#i might just be super predictable too tho lol
mejomonster · 6 months
I finished final fantasy vii rebirth and. Some mixed opinions.
The main good points: as a Sequel to original FF7? Its good. The women are all written well (which was a concern considering Kairi and Lunafreya in past games), and everyone was in character just fleshed out more (with 2 slight exceptions). What the game did best was accomplish an open world game, world spanning adventure, stick fairly well to some main highlights from original ff7 (which is what people wanted for ages) and with new stuff thats fun if you like the world, very little wasting of player time (so much better than ff7 remake). It did open world well, pacing well, side quests and mini games well, characters well, combat well, and overall gave the feel of what square enix was maybe Hoping and Wishing to successfully accomplish in a mainline game for years but either hasnt been able to achieve on a technical level or fumbled in the past. (So no time wasting dungeons like ff7 remake, fleshed out open world with stuff you enjoy doing so more than ff15, open world so more than ff13, and combat that feels like things theyve learned and improved on well). How it feels to play? Great, fast paced, no dead time, all enjoyable game you came to play. (With the exception maybe of Cait Siths box mandatory mini game and the aerith in ancient temple magic platforms thing but they both werent too difficult to push through if you dont enjoy them).
The bad? Mostly... if you treat Rebirth as a SEQUEL to original ff7, these arent major issues. They just annoy me as a player of the original ff7 game. Because i know plenty of people will ONLY play ff7 Remake and Rebirth etc, and never know the original characterizations. So 2 characters were slightly unlike their original ff7 selves, and instead more like their Advent Children (and general non ff7 appearances) selves: aerith and sephiroth. Sephiroth's character being NOT like ff7 originals is more irritating personally. Because yeah... i get it. As a sequel to original ff7, this Remake/Rebirth Sephiroth might be from the future (so he is Advent Children esque version of himself), hes had time post losing his way to really get all mysterious and hyperfocus on cloud and be a looming vague pest. But the thing is... in the original ff7 the reason we learn hes used to be a SOLDIER war hero, is so the cast and you are confused why he kills Shinra people. Then you and the casy figure: well cloud remembers sephiroth finding out hes a monster cause of shinra, justifiable for sephiroth to hate shinra. Unflrtunately Sephiroth also decided to hate ALL HUMANS. Then you later find out maybe Jenovas controlling Sephiroth/one with him etc. But the key here is you find out at some point in original ff7 that sephiroths goal is mainly Destroy World because Hes not Human. Rebirth... does not clarify this very important and very BASIC point ever. Maybe it assumes its so basic that as a ff7 fan you should know.. but plenty of new players wont. Rebirth clarifies yes sephiroth may be Jenovas kid... but the whole MOM, im an ancient like Jenova! Oh Jenova isnt an ancient oh well fuck humans anyway! Either way fuck humans ill kill them all! None of those Very basic sephiroth motives are clarified much. I felt Rebirth did good explaining the Gi and the black materia. But to make Sephiroths motives so vague, why he wants to end the world SO VAGUE, why hes in clouds head (the black robes are everywhere but the game HINTS theure sephiroth clones but never actually spells it out eevn though its a BASIC KEY DETAIL). Now... because Rebirth is a sequel, it makes sense... if hes Advent Children Sephiroth he already knows he isnt an ancient, knows hes Jenovas kid, knows he wants to fuck with Cloud specifically now and the world generally but not necessarily so singlemindedly desperate to just kill all humans. So yes, Sephiroth is in character for his future self... but i feel like even with him less SINGLE MINDED and freshly with Jenova, clarifying some basics of his Original old timeline motives... would be helpful to new fans. So it annoyed me. I think the biggest Not Good writing decision in Rebirth was to never fucking clarify Sephiroths original basic goal: im not human like mom, hate humans, kill world. I suspect the writers either thought players KNEW so hinted instead of being on the nose (but to new players theyll just be CONFUSED), or they plan to explain those basic things in game 3. Which seems stupid to me and shouldve been explained earlier.
And Aerith. As a sequel? She remembered the other timeline which explained some moments she was calmer than original ff7. She forgot, then toward the end of Rebirth she seems to have remembered the other timeline again and that she needs to die and X happens etc. So her being calmer based on the plot they wrote for Rebirth? Makes sense. However... i deeply miss her Original FF7 personality where as an Ancient she freaks out a bit LIKE sephiroth, paralleling him, that shes not human, a freak, that it all rests on her as only one ancient left. Their overwhelm parallels each other. Aerith is more scared in original ff7 of being the only ancient, of what it means, of finding out more. That fear is slightly there in Rebirth but WAY LESS. its only a little in cosmo canyon and almost gone in the Ancient Temple. In ff7 expanded universe theyve changed her character over time to a calmer wiser goddess type like in Advent Children, and so yes in Rebirth when she remembers the alrernate timeline it makes sense she'd be calmer like her future self. However... i miss original ff7 aerith. I miss her initial shock, loneliness, fear of the weight on her shoulders, not being sure what to do. Her and Sephiroth, because of Rebirth writing them to know more, act more like their future selves and so. While it is in character and logical to the Rebirth plot. Its also sad to me that anyone who only plays Remake and Rebirth simply wont see what they were like WHEN these revelations were brand new shocks to them, forcing them to react and grow and fear. I dont think Aerith is written bad, i just think because this game is in reality is a Sequel im just personally mourning that it didnt have that as much of the original Aerith's personality who was afraid and discovering. Mostly her Rebirth personality is similar to original ff7s. But in some high tension moments shes way calmer and wiser than in the original. I miss getting to see some of that before to after character growth.
Oh and. The aerith dies scene. Does it make sense in context of Rebirth written as a sequel? Sure. Is it impactful? Not as much as the original. In Rebirth, theres a scene where Cloud is losing control and listening to Sephiroth and attacks Tifa, causing Tifa to fall into mako. That scene is high stakes and emotional and lands WELL. Later in Rebirth, when Aerith actually dies, Cloud has not lost control and isnt the one who killed her. Its fine, as a sequel to ff7 i get the choice to make him able to stop himself from hurting her. But it does make the scene less impactful: now cloud will NOT be blaming himself for her death, will not be struggling with the guilt and fear, and will not be as terrified of losing control again. Since he wasnt the one who attacked her. And since he saw her ghost/something post death, hes not even sad or grieving her. He thinks shes fine. These 2 things will result in a WILDLY DIFFERENT cloud moving forward than the original ff7 one who very much was distraught and horrified he did that. So like... as a sequel its fine these changes were made. But death wise... i wouldve prefered like, cloud drops her from up high qhile struggling with whispers, or doesnt get to her in time and sephiroth stabs her when shes too far away. The way Rebirth did it, cloud was near her, she gets stabbed anyway. It seemed to me almost like the writing was trying to vaguely or softly kill her, like somehow making it vague would make it hurt less. Yeah it did hurt less... but id rather if a character i love dies that its a Worthy Scene for them to die in. A strong meaningful scene that makes me cry, that felt like the loss it is. The Rebirth scene... couldve done its plot as intended and just make Cloud farther away or something and it wouldve been better to me. Maybe the writing point was Cloud thinks its fine, and its still not, and he cant even feel distaught because he cant tell if she died or if things are fine? Thats the only angle i can see where maybe the death scene did what the writers wanted? Anyway. Aeriths moms death made me sob, Aeriths death did not. It is what it is. I feel like Tifa, crying in my heart off screen, the game acting like Cloud like its fine and it looks fine to him but im confused like Tifa aa to why hes (the game) treating it that way. Lol.
Overall? Um 4/5. 8/10? Really solid square enix game, Amazing as far as final fantasy 7 SEQUELS go. It has one main weak spot in treating Sephiroth fully mysterious when a few clarifying details could help the game stand on its own Better (and make Sephiroth a stronger enemy character instead of a vaguer one). The other weak spots are more my personal preference and mourning the parts of ff7 original i miss and had wished were in this, but as this is a Sequel in a parallel timeline i dont feel the parts effect Rebirth on its own merit. It IS the best Square Enix game ive played in ages, at least since Final Fantasy X or XII. I thought it was better than FF13, FF15, definitely better than ff7 remake (i hate time wasting dungeons and bad pacing its a dealbreaker), and than kh3 (although kh3 was quite good for a kh sequel). I get to play FF16 next, which will hopefully be as good as Rebirth or better! Since its also on the PS5 and clearly from Rebirth, the square enix main team can do excellent combat, open world, level design, mini games, side quests, and good pacing now. So i'll just have to see if ff16's story is better. And i am guessing it hopefully will be, since Rebirth as an ff7 sequel has some weirdness to its plot quite typical of ff7 extended universe stories like Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus. Whereas ff16 is a brand new plot, so they have nothing preventing them from a tight excellent written story except themselves. I am curious how BIG ff16s world will be though. Because ff7 Rebirths world was MASSIVE and very full of stuff, tons of mini games, cool stuff to find or do or little character side quests. If ff16 also takes me 60 hours to beat the main story its gonna be thw longest final fantasy main title ive ever played.
Rebirth is very replayable if you enjoyed it. I will probably replay ff7 original soon.
