#i love the jedi council ❤️❤️
dameronology · 11 months
Pls feel free to ignore but can I get some soft protective Obi-Wan? I’m going through it at the moment ❤️❤️😍 So happy to see you emerge!
i am so happy to be back! i hope you feel better soon <3
obi-wan is very understanding that you can look out for yourself and that you don't need his protection, but the minute he thinks you're going to be hurt, he's there no questions asked.
maybe you're in battle together, or you've just come back and you're injured; the poor man is trying to walk the line between showing you he cares and not outing your relationship to the council
so really, his main thing is getting you somewhere private. obi-wan is a strangely good liar, and he's pulling you away from the nurse droids, murmuring something about a fear of medical spaces and really, it would be better if i treated them so we can have a mission debrief
it works. probably because they're droids and they're not programmed to argue about these things. also, why he is panicking about outing your relationship to droids, who are also not programmed to give a fuck about that probably? just realised that as i'm typing. but it seems like the kind of silly thing that would r/whoosh over obi's head so. i'm going to keep it.
anyways, he has you on his bed in seconds, hands roaming all over your arms, whispers of i'm so glad you're okay and where does it hurt? and tell me what you need, my love.
it takes you a second to get your brain in order, mostly because you're probably concussed and the room is spinning, but it's something he deduces quickly.
after babysitting anakin for years, his medicine cabinet is actually better equipped than the jedi infirmary so whatever injury you have, he's got something to help it.
you don't say much whilst he's bandaging you up - you just let him do his work. more for his sake than for yours, because you don't care if you're a bit dizzy for a few days or that your bruises might linger, but he definitely does.
once you're a bit more with it, that's when obi becomes especially affectionate. he just sorta lays there with you, arms around you and holding you to his chest.
that's when you both calm down, just listening to each other's heartbeats and taking comfort in the fact that once again, you made it home safe, and you're both alive and well. alive and mostly well, in your case.
of course, there's a lecture about safety in the morning
but you've come to enjoy those too
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miseries-mistress · 2 years
hey 👋👋 i love your fics btw your one of my favorite fic writers ❤️ could you do one where anakin and the reader get into a fight or argument and he grovels after? i feel like he’d be really sweet and cute and i’d love to see how you think he would be ✌️✌️
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Synopsis: Anakin overworking himself has become a regular occurrence for him. Not only is it affecting him, but your relationship too. He's shut himself off from anything besides his work, which in turn forfeits the little time you already have with him. So while your heart yearns for his undivided attention and his patience grows thin, the situation has become an argument bound to happen. 
Warnings: brief mentions of female reader, insecurity, feelings of unworthiness, fluff, little angst, i think that’s it. W/C: 2506
Notes: sorry this took so long, things happened, and i am wayyy behind on requests (thank you for 300 followers 🫶)
star wars masterlist
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"Patience, little one," Plo Koon chastised, and you couldn't help but slump at the tease that marred his voice. Plo Koon, your master, had been watching your anxious movements for quite some time, amused by your inability to sit still while you waited for Anakin's arrival. 
After they called the Senate for aid, Anakin had been off with his battalion to end a separatist occupation in a Mid Rim system. While it had taken the Senate a while to agree and send troops to a system they didn't deem necessary, they still did so, and it just so happened that he was picked for a job. 
It had been about four months since you'd seen him, and while holocalls did well to quell your anxiousness from being separated for so long, they did nothing to aid your loneliness.  
As you waited for his return with your master and his commander at your side, you couldn't seem to quell your anxiety. Very un-Jedi of you. 
"I wouldn't worry about it, kid. General Skywalker knows how to take care of himself," Wolffe tries, having noticed your anxiety as well. You attempt to smile in thanks, but you are interrupted by the roar of a ship's engine. It docks, the landing gear deploys with a hiss, and moments later, Anakin steps onto the gangplank, chatting happily with Rex at his side. 
He looks up as he steps off the ship, and his eyes catch yours. A cocky grin spreads across his ash-bitten features as he quickened his pace. You meet Anakin in the middle and wrap him in a hug. The scent of salty sweat, metal, and ash clings to him like a second skin as you hold each other for an appropriate amount of time, breaking away a moment later. 
"It's good to have you back, Skywalker." You smile, and he returns the gesture, stiffening when he notices the people behind you, primarily your master. 
"I knew you missed me," he arrogantly replies, his grin twisting into something devious.
"Don't get ahead of yourself."
Plo Koon clears his throat behind you, uncomfortable with the tension you unintentionally created as you turn to face him, embarrassed by your carefree show of affection. Wolffe, besides your master, smirks at you, his knowing expression proving all your suspicions that he had, in fact, read the tension between you and Anakin. You send a disapproving glare at him, which in turn fuels his assumptions and his cocky grin. The bastard knows exactly what's transpiring between you and Anakin and is planning to hold it over your head until the day you inevitably die. 
"We better get going if you do not wish to keep the council waiting, Skywalker. There is much to discuss." With that, your master turns with an unreadable expression, Wolffe following him. 
"This is your fault," you hissed, following behind him out of earshot. 
"You love me," he teases, his eyes lighting up as he senses your frustration in your signature, pushing roughly against his, like waves against an ocean. 
"You're lucky I do."
You two share a moment of silence, basking in each other's vibrant signature, content in the realization you both came back alive and well, your hearts still beating along the thriving bond you shared. That is until Rex comes from behind, a datapad clutched in his hands. "General, sorry to interrupt, but look at this."
Anakin takes the device, inspects the information, and turns to Rex, the atmosphere changing into something akin to earnestness. "This could work. Let's…"
Their voices wane into the background as they wander ahead, Anakin leaving you behind without a second's hesitation. No repentant glance, sympathy, or remorse was thrown your way, just nothingness as if you weren't worth his time. 
You look longingly ahead and sigh, shaking your head. Anakin hadn't even been back on Coruscant for ten minutes, yet he had already been pulled and shoved back into his role as a general. Of course, you knew this was partly to blame for Anakin's lack of intervals and the nonexistent distinction between his work and personal life. Blame it on his stubbornness or arrogance, but Anakin's unruly behavior, while letting him get things done quickly, could be formidable to deal with. Especially now, with your relationship, he seems to set aside less time for you than you would have hoped. 
You knew his role as both Jedi and general was strenuous and demanding, but his inability to make time for you made you feel unworthy of his. But, of course, you didn't bring this topic up with Anakin, for the last thing you want to do is worry him about something he cannot change. So you've resigned yourself to merely savor the time he graces you with, no matter how much your heart yearns for more. 
The council meeting lasts longer than you imagined because Anakin doesn't return to your room. The night grows older, and you grow wearier, toying with the possibility that he's not planning to make an appearance tonight. Usually, if there was a change in plans, Anakin would comm you and let you know, sending you off with a good night of some sort. Yet there is none of that, no indication he's remembered you at all.  
It's another hour before you decide to seek him out, tired of waiting for his fated arrival to join you in bed. So instead, you wander around the temple halls, searching places like the sparring mats, the meditation room, and even the library (which he so rarely visits), all areas Anakin could be in. Still, all you found were deserted dark chambers, just as cold and empty as you felt. 
"Padawan? May I ask what you are doing at this hour?" You turn on your heel, coming face to face with Obi-Wan's concerned expression, his arms neatly folded over the expansion of his chest. 
