#i love redrawing old stuff just to see where I’m at
oneknightlight · 2 years
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"And when we're through, I'll say to you..."
"Do not look so dismayed."
Redraw of an old piece of fanart I did for Chapter 29 of The Harvester a couple years ago.
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forecast0ctopus · 7 months
Any advice on drawing McCoy? I’m not used to drawing ancient wrinkley bastards (affectionate) and it’s surprisingly tough v-v
FOR SURE lmao i made. a diagram. just a warning that i am going to be irritating and long winded because u just hit a topic i really like sorry lmao
so first off i did some traces just to show whats there vs redraws to show my interpretation
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ive said this on other asks but again jsyk, tracing isnt bad!! its a tool. theres some stuff with intellectual property and whatnot but using tracing to study shapes and forms is a really valuable practice.
also just taking some time to learn facial structures and anatomy is super useful, reading what bones and muscles are where and how they interact with one another. taking this info and staring in the mirror and moving your face around and thinking about it. just really furthers understanding of how the face works. trying to sound normal about this but i love anatomy and motion and physics and whatever
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anyways im going to go through all the numbered points so there's no confusion. 1. forehead lines - self explanatory. more prominent when brows are raised 2. crows feet - at the outer corners of the eyes, more prominent when smiling or squinting 3. nasolabial folds - the folds that go from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth. more prominent when the mouth is wide, like smiling 4. brow furrow - self explanatory, most prominent when brows are furrowed. mccoy tends to have two right next to his eyebrows, kirk has one in the middle. everyones face works different lmao 5. chin crease - caused by how the chin and lower lip interact. 6. nasojugal groove - start from the inner corners of the eye and can extent over the cheeks. everyone has these and idk why people dont like them i think theyre really cool!!!! but Society. i guess. :/ 7. eye bags - caused by the skin sagging beneath the eyes. mccoy isnt even that old in tos i think hes meant to be mid 40s by the end of the 5 year mission, hes just got really prominent eye bags lmao 8. idk what the name is for these, but when the mouth is wide and pushes the skin to the sides, these folds sometimes form outside of the nasolabial folds 9. philtrum - the groove above the upper lip. i dont usually draw this but mccoy's struck me as prominent enough that i usually draw it on him 10. masseter - the muscle that moves the jaw up and down. its a pretty rugged muscle and while i wouldnt say mccoy's is especially prominent, it kind of extends that nasojugal groove from certain angles/positions 11. orbicularis oris - mouth muscle, usually easier to see when lips are pursed or frowns are pulled. mccoy's is pretty prominent from 3/4ths or side, his mouth tends to protrude in profile 12. this isnt a muscle but more of a line defining the planes of the face, but since i drew it i felt i should explain lmao
a few points:
im an animator i tend to exaggerate and emphasize certain things so i usually make him more square.
i like to combine eyebags and crows feet for brevity/flow, same with nasojugal grooves, eyebags, and masseter lines. my approach is always subject to change based on pose, expression, reference image, etc.
i take out details that i deem redundant or cluttering and keep what details i need to make things feel Right
all this info is applicable to any character of any age, its just in how you apply it and facial proportions that willl change how old a character is perceived to be
there's a lot more with drawing a Character rather than an Actor, just because the features are there doesnt necessarily mean things will feel correct? its very much in the mannerisms and poses and expressions
i only went over my approach to his likeness but not really body type or posing or anything idk if u want that i could always try to answer that later haha
anyways all that info kind of exists nebulously in my brain while i draw its not like im sitting there thinking Must Draw. Nasolabial Fold...... i jsut do what feels right with the visual info i have. also i love specificity in faces.... i dont like to be a hater but when every character is drawn the same it pisses me off a little lmao. so
also dont take my word as The Only Way to do anything i just draw how i like to draw and no one should feel like these are things that Must be done to be a good artist or anything do whatever the hell u wanna do
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ashipiko · 2 months
random ahh q but how did u develop ur artstyle? :D
HIYA!!!! oh yeeeesh this is gonna be such a long answer 😭😭 it’ll be under the cut…… but um. warning for old Ashi art HAHAHA it’ll basically just be me guiding you through my gallery from all these years <3 I HOPE IT CAN HELP A LITTLE!!!
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old Ashi Art JUMPSCARE
BUT BASICALLY. YEAH! this is me starting digital art in like? 2020 and getting into a3! <3 as you can see. this is my kind of sad attempt at replicating the style ??? you can tell from the way I colored my eyes, hair, and copied the way the hair is drawn!! it’s not OVERLY obvious but if you look you can see that I REAAALLY referenced it. which is kind of a big thing for creating an artstyle
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and queue in my art around a year later!! 🤔 kinda more used to drawing the a3! characters (which mind you were the ONLY characters I drew for like. a whole year) and so naturally I adopted the artstyle more into my own art. learnt more about airbrushes would reference the original art a LOT. redrawing really helped me 🙏 once again. lots of referencing and looking at character references. and while I didn’t always redraw it exactly, looking at the character designs themselves made me pick up quirks of the original artstyle to better display the characterization and charm of the characters!!
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then 2022 rolls around and I start getting more into proseka. start finding little things about this artstyle that I liked— whether that be finding that out through redrawing the art or trying to replicate the style. started picking up things like the smaller face shapes (as compared to twst and a3! which I was focused on previously) the way they drew the hands, the bodies, etc etc!! along w softer brushes and rendering 🫶
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at around the same time I return back to a3! and make attempts at replicating the artstyle (left) or making edits to the predicting art to try and make it blend in (right). as you can tell I start playing around more w hair highlights and the rendering and all that stuff!!! 🤔 sort of like picking up new skills that I missed out on the first time. starting noticing more of the little details
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and SO then I returned yet again and begin redrawing a3! cards!!! but you can tell that there’s more of a concrete style w the squisher faces and more experience the rendering 🙏🙏
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and I did a LOT of redrawing. 😭😭 a3!’s artstyle is soooo dear to me because it has so much charm despite not being insanely rendered or having too much detail. and I LOVE that. so to try and add it to my own art I redraw and redraw and MIMIC in attempts to gain that exact same energy.
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🤔 and though it’s not twst art…… this is when I started replacing the twst style and picking up on it’s quirks, then adopting what I thought was fun about it. most notable the varied opacity rendering. and you might notice that my lineart is more see though!! I MUST SAY!!! THAT WAS JUST BECAUSE OF A LITTLE EXPERIMENT I WANTED TO DO and I enjoyed it SO much that I dropped solid lineart sketching IMMEDIATELY!!!!! I think developing an artstyle is really dependent on you being willing to step away from your “art style” and look at others. maybe try some new things. pick up smth else and try to mimic it, and see what ingredients are used to make that artstyle succeed in the way that it does. between these three images you see such a change because behind the scenes I’m trying all of these different things, and seeing if I like doing them!!
🤔 sorta like….. oh I like this ingredient. so I’m gonna take them and add it to my own food because I like it. if that makes sense?
AND SO YADDAH YADDAH. you follow my blog you know my art and where it is now
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A SNEAK PEEK FOR ASHACE ART SINCE YOU READ THROUGH ALL OF THIS….. and like. as you can see my art really is just a mutant combination of all of these things that I like from the artstyles I enjoy. slowly it came together w no rush and I’m sitting here now satisfied with a signature artstyle that everyone can recognize.
!! I REALLY DONT THINK YOU NEED TO WORRY TOO HARD ABOUT HAVING AN ART STYLE especially if you’re a beginning or learning artist still. and don’t think that art styles just come out of nowhere!!! art is a combination of stealing parts of things that you like and putting them together. as all things are 🫶 but yeah!! the Ashi gallery HAHAHA
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ryemackerel · 1 year
HALLO i was wondering how you get out of art block?? your art is very expressive and i absolutely adore all your colour choices and designs. ive been having trouble with art block for a very long time now so i’m just trying to ask other artists how they get outta it <3 i hope u have a niceday yesyes
OUGHH HELLO!!! holy crap, art block is the WORST. everytime i encounter it, its always hard to beat it D: theres days where i feel like i WANT to draw something so badly but my brain just. cant function
i dont have a definitive solution for art block, but whenever i do, i have a few ways to cope with it. sometimes they work, sometimes they dont? but whenever the time comes and im just sitting at a brick wall, i got some survival tips
1. come up with random silly ideas,, it could be anything: random words, phrases, scenarios. they can be as nonsensical as you want them to be. during art blocks, my mind is completely dry with ideas, so i always try to compile a list of ideas from the past so i can come back to them later on. i try to come up with random duos or something as simple as “mcdonalds date”. i might not work on these now, but maybe some random lil word can spark that creativity in me
heres my art ideas list… i have some ideas that are like 8 months old in there BGAHSGA, but i save em there till i feel like working on them
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2. STRUGGLE DOODLES!! i like to make a bunch of doodles of random scenes that i think about in my head. doodle practically anything. your favorite person, favorite animal, something you see outside your window, frogs?
heres a few of mine. most of the time, i NEVER get to finishing them. however, during art blocks sometimes i like to go back to really old, incomplete guidelines and add some new, random addition to it. sometimes i forget what my sketches were exactly meant to be? and i guess thats the fun about interpreting stuff and giving things a new spin to them. during art blocks, i HATE trying to come up with new drawings from a blank canvas (since i dont even have any ideas to begin with). but working on old wips, or completely revising them? sometimes these can be super fun :]
[and bonus tip!! and this is like, a golden tip that everyone loves: going back to super old drawings and redrawing them!! its my favorite. i absolutely love seeing the improvement ive made over the years. its also pretty easy to work with since you dont have to stress about coming up with completely new ideas from a blank slate! GAHH i should do that more often.]
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3. search up your favorite fanart, go on pinterest, anything. i love this one.
search up some really cool photos of outfits, aesthetic backgrounds?? i find myself searching up a lot of fanart of fandoms im in, any word with “aesthetic” at the end, casino aesthetic, anything! pinterest has always been my go-to platform to find ideas. i go on the app and not even a second in, im blown with all of this cool art n character designs. i have a problem saving almost everything i find into my boards, but at least i saved a chock-full of ideas i can work with. :)
a thing about me: ive never been the type to try and force my art block out. whenever im facing a block, its extremely difficult for me to come up with things on my own. sometimes i let it wait for a while, but that tends to take a REALLY long time. D: if i dont feel like drawing, or doodling, or really doing anything? i always like scrolling through really pretty photos. that tends to spark a small idea in me i can work with, and sometimes i manage to get out of art block from there. it starts out small, then over time it gets even better.
these photos especially gave me WAY more motivation than i ever had to draw wilbur during an art block moment. i started off making small random doodles of him in a neon city and over time it kinda turned into a fixation for neon cities. i LOVE imagining characters in random photos i find on pinterest.
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wishing you the bestest in your art journey!! this crap’s tough but i know you can break it yo. thank you so much for the ask!
feel free to reblog and add your own ideas below :] i was only able to come up with a few, but if youd like to add on, go right ahead! /noforce
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cynopoe · 7 months
heyyy idk if you remember but I once asked u about your inspiration/how you learned anatomy/draw etc. and I wanted to ask if you have answered that already. ofc you don't have to (you don't have to answer this one either, if you don't I'll just assume you didn't) ig you posted stg about not having time etc to reply and again: i love your art
Hey! I distinctly remember something like that although I don’t think I answered. And I can’t find it in my inbox either. Either I responded it and it got lost in the void or I might have deleted the ask when I was cleaning the box from all the porn bots. Either way I’m sorry for losing your ask 🥲
I will answer it now
I started drawing digitally when I was 15 on an old wacom tablet. I didn’t stop doing traditional stuff until I bought an ipad and got lazy with the endless options it offered me. I still use the ipad with procreate and CSP interchangeably. In my experience Procreate has a better coloring tools be it the colors itself or the brushes, the editing tools. Blending modes are, in my opinion, slightly better than CSP. and CSP inspires me to do more sketches and comic style stuff. I recommend them both.
What I will say now will stay between you and me. Alright? I learned doing anatomy from drawing filthy, filthy pornography. I wasn’t any good at it in the beginning, but honestly it is the best way to learn it, in my experience. I developed so fast when I was doing nsfw art. A lot faster than if I had only been drawing normal stuff. Many of those drawings will never see the face of day, but they’re there. And they helped me a lot.
