#i love all of the diefs
sammaggs · 13 days
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1x01 Pilot // 3x01 Burning Down the House | Reset
I love the way that Burning Down the House is a basically a remix of the original Pilot, and all the different ways this speaks to where the show has been and where it’s about to go.
Season 3 is the start of something new for the show, maintaining elements of the early seasons but sacrificing big and important pieces of the rest. Paul Gross steps in as writer and EP and effectively burns the place down around him. From the ashes of the CBS version of the show, we get the version that American sensibilities have no influence over at all.
And this acknowledgement of the past while looking toward the future is a complex balancing act! due South does this so well here, maybe better than any other show I’ve ever seen: paying respect to Ray Vecchio, to Fraser’s apartment, to the old consulate, even (sort of) to the Riv, while also firmly parting ways with them for what comes next.
Motherwell: I was a slave to everything […] Until I realized it could be reduced to ashes. Wiped clean.
Our villain this episode pins down exactly what’s going on here diagetically and non-. We are starting from a clean slate—but even the ashes of Fraser’s apartment offer some comfort: Dief’s bowl; assumptively, his footlocker with his father’s journals.
So here, in BDtH, we also get beautiful Pilot and early season callbacks in the rethink. Dief making intimate with Ray’s ear, Ray blowing through stop signs in the Riv—and, of course, Fraser walking from O’Hare into Chicago.
I love the parallel here. In the Pilot, Fraser has to walk because the strange Americans are selfish and uncaring, and Fraser is all alone. In BDtH, Fraser has to walk because his best friend in the whole world has been forced to abandon him—and Fraser is still all alone.
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But not for long. Something good might come from it, you know.
(Cue meta about how Victoria is immolation and self-destruction while Ray K is warm coals and thawing ice etc.)
It’s Burning Down the House week in our due South Stacked Rewatch!
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gayvecchio · 6 months
Chinatown is such a great F/V episode. Obviously, there is some romantic subtext between Ray and Fraser from the pilot and a good bit in every episode after, but this one just leans so heavily into it, it almost becomes text.
The episode starts with Ray just wanting to take Fraser out on a nice date (to a restaurant he likely knows doesn't allow animals, because having Dief around is like bringing along another person, and this is supposed to be a DATE damn it! Of course, he doesn’t want a third wheel/chaperone tagging along!). He wants to impress Fraser with his local insider knowlege and ordering prowess, but everything is out, and of course, Fraser is too impressive himself to be easily impressed, and outdoes Ray by ordering in Chinese. Then just as their nice meal arrives, someone gets kidnapped, and Fraser’s off jumping out a window, ruining poor Ray's plans for the evening.
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"Oh no, Benny, not the window! I don't think they have doors in Canada."
Then comes the first in the wonderful (and not at all subtle) running gag of Fraser and Ray in the closet together.
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(Just what, Fraser? What were you two doing in the closet?) "I'm sitting in a dark closet with a Mountie being licked by a deaf wolf . . . That was the wolf, wasn't it? " (I love that Ray entertained the thought that Fraser might be the one licking him, not Dief.)
When the case takes a bad turn, Fraser feels responsible. Ray tries to assauge him, but it doesn't work. He pleads with Welsh to let him have the case, so that he and Fraser can continue to work on it and make it right. Because he knows that the only way to relieve Fraser's guilt is if he is able to save Mr. Lee's son. Making Fraser feel better has been a priority to Ray since the beginning.
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A small, rare moment here of Fraser making sure that Ray is okay before he takes off after a suspect. If Ray had said no, would Fraser have let the guy go and stayed? Would he have put Ray's well-being above 'getting his man' for once? Interesting to ponder.
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Elaine’s reaction in the episode almost does more to imply that something is going on between Fraser and Ray than anything else. After finding them in the closet, she later sounds jealous with Ray on the phone “you two having trouble squeezing into a booth?”
At the end of the episode, Elaine is eating ice cream and venting to Dief about being an idiot and feeling foolish regarding her crush on Fraser. It reads like she found out the guy she likes has been in a relationship (with another man) the whole time. She feels dejected and foolish because she realized she’d been barking up the wrong tree. The only other interaction Elaine has with Fraser is over the phone when he 'thanks her kindly' for her help. He doesn't treat her any differently in this episode than he has previously. There’s really no reason for Elaine to suddenly feel any more hopeless about the possibility of something happening with Fraser other than her now believing he's already taken.
Ray and Fraser’s final scene in the episode consists of them watching fireworks together (seriously, what’s more romantic than that?) then promenading down the sidewalk as they discuss going to out to dinner again—getting a do-over for the initial ruined date.
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It’s just such a great shippy episode, and arguably the one where Fraser and Ray Define the Relationship in a sense and become official.
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allofthebeanz · 6 months
Beanz's F/K Fic Rec
These are just some of the wonderful stories for the ship that I need to share with everyone!
Believe You Me by sperenza
This manages to be so bittersweet in less than 2000 words
and you shall receive by flownwrong
Pretty underwear and FEELINGS
Neither Out Far Nor in Deep by Arwyn
Yes, hello, nonbinary Fraser is so wonderful. A short but sweet piece
You're Not Supposed to Say Its Name! What are You, an Idiot?!? by preetkiran1016
This is a crossover with Supernatural, and don't worry, if you only watched the first seasons like me (and don't remember much), this one is super fun because it takes place in one of the first episodes, where CKR made an appearance! It's a lot of fun, I'd highly recommend it if you miss some old school spn with your fave ds characters
grace, streets by easystreets
A look into if Ray and Fraser were women. Please, read this for butch lesbian Ray.
Hats & Heads by queenklu
This is such a sweet quest story that I always sigh wistfully thinking about it. The dogs are super cute in here and there's a secret under Fraser's hat ;)
The Thrill of the Chase by Viridian5
Ray tries to cheer Fraser up... but not the way you're thinking ;)
Mangy Dog by sperenza
The parallels between Dief and Ray are so good, you will not be disappointed by Fraser raising baby Dief
A Dare's a Dare by sperenza
Ray takes Ms Fraser out on a date... there is also the promise of sexy times in the GTO
Hanged Man by sperenza
My first due South fic I ever read and it's so fucking good. Made me fall in love with the show again and finally kicked my ass into watching the third and fourth seasons. Basically, Ray and Fraser are fuckbuddies but they can't just be that, can they? Angsty in all the right ways, please give it a go if you have time for a good long read
Sing Me a Love Song by queenklu
Ray likes it when Fraser sings to him. Very sweet
Wildly Bizarre Boundaries by Ride_Forever, verushka70
This story addresses how Fraser's trauma from Victoria affects his intimate relationship with Ray.
Transcanada by 2corbies
Trans Benton Fraser!!!
Naked by arrow (estefee)
A pwp but so many emotions
Stay by knightandgale
A little self promotion ;) If you like quest fics where these two idiots gotta huddle for warmth, i recommend you check it out!
There are so many more, perhaps I'll make a part 2...
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flannelepicurean · 1 day
It's SOCIAL Media, Ray
On account of this here post by @ds-headcanons-accepted and in honor of the good work by @ds30below, I submit the following, imagined for Modern Times:
Benton Fraser still has a MySpace somehow, and regularly takes the time to type up really poignant and insightful journal entries/letters to Tom.
When Ray pokes his head in around a door frame to be like, "... ??? Fraser, HOW THE HELL DO YOU STILL HAVE A MYSPACE?!" he gets a stalwart, stiffly graceful half-turn-around on the chair, and a placid, "Ray, Tom was my first friend. And I don't much care for being poked."
Diefenbaker turns his head a little sideways and goes back to posting about the both of them on Instagram.
