#i made matcha cookies they were good :)
amphibianaday · 4 months
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day 1652
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You know, the cookies of darkness is kinda like a cult. Cause most of them were taken in at their lowest of lows or had no other choice but to join. So here's what I think of em. (under the cut)
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And I'll name most of em off.
Licorice Cookie: Dude was literally an outcast in every sense, it's assumed that his tribe literally fluffing DIED and that the magic he was good in (necromancy) is relatively frowned apon. He was an outcast, and likely starved of attention due to having no peers around him that he could really connect to beyond VERY surface level things, and Dark Enchantress probably took advantage on it, I could see him being given praise for his magic early on, but never getting any of that attention later. That very want for attention from one of the few who actually expressed any interest in his talents being the only reason he's still around.
Poison Mushroom Cookie: That's a child, probably an orphan, possibly alone because of their poisonous shroomies driving most away. Similar case to Licorice, the kiddo got attached to the ones around them and doesn't want to leave.
Red Velvet Cookie: He was born into this, came out the oven without an arm, and is (what I'm assuming) part cakehound, he was born an outcast, and likely has nowhere else to go. Red Velvet clearly cares about the cakehounds and soldiers more enough to keep him to stay. He has little other choice at this point.
Pomegranate Cookie: She was literally trained to be a high priestess to her village, and then learned that she was fated to effectively destroy it. I'm betting my right leg that she was probably DEVASTATED when she learned that, to learn that everything she has worked up to, she would betray. She trusted the mirrors vision over her own wants, and so she left to serve darkness, and (like Licorice Cookie) was given praise at what she done to her village, but that praise became less and less frequent over time. the combination of her having no other place to go, effectively destroying all allys she could have, the same starvation of praise, and her blind trust in Dark Enchantress Cookie leaving her unable to leave, not without a fight.
Dark Choco Cookie: I think this one was pretty simple. He was already pretty vulnerable and broken down on his own after losing everything to a sword he's stuck with. He got manipulated and brainwashed into thinking he had no other chance and that he was stuck forever. No lovebombing, no praise, just manipulation from somebody with a silver tongue. (His abandoning of the C.O.D. is something that could happen to any of the rest, but his already fragile connection made it a lot easier for him to break ties.)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie: A (possibly robot) child who thought they were abandoned by their kingdom(and which they sadly kinda were). They were alone with only robots to comfort them, do I even need to explain this?
Matcha Cookie: Like Red Velvet, but kinda worse. She was deemed a failure and had EVEN LESS TIME TO GROW OR DEVELOP BEFORE BEING THROWN INTO WORKING FOR THEM (At least, I'm guessing she didn't), plus she didn't have cakehounds to connect with, just her plants.
Butter Roll Cookie: Dude was kiddnapped. Need I say more?
Affogato Cookie: If he didn't join, he would probably be dead. Again, need I say more?
So far, I think this kinda matches up with a cult, but if anyone has a better definition for it, do tell in a reblog or comment.
That's about it, if any more of these guys come out, I'll update this.
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quibbs126 · 6 months
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So I made more Cookie Run human designs, featuring the Cookies of Darkness
I originally started doing this months ago with White Lily, but I never got around to doing more until this week. I had drawn Pure Vanilla and Golden Cheese, but then I got really worried that my designs were wrong and I had taken too many liberties, so I shelved them for now and did these guys instead. In which I took far less liberties I think
Honestly I feel like Licorice was my best one. He was also the first I did, which might not bode well. I guess I ran out of juice too quickly
I’d argue that Matcha’s my worst, I really didn’t know what to do with her. Tragic since she’s like my favorite of the characters
I also don’t entirely know how her hair works, so I wasn’t sure how to draw it. In my head she has a really loose bun, and the bottom parts are her hair falling out of it. I also wasn’t sure what color to make her hair. Originally it was ginger, but then I considered changing it to dirty blonde, and after asking this was the result I got. Also her horns are supposed to be hair clips, not real
Red Velvet’s weird eye is supposed to be a glass eye. I couldn’t decide between bloodshot or glass eye, and when I asked I was told that the red could still work as a glass eye, so I reworked it to look “glassy”
I feel like I could have given Poison Mushroom at least some sort of hat. And as I’m typing, freckles. Maybe I’ll add those in later
Edit: I added the freckles
Also side note but it was frustrating not giving anyone something on their face, like a mole or beauty mark or just freckles. And it’s more frustrating because most characters don’t have freckles or anything like that. Might be an opportunity for liberties
I also really only wanted to draw the first 5, but I had another row left, so I filled it with Butter Roll, Affogato and Choco Werehound Brute. Dark Enchantress was going to be drawn but I couldn’t figure out her eyes
With Butter Roll I tried to convey that he has darker roots. Don’t know how good it looks though
Affogato’s white streaks are just supposed to be dye. He seems like the type to dye his hair, though I’m not sure if he’d dye it white. Purple maybe
Choco Werehound Brute I feel like I didn’t give enough facial hair. Also I swear I’ve seen a character who looks like him before. Like in some show or just a character someone made, he looks so familiar to me
But yeah, I think that’s about it for them. Don’t know who to draw next, the other Ancients and such are for another time, so just random characters. I actually think before I started drawing these guys I was considering the Juice Bar Regulars? And company, aka Alchemist and Cocoa. Maybe I’ll draw them next, who knows
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scandinavianfairytale · 7 months
Old feelings die hard
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x Reader
Warnings: None 💙
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It was his first match back at home. Manchester. He knew it'll be bad. He knew no one besides his mom and Jerry would be happy to see him.
Though his mind kept thinking of you.
Would you spare a kind word? A flash of a smile for him? Or maybe even a hug. But he didn't dare to hope. All he knew was that he wanted to find you. See you again.
So before the team got up for the morning practice, he put on his hoodie and jogged all the way to the café he knew you owned.
And there you were.
He stopped at the big window and stared at your smiling face as you prepared the shop to open. It was amazing to see you so content, and he was so proud. You really made it - you had your own coffee shop and a good one, according to Google reviews. It was a cozy place, walls lined with books and plants, all your favorite things. His will was wavering and his anxiety was rising, his chest heaving. But he needed to do this. It was now or never.
He entered the café carefully, and he heard you humming to yourself as the steamer made its normal high-pitched noise. You busied yourself around the coffee machine, completely oblivious to the fact that you had company observing your every move.
Jamie was trying to think of a way to pull you out of your world, but he couldn't think of a justifiable reason. You looked so happy, reaching for cups and different coffee beans. That is until you finally turned around to fill the cookie jar on the counter and let out a shriek of surprise as you found a person standing inside the still closed coffee shop.
"Jamie fucking Tartt. As I live and breathe." You finally smiled as you realized who was standing in front of you. Making your way around the counter you wrapped your arms around him. Jamie was taken aback by the sudden hug but once the initial shock wore off his hands grabbed your torso and brought you even closer to him.
"Matcha latte?" You asked as you sat him down at one of the tables at the back. With just one look at him, you knew feeding him coffee would be a bad idea.
"How have you been?" He asked as he waited and stared at you.
"Busy. You know how it is." You flashed him a smile, but didn't linger. "How have you been? I saw that Richmond is making stride, congrats!"
"Yeah..." Jamie didn't sound as confident or cocky as you were used to, so your head immediately snapped back from the matcha and you finally took him in. Properly this time. Before, you just assumed it might be before-game-jitters.
"Jamie, what's wrong?" You asked concerned.
"I've been meaning to contact you for a while now." He paused and met your eyes. "I've been a shit person. You didn't deserve it and I never got to say it when I got the chance, but...I love you. I always have. Since that day that you pushed me down in the forest and sat on me because I was being a cocky little prick." You smiled at that.
"I wish I could take all the bad stuff back. I wouldn't have hurt you. And I wouldn't have left. I am so sorry." Jamie hung his head.
"That must've been weighing on you for a long time." You replied with a pause. What he was talking about was something you didn't think about that often. Of course being the girlfriend of a young football star and then being left very abruptly phased you and impacted your future relationships, but therapy helped a lot. It's not just that Jamie was a prick, no sugarcoating needed there, but you weren't a sunshine either. "Jamie, we both weren't great people - we were still basically teenagers. You were going pro in football and I was going abroad for university. We would have broken up eventually or someone would have cheated and I think while the execution was not great, you did the only right thing. So, I hold absolutely no hard feelings for you." You smiled and he finally lifted his head to look at you.
"As for the confession about love...why don't you first get into the good graces of Manchester and then we can talk, I don't plan on jeopardizing my entire life because the man I want to date is hated by the whole fucking city."
"Wait...would you want to go on a date with me?" Jamie asked, looking shocked.
"Well, I'm single and the only guy I ever really loved in my life just said that he still loves me, so I guess so?" You grinned.
