#i mean really cass favourite relationship is just. having a friend.
networksupported · 2 years
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gothamhappiness · 1 month
You are my heaven (Bruce Wayne x f!reader) Part 2
It was supposed to be a little imagine of a dark and lonely Bruce Wayne switching place with another Bruce Wayne from a parallal universe, but I wrote more than I thought. It'll be into 2 parts, except if you ask for more. <3
You can find part 1 of this here.
Warnings: no proof reading, language, mention of blood and killing, angst/comfort
He met you up at the Italian restaurant and loved to place a hand on the small of your back. He loved even more how you instinctively leaned into his touch and side. He really couldn't go back to his world. This place was heaven, and he was going to take such good care of his new people.
He listened to everything you said and actually answered. He never checked on his phone and didn't show any sign of being in the rush. You noticed how relaxed he seemed. Just before the dessert, he even reached for your hand and gently kissed it. He openly flirted with you and did his best to make you laugh. It was his favourite sound, with your moans of pleasure.
"You're in a good mood today," You finally commented. "You even took the time to talk to the kids this morning. And not to order them stuff about patrol, " You whispered
It hit Bruce. Of course, the "kids" were the vigilantes he saw working with Batman. He couldn't imagine how amazing it must be to work with other people. To be the mentor of those people, too. Their leader. Maybe even their father? They were all so young, they clearly needed someone to be there for them. And you cared for them, like a mother.
"I... Last night was a little bit complicated, and I realise how lucky I am, that’s all," Bruce replied, hoping you might know something
"Yes, Dick and Cass told me you got attacked by that mad scientist and that he threw at you some weird potion. Luckily, nothing happened. You were a little bit dizzy when you came back home, and you instantly went to bed. I helped you undress, and you fell asleep on me, " You hummed. "Anyway, I'm happy if things…” You trailed off
“If things?” Bruce tried to get you to finish your sentence
“Could... be better, " You admitted and looked away
Bruce was speechless for a few moments. Were you saying that the Bruce of this world neglected his people? His own people? You? He fucking didn't deserve any of this then. It was making things so easy, no guilt, no mercy.
"What do you mean, love?" He asked with a tilt of the head. You still refused to meet his eyes as you answered:
"Well... You haven't been around a lot lately. I can't even remember the last time we had lunch together. And you... you aren't the nicest with the children... Jason came to see me for comfort after another argument with you. Steph had a nap with me on the couch after you pushed her too much during training..." You explained. 
You didn't want to ruin the moment, but you weren't too sure when you would be able to tell him about all of this. For once, he seemed open to the discussion and wasn’t distracted with his work. However, his silence worried you a little bit. Actually, Bruce was angry. It was obvious that the Bruce of this universe didn't know his luck. He was going to be better - oh, so much better - than him. It was a promise. He kissed your hand again
"I'm so sorry. I'll do better. With everyone." He told you, and you finally looked at him, astonished. You had expected some justifications or denials, not this.
"I'm so... relieved. Maybe you could have a little talk with all the kids? And I know that your relationships with the members of the Justice League were getting tense, too. We haven't invited the Kents at home in so long." You babbled. 
Bruce could tell how much you cared about the family and that you decided to push your luck. You wanted your children to be happy, and you wished for Bruce to do better with his friends as well. You were so caring. Bruce was falling even deeper in love with you, and he didn’t think that was possible.
"I will. I promise. What about us?" He asked. 
Of course, he was going to do his best for all those people he didn't know yet, but what he wanted the most was to be a good husband to you. He had fantasied about your life together so badly, and now that it was happening, it needed to be perfect.
You didn't reply right away, trying to quickly think.
"What about us?" You finally said
"I haven't been the best to you either," Bruce guessed
"You saw the divorce papers I asked from our lawyer, didn't you?" You internally cursed yourself. You should have been better
Bruce silently panicked but didn't show anything. Oh the fucker was really ruining everything. He needed to make you forget about this divorce. You were finally his wife, he wasn't going to lose you or let you go. You were his, like he belonged body and soul to you.
"Love,..." He started, but you cut him off
"I was just thinking about it, but I... I don't want to leave the family. It was just in case things went downhill, " You explained, a little bit concerned of what the man was thinking
"It won't," He reassuringly smiled at you
"It won't go downhill. I'll do anything you all need from me. I'm so lucky to have all of you in my life. I can't take this luck for granted. I'll do better, " He promised
You weren't too sure Bruce wasn't lying, but you wanted to believe him so badly.
Bruce found a folder with information on all the people in Bruce's life on the batcomputer, and he was grateful for that. It allowed him to know about his history with everyone and to act on consequences. He did talk to everyone and tried to make things better. He apologised and offered his help. He took some time for everyone. He showed he was eager to make an effort. He showed he wanted everyone to be happy around him. He showed he was there for his people.
He also found the mad scientist.
He interrogated him in Arkham Asylum. The man hadn't thought a new Batman would come. He just thought it would send the Dark Knight into another world, and that was it. Bruce asked if there was a way to get the real Bruce back. The mad scientist refused to answer at first before admitting that yes, there was. After all, portals could go both ways. Bruce went to the scientist's repair and destroyed everything before paying hitmen to kill the man. There was no way he would come back to Hell. No way. He would even kill the former Bruce himself if he had to.
The night he came back from the scientist’s repair, he was his most charming self to you, bringing you a beautiful necklace full of diamonds. As he helped you put it on, he complimented you and kissed your skin. He seduced you all night.
In the bath with you, his hands never left your skin. He gently washed your body and hair. He tenderly massaged cream onto you. He covered you in kisses until you would giggle under his nonstop attention. You truly hoped Bruce would keep acting like that because you were falling back in love with him. Hard. You were happy, and you clearly didn't want to get a divorce anymore.
A few days later, you and the children had lunch all together. Without Bruce.
You all decided that a conversation was a necessity because “what was going on with the man for fuck's sake?”. It was impossible he changed that much in such a short period of time. It was obvious something happened with the mad scientist. But weirdly enough, he was now dead and his work was destroyed...
"It's not Bruce," Tim finally said
"What do you mean?" You frowned
"It's not the Bruce we knew. From what I've been able to find, the scientist was studying portals through different parallel universe" Tim added
"You're saying that... He switched of Bruces from two different worlds?" You asked
"I think it's what happened, yes." Tim nodded, and you all stayed silent for a little while
"What do we do?" Duke asked
"This Bruce is nicer," Jason commented
"And more caring," Stephanie added
"But it is not our father." Damian frowned
"But he is acting like one..." Dick replied
"And like a husband." Cass added "His body language... He is so in love with you, Y/N… Like he would do anything for you."
"I... I know.” You paused “Maybe we all deserve some happiness"
“Are you saying we should pretend we don’t know anything? Barbara asked “It’s true that the Bruce we had was… challenging, but he all saved us. And kinda took care of us. We don’t know what this man will do in the long run” she added, and you were forced to agree with her
“Let me talk to him” You offered, and everyone agreed.
You weren’t too sure when it would be the right moment to speak with your new husband about the situation.
One evening, as you were snuggled up in his embrace, you felt like it was the right time. It was only the two of you, and the day has been quite good for Bruce, so he was relaxed. You kissed his collarbone to bring his attention back to you. He instantly put his book down to look at you.
"Yes, love?" He hummed
“Who are you?” You whispered with a bite of your bottom lip
“What? You know who am I” Bruce pretended to laugh it off, but he tensed a little bit
“You’re different. The kids are little detectives, and they think you are coming from a parallel universe. And… I can believe that” You explained
“Because my husband liked me, but never worshipped me like a divinity of love” You softly smiled
“Well, he should have” Bruce groaned
“So, this is true, right? You came from another universe. And the man I married is there, instead of you?” You asked
Bruce cupped your face and leaned his forehead against yours. He had been the happiest man in the world the past few weeks. He finally had everything he ever wanted and needed. He would sell his soul in exchange for keeping this life. He was terrified you would cast him away.
“He didn’t deserve you. Any of you. I guess he’s there, yes, but I don’t really know. And I don’t care. I want to stay here. Haven’t I been good to you? Don’t you want to keep me? Haven’t I been better than he was?” He pleaded.
You heard the fear and despair in his voice.
“Your world isn’t as nice as here then?” You asked 
“My Alfred died when I turned 18, so I never had the time to adopt any of the children. I did my best as Batman and CEO of Wayne Enterprises, but I’m alone and lonely. Maybe I fucked up too, because my life is a just a mess. I don’t know, but this is Heaven and my world is Hell.”
“We’re not married either?” You wondered
“I’m too much of a loser to interest you. No matter how madly in love I am with you. No matter how much I’ve always wanted to worship you. I’m so happy to finally have you as my wife. I’ll always cherish you.” He admitted and promised
You stayed silent, not knowing what to do anymore. This place was clearly a fresh and happy start for the man in front of you. But what about the Bruce Wayne of this world? Wasn’t it a cruel punishment to leave him in such a lonely place? At the same time, you weren’t sure the man you married would even take care of you like you now were. And you would miss that very much. The children deserved a better father, too. Jason actually started to hang out with this new Bruce. And now Jason knew it wasn’t the same man who betrayed him. Their relationship would be even better. There were so many advantages...
