could never find the words. I was tip toeing around the real problem, just like Finneas said. I wanted to be honest with her so badly, I did. I knew I couldn’t. It wasn’t the right time.
“It’s okay. I forgive you. I’m sorry, too.” She looked directly in my eyes. Her stare felt like knives jabbing into my soul.
“No, don’t apologize-“
“Let me apologize. Please.” She started, handing me the bouquet that she had trimmed and prepared herself. “I know I’m not the easiest person to be friends with. I have a lot of baggage, and-“
“Stop. Don’t say that-“ I hated hearing that. I hated thinking I contributed to her feeling this way.
She protested, “No, it’s true. We’ve been friends for so long, and you’ve been there through everything. You did pick me back up, and maybe that does give you the right to feel like you have to protect me and shield me from everything.”
I swallowed, admiring the roses in my hand, while listening to her soft voice.
“But you have to let me make my own choices and my own mistakes. And I need you to support me, because you’re all I have.” She began to cry, “Billie, this month has been so hard without being able to just text you or call you, and then you casually text me-“
I quickly put the roses on the vanity next to us and brought her into another hug. “I’m so sorry, Remy. I’m so stupid. I should’ve been more supportive. I’m stubborn and I think everyone should just think like me. I just wanted you to be happy. And it just felt like you’d be happier if I didn’t butt in on your life…” I gently placed a hand on the back of her head. Her hair smelled like jasmine and vanilla, and felt silky smooth. “It just hurt. Some of the things you said hurt, and I’m so fucking stubborn.”
I pulled away, grabbing both of her hands. A small gasp escaped my lips, “And today, when you called me, the reason I didn’t answer is because my phone fell in the bathtub and it fucking broke, I swear to god I wasn’t ignoring you. That time.”
She nodded, smiling a bit. That smile she held back from me, although minuscule, meant the world to me.
“I promise you, no more telling you what to do, no more harsh, unnecessary comments about your work. I’m going to support you, no matter what. If you ever kill Joe, I’ll be your alibi, we’ll bury the body together.”
She let out a small laugh. I made her laugh. Thank God.
“That was a joke.” I smiled. “I’m sorry for being so-“
She shook her head, “Me too. I’m sorry for complaining so fucking much. I understand why you want me out of there so bad. But I need to keep pursuing this. I feel it. Trust me, okay?” She smiled, letting go of my hands and wiping her tears. “And I’m sorry for saying that shit about you before I left the car. It’s not true. You’re not like that at all.”
I nodded. “It’s okay, I deserved it. I was such a dick, Remy.” I rubbed my eyes and took my hair out of the messy ponytail. “Let’s get out of here. We’ll go anywhere you want.”
“Billie.” She grabbed my arms, grazing my skin softly with her fingers. Her touch gave me goosebumps.
“I know you love me.” She looked directly into my eyes.
“You do?” My heart dropped all the way down into my ass. My stomach turned and my knees weakened.
“Yeah, you’re the greatest friend I could ask for.” She smiled.
The word friend echoed in my head, giving me the urge to break my neck right in front of her. However, I thanked my lucky stars that’s what she meant. This meant nothing had changed, and we’d continue as normal. As best friends…
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bless-my-demons · 1 year ago
Redamancy: Chapter Twenty-One
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: More angst, but of the wolfy-variety!
Notes: I know I said two chapters before Jasper, but I had to fit this one in which is why I’m posting out of my normal window. Trust the process when it comes to why I did what I did this chapter lol and if you don’t spot it, everything will be fine (famous last words). Honestly I think I’m just healing inner me with how I wish conversations should’ve happened in the movie lol
Word Count: 2401
Series Masterlist
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• March 8th, 2006 • Home •
Time starts to pass by a little easier with Quil, the quiet isn’t as deafening even when there’s a comfortable silence. I think the same could be said for Quil, since all of his Rez friends have gone AWOL.
Our days are usually spent under blankets on my couch, watching movies and just being present for each other. Plus, there’s not much to do in this tiny ass town anyways.
“Heard anything?” I ask him tentatively, hopefully.
He shakes his head solemnly in response, eyes never leaving the tv. The fact that he doesn’t even want to talk about Jake or Embry twists a new little knife in my gut.
“I’m okay, Y/n/n.” The grin doesn’t quite reach his eyes and I hate it.
