#i love smiley tobi :)
blushft · 1 month
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i drew guy i hope hes not invalid
i was not privy to your drawing process, but i hope for your sake and Guy's that he is not... i love him. the specimen. Guy. :)
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mozerellaracoon · 1 year
My kink is making the moodiest, broodiest, roughest men smile those big smiles where even their eyes twinkle
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skinwalker-bratz · 11 months
Wild creepypasta nsfw headcannons
I have seen a person making these wild HCS with COD and I felt an urge to do the same with creepypasta so don't take this seriously.
Jane the killer
Have an onlyfans.
Jeff the killer
Pays for Jane's onlyfans.
Had tried making adult toys if you understand me...
Eyeless jack
Sometimes he eats the victims private parts y'know...
Laughing jack
Had seen some kid's parents having a good time y'know.
Have watched porn once.
Kate the chaser
Writes smut.
Had sex with men once.
films people in their most most intimate hours.
Ticci toby
Toby loves having his balls kicked or smashed before or during sex. Makes him feel strong bc he can't feel pain.
Had tried having sex with a human once just for boredom and curiosity but he didn't liked it.
Sometimes he disguise himself as an attractive human do have some fun.
Dr smiley
Have a doctor/patient kink.
Nurse ann
Enjoys BDSM.
I'm not writing this stuff about Ben bc he's 12 and BEN is literally a code.
And it's the same for Cody. Also I'm not sure about Nina's canon age so I'm not writing smut with her too.
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divijohm · 6 months
Headcanons for Toby, Jeff, Nina and slendy with a reader that lovesss animals? (and is good with them) :D like every time they return from a mission, reader has brought back a puppy or kitty? (bonus points if once she accidentally brought a wolf in the house mistaking it for a dog)
Pastas with a s/o that's good with animals!
Toby, Jeff, Nina and Slenderman
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A/n: I LOVE ANIMALS! ALL ARE SUPER CUTE but sadly I'm not very good with them lolol I have a cat and a dog though they're my babyss hope you enjoy!
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🐾 He does not get along well with animals, at all. He scares most them away just by standing there, problems of being a eldritch horror but once one warms up to him he actually is very gentle with them.
🐾 finds it cute and fascinating how well you can interact with the lil fellas, might even find a way to you to use them in missions. Not a fan of you bringing them to the mansion though, most pastas aren't a fan and may be allergic, and he does not enjoy when animals/wildlife are being mistreated so for everyone's sake, he'll ask you not to.
🐾 If you manage to convince him to have a pet, other than smile dog that is, he would like a cat, probably a black or tuxedo one, because it would be easier to hide the fur that will be all over his clothes
🐾 He's a tidy man, animals that make much mess are not his type, he also don't like the high maintenance ones (i.e hamsters) heck he barely takes care of his proxies, leaving most of them to survive on their own only giving the best ones a somewhat stable life. A high maintenance thing that's not even useful?? Hell no
🐾 Overall, he likes animals but he does not like to take care of them nor have them in his house, he doesn't need more little, bratty, short life-span beings to take care of, he already has the proxys
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🐾 Adores animals as long as they're far away from him, he's scared of most of them at first but find them cute
🐾 Have a strong cat allergy poor thing can't be near one without a mask or he'll start sneezing
🐾 Will help you take care of them despite his fear and allergies, mostly by being on your side handing you stuff but he'll hold the animal still if you need to apply a vaccine or something
🐾 Sometimes his tics will be saying an animal name, because he's spending so much time listening to you talk about them, you find it cute
🐾 He's besties with the mansion permanent pets and will let them stay in his room if needed
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🐾 BIG ANIMAL FAN, especially big ones
🐾 WILL pamper all the pets you bring home, to a point where you have to hide the treats from her otherwise she'll give them nonstop
🐾 Begs Slenderman to let you make a zoo with all the pets, he refuses of course but lets her keep a parrot
🐾 She named the parrot Willy, is a blue one and he's very talkative (much like his owner) surprisingly he can roam free and don't run away/get lost.
🐾Willy will attack on command, Nina did not teach him how to do that but one day she said to another proxy "I'll make willy take your eyes out!" And the birb was near and he just attacked going for the eyes. A moment of laughter and panic later, Willy was safe and the poor victim just had his eyelids slightly clawed, nothing major but Slenderman made Nina promise that she would never command willy to attack a proxy to a degree that can compromise their performance. So now she just makes him poop on people's foods and/or in them
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🐾 He only likes dogs, not much of a fan of any other species, he will tolerate birds and most of the wild life thought
🐾 He's afraid of cats, whenever you bring one to the house he'll try to act cool but the slightest movement towards him will make him flinch
🐾 Will act uninterested when you bring a dog but the moment you turn your back he WILL gush over them specially if they get along with Smiley
🐾 Fights everyone who criticizes your actions, because "at least animals are better than humans" bedsides you do all the work to care for them and keep the mansion permanent pets safe if they don't get along with the strays
🐾 will complain if you spend more time with the pets than with him, and will throw a tantrum if you tell him to wait because you have to take care of the lil ones before giving him attention
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
do they have deal breakers?
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a/n: idk i just thought this would be an interesting thing to write.
synopsis: what are some deal breakers for them? what can they not tolerate?
includes: slenderman, jeff the killer, eyeless jack, laughing jack, jane the killer, nina the killer, the bloody painter, candy pop, the doll maker, jason the toymaker, dr smiley, nurse ann, the puppeteer, clockwork, zalgo, hobo heart, ticci toby, zero, kagekao, nathan the nobody, homicidal liu + sully, tim wright, brian thomas, jay merrick, jessica locke, and alex kralie.
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SLENDERMAN doesn't have a lot of deal breakers, to be quite honest. it doesn't have any preferences when it comes to romance. i suppose if it had to pick something, it would say that it would rather avoid dating people with a disdain towards nature. it literally lives in nature, so... it would also probably avoid people who have children in their life, be it a parent or a teacher.
JEFF THE KILLER has a two off the top of his head. firstly, he will never date a Fangirl capital 'F'. if he even gets the slightest inkling that someone might be a fan of his, it's an immediate no and that person very well may lose their life. and secondly, he refuses to date anyone who hates his brother. yeah, he and liu don't get along and liu wants him dead but in his mind, liu is still the most important person in jeff's life. people who commit arson are on thin fucking ice.
EYELESS JACK is fairly lax when it comes to 'deal breakers'. he doesn't have anything he dislikes, and there isn't any type of behavior that he necessarily avoids either. people who aren't fond of cannibalism would be difficult to date, he supposes. he doesn't really like people who may try keeping his as a pet either. and... maybe people who are in cults...
