#i mean. im not gonna stop. my blog my posts my rules what have you
the-kipsabian · 9 months
..im just gonna straight up ask but
yall dont mind when i brainrot and kip post, right?
im just always extremely self conscious about it when im talking and reblogging a lot, as i have been told before to stop being obsessive and that its stupid and whatnot. i mean, yall are here willingly, unfollowing and muting tags is an option always, but like.. idk it still always makes me very aware about things when i do that even tho it makes me happy whenever i go on these silly lil reblog sprees
anyways just. just thought i'd ask idk
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rjalker · 9 months
id call myself cpunk but i am scared the disabled community wont think im disabled enough even though i have chronic pain that affects my ability to live and do basic tasks......
im in denial lol esp w/ the discourse
You are 100% welcome, the Cripplepunk community is welcoming to all physically disabled people (it's just the ableists and ablebodied jackasses anyone has a problem with), and if you have chronic pain, you're physically disabled.
I'd suggest looking through Cripplepunk blogs who post about chronic pain, or just checking out the chronic pain tag, if you want to see what people are talking about.
Chronic pain is a physical disability, even if the rest of society makes it seem like you're just being lazy or a crybaby. The normal level of pain for ablebodied people is none, and especially if it's impacting your ability to function, you're definitely physically disabled, and you'll be welcome in the Cripplepunk tag :)
The "discourse" is people who aren't physically disabled in any way by any definition, who think that they can just "loophole" their way into calling themselves physically disabled, by pretending that physical disability is like...
Like, a riddle or something, and they're trying to be Extra Clever™ in solving it in the most obnoxious way possible, so they come up with "Well, I'm autistic and ablebodied, but the brain is an organ, and autism comes from the brain, so therefore, my brain is disabled, so that means I'm technically physically disabled! Ha! Checkmate, cripples!"
And completely ignore the actual meaning of the words being used, and ignoring the fact that physically disabled people can't "Well, actually--" our disabilities away. Physical disabilities don't stop existing because of a technicality in language that's purposefully ignoring the context.
You can't tell your chronic pain, "Well, actually, you're just a product of my brain, so you can stop now". Talking about your feelings and learning coping mechanisms for when you're feeling upset isn't going to stop your chronic pain, because it's not an emotional problem, it's a physical one.
But these people think that they should get an award for "loopholing" their way into claiming they're physically disabled, while suffering none of the drawbacks of actually being physically disabled. Like chronic pain, and the kinds of systemic ableism that only impact physically disabled people, like lack of access to 90% of society via lack of ramps, no sidewalks, no elevators, doors that are too narrow, and so much more.
Physically disabled people are welcome in Cripplepunk as long as they're not ableist, and if you have chronic pain, you are welcome. No one who belongs in the Cripplepunk movement is going to judge you or tell you you're "not disabled enough" by comparing your chronic pain to theirs, or anything like that. And anyone who tries is gonna be the one who's not welcome in the community.
Here I've copied the original principles and rules of Cripplepunk:
Principles of Cripple Punk:
Cripple punk is exclusively by the physically disabled for the physically disabled
Cripple punk is about solidarity & is open to all physically disabled people
Cripple punk rejects pity, inspiration porn, & all other forms of ableism
Cripple punk rejects the “good cripple” mythos. Cripple punk is here for the bitter cripple, the uninspirational cripple, the smoking cripple, the drinking cripple, the addict cripple, the cripple who hasn’t “tried everything”
Cripple punk fights internalized ableism & fully supports those struggling  with it
Cripple punk respects intersections of race, culture, gender, sexual/romantic orientation, size, intersex status, mental illness/neuroatypical status, survivor status, etc.
Cripple punk recognizes that there is no one universal disabled experience
[originally italicized for emphasis] Cripple punk does not pander to the able bodied
Rules of Cripple Punk:
Cripple punk is not conditional on things like mobility aids & “functioning levels”
Always listen to those w/ different physical disabilities & different intersections than yourself. Do not speak over them
Disabled people do not need to personally identify w/ the words “cripple” or “punk” individually to be a part of cripple punk
Able bodied people wishing to spread the message may only ever amplify the voices of the disabled
Able bodied people may never use uncensored slurs themselves, but never censor our language
Able bodied people must always tag things like reblogs with “I’m able bodied”
Physically disabled people wanting to be a part of the movement who are uncomfortable using the slur may refer to it as “cpunk”
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thecluelessdoctor · 2 months
so recently
i was watching a bunch of videos on blogthegreatrouge
and remembered my once love for PJs Daycare. but now i know its disgusting like.. so bad. so is she. i just. ugh.
so, im going to remake it. i mean remake that shit i will do my best to make it better. starting with removing all the fankids characters and ships because.. sanscest is w e i r d.
anyway, for the people who some how dont know what im talking about is heres a summery. if i spelled that wrong shut up no i didnt
Tw: SA, suicidal thoughts I suppose, gr00ming basically
pjs daycare was a AU for undertale made by blogthegreatrouge. the au, was as it says, a daycare. basically all the sans aus were children, from like 3-6 i think, and the characters were... sanscest ship characters or sans fusions. one of the caretakers, and our- basic mc, is Paperjam, or PJ, the fusion between ink sans and error sans. i say fusion because i think that what they were originally intended to be before the fandom... yoinked them. aslo i refuse to ship sans aus together because thats WEIRD AS ALL SHIT. anyway. those are the basics, shipkids/fusion sanses are the caretakers and the sanses are children. interesting concept ig (i will make it better trust)
ok now that we have the basics down, lets get to the story. this was a ask blog so there wasnt much story, but from what i do remember, there were 2 major plot lines. the first plot line was uhm. borderline gr00ming. basically fresh sans, the satire sans au, has a crush on PJ. this fresh is i think about 3 yrs old. so ok, hes a kid, kids are weird. he claims he wants to marry pj. again, child, children say that stuff alot. and you think pj would be yk, normal and be like " no no, we cant do that" nicely and shit. WELL HE DOESNT. THIS BITCH SAYS "we cant get married righ now, but when your all grown up we can ^^" IM SORRY HUH. SIR. WHAT. not only that, later, there is a ask of how would pj react to adult fresh. in which its super weird with really gross sexual tension. not only that, lets follow in this aus rule, aus made by the same creator/s are gonna be related. ok. error, fresh and geno/aftertale are brothers. kinda weird but lets keep going here. pj in rouges interpretation is a ship child. A SHIP CHILD. MEANING FRESHIE HERE IS IS UNCLE?? ITS SO WEIRD?? also there is a mini plot line where ink and error like each other and its a big deal even tho, again, CHILDREN. also same person but i digress.
our next plotline is... where shit hits the fan. so, error, gets deathly sick and needs to go to the hospital. didnt know monsters had hospitals but ok. geno, error's older brother who is at most, 5, gets really depressed. and ik depression can come at any age, however, GENO here tries to commit farewell. this. doesn't. make. sense. a child isnt old enough to even comprehend death that well, let alone have the feeling to die AND ACT ON IT. not only that, right after stopping geno from leaving this mortal plane (isnt he immortal though?) they completely forget about it and have this weird romance between palette and goth (swap sans and dream sans) (geno and reaper) and its super weird, and gross (not as gross as nerd and jock but still) and palette is weirdly obsessive over goth and shit so its all just a huge pile of SHIT
oh yeah there is also this weird plot line with like this trio of mini villains, one being rouges self insert i think so. yeah.
anyway, that was pj's daycare. i will be reworking and remaking the entirety of this au. so uh.
it will be posted. anyway bye
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knific · 5 months
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hi im john! or zero. i'm a LEESBO and i draw stuff : also im multifandom and i switch interests almost monthly. if you follow me for one thing you might not get that.
i'm fifteen and from the southeast of asia. i can speak different languages but i only prefer being spoken to in english lol!
also we MIGHT be mutuals. this isn't my main blog and that was actually a mistake because i didn't know how to use tumblr by the time. if you see you're being followed by some user called epicflowpow then I guess we're mutuals :') that's my main blog that im inactive on! lol! it's hard to explain
i have bad memory don't expect me to remember anything personal like ur birthday,
i make sex jokes sometimes ok if ur not comfortable lmk and ill stop,
i post what i want, i might post blood, gore, etc. anything i post may be triggering, if you don't like it block me! the only form of censoring you'll get is the tags so get ready to mute a few (ex: cw blood, cw knife, cw suicide)
my social skills suck.. you can try to talk to me but i get very nervous when talking privately and i might say things i don't mean
i am sometimes rude but it's just for fun lol i don't actually mean it,
i don't reaalyyy use tonetags but ill use them when my wording starts to sound a little serious
uhhh i make homophobic jokes because it's FUNNY. im actually a person of the bacon community though so yeah.
i like to cuss my faves out. i will say very very mean stuff about them and I won't state whether it's positive or negative. if you don't like that then you should probably not read the tags sometimes
i ironically use emojis like 😂🥺🥹😜 etc
dni: i don't have a dni because people are gonna interacr with me anyways. ill block whoever makes me feel uncomfortable and who not (pr/shipp*rs are not exceptions lol ALL will be blocked)
also i do requests! here are like. rules for my requests n stuff:
i think im most likely to do EVERY request you guys give me, so go crazy! i just won't do it quickly. because im not an art machine
i do any reqs, but i will less likely do/will put for last the oc requests lol :)
okay when I said any reqs i lied: just don't request me taco x pickle loll it's for the sake of some of my mutuals :) i can still draw them hanging out but it won't be tagged as ship or implied ship
i also do any fandom but again i will less likely do fandoms im not in lol
uhh. if im uncomfortable with a ship in particular ill just ignore your req don't bother sending it again or im gonna give you a beating
complicated styled characters are ok but if you wanna give me a first good impression don't send them or you're literally breaking my fingers physically
also comics scare me if you request those too you're also breaking my fingers (it's not prohibited though you can send them but ill cry)
0 art: for my art
0 ask: for asks
0 req: art requests!