Other than that I also recommend studying real life. Try to understand where body parts start and where they end. Try to study the “line of action”. Try to remind yourself a body is a 3d form. Foreshortening helps, although I’m not the biggest fan of it. Trace photographs- and I’m not saying like go over like by like. Study photographs. There are many reference pictures online. I often find mine on pinterest.
Redrawing one pose over and over again until you can do it with close eyes, helps, and will drive you up a wall. You will want to break your pencil. But it will help. Compare what you draw with the reference picture. Remember to flip the canvas often. Our eyes get used to our art, good parts and the mistakes.
Sleep on a pose if you can’t get it just right. Your eyes will be kinder to you in the next day.
Yeah using references and being very mindful of them will help you a lot. There are some youtube tutorials. This streamer has been my favorite lately.
About finding inspiration… I’m sorry I can’t help you much with this one. You see, I’ve lost mine and I have been looking for it for a year now. Idk. Get unnaturally obsessed with a media? Get into a moderately large fandom? Have some people around you to keep your interest alive? Idk I haven’t been active in any fandom in years. But when I was, I saw that social interaction of it helped me to stay motivated to create.
Keep your mind sharp: read, study, interact with anything out of your comfort zone. In my personal experience, keeping in my walls never really gives me that rush, that eureka of inspiration. I often get this desire to create when my mind is active. I don’t know if it will be the same for you though.
Thank you for this ask! And thank you for being incredibly patient. I’m sorry again for losing your ask before. I hope I could help even a little 🖤 stay creative, friend.
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mirkodoesstuff · 3 months
☠୧⍤⃝ 𒋨𒆙𒆜𒄆𒁎 ☠୧⍤⃝ 𒋨𒆙𒆜𒄆𒁎
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Hello! My name’s Mirkoslavec, however you can refer to me as Mirko, Mirk or a secret third option (or my a completely different name, if we’re close). I'm 19 years old and my birthday is on June 8th!
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Ever since I was young, I was into various things, such as drawing, writing, creating various headcanons, reading, sleeping (this one is obvious) and, obviously, wanting to be original. I started to both draw and write ever since I was a little kid, and though most of my stories were either lost to time, were deleted ‘cause I was embarrassed and decided to just delete them from existence, I still improved through time, the same goes for drawings. However, unlike with stories, the old drawings are, mostly, still saved on my pen drive, however, most of them are from the year 2019, so it’s just 5 years ago. If I ever decide to post some of my old art there, I would do it as a form of redrawing those drawings, so I wouldn’t really feel ashamed of myself.
I’m really into various topics as well, mainly the darker ones, such as death, loss of loved ones, addictions, dark thoughts, dealing with various mental problems, having to come up with the past of the loved ones, that you recently learnt through the most unexpected way, torture, politics (as in, learning why things are that way, and not in another way), history (because I just love learning about the past, especially about Mediaeval Times and the last century). However, don’t expect me to get political - I just want to get away from the real world and just enjoy every free moment I have, and also I know, how people can get heated due to that topic.
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The mascot of this blog is a character called “Miroslav Bochto”, who seems to be, at first, just a normal, anthropomorphised food object (there is an object version of him), however actually isn’t an object at all. His reference, under his “used” form is there:
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Miroslav will be used mainly in “personal” art, such as in art, where I celebrate various holidays, such as vacations, Christmas, Halloween, art for other things, such as rants, reviews and just in general.
Of course, there are more than one “main” OC, however Miroslav is the main one, as he was created in thought of, directly, representing me.
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I know, currently, three languages - Polish (my native), English (pretty good) and German (basic knowledge), however I wish I could learn Russian, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese and Icelandic.
Another thing I want to learn soon is how to code and create 3D models. I have my reasons - with coding I could actually create a game on my own - either a fangame for one of the fandoms I belong to, or my own original game, with modelling it’s a mix between “I want to create games” and “I want to create cool stuff, that aren’t only 2D” due to the fact, that I;m aware about the whole thing with me having to not only learn how to code, but also knowing how to improve the game, how to create various events, that would get the players hooked, how to not make the game be unfairly hard or unfairly easy etc., and with modelling, I might focus on creating, firstly, only 3D models, completely for fun, and not for any games, unless… Something would change.
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I’m in many fandoms, so you might expect to not only see drawings, headcanons, opinions etc. related to only one fandom, but also for many fandoms.
I belong to:
Object Show Community (BFDI, II, LOTS, BOTO, plan to watch more Object Shows)
Five Nights at Freddy’s (and fangames, such as Five Nights at Candy’s, Playtime with Percy, Those Nights at Rachel’s, Dayshift at Freddy’s, The Joy of Creation, Popgoes, etc.)
Warrior Cats,
Cartoon communities (The Simpsons, Gravity Falls),
The Sims,
Stardew Valley,
OCs (as in my original universe for OCs I have), 
Undertale (and its AUs),
Doki Doki Literature Club, 
Anthropomorphised animals
Brawl Stars
And many more, however I don’t really remember them, however, if I remember some, I’ll either add them or just upload a drawing from fandoms I didn’t list there!
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The tags, that I plan to use are divided in four categories, due to me wanting to make the blog be as easy access not only for me, but also for anyone reading the blog.
The first category is “Personal tags”, which are tags supposed to indicate what the post is supposed to be about.
#mirko draws - it’s obviously a post, featuring a drawing.
#mirko redraws - same as above, however it is more about redrawing either an old piece of mine, a scene in games/in movies/in comics or something else
#mirko’s opinions - used, when I share an opinion over various things
#mirko rants - as the name says, it is used when I rant about something
#mirko rambles - used, when I ramble about something, such as the newest released episode, the news about various games, etc.
#mirko reviews - a post, that indicates, that what I posted is a review of something (either a game, an episode of a TV series, or webseries)
#mirko reblogs - as name suggest it, it’s used when I reblog stuff from other people.
#mirko's answers - tag used for asks
#mirko vents - used only for venting (either through art or text… Or both)
#mirko’s special announcements - only used when I want to announce something special
#mirko’s introductory post - only used for the post you’re reading right now
#mirko’s headcanons - used on a post featuring my headcanons for various characters
#mirko’s comics - a comic, that was created by me.
#mirko updates stories - this tag is used, when a story, either on AO3 or Wattpad, gets updated
#shitposting time - a tag for various shitposts, that are going to be occasionally posted, related to various events.
#mirko’s designs - designs created by me
The second category is “Fandom-related” tags, that are only used for something related to projects for fandoms I’m part of.
#the rising moon universe - tag used for all posts, that are related to a BFDI AU, which is “what if BFDI characters were anthropomorphised, and there was more stuff to it?”
#goikian stories - a tag used for all posts, which are about an AU based on beta BFDI content (such as Firey comic series, Total Firey Island, Total Firey Island Points, etc.)
#along came a bubble - a tag used for all posts, which are about a BFDI AU, in which Bubble snapped at everyone, who mistreated her.
#among the clouds - a tag used for all posts, which are for a BFDI AU, in which TV needs to deal with a heavy loss of his
#battle cats - a tag used for all posts, which are for a BFDI x Warrior Cats AU.
#paltronics’ experiments - a tag used for all posts, which are for PWP AU, in which Paltronics decided to use a technology to create an updated cast of the original characters, adding more stuff to it.
#percy’s afterparty - an AU, in which many years after the incident, that changed the poodle’s life completely, Percy is forced to confront the forgotten past
#the playhouse of damned ones - an AU, in which the playhouse was abandoned for an unknown, for public, reason and Nick decides to see what happened in there
#our playtime - some sort of OMORI x PWP x BFDI (woah) AU
The third category is “OCs” related
#miroslav and friends - a series of stories/comics/drawings etc., featuring my persona - Miroslav and his gang in various situations
#lights in darkness - a series of stories/comics/drawings etc., featuring my original characters, still related to object shows, living on an island and having lots of adventures.
#the forest seven - OCs, that belong to the Forest in Goikian Stories
#the forest guards - a group of OCs (both objects and cats), that were guarding the Evil Forest for many years
#wolkrows - a group of demonic creatures, that have two forms - one “hidden” and another - the real, blob-like form
The fourth category is “things I did for people” related
#mirko’s art for people - a tag used, if the art was requested by someone
#mirko’s paid work - a tag used, if the art was bought by someone
#mirko’s gift - a tag used, if the art was a gift for someone
#mirko’s part of art-trade - a tag used, if the art was a part of art trade with someone
#mirko’s part of collab - a tag used for my part of a collab
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Naturally, the tags in fourth category wouldn’t be used so often, due to various reasons, as, for example school, me being busy with life or any other reasons.
Requests - CLOSED
C0mmissi0ns - CLOSED
Art-Trades - CLOSED
Collabs - CLOSED
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You know, I wish my blog could be kid-friendly, however… Me being me is making it impossible, so I require everyone, who are visiting my blog to be at least 15 years old! Under 15 do not interact!
Another thing I want to say, that on my blog you can find themes, such as:
Dealing with mental problems,
Memory loss,
Paranormal activities,
Repressed memories,
Mystery pasts,
Breakups/bad romances,
Loss of friends/family etc.,
Body Horror,
Disturbing lore,
Suggestive themes,
So, if you’re uncomfortable with any of the topics above, don’t follow me, don’t try to force me to not talk/make stories based on those topics/etc., just because you dislike those topics! 
All of those topics will have warnings.
You can expect some of “lighter” stuff be there too, because even people like me need some fluff, right?
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The list of my other social media is:
Gamejolt - Mirkoslavec
Discord - mirkoslavec
Toyhouse - Mirkoslavec
Deviantart - Mirkoslavec 
Cara - soon
Hope you will enjoy the stay there!
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entesi · 6 months
A Proper Introduction
Self ship blog: entesi-selfship
Art blog: enttesi
Antis DNI
Hey there everyone! I was inspired by some friends to finally make a new introduction post, this one for me and my system. I am an endogenic soulbond system named the Dragon Soulbond System. I am married to my in-system spouse Vandarian, and we plan on sharing more of us and our system together!
About Our Relationship
Vandarian and I have been together since the 29th of December 2015 and married in May 8th 2018 (this is a guess since we were going through trauma at the time and don’t remember our exact marriage date) and we have three beautiful soulbond children! I’ve been host to a soulbond system since I was very young but didn’t know until recently that I was part of a system or what it was called, I just called things my own words until I learnt of the term soulbond and endogenic systems. I feel so much happier being able to connect to my soulbonds in a better way which is awesome! We thought we’d make a proper post for everyone to know about us :)
Stay tuned for our Carrd page that describes our experiences on being a soulbond system and how we met! This post will be edited with the link when it’s finished
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Art by Physis Phyo on Facebook!
More about us is below!
About Me
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Noven Hethreku | 24 | He/they
I am Noven Hethreku, but you can also call me Dragon or Entesi. I am a disabled, queer, autistic dragonkin boy from Australia who is a digital artist and character designer. I am obsessed with dragons and cats, and I love drawing characters based off of them and also other creatures that I like. I am a practitioning psychic and medium and I often practice my magical abilities with my soulbonds. I am in the process of making things such as a webcomic and a video game and I want to make content for people to feel happy about and see what I like to make. I try to draw where I can and when I want to I often commission others for art of me and my soulbonds. I treasure my soulbonds very deeply and I’m so happy to be able to share them with you guys!
If you want to see some of my other soulbonds, you can check my F/O and soulbonds page here!
I am always happy to talk about soulbonds! Feel free to send me messages or asks about them
About Van
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Vandarian Rintzu Bluuven | 26 | They/them or fae/faer, occasionally he/him
I apologise for the old art, this is the only full reference I have of them that I’ve drawn, but I plan on redrawing them!