"Master," you bowed, "I was looking for Master Skywalker. I have news on the battle plans he has been working on."
He furrowed his eyebrows at your bold-faced lie, his pupils searching your face before he sighed, running his hands through his tousled hair. "Yes, well, Anakin is in the war room. I'm afraid he's been at it for hours."
You slowly nod, digesting the information with tactical precision before you reply with a grateful smile. "Thank you, master, good night." 
He grants you a silent bow before resuming whatever he is doing, his shoes clicking along the marble floor. 
With your newfound information, you head to the war room with a newfound determination, all while your mind spins at the news. It wasn't like Anakin was due for any missions or briefings with the council in the morning. In fact, from what you heard, he didn't have anything scheduled for the next couple of days. So why was Anakin out so late?
You stood in front of the room's tall, looming doors. You take a deep breath, calming your nerves with your fumbling hand on the handle. It was just Anakin. Why were you so nervous?
And with that, you twist the handle, sealing your fate as you step inside. There's no light besides the glow of the holotable that Anakin is pouring over, strategies laid out in front of his tired, hooded eyes.
"So this is what you've been up to," you announce, and Anakin's visibility jumps, startled by your sudden appearance. He looks back at the table as you step further into the room, sheepishly rubbing the nape of his neck. 
"Sorry, sweetheart, the time got away from me. I promise I did try to–"
"Save it, Anakin," you huffed, your annoyance growing over his excuses. If he was good at anything, Anakin Skywalker always had a compelling excuse, anything to justify his actions and convince others of the same. You weren't frustrated over him working, far from it, but his lack of communication and divulgence since he returned has turned into normal behavior for him. In turn, he's closed himself off, shutting himself off from anything besides his one-track mind. 
His lips curl into a pout at your frustration. "Awe, don't be like that."
"Like what? You made a promise, and you broke it. You're supposed to comm me whenever things change, Anakin. You never make time for anything besides this nowadays," you gesture to the holotable. "It's like I'm not even here!"
"I didn't realize you were so needy," Anakin teasingly remarks, but his expression falls as you cross your arms over your chest, huffing indignantly. "Look, I'm sorry, but duties first, you know that."
"Anakin, you and I both know that this can wait until tomorrow. You have two days off…just come to bed, please." 
You're pathetic. Anakin must know this by now. You're begging your lover to step away from work to spend time with you. It's selfish, so incredibly selfish, to demand his time when he has more worthwhile things to do, things that can save lives, millions of them, but you're getting in the way of that. Pathetic. 
"Later." It's a half-hearted monotone promise that he deems is suitable enough to throw your way like he's dismissing a needy toddler. Perhaps that's all you are.
"Fine," your voice is weak. The convictions from earlier are all dead and festering. 
He glances at you, and his exacerbated eyes roll, his hands pressed against the curved table. 
"Maker, can't you back off?" he huffs, his hand running through his hair as he paces, pushing off the table. Pathetic. You can feel it in his signature, rippling in dark, consuming waves. It's all he feels for you. It's all he can feel. It's overwhelming when he looks at you again with nothing but a hollow flame in his eyes. 
You know that you're part of, if not the entire, reason Anakin is harboring such crippling annoyance and anger. However, you cannot help but wonder what provoked such an extreme reaction. Was asking for a sliver of his time really that burdensome, or did you only encourage him when he was already in a mood?
You shrink into yourself as Anakin huffs, his presence engulfing more of the room by the second. It smothers you. 
"I said later, stop givin' me that look– Maker– I'll be there. Just give me some space." 
"Oh." You swallow the lump in your throat, blinking away the tears that selfishly enter your eyes. Needy. That's all you were; desperate for attention and recognition from the man you loved so dearly. It made you sick. "Ok."
Your voice sounds weak and wobbly to your own ears, and you're sure he can hear how on the cusp of tears you are. 
Anakin eyes find yours at the nearly debilitating shake in your words. However, this time they soften, and he's by your side in an instant, engulfing you in a hug. It's then, wrapped up entirely in Anakin that you crumble soft tears rolling down the plains of your cheeks. 
"I'm sorry, Gods, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," he repeats it like a mantra, his hand rubbing circles down the length of your spine. You don't do anything but remain in his arms, your emotions raging and crashing against each other like a violent storm without end. You were angry; angry that Anakin could so easily cast you aside like you were nothing like you meant nothing, but at the same time, his words rang a bell of truth. You were clingy, desperate for praise and the attention of others to prove that you weren't as worthless as you often thought yourself to be, and because of that, Anakin got mad. Rightfully so. 
Your tears died down, and he slowly lifted you from his chest, looking at you with those liquid pools of tenderness and apology. You couldn't stand it.  
"Y/N, I'm so–"
"It's fine, Anakin. You were right. I'll take my leave." You didn't recognize your hollowed-out words as your own while you turned to leave, only for Anakin to hold you firmly, refusing to slip from his grasp. 
"No– No, fuck, no, I didn't mean any of it. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I was just so tired after today and…" Anakin sighed, his head hanging low while his hands ran up and down your arms, a motion of solace. 
"You don't have to make excuses, Anakin. I shouldn't have been so needy as to demand your attention all the damn time. It's my fault."
"No, it's not. Not at all. Don't say that. You aren't needy for wanting my attention, pretty girl. I should have paid more attention to how you were feeling."
"Hey, let me apologize for once, will ya'?" His hand snakes under your chin, lifting it to gain your full attention. "I was…wrong for all of it. I was looking forward to seeing you tonight, but I just got wrapped up in my work, and well, you know what happens."
It's an awkward sort of apology, but it's Anakin. So wholly and entirely him, it gets the point across of what he's so desperately trying to communicate. 
"Anakin, what you are doing is important, and I shouldn't have demanded you to step away–"
"Maker, you really don't listen, do you?" he chuckles, his eyes skimming yours, almost as if he's trying to decide something before his hands slide down your shoulders, lowering himself to his knees. His head rests on your stomach as he takes a shuddering breath. Your heart thrums in your chest as you wildly search his body language for some explanation, trying to decipher what's transpiring in his head.
"You're not needy, sweet girl. You deserve more than the attention I give you. You deserve so much more- shit, it breaks me to see those pretty eyes of your cry. I…please forgive me."
Your hand moves before you can process it to his hair as you run your fingers through it. Anakin's words had quelled something inside you. Whether it was rage or insecurity, or both, you didn't know. The desperation in his words had you hanging off them like an oxygen source, greedily consuming any reassurance he offered you, and now with Anakin on his knees, begging you to forgive him with sincerity seeping into every crevice of his signature, it was easy for your following words to slip past your lips like a kiss of purgation, as cleansing as the taste of exoneration.
"I forgive you."
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veras1ne · 1 year
“My Angel”
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Summary ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Senator-Jedi gatherings weren’t your idea of a night out and an opportunity to let go, but being accompanied by your Jedi knight was one you simply couldn’t say no to.
🫧Pairing ☆‧₊˚ Anakin Skywalker/Reader ˗ˏˋGender Neutral! As always 🫶🏻 ´ˎ˗
🦢WARNINGS || THIS IS AN 18+ FIC. You have been warned for the following: Explicit Smut, Degradation, slight Dumbification, Objectification, Spoken Consent, Fingering, Aftercare, Spit As Lube; NO piv! Testing the waters with writing smut!
