#WAHH this is finally done!
prettyboylovemail · 2 years
all of the general questions for ichigo 🔫
not me completely forgetting I had this sitting in my drafts for 3 months, I'm so sorry. time isn't real.
Questions are from HERE
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Ichigo is the one who initiated it! Despite how shy and stoic he normally is, he is the one who definitively (and finally) asked me to be his girlfriend after spending a lot of time together at work and after a few cute dates leading up to it. Of course I immediately agreed and was so happy that he wanted to make things official, especially since it was something I had been wanting for a long time, but was too shy to bring up myself 😅❤
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yup, we did! It was a little rushed and somewhat unconventional — he kind of just sprung the question on me in the middle of work and asked if I'd want to go right after I finished up what I was doing — but we had a nice time! We just went to get some dinner at a barbecue restaurant he likes and spent the evening chatting about whatever came to mind.
That was also the first time he officially confessed that he had feelings for me, too.
What was their first kiss like?
Oh man, okay, well—
I have a few scenarios in mind, honestly; some of which I hesitate to consider the official canon, but.
At least one I can think of, and probably the closest to being canon, was that it happened after our first date. After driving me back to work — to where I'd left my car — and right before saying goodnight and parting ways, he stopped me and caught me off guard by leaning down and giving me a sweet goodbye kiss 🥺
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
While he wasn't my first relationship, I was his first for everything. He'd never even so much as had a crush on anyone before meeting me, so he basically drove himself insane with all the new feelings and emotions he'd never experienced before.
'Course, I do have a tendency to rush into crushes and relationships, and caught feelings for him almost immediately. I still wanted to be patient with him and move at his pace, which was sometimes a little painstakingly slow for me, but I did my best to give him time to process his feelings and everything.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Ichi is 6'3 and I'm 5'7, so our height difference is about 8 inches!
Despite that, though, I'm surprisingly older than him. He's 23 and I'm 25, so despite being much smaller than him, I'm actually 2 years older 😅
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Do they share a friend group?
When I first met Ichi's mom, I was a little worried she wouldn't like me (mostly due to having had bad experiences with an ex's family), and I did my very best to make a good impression. But she's honestly such a sweet and friendly person that, thankfully, I didn't have anything to worry about and we get along great!
As for my family, Ichigo is... neutral towards them. He doesn't like how controlling they can be and there's specific things that they do that he's either annoyed or just straight up confused by. While first impressions may have been a little rocky at first, they warmed up to him well enough and think he's very respectful and does a good job taking care of me. And while he isn't the biggest fan of them, he still acts civilly with them for my sake — though, he won't hesitate to tell me his true thoughts the moment we're alone.
For friends, I get along with the other guys in his band really well. Considering I'm friends with their manager AND I'm Ichigo's girlfriend, I end up seeing them/hanging out with them a lot. They're all really chill and fun :)
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Ichigo doesn't really like talking if he doesn't have to. He's definitely the "strong and silent" type of guy, and most social situations just tire him out and make him want to go lay down. That being said, my social anxiety kicks in a lot and I get really shy or nervous in certain situations (even things that most people wouldn't even bat an eye at), so whenever that happens, he's more than willing to do it, especially if it's something that's generally not a big deal. It doesn't happen all the time, but often enough that he can usually pick up on the signs when I'm starting to get nervous and will step in to take the lead.
Who gets jealous easier?
Unfortunately, that would be me 😔
I try to not overthink and end up making myself jealous or upset over little things, but sometimes, I don't always have the best control over it and can think myself into a downward spiral if I'm not too careful. Of course, even if I do happen to get jealous over a comment someone makes, or if someone tried to flirt with him, or if I'm not getting enough attention because he's busy with work or whatever, I'd never go as far as to try and control what he does. And he isn't the type to hold something like that over me, either. I usually just have to tell him how I'm feeling and he immediately makes it better if he can.
That isn't to say that Ichi doesn't get jealous at all, but he's generally a really chill guy who just doesn't put too much thought into worrying about things like that. (He does get adorably clingy though if he ever does get a little jealous uwu~)
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
It kinda depends on the situation. I'd say it's more likely to be me, though.
While I am more experienced than Ichigo is, I also tend to get embarrassed really easily and have to be in a very particular mood to be confident enough to say dirty or inappropriate things to him.
Though, if we're just joking around and the mood is casual and lighthearted (and we've also been dating for a while), then he isn't opposed to doing so. He's the kind of guy to make a joke with a completely straight face, so he has a way of catching me off guard. Sometimes, too, he'll say something that he doesn't even intend to come off in that way, and will be thoroughly confused when I get flustered by it. In that case, once it hits him, his face will turn bright red and he'll get just as embarrassed lol. It's cute ❤
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hanseelie · 3 days
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memories, farewells
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cryptidclownz · 2 months
HEY!!! i finally got out of my art block and ended up switching to a drawing tablet instead of my phone! i have one pretty big thing being worked on currently, but here's some lamb to hold you over for a few days ^^
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anqelically · 4 months
first day of finals done 😋
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knightpoet · 10 months
convinced everyone who dislikes the loki finale is either a literal baby with no concept of story writing or has never seen a season finale in their lives
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wanzerous · 3 months
you recall a cute trend that happened years ago about offering your hand and someone placing their chin in your palm as a sign of affection. "how cute" you thought, and decided to try it with a few people you know . . . (pt2!)
featuring umemiya hajime, togame jo, sugishita kyotaro!
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offering your hand palm side up, you stood on the rooftop where hajime was working on his 'plant babies'. the sun was high and the breeze was pleasant, and his plants were sprouting healthy colors.
"hm?" lifting his head from the potted plant, he noticed what you were offering, and his eyes lit up, " oh, i know this one! " he beamed, pushing himself up from his previous squatted position.
as he began to approach you, your smile widened, glad that this was going well! patiently, you waited as he propped his chin in the middle of your palm with a laugh.
" did i do it right? " hajime wondered, face smeared with a bit of dirt. he was so handsome even when he was dirty from his gardening. he batted his lashes, large hands reaching over to take your other hand into his.
suddenly, he lifted his head completely, now holding both of your wrists in his hands.
finally, he placed each of your hands onto his cheeks. his face was warm as you held them, watching as he closed his eyes and enjoyed this moment.
