#i loved how all three Grayson siblings played but like...
reyreadersblog · 1 day
Okay but we are not going to talk about the obvious nepotism in tgg...?
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jrosa82fanfics · 3 months
Prompt 2
G-rated JayDick fluff with children
Warning: While this is mostly G-rated fluff there is talk of infertility so...
Jason had been happily married to Dick Grayson for several years now. They had gone from dating to married within a year and had soon brought their beautiful daughter Irina into the world. Jason had been content with their family size for the better part of three years, but now he can’t help feeling like his family needs a new addition.
As part of a big family it seems wrong to let his daughter be an only child, and the thought of having another baby in their home fills him with such joy that he just has to ask Dick. They don’t talk for long before they agree that the only obstacle in their path is Irina.
While a new addition would be welcome by them, they can’t help but worrying that their daughter won’t feel the same way. So they plan a picnic, make sure to buy her ice cream and then drop the idea on her.
“Irina, how would you feel about a baby brother or sister?” Dick asks as their daughter spoons another bite of strawberry ice cream into her mouth.
“I don’t know. Why would I want one? Do they do anything?” she replies.
Jason stifles a chuckle as he wipes her face free of ice cream.
“A baby doesn’t do much, but when they get older you can play with them. Tim’s my younger brother, and he’s pretty cool isn’t he?” Jason asks.
“I do like uncle Tim, but I don’t know if I want a sibling. What if they’re mean or don’t like me?” she begins pouting and Dick tickles her to distract her. 
“Daddy stop! She screams out as she wiggles away. Jason’s quick to scoop her up and bring her close.
“Your sibling is going to love you just like we do. Besides your uncle Damian was mean when he was younger, but he certainly isn’t anymore.”
“Okay, I guess you can give me a sibling, but,” she scrunches up her little face in concentration as she asks “where do you buy one?”
After that day in the park he and Dick planned. They painted a nursery, decorating it with furniture and soft items. They made sure Jason went to the doctor to get a meal plan in place and he went of his birth control. 
After the first heat they had waited three weeks to buy pregnancy tests and waited. They were disappointed by the five negatives they received but didn’t let it stop them the next heat. By the third heat they had accepted that maybe it wouldn’t happen anytime soon, and were glad they hadn’t told anyone about their plans.
Irina would still ask them about her sibling but as time went on they began wondering if maybe a second child just wasn’t in the cards for them.
“Okay,” Dick said as he joined Jason in bed one night, “I think it’s time we changed tactics.”
Jason raised a brow but didn’t interrupt his mate. “Clearly this isn’t working, so why don’t we just do what Bruce did and adopt?” The idea hadn’t occurred to Jason, but now it grabbed hold of him.
He had loved getting adopted, finally having a safe home and family. The thought that they could provide that for another child made him beam as he let out an emphatic “Yes!”
They went through the process, starting with the paperwork and slowly checking every box on their list. By the time the day to meet their potential new child came they were both shaking with nerves. Dick hadn’t slept the night before and Jason was stress baking in hopes of getting all his energy out before the social worker arrived.
The knock on their door has them locking eyes in a panic as Jason quickly scoops Irina out of her room while Dick answers the door. There standing on the other side is Lyn their social worker and behind her a small five year old.
They welcome the pair in, with Jason pushing Irina forward a bit to meet the new child. They had already decided that if their daughter didn’t like someone they wouldn’t be the one, so they had to make sure she didn’t shyly hide behind Jason the whole time.
Lyn thankfully understood their concerns and introduces them without prompting, “Good morning Irina, this is Aiden. Aiden can you say hi please.” The small boy peaks out from behind Lyn’s leg and whispers out a quiet hi. Jason worries he might be too shy for Irina but before his concerns can escalate his little girl is rushing forward with a bright smile to hug the boy.
Aiden accept the hug a bit stiffly but is more than happy to agree to go play in the living room when Irina asks. As they round the couch Jason heads back to the kitchen to plate some cookies while Dick guides Lyn around their house for another safety check.
Jason is pleased to spend the next half hour sitting on the couch sipping lemonade as his daughter makes a friend and the two play with her building blocks. He had thought she might rebel against sharing, since she hadn’t started preschool yet and learned to socialize with other children. It seemed that the older boy was more than able to share though, and managed to get her to do so gracefully.
They stopped to grab cookies, Jason having already asked Lyn about allergies prior to their arrival. And just as Jason is getting comfortable their time is up and Lyn is apologizing as she takes Aiden away. 
Irina starts pouting, looking as though she might throw a tantrum but Dick quickly lifts her and soothes her. Dick and Jason are a bit put out as well but know that they don’t need to worry. After all the kid would be back soon enough.
A month passes before the pair return, and in anticipation Irina makes them buy her a new toy so she can play with her new friend. They don’t think she really needs the toy cars and the race track/garage combo but they figure they can spoil their daughter every once in a while.
When Aiden arrives this time he seems far less timid and even says hello to Dick and Jason before he’s dragged away to play. This time Jason makes lunch while Dick supervises the kids and Lyn does her inspection. She enters the kitchen and Jason offers her a glass of water. As she sips it he finishes plating lunch for the five of them and sets the table.
“Lunch is ready!” he calls out causing Irina to drop everything and race to the table. Jason lifts her up and settles her in her high chair. Aiden soon joins with Lyn a few paces behind. They sit across from one another, with Aiden beside Irina and Jason at the head of the table. To his right is Aiden and as Dick brings the pitcher of water over he sits across the table, with their daughter to his left.
Lunch is almost over, Dick rising to grab the dishes and begin washing, when Irina asks once more “When are we going to have a baby?”
Lyn freezes, her glasses half way to her mouth, her eyes wide. Jason is not so lucky and valiantly has to fight not to choke on his own drink.
“You’re having a baby?” asks Lyn, clearly befuddled.
Before Jason can answer Irina does “That’s what they said but they’re taking a long time to go find one.”
“Well like we said honey,” Dick comes over with a cheesecake in hand and smoothly saves Jason, “babies take time to get here.”
They thankfully drop the topic and enjoy their desert, but before Lyn leaves Jason clarifies that he is in fact not pregnant. She takes it in stride and reassures him that it wouldn’t be a problem either way, she had just been surprised. They part for another month, but Jason has a feeling that Aiden might soon be joining their little family.
It’s been more than half a year since they started working through the adoption process. Jason’s nerves are shot as he wakes at five in the morning, that’s why him losing the contents of his stomach comes as no surprise. Today is the day after all. If everything goes right he’ll be the parent to another child by the end of the month.
He can barely stomach a piece of toast in the morning, but forces himself to eat at least that. He doesn’t want to have to stop for food before going to sign the last papers. A few hours later finds him sitting on the couch eating strawberry ice cream straight from the tub while Dick cuddles him close and their daughter lays curled atop his lap. He can’t believe it’s almost over, that they’ll soon have another child to call their own.
The day Aiden finally comes home to stay Irina is over joyed. She drags him to his room and explains how he can decorate it however he’d like. They go over paint swatches and furniture catalogs and a few hours later they drag their parents shopping.
Most of the things are set to arrive in two days, but they bring home the paint to get started the next day. Since they figured Aiden’s room wouldn’t be ready just yet they had bought an inflatable mattress. They brought all the pillows and blanket from the linen closet to the living room, pushing the coffee table to the side.
Half an hour later they had most of a pillow fort ready to go and had popped popcorn to watch a movie. They had let their kids choose and as they lay cuddled together under blankets, watching some colorful film, Jason can’t help but fall asleep surrounded by his family.
The next morning they eat waffles and paint Aiden’s room, Irina demanding she get to join in despite not being very tall. Dick carries her on his shoulders so she can paint along side him while Aiden covers a wall with Jason’s help.
Weeks pass as they adjust to the new presence in their house and Jason starts feeling off. He had noticed his heats had stopped coming at some point but knew it was normal when omegas got stressed. Now that he had settled he was a little worried about his missing heats.
He scheduled an appointment, but due to their schedule conflict Dick couldn’t stay home to watch the kids. Jason brought them along with a bag of toys and essentials and just hoped the appointment went quickly.
An hour later he walks out of the doctor’s office and drives the kids and himself straight to the house. He’s silent on the drive not really answering any of their questions as his mind races. He needs to talk to Dick, needs to tell his alpha what’s happening and can’t focus on anything else.
They get home soon enough, Jason driving safely despite his urgent need to get home. He grabs his bag and lifts both of the kids into his arms to get to the door faster. He rings the bell and is grateful Dick answers it quickly. Before Dick can get a greeting out Jason is gently pushing his way inside to drop the kids off on the couch.
He sets the bag on the floor turns to Dick and says, “We need to talk and I need you to pay attention.”
His mate rushes over looking concerned and Jason spares him any more anxiety but just blurting out “I’m pregnant.”
The room is silent for a moment as Dick’s eyes widen in shock, before two voice cheer from the couch. “Yay, finally!” “Congratulations!”
Jason turns to his kids surprised. “What do you mean?”
“I mean finally, I’ve been waiting for forever to have a baby brother or sister and now you’re finally giving me one. Right?” Irina responds.
“But you already have a sibling honey, you don’t need another.” Dick says looking as confused as Jason feels.
“That’s not the same at all! You said I was getting a baby, Aiden isn’t a baby he’s my big brother, that’s totally different.” she replied, though her sass was a little uncalled for.
Jason supposes they had said it would be a baby and a younger sibling but they thought she knew that they weren’t planning on giving her any more siblings.
On second thought Jason wasn’t going to look this gift horse in the mouth. He was lucky enough to not be dealing with a tantrum and he should enjoy his win. Although…
“What about you Aiden? Aren’t you upset to have a surprise sibling?” Jason asked just to be sure.
“Of course not, Irina’s been telling me you were going to have one since the beginning. If anything I’m just relieved I finally get to meet my new baby brother or sister.”
And with that resolved Jason finally sits down, squeezing between his two kids and feeling overwhelming grateful that they were okay.
“Just to be clear,” Dick says, “I’m also super thrilled with this news, in case that wasn’t clear.” WIth that he joins them, taking Jason’s pot in the middle and plopping him back down on his lap.
Six months later their little family receives two new additions and Jason couldn’t be happier than he was with his not so little family.
For my lovely reader @afoxspainting who not only gave me two prompts but then said 'I live surprises'. Hope you like the second prompt as well!
Prompt 2: established JayDick with kid, planning to have a second, maybe telling the first child, and soon (day/week/month) after the new arrival.
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rampanttheories · 2 years
Batdad on emotional constipation solving
Bruce is awkward as can be and hardly ever says the right thing on an emotional level immediately. So what if he is aware enough of himself to notice he needs time to process his emotions and their impact on others before he can say anything and not have it come it out wrong? And comes up with an idea to work around that?
He is a preteen and Alfred just suggested something Bruce doesn’t like in his very Alfred manner, still up to his elbows in soapy water to scrub at a plate. When Bruce doesn’t answer, Alfred places the last few dishes to the side and dries his hands. But before he can leave for another task, there are slim fingers curling into his waistcoat. And five minutes of standing together later Bruce opens his mouth.
It becomes a ritual. When Bruce recognizes an emotional dimension to the discussion, they stand with fingers on the seam of a waistcoat and sometimes a forehead pressed to Alfred’s shoulder blade. Even when Bruce has to lean down.
The Graysons fall, Bruce takes his first child in. He spends the first night sitting in the kitchen with his head on Alfred’s shoulder. And bit by bit he works through the whirlwind of feeling.
Dick wants to become Robin and stands in front of him and yells his case. And Bruce cannot for the life of him express the fear and terror and understanding that press on his lungs. So he sinks to his knees and opens his arms to his brave and fearless and righteous child. And he holds him close until he can.
Robin only flies a few times a year. But his chitters fill the Bat’s ears.
Jason swings a tire iron and steals three wheels and Bruce’s heart within five minutes of one another. He is suspicious and clever and a bookworm and Bruce learns to ask before physical contact. Well, somewhat. But his first reaction to most conversations started by his children becomes “I would like to hold you”. And that, more than anything, tells them he loves them even before he manages to reconfigure his brain enough to answer.
Jason is nowhere near Felipe Garzonas. He does find out about Sheila Haywood. And when Jason expresses his desire to find her, Bruce holds him for near 50 minutes before he can say how terrified he is of his child not wanting to live with him anymore. Jason doesn’t mind, he came armed with “Murder Must Advertise” for this exact reason and of course he doesn’t want to leave, Dad, but having another parent would be awesome.
It is not awesome.
Bruce holds onto Alfred and Dick for days.
Tim comes in and freezes when Bruce asks to hold him. Which only adds another layer to all the red flags and indignation and protectiveness and grief Bruce has to work through. How dare the Drakes not give their child affection and love and protection when he is right there and alive and breathing and much too brilliant and observant for his own good? Tim melts once actually drawn in and his nose burrows into Bruce’s throat after five minutes.
Jason comes back to Gotham and the moment he reveals his face he is engulfed in his father’s arms. He can’t even reach his weapons.
Nightwing finds the two of them 15 minutes into the desperate hug and mercifully offers his spare comm to Jason. Tim in the cave starts playing a reading of Pride&Prejudice on that specific channel.
Three hours later, Bruce has all his children home and gets his words together enough to declare a sleepover in the den.
Cass comes in and Bruce does not even need words with her. She can parse through his emotions faster than he can. He holds his daughter anyway.
Damian arrives in Gotham and once the DNA test confirms his identity, he is caught in the world’s most ineffective grapple. But it is his father constraining him, so maybe there is a trap somewhere? He’ll wait it out. And it actually feels nice.
Bruce holds his newest child and eventually manages to verbally welcome him home and to the family. He feels Damian stiffen when he introduces the other’s as his siblings, so he talks about choosing family and unconditional love and a heart big enough for all his children. He ends his impromptu speech with that so very important sentence he learned over the years.
“I love you, my child. I am happy you’re home”
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charlenasaxen · 1 year
Favorite Quotes - The Final Gambit pt. 1
Grayson hadn’t called once since he’d left for Harvard. Xander, my self-appointed BHFF—Best Hawthorne Friend Forever
how much do you need a distraction right now, and how attached are you to your eyebrows?”
“One,” I answered. “And ten.”
Xander gave a little bow. “Then I bid you adieu.” In a flash, he was gone.
Alisa began, and I tuned out.
“I’ve seen better.”
I found Jameson at the edge of the Black Wood. He was wearing a white tuxedo that fit his body far too well
Jameson Winchester Hawthorne. I ran like the ball gown wasn’t weighing me down, like I didn’t have a knife strapped to my thigh.
Jameson caught me, our bodies colliding. “Happy birthday, Heiress.”
In a million years, the life Tobias Hawthorne had left me would still take my breath away.
Slow dancing, barefoot, on the beach.
The ocean. A cliff. A wager. A race. A dare.
Years from now, I’d still be able to feel it. The weight of the ball gown, the wind in my face. Sun-warmed sand on my skin and chocolate-covered strawberries melting on my tongue.
By sundown, we were almost home. It had been the perfect day.
“Fortunately, Heiress, Hawthorne men have nine lives.”
“Ferris Wheel Leapfrog Death Match?” I repeated. That had Xander written all over it
or maybe I sensed it. Sensed him. Clad entirely in black, wearing a ten-thousand-dollar tuxedo
Grayson Hawthorne stepped onto the dance floor.
He came home.
Grayson Hawthorne let his eyes linger on mine for just a moment
“You aren’t on your own.” Grayson let his eyes linger on mine
a single person—who knew him even a tenth as well as his brothers and I did
“Don’t,” Grayson ordered roughly, “look at me like I’m broken.”
Hawthornes aren’t supposed to break, his voice whispered in my memory. Especially me.
“Emily?” Grayson Hawthorne was staring at a ghost.
he thought he was hallucinating. Again. Breaking down. Again.
Tell me again that I’m not broken.
“Hey. Look at me, Gray.”
Those light eyes opened.
because he thought I considered him weak
that Jameson was still in my bed. Eve didn’t seem to notice him on her way to my en suite, but Grayson did
but Grayson had loved her to the end.
“All those times playing Cookie Golf together, and you didn’t think this was worth mentioning?”
“In retrospect, good on you for not telling me. Excellent call, shows solid judgment.”
Xander made a face. “Note to self: Cancel the welcome festivities.”
I found Grayson standing statue-still outside the wing, dressed in a silver three-piece suit, his blond hair wet from the pool.
In one liquid motion, he dives into the pool, fully clothed.
“Where’s Jameson?” Grayson’s question drew me back
The list of complicated things that Xander Hawthorne considered to be “fairly simple” was lengthy.
picturing Hawthorne brothers swinging pillows at one another. Possibly shirtless.
“The old man didn’t make mistakes,” Grayson said in one of those tones that dared you to argue—and strongly advised against it.
and by the sacred rules of Chutes and Ladders
Technically, the Hawthorne brothers were half-siblings. Technically, Libby and I were.
“On a scale from boring to brooding,” Jameson quipped, “how’s he holding up?”
Heaven forbid Jameson Hawthorne get caught openly caring about his brother.
“I’m worried. Grayson isn’t okay, Jameson. I don’t think your brother has been okay for a very long time.”
What the hell? I looked up. “Jameson!” He was already on his way to me.
my eyes went to Grayson’s. “Three families.”
“One yours,” Grayson replied. “And one mine.”
“One of those pretty little Hawthorne grandsons?”
Xander raised his right hand. “I have a question about faces and dogs.”
“You’re not the boss of me? It’s something like that. No, wait, I remember! It’s You’re not the boss of me, wanker.”
“Excellent use of British slang,” Xander commented.
Jameson shrugged. “I’m a man of the world now.”
“Jamie’s right.” Grayson managed to say that without grimacing.
which left me in the middle row with Jameson on one side and Grayson on the other.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on a flight back to Harvard right about now?”
“Someone moved against our family. Of course I’m staying.”
Jameson reached around me to grab Grayson by his suit.
“Gray.” Grayson’s words came out louder, more desperate.
Jameson let go of him.
“I’ll be happy to discuss all of your personal shortcomings,” Jameson told Grayson. “Alphabetically and in great detail
The muscles in Grayson’s jaw tensed. “We’re not here to forgive you.”
“Always so serious,” she murmured, reaching out to touch his cheek. “And the shadows in those eyes…”
“Say that again,” Jameson encouraged, “but try to sound even more like an automaton this time.”
“I’m being horribly unfair to automatons.”
All she did was stare at him, softly crooning. Baby Gray was a real quiet little guy, solemn.
She was alive. She was a good daughter. But her mother could still look right at her and sobbingly say that all her babies died.
“That’s okay,” Xander responded cheerfully. “I have two feet!”
the message flashed across the scoring screen overhead. I ALWAYS WIN IN THE END
he took one look at the words on the screen and set them down. “A bold choice of name,” he said. He gave me a hopeful look. “Yours?”
the boys were still together, and things were getting ugly. Hawthorne ugly,” he clarified. “No external threats.”
Hawthorne ugly was probably the best we could hope for.
“in my defense, I didn’t expect the zoo to send an actual tiger.
taking a dark chocolate banana to the chest
letting me see every line of the muscles underneath.
Jameson did not elaborate on the mud, the blood, or what exactly he and Grayson had gotten up to
“that you can’t wash all this mud off before I…”
“Before you what?” I murmured.
Jameson Winchester Hawthorne smiled. “Guess.”
the pool lit just enough that I could make out his form
“How long would you have stood here, watching them, if I hadn’t come?” Jameson asked, an odd tone in his voice
I pictured Grayson on his knees in front of me. “What is it you think you know?”
“Gray has always been so perfect,” Jameson said. “It’s inhuman how good he was at just about everything.
“You have to be.” There was an urgency to Jameson’s words, a need. “Because I’m terrible at hurting, Heiress.
The old man knew about Eve. That revelation hit me like splinters
which probably costs ten thousand dollars and undoubtedly should not be steamed?”
“Chess,” I repeated. “The move—it’s called the Queen’s Gambit
saw Grayson in the doorway, backlit
walked past Grayson. “Watch where you’re aiming those cheekbones, buddy.”
“Everything hurts.” Only Grayson Hawthorne could say that and still sound utterly bulletproof. “It hurts all the time, Avery, but I know the man I was raised to be.”
The metalwork was impossibly intricate. The effect was delicate, but dangerous. Beauty and power.
Then I did the same thing with the black pieces, glittering with black diamonds.
Hell, Gray even let loose sometimes because the games didn’t reward perfection. He and I used to team up
But Saturday mornings, those games—they were about showing us that we already were.”
I turned my attention back to the boys. “You’re Hawthornes. Who knows how to crack a combination lock?”
The answer was all of them.
Jameson looked to Grayson.
Grayson’s face was like stone.
“And in keeping with my general superiority in our sibling relationship I am better than fine.”
