#i love the messy complexities of them its so good its so fun to watch
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helluvahotmess · 8 months ago
might be a hot take but i think even if blitz was about to say sorry at the end of full moon it was already too late? cause stolas was very clearly not in the right emotional headspace for it to really sink in or mean anything at that point.
it was too late way before blitz realised stolas was hurt (and saying sorry in that moment wasn't gonna make stolas' emotions magically reset to neutral)
emotions were running wayyy too high that immediately talking right after the initial conflict/argument was not gonna fix it
(and to clarify not hating either character! very much on the camp of they both fucked up and they need to talk but neither are in the right headspace for that talk just yet)
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yesimwriting · 2 months ago
Louis and bestie reader are so cute
They would be so satc coded and go out for drinks and vacays
Also i think reader would introduce him and call him "my beautiful louis" to other people
But imagine louis getting home and texting her with a smile on his face all cute 🥰
I like the idea of the person who makes vampirism good being her, a platonic relationship, in contrast of a romantic companion.
Also i imagine this convo:
Armand: do you have to go over to her apartment every other day?
Louis: first of, we have our movie night fridays together and you know this!
Armand: its 4 a.m
Louis: duh? I got to get there while the sun is down, besides we need to pick up thai food because she does not cook and she will starve herself before turning on the stove
I feel like after he knows her, he would be jealous of any relationships/ one night stands she might have (louis knows about them obvi! She calls him all the time 💅🏻)
Im obsessed with this concept 😭
everything about this is so perfect!! i'm so happy you got the vibe! i feel like he just needs someone to pull him out of his (slightly subconscious) angst and something about that happening through a platonic relationship is so endearing to me
they're so satc coded too, just besties drinking and vacationing and having (slightly) delusional conversations <3
also bestie reader calling him "my beautiful louis" to others is everything to me 😭 they for sure love each other so much omg
armand is definitely so messy with this 😭 he's like a cat trying to gaslight their owner into thinking they don't want attention
bc i love this sm here's an actual drabble/fic:
pls be nice writing for new characters for the first few times is so daunting for no reason 😭, also armand is a bit messy here <3
Not unlike daylight's earliest hours seeping through shut curtains, the haziness--the easiness--you offer him is persistent.
Louis has grown accustomed to the feeling, to the consistent warmth of your friendship, but every once in awhile the sentimentality of it all digs at him.
"This is..." You trail off, legs crossed beneath you and television remote still loosely held between your fingers. "Complex."
Louis's focus flits between you and the screen you're intently staring at. The two of you hadn't set out to watch a documentary on some nature channel, but this is far from the first time you've gotten distracted by some default program while attempting to put on a movie. "Very."
His sarcasm is enough to break the spell. You turn your head, frowning, "Don't make fun of me."
The documentary cuts to a well lit, sparsely wooded forest. The camera focuses on a deer patiently grazing on the surrounding foliage.
"I’d never," he mumbles, suppressing a smile in an attempt at seeming as serious as he needs to be for the joke to work.
You let out a sound that's too gentle to be a laugh before straightening your shoulders and returning your attention to the television screen. There's something ironically pointed about the way the peaceful background melody fades into something more sinister. Looming Danger.
The deer, alerted by some sixth sense, stiffens, its body stretching to its full, insignificant height. The camera zooms in, focusing on the deer's wide eyes and unmenacing features. "That kind of reminds me of you."
This time, your laugh is full, sharpened by a partial scoff that's as amused as it is offended. "That's the weirdest thing you've ever said to me."
The comment is almost enough to ease him. The camera pans out, allowing the audience to see the other surrounding deer. "Maybe the deer from that one animated movie."
You're quiet for a moment, thinking through the implication of the words before turning your head towards him again. "You mean Bambi?"
He had been much too old to be interested in the film by the time it came out, but the name is vaguely familiar enough. "I think so."
You blink at that, tilting your head slightly. "How do you know Bambi?"
"I don't know Bambi," the argument is a relatively flat one. Louis turns to better face you, resting his arm against the back of your couch. "I've just seen some commercials."
That only seems to confuse you further. You straighten, pulling your legs towards your chest. "Where would you have seen Bambi commercials?"
"They were everywhere when it came out in the 40's."
You don't respond right away, your attention shifting away from Louis and towards your bent legs. As far as references that remind you of his lack of humanity, this is far from a drastic one. The 40’s weren’t long enough ago to be inconceivable to you.
Still, you’re quiet, as if thinking through the potential outcomes of your reaction. You nod once. “Right."
When you look up at him again, there's a hesitant sort of curiosity behind your eyes. It's an expression Louis's more accustomed to than he wants to be, it's the way you look at him when you're reminded of the reality of the differences between the two of you.
You tap your nails against your knee. "Does it feel weird?" The question comes out with a suddenness that doesn't suit you, the stiffness of the words sharp and uncertain. "All that time--carrying it inside your head?"
For a moment, all he can bring himself to do is sit with the question. Your question. It's a simple enough thing to ask, but not a exactly a straightforward thing to answer. Especially not to you, who has yet to experience a significant passage of time even by human standards.
"Well," he starts, "You know about the way that time has impacted aspects of my memory." You watch him patiently, saying nothing to prompt or rush him as he thinks through his response. "It does make things feel different--years spent with someone can feel like moments, and moments with others can feel like eternity."
You nod once, allowing his answer to sink in. "Which one am I?"
He knows his answer before he knows how to put it into words. You’re too familiar for either.
“You’re more like a memory.”
Your eyebrows briefly pinch together at that. You part your lips, but before you can respond the documentary’s music swells.
You turn your head in time to see the coyote lunge at a deer. You sigh, screwing your eyes shut before leaning forward, You press your forehead against his arm. “That’s depressing.”
Louis could have anticipated the reaction, you’re usually more bothered by animals dying in movies than people. Still, though, your ability to find comfort in him of all things will never not perplex him.
Instead of pointing out that you’re the one that chose to watch this, he gently reaches for the remote. “Fine, I’ll put on the movie.”
The familiar ringing is so muted, so low, Armand's certain that if it wasn't for his enhanced senses, he wouldn't have been able to hear anything at all. By the time he's turned his head, Louis is already reaching for his coat's pocket.
Armand frowns. If the late hour and limited number of people Louis talks to weren't enough to let Armand know who the message is from, Louis's smile as he unlocks his cell phone would be evidence enough. You--it's always you.
He continues forward, allowing Louis to type out a response without interruption. Once he's certain the message has been sent, Armand begins, "It's her again."
Louis's attention shifts away from the screen. "She's my friend."
"I know," he says, voice flat, "Your best friend."
"Stop it." There's nothing aggressive about Louis's response, but there's an underlying warning pressed into the syllables, the same almost-sharpness that Louis relies on whenever Armand implies a lack of fondness for Louis's latest source of entertainment. "It's not like that."
No, it really isn't. When you first began to weave yourself into Louis's life, Armand had almost convinced himself that this was a blatant betrayal that defied Louis's usual preferences. After about five minutes of assessment, Armand realized that the two of you really are as affectionately platonic as you claim to be.
"No," it's an easy enough concession. Armand continues forward, the coolness of the night's air sharp against his skin. Their walk hasn't exactly been the most exciting night of their companionship, but it has been non-contentious in a needed way after their latest session with Daniel. "You do spend a lot of time with her."
Louis's quiet for a moment, thinking through his response in a way that Armand finds unusual. "You could spend time with us, too."
The sentiment isn't as true as Louis intends it to be. While Armand's been around you regularly enough to consider you familiar, there are a few things that the two of you want to do on your own. Your weekly movie nights, casual drinking at bars, the surprise trip to Milan. And during the evenings in which Armand is there, Louis regards him with a subtle uneasiness that if you've noticed, you know better than to mention.
In your presence, what they are may only be portrayed in the softest of lights. The facets of vampirism must only ever be suggested, alluded to so faintly that they're rendered incapable of tarnishing that darling soul of yours Louis is so determined to preserve.
"And subject the poor, little fawn to an evening with two vampires?"
Armand keeps his gaze focused on what's ahead of them, but he can practically feel the lack of amusement radiating off of Louis. "Come on," he tries again, "She's not like that."
Although he'd love nothing more than to solely resent your existence, Armand does have to give you credit for that. You hadn't so much as missed a single step when Louis revealed the truth to you, never once treating him differently. You also barely flinched when Armand appeared in your home with no warning as a way of hurting Louis during a particularly lively argument. Armand's yet to determine if your bravery is a sign of idiocy or a testament to how certain you are in your connection to Louis.
It's far from rare for Louis to feel the need to defend you, but there's a determination there that seems urging. "She asked you to come over."
Louis's hesitation, though brief, is confirmation enough. He almost stills but seems to think better of it, placing his phone back into his pocket as if that will be enough to make Armand forget that you're the source of this. "She just ended things with the boy she's been seeing."
Hm. Not exactly an interesting update, but intriguing...more intriguing than why you usually call Louis, if nothing else.
"Alright," Armand agrees, "Let's visit your puppy."
The apartment building you live in is far from run down. You've slowly but surely transformed yourself into one of those rare artists with a curated following so obsessed with being able to credit themselves as the discoverer of the next big thing that they go out of their way to purchase anything that you've labeled as yours. Existing at the cusp of fame has allowed you to afford a decent apartment in the city, but it's nowhere near as nice as where you could be if you'd accept Louis's offer to get you a place closer to them.
Louis knocks on your door twice. In less than a second, you're clicking the lock out of place. You're beaming as you pull the door open, "Louis."
Armand watches Louis's expression melt into one of total warmth. There's a definiteness to your friendship that Armand might envy if he understood it any better. What's so special, so interesting about you that your presence is always desireable?
Louis extends an arm, offering you the bouquet of flowers he insisted on purchasing before visiting you.
Your smile widens even further at the arrangement. If it wasn't for the information that Louis gave him earlier, Armand would have no reason to think anything remotely upsetting happened to you tonight. "I love peonies. Thank you."
