#i love giant robots
darthkvznblogs · 6 months
I feel like I’ve just woken up from a kaiju-fueled haze (in related news, I rewatched Pacific Rim and watched Godzilla: King of the Monsters and Godzilla vs Kong for the first time this weekend)
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bluelicorfino · 2 months
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(Special message under, if curious!)
> be me
> really likes a fanfic series so i wanted to share appreciation for it by drawing fanart
> decide to post on tumblr since it's where i first heard of it, makes sense
> i'm a literal nobody with a dead blog so even if nobody sees it i won't lose anything
> posts it
> post has now surpassed 100 notes
> my honest to god reaction 😳
Thanks so much for the kind comments in the notes of the comic post :') i was not at all expecting it, but i guess it's really worth it to put yourself out there sometimes.
Honestly I pretend to come back to tumblr to post my art (especially more fandom oriented art stuff) but idk if i will use this one, or make another blog just for art, wdyt? I've seen some people that got interested in what i did, so i'm curious as well ^^
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whatcha-thinkin · 10 months
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hypertechnica · 24 days
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what did fiddleford see in the gremoblin’s gaze?
what made him invent the memory gun?
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spacecolonie · 2 years
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the last stand
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woof-squiggles · 6 months
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[please give credit if used! edits are fine, but please ask before reposting to other sites!]
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mawsnclaws · 9 days
Robot preds ☝️ they may be cold on the outside but their insides are nice and warm, they don't produce saliva so you don't have to worry about your things getting messed up.
They're programmed to protect, and what's more secure and protecting than inside of them? You'll be just fine curled up in their core, they reassure you that you'll be safe and unharmed.
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
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Bad Batch Pacific Rim AU!
(hc stuff under the cut)
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AU Headcanons
two Jaeger Team originally based in New Zealand stationed in Wellington from 2017 - 2025 | in 2025 re-stationed to Hongkong
2017 - 2020 Blaster 99 Mark 1 (Wrecker & Crosshair) 2017 - 2025 Havoc Marauder Mark 3 (Hunter & Tech until 2020 | Wrecker & Crosshair since 2020) 2020 - 2025 Omega-1 Mark 5 (Hunter & Tech)
graduating top of their class the Bad Batch was a highly valued Pilot Squad due to their sturdyness, advanced tactical and combat skills as well as their Drift compatibility among themselves
up until 2020 they successfully protected New Zealands coastlines as well as aided the australian Team occasionally.
in 2020 a category III Kaju launched an attack on Oaro calling the Team into action
due to a technical malfunction the weapons system of the Blaster 99 went offline resulting in the destruction of the Jaeger and near death of it's pilots which was prevented due to the quick acting of the Havoc Marauder
At the end of the same year and the recovery of the second pilot team a new Jaeger was assigned to them - Omega-1
Wrecker and Crosshair are two of teh very few Pilots who survied losing a Jaeger.
While technically compatible with each other brother, the current Pilot teams profed to be the most effective
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aubrey-plush12 · 4 months
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Characters i want to put in a room and see interact but it’s just robots/ai
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sunsetsandsunshine · 4 months
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Guess who has a new hyperfixation?
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linovadraws · 8 months
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Beloved! Beloathed!
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atlas-cian · 1 year
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My big red round boy Shiny and of course, Thunder.
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sagedearest · 2 months
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allmyandroids · 4 months
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James Spader as Mr. Black - Shorts (2009)
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mechanical-aristocrat · 9 months
Okay I think I'm ready to talk about that leaked light cone now:
I can criticize the potential continuity error it creates all I want, but god fucking damn it this image is too compelling for me to be even a little bit angry.
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THIS is how you do a fucking light cone, THIS is how you take advantage of the inherently interesting concept behind them to deliver a deeper level of characterization. Very few other light cones in the game do that anywhere near as well as this one does, and I'm going to try my best to explain why. (although forgive me if I'm still a bit scatterbrained, this image makes me so goddamn emotional that it's genuinely difficult to think clearly)
It seems very safe to assume this is depicting Screwllum soon after he became sentient, experiencing the beauty of life and existence for the first time. The thing is, it isn't an entirely positive experience; he's noticeably damaged with moss, plants, and fungi growing all over him, which can't be comfortable (just imagining what that must feel like makes my skin crawl). He was probably left in this forest by some one (or some thing) that didn't give a singular fuck about him, that wanted him to deteriorate and be forgotten about.
And yet, his body language and the overall tone of the piece suggests that he doesn't mind. He's incredibly calm (the butterflies wouldn't be there if he wasn't, he's made himself a safe place for them to rest), looking at the viewer as if the "camera" has placed us in the POV of a small woodland creature, the way his head is tilted to the side implying a sense of curiosity and/or fascination.
The tone of this image and of the character as a whole is one of awe and wonder that doesn't shy away from the negatives. It's what makes Screwllum the perfect foil to Emperor Rupert I, because while they both began their sentience in a similar manner, abandoned by a cold and uncaring universe and left to rot, Rupert was consumed by its hatred and motivated by revenge, whereas Screwllum was able to see life for what it was, imperfect but worth cherishing.
The most impressive part about it, however, is that all of this can be inferred without even having access to the light cone's name or lore description (at least as far as I'm aware). The light cones I would have considered my favorites previously, "Something Irreplaceable" and "Shared Feeling", partially rely on the descriptions to be compelling, especially with the former example because the description is honestly my favorite part. The visual storytelling in this leak is on fucking point, and I can't wait to read the description because it'll probably make me love it even more than I already do.
Screwllum nation is winning with this.
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starheirxero · 3 months
i see so much about giant robots and tiny human in the g/t scene but what about a tiny robot huh?? what about a little robot who was just meant to be a little gachapon toy and ending up in the hands of a human?? what about a little wind-up robot lovingly crafted by their creator?? what about a little robot meant to be a prototype for their much bigger, more complex self?? do you get me. tiny robots. please.....
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