Grayson’s expression hardened. “And runs down the clock while you clean it up.”
“There’s still glitter in Grayson’s bathroom,” Xander finished. I got the feeling that wasn’t a metaphor.
“I’m sorry,” I told Max.
“I know,” my best friend replied. “But don’t worry. I’ll choose a theme song for him.”
“The Bible,” I repeated, and suddenly, it clicked. “Luke.”
“My second-favorite Gospel,” Max noted. “I’ll always be a John girl at heart.”
“I will talk only to the heiress. The one Tobias Hawthorne chose.”
Jameson reached for the chess pieces, but Xander smacked his hand away
“is a bit like a game of Where’s Waldo, except Waldo likes to jab people with her cane.”
The stone arches, hand-carved pews, and elaborate stained-glass windows
“As opposed to what, girl? Springing forth fully formed from the head of Zeus?”
"not to Alice or their children or you boys.”
Grayson took to the pool, pushing himself past the point of human endurance again and again
“Can it be about off-label uses for medieval weaponry?” Xander requested. “Because I have some ideas.”
as if coming to a very serious decision, he lifted his hand and pressed one finger to the end of my nose. “Boop.”
“Triple boo—” Xander started to say, but I ducked
“Avery, people have hated me my whole life.”
“Not anyone who knows you,” I said fiercely.
Xander smiled, and something about it made me want to cry
“You didn’t love the great and terrible Tobias Hawthorne. You loved the old man.”
Grayson and his oughts and shoulds. Hawthornes aren’t supposed to break. His voice spoke deep in my memory. Especially me.
Grayson pushed off the wall, treading water as he measured his response. “Jamie doesn’t tell me everything.”
the muscles in his back so tense that it looked like his shoulder blades might split the skin
when my hand reached for the edge, another hand grabbed mine.
Jameson pulled me out of the water. “Don’t breathe,” he murmured.
“He knows better. That is a Hawthorne dog.”
we were in the Hawthorne theater. Not to be confused with the Hawthorne movie theater
“Gray has a voice so deep and smooth that you will shed literal tears...you will come to believe he spent the 1950s wearing the most dapper of suits
“My duet will have to wait!”
“Who were you going to duet with?” Libby asked.
he seemed so sure that Jameson and I were the ones Grayson needed
the sound of achingly beautiful violin music began drifting into the hall
Grayson poised in front of open bay windows, wearing a suit without the jacket, his shirt unbuttoned, a violin pressed to his chin.
so high and sweet it was almost unbearable.
Jameson caught his brother’s forearm. “Don’t. Gray. You’re not hurting anyone but yourself.”
“You play beautifully,” I told Grayson, pushing back the urge to cry
The Hawthorne grandsons were also damn near lethal
we both know that you haven’t let yourself want anything in a very long time.”
Grayson’s head turned toward mine, the light reflecting off his blond hair in a near-halo. “For you, Avery.”
He reached a hand down to Jameson and pulled him to his feet, leaving the two of them standing just inches apart
Grayson’s fingers brushed mine as he took it
His gaze found its way slowly and inexorably to mine. “We need to go down to the wine cellar.”
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vigilvntes · 3 years
vigilvntes masterlist!
all my fics, in one. will be updating as i write!
requests (open)
* = smut (18+ only pls)
Tumblr media
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader:
A Very Real Possibility
Dude Where's My Underwear?* (implied)
Don't You Wanna Kiss me?
I'll Make You Pay*
Stop Talking*
I Don't Wanna Play D&D
Deadly Nightshade, Cherry Tree*
The First First Date
How Do I Look?
Hot Nurse Girlfriend
Sweet Fantasy* (mild)
First Kiss
Be Good For Me*
Be My Valentine?* (not majorly graphic)
Break The Internet*
No, You Hang Up
Three Little Words*
My Favourite Girl
I got so fucking romantic, I apologise*
Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Doctor's Orders
Late Nights*
A Little Company
Vigilante Hotline
Adrian Chase hcs/thoughts
Adrian + fatherhood
Adrian + Love languages
Adrian + romantic relationship hcs
Adrian + being chased NSFW hcs
Adrian + virgin!reader NSFW hcs
Adrian + superhero/villain ex
Adrian + sibling dynamic
Adrian + spanking NSFW hcs
Adrian Chase/Bruce Wayne + realising they're in love
Adrian Chase + "try to stay quiet"*
Adrian Chase + "get that out of my house!"
Adrian Chase + "we've been at it like rabbits and you're still horny"*
Bruce Wayne + "i love the way my fingers look inside you"*
Adrian Chase + "good girl. that's a fucking good girl"*
Peacemaker x Reader x Vigilante
Bed time
Cuddling thoughts/hcs
Chris trying to wrangle you and Adrian out of the house hcs/thoughts
Bruce Wayne x Reader
A World Alone
Walk Me Home
Bruce Wayne hcs/thoughts
Bruce + s/o who wears his clothes
Bruce + romantic relationship hcs
Dano!Riddler x Reader
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Delicious Things
Dano!Riddler hcs/thoughts
Riddler + followers reaction to hero!reader
Dick Grayson
Home, Sweet Home
Jason Todd hcs/thoughts
Jason + on again-off again relationship
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
A lot of it is simply bad editing? How much interaction did Dick and Jason have post-Crisis? How much could they have? And while Tumblr loves Red Robin, have they read literally anything else from that era? And "I only have scans I found on Tumblr" syndrome. Ignore context and distort, and you too can reinterpret a character to the opposite.
Well sure, but that's also kinda the point? Scans that distort, obscure or exclude context are simply not the only ones available on tumblr. For every single major fanon that's based on misinformation or a lack of context, I can absolutely, one hundred percent PROMISE that there's an abundance of fans who have made detailed posts and provided all the necessary context TO correct those fanons.
I mean, I know that just in terms of my own posts, I've absolutely written tons that go into a lot of depth about exactly how much interaction Dick and Jason had post-crisis, and how its actually a lot more than most people act like they could have had, and their interactions most likely spanned a period of at least two to three years.
And I know that not only have those posts been signal boosted over the years by a lot of other Dick Grayson fans who have tons of followers I don't have, from other corners of fandom....other bloggers like hood-ex, northoftheroad, fuyunoakegata, nightwingmyboi and lots more, like....they've got tons of their own posts detailing the exact same things.
And yet, I'm also aware - ALL of us are aware - that there are plenty of fans, even 'Big Name Fans' of other characters who absolutely follow at least some of these blogs and who thus absolutely have had access to all of this information and context for yeeeeeears....and yet who still CHOOSE to persist with the "Dick is famously an asshole to his brothers, canon says so" takes. With their own sizable platforms not only not being used to course correct for fanon misinformation, but to deliberately CHOOSE to continue to perpetuate and spread those context-less takes.
Which brings us to this.
Simply put:
At a certain point, it has to be acknowledged that a lack of information and context is just flat out NOT the reason certain character-defaming fanons persist.
They persist because even with an abundance of Dick Grayson fans more than willing - downright EAGER - to provide and spread actual canon, and correct misinterpretations of various character dynamics....there are plenty of fans who just flat out don't WANT to be corrected.
Lots of the people who hype up or perpetuate dynamics that make Dick out to be just this inherently flawed, disruptive figure within the Batfam....they don't have that view of him because they're unaware of any other views of him, or they have no idea that this interpretation is not only NOT rooted in canon, it flat out defies most established canon.
No, they insist on takes depicting Dick's dynamic within the family as selfish, spoiled, and disruptive because they WANT those takes. They're useful to them. It lets them position their preferred Batfam members as eternally misunderstood or mistreated by an alleged hero sibling, or even son (in the case of Bruce fans who like to act like Dick is the cause of all fights and estrangements between them).
And like, the thing is - its not even that I don't understand where this impulse comes from, and WHY various fans like this kind of take or dynamic for the Batfam?
I'm just eternally annoyed with people refusing to own that and playing at any angle to pretend they just don't know any better, or that they aren't deliberately choosing to prioritize and emphasize certain takes over others.
And most of all, I just find it obnoxious that people still act like, outright BAFFLED that their completely voluntary choice to constantly paint Dick's character in a bad light, like, annoys actual fans of his character? Like LMAO, of fucking course its going to bug us! Especially when its clear that like, people aren't emphasizing Dick being an asshole to his brothers because they genuinely think that's the real canon or the only take on those dynamics that exist....they just CHOSE to embrace those takes, and people still want to pretend that like....they have zero idea why this would rub fans of Dick's the wrong way?
I mean, look, I don't always write Bad Dad Bruce Wayne content, y'know? I write a lot of goofy, fanon-influenced posts about the Batfam as a whole, where Bruce isn't characterized as some abusive asshole....but! Its still absolutely true that this isn't the only way I write Bruce. Absolutely I write content and meta that focuses in on runs and stories where he's been portrayed abusively, and I delve into how I think that affects Dick and the others, stuff like that.
Its just, like, I don't kid myself that the latter content doesn't rub Bruce stans the wrong way, you know? I'm absolutely aware that they're not gonna be down with those takes, and I don't think there's any reason for them to be, if they fundamentally view those interpretations of the character as things that just should never have happened and they don't want to explore for any reason.
This is absolutely valid for Bruce fans, and I don't mind in the least when people are like, this just isn't the Bruce I look for in canon or fanon content, its not what I'm here for. Like. Okay! That's totally fair!
But at least the stories I base those kinds of content or meta on actually freaking HAPPENED, and its not like I'm making all of that up just TO position Dick as a poor little meow meow, y'know? They happened, and thus I'm interested in exploring the ramifications of that, or how that informs or affects certain parts of canon or various dynamics. And even when I do explore those topics, I'm not at all oblivious to the fact that those explorations aren't going to be for everyone, they're just....the opposite of what some fans of the Batfam look for, and like...they're not going to be looking to engage with that content, nor should they be or have to.
Like, flat out, I think there is a HUGE difference from something like, Dick Grayson stans writing stories about Bruce's actions and words in a comic like New Teen Titans #55, or Nightwing #30.....
Versus fans of other characters writing stories based on the completely non-canon, fanon informed tropes of 'Dick kicked Tim out of Gotham, told him he was crazy, tried to send him to Arkham to get help' or 'Dick threw Jason in Arkham a few cells down from the Joker and left him to rot' or 'Dick was a douchebag to Jason the entire time he knew him as a kid and influenced all the Titans to treat Jason like shit.'
So when for years and years and years, other corners of fandom outright MAKE UP their entire BASIS for hating Dick's character and key dynamics or interactions he has with various other characters, and then on TOP of that, they're like...."ummm, we have no idea why this would bother Dick Grayson fans, is this not canon? No, seriously, we heard that its absolutely canon, and will aggressively ignore any attempts to provide information to the contrary, because like we just have no control over seeing and writing Dick Grayson in this light because look its not our fault, its just canon, get mad at it not us...."
When that's absolutely just not true....
THAT'S the part that grinds my gears. *Shrugs*
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the word practice was practically engraved into dick’s mind by now.
working a skill over and over again, until even he felt sick from the trapeze’s constant pendulations, but his mother’s firm voice was in his ear. again, she called out, and your thighs are too loose, tense them in order to make the flip. and so, dick gritted his teeth and took a fortifying breath, watching his father intently as he performed the move, then copying him exactly. practicing again and again until not only could he do it right, but he couldn’t do it wrong. because they were the flying graysons, they were the best show in the world, and that took every bit of effort dick had in him.
fingers flying across a keyboard, the faint clacking noise fading into the background as he tried to break though a program bruce designed. dick could feel sweat cooling on him like flowers burying into his skin, and he ignored the sensation until he broke through. he yelled in triumph, slamming the pause button on a stopwatch, then turned to bruce. batman nodded, quirking one corner of his lip up ever so slightly to show his pride, then said run it again, fifteen seconds faster this time. dick’s limbs were singing a sweet ache from the previous run-throughs, but there wasn’t a single complaint on his mind. taking a sip of water, he jogged over to the starting point, pressing start on the stopwatch and moving. because they were batman and robin, they were the best crime fighting duo in the world, and that meant dick had to become as good as, if not better, than batman ever was.
a split second calculation, a moment to wind up the muscles, then dick was flying, feet pointed and arms outstretched, before twisting his body into a lethal arc. his mind went back to the midair kick he’d perfected a week ago, and he performed it flawlessly, taking down three guys before hopping to the floor. then, his escrima sticks were in his hands and his mind went into a haze of react-attack, skills that he’d drilled into muscle memory coming out to play as easy as a dove cresting the water. electricity flared around him, highlighting the flashes of blue he saw out of the corner of his eye. he’d already done the legwork on this case, blackmailing the head of this gang into behaving rather than going to the police, and now the hurricane of limbs and blows and outrageous flips he was becoming was just clean up. because he was nightwing, he was the best acrobat and aerialist, and that meant dick couldn’t afford to make a single misstep in an effort to prove his self-worth to himself.
footsteps as quiet as his sorrow, a keen eye taking in every detail, a hand splayed out to keep robin from flinging his knife at the man they were investigating. every old lesson, anecdote, or offhand comment bruce had ever made had been pulled to the forefront of his mind, and he was putting it all to use in a way he never imagined. the cowl was so much heavier and lighter than he’d ever expected, and that’s because he realized too late he’d been trained for this. bruce had groomed him to be a perfect successor without dick ever realizing it, and those long years of training were coming in use. beside dick, robin was a pulsing glow of energy and rage wrapped up in skin and scars, but he’d proved how oddly keen and careful he was capable of being. he’d have to remember to add patience to the list of things he still had to teach the kid, though, and he will teach the kid. because they were batman and robin, they were the best crime fighting duo in the world, and even though dick had never imagined being on this side of them, robin was his kid, and he’d love him just the same.
limbs splayed out dramatically, laughter floating into the air like a toxin, a hesitant body pulled into a hug. dick knew exactly how to read his friends and family. he’d been watching and learning from the titans for years, keeping track of near everything about them, and that meant he could be there for them now. his siblings were a work in progress, but dick looked at the years of history they had, the way he overpresented himself in a way to make them lower their guard, how he’d broken past their defenses before. with bruce, most of all, he knew the motions to this like an old dance, practiced over and over and over again until it had settled into his very bones. bruce had withdrawn into himself, but dick had years of experience on coaxing him back out. because he was dick grayson, he wasn’t the best brother he could have been but he’s trying, and he’d practice getting his family to smile every day if he had to.
do i know what this is? no. however, it is dick’s birthday, so i feel like he deserves a little something special.
tag list: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan @screennamealreadyused @subtleappreciation @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @bikoncon @maplumebleue-blog-blog @sundownridge @thatsthewhump
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friggsdc · 4 years
Title: little delinquent pt i
part i | part ii 
Warnings: Female!reader (bat!sis), mostly family fluff, AU, hurt/comfort
word count: 3000~
It had Bruce and Dick sharing a look for a moment before the latter spoke up, “It’s not like I’m against continuing to expand the family, but…” he eyed the child you held nervously, “please don’t start bringing home every child you find…” he tilted his head, “he’s bad enough.” Bruce settled a light glare at his first son (that definitely wasn’t what Bruce was thinking), though Dick was stilled by the way your eyes narrowed at him instead.
“His name is Terrence,” that was all you said, brushing past as they were suddenly on guard at the inherited Wayne-scowl on your face.
a/n: Terry as a baby tho with an overly protective big sis/mom reader… I can’t get this out of my head lol. Also batfam are very close with bat!sis reader in this, so lotsa fluffy sibling intimacy. Because I want the fluff haha.
(it actually turned into more plot than fluff sighs)
 idk pairings/haven’t thought of that, I just didn’t know how to tag it so i used pairing tags??? lol despite that, I don’t feel comfortable putting Damian, Bruce, nor Terry in the tags ee;;;; Jason’s not in this chapter but he’s in the tags anyway sighs, he comes in around ch3.
A light lit up on one of the many monitors in the cave, a box popping up not a moment later with the alert, attracting the costumed people in the room. Bruce was second to the computers, Tim immediately making certain that the alert said what he thought it said, “Good. She’s back.” He sighed heavily, relieved before trudging towards the car port. Sure he was upset, they all were, but at the moment they were just glad their sister was back and alive. She’d get quite the talking to about scaring them all like this, especially from Tim and Bruce, later.
It almost felt like an eternity as her bike came into view, skidding to a comfortable stop with minimal sound. She took a moment to adjust herself, and they didn’t miss the small form clinging to her frontside. It was aggravating how slow and careful she was being, how slowly she got up from her bike as if the young child she had with her was the most fragile treasure. She shifted so that the bundle was curled up in her arms, messy black hair hiding most features as their face buried in her shoulder, frightened. The kid had to be about a year old or so, they assumed, quiet and trembling in her hold.
Damian stood next to their father, annoyance on his face as he bit back harsh words. Of all the people in the world, like Alfred, his sister was someone he never wanted to hurt. He couldn’t even imagine such a thing. “You turned off your comms,” Bruce stated, she only nodded, not usually one for hiding what she was up to. He went to open his mouth again, but Damian’s cold tone beat him to it, “you were missing all night.” She nodded at him again, lips pursed to keep herself from saying anything.
She was struggling with her feelings right now, incredibly upset at the way her family was staring at her, as if she herself were a child. It was really hard for her right now to be the loving big sister she’s always been since coming to live at the manor. All she wanted to do was forgive them for their mistrust, or to tell them everything to take that distrust away. She hated feeling like a bad guy, and she did her best to stand firm on how she felt, but her resolve was crumbling fast in their presence.
You couldn’t help it, your family had that kind of effect on you, always weak to them and their needs.
You would always forgive them. Always.
Tim was first to rush over, quickly pulling you into a hug (careful of the boy), and a slight tremble in his tensed hands kept you from pulling back. He rested his head on the shoulder opposite the kid’s head, arms refusing to move as the other three strode over. “Stupid, where were you?” Tim mumbled into your shoulder, your response was to bury your cheek in his hair, “I was… we were so worried. You don’t just go dark on us like that, especially not on me, you know that.”
He shifted his head to look you in the face, foreheads pressing together. Reaching up, he gently took off your domino mask so your eyes could meet, him doing his best to stare you down. A silent conversation began, your somewhat desperate look of, ‘I’m sorry, I have my reasons,’ and his shoulders sagging a little, ‘I’m still not happy about this.’
It had Bruce and Dick sharing a look for a moment, the latter speaking up, “It’s not like I’m against continuing to expand the family, but…” he eyed the child you held nervously, “please don’t start bringing home every child you find…” Dick tilted his head, “he’s bad enough.” Bruce settled a light glare at his first son (that definitely wasn’t what Bruce was thinking), though Dick was stilled by the way your eyes narrowed at him instead.
“His name is Terrence,” that was all you said, brushing past as they were suddenly on guard at the inherited Wayne-scowl on your face.
“Hey, uhm…” Dick coughed nervously now, stomach flipping and looked between Tim and Bruce, “has she… ever made a face like that before?” Tim frowned, shaking his head, “you actually upset her. That’s an accomplishment, Richard.” Tim went to change so he could follow you, wanting to know everything about what you had been doing and where you had been. “I… meant it to be humorous…” Damian just scowled at him, “it was in poor taste, Grayson,” he turned, wanting to change before following you and Tim, curious. Dick just sighed into his hand, knowing he’d have to make it up to you later, or the others would hold it against him.
“Babybat, too? Ugh.”
Usually you handled his joking around without much issue, what the heck?
“Good job. Whelmed yet?,” Bruce turned back towards the bat computer, intent on discovering things himself (and to alert the others, still out looking, that you were safe). After all, there was only going to be so much you’d say (call it a father’s intuition). Dick frowned at his father making fun of him, unamused, “...haha” He grumbled and went to change, following after his siblings with a yawn finding it’s escape (they’d been frantic all night, looking everywhere).
“You understand we’re not letting you out of our sight after this, right?” his ears perked up at Damian’s tone, uncertain if he was joking or not. Rounding the corner into a smaller sitting room, he stopped before leaning broad shoulders against the doorframe. “That’s terrifying, Dami.” Dick grinned at the glare his youngest brother sent him, eyes turning to you and the child on your lap apologetically, “Sorry, about before.”
You only waved your hand as if to dismiss the earlier conversation, a sign that Dick took to push off the wall and walk over for a better view, “So, Terrence, huh?” You only nodded, stuck in your thoughts, thinking things over. All your attention was kept on the child snuggled up against you, staring at the other’s in the room with a mixture of curiosity and fear.
Dick’s brow raised now that he got a good look.
“Okay, I know I said I was sorry, but…” Damian’s fingers strained to not curl into a fist as he gave Dick a hard, pointed stare, but he didn’t go farther as your hand patted his arm. “Black hair and blue eyes,” Tim sighed at Dick, “I’m just saying.” He shrugged, stopping himself from wondering aloud if the family was cursed.
