#i literally was puking at work the other day over and over again i was so confused??
insufferablemonsters · 4 months
well guys, i have some news for y’all! i am… pregnant!!! 🥰💜 my bf and i have been trying so this is very happy news! so if y’all wondered why i haven’t been on here, it’s because i’ve been dealing with sickness while working😭 just learning to navigate everything!
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hellfire--cult · 7 months
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Roe's Valentine's special - Steddie x Fem!Reader
wc: 9.5k
+18, explicit, threesome, p in v no protection, p in a, smut, angst, insinuation of suicide (not reader nor eddie or steve), mention of eating disorder (not specified nor described), cheating (to reader), revenge... a lot of revenge, slightly supernatural.
plot: The past month had been hell for you, and you couldn't swallow how unfair it was that the people that fucked you over lived happily without a worry in the world. But on every valentine's day, there are certain cupids that will help you mend your heart through revenge... and you caught the attention of two of them.
a/n: let's pretend it's still valentine's day, although this is not exactly fluffy, lmao.
If you liked it, reblog, please. Doesn't hurt you to press the green button.
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So let’s recount what happened in the last month.
Your boyfriend cheated on you with his supposed best friend and lied to you even about him being heterosexual when you first met him, so finding him and Chase while going at it like rabbits in the bed you shared for the past two years was not the best sight to ever dig into your skull.
You had to move out, return to your mother’s house reluctantly, and get bombarded with questions about why such a thing happened because if anyone in the relationship would have cheated, she always thought it would be you.
So you moved back out again into an affordable two-room apartment. It wasn’t big, it wasn’t fancy, but it was a roof until you and your now ex-boyfriend figured out how to split up your stuff, but you knew his now lawyer boyfriend would do anything to keep the house to themselves.
And then at work, the position you’ve been working so hard for, learning, studying, and staying extra hours even, was taken by Lydia because she sucked the boss’ dick. She was one of the worst administrators there, so it was obvious how she got that new salary and office.
Worst of all, today was Valentine’s Day… and you were alone. All alone.
“WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME!? WHY CAN THEY BE HAPPY AFTER EVERYTHING!?” You were kicking the pillow of a couch that had fallen off, and you weren’t caring if your neighbors would hear you, or were getting pissed for your rage fit. They might be even afraid right now, not daring to come up to say anything.
You needed to let the anger out. You couldn’t hold it back anymore. It seemed as if life said ‘Let’s fuck this person’s life today.’. They literally went and pointed at you. It seemed like a fucking joke, the kind that leaves a sour taste in your mouth and almost makes you want to puke. 
Your eyes were burning with incoming tears from your anger, sadness, and disappointment, just everything at once. Why did all of this happen to you? What kind of game are the gods playing against you right now? 
Your heart was broken into pieces. Small, fragile, and enough to blow them away with one breath.
“I WANT THEM TO FUCKING SUFFER!” You yelled finally, breathing heavily as your head leaned back so you could stare at the ceiling and close your eyes. You don’t mean it, it was just a spur-of-the-moment scream… was it?
You sighed as you kept your head towards the ceiling. You can fix it. All of it. You will strive for another position, and leave the team management you’re under. You will focus on spending more time with friends. With Robin, Argyle, Nancy… And your mom is not fixable, but you can keep avoiding her just like you are now. 
Everything can be fixed. It can, right? It absolutely can, yes, of course.
Except for the situation you encountered when you lowered your head to see two figures sitting on your couch. Two men. Two gorgeous men. One with long hair, curly, dark, tattooed arms with rather weird symbolisms, and the other had sun-kissed skin, brown and gorgeous hair with some faint highlights, and then you could see all the freckles adorning his skin and face.
These were indeed gorgeous men… now what the–
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” You jumped out of your skin almost, and you immediately rushed to the kitchen which was two steps away, and grabbed your biggest knife, probably dull, but it was still pointy. You turned to point it at them only to see them gone as if you’ve never had two men sitting on your couch seconds ago. You were confused, putting the knife back down on the counter.
Were you hallucinating? Was the can of soup you had earlier expired and you didn’t realize it? Maybe it had fungus? Mushrooms? Or were you so desperate for a good dick that you imagined two men sitting on your couch? You shook your head at your silliness, a small giggle escaping your lips while taking a hand up to wipe a tear away from the past outburst, only for one finger to graze your cheek, making your breath stop completely and for your body to freeze.
“Now now, no more crying.” 
Your head turned only to clash onto hazel eyes, beautiful and silky brown hair, a freckle or two on the side of his cheek... And he was in your fucking house–
“SHIT!” You tried to move around him to grab your knife again, only for your waist to be grabbed and pulled flush against another body, your side, and your shoulder hitting someone’s hips and chest. 
“That is no way to treat your guests.” You gasped as you turned your head to now see the man with long dark hair, curls falling down his shoulders, and deep brown eyes. You were panicking, your phone was on the couch, and you left it so far away! You need to yell, you need to call for help!
“HEL–” A ringed hand flew to your mouth, silencing you from your screams for help. The other man with hazel eyes sighed, shaking his head as you thrashed around in the other man’s grip, obviously too strong for you because he wasn’t moving a single inch.
“I told you, we should have knocked on her door.” You let out a noise of confusion, a ‘What?’ mumbled in the back of the hand that was holding you silent. You heard a chuckle from the man next to you, making you even more confused than before.
“What was the fun in that? I love it when they think we are murderers or burglars.” What the actual fuck? If they weren’t that– Wait, how can you trust them with that? What if they are lying about it in order for you to stay calm?
“For fuck sake Eddie, let her go so we can explain to her what are we doing here.” You nodded desperately at that but the man, whom you thought was the kindest, only pointed a finger at you with a glare. “Yell, and we tape that mouth of yours shut until we finish explaining. Got it?”
You were shaking at this point in fear, tears filling your eyes as you felt helpless, and the man holding you noticed your distress, a soft voice coming from him unlike the teasing one from before.
“We are not here to hurt you, Sweets… We are here to help you, you just have to listen to us for a bit, okay?” The man called Eddie spoke to you, and you were afraid of screaming and for them to do something worse to you, so you nodded in the affirmation that you were going to keep quiet. 
Eddie looked at the other man and nodded as he slowly took the hand away from your mouth, letting you take a gasp of breath as he pulled himself away from you, letting you go completely from his grasp. 
You had to choose. Listen to them and pretend this is fucking normal just so you won’t get killed, or, run for it. Before you could even think, the more tanned man snapped a finger on your face and–
You were sitting on your couch. What? You were in the kitchen– You pointed at it with wide eyes, then back at the couch, and back at the kitchen, and then you pointed at the two men that were standing in front of you. 
“W–What was that? I was standing in the kitchen, and now I’m on my couch… But I was standing in my kitchen–”
“Yeah, it’s freaky the first time, I know… Trust us that we don’t want to cause any harm… not to you at least.” The man you don’t know the name of spoke, making you stare at them only to then look down at the floor. 
“I’m dreaming, aren’t I? This is not real, there’s no way I just teleported from the kitchen to the couch, that is humanly impossible–”
“Good thing we are not human.” And that made you snap your eyes open like plates, looking at Eddie. Not… Human? The other man elbowed his friend in the gut, making you look at him.
“I’m Steve, this is Eddie. We’re Revenge Cupids.” 
You stared at them, just blinking, not a single thought in your head. They are what? Cupids? Revenge cupids? That didn’t make any sense, nothing of this was making any sense in any laws of the universe.
“Yeah okay, I am definitely on drugs or asleep.” At your words, a shadow cast above you only to bend down towards your eye level, making you freeze at the stern look on his face. Eddie’s eyes were glowing in a very unusual color. It was some sort of white, or grey.
“Say we are not real one more time, and we will show you just how real we can be. Okay Baby?”
And that threat felt real. Too real, and now you realize these two men are not human, these two men possess some kind of powers, and these two men call themselves Revenge Cupids, which made absolutely no sense.
“I– Okay– Um… Wh-Why are you here?” Your voice was shaky because these were still strangers in your home, and how can you be calm in a situation like this? Eddie sighed and got up, your eyes following him as he stood next to Steve, who proceeded to speak.
“We heard your plea.” He said in a calm tone and you tilted your head in confusion. Your plea? What plea? 
“I’m sorry?” At your question, now Eddie was the one that talked, surprising you when he called out your name without you introducing yourself.
“You said ‘I want them to suffer.’” 
Your eyes widened at that and your brain rewinded a bit to a few minutes ago. You did say that, yes, you didn’t mean it. You definitely didn’t… right? But what does that mean? Why would that make them appear?
“I– I did say that… but, I don’t understand what it has to do with you both?” This is out of a really bad Hallmark movie because two unknown men are in your living room, and they’re very real and appeared out of thin air.
“Okay, let us explain sweetheart, alright? First off, this is real, what’s happening here, it’s happening. So stop doubting.” Eddie said with a harsh tone knowing that you were still wondering if you were high, and his voice made you straighten up and stare at the two men a little more centered. Steve took a deep breath and started to explain.
“On Valentine’s Day, you have your normal cupids, helping you get the person you seek, all that stuff and happy shit, yada yada. We–” Steve pointed in between Eddie and himself. “We are the complete opposite.”
“Huh? Does that mean… you break hearts?” You asked in a confused tone and Eddie was pleased to know you were cooperating now.
“Yes and no. We are here to mend your heart… through revenge that might break the hearts of the people who wronged you.”
And that… That actually caught your attention. Mend your heart while getting… revenge?
“Wait, what kind of revenge?” You asked, now intrigued and Steve smiled at you, now knowing you were a little interested in it.
“Most people prefer small little acts of revenge. Lots of people pleasers if you ask me, but you can even say no to this and we’ll just erase your memory and we were never here sweetheart.” And you were thinking about it. You are angry, yes, but how angry were you? How unfair did life treat you for this to happen? “There’s no catch? Like… you just help me with these acts and then you’re gone?” You asked and they simply shrugged and nodded at you, Eddie chuckling afterwards.
“Of course, you won’t remember us.” You gave him a little nod in approval and then you squinted your eyes at them.
“Are all revenge cupids in pairs?” You asked out of curiosity, catching the men’s attention, looking at eachother. Eddie shrugged at Steve because you were going to forget it all once they were done, so no harm in telling you anything, right? Steve turned to you and pointed at Eddie.
“I was his revenge cupid… and well… Let’s say–”
“I caught his attention so badly because of my revenge that he was smitten instantly. Weren’t you?” Eddie said with a cheeky smile on his face while Steve rolled his eyes before continuing to talk to you.
“So I hired him as my second hand.” And you were completely stunned. They have feelings so it seems, they’re not just entities, and from what you are listening, they were human once, or at least Eddie was.
“So you two are dating.” You managed to say with a smirk on your face and Steve’s face turned a little pink while Eddie snorted before talking back again.
“We prefer the word… Partners.”
You weighed your options. You could deny this help and keep going just like you were doing minutes ago, or… you can have your revenge on these people that wronged you completely… But would that make you happy? Would that cause some kind of relief in you?
But why the fuck are these people happy when they left you alone and miserable?
So you asked yourself again: Would that give you any sense of relief?
Fuck yes, it would.
“I’m in.” 
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The next day you woke up, wondering if everything from the night before was even real at all, but when you saw the two men appear out of nowhere in the early morning already walking around the living room while looking at your furniture with intrigue, you knew you didn’t dream it at all.
So you cooked for them, and they seemed surprised at the gesture since they didn’t have hunger at all, but they still took what you made for them from your hands. It was simple waffles with syrup and some berries. You sat down on the table eating your own plate as you tried to gather your thoughts.
The two men are still here, and you had agreed that they could do acts of revenge for your heart to feel relief once again. To rejoice. And now they were sitting in front of you, already finished their plates long ago. 
“Whatcha thinking Princess?” Eddie asked as he leaned over the table with his elbows on the wood. You looked up to clash onto his brown ones and you licked your lips as you sat straighter on your chair. 
“Well… let’s say I want to take revenge on my mother. What would you do?” Eddie shrugged at that as he went deep into thought about it. Steve was thinking too, looking at the ceiling as if it were going to give him an answer. Then Eddie spoke again.
“Well, once someone told us to make the house of their parents infested with hornets.” And that was a good one…
“Another one asked us for their favorite furniture to burn accidentally thanks to the fireplace.” Steve said afterward and Eddie nodded as if remembering that, a small chuckle escaping his lips. 
They were good… but not enough. They weren’t even directed to the person who caused the actual pain, it was directed to all the material stuff. 
“I developed an eating disorder thanks to this woman. This woman considered me a slut and whore ever since she found out I lost my virginity to my neighbor. This woman that treated me poorly in front of everyone we ever met…” Your words were filled with venom, heart stinging as the two men realized that the broken heart was not recent.
It has been broken for a long while now.
“Then, what do you have in mind?” Eddie asked, curiosity at the tip of his tongue as he saw Steve slowly smirk from his peripheral vision. He knew his partner was intrigued and actually amused at the anger in your voice.
You thought for a while, but you knew what could break your mother. What could break her completely, heart, body, and soul, not caring for the repercussions that could bring because she never cared for yours. A mother who doesn’t care for her child, why would the child respect her? Why would the child care for their mother?
“My mother lives off fillers and surgeries so she could still look young despite the age she has. A cougar that fucks guys her age or younger because it makes her feel… with youth she no longer possesses.” 
“I like where this is going, honey.” Steve spoke as he looked at you with fierce eyes and Eddie was biting his lip at the anticipation of your plan. You looked up from your plate and both men went wide-eyed as they looked at the intensity of your glare.
Full of rage.
“I want everything that she ever did to her face and body to fall apart. I want her to finally look her age, but with the clear evidence that she never took care of her skin. Someone that didn’t use sunscreen at all in her entire life.”
And Eddie’s smile turned into a wicked grin, almost like a Cheshire cat. 
He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and Steve chuckled wholeheartedly, evilly as he closed his eyes. You were looking at both of them as your heart thumped wildly in your chest, filled with anticipation but no guilt. There was no guilt at all. She never had it with you, so it’s fair you reciprocate the same feelings.
“Oh, she looks hideous honey.” Steve talked, looking back down towards you, snapping his fingers and you saw your phone lit up as it sat on the table. You frowned as you reached for it, unlocking it, and… your eyes widened as you saw your mother screaming at the mirror. The sight of an old woman who lost her youth, no way of faking it anymore. 
She was touching her face, trying to lift it as the skin fell and fell, not staying up at all. The creases all over her face, the facial marks on her forehead, and the corners of her mouth. The sun stains all over her face and neck, and finally… she finally feels what you felt all those years you lived with her. She can finally have a taste of her own medicine. 
And you decided right then that this was going to be the last time you saw your mother, and you didn’t care anymore what could happen afterwards to her, locking the phone and putting it down on the table again. 
Eddie and Steve looked at one another and when they looked at you, their eyes widened, almost in shock as they saw you smiling while taking bites of your waffles, doing a little dance on your chair in victory. You were the first one they ever encountered to not show a single sign of guilt.
And Eddie couldn’t help but bite the side of his bottom lip as he stared at you. And Steve didn’t miss the way his partner was glancing at you, but he couldn’t blame Eddie.
Not when he was looking at you in the same way.
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The three of you were walking towards your office building, looking up at the tall structure as you prepared your next target, or well, targets. You still had to think of what to do to them, but some ideas had come up in your mind. 
You had one man on each side of you, both waiting for your response. They had kept an eye on you the past few days, just in case you felt guilt of some sort for what you’ve done to your mother. You even rejoiced when she called you to ask for some money so she could get surgery and your response was:
‘No surgery can help you.’
And that was the same response she gave you when you thought you needed a nose job thanks to her degrading comments. She laughed at you whenever you tried to apply makeup or fix your hair and with the years you understood that she was jealous of your youth. Of your skin.
“How did you become Revenge Cupids?” You asked them as your ideas kept swirling in your mind but they were used to your curiosity by now. They were curious about you too, and for the past few days, they have also asked you about your life, and how you got your heart broken in such a way.
“Well…” Steve began as he looked at you, “You make a bond with another revenge cupid.” You frowned at that, turning your head to look at him.
“A bond?” Eddie nodded and wrapped around your shoulders, sending shivers down your whole body, which you tried shaking away.
“When humans commit revenge, they might impress the cupids themselves. I surprised Steve with mine, and it helped that he was interested in me.” Eddie wiggled his eyebrows at Steve and the brown-haired man only smacked the top of Eddie’s head. “Shit baby, there was no need–”
“And what did both of you do that… caught another cupid’s attention?” You asked this time and the two men looked at eachother for a second, before looking back at you. Steve took a deep breath in and was about to begin talking when your eyes spotted a security camera on the front doors of your building, an idea coming to you.
“Oh… Stevie, I think she thought of something good…” Eddie said with a grin and Steve smiled as he raised his hand, ready to snap his fingers.