Ray just gets on Next Door to jump into threads about shit he and Fraser """did,""" and scream """explanations""" both via ALL CAPS KEYBOARD, and into whatever room he's in that he should DEFINITELY not be Next Dooring from.
He also has an ongoing beef with a Karen who is actually named Karen over something like begonias. Fraser occasionally leans through a doorway, hat-first, to go, "...Karen?" and have Ray growl-sneer back, "KAREN." Fraser nods and disappears, and has a stalwart argument with Dief about whether he should finally tell Ray about taking the macadamia nut cookies to Karen on occasion, to try and persuade her to let the thing about the begonias go.
Karen loves Fraser. She HATES Ray. Because of his stance on the begonias. The cookies aren't gonna fix it until the Christmas episode.
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pigtailedgirl · 8 months
I want to talk about something controversial. I think Due South season 1, or Paul Haggis era, had better directing than later parts.
I'm noticing in terms of of themes coming together that you realize have repeated. Cuts and timing for comedic or dramatic beats. But also the way scenes are positioned.
For example, and I realize this is more Kathy Selvin, but it really stuck out to me the difference in keeping characters and therefore their reactions in framed focus when I watched that moment in Juliet is Bleeding with the spin camera that goes with Fraser's movement that keeps our view on both of them while still moving in the van scene. Using cuts, movement and close up to convey get it all.
And then I watched Strange Bedfellows, and the scene where Ray K is telling Welsh about being on scene for Stella, and Fraser in back... and despite it's supposed to be a conversations shot, a three for, where we should be seeing Welsh's mood, Ray K's reaction, Fraser to Ray K and then Fraser and Welsh's button... the blocking is horrid. Half of it is Ray K weaving out of view on the corner in his emotional beats, Fraser blocked by the others listening in back, so no real capture of him, and they all seem to be stumbling over each other to transition from focus, not aligned to be right for the camera to seamlessly or do it with style .
The later seasons style is much more frenetic than the thoughtful shot style. It feels Canadian and as one that isn't a compliment. (Because Canadian style is budget, it's handheld and frenetic to cover getting it done and moving forward aka less set up time, it's artsy in parts *see the variety of experiment DS employs in later season, Dief POV, zippy cab guy, Fraser slow-mo, long loop of station, black& white, etc. etc.* just for the fun of trying something different instead of having it's confidence to stick to definitions, and it's like PG loves the big and epic set pieces stories are built around instead of reverse)
Due South is fantastic in it's interplay between comedy, realism, dramatics and magical realism oddity of character. But it's another blow to it's dramatic edge when you both take it off the character's and then the seriousness off the film design too.
So... agree or disagree?
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redgoldblue · 9 months
Fic Writing Review 2023 🌈
tagged by @itwoodbeprefect - i have also been thinking about this so thank you for taking the initiative!
tagging @faorism @gallantrejoinder if you'd care to do this in any form (including as writing/art review)!
Words and Fics (on ao3) 📚
words posted: 52,220, apparently. Which is actually... basically last year's but minus 10k because I didn't do H50 Big Bang this year, because med school. most things in my life now can be stated as 'because med school'. (actually I just realised I didn't do it last year either, but that was because I was already finishing a 10k H50 fic. so my point stands)
fics posted: either 6 or 29, depending on whether one counts the advent calendar as one fic or 24. plus 3 posted only on Tumblr.
first fic: love don't treat you like that (babe, I'm letting you know) (H50). on the NINTH of january, apparently. i've already lost my first-fic-of-the-year contest to last year, unless i unexpectedly finish something today.
last fic: Advent Calendar 2023 / ...Zaph Kilkane, the pre-eminent climate scientist of the 22nd century...
Ships and Fandoms ⚓
would you believe I literally did not repeat a fandom this year, outside of the advent calendar. and this year's AC had the most fandoms since 2019.
Hawaii Five-0 (McDanno)
NCIS: LA (Sallen)
Starsky & Hutch (S/H)
House MD (Hilson)
MASH (Punnihawk)
and then AC-only ones:
Star Trek (Spirk)
The Man From UNCLE (Napollya)
911 (Buddie)
Due South (i don't know ship names. are there ship names? Fraser/RayK)
Good Omens (Azcrow)
Leverage (thiefsome)
Almost Paradise (Ernesto/Alex. alesto. i'm coining it)
Top 5 Fics by Kudos 🏆
I mean, I have 6 posted fics that can be kudosed separately.
love don't treat you like that (babe, I'm letting you know) (H50)
When You're Loving Me (That's When I'm Loving You) (NCIS: LA)
Advent Calendar 2023 (see above. nine fandoms)
my powers of expression and thoughts so sublime / could never do you justice in reason or rhyme (House MD)
Finding A Cure In You (S&H)
Top 5 Favorite Fics 💖
okay, I'm going to count distinct chapters of the advent calendar for this. in no particular order and subject to mood change:
When You're Loving Me (That's When I'm Loving You) (NCIS: LA) - I cited this as a contender for my favourite fic I've written a couple months ago, so obviously it has to go in the year's. what can i say, fake dating is an immaculate trope, and this also all came onto the page very easily which is always vaguely miraculous.
there you go pulling me right back in (H50) - sometimes vague prompts i've had down for ages write up as something that's. fine, but a bit clunky, and I just have to move on bc it's the advent calendar and a new fic each day. sometimes I start writing them and they spring into life with joyous delight. or in this case, uninhibited grumpiness and love.
singing yesterday's songs wishing i could be with you tonight (MASH) - the one that didn't make it into the top 5 kudosed, I assume partially due to being locked and partially due to being a serious tone, not terribly shippy, and Peg POV. But I've had some version or other of it for a long time, it's one of those stories I'm genuinely proud of, and I was glad to finally post it.
Totally Normal (Due South) - it's fun. it was fun. I was slightly nervous about it, because the only prior Due South thing I'd written was Dief POV and this was Fraser and RayK POV and the first time writing either of those, but it turns out watching + liveblogging four and two seasons, respectively, of a character in four months is. enough to cement their voices in my head. it was unexpectedly easy and also. fun.
Festive Spice (MUNCLE) - i just think it epitomises the advent calendar. in the words of coolbreezemage, 'yesssss bake cakes and kiss your partner'.
Finding A Cure In You (S&H) - this doesn't make it to the above list due to the fact that I haven't actually managed to reread it since I posted it. but just for the amount of time I spent with it, how different it is to my usual M.O. of writing, and the weird way I wrote it (entirely in the notes app, with almost zero rereading while writing), I have to somehow mention it.
A Thousand Words / To Be Spared (Good Omens) - I don't know if they're favourite but I do think they're good. and the format of to be spared was pleasingly experimental and i think it worked.
Fandom Fic Events 🤝
also the Starsky & Hutch SHarecon zine! which the zine still holds copyright on, but will be posted in April.
Projects for 2024 👀
mmm gonna sort this differently and also ramble
Ones that will definitely be finished in 2024 and if they aren't you have free rein to come to my house and tie me to a chair come November: MUNCLE wip, The Unwitting Truth Affair/The Honesty Affair, I haven't actually decided which title yet;
Starsky & Hutch, the still-unnamed Huggy & Pete wip.