You could only huff in exasperation as you buried your face in Terrence’s hair, the child wiggling to look up with huge blues. You smiled down at him and leaned back into the cushions, letting him rest against you at an incline, bouncing your leg lightly. His small hands readjusted to grasp onto your shirt, head using your chest as a pillow while he kept watching the men and scrunched his nose.
“So, where’d he come from?” Dick sat across form you, seeing as Damian was sitting next to you on the small couch, Tim in the chair to your other side (all your recon gear was in a pile on the floor next to you). A frown settled on your face, staring at the floor as you kept your face buried in the child’s hair, then shook your head. Stubborn. Tim frowned at you and the child, arms crossed in contemplation, and Damian was staring at the child wide-eyed in amazement (he was so inexperienced). Dick crossed his arms and leaned back, biting the inside of his cheek, “…hey,” your attitude was worrying him, you’d never been this closed off before.
Your eyes shifted from the floor to look at Dick, cycling to Damian and then to Tim, straight faced with having made your decision (even though you had already made it hours earlier). Looking to your family, you took a deep breath to brace yourself, “he’s mine.” All three of the men stiffened, Damian shaking his head, “you weren’t pregnant. Impossible.” 
When your eyes met his, he squinted slightly, your head tilting forwards, his turning away, “tt.” Dick was a bit jealous at how you had such a strong connection with Tim and Damian, wishing he could join in on the exchange of expressions (unfortunately, his innate big brother intuition with his siblings only took him so far. Living in Blüdhaven meant he wasn’t as involved in family as he wanted).
Tim was being incredibly careful as he sized you up, taking in the kid’s appearance and the way you were keeping your eyes on the men like a hawk. Damian had relaxed next to you, shifting his weight to lean against your side as he began poking and prodding at the child. In turn, Terrence just tried to grab at Damian’s fingers with his small hands, at times trying to bite him when his finger booped him on the nose (Damian noticed and started turning it into a game, as if he were playing chicken with a cat and it’s claws).
Terrence became a bit more comfortable, too focused on Damian’s antics, and he let out a small laugh, causing Damian to freeze in place. He hadn’t expected it, too absorbed in the game he had made up and instantly his ears turned red, suddenly self-conscious. The finger that had been frozen in place was hovering dangerously close to Terrence’s face and, taking the invitation, the child bit down. He would have yelped if he hadn’t been so well trained, barely able to contain himself, Damian jerked his finger out of the child’s biting range.
Dick cracked a smile and you did your best to not laugh, Tim however was studying his youngest brother, it was cute when he acted his age.
“So, he’ll be staying here then?” You nodded at Dick, “think B’s gonna be okay with this?” you shrugged, it wouldn’t matter, you’d refuse to give the kid up, “So…” Dick shifted, failing to keep his face straight, “Damian’s not the baby anymore.” As wary of the kid as he was, he couldn’t pass up the moment to tease his favorite brother.
“…Grayson,” Damian glared at Dick before reluctantly looking at the kid, silently agreeing. He wasn’t the baby anymore, “we… will need to outfit a nursery room, then.” Dick couldn’t hide his smile, letting it spread on his face at his younger brother’s quick acceptance, “guess I’m gonna hafta visit more often then if I want to be the best uncle.” Both Tim and Damian’s heads turned in unison at Dick, eyes narrowing in a way that made Dick want to step back, nervous.
“No way, I’ll be--” Tim was cut off,
“As if you could be better than me, Grayson,” he sent a pointed look at Tim, “I will be the best uncle.”
You were just glad your brothers were taking this so well.
“Sure.” Tim deflated a bit as Bruce walked into the room, looking at his boys before turning to you and the child, “If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to speak with—” Just like Tim, he was cut off, “I won’t tell you anything about him.” Bruce frowned at your stubbornness, not liking that this was how you chose to respond to the situation. “You’re not getting out of this, we’re going to have a talk,” he stopped himself, correcting his remark after a moment’s thought, “…a few talks, actually.”
“No.” you frowned and he crossed his arms with a more serious ‘I’m your father, do as I say,” look about him. “It’s not up for debate.”
The brothers just looked back and forth, opting to stay quiet instead of getting involved. It did no good when the two of you got stubborn with one another.
“You can’t take him from me.” Your father’s stare softened slightly, shaking his head, “we need to discuss that, too.” Honestly, he wasn’t as interested in whether or not you kept the child, the problem was how quiet you were being about him. Something wasn’t right about the situation, and his preliminary searches came up with nothing. 
He only had a first name, it wasn’t much to go on.
Terrence was staring at Bruce, one of his chubby little hands left your top to shove his thumb in his mouth. The unwavering stare the kid was giving him… if he didn’t know any better, Bruce would think he was being challenged. It took all of Bruce’s will power not to look down at Terrence, he wasn’t great with children, let alone an infant. He was broken from his thoughts of whether or not the kid actually was challenging him, or if he just had no clue about what to do in this situation (he didn’t want to admit it though) when you finally replied.
“You won’t find out where I was.” It was a statement.
He studied and trained hard to make hiding from anyone and anything look natural, you seemed to have been born with the (suddenly annoying) skill.
“Your thoroughness is worrisome.” He sighed, feeling this was going to be a bit… difficult.
The siblings all shared an amused laugh before Dick got back to his feet, another yawn escaping, “I’ll be in my old room, need some post-mission Z’s.” He felt like a zombie walking out of the room, hoping he’d beat the sun before it got too high. “See you and the kid in the… morning…?” He had almost no interest in trying to make his brain work, already resigned to bed. 
“Then, you as well.” Bruce nodded to Damian and with a sigh, he stood up, “alright, father. Good night,” before Damian could leave the room, you were suddenly standing by his side. “Rest sounds good right now,” you avoided Bruce’s disappointed look, watching as Tim rocked forward from the chair to his feet before stretching.
Giving out a small hum, you quickly retreated into the hall with Damian, waiting for neither Tim or Bruce (mainly Bruce). As you left, Bruce turned to Tim, questioning what was going on, “Sorry, but…” he started, “I have no clue about this one…” Tim scratched the back of his head, staring at the floor sheepishly. He felt at a loss, not having been given the silent treatment by you since you were kids.
You were literally in each other’s business all the damned time.
Damian walked comfortably next to you, eyes drooping (even though he’d never admit it), and you dropped him off at his bedroom door.
“Night, Dami.”
“Good night,” you gave him a small hug, ruffling his hair as his ears flushed for the second time that night. “You’re lucky I’m going to sleep…” he huffed, hair now a complete mess. He entered his room, leaving you alone to the halls, “I think a quick shower would be nice…” you were walking towards your room now, intent on getting comfortable and relaxing before getting some shut eye. Dick was right, it was an exhausting night.
Hand on the door of your room, staring at the child struggling to stay awake in your arms, you shook your head.
It was worth it.
And you’d do it again. Every time.
Tim entered the room hesitantly, no knocking, he was certain you wouldn’t answer, anyway, but he checked to see if it was okay before closing the door behind him. Looking around to gather his bearings, as you had the light off, curtains drawn, and it was nominally darker than the halls, he spotted the top of your head over the edge of the bed. Quickly, quietly, he crept over to stand a few feet from you, but your eyes stayed on the sleeping child in your lap, refusing to look up.
He settled himself closely next to you, sliding down to sit on the floor and leaning against the side of the bed, shoulder rubbing your own. He looked to the child in your lap as well, then gave a small hum before lightly nudging you.  
He wasn’t able to see well, but after adjusting to the lack of light, it became easier to understand his surroundings. It became easier to see your features, to see the kid in your arms, and it was easier to grasp the way you frowned in anticipation when turning to look him in the face.
He wasn’t certain why, but he braced for something, suddenly uneasy.
Your lips moved to form the word, no sound coming out, too terrified the walls would listen in, ‘Cadmus.’
Tim’s eyes widened in panic, the child’s big blues flashing in his mind, and it suddenly felt like everything was coming together. It was the one piece of useful information he was missing, the one piece that you made certain they wouldn’t be able to follow when you disappeared for the night. He looked to the sleeping child in your arms, then back up at you, brain going into overload. How...?
He understood now.
His hand found yours, squeezing tightly, reassuringly.
You slumped against his side, relieved.
He understood.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
hae interrogationes multae respondeant quia demens .
if you read this entire ask post you deserve a gold star and financial recompensation
Um, Obviously because when you’re adopted by a white guy you automatically become white duhhh
this is about this post lmao and yeah youre absolutely right, you have to hand your poc card in when you get adopted by a white guy.
Do you think Cass would listen to Yanni, the YouTube channel epic symphonic rock, or some other stuff? There's some cool mashups but idk if that's up your alley, I kinda feel like I'm pushing it with my weird taste of music by recommending an orchestra cover of metal, but i just love that sort of thing and mashups :P @harvestyourcherries 
i haven’t heard of that? but in my personal (correct) opinion steph listens to classical music, and then both modern and older, and then also stuff like black sabbath, iron maiden, but also hardrock and hardcore. i like the idea of cass just liking the most extreme screaming songs full of noise and then also listen to pachelbel’s 370th sonata yanno? THANK YOU for the rec tho
speaking of ur cass playlist hc...reminds of the time (yesterday) i found 2 playlists randomly on spotify from the same user. one was abt 3 hours of instrumental/classical "dark" & "nostalgic" music. the other almost 11 hours of nothing but hardcore bass/synth/electronic music. just an incredible tightrope act to put on in public. the synth one was also called like "psalms for synth sluts" which is Also incredible
tbh i LOVE synth SO MUCH like for no reason at all but then also cannot handle a poppy electronic beat lmao. but this seems like the kinda thing i’d do but just in one (1) playlist bc i just sort songs by vibe instead of genre? that’s how i end up with britney spears and billy ray cyrus in the same playlist. 
Oh, I want Kate Kane playlist next! It would be amazing if you could do one when you have time and will 🙏
how rude would it be of me to just say no? like sorry kate but idk you and also you seem way too keen on the us military for an institution that homophobically targeted you? (and also commits war crimes) but let’s unpack the fact that the institution that caused the death of your mom and sister and also got you blacklisted for being gay is still one you align with???
'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' --- when i tell you i fucking screamed LOL!!!!!!! i can imagine the cameraman not knowing if he should cut to commercial or keep it on these two weirdos fighting on stage (bruce definitely ruffled dick's hair/noogied him right?? 
about this post but yeah lmao. this cameraman just turns to like the audience to get a reaction and it’s just multiple moments of CLEAR shock.
you are the only funny person on this hellsite
how egotistical is it for me to say that i get this ask multiple times a month? bc it literally happens so often it’s hilarious to me.
Wish there was more john/Bruce content 😔😔😔 was so hungry I actually looked at canon media 😔😔😔 (Justice League Dark babeeeyyyyyy)
check out batman: damned for some mediocre content but at least it’s john/bruce (also very interesting story and stuff, just got very >:( over this weird part where harley quinn tried to r*pe bruce or something? it’s not for everyone)
dick grayson but he's nicki minaj
his anaconda don’t want none,,, unless...... 
Dick Grayson was never a cop, he played Marshall on Paw Patrol
you are SO right. also paw patrol is a fucking good show idc. that shit could’ve been the new steven universe on this hellsite.
why do people keep reposting my CONTENT. if you are not funny yourself don’t just grab shit off of tumblr and post it on insta,,, get a life. sidenote: should i start an insta and get all these ppl to take my content down that would be funny as hell.
Might I suggest for a Gotham City Meme: something about the true crime fandom thirsting for the rogues gallery
ok can i just say something slightly controversial?? no? i don’t find true crime ppl who are into criminals funny, that shits disturbing irl im not gonna bring that into my very chill universe.
i may have never seen a 'jason cleaning guns in sink' fic but i do know he WOULD
bestie im sorry to say this to you but while you can, and people do wash their guns in the sink, that is a lot of lead in a very vital part of the kitchen.
people tend to do it in the bathtub.
WHY???? like damn why do you even have guns
i dont think i read many gun sink fics exactly but i have read lots of fics where jason cleanes his guns in the living room. usualy dissembles them and cleans them with a rag i think
lmao fair enough, like i think that’s a large part of what i remember as well.
if you say you've seen/read gun sink fics I believe you. I think those of us who didn't see them are lucky or maybe didn't search for fics by tags or something idk
i mean ive never sought them out but i HAVE seen them,, like definitely i know almost for certain.
saw your tags and I'm interested in Steph/Kara now. They would be the most chaotic couple <3
literally thoooo, i have a wip where they get together in a zombie apocalypse and like UGGGHhhh i am so in love with them.
I am the Breece anon. Thanks for the recommendation; am reading now. I’ve always been a hardcore Superman fan because I love my pure himbo farm boy. My logic is, if one Bruce is a Broose, then multiple Broose are a herd of Breece. And this is a hill upon which I will perish.
fair enough,,,, like moose, meese, goose, geese, bruce, breece. i get your logic and i stand by it as well. (glad you enjoyed the comic recs!!!!)
It's a beautiful day in Gotham, and you are a group of horrible Breece
OH my god dude lmao
there only being 42 fics on ao3 for tim and bernard is honestly so sad i need more
it’s like twice that now!!! we did it lads. (tho very sad that my fic isnt number one but like number 4 :((((  )
i'm too late you already did the poll lol but may i suggest bethy (bernard + timothy)
shit dude that wouldve been so fucking funnyyyyy. think ppl have just stuck to timber tho, tim/bernard kinda died down recently and i think it’s too bad, they’re a great couple and i love them.
Wait, hear me out
Bernothy @redlightofdawn
great recommendation (lmao this ask is from like a month ago) but very sorry to announce that NARDTH is the superior shipname
Wait, we know that bernard likes milfs (Tim's step-mom) but what about dilfs? gilfs?
Wait no, I regret sending that ask
these were two seperate asks and they’re HILARIOUS. in my personal opinion tho,,, milfs, gilfs, dilfs are just about vibes and bernard is just attracted to sexy ppl who may sometimes be milfs, dilfs, or EVEN gilfs.
crime in bludhaven would drop to half if nightwing had a boob window. in this essay i will-
Wait if Barbra and Tim r at opposite ends at all times what happened to Barbra once everyone’s Tim’s ever love before started dying lol
she won a lottery ticket and spent 2 weeks on a resort in the bahamas before returning home and finding out that the joker was arrested for tax evasion and then spent a month staying at her big tiddie goth girlfriend’s house before conner came back to life and she broke her pinkie playing table hockey.
Why is the opposite end thing so funny and compelling to me. Tim comes back from his depression quest for Bruce and Babs is now a literal god
lmao when tim loses his spleen barbara reaches nirvana.
Are you still taking music recs because I have three songs that remind me of Jason that I think you'd like
send to me or lose a toe
🌸 ⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! ⭐🌸😋
thanks, i wont tho on account of i wont.
This is the whole of Blüdhaven and everyone anywhere.
Nightwings ass alone saves more people in a calendar year and does more for so society than most heroes do their whole career.Also u are one of the funniest tumblr pages out there. The vibes are unmatched and the memes and tags ✨send me✨.Thank u and goodnight @julia-flow 
fanksss also lmao.
That's going to be a little bit difficult to explain, but
There's some music that you listen to and you think, "oh my gosh, I can perfectly imagine Dick Grayson singing this song, with the same voice as the singer because that voice matches with Dick Grayson"?
oh yeah totally lmao. i have a lot of songs that i think are just entirely dick grayson yanno? kind of all of my playlists have that vibe, but i really find bleachers to fit with dick? idk.
"Lois lane/Superman" fics this, "Lois lane/Clark Kent" fics that, (/lh) let's get into the real good stuff. Some people ship Lois, Clark, and Superman as a throuple. Most popular fic tag for sure
yes totally, i think they’d be absolutely killer on ao3 and clark gets so fucking embarassed about it.
I miss your post, hope you’re doing okay!!
haha this was like 2 months ago, but i was doing fine then too! just didn’t have a lot of inspiration in terms of content.
Doot doot!
noot noot
I’m confused. What did DC do now? Like with nightwing? And another sibling? Please spoil everything for me
lmao they gave him a secret sister plotline where they had his dad cheat on his mom with tony zucco’s wife, bc dick’s life wasn’t traumatic enough yet.
sorry but it's so funny that batman is called "the dark knight" when the gotham city baseball team is called the gotham knights. it'd be like if a vigilante was running around new york called like "the scary yankee"
lmaooo no. but like yankee comes from dutch names or something so wouldnt it be HILARIOUS if gotham knights came from like german names and bruce would be running around called the dark KLAUS UND NIEK @graysonnightwing 
(not a batcest shipper) it’s so funny to me that the responses are “i’m a batcest shipper because i can differentiate fiction from reality and and it doesn’t bother me personally, but i understand why you oils think it’s weird” to “i wish all batcest shippers a very fucking die”
yeah lmaoo. i personally basically flipped my entire stance around to ‘i dont care please leave me and everybody else alone’ bc i think there’s really no point in starting a moral dillema over some fucking fandom bullshit. Please just,,, go home,,, log off, find a nice forest to have a little walk in and remember that somewhere in history, somebody probably died in the place you’re standing. and you will also die someday, and somebody will have to look at your internet usage and see you fighting multiple people anonymously while being named ‘nightwingsbuttchin200186′ like... calm down, we’re all gonna die this is not the thing to worry about.
so since like "wards" don't really exist in modern society almost all the batkids are foster kids, right? i used to work in the system and imagine: monthly visits from social workers and guardian ad litems, bruce having to get permission to take the boys anywhere out of state, calling their social worker at like 8 a.m. like "yeah dick broke his arm again... a gymnastics accident this time...." their poor social worker. bruce send her a huge bouquet and box of chocolates every month to stay on her good side
i imagine the social worker just getting into the case like ‘yeah let’s get this kid a good guardian’ and then ending up having to work with 22 y/o bruce wayne and his 50 y/o dad. and so this social worker is like ‘okay we can work with this, this is the best home i can find’ and then like it ends up landing on its feet and then the kid gets adopted and then they get a call a year later like ‘uhm so hi, this kid tried to steal my tyres can i adopt him?’ and like 3 years later. ‘okay so basically, my neighbours’ kid imprinted on me and now they’re dead, can i keep him?’ two years later it’s like ‘okay so this assassin child-’
ever since I saw that one post of yours, the meme that's something like "I know that abba's backup dancer got me" with a picture of discowing, I've been haunted. Every once in a while I'll be minding my own business then the image of abba's backup dancer dick grayson aka nightwing aka discowing will flash in my mind and I'll be frozen in place. Today at work I was in the middle of folding clothes and suddenly once again discowing entered my mind and I suddenly lost the ability to see anything except He. Thank you.
wow. the IMPACT.
Braver than any US marine man props to you🤝
this shit is about the time i wrote an article on batcest, like man,,, the fact that i didn’t get cancelled is MIRACULOUS. also like,,, uh if anybody on here did gossip on me,, send screenshots i’d love to see it.
Hello, just wanted to say your article was great. Thank you for taking the time to provide an unbaised answer. It should provide people with nuances they couldn't possibly conjure on their own.
May I ask where your username originates from?
yes you may (also thanks!!!) i thought it up when i was trying to find an original username bc i didnt want to be called like ‘timdrakes something something’ or ‘jason todd something smoething’ or ‘dick grayson something something’ yanno? so i thought batarangs, they sound so dumb and that’s my username story... now it’s my whole entire brand lmao.
yno that bit in kick ass where red mist asks kick ass if he wants a hit of his blunt, was that the inspo for stoner tim
no? it’s bc i think stoners are hilarious and drugs are great. (dont do drugs tho) 
How would u feel if someone actually wore one of those bruce or ollie pride shirts u edited
fenomenal next question.
Dick as lil huddy and Jason as James gave me radiation poisoning and now I’m screaming crying throwing up so thx for that
(Rico suave as Tim is perfect tho literally no changes needed)
i was so funny for that shit wasn’t i??? lmao i loved those weird ass fancasts
You're doing the Lord's work by providing us with all these Gotham/Metropolis citizens memes, thank you for being so relentlessly funny @nellethiel-aranel
you’re welcome!! i really enjoy making memes, but getting validation for my content and my memes is REALLY nice.
Bruce is such a slut in your memes and honestly i love that for him @rhodey-rhudert-rhodes-main 
he’s that much of a slut irl too dw.