“Take me to the CCTV room.” And with those words, you closed your eyes, a snap of fingers happening, and when you opened your eyelids again, you were in front of a massive computer, many monitors around showing all of the security cameras in the company. You turned your head to the side to see the guard sleeping, an eyebrow raised as Eddie chuckled.
“We put him to sleep, he won’t wake up, so you don’t have to whisper Sweets.” You smiled at that, surprising Eddie as well as Steve.
“Thank you… Okay… I need to find that day, the day before the promotion was announced…” And you leaned forward to start looking, only for Eddie to snap his fingers and the video popped up immediately. 
A wicked smile spread on your lips as you saw your boss, who is married with two kids, fucking Lydia without any shame, railing her on his desk. Her moans were all over the speakers, making Steve clear his throat for a second, and then his eyes widened when he heard what you were looking for.
‘You want that promotion, right sweetheart? Fuck yeah, I’m gonna give it to you, oh you are so fucking good–’
“Bingo~” Eddie cooed next to you and Steve leaned closer to you, a smile all over his lips as he planted a soft kiss on your shoulder, making you shiver with a sigh and then he whispered to you.
“What do you want to do with that Sweetheart?” A grin was on your lips and then you whispered your plan to him, making Eddie pout. You giggled at his antics and you leaned to whisper it to him as well, and both men were stunned at what you wanted to do, but oh so pleased.
You changed the camera to the present, seeing your boss on a very important committee, with members of the board from the company and other companies that wanted to seal a deal. You kept changing the cameras, seeing people watching the LED TVs that are in the cafeteria, near the office cubicles, at the reception area…
“Do the honors princess…” Eddie smirked as he pointed at the ‘Enter’ button on the keyboard. And so you raised your finger and pressed the button in a strong hit.
Moans were heard all over the building, the words your boss said to Lydia as he fucked into her, everyone watching it happen, and you quickly changed it to the conference camera. You saw everyone start screaming at your boss, probably calling all deals off, and you didn’t even care if this would make you lose your job. You didn’t care at all if the company went bankrupt. 
You had lost all empathy. 
Maybe they can put another person in charge and it doesn’t go down. Maybe. You shrugged in your mind at what the outcome might be. You saw the men leaving as your boss tried turning off the TV but it didn’t go off. You smiled, looking at Steve who had his hand up, not letting anyone in the building turn off the devices.
Everyone saw it. Everyone was seeing it. Lydia will lose her job. She will be charged with adultery most likely as well as your boss. He will lose his family, his credibility, his company… All because he didn’t give you the promotion you worked your ass off to get for the past year. 
“He tried to come onto me. I guess that because I didn’t give in, he gave it to the person that gave the pussy to him. Resentful bastard.” Eddie and Steve’s jaws clenched tightly at that, and you didn’t ask for it but he twitched his hand again, and your eyes widened when your phone started playing the video as well, and you looked up to see everyone in the company building got their phones infected with it, to make sure absolutely everyone was seeing it.
You giggled with satisfaction as you slapped your hands together, pressing them onto your smile as you looked at all the cameras of people gossiping, screaming, running, just pure chaos as they all went to chase Lydia and your boss. Food was being thrown at them as well as toilet paper and drinks.
Your coworkers were mad, you all worked so hard so that one day you could try to get a raise, a promotion, anything at all, and it was never going to be appreciated. The boss only appreciated a good set of boobs and a tight cunt. And now they all knew. 
Eddie leaned over to you, now completely hypnotized by you, grabbing onto one of your hands to press a kiss on your digits, the index finger that pressed the enter button. You shivered at the action of tenderness, and then you felt your shoulder being kissed again, turning your head to look at Steve’s pleased face.
“Let’s head back. We got one more revenge, don’t we?”
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“You guys didn’t answer me the other day…What did you do to become revenge cupids?” You asked as you walked into your old neighborhood with both men walking on your sides again. Steve was the first one to talk.
“I wanted to give my dad my revenge. So, I did what I knew would hurt him the most… I made him get a bad deal, only for his entire company to be stolen away. He didn’t read in between the lines, and gave all rights to a fake firm, losing everything.” You tilted your head at that because it didn’t sound that– Ah… you imagined what happened later on to his father.
“I see… He deserved it?” You asked and Steve chuckled, a somber look on his face.
“Fuck yes, he did.” You held his hand for comfort, stunning him completely at your touch, looking down at your joined hands. Your gaze turned towards the dark-haired man now who was already smiling.
“I made my father depend on drugs in jail. Make him suffer from withdrawal later on… I also made sure he goes back and forth into abusing and withdrawal, and to always have an eye kept on, so he wouldn’t put an end to the suffering.” You were stunned at his act of revenge.
His father would suffer until his last breath… You didn’t want to ask the reason for hatred, to either of them. You weren’t going to meddle in those past stories, but you were certain the people they directed the revenge to deserved it completely. Your hands gripped theirs tightly as you walked towards your old home. 
Eddie and Steve shared a knowing look with a hint of a smirk, looking forward as you guided them. It was the last act of revenge and you were going to make them pay. You were going to make them miserable, till their last heartbeat. You stood in front of your old home, the one you shared with him, the one you two bought together, the one you dumbly let him have full ownership of the home because he said that once you two had kids, it would be directly passed onto them.
That was all a fucking lie.
“He is not inside…” A house that he will keep, a house that you won’t ever enter again, a house he and his best friend, his actual boyfriend, made sure to keep all to themselves… A house you know doesn’t have any kind of insurance because your boyfriend has always been a cheap ass.
“So… what are we doing?” Steve asked with a squeeze of his hand. You let go of both hands and took a step forward, raising your right hand up as if waiting for something to fall on it.
“I will do this myself. Give me a Molotov.” You suddenly blurted out and Eddie and Steve’s eyes widened in surprise. You were… amazing. You wanted to do this yourself. Eddie reached out to you after a snap of fingers, and he placed an already fired-up molotov in your hand. 
“Go crazy baby.” 
And it was all you needed as you leaned your arm back, and threw the Molotov right into the living room’s wide window, the fire instantly catching on the couch. The couch you two once shared, a couch you two cuddled on as you watched movies. The house that holds so many memories, never a bad one, never a fight.
It was in flames, all of it. All your past in flames, all the people that deserved it, got it. 
Eddie and Steve looked at one another, waiting to console you for your possible breakdown. It always happened at the end of the acts of revenge. It is as if there was a bit of guilt, a bit of regret in everything they did… but you–
You laughed openly as you opened your arms wide, twirling around with happiness, and Eddie and Steve just stared at you, scanning all of you, looking at your smile, at the lack of empathy for all the hearts you broke in order to mend your own. You loved yourself, not letting people walk over you, not anymore.
And damn they wanted you. They deeply wanted you.
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And now it was the day you dreaded. All the acts of revenge were done, over with. And they had to erase your memory now, leave you alone once more. It’s not like you will remember them, but will you be able to handle the loneliness? 
You three were in your room, both men looking at you with their arms crossed over their chests as you sat on the bed. You were mustering the courage to actually say goodbye to them, but in reality, you just wanted them to just do it. Press the device the men in black used to erase someone’s memory. Quick, easy.
“So… you two are gonna leave now, right?” You questioned them as your eyes went towards their eyes. A small smirk was in each of their mouths and Eddie was the first to walk towards you, sitting next to you on the edge of the bed.
“Well… You see baby…” He held your right hand that was on your lap, pulling it to his lips so he could give you a small kiss on your knuckles. A shiver ran down your spine, making you clench your legs together at the sight and then you felt your bed dip on your left, making you turn your head to see Steve’s face coming close to your face, his breath hitting your mouth.
“Remember what happened to Eddie?” You frowned at his explanation, not understanding what he meant, and his lips hovered over yours. “You caught… our attention.”
Oh… Oh… They wanted you. The both of them, at the same time… And you would be lying if you said you didn’t think of them at night. You would be a horrible fucking liar if you didn’t think of them railing you, fucking you into nothing, a blabbering mess. They intrigued you too, wanting to know more of them, and spend more time with them, you just wanted to do so much more.
You gasped when you felt Eddie’s free hand slowly slide in between your legs, holding you onto your inner thigh, squeezing the flesh there, making you whimper. Steve moved downwards so he could bite onto your exposed shoulder from the tanktop you were wearing. A small moan escaped your lips, and then you felt Eddie dip his head onto your neck, placing a kiss there, making you sigh in bliss. And then, he mumbled.
“Make a bond with us sweetheart.” He said in a sultry tone, making your limbs melt against him, his hand gripping your inner thigh a little tighter. You felt Steve’s lips going upwards to kiss the other side of your neck, and having them both kissing you like this just made you completely dizzy, and happy.
“Bond with us… Come with us…” Steve’s voice was as if you were a snake, and he was the charmer. Your body was on fire as both men joined hands on your lap, letting you know they were more than okay with including you in all of this. Their kisses didn’t stop, Eddie’s lips going towards your ear, biting on your earlobe, while Steve dipped into your neck, right in the union with your shoulder.
You whimpered, gripping their thighs as their joined hands let go of eachother, only to then dig them in between your legs, and their digits pressed on your inner thighs, one on the left, one on the right, and they both spread your legs, slowly. Your breathing turned heavy as your fingernails dug into their black pants.
“We can’t go on without approval Honey… You have to voice it out.” Eddie cooed in your ear, making you whine slightly as a moan got stuck in your throat thanks to him biting under your ear, to then blow cold air on that patch of skin. 
“Do you want this… or not?” Steve asked, placing one kiss on your jaw and… 
These men make you happy… So why the fuck not?
“I’ll bond with you two… Please, I want you both to take me…”  You wanted them to take you away from here, from this world, to wherever they are from. You didn’t care.
You could feel both of them smirk on your skin and the first one to turn your head to look at him was Eddie, a hint of lust in his eyes as his fingers caressed the dough of your inner thigh, sending shivers all over your body like electricity.
“You know how the bonding is done?” You may have an idea of it, but you assumed it had to do with a sacrifice of some sort or–
“You have to do a carnal bond, baby.” Steve mumbled on your skin, giving your shoulder a little nibble and now you understood why they were touching you, grazing your skin, kissing it, worshiping it.
“You have to let us mend your heart… and we can sense that you want us to fix it. Isn’t that right Stevie?” Eddie asked his partner and your head turned to look at Steve who had stopped kissing your shoulder, only to be inches away from your face.
“We sensed it days ago… The way you looked at us, the way you touched us in every chance you got, the way you take care of us and you love it… You fucking love it.” He whispered onto your lips, breath hitting them in the most delicious of ways, and your center clenched at nothing and their hands gripped onto your flesh even tighter as if they could feel what just happened.
“Say you are ours… And we will be yours too.” Eddie purred in your ear, and you didn’t think anymore, reacting by instinct, you pressed your lips against Steve’s, and a hum of approval vibrated in his throat. He kissed you back with an intensity you never felt before. Then you felt Eddie’s teeth nibble on your pulse point, making you moan into Steve’s mouth.
Steve’s fingers in your inner thigh traveled north, moving under your skirt and going towards your dripping cunt that was covered by your wet underwear. You whimpered at the touch, not noticing how Eddie’s hand moved upwards and under your tank top, gripping one of your breasts tightly, making you jolt slightly.
Steve took the opportunity that you opened your mouth, even if little, and his tongue found yours, greedily exploring you, wanting nothing more but to swallow your whimpers as you felt yourself falling more and more into the lust, into the desire.
He cupped you over your underwear, rubbing his palm against your covered clit, and a whine mixed with a moan made you move your hips against him. Your moan was muffled by his tongue and it seemed like Eddie felt left out, and pinched one of your nipples, and with a gasp it made you pull away from Steve’s kiss so you could voice your whimper.
“My turn to taste you baby…” Without needing guidance,  you turned your head and your eyes clashed with deep brown ones, and he instantly captured your lips with his, moaning at the taste of you. He pinched your nipple in between his fingers as he palmed all around it. Steve’s lips latched onto your neck, his fingers gliding underneath your underwear, pulling at the elastic to finally touch you, raw, making you straighten up against Eddie’s touch, hips moving against Steve’s.
Steve moaned at how wet you were, how soaked his fingers became just by moving, gelding them through your folds. His ring and middle fingers found your clit instantly, rubbing circles in slow movements, making you moan against Eddie’s mouth, and just like Steve, his tongue found yours after you opened your mouth to let your lewd sound out.
“Fuck Eddie, you have no idea how wet she is…” Steve chuckled against your neck and you let go of Eddie’s kiss in order to take a breath. You were extremely agitated but they didn’t stop touching. Your eyes widened, throwing your head back when you felt Steve’s middle finger enter you, a groan escaping his own lips.
“Yeah? Then let me feel it.” Eddie smirked as he let go of your breasts, gliding his hand down next to Steve’s who was pumping his finger in and out of you, squelching sounds being heard all over your room.
“S-Steve–” And then you gasped when you felt another intrusion. It wasn’t Steve’s index finger, no. You looked down and both men were now looking at you with smirks and dilated pupils, both hands were underneath your skirt and then they started pumping their index fingers in and out with no rhythm, one goes in, the other goes out.
“Holy shit Steve, you weren’t wrong.” Eddie was stunned by how drenched you were, your juices already coating both his and Steve’s fingers, seeing the white sheer ring of your slick forming at the knuckles. Steve’s mind was already hazing over, and he stared at Eddie’s face with want, and his partner understood completely what he needed.
Your eyes widened when you saw Steve and Eddie coming close in front of your face, their lips joining in a deep kiss, full of teeth and tongue, and the tempo in their fingers went even quicker, making you choke as you thrust your hips back and forth against them. 
The sounds of their kiss mixed with the squelch of your wetness and their fingers, made your belly turn and coil as your climax started to build. Your pussy clenched around them, and they noticed, chuckling into the kiss, and as if they read eachother’s minds, they curled the fingers upwards, and your eyes widened in surprise as your moans only raised in volume. 
“Ed– Eddie, Steve– God, you’re–” You smiled in bliss, throwing your head back as the pleasure became unbearable but you wouldn’t stop it even if the world was caving in. They pulled away from the kiss and Steve desperately pulled your tank top up, bunching up on your collarbone, with his free hand as you kept yourself up with your hands behind you and supporting your weight. His lips latched onto one of your nipples and Eddie clamped on the other. 
Their fingers in you, their teeth biting softly and pulling on your nipples, and you couldn’t wait for them to actually make you theirs. The simple thought of that made your pussy clench and they moaned at the feeling, and finally, their fingers synchronized, going in and out of you, curled up all the way abusing your g spot and that threw you off the edge.
Your mouth fell open as you convulsed underneath them, trying to keep yourself up with your hands as your chest pressed against their mouths because you arched your back, and your hips moved quickly against their fingers as they helped you ride your orgasm out. You were breathing heavily, your body trembling, and their fingers slowly slipped out of you once you stopped clenching on them.
Your body fell against the bed when their mouths unlatched from your chest with subtle pops. They were breathing heavily and both men looked at one another, a smile on their face as they raised the fingers that were inside of you, and Eddie licked Steve’s while Steve licked his. 
Even in your fucked out state, you could see that action. You whined with need as they moaned at your taste. They wanted to dive in, but there was going to be time for that later on. They both turned their heads towards you, and they got up from the bed, Steve held your skirt, pulling it off followed by your underwear, while Eddie took this time to undress himself.
Your eyes had heart eyes, mouth drooling as you climbed further into the bed, taking your tank top off, throwing it somewhere in the room, and laying bare in front of the two men. 
“Aren’t you fucking beautiful?” Eddie’s hoarse voice made you smile as you spread your legs inviting him over, his throbbing cock all the way up, in alert, red tip oozing precum, letting you know just how desperate he was to have you. 
“Well, fuck Eddie… And to think we will have her for all eternity…” You couldn’t help the wide fucked out smile you showed the two men, who were staring at you, drool almost slipping from their lips. 
“And I will have you both…” And that made Eddie growl, his chest puffing out and looking at Steve, as if pleading, begging. Steve chuckled and gave his partner a soft kiss on the lips, but his hand went up, gripping the dark hair, and pulled his head back.
“You fuck her… and I will fuck you.” 
Your eyes widened at that but you were trembling in excitement, ready to go again even if your body was still spasming from your last climax. Steve let go of Eddie’s hair and the latter smirked at him, then crawled on the bed to get in between your legs.
“Hi sweetheart.” He smiled down at you and your arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him into a soft kiss. 
“Hi Eds…” A toothy grin spread on his lips and you slid your hand down, gripping onto his dick and a groan escaped his lips as you rubbed the head of it against your folds, coating it and mixing with his own precum.
“Shit.” He cursed and you positioned his dick so it would rest on your cunt, and he moved back and forth, coating it with your wetness as a lubricant. Your clit was brushed every time he pushed forward, making you moan out his name. 
“Eds, please– Please–” And who was he to deny your pretty cries. He grabbed his cock and guided it to your entrance. He bit his lip as he slowly sank into you, both of you letting out strangled moans of pure bliss and you felt so full. So fucking full.