“It’s okay to miss them, I know it’s hard to be stuck with just me now-”
“Don’t.” He reaches over to grab my ankle since I’m facing him on the couch and drags it to his lap, “You’re here and they’re not. I was friends with them longer and they ditched me for other dudes. I’m where I want to be.”
“You don’t have to hold it all in, I’m familiar with that feeling.” I nudge his hand with my socked foot to get him to look at me. “What good am I if I don’t therapize you too?”
“That would insinuate I do anything for you, you won’t talk about him.” His gaze levels on me and I’m caught red handed.
“There’s not much to it, I-I loved him and he’s gone. End of story.” I pick at the loose strings on my blanket, the topic hard for me to meet his eyes.
“There’s everything to it.” He squeezes my foot, “Not end of story, you deserve to vent just as much as I do. You don’t need to feel guilty for grieving him, heartache is a real bitch.”
“Heartache is a bitch, huh?” I huff a laugh as I try to breathe through the tears that want to spring up.
“Y/n, I’m the loneliest guy on the planet. In the male friends department and the girlfriend department, don’t make fun of me.” His lighthearted tone trying and failing to make light of his situation.
“We’re just fucked, aren’t we?” His brown eyes meet mine as we commiserate in our collective sadness.
His head drops back against the back of the couch, “Beyond comprehension, my dear Y/n/n.”
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• March 11th, 2006 • Home •
My finger hovers over a text to Quil, asking him to come over, when I get a call from my other best friend.
“Bells, hey-”
“I need backup.” Her request draws me up short. “I’m going to the Rez-I need to see Jacob.”
“Bella, he’s with Sam now-”
“I don’t care anymore, you in?” She presses.
“I was in the second you called, I’ll be waiting outside.”
“Good, because I’m almost there.” Hanging up the phone, I grab a jacket and my shoes.
So much for the first day of Spring Break, might as well start it off with a bang.
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•March 11th, 2006 • Quileute Indian Reservation•
Bella slid to a stop in Jacob’s driveway and both of us hopped out, memories of bike-building settling like a weight in my stomach. It wasn’t even that long ago and I miss it, I miss Jacob.
Bella knocks on the glass pane of his front door and Billy Black answers, “Bella?”
“I need to see him.”
“He-,” glancing between us briefly, “he’s not in.” The lie blatantly obvious.
“I’m sorry,” Bella pushes past his wheelchair and inside the house, “I really need to see him.”
I remain awkwardly on the front porch, torn between not wanting to intrude or following my friend.
“Bella!” Billy’s warning is ineffective as she storms to Jacob’s room.
Just when the situation couldn’t possibly get worse, I spot four shirtless figures emerging from the forest by the house, Sam’s group.
I hear the back door open and shut and I just know it’s Bella.
I sprint around the house to catch up to her, “Bella!” But my warning falls on deaf ears, she’s on a warpath for the boys. “Shit.” I mutter under my breath.
Stomping up to the tallest - Sam, “What did you do?” She pushes his chest, hard. “What did you do, huh? What did you do to him?!”
“Hey - watch it!” The other two guys plus Embry shout as they step up around their leader.
“Easy.” The word is more of a growl than anything and it causes the hair on the back of my neck to rise.
If this comes to a fight, we’re fucked.
“He didn’t want this!” Her desperation pulls at my heart.
“What did we do? What did he do? What did he tell you?” The questions from the guy to Sam’s right are rapid-fire, his anger clearly volatile.
“He tells me nothing, because he’s scared of you!”
The same guy barks out a laugh, clearly he finds her concern for Jacob silly.
“Bella, let’s go home-” but my plead immediately goes unheard because she throws a fucking right hook for the guys face, son of a bitch.
“Too late now.” Another guy jokes, clearly enjoying the situation.
“Bella, get back!” Sam orders, trying to diffuse the situation as this guy begins to shake.
I grab her arm and we slowly start to retreat for her truck, too scared to turn and take our eyes off of the angry male.
“Bella…” I whisper, unsure of what to do.
“Paul! Calm down now.” The authority in Sam’s voice rings through the backyard, but it’s too late somehow.
The shaking and heavy breathing from Paul leads to a transformation that snatches my breath from my body - a wolf. And not just any wolf, a wolf from the fucking meadow. A wolf that saved us from Laraunt, now standing before us where Paul was.
Where Paul was.
Paul is a wolf. A really big one at that - a really big angry one.
