#i mean who knows i know pokémon are incredibly strong but like. i don’t think that’s gonna do anything
goldensunset · 10 days
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against what???? the ice wall????????
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(@ask-gizmo-and-vigil) Gizmo: So, Hope. How strong exactly is your Blaze Kick? I assume you know that move, so you could essentially melt those steel bars and kick some ass for us!
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*Hope sighed. This idiot didn’t even know what EVs were. Clearly this pokémon has had no training or they’d know about them.*
Hope: Effort Values, or EVs for short, are the values gained when Pokémon engage in combat. They increase your attacks and defences and can be key to obtaining victory. And judging by your stats…
*Hope eyes, at the mention of this, changed from their usual blue to an orangey-brown colour, carefully studying Destino. They soon fade when she finished what she was doing.*
Hope: You’ve definitely been slacking on your training. Sure, you have some attack EVs. But you haven’t truly maximised them. And nothing in speed too? You really need to step up. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were to be easily knocked out by a simple attack. You look frail enough as is. I doubt you’d even be able to land a scratch on me.
*How dare this Pokémon make a criticism like that?! Destino was incredibly strong. They knew it. No Pokémon in the Underdark could best them. Except their parents. And the Bisharps. But that was it. The rare candies they were given raised them up to a solid level 30. Destino had to get to her in some other way.*
Destino: Hope Hope Hope. I see what’s happening here. You can’t fool me. You’re purposefully avoiding my claim that you can’t break the bars by going into this nonsense about “EVs”. I get it. You’re too weak. I understand. Not everyone can be as strong as me.
Hope: You mentioned your lack of knowledge on EVs and so I had to tell you what they were. What do you mean avoiding your claim?
Destino: I mean, it’s clear you’re too weak to break out. You would have done so already if you could.
Felix: Hey Des, maybe don’t taunt the Pokémon who almost kicked your ass? She’s told me she’s had a lot of training.
Destino: Really? Too bad that training clearly hasn’t made her strong or anything. No wonder she was so easy to capture.
*This Absol was frustrating. Hope could feel herself getting angry.*
Hope: You seriously think I couldn’t break through?
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Destino: Huh. You know I always thought those were a lot stronger than that. Guess we’ll need to get new ones. Good going. You do realise those take time to make? Wow Hope. Destroying property that doesn’t even belong to you. What kind of a princess does that? Clearly one that hasn’t been trained in royal etiquette. I expected better from you.
*The audible, frustrated growl that came from Hope brought a smug smile to Destino’s face. Felix floated forward. He didn’t want Destino to get their ass handed to them yet again.*
Felix: Alright. Destino pal, I get ya havin’ fun with this but ya do need ta stop. I’m finding it entertaining but there’s only so far ya can go before it gets violent.
Destino: But I was only just getting started! I was gonna throw a few more verbal insults here and there. See how far I could push her.
Hope: Would you like me to come out there and kick your ass?! I am super effective against you!
Destino: And I’m Destino, how���s it going? I could easy beat you when it comes to combat.
*Their smug grin broadened as Hope got more riled up. Felix, seeing this happen, floated in between the two of them, holding his hands out to stop them from doing anything further.*
Felix: Alright! Destino, stop now. Ya gone too far. Ya gotta work with this Pokémon on the surface. What’s the use in taunting her when she’s gonna be the only one helpin’ ya up there?
*Destino gave a nonchalant shrug.*
Destino: Pure entertainment really. It’s just so much fun to see her squirm.
Felix: No more, or I’ll have ta possess ya ass until ya behave. I spoke to ya about shit talkin’ tough opponents earlier. That applies here. She’s here to bring ya up there safely so ya can do what ya need ta do. This insultin’ is gonna do more harm than good.
*Felix didn’t do it much, but when he did possess Destino, they hated it so much. They hated that loss of control they had as they were powerless to overcome it. Sighing, the smug grin faded from their face.*
Destino: Urgh, fine. I’m only doing this because you asked, Felix. The next opportunity I get, however, I’m going straight for the personal insults.
*When Felix got between the both of them, Hope felt a little calmer. Someone dealing with this annoyance. She looked intriguingly at the pair as they spoke. Looks like Felix had some weapon that he could use against the Absol. And threatening its use seemingly worked. Hope had heard stories of ghost types possessing Pokémon and using their bodies for their own sick, twisted desires from stories that had been passed around. Looks like this was one of the things that were partially true. She wondered how much control the Gengar had over someone’s body when he possessed them and for how long.
So many questions she wanted to ask. It seemed Felix was going to be more reasonable to speak with. He definitely had a strong sense loyalty when it came to the Absol. However, if she could get him also on her side, she may be able to use that to get the Absol to do whatever she wanted.*
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(Apologize for my long, rambling ask, this is just in my brain and not like. Me forcing it on anyone or anything ksjfksagjklasdfsdf. Hope nobody minds me sharing this anyway because it’s very personal to me!! ^^;) I’m not sure anyone else has ever had this thought except me before, but one of my favorite personal headcanons about Lance is that he’s deaf/hard of hearing. :) I don’t see those kind of headcanons a lot in fandom, so seeing it applied to my favorite characters means a lot when people take the time to think about it a little bit. And one day I did that, and I decided to slap the label onto Lance. And I was really just projecting my love onto him when I did that, but then I seriously considered the idea and realized I could genuinely see it fitting him.
First off, Lance is a dragon trainer. Even if his pokemon are well-behaved, it makes sense that they’d be incredibly loud and sometimes temperamental. His poor ears never stood a chance if he was going to be growing up in an entire clan of dragon trainers. Also, he does a lot of wild and crazy missions as a G-Man. He’s probably been the victim (and instigator, naturally >:)) of some pretty sick explosions, which could be hell on his hearing. Thankfully, he doesn’t need perfect hearing to know what move a pokémon’s gonna use before it’s even gotten started, so he’s still at the top of his game.
I also think in this instance Lance would be one of those guys whose normal voice is loud enough that people sometimes cringe when he greets them. Most people tend to think that being a dragon trainer suits him perfectly because he’s so loud, but it’s really the opposite. (Oh, just wait til they meet Clair. Homegirl has never even heard of an inside voice… pun intended)
I haven’t decided if Lance would wear hearing aids yet (this is just silly brainrot after all), but I think he would know sign language. He’d know it more because of who he is though rather than because it’s a necessity. His hearing isn’t THAT bad. However it is necessary TO ME because just imagine him talking with Red in sign language and teaching it to Blue so he can do the same. It gives me such warm fuzzies :’)))
(Ahhhh this got so long. Sorry about that! I have a lot of feelings about Lance being deaf apparently 👉👈)
I have never considered this but now I have!! Thank you for the mega-brain headcanon!!!
His loud voice, talking in sign language with Red, GENIUS!
I hope I'm not derailing from your own HC, but I remembered having a strong headcanon about Lance being sensitive to loud noises, such as crowds and booming music. It gives him a serious case of sensory overload and has to wear earplugs when going out to meetups and big stadiums.
Honestly, this one line of dialogue in GSC/HGSS when you defeat Lance is my reasoning for this hc. :_D
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gothamcitycentral · 2 years
Top 10 Bug types?
10. Orbeetle
While this is definitely recency bias (not that their bad or anything, just it being a part of the top 10) thanks to me using it in my current Shield nuzlocke. Their inspirations are very layered which makes them such an easy mon to appreciate. They’re also fun to use. Despite the fact that they’re designed like a alien supervillain, I can’t imagine them actually being mean? Maybe it has to do with it’s pre evolutions, but they seem more like an asocial team member who hangs out in the corner than something that do anything actually villainous.
9. Parasect
Enough with the creepypasta shit! Do you know why Parasect doesn’t eventually die after evolving? Because the Paras you nicknamed isn’t wholly separate from the mushroom that grows out of it. The time you spent training and loving that little bug is time spent with that mushroom. Your care for the bug through its suffering isn’t unfelt by the mushroom. That’s why it doesn’t die, why it doesn’t become a husk, because (let’s say) Enoki is just as much the mushroom as it is the bug. It doesn’t want to not be your Pokemon anymore.
8. Genesect
Normally I don’t vibe with Mythicals, but Genesect is on it’s own level. They’re a physical embodiment of Team Plasma’s hidden hypocrisy. Despite their goal of liberating Pokemon, they dragged a Pokemon back from the dead to convert it into a living weapon.
7. Galvantula
They are fuzzy little guys and they are causing a city wide power outage.
6. Venomoth
Venomoth is one of those causes of Gen 1 simplicity being rather charming for me. They’re sorta of a mix of cute and kinda creepy. I like how surprisingly good they are in later generations and in general I just like moths.
5. Centiskorch
Literally just a funky guy. I love how it combines centipedes and stove tops really well despite how just, unconnected those ideas are to each other. It’s strong, cool, and has a mustache made of fire.
4. Heracross
I feel like Heracross and Scizor are the blueprint for all the following ‘cool’ Bug types. I think beetles are rlly cool, and Hera is such a well put together design. Simple, but cute and looks as strong as it is.
3. Leavanny
Leavanny is just, such a Pokémon?? The design is slick as hell and is so surprising strong. Like you expect a bulky healer that’s practically useless because of its Bug / Grass typing, but no. There she goes sweeping teams with naturally learned Swords Dance. They have such a seamless personality and are so expressive.
2. Scolipede
Nostalgia is definitely playing a part of it, Scolipede is the first Bug type I’ve ever used, but I’d still love them without that. Their design really makes them look incredibly strong. Venipede looks like a little scamp, Whirlipede is my favorite and also probably one of the funniest cocoon pokemon, and Scolipede is a millipede as a horse and that speaks for itself.
1. Golisopod
Golisopod is so insane oh my god?? It almost doesn’t look like a Pokémon it’s so cool. It has such character and it genuinely make me proud it see it evolve from something so little and scared. And how it’s Guzma’s Ace just says so much about both of them instantly. Despite Guzma’s short time in the anime they incorporate his character arc so beautifully with Golisopod’s Emergency Exit, especially since his Golisopod was just as much of a character with development as he was. I just?? Love them so much
Honestly this was hard to put together. I really like so many Bug types.
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miscletoe · 2 years
Team Galactic Dialogue Changes, Part 2
Excerpts from the beta leak.
Slightly different Cyrus dialogue: with the attribute Emotional Cyrus “I know why you’re here, I can sense it in you. It’s about Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, correct? You want to save them...I no longer have any need for them. I am finished with them. If your weak, emotionally clouded heart aches to save them, feel free. It will save me the trouble of disposing of them. I see the rage burning in your eyes! You think what I’m doing is wrong? Well, here’s your chance. Can your worthless emotions stop me?” “I know why you’re here. It’s about Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, correct? I have no need for them any longer. I am finished with them. If you wish to take them, feel free. It will save me the trouble of disposing of them. But before that, I want to see how strong you are. I want to see why you would dare oppose Team Galactic.” “There appears to have been an insignificant scuffle here.” “I seek power to create a new world, a world without strife. However, that power seems to be unavailable here… We’ve met before. It was at Mt. Coronet. If you discover any power related to Sinnoh’s legends, inform me.”
Saturn dialogue: “You’re the child who raided the Team Galactic Building in Eterna! Humph! Mars should be shamed of herself to be beaten by a child. But anything, anyone that opposes Team Galactic must be crushed! Even the very possibility of opposition will not be tolerated!” “...Our friend is tough!” “You're tough, kid! But, I pity you.” “Even I only managed to buy us time?” “A child like you will never be able to stem the flowing time!” “You will bear witness, helpless to stop us!”
Jupiter dialogue: “Did you want something? How silly of me to even ask. You want to sett free the Pokemon. Very well! We'll battle for them!” “And becoming the Pokémon Champion? Dream on, little boy.” “Oh? You chickening out now? You finally realized that you can’t beat our boss, eh?”
Mars dialogue: “I accomplished my mission without a hitch!”
This one’s labeled trash, which I presume means removed, but it doesn’t seem different from the ‘I forgot I did my job’ Verity blab.
“また まけた……
これで はつでんしょ でしょ!
この シンジこ でしょ!
こんなことって ありえない!!
……おちついて マーズ
こんかいは みずうみに ねむる
でんせつの ポケモンを アジトに
はこぶのが あたしの しごと……
そうよ! こんかいの しごとは
だいせいこう なのよ!”
More supposedly trashed dialogue that doesn’t seem different from the final game:
“あなたの かお!
