#i love wearing long flowy tops I understand
honeycrashed · 1 year
aaaaaaa OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH <33333 Kidou finding comfort in illusion magic has been my favorite thing to think about ever since I see him move with his cape in the field and in every official art.
I know that's a comfort object to him and helps in grounding him whenever he feels like he's going to have a panic attack. I think it also keeps him from being overstimulated and improves his overall mental health (you can probably tell that I want a cape too hehe)
I hope you don't mind that this was an ask, I didn't know where else to send it! Sending this to you because yes more autism headcanons!! [This is @soccerpunching]
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6ix9inewiturmom · 4 months
Les (Part 2)- Christopher & Matthew Sturniolo
Summary: THE BOYS ARE FIGHTINGGGGG!! read part 1 if you don’t understand!!
Warnings: Angst-ish, cursing, use of Y/N, talks of sexual interactions, THREESOMEEEEE, degradation, P in V, crying, unprotected sex (don’t even think about it), praising, Dom!chris!, Dom!Matt, Sub!reader, multiple orgasms
A/N: LOVE TRIANGLE WHO?! This is my first OFFICAL threesome please be nice LOL
For the past few days, Chris hasn't texted me, big fucking surprise, I mean I could understand why, you see the girl you've been ‘in love’ with but ‘not ready’ for a relationship with her, and seeing her with your brother could hurt you but I mean he put this upon himself.
Matt on the other hand has been an absolute angel, actually talking to me, and joking around with me, and we've been fully transparent with each other about things, it's been way different than Chris, I still love Chris but Matt is so good for me. I eventually told Matt how long Chris and I were sleeping together, and his jaw clenched and his fist tightened. I mean at first Matt and I were just playing around with Chris to see if he'd actually care that I was flirting with his brother. Chris did care, but never showed it according to Matt he ‘knows when Chris is upset’, and he was. But after the first 3 days, I don't think I was ‘playing’ anymore.
Today, Matt and I agreed to go on a ‘trial’ date. Basically to see if Chris would act on his feelings towards me or if he remain on his strike to stay silent.
I figured since I was testing Chris I'd wear an outfit I knew he'd always loved on me: a tight white tube top with bows around the top, with a flowy short skirt and a cardigan over it, and obviously my Converse.
I got into my car and drove to the triplet's house, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as I drove through the quiet streets. When I arrived, I parked the car and made my way to the front door, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, my heart racing with anticipation. After a few moments, the door opened, and to my surprise, Chris was standing there, smiling warmly at me.
“Oh hey Y/N, I wasn't expecting to see you here” he smiled pulling me into a hug “Are you here to take pictures with Nick? You guys got the same vibe going on” he chuckled softly allowing me in the house, and guiding me up the staircase.
“Oh um no” I smile softly, but before I have time to tell him what I am actually here for, matt runs in the living room.
“Y/N, don't you look beautiful” he smiles taking my hand and spinning me around jokingly while Chris has a puzzled look on his face. “You ready” his hand remains intertwined with his.
“Ready for what? Where are you guys going?” Chris says plopping on the couch.
“I'm taking Y/N on a picnic” Matt replies smiling down at me.
Chris’ jaw tightens and his eyes darken with anger. “So are you guys like a thing now or what?” he says in annoyance.
“No” i quickly say.
“Chris if you actually knew how to treat a girl, you would know that they actually like being taken out on a date and not just fucked and then escorted out,” Matt says gripping my hand tighter.
“Y/N what the fuck? You told him?” Chris stands up clenching his fist.
“Was that a problem?” I spit.
“Considering we SWORE to keep it a secret, yes it fucking is,” he says coming closer to Matt and me “and now you're fucking around with my brother? Low blow Y/N” he continues
“It honestly shouldn't matter to you who I'm fucking around with and who I'm not” I cross my arms over my chest “I poured my entire heart out to you about how I felt and you completely ignored it because you enjoy fucking around with girls who are probably carrying around diseases that you can't wash off with Ajax,” I say rolling my eyes
“I told you my feelings Y/N, I'm not sure why you're being all dramatic,” he says shrugging his shoulders.
“Chris I'm not being dramatic, you quite actually told me, ‘I'm not sure what to tell you’ when I told you EXACTLY how I felt,” I say raising my voice a little as Matt grabs my hand and rubs small circles on the top of my hand, which only infuriates Chris more.
“Whatever Y/N,” he says plopping back on the couch “but just remember who makes you cum, cause last time I checked that's me, Matt may look like me but I and you both know I'm the only one who makes you cum like that, every fucking time,” he says shoving chips in his mouth.
“Chris, Matt and i haven't had sex, Jesus” i could tell that my comment made matt a little shy, i mean we talked about it but it's not like we ever had the idea to.
“Wow, so now you're not sleeping with guys on the first date? When did you turn so classy?” Chris says shooting me a faux smile.
“Says you, according to everyone else in this house you bring girls in and out of here, Chris you've never taken me on one fucking date, not like I ever asked but for someone who constantly says how in love with me he is as he's balls deep in me, you'd assume that maybe he's got some feelings towards me,” I say practically dragging matt out of the house.
“No no hold on,” Chris stops us. “How about, after your little pitty date with my brother, let's see which one of us can make you cum better,” he says smirking.
I look over at Matt almost for approval, his face brightens at the idea of the possibility of proving himself better to Chris. “Deal” Matt says smirking at me shooting me a wink.
“Fine Chris whatever you want, you got it” i say tugging at Matts hand as a signal of exiting the house.
As soon as Matt and I stepped into his car, I felt the wind blowing through my hair. I looked outside the window as we pulled out of the driveway and hit the road towards the park. The sun was shining bright, and the chirping of the birds was the only sound I could hear. We were heading to the park to have a lovely picnic date, and I was hoping to leave behind what had just happened back at the house. Despite the beautiful surroundings, my mind couldn't help but wander back to the events that had taken place before we left.
“Hey you alright,” Matt says breaking my trance as he places his hand on my knee.
“Yeah, I'm good, I'm sorry about what happened back there,” I say softly smiling
“Oh about Chris? Don't even worry, I figured something along those lines was gonna happen considering how possessive he is over you” Matt says smiling almost as if nothing was bothering him or like he didn't agree to have a threesome with me and his fucking brother.
“Chris does not get possessive over me, that's for sure, he was only possessive when we would… you know” my voice trails off.
“Oh no you should have heard the way he talked about you when you weren't there, nick and I may not have known you guys were fucking but we definitely knew how pussy whipped he was” Matt chuckles to himself.
“Okay well I may not have heard Chris when I wasn't there but can we just leave the Chris topic behind till we get back to the house” I say laughing and leaning my head against the headrest looking at Matt through my lashes.
“Anything you want, you got it sweetheart” he smiles back at me placing his hand back on my thigh and rubbing back and forth.
When we finally reached the spot that had been designated by Matt for our picnic, I couldn't contain my excitement and started giggling like a kid. The area was a small clearing surrounded by tall trees, with rays of sunshine filtering through the leaves, bathing the ground in a warm glow. Matt carefully spread out a checkered picnic blanket, and arranged an array of delicious food and drinks on top of it. The colorful spread looked like something straight out of a gourmet magazine. I couldn't help but appreciate the effort he had put into making everything look so beautiful and inviting.
“Oh my god Matt this looks beautiful,” I say smiling down at the set up.
“I know you wanted this to just be a trial date but i honestly couldn't help myself but go overboard with everything” he says nervously chuckling and scratching the back of his head.
“No no, this is perfect, I've never really been on a date like this before, this is perfect, and oh my god chocolate-covered strawberries? THESE ARE MY FAVORITE” I squeal out of excitement and pull Matt down so we're both sitting on the blanket.
“I remembered from that Galentines Day thing you had with Nick one time and you had devoured like 10 of those” he chuckles softly.
During the remainder of the date, we had an amazing time. It wasn't just a superficial conversation, but we truly engaged with each other and actively listened to what the other person was saying. We discussed various topics, ranging from our interests and hobbies to our beliefs and values. The conversation flowed naturally, and we both felt comfortable sharing personal stories and experiences. It was a refreshing change from the typical small talk that often dominates first dates. Overall, it was a truly enjoyable experience.
As we were making our way back to the house, my mind was preoccupied with various thoughts, and I completely forgot about the unsettling encounter with Chris earlier. However, as we approached our destination, a sudden wave of anxiety washed over me, and my nerves kicked in. The fear and the excitement of the unknown and the possibilityof having both of them inside of me was flooding every other thought in my brain.
Upon our arrival at the house, after a somewhat long but seemingly short and peaceful drive, Matt and I made our way inside while holding hands and giggling like school children. However, to my surprise, I did not find Chris sitting on the couch as he usually does, and I couldn't hear Nick giggling or talking to anyone in his room like he often does.
“Chris? Nick?” Matt yells from the kitchen
“You think they left?” i say nervously
“Maybe” Matt says as he moves me so I'm facing him now and both of his hands rest on my hips looking down at me.
“Are you gonna keep looking at me like you wanna kiss me? Or are you gonna actually kiss me” My smile turns into a smirk as a little grin appears on his lips.
“If that's an invitation I'll gladly take it” he mutters as his face gets closer to mine pulling me closer by my hips and pressing his lips against mine passionately.
As Matt and I stood close to each other, lost in the moment, the sound of someone clearing their throat suddenly interrupted us. I turned my head towards the hallway and saw Chris leaning against the wall, his eyes fixed on us. Embarrassed and caught off guard, I quickly took a step back from Matt. We both jumped at the sudden intrusion and felt our faces flush with embarrassment.
“Chris I didn't know you were here” matt says scratching the back of his head
“I made Nick go shopping and told him I was inviting someone over and wanted the house to myself,” Chris says smirking. “So did you consider our little bet, Y/N” he continues.
“Look, Chris, I'm only gonna agree to it if Y/N says she's 100% comfortable with it, I'm not like you, I'm not gonna assume she wants to do something and pressure her into doing something she doesn't want to” Matt defends
“Then you obviously don't know her the way I do, believe me,” Chris chuckles “She's an absolute freak, I know all her sexual fantasies, so what do you say, Y/N? Are you down?” he comes closer looking at me.
I look down playing with my bracelet on my wrist thinking for a moment. Would it be wrong to fuck both? How experienced was Matt? God, I wonder if that theory of twins was right. He's a triplet though but could he and Matt have the same dick size?
“You know what? Fuck it, but only if you two are down” I say shrugging my shoulders.
“DOWN,” Both Chris and Matt say in unison
Chris runs up to me throwing me over my shoulder as he guides me to his bedroom and Matt follows shortly behind him. Chris kicked his door open and carefully threw my body on his bed.
“Strip,” Chris says eyeing me up and down as both sets of blue eyes gaze down at me in pure lust.
My arms wrap around my torso pulling my shirt off and throwing it on the other side of the bed. I lift my hips up to shimmy my skirt down my legs and kick my skirt off leaving me bare considering i wore nothing under my dress.