0 s req: things people draw for me :)
0 reblogs: for reblogs (best muted)
0 txt: me talking
0 talk: me talking w other ppl
0 fave: favourites/saving for later
0 other: other
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montague-fortnite · 19 days
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What is this site... oh, whatever, I'm Montague, you probably know me. In fact, you SHOULD know me.
Alright, I'm not gonna be on this site a hell of a lot, but listen up because theres rules you need to follow. My blog isn't some place to mess around, so lets keep it civil.
1. Im here because of other people, so dont expect me to be a dog to answer at every mention of my name or every question you just have to ask me.
2. No disrespectful behaviour under my posts or towards me. Im too busy working to tolerate peoples foolish behaviour. (No homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism and the likes of it. You get it by now, right? Good.)
3. No NSFW, im always working, so nothing unsafe for that should happen here. I can't have people look over my shoulder at work and see that. (Suggestive is ok but minimal)
4. I may not be what you expected me to be, just because I dont follow your perfect little perception of me does not mean you can tell me off on it. (My canon is my own, simple as that.)
5. Keep your gross problematic stuff away from me, your weird ships, and inappropriate stuff. And that being said, don't pick a fight if I get with someone not of your liking. I pick and choose who I get to stay around, not you.
(No proshippers, and this blog might contain ship content, dont get mad if it's not someone you like. Not your choice, never was.)
{Keep reading to find tags, guides, and my idea of canon for this blog}
Alright, now here's a few guides for you. Since some people don't know how to contact me, this is how;
My ask blog, I won't check it super often, but it's where you can contact me easiest. Anything weird asked in there is being ignored, so dont bother really.
Mentioning me in posts, feel free to, questions, posts, fanart, whatever you want. But if it's fanart, I prefer you only tag me in content you've made. {That's just to avoid random artists getting uncomfortable by rp accounts}. In reality, I can't stop you doing whatever, though.
Tags I'll be using just to organise. It keeps me sane instead of getting lost in my own blog.
#Montague Asks - self-explanatory, ask me things, I reply and tag it with that.
#Montague RP Art - any art I make relating to this blog will be tagged with this. If you make an ask or mention me somewhere, there's a chance I will reply with an artwork so this will be the tag for it.
#Montague Puppet - I'll use that when speaking OOC, because well... I'm puppeting this account. I will also use {} when speaking OOC to make it clearer when it's not Montague talking.
#Montague Reblogs - If I reblog stuff, this is where to find it.
#Fortnite tumblrverse - Another tag I'll use when in character, open for other fortnite RP accounts to use.
Montague canon;
Hi hello!! Its the puppet behind Montague here, im not fully knowledged on how Montague may act or what lore he may have besides the society and character lines from NPCs. So if anything seems off its most likely me trying to define my own canon. As time goes on canon may change.
HCs applying to this account:
Montague, in my perception, is definitely not straight. I personally haven't applied a specific attraction to Montague, so it'll be vague whenever mentioned.
Montague is not Cis in this blog! But more often than not, he won't openly discuss that, and not many people know. He's rich, he got the surgerys before meeting most people he knows.
Whenever Montague gets hurt and has an open scar, sometimes diamonds will grow there depending on stress levels. This can cause a wound to open up more, so Montague, being an often stressed person, doesn't help this. This is why he has so many guards. Montague without guards is fine. He's fully capable of winning a fight. But it's a safety precaution he put in for himself.
Montague wears makeup, lots. He most likely has plenty of scars from when he got into fights as a teen. Because of this, he spends an hour covering them up. Some need makeup because of their positioning. The scars follow the previous HC of diamond growth, making them more permanent.
Any other HCs youll have to find out by asking the man himself. Asks appreciated!! Thats all for now.
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arzuera · 2 years
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I posted 358 times in 2022
That's 120 more posts than 2021!
47 posts created (13%)
311 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 132 of my posts in 2022
#dp x dc - 83 posts
#danny phantom - 69 posts
#danny phantom crossover - 32 posts
#damian wayne - 29 posts
#arzuera - 24 posts
#dc x dp - 18 posts
#batman - 16 posts
#tim drake - 15 posts
#danny fenton - 15 posts
#jason todd - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 85 characters
#what if the lazarus pit has the same effects as a very concentrated eatable on ghosts
My Top Posts in 2022:
Happy DP x DC WEEK!
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195 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Reality hits Jason when he realized he’s gonna be a king (of the gz) because he’s with Danny who is laughing in a corner.
It had begun with small things.
With the newly made connection that Jason made with Danny, he was able to see ghosts that couldn’t be seen before. It wasn’t like when Danny went invisible, these ghosts just didn’t have enough power to be seen by the mortal eye. The halfa had warned that there may be some changes with his liminality when they decided to take their relationship to the next stage. This new ability was unnerving but it wasn’t too bad.
Patrols would get easier because of random ghosts coming up to him and giving him hints about the rats scurrying around in Gotham’s underbelly. With that information, Red Hood had started making a name for himself, and crime in Crime alley was at an all-time low. They didn’t know how he found out about the many secretive things lurking in the dark but he had busted enough deals, drug rings, and prostitution rings that people were starting to rethink what they were doing with their lives. However, those instances didn’t just stay when Jason was in costume.
Ghosts began approaching him while he would walk about town or do mundane chores. Some ask for help, others stop by just to say hi. It didn’t happen too often at first but kept growing as time went on and the weirdest thing about it was… they all bowed to him.
Without fail.
During every ghostly interaction, Jason was either greeted with a curtsy or a bow before the conversation began. Older ghosts started referring to him as ‘my lord�� and if it wasn’t for the fact that he was used to Alfred calling him ‘master’ all of the time, Jason would have probably gone off on the undead people. He just didn’t understand where it was coming from. Jason wasn’t a lord. He wasn’t some sort of royalty. He was just an undead sap who was engaged to the Ghost King… wait.
No way.
There was no way in hell (literally) that this was a thing.
“Hey, babe.”
Did that mean… did that mean he would become a royal? A king no less?!
The king title wasn’t a guarantee. Danny was the king. Can there be two kings? Does that make him a prince consort? What the fuck, was he a prince?
“You hunkalicious tank of a man, notice me.”
What did that mean for him? If he was a king of the Ghost Zone, did that mean he had to go to galas and such? It was bad enough when Bruce tried to rope him into those things but now he might be obligated too. There was no way that he would leave his fiancee hanging.
“Ancients, you are beautiful but why must you have such a thick skull? BAAABE!”
Wait, what responsibilities would he have? Jason didn’t know anything about politics in the Ghost Zone other than you can rule it by beating the previous king in trial by combat. What would he be in charge of? Sure, he helped ghosts when they asked but only when it was within his power. There was only so much that he could do.
Jason threw the person that had touched his shoulder across the room. A man with black hair and blue eyes sailed, a little too easily, over the kitchen counter and lightly smacked into the corner wall. The twenty-four-year-old man slid to the floor while looking at Jason with eyes full of surprise. There was a brief awkward pause before Danny smirked from his spot on the floor and said, “Does this count as spousal abus-”
“AM I A KING NOW?!” Jason blurted out before his fiancee could finish. He had to know or else the thoughts were going to plague his mind.
Danny blinked at him owlishly before a wicked grin made its home on his face. “Um… yes? Well, king is a part of the title. I’m the king but you’ll be my king consort or queen consort if you prefer. If you don’t want to use gender-specific terms we could go with royal consort. Why are you so surprised…” the halfa’s grin grew wolfish as Jason turned red from embarrassment. “Wait… are you just now realizing this?”
“YES!” Jason exclaimed as he threw his hands into the air. “It’s not like you told me?!” Danny absolutely loses it. The halfa clutches his sides from laughter as Jason’s expression just continues to become more flustered. “Stop it! This isn’t funny!”
