#i literally went through and tagged all of my followers who aren't me
transrevolutions · 8 months
french revolution dashboard simulator
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🐀 ami-du-peuple Follow
uh actually man has the right to deal with his oppressors by devouring their beating hearts. hope this helps.
🎩 departicle Follow
Hold up. Okay. Actually, fuck this. This sort of violent rhetoric should not be tolerated on here. Do you seriously think this sort of thing is going to make the nobility give you more rights???? You must be out of your minds! Reported.
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
reblog to devour this guy's beating heart
#username checks out lmao #politics #everybody point and laugh #common adp w
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update: new canto out now!!! go check it out 😈😏🥀 (remember don't like don't read <3)
📜 sacredhostreceipts Follow
@centuriesandskies this you?? not such a great look for a convention rep ngl
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
listen. I wrote this a long time ago, before I went into serious politics. the account is deactivated for a reason.
I was twenty. I did poorly. I can do better.
#sj.txt #if this is the worst dirt you can dig up on me #i'm way less corrupt than half the people in the convention these days #at least i'm not doing fucking. embezzlement. #also sacredhostreceipts if you're who i think you are #don't you have better things to do rn?
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🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
why the fuck is everyone tagging this with french??? political figures?
#what the hell is going on over there #also maybe cool it with the death threats #I don't want this blog to get taken down #what's a girondin #is this some joke I'm not french enough to understand #showdown update
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⛪ progressivepriest Follow
Unpopular opinion but why is everyone so up in arms about the new Civil Oath? Literally all it's asking is for you to promise not to commit treason just because the Pope tells you to? I can see where people are coming from with the whole violation-of-religion deal, but can you blame the Assembly for trying to make sure the people aren't forcibly subjugated by the wealth of the nobility?
Sounds like something a heretic would say. To betray the Pope and king is to betray the will of God and your eternal soul! You should pray for forgiveness and pledge loyalty to the monarchy or have fun burning in hell. Sorry not sorry.
⛪ progressivepriest Follow
L + ratio + iirc the Bible says "it is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven" (Matthew 19:24)
🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
occasional based catholic moment, go off OP!
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
looked the faith-first-always guy's blog, he's like a massive anti-huguenot too 🙄 why is it always the prot-exclusive radical catholics smh
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
#religion tag #percs fuck off #anyways op makes a valid point #reblog #percs dni
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🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
she committee on my safety til I can't go public
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
I don't understand the joke, can someone explain please?? 🙂 Thank you!
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
is that fucking MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE?!!?!?!?
🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
oh my god citizen robespierre I'm so sorry this was not meant to break containment lol I didn't even know you were on this site please forget you saw this
#this is the most embarassing moment of my life #literally sobbing rn #the original post is /j i prommy #i cannot be known as the citizen who had to explain this to the government
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🪓 indulgentsfuckoff Follow
fabre d'eglantine is NOT your poor little meow meow citizens he literally falsified decrees from the national convention and embezzled money to line his own pockets. I don't care how uwu babygirl you think he is he is a CRIMINAL who should be ARRESTED
💛 i-give-people-bread Follow
#baguette #loaf #croissant #i-give-people-bread #indulgentsfuckoff #silly
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🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
fucking fed up with the constant threat of the swiss guard, I think it's time we got some gunpowder and weapons and took things into our own hands yknow what I'm saying
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
I'm no longer joking about this btw
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
ok bc I've gotten like 50 asks about this: I am not injured and I am not in need of medical care. the punchline was that we stormed the fucking hotel des invalides to get guns and powder. didn't want to clarify the joke before now for security reasons but everyone knows about that and the bastille thing by now. please direct your money to people who actually need it.
#shouldve clarified the last post was /j #however I assumed yall knew this joke already #anyways #revolution #personal #500 #1k
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🌾 nopain-nograin Follow
got so high at the festivial 2day i thnk i saw hte suapreme being
#robespiere speech was prboably 🔥 #unforntuately i camt rember any of it #grainposting #oipum ehre is somtehing else thes days #memes
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🎨 jldavid-real-moved Follow
incredible speech from @springtimeofgovernment today at the jacobin club. nobody should be permitted to use their positions as civic leaders to commit crimes against the people, even under the guise of revolutionary fervor. if it comes to it, I too will drink the hemlock with him. for france. 🤝🤝
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
Thanks for your support, @jldavid-real
The situation over here is deteriorating really quickly, the representatives are getting violent and abandoning due process entirely. Anything you can do to stand with us now would be very appreciated. You do a lot of great work for the revolution, and I trust you completely.
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
@jldavid-real are you still there? We could really use your help right now.
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
boosting @springtimeofgovernment here, can confirm he's been injured in a skirmish at the hotel de ville, they're passing summary death sentences without trial, @jldavid-real where is the help you promised us??? the people of paris are our only hope now.
edit: of course he moved blogs. coward.
#sj.txt #disappointed yet unsurprised #marat would be ashamed of you #9 thermidor #update
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🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
DNI if you support any of these groups/people or their actions: m0narchists, f3uillants, br1ssotins/g1rondins, th3rmidorians, b0napart1sts, h3nri du v3rgier (also goes by c0mte de r0chjacquelin), charl0tte c0rday, or lafay3tte
(h3bertists and dant0nists you're on thin ice. behave.)
#censored so they dont show up in the tags #dni #get your nasty ass ideologies off my page #won't hesitate to block and/or report any violators #pinned
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reblog to make the directoire choke to death on their stupid fucking outfits
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
hey staff. yeah you. where did this blog go?? notfishgoujon and prairial-95 are gone as well?? cowards too afraid to show your faces lmao especially after the fucking mess the directoire's made of the country. bet you anything that staff are on their fucking payroll too iykwim at least the republic didn't tolerate fucking bribery
#this site's gone to the dogs since thermidor yr 2 #following the trend of the rest of the country tbh #i'll probably get nuked for posting this #if so i'm not making a new account #i'll just make a paleocities or smth #politics tag #reblog #don't play with me ik full well gb didn't delete his blog of his own free will #they also zero note glitched it #just when you think they can't stoop lower
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📕 spectrehauntingeurope Follow
it's been 50 fucking years since gracchus-babeuf (and the other CoE blogs) were deleted without warning and still no response from staff, the govt, or anything. the site's gone through a fuckton of ownership changes and still nothing.
we're working on a bit of a project (some of you might know abt it already), it's gonna be out prob in the next year or so. remember '89. remember '93 and '94. remember '97.
the people will rise again. it's only a matter of time. 🚩
-mod karl
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pocket-lin · 8 months
Hey!! 💕 for the fandom ask game, 5, 9 and 20? 🤩
hi!!! thank you for sending me this ask!! once again apologizing if the format for this is all janky, assume I have no clue what I'm doing 80-90% of the time!! also I found out so many of these writer's have tumblrs that I wasn't following so that was exciting!!
please note: this is all about the harry potter fandom so if you don't follow me for that, please look at my pinned post!! tldr is fuck jk and fuck terfs, I won't let her steal our joy!!
5. something I see a lot in fics and love
hmmmm... this is hard to narrow down!! so here's a few things I've been enjoying in hp fics I've read lately!
harry potter who is just so fucking earnestly in love. like, he's tripping over his feet so he can hold the door open for draco and looking at him with big heart eyes from across the pub. harry's got draco's order memorized from that takeout place he loves and he's been pining for draco for years in such an embarrassing way and all his friends are rolling their eyes and placing bets on when harry will finally make a fucking move.
adult ron weasley taking after his mother!! he makes delicious food and makes people scarves and shows his love through his actions!!
draco being absolutely rocked when he finds out that harry is queer! especially when harry is confident and completely unashamed of his sexuality. also throat goat harry
magic being tangible in some way!! like, a strong spell giving off the smell of ozone, being able to feel it in someone's hands, everyone's magic having a unique vibe.
harry as the ultimate dad. like, that dude 100% has so many complicated feelings about family and his kid(s) would be everything to him.
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
I've been dipping into alllll kinds of ships lately. I love to just go look at individual ship tags on a03 and read the stuff with the highest kudos and then some of the most recent fics. I think you gotta do both to understand the ship!! here's some I've been vibing with lately (also realizing how many of these are drarry+someone else hahaha)
harry/draco is my otp BUT harry/ron and harry/ron/hermione are tied for second. that's harry's family!! they were his first friends and the first people to show him love and they literally went through war together. they know each other!! two favorite harry/ron fics of mine are Sun Kissed by @static-abyss and A tangled mess by @orange-peony! two harry/ron/hermione favorites are nineteen years later by wendydarlings and try to fix you by @maesterchill!
snarry - I was sooooo not into this in my early fandom days because so much of the ship stuff I saw was underage teacher/student stuff and that's very much not my thing. the first dip into this ship was actually through @writcraft's harry/draco/severus fic, A Life Worth Remembering, which is almost a complete subversion: Severus gets de-aged to 25 through a potions accident and has to stay with draco and harry, who are middle-aged and in an established relationship. its a gigantic change for everyone involved and the way their all find their way to each other is sooooooo good. from there I read all their snarry stuff. one of their other snarry fics I love is How We Were Warriors. I've actually been back into this ship the past few weeks and have loved On the Deficiencies of Translation Spells and old fires and phantom limbs by @liladiurne, as well as A Turn of the Page and Severus’s Story (or, A Hero’s Tale) by avioleta!
neville/harry and harry/draco/neville - I think about @kittycargo's Love to Give soooooo often. also absolutely love When it Returns by @academicdisasterfic and Touch Your Lips Just So I Know by @saxamophone!!
harry/draco/charlie - everyone go read Licurici by @lou-isfake and tell me you aren't a changed man!!!
ron/draco/harry. I can't even begin to talk about this one because we'd be here for a million years!!
20. your very first fandom!