#final fantasy vii rebirth#ff7r#lb#rant#oh and shipping discourse lol: if you ship tifa x aerith? GREAT TIME#tifa mourns aerith more than cloud does. tifa aerith ARE IN LOVE. great time for me as an aerti fan and ot4 fan#i do think in theory the writers had aerith x cloud scenes more in Rebirth since aerith dies at the end. and predict game 3 will have#more tifa x cloud scenes. so itll be even by the end. i think everything was in character tho tbh#(in my opinion anyway)#like. aerith x tifa x cloud x zack i ship and they clearly all CARE for each other. zack loves aerith but also saved cloud#when aerith likes cloud. zack is big enough to be happy for aerith and want her to have what SHE wants.#cloud loved zack and was so fucked emotionally when zack died he convinced himself he WAS zack. tifas his childhood crush. aerith likes him#and he gradually does like her back too. (clouds very not interested in crushes tho tbh. hed happilt be in ot3 with#tifa and aerith or ot4 with zack or ot3 with barret too if they just told him to be)#and tifa loves cloud but wisely isnt sure how he feels OR whats going on mentally with him. and is focusing on building trust#that cloud will communicate with her BEFORE getting romantic (shes wise we should all copy her). and she loves aerith. which is goof#cause cloud isnt giving aerith some care she Needs. but Tifa always does give aerith that support.#tifa knows aerith likes cloud. so tifa simply is likinv her 2 crushes (happy to be in an ot3 if aerith and cloud would start it)#but tifas shy and slow going ans values friends MORE so shes not making any major moves until she knows the other 2 aerith and cloud#are emotionally stable (and theyre lol not)#and now shes grieving aerith so :/. my point is: all the romance is written very in character#very similar to original ff7. and if ur a tifa AND aerith as characters fan like me?#its really NICE to have 2 main woman leads in a game (with romance even) who are full characters ON THEIR OWN#and really well written and with relationships outside of cloud. (again... after lunafreya and kairi#i was worried tifa or aerith as love interests might get written BAD or flat or destroyed writing wise#by some shitty square enix writer *cough* who tends to butcher woman characters if theyre love interests)#so im super glad i could just enjoy tifa and aerith#also as a Non romance lover. i enjoyed that Rebirth focused HEAVY on friends but had very little actual romance#flirting yeah sure. but aerith and tifa never even kissed cloud in my playthrough (yay for me)#their crushes are just side details they mention to be direct and communicate (wise of them) but the romance isnt the main point
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ryansjane · 2 months
Can you recommend me any BL or Queer dramas / series that is just pure fluff and soft without much sexual scenes? Just been wanting to watch something not to heated
um... yes! I very much can :) (although shows that fit this description are actually quite rare to find so I had to rack my brain for this lol)
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I mean... as soon as you said 'pure fluff & soft' I thought of this show, bc it's the LEGIT definition of it! it's adorable & hilarious and truly has the healthiest bl ship ever who is composed of the two cutest patooties. it's a true romcom bc it nails both the comedy & romance elements and is just THE feel good show for me :)
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this is another show that has very little drama or un-cute moments. the characters are adorable, the friendship is top-tier, and the slice of life aspect really invests you in the story. definitely will have you smile most (if not all) of the time!
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this show is my little underrated gem! it does have SOME drama, but it's mostly about two overtly kind main characters who fall in love despite odds. it's so cute, so wholesome, and genuinely just a fucking good time if you wanna cheer up :)
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another show that does have some deeper, sadder moments (almost all shows do lol) but is overall a beautiful story of healing through community & food with, again, incredibly kind and lovable characters which I could not recommend more!
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this show is one I had no expectation for... except perhaps that I thought it would suck. however, while it is in no way a masterpiece & will frankly go down as a forgettable show for me, it was actually REALLY enjoyable. this show truly has close to zero drama and is just about love & friendship. frankly the friendship element is what did it for me, paired with the unique & lovable characters. this is just a great time if you want to turn your brain off & enjoy the cuteness imo (there's a couple sex scenes tho but nothing very explicit)
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yet ANOTHER show about food lol, bc one thing about food bls, there's 500 of them & they're all super cute and wholesome lol it's law :') this one is the OG, it's as non-sexual as it can get since there's barely any intimacy, but it's very wholesome and has 2 seasons + 1 movie + 1 special ep. you just follow this older gay couple through life as they cook their awesome recipes while still getting some social commentary on being lgbtq+ in japan, it's just... I fully want this show to keep getting seasons forever, I love it so much! (also idk if you're interested in gls but 'she loves to cook and she loves to eat' is also a show with the same premise but wlw & I adore it!)
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this one is also an underrated gem of mine even though it's a very overlooked kbl :( it's a very simple story that is explicitely lgbtq+ (very rare for kbls) & the couple really is the cutest with great chemistry! I really enjoyed this one & would recommend it :)
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now... with a title like this, you might be wondering if this is truly a "wholesome" and "pure" show... IT IS! this show is the proof of the kind of silliness thai dramas can offer, and why they're so great. it's dumb and frankly weird at times, but it's also one of the funniest thai comedies ever & has great character growth! despite featuring SOME violence, it is actually just a really wholesome romcom, and the character of noey is frankly iconic af. one of my fave niche bl shows!
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speaking of dumb, silly, wholesome comedy... rak diao is the first (and still the only lol) thai bl sitcom. it follows a very simple story with almost no drama and has a very lovable & fun main character. this is such a cute show which is, again, way too underrated!
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what did I say about food shows & being wholesome? yeah, that! this one does have SOME drama, more than the other shows featured on this list, but it's very quickly squashed down & also so predictable I don't think it will influence your mood whatsoever. this is overall very cute & wholesome, although a bit basic. but the chemistry is very good so I'd recommend it!
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now, I've mentioned over the years (MANY TIMES) about how love sick is my comfort show. yes, it's old & the camera work, acting, etc. are MILES behind current bl shows, and yes, it's actually not that wholesome bc they're cheating on their girlfriends the whole time, but... this is like the OG my school president, but even more lovable imo. it's a true slice of life, and the characters are all so cute & fun, the friendship literally carries the entire show & phunnoh are one of the most healthy ships ever (despite the affair!) this show has a lot of obstacles to enjoy it but imo it's worth it. I love it so much. it'll forever be super special for me :) also I feel like watching the first ever thai bl should be a rite of passage lol!
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I had to mention at least one filipino bl here, and it's one that pretty much no one watched but I absolutely loved! this is soft & wholesome to the T, two guys accidentally meet during lockdown (bc they both are wearing masks with d*cks on them lmao this show is great) & fall in love but encounter difficulties meeting through quarantine. there's no drama, the chemistry is great, the story quite well written... it's so cute!
my love mix-up
star & sky: sky in your heart
papa & daddy
ossan's love
my secret love
takara & tamagi
our dating sim
destiny seeker
my mate match
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queenofalpaca · 6 months
Oh both Go to Sleep, Scrapper and Bode's Force Background have me super curious for the WIP ask!
Coming right up! thanks for the ask, Anon 🩵
Go to Sleep, Scrapper
This one is obviously inspired by Cal’s chronic inability to take care of himself. It’s planned as a 4+1 though I guess I could make it a 5+1 by just adding Cordova or something, we’ll see. It starts with instances of Greez, Cere, Merrin, and BD trying to convince Cal to go to sleep, and failing. Cal just has too many issues. Stubbornness, nightmares, insomnia, you name it, the guy’s probably struggling with it. The common theme here is that they all use some variation of “Go to sleep, [nickname]” btw, hence the title.
Cue the +1 in which Bode shows up, pulls “Go to sleep, Scrapper” and Cal promptly drops dead. Here’s a little snippet I do not remember writing 😅
It was probably stupid, but Bode needed Cal alive and well if he wanted to have any chance of getting to Tanalorr. He stepped into Cal’s path.
“Go to sleep, Scrapper.” It wasn’t hard to extend his presence just enough to shield the soft brush against Cal’s wobbling shields. He wouldn’t remember this tomorrow. Probably wouldn’t remember it even without the soft suggestion to forget along with sleep.
Cal, predictably, dropped like a rock, right into Bode’s waiting arms. He had to take a step back to brace himself; Cal was heavier than he’d expected. Cal wasn’t bothered though, already snoring away into his chest. Bode huffed and pulled him into a more secure grip.
It took him a few moments to realise that the others had fallen silent, their quiet conversations stopped. He looked up to see all of them staring at him and Cal in various states of utter disbelief.
And that’s it. Just some cute little fluff about Bode finally getting Cal to take a dang nap. And possibly cheating a little bit to do so, lol
Bode’s Force Background
So you know the stony/rocky background going on in the meditation circle menu? This started as an effort to figure out what that might look like for Bode. That somehow split into both Haunting and the fic that’s still in this file, but I’ll tell you about this one (it’s the better one anyway, lol)
The idea is a 5+1. Yes again. I have a thing for 5+1s. They’re just easy to write, what can I say. This one’s angsty as hell tho (good job balancing things out, anon). The thing is, if I post it, this one will probably be called Haunting actually 😂
Now here’s the problem: this one features a big old plot twist. Trying to sell you this fic without spoiling it will make this description rather short. Bode is being haunted by Cal. He keeps catching glimpses of him, but he remains always just out of reach. That’s about as much as I can say.
