#i mean i did have a god complex but that was when I was nine years old
xerith-42 · 4 months
Every time I try not to have an ego I proceed to absolutely slay in whatever field I end up in and people think I'm really cool. Like. Is it having an inflated ego if it's just pattern recognition?
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fate-motif · 1 month
list of voyager characters ranked by least to most done dirty by the writers
10. tom paris: this boy got everything he could have ever wanted from a trip to the delta quadrant. he got a bestie who’s way too good for him, a wife he refuses to cherish and yet she married him and had his child!!! and authorities who refuse to punish him most of the time because he’s a pretty talented flyboy. even modern day trek writers cannot start lavishing praise on this douche and like, okay, he’s not all bad, but compared to what other voyager characters had for story potential and performances it’s crazy how good he got it. the only true indignity this bitch got was threshold.
9. neelix: i feel like neelix lovers are gonna brawl with me about this but i’m still steadfast that neelix was one of the characters least done dirty in voyager, but only comparatively. like, if neelix were on ds9 or on tng he would absolutely be considered an insane waste of story potential with his sad clown complex and his weird little relationship with tuvok but lbr. if they had gone even harder on neelix’s tragedies it would have felt less like he’s a sad clown and his sad all the time and that takes away the appeal of the character. also the mere fact he got to date kes when he never would have deserved her in a million years is already too huge a win for him. i mean it. 
8. the emh: he gets to be a step above neelix because the writers are so fucking bad at writing about hologram rights that it’s a serious disservice to him when the whole of the show star trek voyager bends over backwards over this guy and i cannot stand him. he gets all the screentime, all the tragic episodes, everyone is forced to be sympathetic about him, but at the same time the show makes everything so much worse for him by letting him engineer hologram characters on the holodeck to be his toys (when there’s a whole episode where we realize yes the holodeck characters are real and do not like being murdered, so maybe having two hawaiian babes or your white blond 50s housewife fawning over you is horrifying???) the writers of voyager suck so hard they can’t even write their golden boy well enough to actually make the core of his very character ideologically consistent. depressing.
7. seven of nine: i know people want me to put her over janeway, and i refuse. i’ve made no secret of this, i resent seven, i resent her so hard for taking over everybody’s screentime, i find how serious and untouchable and perfect she’s supposed to be among the voyager cast, the show writers absolutely screwed over every other character save for the emh for her sake and i resent that!!! i will never forgive her, even if it’s not her fault!!! but i’m gonna be realistic. it’s the catsuit. it’s the catsuit, it’s the obsession of putting her in the most stereotypically feminine storylines as an extension of finding her humanity, it’s the mere extension of being a woman written by mostly men. she was screwed over, hard, but i’m serious when i say: not compared to everyone else above her.
6. janeway: oh boy. i know, i know, how dare i put janeway over seven when janeway wasn’t forced to wear shrink wrap, but she’s up this high because the writers could not agree over anything she ever did and it shows. god bless kate mulgrew for making a consistent character out of that mess, but if it weren’t for her sheer talent and professionalism, janeway would be up there with archer in the list of captains with the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair. the rest of the shows lavish love on their captains. they talk about their backstory in-depth. they let them have romantic adventures every once in a while. janeway gets to be almost solely defined by her mission to bring her crew home and considering how multidimensional characters like picard and sisko are, that’s…depressing. to say nothing of how kate mulgrew was being forced out of spending time with her family for a show that in the later seasons started to edge her out in favor of the bouncier, sexier girl they brought in. like. as a captain, janeway was done SO dirty by the writers. it’s crazy. we should talk about this more. 
5. tuvok: why is he above janeway? … aside from the fact that after they introduced seven his screentime went to the chopping block. to put it simply, waste of potential. so many of tuvok’s episodes rehash his insistence on staying steadfast to traditional vulcan values, which is great, except for the fact that we don’t need that story told over and over and over again when they could follow more interesting avenues that several tuvok-centric episodes pointed towards. we could have seen more of his relationship with janeway in the past. we could have seen him truly come to terms with trusting the maquis with his life in the earlier seasons. we even had a planned episode where we met his family! imagine if we had actually seen t’pel and have her be an actual character instead of a representation of why we’re not seeing tuvok fuck! it’s tragic. it’s absolutely tragic. 
4. b’elanna: ending up with tom paris the way he treats her should make this one a no-brainer, but i’m going to keep going, because there’s a lot more to be done here. the white male writers have no idea what they’re doing writing this character, and yet, much like janeway, roxann just barely claws out a cohesive character from the mess she was given, but that doesn’t mean that the process was graceful. so she hates herself because she thinks her klingon traits make her unlovable, then why make the other voyager characters berate her on her temper incessantly and with no room for argument and make them in the right? are we also supposed to see her as hindered by her klingon ancestry? yes. the answer is yes. the writers are racist. the writers are so goddamn racist it’s nit even a joke b’elanna i’m so sorry they did this to you you deserved so much better. 
3. kes: yes she’s in third place. nobody wants to talk about kes, because her writing was weird, and jennifer lien wasn’t as successful in sculpting an engaging character out of the garbage writing she was given, i say that if b’elanna had been taken out of voyager in s4, the same could be said for her. everything that the writers do to disrespect janeway and seven is triplicated in her, even more so magnified because she’s not a tough boss ass bitch who uses guns, but a lowly nurse, which means the writers are completely disinterested in exploring her inner life. i cannot stress this enough. kes left her homeworld when they are going to lose all support making it in a desert planet frequently raided by slavers, and we never talk about it again. it is galling how little the writers ever give a fuck about her and nobody mentions it, because again. she’s the most feminine of the female characters, which means not even the fans who understand how misogynistic the voyager writers are care about interrogating her inner life and that is the most depressing thing of them all. that’s why she’s the female character done dirtiest by the writers.
2 and 1. harry and chakotay: they’re tied. they’re tied because the racism is just inescapable in both their characters and it’s so ever-present, so impossible to ignore, so repellent that most people give up on even looking at them as characters because they so often end up channelling the writers’ naked, unabashed racism you want to avert your eyes. i mean it. i mute most early voyager episodes when chakotay is onscreen because i hate that fucking pan flute. if you fuck up writing a character of color this hard, you automatically owe reparations. and that’s why i’m fine with that insufferable republican freak robert beltran having been on prodigy because look at me in the eye and tell me paramount did not owe him from everything they put him through while working on voyager. and that’s also why i’m demanding harry be rescued the same way in the future. it’s just reparations. garrett wang is owed so hard i’m not even joking. i don’t care about debates about the other spots on this list so long as you admit that in first place rightfully goes to harry and chakotay. 
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babybatss-blog · 3 months
ik youve nvr done a fic for sam from sdv but I saw you are happy to!
Could I get fluff where he teaches you how to use his skateboard?
Of course love, that’s such a cute idea! I don’t know much about skating but I did date a girl who skated, so I hope it’s accurate ~
Sam (stardew) x f!reader, 1300 words
Cw: swearing, suggestive language and blood.
Life in the valley is relaxing as you’ve always dreamed it would be. After leaving Zuzu city, you craved a boring normality, without a standard nine to five job and screaming criminals outside of your window at three am when you’re trying to sleep. You do also kind of miss the fun you had in your teenage years though, causing trouble and giving grey hairs to your poor parents. Perhaps that’s why you love Abby, Sam and Sebastian. Being two years younger than you they tended to remind you of trouble-free times, often getting you into antics you wouldn’t dream of now you’re attempting a proper adult life in the scenic countryside.
After doing your simple tasks on the farm you check your phone to see a message from Abby. “Yo we are chilling outside of Sam’s if you want to join :)” You smile at the text, as you’ve only been here for a month and a bit and the three have already welcomed you in so graciously. So you grab you back pack and set off, to spend the day in the sunshine with your new friends.
When you arrive, Abby and Sebastian are sitting on the grass playing Arctic Monkeys on a small speaker, while Sam is skating on the path in front of them. “Hey!!” You call, causing an enthusiastic wave from Abby and a less enthusiastic one from Seb. You thought he hated you, but the others assured you he was ‘just like that’. Sam on the other hand, whips his head up and looses balance on his board almost immediately, causing him to fall flat on his ass on the harsh concrete.
“Shit Sam are you alright?” You say, scrambling to his side to help him up. Despite what you deemed to be a serious tumble, Abigail and Seb merely laugh at the poor boy, pointing and insulting his clumsiness. “mm I’m alright…” he grumbles, dusting himself off with a pink blush coating his cheeks. You can’t help but notice how cute he looks in his flustered state, but choose to not dwell so much on the thought as it somehow feels wrong inside your stomach. “So… What are you doing?” You ask, quickly changing the subject away from your awkward silence. “Just skating. I’ve been trying to kickflip but it’s honestly harder than I thought it would be.” You respond with a confused face, clearly not understanding his complex lingo as if it’s another language entirely.
“Show her what you mean dipshit!” Abby calls out, her and Seb somehow still chuckling to each other. Why are they doing that you wonder, Sam fell over ages ago! This also spikes Sam out of the same confusion, which causes him to explain exactly what a kickflip is. “Right. So, a kickflip is basically just flipping the board as you jump, and landing on it afterwards. Pretty simple but I just can’t get it!”