Thank you my stars for the absolute love you guys have been giving me on my most recent posts I’m so thankful for all the notes, comments and reblogs!! 🫶🏻 if you like this post you may like my others and you can find them here on my masterlist. Kisses to all 🫶🏻
This’ll make sense later in the fic but a side note/translation here, Ma Schutta can be translated to “My Slut” LMAO you’ll know it when you see it❤️
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Gatherings amongst the Senate were a common occurrence; however, for you to attend them, it was not.
Due to your duties as both a member of the Senate and a mentor for the Legislative Youth Program, it was safe to say your hands were overflowing with tasks to be completed, and while some might have called your schedule hectic, your responsibilities didn’t stop you from doing your job perfectly well, as much as anyone else in their right mind would. You could be sitting on your bed, reading some of the essays that had been left at your office, or practicing your speech for the next vote. But you weren’t complaining because your work had presented you with many new opportunities within your life and career, including meeting General Anakin Skywalker, yet even your work, newly combined with his, meant you practically only saw him on special occasions, leading to stolen kisses and rushed goodbyes.
Despire all, the senator gatherings, closely watched by the Jedi council and many other Jedi who were not on missions or just needed a night out, were close to heaven, where many both politicians and Jedi were attempting to get intoxicated to forget their problems and duties with a night of boring conversations and dancing in the gathering hall. On one of these nights, you found yourself converging with many new faces, welcoming Jedi and newly appointed politicians who had quickly gotten caught up in the overstimulatingly new environment and fast-paced politics. While getting lost in conversation and comforting smiles, you failed to acknowledge the wandering eyes and lustful glances from your partner himself. Fortunately for you, neither of you could stay away from each other for long, and you knew he simply couldn't contain his desire for you for much longer.
Truthfully, you couldn't wait to chat with your lover in a scene deemed both convenient and, above all, inconspicuous, but every once in a while, a loving game of cat and mouse was just what both of you needed.
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Senator Alavar was a common face, dressed in a dark blue gown and vibrant makeup. It was undeniable that her demeanor was confident and demanding, and yet your simple conversations had not lacked either of those things. Even her poise in the way she gallantly trudged and made her way through the crowd to greet you had not presented itself in anything other than prestige. "Ah! Senator, how lovely it is to see your face! It's absolutely wonderful to know those younglings in the Legislative Program haven't worn you down yet!" She playfully poked you, nudging you with her shoulder. Although you would love to spend a night away from your duties, you're swiftly brought back to reality as her chuckles filled her ears, laughing at her own joke. "Oh, Alavar," You sighed, smiling, and said, "I could never get sick of them. After all, they're the ones to fill our shoes." You joked, alerting her that her efforts to make you laugh had not fallen on deaf ears. Her guard being let down after you joined in conversation, Oh, of course. Some of these younglings have some rather large clown shoes to fill as well.” She took a moment to smile and let out a small sigh. "But enough chit-chat, yes? I don't mean to step over any boundaries, but if I didn't know any better, I would think that General Skywalker had eyes for you." She smirked playfully, teasing You spared her a smile, shaking your head and saying, Oh, hardly senator! Everyone knows Jedi are forbidden to form attatchments; besides, what Jedi Skywalker chooses as his personal affairs doesn't quite retain me." Your eyes shifted around discreetly, as if trying to confirm if someone had heard your words.
She smiled at you, nodding to your words: "Well, my apologies, you just can never be too curious, yes?" She raised the glass she held in her left hand as a toast to her own words. "Absolutely, but just remember that curiosity killed the cat." You beamed at her, swirling circles around your own forgotten glass, before she began to speak once again: "It has been a lovely night chatting with you, Senator, but I must go. I do hope to see you soon." Her dress flowed, guided by the movements of her gracious bow.
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As you made your way through the crowd, you felt your cheeks warm up slightly, as if you had picked up a choco-droid. "So, Senator Alavar, huh?" Anakin snuck from behind you, the familiar bass of his voice taking you by surprise. "Just chit-chat. She had asked about you, though." His deep laughter rang through your ears. "I'm truly not surprised. She's always been one for gossip. Besides, it's charming to watch you try to look good in front of your little politician friends," He whispered in your ear, his warm breath fanning against your colder body before he once again continued,
"If only they knew what a slut you were behind closed doors."
His body was now pressed tightly against your back, his large arms not-so-discreetly wrapping themselves around your waist. You groaned as he chuckled, "I could show them how much of a slut you can really be. His tongue ran along the shell of your ear, causing you to squirm. Your body shivered as your breathing quickened, but you still forced yourself to remain composed and calm as you said, "Anakin, we're in a public area." He paused, moving slowly from your side and looking at you curiously. "And it looks like the only thing that's stopping us is you." You took his hands off of your waist, pushing him away as his flirting became dangerously more intimate. "Come on, Let me show you how much fun we can have, angel." His open hand took yours, guiding you up a flight of stairs and quickly entering the first empty room. Your lips were swiftly captured by Anakin's, his hands resting lightly at the sides of your neck. His mouth trailed kisses from your mouth down to your jawline.
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One of his hands trailed down your back, cupping your ass, before he slid his fingers between the thin material and your skin, feeling your flesh and heat underneath. You moaned into the night as he spoke harshly, "Stars, do you understand how hard it was for me to stand and watch you all night? I wanted to take you right there in front of all your little friends and let them know that you're mine." His thumb softly rubbed against your hip bone.
Your hips buckled forward, and a gasp left your lips. "Please Ani-" "Patience, angel. We don't need to rush, not tonight." His voice sounded hoarse and raspy. You looked up, searching his eyes, wishing this night wouldn't ever end and remembering that everything would have to go back to normal after you left the hall. His eyes, once filled with lust, were turned to caution. "Are you sure this is what you want, baby?" You nodded slowly, biting your lip, wanting nothing more than for this to continue. "I need my whore to speak. Nothing but a cheap, pathetic whore for me to use; I can't even get the right words out." His words spit venom, yet you wanted nothing more than for him to take what belonged to him. You were now growing restless as he fiddled with the formal wear you had donned in preparation for that night. "Please use me, Ani; I'm yours. All I want is you." You begged. He groaned at your pleas, making short work of your clothes as he grabbed at your hips, dipping a hand in between your thighs. His face was visible under the moonlight that dimly lit up the room. You looked up at him with tears threatening to fall as you writhed underneath his large hands that had held your now naked body down. "You look so pathetic when you cry, but maybe we can put this little whore to use. Spit," He commanded, and as inelegantly as possible, you complied, leaving a string of hot spit between your mouth and his fingers. "Such a pretty bitch, you know that? So loyal, doing anything that I ask of you." His fingers prodded at your tight hole, which was slowly being worked open by his thick extremities.
