#i love you teeb
v3ratrix · 5 months
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tipsyteebs · 8 months
Have you had many partners in the past?
"Uh... well, um.... yeah! Uh... heaps!"
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No... no, not really.
A few buymechs that lied about their feelings. Kup was sweet but... he hadn't seen the bot in a while. Um....
"I- uh... I don't wanna talk about it."
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abibliophobiaa · 11 months
Idea for ya: Reader and Eddie are in a competition to see if Elena's first word will be "mama" or "dada," with no success thus far. Uncle Steve comes over and picks her up, only to be greeted with an ecstatic: "TEEB!"
Elena's first word is Steve.
xoxo @munson-blurbs
a blurb from the daylight world.
dad!eddie munson x mom!reader.
It started around the time Elena began trying to form words. Granted, they were never full ones. Just the rounding of vowels, the formation of letters, all of which she seemed entirely enthused with.
And because of it, Eddie had started a sort of competition. Your ever competitive (now) husband thought you’d make a game of what Elena’s first would be. Which led to countless dinners spent with her little feet kicking in her high chair as you both took turns cooing, “Say Mama” and “Say Dada,” in voices that seemed out of place on your thoroughly tattooed rockstar.
But for her — for her he was always unabashed, ever doting, in love beyond words would ever come close to explaining. Those first months of tour, when you’d been unable to join him, he made true to his promise to call nearly every day. Trying his hardest to never go a night without telling you he loved you, nor a day without talking to his baby girl before she laid her head down to rest at night.
Tonight, however, happened to be one of those nights. Chrissy and Steve would be arriving soon, their newest baby girl, Brie, and Melody along with them. And given that your table would be expanded to fit from seating three to seven in mere moments, Eddie worked overtime.
He presently had his fingers curled around a waving fist, his lips smacking loudly into his giggly baby’s cheek as he repeated, “Dada” over and over again into a wrinkly neck. Repetition was his game, but you were relentless too. Distracted her with her dinner, which earned a pouted argument from Eddie, as you then reminded her “Mama” was the one who fed her from quite literally your own body for the first months of her short life, and still continued to do so now even as she’d moved onto more solid foods. And if you’d thrown strawberries onto her plate in a form of bribery she wouldn’t even understand, which you knew were her favorite, then so be it.
“She was close to saying it,” Eddie argued, watching Elena struggle a bit to force a piece of macaroni into her mouth, orange already mushing against her cheek.
“Technically the doctor says she’ll talk when she talks,” you told him, moving over to the kitchen to throw some final ingredients into the salad bowl you'd started. “And then she won’t stop after that. But I know how much it means to you, what with you being away so much.”
“I just don’t want to miss anything,” he exhaled, fingers running through his curly mane, “She'll be walking soon too.”
“I know, baby.” He leaned into your hip as you slid up to his side, fingers rubbing against his shoulder. “I know it weighs on you, but everyone always says how happy of a baby Elena is. A lot of that is thanks to her dad, you know?”
The edges of his smile spread across the palm that came up to stroke along his cheek, his fingers reaching up to tangle with your free hand. “I love you, Mrs. Munson.”
“Still with the Mrs. Munson, huh?” you teased, dropping a kiss to the top of his head, slinking back to the countertop.
“Until I get over the shock of calling you my wife, yeah,” he said, a pair of arms looping around your waist from behind, your body shuddering as lips pressed to the curve of your neck. “Which, by my estimation, will be till death do us part, and all of that romantic hub-bub.”
“You are a flirt, Eddie Munson.”
“I do what I can,” he chuckled, dropping another kiss to your temple, fingers edging along the hem of your jeans to dance along delicate skin, just as the doorbell rang out. “I got it.”
Said husband disappeared down the hall in a flash, voices filtering through the front door as you lifted Elena from her high chair, using her bib to wipe her dinner from her messy cheeks. The baby on your hip immediately bounced in attention as Chrissy called her name into the living room, Brie’s carrier clutched in one hand, with Melody rushing in ahead.
And then, the room fell into silence as Elena shrieked out, “TEEB.”
Oh no.
Your eyes darted to Eddie.
Then to Chrissy.
Lastly, to Steve, who only chuckled awkwardly, a hand curled around the back of his neck.
Eddie’s face reddened. “Oh, you’ve got to be f —”
Steve clapped a hand over Eddie’s mouth.
“Can’t believe Steve was her first word,” Eddie grumbled, head resting against your stomach, fingers curled around your hip.
