#i lov him very much uwu
prettyboylovemail · 2 years
all of the general questions for ichigo 🔫
not me completely forgetting I had this sitting in my drafts for 3 months, I'm so sorry. time isn't real.
Questions are from HERE
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Ichigo is the one who initiated it! Despite how shy and stoic he normally is, he is the one who definitively (and finally) asked me to be his girlfriend after spending a lot of time together at work and after a few cute dates leading up to it. Of course I immediately agreed and was so happy that he wanted to make things official, especially since it was something I had been wanting for a long time, but was too shy to bring up myself 😅❤
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yup, we did! It was a little rushed and somewhat unconventional — he kind of just sprung the question on me in the middle of work and asked if I'd want to go right after I finished up what I was doing — but we had a nice time! We just went to get some dinner at a barbecue restaurant he likes and spent the evening chatting about whatever came to mind.
That was also the first time he officially confessed that he had feelings for me, too.
What was their first kiss like?
Oh man, okay, well—
I have a few scenarios in mind, honestly; some of which I hesitate to consider the official canon, but.
At least one I can think of, and probably the closest to being canon, was that it happened after our first date. After driving me back to work — to where I'd left my car — and right before saying goodnight and parting ways, he stopped me and caught me off guard by leaning down and giving me a sweet goodbye kiss 🥺
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
While he wasn't my first relationship, I was his first for everything. He'd never even so much as had a crush on anyone before meeting me, so he basically drove himself insane with all the new feelings and emotions he'd never experienced before.
'Course, I do have a tendency to rush into crushes and relationships, and caught feelings for him almost immediately. I still wanted to be patient with him and move at his pace, which was sometimes a little painstakingly slow for me, but I did my best to give him time to process his feelings and everything.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Ichi is 6'3 and I'm 5'7, so our height difference is about 8 inches!
Despite that, though, I'm surprisingly older than him. He's 23 and I'm 25, so despite being much smaller than him, I'm actually 2 years older 😅
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Do they share a friend group?
When I first met Ichi's mom, I was a little worried she wouldn't like me (mostly due to having had bad experiences with an ex's family), and I did my very best to make a good impression. But she's honestly such a sweet and friendly person that, thankfully, I didn't have anything to worry about and we get along great!
As for my family, Ichigo is... neutral towards them. He doesn't like how controlling they can be and there's specific things that they do that he's either annoyed or just straight up confused by. While first impressions may have been a little rocky at first, they warmed up to him well enough and think he's very respectful and does a good job taking care of me. And while he isn't the biggest fan of them, he still acts civilly with them for my sake — though, he won't hesitate to tell me his true thoughts the moment we're alone.
For friends, I get along with the other guys in his band really well. Considering I'm friends with their manager AND I'm Ichigo's girlfriend, I end up seeing them/hanging out with them a lot. They're all really chill and fun :)
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Ichigo doesn't really like talking if he doesn't have to. He's definitely the "strong and silent" type of guy, and most social situations just tire him out and make him want to go lay down. That being said, my social anxiety kicks in a lot and I get really shy or nervous in certain situations (even things that most people wouldn't even bat an eye at), so whenever that happens, he's more than willing to do it, especially if it's something that's generally not a big deal. It doesn't happen all the time, but often enough that he can usually pick up on the signs when I'm starting to get nervous and will step in to take the lead.
Who gets jealous easier?
Unfortunately, that would be me 😔
I try to not overthink and end up making myself jealous or upset over little things, but sometimes, I don't always have the best control over it and can think myself into a downward spiral if I'm not too careful. Of course, even if I do happen to get jealous over a comment someone makes, or if someone tried to flirt with him, or if I'm not getting enough attention because he's busy with work or whatever, I'd never go as far as to try and control what he does. And he isn't the type to hold something like that over me, either. I usually just have to tell him how I'm feeling and he immediately makes it better if he can.
That isn't to say that Ichi doesn't get jealous at all, but he's generally a really chill guy who just doesn't put too much thought into worrying about things like that. (He does get adorably clingy though if he ever does get a little jealous uwu~)
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
It kinda depends on the situation. I'd say it's more likely to be me, though.
While I am more experienced than Ichigo is, I also tend to get embarrassed really easily and have to be in a very particular mood to be confident enough to say dirty or inappropriate things to him.
Though, if we're just joking around and the mood is casual and lighthearted (and we've also been dating for a while), then he isn't opposed to doing so. He's the kind of guy to make a joke with a completely straight face, so he has a way of catching me off guard. Sometimes, too, he'll say something that he doesn't even intend to come off in that way, and will be thoroughly confused when I get flustered by it. In that case, once it hits him, his face will turn bright red and he'll get just as embarrassed lol. It's cute ❤
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jinstronaut · 3 months
Em first thinking I had to do after jin comeback is to run to you to THANK YOU FOR YOUR CREATIONS AND DEDICATION TO MAKING IT LESS PAINFUL 💛 it’s insane how much you gave us in this waiting period WE DO NOT DESERVE YOU 🥰 I’m hugging you no matter the distance! You deserve all good things now (album, world tour and tickets for it for you) 💛💛💛 you’re the best 💐
tysm you sweetest angel bean honey pie light of my LIFE. i cannot believe we're in a world where seokjin is bACK !!!!!!!! HE'S FREEE BAYBEEEEEE!!!!! i'm like living in a world of disbelief like wdym we don't have to countdown there's no worries no nothing not a single thing but SEOKJIN IN THE WOOOOOORLD !!!!!
thank u thank u thank u :'))))) being obsessed with seokjin has its perks, so i'm very very grateful and very very happy that something as simple as seeing his face every day made people smile uwu bc it makes ME smile !!!! i lov him so much !!!!!
anyways hi ily :'))) <3
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
ykw, pick 10 of your choice for mha
Worst part of canon
Star and Stripe. I like her character concept but she really has no reason to exist at all given how little she contributed plot.
which ship fans are the most annoying?
Toga/Ochako, but this is just because I really don't like the ship. I'm not really a huge shipper so I don't go looking in ship tags so, I don't actually think the shippers themselves are annoying (I wouldn't know), I just find the ship it's self annoying.
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Probably Shigaraki, though Dabi's close second (There's more canon issues with him that would have soured me on him anyway which is why he loses). I'm just a little put off by how many of his fans tout him as the best written character--miles above the others in his complexity, and Hori's favorite. He's defiantly one of the deeper characters of the story, up there with Enji, and All Might, but sometimes it feels like people think the story was written specifically for his character which is taking it a bit far.
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
The idea Enji only changed because he got what he wanted, and that Touya's death should have been his wake up call.
Yes, Enji got the #1 spot, but that's not actually what he wanted--he wanted to be the strongest, to beat All Might. He never got to beat All Might the way he wanted and won on a technicality in his mind.
Meanwhile Touya's death only pushed Enji further into training Shoto, afraid that if Shoto didn't become #1 it would make Touya's death meaningless along with everything he did to his family. After Touya's death he was essentially fighting tooth and nail to avoid the outcome he eventually got--which was all the pain and hurt he caused his family being for nothing.
worst blorboficiation
I was going to say Touya, but then remembered Twice. I love Twice but I think people have sort of just overlooked or excused his bad actions since his death. I mean, I'm more than sick of hearing that he did everything for his friends, as of that is an inherently good thing.
Like, Twice has really gotten the tragic uwu angel treatment post death, and that's a bit annoying.
that one thing you see in fics all the time
Going back to what I said in a prior post, Tensei always having gone to UA--it's in a lot of fics with Aizawa and Present Mic. Also, Tensei being friends or knowing Manual.
there should be more of this type of fic/art
As a fan of both Stain and Tensei I sort of wish there were more fics with Tensei getting the news that Stain's free. Tenya too for that matter. I think it was actually a huge waste that Hori didn't have Tenya react or even see him find out that Stain was out there. I mean I get that Stain isn't really tied to Tenya's arc anymore (given they didn't even interact during the war) but it'd have been nice to at least have Tenya say something about it, even if it was him not being interested to really solidify his character growth.
part of canon you found tedious or boring
Izuku's emo arc (have no idea what it's official name is). Not a lot happened that was interesting and what few things that were, didn't get as much focus as I think they needed. I think it also suffered because we got such a small cool down after the first war. I just felt poorly paced, with not much time spent with anyone but Izuku which made it kind of hard to get through, especially when so many characters lacked a follow up after the war to show they survived/were okay.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Anything Enji or Todofam related really. They always bring the drama. Hawks is a very close second.
