#i looked it up and sure it could be a serious condition OR the fact that i ugly cried for the first time in god knows how long!
maudiemoods · 3 months
I knew the nurse on the helpline was gonna tell me to stop drinking coffee but once she actually said it it became real and now I'm sad
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lana-llama-in-pajamas · 6 months
Francis mosses x fem! reader
thick as blood
sweet as milk
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"god i am down bad" you groaned getting up getting into the shower, it was.....nasty, the grout and limescale made a public bathroom seem more hygienic
but you didn't have time to think about it so you cleaned up and got out trying your best to not touch a thing, you looked over the makeup guidelines for your uniform, it had to be exact in order for the agents that came in to not suspect you. matching foundation no eyeshadow, black mascara and complimentary blush with matching lip stick
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you looked in the mirror one last time before rushing out.
7 am sharp you sat at your desk watching Francis be the first heading out the door giving a small wave to you, your heart fluttered waving back. a few more residents left leaving you with a bit too much free time. most of them wouldn't come back till lunch and as stupid as dopples are for them to appear now is suicide, you look around and see a letter at your desk so you open it
dear agent 591138 it has come to my attention that no one has filled you in on your working conditions fully so I am here to do it for you. your working hours are 7am to 10 pm every full week then you will get the following work week off, we understand this is rather confusing but just know your best interest is our priority (among other things) this gives you time for recreational activities and self mental care. you do know how everything in the office works but we did just throw a gun to you like a baby. your DDD issued pistol has DDD issued bullets so we can verify the killing of the dopples or in serious cases murder of innocent civilians. an agent will contact you intermittently to check your mental health. best regards , agent 907811
what a letter. did they call you a baby with a gun? your 25.
you decided to open the filing cabinet under your desk to place the letter just to find it riddled with boxes of said bullets. you place it over them and close it staring straight into your reflection of the glass "ok lets just breath and get through it" you assured yourself before reaching into your bag for a bagel and milk, odd combination yes but its what you had in your icebox. you started to worry about your food supplies through the week from what you remember you had bread some fruit jam and POSSIBLY not rotten eggs to hold you over but you knew for a fact a grown person was not going to survive on jelly sandwiches. you looked to the phone wanting to call a cousin that lived nearby to get you some things but you decided against it for now, maybe at the end of your shift you could leave them a message with the operator. soon the middle of the day came and Nacha came in with her daughter looking rather feverish "hi so sorry we had to come back in early she's coming down with something" Nacha slid both their papers and ids through the slot holding her baby close, you looked over the info and all was in order. you even studied them and before opening the door "maybe a doctor would help more?" you asked not wanting to sound mean " oh we went to the pharmacy right before coming here, they said its probably something the kids are passing around" nacha responded happily, this woman was really upbeat it almost scares you " oh good, get better kiddo" her daughter coughed a quiet "whatever" before her mom chastised her passing the now opened door.
you looked to their papers, specifically Anastacha's.... then your stomach dropped. her eyes. her stand offish demeanor yesterday and today, you had a sinking feeling about her relationship to Francis but you weren't sure so you decided to drop the idea for now...
2 dopples came in, horrible replication so you just dropped the shutter and called the moment they spoke.
the phone rang and you picked up "hello, this is agent 907811 the one that sent the letter" the voice was manly but upbeat (imagine Gladiolus from final fantasy 15) you nodded to no one "oh hello, a little unprofessional to make wellness calls in the middle of my shift no?" you asked playfully to test the waters on the guy " intermittently, remember?" he said matching energy "noticed you got 2 already, might get more not to jinx ya" you hummed in agreement as he continued "anyway to make it easier for you instead of calling us and explaining the situation I want you to just say my name and ill know to send our boys in yellow, to save time and lives right?" he kind of lingered on the right so on que you answered "right." "great! ok the names rex." he spoke quick "wait really?" you asked absent for a minute "well no my real name is classified but everyone calls me rex, and whenever you dial 3312 it puts you straight to me~" he made you smile hearing his happiness so you giggled "well ok will do rex, time to get back to work" "yes ma'am" you heard hanging up. dreamboat was infront of you already sliding his papers to you "sorry about that Mr. Mosses" you read over the file, a blush overcoming you "boyfriend?" he asked catching you off guard "n-no, the DDD" you almost got up to let him know you were serious but fixed your seating position instead "mmm...ok" you thanked your god he had very prevalent verbal ques, made your job easy "were do you get your milk from?" he asked taking back his papers "my old apartment, believe it or not the DDD moved me in yesterday with everything I had" you chuckled thinking he took his job a little too serious and didn't want enemy milk on his turf "i give you milk now." he almost declared in an odd way. you turned red imagining unholy thoughts "the farm i deliver for also delivers here. the buildings day is Monday but ill grab a case for you tomorrow" he walked in before you could even form the words thank you but on instinct you shut the door behind him.
you tried to calm your blush to no avail, the way he just announced his caring for you! the way he said it made you swoon "i give you milk now" god it was weirdly hot!! you almost swore you heard a bit of a Russian accent when he said it. you kept holding your face praying to go back to your natural color "doll you look like a tomato" another male voice said "oh Mr. Gauss, I apologize its just allergies" you looked away for a minute before doing the usual "its winter. your a horrible liar" he tapped the glass teasingly "all is well, good day Mr. Gauss" you spoke restrained trying not to be angry with the fact he had no issue calling you a liar opening the door for him "see you later doll". you sat there a little peeved to say the least, munching on your slightly stale bagel you continue your shift.
the next morning you woke up to knocking, your heart raced putting on your robe and ran to the door opening it "its 7:30" francis looked down at you looking almost disappointed "oh my god really?? shit thank you for waking me up" you left the door wide open as you rushed to put on a fresh uniform and stuffing your makeup bag in your purse. francis watched you rush from bed to bath sighing and looking around, he placed down five bottles of milk on your counter and opened your ice box "how pitiful" he spoke looking at the carton of barely any eggs and a few rotting veggies. he took it upon himself to leave a milk out and put the rest in making you a single piece of toast. you looked actually quite presentable considering your rushing you walked towards the door hitting something hard "ow" at first you were going to cry because Francis just watched you almost break your nose but you looked up to see him looking down. god did he smell good. like bourbon and vanilla, thank god axe body spray wasn't invented yet. "I made you toast. I have to get to work." he furrowed his brows at the last bit and left you, you look to the counter to see well enough he set the toast with jam on a small plate and a glass of milk at your table.
days had passed and soon it was your friday
it was almost 10 pm but you had to stay an extra hour because the twin models were at a party. you've never really had a full conversation with them but they were nice to you even complimented you on your hair once, finally they came in beautiful gowns that made you get up to see them fully "y/n! so sorry it took so long!" Selenne said raising her hands up air hugging you from the glass which made you chuckle "its my job to see your safe return, beautiful dresses by the way" you placed your hand on the glass to match hers "why thank you, we'll show you the details in a bit" Elenois smiled passing their papers to you, you matched them up everything being in order "you should come to a party with us" selenne jumped a little visibly annoying her twin "sel she has a job to do. a stressful one at that she doesn't need more comingling with the upper-class that watches your every move" elenois huffed taking the ids back "oh actually my days off start tomorrow" you smiled "oh. nevermind, wanna wear airtight dresses and flirt with politics?" elenois laughed making you raise an eyebrow smiling, selenne slapped her sisters shoulder giggling "shes a little tipsy, yakn-" the girls went silent. all of you looking to your left to see it.
a dopple.
a twin dopple.
it was horrifying. a giant sharp mouth filled its face, no eyes no nose it snarled stretching its arm out to the girls as they screamed. you quickly opened the door hearing your own heart beat quicken with every thought, "get in the office NOW" you yelled banging on the glass to get thier attention, they did as told rushing passed El pushing her sister in forcing Sel onto the office floor next to you. the dopple sprung passed the door before you could shut it, it tripping and grabbing onto elenois' leg with its yellow claws you ran up your mind swimming from thier screams, you punched the side of its head forcing it to go down before turning its attention to you. you grappled with it on the floor yelling at the girls to get a grip and lock the main and office door, they were trembling...blood from Els leg soaking her dress as she held selenne nodding to you closing the door and locking the main one from the office. you were bloody , your fist scrapped its teeth cracking the bone a bit as you threw it againt the door earning another scream from the twins it snarled and screeched as you ran towards the stairs unclipping your gun from its holster going up a floor "all residence stay in your homes a dopple is in the building" you yelled repeating the phrase as you heard them all scamble yelling and some of the men even starting to descend the staircase before you hit the first step. the monster stood before you on the bottom step bleeding from its maw "YoU pICk uP A GOosd fiIIgHT MakeSS yoU moRe DeLishessssss" you trembled aiming "Fuck You" POW POW the pistol shot hitting its stomach, its screeches hurt your ears but you slowly backed away as it crawled to reach you it was fast ripping off quite a bit of your skirt as you kept pilling the trigger knowing it had no more than 8 rounds finally it hit its chest making the thing go down by the second floor.
you laid there on the steps breathing heavy hearing almost nothing as everyone crowded around you asking questions and tending to your leg, but you heard nothing.
you got up pushing poor mia to the side backing down stairs passed the body pulling it by the leg to the main floor and leaving it at the end of the steps, everyone but Nacha and nat following for obvious reasons. you walked to the office opening it with your key seeing the twins holding one another sobbing looking up at you, they smilied running up and hugging you close you could start to hear their voices thanking god and thanking you...the gun was still in your hand so you walked passed them slowly sitting in your chair and placing the gun on the desk everyone ran to the girls to inspect them as you dailed the number "....rex....i had to kill it in front of all of them.." you croaked "coming now kid hold on" his voice sounded shaky but you were still processing everything the smell of blood and what seemed like rot, the stinging sensation of your cuts and bruises...the sounds of your residence begging you to answer them. oh.
you breathed in a sharp breath finally being able to sense everything "please step away from the body" you stated to the mcoolys looking over at it "you really killed it" the older one spoke in shock "oh dear your skirt " gloria took off her head scarf to cover you but francis stopped her taking off his wrobe and placing it over you "the ...blood" you managed to get out "fuck the blood right now" he stated mia dressed you in it as the twins blocked you making sure your panty hose were no longer exposed, all of the men looking away either in respect or fear of thier wives.
DDD came escorting everyone upstairs as the other half stayed downstairs to clean up "didnt think we'd meet this way" you looked up from the chair the shmidts brought out for you to sit as DDD officers looked over your wounds. it was rex. a taller man in casual business attire with salt n pepper hair "you did good kid, you saved those girls and the rest of them" he held out his hand to you , you shook it nodding "thank you" he nodded back letting go to speak with a yellow suit qietly "well it seems theres no fatal injuries on any of you , they dressed your wounds so now you rest" rex looked down at you . some would say you looked like a beaten dog but maybe that was just rex "your one tough bitch y/n." he walked off with the hazmats in tow, "i think its time for you to rest baby...you look close to passing out" gloria squeezed your arm as your eyes fluttered, you were passing out and fast "ill take her home" francis spoke up "and we'll stay with her" El and Sel spoke together "she cant sleep in those clothes" el added , everyone agreed as francis picked you up slowly treating you like glass to your apartment the scent of his shampoo and his warmth made you pass out holding him tighter
you could almost hear him stiffle a tear as he held you closer.
end part 2
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chaos-in-deepspace · 3 months
L&DS Boys: Pool Day | Fluff
Ngl I wrote this in less than an hour and a half. Been chilling in the pool a lot these days and needed to write something for it. Now I want y'all to make sure and read Zayne's part and pay special attention to it, okay? Listen to what he says. I'm serious guys, listen to Zayne.
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♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+. ♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Warnings: N/A ♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Pairings: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader
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The cool water lapped at your skin as you sank your entire body into it. A sigh of relief escaped you as you instantly felt better. The summer had just started and already it had been record high temperatures. Thankfully your apartment complex had a nice pool, and since it was one of your rare days off you took advantage, silently thanking the world that your apartment had mainly elderly and hunters so today nobody else was at the pool.
To make matters even better, you managed to drag your sleepy neighbor out with you. You had promised him pool snacks and the new lounge floats you had gotten. Unlike the inflatable ones, these were fabric of sorts and you just knew they’d feel absolutely amazing the moment you two got into the pool.
“Are you ready?” Xavier asked, placing a hand on the small of your back. You let out a small yelp, not used to him being able to touch your skin so easily like this. You looked over at Xavier in his own swim clothes, almost wanting to blush. Of course this man would be the one who chose a speedo over something else.
Still, you began climbing up onto one of the two floats you had. Your body dipped into the water below you and kept you cool and you let out a content sigh. You watched Xavier follow suit, getting comfortable. The lounge float was just as comfortable as you had come to expect and you were living for it.
You put on your sunglasses as you relaxed and turned to Xavier, “Hey Xav?” You called out, making the blonde man hum next to you, “If I fall asleep, you have to promise to wake me up.” You said, knowing you were playing a risky game at the moment.
“Only if you promise to wake me as well.” Xavier said and you could hear the small yawn he let out. You rolled over to your stomach and realized this position was even better.
“Xavier, if I fall asleep and you fall asleep then we’re screwed. Someone needs to be responsible.” You comment with a light chuckle. You watched Xavier paddle his float over to you. He hooked his leg over part of your float and grabbed your hand, making it rest on his own.