LAUGHING JACK is one sick and twisted bastard so deal breakers are very unlikely. realistically, his partner being around kids should probably be a deal breaker but that's... literally the only way to meet him. he's incredibly complex so he really won't know his own deal breakers until he's like... in the situation, y'know?
JANE THE KILLER has one immediate deal breaker. if you like jeff the killer, she immediately feels immense disdain toward you and she will never even acknowledge your existence, not unless she's forced to. jane richardson is also lesbian, so men are an immediate no.
NINA THE KILLER has one immediate deal breaker as well. if you dislike jeff the killer, she will not get along with you. she and jeff have a love-hate relationship but at the end of the day, he's still her idol and she looks up to him a lot, so.
THE BLOODY PAINTER barely interacts with people to really know if he has any deal breakers. perhaps people who dislike art? though, he can't really fault someone for not seeing the beauty held within the multitudes of art all around the world.
CANDY POP isn't the biggest fan of people he deems to be annoying or boring. now, i know what you're thinking, candy pop literally finds joy in annoying people, so wouldn't he be delighted to have a partner who behaves the same way? absolutely not. he likes to be the one terrorizing people; he does not want to be terrorized.
THE DOLL MAKER is immediately hesitant around older men, so if you are a guy and you're older than him then just know he'll avoid you like the plague. also, due to his pyrophobia, arsonists and people fascinated by fire get an immediate no from him. anyone who may poke fun at the dolls he creates aren't welcome either, and he'll probably end up turning them into a doll.
JASON THE TOYMAKER has one goal only and it is to find 'the one for him' so like... not many deal breakers here. just fall in love with him and never ever reject him and everything will be good! you'll be turned into a wax doll, otherwise, and that's a terrible fate to suffer.
DR SMILEY also rarely interacts with people, though he's not the biggest fan of people who so desperately cling to life and believe that death is something to be afraid of.
NURSE ANN just doesn't like people in general and only has like... three people she enjoys being around so the likelihood of her growing to like someone is small. that being said, something that immediately makes her dislike a person is when they mock her for not speaking often.
THE PUPPETEER has major disdain for people he cannot control. unless he's already grown attached to (ex. emra) or reliant on them (ex. zachary), then disobedience is not something he can tolerate. he's also not the biggest fan of super-duper cheerful people, though that's only because it makes killing them harder.
CLOCKWORK by default cannot stand anyone who reminds her of her past. she wants nothing more than to forget the pain and hell she went through, so to find a person who reminds her of all that trauma? yeah, no, they gotta go.
ZALGO literally hates everything and everyone but on the very slight chance that someone manages to worm their way into the essence of his being, then so long as they don't mind humanity's downfall then they're fine. bonus points if they're good with kids because holy shit he doesn't know how to be a dad. and if they dislike kids then like... that's fine, i guess, but he'll be a bit bitter.
HOBO HEART is fairly hesitant when it comes to love. the one time he fell in love, she threw his heart away. he's hesitant to fall in love again, but he could never fall for anyone who would so willingly leave him behind. he's not the biggest fan of liars either. simply put, he could never love someone who doesn't value their own heart.
TICCI TOBY already keeps people at a distance, but it's an immediate deal breaker when someone starts making fun of him. if someone makes a bad comment about lyra or his mother, then that's also an immediate no. anyone who heavily drinks alcohol is a no. anyone who 'teases' him about his tourette's is a no. anyone who doesn't take his CIPA seriously is a no.
ZERO could never be in a relationship with someone with the mindset of 'i can fix her' because she doesn't need to be fixed. honestly, you should consider yourself lucky that she's somehow managed to grow an attachment to you considering her disregard for everyone around her. do something to make her hate you and you'll regret it.
KAGEKAO is gay, first and foremost, so if you're a woman then it just won't work out. he's fluent in english as well so you don't necessarily have to know japanese, though he'd love for you to learn. people who make comments about his wine habits or tell him to cut back on drinking wine will be disposed of immediately. he also isn't fond of boring people.
NATHAN THE NOBODY tends to believe that most people are in the organization that took away his sister, so by default, it's an immediate no if he comes to believe that someone is in the organization. he can't come to terms with his sister's death, so he'll get rid of anyone who tries to make him see that she's dead.
HOMICIDAL LIU hardly ever gives romance any thought because he's so caught up in his goal of trying to kill jeff that it rarely ever crosses his mind, so deal breakers aren't something he's given much thought. people who aren't fond of arson probably won't like liu, so they're a no. anyone who thinks he should forgive jeff is an immediate no. anyone who is a fangirl of jeff or idolizes him the way nina does is also an immediate no. people who aren't fond of smoking most certainly won't like him so they're also a no. anyone who sees no harm in mocking and bullying other people is a no.
SULLY has deal breakers relatively similar to liu. if you're a jeff groupie then he honestly wants nothing to do with you. if you are a threat to liu in any way shape or form, then he's already planning a way to dispose of you. other than that, he's pretty laid back with this sort of stuff.
TIM WRIGHT has a habit of smoking so people who can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke should probably avoid him. he isn't close to a lot of people so when someone betrays his trust, it really hits him hard so people with a habit of lying are an immediate no.
BRIAN THOMAS is a bros before hoes sorta guy in the sense that if his partner doesn't like his friends then suddenly he doesn't have a partner anymore. he can't date someone who dislikes the people he's closest to, it just doesn't work that way. especially if they dislike tim, like... that's his best friend there, dude.
JAY MERRICK is a gay man so if you are a woman, then... yeah. it won't work. you stand no chance with jay if you don't believe him when he tells you that something is seriously wrong. he doesn't like people who avoid telling him about an issue because it stresses him out a lot so he would rather prefer people who can openly tell him if something is wrong.
JESSICA LOCKE is lesbian, so men simply just do not have a chance with her. she doesn't really have many deal breakers though, to be honest. at least none that come to the top of her head. she'd probably have to experience something to decide whether or not that's a deal breaker for her, y'know?
ALEX KRALIE is like... deeply unhinged in every way possible and will try killing his partner no matter what, so. let's just use the alex before all the operator stuff happened! he can't be with anyone who doesn't support him or his passion project, marble hornets. and in the midst of marble hornets, he will try to kill his partner. there's no avoiding that. he, himself, is a deal breaker, gotta be honest here.
