#i love how they all treated him like a real medic
Yandere! Slasher! Heartslabyul Headcanons
Just a quick ramble hopefully because I saw something by @lustlovehart about serial killer Floyd and Jade and I was like: Jade Leech would make a convincing Hannibal Lector. Then I was like Deuce but Jason Voorhes. Now is the product of my brain rot. Non-Twisted Wonderland setting. Reader is gender neutral unless explicitly stated. Minor characters aged up.
Tw: yandere behavior, medical professional abuse, gore, murder, cannibalism, mentions of murder being recorded, forced cannibalism, verbal abuse, ooc Dylla mentions of some other real nasty shit
Riddle Rosehearts:
Bros the perfect serial killer I mean he's got it all:
Perfectionist attitude, dedicated to his work, abusive mom. I mean the slasher film practically writes itself.
I'm going with Riddle becoming a doctor like his mother was and being known for being one of the most successful doctors in the city. People are waitlisted trying to visit this "miracle doctor".
By day Riddle is the strict perfectionist who cares deeply for his patients, by night Riddle is meticulously finding and sadistically torturing criminals and "rule breakers" before beheading them. At first, he is seen as a benevolent force for ridding the city of its criminals and scum. However, The Red Queen, as he is called, swings her axe indiscriminately and soon beloved public figures are on the chopping block.
You could meet Riddle a multitude of ways, for this I'll say you are a critically ill patient who is in and out of the hospital. Hearing about the "miracle doctor" lead to you pleading with the red head. Riddle was moved by the "innocence" in your eyes and your desperate tone of voice. You needed him. He agreed and started your treatment.
Riddle grows feelings because of your kind and forgiving nature. You don't hold his strict and commanding behavior against him, only seeing it as him doing his job. Finally, someone worthy of the help of the Red Queen.
The problem came when you came into the office battered and bruised one day. Riddle demanded to know who the perpetrator was, but you kept you lips sealed. Riddle grew angry at your defiance, how dare you defy your queen, your protector. He screams at you, causing you to cry and curl into a helpless ball. Riddle feels guilt at making you feel this way and apologizes before gently encouraging you to tell him who your abuser was.
Riddle felt his rage hit an insurmountable amount when you revealed your abuser was the personal nurse your family hired for you. How dare this insolent peasant lay a finger on your divine form? No matter, Riddle will look through your patient files to find information about this personal nurse. He finds out that this nurse lives with you as a live in nurse, Riddle takes this information in with a sadistic grin.
Time to pay them a visit
You heard a garbled croak as you exited your ensuite bathroom. What could be making such a terrible noise? Cautiously you peeped through the door and crept towards the source of the noise. It was coming from your living room. You pattered over to the living room in bare feet, when a strong odor hit you. Iron. TWACK something slides from the living room to your feet. It was a head, YOUR NURSE'S HEAD! You opened your mouth to scream when a gloved hand silenced you. You stiffened as you hear a familiar voice.
Quiet my patient, you don't want to be framed for murder, do you? They were breaking the rules so I must punish them. The rule being one must never harm the spouse of the Red Queen!
Trey Clover:
Yo can you imagine though?
Your sweet town baker feeding you treats he made with love and your ex-boyfriend's flesh and blood (don't worry you'll only taste it a little). All with loving golden eyes and a knowing smile.
After some time in the big city for college, Trey moved back to his hometown to take over his family bakery. He is immediately accepted by the community at large for his amiable and brotherly aura. In no time at all the bakery becomes popular to people outside of the town as well (particularly cannibals and other shady characters).
People come to the front for sweet treats and are led into the back to become the fresh ingredients. Trey mostly murders people that come from out of town and tourists, people the town folk won't miss. However sometimes he has to make do with the outsiders within the town. Anything to feed his clients and himself.
Let's say that you moved to this small town of Bakersfield (name of town) for a fresh start in life, leaving your toxic family and manipulative ex-boyfriend. You decided leaving the city would allow you to escape your problems (plus there were serial killers loose, you didn't want to be beheaded or killed on tape). You like the idea of being part of a small tight knit community that work as one big family. However, you were disappointed when the community greeted you with a cold shoulder. Already your thought new life was going to be a disaster until you met Trey.
Trey met you when you visited his bakery, he doesn't remember seeing your face around (he wonders what you would taste like). He turns on his customer service smile and greets you kindly. Your glum expression immediately turns into a cheery grin. That's strange he kind of likes making you smile. You order one of his special desserts, which he whips up fresh just for you and your beautiful smile (men have pretty smiles too male readers, if I have any).
You end up coming to the bakery pretty often, not only for the sweets but the charming baker who works the front counter. You're surprised that he's single because you think he's quite handsome and kind. You gotten a tiny crush for the man who serves you pastries with a smile, and gives you back your money claiming your presence is enough. Trey put you in such a good mood that you brought some of the extra sweets for your neighbors and actually started making connections with the town's folk.
Trey saw you becoming more welcome with the townspeople and that left a sour taste in his mouth. He had to bite his lip to the point of bleeding to prevent himself from scowling when you rambled about how nice everyone has been. He was the first person to be nice to you and this is how you treat him? Looks like he'll have to play dirty to get back into your good graces. He may or may not have found the number of your old abusive ex and revealed your location. He knows that its wrong, but he'll make it up to you by being your protector.
Soon enough you'll only depend on him
This man was sick. No person you met could look at you so lovingly while bashing your ex's head in with a crowbar. This psycho killed people and ate them and was forcing you to play a twisted form of house. The chain around your leg reminded you of this fact. Every. Single. Day. "Open up my love, you're losing weight far too much, I can't have you wasting away." You look the devil who called himself your husband in the eyes and glared weakly. "I won't eat anything you make!" Trey laughed callously at your scorn. "It's funny that you think you have a choice." A rough hand grasps your jaw while the other pushes its way inside. You knew better than to bite his fingers, pain was a cruel teacher. The spoon of stew lays in your mouth and the hand holding your jaws puts more pressure on it causing you to whimper.
"If you swallow, you won't have to stay in the cold and lonely basement. Won't that be nice, sweet pea, you'll get to sleep in our nice warm bed. Only if you're a good for me and swallow.
Cater Diamond (longest one by far)
Hoo boy, this dude also is prime slasher material.
We'll keep the backstory of overbearing sisters and constantly moving due to his dad's job. This wore on his psyche harshly and made him more shut off from the rest of his family. Of course, his family only started caring when his grades start to slip. He was diagnosed with depression and ADHD. The medication only helped him get better at faking being happy and carefree all the time. His life allowed for him to become a very good liar and mask emotions very well. When in high school and during his current adult life social media was his one safe place where he could feel happy. Everything was fake and that gave him comfort that others people's lives were probably as miserable as his. He perfected his camera work and putting on a cute face for his audience and became quite a successful instaounce model (haha I made it more American) and influencer. When Cater graduated (barely) he refused to go to college and instead focused on pursuing his dreams of becoming a full-time influencer.
While Cater may seem cute, sociable, and relatable online, he also is jealous, vindictive, and murderous offline. He sees other people who are pretty and popular as a threat to his online presence, and threats must be eradicated. Enter his other pastime on the internet, streaming himself torturing and killing popular people on social media for an eager and sadistic audience. He goes by the username Killer_Diamond 💎💎♦️ and has millions globally bid to see who's suggested method of torture will be expertly carried out by Cater's creepily cheerful persona.
For this we'll say you're the cute new barista at an aesthetically pleasing cafe Cater frequents for coffee pics. You greet Cater with the same positive energy he exudes. He orders a very complicated coffee, and you create the coffee right the first time. No one in all the time he's been here has gotten his order to his high standards. Why are you so special? It almost makes him frown how flawlessly you completed his order, but your genuine smile makes the sides of his fake grin wobble. How could you so openly and freely be happy?
Let's say that you were adventurous and decided to peruse the dark web for some spooky content to sate your curiosity. When you stumble into a red room by accident. What you saw horrified you a person who you recognize as some model your friend gushes about being hot was being tortured as the live chat was filled with other horrific suggestions as what else to do to her. You felt bile come into your mouth as you saw the person in a bunny mask rip the model's eye out, causing her to scream loudly. The bunny mask turns back to the camera and chirps "Ooh a new person tuned in, say hello to them." You slam your laptop shut and lay awake in bed all night.
Cater felt like he had a new pep in his step, humming to himself a popular song he made his way to the cafe. Murdering always cleared his head and helped him destress, much more affordable than therapy. He greets you with a genuine zeal to see you, poor thing with large eyebags and a shell-shocked expression. He didn't like seeing you so disturbed. He asked you what was wrong, only for you to fake a cheery expression and ask him for his order. Cater knew you didn't trust him, so he'd have to befriend you if he wanted you to speak. Perhaps even kill the person who made you so upset.
Wait kill? Why did he care what happened to the person who upset you?
Cater offers you to sit and have a coffee with him, you try to explain that you're still on shift but Cater doesn't hear it and sits down beside you. Cater knows how to keep a conversation going and knows just the right things to say to make you more trusting of his intentions. He's a bit irritated that you still won't tell him why you're upset, but no worries he'll get you to open up.
You were losing sleep over the murder you saw take place. It had been weeks ago, but you still could see that eye on the tip of that knife. Should you call the police? No, the murderer might be able to trace it back to you. What on Earth are you going to do? Your phone pings notifying you that Cater or Cay-Cay as he prefers you to call him was messaging you.
Hey babe<3
Found this cute little hole in the wall sushi place, thought it'd be good for you to come and eat some food with Cay-Cay😘💕
Well, you'd always have Cater.
On my way Cay!
Cater has never felt love before. His family meant nothing to him, and he would never reach out to a fan in distress. However, you were perfect, so sweet and friendly. He felt like he could hide his murder stream from you and just pretend to be your normal loving boyfriend. He felt a blush come to his face at the thought of you being officially his partner. You'd take so many cute couple photos! However, you were too cute for your own good, attracting boys, girls, and others by being your sweet little self. It's not fair that you're so charming that other people want you! THIS WILL NOT STAND! Cater ramps up the murders and even ignores his chat pleading for him to drag them out longer. He just needs you to see that he's your perfect match, even if he must kill the ones, you love and isolate you.
No matter what happens Cater will have a place in your heart. Even if he gets that place by killing.
You were terrified, one night of drinking away your sorrows and now you woke up to total darkness. You tried to feel you way out, but your hands were bound behind your back. Oh god you've been kidnapped! You were going to die! A blinding light turns on revealing a luxurious room with red walls. Oh, seven this was the red room you saw! The person with the rabbit mask walks to the camera which was pointed at you. "Hello again my lovely viewers today I have a very special guest, my lovely!" You shake as tears fill your eyes; you try to scream but the tape covering your mouth prevents you. "Ah, ah, dear, wait till we get home to let out those pretty screams. My audience is not allowed to hear them." Another spotlight lands on a terrified friend of yours who you remember vanished a few days ago. They looked to be in rough shape. The rabbit figure bounced on their heels and walks very close to you with his back to the camera. "Before we start, I'd like to give my co-star a quick kiss for good luck. The figure takes the mask off and you gasp at the familiar face of you friend Cater.
"I know it's not the real thing, but I'll kiss you right on the tape. Oh, don't cry darling you'll have all of Cay-Cay later tonight. For now, we have an audience to entertain!
Deuce Spade:
Bro's literally just Jason Vorhees and Bubba Sawyer I mean come on, a puppy dog like killer who listens to the dead voice of his mother and you only.
Let's say Deuce was raised alone with his mother in the woods, his mother only leaving him to go gather supplies in the town. His mother had to raise him on her own and instilled in him a fear and hatred towards outsiders. Due to his mother raising him by herself and him never attending school, he isn't very educated and had delayed speech. His mother died when he was ten making him officially go crazy and hallucinate his mom still being with him. He's a hermit who lives off the woods and kills anyone who steps foot on his property.
You were a case worker who found a case of a woman who "abandoned" her child in the woods. Weird it's been swept under the rug for twelve or so years. Well, you weren't one to heed the warning of other case workers who begged you not to go. You weren't going to let some child continue to be neglected.
Deuce was going through the motions of his routine. Waking up, dressing, putting on his mask, kill something for breakfast, cook it, and he was currently repairing the small cabin. His mother had gone silent for some time, and it was worrying Deuce. Did his mother abandon him? A loud noise shakes Deuce out of his thoughts, as a terrifying metal monster approaches the house. Mother what do I do?
You drive your car through the woods towards the address on the file. Weird there's no official road up to the house nor any signs signifying that you are going in the right direction. Suddenly an item came hurtling towards your wind shield causing you to scream in terror. Holy shit is that an axe?! You hear a figure thunder up towards you and you scream in terror. A lanky blue haired man with a hockey mask covered in blood grabs the axe from the windshield and raises it above your head. You are prepared to ram the car into his body until he freezes.
Deuce what are you doing? A familiar feminine voice reproaches in his ear. His mother didn't want him to kill the trespasser? Mother I'm getting rid of the trespasser, like you've taught me. A ghostlike pinch formed on his cheek. Why would you try and kill your spouse that I handpicked just for you? After I put all that effort in Deucy you're still so ungrateful! Deuce grunts as he puts a hand up to his masked cheek. No mother I am grateful...they're actually quite attractive. Then stop wasting time and grab them before they drive away!
You scream as a hand breaks through your window and tries to pull you out of your car. You frantically swat at the hand that pulls you out of the driver's seat and places you over his shoulder. You kick and scream as he walks back to the cabin with you in tow, it was insulting how easy he managed to pick you up (Deuce is super strong in this, so fat readers you weigh nothing to him). You didn't want to die before finding the kid. "Hey, let me go, I need to find this kid named Deuce Spade!" The hulking figure freezes.
