#i love this trio so much help
tehzeldamaster · 7 months
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Move over and let the grown ups show you how it's done🫵
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inoreuct · 6 months
thinking about zoro being the crew's main protector.
it’s quite literally his role amongst the straw hats; luffy's captain, usopp's their sniper, sanji cooks, nami navigates, chopper's their doctor, franky's their shipwright, jinbei's their helmsman and brook's their musician but zoro? zoro's their swordsman. zoro’s their guardian. his job is to be the first line of defense and protect everybody else so they can focus on doing their own thing and sure, none of them really need protecting— but they don't have to worry about defending themselves, either, because whoever they can't or don't want to handle zoro will finish up (if he hasn't gotten to them first).
like imagine a bunch of idiots cornering one of the crew (bad idea.) and picking nami because she's the woman without a devil fruit, as opposed to robin (BAD idea.). they've got her surrounded in the dead end of an alleyway and have somehow neutralised her clima-tact and she’s not worried, she’s not.
but against twelve men and with her weapon essentially now just a regular staff, she might be panicking. just a little. she’s gotten a couple of them good enough that they’re down for the count before a chain wrapped around her ankle trips her. it pulls at enough memories, faded but never forgotten, to bring up a sickening wave of fear and anger— and nami decides that she’s had enough of the bullshit.
she takes a deep breath and screams. “ZORO!”
the silence afterwards is deafening. the wind shifts, gently lifting the pieces of hair stuck to her sweaty face, and the men laugh uneasily. one of them yanks hard on the chain and she spits at him, heels scrabbling against the dusty ground even as he starts reeling her in like a fish on a hook. “he can’t hear you, little missy,” he snickers, grin widening the longer nobody shows up.
it’s still on his face when his head slides right off his neck.
blood sprays right before his body crumples like a doll. it takes a second for the others to realise and then the screaming starts— none of them get any farther than three steps before zoro’s cutting them down, swift swings of his sword and almost surgically precise slices rendering them incapacitated if not plain dead.
“sorry i’m late, witch.” the swordsman’s breathing hard, gore dripping off his blades even as he arcs one down and snaps the chain off nami’s leg with a growl. “did they hurt you?”
“no. no, i’m fine,” nami breathes, her smile quivering just a little— not because she’s shaken, no. because she’s pissed.
zoro’s voice is gruff as always, but his hands are careful if not outright gentle as he kneels to inspect her ankle before pulling her to her feet. “stay close,” he mutters, making sure that she’s nodded before cutting them a path through the fray. they bump into chopper next, and the doctor’s out cold over zoro’s shoulder in his regular form by the time sanji joins them to guard their flank. nami’s taken to just using her clima-tact as a bat for now, and it’s admittedly efficient.
she knew zoro would come. he always does. for all that they bicker and snip at each other, zoro has always protected his crew— even when said crew was just three people on what could barely be called a boat. he’d fought for her at arlong park and he fights for her now, his sword slicing over her head at an enemy she can’t see as she ducks low to jam her staff into another’s stomach.
they’ve moved closer to their ship when they find jinbei, then robin, then usopp, then brook and franky, and then zoro’s yelling luff, time to go! and their captain’s launching them all back onto the Sunny with a gleeful cackle that makes nami wheeze a laugh as they land in a mildly painful pile of limbs. somebody’s elbow digs into her ribs and she’s pretty sure that’s sanji’s bony kneecap pressed into her lower back. the swordsman swears as he sets about trying to pry them all apart and luffy seems to be actively fighting him, based on how his cursing’s getting more and more colourful.
behind them, their enemies burn, sliced to pieces. they debrief in the galley and zoro refuses to come away from the door until nami drags him by the ear and sanji threatens to personally shove dessert down his throat. they both know it’s because zoro’s still guarding them from a threat that doesn’t exist anymore.
they know he pretends not to care as much as he does. they know he keeps his words blunt and his swords sharp, but zoro lets luffy hang off him, unfazed, and makes a marginal effort to stick to nami’s budget even when he’s getting booze, and he eats his dessert. every last bit. he lets usopp fire moving targets to slice through so they can both practice. he keeps collateral damage when sparring with sanji to a minimum. he stitches whoever needs it up himself when chopper’s a little too tired.
and when his crew calls, he answers.
(now with a part from nami’s pov!)
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scribz-ag24 · 10 months
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i saw some posts about grovyle and dusknoir and possession and it got out of hand.