“You’re right! It’s hilarious! You yeeted me into the kitchen wall!” Danny yelled right back, amusement dancing behind his icy blue eyes as his shoulders continued to shake from laughter. “Because that big brain of yours just NOW figured out that marrying a king makes you royalty! We’ve been together for three years!”
“I have read enough period novels to know how the right of succession and all of that works! I just didn’t expect to actually become one! I mean look at me!” Jason gestured to his entire body, black tank top, boxers, and all, to Danny. “Do I look like king material to you?!”
Danny gives his lover an appreciative once over and smirked. “You’re right, king’s consort probably won’t work. How about being the king’s treasure instead?”
The anti-hero’s mind stopped for a moment until his face was as bright as a tomato. “That’s it. We’re over. I’m not yours anymore, take the ring back.” Jason grumbled and made a show of taking the engagement ring off but not actually trying.
“But making you mine would be my second crowning achievement,” Danny whined, making his way over to Jason and draping himself across the strong man’s shoulders.
“Okay, we really are done now.”
The halfa chuckled and nuzzled into Jason’s neck, placing a kiss at the spot where the shoulder connected with a small hum. His hand moved to cover Jason’s ringed one. “I know you are a bit freaked out… and that it’s a lot. I won’t lie that it will probably be a bit overwhelming but… you don’t have to learn everything right away and you aren’t alone. You have me, Jazz, Sam, tucker, your siblings, Alfred, and as much as you don’t want to admit it, Bruce. All joking aside, I think you would make a wonderful king. You are just and fair and when someone goes too far, you aren’t afraid to put your foot down to protect those who need it. You won’t let someone use you or walk over you and I need someone by my side who will help rein me back in if I go too far. With all of those things considered… you are actually overqualified.”
See the full post
256 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Hey i got the funniest, cutest mental image for Robin's Egg that I had to immediately share with you. Once Danny gets out of his core he is very, very protective of Damian for the first few days because Damian took such good care of him, he needs to return the favor. However when they are suddenly surrounded by people that Damian claims are friendly but Danny doesn't actually know, he turns his legs into a tail and basically coils himself around Damian. Danny is full on circling him and constantly looking between Bats and Birds to try to keep everyone in view so he's basically curled around Damian's neck and looped all over his body in a clearly Extremely Protective Way as Damian simply talks to his family like there is a stranger coiled around him and threatening to bite Dick when he got to close.
That is a hilarious image. I had to make this at work XD
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306 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Danny thought his most bizarre experience is being summoned by cultists as the Ghost King. Turns out his current predicament beats it by flying colors as he is currently bound as sacrifice for his own summoning circle.
He knew that his luck was bad but he didn’t think that it would be THIS bad. Dozens of cultists circled the raised ritual table and he was beginning to wonder if there would be an opportunity to free himself or not. Was it possible to die in his own summoning circle? Or would it just create some sort of endless paradox of life and death as he arose in his ghost form only to be sacrificed in his human one? This was something that had never been encountered before. There was no one to ask. Clockwork might know the outcome but unless it horrendously affected the time stream, odds are the ancient wasn’t going to interfere. So that left Danny with only one option. He had to get out of this himself.
But how was he going to do that without outing his alternate identity?
Just as he was pondering on using some of his ghostliness to freeze everyone in place, there was a loud explosion that shook the entire room. Several of the cultists scattered but the core ones remained in their spots so that the ritual wasn’t broken. The circle had begun to glow an ominous green as the ritual began to enter its beginning stages. Shouts and flashing lights followed as the newcomers stormed their way up the stairs toward the summoning. Danny sighed to himself in relief.
Maybe he wouldn’t have to do anything after all.
“Alright, you bloody show ponies. Step away from the circle and no one gets… Oh, bloody hell.” A familiar blonde man in a trench coat knocked anyone who tried to stop him out of his way. Only to stop when he saw the circle and the sacrifice who rested upon it. “Don’t you think this is a bit much? If you wanted to get my attention you have my fucking cellphone number for Christ's sake.”
Danny gave the man a wicked grin. His eyes lit up at the newest arrival. “But you know I have a flair for the dramatics, Constantine. Someone has to shake things up once in a while.” This was too good. The halfa flopped his head back against the table and wiggled in his restraints. “Please, save me! I am just a poor innocent young lad about to have his life cut short too soon to bring upon the end of the world.”
Constantine rolled his eyes at the theatrics. “Only one of those things is true and here I was calling these guys the show ponies. Hang on, your majesty. I’ll get you out in a minute.”
“Your majesty?” One of the cultists in the circle looked at the magician as he spoke. Only to be blasted off the circle by a fireball.
“Yep. I was told someone was trying to do something stupid and when I get here I find that they are trying to sacrifice someone stupid.” The magician sent several more of the cultists sprawling out of their positions with the lights of the summoning circle began to dim. “How did this even happen?!”
Danny hummed to himself as lights of magic flashed around him with the screams of cultists following soon after. “Well, it’s kind of a funny story actually. You see I was on a field trip to one of those ancient catacombs… you know… the ones where they have the bodies in the mass graves under the city?”
Another cultist was knocked out of place and the circle’s power diminished further. “Yeah, the Catacombs de Paris? Didn’t know that they did field trips to places like that.” Constantine walked up to Danny and waved his hand over the restraints. The ropes loosened and the teen sat up rubbing the spots where the skin was rubbed raw.
“Yeah, that place! And what did you expect from a school trip for Amity Park students? Our town is literally a portal to hell at this point. Why not see what other creepy places have to offer? We gotta broaden our horizons somehow.” Danny said and wiggled his toes. He ducked his head when a cultist went to grab him and Constantine sent another fireball sending them flying.
“Okay, and how does that lead you to become a sacrifice for your own circle?” Constantine asked once the last cultist was no longer within earshot. He grabbed the kid and started chanting a teleportation spell to get them to a nearby safe haven.
Danny allowed himself to rag doll in the adult's grip with a chuckle. “Oh! Well, apparently I give off a massive death aura when I come into contact with sites that contain a lot of death and tragedy. Some of the culty guys here were able to pick up on that and long story short… I’m posing pretty for you on a cool Gothic table.”
With a brilliant flash of light, the two were transported to the roof of a nearby hotel. Constantine released the boy, who fell to the ground with an ‘uff’, to pull out a cigarette and take a long drag from it. “Do you have any idea what could have happened to you if they had succeeded?”
“Honestly? No. In all of the Infinite Realm's history, there has never been a halfa as king. So there has never been an instance of mistaken identity like this before. However, thanks for the save. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get out of that without revealing who I was and it’s not like I could kill them.” Danny gave a small smile as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. That was a lie. He could kill them easily. But that was a line that he wouldn’t cross if he couldn’t help it.
Constantine remained quiet for a moment. Just allowing himself to finish his cigarette before speaking again. “So do you need me to bring you back to your class or…?”
“Oh no! No no! I don’t think the teachers even noticed I’m gone. So I’ll just pop back into my hotel room.” Twin rings of light washed over Danny as he spoke and he gave the magician a bright smile. “And don’t worry, now that I know this can happen, I’ll have a plan to escape for next time. C’ya later, Constantine!” Turning invisible, Phantom flew off using the GPS in his phone to take him back to his hotel.
Sam and Tuck were going to be so mad about this.
646 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Conner isn't a clone of Luther and Superman,but Danny phantom and Superman.
Phantom looked at the monitor in the med bay dumbstruck. Several other leaguers were in the same situation. How could this have happened? WHEN did it happen? Sure during the early years of crime fighting, Danny hadn’t been the best at keeping his blood in his body but he had grown by leaps and bounds since then. With GIW and his parents trying to figure out how to take him out, it had become instinctual to make sure that he didn’t leave much of a trace wherever he went. Yet, somehow it had been leaked.
And to Lex Luthor no less.
“I don’t understand. Phantom wasn’t even a part of the league when the Cadmus project was in operation. So how could this be?!” Flash stated as his eyes scanned the results over and over but they remained the same.
“I’m… I’m just as confused as you are.” Danny admitted still feeling overwhelmed by this new information. When Cadmus was in operation he had finally appointed as the King of the Infinite Realms at the age of 21. He didn’t join the Justice League until a little over a year later when some idiotic cultists had thought it was a good idea to try and merge the death realm with the living. Now, going into his second year with the League, Danny was finding out he had been cloned.
Batman grunted as he leaned back in his chair. “The results don’t lie. I’ve run them about ten times and it has all come up the same. The records on Cadmus had stated that Superman and Lex Luthor were the donors in creating Connor. However, Phantom’s DNA is a perfect match.”
The halfa looked to the teenager who was lying on a bed in the other room unconscious. While out on a mission, Superboy had taken several nasty hits and was severely injured. He had needed a blood transfusion and the poor kid had a horrible reaction when Manhunter tried to use an IV of Luthor’s blood which was supposed to have been a match. (Superman donated his blood as needed. It's not that he didn’t want to help but it was really hard for him to give blood with his body the way it was. Most needles just bent out of shape when they tried to pierce the skin.) It was touch and go but it appeared that Danny’s was a perfect match in more ways than one. Phantom pulled out his cell phone and started texting Jazz. She was not going to believe this.