“God you're such a whore wearing nothing underneath that outfit” Chris chuckled.
Matt smiled down as his eyes traveled down from mine and followed every curve of my body.
“I'm gonna let matt have first go only cause I've been between your legs many times before” Chris smirks.
Matt pulled my entire body down so my legs hung off the bed and immediately dipped his head down leaving small kisses down my thighs as his mouth kisses my clit making my hips jerk up and a smile appears on both Matt and Chris's Lips.
Chris slides around to the other side of the bed and places his legs on either side of my waist as Matt's tongue moves in between my folds collecting my taste.
“Oh fuck Matt, god you're so good” my back arches onto Chris’ chest as his hands begin to twist and fiddle with my nipples.
“Someones enjoying themselves” Chris chuckles in my neck as he places wet kisses from my jawline down my neck.
Matt smirks as his tongue flicks upwards to my clit. He lifts his head a little and brings his fingers to my mouth “Open” he sternly says.
My mouth obeys and his fingers glide into my mouth swirling my tongue around his ring and middle finger before he abruptly removes them and glides them into my needy hole and slightly curls them up hitting that soft gummy part of my insides.
My hips jerk upward “FUCK” I moan out burying my head in Chris’ neck causing him to chuckle.
“You like having both of us, don't you?” he spits out sucking purple marks down my neck.
“So close” I moan out as Matt's head lifts up just using his fingers and moving them up and down as his lips go between his teeth watching how my body moves in Chris's arms, observing how my sounds got louder as I got closer.
“Should we let her cum?” Chris says smirking to Matt.
“P-please” I stutter out as my eyes roll behind my head.
“Cum” Matt says as his pace with his fingers moved at an ungodly pace.
With his words, the knot in my stomach snapped and my legs began shaking as my orgasm dripped out of me and onto Matts's fingers.
“Flip,” Chris says in my ear.
I obeyed and flipped over on my stomach as both boys began undressing. I couldn't take my eyes off both Matt and Chris, my eyes flickered between the two, I've had sex with Chris thousands of times but each time was always so different. Seeing Matt bare in front of me I couldn't quite stop staring. He wasn't as big as Chris but his gerth made up for the lost inches.
“You see something ya like sweet girl,” matt says softly.
I swallow the lump in my chest and nod at him. A smile appears on both their faces. Matt walks around the bed to where my ass is and Chris kneels on the bed facing me.
“Why don't you use that pretty little mouth for something useful eh?” Chris takes my chin between his fingers and glides his thumb across my lip before rubbing his dick along my lips. “Be a good girl and open ya mouth for me” Chris smiles down at me.
I nod opening my mouth and taking the majority of his length in my mouth using my hand to pump the rest that wouldn't fit. Chris throws his head back and groans.
Matt smirks at the way I obey Chris’ commands and rubs his dick through my folds and slaps my clit a little making a muffled moan escape my lips sending vibrations through Chris.
Matt pushes his cock in my hole that's already clenching around the air and immediately bottoms out. “Fuck me,” he groans out “god damn you are so fucking tight” he begins to start thrusting in me pushing me farther down chris’ cock causing a Gagging noise.
“Your mouth is fucking perfect,” Chris says as he moves the hair out of my face.
Matt’s thrusts sped up as the sound of my moans was muffled by Chris’ dick being shoved farther down my throat making my eyes roll back. “I think she likes having both of her holes used hm?” Matt taunts.
I remove my mouth from Chris as Matt pushes my hips down into the mattress feeling the pit of my stomach drop as he reaches the deepest part in me as a pornographic moan comes out of my lips. “Oh fuck, Matt” I squeal out.
Chris moves my head back on his cock making a makeshift ponytail and forcing my head down deeper onto him as his eyes roll back at the feeling of hitting deep in my throat. “Fuck ma, you're throat takes my cock so fucking good” he groans out.
I start clenching around Matt signaling I was close to finishing as if my legs shaking wasn't a clear indication. “Are you close baby” Matt groans “You're clenching around me so good” he smiles devilishly.
“Mhm,” I mumble out.
“Fuck” Chris groans “You're gonna swallow every ounce,” he says forcing my eyes to look upon his. As he thrusts into my mouth a couple of times before finishing in my mouth as his hot ropes of cum coat my throat. “Show me” he grabs my throat as Matt still thrusts in me. I obeying stick my tongue out to show him i swallowed. “Good girl” he smiles down at me slapping my cheek very lightly.
“Fuck!” i scream out “c-close” i grab Chris's hand as my close orgasm becomes unbearably intense.
“Cum, Cum all over my fucking dick” matt grunts out slamming his cock deep into me.
Before I could even think about his words my orgasm squirted out of me and drenched his lower half and the bed. Matt chuckles giving me a couple more thrusts and groaning out as he paints my once-pink walls, white. My body went limp against Chris’ body causing him and Matt to chuckle.
“Are you alright Y/N” Matt asks placing his hand on my lower back.
“Mhm,” I start “That was the most intense orgasm I've had in a WHILE,” I say picking myself up off Chris and sitting on the bed trying to regain myself.
“I could see why Chris was so pussy whipped” matt chuckles.
“I fucking told you she's fucking incredible” Chris chimes in.
“I'm literally right here Chris,” I softly laugh “Can I wear one of you guys’ clothes? I don't feel like getting mine back on”
“On it” both boys said at the same time.
“I'll get her a hoodie” matt says rushing to his room.
“I'll grab the pants” Chris walks over to his drawer tossing me a pair of pants as Matt walks back in tossing me one of his hoodies.
Chris and Matt both throw on the clothes they previously had on and I throw on the clothes I had borrowed.
My mind was flooding with reminiscing thoughts of the recent event that had just happened while Matt and Chris just acted like nothing happened but I brushed it off and just wanted to let things happen as the day progressed.
“So can we watch a movie or DoorDash some food?” i say breaking the science of all of us just sitting in Chris's bedroom
“Absolutely,” they say in unison.
“Get me some Alfredo” I smile at them.
“Already had it in my cart” Chris laughs.
After they had ordered the food both of them laid down next to me and handed me the remote, I turned it on to Gossip Girl and Chris instantly adjusted himself as this was the show we watched every time I came over to spend the night.
“Wait did chuck sleep with her? I thought he was with Blair?” Chris says turning to me.
“No remember Chris, Blair, and Chuck broke up when Chuck slept with Dan’s sister,” I say laughing
“Woah woah” Matt starts “Chris actually watches this shit with you?” Matt chuckles.
“Shut up” Chris groans out of embarrassment.
“Oh yeah and he fucking loves it” I add
“I'm so lost,” Matt says shaking his head smiling.
“I'll catch you up one day,” I say smiling at Matt
“So where does this leave us” Chris says more seriously as he turns his head to both Matt and I.
“Just shut up, for now, Chris, I don't wanna worry about what girl you're gonna bring home after I leave, just let me watch this” i breath out.
The thought of where Chris and i’s relationship was gonna go wasn't in my head until he brought it up. But now I'm facing another problem. What am I gonna do with matt? He was absolutely amazing and his dick game was no fucking joke. But in the wise words of Katherine Pierce “it's okay to love them both, i did”
And i happen to love both of them.
A/N pt 2: AHH SO HERES LES PT 2, I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! i don’t plan on making this a series but i hope you guys loved it!! also if you can’t tell i love gossip girl lol ALSO TYSM FOR 600 FOLLOWERS!!
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tightjeansjavi · 7 months
Congrats on being here writing for one year!!!
🦋Can I please request a little mini drabble for Javi G?
And since you know I love my little bad boi/soft boi - can you please make him a little naughty? He's not a big, mean man, but I think he can be spicy when he wants to be.
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Patti, anything for you my darling 💗
Thank you for taking my Javi G v-card ;)
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A/N: spicy, spicy, spicy! 🥵🌶️
~word count: 1.3k~
Summary: being Javi Gutierrez’s personal assistant comes with many perks.
Pairing | Javi Gutierrez x f!personal assistant reader
Warnings: smut with no plot, power imbalance (boss/employee) reader is ballsy and bold, mutual pining, unprotected piv, fingering, teasing (like HELLA) seductress reader, noncon/dubcon (reader is naked in his eye-line on purpose) javi is respectful till he’s not, dom!javi, reader can understand Spanish, reader has no physical descriptions such as body type or skin color, no age gap (no mention of age) +18, minors dni!
¡Mierda! - Shit!
Querida - darling
Ten piedad de mí, joder - have mercy on me, fuck
Hermosa - gorgeous
Chica mala - bad girl
translations done by @angelofsmalldeath-codeine & @yoongi-tangerine-22
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Being Javi Gutierrez’s personal assistant came with…many perks. Javi was always a generous man, and even though he was your boss, and you knew it was shameful to be attracted to him, you couldn’t help it.
But what’s a girl to do with an assumed one-sided attraction? Tease the shit out of him till he simply can’t take it anymore.
It started off innocent, light touches here and there. Fluttering of lashes, giggles, and asking him questions about himself that did not pertain to the conversation at hand.
You loved to see him stutter over his responses and rub the back of his neck, or card his fingers through his luscious, soft curls.
He never acted upon his desires and urges. He always was respectful, polite, and boy, did that often drive you up a wall.
You were desperate to know what kind of man Javi Gutierrez was in the bedroom.
You started wearing revealing clothing around him. Short skirts, low-cut tops that had your tits practically staring him in the face. Flowy sundresses that allowed for easy access to your bare cunt.
He found you purposely bent over at times, with the seam of your pussy exposed—puffy, dripping a droplet of arousal like the sweetest fruit a man could ever taste.
Tempted by the bared fruit of Eden, he was. The urge was there, but never satiated. You were his assistant, and he was your boss. It would be shameful.
The sun was hot, blistering, boiling on your skin. One of the perks of living at Javi’s coastal home, was your free access to his inground pool. As long as you did your job, you could spend your free time lounging poolside for hours.
Today you decided to spice things up a bit more than usual knowing the exact time that Javi would come down for his afternoon swim. You would be there, waiting for him.
At first, he didn’t notice your naked form sunbathing on your stomach, ankles crossed in a relaxed position on the poolside chaise lounge. His mind was elsewhere: a new screenplay idea.
He whistled, throwing his towel down on the chair beside you, stretching his arms above his head, giving you a tiny peek at the happy trail at the top of his very tight speedo.
Your sunglasses tip down over the bridge of your nose as you shamelessly drink him in. Salivating at the look of his bronzed, golden skin that you absolutely would love to sink your teeth into.
“Mr. Gutierrez, so nice of you to join me.” You giggle softly, waving your fingers in a teasing motion.
He does a double take when his eyes finally gloss over your naked body. His pupils expand, and he nearly stumbles over his two feet.
“¡Mierda!” He exclaims, covering his eyes and shaking his head. “Querida, why are you naked?!” The harmless nickname slips past his lips, his eyes going wide behind the cover of his hands when the realization hits.
