#i love snow leopard... so cool markings!
anthro-cat · 2 years
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Is it too early to ask for thoughs or headcanons on the 4 perils? I just really like those guys.
Before we get too far, can I just mention what a great concept the Treasures are? They're probably some of my all-time favorite legendaries. The way they're based off the four perils is a nice mythology reference, but this is greatly enhanced with the way they're vessels with fake bodies. This is very cool and unique, and that combined with the way they're sealed away to prevent natural disasters gives them an appropriately epic, legendary feeling to the quartet. Just the vibes alone are immaculate.
For the record, my personal favs from most to least are Wo-Chien, Ting-Lu, Chien-Pao, and Chi-Yu, but honestly all of them are great in some compacity or another.
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I know Ting-Lu was somewhat contentious when it first leaked, with many feeling like the body is too vague-looking compared to the other Treasures of Ruin. However, I honestly really like the abstract look—I feel like it makes it look all the more eerie, almost somewhat eldritch. It also really helps convey that the object is the actual Pokemon and the body is just made out of materials, more so than any of the other Treasures.
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If I have one problem with the design, it's that the ritual bowl/ding feels like it's barely attached to the head; it looks like it's going to fall off any moment. I also feel like the neck's a bit long. Otherwise, the colors are nice and the concept and typing are clear.
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Chien-Pao is an interesting combo between a saber-toothed cat, a snow leopard, and something akin to a ferret. It reminds me a lot of a spotted genet, though that probably wasn't intentional:
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Regardless, this is a neat design, with the body being made of snow and the markings actually being ice crystals. The simple white and light blue palette conveys snow and cold, while the black coloring on the sword draws attention to it. I also like that the sword is snapped in half, with each half composing a fang. It's a nice touch.
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My only complaint is that the sword going through the top of the muzzle looks a bit odd. It was probably done like that to show that the snow is built around the sword, but it just creates a weird tension point there. I also feel like the random crystals on the cheeks weren't needed, and I wish the model looked less smooth and more like actual snow. Still, it's nice looking overall.
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Chi-Yu is the least ominous of the trio, but then again it is still the most ominous goldfish I've ever seen, so that's something. Once again, the objects are obviously the beads, though this one gets points for incorporating the emotion, envy, into the design by using jade magatama beads specifically.
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I think my only problem with it—which is unfortunately a big problem—is that the body works well in 2D, but really does not translate well at all. I don't know why GameFreak is allergic to particle textures, but Chi-Yu looks more like paper with fire drawn on it than actual fire, especially compared to other 'mons with much more realistic fire on their bodies. This makes the beads feel jarringly three dimensional in a way that doesn't jive with the body. The actual design of the flames, with them forming some beautiful swirls and scales, is fine; I just wish it looked better when you were actually using it and not just looking at the artwork.
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And finally, Wo-Chien, my personal favorite. I had high-hopes for a legendary dark-type snail, and thankfully, Wo-Chien did not disappoint. The muted color palette feels appropriately dark but earthy at the same time, and I love how the upper body is clearly just piles of leaves, with branches forming the iconic snail eyes. The way the colors alternate in said leaves also help break up the head while still making it clear what you're looking at. It's hard to make a snail look powerful and creepy, but they pulled it off beautifully.
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I guess the only drawback is that the tablets that make up the shell are much less emphasized than on the other Treasure's designs; there's nothing to specially draw your eye to them from either a color or a size perspective. At the same time however, they do fit beautifully with the palette, and it could be argued that the body shape draws your eyes from the head to the "shell" naturally anyway.
So as a whole: all of these guys are honestly really solid, and some of the best legendaries we've had in a long time; cool inspiration, interesting concept, good designs, and a mythological feel make these four throughly enjoyable.
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Meet all the guys that you can ask questions, and who will be role-playing them in responses!
(All copy pasted from discord, everything under cut!)
Violet(Vi, V):
-Draws well (I had to)
-Actually wears her glasses
-Very silly, acts like normal V but sometimes actually genuinely happy and nice
-Totally isn’t the cause behind the bite marks on the landing pod chairs
-Aroace & lesbian flag
-Does the Dino arm thing
-Basically just a fucking cat (purrs, meows, and all that jazz)
-A broken headlight cause yummy yummy (same with crack in tail Vial and screen)
-Acts like a silly cat
-Most of the time unaware of surroundings
==> @conniewoof
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:!Stars intro!:
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- half snow leopard (somehow)
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- slightly talker than the average drone
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- workaholic
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- thinks her scars r cool
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- their pawpads and ear stars r rlly squishy :3 and if u squish her ear stars they make a squeak sound GEHE
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- she's practically a nightlight coz of how glowy they are.. but whenever she goes to sleep they stop glowing lolz
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- rlly likes bugs and studys them nonstop
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- loves analog horror n scary stuff in general,, they just find the concept of it all rlly interesting
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- gets distracted by anything cats would💀
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- rlly likes video games and can defo kick ass in them
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- has a scary ass zombie drone/solver form
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- her nose twitches when she cries shrug emoji
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- her tail (elliot) is actually pretty sentient, meaning he can communicate with beeps and boops (even though star can only understand them clearly)
==> @strbrypancakesxd
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《☆ Nathan ☆》
<-- ADHD -->
☆▪︎▪︎ Pansexual, Transmasc ▪︎▪︎☆
==> This little man PURRS. He is a dog at heart but he PURRS.(his favorite thing to do)
==> Hehe silly feathered wings(that could still kill a man)
==> Would unironically bark at someone if they annoyed him somehow
==> Is the sweetest guy but oh my goodness does he hold a grudge
==> "Haha oh biscuts that knife right by my heart really hurts- Do you want that back?"
==> PUZZLES. Do not give this man a puzzle he will try to solve it for the next week and no-one will see him
==> Took the nanite acid out of his tail at one point(it hurt like a bitch) and now has a empty stinger as a tail tip instead
==> OBSESSED with keeping his wings clean and nice looking, he literally will put aside any other responsibilities until they're perfect
Silly little Alaskan Malamute inspired guy :3
==> @staruzi002
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❦ Revel ❦
❦ Pansexual lil guy
❦ Has a weird hyperfixation on ducks, specifically lil tiny yellow ones and really loves to make random duck comments to fill a conversation.
❦ Anything that might be yellow is going to be gone in approximately 5 seconds of him spotting it
❦ Outgoing with a passion for fashion (OUJI-) and design, has a bit of sass if you by chance try to question his fashion choices. He also uses "girl" and "sis" unironically
❦ Usually passes away at the slightest compliment and will ascend with his wings into the stratosphere to hide himself
❦ Ribbons. Ribbons are the best.
❦ Don't give him any bells or things that squeak, he will indefinitely be playing with them until they break somehow and he'll go into sad lil guy mode for a week on average
❦ “Autobots! Roll out!” *rolls down an ongoing avalanche*
❦ Deathly afraid of spiders but will disintegrate an entire colony
==> @bonkadonkss
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In a mysterious alternate version of Copper-9, this fun little group all met eachother! And now they're here to answer your questions!
So ask away folks!
- No NSFW. For the love of God please none.
- Be nice to the sillies(and the roleplayers) we're just here to have fun!
- These are characters that are from an active rp server, so things might change about them as we go!
- Expect text for most of the answers(unless whoevers answering feels up to doing a doodle), that'll be how they're put most of the time!
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crowdsourcedloner · 1 year
so one of my big hangups over Nailah right now is the lack of an ingame model for her, so this post will be talking about how i see her vague cloud self and ideas for how she could look as well as general female hrothgar rambles. (it’s long and all speculative and incredibly self indulgent)
okay so to start, i’m gonna reference this art (from the shadowbringers artbook)
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this is, to my knowledge, one of the few images we have for femhroth, outside of the bozja mural seen in a STQ cutscene. it’s concept art for the queen we fight at the end of delubrum reginae, which is a female roegadyn in the final game (due to lack of female hroth models). there understandably isn’t a lot of detail to her, as the artist was probably more concerned with the queen’s throne doodads, but from what we can see she has a more humanoid face than male hroth have. is this intentional? is it just placeholder? why does this image interest me so much? well...
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this is a female ronso from ffx. while ffxiv’s hrothgar are distinct from ronso, they were used as inspiration (one of the male faces has a horn option to call back to kimahri as well as the lost’s color palette being similar to ronso palettes). female ronso have less bestial faces than male ronso (to my eyes) and i expect this to carry over into ffxiv’s female hrothgar as well. do i like this hypothetical decision of less bestial femhroth? i don’t know. i don’t have much faith in the developers going through with a full monster girl. i do know that female au ra had a massive shift towards their current more petite appearance compared to some of their concepts (included in the heavensward artbook) and i wouldn’t be surprised if the developers wanted a more cutesy or conventionally attractive model for femhroth. i’m rooting for the more bestial model ideas personally, but i’ve made peace with the potential for something else. i’ll work with whatever they give me. a good example of the more bestial look i’m thinking of is karmaho’s work, check them out here. their scholar design is beautiful! another look that feels likely to me is the below image.
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this is fanart of a genderbent kimahri (artist credit here). this image feels closest to what we’re getting for two (relatively arbitrary) reasons: her skin color and ear placement matches the queen in the shadowbringers concept art and she’s quite human compared to kimahri’s original design. the art is also just really cool and i wanted to show it to y’all.
so how does this tie into Nailah?
there is a pretty big difference between the two potentials for female hrothgar, which makes it weird to decide a face for her. i have a few color palettes i’m between though! and no matter what, she will have glorious fluffy hair. i’m not budging on that. her potential color palettes include genderbent kimahri (its so soft! and pretty! and her eyes work so well!) or something like a snow leopard (white fur with dark markings and striking blue/yellow eyes! monochrome color scheme my beloved!) or a dark blue concept (dark blue/purple skin with black hair and golden eyes! close to a panther!) or something like a pale calico (pale markings that you can barely see! she looks so gentle!) or... who knows! maybe the character creator will hit me with something new! there could be fur patterns that capture my imagination! until then, she’s just my vague cloud child of infinite possibilities and i love her.
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gellavonhamster · 1 year
la tavola ritonda liveblogging(ish) 1/?
the tribute that Cornwall has to pay the Irish king includes three camels, three lions, and three leopards. Considering the fauna of Cornwall, I believe this was included specifically as an additional pain in the ass
the Lady of the Lake is referred to as the sister of Morgan le Fay - I wonder if it is meant literally or figuratively (as a fellow sorceress)
I am almost certain that I've already read something in which a boy sees knights for the first time and mistakes them for God and/or angels and then proclaims that since knights are so beautiful, he wishes to become one, but here it is Lancelot and I could swear I've come across the same scene with Perceval
oh hey, now Lancelot is sitting at the table of the less cool knights and a maiden who never spoke before speaks to him. Yeah, it appears he's doing a bit of a Perceval thing here
Arthur's war against Galehaut is combined with war against Mark, didn't expect that
Morholt meets Tristan at the court of the French king, compliments his beauty and prowess, and the court jester prophesizes that "the beauty and prowess of this young man will cost you dear"
(sorry, I'm not using the Italian versions of the names in this post except for direct quotes lest I confuse anyone, because some of these are very different from English ones)
Isolde's mom gave up being a doctor because she couldn't save her brother :(
Isolde is twelve when they first meet?? And Tristan and Palamedes are both, like, fifteen... they're babies...
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And it's not hard to tell they're fifteen, lol
and then Braingaine asks Isolde which one of the two guys she likes the most 🥰 babies!
oh, and apparently Palamedes and Tristan would die on the same day?..
and now Tristan is doing the Perceval thing by looking at the blood on the snow and thinking of Isolde
Breus Sans Pité is described as the "anti-lover", and Tristan, after defeating him, orders him to surrender to Gawain, who is "the lover"
Isolde's dad: alright, Tristan, I'll give my daughter to your uncle and not to you, since you insist so, but I don't like this and I'm going to pray he dies soon
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I don't think I've seen any other version before have other people than Tristan and Isolde affected by the same love potion? Here, Isolde's dog licks some of it and becomes extremely loyal to Tristan and Isolde (three days after their death, she is found dead on their grave). Also, the loyalty of Brangaine and Gouvernal to Isolde and Tristan is amplified by them inhaling the smell of the potion
Brangaine was hoping to remain a virgin her whole life, but still agreed to slept with Mark pretending to be Isolde on their wedding night :(
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girl NO :( you deserve better
Sagramore the what?
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buttersoftheshea · 3 years
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I think I said I wasn’t going to do Sneasler because I actually really like Sneasler but the more I stared at it the more I thought ‘but... what if I could improve upon it...?’
So I did that instead of Goodra.
Goodra is hard anyways. And it’s not even related to Weavile, either.
I really enjoyed how Hisuian Sneasel had more splotchy, splatter-y-esque facial and claw markings, because Sneasel has kinda jagged pointy markings because it’s an Ice type and is aggressive, while Hisuian Sneasel has the splotches because it’s a Poison type and is (allegedly) passive and I really loved how the contrast in their behaviors is shown in their designs. (Even though Hisuian Sneasel charges at you on sight just like normal Sneasel but in my mind, in my headcanon, my delusional little world where Hisuian Arcanine has curly fur and jade orbs, Hisuian Sneasel does NOT charge at you on sight-)
But then it’s kind of taken away with Sneasler. And I kinda wanted them to keep the splotchy motif. So I incorporated that into my design and added some spots as well for some flair and also because ngl I love snow leopards and I felt like it would’ve been cool if Sneasler also had a snow leopard motif. I mean it already has white fur and darker spots, like why not?
This is also why I gave it a long tail, snow leopards have long tails to maintain balance while running and climbing and chasing after prey on steep cliffs and it just felt kinda weird to me that Sneasler just has... a little nub.
ALSO Sneasler being noted as being solitary, like this solitary mountain climber that’s vaguely cat-like also kind of fueled my desire to make it snow leopard-themed.
I kept the claw highlights the same, I considered removing them because Sneasler already has more colors than Weavile and I kinda wanted them to have an even amount of colors, but after consulting with two close friends of mine they insisted I should keep them and I’m glad I listened to them because they look good.
Sneasler’s shiny, I gave it a drastic redesign because... oh man.
If there’s one thing that’s consistent about Sneasel’s line, it’s that the pre-evolution has a better shiny than its evolutions do. I also had to fight so fucking hard to NOT make its shiny be the original color palette of Sneasel’s Gold/Silver sprite. I love it so much but I fought so hard to not make it be that and to stick with Hisuian Sneasler’s shiny.
ALSO my version of shiny Sneasler can be seen as kinda like a black panther? Maybe? Kinda? Because a black panther refers to any melanistic cat from the Panthera genus and also the snow leopard isn’t stuck in its own genus anymore, it’s in the Panthera family, so technically speaking-
Anyways, even though I really do like Sneasler, it was pretty fun to work on a redesign for her~ I already have a Hisuian Goodra redesign in the works but uh it’ll take a bit longer because I fully intend to redesign the full line (including Goomy, I’m making a Hisuian Goomy) and their changes will be... a lot more drastic than Sneasler’s or Hisuian Arcanine’s, so all that combined it’s gonna take a while.
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wjbsart · 3 years
A complete, very long list of all GBoard-combinable emojis because I can't find one anywhere.
Ok so for those who haven't seen my stuff (or have only seen my Bionicle posts), I sometimes emoji mashup redraws, with the recent fourth one using GBoard-based fusions. Frustratingly, there's no actual list of fusion-compatible emojis, so I'll attempt to compile them, in a list below the "Read More" thing:
Green/▢ = compatible with fusion Blue/△ = only works with certain emojis Red/◯ = not compatible with fusion
Also, since other people's terms for specific emojis might not match up with mine, I recommend using CTRL+F and then doing this to find the specific emoji you're looking for. This list is in the order presented in GBoard's Emoji menu. Some of them will be generic unicode symbols, I don't know how to change that, sorry for the inconvenience. Also, I won't aknowledge multi-category Emoji.
