#i love when my friends talk to me about their WIPs and leave the conversation with an armful of groceries!!!!!
anadiasmount · 7 months
sound of you - jude bellingham x reader.
quick sum: as much as you put the most effort you always find yourself in the same place you dread. although along with jude it seems a little easier and perfect when with him.
wc: 1.3k | masterlist | jude’s masterlist
i promise a bigger fic will be otw soon!! i’m trying to answer blurbs as much as possible before i start my wip!! 🤍🤞🏻
you shut your mouth, slouching a bit in your seat as you get ignored and left out for the fifth time this night. you gulp heavily and take a sip of your drink, faking a smile when you hear your friends explain the story you were about to tell.
you fidget with your rings slowly distancing yourself from everyone. you had came tonight to celebrate your friends promotion, and while you dreaded it, you came out of respect, even if she couldn’t do the same with you. your leg began to bounce feeling the familiar anxiety build in your chest as you listened to the chatter and laughs.
why was it so hard to please them? why did they constantly ignore you? why did they always seem to leave only you out? why couldn’t they just consider your feelings for once? we’re you different from everyone else?
nobody seemed to care when you excused yourself to go to the restroom, leaving you a bit more disappointed. but it wasn’t your night, it was your friends and the last thing you wanted was another embarrassing encounter where they called you out in front of everyone.
you hadn’t noticed, but jude did. jude sat there uncomfortable at the way they treated you. the way they spoke at you, ignoring you, treating you literally like a plate for a second table. he hated it. you were such a beautiful and wonderful soul and he was left angered and raged how they did what they did to you.
he saw it all. the fake smiles, getting cutoff, heavy gulps, leg bouncing, looking around to find a door or a way to leave, he saw the sadness in your eyes the entire evening. it began to sting him just a bit, because he understood what it was like to be in your place.
you returned excusing yourself into the seat, eyes a bit redder than before, and lips just a bit plumper than they had been. jude saw the way you bit your cheek, ignoring everyone in the room and focused on your ripped jeans, poking and tugging on the strings.
jude those time he spoke with you, he was infatuated with how kind and lovely you spoke. how shy and reserved you were, but most of all how funny you are. when he was introduced to the group you hadn’t treated him for jude bellingham, you treated him like the friend and person he was which he admired so much.
you hadn’t made the friendship a personality, or flexed it like some of them did. you didn’t fight for his attention or made it seem desperate. he either approached you, or you did when he was left alone and looking around. he had taken a liking and the more and more he hung out with you, the more attached he was.
he’d find any excuse just to hangout with you, to make you laugh, smile, or hear about your day. treat you like you should’ve been treated by everyone else. if he could, he’d make you his and give you anything you wished or wanted.
jude saw you cheer up at the mention of another memory, but then you quickly got quiet again, that’s when jude had enough and spoke up. “i’m sorry to cut in but what we’re you going to say y/n?” jude said, pointing at you, you tensed at everyone looking at you.
“oh nothing! nothing, nothing,” you ushered him off, looking at him pleading with your eyes to drop it. your friend raised her brows at the situation, crossing her arms making the fire rise more. “what we’re you gonna say y/n? hmm?”
“honestly i forgot what we were talking about,” you lied laughing it off, which earned a couple chuckles from everyone. your friend rolled her eyes and continued her conversation. “i just think it funny how you invited everyone but ignore y/n only,” jude scoffed, “but that’s just me though,” he shrugged leaning back onto the seat and downing his drink.
“excuse me?”
“i said what i said. you’ve been ignoring y/n, cutting her off, and giving her no attention whatsoever,” jude tested her seeing fury build in her. “you’ve made everyone feel included expect her, why? because she’s better than you?”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” your friend tried to defend herself, waving jude off. “you know exactly what i’m talking about, you just can’t admit it because you know i’m right. you make everything a competition with her, try to belittle her, ignore and humiliate her for what? to make yourself look better? everyone here sees it,” jude stated, not caring if he was making a scene.
“you keep doing it as if we don’t notice. you ask her a question or bring up a certain memory and ignore or cut her off. it’s immature and disrespectful. i don’t care if tonight is about you, but you always do it when she’s here or when we’re together, and i’ve had enough,” you bite your lip trying to hide back the smile that wants to appear.
this earns a few snickers from everyone, agreeing with him on what he said. "and don't act so innocent, you know exactly what you're doing. all shes done to you was be there for you especially when you most needed her, and this is how you treat her? you and your friends?" jude continued, seeing your friend throw glares at you.
"if you had a problem with it y/n, why didn't you ever say anything?" your friend says angrily, earning a small scoff from you. "how was I supposed to? all you do is ignore and exclude me? and i put up with it because i feel sorry for you," you stand up, grab a couple bills and slam them on the table. "good luck at your new job, you'll need it, but i'm done with you and your shit."
you feel the chill breeze hit you as you step out, tugging the coat closer to you as you look around to call a taxi. the door jiggles and someone new steps out, to your surprise it is jude, who looks around to find you. you immediately run to him, hugging his torso and crawling to his neck seeking comfort. "thank you," you say sincerely, not being able to find the write words for him.
"anything for you. i'm so proud of you for finally standing up for yourself y/n... i don't know how you put up with it every time," jude whispers, leaning his head into yours, hugging you closer. "i think i put up with them because i thought they'd change and realize, but friends don't treat each other that way..."
he could hear you sniffling and a small whimper escape your throat as you cried, making him pull your head back and wipe the tears away, "you have me now... and i'm not going anywhere," jude says softly, "i really like y/n... so much..." he admits seeing a tint of happiness grow upon you. "how much?" you tease earning a deep chuckle from him.
"to the point where i want to call you my girlfriend," you shyly look away biting your lip with contentment and forgetting about the incident inside. "gonna have to prove it to me jude," you dare, seeing jude quickly lose focus and call a taxi along the road.
"how about we hit up the plaza, they have live music you love so much, and then we can have a movie night, see where the night takes us?" he says walking you to the taxi and opening the door.
"lead the way, mr. bellingham."
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berberriescorner · 4 months
“Loud and Wrong”
Characters: Kevin Atwater x Black!Reader.
Summary: Kevin and wifey have a minor disagreement.
Warnings: Fluff and a dash of spicy talk.
Word Count: 2,000+.
A/N: Well, lovelies. I've been having sleepless nights lately. Dealing with some ish. Life be life-inggg and it's keepin' my ass up at night *le sigh*. Tired of my mind racing. So to cut off intrusive thoughts I gave it a go and worked on some of my WIPS. My head quieted down enough for me to finish one. I've got some other things I've been working on as well. Fingers crossed I can finish some other works🤞🏾. This isn't heavily edited, but I hope you still enjoy it my loves🫶🏾. Here's to hoping I haven't lost my spark as a writer 😩😆🤷🏾‍♀️.
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“The disrespect in this household is at an all-time high. Just going to sit there and eat in my face like that.”
Your husband called you earlier as he was leaving the precinct. He informed you that Halstead, Ruzek, and Voight wanted to watch the game tonight. Kevin called to see if it’d be okay for them to watch it at the house. Once he had confirmation that it was cool with you, he mentioned they’d be stopping for food. He offered to pick you up something as well, but you declined. You weren’t feeling well, so you didn’t have a taste for anything. Kevin asked if you were sure. After confirming, the call ended with “I love you.” Going against his better judgment, he found himself in the hot seat.
“What are you talking about, baby? How did I disrespect you?” Kevin’s senses prickled, and he braced himself for a lecture.
“So, you didn’t bring me any food? Give me some of your wings, babe,” you plead.
Not thinking it through, he let his temper get the best of him. Kevin fussed, “Did you, or did you not say you weren’t hungry? No, baby, you do this every time. You should’ve told me to get you some food. Why do you do that?”
Your eyebrows raised, “Am I not allowed to change my mind?”
“Don’t answer that,” Adam fake coughed, “loaded question.”
Ignoring his best friend, you smirked as Voight’s hand met the back of Ruzek’s head, and he whispered an apology.
“I’m not even that hungry. I just want a couple of wings and some fries.”
“Which means you want all my flats and the crispy fries. That’s the best part of the meal. If you changed your mind, there was plenty of time to call me back and ask for something. Why not do that? Am I right, or am I missing something here,” he directed the last question at the guys. They had been sitting in uncomfortable silence, trying to remain neutral. Neither Ruzek nor Halstead wanted any part of the exchange.
“Kev, give that beautiful woman some food. Always keep your wife happy,” Voight replied.
“I’m not in it, Bro,” Jay replied, while Adam held his hands up, wanting no part of the conversation.
“You should listen to Voight. Besides, I did text you.”
“No, you didn't. I had my phone on me the entire time, love.”
“Oh, so now I’m a liar? Okay, bet,” you responded, tone clipped. You sat beside Kevin with your arms crossed, giving him the silent treatment.
It had only been a few minutes when it started driving him crazy. “Here, ma. Just take some. I guess I can order some more food.”
“I’m good. Liars don’t get rewarded. Right?”
“Man, whatever,” he responded, kissing his teeth as he shook his head. “I’ll gladly enjoy my food.”
His phone signaled a text from Halstead. The men made eye contact as Jay’s facial expression signaled for Kevin to read it.
“Bro, are you crazy? Don’t argue with a pregnant woman. She’s growing your child. The least you could do is just go with it, even if she’s acting a little dramatic. It’s not her, it’s the hormones, brother 😏.”
Kevin sighed, knowing Jay was right. Not even bothering to respond, he backed out of the message. His movements halted as he noticed an unread message. Turns out you had texted him an order.
Feeling like a jerk, he locked his phone, sliding it back into his pocket. Not saying a word, he grabbed his to-go box, gently placing it in yours. His lips left a juicy kiss on your cheek, trailing up to the left temple before he spoke, “You're right, baby. I should’ve ordered extra food, just in case. Eat this, and I’ll just order some more.”
“Mm, am I right? Or did you finally see my text message? Jackass.”
He couldn’t even be mad because you were right. The doorbell sounded, leaving a confused look on your husband's face. Dumping the box back onto his lap, you turned to Voight.
“Could you help me up? Please,” you asked, voice soft and angelic.
Kevin quickly placed his food on the coffee table. “Stop playing, mama. I can get the door.” You rolled your eyes, “I’ll get it,” you snapped. Kevin stood there tilting his head to the side, burning with attitude. Voight inserted himself, “You two play nice and put this to rest. I’ll get the door.”
“Nonsense, you’re our guest,” you responded, but Voight was already up, halfway to the door.
Hank was only gone a few minutes. He returned to the family room, smiling and chuckling to himself. “Mrs. Atwater. I never want to be on your bad side. Kevin–Bro. I don't know how you'll pull yourself out of this one.”
Kevin looked at Voight quizzically. He watched as his boss laid a fatherly kiss on his wife's temple. It fully registered for him as he witnessed the man hand her an Uber Eats bag. The same logo they had all gotten their dinner from was written in big, bold letters on the receipt attached. The two of you glared at one another as you dug in and devoured a handful of fries.
The room erupted in laughter as Kevin rolled his eyes. Unlike the other men in the room, he found nothing funny.
“When did you order food?”
“The minute you called me a liar.”
Kevin pinched the bridge of his nose.
I love the hell out of this woman, but she gon’ drive me crazy.
“You cannot be serious. Let's not pretend you didn't know I’d give in and share my food. Why must you be so damn petty, woman?”
“Just hush. It’s over. Sit down, eat your food, and enjoy the game. I know I will,” you responded with a devious smirk.
Kevin groaned in irritation as he reclaimed the spot next to you. You felt his pillowy, soft lips press against your cheek, moving to that spot behind your ear. He smiled at the shiver his actions pulled from you. Fighting back a grin, you playfully rolled your eyes. With a mouthful of chicken, you responded, “Still not forgiven. You'll have to do more groveling than that, boo.”
He leaned close, whispering in your ear, “That's cute. Trust me, love. I have my ways. Daddy knows how to make it up to you. Wait until I get you alone.”
“Bro! We can hear you,” Adam complained.
“I’m beginning to wonder how this isn’t your second or third baby, Kev,” Voight teased.
Hank joked as the other two sat there, blushing like crazy. Covering your face, you awkwardly laughed with embarrassment.
“I’d get up and leave you to fend for yourself, but I can’t exactly make a run for it these days,” you ribbed Kevin.
As you were about to shrink into yourself sheepishly, the doorbell went off, and you left Kevin to deal with taunts and teases from his work family. With a firm grasp of his forearm and shoulder, you lifted off the couch. Looks of admiration rained upon you as each man watched the cute waddle you made toward the entrance.
Damn near breathless from the short distance, you took a moment to catch your breath. “Baby? Are you good?” You waved him off, telling him to calm down, and pulled open the door. Burgess and Upton’s eyes shone with excitement as they started to make a fuss over your growing baby bump. You chuckled as they questioned why you’d been the one to answer. The minute the three of you entered the living room, Burgess crossed the room, bopping Adam and Kevin upside the head as Upton chastised Halstead and Voight.
“Ladies, please. Don’t be too hard on the fellas. They all offered, but I refused,” you waved your hands. “You guys know I’m stubborn.
“As hell,” Kevin interjected.
“You want static with me so bad,” you sassed.
Kevin threw his hands up in surrender and bit his lip, slightly turned on by your attitude. Behind that sexy smirk was playfulness and something else you couldn’t quite figure out. Adam cleared his throat, “Ladies, not to be disrespectful, but can you stop giving us a hard time? We promise to behave if you just let us watch the game.”
Kim rolled her eyes, mumbling, “You’re making it very hard to like you right now. The couch is calling your name.”
Before Adam could dig himself into a deeper hole, you directed the women toward the kitchen where your peace and sanctuary awaited you.
