#i love how palpable his annoyance is here
pinkeoni · 1 month
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thewulf · 6 months
Bulletproof Bonds || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - Maybe a husband!Aaron x Long Time BAU!wife and how there’s a new member to the BAU and she keeps trying to flirt with Aaron but he keeps turning her down🥲 but the new member doesn’t know that Aaron and reader are married, and new member just thinks of reader as competition to get with Aaron, eventually leading to reader getting really mad cause new member does something really stupid on a case that leads to reader almost getting seriously injured??... Read Rest Here
A/N: Really loved writing this one. Hope you all enjoy! Thank you for the request @viscade !
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader,
Word Count: 3.1k
TW: Yelling, gunshot (non wounded)
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In the bustling chaos of the BAU bullpen, Aaron Hotchner sat at his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as he sifted through the multitude of case files scattered before him. A usual sight for the unit chief. The harsh fluorescent lights cast stark shadows across his features, accentuating the lines of exhaustion etched into his face by years of chasing monsters in the dark.
You sat by his side, a silent sentinel amidst the whirlwind of activity. Your own workspace dedicated beside him cluttered with documents and crime scene photos. The faint aroma of stale coffee hung in the air as you both delved into the intricate web of clues left behind by the latest serial killer to plague the streets. It was always so easy with him, your husband. The way the two of you were able to bounce ideas off each other was like none seen before.
The tension in the room was palpable, a heavy weight pressing down on everyone present as they grappled with the enormity of the task at hand. Each unsolved case seemed to loom over them like a specter, a constant reminder of the lives lost and the justice yet to be served. Amidst all the usual chaos, Agent Sarah Miller made her presence known. Her arrival heralded by the soft click of her heels against the linoleum floor. She moved with a confidence that bordered on arrogance, her youthful exuberance a stark contrast to the world-weary countenances of her colleagues. She had no idea what she was getting herself into.
Sarah's eyes lingered on Aaron as she sauntered past his open aired desk, a knowing smirk playing at the corners of her lips. She was young, ambitious, and hungry for success. Her gaze fixed on the formidable figure of the BAU's leader like a moth drawn to a flame.
Despite Aaron's cold indifference, she persisted in her attempts at flirtation, undeterred by his lack of response. Her tactics were shamelessly transparent, her words dripping with false sweetness as she sought to capture his attention. Agent Sarah Miller yet again walked past Aaron's desk, her gaze lingering on him for a moment too long before she turned her attention to you. There was a subtle flicker of annoyance in her eyes as she took in your presence, her lips curling into a barely concealed sneer.
"Hey, Hotch," she purred, leaning against the edge of his desk with practiced ease. "You must be tired of staring at all those files. Why don't you take a break and grab a coffee with me?" Her eyes kept looking back to you in brief flashes to gauge your reaction. You decided early on after her brazen attempts that you would give her none. A layer of disgust masked on top of the doe eyes she was attempting to give your husband was meant for you. She was very forward, you had to give her that one.
Aaron's response was polite but firm, his tone devoid of any warmth. "I'm sorry, Agent Miller, but I have work to do," he replied, his eyes never leaving the papers in front of him.
Undeterred, Sarah flashed him a flirtatious smile, her gaze lingering on him expectantly. "Maybe some other time, then," she said, her voice dripping with false sweetness before she finally strolled away.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at her blatant display of interest, the subtle scoff escaping your lips as you returned your focus to the files sprawled across your desk. "Some profiler she is," you muttered under your breath, the sarcasm dripping from your words like venom. It was a small act of defiance, a way to vent the frustration bubbling just beneath the surface as you watched Sarah's failed attempts at seduction.
Your comment earned a small smirk from Aaron, his lips quirking up in amusement as he glanced up from his work. His eyes met yours, a silent acknowledgment passing between you, a shared understanding of the absurdity of the situation. In that fleeting moment, you found solace in the unspoken reassurance that he was not blind to Sarah's antics, nor was he unaffected by them.
As the tension in the room continued to get heavier, you exchanged a knowing glance with Aaron, the unspoken bond between you speaking volumes. It was a silent reminder of the unbreakable connection that bound you together, a tether grounding you amidst the disarray swirling around you. In that moment, you drew strength from the knowledge that no amount of flirtation from the new agent could ever hope to rival the deep-seated love and loyalty that defined your marriage.
But beneath the surface, resentment simmered, fueled by the blatant disrespect for the boundaries of your marriage. Each lingering glance, each flirtatious comment served as a reminder of the fragile line Sarah was treading, unaware of the storm brewing beneath the calm facade. Yet, as frustrating as her antics were, you knew that the true test of your marriage lay not in her misguided advances but in the unwavering trust and devotion you shared with Aaron. A bond that would withstand any challenge thrown your way.
You had to give the girl credit. She certainly didn’t stop. It was not even an hour later that the girl came crawling right back to him. In the dimly lit bullpen of the BAU, the seasoned agents huddled together, their eyes darting furtively around the room as they exchanged knowing glances. Reid, Garcia, Morgan, and Prentiss stood in a tight circle. Their voices hushed as they leaned in conspiratorially.
"So, who's going to crack first?" Garcia whispered, her eyes sparkling mischievously behind her glasses.
Prentiss smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "My money's on Y/N. She's got that poker face down pat."
Reid nodded in agreement, adjusting his glasses. "And she's got a wicked sense of humor. I don't think she's sweating it."
Just then, Morgan, ever the observant one, interjected with a grin. "You know what, I'm with both of you on this one. Y/N's handling this like a pro. She's probably just waiting for the perfect moment to drop a witty comeback."
The others turned to look at you, noticing your bemused expression as you observed the scene unfolding with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. The new agent, eager to impress, leaned in a little too close to Hotch, her voice dropping to a suggestive whisper. "So, Hotch, any plans for dinner tonight?"
Hotch glanced up from his paperwork, his expression remaining impassive. "Just finishing up some reports, Agent. Nothing planned."
Undeterred, the new agent persisted, fluttering her eyelashes coyly. "Well, if you change your mind, I know this great Italian place down the street."
Hotch merely nodded, returning his attention to the file in front of him. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Agent."
Behind his back, the BAU members couldn't contain their laughter, stifling their giggles as they watched the new agent's attempts fall flat. It was clear that Hotch was immune to her charms, his focus unwavering even in the face of relentless flirting.
As Sarah retreated, finally somewhat defeated, the BAU members exchanged triumphant looks, their silent bet settled. Hotch may have been unflappable in the field, but when it came to dodging unwanted advances, he was truly a master of his craft. And you, well, you were just enjoying the show, your amused smile barely masking your annoyance as you watched the scene unfold.
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The breaking point came during a particularly intense case, where the unsub's erratic behavior had everyone on edge. You felt the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you moved cautiously through the dimly lit corridors of an abandoned warehouse, every nerve on high alert.
In the heat of the pursuit, Sarah's impulsive decision shattered the fragile equilibrium you had struggled to maintain with your team. Ignoring protocol and disregarding the safety of the team, she charged ahead recklessly, her actions sending shockwaves rippling through your ranks. Bullets flew past you like angry hornets, the deafening roar of gunfire echoing off the walls as chaos descended upon you.
It happened in the blink of an eye, a split-second decision with far-reaching consequences. A bullet sliced through the air like a deadly whisper, its trajectory aimed straight for your chest. But thanks to the protective barrier of your bulletproof vest, the impact was nothing more than a forceful shove, the fabric absorbing the blow with a sickening thud. The impact knocked the wind out of you, pain searing through your body as you stumbled backward, clutching your chest.
As the adrenaline faded and the reality of what could have been sunk in, fury ignited like a wildfire within you. You rounded on Sarah, your voice a crescendo of anger as you unleashed the pent-up frustration that had been building for weeks. Each word was a dagger aimed straight at her heart. Your tone laced with a venomous ferocity that mirrored the intensity of the emotions raging within you.
Coughing up blood, your vision blurred as you struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Anger surged through you like a tidal wave, drowning out the pain as you staggered to your feet. With a primal roar, you lunged at Sarah, grabbing her by the collar with a strength born of desperation.
"What the fuck was that?" you yelled, louder than you ever had before. And certainly not in front of the team. Your voice raw with fury. Each word was a thunderclap, reverberating through the warehouse like a warning shot. "You could have killed me! Or them! Do you even realize what you've done?"
But Sarah's response was a defiant sneer, her gaze unwavering in the face of your righteous indignation. "I did what needed to be done," she spat, her voice laced with arrogance. "I'm not afraid to take risks to get the job done."
The words were like a slap to the face, a cruel reminder of the recklessness that had nearly cost you everything. With all your rage, you shoved her away, your hands trembling with anger as you struggled to contain the tempest raging within you.
"You're a liability," you growled, your voice a low, dangerous whisper. "And if you ever put my life, their lives,” You pointed to Spencer and Emily behind you, “in danger again, I won't hesitate to take you down myself."
As you stood there, trembling with fury and pain, the rest of the team made their way over. You still hasn’t seen Aaron yet but the rest of them looked on in shock and disbelief. Derek surged forward, his strong arms wrapping around you as he pulled you back from the confrontation. "Easy there Y/N," he said, his voice low and soothing as he tried to calm the storm raging within you. "Cool off."
Emily and JJ exchanged worried glances. Finally, Aaron found you after too many moments of losing it in front of everyone. His eyes widened in alarm as he took in the sight of blood staining your lips, his heart clenching with fear at the sight. "What happened?" he demanded. His usually calm voice was laced with urgency as he reached out to gently touch your arm. His fingers trembled against your skin, his touch a comforting anchor in the swirling chaos of the moment.
Still reeling from the confrontation and the shock of narrowly escaping serious injury, Spencer stepped forward, his voice calm but tinged with urgency. "Aaron, Sarah made a nearly fatal mistake," he said, his words cutting through the tension like a knife. "Her impulsive actions endangered everyone on the team, especially Y/N." You were thankful he was willing to step in because you weren’t quite sure if you had the right words.
Aaron's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching with barely contained fury as he turned his gaze on Sarah. The air around him crackled with palpable anger, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive. "Is this true?" he demanded, his voice cold and steely as he pinned her with a hard stare.
Sarah shifted uncomfortably under his intense scrutiny, her bravado faltering in the face of his unwavering gaze. "I...I was just trying to apprehend the unsub," she stammered, her voice wavering with uncertainty.
But Aaron's patience had worn thin, his temper flaring like a raging inferno. "You made a reckless decision that put the entire team at risk," he snapped, his voice echoing off the walls of the warehouse. "Until you can prove that you're capable of following protocol and putting the safety of your teammates above all else, you will not be back in the field."
The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the consequences of her actions. Sarah's expression fell, her defiance crumbling under the weight of his judgment. It was a harsh lesson, but one that she would need to learn if she ever hoped to earn back the trust of her colleagues and prove herself worthy of wearing the badge.
As Aaron turned away, his attention returning to you with a renewed sense of protectiveness, you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the unwavering support of your team leader and husband. But as you tried to catch your breath, a sudden coughing fit wracked your body, drawing Aaron's attention back to you. Concern flashed across his features, his eyes narrowing with worry as he stepped closer, his hand reaching out to steady you.
"Hey sweetheart," he murmured softly, his voice a gentle caress against your ear as he brushed a strand of hair away from your forehead. "Let's get you checked out, alright?"
You attempted to speak, but the coughing fit continued, leaving you gasping for air. So, you shook your head in protest. You were fine and you knew it, but the damn bullet hit you right in the lung leaving you gasping for air. Aaron's worry deepened, his brow furrowing with concern as he knelt down beside you, his hands hovering anxiously over your shoulders.
"Honey, just breathe," he urged, his voice filled with tenderness as he placed a comforting hand on your back. "We'll get you to the hospital, and they'll take care of you. I promise." It wasn’t usual that he dropped those sweet terms of endearment to you in front of the team, but he couldn’t really care. Not when he could’ve lost you.
Despite your protests, Aaron's determination remained steadfast. With gentle insistence, he scooped you up in his arms, cradling you against his chest with a strength born of love and concern. "You're going to the hospital," he declared, his voice unwavering as he carried you towards his SUV. “I’m not taking no for an answer sweetheart."
As Aaron settled into the driver's seat beside you, his eyes flickered with concern as he stole glances, his hand reaching out to brush against yours in a silent gesture of reassurance. But despite his unwavering determination to get you to the hospital, you couldn't help but feel a stubborn sense of resistance bubbling within you.
"I'm fine, Aaron," you insisted, your tone tinged with frustration as you crossed your arms over your chest. "This is incredibly dramatic. You’ve been hit in your gear too."
Aaron's expression softened at your words, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Maybe I am," he admitted with a chuckle. "I also know what it feels like honey. I’d rather be safe than sorry."
You shot him a playful glare, unable to suppress the teasing smile that danced on your lips. He cared for you, truly. Every inch of himself loved you more deeply than even you could have fathomed. You also knew that love bore stubbornness and there was no talking him out of what he knew he had to do. You were just along for the ride now. "You just can't resist playing the hero, can you?" You spoke up after a moment of silence between the two of you.
Aaron chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he glanced over at you. "Guilty as charged," he replied. "Always remind me never to get on your bad side," Aaron quipped, a lighthearted smile playing on his lips as he attempted to alleviate the tension that hung heavy in the air.
You managed a weak laugh trying your hardest to hide the pain radiating from your chest. However, so grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. "You looked like you were about to take matters into your own hands back there," he teased gently, his voice laced with affection.
The image of you, ready to throw down with the new agent, brought a genuine laugh bubbling up from deep within you this time. "Well, she did have it coming," you admitted with a mischievous grin. "But I guess I'll let you handle the heroics this time."
As the laughter subsided, Aaron's expression turned more serious, a hint of regret flickering in his eyes. "I'm sorry things got so heated," he said softly, his voice tinged with sincerity. "I should have stepped in sooner. I thought she was harmless. Dealt with her type so many times before." He sighed, running a hand through his hair before finding your hand and lacing his fingers within yours.
You squeezed his hand, a warm smile spreading across your face. "It’s not your fault you’re such a silver fox," Tossing him a wink you couldn’t help but to tease him right on back. It’s how you knew everything was going to be just fine. The two of you had dealt with so much worse and come out even stronger, this would be nothing but a minor blip on your journey together.
Aaron laughed at your playful comment, a warmth spreading in his chest at your familiar banter. "Ah, so you're saying my charm is both a blessing and a curse," he retorted with a grin, his gaze softening as he looked at you.
You nodded, a fond smile playing on your lips. "Something like that," you agreed, feeling a surge of gratitude for the ease with which you could navigate even the toughest moments with Aaron by your side.
As the car glided through the streets towards the hospital, a comfortable silence settled between you, punctuated only by the gentle hum of the engine. Despite the events that had unfolded, you found solace in the quiet intimacy of the moment, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, you would face them together. With each passing mile, you felt the weight of the day begin to lift from your shoulders, replaced by a sense of reassurance that only Aaron could provide. His unwavering love and support was everything you needed. He guided you through the darkness, illuminating the path forward with hope and determination.
As you arrived at the hospital and Aaron helped you out of the car, you knew that this was just another chapter in your life together. You couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the man beside you, your literal partner in crime, your rock, your everything. Together, you were truly unstoppable.
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Aaron Hotchner/Criminal Minds: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: (Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22 @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @mrs-ssa-hotch @panandinpain0 @viscade @kreepja @il0vebeingdelulu @hiireadstuff @kajjaka @guacam011y
Request Taglist: @michasia24 @alicexvrose @samsgoddess @octoavia @agustdpeach @nescavaneck @casualpruneranchfire @sebastiansstanswhore @kaysolai @samron15 @lillianacristina @ryswritingrecord @bitterest-taste
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chanranghaeys · 1 month
🚪 svt when they don't open the door for you when you knock
a/n: weirdly specific but i was triggered by this recently hence; not properly proofread word count: 3.8k tags: comfort!svt, gn!annoyed+emotional!reader, reader described to be smaller than svt, fluff, pet names, emotional tears, some raised voices (to and from minghao)
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Seungcheol — immediately stands up when he hears just the keys jingling at the door. He runs to reach it before you turn the knob but he’s too late.
But before you could even start complaining, before you could even glare at him, Cheol immediately embraces you and says “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t hear your knocks, I have no excuse.”
In this instance, all his pouts are not to annoy you, but to beg you to get rid of your annoyance at him. So try as you might to stay annoyed at him, how could you when he’s got you locked safe in the embrace of his strong and secure arms?
(i’m sorry cheol’s is so short because……..i think this is the most accurate i can get him honestly it’s just really straightforward like this for him)
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Jeonghan — immediately walks out of your shared room to greet you as soon as he hears the door open.
“You’re home—” he says with arms outstretched, but you cut him off instantly.
“Why didn’t you open the door for me?” He stays silent, a questioning look on his face. “I knocked so many times, but you know we can’t knock too loudly right? I was waiting for you to open the door, but you didn’t.”
You roll your eyes and steam off to your room, sidestepping him and his efforts to talk to you. When you emerge and settle on the couch, he sits beside you but at a slight distance because he knew better than to keep pressing when you were like this.
When he sees that your breathing started to regulate and your expression seemed to neutralize, that’s when he reaches for your hand and laces his fingers in yours. “How was your day, my angel?”
You just look at him. He persists, kissing the back of your intertwined hand. “Come here, I know you need a hug.”
Reluctantly, you lower your pride and scoot closer to him, settling on his chest. “Now, what’s bothering my angel? I know it’s more than just the door, and I’m really sorry that hurt you. But it’s more than the door, isn’t it? How are you really?”
You fight back tears because you know he’s right. It just wasn't your day and nothing went well, and you feel so bad that you projected your unnecessary anger at him.
You hug him tighter and mumble out an “I’m sorry Hannie,” to which he replies, “I’m sorry too, it’s okay. Hannie is here to listen, I’m here.”
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Joshua — doesn’t realize his mistake at first and greets you like normal: with a smile, a hug, and a kiss on the cheek. He quickly realizes that something was off when you don’t return the said hug and kiss as enthusiastically as you usually do, and your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes. When you only gave one word replies to him asking how your day was, alarms flare in his head.
He stops whatever he’s doing and does the same to you, taking the few groceries you were packing away from your hands and replacing them with his. he looks you in the eye, the alarm and guilt so palpable in his.
“I’m sorry,” he immediately prefaces. “What did I do? Or what did I not do? I’m so, so sorry.”
At his apologies, you started feeling bad as you saw him so helpless, but you also couldn’t hold back the whining tone from your voice as you said, “You knew I went to get some groceries. Why didn’t you open the door?” You feel bad, yes, but you’re also still annoyed.
He sighs in realization and frustration, before he looks back to you and caresses your cheek, then wordlessly pulls you into his chest. He strokes your head and smooths down your hair, a gesture that never fails to comfort you.
“I’m sorry, love. I’m really sorry. I really didn’t hear the door, I promise I didn’t mean to.” You stay like that for a while, just holding each other before he breaks away, saying he’ll be right back. When he emerges from your room, he had a light jacket on to cover his tank top.
“Let’s go.”
“For a walk. And a snack. And because I know something else is bothering that pretty head of yours,” he says with a kiss to your forehead. “Really tell me about your day, love. I want to hear all about it.”
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Junhui — plays along with your annoyed air at first, mocking your tone whenever you said “Why didn’t you open the door?” with his own mischievous smile.
When he saw that you didn’t just glare at him once or twice—it was five times to be exact—he slowly tones down, then fully stops when you stay silent. That’s when he realizes how seriously annoyed you were at this miss.
He isn’t very physically and verbally expressive of his love, but he wordlessly proceeds to set the dining table for you the moment you sat there, cautious of how you were going to react. When he was done, he sat down with you, stealing glances at you as you proceeded with dinner. When you asked if he had eaten, he shook his head silently.
As some time passed and there was a slight lull while you were eating, he grabs your hand and looks you in the eye with intent and remorse. “I'm sorry I didn’t open the door for you. I’ll be way more attentive next time.”
For the first time since you arrived, the frown on your face melted because here was Junhui so straightforward and affectionate when he rarely was. The moment he saw that smile on your lips, he leaned in to kiss it. “There’s my favorite smile.”
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Soonyoung — at a loss for words as to how to make it up to you. But because it was Soonyoung, you couldn’t really stay annoyed at him for so long. After all, that was the first time it happened and he just happened to catch you on a bad day too, and you see that it never happened again.
But you also saw there’s more to it than that. Since then, he proceeds to open literally anything for you, from bedroom and car doors, to jars and cereal boxes, even the TV at one point, grabbing the remote from your hand and doing a simple push of a button for you.
