#i love these books with my whole heart
immacaria · 1 year
Ten Books to Know Me Better
Rules: Name 10 (non-ancient) books for people to know you better or that you really like
I was tagged by my dear wife, @galacticstingray, and I want you to know there's only two ancient books here. Bear it with me, okay?
1. Heroes of the Olympus by Rick Riordan
Listen, I love the original series, but Heroes of the Olympus will be always my favourite, no one can convince me otherwise. It's about the found family, about people finding each other caring for others, the family that grows between people from the most different places and cultures and choose to stick together. It's the shared grief, it's the 'You don't have to do this alone. You won't do this alone'.
2. Women that run with the wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
This book is simply amazing. The way Ms Estés weaves the stories and analyses it so beautifully, the way she talks about the different aspects of the human mind, specially the woman mind, taking the aspects from the stories she says. I love this book so much, it's also the longest time I have spent reading one book (More than two years, I think)
3. The cat that saved books by Sosuke Natsukawa
I would like to say to everyone that loves books that this book is exactly this. A cat that saves books because he loves them. There's more to the story of course but spoilers, right? I'm physically uncapable of talking about this book without talking about the plot and giving spoilers. Just read it, okay, read it and you will understand.
4. Faust by Goethe
I have read this when I was fourteen/fifteen I think? I remember having to reactions to it: Either bored out of my mind or incredibly interest on what was happening. All I know is that the vibes of this book played a big part on what I am know and most of my interests. I plan to re-read this one and some moment this year and see what I think of it this time.
5. O palhaço e o psicanalista (The clown and the psychoanalyst) by Christian Dunker
This one made me understand so much about listening and truly being open to others, the tiny, almost invisible line of being entirely too serious or too much of a clown. It teached me how to reach that middle and how to use that around me, this book is amazing, I swear and, to any Brazillians out there seeing this, please read this. You won't regret it.
6. From Here to Eternity by Caitlin Doughty
Death and funeral rites, do I need to say more?? I love all of the books by this woman, this woman is amazing and I love her very much. This one was the first one I have read and I'll be forever grateful at my sib for being this one for me.
7. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty
I told you, anything by this woman is my favourite. Please, read this one as well if you want, it's just her answering a bunch of questions and talking about her travellings and experiences as a mortician.
8. Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? by Caitlin Doughty
(Can you see that I will push this agenda on anyone, all the time, anywhere?) Read it, people, it's all amazing
9. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
For someone who is called a sunshine by most of her friends and incredily crazy by her family, I have a strangely sober taste on books, but sincerely? It's being this "close" to death, it's this desire to deeply know it that makes me able to enjoy life. Death is a place of comfort to me, something that, at the end of my life, will receive me with open arms and a big smile. It will give me coffee and bread and will ~chisme~ together about my life and the ones I left behind until it's time for me to be alive again. This book, in particular, taught me graveyards are not strange or scary, that they can be comforting as well and, as strange as it might be to others, it's freeing to me.
Now, finally, 10. Frankstein by Mary Shelley
It's not a good Macca's favourite books if Frankstein is not there. Frankstein was the first gothic romance I read for real, even before Faust. It were my parents that gave it to me and I devoured it. I remember being so freaking angry at Victor for what he did to Adam, I remember turning to everyone who called Adam Frankstein and saying "His name is Adam and you should remember it", I remember looking at Victor and thinking "You are gay. You are gay and a coward". I remember a lot about this book and I probably should give this book a re-read this year as well because sincerely, it's amazing and it made me who I am today as well.
This should be done a long, long ago, but, eh, life happened. Anyways, I'm tagging @questing-wulfstan, @aquilathefighter, @virgo-dream, @mathomhouse-e, @quillingwords, @academicblorbo, @the-cloudy-dreamer, @pintobordeaux, @arialerendeair and @honeyteacakes. One for each book lmaoo, now you fight to decide which one is yours.
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demigods-posts · 6 months
okay but we can all agree that annabeth is hella ripped right? because this girl has been training to be a soldier since she was seven. i'm just convinced her biceps become so prominent when she so much as grips a doorknob. i'm just convinced she has incredible upper body strength. i'm just convinced she could snap me like a twig.
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percymawce-arts · 29 days
what’s this???? percy posting something other than malevolent fanart????
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i made the mistake of reading h2g2 while the rest of my class was finishing a test and almost laughed out loud several times.
“For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen” has to be one of if not THE funniest sentence I’ve ever read.
also thank you @potato-lord-but-not for letting me use this zaphod design he’s so *kiss*
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starrynightsxo · 4 months
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this is so cardan greenbriar coded
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aceredshirt13 · 11 months
having read nearly all of the Jeeves short stories, it’s so funny to me that Bertie’s bisexuality manifests as casting a wide but shallow net at girls and a narrow but ridiculously deep net at men. He thinks girls are pretty on a reasonably frequent basis, and has tried to marry at least four women thus far (not counting the unwanted engagements), but when it doesn’t work out he’s over it in 24 hours. Meanwhile he shows absolutely no interest in and never gives flattering depictions of 99% of the men in his life, but will praise Jeeves to anyone who will listen, wax poetic about his appearance (and get defensive on his behalf about it when a child insults it), and is absolutely inconsolable when they are separated.
(also Bertie is in no way allosexual. he is canonically terrified at the thought of reproducing. and due to the narrow but deep net on the other end I don’t imagine he’s going around sleeping with loads of men, either. that man’s either demi as hell or just entirely ace)
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manderleyfire · 7 months
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They created a strange tableau: rabid boy, trapped girl, bombed-out building. It suggested a tale that could only end in tragedy. Star-crossed lovers meeting their fate. A revenge story turned in on itself. A war saga that took no prisoners.