Simple? You think to yourself silently on how intricate the whole ordeal sounds, but decide not to argue with him on it. Afterall, what do you know about skateboarding? “Here, let me show you what I’ve got so far.” He says, wasting no moment to let you advise against it as he promptly rides off. His nimble legs kick the board into a twist, and he jumps as if a bird in flight. But on the landing, his feet completely miss the centre of the board which causes him to catapult forward!
You start to leap forward (as if it will help in anyway) but he artfully rolls out of it and bounces up to his feet, showing a dorky smile and thumbs up almost immediately to soothe any doubts you may have. “See what I mean?” He walks towards you with an unearned swagger, picking up his board on the way and smiling. How this man hasn’t died yet you have no idea. “God Sam, I don’t know how you even attempt something like that… I can’t even ride forward on a skateboard!” He begins to chuckle at you, before stopping in his tracks with a wide eyed expression. “Hey, I can teach you! I’ve tried to Teach Abby and Seb like a million times now but they never want to. You can be my skating buddy.
Immediately you know how much of a bad idea that is. Flinging yourself onto a wheeled board, on concrete and without any protection? No thanks. But seeing Sam’s wide smile, setting up the board and pondering the best approach to teaching just makes the whole thing so damn appealing. Who can blame a girl, wanting to spend time with a cute guy?
So you roll your eyes, but still walk over to the board on the other side of Sam. “Okay so when your ready grab my hands and step onto the board. We are just going to practice balance for now, I’ll lead you up and down the path until you don’t need to hold on to stand up straight.” Sam sets his hand out on top of the board, calloused and strong from years of falling over and playing guitar. Taking a deep breath, you grab them. They’re warm and safe. You step onto the board, shaking on the spot but somehow still standing up. “Good girl…” He says, making your stomach knot up. You know his simple affirmation shouldn’t make you feel that way, but you cannot help but feel the butterflies building up within your walls.
Abigal and Sebastian seem to have the same idea, as the pair who you had forgotten were still watching arc up, Seb with a wolf whistle and Abby with some loud clapping. “Ignore them.” He says, clearing not getting the inuendo the rest of you recognised in his words. With slow yet dangerous steps Sam leads you forward, both of your eyes trained on the board below you. A smile grows on your face at the success, feeling an odd sort of accomplishment despite the small task. His hands pull away from yours, which you know was the goal of this but still makes you somehow upset.
You hold you breath as if you are on a tightrope, trying desperately not to fall off. You almost had it too, until Sam gives the board a light push and it catapults out from underneath you! Your three friends all leap up, taking your fall much more seriously than Sam’s previous ones as both your right leg and two palms draw blood on the harsh contact below. A string of mumbled curse words leaves Sam’s mouth as he rushes to your side, while all you can do is just sit their in defeat. “Fuck I’m so sorry, I thought you were ready to have the board moving. Are you bleeding?” You only nod back, raising your hands to show the raw skin you have developed. Sam scatters off like a nervous school boy into his house to grab his mothers first aid kit, as Abby and Seb sit next to you. “Good job there.” Seb says sarcastically, causing you to blush even more. “Shut up.” You reply. “I wanted to seem cool.”
To this Abigail envelopes you in a hug. “Girl you are cool! You don’t need to prove yourself to us or anyone! Plus, Sam already thinks your cool.” She says with a smile. “Really?” You ask, hopefully in your question as if it will solve all your issues. Both her and Seb reaffirm this, as Sam now rushes back outside (almost falling over himself again in the process) to pick you up. “Come on, I’ve got some bandages and ointment in the kitchen for you.”
He slings your arm over his shoulder and hoists you up effortlessly, helping you stumble into the kitchen. Truthfully, your small scratches don’t need all this attention, but you’ll take the excuse to be close to Sam once again.
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marlenacantswim · 6 months
hey gang, do we all agree that ten's massive ego and god complex (or rather those traits being especially prominent in his regeneration) were a direct result of what happened in Parting of the Ways?
"marlena what the fuck do you mean" okay well think about it; ninth doctor. fresh off the time war. thinks himself unlovable, unworthy of love. just did a double genocide, including against his own people. he's returning to his old ways of lallygagging around helping humans in a more-than-desperate attempt to repress his feelings and try to mimic the person he was before the war. he's so vulnerable.
enter rose tyler. to him? she's the most amazing person in the universe. he loves her, full stop. she makes him feel like maybe he's still capable of love, but does he really trust her love for him? after all, she doesn't really know him, does she?
all that comes to a head when rose tyler becomes the bad wolf. in that moment, she sees everything. everything everything. the doctor's past, and the doctor's future. every horrible thing they did and will do.
and in that moment, with all this truth streaming constantly into her brain, most amazing person in the universe rose tyler looks at him and goes "i want to save you. you are worth saving."
bro no fucking shit ten has a motherfucking god complex, jesus christ i would too!!!
now personally i think nine would have rationalized it and been relatively Normal 'bout all that noise had he survived onwards, but unfortunately he didn't, and so when the doctor's subconscious and the universe were holding hands deciding what their new little guy should be like... well, we're already making him just for her, and she loves him.
rose tyler loves me. she loved me even when she knew me.
i'm just saying, that "Bad Wolf chose to save me" to "the laws of time are mine to command" pipeline is a straight vertical drop only a few feet long.
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tapioca-puddingg · 9 months
Why GoWR Valhalla Is Important
Hey. It's me again. This time I'm not yelling about Kingdom Hearts or Drakengard, but I wanted to talk about God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla today and why I think it's important in trauma-centered narratives. This isn't a detailed analysis, just me spitballing.
SPOILER WARNING: There will be spoilers for God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla, so please proceed with caution!
EDITED: 2/26/24
As a brief summary, Kratos spent almost the entirety of GoW 2018 refusing to talk about his past. His guilt, shame, and trauma deeply affected his relationship with his son, to the point where he didn't want to be around Atreus bc he was terrified of being a bad influence on him. It was only when Atreus' life was in danger did it force him to finally admit just a sliver of the truth. Now I don't mean to say that Kratos revealing his godhood wasn't a big deal because it absolutely was, I'm just saying that it's just one piece of a MUCH bigger story. Anyway, he recognized his past mistakes, but the shame was too much for him to openly acknowledge it until damn near the end of the game.
Come Ragnarök, Kratos was pretty much an open book. He had grown SO much in those short years of fimbulwinter: He openly talked about his trauma to Mimir and Freya. He worked so hard to be a good father and a good support system to his friends. He went out of his way to make amends with Freya and restore their friendship. And he fought to restore peace to the Nine Realms.
But come Valhalla, Freya wants to recruit Kratos to be the new God of War of the nine realms, or at least to be a part of the new peacekeeping council that she's putting together. Kratos is extremely hesitant to take up the mantle. He doesn't feel worthy or deserving enough to hold this position given all that he's done. He and Mimir (and later on, Tyr) are constantly going back and forth about it. Both perspectives are completely valid. Valhalla is about Kratos facing his past in a more literal sense; parts of Greece have been manifested from Kratos' memories of it, so it's like he gets to be there in real time again. This is about helping him process what happened and to add some nuance to the conversation. It's like free therapy for Kratos.
It's funny too bc you have both opposing viewpoints being represented. On one hand, you have Mimir and Tyr being the supporting/validating voice, and Helios is the contrarian. Since he's a manifestation of Kratos' memories, he represents the doubts that Kratos has about himself. The harsh voice to show how hard he is on himself, and not without good reason.
The reason why I think Valhalla is so important is bc in media, survivor narratives are often linear. The character just "gets over" their trauma and then that trauma isn't addressed again. It's presented more as a hurdle than a lifelong battle. I guess this goes to show how misunderstood survivorhood is. But that isn't how healing works. We regress sometimes, and sometimes we still mull over the things that have happened to us. We might heal, but that trauma does leave emotional scars. So even after the many leaps and bounds Kratos has made, he's not "over" his past, far from it! It still haunts him every day and every night. Valhalla is Kratos still processing everything. From my own healing journey, I've learned that it takes a long, long time to fully process your trauma, if there even is a "fully", anyway. It takes a long time to learn and understand all the complexities and how it affects you in current day. And it takes even longer to process such a complicated history like Kratos'.
Generally speaking about the idea of processing trauma, I said earlier that survivorhood is extremely misunderstood by the masses. Imo, our society is very anti-victim/anti-survivor. So with that in mind, from the perspective of the audience, some might perceive the processing trauma bit as repetitive or "milking it". These are mediums of entertainment after all, so ofc I understand wanting to put out an engaging story where the audience doesn't lose interest. But screw those ppl lol. We have to understand why we do what we do if we want to do better, and it's amazing that a video game is willing to have these conversations. Being more open about all the nuances of processing trauma, grief, healing, etc will go such a long way.
Even the roguelite gameplay style perfectly reflects this theme. Processing this stuff is slow. It doesn't happen overnight. Unless you're in Valhalla, I suppose.