He only stops when you ask him “Soonyoungie, I know how unbelievably sweet it is for you to open these things for me, but are you still doing this because of what happened before?”
He just looked at you and pursed his lips. He really didn’t want to make you feel anything negative, especially when he was the cause of it. He wordlessly gave you a sullen nod.
You melt at this and pull him in for a hug, repeatedly reassuring him that you weren’t annoyed at him anymore and that he could stop. Well, he didn’t completely stop, he realized that it was no big deal to do even the smallest things for you.
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Wonwoo — was always busy with his games whenever you knock at your door and no one answers. You were pretty used to it, in fact. It wasn’t everyday, but it happened often. On those days, you just go to him and kiss his forehead. Most times, he immediately stops the game and dedicates his time to you.
But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t make you a bit sad everytime he fails to greet you at the door. So when a time came that this happened for how many days straight, your sadness turned into frustration and then annoyance.
It reached its peak when he was so engrossed with whatever he was playing that he didn’t even look to you when you arrived, didn’t even greet you. You scoff, but it fell to deaf ears inside his gaming headset. You walk out and busy yourself with something, anything besides him. When he does finally come out, he greets you, but is given the cold shoulder. He notices it right away.
“Love?” Silence. “Baby?” More silence. He attempts to hold your hand, but you pull it away. Oh shit. He tries again, inching closer to try and hug you, but his advances are rejected as you move away from him.
He sighs with defeat, knowing that he won’t get anywhere when you’re like this. So the evening passed in silence. When you two were finally getting ready for bed, you try to find sanctuary under the covers for the hurt in your heart. You try to sleep, but it wouldn’t come. You feel Wonwoo’s side dip with his weight, and when he settled down, he finally got the chance to wrap you in a hug.
“Talk to me. Please. I think I know what this is about, so just talk to me. I know we won’t be able to sleep without fixing this problem. Please.”
You cave and face him, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. And he realizes how grave his mistake was.
Since then, he always came running to the door at the first few knocks, greeting you with a tight hug and a soft forehead kiss. You wonder how, and you find out that the sounds from his games were a little too loud whenever you arrived.
“Wonwoo-ya! Where were you? How could you abandon us to die?” You peek into his gaming room and hear frustrated voices coming from the speakers.
“Sorry! I had to attend to more important things,” he speaks into his mic with a wink toward your direction.
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Jihoon — was a homebody, and always answered the door without fail. That is, whenever he was home before you were, which was a rare occurrence. It was a different story for his perpetually locked studio. He never answered the door for anyone, not even you. So as long as he was inside and could unlock the door remotely, you entered quietly to not disturb his artistic process.
There was one rule, most especially applicable to him, and that rule is no work was to be brought home. He rarely took breaks anymore when at the office and in the studio, so home was a place for rest.
He followed the said rule religiously, until you experienced unanswered knocks similar to how he is in the studio. For the past few days when you open the door, you see him slumped over his desk with work, samples streaming from the speakers or strewn paper filled with various lyrics.
For the nth consecutive time this happens, you were fed up with him. Your efforts at knocking to get his attention proved futile, so you called. He answered on the second ring.
“Jihoon-ah. I’ve been knocking for 10 minutes. Why aren’t you answering?”
You were greeted at the door by a breathless Jihoon, confused and slightly annoyed, asking you “Why didn’t you just open the door?”
That did it for you. “Because we’re not at your studio, Jihoon. We’re supposed to be at home.” You pushed past him in frustration, and his actions slowly dawned on him.
The next day, you wake to a soft kiss on your forehead and a whispered “I love you” before Jihoon left for work. Your annoyance has mostly died down, but it was replaced by a pang of sadness, that was quickly replaced by shock when you exited your room and saw what was on the table.
It was a bouquet of delicate flowers in your favorite color, nothing grand, but something well thought of. You notice something glinting tied around the stems. It was a key. On the table was a note: “I will open all the doors for you, and leave them open for you and only you. Even the door to the studio will be unlocked for you. I’m sorry. - Your Ji”
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Minghao — doesn’t immediately understand what the big deal is about.
"It’s just a door."
That’s what you hear him say when he finally asks why you’ve been annoyed and cold the moment you stepped into the apartment.
“It’s not just a door, Minghao!”
“You don’t hear me say the same thing when you don’t open the door for me, do you?”
“But I apologize after! It’s like you don’t even care!”
“I care, but it’s just not a big deal for me.”
“Well then if it’s not a big deal, why couldn’t you do something so simple?”
“I didn’t mean to not hear you knocking! I just happened to be preoccupied then!”
“Wow, so you were too preoccupied to even greet me? To apologize to me?”
It was a bad day for both of you, and you ended up fighting fire with fire, bringing up even unrelated issues from past and present, until one of you reached your tipping point, all from a simple gesture not done.
At that tipping point, he is rendered silent. “Pause. I can’t do this.”
You nod. “Pause.”
After a few moments, he speaks again. “I’m sorry. You know how blunt I can be. I didn’t see right away that it’s not what you need right now.”
You nod. “I’m sorry. It’s really not my day. I just couldn’t understand how you could say that as if it’s nothing.”
He initiates contact, reaching for your hands and circling them around his waist, and you effortlessly lean into the embrace he forms around you. He presses a soft kiss on the crown of your head. His lips stay there when you hear him say, "It's not nothing. It's never nothing with you."
“Then please just open the door next time?”
He lightly chuckles, and you feel his chest move with it. “It really is just a door. But okay, I’ll make sure to always open it for you.”
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Mingyu — always opens the door for you. No contest.
But on the rare occasion that he misses to do so, and he caught you on a bad day at that, he just stands there like a helpless puppy as the gravity of his actions sinks in. Whether you say your choice words, or with no words at all, he will know what he did wrong right away.
You storm into your room and he quickly follows, but your body language made it clear that you didn’t want to be disturbed. Despite his height, you easily sidestepped him as you made your way into the bathroom to shower.
Mingyu was standing by the door of the bathroom when you finished. You tried sidestepping him again, but he stood his ground this time, catching you in his embrace, rubbing your back, then kneading your temples. He led you back to your room, helping you dress up, dry your hair, massages your hands. While you do your skincare, he combs your hair straight and with no tangles. When you’re done and you stop to look at each other in the mirror, he hugs you from behind, and you allow him to do so.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, I won’t.” He buries his face in the crook of your neck and doesn’t let go until you finally give him a kiss on the cheek, one that was denied from him when you arrived. You tried really hard to stay annoyed at Mingyu, but you can’t, you just can’t.
So he always opens the door for you, without fail. He’d rather see your endless smiles if it meant doing something as simple as this.
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Seokmin — you knock at the door, knowing Seokmin is inside because you can hear him busy inside. It isn’t as usual for him to be home earlier than you because it was usually the other way around, so when he doesn’t open the door for you, your annoyance slowly grew with every knock.
You were just so tired and couldn’t wait to lie down but he couldn’t even open the door for you? You fumble with your keys, even dropping it in frustration, and he still didn’t hear you.
When you finally open the door, you hear music playing from the speakers and you can smell something…off. A panicked yelp confirms that yes, indeed, something is wrong, and you follow the scent to the kitchen, where you see Seokmin trying to save what was left of his bowl’s contents.
“Seokminnie, are you okay? What happened?”
His alarmed eyes met yours and were soon filled with disappointment. “You’re here. I didn’t even hear you come in. I’m sorry, I…I was just trying to make you something because I know you’re tired with all those messages you sent me and it was just the right timing that I could leave work early so I rushed home and then this happened and—”
You can’t believe you had the gall to be annoyed at him when he was the sweetest, most thoughtful man on earth. You take the bowl from his hands and hug him, resting your head on his beating heart. He molds himself into you and wraps you in his arms.
“I love you, Minnie.”
He kisses the crown of your head and rests his chin there while rubbing your back reassuringly. “I love you too. You can rest now, I’ll take care of this. Don’t worry.”
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Seungkwan — you were so ready to be petty and annoyed, you already had choice words in mind because you think this was payback for all the times you absentmindedly did the same to him, how he was left stewing but you secretly always took this chance to placate and soothe him because you knew he liked it when you fussed over him.
Nonetheless, you tried to be as obnoxious as possible while fumbling with your keys and opening the door. Seeing the back of his head leaned on the couch, you couldn’t even believe that he didn’t turn his head to you until you stood in front of him and was immediately silenced.
Seungkwan was fast asleep, deeply asleep that your noise didn’t even wake him. You slowly backtracked and remembered what his day was like today, how it was packed to the brim with schedules from one place to another, and you felt guilty as hell.
As quietly as you could, you brush his hair away from his face. You overestimated how deep his sleep was though, because his eyes flow open the moment he felt your touch.
“Wha—you’re home!” He grabs your hand and looks at you with sleepy eyes that closed again when he realized that “Ah no, I fell asleep. I was trying to wait for you but—”
You shushed him at that moment and said it was okay because this tired sleepyhead needs to rest already. You pull him up from the couch, where he wordlessly fixed himself against your side and kissed the side of your head as you walked into your shared room so you could tuck him in properly.
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Vernon — was watching a movie and was so fixated on it that he didnt even notice you were in until you opened the light.
“Oh—oh! Youre home!” He scrambles to pause the movie and brisk walk straight to you for a tight hug, even swaying slightly side to side. When he breaks apart and sees the slight frown on your face (that you quickly assembled after it got wiped away with that damn heartwarming hug), he tilts his head to the side.
“I know that face. What did I do? Is it because I didn’t open the door?” He widens his eyes in acknowledgment as it clicks in his head and lets out a defeated smile.
“I’m sorry” and while he still had you in his clutches, he kisses your nose.
“I’m sorry,” and a kiss on your cheek, another apology with another kiss to your other cheek, your forehead, your lips, your eyes, until you're smothered with his kisses.
He doesn’t stop until you were pushing him away, but he achieved his goal of making you smile. “Are you still annoyed? I’m not stopping,” He says, returning your smile with your favorite gummy smile of his.
“No, okay, stop! I’m okay. I’m not annoyed anymore…but don’t do it again.”
“Got it,” with one final kiss, a deeper one on your lips. When you both come up for air, he follows it up with “Come on, what do you wanna watch?”
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Chan — apologized as profusely as he could after seeing your annoyed face, hugging and kissing and never letting you leave his embrace until you finally said you weren’t annoyed anymore.
You let it go then, but you’re still a bit petty, and decided to do an Uno Reverse on him when the opportunity presented itself. You acted as nonchalant as possible when you heard him struggle with his keys, open the door, and finally face you from where you were seated.
When you look up from the book you were reading, you tried to act as surprised as you could. “Oh, Channie! You’re home.” You could see a sheen of annoyance masking his face, one he was trying to keep down.
“Didn’t you hear me knocking?”
“…No, sorry. I guess I was too into this book. I’m sorry Channie,” you say with the best pout you could muster.
You see his eyes narrow ever so slightly, before he smiles and leans down to kiss your forehead. “It’s okay, baby.” He wordlessly settles down beside you on the couch and pulls you in to cuddle and hold you tight.
You were dumbstruck to say the least. He wasn’t…annoyed? “You’re not annoyed at me?”
He pulls you in closer, nuzzling his cheek against yours before saying “No,” followed by a kiss to your cheek. “But I know you still are. And I’m really sorry. So I’ll just hold you tight until this hurt goes away.”
Your heart swells with pride at how he instantly saw through your seemingly tough facade. You melt against him, all sign of annoyance gone from you as you whisper a “Thank you, Chan.”
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pretzel-box · 2 months
I love you writing! Could you do something with jealous Sebastian?
A joke too much
words: 1,3k
status: non-proof read
tags: established relationship, sebastian is jealous, random nameless guy to fill in for the plot, comfort & bad diving suit jokes
sebastian might be a bit ooc but that's nothing new lol
Despite all the horrible things that had happened so far in the drastic depths of the Hadal Blackside, you were more certain than ever that hardships are easier to overcome with a group of co-workers—or, in this case, familiar victims of the expendable project that Urbanshade had set up to retrieve a simple crystal.
One of those people was a fellow inmate who shared a punishment similar to yours, which made it easier to bond over the shared misery. Their sarcastic way of lightening up every dark situation was a refreshing change of pace amid all the horrors and violence that usually surrounded your group.
"I would have worked harder on my bikini body if I knew I’d end up here," the fellow prisoner joked, gesturing to the basic diving suit Urbanshade had issued as minimal equipment. The ill-fitting suit clung awkwardly to his frame, adding a touch of absurdity to an otherwise grim situation.
"Ah yes, these diving suits definitely highlight all the right curves," you hummed back in amusement, trying to suppress a grin.
The lighthearted banter continued as you both navigated the dim, foreboding corridors. The small, wholesome moments of connection were a welcome reprieve from the relentless tension. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to keep the growing dread at bay, if only for a little while.
Eventually, you found yourselves standing before Sebastian's signature vent—a crude entrance that had become all too familiar. With a quick push, the piece of metal flew across the dark floor, clattering noisily. From the other side, Sebastian's disinterested voice echoed in the narrow passage.
"Welcome back, you... and you," he muttered, his tone flat as his ear fins twitched slightly, betraying his annoyance. His gaze flicked to the person next to you, clearly sizing them up. "Another day, another poor selection of team members, huh? Shame I don’t sell good ones either."
His joke, dripping with sarcasm, didn’t go unnoticed, but it didn’t have the desired effect either. You could see the faint lines of irritation on his face when he noticed your unimpressed expression. His usual wit seemed to fall flat in the current circumstances, and even he seemed to sense it.
"Really, Sebastian?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Your new companion stifled a chuckle, but you could tell they were a bit wary of the sea-serpent’s mood.
Sebastian sighed, leaning back slightly as if trying to shake off the tension. "What can I say? The company down here isn’t exactly what I’d call inspiring," he retorted, though there was a hint of resignation in his voice. He glanced between you and your new friend, his irritation giving way to something softer, almost like concern and you didn't missed the way his tail moved, showing how bothered he actually is without speaking it out loud.
“Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to send us down here with nothing but these glorified wetsuits?” Your team mate joked trying to get the comfortable atmosphere from earlier back by continuing his joke, shaking his head in disbelief. “If I knew I’d be stuck in a metal box at the bottom of the ocean, I might’ve packed something a little more comfortable.”
You chuckled, trying to ease the palpable tension. “At least you’re making it work,” you said, playfully nudging him with your foot.
Sebastian’s ear fins twitched at the sound of your laughter, and own claw-like fingers digged themself uncomfortably into his own palm. Without a care, he spoke, his voice carrying a sharp edge. “Some of us don’t have the luxury of laughing at this situation.”
Your friend raised an eyebrow, clearly picking up on Sebastian’s mood. He pushed off the wall and took a step closer to you, a lighthearted smile still on his face. “Hey, we’re all just trying to make the best of it, right? No harm in keeping things a little less... bleak.”
Sebastian finally faced him directly, his eyes locking onto your friend with an intensity that made the room feel even smaller. “If you’re so focused on keeping things light, maybe you should find somewhere else to do it.”
The words were laced with a possessiveness that took both you and your friend by surprise. The room fell into a heavy silence as Sebastian’s gaze shifted to you, his expression unreadable. “Or is this how you’d rather spend your time?”
You swallowed hard, sensing the unspoken conflict. “Sebastian, we’re all stuck in this together. We don’t have to turn on each other.”
He let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. “Stuck together, sure. But don’t pretend like this is just another day at the office. We’re not exactly a team, are we?”
Your friend cleared his throat awkwardly, realizing he was caught in the middle of something much deeper than he’d anticipated. “Look, maybe I should just... give you two some space,” he suggested, glancing between you and Sebastian.
Before you could respond, Sebastian stood up and slithered across the room, positioning himself between you and your friend, his tall frame blocking the view. “Yeah, maybe you should,” he said, his tone final, leaving no room for argument.
The air in the room was thick with tension as your friend hesitated, then gave a small nod. “Right. I’ll, uh, catch up with you later,” he mumbled before slipping out of the room by crawling back throug the vent behind him.
Once the two of you were alone, Sebastian didn’t move, standing with his back to you, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. You could feel the cold emanating from his body, but there was also something else—a vulnerability he rarely showed.
“Sebastian,” you started softly, reaching out to touch his arm. “What’s going on? Why are you acting like this?”
He didn’t pull away, but he didn’t turn around either. His voice was low when he finally spoke. “Because I’m tired of watching someone else take care of you when I’ve been the one keeping you alive all this time.”
His words hit you like a wave, and you suddenly understood the depth of his jealousy. It wasn’t just about the other guy—it was about everything you’d been through together, everything he’d done to protect you. He was scared of losing you, of not being enough and being replaced with someone you just met.
You stood up and stepped closer, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind, resting your head against his back. “I know, Sebastian. I know you’ve always been there for me. And I’m grateful for that. But you don’t have to do it alone.”
He sighed, his shoulders slumping as some of the tension drained from his body. Slowly, he turned in your arms, his cool hands resting on your shoulders as he looked down at you, his expression softening. “I just... I can’t lose you,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
You reached up, brushing a strand of hair from his face. “You’re not going to lose me. I’m right here.”
Sebastian’s gaze searched yours, and after a moment, he pulled you closer, wrapping his arms and tail around you in a protective embrace. The coldness of his body was no longer unsettling; instead, it was a familiar comfort.
For a while, you just stood there, holding each other in the quiet of the room, the earlier tension dissolving into a peaceful silence. Finally, Sebastian pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his breath cool against your skin. “I didn’t mean to get so... possessive.”
You smiled gently, your hands resting on his chest. “It’s okay. Just... remember that we’re in this together. Both of us.“
Sebastian nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Thank you, Sweetheart."
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
Hiiiiii, could you maybe do something with like Jobe, where like he and reader are cuddling and shit, and then Jude is just like that embarrassing older brother who decides he needs his little brother, and Jobe is just like 'bro, are you fr rn, YOU'RE INTERRUPTING'
If so thank youuu<3 have a nice day/night
Just Jude interrupting your moment with Jobe
Jobe Bellingham x fem! reader
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I'm cozied up on the couch with Jobe, basking in the warmth of his embrace. His kisses are gentle, his hands are tender, and everything feels perfect as I lean into him, completely absorbed in our little world.
Just as Jobe’s lips find mine again, a loud, exaggerated cough breaks through our peaceful moment.
I pull back, blinking in surprise as Jude, Jobe’s older brother, stands in the doorway with a smirk that’s clearly up to no good. “Ahem! Care to remember that there’s a whole world out here besides your, um, ‘romantic interlude’?”
Jobe’s eyes narrow in annoyance as he pulls away slightly. “Seriously, Jude? Can you not see that we’re busy here?”
Jude saunters into the room, clearly reveling in his role as the annoying older brother. “Busy? Oh, you mean you’re just, what, setting new records for public displays of affection? I thought I’d come in and remind you that you’re not the only people in the house.”
Jobe’s frustration is palpable. “Dude, can you just—”
But Jude isn’t done. He continues, clearly enjoying himself. “—You know, it’s not like I have anything better to do than listen to you two moan and groan all evening. Have you considered that maybe some of us have lives outside of this sappy little bubble?”
I can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Jobe’s irritation is visible, but his brother’s antics are oddly endearing.
Jobe shakes his head, letting out a long, exasperated sigh. “Okay, Jude, enough. I love you as my brother and all, but right now, I’m really not in the mood for your commentary.”
Jude, still grinning, seems unfazed. “Alright, alright. I’ll leave you to your... uh, quality time.” He heads toward the door but keeps talking over his shoulder. “Just remember, there’s more to life than just this. Maybe go outside or something, get some fresh air!”
As Jude finally exits, still chuckling to himself, Jobe turns to me with a mix of relief and determination.
He grabs my hands, his eyes sparkling with a mix of frustration and mischief. “You know what? Let’s just get out of here. I think we could both use a break from my brother’s endless commentary.”
Before I can respond, Jobe is already leading me toward the door, his grip warm and reassuring. “How about a drive? We can leave all the interruptions behind and just... be somewhere else for a bit.”
I nod, smiling up at him. “That sounds perfect.”
247 notes · View notes
lesservillain · 8 months
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older!alpha!steve harrington x younger!omega!reader
cw: SMUT, omegaverse dynamics, unprotected piv, modern setting, steve is a divorcee and single dad, steve is in his early 40s and reader is in their mid to late 20s an: this is just a self indulgent lil one shot bc i love older men ugh
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“She was totally checking you out, by the way.”