" i think it's better with both hands! " hajime cheesed as your hands pressed further, squishing his cheeks. it made his lips pucker slightly, and you felt your heart nearly pound out of your chest.
his smile was brighter than the sun above the both of you. his cheeks were warmer than you expected. how could someone be so cute!?
he slightly pulled his face away and you placed your hands by your sides. hajime, however, wasn't done with this little trend of yours. instead, he was offering his hand to you. without hesitation, he plopped your chin in the palm of his rougher hand, listening to his heartful laughter.
one swift motion, and he was now holding your face between both of his hands much like you were earlier. " its pleasant, yeah? you deserve this, just as much as i did! "
he was right though. being held like this was quite nice. it was a simple gesture, but it was incredibly sweet.
as he pulled his hands away after some time, hajime's eyes widened and a slight gasp left his lips. oh no! " wahh, i left your face dirty! " he cried, looking at his hands and then back at your once perfect skin. your cheeks now had smeared dirt on them.
" its alright. a little dirt doesnt - " you began to speak.
" here! let me get it! " hajime didn't mean to cut you off, but now he was using the hem of his shirt to clear the dirt off your cheeks only for them to smear even more! he was embarrassed! utterly defeated, and he began to pout like a sad pup!
" i'm so sorry! " he stuck his bottom lip out, feeling awful that he didn't clean his hands before touching you, " the water is this way. let me clean you up! " he resolved his issue, pointing near the gardening as you needed.
but for some odd reason, the hose wasn't working! perhaps there was a knot somewhere in the line, or maybe someone was pulling a trick on him for fun!
" well . . . at least dirt is good for the skin! " hajime joked as you laughed.
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offering your hand palm-side up, you stood before togame with a soft expression. he glanced at your hand, then your face, and back at your hand again before offering a lazy smile.
" what is it? " jo wondered, reaching up to push his glasses a bit further on his face. you didn't respond, but merely pushed your hand out even more as if you were emphasizing it.
a soft chuckle left his face as he felt he understood what you wanted. he reached back for his glasses and plucked them off his face. his other hand reached over to grasp your hand and pull you just a bit closer.
with his frames in one hand, he carefully slid them onto your face; pushing them perfectly against the bridge of your nose. he figured this was what you wanted since you always stole them. he assumed this was your way of asking for them again, but without words.
besides, he always thought you were so cute wearing them.
his green eyes admired your face and how his frames complimented your eye color. everything happened so quickly -- so smoothly that you didn't even have the time to correct him!
" say cheese . . . " jo suddenly held his smartphone now, angling the camera in your direction as you absentmindedly gave him a smile. it was like muscle memory now; smiling with your favorite pose.
click! click! click!
you were his favorite model, he'd admit that any day.
" i'm starting to think that you wear my glasses better than me. " jo spoke slowly, offering you his phone, " pick the ones you like and send them to yourself too. " he was never one to really text, and you wondered if he even knew at all!
taking his phone into your hand, you looked over the collection of photos he just taken. some were blurry . . . his finger was in the shot . . . your eyes were closed . . .
but some came out perfect. there were a few where you could see his reflection in those glasses, smiling down at you.
" i'm hungry. lets get lunch. " jo began to pull you along as you stumbled forward, " but - "
" i'll take you to your favorite spot. "
that was enough for you to perk up! who could deny their favorite dish!? " thanks!" you thanked him, allowing him to lead you and be your eyes as you went through the photos.
" anything for you. " jo replied. you have completely forgotten about the trend by now.
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okay, you had no faith here. you really, really didn't think this was going to work! i mean . . . you knew how distant kyotaro was unless you were umemiya-san! you knew how he didn't really speak much but . . . everyone deserved a chance right? even if he stared at you, right now with his usual scowl, you wanted to give it a shot!
so you offered your hand palm-side up as the two of you at a desk. you sat in the main seat, and he pulled a chair over after you persistently called him over. kyotaro stared at you, lips twisted as you wondered if you should explain the trend to him or not.
right now it was a staring contest, and you knew you'd lose!
but kyotaro had one thing in mind. he was full, totally tired, and someone was keeping him from his nap! he let out a grunt before making a move.
yes! good job sugishita!
you were so excited to praise him! he probably knew what you wanted but . . . wait . . . what was he doing!?
sugishita pushed your hand onto the desk that rest between the two of you. your knuckles met the cold desktop and you raised a brow. your confusion was amusing, but sugishita didn't laugh or smile. instead, he scooted just a bit closer and . . .
placed the side of his face into your palm . . .
using your hand as both a pillow and protection from the cold desktop.
his hair splayed, slightly covering his face as he shut his eyes. and before you knew it, he was fast asleep.
what kind of beast was he!? who falls asleep that quickly!?
"s-sugi- " you stammered, but caught yourself.
"never wake up sugishita-kun! he's a total monster. if you do!" you could recall the terrified rumors from some of your classmates that tried to wake him. some of them got snapped on; some got a desk or chair to the face! and you, quite frankly, loved your face!
so you pressed your lips together and listened to his faint snores. you kept yourself still and watched how a strand of hair fell into his face. how soft his expression was now that he got his nap in.
and you'd ignore the drool that was leaving his lips too.
" fine ... " you whispered softly, watching him, " i'll be your pillow just this once."
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thank you for reading! thank you so much love on part one, your tags had be dying LMAOOO !! since it went so well, i figured id write a pt2!! here's part one anyone wanted to check it out!!
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polaroidbills · 1 year
enhypen when you find their baby photos cute
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genre/cw: bf!enhypen x reader, mega super duper fluff, one mention of "dying of cuteness", lots cheek and face squishing
a/n: this was my very first request! i loved writing this so keep requesting more!
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heeseung 희승
"oh my god you were soo cute! i could just squish your little cheeks!"
you're currently sitting on your bed, looking through a photobook of heeseung's baby and childhood photos. cooing over how cute and squishy his cheeks were.
"babe stopp!" he snatched the photobook and slammed it shut.
"noo but i wasn't done looking at the photos!"
"too late! should've taken a picture of them," he shrugs.
"well it's a good thing i did!" you grab your phone and open the pictures you got, putting it up next to heeseung's face.
"see you were so cute! what happened to you?" you compared the baby photo to heeseung now, frowning.
"what?! take that back!" he starts tickling you.
"okay! okay! fine! you're still very cute!" you say laughing.
"good!" he finally stops tickling you.
"see you look the exact same!" you grab his cheeks and squish them like they were in the photo.
"yah! stop it!" he starts tickling you again.
jay 제이
"baby you've been looking at these photos for an hour and a half noww," jay complains.
"but look at how cute you were! i can't stop!"
