#i love om beel of course but this beel is.... perfection to me
xythlia · 11 months
got matched with beel immediately in whb & this art
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torihakaraublog · 11 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer "Trick or Treat!" Pop Quiz
My thoughts on the Halloween 2023 event!
It was my first year doing a HDD time pop quiz and it did not disappoint! I’m not sure if they have the same Halloween costumes every year (that would not surprise me), but Beel and Bel’s really stood out to me! They are so cute yet Beel’s also feels really sexy! The other character outfits weren't bad, but just didn’t interest me as much. MC’s costume was not specified I don’t think? Which is always appreciated. 
Lucifer: Vampire
Mammon: Mummy
Levi: Bakeneko (Devinyan from Mononoke Land)
Satan: Skeleton 
Asmo: Witch
Beel + Bel: Werewolves 
Diavolo: Frankenstein 
Barbatos: Zombie 
Solomon: ghost??
Simeon: ghost??
Luke: Pumpkin
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(options go with Beel or Bel)
Even tho Beel was really pulling me in I felt like I had to follow Bel because he was the one that technically asked. 
Learning about Devildom (and surrounding domains) flora, fauna and food is one of my favorite parts of the game because they are so wild. Barbatos + Diavolo teaching you about the one-eyed chameleon filled that need. And it becomes our little shoulder friend TwT
Barbatos: “It changes its colouring to blend in with its surroundings, leaving only its eyeball visible. As a result, people do tend to mistake it for a wandering oculus.”
I really loved the Halloween Cafe theme! It's something I would attend if it was in my area and I love making specialty foods/drinks for myself so doing it with the OM family was awesome! You see a lot of themed cafes for school festivals in anime + manga. 
Later on when we are making recruitment posters:
MC: “Wow Barbatos. That…is a very realistic drawing.”
Barbatos: “While it may frighten some viewers…” 
I could hear the warning that plays after tv commercials in my head xD Also the poster drawings made me think of me and my sister prepping halloween treat bags, drawing little creatures on them. Very comfy vibes :3 A troublesome kitty gets involved leaving lil footprints of paint everywhere! So cute!
Its cute monsters showed up for the interviews, perfect Halloween interaction, but… no monster sprites :( So sad. Please Solmare make npc sprites! Or at least some new/special backgrounds. The sprites don’t need to be detailed, but it would have made the scenes with monsters so much better!
The monsters included were; mummy, skeleton, zombie and pumpkin spirit.
Does a pumpkin spirit just look like a see through pumpkin? Or like a genshin Seelie?
I did like there was a few interactions with the monsters; Mammon becoming friends with the mummy. The skeleton trying to help lift heavy things, but falls apart. The spirit drawing a face on the pie in secret while we were baking (Yay to Asmo joining us in the kitchen!).
And then there's Barbatos hilarious and painfully relatable situation of being pursued by the zombie. Poor guy is continuously asked out (then proposed to) by a co-worker he has no interest in but can’t fire them because they are a good worker. A horrible situation to be in, but great plot wise. Barbatos always ends up in strange situations like that. 
Has selective hearing and only hears the trick part of trick or treat, luckily she is stopped before ruining cafes xD
Of course needs to get his nose in everything.
Still don’t know how he can eat Solomon’s cooking without dying.
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Micheal gives me helicopter parent vibes ‘I must make sure my son is looking proper on this occasion!’ or ‘I really hope he looks horrible, he can’t look better than me.’ But fr he must really miss his brothers TwT
When the monsters started to surround everyone and wanted to force us to be friends I was like “Noooo we can be friends normally! Friends don’t hold other friends hostage!” Then after they lost the games we had to do all the work at the cafes T_T. They even gave us trick candy later…
Very glad Beel offered to help Luke in the pumpkin rolling. Always nice to see Beel being assertive :3 
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But seriously who is naming these??
(Options pick Diavolo or Satan to play the game)
While Diavolo has been in the Devildom longer then Satan  and have more hands on experience I feel Satan has done more in depth research so would know the bone structures better. And I was correct!
Break times! 
Allowed some one-on-one (and small group) time which characters. 
Lucifer: “It would be nice to do something Halloween-esque with you, no matter how brief.”
MC: “Treat for you!”
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Lucifer: “...These look handmade, too. I promise to savor them.”
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Mammon being cutely jealous :3 
MC: “Which of those are you gonna to give me?”
Asmo: “A treat obviously! You get to eat me! <3”
MC: “Could I have a kiss, then?”
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I’m always fully down to give Asmo little cheek kisses :3
Levi: “Halloween’s really just another holiday for normies…”
MC: “Trick or treat!”
Levi: “Are you going to give me a demonstration? Okay, um… I’ll go with trick I guess.”
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MC: *lil mwah nervously*
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Poor boy was having a hard time interacting with customers, but apparently he was feeling some kind of way! What was that?! Also this might have been our first nightbringer kiss :0 i’m sure it looked awkward as hell. (Lil sidebar - my MC has been hesitant to be intimate with Levi knowing he doesn't know their true feelings for him.)
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Cookies from Simeon, yes please!!
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He was just full of sass lol
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I would like this plushy. 
Laughing so hard at Satan excitedly eating a cat shaped treat and now having to meow after every sentence xD
MC: “Mind if I try trick or treating with you, too?”
Satan: “...Honestly, I think I’ve had my fill of treats, meow. Especially since that last batch went so well for me, meow.”
MC: *cheek kiss*
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Very simple interaction, but very sweet. 
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You did so well Beel! I’ll gladly except them and we can share!
MC: “Trick or treat, Diavolo!” 
Diavolo: “In that case, allow me to give you some sweets. It’s some chocolate that i’ve gotten somewhat addicted to lately. I hope that you’ll enjoy it, too.”
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MC basically says this last part to Diavolo in the fic I posted for his birthday xD
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Really appreciate that they acknowledged Diavolo’s birthday. More flashbacks to my fic reading this scene. 
We also got to see Little D No.2 in this story! I felt so bad for him tho! Was so worried Thirteen would make him miss the cafe, so glad he didn’t! That lil guy deserves so much love <3 he works so hard! 
All the cards were beautiful! Beel and Bel UR cards were so well done! I only got “Halloween Presents SSR” but it's the first time I've got any event card so I'm super happy about it!
Overall very pleased. This story was pretty well put together! Hope to see this quality at least for pop quizzes going forward <3
(I guess we will find out tomorrow with the new event coming out O.o)
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An OM! request, if open: the brothers reacting to their character + unit songs.
Personally, I think that the Brother's songs are little love letters that they have written to MC. Or maybe they are songs that they have (again) written for MC. So I feel like they decided those vibes and everything, I feel like they worked on all the songs, just they have different... feelings towards each one...
Anyway here are some headcannons about how I think each unit song was made by the characters...
Warning: fluff
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Brother's Making Unit Songs
Navigation List
💛🧡💖Choose me💛🧡💖
The three of them wanted to see who MC liked more. So they made a song. The goal was to see who MC watched more (Beel, Simeon, and Barb were the judges)
They worked really hard on their own parts and finally agreed on Levi's version of the chorus (because this technically was a game)
Levi also helped cherograph it with some of Asmo's help.
Day comes, they perform it and the three of them run to Simeon, Beel, and Barb frantically asking (while out of breath because that was a lot of dancing) who MC watched more!
They didn't watch anyone... they ran to the bathroom just before it started and they walk up right as the 3 boys ask...
They wrote the lyrics together for each other because they were bored one day.
They showed it to MC and they loved it so much they made it into a song for them to listen to so they can think about them.
They did change some of the lyrics so it would show more of MC's feelings towards them, but it mostly remained the same.
They also sing it for MC whenever they ask the pair to.