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You gasped at the sensation spreading across your whole torso until you were shaking, tears forming in your eyes. The sounds escaping your lips were arguably sickly, as strings of praise and degradation mixed together left his mouth accompanied by Huttese insults. "Maker, every time I fuck you, you just fall apart. Fucked out and whining, just like the disgusting slut you are. Ma Schutta." You could barely breathe as he pumped into you, taking in your nipple with his free hand, the cool metal pinching at your nerves. Your whole body felt as if it were being taken apart and reassembled in front of his watchful eyes, as if you were some sick toy for him to play with whenever he pleased, and yet you wouldn't have it any other way. You loved him, and he loved you in a way that nobody else would understand—in a way that you didn't even understand. The knot in your lower stomach began to tighten, your stretched hole twitching and begging for release. "Let go, baby; I know my bitch wants to cum." You squirmed as you bit harshly on his shoulder, muffling your nauseating moans, your body beginning to twitch. "I love you, Ani." You panted, pulling at his hair roughly and pulling yourself closer to the edge of sanity as his touch grew more rough, forcing the last of your energy to slip past your swollen lips as you came. As your back collapsed onto the bed, he removed his hands from your body with an awful squelch. "Such a good whore for me." His voice had an undeniable sneer, reminding you that you belong to him and he belongs to you. "Thank you, Ani." you breathed out, your voice weak and tired. Your appreciation fell on deaf ears as Anakin walked towards the bathroom, fetching a cool towel to wipe the sweat and fluids from your body. "No matter where we are or what we do, I'll never get over how beautiful you look." A blush coated your cheeks, instantly forgetting the vulnerable position you were just in. Cupping his face, the eye contact you had made was not lustful or filled with desire, but love and passion. "I love you so much, Anakin Skywalker," you whispered to him as if you were the only people in the world and time had stopped for the two of you.
"I love you too, my angel."
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
HELLO!! It's been a while, huh?
Well... Can I request a first time when reader played with Obi-wan's hair?
Love you!❤❤❤
You're Hairs So Soft
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The door to my quarters opened making me close the book I waa reading to see my secret affair lover Obi-Wan enter the room. We had been seeing each other since he had returned from his training of young Anakin Skywalker. It was hard to not fall in love with his charms and especially his hair. He removed his robes dropping them on the floor slumping his shoulders before I climbed from the bed grabbing his hands in mine. "Obi-Wan I can see something has upset you. So please tell me what happened?" His blue eyes locked onto mine where I tugged him to lay on my bed. His shoulders slumped while he collapsed onto the bed completely exhausted from training. "It's just been a long day, darling. Nothing to worry your head about."
Climbing into the bed beside him we intertwined our hands together focusing our gaze directly onto one another. He has always been busier than me even though I was a Jedi master too I hadn't taken on a Palawan yet. Plus I didn't have to attend so many council meetings than the others. Moving my right hand up his chest my fingers ending up in auburn hair twisting it between my fingers. "Ooohh Y/n. You're making me get sleeper by doing that." I pulled back blushing a little embarrassed that he might not like it. "Sorry Obi it's just - you're hair is so soft. I couldn't resist playing with it." I apologized towards the Jedi knight until he moved his freehand up tucking some of mine behind my ear and running his fingers through it hearing me sigh in relief at the feeling.
"Seeing as you like it my darling I guess it can't hurt if I miss a meeting for one day. I'll just tell them I wasn't feeling well. "He explained laying his head in my lap once I shifted to sit up more against the pillows of my bed. He nuzzled his head into my embrace wrapping his arms around my waist closing his eyes letting me play with his locks. Obi-Wan let himself fall asleep in my embrace and it makes me smile to see him so relaxed outside of his daily stressful life. A few hours my eyes started to get heavy so I shifted underneath the covers seeing that he was almost asleep. Wrapping my arms around his waist he does the same even though he was half asleep. "I love you Obi-Wan. Always will." He almost snored out a reply making me giggle through a yawn. "I...love...you...Y/n."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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maeve-on-mustafar · 3 months
Hi Maeve! Just popping in to say I’ve been rereading your fics recently and I love every single one of them
We find ourselves in each other remains my favourite but tbf it’s a masterpiece.
Thank you so much! I’m sorry it’s taken me such a long time to get to this ask! But thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate you reaching out and letting me know how much you enjoyed my fic. “We Find Ourselves in Each Other” is also my favorite fic that I’ve written for Star Wars, so I glad other people like it, too. Mace was by far the nicest Jedi to Anakin in AOTC, and he does not get the credit he’s due for it. So many people think that scene of Mace telling Obi-Wan that the Council is confident in Anakin’s skills and abilities is a deleted scene??? I think the reason this scene goes ignored is because it actually features Mace being a more supportive mentor to Anakin than Obi-Wan, so people refuse to acknowledge it. 😒 But I’ve seen it, and it is the main source of my inspiration for my Mace & Anakin fic and for many more fic ideas. ❤️
I’ve been working on a follow-up fic for a while now, and while I’m worried it won’t be as good as the original, I’m hoping to have it finished before summer is out!
Thanks again, and I hope you have an amazing week!
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Hey lovely❤️❤️ Just popping in with a spring fic request.
Was thinking maybe our handsome boy Jesse with the prompt "You're cute when you try not to blush"
You can totally change it if you want to tho, I'll be happy with anything Jesse you write because I already know it's gonna be beautiful.
Hope you have fun writing this and enjoy your wine, you deserve it!! Love u babe <3
🥺 you are the sweetest! i did change the prompt a little (all of my fics are written as race-neutral so a blushing reader is something i’ll never do), and i've been looking for an excuse to write this fic for a while so i hope you enjoy it!!
words: 910
summary: you're the general of the coruscant guard, and a certain arc trooper keeps finding ways to get arrested to see you.
clone troopers masterlist
Heart Eyes in the Holding Cell
The first time you met Jesse, him and another ARC trooper had been taken in by one of your commanders for speeder racing outside of 79’s. It wasn’t a serious offense, and you understood the need for some soldiers to let loose in slightly unconventional ways given all that they had seen during the war, but Thorn had still brought them in as a little joke (if you had to guess why, it was because they sassed him a little upon getting caught). 
“I didn’t know the Coruscant Guard employed such pretty attendants,” one of the troopers said as you stepped into the room with the holding cell. You took in his blissed-out appearance, clearly still tipsy from the liquor he had consumed that night. The number 5 tattooed on his forehead (combined with your knowledge of your best friend’s battalion) told you exactly who this trooper was. 
“Technically they don’t,” you said, shifting your body so that he could see the lightsaber strapped to your hip. Your outfit was slightly fancier than usual, given the fact that you had just gotten back from a Senate function, where you served as a voice for the Jedi Council and security for Senator Amidala. “I’m in charge.” 
The first trooper’s eyes widened, and the other trooper with him started laughing so hard he was practically crying. “Nice going,” he managed to wheeze out, his head shaking. “Flirting with a general, that’ll get us out of here Fives.” 
“Shut up Jesse!” 
You just laughed at their antics, crossing your arms. “Actually, we’ve decided to let you go,” you said. Technically you weren’t supposed to let them go until the proper reports were filed or their commanding officer came to pick them up (bureaucracy was a nightmare), but you weren’t above a light joke here and there.
“Really?” Fives looked like you had just told him that he’d been elected chancellor.
“Once your commanding officer comes to pick you up, sure.” 
Both Fives and Jesse deflated. “Really, you can’t just open the door right now?” 
“Fox has already called Captain Rex, he’ll be here shortly,” you said. “We’re not going to charge you, but you can’t just go joyriding any time you want to.” 
At the news that they weren’t going to be in any real trouble, the two troopers relaxed. You ended up staying and talking to them until Rex came to pick them up, and you couldn’t help the way you were drawn to Jesse. 