Vandarian is my spouse. They are from a species of alien called Bluuven (they don’t like being called alien by most people though as it has bad memories tied to it) and they are two years older than me. They are incredibly intelligent and can build almost any sort of technology, and can also grow sweet plants with their magic. They’re very sassy and have a lot of energy, and they’re very protective of me and my soulbonds. Van has DID, schizophrenia, autism, PTSD, anxiety and depression, and we help each other through the things that are upsetting us. They are very talented at many things such as dancing and singing, and they love showing off for others by looking good and showing that they’re very talented in the stuff they can do. They have tentacles in their back and they have mind reading abilities which are both from their species but they also have some unique abilities other members of their species don’t have. They are an absolute sweetheart and make me so happy
We are always happy to talk about our soulbond experiences so long as you’re being friendly so please feel free to ask us about stuff or share your own soulbond stuff! We always love meeting other soulbonds systems and we would love to see you guys if you want to chat! We give a big thank you to @liya-system for inspiring us to make this post for you guys so you guys can see what we’re like! Please let us know if you need anything
We hope you guys are happy!
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inkabelledesigns · 2 years
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February 4th of 2023 marks the thirteen year anniversary of when I started my first sketchbook. So to celebrate, I decided to redraw the first OC that ever went in that original book: Hearts. I’m about to get really sappy under the cut.
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I’m really bad at remembering dates, but this one sticks out in my mind. I remember being on my bed doodling this out, excited to finally throw something down on the page. At the time, one of my best friends had drawn Hearts out, but it wasn’t quite as I had envisioned her. I had been frustrated that I couldn’t articulate my vision, so naturally, stubborn 13 year old me decided the only way to get there was to learn to draw for myself. I uh, didn’t quite hit the mark for a long time, but this first sketch was important. Little did I know it was gonna take me on a journey that would last for so long (and is still ongoing)!
Hearts was a Sonic fan character originally. A baby blue hedgehog with pyrokinesis, defender of a world known as Planet Paradise and the leader of a resistance against a tyrannical king. She never met up with Sonic, they didn’t really exist in the same world, the visual style was just the same in my mind, and the stories were reminiscent of things I liked in the Sonic stories. The secret royalty backstory from Sonic Underground, the Werehog phase of Sonic Unleashed, the interstellar wonders of Sonic Colors (whose soundtrack I listened to all throughout drawing this tonight), it was all there. She was my whole world as a middle schooler.
Nowadays, I’ve re-imagined her to fit in what became of my other former Sonic project, Tales of Sunburst City, a world full of elemental heroes rising up against Tumult, leader of the Anti-Sync, to protect their home and the elements of nature. I think Hearts would work well as a fire elemental with hedgehog attributes. She’s sassy, she’s punk, but she’s always there to lend a hand. I can see her getting along with main protagonist Vibrance Echo very well.
I haven’t worked on her story in years. I had someone in middle school who kept stealing my book and inserting their stuff into mine without consent to make their characters the heroes of my stories, and another person who would also steal it and graffiti all over my art. It made me feel the need to keep it under wraps for a long time. I took forever to open up about my stories, and to improve as an artist. I got bullied within my fandom for not being very good at my craft (especially when I asked for help, I was laughed at), and because as someone who was pretty obviously bad at reading social situations/on spectrum, I was an easy target. That would go on from middle school all the way to college online. But I was determined through it all to become the best artist I could be and love my work. I had dreams of working on something for SEGA someday.
Look at where I am now. I’m standing here after 13 years, and finally, I’ve gotten somewhere. For one thing, I finally drew her hair the way I wanted it! X’‘‘D It took forever to figure out, but we did it, I’m so proud of that! But for another, look at where I’ve ended up as a person. I finally feel comfortable sharing my stories with my friends, and not only do they listen, but they’re interested in what I have to say. They encourage me to keep going. They’re there to help me when I get stuck, and I’ve learned so much from them that’s improved my art and writing game, especially in this last year. From nutcrackers to Bendy, I have a place where I’m happy and fulfilled. Thank you to my friends, you light up my life in so many ways, words can’t do it justice. <3 And it doesn’t matter if a hundred people or just a few see my stuff, I’m learning to love it and make it just for me. I’m closer now to creating the things I want than I ever have been before, overcoming the fear to just be myself. I have hope that maybe I can in fact write my books and tell my stories.
And it’s not just one art form where my skills have improved. It’s been noticeable across all my mediums. I have a bunch of new horizons that are being explored. I’ve gotten some cool voice roles that I never would’ve fathomed years ago. I tried cosplaying for the first time (in private, not ready to be public with that). I have improved on my dolls so much. And my digital illustration has been so much better! I’m getting better at using references, and my lip and nose game? Top notch! I even got to use some of my graphic design and illustration skills to help with the very first Bendy Fambassadors project! That still feels like a dream, the fact that I got to work with the voice actors for one of my favorite game series is AMAZING, and the fact that I can call some of them my friends and say I’m getting to know them as people? That’s the coolest thing ever! I’m so much more confident than I used to be, I finally proved to myself that I could do it. I am an artist, I belong here amongst the people whose work I look up to. I am amazing, I am beautiful, I am kind, I am compelling, I am FREE!
To all the artists out there that are insecure and finding their way, I can say with full confidence, it DOES get better. Yeah, I still have days where I crumble and fall apart, where nothing looks right and I’m in agony over my creations. But they aren’t the same as they used to be. You are the master of your own ship. Chart your course and weather the storm, take that high seas adventure! Find yourself somewhere along the way. There is so much treasure waiting for you, and you will find it. I’m a first believer that anyone can be artist. We can be so much more. Don’t be afraid to go out there and reach for the stars. You’ve got this!
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yulin-pop · 2 years
Hi! Can you make some headcanons with the dorm leaders with a s/o small but with superhuman strength capable of even carrying the boys? (Bonus Points if the s/o looks delicate and cute and doesn't seem to be aware of her strength)
⤷ ✧ Unexpected strength
- order 25 | Headcanons | Housewardens
Gender neutral
Requested by @littlepatchy ! This is a fairly old request. I apologize for I didn’t have many ideas for this one until now. Thank you for requesting!
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Riddle Rosehearts
Ever since his change of heart, he’s been trying his hardest to change. But, of course, the tyrant part of him was still there. Some of the dorm members had began taking advantage of his change and blatantly broke common decency rules.
“Grghh… Just who do you think you’re talking to…?” Riddle asked while breathing heavily.
The trio that had begun trouble didn’t back down.
“Oh you’re that little gifted boy that throws tantrums at 17 years old.”
“You shut your mouth!” Riddle grit his teeth as he raised his staff. “OFF WITH YO—“
You swung at his hand with great accuracy. Your hand swung up, hitting him in the jaw and nose. He almost fell back, thanks to a nearby table, he grabbed onto it.
His brains were scrambled, everything was blurry and he swore he could see the light. Until he felt a hand touch over his nose, it was gentle.
“Ahh… I’m sorry Riddle! I hit you too hard…” You said as you dabbed a tissue at his nose.
There was pain in his hand but mostly his nose. He looked absolutely puzzled, mostly because he was knocked out and just regained consciousness a second ago.
“Let me carry you.” You said. He felt soft arms around him and he flinched and thrashed a bit.
“W-Wait! No— Oh…” He was actually rather comfortable in your arms so he stopped immediately.
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Leona Kingscholar
He loves to poke fun at you. I mean, you’re just too cute when you start getting defensive.
“Shut up you slug-licker.”
“Slug-licker?” He asked, amused.
“That’s why you’re dog water at—!”
“I see Leona and MC are happily volunteering to gather the equipment, I see.”
And just like that, Leona was accompanying you on your walk to the storage closet. You cursed your luck as he lazily trailed behind you.
“Why did you even come with me? I know you don’t actually do anything and just skip the rest of the class.”
“I’d feel bad if I left you to carry all the heavy stuff.” He mockingly said, though what he said was true.
“Oh yeah?! I’ll prove you wrong!” You quickly opened up the door to the storage closet and pulled out the mats you were sent to retrieve. You stacked ten on top of each other and crouched down to lift them.
You stood up rather easily, the mats were pretty big and heavy. Your legs didn’t waver, nor did your arms.
He stayed silent in shock as you stood triumphantly beside him.
“See~ I told you I could do it!”
He watched your back as you headed back to the field. Leona swallowed, maybe he shouldn't have underestimated you.
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Azul Ashengrotto
It was just his luck. He was never a fighter, everyone knew that and that’s exactly why everyone likes seeing him fight, well more like struggle.
In terms of magic, he was leagues above a good portion of the school. But physical strength, he’s almost at the bottom.
Another reason why he dislikes physical education. One of the many electives he had (not but choice) was self defense. There may be times where one is not able to use magic to defend so training your body is important.
The one thing he dislikes about this class is the partnering up to fight. It was a weekly event where two random students would fight using what they learned.
He’s been lucky enough to not be selected all those times but it appears his luck has ran out.
“Why can’t you redraw instead?!” Azul protested at Vargas.
“You’re not the best at physical education, Azul, but in this class, you have to man up.” Vargas sternly said.
You pulled him into the center of the room at Vargas’ orders. He surrender himself to fate, there is a chance that he could win but he couldn’t hurt you. You’re so… delicate and nice.
At the count, you flew at him swiftly and grabbed his arm. He didn’t even have a chance to react before he felt himself being raised in the air.
“AAAAHHHHH!!” You twisted his arm while swinging him up and you slammed him down on the matted floors.
It was unlucky how he didn’t pass out from that, passing out would’ve been a break from everything plus the pain.
“Well… It’s clear who won.” Vargas spoke up in the silence. Azul let out a pained sound of defeat and you kneeled down to him.
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Kalim Al Asim
He always thought you were super cute. Which is precisely why he invites you over so much. You can’t always make it but most of the time you do.
A common activity you two do while hanging out is swimming, it’s hot in Scarabia so it’s understandable on your part.
You dunked your head under and brushed your hair back when you came back up. It was an especially hot day.
“Jamil, aren’t you gonna join us?” Kalim asked while swimming towards the wall where Jamil watched over you two.
“I don’t exactly feel like swimming today.” He dryly said back. Kalim protested for a second then turned back to you.
It was nearing sun down, not that it mattered since you planned to leave by then. You turned to Kalim and he dived under with a smile.
He came back up shortly but he wasn’t smile, he looked distressed as he sunk underneath again.
“Kalim!” Both you and Jamil said in unison. You dove under without a second thought and reached for him. You saw his hand, bubbles came out of his mouth as he flailed. You reached out for his hand and he very loosely squeezed yours.
You floated back up to the top, with Kalim in your arms. He coughed and regained his breath as you brought him out the water.
You nonchalantly stood up, him still in your arms. Jamil ran over to you and let out a sigh of relief at seeing Kalim’s eyes open and breathing heavily.
“Kalim, are you ok?”
“For the most part,” he sighed “I suddenly got a leg cramp and couldn’t keep myself up anymore…”
Jamil scolded him very lightly, mostly caring about the fact he was drowning.
“Let’s head inside and dry off.” You suggested as you stepped past Jamil.
“Wait aren’t you gonna put him down?”
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Vil Schoenheit
Today was a rough day for Vil. First of all, Epel challenged him again and then he ran away before he could fix his hair. Then the fools in the dorm started fighting over some sort of group project, so he had to step in.
Then, the heel on one of his favorite heels chipped. Anyone near him could feel his fierce aura. No one decided to mess with him that day. But to make things worse, he messed up in alchemy.
In alchemy…
He stomped his way out of the school halls and ended up in a secluded stop that few people went to.
He begrudgingly sat down and crossed his arms. He thought about all the terrible things that had happened that day. He couldn’t help but think about the pains coming up, such as that photo shoot with that girl that was always too flirty, or he needs more moisturizer from Azul soon.
There was a shuffle from behind him and there lingered a shadow over him.
“What are you doing here?” You asked while meddling with some flowers that were planted around here.
“Oh it’s you. I think you should state what you’re doing before you ask any questions..” He said as if you just insulted him.
“I apologize for my rudeness. I came here to practice making flower crowns. But what are you doing here?”
“Everything is far too noisy and annoying. I just need a breath.” He said, leaving out half the truth.
“What’s bothering you?” You asked as you sat down next to him.
He admitted the reasons why his day was going downhill and put a dent in his pride and well being.
“Sometimes, I wish I could just be treated like a Princess…” Just as he said that, he felt something plop on top of his head.
“You can’t be a princess!” You shook your head, “you’re a queen.”