"Can I kiss you?" Jamie stood up from his seat, with a little more pep and you nodded, stepping closer to him with a ridiculous smile on your face. It was like muscle memory when your lips met and suddenly all the other guys made sense - you never liked kissing them as much as Jamie. Your therapist offered that idea to you but it dawned on you just now.
Thank you for reading! 😊💙
The GIF belongs to the amazing creator 😊
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cuppajj · 2 months
MyCookie HC Ramblings
I love thinking about what MyCookie would canonically look like… there’s a default one we could go off of but that’s boring ngl. Imagine
Like imagine that they look like the cake hound set. Imagine being made by the cookies of darkness, lost somewhere in the fold, and then when you grow up you still exhibit certain traits from them. Maybe they look a little bit like Butter Roll or Matcha with the hair and/or skin color, but everything else from the strawberry ears to the tail just happened because the cake influence in MyCookie’s dough was too strong. For the first time the good guys are walking around with something that’s typically associated with the bad guys, yknow cake, but MyCookie or Chiffon Cookie or whatever their name would be isn’t. It’s prime visual storytelling imo, a cookie who thematically looks like a bad guy but isn’t, even though they were originally meant to be one.
That’s my favorite HC, but I also love thinking about the fact that MyCookie was meant to be a vessel for one of the beasts. So imagine that instead of absorbing the Cake aura from the cookies of darkness, they grow up and look eerily similar to Shadow Milk. Or Mystic Flour, or any one of the five. The identity crisis that could come from that is juicy imo. In general, the thought of MyCookie learning they were gonna be used for evil is just fun, though I doubt that it’ll happen… just a food for thought
I like the angle of MyCookie looking like they didn’t have anything to do with the CoD & Beasts but I like the angle of something about their appearance being off a little more. I subscribe to Cream Ferret raising a sus dough baby and making them feel the love that their original purpose wouldn’t have given them. Anyway tldr in my heart mycookie is part cake and/or beast because of CoD meddling
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luvrsux · 6 months
“Sweet Treat”
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word count: 3.9k
summary: you’re a professional baker and someone who you liked in your past, ace, is infatuated with your skills
contents: fluff
a/n: my bad for the over 4 month hiatus. so much has happened but pls don’t expect fanfics as frequently. i just wanted to post this because i missed writing 🤍
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The day was as bright as a solar eclipse. The weather was just perfect that it’d wrap around your shoulders like a soft blanket on a cold winter day. The air brushed your scalp and behind your ears in just the right way—as you were speedily sprinting your way to work.
The “perfect” day would’ve been actually perfect if you hadn’t mistaken your day off for today instead of tomorrow. You would’ve been trotting along this very sidewalk, breathing in the fresh air and smiling at pedestrians with that sweet smile you’d use at your job—but no. Your lungs might as well be coming out your mouth with how much you’ve been hyperventilating.
To your rather small amount of luck, the bakery wasn’t far. It would’ve been a 10 minute walk but it turned into a 5 minute run which felt like eons. You lived in a rather compacted, populated city, so your body crashed and ran through innocent pedestrians, causing multitudes of ‘sorry!’ and ‘my bad!’
You finally met with the glass door of your small bakery you used your talents on. Your baking skills made this small bakery turn into one of the most famous ones in this city. Well, you and your equally amazing co-worker, Pudding.
You swung open the door with the last bit of energy you had left in you. Your legs were wobbling and the floor seemed to be as equally as comfortable as your bed. Pudding, who was wide eyed and holding a serving tray to serve the only table there. You gulped, trying to moisturize your dry throat from your heaving. You carved her an embarrassed smile while your eyes watched her serve the table.
“Pudding, I’m so so sorry! I thought today was Thursday” You excused and Pudding just absorbed it like a dry sponge. She murmured her polite gestures to the consumers after placing their desired order. You watched her brown big tails bob as she trotted towards you.
“No worries! I’m sure you’ll make it up to me by restocking any missing treats on the front desk” She smiled, a hint of sarcasm behind her chocolate eyes. You peered behind her shoulder to see more than half of the front glass missing. Pudding knew she could bake and stock but chose not to because that’s your job at the end of the day. You sighed.
“Of course. Write down anything I need to bake” You hang up your bag on the coat rack beside the door. Pudding smiled innocently and hummed but you knew it was fake. Pudding was black and white, and can easily go dark in a blink of an eye. Luckily, though, you two do get along rather well.
You walk past her to burst into the double doors leading into the sleek, silver kitchen. Everything was cleaned and freshened up, prepared for your talents. You washed your hands, pumping the bright colored soap gel into your palms and rubbed them together. You shook off your dewed hands and looked behind you to the steel table. A sticky note.
“Way ahead of me, I guess”
Your body moved mindlessly and aimlessly as you baked and baked and baked. A dozen lemon bars and fudge bars, A dozen and a half of croissants, some drizzled in chocolate and some with matcha, ten muffins of different flavors, refilling the large cookie jar, carrot cake cupcakes and macarons. Your apron was lathered with flour, chocolate and remanences of sweet filling. Despite all of that, you still had one more order to go. You threw the tin tray of unbaked strawberry cupcakes in the large oven.
The kitchen smelled entirely of sweet baked goods, and that may sound good but it made you nauseous. You needed to step out for fresh air, even the smell of coffee sounded better than all this yeast. You picked up the tray of now cooled cinnamon sugar muffins to stock up.
“I told you, we’re all out! Now leave!”
You heard puddings scratchy, angry voice even before bursting out the doors. There before her stood a tall, brunette guy with a smug grin. Seemed like the mere presence of this stranger irritated Pudding beyond belief. You blinked, tray in hand as you watched Pudding try to shoo off this customer.
“C’mon, you don’t have any in the kitchen or somethin’? I’m starving” His voice was like butter, as soft and smooth as the ones you’d plop into your mixture to make. Not only that but it was *awfully* familiar.
“Do I have to spell it out?” Pudding scrunched her nose up only to receive a hearty chuckle from the man himself. You took in a deep breath and quickly stood beside your angry pastry chef friend.
“Hey I just finished making these” You smiled. Pudding averted her angry expression to you, immediately softening up when she laid her agitated eyes on you. She made eye contact with the smoking muffins that were calling the attention of this person before her. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle this” You whispered.
Pudding pouted at the customer and strutted off, flipping one of her pigtails as a ‘fuck you’ while she snaked into the kitchen to most likely bake her anger out. You opened the glass fold to restock the section the cinnamon sugar muffins belonged and the guy before you widened his eyes.
“I knew they had some in the back!” He exclaimed, leaning over the desk to snatch one off the tray. You gasped and tried to retreat but stopped when you made eye contact with his face.
“I’ve been craving these since forever!” He took a hearty bite out of it, carefully unfolding the wrapping. You watched him chewed and chewed, his freckles lying upon his inflated cheeks. His eyes were closed shut, as if he was envisioning the flavors through his eyelids. He moaned like this was his last meal on Earth.
“Portgas Ace” You blurted. His trance was interrupted. He flickered his eyes open and stopped chewing momentarily. His sudden awkward eye contact caused your cheeks to flair out of sheer embarrassment.
“Oh I-… That’s your name right? I think we went to the same high school” You explained. He raised an eyebrow and swallowed. His expression then beamed once he recognized your face.
“Right, right! You were in the culinary club and you’d always make the best food! Uhhh (F/N), was it?” He snapped his fingers while he pondered. By now you were finished with restocking and the tray was tucked under your arm. You smiled.
“Yeah, that’s me! Everyone in the club hated you for always eating our food with your younger brother but personally I didn’t mind” You explained. You typed on the register for the amount of money Ace owed for his now bitten muffin he stole from you. “Made me appreciate my talents” You continued.
“I remember your cooking and baking were my favorite. My bad if I ever disrupted you or anything. Hey, did you make this?” He pointed at the muffin. The cinnamon sugar muffin is your own special recipe. It was the first baking recipe you learned on your own just by experimenting. You nodded bashfully.
“It’s my own recipe” You smiled. Ace blinked for a moment. No wonder he loved these things so much, he thought. “Anyway, your total is 2-“
“I want a dozen of these”
His request almost made you choke on your saliva. You blinked for a moment and realized that his request was almost the entire stock you had left. You opened your mouth agape to say something before he continued.
“I remember having one of these months ago before I moved and never forgot about em’. I’m going to a get together tonight and I need nothing but the best for the guests” He explained with a smile on his face, all while eating the muffin in his own hand.
Your temporary halt came to an end and you began rapidly typing in the register to calculate what it’ll all come to, including his own.
“26.55…” You murmur, still stunned that this one guy was so amazed by your recipe that he’d wanna buy a dozen. Not only for himself, though. For other people.
“Here” Ace’s fingers held a sleek card in between them to pay for his order. You took it, gently brushing your fingertips against his. You swiped his card to reveal a successful transaction for his sweets.
