#i love indian food and im so curious
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edwin-paynes-bowtie · 21 days ago
I wonder what Charles's favourite Indian foods were
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screampied · 2 months ago
VEGAS if I recall correctly ur from trinidad and tobago??? i HEARD that it’s super diverse but a lot of people are Indian? idk my friend has a percent of everything in South America and carribean so she didn’t know too much 😪
BUT please share more im so curious about the culture (only if ur comfy / it isn’t weird) 🙏 i also apologize in advance if anything I say is insensitive in any way
ALSO i watched this TikTok where it was assigning countries to jjk men and toji was t&t…..thats ur man right there
AAAAAYYAH i am 🙂‍↕️. im both trini / barbadian but yesyes. it’s very very diverse !!! there are lots indian people mhm, my great gran’s both indian and trinidadian as well as majority of my relatives there.
OF COURSEEEEE. i don’t live in trinidad anymore since i moved (my mum does) but i do visit t&t during the springs to see other family. its reeeeally pretty, and its lots of tourists during the dry seasons (early jan - late may) i visit guyana too since its also close to trini, and our culture’s rly fun !!! the annual t&t carnival is soooo pretty, it happens every year in port of spain and it’s mainly to celebrate our freedom☝️☝️. i’ve been twice when i was little n its GORGGGG. lots of music, food n just overall fun. i think the next carnival is sometime is march this year i believe. it’s basically sort of like mardi gras
on my great gran’s side we all celebrate ‘diwali’ and it’s a national holiday. i call it deepawali but it’s either or. it’s basically a hindu festival that lasts for about five days near the end of oct. n we typically wear gold / silver, make rangoli (flower floor patterns to ask for good luck) and celebrate with lots of fireworks + dancing. deepawali is mainly to congratulate new beginnings n chase evil spirits away with light (lamps) 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️
but yaaaah. t&t mostly has a mixture of both african / indian cultures, and barbados is kinda the same too !!! except with bim, it’s more west-african. we have tons of festivals here too, n the food is yum 😋😋😋. i would def recommend visiting trinidad, barbados or ANYYYY caribbean island bc the sights are just to die for <3 the cultures r lovely n so r the people !!! downside is the hurricanes n tsunamis warnings h.. haha
and WHATTTREALLY. do u wanna … send the link perchance 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️. me n toji rly meant to be augghhh my man my man
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werebutch · 1 year ago
Haiii teddy ^__^ how is it going =3 !!! I watched the solar eclipse here is my picsss
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Ok kind of buttcheeks but u get the idea. We're gonna be moving soon (again) but the house will probably be in me and my best friends names :D because legal stuff and credit...heh. but still a house with my name on it sounds really nice. And pets!! Nobody telling us what we can and can't do. Hopefully it works out that way.
How are the big things in yr life going ^_^ I hope it is well....!!! I also love the bear shirt when I was snooping I think it's su cute LOL
Bex this is like the best news ever making me smile behind my screen right now. ILYSM u deserve this and so much more. So happy for you thats awesome and i hope everything works out like it should.. <3333
i just got back from watching the eclipse at my school! I didnt get any pictures but it was a huge gathering with food and music and stuff it was very nice. Kids and dogs running around too very cute. Afterwards my sisters friend who knows practically everyone in the entire world introduced us to two brony girls (pegasisters..LMFAOOO) and got their insta and talked for a while. So im very happy with that cause they’re really nice. And even if its just for today im so glad i got to talk to a bunch of people 😸 then a bunch of us went to get smoothies..! Today is making me feel like a real person again i wont lie. LMFAOOO <3
Not too many big things going on.. Lately my life has been pretty boring i wont lie im just very exhausted a lot of the time. Now that its a little warmer and sunny these days though im more motivated to go outside to my usual spots and engage in my outside hobbies. I still feel very anxious lately about genuinely every little thing but im getting there and i know it’ll pass ^__^ on Saturday we went to a (new!!!) huge antique store (need to take u there…very fun stuff..) and i spent a lot of money.. i figured i usually buy nothing anywhere so id treat myself. MY BEAR SHIRT.. ill post my haul when i get home.. IT WAS A LOT OF FUN!!!! After we went to an Indian buffet it was very good i tried goat for the first time. ^__^ and they had mango ice cream… ummy..<3
I’m so excited for the concert.. i have to do my homework though i dont know too many hail the sun songs.. im in a mood right now im just like…ahhhh……^__^ you mentioned pets.. if you could get a pet right now what would it be ?! I’m curious
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astrophilic-soul · 2 years ago
for the ask game, 20 and 7? And also, u don't have to answer but I'm curious how u would change India's characterization/how u would improve on it :0
Hey babe, Hetalia ask game dropped!
Thank you for the ask! Sorry for this being so so late sahdk
20) Answered here
7) Food-related headcanon? (im hungry)
India: I definitely think he'd be a sucker for spicy food. But I also think he'd absolutely love extremely sweet food. This is based on personal experiences, but Indian food has a extremely sweet to extremely spicy side lol. For example, some foods that are on the wayyy too sweet side for me personally are Barfi, Jaleebi and Kesari (I do enjoy them tho lol). So, I think that India definitely cares a lot about the favor and experience the food gives a person :)
As for India's characterization! Ok, I've been thinking about this since the day you sent me this ask lol and I really hope you don't mind but the first bit is a bit rant-ish to clear up some misconceptions.
So first thing I really want for people to understand India is that, it is not just the North. There is no 'dominant' culture, and Hindi is spoken as more of a connecting language more than like- a first language by a lot of people that live in places other than what I like to call the "Hindi Belt"
1)The Idea of Northern Culture as a 'dominating' culture does not make sense and kinda erases the other cultures that live and very much thrive in India today. If you went and only toured around North India, you would see a huge difference between cultures up there alone! I understand that this idea that Northern Culture dominates India is from the wide spread knowledge of Bollywood. But India's really diverse! We even have a lot of film industries for each language! Tollywood, Kollywood, Mollywood, Sandalwood, etc. But, I'm getting off topic, Northern Culture does not 'dominate' the majority of Indian Culture, and Northern Culture itself is very hard to define because it's diverse! From Rajistan to Punjab, the cultural differences are very different in the north, so imagine the differences from north India to the south- not even accounting for the tribal cultures in each state!
2) Most Indian languages stem off of two language families: Indo-Aryan and Dravidian and if you look on a map of language families, you can almost see a clear line between these languages. Within those branches, stems of languages, a lot of them are still spoken today. So making Hindi the only language India speaks doesn't make that much sense to me and erases literally every other culture living and very much thriving today!