Steve pushes the frame of his glasses up the bridge of his nose, his attempt to hide the pink that dusts over his cheeks at Robin’s comment.
“What? No she wasn’t. Don’t do this today.”
The plastic of the menu bends in Steve’s grip by Robin’s ringed fingers. He tries to focus on the suns glare hitting the laminated paper rather than his best friend’s knowing gaze. He hates that she does this to him.
 It wasn’t their first time at this diner, nor was it their first time being waited on by you. What started as Robin’s attempt to get her depressed best friend out of the house after a quick but painful divorce has turned into a regular bi-weekly Sunday outing for the pair. And thanks to Robin’s commitment to a bit, she makes sure to arrive before Steve every time to sit in your section, all because she caught Steve checking you out one time.
“Why don’t you believe me that she likes you?”
“Steve.” The tired battle of lifting Steve’s confidence was one that Robin refused to lose. “How many times do I have to tell you that you still got it? A little gray hair and a dorky mustache is, like, the new six pack abs for girls in their 20s.”
“Oh, god, do I need to have Hailey touch up my hair already?” Steve’s hands fly to cover the sides of his hair where his grays tended to show the most. The sudden movement sent his menu flying down to land on the floor next to him. 
“Here you go—”
Skin meets skin when you went to grab the flimsy plastic at the same time as Steve. A shock wave runs from Steve’s finger through the rest of his body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. His hazel eyes jump up to meet yours, and he can feel the breath from your gasp on his cheek. You shoot up, frozen in place as you look down at him. The tension is palpable between you. 
Suddenly, you bolt, leaving Steve still leaning over his seat as he watches you take off out of sight.
“What was that about?” The tone in Robin’s voice had Steve sitting up straight, annoyance clear in his expression.
“What was what, Robin?”
“Um, are we just going to ignore that pheromone drop you just did?”
Steve shifts in his seat, eyes wide as he looks around the diner. A few heads were turned to him, mostly older alpha’s with death glares as their marked omega’s sit blissfully unaware across from them. “Sorry.” He says in a hushed apology, shrinking back into his booth seat.
“Well, at least we have confirmation your girlfriend is an omega,” Robin says over a sip of her coffee. Steve’s ears perk up, but he does his best not to show his interest in the topic of you.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Steve says with a roll of his eyes. “I honestly probably just scared the shit out of her. Did you see how fast she ran off?”
“I’m sure you were watching.” Steve’s head falls back with a scoff, making Robin giggle at his embarrassment. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I’ll stop now.”
“Thank you.”
“Are we ready to order?”
Robin and Steve turn to the waitress at the end of the table, immediately noticing she’s not you. They give the girl their order, and Steve can’t help but feel some type of way about how you would have just asked them if they wanted their regulars. With a heavy sigh Steve stares at the table’s vintage pattern until Robin calls his name. Her expression is soft, knowing in a way that is both relieving and disheartening.
“Maybe she’s on a break?”
“She hates me.”
“She does not hate you.”
“Yes she does. I’m a grown man who couldn’t control his pheromones all because a pretty girl touched his hand? We should probably just leave.”
Robin grabs Steve’s arm with a laugh as he attempts to make an escape from their booth. “Steve, it’s fine. I doubt you’re the first person that’s done that to her. Just relax.”
Steve sighs and nods. “Okay, okay. I’m good now.”
“So you’re good to pick up the girls from practice this week, right? I’m hoping that this project will be wrapped up by Thursday--”
“Of course, Steven,” Robin says as she opens her car door. “You think I’d ever turn down the chance to spend time with one of my favorite nieces?” 
“I just want to make sure. I don’t want to give Becca any ammunition against me, you know.” Steve’s hands flex, thinking back to the argument him and his now ex wife had those months back.
Robin opens her mouth, but decides against whatever she had to say, simply nodding instead. “I’ll see you later, Steve.”
Steve nods back, watching as Robin gets in her car and drives away. He leans back to see her car disappear down the road before swinging his own door open and leaning inside. Reaching into his center console, he pulls out a pack of smokes and a lighter, bringing the butt to his lips and flicking the lighter. The flame refuses to stay, however, the clicking grating his ears with every failed attempt causing him to curse.
“Need a light?”
Steve spins around, bewildered, large hazel eyes like saucers when they land on you. A bright pink lighter sits between your fingers, and with a flick the flame emerges, waiting for him to lean in. He puffs until the heat hit his throat, pulling back to take in a deep drag, letting the smoke blow upward above him. 
When he looks back down at you, you’ve barely moved. Eyes lidded slightly and lips parted just so, almost like you were mesmerized by him. It makes Steve chuckle out of nervousness, not used to being ogled at his “big age” as his daughters would say.
“Thank you,” he says with a smile that seems to bring you back to this planet, eyes blinking rapidly before you pull out your own pack of cigarettes. 
“Yeah, of course.” Your eyes flicker up to him for a moment before giving yourself a light.
“You’re too pretty to be smoking,” Steve says passively, smoke billowing out between his own lips.
You look up at him through your lashes. For a brief moment you look annoyed at his comment and Steve is sure he fucked up again. The words of his oldest going on about how men shouldn’t comment on what women do rings in his ears and he wants to slap himself.
“Well, I could say the same for you.” There’s a teasing lit in your words, but the cute shuffle and bounce combo that you do gives Steve butterflies as it fuels his delusions. 
Channeling his former self, his mind shifts into King Steve mode after 20 years of retirement. He takes a step into your space and internally celebrates when you don’t move away. “Awe, you think I’m pretty?” The tone of his voice surprises him, coming out more sensual than he intended. But your reaction tells him that he must be doing something right.
“You’re definitely nice to look at.” Your words come out even but breathy. Was he really having this effect on you? Maybe Robin wasn’t wrong about him still having it in him.
“Oh, so you like to look at me?”
“Only for about an hour every other Sunday.”
Steve sucks in a breath. The way you’re looking at him right now is making him have thoughts that aren’t appropriate for the very public parking lot of your workplace. But he can’t get over the fact that you’ve been looking at him of all people.
“Is-is that so?” 
“Mhm,” you hum, taking a drag of your cigarette and blowing it out. “Would be nice to look at you for an hour from a different angle sometime.”
Steve coughs on his hit, completely thrown off by your forwardness. But you don’t seem to be deterred, rather you close the gap between the two of you, chests touching as you look up into his eyes.
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Lips move in a feverish kiss as Steve pins you against his front door, keys fumbling in his hand as he attempts to unlock it while keeping the two of you connected. You giggle against his neck when he pulls away, leaving a few kisses against his skin as he finally gets the door open. His hands fly to your hips, walking you backwards into his home where his lips crash into yours once again.
“Nice place,” you say as he moves to leave heated kisses against your neck.
“Thanks,” he says between nips on your skin. A low groan pulls from his chest when he feels your hand slide down to palm at his crotch. A smirk forms on his lips at the little gasp you let out when you feel his size, and he bucks his hips into your hand playfully.
In one swift motion he lifts you up and over his shoulder, delighted by your laughter filled squealing as he carries you to his bedroom. Kicking the door open with a gentle shove, he walks you over to his king size bed and plops you down on the comforter. The huge smile and wild look in your eyes spurs him on, all the blood in his body rushing to his dick when you reach your arms out for him. 
Steve pulls off his shirt with haste, and your eyes fix on the healthy patch of hair that covers his chest that tapers down his stomach to where it disappears into his jeans. He feels a little self conscious under your gaze, but the way your tongue darts out of your mouth, licking across your bottom lip has him climbing over top of you to chase it with his own. 
Hands move between your bodies and clothes go flying until the two of you are fully exposed to each other. Steve’s hard, leaking cock presses into your thigh, laying heavy against your already hot flesh. Your fingers run through his soft locks as his mouth attaches to your breast, nipping and biting until his mouth reaches your hardened nipple. 
While his mouth pays your sensitive chest attention, his large hands have wandered down between your legs and began running his fingers through your folds. His fingers skim over your clit with each stroke, sending little jolts through your body.
“God, you’re so wet,” he breathes out, his blown out pupils meeting yours.
“Just for you,” you say with a smirk, one that turns into an open mouth moan when he finally plunges a finger into your waiting cunt. 
There’s no mercy as his fingers move inside of you just right, hitting that spot with a curled finger over and over. Your hands grip his shoulders, instinctively trying to push him away but he doesn’t relent. He just watches the way your face contorts as another thick finger joins in stretching you out for him. 
“So beautiful.” Steve doesn’t even realize he’s said it out loud, but he can’t think of another word to describe the way you look under him. “Doing so good for me, honey.”
His praises send you over the edge and you cum hard on his fingers. The way you squeeze his fingers mixed with the smell of your pheromones releasing has Steve’s cock twitching in anticipation. When you come down from your high, your arms instinctively wrap around his neck and pull him in for sloppy, appreciative kisses. 
“Mmm, gonna need you to fuck me now, big boy,” you say into his ear, tongue licking at his lobe in a way that makes his hair stand up on the back of his neck. Your soft hand slides down between the two of you to grab his cock and pump it a few times in your hand. “Do you have any condoms?”
Steve freezes above you. 
“Um, well no…” he stutters. “Me—uh, my wife— ex wife—,” he looks at you directly with his clarification, “she had her tubes tied so we, um, we never used them so I don’t have—”
You put a finger over Steve’s lips, hushing his babbling immediately. 
“It’s okay,” you say with a sympathetic look, “I understand. We can stop…or.”
“Or?” Steve asks.
“Or, if you don’t care…then I don’t care? Just pull out?”
Steve felt like he was going to bust in your hand as it worked his aching cock. Deep down he knew it was irresponsible. But the way you were making him feel was lowering his inhibitions. And when was the last time he’d ever been reckless? 
“O-okay,” he swallows dryly, “I’m okay with that. But, um, I do want to be transparent with you.” Your head tilts to the side waiting for his response. God, could you be any cuter? “I, um, I haven’t been with an omega in, like, 20 years. So, I just—just know I’m not sure how long I’m going to last, you know…”
“Your wife—”
“Ex wife—”
“Ex wife, she wasn’t an omega?”
Steve shakes his head. He’d never been one to care about second gender dynamics. Sure, there were elements to their alpha x beta relationship that didn’t fulfill him like an omega would, but he loved Becca all the same during their relationship.
You go quiet for a moment, and Steve is sure he’s completely ruined the moment between the two of you. He’s mentally preparing himself to take you back to your car, but you suddenly move beneath him in a way that flips him on his back. He watches as you straddle his lap, your dripping cunt hovering just above his cock where you still have your hand wrapped around it.
“You poor thing,” you say with faux perturbance, lowering down far enough that you can rub yourself against his length. “Gone all these years with no omega to make you feel good?” Steve nods dumbly, completely entranced by the dynamic shift between you. “Do you want me to fix that for you? Wanna fill me up with your alpha cock?”
“Yes—yes, please.” His voice comes out a pathetic, whiny plea as his glassy eyes stay laser focused on yours.
Without warning you sink down onto his cock, both of you moaning out at the sudden connection. Even with him stretching you out on his fingers and the amount of slick your body produced, your tight cunt still squeezes Steve like a vice as you take each inch of him like a champ. You move up and down, working yourself open on him and Steve can barely stand it, wanting to grab your hips and move you himself. But Steve breaths through it, nostrils flared,  until you’re seated completely against him, his cock buried to the hilt inside of you. 
“Hooooly shit,” he breathes out. Steve needs a second to keep himself from cumming too soon, but it’s a second that you don’t spare him as you begin to bounce on his cock. Leaning over him, your hands rest against his chest, giving him the perfect view of your tits as they bounce in his face. 
“Fuck, you’re so big,” you moan out, brows pinching as the head of his cock reaches deep inside of you. “Even for an alpha, you’re s-so fucking big.”
Steve finally lets his hands grip on your hips, but instead of moving you how he wants, he fights against you to still your movements. 
A pout forms on your lips as you look down at him, and Steve wants nothing more than to shove his cock in your mouth to get rid of it. But, you feel too good wrapped around him so he takes his thumb and pushes it past your lips instead. Immediately you begin to suck and mouth on it, slowly grinding your hips against him to get any bit of friction between you.
When he pulls his thumb from your mouth, it lands on your clit to rub slow circles into it. You whine at the stimulation, trying to buck your hips faster in order to chase your high. 
Loosening his grip, he lets you move against him again. Steve watches in awe at the way you come undone above him, picking up the pace on his thumb as you move with little rhyme or reason. He feels your body stiffen, jaw dropping with a silent scream as your cum all over his cock, your slick coating his balls and dripping down onto the bed sheets underneath you.
Steve is generous enough to give you a second to come down before he’s pulling you off of him and back onto the bed. He watches the way your chest rises and falls as you catch your breath, the far off look in your eyes fading away as you look up at him with a satisfied grin.
“Did so good, sweet girl,” Steve says between peppered kisses against your face, making you beam. His gentle hands maneuver your limp body until you're flat on your stomach. He rubs up and down your back until his grip lands on your ass, kneading at the flesh there and spreading you apart for him to admire.
“Such a pretty pussy,” Steve praises. Your body jumps when you feel his fingers run through you again, followed by an almost pained groan. Looking back over your shoulder, you see Steve’s fingers in his own mouth, eyes squeezed shut as he savors the way you taste. “Fucking amazing. Forgot how good omega pussy is.” 
You hum at his words, finding the energy to raise your hips to present yourself to him, wiggling them back and forth. “Why don’t you come get some? Straight from the source.” 
Steve’s eyes go wide with shock. “Really? That’s okay?”
“Of course it is,” you say with a chuckle. “Why would it not be?”
Steve wants to bring up how his ex would only let him go down on her when they had the time, which wasn’t often for two full time parents. But, he didn’t want to bring the mood down by bringing up his wife or how he felt like he might have been bad at it since she never wanted it.
“I just, uh, wanted to make sure. That’s all.”
“Okay,” you say, moving your hips playfully, “Less talking and more doing then.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Steve salutes before diving in tongue first. The taste of you is like divine nectar in his mouth. Something he could see himself getting addicted to if given the opportunity. 
Flattening the thick muscle, he pushes it between your folds and licks a long stripe from your clit to your hole, letting the tip catch on it teasingly. He feels your body shiver under him, sending a confidence boost through his veins that encourages him to keep going.
Another quicker swipe through, but this time he lets his tongue slip into you completely. His thumb makes its way back to your clit, working it in tandem with his tongue in a way that makes you dizzy. Then, they switch places, his lips wrapping around your bud to lick and suck while his fingers curl inside you, his nose right up against your slit.
Steve feels the way you squeeze around him, familiar enough now that he knows your third orgasm is quickly approaching. But the thought of not feeling you cum on his cock has him pulling away from you all together. He laughs when you let out a whine, only for it to turn into a moan when he pushes the head of his cock inside you. He watches the way it pops in, disappearing in your tight cunt as you suck him in.
He wants to take his time with you, but the way you push back against him has him laughing. “Okay, I’m sorry, sweet girl. No more—teasing.” He punctuates the last word with a snap of his hips, thrusting all the way inside of you. His heavy balls audibly slap against your clit. 
Steve manhandles your hips until they’re just where he likes them and begins to pound into you. Not too aggressive, but hard enough that his bed frame hits the wall with every thrust. Your vocalizations echo off the walls in competition, and he’s never been so thankful that his kids were staying with their mom for the weekend, because he doesn’t know what he would do if he had to tell you to stay quiet like he was used to.
“Fuck! Fuck! Steve! Oh my god, fuck me, Steve!”
Steve is sure he can taste blood from how hard he’s biting his bottom lip. His mind feels like it’s turning to mush again, pussy drunk from how right it feels to be inside you. Biology be damned, but he couldn’t deny it.
Slumping forward, Steve’s arms wrap around you and pin you to the mattress below him. His nose presses into the back of your neck, nostrils flaring again as your sweet scent fills them up. Drool spills from his mouth and onto your skin, and every fiber of his being is screaming at him to bite down onto that sensitive spot. He lets a canine drag against it, and he sees the goosebumps forming on your skin. 
“Oh, fuck!” 
Steve feels you cum on his cock, body shaking and eyes rolling back as you cry out. It’s all too much for Steve, bringing him to the edge where he’s about to cum himself. 
He goes to pull out, but struggles as your body pins his arms under you. “Shit, shit!” He panics, only managing to pull out about halfway, unable to stop himself from cumming inside of you. 
Steve knows that he should feel bad, and he probably will once he finally stops cumming. But, at the same time, he’s pretty sure he’s never cum so hard in his life. And before he knows it, he feels the blood rushing into the base of his cock where it begins to swell. He pulls out of you just enough that his knot sits snugly against your hole, practically begging to be inside of you.
“Holy shit, did you knot?” You pant against his bed sheets, turning your body to look back at him.
“Y-yeah,” He pushes himself off of you, sitting back on his knees. He looks at the way his knot is pressed against your entrance, feeling only a slight resistance when he rocks forward a bit.
“I’m surprised you pulled it out,” you say, giving him a look that he isn’t sure how to read. Heat creeps all over his body as the guilt starts to set in.
“I was trying to pull all the way out, I promise. I’m so sorry. We can stop at the drugstore on the way back to your car and—”
“It’s okay.” 
He feels the way you push back into his knot, rocking back and forth on his still hard length while his cum subtly starts to leak out of you. 
“Yeah?” He asks again, eyes locked on his knot as you work yourself open on it. You’re so tight, but he can feel the resistance starting to give. Maybe if he just…
“Oh my god!” You squeal out. With one hard thrust, Steve was able to push his knot fully inside of you until it locks in place. Whether it be the natural connection between an alpha and an omega or, if your pussy was just that good, Steve can’t help but cum again, filling your already stuffed pussy up with more of his seed. 
“What is it, Stevie baby,” you ask in a sugary sweet voice, mind clearly on cloud nine from the soft look on your face. 
“It’s just, it’s been so long…so long since I’ve felt like…”
“Awe, come’er,” you motion for him to lay with you, and Steve follows your command, taking you in a strong arm and maneuvering you both comfortably onto your sides. Underneath the covers, the two of you hold each other like you’ve been doing this for years rather than being a random Sunday afternoon hookup. The hairs of his mustache tickle the skin on your shoulder where he leaves kisses over and over again.
The two of you are quiet as you lay there in his bed. Steve’s mind races as the post nut clarity kicks in. Guilt plagues his brain first, but not in the way he thought it would. He thought he would feel guilty about sleeping with someone he didn’t vow his life to almost 20 years ago, but that’s not the case. Instead he feels guilty wishing he’d not wasted all those years with someone who couldn’t make him feel like this. All those years of putting her needs first…
“Are those your daughters?”
Steve’s head pops up to look over yours. Following your gaze, he sees the picture in question—well, he can’t see it clearly, his glasses being lost in the shuffle to get here. But, he knows what picture you’re talking about. It’s a picture of him and his two daughters, Hailey and Kristina, at their soccer tournament when they were 9 and 7 respectively. Their team had won 2nd place, but the both of them didn’t care because their dad had shown up to watch them play. It’s one of his favorite pictures of the three of them.
“Yeah, those are my girls,” Steve says with pride.
“They’re cute.” You look back at him with a smile, “They definitely get their looks from you.”
Steve feels the heat on his cheeks and ducks his head. “Thank you. Do, uh, do you have any kids?”
“Nope,” you say with a shake of your head. “Well, not yet at least.”
“Again, I am so, so sorry—” You bark out a laugh at his embarrassment and Steve tries to ignore the way you squeeze him.
“I’m just teasing, Steve.”
“Oh-okay,” he settles, daring to squeeze you a little tighter to him. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure,” you say excitedly, taking his hand in yours and rubbing circles into the back of his hand.
“Well, okay actually it’s, like, a series of questions. But, I guess the first one is…why me?”
“Why you? Like, why did I sleep with you?”
“Um, partly because you’re, like, really, really hot.”
Steve laughs at that, “Should’ve seen me when I was your age.”
“I’m sure you were super hot then, too. But you look like one of those guys who gets better with age.”
“Anyway, I also slept with you because you’re always really nice when you and your friend come in. I thought maybe you were, but honestly I couldn’t tell if you were flirting with me or not. I also wasn’t sure if you and her were dating and I didn’t want to embarrass myself so I never said anything. But when you pheromone bombed me earlier…I had to take my break because I thought I was going to go into heat.
“Jesus, I’m sorry about that, too,” Steve internally scolds himself for forgetting about that. “Forty two years old and I can’t even contain myself. Acting like I’m a newly presenting alpha again.”
