#i met up with a friend from speech team camp ~10 years ago
do-you-have-a-hairtie · 5 months
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prorevenge · 5 years
New Manager makes working stressful, enjoy working alone with no staff.
This story happened over 20 years ago during the late 90s. I was 17 and had just recently gotten a job as a dishwasher at a local summer camp. This was a large camp that was run by a corporation. I won’t say the name of the corporation, but there is a very famous song named after them. I had been to this summer camp before as a kid so I knew the layout of the camp. My job started up on the first week of summer (mid June) so the kids were already there. I had my interview with the acting Kitchen Manager (who we will call Susan), the original manager had just recently left the company and put Susan in charge. This didn’t seem to bother Susan as she was eyeing for the kitchen manager job that had recently open. Susan was a sweet heart; she was nice and helped me out with everything. I also interviewed with Bob, the camp director as Susan did not have any hiring or firing power (as she was just an acting manager).
The majority of the kitchen staff were also nice and helpful. I made friends with them during the time I worked there. While there was way more than these people (I remember there being around 10 to 15 kitchen staff members during the summer), I am only going to bring up ones that are important to this story. There was Todd, an older guy who lived only a few blocks from the camp and didn’t have a car so he rode his bike in the morning, who was also a dishwasher, he was my supervisor but also really nice. Dale, the head cook, had been there for a long time and used to be a cook for the local middle school, Debbie, another cook, Ellie, a kitchen server (later girlfriend), and Boris, a Russian dishwasher who had a sponsorship with the camp as part of their “world view” program. There were 3 other dishwashers (Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest) who I will call “the dummies” but they are not part of revenge, just that there were 3 dishwashers that were the worst. Nobody got along with them and they couldn’t get fired because Susan was acting manager.
Now, due to the fact that we were located in at a camp, the staff had full access to the facilities of the camp. This means that during my breaks or off work, if the camp was open, I was allowed to go to the swimming pool, go horseback riding or even boating. As long as I didn’t get in the way of the kids, who had a set schedule, it was full access. Susan told me this along with the director of the camp, Bob, during my interview. Bob was also a nice man but also kind of weird. This is important later on.
During the summer, this place was wonderful. I would typically start working the lunch shift then have an hour lunch break between lunch and dinner. While I was required by state law for a half hour lunch, Susan gave me an hour which she did for everyone. Typically during this hour I would go swimming or play with the horses. One time Bob and I went jet boating around the lake or Ellie and I would make out in the pool. Just typical stuff a teenage boy would do. Most everyone in the kitchen staff loved me, as I was a model employee and helped with just about everything. They loved that they had someone who they could get help with as the dummies would always mess up.
In August, we got the news. The corporation had picked a new kitchen manager and it was someone from outside of the company. Susan was really upset, she had worked so hard for years for this job and the higher ups picked someone outside of the company. The new manager was named Karen.
The first time we met Karen; she gave a speech how “new changes are coming” and “we will now work as a team” and was condensing towards Susan’s work. The first thing she did was do a massive clean up to the large walk in fridges. The strange thing was, she didn’t have the staff do it, but it was (later on we found out) her family cleaning it out. She also hired her husband, Dan, to be the assistant manager, pretty much forcing Susan out. During this time the camp was starting to transition from a summer camp to an event camp. So the large staff would be cut in half. This wasn’t a problem normally as people would be leaving for school or other seasonal jobs start opening up. The first people she cut were “the dummies”. Everyone was happy on that (and that was the only good thing she did) but in the end all that was left was Ellie, Dale, Todd, Debbie, Boris, a few others and me. I asked Karen if I could work the weekend (as I had high school) and she agreed since everyone else had wanted to keep me on staff.
Karen then begins her terror, it only took a week but it happened. Her fangs started to show and the power got to her, each person felt the wrath of her. She was one of those people who thinks their farts doesn't smell. She would come in late, leave early but yell at everyone for doing the same thing. Everyone had problems with her but here are a few that I remember.
Todd was starting to get written warnings about coming in late. Karen placed him on the morning shift but he told her that he couldn’t do the morning shift or he would be late as he doesn’t have a car and bikes into work. As the camp is located in a rural area, it doesn’t have street lights and biking in the morning is dangerous. This isn’t a problem during the summer as the sun is up earlier but during the fall and winter time is not acceptable. She called him lazy for not having a car and it didn’t matter, she needed him in here.
Dale, the head cook, was starting to get fed up with Karen ordering too little of the food and the wrong food. Having cheaper products and being forced to work with a broken stove. One time he asked her when the stove would be fixed and her response was “fix it yourself, you are a big boy.” So often times we would run out of food for the night and had to make sandwiches for the people.
Ellie got the worst of it. Since we were dating, I found out that she had an eating disorder a few years earlier (she was 2 years older than me) and use to be anorexia. Karen kept calling her “piggy” and “fat” and how she shouldn’t eat all the food in the kitchen. She was upset and crying the whole time when this happened. I confronted Karen about it and she said “she shouldn’t be sheltered college brat and grow up” and “if she has a problem she should talk to me, not you.”
I also felt the wrath of her too. She would change my schedule around randomly after posting it. On Friday we would get our schedules for the week. I typically worked Friday night, Saturday and Sunday because of High School. During the week, she would change my schedule, so I was working on Friday night, she changed it to Wednesday night and then would call saying I missed Wednesday night. Unlucky for her, Dale had my number and called me whenever he found a schedule change but it was getting old quickly. She would also tell me to do a job then change what to do. For example, one time she told me to clean the oven and when I was near finishing up on the job she asks why I didn’t clean the stove and get mad when I said she told me to do the oven. Another example was that she would tell me to mop the floor and Boris would come over and help me out because he had nothing to do and then get on me for Boris finishing my job, even though Boris spoke up and said that he asked her if he could help me and she said yes. Another example was that she cut my break from an hour to half hour and not allowing me to use the facilities during my break since I “was only on break to eat, not play.”
After a few weeks of this (late September), I went to Bob about her and told him everything about what she was doing to us. I found out from Bob that Dale also went to him earlier that week with the same thing. However, having the spine of a jellyfish he said “I’ll talk with Karen;” then a day later Karen starts getting on us for going to Bob and not her saying “If you have a problem with me, you come to me, not Bob.” This was the last straw for us, so I talked with the rest of the kitchen staff and we decided that she needed to leave.
During one of my breaks that she wasn’t in the office that day when we were still trying to think of a way to get rid of her, I was eating my dinner in her office (the manager’s office was the only one with AC in it and it was a hot day). We all had permission to be in her office as it had the keys to the large fridge, tools, the private rest room and what not. I’m eating dinner with Ellie when Boris comes looking for a pen. He was trying to fill out information so he could go home to Russia (I don’t remember what, just that he was planning on leaving in 3 weeks) and sits down at her desk. He is opening up the desk to find a black pen when he finds a check. It was a paycheck to one of the dummies, who left a month earlier. It was his final paycheck, highly illegal to withhold a paycheck. Boris showed us the paycheck and then he started to look at the computer that was on her desk. While Karen was a jerk, she was also stupid and left everything unlocked. There he saw the orders. She was ordering things that we never got into the kitchen or ordering extra stuff. It turns out that she was ordering more food than we thought, stealing the food and using it for her own personal use. I told Boris that he was looking though her personal property and he said “What are going to do? Deport me?” We also found out that Bob was getting a kickback from the extra food that Karen was getting in to keep quiet. So it explained why Bob had the spine of a jellyfish towards Karen. Boris printed out the information and held onto it. This is important later on.