“Phantom, what are you doing?” Batman asked when he saw him pull the device out.
“Texting my sister.”
Flash, finally, peeled his eyes away from the monitor. “Why?”
“Because, apparently, I have a long lost son who I didn’t even know about and she is going to flip that Superboy is her nephew,” Danny responded with a smirk. He wished he could have delivered the news in person. Oh! He also needed to get a hold of his other sister. Dani was going to be so excited to learn that she was no longer the only clone in the family.
Thoughts were swirling inside of his head. Conner currently lived at the base of the Young Justice team. Mainly because he didn’t have anywhere to go. Would the boy mind if he took him home with him? His castle in the Ghost Zone was massive and a lot of the rooms were unoccupied. Conner could pick as many of the rooms as he wanted for all he cared. So long as he was happy. Danny’s apartment was a lot smaller but he could probably upgrade so that Conner could have his own space. Money wasn’t really an issue anymore. It would probably do wonders for the teen’s mindset if he had a proper home to come back to instead of the reminder that the one person who was supposed to care about him didn’t.
“You are taking this awfully well,” Batman said as a statement but Danny could feel the questioning gaze of the bat when he put his phone away. “I would have thought you would be mad.”
“Oh, I’m livid all right.” Phantom replied and what he said was true. “I just found out today that I have a son because the boy was put into the hospital due to the severity of his injuries and he had existed for at least two years in this world without my knowledge. Two years that were filled with an unprecedented amount of physical, emotional, and mental trauma as he tries to figure himself out and separate his identity from the man who is supposed to be his other father and mentor. Only for that man to have treated him as an abomination for existing in the first place.” The room temperature dropped to the point that the breath of the other Leaguers showed. “To be honest, I had already low-key adopted him because of that fact but now that I know I’m related there are going to be some changes.”
Flash and Batman exchanged a look seeing the green eyes of the ghost king flare for a few moments before settling into a soft pulse. Both were thankful that Superman was off-world, at the moment. Clark would have probably said something that would have set the man off if he had been there for the startling revelation. Superman cared about Conner. He did but he was having a hard time overlooking the fact that he was cloned without his consent. So Conner’s life was basically denied by the one person he wanted to be acknowledged the most.
Superman would have to be told before he came back so that he would be prepared for when Phantom was going to come at him. Hopefully, enough time will have passed so that Phantom will have calmed down and had a chance to figure out what he wanted to say. Regardless, it wasn’t going to be a fun conversation. For now, Batman nodded to the halfa and turned back to the monitor. “Why don’t you go check on Conner? He should be waking up soon and this news might be what he needs to hear.”
“Maybe he won’t see himself as a villain anymore because he shared DNA with one.” Danny nodded and flew into the teen’s room trying to think of a good way to tell him. How was he going to react? What was he going to say? Would he accept Danny as a father? It didn’t have to be a father role right away, maybe even a cousin or brother. Whatever the boy felt most comfortable with. After all, it didn’t matter what Conner picked in the end because he was family.
And he would never be fighting through things alone again.
1,036 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
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gracifleur · 1 year
my brain these days is the consistency of mashed potatoes so most activity is gonna be when the dash is dead af for my timezone so expect replies in the middle of the night like some ghost or smthin anyways i wanna like also chat quick af on two points
i added in my pinned post that i use legacy editor. until tumble hard forces all blog to use the new/beta editor that is what i am using. im too old & tired for editor vs editor trim post style small text vs small small text arguments day in & day out on the dash or in priv chats between pals. everyone is selfish & will use the editor they want & format how they want bc it’s their blog & they are to do as they please. i am no different. if this bothers you then unfollow or drop interaction i mean this with no hard feelings, no malice, no negative like im being as monotone about this as one can with text on screen: i dont care, i dont mind. do whatever you need for your comfort & piece of mind & ill do the same for me. if i keep seeing guilt trippy posts on the dash about this subject ima hard block. im just here to write silly fictional people ive stop caring about how tumblr hates writers & its own platform & wants to destroy the UI that works & replace it with a mobile on desktop version to compete with other social media. the end !
i semi mentioned this in a tag on my shaymin sideblog but considering my two sideblogs are canon characters im putting a hard boundary that if you don’t follow shea & show like zero interest in her vs my two canon muses on those sideblogs im gonna hard block bc im not gonna have all my hard work on my original character ignored bc its easier or more preferred to interact w/ canons. this is not something that has been an issue yet i’m just being upfront about this now so that i can point to this post on occasion like look buddy we drink oc respect juice here. esp since one of those muses on the sideblogs is inseparable from the divergent lore ive created for shea that rules on this blog. that’s it.
again, none of this is negative it’s just blunt. autistic monotone sounds mean, but the vibes are good here & i plan to keep them good. but boundaries are important to enforce even with flowers in hand u kno. anyway have a banana milk on me friends. i bought too many.
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commanderquinn · 11 months
im quinn!! a fandom ancient baby-stepping back into posting because i missed writing. you can find the most up-to-date versions of my work on ao3, but i will Attempt to keep tumblr updated as well
this is gonna be a fandom blog for the duration, with the occasional ao3 links and such. if you dont want my personal/rant posts block #quinn speaks & #quinns rant tag. im a slut for that one-armed grouch, bucko barnes, so most content is probably gonna revolve around him. i do get distracted with other fandoms from time to time tho
and i do have a bg3 side blog
tag nav:
my masterlists/oneshots
metas ive written for fandoms AND metas written by others
the inspo tag for all my ammunition plot device needs
posts that are My Vibe
my favs is a junk drawer tag at the moment. i will eventually refine it into multiples
free serotonin (post abt my doggo)
my current writing projects:
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-Good Space (12/40 chapters posted) / masterpost: a bucky/reader fic! reader is named (Ava) bc i cant write a fic that long without one. i need Something, but physical description is left purposely vague (well. okay. refs to ava being Curvy and having glasses, you're welcome to picture Whatever You Want). plot is fully mapped, it'll just take me a bit to write something That Big
-Kinktober '23: the posting has begun! ive mapped all 31 days and they're focused on my MCU canon that you can find in good space. i dont consider the end of october the cutoff. im a writer in this for Good Vibes, not a time crunch. all fics will eventually be posted
fandoms i vibe with/write for:
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im not gonna sit here and list every single fandom i know bc i have adhd and that'd be a Bad Idea, so if you wanna know if im down to write for your fandom but dont see me blogging about it, you can go ahead and shoot me an ask. that said, here's the fandoms i like/intend to write for on my own end at the moment:
-marvel -bg3 -mass effect -dragon age -outer worlds -starfield -fallout
writing requests:
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i am open to taking writing requests!! you're welcome to submit them through my inbox or you can leave 'em on posts. up to you how descriptive you wanna get. seriously, any detail you can think of, go for it. you're not offending me by getting specific by any means
Some Blanket Rules:
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-you can ask me to tw tag my posts. you can ask me to tw tag my fics. you have, at all times, my ACTIVE ENCOURAGEMENT to try to make my work safe for you. im happy to help in any way that i can, you're NOT bothering me by asking to put up warnings for things, its okay bb.
-however. please try to respect that im still A Person With Feelings. more importantly, to you, i am a stranger on the internet. acting like you've got some weird kind of authority over what kind of content im allowed to post is Really Fucked Up. please keep that attitude away from me. id recommend a therapist, but that's your call.
-i can, and will without hesitation, block anyone at the DROP of a hat if i catch bad vibes. im old. this is my house. i will make it a house i want to be in, anyone who fucks with that is no concern of mine. im just gonna block you and move on with my day.
-this is an anti-fandom-wank zone. i. am. old. (im not even 30 yet i should really stop saying that but i AM) and. tired. i cannot begin to describe to y'all how much i do not care about an internet stranger's biased view of something. leave me alone. im busy writing smut.