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"x hero/civilain isn't being understanding of y lov villain!"
I get that Hori seems to be going for a 'forgive the villain' theme, but at the same time most of that characters yelling at the LoV are making more than reasonable statements, like Shoto telling Touya to stop hurting innocent people and focus his rage at the family instead, or Ochako saying she'd stop Toga if she's going to continue to kill/maim people. Like, I'm sorry but telling someone to stop murdering people isn't being rude.
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cat-of-starlight · 2 years
Oh my Goodness! Jacq is one of my favorites too! If you do not mind, could you do the Blorbo Character Sheet for him? And Cilan too if that is not too much to ask; I am interested to see your opinions on him since he’s 50/50 with the fandom who watched the anime.
My boys,,,, (Sorry this took so long, the holidays happened!!)
Gonna talk about each as I go because I Lov them <3 (and the energies they both give are similar but different so they need their own sections)
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Ok, starting with Jacq-
Sweet boy, I LOV- As I’ve jokingly said to friends of mine “I like my men sweet, slightly fruity, and clearly neurodivergent” he fits all three of those boxes so well, and I actually get to bother him ingame, which is a plus.
Literally, he is the main reason I am completing my Pokédex… I am less than 10 Pokémon away.. what have I become?? The things I do for the sweet characters I enjoy 🥺💜
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-Cracks knuckles- I’m SO glad you mentioned the fandom perception of him because BOY HOWDY
Generally, I love him for most of the same reasons as Jacq, but let’s talk anime specific things about him , since unlike Violet, I can’t play Black to go bother him because no content 😔
I’ll admit, the initial reason I was drawn to him was his VA (I mean look at my icon, of course I fell for the character w/ the same VA as my 1st childhood hyperfixation), but as I kept watching, I LOVED how passionate he was about everything. At the time I was watching, I was still young and had no personal concept of what neurodivergence even was, and to see a character be SO passionate about things in such a way, it excited me- it was nice to see a character who at did something like me, if even just a little-
So FURTHERMORE, it was HEARTBREAKING to see how the damn cast (and the fandom on top of that) treated him!! Let!! Him!! Talk!! About food and trains!! Let my boy hyperfixate in PEACE!!
I remember specifically being heartbroken about how there was a moment where they were around, which generic protag girl was it, I think Dawn (idk I didn’t watch every season, and some I watched when I was very little so I don’t remember), but Cilan was trying SO hard to be helpful/also hyperfixating, and the cast basically went “lmao don’t care” and the next scene cuts to him looking sad and rejected in the corner, like HELLO??
Fun fact/side tangent about another character in that season which is related to this- A lot of people love various versions of Iris because uwu cute dragon trainer girl or something, but the way she treats Cilan in the anime made me HATE her in every media. Also I don’t put Axews in my party ever because they make me think of that tiny annoyance
Anyway, I definitely encountered him at a pivotal point in my life and I WISH he was treated better by the cast and fanbase
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i see you haven’t posted in a while, so i just want to say that i hope you’re doing good! please feel free to delete this if u dont want to respond, but i hope ur okay, and that ur healthy. have a good day/night, and make sure to stay hydrated n all that good stuff! bye! 💕
oh! wow, i’m delightfully surprised that someone actually noticed so thank you very much, anon!
i keep meaning to make a post saying something but i keep telling myself “it’s fine, i’ll get back to writing today!” but then i never do lol
but i guess i’ll use this as an opportunity to attempt to explain??
so currently my mind is kinda mess of both anxiety and adhd. it’s not that i don’t feel okay! i’ve been really wanting to write, but i just... can’t think of the words?? like i have the ideas in my head but i can’t figure out how to word them if that makes sense.
i don’t know if i’d call this a break or writer’s block, but.... it’s more like it’s just taking me longer to figure out how i want to word it. i’d rather have writing that i think is good work rather than have something mediocre that i just push out quickly to have done.
so i guess i’ll say the poly event is kinda on hold?? or it’s just going to take me longer than i thought it would.
but this being said, i’ll still be here to chat if you want to send any asks into me! also! so i don’t leave you guys with nothing (because i honestly really wanna create content but my brain says that words don’t exist) i’ll open up temporary asks to the boys while i attempt to figure out how i want to get the poly stuff done! so as of now, i guess i’ll be sorta operating like an ask blog!
as far as the asks (if you want to send any in of course!) you can send me characters for kiss, marry, kill (or fuck, marry, kill) or just ask me any random questions you want! or just send in asks for the boys! (or as saku the boys if you want to make me uwu overdose lol)
i promise i haven’t forgotten or given up on this blog! so please bare with me while i suffer from a little case of alexithymia. thanks for understanding, guys! just know that i love you all and i hope you’ll understand!
- your local saku simp, juju
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
dabi does care and it's shown pretty clearly on panel too? like the entire incident with twice we're shown his own thoughts for the first time in ever and it's very understanding of twice’s mindset back there. In MVA immediately after he said he doesn't care about giran bringing him into the league, when they think an enemy is closing in he rushes from the back to the very front with his hand raised to attack like tsundere much? and in the war arc when nejire is about to attack a already bound duo of shigaraki and spinner he sends a wall of flames right to her? like if people are gonna twist small things to paint him like he's the LOV's adversary atleast take everything into consideration? like he's tunnel visioned because of how much his self expression had been hijacked by endvr the moment he was created and he's been separated from his family and probably people in general for a decade because of how extremely traumatizing the self immolation was and watching his father continue heroism like his son hadn't just died. people really see one person not adhering to the rules of their found family and they set out to demonize him further.
I agree with a lot of this but I also do think the fandom turned Dabi into this "uwu baby who cares so so much like a protective big brother" (because he's an actual big brother lol) and people just kinda forgot that......he's an asshole.
He is. But like, so is Shouto, straight up. But it doesn't mean he doesn't care. He's super emotional actually, especially when he's casually crying blood and thinking about his family. Yeah, emotionless, doesn't care at all about anything 🤙🏼 🤙🏼 🤙🏼. But no he's never been the type to outwardly show concern when things get...concerning. It took Twice's death for him to show actual signs of distress in front of another person. Again--the times crying about his family, nobody was there to see it.
Before you read further I also ranted a bit about this whole debacle here and here. Though I think this ask was actually in response to one or both of those posts lmao.
On ch. 335:
I think people are just mad that he doesn't have the same horrified expression on his face as Toga and Spinner, I guess completely forgetting who his character is. You know, the one hyper-focused on his father. Not just killing his father, but making a show of it, making sure his father's attention is on him as they're dying....together. Yeah, what's happening in front of him isn't pleasant, but tbh what is he supposed to do? What are Spinner and Toga doing? My issue is people thinking Dabi is just totally cool with going along with AFO's plans (don't get me started on AFO comparing the two of them), when in actuality, the entire LOV are taking cues from and are at the mercy of AFO now so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also think Dabi's tunnel vision is an indication that his arc is going to be strictly about his family. I mean I always thought his arc would be about his family, but I think people expected a bit more inner exploration of him and his feelings toward the people around him (the LOV specifically). And don't miss me, I think we may get some of that. But imo the focus of Dabi's arc has always been the Todorokis, and I really don't expect that to change.
AND Dabi isn't the only one with tunnel vision either? Toga and Shigaraki have exhibited severe tunnel vision at their own moments also--and Shigaraki is literally doing that right now.
Toga: she left the LOV mid-war to go satisfy her own curiosity on what Ochacko thinks of villains, get her opinion on if they're even considered people in her eyes. Yeah, she promised to go back to them, but she still left for her own ambitions. Because she wanted a hero's words to either make or break her.