"well you're gonna have to stop," he grabs your phone to turn it off but before he could you ran away. off of the couch and around the kitchen island.
"yah! come here right now!" he tries to catch you but you run even faster.
"i'll stop under onee condition," you smirk as an idea comes up in your mind.
"okayy? and what is that one condition?" jay asks suspiciously.
"you need to pose like this photo!" you show your favourite baby photo of him.
"what? never!"
"pleasee! i promise i'll stop looking ag the baby photos, if you do this one thing!" you plead.
"fine," jay sighs and does the flower pose like the photo.
"yes!" you quickly snap a photo of him doing the pose.
"good! now stop looking at those photos!"
"i will i will!"
three hours later. all you been doing is staring at the photo you just took of jay.
jake 제이크
you were busy looking through baby and childhood photos of jake. until you felt arms snake around your waist and a head on your shoulder.
"watcha doing?"
"looking at this cute little baby. aw this one is my favourite," you smile at the photos.
"yahh stop looking at thesee," he closes the book and tosses it to the side. "why look at these when you have the real thing right here," he puts his hands under his chin as he smiles.
"but it's not as good as these photoss," you complain.
"yah! i'm soo much hotter and better than before come on, don't you agree?" jake whines at your remarks.
"haha just kidding my baby," you then put your arms around his waist pulling him closer into a hug.
"you better be."
sunghoon 성훈
"wahh you were so cutee," you smile as you go through baby sunghoon photos sunoo sent you.
"yah! where did you get these?" he grabs your phone out of your hand to see the photo up close.
"that's none of your business," you laugh trying to get the phone back.
"oh i'm deleting this!"
"wait no! please! i love the photo!" you jump up when he raises the phone higher.
"and delete! there the photo is gone now," he hands you back the phone.
"ugh! i can't believe you!" you turn around to fake sulk.
"baby?" you don't respond.
"baby i'm sorry. i didn't think it was that big of a deal to you," still no response, you're just on your phone. "yah! are you texting sunoo?"
"uh noo?"
"hey! you so are!"
"well you just deleted my favourite photo of you! so now i gotta get it back from sunoo!"
"he sent them to you?"
"oh i'm gonna slap him across the fa- wait. did you say favourite photo of me?" you nod, giggling. "yah!"
he then tackles you to the bed, tickling you.
sunoo 선우
"oh my god i can't! you were so cute as a baby!" flipping through the photobook, you squeal at how cute sunoo was.
"i know right! like my cheeks were so squishable!" he too, exclaims how he looked as a baby.
"ahh i can't! i'm gonna die of cuteness!" you pretend to faint.
"and my cheeks still are squishable! see?" he pinches his cheeks as you get up to do the same.
"and you're still the cutest ever! ugh i love you so much," you smile at him.
"you were also so cute as a baby!" he shows you a baby photo of yourself.
"yeah but not as cute as you though! i'm lowkey jealous."
"yeah i know," sunoo rolls his eyes, sassily pretending to flip his hair.
jungwon 정원
"aww oh my godd! you were so cuteee!" you flip through the photobook rapidly as the adrenaline flows through your body.
"yahh didn't i tell you to stop looking at those? i'm right here!" jungwon waves his hands in front of your face, getting your attention.
"wait you literally haven't changed! you look the same!" you hold the photo up to his face. you then grab his cheeks and squish them like how they were in the photo.
"there! i can't! cuteness overload!" you clap your hands at how similar it is.
"stopp!" he whines and shoos your hands away.
"wait i need a picture of this. could you pose like this pleaseee?"
"no. never in a million years."
"pleasee jungwon pleasee," you plead.
"no. thats my final answer."
"oh okay that's fine," you turn your back and cross your arms, pretending to sulk. but jungwon buys it as real sulking.
"wait babyy i'm sorryy," he grabs your chin to turn your head. revealing a pout on your lips.
"love i'm sorry. please talk to me," you don't say a word. instead you just sit and pout.
"fine i'll take the photo," jungwom finally sighs, giving in to your demand.
"yes!" you celebrate as he poses and you snap the photo.
niki 니키
you were busy scrolling through old baby photos of niki when you came across your all time favourite one.
you then ran to the living room where he was on the couch and shoved your phone right in front of his face, showing his the photo.
"look! weren't you the literal cutest baby ever! like i could just squish your cheeks oh my god!" you laughed.
"yah! where did you get that photo? i told everyone to delete it!" niki asks shocked.
"ha your mom sent it to me!" you laugh still staring at the phone.
"oh yeah?"
"well guess who sent this one to me?" you look up at him confused as he puts his phone up, revealing an old baby photo of you.
"yah! what the hell?! my mom sent this to you?" you grab his phone to get a better look at the picture.
"haha yes she did! and i made it my wallpaper!" niki turns his phone on and off to show his lockscreen.
"oh my god! that's so embarrassing!"
@polaroidbills please DO NOT copy, plagiarize, or repost any of my work.
🏷️ @enhacolor
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solannn · 8 months
Which blue lock guy is your fav? Mine Meguru. Tbh the idea getting fucked by a grinning guy done something to my libido
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🕊️┆ LET a hoe know ain’t
✦ ┆motherfucking sharing — Doja Cat
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warnings ! ; male reader,nsfw contains,minor dni,female do not interacting AMAB!reader,sadism,jealous!bachira,penetration,fujoshi dni, fetishizer dni,established relationships
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Bachira was jealous.
Your boyfriend watched you and your friend chat. You were supposed to spend the day with him, because he finally had a day off from the blue lock project.
But you decided to do the opposite. You spend more time talking with your friend than with Bachira.
His jealousy grew with each passing second, he couldn't wait to return home with you.
You didn't know what was going to happen once he got home. You didn't even see that he was jealous.
He tugged a smile at the corner of his mouth as your friend left cause they have something to do.
“What’s wrong with Bachira?” You ask in complete curiosity “Nothing don’t worry” his smile didn’t disappear.
He put his hand around your waist and started whistling the whole way home.Once there, you stretched and yawned, complaining about being so tired. You head towards the bedroom.
You lay down on the bed and sighed. Bachira got on all fours on the top of you. He always had this suspicious grin that you noticed. “you’re really good at making people jealous, you know?” Bachira took off your pants.
He could see your hard cock. He started to caress it and kissed you at the same time. His kisses started to get wet
You moaned during the kiss and added his tongue, taking advantage of this moment to remove your underwear which showed off your private part.
“Wawww, you already looks exhausted but we just started~” he grinned,breaking off the kiss.