“It’s okay…honestly it was kinda hot. That’s why when I saw you leaving, I thought ‘Fuck it, might as well shoot my shot.’ Glad I did.”
Steve is trying his damnedest to stay collected, he really is. But the more you talk about wanting to pursue him, the more he feels like he needs to get away from you before he falls for you. He knows it’s just the pheromones and the fact that he hasn’t felt wanted since Becca left him, but damn does it feel good to have someone want him.
He feels you snuggle back against him. You look over your shoulder at him with a sly expression. 
“Ready for round two already?” You say with a teasing lit. His eyes go wide.
“What?” He asks with a nervous chuckle.
“I’m just kidding,” you say, sticking your tongue out at him.  “Just felt like you got harder when I was talking about how I wanted you.”
Steve sucks in a breath. “I mean, if I can get this knot to go down enough…” It’s been a long while since Steve’s been able to go for a second round. But, he’s pretty sure he’d do anything you asked him right now.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind this for a little bit longer.”
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The two of you ended up fucking for a good majority of the afternoon. At some point Steve fell asleep inside you, leaving you to scroll through his barely touched instagram until his knot went down again. He warned you that pictures of his wife were still on there since he didn’t know how to delete them. But when you told him you didn’t care about his past he ended up fucking you again, which is how you ended up in the position you’re in now.
When Steve rouses from his nap, he’s sad to find you not in bed with him. It felt good having someone to share his bed with again. A king size mattress is too big for only one person to occupy Steve has thought many nights now.
Steve puts on a pair of gray sweats and a tee shirt and searches the house for you. He gets a little nervous when he doesn’t find you anywhere. With a slight panic, he runs back to his room and checks his clothes from earlier. When everything was still in his pockets he grabbed his phone to see if you’d texted him that you were leaving. That was until he remembered that he never asked for your number…
Plopping down on the edge of the bed, he grabs his phone and taps the screen. The picture of Hailey and Kristina opening gifts at Robin’s house over Christmas break comes up, making him smile. But when he looks at the bottom of the screen, he sees the little notification bubble and scrolls up. 
His eyes widen when he sees your name attached to a text message. He opens the message quickly, squinting his eyes to see the screen without his glasses on. 
wanted a smoke so I’m sitting in your car hope that’s okay ♥️
Steve is up instantly, grabbing his coat and house slippers before pushing out the front door. He saw you in his passenger seat, bundled up in your coat with a cigarette still lit between your fingers. You were on the phone with someone, distracted as you looked out the front window. He could hear you speaking with someone through the cracked window.
“Yeah, the older guy. The divorced one…Girl, oh my goooooood…I will when I see you later. He’s so hot though…I don’t know. I kinda hope so. Like I’m sure my parents would be so pissed if I started dating a guy in his 40s…I don’t know. But girl we went at it for hooouuuursss, so I hope so.”
Steve was sure his face was the same shade of red as a tomato. He could hardly believe a girl was sitting in his car talking about how much she liked him to presumably one of her friends. And you were talking about dating?
“Do you want to go on a date with me?”
The words come out on their own. Your head snaps to look at him, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. You mutter a quick good bye to your friend and open the car door.
“S-sorry, I was talking to my friend. What did you say?”
Steve debated on back tracking. There’s no way you could be serious about liking him, so why embarrass himself, or even scare you off by taking things further. You were right, you were old enough that your parents wouldn’t approve even if you both wanted it. As a father of two girls, he can’t help but think about how he would feel if one of them brought home someone at least 15 years older than them…
“Steve?” The way you looked at him had him folding in an instant.
“I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me.”
A smile played at the ends of your mouth. “Really?” You ask coyly. “This isn’t just some little fantasy thing for you? Older man hooking up with a younger girl to make himself feel better?” Steve shook his head.
“God, no. Those aren’t my intentions at all.” Steve’s hand reaches out for yours, which you gladly take, swinging them between the two of you. Steve clears his throat before looking you in the eye as he speaks.
“I’m not the type of guy that does…” He gestures vaguely towards his house. “Does the hook up thing. At least I haven’t been in a good while.”
“I knew you were a player when you were younger,” you say with a cheeky smile.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He laughs.
“I saw a picture that your friend Robin tagged you in on her instagram of the two of you back in the day and…” You gave him a look that made him duck his head. 
“I guess you could say that I was a bit more debaucherous back in my early twenties. But, I think the longevity of my marriage should stand as testament that I am capable of being a loyal, faithful partner to the right person.”
“And you want to see if I could be a candidate for that “right person” position?”
“Mmm, that sounds like you’d need to convince me.” He pulls you into him, looking down at you as you’re pressed against him. “But I’m pretty sure you’ve already got me hooked on you. Just need to prove to you that this old man is worth keeping around.”
The way your smile crinkles your eyes as you look up at him has Steve’s heart fluttering. And when you reach up to kiss him, that fluttering swells into a blooming warmth that runs through his veins the second your lips touch.
“Well, when and where does this “old man,” you echo his words with finger quotes, “want to have this date, hmm?”
The two of you iron out the details over a smoke in Steve’s warm car, and continue to talk well past the setting of the sun. Eventually, Steve takes you back to your car, where the two of you make out parked next to it until you’re pretty sure you hear your closing coworkers coming out the back door from the end of shift.
Steve makes you promise to text him when you get home to make sure you got there safe. You throw a casual “sure thing, dad” at him, and as he watched you get in your car he has to question himself as to why he liked you calling him that…
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thank you for reading.
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its-avalon-08 · 2 months
why did you leave me (cl16)
multipart story! prev || next
summary : charles and y/n have always been best friends. but y/n has been in love with him forever. when charles starts dating a new girl, out of respect y/n distances herself. but how much is too much?
✦ pairing - charles leclerc x female reader
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The sun had set over Monaco, casting long shadows across Charles' apartment. The tension in the air was palpable as Charles paced back and forth, waiting for Camille to arrive. They needed to talk, and he knew it wasn't going to be easy.
When Camille finally walked through the door, Charles could immediately sense her irritation. She tossed her bag onto the couch and crossed her arms, glaring at him.
"What is it, Charles? Why did you want to talk?" Camille snapped, her tone dripping with annoyance.
Charles took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure. "We need to discuss us, Camille. Things haven't been right between us for a while now."
"Oh, so now you notice?" Camille shot back, rolling her eyes. "It took you long enough."
"I've noticed, Camille. But I've also noticed how you've been treating Y/N," Charles said, his voice rising slightly. "And it's not okay."
Camille's eyes narrowed. "Y/N? This is about Y/N? Of course, it is. You're always so concerned about her. Maybe if you spent half as much time worrying about our relationship as you do about her, we wouldn’t be having this conversation."
"Y/N is my best friend," Charles retorted, his anger bubbling up. "And you’ve been nothing but hostile towards her."
"Best friend?" Camille scoffed. "More like the other woman. She’s always around, always in your life. It’s pathetic, Charles."
"Stop it, Camille," Charles warned, his voice cold. "Y/N has done nothing to deserve your insults."
"She’s a meddling little bitch," Camille spat, her face twisted with contempt. "Always trying to come between us. No wonder she doesn't have anyone else. She's just a lonely, desperate girl who can't stand to see us happy."
Charles felt his blood boil. "That's enough, Camille. Y/N is not the problem here. You are."
"Me?" Camille laughed bitterly. "You’re blaming me for everything now? Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with Y/N, we’d still be happy."
"We were never fucking happy," Charles shouted, his frustration boiling over. "Not really anyway. And now I see why. All you wanted was to attend those fancy lunches and parties, take pictures for your godforsaken social media and you never had time for me. Just me. "
Charles took a deep breath, trying to keep his anger in check. "Y/N isn't even around that much anymore, Camille. How can you still make her out to be the villain in all of this?"
Camille's eyes gleamed with a sadistic satisfaction as she leaned in closer. "Because even when she's not around, she's all you ever think about. Face it, Charles, she's the ghost that haunts our relationship, and you're too blind to see it."
"Well, let me make it clear for you. I’ve been seeing someone else. For months now. Because I couldn't stand being second to your precious Y/N," Camille sneered.
Charles felt like the ground had been ripped out from under him. "You what?" he whispered, the betrayal cutting deep.
"That’s right," Camille said, a twisted smile on her face. "I’ve been cheating on you. And guess what? I’m leaving you for him. You can have your little friend all to yourself."
Charles clenched his fists, trying to control his anger. "Get out," he said through gritted teeth. "Get the fuck out of my apartment."
"Gladly," Camille retorted, grabbing her bag. "Good luck with your perfect little Y/N. You’re going to need it."
As she stormed out, slamming the door behind her, Charles sank onto the couch, his mind reeling. The room was silent except for the sound of his ragged breathing. He felt a mix of rage, betrayal, and overwhelming sadness.
Charles picked up his phone, his hands trembling. He wanted to call Y/N, to hear her voice, but he knew it wouldn't be fair to drag her into this mess. She had left him, his best friend was gone, his girlfriend had cheated on him and he was so utterly alone. He stared at the screen, lost in a sea of emotions.
Finally, he whispered to himself, "I have no one."
As the night wore on, Charles realized that he had to make things right. Not just with Y/N, but with himself. He had to face his feelings, confront the pain, and find a way to move forward. And he knew, deep down, that Y/N was the only person who could help him do that.
taglist : @hiireadstuff @starz4me1 @f1fantasys @aundercoverosh @ohthemisssery @ggaslyp1 @hadids-world @matcha---matcha @ihtscuddlesbeeetchx3 @timmychalametsstufff @janeh22 @ironmaiden13133 @majusialikesfastcarss @sunnytkm23
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papsthepepsota · 3 months
Sol x Crowe (made this short fanfic for fun)
warning this game is 18+ so minors pls do not interact!
heh I got a lil bit help from @biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer , I wasn't really planning to post it and just torment my friends with this crack ship but it's getting out of hand. Also they not on character, I'm not really a writer to be able to convey how they would actually act since I only made it to haunt my friends TT
Game is made by @fantasia-kitt
Sol grimaced as his eyes, ever hungry for his beloved, were met with the sharp droplets of incandescent light; chandeliers dotting the grand ceiling of the venue
As Sol and Crowe exchanged wary glances at each other, the tension between them was palpable. Then MC, with a sinister smile, suggested they dance together hoping to break the icy tension. The idea of dancing seemed as appealing as a stormy night, but they were left with no choice.
MC forced Sol to hold Crowe’s hand and he reluctantly took Crowe’s hand, and Crowe with a heavy sigh took the emo’s hand. Sol, rolling his eyes, accepted it. Their fingers intertwined. The music began, there is an initial awkwardness between the two males, they move in sync while they bicker. Each step was like an attack between the two males. Sol stepped on Crowe’s foot, a sharp yelp came from Crowe. Sol gives out a smirk
“Watch it!” Crowe warned while trying to reclaim the rhythm.
“Maybe if you weren’t so clumsy, it wouldn't’ be a problem” Sol retorted, his frustration evident.
Their bickering continued, each misstep fuelling irritation. They stumbled through the dance, the other couples giving them looks. Crowe tried to lead, only for Sol to assert control, resulting in a clumsy push and pull that seemed to be never ending.
But as the song played on, something began to shift. Sol, noticing Crowe’s annoyance, softens his grip. Crowe returns it by starting to match his movement, their steps become more fluid. The rough edges of their interaction smoothed out and their feet found the rhythm of the music.
The warmth of the music wrapped around them, and the awkward tension melted into a graceful dance, they moved as one. Sol’s hand on Crowe’s waist felt natural.
In that moment, Sol and Crowe realised something while the final notes of the song lingered in the air, Sol and Crowe stood still. Their hearts beating in unisions, and their eyes locked with a newfound tenderness.
In that shared silence, Love had quietly blossomed between them.
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heheh here is my lil drawing of them!! (i have way more...i need help)
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littlefireball · 2 months
Can we so get a version of Seongwha like F*ck away the pain? Seongwha is a clean freak so I'd love to see this side of him
Here you go~~ btw there is an exact same request lol
Other members (fk away the pain series): yeosang
ꜱʜ|ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴜᴘ ꜱ*x (ᴀ/ᴍ)
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ʙᴜɴɴʏ ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ ꜱᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ x ꜰᴏx ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ|ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ|ᴀʀɢᴜᴍᴇɴᴛ|ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴇx|ɴᴇᴄᴋ ᴋɪꜱꜱ|ʙʀᴇᴀꜱᴛ ᴘʟᴀʏ|ꜱᴇx ᴅᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴇʀɪᴏᴅ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.9ᴋ
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You and Seonghwa have been apart for a week. It was unusual for you both to be separated for so long, as you were used to spending everyday together. There was no choice, however, a pressing matter awaited at the residence that demanded immediate attention.
You neglected to inform Seonghwa of your early return, opting instead to delight him with a surprise. Stealthily making your way into the house, you caught sight of him seated in his favorite chair.
"BA~BY~~" You leaped onto Seonghwa's back, unaware of the fact that he was holding a cup of noodles. "Goodness gracious!" Due to your unexpected jump, he inadvertently spilled noodles all over the legos.
"Oh my…" He straightened up abruptly, releasing your grip from his neck. "Have you returned?" His expression soon shifted from surprise to a hint of annoyance. "Well…yes. My apologies." Sigh "Let me clean up first" The tension in the air was palpable, especially since it was his beloved limited edition legos that was now in disarray.
His silence left you speechless, unsure of what to say next. Okay, look at what you've done. The entire desktop became a mess, not to mention his legos were all dirty─what he hated most as a clean freak.
"I'm sorry…" He glanced at you with impatience." "Can you be careful next time? You know it's hard to clean oil stains?! " His composed demeanor swiftly shifted to a slightly fierce one, his voice escalating in volume. His outburst, unlike anything you've witnessed before, sent a shiver down your spine. Coupled with your current irritable mood due to menstruation, his unexpected anger only fueled your own frustration.
"I didn't do it on purpose!" You shouted back. "But you are the one who made this mess!" Despite your strong urge to argue, you chose to maintain silence. Observing him meticulously restore his legos while muttering to himself, you swiftly retreated to your room to grant yourself solitude.
Feeling aggrieved, tears began to flow. Normally, you wouldn't cry easily, but the fact that you were on period slipped your mind. What followed such a display of emotion? The excruciating cramps that grip your stomach relentlessly. You gasped in agony as your body contorted in pain. Clutching your stomach, you struggled to sit up straight, let alone to take painkillers or call for help.
"Y/N?" Upon tidying up the desk, he pondered whether he had been too harsh with you, prompting him to seek you out but you had no response. 'Was she still angry?' "Y/N?I come in now." To his surprise, he found you huddled in a cocoon of pillows and blankets, your complexion pallid and your expression distressed.
"Y/N?Are you okay?Are you in heat? But there is no scent…" Alarmed, he hurried to your side to assess your condition, only to discover that you were in pain. You looked pale, drawn, and sweaty, as if something was torturing you.
"It's just on my period…" "Is it painful?But you won't be hurt before. Do you want some water?Or painkillers? Or something?" He gently caressed your head, his eyes filled with concern. You shook your head, taking his hand and placing it beneath your cheek. "I'm…fine…" Your furrowed brow betrayed your true feelings. As a fox hybrid, you knew that intimacy could alleviate menstrual pain, but you couldn't bring yourself to ask him. How could a rabbit, so obsessed with cleanliness, agree to such a request?
"Sorry, hwa.I didn't mean to. I know I am sweaty now and I'll wash the sheet." You pouted, your fox ears dropped.
"Why are you saying sorry? It's fine, baby. Let's not talk about this, okay? What can I do for you to reduce the pain, hm?" He comforted you softly while caressing your fluffy fox ears.
"Please don't be mad…" You hugged the pillow filled with his scent tightly, said "I want you…fuck me…" "Yo─you said what??" "Intimacy could reduce menstrual pain in foxes…" You hesitated, avoiding his eyes as you nestled into the soft pillow. A heavy silence lingered, intensifying your discomfort. It was no surprise that he reacted this way. He probably viewed you as unclean and not willing to help you.
"Forget what I said…I'll take the painkillers…seonghwa?" Strangely, you found him not in the room. Your attention was drawn to a faint noise, the gentle clinking of objects brushing against each other. As the door creaked open, Seonghwa stood before you, clutching a dry towel, a wet towel, a box of tissues and a plastic bag.
After placing down the objects on the table, he climbed over the bed, gently leaving your thighs and putting the dry towel under your body. "Hwa?" "It's okay, honey, I'm here to help you." As you watched him lift up your dress and pull down your panties, you held his hand to stop him.
"It's dirty…You don't have to do this, I can take the pill." He pecked at the back of your hand, whispering gently. "Taking too many pills is not good for your body and let me make it up to you. I'm sorry I was too tough." "I'm sorry, too."
Seonghwa caressed your head and placed a kiss on your cheek, giving you a sweet smile. "Let me help you then." With utmost care, he placed your foot on the ground, positioning you on the bed in a L shape. He removed your panties and set them aside, ensuring not a drop of blood tainted the fabric. However, upon witnessing the sight of your bloody hole, he hesitated momentarily. "It's fine, hwa. I can drink some hot water to reduce the pain…" "Everything is okay, honey." He wrapped up the condom before aiming at your entrance, slowly entering without hurting you.
Your tail puffed up as his cock fitted you perfectly, causing you to bite your lips not to make a sound. "Let me adjust first, honey." Wrapping by blood was weird, he could tell. It was hot and sticky, but indeed was a good lubricant. He found he can slide into your deepest part thanks to your blood. Maybe he could feel better just by thinking that it was not your blood but cum.
Slowly, he adjusted the feeling and thrusted into you. You were so sensitive that you moaned at the slightest touch to your sweet spot. "Fuck, honey, you are sensitive." He propped himself with both of his arms on either side of you, drew his hips and slid into your deepest area until he could not go further. "Ah~hwa~" The bed creaked as Seonghwa rolled his hip at a fast pace, you grasped the bedside and moaned choppy.
"I can't baby, it feels good." His hand trailed to your tail, caressing from bottom to top. He knew you loved it, badly. "Oh─oh!Gosh, hwa~ah!" Your wall tightened around his long cock as the numbness almost overwhelmed you and the period pain was gradually replaced. The musk scent belonging to you filled in the air combined with his sweet strawberry scent, fueling the desire within your bodies.
Seonghwa laid beside you and made sure the towel was still in the right place. "I love your scent so much." He couldn't help but bury himself into your crook of neck without breaking the thrust. Both of your left leg and tail were pushed forward to allow him to enter deeper. His hand trailed down to the hem of your dress, climbing up to your breast, kneading and squeezing it.
The electrifying sensation cascaded through your being, causing you to gasp in delight. You adored the way his form molded against yours, his imposing presence making you feel petite, while his intoxicating aroma surrounded you like a warm embrace, promising endless waves of ecstasy. You could cum multiple times because of this feeling.
But that's not enough. He licked the back of your ear, the sound of his tongue against your skin stimulating your nerves, making you tremble; his lips gradually moved downwards, planting shallow kisses on your nape, sucking on your fine skin, leaving faint red marks.
"Honey, are you okay right now?" His soft voice made you awake temporarily. "Yah, yah." He stopped thrusting and cupped your face, made you look at him. "Can I go rough?You can say no if you don't want to." "I can, please." Upon hearing your answer, he flipped you over to make your chest pressed against the sheet.
"Tell me if I'm too rough." You nodded, sensing the bed dip under his weight. He smoothly slid you once more, pressing against your back, his cock buried deeply in this particular angle. Contrary to the tenderness before, he pounded in and out with primal intensity. "Shit!!Fuck!Hwa!" Your derriere quivered with each rapid thrust, the delicate caress proving irresistible. He groaned uninhibitedly, reveling in the sheer pleasure of it all.
Seonghwa grabbed your hair and pulled it back a little bit, allowing him to leave a bite mark on your neck. "It's beautiful." Pressing a kiss on it, he sat up straight and continued to enter in and out as fast as possible. You were on the verge of losing your breath due to the pain and stimulation coming from below, and could only express your excitement through desperate screams.
His hand once again found your long tail, kneading it as if it was a ball. "Hwa…hwa…" "What if I pull it, a bit?" He pulled your tail slightly, pain blended with pleasure and numb, this sensation sent you to the edge of climax. "Hwa, I'm…oh fuck, ple…"Your cries of pleasure were now intertwined with the sound of weeping. You were rendered speechless, unable to form coherent words, only producing incomprehensible sounds.