In one quick movement, you picked him up bridal style. He was shocked. Your small frame made him think it was impossible for you to lift more than 25 Ilbs!
But he couldn’t say he didn’t like it. It felt nice to be carried. “Princesses, they have everything handed to them. But queens, like you, work hard for everything.”
He was truly flattered.
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Idia Shroud
Idia really doesn’t get out a lot. Everyone knows that. He does online work and can’t hold a conversation with someone for the life of him.
But, practice makes perfect, is what Ortho says. Ortho called you over to persuade him to attend classes the whole week. It was Wednesday and it seems he couldn’t handle another day of I-R-L classes.
“No! No! Please!” He begged as he hid under the blanket. Ortho sadly turned to you for help.
You pulled the blanket and placed your hand on his bed. “Come on, there’s Board Game club at lunch!”
“Not worth it! Azul can play alone!” He meekishly said while pushing you away.
You had one last idea. You tugged on the blanket roughly and then scoped Idia into your arms.
“Eh… EH?!” He started to writhe and try to escape your hold but you were firm and didn’t even struggle to lose balance as he flailed about.
“MC, you did it! Now let’s go!”
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Malleus Draconia
It's not often a time where you and Malleus get stuck in a room together. It’s actually scary.
You can see his eyes glow in the dark, which makes you feel something in your chest and you can’t take your eyes off his.
“Malleus, you can see, right?”
“Of course, my vision is far more advanced than the average human’s.” He snarled.
“Right.. How are we gonna get this door open?” You asked while glancing away for a mere second.
“I’ll destroy it.” He lifted his hand, making a green, blazing flame.
“Wait a minute there! We can’t. This is school property.”
Malleus thought for a moment and put his arm.
“Then what shall we do?” He asked, genuinely curious.
You tried a few things out but none of them succeeded. Indeed, Malleus could’ve just teleported you and him out of there but he wished to stay with you longer.
He didn’t understand why he didn’t want you to leave him, but he submitted himself to his desire.
“This is the last option. I don’t think it’ll work.” You said while backing up. Malleus watched as you unraveled a kick. There was a bit of smoke from your foot as a small bit of light illuminated the room.
“I did it! We’re freed!” You exclaimed while jumping up and down. He inspected the part of the door that was kicked and there was a large hole in the metal door.
He looked at you back as you ran out happily.
“I wonder, how can a human make me feel like this?”
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genopaint · 2 years
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Every year on my birthday, I try to redraw an old piece of mine as a sort of present to all of you to celebrate! For this year, I've decided to redraw my very first commission ever! Plague Knight, but specifically in a cool pose! This was so much fun to revisit!
The original from 2019! It's hard to believe it's already been that long since I started doing freelance and commission stuff! This was very kindly commissioned by @ Jamix012 on twitter I believe. Thank you so much for taking a chance on me back then! I hope you appreciate the update
Right, and I also wanted to talk a little bit about life and what not really quick since I also don't think I did this last year. Yeah! Another year come and gone! That's wild. I'll be honest, things have been very tough lately especially with covid and stuff. I've been struggling a bit as things have just been pretty bad at home lately. But I'm pulling through and making it day by day. In particular lately I've been very self conscious about my art and skills lately. But I think the fact that stuff like Axel the Alligator can still come to me even now when I'm just feeling very low about my creativity and talent is a good sign that I do still have what it takes to come up with cool stuff I genuinely like. And also I particularly really wanted to just take some time to thank both SeafloorGames and CloudyGamesLLC for bringing me on board to their game projects over the past few years. While I'm sulking around about stuff I think it's completely flown over my head how wonderful it's been to actually get to work on two different indie games recently. Not only designing SUPER fun protagonists and other concepts for their games, but even getting to draw in game assets and learning various new skills along the way. It means a lot that both of them were willing to take a chance on me despite being unproven and I really haven't thanked them enough. These have both been a blast to work on, and moonlight pulse is, if i'm not mistaken, the first game not made for me where I designed a character for? Plus I realize that these games have already helped me achieve dreams of owning a toy of a character I designed and see fanart of something I designed. It's all happening in real time and when I take a step back from being so sad over silly stuff, it really is amazing to see and makes me extremely happy. So thank you again to both directors for having me as their drawing-guy and thank you all so much for all your love and support over the years! I'm hoping to get things moving again soon if possible and I hope you'll all be there to see me draw scalies for many years to come!!
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miru667 · 3 years
A video of wips for my onceler zine cover piece! This drawing took me 6 months to finish haha. Click the readmore if you’re curious to learn more about my process and all the refs and inspos I used (transcribed from [this twitter thread]). [CLICK HERE] to see the finished piece.
I guess I’ll go from left to right? :>
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7212 is my #1 ship in the fandom so of course I had to include some interaction for them..I purposely shaped that piece of confetti into almost-a-heart 9.9 In this interaction OG onceler is sizing him up to be his poster boy. It was inspired by this joke hc from junior: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/43633972614/truffulajam-you-there-me-sir-ive
The hose is from one of the lorax mini-movies but more specifically its from the nightblogging event in 2012, here’s an archive of a lot of the hose memes we created that night: https://oncelerswaterhose.tumblr.com/
He doesn’t actually have suspenders in the movie but they were a popular headcanon for him in 2012 plus they’re hot so I included them. It was important to me to include this transitional onceler in between vestler and suitler to remind us all that this is the same guy going thru different stages of his life.
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Gloves in the back pocket is from concept art: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/146926446017/early-once-ler-sketches-by-eric-guillon-part-5
I really love the way I drew and coloured the folds of his coattails here too, as well as the moss I added last minute onto the truffula tree trunk.
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The frame started out as just a plain brown rectangle and I thought, now that's not very seussy, so I referenced the Too Big To Fail frame in the movie. I believe it took me two whole days to draw just the frame. :,) And the seuss portrait I just referenced from google images but it was a challenge too; I had to completely redraw it near the end to make him look more accurate.
Lorax holding up a portrait of Seuss and using it to guilt the Onceler was inspired by a gag in Osomatsu-san where the characters would apologize to a portrait of their irl creator Akatsuka when they felt like they were being a bad adaptation of his original work 😂😂😂 loved it.
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But it was also inspired by a very powerful comic drawn by my friend Rachel: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/92807755387/tsg I would say Rachel's art has been the biggest inspo for me in the past decade in both style and emotion, so I'm really happy I could include her influence into my piece like this.
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I was SO happy I thought of a way to include these 2012 refs: -Complaint Box -☄☄☄ Waterballoon fight nightblogging event -gent's marriage to the fandom -ed helms finding out about oncest -Thneedville/Thornville High AU -WHO IS SWAG/askblog identity crisis nightblogging event -You Only Live Once(ler) -tiny chat parties -Camp Weehawken AU -tumblr anons/magic anons -normaler -Shakespeareler/"I must keep biggering" nightblogging event -Stay stupid, baby!
I wish I could've included more cuz these are still just above-water stuff in the fandom iceberg imo. If anyone wants me to explain more about any of these refs, feel free to ask!
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The flip phone is from the deleted scene, "YER ALL GOIN TO JAIL": https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/153925999832/truffulajam-youreallgoingtojailmov-from
The bottom fake button on his suit is canon: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/615761075955187712/miru667-you-know-your-life-has-hit-a-new-low
This is my fav interaction in the piece...you can see it as either aftermath onceler taking the hat off of biggering onceler to foreshadow his fall, OR you can see it as aftermath-ler taking off his OWN hat to crown biggering-ler as the fool, because he's learned what a fool he's been. And actually a 3rd interpretation is aftermath-ler telling biggering-ler "yes enjoy your happiness while you can, king" 😂
And then with old onceler's hand on aftermath onceler's back, an act of consolation...I think it's very important to be able to forgive ur past self for the stupid things you've done, or else how can you continue? How can you grow? I can guarantee that 10 yrs ago we ALL did stupid things in the fandom. I originally drew aftermath frowning but changed it to a smile because he's thankful for the lessons and he can still look back on things fondly. I feel the same as him and I hope others do too. For this interaction I was inspired by Pearl fanart, she's a comfort character of mine and has helped me thru so much:  https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/post/188267156772 https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/post/623806330932805632
Biggering onceler’s side profile gave me THE HARDEST TIME. It was already January and I just COULD NOT get it to look right and I was ready to go take a 5 hour depression nap because of it but then my friend Edu saved the day ♥
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Edu:  @hybridkilljoy​
Another friend contribution was the yellow bg. it was originally a boring flat gradient so Clara said "lmao what if I just gave you a yellow bg I painted to toss into ur file" because she had a rly good brush for it on procreate (and I was using paint tool sai and had nothing). i replied "oki" and then she just DOES IT..🥺♥
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Clara:  @clarabellumsart​
idk where i'd be without my friends
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I’m REALLY proud of this little area of my zine piece. The hand and blood is a ref to Truffula Flu, our zomb apocalypse AU. I had to redraw it twice to get it right. And I’ve drawn many a onceler chain but this is the BEST onceler chain I’ve EVER drawn. It took me many redraws to get it to look this way. Look at it just reaching out at you so fluidly..!! The lighting and the rust! Proud of me!!
The fallen truffula tree in the back...I really just thought "hey let's experiment with PAINTING" and went for it!! 😂 I wanted to pay tribute to my all time fav onceler fanart: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/27320592159/ask-drawn-onceler-money-in-the-trees-lol-hey Whoever the mod of ask-drawn-onceler was, if you see this I hope you're doing ok!!
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As you guys have probably gathered by now, nothing is ever too late to change for me. If I felt like I could redo something to be better, I'd DO IT. The tree is another example, I was rly bothered that it looked like tentacles (right) so I completely re-rendered it to be more soft and fluffy (left). What made me realize that I could do better was after drawing the trees here: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/673766406272286720/early-spring-cleaning-part-2-drew-these-btwn I realized that actually, less is more, and that I had over-rendered the tree in my zine piece.
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This was actually the first time I've EVER drawn old onceler, so I worked EXTRA hard...I hope I did him justice!! Every hair, every thread, every little thneed tuft was drawn with care. I even manually drew in the shadows for the stripes on his robe so they would look indented! And if you look closely in other screenshots, I also manually added shadows to every piece of thread that makes up the onceler suit stripes.
The LET IT GROW is in seuss font, but I didn’t type it, I drew the letters while mimicking the font’s style, then added edge lighting to make it look carved into the pot. Unfortunately we couldn’t keep the zine title in seuss font as well due to copyright restrictions and I think I might have died if I were to draw the title in seuss font too LMAO
The Audrey is of course intended to be movie Audrey but it's MY zine piece and I wanted to be a little self-indulgent.....so I drew some symbols on the plant pot representing my audrey oc, Audrey Grace. 🤫😇 She means everything to me. She is a direct result of the fandom and she keeps me in the fandom.
The blue kite originates from her mainverse askblog:  https://askaudtree.tumblr.com/post/71630954595/do-you-do-all-the-chores-in-the-house-hows-your She later uses it as a marker for lerkim hopping in zomb au:  https://audpocalypse.tumblr.com/post/178971798052/whats-that-blue-diamond-symbol-mean-its-on-your  She's a knife-wielding zombie slayer and also a kazoo master (the tree straightener in the pot has the same striped pattern as her kazoo): https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/629448230317490176/pls-click-for-hi-res-today-is-my-audreys https://audpocalypse.tumblr.com/post/179181386907/have-you-ever-run-into-any-lerkims-that-were
And because of spending so much of her life in an apocalypse, she’s learned to appreciate the fleetingness of life, because who knows what’ll happen tomorrow? Every moment is precious. This is cherry blossom philosophy: https://notwithoutmypassport.com/cherry-blossom-meaning-in-japan/
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I think it’s so cool that since it took 6 months, I would improve like halfway into working on this piece which made me have to go back and redo some things LOL XD. The smoke in the background from the cigar was also painted with inspiration from tofublock, whom I discovered during the latter half of those 6 months too:  https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/tagged/tofublock https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/post/668656911468625921/will-you-watch-the-stars-with-me Look at the way they paint their clouds TTWTT so beautiful... I came across them while working on the zine and a lot of their art reminded me of my audrey so I was very taken!!