“Aw, Javi! I’m your darling? Wow, you sure know how to get a gal feeling flustered!” You giggle again and slowly roll over onto your back, thighs falling open over the side of the lounge chair, just enough that he can see the outline of your cunt. “It’s far too hot to be wearing anything, Javi. My skin is absolutely boiling.” You said with a soft, airy sigh, letting your hand drift southwards to rest along your stomach. Inching—
Ten piedad de mí, joder. He thinks.
He doesn’t respond, feeling flustered as a hot flush spreads across his face. He averts from making eye contact with you and tosses his sunglasses onto his towel. You swear you hear him curse under his breath just before he dives into the refreshing pool.
Javi finally loses his cool when the second draft of his new screenplay is rejected. He’s been so distracted with you and your antics that he hasn’t been able to focus! Well, he’s about to show you just how frustrated he truly is with you.
You don’t hear him approaching at first from where you’re bent over the sink, focused on washing the dishes and the song playing in your AirPods.
Your hips are swaying to the side, loose and flowy and from where Javi is standing in the opening of the kitchen, he’s practically burning holes into the back of your head.
Fucking tease.
He stalks forward, coming up behind you and nearly rips the earbuds from your ears, tossing them onto the countertop.
“Hey—” you start to say, losing your voice in your throat when you feel Javi’s palm slip between the apex of your thighs, fingers just barely brushing between the seam of your cunt.
“You’re a dirty fucking tease, querida.” He growls against the shell of your ear. His freehand yanks you back by your hip. He inhales your scent, familiar—his fucking cologne? “Naughty fucking tease. Are you—wearing my cologne?” He drags his fingers through your folds, gathering up your apparent arousal, sticky and wet for him. “Dripping all over the freshly washed tiles, hermosa.”
“Fuuck—” you whimper, pressing your ass directly against the growing bulge in his cotton shorts. Your head lolls to the side, falling back against his shoulder. “I’m your dirty fucking tease, Javi.” You spread your thighs further for him as he continues his ministrations, “Wearing your cologne, sir. Stole it from your room because I’m a bad, bad, girl. I wanted you to smell yourself on me.”
He nips at your neck, sinking his teeth into your skin, sucking harshly on your pulse point as he eases two fingers inside of your sopping cunt, knuckle deep. “Fucking always wearing short skirts around me. Those goddamn sundresses. Lost my mind when you were sunbathing naked, cunt on full display without a care in the world. You’ve made it so, so hard for me to keep my hands to myself, querida.”
“Javiii!” You whine, “please don’t keep your hands to yourself, baby. Please. Have your way with me, sir. I’m all yours.” You don’t give a flying fuck how desperate you sound for this man, you’ve been pining after him for far too long to care.
“Yeah? You think I should, hermosa? Think I should give you my cock? That’s what you want, right? You want my cock? I don’t think you deserve it, querida. Not after you’ve driven me up a fucking wall. Naughty little teases don’t get rewarded.”
He begins to shallowly pump his fingers, knuckle deep, curling them inwards. You can feel the bite of the cooling touch of his expensive rings against your hot skin. “Please, Javi! Give me anything—I’ll take whatever you give me! Your cock, your fingers!” You cry out.
“Yeah? You’re that fucking desperate for me, querida? You want my cock that fucking bad? Look at you, dripping all over my fingers…” he hums, pressing the hardening length of his cock against your ass. “You want me to fuck you so bad, little tease? Take my cock out then, hermosa. Fuck yourself on it.”
You waste no time to reach behind and blindly search for the waistband of his shorts. You let out a frustrating whine when he pulls himself back slightly just so you have to work for it a little harder. He hisses between his teeth, working his fingers inside of you faster when you finally pull his cock free through the opening of his shorts.
He’s heavy in your palm, tip weeping an angry bead of precum when you pull him back in just as he slips his fingers out. You're both a mess of breathy moans when you ease him into your wet heat, tight pussy hugging him like a fist as he bottoms out.
He’s thick, girthy, and it’s overwhelming to have all of him stuffed inside of you. It’s a delicious sensation: being stretched open by Javi’s cock.
“You’re enjoying this too fucking much, hermosa.” He keeps a firm grip on your hip, his other snakes around you, dipping between your thighs so he can thrum your sensitive clit. “Fuck yourself on it, chica mala.”
And so you do.
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banners made by the lovely @saradika 💗
please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications!
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deaddovedecadence · 21 days
Title: The Date
Warning(s): murder, possessive behavior, obsession, belittling.
Request(s): none
It was your Father, your inhuman other-then father who’s never cared about makeup that introduced you to it. It’s one of the only ways he hasn’t failed you, taught you that gender is just gender and toys are for everyone. You saw Tsumiki putting on makeup once and you felt hooked, like something entirely your own was circling your body in that moment.
Makeup is a form of control for you, something that no one forces on you or tries to change about you. Sometimes Megumi watches you do your makeup, and it was Tsumiki and your Father who taught you to do it in the first place.
Today you’re doing makeup for a very special reason. You have a date! Shintani Mashiro, a very friendly guy in your class asked you out with a shy smile and some pretty flowers. Megumi didn’t say anything so you assumed it was okay.
Now as you’re getting ready, flitting about your room, trying to decide what to wear, you feel worse then you have in months. It’s been peaceful for a while and now you’re worrying about it, wondering if you’re going to fuck up the rare peace in the house.
Deep Breath.
Deep Breath.
You have flowy pants and tighter pants in your hands when Tsumiki walks into the room. “Getting all ready?” She asks, and it occurs to you once again, that anything Megumi knows, Tsumiki does too.
“I am, but I don’t know what pants to wear.” Tsumiki makes a considering hum. “the looser ones with the black long sleeve you stole for Megumi.”
You think about for a second, and realize that she’s right. Of course she is.
Tsumiki sits on your bed as you get ready, watching you fuss over your (still white) hair. “Why are you so excited love?” She asks and you don’t know how to format your answer to make it acceptable.
“I don’t really know a lot of people so maybe this can be a chance for me.” You decide on, trying not to offend or anger her. Tsumiki considers this, opening one of the magazines you have by your bedside table.
You continue gettting ready, shedding your loungewear for the pants and long sleeve. You don’t look half bad, not at all.
“Why do you need people who aren’t family?” She asks quietly, cutting through the peaceful silence and you freeze. “I just get so bored sometimes Miki, it’ll be nice to have someone else to bother when I’m bored.”
This seems to be an acceptable answer because she comes over to kiss the top of your head and leaves you alone.
Eventually you end up in the living room, waiting for him to arrive.
Your Father walks into the living room as you’re waiting, smiling his horrible smile as usual. “Whatcha waiting for child of mine?”
You give him a small grin. “I’m going on a date, remember? I thought Megumi told you.”
“He did but you, you didn’t little one. I mean if Megs can tell me business that isn’t even his own, then I’d think you could me that you want to go out on a date of all things.”
You fucked up. You aren’t sure how but you fucked up.
“Dad I-”
“Nu-uh. I think you need a reminder of your place in this family. When that.. thing comes to the door, invite him in, offer him a drink, okay?”
“Dad please-”
“I thought we had quashed this wanting friends thing.”
“He did ask them in front of the whole class Satoru. They couldn’t really say anything without being rude, and you know how inútil feels about being rude.”
You turn to look at Megumi, leaning against the doorway, and there’s something not right about his face.
Oh shit.
Megumi’s mad too.
Here’s the problem, you don’t know why. Megumi is usually very honest and very open about his rage…
You don’t understand.
Still, when he gets here, you offer for him to come in, ask him to meet Your Father.
Mashiro smiles and offers his hands and is so gentle. Your heart hurts for what is to come.
“Sweetheart, get him a glass of water while we have our chat.”
There’s a glass of water in the kitchen already and you know that this boy, this kind, stupid boy isn’t going to leave this place alive.
Still, you take the water to him, and sit down next to him. Your Father is still speaking kindly.
Mashiro drinks all of the water.
You feel sick.
As Mashiro starts to choke, Your Father leans over him.
“Know this,” He hisses, furious, “You are nothing but a lesson. They will never find your body.”
Even as he dies and you sob and sob and sob, Megumi watches you. He’s always watching but instead of his usual indifference, there’s a sick pleasure.
You promise yourself that you’ll never forget this.
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bahbzxxx · 1 year
Sick! Venti X Traveler!Reader (SFW)
(In which his sickness was caused by getting his gnosis taken cause Huh sis that hurt even watching. But HAH he’s getting ✨better✨ while S*gnora is a pile of ashes lolsies)
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There’s only one set of eyes on your mind as you race through the serenitea pot that’s much too big for your liking. If you were focused on your environment, Everything everywhere would make you want to explode into a pile of stardust here and now. Only the thought of not finding him would make you want to do that.
You approach the guestroom. Venti has been staying with you for a little while, recuperating. He will do it once in a while… when he needs a place to hide because the sickness is too hard to cope with alone. Sometimes, his stays are very long…and they seem to get a little longer, every time. He insists that it’s because he enjoys being with you, and he’s really recovering, but by not. But you know He will never feel the same… since…
You push the ice from your mind and how it still feels like frost blooms along your skin, only to penetrate it. It’s sharp.
You can only imagine how sharp it was for him…
With you just…there…doing nothing…
You knock on the side of the door, which is slightly ajar.
You hear a gentle hum, as well as footsteps and slight floorboard creaks from an owner too beautiful and divine for any land in the sea of stars you crossed.
Venti’s viridescent gaze envelops you in a fuzzy warm cloud as he opens the door. He is sleepily rubbing his eyes with his eyebrows furrowed. His expression softens as he sees you…and he takes both your hands in his, and he takes you inside. He can sense your despair…so he closes the door behind him with a gentle pat.
You see that he has no corset on and wears flowy pants that are a touch wrinkled. There are light sleep lines on his face and peaking out of his sleeves…the tell tale signs that he had just been in a deep nap.
“Hmm… you’re done early today…hmm…got any stories for me?”
His voice is so husky…and you can hear his exhaustion.
He holds his hands out to you with a soft smile, sensing you could really use an ear.
The hug you give the archon is almost enough to crush his own lungs.
“Hmph~ oof!”
his unbuttoned shirt is now covered in your tears as you cry into his chest, squeezing into his soft waist as if it is your life-line.
“Mmmm? Mmm…”
His heart breaks when he realizes you’re crying. He wraps his arms around you, rubbing deep circles in your back and nuzzling the top of your head.
He lets out a large sigh, and it feels as if his body is deflating like an anemo slime.
“Windblume…oh, my sweet little Windblume…” he whispers softly into your hair, leaving kisses in between.
He knows why you’re being like this…and truly, he does understand, as much as he’d prefer if you weren’t worrying so much.
“I know. I know…but I’m okay. She’s all gone…shes not gonna hurt us anymore…she’s not gonna hurt you, hurt…hurt me…”
He feels you squeeze him tighter, and he hears your little hiccups. You’re crying harder now…
“Windblume… I’m fine…I’ll be fine…I’m recovering, mein liebling, I promise you…bit by bit…”
He keeps rubbing your back, taking deep, steady breaths. He continues whispering sweet comforts as he holds you for a while, rocking you back and forth as he leans his body against the wall.