Anger directed at Bella and by association, me. The death grip I have on her fucking arm has to be painful, but the menacing look in his eyes shocks me to my bones.
Bella moves before I do, using my tight grip on her to yank me into action with her as she makes for Jacob’s house.
“Bella! Y/n!” Jake yells, clearing the back porch railing in one leap, sprinting for us.
“Run! Jake, run!” Bella screams back at him, but he charges towards us anyways.
He jumps last minute before he reaches us and I trip trying to follow his path with my eyes before-
Before he turns into a fucking wolf too.
Jacob Black, our best friend, is a wolf? I mean, vampires are definitely a thing, but wolves?
Squaring off with Paul, both the russet-colored wolf and the silver-grey wolf launch for each other. Snapping and snarling as they roll into the woods, my heart painfully thumps in my chest, Jacob.
“Hey, take the girls back to Emily’s place.” Sam orders Embry and the last remaining male, both of them jogging over to us.
“I guess the wolf’s out of the bag.” They joke, ushering us up and towards Bella’s truck.
They’re wolves, Sam’s gaggle of Rez boys are fucking wolves. Jacob is one of them and so is Embry, what about Quil? Is this why they’ve ditched him, ditched us? Wolves can’t be friends with humans? What do I even tell him, or should I tell him anything?
My mind is racing a million miles an hour in the span of seconds with questions I desperately need answers to.
Embry holds open the passenger side door to Bella’s truck with a smile and I walk right past his invitation to climb in the bed with the newly acquainted Jared.
“Y/n, that’s not safe-”
“I’ll be fine.” I don’t even spare a glance at him with my monotone answer, I’m mad at him for how he’s treating Quil.
Jared raises his eyebrows and quirks a grin. “Feisty, I like it.”
Embry huffs as he shuts the door behind Bella and rounds the truck for the driver’s side, “Don’t encourage her, man.”
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• March 11th, 2006 • Uley Residence •
“Hey I think we should go back and see if Jacob’s okay.” Bella rolls down her window as the rest of us hop out of her truck.
“I hope Paul sinks some teeth in him, serves him right.” Jared quips to Embry.
“No way! Jacob’s a natural, you see him phase on the fly? I got five that says Paul doesn’t even touch him.” Embry argues, “C’mon in Bella! We won’t bite.”
“Speak for yourself.” Jared jokes and I shove him as we turn to walk inside.
“Oh hey, about Emily - Sam’s fiancé? Don’t stare, it bugs Sam.” Embry warns both of us before following Jared.
“Why would we stare?” Bella asks and I shrug, just as confused.
“You guys hungry? Like I have to ask.” The female in the kitchen asks the boys, laughing at what must be an inside joke. “Who’s this?” She asks after turning around, glancing between us.
“Bella Swan and Y/n Y/l/n.” Jared answers her.
“Hmm… So, you’re the vampire girl-well, girls.” I instantly admire her easy-going vibe, diving straight in to acknowledge the elephant in the room to get it over with.
“So you’re the wolf girl?” Bella asks in return, accepting her olive branch.
“Guess so,” smiling to herself, she picks up the largest platter I’ve ever seen of muffins, “Well, I’m engaged to one.” Snatching both Embry and Jared’s hands as they reach- “Save some for your brothers! And ladies first, muffin?” It’s comical, the way she mothers them.
“Thank you, Emily.” I smile at her and sit across from Jared, the muffin still warm from the oven.
“Leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam’s gag order.” Emily scoffs, not surprised.
“Umm, he didn’t… Say anything to us.” Glancing at me, Bella explains.
“That’s a wolf thing, alpha’s orders get obeyed whether we want ‘em to or not. Oh and check it out - we can hear each other’s thoughts.” Embry brags and I gape, this is all fucking wild.
“Would you shut up! These are trade secrets - damnit, these chicks run with vampires!” Jared’s frustration is lighthearted as he admonishes Embry for giving away some of their abilities.
“Can’t really run with vampires,” Emily and I chuckle at the boys not quite catching on, “Because they’re fast.”
“Yeah? Well we’re faster. Freaked out yet?”
“You’re not the first monsters we’ve met.”
“Jake’s right, you’re good with weird.” Sam nods at us, beelining for Emily as soon as he steps in the door. He presses kisses to her lips and then all over her face, causing her to giggle. The obvious display of affection carving out my heart just a little bit more - looking away I set my muffin down, no longer hungry.