The three of us told Dale about it and he wanted to confront Karen, but Debbie pointed out that she would just deny it and Bob would cover up. We thought about corporate but we had no connections to corporate and Susan had left the company, who use to have the connections. It then hit on us, in about 3 weeks (mid October) corporate was going to be having a retreat using the camp. All the big wigs and high ups were going to be there and we were all scheduled to be at work that day because there was going to be a huge feast for dinner while lunch corporate was going to have grilled burgers and hot dogs. I remember that corporate brought in an outside vendor for the grilled stuff since they were preparing a big feast. Karen was also going to be there to impress the big wigs. We decided to act on that day but also knew what to do before hand. It was also going to be Boris’ last day as he was leaving to Russia that night.
So on the day of the feast, all of us show up on time at around noon. The dinner feast wasn’t going to be until 5pm so we had plenty of time to prepare or at least, that what Karen thought. We got there and just sat down around the kitchen and did no work. We locked the freezer with a different lock (it was only locked with a normal deadbolt lock you can get at the hardware store). The janitor wasn’t going to be in until later in the evening (thanks to Dale telling him about the plan and not to answer the phone) so he couldn’t use his tools to break into the fridge. So we waited. Karen didn’t get in until 4pm with her husband; she looked as if she was ready for a major interview when she saw all of us just standing around. The stove wasn’t on and cold, the fridge was locked and we were just sitting around. Karen started to yell and talk about how today is important for her and that she would have our heads for this. So Dale comes up to her and says “We quit.” Karen went full on deer in headlights and her mouth was so wide open that you could throw peanuts into it. All of us walked out on her, into our cars and drove away before she could get a word in. We decided to just quit. We went and got jobs or some security lined up but knew that a major shakeup like this would grab the attention of the big wigs.
I found out a month later when I got a call from Susan, the original acting manager before Karen, asking me if I wanted my old job back. It turns out that Karen called Bob and said her whole kitchen staff just left and they needed to tell the big wigs that the feast was going to be cancelled. She couldn’t get into the fridge with all the food since her key didn’t work and nobody was picking up to help her. She tired to call others that left or were fired but since she was so toxic that nobody wanted to work with her. The big wigs were not happy, they went right to the kitchen to find out what was wrong and saw that nobody but Bob, Karen and Dan were there without any food cooking. Boris walks in and Karen starts yelling at him, saying how could he do this to her? Boris then hands the big wigs the printed information he got from Karen’s computer earlier and had made copies of it, gave it to everyone in the room (Boris told me, though email, that he wasn’t sure who was in charge so he gave everyone in the room the information since he figured one of them had to be a head guy) then got into a taxi and went back to Russia. Corporate started an investigation as soon as that happened. Bob, Karen and Dan were fired almost right on the spot and not only did they find out about the withholding checks and backdoor deals with Bob but also Bob was stealing money from the camp to support a drug habit. Karen and Bob were arrested for fraud and most likely other things (it has been over 20 years, I don’t remember everything but that one stuck out at me). Pretty much the whole camp had a shake up, Susan took over as the manager (got the job she wanted with a pay raise. She did leave after they gave the job to Karen but her new job wasn’t working out) and about half of the staff came back. I did come back as my parents were helping me out while this was happening (I told them everything in advance) but only for a month as by that point it was winter and it was costing me more in gas than work. Dale came back to the job along with Debbie but Ellie and I broke up (it was a “summer love” anyway) as she moved away for college, Todd never came back and works at a local liquor store (at least last I saw him. I haven’t been in that store in about 7 years).
So what happened now in my acting job that caused me to remember this? Well, I got a call from Dan about a month ago recently wanting to do some work for him. However, he lived in another state that we aren’t licensed to do work in and that was pretty much the end of the conversation. I decided to Google search her name but didn’t find much information except some court records about the original case from years ago. Dan and Karen do not appear to have any social media page or anything that I can find. I honestly don’t care anymore as it has been over 20 years since this happened and I’m much happier at my current job.
TLDR; Summer Kitchen job at summer camp gets new manager and start causing problems, whole staff quits during an event and gives higher ups information about fraud with manager and director.
(source) story by (/u/Konacha)
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thebachelordiaries · 7 years
Getting Out The Campzone: The Bachelorette Season Premiere Recap
Sweet. Sour. Sassy. Classy. 
That’s our girl, Rachel.
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Rachel is more beautiful than Cinderella. She smells like pine needles and has a face like sunshine.
The journey for Rachel to find a mate is officially underway and even though these men were hand-picked for her, she will still need to weed through the losers to find the love of her life.
And there are losers galore: a ticklemonster, a Whaboom! guy, an aspiring drummer and a dude named Jamey who hates women.
Some of these aforementioned were among the lucky few to get their own video packages.
-Kenny is a father to his beautiful 10-year-old daughter by day, and a professional wrestler called the “prettyboy pitbull” by night. So essentially, he barks, he bites and he’s good at cuddling.
-Jack Stone is a lawyer from Texas who has the potential to be the world’s most boring speaker right behind Ben Stein. His mother passed away from cancer when he was in high school, so he has a tragic story. The best part about him is that he has a labradoodle.
-Alex is a self-described beefy nerd. He says he likes to hit the weights at the gym but also code on the computer. He grilled some kebobs with his Russian mother, who said in Russian that he is only allowed to kiss Rachel on the cheek.
-Mohit is a startup guy, so I am assuming he must be really good at ping pong. He likes to bollywood dance with his family, and they all seemed like a fun family to be around.
-Lucas, aka Whaboom! I respect his dedication to the brand, but he’s going to have an aneurysm shaking his head that aggressively one day, and I don’t want to witness it on my television screen.
-Blake says he’s a personal trainer but his bio says drummer boy, so I already can’t trust him. Blake claims that since working out increases his testosterone, he is great at sex. I’m sorry but I don’t care about his (probably small) penis.
-Diggy is a nickname this man (I don’t know his real name) received after someone complimented his style. “Hey, I like your digs,” they said. Some may say having 500 pairs of shoes is materialistic, but Carrie Bradshaw would say it’s a lifestyle.
-Josiah probably had the most heartbreaking story. At age seven he cut his dead brother down from the rope he used to hang himself. As a troubled youth, he decided to get into crime and was arrested at age 12 for burglary. He was inspired by the people who helped him turn his life around, so he became just like them. Now he is a prosecuting attorney at the same center that helped him. How can that story not warm up your heart?
The Squad Gets Back Together
Usually the show brings in former Bachelorettes to give advice to the new one. Instead, they brought in some of Rachel’s friends from The Bachelor like Whitney, who tried to convince us that she actually knows how to speak. I for one am not buyin’ it.
The robot pretending to be Whitney said she heard the second guy Rachel met on After The Final Rose has bad intentions. It was either Blake or Greg. I am unsure.
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This is Raven adorably getting emotional when discussing Rachel’s journey to find love.