I started doing irl fandom things for harry potter with my mom and sister when I was a little baby (I learned to read with the harry potter books!!) but my first solo (and almost exclusively online) fandom was the the teen titans!! I was obsessed with the marv wolfman and george perez comics from the 80s and completely lost my shit when they announced the teen titans animated series. that show cancellation still hurts 😭
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💛Smoshblr December Asks Final Day💙
IMPORTANT NOTES (that I forgot to include in todays ask):
If you aren't done with answering all your questions yet, but want to; then don't feel any pressure to do this today 🤗 Just bc it says december on the tin, doesn't mean I will appreciate getting your answer any less, if it's in late january or smth 🫶
also: I promise I will get around to looking at & interacting with everyone's responses! I promise I did not forget about you, I have just been/still am incredibly busy irl 🙈
Alright, buckle in folks, this is a long one 😅✨
(Split into three parts like the other asks; No pressure to any of you to do the same tho, I just really like this format and it suited my thoughts/organizing needs)
My favourite smosh related memories of 2023 (chronologically):
1.) Joining the smoshblr community 💚
2.) Spommy nation 💜
3.) Smoshblr December Asks 💛💙
now for anyone who is interested in me rambling way too much:
Joining the Smoshblr community 💚
I got into smosh at the start of this year bc of the Reddit stories videos (I watched a couple smosh vids over the years before, but never consistently followed their releases). They became smth I looked forward to every week and lead me to check out more smosh videos in general! I also remember checking the tumblr tag for smosh back then and being a little disappointed, that the fandom was fairly inactive, barring a few exceptions <3
And then the reunion happened and it took me like 3 whole days or so to actually realizewhat went down 🙈. Bc I saw the thumbnails for the interview and the 2t1l vids and was just like “Aww, it’s so nice that they are friends again and doing a collab! 😊 (I’ll watch these later tho…)” Little did I know that finally watching them would turn my year around in a way that I could have never seen coming!
Suddenly the Smoshblr community exploded with activity and so so many lovely ppl joined and started sharing their thoughts and feelings about the reunion. And while I wasn’t an OG fan by any stretch, it really felt like there was magic in the air/ on this platform! 😹💕
I’ve been into fandom for more than half of my life by now. But I’ve never really gotten “personally” involved in any active communities. Just someone hovering on the sidelines and simply liking & reblogging stuff from time to time.
But with this community smth just started to click for me and made me to get “more out of my shell” or whatever idioms might apply here. And this allowed me to meet so many awesome people!! 💖 Special shoutout to @wiggog-y-hecox 💜, who was literally my first friend in this community! I still so fondly remember our talks about your cool smosh AU concepts! 🤗💙 And also to @swiftllama 🩵 for discussing so many taylor swift lyrics and ianthony with me (+occasionally good omens too 😹💕) And also @japhan2023! 💚 I know we’ve been chatting on and off since the beginning, but I am also so so happy that this month in particular allowed us to grow even closer!
2. Spommy nation 💜
So we’re moving into the middle/end of summer now on the timeline for this one. I was in the middle of writing my bachelor thesis and really going through it mentally bc of that. Getting deeper and deeper into the Smoshblr community also lead me to check out more smosh fanfics in general. Which is how I discovered the fic the right side of my neck (still smells like you) - jovenshires (imdeansgirl) - Smosh [Archive of Our Own] by our beloved @jovenshires 🩷.
Now I’ve told Katie <3 this story before so I’ll keep it brief here; but basically smth about this fic was incredibly comforting to my overworked brain. And I’ve reread it more times that I’ve ever read a fanfic in my life before that. And I truly think it has forever changed my brain chemistry, and also made me very attached to this ship (aside from the fact, that spommy is genuinely such an amazingly adorable ship with incredible amounts of potential, like!! I don’t wanna downplay that bc of the chemical reactions in my brain around that time 🙈) Some more stuff happened which eventually lead me to become friends with Katie, who is truly one of the ppl I treasure the most in the world at this point 💖
But I also wanted to mention Spommy nation as a whole, bc this subsection of the fandom is filled with so many kind, creative and just generally amazing people!And I also just love all of us freaking out whenever we get new crumbs for this ship lmao 😹💕
Special shoutouts to @soupy-girl 💛, Kit! @hoohoobeanie 🖤, Mer!!! @tommybowefuneralattendee 💜, @ancientvamp 🤍 & Snel @blondeforyou 💙 for being some of spommy’s nations strongest soldiers 🫡 and also absolutely lovely and incredible people in general, who I adore so so much🫶🥰
3. Smoshblr December asks 💛💙
I doubt anyone didn’t see this coming 🙈😹
So, I had been meaning to do smth inspired by the “Shayne guesses” series for a while now (also the fact that the official smosh compilation of those vids dropped this week, near the end of this challenge, is so funny to me for some reason). But I never quite figured out how to do it, since I knew guessing for eachother would be difficult. And if I just started randomly messaging all the blogs I’ve followed with an onslaught of these questions, it might get a bit weird or overwhelming 😅…
⚠️slight too personal ramblings ahead, that I don’t wanna force on anyone without warning⚠️
And then, towards the end of November, I gotta be honest, I was really not doing well, especially mentally. (First masters semester and I was still sorta dealing with the damage I caused to my brain while writing the thesis and barely getting two weeks between defending it and starting the new semester to truly recover from it all) And I knew december would get worse, bc I still hadn’t finished all the Christmas presents for my family, assignments were piling up & I kept on catching way too little sleep.
So all of these stressful thoughts made me think “You know, a lot of other ppl are probably struggling with similar stuff rn, especially during these dark & cold times of the year. So why not try to do smth that might bring some joy or fun into other ppl’s lives?” And that’s how I literally typed up that initial post, two days before December started without having planned it for more than a literal day or so 🙈😹 (I did already have a long list of questions, bc I started doing the top 3 stuff in my friendgroup, but rearranging everything to fit the sorta 3-day cycle I wanted to do, still happened up until last week lmao; tho I always knew that this would be the last question <3)
(end of rambling ⚠️)
And I was genuinely, positively overwhelmed by how many people wanted to join in for this silly little game!🥹 I love and appreciate all of you, whether you stuck around for the whole month, might still be catching up on some of the questions (which, no worries, I know there were a lot 🤗) or just answered a few of them! 🤗💖 And as I am currently fighting the urge to tag every single person who participated in this activity, I cannot help myself but atthe very least tag the ppl that I feel like I have grown closest to/gotten to know a hell of a lot better, over the course of this month (some of which I may have known/followed for a while now, but some I also got to know mainly bc of them joining in on this journey with me in the first place: @ceilidhasworld ❤️, @fantasticduckchaos 🩶, @notthatalex 🖤, @natashasbitxh 🧡, @shaynetopps 💜,  @only-frann 💛, @smoshmonker 💚, @smoshidiot 🩷, @craintheodora 🩵, and so so many more of you guys! I just don’t want this entire post to become a taglist or send this to too many ppls notifications 🙈🫶
I know that I am super behind on interacting with everyone's responses! 🙈 And I promise that I will get to each of them eventually! 🤗 I am just super busy with assignments and exam prep atm. And also get very easily overwhelmed by talking a lot to people, even if it's just online 😅 (I love and appreciate ppl reaching out, asking questions or otherwise trying to have a conversation with me tho! It might just take me a good while to respond in some cases, which I promise has nothing to do with how much I value any of you 🥹🫶💞)
PS: The month might be over, but I do have something special planned in honor of this event and everyone participating in it 👀🫶
💚 Smoshblr December Wrapped 💚
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pia-writes-things · 6 months
20 questions for writers
Thanks for the tag @capybaraonabicycle, this was really fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Doctor Who, but I write for a lot of fandoms :
Doctor Who (8) Engrenages (2) One Day at a Time (2) Kaamelott (2) ER (2) Stranger Things (2) The Wheel of Time (1) The Marvelous Mrs Maisel (1) Grace and Frankie (1) (this one is a crossover tho) Spellslinger (1) Big Little Lies (1) Les combattantes (1) Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (1) (also a crossover) HPI (1) (the counterpart to the G&F crossover)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My extended fam : a multi-companion DW story that focuses on the companions staying on Earth and how they all deal with alien invasions and other wibbly-wobbly stuffs when the Doctor isn't around.
Ways to Heal : my current work in progress ! It's set after season 13 and deals with the aftermath of it, and more generally with all the various traumas all the companions have suffered while and after travelling with the Doctor.
Who am I if I don't have what it takes : a Stranger Things one-shot dealing with El's trauma and especially her trauma after season 4 and what happened to Max.
Night conversation : a One Day at a Time one-shot dealing with Elena's reaction to her father not accepting her sexuality.
Day two : You. Me. Handcuffs : a very short one-shot I wrote for a DW fanfic challenge. It's about Donna and the Doctor, and River.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always !! Sometimes it's quite short, or late, or in private but I always try to answer, because I love to have conversations about what I write and what it means to people <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I honestly don't know tbh, because I'm very much a hurt/comfort kind of girl, and I always try to end on, at least, a hopeful note.
That being said, it's definitely Misunderstood! it's probably the only full-angst fic I've ever written but I was in my feels after WOT 207 and I wrote it through my tears (literally) 😭I think my no beta tag sums up pretty well my feelings 😬
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think it's probably Remonter la pente. I'm still quite proud of this story, it's 6 chapters of healing and talking and processing traumas and I ended it on quite a high note, so yeah, I really like it!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, never! I sometimes have people who comment what part of the story or characterisation they don't really agree on but it's always nice and more conversational than anything ☺
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, and I cringe at the mere thought of it ^^
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do and I love it ! That's actually how I started to write fanfictions, and my first ever posted fanfiction was a DW and CAOS fanfiction.