Okay I said this wasn't a detailed analysis but I lied. I'm a liar now
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aliferousonyx · 8 months
Sera is NOT the ruler of heaven - Theory
Alright, so, regarding the hierarchy of angels, I don't think the Sera is like the ruler of heaven or the eldest; in the beginning, when Charlie talks about how Lucifer fell, he's talking about the eldest ones, these guys:
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" Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshiped good and shielded all from evil. Lucifer was one of these angels. He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation. But, he was seen as a troublemaker by the elders of Heaven. For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world."
And now, in episode 5, when Lucifer tells Charlie about how his dreams were shattered, the six angels appear again, who, due to having six wings, are Seraphim. We can tell that they are the same ones from their crowns.
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As we can see, Sera does not appear among them. She comes later when the discussion about the creation of the Earth begins, and she is together with the Ophanim.
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So maybe she appeared later, considering there are older and younger Seraphim, like Emily. I believe the elders were the ones who expelled Lucifer and Lilith from heaven as punishment for what they did. Sera probably was afraid to tell Emily, fearing she might end up like Lucifer. She didn't want to lose another sibling. She sounds very scared for her when Emily defends the sinners. She probably thinks that if the elders find out, they will also cast her out for disobedience.
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Perhaps Sera leads the department of humans, much like Lucifer leads the Pride Ring, while the elders handle other aspects, I don't know, the universe.
Regarding the other angels, I'll take the hierarchy from the wiki and try to identify what and how.
"The most influential Catholic angelic hierarchy was presented by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in the 5th or 6th century in his book "On the Celestial Hierarchy" (De Coelesti Hierarchia). Dionysius described nine levels of spiritual beings grouped into three orders:
Highest orders
Middle orders
Lowest orders
1.Highest orders
In Vivzi's vision so far, it seems that Seraphim are the highest class of angels, with the oldest members, Sera, Emily, and Lucifer, belonging to this category.
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The book of Ezekiel provides the most detailed depiction of the Cherubim. They are described as having four different faces, wings covered with eyes, and legs like a calf’s, gleaming like burnished bronze. Ezekiel’s description of the Cherubim is arguably the most detailed in the Bible. It indicates that each Cherubim possesses four faces: a human, a lion, an ox, and an eagle.
Now I know, I know that in Helluva Boss, Vivziepop depicted Cherubs as cute creatures, not just having the four-faced aspect.
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They also have only one pair of wings instead of two.
The wings of the Cherubim are another notable element in their descriptions across biblical literature. Cherubim are most often depicted with two or four wings. In the Ark of the Covenant context, each Cherubim has two wings. The wings spread upwards, overshadowing the Mercy Seat, creating an intimate space that symbolizes the dwelling place of God.
In the visions of Ezekiel, the Cherubim have four wings. Two cover their bodies, and the other is used for flight, indicating their readiness to execute divine commands (Ezekiel 1:6).
Now, do you know who has four wings? These guys.
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And these guys too.
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They also look like eagles too.
I don't know, what do you think?
These guys:
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The Ophanim, also known as Thrones Angels, are often described as “wheels within wheels” or the “Many-Eyed Ones.” 
Their unique appearance, filled with symbolism and profound meaning, represents a complex interplay between divine wisdom, cosmic order, and eternal movement.
In ancient texts, they are depicted as part of a celestial chariot, moving in harmony with other divine creatures such as the Cherubim. Their intricate design, filled with eyes, symbolizes divine omniscience, while their perpetual motion reflects the unending cycles of creation and transformation.
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Now, what the hell is this guy?
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I will make a second part.
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whispering-radiance · 4 months
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| OC posting | Yapping about my Ocs and Glow of Amber AU
I’ve gotten a big ask from @meyexe , so I decided to make it into a post — I will discuss some of their questions
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Okey, let’s get through this "I guess I'll just wait until you talk about the Ninja Clan before I ask questions." Clan of the first ninja is pretty much dead, and he is the sole survivor. There were nine of them– first few died while battling the sorcerer, others probably from injuries or illnesses, and the rest burned during the great fire started by Tengu.
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"How did Eiko start working with the gods? With the help of "mother"?" There definitely wasn’t any help from her mother – She pretty much discovered this path on her own. And she didn’t start with gods right away – she started working with small, gentle spirits, and slowly made herself visible to those residing in heavens. Maybe the fact that she came from the amber goddess helped her gain some recognition? Becoming someone great definitely was one of the driving forces for Eiko. 
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"We know Ninja works hard. But we cannot rule out the possibility of spending time with children outside the context of training or the like. What could it be in your opinion?"
Well, there definitely was something more in their lives than just training sessions. They did most of the things as family, even such basic things as going to the market. But besides activities like that, I think they might have played instruments together, each one played something different : I imagine Eiko playing Koto (箏), Nomi on Shamisen (三味線) and First ninja could play the Shakuhachi (尺八) .I guess Fninja wanted to pass everything he knew and ensure his family’s traditions lived on.
"Can Ninja be a good father?" Oh I have to bring out the heavy guns for this one – I’ve written many father figures throughout the years, so I have a thing or two to say. I’m sure he was a good father and his children were his center of attention – And I think it’s because of his previous loss of brothers and sisters. Now he’s the one ensuring protection –when he used to be one getting protected by other members of his clan. 
Now, he might have been a good dad, but that doesn't mean he was a good person. I’m not saying he’s evil, or bad, just that he went through a lot and holds more trauma on his back than my middle school Ocs. He would often react out of “fight or flight” instinct, and the whole ninja work would definitely stress him out. So I imagine he often needed time alone from everything, and he might have even raised his voice on Eiko and Nomi occasionally. That being said, I don’t think he would have considered his children a burden or a curse – In my opinion he felt blessed with the opportunity to preserve his clan’s lineage .
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"Nomi, most likely, can talk to her father as an equal person, referring to her mentality, but he remains a child. This, however, did not stop Nomi from disobeying him, or even on the contrary, it helped. Could they communicate on some complex and confusing topics?"
I’m not sure what you meant by “confusing topics” but they most likely did talk on many difficult topics. But maybe the more philosophical conversations started in his teen years, rather than childhood.
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"Are Eiko and Nomi fighting? (I think this is a common thing for a brother and sister;" Of course – but those never were serious, bloody fights, just casual arguments over small things
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"Is it possible to come to Amber at this time? Does Eiko do this? Did Ninja or Nomi come to her after she left?" What I’ve imagined for her is that she created an amber seal to stop the great evil from coming to human world, and to ensure the seal would remain strong, she also trapped herself in it – She held it together for ages but in recent years the seal started losing its strength – Soon it might crack just like the Eye of eternities did.
I don’t think there was a possibility of visiting her, it might have happened in a hard to reach place, perhaps underground or under the mountain.
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She's a girlboss holding Yamato no Orochi trapped so that he can't hurt anyone
"Did Amber leave something as a memento of herself? She could give the children a piece of amber with some cool magic."
Both Eiko and Nomi carry a piece of amber with themselves – it glows brighter if she’s near – it’s like a compass for a possible reunion.
I think she’d left something very powerful for Fninja – because lovers of the gods usually get the good stuff
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+ I guess that’s all for now — I’m not sure what else I can add to this post…— Perhaps a timeline is needed but even this needs some thought—
+ I think Amber left her kids when they were around 7 or 8 — but she wasn’t there for them during their teen years
+ Yamato no Orochi tried to emerge from the shadow realm to try and free sorcerer, steal his powers and destroy the human world. Amber sacrificed herself to protect everything (she’s alive; but forced to be trapped in her own seal with the monster)
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thefandomchaos · 11 months
Got bored, wrote a argumentative essay on why I believe Sam has body dysmorphia for fun so here it is:
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For a character who defeated god, you may not think he could suffer from something as common as body dysmorphia. Sam Winchester from the tv series “Supernatural” (2005-2020) is a complex character, but is this throwaway line from pilot episode that brings this theory to life. “Sammy is a chubby twelve year old. It’s Sam, okay.” (s01ep01). A Iconic line, but knowing how this character grew up, it makes it hard to believe Sam would ever get to the point of being considered ‘Chubby’ unless he considered himself as such. In this essay, I will show why I believe Sam Winchester suffers from body dysmorphia with facts from the show.
Firstly, we have the fact that growing up, Sam (and Dean) had very little money. Growing up, his entire childhood and part of his adulthood was living in motels. With a absent father who would leave Sam and his brother for days or weeks with little money for food, they had to do with what they could. We know that Dean as a young age stole food and did things for money to buy said food. We also know that Dean went hungry time from time or ate very little so that Sam could eat decently. (We see in a episode a man asking Dean if his every gone hungry, like haven’t eaten in days hungry and Dean answer that he has.) We see in the Supernatural episode “Bad Boys” (s09ep07) in a flashback that Dean got arrested and sent to a boys home for getting caught stealing bread. The person in charge of the boys home, Sonny, asked him if the bread was for him but Dean never answers, knowing Dean character’s its safe to assume the bread was for Sam. Due to the fact that they barley had enough money and often went hungry, I don’t think Sam would have ever gotten the chance to get ‘Chubby’ unless he believed he was.