Ones I have both hope and some amount of faith will be finished in 2024 and if they aren't you have free rein to come into my inbox and harass me about them: Hawaii Five-0 wip, Much Ado About Something (*salutes squares*);
other Hawaii Five-0 wip, state of disrepair. yes, I'm manifesting state of disrepair 2024. probably november/december 2024, but i'm manifesting it anyway;
Leverage wip, all that I want is a kind heart to haunt
Ones I would like to be finished in 2024, and if my brain decides it likes them might be, but all you have free rein for is to politely ask me about them once per business month: Hawaii Five-0 cath/steve/danny pwp, Wait A Minute Let Me Take You There;
horny S&H wip, Previews Of Your Body Driving Me Insane;
S&H Vanessa coda, so cordial / so rotten (don't ask me);
Good Omens wip, love won't you be as you've always been
Ones I don't expect to finish in 2024 but would like to get some words down in: angsty S&H wip, Relentless As The Rain;
ridiculous undercover H50 wip, Four Seasons of Love;
other ridiculous H50 wip, The Irritating, Annoying, Infuriating, (Effective) Seduction Techniques of One Steven J. McGarrett;
SPN ..wip? depending on the time limit on 'progress'?, Smells Like Turpentine.
vague thoughts: i'd like to write a full-length (for whatever value of that. the AC ones actually were full-length, especially the second one, but what I really mean is AC-independent) due south fic. they're very weird and i enjoyed writing them, and I'd also like to write something with RayV in it. maybe if I successfully inspired @itwoodbeprefect to write new ds, when she does that it will inspire me to write something, and we can set up a ping-pong game. no, wait, that's mixing fandoms.
I expect more MUNCLE fic. this one's already 3.5k and rocketing along, and i'm only two-thirds of the way through season 1. what form that will take i don't know at this stage but we'll see.
....i was discussing the vague concept of house/h50 crossover fic with squares literally yesterday and on the one hand I haven't written a crossover since 2014 and also don't want that to be my legacy, but on the other hand i think there is at least a 50% chance it's going to stick in the back of my brain and keep niggling.
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aw-shit-my-ulna · 2 years
starting my rewatch of due south! gonna tell you my opinions as they come. all I remember of this show is from the ages of 6-10 and I have a very bad memory
starting info
paul gross is incredibly attractive
the dog is the best part of the show
I remember him licking everything - the human not the dog
which ray is first?? kowalski??
theme tune is absolutely IMMACULATE oml im obsessed
fraser is hotter than I remember fuck snowplows just get benton fraser to step out there melt all the fucking snow
he is 100% autistic idk what you say
my guy asks to go to chicago, gets rejected, goes anyway. idol
hes so gullible it hurts
but so amazing
why is he talking about noses
that guy just killed someone to protect fraser and honestly same
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preetkiran1016 · 1 year
I think I'd love it if you wrote on Superman for this WIP Wednesday, please.
yes!! yes you may!! (its been a hell of a month, apologies for the delay)
“Four legged. Medium-sized–” he mumbles, Dean’s breath catching as the sound careens closer. 
“Shit– shit– what now–” Dean hisses, and Ray grunts, squinting into the stark darkness. He knows those steps. 
“Holy shit.” He laughs, and Dean’s whisper yelling behind him, but Ray doesn’t give one solitary fuck–
He steps forward, just out of Dean and Tom’s hold, just as Dief bounds through the darkness, slamming into Ray’s stomach at mach 10 and bowling him over. Dean’s cussing up a storm, but Ray doesn’t give a shit. He’s too damn happy, letting Dief go ham, sticking a slimy tongue down his ear and licking his face all over. 
“Dief, Dief, Dief I'm ok!!!” Ray mumbles, and maybe Dief can see better than him in this pitch black hell, because he backs up a little and lets Ray sit up to pet his big ol’ ears. “God damn, boy, have I missed you.”
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sammaggs · 14 days
due South Season 4 Personal Viewing Order
After @dirtyzucchini's amazing Season 3 Personal Viewing Order post, there was some call to do the same for Season 4—so I'm going to give it my best shot!
sammaggs' viewing order for season 4
Hunting Season
Easy Money
A Likely Story
Dr. Longball
Mojo Rising
Good for the Soul
Mountie Sings the Blues
The Ladies' Man
Dead Men Don't Throw Rice
Say Amen
(+13.) Call of the Wild
I've sort of merged the original airing order with the DVD/YouTube order here while moving a few other things around, and here's why!
I know putting Hunting Season first seems kind of insane on first blush, but hear me out: every single other season of due South starts in Canada. Every single one! Pilot and North and Burning Down the House all open in the Northwest Territories, and so does Hunting Season. I also prefer to put Hunting Season earlier in the season alongside the other "woman interloper threatens Fraser's partnership" episodes in season 4 (A Likely Story, Odds). We get a little happy Fraser moment right off the top, and now we don't have to consider why Ray would have run off to Mexico with some woman right after the Henry Allen. So that's that.
Easy Money is next because it's kind of meh and it seems extremely like a repurposed Vecchio episode, so really shouldn't go any later in the season. Lots of early season callbacks (tracking things in Chicago, money in the hat, etc.). But also Ray going feral over Fraser being kidnapped. That much feeling for his partner probably has him a little in his own head, leading to:
The interlopersodes, which I like in their original airing order quite early in the season—it allows for some post-Mountie on the Bounty gay panic (maybe I still like women! maybe you still like women? wait, maybe I'm jealous of women that are around you? wait, maybe I didn't actually like that woman after all, I just thought I should?). But that can't and doesn't last, and so we move on from that moment by the time we're done with episode 5.
I put Dr. Longball between A Likely Story and Odds 1) to break up the monotony of the two similarly-themed episodes with something more lighthearted, and b) because it actually does make sense to me that after the motorcycle refenestration and Luanne's rejection and Ray's subsequent soul-searching that he might do something as stupid as run off to Mexico with a perp in a last-ditch effort to be still thinking about women. It doesn't work; Fraser gets his ass back hard in Odds; that whole sub-plot is over. No more women, boys.
Then we've got Mojo Rising, because it's also kind of a meh episode and I like to get it out of the way in the first half. Like Ray in earlier episodes, Dief chooses Fraser for good in the end of the ep, so that's settled. Seasonally I also like it here instead of earlier as everyone is wearing their coats. Ray and Fraser are working well together but things do feel a little tentative.
Good for the Soul I like smack-dab in the middle of the season since it is the Christmas episode, and also because it's the moment where we really establish Fraser's found family once and for all. The 2-7 backs him, Ray backs him, it's Christmas, everyone loves each other. This is a heavy one and one of Fraser's most internally-challenging episodes, so it's nice to sandwich it between two less-stressful hours.
That's why I've got Mountie Sings the Blues next. It also introduces the idea of the Frannie/Turnbull romance (which I love), starting her down the path of letting Fraser go for good. The Ladies' Man is next; this is another heavy one and Ray's most internally-challenging episode, keeping it close to Good for the Soul but with a necessary emotional reprieve between. Ray and Fraser are about as close as they're ever going to be as partners, here. They've worked hard for it.
Dead Men Don't Throw Rice is nice toward the end of the season for a few reasons: It's Frannie at her best—she's both useful and dedicated to the case, and she's also got herself a new boyfriend, finally telling Fraser it's over between them—but it's also Bob Fraser's set-up for the finale. Benton's work isn't quite done yet, but Bob's nearly is.
Say Amen comes in penultimately with the series' thesis statement on love at first sight and true partnership, and really puts the final nail in the coffin on Fraser using his magic for anyone other than himself and the man he loves. And then we run off to the Northwest Passage in Call of the Wild and that's all she wrote folks
So that's that!! Huge huge thank you to @allofthebeanz and @dirtyzucchini for betaing this and giving me such great feedback. Please do comment, I would love your thoughts, this is still a working list!
PLAYLIST: Thanks to @dirtyzucchini, this season 4 order now exists as a Playlist on YouTube!!