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Chronic pain s/o with the proxies
Click here for Toby
I think Brian is one of the most gentle ones with you. Always tender, gentle touches, affectionately soft hugs and kisses, and lightly supportive hands when you need help getting around and doing things. Brian tends to hover near you whenever he's going to be close to you to be able to check on you for a day. He won't necessarily be right next to you, but he tends to hang about in rooms near you or handle his paperwork in an area close to you in case you need him to help you with anything. I think Brian tries to keep a little bit of a pep in your step, to an extent that you can handle. I think he likes to go for walks with you every day (even if just a short one up and down the street) to keep you active and moving around. 
If there are stretches that would benefit your pain, he's also very willing to do those with you, and in fact, he'd probably be the one researching and suggesting it. If he feels your pain is ever out of his scope, he's quick to ask EJ or Smiley for some advice so he can better help you and care for you. I can see him leaving little notes around the house or in your bags if you're out and about to try and cheer you up with little messages encouraging you and reminding you that you can do it. He also likes to text or call you whenever you both have breaks to check in and make sure you're feeling alright and see if there's anything that you'll need help with later that he can take care of for you. He's a very cheerful and caring individual, and his attitude and help can serve to boost you a lot and help keep you optimistic about things.
Tim, like Brian, tries to keep you a bit active. Tim has some of his own chronic pain, and keeping active and preventing his body from getting tense has always been a help to him. He'll never push you beyond your limit, and he makes sure to keep a close eye on you, but every day I can see him doing some stretches and light exercises with you at night before bed to help you sleep better and make sure your body isn't too tense. I think he also absolutely enjoys giving you massages. If you have any specific problem areas that get too painful, he's really good at massaging them to bring you some relief, making sure to check in with you the next day to see if they're really tense again and if you need his help some more. 
He finds it relaxing to care for you and help you out, so it becomes a sort of daily ritual for the two of you. I think he also tries to cook some foods for you that can help you out, considering he loves cooking (especially for you). He'll make you lunches every day packed full of foods that are beneficial for bodies with chronic pain, but he especially makes sure you're eating your fruits and vegetables and staying hydrated. I think if you have a hard time staying hydrated he's the type to get you a cool water bottle that you'd love and some stuff to flavor your water that tastes good and might even be beneficial, and he'll drink them with you. He does his best to check in on you and work with you to help you make some improvements and manage your pain as best as you can because he loves you and he wants to be as positive of an influence as he can.
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littlexscarletxwitch · 5 months
Could you please write Florence fic where there is a wedding with reader. Them getting ready them the ceremony where they say the vows and their family and friends make beautiful speeches. I love these kind of scenarios. And also the wedding dance. Where Y/N and Flo are all cute and smiley and adorable. Thank you so so so much.
(also would it be possible if reader wore wedding suit, if not it's completely okay, just my preference)
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff, cute, flo and r get married yay
warning(s): just a really cure wedding (?), grammatical errors, unedited, rusty writing
word count: 1.7k
note: I am a liar, all I do is lie, shame on me. But really I have been busy, life is kicking my butt. But who's suffering more? Me, a 19 (almost 20) year old student with a job and finals to prepare; or Logan Sargeant who just can't drive the Williams (lol). Thank you for all the love I have been receiving even though I am not as active as I used to. I love you, M <3
note 2: Also, the Yelena new photos. God is a woman, and she is Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova.
requests are open! + check my rules + masterlist <3
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You thought that when the time came, you would be a bundle of nerves. 
But with just one look at your reflection in the mirror, you felt like this is what you had been waiting for your whole life. That exciting feeling, but not nerves at all, was crawling up to your whole body. You were eager to take this new step in your life. 
Marrying Florence just felt as natural as breathing. No second guessings, no doubts, nothing. You just couldn’t wait for the best night of your life to start and share it with your loved ones.
A knock startled your train of thoughts. 
“We are ready when you are,” Raffie said, unable to contain her smile. 
“I’ve been ready for almost three years now,” you chuckled, getting a last look at the mirror, making sure your wedding suit was in perfect shape. 
You thought you would be edgy while walking down the aisle, but once again you were wrong. Normally, all those people looking at you would make you all flustered and stressed out. But as you looked around, you could feel the love your family and friends had for you and Florence that it was hard to be nervous at all.
Your mum and dad, each, left a kiss on your cheeks wishing you the best and leaving you at the altar, waiting for your other half.
The moment your eyes lied on Florence you felt your tummy shrink into a knot. She always took your breath away, but now, walking toward you, wearing the most magnificent white dress felt like falling in love with her even more, if that was possible. 
As she kissed her mum and dad goodbye and stood next to you, your brain was still trying to find the right words and all you could do was mutter out incomprehensible words, making her laugh at you. 
“I take it you like it?”
“Do I like it? It’s pure perfection,” you looked at her with heart-shaped eyes. “I mean… I would like it even more off, but we’ll get to that later, right?” you muttered the last part, but everyone on the front rows heard you loud and clear, making them chuckle.
Someone clearing their throat caught your attention. 
“We are all gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Florence and Y/n,” he started.
“There’s no need to be so formal, Tobs,” Florence chuckled as her brother began his duties as the wedding officer.
He completely ignored her and continued on, “I never thought I would see the day that one of the humans I care most in this world would be getting married, but here we are,” he said with a smile on his face. “And I can't believe that person is marrying my little sister,” he joked. “Seriously, Y/n, now is the time to turn back.”
You felt your nerves washing away by laughter as Florence gave Toby the death glare, making everyone in the room laugh as well.
“Okay, I’m done with the jokes. But in all seriousness, I couldn’t be happier for the two of you. Alright, enough with my words, I believe you two have your own vows, right? Flor, care to go first?”
The blonde nodded to her brother and got her eyes on your frame, as she took your hands in between hers, she began her speech.
“It’s funny, you know. When I sat down to write this, I thought I would have so much to say to you,” she said as her eyes got watery. “But not really,” your heart sank at her words, you were not expecting that. “You see, there are not enough words to express my feelings toward you,” she cleared her throat to stop the lump from forming. “There really isn't. But because you mean everything to me, I’ll try to put it into words. You are the air in my lungs, the blood running through my veins, the atoms that make me. You are just my other half, my better half. And I genuinely believe I couldn’t live without you. So, today I completely give myself to you, knowing that you will take me.”
You were a crying mess, sobbing so hard that Toby had to hand you some tissues. 
“I love you so much, Y/n. I couldn’t be happier that I get to call you mine.”
“Fuck,” you muttered as you wiped away your tears. “Did I ruin my make-up?” you asked, turning to your family making them laugh once again.
“That was… actually really sweet, Flor. Gob job,” Toby congratulated his sister. “Now, Y/n, it’s your turn to make us all cry.”