Smileys and Emoticons
😀Open-mouthed smile▢
😃Wide-eyed smile▢
😄Closed-eyed smile▢
😁Closed-eyed grin▢
😅Sweating smile▢
😙Kissing, closed eyes▢
😚Kissing, blushing▢
😘Kissing, winking w/ heart▢
🥰Surrounded by hearts▢
🥳Noisemaker and party-hat▢
☺Blushing, smiling▢
😏Looking off to the side▢
🤭Hand over mouth▢
😶Nightmare fuel Mouthless▢
😋Licking lips▢
😛Tongue out▢
😝Tongue out, eyes closed▢
😜Tongue out, winking▢
🤪Tongue out, wide-eyed▢
🙄Rolling eyes▢
😡Angry, red▢
🙁Frown but less▢
😳AWOOGA Flushed▢
😰Distraught, sweating▢
😧Distraught, shocked▢
😦Distraught, neutral▢
😮Open mouth▢
😯Open mouth, surprised▢
🤯Your head asplode Mind blown▢
😢Crying, single tear▢
😥Crying, less sad▢
😪Sleeping but different?▢
🌛Left-facing moon▢
🌜Right-facing moon▢
🌚New moon face◯
🌝Full moon face◯
🌞The sun▢
😷Masked up▢
🤠yee haw▢
👽Ayy lmao Alien▢
😈Demon 1▢
👿Demon 2▢
☠Skull and crossbones▢
💫Star with trail▢
🌟Star with bits▢
💢Anime anger symbol◯
💦Sweat Droplets▢
🎉Party popper▢
🎊Confetti ball▢
😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾Literally all the "cat in different emotions" emojis▢
❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤Literally all the coloured hearts△
♥Heart suit▢
💘Heart with arrow▢
💝Heart with ribbon▢
💖Shiny heart▢
💗Growing heart▢
💓Beating heart▢
💞Swirling hearts▢
💕Two hearts▢
💌Love letter▢
💟Heart in square▢
❣Heart exclamation mark▢
💔Broken heart▢
👥Two silhouettes◯
🗣Talking silhouette◯
👃👂🦶🦵💪👍👎👏🙌👐Every other body part and hand gesture, seriously this isn't even all of them◯
Seriously, I don't know why none of the people-category emojis are Fusion-compatible. Let's just move on.◯
Animals and Nature
💐Bunch of flowers▢
🥀Wilted rose◯
🌺Hibiscus flower◯
🌸Cherry blossom▢
💮White flower◯
🍂Falling leaves◯
🍁Maple leaf◯
🌾Rice plants◯
🍃Falling leaves again◯
☘3-leaf clover◯
🍀4-leaf clover◯
🌴Palm tree◯
🌳Deciduous tree◯
🌲Coniferous tree▢
🏞National park◯
🌀Tornado symbol◯
🌁Foggy scene◯
☃Snowman (with snow)▢
⛄Snowman (without snow)▢
🏔Mountain with snow◯
🏝Desert island◯
🌅Sunrise/set (water)◯
🌄Sunrise/set (mountains)◯
🌤Sun with cloud◯
⛅Sun and cloud◯
🌥Cloud with sun◯
🌦Sun and cloud with rain◯
☔Umbrella with rain◯
🌙Crescent Moon◯
🌠Shooting star▢
🌌Milky Way◯
🌆City in the evening▢
🌃City at night▢
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘The moon◯
🙈🙉🙊🐵Monkeys, wise or not▢
🦁Lion face▢
🐯Tiger face◯
🐱Cat face▢
🐶Dog face◯
🐺Wolf face◯
🐻Bear face▢
🐨Koala face▢
🐼Panda face▢
🐹Hamster face◯
🐭Mouse face◯
🐰Rabbit face▢
🦊Fox face◯
🦝Raccoon face◯
🐮Cow face◯
🐷Pig face▢
🐽Pig nose▢
🐗Boar head◯
🦓Zebra head◯
🦄Unicorn head▢
🐴Horse head◯
🐸Frog face◯
🐲Dragon head◯
🐃Water buffalo◯
🐿Squirrel (why does the squirrel of all things have a Unicode symbol?)◯
🐠Tropical fish◯
🐛"Bug" yeah sure ok◯
Food and Drink
🍎Red apple◯
🍏Green apple◯
🍠Sweet potato◯
🍳Frying pan◯
🥚Egg (somehow)◯
🍗Chicken leg◯
🍖Anime meat◯
🥙Stuffed flatbread◯
🍲Pot of food◯
🍤Fried prawn◯
🥡Takeaway container◯
🍚Cooked rice◯
🍙Jelly Donut Rice ball◯
🍘Rice cracker◯
🥠Fortune cookie◯
🥮Moon cake◯
🍧Shave ice◯
🍨Ice cream◯
🍦See above◯
🍰Cake slice◯
🍮Custard mate what kinda custard have you been eating, this is clearly a créme caramel◯
🎂Birthday cake▢
🍬Boiled sweet◯
🥤Soft drink◯
🍼Baby bottle◯
🍵Green tea◯
🍻Beers, plural◯
🥂Champagne glasses◯
🍷Red red wine◯
🍴Knife and fork▢
🔪Kitchen knife◯
Travel and Places
🛑🎡Everything from the stop sign to Ferris wheel◯
🎠Merry-go-round horse▢
🎪🏕Everything from circus tent to campsite◯
🌇City at sunset yes I'm surprised as you are▢
🛤Train tracks◯
🗾Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes and it's beautifuul!◯
🌐Globe with meridian lines▢
💺Plane seat◯
Activities and Events
🧨Dynamite Firecracker◯
🧧Red envelope◯
🎐Wind chime◯
🎏Fish streamers◯
🎎Japanese dolls (that's what the emoji's called, don't @ me with the actual name for them)◯
🎑Moon viewing ceremony◯
🎍Pine decoration◯
🎄Christmas tree▢
🥌Curling stone◯
🛷Rosebud Sled◯
🎣Fishing rod▢
🎽Running shirt◯
🥋Martial arts uniform◯
🥊Boxing glove◯
🧩Puzzle piece◯
👾Videogame alien◯
🎰Slot machine◯
🎴Flower playing card◯
🀄Mahjong tile◯
🎩Top hat◯
🎚🎛🎙📻Assorted audio stuff◯
🎥Film camera◯
🎭Comedy and tragedy masks◯
📱🧻Everything from smartphone to toilet roll◯
🧸Teddy bear▢
🧷🧢Everything from safety pin to baseball cap◯
🎒💍Everything from backpack to ring◯
💄👓Everything from lipstick to glasses◯
🥽📁Everything from goggles to folder◯
🗞🔎Everything from rolled-up newspaper to right-pointing magnifying glass◯
🔮Crystal ball▢
🧿🔓Everything from Nazar amulet to open lock◯
There are no compatible non-repeated Emoji here.◯
Aaaaand none here either.◯
Feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong.
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On the Prowl... a Fathers Day Special
Kittens. Bagheera; The oldest and self proclaimed sibling protector. Kovu; the second oldest & the independant one . Kazu; the third oldest & the lazy one. Katsu; the fourth one & the one with the temper. Shinsou; a Panther beastman . Reader, a Human
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You and Shinsou had traveled far away from the den and settled in a quiet open area with a nice river to its left. In the middle was a large cave that Shinsou had marked as his. Aizawa never found him and Shinsou was free to raise his kittens without worry or looking over his shoulder. The kittens were all three now and you couldn't be happier.
You were asleep in the sun with Shinsou behind you holding you close with his large purple paws, he nuzzled into your neck purring in his sleep waking you up. You saw your third oldest kitten Kazu all curled up in your arms sleeping. He was the most fuzzy out of everyone and it was a chore since he down right refused to have you brush him. ‘Its time consuming’ he says, ‘I gotta sit up for a long time mommy’ he tells you as if he can argue. All it takes is one eyebrow raise from his father and he sits pretty.
Pulling your lazy kitten close, you looked around for the rest . Katsu was by the river snarling at the passing fish with Baggy nearby watching , just in case Katsu fell in, again.
“Koooovuu..” you chirped low.
You smiled rolling onto your back with Kazu on your chest. “Vuuu..”
“Rr..!” The top of Shinsous crazy hair moved and a little purple head appeared out of it looking sleepy.
“What are you doing up there?”
“Mama… im swheepin.” He rubbed his face on his father's hair yawning loud.
“What if your father rolls over, hm?”
“Then.. i.. fall on mama!” He flopped down and you caught him giggling and nuzzling his happy face. “Oh your so silly.” While you were nuzzling him you heard a splash and Shinsou opened an eye growling deep waking up Kazu. Kovu looked up at his father and so did Kazu. You looked towards the river and Katsu was dragging a huge fish over with Baggy following, he was soaked.
“Oh dear.” You sat up putting your kittens with their father and you pulled Baggy close. “What happened baby.”
“Katsu!!! Jumped in the river again!!!” He said crossing his arms . Katsu was also soaked but had the smuggest grin on his face. He dragged the fish over to his father and Shinsou yawned in his face .
“Ack!! Old man!! “ roared the angry kitten.
Shinsou sat up yawning again and pulled you between his legs squeezing you till he heard Baggy yelp.
“Dad!!” He fussed.
Shinsou pet his sons head. “Sorry Baggy.”
“Look what i GOT!!!!” Katsu was impatient.
“Yes yes. Next time wake me up Katsu. You can show me how you catch them.” He placed his heavy paw on Katsus head. The little kitten was over the moon at his fathers words.
“Yes Kazu..”
The fire cracked and Shinsou turned the fish that was above it.
“So if i jump in the river . My fur will go down . And i wont be poofy”
You rolled your eyes smiling and Shinsou chuckled pulling you closer.
“Then I don't need the brushin, right?”
You looked up at Shinsou and he laid his tail on your head winking at you. You let Kazu go from your arms and he rolled to his feet. “Okay baby. You go do that.”
Kazu had never moved so fast in his life, he was in that river in a second.
Katsu had asked his father if he could turn the fish and Shinsou lifted him up to do just that. Kovu was tugging your grass dress and you sat him between your legs to pet him along with Baggy.
Kazu returned a few minutes later and you told him to sit by the fire so he does not get cold. He was very proud of himself, he outsmarted you yes he di-
Poof. Big time.
Shinsou laughed, grabbing him before he could run off and took Kovu from you and gave you the poof cat. You pet his head humming and Kazu had his poofy arms crossed looking very upset. Katsu gave everyone some fish and sat by Baggy to scarf his food down even though Baggy lectured him that he might get sick. Katsu slowed his eating and Baggy wagged his tail leaning on his brother. Kovu was in his father's lap eating and Kazu was being brushed . You leaned on Shinsou and he kissed your head.
“I love you.”
“And i you, Shinsou.”
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Permafrost. A Fathers Day Special
Kittens; Tai Lung; the oldest kitten. Lou; the second oldest. Twins. Todoroki; white Leopard/snow. Reader;Human
Todoroki and you had found a quiet little cave up north, far away from Aizawa and the rest of the pack. He was not really worried , he was sure Chizome told Bakugou why he had left though. It had been 5 years since he left, and if that lion wasn't here by now then he must of found someone to give him kittens, or hes killing them before they carry to term…He often thought about Shinsou, he did not disagree with his decision he made back then to leave anymore , understood actually.
It was a little hard for you to adjust to this life but you finally had what you wanted most. You could live out your fantasy instead of reading it in a book. Todoroki was a little odd during the pregnancy, he had only ever seen Shinsous mate carry to full term before so when you started to show he was excited but nervous.
You had two little snow leopard twins.Both boys and both equally furry. Oh you loved them to pieces, the oldest was Tai Lung and he was very quiet and cautious like his father. Lou , the second twin was full of energy and always making his father bite his claws like a nervous parent watching their kid do something risky.
You were already awake and brushing Tai Lungs long tail. Lou was running around his father's legs trying to get him to wrestle with him. Todoroki looked to you and nodded in approval . Todoroki picks his son up running around with a smile on his kittens face.
You look down. “Yes baby?”
“Tell me a story again.”
You stopped brushing and pulled your cuddly son close smiling. “Of course Tai Lung.”
Todoroki was on all fours growling at his son and Lou was doing the same doing his very best to intimidate his father. He pounced biting Todorokis ear and Todoroki rolled over yowling in fake pain . Lou climed onto his fathers side roaring in accomplishment untill Todoroki grabbed him and pinned his gently under a arm.
“Dont think you've won so quick Lou. Remember to focus and read your opponent.”
“Aaugh !! Okay okay!!” He kicked his legs and Todoroki let him up , licking his face. Lou was upset and whenever his father pinned him he did what he did best.
“Mama!!!!!” He yelled running to you.
Tai Lung was all curled up in your lap with a big smile on his face and huge eyes staring up at you. You pet him lovingly while you told him a story about fairies and dragons, his little tail swished all around .
Lou’s screaming made you look up to see your kitten running to you and Todoroki giving you a ‘it wasint me’ face.
He jumped on his brother and Tai Lung hissed and then Lou hissed and then they started fighting…
“Hey.. guys cmon.. Todoroki!”
They rolled all around till Todoroki picked them up by the scruff of their necks looking at them both , growling low. Tai Lung immediately submitted to his father, ears down and eyes big. Lou crossed his arms looking away.
“No fighting. Apologize for jumping on your brother Lou”
Todoroki sat down with you giving you back Tai Lung and set Lou on his lap petting him till he calmed down. You pet and kissed both kittens and everyone was happy again. Todoroki pulled you close and you snuggled in with both your kittens in your arms.
“I love you so much.” Todoroki whispered in your ear. You looked up kissing him.
“I love you too, Todoroki”
@iron-underoos @mauvette268 @geld-sama @squeaky-ducky @sinclairsamess
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alexboehm55144 · 4 years
Alex Final Wars 2: Dark Alex, Chapter 33 - Midway
The Typhoon had been zipping all over the pacific throughout the US-Chinese war. This was possible because the ship had cloaking technology and could fly. But a large portion of the US navy was still relegated to the eastern half of the ocean, unable to move west due to Chinese forces.
However, with recent US gains, the offensive had started. Naval forces were now planning a significant strike back against the Chinese Navy and Air Force at the island of Midway.
A US armada, including the Typhoon, aircraft carriers, and numerous smaller escort vessels, was already making haste to meet with an equally sized Chinese fleet.
"I expected more airships," Laval said from the bridge of the Typhoon while JayJay sat nearby and filed her claws. "But we're the only one here."
"Airships are still an experimental technology, Laval," Toothdee noted, sitting in the captain's chair and piloting the ship. "Aquatic vessels are still the mainstay for the world's nations."
"Oh great, your telling me our home and HQ is an experimental vessel?"
"Don't worry, Laval, it's perfectly safe."
"Say, have you guys seen Fabienne?" JayJay asked.
"Oh, the reporter. She's probably filming something." Laval said, "I just hope she stays safe when the fighting breaks out."
"She's worked as a war correspondent before," Toothdee said. "She told me she was getting some shots of the ships from one of the outside decks. Speaking of which...."
The Heroes commander turned the radio on again.
"Fabienne, do you read? Are you alright?"
The snow leopard had set up some recording equipment on one of the outside platforms on the Typhoon's exterior. The ocean breeze blew through her fur, and the beautiful blue sea and sky were visible all around her.
"Do you read?"
The reporter's ears perked up, and she grabbed the radio she had been given since her first day on the Heroes ship.
"Yeah, I'm here. I'm ok. Just about to film a quick shot of the fleet."
"Ok, finish up quickly and get back inside."
"Will do."
The snow leopard turned off the radio and took one last look to make sure her tripod-mounted camera was lined up properly before clicking the record button. Afterward, she quickly tested the audio and the microphone on her collar and stood in position. She was a meter from the camera, off to the side. Enough so that the device could see the fleet of US warships in the background, along with the reporter. She was careful not to step too close to the edge of the platform. Because while there was a railing, she did not want to risk falling overboard.
"Hello, this is Fabienne Growley, coming to you from aboard the Typhoon in the pacific. US naval forces are moving to secure the region around Midway island. They are being led by Heroes, and their airship, the Typhoon. A Chinese fleet is in the area, hoping to defend their territory from the encroaching US forces. At this time, it is impossible to say what will occur during this battle, but this could be a turning point for the war in the Pacific."
The snow leopard moved over to the camera and stopped the recording before packing up all her equipment. As she entered back into the vessel, Fabienne contacted Toothdee on her radio.
"I'm heading back inside Toothdee. I'll get to my battle station."
"Ok, you'll be safe there."
"I guess she got her shot," Laval said as Toothdee disconnected the call.
"Let's check in with everyone else while we're at it. Our forces are spread out all around the area, so we should be able to cover the entire field of battle." She said, switching the channel on her radio. "Heroes, this is the Typhoon. What's your status?"
"This is captain Boehm. Eris and I are flying the deadly skies."
The 2 young pilots zipped through the air above the fleet in their jets. Eris was flying her blue and white eagle interceptor, one that she had modified to her specifications.
Alex flew a custom F-35, one of the standard jets of the US Air Force.
"Nice flying," Eris said, the pair of jets turning and circling the US fleet.
"Thanks, your pretty good yourself. But your reputation precedes you." Alex said, looking at the tally marks on the jet's hull.
