#i looked at him as a 15 year old and said yeah thats me
beskad · 2 years
So, I've been out of the fandom for a long time, I stopped watching around...season 7? But I don't think it's an unpopular opinion that supernatural should have stuck with an early 2000s vibe - library computers and microfiche for local research, flip phones with extendable antennas, sketchy roadside motels, that delicious visual Texture of being shot on film and not digital... They should have hit Pause on time and kept those ✨vibes✨ even if it had meant suspending disbelief and letting the show continue in a vague almost-present-day in an eternal 2005. The show's premise just doesn't work once you have iPhones with 4g data speeds in even the most backwater American towns.
I'm sure this has all been said before. But I, in a new wave of ✨Mental Illness✨ haha spontaneously put on season 1 episode 1 and I am absolutely floored by the visuals, the writing, and the impeccable creepy vibes. I'm just sad that it got so absolutely stupid in later seasons 😭
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johnsgunbelt · 8 months
I was hoping that you could do some headcanons about simon, price, alejandro and rudy having a s/o who is a single mother and has a 15 year old daughter? This concept always has me kicking my feet ngl Love your stuff!!! 💋💋💋
Fatherhood - John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra
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Pairing: John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo 'Rudy' Parra x Single mother!Fem Reader
Warnings: Cheating,Fluff,Sugejestive joke?,Single mom
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John Price:
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Now Price, he knew your no ex-husband when you guys had first met. So when you guys divorced it didn’t come as a shocker because he knew about the cheating he did and the arguments.
So that being said he’s always had a thing for you, so hearing about the divorce his exact response was “About damn time, call me when you wanna go out to dinner lovie.” “Price what-” And then he just hung up.
You ended up actually going out with him and you were surprised with how well it went. He pulled out your chair,complimented you,didn’t let you worry about the amount of money things were because he would take care of it.
The date went so well so he drove you home and spent the night, he knew about your daughter. Hell he watched her grow up, he was more of a dad then her actual father was.
So when she woke up and saw Price already in the kitchen cooking breakfast she looked at him confused.
“It’s 9 A.M. what are you doing here-? OHMYGODNOWAY-” She covered her mouth in utter shock and then he just smiled. “I didn’t do anything with your mom, I took her out to dinner and spent the night relax.” “No no I don’t care, it's just about damn time.” 
He grinned and offered her some eggs and pancakes and she immediately agreed and sat down at the little island chair. She went on her phone and was just texting away as you woke up to go to the kitchen and saw the scene your heart-melted and that's exactly when you realized he was the one for you.
Now when it comes to your daughter he adores her. He cared for her like she was his own, gave his advice on girl drama even if it was somewhat dumb to him and he didn’t understand it all he was just happy to be included.
“Yeah so then I told Heather I didn’t know what she was talking about.” “Right right and then what?” “The bitch hit me so I hit back!” “Did you get a good hit?” “Yeah bloody nose and a bruise on her head.” “Nice, good job kid.”
Your daughter has accidentally called him dad once or twice and yes he does get emotional.
“Dad can you grab me the cereal while you're in the pantry-” “DAD??? DID YOU JUST CALL ME DAD???” “NO!! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.” 
Told you about it later and he would not shut up about it. “She called me DAD, it was so cute!!” “I know she called you dad babe you told me 400 times.”
When your ex-husband comes to get your daughter for weekends she always complains about having to go. He always asks about Price and if you and him were actually happy and it was weird to her.
Price hates your ex-husband and he sure as hell isn’t afraid of him, I mean he’s apart of the military he legit kills people, your ex-husband knows better then to fuck with him so thats why Price isn’t worried.
Price does tell your daughter if she goes with her dad for the weekend they can go shopping when she’s back, his treat of course. And that’s what motivates her to go.
When Price is deployed he always collects stuff to bring back home for your daughter, things he knows for sure she’d like.
Now you’ve met his squad so when he came home with Gaz,Ghost, and Soap you didn’t know what to tell your daughter but you knew Price would handle it. When she came out of her room and saw Price she ran to give him a hug and he always hugged her back and picked her up a bit. But then she saw the other boys and she just smiled and waved. Price introduced all of them, she was fond of Ghost because of his mask. 
“So you cover your face…Just because?” “Right.” “That’s sick. I like that. How many people have you killed-” “JESUS CHRIST-” You covered your mouth and apologized for her. But everyone got along and you were so glad.
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Alejandro Vargas:
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You and your ex-husband had been divorced for around 2 years before you met Alejandro. You met him at a bar while you were out and you both just kind of hit it off. He gave you his number and you went on with your night.
When you came home and saw your daughter fast asleep in her room you smiled to yourself and then went to your room to get changed into comfortable clothes. While you got unready you suddenly remembered the guy at the bar.
You picked up your phone to text him, “Hi! It’s the girl from the bar I figured I’d text you because you seemed really sweet.” He read it almost instantly and responded. “Oh, you were very pretty and sweet. I’d love to take you out on a formal date and get to actually know each other.” Your heart melted a bit and you agreed to meet for a dinner date on friday. 
You told your daughter and she was excited you were getting yourself back out there with dating and she even helped you pick out a nice dress to wear. 
“Honey, you’ll be okay for an hour or two right?” “Mom stop worrying I’ll be fineee. Is it okay if May comes and spends the night though?” You rolled your eyes and agreed, “Do not make a mess of my house while I’m gone though.” 
When you went outside he held his car door open for you and waited till you fully settled to close it as he got into the driver’s seat. “I see you have a daughter.” “Oh! Yes I was gonna tell you more at dinner but yeah she's a sweetheart she’s 15.”
He smiled and placed a hand on top of yours. “I’m sure she is, I can’t wait to hear about her some more.” You smiled to yourself as he said that.
When you got to the restaurant he opened the doors for you, and pulled your seat out for you of course. Then he talked about his Job expecting you to run away like the rest but you didn’t. You were interested in his work and his life and what he’s seen and done.
The date went extremely well and eventually you let him meet your daughter at your house. She liked him and he seemed like a cool dude.
“So you’re in the military? What made you join?” “Well I enlisted when I was 18 and then I joined the Mexican Special Forces, which is where I’m at now I’m a colonel.” “Mom you SCORED!!”
You rolled your eyes and giggled and Alejandro chuckled to himself as you poured yourself some wine and handed him a glass.
Now further into your relationship your daughter has told him about your ex-husband and how he’s a piece of shit and rarely comes to even see her. And he felt his blood boil.
“He sounds like a jackass.” “he is, you’re the closest thing I’ve had to a father in awhile.” “Oh, wow uhm sorry..” He started getting teary eyed and gave her a hug. And she giggled and cried with him a little.
And when her father does show up on the occasion, Alejandro makes sure your daughter is comfortable the whole time.
“Listen niña I’m one call away, if you need me to pick you up from your dads call me-” “Yes yes I know, don’t worry.” He pats her back and watches her leave the house as you smile and hug him.
“You’re a great step-dad you know?” He wrapped an arm around you and kissed your forehead as he swiftly picked you up. “Oh I know, But a weekend alone we have a lot to do Querida.” You giggled as he shut your bedroom door. 
When your daughter came back home he took her out to lunch so she could talk about her dads. She never wanted to go back because all he asked about was you and he chuckled.
He brings her back little magnets from all over the countries he goes to on deployments and she loves every single one of them. He always smiles when she puts them up.
Is also into all her girl drama and defends her with his whole life even if she's wrong, He truly adores you and your daughter and wouldn’t have it any other way. 
He cried when she accidentally called him dad and had no shame in it. “YOU THINK OF ME AS A DAD?” “You know what, sure.”
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Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra:
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Now he met you the same night your husband cheated on you, you were taking a walk it was around 2:30 A.M. and you just needed fresh air. That’s when he noticed you.
“Looks like you could use some company, you mind?” “Not at all.” He stood by you while you looked at the water over a dock you had walked to. 
“You mind me asking what a pretty lady like you is doing out this late by a dock?” You giggled and wiped some stray tears away. “Cheating husband, just needed some fresh air. You?” He frowned at your answer. “Any man who does something so awful to you is a fool. I’m Rodlfo, but you can call me Rudy.” You held out your hand and introduced yourself. “Beautiful name, here take my number. You ever need a place to stay, you're always welcome.” You smiled and took the number as he began to walk away. 
You eventually ended up actually calling him as you packed you and your daughters stuff up. “Hey I know this is short notice but do you mind making space for me and my daughter tonight?” “Daughter? Of course. I got a spare bedroom for her.” You smiled as you wrapped up the call and took your daughter to the address he gave you. 