“Keep me” The man begged you “I’ll do anything you want” He whispered again
“I… do want you to stay. But I feel awful knowing he is in your world. Alone.” You admitted
“I can make you forget about him” Bruce offered before kissing you, his thoughts on ways to make everyone forget about the “real” Bruce Wayne.
He was going to stay in Heaven, no matter the price, no matter the sacrifice, no matter what. You kissed him back before gently pushing him away.
“What if he comes back?” You asked “Would you hurt him?” You continued
Bruce didn’t answer, so you knew he would kill him without hesitation. He was a love, attention, and touch starved man. He knew what it was to be so broken that nothing could work out. 
“Barbara and Damian… They need some convincing to not find a way and save the Bruce we knew. I still feel bad but… if I loved him, I know I’ve never felt for him what I’m feeling for you” You whispered
Bruce’s eyes lit up. Being loved by you because he was Bruce Wayne was a thing, but being loved by you because of who he was was so much better. He didn’t know what to say, so he deeply kissed you over and over again.
“Love you, love you so much. You’ll be happy with me. Everyone will be happy with me.” He whispered in between kisses
“You promise?” You breathlessly asked 
“I promise, my love”
Part 3
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kayadrake123 · 2 years
Random Tim Drake relationship headcanons
Tim Drake x GN!Reader
Tim definitely plays guitar, electric guitar to be exact. He owns at least 3, but his favourite is a light blue one that was gifted to him by Bruce as a welcome gift after his adoption.
He likes to play you songs while you’re both on a break from work and just chilling out in his room. Sometimes you fall asleep to his playing, which causes him to resort to playing his guitar whenever he can see you’re having trouble falling asleep.
You sometimes ask him to learn specific songs just so you can hear what he sounds like playing them. And as he is in everything he does, he plays it fucking perfectly.
Tim isn’t a big reader. He actually despises reading cause he just can’t force himself to get through the first few pages. All the words end up giving him a headache (mainly because he never wears his glasses but we’ll get to that later)
He does however enjoy hearing you speak about the books you read if you’re a reader. He also really enjoys listening to you read to him, as your voice soothes him and he thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard.
Most times when you read to him, he lays on your stomach with his eyes closed as you brush your hand through his hair, your legs tangled together.
Tim is obsessed with his s/o’s voice. He loves when you say his name and the way you say certain words (especially if you have an accent). He thinks it’s the most angelic thing ever known to man. You have the ability to calm him down by just opening your mouth and letting him hear your beautiful voice (that and he’d rather drop dead than not do what his s/o tells him).
TIM DRAKE WEARS GLASSES. There I said it. He doesn’t need to wear it all the time, but he especially needs them when he needs to read. All the late nights in the dark staring at a computer screen really does take a toll on your eyesight. He looks goddamn adorable in his glasses (and fucking hot ;) ) If you wear glasses, he thinks it makes you ten times hotter :))
Tim can be fucking cold. Man is calm and friendly (not overly cause he’s emo) and really down to earth most of the time, but when someone really pisses him off, oooooh boy.
He’s the type of person who doesn’t need to raise his voice to hurt you, his words cut deep enough bro. Like he’s really sarcastic half of the time, but in a fight his sarcasm is intensified with the intent of making you hurt badddd bro. He doesn’t mean to do it, it just happens in the heat of the moment.
He also tends to distance himself when he’s beyond pissed off with you, like he doesn’t trust himself around you not to say really hurtful things. It isn’t the case with everyone else, but he eventually allows you to try and get him to talk to you again. With his friends and family he snaps at them for trying, but again, you bring out a calmness in him.
Tim will only ever drink black coffee.
Man is super touchy. Like at the beginning of your relationship he wasn’t as affectionate due to him having a lack of physical affection in his life from his parents, but the more he became comfortable with you, the more his hands began to roam ;)
He prefers physical touch over words of affirmation for himself as he has a hard time speaking about his feelings. When he does say words of affirmation, it’s completely random but makes you melt all the same.
He likes taking pictures of you like a mom does with their kids. He can’t help it, he just thinks you’re fucking beautiful and amazing and wow.
His whole family loves you, but you’re closest to Cass, Steph and Duke. They just really enjoy your company and often try to steal you away from Tim, which annoys him.
His nicknames from you consist of “Timmy”, “Duckie”, “Birdy” and loads more
He loves to call you nicknames that have a link to a funny or cute experience he’s had with you. People always find it so cute when you explain it to them.
He’s so soft with you. His touch, the way he looks at you and speaks to you. He’s so delicate when it comes to you and he’s so in love.
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darknesswillfall · 10 months
Fuck you Jaysteph haters on tiktok and why
So, I was peacefully scrolling tiktok a while ago and my page and I saw a video about ships etc, you know, normal stuff. I check the comments and people are going on how shipping Jason and Stephanie is bad? Weird? Considered batcest of all things?
And I was fucking baffled. Taken to ancestral tree, slapped by my great-great-great-great-grandmother and came back.
Because what the fuck?
I don't ship them per say, because #Jayroy is one of my favourite ships of this fandom, but you know, different tastes and all. If I see a good Jaysteph fic I'll read it, because it's fun and interesting and usually well written. And that's fine.
But when I saw some of those takes - mind you a couple of weeks ago - they just forced itself into my memory. So I'm gonna go one by one and tell you why the fuck this is wrong. I wish I could find the original tiktok, because god I wanna say this to the face of those people.
I saw a comment that Jason is way too old for Steph. And ym, no?
There is 3/4 years difference, depending when and which canon you're going for. It doesn't help that Jason was dead for more than 6 months, but hey, lets settle on 4. I know we don't like to talk about ages in Batfam and how nobody is really ever questioned here, but if Jason is 26ish that would put Steph at 22ish. In the worst case scenario.
Really they're more of a 2 year age gap , since most people put Tim at Jason at 3 years and Steph is 1 year older than Tim.
Another thing - one of the most popular ships for Steph is her and Cassandra Cain, who is THE SAME FUCKING AGE as Jason. Or even older in some runs. If you don't have problem with StephCass , but do have one with JaySteph and say it's because of age difference I would check if you're not infantalizing WlW relationship or Cass, for whatever reason.
The other one said "but they're like siblings"
Fuck you too, random internet commenter on tiktok.
You have 2 options here.
Either 1. Treat StephCass also as Batcest, move on with your life and shut up.
You acknowledge that Steph was never adopted by Bruce, she is not his daugther and other people seeing her more like a big sister is not an indicator that she is their sister. Tim sees Barbara as his older sister, but does that mean that Dickbabs is inherently incestual? No.
They are not siblings, therefore it is not incest.
I get that you can just don't like the ship. That's okay. Go see the content for the ship you like.
But going on and on how a ship is bad for moral reasons and being wrong at that?
I'll buy you a one way ticket to hell and personally call Satan to tell him that you're being a little bitch on the internet.
That's actually my main two points. Anyway, I need to go to work and be a productive human being who doesn't hate on totally normal ships on tiktok.
And remember friends and my sworn enemies - you are responsible for your online experience. Don't like, don't read - amen.
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
ugh if there’s one thing this world needs is more Cass and Eugene interaction, like I don’t just mean bickering and the sort. Like actually being there for one another when they’re upset and helping each other out.
I’ve literally found about 2 fanarts where it’s just them and they’re not getting at each other! I still think that they would bicker but it would actually be way less intense and spite-fuelled after the series and they’d find some common ground, especially since they are the only ones (beside Pascal ofc) who know what it’s like to have died and come back to life, I can’t imagine how relieved Eugene would be to get to talk to someone about it and have them actually understand.
I hc anyway that after Cass came back she was like super out of it, and Eugene knew exactly how she felt and could help her, I think Cass would also be relieved that someone else knew what it was like and could sympathise with her.
I think though one of my absolute favourite hcs I’ve seen for them is that after Cass comes back Eugene defo sorts out Cass’ haircare routine and looks after her hair for her, cause he more than likely has wavy/curly hair too (but just straightens it most of the time). And although Cass is like super reluctant to let him help at first, she eventually gives in and it’s like the best her hair has been in forever so she just lets him do it regularly from then on and it’s just their thing. Also it gives Cass a chance to open up as well (no eye contact, relaxed and something to distract her if it gets too bad) which she definitely needs especially straight after coming back to the castle post ziti.