"I like your plane's color scheme," Eris said, drawing attention to the aircraft's metallic exterior, which was dark gray in color. A few shiny red, white and blue lines ran along the wings and near the cockpit as a patriotic gesture.
"Thanks! Lately, I've been wondering if I should paint it with some other pattern or color scheme. But that's not the only thing that's different about this plane. It's been modified with upgrades including stronger weapons and armor."
"Alright, you two, don't you keep your heads in the clouds for too long," Toothdee said, be forcing changing the channel on her radio. "Kion, Jasiri, what's your status."
"Kion here. I'm just taking a look at the cannon on this destroyer. This thing looks like it will pack a serious punch."
The lion touched and inspected the barrel of a forward-mounted turret on a US destroyer. Jasiri was nearby, leaning against a railing and enjoying the sea breeze.
"I'm here as well, Toothdee, just enjoying the calm before the storm."
"Alright, keep your heads on the swivel. Your job is to provide support to other US forces. That's why your stationed where you are. Toothdee out. Nick, Judy, you two better not be making out or something."
"Hey!" Judy said, jumping up from where she was lying on the beach.
"Unfortunately, no." Nick said, "we're just sitting here, relaxing- I mean, guarding, this wonderful- I mean, important beach on the midway island."
"Well, you two better stay on guard, lest the Chinese land on Midway, and it's an atoll, Nick."
"Don't worry, no matter what it is, we'll keep it safe."
Judy was still blushing a bit from embarrassment as Toothdee switched the radio channel over to someone else.
"Well, carrots, that was a rude interruption to our make-out session."
"Haida, Retsuko, are you there?" Toothdee said.
"Oh hey, Toothdee," Retsuko said. She was standing in the cargo bay on the Typhoon, stocked with equipment and whose walls were made of hardened metal. "Haida's in the bathroom, but we're right here on the ship, ready to help however we can."
"Glad to hear it. I know your job isn't the flashiest, your not racing into combat, but your job is no less important. It's because of you two that we get our supplies, and all the paperwork gets sorted."
Retsuko blushed and smiled to herself. Her last job didn't appreciate her at all, so it was nice to hear that she mattered.
"Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me. Oh, and that reminds me...."
The red panda clambered on top of a large crate. It was a crate designed for lion-sized mammals, so it was difficult to scale, but Retsuko managed. She compared the label on the container to the writing on a notepad in her hand.
"....we should be fully stocked. We've got plenty of ammo. I checked twice."
The red panda jumped down from the crate and brushed some dust from the blue pants of her uniform. It wasn't required by regulation, but it made her feel a lot more formal when working, which helped her focus.
"Again, thank you." Toothdee said, "always know that you're a part of the team."
The Heroes leader switched the radio channel for the last time and spoke again.
"Jack and Skye, do you read?"
"We hear you, Toothdee."
The fox and bunny couple were in a small rubber-hulled military boat, speeding through the waves. Skye maneuvered the rubber craft around warships and larger vessels. At the same time, Jack stood ready at the boat's mounted minigun, which was a bit large for a rabbit, but he was up to the task of operating it.
"We're ready and waiting," Jack said, holding on tight as the boat hit a wave.
"Lovely day for a battle," Skye said.
"Keep your heads on the swivel. I'm glad we have the support of 2 ZIA agents during this engagement."
Toothdee turned off the radio and returned her focus to the Typhoon's controls.
"Why do you think the Chinese are even here anyway? We keep stopping their assaults."
"I can only speculate, but they probably just can't stop fighting. China has to demonstrate its strength and that it is the world's foremost superpower. Basically, the Chinese need to prove that they, and their way of thinking, are right. Not to mention victory would put them in a very favorable position on the world stage."
The radio came to life again as the voice of a US sailor came through.
"Enemy vessels spotted!"
On the horizon, black shapes appeared and started to grow closer and closer. Chinese warships of the People's Liberation Army Navy. Accompanying them were planes of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force.
"LAVAL! JAYJAY! BATTLE STATIONS!" Toothdee said, prompting the lion and wolf to hop into their weapon positions as armored panels slid up to cover the Typhoon's bridge window.
There was a brief respite of calm, yet the tension was palpable as the two fleets drew closer and closer before entering weapon range.
Missiles and cannons opened fire, projectiles cutting through the sky and either splashing into the sea or impacting enemy warships.
JayJay, Laval, and Toothdee operated the Typhoon and its weapons systems, sending a flurry of shots towards enemy ships and planes. A dark black PLAAF fighter jet that looked heavily modified was leading the charge. Still, it weaved and launched flares to avoid incoming fire.
"that lead aircraft is giving off a unique signature on our sensor equipment," Toothdee noted.
The pair of gunners targeted a formation of hostile bombers with missiles and machine gunfire. Shots were tearing through the wings and into the fuselage while missiles filled the planes with shrapnel. The large airplanes either crashed into the ocean or exploded violently in a massive fireball.
"You know, this is cool and all, but somehow I'd rather be on the ground fighting," JayJay said.
"I get that," Laval said. "We all have our preferred style of combat."
"Agreed." Toothdee said, "It's just sometimes someone has to be around to operate the ship and its weapons. Thankfully you guys are trained for that."
The Typhoon then moved to engage a Chinese destroyer, battering the side of the vessel with cannon shots.
Explosions ripped through the metal of the ship, with the hull starting to fracture and break. After a few moments of sustained bombardment, the boat sank beneath the waves with a loud gurgling noise.
The Typhoon then focused its weapons on a group of smaller watercraft, with PLAN soldiers on the sides of the vessel, firing machine guns missile launchers.
"Damnit, they keep moving too fast!" Laval said, the small vessels zipping at high speed around the typhoon and opening fire.
However, despite this, the Typhoon eventually was able to appropriately target the smaller craft and shred them with weapons fire.
One escort vessel was torn apart with machine guns. While another was utterly obliterated by large cannon shells.
"We're really mopping the floor with them Heroes, but that's going to be a problem," Toothdee said, looking straight ahead towards a hostile aircraft carrier that was launching fighters. "We're going to need some support for that."
The Heroes leader looked out the port side of the ship and saw a US destroyer nearby and quickly radioed for backup.
"Destroyer, USS Gridley, this is the Typhoon. We're heading towards that Chinese carrier and would appreciate the support."
"Affirmative Typhoon, moving to support."
Along with a few other escort vessels and aircraft, the pair of warships made haste towards the PLAN aircraft carrier, accompanied by escort craft.
The vessels closed in on each other, and once the Typhoon was close enough, it opened fire on the carrier with its weapons. The Gridley followed suit, both ships pummeling the carrier with weapons as the escort vessels of both sides battled it out.
The Gridley and Typhoon pulled close, able to wreak massive damage at this close range. Shells ripped through the vessel's hull, and missiles pummeled the bridge.
Kion was operating a mounted machine gun on the outside deck of the Gridley and was spraying the aircraft carrier deck with machine gunfire. Shots tore through equipment, aircraft, and personnel.
"RELOAD!" the lion yelled.
Jasiri was ready to support him, quickly removing the empty magazine and inserting a fresh one, allowing Kion to resume firing. Chinese troops on the carrier deck fired back but were swiftly eliminated.
"Hell yeah!" Kion said, triumphantly raising his fist in the air.
The pair of ships pulled away from the carrier, which was billowing smoke and listing heavily. While the Typhoon moved off to find another target, the Gridley made haste towards an enemy destroyer moving away from the battle zone, having sustained heavy damage.
This hostile ship had been marked as a high-value target, a destroyer that was equipped with a wide range of advanced electronic sensors and weapons. These were used for area denial and electronic warfare operations, along with communications support. Its advanced capabilities were making it a thorn in the side of the American fleet.
"I'm guessing that's our next target," Jasiri said, pointing towards the damaged ship.
Kion laughed, "ha, easy prey."
But the Chinese destroyer was not alone. It was covered by a squadron of planes that moved in to engage the approaching US destroyer. The unit included the jet black PLAAF aircraft that had led the charge earlier. This elite plane was faster and more maneuverable than the others, and its weapons were likely more powerful as well.
The warship's guns opened fire on the incoming aircraft, and even Kion tried engaging them with his mounted machine gun. But the lion and Jasiri needed to duck as explosions went off nearby, missiles hitting and crippling the ship's gun systems.
One fighter was destroyed, and it crashed into the sea nearby with a massive splash. As the jets came around and prepared to make another attack on the destroyer, friendly aircraft arrived and chased the Chinese jets off.
But the Gridley had been left worse for wear, smoke billowing from damaged areas, and alarms blaring all over the ship.
"We better go see what the situation is," Kion said before he and Jasiri entered the warship and moved to the bridge.
The captain of the vessel, a mountain lion, was looking over a computer screen and talking with two other sailors.
"Hey, what's going on?" Kion asked, and the Mountain lion looked up.
"Our weapon systems have been hit. We can't return fire with our main guns. But that enemy vessel we were going after is still active. Its own guns and engines have been knocked out. However, it still has its electronic warfare capabilities."
"So it's been disabled..." Jasiri said, "...but not destroyed."
"Correct. Its systems are wreaking havoc with our own sensors." He pointed to the computer screen, which was partly frozen and full of error messages. "It still poses a serious threat."
"Hmm, then we still need to destroy it. Pull up alongside the vessel, and ready the marines and sailors."
"What? What are you going to do?"
"Something they definitely won't be expecting."
Kion, followed by Jasiri, headed down to the ship's main deck, where friendly troops were preparing themselves. A fox marine opened a weapon container and handed out rifles to other troopers before tossing one to a sailor some distance away.
The two Heroes stood in front of an assembled group of troops ready to receive orders.
The US Navy vessel pulled alongside the Chinese ship as enemy troops swarmed the deck of the hostile craft.
"Follow me!" Kion yelled, raising his sword and roaring, prompting US marines and sailors to raise their weapons and let our battle cries.
Blade in hand, Kion charged towards the PLAN vessel, leaping off the deck of the American ship and landing on the enemy destroyer, cutting down a Chinese sailor as he landed.
The marines and sailors were shocked at what had just transpired. This was a pirate tactic from the age of sail. But with no better options available, the marines followed the lion, jumping onto the deck of the enemy vessel and gunning down hostile sailors.
"Forward!" The young warrior said, sprinting down the length of the ship, cutting down more enemies and deflecting their bullets with his sword.
Jasiri and US troopers were close behind, providing support with gunfire. Some marines even broke out zipline launchers and grappling hooks, using them to board the hostile vessel.
The US troops continued down the deck of the Chinese warship, engaging hostiles and putting them down as they moved. Kion sliced down an enemy trooper that had taken up positions next to a series of different-sized doors. At the same time, Jasiri unloaded her pistols on another enemy standing a few meters away.
The team moved to the series of different-sized doors and prepared to enter. Still, before they could, the doors opened, and enemy personnel of many distinct species came out with their paws or hands raised.
US troops kept their weapons leveled and ordered the PLAN troops down to the ground. But the Chinese wouldn't respond, and they all remained clustered in one big group.
Suddenly one of the enemy sailors, a female panda, yelled out in English.
"imperialist warmongers!"
Two of the surrendered troopers pulled the pins on grenades they had concealed and tossed them at the US sailors.
Jasiri and Kion reacted quickly. Kion swung his sword and hit one of the flying grenades, knocking it into the sea. The other grenade bounced to the deck, and Jasiri bravely kicked it into the water, where both explosives went off with small splashes.
The American troops and Heroes opened fire, gunning down the Chinese sailors, lest they make another attempt at fighting back with more concealed weapons. Kion even cut down one of the sailors who was starting to pull a knife.
"Damnit, what a shame," Jasiri said as the enemy troops dropped to the deck.
"They did it to themselves," Kion said.
"Yeah, your right."
Before the US sailors and marines could move inside the vessel, a small rubber boat passed close by the ship, and the Chinese gunner on board opened fire with the mounted weapon. Two marines and a sailor were taken out as the boat pulled away from the massive warship.
Kion cursed and took cover before Jack came through on the radio.
"We've got you, Kion."
Jack and Skye raced by in their boat, the fox keeping hot on the heels of the PLAN boat. Jack aimed the minigun and fired, bullets ripping through the enemy sailors. The enemy boat stopped, its operators dead, with Jack and Skye racing by, rounding a friendly warship and heading towards Midway Atoll.
"More Chinese!" Jack said, and Skye maneuvered towards a pair of hostile sailors on jet skis, armed with pistols. The sailors opened fire with their weapons, forcing the fox to duck in cover. Jack was able to engage the jet skis, taking them down.
Another jet ski with two troopers on it appeared. The second soldier on board opened fire with an assault rifle. However, he was also quickly eliminated.
"Look! Over there!" Skye said, pointing to a group of watercraft, including landing vehicles, heading towards Midway Atoll.
"Get us over there," Jack said, readying himself. At the same time, Skye maneuvered the boat into a formation of US watercraft and helicopters. Even two troopers were piloting small personal hovercraft.
The US boats and aircraft closed the distance to the hostile vessels, and once it was within firing range, Jack opened upon them with the minigun. A hail of lead took down another jet-ski and another rubber boat.
Suddenly the jet black Chinese fighter dived down towards the US watercraft, launching missiles. The missiles took down a US helicopter, sending it crashing into the sea. Another barrage of rockets destroyed a US patrol boat.
"Whoa! Ok, watch out for that!" Jack said.
Skye pulled alongside a slightly larger enemy escort craft. Jack opened fire as the gunners on board the boat returned fire. The ZIA agent took down one of the gunners, then focused fire on the vessel's hull and bridge.
The vessel soon started to smoke before it stopped moving, dead in the water.
"Landing craft!" Jack said, noticing a group of marine lizard vehicles getting closer and closer to Midway island. These were identical to the vehicles that had deployed troops during the first assault on Zootopia.
Skye pulled alongside one of the vehicles. Jack fired into the troop compartment, killing many of the Chinese soldiers being transported inside the vessel. Jack then focused his fire on the control area of the boat, hoping to kill the driver or destroy the control system.
After filling part of the vehicle with bullets, the landing craft lost control and crashed into another landing craft. Both vessels flipped over, leaving Chinese soldiers treading in the water around the wreckage.
But more landing craft had reached Midway island, and the hostile troopers onboard disembarked and charged towards the American soldiers who were set up in defensive positions in trenches. Nick and Judy were also in place, behind a rocky outcropping. The pair of ZPD officers felt a bit out of their element in the island environment. It was not urban at all, unlike the city of Zootopia, their usual stomping grounds. But they were still determined to give the battle they're all.
"South blade incoming!" An American soldier yelled before being gunned down by the fast and dark black PLAAF fighter jet that was strafing the beach to support advancing troops.
"South blade?" Judy asked as defending troops returned fire.
Nick radioed his human friend, firing arrows at the incoming enemies. "Hey Alex, would you-"
"Give me one sec, Nick."
The human-focused on a Chinese aircraft he was flying towards, flak in the air all around him. He took the shot, a missile streaking through the sky and impacting the ship's bridge, obliterating the glass windows and the mammals on the bridge, before the captain pulled his jet back up into the sky.
"I'm sorry, go ahead."
"Would you happen to know about enemy soldiers called 'South Blade'?"
"South Blade? Those are special forces soldiers capable of air, land, and sea operations. Akin to US navy seals. Eris and I will move to provide you with air support."
"Ok, better switch to something a little more powerful," Nick said, drawing a death arrow from his quiver. He fired a hail of arrows, downing three PLA troopers in quick succession.
Judy used a standard-issue ZPD pistol, supported by a tranquilizer pistol that could down even the largest mammals.
A human commander joined the two ZPD officers behind their rocky outcropping and surveyed the situation on the beach. Two more marine lizard landing craft were incoming, bringing more troops to the battle.
"Demolitions team! Get up here now!" The commander yelled.
A pair of armadillos, who were fantastic with explosives due to their natural armor, ran towards the human commander with rocket launchers. Then the team each got down on one knee and aimed their weapons.
The rocket launchers fired, their projectiles streaking towards the two incoming Chinese landing craft and hitting them. The vehicles exploded in a bright orange flash and a shower of metal.
"Nice shot," Nick said. "I wish I could do that."
"You should get some arrows with explosives on them," Judy said.
Before Nick could respond, a barrage of gunfire struck nearby.
A PLA bear soldier, armed with heavy armor and an LMG, moved towards Nick and Judy, opening fire with his weapon. Simultaneously, an otter diving team with SMGs moved out of the waves and onto the shore, joining their bear ally in engaging US forces.
"Yeah... I really wish I had some explosive arrows right now!" Nick said as everyone behind the rocky outcropping took cover.