“Thanks, really” You saw, gushing like a little girl while giving his card back. Ace just chuckled upon taking it back. His smile was beaming and happy, like he had no care in the world.
“Keep makin’ those! I’ll be the ones keeping you in business just for those babies” He joked. You giggled, grabbing a dozen box for the muffins. The box was a soft pastel pink with white polka dots. The bakeries logo was printed on the middle in cursive. You placed each and every muffin delicately until all twelve were placed. You closed the box and stretched your arms to drop them into Aces hands.
“Thanks so much! I’ll be coming here more often”
Ace left with the pretty box in hand as well as a pretty smile plastered on his face like he just saw a unicorn. You watched in awe. Back in high school, you remember everyone having a gawking crush on the boy. He was attractive and tied every girl with a thread by their hearts just by his charm. You weren’t one of them, though. At least not like that.
When Ace would compliment your cooking, it’d warm your heart better than any oven you’d use to bake your goods. You never knew if it was romantic or not, but you’d look forward to Ace disrupting the clubs time just to taste your cooking or treats. You felt that all over again. Nostalgia kissed your cheeks like a long loss lover.
“Hate that guy…”
Your trance was disrupted by your co worker. Pudding watched him disappear with folded arms. Her aura and expression was devilish despite her sweet, pure appearance. Her tone against Ace might as well shoot him through his chest. You raised an eyebrow.
“Why?” You pondered. You felt embarrassed even thinking about being flattered by Ace considering one of your closest friends seemed to chew his head off. She scoffed and cleaned the cashier counter of crumbs.
“He comes in here and just eats all of our samples and says—ahem” She cleared her throat only to attempt to lower her voice to sound masculine, only to not really work as much. “It’s only samples, they’re meant to be free” Pudding attempted to mock Ace’s voice, only to cause a snicker from you.
“He seemed to really like the cinnamon sugars. That’s all I care about” You replied, shrugging your shoulders bashfully. You felt Puddings eyes pierce through you.
“Don’t tell me you actually like him?” Pudding judged. Those words made the hairs on your body spike up. You peered toward her and just scoffed.
You didn’t respond. You didn’t know how to. You just brushed past her to place the tray you’ve been clenching on back in the kitchen where it belonged. You heard Puddings small heals crack behind you like firecrackers.
“If you actually like him I wouldn’t… Entirely judge you”
Pudding rolled her eyes as she followed you to the kitchen. The room was filled of the smell of fresh vanilla cake. Pudding must’ve made it after her tussle with Ace. You carved a smile.
“I don’t like him. I mean I guess I did in high school, but I dunno” You place the tray into the vastly large sink to cleanse it from the residue of the muffins. Cleanliness is everything in the cooking industry after all.
“He probably has a girlfriend. He always has back then” You projected your voice over the loud sink. You scrubbed until the tray sparkled.
“And you wondered why I didn’t like him” Pudding remarked. You flicked off the metal sink from pouring out fresh water. You whipped your head back.
“Don’t you like that chef? Sanji? From culinary school?” Your words made Puddings face turn the same hex as a tomato. You giggled in amusement.
“N-No! He’s such a— Low life loser!” She frantically explained. She sure convinced you. She puffed her cheeks and began aggressively taking our ingredients to make yet another dish out of her emotions. You took it as a sign to just stay at the register for the day…
Weeks pass and Ace came in almost every day just for the same order. It started off with the cinnamon sugar muffins. Then it evolved to a cinnamon sugar muffin with a cup of black coffee. Then it evolved to just him staying at the bakery table just to study and occasionally talk to you while you were at the register. Ace might as well be an employee with how much time he’d lounge there.
Ace would sometimes bring a group of friends, sometimes consisting of his two brothers. They, too, would compliment your baking as much as Ace would but it didn’t feel the same. The way Ace said it and how’d he appreciate it on a regular basis made your heart flutter every time.
But there he was, approaching your register ready to order the same thing. You gave him a sweet smile and snaking your hand to the cinnamon sugar glass cabinet. Your hand movement made Ace carve that same smile you’d crave every time.
“Nice to see you again, Ace” You giggle, bagging his muffin and preparing his coffee. You heard his smooth chuckle from behind, like he was wrapping those toned arms around your waist.
“You too, (F/N). Can’t wait to start my morning with your baking” He winks. You turn and snap the lid on his molten coffee. You caught a glimpse of him biting his lower lips and furrowing his eyebrows, like he was pondering something.
“Hey uh-… Actually I came to ask you something” He blurted out. You just barely finished typing his order on the register to pay. You blinked your eyelids a few times.
“What is it?” You murmur, ready to expect the worse. Ace inhaled, scratching the back of his neck and using the same hand to massage his chin.
“Well uh-… Jeez this is hard” You heard him stammer. You raised an eyebrow, wondering why such a cocky, confident guy like him was struggling to talk to you.
“Are you—… Tired of the muffins? I can actually show you a new recipe you may like instead-“
“No, no!”
His freckles were drowning in his own blush. His cheeks were a bright red and you couldn’t hold in a giggle for much longer. He continued to breathe in and out until he leaned over the counter before you.
“I was wonderin’ if… Maybe you’d like to come over? We’ve been talking for a bit I figured I’d— Y’know—“
You put him to a halt by finally letting out your flattered giggles. Ace felt even more embarrassed and looked up at you with folded lips. You waved your hands.
“Sorry, sorry It’s just—.. Are you asking me out right now? Like a teenage girl?” You tease. Ace let out a bashful chuckle, feeling oddly naked that now he’s doing the asking.
“Yeah, I guess so” His response made you giggle even more. You died down and eyed him up and down with loving eyes.
“Yes, I’d love to. Better have a nice dinner planned for an experienced chef and baker like me” You mimicked Aces confidence only to make him laugh with you. You both had bright cheeks and felt like teenagers again.
“Okay then. I’ll see you there” He winked. You heard a swish come from the counter. He moved his arms off to walk off without his average order. He didn’t care about his regular, he cared about asking you out. You gushed. Especially when you read his address name and number written on a sticky note he may or may not have pre-written on the counter.
“Remember when you said you don’t like him?” A squeaky voice from behind spoke. It sent shockwaves throughout your body and you hitched.
You made sure to wear your best yet appropriate outfit. Nothing too fancy but nothing like you just rolled out of bed. You patted down your clothes, adjusted your hair and made sure you looked presentable as you stood before Ace’s front door. Once you finally gained the confidence to knock, you heard swears from beyond the door. A frantic, brunette swung open the door and you were startled, to say the least.
“Uh— Are you alright?” You asked, peering behind his shoulder to see a small gust of smoke. Did he just come out of a raging fire you didn’t know about, you thought.
“Hey!” He sang, carving an awkward smile. He stepped aside to open the door for you. “Yeah Im uh— Great! Come in”
Ace was nervous and struggling to make a good environment for you. Usually, this would be easy for him since he was a harem himself but he genuinely liked you. Something about you feeding his stomach in just the right ways and you being sweet and generous about it.
Ace’s kitchen was full of smoke upon arrival. There laid a baking tray on his kitchen counter and you eyed it for a moment. Had Ace been… baking?
“I uh— Made you something” He closed the door and scurried to the kitchen. He tried picking up the tray but scorched his hand. He winced and shook his hand to erase the pain. You almost let out a snicker.
You quickly dropped your bag to approach your date to analyze his creation. They looked like rocks shaped in muffins. Seemed like Ace kept them under the heat for too long…
“You can tell I’m not quite the best baker” He chuckled while running his fingers through his locks to massage his scalp. You picked up a “muffin” and scrunched up your nose as you took a bite.
It was awful.
But somehow you can enjoy it regardless since this guy went out of his way to enter your hobbies and talents to impress you. You carved a smile. The best ingredient for any dish is love.
“How about we bake something together” You suggested. Ace’s eyes went wide and bright, like you spoke heavenly words that melted in his ears.
You tied your hair to get it out of the way, scrubbed your hands and rummaged around Ace’s house for ingredients. Ace had just enough to make a simple vanilla cake with buttercream icing. You mainly instructed Ace to grab the ingredients and measure them out for you to mix and mix.
You let Ace lick and eat the spoon you used to mix the cake batter. He moaned and smiled like a child and it made you blush. You poured the cake batter into a baking tin that was doused in butter. You splashed a bit of batter on your face on accident. You felt Ace’s thumb pick it up effortlessly and lick it off. You swore you’d melt right there and then. You left it up to Ace to place it into the oven as you began to prepare the frosting.
“So what made you wanna bake?” You ask in the midst of your mixing. Ace had been leaning against the counter on his back and licked his fingers of any excess batter.
“I guess… I wanted to impress you?” Ace looked at you with pleading eyes. You felt your body temperature rise into the clouds just by his look. “I um-.. Never really felt this way about a person before… Sorry If it’s so awkward”
You made sure to test the icings texture until it was to your liking. You smiled in delight.