As you waved goodbye to them, you had to try and push some very un-Jedi like thoughts out of your brain. 
“General!” Every clone’s voice was supposed to be same, but you knew exactly which trooper this voice belonged to. “Fancy seeing you here!” 
“Jesse, don’t tell me you’ve been arrested again.” Your utter bewilderment at the amount of times that he had ended up in your holding cell was only beat out by the confusion you held about the smile on his face. Ever since you had met him and Fives all that time ago, he ended up in custody at least once for every time the 501st was on leave. 
“Nah, like I told you last time, I just break into the holding cell for fun.”
You sighed. “What was it this time?” 
He smiled harder. “Does it really matter, mesh’la?” 
Oh, his words should not have had an effect on you. Trying to keep your composure, you raised an eyebrow at him. “I think it does.” 
“Racing again,” he said, managing to somehow look proud of that fact that he had gotten caught. 
“I think I’m going to tell Rex to put you on a leash whenever you all to go the bar or something,” you joked. 
“Why, you don’t want to see me?” 
“Oh, are you taking lessons from Fives now? Trying to flirt with the General to get out of jail?” 
“Maybe. You’re cute when you try not to smile, you know that?” 
Clearly he wasn’t going to give up (and maybe you didn’t want him to), so you decided to try a different approach. “And you’d be cute too if you didn’t stop getting arrested so much. If you wanted to see me, you could have just stopped by and said hello.” 
For all the times he had flirted with you before, Jesse seemed lost for words when you finally started to flirt back. The smile on your face was wider now, as you took in the confused expression he wore. 
And to confuse him a little bit more, you unlocked the holding cell. “Come on,” you said. “If you promise not to get arrested again, I’ll take you out to dinner.” 
Jesse looked stunned. “But- you’re a-” 
You just laughed. “If your general can be married to a senator, I think I can let one date slide.” 
He regained his cool with in an impressive amount of time, right as you two were approaching the front door to headquarters. “Why do you think it’s just going to be one date?” 
“I don’t know, I guess you’ll just have to impress me.” 
Right before he stepped outside into the night air, he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. “Don’t worry cyar’ika, I plan on it.” And with that, the door opened and he walked away from the building. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about him for the rest of the night. He was bold, and you liked that. 
- the end -
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
Congrats on 2k!!!
Was hoping you could do obi-wan with a mix of 🥂5 and 🥂7?
—omg thank you so much for this one!! it inspired me a lot BCCCCCC
this could be read as a little 1.5 part of a welcomed distraction & an unsurprising development. you can read it between part one and two for a little extra SPICE to ur reading experience. also i didn’t edit this super close so forgive any spelling mistakes 😭
dedicating this to @kyberblade !! ty for always being lovely and sending me the best spicy fics. and for telling me to write this bc my obi-wan fics would crash and burn w/o u 😭❤️
— prompts:
🥂5. shh. there are other people in the room.
🥂7. we have to make this quick.
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“Yes, that’s exactly the problem! There’d be way too much movement at once, and the kids need stability. You can’t just change up their schedule like th— Obi-Wan, can you come here for a second?” You call out, and he takes any chance to get away from the mind-numbing conversation he was currently trying to phase out, nodding at the councillors and taking the few steps backward to come next to you.
“Have you spoken to Master Kloon about the extension of the arena in the East wing?” You go to put your hand on his arm, but the builder you were talking with is staring too intently, and you lose your nerve. “Without it, the kids would have to go back to the old building on Coruscant halfway through their second semester. It’s too much moving.”
“I’ve already sent the message, but he’s off world until next week.” He says in his most calming voice, but you are too strung out for him to have any effect. Here, he is powerless to help you. With all these people around, at least.
“Okay. Okay— that’s fine, we’ll just have to delay the building in the East all together—“
“But then where will we start?” The man in front of you asks, and you take a deep breath in before answering.
“The… you can start the—“
“We have five hundred guys out there. We need to start something today.” Obi-Wan goes to say something, but you speak before he gets the chance.
“Yes. I know that, which is why you can all start the removal of the old common room. There’s tonnes of old furniture to be lifted out, and we need to break the walls down before we can start the conversion. That should last you until next week?” The builder doesn’t have anything to say— it’s a bad job, one that he had clearly hoped to avoid by coming a week early, but he just stands back, bows, and once his back is turned, you finally let out a frustrated sigh.
“You handled it well.” He wants to reach out, do something; anything instead of just standing here like he’s just another person in the crowd to you. But he’s not. He knows if he can just have you alone for more than three seconds—
“Your Highness? We need to discuss the blueprint plans for the East Wing.” Your eyes find his, and it takes everything in him not to throw you over his shoulder and run you out of here.
Ever since the council had chosen your planet to be the next home for a new Jedi academy, he hadn’t gotten a second of your time. Even when you managed to sneak away in the middle of the night, the two of you were both so exhausted that you could hardly manage more than a few stolen kisses goodnight before you fell asleep. Not that he didn’t savour every second your skin was next to his, something he was constantly in search of during the day and never able to obtain— but he needed you. And he knows you need him too.
He turns, catching you on the arm. Your eyes are wide when you turn back to him, not shock or concern, but just curiosity. Almost like you were challenging him— questioning how the hell he was going to get you out of this one. He hadn’t really had any ideas, just the thought of letting you go, not seeing you or touching you for days was making him irrational. So, he does the most unprofessional thing he thinks he’s done in a long while.
“I was speaking first, Your Highness.” You turn your back to the group of people, all murmuring to each other, so they can’t see how your eyebrows raise and the giant grin on your face.
“Oh?” Despite your smile, your tone remains completely regal and composed. “You think you are a more worthy use of my time then the other forty men waiting for me?”
He knows it’s on purpose. It’s true— there is a giant group of men waiting for your attention, but it’s the way you say it. That secret smile on your face, and the way you nearly purr the words at him.
“I know I am.” You scoff, and that is entirely real— no royal tone about it.
“Perhaps I need to speak to you in private, Master Kenobi, so you can learn how to better speak to your allies.” Instead of replying, he takes a step to the side, allowing you to lead him out of the room.
The rest of the people behind you look slightly scared for him, but as soon as he turns the corner, your hand shoots out from a doorway, yanking him inside. When he gets his bearings, he realises you’ve pulled him into the supply closet— random items shoved on shelves surrounding you. He very quickly loses interest, because then you pull him again, your face shrouded in the dim light, but he knows exactly where you are once you lean forward to kiss him.
His whole body relaxes as your hands thread through his hair, and the sound of your soft moans as he presses into you is music to his ears. He holds you by your hips and lifts you up, sitting you on the desk behind. It would of made him blush— how quickly you open your legs for him and pull him against you, but he’s too needy, too much time as been wasted for even the slightest hint of modesty.
“Let me—“ Obi-Wan starts, but you shake your head and kiss him again. In truth, he wanted to jam this door closed and keep you here for the rest of the week. It was the first real time he’d gotten with you in what was— he couldn’t think right now, but he wanted to make up for lost time. He could feel you against him, warm and needy and wanting and all he could think of was dropping to his knees in front of you.