“I’ll take this,” you said, snatching your wings from Kevin’s grasp. “I’m not sharing either,” you mocked. He nodded his head, sucking his bottom lip in. “Alright, ma. Keep it up. I’m keeping a tally.” You chuckled, turning to head further into the kitchen. You had to have the last word.
“When will you stop with these hollow, empty threats, dear sweet husband?”
Kevin’s head pushed back into the couch cushion behind him as he watched you walk away. He groaned to himself, or so he thought.
“Leave that poor woman alone, bro,” Adam joked.
“I can’t help it. That woman knows how to keep me on my toes, and I live for it.”
Every man in the living room had been hyper-focused on the game except for the man of the house. The sassiness you had given him earlier had heat simmering inside him. Your attitude always sparked a desire in him. His hands vibrated with a need to grab a handful of you. Kevin wanted nothing more than to have a moment alone with you.
Pulling himself from his lustful thoughts, he cleared his throat, “I’m going to go grab another beer. Anybody want one?”
The crew nodded “yes” in unison, eyes still fixated on the television screen. Kevin leaned against the kitchen archway, listening to the animated conversation among the women. You could feel his eyes on you, and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips.
“Is there something that you need, Mr. Atwater,” you questioned with a playful edge.
Your eyes connected with his before slowly trailing down to his bottom lip, tucked between his teeth. Hidden behind the lip bite was a sinful smirk that screamed trouble. Kim and Hailey’s stares bounced between the two of you. Clearing her throat, Kim stuttered, “You know think I hear Adam calling? Hailey, you want to join me? We’ll meet you two in the living room, yeah,” she questioned, both women not giving you time to respond.
“Traitorous heifers,” you mumbled under your breath.
You stood behind the kitchen island, arms crossed, watching Kevin make slow, calculated strides toward you. He stepped behind you, gently grabbing your waist and turning you to face him. The giant man towered over you, licking his soft, plump lips. The action alone caused you to bite back a moan. He bent lower as his mouth ghosted over your own.
“You still mad at me, baby?”
“Mad? No. Irritated, yes,” you finished, neck rolling a bit.
Kevin chuckled lightly, and in a flash, he grasped your hips, lifting you and depositing you onto the counter. Standing between your parted thighs, he leaned in and trailed his lips from your chest to the side of your neck. It slipped your mind that the house wasn’t empty, and a moan escaped your lips.
“Shhh, mamas. Don’t forget we have company.”
“Then let me down,” you gasped as his lips gently suckled your flesh.
“Not a chance in hell. Got you right where I want you now.”
“K-Kevin, seriously. You're getting me all wound up. The baby finally settled and stopped kicking me every five minutes. Don't get her started up again. Down. I want too get down,” you whined like a toddler.
“Tell me you're no longer irritated. I don't want to beef with you anymore, love. If you promise we’re good, I'll let you down,” he smirked.
“You're so irritating,” you responded playfully, rolling your eyes. “Fine, we're good!”
His hand cupped your chin as he pecked your lips continuously. It sent you into a fit of giggles. Your hand daringly wrapped around his throat to the best of its ability. Kevin groaned, pulling his plump lip between his teeth.
“I know that look. What you tryna do with a house full of guests, Mr. Atwater?”
Before your husband could reply, Voight’s voice boomed from the living room, “You two aren't as discreet as you believe yourselves to be. Atwater, halftime is over. Leave that sweet woman alone.”
“Yes sir!”
His lips landed a kiss on your forehead as he promised, “I'm taking your fine ass on a date tomorrow night.”
Kevin swept you off the counter, helping you find your footing as your swollen feet met the hardwood floors. He leaned in giving you one last sensual kiss, promising to ravish you once the two of you were alone.
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Hope you all enjoyed it! Feel free to love, reblog, and leave a comment, lovelies🩵.
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @starrynite7114 @nightlywords7 @amorestevens @sunshine-flower @boomclapxox @astoldbychae @percosim
@skyesthebomb @tbugger01 @thatbrowngruul
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backtothefanfiction · 4 months
Make Me Forget | tasm!Peter Imagine
Summary: After Harry nearly strangled you, things can never be the same again. (A follow on from Crushed)
Warnings: 18+ Only, smut, cheating, guilt, violent boyfriend, trauma, angst, hurt/comfort
A/N- I never planned on making a follow up to crushed but this just came into my head and I needed to get it out. This is a quick one before bed, but smutty because I’m trying to get my head back into the smutty game to complete some of my other WIPs. Also I haven’t written for Peter in a while and thought he deserved some love.
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You: Hey…
You: Can we talk?
You: Please?
You: ….
You: Peter?
You: Please Peter, don’t ignore me.
You: ….
You: Please….
You: I need you.
It had been nearly two weeks now since the night Harry almost killed you. The night that Peter saved your life. The night you kissed him and asked you to stay. When you had woken the next morning, he had already gone and he’d clearly been avoiding you ever since.
You tried to push the whole thing to the back of your mind. Tried to play along with Harry and pretend nothing had ever happened. But ever since that night, it was like something had died inside you.
You didn’t want to look at Harry in a different light, but you couldn’t help it. Although you both tried the bruises around your neck, the one clear reminder of Harry’s little episode remained; and although you covered them with a scarf until they disappeared, you still felt them as if they were burned on your skin. Every time you breathed, it was like the scarf that covered them, grew tight and brought you back to that moment every time.
All you wanted to do was talk to someone about it. As Peter was the only other person who knew, you wanted to talk to him about it, but you hadn’t seen or heard a single word from him since that night. You dared not ask Harry about Peter either, for fear it would trigger something. So you just sat and let it eat you from the inside out alone.
In all truth, the moment it had happened you knew you wanted to leave Harry, but every time you tried to do it, you couldn’t, guilt eating at your insides like a parasite. Guilt for knowing it wasn’t truly Harry’s fault. Guilt for knowing his illness would kill him before long and not being able to make him go through it alone. Guilt for kissing Peter, Harry’s best friend…. and of course for wanting to do it again.
You: Peter, please talk to me!
It was no use. No matter how many times you tried, he just seemed to ignore any attempt you made to contact him.
2 weeks turned into 4. The bruises faded completely. Harry was trying to do everything he could to make it up to you. You knew Peter had been around because Harry began to bring him up in conversation again; but it was clear he was making sure to see Harry only when you weren’t around.
At 6 weeks, things began to turn again. Although he never laid a finger on you, Harry became spiteful again. He would rant about work. Rant about random people he’d run into on the street. When he grew extra heated you would see a flash of green in his veins at his neck or he’d smash a glass and it would take you straight back to that night. But he’d always see you flinch. Always realise when he’d gone too far… until one night, he didn’t.
“WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?” Harry screamed, the highball glass in his hand collided with the marble floors and shattered into a million pieces. “I MEAN I-“ he said storming towards you, his finger prodding at his chest, “I!” He reiterated louder, “PAY FOR HIS FUCKING SALERY!”
You shrank back against the wall as he stomped passed you, crossing to the bar in the living room to fix himself another drink. You knew it was a bad idea to let him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop him, worried it would only anger him more.
“The ONLY reason he’s still even on the board is because he was my father’s best friend.” He seemed to laugh at that. “As if you could imagine anything so ridiculous as my father having a best friend. SOME BEST FRIEND, LETTING HIM DYE ALONE!” He knocked back the last of his drink, before that glass collided with the wall. Suddenly it became all too clear this wasn’t about the guy on the board at all- but Peter.
“Harry-“ you said tentatively as you stepped forward, wanting to know what exactly had happened, but the closer you got, the clearer the green in his veins showed. When his eyes locked on yours, you knew he was gone.
“DON’T HARRY ME, SWEETNESS! WE BOTH KNOW THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” He spat as he crossed the room towards you. “You in your little SLUT dresses! Fluttering your WHORE LASHES all over the place.”
It was like walking into a lions den wearing the famous Lady GaGa meat dress, you knew you’d fucked up, quickly trying to step back and run away before you got eaten, but it was no use as he charged at you. “Harry- stop- please!” You cried, “I don’t know what you’re taking about. I haven’t seen Peter in weeks. HARRY! PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!”
You raced around the room, attempting to place large pieces of furniture between you. To give yourself enough space to get out. At the memory of what happened before, your throat grew tight. Words began to fail you. You knew you were on your own this time. You had to get out. You needed to distract him. You used the only thing you could think of that Harry hated more than anything else lately- Spider-Man.
You made your eyes dart towards the window behind him and back again. Then you did it a second time, catching his focus before you said, “Hey, is that Spider-Man?”
“SPIDER-MAN!” Harry fumed, his anger dialling up a notch, but with his new hatred peaked, he turned his back on you to face the window. As he stalked towards the rooftop doors, ready to fling them open in search of the masked vigilante, ready to curse him out, you ran. He barely had time to realise what you had done and come back and curse you out for it, when you were already in the elevator and on your way back down to the lobby.
🕷️ 🕷️ 🕸️🕷️🕷️
When Peter got back to his apartment, the last thing he was expecting was to find you, curled up in a ball on his doorstep waiting for him.
“Y/N?” He asked confused. When you looked up at him, he immediately knew something was really wrong. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying. He immediately knew it was because of Harry. Peter frowned, remembering what had happened last time, sudden fear coursed through him. Fear… and guilt. He should have never ignored you. Never left you alone. No matter how hard it hurt to see you with him. “What did he do?” He almost snarled, but knew it was the wrong move as he saw the panic and fear in your eyes.
He quickly softened and you picked yourself up off the floor so he could get to the door to open it for you both. Neither of you said anything more until you were inside. The silence as you both made your way through the tiny apartment, Peter dumping the bag of groceries that had been in his hand on the small kitchen side, gave you time to compose yourself, to wipe at your face and the last traces of tears on your cheeks, as you took in the boxy studio apartment. You sat yourself down on the end of his bed.
“Do you want anything?” He asked as he quickly put away his groceries; a carton of milk, a box of sugary cereal, eggs and three frozen pizzas- all pepperoni. “A glass of water or-“
“I want you to make me forget.” Your small voice said as you looked down at your hands.
His hand hesitated a moment, half frozen on its way to get a cup out of the cupboard. You mustered up some confidence and stood again, moving across the floor towards him. He slowly lowered his hand from the cupboard as your hands reached for him. Your fingers clawed at his shirt with need as you came to a stop and stared up into his soft brown eyes. The only eyes you had thought of for the last 6 weeks. The ones that had got you through. You then lowered your eyes to his lips. “Please, make me forget.” You spoke to them, your eyes heavy, your need for him now you were stood before him once more growing too great.
“Y/N, I can’t. You know- Harry- I”
“It’s over. Me and Harry are done. I’m not going back- I can’t- just… please.” You said, your eyes meeting his once more, softly pleading with him. He hesitated as he stared at you, clearly weighing up the right thing to do in his head. “Please, Pete,” you whispered as your hands ran back up his sides, your eyes falling back to his lips, “please just make me forget.”
You reached up on tiptoes to capture his lips in yours. When his hands gripped hold of your arms you stopped, moving your head away. Sure he was about to push you away. You watched closely as he fought to push away, to do the right thing- but he just pulled you in closer.
His mouth was on yours hungrily as you both leaned into the kiss, your arms flying around his neck, his arms twisting around your back as he lifted you off the floor, walking you both towards the bed. As he tried to place you back down on it, you refused to let go of him, pulling him down on top of you, your tongue reaching to lick into his mouth. He tasted of coffee and sugar, far from the bitterness and whiskey Harry tasted off.
His fingers were gentle as he pushed your hair back away from your face, his fingers tangling with it behind your ears, the safety and security of his touch making you soften beneath him. The realisation made you well up and when Peter wiped his thumb across your cheek and it came away wet, he quickly moved back.
“You’re crying.” He said.
“I know.” You replied as you reach to pull him back to you.
“Wait-“ he said.
“It’s okay. You replied, they’re happy tears.” You said softly, but he didn’t quite believe you.
“Pete, please, you just-“ you swallowed away your tears, willing him to believe you, “you make me feel safe.”
“And that made you cry?” You didn’t say anything, but he could see the truth in your eyes- and it made him soften. “I’m sorry,” he sighed, as he wiped away at the trail your last tear had left behind. “I’m sorry he did this to you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there-“
“You’re here now Pete,” you reassured him, “please, Peter, I don’t want to talk about him anymore. I don’t want to think about him. I just want you,” you said, breathing the last words into him. “Please… make me forget.”
He paused for a moment, letting you know with his eyes that he understood, a silent promise that he would. He had already let you down once- had been letting you down these past 6 weeks. He wouldn’t let you down again.
When he leaned back down to capture your lips with his again, they were softer, his kisses slower, more gentle, with more purpose. Lazily pulling every little tingle, relaxing every tight pent up muscle from you, one kiss at a time. He moved from your lips, to your jaw, down your neck, your fingers curling into the strands of hair on the back of his head. He suckled and licked his way all the way down the exposed skin on your chest. When he reached the neckline of your top he stopped, moving away and shuffling himself back, his fingers reaching for the fastening of your trousers.
He paused only for a second to double check this was truly what you wanted and when you silently nodded your head at him, too relaxed, too dreamy and drunk on him, he finally pulled down your trousers and your underwear, exposing your lower half to him.
When he knelt down and parted your legs, you barely had time to acknowledge the cold air against your sex as he covered it with his warm tongue, slowly licking and kissing his way between your folds. He relished every sigh and moan that escaped your mouth. You wanted him to make you forget, but he took his time, savouring every second so he would always remember.
When he sucked your clit between his lips, your back arched off of his bed, body squirming with over stimulation, breath hitching and squeaking in your throat. He hoped to all gods it was healed enough and that you’d let him slide his cock down it later.
When he began to work two of his fingers into your now dripping cunt, curling them, begging for you to give him all you had, you sighed his name and he swore he almost came in his pants.
He seemed to drag out your pleasure for nearly an hour, building you up, letting you cool back down again until you were a pleading puddle, putty in his hands with nothing on your mind other than him.
