#i love hexane
viiralics · 6 months
my drawing tablet finally fucking worked
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astrofae · 10 months
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It seems I've captured the universe's most judgmental Quagmutt.
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deeperinthevoid · 1 year
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Another mutant! Her name is Hexane and she works at the convenience store.
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fairykukla · 3 months
My partner bought the DVD omnibus of the TV series Grimm. This was a while ago, but he will trot it out periodically.
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I used to love that series, but I find it hard to binge on. The early seasons are excellent, but it really works better with a Monster Of The Week format. The mythology writing was never as good.
Cut for spoilers. If you click through you can see my new fic outline.
But I loved the idea; the stories in fairy tales help explain how there are people with a secondary characteristic; they have a part of them that gives them a certain amount of power, and it can manifest in subtle ways. They're called "Vessen" and there are people called Grimms who can "see" the other form.
Which gets us a really interesting furry show. My favorite character is probably Monroe; he's a Big Bad Wolf who is finding his path to inner peace through exercise, vegetarian diet, and playing the cello. He fixes clocks for a living. He's cute as hell. I was delighted with the complex character named Rosalie who winds up in a relationship with Monroe, and would watch five seasons of a sitcom of their life together.
But I have a really hard time forgiving them for what they did to Juliette, the love interest for Nick, the main character. Juliette is played by Elizabeth Tulloch.
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And right away, they spin the story that "Nick has a terrible burden and can't tell his lady love." Which is stupid; Juliette is an intelligent, insightful, Veterinarian with an excellent BS detector. She is neither an innocent housewife "Honey, why do you have to keep working late?" Nor is she a domineering shrew "Why can't you take out the garbage!"
Once she finds out what the real deal is, she becomes a fantastic partner for Nick. She's brave, and strong, and supportive. A friend of hers comes to stay (trying to get out of a shitty relationship) and when the evil husband turns up, she is *not deterred* when he shows his inner nature to her. She just stares him down, and sharks, "Yeah. I'm not impressed." Then attacks him.
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Yeah. That's my girl!
Then there's... This weird storyline. An evil witch keeps casting spells on Juliet, (including impersonating her to have revenge sex with Nick) and since this happens over and over again, a side effect is that Juliette gets turned into an evil witch herself.
Witches are called Hexan beasts, and they're all apparently power hungry and ill tempered. Once Juliette is changed, they go galloping for the "She's too powerful, she's been corrupted, we must kill her off" storyline. Then Nick married the evil witch who sexually assaulted him. Yeah. Gross.
I'm going to start writing a fix it fic.
I want to call it Grimm; the Brujah Chapters. I find it hard to believe that there are *only* evil, power hungry witches. Juliette is canonically Hispanic, and has cool stories from her grandmother. Maybe that side effect merely jump-started her magical heritage genes. Maybe, she leaves Nick, and goes out on her own to find her way in the world.
She discovers her grandmother's books.
She she has an affinity with animals. Starts helping strays.
She goes to stay with her friend, who is really delighted that they have this Vessen thing in common. Cue cute roommate stories.
She realizes that while Nick's "cop" approach to being a Grimm deserves some criticism, there are other Grimms out there who are far worse.
She sets up a new practice, and does a lot of stray rescue work, but discovers that she now has an army of strays who adore her and do her bidding.
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yeah i love the smell of carbon. mmm delicious mixed hexanes never getting off my labcoat and making me nauseous. petroleum ether. you can thank OXYGEN for 2/3 of those good smells, thank you very much.
ooh fight fight fight fight
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bellbun · 6 months
Ten songs ten mutuals
i got tagged in the meme but its so long im just gonna make a new post
cheerleader - porter robinson (flashing imagery warning for the music video. still video: x)
GUT - agung mango
anthems for a seventeen year-old girl - yeule
please please please let me get what i want - deftones
punk's dead - SOFT PLAY
rave angel - blusher
st. valentine - naomi jon (mild flashing lights)
traumatic livelihood - jazmin bean
miasma - northlane (mild flashing lights)
tagged by: @goodmotorfinger thank u! 😳 tagging: @pabu-bubbles, @the-ghost-k1ng, @wyvernise, @wolftattoo, @hex-fox, @devilatelier, @heartlites, @hexane-nightmares, & @archaicearth only if u wanna tho! id love to hear some of your music taste 🫶
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eggmuffinwaffles · 2 years
i shared on discord but yk what fuck it im sharing on here too because i think they're funny and its my tumblr i make the rules
the 7 kingdoms losers as things i have actually said or have actually been said to me in chem lab yay
varian: evil chuckling while he lights his bunsen burner
hugo: should i be concerned
nuru: aw man my lab coat didn’t work! i got a bit of hydrochloric acid on my dress
hugo: oh yeah i dumped a whole thing of sodium hydroxide on my arm one time. don’t do that
nuru: i wasnt planning on it
varian, doing his experiments:
loud crash
varian, staring at hugo who has a smashed beaker and a bunch of liquid everywhere:
hugo: my product attacked me
varian: oh we’re almost out of sodium bisulfite. that would be bad since the leftover bromine can be dangerous. lucky you already quenched your flask with it
hugo: we were meant to what now
hugo: guys stop saying you want to eat the product
yong not listening: hey guys doesn’t this kind of look like jello
hugo: i would love to have my own lab
varian: considering the whole constantly wanting to eat chemicals thing im not sure leaving you alone in a lab is the best idea
hugo: wow goggles how do you keep your glassware so clean
varian: oh you know it irks me when it's dirty so i'll spend hours- oh no i forgot to wash my product out of my beaker
varian: ok so make sure we out the tert butyl alcohol in before the tert butoxide, ok?