What I will ramble a bit more about is what I came up with for Bode’s Force/Meditation background, and maybe you’ll even get an idea on what the big twist is. So. Bode’s a spy and he’s very good at hiding the fact that he’s Force-sensitive at all. Here’s my pitch: Bode’s meditation background changes to align to his current surroundings. Whatever place he’s in/planet he’s on, his background will change accordingly to a slightly surreal, dream-like version of the same place. The only common element is water (because the SpyScrapper discord is obssessed with the water/fire thing and I am not immune). In any case, the water. It seems natural at first glance. Rain on Coruscant, the river/waterfall on Koboh, a dripping sink on Nova Garon, stuff like that. But if you look a little closer, it might seem strange that it’s raining on the lower levels of Coruscant. Bode’s ‘true’ meditation background, when he’s not lying to himself and others and trying to make himself fit into his surroundings is a big old lake/ocean. Something something hidden depths, you get it.
And that’s as much as I’ll say (there’s more ideas on themes/metaphors but again, plot twist). One last thing though, because there isn’t yet enough angst: this fic will also feature the post-game Force Echoes. Make of that what you will, heh 🩵
Now for the next ask, I’m gonna need you guys to choose something I can drop actual snippets for 😂 unless you want to have the fics that are still mostly just concepts 😅
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crazys-art · 6 months
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day 28 of martch - redraw old art
had this idea 4 years ago and now i have realized it lol. i put way too much thought into this so notes below
notes for designs i did while making this:
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i wanted them all to have unique eye shapes instead of defaulting to how i draw eyes normally because animal crossing characters dont have uniform eyes lol
also i worried wayy too much about some of the species choices lol. like. do i make junko a bear because monokuma, or does that give the twist away? do i make everybody a different species, or do i double dip in a few places to make the twin twist less predictable? ultimately decided fuck it im not writing the game im drawing fanart i can do what i want
when i first came up with this idea i'd only fully decided on the species of 7 of the cast so here's my train of thought for why they are what they are:
yasuhiro- easiest out of the way first. there's nothing else he could be but a frog. decided to give him the weird facial hair animal crossing sometimes gives their characters because its not animal crossing without a couple ugly guys (affectionate)
hifumi- big guy. elephant. made sense. gave him some pink accents despite not thinking it worked all that well to get that animal crossing authenticity yknow lol. plus he likes some cutesy things so he can have some pink as a treat
sakura- felt bad about making her a gorilla ngl- especially since she is. one of the three characters in this game with a darker skin tone. but literally no other species made sense for her. and ngl there are like. no gorilla villagers i like. so i tried my best to make her look cool as hell
sayaka- cat villagers are super popular, so might as well make the ultimate pop idol one, right?
asahina- okay this comes from bias on my part but in my new horizons my default uchi villager was a rabbit and asahina would 100% be an uchi villager so bada bing bada boom. ended up making her coat more orange than it actually is cause i wanted her to be red and didnt want it to clash.
mondo- im going to be completely honest. when i thought of this i was just like "oh that makes sense i always associated mondo with tigers i dont remember why tho." and i just double checked and not only are they in his execution but he also has tiger underwear. so. this ones canon imo
ishimaru- once again, wolf villagers are popular, and just made sense for him. hes a loyal rules guy, and more edgy than a dog- plus, it gives him a cat and dog dynamic with mondo! this concludes everyone that i came up with their species 4 years ago, below is the ones i decided now
kyoko: i was between anteater and wolf for her, and since i decided not to double dip on species, i went with anteater. idk, anteater villagers always seem so aloof and strange to me, it's just her vibe.
junko & mukuro: i was between bear, cat, and rabbit for them, and once again, avoided double dipping. bear is pretty obvious, but cat was because once again, cat villagers are so popular, and rabbit was because of the irony. junko's ears are also supposed to mimic the little monokuma hair ties she has lol
celestia: i was between anteater and ostrich, and i'd already chosen kyoko as the anteater. i didn't even remember that the ostrich villager was called ostrich for a bit, i kept thinking of her as a peacock, but then realized that was perfect for her whole european thing lol.
toko: i was between cat and squirrel, and sayaka was cat. her just being such a small bitter little guy is fitting for her i think.
chihiro: i was between hamster, rabbit, and mouse, and rabbit was taken. i think i only went with mouse because i wanted to draw that head shape, but i did realize after that that means they and mondo are a cat and mouse lol
makoto: i was between deer and dog, and honestly it all came down to his ahoge. if there was a way to have antlers and an ahoge, i would have done so, but honestly it worked out for the best i think. having a dog and cat relationship with sayaka + komaru and toko being dog and squirrel just worked too well.
togami: i was between horse and eagle and this was one of the hardest decisions. ultimately went with eagle simply because i didnt want to draw an animal crossing horse. this did end up making the squirrel be obsessed with the eagle which i do love. i kept trying to work blue into his design but it just did not work at all.
leon: oh leon. the hardest one to choose. i had to save him for until id decided everyone else lol. i was between bull, eagle, and tiger, and went with bull bc of double dipping. all three suited him equally i think it was hard to choose. also coloring him was hard too lol
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idk if ur still in the mood for requests but shoji/tokoyami/+ one of ur choosing sparring with an s/o who has a quirk similar to toph from avatar :)
i looooove avatar related asks i love writing crossovers that aren’t reaallly crossovers but it’s close enough
anyway lol hope you enjoy
D*rk content blogs, do not interact with me at all.
Shoji, Tokoyami, and Toga with an Earthbender s/o
Shoji Mezo
as a recon hero, he’s astounded by your Seismic Sight.
just how you can see through vibration, and how much detail you get from that while he has to branch out like a tree just to get the same details
assuming you’re both in class 1a, he aspires to grow his quirk as fast as you
once you begin lava bending and metal bending, he is just enamoured
mezo won’t lie, he just sits and admires you while you train
every movement in earth bending is intense and strong, and he can’t help but think of how amazing you look
hes whipped tbh
he’s a big guy, and while he is extremely observant and can predict attacks, he’s not great at dodging
he’s the kind of hero that takes danger head on, doesn’t dance around it
that being said
attacks from below mess him up real bad
can’t exactly dodge the boulders being flung at him, so the only real way he can win is to get in close
he doesn’t wanna hurt you tho :(
so he ends up just tackling and restraining, if he can ever get close enough
one bad joke in this moment will make mezo actually break and furiously apologise
he isn’t easily embarrassed, but when it comes to you he will go red as an apple stg
Tokoyami Fumikage
another person who admires the strength and intensity behind the movements, but he also admires the skill and focus
Tokoyami is very hard to read, and he almost seems judging as he watches you
but Dark Shadow makes it very clear what they’re actually thinking
sometimes a little too open, to which tokoyami responds with ruffled feathers and a smack to Dark Shadow’s head
during sparing, tokoyami and dark shadow are much more efficient at dodging than shoji
assuming dark shadow isn’t super weakened, they’re able to crush attacks they can’t dodge
a fairly even match
Himiko Toga
already loves everything about you, there’s no way she’d be in a relationship where she isn’t completely obsessed with her partner
so watching you earthbend might actually make her drool
sings your praises every time
much like mezo, is enamoured with your seismic sight and forms of sub-bending
toga sneaks up on you a lot, 9 times out of 10 she will bite when she gets to you
claims she’s “helping you train your seismic sight”
assuming she’s already discovered she can use the quirk of someone she becomes, sparring is a blast
if you let her have your blood, and train her as an earthbender?
she is actually the happiest girl on earth
she learns insanely fast, nearly perfects everything almost immediately
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blackjackkent · 6 months
@zenjestrr: is Rakha gonna slurp the worms
zenjestrr: *drops a wriggling creature into her eyeball* this will fix me
blackjackkent: rofl
blackjackkent: I suspect possibly yes.
zenjestrr: 🦑🦑🦑🐛🐛🐛🎺🎺🎺
blackjackkent: Lae'zel doesn't like them and Lae'zel is like 90% of her impulse control, but they also potentially Have Answers
zenjestrr: will she go for the Super Worm in Act 3 or are you gonna play it by ear
zenjestrr: (embrace the power)
zenjestrr: (there's no downside)
zenjestrr: (other than looking like you took evil crack cocaine)
blackjackkent: XD
blackjackkent: I'm going to play it by ear.
blackjackkent: I can't even begin to predict what Rakha will be like by act 3
zenjestrr: lol i get it
blackjackkent: she's already evolving a bunch. she's practically a worm herself with how slippery her characterization is to get a grip on XD
zenjestrr: will you side with Baldy Boi or go Orpheus
zenjestrr: and if Orpheus again will you see how the ending changes if he stays gith or will you drop that hot potato on his lap again lol
blackjackkent: I have a sneaking suspicion the Emperor is going to die the moment Rakha learns what he is
zenjestrr: you know that's a game over, right lol
zenjestrr: like you CAN kill him at that moment but it's a game over
blackjackkent: oh really? lol
zenjestrr: yea
blackjackkent: well then :P
blackjackkent: she will spend the whole time WANTING to kill him :P
zenjestrr: Balduran is correct in saying that he never explicitly lies to you
zenjestrr: he is the only reason you haven't turned
blackjackkent: [nods]
blackjackkent: makes sense
blackjackkent: Orpheus I'm not sure about. Rakha has REALLY strong respect for Lae'zel tho so probably he will remain gith. which I guess means Rakha takes the worm herself?
