Do we really know what Love Is? February is Love month… the shortest month of the year and one we associate with LOVE due to Valentine’s Day. Every year I write an article on Love and how it...
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Do we really know what Love Is? February is Love month the shortest month of the year and one we associate with LOVE due to Valentines Day. Every year I write an article on Love and how it relates to us. Im always fascinated by where my mind wanders as I contemplate another…
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Do we really know what Love Is? February is Love month… the shortest month of the year and one we associate with LOVE due to Valentine’s...
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What a summer this fall has been! Caught in a heat warning for the past week I have been examining how we deal with our life and energy. This past week especially – near the end of the Heat wave we experienced – I felt slammed energetically between being over worked and being drained due to the extreme heat.  We all have times in our lives when things impact our energy and sometimes even on a daily occurrence. When life happens and we get caught up in it, our fears tend to get triggered and we may not even realize it and we go on autopilot where we are reacting to life instead of responding.
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Laurie is committed to uncover the best way to assist you to staying clear when the world is in chaos.
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Energy Clearing new tools continue to be developed to assist you and your energy to become clear. One of the most powerful tools has been around Soul Integration.
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For many years now people have been saying that 2020 will be essential to our next stage of Spiritual Growth and Ascension and calling it the Age of Aquarius – which feels like it has been...
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For many years now people have been saying that 2020 will be essential to our next stage of Spiritual Growth and Ascension and calling it the Age of Aquarius which feels like it has been happening since the mid 80s. What are your expectations for this new decade? I know…
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For many years now people have been saying that 2020 will be essential to our next stage of Spiritual Growth and Ascension and calling it t...
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Where did 2019 go? We’re headed into another decade!? WOW! It’s kind of exciting to consider. We have finally let the final Mercury Retrograde of the decade go although the shadow period lasts until Dec 7th. I feel fairly confident any purchases made on Black Friday were likely fine. And we only have 3 next year as well. Blessings!!
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Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with Author Kristin Grayce McGary on Holistic Keto for Gut Health. Combining the Elements of Primal, Paleo, and Ketogenic Nutritional Plans, Kristin Grayce Offers a One-of-a-Kind Approach for Optimal Digestive Health. Kristin Grayce McGary, L.Ac., M.Ac., CFMP, CSTcert, CLP, is an internationally recognized authority on autoimmunity, functional blood chemistry analysis, thyroid and gut health, food as medicine, and integrating mind, body, and spirit in health care. A health and lifestyle teacher, she weaves together more than 22 years of experience, education, and wisdom to empower you to heal on all levels. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!
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A personal clearing begins with a consultation to understand a sense of where you are, and what clearing work is necessary.
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Why is it that the Thanksgiving Holiday season brings so much pain – especially when it is supposed to be a time for being thankful for what we have? It appears that the energies surrounding this year have intensified even more the challenges that many people are experiencing (especially the Canadian Thanksgiving which is celebrated over 6 weeks prior to the US –
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James Twyman has always had a special affinity for St. Francis of Assisi, so much so that the NY Times bestselling author, film producer and internationally famed “Peace Troubadour” recently took orders as a Franciscan Hermit and was inspired to write his most recent book Giovanni and the Camino of St. Francis.
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As I am considering writing a book on fear and after  my latest Blog which tried to define Fear  – I feel the need to clarify fear and its relationship to Ego especially since many...
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As I am considering writing a book on fear and after my latest Blog which tried to define Fear I feel the need to clarify fear and its relationship to Ego especially since many spiritual teachers out there believe we need to get rid of our Ego because it is what holds us back…
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As I am considering writing a book on fear and after my latest Blog which tried to define Fear – I feel the need to clarify fear and its relationship to Ego especially since many ‘spiritual’ teachers out there believe we need to get rid of our Ego because it is what holds us back from Becoming Enlightened. I work with a different opinion – at least under our current evolution – we are NOT in a place where we can just get rid of our Ego. We have a lot of growing up to do and we have too much fear as a society that our Ego is the only way for most of us to Grow at all.
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