イヤなこと おもいだしちゃった!
はつでんしょの ことよ!!
あなたの せいで
ひどいめに あったんだから
なに その かお
あたしのこと おぼえてるでしょ!
いいわよ! もういちど
じこしょうかい してあげる!
あたしは ギンガだんリーダーの
マーズ! つよくて うつくしいの!
で なに? こんどは ふたり?
なかよしカップルの つもり!!
ゆるさない! ゆるさない!!
いっしょに やっつけるから!”
Grunt dialogue: not all as most was minor, like something uncapitalized or missing words “Let’s see how good this Pokémon is! I yoinked it from some Trainer.” -- Earlier version had ‘ganked’. “That means you’re taking on the world... No, space, even!” “Too much...I can’t do anything here…” or “too much to handle…” “You must be bored to fight your way through snow here…” “Standing sentry is an important assignment!” “Grunt 1: Uncle! I said uncle! Your combination is sick! The both of you, and your Pokémon... Let’s vamoose, partner!” “Grunt 2: You said it, brother! We don’t even know what the rest of Team Galactic’s doing!” -- I prefer the last line to the final game’s “We don’t even know what Team Galactic’s big plan is anyway!” That they seemingly joined for kicks and as an excuse to harass/abduct island Pokémon while playing along well enough to retain their Pokémon and job and ignore everything and one TG so hard they look at any of it and shrug. “Please, forgive me…” -- The ‘our objectives are incredible’ grunt guy at Eterna, on defeat. “What have we here? A little Trainer who lost the plot?” “I went out of my way to deliver my cool lines before the battle! You should've let me win! Get a handle on the plot, already!” “Only a fool would show defiance to the mighty!”
Not translated to English: though I mostly searched for ginga so some may not be TG lines “イタイ! イタイ!! なんだよ! この じーさん!”
“トバリの ギンガだんアジトに
すべての ポケモンが!
でんせつの ポケモンが あつまるのだ!”
“ハハハ! うちゅうの はじまりを みることが できるだなんて ギンガだん ばんざーい!!”
“さすがに ギンガだんでも
コイキングは いらねーよな!”
“すべてを ひとりじめ する
それが ギンガだん だ!”
“まけると おしおきだ……”
“ワレワレが つかいきれなくても
ポケモンを ひとりじめ すれば
ほかの ひとは
ポケモンを つかえなくなる!”
“たとえ こども だろうが
ほんきで いくぞ!”
“うちゅうレベルで いうと
この まけは ちいさい”
“ボスは うちゅうレベルで
ものごとを かんがえている という
はなしだ! どうだ すごいだろ!”
“ワレワレは ボスが つくりだす
あたらしい せかいの ため
いろいろと うごいているのです!”
“これは ゆるされない……”
“この アジトは かりそめの もの
ギンガだんの いちぶ でしかない!
いつか ギンガだんの ほんとうの
すばらしさ すごさを おもいしれ!”
“どんなことを してでも かつ!
それが ギンガだん!”
“いま おまえが すすんでいるのは
じごくへの みち なんだぞ!”
“ワレワレ ギンガだんの
すばらしい コンビネーション!”
“あなたと ポケモンの
コンビネーション すごい”
“ギンガだんに とって
ポケモンは ただの どうぐなの!
かてなきゃ べつの ポケモンを
つかうだけの はなしよ”
Developer comments: About the Cyrus encounter in Mt. Coronet: This is the big bad guy! The idea isn’t to make him sound bad here. He should sound reasonable at this point.
About the grunt the player chases: This guy ultimately delivers the bomb to the lake where it leaves the Magikarp flopping. Since that appears to be the objective, this can’t be just a spur of the moment thing he thinks up, which the JP text says.
About encountering Cyrus at Celestic: This is a key event. He’s revealing his plans, but he’s not supposed to sound like a nut yet.
About Lake Valor: Saturn, to himself. Then, he notices player.
About Lake Verity: Multi Battle with player and assistant kid.
About Lake Acuity: Jupiter laughs at rival.
About defeating Cynthia: After this, Hall of Fame induction event, and then staff credits. The End! (But not for us localization staff. Grindstone + your nose = Keeping it real for fans)
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r0-boat · 3 years
Fams I’m literally having a yandere moment, sadness really said “hornbee for crazy men” and here we are
Imagine you’re the unova champion, but just you went from point A to point B I mean with the stress of dealing with team plasma you didn’t think you had time for anything else.
But during an interview you’re asked about the subway bosses and if you’ve beaten them, after showing confusion you’re showed pictures of them.
“They look nice, I like their aesthetics! Their Pokémon are super cute too, I’ll have to go to the station one day!”
Polite and sweet as a champion should.
But said twins were watching, we more or less just had the tv on for background noise, but now their interest is peeked! The super cute unbeatable unova champion? Complimenting them!? Truly a glorious day!
You ended up at their station faster than you thought you would, you would say you’re busy with business like brand deals and what not, but afterwards you just hang out with your elite four or alone in the champions room, so why not?
You were a force to be reckoned with, no one stood a chance, was expected but you’re missing the adrenaline that battling use to give you.
You quickly made it to the twins, who were surprised you didn’t have a partner, this was the double line so you should have one, but once they realized who it was they shut down their complaints.
“I am subway boss Ingo, the fellow over to the side is also a subway boss, Emmet.”
“I’m Emmet! I’m a subway boss,I hope you’re as strong as they say.”
You had to hold back a giggle at their poses, you loved it but it’s so dorky, tossing out their respective Pokémon as did you.
For once you felt the high once more of the adrenaline, they were amazing trainers! Working together they seemed like a deadly combo, it felt like hours and Pokémon dropping left and right before you had proven you were worthy of your title.
Before either brother could give their usual speech you quickly interrupted them with a giddy squeal.
“I’m sorry! Oh it’s been so long since I had a good battle like that, oh you two were amazing! Such skill and focus, and the way you both work in sync is incredible, oh forgive me I didn’t mean to cut you off, I got a little too excited.” You giggle to try and cover up how happy you truly were.
But the brothers were stunned, sure they have gotten praise and compliments, but the detail you gave and the fact that the champion of Unova is standing before them giddy and happy gushing about them.
Emmet looked at his brother and vice versa, the light warm feelings they had, the faint blush coating their cheeks, they nodded in a silent agreement, you’d be theirs one way or another, this had to be fate! Not only to be given such a show stopping battle but a strong partner!
Emmet grinned before clasping his hands together “thank you very much! We could say the same to you, usually we don’t allow people on the double trains without a partner but this time I’m glad we did, you and your Pokémon are so verrrry strong!”
Ingo nodded “Bravo!” His loud voice quickly echoed, he looked so excited “you are quite the opponent! Strong and fierce! We will have to battle again someday!”
Emmet quickly nodded like an excited puppy.
You pulled out a pen and paper before quickly scribbling down on it before  ripping it in twos and handing one piece to each brother.
“Ah…you’re giving us your number?”
“Of course! After a battle like that how could I not? Call me anytime you’d like, I’m always down for a good battle, and if you ever need anything let me know.” You smile was what they could only describe as heart melting, and with how emmet is leaning on the wall for support that wasn’t a stretch.
Ingo’s face morphed into a lovestruck one, so kind to two people you just met, you must be an angel, that’s the only explanation he could think of.
Emmet wasn’t fairing any better, his heart pounding against his rib cage, he has never felt so strongly before, surely you must be soulmates! Destined to meet! You must feel what they are feeling!
You waved off the brothers and once again thanking them for the battle and reminding them they can always call or text you.
“Of course! But are you sure you don’t need an escort back?” Ingo was so concerned, what if some crazy fan hurt you? That wouldn’t do.
“Oh y’all are so sweet, I’m fine but thank you though!”
That smile again, Ingo felt his knees weaken while Emmet let out a lovesick sigh, gazing at you with such love.
Once you were truly gone they had to sit down, Ingo took a seat on the blue chairs on the train while Emmet slid down the wall, dramatic as usual.
“They are so verrrrry lovely! The champion! In our subway!” Emmet squealed flapping his hands in excitement “do you think they’ll come back? Should we text them now? I wonder what they like for lunch, I’m sure we can meet up later in the day!”
Emmet kept rambling while ingo’s face kept burning red, lunch sounds nice but he wonders what you’d wear to it, maybe the same outfit they saw you in? Maybe a sundress? Oh that would be so pretty, a perfect aline on you and a mix of classy and cute, would you make your own food for a lunch picnic for them?
But they both had the same question.
Would you be their sweet little housewife? Or would you want them to be your sweet househusbands?
- noodle
They seem kind of normal at first however they would slowly but surely they would slowly descend into an obsession
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Cult Girl: Doctorate (Hannibal x Pregnant!Female!Reader) pt. 13
Hannibal and cult girl make an executive decision about their family and their future.
@wisesandwichshark @pearlstiare
Trigger warnings: threats of violence
"What do you think, pumpkin?" You whispered to your bump, hoping that the jaunty music coming from your 3DS would make your one-sided conversion harder to hear. "Which starter should I choose?"
You put your hand on your belly. "Should I choose Treeko?"
A strong, enthusiastic kick followed.
"Wow! Treeko it is, then." You laughed, selecting the lizard Pokémon. "With kicks that strong, you're gonna grow up to be an MMA fighter."
Hannibal entered the room, trying to soothe his temper but failing. He was tasked with cleaning up the mess on the porch, and his sinuses were singed.
"My hero!" You cooed, trying to make him feel better about having to deal with what you dubbed the Bitch Petroleum Oil Spill.
"If she comes back on our property, she's dinner." Hannibal paced back and forth across the room, seething with rage. You didn't know if it was the threat against your life or the h-bomb of concentrated essential oils that got him so steamed. Probably both.
"Hannibal-" You said in a soothing voice.
"-if she runs into you at the grocery store, she's dinner. If I smell a whiff of that hideous Marc Jacobs concoction she bathes in, she's dinner."
"I don't think anything is going to happen, Hanni." You said, more for your sake than for his. If there was even a possibility that you or your baby were in danger, he'd do everything in his power to keep you safe. And he had quite a bit of power.
Hannibal released a tense breath and sat down on the bed. "How do you know?"
You shut your 3DS and put it to the side. "I just do."
"With logical reasoning like that, you'd make quite a lawyer, Mrs. Lecter." Hannibal teased, in that stiff, half-amused way he did when he was partially done working through tension.
"If it were Theresa, I'd be worried." You rationalized. "Theresa is an executor. Anna is a follower. She doesn't have the individual drive to actually, y'know, hurt someone."
"You did end her career and her marriage, not to mention her prospects of winning an obscene amount of money, in one ten-minute conversation." He recounted. "That is some serious motive. I wouldn't put much past her."
"Please." You rolled your eyes. "All she's gonna do is beg Liam to let her in, take a bath and drink an entire bottle of chardonnay while watching Riverdale."
Hannibal took off his shoes and lied down next to you. He propped his head up on his arm and fixed his gaze on you.
"What?" You laughed.
"You're so delectably round." He commented, licking his lips.
"Hey!" You protested. "You can't make those jokes when you actually eat people, y'know?"
"Is that so?" He smirked, propping himself up over you on his elbows. He lowered his face down to your ear. "Am I scaring you?"
"No." You giggled. "But you might be scaring her!"
"Her?" He repeated.
"The baby, who else?"
His face turned from playfully mischievous to genuine wonder and awe. He stroked your hair and looked into your eyes.
"What?" You laughed. "Are you mad that I assumed the baby's pronouns? Cause I will read her Gender Trouble when the time is right-"
"You want to be a mother." He said, his voice in an optimistic upturn.
Your face turned hot. "I've been... considering it."
"You do." Hannibal corrected. "I hear you talking to her, teaching her all about Pokémon. Telling her all the things you want to do when she arrives."
You looked down at your belly and narrowed your eyes. "You snitch. I told you not to tell anyone."
Hannibal chuckled, his hand lifting your shirt to reveal your large belly. "You would be the most incredible mother."
"Not to harsh the buzz or anything," You said, breaking eye contact. "But it's not like I have a very strong foundation to build off of."
"That just means we have to build our own foundation." He said, his buzz not harshed in the slightest. "One based on love, education, compassion."
"Hannibal..." you sighed. "What happens when I go back to school?"
"You'll study. Hard, of course." He said as if it were that simple. "You'll focus on your career and I will be the primary caregiver until you've established yourself."
"You said it yourself, though." You shrugged. "Parenting isn't supposed to be some blissful retirement plan. It's stressful."