“I should've gone first, there is no way I am beating that up,” you joked. You cleared your throat. “So, when Florence and I met, believe it or not, we kinda hated each other,” everyone in the room gasped. “Yeah, I know, it’s crazy. Turns out we were just horny.”
“Y/n!” Florence gently smacked you.
“Okay, no. That’s a lie, I was the horny one,” you laughed. “But either way, it doesn’t change the fact that the moment I had a piece of you, the real you, I just couldn't get enough. You intoxicated me, you were a drug and I became an addict depending on you. You still have that power over me and you will have it until the day that I die. And it’s funny because, I used to believe I disliked you, but then I realised you were just so easy to love. Loving you is like breathing, I don’t think about it, I just do. And I know that if I ever stop loving you, it’s because I stopped breathing. And all I want to do, until that day comes, is to love you as if I was taking my last breath,” you squeezed her hands to which she muttered, afraid the words wouldn’t come out of her lips properly, an ‘I love you’ with tears running down her cheeks.
“That was really sweet, too,” Toby said, wiping away a tear. “So,” he said once he gathered himself, “with that being said. I declared, the two of you, married,” you and Florence couldn't contain your smiles. “You may kiss the… oh, you two are already at it,” Toby interrupted himself as he saw Florence kissing your lips like her life depended on it. And, maybe, it did.
Someone clicking their fork to their champagne glass caught both Florence’s and your attention, your heart sank with excitement as you watched your parents trying to get everyones’ attention. 
“Good evening, everyone,” your mum started. “We just couldn’t stop ourselves,” she chuckled. 
“We won’t tell you about Y/n’s embarrassing moments, that’s for the bridesmaid,” your dad joked as he winked at you. “But we do have some words for both of you,” he smiled at you and your wife. 
“We just wanted to say thank you, to you Florence. Our baby has never looked this happy and it is all because of you, and as parents we couldn't be more thankful for that,” your mum said. “There’s not a single day that she goes by without a smile, and you are the reason behind that smile. So, thank you.”
You took a quick look at Florence, and her eyes were already watery, once again. She could only nod at her, since she believed no words would come out of her lumped throat.
“And, Y/n, baby. We are so happy you found someone as amazing as Florence. As your dad, it gives me peace of mind knowing that you get to share the rest of your life with her, since she’s just everything I could ever dream for you.”
You mouthed and ‘I love you’ to your parents, with glassy eyes. 
“If I may add,” Flor’s dad chimed in. “We also have something we want to say,” he chuckled as he gestured to his wife to get up with him as well. “I believe you've already heard this a million times already, Y/n. But, Deb and I just can't stress this enough. We are delighted for you to be part of our ‘little’ family.”
“We love you as if you were one of our own, Y/n. And it just means the word that you love our baby girl just as much as we do,” Deborah, Florence’s mum, said to you. “So, here’s to the newly married couple,” she said, raising her glass as everyone followed suit. 
“Wait!” you heard someone scream. “I also want to say,” your best friend and bridesmaid said. “This isn’t part of the bridesmaid’s speech, but I just couldn’t miss the opportunity,” she made the whole room chuckled. “I’ve known Y/n pretty much my entire life. Where she went I would follow and where I went I just had to look over my shoulder and I knew she would be there. The thing is, you and I, we had been through thick and thin,” she said looking at you. “And now, it’s your freaking wedding day. I couldn’t be prouder and happier for you, Y/n. Florence might be your other half, but you know you and I are the same. And I am just so relieved that you have found her, someone who sees and loves you for who you are,” she smiled at the both of you. “So, finally, here’s to the newly married couple.”
Everyone cheered as they drank from their champagne glass. 
“Okay, enough with the cheesy speeches for the moment,” you heard Raffie, pretty much taking over the schedule of the wedding as Florence’s bridesmaid. “It’s time for the wedding waltz,” the little Pugh looked at you and Florence and gestured for the two of you to do your part.
“Shall we?” you said, sticking out your hand for Florence to take, wiping away your tears as Florence did the same.
“Yes, we shall,” she couldn't contain the smile forming on her lips.
“It’s perfect, isn’t it?” you muttered into her ear as she led the dance, like she always would.
“Yeah, it’s more than perfect,” she said, snuggling into you. “You know, this is it, right? No turning back, you heard Toby.”
“Yep, loud and clear. But I wouldn't change it for anything in the word,” you kissed her neck. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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artistic-intrxvert · 1 month
My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia
Shoto with a S/O who could kick his ass in a fight
Bakugo with someone who stares for a while
Deku with someone that has zero self-preservation
Deku, Bakugo, and Kirishima with someoe who is touch-starved
deku and shotoShoto with someonewhowho hates themselves
deku but make him yandere
Hawks with a S/O who is afraid of kisses/insecure about them
Bakugo apologizes...Deku doesn't forgive him
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun/Jibaku-Shounen Hanako-kun
Hanako with a S/O who's first language isn't japaneseJapanese (OLD)
Hanako with a sick S/O (OLD)
Hanako with a S/O who ha AuDHD (OLD)
Hanako with a S/O that has autism and violent stims (OLD)
Tsukasa with someone thats psychotic
Hanako finding his smiley S/O upset (OLD)
TBHK characters with someoe who has an old disney voice (OLD)
Yugi twin with someoe who's clingy (OLD)
Hanako's reaction to someone who draws onto his hand (OLD)
Yugi twins with someoe who tries to rub off somene's touch (OLD)
Weird dream i had... (OLD)
Funny scenario with fren :> (OLD)
Hanako with someone who is jealous of Nene (VERY FUCKING OLD)
Tsukasa on caffeine (OLD)
TBHK with someone who come out as trans (FTM IMPLIED + OLD)
Amane Yugi w/someone who isis an astronomy nerd (OLD)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Michael Afton headcanons
Michael Afton with a sick S/O
Daycare attendants with a child tht bonks their head
Yandere! Funtime Foxy + Funtime Freddy headcanons
Daycare Attendnats =autism???
Yandere! Funtime Freddy playing games with is victom
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (ROTTMNT)
tiny child sees them...now wat?
you're sunburn...good job
Leo with someone who has ink powers
I got calledit called a fa-
Casey fucked up and thinks you're married
Young Royals
Nothing here yet…
Charlie and Tori with an 11 year old! transfem! sibling!reader
Charlie with 11 year old!transfem!sibling!reader pt 2
Hazbin Hotel (HH)
Nothing here yet…
Helluva Boss (HB)
Luna with a vampire sinner S/O
Blitz realizes he loves someone
Stolas with a friend
Ticci Toby art I made :D
Good Omens (GO)
Nothing here yet…
Doctor Who
Nothing here yet…
House of the Dragon (HOTD)
Nothing here yet…
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creepylittlelady · 6 months
How old is everyone in your AU? Like, could you list their ages.