I don't know what counts as a "crazy" crossover but the most unexpected must be Waiting on a miracle! It took a lot of liberties and interpretations on my part to imagine a situation where Morgane from HPI and Grace from Grace & Frankie could meet but I like what I came up with and it was really fun to write.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so either!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I've wanted to, and sometimes I started planning it with friends but it never went further than that because *gestures at life in general*
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Well, I think it's the Doctor and River! They're certainly the ones I've written the most for ^^ Then they're followed by the Ponds, Guenièvre and Arthur from Kaamelott and Joyce and Hopper from Stranger Things. But tbh, I don't write that many "shippy" fanfics? I write a loooot of found family stuffs so ships aren't what I focus on the most, or at least, I focus on them more as a part of (found) family dynamics, you know?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well, I don't have that many unfinished posted wips, I tend to not post my unfinished works, or not to post until I'm sure I'm committed to finish it. I guess I'd like to add chapters and one-shots to The path of funny stories because we greatly lack fanfictions for the Spellslinger series but it's quite hard for me to write fanfictions for books, so I don't know if I'll ever get around to it ^^
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think dialogues and chracterisation? That's what I get complimented the most for in the comments at least! I also know I write stories with a big cast quite well, or so I've been told ^^ Which tracks, because dialogues, characterisation and interactions between people is what I like writing the most, and what I pay the most attention to!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions!! It's directly correlated to my love of writing dialogues but I know I'm not very good and I struggle a lot with establishing scenes, descrbing the surroundings and what the characters are doing besides just talking. I try to pay attention to it and to work on my description and tone skills but I doesn't come as easy.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's hard!! I've only ever done it for my One Day at a Time fanfics but, besides my lack of confidence in Spanish at the time, I find it really hard to make it feel natural and to make the scene flow when switching between languages.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Chilling adventures of Sabrina !
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
That's haaaaard! How am I supposed to choose between my babies like that?
I have a soft spot for My Extended Fam because it was my longest fanfic for a while, and I absolutely adored writing it. I grew a lot as a writer while writing it and it's still one of my most beloved fanfic, which makes me really happy and proud.
Remonter la pente is also one of my favourite, because I think it's one of the first fanfic for which I really felt like a part of a fandom community and like I truly shared the stories with people, especially thanks to @moon-arts02- who wonderfully illustrated every chapter 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I'll tag some of my writer mutuals but absolutely 0 pressures, this was just a lot of fun to do, and I loved the retrospective it made me do through my writing :
@bourbon-ontherocks, @hemerae-ramblings, @everybodyknows-everybodydies, @bwayfan25, @thehappyegg, @saecookie, @imdefyingmavity, @cecret-with-a-c
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feekins · 1 year
woof. ch 6 is a LONG and DENSE one. I foresee this post getting a bit text-heavy to compensate for The Tunglr's ten-image limit. in any case, here are more of my thoughts and things and whatever translation weirdness I find as I re-read Trigun Maximum vol 4!
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
so. interesting start. Dark Horse's "fell to this planet with us" implies that worms (wamz? bah. from what I remember, they're p consistently collectively referred to as "worms" in the manga, so yeah, I'm going with "worms" from here on out) are also extraterrestrial to Noman's Land. I can see how/why the mix-up could've happened, though, so to me it's just a funny lil quirk of the Dark Horse translation. nothing egregious. also, although both translations effectively set Vash and Knives apart from humanity here, I appreciate the specificity of the Overhaul's "Yes-- These are the different ones."
then, right after the title page, I LOVE that detail we're given about Zazie - that they "can naturally read the feelings/emotions of all living things" (Dark Horse/Overhaul, respectively). and then Meryl apologizing to them? and Zazie not quite getting why? is adorable (Meryl and Zazie ship when?) 😊
back with Vash and Hoppered's fight...the translations for the first page where it's the both of them speaking (the one starting with Vash yelling for ppl to run) are similar enough - but Dark Horse's translation of the middle panel...idk. intrigues me.
whereas the Overhaul has "The one they should be running from is you," Dark Horse went with "These insects should run from you," which. might imply. interesting things, imo, if you'll excuse the following brief descent into literary analysis. one could argue that it's indicative of how drastically Hoppered's life/identity/ideals shifted post-July, focused totally on eventual revenge to the exclusion of/with utter disdain toward that of humans who aren't traumatized the way he is. that said...we know as a fact that being a GHG was only ever a means to an end for him, and also, he couldn't give less of a shit about Knives' ultimate goals. so it's strange how Dark Horse has Hoppered referring to humans as "insects" when Knives does the same (except Dark Horse doesn't keep that wording, I suspect for reasons relating to its irl usage in racism, genocide, etc, as others have pointed out in the tags of one of my previous book club posts).
on the page where we see Hoppered watching July's destruction from afar...Dark Horse translates what Hoppered says to "You snatched it away. You tore it...in half!" meanwhile, the Overhaul has "You took it all away! You tore it to pieces!" and that's hitting me WAY harder than Dark Horse's ever has 🥺
when Zazie is explaining Vash's and Knives' gates - two things. ① in Dark Horse, Zazie says in the second panel "The flow from those two is tremendous" (vague, always made me scratch my head) whereas the Overhaul has "The flow of energy from those two is tremendous." y'all whose first and/or only time(s) reading the manga via the Overhaul are so spoiled lemme tell u (I say this affectionately - I'm just happy I'm finally getting The Good Shit, too, this read-through :,D ). ② last panel - Dark Horse has Zazie saying "Don't you understand? Those two are self-reliant" whereas the Overhaul has "You understand? Those two are self-reliant. Independent." EXCUSE ME WHILE I LOSE MY SHITDJGGDJXJ
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"will" (vague) VS "will to survive" (explicit)
it's interesting that Dark Horse went with "benefactors" considering ① the death and destruction the twins are responsible for and, more importantly, ② the title of the chapter, which both translations have as "The Bystanders"
(also...Dark Horse, you big silly, you literally started the chapter saying the twins "fell to the planet" and now you're implying they were born here...? 🤣 )
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
we know that "your companion" refers to Vash...so Dark Horse always confused me by then saying "your friend" whereas it's clear in the Overhaul that Zazie is still talking about Vash.
and it's weird how we have, in Dark Horse, Zazie mentioning just a few pages ago that they can sense others' emotions, but now "yeah, idk how deep Knives' hate is." the Overhaul specifying that this is true despite Zazie's abilities...is...honestly horrifying, separating Knives even further apart from humanity than Zazie.
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no comment on this translation discrepancy. I just think it's neat c:
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same with these - I'd just have everything highlighted here 🤭
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...and it's at this point that I realize I'm running out of spoons for commentary;;;;;;;;
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interesting translation discrepancy with "that punisher" VS "once I have the Punisher" autocorrect I promise it's not called the Publisher djgdjgjgx
also. Milly's line. the Overhaul's translation is a way better fit, but I'm not telling why 😜
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Dark Horse choosing to use "us" is interesting - grouping Zazie, Midvalley, and Hoppered together, as if all 3 of them are in on this. only in the Overhaul do we see that Zazie separates themselves from them - from Midvalley, specifically - while also doing a better job at conveying how insanely OP Knives is.
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aaaaaand we end with more weird Dark Horse vagueness and a mounting sense of dread (at least for me) from the Overhaul!
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I've just been sitting here for a while, thinking about all of them, but really, I only want to write a letter to one. May want to tag for neg towards Dream (plus general neg, I think?). Could you also use introject tags if you post this? (Completely understand if you won't post it. Lots of neg from what my brain can process).
Exile, Prison incident, violence mentions(?), and Wilbur's revival are all mentioned in case you need a tw for those.
To Dream,
Royally fuck yourself bitch. And if you can't, get Goggy to help you.
I still can't believe you. After everything I've been through, and you had the audacity to make it worse.
Who fucking decided you got to play God? You further shattered my already broken view of my brother. You brought him back. I didn't get why and I guess I still don't but that was really fucking disgusting of you.
Was Wilbur meant to be my distraction? Did you really think I'd fall right back into whatever "duck brain" I had and that I'd keep following him? Or did you do it to make me feel like I owed you for bringing him back because you knew how much I missed him? Or was it maybe the fact you thought you knew how he'd react? How he'd fall into a pretty prince role and worship you as his saving grace?
I love that you were wrong. I don't regret anything I did after, either. I don't regret bringing you to ruin. Maybe I'm a little sorry I destroyed it all with Tubbo, if not only for the builds and few fond memories I had left.
There's so much shit I have on you, and I don't know if I can let go. Not because I want to, but because I haven't entirely really thought about it all. As of late, I've just been stuck here suffering with the repercussions of exile fresh on my mind.
I'm hungry, but I can't eat, no matter how safe I am. I'm under a really bad weather watch right now that just reminds me of the horrid weather from Logstedshire when it wasn't beautiful. But let's be honest, when was it ever beautiful? Constantly gloomy and cloudy. You chose that spot beforehand, hadn't you? And when you gave me that trident you knew, I would long for more beyond those clouds.
I have a feeling you wanted me to become Icarus.
And in a strange way I had. I can't stand the way you treated me, almost driving myself to do something I didn't think I would ever want to do. You wanted control over a literal fucking child.
You're pathetic, yknow that? I used to think that maybe, just maybe, something might've gone wrong in your childhood to make you such a wrongun. But based on a conversation I had with Puffy after one of my last sessions with her, I just can't place it. I don't think I want to, I don't want to know what happened or what went through your head.
Maybe it was as simple as the idea of power going to your head.
I'll never understand why you went to the lengths of war. Why you wanted the discs so bad or why you wanted to control me. I'll never understand why you tried to fucking kill my best friend to command me. I don't want to forgive you for it, any of it, especially when you didn't ever ask for forgiveness. Even when you killed me in the prison to "prove a point".
I'm so fucking angry at you.
But I forgive you.
I forgive you not because you need it or some stupid shit like that. But I forgive you because I can't keep holding on to this, it's hurting me more than it is helping me.