He took off his clothes and take your legs and put them around his waist. He pinched your nipples and press the tips of your dick making you whines
"Bachira..!~ please put it in" you complained "st-top! teasing~" the two toned haired boy grinned and started to giggle "wahh,so needy"
He took you legs and put its on his shoulders. You felt the tips of his cock entering your ass,a tears come down you cheek.
You didn’t even have the time to process the tips of the cock that the taller guy thrusted in. You curled your toes "ahh…~ Meguru..it hurts!" You whined through you tears. "Slow down..~" you begged
"I know~ you’ve been so naughty today so I’m punishing you right now" he smirked watching you cry. He thrusted in and out your were a moaning mess.
"Oh..! I want to-..cum please,please" you begged but Bachira didn’t want to release already he keeps thrusting out until your fucking dumb.
You start to see white, the bed, your ears filled with Bachira’s moans and yours. You finally released on your shirt and passed out in the bed. Bachira’s white liquid filled your ass.
Bachira carried your unconscious body and goes to the bathroom and flowed the water in the bathtub once it flowed he take off your shirt,well didn’t have to take off his clothes cause he was already naked and walking in the alleyway naked.
He puts you in the water then goes in it too. After few minutes in the water you woke up and yawns "why am I in the bathtub..?" You said in confusion "tehehe" he puts his hands trying not to laugh at you "ugh I feel so sour.. I hate you so much.." you sarcastically said "I love you too" Bachira leans and give you a forehead kiss as a award,he grinned and you smiled back
First nsfw I don’t like it tbh request are open!!
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runaeveena · 2 months
writing conflict for speirton is all about external pressure and forces because they are too into each other to have internal conflict. "wahh what about the weird awful things speirs has done" you think lip doesnt fantasize about speirs being violent in his honor? you think lip who said its fine that you killed your own soldier 🤗 just take care of me and my boys 🥰 gives a shit about speirs being assertive and weird? hes a care giver and finally gets to receive haha the only thing that can break them is the hays code or parental disapproval
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hwa-ae · 6 months
Golden Retriever —
: ̗̀⇢pairings: shinyu x fem! reader
: ̗̀⇢synopsis: IN WHICH you surprise shinyu by showing up to his first fansign disguised as a fan.
: ̗̀⇢genre: fluff, sfw
: ̗̀⇢warnings: mutual pining, dating in secret, written in lowercase on purpose, written from reader's pov
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"times up! move to the next person!" i heard the staff call out, making the fangirls all move to the next idol. i was currently talking to jihoon, so i had to move to the next idol who so happened to be my boyfriend, junghwan, or shinyu.
"hi! im a really huge fan of tws!" i immediately said after seating down, seeing how shinyu's head immediately lifted up after hearing my familiar voice, making him confused as he didn't expect me to be there. i removed my mask slowly, smiling widely as i saw his surprised reaction. i placed a finger on my lips as a way of saying 'shh' to him as i began acting as a fangirl.
"shinyu-ah, could we compare hand sizes?" i said teasingly, holding my hand out, watching as he stumbles upon his words and raise his hand up to match mine. "wahh, your hands are really big! you could curl your fingers over my fingertips!"
"haha, you have really small hands," shinyu laughed out, curling his fingers over my fingertips.
"can we take a photo together? lets do a heart!" i pulled out my phone, doing my best to act as a fangirl.
"ah- of course!"
we both stood up from the chair, facing the camera as we did a heart with our hands. as i continued taking photos, he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer and smiling widely at the camera, shocking some of the fans due to the bold move.
"alright, times up!" i heard the staff call out again, making shinyu's face drop in disappointment.
"looks like the time is up, here, take this bracelet! alright, I'll go now, bye bye!" i quickly gave him the bracelet and went to the next person, dohoon, leaving a wide-eyed shinyu behind at his seat.
after talking to all the members, i sat down at my seat again, watching as the fans interaction with the idols slowly end. i watched as shinyu struggled to put on the bracelet he has acquired from me earlier, almost dropping it a few times, causing his heart to stop everytime it happened.
after his many failed attempts, he kindly asked the staff to help him put it on, smiling widely at me after he finally got the bracelet on, making people snap cute photos of his wide grin.
as the members continued talking and interacting with their fans, shinyu stared at me the entire time, looking at me with anticipation after cracking a joke, like a puppy waiting for praise after doing a trick.
even when he was expressing his love and appreciation for his fans and the support he has received from them, he couldnt help but glance at my direction one too many times for it to be a coincidence.
"shinyu-ah! do a puppy pose please!" i decided to try my luck and yell over the other fangirls who were requesting for the group to do many other poses. although i didnt expect for shinyu to hear my request, he suddenly turned his head towards my direction and stuck his tongue out slightly, holding his two hands up to mimic dog ears as he stared at me with his puppy eyes.
though shinyu and i didnt have much interaction throughout the entire fansign, i could see some fans recording our entire interaction, probably to post on tiktok later.
a few days after, a video of my interaction was seen popping up on my fyp, captioned, 'shinyu must've had favourites! he kept looking at this girl's direction the entire time and even initiated contact with her during her turn to talk to him during the fansign! oh im so jealous of her!! :(('.
i decided to scroll through the comments, seeing most of them saying, ' that shouldve been me!' and 'she was really pretty though, i wouldve done the same as shinyu', making me laugh as i screenshotted all of them, sending them to shinyu to tease him about it later.
oh how i love my little golden retriever boyfriend ♡
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© 2024, hwa-ae ♥︎
do not steal, plagiarise or translate my work on any platforms!
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cainluvr69 · 6 months
"The Master Swordsman Smiles Fearlessly" Cain SR Story - Take My Hand
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Cain: (There really isn't much info on Kirsche Persche, huh.) (I guess for right now I'll see if anyone around here has anything, and then report back--)
???: What do you think you're doing?! Give me back my wallet!
Cain: !! (That voice came from…that alleyway.) Hey there, friends. Mugging someone in broad daylight, huh?
Riquet: …! Who…?
Grey-haired Man: Huhhh? Keep your nose outta our business and it'll stay atta… …! You fucker, you're Ventisca's katana expert, aren'tcha. Who'da thought I'd see your ugly mug again.
Cain: Again…? Oh, yeah, now that you mention it, I have seen you before. You two started getting rowdy in one of our shops, so I had to smash your faces into the pavement about it.
Scarred Man: D…don't say it like that! Damn, we're gonna pay you back big time for that!