"We've got you!" Eris said over the radio as the roar of jet engines filled the sky.
Eris's eagle interceptor came in low over the beach, opening fire with its front-mounted chi blasters. Bolts of energy peppered the hostile forces on the beach, neutralizing many of the enemy soldiers.
Alex's jet followed behind, strafing the beach with machine gunfire. The planes turned around for another pass on the beach.
The bear heavy weapons soldier angrily turned his LMG towards the sky. Still, he was obliterated by missiles from the American jets.
Explosions tore through Chinese soldiers on the ground, reducing their landing craft to burning husks.
Nick, Judy, and US troops cheered and watched the jets fly above.
"Thanks for the save, guys," Judy said as the jets headed back out to sea.
"Eris, prepare to target remaining Chinese naval vessels," Alex said, pulling alongside his eagle companion.
"Way ahead of you, literally!" Eris said, engaging her afterburners and pulling forward. Captain Boehm laughed and throttled up to chase after her. The aircraft returned to the battle zone, where the United States and China continued to engage. But the scales had been tipped, with the US looking more likely to come out on top.
"Let's target that escort vessel." The captain said, prompting both jets to nosedive towards a PLAN ship. The aircraft fired hails of machine-gun bullets and chi blasts, ripping through the Chinese vessel.
Smoke and fire erupted from the ship as the aircraft pulled around for another attack run.
"Missiles away!" Eris said, the pair of jets firing missiles, streaking low above the water before impacting the hostile escort ship with a massive explosion.
The vessel started to list and soon sank beneath the waves, leaving behind only debris and stranded crew.
"We've got incoming!" Eris said, noticing a group of PLAFF bomber planes moving towards a US aircraft carrier, escorted by some fighter jets.
"This is Hero leader." Captain Boehm said into his radio. "Requesting immediate fighter reinforcements. Hostile bomber squadron moving towards the friendly carrier."
The voice of an airmammal came through the radio.
"Affirmative Hero leader, fighter squadron moving to assist. ETA 2 minutes out."
"It's going to take some time for them to get here, Eris."
"Well then, let's give them something to shoot at!"
The pair of pilots gunned their engines and made haste towards the enemy bomber formation. Pouncing on the enemy aircraft, Eris scored a critical hit on one of the bombers, causing it to lose control and crash into a Chinese fighter nearby.
Alex fired a salvo of missiles that took down one enemy aircraft and heavily damaged another. The escort craft reacted and began to engage the American planes. Bullets whizzed by Eris, the eagle having to fly erratically to avoid them.
An enemy jet fired a missile at Alex, who deployed flares to interfere with the weapon's heat-seeking capability.
The engaging aircraft danced across the sky, turning and maneuvering with immense speed and agility, pushing the machines and their pilots to the limit. Whenever a hostile plane was in their sights, the pilots opened fire with machine guns or missiles.
Eris and Alex gained the upper hand, not sustaining much damage while dishing out plenty of damage to PLAAF planes. But the bombers continued to near the American aircraft carrier.
"Eris, you keep the fighters distracted. I'll go after the bombers!"
"You got it, Alex!" The young warrior said, looping around in her aircraft, getting behind a Chinese jet, and reducing it to scrap metal.
Captain Boehm pulled behind one of the enemy bombers, unloading into it with machine guns and rockets. Flames and smoke came from the plane, which began to rapidly lose altitude.
"Fighter support arrived!" Said a voice through the radio as more US aircraft entered the battlefield, engaging the remaining bombers and fighters.  
The Heroes captain cheered and pulled around to rejoin Eris. The eagle had taken down two Chinese aircraft, but a third plane had gotten behind her and opened fire with its machine guns. Eris flew erratically and tried to shake off her pursuer, but to no avail.
"He's on me!" Eris said.
"I'm on him!" Alex responded, pulling behind the attacking jet.
The captain pressed a button on the control stick, firing the jet's machine guns. Bullets tore through the enemy aircraft, and it dove towards the sea, the pilot ejecting.
"Whew, I owe you one, Alex."
"No problem, don't mention it."
Suddenly, a high-speed jet zoomed by, the object only looking like a black blur as it passed by.
"Ok, that's something new," Eris said.
"It's not showing up on my radar as friendly." Alex said, "Assume it's hostile."
The pair pursued the aircraft into a cloud, with the other American fighters capable of finishing off the remaining Chinese planes.
Alex and Eris passed through the cloud, obscuring their view. In that brief moment of blindness, the enemy struck.
Gunfire suddenly struck both American aircraft, forcing the two pilots to move erratically to throw off the enemy. As the planes swerved, they exited the cloud, and pursuing them were 3 Chinese fighters. There were 2 standard fighters, but also a dark black and extremely customized aircraft leading the charge.
The 2 fighters went after Eris, while the head plane went straight for Alex, a voice coming through the radio.
"Hello, hero leader."
Captain Boehm recognized the voice as his own. It was his dark counterpart.
"You! Guess that explains the unique jet."
"I could say the same of you."
"Eris, where are you?"
"I've got some jets on me! Might be able to handle them, though." Eris said, dodging the incoming fire.
Alex also had to dodge and roll to avoid his counterpart's machine gunfire. The captain pulled around and opened up with machine-gun fire of his own, forcing his adversary to go on the defensive.
The aircraft flew circles around each other, both pilots trying to get the other jet in their sights. When the enemy plane was in the gun-sights, the attacker opened up with machine guns or missiles, forcing the pilot to roll or deploy flares.
As he turned his plane, Captain Boehm's vision went hazy as he felt himself about to blackout due to the immense G-forces, prompting him to slow down.
"Not a bad plane." Dark Alex said. "Engines and weapons on par with my own."
"Well, let's see who's jet is better!" The heroes captain said, firing a barrage of missiles. But the dark counterpart rolled his plane and avoided the projectiles, returning fire with machine guns.
"All US fighter craft in the vicinity!" Came a voice through the radio. "We have another enemy bomber squadron incoming!"
"Shit! Someone get on those bombers!" Alex said into the radio, knowing that those aircraft were headed for a US carrier, a ship with thousands of crew. But in this brief moment where he was focusing on the communications, Dark Alex made his move, hitting the Heroes Captain with a barrage of bullets.
"Your care. Your drive to put others before yourself... it is a weakness." The counterpart said. "It holds you back from what you need to do to achieve true strength. You'll always feel yourself chained to others. I learned that lesson long ago and heeded it."
"So that's it, you just think I'm weak?"
"Yes. You are nothing. Both you and your nation are weak and hopelessly lost. It is time for a new power to rise, which is why both you and the United States must die. So new warriors may take your place."
"Oh, so I'm just a target for you to take down and prove yourself? So you can prove your strength and establish your place in the world?"
"This is nothing more than natural selection in the wild. The strong creature devouring the weak one."
"Last time I checked, Heroes took down more of you and your band than you have done to us."
"And you shall pay dearly for it!"
Dark Alex fired a salvo of missiles. With Captain Boehm's craft already damaged, the missiles struck. The Heroes leader felt his plane shake violently as the deafening sound of an explosion and rupturing metal rang through his ears.
The captain hit the eject button, the canopy breaking away, and the seat blasting out of the damaged aircraft.
As the parachute unfolded, the captain looked around for his counterpart's aircraft. He didn't see anything, so Alex turned his attention to where he was going to land.
Below him was a PLAN aircraft carrier and an American destroyer, both heavily damaged and sitting dead in the water over a dozen meters apart. But in the water between the 2 warships was an assortment of debris. Crates of supplies had fallen off the ships, floating in the water. A variety of random scrap and wreckage littered the area. Made of all sorts of materials and even smaller vehicles that had been wrecked. A Chinese fighter floated in the water nearby, having slid off the deck of the carrier. A damaged US patrol boat sat partially sunk in the water, listing hard to the side.
The captain braced himself as he touched down in the sea, unclipping himself from his ejector seat. The Hero leader started to look around, looking up towards the US destroyer and noticing something on it. A Chinese helicopter had crashed into the vessel. Now it was sitting precariously on the deck of the ship, hanging over the water.
As the captain continued to try and get his bearings, he heard a roaring engine growing closer and closer. Looking up, the captain saw his counterpart's jet incoming, prompting Boehm to quickly swim into a large cargo container partially floating in the sea.
Dark Alex's jet engaged hover mode and started to inspect the area, searching for any sign of captain Boehm.
The captain, however, was cursing under his breath and watching the hostile plane. His plane had been destroyed, and he only had a pistol and knife to defend himself with. But this could be a valuable chance to take out his dark counterpart.
First, the captain used his knife to cut up some cargo inside the container that had been covered in a dark blue cloth. The human draped the dark cloth over his head, which would help camouflage him. Spotting the damaged patrol boat nearby, the captain waited till the hostile jet had turned away before diving into the waves and swimming as fast as possible towards the patrol boat.
Reaching the boat, Alex scrambled inside and examined the weapon controls. The main gun was still operational, and the captain immediately targeted his counterpart's jet.
The weapon fired at the unsuspecting jet, shots slamming into the plane's armor and dealing significant damage. As Alex dove back into the water, the enemy jet turned around and took aim.
Dark Alex's jet fired a missile at the wrecked patrol boat, obliterating it. Shards of debris rained down into the water near captain Boehm as he swam his way through the area.
Although damaged, the jet continued to search the area, forcing Boehm to dive underwater when he couldn't get out of the jet's view fast enough. If he came to the surface at the wrong time, the plane would shred him with its weapons. But stay underwater too long, and the captain would drown. All the while, Dark Alex scanned the water and debris for his counterpart. He could not lose. He had a customized jet, while his enemy was simply flailing around in the water. Nothing more perfectly represented the discontinuity between the pair of warriors. One was weak, and the other was strong.
Coming up to the surface out of view of the enemy plane, captain Boehm spotted another cargo container nearby floating in the water. This container was marked with symbols identifying the contents as explosives.
The young warrior made his way over to the container, hiding behind debris and diving beneath the waves when he had to keep out of sight of his counterpart's view.
Once he reached the container, he opened it up, finding explosive material and detonation equipment. Boehm quickly armed some of the explosives, setting up a timer. Once everything was ready, it was time to get his counterpart's attention.
"HEY, OVER HERE!" Alex said, waving his hands and trying to get noticed. The deception worked, and once the jet turned towards him, the captain dove back beneath the waves as the jet fired its machine guns. The bullets missed the young warrior and hit the damaged aircraft carrier as Alex swam as fast as he could underwater.
Once at a safe distance, the human came to the surface and gasped for air, the constant diving taking a toll. Meanwhile, the hostile jet advanced towards the location where Alex had been, searching for the captain. But then the container of explosives detonated, a massive fireball engulfing Dark Alex's jet. The aircraft nearly lost control, spinning and turning before its pilot could regain control.
As the jet turned towards him again, captain Boehm retreated into the US destroyer. Swimming through a hole that had been blown in the side of the ship by weapons fire. However, the enemy jet must have seen something because it moved closer to investigate.
Swimming around inside the ship, the captain realized he was in some sort of control room. There was equipment for controlling electrical systems, engines, and the ship's ballast tanks. Alex suddenly realized something and immediately swam over to the machinery that controlled the ship's ballast tanks, taking care to avoid any exposed electrical equipment. He listened closely and looked towards the hole in the side of the destroyer. His counterpart was still there. With that, Alex activated the pumps, filling the ballast tanks along one side of the ship with water while removing water from the tanks on the other side of the vessel.
The ship slowly listed more to the side. Eventually, the Chinese helicopter hanging from the destroyer fell off the side of the vessel, hitting Dark Alex's jet as it splashed into the water. The hostile plane was heavily damaged, smoke emitting from its engines. Its villainous pilot was filled with rage. How could his top-of-the-line aircraft be bested by his inferior counterpart, and what could be found amongst wreckage. He angrily fired at the damaged US destroyer but could only get a few shots off before the weapon system stopped working due to the damage. Dark Alex turned his aircraft back towards the sky. With no other offensive measures, he started to limp back towards a still active Chinese aircraft carrier.
Hearing the sounds of aircraft engines fade, captain Boehm emerged from the destroyer, catching a glimpse of his counterpart's black jet flying into the distance. He couldn't help but feel proud of himself. With nothing more than wreckage, the Heroes leader defeated his dark double, who had been piloting an elite aircraft. But his pride suddenly turned to concern as he heard another aircraft approaching. He spun around, wondering how he was going to defeat this second enemy plane. But he breathed a sigh of relief once he saw that it was Eris's dark blue eagle interceptor. The eagle pilot put the aircraft in hover mode and opened the cockpit, flapping her wings and flying over to the human in the water.
"So, how'd your big fancy jet work out?" Eris laughed, hovering just above her friend.
"Just get me out of here," Alex said, reaching his arms up towards the eagle.
Eris flew around behind the human and grabbed him under the arms, rapidly flapping her wings to lift him out of the sea.
"Your all wet!" Eris said, "water is heavy!"
Despite the weight of the water, Eris was able to pick up the human and deposit him into the passenger's seat behind the pilot's chair in the cockpit of her interceptor.
"Try not to get water all over me or my controls." The eagle said, sitting back down, closing the canopy, and flying off back up into the sky.
"Get me back to the Typhoon. I need to get back out there." the captain said.
"Get back out there? Look around you."
The captain looked out the cockpit window at the area around Midway. Wreckage was strewn everywhere as ships sank beneath the waves. But there was a lot more wreckage from PLAN vessels than US naval vessels. The Chinese had suffered a massive defeat, stopped dead in their tracks by the US navy, marines, and air force.
"What about that second squadron of bombers?"
"Don't worry, Alex, I dealt with them. They're nothing but wreckage now."
Eris flew low and slow over Midway island, and the pair could see the smoldering wreckage of PLAAF bombers and fighter planes. They also spotted Nick and Judy capturing some Chinese soldiers, with backup from American troops. Jack and Skye had parked their boat nearby and were helping to oversee the operation.
Eris then turned towards the Chinese vessel Kion and Jasiri had helped capture. The interceptor did a victory lap around the ship as US forces on the deck raised their fists and cheered, including the two Heroes aboard the vessel.
The eagle pilot then moved towards the US fleet, steaming past the wreckage of burning enemy vessels and collecting stranded sailors. At the head of the armada was the Typhoon, the crown jewel of the US fleet. The captain could barely believe it.
"Wow….Looks like we won." He said.
"Heh, you can say that again."
Some Chinese naval vessels and jets had managed to flee. But most of their fleet had sunk to the bottom of the ocean. US ships cut through the waves while American aircraft streaked through the sky. No PLAN forces were left to hold the line. Midway belonged to the United States.
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Survey #320
we on a spree today!
Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy? Give me the happiness, please. What happened the last time you cried? I was having a PTSD episode. What happened the time in your life when you were the most nervous to do something? I think the most nervous I've ever been was in elementary school when I won the D.A.R.E. essay contest and had to read my paper in front of the whole 4th and 5th grade in the gym. There may be something else, though, there's just a LOT of instances where I've been an anxious mess. What was the greatest television show of all time? Meerkat Manor, man. I canNOT wait for it to resume, I believe this summer. What one thing would you be most disappointed if you never got to experience it? Maybe petting a meerkat, particularly a descendant of a Meerkat Manor character, Flower Whiskers in specific. I would cry, and that is a promise. I am just... so thankful for those little creatures. Because of them, I've met so many irreplacable friends and developed a hobby that was a way to dump my creativity into since I was what, 10 years old? What celebrity would you trade lives with? BITCH let me be Amy Nelson (Mark's gf) for OBVIOUS REASONS. Haha on a serious note though she is an INCREDIBLE person that I'm so glad Mark found. :'''') What story do your friends still give you crap about? Nothing, really. What is your weirdest dealbreaker? I'unno... define a "weird" dealbreaker. I find mine to be pretty reasonable. What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day? Well, look at myself in a mirror? See how I look. What is the weirdest quirk your family has? We have this thing where we say "I love you mostest period" at random to imply we love the other person more than they could love us, indisputably. How old is the last person you kissed on the cheek or lips? On the cheek, it was either my niece or nephew, who are 4 and 6. The person I last kissed on the lips is 22. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Not anymore, no. I don't wear jeans. Do you think you could live with your best friend? I would fuckin LOVE to. Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around? I'm most comfortable with myself around Sara. What were you doing when you found out Michael Jackson was dead? I was swimming in the pool while Dad was grilling lunch. The last person you kissed, was it a drunken or sober? Sober. Have you ever introduced yourself with a name other than your own? Online, I've introduced myself with my account name, but generally, I say I'm Brittany. Are any of your siblings married? I don't know about the half-sister I don't know, but two are married, and one is engaged. Do you use an umbrella when it rains? Not usually, no. When was the last time you had a lot of fun? A lot of fun? That's one damn good question. Probably not since I last hung out with Sara. The last time you cried, who was there to comfort you? I was alone. What was your most recent reason for smiling / laughing? I chuckled at something in a John Wolfe video. Are you attracted to the last person you talked to? Um, that would be my mother. So no. Do you like your middle name, or does it embarrass you? It's pretty, but I hate having it. It's one of the most common white chick middle names ever. Are your toenails painted? No; I don't paint my nails. When was the last time you couldn't stop laughing? Why? Probably a funny YT video, I dunno. Any ways in which you're very different from the person you love/like? We have some differing political views. Why did you first kiss the last person you kissed? The timing felt right and I love(d) her. Has anyone seen you kiss the last person you kissed? Yeah. Who was the last person’s voice you heard? Besides via YouTube, my mom's. Who do you get along with best in your family? Mom. Have you ever been kissed in a car? Yeah. Is there anyone in your life that knows right away something’s wrong with you? Oh, absolutely my mother. Has your phone ever gone off in the middle of a class at school? Oh god no, I'd die. The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? I never do. It adds oil to your hair, and mine is naturally oily enough. Do you prefer light or dark jeans? DARK. Do you have an item of clothing that reminds you of someone? Tell me about it, and the person it reminds you of. I have a good handful of those. When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen? I just listen, usually. Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook? Yeah. Does more than one person like you? *shrug* You log into Facebook and see the red ‘1’ notification next to the message icon. Who do you want it to be? I fucking hate that my answer is "Jason." If your hair is long, would you ever think about having it cut short? Or, if it’s short, would you like to grow it long? As far as I'm concerned, my hair will never be long again. I love it so much more short. What if you were told that your life has to stay exactly as it is right now, and nothing will ever change? How would you feel about that? I'd... honestly probably kill myself. I don't know that with certainty, but yeah. I'd be pretty damn devastated. What’s the most expensive thing you own? Probably my snake. Name something you really can’t wait for? MAY!!!!!!! GIMME MY TATTOOOOOOOO!!!!! What do you want in your future? E.g marraige, kids… A great career, a healthy and permanent relationship, lots of pets, adventure, life satisfaction... Got any major celeb crushes? m a r k e d w a r d f i s c h b a c h Do you have any glow-in-the-dark items in your room? If so what? No. Have you ever stalked anybody? Yeesh, no. If you could be on any TV show, which would it be and why? I'll just hypothetically say I WANTED to be on television for this, because irl, I don't. Ummm. I guess That '70s Show, because I love the '70s, and it'd be so cool to have a big group of friends like that. What is your favorite brand of hairspray? I don't use hairspray. What is the last thing you tripped over? Our doorstep, lmao. Do you were glasses or contacts? If so what color are your frames/contacts? I wear black-rimmed glasses. Do you like stickers? If so what kinds do you like? Yeah. I used to collect them as a kid and put them all over my dresser. Do you like coloring? Yes. What is in your backyard? Some bushes and a shed. Maybe a tree. I've been out there like, once. Do you own a globe? No. What is your favorite wild cat? Snow leopards are the prettiest, imo. As animals in general, I find lions the most interesting. How many continents have you been to, and which ones? I've never left North America. How many continents has your best friend been to, and which ones? She hasn't, either. How many continents has your dad been to, and which ones? Same as above. Have you ever been so terrified that you felt paralyzed? Yep. What’s a place you have a strong emotional connection to? The community college I first went to. Particularly where Jason and I took his senior prom pictures. Who was the last relative you visited? Grammy, before she passed away. My uncle was with her, too. Do you ever wonder what kind of person you’d have turned out to be if a certain event never happened to you? Oh, certainly. I wonder all the time what would have happened if Jason didn't leave. I could still be horribly depressed, or dead, considering ultimately, the event led to me finding the help I so desperately needed. Or maybe I'd be perfectly happy with kids and know how to be an actual adult. I was only a teenager, and yet with him, I never felt more mature and just... capable. When you’re home alone, do you still shower with the bathroom door closed? Yes. Have you ever bought something really expensive and ended up returning it? I don't believe so. If you could have anyone’s singing voice, whose would you choose? Amy Lee is the brazenly obvious answer. What are your top 3 favorite genres of music? Metal, rock, indie. Same general category, I know, but it's almost all I listen to. Is there anything you’d like to say to your last ex? We're best friends, and I talk to her regularly, so I can tell her anything. Where did you buy your dishes from? No clue. We've had the same plates and bowls I think my entire life. Do you think Mars will be colonized in your lifetime? No. Have you ever been on a ship? Boats, yeah. I think ships are just the really big ones, right? Sails and all? Do you ever take intentional breaks from checking/posting on social media? No. Who was Van Halen’s better singer - David Lee Roth, or Sammy Hagar? David Lee Roth. He's an arrogant bastard, but boy can he sing. Which fictional character has the most memorable quotes? I don't know. Maybe the Joker. Do you watch The Office? Gossip Girl? Grey’s Anatomy? None of 'em. Name someone you know with a birthday in December: Sara! What color was the last vehicle you were in? White. What is your dad’s name? Kenneth, but he's just called "Ken." When was the last time you slept in a bed with someone else? Not since I last visited Sara. Do you have any indoor pets? Both my pets are indoors. How do you feel about teenagers claiming to be in love? It's entirely possible. I was; nobody could EVER convince me I wasn't. Are you dating anyone? If so, for how long? No. Do you know anyone with Down's Syndrome? I think so? What animal that is endangered is your favorite? Oh yikes, I don't know. I don't really know every endangered animal, y'know, and I love all animals SO much. Maybe elephants or tigers. How do you believe the Earth and life on it was created? I feel like there was SOME sort of ultimate intelligence that created the universe, but I don't know anything about it/him/her/whatever. Then I believe in evolution. Basically, some sort of conscious creation, and then let life do its thing. What’s your religion? I don't have one. You could say theism, but is that even a proper religion? Do you like your teeth? No. During my worst depression, I was very bad at taking care of them, and now they have a yellowish tint. Have you considered getting contacts that change your eyecolor? What color? Oh yes, I've wanted to have more sapphire blue eyes. Do you wish you lived somewhere else? Yes. Living in the suburbs just isn't my jam, but it works for right now. What’s the craziest color you’ve seen on a house? I think I've seen a pink house before? Don’t you hate the texture of lotion on your skin? Yes. What’s the prettiest cat you have seen? There's this brown British Longhair with beautiful green eyes that I adore on social media. Name's Smoothie. What is your favorite doughnut? Chocolate frosted or glazed. Do you have a hot tub? If so, where is it located? No. What is your favorite party game? Man, I don't even know popular party games, haha. Do you or your parents rake your yard? Neither of us do. No matter where we've lived, ever since Dad left, no one rakes. Do you buy drugstore make-up or high-end make-up? We always buy drugstore makeup. What’s the last good love story you read? I don't think I've read a love story since The Notebook. Do you own a lava lamp or disco ball? No, but I wish I had a lava lamp. When was the last time you went to the roller rink? It's been many years. Do you own a kaleidoscope? No. I did as a kid, though. Have you ever made an inspiration board for your room? No, but I absolutely plan to once I get a big enough board to hang on the wall, and my "office" is cleaned out. I want that room to be full of motivation. Who is the best-looking male celebrity? Take a wild guess. Where would you like to travel to next? Yellowstone. I want to spread Teddy's ashes there in an area with wolves to rest in his roots. Less importantly, I want to take looooooaaaaaaaddddddsssss of photographs. Where are three places you go to relax? Just my room, really. If you became famous, would you change your name to something exotic? No. What color is your favorite pair of shorts? I don't wear shorts, ever. List five items on your current wardrobe wish list. I've wanted a black, studded leather jacket since I was in high school. I also really want big, spiked leather boots, too. Then there's tons of band tees I want. Who makes great song covers on YouTube? JONATHAN YOUNG!!!!!!! GO!!!!!!!!! LISTEN TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!! Who is one of the best songwriters? Otep Shamaya. Painting or drawing? I strongly prefer drawing. Painting that shows brushstrokes or painting that looks like a photograph? The latter. The former can be quite stylistic, though. First thing you wash in the shower? My hair, but if you mean my actual body, my chest. Brown or white egg? I don't even know the flavor difference. Favorite time of year? October-December. Do you own a gun? I legally can't due to a suicidal history. Have you ever been in a castle? Excluding the Disney World castle, no. Are you a clingy person when it comes to relationships? I honestly am. Have you ever been bitten so hard that there teeth marks were there after? I mean, I've had hickeys before. Would you ever date a disabled person? (Be honest) Yes. If you found a baby randomly by itself what would you do? Call the cops and stay with it until they arrived. What is the most personal question you have ever been asked? I'd rather not repeat it. When was the last time you wished time would move faster? Literally every waking moment of my life. It's so sad, thinking about it. I'm just rushing my life away. Are there any owls in your room (as decor, of course)? No. If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Sara. Do you enjoy hearing birds chirp? I do. Have you ever hiked a mountain? No. Where did you meet your first crush? School. Who is your favorite little girl? My sweetheart niece. What is your favorite song by the last band you listened to? Oh boy, don't make me pick. Does your best friend have kids? No; she doesn't want any, either. Where did you go the last time you drove for longer than an hour? The beach, I think. If you were pregnant, would you want a boy or a girl? Hypothetically, a girl. How often do you get fountain drinks from a gas station? Rarely, but every now and again. Who is your favorite character in your favorite movie? Mufasa. What junk food can you never pass up? Donuts came to mind first. But I think that's because I'm craving donuts, haha. Have you ever had a UTI? Yeah, multiple. I don't drink nearly enough water. I've had one so bad my kidneys hurt like a bitch. What's the last color you dyed your hair? Red.
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ruensroad · 5 years
warm me up (I’m far too cold)
Wanted a challenge and @this-solaris-life delivered! New Jinyi AU based on the enemies-to-lover’s troupe, as well as jealousy. Also tossed in arranged marriage, because it’s me.
Inspired by the book Hawksong, by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes.
Translation key: Shé - serpent shifter. Bào - snow leopard shifter. Lù - deer shifter. Tùzĭ - rabbit shifter. Zhangfu - husband. 
Jingyi hadn’t felt this terrible since the war. Black, coiling cold in his chest; a simmering, helpless anger. It had been so much easier when he’d had pointless battles to be furious about, all the death and destruction. And even though he’d never imagined that he himself would be what stopped centuries of bloodshed, it’d nonetheless been an easy role to take, even when it came through marriage to his once enemy.
It was different for the Shé, who carried their emotions freely on their sleeves and said what was on their mind. His husband, as such, was temperamental and cutting, with a sweetness hidden under layers of bravado. If Jingyi was not the worst Bào to ever be and gave back what Jin Ling threw at him instead of the serene silence of his kind, he didn’t know how they’d ever work.
Sometimes, despite their somewhat stilted progress, he still wasn’t sure.
Logically, he understood his place. He was first zhangfu and the most important. But that didn’t mean there couldn’t be a second, or third, or even tenth. Jin Ling’s grandfather alone had had seventeen wives, and that still hadn’t been enough for him. One day, it would be expected of Jin Ling to take another spouse, preferably a wife to make him heirs, and Jingyi would have to deal with it, even if it went against everything he knew himself.
He’d been taught to fear these people, but still respect their very strange ways. And he’d thought he could do it, and gladly too.
To feel that resolve shaken apart already, so completely, so easily, Jingyi wondered how he ever thought he could possibly be expected to share. Jin Ling was a brat, but he was his brat. All these weeks of trying so hard to find common ground, to be someone Jin Ling could count as friend and confidant, to be a good husband, and for what?
One smile from Ouyang Zizhen and that cold bitterness swelled inside him. One laugh, and he had to set down his cup in fear of breaking the fine porcelain.
It was ridiculous. Jin Ling was allowed to have friends. He was glad Jin Ling had such a friend, and that made it all worse. He could be reasonable about this, he could. Childhood friends held that ability to get smiles and relaxed laughter. So what if Jingyi had to struggle so hard for the same? Jin Ling was forced to put up with him. Of course it wasn’t interchangeable.
That didn’t stop the feeling whatsoever. Made it worse, really.
Because Ouyang Zizhen was warm and friendly and if Jingyi wasn’t such a petty wretch he’d want the easygoing Lù as a friend too.
It was already hard enough that Sizhui liked him, laughed with him, welcomed him into their small group, and that Jingyi was hard pressed to argue the decision. He liked Ouyang Zizhen, all things considered, liked his charm and dramatic tales of love scorned.
The bitterness was not there because Ouyang Zizhen smiled at Sizhui the way Sizhui was meant to be smiled at, or smiled at Jingyi for that matter. It was because he smiled at Jin Ling, and that Jin Ling grinned right back, eyes flashing in mischief and more lively and animated than Jingyi had ever managed to get.
And that… stung.
Still, he managed a near hour with the trio before having to retreat, citing a need to get cool from the ever present warmth and sunlight of the Shé capital. Thankfully, it hadn’t even been a lie; he was meant for snow and cold, not the heat the others thrived in.
He just wished the small alcove could cool his temper as well as his skin.
A whisper of the curtain behind him let him know he’d been followed and he found himself hoping it was Sizhui. They’d only met the day of his wedding, but already he was like a brother long lost. His soothing nature was a balm, most days, when the strain of it all became too much, and Jingyi turned willingly, needing that comfort.
But it was not the sweet Tùzĭ standing there, lit by a back-glow of sunlight. It was Jin Ling, dark eyes shimmering with serpent gold and princely brow furrowed. If it wasn’t such a surprise to see him, Jingyi wondered if it would have been relief filling his heart to see his husband now, or if the sight would have only served to make the coldness in his stomach worse.
They stared at each other for a beat too long, because Jin Ling would never admit to doing something kind and Jingyi was still rocked by his presence. Finally, his husband looked off to the left, muttering to the wall, and it was sweet enough he felt something tense inside him start to release. “I was told to check on you. Are you alright?”
Jingyi hated the fondness that filled him hearing that. If only Jin Ling wasn’t prone to blushing, he could believe what he was saying face value. It would be so easy to bicker and send him off in a huff, if that were the case.
But it wasn’t, and even his jealous heart could soften to it. “And when do you follow orders so easily?” he asked, crossing his arms. He tried for amusement, but only felt tired as that bitterness started to drain. “I’m fine.”
“I thought the Bào were forbidden from lying,” Jin Ling said and locked their gazes with a frustrated noise. “You’ve been acting weird all morning. Yesterday too.”
It was true enough and Jingyi found he was the one glaring at the wall now. Had he truly let such horrid feelings plague him so long? No wonder he was so bitter. Ashamed, he sighed and forced the feeling to leave as best he could, but it persisted, having rooted hard in his chest.
His silence had Jin Ling stepping forward, a surprise. “If I’ve done something -”
“No,” Jingyi assured him, because in all honestly Jin Ling hadn’t done anything except enjoy a friend. It wasn’t his fault Jingyi was apparently so selfish. He wilted in guilt just thinking about it. “You haven’t done anything wrong. I’m just…”
He shook his head and did his best to smile as he waved that off. “Don’t worry, I’ll get over it. Just need to work through something. Go back and have fun. I’ll be along in a minute.”
Of course, telling Jin Ling to do something just made him all the more stubborn not to do it. Jin Ling crossed his arms and shifted on his feet, a fighting stance, because he was ridiculous. “Or you can tell me what’s wrong and we can both go back.”
There was a time, not even three months ago, that he would’ve been tasked to kill this man, or have to worry about being killed instead. It was a sudden grief, knowing what could have been, that he could have never known Jin Ling’s true heart, that such a bright fire could have been forced out of the world. War had separated them for so long, had robbed them of a more proper meeting, proper courtship, proper marriage. Was he really going to let something else rob them of more?
No, he resolved. He was not.
“Laugh if you want, but I’m feeling inadequate,” he said, laying it all bare and refusing to be sorry for it. “I feel like i have to fight for even an inch with you, yet Master Ouyang can get it all in an instant.”
Jin Ling blinked at that, surprise plain, and his brow furrowed so hard his vermilion mark disappeared in the folds of skin. “You’re jealous of Zizhen?”
“And I feel stupid about it,” Jingyi agreed, feeling his face burn. “I get you’re friends, but it’s hard -”
“You realize he sent me in here after you, right?” Jin Ling cut across, oddly blushing harder now too. “And that he’s sweet on Sizhui?”
Jingyi took that in with no small amount of shock. “He is?” he asked, dumbly. “He did?”