You must have imagined it through your lust and your mind becoming cock drunk, but you felt as if your chest was lighter. It wasn’t your chest per se, but it was like inside. You couldn’t think much because Eddie decided to move, making your moan finally come out of your mouth.
“Pay attention here baby. Just let yourself feel.” His face was sweaty, his eyes dilated from pleasure as he thrust in and out of you, and the wet sounds made it all the more pornographic. You felt his movement grow faster and then he was balls deep inside of you, making you throw your head back in bliss as your nails dug into his back.
“Eddie! Fuck!!!” You could feel him in your belly, you were sure that if you pressed there you would be able to feel the tip of his dick inside of you. Just the bump of it and it thrilled you. His skin started slamming against yours, and you let go of him so he could hold himself up with his hands and arms so he could slam deeper into you.
“Fu–” And his movement stilled for a few seconds as his eyes widened and you wondered what happened to him, only to then see the most beautiful face he ever made since you met him. His face became flushed, red on his cheeks, eyes glossed over, his hair falling down on the sides, and there was a different sound of squelching, you maneuvered yourself the best you could to look behind Eddie, and a smirk spread on your lips.
Steve was now completely naked, his cock a little thicker than Eddie’s but Eddie’s was a little longer. Both of them, you wanted inside, but for now, this will have to do. You can take Steve later on. The brown-haired man had his index and middle fingers inside Eddie’s hole, using the lube you used for your toys that sat on your vanity.
Of course, he didn’t miss that.
“Fuck her and my fingers. Now.” It was a command and you couldn’t wait for Steve to treat you that way as well. You bit your lip as Eddie moved again as strangled moans were caught in his throat, moving inside of you, to then pull back to engulf Steve’s fingers inside of him.
Steve’s patience though, was running thin. His hand wasn’t enough. He had been stroking himself watching Eddie fucking into you, but he wasn’t going to cum on his hand. There was no way. He hissed when Eddie clenched on him because you clenched on him. It was a chain reaction. He knew Eddie could take it, even with no preparation or just one finger, just as Steve could take him. 
He slid a third finger inside and Eddie’s eyes widened, stilling his hips all the way inside of you, a whimper escaping your lips as you felt his tip brush your G-Spot. Steve’s pace increased, not letting Eddie move as he pumped his fingers in and out of him, Eddie moaning with his eyes wide as Steve started scissoring him. 
“S-Stevie– Steve, please, more, more–” And seeing Eddie in this state was making your hips roll against him, making him groan and whimper, his arms trembling slightly and your hands went to his face, rubbing his cheeks, cleaning a bit of his sweat off with a smile on your lips.
“Steve… He is so beautiful…” At your words, Steve chuckled and pulled his fingers out of Eddie, a sigh escaping from the man who was whining on top of you, still inside of you.
“And you haven’t seen nothing yet.” And Steve had already coated himself in the lube, and he gripped Eddie’s hip, rubbing the tip of his cock against the small hole, and then you saw it.
You saw how Eddie’s eyes widened, and you could see the strangled choke as his mouth fell open, and then it shut, a whimper trapped in his throat, biting his bottom lip as Steve sunk inside of him, slowly, yet a satisfied groan escaped Steve’s lips, smile on his face as he closed his eyes at the feeling.
There it was again, the relief in your chest. A warmth that slowly started spreading all over, and you didn’t know if to tell them, to warn them. It didn’t feel bad, it was feeling good, like a breath of relief. You didn’t notice your eyes had glossed over, a tear slipping out of the corner as Steve bottomed out into Eddie.
Eddie was breathing heavily as Steve leaned forward to press soft kisses against the inked skin, and then he looked over his shoulder to see your face. He smiled fondly, despite what you three were doing. Eddie looked up and smiled weakly at you, leaning down to press a soft kiss on your lips before talking.
“Your heart… is mended.” 
And then Steve leaned over Eddie’s body, holding his waist, and he reeled back, only to plunge back inside of him, and thanks to that, Eddie went deep inside of you as well. The three of you moaned out, feeling whole, complete, full. You never felt this happiness before, it was as if everything in your life finally made sense, for once.
Steve’s thrusts became rough as his fingertips dug into Eddie’s sides, and Eddie was trembling on top of you as his hips moved inside of you thanks to Steve’s movements. Your cunt clenched around Eddie and he whimpered, his ass clenching around Steve’s. The latter man growled thanks to the stimulation, and a loud smack was heard across the room, Eddie jolting with a gasp.
“Move those hips, Eds. Fuck us.” Steve groaned out and you couldn’t help but guide your hand in between you and Eddie, your fingers finding your clit to rub circles on it, twitching at the sensation.
But then the air was knocked out of your lungs when Eddie started swaying his hips back and forth, thrusting inside of you, and making Steve’s cock thrust inside of him. He was doing it at a fast pace, choked-up moans escaping Eddie’s lips as he felt himself lose his mind to pleasure.
Steve was moaning behind, one of his hands holding onto Eddie’s ribs so he could move his waist freely, and he ran his other hand through his hair, feeling pleasure he hadn’t felt before, and he knew Eddie was feeling the same because of how cockdrunk he was right now. He can’t wait for his turn next time.
You couldn’t hold it in, it was too much, everything was just too much, but yet it wasn’t enough, and it will never be enough most likely because you will never get tired of these two. You were meant to be together. Your pussy clenched as you started trembling under Eddie, whimpering, whining, tears falling from your eyes.
“I’m– I’m going to cum– I can’t– I can’t hold it–!” You warned them and Eddie cried out when you clenched on him, and he once again clenched around Steve.
“F-Fuck, Steve, I’m going to cum too, I’m–” Eddie moaned out, his hips stopping the movement he was railing you with. Steve felt the coil in his stomach too, his balls tightening, and he smirked in bliss as he grabbed Eddie’s waist once more and started slamming himself inside of him, in order to make him bounce into you at each thrust.
Eddie leaned down so he could kiss you, but your lips never touched. It was just tongues swirling around, lips grazing every now and then as you inhaled his moans and he inhaled yours. 
And then, everything was white. You almost bit your tongue when your second climax hit you, without warning, your belly exploding as you clenched tightly around Eddie’s cock, which was still pistoning inside of you thanks to Steve’s thrusts. You were speechless, choked up, drool falling off the side of your mouth as you spasmed under Eddie.
Eddie was whimpering as he felt your clenching around him, and he gurgled a moan as he spilled inside of you, his ass clenching onto Steve. His arms trembled to keep himself up, his body fired up thanks to his climax, and Steve moaned loudly, his hips stuttering with one final thrust as he slammed himself inside of Eddie in one final thrust, making Eddie do the same with you, and his cum filled Eddie’s insides.
The three of you finally unclenched with one another and you thought you were going to die, not feeling like you had enough air coming inside of your lungs. Eddie was over you, trying to keep himself up in order to not crush you, but he was losing the battle. He looked over his shoulder towards Steve.
“S-Stevie… You need to get off or I’m gonna crush her.” Steve had his forehead pressed on Eddie’s back, trying to catch his breath. He nodded at that, and he left a kiss on his lover’s skin before pulling himself up and retreating so that he could pull out from Eddie.
A wince escaped from the long-haired man, and when Steve was out, he felt all of his cum dripping down from his hole, making him shiver. He slowly pulled out of you, making you snap back into reality, making you realize that this really had happened, and it made you whine as he left your cunt.
Eddie plopped right next to you, breathing heavily, and Steve crawled to lay on your other side, his chest going up and down from trying to get the right amount of oxygen back into his lungs. You felt Eddie’s cum coming out of you and onto the sheets, but you didn’t care. You really didn’t. Not when these two were right next to you.
“You okay baby?” Steve asked and you were about to answer, only for Eddie to interrupt in a hoarse, spent voice.
“Me or her? We have to get some personal nicknames for the three of us.” You couldn’t help but give a weak chuckle, your body sinking into the bed as both men turned on their sides to cuddle up to you, wrapping their arms around you, enveloping you like a cocoon.
“What… now?” You managed to breathe out, and Eddie kissed your shoulder as he rubbed circles on your arm.
“Well, you come with us now.” Eddie explained, but that did nothing for you to understand.
“Where?” And Steve smiled, his hand raising up and you knew he was going to snap his fingers.
“To our home.” 
And with a snap, the house became empty. Furniture gone, pictures erased, and no sign of a human ever living in that place. Your mother never had a daughter. Your name was not in the registry of your company. And your ex-boyfriend forgot he ever cheated.
But everything remained. Your mother could not bear her face, and nothing could fix her. The company eliminated the tyrants, and it was now a workplace for people who put their all into work. And your ex was left alone, without a home, without furniture, without anything at all. 
And a year later–
“I HOPE THEY ROT IN HELL!” A cute blonde with a ponytail screamed in the middle of a field. She was screaming with all the capacity her lungs allowed her, letting all of her pent-up anger out. 
Three figures emerged from the woods, two men, and one woman. The three of them were holding hands as they slowly approached the young girl who was already scared out of her mind but instantly calmed down when you sweetly smiled at her.
“Chrissy, right?” 
And you knew she was going to cooperate, filling you with joy, but a small hint of a wicked smile formed on your lips as the girl explained what happened to her, and it wasn’t just you who felt that joy.
They both smiled as they looked at you, your first task and job on this new Valentine’s Day. You could feel their pride as they looked at you, as you talked to the girl whose heart had been destroyed just like yours once had. You could feel what they felt and they could feel you as well. That was something new.
A constant chain reaction.
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a/n: fuck them fluffy fics
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miaoua3 · 26 days
hey im sorry but can you make a hcs like the one you did for seungcheol and make it for mingyu? im sorry and i wanna tell you i love all of your writing so baddddd hehe keep on writing girllll im rooting for you
hi! first of all thank you so much for the nice words! you’re support really means a lot to me guys, it’s the reason why keep on going even on the days where i feel tired and not motivated enough to do it😭🫶
second of all, by “hcs like the one you did for seungcheol” i feel like you’re talking about the spicy one’s? but since someone already asked me for both soft and spicy one’s i hope you won’t mind that i will do soft hcs as well?
anyway, again, thank you so much for your support, hope you enjoy this!
Mingyu Boyfriend Headcanons:
•(sfw! hcs):
will literally follow you around the house all the time, you could be doing some chores and he will just follow you, maybe help a little, and yap 100 miles per hour, and when you don’t pay attention he will pull on your shirt until you look at him and say while pouting “babe you aren’t even listening to me, pay attention to me 3:(“
smitten, in love and absolutely whipped are some of the ways to describe mingyu since he met you and you two started dating, he’s always just staring at you with his big boba eyes and smiling gently, if it were socially acceptable (read: if the members weren’t around) he would probably be kicking his feet too
the cuddliest teddy bear ever, he will hug you no matter what you are doing- standing in front of a hot stove with boiling oil sprinkling everywhere? he’s on your back, hunched due to his height and leaning his head on your own (also complaining when a bit of oil sprinkles on his arms), standing in front of him and scolding him about something? his hands are locked around your waist while he pouts at you for scolding him instead of kissing him :( you get the gist of it lol
goes without saying but he’s constantly cooking you-breakfast, lunch either to bring to work or at home, and dinner, he’s constantly cooking for you, making you taste test everything and absolutely cooking way too much than you can eat, if you try to cook something for him for a change because you feel bad that he’s cooking that much when his schedule is much more packed than yours he will just be like “ 3:( baby what did i say about this?”
he’s so hyperactive that sometimes you have hard time catching up to him, he constantly wants to be doing something, be it sports or go out with friends and sometimes you just want to rot in your bed for 3 days straight- and ofc he won’t make you do anything you don’t want to, it’s just that he will probably pout all the time while doing the said activities and come home earlier because he missed you too much
hugs you to death when you two sleep together, to the point you need to smack him to go easy on your intestines or you will puke on his silk sheets lol
loves doing skincare together, it’s just relaxing doing it together while you two yap about your days, helping each other apply things correctly, and it always makes him feel easier seeing you taking care of yourself, he always worries that because he’s so busy he can’t see if you’re doing your best to take care of yourself (mentally) so seeing you being so happy and enjoying yourself while you two are doing this together makes him feel at ease
•(nsfw! hcs):
is definitely a service dom, so eager to please you, won’t stop until he feel you shaking with pleasure and sees tears streaming down your pretty face
LOVES PUSSY MORE THAN AIR, if he could, he’d be living between your legs, just lapping away at your clit while you trash in his hold, your legs over his shoulders, feet pushing at his back, whenever he’s giving you oral best believe he isn’t stopping for the next several HOURS (rip girl lmao), he just love how you taste so much, he’d literally just be moaning in your pussy and if he comes in his pants from just eating you out? well that’s nobody’s business but his (and yours by default)
has a praise kink too, but unlike the other boys who like to praise you, he want YOU to praise HIM, just grabbing his hair and moaning in his ear how good he’s fucking you, how big he is inside of you, how he’s simply the best for you-and if you let a little “good boy” slip out? well, let’s just say he will be cumming really quickly and that it will make him even more motivated to make you feel good
definitely gets off seeing your tummy bulge, just seeing how far inside of you he is and how your stomach moves when he is too gets him off like nothing else, makes his head spin and makes him moan so loudly (wonu definitely hates you two rabbits lmao)
insist on seeing jesus at least once a week by making you sit on his face, there’s nothing better than feeling your entire weight on his face, your smell surrounding him while he’s eating your pussy like its his last supper, and the fact that you aren’t touching and he isn’t able to grind on the bed how he would if he was just laying down between your legs? well, let’s just say mingyu might have a little thing for having his orgasms be delayed a bit (but don’t tell the gang, they will never shut up about it lol)
one of his favourite positions has definitely got to be cowgirl, just seeing you on top of him, bouncing up and down his big dick, struggling from time to time so he has to guide your hips or take matters in his own hands and fuck upwards into you, you tits bouncing as well- there may not be a heaven on earth but he comes close to it every time you ride him til he sees god
has stamina of an animal, can and WILL go for hours to no end, in the end you will just be with your face pressed in the pillow and ass in the air, totally limp so mingyu will have to hold your hips to keep them in the air, moaning away while he chases his high (he will take care of you afterwards and if he sees you literally can’t do it anymore or that it’s causing you more harm than pleasure he will immediately stop, dw)
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ladybellissima · 5 months
Special Ending Finding Love Katakuri Charlotte x Reader
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Step after step, she walked along the corridor of their shared home, deep in thought. Like a robot her hands glided over her already big stomach, concentrated to feel every little message her body might was sending to her. "(Y/N)…keep calm. Everythings alright. Your child is alright. You are alright. The doctors told you so…", she whispered with a deep sigh, nevertheless a smile spread across her face. Anytime she was going to be a mother. Anytime Katakuri would be called a father. How fast things could change. And how fast 9 months could pass. Again a certain pain errupted at her back and slowly crawled torwards her stomach.
"You will definately know the moment your baby wants to come."
Definately, (Y/N) knew that she was completely clueless. Sighing she thought about Katakuri, who she already brought on the verge of a mental breakdown, because of her uneasiness. And by god she felt huge. How was her stomach able to grow so much? And why did she feel happy and devasted at the same time?
"Something's wrong?", a certain deep voice cut through her thoughts and let her stop in her tracks. Turning (Y/N) was met with Katakuri's calm expression, still eyebrows raised in question of her sudden activity. Normally he found his wife sleeping or relaxing, waiting paitently for their special day. Or better, she wasn't really able to do much moving with her latest size. Katakuri couldn't but feel helpless about not being able to support her more. Only able to watch over her and listen to her worries, in hope to make things easier. And again he was right in finishing his work earlier, feeling that something was off. (Y/N) on the other side felt exhausted and strained of causing him to worry again. She couldn't help it. Couldn't hide her inner conflict.
"Nothing's wrong, Katakuri. I am just restless today..i..i know that everything's fine..yeah.", (Y/N) spoke with a short smile, while accepting his hug and sweet kiss onto her forehead.
"Tell me (Y/N)…", he whispered, while kissing her cheek. Avoiding his strong gaze, she felt uneasy to start.
"At the beginning of your pregnancy you've told me every little detail. Literally every little detail…", he spoke and had to chuckle of this certain call he got from her. Quickly he rushed back home, thought she was sick and needed help. With pride (Y/N) announced that she felt miserable and had to puke for hours.
"Back then, i thought you were terribly sick, but you just tried to tell me that you were pregnant.", he added and felt relieved to make her chuckle.
"Yeah, i just knew something was going on. I felt lightheaded all the time..", (Y/N) whispered with a sigh, while brushing across her stomach, till Katakuri took her hand. To think that this rough start was just the beginning of a honestly nightmare.
"Not to mention your sudden outbursts of anger about well… nothing. ", he joked and gave her hand a kiss. Oh how helpless he felt of (Y/N)'s tired and angered mood. Not that he never experienced a fight with his wife, but this was on a whole different level. Easily she left annoyed or grumbled and complained about simple things, like his leaving for his duties or on special days his breathing.
"Well but there was a beautiful answer, why all this happened. Alongside endless calls and visits of doctors…", (Y/N) started kind of ashamed. "To think how often we called out to the doctors..how stupid of me..", she spoke uneasy, while avoiding his strong gaze.