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the-strange-world · 1 year
Masterpiece 10 | amazing 9 | good 7-8 | ok 5-6 | skip 0-4
BLUE - XEED : 8/10 • it’s chill and summery a bit | FAV BSIDES - Priceless & Hold my hand
DO or DIE - xikers : 9/10 | FAV BSIDES - Run, Skater, & HOMEBOY. I really liked this album!
The Flash - KWON EUNBI : 7/10 | FAV BSIDE - Beautiful Night
dangdang - MAMAMOO+ : 9/10 • the beat sounds so similar to something but I can’t think of the song. I LIKE THIS sounds like another mamamoo song so much but idk which one 😂 it has old mamamoo vibes. The other bside was chill. I liked both bsides
Turn it off - NINE.i : 10/10 • they are soooooooo underrated | FAV BSIDES - Like Crazy, ONE, & Power Up. I liked Hurt too
The summer night - COOING : 5/10 • very pretty and chill. I just wouldn’t listen to it again probably
Planet - BXB : 6/10 • the beginning sounds like something else. The bside (Thirsty) is so funny but I don’t think it’s meant to be
ONE MORE TIME - BBGIRLS : 9/10 • omg why do all these songs keep reminding me of another song? | FAV BSIDE - LEMONADE
Mad - ABLUE : 10/10 | I like both bsides - BITE & DIEF
Madeleine - LIMELIGHT : 8/10
TGIF - XG [prerelease] : 10/10
FREE WORLD - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 10/10
LIP GLOSS - THE BOYZ : 10/10 • ITS SO GOOD AND FUN!!!! A SUMMER BOP! I had high expectations and was NOT disappointed. I LOVE THIS SONG. It’s so catchy and I’m a pop girlie for sure 😂 Fun fact: apparently from20 helped write the chorus. This whole album didn’t disappoint. No skips. Every song was amazing. I’m even more excited for the other 2 parts of this album. THE BOYZ ARE BACK BABY. IM CRYING. This is probably one of my fav albums from them. Fantasize has potential of being another salty for me I think | FAV BSIDES - Passion Fruit, Fairy Tale, Fantasize, Lighthouse, & Fire Eyes
Fast Forward - JEON SOMI : 10/10 • ok LADY GAGA. This song gives rain on me vibes. I love it! This album was everything. I can’t believe this album and the boyz album were released on the same day. GREAT MUSIC! | FAV BSIDE - The Way & Fxxked Up
On the road - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 7/10
Horizon - JAEHYUN : 7/10
Wormhole - n.SSign : 9/10 • it’s kinda Halloweenesque so idk why they released it now but the song is good. I’ll be listening to it during Halloween time. I’m getting exo vibes too. This album slapped! | FAV BSIDE - SPICE. I liked Melody (it reminded my of another song) & Home too
TAXI - Jo Yuri : 10/10 • she doesn’t miss. It’s a happy and fun song | FAV BSIDE - Lemon Black Tea. I liked Hang On too
Maker Breaker - DAIZEE : 8/10 • this definitely has a sample or something of some song in this but i can’t think of the song. Maybe hate on me?
SMILEY (Japanese Ver) - YENA feat. CHANMINA [JP] : ♾/10 • i actually love this version so much. It’s better than the og imo | FAV BSIDE - Déjà Vu
DUBI DUBI - ARTBEAT v : 8/10 • i liked it more as it went on. I love the chorus. The song has an 80s vibe
HEARTBEAT - TAN : 10/10 • they are so underrated. People should stop sleeping in them! | FAV BSIDE - VIOLET and I liked all the bsides too especially the 3 unit songs
Mirage of Flower - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 4/10
Break Out - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 5/10
EUROPA - HYNN : 6/10
Love Me Love Me - Kwon Jin Ah : 7/10
Drive5 - HWIYOUNG : 7/10
My Sunshine - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 6/10
OUTLAW - Bz-Boys : 9/10 • I’ve never heard of this group. This song was great. The album was good too! | FAV BSIDE - Find you
All Yours - DKB : 9/10 | FAV BSIDE - Told You (I liked both the regular and remix)
I Don’t Know Yet What Love Is - TSUKI (Billlie) : 6/10
Bubble - STAYC : ♾/10 • they did it AGAIN!!! Bubble is one of the my fav songs already. The choreography is everything | FAV BSIDE - Not Like You
Truth or Dare - Rocking Doll Roa : 10/10
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allofthebeanz · 4 months
I don't know why, but the way Fraser is looking at his Rays in That Moment(TM) really feels like he's already anticipating them falling in love and then all three of them can run off into the sunset together with their furbaby Dief
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abigailaml · 1 year
Constable Benton Fraser (DueSouth)X Reader(Diefinbreaker ‘s Day Off)
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I do NOT own the characters of Due South
5805 words
Not request
Not edited
Warning: second episode Due South (Diefinbraker’s day off), jealous reader
You were washing breakfast dishes as you listened in on your husband's conversation with Diefenbaker.
Your husband looks in the mirror tying his tie.
“Now before I go to work, there’s something we have to discuss. We are no longer in the UCon, this is a big city. And you can’t just run along freely anymore.”
Benton walks over to the desk.
“Like it or not, you need a license and I can’t seem to get a license… for a wolf. I’ve tried, they just don’t issue.”
He grabs his belt and walks over to Dief.
“Additionally, they have something called animal control officers whose specific job is to take unintended animals off the street.”
Dief stands up and starts snarling.
“‘Snarl’ No, ’snarl’ no. You can’t start taking that attitude. These are hard working employees that do a fine service for the community, and the animals themselves.”
Dief barks.
“Alright, occasionally puts them to sleep. But that is neither here nor there, the point is, until we work this out, you have to stay in the apartment while (Y/N) and I are gone.”
Dief groans while sitting down.
“So it’s agreed? ‘groan’ Good.”
Benton quietly walks over to you and hugs your from behind.
You chuckled before leaning the back of your head on Benton’s shoulder.
“Yes sir.”
Benton smiles and kisses you cheek.
“Do you really trust him to stay home alone?”
You ask while grabbing a towel and drying your hands off.
“No. But I trust him enough to stay out of trouble. He’s a smart dog.”
“And also a stubborn dog. I'm sure when I come home early I’ll find him gone.”
Benton nodded.
“Let’s just hope his stubbornness doesn’t get the better of him.”
You two joke but still both were serious about this, Benton really cared for Diefenbaker, and Diefenbaker really cared about Benton. Those two could never stay apart for long.
“Well, anyway, are you ready to go?”
“Yeah I just wanna grab my jacket and purse.”
You head towards your shared bedroom and grab them. You look over Diefenbaker, looking all sad and depressed on the carpet. You walk over to him and kneel in front of him.
“I know that you don’t listen to me,” you pet him,”But can you do it for him? For Benton?”
Diefenbaker groaned but you could see that, that was his agreeing.
You were about to get up but lean down to him and whisper.
“And if you do, make sure to be back before 4. That’s when I came home. You wouldn’t want me to come home to find you gone and have to tell him I didn’t see you home.”
Diefenbaker ears perk up.
“Stay out of trouble.”
Benton walks over to you two with his hat in hand. You start to get up and Benton quickly brings his arm down for you to grab onto. You grab his arm and he helps to lift you up.
“Thank you Mr. Fraser.”
You thank as you stand up still holding his arm.
“You’re welcome Mrs. Fraser. Gosh, I’ll never get tired of saying that.”
You blushed and tried to find it but Benton was quick to see it.
“Are you blushing, Mrs. Fraser?”
Benton sounded so innocent but you know that he was teasing.
“No. I’m just getting hot. Besides, we should get going.”
You started for the door.
You tried to turn to Benton but found your hand grabbed and you spun around. You yelped when you landed face to face, in the arms of your husband.
“Please don’t run from me, my lady.”