They both asked Asmo and Levi to help them with a song. The little shits gave them the same song with different lyrics to fit their personalities.
So when they are at the party, about to perform for MC. The music starts and they both walk up all cool and then glare at each other. (To be fair, they were one after the other and they both didn't have to walk up, but they both had too much pride and anger to back down)
The song is them fighting for the mic and MC's attention.
Of course they do share some parts, but the choreography is filled with a lot of shoving and stealing the microphone while staring MC dead in the eyes.
💙💛🧡💚💖❤💜It's My Party💙💛🧡💚💖❤💜
This was all Asmo's idea as a present for MC. Originally it was a song only from him, but soon all the Brothers found out about the plan and wanted to join in.
Everybody wrote their own little verse mainly because they didn't want Asmo taking it over to make it a bit more personal.
Asmo and Levi collaborated on the Chorus.
They had to force Mammon say he had a crush on MC.
But in the end they all had a good amount of fun putting it together and performing it personally for MC.
It was a special anniversary of MC being in Dveildom and with the Brothers, and they wanted to show them how special it was.
They commissioned Simeon to write the song (he was hesitant, but eventually said yes).
There wasn't any fighting like there usually was. Not even an ounce of sass or bickering.
Everytime they practiced they did so fiercely so they could perfect this song and give it their Beloved MC to show them how much they all cared for their human.
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elmariachu · 3 years
How would each of The OBEY ME BROTHERS react to MC finding them the most attractive? (The brothers x Fem!MC) -Part 2!-
<Summary> : OM Boys & Fem! MC Playing truth or dare, MC gets asked which brother she finds the most attractive as well as their collective responses/reactions based on the brother. [HC/dialogue..]
Part one
Asmo :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Asmo!
* There's a " yeah, imagined so" vibe going on in the room*
*Asmo is REALLY flattered and delighted. Although he likes to say he saw it coming, he definitely loved hearing her lips mouth his name like that and reassure him nonetheless*
Asmo : Ohhh!~ Thank you dear. That comes as no surprise, though! *starts making his way towards MC, all smiley and cheerful*
Satan : *Sigh* Are you sure you're not just saying that to please him, MC?
Asmo : What's that~ Are you perhaps jealous, Satan? Well, I can't help being this gorgeous, you can't blame MC for thinking the same! *answers back as he smooches MC's cheeks and giggles, moving a bit too close to her face*
Mammon : O..oi, aren't ya getting a bit too comfortable?
Asmo : *ignores him and focuses attention on MC*
Asmo : I'm just so happy that you picked me dear!!!! *happy asmo squeals* Surely, you don't mind it?
*MC.exe has stopped functionning*
Levi : I think you broke her-
Levi : ...and stop it with the pda already..!
Asmo : Tell me, what part of me do you find attractive? Is it my face? My body? Is it Both? Tell me everything~ You can touch me anywhere you'd like, dear. *is practically breathing down MC's neck*
Mammon : H-HEY! *stands up halfway* Stop that, ya perv!
[Asmo gives him an uncharacteristic death glare, causing him to flinch]
Lucifer : Settle down, Asmodeus.
Belphie : Yikes, they're taking it too far. I'm going back to bed.*
Beel : ...*chomps down on whatever food he had at the time and blushes a bit, He wonders how soft MC's cheeks feel, He'd like to poke them too, someday*
sharp inhale
Beel :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Beelzebub!
*Why did she use his full name? She never does that. Well, doesn't matter.* hint : she means BUSINESS
*Everyone is sort of surprised? But not really, Beel is an attractive dude, the tallest of the bunch, which they assumed is something most girls like? Also very protective and loyal*
[Belphie is especially elated at hearing this]
Asmo : Oh?~~You're going for Beel then, MC? I did remember you saying you were more into bulkier figures the other day over text! But you know, slender bodies are more elegant and malleable!~
Levi : Yikes.. Can I unhear that? PLEASE? *on the verge of throwing up*
Satan : Hm, Beel, is it? I'd suggest you be careful he doesn't end up eating you whole. *He cheekily snickers at MC, causing her to giggle too*
Lucifer : I'll have to join in with Satan on that one. Beelzebub is practically harmless, but if he lets himself get carried away, unfortunate incidents may occur. Be on your guard.
MC : ... Sure. *just what are they thinking?*
Beel : *Initially thinks she maybe likes how toned his body is and that's that, given how much he works out and how much she praises him and hopes to achieve an athletic body too.. But then as all eyes land on him, anticipating his reaction; especially those of MC who is looking at him with a red face, definitely letting her intent show, the realization overtakes him*
Beel : *Poor baby is blushing, he never expected her to choose him out of everybody, he's glad she feels the same way and that the attraction is mutual... Will probably start seeing MC under a bit of a different light after this incident, which is exactly what she had hoped for*
Beel : I'm.. glad, MC. *He beams*
Belphie : *grinning widely* You have good taste after all, MC.
Beel : *looks down at him then blinks at MC*
MC : *flashes Beel a loving smile* Of course I do.
mans is dense asf, but wholesome so its ok,,
Belphie :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Belphie!
*Belphie is always asleep? But... they do think he's pretty adorable when he's sleeping so maybe that's why?*
Belphie : *Who had just sunk into a deep sleep, snaps his eyes open at the mention of his name. Still half-asleep, he's trying to process the meaning of all of this*
Asmo : Ohh~ So it's belphie? He is pretty adorable isn't he? Not more adorable than me though!
Satan : Belphegor is your choice? I wouldn't have imagined. *He thought it to be him, what the hell MC?*
Beel : Belphie is a good choice.. MC! I agree. *Smiles brightly, instantly likes MC more, if there's even room for that.*
Mammon : Tch. That's what you were nervous for? *picking a brat like belphie over him, your one and only, your first demon? he's a pouty boy*
Lucifer : You two have been spending an awful lot of time recently together, haven't you? How are you managing your tasks, MC?
*is he seriously turning this into a lecture? Ugh. Just because all you two mostly do is nap, doesn't mean you're not getting things done! You've been busy! ...Cuddling & napping with the 7th demon...*
MC : ...Well.
Belphie : *Shut up stupid Lucifer, don't ruin this for him, this is the perfect opportunity for him to tease MC*
Belphie : *he smirks with half-lidded eyes* You think I'm the most attractive then? That's quite the compliment. Do you stare at my face when I'm sleeping? I did remember you telling me I looked dreamy when I had my eyes closed. Quite creepy, I'd say.
MC : *Is extremely embarassed, wants the ground to swallow them then and there* That's not..-
Lucifer : Belphegor, cut it out. Now.
MC : *Is able to breathe for a split second*
Lucifer : Well? MC. You still haven't responded to my question.
MC : . . .
Lucifer : Meet me at my room after this. Understood?
MC: Yes. *fml*
luci the wet blanket
Here's the second part, sorry for not posting this all at once but I got motivated to finish it soon after! Hope you enjoyed xxxxxx
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
OM Boys- Favourite Activites as Kids HCs
So I am hoping to have another few posts up soon, one will be referencing this one, but I got a sudden burst of motivation so here we go-
Lucifer: He only tolerated a lot of the things he had to do in the Celestial Realm, he had a reputation to uphold. But his favourite thing to do would be play the piano, as Lilith would often join him and the two would weave intricate harmonies together- another reason why now whenever Lucifer plays the piano it is always slightly haunting and eerie, because even an untrained ear can tell something is missing.