But yeah I neeeed more of these idiots interacting cause they literally have my heart istg (and also the show did nothing for them really post s1)
Hah realised I’ve just gone on a rant but like it 2am and I’m sleep deprived, sorry! :)))
anon you’re so right and let me just tell you ive felt exactly the same way for SO long so youve come to the right person
^ obviously theres been more since this was posted but THIS is a rlly good masterpost of art of them. THIS is a cassgene/uknighted dream triad fic and i dont know if thats your thing but it basically captures the exact bonding moment that you mentioned imo it fits them SUPER well both romantically and platonically!!
ur so right about the hair thing also omfg cass is the WORST out of all of them when it comes to taking care of her hair. like whenever it gets too long she just grabs the first sharp object she can find and cuts it all off. her ends are so broken and frizzy its SO bad. but eugene and rapunzel force her to do little spa days with them all the time. cass is very practical and really doesnt understand the point but she just likes spending time with both of them.
honestly as much as i love them i havent drawn a lot of art of cass and eugene individually….but theyre best friends actually. like they have banter and they tease each other but my general interpretation of them and uknighted dreams relationship is just. Comfortable. theyve come around to accept their differences and have a shared sense of solidarity with each other. and not just bc of rapunzel either!!! they hang out without her just as often and they genuinely have come to understand one another. they like to spar together and rapunzel watches while she works on anatomy sketches.
they’re not going out of their way to be physically affectionate or anything, but i try to make it obvious in my uknighted dream art that they arent averse to it either. it’s always the little things for me man!!!! the subtle affectionate gazes or the casual hand on the shoulder or just a gentle hand hold its so. IMPORTANT ok!!!!!!
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they understand each other on a deep psychological level and yet they regularly tell the other to kill themselves. they are literally everything to me. i need to draw them soon
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
just read your answer and just wanted to say i love when you answer everyone and never thought you sounded mean or anything. i usually send those in right after reading the chapter so i think i just tend to rant for too long lol but i completely understand that you're not really answering most things because yeah it could be a spoiler
also i didn't really take into consideration that reader is so attached to her books that she'd obviously think she could fix everything by researching it. i still stand by that she should ask for help but i also don't see her doing it before the 2 weeks or she actually hurts herself or makes a mess (how funny would it he if she just blew a hole into rhysand's house or something lol) also maybe i read it and forgot but is reader living in the house of wind or townhouse? i thought since we never see cass or nesta she wasn't in the house of wind but since the library is there i thought it could also work
also i didn't remember i went in on the ic like that but i kind of stand by it because i still think that no matter how much a person isolates themselves when their family or friends don't still reach out it's on them too. but also one of the best parts of acotar is the ic for me (found family is just the best) so i wish we could see reader be part of the family, especially if she's supposed to stay there. and i'm so excited for the ic to see her actual personality because im tired of her only being herself with people that don't matter, well not don't matter but that aren't her family. i think this is also why so many people are on team eris because apart from actually listening and treating her better than azriel, usually the relationship with the ic and the night court wouldn't be amazing if she was going to leave and since they barely even know who she is it feels like we're there. also i'm kind of scared to see her relationship with nesta actually because with nesta's tendency to hit where it hurts and hurt people when she's hurt mixing it with the reader's so low self esteem and constant feeling like a burden can't be good but the fact that they both love their books, it's just that their books are completely different, seems kind of fun.
also (last also promise) i can't wait for the inevitable moment when ic finds out about eris and try to tell her he's dangerous or manipulating her and i hope she throws a "would you even care" or something back at them
anyway im sorry im ranting again, can't wait for next chapter - 🧶
‘i still stand by that she should ask for help’
Especially after the panic in chapter 7, but I suppose she’s not thinking particularly clearly at the moment 😬
‘is reader living in the house of wind or townhouse?’
Reader generally stays up in the House of Wind, but occasionally heads down to the River House for a night or two (used to, it’s currently slightly ambiguous) when there were dinners.
I like to think that (massive acosf spoilers—directed at that one anon 🙉) after Cass and Nesta got together, and Rhys was happily showering her in gifts for saving Feyre, that they got a place of their own, so reader mostly has the House of Wind to herself! Save for Azriel who also stays up there pretty infrequently—and pretty far away, too.
However, when Nesta was occupying the HoW, reader was between the Townhouse and the River House, so she was pretty happy to be able to go back :)
‘nesta's tendency to hit where it hurts and hurt people when she's hurt mixing it with the reader's so low self esteem and constant feeling like a burden can't be good but the fact that they both love their books,’
This is something I’ve been enjoying so much about being given the chance to write CBMTHY!! Thinking about the dynamic between reader and her sisters growing up? Like who was her favourite? Who did she feel the most distant with? Who did she have the most in common? It’s so fun!!
Anyway, I like to think that after her reformation in acosf, she won’t say anything intentionally hurtful, since she’s no longer set on keeping people away from herself. However, they have grown up together, so their relationship will naturally be different from how she is around Feyre or Elain :)
‘also (last also promise) i can't wait for the inevitable moment when ic finds out about eris and try to tell her he's dangerous or manipulating her and i hope she throws a "would you even care" or something back at them’
I mean, hoping she’ll be able to stand up for herself if it gets to that point, otherwise she’ll just internalise the disappointment and I don’t think she could take that 😬
Like she already has kind of convinced herself she’s a burden, so to then be confronted with indisputable evidence that so many people are upset/angry at her… 🫣🫣🫣 let’s hope Eris’ combative nature has rubbed off on her enough by that point!!
And don’t be sorry, I love it when you send in these longer asks/thoughts/rants!!🧡💛
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quenthel · 2 years
💔🛑🔞???? omg im so sorry i didnt see that u were doing these
Hii Ella hiii <3
💔: any hated npcs?
uhhh honestly even the annoying ones I have a fondness for bc they are like... interestingly mean or it makes sense for them etc etc what makes me hate characters if they are stupidly written and with THAT I really hate the battlebliss guy (Irmangaleth or whatever his name is) and the aasimar guy in the abyss he can eat a dick. Also my god the trickster king guy and Socothbenoth i hate those guys
🛑: least favourite quest, or a quest you refuse to complete?
Blackwater and the Fallout reference quest. They are both boring/fustrating AND give no loot at the end. For non-backer content that one puzzle w the treant lost lands or whatever that place is called and the heart of mystery shit bc its too long... cool story beat and we learn more abt my friend Storyteller but experiencing it once was enough lol
🔞: do you have any nsfw headcanons, either for ocs or canon characters?
oh my god i have some... under the cut (also i have a lot to ramble abt sfdgfsdhf)
Ok first abt my ocs:
Bell has a lot of negative connotations w intimacy in general bc of the cult he was in and also towards sex since most of his sexual partners in the cult did die in childbirth (the whole glippothspawn deal). So he is almost scared to have sex with people and tries to live in a way where he does not do it a lot while also struggling with his own desires that he cant properly communicate or cultivate because intimacy is just too wrapped in for him in sex and death (like he finds casual hugs strange etc, very touch starved and isolated). He was also forced a lot into a more dominant role during that time and during the Cam romance he was forced into that again and he did it but he simply just does NOT enjoy that sort of stuff at all but he still needs an outlet etc. Thats why his romance and sexual life with Nocticula works better bc she is the one holding the reins and he cant possibly hurt her bc she is powerful and strong and his equal and likeness etc.
Cass is similar since she was also isolated and affection starved as a child but she was also trained to use intimacy and sexuality as a weapon almost to keep herself in the good graces of her superiors (she was in a s/m "relationship" with some priestesses of Asmodeus who were her employers). She does enjoy exploring that power dynamic tho but she has a hard time being intimate and soft without bringing sex into it so her love w Wendu starts with both of them almost hate fucking eachother a lot lol. Then she opens up and learns to be soft and teaches Wendu along the way and they start to care about each other more deeply its very nice.
Marci is just ig very sexful (high sex drive) and while she is generally very well composed and stable that can cause issues with her. She probably has a lot of casual sex. Like I was thinking abt her having sex w Sister Kerismei (the woman from Woljif's quest), one of her army generals (the elf lady), and having a few lovers in Drezen too. She and Arue can bond over that too while she is in horny jail.
Masha is also pretty horny and she has sex with people before feeding on them (i know...). I had an idea for a scene where Lann catches her doing it and he is so crushed bc the girl he likes is fucking other ppl and eating them but they talk it out. She also probably gets it down a bit w Cam (her bicurios moment) and they drink blood together (weirdo besties for like 2 seconds) before Masha offs her (by sucking her dry) in the Abyss (sorry Cam).
Tessa is generally very chaste and she is more focused on the intimacy sex provides. Not the type of person who feels desire a lot. Also she has some baggage after being a Nocticula worshipper around sex bc she used her beauty and sex appeal a lot to hurt others and she prefers having relationships that are no longer centered around that.
Duncan is just chill. He has no isses anymore, he had many long term relationships in his time. He is like 40 also and he had a wild time being a teen/young adult around sexuality but its like mostly behind him. Like in the relationship w Daeran he is clearly the more well composed and at peace one so Daeran is just going trough it trying to untagle the mess of his emotions while Duncan is just there supporting him, hanging out and smoking weed lmfao.
For canon characters I mostly have thoughts of Woljif, Lann, Wendu and Daeran... less nsfw headcanonc and more of an interpretation of their characters bc i am insane
Like Daeran very clearly cant separate affection and being horny so he always tries to sleep with people he cares about and is attracted to thats why he goes so hard for the commander lmao. He is probably a good lover tho but he has issues. Lann is probably very worried about everything and lets his insecurities show and is generally stiff in those situations so its very awkward. But once he gets over that he has a fucking job to do. Wendu cant separate pain and pleasure properly AND she probably has that specific issue where she does not let herself want casual intimacy and soft affection bc she convinces herself tht she does not need it so she is all sexhorny instead and tries to channel her frustration into that. She is also probably very unhealthy in the S/M relationship too like type of sub who wont rly talk abt boundaries or safewords or shit which causes issues. True love Wendu however learns that those are important and gets better at communication so there is more aftercare.