He opened the door for you and pointed you to where you should put your bags and your daughter went to the guest bedroom he pointed out.
“I can’t lie, I thought you’d try and kidnap me but I had no one else to go to.” “I actually do the exact opposite. Military sergeant.” You sat down on a couch with him and let him talk about some places he’s been and gangs he’s taken down. You were genuinely interested and you both ended up falling asleep in each other's arms on the couch.
Now this ended up working out and you stayed there through the divorce and made the “guest room” Your daughters room. And his bed became your bed as well.
Through every step of the divorce he was there for you and even went to all the court dates. He realized what a piece of shit your husband was very early on and has forever hated him. 
Whenever your now ex-husband came to pick up your daughter for weekends he’d sneak a pepper spray or two into her bag. 
“Rudy, why's there pepper spray in my bag?” “Por si acaso chico, te amo, mantente a salvo.” ((Just incase kid, love you stay safe.)) He gave her a small hug and she walked out. “You taught her spanish?” “Sí, you’re next.”
You giggled, “Sé un poco de español.” ((I know a little spanish.)) He smirked at you as you spoke and picked you up off your feet and sat you on a kitchen counter.
You giggled as he pulled out some old cookbook and started cooking and teaching you Spanish at the same time. You truly loved him.
When your daughter comes home, he checks her bag to see the pepper spray still full so he relaxes and then takes her out to ice cream and the mall.
When he’s deployed he buys her new purses from all over, and he buys her whatever she asks for. 
When he comes home from deployments he always makes the family some dish he learned while across the country, like its his medal for living.
When your daughter does call him dad on accident he never points it out due to her being embarrassed but he enjoys it so much he could cry right then and there like a baby.
“Dad!! Can you help me with this thingy I got?” “Uh-Yeah be right there kiddo!!” And he’s all smiley and looks at you like he's won at life, and in his eyes he really has won the jackpot in life, a beautiful soon to be wife and an amazing daughter.
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I really loved this!!, Sorry for lack of fics I just got home from out of state<3.
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lonelyspacedragon · 9 months
The one and olny thing I will say about this
as a brasileiro let me just give some context on some things
thoses jokes? yeah they were/are pretty lets say "normalisate" here, yes they are disgusting and horrible yes, but they are also very very common
FOR FUCK SAKE OUR SONGS HAVE "novinha" in them thats a way to say young girl, like 15 years young, in a sexual way, its disgusting YES, yes it is, but is so fucking common its almost normal, we have 14 years old boys singing, as in they’are singers sell music and stuff, about sex in a very heavy way
Lissen, my uncle he is like 50 something he has a daughter, (I didn't know this thill this christmas) and he was telling me about her, how she is so hot, and tall and when he goes out with her all the men (and he means men old men 30 something old men) keeps salivating over her and he is all like hey ehat u looking at, in a don't even think of getting close to her but also in a yeah thats my daughter she is hot, and I was like okay, I was envisioning a 18-20 years old by the way he was talking about her, and then he said SHE IS 11, ELEVEN YEARS OLD, I was in shock. It unfortunately is a very very common way of seeing and treating young girls, specially if they are "already all developed"
we have a culture of sexualising young kids, for fuck sake, we had a master chef kids here, one time and one time only, in 2015, and it was disgusting, the amount of men, commenting disgusting things about one of the participants that was 13 I think, and it was so fucking disgusting and bad that we didnt had another one till 2022, exclusively because of those behaviour, we grow up in a disgusting culture of sexualising kids and young teens
to be honest, it was shocking to me when I started accompanying Cellbit and Felps again after so so many years, to see that they are leftist
its a shock because I wasn't expecting that, because I watched those people when I was young and they were too and they said some shitty stuff back there
and yes he had already talked about wanting to delete his old tweets when people wanted to take Pierre out of the qsmp because of old tweets of his and cultural differences, he said the person he was years ago is not who he is now, he said himself that he wasn't happy with his old views on women and politics and lgbt people stuff like that when the stuff with Pierre happened,
He deleted 900 tweets, but did you guys stop to think about it? Would 900 tweets be all about making sexual jokes about minors? And no one would have seen those 900 tweets of him being creepy towards kids?
Or are these 900 tweets also his old views on politics, queer people, feminism? Thinks he had already said he wanted and was deleting because of stuff like this?
lissen almost everyone that is 23+ right now was banging pans for what was basically a coup in ixi 2014 i think? when Dilma was in power and they impcheamented (i don't know how to write this shit in portugues I don't know how in english either) her over something that they(the politicians that wanted her gone - right wingers) made legal a month later, and now those same people are leftists
so yes those are shitty jokes yes, those are shitty views yes, they are, but they are also from 8 years ago, he already said stuff about that, about how his views had changed, and how he was scared that people would do exactly this, get his old tweets and use it to cancel and judge him for it, for views that he no longer has
just think people, does this say anything about who he is now? does he still do this kind of jokes? say those types of things?
if you guys go after all of the qsmp members old tweets and content, I'm sorry to disappoint you but all of them will have things that people will want to cancel them over, if you have to go dig more than one year to find bad things to cancel people over, its that not indicativii that that person no longer thinks like that? that thats no longer who they are now?
Does your tweets from 8 years ago reflects who you are now?
does all of this means you have to forgive him, ignore, watch his stuff, interact with his content? fuck no, do whatever you like and feels better for you, but also have some critical sense for fuck sake
yes if he did something he deserves to be held accountable for it, and if is something worth of being in jail he should be, if he did something criminal he should be dealt with it with the justice, deplataforming him will do jack shit if he did something thing and still walks free, what will this have accomplished?
but if its just old tweets, old jokes, bad jokes at that, but still old, old views that unfortunately are ingrained with cultural context, and that that person no longer has and no longer behaves like and believes they no longer hold, lets just calm the fuck down please
all this to say people change, lets calm down, and wait to see what will happen
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whollyjoly · 4 months
alright we doing crazy predictions for 911 tonight??
here we fucking go:
tim nash isnt going to be bobby's brother, he's going to be bobby's dad in a flashback
hear me out-
john brotherton, who's listed as playing "tim nash" on the imdb page for step nine, is 15 years younger than peter krause. now, it could be that bobby just has a much younger brother. BUT, i think with that age (44) being peak Dad Age, it makes a whole lot more sense to me that its flashback!dad than brothers
the synopsis for 7x08 says that "bobby delves deep into memories of his childhood, unearthing moments from his fractured past" and like...if we're going to see memories of his childhood, again a 44 year-old playing "tim nash" makes a lot more sense for a dad!!
we've heard a bit about bobby being a third generation firefighter, and its something that he's very proud of. i think it would be really interesting not only to see his dad as a firefighter, but see that hero worship from bobby towards his dad, and his early love for the work and for saving people...especially in the context of dealing with the trauma of the apartment fire.
if bobby has always wanted to be a firefighter, watched his dad saving lives and heard stories of his grandfather doing the same, what would his young self think of the man who caused so much grief and pain, of the man that amir thinks he is, of the man who cost 148 lives?
maybe, just maybe, "step nine" isn't just making amends with amir, but making amends with his past self, the one who just wanted to help people, who he feels like he betrayed??
because i would LOVE to see that kind of angst - the reconciliation between the man bobby dreamed he would be and the man he is now.
and like....thats not even approaching the question of bobby's "fractured past" that the synopsis talks about, which i have...so many questions about
we know basically nothing about his family - what if bobby's dad also struggled with addiction? or had something happen at work that also cost lives, and young bobby was never able to forgive him for that? maybe bobby sees the anger amir holds towards him, and realizes that he still holds something like that towards his own father?
bobby has talked about a brother before, but i think the only time that he's mentioned it was in a story about playing "lawn darts when they were kids". maybe something happened to his brother, and he's held his father responsible for all these years? in the same way amir holds bobby responsible?
i have!! no idea!!!
i dont exactly know what they're going to throw at us (shakes fist at tim affectionately), but i think that with where this season has been going - focusing on the cornerstones of our main characters, of the things that run the deepest and are haunting the narrative (eddie's catholic guilt, buck's bisexuality, chim's journey and love for his family, doug, kevin, shannon) - it would make sense for us to take a look into bobby's childhood, something we basically no nothing about.
and with that, i truly think that "tim nash" as bobby's dad makes a lot more sense than it being his brother, and that's who we're going to see in flashbacks tonight.
but, whatever happens, i cannot WAIT to see where the angst train takes us! ✨
(bonus, since im thinking about that sweet bobby angst: do you ever think about whether bobby feels a deep sense of failure and guilt that, because of him, there will never be a 4th generation firefighter in his family? do you think the first time bobby told his dad he wanted to be a firefighter when he was a kid, his dad looked both so proud but also so worried? and when asked about it his dad just said "you'll understand when your kid says the same to you"? and that bobby realizes he will never understand because he took that chance away from them?