"You were afraid… that's okay (Y/N). It's your first. Better we check and ease your worries than let your fears haunting your mind..", Katakuri spoke, while touching her stomach to maybe feel his baby's push. How excited (Y/N) was bursting into his office at whole cake chateau, ignoring his complains how on earth she could travel without proper protection and pregnant on a ship, to grab his hands and lay them onto her stomach. And how dissapointed she was after Katakuri felt nothing, explaining that sure she felt a push and moving. To be honest he also felt slightly annoyed about the fact that he still didn't receive a push against his hand till today. Like getting already rejected.
"Yeah but it got out of hand. I honestly couldn't really calm down..is he or she okay? Still moving, still growing and not in danger..still alive.", she whispered afraid, while Katakuri gave her a short nod of approval. He knew and honestly he expected this journey to be more sweeter. Was beyond happy to have a child with (Y/N). Felt overwhelmed, proud and powerful.
But it wasn't an easy pregnancy.
At first (Y/N) felt excited, couldn't believe that she really was becoming a mother. But beside feeling terribly sick for a long time, (Y/N) felt like suffocating. Often panicked of this overwhelming feeling to lose control of her body, while her stomach grew. She felt mentally exhausted, ugly, fat. Never would she be herself again. And after all her personal conflicts, she felt uneasy of her baby's health either. How could the baby be okay, if she felt so damn sick all the time?
Sighing of thinking about their pregnancy journey, (Y/N) felt unbelievable grateful to have Katakuri by her side. He never complained and brought her even late at night to their doctor. (Y/N) knew that he was worried too. Sure terrified. Fighting with his inner self how to help her, but honestly there was nothing to do. It was fate. It was pure luck and patience that they had come this far. Slowly she reached for his face, pulling his scarf away to kiss him deeply, but a sudden shot of pain let her struggle.
"Tell me (Y/N)…", Katakuri spoke seriously, while watching his wife taking a seat. Sighing (Y/N) bite her lips in frustration.
" Okay. Well i feel a strange uncomfortable pain. Coming from my back and it's also spreading till here. ", she spoke with a hectic voice, while pointing at the certain spots at her stomach.
"You feel what!?!"
Holding her breath, (Y/N)'s body froze in the spot of her husband's sudden outburst.
"Isn't that bad!!? Pain is bad or not?", Katakuri suddenly spoke - shouted, quickly made sure she stays in her position in holding her shoulders. "Don't move so much! You make it worse! I've read that you shouldn't move and stay in bed, if you are in pain! Why were you rushing around like a maniac!?", he spoke shocked, while thinking of what to do first.
Blinking in surprise, (Y/N) scratched her head irritated. "You've read those pregnancy books too? In some way you sure are right, but i was thinking more about the pain of giving birth…maybe?" , (Y/N) asked frustrated, holding her stomach of another shot of pain.
"Well…well..maybe this was part at the beginning..i can't remember..hell..you tell me! Are you giving birth (Y/N)? Now?", Katakuri stuttered helplessly, while feeling drops of sweat already forming onto his forehead.
"I…i am not sure. It's not that bad. Maybe it's just a stomach ache. I don't want to cause another ruckus at whole cake..God Katakuri i don't know, what to do. Wait. Not wait. Maybe something's off. Maybe not. Hell what about all this lovey dovey shit in those shitty books about a beautiful pregnant woman with a small bump and no worries at all. Going for a daily walk, laughing and chatting with her prince charming and then blop…it's here!", (Y/N) growled pissed, balling her fists in anger. Katakuri knew right away to keep a safe distance and let his wife calm down.
"Okay..well think ..let's think ..", Katakuri spoke stressed, while walking up and down the corridor, like his lovely wife used to. Watching the sweet commander with a short smile, (Y/N) felt tears stinging at the corner of her eyes of another shot of pain.
"Katakuri…", (Y/N) whispered and made him stop in his tracks of her faint and shaken voice.
She knew.
"Please..bring me to the doctor.."
He didn't have to use his skills to know that things got out of hand from now on. And even if he had read books about pregnancies to be prepared, he wasn't prepared for this at all.
(Y/N) knew that it wasn't a piece of cake. Knew all too well that it would hurt badly, after already going through different stages of pain during her pregnancy. Starting from back pain, stomach ache, even her legs hurt endlessly and got swollen.
The pain of giving birth was overwhelming. On top of not knowing, if you are really in labor at the beginning. The more (Y/N)'s nervousness raise, the more pain shot through her back and stomach. Unbearable long cramps, which made her vision slightly blurry. In a way she felt kind of in a trance, everytime another shot of pain errupted inside her. Was this her final day? It felt surreal. Faces passed her vision, pale, afraid, shocked. Voices around her got louder, while she was carried secure in Katakuri's arms, whos voice cut through her shocked state. Shouting and ordering servants around. The next moment (Y/N) felt herself placed onto a soft mattress, while Brulee spoke soothing words to calm her down. But honestly, (Y/N) wasn't able to really listen to anyone, while Katakuri got pale like a ghost, after she couldn't but had to scream. Couldn't but had to plead. Couldn't but had to shout, while doctors just gave her an supportive smile and advice to breath. She felt lost. Helpless. Frustrated of not being able to escape. And there it was the point of regret. There was no going back. While (Y/N) went through hours of pain, Katakuri got pushed outside by his sister to calm his shaking form and prevent him screaming at the doctors, who waited paitently and observed his wife's Odyssey.
"This isn't normal!!! This can't be normal!", he growled frutrated, while holding his head in distress. Rubbing his back, Brulee tried to support him as good as possible.
"You've heard the doctors.. everything's fine. She is going through a natural birth. It's sadly normal to go through hours of pain. Believe in her…i know it's hard to watch her suffer…she is becoming a mother..can't believe it Katakuri. I am so excited..", she spoke and gave him all the time he needed to calm down, but the sudden call of a doctor let him freeze in the spot.
"Master Katakuri. It won't take long anymore."
Like a robot Katakuri stepped back into the room, ears drumming of (Y/N)'s screams, slowly stepping to her side. He never saw her like that. Never heard such screams, deep and filled with pure pain and horror. Helpless digging her nails into his skin, while clinging onto his arm.
(Y/N) didn't get a sign, but pushed. Pushed against the pain, till a sudden shot released her amniotic fluid. For a moment her body froze in the spot of comprehending the situation, till the waves of pain got her back into screaming. Doctors called out to her to wait, till she was ready, but all she was able to was push. Push to stop this nightmare. Push like an inner instinct to survive.
And suddenly her big bump got smaller, while the feeling of losing something overwhelmed her form. Shaken her body got kind of cold, sweat glistered on her exposed skin, realizing that she was completely exposed down under.
But it wasn't important, because a loud unknown voice echoed through the room. Took her place in screaming at the top of its lungs.
Shaken like crazy, (Y/N) started to cry bitterly. Pressing a hand onto her mouth, she tried to control her outburst of emotions. It wasn't possible. Overwhelmed her baby was placed onto her chest, the weight unexpected heavy, pressing down onto her. Crying she watched her child for the first time. Her beautiful little boy with crimson hair. Speechless her look wandered up to Katakuri, who watched his son with wide eyes.
"Katakuri …we have a son…he is finally here…", her raspy voice called out to him. Shaking his head of hearing her normal voice again, Katakuri took her hand to press it softly. "(Y/N)…", he whispered exhausted, while watching her in disbelief. He didn't need to say a word. She herself had to still come back to her senses. Calming down, slowly realizing that the pain was completely gone.
"Congratulation!! What's his name?", a voice called out to them to pull them back to reality.
Smiling at each other, (Y/N) and Katakuri touched their son's hand, still couldn't really believe that this little one was their own.
"You are already special and you will become so much more.. whatever path you choose..ours is already settled in believing in you…Okashi"
Hopefully it is the way you all wished 🥳❤️💚❤️ let me know 🎉🎊 and Okashi means Sweet in japanese 💚
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glitch-karma · 1 year
Hi there! If requests are still opened, i'd love to make one :o (although it's a bit lengthy, so if you don't want to do it I understand!!)
TW for s**cide mentions from here forward btw! (common with any dazai fic, lolz)
I'd love to request a dazai x reader (fem or gn will work!) where he asks reader to commit double suicide with him, and to literally everyone's shock, they agree! So the agency (mainly kunikida and atsushi) have to repeatedly sabatoge their attempts, and during that time, the two start to get to know eachother better and grow closer whilst they aren't plotting their own demises. Eventually dazai starts to fall for them, but one day reader tries to attempt on their own life solo due to being unable to handle the pains and pressures of life anymore. Ofc they were rescued just in time, but it made him realize that he wants to see reader safe and happy, and that he had finally found his reason to live through his love for them. Extra points if he confesses his love at some point and reader accepts!!
Sorry if this was rant-y, i'm a huge sucker for angst to comfort :P either way tho, i hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night!
-Y/n is a new worker at the Cafe under the ADA
-MAJOR SUICIDE WARNING!! (Including but not limited to: Blood, pills, self-harm, etc..) I am a sucker for graphic detail so you have been warned
-Also warning for puke
-Reader is kinda based off of Mafuyu from Project Sekai cause I said so (Btw pjsk simps gonna open up reqs for them when they become open again‼️)
-also reader has dull eyes cause anime logic
I did probably a concerning amount of research on suicide, (Plus looked for so long for Dazai's stupid lil book) for this so I hope you enjoy!
Break time at the Armed detective agency usually means having some coffee at their favorite cafe. As the group sat down Dazai was glancing around when his eyes caught the sight of the new waitress waiting next to a barista Dazai frequently flirted with. The girl had semi-messy h/c colored hair, her eyes a dull e/c. Her features framed her face so beautifully. Dazai's mouth curled into a smirk as he stared at her. Kunikida caught wind and immediately irked. "Dazai.."
As the waitress approached the table, Dazai read the name stage reading "Y/n". He smiled as she stopped at their table. Before she could get a word out Dazai grabbed her hand in his. "Such soft hands.. And beautiful eyes as well. Would you, Belladona, do me the honors of accompanying me to a double suicide?"
Dazai was now lying on the floor, as Kunikida brushed himself off. "I'm so sorry Ma'am, he's always like this-" Atsushi apologized as Y/n leaned down to the man on the floor. "I'd gladly join a double suicide." She smiled down at him.
. . .
"Really!?!" Dazai yelled as he stood up, grabbing Y/n's hand again. Y/n chuckled as she nodded at him. "I get off at 6. You work in this building correct? I'll meet you on the roof." "Yes yes, that sounds wonderful~!"
Everyone at the table stared shell-shocked as Y/n takes their order normally like nothing just happened. As dazai kicked his legs in his own little world, Kunikida Atsushi and Junichiro all stared at each other in concern. Kunikida pulled them behind a menu quickly.
"As much as I'd love to let that dimwitt meet his end, we need him and that girl to stay alive. It isn't right letting a young lady with so much life in her die with that blasted Dazai." Kunikida sighed. Atsushi and Junichiro nodded in sync.
"Once Dazai leaves to meet her we should follow them," Atsushi whispered. Junichiro hummed in agreement. "It's decided then." Junichiro finished. The three quickly separated from the menu as Y/n walked over and set down their drinks. As she walked away dazai starstruck-ingly called out; "See you tonight Madameeee~". Y/n peeked over her shoulder, smiling at him. Dazai felt his heart flutter a bit at those beautifully dull eyes.. They seemed to draw him in for more.
As Dazai whipped open the doors to the building roof, he caught sight of the lady ready to accompany him with his final dance. Her hair was gently blowing in the warm Yokohama breeze as she stared off into the sky. What was she looking at? Dazai didn't know. But her eyes looked so sickeningly dull in that moment. But still, so beautiful..
"I'm pleasantly surprised to see you here! I was concerned you agreed simply to make me leave you alone." The dark-eyed man said, leaning next to her. "I'd never joke about suicide. Such a beautiful ending to a sick existence." Y/n spoke lowly. In the cafe, she had a sort of customer voice, but there was no trace of it here. Dazai smirked a bit at this.
"I should let you know now, I'm not interested in pain. I don't know exactly what you're into though.." Dazai teased her. "Pain is not something I'm looking for either. Just a quick ending."
Dazai chuckled, quickly whipping out his little red book. "Suffocation, Hanging, Poisoning, Shooting, Jumping," He read off as Y/n stared at him. Only blinking in response. "All the ideas you could storm up are right here in this very book."
"Ah! What a glorious book,, if I wasn't planning on dying I'd buy a copy.." Y/n smiled lightly. "But.." she continued, grabbing the book and shutting it quickly. "I'd like to try jumping first."
With a quick grab of Dazai's shirt, the two were suddenly falling off the roof of the building. Y/n shut her eyes, waiting for the end of it all.
The two landed on a bunch of garbage bags stacked up on each other. Y/n quickly sat up in disappointment as Dazai lay on the ground is fear and confusion. "Dang."
Dazai suddenly bursted into laughter. Y/n hummed, turning to him. "What's so funny?" Dazai wiped a tear from his eye as he sat up too. "You're the most forward suicidal girl I've ever met, my dear Y/n." He chuckled. Y/n blushed lightly before standing up.
"No matter.. We'll try again. Tomorrow. You can choose the method." She smiled at him. Dazai chuckled as he stood, lending her a hand up as he did so. "It's a date." He joked.
. .
"GAHHHH I THOUGHT WE WEREN'T GONNA MAKE IT." "Oh be quiet Atsushi, my Ideals were almost perfect."
There were the secret team, two sweaty messes, and one writing vigorously in his notebook. The three had watched Dazai enter the roof before running down to prepare in case they jumped, finishing just before they did.
"This might be a long couple of days.." Junichiro said quietly.
Day 2
"Oiiiii! Y/n dear!" Dazai yelled as he entered the roof. "Ah, hello Dazai." the girl lightly smiled. "What will we be doing today?"
Time after time,
Day 3
"Oh, Y/n you're here late! Well? Shall we begin?"
Attempt after attempt,
Week 3
"Dazai! Hurry we'll miss the train!" "Yes yes, my dear!"
The two met almost every day.
Month 2
The two had been testing the faith of this world as they attempted suicide again and again. Slowly, Dazai started to see something he hadn't before. Something fluttered in his chest..
The way she gets so distracted, the way she turned to yell at him when he took a joke too far, the way her nose scrunched up in such a way, those eyes.. Those beautifully dull eyes.
What was this feeling in Dazai's chest?
As Dazai thought intensely at his desk the others in the office grew worried. "What's up with Dazai today?" Atsushi mumbled. "I'm not sure.. I've never seen him think this much before."
"It's so clear what his problem is." Ranpo mumbled as he sucked on a loli. Dazai's head shot up immediately. "You know what this feeling is in my chest!? Please, explain Ranpo! Have I been poisoned? Is it fatal? Will I finally die? I can't die without Y/n."
Ranpo sighed as he bit off the lollipop. "No nothing of the sort, you're simply in love with that cafe waitress."
"Did he really just say that in front of us all!?"
Everyone at the agency thought in shock. Dazai's eyes were wide as he stared at Ranpo. His cheeks were flushed as he pondered the idea. The great Dazai? In love?
"This feeling in my chest.." He thought in shock. "That's a heart by the way," Ranpo smirked at the flustered Dazai. Dazai looked down for a moment, before springing up. He slammed his fist down loudly."This is..."
"Truly wonderful!!"
Dazai yelled as he pranced around the office. The majority of the group stared in dismay as he did so. "Ah, how perfect! I'm in love with the person I plan to meet my end with! We can plan a lovelier more passionate suicide now! How beautiful!"
"I should go confess right away! We can begin planning for our end together!" Dazai screamed with giddy as he threw his jacket on quickly. Ranpo's eyes scrunched together lightly as he thought. "You should go quickly, Dazai." He said as Dazai flung open the door.
"Will do!" Dazai yelled, running down the stairs to the cafe. As he opened the doors, he inhaled the lovely aroma of coffee before calling out. "Y/n my dear! I need to tell you something import-"
To Dazai's dismay, Y/n was nowhere to be seen in the cafe. He blinked a few times before walking towards one of the other workers. "Is Y/n here?" He asked with a hand covering his face.
"Ah, I'm sorry Dazai she didn't come in for her shift this morning.." The barista explained. Dazai's head popped up in surprise. "Uh, really?"
"Mhm, She didn't call in either. It's unlike her. She usually at least gives a call if she's gonna be late." The girl explained. Dazai's eyes furrowed as he thought.
"You should go quickly, Dazai."
Dazai's eyes shot open as he stared at the ground for a moment. "No.."
"Uh, Dazai?" The barista asked him. Dazai turned quickly, running out of the cafe in a hurry. His breath grew ragged as he ran quickly. He stopped in front of a familiar apartment complex to breathe. He then quickly ran in, ignoring the calls from a front desk worker. He sprinted and sprinted as he burst into Y/n's bedroom. "Y/n!" He screamed.