Mammon: Ok so these guys have been around here for forever so you cannot tell me Mammon and Levi's drawings as kids didn't end up as dinosaurs- on another note, Mammon loved to "invent" when he was younger, collecting spare bits here and there, especially shiny ones- and putting them together however he thought they fit best. In the Celestial Realm he wanted to help others gain fortune, thus the want to invent. It failed...often but not all the time, but when it did Lucifer gave him pointers here and there, if for nothing else to see little Mams determined face as he set to work again-
Levi: Like I said, probably an artsy kid, and huge imagination- also spent a lot of time near the water, even in the Celestial Realm, I think he would have loved making art out of things he found on the beach, whether he did sand art, collected seaweed and arranged it "just so", rocks, clams, etc. He didn't share it with anyone, because he didn't think it was good enough to share, the one time he did, Mammon walked through it and then insulted it so never again- but he still enjoyed it.
Satan: Ok, real quick, despite the card animation we got, I hc that Satan came into being as a small child, a toddler- simply because I think that that is the most fitting vessel for wrath. Anyways- he is what my other post is about and some of his trauma and how he becomes accepted by his brothers- so for now because he often felt unwanted, he learned how to orienteer, so he could explore this new world on his own without bothering anybody, and be home for dinner so that he could go to his room and draw picture or maybe even write about some of the things he saw that day, the time to himself even as a kid helping him reign in his anger.
Asmo: Ah yes, the Jewel of the Heavens- even as a kid he was extremely charming and got a lot of attention for anything he did, but his favourite "me-time" activity was visiting gardens or meadows of wildflowers and picking the ones that smelled the nicest to bring home and share, or to soak in water and make his own perfume.
Beel: Beel was definitely the sports kid of the bunch, and of course spent a lot of his time with Belphie and Lilith, but his favourite thing to do would be to Lilith's hair. Asmo and Lilith taught him how to braid, and he loved how happy she looked, even if he didn't do it quite right.
Belphie: Belphie had a lot more ambition and drive as a kid, and honestly all I can see in my head is him and Beel being on a little league baseball team- maybe he was the waterboy idk man I can't get this out of my head now soooorry
Barbatos: I mean there was that one post that Barb worked at the Fall when he was younger so- Barb was raised as a noble in the Devildom, and had access to a lot of things, but his favourite thing to do when he was young was use his power to go into the human world and explore its present and past and sometimes even future to gather little trinkets as he learned more about it. Of course, there was an end put to this eventually, but he managed save all the things he's collected, and would be more than happy to share any story about them.
Diavolo: You know Anna from Frozen? Yep- his hobby was making friends out of the inanimate objects around the castle in an attempt to feel like he had friends- it was his favourite because it was the only thing that couldn't be taken away from him, but also wasn't mandatory, though he did enjoy some of the things he was made to do and learn as heir to the throne...but at least imaginary friends can never truly leave you alone, right? Not like his father
Simeon: I feel like Simeon knew how to sew or knit when he was little, and made stuffies for the brothers/other kids or little clothes for already existing plushies because he loved how happy they looked when he gave them one, even if it wasn't perfect
Solomon: honestly his favourite hobby was playing pranks on other people, regardless of whether he knew magic or not-and still is his favourite thing to do-
Thanks for reading!
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sulldrit-art · 4 years
OM! Brothers w Chubby MC
Hi this is my first post like this so please be nice lol. Kept it GN and body positive because I know these boys are big comfort characters for a lot of people.
Loves to compliment you on how beautiful your body is whenever you’re in private
If you get changed in front of him or anything like that he stares at you with such love in his eyes
Likes to have you sitting in his lap or laying on top of him
Will pick you up all the time like it’s nothing
If your ever feeling down about yourself or being self deprecating he will usually say something along the lines of “Look at me. You are perfect just the way you are.”
Will literally commit murder if anyone says otherwise
Loves it when you are confident so he encourages you when you are feeling good about yourself
“Wadda’ya mean ya need ta lose weight? Ya think THE Mammon cares about shallow stuff like that? Stop sayin stuff like that. Yur worth a million grimm ya hear me?!”
Loves taking pictures with you and calling you his super model
Thinks your hugs are the best ever
Allows zero negative self talk around him when it comes to you
Loves to cup your face with his hands but pinches and stretches your cheeks if you say anything embarrassing
Will seriously start yelling and trying to fight anyone he hears say anything bad about you.
He doesn’t have the most toned or athletic body either
Hates it if you are ever self deprecating
“I know I say bad things about myself but I won’t let you do the same! Absolutely unthinkable!”
You both agree not to be so hard on yourself
Likes to wrap his arms around you and rest his head on the top of yours on on your shoulder while he plays video games
Likes to cuddle you like a body pillow because your so soft
Can’t handle looking at your thighs especially when you are sitting down, they have too much power over him
Loves nothing more than to sit around with you playing video games or being on your phone
Reading a book while your laying on his chest listening or napping is what he imagines heaven is like
He also loves to wrap his arms around your belly and have you read to him while he looks over your shoulder
If you ever talk negatively about yourself he’ll be like “Enough or I’ll get angry. It makes me mad that such a perfect person could say or think such things about themselves.”
Likes to get yummy baked goods with you whenever you go out.
Will also commit murder if he hears anyone say anything about you
Likes to hug you from behind and sway from side to side
Another one that will pick you up without hesitation
Loves to just watch you because he finds you so beautiful/handsome
Thinks your soooo cute!
Loves to squish every part of you
Showers your belly in kisses
Loves hugging and cuddling you cuz he says your so soft
Loves when you are confident and wear clothes that show off your body
Will sneak attack you from behind just to wrap his arms around you and squish you
If you ever feel down or self conscious he will say something like “My taste is never wrong darling. You are the prettiest/most handsome thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I love every inch of you. If you have doubts I’d be more than happy to make them all go away~”
Likes to take you shopping and be super sweet cuz he knows it can be draining if things don’t fit the way you want them to
Loves to praise you
“Not to sound like Beel but I really could just eat you up~”
Lots of pictures together
Sometimes self care is eating a tub of ice cream together in bathrobes
Loves to make food for you and give you bites of his food
Big teddy bear who also loves to hug you, especially from behind when you are cooking or something.
Loves carrying you around with your legs wrapped around his waist
Loves to kiss your stomach and make you giggle
Picks you up when he hugs you
Invites you to the gym but doesn’t pressure you into working out, he just loves your company
Will move you to lay on his chest when you cuddle if you aren’t already
Loves when you wear his clothes
“What’s wrong with how you look? Your perfect the way you are. You make me so happy, I can’t think of a single thing you should ever change.”
Always gets a bunch of your favorite snacks and food
“If you like it then you should have it. It’s delicious right? That’s all that’s matters.”
Isn’t physical fit either
Go to nap spot is your lap
Also likes to rest his head on your stomach
Will lay on you regardless of where you are
Loves cuddling of course
If you ever say anything negative he’ll always be like “Don’t be dumb, there’s nothing wrong with how you look. You should never feel ashamed of the form you take, you are so much more than your shape.”
Enjoys laying in bed or on the couch or really anywhere as long as it’s with you.
Will kill anyone who is rude to you and the body will never be found
Milk and cookies together before bed for the win
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Hi! If your still taking OM requests can you do one with the undateables and an MC who has a really hard time sleeping without being sung to sleep and given a warm drink/heated blanket? Like super fluff would be awesome.. I personally cannot sleep without my heated blanket I love it so much haha ❤❤❤ you're a wonderful person thanks 😊
I've heard alot about heated blankets, I want it now. It's cold in my country and I crave warmth. Haha new idea, y'all buy my Amazon wishlist and get me a heated blanket 😂😂👀 kidding, i don't even touch Amazon, though that might change if I buy a new blanket
Oh to just be tucked into a comfy bed with a hot drink and a nice melody to sooth you to sleep
Hahaha sorry I know you asked for undateables but I got really soft thinking about all of them so I decided to do Everyone
He at first would act like you're being silly but seeing you look up with him with those embarassed eyes
He couldn't say no
He'd let you down in your bed, tuck in the blanket and smooth it out
The hot drink of your desire already on the cafe table next to your bed
Lucifer has given you a vinyl player that'll play his ones and any one you want
He'll play it and put it on a low volume, enough for you to hear but not loud enough to disturb anyone
"Goodnight, (Y/N), make sure to finish your drink."