I positioned and coloured every piece of confetti with intent. The confetti idea itself I think was from Taylor Swift’s lyric video for 22 (Taylor’s Version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9boiT64sm0Q&feature=youtu.be Again, inspiration that came to me while in the middle of working on the zine.
I composed the piece chronologically to mirror the rise and fall of our fandom experience, followed by the calmer, peaceful present days. Aftermath onceler in the piece represents the perceived death of the fandom but outsiders don’t realize we have AUs, we like characters other than onceler, we can extrapolate the story any which way...so that's all represented by the right side of the pic. We won’t stop biggering!
Thank you for reading if you made it this far.. I tried to include as much as I could into my piece so that hopefully everyone who is/was in the fandom feels seen.. Only the best for the Once-ler fandom, you know? And there’s actually so much more I can say about this piece but I’ll end it here.
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zone1alma · 2 years
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Hi, it’s me. Your friendly Alma ask blog mod that comes and goes and you can never predict her! :D
Ok, so anyway, here’s the juice.
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And here’s the reason why I’ve popped back here after another 800 years of no activity.
So Alma’s blog (and the OFF fandom in general) have always been special to me on a personal level and even though I don’t hit up the OFF fandom like I used to back in 2012-2014, I still love it. I’ve tried to have this lil blog come off of hiatus many times, but I think with the slimming of the OFF fandom (I know it’s not dead, but it’s definitely not the fandom from back in the very early 2010s) and frankly, the fact that ask blogs just don’t seem to be as popular or as active on Tumblr as they used to be (at least not from what I see), I’m not sure this ask blog will ever be able to reach the activeness from the fandom I need to frankly keep it up and running. It’s also its own blog and not a side blog, so I have no active blogs I have attached to it, making it easy for me to completely forget about it and have even had a time or two where I thought I couldn’t find the stuff to log back in, thus losing it forever. 
So I’d like to do one last project involving this blog before I most likely have to say ‘goodbye’ to it for good. I want to make a new side blog and start redrawing all of my old Q & As on here as kind of an archive project and a way for me to enjoy the blog’s content one last time. This is so I’ll be able to go back and enjoy the content without having to seek out this blog and once I finish all the re-draws, I’ll probably log off of this account for the final time.
Alma is very dear to me and I want to continue to enjoy him even if I don’t hit up the OFF fandom as much as I did back when he was first created. So in a way, this is for personal enjoyment, but I will also share the side blog on here for anyone interested in following. I do wish I could transfer some of my other interactions for archive on the side blog, but all of that will probably just remain here (I’m not deleting the blog, just archiving it).
So yeah, I hope that makes sense? So yeah TL;DR: I know this blog will never get the chance to be active like it was back in the day due to slimming activity in the OFF fandom and ask blogs, so I’m going to re-draw the Q&A content on here to archive it on a new side blog that’s attached to an account I actually get on daily.
If anyone has any questions about this, feel free to ask~ I’ll post again once I get the side blog made.
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l-a-l-o-u · 4 years
ohh i haven’t done one of these in ages!! @sabertoothwalrus​ (check her out, gr8 content) tagged me in this art thing
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!  
1 - Korra with Raava staff
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this was super fun to finally draw!! i had this idea of an AU where benders use staffs to control their element over 3 years ago (i think) and its great to finally see it beyond random doodles i did in class back then. i really want to design some other staffs too at some point!
2 - Just some gays in a field
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This might be the only thing I posted this year that wasn’t fanart... I rarely get motivated to draw original stuff but I somehow finished this one. yeehaw
3 - BoTW Midna
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a little before Age of Calamity came out, i started a new BoTW file and as i was replaying & thinking about the Lore, i kept thinking about the love of my life, Midna Twilight Princess..... and for like a week i was obsessed with the idea of a Midna reincarnation showing up in the sequel. my Midzel loving ass immediately shipped this dumbass teen version with Zelda, of course,
4 - My tabaxi child
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I started playing D&D regularly this year!! it’s one of my favorite things about 2020!! i absolutely love this character too, druid is my favorite class so far and playing an impolite 13 year old with a bad french accent is SO funny. every other player immediately adopts them its great
5 - The background map & front page art for the Critical Role Wiki
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I finished catching up to all of CR earlier this year, and since i had a tendency to zone out and miss stuff, i would look up a ton of stuff on the wiki, and i always thought it looked so bland! it was still using the default theme and i thought it deserved something nicer. so i decided i would just Do That Myself! and since then i started editing the wiki super regularly, it’s one of my main hobbies now (ranked 19th out of the wiki editors babey)
the map i can’t take full credit for, as it’s only a traced version of this map. the original wasn’t big enough to fit the wiki, so i thought, why don’t i just. ya know. trace over the entire thing by hand. that way i could also decide on the colors and font, etc (plus i love drawing lots of lil tedious details). later on i also made this graphic to put on the front page! both of these had to be WAY downsized to fit the wiki formatting but at least i can share the full size files on here
6 - “Human” Raava 
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idk who remembers but I used to be OBSESSED with the AU where Raava looked like a human, and became younger as she lost power. i suddenly wanted to redraw the concept after all this time and reworked my old design a bit. twas fun
7 - The unfinished Pearl/Rose comic
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in the end I only colored this single panel, but i did post the first 8 pages (which is as far as i got) of an old comic idea from over a year ago. its kinda crazy how hard it is for me to post unfinished stuff.. but in the end i’m glad i did. its very validating to read the tags on that post and see how many people got mad/sad after reading it hehehe
8 - Mighty Nein redesigns
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i started this series of character sheets almost exactly one year ago! so far i only finished Jester and Beauregard (altho i need to update with her winter outfit), but i’m actually nearly done with Caleb, idk why i haven’t posted it yet... in my heart i believe that one day i’ll finish them all. but that might be 5 years from now. special shoutout to all the other CR art i made this year!! i actually got featured in the slideshow a couple times which is pretty unreal
Honorable mention -  New Nameless designs
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this is the only one i posted, but i actually spent quite a bit of time this year developping a webcomic idea. i made a good amount of concept art and wrote a lot about it. it still feels way too ambitious for me to consider starting the webcomic any time soon (i want to make at least one other comic before) but the idea really grew this year!! anyway this is Nameless and her funky animal companion, they are travelling around a fantasy continent and uncovering mysterious lore
im blanking on who to tag uhhh @officialrocketjumper​, @cadetheespeon​ and @butchlinkle​
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maurofonseca · 3 years
Sonic Learns to Drive- some thoughts in retrospective
wHuh, just realised Tumblr’s font with its weird line weights is likely done for readability for dyslexic people. cool
Anyway I just posted this on twitter, thought I’d post it here too, and then ramble a bit on my thoughts looking back. I’ve tried to write this more structured but found I just didn’t have much interesting to say like that lol
On the last post, where I showed all the cameos I bluntly sneaked into the story, I mentioned I’d made a Classic-style design for Nite, but that it hadn’t been approved, so when I drew it in the page, I was asked to redraw it with his actual design. Well, here it is.
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Like I said in the post, the main inspiration here was Owl Jolson from Looney Tunes- Classic Sonic often lifted designs from classic cartoons (compare Vector to the crocodiles in Fantasia), though admittedly moreso from Disney, not WB. But everyone loves Owl Jolson, so how could I not, lol. Other design cues taken from Old Man Owl from the Sonic OVA, Dr. Fukurokov from Tails Adventure, and of course, the shoes and headphones are from Vector, to tie to the Chaotix.
Anyway, using this as the cue to give some thoughts on the work I did.
I trawled through a lot of places to see reactions to it. Here, twitter, 4chan, etc. Saw a lot of praise, and also a decent chunk of negativity, as to be expected. Appreciated it all overall- the praise did legit soothe my heart a bit, as I felt very unsatisfied with a lot of the work I’d done, and the negativity was either just so silly as to be ignorable or stuff I can actually agree to- I do agree, for instance, that just shoving a thousand very obvious cameos can be very distracting, especially in instances where you can TELL something’s a reference, but you can’t tell WHAT to.
With that said my biggest worries were in stuff like the inking and the drawings themselves, which generally got either praise or no remark, which does feel like a weight off my shoulders. Especially coming right after the wonderful art in the main story, and right before the wonderful art in the last story, my story looked like the ugly duckling, but people enjoyed it anyway, and I’m thankful.
You see, for whatever reason that I don’t know because it’s above my paygrade, I actually got the script fairly late into the production. I won’t give specifics about exact times, but I felt it made my art look rushed, especially the inking- although again, easy for me to see that when I knew the circumstances. It’s why the car inside isn’t as detailed as I’d planned in the concept art, or why perspective can get so wonky, or a dozen other negatives I can point out and make people go “oh I hadn’t noticed but now I do, thanks, idiot”.
On that note I want to praise Valentina Pinto, who coloured the story - if my deadline was tight, hers was about half of mine, even more absurdly tight, AND she had to put up with my repeated notes going “no paint this small thing this colour because it’s a reference to that”. Champ.
So, yeah. I can only hope that next time you guys see me do pencils, I’ll be able to present something a bit more polished- I’m considering outright asking for an inker rather than try and ink myself- and just keep improving from story to story (especially now I’m working on a new, much more powerful computer).
Some final notes regarding concerns people had after my last post-
No, IDW wasn’t at risk of anything due to me sneaking unauthorised cameos. At worst the only risk was always only ever that I’d be the one to not be given more work, it’d fall on me, not on the company.
Multiple people commented Kip looks like an Animal Crossing character. I don’t see it but I don’t mind the comparison, Animal Crossing’s got good designs.
One day I’ll get to give representation to the few games I forgot to this time :P
I don’t know if I’ll do retrospectives like this for everything I do- there IS a lot of wisdom in just shutting up and not being this transparent about things since the fandom will grab and exaggerate and read as much of it maliciously as they can, at least certain sections- but in the end, I feel this one deserved it. My debut in the medium as a professional, you know?
Have a good one everyone, see you whenever the next cool stuff comes out. Keep an eye out, some of it is starting to appear already ;)
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inventors-fair · 3 years
Hit the Deck Commentary
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This week tended to have two very distinct categories: cards that play the top card of your library, and cards that care about the rest of your library. I was hoping for more of the latter, but I wanted the first to be an option, still.
There were a lot of trends I noticed this week. First and foremost: blue. That makes sense, of course, as blue is sort of the color that cares most about libraries. However, I think people got stuck on that. Any color can care about the library, since they all need it, and at a minimum it can be used as a form of randomization players are comfortable with, like with cascade or clash. Scry, similarly, is not something you need to be blue to do, even when it’s scry 2. This is especially true when it has relevance with the rest of the card. If it turns the scry into something else, then it’s less of a normal scry.
Another common trend was card-type matters cards. That’s a really smart way to make cards this week, since looking for specific cards is often kind of broken or useless, but you need some way to care about a specific random card.
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@corporalotherbear​ - Future Might
I’m certain this name has been the playtest name for some card that has existed. It’s a strange comparison, though, because the coolest part about future sight is how it lets you cycle through multiple cards, whereas this only lets you use one card at a time. It’s also weird that it triggers at your precombat main phase. This means that if you don’t reveal an instant or sorcery, your top card is going to be revealed a full turn cycle before you draw it for turn. That gives your opponent so much information. I realize it’s probably so you can use your mana, but I almost feel like it would be worth it to add the extra text to make the mana not empty just for efficiency. You could also just mill the card, like Old Rutstein does. I’m actually not a big fan of the effects you’ve given this card. The ramp is nice, but inconsistent ramp can be really hard to use, since you often either need the mana for your big spell or just cast your big spell so you don’t need the mana. The 3/3 beast is bigger than it sounds, especially considering it is probably going to be the most often and easiest one triggered. For comparison, Druidic Satchel only makes a 1/1 and Primeval Bounty actually makes you cast the creature (and costs 2 more mana). But it still maybe falls in line close to OG Garruk. Lastly is the instant or sorcery clause, which seems out of place here, but maybe that’s okay. It’s rare to see a card care about these four specific types, but maybe it’s okay to go against the normal way. The weirdest part maybe is how it’s the only one that effects the card itself. It’s sort of treated as the fail state, even though there's plenty of other fails, like additional copies of this card itself. The question I basically have for this card is: where do you put it? Every deck plays lands and needs mana, so I guess you put it in a creature-focused deck, but it itself isn’t a creature. And where does the instant and sorcery stuff fit in? Is this supposed to be in a deck with spells and creatures? I just can’t picture a deck where I can really take full advantage of this card.
