#i love u 🫶🏼
gardenofnoah · 1 year
hi i just would like to say that if father’s day is hard for you, i am very proud of you for making it through the day and if i ever see that dude just know that he will be dealt with.
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pop-punklouis · 2 months
"anyone have a little crush on me yet?" she asks via reblog
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
idk if it’ll make you feel better but i have a pinterest folder full of sergio pics and cute photos with his family and stuff if you need some cheering up….
omfg yes pls 🥹🤧.
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dvnieldraws · 10 months
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reminder! make sure your platonic spouse isn't dying!!
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ningsolo · 8 months
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isamiracle · 3 months
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     everything  is  temporary
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haeivn · 1 year
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⌦  ◫ ⠀⠀⠀ ☖   inspire
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⌦  ◫ ⠀⠀⠀ ☖   @baesol
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he wants to fuck that old man soooo bad
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itsnotmika · 1 year
“in the end, he was nobody to adam, he was nobody to ronan. adam spit his words back at him and ronan squandered however many second chances he gave him. gansey was just a guy with a lot of stuff and a hole inside him that chewed away more of his heart every year.”
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bearseulgs · 4 days
texts with bff!jake
gn!reader x bff!jake
genre: smau
warnings: food mention, die joke, swearing, nebraska, i promise i'm not insulting Kim Gyuri she's literally my top pick on iland
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a/n: long break again... whoopsie poodles!
©️ bearseulgs 2024
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saotoru · 8 months
the most recent ask from 🐯 anon got me thinking thoughts... what about all of those at the same time? :P
leon coming home from work while you're sitting lazily on the couch, so he comes and sits between your thighs. at first hes watching your show with you, however when you rest your head on his shoulder you realize that hes so squirmy ..? in the end he tells you that was just soo pent up all day at work today but was too embarrassed to tell you!! how cute!!
so, like any good partner would do, of course you tease him saying how hes so naughty thinking of you all day while trying to do his job? wooow what a whore <3. but of course he's your whore, so he ends up with his pants + boxers off shirt unbuttoned hands ALL over his chest. soon enough you're jerking him off without even moving from your original seat (bc leon :( i'm just so tired from waiting for you all night D: OHHHH LAWWWDDD SEDATE ME)
does this even make sense? idk its my late night ramblings again... - 🐞
(loved the brittany broski reference from the last ask btw LOL she's literally the spokeswoman of being insane over fictional men)
wahhh sitting on the couch w him resting against your chest after a long day :( hes so needy but doesn’t know how to say it. fidgets in your arms, nuzzles his cheek against yours until you finally ask why he’s moving so much. he’s still shy to admit it but then he feels your hands slide beneath his shirt and up his waist and soon you’re playing with his nipples :( you definitely won’t get a straight answer out of him now, the only noise he can make is a sharp inhale through gritted teeth while you pinch and thumb them. he’s nearly forgotten all about his day or what even happened before being in your lap like this—that is, until your hands fall away from his chest. suddenly he can talk again, but only to beg; i couldn’t—i couldn’t stop thinking about you today. please, just wanna feel good. want you to make me feel good, please please please.
soon you’re lifting his shirt overhead and slipping off his pants and now he’s fucking naked. the feeling of your clothes on his back only serves as a reminder of just how embarrassing this is and leon’s secretly grateful he’s not facing you otherwise you’d see just how hot his face feels. it only grows worse when you’re whispering in his ear, asking him to show you what he was fantasizing about all day. that’s when he’ll guide your hand down to his cock, lets you feel how it’s leaking and throbbing and aches so damn much. ‘s been like this all day he whines. thought about you sitting on my face and it wouldn’t go away. he’s so impatient too, humping himself in your palm, hand holding yours as he guides you to jerk him off :( and who would you be to not start pumping him slowly, licking his neck, and telling him what a pretty slut he is for being horny all day :( he can’t help but whimper at that but he can’t even complain because this exactly what he wanted! all he can do is clutch your wrist sooo tight as you jerk him off. he won’t stop squirming and cums so fucking much when you wrap an hand around his neck and squeeze <33 he just wants to be your boytoy </3
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danbutlesbian · 21 days
havent used this blog since HIGH SCHOOL so im making it my dnp sideblog :p WE’RE SOOOOO BACK
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
#alright re: last reblog#first of all zuko is a massive bitch and i love him so much#second u know he was just like there is One person in the world that katara wants to murder more than me so let’s do that#so she can let it out And spare my ass <3#tHIRD ppl it’s not really surprising that zuzu is pro murder like#boy was supposed to inherit an imperialist empire and keep up an imperialist war#idk if ozai was the only one able to get the throne without going to battle once but iroh and lu ten were generals. led armies.#zuko was Fully prepared to take on that role too (see: the fateful war meeting)#he’s been raised with the yeah murder is a thing that you’ll have to do mindset#like he’s not a killer but he Would do it if the circumstances called for it#(sokka parallel btw)#does it make sense?#also like#he fully says that if he wasn’t such a firm believer in destiny he Could and Would have killed ozai on the day of the black sun#he says it to his face#this would be a fun au actually lmao like. the gaang bursting into the room and there’s just zuko there#next to ozai’s lightning fried corpse#like hello 🧍🏻‍♂️👋🏼 zuko here 😬🔥#and has to convince everyone he’s good and friendly now this is not an evil plan 🫶🏼#last thing but this reminds me#WHERE is that post that was like#sokka finds out zuko could have ended the war the day of the black sun but didn’t and just throttles him#<333#if you read all this ty i’m sorry i’m kissing u#send post
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ashmp3 · 1 month
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fashion moodboard for @hyperstellar
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15 people, 15 questions
Thank you @transboyzuko and @kiki-strike for tagging me!!