Secondly, we have the fact that their father, John Winchester, trained Sam and Dean from a young age. In a world of supernatural beings and a man driven by revenge, John constantly trained Sam and Dean throughout their childhood, and not just any training, military training with the bonus of fighting monsters. The moment Sam found out about the supernatural, his training began, which is depressing when you realize he was only eight, as is not like John would care considering Dean already knew how to shoot a gun around that age and he gave Sam a gun when he was nine. (“Yeah? When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45.” …. “I was nine years old! He was supposed to say, don't be afraid of the dark.” (s01ep01) ) So with constant training, fighting for your life and going on hunts, is safe to say that Sam and Dean were constantly in shape. Which again, further cements my theory.
Lastly, and the most obvious fact, we see Sam at twelve years old. In that same episode “Bad Boys” (s09ep07) that I mentioned earlier, we see a young Sam Winchester briefly in the last flashback of that episode. We know that in the flashback’s of the episodes, Dean is sixteen years old, and considering the fact that his four years older than Sam, it would mean Sam is in fact, twelve years old. And in the scene, his in fact, a very small and skinny kid, and the oversized shirt his wearing doesn’t do any favors. So going back to Sam’s line in the pilot, things aren’t adding up, unless we considered, that this is just Sam suffering from body dysmorphia.
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Now of course, you can argue that I’m over thinking this, that is a line from the first episode and they din’t even know if the show would do good and it was only going to last five seasons before it continued with a different writer. And yes, is okay to assume that, maybe Sam is just saying things to get Dean to stop calling him ‘Sammy’. But again, Why say that? They never had enough food to eat, they were constantly trained and doing things that would keep them in shape, and this is not even mentioned that throughout the entirety of the show, Sam is constantly eating healthy and keeping in shape by exercising and going on runs in the morning. And more obvious, Dean wouldn’t have believed him since he pretty much raised Sam and would know well enough Sam wasn’t chubby. And with the certainty that Sam had said the line, as if stating a fact, it’s same to assume that Sam personally believed that as so.
In conclusion, I believe Sam Winchester suffered from body dysmorphia. We see constant evidence in the show that there was never a way from Sam to end up ‘chubby’ as he claimed he was at twelve years old. And again, considering we actually see him at said age, it’s easy to assume that Sam just believed he actually was. Then again, this is all my own personal believe and theories, and every is entitled to their own opinion. In the end, this is just a show and nothing is real.
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Για το ask game Edgeworth και Ανδρέας
Miles Edgeworth 💅
Impression now: I was one hundred percent correct in my assumptions. He did in fact ruin me. This man has the range honestly. He is kind. He is an asshole. He is traumatised. He has every subtype of daddy issues known to man. He is a bitchy gay queen. He is aroace-spec (to me). He is autistic. He has NO idea what to do with himself when he is not in a courtroom. He is insane. Ive seen it. I enjoy it. Amen.
Favourite moment: "thanks to you i am saddled with unnecessary.... feelings....". Everything about turnabout goodbyes. The talk with Franziska at the end of aa2. The talk with phoenix after the earthquake in aa3. I could literally never pick Just One moment sorry.
Idea for a story: ... I've brainstormed two (2) aus that involve Edgeworth with two different mutuals. The first one is the Eurovision au where vk just sends miles to represent germany in Eurovision and the second one is the ace attorney/παρά πέντε crossover me and @alalumin have been driving ourselves insane over. Out of the two, the first one is the most fleshed out but the second one i might actually sit down and write for one day. Thats about all the concrete story ideas ive had for this man so far dkskks. Everything else is just a jumble of vague angsty daydreams.
Unpopular opinion: hmmm a lot of people tend to ignore the fact that he was canonically suicidal after aa1 so i suppose that could count as an unpopular opinion? Like if he wasn't actually suicidal, the note meant that he straight up faked his death which makes him an even bigger asshole that he usually is, which in turn makes phoenix's misdirected anger and blame seem a lot more justified? Also a lot of people tend to ignore the fact that phoenix would NOT handle Edgeworth admitting that he meant the note literally well. And honestly im not really blaming anyone here. Their aa2 dynamic is sooo complex, Edgeworth hurt the people that cared about him by hurting himself and not all of them are ready to forgive him immediately and thats fine. I just wish more people would explore this whole thing instead of oversimplifying it yknow?
Favourite relationship: narumitsu obvs but honestly? The Franziska and Miles fucked up sibling relationship means the world to me, its like a really really really close second.
Favourite headcanon: does it actually count as a headcanon if its strongly supported by canon? Idk but he definitely avoids elevators as much as he can and considering that his office is in the twelfth fucking floor the man walks up a lot of flights of stairs. He must have thighs of steel skkskaka. Also i like to think that at some point after the investigation games he went to therapy and he finally (!) got some help for that unmedicated and undiagnosed canon ptsd hes been drowning in since he was nine years old. Also he got Pess because i love her. Maybe she is trained as a service dog. He would love her with all his heart and her death would kickstart a major depressive episode because god knows this man can't handle grief but in the end he could get over it. Maybe even get a second dog or learn how to deal with loss in a less self destructive way. Also i don't think he would ever be able to fully enjoy Christmas? Like sure his fathers death doesn't hurt as much anymore but i like to think that the nightmares rear their ugly head during the Christmas season. Sure, he IS doing better but some things never really go away. He can hang out at the prosecutors office or Wright anything agency Christmas parties without feeling utterly miserable but he doesn't enjoy the holidays as much as everyone else. Some people don't understand why or think thats its just another aspect of his charming personality but the people who do are sympathetic about it.
Ανδρέας Καλογήρου 🔪
First impression: γουαου ποιός είναι αυτός ο μαλάκας λολ. Ειλικρινά νομίζω την πρώτη φορά που είδα το παρά πέντε δεν με ένοιαζε πολύ σαν χαρακτήρας.
Impression now: κοίτα. Έχεις δει το μπλογκ μου. Ξέρεις πως νιώθω για αυτόν τον άνθρωπο. Ο Ανδρέας έχει θεματάρες. Έχει παγιδεύσει τον εαυτό του σε μια θέση στην οποία είναι και θύμα και θύτης και από την οποία δεν έχει τρόπο ή ιδιαίτερη θέληση να βγει. Κατά την διάρκεια του σόου πηγαίνει από την αδιαφορία για τους ανθρώπους που σκοτώνει, στην εμμονή με το να πιάσει τους πέντε και μόνο όταν τον συλλαμβάνουν και όλα τελειώνουν συνηδειτοποιεί πόσο μάταια ήταν όλα αυτά και πόσες ζωές έχει καταστρέψει συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της δικής του. Επίσης ο άνθρωπος είναι μούναρος 😔😔.
Favourite moment: το τηλεφώνημα στον Σπύρο στο φινάλε με στοιχειώνει τα βράδια.
Idea for a story: πέρα από το ο Σπύρος επισκέπτεται τον Ανδρέα στη φυλακή fic που βρίσκεται αυτή τη στιγμή στο wip hell μου έχει καρφωθεί στο μυαλό εκείνη η ατάκα που ο Παυρινός αποκαλεί τον Νίκο πρεζόνι και το τι μπορεί να υπονοεί για το Ανδρέας/Νίκος μπακστορι. Επίσης εκείνο το όνειρο που είχα δει ότι έχει κόρη και redemption arc, angst fic για την γενική κακομεταχείριση που τρώει από τον Παυρινό, το Ανδρέας/Νίκος καφενείο au το οποίο κάποιος πρέπει να γράψει σας εκλιπαρώ και το προαναφερόμενο ace attorney/παρά πέντε crossover στο οποίο εμφανίζεται ως μάρτυρας στην δίκη της Αγγέλας. Το πόσα από αυτά θα καταλήξω όντως να γράψω ποτέ είναι πολύ αμφιλεγόμενο τβχ αλλά το γεγονός είναι ότι μου τριβελίζουν συνέχεια το μυαλό.
Unpopular opinion: δεν ξέρω είμαστε στο παρά πέντε φάντομ, είμαστε δέκα άτομα όλα κι όλα κάθε άποψη μετράει για unpopular κσκσκσ. Αλλά απλά και μόνο για να πω κάτι. Νομίζω όντως προσπάθησε να αγαπήσει τη Ζάνα. Ο γάμος τους ήταν ότι πιο hand in unlovable hand και σφάζονταν όλη μέρα αλλά προσπάθησε να φτιάξει τη ζωή του στην αρχή τουλάχιστον, εξού και ο ευτυχισμένος χετεροσεξουαλ γάμος. Στο μυαλό μου ήταν από αυτά τα ζευγάρια που έχουν ημερομηνία λήξης και το ήξεραν και οι δύο. Μετά έπεσε στα βαθιά με τις δουλειές με τον Παυρινό και πήρανε επιτέλους διαζύγιο. Επίσης δεν νομίζω ότι με τον Νίκο τα έχουνε, έχουνε. Νομίζω έχουν μια ελαφρώς fucked up relationship όπου δεν επικοινωνούν τίποτα εβερ, απλά πηδιουνται περιστασιακά on and off και μετά απλά πηγαίνουν και τα φτιάχνουν με άλλους. Τουλάχιστον στην αρχή. Τώρα αν μετά το τέλος της σειράς βγουν ποτέ από την φυλακή θέλω να πιστεύω ότι θα μπορούσαν να φτιάξουν λίγο τη ζωή τους αλλά αν δεν βγουν ποτέ. Well. Πώς νιώθεις όταν συνηδειτοποιείς ότι αγαπούσες τον καλύτερο σου φίλο χρόνια τώρα αλλά δεν έκανες ποτέ τίποτα για αυτό επειδή απλά δεν τολμούσες να αλλάξεις τίποτα στην μοναδική σταθερή σχέση που σου είχε απομείνει στη ζωή σου και ταυτόχρονα ήσουν πολύ απασχολημένος να σκοτώνεις κόσμο; Πώς νιώθεις όταν συνηδειτοποιείς ότι τώρα μπορεί να είναι πια πολύ αργά; Γενικά head full many thoughts.