zenjestrr: or have Karlach do it if you bring her with you
blackjackkent: yeah
blackjackkent: hrmdehrm.
zenjestrr: but yea I think squid x Wyll makes for a cool ending, especially since you can still do the Avernus roadtrip
blackjackkent: eeenteresting.
zenjestrr: I thiiiiink Lae'zel is the only one who breaks up with you if you go squid mode but I think maybe Ascended Astarion also does it
blackjackkent: no spoilers obvi, just thinking out loud, but I imagine it plays interestingly with the Durge situation too. illithid seem very chill. maybe settles the chaos a bit.
zenjestrr: [REDACTED]
blackjackkent: hehehe
zenjestrr: squid x Wyll also has the monster loving dynamic. Wyll is a devil now and has some self-hatred about it and Rakha (in this hypothetical scenario) would be a mind flayer, a monster, and might have some self-hatred about it
zenjestrr: Shrek ass ending
zenjestrr: both people seeing past the physical and loving the person
blackjackkent: truuuu
blackjackkent: bro your mind
zenjestrr: also if you go on the Avernus field trip there's PLENTY of brains for you to snack on
blackjackkent: truuuuuuuuuuuu
blackjackkent: ALSO
blackjackkent: fundamental climax of everything she sees in Wyll that she does not see in herself
blackjackkent: the self sacrifice
zenjestrr: ye
blackjackkent: wahhhhh feelings.
blackjackkent: OK I'm actually quite jazzed about this now haha
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theodoraflowerday · 7 months
young royals s3e4 episode reaction
okay, this is already stressful
you know what? linda makes sense. i do think they should move. they have the settlement money, i understand community is important but they're all sooooo far beyond thinking of just community. for safety reasons they really should move.
"the police can't do anything?" bro can't you? you're the goddamn crown prince???? do something??????
"had they done this to me they would've seen it as a threat to the nation" YEAH WELL I MEAN
"and you're my boyfriend, so" ok
listen I understand this is serious
but every time they call each other boyfriend my brain goes into hibernation mode and I can't focus on anything else
"I'll talk to the royal court" THANKS WILLE
though tbf I feel like the royal court might agree that they should probably move lol
like if i had that kinda money and I knew my kids were in danger I'd be leaving the goddamn country
of course vincent is drawing a dick in the sand. that man is just *so* predictable lmao
oh man in all this I forgot about the bitter divorce plot between felice and sara
ISN'T THERE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST oh boy vincent if you Knew
"you're so fucking pathetic" "😘" okay that was the funniest exchange in the planet
like. fuck vincent. all my homies hate vincent. but my man is so goddamn hilarious even when he's being a pathetic dick
I can excuse demonstrations but I draw the line at them being done by poor people
oh. oh SHIT
"can you?" oh FUCK
oh this is insane I can't believe they're having this conversation
oh baby that is Not a real job jdkgjfkgjdkgjdkf
dya think edvin was like saying those lines thru his teeth like "yes the monarchy is good and has a place in modern society actually"
ugh I want wilmon to be endgame so fucking bad but the more this season goes on the more I'm realizing they're simply too incompatible and idk how they're gonna solve this unless one of them compromises way too fuckin much
#abdication pls tho
what kind of life is that? 😭
"it's a privilege not a punishment" ok mr kristina
tbf to simon i feel like if i was already anti monarchy and started dating the crown prince whose life problems begin and end with the monarchy I would be even MORE for abolition.
like before it was more of a general sense. now it's fuckin personal. free wille
shouldn't they exclude the literal future king of sweden from this exercise about future?? like we all already know what he's gonna end up doing lol.
god this is gonna be so bad
who's this flustered ass boy and what did he do with cunt august???
that felt too easy?
oh. okay I'm sorry is ludwig not his own person? can't he attend his own son's damn birthday???
every time farima is on screen it takes another year off my life
until jan-olof pointed it out I didn't notice how genuinely unsafe the eriksson house is but damn
simon said "okay" way too easily. I don't like that.
I mean like, honestly, farima is right and he needs to lay low, but also I know simon isn't gonna do that shit and it worries me
they keep having these absurdly serious conversations and it keeps Not blowing up and I'm afraid when it blows up it's gonna be super ugly
I like simon's idea of mental health in young people tho! I get what he means re: lgbtq+ issues but I also think wille is right in that he can't represent all ~the queers just bc he's in love with a boy yk
I get them both and they both have their merits. I also think wille is making a huge change just by being out and I'd be really fuckin annoyed if I was a public figure and had to do shit for the queers just bc i was also queer like no. idk. i get them both. I'm more on wille's side on this one.
but also fuck that thing about supporting lgbtq+ issues being a political statement. I hate that he's right. it shouldn't be political.
vincent is such a lil bitch
if i were simon i would literally just. take the bus back home. that's it fuck them rich kids I can't deal with the bullshit.
god that was delightful. it was a delight. i need simon to keep this specific energy all the time because oh my god this episode is incredible.
oh and he's also wrecking sara? can we bring the other guy back so he can, in colombian, cantarle las verdades en la cara? like simon has enough fists for everyone. bring the queen in. bring fuckin erik so he can tell him off for dying
the strike looks very cozy. i wish real strikes looked like that. rich people are so funny.
so lady from the incredibles' response is to starve a bunch of rich kids including the crown prince? is she aware of the consequences of that?
oh he gave up
I love rich kids. they're so funny. so stupid.
"don't you find it nice to be hungry sometimes?" FIND A GODDAMN THERAPIST AUGUST. JESUS CHRIST.
"that sounds like an eating disorder" FINALLY. MY FUCKING GOD.
they do kinda sound like a fun group of friends. that was a bit of a genuine moment. I liked that.
aaaand back at being snakes. gr8.
awww my babies who are total opposites
wilhelm could really learn more from simon actually
like a pair of lil street urchins, those two. I love them
"did you sleep well?" "no. did you?" "no" my BABY BOYS
hm. so a group of people striking actually got what they wanted? Wonder if there's any lesson to learn.
IN A BATHROOM? are they gonna KISS???
"I'm so thankful you were my first real friend" oh. my god.
i have managed to make it fully unscathed so far but that simple sentence sent me into a sobbing spiral oh my god
oh go d
"since when do you care what the royals think?" "since I learned what it means to be with one of them" oh. ooooohohohohohoho
he's gonna write him a song isn't it
rosh and ayub are the realest. honestly. such real ones. day ones. I love them
is this gonna be couples therapy ooooooo let's GO
I mean, idk, that reveal doesn't really hit hard bc obviously if it happened to august and nils then it had to be erik's class, right?
it's the bashing that's horrifying. erik would have participated in beating someone up for the slightest inkling of being gay that is horrifying
oh my god yeah nvm that hit super hard. wille. oh no. oh god.
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
jason tell me about dove for that ask meme. because i lvoe him too. i miss him :(
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well. i asked for this.
hi guys welcome to my batman blog where today im going to be talking about niche silver age dc character that absolutely no one gives a shit about but me: don hall! i read all of his comics in the span of like two days and i havent stopped crying about him since
send me a character and ill tell you...
- What made me like them in the first place
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pictured: the precise moment i fell head over heels in love w don. he is just so..... yknow??? hes just such a kind fucking person and i love him so much
- Who I ship them with
no one </3 he literally doesnt talk to anyone long enough. if i shipped him w anyone it would probably be lilith tho they were kind of cute in that single fucking panel lol
- Random headcanon I have about them
he taught an art class he MUST paint i refuse to believe anything else hes definitely an art boy <3
- My favorite moment of theirs
see the above panel but also when he fuckin.g embarrassed himself in front of the girl he lieks and teargassed a bunch of cops and then tripped chasing after a criminal and got called a crybaby and then the comic just ENDED LIKE THAT. dons horrible no good very bad day alkjsndfssdf hes such a loser i love him so much
- Plotline/story I want to happen
if dc hadnt been a bunch of cowardly losers they could have leaned more into dons investigative tendencies and the way he talks to victims about what happened which would have been rad as fuck, just btw. also i wish there had been MORE comics w don and hank working w the teen titans. yes we had a few but what about more. i want don to have friends. fuck you dc
- Any issues or insecurities I think they have
that boy should be more insecure than he is bc wow. he is jsut the biggest loser. i think hes obviously insecure about a lot of things bc hank only picks on him all the time (and he picks back! iconic.)