“No time. Please… I need you to fuck me. Now.” Your hands fist tighter in his hair, kissing down his neck and as much as he wants to take his time, relieve all your stress from the inside out, he knows you’re pressed for time, and he could never say no to you. “We have to make this quick.”
With your legs spread open for him, he can’t help but slip his hand between your bodies, swallowing your soft moans when he slowly circles your clit over the fabric of your underwear.
“Always so needy for me.” You whimper as your forehead falls to the crook of his neck. “So perfect. I missed you— I…”
“Fuck, I know. I’m s-sorry I just… fuck, please. Tonight. You have to come and find me tonight.” He was already nodding, his mind filling with all the possibilities. “Please, Obi-Wan.”
“Shh. There are people in the other room. You don’t want them to find you like this, do you?” He pulls your underwear to the side and lines himself up with you, running the tip of himself over your clit making you bite down on your bottom lip. “Imagine their faces— Your Royal Highness, spread out for her council member so desperately.”
“Obi-Wan…” You sigh and he doesn’t waste another moment, slowly sliding himself into your heat, delighting in the relieved sound you sing into his ear. “Oh fuck…”
“You okay, my love?” You hum into his neck, nodding as your hips roll to meet the movement of his.
Every thrust has him seeing stars behind closed eyes, and the way he can tell you are trying to keep yourself quiet only drives him to fuck you a little harder. It’s a mean thought, the more deranged part of him that only you seem to awaken makes him want the others outside to hear you.
He wants them to know how good you are, how you are so strong and smart and break so easily for him. He can’t take his eyes off the way he can see the frustration of your conversations melt away, and you let yourself completely fall apart with him.
“Close— fuck, don’t stop.” You whimper and tighten around him. Items fall off the shelves around you but neither of you care enough to stop, and even Obi-Wan can’t contain the sounds he makes as he feel you cum around him. The feeling breaks him, too, and both of you move out of sync to ride out your rushed orgasms together, the room full of hot air and pleasure.
“Fuck, baby.” Obi-Wan kisses your collarbone, then your neck, and finally finds the energy to kiss your lips, tasting sweetness like he’s never had. It was always like that, kissing you. You were unlike anything he could remember— not even the Outer Rim had anything that tasted as good as you.
“I missed you so much.” You begin to catch your breath, and he helps you off the shelf, taking his time in letting the fabric of your dress drop. “I’m sorry I’ve been so busy, I just needed you so bad and that guy was driving me up the wall and… fuck. I missed you.”
“I’m happy to have been useful, Your Highness. I am ready to serve in any way. At any time.” Your smile nearly lights up the room, and he puts his hands on your hips, slowly drawing you towards the door. He kisses you on the top of your nose, and even after everything you just did, the gesture makes you blush.
“Can’t we just stay in here?” You press your forehead to his, and both of you sigh, knowing you wish you could.
“I wish we could.” He flicks the lock on the door, and you groan, kissing him for a final time before leaning to whisper in your ear.
“You better come find me tonight. I have a whole list of ways you can be useful.” His eyes widen when the light of outside floods the storage room, and it takes him several moments to collect his thoughts before he can find his legs and walk out to follow you.
He watches you from across the room as you return to your conversations, breezing through them with a new found sense of calm that he claims reason for, and begins to count the long hours before he can have you in his arms again.
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dickarchivist · 11 months
Okay because I have 0 self control, I have asks for everyone 👀 don't feel pressured to answer them all though! I just couldn't decide lmao 🖤❤️
Ghost: How far would they go to save someone they love? Would they sacrifice themselves? Others?
Phantom: What do they regret the most?
Wraith: what little regrets do they have?
Specter: Do they try to prevent unnecessary suffering?
Banshee: What haunts them?
Athena: What's their moral compass like?
Dax'Malkin: When have they been unable to save someone or something no matter how hard they tried?
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Let's get fucked up.
Ghost: Ghost would *never* ever ever sacrifice someone else, but he would *always* sacrifice himself for the sake of someone else. He is deeply caring and protective, and he'd rather bleed or even die than let someone he loves be put in harm's way. He'd put himself between any danger to protect his family, he wouldn't hesitate, never again.
Phantom: Tom's biggest regret of all is pulling the trigger on his blaster and briefly ending Athena's life during Order 66. When she finally finds them in hiding, he spends the rest of his life protecting her. There's a lot Phantom thinks he's unforgivable for, but Athena's end is the thing he regrets more than anything.
Specter: Despite his hard and rude exterior, Specter will go out of his way to stop the suffering of others. He sees a loth/trash Cat with its head stuck somewhere? Free the cat. A kid wants a sweet but can't afford it? He'll steal it or buy it, give it to the parent for later, or the kid right then. But it goes both ways, it's not just for soft things... he'd end the life a creature if it couldn't be saved and was suffering. He's done it before, and as much as it pains him, he'd do it again. Anything to stop the suffering.
Banshee: I actually answered this one here, but the summary is this: on a mission to save refugees, a kid was killed under Banshee's protection. If he ever has a kid, he'll name his kid Jaia in their memory.
Wraith: I could write a book on Wraith's regrets, he is so nervous and anxious. His top three little regrets are:
1.) Getting drunk with his brothers and letting Phantom talk him into his one and only tattoo.
2.) That time he accidentally exposed himself to a very powerful aphrodisiac and spent several hours jacking off because he needed it to be OVER.
3.) Shaving his head when he was a cadet because other cadets kept pulling his hair or hiding things in it.
Athena: Athena's moral compass always points true north. She believes in kindness for the sake of kindness. That when someone is in need, you help them. That people are inherently good, no matter how bad they seem, there is some good in them still.
In other words: she is pure of heart and it shows.
Dax'Malkin: oh God. OH lord. Jesus christ. Okay. Alright. Here we go. We're gonna go chronologically.
Krazus. Dax'Malkin's twin brother. He never recovered from that and believed the jedi who saved him that Krazus was lost to them forever. They were just boys...
Vann Cree. Dax'Malkin's adoptive son, and younger brother to Annika Cree, his adoptive daughter. One month before the end of the clone wars, Annika and Vann were captured, and tortured for information. Vann didn't survive.
Annika Cree. Nika, or "Annie" to Dax and Dax alone, is still alive. But 3 days before the end of the clone war, when she finally returned to the jedi temple with her brother's body, and her lekku cut from her head. After all the torture and trauma, asking the council to help ease her pain, ease the loss of her brother and her first ever padawan as a master, she was met with "He is one with the force now, there's nothing more to be done." Dax wasn't there for Annika. He couldn't save her, or her brother, and when he felt Annika fall to the dark side, he never forgave himself for that. Even when he was in his own darkness, he never let himself forget how he had failed his children.
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hannibalzero · 7 months
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C36F3zFu1Uh/ is bun bun Obi a rascal as a child in your setting? (also yes the bun in the video is also called obi lol)
I am also sending my greetings to your Ray Ray bun btw 🐰
This actually comes with lore for Obi-wan and the Jedi order in general.
Unlike Qui-gon-jinn, you just don't randomly pick up a child and tell the council that this is my padawan. While very rarely the council will assign a padawan but that's extremely rare.
Tbf Qui-gon-jinn just does things his own way.
Most Jedi go through a process. The Jedi master and their master before them go to the cashe to spend time with the younglings and see if their is a connection. A master and padawan always know.