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atelier-melvalda · 6 months
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She gets her like no one else ever did
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self-indulgentmanic · 1 month
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For the starving NG fans out there
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These Clone Wars headcanons take a turn at the end
I feel like the writers really dropped the ball on never showing us Anakin and Ahsoka attending a formal event because I feel like it would be hilarious 
Watching two hardened war heroes try and act like they haven’t seen all the horrors the universe has to offer is the equivalent of watching two possums stacked on top of each other trying to convince someone they’re human
I feel like they would both try to behave for Padme and Obi-Wan’s sake but at the same time they can't help but make fun of each other as they act “normal” while simultaneously hiding the fact that they’re talking shit about anyone and everyone in the room
These two dorks are just standing in a corner praying to anyone that will listen for these stuck-up silver spoon-suckling sleemos to leave them alone but unfortunately for them the rich never care to read the vibe so they’re stuck schmoozing
After being to a couple of formal events the two start to form escape plans to get out of being in boring conversations which include but are not limited to: Ahsoka acting like they’re playing her favorite song so they have to dance, them pretending as Obi-Wan called them over with the force but in actuality they just hide behind him while he acts like an adult, and last but certainly not least Ahsoka faking an allergic reaction 
That last one got them into some trouble cause in their haste they left Obi-Wan and Padme behind to deal with the confused and concerned public and they were less than pleased to find that Anakin abused his padawan’s allergies like this little did they know Ahsoka came up with that plan
I have a guttural feeling that Ahsoka’s been put in air jail sometimes by Rex but it’s mostly Anakin using the force to lift her off the ground because it’s the only thing that calms her down 
It surprised her to find out that he stole the idea from Obi-Wan it was more surprising to find out he wasn’t entirely patient with Anakin during the first couple of years of his apprenticeship but the thing that didn’t surprise her was the fact that Anakin was a feral little brat who bit hard when he was frustrated 
There was one time when the trio were sent on a mission and it wasn’t a pleasant one to say the least which naturally resulted in them being sleep deprived which usually leads to them being very snappy towards each other
One day Anakin and Ahsoka got into a less-than-friendly shoving match which was likely going to escalate into a full-blown fight before Obi-Wan lifted them both and the uncharacteristic abuse of the force caused the duo to laugh their asses off 
Obi-Wan doesn’t like thinking of that moment cause it feels like a petty step back in his growth but the duo silently thinks that moment was hilarious and still laugh about it years later 
Anakin doesn’t always use the force to reprimand Ahsoka sometimes they act like the stupid teenagers they are and use it for reckless fun and by that I mean one day Ahsoka got an idea and begged Anakin to use the force to toss her as high as he could
He denied her request for a while even with her assuring him that if anything went wrong she could just catch herself when that approach wasn’t working she poked at his pride making little comments that he probably couldn’t toss her higher than his head
So with an admittedly bruised ego and still slight hesitation he agreed and the second her feet were back on the ground she begged him to do it again funny enough it became a kind of game/training for the duo
It helped with Anakin’s stamina and Ahsoka’s reaction time cause unfortunately being the chosen one doesn’t make someone perfect and he did drop her a couple of times but it didn’t matter much cause she caught herself
As the duo got older they started taking turns launching each other like a weird force see-saw but one day the jig was up cause the twins caught them doing this weird little game and demanded a turn
They agreed but the twins never got past the duo’s waste which didn’t matter cause Padme scolded them anyway and the two promised to never do it again with the twins around 
Anakin and Ahsoka are both deeply sentimental people I know this in my soul which results in their shared quarters being cluttered with a whole bunch of stuff 
Anakin’s stuff makes more sense cause it’s basically gifts from Padme and Obi-Wan or random projects that never worked out but he could never justify throwing away
Ahsoka on the other hand is an absolute goblin and will hoard anything and everything that feels special like 3D glasses from the singular time she and Anakin could see a holo in theaters, or a random rock from Naboo, a ribbon from a dress Padme gave her that she outgrew, and a thank you note from the kids on Mandalor 
You know the things that most people would describe as useless or junk but she keeps them scattered all over their quarters nonetheless well she did before someone got wind that she was doing this and advised her against it cause it’s against the Jedi code
She agreed with them so she stuffed all of it in a box and right before she could toss it they were sent on a mission and when she got back she didn’t have the energy to get rid of it so she just shoved it to the back of her closet 
And then she started collecting trinkets again and stored them all in the box that she lovingly refers to as the “box o’ shit” in her mind until one day the box literally wouldn’t close with all the stuff stored inside