His eyes quickly scanned the room, finding it neatly tidied instead of the mess it was when he first visited her here. He then noticed the bathroom door shut tightly, while steam lightly flowed out of it. He ran to the door, trying the handle only to find it locked.
"Y/n!" He yelled, banging on the door. No answer. Dazai backed up quickly, before slamming his shoulder into the door, causing it to fly off its hinges. He looked up from the floor, seeing the sight he wanted to stop.
(Last major TW before we continue.)
Y/n laid in the bathtub fully clothed. The water from the faucet flowed continually, causing the room to fill with steam. A bottle of some unmarked pills laid on the bathroom floor, followed by a knife of which she'd used to make her wrist bleed. The fresh red liquid had been used to fill a small vile next to her.
Dazai quickly stood up, stopping the water before reaching his hands into the hot water. He wrapped his arms around Y/n's figure, lifting her up into his arms before placing her on the floor gently. He quickly ran to the medicine cabinet, grabbing a cotton swab and a roll of bandages.
He ran back to her fast, checking her pulse before sticking the cotton swab deep into her throat repeatedly until a steady stream of fresh puke left her lips. He pulled her into his arms as she came to, putting pressure on her wrist. Y/n's head felt fuzzy as she looked up at him. "Dazai.."
"Ah, you're conscious. Please stay awake, and don't move too much." Dazai whispered lowly. Y/n's head fog cleared as she came to. Realizing she'd been saved.
"No.." She mumbled as hot tears began to form. She suddenly became enraged. "Why you of all people.." "Y/n?"
"I thought you understood.. I just want to disappear from this world. Don't you get it?"
"I want to save you. I want to live with you, even if it's only for a bit before we depart together. There's still so much I don't know about you. Y/n, I-"
"Stop it!!" Y/n screamed, kicking Dazai away. "Don't you dare say it! What can you do? You may save me for a bit, you may make me feel happy for a short while, but then what!? One day it won't work anymore! And I'll want to die again!"
She was shouting.
"That's why this is all too much! Just let me have a clean death alone! You're so selfish for even coming here and spouting that bull shit!"
Without even realizing it, Y/n was shouting.
"I'm tired..! I'm so tired of thinking there's hope! Tired of waiting, finding something close, then watching it disappear! I'll never find what I'm looking for! I'll... I'll never truly be saved! Don't you see Dazai!?"
Dazai's eyes stayed still as he watched the girl scream.
"I'm so tired.. So tired.! Don't let me despair anymore.. Just let me rot."
The silence in the room was sickening. No one dared move.
Until Dazai broke the silence by cackling. Y/n sniffled confused as she stared at him. "I just keep seeing new sides of you Y/n.. You really are sickeningly complicated." He smirked at her as he inched closer.
Dazai's lips suddenly slammed into Y/n's. The girl's eyes opened wide as she stared at him. After a few seconds, dazai pulled away, a small string of saliva trailing behind. He licked his lips lightly before speaking:
"You called me selfish for saving you.." Dazai spoke before leaning close to Y/n's ear. "But I'm an incredibly greedy man my dear.."
Y/n's face flushed more as Dazai grabbed her wrist, wrapping her wound up tightly. "Even if it takes me saving you a thousand times, I'll do it all over again. So we can have the perfect suicide together."
Y/n breathes in shakily as Dazai kisses her hand gently.
"So, let's try this again. Y/n, my dear. I'm in love with you. Will you join me, in living and dying in this life?"
Dazai's words brought more tears into Y/n's eyes as she nodded lightly.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
Would you write dad!tom?
i’ve never written for tom before, lemme know if this is good pls. also, idk why and idk what the fuck else he be doing but i don’t picture tom as famous in this? ps. why do i want to do this again but month by month
warnings: talk of vomit, talks of pee and a small dash of smuttiness if you look hard enough.
“What does it say?”
Tom is resting against the doorframe with this thumbnail in his mouth, he’s nibbling while trying to turn his neck to watch where you're sitting. He can barely see you, just a peek of your face and a hand between your legs.
You laugh at his excitement, “I’m still peeing!”
He whines, “well, pinch it off! I’m sure there’s enough on it!”
Resting one hand on the wall you brace yourself, you have just enough energy to place the test on the back of the toilet before holding your head in your hand, swaying lightly with the wave of nausea that hits.
“Fuck, I’m gonna puke.”
In an instant Tom pulls himself from the door and places his hand on the back of your head, lightly petting at your hair, his other hand flushes the toilet, you shouldn’t puke where you had just peed.
“Feel like puke or gonna puke?”
You nearly hit the wall with your shoulder, the only thing stopping it was Tom’s quick movement so his hand protected the hit. You’re trying to fight off the gag, your mouth is filling with saliva, you know it’s about to happen, each time you swallow the thick build up it makes another gag climb. You need water, but moving even a millimeter, will have repercussions, you can’t even speak to him without losing it.
You cough a gag, it’s no longer suppressing it, it’s coming, now.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” Tom rushes pulling at your shoulder to get you to get on your knees in front of the toilet.
“Can’t, I can’t,” You gag one more time, he only has a second. Tom pulls away to dash for the small basket you keep near the sink, you instantly hold it to your chest when he reaches it out. “Hair,” you whimper, Tom’s hand wraps your hair around his fist, and like you knew everything was in place, you let loose.
Tom praises and shushes while you cough and expel into the trash can. He’s used to this by now, it’s been happening for two weeks. At first it was unnoticed, usually gagging and nauseous when you wake up, you chalked it up to something not settling or stress from work, but then it got increasingly worse and happened throughout the day.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” You cough the words between gags, it’s like clock work. You only puke three times, then it’s normal.
Tom’s counted, he knows you’re done. He grabs the trashcan without looking at it, he knows it makes you feel bad. “Water?” He ignores the apologies, he’s said more than enough times that you had nothing to say sorry for, you also had nothing to thank him for, but you still said it everytime.
It’s like you’re gasping for air, the bile always makes your throat feel raw. It’s happening so often you’ve started sounding raspy. You nod but there was no need, he’s already gone to grab your water bottle. When Tom returns he flips the straw up for you and holds it out, you lean forward to gulp it down, your arms feel like lead and you pull back and close your eyes.
He was somehow able to toss and change the bag in the time he grabbed your water, “done?” Your eyes are closed and you lean your head against the wall, a hand rests over your stomach and you nod. Tom presses a kiss to your temple, it makes you blink your eyes open at him. You grab at his hand and place a kiss on the backside, “sorry.”
Tom’s nose scrunches, “in sickness and in health, right? You said ‘em too.”
You laugh, “doesn’t mean it’s not gross.”
“Love, trust me. There is quite literally, nothing you could do that would gross me out. I am so utterly in love with you even your puke sparkles.”
Your thumb rubs over the ring on his left, ring finger. A commitment for him to promise he’d love your puke forever. You’re nervous about the test behind you, but not anxious. You’re ready, Tom’s ready, you both agreed last year, after being married for three, that birth control could stop and whatever happened, happened. And nothing did for almost an entire year, not even the puking caught your attention.
It wasn’t until you were talking to a coworker, you had let it slip that you’ve had excruciating headaches almost everyday for the past week, and nothing helped; not even medicine. Her name was Sharon, she was the work mom, everyone had her back because she had theirs, often bringing in baked goods and offering a lending ear, also a supply stash of medicine which is why you were talking to her this morning, that damn headache from yesterday stayed.
Sharon sipped her coffee, “have you been tired lately?”
You groan, “oh god, you have no idea. I’m telling you this in confidence, but for the past week I’ve been going home on my lunch break and taking a nap.” Sharon gets a small grin, she hides it behind her coffee mug, “Don’t alert HR on me, dear. But, have your breasts been really tender?”
You pull a thinking face, you almost wanted to rub them right then to verify. Then you remember a few nights ago when you were in bed with Tom you shied away from him when he grabbed your chest. When you were on top he always played with your tits, but that time it almost hurt when he squeezed them and when he pinched your nipple the shock that jolted through you made you punch his chest. You both had a deer in headlights look, you couldn’t believe you had done that, he couldn’t believe you had either.
“I’m sorry! It was a knee jerk reaction!” You hid your mouth behind your hands, mostly shocked, also because his surprised look was funny and you needed to hide your smile until you saw his reaction.
“You wounded me! In the middle of battle, no less!”
You snort then grind back down on him, he groans and you lower your voice. “I’m sorry, it like, hurt when you did that. It caught me off guard.” Tom’s face scrunches, “hurt?” You pull at his hands to rest over your chest, each hand holds a breast and you use your own to direct his movements. As you squeezed, anything past a tender touch made you hiss. Tom caught on, he raised his hands under your hold and tried himself. “Like this?”
And sure, maybe when you shower and run over them quickly it’s a little sore.
You rub at your temple and blink in the harsh lighting, “yeah, you could say that.”
Sharon glowed, “diagnosis? Take a test, and I hope it’s the answer you want.”
“A test?” Realization hit, you made an ‘oh shit’ face, “you think I’m pregnant?”
Mamma Sharon giggles, “been through it four times, it always started the same. I’d guess it’s been about a month since it started?”
“Tomorrow will be four weeks, holy shit. Tom is gonna be so happy, oh god. Oh god, Sharon, I might be pregnant, holy shit. I wanted this, why am I freaking out?”
Sharon fans your face with her hands, “It’s scary! You’re doing a new thing, your entire life is going to change. But, sweetie, you chose a good person to navigate it with, Tom seems like the exact kind of person to do this with.”
“He is, he really is.”
So, after work you stopped at a drug store and got a pregnancy test, and a bottle of sparkling grape juice. It nearly killed you having to wait on Tom to get home, but you did it, and even waited until after dinner. After you both cleaned the kitchen you followed him to the couch and sat across his lap, he watched the TV behind you and rubbed at your legs, it was something so domestic about your life with him that having a baby right now felt both rushed and timely.
You rested your head against his shoulder and nuzzled in, a message he understood as ‘I’m about to speak, so listen please,’ “I talked to doctor Sharon today at the office,” Tom listens but is still focused on the TV, “and you know how lately I’ve been puky and I’ve had headaches and been super tired and you’ve been banished from touching my boobs?”
Tom looks over at you, his hands squeeze your calf, “yeah,” You push a curl hanging over his forehead back, it bounces right back, “well, I’ve been diagnosed,” his interest is piqued, he knows how awful you’ve been feeling, you both were thinking it was a bug or a new allergy. Tom’s eyebrows raise, he’s waiting for you to go on.
“I’ve been diagnosed with…” You drumroll on his forearm with your pointer fingers, “pregnancy.”
Tom’s jaw drops, “pregnancy?”
“No, but like, pregnancy?”
You shake your fists in the air, “pregnancy!”
Tom pushes you back by your hips to look at your face, “pregnant, pregnant, right?”
You’re ecstatic, he’s ecstatic. It’s how it should be.
“I got a test, I wanted to do it with you though.”
Tom looks around for a drink, there’s a cup of tea and a water bottle on the coffee table. “Do you have to pee? Do you need something, I have tea, do you want tea?” You wince at him, “sorry, lover boy, any chance you can wait til morning?”
Tom’s jaw drops, you can’t drop that bomb then expect him to put it on pause.
“It’s recommended, I promise! The pregnancy hormone is more active in the morning, they said for the most accurate results it should be the first pee of the morning!”
Tom throws his head back with a groan, “but can’t we do one tomorrow too? Don’t tell me you aren’t dying to know!”
You chew on your bottom lip, “after this episode.”
Sure enough before the first credits rolled Tom was pulling you up the stairs, pregnancy test in your hands. He stayed to watch the process, which takes you to now, puky and apologetic.
“We’re going to be together forever, you know that right?”
Tom pets your hair down, “I’d hope so.”
You shake your head, you’re not joking now. “No, I mean like, shit happens you know? And forever is a long time, but now this? Tom, if we're pregnant, that’s it. No matter what happens, we have a kid and we’re wrapped in each other's lives forever.”
Tom pushes his head down to kiss your forehead, his lips murmur where he’s kissed, “doesn’t sound as scary as you’re making it.”
Your lip wobbles, “you mean it?”
Tom rolls his eyes, “what did I tell you again? Oh, that’s right, I do.”
“Don’t ever regret saying them either.”
He scoffs and mutters ‘as if that’s possible,’ under his breath.
You use his arm as support as you pull yourself up and are able to finally put your underwear back on. You grab the test but cover the results with your hand, and walk out to the bedroom. The bed bounces when you throw yourself down, Tom takes a seat next to you.
You blow out a shaky breath, “ready?”
Tom laces his fingers between yours, “ready.”
You hold it up in the light, you both squint looking for the result, your breath catches and Tom wraps a hand around your shoulders.
“Tom, is that a double line?”
“Baby, that’s a double line.”
You hold it an inch from your face, you expect the result to disappear when you blink. You’ve never imagined seeing a positive test, there was no possible way you could be pregnant. It’s shell shock, you knew it was possible, yet you didn’t.
“Tom, I,” You’re at a loss for words, you can’t believe it.
“Baby, you’re pregnant. We’re having a baby.”
His words hit you like bricks.
You sob, happy tears, you both have been wanting this for a year, talking about it for longer.
“Holy shit, babe, holy shit.”
Tom jumps up to wrap his arms around you, even he couldn’t fight the tears. “We’re pregnant, oh my god, baby. You did it.” Your arms were just as tight around him, “Tommy, we did it.”
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thatruerealmwalker · 7 months
Tumblr media
"Sometimes... When I look at the other kids playing around, unaware if what's happening here... My Stomach Hurts..."
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"When one of those Toys is Near... My legs Scream at me to RUN..."
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"When night comes... and the Workers look over me while I try and sleep... My eyes threaten to Cry..."
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"BUT I CAN'T... I can't show that anything is wrong, That I know..."
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"I'll change my chosen toy all the time, be average on every test they give me, speak nothing of what I know..."
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"I'll stall for as long as I can, buy myself as much time as possible. I'll learn every weakness, every flaw, of both this factory and those horrible Toys. I'll get stronger, faster, smarter, as much as possible without anyone catching on. I'll prepare as much as I can, for every fight, every route, every danger..." "So when the time comes..."
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Hello there! This is William, a young orphan within the walls of Playcare, a new OC I made for Poppy Playtime! Specifically William was inspired by and somewhat considered an OC of the blog @realizinau and their wonderful work over there! (Hello!)
William is a kid who knows far, FAR to much then he should. Aware of what the toys really are, aware of what their doing to children like him, and aware that he is not safe within Playcare.
If someone were to ask him about something in the factory, he would most likely know, but would never dare even entertain answering those questions. He knows that one wrong step, one target on his back is enough to get him selected next... so he stays as average as he can, shows himself to be not soon-to-be toy material. He has it down to a science at this point, and he won't risk his life, not yet, not for a damn question.
He considers every toy in the Factory to be both horrifying and the highest threat to his survival and chances at leaving one day. He avoids and dances around them when he can, and recites literal self made mantras of every weakness and every way to harm or escape the toy in question he knows about within his head while around them if he can't (due to not being able to write anything incriminating down). Several times in a panicked state because he doesn't have the tools and weapons on him to follow any plan he has.
He is afraid of the Smiling Critters the most for the fact that he sees them and interacts with them every day, thus being the highest risk to him. After every interaction there is a chance he may genuinely puke in the nearest bathroom from his fear getting hold of him. He silently prays that they never take notice of him, or god forbid take interest in him and spend more time then normal around him. He would wear the most perfect mask while interacting with them but be screaming his Mantras internally while mentally holding a cross, especially around Catnap (due to his red smoke) (not sure if the Realizing Au has Catnap with his red smoke still, so if not he would most likely consider Bubba the most dangerous of the critters).
William's core desire is to leave the factory and never look back. He, when he is at least 80% sure he can get away with it (it used to be higher but he's getting desperate) gathers as much information as he can, about the layout, systems, patrols, anything to give him an edge when the time of his escape comes. He has also been able to make very small stashes of makeshift tools, weapons, and items around Playcare, all either to help him escape or fight back against a Toy should he need to. The most dangerous is a Flare hand he smuggled off of a GrabPack once, which almost got him caught.
William is at the point where he genuinely does not value any life inside the Factory other then his own, and would not hesitate to kill a staff worker or Toy should he have to. Again, nothing matters to William other then getting out... but that could change depending on events to come.
I'll be throwing some more stuff of William up later, but I absolutely tore my hand up drawing all this today. Hope you enjoyed!
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moldybonessmell · 1 month
// TUA season 4 SPOILERS
This season was absolutely horrendous, not gonna lie.
My scientific diagram regarding something that used to be my favorite show:
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There's absolutely nothing I like about new season.
Now, more specifically, things I hate:
Klaus being traumatized for no reason and having no character development for 2 seasons straight (see rant).
Ben preaching eternal love and hooking up with a girl he met like a day ago while people around puke venom cum😃.
Right away, adding the "comedic gore" which is a sin for so many recent shows and TUA went the same annoying and overplayed route. Bloody scenes were cool when it was Five killing people with an iconic background music and stuff, but not the gore for the gore's sake.