After a while of standing, Venti feels a bit weak…he may have recovered a lot, but he still needs a bit more time.
“Come with me, love…”
Gently, he leads you to the fluffy chair he begged you for a while ago from the Cats Tail in the corner. He plops down with a heavy sigh, closing his eyes and leaning back.
The bard opens his eyes, a bit upset that you haven’t joined him yet. He finds you standing there hesitantly, shyly watching over him while your eyes still sparkle with tears.
“Liebling…” He beckons, chuckling to lighten both your moods a little.
He reaches for your arm, and gently pulls you into his lap. He feels your hesitation, knowing that you’re scared even sitting in his lap could make things worse for him. He reassures you that this is oh so far from the truth.
“Uh-uh, no no no…I want you here with me…It’s okay…you make me feel better…”
He takes you in his arms once more, making sure you’re cozy in his lap.
“There we go…all comfy and cozy.”
He kisses your cheeks and your eyelids, as if he’s kissing your tears away.
You can tell he’s still lethargic based on the weight of his kisses…
“Now it’s my turn to suffocate you, hehe…”
He squeezes you to him, letting your head rest on his heart. It beats so steadily and slowly, like a gentle bass drum.
You sit like this for a while, You staring up at him, his chest he offers as your pillow as he takes his time kissing all over your face.
Naturally, despite all the worry you had, and still have, his viridescent gaze is so calming and soothing that you feel yourself growing sleepier and sleepier, much to his satisfaction. But…he sees that you’re still trying to fight it off, even when you’re safe in his arms and you can sleep. All this worrying about him… it made him sad, knowing that you probably were getting much less sleep than he was…
“My little warrior…you’ve been so worried about me…you’ve been so exhausted…you don’t need to hide that from me…” He sighs, moving the hair out of your face that just keeps coming back and hiding your precious eyes from him.
“…you know…I’m not quite used to someone being so concerned for my well-being…you remember that?”
You nod, and he purses his lips.
“I-I know…I know I worry you…” he continues softly, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“And as much as I want to give you a little bop on the head and tell you to stop that…”
He gives you a bop on the nose, hoping he can get you to giggle for him. Maybe just a crack of a smile even.
“That means…I’d have to stop getting worried with your adventures…I-I know, my Windblume…it may seem like you’ve seen just about everything…can do anything…but there’s always a part of me that’s just terrified…so scared you won’t come back to me…”
He tips your chin back up to him.
“But…you always manage to find a way back… Back to me…don’t you?” He smiles, bringing his nose closer to yours.
“I’ll even bet that you could be cursed by an evil sorceress on your travels, doomed to be an insect forever…”
Your eyes widen. You’d seen much worse, but nobody had done that…
“But…then I’d find a certain pretty little butterfly on my nose as I wake up from an afternoon nap…somehow, somewhere…”
You raise an eyebrow. You suppose you’re the pretty little butterfly in question…
He chuckles deeply, his chest vibrating against you.
“In other words…no matter how much I worry about you…somehow, even if it’s through a single thread of hope…I know that you’ll end up okay…right? Somehow…I really don’t know yet. You still truly amaze me…”
You giggle at the expression on his face.
“And…do I amaze you?”
You nod, a cute little blush on your face.
“Hmm…ok, then…let me amaze you with how, no matter how much you keep worrying about little old me…I’ll always be with you…and I’ll always find my way back to you…even if it’s just a tiny gust of wind…know that it’s me…do you understand, Liebling?”
You just smile, imagining to yourself how that would work. The bard takes that as a yes.
“Besides…you and I both know I’ve seen the rear end of much worse than this…and maybe…just maybe…I’m a little stronger than I’m given credit for…”
There’s a bit of bitterness tinged in his soft expression and tone…but it’s definitely not directed at you. That person is a pile of ashes now.
“Hmm.” He clears his throat. “So…”
He leans in to whisper into your ear. His tone lowers at least an octave.
“Trust me.”
It’s not a question. It’s not a request.
He presses his forehead to yours, his eyes enveloping yours. Your lips are almost touching, and you feel his breath on yours.
“Trust. Me…”
He closes the fragment of space between your lips. It starts out soft and sweet, but his kiss becomes heavier as he puts one arm around the small of your waist to keep your fellow sleepy self from slipping, and the other on your cheek.
He keeps kissing you, breathing the same mantra into you every time your lips part- “Trust me.”
You slip your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you.
“I love you…I love you so much, mein liebling…I love you in a way that even a poet as myself couldn’t describe without making an utter fool of himself…”
His cheeks, already rosy, grow redder and redder and hotter everytime your lips touch and twist. You get so lost in this lush little wonderland that you feel you’re going to fall, even in his hold. The sensation startles you, and you panic. You gasp, clinging onto the fabric of his shirt. He lets out a whimpery and whiny groan.
“Oh…perhaps this isn’t quite the best idea, is it?”
He sighs, blowing his bangs out of his face.
You nod bashfully, an apology forming on your tongue. You slowly begin sliding off his lap, but his grip on your waist tightens.
“I had wanted to try and get out of bed today…maybe be useful and show you some of the poetry I had penned…but maybe…just maybe…”
There’s a gleam in his eye. It’s that gleam.
“Hmm…yep. Not today. Back to bed!”
You find yourself slung over his shoulder as he makes way back to the bed. Before you can scold him for obvious reasons, he’s already tossed you onto the bed, and the mattress is springing underneath his weight as he climbs onto the bed himself, looming on top of you.
He laughs as he ensnares you underneath him, your arms crossed and shaking your head. Your face is priceless, and he’s sure the winds of the far flung past, present, and future will never, ever forget it.
He feels a bit dizzy now…to not even his own surprise, so he flops down beside you, making the mattress bounce even more.
“Ahhh…that’s more like it…”
He weaves an arm under your body and around you to pull you closer to him.
“Now…where were we…oh, yes…”
You lean in for another kiss. You’re left hanging for a bit, and you can hear the smirk he’s wearing.
You open your eyes with a pout.
“Oh…don’t be like that…besides…aren’t we forgetting something? Hmm?”
He brings his braid to your face and brushes it against your cheeks and makes it do a little dance on your nose. He bops you on the nose once he’s done with the little dance.
Of course you have to undo his braids. Of course you do.
“There’s my Windblume…”
(is that angsty enough)
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avalil18 · 7 months
(Series) Only The Young
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Summary: you and Joe meet at OSU and start to get to know each other
Pairing: Joe burrow x reader
September 10 2017
It was a cool September day at OSU. The sun was shining but a crisp in the air flowed. I was heading out the door to go to my English class. I was wearing jeans, a white long sleeve Flowy top, and boots. My backpack was as heavy as a boulder and was making my back ache. Once I got to my English class I sat down on one of the auditorium seats and pulled out the moving table from my arm chair to put my notebook and pen on. After a few minutes more people started to come I wasn’t really paying attention to any one of them until someone caught my eye. It was one of the quarterbacks from the football team. He recently joined the class. I’ve seen him walk around before and I’ve seen him play. He is really good at football but I don’t understand why he is a backup. He should be QB1 from the way I seen him play. He sat down in the row below me. He fisted bumped someone who was probably one of his friends and pulled out his stuff from his bag. He was so cute. But I have to focus. The class was long but all I could think about was him. He was right there the whole time just being perfect. As the bell rang it startled me but I got up and put my book in my hands and swung my backpack on my shoulder. As I was getting out of the row to head out someone bumped into me. It was him! My books fell out of my hand and he went to pick it up.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry”-joe
“Are you ok?”- joe said as he handed me my books back
I smiled
“Yeah! I’m ok. Sorry that was my fault I wasn’t looking.”-you
“Haha! Don’t worry about it I wasn’t looking either.”-joe
“I’m Joe by the way, Joe burrow!”-joe
He puts his hands on the straps of his backpack clearly not knowing if he should shake my hand
“I’m y/n!”- you
“Well y/n it was nice meeting you,and so sorry for bumping into you.”-joe
“Don’t worry about it! And it was nice meeting you to Joe burrow.” -You say with a smile
Joe smiles big trying not to blush but I could definitely see it.
We both walked out and onto the main campus. He wasn’t a little bit behind me but I could feel eyes on me as I walked and knew it was him which gave me butterflies.
“Wait y/n,wait up!”-joe
I turned around to see his beautiful blue eyes and wide smile.
“Do you by any chance have the notes from last class? I missed them because I was at an away game.”-joe
I smiled
“Yeah! I was actually about to go to the library to finish them though. You can join if you want!” - you
Um! What was I thinking! Inviting the QB to take notes with me!
“Yeah actually! I would like that!”-joe
“Great! This way!”-you
Joe started walking with me and my heart was pounding. After a few minutes Joe spoke up.
“So, tell me about yourself!”-joe
“Haha! Well since you want to know so badly. I am from Northgate,Ohio which is right out of Cincinnati. I have an older sister and a twin brother! And I love dogs and the beach!”-you
“Oh!I’m from Ohio too! I have two older brothers!”-joe
“Really! Where in Ohio?”-you
“Athens!”- joe
“Oh I’ve been of Athens! My friends and I used to go there sometimes during the summer because there is this old house on the lake and where we used to hang out!”- you
“Yeah! The famous lake house! I go there all the time!”-joe
“Haha that’s so funny! People in Athens are so sweet that’s one of the reasons I’ve always loved going.”-you
“Yeah,they are really nice!”-joe
Joe and I got to work on our notes but we couldn’t stop talking and laughing.
“So you really only seen Star Wars once?”-joe
“Damm y/n I really got to go take you to go see it. You have to watch it!”-joe
I looked at him in shock. Did Joe just ask me out?
“Let me take you out Saturday night! We can go to the theater right around the corner.”- joe
“Are you asking me out on a date, burrow?”-you
“Well then it’s a date!”-you
“It’s a date! Here give me your phone number.”-joe
I handed him my phone. My heart is racing. I can’t believe I’m going on a date with Joe!
“Here! I will text you.”-joe says handing back your phone.
“Ok! See ya! Got to get to physics which sucks!”-you
Joe looks back at you in shock.
“You hate physics? I love it!”-joe
“What!! I can’t stand it! I don’t understand what Professor Burn talks about. Well I just don’t understand it in general.”-you
“How about I help you! You can help me in English and I will return the favor by helping you with physics!”-joe
“Ok! I got to go but text me!”-you
“Ok! Bye y/n!”-joe
“Bye Joe!”-you
I walked away with a smile on my face.
Joes POV
I got into English class and there she was y/n. She was beautiful. Brunette hair, blue eyes, and an amazing smile. She’s very sweet and calm. She has a funny laugh that makes me get butterflies. She sits right behind me. I always find myself looking at her for to long whenever she gets called on.