How I'd Improve it in the Anime
For an Anime that's portraying nations based on stereotypes, I would say- it could be worse lol. I do get why Hima portrayed India like that, I mean it's not as bad as some other media I've seen that portrays India as: "Taj Mahal, Snake charmers, Tiger, Elephant, Elephant, Middle Eastern Culture for some reason". So for a anime about stereotypes it's not that bad lol. There's maybe like two things I'd change?:
-Make India a little more easy to anger than easy going. I guess hetalia is about stereotypes and the stereotype is that Indians are very "Yoga, Buddhism/Hinduism, Rangoli" not about actual cultural stuff of characters, but yeah I'd probably make him a little bit more of a hot head lol
-Make him appear more in the anime/manga!! He only shows up like three times and usually in background roles, micro-nations show up more than him T-T
My Own Characterization
Some positives:
Kindness: I feel like India is very generous and nice to everyone he meets. When he meets a new country or person he usually tries to be as nice and respectful as he can with them before forming an opinion about them. I'm just basing this off of age. I feel like at a certain point (as with most ancient nations), he realized that country's relationships with each other are very unexpected and so he tries to start off on a good note.
Emotionally Resilient: This might be a given because he is a nation lol, they've lived a long time and can adapt to unexpected situations really easily. I also feel like because he's an ancient, he still feels those knee-jerk emotions/reactions but it takes more to trigger them if that makes sense.
Makes Connections Easily: A large part of Indian culture, is family and community. Families, back then often lived in one house. Often with an opening in the middle where the family hangs out or lived in a community of houses close to each other. So I definitely feel like he gets close to people very easily and often treats them as family.
I feel like in his early years India would have been easy-to-anger and have some amount of arrogance? It's just two traits that I've seen amplified, if not glorified, by Indian movies because they're seen as very masculine traits to have (in general).
Easy-to-Anger: Because of how long India's lived, I feel like he has a lot more patience now days but certain topics or someone being insistent might make him quick to anger.
Arrogance: I feel like arrogance is something all nations have, it's a given, but again, time and experience wears it down. So, I feel like compared to other nations, he's more down to earth, but still pretty arrogant.
Stubborn: He is stubborn, he protests heavily for the the things he believes in and does not stop until he gets his way. He can remember something that someone said centuries ago and continue to do something just to spite them.
General Headcannons:
He loves Dance, Music and the Arts: In India, Classical Dances are very important. It was used for entertainment, religious purposes and also used for storytelling! There are some that are similar to theater, there are dancers telling the story of a mythological event, dances that are related to gods, or dances that were simply made to entertain royals.
And regional music where do I start! Indian music is diverse, and there are a lot that I could mention from my state alone! There are different rhythms, elements, instruments, different focuses, and sometimes you'll clearly hear some outside influences with the music styles! I just absolutely love the idea of India dancing, and singing because it's such a huge part of culture
Loves Science: I really think he does have a thing for science, not only because of the recent interest of science in India but also because of how much Ancient India contributed to science! I think he would go to a lot of science/math conferences nowadays to meet scientists/mathematicians and learn about new theories and technologies.
India's doesn't really have a name: This is just a personal headcanon of mine lol and not really based of anything in particular. I HC that India didn't really have a name throughout history, and he changed it often depending on where he was and names of the time period. I think it's because of the difficult question is "what is India/Indian culture and what is its one and true descendant?". The answer could be many things. How do you define the culture of a nation that has a lot of cultures in it? Thus, how do you choose a name for a country when that name doesn't make sense for him to have in other parts of the country?
Gender, Religion, Identity: I think India identity's very fluid, and he doesn't label himself. I really liked how @thegoliathbeetle phrased this in her post! India's identity is like water, it shifts, transforms and changes. It doesn't stay constant and if you ask him who he is he would give you a different answer depending on the time and place. (I really agree with her post and I would def check it out if you haven't!)
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definitelynotshouting · 1 year ago
Do not apologise at all for responding late!! Holiday burnout is so real, theres sm to organise so I understand completely 😅. I hope youre getting some rest between xmas and the new year, or that at least whatever you have planned isnt too hard on you :)
I am 100% willing to believe you blessed my flight lmao, hopefully it works on the way back as well :D
Is it weird to say i dont think ive ever had a blackberry before?? Idk i might have had one when i was a kid but when you mentioned the blackberry jam I completely blanked. So um. Hope it was good?
Oh no your cat!! D: Hope he's all better now
YES I WOULD LOVE TO TELL YOU ABOUT MALAYSIAN FOOD!! I would show u pics but um 🧍->🏃‍♂️💨. Ur gonna have to google it king LOL. The first day back my dad and I went out to a mamak stall (basically just a restaurant for malay-chinese-indian food), and I had roti canai (a type of flatbread with curry) and teh tarik, which I have missed dearly. I dont typically like normal english breakfast tea so getting to have authentic teh tarik was SO GOOD. Teh tarik (translating to "pulled tea") is made with condensed milk and gets its name from how after the drink is mixed it gets continuously poured over and over from one container to another until it gets super frothy.
I've also been getting reacquainted with my favourite fruits 🥰 that you cant get in Australia like mangosteen and jambu air (ai-yer). Mangos and dragon fruit you can get in australia but. um. Theyre bad. They just taste like sweet water. Also unfortunately for me rambutan i havent been able to find rambutan 😔😔. Those look similar to lychee but they taste pretty different, less tangy and sweeter.
Ive gone out with a friend to have cendol (c promounced as a "ch") which is a cold desert with coconut milk and rice jelly, along with other toppings should you choose it. Im also in the process of convincing my bff to do a 3h road trip with me specifically for food in a city called Ipoh 😭 wish me luck.
AND, im getting one of my relatives to teach me how to make rendang and char kway teow. The rendang specifically because the one she makes i prefer over what's usually made in restuarants. I think it's a state difference in recipes or smtg? So the ones you'll find in restuarants are KL/Selangor rendang and she makes from Kedah. Thats just a theory tho im not actually sure.
🧍 i realise this ask has become like 70% about food so i apologise. But. In my defense you asked >:) /j
ANYWAY. I hope youve gotten a break from the holiday work or at least have one coming up <33 Take care of yourself; indulge in your cheeses :D
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SUN ANON HELLOOOOOO im so excited to hear you got those desserts, those sound AMAZING...... also i looked up all the foods you mentioned and MAN THESE LOOK GOOD.... im a shrimp lover im gazing so hard at the char kway teow...... 👀👀👀👀👀 also holy shit these fruits look so cool???? Thats WILD ive literally never heard of these before and im having a lot of fun looking them up online and reading about their flavours and stuff!!!! Incredibly curious about mangosteen, i was not expecting it to be white inside when i looked it up and just like, the contrast of the purplish rind vs the white insides is SO neat to look at, like that feels really good on my eyeballs if that makes sense JSDBEKDNMDD also also teh tarik sounds and looks amazing i want to try that SO bad now omg
Its so funny you say that about blackberries bc where i live we have them literally growing everywhere on the side of the road AKDNWKDNKWDN in the summer when they start putting out fruit one of my roommates will sometimes go out and just pick a bunch for the whole household, and they always taste SOOOOO much better than the store-bought ones. Im genuinely not sure how to describe the taste of blackberry other than like. Its very sweet but also very tart (i go for the slightly less ripe ones tbh bc i prefer tart things to super sweet) at the same time, and sorta pops in your mouth a little bit when you chew it. Honestly its one of my favorite fruits i would highly recommend them if you can find em anywhere!!!!