Favourite relationship: Νίκος/Ανδρέας δαγκωτό.
Favourite headcanon: ναιιι δεν νομίζω ότι αυτός ο άνθρωπος είχε καλά παιδικά χρόνια. Ή καλό πατέρα. Ο Παυρινός κυριολεκτικά του πετάει πράγματα και αυτός ο καημένος σκύβει να τα πιάσει 😔 babyboy έχεις τραύμα. Η μάνα του είναι νεκρή (ναι κυριολεκτικά αναφέρεται έτσι throwaway σε ένα επεισόδιο και δεν το έχω ξεχάσει ποτέ) και επιλέγω να πιστεύω ότι την σκότωσε ο πατέρας του. Μισεί τον πατέρα του και κατά βάθος μισεί και το γεγονός ότι μεγαλώνοντας έχει γίνει σχεδόν ακριβώς σαν αυτόν. Ξεκίνησε να καπνίζει στο γυμνάσιο. Επίσης δεν πιστεύω ότι τελείωσε ποτέ το λύκειο.
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I gotta big question for you: what would be your pitch an animated series based on the Mighty Thor? Spare no details
Oh boy, this is a really tough one. I just have so many different ideas for how this could go!
But let's say we're looking at a typical 21 episode TV series, and lets say we're not 100% sure we'll be getting renewed for a second season. We've got two options.
Safe Option: The series is set entirely in the Nine Realms and based largely off the Journey Into Mystery/Tales of Asgard stories. Think of it as a sort of Journey to the West format, where the whole season is Thor and cast on a grand quest and each episode/two part episodes are one challenge/encounter along the way. This would give us a chance to really do some worldbuilding and show off Thor's Asgardian supporting cast, including more obscure characters. It would probably be more of a fun, lighthearted adventure, I don't mind a bit of violence or dark themes but I'd keep it on the campier sword-and-sorcerer side rather than gritty or dark.
Less Safe Option: We start from Journey into Mystery #83, when Donald Blake first acquires the hammer. The first few episodes are standard faire for superheroes, with Thor's more minor Earth antagonists (like Gargoyle and Zaniac and the like) showing up as villains of the week. All that changes when Loki makes his first appearance. After that the arcs get longer and more complex, climaxing in a battle against Loki and his forces on Asgard. There'd be a more psychological bent to this, maybe even psychological horror, as Thor goes from Dr Blakes' superhero persona to another personality with his own thought patterns dominant personality. We'd really dig into Dr Blake realizing that he doesn't actually remember any of his past before medical school, including his family and origin, and how frightening and discombobulating that is.
Regardless of which idea, there'd be some common elements. Art style would be very colorful, Asgard's aesthetics will be a solid mix of sci-fi, fantasy and a heaping dose of surrealism. There's a direct-to-video animated movie about Thor called "Tales of Asgard" and I actually really adore how clever they were with the trippy geography of Asgard, I'd draw a lot of inspo from there.
Odin will be portrayed as the abusive jackass he is. I'm not going to soften him up whatsoever, especially in his treatment of Thor. I don't think I'll kill him off regardless, but both options will show Thor slowly working towards recognizing the toxic behavior. In Option 1 it will be revealed that Thor's quest was some gambit by Odin that would seriously endanger him and/or his friends. In Option 2 it'll be Thor not only learning that Odin brainwashed him into believing he was Donald Blake, but the reason why he did it (just like in the OG comics it will be extremely petty and more about Thor asserting independence against Odin that actually needing to learn humility or whatever, although he certainly does grow as a person either way).
If the show is renewed for a second season, it will be adapting Roy Thomas' Celestial Arc, expanding worldbuilding with the introduction of the Eternals, the Celestials and the Elder Gods. It will also be the climax of Thor's arc about his relationship with Odin. When it's revealed that A) Odin had him for the express purpose of making an Ubermenschen weapon for him to use, and, B) he had in the past had Thor killed for disobeying him, then resurrected and wiped his memories.
If the show gets a third season, that season will be a loose adaptation of Len Wein's various space epics mixed with the 90s storyline Blood and Thunder (and when I say loose, I mean loose). Basically, Thor cuts himself off from Asgard after finally learning the truth and travels through space having space adventures with various Marvel Cosmic characters. Meanwhile, there'll be B plots with Thor's supporting cast on Asgard and/or Earth working out their own issues in his absence. By the end of this season, Beta Ray Bill will be introduced, and just like in Walt Simonson's run, it will be revealed that the threat to his people he was scientifically modified to face is the rapid approach of Surter and his army. The season will end on a sort of cliffhanger as Thor realizes that Ragnarok is coming for Asgard, and will have to make a choice about going back to save them. After that will be a season with less episodes but longer episodes showing the epic battle and neatly wrapping up any character arcs that haven't been wrapped up yet.
I think the show will end with Thor's "death" at the hands of Jormungand, but how exactly this goes will depend on Option 1 or 2. Option 1 will result in Thor fighting Hela similar to how Walt Simonson's run ends (the plot point about Hela cursing Thor to be easily hurt but unable to die will also be there). Option 2 will result in a death of personality for Thor, he becomes Dr Blake permanently and lives out a happy existence on Earth (depending on whether that feels like a satisfying ending or not, I'll just go with Option 1 then). Either way there's an opportunity for The Adventure Continues but a nice finale and really no need to.
If they force me to make another season I'll adapt the Evil Future Thor story from Dan Jurgens' run, but with some major changes.
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lemonthepotato · 10 months
Muffins: Enneagram Analysis
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[Art by Reitanna Seishin, DA]
The Enneagram of Personality, or simply the Enneagram, is a model of the human psyche which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types. There are nine types, each with their own adjacent wings and tritypes. The enneagram relates back to your childhood, and our wounds inflicted onto us. Where will seven highly traumatised ill ponies land? Well, that’s what we’re here to discuss.
I’d like to say, the irony that I so confidently type these characters, when they’re so obscure (in this context) and the fact the only other typology analysis I’m working on is for Daigaku Gurashi is very telling. I did guess the Yandere Simulator enneagrams. But like, that’s a can of worms I’m not getting into now. Point is: there’s a reason I stick to obscure characters.
I am not confident in my analysis. I’m getting better at typing characters, but ultimately, I have a hard time reading others. Character analysis isn’t my forte. Luckily for me, I had a hyper fixation with muffins on and off for a very long time, on and off. While the hyperfixation has passed, and I no longer care for this fic, you know I had to do it to them.
Pinkie Pie - Muffins Pinkie Pie is a butchering- I mean re-imagination of canon Pinkie Pie, who is commonly seen as a sp2 or so7, but analysing Muffins Pinkie Pie paints an entirely different idea. First of all, let’s go through the Muffins quiz, which I have all the results to saved on my phone. The answers indicate a cognitive dissonance, or perhaps faux-affably evil persona. Reitanna paints a complex image of Pinkie. Pinkie is manipulative, lacks any care, and truly evil. (“High acts of cruelty require empathy.” - she knows what she’s doing.) She’s prone to anger outbursts when her friends are disrespected, and has a god complex. She uses others as a means to an end, only showing genuine love to the other 6. She hates when things don’t go her way (“You ruined everything!” To Twilight) and On Trial gives us the most characterisation of Pinkie Pie. She pushes the blame onto others for her actions, truly not caring about anyone but herself and her bakers. Pinkie says she “controls” others, showing a desire for control. Pinkie is a SP7. with a 6 wing? “Ichazo called SP7 "Defenders", people who have a need to band with others who have similar interests, having a passion for inclusion that leads to relationships of mutual protection…”
“The conservation E7 has become an expert at getting what he wants without asking for it. His basic conception is that things are not achieved by asking for them: either they take them, or they cheat or speculate to obtain them.” “He questions everything and has a certain degree of anger with life, little manifested. Basically, it underlies the difficulty of character for devotional love and recognizing the other. Similar to the E1, in the feeling that others are not trustworthy, that people are imperfect, but without taking the trouble to try to correct others, conservation E7 isolates itself from the world in its particular garden: that of the “family” or the feeling of involvement with a network to link, as a defense against a life that it understands as chaos and that reinforces its idea that pleasure and non-stop are the only possible escape routes.”