By the way, music game is so weak this season, they literally took out the best part of the show that has become its trademark, what are creators doing???
Storyline with Diego thinking Lila is cheating and them being drowned in family life would have worked if it was in a different show, but it's TUA and it's boring as hell, sorry. (Maybe dont get like 3 kids if it's so difficult??? idk man)
Luther is stripper? Seriously? Completely unprovoked. Made for comedic sake once again, and I don't respect that. They didn't know what to do with his character and made him into comic relief, how unexpected /sarcasm.
Tension between Lila and Five, really? You took the best platonic dinamic, them actually being sibling-coded, and made it into romance? I have zero respect left. I do not care it was 6 years for them, I truly don't give a fuck. I cringed so hard. I just wanted to turn it off completely. Episode 5 is VILE, especially RIGHT AFTER Diego recognising family is more important than work. These scenes being one after other is diabolical. Also, Five hiding "the way home" for 5 months?? OOC as hell, if you ask me. You know what even more OOC and dumb? Five fighting Diego over Lila when The Cleanse is the bigger problem at the moment. (How did Five even end up on the floor, he's like the best killer in timeline??)
" - Why did I wait to take the shot.. - Maybe because you're a good man after all." No the fuck he's not. Reginald Hargreaves is not a good man. In neither timelines. The way the show tries to make him a gray character and make us like him is cringe as hell, just stop.
When I found out last season is only 6 episodes long I was upset, but at the time I finished episode 4 I just couldn't wait till the season is over.
(I had to finish it tho, for a slight possibility it's gonna get better and my rant posts to be relevant you know).
Honestly, I'm just glad it's over. The less seasons the less possibilities for the show to get even worse.
"I think we're alone now" as a closing song was a good choice tho.
Edit: I haven't checked the tags before posting and can't believe like 20 people have already used the horse meme before me guess we all thought the same bruh
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
How's about follower kallamar with a squid reader that is the head doctor and a former follower of his
On the day of your indoctrination...an ugly plague was currently infesting he entire cult. It definitely wasn't the best first impression.
You saw so many sick followers shuffling around, trying not to throw up (although some failed miserably) as they went about their daily tasks.
Lamb excuses themselves to go yell at the healthy followers who didn't bother cleaning all the puke lying around, before sending the sick to their beds and shoving thermometers in their mouths.
And of course, an elder decides to die right next to the goddamn shrine...resulting in those still hanging around to vomit at the sight.
Once everything's slightly under control, Lamb rushes back to officially welcome you into the cult, but you're not impressed at all.
"You promised me sanctuary, Lamb. But all I see is illness and death here...was I right to trust you?"
"....you can blame your "bishop" for all of this......I promise this is a safe haven."
You give them the benefit of the doubt, considering they did save you from being sacrificed to Kallamar.
But when asked why his followers chose you, you explained that you're actually a doctor who treated a lot of sicknesses back in Anchordeep. Sore throats, stomach bugs, flu, pox, etc. You were seen as sort of a miracle worker.
Unfortunately Kallamar saw your skills as a threat to his power, insisting only he can perform "miracles" and decide who's worthy of healing...and his fanatics were inclined to agree.
Luckily, your new leader allowed you to take on that role once again without fear of persecution, and you got the plague under control practically overnight.
You've implemented a system where every follower got a regular checkup. Even if they looked or felt fine, it's better to be safe than sorry.
When Lamb started bartering with ???, they gifted you a gold immortality necklace to ensure you didn't die of old age (seriously, they needed your medical expertise).
You already had a skull necklace, but were grateful nevertheless.
Ironically, Kallamar became the most troubling patient when he arrived into the cult, getting sick right off the bat just from his spiraling anxiety.
He hid behind a tree upon seeing you.....and Lamb found him, literally having to drag him over to your medbay (now a small building instead of a single shrub hut) and order you to treat him.
Great Ones forbid he caused a plague as both bishop and follower. They weren't going to tolerate that.
Ofc, he was hesitant to say anything to you, but after quietly treating his stomach ache and changing his bandages...he breaks down sobbing on the cot, begging for forgiveness.
"I-I was wrong. You do..s-so much good work. You were thriving, performing all these miracles, and....a-and I tried to take that all away....why heal me?"
"Kallamar, I'm not holding that against you anymore." You reassure him. "You're free of the Blue Crown's influence. I know you didn't really want me dead, did you?"
"..n-no, my...followers suggested it. Cult morale was low a-after what happened to Leshy and Heket so...I had to do something!"
Whether that revelation made you feel better or worse, you find it in your heart to forgive him, never denying him treatment even if others in the cult disagree.
You wanted to help him. One squid healing another.
To this day, he still feels bad visiting your medbay, but with time he becomes more comfortable approaching you whenever he gets sick.
Soon enough you find out one of the primary causes of his stomach pains.
It's cauliflower stew (while there's a 5% chance of sickness for everyone else who consumes it, his is always at 100% for some reason).
As it turns out he, ironically, has a severe cauliflower intolerance.
Poor guy never knew that was a thing.
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year
The Insincerity of the Stars
Suguru Getou
[Chapter 25] Moving On
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Pairing: Suguru Getou x f!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Stabbing
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
*Can't believe this is the end, I had so much fun writing this
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Suguru doesn’t come to your apartment that night. You’re thankful for the loneliness because it helps you figure out what you want to do. You’re obviously going to leave him, but you’re not sure how. Do you want to leave town again, or do you want to stay and attempt to move on?
You work together, so leaving seems like the best option. But running away feels like what you always do. You learned that Suguru will find you anyway. Maybe you can move on, find someone new and start over right here. It also seems like a sweet method of revenge. Suguru watching as you move on. But that thought leaves your mind quickly. You don’t know if Suguru even cares for you, plus moving on just to get revenge isn’t good for you.
Thinking about yourself is what you should do. Getting revenge should be the last thing on your mind. Moving on with your life, and trying to be happy– Whether it’d be by yourself or with someone else, here or in the middle of nowhere. 
The raging side of you wants to break it off the worst way possible. Have Suguru catch you cheating on him with some other guy, however, that won’t end well. You don’t want Suguru to look down on you for that, in fact, you want him to end things somewhat well so he’ll forever think about how severely he messed everything up. You’ll confront him, and that’s it. That’ll be the way you end things off.
Just thinking about it makes you feel as if your heart is about to beat out of your chest. Your blood boils while tears flood your eyes. You knew Suguru would mess up, just not like this. You never expected Suguru to betray you with another woman.
You can’t sleep that night, you toss and turn on your bed until the sun is nearly out again. That’s when your body can finally fall asleep. You wake up around four hours later, extremely tired but even more nervous about how you’ll deal with everything today. You know that he’ll show up here soon. He’ll show up, apologize for everything, and then ask what’s wrong. You can already hear him ask where your engagement ring is. Just that mere thought fuels you up, and you grip your toothbrush a little too hard when you brush your teeth.
You find it hard to get ready that morning, but you refuse to stay in your bed and cry for him. You won’t waste your day nor your tears on him.
You want to text Shoko, but you know better. She was opposed to the relationship since it began, so you doubt you’ll hear words that will make you feel better. You have no one to comfort you at this time, and it’d be one of the things that pain you the most, if it weren’t for the fact that your fiancée has literally been lying to you for the past six months. He’s becoming a father.
You sit on your couch, just looking out the window. Feeling lifeless. You shouldn’t even be feeling like this because you swore you were ready to take it when Suguru would screw up again.
You’re so lost that you fail to hear the door open. You feel him kiss the top of your head, and you feel nauseous. You regret giving him a spare key to your place.
“Good morning, my love. How are you doing?” Suguru asks, and your jaw clenches. He takes a seat next to you, and he grabs your left hand. He immediately notices your engagement ring missing, you never take it off. “Where’s your ring? Did you forget to put it on?”
“I gave it away.” You answer, not bothering to look at him while you take your hand back. Just touching him makes you want to puke. You have to scoot away from him because he’s too close for your liking, and his cologne is a pungent smell. “I was thinking about selling it and going on a nice vacation, but I saw this homeless woman and thought about how she needs it more than me. I have enough money to go on a vacation.”
“What? Are you crazy? That was my mother’s ring. A very expensive ring, dare I tell you.” Suguru sounds agitated when you respond. You stand up and begin to walk to your bedroom. He stands up and begins to follow.
“Yeah, I know it’s expensive. That’s why I gave it away.” You nonchalantly reply. You begin to look through your drawers for your scissors, and when you find it, you go through your closet. You pick Suguru’s clothes and begin to cut them up, and Suguru’s eyes widen.
“What the hell has come over you?” He asks, trying to take the scissors out of your hands when he sees you cutting up one of his favorite shirts. It’s why you picked that one to start on. “What the hell?!”
“Over me? I’m fine, Suguru!” You raise your voice when he takes the scissors out of your hand. You push him away since he stands too close to you, “What the hell is wrong with you?! You really thought I wouldn’t find out?!”
“Find out what?” Suguru questions, attempting to act confused but you can’t buy it. Even if you tried, you couldn’t. Your bottom lip quivers and you can’t even look at him. You’re not going to break down in front of him, “Find out what?!”
“Don’t play dumb, Suguru! I’m so fucking tired of your shit. Why did you get back with her?! Is this some kind of joke to you?!” You yell at him, and Suguru freezes. He’s been caught. “You know what? Congratulations. You’re becoming a father.”
“Baby… Please. Let’s talk about it.” Suguru changes his voice so it’s so much more gentle. He takes a seat on the side of your bed, scratching his head. “It’s not what you think–”
“That baby is yours, isn’t it?” You ask him. Suguru doesn’t respond until you raise your voice, repeating the same question, “That baby is yours, isn’t it, Suguru?!”
“Yes! It’s mine but–” He begins but you cut him off as you laugh in utter disbelief. 
“Take your stuff and leave. You’re a fucking idiot. What were you even planning on doing in marrying me? Were you planning on leaving me at the altar?” You question, your voice breaking as you speak. This is much harder than you thought. Suguru just thinks of what to say, and the silence slowly kills you. “Answer!”
He grabs your hand and pulls you closer to him, before wrapping his arms around your waist. You try to push him away, but he won’t let you. “Let go of me, Suguru.”
“I love you so much, please…” He begins and your hands go to his face, only for your nails to dig into his skin. It hurts him, but he isn’t going to complain when bigger issues are on his plate. “Please… You’re the love of my life. I wanted to get married fast so we could move away and forget about everyone and everything here. I landed a job in a town that’s two hours away, and that was going to be my excuse. Let’s move away and pretend as if nothing happened.”
“Suguru, you cheated on me. You don’t understand how big that is. I can’t just look past that.” You respond, a million thoughts flooding your head. “How can I even trust you after you left me last night just to meet up with her? Who do you even love?”
“I love you. Just you. I’d die without you. Let’s just move away.” His voice is so soft while speaking to you. He looks up at you, his eyes so tender, and there’s a spark behind them. He isn’t lying, but at this point what the hell do you know.
“Move away? You’re becoming a father… What are you planning on doing? Abandoning your child?” You’re baffled. You furrow your eyebrows while looking down on him, as you remove your fingernails from his face. You’d almost feel bad for the bit of blood that comes out, but Suguru deserves that and more “Abandoning your child for what?”
“I love you. You’re the only person I need in my life. I’m sure he’d grow up fine without me.” He responds.
“I’m the only person you need?” You scoff. “Then why did you go back to her when we started dating? Don’t fucking lie to me.”
“My mother asked me to! She asked me to see her for a while and see if I wanted to get back with her. I was planning on leaving her after a month or two but she got… Pregnant.” He ends up confessing. “But we can leave, baby. Just me and you. We’re all we need. We can start our own little family somewhere else and–”
Instead of cutting him off by speaking, you cut him off by spitting on his face. When he feels your saliva on his nose, running down, he can’t speak. He finally lets go of you and wipes it off. “You’re an idiot if you think I’m ever starting a family with you.”
You begin to look through the closet again, picking out his clothes and throwing them on the floor. He stands up and gets in front of you before getting on his knees, tears welling up in his eyes and they spill when he begins to talk.
“Please… We can work this out.” He begins and instead of throwing the clothes on the floor, you throw them directly at him. You’re trying your best to make it hurt. “Can we please talk about it?”
“Suguru, if you’re not out of this apartment in five minutes–” You pick up the scissors that he tossed aside. “I’m stabbing you.”
“Baby, please… Let’s give it some time.”
Suguru wasn’t out of your apartment in those five minutes, and you stuck to your word. He ended up going on a trip to the hospital with a pair of scissors in his abdomen. A random pair of scissors he ran into, magically; or at least that’s what he told the doctor and nurses. His now ex-fiancée had nothing to do with it.
Afterwards he tries to talk to you about it, but you refuse to see him. You don’t share an office anymore so ignoring him is fairly easy. He tries to tell you how much he loves you, then he tries to guilt trip you. This time he realizes he’s lost you, and it pains him more than anything.
His last attempt to talk to you is by leaving the ultrasound picture of your baby, a picture he has carried around for years. In the back he wrote the name he wanted for the baby, and then how much he loved you. How he needed to talk to you so desperately. But it didn’t work.
On the contrary, you were gone the very next day. 
Five years go by, and Suguru just looks out the window, hoping that he’ll see you again. He hopes to randomly see you, but he doubts that he’ll ever find you in the suburbs. He still holds onto that hope though. 
He’s a father now, and he’s also married. He wishes he could say he loves his life the way it turned out, but he truly doesn’t. If it weren’t for his son, he’d absolutely hate it. He doesn’t like his home life, so he spends most of his time working. He adores his son, but Suguru holds this resentment– Which isn’t his child’s fault, but often he wonders what could’ve been. He wonders where he’d be right now if he had gotten to marry you. If you had chosen to leave with him.
Whenever Suguru gets home, he tries to do so as quietly as possible. He doesn’t like drawing the attention to him to then be bombarded by questions by his wife. None of them about his day, just nagging about things he has to do. It feels like he married his mother, and he hates it. He often thinks about getting a divorce, but that’s just dumb. He’s lost everything, he might as well stick with this.
“Daddy!” Suguru hears, and he smiles. That’s all Suguru has. He picks up the five-year-old that comes running to him, and Suguru kisses his forehead.
“How are you? How was your day?” Suguru asks, and as soon as he says that, he hears his name. A sigh escapes his lips before he puts his son down on the floor. “What?!”
“You got some mail!” His wife yells from the kitchen, and Suguru walks to the kitchen. He goes to the counter and grabs the opened envelopes. There’s truly no privacy in the house, and he hates it. “Who is Shoko?”
“Shoko?” Suguru responds, furrowing his eyebrows. He looks for the envelope that might have something containing anything from Shoko. He finds it, and he finds a wedding invitation. He feels his heart stop, thinking that you’re getting married to Shoko. But he sees the other name, and it’s not yours. “She’s an old friend…”
“Really? How long ago because I’ve never heard of her and she’s sending you a wedding invitation.” She says, making Suguru sigh. He wonders why she’s doing this. Shoko hasn’t bothered to communicate with him in the past five years. She doesn’t have to show off anything since she isn’t marrying you so… Why did she decide to send an invitation? “Suguru? Aren’t you going to answer? Don’t you think I forgot that little stunt you pulled while I was pregnant.”
“Shut up, you’re so irritating. I just got home.” Suguru ends up walking away. His brain is going a thousand miles an hour. He reads the invitation over and over again while he walks to the living room, and his son follows behind him. His son sits down beside him on the couch.
“What’s that, daddy?”
“Just got something from an old friend, buddy. Nothing fun.”
Suguru decides to go to Shoko’s wedding. He has nothing to lose, and he came to the conclusion that maybe he’ll see you there. Maybe he can convince you to leave with him this time. It’s been five years, you’re definitely less mad than before. Although his plan isn’t so easy. His wife wants to join him. 
His plan seems nearly impossible to accomplish when he doesn’t see you in the ceremony. You’re not the other bride, and he doesn’t see you sitting around anywhere. His wife sees how he’s searching for something, but she doesn’t get any kind of answer when she asks what he’s looking for.
At the reception is when he finally sees you. Looking as beautiful as ever, wearing a navy blue dress that’s outshined by the beautiful diamonds on your neck, your wrist and your ears. His heart skips a beat, and he feels his face get warm. And then he realizes that Shoko arranged for you to sit together. It feels like Shoko and the universe are on his side. 
You blatantly ignore him when you take a seat, and that’s what he focuses on until the blond man takes a seat beside you and kisses your cheek. His wife is glaring at you, remembering you as clearly as yesterday, while Suguru holds back tears realizing that you’ve moved on. But then he thinks about Hiromi and how he managed to scare Hiromi away, why can’t he do that with this fool.
“Kento, I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” You stand up and begin to walk away. Suguru takes a hint, or he thinks he does and ends up standing up. He’s thinking about his engagement party, and the very fun events which he thinks about way too often. 