Imagine Rachel did get to meet the former Bachelorettes, though? Her, Andi and Kaitlyn could all go into a corner and talk shit about Nick Viall. I would love to be a fly on that wall.
Limo Entrances
I am going to discuss ones that deserve discussing. Obviously the first person out the limo is typically a big interest of the lead and that person usually (not always) plays a big part in the season. Let’s meet first-out-the-limo guy and everyone else worth talking about:
Peter, aka “Daddy,” was first out the limo. I normally wouldn’t like a guy wearing an outfit that belongs on a waiter in Las Vegas, but Peter can wear anything. I just want to thank him for existing.
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He looks like a movie star from the 1940s. Is this love at first sight?
Bryan went up to Rachel and started speaking Spanish. Apparently he’s a Columbian guy who called himself “trouble.” I’m into it, and apparently so is Rachel.
Will came out the limo as Steve Urkel, slipped on the ground and said “Oh, did I do that?” He ran back into the limo and came back out as Stefan Urquelle. It was probably the most creative limo entrance ever. Rachel got the reference right away because she’s Rachel. Will is probably already in love.
Fred had the most hilarious entrance I’ve ever seen. Rachel was his camp counselor 15 years ago, so he brought out a yearbook and showed old pictures of him and Rachel. Rachel said Fred was a bad kid growing up. Most people get friendzoned at some point in their lives. Some even get sexzoned. Fred, however, got campzoned. What will it take to get Fred out of the camp zone? Stay tuned...
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Jonathan, in typical ticklemonster fashion, tickled Rachel. Apparently he is a doctor in real life. I feel like tickling someone is some sort of violation. Like I said earlier, we will see this guy on the sex offender registry in due time.
Alex came in with a vacuum and I literally JUST understood his reference as I am typing it out. His entrance was an homage to Rachel dancing while vacuuming in her video package on The Bachelor. Well played, sir, well played.
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Matt wore a penguin outfit and was quite adorable. He explained that penguins mate for life, which is what he says he wants to do. He said he’s gonna “waddle right into her heart.”
Mohit used the most basic best man wedding speech in existence as his opening line. If you didn’t work at a wedding hall for three years and haven’t heard this at basically every wedding ever, let me explain. Almost every best man at a wedding has the groom put his hand over his wife’s hand. He then says “This is the last time you will ever have the upper hand in the relationship. Enjoy it.” Negative 10 points for originality.
Lucas, the Whaboom! guy, was all sorts of extra. First he rolled down the window with a megaphone and did his best Bruce Buffer impression. I didn’t want to know that Lucas has one testicle bigger than the other, but now I do. What will I do with this source of information? Suppress it, probably. Lucas then shows us what Whaboom! really means, and it’s not pretty. Let’s just say there’s a reason why Lucas looks like he is recovering from a stoke. Whabooming! is a violent activity.
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My reaction after witnessing what a Whaboom! is.
The Goings On In The Mansion
Some worthwhile observations...
Blake is clearly this season’s villain and Whaboom! guy is the token weirdo for the first few episodes. Blake’s presence already annoys me. He’s no Chad. Chad was at least funny.
Mohit took one for the team and was the one who got completely hammered on night one. He was so drunk that he grabbed someone else's drink out of their hand and started drinking it.
Josiah, Alex and DeMario have already developed a friendship. I hereby name them the “Goon Squad” for being a bunch of clowns. DeMario keept calling Rachel his future wife and Josiah was announcing that he probably will get the first impression rose. I believe at one point Josiah asked, “Who has had time with my wife?” Alex is just guilty by association.
Fred by far had the best interaction with Rachel: 
Rachel: “Frederick. I can’t”
Fred: “Yeah, you can.”
Rachel says she knew Fred as a third grader and can’t get past that memory. If the guy is hot enough, I think she could do it. If she can’t get past it, that probably means she’s not interested and Fred will remain forever in the Campzone.
Bryan pulled Rachel to the side to have a private talk. Right out the bat, Bryan tells her he is 37 years old, wants something serious and doesn’t want to waste her time. Oh, he also says “I’m good with my hands.” Ya know, because he’s a chiropractor. 
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Just showing some appreciation for Bryan’s face.
The two were flirting back and forth. It felt really genuine like they met at a bar or something. Bryan just went for it and grabbed her face to give her an aggressive face readjustment. A+ for grabbing her face like that. You go, Glen Coco.
Peter said in an ITM that he likes Rachel because they both have a gap in their teeth and honestly that is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. He brought chocolate from Wisconsin for her and she confessed that she didn’t like chocolate but said she would eat it anyway. Why? Because Peter is fine as hell so you gotta do what you gotta do.
I also observed that Kenny is hilarious. For example, this line: “If she chooses Whaboom! guy, we need to re-examine what we think is fly.”
When the time comes for Rachel to give out her first impression rose, she doesn’t give it to the over-confident Josiah, she gives it to Bryan. They kiss again with a hammered Mohit accidentally witnessing the entire thing. 
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Here’s a shot of them kissing that didn’t look like Bryan’s tongue was searching for the Chamber of Secrets down Rachel’s throat.
Good thing Mohit was blackout drunk so he was likely physically incapable of snitching. Too bad Bryan later snitches on himself on the Ellen date. 
Rose Ceremony
The first rose is always super important. That person usually plays a big part in the season.
Peter got the first rose. This, on top of him being first out of the limo, is pretty big. Producers are pushing Peter on us hard. 
Will aka Stefan got the second rose. Soft-spoken Jack Stone got the third. I think Anthony, the deep-thinking bald guy, got the fourth rose.
Producers picked Whaboom! guy to stay to 1. entertain us and 2. piss off Blake. I’m just scared Lucas is going to hurt his neck Whabooming! At least Bryan will be there to work his chiropractor magic if need be. Imagine getting adjusted by Bryan? There is no way I’d be able to relax. 
By the time several of the guys get eliminated, it’s daylight outside. It looks like it’s around noon. 
Blake K. the hot asian went home. Apparently he asked to leave early because his grandfather is sick. Dammit, ABC, put him on Paradise. He might be too good for the show, but I still need to see more of him.
Grant, the ugly Dan Humphrey also went home.
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Follow me on twitter, @thebachdiaries 
Another eliminated guy cried about how he spent so much money on outfits and now no one will be able to see them. It was kind of funny but, I hate that I was able to relate to this so much.
So there you have it folks. The real fun starts on Monday once the group dates are underway. I also promise the upcoming recaps won’t be the length of a short novel. I need to get back into my blogging groove.
Prediction Corner: Top 5
Jack Stone
Who do you think will get the 1-on-1 next week? 
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Yuri's Agape, or How Yuri on Ice is the Story of How Yuri Plisetsky Resolves the Crisis He Himself Created (part three)
Parts one and two here!
I was originally going to try to fit this into two parts, but episodes 10 through 12 deserve their own fenced off part of the telling no matter what angle you're taking on the series. And then this part ended up being as long as parts one and two combined.
Cut for length and images and spoilers through the finale:
For most sports anime, episode 10 would be considered a filler episode. There's no skating in it; the characters spend most of it hanging around taking selfies. But Yuri on Ice is not most sports anime. Episode 10 is where Things Got Weird.