Obi-Wan was a fussy, shy toddler. He is stewjoni and his species has great attachment to their parents. So being sent to the temple is very traumatic and he's acting out.
Bunny mode included.
Count Dooku fell in love with the little bunny, laying in the floor encouraging Obi-wan out of his hiding spot, reading stories and doing the voices in silly ways. Quit-gon-jinn as always went with the flow, spends time with Obi-wan and Dooku for the bonding period.
When ask if Qui-gon-jinn made his choice?
He said sure.
As for Ray Ray? He's annoyed with me. Stomping and showing me the tail. He's mad because I cleaned his hutch. 🙄 dramatic ass rabbit. But he's my babyyyyyy 🐰
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
A song for you: Secret by the Pierces
❤️ - vodika-vibes
Hello @vodika-vibes 💙💙 I’m worried I went too literal, but I also hope I nailed the vibe of the song. I hope you enjoy it!
Anakin & Jedi!Reader (established platonic relationship), mentions of Rex x Jedi!Reader
Rating: T
Word count: 747
After a lengthy training session with the younglings, you were mentally exhausted, and in need of new robes. You ran your hands over one of the burn marks in your sleeve, and laughed softly. You could practically hear your shower calling to you when a large hand grabbed you by your wrist and tugged you into a closet.
You were pushed up against the wall, and you didn’t wait for an introduction before your lightsaber lit up the space. It hummed to life, and you looked up to see Anakin’s face in the golden glow.
“Hello to you too, Anakin. I believe I still answer to a name, which you have been invited to use. The invitation stands,” you said, with a light smirk.
For once Anakin wasn’t smirking back. His face looked eerily serious, and it made you uneasy. Whether that was his intention or not remained to be seen.
“I know,” he said, his eyes boring into yours.
“As Jedi, we’re expected to know a great deal. You’ll need to be more specific.”
He released a humorless laugh, and fixed you with a look.
“I know about you and Rex.”
The statement punched the air out of your lungs, and it took all your concentration to keep your face neutral. How did he know? You were so careful. Rex was so careful. No one knew. Yet here was Skywalker, looming over you with your most closely guarded secret dangling in the air between you.
“What about us, Anakin?”
“Are we doing this? Are you playing this game with me if all people?”
“I’m just asking you to be specific,” you said with a small shrug. You focused on keeping your mind clear and your breaths even. Anakin was like a predator who’d caught scent of prey when he became aware of a secret he wasn’t privy to.
He leaned closer, forcing you to sheath your saber, plunging the pair of you into darkness. If anyone opened the door, this would look like an intimate moment between lovers rather than a showdown between friends.
“I know how you feel about him, and how he feels about you,” Anakin’s breath fanned over your face, which made you squirm.
“We work well together, Anakin, I thought you’d like that.”
“You know what I mean,” he growled.
“No, I don’t. Say exactly what you mean, or let me out of this closet.”
“You love him,” he said finally as though it pained him. “You are attached to him. And he returns your feelings.”
There. It was out in the open between you.
“Will you tell the council? Am I to be dismissed from the Order? Will Rex be…” you couldn’t even say the word out loud. The thought of anything happening to your beloved captain because of you made you sick.
“Of course not,” Anakin said, his voice softening for the first time. “I just…”
“You just what? Decided that intimidating me in a closet was a grand idea?”
“Ugh, this isn’t…” He took a deep breath. “You didn’t tell me.”
“Of course not,” you blurted out.
“You don’t trust me?” He sounded wounded.
“I didn’t say that,” you said, resting a gentle hand against his chest. “Some secrets aren’t meant to be told.”
“We’re supposed to be friends.”
“You didn’t confide in me either, Anakin.”
“That’s different, I-…she’s a-“ Anakin trailed off.
“It’s not different, but you know I’d never tell. I didn’t even confront you about it,” your words held an edge, as he still had you crammed into a closet.
“I know, but you know I wouldn’t tell either,” he said softly. “I care about you and Rex.”
You truly couldn’t tell if this was a genuine hurt, or just Anakin’s love of secrets. Yours had always been his favorite because you were a model student, but you loved trouble. You’d wondered many times if he kept you close out of genuine emotion, or because he liked knowing someone was just as disobedient as him.
“Well, now you know? Are you happy? May I leave the closet?”
He cleared his throat and stepped back.
“If we’re friends, best friends, don’t keep things from me,” he ordered with an undertone of petulance.
“If we’re friends, best friends, trust me to tell you when I’m ready.“ You cleared your throat and straightened up. “I trust this is the last conversation we’ll have about this topic.”
“We’ll see.” And with that he left you standing alone in the dark.
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shinhatisgirlfriend · 9 months
Hey! I’m loving your Wolfwren fic, Won’t Go Down in History! Soooo good! Thanks for creating such quality Wolfwren content! 💚❤️
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Awww I’m so touched!!! I’ve gotten back into writing fanfic after a few years away (wrote a few fics a few years back, but mostly in high school). And it’s just been so fun writing wlw content set in this universe that I’ve hyper fixated on since I was little.
I’m almost at the part where Shin and Sabine meet the Jedi Council in WGDIH 😂 Which is going to be such a treat to write and I hope you all love it when we finally get there!
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Rynn: Oh yeah I was nine when I had to be a gladiator for three weeks but I got rescued so it’s fine.
Delta Squad: Add a tally to the list.
Rynn: Which list?
Delta Squad: The one against the council.
(Also I love how they have a cuddling schedule with Rynn ❤️ do they have a schedule for everything?)
Rynn: *admits that she lived through something horrifying*
Delta: *adds notes to their 'list of reasons Rynn should retire from the jedi'*
And yes, they have a schedule for everything. To make sure it stays fair and that no one feels neglected. Scorch doesn't get cuddles on Sev days. Not unless he really needs a hug.
"So," Boss says slowly as he tucks Rynn against him when they're getting ready to fall asleep, her head tucked neatly under his chin, "When you said you were a gladiator-"
Rynn pulls the blanket up to her chin and snuggles back against him for warmth, "I meant I was a gladiator. With a sword and shield and armor and everything. I wasn't supposed to, you know, survive. Luckily, I have some experience in using bladed weapons."
Boss grumbles and lightly nuzzles a spot behind her ear as he tightens his grip around her, "Lightsabers and swords aren't the same thing."
"They're close enough." Rynn replies, "besides, I'm still alive, aren't I?"
"Are you really surprised that we want you to leave the order, cyar'ika?"
Rynn just sighs and lightly pats his hand, "I know."
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starbeltconstellation · 10 months
This is a copy paste from my review on ao3
So this story has pulled me momentarily out of my own dark corner of the cave to leave this comment about who I think the chess pieces are.
Pawn-The 501st general corps, not the well known ones. The first to fall in the face of battle
Rook- The well known 501st members Rex and the boys. More important narratively but will still die for the Jedi they serve under.
Knight- Ahsoka, she is one of the first to defend Mel when the pawns and rooks fail, and will always back up her family.
Bishop-Obi wan, he gives sage advice and has the power to influence the Jedi order because of his position on the Jedi council.
Queen-Mel, her foreknowledge makes her powerful and has the potential to change the outcome of a bloody conflict that ends in genocide.
King- Anakin, capture him and the fall of the Jedi and Republic will start.