You playfully tried to get out of his arms, But Benton stayed firm and held on with a cheese grin.
“Noooo! You're just going to be mean again.”
But Benton still held on.
You did stop struggling after a while, you know you could never get out of his arms. He was too strong and you never said you “wanted” to get out. But you just pouted.
“Oh my love. I’m sorry. I’ll stop, I’ll stop, but please don’t run away from me.”
Benton hugged you. You tried to resist hugging him but you loved his hugs too much and ended up wrapping your arms around him.
“Sometimes I wonder if you actually love me.”
You joked but Benton took it a little seriously. He pulled away enough to look at you.
“I love you, you know that right?”
You looked up to him and nodded with a cheesy grin, Benton knew that you didn't think that this was as serious as he was.
That brought your attention, he doesn’t address you in your name.
“I love you, with all my heart. No matter what happens in life. I love you. I don’t know what else you would like me to say for you to completely be reassured that I, without a doubt, love you. But I only have three words, but those three words are the most powerful I use to tell you my true feelings. I love you, my love, truly.”
You didn’t have a cheesy smile on your face any more, you just looked in his eyes, looking for anything he was lying but just found none.
“And besides,” Benton takes your left hand and kisses the back side of your hand before looking down at your wedding ring.
“I made a promise. That I would be with you, through sickest or in health. I would spend all my life with you.”
He kisses your forehead and brings you back into his chest and hugs you.
You blink away tears before they escape. This… this is a moment that you would never forget.
“Thank you, Benton. I love you.”
Benton smiles, knowing that you mean it.
“I love you too.”
He kisses the top of your head before realizing that they’ll be late.
“I love these moments, but we really have to go.”
You laughed but agreed and you both hurried out the door.
“I’ll see you after work.”
Benton said to Diefenbaker before you both exited out the apartment.
You started out in the hallway but turn back to your husband after hearing him stop.
“Huh? Benton?”
Benton brought his finger up to his lips, signaling to stay quiet before turning around to look through the keyhole spying on Diefenbaker.
You wanted to chuckle but covered your mouth trying to stay quiet.
Benton turned back to you and gave an expiration of “whatever, it’s fine.”
You start walking away but had to let out a light chuckled with your husband jogging to catch up.
As you two walk down the halls together, your husband greets the neighbors, or tries to.
“Good morning, Mr, Misiffy.”
Door slam.
“Mr. Campbell.”
“Good morning, miss Garmsia.”
Your husband is a great detective, but can’t seem to catch anything about his neighbors.
“Sweetheart,” Benton turns his attention to you. “You know that the neighbors don’t really care for us right? I’m not even sure that they like anybody.”
You would sometimes try to talk to them, you thought it might just be because of your husband being a cop that they might not like. But you get the same results. And you would even see it with some people.
“I do. But it’s always good to be polite, my dear. You never know what a little good morning will do.”
You smile and will never try to stop your husband again.
As you walk down the stairs you pass a little blond girl. She sat on the side of the stairs looking gloomy. As you passed her on the way down the stairs your husband took a moment to look at her.
“Good morning Lucy.”
You were confused at how he knew her name, since neither of you two have seen her, and was going to ask before how he know, but the Lucy bet you to it,
“You know my name?”
Your husband leaned on the wire wall to Lucy.
“A pretty girl like you would have to have the beautiful name Lucy.”
“It’s on my lunch box.”
You snickered, she’s a clever girl.
“Ah, you found me out.”
You guys were about to continue on to work when the girl spoke again.
“Are you a policeman?”
Your husband gave you an apologetic look and you gave him a reassuring one.
He goes back to his original spot.
“Why yes I am.” Benton smiles, “but in Canada, and at the consort were I work. But outside the consort I’m not. Unless I’m in Canada.”
You mentally smack your forehead. How bad your husband was with children. You could easily tell that Lucy was confused, luckily, Benton was able to catch that part.
“That’s not very clear. Ummmmm… do you know what a Liaison Officer is?” You smack your forehead for really that time, “No of course you don’t. A Liaison Officer is a-“
“Police men help people right?”
You could alright tell something wasn’t right.
“Well yes. We try.”
“Can you help my dad? He kept hurting himself.”
Now that, was definitely not right at all.
“He does?”
The girl nods.
Benton looks back towards you with you both sharing the thought.
Dad is in trouble.
He looks back to the little girl.
“Where is he?”
She makes a hand gesture asking him to come along. You follow behind, following them to the window at the end of the hall and peering out.
“That’s him.”
She points to a man walking across the street.
“What’s his name?”
The girl turns to Benton.
You just wanted to chuckle, you loved this girl.
Benton looks at you with a disappointed look with your chuckle, before looking down to her with the “I should have known better” look.
“Ah yes It would be.”
You look at your wrist clock and realize that you had to get to work soon. You gesture to Benton to look at his clock.
“You know Lucy,” looks at the time, a quickly apologetic look again at you before looking back to her,” I am actually on my way to taking my wife to work and going to work,” he looks at you then back to her.
“Give me one moment Lucy.”
She nodded and Benton took you to the side.
“Honey I’m sorry but can I-“
“Yes of course I can walk on my own.”
Alright knowing the answer. You understood, and beside you married a montie, not like you didn’t know what to do, you did. And you grow up to be a strong woman, you can take care of yourself. Your husband really likes walking you to work, the extra time together and made him less worried about you while he was at work.
“Are you sure? I really don’t like the idea of you walking to work alone.”
You grab Benton's head and peck his lips, stunning him.
“I’ll be fine. Work is just a few blocks away, I have my pepper spray, my knife, my emergency whistle, I will be alright. And if anyone tries anything, I remember the moves your grandmother taught me. I’m a tough woman. Don’t worry.”
Benton looked unsure but nodded.
“Alright, thank you!”
He said before he gave you a kiss on the check and a peck in the lips.
“I’ll see you tonight.”
You nodded and started your way downstairs to work.
You unlocked the door into your shared apartment with a sigh. That was a long day at work and you just wanted to sleep but you needed to make dinner.
As you walk into your apartment, you look for Dief. And miraculously, you find him lying on the carpet.
You look at him for a few seconds before speaking.
“You know, Benton might be the detective in this family, but I still can tell that you were out. I see nothing has moved, you look out of breath, and your food and water hasn’t been touched. So either you have been every activity but haven’t moved, or you went out.”
Dief looked down in shame but you started petting him.
“Also your fur is wet from heat.”
Dief groaned.
“Okay, okay, I didn’t see you leave or come in. So I don’t have anything to tell Benton.”
You change into more comfortable shorts and shirt, might be Benton’s, before going to the kitchen to start dinner. You were feeling generous to your husband, because of this morning moment. That you decided to make one of his favorite hot dishes. (F/N). Wasn’t too hard for you since you are very skilled at making it. So you got all your ingredients and pulled them out before starting to make it.
“Do I wanna make anything for dessert?”
You thought out loud pausing what you were working on.
Diefenbaker barked.
You looked at him already knowing what he wants.
“Alright, yes. If I do, I will be sure to make it wolf friendly.”
Dief barks again in joy.
You laugh before going back to work.
An hour goes by and you had dinner in the oven as you were now making a peanut butter cake. Safe for Dief to have a little bit of.
Dief stood behind you wanting a little bit.
He whines trying to get some of the batter.
“No Diefenbaker. I alright gave you some. You can’t have too much. You can have some later I promise.”
But he continues to whine.
“Do you want to die Dief? Do you? Or are you trying to get me in trouble with Benton? Because if you are, I’d be very disappointed.”
Dief just snarls.
“You wouldn’t care? Ouch, Dief. I thought we were friends. And I told you I wouldn’t tell Benton about you sneaking out. Or do I need to change my mind?”