Shigaraki is lying there in front of the LOV screaming about All Might. Not even screaming about the fact that AFO took control over the LOV, took control over his mind and body, drug him out to that fight with S&S. Yeah--he was putting up a fight with AFO on the battle field. But that battle is over, and what's happening now? He's reverted back to how he was pre-Kamino, where he just attributed all of his pain to the existence of All Might. He's back to square one. Coming full circle, again with this Horikoshi lol (this entire arc since the war has brought back a lot of early BNHA stuff). Shigaraki may mention Twice and we may see him really talk to the LOV, but I'm doubtful of that tbh with what's happening. We'll see, both routes are possible.
But I mean, if Shigaraki and Toga can show tunnel vision for their own personal interests, why can't Dabi? The LOV trio have always all had their own personal vendettas against heroes. They don't have the same pain, trauma, feelings, not even the same goals really. Toga wants to live in a world that's....easy to live in. Shigaraki wants to destroy everything (save for what his comrades want), and Dabi straight up wants to die with his dad. No, they're not gonna be a big ball of togetherness right now. We're in the final stretch and it's getting time for the LOV trio's pain to start getting addressed individually, because that's what they each need.
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kurayami-ichika · 3 years
Dabi x Medic!Reader AU
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Both you and Dabi grew up with a terrible life already set up for you, the moment you turned a “proper” age to start some type of training was the end of your life and the beginning of your trip to hell. Yet here you were, in a place that is anything but hell. Wrapped in Toya’s arms, the warmest place in the world, never too hot never too cold, but always loving. This moment in his arms made you think of what took you to this very moment, and to be honest, you’d be scared to change any bad thing about your past because it brought you to Toya, your one and only love. **********************************************************************
Back then, you couldn’t show emotions. Your family ran a “school” designed to create top classed doctors who are only worthy of those on the top of the world. This place was more like a prison, and the only reason you knew was because your parents put you in it. Just like all of the other children sold off by their parents to earn money from their child's progress. If you slip you die, you have to be perfect here to make it through. This place made everyone there terrified to show emotion, or even smile. You were sick of it, seeing heroes with your parents on TV congratulating them on some stupid achievement that’s on the backs of all of their prisoners, to think they wouldn’t even let their own child live happily. You hated heroes, you hated this place, you hated everyone in it, you hated the world. Heroes would regularly come here to just watch you all in pain, silently wishing to be saved like the people on the news, but they did nothing but watch and bid money on the child they wanted to “graduate” and become one of their doctors. You were nearly an adult now, you “graduated”, now you were a real Doctor. One of the best. You felt nothing towards the achievement. You didn’t even feel rage, you were just there. You didn’t know if you were happy, sad, angry, or scared; all you knew was that more hell was to come. Your parents just gave you to the LOV. You arrived at their doorstep as quickly as they sold you off, it smelled like alcohol but you didn’t feel anything. You didn’t express your distaste, you didn’t flinch at the smell, you only stared blankly, not focusing on anything. ********************************************************************** Y/N POV uwu [TIME SKIPPP] I’ve been at the LOV for a month, there’s a girl; her name is Toga. She’s been around with me alot, I’ve cleaned a few knee scrapes she’s gotten but never anything serious. The LOV’s leader gave me my own clinic to stay in, it’s definitely not like you’d imagine. The walls are wood full of splinters at every inch, the smell of damp wood covering the smell of the medical products I have. There are two beds in here, they both have very thin covers, I doubt we’d survive winter without someone getting hypothermia. When I first came in everyone jumped up to introduce themselves to me except this guy, he’s covered in burns, has jet black hair, and only wears one outfit. Yesterday, I finally got a name out of him. His name is Dabi, there have been lots more stealth missions, so he hasn’t been out of the base as much, since his quirk is so flashy. I think it’s beautiful, though any normal person or hero might start shaking at the sight. I’m confused around him, every time we get close, or even walk past each other I get an unknown feeling, I feel like I’ve felt it before but I don’t know when. I’m in my clinic/room eating an apple when someone walks in, “Hello, what do you need?”, it was Dabi, he was clenching his teeth, arm in hand. “You said I could come anytime, right? I just need staples, they’ve been ripped off.”, I quickly stood up and blankly inspected his arm. “I have a few, but it looks like they will just come off again. Let me get you a cream to help your skin.”, I start rummaging through the desk I was provided with to hold all of my medical items, “So..is it a burn cream? Sorry to break it to ya, but those don’t work anymore, not for years.”, I stopped searching when I found just what I needed. I sat Dabi down opposite of my desk with a huge table magnifying glass, as I inspected his whole arm, “It’s a skin cream I made myself. It helps strengthen skin.”, we both shifted in silence as I applied the cream and stitched where the staples should be, “If you use this cream twice a week you will feel your skin heal, though it won’t turn back to a normal color.”, he walked out waving as he closed the door, he seemed to be in a rush. ********************************************************************** Dabi POV uwu I hurried out of the door before she could see my face, I have always not been able to fucking breathe around her. It’s not
because of irritation like all those other crazy assholes, it’s something different. She’s the only person who doesn’t annoy me because of her mental problems, she annoys me because of how she makes me feel. I can’t help but want to smile and that fucking hurts. I go to my room and take off my jacket and shirt to lay on the bed, I have no idea what to do. Out of boredom, I inspect my arm, I expected it to look rushed from how quick she stitched me up, but it was fucking perfect. After a while of looking around my room and back to my arm, I settle into bed and try not to fidget so much. I wake up to a knock on the door, I open it half presentable with no shirt on, expecting it to be that crazy blonde bitch or that two-faced idiot at the door. I slowly look up and realize it’s Y/N, I jump a little and fix my posture, god, I hate what she does to me, what the hell even is this mess? She opens her mouth to speak then closes it and gives me the cream from last night with closed eyes. I then watch her try not to walk too fast back to her room, I could tell she wanted to run. ********************************************************************** Y/N POV uwu I finally get back to my room after giving Dabi the cream he left in my clinic/room last night. I let out a breath of air I didn’t know I was holding in, I should not have invaded his privacy! He clearly wasn’t ready for any visitors. I skip breakfast that day to sleep in some more, I did only wake up to give Dabi his cream. By the time I wake up, it’s 5:30 pm and getting dark. I overslept. I hear the league getting ready to go on a mission, I can tell because Toga always talks about Izuku Midoria before leaving. I manage to catch them before they’re out the door back into danger, I give Toga the knee pads I prepared for her since she always gets scrapes, and off they are..on another mission. There’s no medic work to do at the bar, and since Dabi said I’d just slow them down on the field if I came; I never asked again. I go into my clinic/room and touch up the files I write in when I check someone, I use it to keep track of what happened when and what medicines I’ve already used. I then just take a break to scribble on a piece of paper, coming up blank when I try to think of what to do. ********************************************************************** 3 hours later.. I’ve fallen asleep at my desk, woken up by the sound of quick shuffling and yelling. My door is knocked open and Dabi is quickly laid on the spare bed for patients. I stand up after quickly processing how much blood he was losing. “Hurry, He’ll bleed out!; Take your time, he’ll be fine.”, Twice’s words only made My head hurt more as I quickly got a wet rag and put pressure on the wound. It was a deep knife wound, I could tell by the shape of it. After I slowed the bleeding, I laid his head on a pillow and put the blanket over him as I prepared more products, by this time the entire room was empty and quiet, with blocked sounds of chairs and an angry Shigaraki outside. While I prepared an ointment, spray, alcohol, cotton swabs, stitches, and bandages, Dabi sat straight up in a cold sweat. He was breathing fast, I tried to calm him after I made him lay back down so I could clean the wound. ********************************************************************** Dabi POV uwu I was breathing fast, I didn’t even take the time to observe my surroundings. I just needed to fucking breathe. I laid back down when I finally noticed Y/N studying my wound and cleaning it, I couldn’t help but feel calm in this moment. I looked away and closed my eyes when I felt drops of water on my arm and looked up to see where it was coming from. Y/N was crying, still cleaning and preparing my wound. I wanted to reach out to her but I could only watch. She threw out all of the bloody cotton pieces and bandaged me up, I thought she was done until she hugged me, placing her head on my shoulder. I could feel her heart beating rapidly against my arm as I froze. She was still crying, I used the strength I had left and