You are now being held off the ground and, in his arms, (if you're tall your feet are dragging) looking you dead in the eye. You try to maintain calm but who the hell would maintain calm when this muscular hermit is mouth breathing directly on you. The figure takes his mask off to reveal a handsome yet scared face of a man with blue hair, that looked a little too familiar. "Mother was right, you really are made for me." You open your mouth to protest when a pair of rough lips make contact with yours. You pound his firm chest with your fist, to no avail. The man pulls back to look at you with lovesick eyes and a heavily flushed face. "I'm Deuce Spade and mother said you are mine. How wonderful it is to have someone else in the family now!" Oh, geez what have you gotten yourself into.
Ace Trappola:
I heavily dislike Ace, like he rubbed me off the wrong way when we first met him in the game. I know everyone is supposed to be a villain but for someone who's one of our best friends he likes to insult us a little too much (more than the actual ex-bully). I'll try to do my best besides the biased (there are others who I didn't like on first meeting but grew to like).
Ace Trappola and you are childhood friends to your families. To you he's been a monster hell bent on torturing you till the day you die. He'll play the sweet golden boy next door to your parents, asking politely if you're home. Your parents sacrifice you to the demon in front of you to "play". They always blame you for the scratches and bruises you have after the "play date". He always gives you the same sadistic grin when others aren't watching.
Ace is a messed-up boy who wants to make you scared of him. He thinks it's funny when you cry in pain as he tugs your hair or punches you in the face. You're so much weaker than him and that gives him a high like no other. When puberty hit however, you grew much taller and stronger than Ace and wouldn't be pushed around anymore. When he brought a knife to school to scare you, you beat him to a bloody pulp. Something changed in him when you stood over him, once docile eyes filled with rage. It was kinda hot not gonna lie.
Ace goes from the bully to a psycho who stalks you constantly. You must have hit him too hard because instead of wanting to hurt you, he's hurting others who try and be around you. You think he's disgusting every time he groans when you hit him to get him to stop following you. Ace gets taken away to a psyche ward after the Senior Prom massacre. Let's say he didn't take to kindly to you asking someone out to the prom who wasn't him and killed almost every senior in your class including your date. You were the one who knocked him out for the cops to take away. His and your parents were distraught as they never thought an angel like Ace could do something so terrible. You were just glad you'd never have to see him again.
You moved on with your life and worked your way through college getting a degree in your dream field and meeting someone nice. Unfortunately, nothing goes your way as news broke out that an escaped mental patient had fled after a transfer to the mental institution in the town you were in. Ace knew where you planned on going to college and meticulously planned a way to get there so you can be reunited.
You were having a quiet night in, house sitting for a relative who lived nearby. You had ordered some pizza and put on some horror movies. You were watching Hallow's Eve (spoof on Halloween) when the doorbell rang. Must be the pizza guy. To your horror a familiar red head was at the front door in a blue mechanic suit holding a kitchen knife and was drenched in blood. "Hiya (Y/N) hope ya didn't miss yer boyfriend too bad? Cause I missed you a lot. You promptly slamed the door in his face. You don't have time for this.
Mwah different horror tropes hope you liked it. Now that I think about it, Ruggie and Leona or Ace and Deuce would make a pretty good Billy and Stu. Love ya bye!
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pookielious · 2 months
I think alot about how ron (nixons actor) went to shane (genes actor) to get a fish bone out of his throat as if he was a actual doctor
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imomnba-x07 · 10 months
I need to talk about Ozzie repairing Fizz real quick because ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh
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Ozzie just cares about Fizz’s safety and doesn’t want anything to happen to him. And to learn that HES the one who fixes Fizz is just so akshsjsjjdjdjdjfj
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Clearly Fizz is also nervous because hello ptsd, trauma, the works, and is nervous when he sees Ozzie get out his kit
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Who knows how he was treated when he first got blown up and judging by how scared he is at first when he sees Ozzie pull out scissors he most likely has a lot of medical trauma
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And then to see Ozzie handle him with such CARE and take the time to do it in a way where Fizz experiences the least amount of discomfort
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Taking the TIME to do it properly and as gentle as he can.
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vasquez-rocks · 2 months
i know most ppl haven’t seen it yet but wanted to write something abt how annoyed some of the critical discourse abt I Saw the TV Glow is making me. MAJOR SPOILERS below the break, be warned!!
so idk i’ve seen so many reviews of the film positing that it’s about the dangers of obsessive fandom and overidentification with fictional characters, esp vis a vis real life self-actualization/coming out. (like, essentially every review has some of this in it, from what i’ve seen.) and, like: i don’t think that’s wrong, but i also think it’s massively underselling what schoenbrun is doing here. the metaphor of the show’s bleed-over is so smart because works in both directions at once.
like, in one direction: when maddy asks owen to come into the show by burying himself alive, you can read it as her asking him to abandon his real-life responsibilities, and the material facts of his real life body, in favor of a fantasy life where everything is already fixed. she’s inviting him to skip over the hard, messy work of transitioning and to sink even deeper into the analgesic obsessions he uses to numb his dysphoria. in this interpretation, it’s, like, the equivalent of overprioritizing “transition goals” instead of actually medically/legally/socially transitioning if that’s what you want, living forever in the ideal instead of taking difficult steps to change the material. (also, uh, if you don’t think she’s literally correct about the nature of reality, she is in fact asking him to kill himself. there’s that.)
BUT! it also works the other way. when maddy tells owen that the show is real, that their lives are just the buried dreams of dying girls in another life, she terrifies him by confronting him with something he’s always known about himself: he was supposed to be a girl. what she proposes is radical, dangerous, seemingly unhinged, and based on a childish fixation: all the things scared closeted trans people worry transition is, basically. on a more figurative level, too, the feeling she’s telling owen is real – that his real life is just a dream within a dream, that his home is not his home, that he belongs somewhere else, that he is supposed to be SOMEONE else – is something so, so, so many closeted trans people have felt before, myself so much included. when he sobs in the shower, yelling “this isn’t my home!” at his dad, i felt a sense of identification stronger than i’ve almost ever gotten from art before. when maddy finally calls him isabel, it’s the gentlest thing i can imagine.
in this read – which i do love, while thinking the other one is simultaneously true – it’s less “come sink deeper into delusion with me instead of dealing with your own life” and more “it’s going to be terrifying, but that childish dream of being a girl you once held wasn’t childish, and it can be real if you’re courageous enough.” he says he runs away from the football field because he thinks maddy’s not mentally well; it takes very little analysis of subtext to figure out he’s running away because he’s afraid of how much he wants what she’s offering. and, of course, the idea of the visible world being an illusion laid atop the world in which one is one’s truest self is a classic trope of trans cinema going all the way back to the matrix. (also: while i’m pretty death-of-the-author-pilled in most media analysis, it kinda seems like schoenbrun themself has interpreted the film in this way, as they’ve spoken at length in interviews about how, to them, transition felt like asking to be buried alive.)
all of which is to say: i think the film IS commenting on fandom, obsession, overidentification, and the ease with which queer people can sink into art as a way to dissociate from real life. but i think it makes the film so much more cynical and so much less tender to treat it as the ONLY read of the film’s relationship with the pink opaque. art, especially the sort of slow, metaphor-laden art schoenbrun makes, is best when it is complex and productively contradictory. the pink opaque is a problem, and an escape, and a fantasy, and it’s real, and one day isabel is going to wake up.
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infin1ty-garden · 3 months
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⋆。°✩ summary: where you fake amnesia to get out of a fight with your enemy and he lies and tells you'd been dating for a year ⋆。°✩ character(s): draco malfoy, theodore nott, mattheo riddle, enzo berkshire and blaise zabini ⋆。°✩ warnings: meantion of injury ⋆。°✩ word count: 644 ⋆。°✩ author note: this is my first time writing for the harry potter fandom. so, sorry if the characters are ooc
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⋆。°✩ Draco found out through a friend you'd gotten amnesia, he immediately went to find you. Stating he was so worried you'd gotting injured by a gryffindor no less.
⋆。°✩ When you expressed confusion over who he was, the lie slipped out. "Your boyfriend."
⋆。°✩ You dismissed his suggestion of visiting the hospital wing. He decided to patch you up himself.
⋆。°✩ This act went on for a while. He didn't know why. He wasn't in love with you. Was he?
⋆。°✩ He told you he lied about being your boyfriend and understood if you never wanted to speak to him. You made an admission of your own. How you don't have amnesia and remember everything.
⋆。°✩ "The love I have for you is real."
⋆。°✩ The hole time you talking about how you don't remember him, he was just smirking at you. That's when he proclaimed you were dating him.
⋆。°✩ Since forever he'd been in love with you but you'd always treated him like a enemy. When the opportunity presented itself, he wasn't gonna waste it.
⋆。°✩ He didn't make a big show of dating you. Wanting to make the gestures more intimate and personal but also easier for him when it blows up in his face.
⋆。°✩ When you finally told him you'd lied about the amnesia, he didn't speak to you for a while. You thought that was it but he'd cornered you asking if everything you'd said was a lie as well.
⋆。°✩ He'd falled deeper in love then he ever has and the thought of you not reciprocating those feelings crushes him.
⋆。°✩ Mattheo didn't believe you as soon as the words left your mouth. He decided to fuck around to see how far you'll take it
⋆。°✩ Saying how you'd been together for the better part of the year and "How could you not remember me?" bullshit
⋆。°✩ You both went along with it. At the same time, Mattheo stopped flirting and sleeping around. What a weird turn of events? Why would he do that?
⋆。°✩ You played along for a time but decided to tell him the truth. "I know. You're not as good at lying as you think."
⋆。°✩ As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt horrible. Why did he feel so bad? He was supposed to hate you.
⋆。°✩ Still he never corrected himself and proceeded to take you on many many dates
⋆。°✩ Pretending to be your boyfriend was a lot more enjoyable than he thought it would be. Was he falling in love with you? No way!
⋆。°✩ Enzo knew he was lying to himself but it was better than admitting what he already knew
⋆。°✩ You went on all kinds of dates. His friends noticed the change as he was a lot more happy and made fun of him for it.
⋆。°✩ One of your friends accidentally mentioned you had lied to him. At first he was furious but he'd lied to you as well.
⋆。°✩ Blaise is not some one who makes fun of medical conditions but...
⋆。°✩ He introduced himself as your boyfriend and for the last few months his feelings of hate had turned into love
⋆。°✩ He was going show you how good of a boyfriend can he be and maybe just maybe you'll fall for him as he had for you
⋆。°✩ It doesn't take him long to realise that you'd lied but he goes along with it. Ignoring obvious signs of you actually retaining your memory.
⋆。°✩ He was his happiest when hanging out with you and he knew his feelings were real. He hoped you'd realise yours were too.
⋆。°✩ Unable to lie to him anymore you told him the truth. How you lied and love him. His answer? Kissing you.
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Thanks for reading!
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
The way things were before (Platonic Yandere Muzan x reader)
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This was inspired by the last episode of the latest season where we get some Muzan lore. This is kinda my first time writing real angst so tell me what you think. Keep in mind this is based on the anime and I haven't actually read the manga.
Check out my other works here: Masterlist.
Ever since Muzan was young, one emotion he always felt was anger. It stuck to him like a tumor, destroying him from the inside out.
He felt anger for his illness that prevented him from having a real life. He felt anger for having to be tested on by doctors nearly daily. He felt anger that people looked down upon him as he grew weaker and weaker. But more importantly, he felt anger that nothing changed. He never got better, he never got stronger, no matter how much time went by.
As he aged, and his illness got worse, Muzan accepted the fact that his anger, his hatred for everyone would never leave him.
That was, until he found you. His beautiful, wonderful child, the only thing that could quell the rage inside of him.
You weren't his biologically, no, but that didn't matter to him. Before he was too sick to leave his bed, Muzan found you orphaned living on the streets and took you in. Ever since, you've been repaying him by taking care of him.
"Father, it is time to take you medicine." There you were, right on time. Muzan refused to take his medicine from anyone else, even his most notable doctors.
He was too weak to sit up, simply moving his head to acknowledge you, watching as you sat down in front of him. Muzan didn't complain as you moved his head so the medicine could travel done his throat more smoothly.
Once done, you lay his head back down, putting the small bowl down next to you, blessing him with a kind smile. "How are you feeling today father?" You question.
"I'm doing fine now that you are here, my child." You giggle, the smile reaching your eyes. A small smile graces Muzan's face at your happy demeanor. Even if it is only for a second, Muzan is happy.
"Oh, I almost forgot." You gasp, "The doctor has new medicine for you, he wanted to give it to you himself."
Muzan let out a childlike groan, rolling over to face the balcony. It was beautiful outside, but Muzan couldn't help but feel annoyed. The sun was too bright, the wide was too strong, the birds were too loud. Even the thought of having to interact with his doctor for a second caused his blood to boil.
You roll your eyes at him, "Father, you have to take your medicine, the doctor knows better than me." He does move to face you, but you could tell he was annoyed.
"The doctors are incompetent." He moves back on his back; his brows cross in frustration. "They have been treating me for years, but here I remain, trapped in by bed." He laments.
You frown at his words, looking away from your father with sorrow. You remember a time when he was still healthy enough to spend time with you, your favorite days being when he would grow flowers with you, teaching you about their meanings and medical uses. But now, just standing was enough to strip him of all his strength.
You've been forced to watch as your father grows more resentful for the people around him, hating his doctors, maids, even gardeners for simply existing, being able to live the life he most desperately wanted. On days where his illness is at his worse, he mumbles about wanting to destroy them all, something you assumed was delirium caused by the medicine.