"Tell me, what'd you want?" "Cum…Fuckkk!!" He collided with your sweet spot without any error. "Cum baby, let me feel you." Closing your eyes tightly, you could feel a knot in your stomach. His thrusting became sloppy and lost his rhythm, he was almost at his limit. With a few more thrusts, both of you reached your peak.
"Thank you, hwa." "Don't say this, honey. You're amazing." Catching his breath, he slowly withdrew from your body to ensure you can feel every vein of his manhood. "Clean up first, little fox. Stay still." He carefully took off the condom without dirty his hand, threw it in the plastic bag and cleaned you up with tissue and wet towel.
"Let's go take a bath first and I'll change the sheet, hm?" He pecked at your forehead as you nodded. After you showered, he already changed the sheets and all the pillow bags. Of course, all the rubbish was thrown away, and even the towels were put in the washing machine.
"Cuddle?" He guided you to the bed as you nod, cradling you tenderly in his arms. "Is it hurt now?" You shook your head, feeling comfort in his warm embrace. "It's much better now, thanks babe." He tenderly kissed your forehead, his eyes filled with affection. "Let's sleep, hm?" You snuggled closer to him, and together you drifted into a peaceful sleep.
And the legos? Well, although he said it's fine, you still buy ten more packages for him as a make up. One can never have too much of a good thing, right?
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alwaysmicado · 11 months
Don't ruin the sofa
6.5k | 18+ MDNI | fwb!Joel Miller x f!reader | pt. 3
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Warnings: no outbreak au, implied age gap, mild hurt/comfort, mention of blood, phone sex, talk of anal play, one (1) face slap, rough sex, pain kink, unprotected piv, creampie, breeding kink, degradation/praise, fluffy aftercare, pet names, dom!Joel Summary: After a phone call brings up repressed emotions, you decide to buy a new sofa. Joel assembles it for you, then fucks you on it.  A/N: You're trying to reach reader? Sorry, she's moved on. (+ is fucking the hottest guy around). Read the previous parts here: pt. 1 | pt. 2 | masterlist | AO3 (each part can be read alone). Thank you all for your love on this series. Your kind words mean the world to me. 🤍
“How is this my fucking life,” you whisper to yourself and let your phone fall onto the wooden coffee table with a thud. You get up with a groan and drag yourself to the fridge where you know an opened bottle of white wine is waiting for you, then pour yourself a healthy amount, eye the glass, pour some more and shuffle back to the sofa. 
As soon as you plop back down, your phone lights up and vibrates for the third time since you came home from work. The loud and resonant buzz, amplified and carried by the hard surface of the table, is aggravating to say the least. You take a big sip of your wine and let out an exasperated sigh when the caller won’t let up. That’s it, you’ve had enough. In a split second you swipe up to take the call and put the phone to your ear. 
You don’t say anything. He’s the one who’s been texting and calling you every night for the past week, so you’re certainly not going to say something first. Instead, you wait and swirl your wine.
��Finally,” you hear him breathe with relief. “I thought you’d never pick up.” 
Then why do you keep calling, you stupid idiot. You roll your eyes in annoyance and put your naked feet on the coffee table. The wine is successfully taking the edge off, but you're still this close to telling him off for good. Perhaps you should; he deserves it. 
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot, babe,” he purrs into your ear, his sickeningly sweet voice sending a shiver down your spine. “About you, about us; about everything, really. About what could’ve been if things didn’t end like they di-”
“What do you want, Simon?” You interrupt him, your patience for his theatrics already wearing thin. 
“Oh, babe,” he breathes, “It’s so good to hear your vo-”
“What do you want?” You ask again, emphasizing every word.
“I want to apologize,” he answers with a deep sigh, then clears his throat. “I- I’m sorry about what happened and how we ended things, I really am.”
You snort and pluck a stray piece of lint from your tank top. Is he for real right now?
“Cool story, Simon,” you deadpan as you get up to go grab the wine bottle from the fridge. “That it?” 
“I was hoping we could talk about things, maybe meet up? I’d love to see you.” 
You slam the fridge door shut and take the bottle back to the sofa. “There’s nothing to talk about,” you mutter and pour yourself another glass. 
“Of course there is,” Simon protests, the agitated tone of his voice betraying the calm and collected facade he tried to put up. “I really think we should talk about what happened. I can’t just forget about it, you know.” Oh yeah, this is the real Simon. Always trying to manipulate the people around him. Sucks for him that you’ve figured it out. 
“Sounds like a you problem,” you mumble and bring the cold rim of the glass back to your lips. 
“Oh, come on now. Why are you acting like this?” He groans, his annoyance palpable. When he realizes you’re not going to answer him and that he maybe should be more diplomatic, he relents. “I just think we should talk about it, that’s all.”
“You wanna talk about it, huh?” You laugh dryly. “About how you were fucking Laura while I was bleeding. Or how you were fucking her when I was in surgery. Or how you were fucking her when I desperately tried to reach you. You wanna talk about all of that.” 
“Hey, that’s not fair,” Simon counters. “We weren’t together at that point and-,” he trails off and sighs deeply. “I was scared, okay?”
You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. “We’ve had this exact conversation three years ago, Simon. There’s nothing left to say. I’m over it.”
“How can you say that?” he asks incredulously.
“You never once called me after I moved out to ask how I was. Not once,” you sigh, this conversation slowly tugging at the stitches of wounds you thought were long closed.
“You told me you didn’t wanna hear from me,” Simon huffs. “And I was- fuck. I’m just sorry, okay? I know i fucked up.”
You both don’t say anything for a few seconds, his breathing in your ear the only thing you can hear. 
“Can we meet, babe? Please? I think it would be good for both of us.” 
You chug the remaining wine and take a deep breath.
“Leave me the fuck alone, Simon. I got nothing to say to you.” 
And with that you hang up and throw your phone across the sofa. You take a deep breath, put your feet on the ground and your palms on your thighs. You close your eyes and say out loud, “calm, safe, breathe.” You repeat the mantra before adding, “It’s over, I’m here, I’m safe. Nothing can hurt me, nothing can hurt me.” 
When you open your eyes again and observe the familiar surroundings of your apartment, a soothing feeling of  comfort washes over you. There’s the purple vase you bought at a flea market in the first week after moving in, there are your beloved succulents that look as healthy as ever, there’s the painting you got from your talented colleague for your last birthday. And there’s the polaroid Tommy took of you and Joel at the party where he introduced you two.
You quickly wipe away your tears and turn on your TV. Another glass of wine, your favorite show and you’ll be able to sleep in no time, you tell yourself. You get up to get a new bottle from the fridge and decide to take the leftover banana bread you made with you as well. It’s time for all the comfort you can get. 
With your hands full, you shuffle back to the sofa and, due to the dim light and the fact that you just downed an almost full bottle of wine on an empty stomach, you completely miss the fact that you’re directly walking into one of the coffee table legs. You stub your toes hard, trip and fall to the floor. You can only watch in slow motion as the plate flies through the air and shatters on your hardwood floor, the banana bread just rolling away sadly. The wine glass is even more spectacular, as its contents spill all over your sofa and the glass explodes into a thousand shards. 
“Fuck my life,” you groan and get on your knees to pick up the big pieces with your hands before sweeping up the smaller ones with a dustpan and brush later. 
“Shit,” you hiss and clutch your wrist. 
Of course you cut yourself on one of the shards, blood immediately trickling down onto the carpet. The cut on your palm is not deep, but it stings. And the blood is already seeping into the fabric - great. You let out an exasperated sigh and get up. 
You can’t be bothered to take care of all this right now, so you slap a too small bandaid over the cut, brush your teeth, take your melatonin with a glass of water and go to bed. 
What sociopath calls this early? And on your day off no less. You groan at the sharp and grating sound emitted by your phone on the nightstand, but pick up when you see who it is. 
“Yeah?” Your voice is little more than a hoarse whisper, laced with a sleepy rasp. 
“Aww, did I wake the princess?” Joel asks in mock concern. You can hear the smirk on his stupid handsome face through the phone. 
“No, no,” you murmur and rub your bleary eyes. “I’ve already run ten miles, deep-cleaned my whole apartment and rescued a cat from a tree. What have you done, hm?” 
“Touché. Very impressive, darlin’,” he chuckles, your wit never failing to amuse him. “And no, I haven’t rescued any cats so far today. I’m just at work. Besides,” he continues before his voice takes on a sultry tone, “the only pussy I’m interested in is yours anyway.”
You involuntarily suck in a breath and feel yourself clench around nothing. You’re still half asleep and have no clue what planet you’re on, but Joel’s still managed to get you all hot and bothered within ten seconds of your conversation; and with a shitty pun at that.
You might have a mild problem. 
“Hmm, you like that, don’t you?” He groans softly as the rhythmic fapping sound reaches your ear.
“Are you jerking off right now?” You ask, less shocked and definitely more turned on than you should be. 
“Yeah,” he purrs. “You wanna help me, baby?” 
“Hang on,” you say, trying to process the situation. “You’re at work and you just what, decided to call me at - you look at the time on your display - 7:13 in the morning, so I could get you off?”
“Pretty much, yeah,” Joel murmurs into your ear.  
You can’t help but chuckle at his audacity and complete lack of shame. You love it. 
“Alright,” you coo, “but first you gotta tell me what’s got you all riled up.” You put him on speaker and slide your hand between your legs. 
“My secretary’s wearing a tight dress today,” he murmurs, then spits into his hand to wet his shaft.  
“Oh yeah?” You whisper, “She turn you down and now poor you has to make do with me?” You run your fingers through your folds and bite your lip as you spread the slick from your core to your clit. 
“You know me better than that, darlin’,” Joel says softly. “I was scrolling through the photos I took of the construction site yesterday and then the pic you sent me caught my eye. Couldn’t concentrate on anything else afterwards.” 
A triumphant smile spreads across your face as you think of Joel losing his composure because of you. It is a hot photo to be fair. After your phone call with Simon on Sunday night, you ordered a new sofa, carpet and some fun items of the adult variety to feel better. While trying out one of them, you felt compelled to let Joel have a piece of your fun and sent him a pic of you with your best assets on display. 
“You like that one, huh,” you tease, your fingers slowly circling your sensitive bundle of nerves. “I was thinking about you when I took it, you know.”
“Fuck yeah,” Joel murmurs, his breathing heavy. “Look fucking gorgeous with your ass stuffed and your tits out.” 
“Mmm, it’s a new ribbed dildo I got. Felt amazing in my tight little hole,” you purr and hear Joel groan softly at the image. “I used a vibrator on my clit while I fucked my ass, but my pussy felt far too empty. It was dripping so much I had to change the sheets after.”
“That’s my dirty girl. You want two cocks to stuff your greedy holes, baby?” He moans, clearly aroused by the idea of seeing you fall apart while being filled to the brim. You dip your fingers into your wet cunt and use your slick to rub your clit harder.
“Yes, Sir,” you breathe, causing Joel’s painfully hard cock to twitch, “want you to tie me to the bed so my pussy’s wide open for you. I want you to choose a toy that’s too big and push it inside my dripping hole to stretch it until it’s a ruined mess. When you’re satisfied and take the toy out of my ruined hole, I’d beg you to finally fuck my cunt with your cock, but you’d fuck my ass instead and just leave my used pussy clench around nothing.”
You moan breathlessly as you can feel the muscles in your abdomen tighten and pleasure building rapidly. Hearing Joel lose his mind on the other end of the line is setting all of your nerves on fire and you desperately wish he was here to fuck you like you deserve. 
“Fuck, you’re such a perfect little whore,” Joel groans, fisting his cock faster. “I’d film the whole thing, so I could show you how pathetic you look begging for my cock and dripping with my cum. I’d fill you up over and over again until you’re a crying mess begging me to stop.” His moans are getting louder and you can’t help but wonder how thick the walls of his office must be.  
You can’t wait for him to get his hands on you and do with you as he pleases. “I’ll take whatever you decide to give me, Sir.”
“Gonna take my cum in all your holes, angel?”
“Yes, Sir. Please, I need it so bad. I just wanna be your cum slut for you to fill up.” 
When Joel just groans at that, you know you’ve hit on something. “That’s what I am, right? Your cum slut to fill up?” You’re incredibly close to coming already, but you want to wait for Joel. 
“That’s what you are, angel. And you’re just perfect like that. Three holes for me to use. Always so,” he pants breathlessly as he’s tip-toeing on the edge of his release, “always so fucking good for me. Gonna- gonna ruin you, baby. Gonna make you come on my cock until you cry.”
“Can I please come, Sir? I- I don’t think I can wait anymore,” you whine desperately, Joel’s filthy mouth putting you over the edge. 
“Oh yeah, baby,” he pants breathlessly as he increases the pace of his strokes. You can hear the obscene sound of him fucking his fist. “You gonna come with me?”
You moan his name as you reach your peak, your whole body trembling and finding its release. Joel is right behind you, erupting into his hand and onto his belly with a strangled groan. Your orgasm is so intense that you can ride it out for a few ecstatic seconds filled with your breathless moans. When you come down from your climax, you only hear your blood rushing in your ears and the pulsating sound of your heart.  
You try to catch your breath for a few seconds and open your eyes before asking, “Joel, you alive?”
When the only thing you hear is heavy breathing, you giggle. You know exactly how he looks right now, all disheveled with his wet cock out and a big satisfied smile on his lips. You wish so badly you could lick up every last drop of his cum. 
“Mmm, you’re such a good girl,” Joel murmurs after some time, still coming down from his high and opening a drawer to retrieve some tissues. “I’ll clear my schedule, so we can do this every morning, alright?” 
You chuckle and turn on your side, “You’d get bored with me pretty quickly if we did this every day.” 
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard today,” Joel scoffs and wipes his softening cock with the tissues. “And I had to explain to Tommy that he can’t influence the gender of his future baby by fucking his wife a certain way. So, yeah.” 
You laugh at the image of Tommy vividly explaining how he and Maria have sex and Joel just standing there, dumbfounded, asking himself if he might have damaged his little brother’s brain when they were wrestling as kids.
“Alright, babe,” Joel says softly, “since my cock’s not hogging all of my blood anymore, I should try and get some work done.” 
“Good idea,” you chuckle. “Say hi to Tommy from me, okay?”
“Will do, darlin’. And you let me know when you got time to show me that new toy of yours in person, alright?” 
Your eyes lock on the big IKEA packages in your living room and you bite your lip. 
“You wanna come over later?”
You’re actually excited for your new sofa. You’ve had the old one removed by a company yesterday and already spread out the new carpet. It’s gray with white shapes on it. And it’s fluffy, so you’ve spent quite some time walking on it with bare feet.
You assembled your old sofa yourself when you moved in three years ago. It was dark blue and you loved it. But you also spilled a lot of stuff on there over time, bodily fluids included. So it’s nice to get a new, clean one. 
Especially when it’s the reason why Joel Miller is currently kneeling on your floor, his broad back and arms stretching the fabric of his white T-shirt, his perfect butt accentuated by his jeans, wrestling with the IKEA manual he insists is “misleading” and “must’ve been written by some idiot who’s never built anything in his goddamn life”.
Needless to say, you’re loving the free entertainment. 
He shoots you an annoyed look and lets out an exasperated sigh when you point out for the third time that he’s reading the instructions wrong. You can’t not tease him, he makes it too easy. 
“As much as I appreciate your very generous help, darlin’, I really wish you’d get the fuck outta here before I strangle you. Lovingly.” 
You giggle and scratch the back of his head softly. “It’s not like you to get so frustrated, baby,” you purr into his ear as you lean down, giving him a perfect view of your naked tits under your oversized shirt. “You sure you don’t need my help? I wouldn’t want you to strain your poor knees and back too much, you know.” 
You wish you could take pictures with your retinas because the glare Joel is giving you right now is priceless.
“You think that’s funny, huh?” He scoffs and tilts his head as his dark eyes bore into you. Uh-oh, now you did it. “If you’re not out of this room in ten seconds, I’m gonna tie you to your bed and edge you with a vibrator on full volume until you’re crying from pain. And believe me when I tell you that I will not let you come.” 
A smug smile tugs at the corners of his plush lips as he observes how your pupils have dilated and how you're pressing your thighs together at his threat. He raises an eyebrow when you don’t move and tuts, “Poor baby, already cockdumb even though I haven’t even touched her yet, hm?” You frown at him, but he just laughs at you. “Time’s ticking you little brat, better get out while you still can.” You bite the inside of your cheek and sigh dramatically before heading for your bedroom. 
When you hear Joel chuckle behind you, you hesitate for a second, but he’s already read your mind. “Don’t even think about it,” he growls. “And close the door.”
You do just that, jump on your bed and watch Netflix on your laptop. It only takes Joel another 40 minutes to finish assembling the sofa, so you’re pleasantly surprised when he calls your name so soon. 
You close your laptop and quickly smell your armpits. You’ve showered in the morning, but it’s still incredibly hot even with the AC blasting. When you’ve assessed that you smell good, you open the door to the living room. 
“How do you like it?” Joel asks as he’s standing next to the cream-colored piece of furniture. He’s already put away all of the packaging material and made sure the cushions are clean. It looks absolutely stunning and nicely complements all the other furniture in the room.
You trace the back of the sofa with your hand, appreciating the soft material and come to a halt when you’re flush with Joel’s body. You look up into his eyes and coo, “Thank you so much, Joel. I love it.” He smiles back at you and studies your face for a second before grabbing you by the nape of your neck and your ass cheek. 
“You listen to me very carefully now ‘cause I’m not gonna repeat myself,” he growls, intensifying the grip on your neck. “You do as you’re told. You answer me. You don’t come unless I tell you to and I’m not gonna stop unless you say your safeword. Understood?”
You’re so stunned that you can only nod, your words completely failing you. 
You gasp in surprise as Joel’s palm cracks against your left cheek, leaving a stinging imprint. You instinctively move your left hand to soothe the pain, but Joel is faster than you and catches your wrist. “Tell me your safeword, baby,” he purrs and caresses your sensitive cheek. 
You stammer the specific word you both know to be your safeword before he tangles his hand in your hair and captures your lips in a hungry kiss. Your heart rate picks up immediately as you part your lips slightly, allowing his tongue to slip in. The sensation of Joel’s soft lips and his broad body pressing against yours has you rub against the bulge in his jeans. 
He grabs your thigh and lifts it up, so he can grind against your aching core directly. You moan into his mouth, your hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him into you as you move your hips in sync with his thrusts. You’re so sensitive since your orgasm this morning that you could come like this if he let you.
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you,” he pants as he breaks the kiss and studies your face. Your pupils are blown, your chest is heaving and your mind is spinning. You want him so badly it hurts. “Take off your clothes and bend over the armrest, baby,” Joel orders and you obey immediately. You let your shirt and pj pants fall down to your feet, causing Joel to suck in a sharp breath when he sees that you’re not wearing any panties. 
He looks at you hungrily as you bend over the sofa, your arms resting on the cushion and your ass in the air with your legs spread. 
“You’re the prettiest little whore I’ve ever seen, you know that?” He asks as he’s tracing your back with his fingertips. When you don’t answer him, he smacks your ass hard. You yelp in surprise at the impact and instinctively close your legs. Joel presses his clothed bulge against your wet pussy and kicks your feet apart with his. He caresses the red cheek with one hand and tangles the other in your hair to yank your head back. “Answer me or I’ll spank you until you can’t anymore,” he growls into your ear, the dangerous tone of his voice sending a shiver down your spine. 
“I’m the prettiest little whore you’ve ever seen,” you blurt out, then moan at the feeling of Joel running his fingers through your folds. “Mmm, you’re such a good girl,” he praises. “Always so wet for me.”
You hear him unbutton and unzip his jeans, hear his belt buckle hit the floor and his heavy breathing behind you as he coats his hard cock in your slick and gives it a few pumps. “I need you to be strong now, angel,” he says softly as he rubs your clit with his index and middle finger. You’re so desperate for him to touch you that his words don’t register. 
A needy moan escapes your lips as he’s finally relieving some of the tension that’s been building in your core all day long. You push your hips back as far as you can to chase the friction, but Joel withdraws his fingers all too quickly. You whine desperately at the loss and immediately feel tears well up in your eyes. You hear the dull thud of his T-shirt hitting the floor.
“Shh, be good for me, baby,” Joel purrs before you feel his hands grabbing your hips and the head of his cock nudging your entrance. Your eyes widen in realization as your brain has now processed what he’s planning on doing.   
Before you can protest though, he’s already ramming his cock inside you in one smooth thrust, splitting you open with a force you’ve never felt before. 