“If we stick together like this and keep talking, then we have a better chance at staying awake.” He noted. Well he certainly was right, and being this close to Xavier was certainly a treat. You could ogle the plains and valleys of his well sculpted body perfectly like this.
Sadly it seemed you two forgot one very important fact…how you two always managed to pass out during naps while talking. You don’t even know when you fell asleep, or how long you were passed out. All you know is when you woke up you looked at Xavier. His pale skin was currently a bright red as he laid on his back, sunglasses on and you knew you were screwed.
You didn’t even need to see your back to know you were burned. Your skin felt hot and uncomfortable and if you could see it you’d notice just how angry it looked. You went to poke Xavier, flinching to yourself when you saw the spot on his cheek you poked turn white then back to red.
Xavier groaned as he opened his eyes and turned to look at you. Even with his sleepy vision he could see your current condition. He let out a gasp, going to sit up and forgetting he was on a float as he crashed into the water below him.
You couldn’t help but laugh as he came up, shaking some water from his hair. Without his sunglasses you could see the sunburn went around his eyes, “Xavier…we fucked up.” You said after a moment.
“I can…see that.” He said, looking over your back then down to his chest, “We should head indoors.” He said, going to grab your hand gently. You got off of your float and Xavier grabbed both of them in one arm while still holding your hand. You followed him to his apartment and you noticed how he had a serious look on his face as he forced you through the corridors of the complex. Your complaints about leaving a wet trail from the floats and your body went unheard.
You had to admit the moment you got into his cool apartment you felt a bit better. Xavier finally let go of your hand and dragged the floats to his bathroom, probably to let them dry in the shower. “Sit down on the couch, but be careful.” Xavier said, his calm voice echoing through the apartment.
You had no idea what had gotten into him, but you did just as instructed. You winced as you sat down, your sunburned ass stinging with the smallest movements. When Xavier came back, he was holding a large tub of something.
“Lay on your stomach.” He said and you were still confused as you did just that. He walked behind you and soon you let out a long, drawn out groan of relief. The item in his hand was a cream or sorts and was cool. It soothed your irritated skin as he gently began massaging it into your skin.
“What’s that…?” You groaned, knowing it was familiar but you were still tired from your nap and couldn’t think properly.
“It’s some aloe. I had some just in case.” He said, his small laugh was like music to your ears, “I apologize, you’re burned because I couldn’t keep my promise.”
You hummed and looked back at him as he began working the aloe into the back of your thighs, “We both failed, Xavier. Maybe if you kiss it better it’ll heal for me.” You joked. You hadn’t expected Xavier’s cool lips to press on your burned shoulders. It did feel nice as you melted into it, his lips trailing gentle kisses over the worst burns. He then continued to put the aloe over all those areas as well.
“You’re probably more burned than I am anyways. Did you even use sunscreen?” You comment after a few moments of silence. You had made sure to put some on before heading to the pool, but after hours of the sun even the sunblock wouldn’t be able to keep up without being reapplied liberally.
“I’ll be fine, I just need a nap.” He said, his large hands finishing their massage on all the pieces of skin you were burned. You slowly sat up, but Xavier went to push you back down, “And so do you. But first you need water.” He commented.
You smiled over at him and grabbed hold of his hand as he tried leaving, “Not so fast. We need to take care of your burns.” This time he didn't stop you as you sat back up. You saw the jar next to you and looked back at him. “Lay on your back, I’ll put some aloe on you.”
“That’s not necessary.” Xavier tried to protest with a pout, but you weren't having it.
“Xavie baby.” You said, calling him a nickname that always got him to blush, “Let me take care of you. Come on.” You said, motioning for him to do as you said. He let out a sigh and finally laid down.
You smiled, looking down at him as you covered your hands in the green goop. Today might’ve had a few failures, but being able to rub down Xavier’s body was almost a reward in itself. You then saw Xavier look off to the side then back to you.
“Perhaps if you kiss it better it’ll help them heal faster.” He said, using your words against you. You chuckled as you leaned down, kissing his cheeks before he grabbed your face. You were confused as he brought you in for a proper kiss.
“It hurts the most here.” He said after parting, running his thumb over his own lip. You chuckled, pressing another kiss there.
“Then it looks like I’ll have you pay extra attention to it.” You said, then kissed him again. Perhaps the sunburns weren’t that bad if this was the aftermath.
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Why Zayne never used the pool at his luxury apartments was beyond you. There were never any children running around, and oftentimes during the weekdays people were at work and couldn’t relax over there. That meant on your days off, it was just the two of you and a very nice and well kept pool. Yet whenever you brought it up, he would always say if you wanted to go he would, but he’s not planning on going by himself anytime soon.
So as soon as summer hit and the heatwave was at an alltime high already, you were dragging Zayne towards the elevator to head down to the pool. Your excitement was evident as Zayne adjusted the pool bag he had prepared. It was a large side bag and you were certain he kept a little bit of everything in there.
When the elevator hit the bottom level, you grabbed hold of his hand and began literally dragging him, “Come now, the pool won’t be going anywhere.” Zayne tried to assure you, but you weren't having none of that.
“The pool might remain, but every second spent dawdling is a second wasted.” You comment, “Time leaves us constantly so we need to catch up.”
He sighed and shook his head. As soon as you left the air conditioned building it was already sweltering hot. You could almost feel sweat clinging to your skin as you made your way to one of the pool chairs. Zayne had already opened the umbrella and laid towels down for the two of you.
Meanwhile you stripped off your pool cover and were about to run straight into the water. As soon as Zayne noticed your movements, he thought fast. Two large hands cupped under your armpits as he brought you up like a naughty cat trying to sneak off. You laid limp in his grasp as you processed what happened.
You slowly turned to him with a pout, “Zayne, what the ever loving fuck?”
“Eloquent with your speech as usual.” He teased as he went to set you down under the umbrella covered chair, “Aren’t you forgetting an important step?” He asked and you sighed with an eye roll.
“Nope.” You popped the ‘p’ as you looked away from the man.
“Perhaps I should remind you that sunscreen is necessary. I agreed to come to the pool if you made an effort to protect your skin.” He said and you groaned, “I’m sure you’re aware that a light skin tone only has a natural 4-5 spf, while skin with higher melanin has the max of 13.5 spf. That means no matter your skin tone, you still need to protect your skin.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, “Oh please keep talking about medical things with me, Zayne.” You joked and he shook his head.
“Your skin is the largest and one of the most important organs of your body, please treat it with the respect it deserves.” He said, grabbing the sunblock he had brought with him, “Now come here, I’ll help you apply it.”
“I can do it myself.” You protested, but he was already putting some of the cream into his hands. He looked up at you from his prescription sunglasses.
“I’m sure you could.” He said, “However I need to make sure you're covered properly and with enough product it’ll do its job.” He explained with an almost smile on his face. You rolled your eyes before opening your arms up so he could properly get you covered.
You glanced at the bottle and almost choked on your spit, “SPF 100? Isn’t that overkill?” You asked with an incredulous expression.
“Not at all, however we will need to reapply it after about an hour and a half since we’ll be swimming. I’ll make sure to set a timer.” He said and you once again groaned…that was until his hands were on you.
He had purposefully cooled his own hands as he began massaging the product into your arms, chest, stomach, and legs. His hands glided over your body respectfully as he made sure you were properly covered, eventually having you turn around so he could apply it to your back. You jumped when his frigid hands pressed on the back of your neck.
“H-Hey!” You whined and he just chuckled.
“My apologies, I’m just being thorough.” He explained as he worked on your back now. Once your body was covered you turned back to face him. You hadn’t expected his large hands to cup your face as he smeared some of the sunscreen there. Your hands went to wrap around his wrists as you tried backing away, but his grip was firm, “Stop fighting, unless you want a sunburned nose.” He scolded.
You finally huffed and relaxed into his touch. You were startled when he left your face, only to come back and press something over your lips. You opened your eyes and noticed he had a lip balm, one that also had some spf in it. You smacked your lips, noticing how it tasted sweet.
“Better?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, but.” You said and he hummed. You tugged him over to you, placing a kiss on his lips. He didn’t fight it, leaning in as your lips met his in a short and cute kiss. “You needed some chapstick too…”
“I appreciate you helping me put it on.” He said with an amused huff.
“Can I swim now?” You suddenly asked after buttering him up; already you were getting up. He gripped your waist and dragged you back down.
“Wait twenty minutes after applying sunblock before being exposed to the UV rays.” He said and now you just knew he hated you. You looked at him with pouty eyes and he just smiled at you, “Would you like to help me apply sunblock to help pass the time?”
Now you perked up at that offer, your hands already twitching as you nodded your head. He took off his own cover up and exposed his chest and you had to fight the urge to lick your lips at the sight. How he managed to be in shape while overworking himself was a mystery, but damn were you grateful for it.
You put some sunblock into your hands, running them over Zayne’s chest first and oh my goodness how were you going to be able to survive this. You could feel every single muscle of his as you massaged it in, looking up at him from time to time as you tried to remain focused.
Your heart was beating out of your chest as you realized how much you wished you weren’t out in public right now so you could squeeze his chest. You remained professional though and applied the sunblock liberally, and were almost disappointed when it all ended. Still, you both were now covered and you looked over at Zayne’s phone. He had already set a time and it said you had fifteen minutes before you could jump into the pool.
“Zayne, do we have to be a stickler for sunblock rules?” You asked after another five minutes. He looked over at you curiously.
“Are you asking me as your boyfriend, or as your doctor?” He asked and you huffed, rolling on your stomach on the towel.
“I hope you know imma spend the next hour and a half in that pool and I’m dragging you in there the entire time.” You said and he chuckled as he went to his bag and grabbed two drinks. There were two cans of milk tea and when he handed one to you, you noticed how cold it was. You sighed and opened it up, taking a sip, “But I guess this isn’t too bad.” You comment looking at the water.
“My top priority is your safety, however perhaps we can break a few rules. I’ll let you get in five minutes early.” Zayne said, clicking on his phone’s timer. You looked over and noticed you had six minutes left. Your eyes widened as you realized what he said.
You handed him your drink and as soon as the timer had a ‘five’ on it, you were running into the water.
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“Fuck you, pufferfish.” You said, shoving the purple haired man out of the way, “I’m getting in first!” You cried out, your feet hitting the hot cement outside of his personal pool. The man in question was right behind you as he went and grabbed hold of you.
His grip on your wrist had you dragging behind him, “Tough luck, pearl, but the pool is mine.” He said, gaining the lead in his mad dash to the water.
This all started when you had been lounging at Rafayel’s home, realizing just how hot it was. His air conditioner was working, sure, but it was still balmy since you were right by the beach. Sweat clung uncomfortably to your skin as you had glanced over at the artist.
“Rafayel, it’s too humid.” You complained and Rafayel looked over at you. You could see the sweat dripping down his neck so clearly he was in a similar situation as you. He seemed to think something over quickly and then smiled.
“Perhaps I could take a break.” He mused, “I do have a pool out there. That should help with the current situation.” He said and you hummed. The thought of spending the day in a private pool was so nice. You had swam in his pool before, it had a tanning ledge, a hot tub with a small waterfall that bled into the pool, and several pool lounges. He had everything you could ask for really, which was to be expected.
“Let’s do it. I’ll grab some drinks.” You said, hopping off the couch and running to the kitchen. Rafayel called out for you, but you didn't hear him as you raced to his fridge. An assortment of soda and juices were stocked thanks to your insistence he have other things than just coffee and water.
You went for the apple juice, deciding it would be refreshing enough for a day like this. Rafayel had some tumblers that would keep it ice cold while you were outside. As you stood back up you bumped into Rafayel’s chest. You spun to look at him in surprise, “Uh need something?” You murmured.
“I asked if you had a swimsuit.” He chuckled and you realized that you didn’t have one at his place. You groaned and looked at him with a pouty face.
“No…” You mumbled and he shook his head.
“That’s fine, I bought you a few just in case. I’ll grab them for you.” Well isn't he being nice and accommodating. Something was up. Your eyes narrowed as you followed him. He went to his closet and that’s when you discovered the swimsuit line up he had.
They were either very promiscuous, or downright ridiculous. He looked between you and the suits and you groaned. You grabbed a pair with rubber ducks decorating it and looked at him, “You sir, are an asshole.” You said, heading to his bathroom.
“I did nothing wrong.” He said, a hand over his heart as you closed the door and quickly got changed. When you came out you choked on your spit. Standing in front of you was Rafayel, with a matching swimsuit.
“I fucking hate you.” You laughed, realizing now why he had gone through the trouble of getting these swimsuits. It was so you guys could match at his pool, “Wait, so if I had gone for the revealing one…?” You trailed off.
“It’s too late for that now, pearl.” He teased, “But I’ll have you know they make very flashy male swimsuits nowadays, in several different styles.” So the ones he showed you…damn you regret your decision. Still, seeing him in something ridiculous like that was enough to make you less bitter.
“Fine, whatever, let’s just get to the pool.” You said, walking out with Rafayel following you, then you said the most childish thing of the day, “Last one in's a rotten egg!” You then began booking it.
You forgot that the two of you combined was a bad case of competitiveness. It led you to the now, where you both were playing dirty to get into the cool pool. You were screaming at one another, attempting to trip or thwart the other.