Even though your father has changed, you still love him, and you can't help but see him as the carefree, happy man he was when you were younger, even now. It's why you so desperately want him to get better, so that maybe you could go back to the way things once were.
"Father, I promise they just want to help." You try and talk some sense into him, though his resolve doesn't budge. You sigh, "it would make me really happy if you let the doctors give you the medicine." You put emphasis on the word really, in hopes it would motivate him. To your luck it did, Muzan moving to face you, sighing at your pleading face.
"Fine." Was all he said, feeling warmth bubble up in him as you smiled. You leaned down and hugged him the best you could.
"Thank you, father." Muzan smiles, happy once more.
You haven't visited you father in days, him forbidding you from entering his room a few days after he took the new medicine. You didn't mind though, it probably had some bad side effects, so you left him alone. Though, you couldn't help but question whenever he ordered for a worker to enter his room, especially when you swore, they never left.
Today was the final straw, you had to see your father. Workers had been disappearing left and right, and you knew your father was not going to be happy about it if you kept it from him.
As you get closer and closer to your father's room, a stench more disgusting than anything you've smelt before entered your nose and caused you to gag. You would've thrown up than and their if you didn't cover your mouth quickly.
The smell only got worse as you slowly crept towards the door, it nearly becoming unbearable. You swallowed down you fear as you knocked at the door. You could hear the faint sounds of crunching, like someone was chewing on something tough which made heartbeat against your ribs.
"F-father, are you in there." The chewing stopped and your heart sank. Your hands shook as you heard someone move towards the door. Slowly, the door opened, revealing your father covered in blood. He smiled down at you creepily, a stark contrast between the horror that covered your face.
Muzan moves to cup your cheek in his hand, blood smearing on your face. He could hear your fearful breathing coming from your nose as you inhale and exhale in rapid succession. He rubs your cheek, trying to calm you down as you look into his room, seeing the mangled-up bodies behind him. Your breathing became even more erratic at the sight, Muzan simply sighing with a frown.
"(Y/N), you don't understand-"
"You killed them, father." You whisper, backing away from him.
"I am much stronger now; I can protect you." You shake your head, tears streaming down your face. What was he talking about?
"You killed them." Your repeat you back hitting the wall. Muzan was directly in front of you, looking down intimidatingly. For the first time in your life, your father scared you.
"I had to, my child." He answers, his voice calm, but you could sense his annoyance. "It's the only way I can remain strong."
You don't say anything as he moves closer, hugging you into his chest as your world went dark.
It's been years since that day.
Your now older, more aware of the situation you're in. You father was now a demon, forced to consume humans in order to live. You realized quickly it was from the medicine the doctor gave him, and you curse him everyday for doing so.
He took your home from you, forcing you and your father out of your village. He took your life from you, forcing you to remain hidden with you father. Most importantly, he took your father from you, him now a husk of the man he once was.
Along with the myriad of strange side effects, your father couldn't go out in the day, the sun causing him immense pain, one of the only few things that could hurt him.
You learned to treasure the mornings, them being the few hours away from your father. While he was busy learning all he could about his aliment, you were trying to maintain the image of a normal human being. Working, socializing, anything you could do to forget about the atrocities your father committed when the sun set.
You wish things would go back to the way they were before.
"-N)? (Y/N)?" Oh, you were in the hospital, getting blood work done. You look over at the doctor in front of you, him attempting to get you attention.
You've been feeling terrible for the past few days, constant headaches, hot flashes, soreness. You could barely move without pain. You got blood work done, now waiting for the results with anticipation.
"I just wanted to ask you a question before giving you the news." His voice is solemn, not giving you a good feeling. "Does your family have any history of illness?"
You want to answer yes, but that would we wrong. You're not Muzan's child, so you shouldn't have inherited his illness. "No, my father was plagued with illness years ago, but he's...better now and I'm not his child biologically."
The doctor nodded, looking away dejectedly. When his eyes finally met yours, they were serious, "You've developed a rare blood disease." You heart sinks, but the doctor continues, "I suspect about a month or so is what you have left."
You could feel tears in your eyes, but surprisingly you didn't feel all that sad. Ever since you were young, you've accepted the fact that you would die, it's something you've learned from your times on the streets. The doctor continues talking, but you don't hear a word, to busy wondering how you're going to tell Muzan.
"Father, I'm home." No response, but you know he heard you.
On your way home, you accepted that you weren't going to tell Muzan. You knew if you would, he would try to turn you, and you couldn't accept that fate. To you, even death was a better fate than becoming a demon.
You slowly make you way up to your father's study, knocking on the door before entering. Like most days, your father is hunched over his desk, books and papers strewn about.
He doesn't acknowledge you when you enter, even when you move to stand beside him. You take a look at the scientific papers, not understanding a single thing about any of them. The only recognizable thing was the blue spider lily that for some reason was crucial to father.
"How was your appointment?" He doesn't look at you, flipping through pages of a book.
You sigh, shaking your head, "It was fine. Apparently, I was overreacting." You let out an awkward laugh. Muzan nods, before moving his attention back to his book.
It's like he was consumed by this flower, it was the only thing he cared about. You missed you father, even though it's been years since he's felt like one. In a way, you feel like death would be more welcoming than the life you have now, one that is consumed by fear for the man your supposed to feel safe around.
You left without telling you father, silently hoping you wouldn't see him in the morning.
Your hopes were not answered.
It's been week, but death does not come, all that greeted you was endless pain.
Your father found out when you collapsed one morning, and while he was mad you lied to him, he was livid when you refused to be turned into a demon. He's never yelled at you before, it surprised you when he screamed and threatened you, but you didn't change your mind.
In the end, your father was forced to watch you slowly succumb to your illness. You attempted to brighten his mood by framing the situation as repaying you. You took care of him, now he is doing the same. The only difference being you won't make it out in the end.
"Father, do you remember when I was little," You murmur to him; you voice raw and quiet. Your room was dark, blocking out any light so you could barely see your father looking at you. "You used to grow flowers with me." Your giggle sounds almost painful, but the smile on your face was one Muzan had nearly forgotten. "I'd get so sad when mine would die."
He doesn't speak, he can't, "Then you'd tell me not to cry, because death is normal for all living beings." Your voice is getting quieter as you speak, but he doesn't acknowledge it. "You were trying to comfort me about your death, I didn't know that at the time."
Muzan wants you to stop talking, he hates the pain in your voice. "I wish we could go back to the way things were before." You said, before finally going quiet. Muzan hears your breathing stop before letting out a sob.
It's been over a thousand years since your death and ever since then, Muzan has been filled with anger.
Anger for this imperfect world that took you away from. Anger at you for refusing the life he could've given you. Anger at himself for making your last few moments miserable.
He doesn't know who to blame for his misfortune, but he knows that if he lets anger consume him, he'll find someone to blame.
Muzan chooses to remember you when you were younger and at your happiest. When he's alone, his mind often wanders to these moments, when you were just a child, so small he was afraid anything would hurt you. He never let you out of his sight, wanting to protect you from the world.
Though in the end, he still lost you.
Since the day you died, Muzan was filled with rage. And he will continue to be until the day he sees you again.
He just wishes things would go back to the way they were before.
A/n: I don't even know if this counts as Yandere but whatever.
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forcemeanakin · 9 months
Make you feel better.
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•WARNINGS: SMUT.  Vaginal sex (female top), unprotected sex, blowjob, handjob, degradation kink, spanking, dirty talk. Explicit mentions of injuries.
Pairing: TCW!Anakin Skywalker x female reader.
Summary: You are a nurse in the 501st squad and General Skywalker needs some assistance. Only you could help him feel better.
Word count: 4.8K. This started as a blurb, but I’m incapable of shutting up. I haven’t stood up from my chair since 10am, so enjoy.
A/N: I’m so so so so in love with this man, it’s sickening. Scenario inspired by Ahsoka ep.5!. NOT PROOFREAD!!, english is my second language, so please be gentle. If there are any mistakes, pls let me know in private so I can correct them, thanks :) Also I have a serious issue between differentiating “in” and “on” situations, so bare with me lmao
Also first one shot since like forever????
As a war nurse, you are used to treating the nastiest of wounds, the bloodiest of cuts, the vilest of injuries. 
You have chosen your profession out of love and vocation. As cliche as it might be, the true desire of your heart was to help people feel better: The plan was to specialize as a pediatric nurse, even becoming a doctor one day. Working at a hospital, maybe have a private practice with that medic husband of yours you often dreamed about. 
All of that was erased the moment war erupted. 
Fresh out of nursing school, every single one of your classmates, including yourself, were drafted to report to duty as nurses on the frontlines. The assignment of troops was random, but as if fate had decided, you were put at the service of the 501st. Little did you know, the job was harder than you had ever imagined it would be; and the constant bombing and deceased people you had to observe had nothing to do with it.
It was the general of the squad that made your job more complicated than it had to be.
General Skywalker. 
Well, it wasn’t exactly him, but the persistent crush you had on him. 
Needless to say, it was extremely unprofessional to be daydreaming of the person who was technically your boss. Even more unethical to be full-on fantasizing about his dick size when you were supposed to be suturing injured clones. But dammit, was it hard. So hard to be so close to his pulling presence and yet so far from achieving anything real with the man. Not that you had tried. Public rejection would be even more embarrassing than crushing on him. 
Anakin Skywalker hardly recognized your existence. Between his duty as leader on the field, his responsibilities as Jedi off-hours and the reduced sleep time he could squeeze in between battles, he didn’t have time to remember the name of one of the nurses of his legion. Especially when he never went to the tents himself; the god of a man was indestructible. 
Fuck, was he hot.
Just watching him scream: “Forward!” every day, as he ran directly to conflict with bravery was enough to have you dripping. His whole General image was your own personal definition of lust; his armor, the tone in which he would deliver orders, the frown he would wear until he had defeated each and every single one of his enemies. The smile he would flash whenever they won over a battle. Luckily, it was often.
But you had this idea that, out all of the medical staff, you were his least favorite. Maybe it had something to do with how social you were: always distracting his soldiers with jokes as you cleaned their cuts so they wouldn’t think of the sting. Or maybe it had something to do with how emotional you could get during your shifts: always fighting with your colleagues so they would treat the troopers as people, not numbers. Even if he had created a culture of trust among his peers, you weren’t sure if he appreciated that you caused so much trouble within the medical wing. 
You had endured a year of stolen glances, salivating at the sight of him from afar and lonely nights with just your hand. Cheeks would blush so fast whenever he would catch you checking him out, and maybe you were drunk on the smell of medical alcohol, but you swore that you caught him checking you out too once.
But that was long forgotten the next day, when he came back to being his same old cold persona. You forgave that aspect of him: the atrocities he had committed in the name of the Republic weighed heavy on his shoulders, slouching his proud figure whenever he had to face the reality of his situation. 
The same you had to face everyday.
“Who’s available?!” Yelling was the official way of communicating over here. You were finishing up a bandage on a trooper that had lost his left leg, meaning that you had to answer the call of duty.
The Ryloth takeover was more hectic than the squad had ever anticipated. Soldiers falling left and right, some didn’t even make it to the medical bay, just straight to the pseudo-morgue that was built to then give them a final resting place. 
“I’m almost ready to take the next one!” You screamed over the noise from the ships flying over.
“Ms. Dana.” Someone called you by your last name from outside the medical tent. “General Skywalker’s tent in 5.”
That made you drop the jar of gauze.
No one has ever been there, you thought. 
Outside of his skippy padawan and uptight master, Anakin’s tent had always been off limits to the public. His sacred place to unwind in peace. The ways he must unwind after a long day of battle…
“Ms. Dana!” That woke you up from a very explicit image of Anakin jerking off the stress away. 
“C-coming!” You choked. Grabbing your personal kit, you ran to the destination that had your clit throbbing with anticipation. 
You would see the sheets he slept on, the place where he storaged all of his robes, the shower that saw him naked every day. Jealousy of an inanimate object took over you as quickly as it left, making you feel stupid for getting angry at a room.
You almost didn’t notice that the battle was over, the only remnants of it were the people being moved in gurneys, the clouds of dust and the beaten up ships. Your outfit was probably not the best to endure the hardness of the Ryloth landscape: a tight, white buttoned up dress with a stupid little hat on top of your head. You hated the son of a bitch, it was ridiculous as fuck, but necessary for recognition among all of the personnel working in camps.
Anakin will think it’s stupid too. 
He will think you are stupid. 
The self-degradation stopped once you reached the entrance of his tent. Gulping exaggeratedly, you were unsure if to knock, announce yourself or wait until he was annoyed enough to come out and see you standing there like an idiot. 
“Come in.” It was his voice who cruelly cut the silence, growling. 
With shaking legs, the green fabric that formed his personal chamber was removed from your eyesight and you were hit by the delicious smell of him. So manly, so musty. It smelled like his cologne all over and you wished you bottle that up to spray it on your own sheets. 
It was less rewarding to see him sitting on the edge of his bed with an exasperated stare, analyzing your figure with obnoxiousness. You even cut short your eye-fucking tour of his body when you met his tired eyes.  Have you taken too long to get here?
“So they sent you.” He sighed, deviating his gaze. The evident disgust at your presence made you slouch timidly. You were a good nurse. The best one in the camp, if you dare to say. “I told Rex I’m fine. I don’t need assistance, it’s just a bruise.” His tone was harder than his words, surprisingly. 
“Well, now that I’m here, might as well take a look at that, huh?” Fighting through the devastating embarrassment, you proceeded to walk over his bed to place your kit. Biting your lip, you feared to ask the next question. “Shall we get started?”
He was one step away from rolling his eyes. “Fine. Just do it quickly.”
“Got it, sir.” Weird. There was no chilly breeze, however, Anakin had just flinched. “Care to show me where the bruise is?” 
