#its absolutely criminal that theres barely content for them
self-indulgentmanic · 3 months
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Art request: this but with the ng trio or the shiin trio
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The sillies
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pinkniz · 2 years
Freddy Fenrir Yandere Alphabet because Im crazy and desperate for content
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Its nice to have such strong arms wrapped around you and getting whatever you want when you ask for it but it gets overwhelming VERY quick, he's VERY intense.
He's very touchy and very loud about his fixation on you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He has absolutely no problem tearing people apart but doing it for you its so much better for him. He has always found joy in murder and mutilation but doing it for you gives him a sense of purpose.
He's always very messy but it can be worse depending on WHY he's attacking but regardless all of his victims are either reduced to a meaty pulp or missing one or several parts of them.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
At first he did find a lot of joy on mocking you when he finally caught you. The way you would try to escape and TRY to attack him its just so cute and funny for him.
Listen, he's very caring and loving towards you BUT he is still has a very sadistic nature. He wants to tend to your very need but he does love seeing you cry now and then.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He's actually very obedient for you, he wants to be validated by you so he rarely does things against your will. Although, this is not BAD per se but sometimes he feels very needy and will just grab you for cuddles.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Not much at first, it takes him a long time to openly express himself to you, even after he has his lackeys kidnap you and bring you to him he still refuses to open up about it. He does accidentally let out a few confessions here and there and gets defensive when you respond.
He mostly demonstrates his devotion to you through actions but with enough time he will say the words
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He loves it honestly but his patience does have a limit and depending on the situation he'll be very angry or very sad.
Like for example if you try to attack him to escape he finds it amusing until it turn annoying to him but if he's trying to touch and you flinch or slap his hand away he becomes very distraught.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Its probably because of Fenrir and his own sadistic nature but he sure loves a good hunt. He probably lets you out of his place now and then expecting you to run away because he likes chasing you down, hunting you down.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
He likes bragging about you but he doesn't like it when others touch you. This has led you to be more reserved with people to avoid having Freddy maul them, but you learned this the bad way.
You noticed how several people that were in contact with you went missing. This went on for awhile until one night you were walking back home after a fun day with a dear friend of yours only to come across a large wolf man crushing your dear friend against the pavement, this was the last thing you saw before the wolf turned his head to you and launched onto you.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He actually has a very traditional idea of love. He wants marriage and a pair of kids. He knows that due to his criminal lifestyle its pretty much impossible to get that but it doesn't really stop him from trying.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He usually lashes out but the severity of it depends on the circumstances. If its just someone talking to you for too long for his liking he will either drag you away or push himself into the conversation
In the worst case if he thinks theres flirting involved he will get much more aggresive, yelling at the that "creep" who dares talk to you and if you dont stop him it will become physical. Its even worse if that person if a man. Its something almost primal for him, like how male animals will fight other males for competition and he refuses to lose.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He's surprisingly very sweet to you. In public he prefers to keep it low to keep up his macho persona but IN PRIVATE?! He's an absolute sweetheart.
Whether its on public or private he loves spoiling you and he's very attentive to details and that includes you so he often gifts you things, likes having you sit on his lap and softly caress you while orders his lackeys around, yelling at them to get you whatever you ask for inmediately.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He's definitely the kind to give gifts to win you over but he also shows off to you. Look at how strong and brave he is, look at how much cash he got he could provide you with whatever you want. At first he tries to approach you without letting you know about his.. job.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
YES. He tries his best to be your perfect prince and treats you like royalty but with everyone else? Its a different story. Think of his behaviour as that of a guard dog, he likes getting pets and giving and receiving lots of love from you BUT he will not hesitate to rip off the throat off of anyone else.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
First of all. Taking away privileges. If you cross his limits he will take away all the things he has so kindly given to you, that ranges from material things to your rights to go outside or talk to others.
This one isnt meant as punishment per se but he will lash out and while he doesn't hurt you it is a very scary situation to be in. He's roaring with rage as he tears everything around you apart and you can only hide and hope its over soon.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
As I said above he spoils you rotten but he can take away as much as he gives. He will isolate you from others so that you depend more on him. Perhaps that'll teach you a lesson.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
It's complicated. He tries, he really tries to be patient for you, specially if you're in the more sensitive side but he does have serious anger problems.
Most of the time he supresses it for you so you aren't scared of him, only to let all that rage out on either miramon or union member.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. He's oh so devoted to you, you mean the world to him, you are EVERYTHING to him.
If manage to escape he will hunt you down until he finds you and can be reunited again but if you died? He would not only not be able to move on but he would become more dangerous for everyone else. The little obedience he had for his superiors at the Decree is thrown out the window and he snaps at everyone.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He doesn't regret taking you at all, in his mind it was inevitable because "couples live together" and "it was meant to happen", he strongly refuses to let you go.