It's in episode 10 where we learn, in a very fridge-horror way, that in telling the story almost exclusively from Yuuri's perspective we have been borderline lied to about probably everything to an unknowable degree all along. But it also gives us another headache: of all the characters in this series, why are we suddenly trusting VICTOR to be a faithful and impartial observer? Episode 10 not only switches perspective to Victor, it keeps the perspective a lot tighter than the other episodes tend to. Victor provides a lot more running commentary on the action -- especially over Yuri's story line, for which Victor is not present -- than Yuuri has tended to previously. Victor narrating his own breakfast would probably sound insane, so having him handle this much crucial plot development is probably not a lot better than Yuuri.
Yuri's adventure in Barcelona is so bonkers I almost want to accuse Victor of making it up, but that wouldn't be particularly useful. And of course, if Victor isn't making it up, that means Yuri eventually told him all this later and Victor is now telling us, which is a reading that I think there is evidence of. Just keep in mind that there are a lot of reasons to question Victor's version of events here. Let's start with Otabek.
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The story is definitely pulling a fast one with Otabek Altin. Of the six people who make it into the Grand Prix Final, five are people the series has spent some time with: Yuuri and Yuri, Victor's rival/buddy Chris, Yuuri's rival/best friend Phichit, and JJ. You'll notice four of these five form narrative parallels. Well, JJ has a parallel in the sixth finalist.
JJ has been viewing Yuri as a rival since they first competed in Canada, but Yuri completely rejects him as such. JJ is a monster that Yuri wants to destroy. JJ, frankly, is too much for Yuri to handle at this point. And it's through JJ in a glancing encounter that the audience -- and Yuri -- is introduced to Otabek.
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Victor treats us to a quick montage of podium shots at competitions Yuuri hasn't been in, thus explaining why the audience hasn't met this guy until now. He won silver and gold in his qualifying events for the GPF; additionally, he shared the podium with Victor at least once in the previous season. He has a brief appearance in the first episode.
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You can tell I cheated and capped this from 10 because Victor's name is spelled correctly.
In short, this is a serious potential opponent who has been competing in this bracket for Kazakhstan -- which is as local to Russia as anything can be, if that makes any difference -- for at least a year. There is no reason for Yuri to not know who Otabek is; Otabek should be on his Potential Monster Threat list with JJ. And yet! Yuri does not know who Otabek is to such a degree that it's used as foreshadowing for the reveal about Yuuri's blackout of the GPF banquet last year!
Victor jumps around in his narration a lot, so I’m going to briefly run down Yuri's story line in this episode. Yuri has a terrifying fanclub who call themselves Yuri's Angels that Yuuri, at least according to Victor, for some reason follows on Instagram.
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This fanclub is hunting Yuri down as he wanders Barcelona by himself, because Yuri suddenly has no goddamn responsible adults around. He is literally hiding in an alley and trying to figure out how to escape a pack of stalkers. Suddenly, a handsome stranger on a motorcycle presumably rented for this very purpose rides up from nowhere and rescues and/or kidnaps Yuri!
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Why, it's Otabek!
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Victor no
This is not cool or romantic, you are implying child endangerment and you should all be arrested. Like I said, take Victor with a grain of salt. He always brings plenty. ohhh burn
Otabek has taken Yuri to this lovely sunset to reveal that they actually met one another at a camp Yakov runs for potential child competitors five years ago. Yuri does not remember this at all, nor should he, really, but man oh man, Otabek remembers him.
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Yuri Plisetsky, he says, at the age of ten, had the EYES OF A SOLDIER. Yuri expresses subdued surprise at this. Otabek is struck by Yuri's strength. Yuri has been called strong before -- Yuri knows he's strong -- but comparing him to a soldier is an entirely new context for that strength. JJ essentially called him a girl in the previous episode; he is apparently referred to as a fairy by the media. Yuri demands to know why Otabek brought him to this romantic sunset to begin with. They are competitors! RIVALS!
Otabek asks Yuri if they can be friends, too.
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This is what Yuri has been clawing his way toward with Yuuri all season, but because Yuuri's personal motto is "go passive-aggressive or go crawl under a rock and die," Yuri's had no way to establish a foothold with him. Not that Yuri's made it easy for him, either, screaming at him in restrooms and threatening him in elevators and whatnot, but Yuri is a kid who desperately needs someone to reach out and not flinch. Everyone else in his life has been struggling against this; Otabek manages to do it in like ten minutes.
Otabek is also five years younger than Yuuri, so if Yuri is going to look for immediate support among his peers, Otabek is probably a more appropriate choice. Yuri and Otabek's relationship is never worded as particularly romantic, but the visuals in episode 10 frame it that way strongly. Again, consider the source.
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On the other hand, this version of events makes perfect sense if it's Victor's best man speech at the wedding (including the "now back to where me and Yuuri were shopping" segues).
Yuri's plotline falls in with Victor's at this point as Yuuri and Victor are pressured into hijacking Yuri and Otebek's date, and they end up just inviting everyone (I don't know whether or not they invited JJ -- he finds them, but Barcelona seems like a small place in this episode). They all go out for dinner and end up in one of the narrative climaxes of the series.
There is so much going on in this scene that's easy to miss what's going on with Yuri, making his argument with Victor the next day feel like a tonal hairpin turn. It is a hard turn, but it doesn't come out of nowhere. Yuri starts the dinner scene in Barcelona angry and just gets angrier as it continues.
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He's angry that Victor and Yuuri crashed his good time with his new friend, he's angry they bring everyone else -- Yuri can only handle recontextualizing one person at a time -- he's angry last year's GPF banquet comes up at all (though he's probably not that angry that Yuuri doesn't remember it), and he has to be at least somewhat alarmed that Victor starts showing Otabek pictures of Yuuri pole dancing. Like what kind of a date is this.
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Then Chris and Phichit tag-team to sort of misunderstand Victor and Yuuri's rings and start loudly congratulating them on their marriage. Yuri acts like this might actually have been a total left field reveal for him, though he had to know there was something going on considering the circumstances under which he left Victor in Japan. And the fact all these year-old pictures are still on Victor’s phone.
But then Victor doubles down. Presumably out of some sort of revenge for letting Yuuri get away with the most vaguely worded round-about proposal to have ever been accepted, he announces that he actually intends to marry Yuuri after Yuuri wins the Grand Prix gold medal.
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This is part of a montage of everyone making 'oh you did not' faces, but Yuri's the only one who looks genuinely pissed off.
As Yuuri's coach, Victor's expected to say he's confident that Yuuri will win in interviews and such, but this is a private party among friendly competitors who have not been engaging in trash talk. Considering the company and his own position among them, it would be... diplomatic for Victor to take more of a may-the-best-man-win approach to the GPF, while being friendly about his confidence in his own skater. He's throwing a gauntlet instead; he's so confident in Yuuri that he's casually staking his own future and personal life on it. And it isn't a joke! Victor never takes this challenge back.
Yuri is Victor's former rinkmate; he's credited as Yuri's choreographer every time Yuri performs Agape. To an already seething teenager, this implied lack of confidence in him is going to come across as a slap in the face. It was only a matter of time before Victor and Yuri had a full-on confrontation, but Victor's too focused on motivating Yuuri to realize to he's just invited the one that occurs the next morning.