He hesitated for a bit, closing his eyes with frustration. You were about to ask again when he exhaled with annoyance. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“I would like to confirm that. Please, sir, the faster we do this, the faster I’m on my merry way.” You hated that he was desperate to kick you out, but apparently your compelling argument helped to accelerate the process. 
After seeing that he still felt fuzzy about checking the bruise, you decided to start somewhere else. “Let me get started with this cut over here. Looks pretty nasty.” 
You doubted if to take a seat, scared that it would be too close to him, but you needed the space to maneuver. Giving up to your internal fight, you sat down next to him and began by cleaning up the wound that escaped the fabric of his burgundy robe. 
“That’s nothing.” He mumbled under his breath, still not looking at you. 
Ignoring his attempt to diminish your work, you decided to also ignore your basic instinct to start a conversation to ease up the process. The internal alarms of survival were yelling at you not too. However, there was a moment where the alarms shut down, basically because every part of your brain shut down simultaneously and it was when you had to grip his bicep to make it stand still. Your fingers dug into the hard muscle, feeling how every little bit flexed under your fingertips, proving first-hand just how strong he was. 
“Done. Now I’m gonna clean the ones in your face.” You poured some alcohol into another cotton ball and turned to face him. 
Being face to face with Anakin Skywalker had been the most intimidating experience of your life and that hot as hell scar and mean frown didn’t make it easier. In fact, it had you clenching around nothing. You cleared your throat before slowly reaching out for his chin, pulling him to give you a better look of his dirty and exhausted aspect. 
He gasped the second the puffy ball made contact with a cut on his left cheekbone. You took that opportunity to bring him some comfort, despite your irregular breathing and overall tenseness. Rubbing your thumb along his jaw, you saw his pain decreased until the sting was gone. You moved to another cut on his forehead, repeating the process until you had treated most of them gone. When you swapped your current cotton ball with a new one so caught him looking down on your body. 
It’s this stupid uniform.
He sensed your eyes on him and quickly deviated them to focus on your irises. You gulped before continuing your beeline around his face, this time close to the scar you often fantasize about in bed.
“That one 's old. No need to worry about it.” He joked.
He joked.
Unable to form a coherent comeback, you limited yourself to give him a nasal laugh, demonstarting that you got it. 
“Thought you wouldn't be this silent. You’re more chatty with the clones.” He said, slightly tilting his head.
“I didn’t know you wanted me to talk.” You replied, this time with a little smile as a peace offering.
“What did you think I wanted?” He frowned, interrupting your cleaning.
“I thought you wanted me out as quickly as possible.” You stopped momentarily to accommodate his face once more into a position you could work with.
He let out a dry laugh. “It’s nothing personal. I just want to come back to work.” 
“You just came back from battle and want to keep working? Do you ever stop?” You joked back, feeling how the atmosphere inside the tent had changed. Feeling more comfortable, you switched your body a little, now your chests were aligned, just inches apart. 
“Hardly.” He clicked his tongue, gaze slightly dropping to give a quick sweep of your lips. 
“Well, you should rest. Relax. That’s an important part of recovery.” You advised him, finishing up the last cut. You took a cloth of your kit and used it to clean some of the dry blood and dirt off him. 
“Can’t stay still.” He shook his head.
“There are other ways to relax.” You shrugged your shoulders, taking that little pause to admire his beautiful demeanor. Those blue eyes could spell you into saying yes to basically anything. 
“Like?” He pushed, licking his lips as his intense gaze focused on making you feel smaller and smaller.
“Like…” You dirty minded bitch, think about something other than sex! 
Almost like he could hear your inner dialogue, he chuckled. 
“Like taking a walk or reading a book.” You finally came up with a pg-13 alternative to relaxing. 
“Could be.” He snickered. After his beautiful giggle dialed down, you felt the tension switching. Thicker. More intense. “More of a physical guy myself.”
Feeling the pull to his plump lips, you rushed to get out of the trouble zone. “Ready for me to see this world-famous bruise?” 
Your brain short circuited when he snapped his shoulder armor in one swift move and threw it on the floor. The next thing had you mentally panting and physically in shock: Anakin was removing his robes to expose his naked and bruised torso. The skin of his middle part would dip perfectly into breathtaking abs, not to mention the flexing of his arms became more evident to you without the stupid robe in your way. 
The reddened-purplish spot expanded all the way from the right side of his lower abdomen, all the way down the waistband of his pants. The silent gawking didn’t go unnoticed by him, a little smirk coming to greet your widened eyes. That woke you up enough to get moving.
“H-how-“ You took a moment to regain some composure. “How did this happen?”
“A droideka fell on me.” He muttered shortly, almost as if the portion of information brought shame to him.
“Alright, I’m gonna need to palpate the area to know if there’s any further damage.” You announced with more nerves than a medical professional should speak to their patients.
Because he was now standing up, sitting down didn’t give you the best height to disinfect some of the minor cuts that tainted his perfect tanned skin. 
“Sir, I’m going to need you to lay down for me, please.” Formalities came back as soon as you felt threatened by his overpowering presence again. 
“No.” He spat, furrowing his eyebrows. “I’d prefer to stand, if it’s possible. Please.”
“Sure.” After all, it was your job to make the process easier for him. On the other hand, that meant having to kneel in front of him. That caught him off guard and almost backed down when you reached out to feel the tampered skin. “Please tell me where it hurts.”
Your little fingers began to poke around the wounded area, massaging the zones where you knew a more serious injury could present itself. It didn’t go under your radar the way he would have goosebumps whenever you looked up to him or groped him more firmly. Repeating over and over: “How does it feel here?” you made your way all over the part of the bruise that was visible to the eye. 
“Good. It seems like no internal organs have been compromised.” You announced with a little smile. Now the part you dreaded -and kind of expected- was next. “Uhm, I’m going to need to check the rest of the bruise to make sure you didn’t break your hip, sir.”
“Anakin.” He spat.
“Pardon?” You blinked rapidly.
“Call me Anakin. It makes this… easier.” He cleared his throat.
“Okay, Anakin.” You nodded. How you said the next thing so calmly was still a mystery to you. “So, I know this part may be uncomfortable, but I’ll need to remove your pants out of the way. Probably your underwear as well, if I need to take a better look. Don’t worry, I’ve seen enough male anatomy for this to be routinary for me-”
In the middle of your speech, as you dropped your gaze to prepare yourself for dipping your fingers under his pants, something snapped your attention. 
The gigantic bulge right in front of your eye line.
How you had missed such a tent while you palpated his abdomen was another mystery to you. 
“Uhm- I-” You choked, unwilling to look up. “I-”
Anakin made no effort to try and hide his wood. But what was the point? It was already there. You had already noticed it. 
Mumbling, you decided to continue being professional. It was a normal response after all. “I’ll go ahead and lower your pants, sir- Anakin, sorry.” You corrected yourself, but it was too late.
You had already seen the reason why he made you call him Anakin: his dick twitched the second you said “sir”. Now that was interesting. 
Your hand pulled down the brown pants, lowering his black underwear at the same time, only revealing his right hip, leaving the bulge quietly covered. Anakin’s chest rose uncontrollably, flinching every now and then when your hand would get too close to his boner, or when your warm breath would fan his exposed hip. When you finally dared to meet his gaze, to let him know you were almost through with the exam, you were pleased with the view above you. 
Rose pink cheeks, bottom lip trapped in between his teeth, darkened gaze fixed on your cleavage. It was the equivalent of liquid courage in human form. 
“Does this hurt?” You felt up another portion, this time closer to his groin. When he murmured a weak “no”, you inched even closer. “And here?” Same response. 
When you got to a point where your pinky grazed the bulge and he gasped, you knew this was the point of no return. 
“And does this hurt?” You asked, slowly palming the thick shaft that was threatening to rupture his pants at any given second. 
Swallowing harshly, Anakin refused to speak up a word. Instead, he let you carry on with your devilious plan. 
“And this? Does it hurt, sir?” You wrapped your hand around the still clothed member, rubbing faster and harder. 
He limited himself to closing his eyes, moaning on the low as your hand gripped his swell cock with more pressure and more confidence. Your ego was so high up in the sky that you had the impulse to rub your lips against the fabric already stained with pre-cum. 
“Sir, can I finish up the exam?” Your wide doe eyes were quite the contrary of your filthy intentions. 
Once he nodded with hooded eyes, you fished his veiny cock from out of the confinements of his underwear and tugged it out for you to admire all of its glory. It sprung free, the tip pointing directly at you, like it knew. Involuntarily, your mouth opened in admiration to such a big and thick frame. Anakin’s sly smirk made another surprise appearance at your gawking.
You were acquainted with male genitalia. But not like this. Never like this. 
So huge. So intimidating. So mouth-watering. 
“It’s almost like you have never seen one. Not as huge as this one, right?” You shook your head, biting your lip as you took in the whole image. You needed a minute to wrap around the idea that he was carrying this weapon everywhere he went.
Your hands -yes, plural, because you needed both to handle such beast- pumped fast to grant him the deliberation he so desperately craved. Yanking his thick shaft in between your palms had you pooling all over your white panties, like a goddamn slut. His hips were thrusting at the rhythm you had set, fucking your fist like he pleased. Feeling how he tensed his abdomen, the climax was closed.
Taking a last leap of fate, you stopped the jerking off momentarily and clutched the fabric of his pants down with both hands, revealing his whole lower part to your delight. His thighs, oh, his muscular thighs always did unholy things to you and to have them right there for you to grip was making you rub your own thighs together. Foreseeing what was to come, you let your hair down, losing the stupid hat.  
Digging your nails on the hardness of his leg, you licked the tip of his shaft, testing the water. The little drop of pre-cum you managed to catch was salty and warm, so deliciously milky. Moaning, you opened your mouth to lazily envelop his tip, rubbing it without interest, just softly teasing him.
“Look at you. Who would say that you would be so unprofessional, sucking your commanding general’s cock? Huh?” Anakin mocked you from his proud stand. “Miss little giggling nurse turned out to be a filthy cockslut. Salivating at the sight of my dick.”
You moaned, still pampering the reddened head of his cock.
“I could.” He chuckled, his thumb coming to caress your jaw just like you did to him earlier. “You think I haven’t noticed the way you stare when I walk by the medical tent? How you practically undress me with your eyes? Such a desperate slut. Begging to be fuck just right. Acting like you're not thinking about hopping on this dick while working.”
After giving a last open mouthed kiss on the sensitive tip, you opened your mouth and presented your pink tongue to him, for which he rewarded you with a smiling expression. 
“You offer yourself to make me feel better?” He cocked an arrogant brow.
Nodding, you let out a small, high pitched whimper to hurry him up. 
“Hope you know what you’re doing, baby.”
 And with that, he grabbed a handful of your locks with his gloved limb and the other one he used to tug your chin further down, making room for the rest of his cock. In the blink of an eye, he was fucking your throat raw, having no mercy for you or the tears that spilled from our eyes when he would especially far down. He emphasized repeatedly how he had to train you to take all of him in, that you were not properly ready to take someone as big as him. He even said it with pity, making fun that you hadn’t been fucking with real men. 
But he was here now. And he was going to take care of you. 
Even if you lack the ability to relax your throat enough for you to take the whole 9 inch monstrosity that was violating your breathing canal, he was appreciative of the way you gagged around him and the noises you made whenever the tip would hit a wall. He even praised the movements of your tongue on his underside, rewarding you with a little slap on your cheek. Anakin laughed when he heard your horny moan at the harsh action. 
Suddenly, Anakin stopped bobbing your head up and down his length, causing the mess of saliva that was covering both you and him to dissolve into a mesly string connecting you two.
“Let me see how well your other hole makes me feel, baby. Up.” As your legs made an effort to stand without shaking, Anakin returned to his previous seating position, this time manspreading to let his cock breathe in all of its glory. Patting his lap, he called you in like a dog. “Here.”
Dying of shame at the wetness that dripped from your inner thighs, you spread yourself until both your knees were at each side of his hips. Anakin glanced at the leaking juices and fucking grinned the brightest smile. 
“So wet just for sucking dick.” His index and middle finger retrieved some of the spill, playing with your sensitive nub on their way. He tasted the juices himself, licking his fingers clean. He hummed in approval, ripping your panties apart to have more access and drink up more of your arousal. “Pretty little pussy. Do you think it’ll fit?” He asked you with a narcissistic loop side smile, as he sucked some more off his fingers. 
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly, shaking at the ministrations of his hands around your ass.
“It will.” He reassured you, pulling your skirt up and entangling it just above your hips. “You’ll make it fit.” He put his hands behind his back, on the bed, yielding control to you. “Now show me how bad you’ve been wanting this. Ride my dick.”
Using his strong shoulders for leverage, soon your slick pussy was sucking up his length. The first contact had you digging your nails on his shoulders, fighting through the pain of the stretch, this position only enlarging the already swollenness of his member. Gasping with an open mouth, you fought to push yourself even further down. Skin to skin, you were feeling all of him in: every curve, every wrinkle, every twitch. Even after remembering the condom, you opted for not mentioning it. There was no way you could say goodbye to feeling him bare.
Anakin pulled you in by the neck, drinking in the scream you let out when you bottomed out. His lips tasted better than anything you had ever tried, so sweet by nature and salty because of the sweat. You just wanted more and more; anything he was willing to give you.
“Faster.” Anakin demanded; clasping to your hips to bounce you harder on him, to remind you that this was about him, not you. 
Obeying like the sub you were, you humped him faster, adjusting yourself to surround his shoulders with your arms so you could pull his hair. You knew he liked it by the way he purred on your ear, embracing your waist tighter to manhandle you better. The hug you were both entrapped in ended with his big hands holding both your ass cheeks, groping them in such a disrespectful manner: splitting them open, squeezing them until it hurt, slapping without any sort of consideration. 