Cain: You two don't learn easily, do you… Well, whatever. I'll take you both on. Hey, you. You should run while you have the chance. Just leave the rest of this mess to me.
Riquet: I--I'm not going to run! I couldn't possibly let them fight you two against one…
Grey-haired Man: Shut the fuck up already! Take this!
Cain: …jeez.
Grey-haired Man: Gwah?!
Riquet: !! He knocked that man so far back with just one swing…!
Cain: I'd rather not get violent in front of a kid, but… I figure smashing your faces against the pavement again might get the message to stick this time. So come on, feel free to come at me however you'd like.
Scarred Man: Th…then how's this?! --Ghh?!
Riquet: Attacking from behind is an act of cowardice! Now repent for your sins!
Cain: Rope darts…? Hey, you know how to fight? I totally thought you were some pampered rich kid…
Riquet: I am nothing of the sort! I'm perfectly capable of fighting with these. Please leave this one to me!
Cain: Gotcha! But I wanna talk to you when we're done here, alright? Let's make this quick. Hah!
Riquet: Haah!
Those Guys: Tch… R-run for it!
Cain: Whew, we're finally done… Hey, kid, you're not hurt, are you?
Riquet: No, I am not. Thank you very much for coming to my rescue, um…
Cain: My name's Cain. Good to meet you.
Riquet: Cain. My name is Riquet. Um…what are you putting your hand out for?
Cain: What, you don't know? It's for a handshake. Even if it was a brief battle, I still entrusted my back to you. I want to express my respect for you, as well as my gratitude. If you're not opposed, just grab my hand.
Riquet: Wahh, Cain, your hand is so warm…
Cain: Ahaha, I get that a lot. How about you, do you get told that your face looks like a little kid's when you're not fighting?
Riquet: Wah, n-no, I don't! Stop treating me like a kid, you're getting my hair all messy…!
Cain: Sorry, sorry. Here, I'll smooth it back out.
Riquet: Goodness gracious… You were so cool when you came to rescue me, but I see that in truth you're rather unrefined.
Cain: Am I? But, hmm, something about the way you said that… Feels oddly nostalgic for some reason.
Training Episode: Unchanging, Even In One's Dreams
Cain: The dreams you have are always so intense, Master Sage. Could you tell me more about that latest one?
Akira: Sure, I don't mind.
Cain: Let's see, it was the one where Snow was an adult, and me and Mithra were his henchmen.
Akira: Oh, yes. Riquet and I were in a different organization that was in conflict with yours, though…
Cain: By conflict, you mean I had to fight you guys? I dunno how I feel about that…
Akira: Oh, no, it never came to that! But one time you did stop me from running away when I was scared… Seeing you be so threatening gave me chills.
Cain: I can't believe the version of me in your dreams would do something like that to you. Next time you see him, be sure to chew him out for me.
Akira: Ahaha. Now that I'm awake, it just sounds funny. Besides, it wasn't like you were a super scary person in that dream or anything. Once I actually got to talk to you, it was obvious right away what a friendly, kind person you really were.
Cain: What, really?
Akira: Yes! All of the best parts of you didn't change a bit.
Cain: Ahaha. Getting complimented like that is a little embarrassing. But rather than that being kindness, I'd say it was…
Akira: Was what?
Cain: That the me inside your dream wanted to become friends with you, too. Since, hey, that was what I was thinking when you and I first met, Akira.
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doctorsiren · 9 months
You said you are playing Dual Destinies?
How far are you and what would Athena and Blackquill be in your monster AU?
I’ve been on the among us space case since September bc I haven’t played it since then (SCHOOL’S BEEN BUSY WAHH) (but im hoping to play more after finals are done)
Athena is a bat and Blackquill is a reaper!
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I just grabbed the pictures from the posts
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otterronpas · 5 months
Socially Awkward Magolor - My R
TW: Contains themes of suicide. Viewer discretion is advised.
@the-spam-specialist HI HELLO SPAMBER. GET SURPRISED.
I‘m so excited to finally share this gift with you! @pastille-pain reached out to me about editing this, and I was more than happy to help him out! We’ve been working on this together for the past month, and IT’S FINALLY DONE AND I’M SO PROUD OF HOW IT TURNED OUT WAHH
This is my first time editing a full blown animatic, and the process was so much fun!
From me and Pastille, and from everyone in the Magoverse, we wish you all the happiest of birthdays! Hope this one is a great one!
And a message from Pastille: “APOLOGIES FOR QUALITY OF IMAGES”
Oh yeah. All of you, come get your magolors (Tags are under the cut!)
In order of appearance:
Sam - @the-spam-specialist
Mags - @opal-owl-flight
Mistilor - Me!
Puff - @puffballwarrior-blog
Vhamp - @pastille-pain
Magomon - @cherry-blossom-qf
Iro - @blazingstaro
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newfound emotions - rowan laslow
requested: yes! requests: open! Helloo I really like your rowan fics I love how you characterize him, and I love the enemies to lovers so maybe you could do a part two of that enemies to lovers fic with the reader and Rowan spending time together and one of them confessing unintentionally, i just want sum fluff (♡μ_μ)
AN: WAHH im glad you liked it! thank you for liking how i write rowan :') we don't have too much information abt him from the netflix show, so i am secretly (not so secretly) hoping that he will return in season two :) for now, thank you, and have fun reading!
wordcount: 2.916 warnings: she/her reader, xavier is mentioned/in scenes, friends to lovers, high reader, talk about weed
After finally getting back and being scolded by your teachers, you hang out with Rowan more and more. Much to everyone's surprise.
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"And where have you been, miss Y/L/N and mister Laslow?"
"We," you raise your eyebrows. "Got stuck in the rain, had to walk back, and then we had to sleep in some abandoned-looking hotel until we could get a bus back."
Principal Weems leans back in her chair, looking at you with one eyebrow raised. You looked like you just woke up - you did. You had accidentally fallen asleep while on the bus, Rowan waking you up again. This time, softly. No elbow to the ribs, but instead, soft taps on your shoulders. He even carried your bag to Nevermore.
You had ended up in the office, standing in front of Weems awkwardly. She only blinked, before breathing in deeply.
"Okay. You have missed classes today," she looks at the two of you sternly. "You can get the homework from the teachers, make sure to finish that. You are dismissed."
You give Rowan a look before turning around, leaving the office and finally sighing as the door closes behind the two of you. How was it your fault that they left without you? Sure, you should have been at the bus on time, but they should have done their job to make sure everyone was there.