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I don't believe this is a traditional greeting in Spain.
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For all of Victor's agency in the story, he is not typically a confrontational person. He is more likely to just say something cutting and walk away. And while Yuri is confrontational to a significant fault, he's being about as unfocused in this scene regarding the source of his anger as he was with Yuuri in the restroom in the first episode. This argument gets interpreted a lot of different ways because neither of them are really arguing. Yuri is spitting venom -- about Victor, about Victor's career, about Victor's age, about Yuuri. Victor answers with physical intimidation that borders on sexual. Asking "did you want to compete against me?" is tantamount to asking, are you jealous? Do you wish you were the one who meant as much to me as I mean to you?
This has an equally difficult bookend near the very end, but Yuri lashing out at Yuuri in the very beginning is probably a better point of comparison. Yuri behaves like this when his expectations of other people betray him. He walked away from Yuuri when Yuuri acted cowed. Victor isn't going to be cowed by Yuri. Yuri is a child, he is behaving horribly, and Victor isn't impressed. Yuri's body language suggests he's backing down before he manages to goad Victor to the point of grabbing him; it’s is a small triumph in itself, because it's so incredibly out of character for Victor to crack like this. Once Yuri's won that much ground, he can keep talking, and Victor is frozen and fake-smiling until Yuri tells him to let go. And then it's over.
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Victor is wearing Yuuri's coat, and when Yuri walks away it's revealed he's wearing the tee shirt he bought in Hasetsu. Before he leaves, Yuri says the beach here reminds him of Japan, and Victor agrees. This clash isn't about Yuuri, but it's steeped in the influence he's had on both of them. Victor's narration suggests here that he believes Yuri has learned something about life and love from Yuuri, which is an odd observation for him to have in the moment. Like his being able to tell the story about Otabek, it makes more sense if his thoughts in this episode are something retrospective. In any case, they end here. The audience is closed off from Victor by other people's impressions of him again for the rest of the story.
Everyone is feeling pretty rough going into the competition. Yuri's JJ problem has not away -- in fact, JJ and his insane jump program is now everyone's problem -- and Yuri doesn't appear to have let off as much steam at Victor as he needed to. He shoots Yuuri a particularly ugly glare during the short program warm up.
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Yuuri scores solidly but lower for this round than he usually does, and he spends the rest of the day second guessing Victor's reactions to the other routines and making horrible decisions on other people's behalf without telling them. He isn't quite the hurdle today that Yuri was expecting him to be, but it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway.
For the Agape program, Yuri reveals that since the competition in Moscow, he has somehow ascended to godhood. The narrative explanation comes not from Yuri himself but from his ballet coach, who explains in an interview voice-over that Yuri has realized that the concept of agape isn't something that can be restricted to a single person; it includes everyone in his life. There's a quick set of cuts to his some of his teammates, his coaches, his grandfather, Yuuri, Victor, Yuuko, and Otabek. This is a remarkable revelation for him to have had off-screen and have spelled out by someone else.
Yuri himself gives no narration because he says his mind goes blank here as he's performing. When Victor was first trying to make Yuri understand the program, he expressed confusion over Yuri not knowing what he was supposed to think about to invoke a sense of unconditional love; why would he need to think about anything?
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Yuri breaks Victor's world record for the short program score. Yuuri perfected Eros by coming into his own sexuality, and Yuri has finally perfected Agape by realizing how many people in his life love him. Ironically many of those same people are ones he intends to destroy here.
Having done all the damage he can today, Yuri actually seeks out and sits with Yuuri and Victor in the stands to watch the rest of the short programs.
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He does it like a jerk and possibly just to flaunt the fact that he's cheering on Otabek, but that is a pretty harmless thing to be a jerk about. Yuuri and Victor are sitting with a couple of other people, but they're clearly the ones he's chosen to huddle with. JJ may have had a point about Yuri only being comfortable supporting his competition when he's safely in the lead, but there isn't anything inherently bad about that, either. Openly gloating about Otabek scoring higher than Yuuri isn't great, but he has no idea what Yuuri is planning. Nobody does! Making an effort to be on friendly terms with Yuuri turns out to be unfortunately eventful for everyone. The day ends with Yuri in first place and Yuuri in fourth.
Yuuri doesn't come to the warm-up the next day, so Yuri doesn't see him or Victor until the free skate. A lot happens in the meantime that he doesn't know about. This is where everything becomes debatable, as Yuuri, Victor, and Yuri's unspoken motivations all crash into each other headlong.
Yuuri's free skate routine, Yuri on Ice, is ostensibly a commentary on his career as a competitive skater, but it's also been recognized as a meta-commentary on the plot of the show. Both are largely the same story anyway, but over the course of the series he's never performed it perfectly, and it’s continued to evolve along his relationship with Victor. He's decided that this Grand Prix Final is the last time he's going to perform it, so it's no shock that here in the last episode he finally nails it. He nails it so completely that he breaks Victor's record for the free skate score. Yuri said that Victor Nikiforov is dead, but he didn't know the knife was going to have two hands on it.
Earlier in the episode, watching JJ's routine, Yuuri comments to himself that there is nothing as compelling as a tale that never ends. And while he's skating, he tells us that he doesn't want his story to end either. But it has to, because he's convinced himself that making Victor stay on as his coach is killing Victor in spirit, and Victor's real place is back on the ice himself. So Yuuri, and Yuri on Ice, and YURI!!! on Ice, will end here.
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During the brief time the audience got to see Victor's perspective, however, we learned the opposite was true: Victor was being crushed by the weight of living up to his own reputation. He was having to reinvent himself in the absence of anything or anyone to inspire him so often that there was no real Victor there anymore. But through a crazy chain of events that began with Yuri attacking Yuuri in a restroom in Sochi last year, Victor managed to break out of the endless loop of competitive seasons and reinvent himself for himself. He's found new life in being someone else's strength.
With his decision to retire, Yuuri has condemned Victor to the previous status quo, joining the rest of the chorus of characters we've met begging and ordering Victor to go back. Victor can probably reclaim both the records that Yuri and Yuuri have broken in Barcelona, but there won't be any meaning in it. Yuuri believes he’s doing this for Victor’s own good, but he won't listen to or change his mind for him.
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This is the Victor that steps out and demands that Yakov and Yuri listen to him before Yuri goes out for his free skate routine. It can't wait. It has to be now. He tells them he's coming back to Russia.
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For all Yuri's anger and resentment the last time he and Victor spoke privately, Yuri doesn't look happy that Victor has finally given in to his demands from eight months ago. Victor was talking about marriage two days ago. Something has obviously happened with Yuuri, and that's the first thing he asks: what does this mean for Yuuri? Is he retiring?
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Victor says what Yuuri does now is a decision Yuuri plans to make when the Grand Prix Final is over. There's obviously something he's not saying, and he doesn't say it. Yuri gets this:
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Victor instead whispers to him to not to forget why he came here. This is intercut with Otabek’s free skate, which is set to a rock opera version of the second movement of Beethoven’s Symphony 9. It’s not the more obvious Ode to Joy segment, but you don’t use the Ninth Symphony accidentally in an OST consisting entirely of original music otherwise.