Pushing and shoving each other, Paul and Jacob finally show - unhurt and brotherly even. They just beat the shit out of each other and they’re tighter than ever? Boys.
“Sorry.” Paul apologizes and flashes what has to be his signature smile at both of us.
I catch Jacob jerking his head towards the door and Bella follows, probably off to explain this whole entire shit show. I turn my gaze to Embry and level a glare on my former friend, waiting for him to say something.
“You going to let me explain? Or are you going to look at me like you’d like to castrate me until Bella gets back?” Embry stares right back, munching on another muffin.
“Jared?” I look at him sweetly and he grins, “take me home?”
Embry stands so quick and his chair teeters dangerously on two legs for a moment. “Y/n.” His tone is hard, done with this game.
“Embry.” I match him back.
He walks out the front door and it drags me from my own chair, this blowout long overdue.
“You know now and you’re still fucking mad at me?” He turns, leaning against Bella’s truck and folding his arms.
“I don’t even know where to start, Embry!” I yell at him exasperated. “You ditched us, you ditched your longest running best friend-”
“I had no choice!”
“He’s struggling-”
“I’m struggling!” His eyes are wild and his hands have a slight shake, “Cutting everyone out has been the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever done! I can’t tell anyone, can’t see anyone, can’t do what I want to do anymore! I belong to this Reservation, to this pack, to Sam now. He says jump, I ask how high. He says keep your mouth shut, I cut everyone out. It’s how it has to be.”
“Embry, that’s no way to live.” My heart breaks for his situation.
“It’s in my blood and not something I can opt out of, Y/n/n. Besides, they’re my brothers now and they need me as much as I need them.”
I surge forward to hug him, “I’m still mad at you for Quil.”
“I missed you too.” I hear his grin as I hug him tight. “You can’t tell him though.”
Immediately I retreat, “What?”
“It’s a tribe secret, the pack is sacred and must be protected.”
“He wouldn’t done anything to endanger-”
“It doesn’t matter, anyone on the outside has to stay on the outside. It’s not like I don’t want to, he’s my best fucking friend. But he doesn’t have a need-to-know.”
“I can’t argue with you about this, please drop it.” His wide eyes plead with me and I surrender.
“Okay, okay. Consider it dropped.” I mime like I’m locking my lips closed and I toss the invisible key over my shoulder.
“Good,” throwing an arm over my shoulder, he leads me back inside, “Now you can hang with the big dogs.”
“Okay I’m going to need you to not make stupid jokes about this situation.” But I laugh anyways, I miss this - him.
I smile to myself, happy to finally have people back in my life that I thought were gone for good. I still feel the massive hole in my chest, but the pain is on the back burner for now.
At least until I’m alone again.
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Taglist Part 1:
@aoi-targaryen @Min-jianhyung @pbbsl @timelordhunterandmysterysolver @sheerangermany @clearwater-hoe @Blackbluerose666 @ivy-plays @random-human02 @delightfulbluebirdstarlight @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gaymazinglula @l3ejm @angelfuzzy2 @losa12308 @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @flyawayprincess @ropickle @catbusloki @deviat3dsn0wf0x @lovesanimals0000 @unrevived @h-naec @cutesnakemum @zudooms @itsmytimetoodream @stinkii-boii @acoolnight @anothercoffeeblogx @irishblend10 @from-now-on-im-switzerland @kyraslife2 @naolvshan @kiiwiigii @rosedpetal @kiaraandrea @foolsgoldxo @heartfilia01 @azuredgalaxies @geekysimmerthings @graciereads @ramen-girl-2424 @0hmydekiru @creeqvealley @cherriebat @whichwitchisthebitch @dragon-rider-with-a-book @secretfairytailpetscookie @psychobitchsthings
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cheriecouer · 6 days ago
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Meant for You
Jacob Black x Reader:
Y/N returns to La Push, expecting to reunite with her childhood best friend, Jacob Black—but he’s distant, too caught up in Bella to notice her. Hurt and confused, she tries to move on, until Jacob’s packmates hint at the truth: he might have imprinted on her. Torn between what he thought he wanted and what feels right, Jacob finally stops running and faces the inevitable—Y/N was always meant to be his.
˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆ ˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆ ˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆ ˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆ ˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆
The air in La Push was thick with salt, the waves crashing against the shore in a steady rhythm. It had been years since you set foot here, but the familiar scent of pine and ocean spray immediately brought back memories of childhood summers spent racing Jacob Black along the beach.