You lift a hand, your pointer finger gently brushing a thin petal as you examine the flowers. After a moment, you straighten, turning your head enough to acknowledge him. "Armand, hi." The greeting is cordial yet far from cold, the way you often are with him.
"Hello," he replies. You step back, pulling your front door open as a way of inviting them in. "I'm sorry about your boyfriend."
You pause at that, parting your lips as you look back at him. Louis speaks before you get the chance to, "I told you to look sad when we got here."
It's a playful chastising at best, but you react as if Louis had really meant it. In some ways, Armand believes he did. "Oh," the sound falls flat. You walk further into your home's entryway, giving them the space needed to enter. "Give me a second, I can do better." You turn slightly, holding onto the flowers a little tighter as you bring your free hand to your chest. "I'm distraught."
Your performance isn't worthy of a standing ovation, but there's a humor there that might have been charming if Armand's disinterest in you was less inherit.
"Nice try," Louis mumbles as he wanders towards your couch. He sits down with a casualness that highlights how used to existing in your space Louis really is. "Armand wasn't up for visiting anyone and I wanted you to at least look sympathetic."
You walk past your living room. Armand watches you for a moment before following, if for no other reason than to feel something resembling Louis's familiarity. He keeps his steps even, making a point of remaining a few paces behind you.
You stop in front of a cupboard. After opening the cabinet, you have to extend your arm so fully to reach a vase Armand's surprised when you manage to grab it without knocking it off its shelf.
"Trust me," you say, exaggerating the syllables as you approach the sink, "I'm very sympathetic." You place the vase beneath the sink before turning on the faucet.
Armand steps forward, setting a palm against the granite that makes up the island attached to your sink. "I'm sure." The words are spoken so lowly they're nearly drowned out by the sound of running water.
"What did he do?" Louis asks from his spot on the couch.
You lift the vase out of the sink's basin, shutting off the faucet as you move to set the glass onto the counter. "Broke up with me because he thought he had a chance with his ex-girlfriend."
"What?" Louis turns fully at that, craning his neck to look at you.
You nod sharply, completely validated by Louis's shock. "I know." You remove the plastic binding your bouquet together. "Men are the worst." You carefully pull a flower away from its bundle before placing it in the vase. The process of arranging the flowers must remind you who brought them to you, because after a second, you amend your statement, "Except you guys. Obviously."
"Obviously," Louis repeats in a way that only feels somewhat sarcastic. "So are you...upset? Angry?"
You pause, giving yourself a moment to really think about your response. "A little of everything, I guess." You pick up two smaller flowers by their long stems before placing them in the vase. "But not crushed." You reach for a filler flower. "I don't know...it's not like I was in love with him."
Louis rests an elbow against the back of your couch, propping his head up as he watches you continue to adjust your flowers. "I'm glad you weren't." You raise your eyebrows at that. "He wasn't the right person."
"You always say that."
"And I haven't been wrong yet."
You give him another look that would be threatening if it wasn't for the underlying fondness there. "Don't start." You don't wait for Louis's reaction before returning your attention to the flowers.
Armand watches you for a moment before allowing himself to take in your apartment. This place is a known entity, but it's not exactly familiar. He's never seen anything beyond the living but he has heard you talk about a room that you've converted into a studio space.
It's not as easy as it should be to imagine a space solely dedicated to your work when touches of it seem to cover your entire apartment. Two canvases too uniquely you to be purchased are hanging behind your couch, there's a ceramic vase on your dining table that reminds him of the way you paint, and then there's the abandoned palette and partially finished canvas still on its easel.
Armand walks forward slowly, approaching the painting as you and Louis begin discussing your least favorite things about the boy that ended things with you.
Even unfinished, the project is strong in its certainty, in its style. Your brush strokes are sharp, unafraid. Next to your well loved palette, there's a small photograph that parallels but doesn't exactly fully match the partially completed house on the canvas.
"That's an idea for a new collection--the repurposing of abandoned things, places..." Your explanation is abrupt in a way that borders on shy. "It's not meant to be as pretentious as it sounds."
There's a self deprecating quality to the disclaimer that doesn't fit you. Perhaps he's stumbled onto an actual insecurity. "Does someone seeing it like this make you uncomfortable?"
"Uh," you start, confused by his own suddenness, "No, not really. As long as you know to look it as a work in progress." You tap your nails against the counter. "I--I have a room down the hall that's full of half-finished stuff if you want to look at those, too."
The offer feels more like an attempt to convince yourself that you're okay with his analysis of your work before it's been polished than anything else. The concept of your uncertainty makes Armand curious enough for him to actively reach for your thoughts.
Armand's concentration shifts onto your mind, and he's immediately thrown by the vaguest implication of resistance. Your mental defense is so feeble it might as well not exist, but the fact that it does...that you're trying to at all is almost endearing enough to convince Armand to leave you be. Almost. "Are you attempting to block me out of your thoughts?"
You blink, the blood beneath your skin rushing its way up your neck at your embarrassment. "Are you trying to read them?" When your counter question doesn't impact him at all, you sheepishly offer an explanation, "Louis taught me."
Of course he'd teach his pet a new trick.
Louis lets out a small laugh at that. "The fact that he felt it at all tells me you're better at it than I'd thought you be."
Armand's gaze returns to your painting. You've managed to find a warmth, a beauty in the forgotten. "The implication of resistance isn't the same as resistance itself."
The criticism stings, but you don't let it impact your expression. You let out an exaggerated sigh, your shoulders slumping slightly to add to your point. "Be nice, I was just broken up with. Over text."
He continues to study the painting, his mind attempting to break the piece down by individual brush strokes. "That doesn't matter to you. Not really." Armand can almost imagine the creation of the house's boarders, of the formation of each individual stone and the heavy ivy covering them. "You're not 'crushed' because you're interesting and he's not, and a part of you knows that."
The sentiment behind the words leaves you desperate to push him away. Blood settles itself beneath your chest. Your feeble mental shield returns, this time determined enough for Armand to feel its desire to push him out.
"You don't know if I'm interesting," the response is too soft, too curious to reflect your unease.
You tap your nails against the counter, the gentle clicks of them hitting the granite echoing throughout the space. Armand refocuses on the canvas. "Louis wouldn't like you if you weren't."
Something about the statement seems to ease you. Armand's reminded of how almost overly genuine your friendship is. "Thanks."
Louis lets out an almost-scoff at that, his eyebrows briefly drawing together in a display of mock offense. "Don't make me sound so shallow."
"It's less about your shallowness and more about my winning personality."
"Uh-huh," Louis mumbles, pressing a synthetic lack of interest into syllables, "Well, as long as its about you."
a/n this is lowkey way longer than i expected it to be but i loved this dynamic so much so if you want to see more of them pls let me know <3
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absolutebl · 16 days ago
This Week in BL - I'm treading water and so is BL
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Feb 2025 Week 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Your Sky (Sun iQIYI) ep 12 end - I love this show so much.  So sweet. I adored it when Rak (FINALLY!) took the initiative! 
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As pulps go this is right up there with my favorite if all time, My Ride, but for different less complex reasons. This is a relatively simple, old school, endearingly soft story of a fake relationship between a sunshine sweetie and an older reserved rich kid who slowly fall in love. Its soft gentle low-stakes leans into everything I personally love about Thai BL. It’s a warm fuzzy robe of a show. 9/10 
ThamePo (Fri YT) ep 9 of 12 - Thame is the poutyest of pouty babies. I love the ribbing that he got from his group the next morning (that wasn't). That said when we got a kiss it was a VERY GOOD kiss. This is a very me truly great show that I’m enjoying so much. 
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The Boy Next World (Sun IQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - I really can’t fault the chemistry with this pair. From kissing to making out they're awesome at ALL OF it. I like the twist (that there is not parallel world jsut the edge of insanity). It's delusional and sus and obsessive and very "seme who missed his meet cute with his uke" and is being forced by a narrative to fast forward. So 90s yaoi. Can Mame push this edge in the right way? Doubtful. But BossNoeul will make it fun for us to watch no matter how questionably messy it gets.
(Yes, there IS a "right way.")
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The Heart Killers (Weds Gaga) ep 11 of 12 - fun penultimate episode.
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Perfect 10 Liners (Sun YT) ep 15 of 24 - It's fine. Even cute. I think I like PerthSanta better than ForceBook but I really want the next pair the most. 
Sangmin Dinneaw (Sun iQIYI) ep 6 of 10 - Enter my least favorite trope of all time, the amnesia trope. Also random doctor couple. This show is nothing if not erratic. 
Flirt Milk (Sat YT) ep 3 or 10 - ugh
Ossan‘s Love Thailand (Mon YouTube) ep 5 of 12 - Is this punishment for how good Cherry Magic Thailand was?
Gelboys (Weds iQIYI) ep 1 of 7 - it started but I didn't realize so I'll catch up next week.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
When it Rains it Pours (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - I adore them so much, these two sad desperate horny cheating boys. Lube! Argh. Please! The stark lack of affection in this show is about as dry and painful as the sex must have been. But, its all very tense and I kinda love it's minimalistic angst. 
Eternal Butler (Taiwan Fri Gaga) eps 8 of 12 - what a pity, just throwing away that cute color matched BDSM set. Ever 4 is SO CUTE when he smiles, but he would have been cuter smiling and holding that red bullwhip.
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Heart Stain (Korea Weds IQIYI) eps 1-2 of 8 - I like it! It’s Korea doing its all-time favorite trope, the love triangle, but an interesting take. One boy is in love with his teacher but his best friend is in love with him. Let the drama commence.
Impression of Youth (Taiwan Weds Viki) eps 5 of 9 - Such a great brother relationship! My goodness the courage on that kid. Also, they jumped into the sack fast, even for Taiwan.
Fight for Love (Vietnam YT) ep 1 - A new VBL that is actually quite fluffy and charming. It is extremely lightweight but I’m enjoying that aspect. I like Vietnamese comedy more than Thai, I think.
Checkered Shirt (Korea YT) ep 1 of 8 - From the same people sho did Seoul Blues. I like it but this studio isn't vested in HEA so I'm wary. 