And right then and there Diefenbaker starts looking all innocent and sad.
You groan and continue on baking.
As you pour out the batter in the pan. The door opens and enters is your husband.
Benton says, closing the door.
“Hi! Welcome home!”
You look back. Benton places some grocery bags on the counter before walking on the other side of the table facing you.
“You got home a little early. Dinner wouldn’t be done in a bit. But maybe you should take Dief on a walk, since he’s been home all day.”
You look back to Dief giving him a wink that your husband couldn’t see. Dief barks as a thank you with you smiling at his thanks. You turn back to Benton who is holding his hat in nervous hands, matching how nervous his face looked, like he was afraid to tell you something.
“Sweetheart? Are you alright?”
“I-I have… uhhh… a uhhh.”
He clears his throat but is back to stuttering.
You put everything down before walking over to Benton and hugging him. Benton stops talking, hugs you back.
“Hey, I love you, you can tell me. I won’t judge or be disappointed or be mad. Just, tell me the truth.”
Benton nodded, took a deep breath, then spoke.
“I have a date tonight.”
You stood still in confusement.
“A date.”
You looked at your husband. You start smiling. You start laughing. You're laughing so loud the neighbors could hear.
“W-why are you laughing?”
You tried to speak.
You pull a chair out and sit down, feeling like your legs were about to give out.
Benton was completely shocked, and didn't know what to do!
“(Y/N)! It’s not what it sounds like I promise!”
“It better not!”
You take a few deep breaths trying to come down.
“Why did you laugh?”
Benton wasn’t sure if he really liked it that you aren’t mad.
“My husband, Chicago’s greatest detective, is troubled at cheating. Can’t even keep it from his wife.”
You took another deep breath before you were fully composed.
“But there actually is a reason.”
“I promise there is. But you're not mad?”
“Ha! Oh no I’m furious! But I got a lot out of that laugh, so, I’ll give you a chance to explain.”
Benton was gonna speak before you did.
“And I don't need deep details, alright? Just get the point.”
“Okay, I want to talk with Lucy’s father, who I had almost hit by a car. I was about to get him out of the way. I tried to talk to him but he seemed to need to be somewhere and ended up hit by another car. I took him to a Harper Meb clinic, and he didn’t want to go to the emergency room, but wanted to see his doctor, doctor Harvard. He ended up alright when I asked Dr. Harvard about him being a boxer, my instinct was correct. You see, his nose Cartilag-“
You gave a stern look.
“Right, sorry. Well when I called Ray about a License for Diefenbaker at Harper Clinic, I saw a nurse drop a note book on the ground. I went to pick it up and followed her to the parking lot to bring it to her. I spotted her in her car and gave it back but she was very in a hurry but also interested in me and invited me to dinner. Before I could tell her that I was married, she sped off.”
You looked confused.
“Okay and?”
“I want to go.”
You leap out of your seat as if it was on fire, but the fire was in your eyes now.
“You want to go?! Why?!”
After all that had happened, after this morning!? Why?!
“I believed that she’s keeping a secret about Charlie. And if Charlie is in trouble, she might be able to put some light on the matter.”
You calmed down, but still very confused and worried.
“So you are going on a date for a case, not for an actual date?”
“Yes. Well, this isn’t the case. But this could be if it’s more serious. And I think this could be bigger than we thought. ”
You sat back down and rubbed your forehead.
“Why do you think that she knows anything? And not actually interested.”
“Well, she said that she is a nurse yet she was wearing height heels, indicating she’s new or she has remarkable arches. Also the way she holds her wrist suggests that she spends many hours at a computer keyboard. And add to that, a slight crick in her neck which indicates excessive phone usage and the minutiae trasive of printer ink under her quart-inch fingernails which would make it hard for banneding quite difficult. All of that would point to the fact that she works for a newspaper. Her seeing a mountie with Charle might be giving her the idea that I could tell her something.”
You were impressed but still worried. But, you know Benton. You trust Benton with your life. You would trust him if you fell off a roof to end up caught in his arms. Benton is looking out for that little girl’s father. You can’t stop him. You must trust him.
“Please (Y/N). I am asking for your blessing.”
You smiled, even on a fake date, and felt that he needed to ask.
You stand up, place your hands on both of his cheeks, looking into his eyes.
“Alright. But if she does try anything, you promise that you’ll throw her in jail?”
Benton chuckled but hugged you close.
“I can’t do that, but I promise that I’ll deny and tell her that I have an amazing wife at home waiting for me.”
You grumble.
“Not as good as my idea but I’ll take what I can get.”
Benton kisses the top of your head.
“Thank you, I promise I’ll be back before 11:00.”
“Love, the dinner is at 8:00.”
You sigh.
Benton chuckles and kisses the top of your head.
“Alright. I have to go get ready.”
He lets go but you still hold on.
“Do you have to go?”
You grumble in his chest.
“My love, for Lucy.”
You grumbled and eventually did let him go.
“That’s not a fair way to play.”
“Okay, okay,”
Benton went off to change.
You went around the table to go back to baking.
“Looks like it will be just us tonight Diefenbaker.”
Dief just looks at you in disappointment.
“Hey! We’ll have fun! It can be like our little date.”
Dief didn’t look thrilled at all and went to lay down.
“Ouch! Dief! You know how to break a girl’s heart!”
You call at the wolf with a bark as a reply.
You just shake your head and continue on baking.
“Honey! Can you come here for a minute!”
“Yeah! One sec!”
You put the cake in the and set the time. You walk in your share bed room to find your husband holding up his two red suits.
“Which one?”
You chuckled.
“They’re the same.”
“Yeah but… are you sure you can’t tell the difference?”
You walk over to him.
“This isn’t a real date, but you're acting like it is, Benton Fraser.”
You were joking but still a little serious.
“Would you rather me go in sweatpants?”
“Oh no. That’s still too much.”
You both laughed.
“Okay, the left one.”
You point at it and Benton puts the other one away.
“Thank you my dear.”
Benton places the shirt nicely in the bed. He grabs a towel and soap starting his way out to the bathroom.
“I’m gonna take a bath.”
“Oh let me guess, you didn’t take a bath for our date.”
You were a little serious that time but smiled as if it was a joke.
Benton opened the apartment door but before leaving he looked back at you.
“I actually took 3. I was so worried that I was going to look bad or smell trouble that just took more than one. I wanted our date to be perfect.”
You were shocked. You just stood there, your arms crossed, your mouth slightly opened, and a hint of red in your cheeks.
Benton tipped his hat to you before stepped out of the apartment, closing the door behind him.
Benton smiled to himself as he walked to the bathroom, just thinking how cute you are jealous.
Hour later…
You pulled the food out of the oven and placed it on the counter, letting it cool down.
You felt bad for being so rude. You really hoped that he didn’t think you were being ridiculous.
You pulled a plate out to put some food on the plate when your head opened. Your turn to see your husband closing the door in nothing but his hat and a towel wrapped around his waist.
You just stared at his arms and chest admiring how ripped he looked. The water on his skin makes his muscles look so nice and smooth. And the man’s thighs, they look as if they could crush skulls with them. Becoming a mountie really did something on his body, and you could never complain.
“Honey, you alright?”
You snapped out of your trance, blinking and shaking your head slightly, caning back to reality.
“Mmmm? Oh yeah. I’m good!”
“You sure? You looked lost.”
Benton held your shoulders, leaning to look in your eyes, checking them.
“Y-yeah, I was just thinking about… about your date. Y-you should be getting ready.”
Benton looked unsure but let you go and slowly back away making sure you were alright, while you took one last look at his muscles figure.
“You sure?”