"I've come to the realization that if I want this child I need to do everything in my power to minimize the burden on you." Hannibal said. "My career is secured. Yours is just getting started. I couldn't live with myself if I denied you that."
"I mean..." your voice trailed off. "We killed two couples and turned them into tex-mex together. Is there anything we can't do?"
"That's my girl." He said, running his fingers through your hair.
"Of course, now we have a lot of planning to do." You tried not to sound too excited. "We need to buy a stroller, a carseat, a changing table-"
"Pick a name." Hannibal finished.
Your mouth hung open. "Oh, shit, you're right!"
"You haven't thought of it at all?" Hannibal raised an eyebrow.
You shook your head. "Once you name it, you start getting attached to it. I guess I wanted to avoid that."
"So you're telling me you don't have a singular notion of what you'd want to name our little girl?" He pressed.
You caved. "Something not basic."
Hannibal was a professional at keeping his emotions under wraps: and that included body language and vocal intonation. You learned to pick up on his reactions through the most minute of tells. For example, the tiny exhale out of his nose and the slight tightening of his lips roughly translated to "oh thank god".
"Something that would be befitting for the title of countess." Hannibal said, taking the opportunity to remind you of his royal lineage.
"Will she be privy to the title if she's born out of wedlock?" You joked.
"She will be. Because I say so." Hannibal's curled upper lip turned into a self-confident smile. "And so will you, my countess."
"Well, in that case," You said, staring dreamily off into space. "I've always liked the quiet majesty of Gaelic and Celtic names."
His eyes lit up. "Deidre, Isolde, Saoirse, Rowena?"
"Boudicca." You offered. "Countess Boudicca Lecter."
"The warrior queen." He placed his hand over your belly. "Just like her mother."
"Or what about Cordelia?" You posed. "It's elegant, but simple."
"Imogen?" Hannibal said, as if he were asking the baby for her opinion.
Another sharp kick followed. He would never get used to feeling her kick. It made him melt every time.
He lowered himself to bring his lips to your belly. "You like the name Imogen?"
"Imogen Lecter." You said. "I like the sound of that."
Hannibal kissed your bump and then looked up at you. "Now then, my love. You are to teach me everything you know about Pokémon."
Your eyes widened. You never thought anyone would ever ask that. "...I'd love to, but, why?"
Hannibal returned to your side and pulled you into his arms. "How am I supposed to keep up with you and sweet Imogen if I don't know how the game works?"
You laughed. "You really want to know?"
"It makes you happy." He nodded, holding you a little closer. "Why wouldn't I want to know?"
A smile spread across your face. "It's a turn-based roleplaying game. You catch and train magical creatures and the end goal is to assemble a diverse team that covers as many areas as possible."
"That sounds, admittedly, quite fun." He said, reaching for your 3DS. "Show me?"
You spent the rest of the evening together in a cuddle pile, walking him through how the game worked. For an evening, you forgot about your sore breasts, your aching back and your sadistic cousin. You just enjoyed being with Hannibal and with Imogen in the dim glow of a decade-old 3DS.
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Ok, so, I've been trying for too much to think what Pokémon represents best the IkeVap boys and?? I'm clueless H e l p Like maybe Theo could be a Lucario, Nappy an Arcanine, Moz a Glaceon, but honestly? I Do Not Know And I'm Not Sure™️
Truly, I have never been more understood than in this moment 😂😂 I love Pokémon, so it was fun to do this! I just hope I don’t disappoint~
That being said bc I have absolutely no reading comprehension despite appearances, I originally just made a kind of compilation of the Pokémon I thought they would have (if it’s a legendary Pokémon, maybe they’re just Good Bros^TM at least). But given that much of my selections were made on the basis of similarities between each suitor and the pokémon listed, I decided to just add and bold the one that I felt best embodied each character c:
(Also I am hugely into Pokémon so I have no qualms getting requests like this; go for it y’all)
Comte: Ninetales (Alolan): thought to be immortal, treated like a deity but really just wants to be left alone with its own kind sometimes Alakazam Froslass Zoroark Milotic Celebi Rapidash (Galar) Reshiram Delphox Bonus: has a shiny Gardevoir he brings to balls with him sometimes, and she is very lovely uwu
Napoleon: Braviary: fights for its allies until the bitter end, very committed to justice and protecting those who need it Arcanine Lucario Rayquaza Rapidash (Kanto) Rhydon Skarmory Bonus: He keeps a Falinks bc "march on you funky little Pokémon”
Mozart: Meloetta: ability to create music that moves one to emotion Rowlett (HE’S A DAPPER LITTLE GENTLEMAN WITH A BOWTIE OFC MOZART LOVES IT) Primarina Suicune Jigglypuff
Leonardo (he literally just finds cats and babies and takes them home, this is what my instincts say and I trust them. Also has a Machoke for when he needs help with more intensive work): Cubone: do y’all really need an explanation for this one. [Okay bc I don’t want to be obnoxious, for any of you that might be unaware, Cubone is known as “The Lonely Pokémon.” It essentially wears the skull of its dead mother and weeps for its loss. The reason I chose it for Leonardo is that, at least to me, 99% of his characterization and vibe just screams “abandoned/neglected child” imo] Luxray Litten Espurr Silvally Machoke
Arthur: Mandibuzz: power complex about preying on the weak Lumineon: attracts attention from potential mates, but also risks attention from predators/enemies from the gaudy display
Isaac: Applin: hidey apple child that has yet to tap into his strength (you will be a dragon type one day) Quilava Magneton Lanturn Togedemaru Metagross Bonus: Minior bc he is a child of the stars
Vincent: Smeargle: art Swablu: it’s baby. he baby. [okay but like fr Swablu loves people and coos at them and its all around adorable and even sits on people’s heads like a little cloud hat for fun. tell me that isn’t Vincent energy.] Poipole [if anybody has seen the anime, it’s basically a tiny agent of chaos that loves to paint on anything and everything; I feel like Vincent would find it endearing] Sunflora Lycanroc(Midday)  Zigzagoon Zacian Ho-oh
Theodorus: Scrafty: I think of this Pokémon bc it is strong and takes great pride in protecting loved ones “This Pokémon may be rude, but/While mostly known for having the temperament of an aggressive ruffian, it takes very good care of its family, its friends, and its turf.” This you, Theo? Lycanroc(Dusk) Nidoking Zangoose Zamazenta Yamper Tyranitar
Jeanne: Golurk: functions to protect people Absol: considered a bad omen/harbinger, even though it appears to forewarn humanity--it doesn’t cause calamity Pawniard Gallade Marowak (Alolan) Aegislash Umbreon (Shiny) Sirfetch’d Corviknight Spectrier
Dazai: Mr.Mime: clown Corsola (Galar) Confagrigus Lapras  Piplup Ninetales (Kanto) Pidove Slowking Rotom (specifically acquired via painstaking means just to harass Isaac)
Shakespeare: Mimikyu: nananananana spyman Buneary Seviper Chatot Liepard Bannette
Sebastian: Indeedee: male version of this Pokémon act as a valet, and are known for their poise and helpfulness Greninja Ampharos Polteageist Wooloo Combee Bellossom (I hc that he acquired a Bellossom for the sole intention of thwarting rain whenever possible, mostly for Dazai and Jeanne’s sake. It doesn’t always work, but it can also serve to lighten rainfall)
Vlad: Zekrom: seeks to create a world constructed in the name of ideals Hydreigon: perhaps closer to his true nature, incredibly powerful and rampages indiscriminately Dragapult Charizard X Haxorus(Shiny) Gengar Krookodile Scolipede Spiritomb Roserade (Why can’t I stop imagining him as one of those annoying Dragon Tamer trainers on Victory Road, where I just whip out Ice Beam and level every single one of his Pokémon. Sir I have no interest in your erroneous preconceptions of strength, I have an Elite Four to d e s t r o y)
Charles: Mawile: very pretty but big murder Crobat Skitty Dreepy
Faust: Oranguru: will not abide inexperienced trainers (aka imbeciles or people he deems empty/pathetic) but also creates medicine for other Pokémon Mewtwo Eevee --> Espeon Noctowl (Shiny)
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soupcorvus · 4 years
starting with personal feelings about it: mewtwo’s really cool, my first time seeing him (i use it/its pronouns for most pokémon like the games do, but i use it/he/they pronouns for mewtwo) in any media outside the games and cards was in the first pokémon movie, and i remember not liking him that much and liking mew a lot more because of the events of the movie (and because mew is adorable), but then i realized, “hey mewtwo’s cool as hell actually” and yeah :)
((spoilers ahead for the detective pikachu movie, if you haven’t seen it and plan on doing so in the future i don’t advise reading ahead as i spoil a major plot point in the story)) when i saw detective pikachu, i remember knowing mewtwo was going to show up, and as someone who had been a fan of pokémon for about 4-5 years at that point, i was nervous about how they’d handle it (i mean i was nervous about the movie in general but yknow), and i ended up liking it a lot, all of the pokémon bodyswap stuff wasn’t really my cup of tea, but i did enjoy mewtwo’s appearance before the dude was like “hey so basically i’m him now”
next: design stuff (ik this isn’t the official artwork for him, this was the closest thing i could find to it that wasn’t incredibly low quality)!
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mewtwo’s design is very simple— it’s a gen 1 design, and that’s not always a bad thing, as can be seen with mewtwo, like i think he looks great, and even the little bits of detail like the sort of cord on his neck fit with his design. it does look like a clone of mew (even if it comes before mew in the dex yeah that makes sense) that didn’t go as anticipated. i don’t have much to say about the design other than just “it looks good!” tbh so yeah that’s all i’ll say so that i don’t keep repeating myself lmao
oh also i like its megas a little bit (y more than x) but i don’t think they were necessary and they’re definitely not as strong of designs as regular mewtwo imo
overall, i think they’re super cool! very good pokémon with great lore and a great design!
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typhlosion-teeth · 5 years
sweet beginnings [raihan x reader]
This is some straight up fluff with our favorite dragon boy. ;) Based in the same timeline as my other scenario, Sunday Morning, although this one takes place earlier! I hope you enjoy. 🐉🧡💕 If you have any comments or think I should start a tag list, always feel free to drop me a message! I love hearing from you.
Another yawn escaped your mouth as you pulled open the top drawer of your dresser and rummaged for some socks. You began tossing your selected pairs into the open suitcase beside you, hoping that they all mostly matched. You didn’t mean to leave packing until the last minute, really you didn’t, but sometimes your warm blankets just didn’t want to let you go. Your Skitty was doing his best to help your endeavor by sitting on top of your laundry pile and meowing every so often in encouragement.
At least, that’s what you assumed he was doing.
Once your clothes were mostly selected, you dragged the suitcase to the living room and headed to the bathroom to pack your toiletries as well. You didn’t get very far before your doorbell rang. Your doorbell? At this hour?
You opened the door to your apartment and came face to face with Raihan. He grinned at you in greeting. The two of you had become fast friends when you moved to the central city a few months ago, but for some reason it surprised you to see him at your doorstep. Surprised, and yet thrilled you all the same.
“Morning!” He said, his bright blue eyes meeting your gaze. “I hope I’m not intruding too early?”
“Oh, no not at all!” You replied, finding it easy to return his grin. “Good morning to you, too. Did you want to come in?”
“Actually, I came to see if you wanted to grab breakfast with me. I’m in the mood for a big, decadent pastry down at the cafe, and it’s always better with company.”
“You know, that sounds amazing!” You replied, but at that moment your Skitty tugged on the leg of your pants, pointing with his tail and meowing at the mess of a suitcase on the living room floor behind you. Frowning slightly, you crouched down to scratch behind his ears. “We can finish packing when I get back, okay? It won’t take too long. I’ll even bring you home a treat!”
That seemed to satisfy the pink kitten, who squeaked and ran in a quick circle around you. The guest at your door gave you a curious glance as you stood up again.
“Packing?” Raihan questioned. “Are you going away somewhere?”
“Yeah, for a little bit.” You said, sliding your shoes on and grabbing your bag from the table. “I can fill you in over a big, tasty pastry.”
“Deal.” The gym leader nodded, stepping back so you could close your apartment door.
The walk to the cafe was easy, peaceful and comfortable with Raihan by your side. The sun was still working its way up in the sky, and many inhabitants of Hammerlocke were still in bed. Pidove cooed and chattered from the rooftops, and a few older townsfolk were taking their Yamper for a walk by the railway station. As you approached the building, the scent of coffee and sweets reached your senses and you realized how hungry you really were. Raihan opened the door for you with a slight bow and a wink, and you giggled as you stepped in.