“Mhm, just like that, baby.” He praised blissed out, his hand cruelly smacking your already red and abused rear. “You do know how to ride dick. So good, taking me so well with this slutty pussy of yours.” 
Chasing your own pleasure, you gripped him harder and grinded on his wood, rubbing your clit with his pubic bone. You whimpered when you felt the delicious shock on your clit, which only incentivized you to rock your hips even faster. You were close, so close to coming undone, clenching him like a vice. 
“C’mon, you offer yourself to me, to use you as I seem fit.” Anakin pushed you back so you could see him clearly. “I want you to bounce, baby. Bounce those tight tits for me.” 
Anakin removed three buttons of your dress, enough for him to get drunk on the sight of your boobs pressed together and bouncing, but not all the way exposed. Like instructed, you bounced on his dick like it was your job to do so, enamored by the view of him hypnotized by your jumping breasts. Your nipples would shyly come to greet out of your white top, albeit Anakin wouldn’t have the full show because of the fabric that still caged them. 
Tired of the partial view, Anakin’s hands left your ass and traveled to their next destination: your full tits. Without removing another button, he took in the weight of your boobs inside of his palms and played with your meaty buds like he had never seen a pair before. The rough movements of his hands around the fat caused your dress to open a bit more, basically leaving you naked for him. 
“They’re more gorgeous than I ever anticipated.” He muttered, before enveloping a peak inside his mouth and lapping at it repeatedly. “Seeing you with this lame excuse of a uniform it’s harder than going to war, baby. Craving a taste of you and not being able to do anything about it, it’s torture. Pure torture.” He moaned in a ragged voice, sucking in the same nipple with closed eyes, savoring it. 
“You- you wanted me?” You cried, sliding in more frantically.
You were so close and he had it in his hands to make you come in that same instant. 
“Baby, I’ve been dreaming about filling this pussy to the brim the second you were drafted.” He exhaled with a smile. “I hate seeing you with the clones: gifting them smiles that should belong to me, parading this cleavage around when it should be for my eyes only, showing off this ass when only I should know the feeling of it inside my palms.”
“Anakin! I’m coming! I’m coming!” You announced, simultaneously feeling how his dick twitched inside of you. 
“Let me feel it, baby. Come all over my cock. Indulge me.” This time it was you who took the initiative to kiss him, thinking this would be your last chance to savour him before this was all over. 
You convulsed around his dick, just like he asked, tumbling over his shoulder to regain your breath. Anakin followed short after you, shuddering as he spilled over, biting your shoulder to muffle his groan. 
After the aftershocks dissipated and you regained consciousness, the shame of what had transpired hit you like a train. Fixing your dress to cover more of you, you wondered how long you should wait before saying something. Luckily, Anakin broke the ice first.
“Next time you should keep the hat. I like it.” He chuckled, making you giggle as well. 
Needless to say, you were now expected to be in his tent every night after he came back from battle, split open for him, ready to take in all of the frustration of the day and make him feel better.
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Just read a fic about Tim finally getting post patrol ice cream and his own renovated room after admitting to never getting any unlike his siblings and now I'm imagining an AU
Imagine this, Tim is tired, pulling an all nighter, because he did too poor a job at pretending as Robin, and it's too late to do damage control. Not in front of villains or heroes alike
But the people
They've caught onto how the third robin receives less than the first two
Robin acts less like a child, less like a son to Batman, and more like a 'Business Partner's as he said with his own words. Like a handler
Robin who has to put work into keeping Batman from overexerting himself, from cruelly punishing those who fall victim to him
Robin who receives less praise or care from Batman and cares for both himself and his "Boss" as he said with his own words
And it gets worse after the mantle passes down to Stephanie and Damian because the people notices how even as Batman treats them better than the third, now rebranded as Red Robin—
—Red Robin is still as much a Business Partner to batman as he always has been since the Dark Knight's loss of his second bird
And as much as tries to keep things buried, word is spreading that Red Robin is black sheep of the batfamily, and he won't be able to hide it for much longer
Have fun with this idea lol
I know the fic you're talking about! "with the exception of..." by DSS1101. That's a good one!
"Home Decor" by sElkieNight60 is about Duke remodeling his room as part of the new Wayne member tradition. This brings up feelings in Tim cause his bedroom still looks like a barely used guestroom.
The concept you've mentioned gives similar vibes to a hc/au post I read about how JJ (Joker Junior) isn't known by anyone but the goons/Rogues, Barbara, Jim, and Bruce. All the other Bats don't know. In consideration of Tim, electric shock weapons are immediately put away when Red Robin arrives on scene (I love that idea so much).
I think, with the Gothamites around when Bruce was going on his grief spiral almost killing spree, people feel a kinship with Tim. They couldn't have stopped Batman and, with part guilt and part relief, it seems only a child could. They watch this child, who seems to be sacrificing everything for a brutal and cruel man, and how he pulls Batman back into the symbol he's supposed to be. It brings out the protective and parental instinct of a lot of people.
This cues civilians, goons, and rogues alike trying to assist Robin in small ways. Tim as Robin had people offering him food (in sealed containers), giving him compliments, handing him scarves or hats (how could Batman let a child out in this weather without a hat?!?!?), and more. They tried to give him small moments to be the child he was pretending he wasn't. He obviously wasn't getting decent parenting at home if Batman was just his boss and his real folks were letting him out to fight.
There's a kind of guilty gratefulness towards the third Robin and a protectiveness of him. All young Bats are treated with care by civilains and some goons, but Robin three was special. He willingly became the barrier between Batman and Gotham. A lot of folks owe their ability to work (and not have exorbiant medical debt and medical conditions) to Tim. He saved them by damning himself. He needed the support Batman obviously wasn't providing.
Tim, as intelligent as he is, doesn't realize the affect he has on Gotham's older population. The younger ones will react with slightly more respect towards him than the other Bats, but they weren't around to see what Tim's sacrifice did for everyone.
Tim, with his self-doubt and hero-worship of his predecessors, thought his treatment throughout Robin was the work of those who came before him. Of course Gothamites trust and help out Robin when Dick and Jason built that foundation.
He's not exactly wrong, but it isn't to the extent they actually do for Tim.
Unfortunately for Tim, Damian and Jason do know that his Robin was treated with such reverence. They don't know why, but their Robins did/do not get treated that way. They chalk it up to Tim being the "perfect" and "can do no wrong" Robin. It's one point of contention they are unable to clear up due to Tim not knowing about it and the other two not wanting to explain their jealousy.
Steph was not treated as well as Damian and Jason when she was Robin. She, in this AU, was not treated as much of a crutch as Tim is. Despite that, her Spoiler/Batgirl/whatever persona gets some of the protectiveness that Tim's personas do. Bruce was more healed with Steph, but he was still an ass. That was obvious to any Gothamite watching.
Steph, because she was around at the time and talks with Gothamites to know what rumors are floating around, becomes aware after her death of why Tim's Robin is held up with such respect. This allows, unknowingly to Tim, for them to reach more understanding. With her knowledge of Tim's time as Robin, she's able to point out how he was being an ass, what he should've done instead, and that she herself was sorry for some of her actions.
When more and more individuals cue into Tim's black sheep position in the Batfam, this could go two ways.
One, Tim is targeted more due to his lack of support.
Two, Gothamites and Rogues increase their aid to Red Robin and become slightly cold to the Bats for their treatment of him.
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achenetype · 4 months
loser! luke who sees aphrodite!reader with tons of gifts and letters from admirers and gets a bit insecure about his crush on her but all reader really wants is for him to man up and tell her his feelings 🥹🥹🥹
loser!luke nation rise UPPPP. pathetic men are the best
pairing: luke castellan x aphrodite!reader
content: some suggestive themes, luke being so whipped for reader it hurts, daughter of aphrodite reader, mutual pining, first kiss (let's go luke you finally did it!)
listening to: right here by chase atlantic
you knew he liked you. he wasn't exactly subtle about it, but then again, no one was subtle to you. you were aphrodite's daughter. the goddess of love had blessed you with, among other things, the ability to sense feelings from a mile away. and luke's feelings were strong.
they changed depending on the day. every now and then, talking to him, you'd catch a tiny flicker of love from him. when you'd helped him look over strategy for capture the flag, his emotions rung out companionship, shot through with striations of the kind of love you have for a comrade in battle. mutual respect, and care. so much care.
now, when you're sitting shirtless next to him in the apollo cabin, squeezing his hand as one of the medics stitches up a wound on your arm, his feelings are dark. they're murky, as if clouded by something else. his eyes flick up to yours as you suck in a breath through your teeth, but they don't stay there for long; his gaze falls over your body; your chest, your stomach. the band of skin between your bra and your waistband.
you realize, a little slowly, that what he was feeling was lust.
so yes, you knew luke liked you, as much as any other guy did at least.
other guys at camp would give you gifts, ask you on dates. sometimes, they would write you letters, pages of messy, cramped demigod handwriting about how much they loved you. how they would do anything for you, how they could see themselves kissing you or fucking you or starting a family with you.
luke wasn't like that. he was your friend before he was anything else, and he didn't posture for your attention or try to impress you.
plus, you actually liked luke back.
he squeezes your hand again. "hey," he says, leaning over to look at your injured arm. "it's not too bad. only a few more stitches left."
you nod, biting your lip. luke's thumb rubs tiny circles over your knuckles, little concentric things that ground you to the world.
you wish, not for the first time, that he would lean in and kiss you. at least brush his lips against your hand, the way you can feel that he wants to.
you wish he would do a lot of things.
when the two of you are walking back to your cabin (because luke insists on being a gentleman, and you aren't going to refuse him when he smiles at you) he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crumpled envelope.
"i was going to give this to you when we won capture the flag," he says, "but you...you got hurt, and i figured it might have been a bad time."
his eyes search your face as he holds out the letter. it's addressed in curving, fluid script to you, and as you open it luke's emotions flicker with uncertainty, with fear.
[Y/N], I think I'm in love with you.
oh. oh.
You're one of the only people who I can really be myself around. I could explain every reason why I love you, but that would take a lot more paper, and I already think this letter is going to be embarrassingly long. I've thought about you-
this sentence is scribbled out, but you can make out the faint outlines of the words even though you probably never give me a second thought imprinted into the paper. you look up at luke, who flushes a soft red.
You make me feel real. You're like a planet, and I'm just a moon orbiting you. Every time I see you, I feel like I can do anything in the world. I want to treat you right, better than anyone else ever could.
"luke," you say.
he looks up, and you swear his eyes are shiny with tears. "c'mere," you murmur, and pull him into a hug. "gods, you took long enough to tell me."
his arms wrap around you slowly, as if he's expecting you to be ripped away from him. when you pull back, one hand draped over his shoulder, he cups your face in his hands and thumbs over your cheek.
"can i kiss you?" he whispers.
I love you, and you are everything. You're the whole world. I would be honored to have you. — Luke.
"yes," you say back.
his lips meet yours, and you feel luke bloom with reddish-purple love. he kisses you like he's waited an eternity to do it, hungry, sloppy.
"i love you too," you murmur, and he laughs against your lips before kissing you again.
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halbravd · 1 year
love in a band aid box // aib boys.
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summary: you’re the (unofficial) nurse at the beach but everyone comes to see you when they seek medical care, and maybe it’s not just because you’re a nurse, if you know what i mean.
in other words: the boys have a crush on you and express it their own way.
characters: chishiya shuntaro, niragi suguru, arisu ryohei and aguni morizono.
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⪧ chishiya shuntaro,
as a doctor himself, he can’t help but being drawn to you since day one. and the fact that you’re so smart, always right about anything medically-related, has him even more curious and interested. most of the time he’d remain silent, checking whatever you’re doing from afar — he didn’t even tell you he was a doctor in real life, hell, he probably never really talked to you in the first place. he’s just like your own shadow, never too close yet never too far either, amazed by how you treat everyone the same. there’s no such thing as a ‘more important human being’, and you couldn’t care less about ranks within the beach. chishiya admires this side of you ever so dearly, and maybe one day, he’d gather enough courage to thank you for your remarkable work here.
⪧ niragi suguru,
this child right here would always pretend to be ill just to see you. a light scratch on his arm? what if it gets worse after a few days. imaginary headaches? every fucking day. worst of all: he’d lie and tell you hatter forced him to come here to get a quick check up, pretending it’s a waste of his precious time. and when you’re cleaning his wounds or doing whatever has to be done, he can’t help but stare, completely silent. maybe it’s because it’s the first time someone’s willing to help him, maybe it’s because he never felt such warmth before, but he would definitely throw himself off the nearest window if that means he could spend some time alone with you. don’t expect a thank you though, that man is a brat and he’s emotionally constipated anyway.
⪧ ryohei arisu,
arisu is… arisu. always injured, always something going on in his life. at this point, you know everything about him, and he’s like your bestie. he’d just knock at your door (when usagi isn’t carrying him on her fucking back) and you’re like ‘not AGAIN’ because it’s like the fourth time that week. he’s also a huge baby, always whining when you clean his wounds, trying to move his arm or leg away any chance he gets so you won’t ‘hurt him again’ (those are his own words).
⪧ aguni morizono,
aguni could be on the verge of dying, he’d never ask for help. that’s just how stubborn he is — and this is the reason why you decided to visit him every time he’d return from a game. he’d never admit how much he enjoys your visits, always pretending to be fine and hiding his injuries the best he can just not to see that worried look plastered all over your face — aguni loves when you smile, when he makes you laugh. but when you’re standing there with teary eyes, biting the inside of your cheek because the wounds he gets are getting more and more severe, he just feels like he’s dying a little bit more every single time.