Hi! Thank you so much for this ask, and thanks for everyone else for sending me asks whilst this account lay dormant lol. I’ve been super busy with school and now I’m on break for 2 weeks so hopefully I’ll get to everyone!
This is an ask I’ve been waiting for LMFAO I love to make master lists!
Youngest - Oldest
Oliver Henderson: Eternally 7 years old, died in 2007
Lily Kennett: Eternally 8 years old, died in 1998
Lifeless Lucy: Eternally 8 years old, died in 1997
Sally Williams: Eternally 8 years old, died in 1966
Lazari: Between 8-10 (the forest works in confusing ways)
Grinny Cat: 11 years old (made in 2013)
BEN: Eternally 12 years old, died in 2002
Nina the Killer: 13 years old
Lost Silver: Mentally about 14 years old
Smile Dog: 15 years old (made in 2009) (damn he’s the same age as me)
Lulu: Eternally 15 years old, “Died” (sacrificed her eyes) in 2003 (resurrected immediately after)
X-Virus: 16 years old
Judge Angels: 16 years old
Bloody Painter: 17 years old (I know he’s canonically like 40 but I aged him WAY down for plot convenience)
Puppeteer: 17 years old
Nathan the Nobody: Unknown, but assumed to near Jeff’s age
Jeff: 17 years old
Liu: Eternally 18 years old, “Died” in 2008 (resurrected in 2012)
Jane: 18-19 years old
Clockwork: 18-19 years old
Toby: 19 years old
Kate the Chaser: 19 years old
Stripes: 20 years old
Bleeding Man: 20 years old
Zero: 20 years old
Eyeless Jack: 21 years old
Sadiya: 22 years old
Masky/Tim: 25 years old
Hoody/Brian: Eternally 26 years old, “Died” in 2014 (resurrected shortly after MH ended)
Rouge: 30 years old
Nurse Ann: Eternally 35 years old (died in 1945, resurrected in 1958)
The Dollmaker: 45 years old
Hobo-Heart: Claims to be exactly 100 (unknown creation date)
The Rake: 100 years old
Jason the Toymaker: 124 years old (created in 1900)
Dr Smiley: 125 years old (born in 1899, made immortal in 1936)
Candy Pop: 150 years old (created in 1874)
Laughing Jack + Jill: 159 years old (created in 1865)
Splendorman: 164 years old
Trenderman: 166 years old
Body itself: 124 years old
Charles: Either 45 or 169 years old
The Operator: 1000+ years old
Zalgo: 170 years old
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mooniemilkieway · 9 months
Random Creepypasta Headcanons pt :3
- Every time Laughing Jack gives you kisses on your body, black lipstick marks will appear and he would get upset if you wipe them off
- Jeff the Killer cosplayed as the Joker to go see the movie “Joker” because he thought it’ll be funny to disguise as him and have people come up to him and tell him “I love your Joker cosplay!”
- Nina the Killer and Eyeless Jack do each other’s box braids or dreadlocks or other African protective hairstyles and would do their hair wash days together
- BEN Drowned was a Jake Paul fan and would rant on to Jeff and the other pastas about how Jake was better than Logan Paul around 2017
- Clockwork is taller than Ticci Toby by 5 inches (Clockwork is 5’11 while Toby is 5’6). Clockwork teases his height and would carry him around bridal style sometimes but she does have her soft side since she feels like Toby is the only person that genuinely loves her. So she usually writes him love letters and adds her little doodles of them together
- Jane the Killer’s main in Mario Kart or the Mario games in general is Rosalina because she sees Rosalina as a lesbian (me too honestly)
- When BEN and Sally are drawing or writing BEN would put a tiny smiley face at the corner of Sally’s page but then she would literally crucify BEN’s paper by scribbling her marker all over it and probably even setting it on fire idk
- Jane is Elvis Presley’s “One for the Money, Two for the Show.” Nina is Taylor Swift’s “One for the Money, Two for the Show.” Nurse Anne is Lana Del Rey’s “One for the Money, Two for the Show. and Clockwork is Tyler the Creator’s “One for the Money, Two for the Show.” (This one is a tiktok trend if ur confused lol.)
- Laughing Jack snuck into an Insane Clown Posse concert once and someone noticed him but he gaslighted him into thinking it was some dumb cosplay
- Nina was (and still kinda is) a K-Pop stan and she had a ReVeluv stan account on twitter and was literally arguing with strangers over the internet about their idols and it was baddd
- Clockwork has a hyperfixation over giraffes and Toby would always send her cute and funny giraffe gifs to her over text messages. Toby even gave her a stuffed giraffe on Valentine’s day from Build-a-Bear
- Laughing Jack has been making yo mama jokes since 1964
- Eyeless Jack was able to make a gym area in the Slender Garage (just go with it plz) and all the gym equipment was stolen from either his university or from his home
- Slenderman wants to own a lot of cats because he find them cute and precious. On a stormy night he saw 5 kittens and was able to shelter them in the garage and gave me a warm blanket along with cat milk and food
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My personal highlights of first two Avantasia shows in Germany. 2024
All new hats that Tobi wore throughout the show and of course rings! 🤭
The fact that they chose to start show with Specters. I was very surprised.
The absolute cute moment when Tobi noticed my poster. ☺️ It was probably fourth song or so (i was almost in the middle) and Tobi was standing a bit to the left and he looked at my side and saw my poster and smiled and giggled and then started to dance. 🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰
Tobi messing up lyrics only two times throughout the concert.
New stage looks absolutely gorgeous. 😍
Invincible and Geoff's vocals 👌👌👌👌
TOBI PLAYING WITH PIANO!!! 😍😍😍 ok ok it was kinda fake piano with built-in keyboards but still 😍😍😍
Tobi smiling and recognizing me 🥰
Tobi dancing SO MUCH like at almost every song and even multiple times during certain songs. 😍
This time special effects and fire worked and ohh, it was fabulous!
Tobi being in extra good mood. So he was all smiley and silly and posing a lot. 🥰
Tobi and Ronnie joking a lot before Dying for an angel and Tobi laughing so hard that he almost missed his lines. 🤭
Tobi being in ESPECIALLY good mood aka being very dirty minded. Once randomly he went to where photographer was and while posing he grabbed his crotch. 🤭🤭🤭 And the second time he showed his crotch to the camera on the middle of the stage. 🤭🤭🤭 Gotta love this.
