#i love esper so much you guys
The qprs slowly multiply
it all started with me :3
- apollo
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apendice-chileno · 2 years
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Esper!Reigen concept idea...
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candyskiez · 7 months
You know a thing about mp100 that makes me ridiculously emotional. The fact that Serizawa is treated so goddamn kindly by the story. As far as I can remember, there's never a joke made at his expense about how he didn't go outside for so long, or the fact that he's just starting school back up again, or anything even remotely along those lines. There's some comedy on the side of him having no clue how to socialize, but it's never mean spirited at him. Adults in manipulative relationships aren't given much sympathy a lot of the time, and an adult who hadn't finished school getting kindness from the story is just unheard of but. Serizawa is treated so kindly. He goes back to school and it's not haha funny, it's "damn! Good for him!" Him being a shut in for so many years is treated as "wow, he was going through it." It's not him being stupid for being manipulated and he's allowed to come back from it. He's allowed to be happy. He's not the haha funny comic relief. He's just a dude who fucked up. They let him be happy.
Also! Him stopping going to school is treated kindly as well! It's him having a horrific time due to being an esper, it's not him being stupid, it's treated as "he desperately needed help and nobody knew how to give it to him", he's never faulted for it. The narrative is so fucking kind to its characters and it's just...so nice to see. I love Seri so much guys you have no idea.
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gittetj · 4 months
You've mentioned that you hc Reigen as ace, can you elaborate?
I agree w/ that but can't sort my thoughts out well enough to make a coherent analysis ;w;
Yeah, that's the vibe he gives me. No concrete "evidence" and I don't care all that much about the sexual orientations of fictional characters, but I guess for me, the headcanon comes down to three things:
1) Reigen is super disinterested in other people being attracted to each other. I feel like there are several small examples of this, but first one that comes to mind is that case with the esper who can astral project and uses it to stalk his neighbor. When they discover this, Reigen has such a non-reaction. I've seen a lot of people bring up these panels
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which, yeah, but when they find the culprit, Reigen also doesn't express much of an opinion. It's just "it's a stalker, stalking is bad and illegal, this is a job for the police." No more introspection from him, he immediately moves on, it doesn't interest him. Mob is the one doing all the reacting.
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2) Reigen never resorts to flirting despite how he's known for bullshitting his way through anything else to complete a job. Like, no matter how horny Studio Bones is for the guy, they can't change this. He could deliberately capitalize on the fact that a considerable amount of his income comes from massaging middle-aged ladies who find him attractive, but he doesn't. It's accidental. It does not even seem like something Reigen thinks about.
3) Reigen's a self-conscious person, yet doesn't act like it bothers him that he's seemingly never been in a relationship before. He explicitly has a crisis over being lonely in the confession arc, but it's about friends and connections and doing something meaningful with his life. Romantic relationships don't factor into it, even though it easily could, considering it has great thematic relevance for Mob who spends the entire story being in love. Not that you can't fall in love with someone if you're ace, this goes a little bit into aro territory I guess, but either way.. it just gives me that vibe. The indifference. I mean, even in chapter 99 when Mob point-blank asks Reigen for advice about Tsubomi, Reigen first asks Serizawa, then looks it up on his phone, exactly like he would with any other topic he doesn't know jack shit about.
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Also, at the end of the scene, he muses about what's important in a relationship, and his conclusions just.. don't sound like he's talking about romance? To me?
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I don't know, that entire scene gives me flashbacks to being younger and not yet knowing what asexuality (or aromanticism) is and having to navigate conversations like that without giving away that you fundamentally can't relate to this thing everyone else is so preoccupied with.
Them's my takes, I don't have much else to say about it.
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pig-warship · 24 days
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Dislyte OCs!? Old AND New???
You may remember Fable from an old post of mine where I they had almost the same design, but now that I’m 2 years older and have more of an understanding of what Dislyte is like, I kinda got carried away hehe-
Short descriptions under the cut!
Fable is still a bounty hunter of rogue Espers, meaning they get into many a conflict with powerful entities. They sympathize with a lot of them, but ultimately must stop them.
Shinju is a member of the Twilight Order, less direct than Yamato or Moroyama, and not as separated as Yuuhime, and more of a trusted independent. Being apart of a dangerous society, they are never spared of a hostile enemy.
Kaviir was previously untainted by the Miracles, a researcher studying how it could shift people to Espers, and what relationship they have with Miramon. Unfortunately, he tapped in too deep and explored where he shouldn’t… something in him changed alongside his exterior.
Santiago was more thrilled to become an Esper than most people. His physical strength was multiplied, he gained an affinity to fire, and his wrestling abilities became immortalized by Xiuhtecuhtli. He uses them for entertainment, now, while having to fight for real sometimes.