- Favorite quote
see the above panel (again), but also i think its really funny when he snips at hank, and you KNOW i love all his panels where he defends his pacifism. hes so iconic
- Kiss, marry, hug, or kill
i am kissing him right on the mouth hes so <33333
- Random thing that reminds me of them
just really predictable shit. but yknow i promise you every time i think about the teen titans my brain is always gonna jump straight to him, and thats probably not the case for most people
- Any talents I think they might have
well he knew enough about art to teach a class and apparently hes a pretty good swimmer. i feel like hed probably be good at other things hank would think r super lame, like sewing
- On a rate from 1 to 10 how much I love them
10/10 hes so <33333
- What I think about their family
hank can go fuck himself <3 their dad makes for an interesting contrast to the two of them but i wish both of their parents had gotten the chance to be expanded on more. tragedy of all times
- Who I think should be their bff
i really would have liked to see don and hank become better friends w the other titans who were sidelined, like lilith, and mel. id kill for that actually.
- What animal they would be
.............................i dont need to answer this question
- Three songs that remind me of them
no <3
- Favorite episode/issue/thing centered around them
definitely the cringefail comic where he just fucked up absolutely everything but im also really fond of the hawk and the dove #2
- How badly they need hugs
so badly.
- Favorite thing about their personality
i love that hes every bit as headstrong and snippy as hank is, even tho hes a pacifist. like, yeah, he doesnt believe in violence, but he still gets pissed as hell all the time, and thats so fucking real tbh. ik part of the juxtaposition is bc dc wanted him to seem wimpy and cowardly but it is really fun to see him get humiliated and then STILL whip around and call hank a neanderthal like alsjdlfsndsdfnjsf
- Favorite thing about their appearance
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sobbing. crying. hes so cute i love when they give him curls
the dove costume is BUTT UGLY but i do like the color scheme
- Why I love them so much
he had so much potential. it wouldve been so fascinating to see how dc handled a superhero who was a pacifist and believed strongly in criminal reform and peace. dc tried so hard to make him seem weak and unmanly that they would up creating a guy who didnt fit into the usual hypermasculine superhero archetype and that was just. fascinating, honestly. refreshing. i also just loooove a good angry leftist so you know me. hes just. SUCH a cringefail losergirl its impossible not to fall madly in love w him im going to be mourning what could have been for the rest of my fucking life
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
New Details and Ties to Coming Spinoffs
This is a article from comic book that I just read and wanted to share here. A couple of new things, some things phrased that I think we could look closely at like Gimple sayinga something about, coast to coast, which made me think immediately of Daryl being called a cowboy and the frontier.
But the main thing that when I saw it I thought, "Oh My Gosh, I've got to show the guys this." Apparently Danai posted on her IG a picture of Rick with the question, "Have you seen this man?"
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Which is a total call back to between s4 &5 when TWD did a promotional campaign putting Beth's picture on a milk cartons saying, "if found return to Daryl Dixon." Try to convince me that this is not a call back to the milk carton promotion. Nope, not having it, definitely a tie between the two.
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Super interesting. They also are sure to mention that Gimple was the showrunner for seasons 4-8. They also me that the Richonne spin-off is filming in Atlanta. Did we know that?
I’m very excited about this spin-off mainly because it’s Gimple’s. His seasons, particularly 4-6, are imo the strongest seasons in the series. His storytelling style is extremely cool. Just really excited to have him back.
The fact that they’re returning to Atlanta is so intriguing to me. Why? What will bring them back there? The last time they were in Atlanta, it was Coda.
They were also filming on the Grady site last March, when both Andy and Emily where in Atlanta, tho we still haven’t seen that on film. I mean I know what I would like for this to mean, so…just trying to stay rational here.
A reference to season 4 on the amc insta acct today !
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They’re in Atlanta idk that just makes me so happy lol. It just feels like the beginning and like our predictions that the CRM was in Atlanta are more and more likely to come true with Rick and Michonne being back there. Like why else would they go if not for some reason that involves the CRM?
It also makes me excited that Gimple actually is going to make good on the story he started writing almost ten years ago.
Awesome! Love it! I haven’t read thru the article, but I will shortly here. This one has also surfaced.
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I’m assuming from Atlanta. People are saying it might actually be a stunt double rather than Danai herself. It’s too blurry to say for sure. But hey, hooray for filming pics!
I also feel like the picture of Rick, with blood on his face, is a callback to how he looked after killing Joe Claimer in A.
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Two things. This description could apply to Beth and Daryl as well. It feels like a show wide theme to me. It also goes out of its way to mention the red machete.
Secondly, it talks about finding themselves as well as each other. Another show wide theme. Rick’s final episode was all about finding his true family. “I found them.” Not only can we apply that to Beth, but it shows that the theme Gimple laid down in that episode will continue. I love seeing stuff like that because it confirms that they start storylines, back burner them, and then continue them years later.
Good stuff n thangs!
The fact that gimple said this is so affirming! I agree. It sounds just like Daryl and Beth.
We were just saying last night how quiet they were being and now we have this.
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brooklel · 1 year
ok since i’m so hyped here are my predictions for mikus pokemon and designs (and vocaloP) for project voltage: (disclaimer, the vocaloP choices are probably super unrealistic im not super knowledgeable on vocaloP and i don’t know who they could reasonably get this is just my very limited and biased view)
👁️‍🗨️psychic: meloetta (already confirmed)
🌊water: primarina (already confirmed)
🔥fire: skeledirge (already confirmed)
🌱grass: rillaboom (already confirmed)
⚪️normal: ok i’m gonna be pissed if either normal or fairy isn’t jigglypuff. fits the music/singing theme perfectly AND is pokemon #39 which is the miku number. if they’re cowards or put jigglypuff in the fairy slot, then i could see exploud or chatot for the music theme or maybe even lopunny for the twintails? oh or obv farfetchd cuz it was in the kei art. probably farfetchd.
this design might be closest to regular miku. or they take it in a lass/schoolgirl direction?
Oster project would be cute for this one i think! or 40mp
❄️ice: Alolan Vulpix, cuz there was already a pokemon x miku crossover with alolan vulpix. maybe lapras or frosslass or amaura tho if they don’t go with that.
gotta be tons of pale blue, maybe some pink thrown in. i wonder if they’re gonna go with the cute route or the elegant route. ooh maybe she’ll be snow miku-y
or oster project for this one lmaoo
👻ghost: i can’t wait to see this one. it’s kinda hard to pick tho? i could see oricorio, but that might be used for the flying spot. gengar is basically the ghost type pokemon so i could see that as well, but i think it’s gonna be rotom. i’ve seen fanmade rotom mikus before and they’re perfect. i hope it’s that
this miku is gonna be so spookyyyy. i’m thinkin a lil mischievous and sharp teeth and stuff. wispy twintails. ik she’s an electric gym leader but iono vibes
dudeeee if they got mafumafu for this one it’d go so harddddd. they got him to do the anime op a few years ago i really hope he’s part of this collab. syudo would go hard for ghost too
🐛bug: frosmoth? illumise? maybe kriketune for the music theme… idk this one’s tough. final answer frosmoth.
hmm this one’s hard. i hope they make her a lil nerdy. give her round glasses or smth
oohhh i could see pinocchio p for the bug type one. i really hope he’s part of this he’s my favorite vocaloP
😈dark: i’m feelin obstagoon on this one bc of the music theme. maybe absol or morpeko tho.
yess this miku is gonna be so intense. heavy makeup and spikey collars and shit hell yeah. piers from swsh vibes for sure
⚡️electric: very well could be pikachu. it’s just a shoo in at this point. if not, then toxtricity bc of the music theme, or a pikaclone like pachirisu maybe.
probably leaning into the android/digital theme. definitely super energetic. iono vibes
giga??? giga would be perfect
👊fighting: it’s gotta be sirfetchd right? leek and all. idk if they’d wanna do two pokemon from the same line if they do farfetch’d for normal or flying. or i mean, they could be lame and go for pirouette form meloetta ig… quaquaval? iron valiant miku would go hard tho
…. the only thing that comes to mind for design is seraphim on the ring miku lmaoooo
that makes me want to say mitchie m but i have no clue lmaooo
🧚‍♀️fairy: like i said, jigglypuff. if they put jigglypuff in the normal slot, then i could see gardevoir or togekiss. i would also love tinkaton miku tho. it does kinda have twintails
obv very pink! super adorable. i feel like her eyes are gonna be big and either sparkly or kinda empty like valeries from x and y lol
hmmm maybe toa?
🧲steel: ok hear me out. metang. her twintails could look like it’s arms. realistically, i think they’d more likely go metagross in that case tho even tho it has four arms. maybe klink? it’s got miku color in it. cobalion also has miku color. honedge? magearna miku would go hard too. final answer is metagross tho
maybe kinda robot-y? idk we definitely getting some cool grays and teal tho
nayutalien maybe idk i get the vibes.
🪨rock: amaura or arourus probably. i could also see diancie tho
ok i’m kinda stumped on a design and vocaloP for this one tho. genres definitely gonna be rock tho.
🗻ground: this one’s tough. palpitoad/seismatoad fit the music/sound theme but they’re ugly so i’m doubtful. could go for the fan favorite in wooper/quagsire but idk if they would. idk if wooper has the same impact in japan as he does here. nidoqueen maybe? final answer wooper ig
also kinda stumped.