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@emrylurkeroftheloch​ - Abyssal Plunge
Love cards like this. Weirdly, it’s really easy to do in blue specifically, like this card, Twisted Reflection, or pongify+bounce. This card is either a pretty bad mill card, a really good removal spell, or a different really good removal spell. Griptide for two mana is really good, even in modern horizons. You’re removing their creature AND making them redraw it, which is annoying but on turn two or three could really punish a player who kept a land-light hand. The mill I think is a little low, I’d maybe put it at six to make it look a little more like a fair choice between the two. And lastly, the entwine is clever, but I legitimately don’t know if it’s better than not entwining it. Milling your opponent is only sometimes useful, and in some formats could be actually a downside. It’s only really preferable if the creature is something that needs to be dealt with permanently or has some sort of enters the battlefield effect you don’t want your opponent to get again. With all that in mind, maybe it’s not that much worse, but it still feels a little unnecessary or redundant. I do think it’s clever to use entwine to mix two on color effects into a different-color effect, but I think you needed some way to make that entwine more relevant, or preferably, a way to make the “on top of library” mode weaker, like restricting what it can target or making it a sorcery.
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@fractured-infinity​ - Garr, Impulsive Seer
I really like this guy, but he’s got some weird stuff going on. I love the way he mixes goblins into spell-slinging. There’s no obvious way to mix the two archetypes, but you don’t necessarily need to. Maybe it gets your goblin electromancer in your spellslinger deck or your hordeling outburst in your goblin deck. I kind of wish it were an upkeep trigger instead of end step, just because it would make it easier to remember and make it feel a little more different than Prosper, Tomebound. But hey! That’s what that last ability is for! It also gives it a bit more reason to be end-step, since it’s sorcery only. The scry 2 is nice and feels good with the first ability. The red half is… strange. I can’t tell if it’s anti-synergistic or a fail-safe. If you hit a really expensive card with Garr, then that ability hits for a ton of damage! But since Garr gives you your whole next turn to cast the spell, it’s pretty hard to not be able to cast it. But this ability costs two mana, so it might not leave you enough mana to damage and cast that spell. So do you just not cast that spell just to keep a big amount of damage available? I don’t know if that’s good design, because it gives players options, or bad design, because it doesn’t let players get all they want of their cards. There’s also the weirdness with the scry. You have to pick your targets before you scry, so you might target a creature, then scry into a wrath. I kind of really wish this ability only cost one mana, both to make it easier to get the red effect while still being able to cast the card, and to remove confusion on when things happen on the card and where. It also would speed it up a bit, since I could see this effect taking a lot of time to resolve. Lastly, I wish there were terminology to more clearly clarify “currently” exiled with Garr. The phrasing makes it sound like it counts everything ever exiled, but technically it only counts cards currently exiled. Some reminder text might be needed here, even though the card is already wordy. So in the end, I really like this card and really like how the pieces work together, even though there’s a little bit of weirdness with the last half of the last ability.
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@gollumni​ - Madness Hemorrhage
This took me a bit to realize what was going on. At first I assumed the exiling was to make it so it was harder to set up, but it also is there to give you card advantage? Very non-red card advantage. This card says “if the third card in your library costs less than target creature’s toughness, draw two cards,” which is not very on color. Why not just say “you may cast those cards this turn for as long as that permanent is on the battlefield?” That way, it’s red because it’s temporary, and you still don’t get the cards if it dies, but then it isn’t just straight up putting cards in your hand. Red doesn’t get to draw cards, even if it is up to chance. That said, the fact that the exiling is an additional cast instead of part of the text means you can respond to it, like with a vampiric tutor. I don’t know if that’s enough to warrant it being in the cost instead of text, but it’s still a cool interaction. But yes, in general, I don’t think this card is okay to print in red.
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@hypexion​ - Lenora, Insight Engineer
mood: artifacer lady looks over a model of some terrain. she uses illusion magic to project schematics of infrastructure onto the model
Azorious Muldrotha with a side of future sight. This card is really good. I know it’s only limited to permanents, but that’s still really good. It’s not hard to make a deck entirely out of permanent cards and be able to play three or four cards a turn with this. Then there’s the scry top take away any risk of hitting dead. Even just being able to play lands makes this on par with cards like Augur of Autumn. Speaking of which, I don’t know why this card is white-blue. I know blue has most of the future-sight effects, but the fact that this is most often going to provide you with lands and creatures makes it feel pretty green, or maybe even white since it also hits artifacts and enchantments. I suppose the scry is blue, but scry is available in all colors, and honestly, I don’t think the card needs it. I think the type restriction is a good idea of a way to limit future-sight effects from being too snowbally, but I don’t think it does enough, and it certainly doesn’t power it down enough to be as cheap or cheaper than many of the current versions of these effects.
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Minopug - Goblin Mailman
Delivery time! I like this little trouble maker, but he’s kind of hard to evaluate, both as a judge and a player. The two different results on this card are very, very different. Making treasures has value in ramp decks, artifact decks, and some combo decks. Burn is useful in aggro decks, midrange decks, some forms of control decks, and is famously good limited. Making a card that does both but inconsistently means it’s hard to find a deck to put this in. The closest I can think of is just a generic goblin deck, where the treasures will help you dump your hand (or your Muxus), and the pinging is useful for clearing the board. I am glad you made the trigger reflexive, so you can pick your targets after you know the number, and the fact that it can go face means even if you hit a 1 and there’s no creatures you can kill, you can just ping your opponent. I will say I don’t like this at uncommon. In limited, this card would be so annoying to lose to, and frustrating to lose with. If you died because your opponent hit 3 7 drops off it three turns in a row, that sucks, and if your opponent is at 3 life and you can just never hit a land and keep getting useless treasures, that sucks. But hey, that’s red! And we just saw a very similar effect with Hidetsugu, with the difference being you can play the land, giving your permanent advantage, and it gives you an ability to scry. As silly and flashy as it is, I feel like you needed some way to keep this card consistent enough to not make players grumpy.
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@misterstingyjack​ - Gix’s Crucible
Alright, so lets get the templating out of the way first. Revealing happens after targeting, so you’ll need to either not target or put in a reflexive trigger. If you want players to be able to respond to it (probably a good idea), then you’ll want the latter. That just means switching “then” to “When you do,” in the first sentence. Also, you might want to say “the revealed card” at the end of that sentence. I am pretty sure the last sentence is fine, though. So, what about the card itself? Well, I’m not sure about it. I think using card types to limit what you can get back sort of works, but might still be too open. This card could easily let you draw the same card, or the same two cards for multiple turns in a row. With the right loadout, you could build a lock. Just get silence, Oriss, Lunar Force, maybe Sphinx’s Decree? Okay, maybe not that easy. But still, a card that lets you repeatedly get back the same card from your graveyard is basically always going to be trouble. You can even easily eliminate the randomness element with lantern of insight or any culture sight effect. There really needed to be some way to end loops with this card. Maybe it lets you look at the top card for free, like lens of clarity, but the ability forces you to sacrifice? Or maybe it exiles card that go to your graveyard, like Yawgmoth’s Will/Agenda or Abandoned Sarcophogus. I like the idea of being able to swap what’s on top, I just wish there were some type of limit of what could be swapped or how often so games don’t get so repetitive.
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@nicolbolas96​ - Echoes of Silence
Thanks, I hate it! But really, it’s a pretty solid white prison piece, with some blue to really hit home the miserability(?) of it. I like how it rewards a very specific type of deckbuilding, where you want to have cards with a lot of different types, but unlike delirium, you don’t want them to double up. I’m also very happy you said “spells” and didn't force people to miss land drops, while also letting lands serve as a respite from the effect. I feel like this is too cheap for this effect, since in a well-built deck it shouldn’t effect the owner much at all but could wreck an opponent. Ward of Bones, while not the same, has a similar type-based casting restriction, and that’s 6 mana (and costs a lot of money because it’s quite good even at that cost). Still, I’ll admit it’s hard to cost something that’s so situational, but I think 4 mana might be the safest, maybe 3 if you’re aiming at eternal formats. After all, this would pretty easily trounce affinity decks, coco decks, and at least hinder decks with type restrictions like Indomitable Creativity or Charbelcher combo decks. The scry is cool and clever but I think rarely worth the mana investment. Having to pay 5 doesn’t give you a lot of mana to cast the spell you’re freeing, so this would only be useful for setup, which means you can’t put a card to the bottom so the scry utility is hard to get. The biggest issue I have with this card, though, is the information. This card gives both players a lot of information. That can lead to boring games where both players already know what’s going to happen, and against control specifically (where this card shines) it can be especially annoying to play against. That’s not even mentioning the awful shenanigans you can get up to with lantern control shenanigans. This is a card that is intended to make games not very fun to play, so it’s really hard for me to describe what kind of changes could be made to this card to make it more fun. If that was the goal, to make a card that is unfun but still fair, I think you did okay, if maybe making the card too cheap and the activation too expensive.
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@nine-effing-hells​ - Seer of Might-Have-Beens
First off, good job with the templating. You got it so that the shock targets things the right way. I like the way this flips the script on normal sphinx cards, where you are guessing what the owner doesn’t want instead of what they want. The size of this creature, both in cost and P/T seems a little odd. Like, at this point in the game, how important is a shock? There’s probably not going to be a lot of two toughness creatures to kill, so it’s most likely going to go face, but you already just dealt 5 damage! If this card were cheaper and smaller, the ping might be able to kill creature in play, and even going face might feel like pseudo-double strike. Oh, and don’t think I’ve forgotten about the card draw. There’s just not a lot I can say about it. It doesn’t interact very specifically with the scry, and card draw is always going to a good reward to any effect. A little boring, but no player’s going to complain. The card as is is perfectly fine, and I like it, I just think it could be trimmed down a bit to make it more efficient.
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@partly-cloudy-partly-fuckoff - Storm Cloud Epiphany
Wow, you start reading this card and you do not stop reading! A trample fireball seems inevitable now that the templating exists, and an extra mana of another color feels necessary to balance that. The extra scry is a little bonus since it is still a little overcosted even with the trample. The draw 2 just feels tacked on though. It doesn’t really fit with the rest of the card, and it gives a very specific goal for the card, rather than let it truly be flexible like an X cost spell usually wants to be. There’s also the usual issue with targeted spells like this, and I think it’s especially potent here, which is fizzling. This spell specifically really wants you to target the weakest creatures in play, but then if that player just shocks their own 1/1, then you get none of the value. No damage to face, no scry, no draw. It’s a pretty big issue when that’s most of what this card is. I like this card in theory, and the way it mixes a bunch of scaling effects is cool, but there’s a lot of problems with it.
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@piccadilly-blue​ - The Thoughtweft
The thoughtweft is such a narrow and specific reference, but one I actually know! The kithkin of Lorwyn have some form of hibe-mind basically, and I can understand this as a representation of it. Library referencing the mind, scrying as communication, commander-ability making it feel like it’s dominant in the mindspace, and the fact that it only works between kithkin. I also hadn’t noticed that kithkin show up in four colors, though funnily enough the only red one is hybrid but also by far the most famous and playable kithkin card, figure of destiny. So anyway, on to the actual mechanics of the card. I’ll be honest, it’s got issues. Looking at the top three freely is really hard to do. Looking at one card is easy, but if you want or need to read the second or third card, you need to make sure you remember exactly where you put it, and your opponent will basically always be suspicious. I know I’ve had to do a lot of awkward hand movements whenever I activated Orcish Spy in old Melek deck, and that’s only once per turn! Doing it any time means you might have to pause the game repeatedly just to double check. Four mana scry 3 is fine. Scry 3 is sometimes annoyingly time-consuming, but being four mana means it’s likely to only be used when you don’t have anything else to spend time on anyway. The big ability I have a few small issues with. First is that it really needs to be an activated ability. You could phrase it like Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant, where the revealing is a cost. Next, it’s kind of really strong. In the right deck, this is blanked only by lands, and otherwise lets you just cast your entire deck for free. Yes, they all need to be kithkin or changelings or you need to be playing arcane adaptation or similar, but that’s not asking a lot in a dedicated deck, especially commander. If you want my suggestion on how to make this card more fair and easier to play, I’d suggest putting everything in the same ability. Just say “[4]: Scry 3, then look at the top 3 cards of your library. You may reveal them. If you reveal three kithkin cards this way, you may cast them without paying their mana costs.” You still get everything, you just don’t get the weird combo finishes or the awkward top-of-deck ordering.