Bruce and Alfred have an emergency pride flag for the batkids. Oliver Queen printed an emergency "I love my gay son" t-shirt and as soon as Roy told him he was dating Jason, Oliver started wearing that shirt everyday and Roy always cringes when he sees it. Oliver also has an emergency "I love my lesbian daughter" shirt just in case for Cissie.
lmao YES i had a post like this bc like all of their kids/family members are so gayy
stop bringing back batfam fancasts it is not real it is not real it is not- 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
oh yes it is my darling.
did discowing burn down the notredam because he hates the bees? @allulily
no he did it bc fuck the french.
im gonna beg for 1 thing and 1 thing only. please please please put physical by olivia newton john on dick's playlist
okay then beg. bc i wont. physical reminds me too much of glee and that hurts me mentally.
your playlist is sorely missing some Madonna. Specifically Into the Groove, Like a Prayer, and Vogue
i’m scared of madonna that’s why she’s not on there. she haunts me in my dreams.
suggestion: son of batman by aaron dews for dick’s playlist🤩
sorry, i listened to it and the vibe didn’t agree with me.
Hear me out, metropolis citizens sending rare pair fics of Clark Kent x Superman fics to Lois to edit
yes, absolutely hilarious. even more funny if they send like physical copies, no address attached and lois sends it back marked with red ink, SOMEHOW
Imagine all the smut Clark must of read editing the fics
clark reads smut confirmeeed
hc that alfred is a meta that boosts healing factor of the people around him. if the bats are injured as much as they seem to be they would be doing bat stuff MAYBE half the year. no one including alfred knows about this. whenever the kids move out they inexplicably dont recover from injuries as fast and feel better whenever they visit the manor they just chalk it up to homesickness. bruce just thinks he heals really fast. alfred thinks everyone doesnt take care of themselves properly @finchcollector
that’s actually such a great idea, but i think that alfred would find out and learn how to concentrate it better so he can help more people, bc he’s great and i love him.
One of your dickfast posts reminded me of that tweet that goes: 'so you've had sex how many times? Yeah technically that's not a bromance' lol that's dickwally or dickroy
literally tho. like that’s all of dick’s friendships. once it gets past a certain time dick is like ‘wow i wonder what it would be like to make out with wally, wally come make out with me’ and wally’s like ‘we’ve done this like 40 times, dick, you know what it’s like’ and dick is like ‘sorry are you complaining?’ and they just make out.
superfam and batfam associations??
-batman and superman
-dick/barabara and supergirl?
-conner and tim
-jon and damian
pls enlighten me I am confused
nope,,, uhm batman and superman, but dick and superman as well, and then conner and tim, jon and damian and steph + babs with supergirl
I came across a fic in which Wonder Woman calls Batman "Stella" (like Stellaluna, the children's book) and I can imagine the batkids hop on the trend and maybe copies of the book appear at random places (aka, everywhere Bruce frequents)
sorry can’t reciprocate that was the name of my high school chemistry teacher and it gives me nightmares to think about.
good human what are your pronouns?
wouldn’t you like to know?
I need me some gothamites preferring harley over joker memes
everyone prefers harley over joker youre just very fucked up if you dont
don't understand why people try to add like veteran policy to the batfamily
dick pulling out his veteran batfam member card so he can eat first: step aside, peasants
Do you know the song Simmer by Haley Williams? It (the first verse anyways) reminds me of Jason? It's about rage.
damn yeah i LOVE HAYLEY!!!! youre right thoo
Okay so I like listen to your stoner Tim Drake playlist 24/7 but would he listen to skegss? Also I keep adding songs mentally it’s killing me 😩✋🏼 Anyways,, I literally love and worship your playlist 😃🤞🏼 And uh yeah have a good day ✨
stoner tim drake playlist is lyfeeee. also dont know who skeggs is? i’m stupid? have a good day!!
All the Robins (and Batgirl) decide to trade costumes for one night just to fuck with Batman and all the villains in Gotham. @subspacecadet 
batman knows it’s them youknow but like,,, what does he call them? he’s like ‘red hood?’ and 3 people answer and he’s not about to compromise some identities so he’s just Pissed.
I aspire to treat cops the way my dad treats them. This man is a 45 year old Asian immigrant to the US and the treats them like his pets. He talks about them like unruly children. Sometimes he pays off local cops to shut up and stop acting racist. And usually it works. I don’t know why but I can see Oliver Queen doing this
vibes... and also yes? oliver queen handing a local cop a donut to shut the fuck up lmao. but yanno i commit enough crimes to not really want to ever see a cop ever, so they kinda scare the everloving fuck out of me.
seeing as tim hasn't aged in years, that means he was 17 at peak emo tumblr era. im back on my emo tim bullshit and im not letting it go
emo tim had a wattpad account send tweet
People seem to think that batman is so dark and serious when the rainbow batsuit is right there. He wore it with no shame.
dude the 60s were a DIFFERENT TIME
dick grew up in a circus, jason grew up on the streets, and tim was probably raised by the internet
all of them cuss every other word and you cannot tell me otherwise
bitch i KNOW but dc has to change to an 18+ rating if they want to sell comix with swear words in them so we gotta deal with imagining the swear words in ourselves
thoughts on teen titans and young justice
haven’t seen teen titans on account of havent seen it and young justice was LITERALLY my favourite thing ever, tho i do gotta admit it’s not at all similar to the young justice comics unfortunately. i really wouldve liked to see timmy bart kon cassie and cissie animated on tv!!
ew ew ew how to delete batcest shippers I genuinely digust them
log off tumblr?
Okay as poc who was called racist for calling an Italian pastabrain: in the batfam are Italians bit Damian just yells various insults about the others being Italian. Just him yelling “What are you doing you moronic spaghettihead!” At steph etc
huh? i meant real italians. homeboy is telling steph he hopes she chokes on her fucking garlic.
I think it's dumb as hell to pull the batman is the best fighter in the batfam argument because like it's just irresponsible of Bruce to let his kids fight when they couldn't possibly be on his league or something
fair enough, but also like who cares they could all kill you just sit down and take a beating.
lady shiva, thalia al ghul and Selina Kyle are all milfs @notanothertimburtonenthusiastugh 
unfortunately, i have to admit,,, you’re right
why tf didn't someone give joker a death sentence already? like he's a mass murderer...give him the electric chair treatment wtf
idk i think plenty of people would have tried to murder him already (boring answer is: he is a popular character so they can’t kill him off bc he brings in lots of money)
There’s no such thing as “ copaganda”.
all american media is propaganda. happy to clear this up for you
is it bad that I find lady shiva owa owa
no. find her as owa owa as you want.
aight I'm guessing the order of your favs in batfam:
1. tim
2. Steph
3. dick
4. Duke
5. the rest
you’re wrong but it’s cute that you tried, i generally don’t have favourites, but i have a special place in my heart for steph, tim, dick and cass. bc they were like my introduction to batfam. but damian, jason, duke, bruce, babs and alfred are NOT FORGOTTEN OR UNLOVED
oh my god i was literally just readily willing to believe that italians werent white ty for clarifying it was a joke im so dumb sdkvjskdfs
i mean some italians aren’t white? italian is a nationality as well as an ethnicity, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
since I saw so many people doing headcanons about the nationalities of batboys, I see Dick as an Italian.
dont know if youre serious or not, but sure.
super random but
jason 🤝 damian
old english
lmao fair enough.
tim absolutely has 1 gay uncle and his parents shit talk said uncle all the time so after bruce adopts him he specifically reaches out to this uncle to be like "heyyyy just so you know you majorly influenced my life yes i know i havent seen you since i was 5 and at the family reunion yes i know you dont remember my name idc thank you im gay too" and then they never talk again.
yuppp lmao that’s definitely something that could happen. i can also consider tim having no family members, like none. until he does like a dna test and he realises he has like an aunt living barely 2 miles away from him who’s like some illegitimate child of his grandpa.
I dare you one of them sends clark superman/clark fic and clark corrects the shit out of it and then goes like ps his dick is not that big, just telling as someone who has seen it. internet either explodes or goes who tf did he not fuck at this point.
i think everybody would call clark a buzzkill and try to cancel him over that.
so you're telling me Tim Drake wouldn't buy Starbucks?
no. dunkin donuts all the way
One of my favorite things is imagining people finding out jason came back from the dead and being like "oh no does he have magic powers now?!?!?" and he just pulls out a gun and tries to shoot joker
now he doesn’t even have the gun :) lmao
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
bruce gets codename ‘ugh’ everytime. he hates it.
crazy that tim being a 17 y/o ceo and a stoner who does brand deals are all actual canon things written in detective comics comics and not made up for shits and giggles by you, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb @rowdeyclown
batman au where everything is the same but his utility belt is bright pink
absolutely, but i raise you, his boots light up like sketchers when he kicks people.
unbeknownst to the superhero fandom writers in the dcuniverse, clark and BRUCE are one of the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag on ao3. clark writes the best lois x superman angst, full of unhappy endings and scenes that are a so detailed you'd think you were in the middle of a superhero beatdown. bruce made an ao3 account to fuel "the do the butts match" thing, and makes batman/bruce fics from time to time. he wrote a superbat fic as a joke but ended up making it REAL porny. @concrastinator
dude they’re WAY too busy for that. Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan on the other hand are the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag writing what is Mostly porn.
When the dining table topic gets to politics, Steph says "eat the rich" as the solution
bruce just silently takes away her fork and knife while she’s talking.
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curlybookwriter0294 · 3 years
All to Ourselves
Summary:  He must be honest with himself. He had never pictured himself with someone. He always thought that being in a relationship would be putting himself at risk if an enemy had found out about the person that he was with. They could use that person against him, and he would never live with himself if something were to happen to them. Luckily, he has a powerful empath as a girlfriend, and he knows full well that she can handle herself perfectly fine on her own. Being with Raven had brought so many new experiences that they had both shared with each other. And he knows that being intimate with her would unlock newfound vulnerabilities between them and if that were to happen, they need a serious conversation about it first.
AN: I meant to post this last week when I had posted this on A03, but school started again and I was slammed with homework about Human Diseases lol. ANYWAYS!! Here is the smut one shot of DamiRae that is more descriptive than my previous one for DamiRae week lol. Please let me know how you guys like it!! HAPPY READING!!
It was the sound of someone whistling that carried through the long hallway of the Wayne Manor that had caught Damian Wayne’s attention. His three-year-old black Great Dane, Titus, made a noise next to him and Damian placed a finger to his lips in a silent way to tell him to be quiet as he resumed walking down the hallway.
 When the former trained assassin had arrived at the Manor from his fencing practice from Gotham Academy, he had found the mansion empty except for Titus who had greeted him at the door. He was surprised that the family butler Alfred Pennyworth wasn’t there next to the Great Dane and that made him suspect that there was something wrong.
 The whistling grew louder the closer he came to a door that was ajar and Damian knew that it was Dick Grayson’s room. He narrowed his eyes as he poked his head in to see the acrobat hero putting on a jacket. “Oh, hey, D.” He said without turning around as he checked himself in the mirror that was on his dresser. “What’s up?”
 Damian snorted as he leaned against the door frame and folded his arms over his chest. “Where is everyone?” he asked, sighing when Titus walked up next to him and nudged his wet nose against him. His lips twitched up when he lightly pets him on the tip of his nose.
 Let’s see,” Dick said, tilting his head back with a hum. “Tim is out on date with Kon. Same with Roy and Jason. Step and Cass are patrolling which Bruce told me to remind you to take the night off. No objections,” he quickly added when Damian was about to open his mouth to object his father’s order. “Speaking of Bruce, he is out on a date with Selina and Alfred went along with them as the driver and I am about to meet up with Kori. Which means… you have the whole mansion to yourself, Dami.” Dick looked over at Titus who cocked his head to the side at him. “Well… somewhat to yourself.”
 Damian raised a brow at the older acrobat hero and sighed. “Fine. It made sense as to why I didn’t see Pennyworth at the door with Titus. I suppose I could use this time to read.”
 Dick stared at the former assassin quizzically as if he had said something strange. “Did you not hear what I just said?”
 Damian knitted his brows in confusion at him. “I heard exactly what you said Grayson. I am not deaf,” he said with a roll of his emeralds. “What’s the matter with I said?”
 Dick pinched the bridge of his nose as he finally remembered that he was talking to a different type of eighteen-year-old. “Dami, you will be alone. Which means that you have this entire mansion to yourself. Maybe I don’t know… perhaps you could invite Raven over?”
 Damian wrinkled up his nose at Dick’s suggestion and huffed at him. “And why on Earth would I want to do that?”
 Dick groaned and shook at his head at how clueless the son of the Dark Knight can be at times. Damian was supposed to the ‘smartest’ of all of them correct? So far, he is clearly not catching on to what he was trying to say to him. “Do you remember what we had talked about a few months back? In the kitchen?” he asked, praying that Damian would remember that awkward conversation. He sighed in relief when the young Robin gave him a curt nod. “Thank goodness. I was about to say. Anyways…hellooooo this is your perfect opportunity! There would be no interruptions! It will be just you and umm…Raven.”
 “Anyways,” Dick interrupted, clearing his throat as he grabbed his wallet and keys that were sitting on the dresser. He walked by Damian and Titus and made sure to give the Great Dane a light touch just behind his pointed ears. “Just remember what we talked about okay? That’s all I’m going to say. Have a good night D.”
 Damian leaned his head back against the door frame as he watched Dick jogged happily down the spiraled staircase and out the front door, leaving him alone with his three-year-old Great Dane. He pushed himself off the frame and made his way down towards his room with Titus by his side and sat down on his neatly made bed that was covered in green blankets. “What do you think?” he asked Titus, petting him behind his ear. “Should I invite Raven over and take Grayson’s advice?”
 Titus barked at the mention of his empath girlfriend and Damian sighed when he had leaned back against his bed, remembering the conversation vividly that he had with his older adoptive brother. He didn’t show it openly, but he was extremely nervous when Grayson was asking him if they were sexually active when he had caught them kissing in the kitchen. He was so distracted by the taste of Raven’s soft lips that he didn’t feel that there was another presence in the kitchen with them.
 He must be honest with himself. He had never pictured himself with someone. He always thought that being in a relationship would be putting himself at risk if an enemy had found out about the person that he was with. They could use that person against him, and he would never live with himself if something were to happen to them. Luckily, he has a powerful empath as a girlfriend, and he knows full well that she can handle herself perfectly fine on her own. Being with Raven had brought so many new experiences that they had both shared with each other. And he knows that being intimate with her would unlock newfound vulnerabilities between them and if that were to happen, they need a serious conversation about it first.
 Damian sat up in his bed and reached into his pocket to pull his phone to dial her number, smiling when she had answered on the first ring. “Hi.”
 “Hi,” she responded, and Damian could immediately picture her sitting crossed legged in her room with a book in her hands. “You caught me in the middle of reading. Is there something wrong?”
 Damian snorted when his assumption about his girlfriend was correct and threaded his fingers through his dark hair. “Nothing is wrong. I was just informed that I have the entire manor will be empty for quite sometime and it is just Titus and I,” Titus made a noise next to him and Damian bent down to scratch behind his ear again. “And Titus misses you.”
 Raven laughed in his ear. “Oh? Well, tell Titus that I miss him too and when you bring him back to the Tower, I’ll be making sure to give him extra treats. What are you going to do in that huge manor now that you have to yourself?”
 Damian rolled his eyes at Raven’s promise about treats for Titus and the Great Dane’s head popped up at the mention of treats. He must remind her later not to spoil him too much. “I was thinking of reading but…” he lost his train of thought as he thought about what his older brother had said to him and cleared his throat to try again. “Perhaps maybe you can come over?”
 There was a brief pause between the birds and Damian waited patiently for the response from his purple eyed girlfriend. Damian wondered if she were waiting for the exact reason as to why she should be coming over especially since the two of them would be totally alone. “I’ve been meaning to show you the library that we have at the manor. We have every book that you can think of. Tonight would be the perfect opportunity to show you without being interrupted by noisy siblings.”
 “Alright. I can’t wait to see that library.” Raven said with a light chuckle.
 Damian and Titus sat patiently on porch steps of the manor. His green eyes scanning the empty lot, looking for any signs of Raven’s magic portal that would allow her to transport anywhere across the universe. Damian cocked his head to the side when Titus made a soft noise next to him, making him turn into the direction straight ahead just in time a dark round circle was forming just a few feet from him.
 He smiled when a figure wearing long black boots and a purple tank top dress step out from the portal and Titus immediately ran towards Raven and jumped on her chest in excitement at seeing his other parent. “Titus!” he said in a warning and the Great Dane quickly sat down.
 “Oh, come on Damian, it has been a while.” Raven said with a roll of her amethyst eyes, bending down to sneak a small treat to Titus. “Isn’t that right Titus? Look at you, getting so big,” she cooed softly, playing at his pointy ears.
 Damian cleared his throat as he walked towards them with his hands behind his back with a raised brow at her. “Did you had any trouble getting here?” he asked, observing her when she gave Titus another treat for no reason. “You’re spoiling him.”
 “No, I did not have any trouble getting here. It doesn’t drain my magic anymore. Also, that is why he loves me more because I spoil him.” Raven said with a snort, walking over towards him to greet him properly with a chaste kiss on his lips. “Now, about that library that you wanted to show me.”
 Damian reached down to wrap his hand in hers. “Right this way Raven.”
     Damian could tell that his plum haired girlfriend was at awe at how large the library was. He was smirking as he leaned against one of the bookshelves as he watches her pull out random books. “You weren’t kidding when you said that this library has every book that you can think of,” she said, holding out a copy of Wuthering Heights. “Should I even ask who reads this?” she asked with interest, opening the book and started to read at a random page.
 “That would be Todd.” Damian told him, making Raven look at him in surprise. “I know, I am shocked too that he even knows how to pick up a book to read a decent classic.”
 “I can see him reading something like this,” Raven said with a hum, reaching up to place the book back on the top shelf. Damian watched her struggle with putting it back and he sighed as he walked over beside her and used his height to put it back for her. “I could’ve done that myself,” Raven huffed out with a frown on her face as she wrapped an arm around herself.
 “You could’ve just used your powers.” Damian pointed out with a smirk on his face. “But you didn’t.”
 “Maybe I did it on purpose to get you over here a bit closer,” Raven said with sly smile and Damian chuckled as he moved a bit closer towards her personal space.
 “Like this?” Damian asked, looking into his girlfriend’s lavender eyes when they had met his green ones. He cocked his head to the side when she started to hum quietly as she placed a fingernail on her the tip of her chin. “Or more like this?” he asked, stepping forward a bit closer to her personal space.
 “Getting warmer there Boy Wonder.” Raven told him, lifting a brow when Damian stepped closer. This time, the young adult birds could feel each other’s breath when he started to lean down towards her lips that he briefly tasted before when she had first arrived. “It’s getting pretty hot in here.” She whispered.
 “Like this?” Damian asked quietly, stopping inches away from brushing his lips against hers.
 “Yes,” Raven breathed out when Damian finally closed the gap between them and started to kiss her softly on the lips. “Definitely like that,” she said when they had broken apart, leaning back against the bookshelf when Damian had caged her in with his hands on each side of her.
 Damian leaned in to kiss the quiet empath once more but this time it was slower and hotter than their previous kisses that they had shared together after they had become a couple. He moaned when he felt Raven’s tongue licked his bottom lip, asking for permission to deepen their kiss in the quiet library while Titus was in Damian’s room sleeping, leaving them completely alone.
 Damian enjoys kissing Raven. He enjoys the little sounds she would make when his tongue battle her own tongue for dominance. He enjoys the hold that Raven has around his neck to bring him even closer to her, molding their bodies even closer together. He tries to concentrate the feel of her lips against his just when a quiet whisper of his older brother’s voice enters his mind. “Raven,” he said quietly when they had stopped kissing to catch their breath. “We need to have a conversation.”
 Raven furrowed her brows at him, sighing in disappointment as she licked her lips. “Now?”
 Damian nodded his head with a sigh and cleared his throat as he reaches up to rake his hair with his fingers. “That day in the kitchen…” he started, and he had stopped talking when Raven rolled her eyes at him and was about to say something but didn’t when he had held up a hand. “I should’ve listened to you and I understand that. I am bringing it up now because Grayson and I…had a conversation.”
 Raven crossed her arms as she stared at him. “What kind of conversation?” she asked slowly.
 “About copulation.”
 Damian looked at Raven when she had wrinkled her nose at him, and he knew that he should’ve used a different word just like Dick had warned him to do because he wasn’t honestly sure if she would truly send him to another dimension. He mentally prepared himself when the silence between them continued.
 “You mean the birds and the bees?” she asked after what it feels like an eternity to him, and Damian sighed in relief when she didn’t use her powers. “I am…familiar with it,” she told him, uncrossing her arms and started to fidget with her fingers nervously. “I also had a conversation with Kori about it as well after the kitchen incident. What of it?”
 What Raven had said made Damian raise a brow at her. This was the first-time hearing about this. He knows that Raven and the Princess of Tamaran were close so it shouldn’t be a surprise if the two superhero women would talk about things such as copulation. It was a similar relationship that he has with his older brother.