🪽flying: could be farfetchd. i kinda forgot it was also a flying type. i would love oricorio miku tho. ideally with parts of each form incorporated into her design, but if they just stuck to one form, i’d say pom pom for the vibes or sensu for the color.
oooh we gettin a lil adorable ditzy mikuuuu we got the light blues for sure. skyla from black and white vibes
could see oster project for this one too lmao
☠️poison: ROSERADE MIKU WOULD GO SO HARDDDD. i think it’s unlikely tho :( most likely it’s gonna be toxtricity if he’s not used in the electric slot. if he is, then maybe toxapex or drapion?
i feel like they’re gonna go with a roxie from bw2 vibe for this one and i’m so here for it.
deco*27 i feel
🐉dragon: ok i’m like 75% sure it’s gotta be altaria right? the other 25% is dragonair. i hope it’s altaria tho i love altaria
ok if it’s altaria maybe they’ll do lisia from ora’s vibes i could see that. if not maybe we get dragon trainer miku? clair from johto vibes??? that would go hard ngllll
idk for this one ngl….
anyway i can’t wait to see how wrong i am :D i’m in love with project voltage aaaaa
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sanchoyo · 2 years
arc v 31-40 thoughts. um. um well, yes………these kids need therapy, to preface this…holy shit ? wow. a lot happened in this stretch of episodes, answered some questions and raised 4000 more. anyway.
-SHINGO TRYING SOOOOO HARD TO BE COOL BUT BEING A MASSIVE DORK IS JUST ENDEARING ME TO HIM SO MUCH MORE. HES LIKE SHOOTING UP MY RANKING. which right as im typing this on 31, is yuzu, shingo, sora, masumi, reiji, and michio as my favs (probably in that order, too. im just as shocked sora got up so high, considering i was ANNOYED when he showed up first LMAO his friendship with yuzu is so endearing tho…)
-new opening! interesting imagery in it, but def liked OP 1 way more song-wise. -_-
-every word out of shingo's mouth im like . yeah ok im loving him hes SO funny JSDHFJK . his deck is furry samurai too, which is. well. its very good.
-reiji seems more concerned with his own goals to see yuya as a proper rival! I think he just sees him as the son of someone he admired, and someone of interest bc of pendulum! I dont think he thinks of this 14 yr old as a threat to his status or anything! which is the usual ygo rival MO…feels like shingo really is that rival character, which makes more sense to me given my expectations for a rival lol! 31-32 were the eps that made me start rly like yuya more (not that I disliked him before! just…he felt more like a protag when he started getting super into it!!! yes show some passion tomato boy!!!)
-wasnt too crazy about the new outro, either (the visuals were nice at least!)
-ok shingo is def the rival, right? right. a lil gay with it. theyre so CUTE firing each other up so much, its actually pretty fun and theyre both having a good time getting the crowd worked up together…wholesome! like, very very wholesome! 32 might be one of my fav eps, along with the yuzu/masumi 2nd duel…
-cannot fucking explain the drop in my stomach when getting to an episode just titled 'neo heartland city' and nothing else. NO NONOONO. NOT MY FUCKING CITY WITH MY FUCKING BLORBOS. EVEN IF ITS SOME KIND OF AU SITUATION IM SO SCARED.
-called it with the masumi being some kind of brainwashed to think shun was always lds! me and yuzu are on the same page
-ok seeing heartland city field spell was DISTURBING LIKE WATCHING A ZOMBIE OF A LOVED ONE BEING REANIMATED. all of the charas are calling it futuristic.. so is... is arc v chronologically in the PAST???? are all the dimensions also on different YEARS or??
-christ alive! reiji is doing the heartland city field spell on PURPOSE TO UPSET SHUN??? 'he should be happy' BITCH HE ISNT HAPPY. SHUN IS A HEARTLANDER. WHICH I ASSUMED BC XYZ, BUT YEAH. YEAH. WHAT HAPPENED BUDDY TELL ME!!!
-oh god
-oh god
-oh god. what the fuck, sora.
-ok. well. i knew this would happen. could not have predicted HOW or the fucking tone shift. I have whiplash. this was hard to watch, I literally had to keep pausing to get up, pace, breath, then come and sit again. several times. the actively being super fake from sora, trying to be cheerful and nonchalant and a bit bratty but still trying to hype the crowd, then the gradual, then frantic build up to someone clearly UnWell and Maniacal and SADISTIC and DESPERATE to Say the Least...insanely well done, hard to watch bc it HURTS. LIKE.
-what the hell, sora. -what the HELL. its not like I ever ENTIRELY trusted him, but my GOD. the execution was flawless
-both of them need therapy. this whole ordeal, soras scary creepy faces, making children cry, using the scariest creepycute monsters ive ever seen? endears him more to me somehow. hes a littol fucked up actually…more than expected…I can VIBE with that. I LIKE characters that are a Little Fucked and yugioh has NO shortage of them. might have to swap around that fav charas order list immediately.
-I felt bad for shun the entire duel, my god it was cruel of reiji to pull this field up! its! fucking heartland city! AAUGH IM SAD TOO, SHUN.
-fucking . horrifying how desperate sora is to win. shun is fighting for resistance and for survival, sora is trying to prove he can easily 'hunt' xyz users…which, he obv Cant Easily Do, he gets Squished, loses, passes out and has to go to the hospital. thru out this ordeal yuya and co are becoming progressively more horrified, but still care for their friend! awful awful painful to watch. but also, they might be the only ppl sora has in this dimension and I think. i think we can Fix Him. hes YOUNG we can FIX that mindset, right…or am I being too optimistic. idk the way it was framed and how much yuzu and yuya care abt him…I feel like he'll be helped (I hope??? child soldiers bad)
-the next ep opens with yuya, gongenzaka and yuzu actually TALKING ABOUT ALL THIS, swapping info, and thank GOD for that!!!! I felt like yuzu was the only one of them involved heavily in the main plot for a while there!!! yuya was actually pretty serious about it, which is Nice to see (again, hes starting to feel more like a 'protag' to me now…)
-sora and yuto confrontation leads to an escape from the hospital and a duel, of course…that shun doesnt WANT to continue bc sora is obviously! hurt! and yuto isnt HEARTLESS. sora is desperate to Prove Himself (making me wonder if academia punishes ppl who dont…do well or agree to help them…) and fucking yuya finally steps in to help. altho given the context clues. well buddy it doesnt sound like soras on the Correct Side! it sounds like! hes the bad guy here! (or, raised in that mindset at least, not the main bad guy but def needs to be treated carefully) n u shouldnt be dueling yuto at all bc u dont understand the situation!! AUGH. I GET it tho, the little blue freeloader has been eatin pancakes with u everyday for how long,, hes grown on ME TOO SO I CANT SAY ANYTHING. AUGH.
-sora got Sucked Back to fusion dimension bc his identity was compromised. THATS why he couldnt tell anyone! actually very understandable.
-yuto and yuya stopped their duel, realizing they have absolutely NO reason to fight, and yuto was very reasonable and explained everything! im shocked at the straightforward answers to a lot of my questions (I still have a lot more…interesting yuya's dimension is 'standard'…hm)
-they analyzed soras memories without consent while he was unconscious………………dude. dont DO THAT!!!
-banana hair is here! on a bike! I'm a lil confused at synchro's role in the war? they were recruited by fusion?? to help crush xyz?? or just yugo was?? or its a misunderstanding somehow bc they both seem to think the other stole something (someone, right?)... is my ASSUMPTION (at the start of 37 as I type this) which is…ok, reiji's dad is behind it for Some Reason. Why? why just target xyz?
-also where is dm in all of this? (…ok I have a THEORY with NO basis, that arc v/standard dimension is the direct branch of dm but years later. NO basis for this but it would explain where dm fits in, maybe? like arc v being an alternate branch instead of gx, and gx being the actual odd one out on the timeline?? I dont KNOW yet. I think zexal implied 5ds never happened at one point, right?? VERY confused LMAO)
-yugo? (sub says HYUGO which is very funny to me, I know theyre all yu-boys tho. cant fool me) is SILLY.
-ok, theres def four yuya-lookalikes (and yuzu, based on the ruri stuff). I've seen their designs before so I knew that obv, and one for every dimension. why…? whenever they summon their lil dragons and those start resonating they start to go. um. murder-y! yuya snapped yuto out of it, but STILL. I'm assuming this has something to do with…why theres four lookalikes, and yuzu and yuya's Magic Accessories. somehow. I assume maybe…not everyone has alternate dimension counterparts, maybe the accessories have a lot to do with it (~dimension magic~ ??) and them being too close starts to make them go a lil. crazy. (like. saying destroy everything jkdafjk) bc theyre all diff versions of the same person? like just born into diff dimensions. (insert trust no one not even urself memes here lol) and they have diff personalities based on their diff lives/families ofc…this is my theory For Now. lets see yuzu and ruri get close together to see if they also go crazy or What. I Am Waiting
-….yuto didnt DIE die just now right? he vanished. maybe he went back to his home dimension. it LOOKED like a death scene, but my god its ep 37! out of 150ish! he was set up as a main player right?? hes not DEAD dead??? yuya passed out for TWOOOO DAYS AFTER WITNESSING THIS???? he has the constitution of a sickly victorian maiden. (but also, is he just in his room and NOT A HOSPITAL??? HES IN A COMA!!! take him to the hospital tf!!! why are they entertaining meirus crystal spiritual healing!!! )
-oh my god YUZU is the one the bad guy wants? shes an important PIECE. NOT YUYA. AGAIN MAIN CHARACTER STATUSSSS I KEEP SAYING IT BUT. SHES SO IMPORTANT. (can I assume this shadowy bad guy figure is reijis dad? like thats gotta be, right)
-omg last yuya lookalike from fusion dimension is SQUIRRELY EVIL YUYA. I love this flavor of character I can tell just from his vibes hes fun. and hes pink and purbly. good! (LMAO at them translating his name as joeri. its yuri right? theyre all yu-names, furthering my idea theyre all the protags of their dimensions lol)
-…i forgot the maiami championship was even happening LMAO would yuya and yuzu just not have participated further if he stayed in a coma??