As soon as you were at the edge, Rafayel yanked you back. You hooked your ankle around his to hold him in place. However this caught both of you off balance. Next thing you knew, the cool water was enveloping the two of you. You looked at Rafayel under the water with wide eyes as you two realized what had happened.
You broke through the water and began laughing immediately. Rafayel soon emerged as well, grabbing onto your shoulders and pouting, “You dropped me into the water.” He whined and you were still laughing.
“I dropped us into the water.” You corrected him. He couldn’t help the smile on his face at the confession.
“Ya, I guess you did.” He huffed before using his weight to push you down. You could hear his voice clearly despite being under water, “But that doesn’t mean I can let you go without punishment, my dear bodyguard.”
You went to scream but you knew your lungs would fill up. Rafayel then dunked his head under the water and swam closer to you. He took his hands over your eyes, covering them and you felt a soft peck on your lips.
Suddenly you could breathe underwater and you chuckled at his antics. He took his hands away as he looked at you with eyes swimming with mischief.
“You’re the absolute worst, fish.” You said, dragging him closer to you. You pressed another kiss on his lips, and you loved how red his cheeks and ears got.
“How am I the worst? You’re supposed to protect me, yet you let me fall in the water.” He complained, but his arms were wrapping around you as he said so. His nose nuzzled against your own as he held onto you.
“Oh how cruel of me to put the fish back into water. I’m just the worst.” You said with a sigh, “Now come on, I want to soak in the sunshine.” You began tugging him to the surface of the water. Despite his pouting, he allowed you to drag him up.
You went over to the tanning ledge, laying on your stomach and relaxed. “Need sunglasses?” Rafayel said, swimming next to you and splashing you with the water.
“Do you have some?” You asked and he shrugged before his eyes furrowed.
“Hey…how are your feet?” He asked and you looked confused. You sat up and looked to see if you had managed to get a cut on your foot at some point. You didn’t see anything as you turned back to him.
“They’re fine…why?” You asked.
“Good…think you could run and get us sunglasses then? They should be near the front.” He said with a smirk, knowing he got you.
This time you would admit, you did push him into the water…well more like kicked him. He was the one asking for it though as he let out a shrill scream before the large splash of water filled your ears. You regretted nothing.
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Did y'all hear what Zayne said? Apply sunblock 20 minutes before being exposed to UV rays, no matter what skin color you got. Reapply every 1 - 2 hours as well if you're going to be swimming or sweating a lot (or as directed by the bottle). Your skin is a large and important organ of your body so take care of it you guys!
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charmedbystars · 1 year
bored. (e-42 miles morales)
pairing: e-42 miles x reader
summary: you're bored and who else better than your pretty boyfriend to annoy?
content: no warnings!
a/n: this is just a super short blurb that popped in my brain. i was also listening to sneaky snitch while writing this so feel free to listen to that while reading this lol.
now, you weren’t a high-maintenance girlfriend who constantly had to be out. you were content with staying at home with miles, but it has been like this since summer started. occasionally, you guys would go out to restaurants or walk around the mall, but doing that every day took the fun out of it. 
so it was a normal summer evening. the air conditioning was blasting. the sun was setting. a random show was on the tv just for background noise. well, it was background noise for you, miles was actually paying attention. could you help it though? you’ve been pressed up against miles’ chest for 2 hours just binge-watching the same show. 
groaning out loud and shifting around on miles’ chest is what caught his attention. “you good mamas?” he asked. while shifting around, an idea suddenly sprouted in your head. leaning up to look down at miles, you smirked before going to a neutral expression quickly so he doesn’t get suspicious.
“hey miles… i need to ask you a serious question.”
“yeah was good? everything ‘kay?” he looked up at you in confusion with brows furrowed. 
“yeahh it’s just… do you love me?” 
“what are you even asking ma? ‘course i do.”
“are you sure?” 
“i can’t believe you’re asking me this,” he throws his head back.
“i’m being serious like do you love me three thousand percent?”
“what’s up with that number?”
“milesssss you’re not answeringgg that means you don’t love meeeee,” you whined. of course, you were joking but you wanted to have a little fun and what better way than annoying your boyfriend?
“you seriously cannot be doubting my love for you right now. look at where you are right now,” he gestured his arms around before going back to wrap them around you. “but if you’re asking, yes i love you very much. tu tienes mi corazon, lo sabes.”
“mmm okay miles. i’m taking your word.”
“girl you better be because i got you living.”
“yeah whatever,” you rolled your eyes before leaning back down to lie on his chest and like nothing ever happened, all of miles’ attention goes back to the tv screen in front of you. although the interaction got rid of your boredom a bit, all you wanted to do now was annoy your cute boyfriend. since you just ambushed him with questions, you waited a couple minutes before making your next move. 
what was your next move? poking miles’ face. your finger went up to poke his cheek once. getting no reaction from him, you poked his cheek again causing him to look down at you. 
“is there something you want?”
“no,” you simply grinned at him. aannddd attention right back to the screen. this time you went to boop his nose making a little “boop” sound with it too. 
“you think you’re so cute, huh?”
“well, as a matter a fact, i know i’m cute. no thinking required.” 
“baby, are you sure you don’t want something?”
“well, now that you ask again, yes i want something. i want your attention, i need you to do something. your sole reason for being my boyfriend is to entertain me.”
“oh so i’m just here to play around, huh?” he raised an eyebrow and you nodded with no hesitation. you should’ve thought of a better response than that because now you’re regretting everything when you feel yourself getting flipped around on the couch. miles on top of you now, legs holding you in place while his hands quickly went to your side tickling you. you squealed and laughed and kicked your legs around trying to get him to stop.
“miles stop! ple- AHAHA NO!” your pleading would not make miles stop at all. “miles i- i can’t breATHE,” you yelled and he stopped. you look up at him catching your breath and all he did was stare you down with a smirk on his pretty face. 
“you’re the worst person ever” 
“aww baby, don’t lie. i know you love me and i don’t even have to ask.”
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heartsforvin · 1 month
hi bae! I was wondering if you could write a fic about the reader having like heart problems and vinnie is always looking out for the reader if that makes any sense<3
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i loveee this because i actually have heart problems (more of a condition) and i think ab this a lot🥲 i hope you like this, thank you for the request !! also i hope you don’t mind i added a tinge of angst, just a lil small argument, but overall it’s fluffy !
+ i hope you don’t mind me implicating my own heart problems into this, it’s really the only cardiovascular thing i know most about 🥲
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pairing: vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings: cussing?? , small argument, use of pet names, use of medication, vinnie just being the best bf , fluff
summary: after knowing about your heart problems, vinnie is by your side night and day to make sure you’re okay
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you and vinnie had been together about a month when you finally told him the news about your heart. once you did, he asked you why you didn’t say anything sooner, why you didn’t tell him when you first met, but you told him you just needed time.
he understood, after the two of you had a tiny argument, it was mainly vinnie asking you over and over why you didn’t say anything sooner.
it was really no big deal, and you told that to vinnie, but he seemed to think it was. you loved that side of him of course, because it honestly was serious, but it didn’t effect your everyday life like other things.
you mentioned to him that you couldn’t do certain things like riding on the big roller coaster rides, skydive, or anything that could put your heart at risk really.
he didn’t mind that you had to sit out on some things, that just meant you two had to find something else to do if you wanted to go to an amusement park.
today, you and vinnie had one of your yearly cardiologist appointments. when you were younger it was more than once a year, but over time your heart got better and the doctors only needed to see you yearly.
“you got everything, baby?” vinnie asks as you grab your purse.
you nod as he grabs your hand in his and the two of you walk out of the apartment and to the elevator.
on your way to the doctors, vinnie’s hand finds its home on your thigh as you place your hand on his with a smile.
“think we’ll get good news today?” he asks, glancing at you for a minute before putting his eyes back on the road.
you look at him with a smile. “that’s all it has been for awhile, no signs of anything major yet,” you breathe out. “i think it’ll be good.”
vinnie returns your smile and takes your hand to squeeze it reassuringly, letting you know no matter what, everything will be okay.
after your appointment vinnie had decided to treat you to ice cream, which you of course said yes to. once you two got your ice cream you decided to sit outside on a picnic table since the weather was nice.
“i think that went well.” vinnie said after a moment of silence.
you nodded as you put a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth. “besides the fact that they gave me medication to take.” you tell him.
the doctor had prescribed some sort of medication to help your heart, you didn’t think it was very necessary since your heart is already in almost perfect condition.
vinnie sighed, he had a feeling you’d bring this up when the two of you were alone. “you know it’s just helping you.” he reassures.
you glare at him, not muttering a word as you finish your ice cream. you knew he was right, but you felt like it wasn’t necessary at all. 
finishing up your ice cream, the two sat in silence there and on the ride back to the apartment. you were grateful for vinnie looking out for you and helping you out, but sometimes you wish he’d back off a bit.
once back at the apartment, you drop your things on the counter and take your shoes off before going to the couch to cuddle with hera.
on your way home the two of you had stopped at the pharmacy to get your medication.
once vinnie had put his things down he opened up the bag your medicine was in and read off the label.
“baby it says you have to take it once daily after breakfast.” vinnie informed, walking over to you and sitting on the couch.
you looked at him and nodded as you continued to cuddle hera. “i’ll start it tomorrow.” you told him.
tomorrow came and here you were arguing with vinnie about some silly medicine.
you didn’t think you’d be arguing with him about this fire thing in the morning, but here you were.
“sweetheart just take it, it’s one pill and once a day, no big deal.” vinnie said, trying to get you to take your medicine.
he stood over you as you laid on your side of the bed, still trying to get up for the day. vinnie had made you breakfast and put out a glass of orange juice and your medicine.
“i told you i don’t need it, it’s stupid.” you argued back.
vinnie rolled his eyes. he wasn’t going to force you to do anything, so he just left you how you were and waited.
hours passed and you did eventually take your medicine. you sat on the couch with vinnie as hera came up to sit on your lap.
“feelin’ okay?” vinnie asks as he runs his fingers through your hair.
you nod. “yeah, i’m sorry for yelling at you this morning.” you apologize.
vinnie kisses the side of your head and gives you a smile. “it’s okay. i’m just trying to help you out, i hope you know that.”
vinnie’s words almost make you tear up. he’s been helping you and taking care of you ever since you told him, and you can’t thank him enough.
“i know,” you sigh. “i just..i took these years ago and they made no difference, so i don’t know why i’m on them again.” you explain.
vinnie hums as he continues to run his fingers through your hair. “i couldn’t give you an answer for that, baby,” he tells you. “take them for a bit and update the doctor how you’re doing and then they’ll tell us if you still need them or not, okay?”
you nod with a smile as you lean in to hug him. vinnie hugs you tight, kissing your head as you stay like that for a minute.
“are you feelin’ okay though, like really? no chest pain or anything? ‘cause i know you do get those little pains here and there.” he asks as he pulls away from you.
laughing slightly you nod. “i’m fine vin, swear. i’d tell you if i’m not feeling good or in pain, you know that.”
he holds you in his arms and kisses your head. “i know, i know. you know i just like taking care of you, that’s what i’m here for.”
you hug him and kiss his head like he did to you moments ago. “i know baby, and thank you for taking care of me. i love you.”
cupping your face, you both smile at each other before vinnie leans in to softly kiss you.
“of course sweetheart,” he breathes, out. “it’s what i’m here for, i’ll always be here for you no matter what. i love you.”
the two stay like that for awhile — in each others arms with hera right beside you. you’re glad you have vinnie here with you, to love you and take care of you so you’re not doing any of this alone.
you couldn’t ask for anyone else, all you wanted was him. your boy.
heyyy 😜😜 i hope you all liked this and thank you again for the request !!!
taglist: @cosmicanakin , @anqeliclust , @42angelgirl , @bernelflo , @0strawberrysorbet0 , @sturnioloshacker , @slvthrs , @visualbutterflysworld , @khackerr , @leqonsluv3r , @khxna , @supabhad , @kriissy4gov , @kayleighh , @laylasbunbunny , @defnotayonna , @violet0182 , @hallecarey1 , @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom , @eddieslut69 , @miilzzy , @skye-44 , @jpg3
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lukolabrainrot · 14 days
I went and rewatched all the interviews and there is just no way those songs and the Milk t-shirt photo was not about Luke. Here are my thoughts about what happened, let me know what you think!
Also, yes, it's entirely delulu but...
*N/L had a casual situationship after filming S3, but eventually both want to be sure that their feelings weren't directly related to being in such close proximity for so long. N pulls away because she's not sure that what they felt was the real deal and wants space to figure that out. L (being someone who prefers being in a relationship, finds A). They have a casual situationship. A knows about N/L's situationship.
*In Nov/Dec A and L's situationship gets more serious so N realizes that perhaps it was what was supposed to happen and (since she is guarded and a little jaded about love) focuses on her career and the upcoming WT.
*The WT comes and BAM! those feelings between L/N are back again and they're full force and too hard to ignore.