“Technically it was ‘Teeb,’” you teased, laughter making Eddie’s head shake.
“Not helping.”
“How do you think I feel? I grew her in my body and pushed her out of it a few months later. I have the stretch marks to prove it.”
“Maybe we can start charging her rent,” Eddie murmured, squeezing your hip tighter. “Start charging her now, so when she’s older she can’t leave the house until she pays it off.”
“Fine, fine,” he groaned, rubbing a hand down his face. “I hope Harrington realizes I’m going to make sure Brie’s first word is Eddie. Only fair.”
Your reply was another laugh.
True to his word, that next weekend when you gathered around Steve’s living room, Eddie perched in front of baby Brie, repeating Eddie over and over again (careless to the fact she was quite literally a few weeks old).
“What is he doing?” Steve asked, appearing at your side in the kitchen, peering out at the sight together.
“He’s playing the long game of revenge,” you giggled, nose wrinkling humorously as Steve tipped his head to the side.
“I see,” Steve said in understanding, snorting.
Elena didn’t learn any new words that week. Nor the next. Nor the one after it. But a month after the now dubbed ‘TEEB Travesty,’ Elena was settled on her bottom in the living room, crashing blocks together where they lay scattered around her on the floor. You sat behind her, her form tucked between the curve of your thighs, leaning in to receive a kiss when Eddie appeared.
“Dada!” Elena wailed, chuckling her block to the floor, arms elevated in front of her on the floor where she immediately began to whimper and whine for his attention.
And Eddie beamed — brighter than you’d ever seen before as he leaned down to grab her, and told his favorite girl he loved her more than anything else in this world.
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yugsly · 1 year
You mentioned being 70s inspired and I was wondering as to what stuff in particular inspired your work (as someone who also loves 70s cartoons lol) I love your art a lot btw !! <: ]
I'm inspired by a lot of late 60s & 70s stuff! A lot of the aesthetic from the late 60s carries hard into 70s stuff, really cemented & determined The Style. Here are a few things: The Point (1971) <- Whole thing on youtube!
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Nudnik (show) (1965-1967)<-Also all on youtube
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Ja Teeb Trikke (1978)<-Youtube!
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Yellow Submarine (1968)
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The Fool, art collective
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I don't want this post to get too long, so here are some more things in a list: Heinz Edelmann's art, Peter Max's art, The Holy Mountain (1973 please look up content warnings), Gene Deitch's cartoons, too many things to list... I must be forgetting a lot right now. Of course all kinds of 60s and 70s music inspires me too. It's my fav. Thank you by the way!
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gendervapor14 · 5 months
sliding in here being sooooo predictable because gendervapor dofladile real ?? just like christmas,,,
hhhhhh yes. dofladile was my otp in like 2018 and they infested my brain for like a year or two or three and then by the time i actually started posting fanfic in 2021, i kind of. chilled out about them? still love them dearly, but they aren't storming my head anymore.
i do have a wip about them. i didn't post it yet because a) idk how long it will be, b) idk how to end it, and c) i'm worried about the reception. i know people are probably gonna like it but. idk. they're a more popular ship and i'm used to writing less popular stuff that doesn't really get perceived so. i guess i'm not ready to be perceived XD ANYWAY i will stop rambling and share a sample for you, the lovely teeb
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The king of Dressrosa, to no one’s surprise, drank wine like water. Crocodile counted the glasses as they went because it was easier to focus on that than the shrill discourse of this chaotic assembly he called family. He let his mind wander to the potential root of this situation, the psychology of his host, the reasoning behind such an unbecoming crowd. Some sort of family trauma, no doubt, perhaps some damaged self-esteem, some isolation when he was young. 
How this charismatic, boisterous, cunning individual with ties to Mariejois was ever lonely didn’t add up though. Maybe it was something simpler. Could have lost his family in a fire. He seemed averse to smoking. That was probably it.
The large, blond, bearded man at the end of the table was telling a rallying tale. Crocodile didn’t even pretend to express interest, but he was thankful it seemed to keep the rest of the crew silent and in order. An occasional round of chuckles was enough to intercept his thought process, but that was easier to cast aside than direct involvement.
Sixth glass, he noted, as Doflamingo, sitting proudly at the head of the table, leaned in towards that dancer. She sat awfully close for an officer, but Crocodile supposed the two were obviously involved. It was all there in the way she batted her eyes, the way he fingered the tablecloth. Maybe calling them family was all for show.