My resolution this year is a bit silly but i wanted to go for a very fun easy one, so its to use every sticker i own this year :] ive already started by putting a few on the creeper minifridge that my roomie got me for xmas 😂😂😂😂😂😂 and i have some scrapbook ideas as well to use my fancier ones that my friends have gotten me!!!! Also you are so valid about the writing-- tbh if you wrote more than expected then it sounds like you succeeded instead of failed, so thats awesome!!! :DDD
I hope you're doing well on your travels, sun anon!! And when the time comes may your flight back to Australia be as peaceful and pleasant as the one you experienced when you left it :]
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cocoartistwrites · 2 years ago
bestieeee im the ‘is it a date or not’ anon LOL i have few updates and it’s a ride!! and its gonna be very looong
1. it was a date!! and it went sooo well. we kissed (im easy, i know im a hoebag), but before he kissed me he brushed his teeth bcs he didn’t want me to taste the onion bcs we ate in indian food 😭 but he didn’t mind it from me.
2. our second date was last weekend. netflix and chill. at his apartment bcs my tv was still in the cardboard box.
3. his apartment is really nice, has a lot of books (sadly no fiction, just some engineering books and self help types). has a lot of stuff but very tidy. and ps 5 games. no pets.
4. i got my period while we were watching 😭😭😭😭😭 and i stained his sofa with my menstrual blood. i didn’t notice it bcs ive always been irregular. of course i didn’t bring any pads. i don’t even bring clothes bcs i didn’t plan to stay. so imagine the chaos in my mind.
5. i cried. a lot because it was so embarrassing. he hug me and let me cry. after that he apologized that he didn’t have pads/tampons. i wanted to take a shower and he was ‘yeah, cmon, i’ll give you my clothes don’t worry’
6. his bathroom is really nice, clean, AND HE HAS A BIDET. idk why but i noticed his products. he used la roche posay and aesop products like??? this is the first time ive been with a guy that doesn’t use gatsby or ‘masculine’ products.
7. he has very clean and soft towel and he warmed it 😭😭
8. he bought me the correct pads😭😭😭 like he bought me the winged, large pad, and an ‘emergency panties’. his apartment complex has a convenient store at the ground level so it was quick.
9. HE CLEANED MY BLOODIED PANTS AND PANTY😭😭😭😭😭 no disgust face. nothing. he also immediately clean the sofa cover.
10. i cried after shower. because he was so kind and he didn’t appear to be disgusted or upset or mad or disappointed. he just was like him??? he was so calm and nonchalant and kind and helpful and he was very accommodating.
11. i ended up wearing his tshirt and shorts. the shorts was too big, but he has some clips so it’s not too loose. LIKE HOW DOES HE HAVE THAT!?
12. i cried again. i fucking HATE to be the stereotypical menstrual woman but fuckkkk i was so embarrassed and touched. AND HE WAS NOT MAD AT MEEEE! ik it’s the bare minimum but i was so touched.
13. he bought me chocolate 🥹 like loads.
14. i apologized to him bcs i got my period. and he was ‘you dont have to apologize!’ etc etc. i hugged him. again. he asked me to sleep his apartment bcs it was late and his car was still fixed. i said yes bcs i was also curious LOL IM SO EASY IM SORRY but we didn’t have sex. he did not even initiate.
15. i sleep in his bed. which again, very nice and clean and smells good. he sprayed lavender sleeping oil (i got at my place too) on the pillows. HE WAS THOUGHTFUL.
16. he was planning to sleep on the air mattress, but i asked him to sleep with me. i cried. we cuddled and kiss kiss. and we sleep. no sex involved.
17. he has a white noise machine 😭
18. i thanked him for being so thoughtful and considerate and generous and not condescending. i even thanked him for buying the correct pads.
19. turns out his mother and his oldest sister ARE OBGYN! even more surprising, his mother IS MY OBGYN and i just got my pap smear at her clinic 3 months ago 😭 i didn’t make the connection bcs his mother has different last name.
20. he has two older sisters, and he is the youngest and only boy. idk why but this explains a lot about his choices of hygiene products.
21. he snores, but not too loud. it was cute. i think im in love.
22. in the morning he made me toast but with chocolate sprinkles topping. i found out this is dutch breakfast. his mother is dutch. (explains why he’s 6’6 HAHA).
23. not only did he clean my bloodied pants and my shirt, he also IRONED IT.
24. he took a cab with me to my place. it was sunday.
25. he mounted my tv. and made it so tidy that no cable wire was seen. 😭 if i did it myself it’s gonna be messy. but he did it so tidy.
26. IT WAS SONFUCKING HOT like??? he was in my living room and placing tv and things like that, connected it to wifi, signing it to netflix, hbo, youtube, etc. i was just staring at him. im in love.
27. i realized during our interaction he never complained. EVER. like never. i never see him in negative emotion. he was always calm. idk if it’s a good thing or not.
28. he still texted me his lunch/meme. and he just send me pictures orange stray cats he met 😭 i wanna have cat but i cant bcs my landlord dont allow it. i especially want an orange cat😭
29. i thought he was going to ghost me. but he didn’t. he even asked me about my period pain and he offered to ask his mom/sister about it if i have any concerns. i haven’t told him that his mom is my obgyn, yet. (should i even tell him?)
30. i really want him to be husband by now.
what do you think guys? do you think this is love bombing type? but at the same time he doesn’t do romance things??? idk. but these whole thing just made me 🥹❤️🥹❤️ please please tell me if there’s any redflag i missed bcs i tend to wear rose-colored glasses. and i tend to notice little things and make myself fall in love.
also how do i make it up to him? please tell me i really don’t want him to lose interest. but tbh i feel like he he still holds the same interest as our first interaction. more even???
sorry for the extremely long post😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
He sounds amaaaaazing! But also don’t go too easy just bc he’s started well or put him on a pedestal!!!! You’ll give him too much power and it won’t be even. You gotta accept the nice things as actually your due.
That said what about cooking for him or something nice and chill?
I’m so happy for you, this is gorgeous and hopeful and we’re all crossing our little fingers for you baby
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watsername · 2 years ago
I love love love samosas they're potatoes with veggies (usually carrots, spring onions, onions, cabbage) rolled up and fried in a spring roll shell and sometimes they include meat i.e. chicken or prok but I really prefer the potato ones. My mom used to make them and now I know how to make them and they're realy good even if you burn them a bit, and it's okay if you undercook them too because you cook the stuff before it comes together. My culture also has these rice cakes, idk what they're called in English but it's a specific rice grain pounded up until it's dough and then wrapped in banana leaves and steamed, they're very chewy and fun to make.