Suguru walks into the bathroom, and locks the door behind him so no one else can come in. You’re the only one occupying a stall. When you finish using the bathroom, your eyes widen when you see Suguru leaning against the sinks, waiting for you. You begin to wash your hands, trying your best to ignore him.
“You look really beautiful tonight.” Suguru says, and you ignore him as you wash your hands. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t talk to him ever again, even if it’s been five years since you left him again. But you have so many questions.
“Meet me outside in an hour or so.” You tell him while drying your hands, and he holds back a smile. 
Suguru waits outside, his hands in his pockets as he looks around for you. It’s the beginning of summer, so he doesn’t mind waiting outside because it’s warm. He hears the distant sound of the music that comes from the inside but it’s overshadowed by the sound of crickets. He takes a deep breath and looks up at the night sky.
“Hi…” He hears, and that’s when he sees you. With your date right beside you. Suguru weakly smiles as he greets you two. Your lips kiss your date before you tell him, “I’ll be back inside in a minute, baby. I promise it’ll be okay.”
Kento cups your face and kisses your lips, leaving his lips on yours for a long moment so Suguru will take the hint. Suguru doesn’t have all night, he told his wife that he needed a moment, and he knows she’ll be out here in a couple of minutes to bother him. Kento pulls away and walks away.
“Is he your boyfriend?” Suguru questions and you furrow your eyebrows at the question. Mainly because his initial thought was that Kento was a boyfriend and not your husband.
“Husband.” You answer. “I just wanted to see how you’ve been..” You lie. You don’t really care. You just want to see where he’s at in life, and the petty side of you wants to see if you’ve won. Although that’s not something you can measure. And maybe you want to brag. “How’s your wife? Your kid?”
“They’re… Fine.” Suguru replies. He can’t ask you to leave with him now because he’ll get rejected. He does have a question though, “Do you… hate me? I mean you did stab me and after that I never heard from you– Not that I didn’t give you a reason to hate me.”
“Hmm… I don’t.” You respond. “For a long time I thought I did. But then I met Kento. I got a mother-in-law who loves me. A husband who used to put me above anyone else. I thought I still hated you until I got married, and on my wedding night I realized that if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have met the love of my life.”
“He used to put you above everything?” Suguru asks, sticking to one part of all you said. He’s trying to paint Kento in a bad light. “What happened? Shouldn’t he always put you above–”
“We had kids. We had our daughter and then our son. He puts them above everyone and everything else. I want him to. I don’t need a man that puts a woman above his own kid.” You interrupt him, and Suguru bites down on his lip, knowing that your last sentence is meant to criticize him.
“You’re a mother now? Congratulations. That’s so nice to hear.” He feels the tears welling up in his eyes, feeling hurt that you’ve moved on. Hypocritical. He chews on the inside of his cheek before he blurts out, “Are you happy?”
“I never thought I could ever be so happy.” You smile. “How about you?”
“No.” He ends up shaking his head, his voice breaking and a tear escaping his eye. You end up pouting, almost feeling bad for him. You wrap your arms around him and he returns your hug. You pat his back while he says, “I miss you so much. I love you. I hate life without you.”
“Aw…” You say, holding back on smirking, knowing that in the end you won. “This is what you chose Suguru. Maybe you should’ve thought twice before deciding to make your mother happy.”
“I know, baby. I know. I think about you all the time. About our life.” He tells you as you pull away from the hug, and he tries to hang on because he’s not ready to let go. 
“Shouldn’t you be happy? In the end you’ve made your mother happy by marrying her.” You respond, holding back on smiling. “This is what you chose. You should be happy. I know I’m over the moon with what I chose.” 
“I just… I miss you so much.” 
“I know.” You tell him. “I should get back inside. Kento is waiting for me. Plus, I promised Shoko I’d dance with her.”
“Okay…” Suguru awkwardly says, watching as you walk away. He tries to stop the tears before walking back inside, and while he does so, his wife walks out.
“Why– Are you okay?” She notices how he wipes away his tears. 
“I love her.”
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🏷 @witchofoe @cactustattoo @hayatxlife @dearsunaa @dmnbby @mykyoon @luvs-wrld @b3ast1706 @crispmarshmallow @matchabluebeiry-for-nanami @nobody289x @brownskinnedgirll @watyousayin @lilith412426 @cloudsinthecosmos @todoroki-slut @pinkfilmcamera @nothisispatrick300 @lilithlunas @tojianddabisslut @thisbicc @rumi-rants @chloee0x0 @megumisemo @ingenii-supra-modum @shartnart1 @oi-loverboy @peachtrbl @didy-na @katykat71114
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fandomtherapy44 · 6 months
Solider Boy x reader
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Summary: The year just turning into 1982 Vaught's Payback being the most talked Superhero group especially Vaught's Golden boy. The elusive handsome player Solider boy. Y/n has always wanted to help people with her powers so when Payback starts interviewing, she has to go. Her whole life is about get shaken up not just by how she thought superheroes were supposed to be but by an arrogant self-absorbed but handsome asshole.
Paring: Solider boy x reader/Enemies to lovers
word count: 1,338
Chapters: 1/?
WARININGS: oh, shit here we go again. Major language, Cancer patient, being mean to Y/n.
I got the divder from
AN/ Hey everyone so I've been thinking to make this for a while now. Since I love the Boys so much did, I start watching this show for Jensen maybe did I stay for the others yes. I think Payback is so interesting, so this is like a prequel series. I just love the backstory of Payback I hope we get more in this new season. This first chapter we don't meet Ben, but we will soon ;) Hope you enjoy.
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Chapter one: Taking the leap
The year being 1982 I was freshly twenty-eight working at fucking Vought burger I mean I was making money not much but still I just thought I would be somewhere else at this age. I was mopping the floors at one am with the smell of cell killing chemicals and the four-hour crust of kid puke up my nose. The old tv in the corner of the ceiling was a plus though because Vaught central channel would replay old Payback movies. Superheroes were my everything when I was a kid especially when I learned I had the very powers that my hero’s had. But my mom never wanted me to use them. 
“Hey Y/n how’s your mom doing?” My friend slash coworker asked me. “Oh well she has a treatment this week but after that I don’t know how I’m going to cover the cost next time.” “I can maybe scrape some money together.” I put my mop down and turned to her. “No no I couldn't ask you to do that you have your own shit to worry about.” “Ok but if there is anything else I can do I will be there.” I smile at her kindness. “I'm counting on it.” Just two more damn hours and I could go home and sleep for three hours and then go to my next job.
“Hey, did you hear about those auditions downtown?” “What auditions?” I asked, not really paying attention trying to get the puke stain out of the tiled floor. “Really you haven't heard that’s surprising of how much you love superheroes, it's the payback auditions.” I nearly slipped on the puke. “What! Are you serious!?” I ran over to her shaking her. “Yes Y/n yes! Now can you stop shaking me? I think my brain is starting to leak.” “Ha yes sorry it’s just that it has literally been my dream since I've learned I have powers.” “So, are you going to go?” That was the question.
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The weather today was cold, and it was raining well more like pouring and my broken umbrella was barely holding together. I walked in and said hello to the nurse. Before I walked in the room, I put on the fake smile that I put on every time. “Hey mom.” I went to her bed. “Sweetpea, I didn’t know you were coming today.” She said in a very southern draw one of the many things I loved about her. “I wanted to surprise, especially today.” I looked to the tube in her arm for her treatment.
“So, how’s college?” Right college. “Well, my professor says that he was most impressed by my last paper.” This was all bullshit but if I told her what I was really doing all day she would discharge herself and go home and let God do the work to heal her. Well sadly I couldn't leave it up to God not where she was with her stage. “Now that's my daughter on her way to be on the top and get her dream job.” Dream job now that was a joke.
“Yeah...” I looked at the time and my other job was calling. “Well mom I have to run to class. Do you need anything before I go.” She grabs my hand and stares in my eyes. “I just want to look at my little girl for a minute.” In that minute my heart was racing. “Now sweetie go kick but!” My mother would never curse. She said that if she did that she might as well drink dirt then sweet lemonade. 
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On my way to work my umbrella fully went down. Luckily there was an awning, and I ran under it. I looked out and it seemed the whole world was working against me. My mother, my job, my lack of a love life but that was the last thing on my mind. The weather was like my life exploding all at once. I just didn’t know what to do. But I think the world heard me and a gust of wind threw up a flyer in my face but not just any flyer.
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“Hi there, can you please step forward and state your name,age,height,weight,Sup name.” I don’t think I have ever sweat so much in my life. “Uh Y/n L/n,28,’-,___’ and I don’t know ha.” I looked down nervously. “You're auditioning for a superhero team and you don’t have a name?” The woman looked at me in disbelief. “I-” She holds up her hand to stop me. “You know what I don’t have time to hold your fucking hand like in kindergarten just show us your powers.”
I took that in stride and stood back. I breathed in deeply and used my whole body to push forward and a force came out that crumbled all the practice dummies. I also grabbed the air around me and made a blade. Then I made a shield from that same air. I looked back and everyone looked shocked. The woman from before stacked her papers. “Um thank you we will call you.” I bowed and said thank you.
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It had been about a month, and I had heard nothing, so I had lost hope. I was once again cleaning a kid's mess. Parents really need to watch their kids. “Y/n phone call!” My coworker called out and I threw down my rag and dusted off my pants and went to the phone. “Hello” “Hello this Vaught.” My eyes widened and I held my hand over the phone to not hear my escaped squeals. “What are you calling about?” I tried to keep my excitement in.
“Well, the people who are behind payback were very impressed with your audition and would like to invite you to be the newest member of payback.” I did not think twice. “YES!” “I mean yes I would love to.” “Great you will be flown out on the first of next month.” Oh, shit I didn't know it would be that quick. She sensed my quiet. “Will that be a problem?” “No of course not thank you.” She hung up. “Who was that?” My coworker asked. “That was the call telling me that I'm going to be the newest member of Payback.” I said realizing that my whole life changed in five minutes.
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It was only the tenth, but I had so much shit to do I had to quit my jobs, stop renting and tell my mom which to be honest I was putting that off. “Hey mom.” “Sweetpea if you keep on surprising me, I'm going to have to start getting pretty for you.” “Mom, you are beautiful everyday no matter what.” “Aww you're just saying that.” “Speaking about our visits, they will have to slow down.” She looked disappointed. “Well, I understand for school.” Here I go. “Mom I'm just going to say it…  you're looking at the newest member of Payback.” “Tell me you're joking.” “No mom I’m not.”
“Y/n you can’t it's too dangerous.” “Mom, I swear to you I will train every day be the safest possible.” “No, I won’t allow it.” “Well sorry I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions. And frankly my fast-food jobs are not cutting it for the bills.” “Fast food? What about college?” “I couldn't do both make money and do school.” “So, you've been lying this whole time.” “I’m sorry mom but it was between me, and you and I chose you.” She had hot tears welling up. “But with this job I can pay for everything and more.” “You'll call me every day?” I threw myself in her arms like I was a little girl again. “Everyday.”
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I get on the plane, and I sit down. My whole life was about to change. I was going to go from nobody to where I have permission to punch strangers. But I was ready for whatever or whoever will be there. 
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bolontiku · 7 months
I cant... 🤣🤣 baking at a different cafe.
Work things under the cut
I knew people really didn't like me at work. Bahaha I didn't know it was this bad.
My Lil sister has been baking at a Cafe thats been shit to her, my other trainee was there and I got the Lil sis hired to do pan up (prep) work so she wouldn't have a hard time. Fast forward a few months that trainee went to another store (for better pay, a little suggestion to my boss). But this left the Lil sister alone, management promised to get her help.
A year later she is doing triple the work I do by herself with empty promises of help. So I talk to my Cafe GM about getting her transferred over to our Cafe as a retail employee. A step down but she wont be doing a job as stressful alone, it evens out. Everything is in the works and the baker in training decides to quit. They had pushed her transfer date back a month to train the new one. Getting closer to transfer date and the acting GM at her Cafe is coming up with excuses to not transfer her.
He will do it tomorrow. Oh, he's never done one. Doesn't know how to do it. He's busy in meetings. Promise... promise... promise...
My sister has been sick, legit vomiting on account of how stressed she has become.
I talk to my GM again, this time with the proposal of them and us switching for her last week. My GM is as bullhead as I am and literally sat there texting back and forth until the other agreed. He kept coming up with excuses "she's become unreliable" "calls off" "don't want to send you a bad worker-" I tell her that I have to hold my sisters hair back while she pukes out of anxiety. I tell her "imagine your brother coming home everyday vomiting out of stress at a job he hates". My GM is not happy.
We talk cause he is hesitant having me bake at his Cafe "cause he knows I am not the one to mess with, he's afraid cause he knows he's treated her like shit and I won't put up with it" my GM agrees. She has worked that Cafe before and knows how draining and horrible it is. How lazy and u supportive the management is.
She laughing cause he says "he doesn't want you to fuck him over" now. Why would that be the case? If he didn't screw others over he wouldn't project that onto others or expect the same shitty treatment.
I promise to be as professional as I have always been. She knows I am good for it.
Yesterday (saturday) was the first day there. He is literally scrambling to not speak to me. The other manager is asking me about my sister and why she didn't want to be there anymore. Stress from the workload. Everybody knows this. She has been vocal about it and every manager knows that a bake of 2.5k requires two people. Being told her work is crap when she has 1yr of experience and is being compared to veteran bakers of 8+yrs and being lied to about receiving help.
They stutter about not having help themselves. I deadass look at him and let him know that is their failure. You interview people, lie to them about what they will be doing and then in turn treat them like crap when they come in. Nurture and help your employees grow, train them properly, schedule them the hours you promised and be there for them. Both my trainees roughed it out at that store out of loyalty to ME. Because I trained them. How many times did I get calls from them crying because they were stressed?
The manager shook his head and dropped it. Couldn't look me in the eyes. They've fucked up. I managed to get both of them back into my Market and into cafes where they won't be as stressed.
But I get to work. The management ends up scrambling to get me the numbers they need for their catering and add-ons. Once I bake a product I won't go back to re-bake more. The staff that don't know me come over to gossip, how they've tried to help the baker but they don't know what they are doing. If she could just do her job--
I smile, "imagine coming in and having to run the dining area on top of cashiering, oh and there's no help so on top of cashiering you need to run batista and stock, oh and don't forget we need help making sandwiches and salads too."
The woman looks stressed.
"Now after working your ass off you're told what a disappointment you are and you should have done better."
"But I cannot do all of that at once!!!" She stresses.
"But you expect this baby baker to do all of it without help?" I laugh as she stands there flabbergasted and the management team stays quiet. "This store is fucking pathetic, I wouldn't put up with it. MY management team knows how to handle their catering and numbers, not only that they support me and have no problems taking over. If you treat your people good they will return the favor, yes? Fair is fair right?"
She nods and shuts her fucking mouth. Walking away quietly.
One of the boys that already knows me is giggling and I see him, scream his name and we hug. Nobody else speaks to me.
Get my sisters name out your fucking mouth trash.
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lbxbx · 6 months
I’ve had diabetes since I was a kid and tend to drop my sugar fast and hard and if I don’t catch it in time I get super sick. Can you maybe Drabble and give me your headcanons on how the boys would take care of you?
Oh no.
I hope you’re doing well, T1D is seriously exhausting and literal pain in the butt 🤕
I’m sorry this took some time but it’s my first time doing headcanons like these, but hey your girl got you so sit back and enjoy ❤️❤️
“Why’d you call him?” You were holding the bucket onto your lap as Yoongi was assisting you with the least he can do, which is holding back your hair off of your face. It hurts him to see you this pale and sick, specially that this isn’t your first time binge eating candies until you ended up being hospitalized.
“He needs to know Y/N, he said he’s coming here in no time.” He grabs your hair tighter when you cough again before throwing up into the bucket, tears are already streaming down your face and your tummy hurts. Namjoon’s reaction wasn’t different from any other time, he’s rushing to the hospital after he managed to take an hour leave out of his work to take care of you, and the second he gets into the hospital even the staff recognize him and lead him towards the bed you’re in.
“Hey, there you are.” He rushes towards you and grabs your hair instead, it shatters him to see you like this constantly that he’d do anything to make you feel better. “It’s okay, you’re going to be okay.”
He eases you, knowing that you always panic when this happens, his soft touch on your face and the little rubs he gives to your back can ease the pain in a second, and he’s not even half grossed out when he sees you all pale and sweaty and puking when this happens repeatedly, he finds himself wanting to shower you with kisses and he ends up doing it, and again you swear he kisses the pain away.
Namjoon is the type that gets super worried over you, he wakes up in the middle of his sleep just to make sure you’re breathing, he keeps his eyes locked onto your chest just to watch it rising, a sigh of relief is always followed by that before he goes back to his sleep.
 “Once this is over I’ll take you home so we can spend the couple next days together.”
“I know you don’t feel good, I just came in to see if there’s anything I could do to you.” He walks into the kitchen to see your hands shaking, eagerly looking around for something sweet, you’re starting to feel low and you could almost swear you were about to pass out.