The whole mid part of Mystery of a blood red rose where Tobi had to sing his part alone and then stopped and asked people to be quiet but of course people didn't so he started to laugh and then said he needs now to remember what pitch he was singing in. 🤭🤭
Tobi smiling and sending kisses to me when i showed him a heart. 🥹🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰🥰
Tobi and piano on fire! 😍😍😍
Getting random heavy rain for the last two songs and being completely soaked but absolutely happy and singing along.
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p1nkm1lkslug · 6 days
More of my head canons for my OC (Samara) :3
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(They r in formal attire)
Takes care of hair,since becoming a proxy her self expression is limited so she does take control where they can (wears different clothes, changes her hairstyle)
Big on self expression,has had a fuck ton of piercings
At some point she will end up shaving her head (not exactly sure when I'll end up making this comic legit since it's hard with school and what not but hopefully I can begin planning in winter)
has a tiny toothgap, and use to have a smiley piercing but it kept falling out and was overall fucking up his mouth so they stopped
Gets overwhelmed in loud places and overall avoids people in general, she has a few she likes but still prefers solitude
She can't handle kids, but that doesn't mean she hates them, specifically Sally, I head canon that Sally overall avoids as many adult in the mansion as possible, she can tolerate SOME of the women but absolutely non of the men, Sam just kinda broke down in her room knowing a kid was stuck in this hellish home
Not really close with many in the mansion but her relationship with the creeps is more:
Jane/clockwork: civil, might go for a drink or two and exchange childhood memories drunk in the bathroom but that's it, they kinda have a very "we're in a home full of gross men, we gotta stick together" Relationship so they all just make peace
Dina/Nina: nice, she finds them sweet and overall kind compared to others, they aren't close either but Sam has no issue chatting with them, it's not everyday you get a normal conversation
Jill: estranged and one sided besties situation, Sam doesn't hate her but Jill can't read the room and girlypop can only take so much of her personal space being intruded before she gets angry (y'all are not genderbent will and jack 🗣️🙏)
Zero: "I can't tell if I wanna fuck you or rip your head off" "Both, both is good"
Anne: awkward, it's literally just "scary intj who hates men and is very violent" X "infp who is also violent and is so fucking done"
Masky: ugly hoe stfu kys 😍
Hoodie: alright relationship, bro is tryna get down and dirty and bbg just wants to be held for once 😭
Toby: do you love me because of the way I am or because you need a rebound since your ex girlfriend cheated on you with another killer ( Jane x Natalie 🔛🔝)
Jeff: your are such a sick scummy asshole, I need to know what happened to you. She feels for Jeff in the way you feel for a stray cat that is scared like "what happened that made you, you"
Ben/other gamer pastas: funny, now pass the blunt
Will: bitch I get you wanna be edgy and that you didn't have many friends but THAT IS NOT A REASON TO GO TO THE UNDERWORLD AND BECOME A KILLER (also you deserve better friends then a manipulative clown)
Ej/Dr smiley: casual conversation over doing a victims autopsy
Issac: no I'm not gonna help you track down your ex bff just cus your dead tf? (She in fact spent the next month helping Issac find jack and only at the last minute did the dumb fuck realize that she could have introduced them when her and Issac first met)
Frankie: hi, I'm Saul Goodman, did you know your have rights?, well nowhere does it say that you need to bottle up your feelings (she has heard him sobbing about amy)
LJ: I can't wait till your bitch ass looses those fuck ass acrylic nails, I'm gonna be swinging left and right mf
im so tired now-
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Can you do the creepypastas reaction to seeing a child smoke/drink? I love you sm please take care of yourself!! ^^
Thank you for the ask and for the message, you're very kind and it means a lot :D
Scolds the child and takes the drink/cigarette from them.
Liu Hodek
Dr. Smiley
Jane Arkensaw
Jane Richardson
Judge Angels
Calls someone more responsible to deal with it.
Ben Drowned
Ticci Toby
Sally Williams
Nina the Killer
Steals the drink/cigarette with no explanation (and drinks/uses it).
Jeff Hodek
The X
Zachary Gibson
Looks at the child weird but does nothing about it.
Jason the Toymaker
Candy Pop
Laughing Jack
The Puppeteer
Bloody Painter
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angels-and-demons · 5 months
An ask for the Arranged Marriage! AU:
(technically 2 questions)
Compared to canon and whatever how much MORE trauma do both Nico and Toby have for the Arranged Marriage! AU???
Also… is Arranged Marriage! AU Nico on bad (like, REALLY bad) terms with all the other demigods at both the Greek and Roman camps??? or is he just on bad terms with Percy, Will (maybe Annabeth too..?)???
Oof-! Uh... they both have quite a bit more trauma, I'll admit. Which I will put under the cut.
But to answer your second question, most demigods avoid him/are wary/ambivalent of him. The only ones he's really on bad terms with are Percy, Annabeth, Will, and - surprisingly - Hazel.
See, Nico and Hazel had a fight a couple months before they appear in the story (which I am working on, dangit!) And Nico wound up retreating to the underworld, because the shadows were kinder to him than reality at that point.
Anyway, one big point in the story is that Nico is too alive to properly live in the underworld, and too rotten to truly belong above with the mortals. So... yeah.
But, back to the first point, under the cut
(Tw for discussions of assault/injury/SA/drug use and a bunch of other things)
The abuse Toby faced was... a lot worse, to put it bluntly. He suffered a lot of blows to his head, and his back... and when his mom was out at work while he was homeschooling... well, Connie couldn't protect him from everything.
He was sexually abused by his father. It's something that he and Nat bonded over (only she, by her brother instead).
Toby sometimes goes to the underrealm (creeps - their place) to have fun and adventure. And Nat comes with him a couple times too, because they're besties and do that. Anyway, they got to partying and drinking, and Nat took a lot of... something, and had an overdose. Since then, they don't really party anymore, and Nat... doesn't stray far from Toby. And she hates the way he looks at her when they do.
Sometimes, Toby exercises to try and work through it/as a form of therapy, but he can also go too hard and wind up overexerting himself to the point of overheating and seizure. After the thirtd time this happened (and Ben had to sit with him while they waited for Smiley to show up), it was decided that Toby could only use the exercise equipment in the slender mansion when another proxy/creep is there with him.
Nico went on his own for a couple years. He got attacked by Dr. Thorn/the manticore (titan's curse). When he shadow travelled back to camp, and had to be healed up by Will and Chiron, that was kind of the last straw for Will. Nico wasn't willing to open up to him, or ask for any help, or... care for his own needs.