*L/N have a discussion about their situation and things...happen. *L/N decide that once the WT ends, they're going to pursue a relationship, likely a serious one based on N's family's reaction to meeting L in Ireland (come on, no one responds like that to meeting a co-star!) and the ring N had custom-made, a ring (that looks to have hands with rings that L wears)! This isn't a subtle sign. This ring was custom-made and listed on Chupi's website as an engagement ring (which the engagement part was later removed...another interesting tidbit) and N liked AND favorited a TT (accidentally) that talks about this ring being an engagement ring!! Whether that's the case or not, I believe 100% that L bought her that ring. I also believe the plan was ALWAYS for them to come back to each other (not only because of the song choice she posted with the lyrics 'I'll wait for you') but the fact that N wore this ring in the 'in a relationship' status since the moment she received it. THAT is telling!
*A finds out that things between L/N have heated up and she's upset (Brazillian Bob haircut era) even though L likely attempted to end things with her multiple times, but she won't go away. She confronts L and threatens to go to the media about him wronging her. And since no one knows the BTS situation between L/N, this could make them both look very bad and affect their careers. So they play along and L promises to help A launch her career by continuing their situationship. L gives A conditions though - he doesn't want to be in any photos where it could look like they're a couple. He doesn't mind if there is the assumption they are together, because he is hoping to just ride this thing out and then make a clean cut from A. He will also not publicly claim her, as all of them know that L/N are end game. Because A is who she is (and seeks media attention) she agrees to these terms, but believes she can change L's mind. This is what we see in her taunting N because she's extremely jealous of her. This is also why we see papgate happen and L's comment (we won't let her ruin our night - imo this was to N about A). A (imo) made papgate happen to prolong their relationship and publicly claim L so that she could control the narrative. Which is why L looks so pissed in the photos. Now this prolongs the ability to cut things off cleanly because the entire world has seen A.
*We see some (most) of the fandom react negatively to the papgate situation, which left everyone confused as to why N was coming to L's defense on instagram (since the majority of us KNEW what we saw between the two of them was genuine) and this was a slap in the face to N to bring A to the premiere. But what we didn't know is that she came to his defense because she KNEW the plan all along and knew that A was trying to split them up and foil their plans to eventually be together.
*L/N discuss what happened and there are some hurt feelings and they disagree on how to handle the situation. And we see their frustration with N's SATC TT she posted and quickly deleted and their lack of sm likes/etc. between the two. I think there was a lot more going on BTS that we didn't know about during this timeframe. Maybe N decided to take a break from things because of what happened and because she's focusing on her career and this caused a rift between them. Or L is just biding his time with A while N turns the other way. Either way, they're not together this summer and L looks absolutely miserable with A. My guess is that papgate and A came between them temporarily (A's plan the whole time).
*But then we get Italy. At this point, L and A have been 'together' doing stuff (always shown in friend groups, never alone together) as part of their earlier agreement. A is pulling out all the stops to win L, but he's not responding. A is frustrated and things take a drastic turn in Italy.
*After Italy, we see L's whole friend group (A, S and R) all stop posting and go virtually quiet. We see N's french toast pic (maybe this is a nod to her cooking things for L or maybe she just wanted to post it. We don't know). But then we get the Scrabble pic with the 'HeyA' etc...we also see N post two songs in quick secession with the lyrics "it's nice to hear your voice again, it's been a long time..." If this was about JD, why would she post that? She's been hanging out with him on/off through out the entire summer. The other song is about opening herself up and the other person knowing N entirely. If that's not L, I don't know what would be. He's seen her about her most vulnerable. And THEN we get the Milk t-shirt photo. Which, imo, is a direct tie-back to references to Tomdaya. She knows that we know she follows them and has mentioned them in interviews. There would be no reason for her to post this (Johnny's charity for this was in June). She knew we'd connect the dots and imo, she was soft-launching L and preparing us for what was to come. And after going back through the interviews, there is just no way anyone could convince me that she fell head over heels with him (JD) after looking at L the way she did and wearing a ring (that she's mentioned is related to her time in Bton and has the ring fingers with L's rings!) in the relationship status since she's received it. Why would she use this ring to denote that she's in a relationship with anyone else? Wouldn't that be a little strange?
*But a lot is going on between L and A and his disentanglement from her and to distract from their situation, N starts posting other pics (notice how there are none of JD on her grid and JD mostly likes the ones of L and N together?)
*We see N go to a festival with friends. The paps claim she's with JD. I firmly believe that JD is a friend and nothing more. I say this for a few reasons - no one batted an eye when we saw N pop up around town with JD earlier this summer, she's typically private about her relationships, she has no pics of him on her grid (look at the tons she has of L) and there are questions about who JD's dated in the past. BUT, since this is convenient for both of them atp, N is going to run with it. This is the perfect opportunity to detract from what is really going on BTS. And this is exactly how N wants it until things are completely resolved with A. Meanwhile, L is laying low and dealing with the disentanglement (which may or may not involve legalities at this point). DM backtracks (not out of any favor to N) but maybe because she's received inside info and she's not being paid by A to build a narrative anymore (yes, that's entirely speculation).
IMO, we just have to wait a few and we'll see L and N come out as a couple.
I agree with a lot of this as well!
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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The Sedative
✧ notes: i have a serious dan heng fic in the works too i promise, in the meantime, take this light-hearted crack fic
✧ summary: after you got hurt in the battle on the xianzhou, the doctors need to do an endoscopy on you. still under the influence of the sedative when you wake up, you think it's a wonderful idea to call dan heng and make your feelings clear to him.
✧ now playing: accidentally in love — counting crows
✧ warnings: reader is high on meds, talk of medical procedures, we're a little cringefail
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Dan Heng had dedicated his afternoon to reading his newest book when the call came. Perhaps it was to distract himself from worrying about your health despite the fact that the doctor had said during the preliminary examination that you were most likely fine and that this was just a safety check-up to make sure that your organs were okay after you got wounded in your most recent fight. He knew that you had been worried about both the procedure as well as the results and he, as well as the rest of your friends from the Astral Express, had made sure to calm you down and reassure you that this was a routine examination and something that the doctors had done hundreds of times. Still, Dan Heng could only truly rest once he knew that you were awake and well.
Himeko and March had taken you to the doctor's office today for the endoscopy and he hadn't heard from them yet. He knew a little about how these procedures went; after all, he had read about them in the archives so he could rationalize any fears you might have and support you. He knew that you were likely going to suffer from short-time memory loss right after waking up as well as being a little bit out of it. So when his phone rang, he expected it to be March and Himeko; as they had promised to keep him updated on your condition and he didn't expect you to have your phone with you in the recovery room.
He picked up without looking at the screen, surprised to hear your voice instead. "Dan Heng?", you asked in a tired voice, making sure that you hadn't called the wrong number. "Yes, it's me", he confirmed in a soft tone, glad to hear from you, "how did the procedure go? Are you discharged from the hospital yet?" His heart sank because of worry when he heard your response to the question. "I need you to come here", you made it sound urgent, "I need to tell you something."
"Are you okay?", Dan Heng asked, his heart beating faster. "Can you be here soon?", you asked, "I'll explain everything then, I promise." Dan Heng asked if you were still under the influence of the sedative. You said no. You felt fine. A bit of Midazolam had nothing on you! Your thoughts were clear as day and they were telling you that it was wonderful that you were alive and well and you should appreciate every moment; especially those spent with Dan Heng! Life was too short to not confess your love to him right here and now! But that was a conversation to best be had in person.
"I'll be there in a bit", Dan Heng confirmed and rushed over to the hospital as fast as he could, calling Himeko and March on the way. They didn't pick up. When he arrived, he asked for you at the front desk. The nurse looked up to him. "Are you Dan Heng?", she asked with a sigh. "Yes?", Dan Heng responded in confusion, his voice still laced with uncertainty and worry. "They've been asking about you for the past 10 minutes", the nurse seemed so done with you but that didn't deter Dan Heng, "here I'll show you where the recovery room is; maybe you can get them to stay on the bed because they've repeatedly tried walking out of here when they're supposed to rest for at least 30 minutes after the procedure."
Dan Heng looked at the nurse in surprise. "They said they're fully awake and no longer affected by the sedative", he explained. "Oh I'm sure they think that", the nurse chuckled, opening the door to the recovery room, "sorry if they made you worry. The procedure went well, nothing to worry about." Dan Heng let out a sigh of relief and the nurse left him alone with you.
As soon as you saw him, he swore he could see your eyes light up like you had just seen fireworks explode across the night sky on your birthday. "Dan Heng!", you called out excitedly and tried to get up from the bed on your unsteady legs. Dan Heng hurried over to you. "No, no, you need to sit down and rest here for a bit", he reasoned and gently sat you back down on the bed. "What are you doing here?", you asked with so much wonder in your voice, "it's such a nice surprise to see you!" Dan Heng couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at seeing you in this state. "You called me, don't you remember?", he chuckled and sat down at your bedside. You looked surprised. "I did?", you asked and pulled out your phone, checking your call history, "wow, you're right! I don't remember that!" "I can see that", Dan Heng mumbled, shaking his head. He noticed that your voice still sounded a little slurred.
"Where are Himeko and March?", Dan Heng asked. "Went to get food for later", you yawned, "they told me to call them when I'm done!" "Well did you call them?" "I forgot", you giggled. "That's okay, I'll just send them a text...", Dan Heng sighed, wondering what he had gotten himself into, "how are you feeling?"
"Better, now that you're here", you smiled at him like a lovesick puppy, "but 'm a little cold." Dan Heng took off his coat and draped it over your shoulders. "Better?", he asked. The response was you wrapping your arms around him and slouching against his body, closing your eyes with a tired yawn. Dan Heng froze. The only other time you had been this close to him was a group hug March had pulled all of you into. Still, you weren't in your right mind and Dan Heng didn't have the heart to just push you away. After all, he didn't even mind the affection. It just caught him off-guard. He supposed he'd just let you rest against his shoulder for a while until your head was clear again. Unfortunately for him, you were very talkative.
"You're so pretty", you cooed, nuzzling his neck, which made Dan Heng's cheeks flush. That was how it started. You were far from done. "I think your dragon form is so cute; you have little horns and everything", you giggled, "you're so beautiful, both on the outside and in your heart. Can I braid your hair?"
"B-braid my hair?!", Dan Heng stammered and had to blink a couple of times and gather himself to even process what was happening as you went on with your little rant. "Yeah. Your hair looks so soft. The Xianzhou doesn't know what they're missing", you exclaimed confidently, "you're the bravest person I know and you've come so far and I'm so proud of you!"
Your words sounded so confident and Dan Heng's heart was beating out of his chest. Was this really how you thought about him? Or were you just talking nonsense? Just when he thought that you were done, you decided to continue because you, according to your own words, had "a lot of thoughts about him".
"Your smile is so precious", you explained, scrolling through the gallery on your phone for evidence, showing him a picture that March took where he was actually smiling, "like, I mean, look. You're like the sun. You brighten up the day of anyone you smile at and you make me so happy." Dan Heng's face felt hot and he cringed at the awkwardness of the situation, despite the fact that you were very far from noticing it. You just looked at him with pure and unconditional love and Dan Heng didn't know what to do about it. It made his heart flutter and gave him hope there was truth to your words.
He eventually snapped out of it and held your shoulders, looking into your eyes. "I think you should rest a little... we can uh... talk about this later", he took your hand and squeezed it gently, "please rest. Can you do that for me?" You nodded.
"Okay. Please go out with me."
Dan Heng buried his flushed face in his hands, shaking his head at the absurdity of the situation. I should just stop questioning this kind of stuff, he reasoned with a sigh. "I will. I promise", Dan Heng said softly as he pushed you back onto the mattress carefully and rubbed your upper arm in a reassuring motion. "Can I have a forehead kiss?", you asked with a quiet voice, looking up at him with pleading eyes. Did you have an ounce of an idea what you were doing to his poor heart? Probably not.
But Dan Heng couldn't deny that it was endearing to hear you speak about him so affectionately. He leaned over to press a light kiss on your forehead, closing his eyes and noticing how warm your skin felt under his lips. "There. Happy?", he chuckled, still holding your hand in his. You gave him a tired nod, drifting off into a short nap not soon after.
"Dan Heng?!", he heard March's surprised voice behind him not soon after. He turned around to gesture to keep her voice down. "What are you doing here?", she asked with a confused expression, looking at his flustered face, "your face looks weird." "Thanks, March", Dan Heng replied dryly.
He decided to stay by your side for a little longer and accompany you and the others to grab lunch. After all, he probably should be there to reassure you when you inevitably realized what you had said to him. Dan Heng smiled at how peaceful you looked, knowing he was close by to take care of you. There really was nothing for you to worry about. He was looking forward to your date as much as you were.
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xxacademy · 1 year
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husband!leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: succumbing to injuries inflicted by a B.O.W you fight the mental and physical battle to recovery. meanwhile, your husband does everything in his power to support you.
any leon timeline works, except re2. i did have older leon in mind though <3
a/n: inspired by lil a snippet from an anon request, find it here. anyhow, i love how this turned out, i was 🥺 writing it. pls lemme know what you think <33
content//warnings: depictions of blood & injury, hospital setting, non-graphic description of an IV, pain medication, y/n is used ONCE, pet names (dear, sweetheart, honey), hurt/comfort.