And out of the blue the guilt she first felt when she was reprimanded came flooding back tenfold and she made a vow to toss it out the next day but every time she tried it just ended with tears in her eyes
Until one day she came home from a truly terrible solo mission to find a chest in the middle of her room and when she asked Anakin about it all he said was “Oh it’s for your stuff I figured you’d need a new one by now”
She needed no clarification of what stuff he was talking about and she didn’t know how to ask him politely how he knew she ignored sage advice while she knew she should feel embarrassed for being so obvious or guilty all she felt was loved 
So she squeezed the ever-loving force out of the one person who just got her and smiled as he squeezed her back just as tight without commenting on the twin puddles on the front of his robes 
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quirinah · 23 days
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i! ro! ha! (six years edition)
#忍たま乱太郎#nintama#nintama rantarou#rkrn#quirinahdraws#digital#六い#六ろ#六は#tachibana senzou#shioe monjirou#nanamatsu koheita#nakazaike chouji#zenpouji isaku#kema tomesaburou#i am so normal about my six favorite characters in the series (liar)#the six years r like my pookies i love them...im trying to draw as much as possible for this character month (totally insane)#sorry if you follow me anywhere else and had to witness the insanity that is trying to draw daily (HELP ME)#i wanted to continue the trend with the fourth years of their illustrations all having different vibes but i feel like my vision wasnt supe#clear so theyre all a little more similar ORZ...the recurring cloud motifs r fun thou#i like circle compositions.#GUYS. BEING ON TWITTER IS SO INTIMIDATING THERES SO MUCH GOOD ART HELP ME#oomf made a whole amv for rokuha day.......my fakefan era...#are your faves even isaku and tomesaburou if you didnt make an entire ANIMATIC#i like how the room duos all have like the one guy whos sort of outwardly put together but has a short n quick fuse#and their chaotic kind of disaster counterpart whos actually pretty emotionally stable and grounded#they balance each other out nicely AND THEY HAVE A CLOSE RANGE AND FAR RANGE WEAPON GUY#i feel like their individual class duos r so nice together.....but i feel like the six years have so many fun combis too#they bounce off each other in fun ways AHEM HEM KENEN HEM HEM CHOUGOUGUMI AHEM TRAINING TRIO AHEM#TAG LIMIT ARGHRHGRGRHGHRGHRH trust me when i say i have infinite love for these idiots in my heart
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
You know, I was thinking a bit about the monster trio and how they all respect food a lot. And it got me thinking about their respective reasons to.
Sanji started resoecting it after being stranded and starving for 6 months, he knew how it felt to be hungry and he doesn't want anyone else to feel like this again. You also got the fact that he is a cook so of course he respects food.
Zoro I am not really sure since I don't remember any specific incident in his life, but its probably due to the strict discipline and culture he was raised in. After all he got raised with Wano costums and Wano is inspired by east asia, mainly Japan. And I might get it wrong but there is some kind of occurence where its rude to not finish your food, and its considered preciois.
Luffy has his whole thing that he just loves to eat and its mostly a gag but I dug in more deeply and...
Did Garp use to fucking starve that child?
I mean, its mostly an assumption, but when Luffy first went to Dadan's place to live she only gave him a bowl of rice and a cup of water and told him he had to work for his food. She excpected him to cry but he just went "Ok. Better than my grandad treats me".
Did Garp just fed Luffy if he completed his trainings (that involved him doing near death experience as a <7 years old CHILD) and/or only made him eat what he hunted? Is that what it is? This whole gag, of Luffy being a glutton, cherishing every piece if food he eats DEFEATING THE WORLD'S STRONGEST CREATURE, FOR A BOWL OF RICE comes from the fact that, as a child, food was quite literally just a rewards, and to him food = freedom, and he loves freedom?
Garp, I swear to Nika-
I've always loved the way OP treats food. Not gonna go full analysis on that because I'm pretty sure one already exists, but Oda keeps wanting to put food/eating in a good light. Food means life and happiness and whenever there's an important scene going on, somebody's eating. It's beautiful. It's surprisingly one of the main traits of Luffy's character. I find it beautiful how the manga keeps showing that food brings happiness and fulfillment. That everybody deserves to eat and that it could never be a bad thing.
We know already why Sanji respects food so much so there's no need to explain it. But you know. Starvation? The way his mom kept hyping up his passion for cooking? His whole character revolves around food and how nobody deserves to starve. Eating shouldn't be a privilege but most of the time it is and people should be thankful they're able to enjoy their delicious meals. So he doesn't waste food because he sees it as a life and happiness source that not most people have access to and it shouldn't be wasted.
Zoro's views are really respectful when it comes to everything. Traditions and rules? Zoro respects that. He's the one who knows the most about pirate language and tradition, so of course he's gonna respect Sanji's views on food. But it isn't just because of that because he already respected food way before joining the crew. It comes from his views on life. Food is necessary for people to live and he respects death a lot (ever since what happened to Kuina) and mortality is something real and present to him constantly. He respects food the way he respects death and life and mortality.
