#me when i feel passionate about stupid shit n feel the rare time to post it to tumblr.com
I want to preference this with at the end of the day, i am one random person and anyone can do whatever. Alright?
That being said. I wish people realized or at least understood that shipping something that isn't "healthy" means the person thinks this is good or okay. Its the same mentality people have with "if you shoot in game u must want to hurt people irl" and its like...no. When i talk of characters/ships like David x Simon, Clancy x Lucas, or Woods x Hackett/Dauda x Bishop, i think its interesting to dive into a relationship that isn't healthy or good for a character. In these characters the characters knows and understands that this love is unhealthy and hurts/destroys them but does it anyway out of this soft like devotion they have. They know what they have going on is wrong, i do not make this to be they're obvious and its just cutesy fun stuff!! They know and understand that it hurts them.
Simon is well aware that loving David breaks him but he's scared to lose someone that made him feel like maybe there could be a place made for him. That David wants to give something to Simon they know they can't? But does it regardless because it feels nice. Do you not think Clancy didn't think about the outcome of loving Lucas? That he was loving someone sick but did it anyway not to fix him but because he couldn't help but find the scenario almost comical. How someone who wanted him in pain would get distraught of the thought of losing his victim. He plays into it. Do you not think Woods not understand that he should not love Hackett because it feeds into a obsessive devotion? But Hackett wanted to feel like something he wasn't so he found himself entangled by the corrupt love handed to his scarred hands.
That is not to say these characters can never have a soft moment or love each other without pain. Their love is not complete misery. They have warm moments of laughing and cuddling closer to the other. They stand fingers intertwined as they watch the sun and the moon carefully walk around.
Love is complex, it can be very ugly but also tragically beautiful. Ig when i hear people say you cant ship xyz because "it makes you a bad person!!!" Mentality it pisses me off because relationships [of any kind] can be horrific and shitty, they can be twisted and messy, they're characters built to be human. They make mistakes they feed into their own greed they scrap for something they've been wanting for decades. They can be aware they scare the other but can't stop themselves. Ik in the act of shipping it comes across as tho i support their actions but...this is fictional. Its not real. I support their actions in a fictional view because if one really wanted to dissect their lover and keep everything from the inside irl that be a little scary, but in a fictional world fuckin go wild.
The same goes for relationships we already see in media. Looks kindly at Mia and Ethan. Eye twitches their love will never be perfect but they love each other regardless because who else is left to understand the scars they have without having to speak?
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Koala Girlfriend w/ Akaashi, Kuroo, Kita and Ushijima
Request: Can I request Akaashi, Kuroo, Kita and Ushijima with a girlfriend who loves to cling to them like a koala while they are doing things around the house?
A personal favorite, even though I don’t have a s/o if I had one this would be my go to cuddling position. Sorry for not posting the last couple of days I just wasn’t feeling very well and I didn’t have motivation. Hope you like it. Love ya 💖💖💖
warnings: fluff.
Akaashi Keiji
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-Oof pretty boy comin through. 
-This man, this godly man, oof. 
-He is usually very tired and loves recharging with some cuddles. 
-He would love it if he could just stay wrapped around you for the rest of eternity but alas his editor duties sadly call him and he has to get up at some point.
-You always felt iffy disturbing him while he worked so only when you were very touch starved you would give him a small peck as you passed by his desk. 
-But lately you felt so needy and clingy with him, wanting to sit on his lap 24/7, no sexual intentions whatsoever. 
-So you just wordlessly pushed his chair back and took your seat in his lap, arms wrapped around his neck and legs hanging loosely around his waist. 
-He didn’t even question it, he kissed you on the forehead before resting a hand on your waist and going back to work letting you doze off on his shoulder. 
-When he wanted to get up though he contemplated whether or not he should let you go, temporarily of course. 
-He decides against it, nudging you lightly with his chin and whispering you to hang on as he got up and went to the kitchen, fixing you both cups of hot cocoa and caring them back to his study. 
-It became a routine after that. 
-No matter what he was doing, if he wanted to cuddle you he would. 
-You never complained of course, nuzzling into his chest as he relaxed in his chair, giving him kisses as a sign of gratitude every now and again. 
-Boy really wouldn’t even ask you before picking you up. 
-If he knew you weren’t busy he would just come up to you and grab your hands, bringing them around his shoulders while you wrapped your legs around his waist knowing exactly what he was asking for. 
-Sometimes he would ask you to move to his back, especially when he was doing something that wanted his undivided attention. 
-That happened when he wanted to cook or cut something and baby didn’t want to accidentally hurt you. 
-This cuddly habit rarely turned sexual, like 1/20 of the time. 
-He liked the warmth and the familiarity that your cuddles provided and he would prefer to fall asleep rather than get frisky. 
-Bokuto caught you two once and he couldn’t wait to ask his s/o if they could do it with him.
-He came crashing through your door, taking advantage of the spare key he had, after one failed practice game. 
-Since his s/o was out of town, he needed someone to get him out of his emo mode. 
-He came face to face with an Akaashi and a koala you, getting a glass of water from the kitchen, both of you caught like deer in headlights at his sudden intrusion. 
-He wouldn’t shut up about it for months after that. 
Kuroo Tetsuro
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-This little shit. 
-He is very affectionate with you. 
-He treasures you, words cannot describe how much love he has for you. 
-But he is a tease so when you try to initiate  things he will get that stupid smirk on his face saying how can’t resist him. 
-This always leads to you staring at him with a dead expression before getting up and leaving the room, making him run after you. 
-You are not mad of course.
-He knows though when you really need him, when you really need cuddles and comfort so when times like that roll around he won’t say anything to you. 
-He’ll just sit back and hold you close to him, running his palms up and down your sides, kissing the crown of your head every few minutes. 
-He found out about your koala nature when he got up with you in his arms during one of those times. 
-You immediately hugged him closer and nuzzled your face in his neck while he made a snack for the both of you. 
- “You like that don’t you?” 
-You just left a kiss on the column of his neck and went back to nuzzling your boyfriend. 
-He let out a chuckle and he knew that this would become daily because he too loved it. 
-Things will turn sexual most of the time. 
-He knows when to not initiate anything like that while you clung to him so don’t worry my mans has restraint. 
-If he’s not sure if you wanna do the do or not he will kiss you on the spot right under your ear and that will determine the outcome of the night *lmao*. 
-He is the one who will ask you to wrap around him while he does some house work. 
-You will be chillin in your room scrolling through your phone when he will storm into the room and spread his arms wide open saying a single “up”. 
-Before you know it you are in his arms, your phone still in hand as one of his arms has circled your waist supporting you. 
-He is muscular so he won’t ever get tired of having you in his arms. 
-He answers video calls with the team, he will be in a zoom meeting with you still in his arm and will open the door to the delivery guy to pay him with you still wrapped around him like a sweater. 
-Even falls asleep with you like that, back pressed against the couch, his head resting on his shoulder as he dozes off, feeling the safest he has ever felt. 
-Yall can see how much those news I got from tik tok have affected me, like shit. 
-Kenma says that it’s disgusting but he does it with his s/o in secret so he be LYIN. 
-His s/o let it slip at some point and Kuroo has been rubbing salt on the wound ever since, RIP Kenma. 
Kita Shinsuke 
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-Baby is respectful. 
-Above all he wants for you to be comfortable and relaxed so even if he really really wants to cuddle you he will wait for confirmation. 
-So don’t expect anything like the other two idiots. 
-He won’t just pick you up and go about his day, no no. 
-Kita will ask for a hug, he will ask if he can hold you no matter how weak or worn down he feels. 
-He doesn’t want to burden you with his worries so when days get hard he will ask you for some comfort but you have to sense it for yourself so you can cuddle him more. 
-He likes having control over his life and when things pile up on him and he feels like drowning he thinks that he shouldn’t worry you with it. 
-You can feel it though. 
-His aura changes and he has that little wrinkle in between his eyebrows. 
-So you will slowly wrap your arms around his waist and squeez, trying to pass on to him all of your love and reassurance you think he might need. 
-You start your koala acts when you two were in bed and you didn’t want to get up because it was just so warm and comfortable. 
-Who would want to get up?
- “Y/N, angel, I need to get up.” 
- “But you are warm Shin….” 
-So he just sighs and wraps his arms around your waist. 
- “Hold tight then.” 
-With the ease of a greek god, he stood up with you in his arms and went to make breakfast. 
-You giggled all the time, hugging him tighter and leaving multiple kisses on his neck, cheeks and shoulder, making him let out a few chuckles. 
-You might have exchanged some more passionate kisses as he made breakfast and I don’t blame you, he is irresistible. 
- “Shin, I know that things get hard for you sometimes and I want to be there for you at every turn. So please don’t hesitate to ask for comfort or ask anything from me in general. I love you and if hanging onto you like a baby koala means I’ll get to see that smile on your face then so be it. I like it here.” 
-He was left speechless after that. 
-He followed your advice after that day, coming home in a bad move and just asking for koala time. 
-His grandma caught you two once and she squealed so high you thought she pierced your eardrums. 
-She was beyond happy for her little boy, seeing him so loved and appreciated warmed her heart. 
- “Young love warms my old bones.” 
-It’s all chuckles and giggles and lovestruck looks after that. 
Ushijima Wakatoshi
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-Big boy hours. 
-He is tall and muscular so how could you NOT want to climb this tree.  
-He doesn’t get your infatuation with his height and muscles and your impulse of wanting to climb on him but he will allow it. 
-Because you are cute and he loves you and he would do anything to make you giggle and smile like a five year old. 
-He will be standing in the kitchen making coffee or something when you sneak attack him from behind. 
-You cling to his back, your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders and legs around his waist as you try to balance yourself on his back. 
- “Good morning to you too darling.” 
- “Mhm”
-He will continue with his morning routine as usual, moving you from his back to his chest and sitting on the living room couch, opening the TV and chillin for about an hour. 
-When he has to go out for his daily run you have to let go of him although begrudgingly.
- “Don’t pout, Y/N darling.” 
-You do though and he has to kiss the pout off your face. 
-He likes picking you up on his own, without having to wait for one of your attacks. 
-He most likely just came home from training and he is tired, he’ll immediately pick you up and take you into the shower with him, having a lovely bubble bath with you. 
-He is silent most of the time but he likes humming your favorite songs while he has you in his arms. 
-He knows it calms both of you so of course he will do it.  
-Tendou loves teasing him about this cute coupley(?) habit you two have. 
-He visited you one day and Ushijima was just standing in your living room with you wrapped around his torso while he watched a match. 
- “Wakatoshi-kun I didn’t know you got a pet.” 
-Tori is a little shit so of course he would call you that, what else did you expect? 
- “That’s Y/N. Satori-kun.” 
-Clowned you to your old friends from school by taking a pic and just sending it to everyone and their mothers. 
-Semi photoshopped it and put Santa hats on your heads and sent it to you as a christmas card.
@the-arcana-fan-fic @angelwritings @axerrri @reinyrei @dnarez @storage11037​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting​ @letscheereachotheron​  @ezoyscorner​
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yelena-bellova · 4 years
Don’t Be Afraid: Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader - Chapter Twenty Seven
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Chapter Twenty Seven: Stolen Moments
Series Masterlist
Plot: Good, bad, lighthearted, heavy. Laughter, tears, passion and fear. Battles are only a part of the war, but the lives of the people who fight are where the true stories lie. 
Warnings: language, night terrors, anxiety, fluff, angst, suggestive activity, we do it all in this chapter...
Word Count: 6.4k
A/N: Here lies a collection of oneshots of our favorite pieces of rebel scum. Savor it because this is the last piece of lighthearted content you’ll be getting for a while...We’ve got one last chapter before we head into TROS...Enjoy! (Apologies to scrollers, I posted this from my mobile!)
“Black Leader to base.” “Base to Black Leader,” I said into my headset, “This is Commander Solo.” “Commander Solo? What are you doing on comms?” “Hello to you too,” I laughed softly, “I’m filling in.” It was the middle of the night, the only time where the base was fairly quiet. There were always people on duty but for the most part, there was rare silence in our corner of the jungle. The comms officer assigned to Poe for his mission had fallen ill so I immediately volunteered to take over. It wasn’t a difficult task, I never slept well when Poe was away anyways so at least I was being productive. 
“Are we alone, Commander?” 
“Yes, so stop calling me Commander,” I ordered, shifting in my uncomfortable seat, “You’re the one that likes that.” Poe chortled slightly, “I’ve never heard you complaining about it or anything that follows…” I was glad no one was around to see just how quickly my boyfriend could make me blush. The only reason I wasn’t indulging him was purely because of how tired I was. “It’s far too late for that kind of talk, Black Leader.” “Why’d you volunteer to take over? You sound exhausted.” I shrugged as I leaned back further in my chair, “I don’t sleep well when you’re gone.” “Still…” Poe trailed off, a loud yawn crackled through the headset, “Go to bed now, I’m gonna be landing in the next few minutes. Highly doubtful I’ll run into any trouble.” “I’m not ending this comm until I see your X-Wing on the ground,” I stated in a tone that left no room for argument, “If I left, it would end up being the time that Hugs and his armada of star destroyers would be waiting for you to come out of hyperspace and blow you out of the system.” “...Have you like thought this through or something? You came up with that scenario a little too fast…” I snickered to myself, “Just fly faster so I can stop missing you.” “You want me to fly faster than lightspeed?” “If anyone can do it, it’s you…”I smiled, fiddling with the cord of the headset that ran to the computer. “That sounds like an admission that I’m a better pilot than you are…”
“Where did you hear those words, Dameron? Cause I sure as hell didn’t saying them.” “Oh, you said enough,” Poe chuckled, “And you’re right on both counts.” I smiled lazily, “That’s right…” I hadn’t registered that my eyelids were beginning to shut, shaking myself awake I returned to the conversation, “Wait, what was my other count?” “I would break every principle of flying just to get home to you quicker.” A second blush heated my face as I let the sentiment seep into my veins. “You’re a charmer, Black Leader. Whoever your girlfriend is, she’s a lucky lady.”
“Trust me, I’m the one who’s lucky. She puts up with way too much shit from me.” “Something tells me that you’re worth it,” I said softly, unable to keep the lovestruck grin from my face.
I heard the distant sound of a ship and caught the long-awaited sight of Poe’s X-Wing coming onto the scanner. My body relaxed as I could finally sense Poe’s presence again. He was home.
“Permission to land, Solo?” 
“Granted,” I lazily smiled, “Welcome home, Dameron.”
It was a stupid fight that we shouldn’t have been having. 
Date nights were hard to come by, especially for people like us who were working constantly. But by some miracle, Poe and I had found a block of time one evening to have dinner together for longer than ten minutes. I’d set it up in our room, dimming the lights and arranging the table till it met my approval. I’d even changed out of my work clothes to the one pair of fatigues I owned. Everything was going to be perfect.
Till Poe didn’t show up.
I sat at the table with tears of anger pooling in my eyes, my gaze flicking between the door and the ever-changing clock. Just as my anger couldn’t possibly grow any further, the door slid open and in came Poe. Sweaty, stained with oil and curls completely out of place. Some of the new recruits had asked Poe to give them a few tips on their flying techniques and he’d gotten caught up in it. What started as discussion had climbed to practice dogfights above base.
Soft spoken anger quickly turned to raised voices until we were yelling at one another.
I accused him of caring more about the Resistance than about me.
He accused me of not placing enough importance on the war.
He could’ve reached me over the comms to tell me.
I could’ve not overreacted over missing one dinner.
I stormed out of the room.
He didn’t follow.
That was how I’d ended up on the Falcon. I didn’t want to shed tears in front of Poe, so I’d saved them for the privacy of my ship. I was all cried out as I sat silently in the captain’s chair, absentmindedly flipping a switch on the control board on and off. Poe and I didn’t fight often, not like this at least. So on the occasions it did happen, it wrecked both of us until someone conceded because they simply couldn’t take the separation any longer. I knew I’d been a little dramatic in my accusations, but I’d looked forward to the night for days. But that was only a piece of what was bothering me about the whole thing. I had operated purely from anger, the thing I’d been striving so hard to purge from me. It was reopening every fear I had about myself and my powers. I felt the resentment towards Poe swirling inside of me and there was a part of me that wanted to let it fester. It was eating me alive that despite all the training I was going through, I still didn’t have a handle on my emotions. 
“Hey…” I turned around at the voice to see a sleep deprived Poe standing a cautious distance away from me. His hair was in further disarray, his eyes wearing dark bags from lack of rest and his gaze focused on the ground. I didn’t want to speak first, I was too afraid of what might fly out of my mouth. He hesitantly looked up at me and met my eyes, even after a fight he still looked at me with a softness in his stare. Unable to stay on the receiving end any longer without feeling worse, I turned back around in my seat. His footsteps moved closer until he came to sit next to me in the co-pilot’s chair. We sat in silence for a moment, readjusting to one another’s presence before voicing our thoughts.
Poe was the first one to speak, “I’m sorry, I was an asshole.” “No more so than me,” I said, still unable to look at him without feeling a thrum of anxiety run through my body.
“You were justified in your anger-“ Poe leaned forward and reached his hand out toward my knee.
“No,” I jerked my body away from his loving touch, “Poe, I’m not. I mean, yes, I’m mad at you but I didn’t even hear you out. The only reason you got your explanation in is because I ran out of breath berating you. Yes, I’m right to be upset but not to this extent…” Poe sighed and hung his head down, running a hand through his unkempt hair. He didn’t see me like this often, but the times he did hurt him almost as much as they hurt me.
“Y/n,” he said softly, “That was a pretty standard fight. I missed a date, you yelled and now we’re talking it through. Your reaction’s no different than anyone else’s.” “That’s the point,” I leaned on my knees and pinched the bridge of my nose, “I’m not supposed to be like everyone else. I’m a Jedi, I’m supposed to have a better grip on my emotions and not fly off the handle every time we have a fight.” “Y/n, Jedis are human too,” Poe challenged with a hint of a smile, “You don’t have to be as perfect as you think you need to be.” I rubbed my hands over my face nervously and scooted forward in my chair. Poe’s hands were already waiting to take hold of mine, the rough calloused tips of his fingers from years of flying stroking over my palms gently. 
“I know you know you messed up, and I’m sorry for trying to make you feel worse about it,” I said quietly, sliding one of my hands up to hold the back of his neck, “I don’t think my expectations were realistic for what a relationship looks like in the middle of a war.” “I think we both are finding that out,” Poe agreed, stroking my knee with his free hand, “Sometimes I catch myself acting like I’m still single. I schedule my day without leaving any room for time with you and like tonight, I majorly screwed up.” Our lives were changing along with the war and we needed to find our middle ground. It required constant adjustment and work, but it was worth it. And we’d been through too much to let our relationship suffer at the hands of our own carelessness.
“So we try harder,” I suggested, running my fingers through a few runaway curls, “And we try to have a little more understanding towards one another. Our priority is each other but this fight,” I turned my gaze to the cockpit window, “It’s going to have to come before what we want sometimes.” I turned back to Poe who was watching me with a soft intensity that only he could possess. The hand I had on his neck pulled him down to lean our foreheads against one another. His warm palms slid up my legs to my sides, holding them loosly. We leaned into one another’s lips at the same time, moving together slowly and softly to make up for the harsh words spoken earlier in the evening. Even after we pulled away, Poe pressed several featherlight kisses to the corners of my lips. “I love you more than anything else,” Poe whispered, his hot breath hovering over my lips, “You know that right?” “I do,” I replied quietly, in no need to disturb the tender quiet we’d found, “And I don’t think I could love you any more than I already do.”
There was an unofficial day in the Resistance that had been going for quite a few years.
Prank Day.
One day where we played harmless practical jokes on one another. As long as it didn’t endanger anyone’s safety or get in the way of doing our jobs, anything was fair game. The higher ranking officers, including Mom, knew about it and had never made any effort to put a stop to it. Privately, Mom actually enjoyed seeing what people pulled off.
“Finn, I’m his girlfriend, I don’t know if I can go along with this,” I told my friend as we carried recently delivered cargo through base.
“Y/n, c’mon, you’re the only one who has access to the room,” Finn urged, “You don’t even have to do it, just conveniently leave your door open and if I happen to wander in…” My friend was trying his hardest to get me involved in whatever prank he had planned for Poe. He hadn’t even told me what it was, only that it was too good to not be a part of.
“If I say I’ll consider it, will you leave it alone?” I asked.
“Yes,” Finn adjusted the crate to carry it with one hand, pointing his finger at me, “But only if you actually consider it. I swear, you’ll love it…”
I didn’t actually consider it, Prank Day was the furthest thing from my mind. Between training and my duties as a commander, I had enough on my plate.
Until I woke up on said day unable to find my lightsaber. 
Poe had left our room before I’d started my day so my only option was to comm him. It wasn’t until my fifth attempt at reaching him on the comms that he answered…
“Maybe you left it hanging around outside…” His cryptic answer resulted in me standing underneath Tantive IV craning my neck to stare at my lightsaber taped to the underside of the ship. How he had gotten it up there, I didn’t know and didn’t care. All I knew was payback was well and truly deserved.
“I’m in,” I plopped down next to Finn as he sat eating lunch in Rey’s corner of base, “What do you need from me?” Finn pumped his fist before filling me in on the details of the prank. 
“Wait, what’s going on?” Rey asked, she’d had her head buried in one of the Jedi texts and had only heard a few words of Finn’s plan. Once he had explained it to both of us, she was practically snorting with laughter. “Oh, please let me witness this.” “I’ve got a little something extra to add to it, but I’m gonna need your help, Finn...” I said with a sly grin.
Later that day, I was sitting in my and Poe’s quarters awaiting his return. He waltzed through the door casually, a hint of smugness in his smile. 
“How’s your day been?” he asked innocently.
“Nothing new to report,” I shrugged, “Still haven’t found my lightsaber though.” “I’m sure it’ll turn up,” he responded plainly, leaning down to kiss the top of my head, “I’m gonna shower then we can grab dinner. Finn and I were working on something earlier and he got some oil in my hair.” “Well, we all know how protective you are of your hair…” I sighed, earning myself a chuckle before he headed into the refresher.
As soon as I heard the sound of water, I bolted for the door. As I ran down the hall, I raised the comlink I’d been hiding in my hand. “He just got in,” I reported. “Copy that,” Finn replied, “On our way.”
I hurried toward the exit of the ship just as Finn and Rey sped in the opposite direction.
“Hurry,” Rey urged as we passed one another. “On it.” I bounded for the spot where Poe had taped my lightsaber, standing directly under it. It didn’t take much effort as I extended my hand and broke the “foolproof” seal, the weapon flying into my palm. As I sprinted back into the ship, I peeled off the tape until it was restored to its proper state. I made it back to the room with Finn and Rey already standing outside. I punched in the code quickly and the door flew open. 
“He should be almost done,” I breathed, listening to the sounds of the sanisteamer still going.
After a moment, the noise stopped and was replaced with Poe humming some song to himself. The three of us waited with bated breath for the explosive reaction that was surely to come.
“What the hell?!” 
We tried to stifle our giggles to no avail knowing what Poe was seeing right now. He flew out the door calling my name with a towel wrapped around his waist, only to be met by Finn, Rey and I laughing hysterically.
Poe’s hair was bright blue. 
“Did you three do this?” he cried, still clutching the shampoo bottle in a hand and pointing to his head with the other. Our shrieks of laughter and nods were the only answer he received. 
“I have a late meeting tonight and I have to go looking like this?” Poe asked, pulling on his damp curls to amplify his point. “I’ve always thought you looked good in blue,” I said as I tried to catch my breath, still clutching my stomach.
“You’ve always had the best hair in the Resistance, Poe,” Finn replied, gesturing to the blue mop in question, “Now you can wear that title with extra pride.” “I’m serious, guys,” Poe said frustratedly, “This comes out, right?” “Yes, it comes out,” I answered with another small laugh, “I’d help you wash it out but,” I held up my lightsaber casually, “I really need to get some practice time in.” Poe gave a sigh of defeat and took a step towards us, “Okay, that’s fair. It’s pretty good actually. How’d you pull it off?”
Finn took the reins, “I snuck Y/n the dye and she-“
We were interrupted by Poe squirting the remains of the blue shampoo on our heads. Finn, Rey and I shot down the hall and out of his range as he chased the three of us down the thankfully empty hall.
Supply closets, as I quickly found out, were not built for two people. 
Poe had been away on a weeklong mission and had just returned. Making it back to our room to welcome him home properly wasn’t going to happen so he’d pulled me into the nearest room. Our lips were currently battling for dominance as our hands found purchase in the others clothing.
“I missed you,” Poe mumbled against my mouth.
“I missed you too,” I whispered in between kisses, “I hate when you’re gone this long.” “Yeah, but you gotta admit,” Poe breathed as he trailed his kisses across my face till he hit my jaw, “It makes our reunions all that sweeter.” My breathy laugh turned to a soft groan as his lips travelled down to my neck. My hands moved frantically against his flight suit, internally cursing whoever had made them so damn complicated to get off. All actions ceased as Poe began to suck a mark onto the delicate patch of skin, I threw one arm around his shoulders and reached a hand up to grip his hair. With each ministration of his mouth, a gentle moan escaped my lips that would encourage him to keep going.
“I’m gonna be wearing high collared shirts in a jungle for days thanks to you,” I breathed, still holding his head to the juncture between my neck and shoulder. “You want me to stop?” Poe teased against my skin, his voice low and husky. His hands had found their way under my shirt and were rubbing circles against my hips. 
My hum of pleasure was all the invitation he needed to dive back in, pressing me back into the wall and aggressively attacking the skin again. I wrapped a leg around his back to push him further against me, needing to feel him as close as possible. I reached down blindly and found the zipper to his flight suit, tugging it down forcefully and slipping it off his shoulders.
Suddenly, the dark room flooded with light. Poe and I broke from each other to see a maintenance worker standing awkwardly in the doorway.
“Uh, sorry, Commanders…” he sputtered, “I-I just came to get something but, uh, I’ll come back later.” Before I could protest and come up with an excuse for our suggestive position, he’d quickly shut the door in embarrassment. I threw my head back against the wall and groaned while Poe snickered to himself.
“You do realize the entire base is going to hear about this right?” I asked, unable to see him clearly in the darkness but picturing his smug smile. 