We usually eat our food with a soup from bok choi leaves and often squash and big fans of cilantro as well as ginger
And my favorite dessert is one borrowed form our neighbors the Burmese, shwe yin aye which is sweet milk with bread and all sorts of jelly (and sometimes lychee) dropped in
oh i love samosas back home at oke of the local indian restaurants theyd do vegetable salons as with a chilli and mango chutney as a starter and it was so good i’ve never tried to make them tho i bake a lot but me and pastry don’t always get along but maybe i will try when i have time
im assuming these all come from around south east asia? i had a look online anour steaming rice cakes in banana leaves and there seems to be lots of variations around vietnam indonesia philippines malaysia and singapore area OH I JUST SAW NEIGHBOURS BURMESE NVM LMAOO
id never seen the shwe yin aye before tho im kinda curious to try it
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anonymous-eggy · 3 years ago
- I can totally see Rian singing 'arabian nights' (the will Smith version since the voice suits him better) with a little drum thingy tied to his waist and jumkas at his ankles (if you're wondering what that is it's a kind of jingly indian jewelry idk how to describe it)
-i feel like he probably speaks a lot of languages and would give you hell lot of nicknames but mostly 'your majesty' would stick
-would get you jewellery ALL.THE.TIME. would absolutely not hesitate to buy you anything if he think you might like it. Pretty little dangler earrings? Bigger rings with rocks in em? MATCHING NOSE RINGS? -swoons-
- would not care about your gender when it comes to compliments. Like at all. Oh you're a petite smol girl? YOU'RE GODDAMN HANDSOME. Big bitch man? BEAUTIFUL.
-if he were ever travelling with the help of stars and came across a new one yoU BET YOUR ASS HES NAMES IT AFTER YOU.
-your name may or may not be carved at the under side of his bed cause he was up late thinking about you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- he'd spoil you so much it's not even funny. like you're not allowed to hesitate to ask for ANYTHING more food or wine? HES ON IT. Oh you like that shirt? LET'S BUY YOU 10. Poor boi just wants to give you more freedom than what you've had growing up in a castle :(((
- would love to teach you different dances just imagine y'all are happily dancing on a terrace,,,,,just two idiots in love,,,you haven't even processed how much time has passed just dancing the night away with this pretty man,,,,oh look the suns up,,,,well shit , ,
- he'd have such a shit eating grin if you started cursing cause of him or generally picked up slangs that he uses. Would not let you forget if you ever accidentally cursed while talking to a noble or diplomat lmao-
-dumb bitch anon >:)
OMLLLL AGH I LOVE! i was thinking ab similar things last night 😭
he absolutely gives "lemme give u things" vibes, which i think is cute and funny bc you absolutely have more than enough money to have whatever you want already and yet he'd still wanna get you gifts
AND THE THOUGHT OF HIM TEACHING YOU HOW TO DO DIFFERENT DANCES FROM THE "FANCY PROPER" ONES YOU WERE TAUGHT. He'd love to see the way your eyes light up as you learn about dances you were never taught because your father was set on keeping you focused on learning proper things and how to rule when you were younger.
also he'd like the way you stare at him as he demonstrates a move and he'd tease you if you're too busy thinking about how pretty he is and forget to actually listen and watch 💀
Just,,, the thought of him,, exposing you to new things you've never seen or been able to do,,, and he just falls even deeper in love with you every single time he sees that thoughtful or curious look in your eyes. as much as he teases you or acts cool about it, he's so in love and wants to show you everything, just to see that joyous expression on your face again.
allow me to share a thought i was thinkin last night. idk how canon it is, but i kinda get "is used to mostly eating almost alone, if not completely" vibes from the mc. i could just imagine getting a little overwhelmed the first time eating with Rian's crew and sneaking to Rian's cabin, and he notices and follows and sharing a soft sweet moment with him😭
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thinkingabouttimdrake · 2 years ago
First off, that food sounds amazing. Oh my gods. I really need to learn to cook food that isn't white asf, I love way too many foods that I don't know how to cook :(
Second off, card games are illegal?
also try out some indian food !! they are so good omg, i hope you can acquire the ingredients needed for your culinary experiments!! ( i also dunno how to make a lot of food that i like 😔 we shall power through this obstacle with sheer will!!)
card games im not so sure but card games that involve money are illegal here :D -> casinos that are opened here are foreigner entry only 😔 also like 18+ (my dad can get in but he doesnt even gamble) (me n my mum really want to see whats inside omg so curious they dont even allow cameras 😔)
also card games are banned from my school (including uno and werewolf 😔 so maybe it is(?)
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whoopsieintheuniverse · 3 years ago
Hii I was wondering if I could get a romantic Inuyasha matchup too? I’m 5'3, my pronouns are she/her, 21 y/o, Business student. My aesthetic is all over the place, i like dressing slutty but alot of times dont have the confidence but i like being very girly with full face makeup regardless. I have black hair with green highlights (exactly like Jolyne from JoJo). I am very very insecure about my looks even though i know i look average, im constantly contemplating plastic surgery. Winter is my favorite season, I absolutely love the rain, I like eating mexican and indian food. I always wanted go and settle in Norway, because i love the scenery, mountains and cold weather. But im still stuck in Singapore. I have a fucked up sleep schedule and i skip meals alot because i get very sleepy right after eating.
I can be annoying at times and i make alot of sexual innenudos. Sexually... im very thirsty in my head, and im always looking to try something new in the bedroom. I draw nsfw art because i like drawing the naked body. I also run a very thirsty insta fan account for JoJo. Apart from that i have issues with my childhood and hardcore daddy issues at home. I have only 2 friends and for them i always try being a better human and tone down my annoyingness. I genuinely like talking to new people but im so awkward i have no idea how to start a convo, but the moment i get comfortable, its smooth sailing. Well thats about it! I hope it helps.
Woohoo! I ship you with: Miroku!
I definitely see you reeling him in with your innuendos. He's never had someone fire back at him before, and your wit definitely has him on his toes. Soon, he’s sitting with you and still pushing your buttons; he wants to hear your opinions on all topics. Miroku is a curious man, and your habit of talking will never annoy or upset him. Inevitably, Miroku finds out about your art, and he’s hooked. Sure, its nsfw and he’s a monk, but as a holy man he can also appreciate the human body in all forms. Creation is holy, and as an artist, you create. Miroku will also offer to pose, but please, with his clothes on. He does have a “reputation to keep”. ;-) 
Make no mistake, Miroku finds you gorgeous. He’s constantly asking you to “bear his child”, and if you two end up together, your adventurous nature in bed will definitely be a pleasure to Miroku. (ha. pleasure. pun.) Miroku will also probably end up opening up to you about how worried he is about his curse, and he would definitely hope you could open up to him. Despite his faults, Miroku would want to be a shoulder to lean on. He’s an ass, but he’s pretty wise. Even if you don’t want to talk or you can��t find the words, Miroku is content to sit with you. :)
Well! That’s it! Hope you liked it! 