And Luffy... I'd say yes, perhaps it does have something to do with how Garp raised him. It makes sense although I've never actually thought about it that way. But it does look like he has always had to fight for food. But he doesn't only see food as something to fight for because Makino also prepared meals for him. I think the whole point about Luffy and food is freedom (I mean, obviously. God of the Sun and Freedom. We know how it goes). Eating is something necessary to live, but Luffy doesn't see it as a threat. It isn't "Eat or Die" for him. For him, he chooses to eat because food is good for his body and it's delicious, and eating out of pleasure and not just hunger is also part of his character. He's a man who's always starving but for more experiences and tastes and freedom, and he takes food without hesitating once because you shouldn't apologize never, ever for eating.
While Sanji sees food as something he can do for others (he's always starving and making food for everybody else because he's selfless like that and the show wants you to see it), Zoro respects food the same way he respects mortality because it's something necessary to live, and Luffy loves food because it's... Because it's just good, you know? Maybe it isn't that deep. Maybe he eats because he wants to and that's okay. He unapologetically eats and he's selfish about it and that's how it should be.
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luchorgasm · 9 months
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This photo of the Golden Quartet 🥰
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yeyayeya · 3 months
HuaYinXuan? HuaYinXuan…
Platonic or romantically, those three are stuck in my head
(Idk if that’s even their ship name or not, but sometimes I am unhealthy when I think about them)
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 7 months
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#fluff speaks !!!#THE FRIENDS EVER..................................... 🥺🥺🥺✨✨✨#Shoutout to ScarVio for feeding us so many loveable friend trios (Area Zero squad and these blorbos . my beloveds)#I just love how they changed in their own little ways throughout this series and became good frenssssssssss 💖💖💖💕💕💕#they're all so sweet I love them I treasure them and I'll miss them now that this is over ueueueueueeeeueueeee#their video was absolutely stellar too god it WAS SO GOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDD#ALL THE TEACHERS AND LEAGUE MEMBERS AND THE FACT THAT WE ACTUALLY GET TO HEAR RYME RAP????????????FIREEEEEEEEEEE#god the animation was soooooo soooo edible and delicious as well I could gnaw on it all day#I'm honestly so glad I saved the last two episodes of Paldean Winds to watch cause I was having a really awful day#and getting to see these sillies and just how much wholesome lovely vibes there were in these episodes was just a wonderful mood boost#ooooooughhghghggggg they're just so cute I love they 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖#also I'm not the only one who noticed that spark between Ohara and Aliquis rightSDJKFSHDNFJKANSDNDFS#there was that extended shot of how glad Aliquis was to see how happy Ohara was and I couldn't help but go 👀👀👀👀👀#IT WAS CUTEEEEEEEE but anyhow them as a trio of friends is absolutely precious in and of itself hehe#aaauuugggww what a delightful way to celebrate ScarVio ✨✨✨#paldean winds#pokemon#pokemon scarvio#pokemon scarvi#pokemon scarlet and violet#ohara pokemon#aliquis pokemon#hohma pokemon
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moxtoons · 1 year
Hey, I just came up with a really cute idea after just rewatching Lady and the Tramp: The spaghetti dinner date scene with your Little Hell Trio versions of Devil and Dice in the places of Lady and Tramp, and Henchman playing Bella Notte on the accordion while the two accidentally pull themselves in for the little spaghetti kiss! 😙
I have been sitting on this ask for so long cause I wanted to draw something for it and sadly Hench didn't make it in but it ended up silly cause all I could think of was how little kids usually hate romance and stuff so- enjoy the sillies! lol
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pierswife · 5 months
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There's a reason why we've been stuck with each other for 10+ years
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Found the Perry Mason live channel on Pluto TV and decided to throw it on in the background while I get some work done.
Just got to The Case of the Fiery Fingers and am absolutely dying at the very first scene between Perry and Miss Quincey. Swear to god I’ve never seen him smile so much. And Della’s shade once she leaves is absolutely wonderful.
I cannot afford to get brain rot of this show but I think it’s too late 😂
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n4kedeyes · 1 year
calling anyone & everyone who watches buddy daddies because i need someone to SCREAM WITH this show is so gd cute and i can’t talk about it with any of my friends rip
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lyricalchrysanthemum · 10 months
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People when the god of your universe decides to let you have a vacation from being it’s second favorite playthings after 6 years of torment because you have your one year anniversary (and also because the region ur vacationing to had an incident that peaked ur interest)
(Aka timeskip designs for my verse because I’ve had them on my mind.)
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