“So you’re saying you like me?” You blurted out, taking a sheet of plastic wrap to cover the bowl of icing while the cake finished baking in the oven. You saw Ace’s face plaster in pigment.
His voice was low and genuine. You both made direct eye contact for a moment before you looked down to avoid the overwhelming amount of embarrassment. Ace carved a smile, already knowing you won’t object his confession. If anything, you felt the same way.
“Do you?” His voice was low and soft. He caressed you without even touching you… yet. You let out a small giggle and sigh.
“I can say so, yeah…” You reply. Ace’s chuckle hugged you. You fondled with your fingers, twisting and turning them before opening your mouth agape. “So…”
You caught a quick glimpse of Ace biting his lip before he laid a hand on your cheek. You hitched before you felt his warm, tender lips on yours and quickly synced against yours. You hum, sending vibrations throughout his face. You felt him smile against your lips and it was only contagious. You couldn’t help it.
You pulled away and fluttered your eyes open. You looked up and down at his face and he smiled like a dope. You giggled.
“Your lips taste like cake” You gush. Ace chuckled and licked his own lips for a taste. Your bodies were pulled close, like just one slight move could end up in a kiss again.
“Guess that made the kiss more enjoyable” He winked. You sarcastically rolled your eyes and pushed his face away. You can only take so much flattery.
Once the cake was done and cooled, you and Ace giggled while you lathered it with the frosting. It obviously looked like a mediocre, homemade cake but that didn’t matter. This wasn’t just your cake. This was you and Ace’s cake. It meant more to you than anything that you didn’t even wanna take a bite. Ace waved a fork full of the cake in your face.
“No you try it first!” You reject. Ace shook his head and folded his lips.
“No, no. You’re the guest, c’mon” He encouraged. You sighed, knowing that you’d get nowhere if you didn’t oblige. You open your mouth wide to let Ace drop the cake into your mouth and chewed.
It tasted better than anything you’ve tasted before. The ingredients were generic, but this cake tasted more magical simply because you made it with someone you felt intimate with. You smiled.
“It’s amazing…”
“I know”
You giggled helplessly and swallowed. Ace took a bite himself and shook his head. Of course it was amazing to him. He could taste anything you’d made any day of the week and appreciate like it was his meal on death row.
“Now, here’s the billion dollar question” Ace spoke, liking off the excess icing off the fork. You hummed.
“Which is sweeter? Me or the cake?” He smirked. You giggled and shook your head. You took it upon yourself to wrap your arms around his neck and you felt his arms secure your back.
“Let’s find out”
Those three words made Ace latch his hungry lips against yours. Your mouths were as sweet as the bakery you worked at. All you could taste was vanilla and buttercream. This was, by far, sweeter than the cake. You both made out in sync for what seemed like years. Ace pulled away, leaving a small connection between your lips via saliva.
“Your lips, for sure”
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all credits and characters belong to eiichiro oda
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aestheticaltcow · 2 months
Coffee Run
Sydney "Syd" Adamu x Reader
Someone requested a Syd x fem reader story a few months ago, and here it is!
The Bear Masterlist
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“Syd, it’s my turn to do the pick-up. You do it every time, and it’s not fair to you,” Natalie scolded as she watched Syd pull her coat on. 
Syd waved off the concern, “Psh, don’t stress it, Natalie. I don’t mind doing it.” she was out the door before Natalie could even respond. Pick-up orders from the coffee shop down the street were the highlight of Sy’d shift these past few weeks.
The owner- Jake or James- Syd couldn’t remember his name outside the fact he was some J-named millennia man who knew little about food but a lot about business. At the beginning of the summer, he came by with a flyer advertising his coffee shop's new summer menu items. Richie joked about him being a narc but admitted the shop made a good cup of coffee. 
Everyone had taken a turn doing pick-up orders, and when it was finally Syd’s turn, she met you, and the short interaction the two of you shared felt like it was going in slow motion. 
You were standing by the intricate espresso machine, quickly whisking matcha. Syd noticed the colorful friendship bracelets adorning your wrists first. Then, the neon rainbow chrome nails. Your fingers were decorated with a mix of chunky acrylic rings and a few shiny gold rings. Syd swallowed softly and nervously walked up to the counter. You called out that you’d help her in a moment, but Syd didn’t know how to respond.
As you turned to look at Syd, she immediately noticed your expertly drawn winged eyeliner and the little bat septum ring. She knew you were queer- or at least curious…
“Hi i’m Y/N. Welcome to The Barn, what can I get started for you babe?” your dazzling smile and plush pillowy lips were even more intriguing than your jewelry. Syd was sure she had a stupid starstruck look plastered across her face. 
“Uh, pick up order?” Syd managed to answer your question with a question that made you giggle in response. “Are you one of The Bears?” you asked. Syd’s eyes narrowed as she thought of an answer, “Sorta? I’m the CDC.”
Syd’s explanation left you confused; Syd noticed and quickly clarified, “Chef de cuisine- sorta like a kitchen manager. I collaborate with the chef execuif- head chef- Carmy. Short blonde guy with a stick up his ass.” 
You laughed at the explanation of Carmy and quickly asked, “So you’re like the second in command?” Syd nodded and watched as you picked up a travel tray of drinks and set it on the counter. “Here’s your order…” you trailed off as you turned away to grab a small paper pastry bag, “You like raspberry jelly cookies?” 
Syd nodded, and your smile grew larger, revealing a small green crystal on your incisor. “Then here is a free cookie. I’m a bit of a baker, and Jeremy- the owner, lets me try new recipes sometimes.”  
“Thank you. Oh, I’m Syd, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Syd. Have a good rest of your day.” 
“There’s my favorite regular. Hey Syd!” you greeted as Syd walked into the coffee shop that afternoon. Syd grinned in response to your greeting and walked toward the counter. You put down the inventory checklist you’d been finalizing and went over to the register. “How you doin’ babe?”
“Confused, overworked, and underappreciated. The Carmy special.” Syd laughed as she leaned her palms against the redwood counter. “Sounds like my hard-workin’ girl could use a fudge espresso brownie.” you casually flirted, hoping today would be the day she’d ask for your phone number or at least your Instagram handle.
“You know the way to my heart, Y/N.” Syd smiled, making you blush. 
After you handed Syd the drink tray and brownie, you sighed. “Syd, are you into girls?” the question came off more bluntly than you’d intended and Syd looked taken aback slightly but slowly nodded. “Okay. I’m in a band, we’re doing a garage sow on Wednesday- you should come.” 
“I’ll be there.” Syd smiled as she put the tray back down on the counter. She then pulled her phone out of her pocket and quickly unlocked it before handing it to you. “Put your number in, and I’ll text you tonight for the details.” 
“Cool. Have a good shift, Syd.” You smiled and handed her phone back. Your fingers grazed each other as she took it back. The promise of a text tonight and the idea of Syd coming to your show left your stomach fluttering for the rest of your shift.
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offbrandkyoya · 2 years
11 sandwich kisses
previous | masterlist | next
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Xiao peeks out of the door, looking at both sides. He closes the door as he turns back to his friends. “She's not here.” Venti sighs as he rubs the back of his neck, “Thank god.” He takes a drink from his water bottle. “Stupid bitch watching over us like a hawk.” Aether frowned and placed his hand on his shoulder. “You should sit down.” Venti gives him a smile. “I’m fine.”
Scaramouche analyzes the scene from afar. He still didn't feel like he was close with any of them so he trained solo. He noticed something about Venti and how he treats his injuries. Right now, his neck hurts but Venti won't do anything about it. Maybe Scaramouche will have the heart to ask. “Y/n will be here soon.” Scaramouche flinched. “And how do you know that?” Heizou asked with his hands on his hips.
Venti sticks his tongue out. “Because I'm their best friend!” “Since when?!” “Since ever!” Xiao piped in, “But Aether’s their best friend. They've known each other longer.” Heizou and Venti glare at Aether and he jumps. “D-Don’t look at me like that!” Scaramouche felt his stomach go empty. He didn't feel like looking at Aether at all. That startled him. ‘Why do I care anyway?’
Suddenly, the door swings open with you, holding countless bags. “Hope I wasn't too late.” You shyly said. Xiao goes to help with the bags and you both place them on the long table they have. “Okay,” You opened one and pulled out a drink and a small bag. “Venti, your latte and cake pop.” He hurriedly took the items out of your hands with glee. “Thank you y/n cakes!” Scaramouche could sense his ears bleeding.
“Xiao, your matcha tea,” You handed it to him while also taking out a container. “Here Aether’s brownie and cookie.” He nodded and took it with him as you handed Aether his drink. The boys thanked you and you smiled. Kazuha crept behind you and went to grab his items. Startled you said, “It's okay Kazuha, I got it.” “No, it's alright.” He replied softly while carrying his things.