“He wanted me to take the chance to show I’m a good listener, or something,” Jin Ling huffed and it was clear then just why his flush was so hot. “That… I’m a good husband.”
Jingyi smiled, that cold coil breaking as a warmth overtook his heart. Embarrassed, but pleased, he reached for Jin Ling’s hands, felt their sun-kissed heat, and pressed his lips to each knuckle, until his husband was nearly as red as the dot between his brows.
“You are,” Jingyi murmured. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I did say i was being stupid.”
“Yeah, well, just stop it and come back,” Jin Ling managed, all flustered authority, and Jingyi couldn’t help but laugh to see it.
“If you want me there, just say so,” Jingyi teased, dared, but it came out a little too soft. Too wanting.
Jin Ling huffed at him like it was nothing. Easy, so easy, and Jingyi’s heart was flying. “Of course I want you there. Now come. If I have to sit through those idiots trying to court without knowing it, so do you.”
A held out hand followed that, as well as a determined pout, and Jingyi knew he’d follow this man anywhere as long as he continued to look at him like he was worth the effort. And he told himself he would be worth it, would be better, and worthy of his place in Jin Ling’s life.
One day, perhaps, he’d find a place in his heart, too, and even jealousy would not be able to touch him. He could only hope for such a day and pray it came.
For now, he took Jin Ling’s hand and followed him back out into the sun.
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marunalu · 4 years
Disney Movies List
Ok first of all I want to make clear that english is not my first language. I therefore apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Please don't be too strict with me =D
I recently bought Disney+ and I plan now to watch and review every movie, Disney has ever produced or participated in it. And I tell you, this will be a hell of a trip, because my list now contains no fewer than 701 movies. That means if I watch at least one movie every day, it will take me about 2 years to see all of them. And since I will most likely not watch a movie every day, I will definitely need at least twice as long....
For the films on my list, which I marked with a cross at the end, it means that I have seen them already. However, since I last saw most of these movies in my childhood or teenage years (so at least 15 years ago), it will be interesting for me to rewatch them after such a long time. I have probably already forgotten most of the plots.
I also plan to watch them in chronological order and rank them. The movies that I don't find on Disney+ I will watch somewhere else.
Here is the list: (The films follow the chronological order in which they were published. However, it is quite possible that I accidentally swapped a few. But I think most of it is accurate).
Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons (X)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (X)
Pinocchio (X)
Fantasia (X)
The Reluctant Dragon ( )
Dumbo (X)
Bambi (X)
Saludos Amigos ( )
Victory Through Air Power ( )
The Three Caballores ( )
Make Mine Music ( )
Song of the South ( )
Fun and Fancy Free (X)
Melody Time ( )
Seal Island ( )
So Dear to my Heart ( )
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (X)
Cinderella (X)
Treasure Island ( )
In Beaver Valley ( )
Alice in Wonderland (X)
Nature's Half Acre ( )
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men ( )
The Olympic Elk ( )
Water Birds ( )
Peter Pan (X)
The Sword and the Rose ( )
The Living Desert (X)
Bear Country ( )
The Alaskan Eskimo ( )
Prowlers of the Everglades ( )
Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue ( )
The Vanishing Prairie ( )
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ( )
Siam ( )
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier ( )
Lady and the Tramp (X)
The African Lion ( )
The Littlest Outlaw ( )
Men Against The Arctic ( )
The Great Locomotive Chase ( )
Davy Crockett and the River Pirates ( )
Secrets of Life ( )
Westward Ho the Wagons! ( )
Johnny Tremain ( )
Perri ( )
Old Yeller ( )
Navajo Adventure ( )
The Light in the Forest ( )
Tonka ( )
Grand Canyon ( )
Sleeping Beauty (X)
The Shaggy Dog ( )
Darby O'Gill and the Little People ( )
Zorro the Avenger ( )
Third Man on the Mountain ( )
Mysteries of the Deep ( )
Toby Tyler: Or, ten Weeks with a Circus ( )
Kidnapped ( )
Pollyanna ( )
The Sign of Zorro ( )
Jungle Cat ( )
Ten Who Dared ( )
Swiss Family Robinson ( )
Island of the Sea ( )
One Hundred and One Dalmatians (X)
The Absent-Minded Professsor ( )
Parent Trap ( )
Nikki, Wild Dog of the North ( )
Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog ( )
Babes in Toyland ( )
Wonders of the Water Worlds ( )
Moon Pilot ( )
Bon Voyage! ( )
Big Red ( )
Almost Angels ( )
The Legend of Lobo ( )
In Search of the Castaways ( )
The Prince and the Pauper ( )
Son of Flubber ( )
Miracle of the White Stallions ( )
Savage Sam ( )
Summer Magic ( )
The Incredible Journey ( )
The Sword in the Stone (X)
A Tiger Walks ( )
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones ( )
The Three Lives of Thomasina ( )
The Moon-Spinners ( )
Mary Poppins ( )
Emil and the Detectives ( )
Those Calloways ( )
The Monkey's Uncle ( )
That Darn Cat! ( )
The Ugly Dachshund ( )
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. ( )
The Fighting Prince of Donegal ( )
Follow Me, Boys! ( )
Monkeys, Go Home! ( )
The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin ( )
The Gnome-Mobile ( )
The Jungle Book (X)
Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar ( )
The Happiest Millionaire ( )
Blackbeard's Ghost ( )
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band ( )
Never a Dull Moment ( )
The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit ( )
Guns in the Heather ( )
The Love Bug ( )
Smith! ( )
Rascal ( )
The Computer Whore Tennis Shoes ( )
My Dog, the Thief ( )
Ride a Northbound Horse ( )
King of the Grizzlies ( )
The Boatniks ( )
The Wild Country ( )
Smoke ( )
The Aristocats (X)
The Barefoot Executive ( )
Scandalous John ( )
The Million-Dollar-Duck ( )
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (X)
The Biscuit Eater ( )
Now You See Him, Now You Don't ( )
Napoleon and Samantha ( )
Run, Cougar, run ( )
Snowball Express ( )
Chandar, the Black Leopard of Ceylon ( )
The World's Greatest Athlete ( )
Charley and the Angel ( )
One Little Indian ( )
Robin Hood (X)
Mustang! ( )
Superdad ( )
Herbie Rides Again ( )
The Bears and I ( )
The Castaway Cowboy ( )
The Island at the Top of the World ( )
The Strongest Man in the World ( )
Escape to Witch Mountain ( )
The Apple Dumpling Gang ( )
One Of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing ( )
The Best of Walt Disney's True-Life Adventures ( )
Ride a Wild Pony ( )
The Boy Who Talked to Badgers ( )
No Deposit, No Return ( )
Treasure of Matecumbe ( )
Gus ( )
The Shaggy D.A. ( )
Freaky Friyday ( )
The Littlest Horse Thieves ( )
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (X)
A Tale of Two Critters ( )
The Rescuers (X)
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo ( )
Pete's Dragon ( )
Candleshoe ( )
Return form Witch Mountain ( )
The Cat from Outer Space ( )
Hot Lead and Cold Feet ( )
Child of Glass ( )
The North Avenue Irregulars ( )
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again ( )
Unidentified Flying Oddball ( )
The Black Hole ( )
The Muppet Movie ( )
The London Connection ( )
Midnight Madness ( )
The Watcher in the Woods ( )
Herbie Goes Bananas ( )
The Last Flight of Noah's Ark ( )
Popeye ( )
The Devil and Max Devlin ( )
Amy ( )
Dragonslayer ( )
The Fox and the Hound (X)
Condorman ( )
The Great Muppet Caper ( )
Night Crossing ( )
Tron ( )
Tex ( )
Trenchcoat ( )
Something Wicked This Way Comes ( )
Tiger Town ( )
Never Cry Wolf ( )
Love Leads the Way (X)
Where the Toys Come From ( )
Return to Oz ( )
The Black Cauldron (X)
The Journey of Natty Gann ( )
One Magic Christmas ( )
Teen Academy ( )
The Great Mouse Detective (X)
Flight of the Navigator ( )
Disneys Fluppy Dogs ( )
The Parent Trap ( )
The Christmas Star ( )
Benji the Hunted ( )
Return of the Shaggy Dog ( )
Mr. Boogedy ( )
Return to Snowy River ( )
Oliver & Company (X)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( )
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (X)
Cheetah ( )
The Little Mermaid (X)
Bride of Boogedy ( )
DuckTales: The Movie – Treasure of the Lost Lamp ( )
The Rescuers Down Under (X)
White Fang (X)
Shipwrecked ( )
Wild Hearts Can't be Broken ( )
The Rocketeer ( )
Beauty and the Beast (X)
Newsies ( )
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid ( )
The Mighty Ducks ( )
Aladdin (X)
The Muppet Christmas Carol ( )
Day-O ( )
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (X)
A Far Off Place ( )
The Adventures of Huck Finn ( )
Hocus Pocus ( )
Cool Runnings ( )
The Nightmare Before Christmas ( )
The Three Musketeers ( )
Iron Will ( )
Blank Check ( )
D2: The Mighty Ducks ( )
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf ( )
The Lion King (X)
Angels in the Outfield ( )
Squanto: A Warrior's Tale ( )
The Santa Clause (X)
The Jungle Book (X)
The Return of Jafar (X)
Heavyweights ( )
Man of the House ( )
Tall Tale ( )
A Goofy Movie ( )
Pocahontas (X)
Operation Dumbo Drop ( )
A Kid in King Arthur's Court ( )
The Big Green ( )
Frank and Ollie ( )
Toy Story (X)
Tom and Huck ( )
Gargoyles – The Movie ( )
Muppet Treasure Island ( )
Homeward Bound: Lost in San Francisco (X)
James and the Giant Peach ( )
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (X)
First Kid ( )
D3 The Mighty Ducks ( )
101 Dalmatians (X)
Aladdin and the King of Thieves (X)
Wish Upon a Star ( )
Susie Q ( )
The Darn Cat ( )
Jungle 2 Jungle (X)
George of the Jungle (X)
Air Bud (X)
RocketMan ( )
Flubber (X)
Mr. Magoo ( )
Tower of Terror ( )
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas ( )
Under Wraps ( )
Northern Lights ( )
Angels in the Endzone ( )
Mighty Ducks the Movie: The First Faceoff ( )
Pooh's Great Adventure: The Search for Christoper Robin ( )
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves ( )
The Love Bug ( )
Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella ( )
Oliver Twist ( )
Meet the Deedles ( )
Mulan (X)
The Parent Trap (X)
Air Bud: Golden Receiver ( )
I'll Be Home for Christmas ( )
A Bug's Life (X)
Mighty Joe Young ( )
You Lucky Dog ( )
Halloweentown ( )
Brink! ( )
Whoopi – A Knight in Camelot (X)
The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit ( )
Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World ( )
The Lion King 2: Simbas Pride (X)
Belle's Magical World ( )
Armageddon ( )
Don't Look Under the Bed (X)
Genius ( )
The Thirteenth Year ( )
Johnny Tsunami ( )
Can of Worms ( )
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century ( )
Horse Sense ( )
Smart House ( )
My Favorite Martian ( )
Doug – The 1. Movie ( )
Endurance ( )
Tarzan (X)
Inspector Gadget ( )
The Straight Story ( )
Toy Story 2 (X)
H.E. – Double Hockey Sticks ( )
Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas ( )
Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving ( )    
Annie ( )
Fantasia 2000 ( )
The Ultimative Christmas Present ( )
Phantom of the Megaplex ( )
Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire ( )
The Other Me ( )
Quints ( )
Ready to Run ( )
Stepsister from Planet Weird ( )
Miracle in Lane 2 ( )
Rip Girls ( )
Alley Cats Strike ( )
The Color of Friendship ( )
Up, Up and Away ( )
Angels in the Infield ( )
Air Bud 3 ( )
Mail to the Chief ( )
Geppetto ( )
The Tigger Movie ( )
Dinosaur (X)
Disney's The Kid ( )
Remember the Titans ( )
102 Dalmatians (X)
The Emperor's New Groove (X)
An Extremly Goofy Movie ( )
Whispers: An Elephant Tale ( )
The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea (X)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command ( )
Life-Size ( )
The Miracle Worker ( )
Bounce ( )
Jett Jackson: The Movie ( )
The Other Side of Heaven ( )
`Twas the Night ( )
Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge ( )
The Poof Point ( )
Jumping Ship ( )
Jennie ( )
Hounded ( )
Luck of the Irish ( )
Zenon: The Zequel ( )
Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse ( )
Motocrossed ( )
Recess: School's Out ( )
Lady and the Tramp 2 – Scamp's Adventure (X)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (X)
The Princess Diaries ( )
Max Keebles Big Move ( )
Monsters, Inc (X)
Princess of Thieves ( )
Air Bud 4 ( )
The Scream Team ( )
A Ring of Endless Light ( )
Gotta Kick It Up! ( )
Get a Clue ( )
Tru>> confessions ( )
Cadet Kelly ( )
Double Teamed ( )
Snow Dogs (X)
Return to Neverland (X)
The Rookie ( )
Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True (X)
Lilo & Stitch (X)
The Country Bears ( )
Tuck Everlasting ( )
The Santa Clause 2 ( )
Treasure Planet (X)
Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year ( )
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 ( )
Tarzan & Jane ( )
Mickey's House of Villains ( )
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time ( )
Air Bud 5 ( )
Full Court Miracle ( )
The Cheetah Girls ( )
Eddies Million Dollar Cook-Off ( )
The Even Stevens Movie ( )
Right on Track ( )
You Wish! ( )
101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure ( )
The Jungle Book 2 (X)
Inspector Gadget 2 ( )
Piglet's Big Movie ( )
Ghosts of the Abyss ( )
Holes ( )
Atlantis: Milo's Return (X)
The Lizzie McGuire Movie ( )
Finding Nemo (X)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (X)
Freaky Friday ( )
Brother Bear (X)
George of the Jungle 2 ( )
The Haunted Mansion (X)
The Young Black Stallion ( )
Stitch! The Movie ( )
Recess ( )
Recess: All Growed Down ( )
Going to the Mat ( )
Pixel Perfect ( )
Zenon Z3 ( )
Halloweentown High ( )
Tiger Cruise ( )
Stuck in the Suburbs ( )
Teacher's Pet ( )
Miracle ( )
March of the Penguins ( )
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen ( )
Ghost in the Shell 2 – Innocence ( )
Home on the Range (X)
Sacred Planet ( )
Springtime with Roo ( )
Around the World in 80 Days (X)
America's Heart and Soul ( )
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement ( )
Mulan 2 (X)
The Incredibles (X)
Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (X)
The Lion King 1½ (X)
National Treasure ( )
Mickey, Donald and Goofy: The Three Musketeers (X)
Aliens of the Deep ( )
The Three Musketeers ( )
Kronk's New Groove ( )
Once Upon a Mattress ( )
Kim Possible Movie – So the Drama ( )
Go Figure ( )
Life is Ruff ( )
The Proud Family Movie ( )
Twitches ( )
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch (X)
Pooh's Heffalump Movie ( )
The Pacifier ( )
Ice Princess ( )
Herbie: Fully Loaded ( )
Sky High ( )
Valiant ( )
The Greatest Game Ever Played ( )
Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie ( )
Now You See It ( )
Buffalo Dreams ( )
Chicken Little ( )
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (X)
Tarzan 2 (X)
The Muppet's Wizard of Oz ( )
Air Buddies ( )
Read It and Weep ( )
Wendy Wu – Homecoming Warrior ( )
Cow Belles ( )
The Cheetah Girls 2 ( )
Return to Halloweentown ( )
High School Musical ( )
Brother Bear 2 ( )
Glory Road ( )
Roving Mars ( )
Bambi 2 (X)
Eight Below (X)
The Shaggy Dog ( )
The Wild ( )
Cars ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (X)
Leroy & Stitch ( )
Invincible ( )
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ( )
Bridge to Terabithia ( )
Johnny Kapahala – Back on Board ( )
Jump In! ( )
Meet the Robinsons ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ( )
Ratatouille ( )
Underdog ( )
The Pixar Story ( )
The Game Plan ( )
Le Premier Cri ( )
Enchanted ( )
The Fox and the Hound 2 (X)
The Secret of the Magic Gourd ( )
Pooh's Super Sleuth Christmas Movie ( )
Twitches Too ( )
High School Musical 2 ( )
Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time (X)
National Treasure: Book of Secrets ( )
Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert ( )
Snow Buddies ( )
The Cheetah Girls 3: One World ( )
The Little Mermaid – Ariel's Beginning (X)
Tinkerbell (X)
Camp Rock ( )
Minutemen ( )
College Road Trip ( )
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian ( )
Dasavathaaram ( )
WALL-E ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahu ( )
Morning Light ( )
High School Musical 3: Senior Year ( )
Bolt (X)
Bedtime Stories ( )
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience ( )
Iron Man ( )
Race to Witch Mountain ( )
Hannah Montana: The Movie ( )
Earth ( )
The Incredible Hulk ( )
Trail of the Panda ( )
Up ( )
Lilly the Witch: The Dragon and the Magic Book ( )
G-Force ( )
Walt & El Grupo ( )
The Book of Masters ( )
Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie ( )
Santa Buddies Here Comes Santa Paws ( )
Disney's A Christmas Carol ( )
Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure (X)
Old Dogs ( )
Princess Protection Program ( )
The Princess and the Frog ( )
Tigger & Pooh and a Musical Too ( )
Hatching Pete ( )
Dadnapped ( )
Space Buddies ( )
Alice in Wonderland (X)
Waking Sleeping Beauty ( )
Oceans ( )
Santa Paws ( )
Avalon High ( )
Den Brother ( )
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam ( )
Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue (X)
StarStruck ( )
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time ( )
Toy Story 3 ( )
You Again ( )
The Sorcerer's Apprentice ( )
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos ( )