There were a couple other patrons with their morning coffee, talking softly while piano music wafted through the air. The Milcery at the counter chirped excitedly as you approached, alerting the cafe owner to your presence.
“Good morning! Hey there, Raihan. The usual for you?”
“Yeah, please.” He said with a nod. When he turned to you, you were already looking through all the treats in the glass case. Raihan laughed. “Our real goal today is one of these beauties.”
“They’re all fresh from the oven this morning.” The owner said proudly.
Raihan crouched down to look in the case with you. “Which one are you feeling?”
“I think I might have to go with the strawberry danish.” You pointed at the pastry in question, glistening with fresh red berries and white drizzled glaze. “And a green tea.”
“Got it. One strawberry, and one cinnamon apple danish. And a nice hot tea.” Raihan told the man behind the counter. You straightened up and went to reach for your wallet, but your companion took your wrist gently. Looking up at him, you saw his face light up in a smile. “Ah-ah. My treat.”
You attempted to disregard the blush on your cheeks as his touch lingered on your skin.
“Thanks, Raihan.”
“No problem.” He only let go of you to pay for breakfast, and the place on your wrist that he came in contact with tingled slightly.
You selected a cozy table in the corner of the shop, settling down with a comfortable sigh. It wasn’t long before another staff member delivered your drinks and pastries to you, which the two of you accepted with thanks.
“So, tell me about this trip of yours.” Raihan said, looking at you over the rim of his coffee cup. “Vacation?”
“Nothing like that.” You answered, lifting your fork to take a bite of your danish. It was incredible. “I have to head back to my hometown for a little bit. The professor that I used to work with there has research for me to pick up. It’s not really anything that pertains to me, but I need to deliver it to Magnolia so she can begin reviewing it. More of a favor to an old friend than actual work, but it will be nice to see those old friends again for a little while.”
Your companion nodded, finishing his own bite of pastry.
“Makes sense to me. At least you’ll have a nice time while you’re getting it done. Do you miss your hometown a lot?”
“I miss it, yeah. I mean, I love it here in Galar, but nothing’s quite like seeing the place where you got your start, you know?”
“I’m sure your Pokémon will be happy to adventure with you too.” Raihan grinned.
“Oh, you bet. Especially Skitty, he will run through the grass any chance he gets.”
“Say...” The gym leader suddenly looked very shy. “While you’re off doing that errand, would you mind doing one for me at the same time?”
You were surprised at his inquiry, but you supposed he didn’t have quite as much time to get things done in his daily life. You were happy to help out a friend, after all.
“Yeah, sure. What do you need?”
“Well, I have a Pokémon egg that I found, and I want it to hatch. I know I could just incubate it with a fire type Pokémon for a while at home, but I think it would be better for it to spend time with you on your trip while it grows. Make it strong with the energy of the world and other Pokémon, yeah?”
“Oh that’s easy!” You clapped your hands together. “I can keep your egg with me while I’m away. Whatever’s inside will grow up to be an adventurer.”
“Awesome.” Raihan said, looking relieved.
The two of you continued to chat for the better part of an hour, taking your time with your breakfast on this easy, comfy morning. You learned a bit more about your gym leader friend, and in turn shared more about yourself. Before you left the cafe, you were sure to pick up a biscuit for Skitty, which Raihan also insisted he buy for you. Afterwards, he walked you back to your place, and before going inside, you turned to him.
“Thank you again for breakfast! We will have to do that again when I get back next week.”
“Sounds good to me.” Raihan beamed. “When are you leaving? I can bring the egg to you before you go.”
“About 5 this evening. I’ll be taking the train out at 5:15.”
“Perfect. I’ll meet you at the station tonight. Don’t forget!”
“I won’t.” You laughed and waved to him, letting yourself in your front door. Skitty was at your feet in seconds, meowing excitedly. You made your way into the living room and handed him his biscuit, which he nibbled on immediately.
You felt your smile linger all day, even as you finished packing your suitcases.
Once 5 o’clock approached, you gave your room one last glance around, making sure you didn’t forget anything. Skitty perched himself on your shoulder as you locked up and made the train station your next destination.
As promised, Raihan was waiting outside the station for you. Although you noticed that he was wearing a different outfit than his usual hoodie and shorts, probably to deflect attention from the townspeople and fans. His expression brightened as he saw you approach.
“Time to head out, huh?” He said as you stood beside him. You nodded. He reached into his bag and gingerly handed you a green Pokémon egg. It was warm in your hands, and you held it close protectively. “I can’t wait to see how this turns out.”
“Me too!” You agreed, nodding. “Surprises like this are so exciting.”
The announcement system chimed and declared that the train would be departing in 10 minutes.
“Guess that’s your cue.” Raihan nodded towards the clock. “I also have this for you.”
He reached into his pocket and produced a cleanly folded up note. You reached to take it for him, but before he let go, he gave you a sly smirk.
“On one condition. You can only read this after the egg hatches. Okay?”
While it was a strange request, you agreed all the same. It added to the mystery of the egg hatching!
“Okay. No peeking until this baby comes out of its egg.” You giggled and tucked the letter into the front pocket of your bag. “It’s a deal.”
“All right. Now go on, we don’t want you to miss your train!” The gym leader pulled you in for a hug, being careful not to crush the egg you were holding gently. You shifted your grip so you could at least wrap an arm around his neck. He was warm, and he smelled so good - like juniper and bergamot. You willed yourself to let go and bid him farewell.
“Safe travels!”
“See you in a week!”
You noticed that he saw you off until the train safely rolled out of the station. You wondered if he saw you watching him through the window as well.
Being back in your hometown was just as great as you expected it to be. You visited your family, caught up with some old friends who wanted to hear anything and everything about the Galar region, and of course stopped by the professor’s lab to retrieve the research you needed.
All with Raihan’s egg nestled safely in your bag.
Those you met with all speculated what they thought it could be. He is a dragon tamer, so maybe a Dratini? No no, that’s too obvious, maybe something unusual like an Alolan Meowth? If you want unusual, what if it’s a Girafarig?
The amount of possibilities just about made your head spin. Your friends had fun guessing what they thought it would be, but you were more than happy to wait to see it with your own eyes.
Which happened much sooner than you expected.
You were walking on a sunny afternoon only a couple days after you arrived home. Skitty was cheerfully at your heels when he wasn’t chasing the Butterfree or rolling in the soft green grass of the route you were traversing. You smiled as you watched him, greeting the other trainers along the way and engaging in a few friendly battles.
It was then you started hearing a crackling sound coming from your bag. You stopped in your tracks, joining Skitty in the grass as you sat down cross legged and held your bag in your lap. The egg was shaking, cracks beginning to web across the surface of the spotted shell.
“It’s time!” You said excitedly as your pink kitten sat attentively beside you, just as eager to watch. Taking the egg from your pack, you set it gently in the grass and watched it rock back and forth with more energy. More cracks formed, and a piece of the shell fell to the ground. From the hole you could hear little squeaks as the Pokémon did its best to enter the world. You cooed words of encouragement, and finally the shell split down the middle and two halves fell to the side.
Before you sat a small, glistening red Applin. Its eyes gazed up at you innocently, and you felt the widest smile spread on your face.
“Hello, little one.” You said softly, holding out your hand. The Applin nudged your fingers happily with another joyous chirp. You could tell by the light mottled color that it was a female, and her nature already seemed to be quite curious. She hopped over to Skitty, who booped the apple gently with his paw. You took this moment to take Raihan’s letter from the pocket of your bag, unfolding it and noting that it was handwritten, beginning with your name.
Surprise! I bet you weren’t expecting it to be this little guy. (Or girl. You’ll have to tell me which it is.)
Truth is, I knew what was inside this egg all along. I have a pair of Flapple down at the Daycare and this egg came from them. Believe it or not, despite how open and outgoing I can be on a daily basis, I can be a little... nervous. When it comes to certain things. Which is why I hatched this amazing plan. (Hatched!! I know, I know, I’m hilarious. ;)
You know about the tradition in Galar, right? That presenting someone with an Applin is a token of romantic affection, and if they accept the offering then your relationship has been blessed with good luck and longevity? Well. I wasn’t entirely sure I could give you Applin in person without my heart giving out in nervousness, and I knew you would be traveling with your team, so. Ta-da! Pretty good for something put together in a day.
I like you. A lot. And I’m really hoping I’ve been reading the signs right that you might like me too. The Applin is yours no matter what, but it is my wish that the old tradition worked for this lonely little gym leader, and you’ll honor me with an official date when you get back home to Hammerlocke.
You set the letter down in the grass and turned to the tiny apple Pokemon beside you. She cheeped curiously, coming up to nudge against your leg. You picked her up with a smile, warmth blooming in your chest in a way you had never felt before. The dragon tamer was absolutely right - you had feelings for him that were growing stronger every day.
“He really is something.” You said to the Applin with a smile. Her tail wiggled happily as you set her on your shoulder and reached for your Rotom phone, tapping on Raihan’s number and letting the device hover in front of you for a video call. It rang a few times before the gym leader answered, his bright blue eyes and iconic smile nearly glowing as he saw your face on his screen.
“Hey, you!” Raihan greeted. “How’s your trip been? Are you still-”
You saw the very moment his brain registered the Applin sitting on your shoulder, and the rest of his sentence went forgotten. There was a brief pause as he swallowed thickly, scratching the back of his head with a nervous, yet giddy, smile.
“Looks to me like that egg of yours hatched.” Raihan said, testing the waters.
“It sure did,” You confirmed. “Isn’t she precious?”
“Ah, so it’s a little girl after all! What a cutie.”
“And, as promised, I read your note only after she hatched.” You shifted a bit, feeling your fingertips tingle with sheer delight. Raihan was nearly pressed against his phone, trying to rein in his anticipation. Feeling your cheeks grow warm, you glanced away for a moment while you continued. “I had heard about the Applin tradition in passing when I moved to Galar, but I wasn’t sure if it was something that people still did, or a thing of the past. But now I can see it’s still very much alive.”
“Yeah,” Raihan breathed out. “It’s not terribly common, but I’ve always thought it was sweet.”
“It is.” You looked back at your phone, meeting his blue eyes through the connection. Taking the Applin into your arms and holding her safely against your chest, you let your true grin show through. “And I accept. I would love to go on a date with you.”
The gym leader let out a sound of pure relief, a hand going to the side of his face as he mirrored your smile.
“I was getting worried there for a sec. I wasn’t sure you were going to say yes!”
“Oh, I knew I was going to say yes as soon as I finished the letter.” You laughed. “But maybe I wanted to see you sweat a little bit first.”
Raihan wrinkled his nose playfully. He asked you about how your traveling was going, and you told him all about the encounters you found among the different routes and cities. By the time you got to the end of your tale, the sun was beginning to set behind you. You desperately wanted to continue chatting with Raihan, but you knew you needed to make it to the next town before nightfall. Your conversation wound down to a quiet moment, and the two of you said your farewells. Reaching down to tap your Rotom’s phone screen, the gym leader spoke again.
“Hey,” Raihan said quickly, before you hit the end call button. You hummed, tilting your head. “Thanks. I mean, just.. You make me really happy. And I’m thankful for that.”
“You make me happy too, Raihan.”
He let out a little laugh, as if hearing you say his name was the best thing in the world.
“G’night, sleep well.”
You ended the call and your Rotom phone flipped back to the home screen. You nodded towards your bag and it nestled itself into the side pocket as you stood up. The Applin chirped again, blinking up at you.
“I’m going to have to think of a great name for you.” You told her as you picked up your things. Scooping the apple Pokémon into your embrace again, you headed towards the inn on the outskirts of town. There, you could settle down for the evening and start brainstorming the best date locations around Hammerlocke.
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sage-nebula · 4 years
Hello! I know that it is not actually a pokemon type so to speak but I'm staring down an essay deadline with less than half the word count. Would you mind talking about your favourite pokemon that is a dog or canine? Like the pokemons that are also dogs? Does that make sense? Sorry I'm very sleep deprived right now. Thank you so much for always being such a lovely presence on my dash and I hope you have a brilliant day!