“So?” Poe said, I felt him shrug his shoulders, “Every couple’s snuck off like this, trust me.”
Just as I began to push him off me, he tightened his grip on my waist and eased me back against the wall. One of his hands left my body and I heard a click of the door’s lock before the pressure returned. I felt his hot breath against my collarbone, pulling me back down into his orbit and surrendering to the sensation. “Gotta finish what we started, sweetheart…”
Mine and Poe’s schedules exhausted us enough that sleep almost always came easy to us. But sound slumber was a gift neither of us typically received.
I woke up to the sound of distressed moans and the absence of Poe’s arms wrapped around me. Sitting up and blinking my eyes in the darkness, I caught the silhouette of Poe from the soft light we kept turned on. He was rolled over onto his side, clutching the blankets in his fists and whimpering.
“Poe,” I whispered, shifting to kneel beside him and gently gripping his shoulder, “Baby, wake up.” “Mmphf,” he moaned, “No, no, get out.” “Poe, wake up,” I raised my voice slightly, “You’re having a nightmare, wake up.”
“No, get-get out of my head,” he breathed, his voice saturated with desperation, “Don’t hurt her.” I knew exactly what nightmare he was having.
“Baby, I’m okay,” I urged, shaking his shoulder with both hands, “Wake up.” His eyes flew open and he shot up in bed with a cry, I could make out the single tear trail down his cheek. Unfortunately, this was nothing new to me. Much like myself, Poe suffered from the same horrible dream night after night. 
“Poe, you’re okay,” I said soothingly, running my hands down his arm, “It was a nightmare.” His chest rose and fell as he fought to catch his breath, he ran a hand over his face and sniffled. He turned to me and gripped both my wrists gently, looking me over to make sure I was real. “I’m okay,” I assured, turning my hand over to lace my fingers with his.
He breathlessly nodded, his eyes frantically searching my face for reassurance. “He was in my head, Y/n, he went in and the first thing he saw was you.” “I know, I know,” I hummed, pushing myself into his lap where he usually needed me on the bad nights, “But he didn’t get me. I’m here, he can’t hurt either of us.” As Poe’s racing thoughts slowed down and he processed what I was saying, he surged forward and collected me in his arms. His grip was tighter on nights like this, in his nightmare he faced the reality of some horrible fate befalling me. He needed more than my verbal reassurance, he needed to feel me to quell the lingering panic. Whether he needed to be held, to be kissed or to lose himself in me, I gave him whatever would return him to me fully. This particular night, all he needed was to be close. We fell asleep with Poe’s head resting on my chest as I soothingly ran my fingers through his curls.
The next night wasn’t any easier.
The thickness of the smoke had decreased since the last time I’d visited the familiar nightmare. Things were becoming clearer, metaphorically and literally.
I stood amidst the flames, finally able to make out where I was. After so many years, I should have been able to recognize the location. Perhaps I’d been in denial…
It was my uncle’s former training temple.
The wound I continuously tried so hard to close threatened to open up again. For once in the years of being plagued by the dream, I kept calm. Even at the sight of the location where through the cruelest circumstances, I’d been set on my path to become a Jedi, I held firm to my peace.
“Y/n,” a familiar voice called, I turned around to see a face I’d never seen before. Not in this form at least…
He’d been the figure clothed in brown all these years.
He was so much younger, his white head of hair and beard a sandy shade of brown. His tan robes shorter than that ones I’d seen him in, but his dark brown cloak the exact same. Just like the soft expression on his face as our eyes met. 
He’d been calling out to me this whole time.
“Don’t be afraid,” he said, “You’re stronger than you know.” “Of what?” I asked as I walked with urgency towards him, “You’ve been saying that to me for years now and I still don’t know what it’s meant.” My grandfather’s gaze was no longer on me, but something behind me. I didn’t need to look to know exactly who stood firmly planted in my subconscious state, just as he did in my conscious.
“Don’t be afraid,” Ren said, his voice cool and balanced, so unlike him in reality. He spoke with a knowledgable authority that send a chill down my spine. “There’s more darkness in you than you know, just think of what you can do with it.” I was prepared to verbally strike him down and wield my Jedi status over him. I was ready to tell him he’d lost, till I turned to see bodies strewn across the ground. Soldiers. Resistance soldiers. Pilots. Maintenance workers. Strategists. Seemingly everyone that made up our band of rebels was strewn on the ground motionless. Worse…Taking one look at their wounds told me they had not died by blaster, but by lightsaber.
My hands trembled as they flew to cover my mouth, tears trailing down my cheeks as if they’d been waiting to fall. I was overcome. “Y/n,” my grandfather came to stand next to me, “Don’t listen to him. You know who you are.” Any other time I’d have listened to him. But at the sight of my comrades dead, I couldn’t be reasoned with. I fell to my knees with a shriek of horror, ignoring as Obi-Wan dropped alongside me and placed his hands on my shoulders. It didn’t matter how far I ran or how hard I tried, the fear I’d fought my entire life would always find me…
“Y/n, wake up. Sweetheart, you’re dreaming!” I startled awake with the same wet cheeks and thin layer of sweat across my brow that I’d gained in the nightmare. My chest heaved as I struggled to regain a normal breathing pattern. I turned onto my back and fell against Poe’s arm, he was caging me in and staring down at me. “You’re okay, it was just a dream,” he whispered, one of his hands coming to stroke a strand of hair out of my face.
I scrunched my eyes shut and nodded, trying to erase the image of so many good people dead at my hand. It wasn’t reality, I knew that, but it didn’t change the simple fact that my fear was. There was no escaping my mind.
“What do you need?” Poe asked softly.
I gripped his biceps and pulled him down on top of me, our lips melting together blissfully. As hard as Poe would try if I asked, he couldn’t fix me. He couldn’t erase my anxieties, couldn’t go back in time and change my journey to where I’d ended up. But just him being there, willing to try and see me through the bad nights was enough. It was so much more than enough.
Cantina trips had always been something to look forward to. Shots and cocktails would flow freely and bring an immense amount of regret the next day, but we’d still repeat the cycle the next time around.
We never went in with the fear of possible death or capture.
Rey, Finn, Poe and I had been dispatched to Coruscant to a high end bar. We were supposed to meet an informant who had information on the First Order’s most recent weapon dealings. It was too good a chance to pass up, assuming he was even telling the truth. 
“I feel ridiculous in this get-up,” Rey’s voice whispered in my ear through the hidden comms device.
“Be thankful you have pants at least,” I chuckled softly as I sipped my drink, sneaking a peek across the room at her table. She was dressed in the tightest leather pants I’d ever seen and a long sleeved top with a plunging neckline. A stark contrast from her usual beige and white Jedi robes. I had been sewn into a strapless dress that only covered what it absolutely had to, including my lightsaber. “But we’re all in agreement that I look great, right?” Poe chimed in, he was seated at the opposite end of the bar. He’d exchanged his worn leather jacket for a sleek new neon colored one, a sheer shirt and pants just as tight as Rey’s. We weren’t supposed to be acknowledging each other’s presence but I’d snuck a few quick glances at his ass. 
“How’d you fit that ego through the door, Dameron?” Finn asked, he was nursing an ale near the entrance to the bar. His stylish jumpsuit, even with a few buttons undone, was the least revealing outfit out of the four of us. 
“Just fine, thanks for the concern, buddy,” Poe replied dryly before clearing his throat, “We know what this guy looks like?” “Nope,” I said with my lips to my glass, “All we know is that he’ll be carrying a cane. Not a very common feature so he shouldn’t be hard to spot.”
“Excuse me?” a voice from behind me spoke up, I turned to see a groomed gentleman gesturing to the stool next to me, “Is this seat taken?” I scanned him quickly, no cane. “I’m sorry, but I’m waiting for someone.” 
“A beautiful girl like you shouldn’t be kept waiting,” the man said as he defiantly took the seat, “I pity whoever decided they had better things to do than have a drink with you.” I had to stop from laughing at the lines he was using, coming from the right guy would’ve made them sound smooth. But this one just came off sounding like a cocky asshole and not the kind that I had a penchant for. “Do I need to come over and kick that guy’s ass?” Poe’s voice rang in my earpiece. 
“Trust me,” I smiled politely at the man, “Your pity would be better spent elsewhere.” He nodded and smirked, his eyes drinking in my exposed body so intensely that I started to squirm. My senses were telling me that he was bad news. “I haven’t seen you around here, what brings you to Coruscant?” “Business,” I replied evenly, trying to figure out how to get him to leave.
“Let me guess,” the guy rubbed his chin before snapping his fingers, “You’re a model.” “Something like that,” I said with a small smile that he wouldn’t understand, “My face is all over the galaxy.” “What a lucky galaxy,” he responded, I had to physically stop my face from scrunching into a cringe.
“What a charmer,” I chuckled before taking a final sip of my drink, “It’s been lovely chatting with you but I really am waiting on a friend.” The man held his hands up in surrender, “Hey, I understand. But you can’t blame a guy for taking a shot. Hope you have a fun night.” He stuck his hand out as he rose to his feet, I foolishly took it and shook it. As soon as we touched, he whipped out a blaster and pressed the barrel of it to my neck. 
“Lovely to make your acquaintance, Miss Solo,” he smirked.
Other patrons were shrieking at the scene that had been started. Unfortunately, it wasn’t going to get any better where we were concerned…
“Let her go!” Poe ordered, he’d made his way from across the bar in a flash and had his blaster aimed in record time.
“Guys, we’ve got stormtroopers headed our way,” Finn announced in our earpieces, “This is about to get ugly.” “Y/n has been made,” Rey reported, “It’s about to get uglier than you think.” “This is your lucky day, Miss Solo,” my wannabe assassin said cooly, “The Supreme Leader has been looking for you. He’ll be so happy to hear that we’ve found you.”
“Do me a favor and give him a message,” I smiled, my eyes flicking to Finn and Rey whose hands were ghosting over their hidden weapons. Poe gave me a nod to signal they were ready. “He’s going to have to try harder than this.” Poe used the butt of his blaster to hit the guy’s head, instantly knocking him out as he dropped to the ground. I unholstered my lightsaber from under my dress just as stormtroopers flooded through the bar’s doors. Rey launched herself off of her table and activated her saber while Finn was already shooting troopers down. Screams erupted from all around us and the innocent bystanders were taking cover underneath tables and behind the bar. Poe and Finn joined them in seeking cover but never stopped firing shots. Rey and I deflected the trooper’s attempts to take us down, some of their shots bouncing off our lightsabers and hitting them.
“Ready?” I raised my voice so she could hear me over the gunfire.
“Ready,” she replied, making her way to stand at my side. 
We extended our hands at the same time and used our combined power to send the group of troops tumbling through the doorway and crashing through the glass windows.
“Everybody out,” Poe shouted, sliding back out from behind the bar with Finn. The customers listened and began flooding out both the back door of the building. The remaining stormtroopers were scrambling back to their feet to search for us, but we blended into the crowd easily. We pushed our way out into the chilly night air with the fearful people who were regretting their decision to go for a drink.
“That went well,” Rey breathed as we ran through the alleyway behind the bar. “Either the contact was lying the whole time or they got word of the meeting and killed him,” Poe theorized as we navigated our path with only the neon lighting of the building fronts as our guide.
“Chewie, get the ship ready to go,” I said into the comlink, receiving an agreeable roar in response. Luckily the bar was located on the edge of the main part of the city. The Falcon was too easily recognized to land in a hanger so Chewie had it parked on the outskirts of the city, anxiously awaiting our return.
As the Falcon came into sight, blaster fire flew past us. I spared a glance behind us to see a few stray stormtroopers chasing after us. Finn, who was an exceptional shot, took care of as many as he could and succeeded in protecting our group as we hurried aboard the ship.
“Finn and Rey on guns,” I directed as we sprinted down the hallway, “Chewie, I need you to keep an eye on the hyperdrive. It gave us trouble getting here. Poe, with me.” Poe and I dashed to the cockpit and settled into our seats, I gave him credit for not taking the pilot’s seat. He knew it was my ship thus, I was calling the shots. “How you feeling about this?” he asked as I lifted the ship off the ground and flew us above the city. He already knew what trouble we were going to be flying into.
“Considering the hyperdrive is on the fritz meaning lightspeed is a question mark and we’re almost definitely going to have First Order ships waiting for us,” I said, giving him a quick smile, “Never better.” I didn’t have time to see the smirk I know I’d earned as I maneuvered us out of the atmosphere where surprise surprise, there was a small fleet of TIE Fighter’s awaiting us. 
“We’ve got company,” I reported into my headset, “I’m going in.” Poe adjusted the necessary controls as I flew headfirst into the center of the group of ships. They started firing, shaking the ship every few seconds when they actually managed to make a hit. There were six TIE’s that I now had following me in a neat line.
“If you swing around,” Rey said over the headset, “Finn and I can handle it from there.” “You read my mind,” I replied, hanging a sharp left so us and the line of ships were parallel. I watched as Finn and Rey perfectly executed the idea and took out four of the six. 
“Chewie, how we looking?” Poe shouted to the back of the ship, a barrage of muffled wookie roars coming in reply, “I have no idea what he just said. “Not my fault you haven’t learned Wookie yet,” I said as I dodged what would’ve been a critical shot if I’d been a second late, “He said he thinks he’s almost done.” “Think?” The remaining two TIE’s had managed to get in front of us and were flying straight towards us. Instinct, and a bit of the signature Solo recklessness, took over my body and I flew faster toward them before turning the ship on its side.
“Guys, I’m gonna set you guys up,” I called to Finn and Rey first, “Chewie, you better hope that hyperdrive works. Poe, get ready to take us to lightspeed.” “When do you want me to do that?”
“You’ll know when,” I said before slipping between the two ships. Quick as I could, I turned the Falcon upside down and dove straight down. As the fighters turned and made the mistake of flying parallel to one another, I timed it perfectly and pulled back up while underneath them. Like we were functioning as one body, Finn and Rey took their shots and blew up the ships simultaneously seconds before Poe took his cue to successfully send us to lightspeed.
As soon as I’d set our course for Ajan Kloss, Poe and I sunk back into our seats. “Will you do something for me?” “Anything,” Poe replied, brushing his fingers against my hand.
“Will you admit that I could give you a run for your money at the title of ‘Best Pilot?” 
Poe retracted his hand immediately and stood up, “Except that.”
I laughed out loud as he retreated from the cockpit, “I just saved your ass, Dameron.” “Thank you,” he called from the hallways, I snickered as I got up to follow him.
Days after the failed mission, I was settled in mine and Poe’s room buried in my data pad. It had been raining all day so Rey and I were excused from training which gave me a chance to catch up on my clerical work. Everything was as normal as normal could be. 
I crossed the room to retrieve something. 
I stopped in my tracks.
Someone was there, but not in the room.
In my mind.
The data pad fell from my hands, the glass screen shattering around my feet.
A/N: Did you honestly think I was going to let this end on a happy note? 😂 We got angst for days coming up... Hope you enjoyed, let me know if you’d like to be tagged! ✨
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MINNIE SENPAI!! blease do E, I, K, L, N, O, W, Z for Leo? 🥺💖 (i might have gone overboard, so feel free to choose the ones you like the most fhdgk)
Haha, welcome welcome!! I’m honored kouhai, please don’t worry! 💖💖💖 I hope you enjoy this post~ 
Under a cut for length, yet again LOL
Fluffy ABC headcanons listed here for requests!
E = Emotions (how does he express emotion around her?)
Bold of you to insinuate Leonardo has emotions that aren’t imposed against his will HAHAHA. Just kidding, but he does have a hard time not clowning and hiding what he’s feeling. Say it with me kids, repression. That being said, I think he will always have a hard time expressing himself without hesitation in his relationship. His first instinct is to soothe and protect; he doesn’t really know how to put himself first, very few people have ever cared to put him first in his life. One of the hardest things about being capable with the mental acuity of a blade is that everyone just kinda assumes you'll be fine (compounded by the fact that he feels burdensome asking for help). And while there’s no doubt he can take care of himself, everybody needs a daijoubu from time to time ;-;. I like to hope that his MC will be able to see through to the truth of his feelings over time--even if he doesn’t openly enumerate them--before he can smother his emotional needs into silence. Furthermore, I think he would be a little more open/obvious about the depth of his love over time because, at some point, those feelings would accumulate to the point of overflow.
With Leonardo, vulnerability is a slow burn; he will reveal what he’s thinking someday, but today is not that day. Have patience, be gentle with his absolute clown self-neglect, try to meet him halfway; that trust will inspire him to be everything he thought he never could be for someone else. 
In the meantime:
One of the key signals when it comes to Leonardo is to pay attention to when he’s seeking to spoil her. If he’s being extra uwu, that’s a surefire sign he’s Coping™ by channeling those more negative feelings into making her happy. He thinks the best way to handle The Bad Feels and/or concern for her is to redirect that energy into something constructive, and what better outcome could there be than her pouting or giving him that dazzling smile of hers? 
Honestly, with Leonardo, he tends to convert emotion into action--she will know the warmth of his love long before he ever says it out loud. 
He has a hard time articulating his feelings, so asking him to say them outright might be hard on him--it might not be the best immediate go-to. Spoil him out of the blue, instead. She’ll seek him out and just sit in his lap and cuddle for a nap sessh completely without warning, hold him tight so that he knows she’s here no matter what. She’ll indulge his cute needy moments and lounge in bed all morning together, hold his hand first when they go out, take charge in the bedroom; she’ll show him he’s wanted and needed before he can even think to doubt himself. Murmur compliments to him, make him things he loves to eat, give him a back rub unprompted. It’s the simple awareness of what he enjoys and the execution of it before he can prepare that utterly decimates him into revealing the feelings he keeps under tight control. 
He is a lover that thrives on spontaneity and burning, silent consideration for the person he cherishes. The most adorable thing about this is that he is absolutely lost when the same tactic is used against him, he’s utterly defenseless to it!! (look at me. He has zero emotional object permanence. The mere prospect that somebody would worry about him first would send him into shock. And remember: the way people give love can often be the most powerful way they receive it, too.) The sacred texts!! She can use them to make him smile that smile that lets her know he’s an absolute goner for her without the need for words; the smile that says “it will always be you. It can only ever be you.”
When he’s happy, he literally just spoils her with more energy and teasing--expect a lot of wild fun and laughter when he’s in a good mood. He will have exceptionally tender moments now and again (say after a bad nightmare of losing her, for example) where he won’t say anything at all, just holds her close. He needs to know that she’s still here, that she’s okay. It is a rare and huge act of emotional trust; MC’s understanding and her easy proximity in these moments mean the world to him. When he’s distant and evasive, that is the time to give him some space before wedging her way inside. She won’t let him sit and stew in abysmal feelings; he has a bad habit of punishing himself too much or lingering on unhappy moments in his life. Despite how he seems he takes things incredibly seriously--to the point where he exhausts himself. 
When he’s jealous and feeling petulant, he will not hesitate bitch and will get surprisingly grumpy. She’ll coo at him and reassure him that he’s the only one for her, and he’ll calm in the circle of her arms. Fun bonus: he’ll be embarrassed/mortified about being out of control later and she has ENDLESS fun teasing him just a little, even better if he punishes her with a good bangarang. Anger and irritation are emotions he tends to leave be, but if someone directs any kind of threat to MC (or an innocent in general) every trace of his jovial nature dissolves in milliseconds. He is swift, decisive, and deadly when he’s belligerent; he is the last person to push too far. He will often regret it later or worry about scaring MC, but it really does only happen once in a great while. She always reassures him that she knows he only did what he felt he had to in the moment.
You can just hear the Leonardo stan in me, lord jesus
I = Injury (how would he react if she got hurt?)
I think it would depend on the injury. If it’s something like a papercut or a scratch, he’ll just be like “yare yare cara mia, be a little more careful next time, yeah?” Will bandage her up and disinfect because he knows enough about medicine to be cautious. Plenty attentive, will probably tease her about being a klutz and/or tell her to ask for help next time. Everything you would expect from Leonardo, essentially; equal parts light-hearted and responsible.
If the injury is much more intense--say a broken limb, or deep gashes, so on and so forth--I see Leonardo being very, very grim. His lips would be pursed into a firm line, blanched white from the pressure, and his first step would be to get her out of the danger at any cost to himself. Following his ability to get her to a safe place, he would begin to tend the wound as gently as possible, asking questions to gauge the severity with single-minded concentration. “Where does it hurt? Rate the pain, describe what it feels like. Can you move the injured limb?” He will use whatever he has at his disposal to minimize her suffering if he can’t get her to a doctor immediately. If she requires treatment from someone else, he will be beside himself the entire time; chain-smoking, pacing, running his hands through his hair nonstop. He has ants in his pants until he sees her with color in her face, eyes bright again.
May I offer: They are 100% that couple (in which Leonardo is the one that falls asleep at her bedside) that’s like “you look like shit.” “look who’s talking, stupid.” and they just start laughing, mutually relieved.
During her recovery, he will be incredibly gentle but also subliminally alert. Anything she needs, she gets. If she tries to return to a normal pace of life too fast, he is straight up just picking her up and putting her back in that recovery bed. He ain’t playin’--don’t test him on this. He’s usually pretty easygoing, but he will snap at anyone who isn’t careful with her in this state. He will not take any further risk to her life. (He’s not usually brittle, but under severe conditions he can be.) He’ll tease her from time to time, but it’s much more mild than usual; he’s too consumed with concern to let her get worked up. He’s never really had to deal with a prolonged state of physical helplessness personally, but he’s seen enough in his life to know it can be really taxing on a person’s mind. There will be a thin veneer of calm, only there to keep her relaxed and to ensure the stability of her mental health. He knows that if he shows too much distress, he’s only going to worry her further--and that’s the last thing he wants. He will spend the majority of his time acquiring as many distractions as humanly possible, even if he has to be the distraction; anything to get her mind off of darker things.
When she’s back to normal, he’ll still be on alert for a short while before he goes back to his usual clowning self; might be a little more protective and cautious than usual, or be a little paranoid about the specific thing that caused her harm. (No Leonardo, we need kitchen knives--how else are we going to cut the carrots?? Please relax.) He doesn’t want that kind of heart attack again anytime soon;;;;
Honestly, it’s very likely that MC will have to be the one to remind him that she’s fully recovered--and not quite so fragile--well after she’s returned to the normal pace of life.
K = Kisses (how does he like to kiss her?)
Mah heart, mah soul
When it comes to kisses, Leonardo will vary extensively. Will give her teasing pecks intended to make her grab hold of him and force him to linger, smirking into the kiss as she’s instigated to deepen it. When he’s feeling particularly overwhelmed with feeling--say when he’s jealous or frustrated--his kisses will be dizzying; sucking on her tongue and nipping at her lips, caging her against him as he unleashes all of the desire that was building inside him. The intent will be to drown her in passion. Lazy kisses before/after a nap, where he just wants to revel in the heat of her for a moment--express his affection on a whim--before dozing off. And last, but certainly not least, he will kiss her with the express intent of marking her. Due to his inability refusal to bite her, he seeks to relieve that instinct with hickeys all over her body (most frequently around the chest and neck, sometimes along her thighs and hips when he has fun downtown).
L = Love (how does he show her that he loves her?)
This man is Acts of Service through and through when it comes to showing his love. He is exceptionally observant and sensitive to the feelings of others, so the second he sees her in need he is already seeking an externalized solution. His usual modus operandi is to enact his love as covertly as possible; he doesn’t want her feeling guilty for troubling him. That being said, if he has to be direct--he will be. He won’t ever force her, but he will remind her that he is here and that he wants to help more than anything else. If she needs time on her own he’s happy to give it (even if he pouts and fidgets restlessly the whole time). His most acute expression of love is his reliability: taking care of people is the first way he knows how to express affection.
While that tends to be his primary method, it by no means insinuates that he won’t show affection in other ways. If he teases her, it’s because he wants her attention more than anything but is far too shy to say it directly (is he a middle schooler of a lover? Yes). More to the point, asking for her time and her attention is a way that he expresses love because it means he trusts her enough to know the signs, fulfill those needs, and realize that he meant no harm with his nonsense. Though it may sound odd, his desire to rely on her a little (insert is for me? meme) is his way of showing her he’s letting her in, and that’s a very real form of love considering how Herculean an effort it is for him to rely on someone else. It’s the same reason he will sometimes make his room an even bigger disaster zone than usual. He has every intention of cleaning up after himself, he just wants her to bust in and start fussing over him LMAO  (MC: WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS LEONARDO?! Meanwhile Leonardo, an idiot full of uwus at the sight of his beloved exasperated, sitting in a pile of trash: Just according to keikaku)
As odd as it may sound, it’s almost like a weird reverse damsel in distress sort of dynamic? He carefully constructs situations where she can offer him help with the express purpose (and hope) that she will care enough to bust past his enfeebled defenses. It’s so oddly demure for this enormous punk of a man, but I find it adorable ;-;
Other ways he loves to show how he feels is to take her on trips or on little adventures. One of his favorite things to do is to watch her take in places he knows like the back of his hand--or even places new to him--with all the gleeful excitement of a little kid. It just warms him down to the marrow, and makes him have so much more fun than he ever could alone to see her buzz around nonstop. If he can encourage her to relax and take some time for herself in the process, to live for herself a little (she’s all too giving) then he considers the entire endeavor a success. All the effort is worth it if she can remember their time together with a smile Must You Hurt Me Like This, Leonardo.
One form of love that he will behead me for revealing is that he also sketches her all the time in his notebook, and will look to those little moments he’s captured whenever he’s feeling down or she’s not around. 
He will have times where, if he can’t convey something properly with his actions or through making love, he will level with her. He will take the time to try to explain his feelings with accuracy, and in these moments he is both sincere and heartfelt. While it is a more rare expression of love for him, it is earth shattering when he does. Not only because his feelings run so deep, but also because these moments are unmistakably raw. Leonardo knows that vulnerability is a simultaneous boon and bane; it can inspire so much mutual joy, but it can also mean the exposure of lifelong wounds. It means acknowledging that these feelings are real. Even if she never takes advantage of the truth, he is aware of how precarious that position can be the more intense this love gets. It means facing how hollow he will feel when she's gone--something he works very, very hard to look away from.