...cause yeah, i think about that sometimes)
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cat-autism-wizard · 3 months
five times danny's english class learned that he was phantom (and one time he had to reveal it)
3 - Mr. Lancer
it was after a big ghost attack at casper high. it was sadly during mr. lancer's lesson. he didnt know what those poor kids would do in the exams if their educations kept on getting interrupted by the ghost attacks. but right now they had bigger problems to dealt with, like running for their lives.
lancer made sure everyone in his class made it out of the class and making sure everyone was out of school. it was a procedure he had to use so much that everyone knew what to do. of course it didnt mean he doesnt follow it. he still makes sure he follows it line by line. and no matter how many ghosts attacked the school, kids were always terrified which made it harder to count them. lancer didnt blame the kids of course. he was feeling bad for them if anything else. those kids were just teenagers and they shouldnt live through this again and again.
lancer tried his best to keep the terrified ones calm and lead everyone to outside. it was the hunter ghost attacking and phantom was already fighting him. no matter what those lousy ghost hunters say lancer trusted phantom to protect them. he saw him saving his kids countless of times.
after everyone was outside he counted his students. only one was missing. daniel fenton. when he spotted one of his friends he decided to ask her.
"ms. manson, i couldnt see mr. fenton do you know where he is?" just for a tiny second lancer saw a little panic flash in the girl's eyes.
"uhh yeah he is with tucker." sam blurted out. lancer could tell she was lying. he was a teacher for almost 15 years, he could tell when a student lied to him.
"great then you wouldnt mind accompanying me see mr. foley and mr. fenton right?" sam cringed to herself probably scolding herself for her bad lie.
"sure" she said with a fake smile.
they walked towards tucker as he was dealing with his phone. no fenton to be seen.
"mr. foley have you seen mr. fenton anywhere?" lancer talked before sam ever could.
"uh yeah he was with sam." tucker said without looking up his phone. only when he heard sam cleaning her throat tucker decided to look up. sam glared at tucker.
"uh did i say sam i meant to say pam" tucker tried to play it off.
"we dont have a 'pam' in our class mr. foley." lancer sighed.
"if you kids didnt know you couldve just said so. he might still be inside im gonna check before he gets hurt." lancer said as he start to head back inside. when both sam and tucker tried to stop him or run inside before him but lancer stopped both of them.
"ms. manson, mr. foley i understand that youre worried about your friend but if you step inside now, you will be suspended for a week." did they really care? no, but they were both smart enough to know that could damage their school record and neither of them wanted that.
not getting a reaction, lancer went back inside to look for danny. he searched almost everywhere but he was nowhere. the only place he didnt check was the hall of his class which had a fight going on. lancer carefully headed to his classroom. then he heard phantom saying something about 'souping the ghost' which meant it was probably safe for him to go there and thats what he did.
he expected to see phantom, yes but what he didnt expect to see was phantom looking so worn out. he looked like he was about to pass out. as lancer was about to thank him and ask him if hes alright glowing rings appeared around phantom's waist. then he transformed into danny fenton.
what. lancer couldnt believe his eyes. he was terrified. he was terrified of the fact that wes was right. what he was more terrified was that danny fenton, a 14 (soon to be 15) year-old kid was fighting and protect them all from the ghosts while trying to pursue his education as well. lancer wasnt easy on him either since he would always be late or fall asleep in the class. now he knew why.
danny was barely staying on his feet. he was tried. before he could fall lancer caught him. a fear set in danny. as lancer realized that, he started to scold him.
"so you were here. youre so lucky that phantom was around mr. fenton. you cannot wander around the school when theres an attack. if i catch you next time like this there will be consequences." with that danny was relieved. he was stressed about the next time because there will be a next time but at least lancer didnt know his identity right?
lancer forced fenton to stay in the infirmary for a few classes. danny whined at first but he was fast asleep as he relaxed when lancer made sure he wasnt going to be called absent in the attendance.
after that day lancer tried to give danny slightly more time on his works and when in detention, he gave him somewhat of an extra class knowing he fell asleep in those lessons.
1 2 3 4 5 +1
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nicofics · 9 months
𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙞 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙠
𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪 𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: you and the gang meet giorno for the first time
notes: idk what happened i had an urge to write this, but happy late christmas!! i hope everyone who celebrates had a good day! <3
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you had been with bucciarati and the rest of the gang for years, you had joined slightly after narancia. you had a great relationship with almost everyone in the gang, they all trusted you and you trusted them. it was great! right now however, you were sitting at the usual meeting spot. you had preferred bucciarati bring this new guy to meet you all back at the house, we’re weren’t bothered to get ready today; but alas, you did. abbacchio was listening to music, mista was reading a book on who knows what, and fugo was trying to teach narancia some math. a pretty normal day.
bucciarati had told you all beforehand that you’d be getting a new member. nobody really seemed to care much, but you thought it’d be a nice idea to get some cake! the waiter rolled it out, and upon hearing the creaking of the wheels moving towards your table, you directed the waiter on where to place the cake slices. once the waiter left, you couldn’t help but almost drool at the strawberry sitting atop of the cake, you just had to have a slice now! you couldn’t wait on this new guy. on your way to grab a slice, you were interrupted.
“hey! whats the deal with this?” you and everyone else turned your heads towards mista, “what do you mean? its strawberry cake?” fugo responded, quite confused on what he meant. “yeah, it looks delicious too..” you added, you could’ve been in your own world with this cake, you didn’t really know. “yeah! i can see that its a strawberry cake” mista spoke, “it’s obviously not chocolate cake, or a cheesecake either! but thats not the point! there are four slices! four! do they want me to die?” mista exclaimed. abbacchio didn’t want to be apart of this conversation, he kept his head phones on. you sighed, “this again mista? get over yourself” “shut up (name)! it’s bad luck to choose one from four! talk about shitty service!” abbacchio got up from his chair, grabbing a slice, you noticed this and did the same, finally getting a slice of this cake that seemed to annoy everyone.
“don’t have a slice then” fugo said, “but i want some strawberry cake!!” “i did it!” narancia spoke up, you hadn’t heard his voice yet, seemed he was focused on the work fugo had set him. you didn’t care much, grabbing your fork and taking a bite, woah! it tasted so good! you could hear narancia and fugo talk about numbers, but you didn’t care. you put your fork down to let your tastebuds sit in wonder at this flavour when all of a sudden fugo grabbed your fork and stabbed narancia in the cheek with it. “hey! fugo what the hell?!” you shouted, fugo seemed to ignore you, grabbing narancias head he shouted, “you stupid asshole! you’re messing with me!” you glared at him, he’s the asshole here, he stole your fork!
you growled before grabbing abbacchio’s fork, he seemed to be finished eating now. “oh jeez hes lost it now” you nodded. “asshole stole my fork” you responded to mista. suddenly, narancia pulled a fork to fugos neck, “i’ll kill you! i’ll kill you fugo!” you didn’t care anymore, served him right you thought. you just continued to eat your cake with abbachios old fork.
“what the hell are you guys doing?!” a new voice spoke up, everyone froze, looking over. “i could hear you all from the entrance. you’re disturbing the other customers” bucciarati walked towards your table, a blonde guy walked behind him. “this is the new member i was telling you about yesterday, this is giorno giovanna” everyone glared at him, including you, right now wasn’t the best time to meet someone new. “i’m giorno giovanna, its a pleasure to meet you all” he spoke up, you eyed him down. he seemed young, 15? 16 maybe? definitely the new youngest member.
you turned back to your cake, you weren’t bothered to respond back to him, it seemed everyone else had the same idea as you did. narancia began apologising to fugo, and fugo even apologised to you too! “hey! i’m the one who brought him here, so be respectful!” bucciarati spoke, his eyebrows furrowed. a waiter came into the room, requesting bucciarati, he nodded, beginning to follow the waiter. “make sure you guys introduce yourself to giorno, got it?” you rolled your eyes, but while doing so, you (and everyone else at the table) noticed abbacchio pulling the teapot to his trousers. you giggled slightly, turning to giorno.