When you whined, “Peter, please,” after your third lazy orgasm, he finally obliged, climbing back up on top of you, safe in the knowledge that the only thing you will ever have on your mind now, for the rest of time, will be this moment and him.
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codename-adler · 2 months
i neeeeeeeeed to know more abt your trojan ocs anytime you wanna share
heehee i got a special pookie for ya jo 🫶 (trojans ocs roster here)
06: Mateo Solano (22) USC Trojans Goalkeeper
here comes theeeeee... Bitch™
don't got a gif for him sorry
i also now realize i accidently gave him Seth's number... wow. but believe me, Mateo's sm worse. i love mi princesita Seth. i don't even like Mateo. (jk. but like, he sucks a whole lot before he gets his redemption arc. interpret that however you want.)
he's one of the seniors of the team, he's 5'9 and fucking bitter about it, he studies Spanish because he is a lazy mf who has no plan but to go Pro (fortunately he will)
106% fuckboi energy fr he's insufferable
at the start of the new season (when Jean joins) he is still crabby about Laila having rejected him when he asked her out after their loss to the Foxes (in my universe/wip, Lailalvarez are not together yet bc i want to explore their relationship from the beginnings :) )
Mateo isn't really interested in Laila anyway, though, and he doesn't know why 1) it still stings and 2) he even asked in the first place (perhaps because they are the golden goalie duo of USC, perhaps because she is better than him and has broken records, perhaps because of something else...)
he's also such a bitchy asshole to Jean, because Jean is a beast on the court and Mateo is jealous
he's single and a v because he is waiting for marriage and the right girl (siiiiiiiiike!) (still fuckboi aura tho he's that extra)
comes from a very religious household and he is a practicing believer
he doesn't really have any friends on the team (sad) because he is so prickly and bitchy, but everyone is still kind and open to him because he is very reliable on the court, in the goal, and he does not second-guess or question authority, he's very good at following orders and instructions, always aiming for the best
and though it's good for everyone that he stays in goal because of his problematic attitude that would get the Trojans carded if their opponents heard him talk, the power of bitch he possesses is also a great asset, as he easily makes any enemy player lose their temper with his saccharine remarks paired with a Colgate smile
now! the plot twist!
Mateo is what you would get if internalized homophobia + comphet had two legs and an attitude problem
he is as homophobic as Seth and Aaron were, and even more if I dare say, and though he's never outwardly a hater and never uses slurs (at least he holds back on that for Jesus), he's such a bitch about homosexuality... it makes him so angry and queasy, he'll be rude af to you, he'll leave the room fuming, not participate in conversations, that kind of thing. he tries very hard to forget about Jeremy, to overlook it, and he's not like Lucas, questioning Jeremy's decision because of his sexuality, but it's so much better when Jeremy is single... (ik how this sounds, but believe me when i say he does not have a repressed crush on Jeremy, or Jean. that's just his Exy inferiority complex.)
thing is, it becomes incredibly difficult for him to ignore all of that gayness when Laila and Alvarez get together (oh), when Levi suddenly drops Angie to get closer with their assistant coach, when Jeremy clearly has a huge thing for Jean, the Drivers come out with their own gay thang, when Coach Rhemann himself gets his shit together with his long-lost broody ex... Mateo is literally surrounded by homos.
and sure, the wlw stuff never really bothered him, didn't get the appeal (and why do you think Mateo!!!), but with almost all of his authority figures dabbling in the gay, Mateo is kind of a caged animal, and he's bound to lose control and do some very stupid things, like start fights, get benched, punch a wall or 2...
oh, and there's Yanko too.
infuriating ginger man that won't leave him the fuck alone. mountain man of steal who is somehow always right, and chill. the designated Mateo-handler, apparently, because Jeremy had to delegate that hot potato to someone with less... undesirable traits to Mateo (i'm not sure yet how the rest of the team handles his outbursts bc he's not open about why he has them, not very vocal, but there's definitely a specific thing wrong at play here whenever they happen, and maybe Jeremy has an inkling, idk, tbd)
so it really comes out of NOWHERE. nobody, NOBODY has a fucking clue. least of all Mateo. then suddenly Yanko has had enough and pushes Mateo into a wall, and kisses him, very publicly, and Mateo kisses back.
there's a whole lot that goes on behind the scenes before that first fiery PDA, and after that it all goes downhill for a while before balance is found again. anyhoo. enemies-to-lovers ftw ✊
Mateo's family is very loving and supporting of him btw <3
and that's all for now for the resident pendejo of the Trojans, Mateo Solano 👿
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writing-blog-iguess · 7 months
Online Matchup 8
Summery: It’s Halloween and y/n’s hosting a party that she doesn’t even want. But not to fear, Jason’s there with an escape plan.
Warning: mistakes, alcohol, tipsy!reader, tired Jason, Ellie’s done with her siblings bullshit.
A/N: So sorry for the wait. I got overwhelmed with how many wips I have and stopped writing for a bit, and it doesn’t help that I don’t have internet. So, that’s fun. Hope you enjoy though! Chapter nine should be on its way soon.
Feedback is welcomed!
Series master list
October 31
Ellie (7:30 am)
Not my boyfriend
Shouldn’t you be in school?
Not yet anyways
Don’t worry about it
It was two days ago, Ellie
It was a last minute decision
Didn’t really have time to tell you anything
Could have told me after
Or yesterday
But no, I find out from Conner who found out from Clark
Clark Kent
Conner’s uncle
Also Bruce Wayne’s best friend but I have doubts
How? You’ve never met Bruce
True, but the stories Conner told me about
Anyways, we’re not talking about that
We’re talking about you and going out with Jason
Looking all fancy and rubbing elbows with the rich
Did you have to word it like that?
Did you meet his family?
Tell me, are they as intimidating as Conner makes them out to be?
They’re all dorks and you would fit right in
Trust me
They’re very curious and protective of Jason
But they’re good people
I like them
Don’t let Jason hear you say that
Or he might think you’ll leave him
Ellie, what the fuck
That wasn’t me I swear
Fuck off conner
If you want to talk to me use your own phone
This is the type of relationship you two have, isn't it?
You’ll have no peace, sorry
So, how'd it go?
His brothers hounded me with questions
Bruce made a speech about jason
And then we left to get some burgers
You’re the worst at telling stories
I don’t know what you want me to say
You’re feelings about how in love you are with Jason
I’m not having this conversation with Conner reading over your shoulder
Boo you’re no fun
Suck it Ellie
Jason (1:39 pm)
How’s it going today?
I am not the biggest fan of Halloween
I’ve had three different people scare me today on campus
Tripped over some decorations
And my friend is bugging me for a key so she can decorate my apartment once her last class is finished
I don’t know why she needs my key, she has her own
Yikes doesn’t even cover half of it
I’m half tempted to hide in the library and not go to the party
But it’s your apartment
That’s the worst thing!
I shouldn’t have agreed to throwing it there
I want sleep
I don’t think I’ve seen you sleep at a normal time
You’re one to talk
You’re up at the oddest hours
I’m not surprised anymore when you text me at like 2 in the morning
You can always come sleep with me when you’ve had enough
Sir, I’m not that kind of person
That is not what I meant
You know that
Do I though?
Y/n I swear to god
They’re your words, Jason
Do better
Sometimes, I hate
No you don’t
No I don’t
What I mean is, you can always stay the night at my place.
To sleep, can even have the couch since that’s were you sleep most of the time
I want to be offended
But your right
Aren’t I always?
With the party in full swing, and friends practically drunk, you hadn’t had the chance to look at your phone.
Now hiding in your room a few hours later, you grabbed it and went through your notifications. Nothing too important until you said Jason’s text asking to call you. But it was sent at five, and you were pretty sure he meant then instead of now.
But curiosity got the better of you, and you called.
“Hey Jason,” Barbara’s voice cut through the line, distracting Jason a little. He grunted in reply, and retreated behind the dumpster. “Someone named Y/N is calling. What do you want me to do?”
“Put it through,” Jason answered, looking around the dumpster to see how many were left. Three were left, shouldn’t be a problem.
“Are you sure?”
“It’ll be fine,” he said and Barbara hummed before connecting the call. “Hey Little Bird. What’s up?”
“I don’t know, you were the one who wanted me to call you,” you answered. Jason furrowed his eyebrows.
“I don’t think so,” he said, moving to shoot the one standing up. He winced at the sound and hoped you didn’t hear it.
“Mm, pretty sure you did,” you said, and he heard movement from your end. As if you moved the one on away from your face. “Yeah, seven-forty you said call me.”
“That was four hours ago,” he reminded, and smiled when you laughed.
“Yeah, well, I’ve been busy with a party and all,” you said and he can picture you shrugging. “This a bad time?”
He took a moment to answer as he ducked down when the other two started shooting. “Uh, don’t know.”
“Is that…is someone shooting at you?” you asked and he grimaced at the question. So much for keeping you out of this. “Jason, are you okay?”
“No, there’s no shooting. And I’m fine,” he grunted out, letting out a noise when he felt something hit his shoulder. When did he move? He faintly heard you saying something, but wasn’t quite sure. Ducking behind something else, he took a deep breath before saying, “you don’t do parties.”
“No, I don’t,” you agreed, “but, as I said, my friend is hosting the Halloween party at my place tonight.”
“It’s Halloween?” he found himself asking.
“It is. Jason, are you sure you're okay?” you asked, concern dripping in your voice.
“Peachy,” he said, staying down as the other two started shooting him. Where was the backup when you needed it? “So, how’s the party anyways? Sounds like you're having fun.”
He heard you sniff and could picture you sticking your nose in the air. “I am not having fun,” you said dryly.
“You sure? You sound drunk,” he said and laughed when you squawked.
“I don't get drunk.” Jason hummed and let the silence stretch out before you begrudgingly added, “okay. Maybe maybe I’m a little drunk.”
“Thought so,” he said, “just go to bed.”
“I can’t,” you grumble, and Jason can picture you looking at your bed longingly.
“Why the fuck not?”
“Jason, there’s a full blown party out there and I can’t sleep knowing people are trying to get in my room for a hookup.”
“Tell me you locked the doors.”
“I’m not an idiot, Jason. But that doesn’t stop them from trying to get in. Four tries since I called, and each time I tell them that the room is busy.”
“That’s not so bad.”
“Okay yeah, but I want to sleep. I’m tired.”
“If you give me twenty minutes I’ll come by to pick you up.”
“Mm, tempting. But I’m also tempted to sneak out and go to the cafe where we first met.”
“You’re not leaving the apartment alone this late at night.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“I sure as hell can try.”
“I don’t see how, given that you’re probably across town.”
“I swear to god.”
You could have sworn you heard someone laughing, but in your drunken state you weren’t sure. “Well, I mean I could make you swear for a different purpose.”
There was a choking noise coming from Jason and you smiled. “Who knew you were a flirty drunk.”
“Not drunk, tipsy,” you reminded, and slowly opened your window, hoping Jason couldn’t hear it.
“Same thing in my books,” he said. You swore when the window creaked and stilled. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you said a little too quickly.
“That sounded like a window opening,” Jason claimed, “please tell me you aren’t escaping through the window.”
“How do you know what a window opening sounds like?”
“Really? That’s your takeaway from this?”
“I mean, it’s not everyday you learn that someone knows what a window sounds like when someone opens it.”
“Did you open the window?” Jason asked, and you stayed quiet but it was an answer all the same. “Why?”
“Well I mean, there’s a fire escape like right there,” you defended, holding your phone between your cheek and shoulder. With both hands, you pushed open the window. “Ha!”
“Y/N,” Jason sighed out and you could picture him pinching his nose. Kind of like a dad when he sees his child do something stupid and questioning why they are like this. You wonder if that’s what he’s thinking about you, but you don’t care too much about that right now. “If you're going to do something like this, then keep me on the phone.”
“But won’t I disturb your family movie night?” you ask as you giggle the window screen off and slide it into your room. Once placed on the ground, you grab your keys and wallet before climbing through the window.
“I’m not watching a movie,” Jason said, confused.
“But I heard gunshots,” you reminded him, “it sounded like some western film.”
“Oh,” he said like he had forgotten. You paused on the steps, and looked up in concern when he didn’t say anything else.
“So you were getting shot at,” you questioned. Jason made a noise and you continued down the fire escape.
“No, no one was shooting at me,” Jason said, “brothers were playing a game, guess it was too loud.” You hummed as you concentrated on walking down the steps. “So, did you escape?”
“Do you want me to answer that truthfully?”
“You are, aren’t you?” Jason asked, sighing deeply.
“It’s a lot sturdier than you’d expect.”
“You say that like you’ve done this multiple times.”
“I like to sit outside sometimes,” you defended, “and sometimes I am too tired to go to the roof.”
“Why not just open a window?”
“Not the same,” you replied and kept going down the stairs.
“There’s no stopping you, huh?” Jason voiced and you kept quiet. “Just keep me on the phone while you're out at least.”
“I can do that…as long as my phone doesn’t die.”
“Do you ever charge your phone?”
“I don’t believe you,” Jason teased, and you stuck out your tongue even though he couldn’t see you. “I’ll meet you at the cafe as soon as I can.”
“Might want to hurry, I think I’m going to sleep there if they let me.”
“I have no doubt,” Jason said, laughing.
“Your confidence in me is astounding.”
Your phone ended up dying halfway to the cafe, and Jason wasn’t going to let you live it down. No matter, you were almost there Jason was sure of it.
Quickly tying up the thugs he’s been dealing with while on the phone with you, Jason sent a message to Barbara before leaving.
“What? Done already?” Her basics filtered through the earpiece, surprised. “You’re never done this early. Got a date or something?”
“Or something,” he answered, starting his bike.
“Oh, come Jason!” Barbara exclaimed, “everyone else practically met them. It’s only fair that I know more. I did help you with your dating profile,” she reminded him.