 “Have you ever…thought about it?” Damian asked her, watching her as her head tilted slightly to one side. He noticed slight coloring of her pale cheeks but didn’t say anything as he wait for the answer of his question.
 Raven looked down towards her black boots to avoid Damian’s piercing emeralds and took a deep breath before speaking. “I would sometimes think about what it would be like…to be intimate with you.” She chewed her lower lip when she lifted her eyes to look at him. “Have you ever thought about it?” She asked, repeating the question to him.
 “Since we’re both being honest here. Yes. I have.”
 Raven widen her eyes at his answer and her cheeks started to red again. “I-I see. What do you want to do now Damian?”
 Damian smiled at her question. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that Raven?” he asked with a chuckle when she had huffed at him and gave him a look. “Do you….perhaps want to continue?”
 “You mean with what we were doing before but more than just kissing?” Raven asked him, chewing her lower lip and Damian knew that she would only do that when she was nervous about something.
 “That is up to you. I am fine with what we were doing before but—” Damian made sure to look at her in the eyes when he spoke again. “If we were to go further, I’ll make sure to be gentle.” He promised, knowing that Raven knows that he always keeps his word.
 Raven chuckled at him as she places a strand of her plum behind her ear and pushed off the bookshelf to walk closer to him. She smiled at him as she placed a hand on the center of his chest. “I know that you will Damian.” She leaned in a bit closer to him over to whisper in his ear. “Which is why I want to do this with you.”
 It was Raven who made the first move when she leaned back from his ear and started to kiss him on the lips. Damian wrapped his arms around her waist to bring her closer to him. The kiss started off as chaste and gentle. He used the tip of his tongue to lick her bottom lip and she had given him permission to have the slick muscle in her mouth.
 “Couch.” Raven whispered in between kisses and Damian grunted in response and the two birds moved towards the large black couch that was in the corner of the library without breaking their heated kiss. She broke the kiss when her back touched the couch. “Very comfy.”
 Damian snorted at her comment and shook his head at her. “It is quite comfortable. I’ve fallen asleep in here a few times actually.” He said with a small hum in his throat. “Now, where were we?”
 “I believe Damian,” Raven said, using her arms to wrap around his neck to bring him back closer to her. “We were doing this.” She brought her lips against his in a deep kiss and ran her fingers through his dark hair.
 Damian chuckled against her soft lips and used a hand to wrap her leg around his hip to bring her body closer to his which caused her to moan underneath him. He broke the kiss and leaned down the nape of her neck to give it a light kiss along with a lick of his tongue. “Tell me how to take your dress off,” he whispered huskily against her ear as he ran his fingers up and down her leg lightly.
 “It’s on the side.” Raven told him breathlessly, moving to the side so that Damian could have better access on her dress zipper. The two birds paused what they were doing when he had helped her slipped out of her dress and placed it on the floor, leaving her only in her bra and underwear. Purple meets green as they stared at each other Damian could feel his face growing warm the more he had stared at her partially naked form. “Having fun staring?”
 Damian rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I’m staring because you are really beautiful.”
 “You’re just saying that Boy Wonder,” Raven told him, wrapping her arms protectively around herself in attempt to shield her body from his view. “I’ve never been this exposed to someone before.”
 Damian frowned as he leaned forward to remove her arms from herself. “I’m not just saying that Raven. You are beautiful. The most beautiful bird that I had ever seen. You have no idea how happy you’ve made me, and I hope that I make you happy as well.”
 He watched as Raven gave him a small smile when Damian brought her hand to his lips to softly kiss each of her fingers. “From my understanding…this requires two people to be naked.” Raven raised a brow at him. “And you are still fully clothed.” Damian scoffed at her and started to unbutton his blue shirt that he was wearing but Raven leaned forward to push his hands away so she could do it herself. “Let me do it since you did my dress.”
 Damian nodded and he had let her undo his buttons one by one while never looking away from his emerald gaze. Once the buttons were out of the way, he shrugged out of his shirt and tossed it on the floor next to Raven’s dress and her eyes went wide at the sight of his muscular form. He knows eventually Raven would see his scars that runs along his front and back. He was prepared for what she was going to say once she had seen them from his early days as a former trained assassin. He was shocked at what she said next after looking at him.
 “You’re very beautiful also. Scars and all.”
 Damian made the first move to lean forward to kiss her again as he used his strength to push her back down on the couch. Raven whispered his name when he used a hand to touch down her body, starting with her covered breast. “Is this alright?” he asked, pausing his movements on her left breast to look at her.
 “Y-yes,” Raven responded with a nod, sitting up slightly on the couch. “Do you want to do it?” she asked, turning around so Damian could see her clasp of her bra.
 Damian cleared his throat as he used his hands to undo her bra and helped Raven to shrug out of her bra and the item fell to the floor next to their other clothes. Neither of them said anything when she had turned around fully to face him, letting her rounded breast come in full view. It was Damian that broke the silence that had fell between them. “May I?”
 Instead of responding, Raven reached out to grab his hand to place it right on her breast and Damian widen his eyes at how soft it was. He used a thumb to gently play with her nipple and his action made her moan. “Are you—”
 “K-keep doing that. You can play with the other.” Was all she said as she leaned her back at his touch.
 Damian did what he was told and started to play with her right nipple as he leaned forward to kiss along her neck and her collar bone. He grunted against her skin as he continued to kiss down her body when Raven grabbed a fist full of his hair. “Kiss me.” Raven commanded, lifting his head from her stomach and brought his lips over to hers.
 He could feel her tiny hands move along his body and down towards his stomach. Damian whispered her name when she started to unbuckle his jeans. He reached down to grab her hand to stop her and placed both of her hands above her head. “This is about you. Allow me to make you feel comfortable. Is that alright with you, my love?”
 “What would you like to do?” she asked him, looking down at him and nibbled her lower lip. She knew from her conversations with Kori that there were several ways that someone could feel comfortable while having a sexual intercourse especially if that person was a virgin.
 “Again, shouldn’t I be asking you these questions?” Damian asked with a shake of his head with a snort. “What would you like to do?” he asked, throwing the question back at her.
 “I want you to touch me.” Raven softly commanded, looking away from Damian’s intense green gaze. She could feel her breath growing harder when the touch of his hands started roaming along her stomach. “Keep going,” she told him, gripping the edge of the couch tightly with her hands when Damian started to play with her belly button.
 “Raven, where else do you want me to touch you?” Damian asked as he leaned back up to her to peck her on the lips. “Show me.”
 Raven took a deep breath as she grabbed his and dragged it downward to her black underwear that she was wearing, watching him as his eyes widen in surprise. She blushed at his stare. “Can you touch me there? It’s supposed to help if you…touch me there.”
 “Are you sure?” Damian asked in a serious tone, taking a deep breath when he had looked down at his hand that was on her underwear. “I’ve never done this before, and I don’t want to hurt you.”
 “I’ll tell you want to do.” Raven told him, sitting up on the couch so she could lean in to kiss him. Without breaking their kiss, Raven reached down between their bodies where Damian’s hand was on her underwear and used her hand to push the fabric aside, hissing in his mouth when both of their fingers touched her bare skin that had only ever been touched by herself a few times. “Gently place your finger inside me,” Raven directed softly, moving his finger inside her. Her breath hitched when his calloused finger entered her slowly but not moving.
 “Just like this?” Damian asked her, looking at his flushed girlfriend’s face for any signs of discomfort while his finger was inside her but wasn’t moving. He wasn’t sure what the heck he was doing but he trusts Raven to tell him what to do. The beautiful bird nodded her head as she pushed her hips against his finger and Damian moaned at how wet she was around his finger. “What do you need me to do?”
 “M-move your finger around. Slowly. Please.” Raven moaned out, pushing her hips against his finger again with hope that Damian would do as she asked.
 Damian nodded his head at her command and started to push his finger in and out slowly, watching Raven’s whole body shook at his movements which made his stomach flip at the sight of her moaning his name in praise. He smiled down at her the more he twirled his finger around as he leaned forward with his other hand to play with her breast. “What else do you want me to do, Raven?”
 “Another finger. Damian, please another finger.”
 The way she had begged him made Damian’s stomach coil and he could feel a tightness grew in his pants as he placed his middle finger inside her. He mumbled out a curse in his native tongue when he had pushed in and out of it as he leaned down to kiss along her stomach before coming up to kiss along her throat, making it rumble as she huffed out a low moan.
 “This feels really good.” Raven whispered breathlessly, looking down at Damian’s muscular form, blushing when she noticed a bulge that had formed in his pants. “Those needs to come off.”
 Damian stopped his movements and looked down where Raven was staring and started to unbuckle his tight pants without leaving his eyes from her purple ones as he pushed them down along with his own underwear. He watches her wide her eyes at the sight of him. “Is this to your liking?” he found himself asking.
 “It’s h-huge.”
 “Raven, if you feel uncomfortable, we can stop now.” Damian told her in a serious tone, leaning forward to push back a few strands of her hair away from her face. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
 Raven grabbed his hand that was on her forehead and brought it over to her lips and kissed each digit before rubbing it against her cheek. “I want this. I know you, Damian. I know that you’ll be gentle with me.”
 “Raven. If we do this….we will need protection.”
 “My dress has pockets. It’s in there.” Raven told him, not missing the way how Damian rose a brow at her. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. “Kori wanted me to stay prepared. Just in case.”
 Damian nodded in understanding and moved away from her to grab the square foil item that was tucked in one of her dress pockets. He went back to Raven that was laying on the couch and leaned his head down to brush his lips against his as he lined himself against her wet heat. “Are you ready?” he asked softly as he pressed his forehead against hers.
 Raven nodded her head and used her legs to wrap around his hips to bring him closer to allow him to push carefully inside her warm center. The two birds moaned at the new sensation when Damian’s body connected with hers fully.
 Damian watched Raven knit her brows together, but he couldn’t tell if that was from the pain when he had entered her. “Are you alright? Do you want me to—“
 “I’m fine. You can start moving. Please go slow.”
 Damian started to move forward with the push of his hips carefully against hers and his movement caused his purple-haired girlfriend to gasp at his actions and whispered out his name as he continued to push inside her with his hips.
 “Yes. Oh god. Yes. Just like that.” Raven moaned out in pleasure as she threw her head back against the couch. She grabbed a fist full of his dark hair as his lips dragged along the pulse of her throat. She closed her eyes when she felt his teeth lightly biting her and flinched at the pain. “Ouch.”
 “Are you alright, my beloved?” Damian asked her, leaning away from her neck to look at her worried expression. “Did I hurt you?”
 “It was unexpected. I wasn’t prepared for that.” Raven responded truthfully to him, nibbling her lower lip as she placed a hand over the spot of her neck that would soon be marked because of her green-eyed boyfriend. “Looks like my neck will have a mark tomorrow.”
 Damian frowned as he observed the spot where he had lightly bit her with his teeth and shrugged his shoulders. “You should wear it proudly.” He said with humor in his voice that made Raven rolled her eyes at him.
 “Can…you move again?” Raven asked in a small voice, reaching up to brush her nose against his. “Perhaps faster?”
 Damian widens his eyes at her question. “Are you sure?”
 Raven scoffed at him as she pushed up her hips with his, causing Damian to hiss through grounded teeth. “Does that answer your question?” she asked with a smirk on her face as she rolled her hips again.
 Damian let out a curse in his native tongue as he did what Raven had asked and pushed forward and soon after had picked up a fast quick pace which caused her to moan out his name over and over in pure pleasure. He grunted when Raven pushed her hips with his to follow his rhythm. “Raven…” he muttered, leaning down to bury his face against her neck. “This feels…”
 “Good? Amazing? Fantastic?” Raven suggested in between moans as he continued to thrust inside her at a fast pace. “Oh god. Yes. There. Right there!”
 “All the above my love.” Damian told her. He could feel himself getting into a breaking point the more he buried himself inside of her warm, wet center. “Raven, I am getting close.” He warned her.
 “Me too.” Raven said breathlessly. She could feel herself clenching around him when Damian rolled his hips once more. She grabbed his shoulders tightly with her hands. “Damian!”
 Damian muttered a line of curses in a hushed whisper as the two of them come together moments later. He leaned down on Raven’s breasts as he catches his breath before rolling off of her to throw away the condom at a nearby trashcan at the corner of the library. He smiled at her when he stole a glance at her bare body as she leaned forward to gather her dress and undergarments that was on the floor.
 Raven cocked her head to the side as she put her bra and underwear back on. “Why are you smiling Damian?”
 Damian shrugged his shoulders after putting back on his pants and shirt and walked back over to the couch to help Raven zip up her dress carefully with his hands. “What we did back there was—” he could feel his face getting warm when his mind started to replay what happened and he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “divine.”
 “That’s one word to describe what we just did.” Raven told him, smiling shyly at him and cleared her throat as she twiddled her fingers. “What’s going to happen now between us?”
 Damian got up from his spot on the couch to walk over to one of the bookshelves and grabbed a random thriller novel by Paula Hawkins that his older sister Stephanie Brown likes to read in her spear time. “We go back to what we were doing before. That was my original intention after all.”
 “I’m sure it was.” Raven said with a snort.
    Raven left an hour later, leaving Damian and Titus alone in the manor once more. He sat causally on his bed leaning against the headboard while cleaning his katana with the Great Dane at the edge of the bed. He sighed when he heard the familiar footsteps that had belonged to his older brother Dick who knocked on the open door frame. “How was your evening little D?” he asked, leaning against it with smirk on his face.
 “It was rather satisfactory Grayson. What about yours?” Damian asked, not looking up from his sword.
 The older hero hummed at his little brother’s response and watched him clean his sword. “Did you end up inviting Raven over?” Dick asked the young adult bird, crossing his arms loosely over his chest. He didn’t miss the way Damian stopped cleaning his sword for a brief second before resuming to clean it and it made him chuckle. “What did you guys do?”
 “I showed her the library.”
 That caught Dick’s interest. “Really? What did you guys do at the library?” he asked innocently.
 “We looked  at different books Grayson. Why else would we be in the library?” Damian asked in annoyance, looking at the older man with narrowed emeralds. “I took your advice and had invited her over. There’s nothing else to know.”
 Dick sighed and shook his head, knowing that Damian won’t tell him anything else, so he decided to try something else. “Okay, okay. Geez,” he said with a roll of his sapphire eyes. “Just as long as you two had used protection all is well!” he yelled quickly, running away from a batarang that was aiming for his head.
 “You better sleep with one eye open, Grayson!”
AN: Alright, I am all done haha! What did you guys think? You know, I love fics that has the sibling relationship with Dick and Damian in it its so funny between them lol. Anyways, please let me know what you guys think of it!! :)
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
37 and 45 for matty please!
37. “welcome to fatherhood” + 45. “you’re getting a vasectomy. that’s final.” w/ matty tkachuk
The one thing you and Matt both agreed on from the moment you got married and even before, was that you wanted to have at least, 4 kids. He grew up with a brother and sister while you grew up an only child, both of you wanted your future kids to experience life with a sibling by their side. 
And Matt especially had been eager to start a family from the moment the words “I do” left both of your mouths. He spent most of your reception whispering into your ear all of the things he had planned for the nigh, how he couldn’t wait to get you alone and just how excited he was for your honeymoon in Turks and Caicos— “I hope you don’t plan on leaving the room for the first two days...you know, adjust to the time difference and all.”
It was only an hour time difference between Turks and Caicos and your permanent summer residence in St. Louis, but Matt didn’t care— it didn’t matter, and the two of you definitely didn’t leave the room until your third day into your two-week honeymoon.
Which is why it was no surprise to anyone that you found out you were  pregnant a little over two months later when you were packing up to go to Calgary for the season. You were packing up some of the bathroom stuff when you came across a box of tests from your bachelorette party when it was decided the group of you would play “pregnancy test roulette” which thankfully— no one was actually pregnant.
But there was one left and instead of taking it with you or just leaving it behind, you decided to use it and see if maybe the back to back...to multiple back nights on your honeymoon and even then after, resulted in you being pregnant. Matt came into the bathroom, having stripped down to his gym shorts by the time he reached your bathroom only to see you holding the pee stick in hand.
“Is that?”
“I’m pregnant.”
He only stood there shocked for a few seconds before he swept you up into his arms and kissed you, the excitement shining in his blue eyes as he put you down and smiled. “We’re gonna have a baby.”
Your pregnancy was actually...pretty idyllic when it came to first pregnancies. Your appointments all went perfect, you were in good health throughout and even though at most times you were sure that your moodiness would chase Matt away at any given moment, he never faltered. He was with you every step of the way whenever the Flames schedule permitted it.
He took pictures of the ultrasounds to send to family, if he was on the road he’d always send you a text asking for a bump date, and then get a little cheeky asking straight up for a size check on your chest because he ‘wanted to see how the boobs are looking.’ He was loving, attentive and you felt more than lucky to be able to have him with you throughout.
You were sitting in the friends and family box at a Flames game when your water broke all over the nice fancy carpet floor of the suite. Both your Mom and Matt’s were helping you out of the suite, your last words to Keith before leaving for the hospital being “tell him my water broke, but do not let him leave this game!” A wish that Keith abided by and that Matt, when in an intermission, sent you texts worrying about missing the birth. You assured him that you doubted that you’d be having a baby in the 20 minutes of third period hockey.
The Flames won, Matt skipped media and came rushing to the hospital to be by your side, making it right as you were getting your epidural. Your families were in the room with you, waiting to pass the time and trying to distract you from your contractions. By the time you were fully dismayed, both you and Matt were escorted to the delivery room Brady yelling out via FaceTime that he hoped Matt didn’t pass out.
Out of all the books and websites you read and from the stories some of the WAGS had shared from their experience and friends experience, the pain was definitely worth it in the end. At one point, you thought that Brady’s chirp might actually come to fruition and Matt would pass out, since he was starting to look a little pale, but thankfully it never happened and his color returned once that small little cry erupted throughout the room, bringing the both of you to tears as he brushed your hair back and kissed your forehead, whispering small praises as you held the baby on your chest.
Grayson Tkachuk proved to be every bit his father. From the moment he was born— he was just always fussy. Fussy when he was tired, when he was hungry, when he was and and even when he was happy, he couldn’t stay still and couldn’t stay quiet. You were thankful that both of yours and Matt’s parents stayed around for a few weeks to help you and Matt adjust to parenting, especially you since right after Grayson was born, that following week was the Flames longest road series of the season.
Your late night FaceTimes with Matt and even the ones he had on free days, you could see that he was feeling sad and even a bit guilty that he wasn’t there to help you out. But you assured him that your parents were a great help and that if he felt so bad, he could change the first dirty diaper Grayson had the moment Matt came back. “Sure, it can’t be that bad.”
Matt came back late one night, your parents were all away in their guest rooms and you were struggling to fall asleep after Grayson’s last feeding. You felt gross, tired and in desperate need of a shower, but that didn’t stop Matt from cuddling you into the bed and kissing you endlessly.
“How’s my baby?” He mumbled, kissing along your jaw.
“He’s sleeping, thankfully.”
“No, my other baby.” He laughed, leaning up on an elbow. “You, you dork.”
“Oh, I’m—“ Graysons cry came through the baby monitor and you sighed, nudging him away and standing up. “I’m feeling like that.”
He shook his head and for up with you. “Come on, let’s go see our baby.”
You walked down the hall to Graysons nursery, his cries getting louder as you neared the crib. You knew what kind of cry it was, ready to tell Matt what he needed before he picked up Grayson and shook his head. “His butt is heavy.”
“Diaper change, Matty.” You laughed, walking with him over tot he changing table. You helped Matt get Grayson undressed from his onesie, Matt instantly gagging at the smell the was coming from Grayson.
“Oh my God, it’s leaking!” He groaned, shoving his nose into the crook of his elbow and looking at you with pleasing eyes. “He burst the diaper.” 
“You called dibs on the first diaper change of your return home. You smiled, leaning up and kissing his cheek as you patted his shoulder. “Welcome to fatherhood, Matty.”
Eight years and three kids later,  you’d become all too familiar with those signs of pregnancy— or so you thought you had. Grayson was a random positive pregnancy test, Madelyn was a ‘watch your period tracking app religiously’ planned kind of pregnancy and Sienna was not quite planned, since you found out you were pregnant with her only 7 months after having Madelyn.
You and Matt loved having the three of them so close in age—Eight, six and five— and while the three were also at each other’s throats over the smallest of things, toys, food, who’s car seat went where, they were also all extremely close. Most mornings, it wasn’t rare to find both girls cuddled with their big brother in his bed, or him sleeping on the floor in between their beds.
Their favorite time of the year, which also happened to be yours and Matt’s as well, was when both families got together at the Tkachuk’s lake house during the week leading up to the 4th of July. It was endless days of laughter, watching your kids play with their cousin and coo over the newest and smallest member, a baby boy Emma and Brady had welcomed only two months earlier, making their four year old son Tucker, a big brother.