“giorno? was it?” abbacchio spoke, “why don’t you take a seat?” giorno complied, pulling a seat out and sitting down. you couldn’t help but smile as abbacchio poured giorno some ‘tea’ “well, drink up” “thank you for the tea” giorno spoke before pulling the teacup up to his mouth, he stopped in his tracks. “whats wrong giorno? not gonna drink the tea that abbacchio poured out for you?” you spoke, fugo and narancia laughed. “maybe he doesn’t want to be apart of us” mista added, only making everyones smile wider and even more mischievous.  “what the hell’s going on here?” bucciarati had returned, giorno looked up and smiled, “nothing, abbacchio just poured some tea for me” giorno told bucciarati.
then, giorno brought the cup to his lips and downed it in mere seconds. everyone looked at him, shocked. “no freakin’ way..” narancia said. “what did you guys do?” giorno placed the cup on the table, not a trace left. “he actually drank it!” you exclaimed. mista laughed, “no way! did you seriously do that?!” “no! theres no way he could have!” fugo added, trying to figure out how giorno did it. “come on tell me! how’d you do it?” you asked him. giorno shrugged, “who knows? you’re all keeping your abilities secret, aren’t you?” you all gasped, giorno giovanna was a stand user, just like you.
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cressthebest · 6 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 5
chapter 9:
2. oh good wait, remus left and came back
3. sirius’ first thought is to brush his teeth to kiss sirius 😭😭 he’s so me fr. i wouldn’t let my ex kiss me unless they brushed their teeth first. or had a mint. im so sensitive to smells
4. “He used to build things. Create things. And now he's lucky if he doesn't destroy what's already formed.” JESUS FUCK. THATS LITERALLY SO SAD WTF
5. 😭😭😭 sirius is literally amidst gay panic beyond your wildest comprehension and remus is just like ✨☺️😏🥱🩷🏳️‍🌈 “touch me”
6. “Remus hums. "Imagine how I feel. No one's touched me without causing me pain in five years."” NOOOO BABY
7. god, wolfstar deserves everything. the best wolfstar content i find is always in a fic that is centered on another ship. i could literally survive off wolfstar alone- no water, no food, no air
8. wolfstar calling each other beautiful>>>>>>>
9. 😬 what did sirius jsut say. i must be going crazy. cause there’s no way he just said he needed to brush his teeth
10. wolfstar deserves the world universe
11. reg is no longer a pathetic teen with a crush, he’s a pathetic adult with a crush
12. reg being grumpy even in his sleep <33333
13. james having a pathetic crush on reg while cuddling together is top tier
14. there really needs to be an emoji to accurately show the face i just made. it probably looks similar to this- 😀😟 what. there’s no way reg is about to tease james, just to get his old 14 year old self off
15. 😀😀 girl what is he doing. i-
16. how he became freinds with barty is so crimson rivers canon, i can’t even. like, i KNOW that it’s canon. but it’s also canon that bizzarestars was right about. no author mistakes in that piece
17. damn, reg is actually gonna go at it. i don’t know how james is gonna survive this and make it to the actual arena.
18. “James says his name like it's the only word that has meaning. His voice is rough, and Regulus' name is sloppy and desperate in his mouth, like a hail mary or a form of salvation.” CHRIST. I SAID I DIDNT KNOW HOW JAMES WOULD SURVIVE THIS, BUT HOW THE HELL DID REG SURVIVE THIS??
19. “Barty is a good lover, there's no denying that—but he'll be damned if James isn't just better.” 😟 shocked. omg. who would have guessed this would be reggie’s thoughts
20. “"Because you might die today," Regulus tells him bluntly, shrugging one shoulder as he stands up. "Consider it a parting gift. Now, get out."”
they just fucked, and all reg can do is be like “yeah yeah, now get out horny bitch” no fucking way i just read that right i-
bitch that’s foul
21. “Regulus is a conundrum, honestly.” yes. that’s the word i’d use to describe him.
22. james: don’t tell sirius that reg and i just fucked. also james: “he’s in the shower”
bitch if you could be any more obvious
23. “Remus Lupin. If there's one good thing to come out of all this, it's him.” YES YES YES ABSOLUTELY! REMUS IS THE GOOD IN THIS
24. “”James, I am so grateful to know you, and so sorry that I had to. Every name that I call is a name I wish I never learned. Yours—you—will remain etched into my heart forever."” BITCH I CANT CRY OVER THIS- MY EYE MAKEUP LOOKS TOO GOOD TODAY TO CRY
25. “"I'll see you again soon, Regulus."” BITCH WTF THAT HURTS EVEN MORE THAN JAMES’ GOODBYE
26. maybe it’s been too long since i’ve read the books, BUT this fic seems to capture the absolute tragedy and horrors of it before it even starts even more
27. christ, not reg saying the “i don’t want to go” that hurts. like holy fuck. he’s still just a scared child. don’t put him in that arena
28. god, the way the death of james feels like sirius dying too. and sirius deciding that once james is dead, sirius will be too
how the hell is this people’s comfort fic???
29. not sirius having a lapse of memory and losing his memory of his last moments with james. that shit hurts
30. fabian <3333
31. 😧 wait fabian is dead. they just shot him. holy shit
32. gideon <3333
33. wait gideon is dead too.
y’all. i just-
this whole chapter was a fucking rollercoaster.
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 7 months
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RIP to my friend nixie. they stopped watching SPN after season 11. and asked about the finale. i wanted to immortalize what i sent (which includes a recap of seasons 12-15 so they would Understand.) so. read on if you wish, this monstrosity is going under the cut lol
so. in season 12 lucifer possesses the president of the united states (dont worry about it) & impregnates one of the president's staff members who was banging the president behind closed doors, republican Kelly Kline. through a series of events, cas winds up being the Adoptive Father. kid is born, but he had opened a rift to a different alternate universe the show so eloquently named 'apocalypse world'. it is a world where sam & dean were never born. through Another series of events, team free will PLUS mary winchester (yeah shes back from the dead, amara brought her back, dont worry about it lol) & cas tries to kill lucifer. he thinks he did, comes back through , and hes like there for .02 seconds before lucifer pops through & stabs cas. cas dies. mary beats up lucifer with angel brass knuckles or whatever & they fall through the rift & it closes. they are trapped there. at this exact moment, jack kline (kelly kline & lucifer/mr. president's baby) is being born. sam runs into the house to Check On That. dean however, falls to his knees next to cas's body & looks up desperately to the sky. (the cw said Not to read into this. it means Nothing. destiel who?!) also kelly died in child birth. bc spn Hates women.
thats the end of season 12.
season 13, we have jack. he popped out a fully fledged like. 19? 20? 21 year old?? bc his mom said he would have to Grow Up Fast. dean wraps cas's body in a curtain. alone. and is like crying & devastated. the bois and jack burn cas's body & dean looks like he wants to off himself (& he tries to in like. the next episode but Death brings him back). (also sorry im sooo bad at summary lol). we have the Widower Arc where dean bargains with a silent god to bring back cas, but Nothing. and dean is just fucking depressed as all shit. suddenly! cas is back!! BECAUSE jack heard dean yelling at sam about how its jacks fault cas is dead bc when jack was a fetus he showed cas a Vision of how he could bring Paradise On Earth if they allowed him to live (they wanted to kill him bc. like. Spawn Of Satan & all that). so jack uses his Powers™️ & brings cas back from the dead! yay!! a lot of other shit happens & the Empty (which is like. the Entity that encases all the angels & demons when they die, & where cas was when he was dead) Does Not Like that cas escaped. so, it wants to take jack to get back at cas. cas is like 'no fuck off thats my son lets make a deal. take me back instead' & the empty is like 'ok bitch 2 can play that game. i WILL take you. but ONLY when you experience a Moment Of True Happiness™️'. & cas is like 'bet.' bc! hes a depressed mf & figures it would take a Miracle to make him Truly Happy. (pls keep this in mind, its a surprise tool for later). ummm so yeah season 13.
season 14 had like. ANOTHER fucking michael/lucifer arc but it was Stupid. dean said yes to michael like the angels wanted in season fucking 4 & 5. & i dont Totally remember the plot but like. dean has michael trapped in a box in his mind & wants them to?? fucking?? put him in a warded coffin & chunk it in the ocean?? so michael will never hurt the world again?? also--its like. AU michael. and also mary is okay, & we get AU bobby & AU charlie & a lot of shit happens. anyway.