Makena left her home after being exposed to the Miracles, at fear of becoming a monster to them, and instead settling down somewhere else. At first wanting to hide, once she discovered the healing affinity she was granted now, she decided to become a wandering medic for Espers and Humans alike.
Dandapani is a respected Esper despite being a self proclaimed protector of Humans. Unfortunately, with this title, he’s considered a traitor to Espers, especially since he has to take some of them out to help protect those who can’t protect themselves. His ego, though, has left Humans to also distance from him.
Lucia is one of three sisters who became Espers, she herself being gifted with premonitions of death and defeat. More of a trickster than anything, she loves to just observe as bad things happen, all while a little too excited about them.
Adonis was a product of war and conflict, truly never having down time, especially when he became an Esper. He’s been with the Esper Union for a long time now, and despite his combat focused drive, he does long for affection and the idea of settling down.
Kekoa is your standard guardian Esper, helping people at sea but also the Union, with food, good vibes, and muscle! He’s always been a… not too bright guy, but at least now he’s focused on helping!
Yuriko became an Esper with her sister after a Miracle ascended near their home town, losing her humanity in the process as well as her sister. She’s extremely nice and a valuable asset to have, but she’s so focused on saving her sister that sometimes she can lose track.
I’ve made so many Espers now and I’m having so much fun!! I have ideas for more but I’m trying to slow down now~
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It is so insane how the marathon, where every person who cares about Mob supports him in some way, and the Kageyama house burning down with Mob believing for a hot second that they're dead, all happens on a single day.
This kid really gave his all that day. There were so many people showing how much they care about him. Encouraging him. He didn't cross the finish line, but it was still a success.
Then he gets home only for it to be standing in flames, listing reasons why his family definitely would have made it out alive, only for him to find burning dummies and nearly going into the murderous territory again.
Ekubo stops him, but he was scared.
And that's not even the end of that day! Doesn't matter that he had a school marathon today and passed out, someone messed with his family and he's going to get them back.
So he goes after the espers he senses, right?
And how does he view them? Weak! These guys were never able to do the dummy trick. They're wasting his time and damnit! Why did that guy pass out without finishing telling him what happened! Who gave him the right?! Not Mob!
It is so insane and I am so in love with it. Mob went through everything you possibly could in a single day.
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etherealhoneybee777 · 2 years
The Tragedy of Teru: An Unnecessarily Long Thesis
I’ve seen some people ask: why the sudden change in Teru? Why did he suddenly go from a total menace who was okay with choking Mob to unconsciousness to a good guy/best friend type whose moral axis now completely revolves around Mob? I’ve seen some people claim that Teru’s redemption was so sudden that it’s unconvincing.
I don’t think the redemption was a sudden shift in Teru’s character. Actually, it’s the most natural progression for him. Consider Teru’s life circumstances. His parents completely abandoned him with no remorse. It wasn’t even because of Claw, they were just “busy” and moved overseas. He has no one to look after him at home. His relationships at school are largely superficial. He probably has severe attachment issues because of childhood neglect. He has no connections, no one truly rooting for him.
It’s an extremely shitty situation—but Teru convinces himself that he’s okay. In fact, he’s better than okay. He’s doing great. He’s doing the best because he’s better than everyone else—he has psychic powers, he’s popular, he’s talented in pretty much everything. Why would he need people to love and care for him when he has everything else “average” people dream of?
And so Teru’s entire emotional state revolves around a shaky thesis: that he’s better than everyone else. The main character. Main characters don’t need families. They don’t need love and support. Teru’s too superior for those things. And he HAS to be superior, because if he’s not, if he’s like everyone else, then he has to acknowledge the facts: that his parents left him, that there’s no clear cut purpose for his life, he’s completely alone, and there’s nothing he can do about it.  
If Teru’s the main character, then trauma and abandonment are just part of a tragic backstory---necessary hardships that will pave the way for all the great and superior things that Teru is destined to do. Whereas “average” people don’t have tragic backstories. When “average” people are abused and abandoned, it’s not part of some epic tale. It’s just sad. If Teru’s average, then the trauma is meaningless. Purposeless. 
And the weight of that is just too much for him to bear.
And so he dates girls he doesn’t like, and he cheats on tests, and he wins at sports, and he runs a gang. And he copes. For a while, it works.
And then it doesn’t.
Enter Shigeo Kageyama.
Mob’s existence rocks Teru’s world. The idea that there’s another natural child esper as powerful as him shatters his core belief that psychic powers made him the main character. Not only that, but Mob withstands all of Teru’s attacks, and refuses to fight back--a move that Teru finds insulting.
When Mob insists that psychic powers are average, and that Teru’s average, Teru is enraged. (“You’re the only one who can make that point. And that’s why your very existence pisses me off!”)