Noticing this, Heizou went to help as well by helping Kazuha gather his food without dropping anything. You chuckled and took out the last few items. “Here you go Heizou.” The boys rearranged their items, deciding what to place on the table and the other carried the food itself in their hands. “Lastly,” You turned to Scaramouche, stretching out your arm. “Here's your sandwich.” His eyes went wide in shock.
“What?” “You wanted a sandwich, right?” He stares at it for a while then looks back at yo. “You had time to make this?” You laughed dryly. “Well, I did rush it a bit in the end but I hope it's good.” Scaramouche took it and then asked another question, “What are you going to eat?” You waved your hands, “Oh! No, I'm fine. I'll eat on my way back.” Scaramouche bit his bottom lip.
He felt his body move on its own as he tore half of the sandwich, handing it to you. “For someone who bought all of this, you'd think they'd have something for themselves.” You stared at the food in front of you. You didn't know what to say. It's like you forgot what language you spoke. He shakes it, “So? I'll take it back if you don't want it.” Your cheeks flushed. “N-No! I'll eat it!” You reached for it and the both of you tensed as your fingertips touched.
“T-Thank you.” “You made it.” You giggled, shifting side to side. “I know but it was yours, to begin with.” Scaramouche went silent and then said, “You say the most ridiculous things.” You puffed up your cheeks. “Rude!” You both went silent and each took a bite at the same time. Scaramouche’s eyes sparkled at the taste. For some reason, this was the most mouthwatering sandwich he's ever tasted.
He looked up at you and you were smiling as you ate. You hummed a tune, enjoying each bite. Scaramouche’s heart was doing flip-flops as he felt like he couldn't eat anymore. He was so drawn to you. “That was an indirect kiss,” Kazuha spoke, startling the two of you since it felt like you both were alone with each other. His voice was like a jumpscare to you guys. “What the? Are you high?!” Venti replied with his mouth covered in chocolate. Kazuha sighs as he slumps his shoulders. “I wish.”
“How the fuck was that a kiss?” Heizou pointed at him with his spoon. “You know how when you have to share a drink and you do it with the same straw? It's like that.” “That's nothing like that!” Aether laughs at the boys. “I mean, I get where he's coming from.” Xiao spins his head toward him. “You do?” “Kind of but it is a bit far-fetched.” “So you are high,” Venti comments with a nod. Kazuha shakes his head. “How does that make me high?! Sounds like you're the one that's high!”
“Why are you guys talking about this anyways?” Scaramouche questions as they continued to argue in the background. You giggled, “You’ll get used to it.” He makes a mental note of that then glances at you. He looks back to the guys and then toward you. “Uh, I want to talk to you about something.” You tilted your head. “About?” He didn't say anything and you took it as a sign that he wanted to speak alone. You nod and the two of you sneak out to the hall a bit, far from the door.
He makes sure the manager or security wasn't around before you guys can talk. Giving you the okay, you asked, “What's wrong?” Scaramouche glanced to the side or anywhere to avoid your face. “Uh, well, I wanted to say,” You noticed his face turn red. “Hm?” He flinched and stuttered out, “I-I wanted to apologize...” You blinked. “About what?” “About how I acted towards you yesterday.” ‘Yesterday?’ It took you a minute before you remembered what he was talking about. “Oh, it's okay. I don't mind. I was being a bit pushy.” Scaramouche shook his head. “No, I'm...” He paused for a moment, “I'm in the wrong too.”
His voice went quiet which startled you. “I didn't mean to say those things to you.” He still wouldn't look you in the eyes. “I-I mean, I shouldn't have been so cold towards you. You didn't mean any harm and I took it the wrong way.” Finally, Scaramouche locked his eyes onto yours and said, “I'm sorry.” Your eyes went glossy at those words. “You don't have to be sorry, silly.” You gave him a shaky smile. “But I am.” You let out a small giggle, “We're going to be arguing about this for a while.” Scaramouche’s cheeks went warm. “I guess so.”
You smiled at him softly, “We should go back in. Who knows what Kazuha has done to Venti.” Scaramouche nods as he watches you head to the door. “Wait,” He calls out, causing you to stop with a hand on the doorknob. You turn to him. “Something wrong?” Scaramouche stared at you then turned his head to the side. “Your sandwiches are really good. I hope you continue to cook for us so I can taste them again.” Your face turned red and before you knew it, your heart began to beat in a tune. “If that's what you want, I'll be happy to do it.”
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- new buddy daddies ep made me want to shoot myself
- if you guys didn’t guess ventis lactose 💀
- IN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
🏷️ @sakiimeo @coquettemaiden @rmiyuki @kur44pika @theblueblub @jxxji0309 @dreamsofminnie @ohmyfinggod @redactedhimbo @kunisbeloved @akagism2 @sketcheeee @aeongiies @thefandomcrow @beriiov @thenightsflower @yukiipc @scaraapologist @scarletttcroww @samyayaya @crucnhice @monaypo1 @feiherp
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nightmyst14-blog · 3 months
July 2024 Comic dump: RedMatcha edition
New rarepair is here. Red Bean Cookie x Matcha Cookie. I finally made 3 silly comics with them.
I have no reason for why this ship is here, but I think Matcha deserves a nice guy who would treat her good. Someone OUTSIDE of the COD, thank you.
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Context: New shipping dynamic unlocked: nervous mess of insecurity x affectionate himbo
Also height difference.
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Context: Protective older bro Red Velvet. Due to they were both treated DE and the COD, he's distrustful of anyone Matcha seemed interested.
Dont Worry Red Bean will be fine. Boi can run.
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Context: Matcha is still very nervous around White Lily, so opening up about her new bf was scary. White Lily doesn't mind though, as long her new daughter is happy.
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blanketorghost · 10 months
When In Dreams I Go To You
Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu Fujisaki (OC)
Word count: 2,624
Author's note: uuh yeah this lacks a lot of context that comes from other fics but I really wanted to publish this very specific part of their story. A year and a half after the main storyline. Azul is 19 and in his senior internships and Yuu is 20 and back on Earth.
Summary: After months of work and research, Yuu, Ortho and Idia made a reliable duplicate portal. Initally designed to let Grim travel between worlds, Azul catches word of it first. And having regretted the sour note they left their relationship on, Azul strongarms himself into the operation and surprises Yuu on Earth. Right as he was about to make the first step into moving on from his ex boyfriend.
This scene is the 3rd ish part of this earth centric arc.
"What were you even planning to do once Idia-san manages to create a way for you to travel back? Would you just... pop in for a visit?"
Yuu merely shrugs and turns around, walking to the pantry and taking out a small glass jar with more leaves. "Maybe. I was hoping I'd be able to before you graduate."
"... and?" Azul's breath catches in his throat, eyes scanning each and every one of Yuu's movements as he filled the kettle with water again and put it on the stove to boil, this time filled with a different blend of tea inside.
"... I don't know. Maybe I could've caught a glimpse of you when the seniors were back."
"Is looking at me from afar enough for you?"
"I like to lie to myself and pretend it is."
Azul worries his lip as he looks down at his own tea, which had become lukewarm long ago. His reflection merely stares back, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes glazed over as he mulled over his next words. "Did you ever think about me?"
An uncomfortable, faint echo reverberates through the room, only now making Azul notice how sparcely decorated it is.
As if taken from a minimalist magazine, Yuu's apartment looked... cold. Not lived in. There wasn't even a hint of the warmth that his old bedroom in Ramshackle had, one which was full of little trinkets and gifts he's collected.
Yuu lingers at the edge of the marble counter, staring at the kettle with such intensity one might think that'd be enough to make it break. "... Is the sky blue?" He utters out, his voice bouncing off the walls, giving even more weight to his words.
"Is water wet?" The kettle boils, and the shrill sound of its whistle makes Azul flinch before Yuu turns the stove off.
He takes his time to pour a fresh cup of tea and takes another cookie, carefully placing both on a saucer. Yuu slowly balances the small plate with both hands as he walks back to the coffee table and places it in front of Azul, then takes the old cup of already-cold tea from his hands.
"Does Yuu Fujisaki think of Azul Ashengrotto?"
He whispers softly as their eyes meet, and Yuu's hand grazes Azul's fingers when he gently tugs the cup away. He silently walks back to the kitchen and pours the contents down the drain. He turns on the faucet and lets the sound of flowing water take over as he gently scrubs the dishes, creating a generous layer of foam build up before rinsing.
Azul's breath wavers as he shakily takes the new tea placed in front of him. He feels his own strength somehow leave him, as if the contents of the cup had just suddenly transformed to lead and his arms had had all their bones removed.
"I think this blend might suit you better. It's less strong than the matcha I mull. More similar to the black tea you have at the lounge." Yuu says as he washes the last dish left and starts wiping everything dry. "It goes well with the cookies."
Azul simply nods and takes a sip of the piping hot beverage. He was right, like always. The tea was rich and just slightly bitter, perfectly balancing out the sweetness of the cookie. It was slightly smoky and earthy, warm and comforting. Just enough for Azul to try and speak again.