season 15: we get the Divorcr Arc™️!! dean & cas fight!! bc guess what? jack accidentally killed mary!! (yes! she died AGAIN!!) bc! he didnt know how to control his powers! & dean blames cas! so cas Leaves in a big dramatic breakup scene. we also find out that god (aka chuck) has been like. controlling Everything?? & free will Doesnt Exist?? & dean has a crisis & we get cas saying 'dean, you asked what about all of this is real. We Are.' (which we were apparently sooo crazy to read into!!) & also!? chuck brings back ALL the monsters salmon dean ever killed?? and rowena sacrifices herself to save the world! but! dont worry! she is now thenQueen Of Hell™️ & fucking THRIVING! anyway, season progresses, we get purgatory 2.0 and dean & cas are separated & dean lITERALLY GETS DOWN ON HIS OLD MAN KNEES TO PRAY TO CAS AND APOLOGIZE AND SAY HE FORGIVES HIM!! & then. a bit later. chuck starts poofing away Everyone On Earth bc he wants to destroy the multiverse. and also? death wants to kill dean i forget why. oh yeah! i think he stole her Death Book or whatever to try and see how to kill god. anyway. we have episode 15x18. Thee Episode of All Time. it starts with AU charlie and her gf. they are making eggs and vibing and all of a sudden her gf goes Poof. then sams gf Eileen goes Poof. so they round up as many friends as they can & put them in a warded place but they all go Poof. so sam is with the friends when this happens & also jack. and dean & cas have gone to the bunker to Fight Death. and. so. get ready for this. death shows up. she (yeah billie the reaper became death btw. long story) she starts to like. squeeze deans heart to kill him with magic. cas helps dean run through the bunker away from her. they get to the dungeon. death is literally banging on the door which cas had cut his palm to ward with a sigil of his blood with a knife he pulled from deans back pocket. (again: he cut his palm--another Surprise Tool For Later). deans like 'im so sorry man, we should have stayed with sam. shes gonna get in here, and shes gonna kill you, then shes gonna kill me' & cas is like 'well theres one thing strong enough to stop her' & he starts telling dean about the deal he made to save jack (yep, he never told him). and he says 'i always wondered what would break that curse. but i think i know now' & he. he fucking. he starts a speech about how he knows how dean sees himself, as a killer, a monster, daddys blunt instrument driven by anger, just like his enemies see him. BUT cas says dean is Not that. he says dean is 'the most caring man, the most loving man on earth' & deans like freaking out & is like 'why are you telling me all this? why does this sound like a goodbye??' & cas says, crying, but smiling, 'because it is' & then!! cas!! says !! 'i love you' !!!!!!!!! &&&&& death breaks down the door!! && the empty is materializing behind dean! & dean says 'dont do this cas!' & cas grabs deans LEFT SHOULDER WITH HIS BLOODY PALM! & says 'goodbye dean' & shoves him out of the way!! & the empty grabs cas!! && death!! & takes them away!!!!!! && dean is like!! freaking the fuck out sitting on the flooor with tears in his eyes!! && we cut to like. a bit later. hes Still there, crying, head in his hands, as his phone rings on the floor--its sam. end of the world, sam is calling, & he doesnt answer. we end the episode to deans crying. LIKE FUCK!!!!
15x19: they defeat god. jack like. absorbed him?? & he became god?? & then fucked off to do godly duties!? and did Not bring cas back????
(there are Theories that Chuck Won &thats why the next episode is so fucked and i Have To Agree)
anyway. so. cas is Not in the episode. at All. we have sam & dean? driving??? & there are like at LEAST 2 very Bad montages of random scenes that dont even make sense. sam & dean go to a pie eating festival. sam shoves pie in deans face. they Thengo on a case. its vampires. theres a vamp from like. season 2?? who was a minor charachter?? but they brought her back?? why??? idk. and. so. dean gets impaled on a rusty rebar nail during the fight scene in thr barn. he gives sam a long ass speech. they ?? touch foreheads for some reason??? && dean wont let sam get help??? & sam is like 'if cas were here...' & deans like 'yeah well he isnt.' like??? && then deAN FUCKING DIES??? && GOES TO HEAVEN??? && BOBBY IS THERE??? AND APPARENLY FUCKING ABUSIVE ASS JOHN LIVES DOWN THE ROAD??? && dean asks bobby 'so jack did all this?' (as in revamping heaven so people can be all together instead of separate like it used to be) & bobbys like 'well, cas helped' & then dean smiles, then goes?? & rides his car!?? bc his car is in heaven????? && we just see him driving interspersed with clips of sam on earth, burning deans body, and grieving dean, and later sam gets a blurry wife, we dont see who she is, and he has a son?? and he named him dean!? whixh we know bc the kid has on overalls that say 'dean' on them??? & then sam gets old and sits in the impala & cries while wearing a wig that looks like its from fucking party city?? then sam is on his death bed and his son is there?? && theres all these pictures around him of himsefl and dean & mary & john but?? no wife!? ans also!!? noone else like their friends?? & then sam dies & carry on my wayward son plays for like the second time in the episode. and we see dean on a bridge in heaven, he finally stopped driving & is staring off into the distance. and then he hears something behind him & smiles & we all thought 'CAS???' but NO its fuckingSAM somehow young again like whendean died?? & theylike. hug. and then it pans out & all the cast & crew are there?? and they say thank you to us for watching?? and then ?? its over?????? like Awhta thWHAT THE FUCK
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
a little for me! Future leo x Teen!reader(14-16)
gen: Platonic ofc, Found family and fluff
Idea: you know those peepaw multiverse where future leo got throw back to the past? yeah lets change that where instead of the turtles finding him, a teen reader found him in their yard, pass out and the reader just standing there wide eyes cuz theres a big turtle in their yard, now i know what your wondering wheres the reader's family? one word ✨Vacation~✨ anddd thats where the reader begin dragging him to the house to tend his wounds.
(you can add more plot, I really just want father figure peepaw ~^~)
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Future!Leo + gn!reader
Warnings: angst, mention of blood and injuries, mentions of death, platonic fluff, swearing, found family if you squint
A/N: I honestly haven't read many F!Leo fics, if you could please recommend me some. :) I don't know if this feels rushed or not...
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Going back in time probably wasn't Leo's best idea, at first anyways. He wanted to see his family again. He knew it would hurt, but he wanted to know that Casey succeeded, to know that his family was still alive, still thriving, that Raph had beaten the pizza box record.
What he didn't expect was to end up in someone's backyard. A teenager came out of the house. Worrying and fussing, not caring that he was 6ft turtle man, that he had a prosthetic arm, or that it looks like he'd been through hell and back. No. All this kid cared about was if he was hurt.
"Who are you?" Leo hisses as you help him stand. You introduce yourself, in a way you reminded him of his family. You helped him inside and set him on your couch. "Where's your family?"
"Family?" You ask, going to the bathroom and grabbing the first aid kit.
"Parents, siblings?" He asks, holding his side, sitting up a little better.
"Vacation." You said it so nonchalantly, like it was something you answered every day.
"And they left you here? Alone?" Leo presses. You begin to clean his wounds.
"Is there something wrong with that?" You dab some of the excess away.
"Did they make sure you had food? Water? Heating?" He grunts as you apply pressure to one of the wounds that had reopened.
"How did you end up in my backyard?"
"Don't change the subject."
"The answer isn't important."
"Yes it is. You're... What 15?" Leo groans, leaning forward so you can wrap up his plastron. "I have 2 younger brothers. I'd never leave them like this."
"Where are they?"
"Your brothers. Where are they?"
"Somewhere in the city. I was going to find them."
"Really?" He plopped back down against the soft cushion. You gave him a disapproving look. "Like this?"
"You'd be surprised."
"Uh huh..." You got up, taking the dirty things and threw them away. "I could call them... If you have their numbers. But then again... you are a turtle man."
"You think I don't have a cell phone because I'm a turtle?"
"No offense, but normal people would be terrified if a giant turtle man came in and asked about phone plans."
"I'll give you that..." Leo sighs, feeling comfortable around this odd teenager. "You said normal people... Are you not normal?"
"Normal is... in the eye of the beholder." You shrug.
"Are you a yo'kai?"
"A what?"
"A yo'kai. They're... Nevermind."
Leo dreamt of his time in the resistance. Of Mikey, specifically when he died, an orange bandana now gracing his katana.
You got him something to eat and drink, making sure he was comfortable and his wounds stayed closed. Soon you left the room and Leo drifted off to sleep.
"It'll take everything I have."
He thought about Raph, dying in his arms.
"This isn't your fault."
Raph's last words. He had tried so hard to push them down. Leo felt guilty for the Kraang invasion.
He dreamt about Donnie passing in the medbay.
"The world wasn't meant to be on some 16 year old's shoulders."
How could Donatello, of all people, forgive him? Tell him it's not his fault, tell him that it was okay.
Now he was here, in a time period where they're still alive, 6 years after the Kraang. He wanted to see them one last time. Just once Leo wanted to look upon the face of his brothers, his father, his sister. He wanted to hold them one last time.
Greif. Suffering. Wanting to go back and replace them. They deserved better, yet, he was the one to survive. Why?
Only to wake to a 15 year old, watching him.