Those dark eyes of hers landed on him. He straightened up but didn’t avoid eye contact. Not immediately, at least. Their gossiping wasn’t subtle so he had no reason to play coy. He broke away eventually to sip that too-sweet wine, and wasn’t too surprised when Doflamingo’s attention soon filtered his way.
“Enjoying your meal?”
“It’s not terrible.” He was remiss to admit, although he’d rather this steak a bit more cold-blooded.
“Some of the best along this part of the New World,” Doflamingo boasted coolly, “so the critics say. In any case, Crocodile, this is the dancer from earlier, Violet. Violet, this is Sir Crocodile.”
Tired eyes slid from the king to the weary officer, who offered nothing but a forced, polite smirk. He was introduced to the entire Family earlier, but clearly this was Doflamingo’s attempt to get the two chatting, for whatever reason.
The older warlord chose his battles wisely. There was no reason to make pulling teeth any more painful. “I will say, I enjoyed the performance.”
“Thank you.” An automatic response. He noticed most of the food on her plate was sliced up and pushed around, but not eaten. Taking control where she could. He almost pitied her.
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prentissluvr · 2 months
ask game for Sam x angel!reader and (I’m a greedy bastard) you’re gonna go far?? id love to hear your thoughts on specifically older!sibling reader, I LOVE that dynamic and I don’t see it written enough teebs
HEHE YESSS OMG ty for sending thissss <3
for sam x angel!reader i just really really love the idea of that sort of dynamic so i want to write some headcanons about it! one of my fav things to think about is reader being new to earth and learning about living there alongside sam <333 him teaching you how to use technology etc, like you’re on his computer and he’s like… whatcha doinggggg and you’re like sam! did you know that you can look at endless images of cats on the internet??? and he’s like *major heart eyes* yknow???
and you’re gonna go far!! UGH I LOVE THIS ONE😭😭 basically it’s about older sibling reader being supportive of young pre-series sam when he decided to go up college, i don’t have much of a solid plot but some sad fluff?? sam being conflicted and confused and then emotional when you’re supportive, like maybe you find out on accident and he’s scared when you do but then you’re like super happy for him even though it you feel conflicted yourself bc you never got out yourself :,)
SO YEAHHH that’s the idea behind those heh
wips ask game !
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tinta--branca · 3 months
thankuuu @giselberts for the tag !! let ur followers pick their faves from your own list of faves (video game edition, with the most obscure ones exempted bc i love u all)
tagging my besties as god intended @rimetin @rustmountain @not-today-solas @handern @gendervapor14 @fly-for-a-lifetime
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
MTMTE 28-30
man, after seeing so many different lineart and coloring styles over the course of Dark Cybertron there's just something about the combo of Alex Milne's lines and Josh Burcham's colors. There's just nothing else like it lmAO not a thing wrong with any of the other artists or any given combination of them even, but when I think “MTMTE” I think of Alex Milne's lines with Josh Burcham's colors
Rodimus is so ready to get the fuck out of here and get back to the quest, same buddy I am over it lmAO
still love Rung casually taking off his glasses. I remember that blowing my mind the first time I saw it, I thought those WERE his eyes and he was like a chameleon lmAO
hjdfks I forgot about Swerve holding fake auditions for people to be let onto the Lost Light
It's so interesting watching everyone adjust to Megatron after the war because every single person who wants him dead is right for wanting him dead, but also that guy's gonna be your co-captain and you're gonna like. Care about his feelings and well being later on. It's wild lmAO
Skids is a good friend, checking in on Chromedome
I believe Megatron is fully bullshitting but damn, what a laser-targeted thing to say to Whirl
ooh, so Getaway started planning ways to get rid of Megatron like INSTANTLY, and that altercation with Whirl was just the first attempt
local man arrested for every crime ever. He just. Did all of them
oh hey it's the first Swerve recap. Absolutely hysterical that it's plot relevant that he starts doing these
oh Tailgate my fucking beloved it's been a thousand years lmfAO I always forget how long we have to go without him during Dark Cybertron
poor Roddy's trying his best to be good and Atomizer is tempting him, with false info if I remember correctly. Man the mutiny was building up from the instant the quest restarted, huh. I mean it wasn't a mutiny the whole time, it gradually built up into it, but still
does Swerve's just have a little wrassling arena in the middle??? or is it just a space that's being used for wrassling
aww don't be mean to Teebs, his inhibitions are compromised don't tell him to do dumb shit