"So," he lets out an awkward laugh. "Ready to catch up on some sleep?"
"I'm already as awake as I can be," you smile. "Maybe we can go for breakfast?"
"Quad or Weathervane?"
"Oh," you exclaim. "Weathervane, for sure! Have you ever had their cinnamon rolls?"
"Cinnamon rolls for breakfast?"
"Let's put our stuff away and go to the Weathervane. I am not taking this bag again and I really want to change into a new set of clothes."
Rowan agrees with you, sending you a quick smile before walking off to his own room. It still quite confused you to suddenly be so... friendly, with him. You had completely forgotten that that is how it started. To be honest, you didn't even realize that Rowan had heard it.
When Rowan enters his dorm, he sees Xavier waiting for him already.
"Man, where were you?!"
"Oh, hey," he awkwardly greets his roommate. "Yeah, uh, Weems kinda left me and Y/N stranded at that museum."
"Jesus," the boy grimaces. "In the storm? And with Y/N? Sounds like your nightmare."
Though Xavier knows all about the little fights between you and Rowan. He is friends with both of you, so he often heard both sides of whatever argument it was.
"No," he shakes his head. "We went to get a hotel after running through the rain."
Xavier doesn't hear any mean remarks about how you were annoying, stupid, dumb, or anything else. Something rather unusual.
"No fighting?"
"Eh," Rowan lets out a laugh. "A little bit. Apparently, she didn't even remember why we started fighting."
Xavier leans against his desk, raising an eyebrow. He had heard multiple times about the origin of Rowan and his hatred for you. Not only that, but the conversation was actually between you and Xavier.
"We actually made up."
"Huh?" Xavier exclaims with a laugh. "Is that real? I have never seen people bicker as much as the two of you."
The bag that sat on Rowan his shoulder gets placed on the floor as he pulls everything out. Some of the stuff was still damp as there was no place for all of it to dry. Even the notebook that was hidden in the bottom of the bag had not fully survived.
"Yeah, it's real," he nods. "Apparently, she did like me back then."
"Oh, I totally thought that already. But then she made that comment and it completely- poof."
All the damp clothes get discarded into the bathroom as Rowan quickly pulls a flannel and zip-up hoodie out of his closet. It might not be the most fashionable thing, but at least he feels comfortable in it. Why is he suddenly nervous about what he is wearing? He never had this feeling but now...
"You leaving already?"
The boy nods, stuffing his wallet and phone in the pocket of his jeans. He nervously glances in the mirror before spraying some perfume on his neck.
"Yeah, I uh- We are going to get breakfast. Neither of us ate anything since like, yesterday."
"You and Y/N?"
Rowan only nods, fixing his hair before walking up to the door. He says goodbye to Xavier, but doesn't really get a response. The boy is too busy muttering to himself, asking what the hell has happened that made you and Rowan turn into friends.
The boy didn't remember asking you where to meet, so he patiently waited in the Quad. He saw you coming down the stairs already, so he wiped his hands on his pants before walking over. Jesus, Rowan, why are you so nervous? You literally fought with each other yesterday, but the conversations throughout the night changed everything.
"Rowan! Hey," you smile, slightly out of breath from running down the stairs.
You had changed your clothing, switching to something dry and more comfortable. You have a tote bag on your shoulder - you didn't need a lot of things anyway.
"Ready for breakfast?"
It didn't stop at breakfast.
Weeks passed when you and Rowan would hang out. It nearly happens every single day now. Be it while sitting together in class, meeting up in one of your dorms, or even going to Jericho.
There have been moments where you really wanted to hit yourself in the head for how dumb you acted in the past. Maybe even you just admitted to Xavier that day. If you had just admitted to him that you had a huge crush on Rowan. What would have happened then? Maybe you would have even been dating- No.
Come on! You can't think that. You spent months bickering and fighting with Rowan. You thought that your crush would have faded by now - and for a bit, it actually did. But hearing that Rowan actually used to like you, sparked a bit of hope in your heart.
You now lay with your stomach down on Rowan his bed, flipping through the book you were reading. He sat at his desk, scribbling away in his notebook which is now filled with most of his homework.
"Hey, Y/N?"
You hum in response, looking up from your book.
"Do you have more paper? I think I ran out."
"Yeah, of course! It's in my bag."
He thanks you with a big smile, pushing his chair to reach your bag. He opens the zipper, taking out your sketchbook. You always had a few spare pieces of paper stuck in it, just in case you needed them. Rowan places the sketchbook on his desk, opening it to take some of the paper out, pausing for a second when he sees what is on the rest of the pages.
On the paper that actually is stuck in the sketchbook is his own face, perfectly drawn. It is almost like he is staring into a mirror. When he glances at you, he sees that your nose is still stuck in the book, so he quietly closes the sketchbook again, a faint smile on his face.
When he is finally done with his homework, he sits down next to you on the bed, reading along with you. Not that he is that focused on the book. He feels very nervous to sit this close to you, but he does not mind being here. You still lay on your stomach as he sits up, his head leaning down to see the text on the pages.
He might have been leaning down for too long as his glasses snip off of his nose, falling on your book. You let out a laugh before taking hold of the item, pushing yourself up to sit opposite Rowan.
"You need to get these fixed," you hum, cleaning the glass before holding it up to the light, making sure that it is actually clean.
"Yeah," Rowan sighs, "I am just too lazy."
You laugh again before softly placing the glasses back on his nose, making sure the legs are tucked behind his ears before softly dropping your hand back in your lap. Your eyes are still focused on him as you breathe in shakily. Rowan blinks a few times, his heart beating faster as the two of you slowly inch closer to each other. Is this it? Is this the moment?
Footsteps outside of the door can be heard before it opens, you and Rowan pulling away from each other as you quickly grab hold of your book again, nervously looking at the door.
"Hey, Y/N, hey, Rowan."
"Hey Xavier," you both respond in unison.
Not long after, you decided to go to your own dorm, telling Rowan that you have homework to do and that you really had to focus. After giving him a quick hug, you left for your own dorm. You had to get your head straight.
It returned back to normal after that awkward encounter. You still sat together during classes, still spent time with him in his dorm, and you still felt hopelessly in love with him. Something about that moment just... changed things. For the better? Hopefully. You wished to actually do whatever your heart was set on.
Today was the day when Yoko planned another cocktail party. You don't really drink, but there wouldn't really be any alcohol anyway. You were sure that you would be able to get some of Ajax his stuff. Even though you aren't in the Nightshades, you are befriended by everyone in the group, so you are still invited to their private parties.
