#i love this lil series
syn4k · 2 years
(this work is a continuation of this post! if you haven't read it yet, please read it first for context)
Meanwhile in the Overworld, Xisuma was trying his best to not get K.O'ed by a gaggle of guardians.
He sluggishly dodged a beam in the salty water, turning around quickly just to see another hit him square in the helmet. With a sigh, he clambered out of the water and flew towards the safety of the portal a few blocks above to get some milk. Guardian wrangling was always exhausting, even when you hadn't been going at it for hours. X considered that maybe he needed a day off to take a good long nap. Maybe that day should be today.
The portal behind him whispered, speaking of someone coming through, and he turned around to see none other than Mumbo Jumbo stumble onto the stone platform he had built, holding a shulker box.
Internally, he shelved that thought with a sigh. He'd have to take a break later.
"'Ello," he said, pleasantly surprised. "Anything else you need, or were you just dropping by?"
"Well," said Mumbo, pushing his hair out of his face, "I got really really lost on my way to your portal to ask you this. Like, really lost."
"Are you alright?" asked X with concern. Mumbo did look- well, he always looked at least a little tired, but tireder than usual.
"I ran into your brother," said Mumbo.
"That doesn't answer my question," said X with a (hopefully silent) sigh.
"Okay, so you know how I left the server a few months back to go on vacation?" asked Mumbo, putting down the shulker box and, after a moment's hesitation, sitting down on it.
"Well I got back and uh, well, there's a lot more diamonds in there than I remember putting in," said Mumbo, patting the side of the box. "I figured since I'd run into EX instead of you, he might have-"
"They," corrected X automatically.
"Right, sorry," said Mumbo. "I figured they might have known where the diamonds went."
"Please don't tell me they tried to extort you of your money," said X with a sigh. "I can get you some of what you lost if you need-"
"No, no, they didn't," said Mumbo quickly. "Actually, they said something about it being too easy to just say it was theirs? They're the one who pointed me over here, actually. I think h- they just wanted to be rid of me, to be honest."
Xisuma hummed thoughtfully. "That tracks too," he said. "Anyways, no, I haven't lost any diamonds either."
"Huh," said Mumbo. "Any idea who might have?"
X paused another minute, looking at the shulker box Mumbo was sitting on then back to Mumbo then back to the box. He had a suspicion, but...
"Mind if I take a look at what's in it?" he asked. Mumbo nodded and X walked over and opened it. Inside sat gleaming stacks of diamond blocks and deepslate diamond ore, the blocks hastily assembled.
So that's what was going on.
"I have an inkling," he said, standing back up and handing the box back to Mumbo, "that Ren might know more on this subject than I."
"Alright," said Mumbo with a nod. "Thanks for the lead, X. I'll make sure- I'll make sure to ask him."
"Before you go, is there anything else that EX said to you?" asked X as Mumbo stepped back to the portal. "I know they keep to themself mostly, but I'd like to know if they're planning on pulling something."
"Uh, not really, no," said Mumbo, scratching the back of his head.
"Are you sure?"
"Well, there was something about me going to therapy for anxiety," said Mumbo with a short laugh. "I'm not sure if it was actual advice or an insult."
X wanted to sigh so badly in that moment, but he kept it in check for the sake of his guest. "Yeah, that sounds like something they'd do," he said with a nod.
"Do you- do you figure they were right?" asked Mumbo, looking him in the eyes for the first time that meeting. "I just wanted a second opinion on it."
Xisuma took a long look at the man in the suit who was known serverwide as the nervous wreck with a moustach, currently tapping fingers on his pants leg. He had seen the man be confident exactly once in season 6, and never again before or since. Despite their shortcomings, EX was a good judge of character, and... yeah, he agreed with them on this.
"If you feel like it would help you," he said finally with a shrug, trying to keep his tone as lighthearted as possible, "I know either Cleo or Joe have some sort of degree in that sort of thing."
"Huh," said Mumbo. "Never would have expected that from Cleo. Well, thanks again," he said, putting one foot into the portal and giving a wave. "I'll update you if anything happens."
"See you, my friend," called X, giving back a wave of his own. He waited silently for a few seconds after Mumbo was through the other side of the portal before turning back to his rudimentary storage system with a deep sigh and a small chuckle.
"Good Lord," he muttered to himself, pulling out his comms and typing in a message to EX.
<Xisuma> By the way, Mumbo just dropped by and I told him to go to either Cleo or Joe for therapy <Xisuma> Thanks for bringing that up, I think we've been trying to schedule him an appointment under the table but nobody knows how to do that politely lol <EvilXisuma> finally. thank hels <EvilXisuma> that man was giving me secondhand embarrassment just by existing <Xisuma> hey, be nice to the man, he has anxiety <EvilXisuma> no shit, sherlock
X sighed and put his comm back in his pocket. Maybe he'd take that off day today after all.
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hinamie · 6 days
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in spite of everything, I had fun <3
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pokimoko · 3 months
Asexual bird? Please
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How about two asexual birds?
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mossy-box · 11 months
Some more art for @somerandomdudelmao ‘s au. I love his new fit.
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zanukavat · 1 year
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secret keeper
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cherushiina · 27 days
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morning jam sesh
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snoffart · 9 months
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Hello half life Vr ai-ers...
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mxmarsbars · 4 months
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cleo time !! \^o^/
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veronicaneptunes · 10 days
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A long time ago, we used to be friends... The Veronica Mars pilot aired 20 years ago today- on the 22nd of September, 2004.
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princesskkfish · 11 months
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Drew this earlier in the day but was busy so posting this now :P
Leo’s from @somerandomdudelmao Cass Apocalyptic series
gjsjrjjrht lil Leo gots pants and is going to see the horrors idk how to feel
but also F!Leos are looks SO COOL
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paintedcrows · 19 days
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Love this guy. The Gucket...
Also I was messing around with the colours and I kind of love these.
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tootinpatoonite · 10 months
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A wallpaper I made from a reference picture of Red Medic giving Blu Heavy a teddy!! (I wish I knew the pic source I can't find them anywhere [[sigh]] )
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hinamie · 1 month
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long way home
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arcanegifs · 9 months
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Happy 2024, Arcane fans! 11 more months till Arcane Season 2!
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steveharrirngton · 6 months
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♪ the more that you say the less i know, wherever you stray i follow, im begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans that's my man ♪
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emerald-hills2 · 3 months
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one of my favorite things about tails is when he mimic sonic,ITS SOOO CUTE AND ADORABLE.
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