"Why did you not call?"
Maybe that wasn't a good idea.
Yuu moves on with his task, wiping stubornly at a mug. Then takes a pair of chopsticks and does the same with each.
"Would you have picked up?" Finally, Yuu answers. His posture slumps, and he places a plate on the dishrack. "Would you..." his voice breaks, and he has to cover his mouth with one hand as his shoulders tremble.
The room is filled with heavy silence as Azul waits for Yuu to say something. Anything. Should he come there and comfort him instead? Would Yuu even accept that after all the pain he's caused him?
He was never good with these kinds of situations. Yuu was the one who did the reassuring, the one who made him cups of fresh tea when he was upset and wiped frustrating tears away in the worse days. Yuu was the one who cared for everyone else.
"Why did you come?" Yuu hugs himself tight, the slightest hint of his deltoids showing through his woolen vest from the sheer strength of his grip.
Azul, in response, takes a sharp breath. He wanted to say it was obvious. That the reason he threw himself into that portal was to take Yuu back with him now that he was more successful, now that he could provide and give him everything he wanted.
But could he really do that?
Could he really, when Yuu's face was basically in every billboard, in every magazine from this world? How could he compete when Yuu had already reached the top and he was just starting out?
His voice catches in his throat when he tries to speak. Truly, it was foolish to think he could satisfy Yuu. Deep down, he already knew this. Yet, he still needed to say it. He couldn't just stand by and let Yuu suffer alone, thinking he didn't want him back. Because Sevens, he wanted him.
He needed to let him know that his abscence haunted him constantly. That every little thing, every detail, and subtle touch he added to his contracts were a testament to Yuu's impact in his life. He could see him everywhere. In the honey in his tea, in the carefully laid out blankets in his hotel rooms, or in the shaky lines of a bad drawing.
He hated to admit that the warmth Yuu gave him when they were friends, when they were lovers, was one he couldn't replicate. No amount of searching, no amount of money could buy what Yuu made him feel. What Yuu specifically made him feel.
Azul worries his bottom lip until he feels that still foreign, metallic taste of blood in his mouth. Words were his trade. They were the glue that held his contracts together. Yet, there he was, unable to string a sentence that could possibly encapsule Yuu's importance to him. His knuckles turn white as he grips the teacup tightly against his chest, and, as a small mercy to the delicate porcelain, he digs his hand onto his coat pocket, hitting something hard.
His hand curls around the flat slate, slowly taking it out. He caresses the wood's surface, the small etches hand carved onto it, and the slightly faded off paint from constant use. The ribbon at the top had also slightly frayed at the edges, something he had to fix himself by burning them slightly a few months back. He turns the slab around and looks at the handpainted message on the back, which sparkled with his own signature golden ink. Yet, the writing wasn't his. The gentle strokes of a foreign language were there, still legible thanks to that translator amulet he'd invested on a while ago.
Azul didn't even need that, though. He thought. He could've recited those phrases by memory with how often he'd read them.
"....U... Unlike the waves..." He starts, his voice shaky and slow. He'd never dared to recite this out loud in the months before, but now, it felt, more than ever, that those words were calling to him. "... that come up to the shore of Suminoe..." Azul gulps, his mouth gone dry. Still, he pushes on. Only a line left. "In the gathered night..."
"... When in dreams I go to you, You hide from people's eyes."
Yuu's voice takes him by surprise as he recites the rest, his tone just as weak.
Azul had always wondered what the rest of that poem said, what made Yuu want to write those specific words into his 18th birthday gift. And what were those last lines that completed it. Now, he didn't know if he regretted or delighted in hearing them. He can no longer count the nights he'd spent awake thinking about them. Were they merely something beautiful to adorn the bookmark at his insistence, or were there something more?
Even in the brief period in which they dated, Yuu refused to complete the poem for him, giving him promises of getting him the full anthology for him to read and enjoy. But he couldn't have enjoyed it.
Even when, a mere week after their break up, Yuu sent over the carefully wrapped book, Azul couldn't get himself to open it and find the end for himself. Not when all he could think about was Yuu's sweet voice reciting those first verses to him.
Now, he had his answer. An answer that squeezed his heart and made him want to scream and cry into the void. Yet also made him want to run into Yuu's arms and drown in his embrace, lay there and feel his scent again, his soft hands holding his back, and listen to his heartbeat, no matter how changed he was now.
"Why did you come here?"
Azul was so dazed he didn't notice that Yuu had kneeled right in front of him, arms crossed in that familiar defensive way. He couldn't dare look at his eyes, no matter how much he missed that mauve hue. He didn't deserve it.
Yet, his eyes moved by themselves, tracing the imaginary lines from his collar to his neck, his jaw to his moles, his lips to his nose, and his cheeks to his eyes and brows, which were furrowed into a tight grimace despite that beautiful shine his irises gave off. He was still perfect after all this time.
"Yuu...." He whispers, tears welling up in his eyes. "Isn't it obvious?" Was he really going to force him to say it out loud? How much he missed him, how much he needed him. Weren't the words they exchanged when they were together enough?
"I don't want to get my hopes up again." Yuu says softly as he tightens his arms around himself in that heartbreaking way he does when he's upset.
Azul was the one to break things off. He was the one to leave Ramshackle early after the farewell party, and he was the one who rejected Yuu's last attempt to reconcile before he left. But could he not cut him some slack, too?
They knew this was going to happen eventually. And Yuu deserved to go back home without any responsibilities to burden him back in Twisted Wonderland.
He had to do it for his own good. He had to.
He had to.
At least, that's what he told himself. That's the only thing that gave him a morsel of comfort after months of grief and pain.
Then why, especially now, did it feel like it was a horrible mistake?
"I miss you." Azul finally admits out loud, feeling like he's swallowed shards of glass that tore out his vocal chords. The truth was bitter and sticky and so sharply painful he felt as if his whole neck was being torn out. As if two fires had ignited in his lungs, making it impossible to breathe.
"I miss you too." Yuu whispers back, his expression getting softer. A small mercy for Azul's shattered hearts.
"I came here for you." If he was going to be honest, Azul may as well get everything out now that he had Yuu here. He didn't know when would be the next time they'd be allowed a moment like this. "I needed to see you again. I wanted to make things right between us."
"Why?" Yuu asks again and makes a face. Was he really going to force him to say it? Obviously, it was because he loved him. Obviously, it was because he wanted him back. So why did he need Azul to say it out loud?
Azul gulps and musters the courage to look at Yuu's eyes again. He simply couldn't say no to that pleading look, to those puppy dog eyes, and that kicked dog expression. Did he need it that much? Did his gaze really betray the amount of trust Yuu had on his words?
Fine. Then so be it.
He'd write him an entire book if he needed to.
"Because I love you." Azul struggles to get the words out, his tongue suddenly deciding to rebel against him. Yet, he continues on. "I still love you. And I'm sorry."
"I love you too." Yuu's hand reaches out to caress Azul's cheek. And, at that moment, he thinks the dam's about to break. Sevens know he can already feel the cracks forming. "And I'm sorry, too."
"Why? I broke up with you."
"I know, but I didn't make the break up easy either. I'm sorry." Yuu strokes his cheek with his thumb and places his other hand above Azul's, the one that held onto the bookmark. "I kept on sending you gifts but didn't have the courage to even write to you." He bites his cheek before continuing, "I was too scared you'd throw any letters away."
"I would - I would never do that -" Now it's Azul turn to frown as his tone turns more indignant. He wouldn't have read them, probably, just like how he'd never unwrapped any present Yuu sent. But he still kept everything. A part of him was scared. Scared of the feelings they might reignite. But he would never throw away something as precious as Yuu's gifts were.
"I was still scared." Yuu smiles a little. "Can you blame me?"
"No, I cannot." Azul snorts in response, a bit of the tension breaking. Somehow, Yuu always knew how to make difficult conversations easy. "But I still wouldn't have thrown them away."
"Good to know." Yuu squeezes his hand. Once again, it demonstrated just how easily it was for him to make Azul's heart melt.
They stay there, looking at each other for what feels like an eternity. Finally having enough time to examine those little things that had changed in just one year of being apart. The new earrings, the longer hair, the slightly matured features, and slightly more pronounced eye bags. He looked so... uncanny. Not exactly the same Yuu he met, but not exactly a foreign look either. Like an odd middle ground he couldn't pinpoint. Would his hugs still feel familiar? Would his skin feel the same? Would he carry the same scent? The answer should've been obvious, but Azul couldn't help but wonder.
Were his kisses still the same?
He lingers on Yuu's face, letting go of the bookmark and cupping his cheek. The way Yuu leans to his touch is so familiar. A habit formed after hundreds of times. His other hand soon follows the first, framing his face with his fingers. Just like before.