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@pocketvikings​ - Tutor of the Depths
This card is definitely unique. While there’s some very silly ways to put cards on the bottom, like Junktroller or Banishing Stroke, the most common way you’ll end up using this is with a scry effect. That means that you could, on turn one, play an opt, serum visions, mystic speculation, even just a temple land, and then on turn two cheat out any permanent that was on top of your deck. That feels a little too easy. This card is costed as though it’ll always be a guess, or maybe costed for limited. In a draft environment, sure, you’d have to get lucky, but in constructed, this is broken as heck. I think the concept is very good, though. The fact that it says bottom instead of top is very relevant, since you can scry a card to the bottom and leave it there for multiple turns until you draw this. I just think it’s too cheap, even with the life loss. I think if this instead scaled somehow, like only putting into play cards that cost fewer than the number of lands in play, or maybe if it cost X and could get anything X or less (or X+2), then this would be more fun for both players. I also don’t know about the colors of it. I think this could easily be mono-black, since it’s barely different from reanimation. I understand that bribery-ing yourself feels blue, but the way it plays, and especially since it only hits permanents, it doesn’t feel all that blue. I could see this being white or maybe green, especially since it can put lands into play. The actual effect of this card is very good, but I don’t think the cost of it is right.
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@real-aspen-hours​ - Ocular Sledge
I like this card and it’s concept, but I think it wants to be doing a bit more. I love the way that this card indirectly is stronger the turn you play it. It’s also cool that, if you are playing and equipping on the same turn, then you’re at four mana, so you can put a decently expensive card on top. You won’t be scrying for lands, which is often what scries do. The thing that I don’t like about this card is how poor of an equipment this is. If this were a sorcery pump, I think it would play very similarly. After this is out for a turn or two, the top card is going to be close to random. Even if you have other scry effects, or even other hammers, you aren’t going to want to keep putting expensive cards on the top forever. You might end up putting a player in a position where they put a card they don’t really want to draw on top just for the pump, and then if their creature gets killed or even tapped, it’s back-breaking. Like I said earlier, though, I think it’s more common you’re going to keep a playable card. I still wish this did more even in a bad spot. Like, I don’t think it’s asking too much to grant trample, or let you put the card on the bottom, put it in your hand under some condition. That leads into another issue with this card: it gives your opponent a lot of information. If you attack with this blind and hit a land, not only did you not get the pump, but your opponent knows you won’t be drawing anything new. It would also make the card feel a little more blue. I could understand if this were a signpost uncommon, but the scry 2 alone isn’t enough to make this feel really that blue, at least to me. All colors get scry, and red gets it a lot. So yeah, in the end, I think the card is cool, but it’s hard to make it relevant as it sits on the battlefield.
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@reaperfromtheabyss​ - Timestream Panner
Art direction: A panther-like sphinx is perched over a font with one paw dipped in the water. The water and the sphinx's eyes both glow a light purple-blue.
Oh hey, it’s a big Skill Borrower! I like how, if your deck is built well, this never has any misses, because even lands grant it an ability. Is tapping for mana, even conditionally, out of color for blue? Eh, probably not, but it’s worth noting. Power-level-wise, I think 5 mana is a good space for this. Yes, you could get lucky or set up a spot where you can do something crazy, like the classic Phyrexian Devourer, but 5 mana gives your opponents ample time to react or prepare. This also doesn’t have the ability to combo off ridiculously like cards that combine abilities do, like necrotic ooze or Experiment Kraj. In that vein, though, I kind of wish the last ability were cheaper and smaller. I think the coolest thing to do with this card is activate an ability, then switch what’s on top to activate a different one. Maybe someone targets it with something, so you scry an adanto vanguard on top. Right now, the last ability feels like trinket text: practically meaningless. If you have 5 mana and the best thing you can think to do with it is scry, then either you are in a terrible position or an amazing one. The latter seems unlikely, I don’t know what kind of control deck would want such an inconsistent win condition. I think if the idea of this card is to be a hard to deal with transforming threat, then it needs to be easier to mess with. If this is supposed to be a combo piece, then it needs to be cheaper and have a clear direction to go with it. As is, it’s sort of splitting the difference as a cool little card, but it really wants you to build a deck around it, but doesn’t have the raw power to be worth it.
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@shadow-tag​ - Intrusive Thoughts
Wow! What a weirdly specific card, but I kind of really like it? It has an obvious surface effect and payoff, milling 5 or 10 cards, but also a lot of depth. For example, this is a card that you can target yourself with, even if it would mill you out, because it will shuffle itself in. That could let it be played in combo decks or cubes. However, I really, REALLY wish the shuffle was optional, and for two reasons. First, there are times where you just don’t want more of these in your deck. Second, and this is a big, one, I wanted the scry to be an actual scry. If this didn’t shuffle in, then this card could be a really cool instant speed mill with a scry 3, which is barely below curve, and that extra milling would be the bonus that pushes it over the edge. But as is, the scry 3 is kind of meaningless. It just means “do you have a card named intrusive thoughts in the top 3 cards or the bottom card of your library” with some very minor upside with scrying-matters cards, but the downside of players accidentally misplaying by putting a card they want to draw on top before going “whoops, I need to shuffle.” I would have loved if you could use the first one to try and set up for the next one. That one flaw is really all that was keeping this from being one of my favorite cards this week.
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@shakeszx - Proper Shelving
I love the theme and flavor of this card, but, befitting for a strixhaven card, the math is tough. While I understand the usage of “twice X” to make up for putting the X twice in the cost, but I don’t think it’s necessary at all. I think casting this for X=1 is really unlikely to happen, but it would suck if you could only hit a 2 drop anyway. And once X=2, then you can hit 4 drops and below, which is honestly a very large number of cards. I think if either that number never changed (like it was always set to 4 or below) or if it didn’t have a restriction at all, it might be okay. Sorcery-speed double totally lost is probably fine at rare, even if it’s scalable. Having to count X three times instead of four I think makes a difference (cost, number targets, and placement in deck, without caring about MV). I also like how it doesn’t just put the card on top, even at 1. Putting a card on top is often more powerful than putting it second from the top, so I like that that weakens the card just a touch. One thing that I think technically isn’t necessary but would be appreciated is stating who gets to choose the order for those permanents. Right now it just says “in any order,” which is almost more confusing than just not saying anything. Even if it were just reminder text, I think every time a player casts this spell, they’re going to go on gatherer and see who gets to pick the order. Also, now that I think about it, maybe this should only let you hit opponents. Just a way to bring the power down a touch, but I’ll admit that’s a personal preference.
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@snugz​ - Demon of Delays
First off, love the name. The demon itself, I’m iffy on. Giving your opponent a 0 mana greed is really, really risky, but funnily enough, I think it’s okay? I like how it plays like a really weird burn spell. Speaking of which, maybe this guy needs some sort of protection, because your opponent can so easily kill it with an abrade or the like after drawing a ton of cards. But then, maybe you just don’t play it then. After all, if they’re at 2 life, they can’t use it at all, and if they’re at 6, they can’t do it unless they have a way to kill this! I feel like this card is going to be wasting away in your hand for most of the game, and in many games will never have a good time to be played. But as the top end of an aggressive deck… maybe? This is really hard to judge, but I think it needed to have more of an impact on life totals when it comes into play, like having haste (but not trigger on ETB) or maybe just higher power when it does attack. Oh, and the discard effect! Almost forgot about it. Random discard effects are kind of discouraged, just because they really mess with plans and take agency away from the players, and the fact that you could win or lose based on randomness is annoying. Putting it third from the top is a cool way to link it with the activated ability, but I don’t know if it does enough. The fact that this card has an ETB is also misleading to players, because a player might play this card when they really want their opponent to discard, only to let them immediately refill their hand with the ability. I think this card might be okay, but I think the fact that it’s hard to play and could lead to very one-sided games is a bit of an issue.
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@starch255​ - Kafrizzle
I expected to see at least one card with the Mirror-Mad Phantasm effect this contest. Damage is a good number to scale up, but I think this one goes too far. Assuming you are playing the full 4 of this card and you cast it on turn 5 or so, having drawn a normal number of cards and no other kafrizzles, this is going to deal about 12 damage (or maybe 6? The math isn’t super straightforward). That’s more than a red burn spell should deal. At that point, it’s closer to a straight kill spell. At a certain point, usually 6, enough damage on a single spell turns into a color pie break for red. I think if you had said half or maybe even a third, then this card could maybe work, but I don’t know if a card being a color pie break only when played as a singleton is still a color pie break. It’s a very strange question I don’t have an answer for.
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@walker-of-the-yellow-path​ - Inquisitive Apparition // Trail of Notes
Alright, this card’s got a lot going on! First off, I would happily play the front half with no back. An evasive creature that draws cards without even having to connect is pretty good, though maybe underwhelming in this day and age. When combined with the back side, this is pretty insane. Turning every clue AND draw spells into scry 3 and draw is really powerful. The amount of value you get off this card is higher than I think it should be. Scrying three for every draw is also going to take really, really long. A single divination is going to see 6 cards. I’m scared of this card seeing print, but I totally get what it’s trying to do, and maybe I’m overestimating it.It does require a bit of setup and mana, and drawing cards doesn’t win the game on its own, it’s just scary. The last thing I’ll say is that I’m not a fan of the back being a clue. First, it doesn’t really fit thematically with what disturb is doing, but it also doesn’t have the clue text. I realize it has something that functions the same as if you had sacrificed a clue while it was out (which is very cute and clever and a good recognition of how the timing works) but I’m pretty sure is not allowed within the game rules. I’m not certain, but I just don’t think it’s a good idea to have a clue without the exact clue rules text. Though, funnily, on that version and this one, there’s the awkward line of “sacrifice: when the card is never going to hit the graveyard. So all in all, a bit too much value to put on one card, and the card filtering is maybe a bit excessive.
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@wolkemesser​ - Aminatou’s Familiar
I like this card, but I am having some trouble evaluating it. Mindshrieker has a similar ability, but varies too much to be too comparable. The first wo lines alone make this 4 mana 3/3 flyer playable in some formats, so I’m glad the mythic rarity is there to make it clear this is not for limited. The two activated abilities have some weird interplay. Both of them want the same thing, high mana value cards on top, but where they are used is situational. I think the black mode, though is maybe a bit much. Repeatable removal, especially one as efficient as this, can be really hard to beat, and often requires removal on part of the opponent. However, again, this is a mythic we’re talking about. The first activated ability just feels a little… strange. First, it doesn’t feel all that white. Without the Aminatou link, this easily reads as red (outside of the mill part, but that’s from the creature itself). It’s just weird for a white ability to not protect anything, just be aggressive, but I can understand why you’d avoid +0/+X, since it would be a pretty poor reflection. But again, the real reason to play this card is that last ability. The white effect is just there to close out games. Speaking of which, I think this card wants to be closer to a control finisher. If this card cost closer to 6 mana, maybe give it can’t be countered or ward, this would be a way for control decks to establish dominance in the late game. As it stands now, it’s sort of just a value creature? Play it, maybe kill a few things, then let it die to whatever removal they have, and if they don’t, then kill their creatures or them in quick order. I realize it’s a mythic, and “kill this or lose the game” is sort of what mythic creatures need to do, but I think this needed to be a little smaller to fit a tempo style deck, or a little bigger to fit a control finisher.