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FC Soldout (Korea Thurs iQIYI) eps 1-4 of 8 - Huh. Interesting. The premise is kinda fun, even if (you know me) I never like obsessed fans. Creeps me out. That said, everyone is surprisingly gay for a KBL - like gay GAY. I know that’s a weird thing for me to say in a BL, but Korea is usually awfully het about their BL.
Anygay, of course I already like the side couple best. The gruff team captain and the pretty idol with a sad past win. WIN WIN. Give me an entire show about them please.
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Teenager Judge (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 18 of 20 - (the end is in sight, but sheesh!) it was OK because mostly it was all the friends over at the house and doing stuff together. But still not a lot is happening.
It's airing but......
I Will Turn Back Time (China Gaga) 6 eps - It’s Chinese, no idea if it will end well or not. But it’s the stepbrothers trope. Still, I’m not gonna watch it until it’s done.
In Case You Missed it
End of year wraps are here!
2024 Trend Report
MY BEST & WORST BLs of 2024
Best Kisses (and sex scenes) of 2024
BL's 2024 Quirky Awards
2024 Awards - Quick Picks
Next Week Looks Like This:
Like last week we already in the middle, I promise I should be back on schedule soon. You'll get you calander image then.
2/14 Exclusive Love (Taiwan Gaga) trailer - Shy aspiring singer inherits funeral business.
2/14 The Last Time (Thailand WeTV) trailer - from 2024, not sure about this one, looks dark.
2/21 Bali Hai (Thailand ????) no MDL listing, only rumors, unsure on deets.
2/27 Secret Relationships (Korea iQIYI) - Stars Wei's Kim Jun Seo. Adapted by Cradle Studio (Kakao). About clever and resourceful Daon who has worked hard to overcome being poor. His cheap ways annoy his coworker, Sunghyeon but after “an incident” with his parents, Daon grows closer to him. But Daon also has feelings for his former tutor. This has the signs of a classic Kdrama all over it: Office setting, love triangle, lead suffering for his self-actualization. I’m optimistic about a longer treatment.
2025 Line Up
BL Announced for 2025 - PART 1
BL Announced for 2025 - PART 2
20 BLs Announced for 2025 That I'm Really Excited About
GMMTV 2025 Line Up - My Totally Biased and Wildly Flawed Feels
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Such beautiful surrender (Your Sky).
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Yeah all the build up for some great payout, thanks ThamePo.
(last week)
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
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izartn · 1 year ago
What's good about KnH is (besides its main char and bc of Maomao) the way it manages the power dynamics and what life was as a woman without falling into utter pessimism and powerlessness or full romanticism; which is a reason I usually avoid like the plague historical/pseudo-historical fiction with female leads.
Usually I'd be super skeeved out by the power Jinshi has over Maomao but the way the series presents both of them, their personalities and their agency (limited as it is for Maomao but it's there and it counts very much) it brings out all the best and interesting parts. I trust this series to get twisty with them bc it establishes so well Maomao own character and understanding of her situation and the ways Jinshi can and does or doesn't take advantage of his power over her.
Like. It's presented as a problematic element, but also unavoidable given their social situation and the world they live in, so I can trust given everything else this show has done when solving the mysteries and presenting us the situations of other women, that the romance will be treated with that same weight.
Honestly if you've read over what I like to read/watch in my tumblr you'll notice that twisty and even toxic/unhealthy dynamics are very much within my favorites, but it needs to be told in a certain way. And I'm much more difficult to satisfy when talking about het romance.
So to watch KnH, notice it's primarily about Maomao life and the various misteries/medicines/palace intrigue and the romance is playing second fiddle riffing on all the themes presented on the plot? And it's complex, and plays with messy power dynamics of gender and class, but never loses Maomao her personhood? Wow.
Also. Jinshi is so BL chara coded omg XD like, he's very clearly based on a kind of shojo ML prototype (hello tamaki suoh!) but it also pulls from BL in his case (nothing to do with their romances but I think of Yan Xiaohan re:his relationship with the imperial power, from Golden Terrace lol)
And yet his romance with Maomao wouldnt work near as well for what is trying to say if they weren't a man and woman (which I love in their case, is what has me fascinated). Yes~! Get into the meat of how fraught it is for a man and a woman to be together when the man has so much power over her. Get into it!!!!
He's so so messy and fun as a chara too. Sheltered and not at the same time, you really notice all the things he misses by way of his privilege of being a noble born man (and specifically royalty, last ep (19) left that very clear he was doing a ritual probably by proxy for the emperor and also bay exchanges people. Maomao noticed and buried that thought far far below her subconscious but we all now who he is lol). Like. The way he fumbles and ends up essentially harassing Maomao at the start sometimes, which is both played for comedic effect and also upsetting. Mmm.
Like I said, I like complexity.
Also that part when he buys Maomao contract and he goes to collect her and she's all dolled up, and the clear implication by everybody but our mains (who clearly prefer to live in willfully blind land although for Jinshi I think the subtext of what he's doing lands when he sees her) is that in any other case she'd be his concubine/side-wife. It's not their situation wight now, and she's put to work as a live-in maid and apothecary and put to study (he wants her to assist him in politics lol I love that, but also he's so so lonely) but it's very much what the palace rumor mill says.
LIKE. I love the messiness! It could go soooo badly, but it also could not and there's Maomao living at the edge bc despite herself and what she says, she wants more from life, but also as she says the rear palace isn't all that different from the high class brothels and ugh. That tension. She has to depend on the favor of a man as a women of low class but she also could lose her head! GAH. And then there's feels involved! Aaagh.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 6 months ago
Bit of thought and discussion last night over what makes a competent, effective movie vs a deep or interesting movie with Star Wars as our target.
So to highlight it in the most obvious way: George Lucas's movies are complex with deep plots, but are not well-written and fun to watch. So the prequels gained this reputation for being a bit of a slog because no matter how much Lucas loved this story he crafted, the way it was presented was lacklustre.
Meanwhile Disney tries to make a "competent" and entertaining movie with every attempt. Every marvel movie... before Endgame... was very entertaining and well-directed, regardless of if there was anything worth thinking about later.
When it came to Star Wars, Disney really struggled with this.
The Force Awakens is definitely a competent movie that hits all the beats they wanted it to. It has those good Classic Star Wars feelings, weighty lightsaber combat, a core cast that you love watching interact, and an emotional centre. It does the job it's supposed to, perfectly, whereas not taking a SINGLE risk with the franchise. It desperately doesn't want to be associated with Lucas's "boring power bloaty" prequels.
Of course the film recieves criticism for this, because it's just copying A New Hope without adding any new dna to the franchise. Every critic can see what Disney was doing, making a nostalgic star wars theme park, and they say they want Disney to deliver in the next movie.
Then comes The Last Jedi, where Disney's lack of direction became incredibly obvious. Rian Johnson took the Force Awakens critique FAR TOO MUCH to heart and made The Last Jedi the complete opposite - Everything TFA did, TLJ did in the opposite way. So instead of being a hero in waiting, Luke Skywalker is disappointing to Rey, he's ran away and fallen into squalor and he immediately throws away the lightsaber that brought him to tears at the end of the first film. And instead of leaning on the new trio everyone was excited about, Johnson splits them up permanently, with no interaction at all in the movie.
The Last Jedi tries to make itself more interesting by forcing threads into places that do not fit. Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy isn't a messy dark character, he's a starry eyed optimist, but this movie takes the easiest and cheapest route possible to turn him into something he's not because the author wants a darker more questionable story and has only got this one film to make it that way. The movie also leans hard into everything Disney was trying to avoid with the first one, long boring segments of whacky hijinks.
As a result a lot of writers have respect for Johnson's attempts to diverge from Disney tradition of super safe movies, his attempts to add stuff to Star Wars and make a unique film, but it completely fails as a competent movie and it fails as a competent story because there are too many authors clearly fighting with each other.
Movie 3... I've not seen it. I do know a lot about it, and Abrams spends the whole thing once again undoing everything Johnson did and trying to return to a safe Star Wars. TOO safe. To the extent that the plot completely lacks any comprehension because it needs to warp the story so much to return to the beaten path.
Somehow, Palpatine returned!! What the fuck!!! And why was this revealed in Fortnite???
Why are they puppeting Carrie Fisher's corpse?
Rise of Skywalker is disney at its worst because they have gone from being super safe to trying to return something adventurous to the safe path, without any degree of originality or creativity. I don't think a single actual writer worked on that film. It was all just direction to make epic setpieces, the pursuit of a "competent and entertaining" film instead of the ninth part of a story.
They are also repeatedly having to do this with Marvel. They have the lost the ability to do their own stuff with Marvel and are following a variety of comic plots, because that's "safe", right? But no, the comic goes to all sorts of crazy places, which gets in the way of making a competent and cohesive film. So theyre trying to get rid of some of that complexity, enough to make the writing bad, but not enough for Marvel to become coherent because that would require actually creating new stories and not following the basic, highly profitable guidelines of Marvel comics.
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seriousbrat · 3 months ago
it’s so interesting to see how the interpretation of teen (boy) behavior in books has changed since they were written. it’s mostly for the better, but i think it does cause some people to refuse to engage in good faith with the source material, or on its own terms. i’ve loved hp since i was a kid, but i had never interacted at all with the fan side of things until maybe a year ago, and it was very odd (on the whole — which is why i’ve mostly just stuck to a handful of blogs with great fics and meta, like yours) to see how a lot of the text is taken now, compared to how my friends and i understood it at the time. i think its totally fair — and good, on a cultural level — to point out that the boy who pulls your pigtails isn’t being cute, and your male friend being in love with you doesn’t mean you owe him anything. but it’s also like … kind of intentionally closing the eyes to how these parts of the story are meant to come across? and i am not coming in here as some kind of “boys will be boys” person, but teenagers are messy in their relationships and their friendships, and more relevantly, it’s very clear what types of dynamics are being presented by the text. and it can be fun to pick apart what kinds of narratives are meant to be taken as romantic in different stories written in different times/places and why, but to look at the story on a story level you’ve got to also work with what it gives you.