I'm done now, though. Please don't contact me, let me be happy. I don't want to know how sorry you either are or aren't. It's already too late for all that, and I'm done with it all.
I'd like to keep this freedom I'm finally holding. For once, it feels so nice, like I'm living for myself rather than somebody else.. if there's one selfish thing I can ask for from you, it's to let me finally have that.
Goodbye Dream, I really fucking hope you realized what you did was wrong.
- From ; Tommy/Icarus
[Letter Sent!]
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scoobydoodean · 2 years
About Me Being a Jackass
So. As some of you saw, the other day I fucked up. I am not going to apologize for the fact that something offended me or for my opinion, but I am sorry for how I addressed it. Regardless of how much or little offense what someone else said made me feel, I am the bigger asshole at the end of the day, because I perpetuated a message that screenshotting people’s tags to shit on them behind their back is okay.
@ original person involved: I haven't deleted my posts, because the nature of Tumblr is that other copies of what happened remain on various blogs regardless, and I didn’t want you to feel like I was trying to hide what was said at least until I had made this post establishing that I am the asshole. However, I will go back and hide everything from being visible to randoms opening the notes to minimize the potential of you receiving grief from anyone, and if you would like me to, I will also DM this post to those who reblogged the original incident and ask them to delete their copies of it from their blogs. I can’t promise compliance, but I figure if I ask nicely as the OP, I might have decent luck.
Back to the general audience: I have a few lessons for myself here, and I hope you read them and consider learning from my mistakes too (if you aren't already too smart to be like my dumbass).
Never respond to something that annoyed, offended, irritated, or grossed you out at 3AM. This is, universally, a bad idea. This is something I actually know already, from my many years on the internet, so there isn't an excuse. I have had, "Oh thank god" moments before when waking up to look at things I decided the night before, to not put out into the world and to sit on instead to see how I felt about them the next morning. Rarely have I ever woken up no longer feeling negatively about what someone else said, but I at least wake up with a clearer head on the appropriate response to it. So don't do it. Just shut the fuck up and go to bed. You will save yourself from a lot of stupid decisions.
Never assume that using tags to comment on something means it won't get screenshotted and re-tagged with more note-passing-in-class-style commentary. The person who tagged my post didn't expect anyone to respond. They likely expected at most for their friends to maybe like it and maybe a reblog with '#prev'. I responded to the tags they didn't expect me to comment on while also tagging my addition for something and expecting it to stay on my blog and for nobody to reblog the tags I had added, which was fucking dumb considering the thing I literally just did is make somebody else's tags show hole.
Never assume that reposting something to a sideblog where you don't have very many followers is sufficiently private. It is still an online space. It is not private. If you MUST be upset and vent IMMEDIATELY because you CANNOT help yourself, send it in a DM to your friend instead.
Never assume that leaving off someone's username from their tags when you screenshot them is sufficient to protect that person's identity. Especially not when you are stupid and screenshot their tags on the very post where they tagged what they tagged. There is no excuse for me, because just the other day, I saw someone else post a screenshot of tags on one of their posts (in a separate post, to disagree with them) and almost reblogged it, but then realized that would spread it further around the circle and would feel like bullying to me because it was all being said behind their back. Then my dumbass went and did something that fostered an even more potentially harmful environment for another person... by doing the same thing on the actual post. To my knowledge, I don't believe anyone retaliated directly against the person in question through their mailbox or DMs (and if anyone did, I will lob a spear into your computer over wifi), but I created a potential that was very real for that to happen, and the actual outcome, where people were just shitting on them in my notes, was already bad enough. Just don't screenshot tags you don't like to talk about them, actually. Go to bed. Later on, maybe write your own post in your own words about the idea you saw that you didn't like (not the person who said the idea—the idea. The person is just a person). You'll have a clearer head then anyway and you'll be a lot more eloquent and level-headed.
If the joke you are telling by being snarky about someone's tags you screenshotted is "Haha now we are all mischaracterizing each other", don't go back 5 minutes later and tag what they said for biphobia. If you keep looking at what they said and find it offends you more and more because that's genuinely what you see in it regardless of what was intended, just delete your reblog. It isn’t like you’re having a fun time like you were 5 minutes ago. You are promoting something that makes you feel bad and you have figured out at least one reason why. Also, it will turn into accusations of someone being an evil irredeemable villain when other people pass it around to shit on the person for what they said and what you said about what they said and add more transgressions they committed to the list (see Part 2). If you believe something is intentionally and maliciously offensive (that wasn't the case here FYI) you still shouldn't put it on the dash imo because you'll be giving it a platform. You should block the person if you believe they're actually a bigoted asshole.
Remember that this is all media.
When an offended party's friend DMs you, and in the process of trying to defend their friend while extending an olive branch, actually hands you an olive branch full of spiders (i.e., saying more things that make you go 🙈) just don't respond and move on with your life. It isn't worth it. Tangentially: on the initial (before shit hit the fan) subject and everything you two have left me with as responses from the thread of the initial subject... I won't respond any further about our differing analysis, because I can tell you for a fact it won't be productive. Based on what has been said so far, and how each successive argument that has been brought up included more things that I vehemently disagree with in terms of how it frames a person's lived experiences and issues and how they define a person's value... we simply shouldn't continue talking about it. That doesn't mean I think you're bad people, but it does mean the conversation will only come with more bad vibes for all of us and more hurt feelings. Once again: sorry for being a flaming jackass.
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catty-words · 1 year
"i think the disconnect comes from the way fandom uses words like 'racist' to build cases about how it's Objectively Wrong for anyone to like a certain character" YES omg people say it like its an essentialist part of a character, like they did something shitty?? well that means they are a literal devil spawn and if you like them you are TRASH!!! but like is actually mostly an action (like you said, a BEHAVIOR)???? that people CAN get better and do better??
"giving the time of day to people who aren't engaging sincerely with the text" this is a great definition of what so many people do, i will definitely snuggle with my kitty in my echo-chamber in guilty-free now, thanks
"forced me to sit with that disappointment for over a year." yeah, i supposed i would feel similarly had i watched one season at the time too. personally because besides devi lack of agency, ben is just so off. paxton was the highlight, besides nirmala and aneesa, that made the season worth it, but like... i feel like season 2 ben is just there to suffer from beginning to end, if at least he was less of a victim of devi's cheating and more of a cunt about it i wouldnt feel so sad, but like you said, its like he had no defects that season and i'm like 😭😭 wheres my little shit from season 1? i dont know if i would survive sitting with season 2 ben for a year tbh you are so strong and resilient babe
"you may already know that i'm writing a long-form follow-up with 'bitty spark' acting as the prologue since it sounds like you picked through my blog a bit" i actually didnt cuz i tend to avoid wip fics like the plague unless i'm close friends with the author cuz then if they abandon the work i can just ask where they planned to go with and satiate my curiosity aksjwkajai but now that i know its the continuation of my fave fic of yours i went through the whole tag and i'm like. DESPERATELY NEEDING IT. like you've been working on it for ages frr you poor thing :(( but simultaneously i'm like IF SHE DOESNT POST LIKE ASAP IM FLYING OUT THERE AND PULLING HER FEET AT NIGHT 😡😡
"thank you for fueling my vanity and for stopping by my askbox in the first place!" no thank you for answering my question it was eating me alive, i just wanted to contextualize and make sure you knew i wasnt like a ben apologist who see him as someone who cant do no wrong but when you had questions of your own i just had to answer them pakspksosk and i love to fuel people's vanity!!! you deserve to be vain, you are giving great stories for nothing besides the shits and giggles!!! i have a hard time interacting in tumblr bc of some dumb insecurities but i just really had to answer you, i thought you would just politely and objectively answer my question but instead you gave me an opportunity to sing you praises without all my tumblr-ity baggage so... thank YOU.
this is a great definition of what so many people do, i will definitely snuggle with my kitty in my echo-chamber in guilty-free now, thanks - perfect. give your kitty a kiss on their perfect little head for me.
yeah, i supposed i would feel similarly had i watched one season at the time too. - mm-hmm, and most people i'm friends with in the fandom have similarly been in it since the beginning, hence my curiosity about your own experience. i'll never know what it's like to take in the series as a whole, it very much is divided up into Eras for me, and it excited/excites me greatly to hear someone else's perspective on the shifting tone.
i feel like season 2 ben is just there to suffer from beginning to end, if at least he was less of a victim of devi's cheating and more of a cunt about it i wouldnt feel so sad, but like you said, its like he had no defects that season and i'm like 😭😭 wheres my little shit from season 1? - dkjsbg exactly!!! 'where's my little shit from season 1', SUCH an important question to be asking!!!
i don't know if you read 'start, acceleration' (my fic where ben teaches devi how to drive), but i was in a scramble to finish it before season 2 dropped and, in retrospect, it's so important that i did (literally posted it the night before) because i can't imagine trying to complete it with s2 ben's characterization in my head. i would have been Distraught.
i dont know if i would survive sitting with season 2 ben for a year tbh you are so strong and resilient babe - and like, thank you. i needed this. 😇
but now that i know its the continuation of my fave fic of yours i went through the whole tag and i'm like. DESPERATELY NEEDING IT. like you've been working on it for ages frr you poor thing :(( but simultaneously i'm like IF SHE DOESNT POST LIKE ASAP IM FLYING OUT THERE AND PULLING HER FEET AT NIGHT 😡😡 - motivation!!! this + plus us knowing the season 3 release date - i'm determined to be posting it by then. like, truly no one is more excited to be sharing this fic than me i've worked so hard on it and it is pretty epic tbh......
no thank you for answering my question it was eating me alive, i just wanted to contextualize and make sure you knew i wasnt like a ben apologist who see him as someone who cant do no wrong - definitely no worries there. clearly you have taste because you miss cunt ben when he's gone!! plus, i obviously love discussing this show, so. your ask was a gift.
you deserve to be vain, you are giving great stories for nothing besides the shits and giggles!!! - 😳🥰🥺 thank you
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pumpkinpie59 · 2 years
Last thing I'm gonna say on the matter, but at the end of the day, we're all just a bunch of freaks doing "immoral" shit in the eyes of society just by being involved in fandom. We're all freaks and weirdos who enjoy cartoons a little too much. You're the pot calling a kettle black, and I'm saying this who was groomed by an "anti shipper" and was later abused by antis and pros alike. Just grow up and realize that everyone defines both of those differently, and literally NONE OF IT matters. Step outside your internet bubble, and just breathe some real-life outdoors air, instead of caring so much about what strangers on the internet are doing to fictional people, or how anti people feel about weird ships, or whatever. You are ALL weird and need to touch some damn grass. This is the weird fandom shit site, if you aren't prepared to just accept it, then maybe this isn't the place for you. Maybe wattpad or geocities or dreamwidth or whatever would be more suitable
idk how you found the post in the first place but if you found it through the tags i used …
why are you looking through those tags if you don’t think it matters?
the fact that you’re sending me paragraphs of this subject proves to me that you need to get off the internet more than i do
i’m sorry that you went through that tho. just don’t follow their mistakes and bully others online. if you have an account, just block me.
and for the record i’m allowed to rant about stuff on my blog.