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harsh white light wakes you revealing an image of horror. your trembling hands painted with your own dried blood, hooked up to an IV and a pulse oximeter. dazed, you know you’re in pain, but it’s not registering. it’s like you’re floating, possibly in a dream. a bad dream. but the reality of your condition is enough to confirm this is in fact not.
there’s a small group of medical staff standing at the end of your bed, talking quietly amongst each other. “the bloodwork came back, she’s not infected. all though the acid is wreaking havoc on her immune system, sending it into overdrive. the patient needs to be monitored for at least another two days.”
one of the nurses walks over to check on you, first, he looks at the monitors at your bedside, then goes to place a hand on your forehead. he notices you’re waking up, your heavy-lidded eyes focused on your hands.
he calls the doctor over, who pulls a chair up next to you. “hey, how are you feeling?” her voice is soft and calm.
“w-why am i here?” you mutter shakily, unable to make out much more.
“you sustained serious injuries on an extraction mission against a bio-organic weapon. you came in contact with its lethal acid, which is primarily why you’re here. your ankle is broken and you have puncture wounds in your arms.”
you’re still fixed on your bloodied hands, images of what you endured flood back. it was so intense- the last thing you remembered is a sharp talon-like claw piercing your upper arm. it all went fuzzy after that.
“you had surgery early this morning, and we have you on a morphine drip to help with the pain. please let us know if you begin to feel ill.”
you respond with an unsteady nod.
“you’re gonna be alright.” she smiles sympathetically.
another nurse comes into the room walking directly to the doctor. their speaking is hushed. “doctor, there’s a man here to see the patient. he says he’s her husband.”
“we can’t risk exposure from an outsider, we can’t have visitors yet.”
“he seems antsy.”
“well, assure him that she’s okay”-
the room is dead silent, so you can rather clearly make out what they’re saying.
“bring him in.” your voice quivering.
their heads turn, giving you a look of disappointment. similar to the one your mother gave you as a child. a sullen expression of remorse when she couldn’t afford to buy you new toys.
they do not want to hold your loved ones away from you. but it’s what has to be done. after all, it could mean life or death.
you sigh. you’re in no place to put up a fight.
“i’ll talk to him.” the nurse whispers. leaving the room.
“i’m sorry mrs. kennedy, you’re just not in a well enough state for visitors yet.”
you respond with yet another dreary sigh. fidgeting with the ring finger of your left hand.
your wedding ring is missing. you know you were wearing it prior. you’re always wearing it. sometimes you would loop it around a necklace chain, but you didn’t before this mission. surely it was on your finger.
“-doctor” you whisper.
“yes mrs. kennedy.”
“do you have my wedding ring?”
your tattered and blood-stained belongings were placed in a biohazard bag. a nurse picks up the bag feeling through the plastic for a ring.
“it’s not in here.” the nurse admits, a touch of anxiety in her voice.
“that’s okay.” you exhale.
it’s not okay. your beautiful diamond ring was more than just a pretty thing. it was one of the only sentimental pieces you coveted so highly. hand-picked by leon, it was a symbol of his undying affection. despite all the odds pinned against your love.
wanting to cry, but your bloodshot eyes are dry. the medication numbs you enough to let the pain run by, but you still feel broken, physically and mentally.
the hours pass as you bob in and out of sleep. your wavering limb’s finally settling. nurses and doctors are always present, constantly checking your vitals.
the next day two nurses come to bathe you at your bedside. gently wiping the sticky dried blood from your skin. the other trying to get it out of your hair.
“thank you, i mean it, thank you,” you whisper, fighting to keep your eyes open.
it was a relief. the sweet, metallic smell was driving you crazy. it felt itchy and uncomfortable against your skin.
leon hasn’t left the hospital. confined to a chair in the waiting room for the last day and a half. constantly flagging down staff for updates on your condition.
“she’s doing really well, the blood transfusion took perfectly.” the nurse smiles reassuringly.
“does that mean i can see her?”
“not yet, but soon.”
leon sighs. “well anyways, thanks for the good news.”
he sullenly returns to his chair. the stress and lack of sleep painting his under eyes dark. in his grasp is a picture you two took together, one he always carries in his wallet. it was taken a few years ago and you’re kissing his cheek. it’s the only solace he can find in the depressing waiting room.
leon had fallen asleep for the first time in over twenty-four hours. slumped over in his chair, chin resting in his palm. he jerked awake when his chin slipped. it was dark outside and the lobby eerily quiet.
leon walks to the front desk heavy-footed and groggy. “my wife, y/n kennedy, is she okay?” his voice is grave.
“yes sir, she’s sleeping- and everything is looking good. but, you should get some sleep too sir, it’s gonna be a while until she wakes up.”
the pain of not being able to see you cuts like a knife. leon can't stand the image of you suffering and alone. but he’s borderline delirious from the sleep deprivation. he returns to his chair, lays his legs out across another, and falls asleep.
leon is jolted awake by a nurse tapping his shoulder. it’s morning- warm sun seeping through the windows and the smell of fresh coffee wafts through the lobby.
“do you need me to move?” he asks, still half asleep. voice deep and raspy.
“oh no mr. kennedy, your wife is on the right track to her recovery. you can go see her now.”
you feel much more alert, the daze the blanketing your apprehensive thoughts finally lifting. they switched you onto a far less invasive medication, which was probably helping.
it’s been a week since you’ve seen leon, and about two of those he’s been here, but just barely out of reach.
whenever the nurses praised you for the progress you made- you jump straight to asking if you're well enough for visitors. In your defense, it’s been unbelievably hard going through this journey alone.
the door creeks open, a very common occurrence of your stay. but instead peaking through the door is your blonde-haired husband.
you immediately start to cry- tears welling up and streaming down your cheeks. leon tears up too, casting a glossy filter over his blue eyes. he delicately wraps his arms around you, careful not to inflict any more pain. and you bury your face into his chest, immediately staining his shirt with your cry.
“i missed you, leon, i can't believe you’re here, i’ve missed you so much.” you sob.
“it’s really you, you don’t understand how much i’ve missed you, dear.”
you take your time, relishing in the comfort of your husband's arms. he gently rubs your back, consoling you with his touch.
“how're you feeling?”
“ugh okay, i guess. my whole body hurts and i can barely move. but the doctors say i’m improving- so yippee” your deadpan tone emphasizes how exhausted you are.
“that’s what i heard. and look, i know it’s been hard, but i’m so proud of how strong you’ve been, sweetheart.”
“i love you.”
“i love you, too” leon squeezes his embrace around you a little tighter, gently kissing the top of your head.
you smile, the first one in a while. but it quickly fades. “leon, can i tell you something.”
“of course you can.”
you fidget with your hands pressing your face deeper in his chest. “i lost my wedding ring- i think it was during the mission. i’m so sorry.”
“is that really what’s on your mind right now?” leon chuckles.
you look up at him with, tears streaming down your face. “you do understand how much that ring meant to me.”
“of course, i know, dear. but how can i care about the stupid ring if the wife i thought died is actually alive and in my arms?”
leon wipes the tears from your cheeks, his hand cupping your jaw. “i promise i’ll make it up to you, okay?”
“okay.” you say sniffling your runny nose.
with a big yawn, leon stands up raising both arms up into a stretch, his shirt lifts up slightly showing off his abdomen. “i’m going to find your doctor, see when you’re coming home.”
you smile. it’s nice not being alone. you feel bad knowing leon anxiously waited at the hospital for days. but there’s an unfamiliar warmth in knowing how much he cares. leon had always cared about you- before you were even dating. that’s one of the many reasons why you married him. aside from the ongoing list of shared interests- he’s so protective, it’s one of his beautiful ways of loving you.
leon comes back to the room, “looks like they need to run more blood tests, make sure that acid is out of your bloodstream before you come home.”
you’re totally spaced out, it feels like you haven’t even had a chance to take in what’s happened to you. it’s all become a blur, taking in the moments a second at a time. you were so worried about the details it almost failed to compute that you were nearly infected by the very thing you swore your life to rid of.
like a time release valve finally triggering; anxiety washes you cold- it could have been the end. leon would have been widowed, and all your friends would have been at your funeral. your mind is playing devil's advocate. what if i don’t get better? are the doctors just hoping i stay positive?
“are you okay?” leon’s bloodshot eyes are nearly aching with concern.
“i’m scared.” your chest is sinking deeper with each anxious breath.
“why? why would you be scared?”
it may not make sense to you now- but having leon there was a sort of reality check. alone, you just survived. with him, everything has weight.
“i dunno… i just want things to be okay. i want you to be okay, i want to get better.”
leon rushes to your bedside, holding your hands in his. “but it will get better- you’re doing better, so much better! i’ll be there every step of the way. i promise you.”
you take a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself. trying to hang on to his words.
you sob, absolutely overcome by emotion. “i love you, leon. thank you for being here, thank you for everything you’ve done.”
a nurse knocks at the door but you don’t let go of leon’s hand.
“mrs. kennedy- so sorry to intrude. but the doctor wants to do a scan of your ankle. is that okay?”
you wipe the tears from your face, trying to compose yourself.
“yes, of course, that’s alright, thank you.”
leon whispers “you got this, dear,” before standing up and sitting in a chair by the window.
leon has done everything possible to make the next few days easier for you. like ordering takeout and watching your favorite movies with you. serving as a distraction while you recover.
it certainly worked. he’s good at keeping you calm, and the energy light-hearted. you didn’t even think it was possible, given the grim reality of your circumstances. but somehow he can have your eyes filled with tears, giggling with laughter.
four days you’ve been in the hospital, and today is your last one. you’re able to stand up and the effects from the B.O.W are finally gone. granted you still have a long journey to recovery, at least you can go home.
after the agonizing hours of travel, you make it home. leon helps you into the house, guiding you to your bed. “i want to take a bath, i feel disgusting.”
“i’ll draw one for you, you want it now?”
“hmhm” you nod.
“sure thing, sweetheart.” leon tenderly kisses your forehead.
he runs a hot bath, adding a little lavender soap, just the way you like it. he walks you to the tub and helps you undress. he holds your hand as you shakily step in, slowly adjusting to the hot water.
“god my first real bath in a week, can you believe it.” you sigh, sinking your body in the bubbly water.
leon chuckles, “i know, you poor thing, those nurses really tried their best to help. but it’s never the same, is it?”
“…especially considering i was covered in congealed zombie guts”
leon laughs, “but look at you now, covered in…” he pauses to read the name on the soap bottle “…lavender dreams”
you both giggle, in love and delighted by each other's company.
“okay, i’ll leave you to it, holler if you need anything.”
“leon! will you fetch my bathrobe!” you yell from the bathroom. you hear his feet patter across the hardwood, “coming."
you stare at your reflection in the mirror as you brush your wet hair, inspecting the scars, bruises, and stitches that litter your body. it feels like you came home to a different person, a body you’re now unfamiliar with.
leon peaks through the door. head cocked to the side. “everything alright, baby?”
“i don’t know- it’s hard to wrap my head around it. i-i feel off.”
“c’mere i got something to show ya.” leon swoops you off your feet carrying you in his arms.
“what are you doing?” you giggle wrapping your arms around his neck.
“you’ll see.”
he delicately sets you down on the couch in the living room and sits next to you. he fumbles around in his pocket pulling out a little black velvet box.
“leon-honey, oh my god, what is that.” your eyes are round and doe-like, your bottom lip beginning to quiver.
he opens the box, presenting it to you as if his hands were a clamshell, revealing a glimmering ring set in pearlescent white satin.
“for you- i know it was hard losing the ring, but that one was beaten up anyways. you deserve something a little nicer.”
tears swell, gathering in the inner corners of your eyes. chocked up and rendered speechless, you mouth the words, i love you.
he reached for your trembling left hand, sliding the diamond wedding ring onto your finger.
“i love you, most.” he beams, the words fluttering with tenderness.
“i-i love the ring, it’s beautiful-truly. but how’d you do it?”
“do what?”
“get a new ring, you were with me the entire time…?”
“i have my ways,” he smirks, planning on keeping that little secret to himself.
leon holds your hand, admiring the way your hand looks adorned by his diamond ring.
“remember when we got engaged?” he muses.
“of course i do! you took me to milan, i should have known you were going to propose.”
“you have the same look in your eyes as you did then.” leon swipes his thumb along your cheek, smiling to himself, gazing into your eyes.
“and you’re as smooth as ever” you look at him through your lashes, pupils wide. “but really leon, thank you, means more than the world”
“you are my world.” his soft lips meet yours, kissing you gently.
somewhere in the crystal pools of leon’s eyes, you find the hope you were looking for. his unbreakable faith in you, alongside his never-ending acts of love, is reassuring.
hell, it’s not going to be easy, but at least you're not alone.
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yourwosogirly · 1 year
Can you please write a blurb for Swedish goalkeeper Zecira Musovic?
Collisions - Zećira Mušović
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“you okay?”zecira’s soft voice rang in my ears as we sat in our cubbies in the locker room, reaching her hand over to grasp mine .
“I’m fine”i eased her worry for me, even though my legs were still shaking uncontrollably but that was just from game day nerves .
It was Sweden vs Australia, and it was a big game for us. despite being eliminated by Spain in the semi finals we still had to play Australia to decide who would be having third place and we would take it .
But if we didn’t, what else did we have?
I had trust in the team that we had this in the bag but being an over thinker I can’t help but question my own abilities.
“Ze”i squealed as she reached over and pulled me into her arms, sitting me on her lap and I relaxed into her, with my arms going round her neck.
“what’s worrying that pretty of yours,hm?”she mumbled, tapping my head lightly before pressing a kiss to it.