OK with Woljif... Its less about his sexual habits but his connection towards sexuality ig bc he gets no action very clearly. He is bisexual tho but he is also very insecure and never have been loved. He kind of strikes me as a Denji Chainsawman type character who wants to be loved and cared for but he is also a horny young adult (instead of being a teen like Denji) so he probably conceptualizes those wishes as "omg i need to have sex" instead of him needing love and care yk.
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skayafair · 4 months
Episode 40
Live reaction below
Silas the whole episode:
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If they get out of it alive in the end, he should think of a therapist career. He'd make a fortune out of it :D
This episode is the first one after season 3 that made me listen to it smiling again, like the previous 2.5 seasons used to, I think ^_^
That talk between Lizzy and Cass last episode really helped huh. Plus I thought Lizzy just wanted to put the blame onto someone, get at least some load off her chest by taking it out on Silas in previous episodes but turned out that OF COURSE she had a perfectly sensible reason (well, I believe it's both in equal measure BUT anyway) and Silas arrived to the same conclusion. And "the martians", you're kidding me XD Gods I love it when they get along, they make a very good dynamic duo. So now everyone's on pretty good terms, such a balm to my soul.
...aaaand there we go again, jinxed it :')))
Yep, Cass really did it this time.
...Alyx? O____O ok I DIDN'T expect this at all
oooof course they charge *head in hands*
Ok I like happy endings for everyone so I'm lowkey rooting for a polycule of three... in a way... I don't really care romantic, platonic/friendship, qpr or whatever, these three just make sense to me all together - not the same relationship for everyone, but they just. Ugh. Make sense. As a unit. The words aren't wording tonight because I've been awake for 16 hours by now but you get the gist I hope. So I also hope it gets across if I say how much I enjoy hearing Silas just. Asking Elizabeth to go after Cass instead of him. Trusting her with it. Just. (✧ω✧) Buddies route go-go! ☆\(≧▽≦)/☆
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Niko is the perfect depiction of a fangirl i swear
Poor Alyx Q_Q She's really spiraling. It's the worst thing to get a confirmation that you're as bad as you thought you were, even if it's subjective, too.
oh wow SIlas snapping- O_O that's something
Noooo not running awaayyy
Poor Si(((((((((
Aaaand poor Cass :<
Erm- Might be a controversial opinion but I guess I see who Cass took after with their charisma- yes I like Nicholas Thatcher by the way he sounds there I said it
Why am I not surprised he likes Lizzy. Yeah, no surprises here  👍
Cassius is at loss of insults? What? Wow, impressive. The fact that they are still talking is even more impressive.
"HUGS AND KISSES" HELP HE'S HILARIOUS the best addition so far 😂
Poor Cassius [2] Somehow I can see the picture so clearly xD
"Ouch" Lizzy XD
"Like always, I was right-" LIZZY XDDD
Oh a heart to heart <333 Love seeing them getting along <333
LI-I-I-ZZY-Y-Y-Y you tease! I'm starving for the revelations here no less than Cassius!
"I listen to the sad story - I get a little treat, them's the rules" Cass is as adorable as ever :D
They're getting along they're getting along- ╰(✧ω✧)╯
The queen keeps queening <333
oooh someone's spiralling real good and to the deep end
C'mon Cass, how can you resist that "pleeease" :3
they both are insufferable XDDD
OH smooth (¬‿¬ )
they both are insufferable [2] and Lizzy deserves to be paid extra for putting up with them!
I have to say seeing Cassius now (and Lizzy before) to royally fuck up like that feels... liberating. I really enjoy observing it.
Partly because it's a part of my "learning people aren't only good OR bad" curriculum (hello black and white thinking I've been unlearning, pretty sucessfully btw). Did they do something... REALLY bad? Oh yes. I mean - I understand attacking with words. Still bad but. Uh. More managable. Usually. But full on charging at a person, even if the reason is betrayal? The physical violence is a serious no-go in my book unless it's self-defence or... well, NOT on your friend anyway?! Not just by acting on emotions? So that made me pause.
I like complicated characters exactly because they make me rotate them in my mind and change opinion on them along with their developement, but... I thought I had a grip on Cass' personality more or less, and that attack of theirs was unexpected and honestly disappointing. I mean yes there was that one occasion with Vaux but that was different. Vaux was actually more of an enemy back then, she's been intentionally nagging Cassius for a long time, so it felt pretty natural that they'd blow up eventually. Charging on Alyx out of pure rage is not like that.
However - I think it's a lot like with John from Malevolent? He messes up regularly and just as royally but it's also very understandable, so I just can't judge him. Objectively, maybe, but not from the heart.
And probably what helped the most was the way Cass reacted to this recording. They didn't try to find excuses, didn't seem to be angry at Alyx anymore, they went straight up to "it was all my fault dammit!". They feel guilty and see their past reaction as a huge mistake, too. Looks like they cooled off soon enough even when the events were taking place.
I have a history of forgiving things that shouldn't have been forgiven to a person who wasn't very sorry about those things - or at least not because they actually saw those as bad. I feel disgusted with myself recalling that. So now I'm sort of sensitive to this whole thing and that's why making up my mind on how to feel about Cass' violence as clear as possible was important. Sure it's not real life, but close enough. A good exercise.
And I think their attitude to it was what made it clear. They see their anger burst as a huge mistake and regret it, but more than that - after listening to how they used to be they try to make up for it, like with Lizzy by telling her how they really appreciate her as a friend. This is important - not just to recognize "oh I fucked up again", but to genuinely do one's best to do better, to change. From the bettom of their heart.
So this is why, while it was a royal fuck up, it only added pieces to Cass' character, not shattered the picture. Hence why I enjoy following it. People are complicated, and that's a beautiful thing. And also upon some more thinking I can see how that outburst was building up for a long time. Once again this podcast brings perfectly grounded surprises <3
And another reason is that by observing others coping with their mistakes I learn to be easier on myself, too. Even if the others in question are fictional, they still reflect living people experiences one way or another.
I'm so glad Syntax is back <3
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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tempesttragedya · 2 years
In-Depth Ship Meme
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How did they meet?
I’m not 100% sure on this, but I’m leaning towards the following, though it is def subject to change. 
someone ends up in jail because their case was lost. they have big money connections. call in favors. end up hiring a hit on Laura. 
Celia was the one who was hired. she does her due diligence, sees the guy’s a scumbag, and ends up giving Laura a tip. She still goes through the motions, but the authorities are contacted and shit works out somehow so that Celia’s gone and Laura is fine. 
Who flirted with who first?
oh god, this could go either way... 
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance?
Definitely slow friends to lovers type thing. 
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic?
See above; I think Laura takes Celia out for dinner as a thanks for the tip, bc she left a calling card specifically for Laura to be able to contact her again. Celia fully expects this to go nowhere right now. she just thinks Laura’s good people. instead, she gets an invitation to dinner.
What was their first date?
I could say that dinner was their first date, but really they just chatted and Laura didn’t pry, she just tried to be friendly and it was a little awkward.
Anyways their actual first date is a masquerade bc I’m a fucking sucker. It’s not officially a date until later in the evening, after Laura kisses Celia who is meant to be protection bc Laura was getting death threats.
What are their favourite things to do on date nights?
 Probably staying at home, popping on a movie, and shoo-ing Bridget to go elsewhere for the night so they can snuggle. Sometimes they have late night movies with the kids too, but lbr, they prefer without a good chunk of the time.
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while.
Yes, but they def get more infrequent after a bit. They plateau at a certain point, though, they don’t continue with the downhill trend. 
What is their love language?
physical touch (when Celia feels up to it) & quality time, with a hint of words of affirmation.
Who kissed who first?
Who started the relationship?
I think it was started rather mutually, but Laura’s kiss is what spurred it into life.
Monogamy or Polyamory?
Though they’re open to poly, when I reference their ship, I usually mean the monogamous one.
Are they/do they plan on getting married?
Not really part of their thought process yet… Neither are really attached to marriage as a concept except for the benefits it provides. Whether or not it WOULD provide something they can actually benefit from is worth questioning.
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no?
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first?
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships?
Yep! Laura has Shaun and Celia has Bridget and Cass. Cass is biologically hers, but carried through a surrogate.
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship?
Certainly! During the week, Celia drives Laura to work, drops the kids off at school, and then hangs out at home until it’s time to pick them up. She has a lot of at-home time simply because she’s paid well for what she does, so jobs become more and more infrequent and tbqh, when she retires, Celia’s KINDA fucking rich, dude. 
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt?
Laura has a habit of cooking Celia’s favorite meals, just as she does for any of the kids when they’re sick, but particularly soups and stews that her mother taught her! 