Thank you for the compliments, and I would be glad to talk about some of my favorite PokéCanines! I’ll talk about all of my favorite canine pokémon, though please do note that I am leaving out the Ecruteak Trio because it is hotly debated whether they are canines or not and I do not feel like getting into that tonight. (For the record, I feel that Entei is definitely canine, Raikou is feline, and Suicune is too hard to tell, but still, I don’t want to get into it, so I will leave it at that.)
Growlithe / Arcanine — Probably my favorite of the canines for personal, sentimental reasons. When I imagined my previous dog in the Pokémon world, I imagined her as a Growlithe who would evolve into an Arcanine, because the PokéWorld doesn’t have a sheltie pokémon and I felt that the fluff and warmth of Growlithe fit her best, along with the ‘Dex descriptions of them being very loyal and willing to do anything to protect their trainer. My previous dog was exactly like that. But I also feel that Arcanine would be just such a wonderful pokémon to be companions with because they are gigantic, fire-breathing fluffy puppies, and riding them across the countryside would be AMAZING. (Not that I live in the countryside, but I do live in the midwest, so the plains are everywhere and not hard to find.) They’re just so good.
Smeargle — Okay, I will admit, Smeargle loses some points for being bipedal. HOWEVER. They gain those points back by virtue of how cool they are! While they’re not very useful in battle, sadly, due to low stats and the like, Smeargle are cool because each Smeargle has a different color paint (it’s not really paint, more a bodily fluid they use like paint, but close enough), and that as they grow up they let other Smeargle that they are close put their pawprints on their back. (So in other words, Smeargle A let’s Smeargle B use Smeargle B’s ink to put Smeargle B’s pawprints on Smeargle A’s back.) The ‘Dex always says “comrades,” but listen . . . we know what it means when two Smeargle have each other’s pawprints on their back. They are in love. 
Houndour / Houndoom — ACTUAL HELLHOUNDS, THEY ARE GREAT. True, the fact that their breath smells like sulfur is kind of gross, but their design and concept are so incredibly cool, and I also just absolutely love the mental image of a Houndour puppy having gigantic paws they have yet to grow into. It’s just the absolute cutest. I also like to imagine that my current dog would be a mixed-breed Houndour and Poochyena in the PokéWorld, so there’s that, too.
Flareon & Umbreon — Listen, some of the Eeveelutions look like felines, some of them look like canines, and others (such as Jolteon) make it really hard to tell. But I’m convinced that Flareon and Umbreon are both canines, and I love them both. FIRST of all, Flareon DOES NOT deserve the hate it gets. It is small and soft and so incredibly warm, it CAN be useful in battle, and most importantly, FLAREON WAS NOT THE FALSE PROPHET AND DID NOTHING WRONG, EVERYONE WHO HATED FLAREON DURING TPP SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES. If you don’t know what I’m talking about there, you don’t need to know about it, but just know that Flareon had a lot of libel posted about it and it was completely unacceptable. As for Umbreon, Umbreon is the Eeveelution I connect with the most given that I am naturally nocturnal, and I love how its rings grow stronger depending on what phase the moon is in. Shiny Umbreon is also choice. They’re definitely the best two Eeveelutions (though Espeon is also up there, sorry Espeon, although Espeon is also one of the feline ones and so shouldn’t be discussed here anyway).
Poochyena / Mightyena — As discussed in another ask, technically hyenas are not canines (or felines), but I’m still going to include them here because the localization team at the very least thought that Poochyena looked like a puppy (“pooch”), hence its name. I LOVE these two. Although my Mightyena ended up underperforming in AlphaSapphire, I’ve always loved the scruffy look contrasted with how loving and puppylike they can be. Also, again, I like to think of my current dog as a mixed breed Houndour/Poochyena, so there’s that, too.
Absol — Absol is another contested one, but I always thought Absol looked canine to me, so I’m going to count it. Absol is wonderful because it not only has a super cool design (though could also benefit from a dual typing, I feel), but also because this is another poor baby who has had so much unfortunate slander spread about it. Absol just wants to help! Absol wants to warn people! And people decide that instead of being grateful, they want to blame the messenger!! Absol does not deserve this at all, and the world likewise does not deserve Absol. That is a fact.
Lillipup / Herdier / Stoutland — Before anyone says anything, NO, these are not shelties. Lillipup is more like a yorkshire terrier, and while Herdier and Stoutland seem like they could be herding dogs of some kind (it’s even in Herdier’s name), I can assure you they do not resemble shelties. More like they resemble oversized yorkies. REGARDLESS, I loved them. Lillipup is adorable, so is Herdier, and while Stoutland is less cute and more gruff, it is also an absolute BEAST. BW confused me because I always took Cheren down easily, but Bianca regularly fucked up my shit with her Stoutland. (And yet they tried to make Stoutland Cheren’s ace in the sequels, smh . . .) My Stoutland was also very reliable. Very good doggos, 10/10
Rockruff / Lycanroc — WOLVES!!! FINALLY WOLVES!!! oh my GOD I waited SEVEN GENERATIONS for this!! To be fair, when I was a child I mistook MIghtyena for a wolf because of the coloring and the fact that it looked like a canine, but as I got older I learned the truth and was back to being disappointed. And while the fact that this line is pure rock (which has a million weaknesses) is disappointing, and while I’m also not fond of Midnight Form being bipedal, I can forgive it because we finally have wolves AND ALSO Rockruff is adorable and perfect AND ALSO because so is Midday Form. Plus, despite rock-type having so many weaknesses, my Midday Lycanroc is pretty strong, so. It works out.
Yamper / Boltund — Okay, I will level with you: a corgi evolving into a greyhound is kind of weird. Also, I do question why they used yorkshire terriers in Unova when they should have saved them for Galar, and instead maybe had like, American bull terriers (a.k.a. pitbulls) in Unova instead (although I guess some could argue that Snubbul / Granbull are pitbulls, but I disagree, I think they look more like English bulldogs than pitbulls). Regardless though, anyone who says that Yamper is anything other than adorable does not have eyes (the puppy has a heart on its butt), and also they are the GOODEST of puppers in how they bring your pokéballs back to you. And while it took me a bit to get used to Boltund, my Boltund, Poppy, is AMAZING and  love her very, very much. This line is great and I love them. ♥
Zacian & Zamazenta — FINALLY, SOME LEGENDARY WOLVES!! And not only are they legendary wolves, but one has a tuft of fur it can turn into a shield around its neck and the other CARRIES A SWORD IN ITS MOUTH, HOW BADASS IS THAT. I do get a little annoyed when people call them doggos when they are actually wolfos, but that doesn’t change how excited I was to have some legendary wolves at last, particularly ones dedicated to beating up hellspawn from space. I love them, they are beautiful, 10/10.
So those are my favorite canine pokémon!! If anyone disagrees with any of these pokémon being canines, I do not care and I do not want to fight about it, please do not send discourse my way. And as a final note, here are two lists of future canines / dog breeds I hope to see in future gens:
Dog Breeds: SHELTIES, miniature schnauzers, Italian greyhounds, German shepherds, Siberian huskies, dachshunds, shiba inu, some kind of spaniel, chihuahua (and it HAS to be fighting-type, it HAS to), and many others. You can never have too many doggos.
I also have to have one more final grievance at the fact that we didn’t get shelties in Galar either considering that sheltie is a nickname for shetland sheepdog, and this breed of dog ORIGINATED IN SCOTLAND, which at least part of Galar (particularly the Crown Tundra) was inspired by, ffs Game Freak why did you miss this opportunity. 
Wild Canines: Maned wolves, African wolf, African wild dog, dingos, coyotes, and just more wolves in general, honestly. I would say more foxes too, but we already have several fox lines, and while I wouldn’t say no to them, I want to see more wolves get attention first.
Anyway, thanks for asking!! I love Pokémon and I love canines, so this was a fun ask!
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nahte123456 · 5 years
Miraculous Pokémon idea.
So a fic idea I have no plans on doing, I don’t really expect anyone to read this but if you do tell me!
In this world Pokémon are mysterious beings that sometimes appear near people in Pokeballs for no discernable reason, Pokémon do not appear outside of being partnered with a human. No human can have more then 6 Pokémon, but it’s rare to get to this point as many people do not even have 1.
The Pokémon represent there partner in some way and you can only have 1 type per person. So a hotheaded person will get only Fire types, while a crafty person will get Dark types. In addition how the Pokémon act also represents them as well, if the Pokémon is cruel then the person is as well.
In addition to normal Pokémon though there are 3 special types of Pokémon. Legendaries, who are absurdly strong, Mega’s who have a stone on there bodies when they appear which if the trainer is talented can evolve to an even stronger form, and Z-users who have are a rare color and can use powerful Z-moves that take an hour to recharge.
Dynamax and Gigamax are area exclusive to only small parts of the UK and central South America, so they may be mentioned but would never be important.
Paris is currently a place of extreme interest due to an unusually high amount of people having 6 Pokémon, and/or some form of the 3 rarer types of Pokémon.
However Paris is being attacked by Akumatization, in which if a Human Partner feels negative emotions the Pokémon can be instantly and strongly turned into a Shadow Pokémon, Shadow Pokémon have increased aggression, increased power, ignore enemy types resistances, and have a special Z-move called Evilization. To stop an Akumatized Pokémon they must be knocked out in which they will revert to normal, however this reversion causes an explosive backlash called Akumatization Retaliation. The only known people related to this phenomenon are Hawk Moth, a terrorist with unclear goals, and an ally that uses Psychic types.
Marinette has Fairy Pokémon and is special in that she has not just 6 Pokémon, but has a Z-user, a Mega, and a Legendary. The first person since Cynthia over 200 years ago to have this, however because of how special it is she keeps both her Mega and her Legendary secret. Her Pokémon are Clefable, Alcremie, Shiinotic, Z-Ribombee, Mega-Gardevoir, and Xerneas. Xerneas has the unique ability where if it knocks out an Akumatized Pokémon they do not cause an Akumatization Retaliation. Afterwards Mega-Gardevoir uses her Psychic powers to shape Xerneas’ powers to restore life to restore damaged terrain, however the limits to this restoration is unknown and untrustworthy. Because of this she uses both her Mega and Legendary to combat the Akumatizartion.
Adrien has Dark Pokémon, with both a Mega and a Legendary, although he also keeps his Legendary a secret because he fears his Father trying to use it. His Pokémon are Crawdaunt, Mandibuzz, Grimmsnarl, Hydreigon, Mega-Absol, and Yveltal. He helps Xerneas as he views Xerneas and Yveltal as partners, and has a strong interest in meeting Xerneas’ human.
Gabriel is known to only have a very protective and powerful Banette and a calm Mismagius. However he is secretly the criminal Hawk Moth, with 6 powerful Ghost Pokémon all under Akumatization with a secret means to keep them loyal, uniquely despite being Akumatized and still being able to use Evilization his Gengar can still Mega. His Pokémon are Banette, Misamgius, Dusknoir, Decidueye, Chandelure, and Mega-Gengar.
Nathalie was only known to have a Mega-Alakazam but in secret she helped Gabriel’s illegal endeavors with her other 5 Psychic types, Reuniclus, Gallade, Gothitel, Grumpig, and Sigilyth all Akumatized. It is unknown why her Alakazam is not Akumatized like Gabriel’s Gengar.
Alya has Grass Types and a Z-Pokémon. Her Pokémon are Roselia, Bellosome, Shiftry, Tsareena, Eldegoss, and Z-Sceptile. She wants to be a reporter and uses her Grass Pokémon to help her manage time.
Nino has Water Types and a Mega. His Pokémon make a nice Rain team in Pelipper, Politoad,  Quagsire, Kabutops, Ludicolo, and Mega-Swampert. He loves music and often uses Ludicolo’s dance with his music to add to the impact.
Chloe has Bug Types and has the rare 2 Mega Pokémon, she can’t use both at once but between the two she has huge power. Her Pokémon are Volcarona, Pinsir, Galvantula, Vespiquen, Mega-Beedrill, and Mega-Scizor. 
Sabrina has Fire Types and a Z-move, however she finds herself unable to use the Z-move for unknown reasons for the first 15 years of her life. Her Pokémon are Rapidash, Salazzle, Centiskorch, Typhlosion, Pyroar, and Z-Arcanine.
Juleka has Poison Types but no special Pokémon. Her Pokémon are Drapion, Toxicroak, Arbok, Crobat, Dragalge, and Toxtricity.
Luka has Dragon Types with a Mega and is well on his way to being a Dragon Master. His Pokémon are Flygon, Haxorus, Noivern, Turtonator, Hakamo-o, and Shelgon with a Mega-Salamence crystal.