softly put my hand on her head. Then I fell asleep. ********************************************************************** Y/N POV uwu I shouldn’t have done that, the last thing I wanted was for Shigaraki to feel like I couldn’t do my job because of my feelings. I was terrified. I’ve been feeling things more lately, and that only makes it harder to feel calm here. If I’m seen crying I could be sent away, or even killed if he tells my parents. I let Dabi sleep in the clinic until he felt better, it was embarrassing to face him after last night, but thankfully he didn’t talk about it, though I feel like a weight has been pulled off of my shoulders. I wake up for the first time in a while to eat breakfast, everyone was surprised to see me up so early. I noticed Dabi sitting next to me, he’d never done that. After seeing him hunched over the table I immediately made him change his posture to not break the stitches. ********************************************************************** Dabi POV (at night time) Y/N was asleep on the other side of the room, I was allowed to stay in her clinic until I felt better. I began to run through my entire week with her, then I realized. “I like her?!”, I blurted it out causing Y/N to squirm in her sleep and knock the covers off of herself. I walked over and put it back on her, “Sorry! Ugh, What’s wrong with me..”. I scrambled back to my bed and turned away from her, trying to get a wink of sleep instead of watching her like a fucking creep. ********************************************************************** Dabi POV (daytime) I woke up at the crack of Dawn, I was thinking about it all night, I have to tell her today. Toga told me about some love “mana”, “manga”? Couldn’t be bothered to listen at the time, but the guy confessed on the rooftop. I must admit it was cheesy, but I was interested. Sadly. So, I left a note on her desk and shifted out of the door, to the rooftop..how far have I fallen?! I sit and wait on the rooftop admiring the view of nature. Until at least 8AM, I hear the door bust open. There she is, Y/n. “I hope you didn’t wait for too long!!”. ********************************************************************** Y/N POV owo I woke up and saw a note on my desk, I picked it up and had to read it about 7 times until I understood. “Go to the rooftop” then an angered scribble next to it. I hurry up there and bust through the door, I see Dabi with his hair waving in the wind, “I hope you didn’t wait for too long!!”. “About that night..uhh where I was stabbed..?”, he said with his back turned. I shuffled nervously, “Yes..?”, “Didn’t you feel..something..?”, he started walking closer to me and came to a stop right in front of my face. We stared at each other for a moment, our eyes never leaving each other. He suddenly gently grabbed my shoulders, “I love you..Y/N.”, I was caught up in that moment that felt like it lasted hours. “I..”, my lip quivered. “Dabi..I love you too”, it was in that moment that he kissed me. “It’s Toya.”.
********************************************************************** Y/N POV (hehe) I snap back to reality, in my bed I share with Toya. My face red from just thinking about our moment together, where we started our relationship. Toya laying on my chest fallen asleep from listening to my heartbeat he never gets tired of. “Too many memories..”, I soon fall asleep.
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years
Honestly at this point I think the reason most villain stans and Hawks antis have so much hatred for Hawks and his fans is because recently all their headcanons and fanon characterisations have bit the dust in canon:
Like Dabi being a good brother and taking care of his siblings when he was little? Nah fam, he was (however understandable his reasons) a shitty brother and guilt tripped Natsuo.
Dabi secretly still caring about his siblings? Nope, mans gives 0 fucks and tried to nerf 2 of them.
Dabi hating Endeavor and his training? Wrong again!
Dabi and Toga having a brother/sister relationship cos Dabi misses Fuyumi? Or ANY of the league caring about each other apart from like Twice and Toga? Found family league? All completely fanon!!
Meanwhile us Hawks fans are over here dining like kings! Hawks being confirmed to be a shining light and ray of hope, him not getting punished for killing Twice, getting his wings back but still being a valuable member without them, him having a fanfiction "my mother sold me to 1D" terrible childhood and STILL being such a genuine and kind person, not to mention how all the "Hawks is a brainwashed commission puppet" and "Hawks is going to change sides and join the league" takes were flushed down the toilet.
So anyways in conclusion I think most of them are just miffed that they were proven wrong and we were proven right and Hawks represents everything they were wrong about, like Hawks being able to and having reasonable motives to join the league but still not joining doesn't validate the League's actions like they wanted it to and him not being punished naratively or in story for killing Twice doesn't bode well for the future of their other murder favs and furthermore cements how they're NOT the underdogs and misunderstood outcasts they promote themselves to be and won't be treated as such.
Also the fact that Hawks is a contender for "worst childhood in bnha" but is still a good guy and hero takes a sledgehammer to all the "uwu a couple of them have sad backstories :( so they get a free murder pass :)" excuses and probably rubs salt in their wounds lmao
So whenever I see a anti Hawks post from LOV stans I'm just like a little smug and find it funny like yeah stay mad that things aren't going your way and while it's still aggravating af it makes it a little more bearable.
I didn't mean to make this ask essay length when I started but guess I was madder than I thought so I apologise !! Have a good one! 🥰
You hit the nail exactly on the head, Nonnie.
Fans are very pissed that they were wrong about practically everything about Hawks (...despite the fact that other stans of his picked up this was the direction he was going so it's not like Hori pulled the rug out from under him). They really have no excuse beyond the fact that they read the manga with a clear bias towards their villainous favs and now they're upset that the manga doesn't have the same bias towards them.
I'm honestly surprised they haven't dropped the manga yet, if I was this miserable I wouldn't read it.
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
pls tell me more of ur fic pet peeves
so i have like. a FUCK ton of pet peeves for fics, and i just wanted to say first that fanfic should not be placed in any boxes or standards because it is freely written and it is something meant to be enjoyed. these are my opinions and all peeve me to only a certain degree (meaning it squicks me out at worst)—so if you are a fic writer and you find yourself doing any of these things, do NOT take it to heart and just know i love you for doing what you do and i wish you all the best ♡
im gonna give reasons why certain things peeve me so i dont just sound like im bitching but generally, when reading ANY fics, i dislike the ff:
- long paragraphs with no breaks. bro i have adhd i cant go through all of this im going to get LOST.
- underlining, bolding, italicizing, AND capitalizing statements for emphasis like sir its chill i think i get the point. imho if you wrote your scene well enough and paced it properly, the most you'll need is an italics and maybe an exclamation mark. u gotta trust ur own writing and the reading comprehension of your audience.
- jittery perspective jumps especially when its fic about characters who use the same pronouns and youre constantly shifting the thoughts being presented. it... gets kinda confusing.
everything else like grammar and punctuation and spelling is literally just. whatever. like as long as i get your point i really dont care. sometimes writers dont speak english fluently. sometimes writers just fuck up and dont have betas. sometimes writers just post their chapters at 3 am and leave all their mistakes out for god. i have no right to judge.
for personal bnha fic pet peeves, ig most of my annoyance lies on characterization and my own personal beliefs
- i already said it previously but i cannot STRESS how much i dislike the whole "fuck redemption arcs and fuck all authority figures except LoV for some reason" theme. it annoys me and i just flat out dont agree with it
- HATE tropes that reduce deku to being like 🥺👉👈 uwu okie soft helpless bean. theres nothing wrong with it if thats how you prefer deku, but i just get annoyed by it
- ANYTIME BKDK HAS AN UNEQUAL DYNAMIC. again. nothing wrong with exploring it in fanfiction. i just dislike reading fics that make either deku or bakugou blatantly weaker than the other. i love quirkless deku fics but i hate ones where he's also characterized as amounting to nothing and still acts like bakugous punching bag/okay with bakugou disrespecting him. their whole dynamic in canon is built on a great deal of respect
- speaking of bkdks power dynamic, FRICK GOSH I HATE SEEING FICS WHERE DEKU "realizes bakugous been abusing him for years!" and gets him expelled from ua and everyone claps. like. LIKE??? N. NO???? thats not how it works 😭
- all might slander. also unjustified or unnuanced endeavor slander where they dont tackle the complexity of his character. also also unjustified or unnuanced bakugous mom slander. this ones a bit controversial so i wont talk about it much.
- sexist homophobic or racist bakugou. im kicking that away. no. especially fics where bakugous past bullying is explained as "repressed homosexuality". i like making that as a joke but i genuinely do no believe in it.