“They tend to sweet-talk those they are close to, and are very persuasive; anyone will be welcome as long as they get what they want. In their conversations, there can often be hidden motives and if they can sell you something on the way, they will. Making business is one of their passions. In addition, they are capable of even tricking and cheating themselves while maintaining the charming facade that allows them to get what they want when they want it. You could say if the occasion requires it, they can become quite manipulative and clever.”
I think this summarises Pinkie pretty well, but I’m not 100% sure of this typing.
Inkie Pie
Inkie is self-confident and doesn’t care what others think about her. She uses others and doesn’t view them as humans. (“I see... a toy. A plaything put on this world for my amusement. These toys are sentient, they have thoughts and feelings, they make decisions that impact how they live, they have desires and fears... but I find I just don't care. There are only a few people in this world that I would never harm. Everybody else is worthless, their lives mean nothing to me.”)
She resents peace ("I just can't stand peace. I find the beauty in the dissonance.")
She bottles up her emotions to avoid getting hurt. (" guess bottling everything up wasn't very healthy..." just wanted to keep from getting hurt, but it hurt me more emotionally than a smack from mama ever could." She met the yellow eyes of her sister. "I'm sorry. I know that must've been a pretty ugly sight.")
Textbook Eight. I just don’t know what subtype. “Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others' lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring.”
I’m gonna guess SX8w7, but I’m honestly not sure. The way she treats Stella, like an object to own over a person, is really telling. The thing is, despite being a SX8 stereotype, her writing is sorta inconsistent in this regard. So I have no clue really.
Blinkie Pie
Blinkie is a hard character to type. Her only personality trait is “angry,” though I suppose there is some complexity beneath the surface. She’s still very barren and doesn’t have a single chapter outside of All That Glitters. Reitanna heard “hey, you should write more Inkie and Blinkie stories” and wrote 3 Inkie stories.
Blinkie is vain, materialistic and judgmental. She despises those that has what she doesn’t, and has an extremely low self esteem. She views herself as an average mare, because she was told being a pretty mare was something to be ashamed of. Ironically, we learn the most about Blinkie in Inkie’s Stellar Obsession. Blinkie is shown right off the bat trying to start a fight and mocking Minkie. She spends the whole chapter in resentment of Inkie for choosing a pretty mare to kill.
Blinkie shows an interest in being special and unique. "Why are you so pretty and perfect? Why are you so special?… I hate pretty mares because I want to be pretty like them! We average mares have to work hard to look good, but it just comes so naturally for you, doesn't it?"
She’s also very self critical. ("Your theory is good, but what if we mess up?" asked Blinkie Pie. "If I do this wrong, I'll hate myself for weeks, you know how I am!")
From this information, and outer context “She thinks that everypony is below her, all except her sisters, apple bloom, and Derpy.” “Blinkie pie is easy to tick off, and very prone to jealousy and spite. she barks orders, seeming to not know the meaning of "please" or "thank you," and specializes in jeering and taunting at those she considers lower than herself. she likes things to go HER way, which isn't usually a problem with her sisters or rest of the team because they coordinate so well. if one of them does something wrong, she will groan and play captain hindsight, stating that they shouldn't have done that.” So, from this, we can determine she is a SX4. That might be suspicious sounding, but let me explain.
“They then make others suffer as an unconscious way of trying to rid themselves of painful feelings of deficiency. They are the kind of people who’d rather be hated for who they are than be loved for someone who they are not. They stick out from other 4s due to their harsh and aggressive attitude, often described as shameless and feeling a strong rejection by the world as their inferiority gets replaced by aggression. Often they have a underlying hatred for their rivals and their rivals are the ones they personally feel is worth striving for…” “someone who believes that if someone is popular they must be worth striving for[1], resulting in hate, competitiveness and an aggressive outlook caused by suffering in childhood.”
“E4s are not afraid of originality and often enjoy feeling different. He loves to be special, unique, and original. And he succeeds. You can speak very explicitly without conforming to good manners, as well as dress flashily and against the grain. His desire to be peculiar makes him also brave and adventurous, minimizing risks and dangers.” She wants to be pretty and not average.
I wouldn’t say she’s an 8, as there’s more vanity and self-image issues beneath her.
Minkie Pie
Minkie Pie is also a 4, so4. She is spiteful, angry and unforgiving. She takes her anger out on anyone she sees, and looks down on those less hurt than her, while seeing those who endure pain as stronger. She is convinced her destiny is to remain locked up, and wants to be accepted for who she is, which is only her trauma. She feels dead, only feeling accepted by her sisters. She is no one without her trauma. She judges the world for her own pain, and wants her “play dates” to know her story.
Minkie isn’t a very well written character. But this is how she comes off. She’s been hurt, so she wants to hurt others. She views herself as damaged, and that she can’t be fixed.
“The Social Four appears emotionally sensitive (or oversensitive), feels thing deeply, and suffers more than most people. For this Four, there is a desire to be witnessed and seen in their suffering. They hope that if their suffering is sufficiently recognized and understood, they might be forgiven for their failures and deficiencies and loved unconditionally.”
“Naranjo explains that Social Fours are people who lament too much and who often put themselves in the victim role. They can appear self-sabotaging when they broadcast their suffering and their victimhood as a way of engendering sympathy in others, but they also undermine themselves by being too attached to the causes of their suffering.” “In public, social fours repress “frowned upon” emotions like anger or hatred and may appear sweet, friendly, and soft- (like in ‘meet the team’) but in private, they may express their emotions they store up in social situations and become aggressive. Generally, they prefer to swallow their own poison rather than externalize it to the people around them (this is the only exception for Minkie-) , and they typically have difficulty finding their place in a group and in society. These fours may experience themselves as misfits, and yet they also tend to generate social situations of rejection to confirm their shame. They see themselves as victims and may view others as “perpetrators,” and they don't always take responsibility for their own actions or aggressiveness.”
Someone on Reddit wrote it like this, *Social 4 is the softest and most tender. They have a shy sadness, and a deep sense of poignancy. They wear their sorrow like a cloak, and they hope that their pain and despair will be accepted. If someone is willing to accept them despite their flaws, they feel as if they can finally take their cloak off. In this person there is an abiding awareness of rejection and of being an outsider or an outcast. This person possesses great sensitivity to any slights or signs of being different than others, as they often feel unworthy to be in their presence anyway. They feel out of place, with inherent flaws, and they fear they will be rejected for them. This can be surprising to other people, as they often have unique gifts and a keen intuition.*
*Social 4 can be drawn to outsider / counter-cultural movements, where one is accepted for being “different” or “against the norm”. They make a virtue of these differences, and often display them openly once they feel comfortable, as an expression of their identity. Sometimes they even take pride in them and become a little elitist. However, there is a secret wish that one was born ordinary (like everyone else) so they did not have suffer their differences so deeply. “Why didn’t God make me normal?”*
*Personal identity is all important to this subtype, and often they undertake a mission of self-discovery and actualization. They seek to make their differences matter, and even avenge themselves for their oddities that were once mocked or exploited. They daydream about accomplishment, but unlike the 3, they are prone to self-sabotage and emotional inhibition in the name of authenticity, and may back out when others begin to value them solely for their public image. They dream of the day when none of their flaws will be mocked, but appreciated for what they are.*
“In this Four, envy fuels a focus on shame and suffering by providing a constant source of pain: a feeling that others have what the Four wants. However, they believe that their suffering is also what makes them unique and special- there is a kind of … of others through suffering.”
Apple Bloom
Apple Bloom is a walking contradiction. A hypocrite, fake and optimistic. She doesn’t take responsibility for her actions, and can easily manipulate anyone around her. Blinded by rage, she becomes a horrible person over time. She re-iterates this in Apple Bloom Gets Her Cutie Mark and Silence Is Silver. ("Who cares if yer a good pony after all? Who cares if ya'd be a good friend? I sure don't! Yeah, after I cutcha open, I could totally fix ya right! But I ain't gonna. If everythin that happens happens, then ya can never really do the wrong thing, can ya? Yer just doin what yer s'posed to.")
Not only did I get toothpaste on my phone, but I also found an mbti for Muffins. And I disagreed hard. Here’s the original post if anyone’s curious. Don’t hate though, I just want to credit them cuz taking an interest in the first place in MBTI AND analysing the silly horse creepypasta ponies is admirable. We are one in the same. Gotta say though, INFJ Minkie, ISTJ Apple Bloom- OUTTA THE POCKET.
Anyway this was my analysis. Muffins moment. Blinkie best girl. I’ve always loved her the most of all the bakers. I used to value Inkie as my 2nd favourite but idk if I agree anymore. Minkie is my least favourite, absolutely unbearable. I just like Blinkie cuz she’s just like me. I mean I’m a SX3… or am I?… fuck.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this analysis. Do you guys want an MBTI Muffins analysis? Attitudinal psyche? Oh, and put your own thoughts down below! If you also like this silly horse fic, and don’t identify as a “1w5” (AKA you understand the enneagram and THE FACT THAT WINGS MEAN WINGS) feel free to comment your thoughts. It’s ok if you think you don’t understand it well. :) I’m happy to provide you resources. be careful of mistyping!