Of course he'll tuck you in! No one else could do it as as great as him!
He'll ask to be paid first but just give him a smile and innocent eyes and he's sold
Does make a few jokes he's letting you rack up debt so he'll get paid good
His tsundere mode is going absolutely everywhere
He'll get you your drink, tuck you in
Then act like he wasn't leaning down to kiss you
Oh he definitely wasn't staying in your room incase you struggle to get comfy or you might leave your drink and fall asleep too quickly
No! No! He was there because he was bored and too Lazy to move
He's lying, he just wants to make sure you're happy and sleeping alright
Has softly serenaded you to sleep
Has gotten in trouble a few times for being too loud
"The great mammons got you! You'll be dreaming in no time!"
He might sit with you by the bed and play a nice peaceful game
Let the music play outloud whilst you snuggle into the blankets
If you ask him to sing he will get extremely flustered
The best you'll get his him singing really quietly to himself
Of course there are heated blankets In the house, he's a weeb
Heated blankets show up so much in animes that he had to buy them
He'll be stubborn about the warm drink so you might have to make it yourself
But he'll quickly take over saying he'll make it
Muttering something about Normies germs
Has ended up snuggling under the blankets with you
He loves the warmth
Loves even more he gets to be next to his favourite person
"good night, (Y/N)."
He makes himself a warm drink before bed anyway
so he doesn't mind doing the same for you
He'll tuck you in with your heated blanket
He goes to bed fairly late so he'll wait until you fall asleep, take out your cups and head back to his room
Music wise, he prefers silence or atleast ambience music
But singing? He'll do it, be very embarrassed whilst doing it though
Just like a cat he is drawn to warmth so no doubt he'll end up curling up on your bed and snuggling those blankets aswell
Might invest in his own heated blanket
They're wonderful
"Sleep tight, I'll see you in the morning."
Pamper king
You wanna be tucked in? He's got it
You want him to sing? He's already doing it
Whatever you desire, he will do it
He'll fluff your pillow before you lay on it, tuck you in with your heated blanket
Decorates your drink and gives it extra flavour and kick
He has a playlist of songs he can sing and will start playing it
He will sing you to sleep for as long as he needs to
Obviously gives kisses goodnight
He's very happy you came to him for this and will make a ritual out of it
"Goodnight, darling, sleep tight and get as much rest as you need~"
He's on it
Immediately, as soon as you ask he's ready
He'll make you your drink and insist you stay in bed
He'll tuck you in and make sure your blanket is all nice and warm
He will sing, very much happy to sing
He's shy at first but he'll sing you a song he use to hear when he was younger, it would always soothe him and his little brother
Holds your hand until you fall asleep
And even then he's ended up just falling sleep sitting by your bed because he doesn't to let go
Worried if he left you, you'll have a nightmare
If you want to cuddle - prepare
He will take most of your beds space and you'll be practically ontop of him, he's a big cuddler
"Goodnight, I'm here to protect you from nightmares...just like you are for me."
He's the master of bedtimes and cuddles
Night time comfort is his speciality
If you don't have a heated blanket he'll place by the fire to warm up
Or he'll put a hot water bottle in the middle of the bed
It makes that spot warm but if you want it more spread out he'll get a few hot water bottles and place them in different spots
Too tired to do anything too high maintenance or demanding
Already got a heated blanket? Perfect
Has stolen it plenty of times
Normally has Beel make you two drinks but if he's feeling generous he'll do it
Most nights just cuddles with you under your blanket
If you're asleep then he's asleep
Already has a music box he uses for his bad nights so he just let you use that
"Night....my favourite pillow"
He's got heated blankets, the comfiest pillows
You will be sleeping in luxury
He's got barbatos and many other servants
You want a hot drink to help you fall asleep? You gotta be specific or he will request for multiple versions
He feels guilty for making the cooks do extra work but he can get easily excited
He can get EXTREMELY supportive
He'll prefer putting on music than singing
But if you really want him to, he'll do it
He'll sing a song in the Devildoms og language as it means something to him
Especially as that's what his dad and then barbatos would sing to him when he was little
"sleep well, (Y/N), I hope you're able to have only good dreams."
Another pamper king
Like Diavolo he'll only get you the best stuff for your slumber
He'll fluff your pillows, tuck you in
Damn, he'll even help you drink
He's ready to serve and make you happy
He'll be working on perfecting your favourite drink so tastes amazing and makes you tired
He doesn't sing but he will play you an instrument
If you don't want that he'll get a vinyl and play it
Just tell him what helps you sleep and he'll make sure he's got it at the ready
"whatever you need I will get for you but it time to rest for now , goodnight (Y/N)."
Why are you trusting this man in the kitchen????
He sets water on fire!
For your own safety it's best you make your own drink before bed
But he'll use magic to make you a heated blanket
It'll never gets too warm or too cool - it's always perfect warmth
Very happy to tuck you in and give you lots of kisses goodnight
He definitely sings you to sleep
But instead of songs backs in the the ancient days of old
He'll just sing 19s to 200's popular hits
He's very passionate about it too
"Sleep tight! You'll need the rest for tomorrow."
If you have a heated blanket he'll just make sure everything is set up and all safe
Letting it run for a while so it gets all warm
If you don't have a heated blanket, he'll use a clothing dryer Machine to warm it up or hang it by the fire
All nice and warm and ready to be used to sooth you to sleep
By now has learned your routine and is already preparing your drink
Your blanket warming up and waiting for you to snuggle it
He made you a bedtime playlist and
plays it whilst you slowly drift to sleep
Has kissed your forehead and cheek after tucking you in
"Sleep tight, little lamb, you'll arise fresh and joyful, I'll be sure of it."
Wants to sing you to sleep
Hes learned many hymns and songs from choir
Always brings your favourite drink though most of the time you're the one who makes it, and he's ready for bed and asks if he can have a mug too
Most nights you just both end up sleeping on the sofa after a nice drink
Snuggled under a warm blanket
Has asked for a kiss on the forhead goodnight
When you did he'd then do the same to you
Overall, very sweet child
He can't stay up long so he tries to make up for the lack of being able to help when he can
"Goodnight, I will make sure no demon comes to harm you, you don't have to worry about anything!"
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cuteconsortboys · 3 years
For the heir thing, I'd ask the main consort, or the oldest. Maybe the one that's more fitting to be a father if not the first two.
In the Naruto universe, it would be Itachi most likely. And the other consort can see what it is like having a child and seeing who is ready and/or willing to go next.
The OM Universe, it's going to be lucifer, he would be the main and the most fitting in my head to be a parent.
The MHA universe, hmm. I am not sure, because even though bakugou is my favourite, he is not the most parental figure, but maybe I don't know. I am not sure about this fandom.
Also keep in mind, the first born could be a boy, and if the roles ban a man in working for the military, I am sure as he'll they wouldn't let him be an emperor.
I hope this makes sense. I am pretty sure it doesn't but anyway 🥲
I forgot to give u an idea of my harem, (I am the one who said I'd make the main consort the first father)
The Naruto universe goes like this;
Main: Itachi
Side: Shino and Haku
General: Neji, Kakashi, and Iruka
The OM universe;
Main: Lucifer
Side: Barbatos and Satan
General: Mammon, levi, and Beelzebub , maybe Asmodeus (honestly all of them I don't mind 🥲)
The MHA universe;
Main: Bakugou (because I bet he would be so good at everything and he is so pretty he'd be perfect, even for a father)
Side: Izuku and Kirishima (wanted Tamaki but I don't think he'd want to be with the guests)
General: Tamaki, Inasa, Tokoyami and Aizawa.