“Fuuuck, that’s it, baby,” Joel groans loudly, stumbling forward because of the shiver that’s running down his spine, causing him to go even deeper. 
The sudden impact of his cock spreading you open without any preparation besides your wetness has knocked the air out of your lungs. Only when he moves and nudges your cervix does your body finally allow you to cry out in pain.  
“Shh, it’s okay baby, it’s okay, I’m here,” Joel purrs as he gives you no time to adjust to his size or the pain at all, but starts to set a slow rhythm, thrusting his cock in and out of your tight pussy. You sob into the cushion and try to rub your clit on the armrest, but Joel pulls you back on his cock hard when he notices. 
“Nuh-uh, baby,” he tuts as he picks up the pace and uses his grip on your sides to bounce you on his cock. “What do you think you’re doing, huh?” 
He slaps the same spot on your ass as before when you don’t answer him. Your chest heaves as you choke on your sobs, unable to get an answer out. “I know it hurts, baby. I’m so sorry about that,” he coos as he continually rocks into you at an unrelenting pace. “But I really need you to answer me, angel.”
“I-I want to c-come, Sir,” you sob pathetically, tears streaming from your eyes. 
“I get that, baby, I really do. But I don’t think you understand what this is,” Joel groans. “You really think I’m gonna let you come, you brat?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you whine as Joel’s cock expertly massages your G-spot with every powerful thrust of his hips. The mix of pain and pleasure has your body and mind on fire. There are no thoughts in your brain, no ex-boyfriends, no past, no blood, no sadness - just Joel and you, melting into one. 
When he feels you tighten your muscles around him, hears your breathing get ragged and the pitch of your moans get higher, he pulls out of you. You scream and sob into the cushion as your legs shake uncontrollably. You were so close. 
“Fuck, I love the sounds you make,” Joel breathes, then starts stroking your back and ass gently before watching his cock disappear into your body once again. “I don’t care how good it feels,” he pants. “You'd better not come until I tell you to.” 
When you feel your orgasm approach quickly again, your body so utterly desperate for release, you resort to begging. There is no pride left, only carnal desire. 
“Please Joel, please, let me come, please,” you whimper weakly between sobs. “You can come wherever you w-want, my ass, my pussy, my m-mouth, all over me - just please let me come. I can’t take it anymore.” 
“That’s a good girl, begging so pretty,” Joel coos and slowly pulls out of you. He holds you steady as he feels you tremble. “Lie down, darlin,” he says softly and guides you on your back.
He kneels between your legs and puts one of them over his shoulders. He lines himself up with your entrance and pushes in. “Look at me, baby,” Joel breathes. “Look at me when you come.” You moan softly as he brings you to the edge of your release in the matter of a few thrusts. “That’s it, angel,” Joel encourages you, his face hovering above yours. “Don’t hold back, I got you,” he nods. You arch your back as you reach your peak, a choked groan escaping your lips as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over you. 
“Fuck, you’re so perfect, baby. Wanna come all over you,” Joel groans, your walls contracting around him as he’s slamming his hips against your core with abandon.
“Don’t ruin the sofa,” you mumble between breathless moans. Joel chuckles into your ear and nibbles on your earlobe. “I guess I’ll just have to fill you up then,” he rasps, picking up the pace and sinking his teeth into the delicate skin of your neck.
He comes with a low, rough grunt as he spills himself deep inside you. His hips stutter and his whole body suddenly goes limp as he comes down from his high on top of you. You draw shapes onto his back with your fingertips and he hums into the crook of your neck. When he tries to pull out after a few seconds, you grab his ass to stop him. 
“No, no, no,” you protest weakly, “it’ll drip on the sofa.” 
“Alright, baby, no worries. Just hold on to me, can you do that?” Joel asks gently. “Hm,” you answer and wrap your hands around his neck. He maneuvers you from your back into a sitting position with you on top, then moves to stand with you wrapped around him. He carries you to the bathroom like this, making sure his cock stays inside you the whole way. 
He lets you down right in front of the toilet and you immediately sit down, so his cum doesn’t drip on the floor. “Join me, when you’re done, okay?” Joel murmurs as he kisses your forehead before stepping into the shower. You pee and wait a bit for more of his cum to trickle out of you, then step into the shower as well. 
You squeeze past Joel to stand under the water, wet your whole body and hair and squirt some of the peach scented body wash onto your loofah to scrub your body. “Let me do your back,” Joel says softly, then massages you from your neck down to your feet with the sponge as you apply your shampoo.
When you’re both done, you dry off with two of your fluffiest towels and go to put on your clothes. You get yourself a new pair of pajama pants and another oversized shirt and Joel puts the clothes he came in back on. 
“What do you want from Domino’s?” You shout from the bedroom. Time for pizza and Netflix.
“What the fuck,” you hiss as you see the new notification on your phone. “I fucking told you to leave me alone, what is so fucking hard to understand? Asshole.” You lean over the counter and stare at Simon’s messages. Wanna give you space, babe. But I can’t live without you. You put the leftover pizza in your fridge and slam the door.
“You alright, darlin’?” Joel asks as he’s suddenly standing behind you in the kitchen.
“Yeah, sorry, all good,” you murmur, turning around to face him and putting on the most convincing smile you’re capable of right now. You’re not fooling Joel for a second and you know it. When he gives you a sympathetic look, you can’t muster the strength to pull up the corners of your lips anymore. Instead, you look at the fuzzy slippers on your feet and sigh deeply. “It’s my ex,” you say quietly. “He started calling and texting me a week ago after no contact for three years and it’s really stressing me out.” 
Your eyes find Joel’s and you immediately feel sorry for bringing it up. “Fuck, I-I’m sorry,” you stammer and shake your head. “It’s not your problem. Forget what I said.” He closes the distance between you two and wraps his strong arms around you in a warm embrace. You put your arms around him and stroke his back. You can feel his heartbeat. 
“Why don’t I make us some coffee and we sit back down on your new, not-ruined sofa, hm?” He murmurs into your hair with a smile.
“Joel, I don’t-”
“We don’t need to talk about it if you don’t want to. We can just sit, drink coffee and not talk as much as you want.” His warm hands softly rubbing your back make you feel so safe. 
“Okay, thank you,” you mumble into his shoulder before letting go of him. You open a drawer and pull out a bag of cookies. “I got these for you if you want them.” You hold up the bag and Joel takes it with a furrowed brow and a curious smile. 
“How in the world did you know?”
“You honestly don’t remember?” You giggle. “You ranted about how much you love these for an hour when we got high a few weeks ago. They don’t sell them anywhere nearby so I ordered them in a specialty store online.”
Joel shakes his head and looks at you with his big puppy eyes. “You’re the best, darlin’. Thank you.” He kisses your forehead gently, then tells you to make yourself comfortable on the sofa.
You sit down and look around. Being here feels different. Your apartment looks the same as it did a few hours ago. Sure, the sofa and carpet are new, but there’s something else. You realize that it doesn’t bother you to have someone else in your home, in your safe space. It’s actually kind of nice to know someone’s here. 
“There you go,” Joel says as he hands you your cup. He sits down beside you and puts a bowl filled with cookies on the coffee table. 
You pull your feet up onto the cushion and say, “Thank you.” Joel puts his arm over the backrest and caresses the nape of your neck with his fingers. 
“You remember what I told you when you asked me to stay over on our first night together?” You ask quietly.
“I do,” Joel says softly. “You said you couldn’t and when I asked what you meant by that you said you didn’t wanna get attached.” 
“Sounds kinda mean now that I’m thinking about it,” you murmur. “You know it has nothing to do with you, right?”
“I know, darlin’,” Joel reassures you. “And I’ve told you from the beginning that I’m not gonna pressure you into anything you’re not ready for. We got a good thing going and as long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“I haven’t always been this way, you know,” you sigh and play with the hem of your shirt. “And I fucking hate that it was one guy that ruined everything,” you say dryly and stare into your black coffee. “It wasn’t a good relationship to begin with and we both made some bad decisions. I know that. So when I packed up a handful of my things and walked out of our apartment forever, I didn’t think I’d ever hear from him again. Until now.” You take a sip of your coffee and continue, “He apologized for the shit he did and asked me to meet him.”
“How do you feel about that? Him apologizing?” Joel asks, his calm tone of voice soothing your nerves. 
You sigh deeply and let your head fall back onto the sofa. “I feel like it’s a goddamn joke,” you scoff and throw your arm over your eyes. “I don’t believe a single word he says and he didn’t even really apologize, you know? He still doesn’t understand what he did. Or maybe he does and just doesn’t care.”
You lift your arm and turn your head to look at Joel. “I dunno which is worse.”
“It sucks that he’s not giving you the apology you deserve after hurting you. I’m sorry, darlin’.”
“I just don’t understand why it bothers me so much, you know? I haven’t seen him in three years, I’m over it, so why does it still hurt so fucking bad?”
“Did you love him?” Joel asks and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You look into his big, sincere eyes and nod. “Yeah,” you murmur. “At least I thought I did.” 
“Well, there’s your answer, sweetheart.” 
You hide your face behind your hands. “I’m such a fucking idiot,” you groan, embarrassed of your pathetic feelings and the way you’re behaving in front of Joel. Being this emotionally vulnerable is causing you physical pain. 
“Hey, stop that nonsense,” he objects immediately, scooting closer to you and pulling you against his chest. “You have a big heart, you have feelings. You’re allowed to feel hurt and you’re allowed to feel sad.” He kisses the crown of your head and murmurs, “You don’t have to be strong all the time.”
“Have you ever cut someone out of your life completely?” You mumble into his chest. 
“I have.”
“Do you ever think about them?”
“Sure I do,” Joel nods. “Not often, but yeah. It’s normal. Especially if they meant a lot to you.” 
“Hmm, I guess.”
You look up and give him a genuine smile before sighing and reaching for the remote. “Enough heavy stuff for today,” you say. “Let’s watch something. I can feed you cookies and scratch your back…”
“You wanna know what I like about you?”
“My old man fetish.”
He looks at you incredulously for a second, then starts tickling the soles of your feet in retaliation. “You’re such an ass,” he laughs as you try to wriggle away. You squeal and try to kick him off, but he’s got both of your ankles in a firm grasp. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” he murmurs, then pulls you closer. “C’mere.” 
You sit up and straddle him, your hands resting on his broad shoulders. Joel puts his arms around you, his hands splayed on your back, instantly grounding you and providing a sense of security. 
He looks into your eyes and murmurs, “What I was going to say is that I like your honesty; with yourself and others. It’s a quality you should never give up on, even if it’s hard.”
“I’ll try.”
“Good girl,” he murmurs, then looks at his watch. “I should go, darlin’. It’s been a long day.” 
You nod and let him get up to put on his shoes. 
He turns around and looks at you with raised eyebrows.
You want to tell him that he doesn’t need to go, that he can stay this time, but the words just won’t leave your lips. Instead you say, “Thank you for today, seriously.” You walk up to him and press a soft kiss to his lips. “You really helped me and made me feel so much better.” 
Joel doesn’t answer immediately as he tilts his head and studies your face. “I’m glad I could cheer you up, darlin’,” he coos and caresses your left cheek. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”
“Will do, Joel. Thank you.” 
You open Simon’s messages and type in your reply before blocking him. 
Simon: But I can’t live without you You: Then die
Thank you for reading! 🤍 part 2 || part 4 || series masterlist
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
Hiii!! I’m absolutely in love with the way you write kiyoomi :) he’s literally perfect. If you have time, I would love a scenario where his partner meets the black jackals for the first time!! Whether it’s accidental or on purpose is up to you :)
but he was so much fun (and he had such weird friends!)
cw/tags: gn!reader, swearing, mentions of cooking and eating, domestic omi crumbs, established relationship and pet names (love, baby), pure jackals crack
note: hi love!!! this prompt is so funny omg i'm obsessed. hope you like it!!! i got extremely carried away
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated :)
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"i'm-" he starts, huffing out an irritated breath and setting his knife on the cutting board, gripping the edges of the countertop. you turn to look at him from your spot at the stove, tapping the wooden spoon against the edge of the pot and placing it in the spoon rest. you check the vegetable prep over his shoulder and find neat piles of cut carrots, cauliflower, and potatoes. it didn't seem like anything was wrong with his knife skills, so it perplexed you why he was suddenly having trouble expressing his thoughts. "i'm having..."
"you're having?" you wipe your hands on a kitchen towel and gently turn him to face you, snaking your arms around his neck while his hands find their natural place on your hips. your thumb absentmindedly brushes over his moles, right above his furrowed eyebrows of annoyance.
"doubts," he says uncertainly, glancing at the dining table set for four more than its usual two occupants. the corner of his mouth juts to the side in obvious discontent, even though he was trying not to dampen your excitement for formally meeting his friends. not that he would ever call them that, at least not in this lifetime.
"how so, baby?"
"they can be a little...hard to handle," he mutters. "you know them. you've seen it," he says, voice strained and it makes you chuckle at the memory of the first time you actually met his friends.
kiyoomi wishes that it didn't happen that way at least twice a day. it was partially your fault, overestimating your ability to find him in the back halls of the msby gym facilities after only a few months of dating. after turning yourself around about four different times and unable to retrace your steps, you settled for walking in the direction of a nearby conversation. you ended up, however, steering a wrong turn into the men's locker room, yelping in surprise when you were met with three bare chests, none of which belonged to your boyfriend. apologizing profusely and briskly walking away, you were fleeing too quickly to hear the three players equally as alarmed.
it was like a scene from a cartoon; you could vaguely make out the sound of things being thrown like shirts, water bottles, and flailing limbs. there were hushed whispers of holy shit, someone just walked in here and they're so pretty and put some fucking clothes on, shoyo, that's indecency. you make the executive decision to just wait for him outside, but before you leave, your boyfriend's voice rings loud and clear from around the corner.
"what the hell are you guys freaking out about?"
"omi, dude. you just missed them."
"missed who?"
"there was this really pretty person that walked in! they were wearing the same zip-up that you were wearing yesterday, isn't that neat?" your attention darts down to the jacket that was very much kiyoomi's and definitely not yours, your face warming from pure embarrassment. "maybe you could ask them if they shop there frequently; i think they'd be your type."
"since when did sakusa have a type?"
"hey, wait! where are you going?" is the last question you hear before your boyfriend comes barreling around the corner in nothing but shower shoes and sweatpants and looking just as bewildered as you and the three guys in the locker room. after a palpable moment of shocked silence, you both word-vomit at the same time.
"you're wearing my jacket."
"why are you shirtless?!"
"you're wearing my jacket." his voice drops in volume to a yelled whisper, his hand pulling you further down the hallway and away from the locker room despite his lack of clothes. a few of the gym staff eye you in confusion and you give them a weak smile, fighting the urge to stare at the muscle rippling across kiyoomi's body. "you're wearing my jacket," he repeats for the third time, as if it was taking several tries for his brain to compute the information in front of him.
"that's your main concern?!"
"no, shit, no," he shakes his head, regaining his composure after his mind short-circuited. "my main concern is you running into the three stupidest members of my team without me there-"
"and while they were shirtless," you add and his nose scrunches in pure distaste. "wait, why don't you want me to meet them without you there?"
"because they're stupid and-and i love you and they're-and they're stupid," he stammers, visibly flustered in a way that you'd never seen him before. it sets your face on fire, hearing how easily he said he loved you when you'd never said it to each other up until that point. the same realization must hit him at the same time and he pinches the bridge of his nose in defeat, sighing through his nose. "i just said i love you."
"you just said you love me," you echo, a delirious smile widening on your mouth as you peel his fingers away from his face and lace them into yours. "you just said you love me."
"he just said he loves them!" a very eavesdropping-sounding whisper comes from behind the wall and you both flinch. like a straw breaking a camel's back, kiyoomi's face contorted into a vengeful scowl. he composed himself for a moment, promising you he'd be right back, and then stomping around the corner where you heard receding screams of terror.
that was five months ago, and you finally convinced kiyoomi to let you meet his friends formally, along with atsumu's brother who was bringing more food to help you feed four pro athletes.
"i've seen a lot more than just them being stupid," you remind him, giggling when his face turns a light shade of pink. "and, i think it's endearing how much they care for you. i know you won't admit it, but i know you care about them, too." he gazes at you so softly that it makes you melt a little. i'm gonna marry you, one day, he thinks. "now, i promise i won't be deterred by their idiocy, so let me get back to cooking, okay?"
"okay," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "i love you. a lot."
"i love you even more, omi."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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thebunnednun · 4 months
My Medic! Smoker x Nurse! Reader
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THIS BIG MAN NEEDS SOME LOVE!!! Smoker x Nurse!reader. After a battle, Smoker gets injured and goes to the Marine infirmary and the reader [his crush] takes care of him HJSHSHSH I LOVE HIM!!!!
@sosongstrawberry You ask and you shall receive!
I swear this man smokes at least 15 packs a day.
On with the show!!~
Smoker trudged into the Marine infirmary, his usual confidence tempered by the pain radiating from a deep gash on his side. The battle had been fierce, but the Marines had emerged victorious. However, victory came with its own set of costs. Smoker, ever the stoic, had refused immediate attention until he was sure his men were safe and accounted for.
The sterile smell of antiseptic filled his senses as he entered, the bright lights causing him to squint slightly. He growled in discomfort, muttering to himself about how much he hated hospitals. But when he saw you, the nurse he had a secret admiration for, his annoyance turned into a mix of awkwardness and hidden delight.
You were busy tending to another patient when you noticed him. Dressed in a crisp, white uniform with a light blue apron and matching cap, you looked both professional and adorably cute. Your eyes widened in concern when you saw the blood-soaked bandage wrapped around his torso.
"Commander Smoker! Why didn’t you come sooner? You should have been treated immediately!" you scolded gently, guiding him to an empty bed.
"I’m fine," he grumbled, though he didn't resist your touch. "Just take care of the others first."
You shook your head, your hands already moving to unwrap the makeshift bandage. "Everyone else is stable. Now, hold still."
Smoker winced as you carefully peeled away the blood-soaked cloth, revealing the deep cut. You could feel his eyes on you as you worked, and it made your heart race a little faster. Despite his gruff exterior, you knew he had a kind heart, and the idea of him being in pain bothered you more than you wanted to admit.
"This is pretty deep," you murmured, more to yourself than to him. "You’re lucky it didn’t hit anything vital."
He grunted in response, his eyes fixed on your concentrated expression. "I've been through worse."
You glanced up, catching his gaze for a moment. "Doesn’t mean you should neglect yourself."
There was a brief, almost awkward silence as you cleaned the wound. The tension between you two was palpable, though neither of you dared to address it directly. As you worked, Smoker found himself relaxing under your care, the pain becoming more bearable.
"How do you do it?" he asked suddenly, his voice softer than usual.
"Do what?" you replied, not looking up from your work.
"Stay so calm and composed, even with all this chaos around."
You paused for a moment, considering your answer. "I guess... it’s because I care. I want to help people, make sure they’re okay. It’s why I became a nurse."
Smoker nodded slowly, a small, rare smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "You’re good at it. Really good."
You felt a warmth spread through you at his words. "Thank you, Smoker. That means a lot coming from you."
The rest of the procedure went smoothly, the two of you sharing occasional glances and small smiles. Once the wound was stitched and bandaged, you stepped back to admire your handiwork.
"All done," you said, your voice tinged with relief. "Try to take it easy for a while, okay?"
He nodded, but as he stood to leave, he hesitated. You noticed his ever-present cigars and frowned slightly.
"Smoker, you need to stop smoking, especially while you’re healing. It’s not good for you," you said firmly, yet sweetly.
He looked taken aback for a moment, then chuckled. "I’ll... try."
You smiled warmly, your heart fluttering. "Good. And if you need anything, anything at all, just let me know. I’m here to help."
Smoker nodded again, feeling an unfamiliar warmth in his chest. "Thank you. Really."
As the days passed, Smoker found himself looking forward to his check-ups, not just for the medical attention but for the chance to see you. Your tough yet sweet demeanor was a refreshing change, and he found himself falling for you more with each interaction.
By the end of his stay, Smoker was fully healed, and though he was eager to get back to his duties, he felt a pang of reluctance at leaving you. On the day of his discharge, he walked into the infirmary with a small bouquet of flowers in hand, a rare, almost shy smile on his face.
"These are for you," he said, holding out the flowers. "To thank you for everything."
You took the flowers, blushing slightly. "Thank you, Smoker. They’re beautiful."
He cleared his throat, his usual gruffness returning for a moment. "And, um, I was wondering... would you like to go out sometime? Maybe dinner?"