He almost wound up getting himself killed - and Will couldn't deal with that. He's had to bury too many friends and siblings to go through it again with the man he supposedly loved. So, he healed nico up... and he left.
And Nico still has the scar from the scorpion tail on his back/shoulder.
Will probably could have healed it, but Nico feels he deserved to have the pain - as a reminder of what he put Will through.
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darkpeacemusic · 1 month
𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕒 ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝔹ℂ 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤
(Side note: These are not canon at all)
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Family Bond (blood-related):
Maria is Ben's older sister whom he hasn't seen in years after his death. He still misses his sister deeply and Maria misses her little brother and even named a son after him.
Sam and Sally are cousins but they have a complicated relationship.
Lazari and Stripes are stepsisters but they don't get along very well.
Jeff and Liu are brothers and they still love each other no matter what.
Sully is Liu's younger twin brother. While Sully still loves his older twin, Liu doesn't like Sully as he used to due to him finding out how cruel he was towards Jeff.
Jeff is Sully's younger brother. While Jeff somewhat still loves his older brother even though he was one of the main reasons he would snap, Sully basically has disowned Jeff by now. Sully even wishes Jeff would go to hell for killing their parents and even calls him "a curse to the family".
Dawn is the Woods' only sister. She and Sully used to be close but now they're estranged after Sully got Dawn kicked out of the Jeff Hunters. Dawn has a complicated relationship with Jeff due to Jeff nearly killing her (even though it wasn't his fault he snapped). She is still close with Liu and often tells Liu that they should just quit the Slender Pact and get out of town.
Eyeless Jack and Lulu are siblings (even though neither of them are aware of it).
Lauren is Vailly's cousin.
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Family Bonds (not blood related):
Sally and Ben have a sister-brother like relationship.
Puppeteer and Emra are Sadie's and Zero's adoptive parents, making Sadie and Zero adoptive siblings.
Nina thinks of Jeff as her second little brother (she has known Jeff ever since Jeff was basically in diapers) and she thinks Liu as her older brother. Jeff affectionately calls Nina "Ni" as a result. Liu would sometimes call Nina "little sister".
CR and Kate have a sibling bond ever since they met in elementary school.
Lulu, Sally (I forgot to put her line there my mistake), Ben, and Dollmaker (she is a teenager in my AU) all think Jeff as their big brother and they love to play with him.
Vailly, Lauren, X-Virus, and Chris basically think of Jeff as the little brother they never got.
Nurse Ann is Dollmaker's adoptive mother.
Liu thinks of Ben and Sally as his younger siblings and would sometimes like to play with them.
Toby and Cody have a brotherly bond.
Sally and Nina are adoptive siblings though they have that love-hate relationship.
Lazari and Lulu used to have a sisterly bond but ever since Lazari left to go work for her father, they haven't been as close as they were before.
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Best friends:
Chris and Kate.
Lauren and Kate are childhood bffs.
Chris has a one-sided best friendship with Lauren.
Natalie, Mary, and Jane are all girl-boss best friends.
Mary is also best friends with Judge Angels.
Kate and Nina.
Lulu and Sally.
Ben is best friends with Dawn due to her reminding him of Maria.
Sadie and Zero are best friends with Vailly.
Puppeteer and Bloody Painter used to be best friends but now their relationship with each other is complicated due to Bloody Painter being a part of the Jeff Hunters.
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Close friends:
Kate thinks Toby as her close friend and nothing more.
Mary and Jane are close friends with Sully. Jane is close friends with Sully due to their mutual hatred against Jeff while Mary has known Sully ever since college.
Nurse Ann and EJ are close friends and co-workers in the infirmary.
EJ was basically as the first friend Jeff made when he first joined the Slender Pact and the two have been close ever since then.
Vailly and Liu are close friends and they love to work with each other.
Zero and Roadwalker are close friends because Roadwalker is Zero's future sister-in-law.
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CR and Lauren are married.
Nurse Ann is dating Dr. Smiley.
Nina and EJ are currently dating.
LJ has a one-sided crush on Jeff while Jeff thinks LJ as a close friend.
Jeff has a one-sided crush on Kagekao even though Kagekao is already dating Cat Hunter and only thinks Jeff as a younger sibling.
Liu has a one-sided crush on Toby while Toby doesn't feel the same way due to his one-sided crush on Kate.
X-Virus is currently dating Doctor Locklear (note: Doctor Locklear is immortal in my AU)
Lazari has a one-sided crush on EJ.
Jane and Mary are currently married.
Emra and Puppeteer are married.
Roadwalker and Sadie are dating.
Lulu is dating a guy named Alfred.
Judge Angels is currently dating Bloody Painter even though Bloody Painter is cheating on her for his college lover, Sully (she is not aware of it).
Lost Silver and Ben have mutual feelings with each other but neither of them know how to admit it to each other.
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Toby and Clockwork are bitter exes after Toby broke up with her for being aggressive towards his friends (Jeff told him).
Liu used to date Randy until Randy's drinking problems were too much for him. They hate each other after Randy nearly burned Jeff alive.
Kagekao and Sadie used to date but broke up because they thought they were better off friends.
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Bloody Painter, Clockwork, Mary, and Jane.
Killing Kate, Sadie, and Zero.
Sally and Kate.
Ben and EJ (mostly).
Vailly and Ben.
Vailly and Chris.
Vailly and Lulu.
Vailly and Kate.
Ben is the only one out of the Slender Pact Lazari still talks to.
Jane has a one-sided friendship with Liu and often tries to manipulate him into joining back the Jeff Hunters.
Lulu and Ben have a complicated friendship.
Toby and Jeff have a complicated friendship even though Jeff is the only one who knows about Liu's secret crush on Toby.
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Stripes basically hates almost everyone and Stripes is considered to be one of the Slender Pact's most dangerous enemy (other than Jane of course who I am going to go over next).
Jane and Jeff are arch-enemies.
Nina has a one-sided hatred against Mary.
Jane and Nina.
Jane and EJ.
Jane and Vailly.
Jane and Ben.
Jane and Lulu.
Liu has a one-sided hatred against Jane and Mary.
Judge Angels and Puppeteer.
Judge Angels and Lulu.
Judge Angels and Jeff.
Judge Angels and Nurse Ann are arch-enemies.
Bloody Painter and Liu.
Bloody Painter and Jeff.
Bloody Painter and Lulu.
Clockwork hates Jeff for being the reason Toby broke up with her.