Jason groaned and hung his head in defeat. “Fine! Fine,” he sighed out, ignoring the cheering in his ear. “Yes, I’m going to meet up with them after I’ve changed.”
“But I thought you were going to be out all night,” she said, “given that Y/n’s busy too.”
“Yeah, well. Plans change.”
“Are they okay?”
“Just a little tipsy and isn’t much for party’s. They just left for a cafe near town. Even though they didn’t listen when I told them not to and to wait for me. They insisted they go. So I told them I’d meet them there. Happy?”
“Extremely,” she sang, “and I’ll be even more happy when I get to meet them.”
“I will bring it up. Promise.”
“So, what was it? The motorcycle picture or the puppy that did it for the ?” Barbara teased, and Jason rolled his eyes.
“No idea, but feel free to ask when you two finally meet.”
“I have every intention to and share some stories of my own,” Barbara said and laughed as Jason groaned.
“Oh no.”
“Have fun,” she sang before signing off. Jason shook his head, and rode off back to his apartment.
A short while later, after he dropped by his apartment, he made his way to the cafe.
Parking his bike near the entrance of the building, he got off and looked through the window to see if he could spot you. He didn’t, and frowned hoping you made it safe.
Taking his helmet off, he made his way inside.
“Was wondering when you’d show up,” one of the barista’s called when he walked in.
“Traffic,” he explained, looking around. “Is Y/N here?”
He heard a sigh, and a thump from behind the counter. He turned his head to see a barista when her head was on the counter. “You okay?”
“Don’t mind her,” her coworker answered, waving his hand. “She’s just had to sit and listen to Y/N complain about school and how you were taking so long.”
“Right,” he hummed and looked towards the talk he was directed at. And there you were, head down using your arms as a pillow.
“She’s so tired it’s unreal,” May, after a quick look at her nag tag, groaned. “I can’t wait for Christmas break. That way, they can take a fucking break and sleep he break away. Between school and working, it feels like they don’t sleep.”
Jason hummed and made his way towards your table. “Hey,” he whispered once he reached you and gently placed a hand on your head. You stirred, barely lifted your head up. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
“But there’s still a party there,” you groaned out, nuzzling further into your arms. “I don’t want to go back.”
“Okay. Counter offer, come to my place. Sleep there, it looks like you need it.”
That had gotten your attention as you lifted your head to glare at him. “Sir, you know just what to say to sweep a girl off their feet.”
Jason laughed and helped you up. “Come on, you’ll feel better once you get some sleep. Promise.”
“Mm,” you hummed, clutching his hand as you followed him outside, waving at the two friends as you passed by. “Bike?”
“What else?”
“It’s cold out,” you pointed out, sticking your tongue out as he set the helmet onto your head.
“Yeah, it keeps you awake though.”
“But it’s cold.”
“Why didn’t you bring your jacket?”
“It was not in the room when I made my escape,” you said, watching as he climbed onto the bike. You followed once he sat, and snaked your arms around his waist, settling your chin on his shoulder.
“You make it sound like you were held against your will,” he said, chuckling when you made a noise, stating that you practically were. “Alright, hold on tight.” That was your last warning, before he started the bike and took off.
You watched the city lights as Jason drove, in awe. You found, since moving to Gotham, that Gotham nights were much more pretty and peaceful then Metropolis. Granted, It wasn’t really safe with all the fighting and toxic gas’s being dispelled by the villain of the week. But it had its charm you fell in love with.
You shivered slightly as the cold air blew past you and felt Jason pick up the speed a little. You couldn’t help but smile at the tiny gesture. He was right though, the cold air does keep you awake.
Watching the lights whiz by, letting your mind wonder. Mat wasn’t kidding when she said you don’t sleep. Between classes, work and your personal projects, you’ve kind of neglected sleep in order to focus on everything else.
Sure, you get a couple hours of sleep, and naps. But it isn’t enough and it’s starting to take its toll on you. Sighing deeply, you tightened your grip and closed your eyes. Christmas break couldn’t come sooner.
You felt the bike slow, causing you to open your eyes. You waited until he parked and shut it off before climbing off. “That was thrilling,” you mumble out through a yawn.
“Would you like another ride?” Jason asked, helping you take off the helmet.
“Definitely,” you answered with a nod, “though maybe when it’s warmer and I’m not prone to fall off your bike due to sleep deprivation.”
Jason laughed, and tugged you into the building. “That’s fair. Now, let’s get you something to drink and eat before getting you to bed.”
“Sounds nice,” you said sleepily. “Is your couch comfy? I feel like it might not be.”
“Now that’s just mean,” he said, stopping short in front of his door. You nearly bumped into him and groaned out his name. “Sorry, but you might need to stay out here for a bit.”
“Did you leave your dirty laundry out or something?” you asked, rubbing your nose. You stepped back all the same instead of pushing it.
“Something like that,” he answered and you watched him unlock the door and stepped in. He closed it quickly, not giving you a chance to look inside. You shrugged and looked around the dimly lit hallway before turning to lean your back on the wall beside the door.
You closed your eyes, letting your head fall back against the wall with a small thump. It was strange, being at Jason’s apartment for the first time. And to sleep instead of being awake and hanging out. But you were giddy all the same.
Yes, you trusted Jason not to do anything with you. And you liked him enough to be okay with sleeping over at his place. It’s not the first time you’ve slept in the same place. And just remembering how warm you felt with Jason’s arms around you sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“Alright, it’s safe to come in,” Jason’s sudden voice beside you made you jump slightly. “Sorry. Didn’t realize you were sleeping.”
“Not sleeping,” you said, pushing him back in as you walked through the door. “Just resting my eyes.”
Jason hummed and put his hands on your shoulder and steered you into the kitchen. He gently made you sit, before setting a cup of water and a plate of toast in front of you. “Slowly. The. You can have a shower and change out of…whatever costume you have on.”
“You’re an angel.”
“Some would say I’m not.”
“Then they can fight me,” you said, taking a bite out. “And how dare you. Not recognizing the greatest hero of all.”
Jason looked you over slowly, and you tried not to flush. “Yeah, I'm still not getting it.”
“Wonder Women,” you said through another bite of toast. “Sure, it’s not the greatest costume. But it’s the thought that counts.”
“Would you like a change of clothes? I doubt it would be comfy to sleep in.”
“If you don’t mind,” you said with a smile. “I would appreciate it.”
“No problem,” he said, kissing the top of your head before leaving the room. You flushed slightly and finished the rest of your food. It felt all so normal, like you did this everyday. And that thought made you giddy.
“Okay, the sweatpants might be a little big and so is the shirt. But they should be fine.”
“Thanks Jason. That means a lot,” you said, getting up to hug him. He returned it with a smile and shooed you into the bathroom.
Once showered and dressed, you walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. “Jason?”
“In here,” he called and you followed the voice until you reached the bedroom. “This is your room for the night.”
“I thought I was taking the couch,” you question, leaning against the doorframe, watching as he was getting it ready.
Jason snorted and gave you a look. “Please, I would never do that to you. Besides, it’s not as comfortable as the bed.”
“So you’re going to take the couch?” Jason nodded, and you bit your lip in thought. And before you could change your mind, you bit out, “or, now hear me out. We could share the bed. It’s not like it’s happened before.” You're blaming the alcohol for it, and you can't regret it.
Jason looked up at you with raised eyebrows. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod. “I’m sure. We’re just sleeping right? The worst that can happen is cuddling in the middle of the night.”
“Okay,” he laughed and with that, the two of you climbed into bed. You were more tired than you thought, you fell asleep the minute your head hit the pillow.
For Jason, it took a lot longer for sleep to reach him. He turned over, and looked at you for a moment before slipping his arm underneath you. With his other, he wrapped it around your waist and pulled you closer. And only then he could fall asleep, but not with the thought of how dangerous this could be.
But he found that he didn’t care.
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drunk-on-dk · 2 years
Days and Nights were like... | Seventeen Headcanon (m)
Days and Nights with the members were... - ot13 headcanon
w/c: ~2.2k
warnings: suggestive content, some smut (? idk nothing too explicit, but MDNI), fluffy fluffy, food and alcohol mentions, minors do not interact!!! (18+)
a/n: this was an activity I did to get my mind warmed up to keep working on some WIP, i hope you enjoy these!
Choi Seungcheol
Days with Seungcheol were… chaste kisses before you both leave for work. Sometimes they were random calls during your work break where any random bystander would think he was angry, but only you could practically hear the pout on his lips just from the slight whine in his tone, “when do you get off of work today? you didn’t even kiss me goodbye this morning.” He’d proceed to get his revenge by sending you pictures of him after his Jiu-Jitsu class.
Nights with Seungcheol were…  nights out on the town, delicious food, one too many bottles of soju, and hasty kisses against the wall in the alleyway of the bar you two ended up at. Seungcheol would call you two a cab back home, shushing you and reminding you to behave (even though he doesn’t mind the PDA – it was the tinge of possessiveness in him). His hand would be tightly wrapped around your thigh the entire ride as a firm reminder of the night to come.
Yoon Jeonghan
Days with Jeonghan were… ruffles of your hair as he agrees to help you try a new recipe in the kitchen. Ultimately, you’re stifling any giggles of yours as Jeonghan almost loses his everlasting patience for the nth time over a new kitchen appliance. You’ll find all sorts of items in the oddest of places after your meal is done, even the measuring spoon that Jeonghan oh-so-cleverly hid in your hoodies appears days later in the wash. Admittedly, even after all the tomfoolery, Jeonghan swears every new recipe is the best damn meal of his life, and you believe him every time.
Nights with Jeonghan were… carefree and adventurous, yet safe and warm; anything goes when it’s just you two against the world. Whether it is a night out with each other’s friends, or if it's hours rolling between the sheets, you two will never get enough of each other (not when you’re each other’s favorite person). He’d play nice for you all day, but when he had you right where he wanted you in bed, he’d ravage you until he knew his angel was taken care of.
Hong Joshua
Days with Joshua were… comfortable conversations between tasks, forehead kisses, and earnest touches. Nothing you did ever went unnoticed, even if it was from afar. Not a day would pass that Joshua didn’t make sure that you knew your worth. Loving notes were left on the mirror, sweet nothings were whispered in passing, and deep conversations were held over cups of coffee. It’s almost as if he was fueled by making you blush.
Nights with Joshua were… candlelit dinners at your favorite restaurant shared smiles that make your cheekbones hurt, and whipped cream kisses. However, the feast didn’t end after dessert but continued all the way to the bed. He was always a starved man when it came to you, but you were insatiable as well. Maybe you’d two even try a new kink that was mentioned over dinner every so often.
Wen Junhui
Days with Junhui were… comfortable, quiet walks around town just to end up at a cat café. He’d talk your ear off the whole way home about how cute that one kitty was and how you two should go back tomorrow. He’d become shy once he’d realized he hadn’t let you get a word in once, but you always reassure him that you love listening to him, no matter the topic.
Nights with Junhui were… loving arms encapsulating your frame as you both scrolled through your social media. You’d find yourself counting his moles just like how you’d count the stars in the night sky. He’d give you a curious look up until you’d smash your lips into his, which of course he’d melt into without hesitation. He likes when you take control, he loves that you take the time every night to let him know just how important he is to you.
Kwon Soonyoung
Days with Soonyoung were… toothy smiles and shared sweatshirts. Soonyoung couldn’t hide his chuckle or smile when you’d stumble out of your room in his clothing. If he could, he’d bottle you up and take you everywhere with him. However, it was Soonyoung who followed you everywhere, to the grocery store, to the mall, on your walks to the park when you’d already put your headphones on. It’s not like you’d ever complain though, you don’t know what you’d do without him.
Nights with Soonyoung were… coming up with ridiculous dance moves in the middle of a bar. Everyone was convinced you two were the perfect match. Beyond the bubbly nature of your relationship, nights with Soonyoung were carnal, driven by pure desire and hunger. All you had to do was nibble on his ear, whisper something dirty, and he was on his knees at the edge of the bed for you. God, you were perfect for him, there was no one else like you.
Jeon Wonwoo
Days with Wonwoo were… cozy like rainy days, the smell of petrichor making you feel at ease as you and Wonwoo start yet another movie. You both liked the excuse to stay in with each other all day with no obligations, just enjoying one another’s company and listening to the pitter-patter of raindrops on the window. You’d sink deeper into his hold when he’d laugh at a funny part of whatever movie was on, loving the way his deep laugh vibrated from his firm chest and made your entire body tingle with warmth.
Nights with Wonwoo were… letting him teach you his favorite game and pouting when you’d continue to lose to him, even though he is an experienced player. Shockingly enough, you’d soon become better at it than he is after a few hours spent playing together. Ultimately, this would earn you a special award later in between the sheets for all your achievements. He’d still make you work for it though as a reminder of your bratty attitude earlier on, but he’d make it worth your while as per usual.
Lee Jihoon
Days with Jihoon were… packed lunches and visits to him. He was the hardest worker you’d ever met, someone had to take care of him, and you made sure that person was you. He’d never know how to voice his appreciation, but you knew he’d cared without needing him to say anything. You understood just how much he cared when you peeked in the top drawer of his desk; all your little sticky notes from the packed lunches that you brought him were all saved, piled, and kept neatly in an accessible spot. You’d continue to write the notes even though he’d look flustered every time he’d open his lunch.
Nights with Jihoon were… staying tucked away in your hotel room together, sharing fleeting kisses during commercials, and venturing out to the local convenience store to pick up various snacks. You made Jihoon crack in ways that no one else ever could. He’d like to consider he had good restraint, but that didn’t apply when it came to you. You’d be pinned down tightly against whatever surface he could have you on, basking in the way you’d become so pliable for him so quickly.