Secretariat ( )
Do Dooni Chaar ( )
Tangled ( )
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story ( )
Tron: Legacy ( )
Iron Man 2 ( )
Geek Charming ( )
Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas! ( )
Phineas & Ferb – The Movie ( )
Spooky Buddies ( )
Anaganaga O Dheerudu ( )
The Suite Life Movie ( )
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure ( )
Lemonade Mouth ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 ( )
Thor ( )
Lilly the Witch: The Journey to Mandolan ( )
Mars Needs Moms ( )
Zokkomon ( )
African Cats ( )
Prom ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides ( )
Cars 2 ( )
Winnie the Pooh ( )
Pixie Hollow Games (X)
The Muppets ( )
Girl vs. Monster ( )
Santa Paws 2 ( )
Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess ( )
Radio Rebel ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3 ( )
Treasure Buddies ( )
FRenemies ( )
John Carter ( )
Chimpanzee ( )
Arjun: The Warrior Prince ( )
Brave ( )
The Odd Life of Timothy Green ( )
Frankenweenie ( )
Let It Shine ( )
Secret of the Wings (X)
The Advengers ( )
Wreck-It Ralph ( )
Teen Beach Movie ( )
Super Buddies
Oz the Great and Powerful ( )
Wings of Life ( )
Monsters University ( )
The Lone Ranger ( )
Planes ( )
Frozen ( )
Saving Mr. Banks ( )
Iron Man 3 ( )
Thor: The Dark World ( )
How to Build a Better Boy ( )
Zapped ( )
Cloud 9 ( )
The Pirate Fairy (X)
Muppets Most Wanted ( )
Bears ( )
Million Dollar Arm ( )
Maleficent ( )
Planes: Fire & Rescue ( )
Khoobsurat ( )
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ()
Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( )
Guardians of the Galaxy ( )
Big Hero 6 (X)
Into the Woods ( )
McFarland USA ( )
Cinderella ( )
Monkey Kingdom ( )
Tomorrowland ( )
Inside Out ( )
ABCD 2 ( )
Ant-Man ( )
The Good Dinosaur ( )
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (X)
Teen Beach 2 ( )
Tinkerbell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (X)
Bad Hair Day ( )
Descendants ( )
Avengers: Age of Ultron ( )
The Finest Hours ( )
Zootopia (X)
The Jungle Book ( )
Tini: The Movie ( )
Alice Through the Looking Glass ( )
Finding Dory ( )
BFG ( )
Pete's Dragon ( )
Queen of Katwe ( )
Moana (X)
Captain America: Civil War ( )
Doctor Strange ( )
Rogue One. A Star Wars Story (X)
Growing Up Wild ( )
Dangal ( )
 L'Empereur – March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step ( )
Beauty and the Beast ( )
Born in China ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales ( )
Cars 3 ( )
Ghost of the Mountains ( )
Jagga Jasoos ( )
Coco ( )
Lillys Bewitched Christmas ( )
Descendants 2 ( )
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( )
Spider Man: Homecoming ( )
Thor: Ragnarok ( )
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (X)
Expedition China ( )
A Wrinkle in Time ( )
The Incredibles 2 ( )
Christoper Robin ( )
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms ( )
Ralph Breaks the Internet ( )
Mary Poppins Returns ( )
Zombies ( )
Black Panther ( )
Avengers: Infinity War ( )
Solo: A Star Wars Story ( )
Ant-Man and the Wasp ( )
Dumbo ( )
Penguins ( )
Aladdin ( )
Toy Stor 4 ( )
The Lion King ( )
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil ( )
Lady and the Tramp ( )
Noelle ( )
Frozen 2 ( )
Descendants 3 ( )
Captain Marvel ( )
Avengers: End Game ( )
Spider-Man: Far From Home ( )
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ( )
One Day at Disney ( )
Togo ( )
Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made ( )
Onward ( )
Stargirl ( )
Dolphin Reef ( )
Elephant ( )
Artemis Fowl ( )
Hamilton ( )
Mulan ( )
The One and Only Ivan ( )
The Beatles: Get Back ( )
Soul ( )
Secret Society of Second-Born Royals ( )
Magic Camp ( )
Howard ( )
Urgh! Wish me luck, that I survive this....
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aerisdraws · 5 years
Blood & Bone
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Join me, it said. A hiss in her ear, an intruder in her mind.
You need to rest. You’ve worked so hard.
“No.” Solvi repeated. She knew she shouldn’t be talking out loud. Recognizing the existence of the whisper only made it worse. Engaging it encouraged it. She continued her march, anger and stress pumping through her veins and spurring her on. She could barely feel the cold, despite lacking Raven’s protection against the icy bite of the cool night. The tracks she left in the snow showed her course was to the north-east, straight towards the Svanir infested territory of Bjora Marches.
You’re strong, but you could be stronger. With me.
“I don’t need your help!” she shouted into the darkness. Her voice cracked like lightning and echoed through the mountains. Fuck. Now was not the time to draw attention. She’d told her snow leopard to stay behind, back at the encampment. This was only meant to be a short walk, to burn off some steam and cool down. The voice was getting to everyone, even her, but the commander couldn’t be showing weakness – not now, and especially not in front of the others.
He’s not there. Solvi stopped in her tracks. How did it know? Ever since the Pact had decided to venture north, after stupid fucking Ryland who thought he could tame a dragon, she’d had a growing sense of dread.
“Who’s not there?” she asked the night, uncertain. Testing. Her fists clenched into balls.
You know who.
She did. The scars on her back felt like they were pulling at her skin as though they were trying to tear away from her. Her once beautiful green tattooed wings, now decimated into knotted, ugly scars. The norn stomped on, fury growing within her. It wasn’t fair that it new. She hated that it could pry into her soul, forcing open memories she’d worked so hard to suppress. The voice poked at the most sore parts of her being, and it made Solvi angry.
The voice left her alone for a little while, but somehow that only made things worse. Solvi wanted to argue, spit at it, tear something apart. Instead she was walking deeper and deeper into the blizzard. She’d stumbled across bodies lying in the snow, but didn’t bother checking them. She knew. The Vigil guard that had suddenly walked away two days before. The asura who said they were going to investigate the area. They’d all left the keep to pointlessly fucking die. Why couldn’t they have stayed put? Why weren’t they strong enough to keep going? Why did they stop to –
“NO!” she screamed. “GO AWAY!” Blood rushed to her head as she howled her rage to the moon. Her control was slipping. Claws pierced the gloves she wore and Solvi could feel her fangs grow. Her heart felt like it was going to explode, it was beating painfully fast as her body struggled between norn and wolf form. Black creeped over her field of vision, making it even harder for her to see in the blizzard. Solvi felt her face burning, unable to tell whether it was because of the freezing cold or because of the raw fury boiling inside her.
He made you feel weak.
Solvi howled again, her body contorting as her spine twisted and thick red fur grew up her arms and legs. “I’M – NOT – WEAK” she stuttered, finding it increasingly difficult to speak through her lengthening teeth.
A crack of a twig to the right of her alerted her to danger. Her vision had started to come back and improve as her transformation to wolf progressed. One silhouette – large, masculine – observed her from behind a tree. She stepped towards the man.
He took from you.
Each whisper was like a whip across her back. Even her fur couldn’t grow properly where he’d forever marked her, and that thought only made her angrier. She could almost smell him, now. It had been almost a decade, but Solvi could never forget his scent. It lingered on her skin like thick blood. A coagulated disease that only she could feel. Her skull cracked and re-shaped, her clothes tore, unable to adapt to her wild form.
He made you feel small.
Solvi roared, feeling her mind and heart split apart as all her anguish spilled forward. The man who had stalked her saw this moment and took his opportunity to strike, jumping out from his cover and slashing an icy sword across her forearm. It felt like fire searing into her skin. Solvi looked down at her attacker, unable to see anything else but his grimacing face as he prepared his next assault. She bared her fangs at him, surrendering in to the beast inside her. One, two, three, the nornwolf swiped at him, tearing at his clothes. Warm blood spread across her claws, and she heard him yelp.
Metal clashed against claws when she batted his sword away as though it were a toy. Her night vision had fully kicked in now, and she could make out her attacker’s face. His face. Adrenaline surged through her body and she lunged, aiming her fangs straight for his throat.
He dodged the maw and called for help. His hand gripped the fur on the back of Solvi’s neck so he could pull her down. Caught off guard, the Commander stumbled for a moment, but that was all he needed. He drove his sword through her abdomen, and this time she howled in pain.
You never fought back.
Blood seeped down the blade of the sword as Solvi’s muscles convulsed about it.
He won your trust and you were blind.
More footsteps rushed to her in the snow. The man holding the sword laughed at his victory.
You still can’t win.
Three more attackers surrounded her. The fight was over.
You’re weak.
Just as small as you were before.
Solvi turned her head to her attacker and sank her teeth into his skull, crunching through helmet and bone. She locked her jaw and twisted, tearing his head off his shoulders, and threw it to the other attackers. The body fell, but the sword remained lodged between her ribs. Good.
She saw her new enemies. They all had the same face – they all had his face. His smell, his voice. Something split inside of her. A decade of repressed rage crashed to the surface. She lunged again, relishing in the sensation of blood filling her mouth, teeth closing in around his throat just enough to feel spine. Solvi snapped it like a toothpick. Something stung the back of her leg, her fur felt warm and wet and she could smell more blood – her own, this time. Growling, she spun around to face the two men remaining. No holding back.
The last man fell. Solvi stood over him, panting. Half his face was still in her hand, flesh tangled on her claws. In this form, she could smell the fear lingering in the air. The snow around her was so dark with blood it looked like the night sky had dripped onto the ground. She looked down at the face of the man she’d killed. It wasn’t him.
Pain finally made itself known as the adrenaline drained from her body. A low moan, bestial in nature, escaped from her throat. The Commander fell to her knees, tears welling in her eyes as her mind slowly returned. She wasn’t angry now, she was hurt, and she couldn’t deal with hurt. Solvi, still in her wolf form, clawed at the head of the corpse beneath her, tearing away the remaining flesh and eyes, creating deep grooves in the bone of the skull itself. When all the skin and muscle had been ripped away, she pounded at it with bloodied fists until she could feel her knuckles crack under the force and the skull was shattered into a million pieces.
“I LOVED YOU!” Solvi howled, her face twisted from the torture. Agony coursed through her body and soul. The commander was defeated. “I loved you,” she muttered, knowing it was pointless to say. Those words had felt empty to her a long time ago.
With me, you would never feel small again.
Solvi cried, wracked with a sorrow that could never be healed. It wasn’t fair. None of these men were him. But they all followed the same banner. They had all done this to her. Torn her wings to shreds.
I can give him to you, said the whisper. Fur matted with blood receded back down her arms and legs, exposing pale, bloodstained skin. Solvi hiccupped, the sword of her attacker still sheathed inside her abdomen, creating new wounds as her body returned to its natural form. The blade twisted between her ribs as her spine shortened, her claws retracted and her fanged snout turned back into her scarred lips and nose.
Spirits, how tempting it was. The promise of being delivered the man she hated the most. How she longed to sink her teeth into his throat and taste his blood. She wanted him to beg for her mercy, just like she had before.
I would never hurt you like he did, it murmured. The voice sounded so kind. It felt Solvi’s pain. It knew how it felt, to be betrayed, to be made to feel worthless.
Solvi spat blood and laughed. She gazed at the mangled skull between her hands. “That’s what he said, too. You’re both liars.”
The fight had ended and her energy was drained. It had been hours since she’d left, and her crew would be worried for her by now.
“I can’t,” Solvi replied, searing pain contorting her body. She needed to rest, but it would kill her if she did. Her clothes laid in tatters, blood-soaked and useless. Even though she was norn, she would not survive the night, naked in the middle of this unnatural snowstorm.
You’re safe, now. You don’t have to keep going.
The giantess struggled to her feet. The sword wasn’t the only problem: she bore several wounds, some of them deep enough to cause her to bleed out. One, two steps. She had to go back to the fort. She couldn’t die like this, not now.
I’ll protect you. Ice fortifies.
“Like hell it does,” the huntress mumbled. Three, four. One foot in front of the other. She felt so dizzy – she was losing too much blood. Her bare foot hit a rock under the snow, and she fell forwards onto the sword, driving it further through her. The pain debilitated her so much she couldn’t even swear. Breathe. Breathe. She’d crawl back if she had to.
For a few minutes, it worked. Solvi clawed her way towards safety, leaving a trail of blood in her wake. It was so cold her blood crystallized almost as soon as it hit the ground.
“Sahar,” she moaned, calling to her companion. “Help… me…”
The world went dark as her body slumped, sinking into the snow. Her ribs met the hilt of the sword. For a moment, Solvi felt warm, lying in a pool of her own blood. Then, the cold creeped through her fingers and toes, and her mind went blank.
Warm. She felt warm – and it wasn’t blood, this time. Blue light danced behind her eyelids, and she could hear whispers. Not the ones that were in her head, but the voices of people she knew. Warmaster Jhavi and… Braham.
One eye opened, painfully swollen. She glimpsed Braham, who was holding her against his chest, hot as a furnace even through the layers of furs he wore, likely blood-soaked now. She was wrapped in something soft, thick and smelling of smoke and fresh-cut wood. It must be Braham’s cloak, as the Warmaster was much smaller than Solvi. Jhavi walked beside him, her palm resting on Solvi’s shoulder while she muttered healing spells, closing the wounds. The sword was still there – a problem for later, but it was best to leave it than remove it and cause more damage. It wasn’t only those two: Sahar was here as well, Solvi could feel it. Her snow leopard must have sensed her pain and come for her, bringing the others along.
“Commander,” Braham’s deep voice called to her though the fog of her mind. “You look terrible, what happened?” he asked. She could hear the concern in his voice – he never was good at hiding his emotions.
Solvi cracked a tired smile, baring bloodied teeth. “You should see the other guy” she slurred.
Jhavi chuckled. “We’re almost back at the keep, Commander. You better rest.”
Her advice fell on deaf ears as, finally, Solvi surrendered herself to sleep.
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notinthemaps · 5 years
Healing through the Himalayas
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    I was unnerved at the thought of these mountains, aging near 50 million years old, full of history and wealth. There above lies rigid peaks and soaring heights, strong waters and vivid sharp-edged granite building the homes of the wild. The comprehension of beauty is influenced by comparison, however, there’s not a damn thing on the planet deserving enough to be compared to the Himalayas. They’re alive and awake, growing every day, shaped and shifted by avalanches and tremors and growing rivers fed by melting glaciers and the snow leopards, one of the only carnivores of the Himalayas, lies present yet silent, symbolic and representative to the creator of nature. There’s something alive here, hidden in plain sight, echoing out and drawing me closer. Something I feel I can reach yet is impossible to touch. Something I so long to search for, whatever it may be. 
I reached for the benefit of the beauty of nature over the fear of the unknown. Unable to sleep, I drifted between anxious shakes and these visions of eagles gliding along the soaring heights of the mountain range, Himalayan mountain sheep grazing in herds leaping between dry bushes and through the in-betweens, I saw a blurred vision of my father. Maybe the unearthliness and historic existence measure the markings of spirit within the Himalayas. I’ve always liked to believe that there’s an existential energy out there that lies between Earth and the resting world. One that holds the past souls but prevails in the present. One that doesn’t speak a human language but communicates well. Perhaps a world we still find ourselves in. Perhaps this alerting energy that bellows in nature.