(A related addendum because I have brainworms: The reason that people love and trust Leonardo is not primarily based in his intellect, fairly natural charisma, or good looks (though they are very compelling elements of his person). I think what people really see is how--though Leonardo sees through to the truth of peoples’ hearts in seconds--he keeps their secrets and treats them with so much respect/gentleness. It’s this odd capacity to be seen without feeling exposed that makes him such a remarkable and interesting man, and why he grows so close to everyone’s hearts. People feel understood without the need for words, feel cared for without a second thought. That being said, I think he needs someone who is similar. A person who sees all that he is on the surface, but barring that forges deeper still to find and cradle those parts of him that still need so much healing/care.
There’s a reason one of the greatest hits to his heart in his MS--one of the moments MC most powerfully gets through to him--is when she essentially says “Don’t give me that. Nobody ever gets used to loss. When something hurts, it hurts.” Whether she realized it or not, she penetrated straight to his heart with those few words. The truth is often much simpler than we might assume, and no matter how much experience one has with certain emotions--particularly grief and loneliness--no amount of experience makes them hurt any less. We only grow better at concealing or coping with age...)
N = Nightmare (what is his worst fear?)
I have a list (from Comte). I keep them alphabetized.
Jkjk, but if I’m honest I think this man has a good amount of fear inside him. I’d say the highest ones up there would absolutely be losing MC very suddenly, or being the reason--whether directly or indirectly--she gets hurt (like if his familia came after her to get back at him? he would be devastated).
If it is a timeline where he does choose to turn her, he’s beside himself at the prospect of the turning process going horribly wrong. It’s an unpredictable transition, and if she were to come back mentally broken or in constant pain (immortal wounds/aberrant) I think it would really fuck him up emotionally. He would blame himself without a doubt ;-; and that’s assuming she doesn’t hate his ass for the rest of eternity if it does go well (Leonardo I am begging you to use one brain cell)
O = Oddity (what is one quirk he has?) This one’s just a crack hc so if you were taking me seriously for any amt of this post, this is my suggestion that you stop
Leonardo is a man of many idiosyncrasies; among them an incapacity to dance and writing in a mirrored hand. 
Another one is his absolute hatred for mint. One of Comte’s favorite things to do to mess with Leonardo is to stuff the drawers in his desk with peppermint candies to ward off his old friend and make him stop sleeping under his desk (like how people will use salt for demons!). He will also drink mint tea if he’s feeling particularly irritated with Leonardo’s antics, like if he’s received a ton of letters from Leonardo’s familia. Tells him to come to his office and the place is SUFFUSED in the scent of mint. Comte is just sitting at his desk with the stack, wearing that incorrigible look like “If I must suffer, so must you.” 
One time--before MC was aware of this quirk--she had some chocolate that had mint in it after dinner. Leonardo kissed her without knowing (he came in late) and literally died where he was standing; he was biting his tongue to keep from gagging. MC just o: ???? because she’s never seen him make that grimace, especially after sharing a kiss. Comte was in fucking tears laughing at the head of the dining table while Napoleon and Sebastian were both fighting a smile--Arthur was outright wheezing. Isaac, blushing and coughing lightly into his fist, offers the explanation that Leonardo hates mint-flavored things and the scent of it makes him queasy. 
W = Warrior (how does he feel about her fighting? Would he fight for her, beside her, etc?)
Man, this one’s tough, but if I’m honest I think he would be conflicted. On the one hand, he thinks it’s badass and hot as all fuck that she knows how to hold her own in a brawl; he can’t deny it’s sexy and reassuring (he has to resist the urge to gaud her into punching him). But. That knowledge also comes with a lot of concern. Was she in a place or around people that never once looked after her? Or was it a safety precaution? He will think deeply about the implications of her capabilities, and ask about it openly if he can’t deduce the reasons from afar. He will see it as very important information in regards to how to look after her properly.
That being said, I don’t think he would let his MC fight unless there was literally no other conceivable choice (say she was attacked while he wasn’t there or before he could intercept the blow). He would literally rather fall on a sword than see her get hurt. He’s durable and used to pain; he’d rather suffer and heal fast than see her sustain a single scar or bruise. Even if it makes her angry, he’ll take a hit and ask her to stay behind him every single time without fail. He’ll accept her frustration about it and will feel that it is perfectly valid to be annoyed with him. It still won’t make him budge, though. 
Z = Zen (what makes him feel calm?)
Naps and lingering in bed well after morning with MC make this man happier and calmer than anything this world has ever seen. He loves that in those moments they aren’t thinking about anything else but each other, and he can indulge in the certainty of her presence in his life and so close to his heart. He can use the excuse of drowsiness to be tender, making love with a slow, devastating build to pleasure--hand entwined with hers against the sheets. 
Failing that, he goes to things that stimulate his senses to find calm--he can’t really relax if his hands and/or mind aren’t occupied (i.e. cigarillos lmao). It’s why he’s often in the library; he’s always seeking new information and conundrums to sort out mentally if he doesn’t have the energy to go out and about. If he’s in his room he’ll be drafting diagrams, coming up with new concepts and architectural schematics, even making trinkets for MC or fixing something in the mansion. If he needs a change of scene or has the spoons, he’ll make a trip to town to help people with any problems that need solving, or find some excuse to go looking for and tease MC HAHA (he’s a little shit, but he’s our little shit úwù)
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spookysmujer · 4 years
This I Promise You, O.Diaz
Prompt: The hardships of dating the leader of The Santos start to disappate. Oscar and Y/N reach the endgame.
warnings: tough love, fluff, happiness achieved 🥺
word count: 1.9k
A/N: I can’t say thank you enough for all the love shown to my few pieces of work I have posted. It’s truly so heartwarming to know you all are enjoying it. Here is my rendition of Spooky getting his happy ending! I guess you can sat this is boujee version of Nirvana! I love to read the post-Santos!Oscar so much ❤️ Stay tuned for PART 2 of His Girl, a Sad Eyes fic!
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“Cesar, I’m going with you.”
His back to you and silence. And it’s eating away at you. Everything that has happened since Oscar’s alleged meeting with 19th street and Cuchillos has you walking on eggshells.
You weren’t suppose to know it about it though. Oscar had been very strict on keeping you at bay with anything gang related. There were some instances when you either figured it out or threatened it out of it Cesar and his friends. Just as you did this time. Cesar dropped the bomb on why you hadn’t seen Oscar in the last 3 days.
“You know I can’t let you. I-“ He says as he turns to look at you but the look on your face has so much emotion he can’t tell what he’s reading. Fear, pain, rage? Cesar looks away for a moment before stepping closer to you. “You need to stay here. I will handle it and find him. We can’t risk your life. On the chance I find my brother alive, I need you to be as well. Please.”
You finally let your guard drop. You strip any tough girl persona and let your shoulders slump and allow the flood of complete fear take over you. Oscar taught you to never let that happen, in front of friend or foe. Once someone can figure out how to get you there, they have control over you. Which is why you and Oscar rarely were sappy in love kind of people, you showed your emotions with each other subtlety. If you’re being honest that was the hardest part in the beginning of your relationship. You were a hopeless romantic who loved affection, the cliche dates and even PDA. But you learned that not everyone liked the same thing and found middle ground with the tough to love cholo.
After he and his friends figured out their next more, you sit in the motel room and daydream of a life outside of the Santos and away from Freeridge. What would would it be like? Where would you two go? What would a normal life of a person with two strikes be like? Could you two make it? But you stop thinking of all of possibilities when you remind yourself that Oscar might not even be alive. The door to the motel room opens and you stand quickly, your hand on the glock that rests the back of your waistband.
Sad Eyes steps in and closes the door behind him, a brown bag in hand, “Thought you should eat.”
You smile and push the glock back in, thanking him. He sits near you and hands you a burger. It’s silent for a moment before he speaks up.
“He’ll be alright. He always is.”
You can only nod in hope that he is right. There have been many runs that Oscar made that were dangerous but he never dealt with a high power like this before. Cuchillos has the power to snap her fingers and have heads rolling. She has an army and Oscar had planned to approach her own his own term. And here you are. Stuck and it sucks.
Sad eyes watches you as your emotions run wildly, he rubs your back in comfort and tells you to remain hopeful.
The day had gone by painstakingly slow as you wait to hear back from Cesar. You should have pushed harder to go with him, to ensure that HE would be okay as well. Who knows what he and his friends had stepped into. You quickly shake the thought from your head as you close in for the night. A chime from your phone gets your attention and you rush over to get it, it’s a text from Ruby’s abuelita. Strange. When you open it, your heart drops into your stomach.
He’s here, Mija. Banged up, but just fine.
All the built up worry physically leaves your body. And the tears begin to spill over. You didn’t suck it up because for the first time you feel like hope again. Oscar did it. He handled the business, he actually did it.
You head out to Ruby’s place, the house is dark but you figure it’s a ruse to avoid any prying eyes. Who knows what happens now with Cuchillos out. No democratic hold within the streets once the word gets out.
The night is eerily quiet as you trek to the back of the house. You enter slowly, Abuelita and Oscar look up to you. She pats his shoulder gently and leaves the room. You mouth a thank you to her approaching the mangled man.
You grab the nearby trash bin and start to clean the bloody gauzes that shroud the table. He sits in silence taking sips of the tequila bottle. It’s quiet for a while as you move around him to rid the house of the evidence he was here.
“Y/N,” Oscar says but you hold a finger up to him to silence him. Now that the worry has subsided, the anger has built up again. The rage of being uninformed, the fury of thinking he was dead with no real goodbye. “You know I couldn’t tell you.”
“No, you could have. You chose not to. You chose to leave me wondering if the next time I were to see you is drinking coffee at your place or in a grave. This time should have been a goddamn acceptance to your rule of keeping me out of it.”
His lips pressed in a thin line, his signature look with furrowed eyebrows, “And what? Have you involved and in the way?”
You step back and look at him, withholding yourself from yelling given the location. He takes another drink and holds back the discomfort in his face. “Cuchillos would have had you killed if you were in anyway involved with my shit. You know that.”
“You want to know what I know? This gang shit has been and will always be your undoing. Whether it’s bringing down enemies or making a drop for 10k. You think you can escape it with that mindset? You can’t protect everyone! And like your compas who have you back, like your brother and his friends who get involved? They risk their lives for you, just as I would. I would do it, no question. This time was different, this time you were stepping into a cage with a lioness and unarmed with no actual plan to take it down.”
“But I did.”
“And at what cost? The streets will be unhinged, the word gets out that the head of the Santos is out and you were the one that did it? It’s you with the step up or you get taken out for the spot.” You stand in front of him, for the first time he is looking up at you.
“I’m gonna make sure the streets are handled but I won’t be the one handling them. Once everything is settled, I’m out. I’m done. That was the point of this, of everything. No more control and order over me or anyone I care about.” He stands, wincing to himself to pull on his mangled tank.
You clench your fist for a moment before releasing it. He believes that things will work out and like most times you follow him, you allow the thought to ponder in your mind.
“I’ve lost people. Just like you. My dad, my brothers. Drive by, robbery,” You close your eyes for a brief moment,” and losing them to this lifestyle wrecked me for many years. It still does but the thought of it taking you? For some reason it hurts more. I was scared, Oscar. Me! Scared even after you taught me not to be. Because regardless of how fed up I get with your shit, I couldn’t stand the thought not waking up everyday to hear the compas run things by you or.. I’m locked in. You’ve got a damn hold on me and I don’t want out. Ever.”
Oscar lets his shoulders fall as he step to you and lets you wrap his arms around him. You carefully embrace and feel all the grooves of his body click with yours. His hand pulls your hair to fall down your back, he kisses the top of your head.
“We’ll get out. And I won’t need to hide anything from you anymore. We won’t have to look over our shoulders or even have raincheck on those stupid movie and dinner shit that you like. Okay? You and me. We’re getting out.” You look up to him and he kisses you passionately.
———two years later ———
“I asked you to not leave your pants laying on the floor! The hamper is right there.” You call out, using your foot to hike it up in the air catching it with your free hand. Laundry day, you would lie if you say that you totally hate it. But Oscar doesn’t help by leaving his clothes around.
You rest a basket of clothes on your hip and head out of the bathroom, “Did you hear me, mi amor?”
“3 works, thanks.” Oscar turns with a big smile on his face and mouths an apologize to you as he holds the house phone between his ear and shoulder.
“I’m sorry, the carne asada had me going. Let me,” He pulls the basket from you and leans forward for a kiss. You smile and press a lovingly kiss to his lips.
His curly, grown out hair looks wildly good on him. Even the grown out facial hair. He no longer sports the Spooky look, he is Oscar Diaz now. A proud homeowner in the outskirts of LA.
And you his fiancé, soon to be wife who could go to bed and expect him to be next you when you woke almost every morning. He tells you where is going all the time now and has relinquished his machismo. The actual Oscar has stepped in.
“Make sure it’s on extra rinse!” You call out as you huff and take a seat at the kitchen table. You can smell the meatloaf in the oven and boy does it smell heavenly. Well mostly anything he cooked had your knees weak.
It could also be the added fact that you are 7 months pregnant and have the urge to eat everything. Even things you didn’t like before getting knocked up. You rest your hand ontop of your bump and rub it contently.
Tears start to well up and you let them fall when Oscar rejoins you, he stops and looks to you. “¿Que? What’s the matter?”
You shake your head, “Nothing, nothings wrong. I’m happy. I’m just so happy.”
“I love you.I can’t wait to meet mi princesa. She’ll be beautiful like her mama. Smart like her papa. And won’t ever have to know life like we use to, this I promise you.” He rests his forehead to yours as he kneels in between your legs and hold you.
“And I love you.”
Every little missed opportunity in life has presented itself again. Neither of you let any of it slip away, not anymore. You express your love for one another every single day and soon that love will be here in the form a precious blessing.
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Word Count: 2.6k
Pairing: Strange! Fem! Reader x Danny Rand
A/N: based on the headcanons I posted awhile ago. also it has a shifty ending but you know how it be
Warnings: gets a little heated but nothing over pg-13, I swear. On god. Also Doctor Strange tries to give them “The Talk”
“Careful with that!” Danny yelped as you nearly hit him with the books. You had been working on perfecting a new list of spells Mordo had given you, and you were having a particular hard time with this telekinesis spell.
“Sorry.” You giggled as he walked farther back behind you. Some other sorcerers were working in the library, and would glance at the two of you every time you made any noise. So it was pretty often since both of you would laugh every time you messed up a spell.
“Y/N, focus.” Danny reminded over your shoulder.
“You know, telling me to focus just distracts me from focusing.” You mumbled as you tried to regain control over the heavy books you were levitating.
“Steady your hands.” He added.
“Danny!” You turned to snap at him for distracting you, instead making you completely loose focus.
You loose control of the books, and they fly across the room. You wince as the heavy books knock a whole shelf over, and it starts a domino effect. Danny watched with his jaw dropped as the shelves all tumble over, books scattering across the floor as they fell out. It stops with one last crash against the far wall.
Every single sorcerer and sorceress turned to glare at you, annoyance evident. You feel their stares but don’t look them in the eye, since they can all be really scary and intimidating when they needed to be.
“Sorry.” You smile nervously. That only seemed to make them glare harder, if that was even possible, at you.
“I think we should leave.” Danny whispered to you.
“I think so too.” You nod, and followed him out of the room. You two rushed outside, nearly knocking Wong clean over. Seriously, what was wrong with you today?
“What are you two up to now?” Wong asked, smoothing his robes out.
“Sorry, Wong.” You grin, grabbing Danny’s hand and sprinting away.
“You are in so much trouble!” Danny laughed as you both ran, scared to be caught by Wong once he figured out you had ruined half of his library.
“Don’t remind me!” You say as you two reach a temple, where your father was talking to Wiccan, a magic user your age who would visit once in awhile.
“Ms. Strange, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Wiccan greeted you. “Hello, Iron Fist.”
“Hey Wiccan.” You greet quickly.
“Y/N, what did you do?” Your father raised a suspicious eyebrow at you.
“What? Nothing.” You say, though it was obvious you had done something from your tone of voice.
“STRANGE!” You hear Wong scream from the library, which was only a few buildings down.
“Gotta go!” You shout, taking off down the street.
“Wait for me!” Danny scrambled after you.
You looked behind you and saw Wong racing after you, which was funny enough on its own, but you also saw your father shaking his head in disappointment, which was even funnier.
You and Danny ducked behind a building once you momentarily lost sight of Wong. You both stifled your laughs as he ran by, and he turned to say something.
He stopped when he realized how close he was to you, your bodies pressed against each other in the small alleyway. You stared into his emerald green eyes, admiring the sparkle of mischief that was so rare to see in the honorable warrior.
You both realize you’ve been staring at each other and look away, clearing your throat awkwardly. You poke your head out of the alleyway, not seeing Wong anywhere.
“Uh, coast is clear.” You tell Danny.
“Can’t you just use a sling ring and take us somewhere...where Wong isn’t after our heads?” He asks.
“Oh shit you’re right.” You dug into your pocket, sliding the ring onto your finger. You point and think of his room in K’un Lun. The portal opens, just as you hear a yell behind you.
“Run!” Danny yells, jumping through the portal as Wong charges at the both of you.
“Sorry Wong!” You shout again before following, and closing the portal just before Wong can get to you.
You pant, out of breath. You make eye contact with Danny, and you both burst into laughter. You fall onto his bed as he sits down like a normal person.
“You are in so much trouble when you get back.” He chuckles as you continue to die laughing.
“It’s not like I meant to knock over half of the library.” You giggle as you sit up. “Did you see my dads face? And Wong running? It was totally worth it.”
“Okay...I guess it was pretty hysterical.” He nods after awhile. “Still, he’s going to kill you.”
“Eh. He’ll probably just make me clean it up. I could just steal the Time Stone and fix it.” You shrug.
“Doesn’t your dad never let it out of his sight?”
“Please, he takes it off when he sleeps.” You scoff. “Besides, even then it’s not that hard of work.”
“If you say so.” He smiles.
You both catch yourself in a silence again, staring into each other’s eyes.
You’ve been best friends forever, ever since you and your father first visited K’un Lun back when some inter dimensional demon was threatening your existence again. He had been kind, polite, charming, and practically making you swoon over his stunning smile. The first time you hung out was at the K’un Lun library, and he taught you some meditation techniques to strengthen your focus while you were casting spells. Eventually one of you was hardly seen without the other. Whether it was studying, eating, drinking tea, working, or training, you would always do it together.
He’s been your best friend for almost 3 years now, was it a crime to develop feelings for him? You didn’t think so. And how could you not, he was an amazing person, and it didn’t help that he was really hot. Especially now, as you both couldn’t take your eyes off the other.
“Um...Y/N?” He says, just above a whisper. “May I, uh...may I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened, stunned that he asked you that. Sure, you’ve been flirting back and forth for the past couple weeks, but you didn’t think it was because he actually liked you.
“Sorry, sorry. Forget I said anything.” He looked away. “Sorry, I didn’t-“
You grab his face and crash your lips onto his. He’s stiff at first, but quickly melts into the kiss. You tangle your fingers in his sandy blonde hair as his arms wrap around your waist, your chests pressed against the others. You’re holding onto each other as if the other would disappear if you let go. Your kisses become more heated and passionate with each one, pent up feelings for each other over the years pouring out.
When you do finally pull apart to catch your breaths, you’re still holding each other and press your foreheads together. You breathe in the familiar scent of incense and green tea, trying to savor and soak in the moment.
“You know I’ve liked you ever since we met?” He whispers after a few seconds.
“You know I have too?” You smile as you pull away slightly, just enough to fully see his face, most likely chiseled by the gods themselves.
“I apologize if it is too soon to say this but...I love you, Y/N Strange.” He smiles sheepishly, a light blush spreading across his face.
“And I love you too, Daniel Rand.” You beam, overjoyed that he did indeed feel the same way you did. You just felt stupid that it took you two dorks 3 years to finally realize it.
He leans in and kisses you again, holding you close as he lays you down so he’s on top of you. You grab his hands and intertwine your fingers as you feel his tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and you part your lips to deepen the kiss.
“Ha! I knew you-! Oh.” Someone shouts as the door slams open.
You recognize the voice and shove Danny off of you, both of you whipping around to see a very stunned Wong in the doorway.
“Hey there, Wong.” You scratch the back of your neck as Danny quickly climbs off of you and catapults himself to the other side of the room. Both of your faces and necks turn bright crimson red the longer Wong stares.
“Well, um...I guess I owe Mordo and Scarlet Witch $25.” He finally states. 

“What?” You raise an eyebrow.
“We have a bet going.” He shrugs, before crossing his arms and his usual poker face returns. “So sorry to interrupt your little make out session, but I have 30 bookshelves knocked over and the books are all over the place.”
“Wong, I swear it was an accident.” You spit out. “I promise I’ll help clean it up.”
“Oh no, I wouldn’t ask you to help with something that time consuming.” He says, dripping with sarcasm. “You’re cleaning it up by yourself.”
“Yes sir.” You sigh.
“Now, I expect it to be properly organized by tomorrow afternoon. Let’s go.” He motions for you to follow him.
You groan as you get up, dreading the hours of arranging the shelves you’d have to do. You slip the sling ring into Danny’s hand as you pass and whisper, “My room tonight.”
“Wong, have you seen Y/N anywhere?” Doctor Strange walked into the now neat and tidy Kamar Taj library that you had spent hours working on about a week ago. He had been looking for you, wanting to help you practice perfecting the telekinesis spell, which obviously didn’t go well the first time.
“I believe her and Daniel are tending to the Garden of P’an-T’ao.” Wong waved off the question, deeply concentrated on trying to win a Twitter roast against this talking raccoon. And this talking raccoon was quite brutal, to Wong’s surprise.
“Is it just me or have they been hanging out way more often lately?” He asks his friend.
“They always hang out.” Wong mumbled.
“Well yes, but they’re basically joint at the hip now.” Doctor Strange paced. “There’s something going on between them, I can feel it.”
Wong stayed silent, trying to think of ways to divert the doctors attention elsewhere. He had another bet going with Mordo and Scarlet Witch, Wiccan and Magik had joined in on this one, so he wanted the grand prize of $80. Now they were betting on how long it would take the Sorcerer Supreme, one of the smartest men on earth, to figure out that his daughter was now dating the Iron Fist, and Wong had bet the longest amount of time.
“They’re just gardening.” He shrugs once more.
“I suppose. But every day?”
“They’re probably just enjoying the last few weeks of summer left.” Wong quickly adds. Thank god you had complained about having to do homework again soon, or he wouldn’t have thought of that.
“...you’re probably right.” Strange nods finally.
“Oh, curse you, rodent!” Wong throws his phone down after reading the latest, and particularly nasty Tweet the raccoon had just posted.
“What on earth are you doing?” Strange picked up the phone and his eyes widen. “Oh wow. That’s clever.”
“Load of help you are.” Wong scoffed, still offended by the insults.
“Ha! This ones even funnier!”
You were definitely not gardening. First, because gardening was one of the worst things ever. Second, because you would much rather be spending time with your boyfriend. You cringed at yourself when you felt giddy just saying that, but you were in fact now dating Danny Rand.
You weren’t necessarily hiding it, but it was quite amusing that your father hadn’t yet cracked the case. He was a smart guy, but was apparently clueless about your personal life. Human interactions weren’t always his strong suit, to be fair.
You and Danny were just peacefully reading in your room, since you still needed to do more research for Mordo’s “tutoring” (which was really just him watching you make mistakes over and over until you learned how to fix them yourself), and Danny was always reading. You two were just nerds that way. So when your father burst into the room, neither of you were thoroughly impressed. I mean, it’s only taken 2 weeks for him to figure it out.
“You two are dating?!” He screeches at the both of you.
“Really?” You say sarcastically as you turn to your boyfriend. “Danny, why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve put my book down.”
“Now is not the time for your clever little jokes, young lady.” Your father snaps, offended when Danny snickers. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Gee, maybe it was because you’d react irrationally. My mistake, I should’ve known you’d be totally cool with it.” You say dryly.
“Plus, we weren’t exactly hiding it.” Danny added.
“Shut it, blondie.”
“Dad, don’t be rude.” You cross your arms.
“Well, now that I know you’re dating, I think we need to have a little discussion.” He clears his throat awkwardly.
“Oh God...” You groan, already knowing what’s coming.
“You’re too young to have sex, but if you’re going to do it-“
“Do it safely, responsibly and consensually.” You and Danny recite, already hearing this a million times from Wong and Mordo when they found out you were dating.
“...right.” Your dad narrowed his eyes at you. “So don’t forget to-“
“Use protection.” You both say,
“...um, yes. And make sure-“
“We both consent with an enthusiastic yes.”
Your dad stares at the both of you, apparently you had already heard this speech. He was your dad, he hadn’t given it to you before. He would have to have a little chat with the other sorcerers. But he sensed that you two weren’t taking him seriously, despite how maturely you were taking it.
“I’m just saying, you know how many girls your age I’ve seen giving birth at the hospital?”
“Dad, you were a surgeon, not an obstetrician.” You blink at him. “Besides, I don’t want children, I’ve mentioned this. That’s more than enough reason for me to uh...not do it.”
“Well then. This was a lovely chat. Carry on with your...reading.” He slowly exits your room, leaving the door open. Not that it really mattered, he stepped through a portal to the Kamar Taj library, leaving you two alone in the Sanctum.
Doctor Strange turned to Wong, hand on his hip and an eyebrow raised. Wong stared at him, freezing mid-bite of his food.
“So when were you going to alert me that my daughter was dating Daniel?” He taps his foot in annoyance.
“What? You weren’t supposed to find out till November!” Wong threw down his food. “Curse Wanda.”
“Anyways.” Strange shook his head as he joined his friend at the table. “I gave them a little chat. I think I really got through to them. We’re on a new found level of respect.”
“Now is not the time for your clever little jokes young lady.” Danny mocks your dad, and you double over in laughter.
“Can you believe him?” You wheeze. “Oh man, that made my year.”
“So are we ever going to tell him that we’re waiting till marriage?” He asks as he follows you through the Sanctum, on your guys’ way to the library.
“Nah.” You giggle as you intertwine your fingers. “I’ll let him stress.”
“You’re an evil daughter.” He chuckled.
“Hey, that’s what he gets for sitting and watching me put every single book away when I knocked them over.” You shrug, placing a kiss on his jaw.