Finally Mob puts the nail in the coffin: “You and I are the same. We both have no self-confidence.” Up until this point, I believe that NO ONE has genuinely seen through Teru like Mob does, or, at least, they didn’t point it out. Mob sees Teru for who he is: a sad and insecure kid with no real connections. And THAT’S what makes Teru put him in a chokehold.
In a move of infinite kindness, Mob refuses to use his powers against Teru. Only when Mob is knocked unconscious are his true powers revealed. Teru then sees how outmatched he was from the very beginning, and how intentional Mob’s pacifism was towards him.
Teru did nothing but try to hurt Mob, but Mob refused to hurt him back. This is probably the most intentional love and care Teru’s received in a long time.
It’s a turning point. Because here’s the thing about Teru: he latches on to any gesture of genuine kindness and holds onto it for dear life. Mob’s kindness is enough to make Teru completely reject his old ideals.
Teru’s emotional state depended on the idea that he’s superior, but now that this belief has been dismantled, he needs a new life purpose to fill the vacuum, something else to distract from the loneliness in his life. And Mob has given Teru a new purpose: to be a good person. A kind person. Teru wants to be Kageyama’s rival—not in terms of psychic power—but in terms of kindness. (That’s why Teru claims to have won against ???% even though he’s clearly overpowered. He was talking about winning a contest of kindness, about repaying the kindness Mob showed him when they met by refusing to use his psychic powers to hurt ???%---even when ???% was hurting him).
So, Teru’s new purpose: kindness and doing good for the world. It’s a good purpose to have. And Teru is good at being kind. He risks his life to fight Claw just because he cares about Mob. He takes down Claw’s splinter organizations all on his own. He fills in at spirits and such for probably negligible pay when Mob trains for the race. He gives advice. He practices intentional humility (sometimes). He always says thank you.
And, of course, he puts his life on the line to stop ???%’s rampage and get through to Mob. He almost dies to save every last civilian.
Teru is good at being good. He is the type of person who spins every stray thread of kindness he receives into gold. He multiplies every rare gesture of love tenfold. It’s a beautiful example of how the human spirit can withstand so much neglect and agony and evil and still come out good in the end. Teru’s name means “brilliance,” and his whole character is about shining a brilliant light into the darkness that surrounds him.
As much as I’d like to believe that’s the whole picture, it’s not. There’s a darker, sadder side to Teru’s redemption
Don’t get me wrong, I believe that Teru cares about his friends very much and is a genuinely kind and good person. BUT that’s not the only reason he’s kind and good. I believe that Teru is so obsessed with being good/putting Mob on a pedestal because “being good” is his new coping mechanism.
See, his coping mechanism before was being superior and having refined psychic powers. But, since Kageyama dismantled that, he found a new purpose: being good. And he uses the pursuit of being good to distract from his empty apartment, neglectful parents, and lack of personal connections.
And isn’t there something so utterly heartbreaking about that? Think about Teru single-handedly taking down all of Claw’s splinter organizations. Think of him spending constant hours refining his psychic powers to be able to beat the bad guys. Going into the forest to meditate to “improve” himself. Training the awakening lab kids. Working out until he is more ripped than any 13-year-old should be. All of it, he probably enjoys, but is it not also a distraction? Is he doing these things solely to become better or also to busy himself and fill the days? Anything to not be by himself, tiny and alone in an empty apartment with strange noises and the bleak reality that there is no one, no one who will even know if Claw sneaks into his house and kills him.
Teru is a tragic character. At the beginning of the story, he is a menace who is completely alone. He is then redeemed. He orients his life towards being good--and gains some meaningful connections, but at the end of the story, Teru is still functionally alone most of the time. Though they care for each other very much, Mob and Teru don’t really hang out in canon. (Fanbook) They’re not even on a first name basis. Teru comes by Reigen’s office sometimes, but not often. He still has no one at home to care for him.
At the end of it all,—months and months later—Teru still has to ask for the occasional hang out with Mob. He is sipping tea sadly when Mob talks about his friendship with Tsubomi, jealous. And then he will go home to an empty apartment, alone. There is no one to take care of him when he is sick. There is no one to discipline him, or tell him “no,” or to prepare him for his first date, or to help him apply for college.
And doesn’t that go against the usual abandoned child narrative? Where the abandoned and neglected child ends the story with so many deep connections and so much love pouring into them that they can barely breathe? Where is that love for Teru? He is doing everything right. He is repaying all of the love and kindness he has ever received, so why is he still alone?
Teru never talks about any friendships besides Mob or adult influences besides Reigen. I truly believe Teru is still relying on his sparse interactions with Mob and Reigen to stay afloat emotionally. And he’s not used to kindnesses---when Reigen takes him to the amusement park, he’s overly thankful (”Reigen-san, you went to all this trouble”) And Teru literally idolizes Mob for the kindness Mob has given him. But this is kind of heartbreaking too.