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this part has always hit me like a freight train and a lot of it has to do with alex having no outlet for his emotions and the sheer volume of feeling that he experiences that’s making him need to destroy something bc it’s all just bottled up and the insanely powerful way that casey writes that so that you really feel it but I noticed something else that makes this scene just like a punch in the gut and it’s all there in the “the screen is replaced by the end of the day” and I didn’t know why that line always stuck out to me and gave me just this feeling of absolute despair but I think I figured it out on this reread. something about the inevitable repair and reset of alex’s feelings/emotions. something about the not being allowed to be broken or hurt. something about you’re not allowed to have feelings. something about it’ll get reset and fixed no matter what no matter if you like it or not or if you want it or not. something about not having control. something about you can do whatever and make whatever changes but they’ll always be set back to normal. something about your actions always being righted to fit an image. something about how the white house will always keep you in line, keep you clean and perfect and how you’re supposed to be. something about your cracks never being allowed to show. something about imperfection not being allowed. something about your actions don’t matter. something about alex is trapped in a world of images and presentation and perfection and the people around will uphold that for him always and without exception.
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on-friday-afternoon · 4 months
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𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚘 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝚒 𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚒 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕
Ahhh!!! I'm so, so pleased to reveal the cover for my upcoming romance comic, Please Be My Star!! Out Sept 3rd!!
In my romantic YA reimagining of Phantom of the Opera, Erika, haunted by her own loneliness, pursues her obsessive crush on Christian, the cutest boy in her theater class.
This is my take on the "ugly duckling" romance told through the lens of a queer person obsessed with cute boys & dressed in the Phantom's clothes. My entire heart is in this comic, and I'm really excited for you to read it.
Preorders should now be available at your local bookstore & major retailers 💚
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andromeda3116 · 9 months
people actually went on about how game of thrones made it socially acceptable to be a fantasy nerd, as though the lord of the rings movies hadn't been released less than a decade earlier and left far greater cultural ripples and i am just
got may have made the adults feel better about liking fantasy, but lotr got into the kids' heads when they (we) were just young and impressionable enough to be absolutely transported and emotionally rewritten by don't you leave him, samwise gamgee and my brother, my captain, my king and and rohan will answer
lotr was rewriting entire generations' brain chemistry long before asoiaf and so obviously it's not fair to compare any post-lotr fantasy novel to it, and each book series was trying to do different things within their own spheres and so that also is not a fair comparison, but in terms of the cultural impact of the adaptations that came out within a decade of each other, saying that it was game of thrones that made fantasy mainstream is baffling
game of thrones could only run because the lord of the rings movies laid the path, and i will die on this hill
#lotr#lord of the rings#lord of the rings movies#i started this post because ''may it be'' came up on my playlist but now i think i'm going to start my nth rewatch of the trilogy#there is a lot to discuss about it re: comparison to the books but it's like...#for all the changes they made - good and bad and neutral - everyone involved in making the films *loved* the source material#they all *wanted* to do justice to it and believed in it and it shows#i think of some posts i've seen about how frustrating this modern push towards tongue-in-cheek irony over sincerity#so afraid to be corny or cheesy that you have to tack a joke onto every real emotional moment#like no fuck that#give me sam hauling frodo onto his shoulders saying ''i can't carry it for you but i can carry you''#give me aragorn gently kissing boromir's forehead as he dies#give me merry and pippin throwing themselves at the uruk hai to distract them from frodo#give me theoden's grand speeches and gandalf's pained expression when frodo says he'll carry the ring#tbh i think that sincerity is a large part of *why* it has such staying power even now#because it is a story you are meant to get deeply emotionally invested in and not hold yourself a little ironically apart from#it isn't meant to sell merch it's meant to bring you to middle-earth and capture your heart and make you believe that the war can be won#with love and loyalty and hope and fellowship and fidelity and integrity and just... just refusing to give in to despair#it is earnest. it is unafraid to be melodramatic or corny because it believes in the story it's telling.#and so it imprinted onto a whole generation growing up right at the cusp of a barrage of apocalypses#anyway. i have Feelings about these movies and their impact and how that mirrors and enhances the books' own impact
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 9 months
oh my god oh my god oh my GODDDDDD i can’t BELIEVE i found these on my little rainy october thrift shop wander this morning. like, one would have been more MORE enough. but both?? at once??? i am quite simply floating and may never touch back down to earth
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plusultraetc · 10 months
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"These two had been in it together since the start, so he was terrible at hiding anything from her."
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veeva-i0i · 29 days
Shadowhunters has such weird differences from the books. For one, the story behind Valentine and the Circle was so much more interesting in the books. How he helped put people like Hodge and Luke, and how he betrayed the bond he and Luke had.
But the biggest shock to me was how they portrayed the institute. It wasn't supposed to be that modern with all the tech and shit, but more importantly, it wasn't supposed to be that densely populated. In the first book, it was literally just Hodge, Alec, Izzy, and Jace living there, because Robert, Maryse, and Max were in Idris. The teens were the only shadowhunters there who could actually leave, so they had to step up and go on the missions. Which left Hodge in the perfect position to canoodle against the Clave and help Valentine out. It was such a perfect setup for Hodge being on Valentine's side all along, and the show took that away.
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potatobugz · 1 year
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anyways. doodles
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dandeydraws · 1 year
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I'll never say your name again if you don't want me Don't want to lose you Don't want you to lose me
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all-too-unwell-13 · 5 months
me running to reread solitaire at any minor inconvenience in my life
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djemsostylist · 1 month
Today's Warhammer thought of the day is that Warhammer is the worst book series that is not actually a series because it will go "here is the most precious boy to have ever existed and you will love with your whole heart forever" and then the book will end and you'll just never see him again ever
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