Your eyes widened in surprise, then softened with affection. "I’d love to."
Smoker’s smile widened, a genuine, heartfelt expression. "Great. I’ll see you tonight, then."
As he walked out of the infirmary, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and hope. Maybe, just maybe, this big, strong man needed more than just medical attention. Maybe he needed someone to care for him, someone like you.
And as for Smoker, he realized that perhaps letting someone in wasn’t as terrifying as he thought, especially if that someone was you.
The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over the bustling streets of the town. Smoker adjusted his coat nervously as he approached the quaint café where he was meeting you. The place was known for its cozy atmosphere and delicious pastries, making it the perfect spot for a first date.
As he stepped inside, the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods greeted him, along with the soft hum of conversation. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on you, sitting by the window.
You looked adorable in a light pink dress with delicate lace trim, a small white cardigan draped over your shoulders. Your hair was styled simply but elegantly, and you wore a sweet, nervous smile as you spotted him.
"Hi, Smoker," you greeted, standing up to hug him lightly.
"Hey," he replied, a bit gruffly, though his expression softened as he handed you another bouquet of flowers. "These are for you."
Your eyes sparkled with delight as you took the flowers, inhaling their sweet scent. "Thank you, they're beautiful."
He pulled out a chair for you before sitting down himself. The two of you ordered your drinks, and as you waited, the conversation flowed naturally. Smoker found himself relaxing more with each passing minute, your presence soothing his usual tension.
"So," he began, taking a sip of his coffee. "How’s your day been?"
"Busy, but good," you replied, smiling. "Seeing you has definitely been the highlight, though."
He chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that made your heart flutter. "I’m glad to hear that. I was a bit worried you might get tired of seeing me so often."
"Never," you said firmly, your eyes locking with his. "I enjoy our time together."
There was a brief, comfortable silence as you both savored your drinks and the peaceful ambiance of the café. Smoker took a deep breath, feeling a rare sense of calm and happiness. He knew he wanted to make this moment special, to solidify the bond you were forming.
He reached across the table, gently taking your hand in his. "I’ve been thinking a lot about us, about you," he said, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "And I wanted to ask you something."
You tilted your head slightly, curiosity and anticipation dancing in your eyes. "What is it?"
Smoker’s grip on your hand tightened just a fraction as he mustered his courage. "Would you consider being my personal nurse? If I promise to be your personal soldier, always there to protect you?"
Your heart skipped a beat, your cheeks flushing with a mixture of surprise and joy. "You mean… like us being together?"
He nodded, his gaze intense yet tender. "Yeah. I want you by my side, both on and off duty. I want to take care of you just like you’ve taken care of me."
Tears of happiness welled up in your eyes as you squeezed his hand. "Yes, Smoker. I’d love that."
A rare, genuine smile spread across his face as he lifted your hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. "You’ve made me the happiest man alive," he murmured.
The two of you spent the rest of the evening talking, laughing, and sharing sweet moments, the world outside fading into the background. It was just you and Smoker, wrapped in a bubble of warmth and affection.
As the night came to a close and Smoker walked you back to your quarters, he felt a newfound sense of purpose and contentment. He had found someone who cared for him deeply, someone he wanted to cherish and protect with all his might.
And as for you, you knew you had found a partner who, despite his tough exterior, had a heart of gold. Someone who made you feel safe and loved. Together, you knew you could face anything the world threw at you.
As you stood at your door, Smoker leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender, lingering kiss. "Goodnight, my personal nurse," he whispered.
"Goodnight, my personal soldier," you replied, your voice filled with happiness.
With one last smile, Smoker turned and walked away, already looking forward to the many more moments and memories you would share together.
As Smoker was about to turn the corner, he heard your voice calling out to him from behind.
"Smoker, wait!" you called, your voice tinged with excitement.
He paused, turning back to see you standing at the doorway of your quarters, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"Would you like a nightcap? Or... better yet, a check-up?~"
He couldn't help but grin at your suggestion, a surge of warmth flooding through him.
"Why not both?~"
With a shared laugh and a knowing glance, you both ran inside together, the promise of a night filled with laughter, love, and a little healing, waiting just beyond the threshold.
The next morning his cadets couldn't help but notice the ease in their captain's attitude.~
I hope you enjoyed your request my dear! I took a softer approach to his personality.
To be posted on the ao3 account soon.
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. I have a fic for almost everyone here in the master list. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Gathering: Collected Company
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Authors note: Knock knock bitch! burnout is gone and I finally returned to my first series and no one is safe. @existslikepristin
"Oppa, carry me. I'm tired," Chaewon pleaded, her voice a mix of exhaustion and playfulness. Percival turned to his girlfriend with a knowing smile.
"Ah, but you have two perfectly functional legs," he teased, fully aware he'd give in to her request anyway. He enjoyed the little game they played, her earning his favor with just a touch of effort.
Chaewon pouted, halting their progress with a dramatic slump. "But OPPA, I've been performing all week. I'm utterly exhausted. Can't you please give me a lift?" she implored, weariness evident in her posture.
"Alright, hop on, Chae," Percival relented, unable to resist her puppy-dog eyes. Chaewon's face lit up as she eagerly climbed onto his back, her fatigue momentarily forgotten as he carried her into the Card Shop.
"Hey, Percy!" the cashier greeted them warmly. "Here to pick up your order?" they asked, oblivious to Percival's concealed discomfort. As the cashier fetched their items, Chaewon's eyes landed on her new commander, Loot, Key to the universe, and her excitement was palpable.
Sensing her gaze, Percival turned to her with a smile. "Excited?" he inquired, noting the spark in her eyes. Chaewon nodded enthusiastically. After settling the bill, they found a nearby table to sleeve their new cards and decks.
Percival observed Chaewon's focused demeanor with admiration and affection, finishing his task before her due to years of practice. When she finally looked up, he couldn't help but smile at her.
"What?" she asked, curious at his expression.
"Just admiring my beautiful girlfriend," Percival replied, his affectionate tone not lost on her. Though she rolled her eyes at his sappiness, deep down, she cherished his displays of affection, finding solace in his care.
"Wanna get a quick game in?" Chaewon proposed eagerly.
"Chae, you know we're supposed to wait," Percival reminded her sternly, though he knew she could easily sway him.
Pouting cutely, Chaewon persisted, "I know, but I just want to see how well you pilot this new deck."
"As much as I'd love to dive into games with this commander, our friends might not appreciate it," Percival reasoned.
"Come on, just one quick match. Everyone else got to practice," Chaewon insisted, pulling out her phone to show him proof.
"Those sneaky ones," Percival grumbled, feeling annoyance.
"Yeah, now you know. Let's play," Chaewon said with a grin, and Percival couldn't resist her enthusiasm, setting up his deck to her delight.
The tension between them heightened as they faced each other across their playmats. Chaewon's smile widened as she glanced at the custom playmat featuring her own likeness, a thoughtful gift from Percival. Observing his meticulous setup, she marveled at his methodical movements, admiring the way he arranged his mat, deck, and commander. Her heart fluttered with anticipation as Percival graciously allowed her to take the first turn.
With a confident demeanor, Chaewon laid down an Island and cast Mystic Remora, initiating her strategy. Meanwhile, Percival swiftly established his own board presence, starting with Command Tower, followed by Sol Ring, and culminating in the summoning of Tinybones, the Pickpocket. As she drew three cards from the trade-off, Chaewon couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement, even if she didn't fully grasp the intricacies of the exchange. Undeterred, she continued her turn by playing another land and attempting to cast Three Visits, leveraging her resources to their fullest potential.
Percival acknowledged her play with a thumbs-up, his own strategy unfolding smoothly as he summoned his commander and led an offensive with Tinybones. Chaewon, bracing herself, took the hit and begrudgingly exiled the top two cards of her library, knowing they might come back to haunt her in Percival's hands. With a calculating gaze, he stored the exiled cards beneath his commander, his mind already racing through potential plays.
Glancing at Chaewon, then at his hand of cards, Percival knew he had a decision to make. While he understood the correct path to victory, he also recognized Chaewon was not ready for the following turns. Chaewon's growth was undeniable though and her request to remove the metaphorical training wheels during their matches. With a newfound determination, Percival focused on navigating the game, his senses sharpened as he observed Chaewon's next moves. As she played another land and cast Nature's Lore, fetching an OG Dual Tropical Island, Percival couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised. It was the first time Chaewon had demonstrated the strategy of fetching dual lands, a sign of her evolving understanding of the game. This realization emboldened Percival to raise the stakes, ready to test Chaewon's skills further.
"Ah, that's new," Percival remarked, acknowledging Chaewon's innovative play.
"You like it, Civy? I figured it out a few days ago since Tropical Island is both a forest and an Island," Chaewon explained proudly, her confidence evident.
Before they could delve deeper into their match, they were interrupted by the arrival of Yunjin and the rest of their friends (including me), who questioned why they were starting without them. Chaewon swiftly countered, pointing out that they had all begun practicing before receiving their decks. As everyone settled down, they took a moment to assess the state of the game.
"I see you were about to run her over," I commented to Percival, noting the disparity between their board states.
"No, he wasn't," Chaewon retorted, defending her position.
"Hey, Percival, mind showing us your hand since we're starting a new game?" I requested, eager to see the contents of his deck. With a nonchalant gesture, Percival revealed two win conditions and counterspells, while also flipping over Chaewon's cards to reveal a Rhystic Study and an Underworld Breach. Chaewon's eyes widened in realization as Percival simply shrugged.
"Oh yeah, that game was pretty much over," Eunchae chimed in teasingly, her words stoking Chaewon's frustration.
"Yah" Growling in response, Chaewon watched as Percival rose from his seat, taking a moment to stretch before returning. "Game two?" he proposed, unfazed by the previous interruption.
"You mean game one," Yujin corrected, irritation evident in her tone. Percival rolled his eyes. As they all prepared for the next round, anticipation hung in the air, each player eager to prove themselves in this new iteration of the game.
"Hey Civy Oppa, can I sit next to you?" Kazuha's voice broke through the pre-game chatter, drawing Civy's attention. With a thumbs-up, he welcomed her to his side. Watching their interaction was always intriguing to me. Despite Civy's reserved nature, he seemed to open up more around Kazuha and Chaewon.
It wasn't lost on me that Civy, much like myself, was guarded about sharing personal information. Yet, he appeared more at ease with Kazuha, perhaps because of their shared quirks and tendencies. Despite his flamboyant demeanor, Civy maintained a calculated distance, revealing only the bare minimum about himself. It was a curious contrast, especially considering his ostentatious presentation would suggest otherwise. Beyond the surface, all we knew was that he had a family consisting of a dad, a mom, and two sisters. Chaewon might have been privy to more, but she kept it under wraps, leaving me with a lingering sense of curiosity.
"Question before we begin. Can we do a two-headed dragon game? I don't want this game to last 3.5 hours," Civy interjected, addressing the group with a reasonable request. We all agreed, pairing off as usual: Connor with Yunjin, Dexter with Eunbi, Sakura with Siyeon, Chaewon with Civy, and Yujin with myself.
"Are you two together again?" Civy inquired, noticing the proximity between Yujin and me. We both nodded, accustomed to Civy's silent approval before he proceeded to shuffle his deck.
"So, what does this deck do, Oppa?" Kazuha inquired politely, leaning in closer to Percival with genuine curiosity.
"Well, Zuha, this deck capitalizes on the combat damage dealt by my creatures to gather insights and resources from our opponents' decks. I aim to either secure victory later using those acquired cards or force our opponents into a stall," Percival explained, his tone animated with enthusiasm. "Plus, the artwork is super cool," he added, gesturing towards the vibrant illustrations adorning the cards. Kazuha nodded appreciatively, while Chaewon watched pleased to see this side of Percival opening up to the group.
However, after Sakura sternly scolded Percival about his interactions with other members, he noticeably withdrew. Though we all noticed the shift, we understood it would take time for him to regain his comfort level.
"Okay," Kazuha replied, observing as Percival set up his deck.
"Last question, everyone. Are we going hardcore or taking it easy?" Percival inquired, seeking input from the group.
"Hardcore. I'm eager to fine-tune Narset," Connor declared confidently, though met with disapproving glances from the rest of us. He relented with a sigh.
"Hey, Oppa, can I give it a try?" Kazuha asked, prompting knowing laughter from Cival and Chaewon.
"Why are you closing up? I wanted to play," Kazuha expressed confusion as Chaewon groaned, eventually handing over $45-50 to Percival.
"Oh, I just wanted you to experience the deck we got for you," Percival revealed, presenting a blue and white deck box to Kazuha. Opening it, she revealed Dr. Madison Li, eliciting surprise from the rest of us, except for Chaewon, who grumbled about losing the bet. Percival goes to sit outside of our little circle and begins gold fishing his deck
"Hey unnie so how do we decide who goes first," Kazuha asks shyly.
"Usually we roll dice but you can go first. RIGHT GUYS," Chaewon says to the rest of us and we agree.
Kazuha sets herself up comfortably and begins. we all look at starting hands and Kazuha asks Percival, "Hey Oppa What does 0 mean in the mana cost."
Percival sits up and says "Oh dear!"
"Can you believe Civy gave Zuha all those powerful cards in her first deck?" Yunjin questioned Connor as they headed back to his place
"Yes Percival is crazy but that's not what I want to think about," Connor replied finally happy to have some alone time between him and Yunjin.
"So what do you want to talk about," Yunjin asked her voice taking on a deeper and more sultry tone.
"Oh the amazing dinner I am going to prepare for you," Connor replied. Yunjin smiled as they entered the apartment. As they arrived at Connor's place, the atmosphere shifted subtly, charged with anticipation and desire. Connor led Yunjin inside, their hands brushing against each other as they moved through the familiar space. With a shared glance, they both knew that the evening held the promise of intimacy and connection.
In the kitchen, Connor began to gather ingredients for their dinner, his movements deliberate yet infused with a sense of eagerness. Yunjin watched him with admiration, appreciating his culinary skills and the effort he was putting into their evening together.
As Connor started to prepare the meal, Yunjin moved closer, her presence a warm and comforting presence in the kitchen. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, interspersed with laughter and affectionate glances.
As the aroma of the cooking food filled the air, their shared anticipation grew, each moment imbued with a sense of intimacy and connection. And as they sat down to enjoy the delicious meal together, their hearts were full, knowing that they were exactly where they were meant to be.
After dinner, Connor and Yunjin both got calls on their phone
"Come on Pick Up. Come on Pick up." Percival fretted as Chaewon mirrored his call and fretted with hers directed to Yunjin.
Thankfully Connor picks up,
"Oh thank God you two are safe. We have a situation." Percival says worried.
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peachy-princess777 · 12 days
can i request a rafe cameron x reader where they're basically best friends but they don't act like it and topper and kelce always tease them abt it. one day, rafe got into a fight and reader gets so worried and patches him up and thats when rafe realizes that he's actually in love with her because he never shows this much affection and acts so soft only towards her and he basically starts going feral cause he hates the idea of him being in love so he pushes reader away and it all ends up with him confessing his love to her and plss make it a bit angstyyyy pls, thanks love 🩷🫂
Yes yes yesssss
I'm not sure if this is angsty enough because I, personally,don't really like how it turned out but I didn't know what else to write to make it better HOPEFULLY you like it.. bottoms up🥸
In the dimly lit garage, the smell of grease and gasoline was a familiar embrace for Rafe Cameron. He had spent countless hours here, his hands stained with oil, elbow-deep in the guts of a car that had more stories than the town library. His eyes focused on the engine in front of him, he barely noticed the soft hum of the radio playing a classic rock song. The world outside could be chaos, but in here, it was just him and the steel beasts that whispered their secrets to him.
Y/N, his best friend since childhood, walked in, her sneakers squeaking against the concrete floor. She held a first-aid kit tightly to her chest, a look of concern etched on her face. "Rafe, you okay?" she called out, her voice cutting through the solitude.
Rafe looked up, his eyes bloodshot from the dust and his jaw tight from the fight. He nodded curtly, not quite meeting her gaze. "It's nothing," he said, wiping a trickle of blood from his cheek with the back of his hand.
Y/N approached him, setting the first-aid kit on the workbench. She studied his bruised face, her thumb brushing against his jawline gently. "You've got a nasty cut here," she murmured, her voice soothing despite the tension in the air. "Let me clean it up."
Rafe flinched at her touch, not used to such tenderness from her. The fight had left him raw, both physically and emotionally. He'd been trying to play it cool, but the pain in his chest was unmistakable. "I can do it," he said gruffly, reaching for the kit.
But Y/N was insistent. She took his hand in hers, her grip surprisingly firm. "Sit down," she ordered gently, guiding him to a stool. "You're in no condition to be patching yourself up." Her eyes searched his, a question lingering unspoken. Rafe sat, feeling a strange mix of annoyance and comfort.
With careful precision, she cleaned the wound, the sting of antiseptic bringing him back to reality. He watched her, noticing the way her brow furrowed in concentration, the gentle way she dabbed at his skin. It was a stark contrast to the fiery spirit he'd seen in her so many times before. For a moment, he felt something shift within him, something warm and terrifying.
Their friends, Topper and Kelce, stumbled in, laughter echoing off the garage walls. They'd been out celebrating their victory at the local dive bar, and the smell of cheap beer and sweat trailed them like a fog. "Looks like someone's been playing a little too rough," Topper said, his grin wide and teasing. Kelce elbowed him in the ribs. "Leave the lovebirds alone."
Y/N's cheeks flushed at their banter, and she tried to play it off with a laugh, but the weight of their words hit Rafe like a sledgehammer. He'd never allowed himself to be this vulnerable with anyone, especially not Y/N. The thought of them being seen as a couple made his stomach twist into knots. He jerked his hand away from hers, the sudden movement causing her to drop the cotton swab.
"I said I can handle it," he snapped, his voice echoing in the garage. The music on the radio seemed to fade into the background as the tension grew palpable.
Y/N took a step back, her eyes wide. "I'm just trying to help," she said softly, picking up the dropped swab.
Rafe knew he was being an ass, but he couldn't stop the anger that bubbled up inside him. "I don't need your help," he said, grabbing the first-aid kit. His hands trembled as he clumsily applied a bandage to his own wound, the pain a welcome distraction from the emotional turmoil.
Topper and Kelce exchanged glances, the teasing smiles wiped from their faces. They'd never seen Rafe like this before—so volatile, so...vulnerable. They knew better than to push it. With a shrug, Topper clapped Rafe on the shoulder. "Alright, man. If you're good, we're gonna head out." Kelce nodded in agreement, and the two of them left the garage, the door slamming shut behind them.
The silence that followed was thick with unspoken words. Y/N stared at the closed door, her heart racing. She felt like she'd been slapped in the face, the sting of rejection burning like the antiseptic she'd just applied to Rafe's wound. She took a deep breath, willing herself not to cry. "Fine," she said, her voice steady despite the tremble in her chest. "I'll leave you to it."
Rafe watched her retreating back, his own heart pounding like a wild animal trapped in a cage. He hated the way she looked at him, like he was something breakable, something she had to handle with care. It made him feel weak, and weakness was not a luxury he could afford. Not here, not in Outer Banks, where the only law was survival of the fittest.
He turned back to the engine, his hands moving mechanically as he tried to ignore the ache in his chest. The fight had been just another Tuesday night, a bar brawl over a drunken comment about his family's past. But Y/N's touch had changed everything. It had stirred feelings he'd buried deep, feelings he didn't know how to deal with.
As the night wore on, Rafe found himself unable to shake the encounter. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her worried gaze, felt the softness of her skin against his. It was infuriating. He'd never been the type to get tangled up in emotions—his life was about keeping it simple, about not letting anyone get too close. But Y/N had been there for him since they were kids, and she'd always had a way of sneaking under his armor.
For the next few days, Rafe avoided Y/N like the plague. He took on extra shifts at the garage, working until his hands were raw and his eyes burned with exhaustion. He picked fights with anyone who so much as looked at him sideways, channeling his confusion and fear into his fists. The bruises on his knuckles were a stark reminder of the tumultuous storm brewing inside him.
Y/N noticed the change immediately. She'd catch glimpses of him from afar, his broad shoulders hunched as he worked on cars, his eyes dark and distant. The playful banter between them had gone silent, replaced by terse nods and curt responses. It was as if the moment of tenderness in the garage had never happened.
Her heart ached for him, but she knew better than to push. Rafe had always been a closed book, and she respected his need for space. But she couldn't shake the feeling that she'd done something wrong, that she'd overstepped some invisible line. She found herself lost in thought, replaying the scene over and over again in her mind, trying to pinpoint the moment when everything had changed.