“nothing, I’m just thinking about the game”i sighed as she brushed her fingers through my hair and she hummed in understanding.
“well my love, If your nervous don’t be, we’ve got this in bag, I can feel it”she told me and I looked up at her with hudded eyes .
“really?”I asked and she nodded, mumbling a small really before she lent down, catching me off guard as she kissed me .
“Cmon, you two, we gotta go”magda shouted, pulling us out of our trance and I got out of zecira’s lap, giving her a hand to stand up and we both walked out to stand in the line.
“we’ve got this”she muttered, giving my left ring finger a kiss,which was taped because of my engagement ring she had proposed to me with when we won the fa cup and the wsl. I smiled at her before we separated, moving to our respective positions since I was closer to the back and she was behind our captain as the goalie.
It was the 56th minute that I had gone down, and we were 2-0 up which excited me but I didn’t get my hopes up yet as knowing australia they could easily equalise .
I wasn’t quite sure who it was, but that wasn’t my main focus.all I knew that I was running down the right side of the pitch with the ball at a fast place, yellow shirt right up my back side and before I knew it, I was on the ground, banging my fist into the grass.
Zecira was the first one to me which was a shock, considering the fact I was at the other end of the pitch. but like always, during every match, other than defending her goal and watching out for the striker, she had her eyes on me the whole time so she saw me go down first and could tell it was serious.
a few others had gathered around including caitlin foord, the one who had caused the attack with a guilt ridden look on her face.zecira had called for the medic as she helped me turn over and sat with my head in her lap.
“baby, are you okay?”she asked concerned, as I winced leaning my head back against her shoulder as the pain in my leg spread through me like wildfire.
“it’s hurts so much”her heart broke as those words left my mouth and she wanted to take all my pain away, but she couldn’t . finally the medics had arrived and pushed most people away to be able to asses me properly but zerica refused to move, she was stuck to me.
as they checked my condition, carefully trying to not make the situation worse, zerica smoothed my hair down and whispered sweet nothings in my ear trying to calm me down while she herself gave the medics and my figure worried glances.
“we need to get you off the field”the medic declared and they stood up, ready to help me off the field.normally I would’ve refused being a naturally stubborn person, but the pain in my leg was too much to handle .
gritting my teeth, I slowly got to my feet with the help of zer and the medics.zerica brought my closer to her for a moment so only I could here what she’s saying. “I’m coming off, I don’t want you to be alone.
I shook my head and she tried to protest but I cut her off. “the team needs you, I’ll be fine on my own, okay?”.
she nodded with a sigh and I leaned in to whisper in her ear, “do me proud, superstar”.she blushed and I left her there as I put my arms around the medics shoulders and they helped me hobble off the pitch .
It turns out I was going to be okay, thankfully and I didn’t have to go to the hospital which I felt very lucky because I hated them and I was pretty sure if zerica found it she’d have a heart attack.
I had only tweaked it, luckily but I wouldn’t be able to start in the first game of the wsl.my leg was in a brace for 1-2 week and crutches for about a month. I was still sat in the medical room, now changed into comfy clothes as I watched my teammates celebrate.
there had been no more goals when the game ended, sweden securing a 2-0 win and earned third place. the medic watched me out of the corner of my eye, seeing the longing in my eyes.
“you can go, if you want”and I pretty much jumped out of my seat before she glared at me and I shrunk back grabbing my crutches and quickly making my way towards the tunnel.
zerica quickly rushed towards me as I entered the field, I smiled, leaning into her touch as she embraced me in a massive hug, squeezing me tight .
“are you okay?what did the medics say?is it still hurting?do you need help?omg, I should have came with you, shouldn’t have i?”she rambled on and I placed my hand on her chest to stop her from talking.
I pulled her down by the neck, kissing her and biting her lip before pulling away. “baby, I am okay, I tweaked my ankle, but it feels fine right now and I just have to rest for a few weeks”.
she sighed and nodded at the new information. “okay, I’m glad your okay, now let’s go get our medals”.
she kissed my forehead and I giggled walking to the rest of the girl who were lined up ready to collect our medals while zerica’s hand rested on the small of my back. zerica made sure to stay by my side at all times as some of the girls embraced me and chatted while we waited to receive our medals.
when it was my turn to step up and receive my bronze medal I couldn’t be prouder.I know it wasn’t first place, but it was better than nothing, I couldn’t help but be fulfilled and I knew me and the team worked hard for this .
I was quite far back in the line so there weren’t many more people after me and once I joined the group zerica smiled at me, bringing my medal to her lips. we all cheered celebrating our bronze medal victory and I pulled zerica over to the camera man for some photos.
“picture?”she asked and I nodded, she placed her hand around my shoulder and we both held our medals in our hands.she shocked me though as the camera flashed, she grabbed my chin, pulling me into a kiss.
“I love you, so much”she told me heartfeltly and I blushed looking down at our entwined fingers. I didn’t respond verbally, though but what I did do is pull her into an enchanting kiss that she would never forget .
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WIBTA if I told my girlfriend to lose weight?
Okay, so that sounds horrific, but bear with me.
To be clear, I (23M) could not care less what weight she (27F) is or what she looks like. I love this woman with my whole heart and none of it is about her appearance. We’re pretty much engaged in all but name, the only reason it’s not official is because we don’t have money to even think of weddings right now, and I plan to spend the rest of my life with her.
Thing is, she’s obese. Like, medically, not in a derogatory sense. This is massively affecting her health. She’s constantly out of breath, constantly in pain, constantly struggling, and it’s leading to other conditions such as sleep apnea. She thinks she has asthma because she’s always struggling to breathe, but I’m 95% sure it just comes down to weight and her doctor has said the same, but she tends to write it off as doctors being fatphobic.
Much of this is due to the fact that she used to struggle with binge-eating disorder. She no longer binge eats, but she does overeat in general because her body is so accustomed to constant food, so she gets painfully hungry and dizzy after 2-3 hours of not eating.
I’ve tried to encourage her to exercise with me, diet with me, count calories etc., but she gives up super easy when she doesn’t see immediately results. She also says herself that she finds it very difficult to see herself accurately - she has the reverse of “typical” body dysmorphia, where she sees herself as thinner than she is, so she genuinely sees herself as thin or like slightly curvy. (To be clear, she is very visibly obese, people comment on this often, and while I’ll be the first to go fists up if someone’s a dick to her about it as people have been I also am genuinely worried about her health.) Because of that she has no motivation to lose the weight because she just doesn’t see it. It’s bad enough that she’s been told by doctors she WILL likely struggle later in life with heart failure, diabetes etc if she doesn’t lose weight, yet her POV is more, “It can’t be that bad because I’m not that big so I don’t need to worry about it”. She has occasional reality checks, most recently she put her measurements into some site that shows an image of what you look like from a third person perspective, and she was completely shocked like “I can’t look like that. Do I? This is a wake up call”, but days later it’s completely lost and she’s back to saying she’s not that big again.
She wants kids with me, and I just absolutely do not want to commit to having children with her when I know there’s a not-insignificant chance she’ll have serious health issues in the future that could mean she’s not with us for as long as she could be. Both for the kids’ sake, and selfishly because I want her around! I don’t want to think about something happening to her earlier in life and being without her.
But I just don’t know what to do. Gently suggesting it hasn’t worked, saying I’m worried about her health hasn’t worked, saying I don’t want kids until she’s healthy hasn’t worked (even if she’s still overweight I really don’t care as long as she’s not in a “danger zone” y’know?), trying to meal plan with her hasn’t worked, trying to get her to keep track of calories hasn’t worked, trying to exercise with her hasn’t worked.
People I’ve asked in the past have told me to be firm about it, but I’m incredibly reluctant to do that - I struggled with anorexia for most of my teenage and adult life and I know how deep it can cut to have your weight criticised or commented on. I don’t want to be that dick who basically calls someone I love very much unhealthy and fat and tells her to lose weight or no kids or some horrible shit like that.
But I just. Can’t work out what to do. She does express a willingness to lose weight, she says she wants to, she just doesn’t have that motivation to do it. I don’t know what else we can try.
AITA for focusing on this in the first place? Like am I actually just being fatphobic, or is my own past with EDs influencing my thinking? Am I going about it all wrong? Should I just accept it as something that’ll be a potential issue in future and deal with it then or am I fair to worry about it early on?
What are these acronyms?
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blushweddinggowns · 6 months
Eddie was dealing with a lot of firsts today. 
The biggest one being the first time he was getting married. Though, Eddie really hoped it wouldn’t be the last. If his fantasies about this day came true he was going to have to insist on a vow renewal somewhere down the line. Fuck it, if even a quarter of what he wanted came through he’d still insist on it. He was never not going to like showing Steve off, and this was the most ostentatious way he could get away with. 
Next, and most distressing, this was the first time Eddie had ever felt the lethal mixture of being incredibly happy and horrifyingly nauseous. He had no idea that a person could feel both things at once, and Eddie was starting to think the ability was just a flaw of the human condition. 
And last, he is a 100 percent sure he had never been this damn nervous in his entire life. Especially when the source of it was entirely self-made. It was an uncomfortable reminder of how he used to feel with Steve, back when he decided to be a fucking crazy person. 
But this was so much worse. 
“You really need to relax,” Chrissy said for the hundredth time, watching as Eddie fiddled in front of the mirror, “That anti-perspirant can only go so far.”
“I know,” Eddie sighed. He was on one today, he knew that. But knowing it wasn’t stopping any of his anxiety. Eddie was trying to fix his hair in the mirror, suddenly unpleased with how it was styled but unwilling to go bother the stylist that did it. She was busy enough with everyone else, let alone the fact that he didn’t even know why he didn’t like it. If anything he was just making it worse. But then again, Steve always said he liked his hair wild, right?
“Hon, I’m serious,” Chrissy sighed, grabbing for his hand to drag him away, “You are driving yourself crazy for nothing. Everything is going to be okay. He’s going to be there. Are you forgetting that it was Steve who asked you to marry him?”
Eddie couldn’t help but smile at the memory, even now. The little shit had beaten him to the punch by a matter of days, completely ruining Eddie’s elaborate proposal plans. No, instead Steve decided to do it in the dead of night, getting down on one knee in the middle of their living room after getting destroyed at an impromptu game of scrabble. 
Eddie should have seen it coming, he really should have. But he had been so caught up trying to plan his own proposal he had completely missed the signs. Like how Steve kept picking movies that involved proposals and weddings, and how he was always very interested in what Eddie thought of them. Eddie just hadn’t realized how many notes he’d been taking around his innocuous comments. Not until Steve showed him the scrawled out list he had made down the line:
Not public, he said he wouldn’t want to cry in front of a bunch of strangers. Not again (whoops, sorry babe but at least this one would have been happy tears?)
Close to a bed or a bed-like surface for “celebrating” (I should have seen that one coming)
Diamonds are apparently ~stupid~ so look at colored stones instead (maybe emerald for his birthstone? Stick with sliver tones.)
No where cold so he can focus on the moment instead of freezing
Make it a surprise (But not outside? I don’t want to wait till summer though. Maybe I can do it randomly? Like when his back is turned?)
Write. A. Speech.
Eddie had to give it to him, his notes weren’t in vain. It had been amazing. Tailor-made to him in a way he didn’t even fully get until it was over. Because he had started crying, right in the middle of their living room with no one but Steve to see him. And it had felt so fucking safe. There was no embarrassment, no worrying over someone he didn’t know taking their moment to share with more strangers, none of it. It was just them. 
He had fucking loved the ring, the colors, the style, all of it fit him perfectly. The only thing he loved more had been dragging Steve straight to their bedroom spoil him rotten for hours. The speech had been beautiful, for what he had managed to hear through his own excitement and tears. He had ended up asking Steve to write it down for him considering how he couldn’t trust his own memory. Now it sat on a cute index card he kept in his wallet, right alongside his cute scrawled out list, a constant reminder that Steve Harrington wanted him.
It had been perfect. Almost too perfect. Perfect enough for Eddie to be where he was right now, the doubt of how he ended up with Mr. Perfect. 
from the upcoming last chapter of this fic
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minniesmutt · 3 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐲 [𝟏]
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     Seungmin liked control. He didn't know if it was something from centuries ago when he turned, just knew he liked it. 
     He had a routine for centuries. Wake up when the sun goes down, hunt, eat, and sleep when the sun comes up. He watched people come and go. Mortal life fading before his eyes, he never understood them, not since he turned. 
     Yeah, he had indulged in a few things but never committed. Not till Y/n. He felt like he could be himself, not once hiding anything from her, even his vampiric nature  
     It was when things got serious and he wanted to explore what humans enjoyed that it got a little more fun. Y/n showed him a lot of things— a lot of night activities considering his condition. 
     The one he enjoyed most was their kink-exploring. Over the years he’d slept with a few humans but never fully explored a lot of things since they were one-night stands. Y/n had done a bit more of the kinker things and had no problem showing him. 
     Ultimately it made him more of a monster than he already was. 
     Seungmin had taken it upon himself to turn their spare bedroom in their apartment into a playroom. He had soundproofed the walls and bought black-out curtains to start. The simple bed frame was upgraded to a bondage frame and bought a few more dressers to hold their toys along with other various things. 