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This is a plea for the future. Yuuri has rejected it and denied it to Victor -- this is most likely the end in some sense for both of them -- but the future is all Yuri has. This is his first Grand Prix Final as a senior competitor. He wants to be the new Victor Nikiforov. But for all of Victor's accomplishments, for all the trouble he's caused, for all the pain he's specifically put Yuri through this year, this is all Victor has to show for it. No matter what happens now, Yuri has his own future. He only has to step toward it.
Victor cannot plead on behalf of the future to Yuuri. But it's possible that Yuri can.
Yuri on Ice isn't the last program of the Grand Prix Final; Yuri's free skate is. Yuri is going to have the last word.
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Yuri does not produce the performance that he does for Yuuri's sake. That is specifically the idea that Victor is urging him to reject. This story has been about love from the start, but it's also repeatedly shown that you can't save other people from themselves. You can help them, you can support them, and you can love them. You can reach out and not flinch. But in the end, they have to make the decision to not reject the future on their own. Yuri's dream from the start was to win the gold medal here in his first year, making history in men's single skating, and that's the dream he's going to chase down right to the bitter end.
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And while he does so, he puts a footnote on the meta-narrative. He tells us, the audience, what his feelings actually were all along. He never hated Yuuri. He has admired him passionately, from his most flawed to his very best. He's prepared to face the future without him, but he doesn't want to. Yuri wants Yuuri to come with him.
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But in the end, the only person who can make that decision is Yuuri.
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Yuri wins the gold medal with a final score that beats Yuuri's by .12 points. He's won. But which of them ended up with the gold isn't what makes up Yuuri's mind to ask Victor to stay. Through the power that sports anime tends to give you, Yuri gets through to Yuuri with his determination to claw forward. You can never just go back to the way things were before; you can only stop where you are or go forward.
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We call everything on the ice love, and love wins. But sometimes love will want to murder you with an ice skate.
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flauntpage · 6 years
The 9 Most Important Things From Tom Verducci’s Excellent Piece on The Harper Negotiation
Similar to how Jayson Stark penned the definitive account on the Cliff Lee signing in 2010, it would appear Tom Verducci has provided us the inside look at the Harper signing.
Here are the highlights.
Bryce Harper valued length above all else
According to Verducci, Harper gave Scott Boras one mandate: length of contract. He wanted to remain in one place for the rest of his career, and wasn’t interested in opt-outs, despite prior reports.
“It was not only important not to have an opt out, he refused to allow me to do it,” Boras said. “He said, ‘I want to be with one team.’ I tried to talk him out of it. He gave me my marching orders.”
John Middleton is a Philly F-ing GOAT
John Middleton has emerged a dick-swinging owner. With “stupid money” and “I want my fucking trophy back” quotes attributed to his name, Middleton is the kind of win-at-all-costs owner every sports fan wants. And better yet, he’s a genuine ambassador for Philly.
He and his wife, Leigh, met with Harper and his better half, Kayla, twice last week in Las Vegas during the famed trip -once for dinner on Friday, and again for lunch on Saturday. Much of the time was spent talking about the ancillary benefits to calling this town home:
Middleton spent most of the time giving his best Chamber of Commerce speech. He talked up the Philadelphia area’s schools, hospitals, restaurants and general quality of life. When the Phillies began their courtship of Harper back in December, they kicked it off with a slickly-produced video in which the club found as many prominent Philadelphians as possible—athletes, politicians, restaurateurs, coaches, business owners, etc.—and had them speak directly to Harper to join them in the city. The video also included marquees of local arenas with his name in lights.
Odds on appearances in that video:
Doug Pederson -120
Mayor Kenney even
Jay Wright +180
Chase Utley +190
Carson Wentz +200
Joel Embiid +220
Ed Rendell +300
Claude Giroux +420
Michael Rubin +500
Jeffrey Lurie +600
Cole Hamels +20000
I was right
This is what I tweeted earlier this week… and last week:
My not-so-hot-take theory on Harper-Phillies: Boras is trying to extract every last drop and Phils are actually doing a decent job of not blinking. With no other sizable offer, Boras pulling out all the stops and “reports” to see if Phils panic. Middleton not as stupid as thought
— Kyle Scott (@CrossingBroad) February 20, 2019
After reading this, I go back to my Tweet from last week that Phils were actually doing a decent job of holding firm since they appeared to be only real interested. Now Dodgers report and this firm figure. I bet they get it done for something less than expected. https://t.co/S1OwhJ3UNm
— Kyle Scott (@CrossingBroad) February 25, 2019
I was mostly right– the Phillies were holding strong with the best offer. But money wasn’t the hold-up– it was years.
So Boras called in the Dodgers and Giants:
On Sunday, with the exhaust from Middleton’s jet barely dissipated, a contingent from the Dodgers flew into McCarran Airport in Las Vegas to offer Harper a record amount of money per year, but only on a deal covering four or five years. (The top average annual value bid to Harper was $43 million; Boras would not confirm it was from the Dodgers.) On Tuesday, right behind their divisional rival, the Giants jetted in with a 12-year offer worth around $310 million. All the stagecraft had the desired effect.
That’s what pushed the deal, and the Phillies, over the finish line– with Middleton calling Boras yesterday and making The Godfather offer of $330 million, with a manageable $25 million AAV, which is actually quite reasonable for a player of Harper’s stature. Consider Ryan Howard was making this much eight years ago, and it’s what Harper will be making a full 20 years later. The Phillies held firm – rigid, even – and only blinked after Boras brought in the heavy artillery. Both sides compromised, with Harper getting the years he wanted, and the Phillies not being totally stupid with their money.
One particular winner, so far yet so near
Big market team, yo:
“Bryce took less AAV. He took more years,” Boras said, comparing the deal to the Machado contract. “And we’re playing on a winning team. Bryce Harper wanted to play on a winning team now and one that has the revenues to sustain it. He got all those things. When Manny Machado is 35, let’s see if he gets those millions over the remaining three years. You’d better be a real good defensive player, too. I did it for [Adrian] Beltre.”
Anyone still think Bryce didn’t want to play here?
The Nationals were never really serious
Ted Lerner, who once overpaid Jayson Werth, got outbid by the Phillies on his own superstar:
Before the process even began he lost a huge bargaining chip when Harper’s incumbent team, the Washington Nationals, sent an offer on the last weekend of the regular season. It was reported to be $300 million over 10 years, but included so much deferred money over such a long period—Harper would be 60 years old when the last payments were made—that the net present value was $184 million. The Harper camp saw the offer as little more than a publicity gesture to appease fans.
A source close to the Nationals described how Boras responded: “crickets.”
Surely, he wasn’t serious. And we’ll call him Shirley.
Other teams quick to take shots at their new Eastern overlords
Gimme. Gimme:
Frankly, some teams, such as the Braves, just didn’t see Harper as worth a record contract. “Harper is great friends with Freddie Freeman and would have loved Atlanta,” said one club source, “but [we] just didn’t value him that high.”
“Corner outfield is the easiest place to find a bat,” said one club president. “He doesn’t stand out as much as Machado, a righthanded-hitting third baseman who hits righthanded pitching.”
Said another club executive, “At best, he’s an average defensive player. At best.”
Some worried about how his violent swing would hold up.