Kagami has Steel Types and a Mega. Her Pokemon are 2 Bisharp(one offensive one defensive), an Aegislash, an Aggron, Lucario, and Mega-Metagross.
Lila has 3 Dark Types with no special Pokémon. They are Sableye, Spiritomb, and Zoroark.
Penny has Ice Pokémon with no special Pokémon. Her Pokémon are Ice-Ninetails, Avalugg, Lapras, Frosmos, Froslass, and Abomasnow.
Jagged is THE Dragon Master, with both Legendaries and a Mega. His Dragons are Duraladon, Dragonite, Garchomp, Goodra, Latias, and Mega-Latios
Some plot points
Chloe was incredibly powerful with her 2 Mega’s and her Father’s influence she rarely uses strategy able to brute force just about anything. However despite having 6 Pokémon to Marinette’s 4 and 2 Mega’s with a type advantage she’s never been able to beat the Bluenette, which causes her enormous jealousy. Marinette was simply to smart, to quick to plan, for Chloe’s brute force to win.
Sabrina was extremely self-conscious of her inability to have her Arcanine use it’s Z-move for most of her life. This is why she idolizes Chloe who was able to Mega-Evolve her Pokémon at the extremely young age of 5(Beedrill) and 6(Scizor).
Sabine has a Hitmontop and Tom has a Torkoal, both know all 6 of Marinette’s Pokémon along with her interference in the Akumatized Pokémon. They worry for her but know Marinette may never forgive them if they stop her from helping people.
Nathalie prioritizes Gabriel’s happiness above all else, to the complete exclusion of her own happiness or morality.
Lila wants to be Adrien’s girlfriend, thinking they’d make the perfect Dark Type duo, to which he has no interest in. However she despises Marinette as on her first day her Spiritomb was sneaking around when Marinette’s Alcremy found it and knocked it out in 1 move. She is now afraid of confronting Marinette in any fasion but despises her for that.
Jagged played around all the time, but when he got serious he has only lost 3 times in the last decade.
1)To Penny in a 4-v-4 double battle without his Lati’s, despite leaving behind his best Mons and the type disadvantage he took down 3 of hers and her Avalugg, the last Pokémon standing, collapsed seconds after the victor had been declared.
2)To Marinette, he found out who she was and challenged her to a full 6-v-6 match to determine if she has the strength to fight on. She won however all but her Xerneas had been knocked out and Xerneas could neither move or attack, just stand there panting. After losing ina  full out fight Jagged treated Marinette as an equal and despite the just-over 20 year age difference the two are close friends.
3)To Hawk Moth. He had tracked Hawk Moth down and challenged him to a battle, but Hawk moth used his pride against him to make it a traditional 6-v-6 battle, with his Akumatized Gengar sweeping both Lati’s and Garchomp, before losing to Goodra, however Akumzatization Retaliation dropped Goodra as well. Hawk moth then sent out all 5 of his remaining Mons to Jagged’s 2 despite this and the Realtiation’s he was able to knock out all but the very injured Mismagius and the mostly OK Decidueye. Hawk moth decided he needed to kill Jagged rather then any of his normal Akuma tricks, only to be cut off as a massive flare engulfed his Decidueye and even ate it’s Relatiation, a blue blur knocked out Mismagius and threw her away before her Retaliation hurt anyone, a yellow streak saved Jagged and his Dragons, and a massive wave of poison nearly engulfed Hawk Moth before Sigilyth saved him. Sabrina had used her Fire-Z for the first time to overwhelming results, Chloe’s Mega-Beedrill had saved everyone, Luka’s Shelgon evolved not Salamence to take out the Mismagius, and Juleka’s Toxtricity had tried to drown Hawk Moth in a Sludge Wave. Xerneas and Gardevoir got there soon after but they had finally found there restoriation’s limits, parts of the block was still demolished and Latias was in a coma with no one knowing when, or even if, she’d wake again.
Jagged was grateful and took on the 4 as his apprentices/helpers, although Juleka asked to work with Penny instead which was granted.
Sabrina’s confidence had a major boost along with her battle capabilities.
Chloe reacted badly to this sending Sabrina crying, but regreted it, found her later, and had a good cry herself. The two’s relationship is better then ever, possible romantic.
Kagami is around with a crush on Adrien but she despises his father and refuses to give the man any leverage over her or anymore leverage over Adrien so she refrains from presueing him.
Marinette has a crush on Adrien.
Adrien doesn’t have a crush although he is very interested in Xerneas’ partner because he has a strong belief in destiny.
Nino and Alya are interested in each other but dance around it for a bit because teenagers.
Juleka and Rose are dating steadily since they first found out dating was a thing, much to everyone’s shock that 2 teens seem in a happy long term relationship.
Luka has a crush on Marinette which he is open about, but he doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable so he merely told her and flirts, willing to stop if she asks him to or date her if she shows any interest. She has not asked him to stop.
Kagami supports Luka’s crush, Juleka is bemused as is Penny, Marinette is a blushing mess, Chloe supports it if only to get Marinette away from Adrien, and Rose and Jagged are VERY enthusiastic about the whole thing.
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Reply to this: https://www.tumblr.com/lightofunova/728289550572617728/previous-ask-the-royal-absol-stopping-in-the
*Felix had to think for a moment about what Reshi had said. Destino was one to take things a little too far sometimes. However, the sight of her made it difficult to even consider them a priority. Felix just wanted to look into her eyes all day. Those gorgeous, watercolour eyes. She truly was a delightful sight to look at. He had to respond. He couldn’t let a beautiful woman like this wait for him. He could feel his cheeks blushing harder.*
Felix: Sorry, ya beauty is truly distracting. Ya really are just so gorgeous. I really mean that. But… I can see where ya comin’ from. Perhaps I should have a word with ‘em. Maybe. But, I don’t really wanna be responsible for them all the time, ya know? Maybe I can get ya a drink or somethin’ ta help ya forget all about ‘em?
*From the corner of Felix’s eye, he noticed a figure emerging through the crowd, sauntering towards him. Those sunglasses and white hair instantly gave away who it was. It was odd but Felix felt incredibly protective all of a sudden. He shouldn’t feel like that around his friend but something was telling him to not let his guard down. Destino casually approached, resting their arm on Felix.*
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Destino: Of course you do. And I’m saying that she isn’t good enough for you. Come on buddy. I know you. Known you for years at this point. I know what you like. And she isn’t on that list. She wouldn’t even be top 50. Just look at her. Disgusting.
*Felix’s feelings were strong for this beautiful woman. He used to not believe in love at first sight but he couldn’t deny what his heart was telling him. He loved this woman and wanted to protect her from Destino.*
Felix: Well, ya clearly don’t know me. She’s one of the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen and, for once, I don’t like the fact that ya ain’t being nice to someone I like. No, I’m gonna say love. Someone I love.
*That end part stung like a swarm of beedrill. Love? No, whatever had infected Felix was strong. He wasn’t usually like this. Then again, the Pokémon had never shown any signs of infatuation towards anyone else before. How was Destino supposed to know when he loved someone? They had to snap Felix out of this, somehow. Time to bring out the old Destino special.*
Destino: So, you mean to tell me that this woman who wears curtains for an outfit has captured your heart? This woman who has some of the most disgusting hair I have ever seen and shouldn’t even consider herself a legendary Pokémon because she seems rather basic to me. My friend, you have a shit taste in women. At least choose someone who has a semblance of a sense of style. Come on buddy. You’re lying to yourself.
*Felix's tolerance for Destino's verbal insults had dropped. He could feel an anger flare up inside of him. His face turned hotter, teeth clenched together and his hand curled up into a fist.*
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*Destino stumbled back from the impact, sunglasses flying off their face. That was unexpected from Felix. How dare he touch their face like that?! Destino had to stop for a moment. They touched the spot where the hit had landed and pain flared up. Destino’s hand flinched away. That was going to leave a mark. Destino wanted to get angry at Felix. Show their friend that he had no right to touch the Prime of the Underdark's face. They did it with Snow. So what was holding them back from lunging at Felix?
Felix breathed heavily. The gorgeous woman wanted Destino to learn their lesson. Felix figured this would be the best way for it to happen. He'd never punched Destino before. He could see Destino tentatively touch their face. How would Destino react? Felix had to make things clear for his friend.*
Felix: I ain’t gonna have this from you. Ya constant insults. I find someone I like and, as my friend, ya don’t show any support for me? I don't need ya approval about who I can love and who I can't. I don't care about ya shitty opinions. Why do ya even care so much in the first place?
*That was a very good question. Why did Destino care so much? They supposed it was because they just wanted the best for their friend. But something deeper told them that it was more than that. But they still couldn't pinpoint what that was. It seemed Felix wasn't going to back down from his defensive nature. Looking away, Destino felt frustrated. They felt uncharacteristically sad. Sad. Why were they sad? Destino didn’t understand. They were so confused as to how they were supposed to be feeling. They weren't going to respond with their usual demonstration of proving they were the Prime and should be listen to.*
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*Destino picked up the sunglasses that had fallen to the ground, placed them back on and brushed themselves off. Destino began to slowly walk away, hand holding their cheek. The pain of their cheek stung, but not as much as what Felix had said. They had to get away. Destino walked towards the outside area. Perhaps the cool night air could cool off these emotions.
No anger? No dominance displays? Not even a slight mention of being the Prime? That was different. Felix watched as his friend quietly walked away from the situation. He hoped what he had done did not draw to much attention to the both of them. He sighed.*
Felix: I'm sorry ya had ta see that. Things got a little heated there. I just couldn't let Destino insult ya like that. I'm hopin' they're off thinking about what I'd said. I'm sorry ya had ta get caught up in all of this. Please, let me get ya a drink or somethin’.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
Umbrella academy Pokémon AU? Each sibling has an affinity to a legendary maybe?
okay you have made me curious enough to explore this in between my monumental task of scanning in Every Family Photo in the house 
so i’m thinking this is a universe where all these children are just. Found. No parents, nothing, because I want to avoid implications. But the point is that these children are blessed by a legendary, sort of. They’re not pokemon, but they’re not really human either because humans aren’t supposed to have powers like pokemon, right? They’re kind of like human shaped pokemon really
Anyway Reginald collects the kids and squirms through on a technicality because technically the kids aren’t human so he can train them like a pokemon team. And so begins the Umbrella Academy! Which is a team of six because that’s the max number of pokemon on a team of course, sorry Vanya you have to stay behind in the box manor
i’m using this page as a reference because i will freely admit i’m behind on legendaries and sub-legendaries and mythical pokemon and also i don’t really know the difference between those three categories
Zamazenta: Shields the others, durability from steel form, fighter. Has second form which could symbolize Luther going from ‘regular’ human appearance to enhanced form that he is ashamed of as it’s less human.
Terrakion: My guy is built like a brick wall and is strong enough to destroy a castle wall in like, one blow. I love and support them.
Lunala: this one is just me being an asshole because Lunala is known as “the beast that calls the moon” and Luther’s relationship to the moon is a big old thing right there
Palkia: this is because Palkia has the ability to warp space which is. Pretty much Diego’s power in the show right? Warps space to that his knives always hit? Also explains Diego’s fight on sight rivalry with Five if Five is Dialga’s lmao Luther stops him from yeeting himself at Five like, at least twice in the show that I remember off the top of my head
Zacian: this is literally just because it’s got a sword and Diego’s power is sharp pointy things so
Virizion: They have knife horns on their head. Knife horns. That’s all.
Azelf: Azelf is the bringer of willpower and Allison’s whole thing is overriding that, which Azelf has been shown to be able to do.
Jirachi: her reality powers could be explained by managing to tap into wishes, though Jirachi’s wishes can’t create objects.
Mew: okay if we’re gently looking at comics Klaus as well then the ability to levitate and be a tiny little shit is absolutely perfect and also makes sense with Reginald’s insistence of Klaus’s incredible potential?? Let me be valid. Also, lives at the tree of life right? Opposite of life is death so that could tie in I guess??????
Yveltal: stealing life energy is as close as I could find to an actual death related legendary I’ll be honest.