No child should have to subsist on stray inklings of love and support. Love should not be a limited resource. One of the reasons that Teru treasures kindnesses so much is because he knows that gestures of love towards him are few and far between.
It’s no life for a kid. Teru should have a support system that gives him so much love casually that he’s not afraid to let it slip through his fingers. He shouldn’t have to be overly thankful for kind gestures, he doesn’t have to say “you went to all this trouble,” after someone takes him on a fun summer excursion. Teru should be loved so much that he forgets to say thanks. Love should be an expectation, not just a treasure.
Maybe this is why I’m constantly reading fics where Teru is adopted or where he spends a lot of time with the Kageyamas. Because in canon (especially manga canon), Teru’s ending is incredibly tragic. I really love the way ONE wrote him, and I’m not complaining about the ending---I think it’s great. But I want to see this boy happy. There’s something so sad about someone who loves so much but never gets what they deserve. 
But fanfiction exists! So write him having happy moments. Write Teru at the water park. Write Teru being hugged by Reigen before his graduation. Write him planting a tree. Write him having his first kiss in the rain. Write him going to cosmetology school and becoming a hairdresser. Write Reigen saving up for Teru’s college fund. 
Write Teru experiencing all of the love and joy and beautiful things because he deserves them. I will read all of your fic just put it in my inbox. I will do anything to see this boy be loved.
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pinkniz · 3 months
Overthinking the horrors of esperhood about self perception for animal espers
Imagine being a human your whole life, having a human face you can recognise as yourself in a mirror and applying human standards to how it looks but one day your ENTIRE skull shifts into an entirely different creature
You might be exited because..well..we all love animals, we all think they're cute and pretty but..your face is gone, your HUMAN face its gone and it no longer is restrained by your own human expectations, isnt it great? Now you see a a majestic and cute creature in the mirror and.. you're aware its you but...do you perceive your new face the same you did with your old one?
If one day you randomly have all your face replaced by an animal head will you still apply human beauty standards to it? Will you look at yourself as if looking at an animal in the zoo?
Because as humans we tend to see animals as beautiful and nice to look at by default, even with "ugly animals" we see them as endearing
Most people agree that canines are beautiful animals so do you think Sander looks in the mirror and sees himself as a good looking man..or as an elegant dog? Does Emma see herself as a pretty girl or just as a cute rabbit? How much can they look in the mirror and feel like they're not longer looking at a person?
We know Freddy thinks hes more handsome as a wolf but wouldn't we all also think the same if we were no longer were held by human beauty standards and became an animal thats regarded by everyone as majestic and gorgeous?
Javid for sure acknowledges he's GORGEOUS but not for being a handsome guy but because he literally has the head of a LION aka one of the prettiest mammals EVER. Does Daylon find himself scary because of everyone saying he is or because he literally has a crocodile head? Does Yalina think she's creepy or cute given how we humans either see goats as silly or demonic
How long did it take them to look in the mirror and fully embrace that the animal in the mirror is THEM and how long did it take them to cope with losing all their human features..
Can you even feel like looking at yourself if your entire body morphs into completely different species
(gotta admit this all came from a hc I have of Sander hating when he transformed and him breaking the mirror while looking at himself)
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madraleen · 25 days
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Mob Psycho 100 Mob Psycho 100 II A two-seasons commentary
Season 1 -no idea what i'm getting into. i sauntered here through va works. hopefully it's fun.
-he's good, isn't he. takahiro sakurai
-that yoshitsugu matsuoka, huh? chef's kiss
-the guys in mob's fitness club are so NICE. it's cool
-oh gee, mob is about to see ritsu getting in a fight as an esper, that's gonna hurt both ways
-dude, that's sad. ritsu telling mob that he didn't actually admire him but fear him? that they couldn't have a fight as brothers so as not to stress him out? someone give mob a hug
-wow wait, mob treats his little brother with such maturity??? way to go mob, respect
-dude? mob going consciously berserk and using his powers bc someone's hurting ritsu? so good? and ritsu losing his shit when mob is getting hit?? so good??
-might i suggest dimple possessing reigen. it would be a win-win situation
-eh?? EEEEHHH?? reigen is the claw boss?? b-b-but...
-the way mob, who's usually so reserved and distant and inexpressive, loves ritsu so openly, so sincerely, so wholeheartedly, it's just so heartwarming
-ah fuck off, you tricked me into thinking reigen was the boss
-holy shit?? reigen turning into the real mvp in the claw hq??
-oi, reigen is making me tear up, what
Season 2 -aww emi and mob are cute
-i know. I KNOW reigen is reigen, but damn, his mentor dynamics with mob are so sweet. he really tries to understand him and look out for him and guide him well.