You were in charge of snacks, and oh, did you live up to the expectations. You arrived with bags full of chips, chocolate, muffins, and even a cake. The grocery store in Jericho must be entirely sold out by now. The only people already in the library are Ajax, Yoko, and Bianca. The Siren is already holding a glass filled with liquid and Ajax has a lit joint in his mouth. When he sees you approach the group he grins, holding out the lit joint for you while snatching a bag of chips out of your backpack.
After all the food is placed on the table, you hear more footsteps come down the stairs. Rowan and Xavier are talking, saying hello to the group before sitting down on the makeshift couch. You hand the joint back to Ajax, thanking him before carefully making your way to the chair you sat in before. Your mind feels a bit hazy in the most comfortable way possible. It is like you have a thick blanket draped over your shoulders.
The party was a big success.
Almost all of the food got eaten, a ton of drinks got consumed, and Ajax even let you roll some more joints from which some of them also got smoked. The only ones completely sober are Rowan and Enid, both sipping a mocktail instead. During the night, you switched seats with Xavier. He now sat in the chair as you sat on the couch, right next to Rowan. You slowly slouch down the couch more and more, your eyes droopy and tinted red.
You listen to the story he is telling, his hands moving while he talks. Though you can barely focus on most of the words he says, the feeling of him speaking still makes you feel... something. You look up at him from your position as you nearly lay with your head in his lap. His eyelashes are long, making his eyes look even more magical than they normally do. The way his lips move as he talks is almost as mesmerizing as the way his eyes sparkle while talking.
He doesn't even seem to care that your head is in his lap as his hand makes its way to your hair without him even thinking about it. He still sips his drink while talking with Xavier and Kent, though now also stroking your hair and twirling a strand of it around his finger.
"I think it's time to go," Rowan looks down at you, a smile on his face. "Before you actually fall asleep."
Huh? You fell asleep?
You slowly sit up, licking your lips. Your mouth feels disgustingly dry.
"Yeah, us too."
You barely register the people around you moving as you look at only Rowan. He reaches behind him, holding out a bottle of water to you. You take it, whispering a thank you before taking a big gulp.
"I'm going to drop Y/N off at her dorm."
"Alright," Xavier nods, raising his eyebrow as he grins. "Night Rowan, night Y/N!"
"G'night Xavier," you yawn, clinging onto Rowan his arm as he guides you upstairs.
He smells so nice. The smell used to disgust you. Wood, flowers, citrus. Even a hint of fruit. You want everything to smell like it now. Your clothing, your bed, your shampoo - you just want him.
"Come on, sleepyhead," you hear Rowan chuckle. "Almost at your dorm. Before Thornhill sees you, huh?"
"I'm not a sleepyhead," you respond, a yawn cutting you off.
"Sure," Rowan nods. "And you aren't high either, are you?"
You turn your head to face him, stopping in your tracks. But, your movements are way slower than they should be. Rowan just watches you with an amused expression, his hand on the small of your back to hold you steady as you still think about something to say.
Nothing comes out, so you just giggle before walking again. He makes you feel so giddy and excited. There is no way to explain it. Maybe it is because you're high. No, you also feel like this when you aren't.
"Here we go," Rowan opens your door, guiding you inside before making you sit on the bed. "Shoes?"
You slowly undo your laces, your eyes unfocusing every few seconds. In the meanwhile, Rowan has already taken a pair of pajamas out of your closet, placing them next to you before heading into the bathroom. There is toothpaste on your toothbrush and make-up remover in his hands.
"Go brush your teeth," he says, making you groan. "Come on, you're going to regret it in the morning."
He knows you too well. You quickly brush your teeth, changing in the bathroom before stepping out. He hands you a wipe as you wipe off your make-up, slipping underneath your covers.
"Good night, Y/N," Rowan smiles, a glass of water on your bedside table as you shake your head.
"I have to tell you something."
Rowan looks at you with an amused look, sitting at the edge of your bed. Your eyes are tinted red, and he knew that you were high. He finds it very funny, actually.
You would always come up with the weirdest things, and considering he did not smoke, he just learned how to go with it.
"You are so pretty," the whisper leaves your lips.
His heart stops beating for a second. Sure, he has hugged you, even held your hand, and you have fallen asleep on him more times than he can count. The two of you almost kissed before but never talked about it ever again.
"I'm serious," you yawn. "If you were my boyfriend - God. So gorgeous. Really."
A blush raises to his cheeks as he breathes in deeply, brushing your hair out of your face one last time before smiling, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
"You are gorgeous too," he smiles at you fondly before switching your night lamp off. "Goodnight."
"No kiss?"
Rowan laughs before shaking his head.
"Tomorrow. When you're sober."
When the door behind him closes, he breathes in shakily. Where did all the sudden courage come from? Normally, he wouldn't really say something like that out loud. He wants to kiss you, that is for sure, but to promise one tomorrow? God, he wishes you would forget. But, being high is not the same as being drunk... Right?
It is early in the morning as Rowan finishes tying his tie. Xavier left even earlier than him, wanting some time in the art shed before heading to class. The boy runs his hand through his hair one last time, checking his appearance in the mirror once more before a knock is heard on the door. Is Xavier back?
When he opens it, he sees you, smiling brightly while holding onto your backpack.
"Good morning," he smiles. "Come in."
You skip in, your bag now on the ground as you sit down on his neatly made bed. The two of you have the usual talk - how are you feeling today, any plans, did you make all your homework? Then, it is time to head out. But, before Rowan places his hand on the door handle, you stop him.
"Hey, Rowan?"
He turns around, seeing you much closer to him than he expected. You look up at him with a smile on your face and one eyebrow raised.
"Little birdie told me that someone promised me something yesterday," you huff, though the smile never leaving. "A kiss, perhaps?"
Shit. You remember. Rowan opens his mouth nervously, blinking before closing it again.
"Only... Only if you want," he looks at you almost nervously.
You softly place your hands on his cheeks, looking up at him.
"From you? Always."