Darkrai: he’s nightmares but I mean Klaus has a lot of those so. Seriously where is the pokemon god of the dead like the closest i can find are the legendary beasts because they literally died in a tower (that’s dark)
Dialga: the obvious choice because Dialga is literally like the time god. Since Dialga lives in another dimension I figure they just kind of scoop Five up and steal him? And so Five is stuck in Dialga’s dimension while he’s trying to both master his powers and get home. While having to deal with his overprotective pokemon dad. Also feeds into his ability to rile Diego up with like one word if Diego is Palkia’s
Celebi: able to travel through time and exist simultaneously through time so a stellar choice for obvious reasons. However, Celebi could also be the one who rescues Five from Dialga’s realm since Celebi can sense if something is a temporal anomaly and return them to their timeline sO that’s a possibility. Shared custody?
Xerneas: look Xerneas has the power to share eternal life and it would neatly explain why Five is just. An eternal thirteen-year-old like he is in the comics so there’s that. He would be so salty about it, too. Five just. turns into a tree for seventeen years after using his powers too much lmao can you imagine?? The tree in the courtyard is actually five surprise bitches
Giratina: travels and controls dimensions besides those of time and space which could totally explain his ability to access whatever weird tentacle dimension exists in his stomach?? There we go Ben there is a gate to the distortion world
Deoxys: the closest I could get to a weird tentacle legendary honestly??
Yveltal: stealing life energy and then going to sleep is probably about as scary as tentacles right?? look there’s a distinct lack of weird tentacle legendaries it’s a problem
Meloetta: for that musical tie in yo. Also bulbapedia says that Meloetta is capable of becoming invisible and if that’s not a metaphor for Vanya’s childhood I don’t know what is.
Arceus: i mean. If anyone could end the world in one blow it’s probably the original pokemon god, right?
I’m personally liking Terrakion for Luther, Palkia for Diego, Azelf for Allison, Mew for Klaus, Dialga for Five, Giratina for Ben, and Meloetta for Vanya but there are several i like and also if there are ones y’all want to argue for or throw into the ring let me know! I definitely don’t proclaim to be the most knowledgeable person about pokemon
(especially legendaries which i lost track of years ago rip)
Ben, staring at his hands: If Giratina is my parent. Does that mean arceus is my… grandparent? Is god my grandparent, guys?
just shenanigans
Klaus: yeah i died but mom bailed me out of the afterlife
Luther: mo - you mean mew?
Klaus: oh yeah, mew. lol i dunno how they knew but they highfived me and yeeted me back to life. they have tiny baby hands i love them
Ben: i don’t know what the fuck mew is legend of and at this point i’m too afraid to ask
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iruludavare · 4 years
Team Flare is right you know? For the world to be truly beautiful it needs to be purified in flame so that like the mighty Phoenix, it can be reborn from the ashes. Some just don’t want to see that progress. They couldn’t imagine it. You saw that with your so called ‘friends’. They abandoned you when you needed them most. Too scared to see what this world truly needs. How can you expect them to want to help anyone but themselves? Why not join us? Become part of a group that wants what’s best for this world and the Pokémon in it.
With one ask, try to elicit a strong emotional response from my muse || Accepting
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          “I can’t join,”
     Her response is immediate, although the faintest ounce of reluctance clings to Serena’s voice and grey eyes dart off to the side. They make a good point-- not in justifying the destruction of the world, but instead pointing out a horrible act that was, indeed, incredibly selfish. As the seconds bleed into one another, Serena can practically feel her heart beating as though it might have risen to her mouth in lieu of staying in her chest. Picking her words carefully is a must.
          “I understand what you’re saying... and I agree there are problems in the world that cannot be fixed easily. But that is taking the easy way out. To kill everyone for the sake of progress and equity... that is selfish. That’s... it’s hypocritical.”
     It would be a lie, to say that she is against everything they stand for. Indeed, the world contains people who take from others, or exploit them in other ways for the own benefit. Cultures are dying, the world is being stripped from its natural beauty and replaced to serve the selfish needs of others. Resources are-- very slowly-- becoming scarce. In that regard, they see eye-to-eye. Yet in everything else, Serena finds every fibre of her being wanting to fight against. A gaze, akin to one of deer caught in headlights, moves to focus on the individual.
         “All you are doing is become the very thing you claim to hate. You want to commit something as horrible as genocide to make the world better...? Do you hear yourself talking?”
     Part of her-- perhaps the childish one that wishes to see the good in everyone-- prays that these people are ones who really do want good for the world, but are simply being manipulated; radicalised by someone who would seek to use their own bleeding hearts against them. Yet, with each conversation, such a hope seems less likely. Some really do believe the ends justify the means. It is abhorrent, and even though Serena knows her arguments will fall upon deaf ears, she feels the need to speak up anyway. There must be a reason this particular question, of joining the cause, keeps popping up.
          “Had you been an organisation with good intentions... changing the world peacefully and giving instead of taking everything away... I would have joined in a heartbeat.”
     A pause. Saying those words makes her stomach churn in disgust. To think, part of her would have considered it, once upon a moon-- before she learnt of their real plans. Her features turn a whiter shade of pale.
          “What my ‘friends’ did was unforgivable. But I just can’t. I’d rather be the only generous person in a world of selfish people than one in a world born from the slaughtering of millions of innocent people and built on their suffering.”
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kytea · 5 years
The True Nature of Deltarune
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Deltarune Chapter 1 has been out for over a year now, and being the big UT/DR fan that I am, I’ve been slowly mulling over both games, reading many fan theories and putting together my own interpretation of what I believe the nature and goal of Deltarune will be. This will be a long one so grab some popcorn, put on your matpat hats and click to keep reading!
So what is Deltarune? Is it a sequel to Undertale? Is it a prequel? Is it an alternate universe? Is it the coming of age story of a bunch of teens? Is it a complex meta-narrative on the nature of video games?
The answer is yes to all of the above. And to begin delving into this we must first understand the creator of this game: Toby Fox.
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I won’t toot Toby’s Fox’s horn too much, we all know how talented and hardworking he is, but he’s also very emotionally perceptive and empathic. His general disposition is reminiscent of avant-garde artists that push the boundaries of artistic creation in a medium.
Toby loves mysteries, and in the early version of Undertale there was an included file that disparaged hackers and went on to say that it’s difficult to add mysteries in games these days due to data miners and such.
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Thankfully, this did not stop Toby from lovingly adding quite a few big mysteries to Undertale that have yet to be resolved. Knowing Toby and his strong desire to share his story, a story that according to him, kept him awake at night:
“For the past 3 years I've been waking up in the middle of the night unable to go back to sleep because I've been thinking about the scenes that happen in the game. Even though so many details are still hazy, I really want to show you the things I've been thinking about.That's really my only reason for making this game. If I don't show you what I'm thinking, I'll lose my mind.“
I don’t believe Toby will let these mysteries go unanswered, and it is here that we can begin to understand what Deltarune is about.
The Mystery of W.D. Gaster
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Truly, the biggest mystery of Undertale is that of W.D. Gaster: former royal scientist, creator of the CORE and the Determination Extraction machine.
A player can go through the entirety of Undertale multiple times and never even hear word of Gaster’s existence. This is because all the events that pertain to him are hidden behind a value in the game’s files known as the “FUN value”. Outside of actually manipulating this file manually yourself, it is, to the average player, random. The FUN value can trigger multiple different events throughout the game, some of which include running into “Followers of Gaster” or even Gaster himself.
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While the latter has nothing to say before he “boings” out of existence, the former Followers all tell an eerie tale of a scientist who fell into his own creation and was scattered across time and space.
But hold on. Time and space? Why does that sound familiar?
Ah yes, during the Sans battle he speaks about an “massive anomaly in the timespace continuum”.
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And during this battle Sans says a lot of other cryptic things without context, for example, he laments not being able to “go back” somewhere. But where or when is he referring to?
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He mentions how he and others were monitoring time-lines and their readings showed them stopping and starting, jumping left and right, and eventually ending. Who was he monitoring these readings with? This all seems incredibly scientific and sci-fi, I thought Sans was just a silly skeleton, is he some kind of time cop? (he does have a “badge” in his workshop) He also uses skeletal weapons known as “Gaster Blasters”.
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What…? Gaster Blaster?
Okay, now we KNOW Sans DEFINITELY has some connection to this mysterious scientist W.D. Gaster, but what? Well, for starters W.D. Gaster is short for Wing Dings Gaster, a type of font that he also speaks in.
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Who else is named after and speaks in specific font types? Sans and Papyrus of course!
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Furthermore, in the concept sketches for Papyrus, Toby wrote and redacted parts of a message that says: “has a brother named comic sans and a [BLANK] named [BLANK]”.
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Who is this mysterious redacted person and what is their relationship to Sans and Papyrus? The easy money is on a family member, and for sake of argument lets use the prediction most of the fandom has already concluded and accepted: that Sans and Papyrus have a father named Gaster.
So Sans and Papyrus have a long lost father that was a scientist. This explanation would begin to explain why Sans has a weapon named after him, and why he wanted to “go back” to some place or time, perhaps in an effort to save him from his fate.
There’s a hidden event in Undertale where if you reset after listening to Sans speak about LOVE and EXP in a pacifist route, and initiate the conversion a couple of times in a row, he’ll catch on by the expression your face that you’ve heard it before and will surmise that you’re a time traveller and give you secret code words to tell his past self.
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This will lead to him giving you the key to his room which ends up just being a prank at first.
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But then you find a key to the secret workshop/basement hidden behind his house.
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Once you enter the workshop, you’ll find some blueprints written in symbols you can’t read (wing dings?) and a curtain covering a machine that doesn’t seem to be working, among other things.
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Toby Fox tweeted a message regarding this machine a few days after Undertale’s release around the time people were figuring out FUN values and the secrets surrounding Sans and Gaster.
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“You’ve all seen the happiest outcome. Neither of them could fix the machine, no matter how hard they tried. No one can.”
This tweet seems to imply that if the machine could be fixed that Undertale could have a happier outcome.
And this my friends, is the gateway to the nature of Deltarune.
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Deltarune, according to Toby Fox, is a game for players that have completed Undertale. But what does it mean to complete Undertale, and I mean, TRULY complete it? Toby often expressed that he wasn’t happy with how people told others how to play the game, that it is best played completely blind. Having played Undertale blind myself, and having watched others do the same, the natural way the game is meant to progress is that first players will experience the Neutral Ending, followed by the Pacifist Ending, and Finally the Genocide ending. This is because the game cruelly plays against your expectations of how an RPG should work and this almost guarantees that you will kill at least one monster your first play through. As if the fact that the fight button is always the default position in battle isn’t enough, in the early parts of the game you are told that you may need to weaken a monster before you can spare them. This naturally brings to mind the systems of Pokémon, where you have the best chance to catch a Pokémon if it’s at low health. Well, if you try this during the Toriel fight, as most do, you’ll find that as soon as you get close to critical health, you’ll instantly kill her.
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Poor goat mama..
Difficulty-wise, the neutral route is the most easy, because you can level up a little and gain more HP. The Pacifist route is a bit harder because your HP is lower, but with the experience you gain from the previous route, it should prove no problem. Finally the Genocide route is the most difficult because it takes a concerted effort that implies knowledge of the previous routes to kill every single monster.
So an ideal Deltarune player has knowledge of all three main routes of Undertale, and may have experienced or heard of Gaster.
Is this player you? If so, ask yourself, what would a “happier outcome” look like to you? And be honest. Many fans in the Undertale community have already answered this question in the form of fanworks. Some of the most common elements among them are as follows:

1) Frisk and all the monsters are free from the Underground and living on the surface with humans.
2) Asriel is revived.
3) Gaster is revived.
4 )Chara is revived.
The revival of Asriel, Chara, and Gaster are the undisputed holy grails in terms of happiest endings that the UT community dreams of and creates endless fan works to explore the possibilities. Toby knows this well.
Using a speech pattern attributed to Gaster, Toby teased the release of Deltarune Chapter 1
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“I LOOK FORWARD TO CREATING A NEW FUTURE WITH YOU.” stands out quite a bit to me as the prospect of a “happier outcome” is already tied to Gaster and Sans, now a “new future” is connected.
And when Deltarune released, and fans had a chance to play it, they found:
1) All the monsters are free and living on the surface.
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2) Asriel is alive and well and living his best life.
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3) A voice with the same speech pattern as Gaster (based on Japanese text) brought you to this world and attempted to give your own vessel before…
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4)…a voice with the same speech pattern as Chara (also based on Japanese text) discarded it.
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Right off the bat Toby seems to have given fans what they wanted, a perfect future ending. But as you continue to play, you begin to realize that this may not be the world you dreamed of.