The entire night you were quiet and not much came out of your mouth, and Seokjin was the type to observe from away, he wouldn’t show you he’s worried nor would he get up on his feet to actually help you unless you totally need him. This was something you wanted and you requested since he keeps observing your body and how you change when you’re starting to feel low.
Seokjin’s recent search on his phones is “Remedies to treat Diabetes at home.” When he knows that this is chronic and cannot be treated, but the man hasn’t lost his hope, he secretly visits your doctor without you just to make sure you’re doing good and if there’s anything he can do for you at home just to prevent any complications.
“I got you this.” Your head snaps towards him to see him holding a jar of biscuit butter, being emotional and irritable when you feel low is a common thing, do your eyes burn or are those tears?
 You grab out a spoon before putting it into your mouth, and in seconds you feel yourself recharged. And he’s watching you with a faint smile lingering on his face, he would give you the world if you wanted it.
“Give me your finger.” He doesn’t even spare a glance towards you, you don’t remember what your glucometer looks like anymore since he has it all the time, he has an alarm on his phone to check you four times a day even when you promise him that you feel totally okay and there’s nothing to worry about.
You roll your eyes and give him your hand, he carefully grabs onto you and pokes the tiny needle into the tip of your finger before dabbing some blood onto the tiny slide. A smirk lies on your face when you memorized what he does all the time, he cleans your finger with a cotton pad before kissing the tip of it and apologizing quietly. “Sorry.”
It takes the device five second to flash the number which is considered totally normal for you, but not normal enough for Yoongi, so he gets up onto his feet and makes his way to the kitchen before rushing back in seconds.
“Here’s some Gatorade and chocolate.” With a stable voice tone he puts the things in front of you and takes his seat back next to you on the couch which makes you giggle and wrap your arms around him, peppering his cheek with little kisses. “Thank you.”
“I’m Jung Hoseok and I’ll be your doctor for today.” He walks into your bedroom wearing his white button up shirt and glasses which makes you laugh your heart out at him, you had just passed out a couple minutes ago and he found you lying on your bathroom floor, which he cannot deny made him panic.
You usually sense that you’re about to get low for this time you felt nothing, even when you spent the night with him and it was considered somewhat a heavy workout session, you usually snack on something but this time you didn’t and you got into the bathroom to take a shower and ended up where you are right now.
“Stop, I’m okay now.” You whine when comes closer and pretends to be giving you an actual physical examination. “Mhm, looks okay to me, yup.” He moves down to your stomach and tickles you until you’re out of breath laughing and kicking your legs onto the bed. “Nooo please.” You struggle to push him and he finally stops.
“I’m glad you’re doing okay.” He whispers, a soft smile sitting on his lips as he cups your cheeks, he even leans closer to kiss you on the forehead. “And next time we’re showering together.”
“Wow you’re really hot.” His hand lands onto your forehead.
“Of course I am.” You scoff as you get rid of your pants, it was very normal for you to be overheated and it was his first time actually seeing you this hot, he looks at you amused and confused, wondering what to do and how to help.
He laughs and tilts his head. “You clearly haven’t lost your sense of humor, but you’re burning up which is not good.”
“Yeah, I know.” You’re way too tired to smile at how adorable he looks, his doe eyes staring at you like you’re a fragile piece of glass worried that you’d break at any second. “Do you want me to get you anything?”
“Yeah, can you get me the glucometer from behind you?” You point behind him, he stretches to the table behind him to grab the little device and hand it to you. “What’s that?”
“Let me show you how this works.” You proceed to open it and turn on the device, before sanitizing the tip of your finger and grabbing the little needle, he panics and holds your hands to stop you. “What are you doing?”
“Checking my blood glucose.” You giggle before poking your finger and dripping blood onto the slide. “Does it hurt?” He whispers
“Not at all.” You shake your head, he grabs your finger to wipe away the blood before kissing your hands, “And can I try?”
“Please let me do it.” He pouts, his hands fully open towards you wanting you to give him the insulin syringe, he’s been whining non-stop wanting to give you the injection so he can feel like he’s actually doing something to make you feel better.
“This is an actual needle not games and stuff.” You stand in front of the mirror, a second away from lifting up your night gown to inject the needle into your stomach.
“Baby please, just this time and I promise I won’t ask again.” He rushes to stand behind you and puts one hand onto your back. “I need to feel useful.”
“But you are.” You turn to face him, “You consider picking me up from the kitchen floor when I’m low not useful? You’re always useful.”
“Yeah, but please this is different, this is the actual thing that makes you feel better, can I please do it?” He begs, opening his hand again for you to give him the injection, you sigh and roll your eyes before finally handing it to him. “You’ll make your own dinner if you hurt me.”
“I promise I won’t.” His face changes and a large toothy smile sits on his face before he lands on his knees to pull up your night gown and open the needle cap. “Like that?” He pinches some of your flesh between two fingers. “Mhm.” You agree and push his hand a little to the left. “You have to do it fast so it won’t hurt.”
“I lost count to the times I’ve seen you do this baby, I know how it’s done.” He wholeheartedly injects the needle into your skin and you swear you didn’t feel a thing, before he pushes in the medication and takes the needle out. “That was so hot.” You giggle which makes him laugh shyly and kiss your tummy before pulling your night gown down.
Throughout your entire dinner with his friends from work and their wives, his eyes were watching you the whole time and the man knows you like the back of his hand, he can easily tell that your blood sugar is high from the your face is glistening and your hands are shaking, he even looks down underneath the table to see your legs shaking in their spot which makes him certain 100%.
He clears his throat and pulls his chair back. “Y/N baby, come on.” He gets up onto his feet and grabs your purse. “If you excuse us, we’ll be back in a minute.”
You were always a procrastinator and you kept ignoring your symptoms and thought that you’ll be home later and you’ll take your medication then, but Jungkook was the exact opposite, his eyes were onto you the entire time, and mainly because he couldn’t get enough of you, and because he’s worried that you’ll get tired any second.
He pulls your chair for you and you get up onto your feet, excusing yourself away from the table, he wraps an arm around you and walks you towards the restrooms and picks you up to put you onto the sink. “Are you feeling well?” He asks when he knows the answer, he knows you can barely stand onto your feet.
“Not well, but I can make it through the night.” You run your fingers through his hair and tuck some behind his ear. “You can go to your friends, I’ll do it on my own.”
“Of course not.” He opens your purse and prepares the little injection of insulin before taking an alcohol swab out of his wallet. Yeah those were for you and he always had them lying around whether it was in his pocket, wallet or even in his car.
He wipes the back of your arm with the swab before injecting the medication into your skin, you’ve been together for a few years now and he insists on giving you the injection every time, he got so good at it that you don’t feel the needle anymore. “There you go.”
“Thank you.” You lock your eyes onto his, he smiles and leans in to kiss you on the lips. “I don’t know if the diabetes or not but you taste so sweet.”
You pull back from the kiss with a cringe on your face and hit his chest. “That’s not funny.”
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bunnieclit · 1 month
idk what else to say besides life's been fucking my fat ass lately 😻
butttt my sons been doing amazing and gaining more weighttt (he's completely fine dw just born 2 weeks before my expected due date so lil mans a tad bit below average on his body weight)
so lil update
lost 4 pounds that's it😭 since having my baby im always so hungry ive binged three times since having him and literally never feel full after ik i gotta fast to shrink my stomach back down but my bf is so persistent about me eating especially at dinner he's completely caught on to the fact that i have a problem we've gotten into several arguments recently over food around me not eating/not eating enough but i am trying harder than ever to focus on my health my mindset has changed a lot since becoming a mother of course i want to be thin again but not more than i want to be alive which is new lmaoooo
sooooo srry 4 the rant but i gotta get this shit off my mind
i feel so alone and empty when i'm home alone sooooo almost all day every day ik i gotta learn how to drive so i can have some sort of life outside of my room i sit here and just overanalyze all my relationships and every lil interaction with my bf i feel so bad bc he works sm and comes home excited to see me and the bby and im so bitter and cold for lik the first 30 minutes then snap out of it cuz literally WTF i wait around for him to get home lik a dog and by the time he gets here im in a terrible mood and for whatttttt he's so good to me and understanding :( im trying so hard to be better for him the last thing i ever want to do is push him away from me he's my world
i had a full blown breakdown on sunday when my family came to visit our bby but thank godddd i sped off to the garage before they noticed anything was wrong but me it's just since having the baby i can't even stand the way i look
me and my bf do this bs were we take pictures of each other naked looking stupid and it's never bothered me b4 we always send them back and forth when he's working but he took one on saturday and the second i saw it i wanted to puke i didn't even recognize myself i looked disgusting but i didn't make a big deal about it until sunday
it was all I could think about throughout the day i kept going back and just staring at the picture so by the time he got home i was so hurt i barely talked to him when my family got there he was being extremely standoffish and wouldn't even come into the living room where we all were which is extremely unlike him so i went over there to apologize and ask him if he was mad at me
ofc cuz he's the best bf told me no he's just confused and doesn't know why i'm acting like that i completely brokedown sobbing telling him about how the picture made me feel and i know he didn't mean any harm by it but that i just hate myself sm and don't know how he could love me looking like this but he's ofc so reassuring and supportive i felt so much better afterwards
he's way older than me so he's extremely against plastic surgery but told me last night that after we have our second child he will pay for me to get a tummy tuck bc he can't stand to see how my body is affecting me anymore
likk thank you sirrrrrr😻
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universal-bunny · 1 year
Yandre!Killua x Fem!Reader
School!Au /Warning! Their Aged up! This May contain bits of swearing and gorey topics!/literally one
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Her Magic Touch♡
It's was a rainy day at Hunter Academy when Killua Zoldyck realized he'd do just about anything for you...
You sighed as you looked at the Injured Albino who was in the nurses office. Feeling a bit guilty since It was your fault that he was injured, if only you'd went the other way and kept walking Killua wouldn't have been hurt, No this was all because of that stupid Jock Kim He just had to evoke Killua by trying to touch and flirt with you this broke out into a fight between those two
You came back into your situation by patching Killua up "Damn.." Killua hissed at the stinging sensation from the applied hydrogen peroxide on a wound on his cheekbone "shut it, it's your fault for acting so reckless" you say looking at Killua with a stern but concentrated look while putting a band-aid on his wound and Killua couldn't help but admire your beautiful face the way your eyes gleamed with concern and emotion which made him fall in love with you more so the ever
Killua shook his head getting rid of those thoughts and narrowed his eyes " That doesn't matter Nick/name he was obviously trying to piss me off!....flirting with you.....touching you......" Killua muttered the last part
You sighed again after finishing putting the ointment on patching him up "Killua..." you say as you put your soft hand on his left cheekbone and glided his head towards your face for him to look at you
Killua obviously shocked by your actions blushed a soft red and nodded while leaning softly into your palm
"I know you only ment the best want to protect me but like I've told you I can handle myself well and you know this.....friends are suppose to have trust in each other right?"
Killua could feel his heart sink at the word friends he didn't want to be just friends he wanted more with you he didn't beat up that pathetic a$$whole just because he wanted to protect you he also loved you he knew you could handle your own he knew that you could put up a fight but the thought of someone touching Something that belonged to Him made his blood boil with anger and anxiety It made him want to Cut their vile hands off and watch them bleed out...
Killua then got an Idea what if he paid that Disgusting Disgrace b-
"Killua?!" You yelled cutting Killua off from his thoughts "Yeah?" Killua looked at you with slight darker Blue eyes which sent chills down your spine "O-oh It's 2:56PM we better get to class before that creepy teacher Mr.Hisoka has something to say to us Yknow?" Killua sighs even the mere mention of that creep makes him want to puke "yeah I guess" Killua said not really wanting to leave instead wanting to relax in your presence. You shake your head and smile lightly "Come on Kil besides Me and Gon will be in your class to since Mr.Wing isn't here so lighten up a bit kay?" Killua started to feel a bit better only because you and Gon would be in the same noisy and chaotic class as him and specifically you♡...
After an long hour of loudness and craziness since Mr.Hisoka really didn't care what his class did as long as they did their work and didn't get to out of hand also the rain had already cleared.
You, Killua, and Gon were walking to their lockers to change out their shoes/grab their book bags Killua put his Jaket on while You Grabbed your Hoodie Gon had already put his Jaket on and was waiting for the two of them to get done "Alright we can go now" You said as You and Killua walked over to Gon "Okay!" Gon said excited to get home and eat dinner that aunt Mito was making.
"Well it's time to go our separate ways, bye Killua!!" "Come on Gon" You said as you Hug Killua and wait for Gon "Bye Killua see you tomorrow" Gon said as he dose a secret handshake with Killua" " yeah yeah I know" Killua said smirking as he watches You and Gon wave at him while walking to your houses since it's close by he gives a small wave back with darkened eyes and horrid thoughts and starts his Journey to a little someone's house for trying to steal you away from him....
By the time Killua would get back to his house late at night he'd be painted in red
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This took way to long for no reason, also should I continue this Au are leave it be?
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toomuchracket · 1 year
okayyyy hear me out. d word matty sick fic either before or in the early days of them getting together officially. matty spotting u at work Clearly unwell and having to physically drag you out, insisting all the while ur fine despite yacking in the work toilet like 5 minutes prior. confiscating your laptop so you cant try go answer emails. dodging ur attempts at work chat for the next couple days as ur getting better
oh yes ok so you're like right on the cusp of dating matty - you've hung out a couple of times and it's been sweet but platonic and quite frankly you're both desperate to see each other more often and more seriously. which makes it all the more awkward when you take ill at work and he clocks it - he rocks up like 2 hours after you start to find you sitting at your desk, skin greying a little bit, wearing your cardigan and denim jacket indoors yet still shivering, despite it being literally early june. and he's immediately side-eyeing like "you alright, sweetheart?", to which you're like "mhmm just chilly", and matty's like "hmm ok"; it's a tuesday and it's really quiet in the office, so he sets up his laptop at another desk nearby and keeps an eye on you while he responds to emails and whatnot, unconvinced that you're actually alright. and he's right to think that and be concerned - you're visibly shaky walking over to file something, and then at one point without warning you clap your hand over your mouth and run to the bathroom. when you come back, looking horrid, matty's like "you're not alright, darlin', i think you should just go home", and you're shaking your head like "nope it's fine i'm fine i'll stay. i think i just ate something weird a couple of days ago. no big deal", but literally three seconds later a wave of nausea hits you so hard that you have to grab the bin from under your desk in case you throw up again; you don't, but it's enough for matty to put his foot down and say "nope, i'm giving you a lift home right now". and you're like "no really it's fine. if i have to go i'll just get the tube" and matty's aghast like "you're going to get the tube when you feel like shit? do you want to fucking die? come on, babe". he's got a point - the thought of puking on the tube is a horrible one - but you're still like "i just don't want to inconvenience you, matty. and also, like, what if i yosh in your car? that would be awful", and matty says "you're never an inconvenience to me, sweetheart, really. just want to make sure you're ok". you swear his eyes soften when he says that, and your heart flutters as the two of you smile sweetly at each other - the moment ends quickly, though, as you double over with a stomach cramp and matty's like "actually, maybe bring that bin with you to the car, just in case", before he helps you gather up your shit and ushers you out to his car. you tell him your address (you're quite excited and a bit relieved to hear him say "oh, that's not too far from me! this is the way i'd drive home anyway, babe. and we're on the same train line"), and thus begins the journey; it takes slightly longer than expected because of roadworks and traffic, which matty repeatedly apologises for, but you're both secretly grateful for the extra time spent together, listening to one of matty's insane playlists and chatting, so much so that you actually feel sad when he turns onto your street.
he parks outside your house and carries your bag to the door for you sweetly; less sweetly, though, he does make you forfeit your laptop "so you can't sneak on and work while you're meant to be getting better. don't you try to argue, sweetheart, i know what you're like". you blush at that, which makes matty giggle - after that, he hugs you and kisses your head, running back to his car before you can even react to the affection and promising to check in with you later. and he does; he calls you after dinner that night to see how you're feeling, and you can hear him rolling his eyes when you say "good. haven't eaten, but i've stopped puking, at least. should be fine to come to work tomorrow". matty's like "oh my god please just focus on feeling better, babe, work can wait. in fact, i'm putting a moratorium on work chat. tell me what you thought of my playlist in the car instead", which makes you laugh, and the conversation is just unprofessional after that. he even pops round with flowers on his way home from work the next day - you berate him for going out of his way just to see you, but you're very touched that he would (and lowkey mortified that this is how he's seeing the flat for the first time, you being an invalid). when you tell matty as much (not the bit about the flat), he blushes and shrugs like "like i said, sweetheart, you're on my route home. and i like seeing you, and talking to you" - he takes a nervous drink of his tea and then says "maybe we should start commuting to work together, once you're feeling better. makes sense, if we live near each other. and i know my mornings would be better if you were the first person i saw after i woke up". you smile back just as shyly like "i'd like that. get you on the half 8 train tomorrow?", and matty's like "it's a date" <3
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