Yes I think you make a very good point! I agree and personally I think both Snape and James would be written slightly differently if they were written today. Also, imo there's an element of wishful thinking coupled with naivety (and this has always existed tbf) when people who haven't ever been cis teenage boys try to write cis teenage boys haha. Like the 'closing of eyes' isn't always intentional. I know I keep going on about the Inbetweeners but I literally think watching that as a teen myself gave me an insight that I can never take back about what teenage boys are like haha.
Like this isn't to say that teenage boys are all exactly alike, or that there's some inherent, natural difference between boys and girls in terms of mentality or personality, but there is a social difference, generally speaking, a constructed one that happens because boys and girls are raised and socialised in a patriarchy. It's obviously not universal at all, and that's not even accounting for trans kids and the complexities they face, because even among cis boys and girls or men and women there's endless variety, and gender absolutely does not determine personality, interests, etc. Unfortunately it does influence them, though, that's our reality.
In terms of fiction, especially fanfic, obv one is free to do as they please. But there is such a thing as narrative voice, which can be an important thing to consider. Again when it comes to fanfiction it Does Not Matter that much, it's for fun, but in published fiction (or if you care about quality ig) it just is something you should consider. This is where the 'Men Writing Women' thing comes in, where you read something so obviously written by a man who doesn't understand how women (generally) think or speak or act at all. And in our patriarchal society such usually ends up being offensive and has often been overlooked and accepted when it shouldn't be. I don't think it's helpful to pretend men can't write women either, since plenty of male authors write female characters beautifully and the rest shouldn't be let off the hook. If you can't write women, skill issue and you shouldn't be published.
Anyway it's vastly more forgivable and understandable, and it pains me to say it but I think you can sometimes tell when it's a woman writing a man or a boy too. I will say on the whole I think women are better at writing men than the reverse haha, probably because we've been socialised to empathise with men whereas boys are not taught (by society) to empathise with women. Maybe women even empathise a little too much tbh. Maybe that's the problem, like we subconsciously over-project our ideals onto male characters, making them too nice, too woke, too cuddly, too sweet, because that's what we want to see, and leaving out the nastier elements that are so common. Again, that's not necessarily a problem!! Only if you're trying to create a realistic, effective portrayal of a certain (average) type of teenage boy-- which you don't have to do. I'd raise my eyebrows at an unrealistic portrayal much more in published fiction than fanfiction personally.
And ofc you can always choose to write a character who diverges from the accepted norm, but to do so effectively has to be a deliberate choice and done thoughtfully. For a boy like James, who is very average, the norm, he's decent enough but no Woke Feminist King haha. He's not meant to be.
Anyway, I think that's why the Marauders et al (including Death Eaters lol) are nowadays often portrayed like sweet little babies who all cuddle and take care of each other and respect women LOL. Like whatever, it's escapism haha, it's understandable. But sometimes I do think a lot of these people have never really interacted with many gay men or know what their culture is like. lmao. straight men maybe, but in a limited way. if you've ever had the misfortune to be with a group of cishet men who are talking freely with each other you'll know what I mean. again this is GENERAL. and socially constructed, not inherent. but very common nevertheless.
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critter-rarepair-reccs · 1 year ago
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Hello all! Hope your Wednesday is going well. Today we have nine Pre-Relationship fics for you to enjoy! As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 🩷
gravity-bound by hanap (7,591 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Essek Thelyss (Jessek) Warnings: None
Essek writes poetry under a pen name, Jester is a fan, she writes to him and they start to exchange letters over many years.
Reccer Says: I love epistolary fic, and also its so cute. There's a lot of background details of canon events we can fill in the background through the letters contents, which is very fun.
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in the pieces of what's left or what we've found by SeaWitchDreams (14,620 words, Teen) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Eadwulf Grieve/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Blumenshadow) Warnings: None
Post canon, Astrid decides what to do with Ikithon's tower, and her life.
Reccer Says: Its a nice long read, and the character beats are complex and nuanced, bc that's what Astrid deserves <3
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That Lucidian Glow by fjorests_of_wildemount (455 words, General) Pairing: Kingsley Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss (Shadowking) Warnings: None
Essek needs to put on sunscreen, Kingsley volunteers.
Reccer Says: It's fun and cute moment <3
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to be in someone else's coat by jaskofalltrades (1,369 words, General) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
After Essek's dinner with the Nein at the Xhorhaus, Molly and Caleb walk him home. Flirting, of course, ensues.
Reccer Says: It's so fun to see how Essek responds to Molly's relentless flirting, filtering through Caleb's observations on how new Essek is to friendship. And how he can tell that Essek wants that companionship so badly! It's very sweet.
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though we're tethered to the story we must tell (when I saw you, well, I knew we'd tell it well). by exhaustedwerewolf (4,535 words, Teen) Pairing: Polymachina Warnings: Mentions of backstory typical violence and character death
On one wrist is your greatest love. On your other, your greatest adversary. And for a certain group of fated adventurers, one of these follows a pattern.
Reccer Says: I'm always a sucker for a good soulmate AU and I *love* ones of this flavor. The angst of not knowing which name is which is delicious and the way this fic plays with that for each member of VM is so good! Also love that the love-bonds don't Have to be romantic, I always appreciate that when it comes to soulmate AUs. And the way it all comes together in the end for VM is just... so good. Also the character voices in the narration? Spot on.
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know no shame by hanap (4,453 words, Teen) Pairing: Adeen Tasithar/Essek Thelyss Warnings: None
What if Essek and Adeen had crushes on each other as teenagers and were adorable, messy disaster about it?
Reccer Says: It's so cute. Like oh-my-god so cute. They're adorable with each other and baby wizard Essek trying to join the Aurora Watch so he can spend more time with Adeen has my WHOLE heart. The messy teenage feelings! The circumstances keeping them apart! Deirta and Dad Thelyss's reactions to them!!! It's all so so good.
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The Sunny Side by dracoqueen22 (1,767 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
There’s nothing Beau won't do if it’ll make Jester smile, even if it means fixing something as minor as a sunburn.
Reccer Says: Cutteee <3 Beau is just so smitten. Plus Cad being his odd self in the first half <3
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Today I Love You Even More by wtgw (5,687 words, Teen) Pairing: Yeza Brenatto/Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast Warnings: None
Yeza Brenatto is a creature of infinite anxiety, but he’s not blind. He can see how much Veth loves Caleb. He can see how much Caleb loves her back. And he can also see that Caleb is really attractive. But it’s not like he’s not going to do anything about that…
Reccer Says: Yeza Brenatto is just a perfect sweetheart always and there's this scene where the three of them are sitting around drunk complementing each other that is just too cute
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Just Between Friends by biorusted (3,624 words, Explicit) Pairing: Ashton Greymoore/Orym/Dorian Storm (Dashrym) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Aspec Dorian talks with Ashton and Orym about how sex has always felt to him and they share their feelings in return. Things escalate from there. Just as friends, of course.
Reccer Says: Aspec Dorian my beloved <3 always love the dynamics between these three, they fit together so well.
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 🩷 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 🩷
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Canon Divergent fics. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Keyleth Rarepairs and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for Polyamorous Ships and Enemies to Lovers fic! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 🩷
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namtanlovesfilm · 1 year ago
a ranking & summary of my thoughts on gmmtv 2024 part 1
pluto: this is my everything already. A GL??? with two of my fave actresses film & namtan??? AND a complex, interesting plot??? I'm obsessed already!!! this looks so good I'm so happy it's happening & it will become my whole personality once it airs!!!
the trainee: I genuinely believed, even with the rumors that off, gun, view, kapook & sea would be in a show together, that we wouldn't get an offgun show this year. AND I WAS WRONG!!! is this what it's like to always fucking win??? like genuinely, my ship is THAT ship, I'm so lucky & happy and I love them so much <3
peaceful property on sale: duuuude, this looks so fun??? I was already hooked when I saw new's over the top character, but a ghost haunting show with taynew, jan & mook??? absolutely incredible! this looks ridiculous & I know I'm gonna love every second of it!
my golden blood: bruh, thank goodness I was warned about jossgawin in advance or I might have had a heart attack, but honestly????? THEY ATE THAT! and mond playing the villain????? babe, that casting is incredible & perfect, I'm obsessed!!! I usually don't like supernatural stuff but I was also a teen wolf fan bruh so atp I'm gonna EAT that shit UP!!!
wandee goodday: you might not know it, but I have a super power. every time I start being a fan of someone who hasn't done bl, they do bl the following year. this year it was nonkul, and next year it's gonna be great sapol. AND I LOVE THAT FOR ME!!! this looks really good & fun, the characters are interesting and the story not too crazy or too basic. I can feel that it's gonna be good!
ploy's yearbook: a female-led show & the return of mond as a main??? BLESS!!! I love most of this cast, this looks fun as hell, I adore my gmmtv girlies... gotta watch this for sure! love seeing earth in more roles outside of his ship too!
enigma 2: I still haven't watched season one, am planning on watching it very soon, but I've heard great things so I'll be sure to catch season two as well! especially since I really liked toey jarinporn in the recent lakorn to the moon and back so I'm excited to see how she does!
my precious the series: as you know I've watched the movie in theaters, but I'm excited for it to be out as a series too, especially since there's extra scenes! seems like it might be even more lovable, and also if it's on gmmtv's youtube channel I'll finally be able to gif the iconic scenes :')
high school frenemy: this looks interesting & I like sky, but I feel like the plot doesn't make sense if it's not a love story... idk I feel like since this is adapted from a kdrama it's just gonna be a frustrating story that should be a romance but is reduced to bromance instead... I might still watch though :')
only boo: this looks kinda cute though basic. I don't know both main leads but might watch it.
we are: this has all ships I like, especially marcpawin & aouboom who deserve more spotlight, so I will be watching, but the plot seems really basic so I'm not expecting anything out of this world...
kidnap: this plot seems interesting but the cast isn't so... yeah.
summer night: I was so confused by who is supposed to be with who in the show lol, honestly I was down for dunkphuwin lmao, but this looks too messy for me :')
my love mix-up: I absolutely despise remakes even though I enjoyed kieta hatsukoi & like geminifourth, and although I'm certain this version will fix the chemistry issues of the original, I'm not gonna be watching it.
ossan's love thailand: same thing as for the previous show but even more so bc ossan's love is such a product of its time & shouldn't be remade in 2024 imo...