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carmen-sandie-go · 3 years ago
hi! im the anon from like twenty seconds ago, and i was wondering as to how yall celebrate diwali, i mean, im an indian so i know why you celebrate diwali, but i'm curious about the different puja's and everything.
im really hope this isn't offending, Happy Diwali in advance btw!<333
Hey its not offensive at all 💕 We hindus love sharing our religion and culture however we do expect people to be respectful towards our practices (cough appropriation cough)
Its basically our Christmas. It starts from navratri week, then we have dusserah then diwali prep week and then diwali ( choti and badi)
During dhanteras we also do a lot of shoppings and buy furniture or car.🛍
So basically in my house we redecorate and clean our house. We go and meet people, exchange gifts and then invite them over ours for dinner and give them a gift. (Soan papdi <3)
And during diwali week we dress us, make rangolis, decorate our house with diyas and lights, have a party, eat good food, crackers (used to before it became illegal)
A lot of people have ganesh and durga puja as well. Everyone celebrates it differently.
Feel free to add your stories ✨
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cclaudias · 7 years ago
desi adam hcs
his name’s adam because he’s an nri(non residential indian) and all nris are big white weebs, so his parents thought it would be “good for him“ if he had a white name that whites could pronounce.  
he’s bengali but he doesnt know bengali at all. the only word he knows is mach, which means fish, and its hindi word is machli so...
also, you’re literally not bengali unless you can recognize the word fish in at least 20 different languages.
adam’s watched every single khan movie from the 2000s, like every other indian kid and when his 15 yo cringy romcom loving ass watched dilwale dulhania le jayenge he cried and obviously knew every song by heart. 
adam in class, singing softly:  ~Tujhe dekha toh yeh jaana sanam || Pyaar hota hai deewana sanam || Ab yaha se kaha jaye, hum || Teri bahon mein mar jaye hum~
shiro, who has a huge crush on adam and just needs an excuse to talk to him: that sounds nice. you have a really nice voice.
adam, blushing: 
shiro, also blushing:
shiro, trying to make his pining ass less obvious: btw, what does it mean?
adam: haha it’s in punjabi. i don’t know. 
its in basic elementary hindi btw and its one of the sappiest most romantic songs ever.
when he first takes shiro and keith to india the first time its wild (its also their last time, Shiro's to terrified to go there again).
on their first day, everyone adam knew in india was there to greet them. his extended family, his relatives, his neighbors, his long lost family members. their house was so full people barely had place to move. 
it didnt help that shiro was famous. he was the face of the garrison and all the children knew him. he had children attached to his arms for days. the smallest of them all, a 1 yo named aliya, gets oddly attached to keith. the baby’s adorable, but keith doesn’t know what to do with it.
aliya: *comes and stands in front of keith*
keith: *awkwardly smiles at her*
aliya: *bursts out crying and runs away*
keith: ????
aliya: *comes up to keith and stands in front of him again*
adam: i think she wants to to carry her.
keith, scrunching his face up in confusion: but why is she crying?
adam: you smiled at her.
keith: so?
adam, not having the heart to tell keith his forced smile looks hideous: maybe try smiling at her more - naturally.
keith: what do you mean?
adam: i mean stop acting so fucking emo all the time, your act’s frightening a baby.
keith, deadpanning with narrowed eyes: what act?
he eventually gives up and picks her up. she’s quiet at first but then she slaps him. he stares at her with his eyes wide open and she giggles and slaps him again.
keith: adam, she’s hitting me!
adam: i told you to smile at her properly, stop glaring at her.
keith, whining: but she’s laughing!
keith turns back to her and glares at her. she stares back at him, her thumb in her mouth. when keith opens his mouth to speak, she pulls her thumb out of her mouth stabs her drool-covered thumb in his eyes.
keith, dropping her immediately, with tears in his eyes: THIS IS WHY I DON’T LIKE BABIES! 
adam watched keith avoid each of his cousins narrowly and decides that since this kid's his now, he'll have to face this family one day or another. 
adam: keith, will you come with me for a minute? I need to talk to you about something.
keith and his naive non-indian ass, thinking: oh thank god he's getting me out of his family mess.
adam, leading keith to a room full of indian adults ready to smooch and hug him: oh hey guys, this is shiro's little brother keith. 
every single auntie in the room, rushing to keith to pull his cheeks, smooch him and laugh: he’s so cute! omg his cheeks are so chubby!!! oof you’re so fair!! my god this boy’s so shy! 
keith's never followed adam anywhere since.
shiro: keith, they were just being nice.
keith, on the verge of crying. again.: one of them slapped my BUTT shiro!
when they’ve settled in a few days later and met every single human being in kolkata they need to, adam takes shiro out to the marketplace. he’s not going to go to the mall and sacrifice his bengali pride even for his bf, so now their just walking along a really crowded street with millions of stalls put up all around them. 
adam’s here to buy apples and chikoos but he wants to treat shiro to things he’s been longing to eat since his last visit to india. 
they first drink daab (coconut water) and then then adam drags shiro to the sweets shop.
adam: this is where you’ll get the best things you’ll ever eat. we’re eating jalebis first because the rasgullas are sweet and it’ll lessen the jalebi’s sweetness.
shiro, surprised to see his bf so excited about sweets: i thought you didnt like sweet food.
adam: these are JALEBIS, takashi!!
when shiro bit into the jalebi, he knew why his bf loved it so much. 
on their way out, shiro asks adam if they can have one of the food stuffs being sold at the stalls.
shiro: adam, we didnt to any food stall. they're literally the most populated stalls here.
adam, following his gaze to find a pani puri stall: takashi. babe. those are foods that can only be digested by indian stomachs.
shiro, completely confused, but now more curious: i wanna try some.
adam: im telling you. its a bad idea.
shiro, rolling his eyes: sure, sure. i think my stomach can handle this. 
adam: takashi. remember when we were taught about avoiding street vendors in second grade.
adam: it was made specifically for these. 
shiro finally manages to drag adam to the stall.
adam: are you sure you want this?
shiro: why are you being so dramatic about this?! Yes.
adam to the vendor: bhaiya doh plate golgappe dena. (he asked for two plates of pani puri)
adam eats only one, but they’re fucking delicious and he’s never had them before so shiro ends up eating six. he keeps trying to feed adam who just shakes his head. 