“Y-yeah. Go!”
You shoos him away.
He looks unsure but goes to change.
You turn on your heels if your foot, mentally scream to yourself. What would he have thought if you knew that you were staring?!
You shake your head, trying to forget everything.
“Honey! Can you help me! Again!”
You wonder for a moment how much he needed help for your first date but hurry to your bedroom.
“I don’t know how to do my hair.”
Benton stood in front of the mirror, already having his shorts and shirt on, sad. He had two hand combs in both of his hands.
You smile.
“Okay, let me see. Sit in the bed.”
Benton nods and comes over to the end of the bed, sits down, and hands you the two combs. You take both combs and look at his hair. His hair is in ever direction, some standing, some laying.
“Mmmm… stay still I’m gonna try some ways.”
Benton nods.
You brush his hair back.
“Too neat.”
You brush his hair forward.
“Not neat enough.”
You brush his hair back again. Once all back, you take a second look at his face and hair. And an idea comes. You put the combs down.
“Is it good?”
Benton asks.
“Not yet, I’m just gonna…”
You flop your hand on his head and just move the back hairs to the side. Benton gives a confused look but lets you continue. You brush up the front hair with your hand up, having them stand up.
You take the combs and put them away while Benton walks over the mirror to look, he fixes it a little here and there but is very happy with the outcome, even if it is his original look.
“Thank you love, you did an amazing job.”
You smile and walk over to him.
“You're welcome. And I have to say, I never thought that I would ever see me helping my husband for a fake date.”
Benton exhales a chuckle.
“I never thought I would ever go on a fake date.”
You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck. Benton wraps his arms around your waist.
“You know, I almost feel bad for her. She’s missing out on an amazing guy. But I beat her to it, and I have the most incredible person that I can call my husband.”
Benton smiles before leaning forward and captures your lips in a passionate kiss. You kiss him back, bring your hand to tingle in his hair, forgetting about just making it. Benton tightening his arms around your back, never wanted to let you go.
You two break the kiss, the need of air, and stay, looking into each others eyes.
“I love you, Mrs. Fraser.”
“And I love you, Mr. Fraser.”
You and Benton smile little idiots. You both were about to lean in again when Diefenbaker barks. You jump slightly, forgetting about the wolf.
“I guess Dief is getting bored.”
“Yeah. Oh! Sorry!”
You reach up and fix his hair putting it in it Original look.
You look down to your wrist watch.
“You should probably get ready. Don’t need you being late for your date.”
You start off in the kitchen almost forgetting about the cake. Quickly putting on gloves, you open the oven, pull out the cake. You exhaled in relief the cake was alright.
Dief, smelling the cake, came waddling in the kitchen, looking at you with pleasing eyes.
“Not yet. After dinner.”
Dief groans, hanging his head and waddling away back to his rug.
You shake your head.
A while later…
You hear behind you a sound of a pair of Boots walking behind you.
“How do I look?”
You turn around to find your husband standing before you in his uniform, his hands behind his back. You’ve seen him plenty of times in his suit, but everytime, you feel like you’re falling more and more in love with him.
You walked in front of him and brushed off his shoulders, Even though there was nothing on them.
“Very nice. So nice I wish it was me you were going with.”
“Well, I have something for you.”
He brings his hand in front with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
You gasp at seeing them.
“They’re beautiful! Thank you Benton!”
You take them and put them up to your nose, loving the lovely aroma.
“I know that you aren’t thrilled about me going. But I would love to make it up to you by taking you out on a date next Friday.”
You blush, even if you're married to the man, he can still make you lose your mind.
“Thank you, sweetheart. I would love to.”
“Thank goodness! I was worried you wouldn’t.”
You chuckled with him smiling. You also know what you could do to him.
“I suppose I should go.”
He grabs his hat and begins to open the door, about to step out but stop.
“Oh before I go.”
He leaned in and kissed you.
“I love you, I’ll be back at 9:30.”
And steps out leaving you stunned with weak legs.
“Gosh I love that man.”
Hours later…
You sat on the bed with your dinner in hand, barely touched, with Diefinbreaker eating his beside your bed. You couldn't help but worry, what if he actually falls for her. Would he divorce you? Could he actually cheat?
You hate how much you did seem to not trust Benton. Benton, your sweet, caring, loyal, husband. You bang your head on the well behind you, with a groan. Dief felt it and looked up to you. You look at him.
“Sorry Dief. I’m just frustrated. But that’s no excuse for disrupting your dinner. I’ll let you get back to eating.”
Dief just look at you.
He stays staring.
“Wait, are you actually interested in knowing?”
Dief is quiet but jumps on the bed and sits down beside you.
“Are you sure? Or you're gonna make me think that you care and then walk away?”
Dief stays.
“Thanks Dief.”
You pet him and had to lay a kiss on his head.
“I’m just really not liking the idea of a fake date. I know that he’s already there and I already told him it's fine but, I can’t help but worry, you know? And I trust him and he trusts me. But it’s her, I don’t trust. She could trick him into leaving me, but if she could, that would mean that I don’t trust him.”
Dief barks a few times.
“You're right.” You scratch behind his ear.
“If he actually leaves me for her, he’s one real dog. No offense.”
Dief barks.
“You know what I mean, and beside your wolf.”
Deif barks again and jumps off the bed and waddles away.
“Where are you going?”
Dief disappears behind the wall but very quickly reappears with something in his mouth.
“What you got there?”
You move to the end of the bed. Dief sits down before you. You reach out and took it. It was a your first date picture, your mom insisted that she take a picture, and for that you are for ever grateful.
You look at Dief and he looks back to the picture.
“I’m not exactly sure what you want. This is a picture of our first date.”
Dief gets up again and walks back behind the wall disappearing for a moment before returning with another frame.
You take the frame, it was your wedding. You wanted a simple one, but it was still pretty hard to get Benton to not invite practically all of Canada.
“Why did you bring me these?”
Dief poked the to your first date, which us in your left hand, then the wedding, in your right hand.
You know that Dief was smart and wanted to tell you something but he couldn’t, he had to show. You look back to the pictures.
Your first date and your wedding. Both the best days of your life. How lucky you felt on those days. You couldn’t believe them both, that you were there, with an amazing person. A gorgeous, caring, gentle man. Truly amazing. And that gorgeous, caring, gentleman, married you.
He married you.
He loves you.
You stop.
You kept forgetting, you didn’t just marry him… he married you!
Yes, you know that he married you but you never really thought about it.
You look back to Dief.
“He really loves me.”
Dief barks.
You smile.
“I feel really… selfish, right now.”
Dief barks and puts his head on your lap, as a comfort.
“Thanks Dief.”
At that moment, you never questioned him again.
Hours later…
You had gotten some bake along with Dief, you were now sitting on your bed with a book and Dief going to sleep at the foot of the bed. You started to really feel like you and Brief started to bond, maybe having a night together wasn’t a bad idea.
Not too long you hear the door slowly open. Your husband steps in and closes the door behind him.
You see him and place your book down.
“8:10. Home soon then you said. Did you get the information that you wanted?”
Benton puts his hat back on his stand and walks over to the end of the bed to sit down to remove his boots.
Benton was acting weird. He would be more cheerful and greet you. Did it not go well?
“Did she come?”
Benton hummed his response. He set aside his shoes before getting up taking off his jacket and pants and putting them away.
“Do you wanna talk?”
Benton just lazily walks over to you. He crawls on you, wrapping his arms around your waist and buries his face in your neck.
“I really, really miss you.”
Never had him this needy before. You wrapped arms tightly around him.
“You missed me?”
You did a baby voice.
“Yeah, I really did, I just wanted to come home and snuggle into you.”