It does make him very upset when you are so scared of him you try to run away or even flinch at his touch. And even if he likes seeing you cry he has a limit to that and if you cry too much because of him he feels awful about it.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
He has always been a rabid animal, out in the wild to destroy anything that got in his way but this has led to him being rejected most of his life, he's seen as a dumb monster by most people. But you were not scared, not at first at least, you gave him a taste of the validation he craves for and that buildt up to a need and obsesesion for you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
I already said it. He likes it a lot at first but he doesn't find it as amusing if he's the reason you're crying or if someone upsets you in anyway
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He actually likes bragging about you and how you're only his and that no one else can have you, he likes parading you and have everyone see how wonderful you are. With a limit of course, only he can touch.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Let's get it out of the way but lets be real, he's not very smart. You can trick him and manipulate him now and then but if you do it too much he'll notice it.
Another one is that he LOVES getting validation from you. Praise him, pamper him, tell him how wonderful he is and he'll become so happy and blinded by joy he'll be easier to manipulate but if he realises you're only pretending he'll become FURIOUS at your betrayal.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Only on accident, the only way he would actually hurt you if you were too close to him while he was angry and he didn't see you nearby until it's too late. This makes him even angrier but at himself but in the moment he snaps out of his rage to tend to you.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He's a wolf, wolves mate for LIFE. You are his EVERYTHING. When he first becomes interested in you he starts collecting pictures of you to swoon over, either from your social media or taken by him when you were distracted, he keeps doing this even after you 2 get together. He simply ADORES and WORSHIPS you. He will buy you whatever you want and would kill and die for you if necessary.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
(im hispanic and i dont know what pine is so im writing this one based on a quick google search)
Being a shadow guard is a very difficult job but to Freddy the hardest part of it is going to long missions far away from you. He doesn't leave until he makes sure you'll be safe and sound while he's gone and he demands his lackeys for daily reports of you BUT when he actually leaves its a time bomb.
At first he's very efficient because the sooner he's done the sooner he'll go back to you but the longer the mission takes he gets noticeable angrier and angrier until he becomes a threat to his co-workers given how unstable and snappy he becomes when spending too much time apart from you. The decree missions don't usually take very long but in the rare cases when they do, it takes about a week before Freddy snaps and straight up leaves to go back you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
It depends on the kind of person, he doesn't really inflict the kind of damage that could break your mind but if you're on the more fragile side its likely that his rampages and the way he has you rely so much on him will eventually "tame" you.
I'll write a Leon version soon just let me rest first Im not an actual writer
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nanshe-of-nina · 7 years
People of the Edwardian phase of the Hundred Years War as dril tweets
Philippe VI de France: Time and time Again. People on here Fuck me over and ruin my life. simply for starting the Dialouge.
Edward III of England: thinking of wrapping my entire body in barbed wire and becoming Sovereign.
Jehan II de France: a teen approached me at the food court and said “I see you wore your clown costume today” and i spent the next 9 hours processing the insult.
Jehanne de Bourgogne: CHILD: Papa.. tell me once more about WIFE’s DUTY. PAPA: it is WIFE’s DUTY to protect her husband from villains, always.
Jitka Lucemburská: Damn. the MomTown forums just started requiring 4 point Mom Verificaiton to be able to post there for some reason..anyone got a work around?
Philippa de Hainaut: my opinion on politics: my opinion on politics is that politidcs is extremely good, but sometimes it is bad.
Ludwig IV, Holy Roman Emperor: bigmouth fake priest telling me to “drink a shitload of holy water and kill yourself” as penance? this has happened at three churches now.
Pope Benedict XII: it is with a heavy heart that i must announce that the celebs are at it again.
Jehan III, duc de Bretagne: i just left an enormous pile of vomit behind golds gym for all of you abominable pig clowns to pick at #blackfridaydeals
Robert III d’Artois: (in really quiet, barely audible voice) hope your dick falls of bitch.
Hugues Quiéret: currently employed as Water Guru at the beach. it’s sort of like being a lifeguard except i have no inclination to touch the drowning people.
Geoffroy d’Harcourt: OH im so Fucking sorry “Your Majesty”, i didnt realize that dick rings were banished in this dystopian piss earth. Ur probably a 9gag poster.
Jacob van Artevelde: (in highly rational and cool voice) i have the higher follower count than them. i wiont let them undermine me.
Pope Clement VI: may the wind carry my tweets and soothte the sick, the wounded, the downtrodden of both man & beast, across the savage shit earth of trolls,
Jehanne de Valois, comtesse de Hainaut: startling how im the only person on this site with an actual human soul. you would think the other guys on here have one, but no.
Eudes IV, duc de Bourgogne: myth: making me mad is cool FACT: making me mad is a crap move& people who do it are all sociopathivc criminals with fucked up rotten brains.
Jehan de Montfort: turning my headlights off when driving at night,.. so that my Rivals cannot see me.
Jehanne de Flandre: i just want to find the optimal bra for sniper operations, but everoyne here is so rude, and pieces of shit.
Johann der Blinde of Bohemia: Q: If your post was proven by a counsil of wise men to be racist, or bullshit, would you bar it from the record? A: I do not delete my posts.
Jehanne de Clisson: as far as im concerned the best revenge is ordering wolf piss online & pouring it into soneones car. “living well” is too hard.