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zoeykallus · 1 month
Can you please please please do a
What made them fall in love with you- Wolffe , Rex, Jesse and fives? ✋🏻🙂‍↕️🤚🏻
Aloha! Oh sure, I love this topic 😊
Wolffe/Rex/Jesse x Reader HCs - How They Fall In Love With You
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Warnings: None (Mostly Fluff)
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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How it starts:
It may sound strange, but the first thing he'll notice is that you're neither afraid of him nor condescending towards him. You'd be surprised how many people react negatively to him, partly because he's a clone, but also because his scars give him a slightly wilder appearance. Normal, decent behavior is already a ray of hope for the clone soldier.
You don't turn away, you treat him with respect and even if you find it a little difficult because the grumpy, handsome Wolffe makes you nervous, you maintain eye contact. This immediately makes you more likeable and arouses Wolffe's first cautious curiosity.
What happens next:
You think for yourself, you have your own opinion, even about the clones. You know what you want, and you have that smile that makes his knees go weak. Wolffe is anything but easily impressed, but you fascinate him. He may not be able to say exactly what it is from the start, it's lots of little things.
Wolffe never intended to fall in love, so he doesn't immediately understand the pull he feels when you're around, the pull you exert on him. He is always looking to be close to you, to make contact with you, and at first he doesn't really know why.
He likes your voice, he likes to listen to you, Wolffe admires the way you express your opinion, stubborn but not disrespectful. He's not normally a great talker, but he likes talking to you. Although you occasionally challenge him a little in your conversations, or perhaps precisely because of this, he enjoys your conversations to the full. You make him feel like he belongs, that his opinion is important, no matter what the topic, even if your opinions aren't always exactly the same. You take the time to discuss things with him that are close to his heart, really listen and try to understand. You probably have no idea how much he appreciates this.
In this context, it happens quite unexpectedly, a little smile from you, a look in your eyes, a tone in your voice and Wolffe is lost. He tries to spend every free minute with you. He already has your com number, so he calls you from time to time when he can, sometimes just to hear your voice and makes up some excuse to justify the call.
However, it will take him weeks, maybe even months, to admit to himself and to you that he has a crush. Be patient and try not to push him, sooner or later he will tell you of his own accord.
How it starts:
The rebellion has brought you together. You may not be a fighter, but you support the rebellion in whatever way you can. Maybe as a caterer, cargo pilot, cook, medic or administrator. No matter how you help, you do your best, and of course Rex notices. He notices the way you treat him and his brothers, you treat them like real heroes, soldiers, their welfare is close to your heart. You admire these men and their fight against the empire, and this is also visible to the outside world.
What happens next:
You keep coming into contact and your manner, your commitment, warms his heart. The fact that someone, who is not a clone, stands by their side in this way gives him hope again and again. After a while, it comes automatically when he sees you, he feels uplifted, hopeful, full of new energy.
It's actually pretty obvious, and yet you sneak into his heart rather than opening the door.
Rex seeks contact with you more and more often, discusses important things concerning the rebellion with you, even if you may not be able to contribute much, he wants to hear your opinion, feel the confidence in your smile, get the feeling that only you can give him, that everything will be all right.
He doesn't know what it is yet, why you have such an intense effect on him. Rex only knows that you are good for him, your smile, your words, your commitment, in whatever way. For him, in a way, it almost feels like you are the most important part of the whole rebellion. Which is nonsense from a rational point of view, of course, but he likes that feeling, he likes you.
The great leader, Rex, comes to rest with you, to find new hope and energy. When Rex returns from a mission, your face is the sign for him, the feeling that he is back home. He has been hopelessly in love for a long time without really knowing it.
How it starts:
It's a coincidence that you happen to overhear the three clones talking about how poor the food they're getting is, how they're craving certain things. On impulse, you get some treats and bring them to the three clones (Jesse/Fives/Hardcase) who have been assigned to duty in one of the hangars for a while because of a “little stupidity”. In connection with their punishment, the food has also been restricted to protein bars.
The confused and, shortly afterwards, beaming, delighted faces of the clones make you grin.
Jesse looks up, with a critical eye, and asks, “What's the catch? Why is a Civi bringing us food?”
You laugh amusedly, assuring him that there isn't one, and you just wanted to do something good.
He looks at you indecisively for a moment, but finally goes for the roast chicken he had been craving.
What happens next:
You often pass the hangar on your way to or from work/university/etc., you pass it almost every day. The men greet you cheerfully every time. Again and again you bring food instead of just walking past, and soon you are invited to sit down and eat something too.
Out of curiosity, you ask, “How did the punishment actually come about?”
Jesse answers you, pointing at Fives and saying, “We helped tar and feather a Civi who was being a jerk to his girlfriend”
Fives chuckles, “It was worth it”
Jesse and Hardcase join in the giggles that elicit a grin from you.
“Sounds like you guys did the right thing”
Jesse smirks at you and says, “I agree”
You join the boys more and more regularly, sometimes even helping out a bit, joking and chatting. You like the clones, and they like you. Jesse in particular is very fond of you. The others are already starting to tease him about it, but they're decent enough not to do it in front of you.
He waits every day for you to come over again, he doesn't care about food anymore. He wants to see your face, hear your voice, make jokes with you. You're so nice, so different from other Civis. On the last day of his transfer, he asks for your com number to keep in touch with you.
You don't really expect him to call you, but he does, the very next weekend, and invites you to come to 79's.
You see a lot of clones here, a lot of the same or very similar faces. But apart from Jesse's tattoo, the grin he gives you is also unique. He is so incredibly happy that you actually came.
You sit together in a quieter corner and after a drink or two, Jesse says almost casually, with a wry smile.
“Hey you, I might have a crush on you”
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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moonlightpeddler · 2 months
Demo out
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[Current word count without code: 11465 with two branches]
Life is unpredictable.
You have just been to your first party, with hope for a different, better, and more social future, but instead of waking up with a hangover, you wake up 13 months of coma later, severely ill and with no chance to build the life you wanted to live.
Confined at home, confined to the night by your medication, deprived of outside contact to keep stress away from you, and with food that tastes like iron, all you have is your loving family and the small village they have moved to during your long sleep.
The house is old, dilapidated, the neighbours unfriendly and distant, looking at you with strange eyes, whispering whenever you see them, treating you like your illness is contagious.
But why has your family never taken you to the hospital for a checkup? Since when do hospital doctors make frequent home visits, and only when their patient isn’t conscious?
What would happen if you open the curtains they tell you to keep closed?
The game is intended for a mature audience.
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Self-harm (for a reason)
Dysfunctional relationships
And many more.
Depending on the route you take, Cailean, your character, can not be said to be an innocent or good person, please make sure that you are okay with playing a non-human MC who might act accordingly.
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Mending Yesterday pairs folk believes, old elements, and lore from different media, with Vampyr lifestyle to create a modern portrayal of vampires that retains the classic feel yet gives it a more down-to-earth presentation.
You take the place of an established character and turn the tale into your very own, form the adventure and how the protagonist faces his new reality.
Will you change Cailean’s behaviour over the course of the story, develop a new personality for your new life, or will you cling to your old self despite the consequences it could have?
Will you keep to yourself and your loved ones, build something new to spend your long life, or get involved in a struggle that isn’t yours? How will others see you, who are your friends and foes? Do you stick to those who are seemingly safe, or will you place your own judgement?
The game doesn’t give you an overpowered protagonist, you aren’t the chosen one, won’t save the world or change it in any meaningful way.
You are just a 19-year-old young man being in the wrong place at the wrong time, all you can do is live your own life that, in the grand scheme of eternity, is nothing but a fleeting picture.
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Taking place in a fictional village in Ireland, the game takes a step away from the Urban-Vampire trope and focuses on dynamics commonly found in, very, rural places.
While I have abstained from using phonetics to make it easier for people not familiar with the country, selected sayings and use of words have been kept to preserve the feeling.
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Mending Yesterday is most and foremost a horror-drama, character-driven and story-heavy, not a dating game. The only romantic candidate (male) is a central character and the relationship with him greatly influences the plot instead of being flavour or a sidenote; you can stay distant, friendly, close or even loving, all four options significantly shape your personal story.
Being a family-person, you will have to keep an eye on your parents and brother, how you react to the changes in your life, respond to situations, and how you treat them has a direct impact on how your adventure will go.
A character and relationship focused narrative requires you to think twice about how you interact with others, pay attention not only to yourself but those you meet, decide wisely about how to treat them and with whom you want to be close with.
There are relationship-stats you can and should check regularly, for they keep track not only of your bonds but could give you valuable information, yet they won’t ever tell you clearly what they mean.
Just like in real life, people aren’t open books.
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Every choice you have to make is meaningful, it either changes or determines something important; you won’t be continuously prompted to make decisions. The game doesn’t bother with flavour.
Routes are roughly equally long, with several endings dedicated players can try to find.
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Cailean Morrison, whose place you take, is a 19-year-old geriatric-psychology freshman. Calm, quiet, and slightly distant, he was never good at making connections and even worse at maintaining them. He loves his family above all else, has a good heart, and is very fond of older folks.
James Morrison, Cailean’s father, 46 years old, family lawyer. He’s a sensible, somewhat emotional person, bad at dealing with negative experiences, and generally a kind soul.
Aileen Morrison, Cailean’s mother, 44 years old, elementary school teacher. While she loves her family and students, she can be very strict and vengeful, knows how to stay calm in difficult situations, and often keeps her emotions to herself.
Alfred Morrison, Cailean’s brother, 24 years old, investment banker. Although he was wild in his youth, he’s hardworking and cunning, and while usually perceived as friendly, he has well-hidden sharp edges and a ruthless nature.
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Choices will determine which talent you are proficient in, while some increases might be obvious, others are hidden behind story-progression.
You can’t fail skill-checks, instead they will change the story depending either on which talent you are most versed in, or if you are generally lacking - and they might have an impact on how other characters feel about you.
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The game is in active development. Planed additions include more visual elements, incidental music, and a compendium that tracks information the player has found (coming in the Chapter 1 update). As a solo dev who does everything by himself, music and visuals are not my priority and will be included only in major updates.
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pyan-ero · 5 months
what lingerie the TF2 mercs would buy you for valentines day! w/ scenarios+ headcanons. NSFW ahead ~
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- bought it the instant he saw it! he imagined you in it and couldn’t control himself, got hard instantly.
- isn’t too into pet-play, but calls you kitty, and pets you when you’re like this. likes it if you’re flustered, really enjoys seeing how you blush all over.
- it isn’t on you long, though, he prefers to see you completely naked, in nothing but a little collar beneath him. it makes him nervous, presented with someone so hot and submissive beneath him.
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-what did you expect? it was fitted to your exact size, and he was adamant to the store to NOT use a real flag. the store charged him a lil’ extra for ‘not real flag’ material. he happily paid it.
- he becomes flustered and cannot move whenever he sees you in it. might pull at his collar and say you’re ravishing. will ask if he can touch you (usually treats you like property(with consent of course))
- is very, very gentle when he touches you. he kind of stares, trying to commit this sight perfectly to memory. the night will be very romantic, loving, in a way it hasn’t been before.
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- was told that lacy, fitting lingerie was best for valentines day— by Spy, of course. He decided, no, and found this cute, adorable garment and decided that it would look best on you. He loves the pink, and the fabric, and bows!
- he would immediately start complimenting you, telling you that you’re so beautiful, and he’s so lucky to have you, and would just praise you. probably forgets he’s supposed to have sex, until you remind him.
- he is entirely focused on you, and your pleasure alone. you try and redirect him, but he’s so deadset on making you feel good that he won’t do anything else. mumbles praises in your neck the entire time.
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- didn’t really plan, but bought it last-minute. It worked out, because he found this beautiful little garment and knew it would look magnificent on you. He knew it was the one!
- is immediately really grope-y, but in a really soft and nice way. he loves the thin, flowing material, and keeps it on the entire time. He can’t get enough of you.
- will eat you out, pushing the skirt up your hips and holding your thighs. you know he is a GOD when it comes to head. you will not get any rest.
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- he was very ashamed to be shopping for lingerie, was flustered the entire time. He saw this, and imagined it on you, and immediately had to buy it.
- is silent whenever he sees you in this, but you can tell how he’s feeling through his eyes. total adoration, total love, total devotion. he realizes that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, but obviously doesn’t say that then.
- He would gently touch you, and kiss you, and tell you how wonderful, sexy, amazing, intelligent etc you are…and hollllyyyy fuck are you about to be stretched!
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- as a gentleman, he wants something very classic. something that you would love, but still feel comfortable both in and out of. might fashion it with a little white collar, or necklace with his insignia on it.
- he wants to dress you in it, so he takes his time. pulling your stockings, fastening them to the garter without and wrinkles. smooths the lace, the material. makes sure to get everything perfect. he steps back and looks at the completed ensemble, and my lord, do you look perfect.
- is hesitant to even have sex with you because of how amazing the set is. you’re like a doll, dressed to perfection and beauty, and to disrupt that? who would he be? but, he is still a man, and he has his needs. might want you to ride him so he can look at you the whole time.
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- even i, dear reader, am unaware of where Medic got the garment. even with my divine power, this is a mystery. Maybe, he just had it. and somehow it perfectly fit you. who knows…
- but holy fuck. the king for foreplay, he legitimately goes two hours without even touching you. he loves watching you bumble, all flustered, pretending to be a nurse with your ass hanging out. that latex, how it clings to your skin, and he can see how much you’re blushing?