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youcantrewind · 6 months
I literally want none of these things. They all imply non chronological algorithmic hell.
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More ranting under the cut to save your dashes from some whining from a Tumblr Old:
I have had the suspicion in the last few days that I've been missing posts from my main dashboard, despite my keeping up with it. Like the other day, I accidentally went into one of the other tabs I usually ignore, and right at the top I saw an art post by someone I follow that I swear I never saw in my main feed, which I keep up with constantly. Or people's self-reblogs suddenly being the first time I saw the post despite me being pretty sure I'd scrolled the whole way through it. There had better not be some algorithmic shenanigans at play on the main dashboard suddenly. I hope it was just me scrolling too fast and not registering them in my tired brain, and they aren't getting disappeared on purpose so that Tumblr can have me 'discover' them elsewhere.
I don't want a favs tab. My dashboard is my favs tab. I've chosen those people to follow, because I want to see their content.
I don't need a 'what you missed' tab, because I shouldn't be missing posts if they display them correctly and in order.
I can see Fast Queue being handy for those who use the queue, at least. I almost almost gave that one a switch on, because out of all these things to test, it sounds genuinely useful. Except then I remembered I don't really use the queue (I should. I used to, back in the day, but I fell out of the habit when I fell off tumblr for a bit). So it's pointless for me to test that one out right now.
Anyway, I immediately turned Tumblr Labs off again. I originally clicked into it to find out what they meant by testing out 'Communities', but found absolutely nothing on that Tumblr Labs page in reference to it, just this annoying list of unwanted features. 🤷‍♀️
All I want them to do right now is: fix all the text formatting nightmares I keep having with the app (does anyone else fight with italics/bold on mobile or is this more of an issue with my device?), figure out a solve for the porn bots that keep co-opting tags, and move their ad-free-for-30-minutes option to the top of the page (because I'm more likely to actually agree to it at the start of my browsing, rather than when I'm almost done and it'll cause a page refresh).
Also I signed on to desktop tumblr for the first time in a very long time the other day and boy is it ugly and cluttered just like FB and Twitter. They need to revert that nonsense back to favouring actual dashboard content ASAP.
Alright. Old man yells at cloud rant over. 😮‍💨
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the0ldmann · 11 months
Just blocked the strangest person in one of the tags I follow.
They caught my attention by complaining and saying incorrect quotes and made up quotes aren't funny and should be kept out of the tags. (Literally that's your preference, just block and move on, don't screenshot the person with name included to be an asshole about it.)
Then they went on a ramble about how they literally cannot trust anyone who likes the tag and is a fan because all the fans for this particular character are the kind of people to date incels and be racist. No idea where this comes from beyond maybe the fact some people missed certain lore things? Which considering the number of people I see that explicitely skip all the lore and characterization- be it game or show- isn't surprising to me? But that's still such a broad generalization?
Looking at their blog were posts from right before like "you can't just generalize a whole group of people based on the actions of a few" and "yeah some fans suck but not all of them."
LIKE! TF DO YOU THINK YOU JUST DID WITH ALL THE FANS IN THAT TAG? "You all are why I haven't been in the tag in months." Great (/s)! Glad you came back so I could block you?
Also if you don't bother with the tag, why complain about what's in the tag not being funny to you? Like? Your compaining certainly doesn't fit the tag! At least the joke attempts still belong to some degree.
Then they finished it off with something along the lines of "well I'm a fan but not I'm going to say I'm a fan because I'm not like the people who say they're fans because fans just can't handle the truth that this ship is best and that not liking it makes them racist."
Good for you on being a few decades through your life and yet still being surprised by shipping fanatics and people having different preferred ships from you?
I am so perplexed like how does one have this little self-refelection-
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aedan-kane · 5 years
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Are you named after anyone?
Not my first name. My middle name was after my great grandma. My dad just really liked the first name he gave me.
When was the last time you cried?
Lol yesterday. My sister and I were talking about how there's someone in the house who doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom at night and I ended up laughing so hard I cried.
Do you have kids?
Does my cat count?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I used to use it more than I do now.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Whether or not they seem angry.
What's your eye colour?
Brown :(
Scary movie or happy ending?
I love scary movies. But scary movies with a happy ending are amazing.
Any special talents?
...I can do calligraphy? If you wanna see it's @loopsandtwirls and the same thing on Instagram
Where were you born?
The US :/
What are your hobbies?
Reading, drawing, calligraphy, sleeping, video games, I'm learning piano. I have too much time on my hands.
Do you have any pets?
Yes. My cat Kida. He is a boy but we thought he was a girl at first and named after the princess in Atlantis. My sister also has two cats, Orion and Serenity (who is also a boy but my sister really likes Firefly so we named him after the ship).
What sports do you/have you played?
I don't play any anymore but I would gladly get back into swimming if given the chance. Alright. Now I have played Soccer (3yrs), Volleyball (2yrs), Basketball (4yrs), Track (6yrs), Cross country (3yrs), and Swimming (1.5yrs. I was going through some personal stuff at home and ended up missing practices and my coach was an asshole about it so I quit which I still regret deeply. I loved swimming). I also did Karate for like 3 weeks if that counts.
How tall are you?
Dream job?
Unrealistically? I wanna be a spy (I've been watching too much Burn Notice). Realistically? An ethical hacker, a photojournalist, I really want to work for the peacecorps but you need a college degree that I don't have yet. Though I am going to be joing the AmeriCorps this year which I'm super excited about.
Favourite subject in school?
Well you see, I'm in college now so everything sucks. Jk. I recently took a backpacking class, and that was a lot of fun (even though I lost my phone in the woods. Two of us did.) Computer science is alright too. I just wish we would learn something other than Java. I'm tired of Java. In high school it was comp sci and forensic science.
Tagged by: @melandreia-aa
Tagging: @deztinywarriors @paolahell @unlaceddresses @reallychico @starry-orion @askpeachrosino and anyone else
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
omg for the prompts could you do 11 with like. lucretia and magnus i think it has the potential to be rly funny jskfhkd
11. No I promise you’re supposed to pay for it actually. Obviously, I won’t rat you out but like, that was worth money
There's a complaint box outside of Lucretia's office that she rarely opened, let alone looked at. Sure, if there were notes starting to break through the sides of the box, she'd go through them. But that had only happened once when Brad was on vacation. Gods, Lucretia was still so grateful that Maureen had reminded her to make a HR. She did not have the energy to deal with complaints.
That being said: Sometimes she did have to deal with them. Notably, whenever someone cornered and talked to her about it. So when Lucretia stepped outside to go eat her lunch and was very abruptly confronted with Garfield the Deals Warlock, she knew it was going to be one of those days.
"DIRECTOR," Garfield said, with the loudness of someone who was trying to talk over the TV on full volume. "THERE IS A THIEF STEALING FROM MY STORE."
"From... the Fantasy Costco," Lucretia said.
Literally, what could Lucretia do in this situation? Nothing. She was a frail old woman. She had standards. She wasn't going to camp outside the store and watch.
Later that day, Lucretia's knees were begging for rest as she crouched down behind a checkout counter in the Fantasy Costco. She was bored. She was tired. She was hungry. She had Director Duties to fulfill, like pretending to do paperwork and lying about not being a Red Robe. Why was she wasting her time on time?
Simple answer. She had actual paperwork to do. But it could be done later. If she waited long enough, the Hunger would maybe eat the tax collectors.
It was nearly closing time and barely anyone had been in here all day. She had seen Angus, who politely pretended like she hadn't been staring at him and wished her a good day when she left. Avi hadn't seemed to notice her when he went to buy a bulk pack of energy drinks. One of the guards from the Voidfish's chamber took a break in here to walk around and try samples.
Right now, she was watching Magnus peruse the shelves carefully. He was looking along the weapons wall, nodding to himself quite a lot. Lucretia could be reading or taking a bath. Maybe even looking for further ways to get away with committing tax fraud. Instead, she observed as Magnus made a loud "hmmm" and nodded again.
And she almost missed it- she was getting tired enough that her eyelids were beginning to feel heavy, but she caught it at the last second. Magnus slipped a pocket knife down from the wall and slipped it into his pocket. He looked around and Lucretia ducked back down under the counter for a second. After a moment, she heard Magnus's footsteps going towards the door. When she peeked up again, he was leaving the Fantasy Costco, one pocket knife richer.
Lucretia followed. Quickly, because Magnus's legs were a bit longer than hers and she really didn't want to go down to their dorm this late at night.
"Magnus!" Lucretia said once they were a reasonable distance from the Fantasy Costco. Magnus turned and brightened upon seeing her, waving.
"Director!" he said.