As I was walking out I wasn’t looking where I was going and bumped into her.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry!”-joe
I bent down to get her notebook and English book. As I gave it to her she smiled which made me get all giddy inside. I introduced myself and she did the same. We both walked out and I didn’t want to stop talking to her so I decided to say I didn’t do my notes and if she could let me borrow her notes. I actually did do them. All of it. I ran up to her and I asked. I then found myself sitting in the library with y/n taking notes. I found myself staring at her beauty. She was perfect. I knew I needed to ask her out. She got me. And not a lot of people really click with me like she did. She was different. A good different. So I asked if she wanted to watch Star Wars with me at the theatre even though i watched it millions of times. And she said yes! I gave her my phone number and turns out she needed help with physics which is my specialty. My plan is to take her out Saturday then maybe if she feels comfortable to come back to my place to study. Not to do anything else. I’m not that kind of person to rush into things like that and I know people are different when it comes to those kinda getting together things and I respect it. I was kinda sad when she left to go to class. I just wanted to keep talking to her forever. But now I have to plan the perfect night for Saturday.
Authors note:Ahhhhh first one of the series! Yay! I hope you guys like it! This is apart of How you get the girl🩷✌️
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medusa12346 · 2 years
Choose a frozen character-YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE-EVERYTHING
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I hope you enjoy!
Pile 1-
Pile 1, your future spouse is a very private person per se. They might be your opposite too. They’re very successful and abundant in their career, however, their personal life may be a bit wonky. They’re a very giving and materialistic person, however, they may not be the most caring or affectionate. They probably have an iPhone 11? That was specific lol… They may like dancing and may be into sports of some kind, I’m also seeing balanced energy between themselves, masculine and feminine both, with the masculine coming out stronger than feminine but the feminine leaving a harder impact than the masculine. I’m hearing that they have had an unhealthy cycle in their relationship, and the end of that cycle will be you. They will be holding onto you very tightly. This is a very valuable relationship, seems like they’ll never let you go and are quite possessive of you. Damn this person has a lot to say and to show, literally all of my thoughts are overlapping each other-They’ve broken down a million times and put themselves back together again…okay one thing they may not be big fan of animals though, especially rodents of some kind. They’re very mature, stable and practical, and grounded, which can make them a bit boring or dull sometimes but they’re usually really fun and nice to hang out with even if it’s not too extreme. Your person’s love language is giving time, gifts, effort, and money. I’m getting a lot of Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn plus a bunch of mutable energy. OKAY OKAY extreme message, their house might have been destroyed in a fire once? Your person is a summer person and loves seeing you in flowy and comfortable dresses.OOH okay, they might be a POC, if you’re black then they might be the same but this applies to anyone who’s a POC! OKAY, so your person may have had a backward ascendance, like they might have been spiritual once but then lost faith? I’m also hearing that its no point in convincing them again tbh, let them be, it’s their journey and the universe is honestly okay with it. Your fs might be really close with your mom in the future or their mom too, but I’m hearing they’ll be close to yours, I don’t think they had a typical family environment. HOWEVER, they have definitely healed from this though, I get so much positive energy from them. They’re pretty confident about themselves and may be working on a major project currently? Most probably financial and material stability. If they’re a girl, they like to wear off-shoulder tops and if a boy then shirtless- if gender-neutral then according to their birth gender I’m hearing. They might like seeing you in boots, high heels, and drunk for some reason? (if you’re a girl) OOh, you will make them the happiest person in the world after agreeing to marry them/being a long-term partner. You two may have kids together if u want. They have a very fair mindset, sometimes a bit too much. Maybe they’re in law as well, and they value truth a lot. Even white lies would hurt more than the cold truth. They have a lot of compassion for the world, and charity seems to be important for them.
Pile 2-
OOOOHHHH yall are soulmates no cap. However, you may ignore your future spouse for the first time. They may be a player, and you might think they’re playing you the first time they ask you out or something. GURL, I UNDERSTAND NO WORRIES. There’s gonna be a whole lotta passion here, I also see new beginnings so you may be leaving something, a relationship may be, (friendship too) and going into this relationship. They CAN be a bit emotionally mature and sometimes a bit less understanding with a heavy demeanor, but in the end, they pepper you with kisses and cuddles, and hugs. I’m seeing in their previous relationships, they used to act tough with their sp when their friends were present, but with you, they are cuddly and baby even with their friends, oh and btw they probably got new friends LMAO-I get that they think you’re very smart, logical, practical, emotionally detached and commanding, and they absolutely love it, they go crazy for you HSDHSHSJSJSJ. HOLY JESUS SO MANY HIGHLIGHTS OF YOU TWO BEING TWINFLAMES/SOULMATES-ERNFJRJERF. UM basically, they’re also financially stable and love kids and pets. I don’t think they were born with a silver spoon, they worked hard for it and got it in the end. I’m getting major ‘daddy’ vibes from them SJSJSJ so maybe they’re a lot older than you? You’ll also be ending some sort of cycle with his person, like maybe negative thinking, anxiety and all of that will go to trash. You’ll also let go of some de@d family members, that you couldn’t ever let go of? BOIIII THEY HAVE CONQUERED all the challenges life has to throw at them, theyre one tough cookie.They will be majorly in business or in managing, i dont see a very ‘artistic’ person ig? But theyre very romantic, so they’ll probably try to be romantic. I’m seeing different people a lot, so maybe they change their appearance quite a bit, like dying their hair and putting on fake nose rings? I’m seeing you’ll gain a lot of confidence in this relationship, and also get more connected to nature and to earth. ALSO, YOU’LL START GETTING OUT OF BED SOON some of them could wear a turban or tie their hair up in that kind of way after showering? Specific NDNDJD.I’m seeing you two will majorly be the cool aunt and uncle, i don’t see you have kids if you don’t want to, but there are more chances of you two having nieces rather than your own kids. Your person could be Saturn dominant, and they always have instant karma either out to get them or to protect them.
Your person is trapped in a difficult situation for now, and they have to be careful with what they do, and speak. They have a bucketload of work that’s been stressing them out, plus people are annoying the f out of them LMAO- they might be going through their first spiritual awakening? And they’ve become a bit immature during the process, but will come out better than ever after it. Oooh yeah, they've been going through it right now. Maybe they just swerved their way out of something (relationship maybe), and they recently might have lost a friend.For their personality, they’re definitely very sweet and creative and artistic, they love to experiment with colors and can be childish when they want to, but after this awakening, they’ll be a lot more mature and elegant in the way that they express themselves. Also, the crown chakra may or may not be important to them, maybe they’re focusing on rebalancing it after their work. They have messed up quite a few times this year, and they are working on moving past that shame and regret and guilt. I’m also seeing that blue may be important to them? As well as cars. They’re romantic too, and they set up the mood before asking you out on a date, possibly a Leo venus. They might also have been physically hurt once or more than that? There’s a need of going to the hospital a lot..mAYBE THEY’RE A DOCTOR? Oh, of they are, they work with infectious diseases and have to be really careful. I also see a toxic workplace, maybe their boss is really annoying and coworkers are not willing to compromise so everything is just wrong right now. They probably like traveling tho. They may have mars in 3rd and love debates. This person is really secretive I’m not getting anything here-AS for appearance, they could wear glasses, dye their hair grey, and have tanned skin. They also probably were impulsive once and that made them have a lot of anxiety but in the end, they got through it all. You could meet them through friends and online, but I’m also seeing a very dramatic meeting where y'all are MOVIE STARS OR SOMETHING. Sorry for it being shorter than the other piles, but i took half of the deck out and the majority of it gets vibes of renewal, toxicity, and hurt.
This is an old post. It is mine.
All coprights reserved to @amoretarot
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littlemoriflower · 5 months
Hi! I want to get into mori kei but where i live it's about to be summer and it can get up to 40 degrees celsius. So is there anything mori kei i could wear in the summer? If so please give me outfit inspo, i'm out of ideas
Hello, dear! I hope you are doing well ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
First of all, I'm so happy you want to get into mori kei!! ^o^ I hope you are able to find comfort in this wonderful style, as well as in the community! Ask as many questions to as many people as you want, I promise we are all nice and willing to help! -`♡´-
Now, since it's starting to get toasty where I live, let me say that wearing mori in hot weather is damn near torture. 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)° I understand your pain! The real problem here is the layering, which is a big part of mori as a whole. However, you can get away with wearing less layered outfits and still have that "mori look".
What do I mean by this?
Well...Let me make a list! ^^
1. Tops:
First and foremost, try to go for thinner, loose fitting blouses, tops, tunics or shirts. These are usually pretty easy to layer underneath a thinner, flowy dress (or even the opposite, depending on the type of coord you're aiming for!) and get that mori kei look without getting too hot!
Aim for short sleeves (or even those with straps/strapless), with natural, breathable materials like cotton or linen, and don't worry about layering too much, as it will cause you to get too hot!
2. Bottoms:
For the bottoms, try to look for flowy skirts (long, midi or short--remember, it will always come down to preference), or even some shorts! These are heaven sent for wearing mori in the summer, trust me! You can layer them underneath a loose tunic or a shorter dress, and put a thin lace vest on top and bam! you have a mori coord right there!
This is a personal preference, but I also like to wear jeans with mori, but those can get pretty hot for some people! If you prefer to wear trousers (or just want to), try to choose those that are flowy, loose and have natural, breathable fabrics. Go for either cotton, linen or denim since those are the most comfortable and breezy.
3. Shoes and Socks:
For shoes, look for something comfortable and not too heavy/hot. Sandals, or even Oxfords, as long as they are breathable and light, are the safest bet for you. Some white or beige cloth snickers will do the trick pretty easily as well, but, like I said, it will come down to preference at the end of the day.
Socks can get your feet pretty hot, but if you still want to use them, look for thinner socks made out of cotton, as those tend to be the lightest on the feet!
4. Accessories:
When it comes to accessories, avoid using anything made out of wool or crochet, as the materials are usually heavier and will make you hotter! Instead, opt for something lighter and easily removable, like pendants or thin bracelets.
Hair accessories are fine for the most part, but avoid any wool hats or anything that is too heavy and go for straw hats, for example! You can also add lace and doilies to them to make them cuter o(≧∀≦)o
If you don't like to accessorize that much, that's fine too!
Here's some examples of summer/hot weather mori coords I found on Pinterest and Tumblr:
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Here's also a wonderful video by the lovely Miwako, where she gives some tips for summer mori outfits (go check her channel out, she is great and a HUGE inspiration for me<3):
At the end of the day, the most important part of mori kei is to be relaxed and not stress too much about it! It can be hard in the beginning to nail the coords, and you might feel like giving up. But remember, a mori wardrobe is not built overnight, and it usually takes a while for you to get to a place where you have all the pieces you need (or even want). There will be a lot of trail and error, but I assure you that once you get the hang of it (and once you find your own personal mori look) you won't want to go back! (✿◡‿◡)
I hope I was of any help, and remember to have fun while wearing mori, and be your truest, most authentic self!