Nights spent grilling out and enjoying the night summertime air only to wake up early the next morning to go out on the water— you loved it all. It was arguably the best time of the year.
Until the worst stomach cramps you ever felt in your entire life, ended up with Matt rushing you to the hospital where doctors listened to your assumptions of maybe it being your appendix. It was...a pleasant surprise when they came back and told you that you were pregnant before being told to relax while they brought an ultrasound tech in to make sure that everything was going okay.
“Pregnant.” You huffed, rolling up the tank top and stuffing it beneath your bathing suit top. “Pregnant! I was just pregnant!”
“Actually...it’s been awhile, five years. We wanted to wait a bit since Mads and Sie were so close in age.” He replied, spinning himself around in the stool. “And hey, with this being baby number four, we reached our goal.”
“And after baby number four, I’m staying celibate.” You mumbled.
You went back on birth control after Sienna was born, but it just never agreed with you. Through the last five years, you’d been through the implant, the pill, the iud— and all of them messed with your hormones so much that you and Matt went strictly back to condoms, much to both of your disdain for them.
“Alright, Y/N, I’m here to check to see what’s going on with your little one today,” the tech smiled, walking into the room. “Not your first rodeo?” She laughed, picking up the gel as she nodded at your rolled up t-shirt.
“Our fourth.” You replied, no longer phased by the cold feeling against your skin.
“Well congratulations again,” she smiled, turning on the ultrasound machine before picking up the wand. “I assume that you know what this is?”
You and Matt both nodded as she placed the wand against your belly, moving it around. “Can we do that thing we did with Madelyn? Guess the gender and whoever’s right gets to pick the name?” Matt smiled, holding your hand as he rested his chin on your arm.
“As long as you don’t turn it into a bet with your teammates.” You nodded, glaring at him. “I’m still not amused with the fact you almost let Sienna’s middle name be Sam because Sam guessed the gender correctly.”
“Sam’s not too bad—“
“Sienna Sam Tkachuk?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “It doesn’t flow Matthew! If this is a boy, we’ll let him use his winning bet as a middle name, but no more bets with the guys.”
The ultrasound tech laughed as Matt started to blush. “Okay, agreed.” He said, kissing your knuckles before looking towards the tech. “So how’s baby number four looking?”
“Well, you’re definitely not around 8 weeks like you thought you were. You’re more around 12 weeks and the babies are doing great. The pain you felt was probably more having to do with your pelvic floor trying to prepare for them.”
“See, babe? The babies are fine.” Matt smiled, looking at you before snapping his head back to her. “Wait, babies?”
“Babies,” she smiled, turning the screen towards the both of you and pointing at the three different figures on the screen. “Baby A, Baby B and Baby C, and they’re all looking good in measurements and I don’t see any worry you should be having.”
Your jaw dropped and you felt Matt’s grip on your hand fall as the both of you stared at the screen in shock. “Babies...plural...three,” you said, letting out a small laugh. “Triplets?! I’m having triplets?!”
“Mhhm, and I’ll get these scans for you. But just know that they’re doing great and with multiples, your doctor is probably going to want you to check in a lot more. So when you go back home, be sure to make an appointment as soon as you can.” She smiled, handing you a paper towel before walking to leave the room.
Matt got up and walked towards the screen, staring at it before squatting down beside you and staring at your belly, poking it. “Huh...I guess I can kinda see a bump. I can’t believe there’s three mini us’s in there.” He turned to you with a big smile, only to let it falter as soon as he saw your glaring eyes.
“You’re getting a vasectomy. That’s final.”
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red-jaebyrd · 4 years
My Brother’s Keeper
Ric hadn’t set out to make a new friend that day. In fact he hadn’t even expected to see the guy again once he had helped Ric push his busted cab to the side of the road.
Hardly anyone ever went out of their way to help others in Bludhaven. It surprised Ric when this guy, Jason just appeared as if out of nowhere to yell at honking drivers and help Ric get his cab out of the way of traffic. Ric had invited him to The Prodigal for a beer that night as a thank you. He wasn’t sure if Jason would even show up that night, but to his surprise he did.
“So what do you do when you're not swooping in to help complete strangers push their broken down cars out of rush hour traffic?” Ric asked.
Jason laughed. “Little bit of this, little bit of that, mostly free-lance stuff.”
It was a vague answer, but Ric let it slide. Everyone had their secrets, he couldn’t fault a guy he just met to have a few.
“Must be nice. Is it real lucrative?”
“The pay isn’t bad,” Jason shrugged. “I get to set my own hours and carry a gun.”
“Can’t argue with those perks,” Ric chuckled, taking a drink of his beer. “So did you grow up around here?”
“Nah, I grew up in Gotham, what about you?”
Ric tensed at hearing Gotham and gripped the handle of his beer mug tighter. He really hoped Jason wasn’t another one of Wayne’s associates trying to jog his memory and lure him back ‘home’. Maybe he should just play along.
“Same, seems everyone one I’ve run into lately is from Gotham.” Ric challenged.
“Well, to be fair Gotham is a pretty big place,” Jason replied causally. “So what brought you to Bludhaven?”
Ric shrugged allowing the tension to leave his shoulders. “Let’s just say I needed somewhere new to spread my wings.”
“And you chose Bludhaven?” Jason snorted. “Did you lose a bet?”
“Shut up.” Ric laughed, elbowing Jason in the arm. “Don’t knock it. You’re here too. What brought you to the ‘haven’?”
Jason ran a hand through his hair. His brow furrowed in thought before he answered. At first Ric thought that maybe he was prying too much into this guy’s life, or asking too many personal questions.  He couldn’t help it. He liked talking and Jason was the first person besides Bea that was actually interested in talking to him.
“Gotham wasn’t safe for us anymore, so my brothers and I bailed and came here.”
“Looks like you left just in time. I heard a lot of crazy shit with the Bat was happening in Gotham. Wait, did you say ‘brothers’?” Ric’s smiled wistfully.
Jason nodded. “I have four. One was staying with our sister the last time I checked in with him and the other two came here with me.”
Ric had always wondered what it would be like to be part of a big family.  He wondered if he had ever asked his parents for a brother or a sister. If they hadn’t died, would they have had more children? Would he have been a good big brother to them? Wayne did have a younger son, so Ric was technically a big brother, but he couldn’t remember his life with him. When it came to the Waynes, Ric was just a son and brother on paper.
“Where’s the other one? You said four brothers, but only mentioned three of them.”
He watched as Jason scratched along a groove in the wood of the bar, like he was trying to think of the right words to say. Ric’s stomach flipped as he started to speculate that maybe something serious did happen to Jason’s family. Or maybe Ric was just making Jason feel uncomfortable with all his questions. Ric did that sometimes when he got too excited talking to new people. Jason took a swig of his beer before answering Ric’s question.
“Our older brother...” Jason answered, running his fingers along the condensation of his mug. “…he went missing a few months ago. It’s been hard on the family, especially our father and my youngest brother.”
“I’m sorry. I can imagine it’s been difficult for everyone, especially you. It can’t be easy being the one that they depend on.”
Jason shook his head. “No, truthfully it sucks sometimes, but it has its moments. He was– I had a good role model and they’re good kids. They just miss him. I miss him too.”
“Well you got them somewhere safe,” Ric clapped a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “Well…relatively safe. Any leads on his whereabouts?”
“Nothing but dead ends. Deep down I don’t really think he wants to found,” Jason shrugged. “But I’ll keep looking for him. So what about you, any siblings?”
Ric knew a dismissal when he heard it. He didn’t mind the change in subject. He couldn’t blame Jason for not elaborating. It had to be stressful for anyone looking for a missing family member. He assumed this question was bound to make its way onto him.
“No, I’m an only child. My parents died when I was eight.”
“Shit, sorry man. We can talk about something else.”
“It’s fine. You told me about your brother. I can talk about this. I did get taken into a good home, so I shouldn’t really complain,” Ric shrugged.
Ric shook his head. “It’s just frustrating to have these people who are supposed to be my ‘family’ constantly telling me how I should be living my life.”
“Oh, I know how that is, trust me. It’s the worst.”
“Right? Why can’t I live my life how I want to? I’m an adult. They’re not even interested in getting to know me,” Ric ranted. “They just want their precious ‘Dick Grayson’ back. It’s my life now not his, let me live it how I want to.”
Shit. He went too far. He could see the look of surprise on Jason’s face. The lull of silence between them stretched and Ric couldn’t form a cohesive thought. Ric’s brain was scrambling for something else to say, anything to say, to fix the mess he just made but nothing was coming. Instead his mind started replaying all recent moments of disappointed people coming and going in his life claiming that they loved him, but not wanting to take the time get to know him.
Ric really hated his brain sometimes and how there was no filter between what he was thinking and what came out of his mouth. He needed to explain himself to Jason fast. Ric knew Jason had to have noticed the gnarly scar on the side of his head. Maybe the scar would give him a free pass at his unfiltered choice of words.
“Sorry, sorry, that uh kinda came out of nowhere. I…uh…had a bit of an accident…” Ric explained, pointing at his scar. “…I got shot a few months ago and well let’s just say my “family” or whatever they want to call themselves, didn’t take to my recovery well.”
“I’m sorry. Sometimes injuries that intense can either bring a family closer together or tear them apart.”
Ric shrugged his shoulders. It had been rough having to relearn how to do everyday tasks like eating, writing his name, and walking. His “family” and friends had been there at every therapy session encouraging him with their words and overall presence. But the worst of it had been their reactions to the news that his memories of them were gone.
“I couldn’t remember them,” Ric admitted, staring at his near empty beer mug.  “They were literal strangers to me the moment I opened my eyes from the coma, and it was something that they wouldn’t accept. In the end their concern for me and my recovery just felt conditional, so I left and came here.”
“Damn. Do they at least check up on you?” Jason asked.
“The old man used to, but I haven’t seen him in a while. A red-headed chick did too, but I told her not to bother anymore. Not if she’s going to keep looking at me searching for ‘him’ to come back. Apparently the other guy they really want was a real ‘Golden boy’, that’s not me.”
Jason snorted.
“What did I say?” Ric quirked a smile.
“Nothing,” Jason smirked, and took a drink of his beer.
“I’m doing just fine on my own. I don’t need them.”
“No you don’t. I know they’re family, but fuck them.” Jason clinked his beer mug against Ric’s.
Oh Ric really liked this guy.
The next few weeks Ric and Jason met up at The Prodigal for beers. Some nights all they did was talk and drink. Other nights they drank and played pool. Jason became one of Ric’s favorite drinking buddies.
Ric couldn’t legitimately remember ever having a feeling of kinship with anyone like Jason before in his life. It was nice and a bit scary at the same time letting someone new in his life. Still, instead of running away from this newfound friendship, Ric embraced it.
Friendship was a concept Ric wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to again. He didn’t have many friends in Bludhaven, well friends that he remembered. Dick’s old friends wanted nothing to do with him. They kept waiting and pushing for Dick to “come back”. When he finally snapped at them that Dick was gone and never coming back, they stopped visiting him. He did have Bea. She was the only one who had welcomed him with open arms and genuinely wanted to get to know him.
Jason had been the only other person he had run into that also didn’t have some hidden agenda to “bring Dick back”. With Jason there wasn’t any pressure or demand to be anyone other than himself. He could be Ric with no expectations thrust upon him. Jason empathized with Ric’s struggle to find his identity apart from the Waynes.
This was what made hanging out with Jason so easy. The anxiety of having to censor himself, afraid he might say or do something that was so inherently not Dick didn’t exist when he was around Jason. It was such a relief and a weight off Ric’s shoulders to just exist in a space with a friend and be himself.
Once Jason had opened up to Ric, he learned that there was a whole slew of shit that had happened to his friend in just a short amount of time. Aside from his brother going missing, Jason had a serious falling out with his dad that had caused a significant rift between them causing him to take his brothers and leave. However, the most devastating news had to be hearing that Jason’s best friend had been killed while staying at an inpatient rehabilitation facility.
“I wish I had some advice to give you, but something tells me you weren’t looking for any,” Ric said.
“No, not really, just a sympathetic ear, I guess.”
“I’m sorry about your best friend. That really sucks what happened to him.”
“Thanks, man. At least we got to work one last job together before he died. Anyway, that’s enough of my bullshit. What’s up with you? You look like my little brother after seven Red Bulls and 3 hours of sleep.”
Ric sighed. “It’s kind of embarrassing, but I’ve been having these dreams lately of faceless people in weird costumes. In the dream I feel like I know them. I’m ready to say their name but I can’t talk. I wake up and by the time I try to recall the images I can’t remember them.”
“Do you think your memories are trying to come back?” Jason asked.
“I don’t know, maybe?” Ric shrugged.
“But…you don’t want them to come back, do you?”
It felt silly getting so worked up over something like lost memories resurfacing. Ric should be happy that parts of his lost past was trying to get through to him. He should be relieved that the 15 years of lost memories were finally starting to return, but he wasn’t happy or relieved. He was worried.
“What happens to me when I start remembering everything? Will I still be Ric when Dick’s memories come flooding back filling in the gaps? What if I don’t like the things I start to remember? What then?”
Jason turned in his stool to face Ric. “No matter what, you’ll still be Ric. You’ll still be the guy with the busted cab I had to push out of traffic. You’ll still be the guy that kicks my ass playing pool. You’ll still be the guy who insists on buying the first round and listening to all my bullshit. You’ll still be you, just with new memories.
“No matter what happens you are not obligated to go back to your old life or live your life by your old memories. You don’t owe those assholes in Gotham anything.”
Ric nodded allowing Jason’s words to sink in.
“We’ll take it one day at a time,” Jason clapped a hand on Ric’s shoulder. “Next round is on me.”
The anxiety slowly started to ebb away as Ric watched his friend leave their high top table and make his way to the bar to get another round of beers.
Ric couldn’t stop the new memories from coming. They were coming whether he wanted them to or not. And when they did come he was glad to have found such a great friend in Jason. The man was right, no matter what happened, he was not obligated to go back to his old life or live his life by his old memories.
Part 2: Somebody That I Used to Know
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justcourttee · 4 years
I love your sibling Jasonette so much!! If you don't mind, could you do Marinette's first meeting with the rest of the Batfam? Also, this is probably a stupid question but are the rest of the sibling Jasonette stories connected?
Not a stupid question at all! I wrote them so that if you read all of them, there are parallels so that they could be connected, but if people didn’t want to read all of them, they could also stand on their own :)
I also NEVER mind writing more sibling Jasonette ;) Hope you enjoy! @moonlitjiminie 
Family Game Night
“What if they don’t like me?”
Jason stopped in his tracks, shaking his head in disappointment.
“Is that even a real question that you’re asking me? I’m honestly offended right now that you would even think they had an option to not like you.”
He dramatically placed his hand over his heart as if her words had fatally wounded him earning a small giggle from the girl. Slinging his arm over her shoulder, she managed to breathe a small sigh of relief as they made their way up the long staircase.
Jason didn’t even bother knocking as he threw open the manor doors, effectively dragging her in with him.
“Master Jason, what a pleasure to see you attend family game night and with a guest in tow, how lovely.”
An older man stood in the foyer, his sly smile warming Marinette to the core instantly. Jason narrowed his eyes playfully at the man, a sly smile of his own tugging at his lips.
“Marinette, let me introduce you to the only sane person in this household. Mr. Alfred Pennyworth. He likes to pretend he’s just a humble butler, but we all know that he secretly runs the whole thing around here.”
Alfred bowed deeply to Marinette to which she could only curtsey in return.
“It’s a pleasure, sir. I am sorry for invading your family time. I was under the impression that my presence was a known factor tonight.” Her narrowed eyes shot to Jason who simply shrugged, his smirk as arrogant as ever.
“Nonsense, a friend of Master Jason is a friend to all. You are by far the most pleasant friend he has brought to this event.”
Marinette almost wanted to ask about the context of his remark, but something in her gut told her she really didn’t want to know.
“Please, follow me to the sitting room. The rest of the family has already arrived.”
They walked in a comfortable silence down the hall, Marinette nerves slightly frayed now knowing that nobody expected her appearance. Alfred pushed open two oak doors, revealing a brightly lit room filled with many laughing faces. When Jason said he had a lot of siblings, Marinette thought two or three. Nothing could have prepared her for this.
“Oh my god, Jason brought home a girl!”
Instantly all sounds in the room paused as many heads turned their attention to where Marinette stood in the doorway. Hesitantly, she raised her hand in greeting, a sheepish smile gracing her face.
“Everyone, this is Marinette, the legendary designer MDC, and my sister. She’s flown all the way from Paris to meet you losers for some reason so be nice.”
Marinette mumbled a quiet hello as a few smiles broke through the room welcoming her. Instantly, a blonde girl jumped up to drag her back to where she was previously sitting, ignoring Jason’s protests.
“You just have to play on my team tonight! Are you any good at Pictionary? I mean I’m not great, but I can say with utmost confidence that I can beat most of the people in this room.”
“That’s not true!” Marinette’s attention was split as one of the men started an argument with her as to who was the better pictionary-ist. She didn’t even notice when Jason had sat beside her, an amused smile tugging at his lips.
“The rude blonde is Stephanie Brown. She’s Timmy boys girlfriend, who would be the dead zombie looking kid over there.”
Marinette’s gaze followed to where Jason pointed, a small giggle escaping at his accurate description. The poor boy looked like he hasn’t gotten a good night's sleep a single day in his life. 
“The rude boy arguing with Stephanie would be Dick. He practically rivals your optimism except his happy go lucky actually disgusts me.”
The man paused from his argument, a horrified expression on his face.
“I like to think my optimism is a blessing.”
That earned a collective groan from the room to which he simply crossed his arms into a pout.
“Anyways, continuing, the redhead is Barbara Gordon-Grayson who unfortunately has trapped herself in the position of Dick’s wife. A tragedy really for such a beautiful woman, I mean she could’ve had me and instead she chose him? The world just isn’t right.”
Another protest came from Dick’s direction as he turned his pout into Barbara’s outstretched arms as her attempt to not laugh failed miserably.
“The one staring you down while trying to pretend he’s not interested at the same time would be your future husband Damian.”
Marinette felt her entire face flush red as she reached back slapping Jason in the stomach as hard as he could.
“Todd, I do not appreciate harassing this young woman. You are beneath her in status and beauty therefore you should not be allowed to get off with this insult to her self so easily.”
Damian stood from his spot, careful not to make eye contact with Marinette as he sped past her toward the room’s only exit. She wanted to call out and ask him to stay, but the pink on his cheeks caused her to pause. He probably was just as embarrassed as her and just needed some time to breathe.
“Jason, that was mean! Look at how flustered you made him!”
Jason simply laughed as he reached over to ruffle her hair.
“Trust me, he never gets ‘flustered’ that was all you.”
For the second time that night, Marinette felt her face flush.
“He’s right you know!” Her eyes turned back to the blonde from earlier who stared her down with a playful expression in her eyes. “Demon spawn definitely has a crush on you.”
The rest of the family took turns picking at her, taking jabs until she was sure there wasn’t one part of her that wasn’t bloodshot red.
“Alright, alright, give the girl some space. We want her to return eventually!”
Marinette smiled gratefully toward the dark-haired man.
“After all, I need to get to know my future daughter-in-law.”
She instantly regretted her friendly gesture as the room exploded once more, smiles and laughter filling the room. Why exactly had she let Jason talk her into this?
“Okay, okay, really though guys. It’s game night! Time to pick team captains.”
Stephanie’s devilish smile sent shivers through Marinette’s spine. It was purely chaotic, reminding her of another blonde that she had left behind.
“I vote Marinette and Jason, the ultimate sibling showdown!” Dick puffed out his chest as his voice mimicked what sounded suspiciously like a wrestling ref that her father loved to watch.
“I’m down, how about you princess?”
Marinette bit her lip as her eyes glanced around the room at their waiting faces. Her eyes caught sight of one brooding face that she couldn’t seem to pass by. He also seemed to be waiting, his eyes nervously glancing from her position to the door as if he might bolt at any moment.
“It’s game on Todd.”
They shook their hands defiantly, both wearing dangerous smirks. Maybe she could salvage her pride tonight; not just hers’ but Damian’s as well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Ladies first.”
Marinette and Jason stood on opposite sides of the room, both watching each other with an intense look that came from their competitive natures. She scanned the eager faces of his family thoughtfully. She had no idea what any of them were good at, but she wanted to maintain appearance for the psych of it.
Everybody broke out into smirks as they shared knowing looks. She didn’t bother to pay them any mind as the pink-cheeked boy rose to stand with her.
“Wrong move princess, demon spawn hates game night more than he likes to win. My first choice? Stephanie.”