“You’re the one who knocked them over with your clumsy ass.” He laughs as you open the door to the library.
“I am not clumsy!” You shout, slamming the door open. Turns out you slammed the door so hard, and your father rearranged the shelf placement, because the door knocked over a case of books. Then another, and another, and another...
“No you’re right, you’re graceful and elegant.”
“Run?” You wince as the last shelf makes a loud BOOM as it collides with the marble flooring.
“Run.” He simply nods.
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dracosearlgreytea · 4 years
indelicate marks (11)
indelicate marks: chapter eleven - the accusation 
A/N: aaa okay so heres the next chapter! ive been lowkey stressed about posting this chapter as it took a lot to write, but i hope you enjoy it.. thank you so so so much for the increased support from everyone, if i havent replied to a comment dw i do read them! they literally transform my day no matter how i feel, so yeah just thank you. lotsa love - ivy 
warnings: language, strong descriptions of ptsd/reliving bad memories, graphic descriptions of deep cuts and bleeding
lovely tags: @h-annahayy @okaydraco @fanficflaneuse @thatoneasrastan @biinspiration @honeymelon22
indelicate marks index 
January and February, after the first meeting of the year, passed by quiet. Draco's state was getting worse. Every time you'd see him, even when you'd met twice a week, something about him was growing... darker. Sometimes it wasn't just the bags under his eyes, or the sharpness of his cheekbones. Sometimes it was the way his tone never lifted out of the monotonous state he tended to abandon around you. Sometimes it was the way he could hardly hold a conversation, or the anxiety would overwhelm him and you'd have to sit with him tucked into your chest, praying that his breathing would settle soon. But, somehow, within the misery that hung over the two of you, you also managed to find the friend you had waited so long for. Draco was funny. Dry, and witty, and frustratingly funny. The things that he'd say as a passing comment could make you double over in laughter. You'd always find his lips shooting up into that wicked grin you'd grown to adore. That smile was something you'd find few and far between, and its rarity only settled it closer to your heart. He was smart, too - a lot less stupid that he made himself out to be. Draco could easily give Granger a run for her money, if he wanted to. He had a secret passion for Muggle literature. Something, which you found out totally by mistake  - and continued to bring up at any given opportunity just to annoy him. To your utter shock, Draco also played piano. He'd described an organ, back in Malfoy Manor. His parents would usually enchant to play by itself - but, his mother had still taken it upon herself to teach him how to play it when he was a child. The insights he offered you into his life were quite frankly fascinating. It was still odd. The dynamic between you was never quite settled; impermanent. There were little things you found yourself holding onto. Like his smile, or the way he frowned when he listened to you talk, as though he was really focusing on your words.   Since your realisation at the beginning of the year, your affections for Draco had only grown. Most of the time, you'd manage to ignore it, only swallowing back the flutters in your chest. Because there was no way you could fancy Draco Malfoy. There was no way he would ever reciprocate, and there was no way it could ever work between you even if he did. And, it was nice. Being friends with someone. You could cope with the darkness he carried. You could cope with pushing away any indication of your developing attachment to him. Having someone to talk to, to even just be around - complicated or not - was a privilege you had never had. But, as much as you attempted to ignore it, the tension at Hogwarts was also getting a lot worse. Trying not to think about what would happen when you had to return home at the end of the year was difficult. Even the idea of having that mark on your arm was sickening. You didn't even want to acknowledge the fact that to take it, you would have to expose the mark that already sat on your forearm. Most likely, to the Dark Lord himself. The glares got worse. The comments got more threatening. Walking the corridors was not safe for you. Not when your parents had killed so many families of the students around you. It hadn't exactly been before, but now, with that suffocating atmosphere, it had only gotten worse. Keeping a firm grip on your wand at all times was second nature, at this point. You had been on your way to a meeting with Draco when your fears became too real. The feeling of someone following you had been tugging at your conscious for most of the day. But then, most people were watching you, anyway, eyes lingering on you in every hall or classroom you passed through. So, you'd only shrugged it off as your paranoia overreacting. It was still light. With winter beginning to pass, the nights were growing shorter. Weekly trips to the classroom were no longer spent in the dark, much to your appreciation. Just as you reached the last staircase leading to the third floor, it jumped into action. It swung away from your destination, and you ground your teeth, hanging onto the railings. Again, you only passed your mistake off as a busy mind - until you glanced behind you. The previous staircase had also moved. A distinct dread began to poison your gut. With the piece of staircase behind you gone, your only choice was to progress onto wherever this one would take you. You swallowed, staring up as the stairs docked. It lead onto a one-way corridor, a piece of the castle that was rarely used, and a quiver ran over your hand as you wrapped your fingers around your wand. Slipping it from your back pocket, you finally shifted. Someone wanted you in that corridor. Someone wanted you cornered. The second you stepped off of the stairs, it jolted away from you, only confirming your assumption. Stranded in the corridor, the lack of windows cast an eerie shadow down its length. There was only two classrooms coming off the sides, and one at the end - most likely locked, with a spell more powerful than 'alohamora' would fix. Edging forwards, you flung your eyes around you. Your heart was thudding dangerously in your chest - it was currently dinner. No one would be around to help if something happened, assuming anyone would help you. Draco was unlikely to come searching for you if you turned up late, waiting on the opposite side of the moving staircases. You only hoped you could reach the stairs before something bad could happen to you. Pausing, your eyes met the end doorway. It was ajar. You pressed yourself against the wall as you shifted closer - the opening only offered to show you a slice of darkness within. Someone could be, however, waiting for you inside. Hoping your curiosity would get the better of you. Preparing to jump you. Setting your wand upright and poised, you lifted your hand, before shoving the door open. Only, before you could get a glimpse inside, it had slammed shut in your face. You stumbled back a couple steps, true panic setting in. "Was it you?" A voice came from behind you. You'd walked straight into a trap. Taking in a shuddering breath, you spun to face the voice. A flicker of your brow, and you stared at the figure blocking the end of the corridor. "Potter?" He had emerged from one of the classrooms either side of you, wand clenched in his fist and eyes hard. Stupid, you're so stupid, you should have checked. "Was it you, Y/N?" Harry repeated, watching you with an unpredictable atmosphere to him. "Did you curse the necklace?" It took a second for any words to form on your lips. Your mind was going to into overdrive. Harry would not hurt you intentionally, you knew that much - he wasn't that type of person. But what he could do unintentionally... "I don't know what you're talking about." You said. Attempting to appeal to whatever friendship you'd had last year, you kept your voice as clear and honest as you could. Harry, however, did not shift. "It was you, or Malfoy." His voice lilted with questioning, and your jaw tightened. You had to remind yourself to keep breathing, act natural, even at the mention of Draco. Shit, what the fuck has Draco been doing? I know it's bad - it's the Dark Lord - but Merlin, if Harry is involved... "I said," You forced an eyebrow up at Harry in emphasis. "I don't know what you're talking about." Voice gruff, relief flooded through you. You'd managed to keep your composition. There was a million scenarios involving Draco running through your mind, and you bit back a shudder. "Then prove you're not one of them." Shit. Harry had gestured to your arm with his wand. You grew rigid in terror, a shaking whisper falling from your lips before you could swallow it back. "What?" "Show me your arm, and prove to me you're not a Deatheater." Harry said, voice a lot more forceful than before. No, no. No, this can't be happening - he wouldn't - he can't - "I don't have to prove anything to you, Potter." You spat - but there was no denying the quiver in your words. Sickness curling in the pit of your stomach, you clutched your wand, scrutinising Harry's every little movement. He shifted. It was so, so slight. Maybe he was moving towards you, maybe he was only adjusting his stance. It didn't matter, because before you could think, you raised your wand and shouted the first thing that came to mind. "Stupify-" "Expelliarmus!" You could only watch in utter horror as your wand flew through the air and clattered to the ground. All the way at the other end of the corridor. Behind Harry. No, no, no- You couldn't move. Frozen. It was as though you were in that cupboard again. Crushed against the wall, watching as two boys enchanted a blade and laughed at the way you choked for breath. "It's okay, Deatheater. You're going to get your mark soon." Harry was moving towards you now. You stumbled, falling back against the door, hands coming to press down on the handle. Locked. No escape. Breathing frantic, you could only stare at Harry with wide, angry eyes. You didn't speak as he grabbed your left arm, pulling it out in front of you. No, you didn't even struggle. You were still in that fucking broom cupboard. Harry's fingers burnt horribly against your skin, pushing up your sleeve. His eyes lingered on you as he did so, long enough to make your skin crawl. Then, he looked down. It burnt. Burnt, as though Harry had struck a match and put it to your flesh. He came to stare at you again, falling a few strides away from you as you snatched your arm back to your chest. You wanted to shout - no, scream at him, but you could do nothing but hold in the gasps of pain. Harry hadn't seen the blood. He hadn't seen the way the cuts had began to tear open, slowly. Excruciatingly. "Get the fuck away from me." It was hardly a whisper - more some inhuman, animalistic snarl. It was all you could manage. The flames were growing hotter and hotter and you'd forgotten how to breath. My wand. I need my wand. "Y/N - I'm so sorry - I-" "Go!" Something in Harry managed to click, seeing your contorted expression. With one last, horrified look, he turned and rushed away, the stairs swinging back to greet him as he did. The second he was out of sight, you let out a shuddering breath, daring a glance down to the state of your arm. Blood was already spilling down your fingers. It seeped into the fabric of your shirt, like the sea lapping at the shore - but bloodier, and a lot more sickening. "How does it feel to bleed, Deatheater? I bet you're fucking enjoying it, you sicko, just like your parents did." An involuntary whimper escaped you, unable to contain it with your mind so hazy from panic and pain. Agony was lacing its way up your arm and through your entire body, and you had to remind yourself - your wand. I need my wand. Staggering forward, you focused your gaze on your wand at the end of the corridor. Blood was spilling steadily onto floor, staining your shirt, but you refused to acknowledge it. Groans escaped your throat, scalding pain cutting deeper and deeper into your skin. Feeling the liquid thick on your hands, you, almost instinctively, gave it another look. Your entire sleeve was coated in red. An overwhelming nausea hit your gut. Falling against the wall, you desperately attempted to get your breath, but it only came in short pants. You'd barely made it halfway down the corridor. Harry had taken too long to leave, given the cuts too much time to reopen before the worst kicked in. Last time, with Draco, the reaction had been quick and easy. This time, you were alone, and wandless. Head spinning, you attempted to choke down a deep breath, and pushed forward. Everything was starting to blur a little, your head a spinning mess of thoughts. You couldn't focus. Tired. You felt so tired. You were close. You were so close to grabbing your wand, hands slick with blood as you stretched out your arm, shaking. Another step - a stumble. Your entire body crashed to floor. There was a terrible, harsh blow to the side of your head. Your ears filled with a high buzzing, sight wavering as you stared from your wand only inches away from you, to your left arm. Ten letters, red and clear. Tears rolled down your cheeks, but you didn't recognise them. It hurt, it hurt so bad, you couldn't think, couldn't breath. It was all a blur, really. A blur of torments and whispers. A blur of blade against skin. "Deatheater." "Y/N? Y/N-"
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
Slow Dances and a Post Concert Haze
(Shawn’s backstory for We Were Us)
A/n: sorry this took so long, I was having major writer’s block for this chapter despite having it already planned out.
Summary: You and Shawn got very close very fast.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.3k
You met Shawn when you visited Connor on tour for the first time. He was sweet, overly excited about nearly everything and it was cute. His laugh was contagious, whether it came in the middle of the day or three in the morning; he was always on. You swore this man never tired. So to say you were a little infatuated with sleepy Shawn was an understatement. 
Sleepy Shawn was different than the Shawn you had grown to know so far - the bright, bubbly, loud, people-pleasing  boy who was rarely ever without a guitar in his hands. No, sleepy Shawn was on a whole other level. He was quiet, and a little grumpy, and very, very clingy. You weren’t quite sure if it was for your benefit or not because you could only imagine how much shit he’d get from the guys if he was falling asleep on one of them. But right now, he’s laying his head in your lap while you play with his curls, and John Mayer playing lowly from his phone.
“You’re so comfy,” he mumbles, twisting to lay on his stomach and his arm wraps around the underside of your thighs. 
You laugh, “Thanks, hon.”
“Could fall asleep right here.”
“Well go ahead. I’m not going anywhere.”
“You’re not going to Con’s bunk?”
You shrug, “Not really feeling like cramming in the tiny bunk tonight. Plus he sleeps crazy, it’s not comfortable.”
“You sleep together a lot? In the same bed, I mean.”
You mull over your answer, “I mean, we’ve been sharing beds since we were seven. Of course there was that brief period of time where my dad insisted that he sleep on the floor if he was gonna stay the night. But he had nothing to worry about so that didn’t last long.”
“So you’re really close then?”
“Yeah, I mean, of anyone in the world, he’s definitely my favorite person. Even if he does stupid shit sometimes. He’s my bub.”
Shawn sits up, pushing a hand through his wild curls, one of them falls in front of his face, making him look effortlessly beautiful in this harsh lighting. “But there’s nothing going on between you two?”
You shake your head, “No. We’re not like that.”
“There’s never been anything?”
“Is this you being curious? Or am I sensing a little jealousy?” 
“What? Well - I’m not…” he scratches the back of his neck.
“It’s okay.”
“I might - I might be a little jealous,” he clears his throat.
You nod, “Well you shouldn’t be. It’s not like that with us.”
“So like, if I asked you to dance he wouldn’t come in here and rip my hands off you?”
“He might,” you joke. “But that’s just because he’s protective.”
He nods slowly, “Then can I ask you to dance?”
“I’d like that very much.” 
He stands from his spot beside me and holds out his hand. I push myself off the tiny couch and place my hand in his. We quickly reposition, his arms wrapping around my waist as mine go around his neck. The height difference isn’t as extreme as it always seems like it is. I don’t have to stand on my toes to wrap myself around him - well not totally. It’s a stretch, sure, but it’s enjoyable, especially with his hands kneading softly at my sides as we sway to the music coming from his phone. 
The song isn’t the most appropriate to describe what you’re no doubt feeling now. There in each other’s arms, feeling like nothing is acting against you, even if it is just a dance. Even if you aren’t anything yet. Even if you never become anything at all. It’s comfortable here with each other. It’s nothing like slow dancing in a burning room. 
It was obvious to everyone - and I mean everyone - that you and Shawn were more than just friends now. You were attached at the kip, much to your best friend’s dismay, because you did come to see him. But he can’t help but be happy to see you smiling in a way that he’s only seen when he’s with you. He can appreciate that there is someone other than him that is bringing out a side of you that only he’s been lucky enough to know. He’d always hoped to see you happy like that, so he can’t even truly be mad that you’re not spending as much time with him. 
“You’re gonna be right here when I get off stage?”
“Right here, rockstar. Gonna be the first one you see when you finish.”
“Good,” he smiles that bright smile that everyone can’t help but fall for. Then he presses a quick kiss to your cheek and heads up the stairs, Andrew and Cez no doubt yelling in his in-ears that he needs to be up there in ten seconds.
“Don’t be distracting our rockstar, y/n.” Brian jokes from beside you. You roll your eyes and elbow his side, “Oh shut up. I’m not distracting him.” You say just as the arena fills with the deafening screams of thousands of fans.
“He really likes you, you know?”
“Well I would hope so. This would be quite embarrassing if he didn’t.”
He laughs, “You wanna come to the booth? Watch your man on the big screen?”
You roll your eyes again, “I promised him I’d stay here.”
“For an hour and a half? No, come on. We’ll have you back before he does the final runthrough. I promise.”
You nod, “Okay, yeah.” 
If you’re being honest, it was better watching from the booth. The cameras got him from every angle, and he looked good from every single one. His smile is the brightest you’ve ever seen when the fans sing back the lyrics to Never Be Alone and you swear you want to see him on stage all day if his smile is going to be this big. You see just how much of himself he is giving to his fans and it’s inspiring, knowing that he loves what he does so much. 
“He’s really good at this, huh?”
“The fans seem to think so,” Brian agrees. 
“Has he always been this passionate?”
“Since the second he picked up the guitar. Hey, it’s almost time for the final run, you should get back to your post.”
“Oh, shit. Yeah. Thanks, Bri. I’ll see you in a little bit.” 
Connor is the first to come backstage, having gotten the run through many times already. You laugh when he gets close enough to you, “Nice rip in your shirt.” you toy with the fresh rip at the collar of his shirt. 
He chuckles, “Yeah, I got pulled by the crowd.”
“Oh, so you’re famous now, huh?”
“Damn right, baby. And you, my dear, will get to say you knew me when.”
“Oh, to be so lucky.”
“Y/n!” Shawn yells, tugging out his in-ears. 
“I’ll leave you to your boyfriend.”
“He’s not my-” but you don’t have time to finish because you’re being pulled off your feet and spun in the air. Then a pair of lips, unfamiliar but warm and inviting, attach to yours and it’s magic. It’s absolute magic. In your whole life you have never felt this type of heat in a kiss, this type of passion. And despite Shawn being a sweaty mess, you wouldn’t want this first kiss to be any other way. You want all of it.
The sweat. The heat. The pressing weight of his hand on the small of your back, keeping you close to his body. Even all the eyes that are watching our every move. Because if this is any indication of what your relationship would be like; leaving you on fire and burning from just a single touch of your lips, then the eyes on you could never extinguish the heat.
I hope you enjoyed! Like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
Permanent tag: @soyalimoncada-blog @tinycertain @magcon7280 @daisyangei @devilmendes @babybrash @fallinallincurls @lovewithanattitude @sinceweremutual @myyohmyuohmyy @perfectly-mendess @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @baroness-alison @lostinmendess @linanilssonfurberg @luvluvxx @mariamuses @shawnieeboyy @divinginfearlessly @mendesficsxbombay @shawnsthighs
Shawn tag: @ilumxna
We were us: @gangofhoes @green-lxght @loveylangdon @mutuallynotmutual
* bold wouldn’t let me tag
** if you want to be added or removed from any list (permanent, Shawn, Connor, or We Were Us just let me know)
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enaelyork · 4 years
Hello, can you write something where Robotnik looses his cool around reader? Thanks!
I’m sorry for the delay, I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time and I’m only posting!
I hope you will like it ;)
 You didn’t do it on purpose.
It was evident.
It was … It happened so quickly, so quickly.
That evening, you came to Robotnik to discuss about the blue hedgehog, you just wanted to tell him, as a good worker, that you were worried about him. That he tended to live only for this hedgehog, that night and day he obsessed him.
 Of course, you knew Robotnik. You had already discussed it with Stone, he was worried too, but you both knew that Robotnik’s passions came and went quickly enough when he was no longer interested in them.
When he no longer knew how to value himself through them.
But you were still worried about him, because after all, he was your boss for several years now, because you had got to know him, that he had accepted you (even if he often showed the opposite) and that ultimately, it was your little routine for you, Stone and him.
A routine that you felt so fragile.
So you came to see him that evening, to tell him honestly about the problem. Talk to him about your anxiety about him.
If you had known it was going to end like this …
- I’m busy agent Y / N!
- Just five minutes, can’t this hedgehog wait five minutes? ”
He sighed, annoyed, then turned to you.
“Not one more. ”
You sigh in relief.
“I’m not sure … I’m not sure this quest is a good thing for you.” “
He winced.
"Don’t try again with this, Stone already told me about it, I’m close to the point and I won’t change my mind! ”
You would clench your fists.
“But you are no longer the same Doctor! I … I think this case is beyond you! ”
Obviously it was too much, you knew that, but you also knew that you had a bad temper and that even the Doctor sometimes had trouble making you change your mind. You had resisted his humiliations, his scathing remarks and you were there, in front of him, to say aloud what everyone really thought. His gaze had changed, a gleam of anger had lit in his eyes. It was rare to see such things because he never showed what he was feeling. And there again, he contained his anger towards you.
“How dare you agent …
- Usually you are obstinate, but this obsession is morbid! Doctor! We … We are afraid … ”
He had risen to approach you, his eyes looked like weapons aiming at you, ready to destroy you.
 "Afraid of what, agent Y / N?“ ”
You had retreated, by reflex, and you had not seen what was behind you.
Only the metallic noise on the ground made you understand what you had just done.
When backing up, you had just broken one of its precious drones.
He was there, on the desk for a review, you hadn’t seen him and while backing up you had dropped him.
Looking at the little machine on the ground, you quickly realized that something had just broken in it.
As in the heart of Doctor Robotnik.
His hazel eyes suddenly darkened, the night had just fallen in his soul and at that moment you were sure that Robotnik had feelings. You felt like you had murdered a child in front of his father.
“Doctor …” you started. “ I…- How could you? His voice was shaking, almost as much as your legs.
"I … I don’t have it
- Of course yes ! He was there !!! There »he yelled! His fists were clenched and you knew he was using all his strength to control himself. Your lips were trembling.
"You little asshole!” “He exclaimed. "You’re just shit right now!” And come and disturb me to tell about your stupid moods and then … that !!! “
He was looking at the drone on the ground. He was destroyed, just like him. You’ve never seen him be so mad at anyone, never.
Not even when Sonic foiled his plans.
"What do you think you are agent Y/N?” Do I have the slightest feeling towards you? That I am attached to you? Of course not ! You are there to make shit and I must let you do! You just destroyed one of my machines! The only entities that matter to me! “
You were no longer able to say anything, her voice froze blood, your eyes filled with tears.
"Get the hell out …”
You weren’t moving, you weren’t able to.
“ GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE !!! He yelled.
You jumped and slid towards the door, leaving at a run. Leaving him alone with his sadness.
You couldn’t close your eyes all night.
You were constantly thinking about what had happened the previous evening. You could see Robotnik’s face, his look… His voice…
Had he ever lost his temper like that before?
Remorse twisted your stomach. If only you could do something to go back, change the course of things …
If only you could go back in time. Unfortunately, it was impossible.
But when you felt bad, lying on your bed and dawn was coming, an idea crossed your mind. An idea that you thought was great.
- Y / N? But do you know what time is it? ”
He quickly picked up despite the time you were on the phone.
“Yes I know Stone, but I need you … I have … Do something silly yesterday with the Doctor, I think I need you to fix my mistake. ”
You heard it blow in the handset.
“ I have to do what ?
- I broke a drone … ”
He did not answer immediately, understanding the gravity of the situation. So you explain to him what you want from him: go get the broken drone, because you knew that Robotnik hadn’t destroyed it, at worst he just threw it away.
“I promise you nothing. He breathed with a sigh.
"You save me Stone. ”
In truth, he wasn’t just saving you.
 A few days had passed since Robotnik’s anger. You had avoided it all this time, but Stone had accomplished his mission. He brought the broken drone back to you and since then you haven’t slept much.
Only mattered for you to make it work.
“Agent Y / N … Drop it …” Stone had whispered. “You know, he will make a reason and ..
- No … Thanks Agent Stone, I’ll take my break when I’m done. ”
He hadn’t said anything more, just smiling. In the end, you had something in common with Robotnik, perhaps that was why he had not yet made you lose your job.
“Doctor?” “
You had knocked on the door of his laboratory several times. But he never wanted to answer.
"Doctor … I know you’re there …” You said, but again, only silence answered you.
He hadn’t decided to see you.
“I have something for you, I know you don’t want to see me, not after … What I did …”
You then put the package in front of the door of his lab, gently.
“I left something outside your door … at least come and get it.” “
Besides, you turned around and left calmly, even if you had trouble not expressing a strange sadness.
 He had waited to no longer hear your steps in the corridor.
Then he opened the door, and like a cat, discreetly grabbed the package before locking himself in his laboratory again.
What could this strange package contain? The word "fragile” was inked on it, and he decided not to shake it like he used to.
“Pffff! He hissed. How could this stupid agent think so childish? She thought she won his respect and forgiveness by offering him a stupid gift.
Settling down at his desk, he still decided to open the box.
His heart stopped beating for a second when he discovered what it contained. With trembling hands, he grabbed the drone in his hands, gently stroking it.
Did she really do that?
There was no word, no letter, nothing, because agent Y / N knew that Robotnik didn’t care about this kind of thing. Human relationships had never been his thing.
There was just his drone.
Completely repaired.
Amazed, he scanned it all over the place before trying to get it started. When all the lights came on and a small thud came out, Robotnik knew his drone was in working order.
He looked at the door for a moment, all his thoughts were going to you. In the end, you may not have been as stupid as you looked.
And if someone had been there to see him, then he would have known that Robotnik had displayed a strange smile.
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jjuzoir · 5 years
To Date Masumi Usui:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A/N: Ugh i tried posting it 4 other times but i’m so stupid;; i have one brain cells and it’s currently in a coma i’m so sorry anyway; anon, baby, this ones for you ]
- Ughh,,, I love this trash boy soo much
- So, this is assuming you’re not the director! So,, you somehow managed to surpass Izumi, huh?
- The day the dorm found out Masumi fell for you was scary;;
- No one left their rooms in fear of some sort of alien invasion.
- Even if Izumi had never met you prior; you bet that the day she meets you she’ll hug you crying thankful to you for freeing her of Masumi.
- “You’re Masumi’s victim- I mean s/o?! Yes? Oh my god, thank you so much, I-I’m making you the best curry you’ll ever have as a thank you! Tsuzuru, Omi, take out the special spices we have a very important guest!”
- I’m going to assume you (the reader) are around Masumi’s age (or maybe 2 years older please don’t catch a case) so you both met and go to the same high school together.
- And even if you have all your classes together; Masumi will stalk you.
- I’m sorry but that’s like his whole thing.
- Insists on taking you to every class you have, even if it’s in another building from his.
- Has your schedule memorized to the fault, he knows who’s your teacher, your classmates, what room you’re in, and what’s the bathroom time limit you have so you bet he also takes notes on your bathroom hours so you both meet.
- He follows you around everywhere during breaks and it’s kind of creepy when you consider he’s been doing this for longer than you’ve been together…
- His fangirls hated you until he snapped at one when she pushed you.
- “Get your hands off them, now.”
- You had to drag him home that day.
- Apart from his stalker tendencies; he’s a thoughtful boyfriend, he’s always thinking about you.
- And I mean, always.
- He’s got attachment issues from his parents not being around and the only constant in his life was music since he could feel the passion the musician had.