Celia usually takes care of things that are usually Laura’s tasks, particularly doing dishes and tending to the kids’ emotional needs a bit more. Is she good at it? Not particularly, but she’s trying.
How do they like to spend time together?
Laura loves going to the beach to just sit and watch the sun set or rise, so Celia often indulges her in a drive over from the house to do just that. 
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy?
What are some of their favourite things about their partner?
Celia admires Laura’s honesty and integrity. 
Laura loves how straightforward Celia is and finding the softer parts of her to love.
How do they comfort the other when they are upset?
Laura often simply holds Celia when she’s having troubles, assuming that Celia is able to tolerate touch at the time. When Celia is touch repulsed, Laura will instead simply exist in the same space with her, sometimes reading books aloud and letting Celia fall asleep after a good cry.
When Laura is upset, Celia will order in her favorite restaurant and, depending on the problem, either take the kids out or organize a fun night for everybody. 
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts?
Celia for Laura. Definitely. Laura gets gifts for Celia as well but they are less frequent and usually incredibly well thought out.
What position do they sleep in?
Celia tends to sleep curled in on herself, but as the relationship developed and they started sleeping in the same bed, Laura has managed to get her to open up
Do they bathe/shower together?
Sometimes! When it’s easier or they’re trying to save water (yes I know that sounds like an excuse–) or just when one of them decides to join the other for fun. It happens.
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af?
in between.
How often do they fight? What about?
It’s fairly rare for them to fight, at least in the early stages so far. When they do, it’s usually a misunderstanding or miscommunication, with Celia often the one misunderstood / struggling to verbalize her thoughts properly and in a kind way.
Have they ever broken up?
Once. I haven’t figured out the details yet. It didn’t last long though.
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part?
Ride or die. All the way
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highlifeboat · 2 years
Cass and melony for the ship thing bestie
I hope you like the answer cause this took me wasy too long.
Aship Ask Thing
Who confessed first? 
Cassandra was technically the first to confess, if you want to count her emotional outburst as a confession. But if not, then it was… still Cassandra, but far less aggressive than the first time.
What made them confess? 
The first time, it just kind of came out during an emotion driven rant after getting frustrated trying to upstage her sister. (Which she’s embarrassed about to this day.) The second time was after they’d hung out late into the night, they were looking at stars, everything was just calm and felt nice and Cass just decided it was a good time to confess properly.
What do they love most about each other? 
Melony would say she loves how smart Cassandra is, even if she doesn’t always seem it. She’s fairly book smart in a few different ways but she’s an incredible strategist specifically. Maybe that’s mostly due to her drive for hunting, but Melony thinks it’s a very admirable trait.
Cassandra loves how Melony seems to make her world brighter just by being in it. Anything she does, from baking, to reading, to her weird little hand flaps/waves she does, to her smile, it all adds ten years to Cassnadra’s life.
How long did they know they liked each other pre-relationship?
Cassandra knew for a good few months before they started dating. Sort of after they really started being friends, and she still isn’t sure if that was just a case of “I’ve never really had someone outside the family take an interest in me like this” or not, but she doesn’t really care.
It took Melony way longer to realize she liked Cassandra. Like, she only really realized her feelings a few weeks before they started going out.
What's a thing they do every time they see each other? 
Cassandra’s made a habit of always giving Melony a little kiss on the top of her head whenever they bump into each other if they aren’t hanging out together.
Who cleans the most? 
Melony, if mostly because it was her job for pretty much her entire life and she’s good at it.
Who cooks the most? 
Melony attempts to cook sometimes, so probably her.
Who's the better cook? 
Ah, you see, they both suck at cooking. They would both find a way to burn water if they weren’t told exactly what to do. And even then they might.
What "traditions" do they have? 
Does a biweekly night of sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace playing chess and/or checkers until late hours of the night count? 
When is their anniversary? 
October 13th.
How open are they about their relationship? 
Pretty open. At least, they aren’t shy about mentioning it and showing mundane physical affection in front of most people (Cuddles/hugs/short kisses).
Who's the biggest cuddler? 
Cassandra, she initiates cuddles as often as she can and could probably stay like that forever.
Who's the sensitive one? (Physically)
Probably Melony. Cassandra does have a few sensitive spots, but Melony is definitely moreso.
Who's the sensitive one? (Emotionally)
Melony. I don’t think I have to explain.
Do they want kids? 
Cassandra does, Melony doesn’t.
Do they have date nights?
No, they do take the odd stroll around the outskirts of the castle in warmer weather, though. 
What's their favorite thing to do with each other? 
As much as they do love just sitting around and cuddling, baking together is probably their favourite thing. It just makes for a fun afternoon for the two of them. (Plus, Mel is always happier doing it, and Cass loves to see that)
Who's the blanket hogger? 
Cassandra, especially during the winter time. She doesn’t really mean to do it, she just can’t help it sometimes.
Which one often gets sent to the Couch Of Disagreement? 
Cassandra for sure.
Which one apologizes first after an argument?
Melony. She’s usually very compelled to apologize after an argument with anybody, but especially with Cassandra. She just doesn’t enjoy the idea that Cass is angry/upset with her at all.
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deaneverafter · 4 years
Destiel stans be like "Dean is so annoying", "Dean is bad", "Dean is a meanie" (because we all know these are lies, I'm going to skip over telling you guys how wrong you are) but, okay, if you really believe this, then..... why are you so obsessed with Cass possessing Dean, gtfo, leave Dean alone, find a better man for the imaginary superior version of Castiel that lives in your head and your head alone (but where are you going to find a man better than Dean, and where are you going to find another person willing to be in the same room as Castiel, let alone love him even as a friend not to mention family, after we've seen the way he treats the people he supposedly "loves"?). I have a brain, so I know that Dean is the best person. I also know that as my favourite character, I wouldn't want Dean to end up with a character who I thought was an awful person. So explain to me how you guys simultaneously sit there and insult Dean while trying to force him into an imaginary relationship with Dean.
This just reeks of incel energy and negging tactics, I'm sorry, but it does. Dean won't be forced to love Cass? Aw shucks, who needs him anyway, Cass doesn't need him. But let's emotionally manipulate and abuse Dean, and disregard his valid feelings, in an effort to make him think that he's awful, just in case it makes him think that he doesn't deserve better and won't find anyone who actually loves him and who he loves back. Maybe that'll make him be with Cass. And if that still doesn't work, let's kill him and trap him in the heaven that Cass is now ruling, maybe Stockholm Syndrome will finally take effect and make all of Cass' fantasies finally come true?
The undertones here are very abusive and manipulative, from the fandom AND in the actual show if you try and turn this into a romantic relationship, so that's kind of interesting (by that I mean, really disturbing and scary). Anyway, that's my little observation about the patterns in this fandom
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theluckyshadow · 3 years
OC Headcannons
Cassia, 20/07/2000 ♋️ 🇦🇺
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Cassia Iris Han aka Yoonah Han was born and raised in New Castle, NSW Aus and is best friends with SF9’s Ash
Attended the same private and public school’s as Ash
Cassia and Ash have known each other since they were in diapers and would literally kill for each other
Nothing is more dangerous than girls who can gossip in two languages
Cassia has two sisters Camellia (Older 96) and Flora (older 98)
Both her parents are Korean but were born in Australia but they all grew up speaking Korean for her grandparents.
After Ash moved to South Korea Cassia had fallen into a bit of a slump but not a few months later had she decided to go after the music career she so wished for.
Cassia was always good with technology and quite smart and loves creating music for her family and friends
She is not a morning person.
She joined JYP for a year before switching to Big Hit in 2016
It was said in an interview her sisters and herself had been named after plants- their mother is a botanist and father a chef.
Cassia is a Greek name for cinnamon and Kassia was a medieval composer and poet so she likes to pretend that her parents always knew she would love music
// Camellia is a type of flower and Flora is pretty easy to get lol
As outgoing as she can be she’s a serious person and tends to forget that making friends other than Ash isn’t the end of the world
TXT took some getting used to and honestly Cass was ready to ask to just learn producing when the company formatted a plan and threw her into the mix and Yeonjun being the only trainee she knew
She tried to focus on herself for the most part but Yeonjun and her had gotten together for trainee activities a couple times
TXT were more than happy to involve her in the group and didn’t make her feel put out or uncomfortable
She 100% calls Ash and asks how to deal with people younger than you
Has Tattoo’s: 1 / 2/ 3
She got her tattoo’s when she was 18 and 19
She has some sick piercings on her ears
She is serious but she has a sweet face and could kill you if she tried
Like looks like a cinnamon roll- could kill you (Ash is looks like she could kill you, is a cinnamon roll surprise surprise)
The first time Cassia met SF9 she and Zuho immediately became friends and Ash was so proud because both her best friends were friends. Group chat gossip definitely happens
Cassia and Dawon however have a war going on. Don’t get them wrong she thinks he’s great and supper funny but they have a relationship like Niles and CC from the Nanny
// Cassia = Niles Dawon = CC
Honey she is brutal with the sass and burns
She isn’t the biggest fan of the sweet/ young concepts and would like to try more mature concepts, her favourite songs are Anti romantic and 0X1=LOVESONG
Cassia is psychic or something she always knows things way before anyone else
Huening Kai brought it up and never let it go
Taehyun called her a witch once
Her fandom is called Cinnamon Sticks
She has never in her life wanted to call anyone Oppa. She refuses to unless for very special occasions
Relationship with TXT
Yeonjun // She’s known him the longest and tends to rely on him more being as they are the eldest in the group (including Soobin) she tends to mother all of them since Yeonjun is the fake Maknae. He (all of them really) likes to practice his English with her and gracefully takes her laughing at his mistakes because they’re cute.