-ah. okay. the way ekubo reminded mob who he is in mogami's world made me tear up a bit. and wah, mob's getting stronger. what a great ep
-not saying that reigen didn't bring this notoriety all upon himself, not saying it's totally undeserved, but maaaaan this is depressing
-oooh bb mob has known about reigen from the beginning that his master "is a good guy," lil bb :") they're sweet, man, they're sweet. they have a sweet dynamic, even if reigen is reigen.
-ritsu having a breakdown behind the desk at reigen's advice to tsubomi, peak comedy
-surely not? surely the fam isn't dead? surely? SURELY?! hold up, no??? surely not???
-ritsu randomly being with sho throws me off so much, like, even if it's for good reason WHY ARE YOU THERE, YOUNG MAN
-"everyone lacks something. people making up for others' deficiencies is what makes this world go around."
-it's wonderful seeing mob evolve as a person. and this support system he has, and that everyone has with each other, chef's kiss.
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teruthecreator · 2 years
terumob and ritshou are so funny to me bc you have this dyamic of one very like. successful/powerful/rich person going absolutely head over heels for the most average fuck out there. 
like teru is a relatively popular, handsome, rich (judging by the fact that he lives alone in an apartment) kid who literally every girl fawns after. but then you catch him giggling at his phone as he texts mob, who is just responding like “okay.” “yeah.” “oh okay.”. giving absolutely Nothing but teru is so cheesed over this guy who loves milk and frogs. there are so many canonical moments of teru being so fucking smitten over mob being just like. average. and ordinary. like i know thats the whole “ur not special bc ur an esper” thing but i also find it incredibly funny that teru took it so to heart that mob’s averageness has become so appealing to him
meanwhile shou is the son of a powerful man, one of the Most powerful men in fact, with enough influence and wealth to form his own terrorist organization that was set to span worldwide. and he literally lights up like a goddamn puppydog whenever ritsu’s :-/ face comes into view for half a second. he practically pries open the front door to the kageyama house when he sees ritsu is the one who answered it. i have no doubt in my mind that he was thinking “omg its ritsu!!!! yay ritsu!!!!” when he opened that door. he has so much power and wealth, yet he chose the guy who repeatedly has said “i am so normal”, keeps a spoon in his pocket at all times, and has boiled pork as one of his favorite foods 
the kageyama parents probably see those two with their incredibly affluent boyfriends like “hey. at least we got a retirement fund now.  dont know how they managed it but whatever” 
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hootpoop12 · 1 year
Random Mob thought:
Season 2 has a couple things that "contradicts" things from season one that I like. In season one Reigen scolds all the adult espers and we get that iconic scene about the cursed katana guy saying he had a rough childhood. It's played off as a joke because "nice motive still murder" which is absolutely true but in the Mogami arc that narrative is taken much more seriously because at the end of the day having a rough childhood/life and it affecting the way you perceived life is extremely real. It's uncomfortable but it's not totally the person fault for being like that. Mob and Reigen get to preach about "the right way" because they were legitimately lucky in life.
The other thing is that Reigen told Mob to run away at the end of season one because he's a kid and bears no responsibility which is true. In season 2 we see with the fight with Touichirou that mob twists that man like a wet rag because a huge part of season 2 is about mob considering his feelings more and standing up for himself. You can't just always run away or be a door mat.
Like, the whole point is that it's all not so much as contradicting because they're all legitimate world views. I don't think it was One accidentally going against stuff he established because the comic is about how the world is filled with different perspective and views of things. Two opposing views doesn't necessarily mean one is wrong there's a balance. One also mentions that Reigen isn't there to teach mob the "right" view but to more teach him the ability to choose what's right for himself. Mob is thankful that Reigen points out the option of running away in season one but I love in season two we see Mob choosing the other option of staying and fighting of his own volition because mob is finally able to start to decide those things for himself without Reigen.
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crazylittlejester · 23 days
okay so I wanna tell you a bit of that monster AU I shared before(since you brought up your Sky-meets-the-chain WIP and Warriors is wary af).
So Sky is a changeling. When he meets up with the chain, he insists he’s just a regular hylian. Most of the chain can tell that something’s up, but they are all like “yeah, hylian, okay.” For example, Wind thinks he’s an esper(psychic), like him, and Legend thinks he may be cursed, like him. Wild is just completely clueless because he doesn’t know jack(and is also a zombie, frankstein style, so he’s also a bit of a weirdo).
Anyways, Warriors is a human pretending to be a hylian. Humans are very sensitive to weird shit(natural cowards compared to hylians(also very very weak compared to them as well)), so he also immediately knows something isn’t right with Sky in the fact that he’s very very sure that Sky ain’t hylian in the slightest. Wars also has a lot of experience with many kinds of fairies, and with that he would know that Sky’s more fairy than hylian.