-….sora being like 'PLEASE PLEASE LET ME GO BACK TO STANDARD I WANT TO MURDER REFUGEES FROM XYZ SOOO BAD' while on some kind of medical table is. so. like do I laugh or cry about this KJHJSDJ
-HEY what the HELL yuya is not responsible for your issues kachidoki LMAO how is it his fault he was having fun with his dad as a kid and you werent?? big jealousy match (also, what the hell @ his sensei telling him he wont have 'childish or fun' duels…when he looked like, 5? HES A BABY AND ITS A GAME SIR)
-'so far you've been walking a sunny path without a single shadow' my god dude, just bc yuya SEEMS happy doesnt mean he has no problems? he HELD A BOY WHO DIED(?) IN HIS ARMS 2 DAYS PRIOR TO THIS DUEL. HES GOT AN INTER-DIMENSIONAL MYSTERY ABOUT HIS LOOKALIKES. POTENTIAL DIMENSIONAL WAR TO DEAL WITH. HIS DAD WENT MISSING WHEN HE WAS A KID!! HES GOT!! PLENTY OF ISSUES!!!
-just as I type that. yuya is having a fucking TRIP about yuto and. looks fucking POSSESSED. RED EYES GLOWING HAIR UP. DID YUTO POSSESS HIM?? WHAT THE HELL. yugioh standard I Guess but is yuto for real just a spirit now?? LIKE, did he ACTUALLY KIND OF DIE DIE. UNSETTLED. (yaaaay xyz protag moment tho ^_^) I guess protags going dark/having a dark side IS ygo standard, theyve all been there! (I mean, ik about vrains, go rush or sevens yet…but up until arc v its been a consistent!) yuto was def not THAT level of scary tho (except when the dragons were resonating and he was all 'destroy everything . um.)
-lmaoooo kachidoki rly got what he asked for. he said ur gonna taste the darkness. and YUYA WENT FULL RUTHLESS SCARY MODE. GOT EM SO FAST. yes yuya everyone is scared of you a little bit HOWEVER consider that I LIKE scary characters who are a Bit Fucked up. keep it up bestie
-my god reiji is basically holding shun hostage, not letting him do anything, or not telling him abt yuto's duel disk being found….mean!
-we're 40 eps in and I still have SO many questions. however we must pause the plot for MAGICAL IDOL GIRL DUEL. SHES SO CUTE!!!!! girl duelists > everyone else. of course we dont get to see yuzus duel, we cut to reiji dueling some rando guard of not yuzu's while not yuzu stands to the side. very cool how they keep not letting the girls do Anything
-reiji is like 'yo why da hells there (2) of yuzu too' me too bud go solve mysteries for me scooby doo!
-very nice how reiji is like 'seal this area and dont let anyone enter until I say so' while theres danger, like, feels like he actually gives a shit despite his cool and levelheaded personality, which is nice. hes not gonna be my number one probably, but I do rly like him as a character so far… (except when he chose heartland field for shun, that was FUCKED up and I still cant tell if he was being sincere in thinking shun would like it or purposely being an asshole…)
-oh my god its not ruri this girl is named serena. JSDFKDJF WELL. IN MY DEFENSE. I MAY BE STUPID. I was prepared to type a full paragraph abt how its so scary academia seems to have taken ruri and brainwashed her so she'd think she was on their side,, and serena. is not ruri. theyre two diff characters. like I thought they were the same person. omg. I was just abt to type 'how does anyone genuinely mistake yuya for yuto theyre SO different looking' then I DO THIS. incredible! thats a great stopping place LMAO
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electrictoes · 5 months
Among the recent interviews Peter made this was was more about the season finale episode:
“You’re definitely going to see some familiar faces from this season, and it’s going to come full circle for a lot of characters,” he tells TV Insider. As for whether it ends on a cliffhanger, “yes and no, I’m not going to say any more about it.”
Speaking specifically about Carisi in the last episode of the season, the case is one “he’s super invested in,” according to Scanavino. Furthermore, “there is definitely a character that has a nice emotional journey in that episode and it might be unexpected for some viewers.”
I mean if I think with my Rollisi-addicted mind I could think about something regarding Rollins or him, what if that 'case' he's invested so much instead it's him adopting the girls? but I doubt that, also I wouldn't want David to touch that argument with a ten foot pole so, let's leave it to someone that knows how to be a SR and a good writer.
Also the coming full circle for A LOT of characters?? hopefully get rid of the useless ones, one of the boys leaving? I wouldn't mind, but hopefully putting Curry in deputy chief position, Olivia becoming herself again and getting rid of her weird therapist and putting her in real therapy, AND getting her best friend/Rollins back at work.
That 'familiar faces' from this season? god please not the Flynn again. I thought at first it said 'from other seasons' but it say from THIS season so ugh, I don't know who could that be since this season has been so bland and boring I barely remember anyone and no one picked my interest except Curry and Nicky Rollins Carisi lol, just hoping to see Kelli in the last episode too. I don't think they're planning any crossover with OC so I don't think Stabler would be there. One 'character' I would love to see again that I miss so much tho?? Frannie Mae.
what do you think? also a semi cliffhanger?! I'm dreading it with this current writing
the article is this one: www ,tvinsider. com/1131907/law-order-svu-season-25-finale-ending-case/
I’m really not sure who familiar faces from this season could be. Doubt it’s the Flynns atp.
My clown answer is it’s full circle because Amanda comes back permanently at the end of the season.
Maybe Maria again? If they actually used her that would be great. I think it’s unlikely though.
As much as I want the adoption storyline, DG seems to love off screen development so I expect the closest we’ll get is being told it’s already happened. I’ve wanted Carisi to work a case that reflects his circumstances though for a while, and at the start of the season Peter said something about cases being different now he’s a dad so possibly something with that?
In terms of who’s in/out my prediction is that s26 starts with Curry as Deputy Chief, Liv as Captain still, and the squad is Fin, Amanda, Velasco & Bruno.
As for the cliffhanger maybe that’ll be EO related. A “semi cliffhanger” makes me think it’ll be character based and/or something good rather than the WL kind of cliffhanger.
Or maybe it’s a will she/won’t she on Liv becoming Deputy Chief that doesn’t get an answer til the s26 premiere.
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livecharliereaction · 11 months
Charhigurashi5 start today
rena told me to think in the last afterparty but i don t really know hwats going on heres some shit tho under the cut
So the big question now is "is it oyashiro possessing villagers make them kill" OR "big rumor acts as a excuse really its all humans" well its probably a mixture of those though
im using oyashiro as a placeholder name bcs what else would i call it. But it might not be so literal - it could be any demon/god/thing or just some Girl or something (and im understanding "possession" too as a large term like it could be some sorta manipulation or disease or something)
I went into this believing its a timeloop but the more and more i played ive come to the conclusion that its either 1. Not at all OR 2. Very different from the kinds of timeloops ive seen before MAIN REASON: Keiichi getting super old alone at the end of tatarigoroshi chapter. My previous guess was that its something like "rika dies and it loops" but based on that its obviously not that simple. ...This could still be the case with time looping when keiichi dies but i kinda refuse that anyone/anything would be looping time for KEIICHI cmoon now. so yeah
IF it is a timeloop i believe it stems from rikas wish to have a normal time with her friends despite the promised horrors from her own prediction (she said it in chapter4)
i find it more likely that the different routes are stuff from different worlds or universes but im sure its something cooler than just That
speaking of different worlds i feel like theres a sort of "dark hinamizawa" alternative world like this idea is mostly from how they described keiichis paranoia in tatarigoroshi chapter (he kepts saying taht "This isnt the hinamizawa i know this sucks!!!" I doubt itd be that literal but the ideas out there)
in my old phone notes that predate this blog (i think during 1 and 2 chapters) i threw out the idea that satoko n rika have some sort of divine bond (i said as an example that if one dies the other one dies too). Im gonna be honest i DONT REMEMBER WHY I THOUGHT THIS LOL. But it hasnt exactly been negated so what ever. Current idea is that theyre just #bestiessss though.