hugo, who had already poured the tert butoxide into the jar: what
varian, after handling several dangerous chemicals: hang on let me put on my gloves
hugo: im sorry what
varian: according to my calculations, we need 0.5g
hugo, dumping the bottle into a bowl: eh good enough
hugo: hey varian what does it mean if the scale says unbalanced
varian: it means the scale is unbalanced hugo
hugo: huh
varian: wait where's yong and nuru?
hugo: at home with their families
varian: oh. more chemicals for us then mwahahhaha
nuru: alright guys so according to my calculations you need to add 35 mg of TEMPO. you got that?
varian: yep :)
hugo: alright so that's 0.035g, got it.
varian, who just added 35g: are….. are you sure
varian: stirs the jar hard enough liquid splashes out
hugo: careful with your stirring there goggles you’re violent
varian: chemical burns are a part of science
hugo: safety is part of science
hugo: ok this beaker is dirty because someone *eyes varian* didnt clean it. yong can you clean this for me while i get everything else we need?
yong, holding a bunsen burner and hexane: you got it :)
hugo: with water. you can clean it with water.
nuru, shaking the beaker so the liquid spins around: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
nuru and varian: weeeeeee
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friendamedes · 2 years
tagged by @sircarolyn !! hello!!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway!
tags: @sarnakhwritesthings @iotaqizm @iemondropsss @lorenzobane @wanderingwriter87 @lilydvoratrelundar @ichabodcranemills
the same mistake:
“Completely unapproved restructuring of practically half the archival process,” fumes Palamedes, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose for the fifth time in as many minutes, his other hand grasping the leaf of flimsy so hard Camilla worries he might tear it. “They never would have even tried it under Hexane—they wouldn’t try it under Juno, for God’s sake. An absolutely flagrant lack of respect.”
my love, i am the speed of sound:
The issue is, as it’s always been—and probably always will be, although at twelve Palamedes is holding off on any hubristically sweeping statements about his eventual adulthood, just to be safe—his tendency towards consuming obsession. 
It’s a tired observation by now, but Coronabeth has always thought of the Sixth House to be terribly boring in both theory (Corona is convinced not even the driest Sixth Scholar actually cares about psychometry, because who would?) and practice (not even the most gorgeous lapel pin can rescue the loathsome grey tweed suits the lot of them insist upon, is all she’s saying).
hold close & snug:
Palamedes doubts that the appeal of waking up in Camilla Hect’s bed is ever going to fade. 
intricate rituals:
It starts here:
Palamedes’ legs are thrown across Cam’s lap, the rest of him flopped over their shared, luxuriously large Master Warden’s bed. Cam is idly tapping on his shin through his trousers with one hand, the other balancing a slim imported book, out-of-House weaponry analysis—reading up for her Scholar examinations, studying for a paper, something between the two. She is sixteen-and-seven-months; he is sixteen-and-four. 
the hands that beckon:
The shower faucet knob digs into Camilla’s palm as she turns it, kissing a dark imprint into her skin, and she cannot find it in her to care.
bonus (current wip):
When Palamedes mentions it for the first time, Nona can tell that he hardly means it. It’s funny: he has Camilla’s face, a borrowed face, but when he says something he only sort of means it looks completely different than when Cam does.
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digtalihybridphobia · 22 days
6 year silent hiatus and they come back to give us THE TRANSCRIPT of what the actual flash was gonna be.
I really don't care if they thought "nobody's waiting, why bother?" You could've at least shown a bit of respect for the people who did wait and the people who are currently reading it, you could've made PAGES for the flash instead of making it a big ALMOST AN HOUR flash.
It just seems so disrespectful to me, it may not be that way to others or the author herself, but Jesus Christ that felt like a smack in the face as someone who loves hexane and scratchprone. :/
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babylovestruck · 3 years
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I can’t get over this scene
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alex-cyprin · 4 years
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Goddamn i’m still posting don’t worry! Have some Nav and see y’all next month again lmaoooo
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viiralics · 8 months
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mxrmaid-poet · 3 years
nav hexan
that’s it…that’s the post.
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megatraven · 4 years
normal cute nicknames: little star, my fire, wisp, lightkeeper, kitten, my raven, etc
nav’s nickname: salad boy
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Murrit Turkin
For Anon
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fandomtrashwhoops · 4 years
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It's okay that you don't have nipples, Nav. I still love you
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