"Magnus," she said, slowing to a stop. She was kind of out of breath. "Mag- just, oooh boy, just give me a second-"
"Take your time," Magnus said. She paused, leaning against her staff. Oof. She needed to be more physically active. Geez.
"Okay," Lucretia said. "Okay. So. You stole a knife."
"...no I didn't," Magnus said. Awful deception roll. Even more awful considering Lucretia knew all his tells.
"I saw you steal it, Magnus," Lucretia said.
"I am lawful good-"
"Neutral good at best," Lucretia said.
"It was a free knife," Magnus said. "No, uh, no price tag. That means it's free."
"No, I promise you're supposed to pay for it, actually," Lucretia said, having endured Garfield's whole rant earlier in the day. "I'm not gonna- obviously, I'm not gonna rat you out, because the Fantasy Costco is quite literally the only place to get groceries or- or anything, but like, that was worth money."
"I mean," Mangus said, floundering for a second. "Like, okay, it cost money. But does Garfield think I'm made of money? Like, fifty gold for a knife? C'mon!"
"That- that is a lot of gold," Lucretia said. "I could- I mean, I don't usually do that, but I could like, lend you some money? Not work-related money. Just as your, uhm, friend. And also because if you don't go back and pay for it, I'm going to have to sit through another three hours of Garfield explaining the economy to me and Magnus? Mangus, listen. I can't do that again."
"Yikes," Magnus said.
"Please, please go return the knife," Lucretia said. "Please."
"Can I have like... thirty minutes with it?" Magnus asked.
"To do what?"
"I'm learning rogue stuff!" Magnus said. "Like I said, lawful good. I wouldn't steal stuff unless someone asked me to.
"Carey," Lucretia said exhaustedly.
"Carey," Magnus confirmed. "So once I show her that I, y'know, got the knife, I'll take it back. Cross my heart."
"And you'll return the other stuff you've stolen?" Lucretia said.
"The- what? Oh!" Magnus laughed, shaking his head. "I didn't steal anything else. This is it. You gotta ask Taako for the other things."
"Of course I do," Lucretia said.
She could go back to her office. But then she'd be confronted with paperwork and her broken radio and the floor she told herself she'd sweep last week and ughhghghg. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers for a second.
"And would you happen to know where Taako is?" Lucretia asked.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
hiii ! could you write something about harry stalking y/n's Instagram but her account is private, so he sends a request and she accepts and she follows him back, and harry likes her pics (which aren't many) and tries to find out if she do you have a boyfriend or something?
this might be quite short but i hope this is alright for you;
“What’s the correct reaction I should use when Harry Styles requests to follow me?”
You asked your best friend, Heather, as you were both lounging on your bed. She was sat up against the headboard and you lay the opposite way around, holding you phone to the ceiling.
It was just another simple day for the two of you. You’d worked a long shift at the local supermarket and Heather had worker her long shift at the cat shelter, both of you now just having some down time to relax and regroup your thoughts before you even thought to start on dinner. Heather, your best friend and roommate, was an absolute tyrant in the kitchen which meant you were often the one to cook dinner. Tonight was shrimp risotto, if you could be bothered to get out of bed to actually make it. However you were no grounded to your bed more than ever, shocked with the current notification staring you square in the eyes.
“Why?” Heather laughed at you, not noticing your heavily serious face to your question, “you having your daily dreams over the man again?”
Okay, you didn’t have daily dreams… Nightly dreams, maybe. You had liked Harry for a while actually, perhaps since he had cut his hair for a movie he had done. You weren’t a huge fan of his and listened to his music occasionally - like when you were folding laundry or on a long train ride - but you weren’t dedicated to him. He was cute and his voice sounded really lovely. He was definitely the face you used in your nighttime scenarios, but you would never admit that out loud.
“No,” you briefly paused to find the right words to say, “because Harry Styles just requested to follow me.”
“You— What!” Heather sprung up from her position on the bed, but you stayed still and eyes fixed to your phone.
“Appropriate reaction?” You asked again, handing her your phone so she could see for herself.
“Um, ascending into heaven, I don’t know do I? The really question is why the fuck haven’t you accepted it?” She was quick to answer your question and even quicker to ask hers, looking at you as if you’d just told her you were born with only one tit.
“Maybe because it’s Harry Styles!” You exclaimed, sitting up and looking at her now the same way she had just done you.
“Babe, honey, that’s exactly why you need to accept him.” Tossing you back your phone you caught it as you looked to her. God, what was happening? You’d been stacking shelves at a supermarket 3 hours ago and now you were about to accept a follow request from Harry Styles - like the same man who you think about every night before bed and yet know barely anything about.
“Oh fuck it.” You clicked accept and then followed him back, switching your phone off and throwing it down onto the bed.
“Did you..”
Then you started to freak.
It hit you that Harry Styles could see all of your instagram photos - even the ones you were tagged in. Then you questioned whether he would even bother to stalk you? Was he that kind of person? How did he even find you in the first place? You had 489 followers to his near 50 million, so it’s not exactly like he just saw you appear in his notifications - you didn’t even follow him until 30 seconds ago. Let’s say he did see your photos, what would he see? For starters there’s the photos of you and your parents dogs and then just your parents. There’s you on the beach and you in the snow. There’s you with friends and still some posted of people you didn’t like anymore. It was okay.
“Do you think he’s wanking off to that picture of you in your lingerie?” Heather broke the silence.
“What?” You looked at her baffled by such a question.
“You know? The one you just posted like two days ago because it was body positivity week at the gym?”
You’d completely forgotten about that photo and you scrambled quick for your phone. God, you couldn’t let Harry see you like that. You’d felt really, really, good when you’d posted it, dressed in your black lingerie from Victorias Secret, but now you were insecure that Harry could’ve looked at the photo and… well, vomited maybe?
“Oh no, no, no.” You repeated as you went back onto Instagram, only to freeze. “Holy fuck balls.”
If your mother heard the tone of your tongue from the past 5 minutes, she would have you strung up on her washing line by your toes. Okay not literally, but something similar.
“What? What’s happened?” Heather pressed, nosy to the current situation.
“He liked the photo.”
“He what?” Heather shouted, a shit eating grin on her face.
“Oh my fuck he liked the photo.” You put the phone on the bed and got up off to stand up, pacing whilst your rubbed your hands over your stressed temples. “He liked the look.” You repeated to yourself, trying to convince yourself that this was actually happening.
Harry Styles had seen a photo of you in your lingerie. That is not something you’d ever thought you’d ever say, but there’s the fact. Like he’d seen you - your body. You paced the length of your bedroom, completely in your own head wondering where you’d go in your life past this moment. Crawling under a heavy rock to live forever sounded pretty good right now though.
“Have you done freaking out yet?” Heather asked sarcastically, watching you pace with your phone in her hands.
“No. Yes. Maybe. Is this an acceptable reaction?” You stressed your hands through your hair and cupped your hand over your mouth in shock that this was genuinely happening.
“So I shouldn’t tell you that he’s also sent a direct message?” She asked rhetorically, making you stop wearing a track into your carpet.
“Do you want to sit down first or…” Heather asked, clearly concerned you weren’t handling this all very well.
“No. I’d rather just collapse afterwards.” You nodded your head, egging her to continue.
“Okay…” She rolled her eyes and returned her eyes to the screen to start reading out the message. “Y/N—”
“Oh jesus.” You interrupted, clutching onto your desk chair as your legs went weak and you had to sit down. Heather laughed at you before continuing, her eyes lighting up as she skim read the message.
“I hope you’re having a lovely day. I hope you don’t find my follow request or liking of your photos too creepy or forward, it’s just I think you’re really beautiful and ever since I heard about you I just had to know who you were. If you don’t want to reply, that’s alright I understand, but if you would like to know me a bit more as I would like to get to know you then feel free to call me or just message back. If, however, you are already seeing someone I apologise for this message to both you and your partner. Wishing you all the best, H. x”
Breathe check. Yes, still breathing.
“Y/N?” Heather asked, noticing you were struck still.
“Okay…” You let out a shaky breathe, doing some internal meditation to try and calm the buzzing of nerves that were rushing throughout your entire body.
“Y/N?” Heather snapped you out of your attempt of peace. “What do you want to do now?”
“He called me beautiful.” You smiled at her she smiled back, happy that you were happy.
“He also said he had heard about you from somewhere?” Heather asked, having picked up on that important bit of information.
“And he wants to get to know me.”
“Yes, okay lover-woman, let’s focus here.”
“Right, yes. Focus.” You nodded your head, still in a dreamy daze.
“Should we call him?” Heather asked.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind?” You threw your hands up in the air, which shocked you both. “Woah, sorry. Do you seriously think he’s going to want to listen to me paralysed at the lips? No.”
“So, text?”
“Text, yes.” You sighed, coming to sit on the bed next to her and draft a message back to the man who was about to change your life.
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pufflocks · 3 years
Summary: You and Aran go to a smoke circle with some friends in matching outfits. During the 13th pass or so, someone brings up the mention of kinks.
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Warnings: NSFW • drugs mentioned { Weed } • proof read
Cast: Top!M!Reader x Bottom!Aran
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"You trying to hit up the twins for a circle tonight ?" You ask. Scrolling through your feed, you see Atsumu and Osamu post a tag list of people on their shared account. They had been the ones who sold you and Aran's weed in highschool.
You chuckle at those memories until you a see Aran appear in your peripheral vision. With a slight grunt he sits next to you with some chinese food in his hands. Body leaning into yours as he scoots his well built form close to yours while slipping your phone out of your hands. Reading the invite in the post directed to the people tagged, he says, "Can we match with the clothes you bought last month ?" He says. Stuffing his face with a spoonful of rice.
You nod. Chuckling slightly at the thought of you and him matching during a smoke session, with friends you might add. He caught on to your entertained noises as he cocked and eyebrow. Swallowing down his food, he looked at you. "What ? Embarrassed to go out matching ?" He asked.