First, while all the monsters are living on the surface, they aren’t the same people from Undertale, for example: Undyne has never met Alphys, and the amalgamates that went to live with their families at the end of Undertale are deceased in this world. And while Asriel is alive, it’s not THE Asriel we were so determined to save in Undertale.
Gaster’s presence permeates Deltarune so thoroughly it would take awhile to point out every example, but it seems clear that he’s present in some form.
And Chara? You only need to see the ending cutscene of chapter 1 to know that they are around in a similar fashion as when they possess Frisk in the True Pacifist after a Genocide ending.
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But their presence is also present in subtle ways. For example, if you attempt to play the piano in the hospital in Hometown and then speak to the receptionist, she comments that Kris’ playing isn’t the same as usual (Likely due to our control), but it seems that Chara may be good at piano. Interestingly, on the cover artwork for the official Undertale Piano Collection 2 book, Frisk can be seen holding a knife playing a key on a piano in the judgement hall filled with bones.
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So for better or worse, what appears to be the original Chara and Gaster from Undertale are present in Deltarune, in some meta form or another. And maybe that’s the key: “Meta-characters”. After all, you yourself as a player are a “Meta-character”. You can ask the inhabitants of this new world questions that only someone with knowledge of a True Pacifist route would have, such as being able to ask Undyne about Alphys. Asking her this only makes sense if you yourself completed a True Pacifist route before playing Deltarune.
Ralsei, the lonely prince.
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Toby being the trickster dog he is, he didn’t just give us 1 Asriel and call it a day, no he gave us 2.
Ralsei is quite clearly meant to be a version of Asriel because not only do they have similar or identical dialogues, but he was also was meant to look more like him before Toby decided to give him his Black Mage look.
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There are even strong parallels obviously meant to create an emotional response and connect Ralsei to the feelings people had for Asriel in Undertale by giving the players the option to hug him.
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Ralsei is quite the mystery on his own. And while he’s most certainly sweet and lovable, there’s undeniably some disconcerting things about him such as:
-Why does he know Kris and Susie’s names?
-Who did he learn the prophecy from? “Foretold by time and space” isn’t a good answer (or is it?).
-What did he say to Kris when the player SOUL wasn’t present in the prison?
-When he’s KO’d in battle, what does he become? Apparently he can still eat to regain HP when in this shrunken form.
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Ralsei seemed to be under the impression that violence wasn’t needed in this world, but upon nearly being defeated by the King after mistakenly healing him, Ralsei says “This isn’t a world where kindness always wins, is it?”
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The way he says this seems to imply he knows of other worlds and that they have different rules. Perhaps he comes from a world where someone being kind to everyone they met had great results?
There are definitely things that Ralsei is not telling us, whether this means he’s up to no good will remain to be seen, however, I would like to take this opportunity to make a prediction based on the previous understanding that the original Chara and Gaster are present in this new world in meta forms, and assert that Undertale Asriel, the final piece of the perfect ending puzzle is present in Deltarune in his own meta-character form of Ralsei. Perhaps the form he shrinks into when KO’d is one we know well...
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There is that unused Flowey face...
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Add glasses and a hat and...
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but that’s just a game theory!
And I can't help but wonder about the dark heart on Ralsei's chest and this merchandise in the Deltarune section of fangamer that specifically features a quote from Undertale about the prophecy of Delta Rune (that turns out to be about Asriel in the TP ending, and Chara in the Genocide ending) "There is a prophecy. The Angel... The One Who Has Seen The Surface... They will return. And the underground will go empty."
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It's also the Deltarune game logo
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Because the merchandise is called Darkheart, it made me immediately think of the dark heart on Ralsei's chest, and having an Undertale quote about Asriel/Chara makes it all the more mysterious...
Regardless, in just the first chapter of Deltarune, the elements of the “happier outcome” connected to Sans’ machine are present. But how do they all connect? Well, let’s look at the other characters in Deltarune, starting with:
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Oh Baby Santa Claus, how we love you so. It’s hard to overlook how similar Lancer is to Sans. They’re both hilarious in their own way, both ride bikes, have similar color-schemes, both have a love for tomato-based products, and both have some scientific/engineering affinity (Sans and his workshop, Lancer and his “Lancer Industries”).
But that’s not all, the door to Sans’ room is identical to the warp doors found in the Dark World that Lancer hails from, and Sans’ warp ability also makes the same sound effect as these doors as well.
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Lancer is a member of the FUN gang (remember the FUN value?), that, as far as we know currently, has 3 other members besides himself: Kris, Ralsei, and Susie (with the possibility of Noelle and others in the future).
Speaking of Susie, her name (or a version of it) popped up in Undertale prior to Deltarune’s release when the game was released on the Switch. By speaking to the Gaster Follower “Clamgirl”, you can learn of a girl named “Suzy”, that you will meet her soon, and that “in life’s grand scheme, she might be why you came here in the first place...”
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Upon receiving this dialogue, checking the drawers in Sans workshop will reveal a card with a drawing of 3 people smiling and the words “don’t forget”.
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“Don’t Forget” is the vocal theme of Deltarune sung by Laura Shigihara, and the melody from the ending verse,“Don’t forget, I’m with you in the dark.”, is leitmotifed throughout the entire Deltarune chapter 1 OST. The connections between Sans, the FUN gang, Gaster, and by extension Undertale and Deltarune are quite apparent. Perhaps the actions of the FUN gang in the Deltarune world will have an affect on the FUN value in Undertale.
Based on all the evidence we have now, I am going to make a bold prediction:
Lancer is literally a younger Sans.
That’s right, Toby Fox made Baby Sans before Disney and Sega made Baby Yoda and Baby Sonic.
Deltarune’s Dark World is the past from the perspective of Sans and Gaster (or a recreation of it). How Lancer becomes Sans will likely be a very large part of Deltarune’s narrative, and once he becomes Sans, he will exist as a separate meta entity that can traverse different worlds, even if versions of himself already exist in some form there (similar to Ralsei and Asriel).
We’ve seen that if characters are exposed to elements that make it clear they live in a video game world, whether this be Determination for humans and Flowey, a time-space accident for Gaster, or a strange man whispering to Jevil, these characters become something wholly different, more powerful, and begin to become more similar to players with the ability to SAVE, RESET, or use abilities that seem beyond the scope of the game (e.g. Photoshop Flowey, Jevil’s ability to speak, etc). Undertale and Deltarune are video games about video games.
So if it is to be believed that Gaster is Sans’ father, and that Lancer is a younger Sans, then it stands to logical reason that whoever Lancer’s father is, that they must be Gaster.
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No, not the King, there is another. A “Lesser-dad”.
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Yes, Rouxls Kaard.
Rouxls Kaard, or “Rules Card”, or if you rearrange his name “A Dark Soul Rx”, wait, Rx as in prescription? As in a doctor? Dark Soul as in Mr. Darkness Gaster himself? Too much of a stretch? Maybe. Although you can’t deny they have similar appearances.
If Rouxls Kaard is Gaster, and therefore the father of Sans and Papyrus, then he’s undeniably similar to one of his sons. Rouxls Kaard seems to be quite passionate about puzzles, (despite not having a natural predilection to them). I could see Papyrus gaining an affinity for puzzles by being raised by such an individual, they both have quite flamboyant personalities. And let’s not forget that there are also hints that Rouxls Kaard may be inclined to creating scientific devices such as the “Control Crowne” he uses to control K.Round.
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Hmm, controlling other people… sounds familiar to what we the player are doing to Kris… and who was it that was initially going to give us control of a vessel before we lost said control to Chara’s intervention? Control seems to play a big part in Deltarune doesn’t it?
Also, isn’t his manner of speech is reminiscent of a silly ye olde knight. Wait, wasn’t there a Knight causing trouble in the Dark World? Hm.
So something is going to turn Lancer and Rouxls Kaard into Sans and Gaster, respectively.
Now remember the CORE that Gaster built? This one?
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It turns geothermal energy into magical electricity via an unknown means with one of the byproducts being ozone, which is corrosive and could potentially make someone very melty. This is what it looks like on the inside.
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Lots of blues of varying hues with white accents. Kinda reminds me of Rouxls Kaard and the other “card” people’s color schemes.
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What a coincidence! Oh and apparently the layout of the CORE can be re-arranged or something:
"I work at the CORE. The inside is a maze made of swappable parts... That means we can shuffle the layout at will." - Hotland NPC
Almost sounds like a sliding puzzle…
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Finally, Gaster is referred to as “The man who speaks in hands”, likely due to his Wing Dings font that contains a lot of hand symbols, however, it isn’t a stretch to also apply that epithet to Rouxls Kaard, after all, the Rules Card speaks in hands as well. Hands of cards.
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Can’t forget Susie. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can say about how her role in all this will play yet. If we are to believe that the “Suzy” that Clamgirl references is Susie, then it’s clear that she’ll be key, perhaps as a catalyst for all the big changes some characters will need to undergo...
I will say that I think it’s interesting that toby specifically has a character in Hometown comment that humans are made of blood (and implying the monsters are not),
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and Susie says:
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“Everybody bleeds, right?”
From our understanding of monsters in Undertale, monsters don’t bleed, they turn to dust. But, maybe Darkners can bleed. If we believe Sans is a Darkner, it may explain this:
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It could be ketchup. It could be a Darkner thing. Lancer does mention blood casually. But if only humans and Darkners bleed, then why would a monster like Susie say “everybody bleeds”?
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So what is Deltarune you ask? I think it’s:
1) A story about Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster’s past and future. We get to experience their past in the Dark World, and speak with their future selves in the Light World. But these future versions of Sans and Papyrus may not be as far into the future as the Sans and Papyrus we meet in Undertale. Remember, Sans had an Ice-E’s crossword in Undertale? Ice-E’s-P’E’zza is a restaurant in Hometown. Papyrus may also be younger than he was in Undertale because Sans, an adult who runs a grocery store, thinks a teen like Kris should hang with his little brother, and it would be “weird” if he were there with them.
2) A story about post-Undertale Asriel, Chara, and Gaster. Asriel/Flowey maintains his new form as Ralsei thanks to the power of the Dark Fountain. He now lives in what is/was Sans’ childhood home. Whether he knows this or remembers the events of Undertale is unknown, but it is my belief that he holds a deep connection to the Asriel we all wished to save. Chara resides within Kris in a similar manner as they did at the ending of a UT True Pacifist Ending after surrendering the red SOUL to them in a Genocide ending. Does this mean that Kris’s body or “vessel” is Frisk? This seems to be heavily implied by Kris’ outfit taking on the same color scheme as Frisk’s UT shirt while in the Dark World.
3) A coming of age story for a bunch of teens. Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Noelle, Lancer, and all the friends that may join on their adventures are still people regardless of what grand meta narrative is at play involving the nature of their reality. They still need to go to school, fall in love, and worry about growing up and going to university. Noelle will undoubtedly play a large role with Toby’s tease of her as “Lost Girl”, and considering how attached most of the community has already gotten to these characters, it hurts my heart to think about what may befall them as they try their best to live their lives. Does this mean Deltarune’s world is doomed? I hope not... but those save file screens sure are creepypasta...
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4) A story about video games and the control (or lack thereof) we have over them. It’s quite clear that we, the player controlling the red soul, is able to influence this new world based on knowledge from Undertale that should have no barring. For example, we can name “Onionsan” who has forgot their own name. One of the options is “Onion”, but why? Is it because we know their name is Onionsan in Undertale? How do we even know if that is actually what this version of them is really named?
Deltarune is so close to the perfect Undertale ending we wanted, but it’s just a little bit wrong. Would it hurt to force Undyne and Alphys to meet and fall in love? To get Toriel and Asgore back together? To make Bratty and Catty friends? If you were given the option in game to do it, would you do it? What if it made their lives worse…? I believe that the fact we are able to influence inhabitants of Deltarune with our Undertale knowledge may have some unforeseen consequences, and perhaps, be what begins this whole situation in the first place. (Paradoxes are the best time travel stories!)
Toby Fox said that Deltarune was the game he originally wanted to make, but whether it was too ambitious or time consuming, his idea evolved into Undertale. Now that he’s creating the game he always wanted to, I believe that he will connect everything we know about them together and resolve the mysteries, after all, Gaster has been waiting for this chance.
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And maybe, with a little luck and determination, we can create a new future with a happier outcome. If I’ve learned anything from Undertale, it’s that you must hold on to your hopes and dreams, because dreams are the goal of “Determination.”
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