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Lauren and Liu.
Lauren and Chris (on Lauren's side).
CR and Liu.
Almost everyone else and Nurse Ann.
Mary and Nina (on Mary's side).
Sally and EJ.
Vailly and Dollmaker.
Vailly and EJ.
Toby and EJ.
Toby and Sally.
Toby and Chris.
EJ and Ben (whenever EJ gets pissed off at Ben).
Kate and Liu.
Kate and Jeff.
Nina and Ben.
Puppeteer and Liu.
Puppeteer and Jeff.
Roadwalker, Zero, Puppeteer, and Emra.
Emra and Killing Kate.
Sadie and Sam.
Stripes, Bloody Painter, Mary, and Jane.
Jane and Judge Angels.
Credits to @narabea06 for the original chart (which I will post in a separate post due to me accidentally reaching my image-limit)
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I absolutely live for lighthearted fluff, so I just gotta ask- do you think there are any funny/cute habits/things the creeps have? (obvi u don’t have to do all of them, maybe just some that jump out at you) Like grabbing onto people when they’re scared, having a funny/infectious giggle (or one of those ridiculous laughs that makes other people laugh), having a high pitched girly scream, etc?
I feel like the last one def applies to Jeff because it’s like he’s got the hottest, most charming voice you’ll ever hear and then as soon as he screams he breaks the goddamn sound barrier😭😭
One lighthearted thing for every creep because I want soft hours:
Jeff: He WOULD have a high-pitched scream, but as for my own little habit headcanon for him, I think he runs in place when bored and standing. If he's waiting in line, he just starts quickly jogging in place to keep himself occupied, and it's very funny to just see him waiting in line to check out with his groceries and he's just standing there running in place with an intense look on his face.
BEN: Hacks into everyone's phones to see what items they're liking/saving to buy for themselves and he gets them those items for Christmas and birthdays.
EJ: Narrows his eyes, pins his ears back, and swishes his tail back and forth angrily whenever he's pouting or mildly annoyed. He looks exactly like an annoyed cat and it's the cutest thing. He even crosses his arms when he does it to look intimidating and it does the opposite.
LJ: Jack rarely does his actual laugh due to his depression/general facade, BUT, when you get him to fully let loose and laugh he has the most infectious, amazing laugh you'll ever hear. Eyes closed, grabbing his stomach, tears rolling down his face, and so happy and adorable.
Toby: Does a little dance every time he eats ice cream. He'll shimmy his body back and forth when he takes his first bite, close his eyes, and smile real big, humming to himself in happiness.
Tim: He's gotten into the habit of drumming on the counter with his fingers when he's cooking and waiting for things to cook. He'll thump his index fingers on the counter and bop his head along with whatever beat he's following.
Brian: Gives people bunny ears in every picture. If he's taking a photo with someone (unless Slender tells him not to for family photos) Brian will put his two fingers behind someone's head in every picture, no matter who he's taking a photo with.
Slender: Thinks aloud to himself. Normally it's not a problem because he just speaks to people through their minds, so when he's alone nobody notices. However, sometimes you'll walk past him and he's just standing there or sitting there having a full conversation or tangent to himself. It's very entertaining, and he doesn't realize he's doing it.
Liu: Whenever he gets really stressed the first thing he does is find Jeff and give him a big hug. Liu might be the older brother, but when they were little Liu would always cling to Jeff when he got stressed or anxious, and that has carried into adulthood.
Jane: Dances whenever she hears music. It's purely subconscious, but if music is playing around her, she'll do a little dance where she bounces back and forth on her feet and sways her hips, and sometimes she doesn't even notice she's doing it.
Natalie: Taps people she likes randomly. She does it to show affection, but if she's just ever hanging out with someone she likes she'll subconsciously reach out and softly, quickly tap them a bunch of times to say "I love you and I'm glad you're here."
Helen: Has the cutest sneezes. He tries SO HARD not to sneeze around people because he has really cute high-pitched sneezes, like the really adorable and cute kind. He hates it so fucking much but he's always been that way so he just tries to hide it.
Smiley: Sighs in a really funny manner. It comes out very dramatic and over the top, but his natural sigh is very high-pitched and pouty sounding, so people often teach him for his dramatics, but that's just how he sighs.
Sally: Has gotten into the habit of collecting metal pop bottle caps, so the creeps will always give her theirs for her collection. She has a special box that she keeps them in, and she always gets excited when she gets a new cap.
Offender: Cannot dab or floss correctly. He often tries to tease the younger human creeps by trying to dab or floss but no matter how many times they try to teach him how to do it, he just can't do it correctly. They always call him Dad or Grandpa when he does that to make fun of him for being old and unable to do it right.
Trender: Since tailoring is his full-time job, he has a lot of pins he often has to use, and he's gotten into the habit of collecting a bunch of different types of pin cushions. His current favorite is one that looks like a hedgehog.
Splendor: Paints new Christmas ornaments every year with him and his siblings on them to hang on his tree each year, and he makes an extra for every sibling too.
Jason: To try and improve on his trauma involving children and continue his tailoring work, he sometimes makes and donates clothing to various orphanages in the Underworld and delivers it to them himself.
Puppeteer: Jumps rope with his strings. When he's bored and by himself if he has some energy he wants to burn off he'll use his strings to jump rope with. Nobody has caught him doing this and he thinks it's a bit embarrassing, so he's never told anyone.
Zalgo: Stretches when he's getting tired. He often has to work through exhaustion a lot, so when he gets sleepy he'll do some stretches to get his blood flowing and let his muscles get stretched out so he's not tense and sitting in the same position all day.
Candy: Hums to himself a lot. Whenever he's bored or spaced out he'll hum or sing to himself to occupy his mind. If he's around his partner or one of his friends, he might even pull them in for a little dance while he hums and sings, all with a big peaceful smile on his face.
Hobo: When he gets started he poofs his wings up really big like a bird and he jumps a bit into the air, eyes wide and arms clutched to himself. It's very adorable, but make sure he's not near any valuable items or he might accidentally whack them with his wings.
Nina: Has a habit of checking in on Zalgo. She's the only official creep I've got working under him, and she worries over how much he overworks himself. Whenever she has a second of free time she's always poking into his office to make sure he's not overworking himself, and she often brings him snacks or drinks to make sure he's eating and drinking stuff since he often works around the clock.
Kate: Falls asleep in the weirdest places. She's got some sleeping problems, and she will fall asleep anywhere. The dining table, curled up in an odd position in a chair, sprawled across the couch, on the floor. She'll just plop down somewhere and she's out within minutes.
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