(Of course all of them are at least 18)
I hope these are the right messages to pair together!
First, I just want to talk about the part you mentioned about men becoming an emperor. Yes, that's not feasible for a man, so you are right, if the first born isn't a female baby, then things are a bit different.
Basically, if it's a female baby, the father has a big boost in power and prestige as he's the father of the next empress.
If it's a male baby, there's still a boost in prestige for being the first one the empress chose, and the eldest of the empress is a powerful position regardless of gender, but you're right, it's not as big a deal.
Okay, so
Yes, Itachi would be a good one. I like the strategy of observing how the other consorts deal with the new baby to decide who is going to go next, that's the strategy of an Empress hehe.
That harem is set up for jealously though!! Apart from Kakashi, these are all consorts who are desperate for their own children, so there might be some difficultly choosing who goes next. (Or you could just get them all pregnant at once and let the chaos unfold!!!)
But yeah, with this harem I can just imagine you looking for your consorts and you find Kakashi at the training grounds as expected, but where is everyone else??? And then you walk into the nursery and there they all are, hunched over the crib and cooing over the baby with varying degrees of enthusiasm lol.
Oh Lucifer 😂 He's very proud of being chosen, don't get me wrong, and I think he'd find a strange sense of peace with his own child, but fuck if his stress levels don't rocket through the already shattered roof. Because you know he doesn't trust the other consorts to do his job correctly, so he just tries to do his job and help raise his child. Good job there are lots of nannies. It's a good job Barbatos is a side consort though, because Lucifer would trust him a little to do some stuff.
This is a very chaotic harem though. All of them are kind of shocked that there's going to be a baby?? Things will change?? How weird... Asmo and Beel are the most excited. Asmo because he wants a baby to play with and dress up but that also isn't really his responsibility, and Beel because he always gets excited when there's another member added to the harem because it feels like his family is growing!! And he loves that!!
Yes, I definitely agree that Bakugou isn't a good choice to start with. He's very ambitious and would probably resent being the first one to get stuck in the harem all day. Bare in mind in the BNHA world, consorts are expected to have a great deal of input in their child's raising. The nannies are there for support, not as surrogate parents. So, Bakugou would have to sacrifice a lot, and he's got shit to do, okay?
I think I'd pick Tamaki out of this harem. As you said, he's not a fan of guests and big events and he spends most of his days in the harem anyway because only harem members/harem servants can get in there.
So, I think he'd enjoy having the first baby because he has everyone free to help him and he can relax in the harem more often. He definitely feels nervous about no one else being experienced in parenthood, but that's nothing a very experienced nanny can't help him get over. He just wants someone he can ask for advice if he needs it.
Good choices!!! I approve!!!
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bookwrm99 · 3 years
Preferred Music- OM! Brothers
Not that anyone asked me, but I was in the mood to write and I’ve gotten back into Obey Me! after a super-long hiatus.. so these are my thoughts on what the brothers listen to in terms of music. I’ve only finished S1, so forgive me if these don’t make sense in context of the later seasons T_T
It’s established in canon that Lucifer loves listening to classical music and has an extensive record collection- the more cursed the better
I headcanon though that he also likes to listen to big band music, like the Glenn Miller Orchestra
I can imagine him putting one of his vintage Glenn Miller records on his grammy and asking his s/o to dance with him one night if he was feeling especially romantic. The song he’d initiate on would be Twilight Interlude, Moonlight Serenade, or Starlit Hour.
I also headcanon that Lucifer listens to crooners, like Nat King Cole or Frank Sinatra
If MC can play an instrument, especially if it’s the piano, Lucifer might lurk in the hallway for a while if he hears them playing music by composers like Beethoven, Mozart, or Chopin. He doesn’t know how or why, but he thinks their works sound best whenever MC plays them
I think Lucifer’s guilty pleasure is 50′s/60′s decade music, but only listens to them when certain conditions are met: he’s in an exceptionally good mood, his privacy is guaranteed for at least an hour, and it’s just him in his bedroom. He feels that artists like The Beach Boys, Elvis, and The Beatles don’t fit with his polished, high-class image, hence the secrecy around listening to them
You’ll know he trusts you when he allows you into his space while one of these artists’ records is on the gramophone
Doesn’t change MC’s ringtone in his phone, because one: he’s an old man and hardly uses the thing for anything besides communication anyway, and two: he wants to be the only brother who wasn’t prompted by Mammon’s ringtone change
Probably changes their ringtone after a few weeks, when his brothers have forgotten all about it
The Black Crowes. Next-
It’s canon that Mammon likes R&B music
Mammon strikes me as a classic/90′s alternative rock kind of guy too, though. Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, U2, Deep Purple, The Black Crowes, Pearl Jam- that kind of vibe
If he’s feeling something a little more hard, he’d probably dip into Nirvana, Van Halen, AC/DC, or another band along those lines
“Money” by Pink Floyd is DEFINITELY his ringtone
If he’s trying to really focus to come up with a scheme to make Grimm, or is just in the mood for something really chill, he might pull up a lofi hip hop playlist/station to listen to in the background
If he and MC happen to be chilling in his room, though, he’d probably play whatever they’re into- not because he likes them and wants to learn more about them or anything, noooooo sir, definitely doesn’t want to know their favorite artists so he can maybe take them to a concert one day either
Probably starts listening to MC’s favorite bands and genres too as their relationship develops
I headcanon that as soon as he finds out whatever MC’s favorite song is, he sets it as their ringtone in his phone so he can distinguish them from modeling agencies and his brothers
It’s canon that Levi LOVES anime music, which like- I 110% subscribe to
I think he’d also really like video game music as well. Especially if it’s a game he loves and their soundtracks are *chef’s kiss*
If the Devildom has an equivalent to K-pop, I could see him being into that too. BTS, EXO, SUPER JUNIOR, Girl’s Generation, and SEVENTEEN all give me Levi vibes
Because he used to play so many different instruments, I also headcanon that sometimes he gets in the mood to listen to some of the music he used to play
He might get started on a classical music kick for a couple hours, then be satisfied for a week or two until the craving comes up again
Like Mammon, he might try listening to MC’s favorite music to get to know them better- but if he’s too averse to it, he’ll just go back to listening to his usual music
As their relationship develops, he might change MC’s ringtone in his phone to the theme of an anime they’ve both watched together and loved, or to the theme of his favorite anime- not to be outdone by Mammon, of course
It’s canon that Satan also enjoys classical music, especially symphonies
I headcanon though that Satan might resent this similarity to Lucifer, so listens to classical music in secret- or abstains from it until he cracks and binges for a few hours
I could also see Satan listening to music very loudly in his room to piss Lucifer off if he’s in a particularly vindictive mood, especially if it’s hard rock or metal
Three Days Grace, Shinedown, Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, The Veer Union, Gojira, Beartooth, Steel Panther- and if he’s really mad at Lu, he’d pull out the stops and listen to some death metal
Lowkey kind of likes some of it, even though he started listening to it exclusively with the intent of making the eldest tear his hair out in frustration
For casual listening, though, I headcanon that he has soft indie playlists and stations that he’s favorited/subscribed to
I could also see him as the type to have a playlist built with all his favorite songs from his favorite Broadway plays (looking at you, Les Misérables and Cats)
When he catches wind that Mammon and Levi changed their ringtones for MC, he didn’t hop on the train to outdo them- he just thought it was a good idea. He changes it to a soft indie song that reminds him of MC in some way, whether the lyrics are explicitly about someone similar to them or the sound of the song gives them MC vibes
Asmo listens to healing music in canon
But I also imagine him listening to dance/EDM music, because it gets him pumped up for The Fall and reminds him of the good times he’s had there
I headcanon that Asmo listens to healing music when he’s pampering himself or doing spa sessions with MC, and dance/EDM when he’s getting primped up to go to the club
Asmo is DEFINITELY the type to put soft music on when he’s about to get it on with somebody to set the mood, but it’s not something he listens to on his own- he feels ambivalent about romantic music in general
With MC, though, if their relationship buds into something more than friendship- you can bet your ass that he custom makes the perfect playlist for spicy situations with them, and his opinion on romantic music changes into a more positive one
I also see him listening to Queens like Ariana Grande, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé- really powerful women vocalists
Asmo might have an easy listening pop playlist/station subscribed on his app of choice, but probably has to be in the mood for it to put it on
Definitely changes MC’s ringtone to something cheeky at first, like “Sexual Healing”, but trades it for a romantic song that reminds him of them later as they get closer
The RAD newspaper reports that Beel likes the song in the “Hell’s Burger” commercial
But I headcanon that when the newspaper club asked him that question, he just didn’t know how to respond because he listens to so many different genres, so he blurted out the first thing on his mind (so of course it would be food-related)
Beel doesn’t strike me as the type to like one genre in particular to the exclusion of most others- he seems more like he’d have playlists of all different genres to switch between depending on the situation and his mood
He’d definitely have a workout playlist full of songs to hype him up, like “Eye of the Tiger”, “Welcome to the Jungle”,  “Seven Nation Army”, “Thunder”, etc.
