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i wish i could tell you how lonely you’ve made me feel
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Anything poly and spicy if you’re comfortable with that 👀
hi I haven't wrote anything 'spicy' before but I would be happy to try, do you have a character or like prompt you'd like me to write about?
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sunrise with theo 🌅
I can just imagine going to his family's house in Italy for the summer and dragging him out of bed at half 4 to see the sunrise, enjoyyy x
Our bodies tangled together, our legs crossing eachothers as my head is buried into Theo's chest. A faint buzz causes me to stir, my eyes fluttering open only to be greeted by a dishevelled, sleeping boy infront of me. His hair fell messily into his closed eyes, his breathing slow and soft; it reminds me of a cat purring. Peaceful. The buzzing grew louder, I turn my head in the direction of the noise. My phone is flashing and buzzing on his nightstand; 4:25 am. Wriggling out of his grasp, I have to steady my hands on his bare chest sitting up and turning off my alarm. A low, muffled groan comes from beside me, Theo. His hands rub the bed where I previously lay before his hand finds my thigh rubbing slow circles with his thumb moving his head to rest on my lap. My hands move to his hair massaging his head slightly emiting another soft sight from him.
"g'morning" I whisper to him trailing a hand down his face rubbing his jaw and cheek.
"what time is it bella?" His voice is a deep rumble against my thighs, I smile down at him.
"half 4" Theo is not a morning person so I didn't expect him to be too happy about his abrupt awakening so early.
"why amore?" he huffs moving his hands to kneed my thighs.
"i wanna watch the sunrise with you at the beach, love" from the Nott's summerhouse the beach is barely a 4 minute walk, it's where me and Theo have mostly been for the past 2 weeks.
"please ragazzo" Theo practically caves when I speak Italian to him, he finds something so endearing about hearing me speak his native tongue. There was a slight pause, I knew he was thinking about it. I was his girl, he'd do anything if it made me happy.
"fine" he huffs "when does it rise?" I practically squeal with excitement leaning down to kiss his cheek.
"5, sunrise is at 5 and theres a really cute cafe we can get a coffee from i saw it yesterday when we went to the beach" I smile down happily at him, I see a smile tug at his lips, he sits up with a stretch, his boxers hung low on his hips, and with a slight groan he tiredly stands up, offering me a hand.
"shall we?" a soft smirk plays at his lips, such a gentleman. My gentleman.
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autumn with Theodore nott 🍃
I lace my fingers through his as we walked over the crisp, autumn leaves. My scarf started to drop from the tight knot Theo had previously tied around my neck to keep me warm, my right hand hold tightly onto my small coffee cup that we had stopped to get from madame pudfoots so we wouldn't freeze on our walk. As if on cue a shiver run through my body, not going unnoticed by Theo.
"are you cold amour?" his voice as smooth as the coffee I'm drinking, before I can even respond his hand drops from mine pulling his own deep grey woolen gloves off his hands slipping them onto mine before pulling my hand up to his mouth kissing my knuckles. A small heat creeps up my neck hidden from the redness of the previous cold air, he gives me a lopsided lazy smile wrapping his arm around my scarf re-tying it dropping his head down to place a warm kiss to my cold lips. I wrap an arm around his waist sharing his warmth, his arm slings over my shoulder continuing our walk placing a quick kiss to the top of my head.
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hello, I want to start posting some slytherin boys things but im not too sure how to start so bear with me and hopefully I'll create something you enjoy x
- slytherin princess 👑
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I fear the slytherin boys fandom has overtaken my life now but im not one to complain when I get to read about mattheo and theo 🤭🤭
I just want to say out of all fandoms I love the Harry Potter one the most. Literally the most creative and open and amazing fandom, the shit we all come up with and practically make canon and holy schneike like the people who created the whole Slytherin boys concept? I love and appreciate our fandom so much.
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