The girl pumped her fist in the air as she joined Jason on his side. Marinette leaned toward where Damian stood, hiding half her face behind her hand.
“Time to strategize, who is my best bet?”
Damian stared at her with a bewildered expression.
“C’mon beau garçon, I need your help if we’re gonna kick Jason’s ass.”
He nodded slowly as if that were a perfectly reasonable excuse to kick into gear.
“Grayson is the leading contender if you wish to win tonight.”
Marinette nodded as she motioned for Dick to join them as well. Jason raised an eyebrow at her as he called over Tim, challenging her to pick from the remaining two.
“Okay Damian, Barbara or Bruce.”
He didn't bother responding as he pointed at his father, leaving the redhead to Jason’s team.
It was five hours of intense games, Alfred keeping score as an unaffiliated third party,( after all, they had all agreed that he was the fairest way to keep the games moving.) They all sat in anticipation while he tallied the scores. She couldn’t seem to calm her nerves as she stared at Jason’s cocky smirk.
Marinette felt a warmth brush by her kneecap. Instantly her head snapped to where a hand rested before her gaze reached back up to his face, a light red dusting across her cheeks. Immediately his hand retracted.
“I’m sorry if that was inappropriate, your knee was just bouncing anxiously from the corner of my eye and it was a slight bother.”
Marinette muttered out a small sorry before they both broke their gaze, the blush evident on both of their cheeks.
“And with a final score of 5-4, the winning team is… Miss Marinette!”
Her whole team jumped from the couch in excitement. Without thinking, she threw her arms around Damian’s neck. Realization crossed her face as she quickly retracted her hug, her entire face as red as could be. God, she hadn’t been this much of a blushing mess since she was thirteen.
They all chatted idly for a few minutes before Jason finally intercepted, insisting he had to get her back to her apartment before it got too late. The whole family waved her goodbye, minus one red-faced teen who instead handed her a small piece of paper as discreetly as he could, ignoring the taunts from his family behind his back.
As they drove back to her apartment, Marinette couldn’t hold her excitement anymore.
“I don’t know why you were warning me so much, I think I’m in love with your family Jason.”
His familiar smirk sat on his face as he turned into the apartment’s lot.
“I told you they were going to love you, and what do you know? I didn’t even have to give Damian your number, you two worked it out on your own. I truly believe they are planning out your wedding right now.”
Marinette shook her head as she reached over the console to hug Jason tightly before stepping out of the car. She wanted to deny accusations of what happened tonight, but she knew it would just fuel his picking.
Besides, even she couldn’t deny that she was excited for the next family game night and if she saw a certain Wayne there, well, that really wouldn’t be so bad.
Permanent Tag List:
@damianette-is-life @ash-amg @rebecarojas07 @heaven428 @long-lost-peace @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @moongoddesskiana @nach0ava
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vintagedolan · 3 years
Can we get more Beks and Miles content? Maybe a picnic at the park?
It was a brother-cousin date. The women were at work - Indy was pulling her last shift of a hard week at the hospital and Eden was on a business trip consulting with a new brand for their upcoming campaign in Phoenix.
Which meant it was just Ethan, Grayson and their minis. They figured, why not conquer the stay at home dad life together if they could for the day.
Bekah was only two, but she tried her hardest to keep up with the ever busy Miles. It made Grayson a nervous wreck to watch her run across the grass at the park after her cousin, but her giggles and excitement made him hold back from restricting her. They were always within eyesight, and the park was mostly empty anyways, so he let her roam while he and Ethan sat to the side.
"I know you aren't supposed to say this shit, but damn I hope we have a girl next. They're just so cute," Ethan sighed, finishing off the remnants of the popcorn at the bottom of the bag they'd packed for their lunch outing.
"Girls are the best dude. Don't get me wrong, I love Mi, but I'd be happy if we have all girls."
"You all trying?" Ethan perked up.
"No, not yet. We want more in the future, but we're soaking it in with just one for now. You guys?"
"Yeah. Miles has been asking for a sibling for a while, and I wanna give him one so bad. Hate that they'll be so far apart in age, but it is what it is. We've been trying for a few months now, no luck." He picked at the grass absentmindedly as he spoke, his eyes on his son.
"It'll happen bro. And hey, if you all ever need extra rounds for good luck you know you can always send Mi over."
"Look how far we've come. Offering babysitting just so one of us can get laid. Proud of us," Ethan laughed, nudging his brother. He missed having time like that with him - it didn't matter that he lived next door, they still didn't see each other as much as he wished they did.
"DAD! Dad dad dad look what we found!" Miles voice was loud enough to have both the twins on high alert. Grayson's eyes immediately went to his daughter, who was walking very carefully with her hands cupped together.
The boys jumped to their feet and met them halfway across the little opening. Grayson immediately knelt in front of his daughter.
"Babe, what do you have?"
"It a budderfly daddy. She's broken," Beks voice was thick, and it took Grayson a moment to realize she was about to cry.
"It's okay, it's alright, let me see."
Bekah opened her hands slowly, and Grayson's eyes widened. Sure enough, there was a beautiful monarch butterfly in her palm, and it only took a moment for Grayson to realize that her wing was broken, a cut trailing vertically up the middle.
"Oh no," Ethan murmured. It hurt him to look at it - he hated seeing any animal in distress.
"We were playing dragons and we saw it and I thought we should try to help it," Miles explained. "We didn't hurt it! We just found her like that."
"I know you didn't hurt him bub, don't worry," Ethan reassured his son. "I'm just trying to think about how to help her."
"Momma," Beks said. "Momma fix her." She stated it as a fact.
The idea ran through Grayson's head, and he could see his wife in his mind. She didn't know anything more about bugs than he did, and he didn't want to set her up for something she might not be able to accomplish.
"Well, for now let's just take her home and see how she does. We'll ask mommy what the best way to help her is," Grayson explained. He hunted down the tupperware that he'd brought Bekah's crackers in and cleaned it out well, poking holes in the top with his car keys before he put the butterfly in it carefully.
When Indy got home from work, she was surprised, and a bit sad, that her daughter wasn't there to greet her. On the foyer table was a note in her husbands messy scrawl.
at Ethan's. Beks saved a butterfly today :) rest, or join, whichever your feelin. I'll be home soon. love you
Indy took fifteen minutes to herself to shower off the day and change out of her scrubs before she headed over to her brother in law's house with her wet hair thrown up in a bun.
She didn't knock as she went in, following the sound of voices until she got to the living room to see her daughter and nephew kneeling in front of a large terrarium.
"She likes her home I think. I think she's really gonna like it here," Miles explained. "But we have to make sure we feed her, and take her on walks. Or flys? Dad, do you take butterflys on walks or on flys?"
"Uh...." Ethan stalled from the kitchen, pausing the sandwiches he was cutting. "We can take the terrarium on a walk so she can see the outside world."
Grayson spotted his wife as he came back down the hall.
"Hi baby," he grinned, speeding up his steps to meet her with a smile and a deep kiss - proof of how much he'd missed her. "Was work okay? You alright?"
"Yeah, today was better. I'm still exhausted, but nothing traumatic today," she explained, hugging him closer to her. The thought of three days off with him brightened her spirits considerably. "You wanna explain the butterfly pet?"
"Uh, about that. You think you could do stitches on a butterfly wing?"
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emu-lumberjack · 4 years
Don’t Answer the Phone Tired pt.1
It's been a long week for Damian and Marinette, between fighting Akuma's as Robin and Ladybug then dealing with Liela all day. Both are thoroughly exhausted so who can blame him for not checking caller ID?
ok so this one does have a planned sequel, but I’m gonna work on the follow up to A Quick Meeting first. Again thank you @ozmav for the inspiration from your Maribat au. I love playing around with it, I also am posting all my stories to my Ao3 account, the unoriginal name of Emu_Lumberjack if you want to read it over there too.
Read part 2 here
Read part 3 here
Read Part 4 here
Read part 5 here
It had been a long week and all Damian wanted to do was go to sleep curled up with his angel of a girlfriend Marinette. They had been dating for months, she had asked him out about a month after he came to Paris. Two days after she found out he was Robin and he found out she was Ladybug. He hadn’t told his family yet, afterall who knows what Grayson would do if he found out he was dating Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The MDC, Jagged stone’s personal designer among many of her other accomplishments. The duo were sitting on the deck outside Marinette's room, they had planned to watch a movie on his phone but fifteen minutes in and she was snoring softly curled up next to Damian with his arm around her shoulder. Her blue-black hair had been freed from it’s twintails, Damian brushed some stray hairs out of her face. It had been a long week for her especially.
They had been working with the Miracle team: Chat Noir, Ryuko, and Viperion because Hawk Moth was creating more akumas than he had before and they were up almost every night. Then for Marinette, Damian, and Adrien dealing with Lila and the class was a waking nightmare. It had been two years since Lila came to Paris, and the hate she seeded against Marinette had only grown. Marinette dealt with online harassment from her former classmates and whenever they saw her at school they would throw paper or pencils at her.
Damian was well aware of how is angel was treated and the only reason he hadn’t pulled the “Wayne” card was because Marinette insisted she could handle it herself, what she did as ladybug made him certain she could handle the asshats herself, it didn’t mean he didn’t want to protect her though. Especially after days like today.
Lila had started a new lie, saying she was best friends with the Waynes and actually was looking to ask out Tim the second youngest, but was scared because they were childhood friends and she didn’t want to ruin the relationship. Damian could not fathom why someone would make up such a blatantly false lie, or why someone would want to date Drake. He was just about to march over there and smack her with enough lawsuits to bury her for over a year, until Marinette put her calloused hand in his and shook her head no.
“Marinette whats wrong?” Lila asked, innocent as a storm cloud.
“Nothings wrong, Lila.” Marinette responded quietly
“Really because it looked like Damian had to hold you back there. Wait, are you jealous of me? Really Marinette I would expect more of you, some of us are just lucky enough to have connections.” Bitch Damian thought. Usually he wasn’t one to call women names, only using them for his mother, but Lila was the exception.
“Lila I could seriously care less about who you do or don’t know. I’m happy with Damian and my sewing work.” Marinette had regained some of her confidence and Damian could see the fire in her eyes, the one usually gone when she was around Lila.
Alya came up behind Lila and loudly proclaimed, “Oh. My. God. Marinette come on! What is it with you and being jealous of Lila first it was with Adrien,” Marinette scoffed, “now with Tim?” Alya was the one who hurt Marinette the most when she joined with Lila, but now Marinette realized just how toxic the faux reporter had been. Dragging her around, not listening when she said no, and refusing to look at the facts.
“Alya I’m not jealous, and I’d like to remind you Adrien and I are like siblings now.” Marinette turned to leave when Alya put a hand on her shoulder stopping her.
“Why are you leaving. We’re not done here.” A sneer crossed the girl's face.
“Alya, please take your hand off of my shoulder. I’m leaving because it’s lunch break and I said I’d meet up with Kagami and Luka.” Her voice was calm and cool, no hint of warmth for the person she once considered a sister.
Alya removed her hand, only to shove it back pushing the Bluenette to the ground. Damian lost it. Within seconds he was in between the two girls and seconds later had Alya pinned to the cold cement.
“If you ever. Ever. touch her again I will bury you.” He said loud enough for her ears only. Fast as he had attacked he got up and went over to Marinette. “Angel are you ok? How can I help.” The fire that was just in his eyes changed to concern.
“I’m fine Damian, let's just go.” Marinette was hiding her eyes from the rest of the crowd, because even though she said she was fine there were still small tears threatening to become a torrential downpour if she wasn’t careful. That's when the akuma alarm began. “Anyway I think we have an akuma to fight.”
The obnoxious Hamster Dance song was what woke Damian up from his dream. Marinette was still asleep next to him, bleary eyed he looked at his phone. Who the hell would be calling at this hour he thought. Swiping right he answered the call with a brisk “What the fuck do you want.”
“Good to hear from you, kid.” Oh. Shit. Damian woke up as if Alfred had dumped ice water on him, because on the other end was Richard Grayson. Grayson who was the biggest gossip of any of his siblings, his siblings who didn’t know about Marinette. “Wait. Hold up. Is that a girl next to you?” Grayson asked, acting innocent but the laughter in his eyes told Damian all he needed to know about what was going inside the eldest Wayne’s head.
“Grayson I do not have a girlfriend.” Damian’s face grew red.
“Bullshit.” A soft voice came out next to him. So Marinette’s not as asleep as she seems.
“Ohhhhhh! I cannot wait to tell Tim, and Jason, and,” he paused, “oh my gosh the girls are gonna have a field day…” Dick kept going on as Damian tried to sputter out sentences in rebuttal. Marinette now fully awake was shaking with laughter next to him. Finally after a solid three minutes Damian finally was able to sputter out a sentence, “I. Am. Going. To. kill. you.” Grayson just started laughing and Marinette smiled at him. Even when he was threatening death he was cute, it didn’t hurt that his bed head was adorable. With a few more scattered insults in Romani Damian turned off the chat.
“Well Angel it looks like we’re going to face a worse danger than any Hawkmoth could throw our way.” He said solemnly.
“Oh really? And what's that?” she asked sweetly
“My brothers.”
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artxyra · 4 years
Her Little Robins
Note: So This was supposed to be a longer (damn near 8000 words) one-shot, but after much thought, I decided to break up the mini-stories that I had placed at the end and decided to upload them separately. 
There is one person that Damian would even dare look up to and he hasn’t seen her since before his mother brought him overseas to his father. She was the closest thing he had gotten to a mother figure despite being the opposite. Within the League of Assassins, she was on par with his own mother, but she was just as untouchable. She barely had any free time, between taking on League missions and living her life in the outside world. No one knows how she even became involved with the League but there was one thing he knew for sure. It wasn’t long after his conception.
For the past year, he has been under the care of his father, the very person he doesn’t belong to. Even after a year, his father still doesn’t understand him. He shows his love differently. He doesn’t belong in this broken household. Damian wasn’t sure how he even managed with all the fighting. Though there is one thing he would never admit—is that he cares. Caring was one of many hidden traits he had picked up from her.
His father doesn’t know how to care for him, but at least he tries to. Which is more than he can say about his mother. She never cared, in fact, the only time she cared was placing him into her arms. The fresh smell of apple blossoms always calming him down. That scent was more home than anything he has ever been to.
The last time he saw her—was the first time he had ever cried. Her arms wrapped tightly around him as she tells him her goodbyes. Making promises that he knows would never be kept. She was leaving to save both of them—to save him. Damian could never admit it to himself, but the night she left was the night his grandfather had declared that Damian was of age to determine his loyalty. A trial that would surely end in his or her death.
He hated going to sleep that night. The cold welcoming his return. There was no apple blossom scent laying beside him. No hand caressing his hair as he fell asleep. No French lullaby that was specifically made for him being sung. Just the harsh winds.
“Be brave my petit oiseau. Luck will always guide you in your journey.” She whispers to him every night as he loses consciousness. Those words would forever stick with him. Just like his father’s statement “Justice not vengeance” would. Though he would prefer the one from her over any others.
It’s been three years since then.
Today he wasn’t sure what to do, the anniversary of her disappearance was approaching, and his father’s family still didn’t understand why he is crankier—or what they would say brattier—during this time. He just wants to be alone.
“My, my, petit oiseau, someone sure missed moi.” It was the way she always greeted him when he was little, and they were alone. Damian’s little legs would wrap around her own as she bends down to scoop him into her arms. When he was younger, he felt freer being around her. Her laughter was contagious. She would extend her pointer finger against his nose and giggles before blowing raspberries into his cheek which then caused him to laugh.
Instinctively, Damian curls into himself. He misses those feelings. Feelings that he’ll never get from his family at this rate.
So deep in his memories, Damian doesn’t remember entering the library, picking up a book, and finding comfort in the couch. He looks at the book that was opened in front of him. It was written in French. He has been in this room plenty of times and has skimmed every book at least once, so why does this book seem like a distance memory? The title was so familiar, but he couldn’t place it.
Behind him, he hears a gasp, “Little D, do you have any idea what that is?” Great, it was Grayson, the fourth person he didn’t want to see this evening.
“A book.” The youngest Wayne deadpans placing the book down on the couch and getting up to take his leave.
Before he could walk out of the door, he heard Grayson shout something, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care enough to listen.
As he walks back to his room, that French book stayed on his mind. The cover’s art style was unique, and it reminded him of her. She would draw him small artwork pieces and sometimes let him join her in the process, in fact, he still has the majority of the drawings that she and he made locked in a box underneath his bed. Then there was the book’s dedication page: “À tous mes petits oiseaux qui ont besoin de chance dans leurs moments les plus sombres.” That he could easily translate to: “To all my little birds who need luck in their darkest moments.” He needs to know more. Maybe that book holds the missing piece in finding her? He wants her back in his life, now more than ever.
However, that doesn’t explain how his father owns such a book. Let alone the reaction he had gotten out of Grayson just by holding the book.
“Hold on, you’re telling me that the demon reincarnated found Pixie’s book?” He heard Todd asks when he was on his way to the library. It was clear that Grayson had grabbed the book once he had left and gathered the rest of his non-blood-related siblings.
“Yes, that is exactly what I’m telling you. When I had entered the room to tell him that we are expecting a guest soon—which I couldn’t—he appeared to be in deep thought staring at the book. Like that isn’t usual at all.” Grayson explains and out of everything his older brother said, the word guest caught his attention. It was rare when his father invited people to the manor that has nothing to do with charity, galas, or potential business agreements. A guest usually signifies a Justice League member or a new sibling (something that he knows doesn’t need to happen).
“Isn’t this usually the time when the demon gets all moody?” When did Drake even pay attention to him? Of course, he is always moody, and he has good reasons for that.
“You actually pay attention to the little shit, Replacement? This is laughable, you’re usually the last one to notice anything.” Todd laughs to which Damian had the itching need to grab his katana and slice Jason in half. Though he had to agree, it was laughable as it was Drake who noticed it despite being in a coffee-induced haze for most of the time.
“Yeah, yeah,” Drake then pauses, probably to take a sip of coffee that will forever be in his hands. “That doesn’t explain how he would find Bean’s book interesting. Only those of us that have met her would find that book interesting as it’s—”
“We know!” Together Grayson and Todd scream.
“Look guys we can either keep hovering over the fact that Damian found her book or let it play out and see where it goes, just like Bruce and Alfred did for us.” Drake sounded tired which wasn’t usual but more tired than normal at this time of day.
“As much as I hate it, I agree with Replacement for this,” Todd responds without a doubt looking at Grayson when he said it.
Damian could hear Grayson sigh of defeat. The room goes silent just enough for Damian to make his presence known.
“What’s so important about the book?” He asks stepping across the threshold and eyeing the book that is in Grayson’s hand.
At once his brothers try to answer but one look at Damian’s face; they knew they could lie themselves out of it.  So, they opted for the oldest to speak.
“Look, Little D, this book means a lot to the family. The fact that you picked up just gave an insight into something we didn’t think you would have.” Grayson starts to which Damian tsks and looks away. He hated having this much attention on him, and the short explanation still didn’t answer his question.
“Then what makes this book so important to the family, that I had no idea of its existence until today?” Damian growls through his teeth. His brothers only look between one another which only made Damian even more agitated. “You know what, never mind.”
“Damian—” Dick is cut off by the door slamming in his face. He could only sigh in defeat as the figure of his younger brother disappears.
“So, what now?” Tim asks before taking another sip of his coffee. It was clear that his older brothers don’t know what to do.
Jason decides that now is the best time to take the book from Dick and throws himself onto the couch. He begins to read the book as if it was his only source of peace.
For Jason, the book was the only close connection he had to her. She was the mother he always dreamed of, and he hated it when she would leave for long periods of time. He hated not taking her offer to live with her. Months before his death, she had asked him to live with her, be the caretaker of her apartment back in France, but he had declined. Being Robin was all he ever wanted, and she knew that, but he also knows that something spooked her. She never did ask that again after the first time, and it kind of saddens Jason a bit.
The night before his death, she had called him asking for him to stay safe. To not get cocky about anything while being away. Stay in contact with Bruce, in fact, she specifically told him not to leave Bruce’s side. He should have listened to her warnings that night. Just maybe he wouldn’t have died by the hands of the Joker.
When he was revived with the Lazarus Pit, one of the first things he acknowledged was the words “Qu'est-ce qui vous est arrivé mon petit Jaybird?” What happened to him? He didn’t know what was happening. He was feeling so many negative emotions at once that he couldn’t differentiate anything. The last thing he remembered from that encounter was a pair of lips pressing against his forehead. The next thing he knew, he was lost somewhere he didn’t know but he somehow knew he had to find himself.