- So; you’re super passionate about something. It could be anything, but if it’s music…. I’m getting shivers just thinking about it and I like guys like Masumi
- He probably overheard you talking about that thing and he felt genuinely moved by your speech.
- And after that he kind of… began noticing you more and he noticed that hey, you’re kind of very fucking cute.
- This went on for weeks, then months- a total of 4 months of him falling for you deep. His obsession for Izumi? Child’s play compared to his love for you.
- It leaves Masumi in denial, he was meant to be loyal to Izumi damn it!
- But after one of your friends (a strong and loyal member of the Usui Club) asked you to confess for them he found himself saying yes… except he thought you were asking him out, not your friend.
- He was kind of shocked with his answer, he didn’t really think much of it and yet he didn’t even stutter- he blushed very red and so did you (you hadn’t even gotten around to mentioning it was your friend’s confession to him) and he ran.
- He locked himself up in his room leaving poor Sakuya homeless for three days.
- When he finally left his room he took Izumi’s photos after he realized they didn’t make his heart skip a beat but, instead, seeing pictures of you in your social media and the ones he took himself did.
- He apologized to Izumi that night.
- “I’m sorry but… I think- I think I’ve moved on from you.
- Izumi couldn’t believe it but when Masumi didn’t budge she screamed so loudly Sakyo and Omi rushed to her room where she laid crying tears of joy.
- “He’s over me! Thank god, he’s over me! This- The day finally came, we’ve got to celebrate- Omi we’re making extra special curry tonight, get Tsuzuru on duty!”
- As I said before, Izumi let everyone stay home that day in fear of disaster.
- That monday he confessed to you, making sure you knew it wasn’t a prank and that he meant you not your friend.
- After confronting your friend; you said sure. They were kinda bummed but; whatever made Masumi happy made them happy.
- And now he thinks you’re both married.
- You’re his phone screen, home screen, in his binders, as his computer background, in his phone case, wallet, scripts; you’re everywhere.
- The whole dorm knows what you look like before you even knew they were a thing.
- Dating him is… like dating your super fan.
- He doesn’t expect much in return, just wants your approval and love.
- He melts whenever you compliment him out nowhere.
- He clings to every word you give him so use your power wisely and don’t abuse it.
- Loves it when you sleep in his room, his bed smells like you and to be honest? He has all your perfumes and shit stored for when he misses you.
- Kind of overbearing and totally overprotective.
- You mean everything to him so please go to his practices and praise him.
- Do not praise Sakuya or Citron, don’t praise anyone but him or else he’ll go into a frenzy and overwork himself.
- “Tch, I’m better at acting than Itaru so stop paying attention to him.”
- Somehow balances being overprotective and not going into toxic territory.
- Fights with him are super rare since he agrees to do whatever you want.
- So please; help him grow out of his dependence on you and his tendencies of over-attaching himself to others!
- Help him grow towards forming his own opinions and not fearing speaking his mind, please!
- Apart from his peculiar tendencies; Masumi is probably the purest boy filled with way too much for you.
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colbybrocksmolder · 5 years
Tumblr – Colby Brock x Reader
Tumblr is…a mixed bag. You’d made some of your closest internet friends on this poorly run website, but you’d also received more than your share of crazy fangirl hate. What’s crazy though, is how easy it is to make friends in the Sam and Colby fandom on Tumblr. 99% of everyone you’ve met is super nice and the group kind of shuts down the haters pretty quickly.
This last round of drama kind of wore everyone down. It all started with a hate anon that your friend DaddyDobrock received. “If Sam and Colby saw half of what you guys wrote on here they wouldn’t want you as fans 🙄.” She handled it well. She laughed and told the anon to lighten up and fuck off. You guys were pretty used to petty hate anons and rarely answer them, but boy was this asshole persistent.
Absolute-randomness-forever replied to a similar message with “If you don’t like what we post, don’t follow us?” Again, not really feeding into any drama.
Sp00kybrock got one trying to get her opinion on the whole thing. “Don’t you think most of the Sam and Colby tumblr fandom is toxic? Like, I bet Colby would cringe so hard if he went on this site. 🙄” She defended her friends, laughing it off. “My friends and I aren’t toxic. We post memes and joke around, but we support the boys 100%.”
Jakeywebber commented on a few of the new posts. “Does this person even watch the boys? They obviously don’t know that their sense of humor is exactly like ours.”
The anons continued to come in, a few other people getting them but not replying. They always ended with 🙄. The problem with one toxic anon is that they attract others that want to feed into the drama, and soon the hate is taken too far.
Someone got an anon telling them to kill themselves. Eye rolling emoji included. The blog posted the anon with no comment other than “deleting now” and went offline. To say that the rest of you were up in arms is an understatement. Lightenupbrock, that-one-brock-boy, badassbrock, the-sun-is-dark, colbyjacksmack, rewindfridaynight, xplr-lurker, brockboytrashz…you all jumped in and defended your friend. You sent them messages making sure they were okay, trying to convince them not to delete.
*Twitter notification* Colby Brock Tweeted : “FYI we see more than you think we see. Don’t pretend to be our fan and then treat other fans like shit. Especially anonymously. 🙄”
Daddydobrock posted “Anyone else see this?” with a screenshot of the tweet.
A few of the others reblogged it, adding comments. By the end of the thread, your group of friends was convinced that Colby either had a tumblr or occasionally lurked on it.
*tumblr messages*
Xplr-lurker : Hey, have you heard from the girl that got the kys anon?
You and Xplr-lurker had been tumblr friends for about 6 months. They messaged you after they saw how you interacted with the other blogs. You were always helpful, kind, encouraging…You had a reputation for being a sweetheart and Xplr-lurker had messaged you thanking you for it. You two became friends pretty quickly, asking how each other’s days went and such. Neither of you ever really posted your personal info on your blogs, but you knew a bit about each other. You both lived in Cali, you were about the same age, and you loved sending each other super emo tumblr posts when you were bored. Usually hella late at night. He knew you were a girl and you knew he was a guy. Other personal details kind of trickled through in your everyday interactions.
Y/n : Yeah. She doesn’t want to be online for a while, but she isn’t going to delete her blog. I gave her my phone number just in case she needed to talk.
Xplr-lurker : I figured you would 😊 I’m glad she’s okay.
Y/n : Me too.
Y/n : Hey, did you see Colby’s tweet? I think he saw all of this go down. I mean, maybe I’m just assuming too much, but he ended a tweet about anon hate with that stupid eye roll emoji just like the anon does.
Xplr-lurker : I mean, he said he checks his dms all the time. Maybe someone sent it to him?
Y/n : Maybe.
Y/n : Honestly, I’m just as mad for him and Sam as I am for the girl. How shitty is it that they have to watch the people who call themselves fans treat other fans like garbage? And they can’t do a thing about it.
Xplr-lurker : That sounds like it would suck.
Y/n : Right?
You had written a whole big post about how hypocritical it was for this toxic anon to accuse everyone else of being bad for the fandom when they were so willing to go out of their way to harm other fans. You reminded them about the videos Sam and Colby used to post about being confident and helping others. Their entire YouTube career started with them making videos wanting to help people. Just like every other post, you signed it with two black heart emojis. 🖤🖤
You had continued talking to xplr-lurker as you wrote the post. Venting a little bit about how frustrated you were.
*Twitter notification* Colby Brock Tweeted : “Don’t worry, we know there are amazing fans out there, too. 🖤🖤”
Y/n : Dude. I think I’m paranoid, now.
Xplr-lurker : What do you mean?
Y/n : Nothing. I’m exhausted. I just need sleep, lol. You do too, nerd. You said you needed to be up by 9 and it’s already 4am.
Xplr-lurker : Holy shit, my friend is going to kill me if I’m falling asleep tomorrow, haha.
Y/n : Haha, good luck! I’ll talk to you later.
Xplr-lurker : Thanks. Sweet dreams.
See, it’s pretty common for social media influencers to have secret accounts. It gives them a way to like posts and follow fans without starting drama. After collabing with CrankThatFrank, Colby was convinced to make a tumblr. He picked Xplr-lurker so that it made sense for him to interact with his own fans. He mostly just reblogged cool edits and funny traphouse memes. He’d comment on funny posts and throw his two cents in on theories and gossip. For the most part, it was kind of fun. People on tumblr were brutally honest but fucking hilarious. He never planned on talking about tumblr or letting anyone he interacted with on tumblr know that he was behind the username…but then he found your blog. He’d contemplated telling you for a few weeks now. The two of you talked almost every night and he felt bad. He felt like he was lying to you.
He’d first messaged you just to say a quick thanks for being so positive in the fandom, but the more he talked to you the more he kept wanting to talk to you.
The 🙄 anon stopped sending people messages after Colby’s tweet. Your friends on tumblr were able to go back to posting ridiculous screenshots and cool photo edits over the next week or so. You’d reblogged a gif of Colby about to lose his shorts on a waterslide with the caption “I feel like Elton has been trying to get Colby naked in vlogs since the start of TFIL”.
Xplr-lurker : *sent waterslide post*
Xplr-lurker : This is a fat fact. Lol.
Y/n : Right? Hahahahaha
Xplr-lurker : I think he does it for views.
Y/n : Probably. It’s the same reason Colby gets shirtless in his own videos. He knows people will click the thumbnail, haha.
Colby sat on his balcony laughing. You were absolutely right.
Xplr-lurker : Is that why you clicked?
Y/n : Haha, nah. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a beautiful human being. You’d have to be blind not to see that. But I found Colby through TFIL.  
Xplr-lurker : What made you keep watching him then?
Colby felt bad for baiting you out, but his curiosity got the better of him. As far as you knew, he was just another fan. This is when he’d get your most honest answer.
Y/n : A lot. First, he’s a huge goofball. Watching him and his friends do dumb shit to make each other laugh is the best.
Y/n : And everything him and Sam have done together? Those two dudes are fearless. They just remind me that I’m the only one holding myself back, you know? One day I’ll actually get out of my own way and make something of myself.
Y/n : He also seems super genuine. He never seems afraid to speak his mind or call something like it is. It actually bums me out watching some of his “friends”, If you know what I mean. I know that not everything they put out there is 100% accurate to how they actually are in real life, but I hate that slimy feeling I get knowing that a lot of them use Sam and Colby and don’t actually give a shit.
Y/n : I know I sound like a massive fangirl at this point, haha. I think I just needed to get that off my chest.
Colby sat there trying to figure out how to respond. He had a huge grin on his face seeing you spill your guts like you did.
Xplr-lurker : Haha, don’t worry about it. You just sound like you care. That’s not a bad thing.
Over the next few weeks, you guys continued to talk like normal, but it got a little more personal. He wanted to be able to call you a friend, but he was still afraid to tell you who he actually was. You two talked more about your passions and the things you struggle with. You’d always sent each other music to check out, but he’d confessed that he’d been dabbling in trying to write lyrics. He needed to find a way to talk to you as COLBY and not xplr-lurker.
*Twitter notification* Colby Brock Tweeted : “You feel so close but in reality I’m sitting here on my balcony alone.”
One of your tumblr friends had screenshot the tweet, adding the caption “This is how it feels to have better friends on the internet than in real life.”
You reblogged it and tagged xplr-lurker. You added “I wouldn’t trade our late-night talks for the world.”
Xplr-lurker : *sent tagged post*
Xplr-lurker : Yeah?
Y/n : Duh. You know that.
Xplr-lurker : Same.
Colby sat there, his fingers hovering over the keyboard on his phone.
*Twitter notification* Colby Brock Tweeted : “1 like = 1 ‘don’t be a pussy’ whispered in my ear.”
Xplr-lurker : Not to sound like a creepy internet person, but have you ever met any of your internet friends in real life?
Y/n : Haha, I don’t think you’re creepy. And yes! I’ve met a few of them. Why?
Xplr-lurker : I know we live in the same city and I’ve always wondered if you’d want to get coffee or something.
Y/n : That would mean that you’d get to see how awkward and clumsy I am in real life. I don’t know if I’m willing to put you through that, hahaha.
Colby laughed. That response was better than the “fuck off, creeper” he expected.
Xplr-lurker : Oh, shut up. You’d be the one dealing with me being awkward.
Y/n : Suuuuuuure. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.
Y/n : I’m actually walking home from my favorite coffee shop right now, haha. It’s called 101. They’re open until 3 am and they have the best food.
It was well past 2am and the thought of you walking the streets of LA by yourself kind of had Colby on edge.
Y/n : I live like 5 minutes away. Don’t worry.
Colby pulled up 101 Coffee Shop on his phone. It was less than a 10 minute drive from his apartment. *We actually live pretty close* he thought, switching back to the tumblr app.
Xplr-lurker : Tell me when you make it home safe. LA is scary at night.
Xplr-lurker : Also, that coffee shop is not far from me. If you ever want to meet up there, I’m down.
Y/n : I just walked in my front door. Stop worrying, mom.
Y/n : And I’ll be headed back there tomorrow around midnight. My roommate’s boyfriend is obnoxious and he comes over every night around then. I usually hang out at the coffee shop and work on stuff on my laptop for a few hours.
Xplr-lurker : I’m glad you’re safe. I’ll definitely try to make it there tomorrow.
Y/n : I’ll be the one with the messy bun, laptop, and baggy Y&R hoodie, lol.
Xplr-lurker : If I don’t chicken out, I’ll wear an XPLR hoodie.
Y/n : Well I need to go to sleep. If I don’t see you tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll still talk to you on here.
Xplr-lurker : For sure! Have a good night!
Y/n : You too. 🖤🖤
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.” Colby said, sighing. This was it. He was either going to walk into that coffee shop and blow his cover or he was going to chicken out like a little bitch.
The whole next day he had a hard time paying attention to anything or anyone. He was too busy trying to figure out the best way to tell you who he was.
“Colby!” Sam laughed, waving his hand in front of his friend’s face.
“What? Sorry.” Colby said, shaking his head and turning towards Sam.
“You okay?” Sam asked. Colby just stared at him for a minute. “I’m going to take that as a no?”
“I’m not, not okay.” Colby answered, sounding cryptic.
“Okaaaayyy.” Sam said slowly. “Care to explain?”
“I’m just nervous to meet up with someone later.” Colby tried to sound casual. “It’s nothing big. I’m just anxious, I guess.”
“Who?” Sam asked.
“A girl I met online.” Colby said, waiting for Sam to tease him.
Sam furrowed his brows. “Like on a dating app?”
“No.” Colby shook his head. “She’s a fan.”
Sam made a confused face. “Not to make it sound like I think you’re stupid, but are you being catfished again?” He laughed.
Colby couldn’t help but crack a smile, hiding his face behind his hands. “No, actually. I don’t even know what this girl looks like.”
“What?!” Sam asked, confused.
“That’s not the weirdest part.” Colby said, peeking through his fingers at his best friend. “She doesn’t know I’m me.”
“Is this for a video or something?” Sam asked, not understanding at all what was going on.
“Nope. I made an account to interact with fans and we just kind of clicked.” Colby tried explaining. “We’ve been friends for like 6 months, but we only ever talk through our usernames. The more I say this out loud the crazier it sounds.” Colby laughed.
“Sooooo, you’ve never seen a picture of her?” Sam asked.
“Nope. Not for sure. I THINK I found her personal blog, but I could be wrong.” Colby answered. “I only know her name because it’s in her profile, but she’s never asked me mine.”
“Is she going to be mad?” Sam asked, trying to wrap his head around the whole thing.
“That’s kind of why I’m so nervous.” Colby said, biting his lip. “She told me where she’s going to be tomorrow night and I don’t know if I should just show up or if I should rip the band-aid off and tell her who I am in our dms before we’re supposed to meet up.”
Sam had a blank stare on his face. “I honestly have no idea how to help you.”
“Don’t feel bad. I don’t know how to help myself.” Colby laughed.
“Tell me how it goes?” Sam asked.
“Of course.” Colby nodded, zoning out again.
At around 11:30pm you’d walked to the coffee shop. You ordered a drink and your late dinner and sat down in the corner booth. You worked on some things you were currently writing and gone through and caught up with your emails. At about 1am, you’d convinced yourself your tumblr friend had chickened out.
Right around 12:30am, Colby was stood in front of the coffee shop he was supposed to meet you at. There were only a few people currently in the shop, so it was pretty easy to figure out which one was you. He’d taken a deep breath and walked through the door, darting to the counter when he started to panic. With his back to you, he ordered a coffee. *I don’t even like coffee* he thought to himself. He kept peeking at you from the pick-up counter while he waited for his order. You had headphones in your ears, mouthing the lyrics to whatever song you were listening to. When the barista called out his name, he grabbed his coffee and left the shop.
Xplr-lurker : I’m stuck.
Xplr-lurker : You’re normally the person I go to for advice, but I feel like it’s unfair to put this one on you.
Xplr-lurker : You’re beautiful, btw.
You looked up from your computer, searching for your friend.
Y/n : Thank you? Are you here?
Xplr-lurker : I was. I chickened out. I kind of panicked.
Y/n : Aww, I promise you have no reason to panic. So why are you stuck? I’m always here to listen and give advice when I think I can help. You know that.
Colby sighed, sitting in his car.
Xplr-lurker : I guess it’s better just to come out with it.
Xplr-lurker : My name is Colby.
You waited a few seconds for further explanation.
Y/n : Okay? I don’t get it.
Xplr-lurker : Like, I am Colby Brock. I made this account to interact with fans.
Y/n : Please tell me you’re just fucking with me as a friend and not a delusional fanboy that’s trying to actually convince me he’s someone he’s not.
*Great* you thought to yourself. Not only did you have to walk home at night by yourself in LA, now you had to keep an eye out for a crazy person who wanted you to believe they were Colby. You thought this person was your friend and now you were afraid to leave the coffee shop.
Xplr-lurker : Neither? I know I fucked up by not telling you sooner.
Y/n : Well, since whoever is on the other end of this message knows I’m here alone, I’m going to call my roommate to pick me up. You know, you were really cool. You were my favorite person to talk to. This really sucks. You didn’t have to be anyone but yourself.  
When Colby tried to reply to your message, the chat said that he had been blocked. “Oh, fuck.” He said, jumping back out of his car. When he got to the door of the coffee shop, he could see that you were packing up your stuff.
“Y/n!” he called from the door, walking towards your booth.
Your eyes flew towards the boy walking in your direction, your hands frozen holding your laptop.
Colby slowly slid into the other side of the booth you were sitting in, putting his phone down with the tumblr app open. “I’m so sorry.”
“What the fuck?” you whispered, still not moving.
“You have every right to be mad at me and I swear I never meant to freak you out. I didn’t really think it through when I told you who I was. Is your roommate coming?” He asked, talking so fast you could barely process what he was saying.
You sat your laptop down and grabbed his phone. “My roommate wouldn’t come pick me up even if I did call her.” You said, looking at the tumblr app on Colby’s phone. You were the only person he had messaged.
“You were going to walk?” Colby asked, grabbing his phone when you handed it back to him.
“I was going to order an Uber.” You laughed. “This is crazy. You’re crazy.”
“Are you mad?” Colby’s face was apprehensive, waiting for you to tell him to fuck off.
“A little.” You nodded, laughing. “You asked me questions about yourself! I fangirled to you about you!” You remembered, covering your now blushing cheeks with your hands, hiding your face.
He laughed. “I feel the need to say this in person…You’re beautiful.” He watched as you peeked over your fingers. “And I’m the one that should be embarrassed about that, not you.”
“Why did you ask me to meet if you didn’t want me to know who you were?” You asked, remembering that this whole thing was his idea.
He laughed, reaching to grab one of your hands. “I’ve been trying to nut up and tell you who I am for over a month.”
“Why me? You didn’t even know what I looked like?” You were still trying to take in the fact that Colby Brock was sitting here in your favorite coffee shop holding your hand.
“I didn’t really care what you looked like. You’ve been a great friend to me since we first started talking and I was just some random person you met online…That has nothing to do with how someone looks.” He explained, blushing before continuing. “The fact that you’re also adorable is just an added bonus.”
You laughed, pulling your hand out of his so you could re-do your messy bun that was currently falling. “This is crazy. I want to re-read everything I’ve ever sent to you to make sure I didn’t make a complete fool out of myself.”
“Y/n.” Colby laughed. “You didn’t. I promise. There’s not a single thing you’ve told me that I don’t like.”
You stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell you were supposed to do now. “I have one question.” You said, leaning your elbows on the table.
“Ask away.” He answered, leaning forward the same way you were.
“What’s the REAL reason Elton always tries to get you naked in his vlogs?” You smirked, hearing Colby bust a gut laughing.
“Honestly, I’ve questioned it myself. The only answer that keeps me sane is clickbait.” He shook his head. “So, we’re good?” he asked.
“I mean, I don’t know WHAT we are, but I hope it isn’t bad.” You laughed.
“Well, we’ve been friends for over 6 months. I’d like to still claim that even though you know now that I’ve been a dumbass this entire time.” He smiled.
“I think I can deal with that.” You smiled back at him.
“Should I push my luck and ask you if I can buy you another coffee?” He asked, a shy look on his face. “I think coffee is disgusting, but I hear coffee shops make for great first dates.”
“You went from being afraid to show your face to asking me on a date.” You laughed.
“Well?” Colby said, waiting for your answer.
You nodded, your cheeks turning pink. “I’d love another coffee.”
I can remove any of the tumblrs I’ve used if you’re uncomfortable being mentioned. @daddydobrock @absolute-randomness-forever @sp00kybrock @jakeywebber @lightenupbrock @that-one-brock-boy @badassbrock @the-sun-is-dark @colbyjacksmack @rewindfridaynight @brockboytrashz 
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years
Will the Bell Ring? Pt. 6
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[Erik Killmonger x Black!OC]
Word Count:  6.7K
A/N:  I am now inspired to write again because a tweet said that Disney+ had hella issues on the date it dropped and 10 million people still stuck around to watch it.  I’m taking that same energy with me.
“Mara, I won’t ask you again.”  Erik says sternly.  Kimara looks around casually, glad that they are at least located in a public place...though he still doesn’t seem to care.
“MARA!”  Erik barks.
“Don’t cause a scene!  Damn, you have absolutely no common sense!”  She hisses as an elderly white couple looks away and walks faster down the path.  A breeze starts to pick up in the air, causing the treetops to dance in the distance.
“Really?  All I got is common sense when I hear you tryna pull a fast one on me.  And to bring someone I respect in on this, that’s fuckin low!”
Kimara adjusts her seating on the bench as the metal digs into you thigh meat.  “Respect??  Oh please, you were just knocking him on some petty shit last week!  And I didn’t mean to!  Ok?  I’m sorry!”
“For what?  I need specifics, lay out the entire situation for all the other nosy white folks walkin round the park today.  They wanna see someone act a fool, I’ll give it to them if you keep pussy footin around.”  Erik leans back on the bench, spreading his chest wide with pride as he stares her down.  She can’t stand him.
Kimara lets out a sigh, laying one hand on his inner thigh for extra focus.  “I am sorry...for putting you through so much pain and agony.  I know how much the relationship means to and I shouldn’t have put it in danger by getting myself involved without talking to you first.  And even then, I should’ve known better.  I couldn’t even enjoy it without thinking about you and what you would think.  So...never again.  I promise.”
Erik scratches his chin, bouncing his leg before dipping his head down to look at Kimara over his fake gold rimmed eyeglasses with matronly contempt.  “Long as you learnt never to watch Euphoria without me, we good.”
Kimara squeezes his leg, letting out a huge sigh of relief.  “Thank God.  You really bout to cut me over Fez and Rue huh?”
Erik sits up, clapping his hands together.  “They are the true OTP if I ever seen one.  They ain’t even gotta be intimate or whatever, just the fact that someone been through her journey and is now doing everything to help clean her up while the forces of small white town bullshit enable her is...poetry dawg.”  Erik leans back shaking his head in awe.
“Babe, you are sappier than a maple tree in the summertime.”  Kimara shakes her head, the loveliness of their conversation filling her head like a delicious fog she didn’t want to ever see the end of, but Erik’s lunch break was almost up.
Erik kisses her softly, making Kimara wipe the transfer of her gloss off his lips.  
“Uh uh!  Don’t worry bout all that baby.  If that shit makes your lips as good as I like, I could use some too.”
“You so stupid!”  Kimara cackles as they both get off their bench and walk side by side: his hand on her hip, her arms locked around his waist with one ear to his chest.
“This was nice.”  Erik says distantly, more to himself than to her.
Kimara cranes her face toward his.  “Yeah?”
He nods.  “Yeah, just to not think about any of the bullshit we’ve had to deal with, enjoy God’s creations out here in the gentrified park.  I feel like a damn retiree with stock and bonds and 401K real fat.”
Kimara settles in step with him again.  “But you have all those things…”
“But I ain’t retired!  White America don’t want a nigga to retire.  Swear everything would go belly up if Black folks could live off of the fruits meant for them.  They’d burn the whole damn thing down before that would happen.”
Kimara rubs his back to settle him.  “Peaceful thoughts, remember?”
Erik’s chest expands and caves.  “Aight.  But real life is literally around the corner, so as much as I would like to have you in my office, I got shit to take care of.”  Erik takes her chin and lifts her face up to his.  “My Mara, My Mara…”
“...I’ll never be farther.”  Kimara says with only slight embarrassment beause their little saying is so damn cute.  Erik used to do cute rhymes with her name around the quad whenever she got down on herself or he thought he had her on the ropes to giving in to him.  Rarely worked, but constantly appreciated.   “I gotta go get some extra stuff for our dinner party later this week, so hopefully I won’t be too long at the studio.  We got a new artist laying down a demo that should be pretty fire.”
Erik puts a fist to his mouth excitedly.  “Oh worm?  Finally my lady finna be the new M-M-M-Maybach Music!”
Kimara rolls her eyes.  “I’ll be more than that!  I got about two songs on there I’m getting writing credit for.  I may wind up on the radio and you don’t even know it.  But you’ll know them checks!”
Erik couldn’t smile harder if he had hooks in his mouth.  “Your passion got you going off!  Nothing wrong with it either, you deserve it.   It’s been a long time coming.”
“It has.  So, go on so I can make this deal happen.”