they presented an idea that ooishi could be oyashiros servant but i highly dont think thats true he has nothing to do with this at least never in a divine sense
I mention a manager/director in the phone notes too which is crazy cos i wouldve NOT remembered that but its bothering me now. Tbh i dont rly remember what was said about that anyway but it was in end of 1 or 2. Without knowing anything id say thats rika or whatever her "other personality" is though (i think the prediction makes me think this)
also random note when mion confessed to killing everypony i think she was either lying or it wasnt really mion confessing but the Demon that she wouldve maybe been possessed by
Yeahhh ill find the #CREDITS from chapter 3 first though cos there were wordplay things but i didnt have the time to look at them properly
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vynegar · 2 years
okay gonna ramble about some scouting plans/future cards since i Always think about this and it’s MY blog so I get to choose the posts~
i Can Not believe that they're doing dreams of childhood. like. okay. well played, mihoyo. i was Indeed getting too complacent in thinking i could predict the ww server schedule but no worries!! that’s gone!!
i might toss some normal tears i already have in here and kinda let pity build a bit but also i need to see details on how the SRs in the event are obtained. i’m more likely to spend tears if the SRs are gacha obtainable bc yes the vyn story is a hot mess but like... he’s holding crispy chicken.....
i’m getting vampire vyn and incubus marius. this is non-negotiable. at first i somewhat considered luke but there are enough other banners i want to spend on
i legit cannot tell if snowfallen secrets or gufeng will be the november one. or maybe NOW we’ll get marius personal story?? for my impatience, i want gufeng to come asap (and also so i can know how to budget the rest of my schips) but simply because of that, i bet mhy will go with my least preferred order of marius -> snowfallen secrets -> gufeng. or now that i said it, it’ll reversed. regardless, i only really care about gufeng (vyn and marius) among these events, but might toss some tears in snowfallen secrets for fun
honestly i think there’s only one other card i’m actually aiming for before anniv2. the other ones...
actually i guess i’ll probably still go for the men of NXX MRs since they’re SO funny and cute lol. like i think i do want those to set as my profile icons
the butterfly kisses ones... maybe i’ll see how many chips i have until then. they’re very pretty, but i’m more interested in the other cards than i initially thought
for the normal 2SSR events, i might toss in a few tears here and there in case i get lucky (esp CCG pt 1), but not really planning on anything. some of the the sweet chapter SSRs are very nice (art for gilded gloaming and paired blessings is top-notch, i need to read artem’s card tho) but i’ll only pull if i already have the permanent SSR in the banner :/
wait hmm some of marius’s MRs... the shirtless one and the belt/cuff/?? one.... i may waver....
but anyway that card i mentioned is actually artem’s!! xDDD i kinda can’t believe myself bc yes, i’m prioritizing that over every other birthday card this year. i think i really like cards that dive deep into artem’s ideology about his work (you’ll see this again when i plan to scout for his bakerlon card). imo his emphasis on human touch in approach to law is one of the most stereotype-breaking aspects of his character.
anniv2: vyn and luke (tho weirdly, i feel less of a “i HAVE to get it”) for them? i think for each of them, one of the card arts just doesn’t hit as hard as it could)
i am Very much tempted for luke’s sweet chapter 2 SSR. especially since looming nightmare paired with perfect partner, so that means alluring gaze (which i have!) will be with that one?? i would guess?? but yeah i really like the first card evolution, i LOVE the story (as evidenced by... translating it...), and after reading the story i like the second card art a lot more TT
i might go All Out for bakerlon. i think in terms of card story, my personal opinion goes like marius (kinda wild, a lot of fun) > artem (some parts that didn’t capture my interest but the ending was really good and it gave a lot to think about) > luke (nothing wrong with it really, but i wish they would change up luke stories more. although luke interrogated mc so i will forgive anything else in that card) >> vyn (just felt like nothing was super standout to me... idk maybe i’m biased against all new vyn cards bc of the AI voicing thing. which is super tragic bc this card could be the crowning jewel to my whole essay on vyn (and fairy tales and stories)). but anyway my priorities in pulling for it are luke>artem>marius>>vyn. the art for luke and artem’s cards.... oh my god.
in conclusion: my concrete goals are bewitching night rave, gufeng, birthday artem using the various accumulated normal tears + built up pity, anniv2, and then see what i can scrounge up for in-between events and how much i can dump onto bakerlon
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four-flames · 5 years
Tfp Wheeljack, Knockout, and Smokescreen
You are alarmingly good at picking out my faves from each continuity sweets and the only way to thank you is to cry and gush over these guys 😭😭😭
Get randomly assigned as your lab partner for the whole semester: Wheeljack of course. Not only is he a jacked science nerd and we'd pass that class with flying colours, but he'd also have to be able to carry my gay ass bc if any of these guys flirted with me (and they all probably would) I'd combust. Also he'd be the one to make the class the most interesting with literal explosions and sassing the instructor lol
Get trapped with on a broken elevator for 10 hours: Smokescreen, I weep for this boi bc how can he possibly sit still for that long?? How?? I'd do everything in my power to make those 10 hours as fun as possible and honestly if I can make that guy smile for like even a minute you might as well just send me to my grave that's all I need it life
Get as my employee trainer for my new job at McDonalds: Absolutely tickles me thinking that KO would ever work at McDonalds so here he is. Worst employee ever who made him in charge of training the new guy?? Casually flirts, realizes I cant take it and it distracts me horribly so he makes a game out of it and revels in my suffering 😔 gets me a smoothie after bc while he is horrible I like to think he's a lowkey softie
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Do you think we'll see more of Winston in this season of billions ?
well in last tuesday’s pac-man tattoo episode, during the tour of will’s dressing room there’s uhh definitely some kind of object up on the shelf? is it a box with a thank-you-alcohol? possibly? that will identifies as “a gift from my friends at billions, watch season four, i’m all over it” and he doesn’t seem to be like, sarcastic about it
plus apparently the direction the plot is going in means the random employees of taylor mason capital (which includes winston) are probably going to continue to be called upon to Do Important Things…it’s also already heartening that not only has winston continued to be around for more than one plot point, but has also been named for real instead of just being “quant kid 2.” i would truly be surprised if winston’s potential arcs here involved getting a boyfriend, but like, i can at least hope that the plot isn’t Cruel to him or anything. truly it seems like even the terrible main characters feuding with taylor and co. have some ethical scruples and so maybe nobody’s about to be murdered, but i don’t want winston to be set up as like, oh, this is a character the audience and the other characters aren’t wildly invested in so he’s expendable, maybe he’ll accidentally get in over his head thanks to naivete / inability to see the bigger picture until it’s too late, maybe he’ll be taken away from the company one way or another b/c so far he apparently really is an amazing asset to taylor and seemed to be a crucial element in taylor getting their own company in the first place. and now that that company is having further Big Complications maybe he’ll be called on again to work further wonders, but this time he’s not secreted away in the quant basement and so people might realize that he’s a Key Player and thus could be considered a weak point for a company that’s apparently already relying on a smaller staff and needs to take full advantage of every resource it has
tldr yes i do and they better not be mean to him :(
#winston billions#so far they've uhhh reminded us that he's here and now just around in the office#and other people seem to be tolerating him#but his last appearance didn't like set up anything for his character we haven't seen before#reemphasizing that he's smart but not the best communicator / kinda in his own head cuz he's v much in single player mode#so like presumably he will...continue to be a super gr8 quant who other ppl don't really take to#i mean i'd say he and mafee and sara had some bants that didn't hold any actual animosity or whatever so that's nice#but like. if he's been kept in the series and given a real name b/c he's like#gonna continue to be an ace in the hole for taylor...you have to worry that the story might like#Have The Need to take him out. cuz he's Too Powerful to keep around eternally and the solution to problems can't keep falling back on him#i mean already it's like look winston your projections haven't served us properly b/c the results were skewed by interference#so clearly winston isn't meant to be magically infallible which is encouraging#(not that winston actually necessarily made a mistake though. his projections might have been perf if axe hadn't interfered)#(but also he could've done his work perfectly and still technically been 'wrong' b/c that's how predictions vs results goes)#anyways i mean we've only had like 5 min of winston content total for real so...speaking of difficult to predict lol#it's just hand wringing over a not-long-established non-beloved character w/ no especial ties to other characters#and who basically represents algorithms and Solve It With Math And Coding and a social approach that#has not endeared him to other characters so far as we can tell tho he is dear to me#though another heartening thing is that he's v smart and quick on the uptake in ways outside coding and math and all that kind of thing too#he's not exactly meant to be like ''oh he's smart at this one thing but clueless in all other ways'' he's just p clever all around i think#i think it would be great if he and taylor got to be maybe actual kind of friends#b/c already winston seems to be actually comfortable around taylor and he's gotten to that point super quickly#when usually apparently it's difficult for the avg character#not that taylor didn't give him a case of the despressos but then they were like ''good work'' so he's fine lol#also i want winston to be friends with other people#and date ben#and not be Hurt or fucked over by the plot to ~show that the stakes are raised~ or something#or to raise the stakes for somebody else like ''oh no we weren't trying to literally murder winston but we totally did oh no'' like ugh. i'd#he's a fun character and he's already given this complexity in his Brief Appearances and he deserves a boyf#and to not be put through the shredder to serve the Drama
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