In Wars infinite wisdom courage, he doesn’t say anything about that. He keeps it to himself, since fae can get kinda angy when their tricks are unveiled.
So when Sky tries to say something like, “I’m a hylian, just like you!” to Warriors, he’s 100% sure he’s fucking with him. That’s he’s messing with him, specifically because Warriors is a human. Wars can’t like. Hate him for this, cause ya know, the fae love their pranks and such, he understands and also has a bit of a soft spot for them. But still, Warriors is sweating bullets every time Sky says that. And he says that a lot, because he’s just a bit self conscious about being a changeling, since he only learned about that near the end of his adventure.
But yeah, Sky gets to mess with Warriors psychologically, completely unaware that he’s doing so. Idk if this made any sense tbh, I’m very exhausted rn haha(kinda hot very sweaty might melt). Anyways, I hope you have a great rest of your day 👍 yipppee
i am SO sorry for not answering this sooner i still have a lot of asks im working through and i feel really bad about it, but i literally love whenever you tell me more about your ideas so thank you so so much for choosing me to yap about them to :)
So does Sky know he’s not just a regular hylian or does he think he is 👁️👁️?
i love this au so much and i love that Wars is just A Guy alskdkkdkd :3
Remember to take care of yourself and I hope you have a good rest of your day!!!
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harmonytre · 10 days
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(Original by MagicalPouch, so go give him credit, not me! It's slightly edited to replace expressions I didn't want to draw with OTHER ones he made!)
I want to doodle expressions as warm-ups in my spare time! Below I have which expressions have been taken and what fandoms I can draw for! (Especially MP100 since I'm new to it!)
You can request through Ask (easiest), Reply, Reblog, or even Discord if you know me there!
You can double check Request Rules here!
[72/100 OPEN, 2 Finished]
1: A, B, C, D: Sebastian, E, F, G: Meowth, H, I, J
2: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J
3: A: Messier, B, C: Bubby, D, E, F, G, H, I, J
4: A, B, C, D, E, F: Michiru, G, H: Hop, I, J
5: A, B, C: Gordon, D, E, F, G, H, I, J: Scrafe
6: A, B: Darnold, C, D, E: G-Man, F: Benrey, G: Benrey, H: Forzen, I, J
7: A: Solar, B, C, D, E, F: Tommy, G: Finrey, H, I, J
8: A: Hi-C, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I: Nova, J
9: A: Medic, B, C: Wolf Hop, D, E: Poppy, F, G, H: Buckaroo, I: Tommy, J
10: A, B, C: Coomer, D: G-Man, E, F: Vida, G: Bubby, H, I: Tommy, J
I narrowed the list of fandoms to my favorites of each category, but you may view the full list HERE!
*: Favorites
(acronym or notes) [fav characters] {ships I can draw}
My Own:
*Pulo (Original) [The Guardian, Banjo] {Sizzle/Kixz, Cypress/Ripple, Frost/Petra}
*Sweet Voice Cafe (HLVRAI AU) [Joshua, Benny] {Boomer}
(Pretty much just check my Toyhouse!)
Atina and HLAIXD as well if you know those ;)
Current Favorites:
Pokemon [James, Hop, Leon] {Rocketshipping, Neoshipping, Geekchicshipping}
Team Rocket
Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware (HLVRAI) [literally all of them but if I had to pick then Bubby] {favs are Boomer and Freelatta, but I’m okay with drawing nearly any pairing!}
Y2KVR and BMFBE by (year2000electronics) [still reading the other series, sorry!]