Soobin // Sometimes she swears she’a the leader for this group he’s such a dork. I mean he named his dog Sean. Always buying him almond milk because she’s the food police. They both nerd out about the avengers and work extremely well together. He likes to make fun of her height before running away.
Beomgyu // These two were roommates for a while at the dorms before she got her own room and would often find herself waking up to him sleep talking and would find it hilarious. She likes giving him compliments and thinks he’s really pretty, especially with the longer hair and they both tend to stay up late in his studio writing songs but she hated that he was an early bird.
Taehyun // it took a while for these two to become friends, no animosity just different people with different likes and dislikes. He likes photography so he tends to help Cass out with photos and in return she’ll do some for him too. He’s quite mature so Cassia will probably come to him for some questions but otherwise he and HK are like the little siblings she doesn’t know if she wants anymore (jokingly) he also doesn’t like that she’s just taller than him.
Huening Kai // Cassia tends to call him Hyuka or even just referring to him as Kai, it’s happened… they like to tease each other- she’ll comment on his long legs and he’ll comment on her height. They’ll watch horror movies together and just hang out. She is always picking up after him when he loses things.
Now their relationships might change because I’m still learning so I kept it as vague as possible but here’s Cassia!
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kingreywrites · 3 years
your opinion on moongene?
Your opinion on _____?
Sorry I got really rambly but I have like. A lot of contradicting thoughts about this ghdjkdjd
My favourite character getting to have fun magical powers with a side of angst is obviously a concept that really drew me in at first gshjddj Truly, i was really interested in Eugene's link to the moonstone as in, this is the thing that is more or less responsible for a lot of what he went through in life? His abandonment directly stems from his family's obsession with protecting the stone, his mom probably died because of it too, and the idea of him getting stuck with it was genuinely a concept i couldn't get out of my mind for a while. I was also fascinated by the relationship the Dark Kingdom had with the moonstone, and the paradox between how they wanted it gone and how they couldn't actually destroy it so they started protecting it, and the idea of Eugene being in the middle of all that + knowing Rapunzel thought it was her destiny + knowing the black rocks had been destroying corona (his new home) and could still do that if he kept it + A WHOLE LOT OF OTHER ISSUES ON HIS SHOULDERS was just..... very fun to think about lmao I literally could not start s3 right away despite it being available because I just kept thinking about Destinies Collide and how I wanted it to influence Eugene's arc and its possibilities etc and I didn't want to go too fast because I wanted to form actual theories before seeing if anything would be confirmed (and well uh I shouldn't have worried about that gdhjdjd but basically a lot of my moongene thinking was done pre knowing what mooncass was gonna do exactly)
And that leads me to my problem with moongene as it exists in the fandom because... I Do Not Like moongene as in "Eugene does what Cass did in s3 with some tweaks", and I quickly discovered that a lot of the content and discussions about this AU were... that. There's a lot of fics i just had to close because they were not really about Eugene, in a way 😭 Starting with the reason why he would take it because I have yet to find a fic that could convince me Eugene could / would ever 1. betray Rapunzel, 2. make it a long-term betrayal and 3. refuse when she asks for the moonstone back directly. And since most of the moongene content starts with these three points, I fundamentally disagree with Eugene's characterisation most of the time gshjdkd
(I also have trouble with the idea of a selfless betrayal very quickly because the rhetoric "I have to hurt those I love to save them" gets annoying for me if it goes on too long gdhkdkd for all that Cassandra's motivations can be nebulous in s3, at least it's not stupid as in "I'm protecting Rapunzel by taking the moonstone away and there's absolutely no easier way to do that than to run off in the woods with a demon while she's miserable")
Basically what I'm trying to say is that I think a lot of the moongene content doesn't feel like it's about Eugene as much as it is about putting him in a dramatized mooncass arc and it's a shame imo. There's a lot of eugene specific questions I feel we're missing out on by simply trying to recreate Cass' arc with him!! And like, a very stupid one I rarely see raised but I feel would be interesting is how much Eugene would hate having blue hair asgjdjdg the fact that his ego and love for his own appearance is practically never questionned in a scenario where that same appearance is drastically changed is a big missed opportunity! I also do love emotional vulnerability and all but, you know, Eugene is the guy who made a room tour of the place he died, humor and practical thinking are big part of his character, and a lot of the moongene melodrama misses this part of him
And this is... only concerning my issues with how he's himself treated in a moongene au, but then there's. how the other characters are written around that too. And again it gets tricky for me because like, new dream as soulmates linked by Destiny™ is something that instantly loses my interest if it's given too much weight which is not questionned at all, Rapunzel being an eplored maiden waiting for him to come back can quickly feel wrong in the sense that i don't enjoy any fic where Eugene needlessly hurts her and she ~doesn't mind it~ because she loves him and he's sad, and as you put it in this post (which was really interesting btw!) Cassandra gets the very shortest end of the stick most of the time and Zhan Tiri is just uhh floating around being mean. Also if we're lucky Lance gets mentioned (when like, I think Lance being his best friend since childhood should be a good reason to make him and his reaction important in any moongene story)
I'm not particularly picky and I have read stuff I did not necessarily agree with but in general there are no developed moongene fic out there which ever became a favourite of mine which is crazy considering how much i loved this concept. I really think that as long as this AU mostly stays stuck in the "I want what Cass had" stage, I'll have trouble finding something that speaks to me because I personally don't ghdhfgd And though I get that fan content is not obligated to touch on every issue in the show, I think that erasing Cass, her issues, the fact that she wanted the stone too and still has Zhan Tiri in her corner takes away a lot of possible conflict that would be interesting to explore in a long fic. Idk, it just feels like a lot of the content is "restricted" by the canon moonstone arc, even when people say they write about this AU to break away from what went down in the show :/
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bi-robins-club · 4 years
jason had just settled onto his couch with a jane austen novel and his favourite peach iced tea when damian crept in through his window. he sighed internally and decided to simply ignore him. he had told damian to use the front door (nevermind the fact that jason rarely used the door) and more importantly? he was freaking comfortable. after a few minutes as jason flipped idly through the book, damian cleared his throat. jason sighed again, outwardly this time and reluctantly dragged his eyes up to his youngest brother. baby bat was shivering slightly from the rain outside and jason simply rasied an eyebrow as he sipped at his tea. scowling, dami stomped over to jasons bathroom to dry off. he rolled his eyes. how dramatic. damian was acting like he sentenced titus and alfred the cat to their deaths instead of how he was actually saving jason from deep cleaning his rain soaked carpet. (he was still going to deep clean the carpet the next time he tidied up but still)
when damian stalked back into the room, looking less like a wet, angry kitten and more like a dry, angry kitten, jason titled his head back and established eye contact.
"so what brings you over to my neck of the woods, demon spawn?"
instead of snapping back like jason expected, damian simply stood there looking extremely uncomfortable. he shuffled his feet, opened his mouth then closed it and sat next to jason on the couch he splurged way too much on.
"i don't know how to tell you this" dami began, hesitant "but i believe harper is experiencing thoughts of suicide"
jason jerked up, almost knocking over his tea (and what a damn waste that would be) before fixing damian with a look. he hadnt noticed anything different in roy lately but he knew more than anyone that depression acted strangely and was hard to pinpoint. his mind raced with thoughts of why roy might be suddenly suicidal, from a sudden relapse to not getting a happy meal toy included in his 3.99 box of clogged arteries. "why do you say that, damian?"
"i have been keeping an eye on his health since he became a close confidant to you and last night he said something worrying that i am still not able to parse the meaning of" jason smiled lightly at that, in damian speak he was basically declaring that he cared for roy- if for nothing else than for how happy he made jason. still he shook it off and asked what roy had said that was worrying dami.
"he was patrolling last night" jason knew that. roy had been picking up his patrols since jason had a nasty leg wound. it was the reason he wasn't out tonight. "and he was on the phone with an unknown person, though i am inclined to believe it was either Starfire or Canary" okay, still not surprising "and then he said that the only place he could die happy was between your thighs" oh hello blue screen. yes jasons mind was in the middle of rebooting but could you hurry it along? he almost missed what damian said next. "not only does he wish for death upon himself, he wishes for you to give it to him!"
"damian" jason managed, frantically trying to figure out a way to explain to his baby brother without including his sex life. "uhh its just an expression"
damians face brightened up slightly. "really? he does not wish to smother himself between your thighs?"
"yeah, its like...like just a way to say... mind your business? mmhmm" he struggled to get out, pulling an explanation out of his ass.