It's always been easy to pull him close. Yuu always allowed Azul to do so. The lack of resistance took a weight off of Azul's shoulders. He didn't need to fight for Yuu's affection. He gave it away so freely all the time. It sometimes made Azul jealous. But in times like this, that kind of trust was all he needed. All he needed to know was that he was doing the right thing when he pressed his lips to Yuu's, and Yuu so easily kissed back.
It was awkward to have Yuu kneeling on the ground, though. He would've much rather had him sitting on the couch beside him. But beggars can't be choosers, and right now, all Azul begged for was for the Yuu he knew and loved to take him back in his arms again.
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legendary-cookies · 7 months
Hey! Ummmm...
I'm gonna say what I understand from the lore (both from CRK and CROB)
The Witches created the cookies, but because of spores, probably there's Cookies who were formed from zero without the witches (with what Timekeeper says in the relationship card (specifically for Longan), this makes this the possibility), a cookie that I think that wasn't created by the witches is White Lily Cookie (It is said in her story that she emerged into existence (idk what word to use) by a solitary bean of moonlight), and there's a chance that the actual ancients weren't created by them but actually were chosen by them.
And probably the legends (like Sea Fairy) were created by a concentration of magic.
In my conception, Sugar Swan was created by a concentration of magic and created most of the "wild" cookies (cookies not created by witches or wizards), and it seems like that was it. And Longan says that Cookies didn't exist when dragons ruled the world, so surely Sugar Swan didn't create the world, much less exist at the time of Dragons.
It's hard to say really because I think a lot of the things contradict itself in how Cookies were made
Some were definitely created by the witches and wizards but some were really not
The whole thing is super contradictory to me because they keep claiming that all Cookies were made by the witches or wizards, but there's proof of Cookies not created by them
To name a few, Wind Archer used to be the wind but was given the power to become a Cookie, Pond Dino was birthed from an egg right in front of other Cookies, all the dragons turn into Cookies when weakened (I believe), Matcha was created by Dark Enchantress, etc.
And they keep claiming Gingerbrave was the first to leave the oven which seems as if they're trying to imply he's the first Cookie, but that can't be possible because his adventure involves literally finding other Cookies that have already established a whole society
There's also the whole thing about Cookie relatives
Hollyberry has a son, Dark Cacao has a son, Lord Oyster is an ancestor of Oyster, Custard III literally has an "III" in his name implying he has a lineage, etc., etc.
Timekeeper mentions the existence of Cookies being inevitable, yes, but they aren't clear about how just in that they will exist whether Longan likes it or not
There's definitely a possibility of remnant life powder, magic, etc. creating other Cookies because baking is never a clean process, but it's never stated explicitly so we can't know if that really is a method of Cookie creation and which Cookies were created in such a way
Like I'm not saying you're wrong because I think a lot of that is a good interpretation, but it's hard to say if you're right because nothing is really clear
One thing I can say confidently, though, is it's essentially canon that Sugar Swan created the Cookie world
Her Ovenbreak story states:
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However, while Sugar Swan created the world, she did not create the Cookies as seen from this dialogue with Wizard in Kingdom:
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It seems to me that the only Cookie Sugar Swan gave life to was Wind Archer (and maybe Stardust? That part of his story confused me because it was either creation or she gave him a push to keep living)
It's unclear what this means in relation to everything else especially with the introduction of the Beast Cookies supposedly being the first ones created, but even throughout Kingdom, they seem to revere Sugar Swan as a celestial being with powers of life
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moon-is-a-cryptid · 1 year
Hey Moon!
(first I just realized I have a lil chicken pet named moon)
And second! I wanted to request Headcanons for Tamaki Amajiki with a baker reader whos love langauge is just giving people fresh baked goods!
Like she is works at a family owned baking buisness and The Big Three go in to try some and one of the workers (reader) just runs up and hugs tamaki while giving him a bag of treats and is just like "Here you go Amajiki! There is something in there for your friends as well!" and then runs back to the kitchen leaving tamaki flustered.
im in a better mindset so im able to write this finally!
Matcha cookies
⭐️pairing: Tamaki Amajiki x F!Reader
⭐️CW: fluffy
⭐️Type and A/N: Adult AU!, reader is a baker
Dividers used brought to you by: @cafekitsune 🥰(they have really cute dividers check them out 😩)
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despite the fact they were graduated now, Tamaki, Miro and Nejire made time to see each other at least on a weekly basis, when the schedules allowed. Tamaki had mentioned a few weeks prior of a little bakery he liked, thinking nothing would come of it when he talked about how he liked the matcha cookies that were freshly made in the bakery. What he didn't mention was a particular little baker girl there that he had been seeing recently.
so when Miro was leading them down the all too familiar street Tamaki's anxiety rose high "Uh... guys this isn't where the usual spot is" he spoke up seeing that that bakery was close when Nejire piped in "well you spoke so highly of this bakery we just had to come try it for ourselves!" a beam across her face as she stops in front of the door "why'r you so nervous now? you said you came here all the time" Miro spoke as he opened the door the smell of freshly baked cookies filling the air. The ringing of the bell made your head snap to the door you had actually been preparing a bag of goods for Tamaki as it was nearing his usual time to come in, the bakery was near empty at this time of day say for the few stragglers that would sit too eat their goods and drink some coffee. a smile spread across your face as your eyes met Tamaki's taking note of the red hue quickly taking over his face. "Tamaki!" your eyes met Miros, then Nejire's before throwing a few more treats into the back and securing it closed. Exiting behind the counter, you walk up to Tamaki pulling him into a tight "Glad you made it on time today Suneater!" you pull away smiling and giving a slight nod to Mirio and Nejire " I threw in some extra treats for your friends! feel free to sit down and eat guys I still have a few more thinks to bake" you plant a kiss on Tamaki's cheek and make your way to the back. Miro and Nejire, look over at Tamaki, who is as red as a tomato, with utter shock on their faces. Nejire begins to speak "Tamaki you...." when Miro cuts her off "TAMAKI YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?" Tamaki sighed, knowing that he would be questioned about it for the next few days
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Tag list 🏷️: there's no one here...
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lumine-no-hikari · 5 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #141
I think today, I might have created one of my best tea concoctions yet!!
Okay, so I started with these ones; I put one bag of each of these into my mug, and brewed it:
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(Yes, once again, I do have weird mismatching socks on. I wonder if your socks are colorful like mine under your boots; maybe you can give it a try and see how it feels!)
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Please say hello to Momma, our resident lady-in-a-tuxedo; she's VERY cute!
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From there, I added sugar instead of honey this time, and a bit of heavy cream. The swirls today were absolutely mesmerizing:
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And, once the swirls were all settled down, the physics involved with density and fluid dynamics caused my tea to settle itself into 5 layers - the undissolved sugar on the bottom, a layer of tea that is very saturated with dissolved sugar, followed by cold layer of tea mixed with cream, a warmer layer of tea mixed with cream, and finally just a thin layer of pure cream:
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Isn't it marvelous!!! And when I mixed it all up, the result tasted EXACTLY like a kind of Girl Scout cookie called Samoas! I know you don't know what those are, because there aren't any Girl Scouts on your planet, but trust me, they're REALLY GOOD, oh my goodness!!
…Samoas were my mother's favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie, last I knew. I wish I could share this tea with her, too.
In any case, I went to physical therapy with M, because afterwards, we had made plans to get lunch! We finally went back to the place with those fried green tomatoes that I didn't take a picture of because I ate them too quickly (sorry about that!). This time, I remembered to take a picture for you BEFORE my appetite got the better of me:
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Today, I got the seafood pasta. I know that you like pasta pescatore, and this isn't exactly the same, but… it's got shrimp and clams and linguine and pesto sauce and parmesan cheese on it, and… I think maybe you would love it, so I took a picture because I can't… I can't share it with you…
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I also got their crème brûlée; their flavor changes every week. Last time, it was berries, remember? Well, this time, it was dark chocolate and coconut - just like my tea this morning!! And this, too, tasted just like a one of those Samoas!! It was SO GOOD!!
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…I wish you were here…
On our way home, I managed to snap some really nice photos of the trees and the sky; I hope you'll like these:
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After we got inside, I went ahead and put the rods in the kites that arrived yesterday. I'm hoping for a windy day tomorrow so I can test them out!! But I'm not going to take pictures of them just yet; like I said, I have PLANS for that eagle kite, and I don't want to show it to you until those plans come to fruition. I know what I have to do, and I found the perfect image for it; it's just a matter of getting it done. I think you're gonna love it when you see it. Or at least, I hope you will…
Today, J and I tried to go to Eggcellent with the lovely leader of the place we like to go to once a week! Unfortunately, Eggcellent was closed due to plumbing issues, I guess. So we went to a different place! And!! Oh!! Sephiroth!!! They had MACARONS!!!