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a-vicious-faithless-angel · 6 months ago
I want to preference this with at the end of the day, i am one random person and anyone can do whatever. Alright?
That being said. I wish people realized or at least understood that shipping something that isn't "healthy" means the person thinks this is good or okay. Its the same mentality people have with "if you shoot in game u must want to hurt people irl" and its like...no. When i talk of characters/ships like David x Simon, Clancy x Lucas, or Woods x Hackett/Dauda x Bishop, i think its interesting to dive into a relationship that isn't healthy or good for a character. In these characters the characters knows and understands that this love is unhealthy and hurts/destroys them but does it anyway out of this soft like devotion they have. They know what they have going on is wrong, i do not make this to be they're obvious and its just cutesy fun stuff!! They know and understand that it hurts them.
Simon is well aware that loving David breaks him but he's scared to lose someone that made him feel like maybe there could be a place made for him. That David wants to give something to Simon they know they can't? But does it regardless because it feels nice. Do you not think Clancy didn't think about the outcome of loving Lucas? That he was loving someone sick but did it anyway not to fix him but because he couldn't help but find the scenario almost comical. How someone who wanted him in pain would get distraught of the thought of losing his victim. He plays into it. Do you not think Woods not understand that he should not love Hackett because it feeds into a obsessive devotion? But Hackett wanted to feel like something he wasn't so he found himself entangled by the corrupt love handed to his scarred hands.
That is not to say these characters can never have a soft moment or love each other without pain. Their love is not complete misery. They have warm moments of laughing and cuddling closer to the other. They stand fingers intertwined as they watch the sun and the moon carefully walk around.
Love is complex, it can be very ugly but also tragically beautiful. Ig when i hear people say you cant ship xyz because "it makes you a bad person!!!" Mentality it pisses me off because relationships [of any kind] can be horrific and shitty, they can be twisted and messy, they're characters built to be human. They make mistakes they feed into their own greed they scrap for something they've been wanting for decades. They can be aware they scare the other but can't stop themselves. Ik in the act of shipping it comes across as tho i support their actions but...this is fictional. Its not real. I support their actions in a fictional view because if one really wanted to dissect their lover and keep everything from the inside irl that be a little scary, but in a fictional world fuckin go wild.
The same goes for relationships we already see in media. Looks kindly at Mia and Ethan. Eye twitches their love will never be perfect but they love each other regardless because who else is left to understand the scars they have without having to speak?
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greatasexualattorney · 6 months ago
Wanted to share these relationship cards I made for an AU/fanfic I started writing maybe a month ago— I saw ppl's on my feed and thought "OMG that's so smart I need to do this" so here they are
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one thing I would like to point out is placement for "superior/equal/inferior"— Arven being the older of himself and Juliana and generally being the mama bear of his friend group, views himself as a protector to his buddies and Julie (regardless of his.. lesser.. battle prowess)
Arven also likes his surroundings to be stagnant, preferring being stable, but with enough notice and preparation, he is willing to invoke change. only if he is READY.
Juliana is very mellow in contrast to Florian's more outgoing personality.
Arven has some mental struggles that he is working on, and he's doing better with coping (spends too much time outside now and would probably find lots of cool stuff along the way)
(Sentence is super tiny, so: "my parents died and all I got was this stupid lizard and a girlfriend, which is pretty good considering everything.")
(alternatively: "improvise, overcome, sandwiches")
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like Arven, Kieran much prefers things to remain the same. and like a lot of ppl I headcanon him as neurodivergent, namely w/ autism (and based on my own experiences) and change is difficult for him to adjust to. he can facilitate it on his own, or mutually, but on short notice, it is just.. kind of messy.
notably Florian is also neurodivergent, ADHD. also based on my own experiences.
neither of them remember things well honestly. its hit or miss which will remember an errand or check their calendar first. kieran is better with marking down dates than Florian. Florian loses his notes too often.
(had so many sentences I could've wrote. the best ones are probably: "the audhd couple of all time"/"their shared sense of self preservation is next to nothing")
the twins' committment is mainly lower because they are just so busy, they have SO much going on. Arven is wholeheartedly supportive and would probably trust Juliana and any of his other buds with his whole life. and Kieran, as we know, has a very insecure attachment style and some mental issues he is working on, so he tends to latch onto one or more "favorite person(s)"
shockingly, Arven is more complex for me to explain because I can't articulate it well. god I just love Arven he's so difficult to read 😔
in the same vein Arven and Kieran are capable of having fun/bringing it, but you need to know Arven for him to lighten up otherwise he looks very brooding and unapproachable. maybe have a pal there to just.. make sure he doesn't look too scary! meanwhile, Kieran is lost without a familiar person there, especially socialites like Florian who are very easy to watch and learn from.
I'm very hesitant to post the AU due to the topics it covers, as they even make me a bit unconfortable because some of this comes from a place that is sensitive to me. the topics are not explicit or disturbing, but again
regardless of the differences in how these topics are presented in the AU versus my own life, these are very real fears I have.
if I am feeling brave, I will reblog this with some more information, excerpts, plans, etc.
if you made it this far, (first of all wow thank you for reading my venting and rambling) and thanks for looking at my versions of this chart!!
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batmanfruitloops · 6 months ago
Hi! Im having trouble with starting my first Batman AU and I love the one you two have so I was wondering if you have and tips or pointers of starting one? Like maybe how to introduce characters and such or how to start the story?
Im sorry if this was long or if its too much, have a great day/night!
I think it really depends on what you want out of it. I use this AU to practice skills for my career, such as writing, character-building, animating, etc. I listen to a lot of videos about every part of film production to help me better understand what to do. Especially things related to character. Even if your AU is just for fun, I think it's still a good idea to do a little research about writing. Observing your favorite movies and films helps a lot! I think animated films are a great teacher of storytelling! Especially Pixar films, since their philosophy is "story is king". Watching movies is just how I personally learn, you may have some other way of learning best so take all this with a grain of salt, I'm no expert I'm just very passionate about storytelling especially through animation (though in this case, it's storyboards/comics since that's what is possible right now).
Your characters are everything. I would suggest developing them as much as possible before you introduce them. They should feel like a real and complex person. They shouldn't feel like a robot that are only made to achieve their motivation. Sometimes simple things like "What are their favorite foods?" can start building them up as a person. They should have flaws, blemishes, strengths, hobbies, everything a living person should have. That way when you introduce them, you will have an easier time showing your audience who they are. First impressions are very important to characters, your audience should be able to understand what kind of person they are right off the bat. I think a good example is Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. The whole point of his introductory scene is to tell the audience "he is unpredictable and you will never know what to expect from him." Show don't tell is a very important rule to follow, don't tell your audience what to think.
For starting your story, you need to consider when it is. Is it at the beginning, middle, or end? You can put your audience anywhere in the story, so think about the optimal place they should be for the story to make sense. There are many different versions of Batman but they all begin in a different place of Batman's life. Some stories start at the beginning of him becoming Batman like The Dark Knight, and some start at the end of him being Batman like the Arkham series. It's up to you to consider at what point of your character's life the audience should be placed at.
To be honest, it's all up to you. What do you want? How do you want things to be done? This is all just a big case of "learn the rules to break the rules." Maybe you don't even want to learn the rules at all, and that's ok. It's important to remember to make what you want to see. Your art is for you. There is no right way, just some ways are more efficient than others. Let your soul make its messy finger paintings and enjoy the ride. Because more important than anything is the enjoyment of your work and the process. I have a hard time not being a perfectionist over this AU because it's what I want to do with my life. I want to tell stories. I have to keep reminding myself this is for fun, and it's ok if it's not perfect. It just has to be what I want to make. Honestly, I could ramble on and on about storytelling, so I'll save an 8-page essay (which I actually wrote on a similar topic for class). My DMs are open anyway if you want to ask anything else. I hope this was helpful!
I also agree heavily that your characters should feel like people. And along with that, pacing is really important. You don't want your story to feel rushed or lagging at any point. Like Fluffy said, it's always a good idea to reference your favorite materials. It's good to have moments that are just very real, for lack of a better word.
It's also important to understand your setting. The main focus may be the characters, but you want to make sure they feel present, and not just in a void. Establishing shots are really good for that, since it shows off a large area, then allows you to "voom in" and focus on where ever there's action happening. Reference photos are your best friend here. Use as many as you need, it'll only get easier with time. Which leads to another part of settings; if you're in a characters home/base what makes it theirs? Like how the Riddler usually has question marks and scribbles all over the walls, as well as generally being a mess. It gives you an immediate impression of how scatterbrained and paranoid he can be. In comparison, someone like the Penguin presents a clean, luxurious lounge that shows he means business. Whether or not a character is meant to go through a defining change, it's important that they stay true to themselves as a person. If they had trust issues before, they shouldn't trust someone without a reason. Or perhaps someone makes a mistake, that mistake should have consequences. I just think of this because there's a lot of cartoons where something will happen one episode only for it to be treated like it didn't happen in the next episode. Dialogue is also another important factor. Does that feel like something you could actually hear someone saying? Does the grammar make sense? If their natural pauses? This can be broken up from panel to panel, if it's in comic form. Depending, you can give characters different fonts to emphasize that they sound different, although I'm not an expert in that, it's just something I've seen before.