1.) Are you named after anyone?
Nope. My parents nearly called me Isabella but they chose Sofia last minute (I’m glad they did bc it’s Portuguese and there’s also like a million Isabellas.)
2.) When was the last time you cried?
Thursday last week bc I watched a movie in class that I didn’t expect to be triggered by but Oh Well.
3.) Do you have kids?
I don’t even have a job 😭
4.) What sports do you play/have played?
I’m absolutely terrible at every conceivable sport and hate it with a passion but I did play netball for like, six years when I was really young. Still shit at it tho lol.
5.) Do you use sarcasm?
When I need to, yes. But not if I know it’s gonna upset someone.
6.) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes. I don’t know why it’s so random but I’m always drawn to eyes, maybe it’s because they’re the window to the soul or maybe it’s bc that’s the centre of the face and I’m scared shitless of first impressions and always think about Eye Contact.
7.) What’s your eye colour?
Green but it shifts from forest green when I wear dark green clothes to lighter green when I wear (shocker) lighter green clothes.
8.) Scary movies or happy endings?
I cannot be paid or coerced to watch anything vaguely scary so I’m strongly on the happy endings side. I just want my fictional characters to have good lives man 😭😭
9.) Any talents?
Well, I am a bit of an artist. That’s quite underground though, I’m not sure if people know? (I’m not funny) No but seriously I draw, sing, act, write, play3 instruments, I can do accents? If that counts lol. My friends say my ability to be nice to anyone is a talent, which is sweet so I’ll add it :)
10.) Where were you born?
Idk I just was
11.) What are your hobbies?
Drawing, singing, writing fanfic (guilty pleasure), reading fanfic, playing instruments, history facts (yes I’m a nerd shut up)
12.) Do you have any pets?
Never had one :’)
13.) How tall are you?
5’7 and still getting taller
14.) Favourite subject in school?
English english english I knoWW we all hate writing essays but uh. I don’t? It’s kinda fun actually 😭 and I like analysing poems? Uh. My English teacher is a gift to the earth so maybe that’s why
15.) Dream job?
Psychologist. I’ve always wanted to help people (especially teens) with whatever they’re going through, neurodivergent people, queer and trans people. Literally anyone who I can help. I know it’s a hard job, and it takes a lot of work, but honestly? Seeing people happier or if I can help at least one person would be worth it :)
Tagging people who might already have been tagged uhhhh but it’s fine probably
@adriancatrin @haroldtea @please-dont-burn-out @electro-strike-zukka-time @erisenyo @divorcedzukka @strrwbrrryjam @sukiluvvs @sukidude @bonksoundeffect @blu3berrydraws @mike-queerler @myguiltyartpleasure @moncuries @marriedzukka
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ambitiouslyher · 1 month
just wanna say that it is crazy brutal writing an oc out here and even more so a female oc, and on top of all that if her personality is abrasive / stoic / strong willed, and those that are difficult to immediately ship with and thus not shown any interest cause what’s a female oc if you can’t ship with them amirite 🙄 but we’re out here being creative and bringing that into a public space, and i think that’s super brave of us. if you’re doubting yourself today, i wanna say you are doing GREAT and your oc is hella interesting, and you deserve to yap about them all you freaking want and feel zero guilt. you may get zero notes on your posts about them and that freaking sucks, but you keep on talking about them and telling the world about them. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL FEMALE OCS ‼️
[ PS. you don’t have to like every post someone makes about their oc, maybe leave a comment or a heart , any acknowledgement ! ask questions about their muse ! throw curious anons their way ! come off anon and send them memes / character questions if you’re not sure how to interact ! or vice versa, even a little like goes a long way ! ]
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