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georgecunt · 9 months
for when u wake up. What kind of outfits would dnf have in the skate thingie
oh god u don't understand how cool this was to think about but also! how difficult!!
Men costumes are usually either 1.plain shirt 2. tight black long sleeve 3. the ugliest thing you've seen in your life (with some VERY SPARSE outliers), so this was hard but here's my try at it.
So, I think Sapnap and Dream would have a kind-of similar style not because they do irl, but because of the music choices.
Sapnap's best programs are on (not urban) spanish/latin music with a lot of classic guitar. This means he literally has the option of going, off-white shirt or black top with very little shinies if at all. Red accents are allowed. He's the one i have more vague in my mind but fl Sapnap would go more on the black with golden accents, cleavage + golden jewelry. He's the most likely to wear a full black costume in competition. Examples: (i hate suspenders to death but u get the gist)
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Now, Dream. Why are him and Sapnap similar? -> shirt as costumes. I don't think Dream would go for full body tight, but also I think that his outfits really progress during the years. Dream is a kind of a modern pop/ballad skater so I think he'd wear lighter colours and costumes that "look like clothes".
Examples (the burgundy would probs be dark green but u get it, also little cleavage because he's a coward):
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For his comeback season though (after his injury and George coming to Canada for him), he does his short in a black tight costume with blue accents and his free in a off-white blouse that's more open and soft AND HE SLAYS (i love that shirt think of dream in that, his comeback, making a new record again my baby).
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George now!! So, if he could he would wear full black loose tops and that's it, because 1. he doesn't like the feel of tight clothes 2. shirts are awful and he hates them. Problem for him -> his trainer/coreographer is Stpehane Lambiel who's a drama queen and would not let him. So, because his programs are very classic, ice-prince type of coreo, he wears loose mesh outfits (give the illusion of see through but aren't really), with light blues and turqouises.
Examples (the last one my absolute fave for him, ots such a famous one but,, look at it):
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Now, for their exhibition. They dance together a modern song (think virtue/moire stay) which is more on Dream's repertoire that what George's would be, but they´ve been just playing around with that song so long in the rests from training and when it was only just them that is so personal. I think Dream wears a shirt very similar to this but with a slightly different fit (tucked in bottom, similar to George's light blue/white costume from before). Also, the back as it is but would change the front so it doesn't look like a fake jacket but as a unified one piece gradient.
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For George tho, i think originally he was thinking on a loose full black with golden rhinestones (and that's what Dream thinks his costume is) but then Lambiel convinces him to change it so they match better. Makes sense with the lore okay. He changes it to something similar to note stellata (again, a classic) but with blue as the contrast color. The cut being diagonal down to his pants instead of tucked in gives it a more "dress" look than the tucked-in shirts he usually wears and the contrast works with dream's. The flowy bits give contrast from the tightness of the rest of the shirt and the silhouette!!
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This one would've been designed to work with Dream's so the match would be better okay, it's hard to find men's costumes that already match for pairs
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puppy-phum · 2 years
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Pick Your Vice Versa Outfit ↳ Talay Rawi Edition [Puen ver.]
My Top 10 Talay Outfits for @stormyoceans​​​​  layout insp. [x]
+ bonus:
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(some thoughts under the cut!)
more rambles about these outfits for you monica! i hope you enjoy ^^
TOP 10 Talay Outfits explained:
10. Zebra Boy a stylish and flowy zebra print shirt with basic white slacks and talay’s signature white bag. this one is so silly but cool i had to include it. i actually am obsessed with both of the white & black print shirts tess owns but the other one is mostly worn my ohm in the series so i didn’t inlude it here (ep 2 when tess/talay goes to pester tun at the café). also i just like this scene a lot and couldn’t get over the “secret lover” -line. 
9. Reunion Blues a simple navy blue dress shirt and light colored pants plus talay’s round glasses. listen: am not a big fan of talay’s clothes in his own universe even if he looks adorable in them, but this one! this one is a legend. straight up iconic. he looks so pretty in dark blue and then we have this whole scene and ugh. just pure insanity. 
8. Goodbyes taste bitter an orange and white striped shirt and black jeans. am so obsessed with the v-neck of this shirt, it’s crazy. i don’t blame puen at all for instantly going like, “oh yes, that’s my bf now” bc honestly? very understandable. talay just looks so good in this shirt, holy hell. continues on the road of, “why must you dress up so nicely when the occasion is breaking my heart?” i guess these two are similar like that. 
7. Let us kiss again a red-blue-white striped sweater with red pants. i love this color combo on talay so much. blue and red just suit him. the shirt is also tight fitting and it’s amusing to see puen Struggling bc of it. man is not able to keep his hands off. it’s very understandable but pls sir, calm down. you’ve known each other like two weeks. and you still haven’t even told talay that you’re not kissing him just bc but bc you’re head over heels in love with him. get a grip. 
6. First Kiss a simple white sweatshirt and red/fucsia pants. i don’t want to say this but i have to say this: talay’s ass looks amazing in these pants. like, am not one to stare but oh boy. it’s right there! stealing the show! and then it’s combined with talay’s sexy wet hair after running through the rain to look for his long lost lover friend who he wants to make up with. Literally. bc they’re kissing by the end of this. and i scream. 
5. The Green Sweater a yellow-green sweater combined with white pants. talay looks adorable in this with his guitar and the sweater paws. am not at all surprised that puen looks close to tears bc bitch, me too. it’s just So Soft and then it’s mixed with the guitar (+ the lotus flower) and talay singing a love song and. i want to hug him so bad, puen get out of the way it’s my turn now. 
4. The Wedding Suit a light pink colored suit, apparently without a shirt underneath. this whole thing began with this suit. as i said, this one is 100% outshining the one puen wears in this scene. i am just in love with this suit; the color, the simplicity, the cut, the way talay wears it so casually. he looks amazing and positively ethereal. puen is marrying him on the spot. talay is thinking it’s a joke but i might just tell him it’s not. get a ring and be done with it, would you. this might sound controversial after me saying puen is rushing things with the kisses but i don’t actually have anything against it.  
3. Loneliness is yellow a simple black sweatshirt with bright yellow pants. i feel like the more heartbreaking the scenes get, the better talay gets dressed. he’s always serving looks when am crying on my floor. i don’t mind tho bc why not have several mental breakdowns at the same time, saves me the time. he looks absolutely glorious in that black shirt, and the colored pants are a wonderful touch. if tess got nothing else, at least he's had the sense to buy all these clothes.
2. The Gray Jacket a textured gray jacket with a black shirt and white pants. the texture on this jacket makes me go wild bc it looks so nice to touch and the whole jacket looks so cozy. am wondering how talay can wear that with the heat but that’s fortunately something that doesn’t get to me through my screen. he looks very huggable once again. he looks positively radiant when he smiles. and it’s just a plus that puen looks so gone for him bc yeah, valid. am in love with this sunshine boy too. 
1. Second chance a gray sweater with red details, combined with red pants. honestly talay’s best outfit in this whole show hands down. every time i start this ep, i am just blown away by this outfit. the styling team was going crazy that day. the shirt has a v-neck, the red details work so well, it fits talay nicely, the rolled sleeves, the delicate bag. the pants are tight fitting and make his legs look extra long and slim. especially in that billiard room lighting he just looks insanely pretty. i want to yell into the void. the void might yell back at me. 
Bonus: Striped Bathrobe a black and white striped robe, worn mostly for breakfast. i am not really sure what to call this but a bathrobe felt like the closest fitting one so i went with it. it’s crazy how this is literally the second outfit puen ever sees talay in if we don’t count talay being half naked. he got absolutely bewitched and talay is not even bothered. this striped robe is what truly mattered. and please let’s not talk about ai’dang. 
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angelsmist · 2 years
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prompt: your sister, princess afia and princess shuri had been placed into an arranged marriage. this did not work in your favor, because of your secret feelings towards shuri. soon, it grew into hatred, and you and shuri could barely be in the same room without some type of argument ensuing. but, that tension’s gotta be released somehow…
contains: kinda smut towards the end, but not really in detail
authors note: thank y’all for the love on the first part omg 😭 i don’t write full on smut i’m sorry but i’ll still continue this storyline cause it’s fun writing tensionnn
also please lmk what you’d like to see from this story in requests!!
tags - @ziayamikaelson @nil-eena @taleiakirby @remwritess @letitias-fav @szalipcombo @noneofyabuisnezs @luxuriouslokistan-3 @prettymuchboodup @miiyafantasy @realaffatar @slytherin-34
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it had been around two weeks since your interaction with shuri, and it constantly replayed in your mind since the night it happened. everytime you saw her, that was all you could think about. she knew it, too. she could tell the effect she had left on you, and she loved it.
she was gaining dominance, and you absolutely hated it. the bickering between you two was always leveled, but she was now slowly raising above you. you refused to let that happen.
you needed the chance to gain the upper-hand.
lucky for you, the opportunity came up pretty soon. your parents had sent you and afia to wakanda to socialize or something like that. you two were used to it. sometimes shuri or t’challa would be the ones to come to your nation, and vice versa. in this case, you and your sister were in wakanda.
you hadn’t intended to see shuri any more than you needed to. you hated the arrogant laughs you’d receive from the princess every time you shrunk under her gaze.
so, when you received a call from Kimoyo Beads that were gifted to you from the nation, you were more than surprised to see it was from shuri.
she had informed you that she was working on something in the lab, but was stumped on one thing. she knew that you’d be a great assistance with the obstacle and required your help.
originally, you were going to decline. but it was almost twelve in the morning. so it wouldn’t be unusual if you showed up in pajamas that were somewhat distracting. just as a retaliation to what happened before.
you wore black shorts with white lines tracing on the hem of them. your thick thighs were just the icing on the cake to go with the way it made your butt pop. to go with the shorts, you wore a flowy, white crop top that stopped just above your belly button. normally, you would just wear any random clothes to sleep as long as they were comfortable, but clearly, this was not a normal situation. your hair was packed messily into a ponytail.
you entered shuri’s lab and realized the only two people left were already getting ready to pack up and leave. perfect.
griot spoiled the fun for you and informed shuri of your presence.
“princess shuri, princess (name) is approaching.”
her body slowly turned away from the table she was seated at to look at you. she still held the same confident smirk she always had since that night. well, until your appearance registered in her head.
you continued to act clueless about the fact that her eyes were looking everywhere except for your gaze. you made your way over to the stool she was at, clearing your throat. “it’s late shuri. this better be important.”
“uhh,” she dragged out, trying to stay focused on the task at hand. “the details are, uh, on that tablet.”
you hummed in acknowledgment, mindlessly picking up the device from the table, swiping upwards to get the information displayed as a hologram in front of the two of you.
you bent one knee slightly to rest your body on it, knowing it’d get some type of reaction out of shuri.
“okay, so, from my understanding, you’re trying to fix the vibranium gauntlets? killmonger attacked a while ago. why now?”
“not that i owe you an answer, but i was still recovering from the blip. remember that?” her last words had clear sarcasm in them.