Again, pacing of characters talking (or thinking, etc.) is a must to be aware of. If spoke that aloud, does it feel rushed? Too slow? Are they giving enough context? As the writer, you know everything that's going to happen. Because of that, writing incomplete sentences can happen. That doesn't mean you have to explain everything in simple terms for everyone, just enough for it to make sense and feel real. If you're going for a comic, layout is another factor to consider. Read as many comics are you want. Stare at how it's set out, how everything flows from one panel to another, one page to another. I'm not much good at this one myself yet, so I just suggest looking at your favorite layouts and figuring out what about them you like. A bit of what I've learned is to consider what's happening. What I mean is, if everything is very straight forward, you can do a bunch of box panels, whereas if you're meant to feeling something along with a character, you can go more organic, there doesn't necessarily need to be boundaries in scenes like that, and a mix is generally good for most scenes. A whole establishing shot can be one page and do plenty.
I tend to ramble, and I have a lot of other stuff that I'm passionate about with writing and visual in comics/storytelling, like colors, symbolism, and lighting, and character design so my dms are also open for anyone who'd like is discuss more, :)
Fluffy and Sarsee
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xenofact · 2 years ago
Bad Knowledge
I’ve been fascinated by Taoism in all its breadth for nearly three decades. Under this umbrella you’ll find philosophy, medicine, folk religion, meditative practices, and plenty of accumulated and purged bullshit. You’ll also find some interesting thoughts on knowledge that are thought-provoking - or just provoking.
The philosophical classic the Tao Te Ching has sections that seem to question the value of knowledge while praising the values of simplicity and emptiness. Taoist battles with Confucians - famous for rules and rites one must memorize - are legendary and sometimes hilarious. Taoist mystics both craved understanding and secrets on attaining the Tao, but also loved simple lives and avoiding complication. Taoism in general seems to ask the question “hey, is knowing things always a good thing?”
As a person who craves information these writings and riddles and tales often bedeviled me. I loved learning new things, but also could see how pointless rituals and rules could mire one in unreality. I craved to know but also saw how one’s head could be the equivalent of a messy room.
I mean I got the iddea of meditating and avoiding over-stimulation. But questioning knowledge? Well that I sort of got - and sort of wondered if Taoists overdid it or if some of it was just famous Taoist humor that I didn’t get.
Then this year, while reading a translation of the Tao Te Ching I hadn’t seen, I suddenly “got” that yes, indeed, knowledge can be bad in some circumstances. For that I would like to thank various podcasts on conspiracy theories and mystical bullshit, and of course, a good chunk of the internet.
How many people fill their heads with conspiracy theories, elaborate nonsense that solidifies both their bigotries and ignorance? Ensnared in complex falsehoods (often promoted by grifters), they “know” what is right and can easily commit, assist, or ignore atrocities. Their “knowledge” means they know less than someone ignorant of their twisted beliefs.
Some people pick up religious and spiritual practices from assorted scammers and self-deluding messiahs. Diving into “ancient” practices invented a handful of years ago, they occupy themselves with spiritual exercises that are neither. Their “knowledge” takes them nowhere - and is in fact, a weight that holds them back.
And finally there are the people with heads full of information where, shall we say, they overestimate it’s value. If you’ve ever watched  people in a battle of fandom trivia or obscure facts, you get the idea. Some of this knowledge may be fun, but people take it way too seriously - which distorts the more important fun part.
Some knowledge isn’t all that, well, knowledgeable.
Sure, we may know about bad things like the above. I find great value in studying conspiracy theories to understand people and to understand dangers. But this is a kind of selective knowing, a knowing that is guarded.
So now, in part, I get the Taoist ideas that knowledge isn’t always something that’s good. One has to consider the value of the information, of the space it takes up in one’s head, and what one does with it. Just knowing isn’t always a benefit, and in some contexts is an outright negative.
And yes, I appreciate the irony of contemplating the value of knowing means I know the value of not knowing. Which, come to think of it, does fit the famous irony and humor of the Taoists, so I’m good with that.
- Xenofact
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scarfacemarston · 2 years ago
Could i maybe get some hc's abouutttt JohnxAbigailxNonbinary Reader??? 👀 i love a good throuple!!!
Finally got this done! I wanted it finished before pride month ended, but I had work. : / It's 2 pages! If anyone likes it, please reblog! This took forever to write, but I was happy to do it! <3 So - boring logistics first - How you met!
I think it could go two ways; Abigail finally finds someone who understands her on a different level than John does and potentially feels guilty when feelings emerge - or John finds a lovely partner that makes him feel something powerful in its own way - and he finds that you have something that would spark something in Abigail. She'd suspect cheating until she heard John out about you. Abigail and John are so complex and sometimes messy. Lol You would need to be prepared for that, and occasionally, you may need to be a buffer between the two, but I can see Abigail and John working VERY diligently to make sure that their arguments do not spill onto you. Jack is informed at a young age, and he's totally fine with it. Kids, especially Jack, are more intelligent than they are credited with. Kids can be very open, and he's one of them! However, Abigail and John would make sure you both are comfortable with each other. (Depending on if Abigail was in the relationship with you first, that is even more important.) Now to the fun stuff! * Abigail needs help with cooking. Desperately. You could be the worst cook in the world, but you would still be better than her. If not, then your job is to ensure the house doesn't burn down and provide moral support. *You'd be a good influence on them having a bit more fun! With another adult and trying to make everyone happy, the occasional outing might become more than occasional, even better if you get to take Jack along. Abigail isn't sure about movies, so you and John tend to go to those. But Abigail loves plays! John tends to be a bit more bored by most of them and "doesn't get it." Even if they aren't your favorite, you tend to go to some of them with her to make her happy. * John is very timid about holding hands, but he will. He prefers gloves on with most things because "I feel naked," But you insist you like his hands and kiss the scars on his knuckles. Abigail is shy about it because open affection is just something she wasn't shown, but she's happy to do so with you! *Abigail leaves you sweet little gifts that you just happen to find unexpectedly. Sometimes it's a snack hidden or something she made herself, or even something special she bought at the store. She also writes notes with nothing but your name and a heart. It's not the neatest, and she's shy about it, but she tried. (Reminder that Abigail can't read or write, but likely knows her signature and later would have to know John and Jack's. She'd be sure to learn yours, too!) She wishes she could write you longer notes because she knows you'll be more receptive. She's shy to do so and worried John will tease her. (He won't, but she doesn't know that.) Sometimes, she whispers things in your ear when she thinks you're asleep at night. *John also tries to write for you. It's so sweet and earnest………but super dorky. He's not good with romance at all, but he tries. He has horrible flirty lines but also attempts at something that could be like poetry. His sloppy handwriting makes it even sweeter.
*You tend to ride Abigail's horse more often than John's since Abigail doesn't leave the house as much - but ever since being in a relationship with you - you sure as hell make sure she can have a bit more freedom to do as she pleases whether it's you accompanying / "driving" her to where she needs to go, or watching after Jack and shooing her out of the house. However, Jack starts giggling one day like crazy and bouncing excitedly. You can tell it's secret while Uncle pushes him. John and Abigail come home with a new horse for you of your own. You had been sighing dreamily going past the stables for weeks, and they always talked about one of your own, but Abigail would have killed you all if you or John stole one, and none of you could afford one. Jack had just had a few catalogs with him over the past months, and you talked animately about which ones you would have liked. Lo and behold, after months of saving, they called you to the barn, where a lovely new mare was tacked for you, ready to go. They were grins were magnificent and wide, and you knew yours matched theirs. NSFW :) * Bigger bed, obviously. ; ) IMO Abigail and John are both versatile. (I think both are too complex to be in one category. Sometimes John likes to watch, sometimes Abigail does and is something of a cock doula, but sometimes, you're the cock doula, and sometimes even John and Pegging are involved with at least one partner. You have to work to keep John quiet. He's a loud moaner and tries his damndest to keep his voice down. *You manage to scrounge up money for a ……….personal device. A massager, if you will….It changes your sex lives forever, even if it is louder than you all would like.
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ashesandhackles · 2 years ago
8 TV Shows
Thanks for the tag @yletylyf <3 <3
Rules: list eight TV shows for your followers to get to know you better! 1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Years, years ago, I sporadically watched earlier seasons of Buffy and enjoyed it for the campy fun they were. And then I watched, "Innocence" - Season 2, episode 14 and I was obsessed with Buffy Summers. Buffy Summers is that one character of all time for me - she is heroic, aspirational but she is also flawed and messy and so delightfully complex. I love her and I forever have a soft spot for Sarah Michelle Gellar for playing her.
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2. Fruits Basket
I first read Fruits Basket as a manga, saw the first anime adaptation and the reboot came out during the pandemic. Fruits Basket is a very important piece of media to me because of the way it tackles abuse and the nature of systemic abuse. The show/ manga's ideas of rehabilitative justice were truly ahead of its time. Also the anti hero of the story is my all time fixation - Shigure Sohma.
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3. Inuyasha
Another long running manga turned anime. Something about this series turns me into a nostalgic goo. It's probably Rumiko Takahashi's brand of characters, where there is something interesting going on with each of them. But my forever love from the series is Sango, the girl who crawls out of her own grave <3
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4. Fushigi Yugi
I greatly dislike the main lead in this anime, I great dislike the romance in this series but my heart went out to the antagonist, the main lead's once best friend Yui Hongo. And if this series wasn't so enamored with its ridiculously cheesy and tiresome main romance (i do not have enough criticism for how truly bad it is, believe me), it had decent worldbuilding and politics. A fact that the original manga author knew and corrected with her spin off prequel - the vastly superior manga Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden (with likable main heroine! an intense romance that never takes over the plot!). She is currently writing Fushigi Yugi: Byakko Senki and I am curious to see what she does there.
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5. Nana
Nana is about my early 20s life lol. Co-dependent, almost romantically charged friendship with a roommate/best friend? Check. Misogynist, controlling boyfriends? Check. Intense but fucked up relationships? Check. It's like this show reached into my heart and displayed it to the world.