"You talk a lot in your sleep." You say. "Who are they? The people you were talking about?"
"My brothers." Leo pants, the dream still fresh.
"They... died, didn't they..." You spoke softer, like you were afraid of upsetting him.
"Yes..." He breathed.
"May I ask... Why are you looking for them?"
"I'm from a different time, the me in this time is 22."
"Yeah right."
"Remember that freak accident 6 years ago? Aliens?"
"In my time period we didn't stop them, they took over the world. My... My brothers died fighting them."
"And you came back in time, to a different time period, because you miss them?"
"I am nothing without them."
"Why didn't you say so sooner? Let's go find them!"
You got him a big cloak to cover his 'turtleness' as you called it. You followed him through allies until you got to a sewer hole. He pulled it up, with a little help from you and dropped down.
"No offense, but this doesn't seem very homey to me." You jest.
"Let's hope that even in my advanced age, Donnie's system will still recognize me." Leo nudges you. "You on the other hand will probably be arrested."
"Tell them I'm a friend!"
You 2 continue down the tunnel, Leo pushed the hood off as you approached a door. He pushed it open and alarm bells started ringing.
"Fuck." Leo huffed. "Stay behind me. Donnie has a tendency to attack and ask question later."
Luckily Donnie wasn't the one who came to the door. It was Raph.
"Leo?" Raph lowered his Sai and reached out to him.
"Alright, who tripped the alarm!?" Leo could hear Donnie storming to the entrance. "Leo if you tripped the fucking alarm again-"
"Donnie... Raph..." Leo finally said, tears coming to his eyes. They looked so much better, healthier than the ones he grew up with. He wanted to hug them.
"Tello? Raph? What's..." Mikey walked up behind them. Donnie dropped his bo, shaking his head.
Finally tears fell. Leo fell to his knees, revealing you. It didn't seem to matter though as the other 3 turtles' eyes were still on the old man before you. Mikey rushed forward, pulling Leo into a hug.
"I'm so sorry." Leo hiccupped. "For everything."
Raph knelt down and pulled the 2 into a hug, his head on top of Leo's. Leo continued to apologize, for everything.
"It wasn't your fault." Raphael said. Donnie finally joined to mutants on the floor.
"The world was never supposed to be on one person's shoulders, especially not some kid's."
The words spoken on their death beds now had a new meaning. A weight lifted of Leo's shoulders, he squeezed his brothers, trying to engrain this moment into his brain.
"Who the hell is this kid?" All of you froze, looking up to see a young version of the old man you patch up. "Oh. I ruined a moment, didn't I?"
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jade-kyo · 4 months
Season 17 post restoration thoughts
Casually skipping 16 and going straight to 17 because lord knows I can’t afford to lose anymore braincells. I genuinely enjoy this season so I’m looking forward to the rewatch!
Ngl jumping straight from 15 to 17 really highlights how absurd this is like bro why is there gods and shit omg 😂
The fates are racist- that explains a lot
Donut my sweet baby boy
You know as much as I hate time travel stories this works way better for a “lets reference and call back to as many previous arcs and seasons as possible” nostalgia trip than Restoration did
Okay while I personally prefer the take that Donut is fully aware of all the innuendos he makes and is doing it to be a little shit I do think it being unintentional is really funny considering the ace Donut thing
“You have me all wrong” “I doubt it.” Donut the master at not getting gaslit
Donut knows Wash’s name is David- meaning Wash must have told all the reds and blues his real name
Felix is afraid of knives
Man I love it when Dr. Grey sounds like herself
We love insurance fraud
Wash just silently shooting Donut again has me wheezing holy shit
The Wash and Carolina conflict is so freaking good man I love them
Man this season is just genuinely entertaining to watch despite everything- the way I wish we could’ve gotten this character writing with a better story
Oh what’s that a way to reference back to all the freelancers that includes Wyoming and the triplets. The concepts are wild again.
Also it’s just genuinely hilarious
I need to find the ost for when Wash and Carolina reunite and she’s saying how she trusts him and doesn’t know why bro this music is so pretty
Seriously I’m enjoying this as a nostalgia trip so much more than restoration
Oh I can feel my inner 15 year old desperately trying to take control of my body and send me down the carwash pipeline again holy shit- platonic or romantic. They’re good either way 🙂
Kai I love you with all my heart and soul but you do not disrespect Junior like that
Yes Caboose IS a genius and also my son
Kai messing with Tucker is glorious holy shit is that bit funny I love them
“Time is made of circles” what a nice, funny and succinct callback. Look at those concepts being wild.
Not Tucker dropping the “your mom” bit on Doc AGSKHAKS
Wash might be a competitor with Church for number one Donut Stan
Or simulation headcanon: Church is projecting his liking of Donut onto Wash
Okay but Donut should be in the caves not under the pelican FR PEOPLE STOP FORGETTING ABOUT THE CAVES!!!
Laughs in Spanish
I love competent Caboose and Donut
“My testicles send their regards” has no right being as badass as it is
Love a good Tucker moment- sure wish it wasn’t just redoing his character development that never should’ve been undone to begin with
OKAY BUT TUCKER AND DONUT MOMENT THO???? So good- can’t believe Donut is the “angsty bitch”
Love them talking about the AI like they’re Carolina’s siblings
Holy shit the voice acting between these two is so good
“If he’s single there’s no hope for any of us” sargington nation rise
Sarcastic Donut my beloved
I said this last time but seeing Church impaled by a golf club, even if it is actually Genkins, is entirely unnecessary bro I don’t wanna see that
Sarges vision is further proof that the correct ending for him is retirement
“Don’t say toodles” LOVE sassy Donut so much
Grif enlisted reveal you will always be famous to me
I never actually thought about it too deeply before but now that I am holy shit do I love that detail it’s so good and actually reminds me of my own brother who enlisted for similar reasons and regrets it now- seriously Grif enlisting is so realistic, a lot of kids sadly think the military is the only thing that can give them structure and purpose. It’s a great addition to the anti military themes of RvB
TUCKER CANONICALLY HAS PANIC ATTACKS- the fact they kept his visions so vague is truly a CRIME
AND WE DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO CABOOSE- honestly I know they probably didn’t have this arc planned back then but they should’ve used the labyrinth for Caboose to find closure in Church’s death rather than the Time Machine nonsense in s15. I feel like that would’ve been infinitely more interesting.
Caboose gets it!!
Man what nice fairly satisfying conclusions to everyone’s arc- don’t we love wild concepts.
Sure maybe it’s not anything super poetic or perfect like 13 but at least it makes sense
Hell I’ve even warmed up to Donut leaving! Bro deserves some him time and it’s not like he said it was permanent or anything… doesn’t that just really hit you in the wild concept 🙂
You know what- this season is genuinely such a delight at times. Im thinking about adding it to my regular rewatch list along with 1-13 as just like a little bonus I can have at the end cause it’s just such fun. Glorified fanfiction! We love to see it- maybe Restoration sucking was a blessing in disguise cause it really gave me a new appreciation for 15 and 17 (but 17 especially). I probably won’t rewatch 15 as much cause being honest I don’t really enjoy it in its entirety as much as 17 but it’s got good moments I love.
Now- I know the logical thing for me to do is go back and watch 16 and then Restoration but here’s the thing… I don’t want to.
I genuinely do not enjoy those seasons. I don’t want to put myself through something that’s just gonna make me angry and bitter just for the sake of giving commentary on them- not right now anyway. Maybe one day I’ll feel like being a bit salty and do it but that’s just really not how I want to spend my time with my favorite show. I’ve already rewatched any clips from restoration that I cared to rewatch and I don’t think any of my feelings on it are gonna change. And I’ve seen 16 enough times to know my feelings won’t change.
Now what I am considering doing is rewatching 1-13 for the 20th time (<- accurate number, I’ve kept count over the years) and continuing to do these thought posts cause they’re good fun to do! So who knows whenever the time comes you’ll probably have to deal with more of my insane ramblings 😂
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okay so this what my friend said tobme in my dream but isnt miraculauos a lil bit hints just somtimes hints of misogny? sexism?
now hear me out,
marinette is potrayed as a boy super obseesed
which like ok thats how alot of shows potray young girls but like....her entire world revolves around adrien, she fumbles as ladybug when he is around like ...he is ..i cant explain or put into words but i thonk you know. i mean the concept of mari being a stalker hasnt goten the show to remove by snp becuse she is a girl so her action seem non threathing to oeople wjich is wrong either way her stalker tendacies arent ok.
adrien /catnoir in the early saesons atleasy also dint know how to take no for an answer and as much as i love him just ugh that was sooo not fun to watcg like many times he takes rejection not realy well and is just a mess and in some of those cases if not all that much anger he did project towards lady big was uncalled for . like sure she saod no buddy take the l dont be a prick about it.
other than that lov both of em
by the way before you say i am looking tok deep, i am 15 have bern wayching since 7 years old and me and all my friends did notice and realise to an extent how creps some of these charecters actions were. but still young enough to not realy.
a friend of mine even started to "stalk"(watch from behind a tree) her crudh and folwed him atound from a distance trying to learn about evrything him like marinetet did,we were 9 to 11 years old at that time soo yeah these things dose have afeect on kids ,do better.
sincerly ,a member of the target demographic.