You opened your mouth in aww.
“I missed you too.”
You kiss the top of his head.
“Do you wanna talk about your fake date?”
“I was right. She’s a reporter and was trying to get information about Charlie.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Okay, okay. I see that she wasn’t something I had to worry about, but I’m the only one in this relationship that can see how women are attracted to you. I have to look out for you.”
Benton raised his head, looking at you face to face.
“They are?”
You exclaim.
Benton and you laugh. Benton had some idea but didn’t know the extent.
Benton goes back in your neck.
“But did you get what you needed tonight?”
“Yeah, she was a great help.”
“That’s good. Wanna talk more about it?”
“Nah, I’m actually tired and want to sleep with you.”
“Okay, let's get some sleep.”
Benton crawls under the covers and comes back into your arms.
“Good night, Mr Fraser.”
“Good night, Mrs. Fraser.”
Before you went to sleep you.
“Thank you for loving me.”
And you both drift off to sleep, with Benton smiling.
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jvstheworld · 2 years
Due South Re-watch: episode 1
Part 2
•We meet Elaine and she immediately has a thing for our boy scout Mountie. Apparently any women who meets Fraser has a thing for him. Oh Benny, you poor, sweet, snowy child, this will happen a lot.
•Our bad guy of the week is Caroline Morgan, played by Christina Cox, who was in an episode of House M.D with John Cho and in iZombie who played Ravi's previous boss who fired him from the CDC before he became a medical examiner. That was kind of fun to realise.
•Fraser is good with everyone, including kids. He recognises hard work and rewards it. It's a good way to get Willie to trust him, and to me this feels like something his grandparents did for him when he was that age.
•I put in my notes that 'Dief is an adorable, fluffy boy', which is true, but I don't remember why I wrote it. I think he just appeared on screen and I felt the need to write it.
•Fraser's brown uniform does not get enough love, I like it and I missed it in later seasons when they ended up using the red one more.
•The bank manager messed up! In his previous statement he said the robbers were all male, but when questioned again said that one was female. Dude, you are a dumbass.
•Chase scenes in this show are pretty good, this one is fairly ridiculous with the horse and carriage, but it's believable because of how naturally over the top Fraser is. The choice in music also sells it too.
•And we continue the running joke of Fraser remembering advice his father gave him.
•Best friends finish each other's sentences.
•Isn't everything Fraser does for the Chicago PD technically unofficial but they let him do it anyway because it means more crimes are solved? When these cases go to trial, if a plea of not guilty is entered, does Fraser have to give testimony to it? Is his involvement explained to the DA's office and they're okay with it? Like what actually happens? Because he will be in the police report, he has to be for the case to make sense when it goes to trial.
•The fight scene with the robbers is well done and uses the surroundings pretty well too. That's something that can be said for a lot of these scenes in the show.
•Again, we know Fraser is good with guns, he just isn't allowed to legally carry one. Ray might have been trying to hype him up to scare Caroline but in fact everything he said was true. That being said, you shouldn't piss off a person holding a gun to your best friend's head.
•She shot him in the hat. He just laid there, amongst the boxes like he had actually been shot.
•Fraser was oblivious to Ray begging for his life. Generally, if your friend is doing that, you should believe them and take it seriously, especially if you can see that there is a real threat.
•Okay, so you know when people were doing that thing where they were describing the sluttiest thing a man can do... Fraser in his brown uniform, jacket off, suspenders and sleeves rolled up. I dare you to tell me I'm wrong. Him running away from Elaine is adorable, like a deer (or moose) in headlights.
•Willie is a good kid, he came back so Ray could keep his job and Fraser wants the best for him so provides him with a job and pays him, which acts as incentive to get him to stay in school, and gives him a safe place to go if he needs it.
Final thoughts: It's a fun opening episode to the full series. You get the see the new sets, the Mountie uniform is correct, meet recurring characters and any cast changes isn't off putting. Ray and Fraser's friendship is in full effect now though we don't know how much time has passed since the pilot. The crime itself is pretty simple and well thought out which helps ease us into the show and allows character introductions and development to stand out more.
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pigtailedgirl · 9 months
He's got the look! Of LOVE
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Seriously, re-watch is just noticing how much time Fraser spends staring uncomfortably in love, focused, at Ray, multiple editions. EXAMPLE : This is first episode right here! Fraser stare.
Or you know his doing sly smiles and reactions every five seconds too.
And I love it. Because it's hard to gif! And because it's Fraser.
He says nothing. What he doesn't say screams.
Fraser is a closed book type character. For all he shares stories with others about his values, or anecdotes or stories of his life, for all his acts and oddities, his kindness and helping, or his passive aggressive snits; he uses that and presentation and it's to put up walls to block us the audience and the other characters from seeing him fully with these things. He doesn't tell the whole truth. He manipulates so it's entirely on his terms and comfort level just what level of Fraser you get. He's scared to show people he has wants or needs or feelings for himself. Maybe I think a part of him doesn't know the how or what on those things too. When he tells others things, his personal stories, notice how often he leaves out the and this is how I felt or feel. He doesn't want that to be the focus for others. For others to see him unless he shows it.
So it's very important I think you have to look for not just what he says, but what he does and shows consistently to us or someone. And about that someone. That's the key to understanding how Fraser feels and expresses his wants.
Great thing about the show is when it understands Fraser may consciously not want to show himself but through his voyeurism and nature and we the audience, sorry Fraser you do.
So with Ray, he drags Ray into all kinds of things, without really honestly asking or saying the why. Because the honest answer half the time boils down to just I want you along and with and that's one you can't say without saying I want or need you. Fraser's very bad that.
They do the odd couple routine of you Canadian, me American. They, and Fraser is way more master, manipulate and operate in understanding one another is a case of really playing with or verbalizing out the differences, to get us on to continue along in sync while avoiding or letting slip well, duh, we are together because emotionally we feel easily connected, even with differences.
So Fraser shows Ray, or thinks he does best he can, by dragging and tagging along. Sticking close by choice.
He shows us the audience too.
He shows all the time by considering or studying Ray how much he's paying attention to, wanting to get to know. He shows by leaning in or reacting to, verbal or physically, or even to other's reactions of, how much Ray has an affect on him.
And to me one of the biggest ways Fraser is obvious in his feeling's with Ray, is Ray is just about the only one besides Dief and his ghost Dad, that he'll seek out or let him in enough to see him back.
Goes back to The Pilot. Of its' not like Fraser doesn't connect or have emotional scenes with others. But Ray is the one who gets the honesty back outta him. Who he can show he's emotionally down to and try an feel understood by. Like there, yeah I'm here in this diner because I'm lonely and my dads gone, this is my only way to connect or do for him now...
Fraser shows he wants Ray to see his feelings in a way he opens about the why of himself to no one else.
And it's a recurrent throughout the series, even as they have some blow-outs and screw-ups on it. He shows Ray because Fraser trusts enough to be sad around or silly, or snippy, or teasing. But also just unsure. There's a comfort level in their interactions. He wants Ray to know him as a person and relate emotionally and even when he himself struggles how to handle that within, well if Ray sees it, that's okay.
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due-south · 7 years
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Diefenbaker + Text Posts
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jackymedan · 5 years
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A Sign of Affection (or a Prelude to Lunch) - JackyMedan (AO3)
So on the one hand I drew this because I thought it would be adorable but on the other hand also because I accidentally made myself sad with the realisation of how bittersweet it would be for Ned to finally meet a dog half-wolf he could actually touch and hug back for once :'(... (Also just the idea of a Pushing Daisies/due South crossover kind of fascinates me in general because they have some interesting similarities if you think about it...)
So this happened... please send help..
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