"you have told father to mind his business a thousand times but i dont recal you ever using that one. is it new?"
oh god. jason would rather die again than continue this conversation.
"uhh its only used if you're close to someone" jason didnt know what he didnt wrong but dami's eyes widened in clear worry. "i thought you and father were reconnecting? has something happened? are you fighting again?"
well shit. jason had not thought this one through. fuck roy and fuck his mile wide kink that centered around jasons thighs. he was going to kill him. and he wouldnt even use his thighs. "oh nonono dami we're fine, just not as close as me and roy" he hedged, pleading to gods he didnt believe in to stop this conversation with whatever means necessary. strike him dead if need be but *please*. damians eyes narrowed "and exactly how close are you with harper, jason?" jason stared in disbelief. how had his nice relaxing evening turned into such a shitshow? damian was fine with roy when he and jason were just friends but now that he was (correctly) assuming a relationship, his over protective instincts were kicking in? christ. he remembered how when dick and babs finally started dating (again), damian seemingly lost all respect for her and called her an evil harlot more than once.
thankfully he was saved by answering in the form of the best person jason had ever met aka duke thomas. he announced his presence by awkwardly coughing. jason met his dark eyes and mouthed 'help me' over damians head. duke smiled as if it was getting pulled out of him by torture but nodded.
"hey dames, dick wanted you to join him by the docks when you finished up here" damian scowled "cant you see i am clearly not finished yet"
"hah, well dick was facing up against scarecrow and i think he needed some back up but you know him"
"yes, he wont admit he needs help when he very clearly does" damian sighed "very well, ill go check on dick. you stay and question jason. " and with that damian clambered out the window and after he disappeared from sight, jason threw his head back to stare at his ceiling and groaned. duke laughed at him.
"hey daisy duke?" duke grumbled at the nickname and jason cracked a smile "how did you know i needed back up?" duke winced and ran a hand over his dreads. he made a face and jasons soul was slowly draining out of his body. "oh haha funny story" duke rocked back on his feet and faked laughed "damians com was still connected to the channel" jason froze.
"who was on the channel oh my god" duke smiled thinly and his hand paused on his head. "other than me? everyone." jason buried his head in his hands and let out a high pitched whine. duke consolingly rubbed his shoulder. this is why jason loved him. he hadn't even laughed at jason like tim, dick or steph would or started plotting death like damian started to. he and cass would just offer support. jasons favorite brother and sister right here folks. duke sat down beside him
"listen. i know what it's like to be outed when youre not ready and when i heard damian grilling you about roy, i thought i would help" jason turned and stared at his brother. duke was staring at his hands and avoiding eye contact. "i got caught with a boy when i was 15 in high school. its pretty shitty to be gay and poor in a homophobic neighbourhood but its worse to be gay, poor and black." jason knocked shoulders with him. "if you tell me the name of whatever asshat outed you, I'll shoot him for you." duke let out a waterly laugh. "they kept bullying me for being gay but if they even listened, they would have realised that im pan" he joked "its a completely different thing after all". jason snorted
"that was horrible"
duke winced "yeah, it was wasnt it. im bad at this" it was jasons turn to avoid eye contact now.
"talia once caught me with a league operative. a male operative. i was so paranoid for days until i caught shiva leaving her rooms. i got the courage to tell her i was bi and she just patted my cheek and asked how my training was going."
duke huffed out a laugh. "bruce gives you shit but i for one think your lesbians moms are cool"
jason laughed with him "just wait until you meet Ducra. shes a badass"
"ducra?" he questioned with a weird look. "how many moms do you actually have? i knew about diana and your assassin moms but thats a new name" jason burst into laughter at the expression on dukes face. "its not fair man. steph is the only other one with a mom and you have four! you need to share" jason choked on his laughter and shoved duke.
"first of all, its only *three*. ducra is like my badass abuela"
"dont you already have a badass grandma? have you forgotten about Ma Gunn? she threatened to shoot bruce in the dick last week!"
"yes well excuse you i need strong female role models in my life, fuck you" the two of them continued to joke around for a little while longer before jason caught a flash of black kelvar outside his window and sighed. duke followed his eyes and smiled before patting jasons shoulder and pushing off. "have fun with the one strong male role model in your life. im going to see if cass needs help" both of them knew that cass wouldn't need help but jason accepted the excuse for what it was. "me and steph are still coming over to study tomorrow. college is kicking my ass and i need you to explain this English assignment to me"
jason scoffed "im not writing your essay for you"
"eh worth a try. bye jace" duke gave a two fingered salute and slipped out the window. jason took the brief reprieve to sip his tea and mourned when he discovered the ice had melted and watered down the peach taste. for the third time that night, someone crept into his window. oh well. third times the charm right? jason wasn't going to acknowledge bruce until he said something himself. it was a repeat of damian. jasom read his book as it got increasingly uncomfortable.
"bruce" jason drawled, not lifting his eyes from his book. bruce grunted like the neanderthal he was and jason finally huffed out a heaving breath before marking his page and looking up. bruce looked supremely uncomfortable. actually his face looked exceedingly neutral but jason knew how to read bruce and that was the brow furrow of how do i deal with jason without fucking it up? jason was well famailairsed with that one.
"you know i love you" jasons own eyebrows rose. bruce only said 'i love you' like four times a year tops. and he usually never wasted it on jason. bruce deflated at whatever face jason must have made. goddamn it. this was why jason always fought with bruce with his helmet on, he couldnt control his facial expressions for shit. "no you dont know that." bruce smiled thinly and to jasons suprise, quickly crossed the room and knelt, placing his hands on jasons shoulders.
"even if you dont believe it, and its my own fault that you do and i hate that i ever caused you to even doubt my love for you, i swear that i do, jay lad" jason was completely frozen. he had expected bruce to yell at him for letting roy go unchecked on patrol last night and how irresponsible he was yada yada, not this declaration of feelings that he had no clue how to deal with. he couldnt remember the last time bruce called him that. it had to have been when he was still in those scaly green panties and pixie boots. and not the adult verison that jason picked up from a halloween store on a whim just to see roys eyes.
bruce sighed and drew jason into a hug. when bruces shoulder started getting wet, jason was horrified to realise he was crying. "i wanted you to know that i wouldnt love you any less for loving a man. but you have to know that i love you in the first place for that to happen" bruce said self deprecating.
"shut the fuck up" jason said sniffling and gripping his dads back. "i hate you"
bruce laughed softly at him before pressing a kiss to the side of jasons head. "i want you to know that i expect roy-and you- over at dinner on sunday. i need to meet the man that stole my babys heart" he murmured. jason laughed wetly "youve already met roy, you just want to con me into actually coming to family dinner"
bruce smiled "that was before i knew you two were dating. roy needs to know what hes getting into" jason leaned back enough to stare into bruces eyes and weakly punched him in the chest "dont threaten my boyfriend. he refused to look at me for two weeks after t was done with him" bruce sighed longingly "its times like this when i remember what caused me to love talia in the first place."
"bruce!" the aforementioned man laughed and hugged jason tightly before stepping back a few steps. "Sunday dinner. you and roy. 8 pm." on a whim jason reached out and snagged bruces hand. "hey" he started, swallowing "you wanna stay for a while? we could watch a movie or something" bruces eyes softened and he nodded. "let me change out of the suit."
and if roy had crept in after patrol only to see jason napping on his dads chest to a shitty action movie playing in the background and took several pictures, well that bruces fault for not waking up when roy stumbled it. (nevermind the fact that bruce had every single one of those pictures saved on his phone) (nevermind the fact that after roy put his phone away, he was greeted to the sight of batman glaring at him as he twisted a batarang around his fingers. it was sorta ruined by the fact that jasons curls was hiding the lower half of his face but roy was still adequately terrified)
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rosereview · 3 years
Book of the Month (Mar): A Court of Silver Flames
Okay that was a crazy ride… holy mother sh*t. I don’t even know where to start and I have so many thoughts it feels like my heart and head will explode. Just like my Chain of Gold review (which you can find on my post page) this will probably be long and full of spoilers so sorry in advance, but I just need to get it out. Also these are the other books I read in March (it was a crazy month with a SJM and Cassie Clare book!):
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas (5 stars)
Chain of Iron by Cassandra Clare (5 stars)
Siren’s Lament Season 2 by instantmiso (5 stars)
Frankenstein 1818 edition by Mary Shelley (unrated)
So to start I of course need to talk about Nesta, her being one of the main characters, but also because it’s NESTA. Like many people, I hated Nesta for all of the previous books. Like actually hated. She just made me so mad. The only time and reason I didn’t totally hate her was during the war in ACOWAR and mostly because I wanted Cassian to be happy and I could tell they were mates. But after that, especially in ACOFAS, I disliked Nesta so much it hurt. For her whole life she (and Elain, but I’ll get to her later) just let and expected Feyre to do everything for them and keep them alive. And after all of that, she blamed Feyre for being Made into a Fae, when Feyre was literally the only reason she was alive. As an older sibling myself, that made me so mad. I would never rely on my younger sibling because I would do everything in my power to keep them safe and provided for (like what Nesta did for Elain, which also riled me up because Feyre never got the same treatment). Going into this book I was worried that this whole thing was going to be about Nesta being a whiny bitch, but instead, the redeeming feature of Nesta, was her knowledge and acknowledgment of how shitty of a sister she’s been. I know that it took her a long time to actually be nice again, but I was happy that she actually knew that she was being terrible and deep down wanted to be better. She wasn’t just being terrible because she felt entitled which was the vibe I got from her before, but instead was terrible because she thought it was too late to get better. After that I thought her journey was very relatable and heart wrenching. While I still was mad every time she got mad and was mean to Feyre or any of the Night Court group, I could still sympathize how she felt like she was intruding on their family and that she didn’t fit in. 