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fourswords · 20 days
starting sketching out light and like. HES 12??? like I get it- he's about to be 13- And knight is the oldest at a grand total of 15 but like-
like I know they're dumb in the manga but 😭 every 12-13 year old I've ever met is like a certified dumpster fire, which you might wanna consider in his character lmso
but I just feel like after the manga it wouldn't even matter that he saved Hyrule, he's just getting grounded until he's a legal adult 😭
like azure THATS A BABY- Aint no way he's smart enough to have even survived half the manga even with his dumb luck!
im crying please add like one year to all their ages im on my hands and knees is your goal to give this tiny child some form of PTSD because he is IN CONSTANT DANGER.children need to have a sense of safety (and their stupidity doesn't count, blue got swallowed alive and frozen, vio was lying to SAVE HIS LIFE, green was straight up about to kill vio and had to deal with attacking another knight, and couldn't bring himself to attack their own dad, and then red got chased by an angry mob and then lost all will to LIVE with blue in that one temple-) 12 is barely even conscious and self aware 😭
like I know 12 year olds have complex emotions and can handle abstract concepts and start getting into deeper moral understanding- but my human of earth the self awareness is either ONE THOUSAND OR ZERO AND THERE ISNT A BETWEEN AT THAT AGE-
im sorry if I sound rude or something btw I'm mostly just joking and I tend to overdramatize for comedic effect but I genuinely cant wrap my head around him being just 12- like at least 14??? maybe bump knight to 16 while ur at it? ?
also I'm gonna figure out some way to incorporate the different colors into his hat probably, its big so its like a bag lol since in the manga blue just shoved his whole hammer in there I'm pretty sure
smithy will be extremely small without complaint.
feel free not to take my words seriously tho lol I just cant imagine a 12 year old going thru the manga, like look me in the eyes and tell me a 12 year old-
if I misunderstood anything lmk lol I am a lil stupid sometimes
HAHAHA YES HE IS IN FACT TWELVE. The Legend of Zelda is a series that's all about "yeah let's hand this child a sword and let him go nuts" (to use a popular example, BOTW Link being canonically handed a sword at age four and is said in Mipha's diary to have been able to best grown men in fights: "At the request of Hyrule's king, a group of outsiders came to greet us at the domain. One of them was a Hylian child of only about four years of age. His name was Link. He made quite a first impression. He was curious and full of energy, with a ready smile. Are all Hylian children that way? One thing that surely sets him apart is his swordsmanship, which I hear is exceptional. He has even bested adults. He must be somewhat reckless, however, as he was covered in bruises.") and I absolutely intend to lean into that as much as possible. Light's age comes mainly from comparing Akira Himekawa's designs for Links of varying ages side-by-side with each other; for example, you have Minish Cap Link, who's very obviously drawn like a young child:
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You have Twilight Princess Link and Ocarina of Time Link, both drawn to look like older teenagers (and we know OOT Link's older age is 16-17 depending on who you ask):
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We have Skyward Sword Prequel Link, who is a fully-fledged adult (his other panels illustrate the difference more sharply, but this is what he looks like, so):
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And then we have FSA Link in the manga, who is drawn to be VERY visibly younger than OOT, TP and SS Prequel Link, but is definitely visibly older than MC Link (he's got the rounder face + eyes, the shorter stature, and it becomes even more visible when compared to the knights in the FSA manga itself):
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His maturity level also does, to me, match that of an average 12-year-old nepo baby (which he really kind of is)—kid who thinks he knows everything & that he's hot shit but is kind of a giant train wreck internally.
All three Four Sword heroes prior to him were explicitly stated to be "young boys", and FSA manga Link is really no different in that regard—in the context of my own AU, he's actually the one who went on his adventure at the oldest age (with Smithy going on his around 8-9, Four going on his at 10, and Knight now going on his at 11). It's just been a shorter time since his adventure than it has been for the others ^^;
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imsoquarky · 1 year
Also, probably gonna start making # for post types. I feel like I reblog so much stuff that it's hard to find my actual content-
♠️ - ♣️ - ♥️ - ♦️
Starting off the bat, everyone who said Rise lovers were gonna love MM were absolutely correct. I adored this movie with every fiber of my being and I really think it could bring new people into the TMNT fandom just as ROTTMNT did.
While I will always be sad that Rise did not get the merch it deserved, I am over the moon that MM is getting it. The toys I've seen and merch I've gotten are already extraordinary. For the most part they are very very well made and most of it doesn't look like they've seen their entire family be brutally ripped limb from limb.
But moving away from my opinions about merch which is a whole other bag of worms being the physical item lover I am. THE MOVIE WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!
The storyline, the characters, the voice acting, the line delivery, the writing, the comedy, and ofc most of all
THE ART!! OMG THE ART!!! I LOVED EVERY SINGLE BIT!!! I see so much dragging on the art of this movie because it's ugly BUT THATS THE WHOLE POINT!!! It's meant to be messy, asymmetrical, even uncomfortable at times. Every character is so vastly different from the last, including every single background character. Some of my favorite overall designs were Splinter, April, Stockman, Superfly, Mondo Gecko, and even that fuckin BEAST Superfly turned into at the end.
This was the first iteration I watched where Splinter started out as a rat, being only into the more modern media, I had no idea that he was originally a pet. I could go on and on about MM Splinter and that is what I am going to do. I LOVED HIM. SO MUCH. He was such a dad, and an absolute badass when he wanted to be. Kicking ass to save his sons and just worried out of his mind about them. Despite his distain for humans, he was willing to take their help when it was offered. Instead of reprimanding his sons right then and there, he'd give them a hug and make sure they were safe beforehand. And when he saved them from getting their blood taken (I'm not calling it milking, please don't make me omg- /lh), he was like "I told you so!" but not in like.. a toxic way?? I never thought Splinter would end up as my favorite of any iteration, yet... here we are.
But y'all probably aren't all that interested in my gushing about Splinter yeah? Let's talk about the turtles, going from my favorite to least favorite (not to say I don't absolutely love them all, I just like some more than others.)
Raphael and Donnie are tied, but I'll start with just Raph. Raphael very much reminded me of when I was younger. Down to the struggled with volume & um... well, anger issues. Deep down, he loves and cares about his brothers, but he wants to branch out and meet new people. It's not that he doesn't want them to be there when he dies, it's that he wants to know other people outside of them. He loves them, but it's only natural to not want to ONLY have them.
Donatello was a silly guy, lots of playful jabs at his brothers and I just loved him. Also, the guy can DRIVE. Technically, being old enough, most places I know you can get a learners permit, so he probably realistically could drive. Despite complaining about having a "giant stick" much like 2012 Donnie, I found myself less annoyed by his complaints. Maybe I'm bias? Who knows. Point is, I loved him.
Leonardo, like Raph, was extremely relatable. With his upbringing and having a very anxious father, it makes sense to have such chronic anxiety. I swear, sometimes I feel like a mix between MM Leo and MM Raph. While ofc, I wasn't a fan of the little crush on April, it's not unrealistic. This is the first girl they've met and he has dreams of getting a girlfriend, obviously a 15 year old like that is gonna fall head over heels for the first girl he sees. Hell, when I first found out girls could like girls I honestly wasn't much different. (Ofc, I'm not a girl anymore, but that's besides the point here). But April shutting him down at prom was a relief, I'm hoping it just stays as a little puppy crush. It was handled SO much better than 2012 ever did, and I'm standing by that.
Now Michelangelo. Mikey was the SWEETEST OMG. Him and Mondo were an adorable duo and I'm hoping in future content we get more of them. Also, what is with Mikey and almost getting hit with cars in this film? I think the mans needs to keep away from the streets because he's like the critters down here in Kansas, very bad luck with cars. Only reason he's probably my least fav here is because I guess I don't have much to say about him, like, specifically?
Anyways. That's a lot of rambling, someone please talk to me about MM.