     Seungmin admired how Y/n gave up all her control when it came to the bedroom. Appreciated the fact he could do anything he wanted to her and knew if it was too much for her she’d tell him He knew her limits but he loved pushing them. It was a hobby of his, one would say
     He had come home from his shift at work— working nights for obvious reasons—to find her all laid up in their playroom. Not where she was when he left. He was almost sure when he left for work she was curled up on the couch watching TV and about to fall asleep. So he wondered how the hell she wound up on the playroom bed in his favorite lingerie set, lace panties pushed to the side as she rode a dildo.
     Not particularly waiting for an answer he walked up behind her and grabbed a fist full of her hair. Y/n gasped as he looked down at her. “What do you think you’re doing pup?”
     “N-nothing..” she whined
     “Is “nothing” the name of the fake cock in my hole?”
     Y/n knew she was caught. It wasn’t her fault that she woke up from a wet dream and couldn’t get a hold of her boyfriend! She figured she could get off before he got up and he would be none the wiser. But he’d practically trained her to get off on him. Whether it be his cock, his voice, or his bite.
     “‘M sorry sir,” Y/n sniffled
     “You know sorry doesn’t cut it pup.”
     Seungmin released her hair. Y/n turned around to face him, the dildo slipping out of her. She sat on all fours in front of him, waiting for him to pull his cock out like he usually would.
     Instead, he reached under her and grabbed the dildo, noticing she had stuck it on a flat surface to be able to ride it comfortably on the bed. Seungmin took the suction cup toy off its perch and then moved to stick it on the wall above their headboard. “Where’s your collar pup?” Seungmin asked
     “Where you left it sir.”
     “Go grab it. Along with your ears and tail.”
     Y/n got off the bed and quickly moved across the room to grab the three items for him. Coming back quickly and sitting on her knees in front of him, with the items in hand.
     Seungmin grabbed the ears and put them on her head before grabbing the dog collar and putting it on her, adjusting it to the heart-shaped tag engraved with “Minnie’s Mutt” facing him.
     “Take it off,” Seungmin pointed to the lingerie set
     “I thought you liked this one sir,”
     “Which is why I’m not ripping it off you. Bad puppies don’t get nice things.”
     Y/n took the panties off first and put them in Seungmins’ open hand. Then taking off the bra and put it in the same hand. “Start cleaning that toy off.”
     Y/n crawled over to the dildo hanging on the wall as her boyfriend was doing god knows what while she sucked her slick off the toy. After a minute or so, she felt a cold liquid sliding down her ass. Making her squirm and whine.
     “Settle down puppy. You want Minnie to prep you right?” Seungmin’s voice came from behind her
     Y/n hummed in response before he slipped a finger inside her and started thrusting in and out of her gently at first. He slipped a second finger into her. Which made her start bucking her hips against his hand. Seungmin gripped her neck hard and pulled her back towards him. “What are you doing pup? Minnies trying to be nice and prep you. Stop squirming.”
     Y/n whined as he picked up his pace. He pushed her back towards the dick on the wall and watched as she shook her head. 
     “You wanted it in you earlier and now you don’t?” His tone was very condescending and it turned her on more.
     He pushed her down on the pillow as he spread her open. He slipped in a third for good measure, which made her whine and squirm more. He grabbed the back of her throat but that didn’t seem to do much. Rather he pulled his fingers out of her and replaced them with his dick. Spanking her ass with his now free hand. 
     “Is that what all that whining was for pup? Wanted a cock in your ass instead?” He asked, noticing her whining and squirming had died down. 
     He grabbed the bone gag he had grabbed while she was sucking the toy above. He pulled her up a put to fit the toy into her mouth “Nasty fucking mutt.” Seungmin smiled as he locked the gag in place around her head, pushing her back into the pillows
     “Sit still now pup.”
     Seungmin took to pounding into her ass, hands held onto her hips. Her moans were muffled by the gag in her mouth as he used her ass for his own pleasure. Occasionally spanking her when she made any move to try and get herself off. He ended up grabbing her wrists and pinning them behind her back once he caught one of her paws trying to play with her clit.
     “You’re were doing so good pup, why’d you try and ruin it?” Seungmin asked
     She tried apologizing again, only for it to be muffled by the gag. “What was that pup?”
     She tried again, but still nothing. Seungmin pulled the drool-covered toy out of her mouth to let her talk. “Wan… cum.” she managed before he put the toy back in her mouth.
     “Awe, my dumb puppy wants some cum in her? You should have said so pup.” Seungmin knew full well she was asking if she could cum and not for his cum.
     Did he care? Not at the moment. She knew not to touch herself with him or play without him and she still did it. Now she was suffering the consequences of her actions. 
     “Here it comes puppy,” Seungmin groaned as he felt himself about to tip over the ledge. 
     He thrust into her a few more times before those thrusts turned into rough hits into her ass as he filled her with his warm cum. “There you go puppy.”
     Seungmin kept still inside her as he grabbed her tail plug. He pulled out and then watched a bit of his cum leak out of her stretched hole. “Think we can fit some more in here pup. Don’t think Minnie prepped you enough,” Seungmin didn't hear anything she grumbled as he pushed back into her. 
     Seungmin had moved her hands to spread herself open him. Seungmin groaned behind her as she tightened around him. Squeezing around him, trying to milk his cum from him. It made him laugh a little as he saw her muscles start shaking for a moment.
     He pushed in faster and harder as her hips bucked under him before they stopped, right before he came in her again. Then he felt a warm liquid on his thighs. 
     “Did you just squirt from having your ass fucked open pup?” He leaned down over her back and looked at her face, turned to the side. Eyes watery with some tears espacing that had stained the pillow under her head. He pulled the gag out of her mouth so she could answer him.
     “‘M sorry sir. Felt too good.” She whined
     “Yeah? Like when I play with your ass?” He asked as he kissed her shoulder.
     “Yes,” Y/n nodded
     “What’s your color pup?”
     Seugmin placed a kiss on the side of her head before sitting back up and pulling out of her again. “Really are my nasty puppy aren’t you?” he chuckled
     “Only yours, sir.”     “Take one more for sir?”
     “Yes sir.” 
     “Spread your ass for me pup,” Seungmin said.
     Y/n grabbed her ass and spread it open for him. She knew he was a supernatural being but she still wondered how the hell he was gonna be able to get up three times in a row. 
     Then she felt the warm liquid filling her ass, mixing with his cum. “Little multi-purpose hole here pup. Hold your owner's cum and piss.” He chuckled
     Y/n mumbled against the pillow as his stream came to a stop. He used the cold metal tip of the plug to scoop up anything that had dripped out of her then slowly pushed the plug into her. Some of the mixture still managed to leak out before he got the toy in. But no big deal. He had to clean himself before he fucked her anyways. 
     “Roll over pup,” Seungmin demanded
     Y/n rolled over onto her back, pulling her legs to her chest and arms pushing her breasts together while her hands bent like puppy paws when a dog sat on their hind legs. Hoping the cuteness was enough to make up for breaking two rules and get him to fuck her. 
     “You think you’re cute, pup?” her plan didn’t work. 
     Seungmin held a smile on his face as he unwound a bundle of bondage rope. He had a plan and he was sticking with it. No matter what she did. 
     He started with her legs, tying her calves to her thighs the remaining rope he wrapped around her collar, fixing the heart tag while he was at it. He wrapped some more rope around her wrists and tied them to the headboard. 
     “Be good puppy,” Seungmin told her before getting off the bed.
     He pulled the bone gag back into her mouth and grabbed the dildo off the wall from above her. Y/n watched his moves as best she could as he moved around the room. She looked down between her legs as he placed their thrusting machine at the end of the bed. 
     He guided the dildo at the end to her entrance before turning it out. Not even a low setting, the sadist turned on one of the faster settings and had her twitching in seconds.
     “Sit still puppy. Minnie’s hungry” 
     He came up and moved her head to the side before his fangs sunk into her skin. Y/n melted into the bed from both forms of pleasure. Seungmin hummed against her skin before he pulled away, letting some of the blood spill out. He thought about licking up the rest. But decided against it when he saw the crimson running down her skin. 
    “The sheets better be soaked when I get back pup.” 
     Seungmin walked out of the room after that. Leaving her all tied up for a while was fun
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songmingisthighs · 17 days
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. lxxiv - you WILL cry
ghost!yeosang × reader
genre : ghost!au
rating, warning : mature; crude jokes and filthy language, attempted murder (smothering), mentions of (y/n) being attacked, head trauma
wc : 1.7 k
buy me coffee ?
a connection once had, broken with the expectation that the ending is final. but life has an odd proclivity of making attachments from detachments. in the end, we don't know what we lost until we look at what we have
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You stared at the person in front of you who looked like he was simply sleeping when in fact you know he was trying to get his consciousness back. It was odd that for such a long time you had been annoyed with him just popping in your screen out of the blue, even his voice made you roll your eyes. But now? You actually hoped he was just trying to find a moment to surprise you by jumping up from the bed or something.
Maybe you were torturing yourself by staying by Yeosang for so long without a break. The sight of him unconscious was one thing, but the fact that there were tubes put in made the visual worse for you. Especially since you kept thinking about the day you found Wooyoung in Yeosang's room, the reason why he had to have more machines to support his life.
Leo had rushed you to the hospital so that the doctors could check you up after the attack just in case.
"This is stupid, I don't need to be checked up! I need to find Wooyoung!" you huffed, trying to get up from the ER bed only to have a hand push your head back down. "Sorry, can't have Leo hyung whooping our asses for letting you run away to do reckless things after he whooped our asses for leaving you alone at the house," Mingi said, moving his hand away when you tried to bite it. "I'm serious, I have a bad feeling about Wooyoung being gone this time and it's not just because he broke the phone Yeosang is in. I knew I should've just plug him into Leo oppa's computer," you whined, still trying to get up but Yunho kept you in place. "(y/n), you need to stop blaming yourself and you're just being paranoid because you just got attacked. We have to wait for the doctor to come back with your test result so just sit still and be calm okay? You told us you'd be calmer if we took you for a check-up at the hospital Yeosang's at but here you are still acting cuckoo," he sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. You glared at him in annoyance, "We can't wait okay, we really need to go!" "Go where?" Yunho asked, sounding like he was taunting you a bit. "To Yeosang, I have a feeling that Wooyoung is gonna do something to him and I need to make sure that nothing bad happens to him because it's bad enough that the technological vessel he's in is broken, we can't have his biological vessel " you answered, not bothering to point out his sarcasm and instead simply trying to get up and out of the bed to make your escape with both Mingi and Yunho watching you. "The phone is with Hongjoong hyung and Jongho, you've screamed at them loud enough to get their assess moving," Mingi chuckled, remembering the way you clawed and screamed at Hongjoong and Jongho who were tasked to try to repair the phone as it was a condition from you to go to the hospital. "Not to the repair shop, genius, I have a feeling and it's a bad one," you muttered more towards yourself because you were trying to figure out the weird things that were happening.
Seeing you so determined, Mingi and Yunho were of course more worried about your wellbeing. And theirs once Leo came back and realized that their resolve was faltering rather spectacularly. They looked at each other and it was as if they had a wordless conversation that resulted in them agreeing that it would be better if they accompanied you doing whatever plan you had. That way, they could prevent anything stupid from happening and you could shield their asses from being handed back on a silver platter by Leo.
"Fine we'll come with so you but you have to be very careful," Yunho stated, crouching down to help you put on your shoes while Mingi helped steady you. "What makes you think Wooyoung is gonna do something to Yeosang anyway?" Mingi asked and you answered him by staring at him with a blank look as if you were saying 'really? you're asking me that?' and thankfully Mingi just shook his head, "Nevermind."
That was how you found yourself sneaking out of the ER and into the private wing with your two large friends trailing behind you, making sure that you wouldn't get in trouble. That was also how the three of you came to find Wooyoung on top of Yeosang on his bed with his heart monitor turned off and a pillow pressed on the unconscious guy's face.
"Wooyoung!" Mingi called out, bursting through the doors and rushing into the room to get Wooyoung off of Yeosang only to be beaten by a vase of flower hitting Wooyoung on the side of his head, causing him to fall off the bed. Mingi turned around to see you huffing with your face red, pausing as you tried to comprehend what you just did. But the shock came down rather quickly because as soon as Wooyoung grunted and tried to get up, you rushed in and pushed him down to the ground again, this time sitting on his back to prevent him from going anywhere.
"You fucking psycho, what were you trying to do!?" You yelled at him, trying your best to keep Wooyoung on the ground but Wooyoung was writhing about trying to get out of your grasp. "Need to stop him! He's going to ruin my life!" Wooyoung screamed, still kicking around to either get him out of your grasp or you off of him.
You knew your twin was crazy but his words still managed to surprise you due to how fucked up it was. "He's unconscious and immobile you daft asshole!"
Luckily, Yunho came rushing in with security guards in tow. It took a bit of maneuvering and keen reflexes because Wooyoung tried to dash when you got off of him but of course, one scrawny asshole against two trained guards was a fool's game.
"...And that's why when you wake up, you owe me another thing to be thankful about," you chuckled after talking to the unconscious Yeosang.
Your words rang in your ears and your smile fell gradually, thinking about what you just told him. "You will... Wake up, right?" tears welled in your eyes and you shuddered thinking about the chances of Yeosang not waking up after so long.