Arnaud de Cervole: i will raze every forest and devour each city in blood tribute for the crime of 9/11!! please nbring back blue collar TV
Frank Hennequin: the jduge orders me to take off my anonymous v mask & im wearing the joker makeup underneath it. everyone in the courtroom groans at my shit.
William Montagu, 1st Earl of Salisbury: im at the point in my life where i cant relate to any popular fictional characters unless they use massive amounts of hair gel and steriods.
Antonio Doria: my name is Destyn. i build crossbows and sell weed to all your dads and im 15.
Gautier VI de Brienne: MYTH: my posts are for the Pauper REALITY: my posts are for the Prince.
Étienne Marcel: looked at a newspaper today. looks like we’re getting taxed out the wazoo, with this president. anyone else see this shit? tax out the wazoo.
Edward Montagu, 1st Baron Montagu: girls always love to telling people not to“ Mansplain” but they do not care of, “Man's Pain”
Louis Iᵉʳ, comte de Flandre: 1) i do not owe you mother fuckers a damn thing 2) i will not hear any more questions or comments unless they pertain to MetroPCS, or Pepsi.
Philippe III de Navarre: the crusaders fire ballistas into my throbbing diaper- unlesashing a torrent of mustard yellow shit and poisoning the entire village.
Gaston II, comte de Foix: i am going to plunge a sword into our bed and officially end outr 40 yr marriage if you do not stop yelling while i am recording my stream’s.
Henry de Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster: please help my cousin “Bruno_THought_Leader” who just had his account suspended for threatening to “Fuck” brexit.
Robert Le Coq, Bishop of Laon: i have absolutely zero interest in friendship, i have absolutely zero interest in jokes, i am simply here to collect data and earn respect.
Jehan Iᵉʳ, comte d’Armagnac: the joke is on you fuck face. i actually love getting screamed at and publicly shamed for my dumb-assed bull shit . I love apologizing.
Bardi and Peruzzi families: boy oh boy do i love purchasing large amounnts of Fool’s Gold. wait a minute... fools gold fucking sucks. this stuff is no good..!! Fuck !!!
Jehanne II de Navarre: i regret being tasked the emotional burden of maintaining the final bastion of morality and NIce manners in this endless ocean of human SHIT.
William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton: if you have less than 1000 followers i can guarantee you that me and the boys share your posts in vip chat rooms and call you a "Muthafucka”.
William de la Pole: thinking about getting the dow jones back on track, simply by making a few phonecalls. but certain people have been a bitch to me, so i wont.
Thomas de Beauchamp, 11th Earl of Warwick: shutting computer down until the shitty moods & attitudes can fuck off., if you need me ill be on my other computer, sititng 60° to my right.
Thomas Holland, 1st Earl of Kent: ive heard from a reliable source that people arre putting their lips on to my girl friends avatars and going “muah muah muah.” cut it out.
Raoul II de Brienne, comte d’Eu: hate it when my boss knocks out the front leg of my desk with a baseball bat and funko pop lego shit flies every where.
Karel IV, Holy Roman Emperor: “RESULT You are the Serpant. YOu dislike loud places and people are constantly putting drama in your life. But you’re strong.” This is true.
Charles de Blois-Châtillon: torturing my damn dick with corn cob holders in Penance for the foul tone i took with the subway corporation today.
Jehanne de Penthièvre: i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc.
Jacques Iᵉʳ de Bourbon, comte de La Marche: “ah boo hoo hoo i want to post Foul comments to content leaders” Fat Chance, Dimwit. I will annihilate you under bulwark of the Law and God.
John Chandos: DOCTOR: you cant keep doing this to yourself. being The Last True Good Boy online will destroy you. you must stop posting with honor ME: No,
Jehan d’Artos, comte d’Eu: , who had gone missing for 17 years and was presumed dead after failing to return from his ultimate dumpster diving life quest
William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas: i get emails. i get emails saying the trolls have won, and that i should bow to them, since i have lost the battle. to this i say FAT-CHANCE.
David II of Scotland: “jail isnt real,” i assure myself as i close my eyes and ram the hallmark gift shop with my shitty bronco.
Charles de La Cerda: i think that turning myself Gay in the summer of 2013 would really impress my overseas investors.
William de Montagu, 2nd Earl of Salisbury: my watch beeps whwich means its time to stand in front of my ex-wife’s house and play “Hit THe Road Jack” while dacning and licking her mail.
Jehan III de Grailly: its fucked up how there are like 1000 christmas songs but only 1 song aboutr the boys being back in town.
Louis II, comte de Flandre: U Have Forced Me To Take Extreme Measures To Protect My Business And My Lifestyle.
Blanche de Navarre: the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke “theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron”
Charles II de Navarre: Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned Compilation
Philippe de Navarre: shooting off automatic rifles making horrible diarrhea shit noises as the recoil makes my tiny dick flop around. hell yeah. thats cool to me.
Charles, Dauphin de Viennois: surprise, dad. while you were witnessing the pennsylvania state lottery i tried on all your work gloves and they looked very handsome on me.
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