Probably has upwards of thirty playlists/stations he’s subscribed to because of his broad tastes, but the ones I see him frequently playing are pop, indie, alternative, and punk rock
Because he shares a room with Belphie, he’s grown accustomed to listening to chill, soft piano music at night when the both of them are first falling asleep- so much so, he has a hard time falling asleep without it, so he always brings earphones with him when traveling so he can still listen to it
MC’s ringtone in his phone is the “Hell’s Burger” commercial song- the only other contact that shares the ringtone is Belphie. Hearing his favorite song helps him distinguish his favorite people from everyone else calling his phone, even if hearing the song makes him hungry and drool a little bit before he picks up
Belphie likes chill piano music in canon
Makes sense to me, since he’s sleeping 99.999999% of the time
But I headcanon that he also likes punk rock, like Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, blink-182, Good Charlotte, All Time Low, Panic! At The Disco, Bring Me The Horizon, and more
He only listens to it if he has to stay awake for a long period of time- listening to piano music makes him sleepy, so that’s out of the question, even though he needs music to be able to focus
Belphie is another brother who will stick around if he hears MC playing the piano- he’s less covert about it than the eldest brother, though
He’ll straight up trudge into the music room, sit on the bench with them and lean his head against their shoulder as they play
Hope you weren’t planning on stopping anytime soon, MC
Belphie also seems like the type to have subscriptions to ASMR or soft storytelling podcasts/stations/playlists, for the times he finds he’s having a hard time falling asleep
Like Lucifer, is one of the last to hop on the ringtone train, and honestly didn’t really give a shit about it until he really thought about it. What if MC was in trouble and tried to call him while he was asleep? His normal ringtone wouldn’t wake him up in that scenario, which could end up being really bad
Changes it to something really loud and obnoxious at first, like “What Is Love” (the animal cover)
Eventually changes it to something more romantic as he and MC get closer in their relationship, like “Check Yes, Juliet”
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. <3
BTW, this is the ringtone I HC’d for Belphie lmfao: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx5-aOGphII&t=53s
It’s my morning alarm and my family hates it, but I’m an extremely heavy sleeper sooooooo guess I’ll just keep being a menace to society
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weebswrites · 4 years
Hey if the requests are still open can you please do a headcanon for when the om brothers find out mc is a virgin (considering that they are already dating) if the requests are not open please ignore this thank you😊😊😊
The Demon Bros: Finding out MC is a virgin (16+)
• He’s surprised since you’d been so forward with making moves on him
• But it made sense since you’d always stopped before the two of you did anything more than oral
• He cupped your face in his hand
• “There’s no pressure for us to do anything, my love. We’d be slow, and I’d obviously make sure you were ready before we start” he reassured you
• “But, I’m ready when you are...” he said, voice lower as he leaned in and kissed your neck, “I bet you feel amazing...my cock buried deep inside you...”
• “Lucifer!” you punch his arm playfully as he kisses down your neck, “Keep it in your pants, Luce, I have homework to do” you tease him
• He kisses your cheek lightly, “I know dear, and I don’t want Diavolo on my ass if your grades slip because of our relationship”
• Bonus: When you two finally do it, he’s gentle and loving and slow. It’s perfect, and he makes you feel better than you’ve ever felt in your life
• “Human! You shoulda told me sooner!”
• Immediately backs off, and gets surprisingly serious about it, taking a few minutes and discussing your boundaries
• You lean in and kiss him deeply, “Thank you Mammon, I appreciate you so much” you whisper against his lips
• “It’s nothin, human. I love ya, after all. I want to make sure you’re okay!”
• Your heart feels warm, and you look lovingly into his eyes for a moment before kissing him again
• The two of you end up kissing for a while, and you finally get him to let you “borrow” his favorite brown jacket
• Bonus: When you have sex, it’s not as scary as you thought. He’s supportive and makes sure you’re comfortable the entire time
• He’d had sex a few times, and your relationship wasn’t very physical anyways
• Don’t get me wrong, man has game. Him not having a lot of sex was a choice. He wanted it to be with someone he loved, and it always had been. Hearing Asmo go on and on about it kinda put his fire out, lol
• Nodded and kissed your forehead after you told him, “Well you know there’s no rush. My feelings won’t change, I love you no matter what” he reassured you, voice soft as he was picking up on your nervousness in telling him
• You lean into his arms, snuggling against him
• Once he’s done a few more battles you head to bed
• Bonus: You have sex that night, and it’s perfect. He takes it slow and makes sure that you feel nothing but pleasure. You fall asleep with your head against his chest, and sleep well into the afternoon
• “That’s fine. Whenever you’re ready, there’s no rush” he said, looking up from his book and giving you a reassuring smile
• You exhale a sigh of relief, “Thanks, Satan. That means a lot”
• “Well of course” he replies, sounding genuinely confused that any other answer was even an option
• You appreciate him, for how mindful and genuine he always is, without even realizing it
• “I love you, Satan” you say, leaning in and kissing him gently on the lips
• “I love you too” he responds, nuzzling your noses together
• Bonus: The night you do it, he stops first to light a candle. “It just seems right, and it’s your favorite” he says. He checks in with you a few times, and makes sure that you’re never in pain
• It’s hard for him to not, and you can tell that every time you stop him from going all the way he’s disappointed and confused
• So one night, you tell him that you’re still a virgin, and that’s why you always hold him off
• A look of realization washes over his face, “Oh! I don’t know why I didn’t put that together” he said, laughing at his own density
• “That’s totally fine, my dear. I obviously want to have sex and all, but I’m not going to rush you. And I’m loyal to you obviously as well”
• “Thanks, Asmodeus. I love you”
• Bonus: When you finally tell him you’re ready, you can tell he’s excited. He rushes to his room and throws flower petals down, lights candles, the whole ordeal. When he shows you how he’s prepared his room, you laugh at how sweet it is. The sex is obviously beyond amazing
• So is he!