Lee Seokmin
Days with Seokmin were… soaking in the sunshine of his everlasting warmth, feeling sun-kissed from all the shared chuckles and jokes. You’re not even sure what you two are laughing about at this point, all you know is that the world seems to slow down every time you look him in the eyes, pure joy radiating through your body and calming you for a second before you break into another fit of laughter.
Nights with Seokmin were… scattered clothing across the floor, up the stairs, and down the hallway leading to your bedroom. Your lips would only break apart to come up for air occasionally. The taste of your lips, the touch of your skin, the smell of your hair. It was all enough to overwhelm his senses. If it were up to Seokmin, he’d breathe you in all day and all night. He’d consume you if he could.
Kim Mingyu
Days with Mingyu were… random acts of kindness, the type that makes your cheeks burn when he’d drop off your favorite mid-day pick-me-up coffee at work, or when you’d come home to a bouquet of roses and a handwritten note. You didn’t need all these items when you already had the most thoughtful partner in the world, his smile when you’d walk through the door was enough of a gift for you.
Nights with Mingyu were… shy, soft touches that slowly became desperate and rough. He was easy to rile up, and you enjoyed doing so by teasing him every so often whilst you two were out and about. You’d pass by him, ensuring that you’d graze him just enough to drive him crazy, earning you a warning squeeze to your hip. You’d have him begging for you by the end of the night like the good boy he is.
Xu Minghao
Days with Minghao were… shared book recommendations, he’d bring you the most recent novel he completed and thought you might enjoy it as well. The scent of your sweet perfume would mix with the aroma of the inked paper, and there was nothing more comforting than that. Reading sessions would become tickle-fights. He liked the way you’d pout, a wide smile on his face as you squirmed in his grasp. He’d feel content once he’d released you, absolutely endeared how you’d immediately bury yourself back in the chapter you left off at.  
Nights with Minghao were… random “fashion shows” that had him clutching his stomach from laughing too hard, absolutely endeared by how you’d exit his closet in haphazardly pulled-together outfits. Nights with him were also experimental because no one else knew you better than he did. Minghao knew exactly how to push you to the brink, knew exactly how to make you shiver in anticipation, and knew your body better than anyone else ever could. He could stay in with you every night if you let him.
Boo Seungkwan
Days with Seungkwan were… noticing how well your head nuzzled into the crook of Seungkwan’s neck. You two fit together like two puzzle pieces, comfortably sipping on your coffees as you two took some time to rest together between errands and daily tasks. You’d listen to Seungkwan rant about something that had gone wrong in the day. Thank goodness he couldn’t see the small smile that graced your features as he’d ramble on, sipping on the sweet taste of your drink and burrowing even deeper into his neck.
Nights with Seungkwan were… long winds of karaoke that would eventually exhaust you both. Seungkwan would watch you with an endearing smile as you plop down on the couch. The kisses were always long and deep on tired nights like this. Lovemaking was slow paced like the ballads you two had previously belted. Or the rhythm was quick and sharp, using up the last ounce of energy until you were milking him dry.
Hansol Vernon Chwe
Days with Vernon were… soft bobs of the head as you two worked on your own tasks. Vernon had curated the playlist, especially for moments like this. When you had asked him about it, he’d stuttered out a response that it was something he just threw together for fun. There wasn’t a day that went by that you didn’t listen to his playlist. Most of the songs would end up in your top played by the end of the year, forever being gentle reminders of your relationship with Vernon.
Nights with Vernon were… as if the stars and moon perfectly aligned no matter the season, the way Vernon’s eyes twinkle in the moonlight is enough for you to believe in fate. Vernon believes in it too, jaw slack every time you strip down for him, rather he is unbelieving you are his for the taking. He does everything he can to ensure you receive the love you deserve, the way your body so perfectly molds against him is a reminder that fate does really exist.
Lee Chan
Days with Chan were… constant exchanges of texts. He’d send you a pun, followed by a random picture of one of the guys, followed by a sweet “I miss you” message. You were quick to reciprocate, as something about his demeaner hit a soft spot in you. You yearned to see his bright smile after each text, knowing that the pun you shot right back would make him laugh in an instant. Imagining his soft chuckle and smile was enough to get you through the day until you could come back home to him.
Nights with Chan were… not nearly as soft as your text exchanges. It was domineering and passionate, but Chan liked when you gave him a taste of his own medicine. The bedroom was competitive for you two in a way, however, there was one shared goal of pleasing each other. You both would always go to bed satisfied, the lusty rivalry tiring you both out until you found peace in each other’s arms.
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emsprovisions · 3 months
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Hi y'all! I read so many Tarlos fics this past month so I wanted to do a little highlight of some of my favorites! It was honestly very hard to narrow down the one shots but I tried 😂
Rain on Me by @ironheartwriter Rating: Explicit Word count: 6,622 Why I liked it: Lana has become such a dear friend in such a short time and I said one little thing in a tumblr ask response and something like two days later she busted out 6k words of pure magic! I love this fic, it's so sweet. We get to see our boys have some downtime to themselves and they truly truly deserve it!
breathing deeper than i've ever done by @your-catfish-friend Rating: Explicit Word count: 4,693 Why I liked it: This fic is so hot! This fic is heavy on senses, particularly the sense of smell. There's a part towards the end that really makes me insane where TK and Carlos are taking a shower together and it smells like "TK-and-Carlos" which makes me insane because they really are One.
Butterflies and Sky-High by @paperstorm Rating: Teen and up Word count: 8,031 Why I liked it: Demi!Carlos my beloved. I strongly subscribe to this headcanon and Andie, as always, you have executed it so beautifully! I loved this exploration of Carlos's labels, his spiral, his conversation with Paul, how he finally talked to TK about how he feels, it was all so beautiful.
This is The Sound of You Here and Now by @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut Rating: Mature Word count: 3,040 Why I liked it: I was sick with a cold and asked for sick fics of my boys to get me through those trying times. J, thank you so much for delivering! This was beautiful and genuinely it made me cry. I love how they take care of and love each other.
Long fics
Right Before Your Eyes by Goody Rating: Teen and up Word count: 19,894 Why I liked it: This one is so much fun! It feels like watching an episode, it is that realistic. Your characterization was amazing! Also poor TK, he suffers so much already and we just put him through more! But this was still really good! (and if anyone knows their tumblr, please let me know so I can properly tag them!)
to build a home by @freneticfloetry Rating: Explicit Word count: 63,872 Why I liked it: I don't think I will ever recover from the feels this one gave me. I love Carlos exploration fics. I love how well the angst was balanced with fluff and spicier scenes! I'm working on a wip rn that has definitely been influenced by the layout and flow of this gorgeous fic. It's melancholic in the best way, beautiful, and true to character. I won't stop thinking about it any time soon.
Missing Moments by @paperstorm Works: 34 Complete: no Why I liked it: special shoutout to the fic from this series, Homeward Bound because I think about it often. I really, really love this series. Sometimes I confuse details from canon with details from these fics because they feel so canon to me. We needed the background scenes and you have more than delivered, Andie! Love this series so much and I can't wait to see what you do with the rest!
wherever you stray, I follow by @strandnreyes Works: 2 Complete: no Why I liked it: My latest obsession is this series. TK and Carlos are soulmates and now they get to live for eternity. Sometimes it's a bit bittersweet, especially in the second part, when Carlos thinks about all the changes that will happen to them someday, but they have each other and all the love and time in the world and it is beautiful. I love the setting, I love author Carlos, and I love how you adapted all the other characters and how seamlessly they fit into their roles in Castine. This au is gorgeous and I found myself wishing I didn't have to leave that world so soon. I can't wait for the next installment! I am excited to see where you might take it.
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passionartx · 1 year
Hi!! Firstly, I LOVE your Tangled AU, so glad to see Tails getting more focus in AU’s. I wondering: Do you have any general Tails related headcannons?
Hiya! 💛✨ Thank you so, so much! And ooo this is such a fun question. Tbh, I have too many, I could write an essay! This account isn’t as popular as my au blog since I’m pretty inactive on it so probably only like 3 people will see this… but I hope those hypothetical 3 people enjoy my inevitable waffle and chaos! <3
Will also use this opportunity to hype up some friends and people who’s work I admire!!!
A few of my favourite Tails Headcannons! :
- I love the idea that him and Sonic were 4 and 11 when they first met.
- Sonic will always be Tails’ big brother first and foremost… however, as Aosth Tails put it: “You’re my mom, you’re my dad and you’re my picket fence!”. Sonic having accidentally become the closest thing Tails has to a parental figure has a hold on my heart and I love how writers like @chaoxfix and my homie @myyla-x portray this in their fics!
- After having first met (and honestly even a few years in) if Sonic ever had to leave Tails alone for a while for whatever reason, maybe to protect him from a particular battle, Tails would deal with hardcore abandonment issues. Poor lil guy would fear Sonic wouldn’t come back, that he didn’t want him around anymore (which is made 10 times worse if you headcannon he was abandoned by his parents). Lil guy wouldn’t know what to do with himself <\3
- Tails reminds Shadow of Maria. Probably my favourite Tails headcannon! Though I guess it’s more of a Shadow headcannon… am I using this as an excuse to talk about it? More likely then you’d think. But ahh, those blue eyes, yellowish fur, sweet gentle childlike wonder, love of life and learning + Ian flynn has confirmed given her upbringing Maria was prob a bit of a science kid. Ah <3 Plus that brings the idea of Sonic and Tails’ dynamic reminding him of his with Maria’s and that makes me want to cry. I actually have a WIP fic about this headcannon but it’s been a wip for like a year… hopefully one day I’ll finish it cause I’m literally obsessed with the idea and want to see it through.
^ Also extra nostalgic about this headcannon cause my friendship with @sh-0-w-1-sh literally started cause they were looking for art ideas and I was like TAILS REMINDING SHADOW OF MARIA!!! And here we are almost a year later!
- For better or for worse he’s picked up a lot of his big bros traits. I’m talking puns, poses, that lil nose rub and foot tapping, occasional cockiness, being self sacrificial, the list goes on. Once he realises this or anyone else especially Sonic points it out, he’d probably be super embarrassed and deny it <3
Speaking of picking up habits…
- While he would definitely be scared by certain situations like this ( << the Starline issue 35 and 36 situation being a good example with other people being at risk and him not really understanding the situation or his role in it ) I think Tails would be pretty desensitised to being kidnapped or hostage situations at this point. He’d probably just find it an inconvenience more then anything or be entertained by the hypothetical villains incompetence. Me and @myyla-x had a conversation about this idea once and… it’s been like 6 months and we’re still talking about it. One day that’ll make sense. We got a lil carried away. Just a lil. Anyway someone get this kid therapy. <3
- An already pretty popular one but I felt the need to mention it cause I relate, but he gets so sucked into projects and his inventions that hours and hours can go by and he just zones out and forgot to eat… well, anything but mints at least.
- Tails is a theatre kid. :D Is this self projection? … maybe. If nobody else gets me @guiltypandas gets me <3 :,)
- I think Tails would be in denial if Sonic died. As smart and logical as that little guy is, given how Sonic has beat the unbeatable, has come back before and seems invisible… yeah. <\3 I think he’d always hold onto the hope that it would only be a matter of time until Sonic comes back… even if this time that wouldn’t be the case… my friend @whitecatindisguise actually wrote an amazing fic about this when we talked about the idea called He’s (Not) Coming Back (which if you haven’t already you should totally check out cause it’s amazing! And a heart breaking! The best kinda fic :,) )
- I think Tails has a heart of gold…but I also think depending on certain circumstances if he hadn’t have met Sonic he could have gone down a much darker path (which I guess ended up being somewhat proven with Nine in Sonic Prime!). Me and @casperangel have screamed about this too many times then I can count and it haunts me.
- Tails is a sweetie, a cutey patooty, like an adorable little house cat… but similarly (and yet again as proven thanks to Prime!) Tails definitely has a feral side. Especially if he hasn’t gotten enough sleep or gets his mints confiscated. @dunkinbublin and @studioboner ‘s accounts are absolute goldmines when it comes to Tails multitasking being an adorable lil guy and a feral lil menace!
- Tails and Tangle have sibling energy! I mean, Tails is basically everyone’s adopted little brother, Knuckles and Amy especially, but I think him and Tangles dynamic isn’t talked about enough and I’m super glad we’ve had some sweet moments with them in the comics! @pocketscribbs is feeding the Tails and Tangle nation fr <3
This was super fun! Thank you so much again for asking and I hope you have an amazing day! And if someone actually read all of this… you’re a trooper :,) <3
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avalynlestrange · 1 year
Already Over
Fred Weasley x Reader
Reader: she/her pronouns
Warnings: implied smut, exam season, not proof read again haha, unrequited love or mutual pining?, profanity
Category: One-Shot, Songfic, Friends with Benefits, AU without Voldy.
Summary: In which you can’t close the door on Fred when you still need the closure.
Sneak Peak: None :P
Author’s Note: I needed this done and over with T_T As much as I love this song it’s becoming sickening to listen to. 
Word Count: 3301
To The Library (fic masterlist) To The Kitchen (WIPs) To emails i can't send fwd: Anthology To more Fred Weasley
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You’ve been talking for hours about how you shouldn’t talk for hours on end. Sitting on the floor of an empty corner of the library with candy and homework surrounding you. The recent topic of your chatter however is not the current herbology books you are required to read but how you needed to stop this situationship you have going on.
“It’s just so easy with you.” Fred laughs. He runs his fingers through his hair and you wish it could be your hands but you restrain yourself. You are trying to end things after all.
Fred chucks a jellybean at you. You catch it with your mouth. Immediately you spit it out and reach for the fizzy fig juice. 
“That’s disgusting. Tasted like sweaty socks,” You grimace after chugging down half the bottle.
“What do you mean you love sweaty socks!” He wiggles his feet near your face. You push his leg away causing his body to swivel. 
“Get your feet away from me!”