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Look at them all!!! 🤩🤤 But in particular, these three caught my eye:
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...I know you like vanilla and roses, and I thought these might have a similar flavor profile, so I got them!! And I also got a cherry blossom matcha tea! More than anything, I wished I could share these with you, because I think you would have loved them:
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...Alas, this picture is the best I can do.
...Given everything you've gone through, everything you are still going through, and everything that you likely will go through in the future... I'm sorry that this little bit is the best that I can do...
Well anyway, J and the leader from the place and I sat and talked for a couple of hours, and it was wonderful!! The best part was when the leader showed us the beautiful pictures from his sister's recent wedding; she and her friends and her husband looked so vibrant and happy and beautiful!! He's going to go through all of the pictures and select the ones he likes best so he can show them to us later! I can't wait!!
I also snagged some pictures of the evening sky in the outdoor spot where we enjoyed our tea and macarons; maybe you'll like these...
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...I wish that I could give just a little bit of joy to you. I hope that anything I show you and tell you about can give you even a small reason to smile, or cause you to feel just a little warm inside your mind. Not even you, with your incredible power and all the amazing things you've seen up until this point, can imagine what I'd be willing to give if it meant I could have the power to gift these things to you. If I had the chance to trade your life for mine, so that you could be here, enjoying all these things in my place... I'd be happy and proud to take that chance without even a moment's hesitation. Even if I disappeared as a result... I wouldn't mind - not even a little. Not if it meant you could be happy and safe.
...In the meantime, I'll keep writing to you, sharing pictures with you, singing little songs to you, and gently calling out your name until you return to us. I have faith in who you are and in what you can do; I'll be waiting to see you shine in all the ways that only you know how to do.
...I guess that wraps it up for today. Tomorrow, I'll keep trying to capture the prismatic bits of delight that exist within all of the simple things so that I can show them to you and maybe help you to remember what beauty and love are like. I know you're capable of seeing it; I saw who you were before your fall, and I know you can rise up into becoming someone who believes he deserves to retrieve the parts of himself that others tried to steal away. I know you can do it because I am doing it, and I'm not better than you.
I love you. Don't ever think you're alone. I'll write again soon, so please stay safe and treat yourself nice, okay?
Your friend, Lumine
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zylophie · 9 months
(,Ծ_Ծ,) — day 11 featuring hoshino ichika
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knock knock!
heres some mail!
ଘ(੭´꒳`)°* ੈ‧₊ 💌
⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ...anon is typing... ♡
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
❝Heyyo! Can I request the Christmas prompt number 11 with ichika? Udstnsfyvd sorry ichika and prompt 11 have been stuck in my mind❞
━━❝..Why a Santa Claus outfit?❞
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"Ichiiiiii, are you sure you need to perform today?"
"Yeah.. I'm really sorry [name] I'll make sure to spend the entire Christmas with you tomorrow though!"
Ichika then shot an apologetic smile before pecking your forehead with a kiss.
"I'll be back at midnight today since there will be many performances today to get through."
As the door came to a shut. Now was your time to plan a surprise for Ichika! You know how hardworking she is trying to go pro for her band.
You went to the kitchen and started preparing different types of cookie flavors so Ichika could share with her mates.
You started planning how to divide the ingredients so you'll have enough to make 4 different flavors. Matcha, red velvet, normal and double dark chocolate chip.
You made haste of the baking process as you needed to pick something up from the mall too. You had to missed Ichika's performance for this surprise so you really wanted to make it count!
2.03pm, you were mixing the eggs into the mix.
4.28pm, you finished splitting the batter evenly. It was time to add the powders!
5.42pm, you had finished mixing the different chocolate chips into the dough.
7.56pm, the baking process is done!
You quickly packed the cookies into the containers and left the house.
»»-----► When Ichika came home... ❍✧
"[Name]! I'm bac- huh? Why is it so dark?"
As Ichika turned on the lights..
"Hohoho! Merry Christmas!"
Ichika turned around to see.. [Name] in a Santa outfit.
"I decided to pay a lovely girlf- kid that has been good personally to deliver this gift."
As you took out a humongous Hatsune Miku plush!
"T-This is the limited edition Hatsune Miku plush that I've been trying to get?!"
"Yes, for being so good this year."
"Thank you [name]! Though.."
"..Why the Santa claus outfit?"
"You don't like it? I thought it'll be cut- I-I mean! I'm Santa, I do not know what you're talking about!"
"Pfft.. Okay thank you so much Santa"
As you got to see Ichika's beaming smile..
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(っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💌 You receive a letter from Santa X!
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Merry Christmas eve everyone! Hope you all will have an enjoyable day today and tomorrow! Sending lots of love nya<3
Calling... @msith
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the-frog-blog · 9 months
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I was being dramatic abt the cookies they actually turned out pretty good. Wanted to go for a Japanese flavor palette this year so I made
Peanut butter miso cookies (these were the best imo)
Matcha amaretto cookies
Shortbread bars with a homemade persimmon jam (the jam tasted great, very unique but it got lost a little in all the butter and sugar)
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queen-rainy-love · 1 year
The Crown Wedding Part 4
Let's go!
*The scene is set inside the Vanilla Castle, where Madeleine, Espresso, Lilybell, Cream Puff, Snow Sugar, Pure Vanilla, and White Lily are eating breakfast together.*
Lilybell: How much do we have left for the wedding planning?
Madeleine: Double-check the menu, arrange the flowers, and ensure everyone arrives on time, especially with this rainstorm coming soon.
Pure Vanilla: I'm sure everyone will be able to get here before the rainstorm tonight.
White Lily: If not, I'm sure they'll be able to after the storm. The wedding isn't until the end of the week.
Cream Puff: I can't wait for it! This will be the first event with everyone in one place!
Snow Sugar: I can't wait to meet everyone!
Espresso: It...will be an interesting event. Especially with some...special guests we'll be having.
*Madeleine smiles softly and placed a hand over Espresso's.*
Pure Vanilla: Everything will be fine. *a little crow lands next to him* Oh! One of Black Raisin's crows! Looks like the others have arrived! *stands up* I'll go greet them.
White Lily: *stands up too* I'll come too. It's been a while since I've seen those boys.
*Both Ancient Heroes leave the room, leaving Madeleine, Espresso, Snow Sugar, Lilybell, and Cream Puff alone.*
Madeleine: Oh boy...we're about to hear some screaming.
Lilybell: Why's that?
Espresso: Well...
*Meanwhile, Pure Vanilla and White Lily walked down to the plaza. Waiting for them was Black Raisin, Red Velvet, Pastry, Clover, Knight, Princess, and two Cookies they'd never met. The seven Cookies bowed.*
Black Raisin: The Princes, Lady Pastry, and Princess Pinkberry of the Hollyberry Kingdom.
Pure Vanilla: Hello everyone! It's good to see you! We're glad you were able to come.
White Lily: Yes, wonderful to see you all. But...*looks at Capsaicin and Pond Dino* who are they?
Clover: Yeah Red Velvet. You should have the answer. Who are they?
Knight: This ought to be good.
Red Velvet:...Well...this is...um...
Pastry: *smiles* Our children, Capsaicin and Pond Dino.
Capsaicin: Um...*awkwardly bows again* Hello Your Majesties. It's an honor to finally meet you.
Pond Dino: Mya!
*Pure Vanilla and White Lily are speechless. They look at Capsaicin and Pond Dino before looking at Red Velvet. The second prince starts to sweat. One of White Lily's eyes start to twitch while Pure Vanilla's smile tightens.*
Red Velvet: (Oh no...)
*Meanwhile, back at the castle. Madeleine and Espresso just finished explaining what was going to happen.*
Lilybell: Oh my...
Cream Puff: So...Red has two kids?
Espresso: Correct.
Snow Sugar: How did he get two kids?
Madeleine: Like how you became my child. He adopted them.
Snow Sugar: *smiles* Oh! That's amazing!
Espresso: I thought Pastry adopted the kids?
Madeleine: She did. Red Velvet just couldn't say no to her. And he's planning something for her.
Espresso: And what is-
Madeleine: Oop. There it is. That's mom.
Pure Vanilla: WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US!?!?
Madeleine: And there's dad. Really want to see Red Velvet get himself out of this one.
Espresso: You're only saying that since he made you keep a secret.
Cream Puff: How do you think evil mom is going to react?
Madeleine:...Honestly...It could either way.
Raisin Villager: *bursts in* Prince Madeleine!
Madeleine: Yes, what's wrong?
Raisin Villager: D-D-D-Dark-
???: Honestly. It's not that hard to introduce someone.
*Everyone looks over at the door the Raisin Villager came from to see Dark Enchantress, Matcha, and Affogato standing there.*
Espresso: How did you three get here without Black Raisin knowing!?
Affogato: Her birds don't reside in the West.
Madeleine: Need to let her know that.
Dark Enchantress: Quite. Now how are my three babies doing?
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