• Not bc the whole ‘beel is so soft uwu’ thing
• Over thousands of years, he’d never felt the need to have proper sex with anyone. Sure he’d done / received oral, but nothing more
• You’re surprised, but you’re also biased since you’re wildly in love with him
• You have a healthy discussion about sex, talking about both of your boundaries and what you were comfortable with
• Bonus: You’re in love, and you both know that you want to spend the rest of your lives together. So, you have sex. It’s good, really really good. Your love for him increases more than you thought was possible, and you can tell it had the same effect on him as well
• He’s had sex once, because Asmo talked him into it (but he consented obv) (also for sex w someone from a bar not sex w his brother fjhsdkf)
• He doesn’t care that you’re a virgin though, as long as you love him and are willing to take multiple naps a day he’s chillin
• After a nap you discuss it, and decide that you’d get there when you get there
• It’s a quick discussion, but a good one. Something you really valued about Belphie was his ability to have a healthy conversation
• When he tells you that he’s not a virgin, but that it was just once, you’re jealous - but he makes you feel better (with kisses and words of affirmation)
• Bonus: One night you’re bored and decide to have sex, bc why not lol. It’s good, and lasts a while. You don’t know how he didn’t get hooked after doing it once, because you feel like you could do this forever. And well, it becomes a bit of a regular occurrence 
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dorkus-mcdingus · 3 years
whats a song you rec to someone everytime? also whats a song you associate with one or more of the OM Brothers?
Pretty much anything Patty Gurdy makes. I'm a really big fan of folk music so I definitely recommend her music to anyone
As for what song from my library that I feel fits each brother
Lucifer: Something Good (mostly Seth MacFarlane's cover of it). The reason why is because he's really been through a whole bunch of stuff in his life yet here's MC loving him despite his many faults and flaws.
Mammon: Gambling Man. Of course I had to involve something with Mammon and gambling. While the chances of Mammon of ever getting a winning hand are rare (if he doesn't cheat) but for MC he would definitely risk it all just for them.
Leviathan: Role-playing Game. Just trying to picture Levi wrangling up a few of the boys for a good ol rpg and everyone's just being chaotic is just perfect.
Satan: Dragostea Din Tei. I honestly have no clue why I just picture him singing it in front of a webcam and now it lives in my head rent free
Asmo: Cooler Than Me. This is from the perspective of MC but the lyrics just fit Asmo to a T! Think of it, Asmo's often decked out in expensive clothes and he craves the attention of others because of how insecure he can get about himself. But behind the makeup he wears, the designer shades, no one really knows the true Asmo.
Beel: Stressed Out. Poor boy has been through a lot and I can see him being the type that would like to go back to the times when he and his brothers didn't fight as much and how when they used to go on their little adventures together but now, that's not the case and especially after the fall and Lilith's death, he had to wake up and live in reality
Belphie: Let Us Adore You. I know I made a post that all the boys would sing this but I think this especially rang true for the youngest. He misses Lilith so much and to be frank, MC really helped him wake up and realize that his hatred towards humans was ridiculous. Matter of fact, knowing that Lilith was able to live her life as a human and it lead to MC being born really helped him heal from all the hatred that ate at his heart for most of his time as a demon. Despite the fact that MC is Lilith's descendant, he adores them just the same. It just took a bit of time before all of them got over it (towards MC going home in season 1 most likely)
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akuzon-prime · 4 years
To New Beginnings ~OM Secret Santa 2020~
 this goes out to  @ikesensrandomninjagirl ! Happy Holidays <3 Word Count: 2397
Summary: It all comes down to this and Lucifer is trying his hardest to hide the nerves that are assailing him. What he really needs is his brothers by his side and he can take a new step towards the next chapter of his life.
Pairing:  Implied Dialucy
Theme: Pre wedding jitters and sweet brotherly fluff
This was it.
He couldn’t believe that it was finally here...finally happening. After so many years of pain, anger, and loneliness...it was over. It was beginning. 
…It was terrifying. 
Lucifer bit his lip carefully, adjusting his lapels and gloves in a nervous gesture that he'd somehow picked up since leaving the Celestial Realm. Of course, RAD looked quite different than it had only days ago - he hardly recognized it at all now that it was decorated with ivy and orchids, and LOTS of white tulle. Asmodeus, Barbatos, and MC had spared no amount of energy to make the school shine like a true wedding hall. It might not be how he would have decorated things himself, but he could hardly deny his brother the opportunity to go all out for the occasion. 
He let out a shaky breath and glanced back into the mirror. His hair had started out styled as usual – bangs framing his cheeks and parted to the side.  Asmo nearly had a fit. Now, Lucifer’s raven locks were swept back from his forehead and a gel that miraculously made the styling seem natural held it in place. The Avatar of Lust was busying himself by rushing around the room, making sure that everything - the bouquet, the ring, and whatever else was in place; Lucifer had long since stopped trying to watch him. The knowledge of what was soon to happen was rushing over him all at once. A tear slipped from the corner of his eye and he heard a gasp before he had the chance to wipe it away. His brother was by his side instantly, dabbing at it with a baby blue handkerchief. 
"What did I tell you? I thought we got all the wild emotions out last night at the bachelor party. What’s wrong now? Don’t make me have to whip out the demonus to get you through this. You need to be sober to say those lines." The man's attitude, while feisty, held notes of love and respect for his eldest brother. "No more tears till you get to the altar, got it? Because otherwise, you'll get me crying. If my make up smudges, there will be the Devildom to pay." 
"I don't know what you're talking about," Lucifer muttered. 
Asmodeus hummed, ignoring the blatant attempt to change the subject. His fingers plucked open one of the buttons on Lucifer's vest and he tucked the handkerchief inside so that the small square rested against the white dress shirt. "MC told me that this is something some humans do for weddings. It's borrowed and blue. I think you're old enough." 
Despite the glare leveled at him, Asmo laughed merrily. "You even have something new. The rock." 
Lucifer fidgeted. He wore the engagement ring over his gloves typically...but since Diavolo would be removing them during the ceremony, he had forgone the ring for the day. Diavolo knew his tastes well - it was modest and more importantly, the best thing he had ever been given. 
"Ya need something else!" 
Lucifer's lips pursed but he let out a slow and even breath as he looked at his white-haired brother in the doorway. Mammon was grinning and holding up a single Grimm. Probably his only Grimm, currently. Crimson eyes tracked his brother's movements as Mammon crossed the room to him and slipped the coin into his hand. "That goes in your shoe."
He squinted his eyes at the coin and then cut his gaze to Mammon. "...Why. That sounds asinine."
Mammon opened his mouth and then after a second's hesitation, closed it with a shrug. "Hell if I know."
Bending down, Lucifer slid the grimm down the inside of his leather shoe, wiggling his slender index finger till the coin was tucked and snug against his arch. Straightening, he reached to rake his hand through his hair but paused, remembering at the last second that it was styled. His red eyes met his brothers. "Anything else?" Mammon turned a chair backwards and sat, resting his arms on the curved wood. "Ya look fine to me. Stuffy as usual, but fine.
"Asmodeus stepped back and lifted a hand to tap his finger against his cheek as his golden eyes evaluated the groom from head to toe. Just as he was about to confirm that Lucifer looked perfect, his eyes widened and a strangled gasp escaped him - startling the hell out of Mammon who jumped out of his chair and stumbled back against the table beside it. Lucifer's only reaction was to raise his eyebrows.
"What's wrong?! Did ya hafta nearly faint? We're right here!"
"YOUR CUFFLINKS! We forgot them in your room! SHIT!" The tone of Asmo's voice made it seem like the world was ending over that little oversight.
Lucifer let his breath out. "Language, As. Are they really so important? We should be fine without -" 
"DEVILDOM NO! You stay here! I'm going back to the House of Lamentation."