Fred smoothly transitions from his almost fall back to a sit up position. His legs in front of his stocky frame. Merlin how you adore his body.
“Shut up! You love all this,” and he wiggles himself.
You’re not very good at lying. Especially to Fred, so you only roll your eyes as a response. 
“For reals though,” you brace yourself, “We really should stop this.”
“But we’re doing so well!” Fred pouts; he gestures to the work laying around you. Both of you completed your charms essay and you celebrated with many a kiss.
“You know that’s not what I mean!” You kneel and start clearing your side of the space. This had become a frequent meeting place for the two of you. It used to be three of you but George disappears with Angelina for a few months now.
Fred grabs your wrist. You gently stumble on top of him as he guides you to straddle him. He locks his hands in yours and pulls you near his face. You would have blushed a couple months ago but you are used to this close proximity.
“But we are doing so well,” he whispers in your ear.
And now you are kissing after a conversation about how you’d probably be better off as friends. Grasping at his ginger locks, you push him further to deepen the kiss.
His hands leaves a hot trail as they roam your body, clasping and squeezing. When your shirt rides up to uncover your back, Fred without hesitation takes the opportunity to slide and touch the your skin. It’s all you could think about. The initial burn you feel upon the contact ignites your whole body.
You moan on his lips. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale and you’re submerged again in the shared passion between you. Drowning all thoughts of ceasing the very thing you are doing.
Suddenly, you hear George cough and say it’s nearly curfew causing you break apart. You share a smile and fix each others hair. 
“Same time here next weekend?” Fred winks.
As you bring yourself to stand, you say, "We won't do this again.”
You say, “I’m done.”
“You’ve barely eaten anything off your plate!” Harry exclaims, trying to pick off your plate. You block his fork with yours.
“That’s not what I meant. Hands of my pudding!” You shove a piece in your mouth to prove your point.
“What you’re leaving school or something?” Ron asks through a mouth full of roast chicken.
“I don’t think that’s what she means either Ron.” Ginny replies.
“Oh is this about my brother again? Honestly you two need to sort yourselves out;” Ron wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Yeah you two should just admit you like each other. You think you’re being sneaky but we all know it.” Harry states.
It’s not like you don’t know you like each other but Fred doesn’t seem to want a serious relationship. Before you he would date different girls every weekend. You settle for friends… with benefits. You admit that you did try to keep it a secret at first, in order to not make it weird for others around you. But you did a poor job after the second week when Fred snogged you in the Quidditch tent post game thinking everyone had gone back to the castle. Everyone found out when Ron screamed so loudly. Since then you’ve tried to swat questions about the two of you.
“Oh bog off both of you!” Ginny shoos them off as if to physically remove them from the conversation. “Never mind them. They’re a few sandwiches short of a picnic when it comes to relationships.”
“Oi!” But Ron returns to his food when Hermione glares.
“Do you really want to be done? Don’t you want to tell him how you feel?” Hermione asks.
“I do. I don’t… but I’m still confused. I just don’t think I can take anymore of being ‘just friends’,” You air quote.
“How am I supposed to close the door when I still need the closure? I just need to figure out how to say it to him,” You push away your plate so that you can slump yourself on the desk.
Hermione grabs hold of your shoulders to sit you up and says, “Come on. It’s nearly time for class.”
Fred keeps tabs on you on the corner of his eye. You’re stood outside your class and a Ravenclaw leans on the wall talking to you. He can’t pinpoint the name of this classmate of yours but Fred wishes he could throw a jinx their way when they brush a way a strand of hair on your face. A means to flirt with you. Fred curses under his breath.
A sudden surge of emotion runs through his veins and he unexpectedly makes his way over to you without thinking it through. The only thought in his mind is that Ravenclaw and your lips locking and he wants to squish that idea out of yours and his head.
Selfishly he doesn’t want to give you time to be on someone else's lips. He tugs you away despite your protest about the next lesson starting soon. 
Next you’re behind a curtain with a secret passage. You halt a few steps in. What reason did he have to bring you here and skip third period?
“What’s wrong? Did something hap-“ Your questions were cut off when his lips crash onto yours. It reminds Fred of the first time you were in this secret passage alone.
It was during the 2 weekends before the O.W.L.’s exams. You were very stressed out studying in the library. You had gone back to your dorm to pick up a few snacks for the group. George went along with you but all three of you knew it was because he was looking for Angelina.
Staring at the pages of the charms textbook, Fred’s mind and heart started to race. All the exams were within the whole of next week and results were the Friday in the week after. So you all only had 9 days before your first exam. 
Nothing seemed to stick that afternoon and you were taking a long time to return. Fred skimmed through practice questions. Who even was Felix Sumerbee? To the present day, he still doesn’t know. And he remembers he certainly knew the charm for unlocking doors and chains but what was the incantation for the locking spell?
He closed the textbook as you decided it’s best for you to take a break. Fred scribbled a note and left it on your desk that he was going to the transfiguration courtyard for some fresh air. 
At 6pm in June the sun was still shining but weather in Scotland can be unpredictable so by the time you reached the courtyard, the sky drizzled small drops. He sat on a bench not minding the wetness of the rain. It distracted him from the fact he needed to go back to studying soon. 
“Catch!” He heard a person say from a close direction and dodged just in time when he realised something was dangerously close to hitting his face.
“I’m so sorry. Thought you’d be quick to get that,” You said as you sat next to him; picked up the sweet on the floor and offered it to Fred.
He quickly unwraps the candy and popped it in his mouth.
You both sat there quietly, contemplating about the future ahead. He didn’t know where it was heading but it’ll all be okay since he had you and George. Fred remembers you not noticing his stare until the rain starts to pour down.
“Let’s go!” You grabbed his hand, dragging him inside. However, when you reached indoors, Fred doesn’t stop running until you reach one of the secret passageways.
“Lumos!” You recited, then placed your wand on one of the crooks of the wall.
He leaned on his knees panting and looks up at you. Soaked to the bone, you glistened in his eyes. He’s always thought you were beautiful and had a crush on you but never acted on it. Years went by and it was getting difficult to conclude whether it was a good idea if he did. He didn’t want to lose you if you didn’t feel the same or if you did and it all goes wrong.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” You asked Fred. 
Fred didn’t know himself what it was. But he remembers how you laughed your awkward laugh when he didn’t reply. Then he remembers how you moved your hair to the back of your ears; how your face contorted with worry; how you gently touched his arm in concern…
He moved without thinking of consequences. His lips were on yours. 
Only at first.
And when he pulls back, you were against the wall. Both panting.
“I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me.” He lied. He’d been waiting for that moment for years but never got the courage. So much for holding up to the Gryffindor house standards.
You startled him when you pulled his robe toward yourself and kiss him with a passion.
A whisper and the light from your wand dimmed…
The day after that event, Fred didn’t see you. Not even during movement between periods. He asked other people in your circle, but they didn’t know where you were either. Your dorm mates said you were not in bed when they woke up.
Once it was dinner time, he found you sat at the furthest table from your usual and next to your potion partner who happened to be Adrian Pucey. 
“Lost Weasley?” Malfoy scowled.
“Shut up Malfoy!” Pucey glared, which Fred found incredibly strange.
“Hey.” Fred greeted you, “Where have you been?”
“I wasn’t feeling well so Adrian took me to Madam Pomfrey,” You said without looking at Fred.
“Are you feeling better? Can we talk?”
Adrian placed his arms around your shoulders as you reply, “I’m not feeling that great so maybe tomorrow.”
But tomorrow never came. You avoided him and the rumour that you were dating Adrian travelled to him through Alicia. His heart sank when he heard it.
During those weeks, you barely interacted with Fred. No matter how much he tried to. Sure, you spoke to him during class about the lesson but you weren’t you. When you spoke, he would feel a chill through his body at how cold most of your responses were. Body language was rigid and if he didn’t know better you were trying to keep to your side of the table when you were sat next to each other.
It wasn’t until George intervened and locked you in a closet that you truly interacted. You were sat on the floor twiddling your fingers whilst Fred stood as far away as he could in the little space that you were sharing. The only noise you could here is the distant chatter from students outside and the occasional cough from Fred.
He wanted to say something but didn’t really know what. He didn’t know what was going on between you but he sure as hell didn’t want to confess whatever he was feeling after how you reacted. It didn’t help that you were not even looking his way.
“I’m sorry for being a really shitty friend.” You finally spoke. Eyes still locked to the floor, you continued, “I just don’t think it’s a good idea if we got together.”
“What if we weren’t together?” He replied.
Your head shot up in confusion; “What do you mean?”
Fred didn’t exactly know what he meant either but he knew that he didn’t want to be with anyone else. He hadn’t gone on a date since your kiss, which George pointed out as strange since Fred always had a girl on his arm every Hogsmeade visit. The dates never went anywhere other than within that weekend.
“I mean… we could… just… kiss,” He studied your face for signs of aversion, “but just as friends. Y’know to blow off some steam?”
Your brow shot up.
‘Was that a good idea? Is this going to push you away further?’ Fred thought to himself.
 And when you said yes, it shocked him when you pounce up to kiss him in spite of the fact that he was the one to suggest it.
As a result of this memory, Fred always seeks you when he witnesses another person hitting on you. He'll take three short hours over three long weeks pretending like you don't exist which he fears would happen if you start dating someone else. Not that you two were dating…
“Same time here next weekend?” He asks
You say, "We won't do this again."
That night you couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning with thoughts of Fred. You’re not sure how long you can continue like this. It may have started out as a crush on a friend but there are deeper feelings involved on your side now you’ve spent so many days with just the two of you. It won’t end well for you because surely Fred doesn’t feel the same way.
You know he finds you attractive as he compliments you during your sessions and that he likes you in some sort of way, but he obviously doesn’t want to be an official couple. If he did then why has he not asked you out on a proper date? It’s always empty rooms and secret nooks.
A confession to him would just be awkward and terrifying. It’ll risk your friendship even more. You resolve to cut things off tomorrow.
There is something off with you, Fred notices. It was evident when your body stiffens at the touch of his arms around you. Five minutes until fifth period starts, he is walking you to your class since it’s his free period.
“You okay?” He squeezes your shoulder. Maybe you weren’t well.
“Yeah I’m fine.” You bite your bottom lip.
“You clearly aren’t. Talk to me.”
“Not right now Fred.”
He sees you grip your books tight.
“Here let me carry your books.”
“No it’s fine Fred.”
 “C’mon something is wrong. You can tell me anything.”
“We’ll talk later.”
“Just tell me. I’ll help you sort it out.”
“I said later.”
“I hate seeing you sad.” He insists, “Just let me help. I’m your friend.”
At those words you snap.
“That’s just it! We’re friends but we’re not friends. I just…” After a deep breath *you say, “I’m done. I don’t want to do whatever this is between us. Let’s go back to being actual friends.”
“What?” He laughs, not taking it seriously. You had been saying that for the past few weekends and you always came back to him. Fred quickens his pace and stops when he is facing you.
“Exams have been over for months now and there aren’t any this year. So we don’t need to ‘blow off steam’,” You quote the words he said at the start of your situationship.
“Are we going to continue during the N.E.W.T.s then?” He jokes.
You, however, do not find it funny and cross your arms.
“Are we just a joke to you? Fred I can’t do this anymore and no we aren’t going to continue next year.” You sigh and shake your head.
He didn’t mean to make a joke but he couldn’t help it. This can’t be happening. This isn’t how your story was supposed to end.
You walk off to your next class but he grabs your wrist and calls out your name.
“You don’t mean that. We’re having fun, aren’t we?”
He hears you scoff at his question. Without turning to him you reply,
“Well it isn’t fun anymore. Now excuse me I need to get to class.”
Yeah, you say that you’re done but Fred is still confused. Where did this come from all of a sudden? He stays where you left him. His mouth slightly agape. Can the ground swallow him up now? Make him fall where he stands, only like you can.
You scribble away the content the Professor writes on the chalkboard. Trying so hard to concentrate on the lesson. He drowns on about the different properties of boom berries. However, the scene of your so called break-up replays and replays in your head; you change your mind, but it's still on Fred.
That wasn’t how it was meant to go. The conversation should have gone a little more civil, instead he had the audacity to make jokes. You frown. You should have expected the school’s joker to do as his reputation says. You’d known him for so long too. Why was it such a surprise to you when takes such a serious conversation lightly? Will you patch back up together and stay friends?
You didn’t want to lose him that way. Why did you agree with it in the first place? Then you remembered how your heart fluttered at your first kiss. You had thought about how you settled for being close friends for years then with benefits for months. It was the right decision. Your heart would break even more the longer you carry on.
When you broke the news to Hermione whilst you walked to watch the quidditch practice, she agreed it was the right decision. You debated on whether it was a good idea to attend the Gryffindor practice session but it was your way of getting things back to before. Back to normal. You even brought his and George’s favourite snacks.
You wave at him from the bleachers and your heart swells with glee when he returns the gesture.
“See nothing to worry about.” Hermione reassures you.
Hermione confided in her liking Ron at the start of last year in which you returned her trust by telling her about Fred. She insisted that he felt the same about you but you brushed it off saying it was just a brief infatuation that should go away given that you were close friends.
“Watch out!”
A bludger heading your way is immediately hit by Fred. The eye contact between you sends your cheeks blushing. Fuck he looked gorgeous in his sports gear. That’s when you know that after the aftermath, you know you will be coming back. 
Next you’re in his bedroom and it won't be the last time.
Head and heart are floating at the touch of his skin on yours. Fred caresses your body, clouding the judgement of the voice in your head. His kisses are rough as if to say I missed you when it’s only been a day they were apart from yours. You claw his back and he removes his jumper.
How are you supposed to leave him now that you're already over?
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averseunhinged · 26 days
wip wednesday!
more very extended prelude to smutty literature. also yet again possibly more of an outtake than a sneak peek. i'll have to see how it works when the whole thing is done. which i really, really hope will be soon.
then this
then this week's
this one
then this
and finally this
“Why did you come back?” she asked, a soft, near-murmur. “You keep saying you're leaving, but you never do.”