Part 2. I don’t stand by everything there. I don’t use stackings nor wings often anymore.
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dirtyvulture · 10 months
😎 Now for my sergeant beef au thoughts brought on by the snow fall ❄️. I also should post more on this au but sadly I am having more Darkest Knight Au houghts. But I still love Sergeant Beef and want to keep that alive .
Obviously Nat and Yelena were born in Eastern Europe ( Nat in Russia 🇷🇺 and Yelena from Ukraine 🇺🇦) so the cold weather is baked into them and if they still lived in Ohio for a time than yeah they both know winter and snow very well. They probably played together in the snow all the time in the winter. Making snowmen , sledding , snowball fights ( god little Natty and Lenny would be so competitive in these little battles) , making snow angels ….. the whole nine yards. * Also Little Natty would very  concerned with making sure that Lenny was all bundled up and warm ( Natty would tell her dad Alexei to be nice to her baby sister but then would purposely pull the hood over Lenny’s face and eyes ) . They would have enjoyed hot chocolate and getting all warmed up again.
I think the Beef siblings also lived and grew up in a place that had snow fall and winter and they did all the winter fun things that the Eastern European siblings did growing up . * But I think that the beef siblings also would shovel their neighbor’s driveway , steps and front door but did it anonymously. They didn’t want their neighbors knowing that is was them . *Sergeant Beef then slim jim probably even shoveled a path in the back yard for their childhood family dog as a kid too.
Now this winter they are a pouty sad little golden retriever beef because while they are getting better and growing stronger again , their nurse sister still forbids them to do any heavy lifting and anything that requires them to stand for long periods of time so that means no shoving snow . *Beef is sad because they planed on doing their yearly anonymous work of shoving the driveway of their elderly neighbors ( if they’re in a apartment complex they still put salt and shoving a path away for their neighbors) and were planning on doing the same for their sister and for Nat all of which anonymously of course ( they know that Nat is more than capable and their sister has her partner but they still want to do this because they love them and acts of service is one of their love languages) . They love doing things for people and making them happy, they are such a good one golden.
* While R is laying down on the couch they hear something and got up to see what that sounds was , only to find their In law shoving for them . They got up grabbing their wallet and as going to pay their in law . The in law was admittedly refusing payment until SB played dirty and said use the money to buy something for the baby knowing that In Law can’t say no to that.
* These are also based on me and my family a bit . When I was little and my sister would do this with my dad. She would check all the buttons and make sure Dad did everything correctly on my snow gear and making sure I was ok and going to be warm. Making sure Dad was being nice to me , her baby sister and then purposely pull my hood down over my face and eyes so I couldn’t see. My sister and I anonymously shoveled the driveway, steps and front door of our next door neighbor as kids ( I know that they were an older couple with adult children) and to my knowledge they never knew it was us. We never told them and we were never caught.
I shoved pathways in the backyard for my childhood family dog . I also shovel pathways and lay down salt at my apartment complex anonymously for my neighbors now as an adult . Back in the day my Dad would shovel the driveway of a neighbor that he had known growing up and that neighbor was in her older years. Dad was caught shoveling her driveway and she was insisting on paying him for it but he admittedly refused until the neighbor played dirty and said get something for the baby ( my sister as I wasn’t born yet) KNOWING my dad couldn’t say no to that . To this day I have never been caught and the people I have anonymously shoveled/ laid down salt for has never known it was me sooo shhhhh it’s our little secret 🤫 🤐.
The last bit of this post. I can see both Kate and SB respectively looking at their Eastern European sibling in absolute Awwwe as all the snow fakes get caught in their Red / Blonde hair.
SB ( Not even trying to hide it ) and Kate( thinks she is hiding it but isn’t) : absolute heart eyes 😍 and CONVINCE that this is an ANGEL in person.
Nat and Yelena ( May or May Not have a thing for ✨KaTe BiShoP✨) : Looking at their person and thinking/ doing the same thing.
I full heartedly believe that Yelena called Nat ( I believe she did in the BW Ohio flash back) Natty and still does as an adult because that is HER NAME for her big sister ( I have a similar thing for my own big sister. A nickname only I call her) and Nat called and still calls Yelena Lenny which again only her sister calls her that ( maybe one Katherine Elizabeth Bishop does or could too ? 👀👀👀)
I'm so happy you're here to keep the Sergeant Beef universe alive while I devote all my attention to Wolvie!R right now lol
I feel bad now that you're naming all the fun, happy things people do in the winter/snow when I am just sitting here freezing and without snow lol. Since SB was a little beanstalk in their youth, would they have even been able to lift a shovel full of snow? 😂
And that's a very sweet memory you have of your own family. :) Do you still shovel snow for them? And of course, your secret is safe with us.
I love how in love SB is with Nat ❤️
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fishgirl514 · 8 months
ok. just finished season 3 now im going to ramble:
i was not a huge fan of the fact that the entire season was one really long fight scene in the same location? it got a little boring lol
also a lot of the things that happened just kind of …happened. not a lot of explanation or justification or setting up for logical conclusions.
also i know this iteration of sonic is definitely not the same as other versions of his personality but his unyielding determination to redeem nine when he was literally tearing the universe apart was very odd. like.. sonic wouldn’t do that. he’s never been a guy who’s determined to redeem villains and make friends.
the threat posed by the robots was really inconsistent, esp the big one? ALSO WHEN THE 2 TAILS FUCKING DIED AND EVERYONE JUST MOVED ON ??????? WHAT LMAO.. i know they were alive in the end but still😭
sonic’s whole “my friends!!!!!!!!!!!” thing was so undefined and all over the place. like does he want to save his friends or just nine? because he was being such a pushover with him.
honestly a lot of things were all over the place. dread was moping and refusing to fight and then next scene he’s normal? what does tails even want..? him becoming a power hungry supervillain wasn’t really narratively justified.
for the first 2 seasons there was a bunch of character arcs set up. shadow learns to trust sonic, sonic learns to cooperate with his friends, and he grapples with the concept of having to destroy the new worlds he created to bring back an old one. yeah it’s a complex topic… but if ur going to set up a crazy moral dilemma you have to solve it! instead we got some stupid voltron steven universe bullshit LOL
what happened to the void? and the chaos emerald? WHERE WAS SHADOW IN THE END??? i wanted to know if he lost his memory of everything or not!!!
ghhhhhhhhhh…….. in the end, i still really enjoyed this show. the animation was FANTASTIC and i loved the voice acting and designs and the *concept* the started with. im happy to see that it wasn’t abandoned and im happy that sonic got a netflix series. hopefully this will mean good things for the franchise moving forward but dear GOD they have got to get more subtle with sonic’s character. he’s such a mope it’s making me want to go rewatch sonic x to see him being normal again. this seems really negative and complainy because there was a LOT to discuss but honestly this show still means a lot to me and it helped me through a really dark moment and overall i still think it’s pretty good.
im absolutely going to talk about what i would have done to wrap up all the character arcs in a sort of rewrite thing in another post as soon as i finish thinking it through bc my mind is buzzing.
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marlenacantswim · 7 months
Do you think “The Time Lord Victorious” is related to the same phenomenon where the Doctor says that if a Time Lord looked into the time vortex like Rose did, they would’ve become a vengeful god?
since the whole "as kids me and the master both stared into the vortex and it fucked him up sooo bad but not me i'm just fine why do you ask" thing is reinforced constantly during the third season, i certainly think that it contributed in the sense that it did actually fuck the doctor up despite him pretending to martha that it didn't.
i don't think it's like a lore thing as much as it is a character thing. the tenth doctor is clearly the doctor that most exudes the arrogant, egotistical, superiority complex aspect of their personality, and it's the heart of his arc, especially in season four. once we actually hit that boiling point in waters of mars, it is — quite unfortunately — rushed into oblivion (please rtd i would have loved to see at least one episode where he was going full time lord victorious god complex mode most of the run) but parts of it still persist in the end of time two parter (especially that last "i could do so much more" speech where the very last vestiges of that complex break down when he realizes that, against that logic, in his mind sacrificing himself for wilf is the only option he would ever consider) and in his final scenes as tennant where he, maybe for the first time, realizes that without trying to justify his continued existence as some favor to the universe, this whole time he really just wanted to continue being him. thus, "i don't want to go" as opposed to "the universe needs me to stay".
honestly, i like to think ten's god complex is a direct result of the unconditional love he got from rose during his time as nine, when he most felt undeserving of it. i mean, rose tyler is the most amazing person in the universe, and if SHE still loves him to the point of genocide after seeing unequivocally every single hurt and mistake and evil the doctor's capable of AND HAS DONE / WILL DO in their entire timeline, of course that's gonna give the poor wet thing an ego.
the back-breaking straw for his brief ascension in waters of mars is of course being alone. they've been alone before and still been, y'know, not the time lord victorious, but the loss of donna's friendship (and worse, the erasure of her personal character arc thanks to the memory wipe) is particularly hard on the doctor.
tl;dr i think the public school time vortex staring contest thing contributed to the time lord victorious in the sense that it was an instrumental moment for the doctor's character as a whole, and nothing much stronger than that.