Before Lucifer could utter a reply, Asmodeus was out the door with a whirl of his woven gold scarf. Red eyes drifted from his younger brother's departing figure back to the mirror - gazing at himself in the finery of the tuxedo that had been tailor made for him. He reached a hand forward to touch the glass as if he didn't recognize himself. 
"Oh no, don't ya go second guessing yourself." Mammon came over and rested a hand on his older brother's shoulder as they both looked at their reflections. Mammon's eyes were soft - a rarity for him when the two of them were together. Over the last few centuries, Mammon had been at the brunt of Lucifer's irritation but that still didn't lessen their affection for one another. Lucifer trusted him more than anyone and was still Mammon's favorite brother. No more words needed to be said. Mammon was his best man for a reason.
There was a knock on the door and both men turned. Asmodeus was fast when he wanted to be but that was a bit ridiculous. He wouldn't risk perspiration for the sake of a few accessories nobody would miss. 
Maybe it's one of the others. He sighed. As much as he was looking forward to what would come after the wedding, his nerves were raw and his meter for dealing with others, even his own family, was nearing empty. "Come in?" 
His visitor was most certainly not one of his brothers. At least...not anymore. 
"...I'll admit, you're the last person I expected to see." 
Standing in the doorway was a man who was radiance incarnate. His robes were no different from usual but Simeon always looked perfect - he was an angel after all. Blinding beauty was expected of the divine. Lucifer didn't hate him. Far from it. ...still, Simeon represented something, someone, inside Lucifer that he had left behind. There was nothing to mar the soft smile on the angel's lips. His tranquility reflected like pools in his eyes. 
"I hadn't planned on seeing you before the ceremony." Simeon admitted. Lucifer resisted the urge to cross his arms. Instead, he moved away from both the mirror and Mammon to pour a cup of water from the pitcher sitting on the table.
"...then why are you here?" Of course Simeon would be in attendance. Luke as well. Someone cleared their throat and Simeon looked over his shoulder before stepping aside to show the human in the doorway. They were far better dressed than their usual RAD uniform and it seemed his busybody brother had gotten their hair tamed as well. There was an apology in their eyes.
"I'm the one who dragged him here." MC's voice had a soothing effect on Lucifer and he felt his muscles loosen as he looked at his closest friend. There was an apology in their eyes and they looped an arm through Simeon's. "I brought him here because..."
At the complicated look on MC's face, Lucifer supplied the end of the sentence for them. "...you're each other's date?"
"No." The two replied simultaneously (and Lucifer could swear he heard Mammon let out a sigh of relief), both managing to sound completely entertained and confused at the prospect. 
"Then...what's going on ten minutes before my wedding?" 
"It's silly," Simeon replied, looking sheepish. MC's eyes rolled so far back in their sockets, Lucifer could imagine they could see their own thoughts to wonder exactly what choices they had made to land them here in the first place.
"It’s not." MC pinched the inside of the angel's arm and he gave a startled yelp. Letting the man go, MC pushed Simeon slightly and stepped back towards the door, ignoring his look of betrayal. They reached out and snagged Mammon's hand, pulling him after them. "I'm going to find Beel and Belphie. See you at the aisle."
Lucifer stiffened, staring at Simeon and his bewildered expression. "...I'll be the one in white." 
MC's laugh could be heard as the door shut, leaving the two men in an awkward silence.
"You look very handsome, Lucy." As usual, Simeon was the first one to break. Lucifer wanted to snap at him to knock it off with the nickname. Once upon a time, though, he would have smiled at the compliment instead of feeling uncomfortable. Marriage had never even been a prospect when he lived in the Celestial realm. Simeon looked so forlorn, though, that even with the negative emotions churning inside him from the recollection the nickname brought him, he felt no ill will towards the angel. Lucifer took a breath and spoke clearly, despite his hesitation on the matter.
"Would you mind walking me down the aisle, since you're here?" 
Simeon's eyes widened at his suggestion and then glanced down at his clothes. Oh yeah. After all his careful planning, the stylish Asmodeus was going to have a hernia when he saw Simeon walking down the aisle in the same clothes he wore on a daily basis. Something about the normalcy of it made something tight in Lucifer's gut release its hold. Simeon's voice was astonished. "...you actually want me to?" 
"You are my brother, too. ...were." 
Simeon opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.
"Lucifer, I'm assuming you're decent since As sent me down to come and get you. I'm ignoring decorum just coming in." Without even knocking, Satan walked into the room, a pair of cufflinks gripped in his hands. "He asked me to bring these to you. And by asked I mean commanded. And what the Devildom are you doing here?" 
Satan's gaze had fallen to the unexpected guest. Simeon just gave a blithe smile as if he hadn't just had the wind knocked out of him by Lucifer's unexpected offer. He reached out and adjusted Satan's tie and pocket handkerchief. The blonde stepped away, confusion still etched on his face. "Asmodeus has been a fiend today. Is there anyone he hasn't dressed?" 
His tone was teasing but the words missed Lucifer entirely. Satan and Simeon didn't interact often - they were two completely separate parts of his life. Satan wasn't exactly his brother, but that had never been much of an issue in Lucifer's eyes. Usually, Satan wanted to antagonize him more than anything else. He took the cufflinks from Satan's proffered hand and adjusted them to the ends of his jacket sleeves. "Was there something you needed, Satan? The ceremony is just about to start." 
The blonde's face reddened and he gruffly cleared his throat, choosing to look anywhere other than at Lucifer. "I was just... It had crossed my mind... Can I...walk you down the aisle?" 
The question seemed to be more shocking than Lucifer's offer to Simeon. Despite not having any real emotion behind the word, it came out anyway. 
Satan's ruddy cheeks darkened and he cleared his throat. "Well. You...brought me into existence. It seems, I suppose, appropriate? Also, obviously, a one time deal."
"...to take me out of it? I don't exactly see marriage as the end of the world." Lucifer's words were wry but he was, in all honesty, humbled by the offer. Satan out of all of his brothers...
"That's not what I meant," The Avatar of Wrath huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. The petulant look made much more sense than the previously bashful one. "I just meant that you gave me the start of a new life, I should give you away to the start of yours."
Lucifer was speechless. Simeon smiled softly and placed a hand on Lucifer's elbow. Naturally, it made sense for Lucifer to be given away by one of the six demon brothers rather than the angel himself. "There you have it. I think you should probably take him up on the offer."
"...of course." Lucifer blinked and stood taller, taking a deep breath. Simeon moved away from him but the taller man dropped a hand on his shoulder. "I have to thank you. At least now, nobody will be looking specifically at me when the three of us go down the aisle."
The processional music began to play and every nerve in his body shot to attention at the sound. He was again the shell shocked groom that he had been before his two escorts had arrived. Simeon immediately saw his reaction to the organ's tones and he recovered from the shock of not being turned aside in favor of Satan. "You'll be ok, Lucy...I won't let you trip. Though I'm sure nobody would laugh if you did."
"I would," Satan interjected. Lucifer gave him a look that said that he didn't appreciate the joke but when Satan held his elbow out to him, he wove his arm through it. "Looks like that music means it's our cue." 
Simeon didn't take Lucifer's other arm but stood close by his shoulder - staying right at his side, where he would have been anyway before the Fall. It felt right to have him there.
The men stepped into the hallway, adjacent to the grand room where the ceremony was being held. The doors opened wide, seemingly on their own and Lucifer was faintly aware of the students and friends and family in attendance - rising from their seats and staring at him. His ruby eyes instantly traveled straight down the flower petal covered aisle to a tall man with a shock of red hair and sparkling mischievous eyes. He stared at him with his mouth slightly agape and a tinge of red on his dark cheeks. Diavolo... 
...This was it. It was beginning.
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