- fics where ochako is obviously very reduced into a supporting figure with absolutely no dimension except being a supportive character and maybe having a shoe-horned wlw romance just for the sake of making her unavailable. shes my fave bnha girl and sometimes in fics i can literally FEEL her character being butchered to only show up when deku needs Love Advice. *note that this only applies when literally every other male character has something else going on for them and its just the females being sidelined into Boy Advice Givers and Talking Sense.
- fics that very obviously belittle asian principles and culture. family means a GOOD DEAL to a lot of asian cultures and fics that spout "if you dont like your family then leave and find your own! its that simple!" usually sound incredibly ignorant or outright claim moral superiority to the weight of familial bond in asian culture. same with manners, respect, and discipline.
- "murdering is ok if its characters i hate 🥰" ... listen, you do you bestie but like. no thanks. if i wanted to read about mineta getting murdered by momo with a pistol i dont think id be opening a bkdk soulmarks au
- any dekusquad slander 😭 i love them okay
- *kicks mean/bakugou-hating todoroki out the door*
- *kicks 'all mha characters text, talk, and behave like 14 year old stan twt users (no offense ok i speak like that too)' fics out the door*
- *kicks bratty deku and/or bakugou out the door*
thats. all i can think of atm.
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floof-ghostie · 4 years
Man, I went from being neutral about Aizawa to literally hating disliking him. I mean, he literally preaches about discrimination and toxic behaviour in the workplace but yet turns a blind eye when B*kugo does the things he does but; 'he's a top student who has lots of determination to become a hero' but you know what? B*kugo doesn't want to be a hero just because he genuinely wants to save people or wants to keep the citizens safe—it's because he wants to beat up people like All Might legally.
Furthermore, I think that some people in the fandom are a bit too biased when it comes to the LOV/Villains in the anime/manga. They also preach about the hero society being toxic and corrupt but yet uplifting the LOV/Villains and condoning their cruel actions. As much as I do agree to these points on how the hero society being toxic and corrupt, most of the LOV/Villains isn't any better. Most of the fandom labels the villains as 'misunderstood uwu babes' when in reality they're not. I could sorta understand La Brava and Gentle Criminal and some other villains but the rest? They're doing it because they want to see people hurt/killed. Also we gotta talk about how the fandom literally infantilize Toga also saying that she's a baby n shit. One more thing; fandom literally says that overhaul is the most toxic and evil human being when the LOV are—practically the same-
To sum it up, Aizawa and the Fandom are similar, it's the truth but y'all are afraid to admit it, and that's what's up.
I agree. I don’t hate Aizawa (though I won’t hesitate to criticise him) but I’m so sick of him being so strict with his students, while giving Bakugo nothing more than a slap on the wrist. 
He’s supposed to have a reputation as a strict teacher, hell he once CANONICALLY expelled a whole class on the FIRST DAY! I don’t like that him expelling people on a whim either, but I’m getting off topic; the point is, he should be much stricter and keep Bakugo on a shorter leash, seeing as he knows exactly what it feels like to be discriminated against for something he has no control over.
Also, you’re right about the villains. I like them as characters, and because they are very complex. But we mustn’t forget that they literally killed/tried to kill people, and are putting lives at risk. 
Toga isn’t some uwu character, and she’s not a baby. Yes her backstory is a sad one, and yes she is a teenager who should have been allowed to express herself from the start, but that only explains, not excuses her stabbing people and stalking/obsessing over Midoriya and Uraraka. I like her purely as a villain, and how complex she is (also for the hero! Toga AU) but I do not condone her killing others.
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saffron-nova21 · 4 years
Take Care
Take Care Masterlist
< Previous • Next >
Warnings: Angst, Tears
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As you feel Oikawa’s arm wrap around you and pull you into him, you look up at him with a half-hearted smile. His eyes narrow a bit and you can tell he notices that you’re off, but before he can say anything, you lean up and place a kiss on his lips.
This was going to really hurt to tell him, wasn’t it? It was going to hurt you both. But, it was the only way you would both leave to follow your respective dreams, rather than follow one another.
You’d both woken up early to get on the train and make it to the airport. And in no time, that train ride was over, leaving dread pooling in your stomach. You didn’t want to leave him. He made you feel so important, so cared about... So lov —... Holy shit... Was that what this feeling he gave you was? Were you in love... With Toru Oikawa...?
That was the only answer you could think of, to the question you’d been asking yourself since he walked into your life: Why was he so important to you?
You both were pretty late to be boarding — honestly, Oikawa would barely be making his flight, in time. The drag through customs takes forever. Before you both know it, it’s time to board... For the male in front of you, at least... They’re calling for Toru’s flight and you freeze.
Watching the excitement spread over his features makes your heart sink. So, you do the only thing that you can think of and you take his hands in your own. You didn’t quite know how to say it, so you started rambling, trying to explain why it was happening, rather than what was happening.
“Toru, I really care about you, I do. Your dream, your passion is for volleyball. Going to Argentina is what’s going to help you achieve your dreams. And I’m happy for you... So, so happy for you to be — ”
Toru cuts you off, “You’re not coming. Are you?” You can see he’s trying to distance himself... Trying not to cry. The way his eyes gloss over and he paints his lips in a false, weak grin makes your heart break.
“I’m going to America... Seven years of college... I’m going to be a physical therapist... To help athletes like you, before they become athletes like me and lose the sport they love...” You sigh, watching as his expression contorts... He looks so pained, even as he’s trying to cover it up.
He’s trying to smile, trying to be happy for you. He offers you a weak smile, bringing one of your hands up to kiss the finger you wore the ring on. His promise to make it up to you. To do better. “This’ll be a promise... That we’ll meet again one day... And that when we do, I’ll love you just as much as I do right now.”
Your heart catches in your throat at his words. He loves you? “Toru—”
“Final call for flight 27-993!”
“Looks like I’ve got a plane to catch, little cutie!” His cheerful voice belies the tears he wipes away. He steps away from you, picking up the bag by his side.
You catch his hand, “Toru... I love you...”
“I love you too, little cutie. And I’ll see you. After you make your own dreams happen. Take care, my little cutie,” with a wink, he was walking away. Away from you, away from Japan... And the moment he stepped out of your sight, that’s when you realized your hands were still outstretched.
Collecting yourself, you drop them to your side. “Yeah... Take care, Toru...”
You didn’t text Toru once you landed... Or at all. What were you supposed to say? I’m sorry for leaving you? I’m sorry for not telling you until the last possible moment?
Iwazumi ended up going to the same college in America, as you did.
You kept in contact with most everyone from Seijoh. They all missed you, for those seven years. You’re twenty-five, before you return to Japan.
Well... I hope you’re enjoying... 🥺👉👈 Hope I’m doing well with the angst writing. N E WAYZ I hope you are all having a wonderful day! 💕 Thank you all for all of your support on Take Care! But don’t worry, it isn’t over just yet! I was tempted to end it like this... But, I couldn’t do that to you guys! 😅😅🤍
You all better be getting something to eat, drinking some water, and taking care of yourselves mentally and physically! Remember: you are loved, appreciated, and cared about, and I’m very proud of you 🥰 I love you guys! 💕
@kookie-doughs @kodzuklutz @halesandy @420-uwu @kac-chowsballs @atria-avior @satoriluver @heaveus @langalvr @webkinzfroggie @tctkd @neonartbat-1316 @lil-mellow-bunbun @mixed-bag-of-tricks @pandauniverse @sevenlol @maer-333 @ghoulgirlradio
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
ASK BOX OPEN YESwell, I read the toshinori, Aizawa and Present mic with their s/o with this Jesica Rabbit attitude I LOVE IT, can we have some more? When they were fighting against LOV they were badly injured, their s/o was there or near the area.She saw them injured and for the first time used her quirk in front of them (Like kaneki from tokyo ghoul, without the cannibalism) to defend her man, s/o with this Jesica Rabbit vibe won't let anything happen to his honeybun or her new children👊😤👌
A/N: Aaa yess jessica rabbit s/o is a total badass babe that ain’t gonna let anything happen to her hubby or her kids 👊😤im also lovin that she has a rinkaku (i think that’s what it’s called rite??) anyway its pretty late rn so uh apologies if its weird or anything lol..hope you like it tho uwu ~lily
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ALL MIGHT / Toshinori Yagi
Your boyfriend had forgotten his lunch box at home again
So, like every other day that he did, you went to U.A. to go give it to him
By now, you pretty much accustomed to his schedule and knew you’re way around
Today though, something felt off… 
You couldn’t tell what it was exactly but it just felt..weird? Somehow?