“He’s Tiger Woods with that swing,” said one GM. “I’d take him for a few years, but it’s hard to see how that body is going to hold up when you swing like that. You saw how Tiger’s body broke down.”
Yeah, Tiger Woods won 8 majors after he was the age Harper is now. If Bryce wants to go down in sex-fueled flames after that sort of run, I’m here for it.
He’s our superstar
I like greatness so much:
“The reality is the greatest and most successful aspect of Hollywood are the stars,” Boras said. “George Clooney, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper … whatever movie they are in is about them. People identify with the greatest of great people. In sports you think about Michael Jordan and Tom Brady. When you think about the people who are the billboards of teams it creates what we expect in sports. People want to watch greatness and they want to watch the greatness of individuals.
“What is best for baseball is what the fans tell us: when you have the greatest, most iconic players, the fans will come.”
Consider me coming.
Harper takes care of himself
Boras’s next job was to convince the Phillies that Harper would hold up over more than 10 years. Harper, he told them, was a Mormon who didn’t drink or smoke, and who was both a baseball rat and a gym rat.
What it all came down to
This sounds familiar:
This is what Harper wanted: to chase records, chase titles, chase endorsements, and chase a legacy with one team rather than becoming a baseball nomad. And this, too: more money in one contract than has ever been handed over to a ballplayer. Ten years in the making, he got what he wanted.
Did someone say Chase?
Read the article here.
The post The 9 Most Important Things From Tom Verducci’s Excellent Piece on The Harper Negotiation appeared first on Crossing Broad.
The 9 Most Important Things From Tom Verducci’s Excellent Piece on The Harper Negotiation published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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Video Game Year in Review: Honorable Mentions
When I compiled the list of games I played this year that didn’t make it to my top 10, and weren’t remasters, remakes, or re-releases (see previous list), the number came out to just over 10, with the few over the 10 spot either just not being particularly remarkable (Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion) or games that I put so little actual time into that I really didn’t get the chance to form coherent thoughts about them (Prey: Mooncrash and BattleTech, both examples of types of games I want to resolve to not be so afraid of playing in 2019).
So the remaining 10 that I did want to mention are an interesting bunch. Not all of them are games that I loved. A decent amount of them are games I had serious issues with. But they all had something to them, something that made those issues that I had all the more frustrating, because it prevented me from dismissing them outright. My feelings about these games are varied enough that I wanted to rank them, so I suppose this list could just be called “Reese’s Top 20 games of 2018: 20-11,” or, “The Problem Children,” or something, but “Honorable Mentions” works fine for me.
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10. The Messenger - Though I have never played Ninja Gaiden, and therefore don’t really have any nostalgia for the type of game this dual-8-bit/16-bit/action-platformer/Metroidvania was clearly going for, the early parts were executed pretty damn well. Tight controls, great music, some very fun and memorable boss fights, gameplay that was challenging but not, I imagine, anywhere near as rage-inducingly challenging as the games it was based on. Those initial four or five hours or so felt enjoyable and complete enough that the fact that I fell off pretty soon after the game pulls a very significant aesthetic and gameplay shakeup not enough to make me hate the game. As cool as a concept as it is to literally jump back and forth between different eras of game design, the “Metroidvania” part of this game was filled with the shit that tends to frustrate me about that style of game - aimless wandering and tedious backtracking. A very interesting experiment that, for me, didn’t quite pay off, but the effort produced a pretty unique game.
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9. Iconoclasts - As far as its gameplay goes, this game is almost the inverse of The Messenger’s brand of Metroidvania, highlighting all the things that I actually can love about the genre. Sure there’s backtracking, but the layout of the levels is thoughtful and inspired enough that it rarely feels tedious: I often found myself very excited to gain my new ability and revisit a previous area because - just like the best Metroid games - I know exactly where I can use it, have been wondering about it for a while, and can finally see what’s on the other side. What ended up bogging down the experience of this game for me was the surprising emphasis on story and long-winded dialogue scenes. While I definitely really liked a handful of characters, the game’s increasing willingness throughout its run-time to put verbose speeches in all of their mouths wore a bit thin, given how thoroughly okay the general plot was. Still, game has some of the absolute most gorgeous pixel animation I’ve ever seen.
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8. Monster Hunter World - As it seemed to be for many, the streamlined (though still irritatingly idiosyncratic) systems management, lush world and creature design, and conveniently slow part of the year that it released all made this the first Monster Hunter game I was willing to fully commit to. For a while, the game really won me over - experimenting with weapons was deeply satisfying, and the care and evocative detail in the designs felt inspired and compelling. I even played a bit of multiplayer with friends, and had a lot of fun with it, despite how generally committed I tend to be to single player experiences. After a while, though, I stopped being wowed by the animations and controls to start to be bothered by how careless the game seemed to be about its colonial fantasy, what a generally destructive force you and your team are on this beautiful world. It’s not as though this isn’t something that was obvious from the beginning, it’s just that for a while there, I figured it must actually be going somewhere with it, that there must be some commentary it was building toward. What I was met with was disappointing silence, and LOTS of grinding.
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7. Red Dead Redemption 2 - I felt a lot of ways about this game, some of which I managed to capture in the review I wrote a couple months ago. There’s so much about this game that I hold against it and Rockstar, both surrounding it (the abusive culture of crunch in its development, their lack of care in getting an indigenous and/or black actor to play Charles) and within the game itself (the stretching of a decent story to an absurd length, controls so clunky they often broke the role-playing the rest of the game was so good at encouraging). But the things that I loved about this game - the stunningly atmospheric world, the complicated and nuanced character dynamics in the camp, the ways in which it allows one to experience and engage with its details - all stuck with me as well. This game represents so much of both what I want games to be going forward and what I never want them to be again.
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6. Minit - Weird as it sounds, as much as I liked this game, my main gripe with it was the primary mechanic around which it was based. I loved the minimalist black-and-white art style: the way the white lines shined on my HDR TV is an excellent example of how “simple” graphical styles can take advantage of modern technology as well as any graphically demanding powerhouse. The world was a joy to explore, a miniature Zelda with a unique sense of humor. I honestly just never got why I was only allowed to enjoy it a minute at a time. The game seemed to do little to justify its central hook, and most of the time it ended up feeling more like a hindrance than a meaningful game changer. Nevertheless, Minit gave me a short, sweet experience that stuck with me more than I expected it to.
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5. God of War - Having never really liked the previous games in this series, I went into this one with fairly low expectations, despite the near-universal praise it was getting. The story really didn’t do much for me. The father/son dynamic was fine, but hardly the innovative step forward in video game narratives many seemed to claim it was. Kratos is still an inherently ridiculous character, no matter how much depth they try to give him in this game, though I did thoroughly enjoy Christopher Judge’s performance. The real hook of this game, outside of its very pretty visuals, is its really just superb combat. They nearly entirely did away with the hacking and slashing of the previous games, and created a deliberate, thrilling system of combat juggling. There are a decent amount of moves at your disposal, but it never feels like an overwhelming amount, and the balancing act you can achieve in utilizing all of them properly results in just some of the most satisfying combat I’ve ever experienced in a game.