They locked fingers until distance forced them to break their grip.  Erik waves  off Kimara as she saunters up the path to the main road.  His chest swelled with pride over his lady, she’s always been one of a kind.  Her happiness is his happiness, without question.  As he walked away, across the exquisitely decorated post modern/art deco lobby, to the elevator to the 33rd floor to his office, a cloud of dread weighed back on him that only got better with the help of Alaina.  If she wasn’t his partner on this revamp project with Boeing, he’d be shitting himself on a regular.
Erik walks by a conference room, stopping short of turning the corner of the glass walls.  He opens the door and peeks inside to see his friend hunched over a laptop, jumping slightly in her seat as he came across the room towards her.
“Damn, Erik!  Why do your big ass feet step so lightly?  Almost gave me a heart attack!”  She breathed out a ragged sigh of relief.
Erik pulls out a chair to sit down, chuckling at her expense.  “My bad,  I just had to come in when I seen you slaving away in here.  Figured you could use a distraction.”
Alaina smooths her hair back in her bun, her nude colored mouth in a tight, closed smile.
“I WISH you were a distraction for me, but unfortunately this involves the both of us.  While you were on break, Asshole and Son recommend we draft a final proposal for the FAA to approve.”
Erik sat shocked.  “What? Fuck, I mean that’s fucking crazy but kind of exciting too, right?”
She wags her finger.  “Don’t forget we are only the field niggas round here.  It sounds like an honor but in the end I am sure little Leave it to Beaver will be taking all the credit his daddy can send his way in order to keep the big wigs in good graces within the family.”
Erik taps his fingers on the deep wooden table, thinking.  Would they really double cross him that far?  Bringing him in on a project to mentor the bosses son only to pull the rug up under him and make him look like player two?
“That’s so damn white, sounds right.”  Erik sighs in somewhat disbelief.
Alaina shrugs.  “Told you.  And until I hear it from him otherwise, that’s what I’m going to assume.”  Alaina sighs and stretches her shoulders before going back in on the keyboard.  
Erik furrows his brow.  “If that’s it, then why are you still working on it?  Don’t you wanna pack up and move on?  You were brought here special for this, your time is wasted the most.”
Alaina’s eyes cast a ‘nigga please’ gaze on Erik.  “Mr. Future Baby Fava, I think our time has been equally wasted.  But guess what isn’t cut for my time here?  My pay: which is double what I make at my primary while I’m here so…”  She slowly leans over to grab Erik’s wrist.  “...until I hear the fat white man sing, we’re gonna work on this project for as long as we can to milk that cow til it lays a golden goose egg and rolls the tortoise to the finish line!”
Erik scoffs.  Alaina’s antics are half the reason Erik can’t quite distance himself from her.  She has a liveliness that he’s kind of missed lately.  “Man, you a trip and a fifth.  But I like your style. Might as well get it done then.”
“Oh fuck that, I’m done for the day.”   Alaina crisply closes her laptop, packin it under her arm and grabbing her case with the other.
“Whatchu mean?  I thought you said-”
“I worked through my lunch, like a boss ass bitch does.  You gotta work yours off, so Imma leave you to it.  Call me if you bleeding out your ears from stress: no less than that.”
Erik rolls his eyes as he gets up and watches her walk away.  The woman is working his last good nerve on purpose, but he likes it.  The job isn’t as boring or predictable with her around.  Now he just has to show her who the superstar has been all this time.  If he works hard at this, it won’t be for these fat cats, it’s gonna be a bonafide competition and he ain’t scared to fight a girl.
At the studio, Kimara finishes up a session with a local up and coming artist named Delilah.  Sweet girl, comes across very introverted until a mic is in front of her.  Kimara appreciated her vibes and talent, baby girl is on trend so long as she stays cute she is bound to be noticed.  Kimara ends their session a little early, wishing her well when it was time to wrap.  
Kimara felt like the studio was her second home most of the time but today she had to get to her real home REAL quick to get dinner prepared.  Tonight is the double dinner date with T’Challa and his boo of the moment.  She kept trying to get ahold of Erik for help with ingredients but he kept leaving her on read.
Rick, the studio owner caught Kimara before she was able to get out the door.
“Hey Rick  I know I cut things early, but I don’t have a lot of time unfortunately.  I have dinner to take care of tonight with some friends that is so damn important, you wouldn’t believe.”
Rick smiles a large proud papa smile.  “Oh I won’t keep you, but this news might.  Remember Peter Gafflin?  Legendary alternative rock/country artist extraordinaire who really love you last time y’all were in the booth together.”
Kimara couldn’t forget that man from their last session.  She hadn’t been exalted for her talent that highly since Petey Pablo came in that one time and promised her name would be on a Freek A Leek remix.
“Yeah, what about him?” She asks.
Rick could not help his smile to save his life.  “He called me up earlier today, saying he is planning to go on the road soon.”
“Yeah, yeah.  That happens often when you drop a new album.”  Kimara says impatiently.
“Right.  So he was thinking that you would hopefully be available to join him for some shows on his North American leg of the tour.”
Kimara stood there like the Men In Black just wiped her memory.  “Are-are you serious?  When?  How?  What would I do??”
“He wants you to SING for him like you did that day, background vocals and he thought a duet portion would be nice too.  You know the song ‘Boys Aren’t Born on Tuesdays?’”
Kimara clutches her chest.  “Oh my God, that song is so rich.  And he wants ME  to sing it with him?”
“Uh huh!’  Rick slaps her arm in congratulations, but Kimara could barely feel anymore.  
“In front of thousands.  Across America...oh my God!”
Rick and Kimara hug excitedly, so much so that Rick has to wipe his eyes a little.  “So is that a yes?”
Kimara stopped cheering to finally think a little.  “I mean, I don’t know.  If this was any other time I would say yes, but...I have some obligation here.  I’m deep into trying to start a family and settle a little.”
Rick makes a face of pity.  “I understand, I know.  And I hope you do get that.  Just…”
“Just…”   Kimara parrots.
“...it’s Peter Gafflin.”
“It is Peter Gafflin.”  Kimara says disheartened.  She had been waiting for years to get something off the ground with a top tier artist, but the universe had a funny way of timing.
“Did I mention how much pay is?”  Rick muses.
Kimara fans herself with a newspaper as she watches the rolls baking in the oven.  She is so thankful to have gotten dessert from the bakery, because she was over it with cooking.  She checks her phone for the time:  ten minutes til 7.  Her notifications show nothing from Erik yet, though she texted him twice today reminding his to not forget them hosting T’Challa and his girl.  Twice, Erik texted that he’s got her, but that was five hours ago, now who knows what the hell he is up to.  It would be perfect to bring up her good news with him in front of T’Challa and his date, while he smiles up at her with a hand inconspicuous and possessively on her behind...
But the light and fluffy feelings for the evening were quickly dwindling.  Before she could send a last threatening text to convince him to bring his ass, the doorbell sounds at the last sentence.  Kimara curses out loud, grabbing her oven mitt to take out the rolls that are a perfect golden brown.  She dabs her brow with a spare dinner napkin before clopping her way to the door.
Opening it with a flourish, Kimara opens her arms in excitement.  
“You made it!”  She says with a cheery song.
T’Challa looks at her fondly, his mouth slowly curling into a smile.  Kimara warms up to seeing her friend at her doorway.
“I was going to say it has been too long, but time moves backward for you.  You look beautiful.”
Kimara places a hand on her hip for emphasis, trying to withhold her joy in his compliment in the worst way.  “Oh please, it hasn’t been that long.  You cleaned up good too.”
Kimara always enjoyed the way T’Challa dresses like royalty without even meaning too, choosing pieces that elongate his lean body, squaring his wide shoulders to create a proud presence.
T’Challa places a hand to his date’s lower back.  “Iman has been looking forward to this night all week.”
A smiling Iman holds out a bottle of Proseco.  “T  has told me so much about you and your husband.  You all seem to be a pretty tight family.”
Kimara takes the chilled bottle and leads them inside.  “Oh yes.  We have all known each other for so long, I can’t imagine not having known them.”  
Placing the bottle on the table, Kimara claps her hands anxiously.  “So I have prepared us a nice little salad and a pork...uh...pasta ”  Kimara’s mind goes blank trying to remember what it’s called, she had only Googled the recipe that day.  Tapping her foot, fidgeting, Kimara gives up.  “Hell, some type of pork and spaghetti with peppers and shit.  It’s got cheese too, it’s good.  LEGGO!”
T’Challa and Iman chuckle as they head to the dining room.  “Well whatever it is it smells great!  I know your man must be fat and happy living with you.”  Iman gushes, pulling out her chair to sit at the table.
Kimara shakes her head humbly as the unwraps the foil on the proseco.  “Lucky for me, he is pretty active at the same time so it sticks in the right places.  If only he could actually BE in the right places when we schedule things that way.  Oh shit, lemme find a cork opener.”  
Kimara rushes into the kitchen slamming drawer after drawer looking for the elusive corkscrew.  She slams the bottle down a little too hard in frustration and hears the vibration of her phone on the counter next to her.
“Do you need assistance, Kimara?”  T’Challa’s steady, gentle voice says behind her.  She turns to see his concerned face looking down at her, hands firmly planted behind him respectfully.  
Kimara waves her hand in frustration.  “Aht aht!  It’s fine, don’t leave Iman alone in there!”
“She is fine.  Are you?”  He asks quietly while opening a cabinet above the sink.  
Kimara opens her phone to look at her notification.  “Been better.  Rather not talk while I’m supposed to be entertaining you guys.”
Kimara puts her phone down hard.  “RAGU!  It was a pork ragu!  With basil fettuccine, ugh!  DUH!”  Kimara turns to see T’Challa holding the corkscrew in his hand.  
T’Challa continues, ignoring her topic change.  “You should let me know if he isn’t being good to you.”
Kimara takes the corkscrew in one hand, bottle in the other trying to maintain her blood from boiling.  “No I don’t.  I would discuss that with my husband.”  
“And he is where?”  T’Challa asks calmly as Kimara walks past him and back to the table.
“God, what a help your beau is, we can finally have a much needed sip sip, eh?”  Kimara exclaims a little too happily, sitting at the table as she drills the corkscrew in.
T’Challa opens the glass serving dish to examine dinner.  “This smells very good, I will fix a plate for you, Iman.”
“No!  I should serve you, Mr. King!  Move your hand from that spoon.”  Iman gets up, swinging her hips happily from side to side, digging the serving spoon into the delicious mix of sauce, noodles, and meat.  
T’Challa gives a shy smile.  “I appreciate it greatly, thank you.”  
Kimara jerks the corkscrew out of the bottle too hard, knocking the handle against the table, causing T’Challa and Iman to look at her with shock.
“Pop goes the weasel, right?”  Kimara giggles as she pours a third of the bottle into her glass, half an inch from the brim.  She takes ahold of her glass, taking  a few hearty gulps.
“So!  Tell me how are things with you all, still in the honeymoon phase?”
Iman finishes off her plate, settling in to eat.  “Well,  I wouldn’t say that.  Me and T are still kinda getting to know each other still, so I think honeymoon phase is a little too soon to call,”  she says as she nervously scratches the back of her head as T’Challa just keeps on eating.
Kimara starts to feel warm, keeping mental note that the fucking must’ve halted between them.  “Well there’s no need to rush at all.  Relationships are so much damn work, it must be nice to cuddle up to a stranger every so often.”
Iman offers some wine to T’Challa who declines.  “Have things been going well at the studio?  Recording?”
“Oh yeah, more than recording actually.  Sure, I just wish that I had the gumption to pull the trigger on doing some of my own shit.  I got a lot of praise from artist and even the owner of the studio; I’ve known him a long time.  But when it all comes down to it I just wonder what’s the point.  That’s all gonna change soon though, no worries about me!”
Iman pouts with sympathy.  “What do you mean?!  You are a damn good looking lady and to have talent enough that people brag about, you gotta do something with it while you’re young and able!”
“I know I’m young and able.  Well, I’m trying to start a family while I’m still young and able too.”  Kimara mumbles, slumping in her chair.
“Oh!  You are?  Congratulations!  From what little I remember from the night I met T, he seemed like a handsome guy with a good head on him.  If he hadn’t brought us home, we may not be seeing each other now.”  Iman’s hand disappear under the table to presumably T’Challa’s thigh, who looks over at her with kind eyes.  “And that reminds me of your story.  So T here got you and your husband together.  What are the details on that?”
Kimara is two sips from the bottom of her glass.  “Ohhh, that’s not dinner conversation unfortunately.”
Iman makes eyes at her.  “Oooh, that scandalous huh?  We all adults here, but I understand.  Me and T weren’t very biblical our first night meeting so, hey.”
T’Challa wags a finger.  “It’s not that, don’t be crass.”
Iman tuts at him.  “I’m just being friendly, what’s the issue.”
“It’s a personal story.  It should wait until Erik is here at least.”  T’Challa offers.
Kimara puts her glass down, plate still empty or any dinner.  “I don’t wanna bring that nigga up here anymore tonight, aight?”
Iman freezes mid bite as T’Challa sits up in his chair.  “Kimara, please-”
“Uh uh!  I’m in my house, I say what I want, I won’t be talked down to.  Iman?”
Iman is still frozen.
T’Challa speaks up.  “I’m just saying-”
“I’m talking!  Iman?  My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for months now, fucking like rabbits and I have yet to get pregnant.  It’s gotten so I think he;s getting tired of fucking with me and now he is out ‘working late’.  Now, he loves me because we have been through a lot to get to the point of being a married couple and he has had to prove himself loyal to me after...a lot of bullshit.  But I ain’t got it in me to discuss play the Newlywed Game with you cuz hell if I know what my husband is up to anymore.”
T’Challa gets up from his chair abruptly, scraping the chair across the floor, stomping towards the kitchen.
Kimara starts to laugh out loud.  “Oh shit, I think he’s pissed!  Ohh, let me see what this is about…”
Iman sits up anxiously.  “Do you need help?”
“No, no!  I got him, he’s very reserved with his frustrations, so I can deal.”  Kimara stomps into the kitchen.  “Now what is up with you??”
T’Challa takes a towel off of a rack, folding it twice.  “Did you need to unload on her like that?”
Kimara leans on the counter.  “Sure, woman to woman.  She seems to appreciate it.”
T’Challa opens the oven door, a plume of smoke billows out.
“Fuck!  Oh noooo, my rolls!”  Kimara exclaims, running to a window to open and fan out the smoke.  
T’Challa puts the baking sheet to the sink.  “I was trying to tell you I smell smoke.”  He tossed the towel down making the sheet clang.
Kimara fans her face, coughing.  “Oh, shit.  I just forgot.”
“Mhm.  You forgot your head this evening that’s certain.”
“What do you mean by that, T??”  Kimara asks mockingly.
T’Challa glares at her.  “If things weren’t going good, we could’ve rescheduled.”
“It’s funny you think I plan for my life to fall apart, cuz that is how it works right?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“No, no one means to hurt my feelings or make me feel like shit until it happens.  You want me to be the perfect host.  Erik wants me to be a good wife and mother when I can’t even get a bun in the ov-”  Kimara stops short of the sentence.  T’Challa hangs onto silence waiting for her to finish.
“T’Challa, what if this is all a sign?  I burnt the rolls in the oven...because I can’t keep a bun in the oven?  Like pregnancy?  I can’t bake anything!!”  Kimara wails as she covers her mouth crying.  T’Challa goes over to her but stops short as Iman enters the kitchen.
“Hey, if everything is under control, I might head out.”
T’Challa looks back at Kimara then Iman.  “Well, let me call you a ride.”
“Already did.  Kimara, dinner really was good, I’m sorry to leave so soon.”
Kimara has her back turned, wiping her face before facing her.  “Thank you for coming.  You’re as nice as I heard.”
“I will walk you out then.”  T’Challa offers as they leave Kimara in the kitchen.  Her phone begins to ring, as she picks it up to find Erik’s name glowing on the screen.  All she can do is silence it, she was in no mood to talk, otherwise she might have to make a Lemonade album about it.  
Kimara goes back to her dining room table, sitting down to the bottle of wine.  T’Challa comes back in, closing the front door behind him.
“Eh, eh.  Put that down.  Eat something instead.”
Kimara groans as she swallows one more gulp from the bottle before getting it snatched from her hand.
“I’m not feeling your vibes T’Challa, honest.”  
“Vibes?  Do you hear yourself talking?”  
“Yeah I do.   That’s all I ever hear is my damn self.”
“You are not supposed to be drinking while planning a family, aren’t you?”  T’Challa asks softly, sitting next to her.
Kimara sighs deeply.  “I’ve done everything right.  All I’m supposed to do is carry, I can’t even get there.  God, I would kill for even a miscarriage, just to know that I didn’t completely fuck up my reproductive system!”
“STOP IT!”  T’Challa’s voice booms between them, reverberating off the walls.  Kimara sits upright, looking away from T’Challa’s face.  His energy calms as he leans a little further towards her.
“You do not deserve to beat yourself up like this.  Do you realize how far you’ve come in life from when I first met you to now?  There is no one as smart or witty or brilliant as you that I can also put faith in as a friend.”
Kimara fidgets with her fingers.  “Good thing Iman isn’t here to hear that.”
T’Challa sits back, taking a swallow of wine from the bottle himself.  “I won’t edit my statement, but she is a nice girl.”
“I still like Nakia better.”  Kimara says matter of factly.
T’Challa bristles at the name, looking into the distance.  “Yes, I guess she is my kryptonite, however too flighty.”
They sit in silence for a beat.
“What about that night?  What did it mean?”  Kimara asks.
T’Challa’s brow furrows.  “Which do you…”
“A few weeks ago?  My car?”  Kimara rubs her face roughly.  “Ughh, I hope it’s not the wine talking but I swear there was a moment that felt like...a thing.  Am I wrong?”
T’Challa does something he does not always do:  he begins to stutter.  It’s slow, without the skip, but a stutter nonetheless.
“I...Well...hmm,”  He says before his mouth motions wordlessly.
“...T?”  Kimara asks teasingly.  “It’s ok!”
He looks her in her eyes intensely, like she just cursed him out.  “Huh?”
Kimara shrugs.  “We didn’t do anything so it’s ok.  Don’t sweat.  That’s why I’m glad we are friends cuz I know nothing bad happens when you’re around.  No craziness, drama, you just bring me back down to earth with a good talk.  It was just a moment.  Gotta remember that.”  Kimara pats his knee and gets up.
“Wait, so were you thinking of me in a way that night?”  
Kimara sees a light flash across the curtains of her window.  “Well, look at this.  Daddy’s home.”  Kimara comes back to the table to pick up plates.  “T’Challa go ahead and have a good night.  You don’t wanna be here when I’m throwing dishes into the sink until Erik comes in and has the nerve to ask what the fuck is wrong with me.  When the whole nigga nerve of it all is that he would have the gall to think I’m wrong to begin with!”
T’Challa waves his hands heading for the door.  “I am already gone.”
The early morning sun is extra bright as erik drives himself and Kimara to see their regular fertility specialist Dr. Tracy.  
“I’m glad she was able to see us today.”  Erik says.
“Are you?”  Kimara asks while scrolling through her phone.
Erik scratches himself.  “Ion know, I just…”
“I mean...if we do this it’s like cool, we finna get a baby off top-”
Kimara tuts at him.  “No!  She said that it still isn’t guaranteed.  We are good candidates but not to expect success right away.”
Erik lets out a groan.  “Right, right.  Can’t no shit come easy for me.”
Kimara looks at his profile as he drives, catching Erik looking out the corner of his eye.  “What you lookin at me like that for?”
Kimara crosses her arms.  “I’m just trying to figure out what to title your sob story in all of this.  ‘I do what I want and when it don’t go like I plan I pout?’  Or ‘Fuck everything and everyone, I’m going through it but don’t ask me what’s wrong?’”
“Damn Mara!  The fuck you gotta go there for?  The minute I try and share something with you, you bite my fucking head off!”
“Watch yourself cursing at me!  I ain’t in the mood for it, and I ain’t letting it fly like that today, ok?  I don’t need this much excitement before an appointment.”
“Then don’t go nuts on me like you some damn comedian, roasting my ass.  I’m here ain’t I?”
“Do you not wanna be?!”  Kimara shrieks.
Erik goes silent, turning on the click of his turn signal.  The tension in the car is sky high and although Erik doesn’t mind a fight, he knew not to act a fool in front of these doctors in this side of town.  
Kimara leads inside to check in with the receptionist.  As they sit in the lobby, Erik is glued to his phone the entire waiting period, fingers texting furiously.
“Why ain’t you holding my hand?”  Kimara asks.  “You always hold it while we wait.”
Erik looks over quickly and leans back offering out his hand.  “My bad.”  While the other continues to work double time on his screen.  
“Who is...Alan?”
Erik jerks his phone back.  “It’s not Alan.”
Kimara drops his hand.  “Than who is it?”
“Work.”  He says curtly, flipping to his Instagram instead.
“Is something wrong with the project you’re working on?  Is Alan the one helping you?”
“Yes and no.”  Erik says.
“Wait.  It is wrong and Alan isn’t helping?”
“It’s not Alan!”  Erik bellows before coughing to cover his outburst.
“Kimara?”  Dr. Tracy says brightly with a smile, waving them back.  Kimara smiles tightly back.
In her office, Dr. Tracy goes over the procedures and preparations for IVF, with all of the medical jargon, followed by some generous simplified explanation.  It all sounded complicated and expensive but Kimara was grateful to hear about everything that could make her miracle possible.
“And Erik, you can be an awesome support by making sure to watch your alcohol intake, exercise, eat healthy, and avoid any environmental pollutants.”
“I was bout to watch that Chernobyl show; is that off the table now?”  Erik asks.
“Erik, you ain’t got time for shit else, quit playing.”  Kimara says with a little bark in her voice.
Erik laughs in a menacing tone.  “Ok.”
Dr. Tracy looks between them nervously.  “...we also provide counseling to couples during the process, as it can be difficult.”
“I wouldn’t mind it, but he wouldn’t be able to make it.”  Kimara says.
“Oh you speak for me now?”
Kimara shrugs.  “If you ain’t there, how else can things go forward?”
Erik sputters in disbelief.  “I won’t be getting like this in front of the damn doctor.  Thanks, doc.  I got the prescription and shit, let’s go.”  Erik keeps talking under his breath as he leaves the office.  Kimara gets up to leave
“Is everything ok between you two?”  Dr. Tracy asks.
Kimara hesitates before saying it’s fine, nothing more than a couples spat.  Erik may have been right about needing to change doctors.  At least a new one wouldn’t know when things were wrong.  This would just look like a normal interaction to fresh eyes.
Back at their house, Erik is reading the instructions for her shots.
“Says this supposed to help in producing eggs for you.  Still gonna take a while though.”
Kimara sits silent watching her shows.
“Remember to mark down when you got your period last.  Supposed to start doing these on your next cycle.”
Erik folds the instructions up, standing from the dining room table.  He comes up behind the couch, leaning next to Kimara’s ear.
“Nassau is this weekend, you know?”  SIlence.  “You picked us a real good spot to make our own magic down there.  I think we need it.”
“WE need a lot more than a trip to an island.  Erik, you still ain’t said sorry for a damn thing you said to me today.”
Erik scooches to one side of Kimara to face her.  “What should I apologize for?”
“Embarrassing me?  Not telling me about what’s going on with you and also not asking how things are with me?  Being secretive and mean to me?”  Kimara’s eyes begin to well up.  “You ain’t talked to me without walking off mad in so long, I don’t wanna get used to it Erik!  You didn’t used to do that!”  Erik hooks one leg followed by the other over the back of the couch to sit next to Kimara, holding her hands tight.
“It makes me think about before you left for that damn military out the blue.  You snapped on me back then too.  You tryna go somewhere else again?”
“Hell no!  That life is behind me, I got nothing but you and work to get through now.”
“So I’m a damn task?”  Kimara mopes.
“No!  Look:  I don’t mean to say anything to make you think you boring because you’re not.  You’re the most exciting thing in my life, and I love having you with me.  Every time I’m reminded you’re my wife, I’m thinking how we should be on our damn tenth wedding anniversary instead of third.  But I’m done and thankfully you’re not.”
“Then why are you doing me like this?”
“I-I don’t wanna force shit on you more than you can handle.  I got things happening at my job right now that could make you think the worst, but I promise it’s not.  And you don’t need that pressure right now.”
“Neither do you!”  
“I can handle it.  You focus on your dreams at the studio, and getting ready to host the biggest headed baby your womb will ever know.”
Kimara snorts thinking about this, looking down instinctively.  Erik takes one side of her face in his hand.
“I wanna be more open but I don’t wanna cost you anything too.  So until shit blows over, just know I got this.  Be patient with me, and I promise to be more patient too.”
Kimara pulls Erik to her for a longing kiss, rubbing his face for comfort.  She could feel he cares, but there was still so much gnawing in her mind, she just wasn’t ready to discuss.  But there was one thing.
“One more thing though, before I call it forgiven and get to packing for the trip.”
“You still ain’t packed?”
“I’m asking the questions!  Who is Alan?”
Erk sighs, dipping his head down before looking her in the face to answer.  “Alaina.
“He’s a what?”
“Huh?  No, Alaina.  The name was Alaina not Alan.”
Kimara’s face draws up inquisitively.  “And...she is?”
“My partner for the project I’m working on.  They recruited her from another region and-”
“That’s who you spent the night with instead of dinner with T’Challa and me and his girl?”  Kimara asks.
“I came home!  Don’t make it sound like that, it was a late night.  Ole dude I work for keeps piling shit on me and deadlines-”
Kimara waves her hands in front of him.  “It’s fine.”
“It’s ok!”  Kimara smiles.  “Seriously, I trust you.  You said works been beating your ass, and I know you wouldn’t be looking all sour if you were getting some ass on the side, so I think I can trust you aren’t cheating.”
Erik stared at her speechless before nodding and agreeing.  
“Plus, we tryna have a baby and I know you wouldn’t mix shit up with her when all that seed is mine, like that would be wasteful.”
Erik growls in his chest, leaning over her, nose to nose.  “Say that again.”
Kimara holds back her smile, rubbing his chest.  “Your seeeed is miiiine.  Don’t waste it.”  Kimara bites his lip at the end of ‘it’, catching him of guard, but not enough to lay her out legs spread quicker than she could blink.