You went to one of the training grounds and finally found your boyfriend…
Being cornered by the league of villains
His face and arms were all bloody and dirty, you could tell he was trying to fight them off
Your hero senses immediately kicked in and you ran towards him
Then you noticed several students laying unconscious behind him
This fueled your rage and protective instincts even more
The League didn’t realize you were there until the very last second when you activated your quirk and started attacking them
Tbh All Might looked pretty relieved when you showed up
It’s as if he knew things would be ok now that you’re here to kick their asses
And kick their asses you did
Let’s just say years of training an already powerful quirk meant that you were really powerful
The lil bitches that call themselves the league of villains were not prepared for you or your quirk but they were quick to adapt
You may be strong but you were still a single person against an entire group of villains
Even still, you fended them off to the best of your abilities
What you didn’t know was that the students of 1-A still had a lot of fight in them
Those that could had quickly come to your aid and, within moments, the tide had changed to your favor
Ngl the damage you guys inflicted was pretty high and it forced Shigaraki to call for a retreat 
You let out a sigh of exhaustion and relief before checking on all the students and making sure they were ok
You gave instructions for those who were injured to be taken to the infirmary and overall managed the situation pretty well
All the students were really grateful that you came and, in a way, fighting together made them feel closer to you
Once you made sure everyone was safe, you hurried over to All Might
You then proceeded to scold him for using his quirk while helping him up and bringing him to the infirmary 
“Thank you though y/n…I never knew you could use your quirk so well,” he said, coughing
“Don’t mention it, I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you or the kids anyway” you replied with a smile
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ERASERHEAD / Aizawa Shouta
It was another peaceful day
The sun was shining bright, birds were singing, people were smiling as they walked along the streets
Yes, it was just another peaceful day
And you were very glad that your patrol ended cuz now, you could go enjoy this peaceful day with your one and only Aizawa Shouta
Just as the thought of Aizawa crossed your mind, you heard a loud boom and several screams
Moments later, a dark figure was flung past your eyes
So much for a peaceful day
Looking over to where the figure landed, you saw none other than Aizawa
His clothes were tattered and torn, injuries were strewn all over his arms and blood trickled from the side of his head
You immediately turned to the direction he came from and stared in horror as the League of Villains battled the young students of 1-A
You heard a cough from behind you and turned to see Aizawa getting up as if he was going back to fight
You quickly ran over to his side and told him to stay put and call for backup
“I’ll fight them off for now”
He seemed reluctant to let you go but he wasn’t in much of a position to argue
So he just gave you a nod and a faint smile 
With that, you rushed towards the battle, using your rinkaku (the tentacles..I dont think thats what you call em but nvm basically your quirk) to propel yourself forward
[insert intense and very cool battle scene over here because I suck at describing fights]
You and the students of 1-A managed to hold your own against the league
In fact, you guys did better than hold them off
You guys could’ve probably defeated them had they not run away when the other heroes arrived
A few of the heroes went to chase after them but you stayed behind and helped the medical team make sure everyone was ok
Once you were sure that all the students were safe and accounted for, you went off in search for Aizawa
You found him being treated by one of the medical team
Smiling in relief, you walked over to him 
“Ah y/n, when were you going to tell me you look absolutely amazing when you use your quirk?”
You suddenly realized that you’ve never actually used your quirk in front of him before and blushed slightly
“Well I guess this just means there are many more things about me you still don’t know,” you said with a playful smirk which he returned
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PRESENT MIC / Yamada Hizashi
It’s been forever since you and your boyfriend Yamada Hizashi went out on a date together
Work has been pretty busy lately so you two haven’t really had the time
Which is why you were so glad that the two of you were able to take the weekend off
He was the one who suggested going out for a stroll around town
“Heard about this new restaurant that has amAZINGG fried chicken”
So here you two were, sitting in a fast-food restaurant eating chicken to your hearts’ content
You felt slight vibrations and tremors but dismissed it thinking it was probably the construction happening down the street
However, when you heard several screams a while later, you knew this wasn’t just some construction
Hizashi realized this too and you two quickly hurried out of the restaurant, leaving the fried chicken behind to go help the people outside
Just as you suspected, this was another villain attack, although these villains weren’t just any villains
They were… The League of Villains *gasp* dun dun dunnn
“I’ll go fend them off while you help evacuate everyone ok?” Present Mic said
You nodded and the two of you rushed off
You used your quirk to protect the civilians from any stray blasts or debris that were sent your way as you led them to safety
You had also made sure to call for backup
Once everyone was safe, you went back to help Present Mic
He was badly injured in the time you left him alone to fight and was barely able to stand anymore
Your protective instincts suddenly kicked in and you propelled yourself forward in between your man and the league
The only thought you had was to make sure that Hizashi was safe
And that one thought served as a flame to your power as you fought off the villains
You knew your quirk was a strong one
You had confidence in your training and your abilities
There was no way you were going to lose now
You fought well and held the league off until the other heroes arrived to help
The league somehow managed to escape before they could be captured 
Since the fight was over though, you went to check on Hizashi and saw he was as spunky as ever
“Y/n you were amAZINGG. Your power, your technique…”
You sighed as he continued to fangirl over your quirk and the way you fought
Truth is, you’ve never actually used your quirk to fight in front of him before
Either way, you were glad he found your quirk amAZINGG
—–a little bonus—–
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deripmaver · 3 years
7 for the fic ask meme 👀
OMG HEY HEY i lov ur writing your "bubble up in me" series fills me with uwus
this got kind of long bc i couldnt pick just one!!!! so its behind a cut just to be safe
7. What’s your favourite piece of description or narration?
okay im gonna give three examples bc im a cheater. the first is the ending of the aimeric fic:
It does not matter.
The regent is not here now.
Aimeric is completely, utterly alone.
the second is the ending of "the worlds more full of weeping" (spoilers i guess lol):
He sunk his fingers into the dirt. He felt cradled by it, felt warm and cozy as though it was holding him and not these too-small bones. If Laurent closed his eyes and really, really focused, he imagined he could feel the tiny, skeletal hand clinging to his beneath the earth, the two of them connected like one line from past to present.
“I know how scared you were,” Laurent said, eyes filling with tears. “I feel it still, how scared you were. I also feel how happy you were, what you were waiting for, what you never got to do.”
“I’m all that’s left,” Laurent whispered, peering down into the blackness of the earth. “I am all that’s left of you.”
He thought, maybe Auguste and I should go riding, later today.
and the third, and a completely different vibe altogether LMFAOOO is just this random sexy stream of consciousness from "control" (huge nsfw lauguste warning lmaooooooo):
How had he thought Auguste wasn’t good at this kind of play? He could be whipped, his tits could be beaten until he cried, they could fuck his open, aching cunt and fill him with their hot cum, and he could endure it – this, though, this, not only being opened wide in front of them but being made to cum through it, it was torture.
It was too much. His body was betraying him, again and again and again, cumming no matter how much he begged them to stop from behind the gag, making him enjoy it like a wanton slut. He never wanted to cum again, but they kept forcing him to, and he could not stop it from happening no matter how hard he willed it. His mind did not matter, his thoughts did not matter, he was just a toy, a slave to his body and his throbbing, swollen clit.