You had been inseparable once. Two wild-hearted kids with scraped knees and big dreams, but time had a way of pulling people apart. And now, standing in front of Billy Black’s house, you weren’t sure if things would ever be the same.
The screen door creaked open, and there he was—Jacob Black, taller, broader, with his signature easygoing grin. But there was something different in his eyes, something distant.
“Y/N?” His voice was laced with disbelief, and for a moment, his expression softened. “No way. What are you doing here?”
“I figured it was time to come home,” you said, shifting your weight awkwardly. “I missed this place.”
His lips twitched in what should have been a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. “Yeah? Well, La Push hasn’t changed much.” He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest. “Still the same small town with the same small-town drama.”
You knew what he meant. Bella. You had heard all about his infatuation with her from your old friends. And yet, standing here, you had hoped—naively—that Jacob would still look at you like he used to, like you were important.
But he didn’t. Not anymore.
Days passed, and Jacob made himself scarce. It stung more than you wanted to admit. He had always been your best friend, but now, it was like you were nothing more than a ghost of his past.
You saw him with Bella, saw the way his entire world seemed to orbit around her. It hurt, but what hurt even more was how he barely acknowledged your existence anymore.
You tried to push it aside. You hung out with Embry and Quil, pretending it didn’t bother you, but they noticed.
“You’re not imagining it,” Embry said one night as you all sat around a bonfire. “Jacob’s been...off since you got back.”
“Yeah, dude’s acting weird,” Quil agreed. “It’s like he’s avoiding you on purpose.”
You scoffed. “Great. Good to know I’m not crazy.”
Embry and Quil exchanged a look, and then Embry leaned in, his voice quieter. “You know, sometimes...imprinting messes with a guy’s head.
You frowned. “Imprinting?”
Quil sighed. “It’s a wolf thing. When we imprint, it’s like—there’s no choice. That person becomes our everything.”
Something inside you twisted. “And you think Jacob—”
“We don’t know,” Embry admitted. “But it’d explain why he’s acting so weird around you.”
The thought was almost laughable. Jacob was obsessed with Bella. He had made that painfully clear. But then again, the way he had been avoiding you, the way his hands would clench whenever you were near—it didn’t make sense.
Not until the night everything changed.
You were walking home alone from the bonfire when you heard footsteps behind you. Instinctively, you turned, your heart racing, but it was just Jacob.
For the first time in weeks, he wasn’t running away.
“Hey,” he said, his voice hoarse.
“Hey.” You crossed your arms. “So, you do remember I exist?”
He flinched. “That’s not fair.”
“Isn’t it?” You exhaled sharply. “You’ve been ignoring me since I got back, Jake. I thought we were friends.”
Something flickered across his face—guilt, maybe, or something deeper. “We are.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
He hesitated, dragging a hand through his hair. “I don’t know how to explain it.”
He let out a breath. “When you came back, everything shifted. I—I didn’t understand it at first, but every time I look at you, it’s like...” He trailed off, his jaw clenching.
“Like what?” you pressed.
He stepped closer, his warmth radiating in the cool night air. “Like the world makes sense again.”
Your breath caught. “Jacob—”
“I was fighting it,” he admitted. “Because I thought—hell, I thought it was supposed to be Bella. But it’s not. It never was.”
His words hung between you, heavy with meaning.
“I think,” he swallowed hard, “I think you’re my imprint, Y/N.”
Your heart pounded. “And that scared you?”
He let out a dry laugh. “Terrified me. I thought if I ignored it, it’d go away. But it didn’t. It just made everything worse.”
You searched his face, the raw emotion in his eyes. “So what now?”
He reached for your hand, his fingers warm against yours. His thumb traced gentle circles against your skin, sending shivers up your spine. “Now...I stop running.”
A shaky breath left your lips as he cupped your cheek, his touch hesitant but desperate. “I want to make this right,” he whispered. “I don’t want to fight it anymore.”
You didn’t realize how close you had gotten until you could feel his breath against your lips. His hands, rough and warm, slid down your arms, gripping your waist like you were something precious. He didn’t kiss you—not yet—but the tension between you was thick, electric.
“Then don’t,” you murmured.
His forehead pressed against yours, his body trembling slightly as he finally let go of his hesitation. “I won’t.”
And for the first time since you’d come home, Jacob stayed.
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