Rolling your eyes you lightly push him, in move of getting up. Stretching your limbs before you started to head to the kitchen.
"Where you goin' ?" Aran hollers from the living room, homebody boyfriend. You say you were going to go get your chinese, since he already ate his. He probably thought you weren't going to eat your food so he could, greedy for your food. Not this time, can never smoke on an empty stomach.
You zipped up your jeans. "Ow-! Fuck !" You look behind you to see that your boyfriend was tearing out the tag from the hoodie the both of you were wearing. Your hand moved to your neck on where he gripped to take the tag off. "You need to stop surprising me, I swear to god." You mumble. You hear a light chuckle as he throws it away before coming back to kick the side of your neck.
"Sorry, sorry. You would have forgotten it and or stuffed it in your hood," He says. Your phone started to buzz on your bedroom bed. Aran grabbed it because you were busy touching up your clothes in the mirror. "Hello," He answers. A gruff hum was heard on the other side of the phone as Aran's face scrunched up in question. "Hellleer-"
"Aran ? Why you got Y/N phone ?" Osamu says across the line.
Aran laughed a bit as he says, "That's because he fixing his clothes in the mirror. Did you guys start already or sum' ?" Static and slight car noises could be heard a bit until he spoke again.
"Um- Dang. Well, we going over to Kiyoko's house because she said she wanted to roll this time." A hum of acknowledgment was given. You finished up picking leftover lint and whatnot from your outfit. Aran gave phone back to you as he went to go brush his teeth. You eyed him a bit before a short 'hello' got your attention.
"Hey 'Samu, what's up," You say. Not even getting an answer had hung up on you. "Wow, okay."
Aran spat out his toothpaste before turning back at you from the bathroom. "He said we are going to Kiyoko's house this time," Rinsing his mouth out and cleaning up the sink dutifully. "They suck at rolling is what they said." You nod at his words as he come your direction. Checking your phone you see it's 1:45.
You hum a small tune as your hands make way to your boyfriends waist. "You trying to be good for me today," Rocking back in forth in the middle of your guys' room, he nods as his head rests on your chest. "You get frustrated when high so if anything happens we can leave. Even though we've been 'round these people for a long time." You say.
He giggles a bit and breaks from your grasp. "Yeah, and you aren't any better than me. If you get like how we are in private, I'm going to personally choke you," He says. "Come on so we can get there early. Her house is far." You laugh following him to the car outside.
This day will get messy either or.
"Look, it's gay and gayer ! What's good ?" Tanaka greeted you and Aran. He meant no harm, but you people in the room cringed at his welcoming to the both of you.
Tanaka looked down and he saw your matching outfits. "Oh okay," he started hyping the both of you up, making and "Ouuu" noise. "I need me a girl or sum to match with." He pouted. Aran laughed in his face before Atsumu came over for a hello.
The smell of multiple alcohols and body fragrance was enough for you to realize it was gonna be a chill smoke sesh.
"So why yall matching like two twins at a birthday party ?" Kiyoko snickered lightly. Drinking her sure enough expensive wine in a cup. She hated wasting dishes for events like these.
Aran looked up from his phone to check if she was talking to you or him. "What," Kiyoko shook her head, taking another gulp of her velvet liquid. She fiddled with her tongue piercing before eyeing the actual twins in the room as she got up. "Don't fuck up my house. My parents get home literally tomorrow. Goodnight everyone." And with that she retired to her room.
Apparently this was cue for the twins to take initiative. Osamu brung out the speaker from his back pack as he turned on some music. Obviously nothing too loud, or everybody was going to sleep.
"You already know she don't like music playing. If you gonna play some, might aswell turn it down." Aran says. He was right. You chuckled. Snatching Osamus phone out of his hand.
"Hey, I was about to play something." You rolled your eyes. He had a bad thing with never actually picking a song. Osamu would play a dead or unwitting song just so he can say he did in fact play a song. Meanwhile he is watching some big booty hoe on live. Many occasions the audio switched to whatever porn his screen was on.
"I don't want shit to seem like a whore house Samu. Realize we in a different setting." You scoffed at him as he visibly ignored you.
Atsumu got up heading to the kitchen. You picked a decent song by a familiar artist to the room { Preferably SkiMask The Slump God }. Your body took after it's own conscience by your hand smoothing over Arans natural waves. He hums in appreciation to the contact as his own body ushers closer to you.
So touch starved he seemed to be in public spaces. A smile crept on your face. Tanaka sulked with his red cup in hand at the sight of the only official couple in the room.
You could say that Noya was in it with Yachi, but that man fucks with everyone. Last "official couple" was you and Aran, and it will probably stay that way until college graduation or even later than that.
You and Aran were close before college, but one day you just had to not act like what you two were doing was not gay. Going on casual walks like two girl bestfriends in a mall hand in hand like lovers. He thought it was skin-ship, which it was but you honestly piked how he idly leaned closer to your side to avoid the street.
All beside the flashbacks, you set Osamu's phone down and raised your voice. The twins always brung the appliances for the specific occasion in one of their backpacks.
"Hey, A-ron can you get that bagback ?" You said. Aran immediately shot you a face. He didn't liked being called that so he didn't move. Continuing to do what he was doing on his phone.
You groaned. "I can't get it," you tried reaching for the bag on the other side of him. "See ?"
"Yes you can." Aran scoffed.
You groaned boisterously until he finally grabbed the back pack and handed to you. "It's not called bag pack by the way." He said. You hummed as you took out the paper and weed. Holding it between you and Aran.
"So, who's rolling ?"
After Aran rolled, everyone including yourself, sat in somewhat of a circle. By circle I mean some people sat on some pillows and or closer to walls. Chips and any other snacks like skittles were laying throughout the living space. You would remember to clean up along with Tanaka since he brought majority of it.
"Have you guys been into anything freaky ?" Kyotani asked the room. A few necks craned his way as he continued to pick at the black polish on his thumb.
"No. If I did I would probably go to jail because I would tie'er up too tie, and they'll think I was trying murder her." Tanaka said.
Aran put his hand up in Tanakas direction. A signal for him not to finish nor entertain the thought anymore. "You are right however I don't believe you ever fucked anyone before,"
You chuckled. Tanaka shrugged laughing anyway. Osamu perked up afterwards saying he was intrigued by a few, but most didn't feel right with him. A mello and vanilla guy. You secretly hoped he found someone to match him perfectly.
"Let's ask the only two who have actually had sex then !" Tanaka shouted. Kiyoko banged on the walls from her bedroom, warning him to pipe down.
You and Aran are the only ones who have had intercourse and have been in a relationship. Aran shrugged. "It's that ugly ass cut on top of ya head, G." He said. Taking an inhale of the blunt before holding it up to you. He was a bit "loose" now and when he was, he was literally in a different world, and clingly while at it.
You did the same before passing it on to Tanaka in the midst of him physically blowing steam out of his ears before taking the hit.
"Shut up, 'Naka. You too loud. And Aran is right by the way." Atsumu says. Eating a bag of hot fries as he manages the music which was now playing Ocean Frank.
"Anyways," You chuckled. Looking down in your lap was Aran. Eyes lidded as he was playing with one of the strings on his hoodie. You thought he was cute as you backed his head in your chest, as he was laying on his back, legs sprawled in front of him.
"Aran looks faded as hell." Atsumu laughed. You nodded slowly since you were a bit faded aswell. Aran groaned as he got up from his original spot to curl himself in your lap. No reaction was given from the group since everyone didn't really care.
"'M fucking horny." He mumbled. You jolted a bit, but kept cool. Instead you patted his back and rubbing it with a rythym as he hummed. It was unoriginal or anything, but the way he said nearly brung you out of your high.
{ hours went by and eventually you guys got kicked out sooner or later. Kiyoko found half the group dead asleep or still barely snacking on leftovers over candy. You and Aran were probably the main reason though since you both just ended up kissing on her mom's couch.
"Just get fuck out." She calmly said after kicking the others bodies around the room. Opening windows to un-hotbox the room.
"Take care of him by the way. Bye Y/N." She said before shutting her house door in front of your face.
It was 11 AM so you just called an uber and layed Aran down in bed before going to sleep yourself. }
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malaks-perch · 4 years
a war of tea and pastries
nadia satrinava x reader
both you and nadia are in for a couple surprises
warnings: it get spicy, sfw?? fluff make heart POOM
a/n: i really meant to post this yesterday, forgive me. part of #31DaysofArcana, follow for more during this awesome week!! check out the first tag to find more content for this event on my blog and all of tumblr!'
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this was definitely a sight for any vesuvian to see. countess nadia satrinava was doing anything and everything she could to find the slightest bit of work. from asking servants left and right what there was to do on that day to asking her right hand about any particular events there were today. but unfortunately for her... there were none.
at this very moment, the elegant countess of vesuvia was pestering portia about anything that might be going on in vesuvia. any. thing.
"milady, I must insist that there is nothing to do." portia smiled to herself as she went about her cleaning in the palace library. nadia was over her shoulder trying to steal a rag away from where they were perched on portia's arm.
both were fairly agile and when nadia would reach portia would make a valiant and subtle pull far enough away from the countess to clean something elsewhere. for good reason, of course.
last tome portia allowed nadia to help in her duties she was chewed out by one of nadia's pesky advisors. they meant well because nadia did end up cutting her palm when she broke a dish in the kitchen. nadia chastised herself for breaking it and apologized for being so clumsy. (it literally slipped into the sink off of the counter, but nope, not according to nadia).
so when portia sent you a distressed look over her shoulder, you knew exactly what to do. turning your head and looking up before slamming a hand on a nearby desk.
"oh my stars!"
nadia was at her post immediately, wrapping an arm around your waist and scanning the desk for a potential problem.