He looked away, the usual parade of emotions in his eyes and the way he worked his jaw, before something like resolve took over. He sat up, probably to make himself feel less vulnerable, but it brought him so much closer to her.
“When I went to New Orleans, I discovered a boy I'd raised from childhood, my son in all but name, had taken over the city and was calling himself king. I'd thought him dead for over a century. We were unprepared when Mikael came for us. It was the longest we'd ever stayed in one place, and I became complacent.”
“Klaus,” she whispered.
“No. It's true. I loved New Orleans. It was my city. I'd built it from quite literally nothing. Nurtured and shaped it.”
“It was your home.”
“I hadn't had one in so long. We should have gone fifty years earlier, had I not been a fool. But I was and Marcellus’ life was the cost. Or so I thought.”
“But that's a good thing, isn't it? That he's still alive?”
“We are strangers now, he and I. Not father and son. Perhaps one day we'll know each other again, perhaps not, but it will never be as it was. I left, because I would have been more hindrance than help. I don't have the patience for petty squabbling amongst witches. Elijah’s far better suited.”
“I don't know,” Caroline giggled. “You wear one pretty well.”
His soft affectionate smile was a fleeting reprieve. “He knew. Elijah. He knew Marcellus lived, but deemed it advantageous for the family that I remained unaware. I have made decisions like that for my siblings countless times before, but I couldn't bear to see my brother's face after he told me it had all been for the best.”
“You didn't dagger him.”
“Believe me, I considered it.” He brought his far leg up, bent at the knee, and wrapped his arm around it. The conversation lagged for long enough while he was lost in thought that Caroline almost prompted him to go on. Eventually, he sighed. “What would be the point? Someone needed to stay in New Orleans, and I was in no condition. Well,” he chuckled ruefully, “you saw me.”
She had. There'd been a fragility to him when he'd come back to Mystic Falls. A week after graduation, she'd found him in the Grill, drinking alone, and as much as she'd wanted to march over and demand to know what he was doing there, she'd also spent the past week feeling very alone. Caroline wasn't built to be on her own. She could do it. She was good at it, given all the practice she’d had, but it wasn't the way she'd choose to live. She liked having family, friends, activities that kept her involved with the town. People who knew her, even if they didn’t entirely understand her.
Maybe that was why she kept falling for werewolves.
So, she sat down next to him and pretended it wasn't a surprise to see him. He'd offered her a glass from the bottle of bourbon he'd been knocking back, and his obvious gratitude when she’d behaved like she normally would and made him buy her a vodka sour instead was enough to soften her into spending the evening with him.
She'd complained about organizing the Independence Day celebration, because their usual fireworks display vendor had been recently arrested by the ATF for selling black market cigarettes. He'd complained about the retirement of one of the people who managed his legal business interests, because the man had been particularly trustworthy, and forty years didn't seem very long to someone who'd lived a millennium. She'd talked about meeting Linda Harrison at a screening of Planet of the Apes with her dad. He'd talked about knowing Roddy McDowall and Montgomery Clift in the 1950s. They'd ended up arguing about Cormac McCarthy, the bleakness of his prose, and why the hell was his punctuation like that? They'd touched on nothing of consequence, but it was the most fun she'd had in ages, and she'd liked watching the tension in him unravel minute after minute.
He'd walked her home afterward, perfectly steady on his feet, despite the quantity of alcohol he'd consumed. Standing outside her front door, he'd thanked her for the night so sweetly and sincerely. She'd darted in to hug him without thinking about why that was a terrible idea, but couldn't bring herself to regret it when he'd left her house seeming more solid. Less like a sketch he'd drawn of himself.
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laurfilijames · 8 months
All week I told myself that on Sunday, I was going to write all day.
I opened my laptop up for the first time in two weeks. I haven't written a word since I finished editing Expensive and tried for over an hour to work on my series Like My Dreams.
I thought about it all week and have been so eager to continue it, only the words won't come.
I know it's not for lack of passion or wanting to; I think about this story (and all the other ones) constantly.
I've been trying to deny some feelings for a while, or chalk it up to getting too much in my own head, but today it's come down heavier than ever and what is ultimately responsible for blocking my creativity and turning my love for my stories from thoughts into actual sentences.
I'm lonely.
I've never felt so alone.
The Charlie fandom seems to be relatively non existent, or just extremely quiet.
I have no space. No where I fit in.
I'm on the outskirts, trying to find a spot, constantly seeing if there is a way I can have a place for my ideas, stories, and even friendship, and have it hold some value to the others I'm around.
The more I post on here, the less I feel seen.
Engagement on this platform has reduced drastically across the board, and it's effecting so many artists.
It's not about numbers. I'm sure some of you are probably thinking "your last fic has over 100 notes". Yeah. It does. Almost all of those notes are likes, and more than half the reblogs are my own.
What I'm seeking is engagement. Conversation. A likeness and kinship started by a common interest that blooms into simple conversations and thoughts shared.
Comparison is a bitch. I see so many people living the Tumblr life I wish to have. Asks, comments, reblogs of teasers and moodboards for upcoming fics screaming of excitement and praise and how eager they are to read it. People dropping everything they're doing to read the latest chapter of their friend's new fic.
I realize the many reasons why I'm in a different position than they are, but lately it's been screaming at me louder than ever that I'm lacking something meaningful or whatever I'm doing on here isn't enough.
I've tried creating a buzz around my stories. I am aware that most of the time I write for unpopular characters with a smaller fan base, so I set the bar lower but am still left feeling inadequate even when I write for the popular ones. Whenever I've shared snippets of WIPs in hopes to gain some excitement from my readers, it falls short. Usually it'll inspire me to keep going, to write better than ever and make this next fic The Best One that makes me so happy and excited to get out. (For Charlie, I'll say, and write something I'm so unbelievably proud of) and then sometimes it makes me wonder if I should bother continuing at all.
I know I am not owed anything by anyone and no one is obligated to read or comment or anything of the sort, and I am beyond grateful for the comments and support I do receive, and the friendships I've made, old and new.
I'm not exactly sure what I'm getting at here, I just needed to write it down and "talk" it out.
I've been battling the decision to continue writing but not share it. I don't want that to happen, because as much as I write these stories for myself, a lot of the fun of it comes from being able to share it with all of you.
Nothing dramatic is happening. I'm not leaving, and I will be writing again because I'm not at all done with what I have to say about these characters, I just felt this needed to be said and already feel a little lighter by sharing it.
Write your stories, comment on your favourite fics, scream with your mutuals about a photo or gif that inspired something in you, tell your writer friends and writers you've never spoken to but love their stories just how much you do... I promise it makes more of an impact than you know. 💗
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justanothersanjilover · 4 months
One Piece Modern Gym AU wips
(Part 3)
Sanji actually tried to tell Nami about Zoro’s behavior and that he went into the girls' changing room with Vivi and Koala. But she just laughed at him.
“Did one of them tell him to set them down or to leave the room?”
“No…not that I noticed…” Sanji said, slightly pounding.
“Then he didn't do anything to violate their personal space. Believe me, if Vivi wouldn't want him to be there, she’d kick him out in no time.”
Sanji sighed and nodded, admitting his defeat and went back to the bar. He sat there for quiet some time until two of the girls came over to order a strawberry shake from him.
“Right away my lovely ladies.”
They smiled at him and then turned to each other to continue their conversation.
“It’s so lovely to see her again after such a long time,” the blonde one said.
“Yes, but to be honest, she didn't have to go through all of this just to get that body,” the brunette replied. “It’s achievable with training and a bit help of steroids or something like that.”
“True, true. You know I can't imagine getting my breasts chopped off just to look a bit more buff.”
Now, Sanji's curiosity was piqued. He leaned a little closer to the girls to hear better, and they went on about a woman (apparently) who used to come to this Gym and left almost three years ago, never coming back once, and now suddenly was back again. Sanji couldn't remember someone new besides Zoro. But those two were clearly talking about a girl. Maybe she went to the Gym when Sanji wasn't there. And what was all that talk about getting her breasts removed? He couldn't quite follow that part of the conversation.
“Two strawberry shakes, for two beautiful girls,” Sanji put the drinks in front of them smiling.
“Thanks, Sanji! That's what I need right now,” the blonde smiled back and the brunette nodded along.
“I couldn’t help but follow your conversation a bit.,” Sanji admitted. “Who are you talking about, if I may ask?”
The girls looked at each other, then at Sanji and the blond sighed almost inaudibly.
“Just an old friend of ours,” she said, but the way she pronounced the word friend told Sanji a lot about that apparent friendship. “You actually know her. But we promised not to tell her name to anyone who doesn't know her three years ago.”
“And you keep that promise?” He was actually surprised by that - judging by how she just told him between the lines that she couldn't stand that girl.
“We unfortunately have to,” the brunette chimed in. “Otherwise we aren't allowed here anymore and this is the best Gym for women in this town.”
That was interesting! Who of the girls was so close to Nami that she threatened others to ban them from the Gym for literally just telling a name? And who matched the vague description he had from listening in on the conversation. He had to find out!
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First part
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idontknowreallywhy · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
A longish one for a WIP but have been toying with this conversion for a fair old while and it contains one of my most persistent headcanons for Scott.
Set in mine and @sofasurf’s ‘Scott finds a friend he can talk to’ story but you don’t need much of the backstory for this part only that ten years beforehand he saves her in Bereznik but thought he’d failed and made things worse and got her killed.
Is fairly dialogue heavy and that might need some adjustment and it possibly suffers from not including the first half of the conversation but that is less well progressed is is more backstory dependent so I’ll leave it out for today and… <insert more disclaimers and self deprecating blathering here> eh… *throws words*.
If you read it me know what you think? Do you agree?
“So… we covered my fatal flaw and I think we’ve established I would be a very tragic but ultimately tedious Greek hero. Your turn… what do you think yours might be?”
“Probably the same as yours.”
“Uh uh no, that’s cheating, you don’t get to steal mine. Pick your own. Or… I guess you could pick Dare but I warn you I have some pretty evil ideas for those.”
He spun the question card between his finger and thumb for a few moments then placed it down carefully and picked up the cafetière and topped up their coffee cups in a transparent effect to buy time. Estera was surprised to see him absent-mindedly adding a lump of sugar into his. Scott never had sugar! She was about to question this deviation but he suddenly spoke up:
“Alright I’ll tell you but you have to promise not to freak out.”
“Why would I freak out?”
“Because I’m not good at explaining these things and it might sound like something it isn’t. But it’s not that. It’s just… people tend to panic.”
“At this rate you’re more likely to freak me out with the disclaimers, Blue. But sure, I promise.”
He emitted a short sharp laugh and then downed half his cup of coffee, his eyebrows twisting comically as he registered it tasting sweeter than usual.
“I live in the here and now.”
Not what she was expecting. Estera did her best to maintain a neutral expression so as to not give him reason to think she wouldn’t keep her promise.
“Ok. Tell me why you think that is a flaw.”
His lips twitched silently as he appeared to be about to speak then caught himself three or four times before:
“I mean I don’t have a very clear concept of anything beyond now. I don’t imagine my future like most people seem to… like my brothers do.”
She went to speak but held back sensing there was more.
“I’ve never really pictured myself as old, for example. Or with kids… I do love kids, you probably figured that out by now… but I figure I had my shot at parenting with Alan and Gordon and… well they turned out ok I guess so… you know… I did my bit there.”
“I think you’d be a be a great father.”
“Oh I don’t doubt it! Sorry that sounds weirdly big headed… um… I mean I think it would come naturally to me but I just can’t… see it? I don’t think I’m destined to see it.”
“Why not?”
“Dunno. Just always had the feeling I wasn’t here for the long haul? Live fast die young, you know? Had a bit of a hedonistic streak in my late teens which, uh, the less said about that the better I think. But then after… when I thought you…”
He paused and downed the rest of the cup and returned it to the saucer with a clatter than made them both flinch
“Sorry! Uh, when I thought you were dead, that I’d failed you by storming into a situation like the arrogant flyboy I was” he held up a hand to forestall her objection “And I still didn’t die out there against all the odds… Well, I figured that whatever time I had left I had to use it well. I wanted to make up for failing you by helping as many people, doing as much good as I could. Actually thought about training as a paramedic but then Dad came up with the Big International Rescue Idea and everything suddenly made sense.”
Estera was struggling to keep the promise about not freaking out.
“Are you saying you’re only planning to be here as long as you are useful?”
“No! No, see, that’s not what I mean. I would never… I have no desire to, stop. That’s not what it is. I know I’m needed. I can do good. I want to be here. I’ve not got a death wish, whatever Virgil yells at me down the comm.”
Estera suddenly had a vivid recollection of the voice in the cave, before Scott had cut him off. At the time she’d thought the almost-growl she heard over the comm had betrayed barely-contained irritation and had wondered a little at the professionalism of that but now she’d met Virgil… now she really thought about it she wondered if in fact the tension in his voice had been fear.
“So why would you say that is your fatal flaw?”
“I guess maybe it means when I have a decision to make in the moment I only make it based on that moment. Can I make a difference or not? Can I save them or not? I believe my brothers have other considerations, dreams they instinctively hold on to, which complicate those decisions.”
“I see.”
She sipped her own coffee and watched him slump into his chair.
“You think I’m crazy don’t you?”
“But… nothing. I can see how your logic works and it matches what I’ve seen of your personality and your actions.”
“Mmmmm and you’ve told me off for it before.”
“I have.”
She nudged the last scone in his direction and then cleared her throat.
“The part I don’t agree with is that not being able to see past the short term means you won’t have… or don’t deserve a long term. I wonder if you’ve been telling yourself a lie all these years because you were afraid of not being able to predict every outcome of your actions. So you told yourself that if you don’t see it it doesn’t exist so it doesn’t matter.”