“obviously,” you retorted. the blip was a time you did not like to bring up. fortunately, you didn’t have to endure the pain of losing your loved ones for five years, but it was hard to adjust to.
that was almost two years ago, and you preferred to leave it in your past.
shuri brought out the gauntlets from under the table carefully, setting laying both of them out in front of you. she pointed at the actual lethal part of the gauntlet. “erik crushed this part. i was able to put back together, but they don’t work. i can’t figure out why.”
you stared at the gauntlets momentarily. after that, you sauntered over to the hologram of the schematics. you were aware that shuri had a perfect view of your backside. still, you refrained from letting even the tiniest smile show on your face.
“i think you underestimated just how much damage killmonger did to this. maybe you’ll just have to remake the blaster part of the gauntlet. but of course you didn’t consider that, did you?”
when she didn’t answer, you turned around to see what had her occupied. apparently, it was you. she was out of her stool and much, much closer to you. once again, you bit back a smile, looking slightly upwards to meet her eyes. “did you hear me, princess?”
“you think i don’t know what you’re doing?” she inquired, taking a threatening step towards you. you could tell she had already began to trying to get control by the look in her eyes. but you knew that she wouldn’t get to. not this time.
“enlighten me,” you replied.
she let out a scoff at your fake obliviousness. shuri took yet another step. “you come into my lab, dressed like that, and expect me not to see through your act?”
you placed a hand on your hip. “i’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but normally, people are asleep by twelve in the morning. i simply just didn’t feel like changing.”
the udaku let out a sigh of frustration. you couldn’t tell if she was actually upset or just sexually upset. or both.
“is this about the other night? did i leave you feeling some type of way?”
“i think you’ll have to remind me of what you’re referring to,” you teased, raising an eyebrow. to even the field, you took a step towards her.
you didn’t actually expect her to reply. you thought she’d just make a face. “you know…the night where you almost kissed me.”
your jaw dropped a bit. you were offended “me? i almost kissed you? you’re the one who brought your face towards mine. you wanted me to kiss you.”
“and yet i’m the one who walked away,” she grinned. you dropped your head, averting her gaze. you didn’t have anything to say to her, seeing as she wasn’t wrong.
you must’ve been staring at the floor for a few seconds. your attention was grabbed when you saw someone else’s shoes come into your view.
you looked up, knowing who they belonged to. shuri tilted her head, looking almost sorry. she was maybe a foot away from you.“nothing to say? no comeback, or insult for me?”
maybe this could still work in your favor. you moved your head forwards to her face, narrowing your eyes. “what happened was a mistake. i can assure you it won’t happen again.”
“i’m not sure you actually mean that,” she said, bringing her face closer to yours as well.
you just needed her to do one thing. just one thing and you could call it a nights just…one thing.
when you saw her brown orbs finally drop to your lips, you let the smile you had been hiding this entire time slip.
she was so close to you. so close. that’s when you knew you had won this match. satisfied, you moved your body backwards, ready to walk away from princess. you were done for the night.
but apparently, shuri was not.
you felt her hand grip onto your wrist, preventing you from moving any further. the girl was certainly stronger than she looked.
she brought you into her chest. then, she used her finger to lift your jaw up to look her in the eye. “don’t ever think for a second that you could make me fold.”
with that, she hungrily dived onto your lips. the sudden action made you take a step or two back, but shuri chased your face the entire time, not letting your lips lose contact with hers.
you had about a million alarms going off in your head, many of them drenched with guilt. but shuri was like a drug, and you couldn’t get enough.
you gasped quietly when you felt her cold hands trail up your torso. they moved upwards, eventually reaching beneath your loose shirt. shuri used the gasp you let out as an opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth.
her hands dropped back down to the lower side of your body, making their way to your thighs. she softly tapped the both of them, pushing you against a glass table that was behind you. you understood what she was trying to get you to do, so you hopped onto the table with her help.
once you were on the table, shuri finally took her lips off yours, making her way down to your neck. you took this as an opportunity to speak. “my sister-”
she stopped kissing your neck almost immediately, making you suddenly feel bare.
she looked you in the eye, and you couldn’t see anything but lust beneath them. “your sister doesn’t care what we do.”
you had a lot more to say, but you didn’t. as wrong as it felt to be doing this, you didn’t wanna stop. she started back onto your neck, sucking harder than before.
“don’t you dare leave a mark,” you warned, trying to stifle the sounds you wanted to make feeling her mouth on your collarbone.
shuri spoke against your skin, making your insides tingle and send shivers down your spine. “shhh.”
she moved back up to your lips, rougher this time. her lips tasted amazing. you were dreading the end of whatever this was. the princess tugged at your shirt, silently asking you to remove it.
it came off easily, and as soon as it was removed from your body, she grabbed it and hurled it across the room.
“just so you know, this is a one-time thing,” you breathed out before lunging for her lips like she was water in a desert.
you could feel her smile against your lips. “you and i both know that’s not true.”
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eddie-spielman · 4 months
alice’s voice isn’t ‘distinctively male’. voices aren’t inherently gendered and how someone sounds doesn’t determine their identity. also, you said you’re not a terf because you don’t exclude trans men? and you said you don’t understand how transfem representation is good? that’s really not convincing me. sounds like you see trans men as misguided women and want an excuse to be bigoted towards trans women without fully committing to terf ideology because you know people would call you out for your bullshit.
alright, here we go.
first, voices are based on biology, vocal chords, the structure of the larynx, all that shebang. men have a generally lower pitch, and women have a generally higher pitch; despite that, there can be the reverse, but you can perfectly distinguish a male from a female based on the timber, the inflection, etc. there are, of course, androgynous voices where you can't quite place the speaker's sex; however, this is not the case. so, yes, voices are a way to tell the person's biological sex, which, through socialisation, ends up weaving into their social identity.
i believe that the notion of gender instead of plain biological sex is harmful and perpetuates stereotypes that affect not only, but mostly women, negatively. therefore, when a woman doesn't fit the social role that she is constantly being forced into by her environment, she may be led to believe (esp. if she has issues with self-esteem, insecurity, and body dysmorphia, which isn't a rare case) that she isn't a woman after all, since a woman should "feel" and "behave" a certain way to be real, as per the societal norm; which is overall a patriarchal notion of what a "woman" is. there comes the transgender ideology that happily supports it: a "woman" is whatever you want it to be. even if you're a biological male. so, yes, transgender men are in reality misguided women who, facing societal pressure, mistakenly believed that womanhood is something that should be felt and performed, and that the only escape was to deny their biology (which has absolutely nothing wrong in it, intrinsically) and more often than not undergo damaging operations and hormone treatment. and even then, often the issue doesn't go away, because, after all, it is rooted in the system that created this unattainable image of what a woman is. a woman is a biological female, and that's all there is to it. and i include those women in my radical feminist area of concern.
i myself went through a similar struggle. when the pandemic hit, i was fifteen years old. now, when you're isolated and enclosed from the world, you turn to social media and dive deeper into what you are on the inside. i discovered i was bisexual. i also thought that, since i didn't like to wear dresses and shave (my mother's image of femininity that she constantly perpetuated on me), liked sports, pirates and hiking, and preferred short hair, there must be something wrong with me. i thought a girl shouldn't behave like this. i dove deeper into the issue, and i stumbled upon transgenderism. i used to be very easy to impress and believed everything i saw online if it was presented as "safe" and "okay to do" in a happy, welcoming tone. i ended up convinced that i needed top and bottom surgery to feel "right" and "free". i hated the way i looked and thought i wasn't a woman if i didn't align with what a woman was defined as: caring, compassionate, fragile, with long, flowy hair, a love for dresses, high heels, shopping, and the colour pink, a soft voice and a curvy body; a woman loved the fact that she had periods and breasts and the ability to produce life. i had none of that. and that was exactly what biological males that thought of themselves as women use as an argument to justify their womanhood. i thought to myself, i must not be a woman, then, if i don't feel like one, which i should, because that's what "transwomen", who i believed wholeheartedly, said womanhood felt like.
then i found out about radical feminism, and it hit me like a truck. i saw what the transgender ideology was really about: abiding to societal roles and images created by the oppressive, patriarchal system that still sees women as an inferior species, as something to "become", as something to be performed and that can be worn like a costume. i realised i didn't need to feel like a woman because i already was one. and that's all there is to it.
the rest is society's expectations that if a woman likes sports, hiking and pirates, there must be something wrong with her. but there isn't. if we didn't have a systemic oppression towards women, we wouldn't even have created the notion of being transgender.
in short, call me out, please! i'd love to see where my bullshit is, because so far all i've said seems pretty logical to me. thanks!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Jimin's each and every part is PERFECTION
His face is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. So angelic yet seductive. Prettiest human being to exist fr. You can just stare at him for hours. Reason why JK popping heart eyes everywhere.
Mfing lips God no wonder JK can't stop staring at it, it's made to be kissed hard by a handsome dude let's be honest, so plump and pink 💋💋💋
His eyes, God he can hypnotize anyone and their momma with that eyes. Reason why JK can't keep the eye contact. So brown and deep 🥲❤
His nose???? Cutest lil thing ever. One bite it's gone. I didn't knew button noses were this pretty until I saw Jimin. 🤏🤏😭
His toof. I swear that's one of my favorite feature of him and I'm glad he knows it 😭. Im so fucking happy he is keeping his adorably crooked teeth.
Ears. Yeah obsessed with that lil ears too. The one JK sucked to his mouth infront of whole world lol. And when he wears those dangling earrings >>>>>>>>
Cheeks, JESUS. One bite that's all I'm asking. Rosy chubby cheeks... I just wanna squish. Deserved tons of kisses everyday. 🍞🍞
Hair. Oh luscious thick hair which suits ANY HAIR COLOR??? Has ability to make him look a 7 yr old innocent kid or 27 yr old hottest diva 💫💫
Neck. It shouldn't be underrated at all. His neck is long and thick and prettiest when he wears his dainty chains 😭💥
His slender body with narrow shoulder and frame ? I swear he's so cuddly material. His full frame is only the size of JK's torso 😭 and he's completely engulfed in a hug 😭
His hands ? Have you seen his dainty hands ? The way it moves sooo gracefully when he dances, the way he runs delicately through his body when he dances, it's so pretty GAWD
His chubby lil fingers 😭 He loves it, JK loves it, We loves it. And he adorn it with pretty rings. And y'all have noted his manicured long nails right. He keep it so clean and beautiful 😍
Have you all seen that waist??? He literally trended worldwide and in his home country for that snatched waist. And JK slipping hands inside to hold it ?? It's literally made to he held by strong arms ⌛
His navel ??? It's so smooth and pretty. And the way he's blessing us with some pretty crop tops now. Everyone say THANKYOU JIMIN..And those hips are everything, the way he moves it??
That almighty butt ??? JK obsessed OBSESSED af for. It's so fat and firm and shaply plumped. I'm as obsessed as JK 😭💔
Thighs saves lifes and Park Jimin's Thighs in skinny fit jeans saves this whole universe. The way it fills his skinny jeans ?? So fucking sexy and thick in all right places.