when they’re sitting in the auto rickshaw, shiro asks adam why he was so insistent on not eating those. adam just leans back and lays his head on shiro’s shoulder
adam: you’ll see.
and shiro did.
he had diarrhea for three nights.
shiro, just coming from the washroom and realizing he needs to go back in: why is it only at nights, though???!
adam, shaking his head: you’re in india, takashi.
when they’re in the airport (shiro: finally 😩), keith’s jumping around because he really needs to pee.
adam: can’t you hold it till the flight?
keith: i’ve been holding it the whole way!! i can’t!
adam, sighing: fine. the washroom’s that way.
keith comes back, more still than he should be after relieving himself, his eyes a bit wide.
shiro: what’s wrong? are you okay?
keith: the washroom...
adam, shaking his head: be grateful you’re at the airport. at least the washroom’s decent.
both shiro and keith looking at adam:
adam: what?! i told you to hold it till the flight. 
shiro: what’s wrong with the washroom?
keith: it’s... not. very sanitary. 
adam: *snorts on the water he just drank*
shiro and adam’s favorite date nights are at home (and its not because of adam’s stingy indian ass). they both make one indian and one japanese dish and adam loves this because it’s domestic and economical (he can’t help it. he’s indian. stinginess runs in his blood. its painful to use a dollor he knows may save him someday.) (he also knows there’s going to be no such day but its always good to stay safe).
on some nights when they’re feeling particularly romantic, adam will play some romantic hindi song and they’ll dance to it. now that shiro understands hindi, he’s almost spooked at how romantic these songs are.
they’re dancing to tum se hi one night and shiro has his arms wrapped around adam, whose hands are on shiro’s shoulder. adam then leans against shiro and rests his head on shiro’s shoulder, in response to which the other man presses a kiss against adam’s temple. 
moments like these work as a stark reminder for adam. its in these moments knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with shiro. waking up for work with him in the mornings and spending the weekends watching crappy romcoms and slow dancing would just be a part of his everyday routine and there’s nothing he wants more. 
when shiro pulls away, he’s a bit startled. 
adam: is everything okay?
shiro, looking ready to shit: ah yea. just um, wow, we’ve been together for so long.
 adam: *quietly raising his eyebrows at his bf*
the song ends then and adam’s surprised to hear the next song. his eyes widen as he turns to shiro. 
adam: is that...?
shiro, nodding and laughing quietly: you lied to me. it wasn’t in punjabi.
adam, who was staring and the speakers connected to shiro’s phone, now whips his head back to shiro who bends down on one knee: shiro. what are you doing?
but he already knows what shiro is doing. and his heart’s racing and he somehow has tears in his eyes as tujhe dekha toh plays in the background.
shiro, pulling out a ring with shaky hands: adam, i’ve known and loved you for eight years now-
adam: you’re seriously proposing to me with thiS SONG??!!
adam doesn’t realize that his statement made shiro panic because he’s in the midst of asking god how he managed to find a man who thought any song from dilwale dulhania le jayenge would ever possibly make a good proposal song. once his holy conversation with god is over, he turns back to shiro, smiling and takes his hand to tug him up then proceeding to kiss him hard till they’re both out of breath. 
adam: i’ll marry you but promise me to never choose a hindi song for the wedding. my cousins will be there. 
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teufelied-blog · 7 years ago
My trip to India
This was during my second year of university, it was summer and my friends and I wanted to go somewhere for 2 weeks to travel, so they chose India, I minded a bit at first since I was not fond of this country but at the same time was really reading into Paganism and the connections of the Indo-europeans, as well as the Swatsika so I agreed. My desire to go there was one based on the fascination of connections with ancient Indo-Europeans.
Now a little about India, the country ovbiously is a developing country, I mean we could not even drink the water, so we had to bring our own. Also, they dont have western style toilets and toilet paper, except in some hotels so this was a challenge. Personally, I never used one of those, as the smell was unbearable and it was really just un-sanitary.
The very north of India and some Sikh populations of it were fair skinned Indians, looking similar to Med-Europeans, dark hair and dark eyes. They had a caucasion face, a bit symmetrical, not too bad. The rest of India had a very brownish skin tone, some very undesirable facical structures but caucasion features a bit. The south of India had a very dravidian, very dark people with negro features.
Arriving at the airport, we had to pay someone to carry our luggage and get a ride to our residence. Immeditatley, outside the airport we noticed the garbage everywhere and were exposed to many homeless people. They also have this amusement ride where you sit on the back and a person with a bike transports you to your destination.
However, India also had some very modern buildings and huge malls, wasn't rubbish everywhere certainly, nevertheless the beggars and poverty was widespread everywhere. In the cities, it was more modern but still unbearable bathrooms.
Most of the street food was unsafe to eat, although my friends did, because the utensils and machinery was never washed.
The people in general are very family orientated and celebrate many festivals, and have a great sense of community. There are also many wild animals, such as dogs and cows roaming freely, we saw many cute puppies at a cemetry but were warned not to touch them due to many diseases they may carry.
3/5 of my friends were girls, and the indian men and women stared at them endlessly, the guys especially stared at them as if they were food porn. The look in their eyes was frightening and uncomfortable. They are able to communicate in broken English and are charmed by white people from Europe, as they believe us to be moral. (Even though they charge us ovbiously higher prices to scam us).
Now, finally, we arrived to what I was curious about their religious institutions. They go to a temple called a "Mander", it is filled with statues and idols of their respective Hindu gods.
The Mander's(temples of theirs) are very elegant and often made of marble and aesthetic materials, they look very beautiful.
However, there is immense poverty and homeless people who are very religious, but not allowed to seek shelter in these temples weather its cold or burning hot.( as I was informed). Inside the Mander, they have a black rock they refer to as a "shivling",basically you pour milk on it for blessings, and all this milk exits out their sewage system, milk was being wasted on a rock while people were starving outside.
My friends, went to do it, we were given bags of milk for it, but I came across a beggar who was literally shaking and staring at the milk, clearly he had not eaten in many days. I gabe the poor man my milk and my guide told me he said "God bless you". I have to wonder, was the blessing of a humble beggar more that of a esteemed stone which has no real purpose?
I had understood the mentality of the people and how it works, the religious institutions were for people with money, all the poor people, who I viewed on the level of animals were literally on the level of Trash to them. Behind their elegant religious institutions, were mass poverty and despair. There was nothing Aryan or Indo-european in this.
Most of their "Saints" were unable to answer my questions theologically and were deflecting and telling me some bullshit.
The society was very capitalist, and they viewed people with less money as trash.
Also, the caste system didnt make sense to me as these "Brahmin" looked like negros.
Most of their religious institutions were hollow, meaningless, lacking anything pure or organic. Everything was about making some money. The modern Hindu faith is debased and fit for such a degenerate people.