Rafe's demeanor grew more and more distant as the days dragged on. He'd always been a man of few words, but now his silence was deafening. He'd come home from work, his eyes glazed over, and slump onto the couch without a word. The TV droned on in the background, but he never seemed to watch it, lost in his own world of turmoil.
Y/N tried to give him space, but it was like walking on eggshells. Every time she offered a gentle greeting or a casual question, he'd respond with a grunt or a one-word answer. It was as if she was invisible, and it was breaking her heart. She'd never seen Rafe like this—so lost, so...defeated.
One evening, after a particularly long day at the garage, she couldn't take it anymore. The house was quiet, the only sound the hum of the fridge. She found Rafe sitting at the kitchen table, staring into a half-empty bottle of whiskey. The sight of him like this, so abroken, filled her with a determination she hadn't felt in days.
With a deep breath, she approached him, her hand shaking slightly as she placed her palm on his shoulder. "Rafe," she said softly, "we need to talk."
He flinched at her touch, his eyes snapping up to meet hers. For a moment, she saw a flicker of something—pain, fear, longing?—before his usual stoic mask slammed back into place. "There's nothing to talk about," he said, his voice cold and dismissive.
Y/N gritted her teeth, refusing to let him push her away again. "You've been acting like a jerk since the night of the fight," she said, her voice steady. "What's going on with you?"
Rafe's eyes narrowed, his grip on the whiskey bottle tightening. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, his voice low and dangerous.
Y/N rolled her eyes, her frustration boiling over. "You've been pushing me away, ignoring me, acting like I'm some kind of...some kind of burden," she spat out. "What did I do to deserve this?"
Rafe shot to his feet, the chair scraping against the floor. "You didn't do anything," he roared, slamming his fist on the table. The bottle wobbled but didn't fall. "You're not the problem, Y/N. I am."
Her eyes widened, and she took a step back, unsure of what to say. Rafe never talked about his feelings, never let anyone in that deep. But she could see the torment in his eyes, the desperation in his clenched fists. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I mean that I don't know how to deal with this," he said, gesturing wildly between them. "With...this." His voice was thick with emotion, the words catching in his throat like a noose tightening.
Y/N's heart raced as she tried to piece together what he was saying. "What are you talking about?" she asked, her voice trembling.
Rafe took a step towards her, his eyes blazing with something she'd never seen before. "I'm talking about the fact that every time I look at you, all I can think about is how much I want to...to kiss you, to hold you, to tell you how much you mean to me!" His voice grew louder with each word, the whiskey sloshing in the bottle he still gripped in his hand.
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. This was not what she'd expected. "Rafe," she began, but he cut her off.
"And then what?" he demanded, his voice laced with anger. "You're going to tell me you don't feel the same? That I'm just some dumb, lovesick fool?"
Y/N stared at him, her eyes wide. She'd always known there was more to Rafe than he let on, but this raw vulnerability was something she'd never seen before. It was like looking at a feral animal that had been caged for too long—part of her wanted to run, but another part was drawn to the pain she saw in his eyes. "Rafe," she said carefully, "you're not a fool."
He took another step closer, his chest heaving. "Then why can't you just leave it?" he asked, his voice cracking. "Why do you have to keep pushing?"
Y/N swallowed hard, her hand rising to rest on his chest. She could feel the rapid thump of his heart beneath her palm. "Because, Rafe," she said, her voice barely audible, "I'm in love with you too
The words hung in the air like a confession in a silent church, resonating through the garage and echoing in the quiet night outside. Rafe's eyes searched hers, disbelief and hope warring within him. He'd never expected this, never allowed himself to imagine it. His heart raced like a wild horse, straining against the reins of his control.
He took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to respond, but all he could do was stand there, frozen. The whiskey bottle slipped from his grasp, shattering on the floor, the sound a metaphor for the walls he'd built around his heart. The alcohol pooled around their feet, a symbol of the chaos that had just been unleashed.
Rafe stared at her, his chest tightening. The room spun around him, the smell of gasoline and grease mixing with the faint scent of her perfume—a sweet, flowery scent that had haunted his dreams for so long. He didn't know how to react, didn't know what to do with the love she'd just laid bare in front of him. It was too much, too overwhelming.
But Y/N didn't back down. She stepped closer, her eyes never leaving his. "I've been in love with you for ages," she said, her voice steady. "I just didn't know how to tell you without breaking us apart."
Rafe's chest felt like it was being crushed under the weight of his emotions. He wanted to believe her, to let himself feel the warmth of her love, but fear held him back. "What if it's not real?" he choked out. "What if it's just...just because you've known me so long?"
Y/N's hand moved up to cradle his cheek, her thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped. "It's real," she whispered. "I know you're scared, but I'm not going anywhere."
Rafe's eyes searched hers, desperation and doubt warring within him. He'd spent his whole life pushing people away, afraid to get too close, afraid to get hurt. But Y/N had always been there, a constant in the ever-changing landscape of his life. Her love was the one thing he hadn't expected, and the one thing he didn't know how to reject.
"Rafe," she said, her voice a gentle caress, "I'm not asking you to change who you are. I just want you to know that I'm here, that I see you. All of you."
Rafe's breath hitched, the warmth of her hand seeping into his skin. The fight, the whiskey, the weight of his unspoken feelings—it all crashed down on him like a wave. He leaned into her touch, his eyes closing briefly as he took a shaky breath. "What if I don't know how to love you?" he admitted, the words leaving his mouth like a confession.
Y/N's thumb traced his jawline, her eyes never leaving his. "You already do," she said softly. "You just need to let yourself feel it."
Rafe closed his eyes again for a second before opening them up again, looking into the depths of hers. He could see the truth in her words, feel it in the way her hand trembled against his skin. He didn't know how to navigate this new terrain of emotions, but the thought of losing her was suddenly unbearable. He leaned into her touch, his body yearning for the comfort she offered.
"Okay," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Okay." It was all he could manage, but it was enough. Y/N's smile was like the sun breaking through a storm, lighting up the room.
They stood there for a moment, the tension in the air thick enough to slice with a knife. Rafe's heart hammered against his ribs as he felt Y/N's hand slip away from his cheek. He reached out, his own hand trembling, and took hers in his. Her skin was soft, a stark contrast to the calloused roughness of his own. For a brief moment, he felt like he could conquer the world.
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice hoarse. "I didn't mean to push you away."
Y/N squeezed his hand, the warmth of her touch grounding him. "It's okay," she said, her voice gentle. "I just want to be here for you."
Rafe's eyes searched hers, finding comfort in the familiar pools of kindness. He'd never let anyone in this deep before, but with Y/N, it felt...right. "I don't know how to do this," he confessed, his voice thick with vulnerability.
Y/N stepped closer, her free hand resting on his chest, right over his racing heart. "You don't have to," she assured him. "We'll figure it out..together."
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By god do I just need to scream into the ether about the Heart and co. confrontation scene.
First, the tension, incredible. Gemini and Fourth are phenomenal actors. Heart and Li Ming know they are walking in to a very emotionally fraught situation and their hesitation is palpable.
It's scene breakdown time babyyyy! Let's start from the beginning
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For a boy who admitted last episode that he has no idea what he is doing, he sure keeps doing things right. He's letting Heart know he's going to talk. Now, granted I don't know what he is saying here precisely if he is just simply saying "I'm going to talk for us/first", "I'll interpret," or if he's saying "I'm going to talk?", I don't think his face moves in any way that would imply a question, but his face is partially obscured. Either way he is at the very least keeping Heart in the know, and at the most asking for Heart's explicit consent to lead this conversation. You can't see it from pictures, but I appreciate the fact that before they cut back to the wide shot, Heart nods, so we as an audience, and Li Ming as the speaker here knows that Heart is okay with the power dynamics at play, with Li Ming talking for both of them.
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It's a blink and you'll miss it moment, thankfully I'm obsessed with this scene and therefore have been looping it endlessly, but I feel compelled to point out the way eye contact in this moment goes a long way in conveying how Heart's Mom and Li Ming view Heart. When Heart's mother points to her son she doesn't even look at him. The most she does is cast a downward glance at his bandage, and that's before she even points. And you can argue all you want that she doesn't look at him because she's specifically talking to and addressing Li Ming. But I call bullshit on that because Li Ming is specifically talking to and addressing Heart's mother, and he's looking straight in to Heart's eyes when he refers to and gestures towards Heart. I'm sure that both of these characters believe they love and care about Heart, but of these two characters which one actually recognizes Heart's personhood?
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But uh oh! Li Ming stood up for himself and for Heart, and talked back to not just an adult, but a powerful adult. And now she's mentioning past debts, and now there will be more to pay as a result. And Li Ming can only work so much with school and life and everything. He clearly doesn't know what he's getting himself in to, or what he has gotten himself in to. Li Ming and Heart's Mom are both getting angry, tensions are rising, something needs to happen to de-escalate the situation or this might go wrong. Uncle Jim absolutely must intervene (I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice). Interesting note: Guess who else doesn't look at their child when making a decision for them. Jim does look at Li Ming directly after this though, but it's to ask him why he did it. It's to place the blame for the accident on Li Ming. "You Li Ming, why did you do it?" "Heart asked me to." "Stop saying that."
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Jim is scared, Li Ming is pissed. "He was bored at home" "I said stop!" Jim is used to the way powerful and wealthy people can control and punish the poor. Jim and Li Ming have had conversations before that indicate this very mindset. Jim has mentioned power to Li Ming before and Li Ming's response has always been "what, so we just let them?" "He's a police officer so he can just do anything he wants to us?" to a young adult like Li Ming, this is an absurdity, to an older man like Jim, this is a reality. "he can just do anything he wants to us?" the answer is yes. Which is why Jim is so desperate to get Li Ming to stop talking here. But it just serves as a reminder to Li Ming that Jim thinks he's a child, and that he needs all his battles fought for him. If Li Ming doesn't keep pushing, nothing is going to change (social and political commentary anyone?)
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"There you go again," Heart's mother says, and this is Li Ming's initial reaction. This moment of annoyance and anger that this woman who doesn't even know him is once again accusing him of something he didn't do. This woman who is pointing once again to her son without even a glance in his direction "You know that he's mute, so you can say whatever you want?" First of all, even people who are mute have ways to communicate, so it's not like even if he was mute Heart would be helpless. Hell, even if Heart was mute he still has fucking sign language.
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The face of a woman who was, in fact, not aware that deaf people dislike being called mute.
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GUESS WHO FINALLY LOOKS AT HER SON AFTER THAT!!!! Please please if the writers are kind and merciful, this will be the point in the show where Heart's mother does so deep deep introspection and realizes how much she has fucked up. "He's just deaf," Li Ming says, loudly, and he steps forward, to try to engage Heart's mom in further conversation, in more dialogue. And what does Jim do? Pulls him back, takes him off his even footing "I said stop,"
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The face of a man who is very scared for the trouble his nephew might be getting himself in to, and the face of his nephew who is very disappointed that his uncle keeps not only backing down, but forcing him to back down as well. Who keeps asking him, in these small ways to lie instead of tell the truth. To remain quiet, to take the blame, to stick to the status quo.
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And then the part I hate (emotionally) begins. Heart asks Li Ming to tell him what they're saying. And I hate it because Heart's parents refusing to learn sign language does not only hurt Heart but it hurts everyone around him, themselves included. But specifically here, it hurts Li Ming, because he has to be the one to look Heart in the face and repeat the words his mother said, knowing that to do so will hurt Heart. Knowing that he has to be the one to hurt Heart.
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And this moment is also a great reminder for the audience as well that no one else knowing sign language creates really uncomfortable power dynamics between the person who is able to interpret and the Deaf person. Because Li Ming is hesitant to repeat it. Heart has to repeatedly grab his arm, repeatedly ask Li Ming to tell him what was said. Li Ming has absolute power over Heart right now, to refuse to say it, or to flat out lie. He doesn't, but it also should not be Li Ming's decision whether or not Heart knows, accurately, what was said. Even after we see it in his face that Li Ming agrees to translate, he still hesitates for a few seconds to move, to reach for the notepad, to have to write it down.
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And once he writes it down, Li Ming's eyes do not leave Heart. He is honed in on Heart, on Heart's face, on his shoulders, hell even on the back of his head until Heart asks him to translate. And god as much as I hate this moment in the scene for the pain that it causes Li Ming, I hate it even more for the pain that it causes Heart.
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He is fucking livid. Rightfully so, because HE'S NOT FUCKING MUTE, HE'S HAD LANGUAGE THIS ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME. He just wants to live his life like everyone else AND HE HAS TO TELL HIS PARENT'S THAT USING SOMEONE ELSE'S VOICE. Because they have refused to use his own. GOD. I'll be surprised if anyone makes it this far down in the post but I just...AHHHH I have no coherent thoughts about this moment, I just....Heart's parents do fucking better. Damn. And the worst part of this scene is yet to come because his Mom tries for like 0.2 seconds, but it looks like she's going to start signing something and Heart just looks SO surprised.
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He's so focused on it, he's paying so much attention to it. Is this it? Is this the moment he finds out that his mother has actually been trying? That she has learned and is ready to start using sign language with him? To talk to him, to understand him?
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She can't do it. She doesn't know how to. And it's just..it's so easy to see how much hope he had for just a second, how much that one millisecond of effort obliterated all the logic in his head that told him they didn't know it, they didn't care. And how quickly that disappointed anger snaps right back in to place. So Heart starts talking, in sign language, like he has been able to do for years, and he speaks his mind, and his mother still can't understand him. And we see the same dynamic here as with the "mute" comment. Heart's Mom wants Li Ming to translate, Heart wants Li Ming to translate, Li Ming knows how hurt Heart is, and yeah, probably some of his hesitation in voicing what Heart said is because he knows what Heart said will hurt her. But more so because I think it hurts Li Ming to know how much pain Heart is in.
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God, poor Heart, literally having to beg to be heard.
"He said you are ashamed of him being deaf,"
His mother shakes her head and says "Heart, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say, dear," and therein lies the problem. She doesn't know what to say, she never has. She has never bothered to learn how to communicate with him since he went deaf. She has kept him locked away. And it doesn't matter if she thinks she did that to keep him safe, Heart feels like he's being hidden away. And she doesn't say "No. No I'm not ashamed. I have never been ashamed." she doesn't know what to say. Because she can't say that. She can't deny that, and it just confirmed everything that Heart has known. So he leaves, because that's too much to handle.
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Bullshit 'he'll be fine, honey'. Your fucking son just told you that you never bothered to learn sign language in THREE FUCKING YEARS, and stormed away after admitting that he feels like you are ashamed of him, and you think no need to go after him, he'll be fine??? Fuck you. ACAB.
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Does this...
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look like...
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he's fine, to you?
No. I didn't think so.
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I don't really feel like I need to say much about this last shot. It stands on its own so strongly. Mirrors reflecting back, Heart and Li Ming only ever being able to see each other, to be seen by each other. Warm light at Heart's back, Li Ming in front of him, sandwiched between warmth in all of that blue, isolating coldness. All that evidence of how much time and the energy Heart has spent learning sign language. I don't know what the post-its say, I don't know that I want to know.
I don't know if they are notes Heart has written to himself when he was learning, and this is just what remains of his effort. Honestly I hope it's that, because if it is what I think it is, general, every day responses that he might have to give in reply to his parents that he can just pull off his wall and return, that is so much fucking worse. Because then its just the evidence of all the effort Heart has put in to communicate with his parents on their level when they have not put in the same effort to communicate on his. Even if it's something cute, even if it's all the notes that he and Li Ming have passed back and forth to each other over the last few months, serving as a reminder that someone cares, you still are left with the heartbreaking shot of two young men, desperate to be understood by their families, only having each other to hold on to, surrounded by reminders that they are the only two people that can understand each other. No matter how hard they try.
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
I finally caved in. Hello Katy may I request cowboy Hobie with a farmer reader who live on a ranch together. (That’s the main idea but you could change or add anything also your choice to make it angsty/fluff etc.). 🤠
Cowboy! Hobie request let's gooooo!!! Thank you for requesting! 😘
Pairing: Cowboy! Hobie Brown x Fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Cowboy AU, Western AU, established relationship, lovestruck Hobie, FLUFF.
You're ogling. It's not a crime to ogle your partner per se but with how your horse Luna is currently side-eyeing you whilst you brush her mane, ogling should be illegal. Or at least in your shared ranch. How could you not ogle Hobie when he looks like that?
You sigh deeply, eyes shaped like hearts at his glistening chest. Sweat dripping on his skin like tiny diamonds sparkling in the heat of the golden sun. His arm muscles are prominent as he heaves heavy hay bales over his shoulder. The blue jeans he's currently sporting hugs his legs perfectly like it was tailored only for him. Belt buckle glimmering, a dark cowboy hat protecting him from the sun, and dark cowboy boots to match— you should be arrested by how your eyes are glued to him and him only— even though your animals need your attention.
He knows that you're staring with how his pierced lips subtly curl into a smirk and how he's currently making an effort to stay in your line of sight even though the hay bales definitely don't need to be placed a few feet away from the field to the barn. He has been going back and forth for a while that he feels like his feet have carved a path on the dusty field.
You sigh longingly again and Luna has had enough of you. She huffs loudly, air coming out of her pink nose, head bumping yours to get your attention when her neighing couldn't.
“Hey, girl, what's your problem?” You pat her nose to calm her down. She kicks at the dusty ground, making sure her annoyance is palpable. “Carrots right, sorry.”
You swear you heard Hobie chuckle. But when you turn to look at him, he's currently busy with stacking hay, seemingly unaware. He hides his grin behind the shadow of his hat.
Feeding Luna her favourite treat, she happily chews noisily. Craning your neck to go back to the gun show, you knit your eyebrows to see his usual spot empty.
“Lookin' for me?” Hobie scares the tumbleweeds out of you. He pokes your side, making you jump in place. “You were starin’ a bit too hard. I swear there's holes on my back havin' the same shape as your eyeballs. At this point you gotta pay me, sweetheart.” He shoots you a wink, adding to your quickening heartbeat. Going around the pale horse, his smirk never leaves his face.
He leans over Luna's saddle, face perched on his hands with a smile that could stop someone's heart. Tilting his head, eyebrows raised, he waits for your clever reply. There's only crickets singing in your head with how he looks at you like you hung the sun for him. He just stares at you lovingly, perfectly content, perfectly happy even with all the grime dusted on his chiseled cheeks.
You feel like you've fallen for him all over again.
Copying his movements, you lean over Luna's saddle, facing him with the same love and softness he's currently showing just for you.
After what seemed like hours has passed just from throwing each other heart eyes from looking, you finally speak with a tone that Hobie could only describe as lovestrucked.
“Do I get a discount at least?”
He sucks in his teeth with fake annoyance. “Nah, don't think so, love. You can only see these muscles right here.” Patting his bicep, you laugh.
He thinks he's in heaven.
“That’s true, the sight alone is a rare commodity around here.”
Reaching for your hand, indulging himself with your mere touch, he intertwines your fingers together with his, like vines that grow and weave around each other, never letting go.
“You good? Heat isn't killing you?” He asks you like he's not the one toiling away outside with the sun bearing down at him.
You shake your head, bringing his hand up to your lips to reassure him. You feel the raised skin atop his knuckles, taking extra care, you kiss each one gently. “Nope, I'm melting but I can handle it.”
“Melting from the heat or from the show I gave you?”
You giggle, rolling your eyes, it's his turn to press a sweet kiss over your knuckles. “I should be the one asking you that. You alright? You're sweating a lot.” Wiping his forehead, he closes his eyes, his smile deepens with every wipe.
“Got it all?”
“Now do my pits,” He raises his arms above his head. “they're awfully sweaty, sweetheart.” He jokes with a deep chuckle.
Hobie expects for you to flinch away, or even screech and run away but you just shrug. “Sure,” your acceptance has him flabbergasted and endeared. “I've cleaned blood off of you, sweat is nothing compared to that.”
“Holy shit,” he says softly, almost a whisper as he goes around Luna to come near you— impossibly near as he holds your face in his hands. You don't mind the smell of hay clinging to his palms or sweat as you lean to his touch, eyes shining and full of affection for the man before you. “You think the reverend is free today?”
Chuckling, you knit your eyebrows in confusion. “What? Why?”
“So I could marry you today.” He says it with certainty that you're sure it's not the heat that has your legs almost crumbling. “Obviously.”
If horses could roll their eyes, Luna would be doing it right now.
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