His parents, who had been made aware of the truth (except for the part where their son was stuck in a device, of course), slowly opened themselves up to you being there. They were obviously still reluctant which was normal considering that there were over a decade's worth of grudges and animosity even if it was just from their side. But with Seonghwa, San, and Mingi vouching for you, they allowed you to spend time with Yeosang. Though Yeosang's friends vouches were credible and helpful, his parents also saw how determined you were to be there for Yeosang and unlike Wooyoung, they could absolutely see your genuinitty be it in action and emotion once they put aside their personal feelings and allowed objectivity to show them the truth.
"We have so much to catch up on and I refuse to let Wooyoung's antics separate us again," you then move to sit on Yeosang's bed and lean down to put your face close to his, "We have been through so much together so we owe each other the courtesy of being there for each other now. So I'm keeping my promise here but you have to promise me you'd try to come back so you can reciprocate," you whispered as you planted your lips gently on his forehead. Somehow the feeling of his cold skin made your skin crawl as your brain couldn't help but fear that he was truly gone. The thought made your eyes water and you couldn't do anything, you couldn't move away as you let tears drop from your eyes onto Yeosang's smooth skin. "Please come back, Yeosang. I need you to come back. This is so unfair and I won't stand for this," you sobbed in a hushed tone, "I swear, if you don't come back soon, I will... I will astral project to wherever you are and I will kick your ass."
Silently, you cried to yourself in that room, feeling defeated for the first time which was funny because thus far, you were keeping his friends positive by assuring them that he would come back. You had even joked that if Yeosang could survive his electrocution by surviving in a phone, he could get himself back. You kept reassuring them that Yeosang just need his friends, both old and new, to rally in his side and give him the support he so clearly deserve. But with days and even hours passing, you couldn't help but feel more discouraged.
It wasn't until you felt something creeping up your right hand did you pull away and looked down only to see Yeosang's fingers curling around yours.
"What?" you gasped, immediately pushing yourself off to see Yeosang slowly opening his eyes which seemed hard to do but you saw that he was trying his best to open them and regain his consciousness. "Oh my God," your breath hitched and you immediately reached over to press the call button on the wall which made the nurse from the station outside to rush in. "Yeosang is awake, call his doctor and his parents!" you screamed at the nurse who thankfully nodded and reacted quickly.
Looking back, you saw the corners of Yeosang's lips curling into a smile and you couldn't helo but let more tears drop. "Yeosang is awake, oh my God, you're fucking awake," you shakily repeated before launching yourself to hug Yeosang tightly as you freely cried on his shoulder.
For years, you had had the occasional thought of what would happen if you were to see Yeosang again. You had expected that you two would ignore each other or that he would just hurl hurtful accusation your way, opening up old wounds. Now that the moment arrived, you were never more glad to be wrong.
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could you write a Hannibal one-shot (platonic), where he somehow becomes friends (FBI work) with a teenager, who has a dark sense of humor and overall quite to his liking, but is harmless?
Hannibal X Platonic!Reader: The friends we make along the way
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Warnings: murder, death, talks of trauma, crime scenes, teenagers being teenagers, Hannibal being annoyed by you, no use of y/n, not proofread, gn reader.
Word count: 1K
“What can you tell me about the person in the picture?”
“Well, they’re dead.”
Hannibal closed his eyes, his hand moving to put pressure on his brow bone. He knew you were being annoying on purpose. He didn't know why he expected for you to be different from any other teenager he’d ever met. Perhaps the fact that you'd been through a traumatic event. But then again who hadn't. 
All though he was sure usual people's traumatic events weren't anything like yours. Normal people don't find themselves in a situation where they have to stab their best friend to death. When he’d first met you you’d been covered in blood. Your eyes were wide and you had a knife in your hand. You stuttered something out but Hannibal hadn't quite understood what you were saying. It was only later, on the drive to the FBI, that he’d realized you had said: I didn’t want to.
They’d been trying to catch the killers for days and you've managed to kill him with a kitchen knife. The whole experience sent you into a bad place mentally. You’d never hurt anyone before and finding out your best friend of ten years had been killing people who matched your appearance as a tribute to you was difficult to process. The FBI ruled it off as self defense and they let you go but not without suggesting you seek therapy. Hannibal had been of great comfort to you so it was only neutral you requested him as your physiatrist.
Hannibal tapped on the images on the table.
“I’m serious. You want to become an agent, you need to be able to find the clues.”
“Hannibal no offense but I doubt this is going to help me get into the academy.”
You walked over to his ladder, hanging yourself on it with one hand.
“Plus wouldn't it be better if Will was helping me with this. Since, you know, he works for the FBI.”
“Will works for the FBI because his condition gives him something they consider valuable he-”
“Can go into the killers mind. Yeah yeah I know. You’ve only told me that about a thousand times.”
Hannibal steeled himself. Gosh he did not have patience for children. He sat down on his desk watching you continue to swing on his ladder.
“Be careful you’ll end up hurting yourself.
“Okay Dad.”
The annoyance was clear in your voice. You hopped off the ladder landing on the floor with a dramatic flair.
“See i’m fine.”
Hannibal watched you walk over to his drawings taking them in. You’d always liked art and Hannibal was quite good. Since your first session Hannibal noticed you had trouble staying still. He didn;t mind it as long as you managed to focus. Something that was proving rather difficult at the moment.
“Did you always wanna be a psychiatrist?”
“No. I was a surgeon before.”
“What made you stop? Did you kill someone or something?”
An uneasy silence filled the room. You had a morbid sense of humor which often made people uncomfortable but Hannibal had never seemed to mind it. So when you felt the atmosphere shift upon your words you could tell you’d said something that had upset him. You turned around, catching the sullen look in Hannibal's eyes.
“Shit Hannibal. I’m sorry i shouldn’t have joked-”
“It’s fine. You didn;t know. And it was a long time ago.”
You fiddled with your hands, suddenly feeling on edge. You knew you had to change the topic. 
“It’s the bite marks.”
Hannibal raised his head, giving you a curious look.
“I beg your pardon?”
“That's how they caught the killer.”
You walked over to the opposite side of the desk. You leaned over the various crime scene photos until you found the one you wanted. You raised the picture up so that Hannibal could see it. Your finger moved to point out the clear bite mark in one of the victims legs.
“He didn;t let himself bite the other ones but he lost control with this one. He let the animal take over and that was his mistake.”
Hannibal gave you a proud smile.
“Well done.”
“I’m smarter than I look.”
“Well then you must be quite the genius.”
You beamed at him taking in his words as a complement. 
“Coming from you that high praise.”
“Only telling the truth.”
You helped Hannibal gather the pictures off his desk, placing them neatly inside a folder. Jack had allowed Hannibal to borrow the evidence so he could work it out with you but he needed to give it back. Even though the case had been closed it was still FBI property. You glanced at the clock seeing the time. 
“Well my ride should be here any minute. Walk me out?”
“Of course.”
Hannibal walked behind you, both of you moving towards the door. He opened it for you and you gave him an exaggerated bow of thanks. Hannibal watched you pick up your bag from one of the chairs. 
“We still on for dinner with Will next week?”
“You sure you don’t want me to bring anything.”
“Your company is more than enough.”
“Well that's going to go straight to my ego.”
You laughed causing Hannibal to smile. You thought about it for a second before moving forward and giving Hannibal a hug. Despite the slight surprise Hannibal wound his arms around you returning the gesture. He caressed your head for a moment before you pulled away. You gave him one last smile before turning to go out the door.
“See you later alligator.”
Your foot was out the door and Hannibal remained silent. You turned to face him, using your hip to keep the door open.
“Come on! You’re not gonna leave me hanging are you?”
Hannibal let out a deep sigh, shaking his head briefly before looking at you.
“After a while, crocodile.” 
You grinned at him.
“See that wasn’t so hard.”
A honk came from outside telling you your ride was here. You gave Hannibal a small wave as you exited. He watched the door close behind you. He’d never expected to become friends with a teenager but you’d surprised him. And in a positive way at that.
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princessbrunette · 6 months
I think if you tried to bargain with bounty hunter!rafe by saying you’d do whatever he wants if he’ll just let you go, he’d think about it before getting all serious and looking down at you with a suggestive smirk “whatever I want, huh? ok, kid. lemme putta ring on that finger.. how bout that? how’s being my little housewife sound, huh?”
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
you’re held up in a barn. it wasn’t ideal, lord knows rafe knew that — much used to a finer life back where he lived with his fathers riches on the fat of his land, but for now it had to do. the two of you were laying low — the word being that someone had recognised your face off a missing poster that your father had put out, and now rafe had to make sure the two of you were far from anyone’s sight for a while.
“my fathers still looking for me.” you gaze wistfully out the window. so there was hope, you almost forgot that this could be an option after all this time. you’d grown slightly fond of rafe since he’d taken you, which you knew was wrong — but you couldn’t help it. he was a handsome guy, and he seemed to actually care about your safety. you knew this mentality was likely just a survival technique — you're less likely to go insane if you believe your captor cares for you instead of caring for the condition he delivers you in, but whatever helped soothe you.
"yeah, well…" he bites on his finger nail, leaning against the wall as he looks out the barn door he'd left ajar. "great for you, sucks for me. i do not want to get arrested, believe it or not." he sarks, his own nerves producing quite the attitude.
“you know if you just let me go you wouldn’t go to jail.” you try, and you knew it was a long shot but begging for your escape had become second nature by this point. you swivel, sitting on a hay bale with your legs swinging aimlessly, brushing down the dress he’d purchased you at the market when he decided you needed to change your clothes as to not be recognised.
he chuckles silently, shaking his head before finally turning to face you — arms crossed over his chest.
“yeah? you uh…” he shrugs theatrically. “you think i’d just let you go? just like that.”
“well what do you want?” you whine, huffing as you push yourself to stand, coming right up to him to stare up at him desperately. he stares back down, lips parted, amused. “i’ll do anything. anything you want.”
“anything i- okay.” he shakes his head, pushing his fingers stressfully against his eyelids for a moment as he paces before arriving back infront of you, blinking into thin air and slowly lowering his hand as if he’s had an idea. “anything i want? ‘s what you said, right?” he clarifies, and you falter a little— shrinking in size at the realisation of how broad ‘anything’ is.
“alright so,” his hand strikes out suddenly grabbing a hold of your wrist making you jump, squealing and resisting from habit. “give me that shit.” he grits his teeth and you submit, allowing him to raise your hand, taking a look at your fingers. “yeah…yeah i can see it. i’m gonna put a ring on that little finger.”
“huh?” your eyes widen.
“‘said anything, right? so… so if i marry you, it’ll look like you just ran away with me and he’ll stop looking. god damnit i—” he laughs, rubbing a hand down his mouth.
“what about your boss?” you blink, unsure of this whole thing. he waves you off, walking past you.
“my uh, boss is my dad.” he itches his cheek, perhaps a little embarrassed of the fact. “‘said i could do whatever i wanted with you. your dad pissed my dad off, so— so i took you, right— that parts done, his little girl is gone, my dad wins.” he explains, finally filling you in on why the whole thing happened, you stare intently, following him over to where he rummages through the bags tied to the horse. “i was gonna bring you to my dad to show him… show him that i could do it, and that he could trust me… but this is better, yeah — this is way better.” he mutters, before pulling out a small piece of wire, a souvenir from what he’d originally bound your wrists with.
“yeah, this’ll do.” he speaks to himself before yanking your wrist again, beginning to bend the wire around your finger. “‘til i can get you a real ring, a’ight?” his brows raise and he cups your cheeks in his rough hands, eyes darting between yours. “you are going to make the prettiest little housewife. okay? y’gonna marry me?”
you figured this was better than whatever his boss, well — his dad would have done with you, like sell you or something, so you nod. plus, rafe wasn’t all too bad.
“okay.” you agree just about a whisper.
“okay?” he clarifies and you nod, so he forces his mouth against yours. “this is gonna save us.” he whispers when he pulls away.
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
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myhedcanonicfables · 6 months
Tavros, Gamzee, Karkat x injured! reader
Tavros :
«hHEY YOU'RE NOT OKAY, AREN'T YOU?» Tavros just looks down at you, examining your condition if, for example, you fell or something.
This guy is really worried about the situation. He tries his best to help, with his inept support or first aid.
Even if it is something very insignificant, he wants to show politeness, show his kindness. If he could make a good impression on you, he would be able to raise his self-esteem and your's friendship.
Tavros will probably chatter about how it's nothing and such injuries (in comparison) can dont sooo hurting or take soo long, in the way like comforting....
He will talk you about his experience with wounds and bruises
Gamzee :
«WhOa! MaMmA, iT's HuRt?» He takes you by the hand, lifts you up and helps you shake off or serves as a support if necessary.
He's more likely just to make sure everything is fine cuz there are still cases when a friend needs to help. So i mean he's just not exaggerating the tragedy.
But if it's really something scary, then he will certainly sympathetically help, although with his carelessness and ineptitude he may not do things perfectly.
In fact, he doesn't really care about it as a result, as long as you're okay.
Karkat :
« HEY! BE CAREFUL!» Like the Gamzee, he lifts you up and serves as a support.
Swears if it's something serious. «YOU'RE GOING TO DIE AT THIS RATE». But if it's nothing and you complain to him too often, he also swears that you're a crybaby
After that, Karkat can laugh at you or vice versa in risk place he hold your hand for safety, occasionally reminding you of your lack of care.
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