"i will take care of it, darling. all you need to do is tell me what is troubling you." nadia pressed her cheek to your shoulder, violet eyes scanning your face as her thumb came to rub across your jaw.
it almost made you feel bad for what you were about to do.
"you have tea with one of the palace representatives! they were busy tending to one of your family's royal courts!" you groaned, leaning over and rubbing your temples as if it hurt just remembering the information.
nadia rubbed her skilled fingers over your shoulders, "don't worry, my love." she assured, hands threading through your hair in the way she knew that made your body go lax. "portia, we have work to do."
nadia left, eagerly ordering the palace staff to decorate the veranda. plush cushions and fabrics being laid out around a table for maximum comfort.
you laid on your shared bed, watching as nadia came in from her baths. through silks you could see she was freshly lathered in oils that made her room smell that much sweeter.
"maybe you should tell that pompous ambassador to wait." you huffed watching nadia's robe fall away as she disappeared into the closet.
a gentle laugh sounding from within. nadia poking her head out, an arm braced to the doorway hid the modesty of her chest. but it didn't stop you from looking.
"if you want to go deal with an arrogant politician tomorrow, then you may show him to a room upon arriving." she raised a brow with that sexy smirk on her lips.
you practically launched off the bed. murmuring praises to whosoever turned this day in your favor.
oh? that tone never escaped the bedroom. immediately you spun on your heel to find nadia challenging stare. the lifted brow, the smirk, the smile...
you went over to nadia's side of the bed and plopped down, sprawling out and propping up on your elbows so nadia could see your ever growing smirk.
the countess of vesuvia blushed and quickly disappeared into her closet.
a laugh sounding from you upon seeing the same woman who so handed her ex-husband his ass flustered from seeing you kicking back on her bed.
"i'll be good," you promised as a few servants came in the room to help the countess pick an outfit for this grand occasion. "as long as you promise to relax a little with that arrogant ambassador."
the servant girls stifled their giggles shooting you smiles of their own. nadia was dressed up in white silks that clung to her chest and flowed behind her as she crossed the room. shooting a brow to the girls before climbing up to stradle your lap.
you raised a brow, letting your hands settle on nadia's waist in an effort to get her to stop cutting those tyrian eyes at the poor girls.
"my, my... it seems you girls have riled up my lover." you hummed before nadia turned to you, tracing her hands over your shoulders before she returned your smile.
"please summon portia." her tone sharp as she leaned down to trace her lips against your neck. a light hum left your mouth as the nervous girls disappeared out the room.
you laughed, rubbing nadia's back as she leaned back to observe sly grin on your face. "they were here to help you dress. you'll keep driving the new ones off if you keep doing that."
her fingers roughly tilted your head back as her lips ghosted your neck, "then they shouldn't be undressing you with their eyes."
nadia's hands trailed a little lower than usual and you flipped her so she was beneath you. trying to laugh off a moan as you met her gaze. "you have to meet that ambassador."
she gave a sly smile despite how her wrists were pinned to the bedding. "let them wait~"
her breathy reply sent shivers up your back, but you quickly regained yourself and pushed off her to stand at the end of the bed post.
"you're not playing fair, beloved." you grinned upon seeing her roll over so she was laying on her stomach.
"neither are you," she sighed, getting up to trek over to you. "will you not join me to see the ambassador?"
you grinned and wrapped your arms around her waist, "maybe. i'll have portia announce my arrival."
nadia satrinava poked her lip out then. pouting at being away from you.
"don't look so down," you smiled as she pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "i'm sure you'll have fun. i have to visit asra anyway."
nadia gave a sigh, untangling from your arms and walking towards the closet. "of course, send him my regards."
you watched as nadia, whether she meant to or not, her hips swayed in the slightest, but you were quick to put some distance between you both or neither of you would make your.. appointments.
portia squeaked upon seeing you in the hallway. you'd dressed up in silks most similar to those that hung over nadia's bed. fabrics curled over your shoulders and wrapped around your waist leaving a large gaping 'v' to show off your chest. paired with the genie pants, you certainly did look foriegn to what might've been normal to prakran visitors.
portia was loving it. rubbing her hands up and down your exposed arms as she smiled up at you. "you really didn't have to do this—"
"nadia was begging for something to do." you smiled as portia showed you to the veranda where a warm breeze flowed between the palace columns.
"it's a good thing you chose the gazebo out there then." portia giggled as she walked further into the palace.
"why?" you called after her, turning only to find her giggling with the servant girls.
"because she's going to jump your bones."
you set a hand over your mouth, stopping any stuttering from embaressing you any further. as you walked through the gardens you found nadia settled.
ludovico gave a nod, unable to help his smile when you motioned to the gazebo where nadia's back was turned to you.
"introducing! the representative of prakra's royal court and vesuvian politician—" nadia pushed the silk aside and stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing your smirk. "the palace magician, y/n l/n."
"what?" nadia gaped as you stepped up to stand on the stairs so you were eye level. tapping her chin with a finger and nodding to ludovico who went back to his post.
"i am one of prakra's royal court representatives, aren't i?" you smiled disappearing into the gazebo to lie down on the plush cushions laid out for you both.
"vesuvian politician?"
"i am a major influence amongst where and how the vendors run their trade." you smiled as your fingers danced around a few pastries only to pop a sugar cube in your mouth.
"arrogant ambassador?" she finally smiled raising a brow.
"as a resident in our shared bed, i consider myself a powerful diplomat in the bedroom."
nadia laughed and sat down next to you. taking your hand in hers as she gave you the warmest of smiles. "so all that talk of a foreign ambassador—"
"i'm as foreign as vesuvia gets, lovely."
nadia laughed, leaning forward to pour tea for the both of you. relaxing even more as you let her hair down and played with the ends.
"now countess, i would like to discuss the restrictions of my territories." you teased upon receiving tea from a smirking nadia.
"is that so?" the countess took on her best pokerface, the same one used that would win most negotiations with politicians and leaders from different countries. "do you not have enough power in your dominion?"
"i do, countess." you set a hand over your chest, tipping your head back like a snobby royal would. "but it's come to my attention that you are hogging everything from the ocean to the covers at three am."
nadia straight out laughed. head tipping back as the medolic sound shattered the pokerface she put up so well. it was nice to see her like this, so carefree. you sipped your tea trying your best not to let any choke you up as you watched nadia.
"and you wonder why you aren't allowed at my important meetings." she smiled pecking your cheek.
"i'm not allowed because someone is jealous of all my admirers." the choked noise nadia made forced you to bite back a smile as you pretended to look over pastries. "i will not name anyone, but—"
"says the one who burned lucio's painting right in front of him." nadia smirked upon seeing your head whip around.
"he was being a royal pain in our asses." the comment made nadia laugh. When your fingers pulled her so she was staring into your eyes— she nearly froze up all together. "no one deserves that kind of treatment."
her fingers cupped your face, smiling as she let her forehead rest upon your own. the faint blush on her face didn't go unnoticed. "hence why i no longer tolerate his behavior."
"you are a queen, nadia." you cupped her face in your hands and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. "you deserve to be treated as such."
"what?" you pulled back to find her already smiling.
"if you'd like to address me, do it right." nadia tapped your chin, quirking a brow up as she picked up a pastry. "empress."
you flicked one of the jellies from a black raspberry up on her nose. "and i'm supposed to be the arrogant ambassador."
her mouth dropped open and she flicked apple jelly in your direction. landing it on your cheek making you shriek. nadia laughed again and you took the opportunity to shove a pastry in her mouth.
the countess squeaked in surprise when you grabbed a couple handfuls of pastries, setting them in the crook of your arm.
"countess, if you choose to retaliate. i will be forced to gather troops from the country of my cold bedside to reign down on hoggersville for crimes of thievery and having impossibly beautiful hair."
nadia stood up without a word, grabbing the tray of cookies, and staring you dead in the eye. she launched a tart in your face and from there it was chaos.
tea spilled into cushions and pastries thrown to stain the wine colored silks that hung from the gazebo. clothes were stained with jellies and creams while faces were painted with smiles and warmth.
somewhere in the war of pastries and tea, you'd tripped and fallen on top of nadia. catching yourself just barely only for nadia to swing you both around and stradle you.
you groaned as she panted above you. a blueberry tart in hand as she raised a brow.
"surrender and i, the empress of impossibly beautiful hair, will allow you to thrive in hoggersville."
you grabbed her wrist, a soft smile growing on your face as she stared down at you. "i would lay my life down rather than let my people suffer another cold night."
nadia set the pastry aside before leaning down to peck your lips sweetly, "that is why you will rule beside me."
you froze and nadia seemed to notice, only waiting with an expectant look that consisted of a small smirk and a raised brow. "what did you say?"
"you heard me."
nadia satrinava. hair elegantly draped behind and framing the smeared jelly on her face. clothes stained with blues, purples, and golds that were once in pastries. the impossibly beautiful countess-
"did you just propose?"
she smiled and cupped your jaw, "would i choose anyone else?"
it took a moment for everything to catch up. out of everyone in vesuvia- nay, the world. nadia satrinava wanted you to rule beside her in vesuvia.
"you want me to.. you want to marry me?"
"no one is as worthy as you," nadia pressed a kiss to your cheek only for you to bolt up and crush your lips against hers.
upon breaking the kiss, she pulled back, tracing your jaw with a smile.
"so is that a yes?"
"if you'll have me."
she pressed her lips to yours in a softer kiss, caressing every inch of skin softly. making her way down to her shoulders when she shoved you back into the cushions.
you would've questioned her had it not been for the predatory look in her eyes.
you were screwed.
nadia leaned down brushing your noses together, "but for future reference, as a resident in our shared bed—" nadia pecked the corner of your lips, but her dangerously violet eyes never broke the gaze she'd locked with yours. " — you have no power as an ambassador."
a grin took her lips as she entwined your hands together, hovering over you.
"this is a dictatorship."
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