“Wait wait, Erik.  I can’t!”  Kimara says, half giggling.
“Whatchu mean??  You playing with a dog and get afraid when you get the bark?  Quit playing and get them draws off.”  Erik pulls at her bottoms.
“No!  Wait!  I mean it, I’m cramping and shit.  I don’t want nothing near my pussy right now.”
Erik moans out loud in frustration, plopping backwards on the couch, erection pushing at his sweatpants.
Kimara lowkey loved making him wait, period or not.  It’s nice to see he still wants her, and no one else has his attention to fix his rather big problem throbbing in his pants.
“Erik?  You never told me what you think about the tour.”
Erik exhales loudly.  “Good idea, that’s finna kill my hard on real quick.”
He sits up, pushing down on himself.  “Mara, I want you to get your hustle goin, I know you been singin since way way way back.”
“Hold up, it ain’t been that long, makin me feel old.”
Erik bops her with his shoulder.  “You know you been my Suga Mama.”
“Two months older Erik.  Dassit!”
Erik looks at the floor, rubbing her knee.  “I just don’t understand why you think it’s best to leave now.  What Imma do without you for two months?”
“Whatever you been doin get home late at night.”  Kimara says flatly.
“The project is almost finished, do I don’t know where that attitude came from.”  
Kimara sits silent, not up for a fight, especially in her hormonal state.
Erik stares at her, testing her.  He knows she wants to say more, she always does.  “I got two more weeks on this, and it’s done.  My workload is gonna be lighter, more boring, and I promise my time will be yours, but now you wanna leave, so.”
“But you understand why right?  It doesn’t sound like you do.  I don’t wanna leave you alone or stop trying, but...this is my dream!”
“Having a family is too right?  That’s why all our time and money been revolving around everything related to that for almost a whole damn year.  It’s fucking flaky.”  Erik shoots back.
“Erik, you got to do what you wanted, right?  This ain’t new with you!  When you want something, you go for it, fuck anybody that gives a shit, it’s yours.  I’m tired of being in the shadow of your shit, cleaning things up so you can have your peace.  This is mine.”
“The fuck is you talkin about??  Is your PMS going retrograde or some shit?”  Erik speaks over her in an agitated tone.  Nothing Kimara said made sense anymore to him.
Kimara gets up, waving him off.  “Eat my ass Erik,  I said what I fucking had to say and I mean that shit.”
@chaneajoyyy @sarcastic-sunshines @muse-of-mbaku@dameshaemonique  @fonville-designs@destinio1@bakarisange l@wakanda-inspired @klaine15689 @savageiz @nickidub718 @yoyolovesbucky @alexundefined @forbeautyandlife​ @bakarisangel
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shoheiakagi · 5 years
Summary: In which HOMRA is a bunch of college frat boys trying to get in your pants. Or: “Come back, I’m not done wasting your time.”
Warnings: Some might be a bit ooc since they’re all fuckboys in here (some more than others), y/n culture, angst, somewhat explicit ***, unrequited feelings, Chitose in his natural habitat, Fujishima is a furry, Yata still can’t talk to women, and Bandou still can’t get laid.
Word Count: 5.6k lol
Notes: OKAY, IT’S FINALLY HERE. I was working on my FwB piece with @mangoqueens when we were suddenly like, “Okay, but fuckboy!homra tho.” Also, not including the trio in this one cause I wanted to focus on the younger guys more. A quick shoutout to @anewmourning for helping me come up with ideas for fuckboy!fujishima. This is my first ever time doing something like this, so I apologize for any grammar mistakes or stale dialogue. Reblogs/replies are appreciated!
This is pretty self indulgent, so ignore it if it’s not your thing.
Obnoxious in a completely different way from the average fuckboy (as in he doesn’t break your heart. Well, not intentionally).
That one guy who always shows up to your Philosophy class late with loud rap music blasting from his headphones, with a skateboard under his arm.
But if he’s not coming to class late, he’s skipping. You don’t think you ever saw him come to class on time (seriously, why is he even in this class?).
If he’s not sleeping in class, he’s always arguing with someone, even the Professor. Usually, that random student happens to be you.
“What the fuck do you mean we don’t have free will?” “I mean that there’s something called fucking fate which means everything is destined to be, you asshat!” “The fuck did you call me?”
You happened to be the lucky student he fights with cause of the one time you ‘accidentally’ told him to shut the fuck up (but in a ‘kind’ way cause you can’t just go around cursing during class) and you’ve been on his radar ever since.
But not in that “damn, i wanna fuck her” way, more like “i hate her, i gotta ruin her life” type of way since you pretty much embarrassed him in class.
Doesn’t really hate you or wanna ruin your life though, just likes to start fights with you over petty shit (Bandou would be proud).
Intervenes whenever you’re flirting with another guy in class with the pretext of trying to “save” him from you.
And everyone definitely notices his behavior towards you cause no matter how obnoxious Yata is, he never picked any fights with girls (except for that one busty blonde who’s part of the student govt).
If he’s really feeling bold (and stupid), he would sometimes tug on your hair or jab you with his pen to get a reaction out of you in class.
Pretty much the embodiment of the whole “you know a boy likes you if he teases you a lot.”
Your philosophy class is practically a war zone at this point with how much you two bicker (which really pisses everyone off). 
One day your prof assigns the class a group paper and partners you and Yata up (probably for some sadistic reason). 
You refuse to have anything to do with Yata at first but then he just declares that you can write the whole paper then. So you bitterly suck it up and force him to contribute just out of spite (you know if you write it yourself, your grade will be higher. But you’re honestly willing to take the lower grade if it means Yata will suffer in the process). 
He stands you up whenever you arrange to meet in cafes, the library, etc. You leave him really angry, nasty texts and tell him to go to hell.
You were over it one day and marched up to his dorm room, banging on the door, demanding that he let you in. He opens the door, irritated with you, and you push through and start going OFF on how much of an idiot and a dick he was. 
And as cliche as it is, you guys were too busy yelling at each other to notice how the distance between you two was getting shorter and shorter until you had him backed against the wall. Yata looked at your lips, before looking up to glare at you, “I fucking hate you.” Before you can respond some equally nasty shit, he immediately slammed his lips against you. 
What started off as a kiss, eventually turned into you getting fucked by Yata against the wall (God, you never knew a day like this would ever happen...and that he would actually be a good fuck despite his height and inability to talk to most women).
You both eventually fall into this pattern of sleeping with each other, since it’s an easier way to deal with anger and stress.
But other than sex, nothing changes between you two. You still treat each other like shit.
And in the end, your paper got a C+ so at least you passed.
You didn’t notice that you caught feelings for him until a friend pointed out that you seemed to have softened up on Yata (which you denied, of course).
But once you realized that his smile is probably one of the cutest things you’ve ever seen and how his usually obnoxious laugh suddenly became endearing to you, you noticed a change in his behavior.
He...he doesn’t pick a fight with you that much anymore? That’s a good thing, right?
But...he doesn’t really talk to you that much either, other than some half assed replies. And he stopped coming over for sex too. 
Was fighting (and sex) really the only way you guys communicated with each other?
You try not to think much of it and decide to treat yourself to your favorite drink at the cafe nearby.
And it wasn’t until you were halfway across campus when you hear that familiar voice and your heart started beating like crazy when he came in your view.
But before you can call out to him, you notice the petite figure walking next to him. And then you really take a look at Yata this time.
For the first time ever, you see Yata unlike his usual, loud self. He’s patiently teaching the pretty girl how to use his skateboard, and when she holds onto him in fear of falling, you see how broad his smile gets, despite his awkward stammers and obvious blush. It was only when the girl leans over to kiss his cheek, when you decide to walk away.
It’s just in your fate for your first heartbreak to be like this.
Ah yes, the king of ghosting™
So here’s the thing, you didn’t think much of him at first. But then you found out that he’s one of them and suddenly, he was just another annoying ass fuckboy to you.
So you were shocked to see him join the home economics club you were part of. 
Didn’t take you long to change your opinion again cause despite his sketchy appearance and friend group, he was such a sweetheart??? He was always making sure all of the club members were appreciated and acknowledged for their efforts, would bring food for everyone, etc.
And you find yourself becoming friends with him, learning about how his parents owned a liquor store back home, how he spent his first couple of years in college undeclared cause he was following Yata around so that they can major in the same field, which obviously didn’t work out (fortunately, he was able to discover his passion for cooking).
It was during a rainy day when he was walking you back to your dorm when he leaned over to kiss you. And it was after a couple of dates, you decided to ride him in your dorm when your roommate was out. 
And all was well till it was the end of the semester and it was time to go home for summer break. Despite promising to keep in touch over the summer, you notice the good morning texts becoming rare until it just stopped showing up. Replies to your texts would be vague or one worded (if it’s one of those lucky days where he finally decides to text back). It doesn’t take that long for you figure out what’s happening.
He’s ghosting you.
aka he’s breaking up with you without even letting you know.
He wants to play that game? Then fine, you’re not the type to beg someone to stay anyway. Out of sight, out of mind.
“Easier said than done,” you mused to yourself as you search for his Instagram later on.
You don’t know what you were expecting to see on his page, but you definitely were not expecting to see this thin, surfer looking guy pop up, donning the same name and username as Kamamoto.
You check his instagram and see his latest selfies and you can’t believe what you’re seeing???? Who is this guy and where is Rikio???
You thought that Kamamoto must have changed his @ until you realized that the names still there and that the other homra guys are following him (with jealous, bitter comments from Yata, Bandou, and Chitose).
He posts a lot of pics with so many pretty girls, his comment section is filled with girls, he’s out partying with so many girls. 
And you can’t help but notice this petite girl named Ayumi, who keeps popping up in his comments (and the fact that he’s always replying to her).
You eventually give up. Maybe this is a sign from God that it wasn’t meant to be.
But when you come back to uni, you noticed that he’s back to his normal shape. How does he lose and gain that much weight in such a quick span of time??? And his hair???? 
Ironically, he suddenly remembers your existence and pretends as if he didn’t ignore you during the summer.
When he waits for you outside of your classroom with a boxed lunch for you two to share, you immediately turn around and walk away.
You loved yourself too much to let yourself be used like that.
You know him cause everyone on campus knows him, judging by the large amount of followers he has on social media, and how he’s always seen hanging with all types of people on campus.
The type to constantly post shirtless pics and gym selfies, so that he can show off his abs and biceps (you may or may not have drooled at one or five pics). Posts videos of his crazy nights out, which always include girls and alcohol. Strangely enough though, with the amount of girls he’s seen with, you don’t hear any crazy rumors about him with any of the girls he’s seen with other than a casual hookup here and there.
He also happens to be in your consumer behavior class. And unlike the majority of the class, he’s one of the rare people who takes this class cause he actually majors in marketing. It fits him though, he’s an extremely social person who is good at persuading people, as proven during his presentation of why students should invest in the shitty gym near campus (y’know, the type ex convicts work out at), rather than the one provided by Uni.
It wasn’t until you worked with him in a group assignment that you realized that he’s a lot nicer than he looks. Suddenly, conversations about the group assignment transitioned from sitting next to each other in class to actually hanging outside of class and making plans.
It didn’t take a long time for you to realize that you were whipped for this full time student, part time delinquent with puppy dog eyes and a boyish grin.
Despite your sudden revelation, things were normal between you two. As much as you wanted your feelings to be reciprocated, you knew there was a line between your fantasies and reality. The way he interacted with you was pretty much how he interacted with everyone else and that is something you have come to understand. You guys were just friends, and nothing more.
Well, that’s what you thought until that one party homra threw a party in celebration for Bandou getting a C- in his Cultural Anthropology midterm that he thought he was going to fail (at this point, they were just desperate to throw a party).
Shouhei was a social butterfly with a lot of friends, so you weren’t surprised that he didn’t remain by your side after greeting you and your friends since he was busy rotating between different groups of people throughout the party. 
But what you didn’t expect was him coming over to talk to you about the upcoming marketing exam while you were dancing along with one of your guy friends. But you realize that it’s just an excuse when he puts his hand on your lower back, inviting you to his room so that you guys can talk in private (but you didn’t care).
Next thing you know, you’re laid up on his bed with his face buried between your thighs.
Ever since that night, things have changed between you guys. Suddenly, study sessions in reserved study rooms would end up with you bent over the table while he thrusts into you. And if you didn’t know better, you would’ve thought this was his infamous friend, Chitose you were dealing with. 
But you know it’s Shouhei when you find out that you guys are exclusive (which relieves you when you remember how many pretty girls he’s friends with) and how there are times where you guys would have sweet pillow talks where you both talk about general shit like future aspirations but also some deep shit like family issues.
But things get difficult cause you guys act like you’re in a relationship, even though you aren’t.
You want to be in a relationship with him, but he’s not sure if he wants to settle down yet.
But he also doesn’t want to let you go, preferring to have you as his girl, but w/o officially being his girl.
You deal with this clownery shit for a few more weeks (cause you’re weak) until you finally decided to put an end to w/e you two have going on, and blocking him on social media right before the semester ended.
You eventually link up with another guy from uni over the summer and things go great with him and you guys return to the new semester as a couple.
You forgot all about Shouhei until you come across him with Bandou and Chitose on the hallways while walking with your man.
Shit, you just made eye contact with him, time to pretend you don’t know this guy.
But he calls out your name anyway, and asks you how’ve you been since you’ve been pretty awol.
(Even though Shouhei stopped walking in order to talk to you, Chitose and Bandou continue to walk past you. You don’t know if you should be relieved or worried).
You tell him that you’ve been pretty busy (trying to pretend that you didn’t block him on ig) and introduce him to your boyfriend.
You couldn’t help but notice Shouhei sizing up your man while talking to you. “So you went off and got yourself a boyfriend, huh?” His tone was carefree and nonchalant, but you knew better.
“Well we had some pretty good times together last semester too. Did you tell him about me?” *Cue implications of sexual (and semi romantic) relationship you shared with him to make your bf jealous and to back off*
You grab your bf’s hand and walk away from him before things can get messy.
Pretty much resorts to sending you texts asking if he can see you, and that just cause you’re in a relationship, doesn’t mean you can’t hang with other guys. Leaves you drunk messages and voicemails, begging you to come back to him, and how he thinks he fell in love with you.
First one to wish you a happy birthday text (even before your own bf) at 12 a.m. despite you not talking to him for months.
You want to save his texts and messages for memories’ sake (and that somewhere deep inside of you, you still have some leftover feelings for him) but you end up deleting it just incase your bf comes across it.
To move on is to grow.
That one weird, quiet kid who usually sits in the back of the classroom, all bundled up in a hoodie and a dark pair of sunglasses (yes, even inside the classroom). 
You initially thought he was pretty harmless (despite his suspicious apparel) since he usually minded his own business and worked alone.
But you were wrong. so so wrong.
It happened to be one of those days where the professor randomly announces some assignment in class and everyones already paired up, leaving you no choice but to partner with little miss sunshine at the back.
And that is when you unfortunately get to know him. For someone who doesn’t talk much, he’s hella loud. If he’s not cursing at every error message he receives from entering a code, he’s ranting about the smallest (and dumbest) shit you can possibly think of. But it didn’t really bother you that much until it happened. 
 While working through the assignment, you would feel his gaze on you. But anytime you would look up to meet his gaze, he would quickly turn away with a small smirk on his face. This goes on for a while until you finally hiss at him to stop staring at you. He immediately goes on defense and sneers at you, “Well shit, I didn’t know it was a crime to look at people these days. You should probably seek therapy if people looking at you scares the shit out of you.” 
And you swear you never wanted to smack someone this bad before.
You were hoping that the assignment would be finished asap, so that you wouldn’t have to deal with him any longer. But fortunately for you, the professor decided to extend the deadline for the assignment, so that means more quality time spent with your partner. You frown, while Bandou smirks.
If you thought he was bad in person, he’s even worse in social media (you refuse to give him your number). Always sends you a message, especially after you post a selfie. 
Pretty much the embodiment of texting like a straight white boy.
“Oh so you’re alone in your room now?? What are you wearing now??” *gets no responses back*
As per tradition, sends you an unsolicited dick pic while messaging you about a class assignment.
You see him without his stupid get up for the first time in a party thrown for him by his friends. And wow, he’s actually really fucking cute??? Who knew fucking Bandou would be that good looking? But alas, his annoying personality remains the same. 
He tries to pull a move on you while on the dancefloor, whether it’s to give you a kiss or to have you grind on him. He gets annoyed when you reject him (again) and tells you to leave the party since you’re not giving him any action, with a (cute) pout on his face.
“Y’know, this party was held for ME. It’S MY party so I can tell people to leave whenever I want to-wait you’re actually leaving????”
And maybe it’s because of the realization that Bandou is a lot cuter than you thought, or the fact that you have grown used to his company (and advances), you’re on your knees in an empty bathroom stall, giving him the best blowjob he’s possibly ever had. 
Which you ended up regretting since the next day you were met with whistles and smug smirks when you walked passed some of the guys of homra, immediately knowing why when your eyes zeroed in on a smug Bandou, who threw you a kissy face.
You were planning to ignore them and go on with your day, since this type of behavior is expected from them, but once Bandou made that infuriating kissy face with his infuriating ass face, you went straight up to them and smacked him right across his face, leaving the others stunned. 
You looked at them with a raised eyebrow, silently challenging them. Chitose stepped up, about to say something, but Kamamoto grabbed him back.
Once you were sure none of them did anything, you walked right past them. Your face was heated up. A part of you was shocked that you actually smacked Bandou, that too in front of his friends. Another part of you was super embarrassed that you ended up giving that fuckboy a blowjob, which gave him the opportunity to brag about it to his fuckass friends. You don’t even know why you’re so angry, you knew this was something to be expected. Maybe it’s cause you actually found Bandou cute that night, or maybe it’s cause you lowkey ended up having a soft spot for him. Cause as annoying as he was, there was something endearing about him, especially with the way how he would nag about you being a bitch to him, but then immediately helping you with a coding problem that you didn’t understand without you even asking.
But that doesn’t matter now, since what’s done and done. Bandou Saburouta is just as much as an asshole as his friends, and you don’t want anything to do with that. 
Before you had class with Chitose Yo, you knew exactly three things about him: 1. He’s pretty much the ringleader of all the fuckboys (it makes sense since he’s a finance major), 2. He briefly considered majoring in the liberal arts field just because it had more girls (you heard this one from one of your friends who hooked up with him last semester), and 3. He hooked up with the young T.A. of the required psychology class he had to take. Needless to say, that did not end pretty.
Being a part of the campus’ social scene, you’ve always heard about Chitose Yo and his womanizing ways. He was that one guy who was always surrounded by girls in parties, eventually leaving soon with his (victim) date. 
But you’ve never actually interacted with him until your Business Policy class. You weren’t surprised when he comes to class late, giving the professor a sheepish grin and grabbing the empty seat next to you. 
He didn’t notice your presence until the professor called out your name during attendance. You knew you were a goner once he turned to look at you, slowly checking you out with an infuriating (albeit, sexy) smirk on his face.
It took you approximately two classes to be charmed by him, and a party to sleep with him.
You guys become fuck buddies, and you become accustomed to the “you up?” texts he sends around 3 a.m. (obviously turns out to be full blown sexting between you two).
As much as you hate to admit it, you eventually catch feelings for him. Not only is he the best dick you ever had, he is a genuinely funny and charming person. 
Unfortunately for you though, Chitose is strict on his “stay away from relationships” rule. You know that if he ever finds out about your change in feelings, he will lose interest and cut all contact with you (and you honestly don’t think you’ll be able to take that), so you bottle it up and pretend not to care when you hear of him sleeping with someone else (this asshole even asked you to join him and this other girl for a threesome), or when he always chooses party and alcohol over you.
In the bright side (well, as bright as it can be), he’s at least honest with where you guys stand and doesn’t string you along. But you know that’s just bare minimum at this point.
You thought you were able to endure it all. But then that happened.
You guys were having sex when your roommate went out. And for once, he was actually being super romantic and soft with you. For a moment, you couldn’t help but think that maybe he’s finally coming around. But that all changes once called out a name that definitely was not yours.
Oh. Oh.
Needless to say, it got awkward real quick and you guys didn’t finish.
He admits to you that he called out his ex girlfriend’s name...His ex girlfriend from high school... Someone who he never got over, and how their breakup affected him a lot more than you thought.
“I’m sorry to hear that, but I think you should leave.” You don’t think you can do this anymore. Fortunately, Chitose does not fight back and immediately leaves.
This guy needs a therapist, but that’s not your job.
So heres how it goes: you know Dewa through Chitose (who you were so close to having sex with but the party you guys were hooking up in was crashed by the R.A. (it was one of those small, congested parties held in a dorm)). And you know that he’s not your biggest fan since he thinks you share one brain cell with Chitose and all of his other girlie friends (doesn’t help that you once threw up in his favorite hat during a party)
That’s fine with you cause you don’t like guys who act like there’s a stick up their ass anyway.
Dewa is a different type from his friends. Where his friends were loud, obnoxious, and brass, Dewa has a superior complex in which he thinks he’s better than everyone else (honestly with that attitude, he might as well be part of the student govt. rather than a frat house). To this day, no one knows how him and Chitose are best friends. 
But you can’t deny that underneath his glasses and that ridiculous derpy hat, he’s hot. A different kind of hot from Chitose, but hot (and that you really wouldn’t mind riding him, but that’s a conversation for another day).
He’s one of the few students who actually knows what the fuck is going on in your accounting class, so you couldn’t help but swallow your pride and ask him to tutor you (unless you wanted to retake this class for the third time).
So you both agree to meet up in the campus’ library during the weekend when its more quiet than usual and there’s not that much people around, and you’re not sure how you feel about that (but it’s only an hour long tutoring session. You will be able to tolerate him for that long, right?).
So far, the tutoring session has been pretty surprisingly quiet, aside from a couple of snarky remarks from Dewa, which you chose to ignore (considering your temper and mouth, that is a feat and honestly, you deserve to treat yourself once the session ends). 
You were just about to think that maybe getting tutored by Dewa wasn’t so bad until you felt a warm hand slide up your thigh (you just had to wear shorts too, dammit).
You looked up at him in shock, only to see that he’s not even paying attention to you. Instead, his gaze was locked on your exam paper, and if it wasn’t for the hand on your thigh, you wouldn’t think he was interested in you. “Wow, you’re stupid. You seriously don’t know the difference between a balance sheet and an income statement? That’s some basic elementary shit right there,” he remarks in a bland tone.  
“Shut the fuck up, I already told you that I don’t fucking get this shit,” you snap back at him. But as you two were arguing, his hand keeps sliding higher and higher till you eventually reach over and stop his hand. 
Only then does he look up from the paper to glance at you. “I can leave if you’re not interested.”
You take a good look at him, wondering what he’s playing at. You decide to play along, eventually loosening up and letting his hand continue its journey. 
Throughout the session, he “rewards” you with a kiss on different parts of your body (from innocent places like the inside of your wrist to more dangerous places like your inner thigh), every time you get an answer right. It didn’t take that long for you both to end the session quick, immediately rushing over to his dorm. 
(And boy, did he look cute moaning underneath you while you rode the fuck out of him).
Maybe it was stupid of you to think otherwise, but you made the mistake of asking him about the next tutoring session, and how you guys can grab lunch right after.
The look he gave you made you feel like utter shit. “You don’t really think I’d go on a date with a girl like you, right? I thought I made it obvious that I have higher standards than Chitose.” 
Despite the angry tears threatening to drop (dammit, you promised yourself that you would never cry over a boy), you immediately slapped Dewa before quickly dressing up and getting the fuck out of his dorm. 
He’s not a fuckboy like his friends, but you’re beginning to think that he’s a lot worse.
Fuck him (and this time, not literally).
Probably the more intimidating one out of his group since you don’t think you can ever recall him with a genuine smile on his face (and no, those sinister smirks don’t count). But that didn’t matter to a lot of girls, including you.
Despite his quiet and standoffish demeanor, Eric is noticed for his Eurocentric features, accent, and witty remarks. 
In your eyes, he fit the look of a European prince who has come to take you far, far away from everyone else and live happily ever after (yes, you’re in college, not in middle school).
You genuinely had a crush on him when you first saw him, but never had the guts to talk to him, let alone confess, since you’ve seen him coldly reject other girls (as much as you hate to admit it, you’re not good at dealing with rejection).
But you’re pretty sure you got over him since you now share an English literature class with him (you’re not sure why he’s even in this class if all he does is sleep) and actually got to know him. Somewhat.
Whenever you would participate in class discussions, whether it would be to discuss the current book you’re reading or to speak in english, you would always hear a smartass remark or question from him, which usually ends up with you looking dumb in front of the whole class. 
It especially doesn’t help that he stares you down while he calls you out on any mispronunciations you make. And you don’t think you’ve ever felt as self conscious as you do in this class because of him.
You do hate him for it but you don’t really stand up for yourself against him (he’s too intimidating and you like to pick your own battles). 
And to be fair, he’s probably just being an asshole. He doesn’t really know who you are (or care).
That’s what you thought until you go to the party thrown by his friends one night. 
And maybe it’s because of the alcohol in your system, but you immediately snap at him when he mocks your broken English accent.
So used to you not speaking back to him, Eric couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow before letting out a chuckle. “So she speaks!” he says in a sarcastic tone. But before you can reply, he immediately leans over and kisses you.
You won’t deny and claim that you never thought about kissing Eric, you’ve had way too many daydreams with him. But this kiss was nothing like the kiss you imagined in your daydreams. 
For someone who appears quiet and somewhat soft-spoken, Eric kisses rough, and it’s nowhere near romantic as you wanted it to be. His hands grip on to your shoulders tightly, before sliding over to your hips to pull you closer. You pull back from the kiss, in favor of placing kisses on his neck and collarbone.
(You didn’t imagine getting with Eric like this, but you weren’t going to let go of this opportunity, either).
He eventually pulled you into a nearby room, making sure to kick out the half naked couple that was on the bed. It wasn’t too long before he pounded into you while you were on your hands and knees.
Once it’s over, you were left staring at the ceiling while he puts his clothes back on. Without a word, he leaves the bedroom. 
So much for a prince charming, huh?
The Soft Boy™ 
Double majors in animal biology and zoology to become a vet for fuck’s sake.