Damen, at some point, abandoned the crop for a second vibrating wand, and he and Auguste rubbed it alternately along either side of his clit, drawing the orgasms out faster and harder. Once, one of them dipped their wand low, circling the tiny dot of his urethral opening, and Laurent begged, “Stick it in there, stick it in anywhere, just don’t touch my clit anymore, please, I’m begging you, I’m begging you-”
Then, the next moment, it was back up on his clit, and Laurent’s sobs turned into screams.
for the first two, i like the narration/description because i think both of these were a kind of character study. i like the aimeric one because i think that's the crux of aimeric's character lmaoooo him having genuinely no support. the ending takes place with aimeric at 12-13 ish, but the ending line of aimeric being alone fits aimeric at basically every age, and also serves as a way to describe him immediately before he commits suicide (the passages of him right before his suicide are interspersed with that final "segment" at 12-13 immediately after the regent has left fortaine)
for twmfow (yes im finally abbreviating the title LMAO its too long to keep writing) i like it bc as ive said before that fic is 100% about trauma and ptsd. at the very end, laurent is finally acknowledging that he can never go back to how he was before he was traumatized, and he's letting himself grieve for all of the things that changed bc of his abuse, of course in this fic very literally as his younger, non-traumatized self is represented by a literal corpse (or, well, skeleton). but just to leave things on a happier note, i wanted to write that yeah, laurent cant "go back" like he wanted to at the beginning of the fic, but he can grieve and he can have new happy experiences with the ppl who love him. AND SO CAN YOU, READER!!!!!!!
for "control" i dont have anything really meaningful to say LMFAO i just am an absolute fucking slut for forced orgasms. the whole fic was inspired by this INSANE hentai manga thats basically the same premise as "control" (but actual noncon instead of cnc). anyway this passage was absolutely filthy and intense and i really liked writing it
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This is a piece I did for @nakunakunomi 's Trope Writing Challenge. Somehow, the prompt generator just smelled the angst on me, I nearly died laughing when I got the prompt xD.
The trope was: Confessing your love to someone unconscious/in a coma, only for them to wake up.
Random Word I had to include: arrangement.
Hope you enjoy, and #sorrynotsorry. I at least decided to end happily.
Length: 1.9k
Warnings: reader gets injured (not described in detail, but blood mentioned), angst
Ao3: over here uwu
Usopp would be the first to (quietly) admit that he was a scaredy-cat. Did it ever hurt to err on the side of caution when living such a dangerous life? (He would argue that no, no it did not.)
But when it came to you, there were so, so many things that scared him. Not that you were scary, you were just– Oh gosh, everything you did set free kaleidoscopes of butterflies in his stomach; a simple smile meant just for him was enough to stop and restart his heart faster than any battle or foe ever had.
He wanted to tell you so badly that he lo– lov– liked you, very much. Usopp had rehearsed hundreds of scenarios in his head where he told you how he felt. Of course, he had also envisioned what your response may be. Some days, he imagined telling you poetry he wrote for you and you would swoon over his words, showering him in adoration and begging him not to stop. Other days, he imagined you laughing at his silly serenades but accepting them anyway, perhaps even making up a ditty of your own for him.
Oh, who was he kidding? At the end of the day, you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, not in that way. He didn’t want you to hate him for trying to force something that wasn’t meant to be. Your relationship was fine as it was right now, wasn’t it?
Usopp would crack jokes he just knew would make you laugh (and nearly got strangled several times by the crew for some of his pranks), and you would tease him and make references to inside jokes with him. He would save your favorite snacks for when you would help him tend to his pop-green garden, and you would steal his hat while you worked in the sun. Usopp even strayed further into battlefields than he normally would like, just to make sure you always had backup. And even then, you would always watch out for him to make sure no one got too close to him, saying “a sniper always worked best with distance, right?” The unspoken arrangement he had worked out in regards to how your relationship worked was something Usopp decided he could live with. Perhaps it was not perfectly ideal, but good friends would just have to be good enough.
Until it suddenly wasn’t good enough.
Until suddenly, you were crumpled on Sunny’s deck, life slowly seeping out of you, hit by an unexpected attack.
An attack you had shoved Usopp out of the way of.
It wasn’t enough as he scrambled across the deck to you, whilst the Strawhat Pirates rained justice upon those who dared harm their nakama.
It wasn’t anywhere near enough as he screamed for Chopper, clutching you desperately in his arms, trying to get some form of consciousness to register in your expression. Pressing his hand then shirt to the wound, anything to try to staunch the bleeding.
Everything he previously thought was enough for him felt wimpy and hollow as you lay limp in the infirmary, breathing ever so shallowly. Chopper had to eventually kick Usopp out for repeatedly panicking, thinking your breathing had stopped.
The words and feeling that he normally tucked away in the back of his mind now screamed relentlessly at him as he collapsed outside the infirmary with the rest of the crew, waiting for word of your condition. He nearly totally cried when Chopper said you were stable for now.
Day after day was spent by your side, coming up with a million reasons to stay with you whenever possible, a million excuses more as to why he always had to be there. All of the reasons were technically true, however, he never said his biggest reason of all.
That he lo-
Of– of course he was worried about his nakama, you had saved his life! He wanted to be there when you woke up, to thank you (and perhaps to smack you upside the head for doing something so foolish). To ask you why you would let yourself get hurt for him, when you had so many strong nakama around you. If you, perhaps– no. You were his nakama after all. That's all it was. Concern for a fellow crewmate. Nothing more.
He'd tinker by your bedside, quietly narrating his actions (and occasionally making up your responses as well.) He could almost picture exactly how the exchange would go when you woke up. You would open your eyes, groggy but feeling considerably better. You'd see him there and ask him if you had your favorite snack in his bag (which he totally did) and cheekily ask if he’d been worrying this whole time about you (which he totally had been). Usopp didn't like to think he was that predictable, but maybe you two just knew each other that well.
So when he walked into the galley to hear the words, “They may or may not wake up”, he was filled with a fear and a fury he had not felt so strongly since he was told they had to continue on their journey without Merry.
“What do you mean they may not wake up?” Usopp growled, clenching his fists in a feeble attempt to keep his hands from shaking. Chopper jumped guiltily at Usopp's question, and he could feel the eyes of the crew turn to him.
“They’re in a coma, Usopp. They could wake up in a few days. Or it could be weeks, months, years.” Chopper spoke reluctantly. “We have to be ready in case they never–”
Choppers face creased worryingly. “We don’t want it to happen, but–”
“BUT WHAT? You’re just going to give up on your nakama!?” Tears were forming in the little deer’s eyes as Usopp yelled.
“Usopp.” Usopp froze as his friend and captain called his name. No other words had to be spoken. Usopp opened his mouth, but his throat was tight. None of the words felt right. There were too many of them. They were too harsh. Too painful. Too little for everything he needed to express. So he ran out.
He walked into his little tinkering space only to walk straight back out again. He was quite sure attempting to work on any project would simply leave him more frustrated than he already was. He tried to water his Pop-Greens, but the garden was so empty without you there. Before he knew it, his feet had carried him back to the infirmary. He sighed as he let himself in, head hung low; you would probably be upset at him for yelling at Chopper like that. It wasn’t Chopper’s fault you were in a coma. He needed to go apologize to Chopper, to everyone.
“Usopp.” Usopp startled at Franky’s voice, not having noticed the cyborg when he entered. The heavy weight of Franky’s hand settled on Usopp's head before he could try to escape or squeak out an apology. “They’ll wake up when they’re ready. And we’ll be right here waiting for them.” He then ruffled his hair and walked out, shutting the door softly behind him.
Usopp dug his nails into his palms until they stung, furiously straining to hold back the emotion slipping through every crack. His cheeks were soon soaked and he tasted blood from biting his lip in his attempt to stay quiet. A soft sound caught his attention and his head whipped in your direction.
You were still laying exactly as you were before, quietly breathing. Something about seeing you calmed him, despite all the bandages and IV’s. He was able to let all the racing thoughts drift to the back of his mind, and sunk exhaustedly into the chair beside your bed.
A single hand rested atop your sheets, and he found himself taking your hand into his. Your hand was so limp. It was so easy to imagine you were– no! You would wake up, and when you did, oh no, what if you lost your memory, or what if you couldn’t make a full recovery? Or–
“No! Damn it!” Usopp cursed. He wasn’t going to imagine the worst. For once in his god-damned life he was going to be positive! He was positive you would recover! He was positive you would smile again! You would remember him, you would remember the crew! You would get back to perfect health, and you would live out your dreams! You would... be happy to see him.