God. Starscream is so fucking embarrassing during the trial lmfAO he's been waiting his whole life for this moment and there is not a single person present or watching that doesn't know it
I also love that Starscream getting his moment to dunk on Megatron is what inspires him to fuck it all up instead of go quietly like he was originally planning to
god. Seeing Rewind again after so long is still a fuckin punch to the gut
“Ambulon's stuff (untouched)” oof ouch ooughfhgd
“I'm distracted, shut up. Stop expecting things of me.” me every day of my life
love this fucky quantum mishmashing of timelines
intensely fucked up that they show alternate Roddy's corpse before showing our Roddy on the ship in any capacity lmAO cute little fake-out
Magnus is so not happy to have to tell everyone that the trial's about to get stupid lmAO he has just been like :[ since the moment he had to come back from break
eyy I think this is the first time we've seen Magnus's hammer in this series. Feels right to see him with it
EEEYYY first sighting of the best version of Whirl's avatar!!! still such a good design
there's my boy Roddy, welcome back hon, here's your own corpse
for real though Optimus has really just been screwing Rodimus over like near constantly since they reunited, huh lmAO I guess in the case of making Megatron captain of the Lost Light, I get the logic, put him in the public eye so everyone can collectively keep tabs on him and all that, but like. Man, poor Rodimus, my boy can't have nothing on this damn ship
Roddy is so ready to chainsaw his own arm off to dodge death and honestly he's valid for it
it's super adorable how into Tailgate's account of the Luna-1 ordeal everyone is. Except for Getaway, you get the fuck out of here
Cyclonus is jealooouuuuuuusssssss
yeah, the list Atomizer gave Rodimus was fake, because Ratchet's name wasn't on it, oof. I won't say Ratchet's choice was entirely about Drift, but I can definitely imagine Ratchet being the tiniest bit less understanding of how Prowl manipulated him into bringing Overlord on the ship after having to watch Drift get exiled
“Not guilty,” he says. Bitch lmAO on a much sweeter note though, Magnus calling the Lost Light “Our home........”
y'know. I think one of the biggest problems the transformers fandom had while this comic was still coming out was I truly and genuinely think a good deal of them would read each issue once as it came out and then never look at it ever again and forget 90% of its contents because that was three entire issues in a row detailing exactly how and why Megatron got put on the Lost Light and how it's a temporary arrangement until he can be judged properly at a later date, sparing no detail as to how pissed literally everyone but Megatron is about this decision and exactly why they can't just execute him anyway, and I still had to see countless posts about how “Megatron got off scot-free and will never get any REAL punishment and Jimothy Robertson is trying to make us forgive Robot Hitler” lmfAO It's like. Right there. It says it right there just read
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//Teebs for you 🫶
- love @medical-jet-troubles 's mun
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HOLY HECK I AM STILL IN LOVE WITH THIS AAAAAA. I wanna snuggle into this soft boy so much sbfdhjkbg))
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louisetaylor · 2 years
Some Loki cuteness
(Loki is visiting Stark's house with Sylvie, who's been there several times)
4-year-old Morgan Stark: Uncle Loki! *runs up to him and clamps onto his leg*
Loki, confused: Hello. Who are you?
Morgan: Morgan Stark. Can you make a lusion for me please?
Loki, whispering frantically to Sylvie: How does she know my name?
(Sylvie pulls him across the room to a sofa. Morgan sits on Loki's foot like a parole anklet while he walks, so he has to drag her along.)
Sylvie, loving all this: Uncle Thor always lets her hang onto his leg when he visits. And he tells her about his brother Loki, who's tall and thin with black hair and green eyes and makes illusions in the air.
Loki, sitting down and sticking out his leg so Morgan's a foot off the ground: Well, I won't be outdone by Uncle Thor.
Morgan: Uncle Teeb let me go sledding in his shield.
Loki: Am I in the brotherhood of the uncles now? *puts down Morgan* All right, Morgan. What kind of illusion would you like?
(Morgan goes to a basket full of toys and books and looks through the books. Sylvie helps her.)
Sylvie: What about this one?
Morgan, bringing Loki the book: One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
Loki, who definitely knows what a fish is: What's a fish?
Morgan, who is very smart: It's a animal that swims in the water.
Loki: Ohhhhh...
(Morgan climbs up to sit between Loki and Sylvie, gives Loki the book. He reads it to her while creating illusions of the fish. By the end of the book, the room is full of brightly colored floating fish.)
Morgan: I love you two thousand.
Loki, trying not to cry because here is a small person who doesn't hate or fear him: That's how old I am! How old are you?
Morgan: Four.
Loki: Then...I love you four thousand.
Morgan, giggling: That's too many.