I was greatly dissapointed by my trip, there was nothing Aryan or Indo-european here. Just a decayed people, with morals that of animals. Most of the people cannot understand their own faith. It would be accurate to say their a insecure god fearing people, not god loving.
I wouldnt go back there, hardly anything beautiful or romantic was found. Ironically, my friends said they experienced great culture food and a new outlook on life, the irony. People dont see beyond the deception.
This is why Im also hesitant make connections with "Indo-europsans" its true, our ancestors spoke the same tongue and had the same gods, but the connection of blood is eternally severed. I will stick to norse Paganism, because Indo-European faith of Hinduism is distorted and no longer belonging to us.
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drunkjaked · 3 years ago
aww i’ll gladly respond
so colour, i have three colours that i absolutely love, first being purple. legit almost every shade but this light perwinkle sort of lilac shade is my favourit. next is blue, i like the greyish blue like storm clouds or the sky while it’s raining. finally green, recently i’ve been into more deep luscious shades of green like forests, but my all time favourite is the classic sage green, so peacefun (can a colour be peaceful? idfk)
i can’t insert pictures when i’m anon so i’ll send another ask with the screenshots of the hex codes for you
number will have to be four, i was born on the fourth of april so, yeh, pre cool
animal is hard, i can’t seem to decide between wolves, elephants and dolphins (ok but like frogs too…idk don’t ask)
food, asian food. deadass. like, i’m indian so indian food but then there’s korean food and OMG FOOD
im sorry i don’t have like concrete answers i’m just really indecisive
- 🧚‍♀️anon
APRIL 4??? that is so fun lemme put u in my calendar so i don’t forget and oh my that is a lot of diff animals to choose from
have you been to india before? my family are from zimbabwe but they moved to the uk before i was born and i was the only one in my family born in the uk until 2011 when my cousin had a baby 🥲 all of that to say i’ve only been to zimbabwe one time (2018) so ig im just curious if you’ve been to india before.. sry if that feels too personal u don’t have to tell me
i havent tried much indian food but i’ve had chapati a bunch of times (i had it w my close friend on saturday w dinner actually) i adore it (chapati is indian right? i hope im not wrong 🧎) i love japanese food & korean but i have soooo many food allergies (and anxiety) so it can be hard and annoying to make requests at restaurants and stuff bc so much EA food has the stuff im allergic to 😞
i actually had a meal with one of my friends from school a couple weeks ago and i had tteokbokki for the first time (which was big for me bc i really struggle trying new foods) but it was so so good and life changing for me
im typically really indecisive too and it makes me so irritated with myself so i recently started making lists of the things i enjoy so i always have an answer 😭
sorry this is so long i literally cannot be concise to save myself 💀
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spikedfanta · 4 years ago
organizations and people
suresh kumar
yashas shetty
5) suresh kumar farm - re-wilding - indian english garden, chakota, etc. //
experience ((the wild garden ))
today, i've been thinking about the internet and all its knowledge systems - there is much that the internet doesn't contain. it does not contain so many stories, the ability to generate respect and mindfulness for one's surroundings, to help one better be in touch with reality -- but at the same time it can connect one to others trying to do the same.
The raintree - I never knew how dividied people were about it.
those blogspot blogs - so many people had/have one. and the articles still pop up now when you look for hyper niche information - particularly during this project, when i look for information on places - flora and fauna - and general nature, food, and life related information on bangalore! a blog that someone started out of their own interest to share a part of their lives - carve out their own space on the internet. and it differs from instagram, or facebook - it really does. while super useful for sharing what youre up to - you dont really get to sit and share long form content about your life. and i wonder if that has reduced ones capacity to then read about these happenings in someone elses life. it's only now, when so much of the information i am looking for (related to experiencing places in and around bangalore - treks, markets, spaces of nature, etc. + food + flora and fauna, lakes, edible weeds + bangalore nostalgia) happens to be on blogs. an unofficial networked document of the city that is coming together with google searches. the way we gather information on the internet, so disparate yet all coming together - which is why a resource bank for the project is important.
we learn on the internet by gathering all this information from all over - sources from youtube videos to blogs to even comments (which can be very useful!) to forums and niche old websites.. and they become a psychogeography of place on the internet. we then synthesize it together to create our own understanding which we can then share, i think. and it all has such a personality...
i think this research combined with actively going out of my way to engage with people in the real world is really building a sort of image in my head. i think what i am trying to do is express that image in a project, and using all these tools from people abroad etc etc to express it in a very bioregional local way - a sort of 'back to the land' for the internet. it's astounding to see the amount of videos for things like making henna or flower garlanding or gardening -- anything you want to learn, and there is a video. it wasnt always this way wasnt it? i remember that there were so many western videos you had to shuffle through. at any rate, one part of the project is documenting my creations and what im learning in a bioregional way -- by creating a sort of alter ego and making an internet personality/blogger type.
what kind of personality can i give my alter ego? she'll be allowed to say and do a lot more than i can, i think. but she still lives in my body and experiences what i experience. she is a curious scientist of the world - she is the child forever in me. she picks up things and runs with them. she is playful and mindful.
speaking of mindful, i am back in bellandur and i havent been doing much sense mapping. i havent done much sense mapping at all. im not sure what im scared of... well, im going to hear the birds and smell the dust and feel the dust and hear the construction and taste the rose apple see the kind of boxy room i live in, in an apartment .. where all the noises echo louder and loom off further into the distance.. as well as make their way here. what is the difference from yelahanka, with the trees? covering me with their canopies? what about suresh's farm - further from the hubbubububub.
symbols.. hmm.. the home garden tulsi. a tincture or tonic water. a weed popping out of a pavement. two birds playing. construction sounds. far off construction red light. dust. colours... faded blue, grey, white, green, red. crushing. the act of it. the sound. the sound of simmering. the sound of ticking and an oven. chopping. plucking. leaves rustling. crushing in your fingers and smelling.
scent of tulsi and basil as i rub it and it makes me less anxious and less nauseous and very calm and minty. henna and its bittery herbal smell. the tonic waters.. sweet basil, a bit anise like. and lemon, no citrus just sweet lime leaf. malabar spinach and a stain like blood. royal purple blood. the sweet pannir of a rose apple,, a delicate. treat. what if i added rose petal? rose water? a gingery affair, spicy.. floating suspended in water. a bug. i like how they call it that. how long till it comes alive? lemon and fenugreek and black tea in henna - the goopy mixture, ready to go on my hair. soapy - the leaves. clay like - the powder. visually.. the leaves go sop and lose their green on so much boiling. on pounding. the malabar spinach goes POP. there are greens and a pumpkin. visually, i feel satisfied by the rainbow today. purple malabar. indigo.. uh.. i suppose the malabar satisfiesx that. green.. the tulsi, the aloe, thee lemongrass, the basil, the ajwain, the betel leaf.. the spinach greens.. the henna. wow. a lot of green. taste.. well all of it tasted nice. chewing a tulsi and betel leaf. yum. yellow.. lemon and panir. orange hmm. papaya? carrot. red.. hibiscus. a curry leaf.