He frowned, but didn’t disagree.
“What future do you see for your brothers?”
He snorted “Oh, Virgil will have about twelve children if he has any say in it.” His shoulders relaxed as he smiled fondly “Gordon too would love a family I am sure of that. John… I think when space gets too much for him, academia will call. Alan… I don’t know yet. He’s a little too much like me” Scott’s jaw twitched slightly “but I’m trying to encourage his other interests, he likes racing cars and his gaming stuff. And he’s smarter than any of us so he could be anything he wanted. Maybe he’ll make incredible discoveries or be an explorer.” He chuckled affectionately “Or he’ll go entirely rogue and be world president or something.”
“I’ll remember to stay on his good side then!”
“Probably for the best.”
Scott chuckled and the smile remained on his face but seemed to leave his eyes. He had stopped eating the scone but was rapidly turning it into a pile of jammy crumbs. Estera reached over and took hold of one of his sticky hands, resisting the urge to pull out a wet wipe to deal with it.
“Ok how about this… can you imagine yourself watching them achieve these dreams and cheering them on? Being crazy uncle Scott who allows the kids to do all the dangerous stunts their parents would ground them for… buying John��s incomprehensible books to display in your bookcase and pretend you totally read and understood, and cheering Alan on as he’s inaugurated?”
The genuine smile crept back on to his face. “Yeah.”
“Hold on to that then. Next time you’re out. As a reason to stay. Until you find your own.”
He looked up at her in surprise and appeared about to say something when he was thrown nearly off his chair by a small human cannonball slamming into his side.
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A Symptom of Being Human (John "Soap" Mactavish x GN! Reader)
Look at me cleaning up my drafts with 2 finished WIPs in one night.
TW for very light angst and a very concerned Soap
| Blog HQ | Modern Warfare 2 Masterlist |
"You dinnae look happy" a voice commented as you walked into the shared kitchen. You spared him a shrug as you continued quietly to the cupboards, looking for your cup to make a warm drink in.
"What's bothering ye? You can talk to me, I don't bite" The corner of your mouth twitched at that, while he could be loud, and border the line of obnoxious his heart was in the right place.
"Would you believe me if I told you it's just how I look?" You glanced over your shoulder, watching as he slowly squinted at you. Clearly not buying it.
"Just my face, Irish Spring. I'm having a really good day actually" you shrugged once more, ignoring his protests mumbled from under his breath about the nickname. ('M not even Irish…)
As far as you could remember, you were always having people checking in on your wellbeing. Friends, distant family, caring strangers, store clerks, and teammates. Your normal expression clearly wasn't welcoming and optimistic. It was the opposite actually - you looked like you hated the world and everyone in it at all times.
"But you look miserable" You appreciated his concern, but didn't need him worrying about you. Pausing slightly, you shook your head before glancing over at your friend.
"The face looks upset, the soul feels good. Do you want a coffee?" You lightly chuckled, grabbing another mug out of the cabinet when he accepted your offer.
"You're concerning Soap" Ghost confided to you later that day, following a sparring session between the two of you. "He's convinced you're depressed and not telling him everything"
You couldn't help but playfully roll your eyes, you loved your teammate. You really did, but he was so overly concerned for nothing.
"I've told him, it's just my face. I don't know what more I can do, outside of wearing a mask like my resting bitchfaced friend" you smirked at Simon, watching him copy the action you had just done a moment prior.
"You know 'im as well as I do, he's not going to suddenly stop being concerned. Especially since he thinks you're devastated about something and hiding it" Simon had a point...shit.
It was at dinner that night, when you felt a pair of eyes burning a hole in the side of your head. You had a fairly good guess at who was on the other end so you continued eating.
How many times do I need to tell him I'm fine? It's just. My. Face.
You opted against entertaining the concerned stare, in favour of continuing your meal. Making small bits of conversation with your table mates between bites. That was until you heard a soft, yet obnoxious shuffling getting closer. He wouldn't.
"Hey guys" Kyle awkwardly greeted, placing his tray down at one of the empty chairs across the table from you. "Thought I'd sit here, change of pace" you arched a brow at the man, seeing right through his change of pace.
You continued picking at your food, waiting for the question to be asked. Waiting for the confirmation that Kyle didn't come by to just hang out. Glancing up at him every so often, you watched as the man sat awkwardly across from you. Shoulders stiff as he sat.
"You can tell Johnny that I'm fine" you commented after another moment of silence. "And you don't have to stay if you don't want to"
He gave you a small smile before picking his tray up and returning to his main group. Leaving you to roll your eyes, and audibly groan when you felt another tray land beside you.
"No. I'm eating, you do not get to badger me about this now" voice trailing off as your eyes met those of the confused recruit. "Nevermind, I honestly thought you were someone else"
Poking at the food for a second longer, your appetite leaving the chat after you potentially scarred the poor stranger. Dumping the remnants of your tray into the trash, you sighed softly as you continued on to your room.
3 steps from your door, you heard a familiar voice call out to you. Jogging up to meet you before you passed the threshold.
"Are ye sure you're okay?" He asked, leaning against the wall in front of you. You debated whether or not to call him out on his dinner plan, and involving Kyle in all of this madness. Deciding against it in the moment, you went with a simple:
"I'm fine, Johnny. I promise I'd tell you if I wasn't" followed by a small smile, almost missing the unfocused gaze he was giving you.
The two of you sat in silence, a rarity for the man in front of you. The team could've swore he was allergic to silences unless required for work. Always chattering about something, making silly jokes or teasing his friends. But right now? He sat silently, unmoving. Eyes staring right through you as his mind was clearly not within range. You lifted your hand to wave it in front of his face, then it clicked. The reason why he was so concerned for you. The moment passed as soon as it began, quickly blinking and refocusing on you.
"I know you would, I still worry for ye though" a small punch to the shoulder, and he was making his way down the hallway. Leaving you standing in place, eyebrows furrowed with the latest revelation. How did you never realize this before? Turning to stop him, to sit him down and ensure he was alright, you were met with an empty corridor.
Frozen in place, you ignored the dull ache growing behind your chest. The gnawing feeling in your mind as you debated on running up after him. Worried that it would give the wrong message after you spent the last few days all but begging him to quit.
You couldn't get the sight out of your head, out of your heart. The flash of hidden agony in his eyes, emotion covered up by extrovert tendencies. Making sure everyone else felt alright and was doing fine, as a coping mechanism?
No. This is not up for speculation.
"Johnny, wait" you called, jogging down the hallway to go find him. "Are you okay?"
Without stopping, he turned his head and shrugged.
"It's just my face, bonnie"
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @v1naco @bowtruckleninja
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abubblingcandle · 20 days
Do you have any more from the extended cut from A Treatment Room Doors Moment? I saw a tumblr post from you where Keeley is trying to get Jamie to talk to Dr. Sharon, and he says he is already seeing a therapist named Lucy. I'd love to see more of that!
All your stories are so awesome, and I'm always looking forward to when you post. My favorites of your WIPs right now are Roll Call, Snap, ATRDM, Maybe Next Time He'll Think, and God Forbid You Leave Me. I'm also really excited for Dutch Sky Blue and Death Fruit. You're a really talented writer!!
Anon!!! This ask has had be grinning absolutely all day during a rough day of back at work. I would hug you if I could so here's a virtual hug 🫂I've been saving asks to add to my queue but this one couldn't wait because I loved it so much.
Thank you for sharing which fics you liked and bits you remembered me posting about!! Sharing fics you like is the best way to keep me motivated to actually write them 😂Out of those, God Forbid will be the next one you will see. I'm like two scenes off finishing Ch2 so it really shouldn't be long. And the next chapter of Maybe Next Time will be coming in whumptober! So keep your eyes peeled.
As for ATRDM and the extended cut, currently Keeley reflecting on her relationship with Jamie through the crux of Jamie having a therapist is the only extended scene I have so far. The extended cut is for scenes that I wanted to include but don't make sense in Roy POV which is a sacrifice for the narrative viewpoint that only Roy POV gives me. They will be posted when the chapter they go with is posted if that makes sense. So this scene is from Ch13 in the timeline but we get introduced to Lucy in Ch7!
Here's a little bit that comes later following that confrontation:
“Did you know Jamie had a therapist?” Keeley asked Roy as they ate curry in front of the TV that night. Phoebe had just been picked up by her mum and Chelsea were on the TV so she was in for an evening of sitting watching Roy say he didn’t care but getting increasingly worked up as the match went on. It was better entertainment than the match itself. But she was still thinking about Jamie. How did he do this? How did he, entirely without trying, manage to worm himself into your head and make a little nest there without your permission? “Yeah, Lucy. She seems great,” Roy frowned with a one shoulder shrug. “It seems to be helping. You know from how different he is now compared to before,” Keeley murmured. “I think he just needed people to listen when he had something real to say. Lucy does that for him,” Roy replied dismissively and didn’t that just twist the knife deeper. Keeley didn’t. He came to her with a problem as an olive branch of friendship and she had deemed it too much work and tried to offload him. They never really talked about anything real when they were dating. Jamie was too shallow and defensive for any real conversation to happen and Keeley just saw him as a sweet prop. She could admit that now, they weren’t good for each other a year ago but now, could she be this new real Jamie’s friend?
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talshiargirlfriend · 6 months
Trip/T'Pol #7
a kiss to shut them up…
This has been languishing in WiP Limbo long enough.
Trip had been in perfectly good form at the gathering, and yet T’Pol had felt a sense of agitation that she knew did not belong to herself pressing against her awareness all evening. Her mate was troubled. Prior experience had shown he may not appreciate her inquiring about emotions he hadn’t actually expressed. She wondered if he was even aware of them. Humans seemed to share the Vulcan propensity for completely ignoring inconvenient feelings. 
She and Trip planned to stay in a hotel overnight before meeting his parents for “brunch” the next day.  He had professed great excitement at the prospect. Trip had introduced her as “Commander T’Pol, Elizabeth’s mother” and then paused a beat before adding “and one of my best friends” when she met his parents just over a year ago at her daughter’s funeral. Perhaps he was having doubts about introducing her as his mate -his romantic partner-  this time. That would be unfortunate but understandable given their history. 
As they made their way out of the restaurant they walked close together, close enough for him to surreptitiously rub his pinky finger against hers. Through the physical contact she could feel the thrum of his anxiety more strongly. Her concern increased. 
Taking his hand fully in hers, she turned to face him, “Trip, is something bothering you?” 
He glanced down at their hands, clearly startled that she was touching him in public. T’Pol felt a flicker of unease and dismissed it. She wasn’t doing anything inappropriate. 
“Well, Anna’s leaving,” he said, as though that explained anything. His thought processes continued to prove baffling.
 “You are… concerned about staffing changes?” She allowed a trace of her puzzlement into her voice. 
“What? No. Uh, she’s leaving to get married, and that got me thinking… I don’t really know what your opinions are on the subject, but I always thought I’d get married someday.” He sounded wistful.
She eyed him warily. Did he no longer see that as a possibility? “I expected the same for myself,” she agreed a bit stiffly. 
He didn’t seem to hear her. 
 “And this whole psychic bond thing seems pretty permanent. I mean, I guess I don’t know, but it feels that way to me.”
“To my knowledge, a bond of this nature typically endures until the death of one partner,” she agreed softly. 
Again he continued without acknowledging her words. 
“It wasn’t easy to get used to it, but I don’t think I’d feel whole now without having you, this sense of you, with me.” Trip sighed, “It seemed to work pretty well for Lorian’s parents. I know, I know, we’re not them, and we’ve been through a lot since we … would've become them- god, time travel is weird.  Maybe too much has changed or not enough…” 
He took a deep breath and continued, “Look, T’Pol, I love you, and I know you haven’t had the best experience with marriage,” he grimaced outwardly and she did so inwardly. “So the last thing I want to do here is put you under pressure, but … I want to marry you. I think we should talk about it. Things are really good with us and nothing needs to change, but it feels like it’s at least worth having a discussion even if —“ 
She cut off his accelerating flow of words with a kiss. After a moment of surprise he responded enthusiastically, raising a hand to cradle her head. 
“Yes,” she said simply when they broke apart.
“Uh, yes to what?” Trip regarded her cautiously.
“Yes, you are correct.” 
“All right, I like the sound of that. … What exactly am I right about?” he pressed with a confused frown. That expression would look well on her children one day.
“You are correct that it is logical that we should discuss marriage at this stage of our relationship… although it may be a brief conversation,” she conceded.
“Because you don’t want to get married?” he suggested. He tried not to show his disappointment. That’s what he had expected, after all. He made a good show of neutrality. She might have been convinced if she couldn't feel the ache behind his words. 
“I did not say that,” she pinned him with a flat look. 
His eyes widened. “Oh! Well. Then I will look forward to discussing this with you further,” he grinned. 
“Trip. Do you remember when you encouraged me to ask for things that I want because my needs and desires are important to you?”
He nodded a little sheepishly. 
She looked at him pointedly. “You should remember I have a vested interest in your happiness.”
“Because a happy engineer is an efficient engineer?” he grinned cheekily as he used one of her old excuses against her.
“Because you are my mate, and I love you.” 
He blinked rapidly for a second and squeezed her hand. “That’s a good reason. I love you too.”
Quietly they made their way down the street. 
“I will not consider a ‘honeymoon’ in Cargo Bay Three.”
His amusement washed over her in a warm wave, as pleasant and familiar as his scent in her nostrils, the cadence of his footsteps beside her, and the weight of his hand against her own. 
“That’s ok. I've got my heart set on visiting Andoria, darlin’, and I know you’d do anything to make me happy,” he retaliated.   
“Within reason,” she amended.
“Well, that’s all a guy can hope for, really. Can’t wait to see the look on my mama’s face when I tell her we’re together…”
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