You start talking to him cause he’s probably the softest and sweetest boy you’ve ever met, despite his appearance. 
But boy were you wrong (x2).
He listens to you attentively, offering kind words and good (generic) advice, assuring you that he’s nothing like those other boys (he’s lying, look at his friend group).
Tells you that unlike those other guys who want to fuck and dump you, he wants to get to know you and make love to you.
And everything is all fine and dandy until holy shit, you realize that this sweetheart you’ve been talking to, has a dark secret.
He’s a furry. 
A. Goddamn. Furry.
Legit has a fursona in the form of an Ethiopian wolf (hint: cause its red). But he also likes dabbling into mythology so sometimes he would take the form of a lycan.
You indulge his fantasies for a while, thinking that yeah it’s weird but at least he doesn’t have a foot fetish (but it is worse than a foot fetish) and how no one’s perfect.
You wear animal costumes to sex. At first, it starts out with pretty normal costumes like a playboy bunny. Then it starts to get weird and oddly specific with wolf costumes, roleplay scenarios as animals during mating session...
Once you were finally close to getting into a commitment with him, he starts acting funny.
When you let him know that you’re not super comfortable with your eccentric foreplay, he gets offended and starts sprouting bullshit about you being just like the other girls, which is so disappointing cause he thought you would be different and actually understand his rather…unconventional needs.
Needless to say, you ended up blocking him. You needed to preserve your sanity, after all. 
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Newsflash {p.p.}
chapter 1
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gif credits to owner
Summary: You’re an up and coming journalist starting out at the Daily Bugle when you get your first assignment. Uncover Spider-Man’s true identity.
Warnings: swearing
prologue | series masterlist
Gun shots rang in your ears as you hid behind a nearby bench, slowly peeking your head up to get a few photos of Spider-Man as he swung into action. 
A week ago you would have thought you had lost your mind as you willingly put yourself in harms way in order just to get some rare pictures of New York’s superhero. But your job depended on this, so that’s how you ended up crouched behind a bench in Queens, a block away from a store robbery, zooming in on Spider-Man in order to get some impressive shots. 
Your hope was that if you lingered around after the crime fighting ended, you could follow Spider-Man to wherever he went after a days work of putting away bad guys. And your hope continued that you’d get a few shots of him taking off his mask. 
Maybe he’d perch himself on top of a building and take off the mask to breathe, or maybe he swung into some alley, but either way, your goal was to follow him. 
The last three nights in a row, you hadn’t had such luck because you hadn’t factored in that Spider-Man can shoot webs and swing from building to building while it took you much longer to jog. 
You remained hopeful, and for now, Jameson was eating up the rare action shots you were getting of Spider-Man. But you knew his patience would run out soon if you didn’t provide an identity for him soon. 
The gun shots came to a halt and you lifted your head, your camera ready as you spotted Spider-Man saying something to the criminals that were now wrapped in webbing. He had his hands on his hips and he shook his head at the criminals, like he was lecturing them before he turned and shot a web towards the top of a nearby building. 
“Shit,” you hissed, getting up from your hiding spot and jogging towards the building. You realized, maybe the best way to follow Spider-Man wasn’t from the ground, but from up above. You could see him, still, standing on the roof of a nearby building, the American flag billowing in the wind behind him. He looked like he was on the phone. 
You lifted your camera, zooming in on him casually putting his leg up on the ledge of the roof, talking on the phone. It was so easy to forget that there was an actual human in that red and blue suit, and seeing him do things that normal humans do made for some great pictures. 
As soon as you pressed click, Spider-Man looked in your direction and your heart got caught in your throat when you could see that he was looking directly at you. You forgot that he had heightened senses or something. He could probably hear your heartbeat from where he was. 
You lowered your camera, feeling like a deer in the headlights when Spider-Man swung himself down and was now standing a few feet in front of you. Being this close to him, you realized he wasn’t that tall, but he still stood a few inches taller than you. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. You looked around, wondering if he really was talking to you, but when you realized you were in a pretty empty part of Queens, especially due to the gunshots that had recently stopped, you knew he was talking to you. 
“Uh, taking...pictures?” you managed to say even though your mouth felt dry.
“Yeah I know,” Spider-Man said, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’ve been following me.”
“What?” you croaked, your voice going like three octaves higher than normal. “N-no I haven’t.”
“Yeah you have,” Spider-Man said. “You’ve been at every crime scene for the last three days with that camera.”
He pointed at the camera in your hands and you swallowed thickly. Never had you imagined he would have noticed you lurking in the corners of each of his fights, snapping picture after picture. 
“Who do you work for? New York Times? Daily Bugle? Washington Post?” he demanded, stepping closer to you. You were now sure he could hear the way your heart was hammering against your chest. 
“Uh, second one,” you choked out, looking up at his white eyes that seemed to narrow. 
“Daily Bugle?” he practically scoffed. 
“I’m sorry, it’s my job-”
“You could’ve gotten seriously hurt, you know,” he said shaking his head at you. “Putting yourself in the middle of danger. What if you got shot or something taking a picture? Is your life really worth your job?” 
You furrowed your eyebrows and put your free hand on your hip. 
“Look, photography is my passion and I just got this internship at the Daily Bugle, which I don’t have to remind you, is a huge platform, and I’m just trying to do my best,” you said back. 
Spider-Man stared at you, his white eyes calculating as he cocked his head to the side again. 
“What’s your name?” he finally said. You stared at him, blinking as you wondered if you heard him correctly. 
“What’s yours?” you asked back. 
Spider-Man chuckled. “Nice try.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “It’s (Y/N).”
Spider-Man stared at you for a few moments again before he let out a sigh. 
“Well (Y/N), it was lovely finally talking to my stalker.”
“I-I’m not-”
“But stop being stupid. No job is worth your life and some of the guys I fight are seriously dangerous. I don’t need you getting in the middle of their crossfire. I know I’m ridiculously photogenic, but stop following me to crime scenes, okay?” he said sternly. 
You frowned, staring up at him. “What if I don’t?”
Spider-Man laughed bitterly. “You seem like a nice girl and I don’t want to, but I could easily break that camera of yours. Any pictures you have would be poof! Gone.”
You clutched your camera to your chest. This camera was your pride and joy and you would not let Spider-Man break it. 
“Are we clear?” Spider-Man asked, looking at how you held your camera. 
“Crystal,” you sneered. 
“Good,” Spider-Man retorted. He took a few steps away from you before shooting some webs at a nearby building and swinging away, disappearing in the Queens skyline. 
You let out a groan, and began making your way to the nearest subway to head home. 
How were you supposed to find out Spider-Man’s identity now that he was onto you?
“You look pissed,” your roommate, Jane, pointed out as soon as you entered your shared apartment a few blocks away from NYU’s campus. 
“I am,” you groaned as you put your camera down on the kitchen counter and went to grab a glass of water. 
“No secret identity revealed yet?” Jane asked, her legs up on the coffee table while she stared at the TV, another episode of The Office playing. 
“He fucking caught me,” you groaned, plopping down next to her on the couch. Jane turned away from the TV and looked at you, raising an eyebrow. 
“Spider-Man caught you?”
“He knew I was following him for the last three days and he threatened to break my camera if I kept dong it,” you said, leaning your head back against the couch. 
Jane whistled. “Shit dude. That’s bad.”
“Yeah, it’s bad,” you agreed. “What am I going to do? Jameson is expecting some identity reveal soon and I can only hold him off for so long. But now I can’t even get those rare pictures of Spider-Man because he will break my camera.”
Jane sighed. “Have you tried asking Spider-Man nicely?”
You glared at her. “Not funny.”
“(Y/N), Jameson set you up with an impossible task. Spider-Man is never going to just reveal himself, especially not to a girl with a camera. He’s a superhero, and they’re usually pretty careful about who knows their identity,” Jane said, giving you a sympathetic smile. 
You knew she was right. 
When Jameson gave you this assignment, you had been hopeful because there are so many Spider-Man fan accounts around New York that post sightings of him around the city and maybe someone would have some insight into who he really is, but that was a dead end you found. 
So you went to following him yourself. But now he knows and there’s no way he’d let you walk into another crime scene again. 
“I’m going to bed,” you sighed, standing from the couch. 
“Are you sure? I can make popcorn and we can have an Office marathon,” Jane suggested. 
You smiled at her and shook your head. “I’d love that any other night, but I have class in the morning.”
“Ah, right,” Jane said, waving you off. “Sleep well!”
“Thanks!” you called back, walking towards your bedroom. You plopped onto your bed, and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, wondering how you were going to keep this job. 
You hoisted your backpack over your shoulder as you entered the Columbia classroom. Luckily for you, NYU and Columbia had some joint classes that you could sign up for, which is why you were taking this photography course through Columbia. 
You were a little intimidated at first, taking a class at an Ivy League school, but as soon as you talked to the professor about some photography tips, you became more settled. The professor was very down to earth and he was an expert in the field. 
You were early, as you usually were since you left yourself more time to get to Columbia’s campus, so you settled in your usual seat, taking out a notebook and scrolling through some social media on your phone. The classroom slowly began to fill as it got closer to the time for class to start. 
MJ, a girl who you started becoming friends with as you usually sat next to each other during class, slid into the seat next to you. 
“Hey,” she greeted. “I got you a coffee.”
“Awe, MJ,” you gushed. “Thank you.”
“So how’s operation spider going?” MJ asked, raising her eyebrows as she sipped from her own drink. You looked around nervously, now worried that Spider-Man could be anywhere, but no one was paying attention to your conversation. 
“It’s hit a brick wall,” you sighed, sipping the coffee. 
“That sucks, dude,” MJ said. You nodded. 
“Big time.”
A few minutes later, the professor walked in and began talking to the class. He started talking about a new project that he’d be pairing you up with partners for. You internally groaned. You were a solo artist, and you felt that your vision was very specific. 
But maybe collaborating with someone would open your eyes more. 
Your professor began reading off names and you listened for yours. 
“Michelle Jones and Margaret Elliot.” 
You sighed, disappointed you weren’t with MJ. 
“(Y/N) (L/N) and Peter Parker.”
You looked around the room. You didn’t know who Peter Parker was, and you didn’t see anyone looking in your direction, so you waited until the professor was done assigning partners. 
“I went to high school with Peter,” MJ whispered to you. You looked at her. 
“You did?”
“Yeah. He’s nice.”
The professor finished assigning partners when everyone stood and began sitting with their partners. You looked around when someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and saw his familiar face. 
“Dumpster boy?” you said, raising an eyebrow. 
“Uh, what?” he stammered. You blushed, realizing he had no idea what you were talking about and shook your head.
“Never mind. I’m (Y/N),” you said.
“Yeah I know,” he grumbled walking over to a pair of open seats. “I’m Peter.”
You were taken aback by his tone and frowned as you sat in the open seat next to him. MJ said he was nice? 
“So you know MJ?” you asked, trying to make conversation. Peter seemed to be having none of it. 
“Yeah. Went to high school together,” he said, pulling out his laptop to look at the guidelines for the project. You stared at him for a few seconds before pulling out your own laptop and reading the guidelines. 
You and Peter worked in silence for the rest of the class period, researching some ideas for your project. The entire time, you could feel his eyes on you for a few times before he’d go back to his leg of the project. You could hear other groups chatting about ideas, but not you and Peter. 
You internally groaned. This was going to be a long project. 
When class let out, you stood from your seat, putting your things away when Peter finally said something to you.
“Nice camera,” he said, gesturing to your camera that poked out of your bag. You were taken aback by his words and looked at your camera and back at him before nodding. 
Without saying anything else, Peter began to walk away, with his bag over his shoulder. You finished putting your things away when you realized you and Peter were going to have to work on the project outside of class and you didn’t have his number. You scrambled out of your chair and chased after Peter, following him out onto the street. 
“Hey!” you called, skipping down the stairs. Peter froze and turned when you approached him, his eyebrows furrowed.
“We should, uh, exchange numbers,” you pointed out. “To work on the project.”
Peter stared at you for a few moments as if he were deciding whether or not to give it to you before he finally pulled his phone from his pocket. You wordlessly exchanged numbers.
“Thanks,” you said softly. Peter didn’t say anything to you as he walked away. You stared at his back as he got further away and scoffed. 
What a jerk.
As soon as Peter was far enough away from you, he let out the breath he had been holding the entire class period and sat on a nearby set of stairs to steady his heart. 
Of all people, he got paired with you. 
He tried his best not to talk because if you caught onto his voice and put it together to last night then he knew you’d go running to the Daily Bugle and his lovely friend J. Jonah Jameson would reveal his identity to the entire city. 
Peter knew one thing. As long as you worked for that slandering news station, he couldn’t trust you. 
He had to stay away. 
chapter 2 coming soon!
taglist: @thatcrazyfangirl814 // @spacyparker // @imagine-lovebug //
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clearcorona · 5 years
Hi, my dear writer! How are you? I saw that your "ask box" is open and I wanted to know if you can write a post or headcanons with our dear and explosive hero as a Pro Hero and, for some reason, he forgot his marriage aniversary. How would react his wife, who is cooking a nice dinner for the special ate and dying to tell him that they'll have a baby? Hugs from Chile!
I'm doing alright, thank you for asking! I don't feel as if I'm good at domestic things, but I'll try my best!
To those back in your first few months of dating that you'd never last six months with the great Ground Zero, they were wrong. You couldn't imagine your life with the spitfire that was your husband and still couldn't believe you had spent almost five years married to the man. Although he came off as rude and impulsive to some, he was a complete softie around you and you couldn't wait to tell him that he was going to be a father.
It was the exact reason as to why you were up so early in the first place, preparing breakfast for the two of you. A small box wrapped in green wrapping paper with an orange bow sat on the kitchen table, hiding the positive pregnancy test inside. You hummed softly to yourself as you pushed the bacon around the pan, watching it sizzle and cook. This was only a small token of your appreciation for the man who had made you so happy. You were planning on making some of his favorite dishes for dinner, hoping he'd stay out of your hair long enough for it to be a surprise.
Hearing Katsuki's heavy footsteps coming down the stairs made you smile. "Morning, Mr. Bakugou." You turned to look at him, only to see him fully dressed. You tilted your head, confused. "I thought you had the day off."
"Sorry, change of plans. They need me at the agency. I'll be back later." He placed a kiss to your forehead before grabbing a jacket.
"Katsuki, breakfast is almost done."
"I don't have time to eat. Love you!"
Just like that, the door to your apartment closed and you were standing alone in the kitchen once again, but there was no longer a point to being in there if the man you were cooking for wasn't even going to eat. You sighed and turned off the stove, taking the pan off of the burner.
"Happy fifth anniversary, Bakugou Katsuki..."
Because of how sudden the meeting for the mission was, Katsuki was nearly late, bursting through the doors of the room. Everyone turned to stare and Katsuki narrowed his eyes before plopping down in his usual seat. Talk about the mission started up again, but Katsuki could barely pay attention once Kirishima started to lean over and whisper to him.
"Is (Y/N) okay with you being here?" he asked and Katsuki raised and eyebrow, simply nodding. He hoped it would cause the redhead to end the conversation, but he just kept talking. "I mean it's been a while since your last day off, not to mention that it's your-"
"It's fine, Shitty Hair," he assured, keeping his voice down so he didn't interrupt the meeting. Kirishima didn't seem entirely convinced, wondering if something happened between the two of you before he went back to listening to the details of the case.
A missing persons case with thirteen innocent people involved, children, to be more specific. They seem to almost disappear without a trace and the group tried coming up with theories as to why there was almost no evidence of who could possibly be behind it all. At the end of the meeting, they had barely moved from where they had started, but were told to keep an eye out for anything as well as follow up on any potential leads. Bakugou wasn't sure how they managed to stretch the meeting to be almost four hours long with how little evidence they had, but they managed to do it. As soon as it was over, the same squad that had surrounded him during his high school years did the same again.
"Is (Y/N) alright with you being here?" Ashido asked, it being the second question regarding you. Katsuki furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, wondering why they kept bringing you up.
"What does (Y/N) have to do with me being here?" he retorted and the group exchanged glances before Kirishima spoke up.
"Well, I mean, it is your anniversary, isn't it?"
Once those words left his mouth, Katsuki froze, wondering how he could've been so stupid.
"Shit...," he muttered. "I'm going back home." He collected his things before leaving the agency, wanting to get back to you as soon as possible. He couldn't believe he had forgotten about your anniversary, your fifth anniversary! Katsuki felt like the worst husband in that moment, hoping there was a way he could make it up to you when you were obviously trying so hard to please him this morning by making breakfast even if all he needed was you to be happy.
You were his angel and he'd do anything to cheer him up, even if it made him look ridiculous.
You sighed as you flipped through the channels on TV, trying to find something good to watch. If Katsuki were still home, you probably would've started cooking dinner right about now, but you didn't want it to get cold since he usually came home super late after work. You figured you'd set dinner on a much smaller scale and make him whatever he wanted when he returned.
You glanced at the small wrapped gift on the coffee table and sighed, suddenly worrying. You and Katsuki had never exactly talked about having children. What if he didn't want kids? Would he make you have an abortion? Would he make you put your kid up for adoption? Would he leave you?
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the door burst open. You quickly stood up, thinking it was an intruder, but you were surprised to see it was your own husband.
"Katsuki? I thought you were supposed to be at work." The ash blonde didn't respond, instead he walked over to you, pulling you into a passionate kiss. You melted against his lips before you placed your hands against his chest, pushing him away gently with a soft laugh. "What's gotten into you?"
"Why didn't you remind me? God, I feel so stupid...," he muttered, resting his forehead against yours as he let out a sigh. "It's really been five years."
"I tried, but you were so quick to just leave, and I know you rarely answer texts when you're at work, especially if you were called in for something at the last minute. Oh! I actually have something for you."
"Shit... I didn't get you anything."
"It's fine, Katsuki, really. It's not much anyway." You walked back over to him, holding the box in your hands. Katsuki eyed it, still a bit hesitant to take it before you shoved it in his hands.
Katsuki let out a sigh before he tore the wrapping off of the box before he lifted up the lid. He raised his eyebrow at you once he noticed all of the tissue paper in the box, pulling it out. He seemed confused when he saw what it was, taking a moment to actually process what it was. The blonde's eyes widened and he grabbed the pregnancy test, bringing it closer to his face to see if he was seeing the results correctly.
You stood to the side nervously, not sure if you had ever seen him so speechless.
"Is this real?" He watched as you slowly nodded.
"Yeah..." You nodded again, surprised when your husband broke out into a huge grin. He immediately pulled you in for a kiss.
"I'm going to be having a kid with the most beautiful fucking woman in the world. I can't believe it, we're going to be parents.
The sheer joy on his face brought tears to your eyes, which he easily wiped away. How could you ever think he wouldn't want a kid?
"This is the best anniversary we've had, so far." You smiled when he rubbed your stomach. "Now, how should I repay you for nearly forgetting?"
"Hmm... I think a nice bubble bath and a massage will be good. For now, at least."
"For now? You're lucky I love you...," he replied and you smiled, kissing his cheek.
"I know. Thank you for everything."
"Of course. I'll do anything for you two." You noticed his adoring gaze as he stared at your stomach, your heart melting.
How were you so lucky to have a man like Katsuki in your life?
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louisfrecklesss · 5 years
Sexual Tension | Louisentine
Description: Clementine realises just how much she loves Louis and asks him for the one thing that Louis never prepared himself for. 
Words: 1,453
Ship: Clementine x Louis
Warnings: sexual references, nothing too crazy, it’s not smut, insecure trigger, 
Genre: angst, fluff
A/N: thank you to all the people that replied to my post and told me it’s okay to post this, I was just a little worried but you helped me so much. thank you so much, you deserve all the Louis’ and violet’s in the world. Clementine still has both her legs in this, Tenn, Brody, Mitch, Marlon, basically everyone is still alive because I said so. also, i know this is late but thank you for 600 almost 700 followers, i don’t deserve you to be completely honest.
All the kids have headed to bed apart from the ones that are doing the night shift which would be Aasim and Mitch; it rarely happens that Clementine, Louis and AJ are all not doing any shifts and get to sleep all at the same time together. AJ decided that he wanted to use this time to spend with Tenn with a sleepover because they haven’t in a very long time. Leaving the two lovebirds alone together. 
Louis had Clementine in his arms as she laid her head on his chest feeling his heavy breathing as he slept; her hands traced his chest pulling at the buttons slightly, it was very hot outside as it has hit summer but Louis never took off his shirt as he slept. Clementine let herself free as she hates the heat, leaving her in only her sports bra which is still holding out for a lot longer than she thought it would. 
“What’s wrong my darling?” Louis moves slightly cracking open his eyes planting a soft kiss in Clementine’s hair; she didn’t reply just leaned up to return the kiss enjoying the moment that they have right now. Louis is shocked at first but still returns the kiss holding her closer to him as if she’s going to disappear from his embrace. 
Once she pulls away from the kiss, she holds her self up balancing on Louis chest staring down at him. “Nothing, I just really love you.”
Louis smiles grabbing her and pulling her on top of him completely, her giggles echo through out the whole room but he enjoys them and love hearing her giggle. Clementine smiles wide just admiring her boyfriend’s features, she holds his face in her hands before speaking quietly as if she doesn’t want anyone else to hear.
“I want to show you just how much I love you.”
Louis eyes widen. He doesn’t know how to respond to this, because he knows exactly what she means by this and he never prepared himself for this at all. All the dating magazines in the world would not have prepared him for what she just asked of him. “Um I-”
“It’s okay, everyone is sleeping. AJ is with Tenn, we’ll never get a moment like this again and I really just want you to know how much I love you.”
Louis sit ups from his laying position causing Clementine to sit back on her heels. “Clem, I know how much you love me, I know.”
“I know you know, but I want to show you.” Suddenly, Clementine’s expression drops and she pouts. Louis knows something is wrong when she does this, Clementine did this when ever she needed to pee and she didn’t know where she could, or when she lost a card game, or when her hair didn’t come out the way she wanted. She did this whenever she felt like it was her fault and she didn’t like it. “You don’t like me like that do you?”
“Baby, no tha- that’s not it at all!”
“No-” Clementine stood up holding her body and she searched for her shirt in the darkness. “I get you, I’m just not good enough for you. What was I even expecting.” 
“Clem, please just listen, That’s not it.” Louis stands from the bed following her as she heads for the door. “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to spend the night with Violet.” 
“Wait.” Louis grabs her hand rubbing it softly with his thumb, goosebumps rise on her skin as her eyes brimmed with tears. “This is your room, I’ll leave.”
This hurt Clementine more than everything that has just happened this entire night, she releases her hand from his covering her mouth. “It’s our room Louis, ours.” The tears finally fall as she walks out the room slamming the door behind her, leaving Louis feeling stupid and guilty.
Louis didn’t really get out of bed the next morning, AJ came in looking for Clem but quickly left after realising that Louis was in there by himself cuddling the pillow that Clementine was previously using. AJ did tell him Clementine has already gone out fishing with Violet to which Louis replied “Tell her I love her?”, AJ screw faced but nevertheless told Clementine once she returned. 
Brody made a visit to Louis giving him some breakfast to which he declined stating he was full from the dinner he barely ate yesterday; she was worried and sent Marlon to check on him. 
“Dude?” Marlon walks into the room sitting on the bed opposite the shared couples that Louis still lays in. “Did you guys break up?” Louis eyes shot up to look at Marlon almost filling with tears he didn’t realise needed to escape.
“Is that what she said?” Marlon is quick to put in hands out in defence. 
“No, no I just- fuck, no bro.” Marlon’s eyebrows knit together as he tried to understand why Louis is so fucking hurt. He’s seen this before, he’s seen this the one time Louis took off his shirt in the summer and when Marlon walked into the room he jumped under the covers and refused to get out until Marlon left. “Is it, is it because of your body?” 
Louis didn’t want to make eye contact with Marlon because he knew he would cry, and that’s not something that he wanted Marlon do deal with right now. So he just nods, very slowly, but nods. “ She wants to have sex, Mar. I ca- I can’t do that, I just can’t.” His voice cracks cause him to close himself up even more burying his head in the pillow letting out soft and heavy sighs to try and get out the lump of cries he has building up in his throat. 
“Shit. Did you tell her?”
Louis shakes his head.
“Dude, she needs to know about your micro penis.” Louis chokes out that dries laugh that he possibly could throwing the pillow at Marlon’s head which he dodges quickly. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. But I got you to laugh, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks.” 
Marlon stands up leaning over to Louis placing a hand on his shoulder. “She’ll understand Louis, she loves you.” And he leaves. 
For some reason, even after being together with Clementine for over a year, Louis just feels like he can’t open up to anyone about his insecurity. It’s just a page in his very long, over explained and over dramatic book that he never, ever reads or talks about. 
“Baby?” Clementine peaks her head into the room causing Louis immediate reaction to be to look up at her to see if she’s hurt. “Are you okay? You didn’t come out of the room today. Are you sick? Did you fall ill?” She runs to place the back of her hand on his forehead before pressing a light kiss. “You feel okay, but I could stil-”
“I’m really fucking insecure about my body, Clementine.”
She’s a little taken aback by it by she takes his hand in hers and listen on as she knows he’s not finished with what he needs to say. 
“I’ve just never been very comfortable with my body, I’m not as strong and muscly as other guys and I don’t have raging abs like Marlon I’m just, Louis., Louis with small muscles and no body at all. I don’t have pecks, and you can basically seem my ribs, it’s just hideous. I just don’t want to disappoint you Clem.” 
Clementine smiles. She grins. She jumps on Louis and kisses him with the most passion she can find in her body right now. “Louis, I fucking love you. I don’t care about any of that shit, I just want you as you are. I wouldn’t like you if you had any of those because that’s not Louis. I want Louis. I want you.” 
Louis grins to himself more than to Clementine, just wondering how he found the most perfect girl in the whole world. “I love you so much my darling.” He says tucking back her loose curl as she leans into his touch. 
“Let’s do it right now.”
“What?” Louis eyes widen looking towards the door.
“Yes, yes. Everyone is doing jobs and they think we’re arguing, they won’t disturb. Come on.” She flutters her eye lashes at Louis and he doesn’t really know how to react, just as he was about to answer Clementine giggles pecking his lips. “I’m kidding!”
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