Hello, my dear lovely reader! ❤️
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my tumblr to message me about my fic! ❤️😁 You are one of a few handful that have done so, but I always appreciate every one. Hehe. 😊
Here is my copy paste response on a03:
“Hello, dear reader! ❤️ I just saw your message on tumblr, and thought I’d respond here first. 😊
So sorry for the wait! I always usually respond to the newest comments after I post a new chapter. ❤️
Anyways! On to the reply. :)
“Pawn-The 501st general corps, not the well known ones. The first to fall in the face of battle
Rook- The well known 501st members Rex and the boys. More important narratively but will still die for the Jedi they serve under.
Knight- Ahsoka, she is one of the first to defend Mel when the pawns and rooks fail, and will always back up her family.
Bishop-Obi wan, he gives sage advice and has the power to influence the Jedi order because of his position on the Jedi council.
Queen-Mel, her foreknowledge makes her powerful and has the potential to change the outcome of a bloody conflict that ends in genocide.
King- Anakin, capture him and the fall of the Jedi and Republic will start.”
Pawn- Halfway correct. ✅
Rook- Nope! Not quite. 😉
Knight- Correct! ✅
Bishop- No. Not quite the right answer, but you’re on the right track. ❤️
Queen- Correct, my dear lovely reader! 😊❤️✅
King- Yepppp! 😁✅
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to leave a sweet comment! It is truly so motivating when I’m down. 😖❤️ You are also one of the few people who chose to interact with my little “game”, and it was fun to see your choices. 😊”
Thanks so much for also being my first messenger in my tumblr inbox about my fic! ❤️❤️ It’s a milestone, for sure. Looool. :)”
Thanks again! ❤️
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love❤️🖤
omgomgomg okay!! I love this!! Thank you so much for including me!!
Before I start I just wanna say u are the first person to ever send me an ask since I joined Tumblr 🥹 tytyty
Alright so this is gonna be a little tough (VERY tough) but, I think, of the PUBLISHED fics that I have (because I have TOO MANY FANFICS IN THE WORKS, AND I DON'T WANNA HAVE TO CHOOSE FROM THERE), in no particular order, my favorites so far are:
1. Woe is We
Fandom: Wednesday
Panting, body dripping with blood, someone else's blood. Wednesday's blood. Tyler came slowly to Nevermore.
All that remained was the charred remains of the once renowned school, blackened and smelling of ash and blood.
Crackstone had succeeded. Laurel had won.
2. stupid, stupid cartoons
Fandom: Wednesday
Donovan Galpin was never one to watch cartoons. But here he was, his ass on the couch, watching a cartoon about magic element benders.
3. Talking to the Moon
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Toph wakes up to hear Sokka talking. No one else is awake. Who could he possibly be talking to when there was no one else around for miles?
4. Orphans
Fandom: Hamilton: the Musical
Hamilton was not the only person to lose his parents. He was not the only one to have experienced the pain of death. He was not the only orphan to have touched upon America's history.
aaaand last but not least:
5. A Gift for a Padawan
Fandom: Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Anakin sighed as he watched her go, that familiar feeling of resentment towards the Jedi and their traditionalism battling inside him. It was just ONE little thing. Would it have been so bad?
AKA, Master Skyguy's soft spot for Snips makes him consider doing something he's pretty sure the Council wouldn't approve of. But then again, since when has that ever stopped him?
I was thinking of waiting to answer this after I published my Weyler Week fics (because I'm definitely pretty proud of those, possibly enough to knock some of these fics off the list), but I wanted to give my fics from other fandoms a chance!
I feel like it'd be nice to mention though that, in order of oldest to newest, it's actually:
1. Orphans
2. A Gift for a Padawan
3. Talking to the Moon
4. stupid, stupid cartoons
5. Woe is We
BUT I will say that, though Orphans is the oldest fic here (near the very end of my Hamilton phase, which ended around 2020? and was posted on fanfiction.net, before I moved to AO3), it's also the last Hamilton fanfic I ever finished. A Gift for a Padawan is also the last Star Wars fanfic I've written (posted in 2022, the last fanfic I ever posted on fanfiction.net I think). Meanwhile stupid, stupid cartoons was my first ever published Wednesday fanfic, while Woe is We is obviously the last one I posted (for Wednesday, but also the last fic I posted in general).
I will definitely be sending this ask to other ppl as well 🥹 this is such a good and sweet idea aaaaaa let's go
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
HELLO THERE!❤❤ I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Can I request Obi-wan and reader have a sweet moment alone and then Anakin walks in? He wasn't sure about them being together, just theories, but now he was 100% sure.
Love you, Bella!!❤🫂
Hi I am having a good day. I hope you do to. I hope you like the request
I Was Right!!
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Covering my mouth with my freehand I struggled to not start giggling like crazy with Obi-Wan' tugging me through the halls of the Jedi Temple after we finished training some younglings. He opened the door to his room where I rushed inside closing it quickly behind him. He leans down kissing me slowly where I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing back. "I felt like the class today couldn't go fast enough. I've been dying to kiss you all day darling." He mumbled into the kiss until I broke it removing my jedi robe and he did the same leading me to lay down on his bed cuddling into his warm embrace. "I felt the same Obi-wan. But we're alone now so that's all that matters." Leaning up I pressed my lips to his slowly.
He smiled rolling onto his back running his fingers through my loose hair deepening the kiss. Resting my hands against his chest I smiled into the kiss. Obi-wan and I had started secretly dating a few weeks after he returned to the temple to protect Padme with Anakin Skywalker. Foosteps apparently entered the room but we were too caught up in the kiss until I heard Anakin's voice call out. "Oh my God. I was right - I was right this whole time!" Obi-wan and I suddenly broke apart seeing Anakin standing in the doorway of the room shock written on his face. Covering my face with a pillow I couldn't stop myself from blushing that we had accidentally nit locked the door very well like we normally did. "Anakin, how do you know about the two of us?"
"At first I wasn't sure. I just thought that you two were friends. But then you can see it when you two share glances across the room and all that." He rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous smile towards us. Lifting the pillow up so I could see his face I shake my head trying to not blush anymore. Obi-wan shifted to sit up against the pillows running a hand through his hair then to his beard knowing what trouble we would be in if the council found out. "Anakin I need you to promise that you won't say anything. Y/n and I haven't exactly figured out what we will do if people know." He nodded before I lay my head on Obi-Wan's chest where he kissed my forehead. "Thank you Ani." He smiled throwing his hands up in victory leaving the room and closing the door. "I was right!"
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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November Fic Recs!
It was a VERY busy month so I didn’t get to read a whole lot, but here’s a list of what I did read!
None of these fics are mine! They’re recs of other peoples’ work (which can all be found at links below the cut). If for any reason you don’t want to be on this list, just let me know and I’ll take you off ❤️
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Untitled by @velvetcloxds
A freaking ADORABLE short little fic with Damon and a best friend reader. Fantastic writing and a GREAT characterization of Damon
Star Wars
Close Enough by @ghostofskywalker
A v sweet fic with a v tired reader and Kix. Some very fun relationship and interactions with Fives too, which is a blast
Anakin Skywalker
The Things We Don’t Tell The Jedi Council by @ghostofskywalker
One of my absolute favorites, some sweet fluff with Anakin and reader admitting feelings and loving each other despite the Jedi Council
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