The One True Streamman by (HeelysonFeelys)
Stuck Together (Dimonds456)
Human Resources Violations (kogo-dogo)
Augmented Reality (egelskop)
Ghost AU, Swap AU, Benrey Fam, CMY Siblings, Aubrey Calhoun, and Infection AU (pistachi0art)
Catmer (mr-web)
Metamorphosis AU (anons-has-hlvrai-aus)
HLVREM (py6oto
Barnrey (alieryn-art)
Simulation Reality (HLVR-SR)
Deep Sea AU (brainthreeze)
Hi-C (transforzen)
Toontown but the AI is Self-Aware (transforzen, green-2-blue)
My Little AI: Science is Magic (thomascoolatta)
(Un)Forgettable (dilfgmancoolatta)
*Mob Psycho 100 (MP100) [Mob, Reigen] {Ekurei, Takemob}
*Esper Kids (Mob, Saiki K, and Anya Forger as friends <3)
Infinity Train [Lake, Alan Dracula, Jesse]
Indigo Park [Rambley]
*Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) [Helpie, Roxie, Oz]
*How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) [Toothless] {Hiccstrid}
*Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir [Alya, Luka] {Love Square, DJWiFi, Myvan, Julerose}
*My Little Pony (MLP, mostly G4) [Fluttershy, Thorax, Discord] {Fluttercord, Cheesepie}
*Trolls [Branch] {Broppy}
*Anything by Blackie Sootfur (but especially Demons, Uprooted, and Secret)
*Dino Squad [Buzz]
*Glitch Techs [Miko]
*Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts [Kipo, Wolf]
*Star vs. the Forces of Evil [Janet, Marco] {Jantom, Starco}
*Steven Universe [Peridot]
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT, specifically 2012 but any works) [Donatello, Mona Lisa] {Apritello}
*The Ghost and Molly McGee [Libby]
*Voltron: Legendary Defender [Pidge, Lance, Hunk] {Plance}
*Wild Kratts [Chris, Aviva]
*Brand New Animal (BNA) [Mishiru Kagemori]
*Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun [Chiyo Sakura, Hirotaka Wakamatsu]
*Astro Boy (2009) [Astro Boy]
*Big Hero 6 [Hiro]
*Bolt [Bolt]
*Epic [Nod]
*Inside Out [Anger, Joy, Anxiety]
*Megamind [Megamind]
*Nimona [Nimona]
*Rise of the Guardians [Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost]
*Wreck-it-Ralph [Fix-it Felix] {Hero’s Cuties}
*Zootopia [Nick Wilde]
*Among Us
*Content Warning
*Half-Life (currently just HL1) [Snarks, Headcrabs, Barney Calhoun] {Freehoun}
*Lethal Company
*Undertale [Scarf Mouse, Nice Cream Guy, Papyrus] {Alphyne, Soriel, NicePants}
*EL Comics
*Follychromatic [Fauna]
*Magical Boy (TheK40)
*Pipe Up (Salt & Pepper Bunny, Tinysweetbunny, TheTRUEegge)
*Sanity Circus [Attley Grimshaw, Fletch Gray]
*The Skybox (lynxgriffin)
*Urban Animal
Fandom Webcomics:
*Jet’s Black Nuzlocke (Zerochan923600)
*Twin Runes (akanemnon)
Undertale AUs:
*Alivetale @/tatatale
*Fallen Flowers @/Tarableart
*Littletale @/mudkipful
*Sans The Seraphim (The Thought)
Other media (short films/characters/books/creators/etc):
*Birds (Imagine Dragons Animation)
*Epic: The Musical [Polites]
*MandJTV (and all series)
*Trevor Henderson
Live Action:
*Free Guy
*Ghosts (2021 series)
*Jurassic Park/World series
*Resident Alien
*The Librarians (tv series) [Ezekiel Jones]
*The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Childhood Shows:
*Dinosaur Train
*Dog with a Blog
*Dragon Tales
*Martha Speaks
*Wonder Pets
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candyskiez · 3 months
i love shou. guy who unintentionally foils each of the other 3 esper kids just by existing
he and mob are both carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. the two kids who fought toichirou and what it meant for both of them. mob’s “the only way to use these powers responsibly is to never use them against people” vs shou’s “the only way to use these powers responsibly is to use them against people (who use them for evil)” and how both of those perspectives are forced to develop
shou and ritsu’s parallels are actively discussed in the show and also deal with responsibility (especially the responsibility of having a super powerful and potentially dangerous psychic family member). also their relationship with their powers is opposite which is another point of comparison
and of course. teru and shou don’t even Interact but they’re also the most superficially similar, as the loud, brightly colored guy who got Immediately attached to the kageyama brother they just fought with, and of course their main character complexes where they Have to be the protagonist. because if they aren’t then all of this is real.
(also as i was typing this i realized how much ritsu does play by these narrative rules and how much mob doesn’t. like even the Defeat Means Friendship thing that teru tried actually worked with ritsu) (like it didn’t really bc the defeat was more of an obstacle to that but i am here connecting these dots for fun not glory)
God ALL of this. The fact that Shou has so little relationships is a crime. Like I get why. Only so much time. But god I want to see how he views everyone. I saw someone with an au where. Y'know those Mob and Serizawa swap aus. It was instead where Shou recruited Mob to help him stop his dad. And I saw an au with a Shou and Teru team up. It was so good. I need to study every relationship this lil guy has. What is up with you. Why do you have so many foils boy.
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jascurka · 3 months
2, 3, 13, and 18 (for Mob) for the MP100 ask game? :D
2: Who’s your favorite character out of the cast?
It used to be Toichiro for a long time (I like to give a villain a chance at being just some normal guy), but recently it's Mob (and Reigen somehow too because I can't just separate them).
3: Who’s your favorite esper kid?