-in this house we believe in comfort fic supremacy
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theladyyavilee · 2 years
I see loads of the blogs I follow say they check their followers and block inactive ones and im like... my blog may appear inactive but thats because I like things with my main to reblog on my second blog later when I have time, and I stopped posting to my main in 2020. I'm always worried I'm gonna get blocked. Can I genuinely ask why people block blogs that look like bots/are bots? Half my followers were bots at one point and it was annoying getting the notifications but ultimately I ignored it and nothing bad happened. It seems like a lot of effort for no reason I guess, but I've always been a more casual user anyway so maybe I'm missing something.
hmmmm I don't think there is an easy answer to this and I think it probably greatly varies for people, so I can only give you my own reasoning!! (also edit from after finishing: whenever I sound a little angry here I promise it is not @you anon, your question is super valid and I hope I could answer it sufficiently, I just get a little pissed about the low engagement in fandom!)
to my knowledge you are correct, there is no active harm that comes to you, the blogger from having bot followers! but the thing is these bots use the connection to your blog, which they create by interacting, to create a false impression of being 'real' accounts and therefore creating 'real' traffic for various porn and/or ad-heavy sites from my understanding (which I have to admit is limited) and maybe that doesn't hurt me, but I personally also do not enjoy the thought of it, so I block them! (also there is that thing where if we just let them do it and someone profits from it, there is a good chance it will increase and I imagine this could have gotten A LOT worse over the years if most people DIDN'T block!) another thing is that for a while there the spam-liking from bots was pretty intense to the point where I had posts where 60-70% of the notes were likes by bots and that was just extremely disheartening on a website where you are hoping for actual, real interaction so that was when I started to really diligently block all of them, even the ones that weren't following me, because they were genuinely drowning out everything else!! and then of course there were the bots that would reblog popular posts or personal posts and add links to it, which was also extremely annoying, so yeah, for bots my general rule has been to always block them when I notice them, because it just makes your life easier and also hopefully decreases the value of creating them!
now inactive blogs are a different topic! when I say inactive blogs I mean ones that NEVER WERE active (so if you were active before on your main, just aren't anymore these days, at least to me you are absolutely fine, and I assume to most other people as well, because if you have mutiple posts that actively show you were engaging with something, I will always assume that is a real person and leave it alone and also most people nowadays are aware of the whole main-blog/side-blogs thing!! so I think you don't have to worry too much about that, but if you are really worried, you could always pop a note about it being a semi-inactive main-blog into your header to be 100% safe ❤️❤️) the thing with completely inactive/empty blogs is that there has been an influx of them, especially ones that will only interact by liking posts, and I think a lot of people have already pointed this out, but LIKES DON'T DO ANYTHING FOR VISIBILITY ON TUMBLR, they are a little nod at the person who made the post and that's it and with how interaction especially on content posts in fandoms has severely decreased and if nobody reblogs our posts NOBODY WILL SEE THEM, it is just extremely annoying to see people who will only like posts! and if you have reblogged posts on your dash, just not mine, because maybe you don't like mine enough, then whatever, do you, that is fine to me, everyone has the right to reblog only what they want to, but if you just on principle never reblog anything, then I don't actually wan't you to be able to follow me and get easy access to my content, because you are making fandom worse by skewing interactions even further to likes instead of reblogs! and then I will absolutely block, because the low reblog-rates are REALLY FRUSTRATING for content creators!
quick sidenote for whoever may read this: REBLOG CONTENT YOU ENJOY OR CONTENT CREATORS WILL STOP CREATING IT FOR YOU, I can promise that is not an empty threat, that is a reality, because it is so so so fucking disheartening!
(in the overlap between these two categories exist A LOT of blogs that are a lot harder to judge, because from my experience a lof of pornbots would also variously just reblog popular posts with no rhyme or reason and then there were also the ones that would have like three reblogged posts, where one was like a super popular meme post, one someone's random fanfic and one a random personal post from someone with 2 notes, which to me for some reason was always really unsettling, but also makes it harder to distinguish between bots and people who are only sporadically reblogging random things 😬 and whether or not I block those depends kinda on what mood I am in 😅)
0 notes
entamewitchlulu · 2 years
Hey just asking tips on how making a good fan fiction or just a story in general Im what really on your opinion makes a good yugioh plot and whole story just curious of your prospective
Honestly the best advice I can tell you is 1) write a lot and 2) read a lot.
Fanfiction is really no different than writing anything else, except that you already have a cast of characters and a setting to work with however you'd like. So a lot of the rules for good fic writing are the same as the ones for good writing in general.
If you want to write good stories, you have to read a lot of good stories, and learn from them. Just like actors should watch plays, and programmers should play games, to figure out what works for them and what doesn't, you should read as much as you can, as widely as you can. Read fanfiction, read published books, read news articles and blog posts, read short stories, read long series, listen to podcasts, play D&D, roleplay, read classics, read graphic novels, read romance novels, play video games and pay attention to their stories. Any time you spend familiarizing yourself with storytelling is time well spent towards becoming a writer.
More than just reading, though, you should also take at least a few minutes to analyze what you read. I know to a lot of people that's gonna sound awful, like English class or something, but it doesn't have to be. Again, I'm not telling you to annotate everything you read. What I am saying is that if something in a story really strikes you, just stop for a minute. Think about it, try to think about why you like it. Did you like the vivid imagery of the line? Was it a really good metaphor? Did it do something really good to establish a character or a plot twist? You don't have to write a paper about it, but take a second just to think about it. Maybe keep a notebook where you write down your favorite quotes from the stories you read. In this way, things like overanalyzing fiction that we do all the time here on Tumblr is actually really helpful, because it's helping you dig into characters, into plot ideas and concepts, and learn from them.
And then the final step is really...I mean, you can't really get out of this one. You have to write a lot. You have to just start writing.
I read someone say once that your first million words is just practice. So if it helps you to think about it that way, please do. You don't have to write something earth shatteringly good your first try. If you're too scared of writing poorly, you'll never write at all. So write. Write bad stuff until the good stuff comes out. Write terrible poetry, write clunky dialogue, write too-long descriptions. You don't have to share any of it, but I do recommend that you keep it, so that you can keep track of what kind of a writer you've been.
Write things that are fun for you, even if you think they might be cliche, or silly. Write self-insert fanfic, write Mary Sues, write all sorts of things. Find a book about writing at the library and do some writing exercises. Write a journal. If something is too boring for you to write right now, then just skip it. Yes you can, even if you're a linear person (I am too, but forcing myself to skip scenes that aren't working and go back to them was the greatest thing I ever did for myself as a writer). Share only what you want to share.
If writing is something you want to do as a hobby, then you don't have to go any further than this. You can have a rich, fulfilling writing life just by doing those two things: reading and writing.
If you're really serious about writing, though, you might want to take a step forward and get some constructive critique. This can be in the form of a professional writing class or workshop, a close group of friends who proofread each other's work, or a family member you give your story to so they can look it over. Taking critique can be extremely hard, and that's okay. I fully admit that I left some workshops with my teachers in college and went out to the college green to cry. So if you want critique, look for: someone you trust to be honest with you, but not cruel, who is willing to meet you where you are and understand what you're trying to do with the story, and what will help you make it the best it can be, not what they think it should be. Then when you get critique, take a deep breath, examine it, and really think about if it makes sense for your work or not. Sometimes it doesn't, and that's okay. You can discard it. Sometimes it does make sense, and it feels bad to cut something you liked, but it makes the story better. That's okay too.
But honestly, critique is a whole other ball game, so maybe I'll save that for another post. I've already rambled on for quite a bit.
Really, in the end, the tl;dr is that writing a fanfiction is the same as anything else. It's about putting in the work, and finding what makes you happy to create. I can't tell you what plot to come up with, or what's going to resonate with you. I can suggest checking out some books on writing and outlining from a variety of sources (Save the Cat is a favorite of mine, but there's some very valid criticism of it as a system, so it's not for everyone's writing style). But I can't write the story that's all yours. You have stories in you and if you want to bring them to life, you can do it! I send you all the support and vibes in the world.
That was really long! I hope something of it was useful to you. If you have any other questions, I can always do my best to answer them. But in the end, it's up to you! Like all creative pursuits, writing is going to be very personal to you. There is no one right way to do it. So go out and just start doing it. You're ready now, even if you don't think you are.
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spellunknown · 3 years
- I don’t tolerate hate. Full stop. If you’re actively harassing anybody, sending them death threats, hating on them for their fandoms or interests or literally anything else, I’m going to hardblock you. I don’t care if the other person sucks, I don’t believe that fighting hate with more hate helps anybody. By all means, give constructive criticism when necessary. But if the person doesn’t listen, block them. Don’t stoop as low as I’ve seen some people do. Be the better person.
- I do expect my roleplay partners to follow basic roleplay rules. Please don’t take control of my muse for me, or kill / seriously injure her without discussing it with me. There’s a chance I’ll be all for it considering I’m an angst fiend, but there’s also a chance I might want to take the thread in a different direction.
- I don’t get involved with fandom or RPC drama unless I want to. Please don’t try to drag me into it. I will speak up on things from time to time, but I try not to involve myself unless I absolutely have to. I don’t reblog call out posts and I don’t post them. I’ll simply block a person if they make me uncomfortable and move on.
- I am over 18, but this blog is strictly SFW when it comes to things of a sexual nature. First off, the most obvious reason- Noelle is a minor! All of the main characters from Deltarune are minors! They’re in, like, highschool. You should not be writing or drawing sexual content with these characters.
Aside from that, I’m very uncomfortable with sexual content in general, especially when directed towards me. This does include innuendoes and jokes. Please don’t send me anything of this nature, or I’ll more than likely softblock you. Especially if you’re a minor, you shouldn’t be interacting with that sort of content at all, much less sending it to a legal adult.