When he came back to Gotham under the impression that Bruce and everyone around him needed to go, it wasn’t Bruce that stopped him. No, it was her. She appeared between them with tears streaming down from her mask. He couldn’t harm her, not after everything she had done for him. It felt so wrong to have his fingers itching to pull the trigger, but he couldn’t let it go. Bruce needed to pay for giving up on, for replacing him.
They didn’t even exchange words, her tears were enough. She walked over to him, taking the gun away from him and gently placing it on the ground. He felt so alone as she pulled him into her arms whispering the French lullaby, she sang to him when he was down.
Jason doesn’t remember what happened next after that, but what he does know was that he had woken up in the manor and Bruce and sitting in an armchair beside his bed. They didn’t speak to one another—why it was because they didn’t know what to start with. Hellos? No, they already knew each other. I’m sorry? Not even an option, they’re too stubborn to admit anything. It was just a moment of silence. Not for the dead but for all the pain that they were enduring.
As he read the familiar words, Jason wonders how his life would have been having she not been a part of his life. She always knew what to say and when to say it. Never judging them for wanting to be heroes vigilantes. She was the glue that kept this family together aside from Alfred, and they all miss her.
“Hey Jaybird,” Of course it was Dick who had to return and ruin the moment.
“What do you want? Can’t you see that I’m reading?” Jason doesn’t take his eyes away from the book, it’s not like he could have anyway. Her words always had a way of entrapping the reader until the very end.
“Bruce wants everyone in the living room.” Dick answers pointing to the open door that was close just minutes ago. Jason huffs and places the book back on the shelf.
“Alright, let see what B has in store for us.” Jason walks past Dick and into the halls. Dick just stares back at the location Jason had placed the book. He was tempted to go grab it, but he knows, keeping Bruce waiting sounds like a bad idea especially since he asked for the family.
In the living room, Damian sat moodily in the armchair. Arms folded and all. He would look up to glare at his family members still thinking that they were all beneath him in taking the Wayne name.
“So, tell us, Bruce, what is the real reason you have us all gather here?” Jason observed the way the room was structured. Alfred was standing next to Bruce like usual while everyone else just sits and waits for the other shoe to drop.
“It has come to my attention that Damian found M’s book.” Bruce turns to his youngest, who was clearly lost in thought. Something he never thought would happen to Damian. Then again this isn’t the first time it has happened. “Damian, have you ever meet a person under the name of Marin Etta? Marin? Mari?” With each name, Damian shakes his head.
For Damian, the names were foreign. She was always Tatie to him as she never really spoke of her real name. It was mention once, but it has been so long that he had forgotten. In fact, tatie was the first word she taught him in French before moving onto the basics.
“No father,” Damian denies and leans back into his seat. Bruce sighs.
“Little D, you must have met her.” Dick states pointing fingers.
“Before this becomes a brawl, I would like to announce that she’ll be sending gifts to the manor,” Alfred states causing the boys, aside from Damian, eyes to bug out. Tim had to rub his eyes to make sure that he was awake.
For Tim, she was more than someone he looks up to. She was a person that he could rely on and rant to. When he first arrived at the manor, yes, he was excited, but at the same time frightened beyond disbelief. She picked up on this and offer to take him to her favorite little coffee shop. To this day, Tim swears she owns the little cozy coffee shop that they always go to when they needed a break. Those visits were always just the two of them and no one else.
Tim remembers when he took up the Robin mantle, she was furious at Bruce and even yelled at him for bringing into the battle when he was just a child. He is sure that when the Joker first captured him it was her that found him and took out the Joker, not Bruce. The only proof that he had from that encounter was Bruce looking like he was chewed out by his mother once he had recovered.
She was more than just a team member—she was family. The person that introduced him to the secret of making the right coffee. Something that everyone around him would look down upon. To Tim, coffee was more than his life source; it was a reminder of everything she ever did for him. It was one of the few connections he had to her and he doesn’t want to lose that.
So just being told that she is sending them gifts was such a surprise. She never just sends random gifts; her gifts were always well thought out. Planned for the person receiving the item. Tim had once received a coffee recipe book, something that he vows never to use unless she is with him. He couldn’t risk is family taking away another source of coffee for him.
Sure, they could go visit her whenever, but she never sticks around in one place. Tim remembers the time he tried to track her down and he came up with dead ends after dead ends. Not even Bruce could find her and he’s the world’s greatest detective.
“When do they arrive?” Dick had practically shouted earning Tim’s attention, something that is usually locked on coffee and or paperwork.
Alfred raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. Tim knows the family butler already knows the answer. It most likely that the gifts had already arrived, and he just wants to see them suffer over it.
“Master Damian please come with me.” Alfred requested to which everyone eyes the youngest Wayne. Damian was unsure what Pennyworth wanted with him and the fact that it was him and not his father, he was feeling anxious.
“Of course,” Damian answers getting out of his seat.
Dick watches the baby bird walk away from the family. He wasn’t sure what to expect from this encounter. Alfred rarely asks for them individually. Though he was heavily thinking about the presents his big sister figure may have brought him.
“Don’t even think about it, Dick.” Bruce grunts seeing the devious look in his oldest eyes. Dick blanches and turns around; he had some searching hacking to do. Knowing that Alfred would have hidden the items somewhere within the manor, he knew just where to start his journey. Years of being a part of the Wayne household has its perks, especially being trained by her to find all the hidden spots.
She was only a couple of years older than him. It never made sense to call her his aunt when they were so close in age. She was also the first person that Dick confided in after his parents’ deaths. She was with Bruce when he went that show, and she was first to comfort him even before the cops could take his statement. To traumatize by what he just saw, he didn’t comprehend the lullaby she was singing in French to soothe him.
Dick would never forget how she took it a part of herself to make sure that the manor felt like a home. Bruce was gone every night tracking down Zucco. She made sure he didn’t feel alone, uncared for. If it wasn’t for her, Dick doesn’t know what would have happened to him.
“Les étoiles sont brillantes ce soir, Dickie.” The stars are bright tonight, she had once said to him the night he was thinking about running away. He had everything packed and all he needed to do was open that window and jump out. Her voice caught him by surprise, so much that he had almost forgotten what he wanted to do.
In the end, he cried his heart out to her and she let him do it. He doesn’t remember what happened next, but the next day Bruce actually showed up for breakfast and sat down with them. It wasn’t long after that that he would become Robin.
Damian didn’t know why Alfred was leading him outside the manor. It’s not like he had forgotten to take care of Alfred the cat and Titus. Alfred stops short of the gazebo that is rarely in use unless someone plans on making a romantic dinner date of some kind. Damian was about to ask Alfred why they are here when a familiar feminine voice speaks. This voice was etched into his brain and before he knew it his arms were wrapped around a person’s torso.
“My, my, petit oiseau, someone sure missed moi.” He didn’t want to look up, too afraid for this to be a dream. Damian didn’t care if his cheeks were becoming wet, he just wanted to hold her tight. Never letting go. “Petit oiseau, oh how you have grown.” She speaks again, her hands caressing his hair to which he doesn’t complain.
“Tatie, tu me manques tellement.” Damian cries out hiding his face into her shirt. Moments later, he looks up to be greeted by the bluebell eyes that he loved so much. He never realized how much her eye color reminds him so much of Bruce’s. Though her eye color holds so much love and emotions, more than what he can say for Bruce’s.
“Petit oiseau, I am here now. How are you? Have you been treating your father well? Oh, Dami, I knew I should have taken you with me.” She says as she walks them over to the bench and sits down. She could see that Alfred was standing off to the side smiling at the duo.
Alfred then mouths, “I’ll leave you two be” to her, to which she nods and turns her attention back to Damian.
Returning the manor, Alfred was greeted by an excited Dick and Jason. He knew what they wanted; they wanted the gifts, but the gift is currently outside hugging her surrogate son.
“Master Richard and Master Jason, is there something you need?” He asks with an eyebrow raised. Alfred was known for a lot of things—he is required too in order to keep the manor afloat.
“Hey, Alfred, where is Little D, and how soon we will be receiving those gifts?” Dick asks as he and Jason share a forced smile. Alfred wasn’t buying it.
“Moments after the young master is done receiving his own.” With that, Alfred walks off with a smirk plastered on his lips.
All the Wayne men in the room look at one another.
“Hold on, did he just say that the Demon Spawn, is receiving his gift right now…what the flying fuck did he get?” Jason screams out and he would have stalk after Alfred if it wasn’t for Bruce’s glare practically telling his son not to do it, so instead, Jason huffs.
“It can’t be anything good if it’s for the demon,” Tim states finally coming alive from his coffee-induce haze. The teen was unsure of what was happening, but he knows it was a tense situation.
“We’ll wait for Damian to come to us.” Bruce says, “If the gift is dangerous, we’ll take matters into our own hands.” That was enough to prevent his sons from going after their younger brother.
Damian was having the time of his life being close to his tatie. He spoke to her with so much enthusiasm about his pets, mentioning his dreams in opening up an animal shelter, all the pranks he did on his brothers. Damian even showed her pictures of Titus and Alfred the cat was which is something he rarely does; heck, he doesn’t really show pictures of his animals to Jon, his best friend.
“That is wonderful, Damian.” She spoke with such a light laugh.
“Hold on, Tatie, how did you know that I was here?” Realization finally settles as Damian wraps his head around the fact that she knew where he was. They haven’t seen each other in three years and surely, she didn’t find his mother and demanded answers.
She sighs and allows Damian to sit up from his resting position. “Damian, I knew you were Bruce’s child since before you were born. There is a reason why I love that you call me Tatie because I am your aunt. Bruce is my older brother. My real name is Marin Etta Wayne, but most people call me Marinette.” She explains staring into his forest green eyes. Tears swell in her eyes almost like she was afraid to tell him everything.
Damian didn’t know how to react. Happy? Furious? Confused? He was so conflicted that he was rendered speechless. This person has been in his life since birth, has done more for him than his own parents, was actually his biological aunt.
Instead of reacting out of anger, he wraps his arms around her and mumbles a series of thank you in various languages. Her explanation solidifies the fact that she’ll never leave him.
“Je t'aime, mon petit oiseau.” She whispers to him.
They stay in silence until Alfred makes himself known with a loud cough. Damian had fallen asleep in her arms to which she was happily content with holding him. She looks up and gestures for Alfred to come closer.
“It seems that the young master enjoyed his gift,” Alfred states looking at the sleeping eleven-year-old. Marinette moves to scoop Damian into her arms. He was a lot heavier than when he was six. After getting into a comfortable position, she turns to Alfred.
“Has Brucie done this for him, before?” She asks as they begin to walk back to the manor.
“On occasion, usually when he is late coming in as Robin. Though it is nice to have you around again, Marin Etta, your presence always begin joy to the family.” Alfred answers, “Are you staying for the night?”
“Not tonight, Alfie. I’m sure the boys will go crazy over Damian’s gift until they see what it actually is. I’ll give them a shock tomorrow and stay for the rest of the week. Vic is helping Helena with some things, so I got time to spare for once.” She replies explaining her reasoning.
Alfred simply raises an eyebrow, he knows she’s withholding information from him, but he also knows that she will do anything to keep her problems under wraps. That’s the reason why she never told Bruce she was Ladybug until after the defeat of Hawkmoth and the creation of her vigilante persona, Kismet.
“In that case, I’ll take the young master and put him to bed. I will see you in the morning.” Marinette hands him Damian who didn’t want to leave her. He managed to tighten his grip around her despite never once waking up. Only after did she whisper promises of seeing him the next day did he release his hold on her and latch onto Alfred.
When Alfred walked inside with the sleeping Damian, he was bombarded by those he considers grandchildren. Jason was beyond in disbelief to see a koala version of the demon that usually glares at them. Tim thought he was hallucinating to the point where he pours the remains of his coffee out the window and walked away sluggishly. Dick was cooing and taking pictures, more than likely saving them for blackmail material. Bruce was wondering what put his youngest to sleep before even going on patrol. He knows that Alfred knows but getting information out of the butler is an impossible task.
“I guess Robin will not be joining us tonight?”
“That is correct, sir. The young master had tired himself out with his gift today. Shall I put him to bed or would like to do that honor?” Alfred answers readjusting the pre-teen in his arms. Bruce nods and takes Damian away from Alfred. It was moments like these that he misses. When his sister was younger, he would hold her and just holding her made him feel complete. Holding Damian was similar in feeling considering his height and weight.
Dick, Jason, and Tim were jealous of Damian. He had received his gift the day before and here they were sitting at the dining room table waiting for Alfred to show up. Damian had this smug look on his face the second his brothers bombarded him with questions regarding his present. He doesn’t give any indication that it was a person but an animal. That got his brothers to leave him alone for a moment.
Bruce had been the last person to enter the room. He was working on Wayne Enterprise paperwork that should have been completed earlier but wasn’t. Alfred walks in with a tray of food. As he set the plates down, they immediately took notice of an extra plate. Before either of them could question the butler, they heard someone say, “Bonjour mes amours!”
Before anyone could react, Damian runs out of his chair and into her arms. He wraps his arms around her and glares at his family members, daring them to come at her.
“My, my, petit oiseau, someone sure missed moi.” She chuckles returning the hug to the younger male. Damian doesn’t say anything, he just stays in her arms.
While the family stares in shock of seeing Damian showing emotions, it was also the shock at the arrival of the one person that hoped to show up soon.
“Mari!” A series of excited shouts echo through the room. Jason was the next person out of his seat and trying to push Damian away for space. Damian fought back, nearly biting Jason’s hand just so he could stay in his tatie’s arms. Jason glares his younger brother.
“Oh c’mon, there’s enough of me to go around.” She chuckles sending Jason a sheepish smile, “Dami, can you let go so that I could hug Jay-Jay and the others?” She looks down at the young boy, only to feel that his grip had tightened around her. She knows that he would not let go. “Dami, I promise to make you some of my infamous shortbread cookies.” At that request, Damian reluctantly lessens his grip.
“You imbeciles only have one minute with her,” Damian growls turning to his family acknowledging the fact that they also know his tatie. “59, 58, 57…” He starts to count down.
The older Wayne children knew he was serious, and they immediately jump to hug Marinette. Dick was smothering her having taken onto wrapping himself around her torso. She manages to stay afloat by resting Jason and Tim who were side hugging her. It surprised her that it wasn’t Jason who had the running start but wasn’t shock that it was Dick instead.
“10, 9, 8…” They all heard Damian continue. The moment the young Wayne managed to get to zero, he let out a battle cry and begins pushing his brothers out of his way. Damian latches himself onto her and glares at anyone that came within a certain radius of her.
“How the hell does the demon know Pixie, when he literally had no clue who she was yesterday,” Jason shouts as the excitement of seeing Marinette dies down among everyone.
Marinette chuckles and scoops Damian into her arms. If it was anyone else, Damian would have squirmed, complained, and demanded to be let down, but this is his tatie and he has little care for what his brothers think of him right at this moment.
“That’s because all Dami has ever known me to be was Tatie.” She explains as Damian grumbles into her neck.
“Wha!” The boys yell stimulatingly to which Marinette looks everywhere but at her nephews.
“How about this, let's finish eating the wonderful breakfast Alfred made first, then I will explain it all afterward.” She suggests walking over to the table as everyone behind her follows. They know to not disagree with her. She has just as much power as Alfred and could most likely get away with murder.
While they ate breakfast, there was growing tension. Everyone, aside from Alfred, Marinette, and Damian, wanted answers. Bruce watches his sister eat her portion of breakfast; he knows something was going on. Then he saw how quickly his youngest reacted to her like there was some form of bond that they share that he didn’t with his own son. Bruce isn’t that dense; he knows that without her his life would be filled with so much darkness and pain. She made everything tolerable, kept the family together even in their darkest of days.
When breakfast ended, they all gather in the living room. Titus trotted over to his owner and lay beside him.
“So, who’s first?” She asks as she pets Titus’s head as he was close to her and he let her.
“Back to my question before, how the hell do you know the demon?” Jason practically shouts pulling his ear.
“I’ve practically known about since his birth. Actually… even before he was even born. I knew Talia was up to something when she was constantly trying to get into Bruce’s good graces. As we all know, my ability to sense something is wrong is almost never incorrect. So, I followed her to the League of Assassin under a new identity. I was about to leave, but then she announces that she was carrying the league’s heir. I knew the child was going to Bruce’s.” She turns to Damian with a sad smile on her face. To this day, she hated the way Damian came into this world, but she would never give him up for anything.
“You side missions?” Bruce wonders aloud.
“Yes, when I wasn’t with the miraculous court or with the JL, I was with Damian watching after him. I became his caretaker when Talia took it upon herself to be his mentor rather than a mother. Did you know I was the first person to hold him? He had such a small tuft of hair.” Damian blanches when she started to gush about his childhood. He likes to keep that under wraps, but he wasn’t going to complain.
“Are you back for real…now?” It was Tim that has asked that.
“Oh, my petit oiseau de café, I’m here to stay. I can’t have you running Gotham without me.” Marinette answers with a wink, but she can tell by the looks of deadpan facials from the males she knew that they didn’t buy it. “I’m staying until the court needs me. That and I’m sure Kismet can bring a little luck to this city of darkness.”
“With that answer…welcome home, Sunshine!” Dick screams with excitement before flinging himself to his sister figure. Marinette catches the taller bird and laughs. However, the embrace didn’t last long as Damian pushes Dick off of her and takes over the filled space.
“Oi, she’s mine, you dolts, get your own.” Damian hiss at his brother who looked beyond offensive.
“Oh, hold on!” They all shouted, “We knew her first, you little demon.” This quickly became a tug-of-war for Marinette, who looks sheepishly between the boys, but she couldn’t help but laugh.
The second, Marinette was able to slip away from his nephews, she made her way over to Bruce. They didn’t say anything, though Bruce did hold his arms out waiting that that hug that they always do. Their embrace was not a short one.
“I miss you, Bruce.” She mumbles into his shirt.
“I miss you too, M.” Bruce pauses placing a kiss onto her forehead. “So, tell me about what happened in Brazil?” Marinette’s eyes widen at that request. She knew she had to come up with something fast, but she also knows that her big brother wouldn’t let that go. Brazil was an authorized JL mission that she joined Question and Huntress on, that didn’t end well per se.
“Oh, look the boys are about to break something.” She squeals turning their attention to the four brothers still wrestling on the floor. Sure enough, a loud crash is heard.
Bruce groans and wanted to yell at his sons for being too rough, but this was a typical morning. The boys would rough house at least three times a day before they all separated. Then again, it really depends on whether Jason and Dick decide to stay at the manor for long periods of time.
“Boys!” Marinette shrieks getting their attention to which they had the audacity to pretend that nothing had happened. They don’t want to play that game with her. There is a reason why she rules the manors better than Bruce.
“Yes, Tatie,” Damian speaks up first resisting the urge to run over to her and hug her in an attempt to make his brothers jealous. Who was he kidding, he would totally do that anyway just for the hell of it.  
His brothers glance at him; however, it was clear that Jason was glaring more so than anything.
“What?” Damian shrugs, “She clearly wanted our attention, isn’t that right, tatie?”
Marinette sends Damian a smile that the family knows all too well, that smile was not her usual friendly ones, it was sinister. “Oh, petit oiseau, you have no idea. Now, it still early in the morning, and I don’t want to spend my first day with the family babysitting you four, or do I need to call the girls have girls’ day with them instead?”
The looming threat of having the girls spend time with Marinette instead of them was enough for everyone to nod in agreeance.
“Now who wants to be the first to read my newest family book?” Bruce silently raises his hand which she sees out of the corner of her eye. Digging into her purse she pulls out a new book with an enchanting cover with the title written in French. She then hands it to Bruce despite the cries of protest from her nephews.
“I saw his hand first, actually I saw Alfred’s first, but he already read it. Didn’t you, Alfie?”
“Of course, I did, Miss Marin Etta, it was another novel that will go into the family history.” He smiles at her, to which Marinette sends him a blushful smile.
“Thank you, Alfie. Now, who’s up for a family drawing session?” This time the boys gather around her. Damian hisses at his brothers daring them to come any closer as practical koala himself into Marinette’s arms. Jason stares at the little traitor, planning his downfall.
“I should have introduced Damian to her when he first arrived. That would have saved us so many headaches.” Bruce groans happily acknowledging the sudden change in his youngest at the sight of his sister.
“That would correct, sir. Shall I prepare you some tea and scones while you read Marin Etta’s book?”
“Yes, thank you, Alfred.” Bruce pauses for a moment to open the book, he is immediately greeted with the dedication page, a smile appears on his face, “Actually Alfred, how about you go spend time with M and the boys after you’re done.”
“Are you sure, sir?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I know you miss her just as much as the rest of us.”   
Bruce turns his attention back to the dedication pages that read, “Une famille qui se bat ensemble reste ensemble même quand tout semble perdu.” A family that fights together stays together even when everything seems lost.
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