Ritsu! He's trying so hard to better his powers and be a good brother to Shigeo, it's heartwarming.. I like that his actions are sometimes silly and petty despite his efforts to be mature and serious. I was very confused with his actions when I first watched the show, because of how nice and caring he was to Shigeo, only for him to reveal having insecurities about not having powers and not being able to stand up to his brother (in a possible fight?). And yet Mob was so happy for him, he didn't ever intend to hurt him or fight with him. He is like a feral kitten to me.....
13: Are there any specific MP 100 artists/writers you admire?
As for artists, I really like the work of Haaagea on twitter, the cutest mobfurry I ever seen! I'm not even a furry and they're not typical furries when it comes to artstyle, but very adorable! Other than that also RAM on twitter as well, this person has the most gorgeous colours in their art that I want to dissect and study under a microscope. Recommend the art very much! As for writers... there are some that I like but I'm a little embarassed to post their @'s on here and I'm not always familliar with more than 1 or 2 of their stories, even if they wrote some of my most beloved fics.
Definitely snowtears on ao3, because I accidentally read so many of their mp100 fics........ They are like a deity to me, kinda mysterious, I don't know who they are of if they have social media but the fics, the writing style is really lovely.
May I also mention Phantomrose96 for the whole ABoT fic that drives me insane with how it's written and how the plot keeps you biting your nails because of the tension.
18: What headcanons do you have for Mob?
Okay so I'm maybe not gonna be very creative because I adapted some headcanons from fics and fan art, and some from other people... >_<
Mob gets his ears pierced as convinced by Teru. He grows taller than Reigen but just a bit, 2cm maybe but Reigen can't take it, complaining constantly that his neck hurts from having to look up all the time, all dramatic. Mob goes to the gym, does gain some muscle while still looking pretty average, not really like a bodybuilder. Works a few shitty jobs (like in food delivery or package delivery) after finishing his studies and helps out at Spirits and Such when he misses Shishou. I think he might improve a bit with talkativeness although if he uses humour, he says it in a completely serious tone, only to "break character" a moment later.
Thank you for the asks! ^^
mp100 ask meme
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fishgirl514 · 11 months
I REREAD UR INTRO POST. MP100. need to tell u this. consider aslfua mpo au. on one hand. esper cheol. his repression and social anxiety swag. listen 2 me… him playing w his powers in the countryside …. but then he doesnt use them at all anymore ….
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SORRY I AM RESPONDING TO THIS LATW i had to let it marinate sufficiently in my head it was just so good…..
jinseop and teru both had to experience humbling but jinseop could definitely maybe use a little more LMAO free my girl song-i rest she deserves better T_T
also thank you so much for cheol psychic powers bc he has always been so autism to me (avoiding eye contact, extremely awkward, not very good with adults and being formal, struggles to process and express his feelings, shuts down and stops speaking when he’s freaked out, intimidating by accident, prone to outbursts when overwhelmed, quiet, uncomfortable around people, antagonized by the school system and the people around him despite being the victim because of a perceived “threat”, mi-ae is his adhd counterpart) and we all know that mp100 is about autistic people have psychic powers
mi-ae is kind of like tome? the energy and the goof factor for sure. she would be a non psychic who thinks psychics r so cool and her whole arc w cheol would be him thinking she only likes him for his abilities and he’s kind of like god fuck off!!! bc he feels like all anyone cares about is his powers whether they’re scared of him or they want to use him or they’re gawking at him and treating him like a zoo exhibit. everyone being scared of him bc they’ve heard he has insane powers and had an outburst in the past, but she genuinely just wants to be his friend bc she remembers being friends as kids and stuff and he starts using his powers in little ways to protect her !!!!!!! UUUAAAAHHHH
LIKE LIKE the first time it happens it s like he hasn’t used his powers at ALL in like years but one time mi-ae gets into trouble and someone kind of starts to threaten her and suddenly he uses just a little bit of psychic power to freeze the guy and be like hey dude. stop. AAAAAAHHH !!!!! literally thinking abt this in real time oh this post is going to be an essay. and then he starts using his powers to like. catch her when she trips or send a note across their windows or silly little things as he gets more comfortable using it again. ugh. i love them. and her genuine lack of fear of him and appreciation for who he actually is makes him fall in love like in the regular series OTL
and obv we don’t know shit about whatever the hell happened between them back in the country side STILL UGHHH but i would think it would b something like. they are like playing together and he’s using his powers comfortably and freely in front of her and it’s such a bonding moment god i love them <33333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and like in the future he likes to float her around to tease her (she also loves it and requests it because she gets to be taller than him and fly like an airplane LOL)
he will put her in air jail when she needs to settle down
i also feel like they might have a fight scene with some sort of “jason this isn’t you :( just look at me jason ok? it’s just you and me right now” kind of moment LMAO but it would actually be good and not corny, more like the scene from avatar with aang and katara in the desert
anyway THANK you for this i am going to think about it forever i hope i was able to contribute and expand upon it
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