Now let’s talk about Cassian— I love him. That’s about it. JK… Okay, I have always loved Cassian, but this book made me appreciate him in a more emotional way. All of his insecurities had me crying for him while relating to him so well too, and when we heard more about his mother and how when he was younger he didn’t get physical touch which is why now he always needs physical touch… MY HEART COULDN’T HANDLE IT! God, that was such a precious moment when he needed to hug and kiss Feyre’s forehead, because that’s how he best shows affection and needs affection warmed my heart in so many ways, but also made me cry. And although it hurt me when Cassian would doubt himself and feel lesser because he was born a bastard, I still felt that pain brought Nesta and him closer in more ways. It wasn’t just him helping her, but she helped him too, and both allowed each other to grow on their own but also together. I fucking loved that. 
Now I’m just going to jump right into relationships, because I feel like individual characters besides Nesta and Cassian can only really be talked about through their relationships with other characters since it was only Nesta and Cassian’s povs in the book.
So first let’s talk about (obviously) Nesta and Cassian— I mean I already started to talk about them together above, but this book was so powerful for me because of the way the two of them worked together to heal themselves. That was beautiful. But also it is a tiny bit annoying how both Feyre and Nesta were unaware of their frickin mate bonds! I know, I know… neither were born Fae so they don’t have the same knowledge of the mate bonds that everyone else does, but come on! I knew Nesta and Cassian were mates since they first met! And I know that it definitely wouldn’t have been smart or healthy for Nesta to accept the mate bond at the beginning, but at the end when she still has to talk to Cassian like he isn’t her mate, after they literally consummated the mate bond on several occasions, I was kind of annoyed. I know it was still part of her growth, but also wild that she still was playing dumb like that. But I’m happy they finally admitted everything at the end.
Next let’s discuss the Archeron sisters— So really their relationship at the start just made me sad, seeing none of them get along (except Feyre and Elain). Especially since I still kind of felt like everyone should just be falling at Feyre’s feet and apologizing about how terrible they were for mostly her whole life (even Elain, since she also never helped keep them alive in the human world. Really she was just as bad as Nesta but wasn’t an outright bitch about it). But even though Nesta was encouraging nasty behaviour from them (because she was also being mean) Feyre and Elain both were just as mean to her sometimes. I mean, when Elain went to the house and Nesta and her got in an argument, Elain was just as harsh as Nesta was to her. But I guess Elain has just never been my favourite person. I’m still a little pissed how both Feyre and Nesta do everything for her and she just sits still and looks pretty, but I’m betting that will change in future books. Anyways, I was very happy at the end of the book that all three sisters got on good terms and even went to visit their father’s grave together. That last scene got me pretty emotional. 
Nesta & Emerie & Gwyn— In contrast with the Archeron sisters’ relationship, I loved this new friendship that Nesta found with Emerie and Gwyn. I think now that Nesta found those two, she really appreciates the relationship between family that isn’t blood, because they are now like her sisters too. I loved both Emerie and Gwyn so much in this book and I was so happy that Nesta found them and let them into her life. Feyre found a family in the Inner Night Court, and Nesta found her own people with her Valkyries, and that felt very poetic to me. The family you choose is the family that sticks with you forever (although you can choose blood family too, and I’m glad Nesta found her way back to Feyre and Elain, but I’m glad she found more family too). 
Nesta & Amren— Okay, this relationship had me very mad for most of the book because I just wanted to scream at Nesta so bad! I can’t believe that Nesta got mad for “choosing” Feyre’s side, when literally Feyre and Amren were family first! Amren and Feyre were close and part of the Night Court family before Nesta came in, and even though I was happy that Nesta was making friends with Amren, she can’t get mad at Amren for being friends with Feyre too! Especially since she was friends with Feyre first! Again, not saying that Amren and Nesta being friends was a bad thing, I just got mad that Nesta was being so weird about it when she has no claim on Amren to be just her friend. Sorry I just had to get that off my chest, but I am happy that both of them seem to be friends again now :)
Nesta & Rhysand— Throughout the book I totally understood both Nesta and Rhysand being unfriendly to each other, but boy was I in tears when Rhysand fell to his knees before Nesta because of what he did for Feyre. That was the most beautiful brother-in-law/sister-in-law moment in the entire world. Really I don’t want to even talk about Nesta and Rhys’s relationship in most of this book because I feel like that’s now in the past, I just want to focus on their amazing family relationship going forward, because now they will be in-laws from both sides (Feyre and Nesta being sisters, and Rhys and Cassian being brothers). 
Nesta & the House— This was a beautiful relationship and I was beyond happy that Nesta became best friends with the House. Super heart-warming and those are honestly my only thoughts. I can’t wait to see more of Nesta and the House in the future!
Cassian & Rhys & Azriel— Again, I just love the three of them! Their brotherly bond is adorable, but it also makes my heart break when they all take on each other's pain, because it’s just so beautiful and sad at the same time. I don’t know how else to explain it. When Cass and Az still feel hurt about not being able to help Rhys when he was underneath the mountain, and the pain Rhys and Az feels for Cass’s past, and the same for Az’s past. It’s beautiful but sad because I can just feel the love they have for each other and the true pain they feel and it hurts me too. 
The Night Court Inner Circle— This is also just a short pop in to say how much I love this whole family together: Rhys, Az, Cass, Feyre, Mor, Amren, and now Nesta, Elain, and Nyx. They are all a big beautiful family that makes my heart ache just thinking about them. I can’t wait for more scenes about all of them interacting with baby Nyx, because that will kill me and give my life again in the best way possible (again not sure if that made sense, but that’s the only way to explain it).
And for the big finale in relationships… my Elain/Azriel/Lucien/Gwyn thoughts— to start off, I’m not dissing any ship anyone makes and I think all thoughts are valid. But I don’t know, for some reason I just don’t think Az and Elain are meant for each other. I just think it’s too obvious and cliché (for lack of a better word) to have all three brothers fall in love with all three sisters. BUT I also see how it is obvious and cliché to have mates end up together too. So I really don’t know what to expect. But one thing is for sure— and again no hate please— but I totally understand why Elain and Lucien are mates and “equals”. Throughout this book it is mentioned multiple times that Elain doesn’t belong in the Night Court while Nesta definitely does (like the scene where they visit the Court of Nightmares but I do remember it being mentioned other times as well). This also explains why Azriel’s shadows don’t go close to Elain, because she literally represents light. Lucien on the other hand, is literally the son and heir to Helion, High Lord of the Day Court (even if he is unaware at the moment), the ambassador to the Spring Court (full of light and flowers), and ambassador to the human lands, somewhere Elain misses very much. I know none of this should mean he has any claim to her, but it definitely makes sense why they would be considered mates and “equals”, because Lucien’s birth and life matches the light that Elain represents. Just some food for thought. And concerning Gwyn and Az, I just think they would be really cute together, honestly. I think that Az being the first one to rescue Gwyn on the most traumatic day of her life is significant, and will have something to do with Gwyn’s own healing in some way, but of course that doesn’t have to mean sexual or romantic. I thought both of the extra bonus scenes at the end of ACOSF (yes I’ve read both) are really setting up for the next book which will cover Elain and Az’s journeys, but I don’t think that means they will get together. I thought Rhys’s comment about Elain in the Feysand one was very true, and Elain isn’t the innocent helpless girl we’ve been made to believe. I think she has a lot to share from her own story, and I think that Az needs to have his moment in the spotlight too. 
Lastly, let’s talk about plot, which is essentially the next war that may be gearing up to happen. I hope for all of my babies’ sakes it won’t happen and it’ll just be a little negotiation and everything will be well, but I have a feeling that won’t happen. This dude in this lake is very intriguing though (sorry, can’t remember his name) and I’m excited to see what will happen next. But most importantly, I think in the future a lot of shit will happen with Mor too, because since she was gone so much in this book I think that’s SJM getting us ready for a big Mor moment. I have a feeling there was more to her negotiating on the other continent than we know about yet, and also I feel like there's something more about what happened with her and Eris that I’m excited to find out about. 
I just feel like this was more of a character driven book (which are my favourite books) than a plot driven book, and a lot of the information we learned in ACOSF will be more important in the future books. So for now, I’m okay with not talking about it (although side note, I’m really happy that crone queen bitch is dead. I did not like her!)
So thanks for reading till the end if you did. Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors; I’m too tired to read over this. 
Until next time!
~Rose Reviews
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