Long legs compared to that smaller upper body and those tiny feets which looks cute af when he wears slippers twice his size 😭💔
And tattoos, can we ignore those tattoos which adds to his beauty??? All tattoos are so HIM ans in the most right and sexiest places. Our Moon Goddess 🌙
His voice, no one can easily copy or replicate his beautiful voice. Its one of a kind, His voice is so Jimin, so soft yet so powerful and his giggles ?? the prettiest sound in this universe fr. I'm sad, JK is exclusive to hear some of the sounds.. just saying 👀
And his dancing?? The way everything surrounding disappears when our dancing doll begins to move 🥰🥰🥰 its Jimin tunnel vision whenever he dances. So graceful and flowy yet crisp and complete moves.
His style. It's so chic. From his outfits to Chelsea boots to his pretty jewelries. So simple yet so stylish. He looks so cute yet so sexy and hot in his style 🔥
Personality. Now that's the one makes him who he is. When I say he's literally an angel I mean it. So selfless, full of love, so caring, so adorable, so kind, so supportive, understanding, respectfu, grounded, calm, soft spoken ... idk I run out of words to praise his Angelic personality ❤❤ JK got an angel for himself.
All in all perfect, when JK said his favorite body part of Jimin is his WHOLE BODY he didn't lied. That man worships Jimin and loves his entire existence.
Anon... you realise Jimin is spoken for, right? Coz JK don't dick around, he will cut you.
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just-mysme · 5 months
Hello~! I was wondering if you’d like to do a mystic messenger and stardew valley matchup trade with you? Romantic matchup please :3
My name is Casey and I’ll be 25 in June. My pronouns are she/her.
I’m 5’4 and my body type would be a little chubby, but also curvy. I guess I have an hourglass figure too? I have big green eyes and I wear glasses. I also have many piercings (nose and few ear piercings) and my hair is shoulder length wavy hair and it’s dyed a burgundy color.
My preferred age range is 22-27
Personality: My friends would best describe me as cute and sweet with a hint of spice lmao. I’m shy and awkward around new people and it can take a while for me to warm up to someone. But once that happens, I’m much more talkative, playful, giggly and bubbly. I also have a sarcastic, mischievous side and a tad bit moody. I suffer from anxiety, ptsd and depression, so I need someone who can be patient and understanding. I like to cause some mischief here and there, but watch the chaos unfold after lmao. On the contrary, I do dislike confrontation…so I try to avoid it if possible. My humor is a bit dry, awkward and dark. So, most of the time I’m the only one laughing at my joke 🫡. My personality type is INFP and I’m also a Gemini. It’s hard for me to make friends and maintain friendships, but I’m super loyal and loving to my loved ones! I’m also super sensitive and often times to show my emotions I cry lol. I love hard as fast which can be a double-end sword in relationships. I can be social when I want to, but I’d rather be reserved and observant of my surroundings in social settings. I also curse a lot 😅.
Likes/dislikes and hobbies: I love kids and animals! I have two cats of my own named Jasper and Mochi 😍. And I’d like to have kids in the future. I have an unhealthy obsession with anything cute and fluffy. Such as pillows, blankets and stuffed animals. I enjoy traveling, anime, Kpop, nature, watching trashy shows lol, gaming and napping! I’d literally nap all day long if I’m allowed to 😅. Anything spooky and creepy intrigues me! Especially tarot cards and ghost hunts! Even though I love to travel I’m also a homebody and would rather stay home. I absolutely HATE spiders (arachnophobia), crowds and loud abrupt noises and changes. Also can’t stand rude people!
Aesthetic/style: I’d best describe my style as whimsical goth. I LOVE cottage core and wearing long flowy skirts and tops. But I also love to style with a hint of gothic here and there. I prefer darker colors and reds, purples and black. I also wear a lot of boots and corsets.
Ideal type: I do prefer someone older than me and taller than me. But I’m more than ok to date someone a couple of years younger than me. I’d like someone who I can be playful with, someone who I can banter and tease without getting upset. I have two cats, so I definitely need someone who loves cats just as much! I’m not much of a physical person as physical touch can give me anxiety. But if it’s coming from my s/o, I become so clingy and cuddly! I’m also a little possessive with my s/o 😅. My love languages are words of affirmations and gifts. I love giving gifts to loved ones, especially the little simple gifts that makes me think of my love for them.
Thank you so much and I’m excited to do this trade with you! I hope you have a good day/night~ 🥰
Your MysMe matchup is…
Saeyoung Choi✨
it was quite tricky picking a mysme matchup for you, but ultimately i went with saeyoung because i felt as though you two would get along VERY well
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HC’s for your relationship…
The more he learned about you, the more intrigued he became, you two would balance each other out, the conversation would never end with you guys!
Playful bantering? Hello?? You guys would absolutely start playing jokes on the other RFA members. He’d start it and you’d take it and run… Think about all the jokes he’s played on poor Yoosung, he’d never catch a break when you and Seven are both online!
Cats. Do I need to say more? The fact you have two cats of your own, Jumin would probably thank you for finally getting him away from Elizabeth 3rd. He’d come over to your place, saying he was there just for the cats (even though you being there was a big factor as well😅)
He’d be the type to be like “what are you watching?” and then watch all 27 seasons of it with you, no matter how “trashy” the show is! He’d even start gossiping with you about it!
The “hint of spice” in your personality reflects his own, so when you two are together, it brings it out on both ends !!
About your relationship…
We both know it takes time for him to accept you, that’s because of his secrecy. You two help each other open up, and become comfortable around one another. He appreciates you, and dedicates everything he has to you. He would walk to the ends of the Earth for you! He’d be very cuddly with you, so long as you’re alright with it! He’d always triple check, just to be safe!
✨Your SDV Matchup✨
I had SO much fun with this trade, thank you for trading with me!! I hope you enjoyed!
(Note: I saw your post last night and laughed that we both gave each other Seven😅)
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panzershrike-pretz · 5 months
Ignore me :3
Why do I always have to put up a fight with my mom?
She should've known by now that I am the way I am- always have been, mind you
I don't wear small dresses, shorts, skirts or clothes that show my skin too much. In fact, I absolutely despise such clothes - especially those crop top thingies
I always hated them, I only wear pants and long dresses/skirts. Anything that shows my belly, legs or shoulders is what I jokingly call slutty
Damn it, I go to the beach wearing pants????
Even so, my mom still tries to push them down my throat. Still buys me stuff even if I throw a fit, no matter how much I tell her to not even waste the money on that. Guess what? My closet is full of stuff i'll never use. Stuff that's too short, too showy, too shiny, too glued-to-the-body. And that she gets mad if I try to donate because "some day you'll want something like that" (for fucking what, exactly???)
Now, she just made me a skirt I begged her too and I absolutely loved it. Its pretty, its long, its black and has only a little glittler. It has layers, its so pretty and flowy
And she made me try it on with a cropped she bought. Even if I told her i'd not use it becauss it showed too much. And, indeed, I look terrible and I hate myself with that on.
I'm tired of sometimes having to scream to be heard-
I told her to resell it, but she still wants to keep it. What is so hard to understand that I do not want that stuff?
Sometimes I think she wishes I was different from who I am
If I liked small clothes, make up, pretty shoes and was less like this, would I be fucking heard?
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ruvviks · 1 year
HELLO..... 1, 4, 10, 27, 38, 50 and 67 for lorelei pwease 🤲
d&d oc asks!
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1) what drives them? what’s their ultimate goal?
lorelei is driven by her need to understand. she isn't necessarily after knowledge because of power or something like that it's just that she wants to understand how it all works for like, peace of mind i guess? i haven't worked out all the details of her backstory yet but especially considering she's a firbolg, time passes and she grows old so slowly and those around her age faster and well she's a chronomancy wizard because she wants to UNDERSTAND. why do her friends have to die so quickly while she herself lives so much longer. it's just not fair
on top of that she has difficulty working through things and grieves very long, especially the longer something or someone has been in her life the harder it is for her to let go. she knows it's not possible to make things eternal so to say and wouldn't be chasing after that but she's more just looking for a way to make things easier, and not just for herself but also for everyone else struggling with the same things
4) what one person, place, or thing do they love more than anything else?
now it would be very easy to mention vatha here because lorelei and vatha end up together BUT. i'm going to be honest with you here and say it's ward <3 lorelei and ward traveled together before they got the whole party together and lorelei cares about that dumb man so fucking much it's unreal. they're besties they're worsties they're partners in crime they're gay lovers they're homophobic to each other they would kill for each other they would kill each other they would die for each other. do you understand me
all jokes aside ward IS very important to her because they're each other's support system. they're each other's number one fan but in like a reliable way? if lorelei needs ward's honest opinion on something she's come up with or made then she knows that he WILL be honest with her. and that's very important to her. and to have someone who is like that with her and who she herself can be honest with too while knowing that it won't push them apart is SO good
10) what inspired this character’s creation?
i was building a new party to start writing a story for and i REALLY wanted a firbolg especially after critical role campaign 2 so that's what lorelei started as :) initially meant to be a sorcerer but then campaign 3 started and imogen was introduced and i was like Well i can't do that there's too many similarities then. so i went with wizard instead <33 i used to have another firbolg character at some point but that was for a school assignment so i basically grabbed the essence of her and used that as inspiration for lorelei LMAO
27) how do they usually dress? why do they dress the way they do?
lorelei mostly wears dresses with light armor over and under it! very flowy and silky fabrics but none of that very expensive stuff it's mostly just. cheap fabrics with some sort of magical enhancement to it to make it look shinier and stuff like that :) she often wraps the bottom part of the dress kind of sort of around her legs with special wraps to make it more like a jumpsuit sort of?? if that makes sense?? does the same thing when wearing skirts when the party needs to travel on foot for a long time. not a fan of actual pants but she will begrudgingly wear them when absolutely necessary
one thing about lorelei is she just loves dresses and loves being able to move around freely. which is why she mostly wears those :)
38) do they see themselves as an important part of their party?
lorelei does yeah! she thinks everyone in the party is very important and that would obviously include herself then, she's not the only spellcaster but she does have a lot of very powerful spells the others don't have. especially the ones that are more chronomancy based :) she's also the tallest of the party and when i say tall i mean TALL. which is very good for being able to see things and intimidation
50) do they have a go-to beverage, alcoholic or nonalcoholic?
lorelei will drink essentially anything but she is a sucker for warm mocha cream chocolate milk. i was too lazy to come up with a name for the drink but that's essentially all the ingredients <3 makes you very sleepy so it's perfect to drink after dinner
67) do they consider themselves to be special?
lorelei would definitely consider herself to be special but more subconsciously than actively so. she knows what she's capable of and knows that not many others would follow into her footsteps especially with how dangerous chronomancy can be and she also knows that she's not still alive because of pure luck. there's skill involved there. she's worked very hard to get to where she's at now and she's very proud of herself for that :D
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