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@whuh-oh​ - Ephara’s Paragon
Seems deece. Hard to say much about this guy, he’s a vanilla creature with a way to come back. I think this is a cool way to encourage you to fill a deck with artifacts, and I like that he triggers off of other copies of himself. A 3/2 for 2 is something we’ve only very recently allowed in white, but double white in the cost plus the aforementioned “basically a vanilla” helps keep it from being too powerful. The ability’s timing I’m mostly happy for, because if it came back right away you’d be able to infinitely sacrifice this guy. As is, you can really only do it once or twice. I do wish he came back tapped, though, since I’m not a fan of him dying, coming back right away untapped, then being able to block right away. That’s already an annoying play pattern, but it gets even worse when your opponent realizes you still have that enchantment on top, so you can block for free and know they’re getting it right back. However, they would have to wait all the way until their own end step, which is fine, but a little weird. A lot of players are going to assume it’ll come back at their opponent’s end step if it dies on their turn, and I think it would be okay to just go with what players expect there. The other thing it would change is that, currently, if this guy blocks, he won’t come back until the next end step, which means he won’t be able to attack, which means he’ll just go back to blocking again. In general, it’s a good idea to encourage attacking more than blocking, because the former actually progresses the game. This is all assuming you’ve got a deck built for him coming back, and even then it’s iffy. It is a little awkward how heavy variance is for this guy, since there’s no way to inherently set up your deck with this card, so he could just as easily die once and be gone forever or die 8 times and keep coming back and there’s nothing you or your opponent can do to stop it. As much as this contest was meant to encourage working with variance, the difference between life and death with no chance of redos may be a bit much. Also: neat how this interacts with Ephara herself! Gives you a way to keep someone entering the battlefield, though again, shame it doesn’t come back during not your turn.
Oof! That was a lot. Well, see ya next time I come around!
-Mod Mr. ShinyObject
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ryuichirou · 4 years
Lord God Savior of All Ryu, I ask for but one noble request. lol i just wanna see all your AUs. Like, I always here about them in replies and stuff but I've almost never seen what they actually look like. So if you could just tag pics of them or doodle (they can be super bad 30 sec doodles too, it don't matter to me) them, I would be the happiest, most joyful little shit ever.
Anon!! Thank you for being so interested in our AUs and wanting to learn more about them. It was a very good excuse for us to go through the list of the AUs, doodle them, revisit some of the older ones, etc. So yeah, your wish is granted lol
Here’s the majority of them, we decided not to include those that we’ve barely talked about and thought out... I’ve put tags for those AUs where we have at least something posted. Most of them are something we haven’t even talked about at all and they don’t have a single sketch, but I liked drawing chibis for them way too much. Sorry, I used your ask lol
We have a general tag for our aus and specific ones for some of them, but sometimes an au from here is not tagged separately, so you might have to use this general tag...I tried to fix it, I don’t think I missed anything, so it should be ok now! ;w;
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1. Space AU. It’s a story about a space expedition.. which turned out to be not exactly what everyone planned thanks to Erwin. What a commander! 
2. Tribal AU. It’s a story about Eren becoming a part of the tribe where Erwin and Levi live. 
3. Babysitter AU. Levi is a babysitter to Eren and Zeke, unfortunately for Zeke, who’s 17 and not exactly thrilled about being babied. Sometimes there’s kid Erwin too. We’ve never posted anything related to this AU, I think, and I don’t think we will. There’s another AU related to this one, but 19yo Eren from the paths (he has the memory of the manga events) keeps kid Eren company as an invisible ghost, while others think that kid Eren is cursed or something.
4. SnK AU. A classical one, where Eren has dreams about the plot of SnK, but when the story stops progressing, he decides to kidnap Levi to make the plot go on. Erwin finds out later... and keeps Levi in the basement because he wants to know the ending too lmao plus it’s hot.
5. Mines AU. Erwin gathered a team for his wonderful plan to find a treasure, but it’s not like the rest of the team needs to know where they’re really going. Zeke’s particularly terrified to find that out. Despite its name, they spend the majority of time in the forest. Also, there’s a timeskip of 11 years. 
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6. AU with Neetwin who’s a history teacher. We don’t tag this one though, it’s not like it’s our AU. So now it’s a Neetwin tag, although one of the drawings is with adult Levi... eh, who cares. 
7. CC AU (cleaning company). Levi works in a cleaning company and cleans up Neetwin and hobo Eren’s apts. They need a lot of work. Yes, they make their apts even dirtier to make Levi spend more time there. 
8. Prison AU. Damn this one is good... we came up with it before reading the timeskip in the manga, so Eren’s appearance doesn’t really match his age, he’s 17 lol Levi is a mafia member who goes to prison because he need to kill one of the inmates (who later became Zeke) on Erwin’s (Levi’s boss) request. Eren’s his personal guard, although Eren works as a regular guard too.
9. King Kong AU. It’s an AU where the Beast Titan is King Kong lmao Zeke is having fun killing dinosaurs... Levi, not so much. Thank Erwin for his wonderful plan of going to this island.
10. Rus AU, basically just characters living in Russia. Because ofc we will have this type of a setting... Damn, I thought we drew this one more often, huh. 
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11. Sea AU. Mainly our modern AU, we use it as a base for other modern stuff for the most part. Levi’s getting two boifrond rings, he lives with Erwin, Eren visits them often, Zeke bitches a lot, fun times with and without Zeke, stuff like that. There’s also a subplot (11.5) where Eren gets “kidnapped” by a witch, so Zevi have to find him and bring him back. Titans exist in this AU, Eren and Zeke are titans, and all of them have military training, but Erwin and Levi retired some time ago. We don’t have a tag for just a modern setting, though. 
12. Cult AU. Eren lives on a farm and has a whole village of his followers. He also has cursed animals... and I think we’ve told about some of the plot points in replies. Erwin’s really into all this cult stuff because it affects reality for real, so he asks Levi to follow rituals, although Levi came to ask Eren to go back to normal life and finish the fucking school. 
13. Serial killer AU. Eren’s a serial killer, duh. Never posted anything with this one, unfortunately, but Eren got disappointed in the police when he was a child, so he decided to fix the situation himself, while Erwin and Levi, as a part of a special department, investigate his “fixing”. It also has a time skip. I really need to redraw at least one sketch...
14. Hospital AU. Levi gets into Marley trying to make Eren go back, but it’s not that simple because Eren doesn’t want to lol Basically canonverse with this small change.
15. Hobo AU. Eren and Levi are hobos, Zeke wants his brother to stop living under a fucking bridge. Later Erwin takes both of them under his roof because he really likes Levi, but he can’t leave Eren alone.
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16. Doggies AU. AU where Eren’s a wolf and Erwin’s a doggo. Levi got Erwin because he was a retiring trained dog and sniffed enough drugs in his life, and Eren... his “owner” found him on the streets and lied to Levi about Eren being a dog. Later Eren turned into a magnificent beast and now he doesn’t want to leave. There’s also Zeke, but he belongs to Xavier. 
17. AU where Eren wants to become a mangaka. The first post is self-explanatory, although I’d probably make some changes now if I cared enough. There’s also a time skip where Eren ditched his manga and became hobo!Eren. His editor was pissed lol 
18. Scolopendra Eren AU. You know the drill, and I’ve talked about the plot in some of the replies. 
This post doesn’t show up on the tag for some reason.
19. Ghost Eren AU. I should’ve named it combini AU... Anyway, I’ve talked about this one a lot, although poor Erwin gets neglected a little bit lol it’s hard to compete with a ghost when you’re just a mere stalker... but a very invested one. Eren likes Erwin here, they’re vibing on the same malicious-towards-Levi wave. 
20. Shark Eren AU. It’s just for us for funs, Eren’s a shark, and Levi’s there to help him fight depression. Eren later escapes into the sea.
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21. Midsommar AU. Levi and Erwin get an invite to go to the village from Yelena, Eren’s a part of a cult who is kinda attracted to one of the newcomers... Such a good movie, we need to draw them properly. Both Yeagerists and Eldians are a part of the cult, they don’t have any specific rules by which I categorised them... Although not all characters are present, and some of them (Jean, I think) are newcomers who will join the cult later. Sorry, I don’t remember much. 
22. Silent Hill AU. It started with Erwin peeking into Levi’s apartment, but now there’s Eren too... We haven’t thought out this one, I’m bad with Silent Hill AUs for some reason. 
23. House Eren AU. Eren’s a house, and we’ve explained how it works too, so just check out the tag. Levi actually lives there with Erwin, but I don’t remember if we’ve mentioned it or decided to skip this info. 
24. Eren pack AU. It’s an AU where Erens of all ages (6 of them, I believe) are a little bit feral, and they have wolf ears and tails, and they live in a specific place and Levi visits them every day and takes care of them. They love Levi. Here’s the only post that survived, and here’s a link for a twitter post which I never got back on tumblr after it got deleted. 
25. Trailer AU. The story is about Levi who has to live with Zeke for a month as his slave because Erwin lost him in a game of cards lol To be fair, Erwin lost a lot of money and their whole flat, and Zeke gave them a choice between that and Levi (he’s horny ok), and Levi agreed. Zeke even put Levi on a chain, although Levi doesn’t even try to escape...
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26. Flower shop AU. Eren’s a plant, and he brings death to the whole planet. He keeps Levi alive though, as a treat for himself. We’ve explained some of the stuff in the replies. 
27. Blair Witch AU. It’s pretty much explained in this post, and if you saw the movie, there’s nothing for me to tell you. Everything that’s different from it is in the post lol 
28. Corpse AU. Eren’s a corpse, Levi’s a pathologist who works on difficult and mysterious cases alongside the police. Eren later comes to life along with a couple of other bodies...
29. Antichrist AU. Zevi adopt baby Eren, but Eren’s a fucking satan. He loves Levi, but Zeke... not so much. Zeke loves Eren to death, though. Eren would love to organise that, but first he needs to grow up a little bit. It doesn’t mean that he won’t torture his parents during his journey. And everyone else who interact with them.
30. This one doesn’t have a title, but it’s an AU where kid Eren went missing, and Levi goes into the forest to find him. Levi owns Erwin who’s a good doggo and helps him find Eren. It turns out Eren killed two adult dudes, and he has paths!Eren telling him what to do and how to do it... Paths!Eren has the memory of the canonverse.
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31. Zombie apocalypse AU. There’s only one drawing with it though, but basically Levi builds himself a wonderful place to survive the apocalypse, and he keeps Zombie Erwin in the basement in hopes of Hange finding a cure. Then Eren joins just because he can and because Levi’s very awesome. Eren has a boner for the apocalypse and enjoys every second of it. 
32. No title, but Eren was casted away from the canon universe for the rumbling, and now he’s a mythological giant wolf who lives in a deep very old forest. He was very surprised to find out Levi exists in this universe... So he kidnapped him ❤️
33. Halloween AU. You’ve seen this one, it’s a story where Jean, Connie, Sasha and Eren get into the wrong house and find a ritual instead of a Halloween party... So after saving the child who, as it turns out, is not really a victim, they decide to ditch him at Eruri’s place.
34. Okusan AU. Levi’s a housewife, Erwin is a cuckold who’s really into adultery. He invites both Zeke and Eren from time to time to act as Levi’s husbands, and they (Levi and Erwin) almost get caught because the “husband” suddenly came home... Sorry, we’ve read too many doujinshis lol
35. Island AU. Erwin loves sending Levi to dangerous places to get souvenirs for himself, and now it’s time for Levi to get a crystal from a very isolated island full of strict rules in terms of interacting with outsiders. We have a cool idea for a two part drawing (like with our flower shop au), but it’ll take us ages to complete anything at this rate... I have like two sketches on Patreon for now, but damn this AU has so many cool visuals we wanna draw... It’s another cult AU with people living on Paradis (more like one village in the middle of the island), isolated from the rest of the world. They don’t welcome strangers, and Levi has three months to find and steal that crystal, although it’s not that simple.
36. Erewan. Not exactly a full AU, but Erewan’s a cursed animal plushie who kills people and loves Levi a lot. 
37. Cat AU. Everyone’s a cat (duh). Not really our AU, but it has its own tag, and it’s only asks. 
38. Tiny founder Eren AU?? Again, not really our AU, but now it has its own tag. 
I’ve also found the reply where I talk about how characters’ relationships work in some of the AUs, you can check it out too. I thought it was fitting for a master post. 
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