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mooodyblue · 1 year
hiii lilly! i have a request for cg!el and little!reader where elvis leaves for the day without the reader knowing and when elvis comes back he finds her crying and she's like "daddy weft me"
wahh ty for the request 🥺 hope u enjoy!
wc: 621
elvis woke up slightly earlier than usual, letting you sleep in while he tended to his business in his office over coffee. it was supposed to be just the two of you today so you could have time to go down and have elvis take care of you. it had been awhile since you last regressed due to busy schedules and honestly, your brain had been too overwhelming for you lately and you desperately needed to go back to that tiny headspace of yours.
he caught up on his reading in the meantime. his reading was shortly interrupted with a call about coming to get one of his suits looked at. it was something that could have been done later, even tomorrow. but elvis thought he could pull off leaving before you got up. he knew you'd most likely wake up little and would usually sleep in longer when that was the case. with a sigh and the closing of his book, he agreed to meet up and quickly left before you could notice.
waking up to an empty bed was not something you particularly enjoyed. not to mention, that floaty feeling in your head took over the moment you opened your eyes. you didn't have your stuffie nor your daddy by your side that morning.
you rubbed the sleepiness from your eyes and got out of bed, shuffling your way out of elvis’s large bedroom and down the steps. “e?” you asked, turning towards the kitchen. still no sign of elvis. the house was empty and oddly quiet, only a lingering smell of coffee that told you elvis had to have been awake earlier.
every room in the house was empty, only for you to notice his car not sitting in the driveway. “no….” you ran outside still in your pajamas, barefoot and frantically looking around. “elvis?” your heart began to race, millions of thoughts running through your head as to what could have happened to him.
you checked everywhere. your daddy, the best caregiver you could ever have, was nowhere to be found. you walked back into the home, planting yourself on the bottom step in the foyer as you hugged your knees. there was no reason for him to just run off and leave, right? today was supposed to be just the two of you where you could be little and now here you were; little and abandoned. choked out sobs left your throat, finally convinced he was gone forever.
elvis pulled into the driveway at top speed, nearly forgetting to take his keys out of the ignition before getting out. he ran up the steps and rushed in as fast as he could, meeting with you at the steps. “baby-” he stood there, panting and catching his breath, “god, baby. i’m so sorry, i thought i’d make it back before you got up-”
“d-daddy went ‘n w-left me…” you shook your head. “hates me, doesn't want me anymore.” your eyes were glossy, cheeks warm and puffy from crying. a lost look on your face.
elvis let out a small gasp, getting on both knees in front of you as he took your small hands in his. “don't ever say i hate you. that hurts daddy's feelings, i love you. my wittle itty bitty, i love ya too damn much to ever leave you.”
“then why did you leave me?” you sniffled, looking into his eyes.
he sighed, “work, honey. it’s all work. but i’m done, daddy’s here and now it’s just you and me time.”
you held your pinky out to him for him to link with his, “promise?”
elvis grinned and linked his pinky with yours, chuckling. “i promise, yittle. let's go make you some lunch.”
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gaemms-chamois · 11 months
random unorganized darknights trio + paprika musings bc sometimes i'm hit with like a pang of Brief Worry that i'm completely misinterpreted blabla that usually doesn't last too long bc i then go back to my state of I'm Just Vibing but ig at some point i just gotta let it out publicly once and be done with it lol
this is messily written Please Understand this isn't meant to be a grand thought piece
fuuuck ok well this is like very specifically abt the w, ines & paprika part now
like don't get me wrong on this. i joke abt wines moms and stuff but i dont genuinely mean it in the way of wahh wow littol family for reals kinda deal?
less on wines 'adopting' paprika, moreso paprika imprinting on them like a duckling after she was saved by them. paprika adopted them lmao. i cannot possibly interpret either w or ines as Maternal in such a way.
it's moreso that i think it's nice that this little sarkaz merc became part of the story, a girl who all her life since she was infected at a young age, was presented with becoming a mercenary being basically the only option for her.
and then, as annoying as w can be, being shown that she does have different options.
i just think it's sweet that paprika, judging by her voicelines, clearly looks up to w and ines. which is just amplified by the fact that w and ines are notoriously not the most popular people on rhodes lol. and she calls w annoying but still keeps knitting stuff and wanting to gift food to her. like if she often seeks out w and ines to tell them how well she did on something, when they are on the ship, etc. that'd at least indicate that those two humor her.
cool yeah obviously i fucking love them. i'm not very good at words though and i tend to keep my more elaborate thoughts to just discussions between friends who know how i tick djsfhdfs
just the other day i was smiling to myself during a walk bc holy shit all three are actually playable now and that's not just wishful thinking anymore. anyway chapter 13 also happened and more stuff with the trio happened and Cool Lots of things Happening and my brain is full
they're so found family to me, like in an utterly unconventional way. i mean c'mon with how they act sometimes like- ykno. but like have y'all seen the new furniture set and descriptions that came with hoederer's release it made me go insanse.
but i think especially in ines' case it just kinda highlights that best. considering ines' arts can figure people out (putting that in rather vague terms), it truly means something when someone with her capabilities and temperament has people she chooses to stick by and actually trust. even if she pretends she doesn't by verbally denying it.
like waugh Okay they have a lot to unpack and shit but with them being reunited (take that, W file that said W needs companionship but her friends aren't around anymore) and having a COMPARATIVELY more ""relaxed"" life than before (that one Hoederer file where he just has rather regular days on rhodes), it's just nice to imagine they can finally have something better and figure stuff out. as complicated as the three of them are.
with that said i think it's a given that i despise a nuclear family treatment of the three (aka mom ines, dad hoederer, daughter w).
for one with me being highly doubtful w was a kid/teen at the start of darknights (young? sure, but not that young), which just seems like such a...widespread belief that i really do not get? arknights always put a LOT of emphasis on when a character's story was about them being a kid, 0 of that with w. like something about her expression and big cloak just gave people some different impression, even though she literally keeps looking the same aside from a change of clothes. only instance of w being called a kid during that time i can think of is that one boiler worker in her files but that seems way more like any typical old guy calling anyone on the younger side a kid. hell, even hoederer was called young in darknights, like in a sarkaz's lifespan i can believe that.
and also...hoederer had somewhat of a mentor-like role for w, but if anyone tries to tell me ines ever acted maternal towards w i will chew through your walls. read through darknights memoir and actually pay attention to ines, both w AND ines were pettyass women and they made that so very clear. cannot fathom how anyone can see ines as having been motherly towards w
seriously just feels like a case of Well there is man and there is woman....and this other character so clearly these are mom, dad and kid.
that's not even me being biased towards w/ines, just how i objectively see it. hell, i even ENJOY ines/hoederer, but my enjoyment of it is limited bc for some reason ppl like to make it weird by shoving w in as some daughter. i promise it's completely possible to like ines/hoederer without trying to fit in w as a kid figure
anyways yeah like cool i like these characters I Guess. Look at them
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