- Okay! As for romantic shipping, I don’t plan on getting into that too much. Noelle is a unique case in that she does have a canonical crush on Susie, but that’s probably as far as I’m gonna go with that sort of thing. I don’t currently intend on doing any romance-centric plots, so if that’s what you’re here for, this probably isn’t gonna be the blog for you.
- I usually don’t send rules passwords due to anxiety. That being said, please know I always read people’s rules before I follow them. That’s always the first thing I do when I’m scouting out blogs. I just get really nervous about sending in passwords to people I haven’t interacted with ‘cause I feel like I’m putting them on the spot to interact if they might not want to.
- I’d appreciate it if you’d have an idea in mind before you come to me for plotting. I’m gonna be honest, I absolutely suck at plotting when I’m prompted to do so. I try, but my brain often refuses to come up with ideas when I’m actively trying to come up with ideas. I will contribute what I can, but if you’re gonna come to me first about it, I’d prefer if you’d start it off. I’d rather you not message me randomly with something like “do you want to roleplay” because that does kind of put me on the spot. Just lemme know that you have an idea!
Also, as an add-on to this, I’ve gotten really bad at answering Tumblr IMs in general recently. If we’re mutuals, I’d much prefer you to add me on Discord for chatting and plotting! You can find me at CONSTANTLY SWITCHING FANDOMS™#0154! Just please let me know who you are via Tumblr first.
- This blog is moderately selective and mutuals only. I’m gonna be a little more picky on this blog than I used to be, because Tumblr RP was really starting to stress me out, and I realized that it was because I wasn’t setting enough boundaries for myself which was leading to me getting overwhelmed.
If I don’t follow back I will more than likely softblock. There’s no hard feelings towards you whatsoever if I do this- more than likely I just couldn’t see our characters or writing styles meshing well together, and that’s totally okay!
- When it comes to crossovers and OCs, these are gonna be the blogs where the slight increase in selectivity is going to be the most obvious. I’m still very open to interacting with other fandoms and OCs, but I will be a little more watchful about whether or not our fandoms really mesh well together.
Again, if I decide they don’t, no hard feelings. It’s mostly just to make sure my muse remains fairly high for all of my threads.
- Personals! Y’all can still follow me, I don’t care about that. Just so long as you follow some common courtesy rules. Don’t reblog IC posts or posts specifically relevant to this blog. Don’t like my starter calls, I only do threads with other RP blogs. Liking IC posts is fine, and reblogging stuff like fanart from me is also fine. I don’t worry about the notif spam thing too much, just so long as you don’t reblog things you shouldn’t.
- Noelle is a high activity muse for me, but I’m planning on making this blog more of a side project than my main focus, which means it’ll likely be mid-low activity. This is to keep me from getting burnt out with Tumblr RP again.
- My reply speed will vary drastically. Either I reply within 20 minutes or it takes me a week, no inbetweens (/hj). And I will have thread biases, muse biases, and even mun biases in some cases. Expect me to reply to threads with canon characters a lot quicker than crossover threads.
As for reply speed on your end, I don’t care! So long as I still have muse, I’ll probably be okay with continuing a thread even if it takes you two months to reply to it. Please don’t stress about replying to me quickly. Roleplay is supposed to be a hobby, and if you’re stressing out, there’s no point in doing it.
- When it comes to reply length, that varies drastically for me too depending on the thread. The longest reply I’ve ever written was 21 paragraphs, but my average tends to fall between 4 and 8. Please don’t feel the need to match length if I write you a novel. So long as you give me something to work with, it’s fine.
On the flip side, I don’t force myself to match length either. I write as much as I can handle writing at that particular moment, and that’s it. This, again, is so I don’t burn myself out with Tumblr RP again. That being said, I will never give you a one-liner in response to a full length RP post. That’s not cool. So don’t worry about that. Most times my responses will be over 3 paragraphs.
- I’m fine with doing mains, but not exclusives. I don’t want to limit myself to only writing with one version of a character. However, if I run into a mun or a specific portrayal of a character that I really click with, or that has a unique relationship with my Noelle, I’ll totally be down to be mains!
The very first thing you should know about me is that I’m a top tier angst fiend. Always have been, probably always will be. I don’t have any strict boundaries when it comes to angst so long as it doesn’t break any of the rules I’ve already laid out, but I do tend to be a little cautious on Tumblr so I don’t inadvertently break somebody else’s boundaries.
Along with that, my Noelle’s main verse is from the single most traumatizing Deltarune route. Snowgrave is dark, arguably more so than the Undertale genocide route. There’s going to be mentions of character death and violence on this blog, and a lot of it at that. And I more than likely won’t be tagging canon typical violence and character death because there’s so much of it. So, if that’s something that bothers you, this probably isn’t the blog for you.
HOWEVER, I will be tagging any other trigger that pops up on this blog, along with anything personal to you. However, I’m only human and I may forget sometimes. So please let me know if I forget to tag one of your triggers!
My format for tagging is “(trigger) cw”! So make sure yours are blocked in a way that will catch that tag.
On the same subject, there are a handful of things I personally need tagged:
Anything that could be a health anxiety trigger, preferably tagged with the specific illness, as it highly varies what triggers my health anxiety and what doesn’t.
Controversial and stressful topics like politics, religious debates, and world issues.
Heavy criticism of my interests. (And by this I mean full on rants & fandom / character bashing.) + Fandom and RPC drama.
Sexual NSFW in any context. Visual gore (art / pictures). Vomiting and unsanitary things that could trigger somebody to vomit.
Hello hello! You can call me Color. I’m currently 19 as of 12 / 26 / 2021. I’m a cis girl and go by she/her pronouns. I’m self-diagnosed with ADHD, though I plan to seek out an official diagnosis when I have the ability to do it. I also have anxiety, like every other roleplayer on this website. /lh
Deltarune sucked me in way harder than I expected it would at first. I’m in love with the characters, the soundtrack, and everything else about it. And I’m super happy to have a chance to involve myself in the RPC.
The graphics on this blog are either (A) random stock images I pulled from Google Images or (B) My art. There’s not a lot of official Deltarune art AFAIK, so I was forced to improvise, Lol.
So! This is absolutely not required. Believe me, I understand being anxious, and I’ll trust that most people read my rules. But! If you want to give me extra confirmation, you can do one of two things:
(1) Like this post. Or (2), send me this password: “It’s difficult to see through the ice.”
Otherwise, thank you so much for reading, and I hope we get to interact soon!
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sparklinpixiedust · 3 years
Basic Training
This post has been sitting in my drafts for months now, during which I've come up with a few ways I wanted to write this post. This is what I've come up with.
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Basic Training is the episode which made me hate Ben the most. The whole episode consisted him of being a stuck up brat only to be rewarded for it in the end.
This episode was the perfect opportunity to have Kevin in the spotlight and show how skilled and smart he is.
Gwen's presence in this episode was actually fine, there's no change needed for that.
Look, I know the shows named Ben 10 but we have seen Ben be the hero tons of times already.
And Ben being egoistic about his heroism is not something new in the franchise.
There have been episodes on the OS where Ben got a big head, yet I dont ever see anyone complaining about that.
Was is it because he was 10 that we excuse this behaviour? Nope.
15 - 16 is still pretty young and his attitude can be excused at this age as well.
My opinion? It was handled better in the OS.
There were times when Ben wasn't always the main focus.
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In Lucky Girl, Ben has his ' who's your hero?' Moment.
They showed Gwen feeling jealous and hurt by the fact she wasn't noticed much.
It was realistic.
Then the epsiode proceeded to focus on Gwen , having Ben being kind of like a sub plot to the story.
Towards the end Ben compliments her.
So yeah Ben got big head, but at the same time they shifted focus so that the audience wouldn't find it annoying.
Gwen was in the spotlight for a bit, giving people a break from Ben.
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Secondly  , in Be Afraid Of The Dark, Ben again is shown to be slightly stuck up, but towards the end of that episode he learns and acknowledges Gwen and Grandpa for help and understands his crime fighting is more of a team effort.
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In Galactic Enforcers, we are shown there are other heros besides Ben as well.
Ben wasn't the sole focus of that episode. Yes it was about him but also about the Galactic Enforcers.
I don't think he was shown to be over confident here , but it was nice to see some other heros in the scene.
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The Ben 10,000 episode focuses on how Ben was too focused on his job and the lesson at that was Ben needed to relax and have them Galactic Enforcers take the lead instead.
Again , his attitude towards everything was brought in focus but towards the end he learnt something.
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I recently started watching Generator Rex and I can't help but compare Rex's character to Ben's.
Rex is also proud , rushes into things and considers himself to be a hotshot. But they also show him being down ,having trouble with his nanites and actually voice out his insecurities.
He's still the hero, still has things go his way most times but it's not annoying like Ben.