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6. Shadow and Bone
I'll be honest: my interest in the show is largely due to the fact that I have read the Six of Crows duology and loved those books. I only read the original Shadow and Bone series recently, just so I can keep with the main plotline in season 2 and boy, the original trilogy is very poor lol. The only thing that has bones of something interesting is Darkling and his relationship with Alina, and watching Season 2, I feel the show writers aren't comfortable tapping into that. Too much time moralising "this is bAd!!" - lol, yes we know. It is very childish finger-wagging writing, and it's very boring and not at all reflective of human experience (Shadow and Bone writers need to watch Nana to understand how to write abusive relationships without making it look like they are doing 'Toxic Ex Boyfriend for Dummies'). The reasons why Crows shine so much is because they are based on books that are good. And I agree with general consensus that the moral universe of the Crows and the Shadow and Bone stories do not match at all, and it creates horrible discrepancies in narrative framing.
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7. Cowboy Bebop
This is a show that has influenced my writing the most: dream-like vigenettes for characters? People dreaming and having nightmares? Characters stuck in the past? I wish I could be as subtle and genre-bending as this show often was. So beautiful.
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8. Death Note
If you have inhaled animes during your teen years, you won't go without bingeing Death Note. Fantastic premise, fantastic protagonist and just outright brutal to watch. I keep returning to it time and again.
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Tagging @merlins-sequined-hotpants @hinnyfied @bluethepineapple @phantomeo @thedreamermusing @turanga4
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wolfreader · 26 days ago
january 2025 wrap-up - adult fiction
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this month i read twelve (12) adult fiction novels.
the shape of water by guillermo del toro and daniel kraus 📖 🌟🌟🌟
i have complicated feelings about this book. the story itself is very enjoyable, but the prose is at its best difficult to read. it's written in very short, simple sentences. phrases that i would normally expect to be combined into one complex sentence are portioned out, and it makes it somewhat difficult to get through. i could never really get into the zone with this book because it felt so... erratic? disjointed? it felt like the literary equivalent of watching a scratched dvd or a constantly buffering youtube video.
in addition, it was written in present tense and contractions were few and far between (if they were presented at all). and especially at the end, the chapters became incredible short - potentially not even a full page long. these, combined with the simple sentences, made the writing feel very juvenile. like, present tense, simple sentences, extremely short chapters... these are traits i expect from a fourteen year old's fanfiction.
sorcery and small magics by maiga doocy 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
i think i might actually have found a romantasy i like...? not saying that for certain yet, because sorcery and small magics is the first in a trilogy; there's plenty of room to fuck this up. but at least as of right now, i think this is how romantasy should be done. i could probably make an entire post about what this does right that i think most popular romantasies stumble on, but the short version is that it embraces the slow burn and doesn't try to hide the fact that it's a romance by laying a clumsy stereotypical epic fantasy plot on top.
as i said: slow burn. the main character and his love interest do not get together in this first book. they only kiss once, and due to the circumstances surrounding that kiss i don't think it even counts. according to the author on goodreads, this is a very slow burn.
godzilla and godzilla raids again by shigeru kayama 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
really fun read - i didn't even know there were godzilla novellas, let alone novellas written in conjunction with the original two films by the man who wrote the story treatments for the original two films.
i will say that if you don't already like godzilla, i don't think these would be very interesting to you. they're not only very short, but also very matter-of-factly written. some of that might be the translation, but it's a very unremarkable writing style. so this is not the piece of media that will make you fall in love with godzilla as a new fan.
but if you are already invested i strongly recommend them <3.
the last hour between worlds by melissa caruso 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
i'm giving this a low four stars, because i did really enjoy this and feel that there's a lot of potential for a really fun series and i will be picking up the next book when it comes out, but i also felt that it needed a bit more time to cook.
there were a lot of small worldbuilding details i really loved, like the fantasy astrology that everyone takes incredibly seriously, but there were also pretty major worldbuilding details that i didn't think were properly explained for how important they are to the story. like, i could not tell you what exactly a guild is and what their role in society is, beyond knowing that the hounds are the police force.
that being said i am very fond of messy dyke drama and this book delivered. i've found that a lot of sapphic relationship drama in adult fantasy fiction is like, life-or-death type of stuff but the relationship drama in the last hour between worlds was truly classic messy dyke drama.
emily wilde's encyclopaedia of faeries by heather fawcett 📚 🌟🌟🌟🌟
this book was a little outside of my comfort zone, but i've heard very good things about it. and i'm glad i picked it up because it was very enjoyable and i will definitely be continuing with the series.
emily is a really engaging protagonist, i really connected with her. i thought the romance was really cute. i will say that i don't understand where people describing this as enemies-to-lovers or even rivals-to-lovers are coming from. emily and wendell are definitely not enemies, and they're not even really rivals. they're friends, and have been friends for a while by the time the book begins.
the final conflict felt a little out of nowhere, but not insanely so. it's entirely possible that i just missed some larger hints, and vibe-wise it felt very consistent with the rest of the novel so it wasn't jarring or anything.
voyage of the damned by frances white 📖 🌟🌟🌟
there are plenty of small problems that i think an editor should have fixed, but overall i was thoroughly enjoying myself until the last ~20%. that final twist just pissed me off.
to be incredibly vague because this occurs in the final fourth of the book, a major side character is revealed to be not who they said they were in such a way that it makes them intensely unlikeable and actually kind of a giant piece of shit, but the author expects us to be excited and still invested in this character's wellbeing. and it's like... i'm not. they suck.
and it was really disappointing because i was genuinely invested in the person this character was pretending to be, and i really liked their relationship with the main character, and then it's revealed that they were lying the entire time. and dee (the main character) is not nearly upset enough about being lied to, manipulated, and essentially catfished for days, while they were in a highly vulnerable emotional state, by someone they loved and trusted. he instantly forgives this character in a way that felt very unbelievable.
conclave by robert harris 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
picked this up very shortly after watching the movie adaptation. if you liked the movie you'll like the book and vice versa, because the movie is a very faithful adaptation. i might be wrong, but i don't think there was a single scene from the book that didn't make it into the movie, and a lot of the dialogue in the film is pulled directly from the book.
if you go into this expecting a thriller, you will be disappointed, despite the fact that both conlave by robert harris and conclave (2024) dir. edward berger are categorized as thrillers. it's truly not a thriller. it's really just ~250 pages of catty old man drama interspersed with reflections on faith. and it's very entertaining.
i will say that i think the movie makes two changes that i feel were better for the story over all, one because of realism and one because it just works better narratively. but i don't want to speak on it here because i don't like to give major spoilers in my wrap up reviews. maybe i'll make a post about it.
four ruined realms by mai corland 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
i think this is actually an improvement over the first book in the series, which was genuinely a shock to me because red tower series typically degrade over time. i only picked up five broken blades in the first place because i was able to get it on major sale, and similarly only continued with the series because i was able to use my employee discount on this book. but based on how this one ended, i might... pick the third book up even if i have to pay full price when it comes out? maybe?
one of my biggest problems with the first book is that it's going for that thing where the entire protagonist squad is ~morally grey~ but they're really... not? they sort of are, but almost all of them are pretty common slightly-dark adult fantasy archetypes, where they've done morally questionable things in the past but they're still very sympathetic and understandable. almost all of them have some combination of tragic backstories, extenuating circumstances, and noble intentions. and i say almost all because there's one (1) pov character who's just truly a piece of shit. he does not have any of the sympathetic or redeeming traits the others have. and therein lies my problem. my criticism isn't that he's a bad person, it's that he's the only one who is. if just one other character was brought down to his level morally, i wouldn't have this problem. but because it's truly just him, it makes the book feel really lopsided. it's jarring.
and so my thought after reading five broken blades was that in four ruined realms mai corland needs to either bring one or two other characters down to this other guy's level or do something big to make this guy a lot more sympathetic than he is currently. and now, coming off of four ruined realms, without spoilers... i guess that's one way to do it?
til death do us bard by rose black 📖 🌟🌟🌟
debated on rating this 3 or 4 stars... consider it a 3.5, that just barely missed being rounded up to 4.
now this is for sure witcher fanfiction. it might not be super evident if you're only familiar with the source material, but if you're not only familiar with the witcher but also familiar with how the fandom of the netflix show, specifically, tends to depict the characters in gerald x jaskier fanfiction, it's pretty obvious.
that being said, i don't think it's so derivative that it should have stayed fanfiction. there's enough original elements here that it is able to stand on its own. but while i think it's overall very enjoyable and i will likely eventually pick up rose black's new book, i still think it needed time to cook. and i think it needed to be a bit longer, to allow more time for these characters to be fleshed out and stand on their own. and it especially needed to be a bit longer to allow the climax more time to breath, because it was really fast.
also i'll be so real (vague spoilers) it was incredibly jarring to have the characters express discuss at the villain having used multiple people's corpses as puppets instead of letting them rest, only to have those same characters offer up the king's corpse to their ghost friend as her new permanent body on the same fucking page. i think we could have cut that.
the murderbot diaries vol. 1 by martha wells 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
i've read these first two novellas (all systems red and artificial condition) before, but i never continued with the series - my library just never had the next ones in and at the time the system for reserving books at my library was really janking (since fixed!). but now i'm buying my own copies and i'm excited to catch up with the series, especially since the tv show is allegedly coming out at some point this year. also because i'm trying to get into science fiction literature and obviously continuing a scifi series that i've previously enjoyed is a great start.
but yeah these are really fun! and i think they're a really great starting point if you're looking to get into scifi (like i am) because they're short, they have a very engaging narration style, and you won't be overwhelmed with science fiction technobabble right out of the gate because it's first person pov from murderbot and murderbot doesn't pay attention to anything <3.
warlords of wyrdwood by r.j. barker 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
this was one of the longest periods i've ever left a book unread. i bought this as soon as it released, back in september of last year, but it's just sat unread on my tbr cart for months. counter to what you would expect, the fact that it's the sequel to a book i loved, by an author who wrote one of my favorite fantasy series around, actually put me off reading it for the longest time because i was so terrified i wouldn't enjoy myself.
but i didn't have any reason to worry! i didn't think this was quite as good as gods of the wyrdwood, but it was still very compelling. i love rj barker's writing style, for all that it is an acquired taste. i definitely felt that i got a stronger grasp on the world and the lore in this book, whereas in the first book it was a bit more vague, but i think the story in the first was tighter. this is definitely the second book in a trilogy in that it's focused a lot on setting things up that will pay off in the final installment. but it's still really good on its own and i'm really excited for it to come out... eventually 😭.