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dw rewatch - takes on "the end of the world"
companion watch:
"the artic desert" hits different lol
something something bella vs the witch
rose's fear attack when she finds heres lf in the alien situation. she's genuinely terrified! it's a good beat, man. more than that, it's a rare beat. I get a lot of people don't vibe with it and prefer the more "buffy-esque approach, since it's "more to the point" and gets you larger than life figures… but personally I much prefer it when scifi/fantasy scenarios are portrayed as the terrifying reality they would be. also this: "ROSE: I just hitched a ride with a man. I don't even know who he is. He's a complete stranger"
war of the world vibes with the little robot fellas. /unintentional parallel to how cassandra dies and how the aliens in that book die?
"it gets inside and changes my mind, and you didnt even ask" "i didnt think about it like that" it's interesting that rose question this tbh
"five billion years in the future, my mum's dead" "bundle of laughs you are" /god i love this exchange. nine's constant attempt to downplay ANY surfacing of Real Emotions. rose's naivety in contemplating for the first time in her life that oh yeah, people die. the first statement of the "everything dies, everything ends" theme that will be woven throughout all the rtd era.
ngl i wish rose Did More in the plot of this episode, in terms of actually solving the crisis, feels like a stepdown after Rose giving her the most climatic moment... that said she does get a lot of great quibs in this one: "you two go pollinate and i'll go meet the family"/ "and i want you home by midnight!"/ "its better to die than to live like you, a bitchy trampoline" / "youre just lipstick and skin"
she's really similar to nine/ten in that aspect. they both have that "humor as defense mechanism" thing
the way nine and rose Lean in those stairs…. im Looking respectfully and im Thinking pure thoughts. (honestly ppl talk a lot about ten and rose's body language in s2 but there was A Lot going on with nine and rose as early as episode 1)
"all that counts is here and now" can't tell if zen mindfulness or a desperate defense mechanism to cope with ptsd.
first thing rose does is call her mum ): - Cassandra "I'm too young" vs Ten's "I was going to do so much more"...(ben wyatt voice) it's about the hypocrisy (oh having written this note before rewatching new earth... put a pin on that!)
timeless child retroactive continuity bonus: perhaps cassandra as "the last human" (not really a "human") paralleling "the last timelord" (not really a "timelord)? - "JABE: And what about your ancestry, Doctor? Perhaps you could tell a story or two. Perhaps a man only enjoys trouble when there's nothing else left". well post-s13 they're gonna enjoy themselves a lot more lol - there's something very anti-entropy about how the child gets to regenerate indefinitely without "losing" its essence and its dna integrity (vs cassandra's "flatness", the child gains more and more complexity as time passes).
colonialism/hegemony: - NINE: "mind you, when I say "the great and the good" what I mean is the rich." / "Five billion years and it still comes down to money" / this maybe be harsh,,, honestly i hate to say but doctor who sometimes really is just typical neolib """anti-capitalist""" fiction. - in the sense that it pretends to be anti-capitalist, but really is just capitalist realist. it's writers can imagine 203223 scenarios of the earth dying but they cannot conceive of a post-capitalist world, a classless society or simply a world without taxes. Of course you could say "this is so these stories are relatable" but even in their relatedness, there's rarely a portrayal of the anti-capitalist struggle (rather than just generic star wars-style, ideology-less "rebellions).- (that said, obligatory "I'm not a politics robot" disclaimer... "Do you think it's cheap, looking like this? Flatness costs a fortune." is an iconic retort lol) - there's also a kind of subtle Myth Of The Linear Progress Of History thing going on with cassandra being framed as someone who "stayed behind" and has not embraced this analogue to our "Color Blind Post Racial Society" which has "Obviously" outgrown prejudice and notions of racial purity. - "good thing i didn't take you to the deep south" / "you were to busy making cheap shots about the deep south" // parallels to-> "who do you think makes your clothes?" "Is that why you travel 'round with a human at your side? It's not so you can show them the wonders of the universe, it's so you can take cheap shots?" "sorry" . actually no rtd i dont think these are chepashots at all lol they are VERY relevant shots!! it's very transparent how the writers are kind of meek about making these *truly* transgressive points, but it's much easier to have the doctor argue that rose having a donor card is "a different morality"... again one is truly transgressive, the other is fun-but-no-challenging-of-the-hegemony scifi "dilemma". - the "quick word with Michael Jackson" line is doing A Lot but idek how to even begin to entangle it lol it's very 00s, for sure. - for once, a self aware one: "People have died, Cassandra. You murdered them." / "It depends on your definition of people, and that's enough of a technicality to keep your lawyers dizzy for centuries"
themes: - everything has its time and everything ends check your bingo cards. racial purity vs mixing vs 'progress'. class. life cycles. gut instinct (rose jumping the gun to empatise w/ the doc + nine going through the fans + rose reaction to the alien parade). destruction as tourism, as "artistic event" (an uncomfortable parallel to how this is what our heroes will be doing for the next 10+ seasons). - this episode does a bit of a u-turn on the previous (And the next) on its constant questioning of the intrinsic "meaning" of a physical body. in this, cassandra's continuous operations are framed as a kind of "lost of an essence". also the "surface" of her thinking as metaphor for her missing the "essence" of what it means to be human (biologically but more fundamentally, ethically).
Live Fast Die Young / YOLO / everyone deserves to be mourned. everyone deserves a dignified death. thread carefully and cherish life, because it will all be gone. our time is limited and short and it is because it is short that it means something. Life only means anything because there's Death.
ecology and environmentalism. "there are many species in that planet. mankind is only one / I'm a direct descendant of the tropical rainforest." obsessed with it. wish they brought back the rainforest.
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mangora · 4 months
Finally watching episode 9 so here are some live notes:
•Aiden falling over when Tess gave him the water bucket was a peak visual gag
•Alec??? Alec hello???
•Yul with Kai’s shirt…toxic yaoi scraps…
•Oh my god fuck this guy
•Grett you poor baby holy shit???
•Riya looked up to Grett omg…
•FUCK HIM UP ALEC oh my god I hate Yul Grett needs to dump his sorry ass
•I don’t really know how I feel about how they’re portraying Gabby’s mental health. Idk it’s just kinda off
•I love Jake but how much longer are we going to do this TomJake subplot fuck me it’s so boring
•The Ally and Jake beef is kinda sucky too. Also what’s Jake been doing for the last nine episodes if not trying to improve? Wh
•Jake I could fix you
•Tom’s totally lying about his boyfriend huh
•YEP okay
•Also Aiden and Tom bonding over their scars is kinda cute
•Tom still thinks about him??? Okay we’re getting somewhere I’ll let them cook
•Emily I love you so much Emily. Trevor too. Power friendship
•Girl why are you eating a raw carrot. Creature
•I’m still sad that we didn’t get any real Jake/Ellie interactions after they set up a rivalry between them in season one. Come on. Toxic friends. Or rivals who can’t let go of a past platonic bond
•When are we going to get a non-elimination episode it’s been like eight eliminations in a row now I think
•“Ok ok I’m sorry” immediately when Ashley tells him what to do. He’s such a lapdog I love him
•I’m so proud of him
•Tom <3 I don’t really like him this season but he’s still my cutie patootie yk
•Can you guys tell who my favorite team is yet
•I feel like Gabby isn’t really acting villainous yet. Kinda let down on that front tbh
•Yul kinda seems vaguely attracted to Tom
•If Riya goes home…
•Why has no one voted for Yul yet
•Sorry but when did Grett like make up with Gabby? Wouldn’t it make sense for Gabby to still hold a grudge against her for season one? She holds grudges, we know she does, she did it in season one and she’s doing it now
•Listen I get Gabby’s anger but Tess, Aiden, and Tom are right like all of these people would betray Gabby at any other point given the chance and Alec fucked Ellie over multiple times
•Man I miss their friendship actually
•ONC stop voting off some of your strongest characters before the merge challenge fuck off I’m so sick of these eliminations
•Gabby kinda ate tho
•“Someone say bye to Ally for me” sobbing
•Gabby you’re so babygirl I’m going to miss your friendship with Tom so much
•Wait are Tom and Jake going to talk next episode then? I mean I guess I’m excited but…also not really because it’s probably going to end how it always does. With them just moping and not resolving anything. Augh
Overall the episode was okay I guess? Animation is wonderful as always but I’m really sick of the same like three plot threads being drawn out and of an interesting character going home every single episode without being fully developed beforehand. I feel like the writers— as much effort and love as they’re putting in— aren’t very organized and could use a lore Bible or a clearer outline, because some plots and character arcs are just dropped randomly, and some aren’t resolved in a very sensible or well-paced fashion. That’s not to say the writing is entirely bad, the writers clearly have some good ideas and the dialogue gets better every episode, but I think they need to balance the story better and plan out what they’re going to do with each character more effectively— it would also be nice to have some more relationships between characters instead of each character having 1-2 focal relationships with a few vague allies or enemies outside of that, considering how much time we have left with the season still. But that’s just a matter of preference on my end, I <3 complex relationship webs.
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