The awareness and truth of suffering, the first of buddha’s teachings lie known across the land of the Himalayas and have fallen upon my lap, left to assimilate.  
I packed his ashes into a locket and I arrived late at night in a slow, small airport. There were crowds of taxi drivers yelling across the fence. I walked, exhaustedly, as they followed the travelers and me out to the parking lot. I hopped into a jeep with a quiet older gentleman who spoke little English. Too tired to put effort into a conversation, I watched the dirt roads ahead of us full of potholes. I paid most of my attention to avoid hitting my head against the windows until I arrived at the hostel. I fell asleep quickly on the top floor that had windows wrapping around the entire building that would once allow the sun to wake me as it rose.
In the morning, I lied awaiting the rest of the city to slowly waken as I craved the chance for a warm cup of tea. I stared out the window as the sun rose above Swayambhu, a temple full of greedy monkeys, one that embodies 365 steps to achieve its beauty. While the beauty lies in every corner through Nepal, it seems we had much walking to do to reach the most beautiful parts of the country.
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An eye rub and groan across the room was noticed in the corner of my eye as I watched crows fly from building to building. He greets himself, a Tibetan man, 25 years old that did not know english very well spoke with me through google translate. He welcomed me to Kathmandu and stumbled across his words as he asked if I’d like to join him for breakfast. He guided me along to a restaurant through tall buildings, often a bit lopsided and accompanying cracks. The streets were hung with prayer flags and tourist shops were opening their doors. Namaste. Namaste. Namaste as we walked down the road. When he had finally reached the restaurant, no bigger than the average American sized bathroom, built by plastic chairs and wobbly tables. I enjoyed a rice meal and some tea and a slow conversation over google translate before he headed off to work that day. He asked me what I wanted to do that day and I pointed at Swayambhu. I hopped into a taxi and began the steps up 365 stairs. I followed the monkeys, soaked in the sun above the city with my eyes closed and welcomed the vibration of prayer wheels as they were spun by tourists and locals. I was here, accompanied by reason and purpose. Time was no longer a ticking clock, but a gift on this pursuit of searching and understanding this echo that led me to Nepal. I had no intention of leaving this place quickly. Many know how fascinated with leaving I had become. I had always wanted to leave. Run, in fact. But here, I don’t want to leave here.
The second noble truth: determining the cause of suffering. Desire and ignorance lying at the root.
After growing tired of the smog of the city, it was time to climb. I packed my bag with 2 pants, 2 shirts, a water purifier, a sleeping bag, some hiking boots, and a couple of layers to keep me warm through the next two weeks. It was enough and there are places in the world where you constantly feel like what you have isn’t enough. It feels good to strip down to the necessities of humankind. No one to compare riches and debts to. What matters from here is faith in yourself, trust in nature and to continue putting one foot in front of the other.
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The trek began with a few hours walking through rice fields. It was colorful and quiet. I walked behind my Nepali guide who had curly hair and a passion for mountains. They were his home after all. He was shy and between the sounds of footsteps jumping over puddles and cattle grazing nearby, the habitual warming questions were soliloquized between. After all, I am spending the next two weeks with this man. I must get to know him and find the reason these mountains echo to him, what his reason is for climbing them for a living despite their obvious beauty. Perhaps for my own desire for clarity. I found out that he’s scared of dogs and swings, loves smoking weed and thought the phrase “Why not, coconut?!” was hilarious. We hopped around the trail until we finally reached the village we were staying at for the night. We shared some raksi, a traditional Nepali liquor, accompanied by dal baht, a traditional rice dish, that I fell in love with. And we laughed and laughed as the raski settled in and stared at the stars until our eyes grew heavy. I fell asleep to the sound of the Ngadi or “river” and the high pitch noise of the crickets.
Again, I rose with the sun, purified some water from the tap and walked alongside the river. This time for 8 hours to the town of Chamche. We took a stop at the base of this massive waterfall to cool down. In an attempt to get closer, I stepped on a grass patch that was not supported. I fell down the side of the cliff, completely burring myself with mud and grass. The mist was blinding being this close to the falls but I screamed and lifted my hand as high as the dirt allowed and was pulled up with nothing but a few scrapes, a sore foot and ankle, some leeches and a whole lot of luck. Upon arrival to Chamche, eating another serving of dal baht, he had the decency to ask me if I’m tired after walking 8 hours with a sore foot and ankle and I honestly didn’t know if he was serious or not but he looked at me waiting in silence for an answer. The day was best described by the words I wrote in my journal: I am climbing these mountains with a goddamn mountain goat.
I woke up to a throbbing foot and cramping calves. 5 hours today. I can do this. I ate lunch under an apple tree and dropped my sunglasses in the toilet or let’s say a full ‘hole in the ground’. Lovely. He said repeatedly “Bistārī, Bistārī” or “slowly, slowly.” He was right and he probably saw my frustration and felt it through my silence. Climbing mountains aren’t meant to be a race. Climbing mountains aren’t meant to be easy. If they were, no one would do it. I finally grew the courage to ask him why he does it. He said it’s in his Nepali blood. And they’re beautiful. He wants to own a tour company one day. And through his rambles, he eventually began to tell me how he started climbing mountains with his brother who passed away in a motorcycle accident two years ago. This was his connection and his dedication to his passing. I didn’t have words to respond and to break the silence, he pointed to the left of us and said: “that’s Annapurna 2.” I counted the rest of my steps with the Nepali words he taught me, “Ēka, du'ī, tīna, cāra, pām̐ca, cha..” and he corrected me as I went on with my mispronunciation.
I stayed up later than usual that night, despite how exhausted I was. It’s been a wave of emotions. This traveling is. Within a mountain lies the heavyweight of awareness due to the lack of distractions. Hours and hours of walking with nothing but your thoughts are the most draining part of it all. The conquerable part of it lies within a sufferer who climbs them anyway and does the difficult achievement of simply surviving.
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Today, I fluctuated between ‘why am I doing this’ to ‘I’m so happy I’m doing this’. Today, I sat in a cafe and grew annoyed by a group of Israeli hikers complain about how they found a worm in their pasta. Today, I rolled my eyes to a couple of Americans moan about how they don’t have a private “bathroom.” Now despite being in the middle of the mountains on a trek that will reach near 17,000 feet, I have found myself more irritated with these people than I have with the fact that I have pulled hairs out of the past 3 meals I’ve eaten. Contemplation over whether to be disgusted or impressed with myself began. Is the lack of toilet paper I’ve used in the past few months of traveling impressing or? Is the cracking sounds that my socks make as I put them on in the morning disgusting? What about how comfortable I became peeing on the side of a road or trail? I’d say it’s impressive but I will leave that for each individual to decide.
The next few days, I spent plenty of hours practicing more Nepali, laid in the grass to watch the eagles fly in circles above, hiked up to lake Tilicho lake, the highest lake in the world to listen to ice crack and fall into the lake, and played an indefinite amount of card games with other trekkers. Oh, and ate all the dal baht I could possibly eat.
And when it was finally time to summit, we woke at 4 am before the sun, to a snowstorm and all I heard were the words, “Bistārī” or “Lagabhaga”. Almost. And my god, I have never hated a word more. When I reached the top and saw the tip of the Nepal flag, I walked as close as I could before I eventually collapsed to my knees. 17,769 feet. I cried after over a week of wondering if I’ll make it, if it’s worth it and constantly questioning why the hell I was doing it.  
And it was for this. For the historic human instinct of healing through nature. The feeling of confronting the reflection in the walls of the mountains and the spirits that lay between them. For my dad. For the first time the entire trek, my backpack had felt like nothing and my foot had stopped throbbing. To be humbled and disciplined. To become more human. Enamored by the mountain range, my attitude changed. For so long I carried this feeling of defeat or numbness that I reconciled as avoidance and throughout the trail, there was nothing I could use to hide from myself.
I looked at my guide as he twirled and looked up at the mountains around us. “For you, my brother” he whispered. I hugged him and clenched my locket. We both laughed and fell into the piles of snow as we danced and yelled. All this mountain range was before we started was something beautiful that led to the sky and I looked up and thanked them for becoming so much more than that. 
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An end of suffering.
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johnisthewarlus · 5 years
humping on a cornflake part 11
mark: the plan worked. the trackers are installed.
john: wow wat a journey. we destroyed evil :D... and lost a friend :(... shite. wen we arrive at the hotel, news people are swarming the place. 10 mics are shoved in my face (and one up my ahole, but that was Paul’s dck). “jon wheri have you guyz been” “jahn r u all ok” so many questions are asked. but then one little boy reporting for his school newspaper asks “joan weri is brian?” pal busts down crying and then the three of us join in. “he’s dead” pau screams. i hold rinchy in front of us like a wooden plank and shove everyone out of the way until we get to our hotel room. once we’re in the room, we change into pajamas and get into our beds. pol is still crying, so i hug him against my bear chest. i don’t mean bare chest, i mean i’m wearing a bear onesie. his tears get all over the fur. “jonny i wanna see bri again” he whimpers. “i know, i know” i whisper soothingly “we’ll get some LSD soon enough.” that calms him down, so i lick his face and he licks mine and then we go into full on camila cabello shawn mendez kissing mode. out of the corner of my eye, i see rinky standing over us watching. “go away” i say. he hisses and goes back into his bed. then we sex.
ringo: geo’s stomach is harder than steel. “we should trying cutting into you with diamond hehe” i flirt. “wtf” he says. we stare at each other in awkward silence. i chuckle awkwardly. “wanna suck my dck” i ask. he nods and zips under the sheets. a few minutes later, that’s done and jon and pal are done so we all get up. then we realize we have to get a new manager. “wat do we do” i ask. “we need to find a new manager” says joan. “how do we do that” joj asks. just then, the beatlemobile crashes thru the window and skids to a stop. “wtf we have to pay for that!” jahn yells. “shut up and get in” says the beatlemobile. we all shuffle in, me and georhe in the back and jorn and pau in the front. “why are we in here” jorge asks. “pull my shift stick” the beatlesmobile says. jon does it. then the car moans. “haha just kidding” she says “you just turned on new manager mode.” “wtf is that” jahn asks “and since when do we hav a new manager mode?” the car explains “bernie gave me some LSD so i visited bri and he put the mode in. now i can take you to my calculated best fits.” “how long will that take” i ask. “in turbo mode, not very long” she replies. “wha-“ and then the beatlemobile zooms off at the highest speed ever. the first stop we arrive in is antarctica.
george: “who tf lives in antarctica” i exclaim. the doors open and this random dude greets us. “welcome to the arctic city” he says in a eerily calming voice. we follow him thru the snow until we reach giant gates that lead to a giant city. “wtf why is no one talking about this” i ask. “they’re too busy writing about us” ring says and then dabs. i scowl at the dab and stab him. he pulls the dagger out of his back and slits my throat. i throw the dagger away and we chuckle. #justcoupletings. the dude brings us to a house wheri a man in all white greets us. “they call me the silent leopard” he says in a deep voice. we all look at each other uneasily. then he whips off his shades and says “haha just messing with you, my names jackie chan.” we all laugh and shake his hand. “we’d love to have you on board jackie” pau says “wat are your koalafacations?” “i’m a good stuntman and actor and no one knows but i actually make counterfeit coins in my free time” jackie tells us. “that’s cool but wat does it have to do with music” joan asks. “music? i thought i was auditioning for the role of shrek” jackie says. “oh” i say “we should probably move on then... whire’s the beatlemobile?” once again, it comes crashing thru the wall. we all yell wtf and jackie flips is off as we fly away bc we just destroyed his house.
paul: we arrive at our next location, witch is somewhere in australia. a man greets us when the doors open but he’s upside down. “welcome to the land down unda mate” he says. “let’s get tf out of here” i say. we all get back in the beatlemobile and it frantically flies away. “sorry” it says. “it’s okay, you didn’t mean to” i tell it. we fly again and finally arrive in venus. wat? of corse i don’t mean venice, i mean venus. the beatlemobile gives us space suits and we step out. we’re too fab to be crushed by the gravity. we walk across the lonely land till we get to a shack. “is it yoko again?” i ask. the beatlemobile nods. “beatlemobile that’s my wife” jon says “you can’t sleep with your manager.” “you did with bri” the beatlemobile says. joan looks around and makes us all get back in the car. we sit in awkward silence till we arrive at the next location. new york, new york. so nice, they named it once. wait no that’s not how the phrase goes. anyway, we walk into grand central, wheri a tall figure appears before us. “hi i’m george” the man says. “no i’m george” joj says. “i’m also george tho” the man says “i’m george martin.” “wat are your qualifications” i ask. “i do music” george martin says. “you’re hired” i say, smiling. we shake hands.
mark: the units are ready at grand central. they’re closing in.
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Playing with Dolls part 2
More snippets from my original writing projects illustrated with the dollmaker by @5eyed . I have lost all shame about this (ok no i haven't but I'm going to do it anyway) so blacklist #playing with dolls if you don't want to see more.
In The Family
A superhero romance with crime elements.
Marcus Tennyson has never been a hero before, but he's dropped out of his PhD programme and now doesn't know what to do with his life. He travels and gets mixed up with an established hero team because villains keep mistaking him for a member of that team from a distance. This actually be really cool for him, if this didn't happen to be the territory of his estranged family, a crime syndicate his parents moved away to avoid. Plot ensues.
Revolves between three point of view characters:
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Name: Marcus
Age: 26
Codename: Snowcat
Powers: Shapeshifting (chosen shape - snow leopard); low-level empath (able to sense but not influence emotion)
Other skills: Competition- level gymnast; published a couple of well-received papers on pre-medieval treatment of supers in rural England; can survive long periods on tea and snacks stolen from the postgrad common room.
Character: Eccentric and cheerful, and far more physical and restless than you'd expect from an academic. Has grown up mostly out of the loop about the Family (in the crime family sense) except for a few childhood holidays with his cousins, but that's about to change. It was bad enough that his mum ran away to marry his dad, and left the Family. One weird academic nephew off on the other side of the country is one thing, but having him in town and on the other side doesn't look good.
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Name: Elli
Age: 32
Codename: Aconite
Powers: Can change the composition of her saliva to produce poisonous or acidic substances. This isn't usually very useful, unless she needs tranquilizers on the fly.
Other skills: An expert knife fighter, and an experienced hero with more than ten years under her belt. Usually the strategist, and second-in-command of the resident hero team.
Character: Confident and business-like during missions, and sees it as a job like being a ranger or police officer. Out of work, she has a great sense of humour and doesn't take any shit. Immediately warms up to Marcus when they meet during a riot caused by panic in the aftermath of a villain attack, and basically adopts him into the team. Finds all the mistaken identity between the two of them hilarious.
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Name: Rocksby
Age: 29
Codename: Jack-in-the-Box. His real first name IS actually Jack, but since literally nobody ever calls him that it still makes a decent codename. Even his mother calls him Rocksby. They do have different surnames, but that's still weird.
Powers: Ability to spring or leap up to 20 feet even straight upwards or from a standing start; can produce energy bombs from his hands to use as percussive blasts or make sparks.
Other Skills: Being a hot mess.
Character: Rocksby is a trashfire and I love him. Villains think he's the most dangerous and powerful on the team, and they're not completely wrong. However, he's only gained enough control to join a team in the last few years, and lacks a lot of experience and wisdom. Rockets between arrogance and crippling insecurity almost by the minute, either convinced he should be leading the team or boiling with selfdoubt. Total attention-seeker. HATES Marcus originally, due in no small part to the fact that the cat/gymnast thing is actually way more flexible and useful as an agility power than his springs.
Main story kicks off when Marcus' cousin is assigned to kidnap him and bring him back into the Family. But it's dark, and she's rushing, and oh no, that's not the blonde they were looking for... Meanwhile Rocksby tries to ambush Elli for a 'surprise date', mostly to try and get her to pay attention to him and not Marcus. Since Elli is off being kidnapped, he gets more of a surprise than he bargained for.
Also featuring non-POV-character but total sweetie:
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Name: Rachael
Age: 24
Codename: Blink
Powers: Teleportation
Other skills: Video editor and wannabe film-maker. Decent cook, loves trying to recreate ridiculous fast food recipes at home. Technically an assassin with over fifty recorded kills.
Character: Sweet, ditsy and utterly scatterbrained. Doesn't think of herself as a killer, since she tends to just teleport marks hundreds of feet above the ground and let go, which makes it easier to not think too hard. Grew up firmly in the embrace of the Family and has a pretty skewed sense of normal, but still isn't the daughter the head of a major crime family would have wished for.
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