warbreaker by brandon sanderson 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
when i first started reading this i thought it would be like elantris, where i liked it but not in any notable way, but i ended up really loving warbreaker.
i loved all of the main characters. lightsong was just really fun to read from, vivenna had a lot of introspective internal narration and important lore drops, and i was incredibly invested (haha) in siri and susebron's relationship so i was always having a good time when we went back to siri's perspective.
i really liked the mirrored development of the two sisters. at the start of the novel vivenna (the eldest) is very poised and proper, she has everything together and she's very responsible but almost in a bad way. meanwhile siri (the youngest) is carefree and a bit of a wild child and unprepared for everything that happens. but then by the end of the novel they've almost but not completely swapped places, and found that they're naturally much better suited to this role. vivenna cares less about propriety and appearance, learns that she isn't as perfectly intelligent as she thought she was, and also comes to the realization that a lot of her taking on responsibility was more about herself needed to be important rather than wanting to help (though that motivation is certainly still there). and siri finds herself adapting very skillfully to life as a queen even though vivenna is the one that was trained her entire life to become queen.
my one major issue was that the climax felt a little confusing, like it could have used another round of revisions to make what was happening a little clearer, and also the novel ends very abruptly. it seems that the last ~100 pages are building and building and building and then everything is solved really quickly and then the novel ends. there wasn't even a real conversation between vivenna and siri at the end.
also, this isn't a pro or a con, but warbreaker might be brandon sanderson's most... sexual novel yet? i haven't read his entire bibliography thus far but especially with siri's pov, there were a lot of just frank mentions of sex which wasn't what i've come to expect from mr. mormon's works.
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thexgrayxlady · 6 months ago
What I Read in July 2024
The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by S.A. Chakraborty - 4.50/5.00
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If you could synthesize a book in a lab, just for me, this would be very close to the end result.
This was a fun, swashbuckling adventure, staring a retired pirate and her middle-aged crew. I love how despite being older, the characters are all still hot messes and absolute menaces to society. Amina, despite trying to reform for her kid, is still an adventurer at heart and you feel how much she loves being back on the sea, getting into misadventures. I was having too much of a good time to take too many notes.
Also Raksh sucks so much. He's just the worst. I love him. I want him to keep trying to serve Amina magical divorce papers forever.
It's really just held back by its ties to her previous series, which is mainly a personal grievance because I'm finding interconnected universes, especially when they don't need to be there, increasingly uninteresting. The part on the Peri's island drags a lot and they take a lot of the tension out of the ending.
The book has a fun, Raiders-esque feel to it. The plot unfolds at a pretty fast pace and I never got tired of the hijinks the characters got into getting the band back together.
Voyage of the Basilisk by Marie Brennan - 3.00/5.00
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I'm always weirdly disappointed by these books. Like, they're not unenjoyable, but I always feel like there isn't enough focus on the speculative biology of dragons. The pacing for this book is a lot better than the previous entries, it gets right to business on Isabella's voyage around the world to study dragons. It's very accessible and easy to read. When the dragons are on page, they're really interesting. I really liked the illustrations. Unfortunately, I'm just not terribly interested in the politics of this world.
Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert - 3.50/5.00
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I gave Katee Robert another chance and I liked this so much better than Electric Idol. Wicked Beauty made for a fun and easy beach read. The characters are less annoying, except for Hermes and Dionysus, who are, yet again, just so irritating. I hated every second they were on page. Fortunately, there was not very much of them.
I really liked Helen, Achilles, and Patroclus. They had a fun dynamic between them. I appreciate that while they come to care about each other, they have incompatible goals at first and they eventually work to figure out how to make their relationship work. They're all messy bisexual assholes and I loved watching them being messy bisexual assholes.
The ratio of porn to plot was a lot better in this book. The plot is kind of dumb, but it's entertainingly dumb and, let's be honest, you're not reading this series for the plot. There are some things from the plot that I would have changed, one of them is genuine and the other is just a personal preference. I wish that Helen defeating Paris had been from her POV and had more time and weight dedicated to it. It felt like the author was rushing to the end here. I also wish there had been more drama around Patroclus' injuries in the second trial, but that's just my preference. Hiding injuries is my catnip. It was dangled in front of me and then jerked away. Like the football. Jail for Katee Robert. Jail for 1000 years!
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson - 2.75/5.00
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I see the appeal of these books. They do not appeal to me.
To it's credit, it is very accessible. Maybe a little too much so for my taste. I am, admittedly, a pretentious asshole. This could have been a fun book. At times, it is very close to being a very fun book. Unfortunately it settles for being the MCU of fantasy in both a complementary and a derogatory sense.
The language is very simple, to the point where the few times where complex vocabulary was used, it was somewhat jarring. I think I can count on one hand the number of times figurative language was used. Everything is very surface level, if it's what you're in the mood for, I could see it being very easy to turn your brain off and enjoy this and not have to worry too much about missing out on subtext.
That being said, everything is explained so often that you have to ask yourself if Sanderson thinks his readers are stupid. You just want to tell him that yeah, you got the point like three paragraphs ago, just get on with it. The over explanation of the, admittedly interesting, magic, the simple plot, and the beyond simple characters lead to the book feeling tensionless and bloated.
I actually like the magic system. When it wasn't being explained every other paragraph. Learning about Allomancy became very repetitive fast and I think at least half of it could have been kept in the appendix for a much tighter book. And because it was so overstated, I became kind of pedantic about it. The magic system doesn't even go as far as it could with its own logic. Why can they push and pull non-magnetic metals? Why is that road copper when it could be a much cooler magnetic metal? You could have a road made out of cobalt or neodymium or even nickel if you wanted something more mundane. Why is pewter the metal that makes you stronger when it's really soft and malleable in real life?
The world itself feels more like a themepark version of itself than an actual lived in world. I wouldn't care about this so much, but Sanderson gets so much praise for his worldbuilding and I do not get it. This is due at least in part to how flat and lifeless the characters are.
Vin is wildly inconsistent. She says over and over and over again that she doesn't trust people and she expects to betray her. Yet every time she encounters someone betraying someone else and she becomes surprised pikachu. Like, she should not need to have what noblemen do to Skaa women explained to her. She should not be shocked and appalled by it. She grew up with that threat constantly hanging over her head. She should not like or trust the nobility as much as she does, as quickly as she does. From the very beginning, she feels more like a sheltered noblewoman than a homeless orphan who makes a living by stealing.
I've very rarely encountered a character as annoying as Kelsier. You can practically see him tip his goddamn fedora and hear him say, "M'lady." I'm not sure a whole chapter goes by without one character or another extolling the virtues of the goddamn Mary Sue. He has one pretty good moment, when he returns to the Pits of Hathsin, and another when Sanderson has another all too brief flash of really good writing with Kelsier's death. The first is nearly immediately undercut when Kelsier single-handedly destroys the Pits in two pages and meets so little resistance in doing so that it feels like he could have done that whenever he wanted to. If he could so easily do this, why does the rest of the plan even need to happen?
Sazed's the best character and even then, he's still wish.com Alfred Pennyworth.
Because the main characters are so overpowered and the antagonists have very little presence on the page, plot has no tension. Everything just feels too easy for the characters. Everything more or less goes according to plan. And when it doesn't, it doesn't feel like they have to struggle to get things back on track. At the end, I had to ask myself what was the point of 2/3 of the book spent gathering the army when Vin and Kelsier were going to solo everything.
The tension is not helped by calling the oppressed underclass The Skaa.
The logbook bits at the start of the chapters are the most interesting part of the book because they're allowed to stand more or less on their own and they don't tell the reader everything that happens, then explain it in the narration, then have the characters discuss it again just to make sure that the reader knows what happened.
Admittedly, the last fifty pages are a blast, but you shouldn't have to slog through six hundred pages of repetitive, annoying, beige prose to get there. The Lord Ruler's entrance is really cool and creepy. What Vin does with the metal arrowheads is creative and frankly just nifty. Unfortunately, my copy had several misprinted pages right when it was getting good, so I couldn't really even enjoy that.
At the end of the day, it honestly feels like Sanderson would rather be writing manuals for a TTRPG than a novel.
Mirrored Heavens by Rebecca Roanhorse - 3.50/5.00
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The cover is less criminally ugly than Fevered Star!
I want so badly to like this book more than I do. Unfortunately, it inherits too many problems from the previous book to land as effectively as it could. The author still has to scramble to move characters into place because of how much time the previous book wasted futzing around.
The whole Teek storyline feels rushed and I feel like Xiala should have gone through most of it in the previous book. If her mother, aunt, and the matrons were given more time to develop, then their massacre would have had more of an impact. The scene on the beach where she starts to Sing is really good and I wish that it had the impact it deserved. That being said, once it gets off of the Teek islands, watching her come into her powers is pretty cool and her storyline moves much more smoothly. Her reunion with Serapio is very cute and I love their relationship.
Naranpa's storyline ultimately feels superfluous and hastily tacked on as the conflict pivots away from the Crow God and the Sun God. At the end of the last book, I thought we would get at least something interesting happening at the Graveyard of the Gods and it just never happens. I feel like you could cleanly excise her parts from the book and very little would be lost. It's ultimately just so shallow and disconnected from everything else that it's hard to care.
None of Balem's flashbacks were needed and just leave the book feeling bloated. Frankly, I don't think that Balem's POV is needed to begin with. You could get just about everything you needed from that with some minor tweeks to Iktans.
Serapio's POV is easily one of the strongest. There's a scene with the man he thinks is is father that's so good. You get such a strong sense of his religious trauma and why he feels like his destiny is his only option. You really understand why he latches so strongly onto anybody who treats him like an actual human, like Okoa and Xiala.
Like. I loved the first book in this series. I love these characters. This is such an interesting world. I know it doesn't seem like it from this review, but I like this book. There's a lot of very good stuff in here. It's just held back too much by mistakes made in the previous entry and I wanted it to be better.
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