- after those two hours, though… the examination table isn’t even broken, it just doesn’t exist anymore. it existed at the beginning of the night and now, it’s just gone. who knows what happened, other then that Medic sucked, fucked, and creampied you so hard that you know German dirty-talk more than your own name. Hope you’re on birth control!
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- doesn’t really care for lingerie. he’s a simple man, with a simple plan, underwear and clothes get in the way of fucking you into next Sunday. This, however, taunted him. Easy to cut, isn’t it?
- Sniper loves the hunt, you love being hunted. it’s perfect :) running into the desert in this, and nothing but this? you’re a reward, and the way to get to the reward is to get you.
- it’s a really easy hunt, tbh. he gets you on the ground, and cuts through the garment like it’s nothing, and takes you, right there, in the wilderness. multiple rounds, too!
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- the most expensive lingerie out of the mercs, and he gets it months in advance, too. he’s a man who knows what he wants, and what he wants? to spoil you rotten. the only thing he expects in return is submission, and of course, you give it.
- he can play coy, act unamused when he sees you, but his mind is racing. thinking of every position, every sound you’ll make. everyone involving you, and he’ll abruptly stand, walk to you…
- and the night is a wonderful, pleasure filled blur. orgasms within the double-digits, soft music playing the entire time, the little jewels of your lingerie clanking…ah. Spy <3 he might even stay til morning just to ravish you again.
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x0xomady · 4 months
pt. 1
harrystyles!boxer x reader!nurse
warnings: violence • fighting • cursing • degradation • smut 18+
(it’s only oral for pt. 1 !)
summary: y/n was hired as an underground boxing nurse. she was skeptical at first, but when she saw the man she was hired to take care of, she was ready.
word count: 2.6k
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harry has been fighting since he was 14. it was never legal fights, it was street fights. growing up in the sketchier parts of the area, he gained many techniques that weren’t permitted in legal boxing.
so, when he realized he could fight well, he moved to underground fighting.
the only problem with underground fights is that you get hurt more often. somebody could be completely knocked out and they wouldn’t get help.
luckily, harry was a good fighter. that meant he hardly ever got severely hurt. however, he wanted someone there just in case something did happen to him. the problem was this was he couldn’t get a doctor because this was illegal fighting.
he needed to get someone that wouldn’t tell the police.
y/n was a nursing student. being a nurse is a great job, but she couldn’t make any money until she graduated from school. that was a problem. her parents wouldn’t help her pay for it, so if she didn’t start working soon she would never be able to pay off the debt.
very quickly, y/n became anxious and depressed at the thought of all the debt that was growing in her bank account. her friends noticed it and were worried about her. y/n never wanted to go out because she was so worried about money and how much she was spending.
y/n’s best friend zayn had been there for her since they were kids. she loved him, but she knew he was involved in some shady stuff. zayn felt horrible about all the things she was going through. in his line of work he was making more than enough money to help her, but she wouldn’t accept it.
zayn was selling pain medications to people in an underground boxing ring. he was making a great amount of money. so, that’s where he heard about harry styles. harry was the most successful fighter in the area and was very well known. zayn heard that harry was asking around for a nurse he could hire.
he was nervous about asking his friend to get involved in this world, but y/n needed the money and harry would pay her well. so, he got her the job as harry’s personal nurse.
y/n was shocked to say the least. she was nervous about this job. these were dangerous people she was working with. however, when she saw that harry was willing to pay her $2,000 a night she had to agree.
if she could work this job for a couple months, she could really make a dent in all the loan payments.
tonight was the first night of her new job. she was terrified to say the least. how do you treat someone like this? what if she couldn’t help him? what do you wear to something like this?
she ended up wearing a white long sleeved tee and black leggings. it all started to get real when she got to the place. it was in the basement of a bar in the middle of London. If you didn’t know to look for it, you wouldn’t even notice the bar was there. y/n clutched her supply bag tightly and took a deep breath before walking to the door.
the bar above had hardly anyone in it. as she walked in everyone looked at her and gave her funny looks. y/n looked extremely out of place.
when she told the bartender what she was here for he guided her down the stairs to the arena. once she was down there she was immediately hit by the sound of yelling. there were hundreds of men down here betting on the fights going on in the center of the room.
y/n had no idea where to go, she didn’t even know what harry looked like. she was about to leave when a man approached her.
“are you lost?” he was a tall man that looked quite intimidating.
“i’m looking for harry styles? he hired me to be his nurse.” she swallowed and looked at the man nervously.
“ah i see harry told me to expect you. come with me.” with that he turned around and walked to the hallway. she was nervous, here she was following a strange man into a dark hallway.
they walked around the corner to a room that looked from the outside like an office. the man opened the door and beckoned her to enter. inside there was a man sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.
“this is harry.” the man told her and left the room at that.
harry looked up from his phone to her. y/n stood next to the door awkwardly, unsure of what to do. his eyes scanned her carefully.
“are you y/n?” he watched her every move like a predator. y/n was terrified to say the least.
“yes.” she nodded.
“hm. okay i’m going out to the ring now. i need you to go out there and watch me so you’re there if i get hurt.” with that he stood up and exited the room leaving y/n shocked.
she hadn’t expected this. he was… hot.
harry had the most gorgeous green eyes he had ever seen and the thickest brown curls. he was incredibly built and had tattoos peaking out from underneath his shirt. she was scared of him but couldn’t help but check him out as he exited the room.
y/n was guided out to stand by the ring. on her way there men yelled and catcalled at her. it was an uncomfortable situation to say the least.
up on the platform there stood a man that was tall but he didn’t look as big as harry. he was pumping up the crowd and yelling taunts at him. harry seemed unbothered by it. he simply took off his shirt and got onto the stage along side the arrogant man.
the announcer stepped up to the platform and introduced the two men before allowing them to start the fight.
instantly they began. the other man swung at harry but he dodged it easily and returned the blow to his face.
the man was knocked to the ground and harry was able to get on top of him. he continued to pound the man’s face a couple more times before he was pushed off.
it was disgusting to see a fight like this. y/n had never seen anything quite this violent. usually, fights were just a couple punches and a jump in the air and then it was over, but this was grueling.
the fight continued for about fifteen minutes before harry really started to go off. he kicked the man in the knee which efficiently made him stumble to the side so harry could corner him.
harry only had a couple marks on his face along with a busted eye, but he was still fine enough to continue fighting. the other man however, looked delirious. he was stumbling around from how many times harry had hit his head and everyone knew he would go down soon.
the fight was finally ended when harry got one final uppercut on the man. he was instantly knocked out and crashed to the floor.
the crowd erupted in cheers. everyone that had bet on harry was making good money tonight. all that could be heard was the ‘harry harry harry!’ chants.
she watched him grab a towel and wipe his face. he looked around the crowd until his eyes found hers. harry smirked at her before jumping down from the platform. everyone was crowding him and patting him on the back as he walked through the crowd.
harry motioned at y/n to follow him. she obliged and followed harry through the crowd. people continued to scream cheers at him as they made their way back to his office.
he sat down on the couch as a few more people entered into the room as well. they handed him a water and another towel to wipe the sweat off. y/n walked over to him and waited until the other people had settled down to start tending to him.
harry noticed her presence still there and said, “well, come fix me up.” he had a smug look on his face as he watched her walk over and sit next to him with her bag. the other people in the room, probably his friends, continued to talk around them.
she noticed the large cuts on his knuckles and decided to start with that before tending to his face.
“it might sting when i clean the cuts.” she said shyly to harry. it was hard to talk to such an intimidating person like this.
“i like the pain sweetheart.” he smirked at her. y/n blushed lightly and applied light pressure to stop the bleeding. harry was right, he didn’t flinch once.
after she finished with his hands she moved onto his face. his friends got up and left around the same time. which left them in a room alone together.
she couldn’t help that her heart rate and nervousness were increasing when they were alone. he didn’t say anything though just leaned back and let her wipe the blood off.
“don’t have to be nervous love, i’m not doing anything.” he smugly looked at the ceiling.
“i’m not.” she lied and continued to put pressure on his cheek where was bleeding a little.
“can practically feel your heart pounding sweetheart.” he laughed a little. y/n’s blush grew as she tried not to make eye contact with him. “why are you so uptight?” he asked her casually.
“just because i’m doing a new thing i guess.” she lied. the real reason she was so nervous was because a hot guy was sitting shirtless next to her and she was trying to get worked up.
harry hummed in response. “you sure it’s not cause’ you’re horny?” he gave her a smug look and y/n’s eyes widened.
“no of course not.” she scooted away a little and tried to hide the growing blush on her neck.
“hm i don’t believe you.” he sat up and put her bag on the ground. y/n was finished anyway so she wanted to leave quickly. “i bet if i checked in your pants right now you’d be all wet.”
y/n was shocked at the abrupt and crude language he used. she didn’t often sleep around so she wasn’t used to somebody talking to her like this. y/n tried to respond to him but she was too stunned to.
“when’s the last time you were fucked love?” he leaned over to be closer to her. y/n was paralyzed she didn’t know whether to run for the hills or tackle him.
“um i don’t know.” her breath was shaky. he was close to her and she could see the outline of his him in his shorts. i guess he was right about liking the pain.
“i could make you feel so good sweetheart.” he leaned forward and whispered into her ear. “will you let me?”
y/n was absolutely stunned. should she let him? “i don’t kno-”
she was cutoff by harry pressing a kiss to her lips. her eyes widened as his soft lips pressed against hers. “is this okay love?”
y/n hesitated for a second before nodding timidly. he smirked and kissed her again hard. she was shocked at how gentle he was being until harry started picking up the pace.
he grabbed her hips and pulled her into his lap. she was blushing brightly at the new position. underneath her y/n could feel his hard cock pressing against her core. she couldn’t help the light sigh that left her mouth at the pressure against her.
“feel how hard you made me sweetheart? was watching your pretty little face the whole time i was up there.” he put a hand around the back of her neck and kissed her hard again.
y/n finally gave in and wrapped her hands into his hair. she had been dying to run her fingers through his curls all night.
“can i taste you baby?” he rubbed his hands across her hips and leaned forward to press kisses along her neck. y/n nodded and continued to run her hands through his hair. “need to hear your pretty voice beg for it baby.”
y/n was embarrassed but also horny so she did it. “please harry.”
“mm that wasn’t very good was it?” he smirked and ran his hands up her waist to rub her sides. “you can do better.”
“please harry i need it.” she was growing needier by the second with the way he was teasing his hands along her sides.
“what do you need baby?” harry asked her. y/n whimpered a bit but obliged.
“need you to taste me harry please.” she looked bashfully at him.
“there we go sweetheart.” he looked smug as he flipped them around so she was on her back. y/n was nervous but quickly shook that off when he grabbed her leggings and pealed them down.
harry threw them to the side and grabbed her thighs, pulling them apart. he smiled brightly and pressed a kiss to her clothed pussy. y/n whimpered at the feeling of his soft lips through her panties.
he nudged his nose against her clit and pulled her underwear down quickly. y/n closed her legs a little at the feeling of his strong gaze inspecting her, but harry snatched her thighs and pushed them open wide.
“don’t hide your pretty little cunt from me baby.” he growled and pressed a kiss to her clit. y/n clenched hard around nothing at that and whimpered out. he smiled and licked her. his tongue danced across her folds. y/n tried to hold in her whimpers and moans but harry wasn’t having it.
“let me hear you sweetheart.” he pushed his tongue into her and nudged his nose against her clit at the same time. y/n instantly let out a moan. his tongue felt so good in her and she had to grasp his hair for support.
harry moaned out at the feeling of his hair being tugged and buried his face into her farther.
he continued fucking her with his tongue for a minute before bringing his hand from her thighs to her cunt. harry pressed his middle finger in and smiled at the way she was writhing on her back.
y/n could feel his cold gold rings against her as he fucked her with his finger. even though it had only been a few minutes, she could feel her orgasm quickly approaching. harry pressed his lips to her bundle of nerves again and sucked hard.
she groaned out and pulled his hair to bring him close to her. everything was so overstimulating. y/n had a hot guy fucking her with his fingers and she was in a sketchy underground bar. what the fuck was she doing with her life?
the thoughts quickly vanished as he pushed another finger into her sopping folds. he quickened his pace for a minute as she approached her orgasm.
“gonna cum sweetheart?” he smirked before attacking her clit with his mouth again.
“yes please harry.” she whimpered out and screwed her eyes shut. y/n didn’t know whether to push his head away or pull it closer as the overstimulating pleasure overcame her. “fuck!”
she finally came as harry found her g-spot and rubbed it harshly. her legs were practically shaking as she came on harry’s face. he helped her through her high by kitten licking her clit gently.
“next fight i’m gonna fuck you.” he smiled and grabbed his stuff before leaving the room.
what the fuck?
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
Yandere Alphabet - John Wick
TW: Yandere themes, obsessive behaviors, kidnapping mentions, murder mentions, Stockholm Syndrome, spankings as punishment, violence (He's a hitman), guns, hints of controlling hehavior.
A/N: Please inform me if I did not tag something correctly. Please know the difference between fictional and reality. While fictional, these types of relationships are extremely toxic, especially in real-life. If your relationship is showcasing these toxic behaviors, please seek help from someone to get out safely. Reblogs are heavily appreciated!!