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thelonecalzone · 2 years
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No one asked for it, but here's a chillin-by-a-waterfall soft vibes Pattison playlist based on that stupid ch22 tbscm waterfall scene 🤷
The Bi Books & Biting Playlist -
With Somebody - Public Library Commute
Burn the Witches - Husbands
Pools To Bathe In - The Japanese House
Saltwater for Strings - Geowulf, Pêter Aleksänder 
Back - Pool Cosby, Soren Bryce
Life Can Be Beautiful - Solace
Swim - St. South
Shallow Hot Springs - Boy Willows
I Should Probably Get Moving - Box Boys
Couch Party - Afternoon Bike Ride
Sleeping In - Kid City
Mess This Up - CHYLD, Tennyson
Besides You - Golden Vessel
Okay, Saint Laurent - October Tooth
Library Magic - The Head And The Heart
The Wind - Magic Hippies
TWYLM - Stradcopy
Strings Attached - Opia
Secret Garden (ft. Merival) - Soda Island, Izzard, Merival
Does Your Brain Ever Get This Loud - St. South
Don’t Think So Hard - On Planets
Pack a Day - Charlie Sztyk
Here With U - Appleby
Bugs - Lonesome Rhodes
Overwinter - Max Fry, Ali Fry
Buttons - Meija
Lover’s Ledge - Night Beds
Surface Tension - Genevieve Stokes
You - Tennyson
Red - Jaguar Sun
Blue Blue - iamamiwhoami, ionnalee
The Flood - Oliver Hazard
Colorado - Hailaker, Lowswimmer
In a Book (Back to Me) - Nick Leng
Just Because - Cape Francis
Next Year - Jaguar Sun
Wildflowers - Haiva Ru
Pink Honey - Houses
Melt - The Misters
Over Again - Holdwash, Baird
Woman - Baseball Game
Can’t Stop Cryin’ - Austin Manuel
I Love It When You Talk - Boy Willows
Universe - Teebs, daydream Masi
Missed Call - Flaws
Momentum - Blake Ruby
Caroline - Jadu Heart
Set it on Fire - Blood Cultures
Forever and More - Jaguar Sun
Still - Noah Kahan
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vesora · 2 years
heyyyy how are you?? not really loa question but kinda related
what some songs that make you feel powerful- im making a self concept playlist :P
AAA i love questions like these <33
i have so many omg ok SO
genetics - pssycat dolls & meg trainor
so hot - blackpink cover
looking at me - sabrina carpenter
7 rings - ari
2 - h.e.r.
goddess - jaira burns
iconic - madison rose
literal legend - ayesha erotica
post that - leikeli47
hot in it- tiestio and charli xcx
successful - ari
booty - c tangana and becky g
oops i did it again - britney
whatever lola wants, lola gets - whatever rendition u like
100% that boss - alexis johnson
divine feminine - eimizah
manifestations remix -peachkka, kierra
im great - chris-n-teeb
god is a woman - ari
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impracticality · 10 months
sopranos season 1 rewatch
Irina tells Tony that she likes the painting in her room because it reminds her of a "David Hockey." secret good ending to the sopranos in which Carmela and Irina both ditch Tony and go to an art museum together
Something something the decline of the american empire "It's good to be in something from the ground floor I came too late for that" yes but you know what really got me? In one scene the dirty cop who's been feeding Tony information is caught in a traffic jam, he's screaming thrashing honking his horn and generally throwing a tantrum, a traffic cop comes over to him, he flashes his badge and gets the Special Boy Treatment to get out of the jam, he drives off to his destination which is a bridge he promptly jumps off. something about "getting stuck in traffic on the way to your suicide" really got me like that's grim
Melfi's first scene without Tony is so stilted and awkward. She's at dinner with her family and at one point she responds to a comment loudly proclaiming "NOW I REMEMBER WHY WE GOT DIVORCED!" the whole conversation is full of that bizarre exposition. the writing is usually good?