( I've only seen like 7 episodes so far so I don't know if this going to go down hil or not but so far so good)
The issue with the sequels after the OS was that Ben was the focus a bit too much.
We as the audience were rarely ever given a break from him.
Other than a few conversations here and there about his attitude,  nothing really was done about it.
Gwen should've been appreciated more for saving Kevin and Kevin should've been appreciated for stopping Aggregor.
But they weren't.
If it had been Ben , they would've made sure to show him getting some sort of recognition or trophy.
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Back to the Basic Training episode.
We know he's the legendary Ben Tennyson, we know he's a hero. We didn't need another episode on it.
Instead the plot should've focused on Kevin. His skills, his abilities.
Ben would act the same but Magsiter Hulka should've put some sort of cover so Ben couldn't use the omnitrix.
Ben goes on breaking rules,  and having a hard time being a hero without the watch.
Towards the end, it should've been Kevin who cracks the case and saves Hulka. Ben is mad he can't use the omnitrix but instead uses the guns and other weapons he's learnt to use at the academy
He's not amazing at them , but it makes him realise that he is hero , watch or not, something that has been emphasised in the show. Its not impossible for him to function without the watch.
Towards the end, Ben getting a 95 was a stretch. I'm sorry , but the guy wasn't great with using weapons and without the watch I dont think he would've been able to complete that hostage excercise.
I'm thinking more like 89%.
Gwen gets 98, that's fine and Kevin gets a 100.
Hulka comes in and awards the medal (?) to Kevin, suggesting he's becoming more like his father.
( im ignoring the ret con, plus the retcon I'm assuming wasnt thought off at this point by the writers)
Ben is shown to take one of the guns back to earth, because he thinks they're cool and he wants to practice and get better at them.
The whole hostage situation makes him want to get better at making strategies.
Yes he's good at improv, but he needs to learn to properly plan as well.
It doesn't matter if he's never shown to use the gun ever again, and he's back to relying on the omnitrix.
Or maybe some time down the line, he could use the weapon, even if it for a second, to show that he is improving and getting better.
Before you say 'he's already a hero, he doesn't need to learn anything ' sorry but no.
He's 16. He may have saved the world but he still has growing up to do. Different battles are going to arise all the time.
Saying he is perfect at 16 is dumb. Saying he's perfect when he's ben 10k , it'll make some sense. He's been around for a while and is pretty experienced.
The watch is a part of him, but seeing him try to explore other options would've been a fresher idea.
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Another scene that made me mad was the court (?) scene in Vreedle, Vreedle.
Ben being a hero shouldn't make him above the law.
Domstol ruling in favor of Ben just because he's the legendry Ben Tennyson was stupid.
After Ben's little monologue , and destroying Domstols desk, the judge should've just informed him that being a hero does not excuse him from following the law.
Kevin could've had his little moment doing some negotiation ( would've been nice to see how he works as con artist) and Ben could've jumped in and helped while making some good points for the argument, showing us he's not stupid.
Then having Domstol rule in their favor would've made sense.
On the way back to earth there could've been a joke about how Ben watches Judge Judy too much which is where he learnt about trials and stuff. Or maybe Gwens dad taught him a thing or two at some point.
All this doesn't mess with Ben's character all that much, he's still the hero of the show, he still has his ego but it makes him more likeable, shifts focus from his attitude, and shows us he's pretty smart and is growing into a good hero.
Ben's not a bad guy. I mean he is the hero of the show. There are tons of scenes which show he's good , like the whole sacrificing thing so the ultimates could live and all.
But little scenes here and there tend to be enough for someone , especially for someone who isn't a super hard-core Ben lover to form negative opinions on him.
Although calling him a psychopath / narc is out of line because I don't find him to be like that. His attitude was magnified by him being in the spotlight too much and writers not having a good balance in writing situations.
Ben being the main character of the show is at risk of becoming hated or less appreciated just because he's the font runner of the show.
Admit it, side characters tend to get more love most times than the main agonist of shows.
I've been watching videos on YouTube on this topic as to why this happens , and what I've come up with is that writers of shows tend to focus too much on main character. Things seem to go their way most times and this tends to get on peoples nerves, consciously or subconsciously because it's not exactly realistic.
Having shows where everything focuses on one person most times tend to backfire.
I don't mind Ben having a big head, I dont mind him making jokes and being so casual.
It's his defense mechanism to protect himself from drowning into the struggles and pressures of being a hero. But always having him be that way isn't good.
The writers should've executed it properly.
( okay this post got really long,  more than I thought it would. If you're read the whole things , congratulations on making it here lol.
I'm not going to stop anyone from replying to this because everyone has different opinions and we all have the freedom to express them.
Although I believe I've made my point and I've made sure to keep in mind all the arguments about why bashing Ben is wrong when he's not a bad guy while typing this out.
I don't think I've directed any major hate towards him , its mostly towards the writers for making the situations like that,but if you think I have you can reply to it.
I'm not gonna reply back though , because again I feel I've made my point.
Any agreements / disagreements you have with the post feel free to share because it is your right.
Any disagreements you have with other members,  as long as its related to the post you can share it.
Any issues you have personally with other members,  please keep them to your selves.
I will not tolerate bullying , harassing,  name calling and petty arguments on my post and blog page.
If this happens I will simply delete this post and re-upload it.)
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Blog Rules and Regulations
My age : ~17~
This blog only contains sfw yet there will be some suggestive things from time to time.
I only write for female reader,
Requests are open now.
I would prefer if im followers were 16+ but I can't stop you from reading what I write.
I watch a lot of anime but I'm only going to write for blue lock on here.
Reblogs they are highly appreciated.⭐.im not forcing you to reblog but it’ll just help out a lot
I only write for male characters for romantic themes
I write for any race just tell me what you want specifically and I'll write it.(This was recently brought to my attention from one of my request telling me that they didn't see anything in my rules about me writing for specific races. So it's my fault for not add that on here . But with these kind of requests you need to be EXTREMELY DETAILED or send me a link with your request).{07/06/22}
Requesters are allowed to choose the title for their request if they'd like . {07/08/22}
Things you won't find here;
Adult x minor
Male reader
Character x character.
Things you will Find here:
Suggestive themes
Toxic relationships
Hint of sappy romance
Yandere (only for reader). Most likely meaning that there will be blood,stalker behavior , manipulation,Kidnapping,usage of weapons, k*lling. Ect
1:you can't respect anyone's religion,Sexuality,race,gender,general life style,
2: Shipping characters is what you talk about most,or in general
3:you have a toxic personality
4:if you under the age of 15( Just don't interact with my Yandere shit)if you're under the age of 15.
5:Your stereotypical against others.
7:If you think aging up a minor is fine.
That's all for rules,but also:
Don't place a any of my works on other social media platforms. Wattpad,Instagram,twitter,Facebook,Tiktok, AO3.
If you would like to post my works on other platforms then message me privately. Be sure to give credit and add warnings as well,Not all the stuff I post are for everyone.
Don't translate my works either . (Dont ask if you could Im just gonna say no & if you do see someone translating any of my works tell me immediately)
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blappery · 3 years
Tagged by: @resident-of-remnant​ thanks for tagging me!
Rules: Answer 30 questions an tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name: Alex, or rose but i think im gonna have that as my middle name
Gender: trans girl
Star Sign: scorpio
Height: 6′2″ish
Time: 22:09
Birthday: 3rd November 2002
Favorite bands: rn the longest johns, they do sea shanties, check out their cover of “the wellerman” (the tik tok shanty) but a more long stading favourite would be nothing but theives.
Favorite solo artists: im not sure that i know of many, or quite what they are. Prince maybe? p sure he made his first album alone.
Last movie: Die hard (on christmas eve)
Last show: Hilda, its a cute cartoon with a cool world, and id reccomend it.
When did I create this blog: uhh pretty sure i first made a tumblr in like 2016? when i first got a phone, but then i locked myself out at some point and made this one
What I post: whatever comes across my dash and i like, its an assortment.
Last thing I googled: what a solo artist is, sorry
Other blogs: nope
Do I get asks: not all that many, most of them from lucy which i appreacite but suck at answering, thanks for all of them!
Why I chose my url: my brother and i went through a phase where we would just say blap to each other, so to offer me a glass of orange juice hed say blap why holding out the carton, then id nod and say blap back, basically blappery became my usual username meaning something like a whole lotta nothing
Following: 690 dang i spend too much time on here
Followers: 100, getting nice round numbers today folks
Average hours of sleep: sleep schedule? never heard of her, last night i went to bed at 10pm, that morning i went to sleep at 7am, the day before that at 3am. when im normal i get like 7 1/2 hrs but that hasnt been the case for a while now.
Instruments: i used to play trumpet, which i enjoyed but am glad i stopped, now im learning bass! just got one a bit ago and im enjoying it a lot!