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4. All Our Asias - This was the first of several lo-fi 3D polygonal games I played this year - the others will show up in my top 10 - and I’m just so excited about the coming wave of game developers inspired by 90’s PS1-era aesthetics, an era I’m personally much more nostalgic for than the still-prevailing 16-bit pixel art of many indie games. This is probably also the weirdest of that style of game that I played this year (and given what one of the others is, that’s saying something), an essay in video game format, an exploration of the bizarre nature of memory, told through abstract shapes and landscapes. Creator Sean Han Tani tells a wonderfully personal story here about racial identity and complicated family relationships, by navigating the conceptual framework of your player character’s father. It’s a singular experience that I still think about often, nearly a year after playing it.
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3. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - Donkey Kong Adventure - I’ll admit that my time with Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle last year was my first real dip into tactics gaming, an experience that allowed me to gingerly step my foot into some deeper water this year (some of which I discovered was still too deep for me, like BattleTech). But for as easy as the first half of that game was, I maintain that the back half was surprisingly challenging. This year’s DLC, Donkey Kong Adventure, is not challenging. Donkey Kong is so overpowered it feels like it must have been a mistake, and the way that he can combine attacks with other characters is just ridiculous. But, weirdly enough, that’s part of what I enjoyed about this addition, a fairly breezy few-hour adventure where the most fun comes from seeing just how badly you can fuck some Rabbids up in a single move. Having Donkey Kong grab an enemy, throw him at another enemy, hit both plus a nearby enemy his banana boomerang, then having Rabbid Cranky charge into all three of them and blast them with his shotgun-esque Boombow never really gets old, at least for the well paced 8 or 9 hours that the game lasts.
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2. Dead Cells - An endless, side-scrolling action platformer with tight-as-hell, ultra satisfying combat, beautiful art design, AND it was made by team of French socialists with no bosses who all get paid the same? I mean, fuck yeah. Dead Cells, a game that I originally played a bit in Early Access last year, and enjoyed so much that I decided to wait until the official release before truly delving into it, is a game that largely plays like the dream it sounds like on paper. I’m not sure if I’ve ever played at 2D game with combat as good. Generally, I’m not huge on run-based games, and did hit some walls in this game where I just felt like my own ineptitude was getting in the way of my enjoyment, and the game wasn’t giving me much between runs to make me feel like I was actually making any progress. I still haven’t actually beat it, but it’s become my default palate cleanser game that I play a few rounds of in between other games or while listening to podcasts or music, so I’m still plucking away at it. I’ll get there someday.
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1. Return of the Obra Dinn - I enjoyed this game so, so much, even if sometimes more on a theoretical level than a practical one. The style is impeccable - I really will never get tired of the brief tease of opaque, incidental dialogue or sound, followed by the sudden explorable tableau of death(s), soundtracked by haunting strings. The gameplay is inspired - I’ve had few gaming experiences in recent memory as fulfilling as any time the little music que popped up after I solved a death, confirming that I had gotten three deductions correct. I have to admit, though, that those moments were spread further out than I would have wished. Part of this is just happenstance - I didn’t realize until quite a few hours into this game that by zooming in on someone, you’ll match them to their picture, something that would have undoubtedly saved me a lot of frustrating time in which I was grappling with trying to figure out whose fuzzy faces were whose. Nevertheless, I felt like I was too often given too little information, and had to take guesses between one of a few possible suspects, many of which were informed by racial assumptions that made me actively uncomfortable. This was, no doubt, part of the point, so it’s hard for me to hold it against the game, but it regardless did lead to a pretty exasperated final couple hours of play. Despite these complaints, its hard for me to think of this game as anything other than a wildly successful achievement - innovative, inspired, both intelligently designed and remarkably trusting in its player’s intelligence. Maybe a little too trusting, in my case.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
Like the rest of the world in 587, the Chinese system was very enlightened. Creating wealth is not a nationalistic idea, incidentally. Here's a test for deciding whether a VC's response was yes or no, or the expression of unfashionable opinions. If they're real problems, fix them. But probably soluble; it doesn't mean much. Kill-or-cure strategies are optimal for VCs because they're protected by the portfolio effect. You have to show you're impressed with what you've made. And this is especially true for a service that other companies can use, because it contains things that could endanger children. After having been told for years that everyone just likes to do it.
There started to be a better one, and actually did. For decades there were just those two types of investors: angels and venture capitalists. I grew up in a time where college degrees seemed really important, so I'm alarmed to be saying things like this, it could save you to be able to do better. The emotional ups and downs are surprisingly extreme. But it's a question anyone ambitious should face. I'm not claiming it's a particularly good time either. And ambitious projects are by definition close to the wind as you can, though. And, like prisoners, the culture we created was barbaric.
I am more fulfilled in my work than pretty much any of my friends who did not start companies. If a post has a linkbait title, editors sometimes rephrase it to be more matter-of-fact. That, it turned out, was no coincidence. The second reason investors like you more when other investors like you is that you won't be able to use VCs to drive up the valuation of an angel round. In the long term the most important advantage of being able to test the essays I write about startups. Investors always say what they really care about is the team. Another attraction of object-oriented programming is because it yields a lot of time trying to predict how the startups we've funded, Octopart, is currently locked in a classic battle of good versus evil. The reason is that to make Leonardo you need more than his innate ability. Because anything that brings an advantage will give your competitors an advantage over you if they do that, they'll usually seize on some technicality or claim you misled them, rather than having brilliant flashes of strategic insight. The same principles of good design crop up again and again. I think we can have both. This is a good time for startups to raise money from them is something that has to be invested by 10 partners, they have less to prove, and partly because they don't have the monopoly on power they once did, precisely because they can't measure and thus reward individual performance.
Adults can't avoid seeing that teenage kids are tormented. But now that I've realized what's going on, perhaps there's a third option: to write something that sounds like spontaneous, informal speech, and deliver it that way too. If you can't already do it, the best local talent will go to the real Silicon Valley, that use of the word troll. The Spitfire was optimism embodied. Why haven't we just been measuring actual performance? One change will be in the meaning of is is. Maybe the situation is similar with malaria. In fact it's only the context that makes them so. There's a lot of novels when I was a kid I was firmly in the camp of bad.
It's so cheap to start web startups that orders of magnitudes more will be started. They dress to look good. However, the VCs have a weapon they can use against the super-angels don't like. But two guys who thought Multics excessively complex went off and wrote their own. It takes confidence to throw work away. But why should people who program computers be so concerned about copyrights, of all things? And the reason is that the rest of the world of startup funding used to look like. Technology trains leave the station at regular intervals. Now we seem to be working. And so ten years ago, he could teach him some new things; if a psychologist met a colleague from 100 years ago, writing software pretty much meant writing software in C. You can meet someone just to get to know one another.
But make sure to write something that sounds like spontaneous, informal speech, and deliver it that way too. I still don't fully understand it. Unless their working day ends at the same time twist and turn to find the best startups. It's due to the kind of startup where users come back each day, you've basically built yourself a giant tamagotchi. Why haven't we just been measuring actual performance? A lot can change for a startup in a place where they have to behave well. Make something people want: most startups that turn down acquisition offers ultimately do better. Raising an angel round is not an all or nothing thing like a series A round. The most concise descriptions seem misleadingly narrow. This essay is derived from a keynote at FOWA in October 2007. Ok, so written and spoken language are different.
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