Also I love Melfi but telling Tony that she's prepared to diagnose his mother with BPD based on his stories about her is the most insane thing in the world
It's like a hotel at Captain Teebs
They get so much goofy mileage out of the mob guys doing family man shit and they're right to do so because there's nothing funnier in the world than silvio and paulie going nuts at soccer games and chaperoning aj to his dance
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That little star thing meme from @miratenebrarum dismas and zazel teebe
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you.* ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me.* ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
* applies only to butcher's circus verse
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you(???) ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (???????).
thoughts on your muse | Accepting
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goremet-chef · 4 months
actually heres more cuz i wanna talk about my teebs here IVE DEVELOPED SO MUCH FOR THEM which makes sense i have like 60 SO.... GRIN
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richie obviously okay. ITS HIM. DUH hgrghrjgrkg KILL. i wish i drew him more recently (the last two images are QUITE OLD BUT. i still like them a lot i cant believe hes been my ride or die oc for like 4 FUCKING YEARS.. TEEHE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH BOY YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME. i love him and his terrible relationship drama boy you need a hug. and probably medication but its fine hes fine. he lives in saint eden hes FINE
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HERES TYLER ALSO what if i just showed off all my trans teebs cuz i have so many of them for obvious reasons HES . I KILL HIM DEAD he was a charity adopt which is really sweet to me. hes . grhgrjgrhgjr GRGR. never speak to me goodbye moving on
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(i would talk about him but theres literally nothing substantial developed for him i just wanted to export my character from pony town onto someone so i made him. piss you will always be famous)
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HIM... peri ref i had planned for one MILLION YEARS like his redesign i mean cuz he used to look a lot different (and he used to be a girl but. you know how that goes) BUT I FINALLY DID IT... this is from early 2023 but i still like it a lot boy i love you 💜 the arcade beetles are so . never speak to me i need to
ALSO ENTO.... hes sorta body horrorish hes based on them . CORDYCEPS SPIDERS BUT.
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he makes me so sad genuinely cuz HE USED TO BE SOMEONE.. i think i might wanna develop him a little??? like THAT ASPECT... ento pre infection, HE WAS A SCIENTIST... now hes just like a mindless murder machine okay HES NOT ACTUALLY. hes got vague moral compass he doesnt KILL BUT hes a bit feral and a bit violent, much different from the respectable scientist he once was
okay NO MORE i just realized i ahve so much written about all of them that i genuinely. LIKE THERE IS GENUINE PLOT LINES, SEVERAL OF THEM its so much i need a more organized post for that
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ratchetsboyfriend · 5 years
I hope it's all right if I request again but could I get some hcs for Trailcutter crushing on a human who hangs out with him and just likes his personality and thinks his lil forcefield face is adorable :'))) it's ok if you don't want to ik I already asked for another request!!
His first thought when he had met you had been along the lines of ‘oh no! They’re cute!’ and the more he got to know you the more he grew to like you. You were so tiny, and nice, and funny, and a whole bunch of other things and before he knew it he was head over heels for you. The entire ship knew it too because he’d blurted it out one night at Swerve’s and the minibot couldn’t keep a secret to save his life so the news had quickly spread, until everyone but you knew about it.
You like him for him and not just his forcefields, which is a total surprise to him. He’s known as the force field guy so it means a lot to him for someone to just know him as Trailcutter, their friend and maybe more if he’s lucky.
You appreciate him for more than his ability but you still think it’s cool and he so badly wants to impress you. He does little tricks, like lifting your drink over to you, giving you boosts, making shapes, all sorts of little things that make you smile at him with glee. Sometimes he gets so distracted by you that he loses his concentration and his fields will flicker before he can get them back under control.
One time at Swerve’s you had asked for him to lift you up on a platform and when you were close enough, you leaned in to kiss his cheek. He got so flustered he accidentally let the field you were standing on fade and he initiated one of his panic bubbles when he frantically moved to catch you before you could hit the ground. He had to spend the next thirty minutes with you sitting in his lap apologizing for startling him while the rest of the crew made kissy faces, or in Whirl’s case lewd gestures, though they all pretended to be focusing on their drinks and conversations whenever you turned around. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life, which was saying something considering just how long he’s been alive, but he doesn’t regret it in the slightest and the thought of your lips on him is often his last thought before he slips into recharge.
He’s very self conscious about his ‘forcefield face’ so he actively tries to avoid making it in front of you, but he uses his ability so often and he’s so used to unintentionally making that expression that he immediately fails at hiding it from you. It doesn’t help that you tend to stare at him when he does and he’s worried that you think he looks gross or dumb. He’s completely caught off guard when you make an off hand comment that he looks positively adorable when he’s concentrating on his forcefields and his face instantly flushes with equal parts embarrassment and pleasure. He’s on cloud nine for the rest of the day, somehow more cheerful than normal and Whirl makes gagging noises when he walks by, not that he notices. He’s too busy daydreaming about holding your hand and being bold enough to return all the compliments you’ve given him, and maybe even working up the nerve to kiss you, a thought that puts a goofy grin on his face.
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