well, anyway. i got a lot out of my head today. i shall have to spend some time organziing and planning tomorrow. i am a in a little bit of a 'do mode' flow. tomorrow morning, i will wake up by 7.. meditate. hear birds. sense check in. go for a walk to soul kere lake. sense map/check. come back. drink herbal tea. plan - covid test, things to buy and do today, places nearby to go (if any) - make a trip outside (wrap up by 12 hopefully)
lab work today -- hopefully 12-4 and later at night, with time for research (new media, blogs, projects related to tools, etc.) and some checkin in - sense journaling, symbolism, relfection, artistic expression. evening. we henna.
documentation of research for these recipes! going through comments, that only comment from soemwhere who has the same question as yours.. bringing that back to my regional level and answering it here.
at an experience leve.. suresh kumar. i am astounded by someone like him, and i wonder if i can ever be someone like that. i feel like such a privileged city girl around him, in awe of everything, dumb and stupid. but this is not true right? idk. he is a very cool man and i love how friendly he is which is required to work at such a community level. how can i imbibe that level of community gathering and effort? it is by dedication to your work but also a level of genuine respect for everyone around you. i wager that i dont have that respect? for myself? maybe? i dont know. no, and for others either. because there is competition - what is it he said. i gained my confidence through my work. there is no other way. holy shit. there is no other way. i must gain my confidence through my work. just do a lot of it. and be as open and genuine as i can to others. work on EneErgIes. no? somewhere, i know there is something that drives me to do things. and even if it might be 'shit'.. i think i have a vision, perhaps.
there are things to plan.. tomorrow, i will spend an hour just 'starting'. i suppose. blog posts be damned. i suppose as the idea comes, make a tumblr draft and let it sit with a quick note and memory. tomorrow is also a making day. so is saturday. saturday evening i plan the next week, and finish what i 'started'. and sunday i make teasers with whatever content i have right now. no time to build new content. just enough for swati and co to get a gist of what im about. and dont share everything. keep a few teases.
think i really want to do a clay texture map tomorrow. and also work on the animation. and childhood. and topography. Oh! spring equinox celebration meal as well. and chill climate weather bengal oo roo. and nostalgia mapping. def some mapping. animist... POV.. herbalism and energy and nature of plants. the ability to stain. to scent. to taste. my experience of the plant.. and what is the plant experience of me? to crush and chew and nibble. but my reality isnt a plants reality. i dont know if it 'hurts'. it exists differently. it exists. i exist.
i want some jasmine flowers definitely to make some jasmine hydrosol..
need to read some diance ackerman, and some animism / that camden art festival thing before i sleep. some
todays kitchen mapped out
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sirensimmer · 8 years ago
50 q's tag
thank you @smol-sims for tagging me!!
1. What’s your favorite scent? lavender !!!!
 2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
 hm probs anna kendrick we’d have some good times
 3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
 harry styles bc he’s a pure soul n i just wanna have deep chats w him n sing in the car together
 4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
 i got married last year at 18 to the loml ❤️
 5. Do you know a hoarder?
 my gma lol
 6. Can you do a split?
 LOL not anymore but i could as a kid
 7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? i learned in first grade so probably 6
 8. How many oceans have you swam in? just the atlantic
 9. How many countries have you been to? i live in the US and i went to mexico when i was 8 on a missionary trip with my gma lol! 10. Is anyone in your family in the military? my husband is active duty navy !!
 11. What would you name your daughter if you had one? marina or ember
 12. What would you name your son if you had one? dexter, or probs sebastian inspired by @complicite 
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test? shit idk i usually did pretty good in school though 
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? clifford n curious george!!!!! then once inwas a bit older hannah montana was my Mom
 15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? probably hannah montana tbh
 16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? yEe
 17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? british!!! british accents r so lovely !!!
 18. Did your mother go to college? nah :-/
 19. Are your grandparents still married? they were for 50 yrs but my gpa has passed now
 20. Have you ever taken karate lessons? nope
 21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? um yes lol
 22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to? i think its was King’s Island
 23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? sign language!!!!!!
 24. Do you spell the colour as grey or gray? i spell it like gray bc i’m american but sometimes i like to pretend i’m posh n spell thinks like grey, favourite n colour lol
 25. Is your father bald? lol idk ive never met him LOL
 26. Do you know triplets? nope
 27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? i can enjoy either of them but neither are a fav of mine
 28. Have you ever had Indian food? probably not authentic Indian, but i’d like to
 29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? i fucking love mcallisters or any mexican restaurant 
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden? ye lol
 31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)? nope i work at starbucks 
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? my mom said she would’ve named me xavier lol what the fuck
 33. If you have a nickname, what is it? morgs, that 1d girl, etc.
 34. Who’s your favorite person in the world? i SHOULD say my hubs but the truth is harry styles oops
 35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? definitely suburbs, like a small neighborhood on the outskirts of a larger city. that way i’m away from the hustle and bustle but there’s a lot of things within reach!!
36. Can you whistle? no but my gpa always whistled no matter what he was doing and i’d always try but i sucked in instead of blowing out haha
 37. Do you sleep with a nightlight? i like to sleep in darkness as black as my soul
 38. Do you eat breakfast every morning? usually get a double smoked bacon breakfast sandwich on my breaks @ work lol
 39. Do you take any pills or medication daily? i take cymbalta for my anxiety and depression, and birth control bc i aint trynna get preggos yet
 40. What medical conditions do you have? anxiety and depression, ovarian cysts, n i also get heart palpitations if im not careful when i have a panic attack
 41. How many times have you been to the hospital? just once when i found out about my ovarian cysts. i was in so muvh pain i was throwing up n my mom thought my appendix had ruptured lol
 42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? hell yeah
 43. Where do you buy your jeans? OLD NAVY AF
 44. What’s the last compliment you got? my hubs tells me every morning that im strong enough to make it through whatever the day throws at me and thats really assuring for me!!
 45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? i remember the feelings associated with my dream. such as fear, or happiness, or love…whatever the dream was actually about is usually lost on me!!
 46. What flavor tea do you enjoy? sweet tea lol
 47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? same answer as leah…shit dude too many.
 48. What religion will you raise your children to practice? probably none but my husband kind of believes in a god so we’ll see. but i’d like them to not be pressured to believe any certain way!
 49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? like 10 but my mom still saved gifts for the next morning to open!
 50. Why do you have a youtube? well i’ve watched other simmers LP’s for years but now i make vids!!! PLUG TIME…subscribe to sirensimmer on yt bye
i tag @crownsims @complicite n @xtinkersimsx
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