What I'm wearing: a soft maroon shirt, short leather shirt, tights, flats and my aroace rings
Dream job(s): hmm maybe baker. or software engineer maybe, lets hope so bc its likely going to be the one i do
Dream trip: im not much of a traveller but i would want to explore, hill climb and camp n stuff with a couple close friends. just walking through forests and glens all day chatting shit and singing poorly.
Favorite food: its all great but bean enchiladas all the way, its like 3 bean chilli in wraps with yogurts cheese hot sauce and jalepenos on and its glorious.
Nationality: Scottish/Engl*sh (i know its tragic)
Favorite song: uh rn its ever new by beverly glenn-copeland, but i have quite a few faves
Last book: a joe abercrombie series starting with the blade itself, it was alright but theres only one woman in it who isnt a love interest so i would not rate the writer. this is a 5 way narrative btw. ive enjoyed it though.
Top 3 fictional universes: hmm the elder scrolls bc ive played too much of it, RWBY love the way semblances work, its the only show ive made ocs for, and bloodborne bc its hot girl shit.
im tagging:  but dont worry about it too much
@violetdesolation @sstarbee @leacko @arainofravens @artist-that-sucks @thxsilvxrshrxud @happi-iris @myfatuglyslugtits
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peculiar-shardscape · 3 years
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I posted 8,168 times in 2021
6390 posts created (78%)
1778 posts reblogged (22%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.3 posts.
I added 7,944 tags in 2021
#pinty prints - 3297 posts
#windy posts - 1607 posts
#roleplay - 518 posts
#anon points - 454 posts
#roblox - 451 posts
#art - 426 posts
#af - 372 posts
#adventure forward - 350 posts
#windy draws - 238 posts
#fusions - 231 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#in and again and again and im like ‘oh shit thats strat’ [cue backspacing] and them i go ‘lol signol-shit’ [backspacing ahain{ nandishsksgs
My Top Posts in 2021
I’m gonna give all haters of me a sincere and warm welcome to my blog. Welcome to my tumblr blog, make yourself at home! I’m Aristris and I’ll be looking after you all like a polite host. Ily all 💝
48 notes • Posted 2021-02-22 04:43:14 GMT
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Get A Snack At 4am Roleplay moments part 1/???
48 notes • Posted 2021-04-24 06:54:20 GMT
GASA4 headcanons because I’m hopeless <3
-Probably super duper freaking tired. I mean. They have to stay up past 4am just for your hungry butt
-Trans He/They Enby. Sorry I don’t make the rules
-Closeted gay B)
-Resting b!tch face
-Barely smiles, but when he does, he’s wholesome as f^ck
-Plays rhythm games in his spare time
-And also Undertale but like. He doesn’t tell anyone
-Probably has twitter
-Terrible at keeping secrets. He tries, but most of the time his attempts are in vain
-He/They :)
-Bisexual boye <3
-REALLY good at storytelling and will probably ramble A LOT
-Trusts too easily, dear stars someone help this poor man
-Mistakes statues as real people since they look similar to him
-Probably plays RPG games and constantly talks to the NPCs like as if they can hear him
-Has probably hacked into said RPG games just to enter and talk to the NPCs
-They/It Agender
-Platonically dating Orby
-Can be forgetful sometimes
-idk why but if Kyu was humanised I’d imagine them with a rly cute bow on their head
-Knows what food is but probably doesn’t understand the concept of it
-Massive fourth-wall breaker, Kyu please stop
-They’re actually canonically They/It but I’m still putting it here bc I’m allowed to
-They haven’t figured out their sexuality yet
-Platonically dating Kyu <3
-Mostly non-verbal and shy
-Would put their life in danger for the sake of others
-Finds music really soothing and nice (including heavy metal and such but nobody really questions it anymore)
-Probably homophobic who knows
-Doesn’t know what a shower is
-Has eaten literally NOTHING but chips in his whole entire life
-Chances are, the only expression he can make is a smile but you can still tell what actual emotion he’s feeling just by looking at him dead in the eyes
-Doesn’t know the difference between a dog and a racoon
-Doesn’t know the difference between any animal tbh but it’s not like he sees them often anyway
(idc if they barely get any screen time whatsoever they’re NOT immune to me headcanonning them)
-Raised by rats (probably is one/hj)
-He/She/They Agender
-Has never seen anyone ever in their life
-Doesn’t understand the concept of actually edible food
-“What’s that huge glowing ball in the sky?”
-“And why do my eyes hurt”
-Could be a mutant
I would give HCs ab Player but like. Idk if yalls would like those but eh. If yalls do want it, then throw my inbox into the sewer or something lmao. Enjoy your free headcanons, people
61 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 09:15:51 GMT
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Everybody, my favourite Cashier line
63 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 11:28:03 GMT
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Tumblr ate the quality F, but here y’all’s go! Support and validation from your favourite robo boy!! :)
btw, the pride icons on Mino are transmasc, non-binary and demisexual. I hc Mino to be a beep/boop/beepself masc enby! :)
86 notes • Posted 2021-06-02 10:41:16 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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cracknoir · 3 years
not really headcanons more just pretentious shit i wanted to type out - sometimes it’s good to listen to yourself talk ok 
i quite like writing with npc’s because it gives me a chance to like show what jimmy’s like to people he perceives as below him. i always feel like people i interact with get a sort of skewed view of the sort of guy jimmy actually is cos he has time for them, but i also never write with npcs because if i do i end up writing absolute fucking essays 
i used to rp deadpool and i think that’s why i just say all the crack stuff i write is canon 
this might sound like a dumb thing to say but i have to do things to write. i need to be out exploring and talking to people and it usually inspires me a lot without me noticing. like im not saying i NEED to go on a walk in the woods to start writing but i always find once i’ve done that kind of stuff when i get back i usually have Ideas™. the rule goes that you only ever want to write when you can’t write, for me at least. most of this shit is just daydreams i have at work. that said time’s also the enemy. last night i went out for a walk and by the time i was home i was just too fucked
music plays a big part in what i write but sometimes this fucks me up, sometimes i spend ages looking for the “right song” to write something when really i write just as well when i have like, lofi beats to study to on 
ive been thinking about writing more short stories, or vibes as i’ve been calling them. love writing those sort of out of context drabbles that i’ve been doing lately, maybe i could do them about more than just these characters  🤔 🤔 🤔 maybe i’ll write something about my cowboy mans  🤔 🤔 🤔
if i do some short vibes about my cowboy oc with no icons would people like be down for that 
scratch that i’m gonna do it and you can’t stop me 
i did it and it’s in the queue oops 
also this has been in my drafts so long that i’ve just started doing the vibes thing. i hope nobody’s taking it personally but work’s really kicked into gear the past couple days 
actual headcanons tho
i recently found out that the mercenary business in america has a large overlap with nazis however i always thought that alex specifically worked with nazis, this said i’d probably never write anything related to that on this blog. i do have a sidestory in my head where jimmy goes down to florida and ends up killing a bunch of nazis but not like, bc of the morals or anything 
also this doesn’t bug me at all and i’d never correct anyone bc lbr assassin is a cooler word but assassin relates to political killings usually, if your character kills for money they’re a mercenary BUT ALSO i think mercenary usually has connotations of like military training??? i should reiterate this isn’t an actual gripe i have, but none of my characters are assassins
jimmy won’t go outside to smoke. dont even bother asking him to unless you want trouble. 
jimmy’s faked his death ONCE canonically but also maybe as a shitposty joke ye he’s done it like five times. i mean, the best way to celebrate someones birthday is to gaslight them into thinking ur dead 
been thinkin bout growin a mullet but same with growing a Big Beard there’s this gross inbetween bit that i’m like nah 
jimmy and jack and brad and rasputin are all wildlife mans. the rest are city slickers that wouldn’t last two rotations of the sun without at least 4 bars of signal on their Damn Fone 
jack steals lighters and the worst part is you barely even notice him doing it. if he’s been on a night out he’ll wake up with like, 18 different lighters 
it’s unclear whether the ufos frankie sees are real, just plains, or if he’s just an attention seeking prick. i don’t think he sees actual aliens but he has a log of ufo encounters he’s had 
on the same note, molly loved urban exploring 
death loves ice cream, especially bubblegum flavor 
yes. satan did lose that fiddling contest. everyone should stop talking about it. 
Claude’s killed roughly about 60 people 
Molly, Jack, little jake and jimmy will drive around for no reason just doing numerous drugs. sometimes it’s coke but they mostly just smoke weed and once they drove around sniffing mdma 
jimmy hates speed but still does it. jack hates ketamine but still does it if offered. 
u can tell what jack’s up to by what he offers u when u first walk into his house. if he offers you a coffee, you’ll probably be offered a smoke next, if he offers u a drink, you’ll probably be offered a line next. 
also jack bought a fancy coffee maker and makes like caramel coffees nd shit 
i really need to cut this shit off this post’s getting too long 
consider this shit cut off 
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