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fandombandomfics · 8 months
Not So Apple Pie Life
Here is the first chapter my readers hope you enjoy :)
Noah’s POV 
I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror, slight bags under my eyes since I barely slept last night. Tomorrow starts our first sold out headlining tou.r.  
“Noah come on we got one last rehearsal,” Jolly calls from the room. I leave the bathroom and head over to the three of them. 
“Nervous Noah?” Folio asks and I nod. 
“Yeah I am, first sold out headlining tour for us,” I say and they nod. 
“It will go off without a hitch I’m sure,” Rufflio says 
“I sure hope so,” I say. After practice, I head back to the room. When I walk in, something feels off. I grip the demon knife in my pocket and walk slowly into the room. I take the knife out of my pocket and approach the corner.  When I round it, I stop dead in my tracks. Because I see the face of someone that I haven’t seen since I was 15. 
“Hey Noah,” Dean says. Still wearing the jeans, flannel, and jacket look.
“What are you doing here Dean?” I ask, still on guard. 
“We came to see our little brother before he starts tour,” He says and I relax a little. 
“This isn’t about a job right?” I ask and he shakes his head. 
“No, it’s not. Look, I know the last time we spoke it was–,” 
“Riiiiight,” He says, 
“Where is Sammy anyways?” I ask, putting my demon knife back in my pocket. 
“Went to get us coffee. Still doing the singing I see,”  He says 
“Yeah I am, first sold out tour starts tomorrow….are you and Sam here for a job?” I ask 
“Yeah we are, haunting up the road from here. Gonna salt and burn the bones tonight,” He says
“Still the same old Sam and Dean,” I say. Dean smiles as I hear a knock at the door. I walk over and check the peephole to see Sam standing there with coffees. I open the door and he smiles at me. 
“Hey kiddo,” He says and I let him in. 
“Hey Sammy,” I say and he hands us each a coffee. 
“What are you two actually doing here?” I ask, looking at the two of them. Dean looks at Sam, Sam shifts on his feet and clears his throat. 
“We need your help finishing this hunt,” Sam says 
“Noah come on we need you,” Dean says 
“I left that life when I started the band, I’m not doing it,” I say 
“Just one hunt, thats all we ask,” Sam says 
“We never ask you for anything Noah. Just this once can you help us?” Dean says. I sigh, kind of itching to go back into hunting but I’ve been so focused on the band since I left. I still have my old habits, minus the credit card fraud. 
“Once hunt, like old times,” Sam says 
“Alright alright one hunt that’s it. Then I’m done like actually done,” I say 
“Sam said the same thing almost 20 years ago,” Dean says, laughing. 
“I mean it Dean. I love what I do, the friends I’ve made. I’m not leaving that behind once I get back into hunting with you two,” I say and Dean sighs. 
“Noah I was–” Dean says
“Save it,” I say. I grab my small bag that had my basic hunting supplies in it and head out the door. I turn to see Sam and Dean still not moving.
“You guys coming or not??” I ask, impatiently tapping my foot.
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doctorweebmd · 7 months
I never knew what to say about zsg because, well, there are a lot of aspects about it that don't align with my usual taste, despite its objective high quality. I mean, I'm a sfw fan 😂 That said, I'm always in awe that with your busy job, you continue to feed us so well. I'm busy too and only going yo get busier, so it's an inspiration, as longfics are what I prefer to write as well (though it doesn't come nearly as naturally, lol). And, you're right, zsg deserves to hear the love and admiration I have for it, so here goes.
To start with, the fic definitely has residence in my head, despite reading it nearly a year ago. There are scenes I still think about. I was talking about then with a friend just a week ago. Since I don't have time to read fic these days (cries), the most I can do is go back to old fics and reread my favorite scenes, and I do that with zsg, because there are such high quality, top tier moments. The "you're looking at me" "I never stopped" ??? That might be the pinnacle bkdk. I can't believe I've never seen that before in a bkdk fic? Or if it was there, it didn't hit as hard.
I know you're not so into the falling action part of a fic, but I loved the last bits with bkdk. When Baku realizes Deku's staying? Those moments they have of figuring things out are so good. And the provisional exam being inspired by Kamino was great. Really clever and a nice homage. And, of course, very nice that Deku could be a hero again.
Also, the Shinsou content is perf. I always love a side character having a big part in a ship fic and that shinbaku relationship is exactly why. (Similarly, I loved All Might and Aizawa helping Baku out.) That flashback scene where Deku calls Baku Kacchan? So good. And so smart as a flashback, because it would have been too much in the actual timeline, but where you fit it in the plot was really really clever. I also generally love a flashback--unpopular opinion, but I do.
Those were some of my biggest highlights! I hope my little disclaimer at the top isn't totally assholish 💀 I think you're just great and really admire your openness and the things you try to tackle in fics and your incredible output. I hope you're doing well <3
ahhh Anjum thank you so much for sending this!!! AHHH i'm sorry i complain on here so often i was so embarrassed i deleted the post lmao
gosh yeah especially when you read sfw stuff in general! i have this habit of writing REALLY detailed and explicit sex scenes 😳 what made you read it, in that case? (obviously you dont have to answer!)
god. every time i think about their devotion to one another i want to combust into flames. think for much LESS we had to work with when we were writing a few years ago?! the way horikoshi has developed katsuki into this passionate, level-headed, absolutely hopelessly committed to Izuku - literally never saw it coming. these two deserve peace in the end. they deserve to live a life on their own terms. they just DESERVE TO BE HAPPYYYY
urgh its Izuku's DREAM and of course horikoshi is setting him up to lose one for all, i think thats been his intention from the beginning, but his life is only starting!!! he's only 15!!! you're telling me he's going to risk his life and lose the only thing he's ever wanted?! i wonder if horikoshi used all might in his big-old mecha suit as a hint that deku would still be a hero, just using assist devices. at least i hope. this kid deserves a chance. (i dont know if you're caught up on the manga?? i'm kind of ranting lol)
adjfakldjflk;asjdlfjasdfj ANYWAY WHEN I TELL YOU THIS MADE MY DAYYYYYY adsjfaldjfkl argh you just made me so happy especially because its been a long time and i forget parts about it but TO HEAR THAT EVEN THE PARTS THAT FELT LIKE A STRUGGLE WERE STILL ENJOYABLE?! urgh i appreciate you so much thank you for taking time out of your day to reassure a complainy weirdo like me
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darkduck80 · 1 year
4AM and Morro needs a parent figure
its 4 am and i relized ther is a lack of redeemed morro au with Morrro actullying having a parent figure i dont care what you think but thats a child! and it needs some parent figure like anyone ecxept for WU like i dont hate Wu it just he dossent deserve Morro you saw what Wu did to him when he took care of him. exactly so he needs anyone else and idc if Morro is fucking 70 years old. ghosts dont age and he clearly died from age 12 to 15 a minor a child and dont forget the Queen of the cursed realm yeah pretty sure she fucked Morro up more than Wu over here so child at heart brain looks NOW moving on resones why he deserves a parent figuers
1- he needs someone who has a brain
2-he is full of truama and needs help
3- he needs someone to love him
4-parents are the best and everyone deserves a good parent
5-because i said so
6-whos going to get him out of trouble and if you say Wu that old man ass only sits in his room drinking tea and medteting half the time annd other times he says oh i forgot to tell you something like no 100% he has 0 idea whats Morros doing
7-idk look at this poor truama baby dossent he deserves a good parent that will actully help him and not fill his head with lies *coughs Wu coughs the Queen of crused realm*
Now who is the best for this mission
for me it Cole here ill tell you why
1-Cole is the best dad
2-he can actully relate to some stuff when Morro is talking about being a ghost
3-Cole chould ground Morro better then everyone since earth and whateverand keep hhim from troubles
4-Cole would do Morros hair in the moring (i like the hc that cole knows how to take care of hair and braid since he did thay to his mother)
5-cole would check on morro every now and then since he care
6-Cole would help morro getting used to human body again and would learn alot about morro(good things)
7-hes the best option between the ninja tbh
8-Morro would propbly have alot of nightmare of every single shitty thing in his life about propbly his whole life and would propbly will be scared so much he will have the guts to go to the most trusted ninja between them Cole and he would stand outside Coles room opening the door waiting to Cole to see that hes here and cole would wake up to see 2 pupils of eyes looking at him from his door frame propbly shaking and when he askes if Morros okay Morro will deny it saying that hes not scared and just making sure Coles not scared amd cole would just say mhm(clearly knowimg morros scared) get in and make room for morro to join him
9-okay belive me i have more but by brain is not working anymore now its 4:33Am and im siting in the bathroom typing in my small ass phone so yea heres why Morro should have a parent figeur thank you for reading
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