Usopp rubbed his thumbs against the back of your hand. There was still a little scar there from when one of his plants nipped you, back when he first planted his Pop-Greens, when the crew reunited in Sabaody after two years apart. The quiet moment you both had in the Sunny’s garden was something he held onto dearly and thought about frequently. You had listened so closely as he told you about his new plants and time in the Boin Archipelago. A certain flower caught your eye, and before he could warn you, it bit your hand. Of course, it had to be one of the poisonous ones, and just as Heracles’n had taught him, he sucked the poison out of the wound and spat it to the deck then wrapped it with bandage. For a fraction of a second, there was something he couldn’t quite identify in your eyes, but then he told you that you should have Chopper look at it just in case. As you walked away, something in him screamed to tell you how he felt, but just as usual, he let you walk away. He let himself act cowardly, despite all his declarations otherwise.
And now, more than ever, he regretted the words he frequently swallowed. And, maybe, just once, since you were asleep, he could say them. It would be good practice, to see if they fit right in his mouth. If they fit right, being said to you.
“Y/n… Please, wake up. We miss you… We need you.. I– I need you,” He gazed softly at your face, before lowering his head and holding your hand to his forehead. “I know I’m a damn coward, but please wake up so I can tell you at least once to your face, whatever you may think. I– I–”
Usopp cursed himself for stumbling over these words. Why was this so difficult?
“You’re– you're everything to me. You’re my friend. You’re my sunshine. You’re confusing and addicting and I always want to be with you, and I want to make you as happy as you make me. I just– I– I love you.” Usopp finally whispered. “And it’s a stupid dream, but I hope you love me too.” Tears flowed freely down his cheeks again, and he squeezed your hand tightly.
And something flicked his nose.
Usopp jerked up in shock to see you wearily smiling at him.
“Aww, you missed me?” You croaked. Usopp began openly sobbing and yelling incoherently. Softly chuckling, you weakly tugged him closer and moved the hand he held to his cheek and brushed it lightly. “I’m sorry I made you worry.” You then pulled him toward you and hugged him as best you could, and (after getting over his shock,) he wrapped his arms around you as well, holding as tightly as he could without causing you pain.
You found your eyes welling up from the emotion in his declaration, and tightened your hold on him. “I suppose I'm a coward for not telling you before, but I love you too, Usopp.”
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stacispratt · 4 years
Sexuality headcanon for jess, grace, sharky? Gender headcanon for jess? Random headcanon for staci? General opinion of jacob?
taylor i. love you. so much
Jess Sexuality headcanon: not to be Like That™️ but she uses a bow and arrow so immediately i’m thinking she’s aro, uwu, but for her sexuality i lov to see lesbian or bi jess!! Gender headcanon: i would love to see this ladie as a gnc woman/nonbinary woman uwu
Grace Sexuality headcanon: lesbian grace RISE
Sharky Sexuality headcanon: oh this mans is bi
Staci Random headcanon: i like the headcanon that he was raised by his grandparents!!
Jacob General opinion: i absolutely love him and i think he is like. a very complex and interesting character i just wanna get my hands into his brain and also torture him. but like. because i love him
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ponydoodles · 4 years
Mod Masterpost
Here’s a post 4 all of u mobile users, all of the mods in one place! It includes the pic of their ponysona/mod pony, a little description and their social media (If available). If they don’t have any social media listed, DO NOT ask for them, they’re not there for a reason!
Click on “Keep Reading!” This post will be updated accordingly!
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absolutely exhausted and gay
gender?? no thanks, i’ve had gender once and didn’t like it
cries at every movie
fav things to draw: Muffins, Twilight, Twuffins, Luna, redesigns and headcanons, silly things and memes
Hi there!! Im mod Mizzle (formerly mod Ivy!!) and im the creator of ponydoodles! I like cats, bugs and staying up late until 5am. I’m a part time freelance artist and I’d love to draw for you! Check out my carrd for more details !! <33
carrd | tumblr | ?????
ponydoodles tag
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slow @ art
loves All ocs
ponydoodles’ only triple hired mod
favorite stuff 2 draw: uhh cute pony interactions??? is that a thing??
hi!! i’m mod glitter and i draw here sometimes. i’m not super good at drawing regularly but i do my best!! also i lov Pink. So Much
carrd | tumblr | :)
ponydoodles tag
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▪︎ I’ve loved mlp since 2012, and I’ve been a mod here since 2018!
▪︎ My ponysonas name is Homebody!
▪︎pronouns are she/her or they/them!
▪︎my favorite characters are flim and flam! Love me some rat bastards!
▪︎my main tumblr is @bubaluv , and I’m bubaiuv on deviantart!
ponydoodles tag
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carnival enthusiast
art is my life and animation is my oxygen
hella neurodivergent
magic is real
I’m called Ferris ✦ I make cartoons full time, but sometimes I like to treat myself to a happiness-infused doodle of candy-colored horses. I’m here to share some of those doodles with 𝕐𝕆𝕌, 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕍𝕀𝔼𝕎𝔼ℝ, and contribute to the positive vibes this blog radiates!!! tumblr ✦ =) ✦ deviant
ponydoodles tag
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the boy so nice they named him twice
ponies be like: im transing my gender
hii!! im mod treat and i use they/he pronouns!! i love ponies a whole bunch and i love drawing them even more! i joined the blog because i love making people happy and im super hyped to be here!!!
Tumblr - Instagram - Deviantart
ponydoodles tag
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The Theatre System (no, none of them will draw for me hdvbdhcv)
ponies w/ paws r my shit. also ill try to b canon-adjacent w/ my weird art hdxhs
gender is *muffled fluid mogai ramblings*, n im an aroace lesbian uwu
if im not thinking about pinkiedash, lovecore, or danganronpa im dead
hehe hi! im mod cottonskittles, head empty only pinkiedash, and i just like drawing for free lol,, i kin rd so im very dumb (/j im gr8), and uhhhh my art changes a lot sorry :pensive: also i rlly like to draw pinkiedash, of course hbvdsxc hope to have a fun time on the blog :3c
DA | tungler | ponydoodles tag
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hiya!! I’m a new mod!! call me Bug Juice!! some facts ab me:
- I’m super ultra mega gay + ace 😎
- I keyboard smash a LOT and at this point it’s just a part of me
- I like mlp almost as much as I like jjba
- my fav mlp ship rn is Parcel Post x Braeburn and I have NO clue why HDBDND
I don’t use my main tumblr much but I do have instagram!! and a linktree!!!
(image text reads: BUG JUICE, he • him)
Ponydoodles tag
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Hey guys/gals/nonbinary pals, formally Mod Techno (Now Mod Salem) here, I turned 20 recently and since I was gonna have to go into my mod page anyway to update it, I thought I might as well completely refresh it to fit me more!
★My name is Sam, you may know me from my other art accounts as Punkpride, but you can just refer to me as Mod Salem here to keep things nice and clean!
★This is my new ponysona called Salem! They’re a batpony/changeling hybrid, and due to being so, they can only transform their hoof wings/eyes/mane to different colors/shapes/styles.
★My pronouns are They/Them, He/Him, and Xey/Xem!
★I’m agender and queer. Gender? never heard of them.
★My favorite ponies are Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Lightning Dust! (I ship them all together like a maniac in my ng/in general too lol)
★I’m a piercings and punk aesthetic FANATIC
★You can find me on every platform I’m on/more about me here
★Check out my current ponydoodles art tag
★Check out old ponydoodles art tag
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[image description: two drawings of my (Zoë) ponysona, Square Peg, who is a red earth pony wearing a tie dye shirt. the first drawing is large and drawn in a chalky style, and the second is small and drawn in a cartoon style. her pronouns (and mine) are she/her!]
i’m Mod Square, aka Zoë! i love mlp, emoji, and party games. my hobbies include rickrolling and using the taco bell rewards app. i play with my style a lot but i hope to always capture an air of carefree fun in my art!!!!!
ponydoodles tag | main blog | pony blog
Click for page two! ➡️
List of mods that are no longer on the blog! (Any mod that used to be a part of our blog but isn’t listed here we most likely don’t want to associate with no more)
Mod Irracat 
Mod Aurora
Mod Moon
Mod Vivi
Mod Nyxa
Mod Sketch
Mod Sang
Mod Sabbath
Mod Elf
Mod Purble
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