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Trust me, it would get very intense, he's a very passionate lover. He's not against giving you kisses, embraces, showering you in gifts, and taking pictures with you. He loves cuddling in bed with you, and he cannot sleep without you once you both fall into a ritual of falling asleep together.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
This man is a literal hitman. He's not afraid of getting messy for you if it meant protecting you. If people were after you because of your affiliation with him, he would hunt them down. The bodies he would bury would be to the point of unrecogizabilty. He returns home covered in both his and others' blood and you have to care for him.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
When you're first abducted, John would be understanding if you were scared around him and needed time to adapt to your situation and your new relationship with John. He would never mock you because he's a very mature yandere and understands what you're going through.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He will do anything against your will if it concerned your health and safety. He would refuse you from leaving the house without him. If you haven't eaten or take your medication when you were supposed to, he will make you.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
John would literally pour his heart out to his darling, he wouldn't keep anything a secret from you. He's pretty much an open book, if you wanted to know something about him, he would tell you. He doesn't like secrets in the relationship.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Obviously, he wouldn't like having you fight against him. He wants you to feel happy, safe, and protected around him. You wouldn't be able to successfully fight him, he's a trained hitman after all. However, he would entertain you though, he finds it a little cute until he gets tired and just throws you over his shoulder.
"Okay, play time's over."
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This is definitely not a game to him and he doesn't enjoy you trying to escape from him. He's a very mature yandere. However, if you were his darling when he was much younger, it would be the opposite. He would be thrilled with the chase.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Your worst experience with John wasn't something he even did directly to you, but rather someone else. The worst experience you've ever had living with John was when your home you shared was ambushed by people trying to kill him and taking you hostage. The instant switch from being a loving partner to a murderous killer was something you never thought you would see from John. The house was a literal bloodbath at the end of the night. You had nightmares for a week after that.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
John is not getting any younger. He would want to get married and maybe have a few kids with you, if that was something that you wanted. It's literally until death do you both part.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Can't be jealous if there's nobody around, wink. John knows his worth and he knows he is worthy of your love, he doesn't give a shit about lesser men that think they even have a sliver of a chance with you. It's because they don't and he can always just shoot them in the head if they cause a problem.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Mentioned previously, he would be a very passionate lover. He wants you to love him. He's very charming and knows how to sweep you off your feet, literally. You pull out the affectionate side of him where he just wants to spoil you in pure love and devotion.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
John is a confident man and quite the charmer. He would approach you and introduce himself, saying he wanted to get to know you more and if you were interested on going on a date. He would want to get to know you and have you fall for him naturally.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
John would be more reserved around others, it always seem like a business discussion when he interacts with others. Sure, he can be nice towards others but you're the only one that brings out his soft side.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
It depends on what you've done. John would take away some rights from you as a form of punishment if you broke a simple rule. He caught you with a knife in the kitchen, you're not allowed in it now. Starting arguments with him, he's going to distance himself from you until you calm down. After so much, he is not against smacking your ass with his hand or belt with you over his lap.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Again, your health and safety is his number one concern. Therefore, you're not allowed to do many things unless he's with you. For example, you cannot use the knives in the kitchen, touch his guns, go outside, or use the internet unless he's monitoring you or accompanying you.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Oh, he's a very patient man for you, you deserve nothing less. However, there will only be so much he would take. After so many escape attempts and obedience from you, he will punish you.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you successfully escape, John would not hesitate going after you and he will find you. You can never truly escape from Baba Yaga, ever. However, if you died, that's a completely different stroy. John wouldn't be able to continue living without you. After losing his wife, Helen, he was just a walking shell. Now that he lost you too, he's ready to kick the bucket.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
At times, John would feel a little guilty if you continued to feel scared around him after a significant amount of time. He doesn't like seeing you sad, he would think 'maybe there was another way I could have done this.' However, he wouldn't let you go. You're his now after all.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
The loss of his wife was the driving point for him. He always felt if he did more, was more prepared, he wouldn't have lost her. He's always been a protective man, now it increased tenfold. Now that you're in his life, he refuses to have that happen again. You are his light and reason for living.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
John would feel horrible that his darling is having a difficult time processing your relationship and living situation. However, John wouldn't allow you to isolate yourself and cry. He would offer comfort and try to make you feel better. Your happiness means so much to him.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
John would absolutely spoil you rotten. He has the means of getting you whatever you want because of his occupation. He's so devoted to you, literally name anything and it will become yours. Nothing you could ever want is absurd to him. If you simply wanted stickers, he's getting it.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
The weakness you can exploit in order to escape would be his sheer love for you and his willingness to do anything for you. If you needed him to get you something that would take a while, he would do it and it would give you time to get away.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He wouldn't intentionally or directly hurt you. He cares about you too much but that doesn't mean he wouldn't hurt or even kill your friends or family. Best not to test him, darling.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
John would do anything and everything for you, no questions asked. Ask him to jump, he will ask how high. He's your ride or die. Furthermore, nothing is absurd in capturing your attention and winning you over, if he needs to kill a few people, he will.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
If John was able to properly grief the loss of his wife, he would be able to pine for you for around half a year, maybe a little more if things were going well between the two of you. However, if he was still unable to properly move on, he will take you much sooner. No, you are not a replacement for his wife.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
John is a very charming yandere, he doesn't need to hurt you in order for you to obey him. Eventually, you will naturally fall for him or develop stockholm syndrome.
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Taglist: Comment to be added!!
@prettywhenibleed @britany1997
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Hannibal lector x teen!reader - healing takes time
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Hi I love your Hannibal imagines, could you do one where Tern Reader is blind and has a guide dog who loves Hannibal whenever they go back to his office and is very nice - Anon💜
Hearing the door open, you stood up, smiling a little bit.
“Good evening (Y/N), come in.”
“Thank you doctor Lector.”
You walked past him, making your way into the office, heading over to the chairs only to pause just behind them.
“You’ve moved your chairs.” You noted.
“Ah, my apologies, I was doing some organising and had to move that one in order to reach for a pen.”
Hannibal walked over, moving the chair back into its place for you, and you placed your hand on the back of it.
You walked around so you could sit down.
“Your office is looking as tidy as always.”
He chuckled slightly.
“I see you still have your humour.”
You grinned a little bit, realising the hold of the harness you were gripping on to.
“I see you also brought Charlie. Is he doing better?”
“Charlie break.”
You heard the jingling of his tags and harness and he bounced around the office, jumping up and down.
“Yeah, he was just sick for a couple of days. The vets said it was nothing to worry about.”
Hannibal nodded, looking at the dog that was running about his office happily up and down.
“Charlie come.”
At the sound of his name and a command he bounded over to Hannibal, sitting down in front of the psychiatrist.
Hannibal took the harness off and set it aside, pulling a treat from his pocket to feed to the dog.
It was one of this groundwork’s that was laid down when you first came to see him as a patient, while in your session Charlie could do whatever it is he wanted to do, Hannibal could interact with him and give him treats.
“And how are you? I understand you were having some trouble sleeping the last time that we spoke.”
“Same old I guess, but that’s just life. Not that I’d know if I was sleeping or not, everything all looks the same.”
He hummed a little bit, looking up at you.
Your vacant eyes looked just past him, your hands resting in your lap.
“Have you been taken the medication that your doctor prescribed for you?”
“Why not?”
Charlie laid down at Hannibal’s feet, and the man reached down to pat the dogs head a times before he sat up again.
You leant back in your chair, tilting your head up to stare straight up at the ceiling.
“Because if I go to sleep then the memories come back, and I don’t want them to come back. If I take the medication I’m stuck there and I can’t get out.”
“Have you tried any of the methods I gave you in order to help?”
“Didn’t work.”
He nodded slightly.
“What is it that scares you about your memories (Y/N)? What exactly is it that you see when you close your eyes to go to sleep?”
You frowned a little bit.
“Everything I guess… I.. I can feel it all again… and it feels so real…”
“Do you feel everything?”
“I feel that car slamming into me.. and I.. I remember the panic just before too…”
Hannibal nodded his head.
“We’ve been through this a few times now, but you never told me exactly what happened before the accident.”
You sighed slightly.
“I was just crossing the street, like I did every single day, and then it felt like my head was going to explode…”
“Then what happened?”
“I.. I couldn’t see… I.. I mean I had limited sight anyway but I could still see.. then I just.. I couldn’t.. then the car hit me..”
“You were in a coma for months, had to learn to walk again and adjust to your newfound blindness all at the same time.”
You nodded your head.
“How are you are learning to walk around without Charlie? Are you able to get around your home?”
“Because I’m scared…” you mumbled.
Hannibal moved, and you turned your head towards him.
You couldn’t see him of course, but it was habit, through all the years that you had done it, looked at people.
Hannibal knew this of course, so he generally tried to sit in one spot during the sessions to keep you from trying to guess where he was.
“Recovery is a slow progress, especially after you had been through so much, a hit and run as well as the loss of your sight all in one night is a lot for anybody to deal with, let alone a teenager.”
“I should’ve known better… they told me not to go out…”
“You keep blaming yourself, you had no idea that you were going to lose your sight that night (Y/N), none whatsoever. When you left your home you could still see objects and lights in front of you, you still had enough sight to be able to get through everyday life.”
You shrugged again.
“Can I ask a question?”
“Of course, go ahead.”
“Why do you keep me in your care? I’m not exactly the victim of a crime, or a criminal.”
“One could argue that you are a victim of crime. You were originally assigned to my care after your incident because the person responsible for hitting you was on the run from the FBI. The man in charge of that particular deemed it his responsibility for your recovery.”
You slowly nodded your head.
Hannibal moved again, leaning down to pet Charlie as he got up to go chase a ball Hannibal had tossed across the office for him.
“That didn’t answer my question.”
“Well, perhaps I simply just enough spending time with Charlie. He is fast becoming my favourite patient.”
You laughed a little.
“Sounds like you’re his new favourite psychiatrist so that’s fair enough.”
Hannibal chuckled a little bit, and he stood up.
“I know you have you concerns about walking around without Charlie. You fear there will be another accident.”
You heard the sound of some things being moved.
“Can you stand up for me?”
You did as he asked.
“Take a step for me (Y/N).”
You reached your hand out for the harness, an automatic response at this point when you were going to walk.
“No, you don’t need Charlie for this. Just a single step.”
You took a deep breath.
“I.. I can’t..”
“You can, you’ve walked around my office many times with Charlie, you know the layout of my office.”
“You moved things, I heard you.”
“Yes, I moved some of the furniture out of your way. All you have to do is take one step, that’s all.”
You shook your head.
“There is absolutely nothing in this office that will cause an accident, just like there is nothing in your home that will cause an accident.”
You took a shaky breath, and you heard Hannibal walked over to you.
“Put your hands out for me.”
You raised your hands and held them out.
“Is it okay if I take your hands?” He asked.
You nodded.
Hannibal took them, holding them very carefully and gently.
“If I take one step back, will you follow me?”
“I.. I need Charlie doctor Lector…”
“No, you don’t need Charlie. You have me. Can you trust me?”
Hannibal smiled, and he took a step back, so you took one forward, and he took another back, making you take another forward.
Hannibal could feel you shaking, so he stopped walking.
“Are you afraid?”
You nodded.
“What’s making you so afraid?”
“I.. I don’t want to get into another accident… I don’t want to feel that pain again…”
“You won’t, not here, not at home. All you have to do is take it a few small steps at a time, just like we’re doing.”
“What if I fall..?”
“If you fall here I’ll catch you, I won’t let you get hurt.”
“What about at home…?”
“Well, then you push yourself back on your feet, and you try again. Do you remember the first time you ever rode a bicycle?”
You laughed a little.
“Yeah, it uh.. it didn’t go so well…”
“Did you fall?”
“I broke my arm…”
“Did you stop trying?”
You shook your head.
“Well, this is like riding a bicycle. When you fall you keep trying, until you no longer fall down.”
Hannibal carried on slowly walking around, so you followed him, trusting that he wouldn’t lead you into anything that’ll hurt you.
“I’m going to let go, but I’ll guide you.”
“No, no, no, no please!”
“It’s alright, it’s okay.”
When Hannibal let go you immediately stopped walking, heart pounding as tears burned your eyes.
“Doctor lector please come back..”
“I’ve not left, I’m still here, I promise. Just take a step forward.”
“I can’t..”
“You can, just one step like we have been doing. That’s all.”
You sniffled a little bit, wiping your eyes with your hands.
“If you allow fear to keep eating away at you like this, you’ll always find yourself limited in what you can do (Y/N). I know you can do this, all you have to do is take that first step.”
You shook your head and you heard Hannibal walking.
“I’ll be right next to you the whole time.” He said.
You sniffled a little bit and closed your eyes shut tight.
“We’ll take that step together, on the count of three. Ready?”
Hannibal began to count, and when he reached three, he took a step, and you took a very small step.
Hannibal smiled at you.
“You did it, a small step is still a step.”
Hannibal took your hands back in his, and you gripped them tightly.
“Did you get hurt?”
You shook your head.
“No… but I.. I’m still scared…”
“Fear doesn’t go away overnight (Y/N), it will take time. But I have confidence that in one day you’ll be able to walk around places you feel safe without the help of Charlie.”
Hannibal walked you back to your chair and helped you sit down, and Charlie immediately came over, pressing his head into your hands.
You ruffled his fur, scratching behind his ears.
“Does it get easier?” You asked.
“For some people, for some its rather quick, for others it takes a long time.”
You nodded your head.
“I will be here every step of the way, and in no time I’m sure you’ll have me running races around my office.”
You laughed a little bit, grinning slightly at him.
“You wouldn’t be able to keep up you’re old.”
“How do you know I’m old?” He countered.
You shrugged a little bit.
“I don’t know, I’m good at guessing?”
He chuckled a little bit, clicking his fingers for Charlie to come over and ran his hands over the dogs back as he happily sat down again.
“Healing takes time (Y/N), but you must be willing to put that time in.”
You nodded your head in understanding.
“Can we play that game again?”
“Of course we can, let me set it up.”
You waited wait Charlie leant against your legs while Hannibal set up the domino game for you both.
He wasn’t going to push you anymore on your progress with walking without your guide dog, but he was hoping in future session you would begin to make more progress
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